[00:20:33] --> kingkings connected to the server
[01:03:08] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[01:15:55] --> Kevin_Boetticher connected to the server
[01:15:55] <-- Kevin_Boetticher disconnected from the server
[01:20:33] --> PhantomStrike connected to the server
[01:33:34] <-- PhantomStrike disconnected from the server
[01:48:30] --> Kevin_Boetticher connected to the server
[01:48:30] <-- Kevin_Boetticher disconnected from the server
[01:59:35] --> Ding connected to the server
[02:00:10] <-- Ding disconnected from the server
[03:42:28] --> Ding connected to the server
[04:10:18] <-- Ding disconnected from the server
[09:21:58] --> Bagus[Elite] connected to the server
[09:25:07] --> Shishi connected to the server
[09:25:12] <Bagus[Elite]> wb
[09:25:15] <Shishi> ty
[09:31:58] <-- Bagus[Elite] disconnected from the server
[09:32:30] --> Bagus[Elite] connected to the server
[09:32:43] <Shishi> wb
[09:33:29] <Shishi> w
[09:51:59] <-- Bagus[Elite] disconnected from the server
[09:57:05] --> kingkings connected to the server
[09:57:13] <Shishi> wb
[09:57:18] <kingkings> ty
[10:11:08] <Shishi> see you
[10:11:21] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[10:15:19] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[11:01:54] --> gHOsT011 connected to the server
[11:03:40] <-- gHOsT011 disconnected from the server
[11:28:38] --> Daksh_Naik connected to the server
[11:28:55] <Daksh_Naik> !player Osprey
[11:28:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player Osprey: 259 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[11:31:59] <Daksh_Naik> fak
[11:59:13] <Daksh_Naik> fak
[11:59:18] <Daksh_Naik> gulf air AOTD
[11:59:21] <Daksh_Naik> not sky air ffs
[12:14:58] <Daksh_Naik> GlenfiddiCOCKROACH Island
[12:19:15] <-- Daksh_Naik disconnected from the server
[12:19:44] --> Daksh_Naik connected to the server
[12:22:10] <Daksh_Naik> !player Kratos
[12:22:13] (WEB) <robin_be> player Kratos: 8763 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[12:22:19] <Daksh_Naik> !player Abd.
[12:22:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player Abd.: 4626 score, last seen 15 Days Ago
[12:22:25] <Daksh_Naik> !player GoostieDipa
[12:22:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player GoostieDipa: 1628 score, last seen 30 Days Ago
[12:29:48] <-- Daksh_Naik disconnected from the server
[13:09:55] --> Shishi connected to the server
[13:10:22] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[13:12:48] --> Shishi connected to the server
[13:21:56] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[13:22:39] --> Rage_ connected to the server
[13:28:30] <-- Rage_ disconnected from the server
[13:41:31] --> Shishi connected to the server
[13:55:28] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[14:08:07] --> Toshiro_Nakamura connected to the server
[14:12:37] <-- Toshiro_Nakamura disconnected from the server
[16:01:38] --> Shishi connected to the server
[16:27:06] --> Kawasaki_H2R connected to the server
[16:27:15] <Shishi> wb
[16:27:17] <Kawasaki_H2R> ty
[16:37:25] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[16:37:30] <Shishi> wb
[16:37:55] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[16:38:14] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[16:38:30] <Gamer30> !8ball Do you like Pilot's Life?
[16:38:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: Without a doubt
[16:38:41] <Gamer30> Good.
[16:40:04] <Gamer30> !8ball Do you know where is Poland placed?
[16:40:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: Sign points to yes
[16:40:29] <Gamer30> !8ball Do you know what is Sosnowiec?
[16:40:32] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: It's better not to know
[16:42:47] <Gamer30> !8ball Do you recommend Pilot's Life?
[16:42:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: Cannot predict now
[16:44:08] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[16:44:19] <Gamer30> !8ball Can you play Pilot's Life?
[16:44:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: My reply is no
[16:45:19] <Gamer30> Why are there random cars next to V-Rock Hotel?
[16:46:45] --> Shishi connected to the server
[16:48:33] <Gamer30> !8ball Are you gay?
[16:48:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: It is decidedly so
[16:49:16] <Gamer30> !8ball Will Ricardo win Lotto?
[16:49:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: Without a doubt
[16:49:41] <Gamer30> !8ball Are you really robin_be?
[16:49:44] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: Yes, definitely
[17:05:21] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[17:11:39] <-- Kawasaki_H2R disconnected from the server
[17:39:14] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[18:06:44] --> Toshiro_Nakamura connected to the server
[18:13:11] <Toshiro_Nakamura> 'q
[18:13:11] <-- Toshiro_Nakamura disconnected from the server
[18:13:51] --> Toshiro_Nakamura connected to the server
[18:20:47] --> CVTM connected to the server
[18:25:36] <-- Toshiro_Nakamura disconnected from the server
[18:30:25] <-- CVTM disconnected from the server
[19:00:48] --> HarooN connected to the server
[19:01:01] <HarooN> H
[19:01:34] <HarooN> !player kingskings
[19:01:37] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player kingskings
[19:01:48] <HarooN> !player kingkings
[19:01:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player kingkings: 4657 score, last seen 9 Hours Ago
[19:01:54] <HarooN> ok
[19:02:23] <-- HarooN disconnected from the server
[19:04:03] --> Shishi connected to the server
[19:04:28] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[19:31:33] --> Shishi connected to the server
[19:34:29] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[19:35:45] --> Shishi connected to the server
[19:44:20] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[19:58:01] --> Andrey_Bekov connected to the server
[19:58:53] <Andrey_Bekov> .�
[20:03:01] <-- Andrey_Bekov disconnected from the server
[20:05:46] --> Shishi connected to the server
[20:13:33] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[20:30:45] --> kingkings connected to the server
[20:50:49] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[20:51:14] --> kingkings connected to the server
[21:03:55] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[21:23:00] --> Shishi connected to the server
[21:24:02] <Shishi> mc
[21:33:40] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[21:33:51] <Shishi> wb
[21:33:56] <Stan958> tyt
[21:35:34] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[21:38:40] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[22:08:30] --> Citr0n connected to the server
[22:12:58] <-- Citr0n disconnected from the server
[23:03:12] --> Pinkman connected to the server
[23:03:47] --> cr1st14N connected to the server
[23:04:06] <Pinkman> hey
[23:04:11] <cr1st14N> hi
[23:04:19] <Pinkman> you come here often ?
[23:06:18] --> robin_be connected to the server
[23:06:26] <Pinkman> welcome
[23:07:39] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[23:08:20] <-- Pinkman disconnected from the server
[23:13:19] <-- cr1st14N disconnected from the server
[23:39:26] --> zebbe connected to the server
[23:43:53] --> Jon_Blof connected to the server
[23:47:18] <Jon_Blof> KICK SEBBE
[23:47:29] <zebbe> taa lite
[23:50:22] <zebbe> [taa lite]
[23:50:52] <Jon_Blof> LOTTO