[00:03:03] <-- Gajeel disconnected from the server
[00:10:46] --> SkrubbyCupcake connected to the server
[00:26:53] <-- SkrubbyCupcake disconnected from the server
[01:30:21] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[02:18:03] <Smetkowski> g
[02:43:27] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[03:50:53] --> 742617000027 connected to the server
[04:10:26] <-- 742617000027 disconnected from the server
[04:47:06] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[04:59:16] --> Daksh_Naik connected to the server
[05:26:33] --> SLLAAAAYYYEEERRR connected to the server
[05:26:41] <Daksh_Naik> eh
[05:26:52] <-- SLLAAAAYYYEEERRR disconnected from the server
[05:26:57] <Daksh_Naik> ...
[05:27:00] <Smetkowski> lol
[05:27:35] --> 742617000027 connected to the server
[05:27:41] <Daksh_Naik> wb
[05:27:43] <Smetkowski> wb
[05:27:49] <742617000027> ty
[05:28:00] <Daksh_Naik> 2222 score
[05:28:05] <742617000027> :D
[05:28:05] <Daksh_Naik> :D
[05:29:02] <Smetkowski> I'm guessing the goal is to have 742617000027 score
[05:29:10] <Daksh_Naik> lmao
[05:29:13] <742617000027> lol
[05:30:55] --> Blaze_ connected to the server
[05:31:01] <742617000027> uugh i need to do something brutal here
[05:31:06] <742617000027> what to do?
[05:31:09] <Daksh_Naik> bruh
[05:31:12] <742617000027> hack?
[05:31:17] <Daksh_Naik> kill someone with a knife
[05:31:17] <Blaze_> Hello I am new to this server! Nice to meet you all :D
[05:31:25] <742617000027> HI :D
[05:31:25] <Daksh_Naik> Hi :D
[05:31:28] <Smetkowski> hey dude
[05:31:55] <742617000027> i forgot to turn on the god mode :|
[05:31:58] <Blaze_> Can anyone tell which plane is best to fly as Trainee Pilot?
[05:32:00] <Daksh_Naik> heheheh
[05:32:03] <742617000027> dodo
[05:32:06] <Smetkowski> Nevada
[05:32:06] <Daksh_Naik> try Dodo
[05:32:27] <Daksh_Naik> Nevada gives you x2 score tho
[05:32:30] <Blaze_> I am inside Dodo
[05:32:38] <Daksh_Naik> Dodo gives you high payment
[05:32:57] <742617000027> no....shamal gives high payment
[05:33:00] <Smetkowski> dodo is slow though
[05:33:16] <Daksh_Naik> Shamal is da worst
[05:33:19] <742617000027> XD
[05:33:24] <Daksh_Naik> yaea that toos
[05:33:27] <Blaze_> Well if I fly Dodo I will get experience to fly bigger planes
[05:33:38] <742617000027> that was brutal i got 10 health left
[05:33:48] <Daksh_Naik> k great
[05:34:56] <Daksh_Naik> use @ to use the radio
[05:35:47] <Daksh_Naik> eh
[05:36:01] <Daksh_Naik> shamal going reverse instead of going forward
[05:36:04] <Daksh_Naik> wtf
[05:36:09] <742617000027> daaaaammmn
[05:36:14] <742617000027> that was brutal
[05:36:23] <Smetkowski> maybe your pressing S
[05:36:28] <Daksh_Naik> no i pressed W
[05:36:36] <742617000027> maybe your engine is drunk
[05:36:47] <Smetkowski> must be the wind
[05:36:47] <Daksh_Naik> dafug
[05:36:55] <Daksh_Naik> ooh k
[05:37:03] <742617000027> fook
[05:37:11] <Daksh_Naik> are yoyu kidding me shamal -_--
[05:37:57] <742617000027> wtf how?
[05:38:00] <Daksh_Naik> fak tax
[05:38:00] <Blaze_> This weather is the worst
[05:38:08] <Daksh_Naik> kill bar fully violet
[05:38:11] <742617000027> weather hates you
[05:38:19] <Daksh_Naik> lmao frail
[05:38:24] <742617000027> BRUTAL
[05:38:32] <Smetkowski> you get more cash for flights in shitty weather
[05:38:35] <Daksh_Naik> BRU-TAL
[05:38:43] <Daksh_Naik> eh really
[05:38:49] <Daksh_Naik> never noticed :D
[05:38:57] <742617000027> oh yeah that bad weather bonus
[05:39:05] <Blaze_> Left wing damaged and front part also D:
[05:39:08] <Smetkowski> it's like $500 but still
[05:39:26] <Blaze_> GONNA GET A CRASH LANDING!!!
[05:39:37] <Daksh_Naik> rip
[05:39:51] <Blaze_> I SURVIVED :D
[05:39:56] <Daksh_Naik> :D
[05:40:07] <Smetkowski> nice, you're a real commando
[05:40:10] <742617000027> not brutal
[05:40:58] <742617000027> bruh
[05:41:20] <Daksh_Naik> frail why ya killing ya-self?
[05:41:31] <742617000027> doing some brutal things
[05:41:33] <Daksh_Naik> bored of your life eh
[05:41:39] <742617000027> yea
[05:42:03] <742617000027> daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmnnn
[05:42:08] <Daksh_Naik> !player Robin_Be
[05:42:12] (WEB) <robin_be> player Robin_Be: 12306 score, last seen 9 Hours Ago
[05:42:28] <Daksh_Naik> his score should be 12345
[05:42:36] <-- Blaze_ disconnected from the server
[05:42:44] <Daksh_Naik> more 39 missions
[05:43:03] <742617000027> i like it when my computer make purple smoke instead of black
[05:43:03] <Daksh_Naik> fak
[05:43:06] <Daksh_Naik> both wings broken
[05:43:38] <Daksh_Naik> rekt
[05:43:44] <Daksh_Naik> time for at400
[05:43:54] <Daksh_Naik> my a340
[05:43:54] <742617000027> what is at400
[05:44:00] <Daksh_Naik> looking soooo cute
[05:44:13] <Daksh_Naik> at400 is a bird
[05:44:19] <Daksh_Naik> that flies high in da sky
[05:44:19] <742617000027> a bird?
[05:44:21] <Smetkowski> I have a340 too
[05:44:21] <Daksh_Naik> ye
[05:44:30] <Daksh_Naik> eh good
[05:44:35] <742617000027> i thought at400 is a pizza
[05:44:38] <Daksh_Naik> i have gulf air one
[05:44:43] <Daksh_Naik> lmao PIZZA!
[05:44:48] <Smetkowski> I have LOT one
[05:44:59] <Daksh_Naik> how pizza tastes tho?
[05:45:05] <Daksh_Naik> never ate it :O
[05:45:13] <Smetkowski> it tastes like dough and toppings
[05:45:15] <742617000027> it tastes like food
[05:45:24] <Daksh_Naik> ....
[05:45:29] <Daksh_Naik> oh i see
[05:45:34] <742617000027> am i right?
[05:45:43] <Daksh_Naik> yes absoutlety right
[05:45:45] <742617000027> good
[05:45:51] <Smetkowski> you're not wrong
[05:45:53] <Daksh_Naik> ffs
[05:46:12] <Daksh_Naik> ' food tastes like food '
[05:46:20] <742617000027> great right?
[05:46:29] <Daksh_Naik> literally right
[05:46:42] <Daksh_Naik> !player Osprey
[05:46:45] (WEB) <robin_be> player Osprey: 259 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[05:46:48] <Daksh_Naik> eh
[05:46:51] <742617000027> "food tastes like doof" thats not right
[05:46:51] <Daksh_Naik> inacive boi
[05:46:51] <742617000027> oh wait
[05:47:10] <Daksh_Naik> gyhibquicyhivon7uyhsuyh7nuyehomyutgvoknkuynoholaiyv,hj
[05:47:20] <742617000027> i like some aujwoiainhaoniaonvabwsnpianvasbw
[05:47:31] <Daksh_Naik> oh i thought lasaggna
[05:47:42] <742617000027> lasagna
[05:47:47] <742617000027> lasaga
[05:47:53] <742617000027> lasana
[05:47:56] <Daksh_Naik> lasaga lmfao
[05:47:58] <742617000027> lanaga
[05:48:04] <Daksh_Naik> eh
[05:48:28] <Smetkowski> where are you guys from?
[05:48:28] <Daksh_Naik> what's up with my flaps
[05:48:33] <742617000027> pluto
[05:48:33] <Daksh_Naik> i'm from India
[05:48:42] <Daksh_Naik> lmao p[luto
[05:48:55] <742617000027> fookin hell
[05:48:55] <Smetkowski> I'm from jupiter, so we're neighbours cool
[05:49:06] <742617000027> yea :D earth sux
[05:49:06] <Daksh_Naik> i'm from earth tho
[05:49:14] <Smetkowski> WHAT!
[05:49:17] <Smetkowski> no wa
[05:49:17] <Daksh_Naik> wt
[05:49:17] <Smetkowski> way
[05:49:33] <742617000027> EARTH IS FAKE
[05:49:44] <Daksh_Naik> wut wat wit wot what wtf wth woe
[05:49:49] <Smetkowski> finally, someone who understands me!
[05:50:08] <Smetkowski> life is an illusion
[05:50:08] <Daksh_Naik> i'm going to eat some lasaganas
[05:50:16] <Daksh_Naik> bye cya
[05:50:16] <-- Daksh_Naik disconnected from the server
[05:50:32] <742617000027> lol life is illusion
[05:50:54] <Smetkowski> a guy on mushrooms said that so it must be true
[05:51:02] <742617000027> what?
[05:51:13] <Smetkowski> yeah
[05:51:18] <742617000027> a guy on mushroom?
[05:51:24] <Smetkowski> ye[
[05:51:43] <742617000027> brain.exe has stopped working
[05:51:48] <Smetkowski> lol
[05:53:01] <742617000027> ab00se
[05:53:07] <Smetkowski> lol
[05:53:15] <Smetkowski> you'll get banned bro
[05:53:20] <742617000027> oh nooooo
[05:53:23] <Smetkowski> that's brutal dude
[05:53:31] <742617000027> too brutal for me
[05:53:52] <Smetkowski> this is where you'll have to draw the line men
[05:54:12] <742617000027> im not drawing any line soo.............
[05:54:14] <742617000027> XD
[05:54:36] <Smetkowski> good, lines are bad
[05:54:47] <742617000027> lines are good
[05:55:17] <Smetkowski> wow
[05:55:41] <742617000027> | || |\ |_
[05:55:49] <742617000027> wtf
[05:55:57] <Smetkowski> ( . Y . )
[05:56:03] <742617000027> D:
[05:56:16] <742617000027> 8=======================================D
[05:56:19] <Smetkowski> those are 'eyes' by the way ;)
[05:56:27] <742617000027> NO SHIT!!!!!
[05:56:54] <Smetkowski> or...
[05:56:57] <Smetkowski> boobs?
[05:56:59] <742617000027> no
[05:57:05] <Smetkowski> yes
[05:57:05] <742617000027> what is boobs?
[05:57:21] <Smetkowski> boobs are life
[05:57:32] <Smetkowski> boobs are hope
[05:57:32] <742617000027> oooooooooooooohhhh
[05:58:34] <742617000027> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[05:58:50] <Smetkowski> is that a yawn?
[05:59:09] <742617000027> eeeeehhh yes maybeee
[05:59:58] <742617000027> this server is not brutal
[06:00:16] <742617000027> must remove the anticheat
[06:00:30] <742617000027> and the rules too
[06:00:49] <Smetkowski> cheat the anticheat
[06:00:52] <Smetkowski> brutal
[06:00:57] <742617000027> OOOHHH NOOOOOO
[06:01:32] <742617000027> s
[06:03:34] <742617000027> PL 2 must be more brutal than this weak server
[06:03:50] <Smetkowski> it will be
[06:04:06] <742617000027> no rules,no anticheat,weapons everywhere and free
[06:04:14] <742617000027> total anarchy
[06:05:05] <742617000027> fuck my cursor appears from no where
[06:05:22] <Smetkowski> it happens hehe
[06:05:30] <742617000027> oh its gone now
[06:06:40] <742617000027> k gtg now must take a shower and change my clothes it stinks now but its brutal
[06:06:43] <-- 742617000027 disconnected from the server
[06:07:15] <Smetkowski> cya my nigga
[06:11:43] --> cessna177rg connected to the server
[06:25:16] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[06:47:56] <-- cessna177rg disconnected from the server
[06:56:59] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[07:13:33] --> Cygnus connected to the server
[07:13:39] <Cygnus> yo
[07:13:41] <Smetkowski> hey
[07:14:03] <Cygnus> have you ever hit the pepperoni hard
[07:14:08] <Cygnus> and the whisky
[07:14:14] <Cygnus> whiskey
[07:14:22] <Smetkowski> hit the pepperoni?
[07:14:27] <Cygnus> eat
[07:14:49] <Smetkowski> did I eat peperoni and drink whiskey? is that what you're asking?
[07:15:19] <Smetkowski> I can't remember if I did both at once but I know I did them seperately
[07:15:43] <Cygnus> I did them at once and hope it doesn't end up bad
[07:15:43] <Smetkowski> why? are you drunk eating peperoni?
[07:15:51] <Smetkowski> lol
[07:15:51] <Cygnus> yes
[07:15:56] <Smetkowski> it shouldn't
[07:16:15] <Smetkowski> the mexicans drink tequilla with jalepeno peppers and their fine
[07:16:21] <Cygnus> booze,some pepperoni and some dope!
[07:16:37] <Smetkowski> you smoke weed?
[07:16:50] <Cygnus> yeah, live in a weed legal state in the US
[07:17:07] <Smetkowski> wow awesome, I smoke weed too but live in Scotland... so not so legal
[07:17:55] <Cygnus> $70-100usd gets me a half ounce of usally medical grade
[07:18:38] <Smetkowski> not bad. I get a 1/4 ounce for L50
[07:18:52] <Smetkowski> 50 pounds*
[07:19:16] <Cygnus> and the weed they can't legally sell and arent going throw away gets sold to gangs
[07:19:16] <Smetkowski> america is awesome
[07:19:43] <Cygnus> which then works its ways down to me since im white in live in a hispanic city lol
[07:20:27] <Cygnus> and since im an injuried worker in america I get paid to set at home and pretty much smoke!
[07:20:51] <Smetkowski> looks like you're living the famous american dream hehe
[07:21:48] <Cygnus> I wish lol, I buy 800-1400$ cars and get 6-18 months out of them and fix them to they explode
[07:22:04] <Cygnus> being white and poor in america is a bitch
[07:22:34] <Smetkowski> life is a bitch
[07:26:53] <Cygnus> it is
[07:27:07] <Cygnus> then you add woman in and its even more so
[07:27:15] <Smetkowski> ohh yes
[07:27:47] <Cygnus> thats where it gets messy
[07:28:12] <Cygnus> I date a girl whos 33 and 6 years old than me
[07:28:39] <Smetkowski> do you love her?
[07:28:44] <Cygnus> no
[07:28:52] <Smetkowski> does she love you?
[07:28:55] <Cygnus> yes
[07:29:06] <Smetkowski> welcome to my world haha
[07:29:30] <Cygnus> me too!
[07:29:52] <Cygnus> since the end if july
[07:32:04] <Cygnus> Mistake I made was saying it first drunk as fuck
[07:32:31] <Smetkowski> that's how it usually happens
[07:33:04] <Cygnus> its very hard to get out off as im sure you know
[07:33:28] <Smetkowski> yeah it pretty much sucks
[07:33:34] <Cygnus> cause the "next fight" is it, but then you start getting stoned and have a good time
[07:34:03] <Cygnus> and talking leads to touching, and touching leads to sex, and then theres no mystery left
[07:34:17] <Cygnus> ohh online dating
[07:34:44] <Smetkowski> I never online dated
[07:35:24] <Cygnus> I guess I'm "sexy" and or "handsome" i tried it for 3 nights
[07:35:43] <Cygnus> got 3 girls cell numbers, and picked the best one tbh
[07:36:08] <Smetkowski> wow
[07:36:32] <Cygnus> but when you're 27,go 1.5 years with out any pussy, you really want some
[07:37:04] <Cygnus> tuned out the girl lives alone and had a house,which I don't
[07:37:20] <Smetkowski> I see
[07:37:47] <Cygnus> it gets messy
[07:39:54] <Cygnus> and go to one that freaks when you talk to a random girl is hard
[07:41:07] <Smetkowski> girls are just one of the many ways god shows us that he loves us
[07:45:45] <Cygnus> woman:Can't live with them, Can't live without them
[07:46:42] <Cygnus> gn
[07:46:48] <Smetkowski> cya
[07:46:48] <-- Cygnus disconnected from the server
[08:05:10] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[08:14:27] --> Dazzle_Novak connected to the server
[08:16:55] <-- Dazzle_Novak disconnected from the server
[08:18:08] --> Dazzle_Novak connected to the server
[08:37:28] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[08:49:26] <Smetkowski> hey
[08:49:40] <Smetkowski> want to join an airline?
[08:49:53] <Dazzle_Novak> why not
[08:50:15] <Smetkowski> /airlines > Sky Air > Submit Application
[08:50:21] <Smetkowski> I'll hire you
[08:51:31] --> cessna177rg connected to the server
[09:27:44] <-- Dazzle_Novak disconnected from the server
[09:28:03] --> Dazzle_Novak connected to the server
[09:28:22] <-- Dazzle_Novak disconnected from the server
[09:28:28] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[09:28:46] --> Dazzle_Novak connected to the server
[09:29:13] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[09:30:40] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[09:31:18] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[09:34:35] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[09:35:24] <-- Dazzle_Novak disconnected from the server
[09:39:48] <-- cessna177rg disconnected from the server
[09:49:13] --> Bagus[Elite] connected to the server
[09:49:32] <Bagus[Elite]> !player Daskh_Naik
[09:49:35] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Daskh_Naik
[09:49:54] <Bagus[Elite]> !player SASA_GCR
[09:49:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player SASA_GCR: 1179 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[09:56:05] <-- Bagus[Elite] disconnected from the server
[10:11:26] --> knife connected to the server
[10:11:29] <-- knife disconnected from the server
[10:18:14] --> MR.Bean999 connected to the server
[10:22:23] <-- MR.Bean999 disconnected from the server
[10:26:45] --> Daksh_Naik connected to the server
[10:29:49] --> 742617000027 connected to the server
[10:29:52] <Daksh_Naik> wb
[10:29:57] <742617000027> ty
[10:30:00] <Daksh_Naik> lasagnas were great tho
[10:30:02] <Daksh_Naik> tasty
[10:30:21] <742617000027> lasagna? what is lasagna?
[10:30:35] <Daksh_Naik> a type of a burger and a pizza
[10:31:02] <742617000027> eehhh i dont know :( i dont know huuuuuuuuuuuuu
[10:32:01] <742617000027> i want to play samp pubg server but..........
[10:32:09] <742617000027> a lot of haxxor there
[10:32:15] <Daksh_Naik> pubg + samp = lol
[10:32:20] <742617000027> very lol
[10:32:20] <Daksh_Naik> pubg in samp
[10:32:23] <Daksh_Naik> wtf
[10:32:34] <Daksh_Naik> lemme see it
[10:32:34] <742617000027> yea weird right?
[10:32:36] <Daksh_Naik> ye
[10:32:58] <Daksh_Naik> ah not again
[10:33:06] <742617000027> what?
[10:33:06] <Daksh_Naik> two engines fasilure
[10:33:12] <742617000027> FASILURE
[10:33:20] <742617000027> who the fuck is that?
[10:33:30] <Daksh_Naik> this skin is even more huge arsed than the old at400
[10:33:36] <Daksh_Naik> FAILURE*
[10:33:44] <742617000027> who is FASILURE?
[10:33:49] <Daksh_Naik> dunno
[10:33:52] <742617000027> D':
[10:33:55] <Daksh_Naik> :P
[10:34:14] <Daksh_Naik> Gulf Air
[10:34:19] <Daksh_Naik> rip
[10:34:24] <742617000027> rip gulf air
[10:34:38] <Daksh_Naik> okay so now 3 engines broken
[10:34:43] <Daksh_Naik> great
[10:34:43] <742617000027> wtf
[10:34:54] <742617000027> at400 has 3 engines?
[10:35:24] <Daksh_Naik> no two
[10:35:32] <Daksh_Naik> this is a skin which has 4 engines
[10:35:37] <742617000027> WTF
[10:35:37] <Daksh_Naik> Airbus A340 it is
[10:35:54] <Daksh_Naik> it has on faking collisions
[10:36:10] <Daksh_Naik> eh
[10:36:13] <742617000027> good
[10:36:26] <Daksh_Naik> my plane going revese instead of going forward
[10:36:37] <Daksh_Naik> wtf
[10:36:42] <742617000027> your plane is fucked then
[10:36:48] <742617000027> and you too
[10:36:53] <Daksh_Naik> man this skin if possesed
[10:36:56] <Daksh_Naik> is*
[10:37:12] <742617000027> remove it then find another skin
[10:37:17] <Daksh_Naik> this plane needs some lasagnas
[10:37:25] <Daksh_Naik> oh no not again
[10:37:34] <742617000027> and need some deathpashito
[10:37:42] <Daksh_Naik> i found 4 and downloaded them but none of them worked properly
[10:37:55] <742617000027> wat
[10:37:55] <Daksh_Naik> then i found this and installed it
[10:38:33] <742617000027> mOrE cAsH InCoMe
[10:38:52] <Daksh_Naik> Ey LmAo
[10:39:11] <742617000027> eyylmao.jpeg.gif
[10:39:27] <Daksh_Naik> this plane skin
[10:39:32] <Daksh_Naik> and this airport
[10:39:38] <Daksh_Naik> ffs
[10:39:38] <742617000027> what airport?
[10:39:43] <Daksh_Naik> Hawaii
[10:39:51] <Daksh_Naik> full tress trees and trees
[10:39:54] <742617000027> ehh never go there
[10:40:43] <742617000027> !assets aaron
[10:40:46] (WEB) <robin_be> aaron has 63 car(s) ($121,689,850) and 2 house(s) ($18,000,001 - 100000008 slots) for a total of $139,689,851
[10:40:46] <Daksh_Naik> dafuq
[10:40:51] <742617000027> haxxor
[10:40:54] <Daksh_Naik> 15k mts destination!?
[10:41:02] <Daksh_Naik> well...fak
[10:41:05] <742617000027> 15k??
[10:41:07] <Daksh_Naik> yeah!
[10:41:13] <742617000027> with at400??
[10:41:13] <Daksh_Naik> Hwaii to Seychelles
[10:41:18] <Daksh_Naik> ye!
[10:41:24] <742617000027> oh noooo
[10:41:37] <Daksh_Naik> oh no not again
[10:41:37] <742617000027> RIP finger
[10:41:43] <Daksh_Naik> one wing broken
[10:41:48] <Daksh_Naik> lmao
[10:41:51] <742617000027> great start
[10:41:59] <Daksh_Naik> hehehehheh heh
[10:42:04] <Daksh_Naik> eh
[10:42:10] <742617000027> EH
[10:42:10] <Daksh_Naik> why on earth am i laughing!!?
[10:42:18] <Daksh_Naik> it's a serous matter ffs
[10:42:26] <742617000027> its just a wing
[10:42:31] <Daksh_Naik> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnd rip
[10:42:37] <742617000027> really?
[10:42:42] <Daksh_Naik> see the kills chat af
[10:42:47] <742617000027> smh
[10:43:04] <Daksh_Naik> i was so lucky i got that destination tbh
[10:43:17] <Daksh_Naik> if i completed it, i could have got 20k
[10:43:17] <742617000027> 15k destination with at400 you will get like 20k or 1m
[10:43:28] <Daksh_Naik> yeah
[10:43:47] <742617000027> !assets osprey
[10:43:50] (WEB) <robin_be> osprey has 10 car(s) ($6,517,500) and 3 house(s) ($6,900,000 - 10 slots) for a total of $13,417,500
[10:43:50] <742617000027> hax
[10:43:53] <Daksh_Naik> hacker
[10:44:01] <742617000027> !assets daksh_naik
[10:44:04] (WEB) <robin_be> daksh_naik has 1 car(s) ($330,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,800,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $2,130,000
[10:44:04] <742617000027> hax
[10:44:04] <Daksh_Naik> :|
[10:44:12] <Daksh_Naik> lmao
[10:44:28] <Daksh_Naik> !cash Ricardo
[10:44:31] (WEB) <robin_be> Ricardo has $10,000 in hand
[10:44:31] <Daksh_Naik> !assets Ricardo
[10:44:34] (WEB) <robin_be> Ricardo has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[10:44:40] <742617000027> WOW
[10:44:40] <Daksh_Naik> !assets none
[10:44:44] (WEB) <robin_be> none has 0 car(s) ($0) and 939 house(s) ($-307,947,931 - 2912 slots) for a total of $-307,947,931
[10:44:54] <742617000027> very very very very rich
[10:44:57] <Daksh_Naik> !cash none
[10:45:00] (WEB) <robin_be> none has $10,000 in hand
[10:45:03] <742617000027> wut
[10:45:05] <Daksh_Naik> !cash NUKK
[10:45:09] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player NUKK
[10:45:11] <Daksh_Naik> !cash NULL
[10:45:14] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player NULL
[10:45:14] <742617000027> NUKK EM
[10:45:23] <Daksh_Naik> eh there was a player named NULL
[10:45:31] <742617000027> !player null
[10:45:34] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player null
[10:45:36] <Daksh_Naik> wtf
[10:45:45] <Daksh_Naik> woah 11k
[10:46:01] <Daksh_Naik> cmon cmon
[10:46:03] <742617000027> i wanna make anarchy samp server
[10:46:12] <742617000027> no rules
[10:46:17] <742617000027> no anticheat
[10:46:25] <Daksh_Naik> means only hacking
[10:46:28] <Daksh_Naik> great
[10:46:28] <742617000027> yea
[10:46:36] <Daksh_Naik> good ide tbh
[10:46:39] <742617000027> just killing each others
[10:46:47] <Daksh_Naik> with thier noob hacks
[10:46:57] <Daksh_Naik> great idea
[10:47:00] <742617000027> but no aimbot and airbreak
[10:47:06] <Daksh_Naik> well....fakk
[10:47:08] <742617000027> XD
[10:47:14] <Daksh_Naik> there should be aimbot XD
[10:47:19] <742617000027> NO
[10:47:22] <Daksh_Naik> wt
[10:47:22] <Daksh_Naik> why
[10:47:22] <742617000027> and no cbug
[10:47:38] <742617000027> just trolling aimboter
[10:47:38] <Daksh_Naik> why x2
[10:48:00] <Daksh_Naik> oooooh
[10:48:02] <Daksh_Naik> whats that
[10:48:21] <742617000027> weapons are free
[10:48:21] <Daksh_Naik> dafug
[10:48:24] <742617000027> no money
[10:48:24] <Daksh_Naik> hydra in water
[10:48:29] <742617000027> wat
[10:48:35] <Daksh_Naik> are you kidding me -_-
[10:48:40] <742617000027> wat?
[10:49:29] <742617000027> and player's scores automatically set to 99999
[10:49:53] <Daksh_Naik> rip
[10:50:04] <742617000027> nab
[10:50:15] <Daksh_Naik> heheheheheheheheheheheheheh heh
[10:50:20] <742617000027> very nab
[10:50:23] <Daksh_Naik> taxi taxi taxi
[10:50:42] <742617000027> if you are nab you must have aimbot or cbug
[10:50:50] <Daksh_Naik> ....
[10:51:28] <742617000027> TRUE NAB
[10:51:33] <Daksh_Naik> okay okay enough
[10:51:41] <742617000027> its not enough
[10:51:44] <Daksh_Naik>
[10:51:49] <742617000027> wot?
[10:52:57] <Daksh_Naik> wt
[10:53:08] <742617000027> yea that ^
[10:54:04] <742617000027> sorry
[10:54:10] <Daksh_Naik> forthshit
[10:54:23] <Daksh_Naik> fortnigh
[10:54:26] <Daksh_Naik> fortnight
[10:54:29] <742617000027> DONT INSULT FORNITE YOU PIECE OF HUMAN
[10:54:37] <Daksh_Naik> lmao
[10:54:40] <Daksh_Naik> sry
[10:54:45] <742617000027> hhuuuuuuuuuuu
[10:54:53] <Daksh_Naik> IMPROSSIBRUU
[10:55:07] <742617000027> I WILL REPORT YOU TO MY FOOKIN MOTHER
[10:55:15] <Daksh_Naik> dafig
[10:55:23] <742617000027> DAFIG
[10:55:34] <742617000027> DAFOG DAFAG DAFEG DAFUG
[10:56:14] <742617000027> bruh
[10:56:22] <742617000027> /aimbot 1
[10:56:39] <742617000027> /noreload
[10:56:55] <742617000027> /give m4
[10:57:49] <742617000027> i have 1 superior ultimate hack
[10:58:05] <742617000027> it can kill any players in the server
[10:58:13] <742617000027> and broke the server too
[10:58:21] <742617000027> you want it?
[10:58:24] <742617000027> i guess no
[10:58:27] <Daksh_Naik> nope
[11:00:55] <Daksh_Naik> okay so this is da limot
[11:01:01] <742617000027> WTF
[11:02:38] <Daksh_Naik> wat lol
[11:02:43] <Daksh_Naik> dont floow me
[11:02:49] <742617000027> no
[11:03:16] <Daksh_Naik> wheeeeeeee
[11:03:37] <742617000027> ha
[11:03:40] <Daksh_Naik> lmao
[11:03:51] <Daksh_Naik> coming
[11:03:54] <Daksh_Naik> in da vehicle?
[11:03:59] <742617000027> nah
[11:04:13] <Daksh_Naik> okay so you might be excersing to lose ya weight eh?
[11:04:23] <742617000027> yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[11:04:29] <Daksh_Naik> lmao jk
[11:04:42] <Daksh_Naik> fak niminal
[11:05:04] <742617000027> sir stop
[11:05:12] <Daksh_Naik> wit
[11:05:26] <742617000027> you want wtc tower sir?
[11:05:31] <Daksh_Naik> nope
[11:05:31] <742617000027> with plane dlc too
[11:05:36] <Daksh_Naik> nope x2
[11:05:42] <742617000027> and osama action figure sir?
[11:05:53] <Daksh_Naik> Dakshee actione figure
[11:05:58] <742617000027> aaagghh
[11:06:01] <Daksh_Naik> lmao
[11:06:06] <Daksh_Naik> what was that eh?
[11:06:17] <742617000027> im a things seller sir
[11:06:25] <Daksh_Naik> oooooooh okay
[11:06:31] <Daksh_Naik> dont call me sir ffs
[11:06:33] <Daksh_Naik> i'm 12
[11:06:39] <742617000027> k
[11:06:41] <742617000027> miss
[11:06:44] <Daksh_Naik> ....
[11:06:49] <742617000027> miss
[11:06:55] <742617000027> miss
[11:07:06] <742617000027> your windows xp is broken miss
[11:07:14] <Daksh_Naik> lmfao
[11:07:22] <742617000027> you must fix it right now
[11:07:30] <742617000027> just pay $3500
[11:07:41] <742617000027> miss dont run away from me
[11:07:46] <Daksh_Naik> arghhh
[11:08:00] <Daksh_Naik> man don't make me cringe
[11:08:00] <742617000027> why are you runnin?
[11:08:11] <Daksh_Naik> imma no runnin imma doing some work
[11:08:19] <742617000027> this is not yt rewind im not make you cringe
[11:08:24] <742617000027> miss
[11:08:35] <742617000027> miss
[11:08:40] <Daksh_Naik> man lmao stop it dude
[11:08:40] <742617000027> pls im poor
[11:08:54] <Daksh_Naik> !cash 74217000027
[11:08:57] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player 74217000027
[11:08:57] <742617000027> i have 12 children and 50 wife plssss
[11:09:00] <Daksh_Naik>
[11:09:08] <Daksh_Naik> !cash 742617000027
[11:09:11] (WEB) <robin_be> 742617000027 has $186,017 in hand
[11:09:16] <Daksh_Naik> O_O
[11:09:27] <742617000027> miss pls buy my wtc tower and plane dlc
[11:09:30] <Daksh_Naik> you have 12 children!
[11:09:38] <742617000027> yes miss
[11:09:46] <Daksh_Naik> okay lemme buy
[11:09:49] <742617000027> miss pls
[11:09:57] <Daksh_Naik> kk
[11:10:00] <Daksh_Naik> what's da cost?
[11:10:08] <742617000027> $500000000000
[11:10:10] <742617000027> pls
[11:10:27] <742617000027> or i will make more cringy yt rewind
[11:10:43] <Daksh_Naik> man
[11:10:51] <Daksh_Naik> wait lemme complete da mission
[11:10:59] <742617000027> :(
[11:11:07] <Daksh_Naik> its nearby boi
[11:11:32] <Daksh_Naik> ah okay
[11:11:42] <Daksh_Naik> isn't there discount for it?
[11:11:51] <742617000027> yes 0.01# discount
[11:11:59] <Daksh_Naik> well
[11:12:15] <Daksh_Naik> reduec eda weight
[11:12:20] <Daksh_Naik> i mean cost
[11:12:23] <Daksh_Naik> wf
[11:13:20] <Daksh_Naik> where ya went
[11:13:22] <742617000027> sf
[11:13:52] <742617000027> and miss sorry i blew up your car sorry sorry DDDDDD':
[11:14:00] <742617000027> huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[11:14:03] <Daksh_Naik> it's not my car
[11:14:08] <Daksh_Naik> it's company's car
[11:14:19] <Daksh_Naik> lmao
[11:14:27] <Daksh_Naik> frail you're so creingy lmfao
[11:14:38] <742617000027> IM NOT YT REWIND SO IM NOT CRINGE
[11:15:19] <Daksh_Naik> man enough man
[11:15:24] <742617000027> enough of what?
[11:15:27] <Daksh_Naik> or else i 'll get stomachache
[11:15:38] <742617000027> you have stomach?
[11:15:46] <Daksh_Naik> yhyujh vguohn uiklynh ;u uwhjluihyuwsoipmgvuoygjoicv;uymhmnjun
[11:16:51] <Daksh_Naik> eh
[11:16:53] <Daksh_Naik> why so silent
[11:16:59] <742617000027> OOF
[11:17:01] <742617000027> OOF
[11:17:01] <742617000027> OOF
[11:17:01] <742617000027> OOF
[11:17:01] <-- 742617000027 disconnected from the server
[11:17:01] <NULL> OOF
[11:17:09] <Daksh_Naik> lmfao rekt
[11:25:27] <Daksh_Naik>
[11:25:30] <Daksh_Naik>
[11:25:40] <-- Daksh_Naik disconnected from the server
[11:26:51] --> Daksh_Naik connected to the server
[11:33:17] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[11:33:23] <Daksh_Naik> wb
[11:33:36] <Smetkowski> thanks
[11:49:36] <Daksh_Naik> DODO ODO NOT GODO
[11:53:20] <Daksh_Naik> eh
[11:53:25] --> kingkings connected to the server
[11:53:28] <Daksh_Naik> wb
[11:53:36] <kingkings> ty
[11:53:47] <Smetkowski> wb
[11:53:49] <kingkings> ty
[11:55:48] <Daksh_Naik> !assets Smetkowski
[11:55:52] (WEB) <robin_be> Smetkowski has 2 car(s) ($575,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,750,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $2,325,000
[11:56:10] <Smetkowski> damn I'm loaded
[11:56:29] <kingkings> !assets kingkings
[11:56:33] (WEB) <robin_be> kingkings has 3 car(s) ($2,165,000) and 1 house(s) ($4,500,000 - 5 slots) for a total of $6,665,000
[11:56:35] <Daksh_Naik> rich boi
[11:56:49] <kingkings> guys
[11:56:51] <kingkings> i ran out of fuel
[11:56:51] <Daksh_Naik> eh
[11:56:57] <kingkings> can some one fuel me
[11:57:02] <Daksh_Naik> ya in plane
[11:57:10] <kingkings> no in truck xD
[11:57:16] <Daksh_Naik> oh xd
[11:57:16] <Smetkowski> how do you fuel someone?
[11:57:24] <Daksh_Naik> take a tow truck
[11:57:29] <kingkings> with tow truck
[11:57:29] <Daksh_Naik> or bring a baggage
[11:57:35] <kingkings> yup
[11:58:34] <Daksh_Naik> wait i bring baggage
[11:58:39] <Daksh_Naik> ye
[12:00:46] <Daksh_Naik> hwere are ya
[12:01:03] <kingkings> in way to terria robada
[12:01:38] <Daksh_Naik> k
[12:03:15] <Daksh_Naik> done
[12:03:53] <Daksh_Naik> lmao thanks
[12:08:04] --> Daksh_Naik connected to the server
[12:08:10] <Smetkowski> wb
[12:08:15] <kingkings> wb
[12:08:18] <Daksh_Naik> Thanks!!
[12:09:50] <Daksh_Naik> bye cya
[12:09:50] <-- Daksh_Naik disconnected from the server
[12:23:48] <kingkings> i will comback later
[12:23:56] <Smetkowski> ok cya
[12:24:07] <kingkings> do u need anything from me before i leave
[12:24:15] <Smetkowski> actually yeah
[12:24:26] <kingkings> ask
[12:24:42] <Smetkowski> can you promote cessna777 to staff, he has 250 score and joined the airline today
[12:24:53] <kingkings> done already xD
[12:24:55] <Smetkowski> cool
[12:25:04] <Smetkowski> I told him I'll speak to you
[12:25:06] <Smetkowski> hehe
[12:25:12] <kingkings> hehe xD
[12:29:01] <Smetkowski> nice
[12:34:50] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[12:34:55] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[12:36:41] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[12:38:50] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[13:34:45] --> ricas123 connected to the server
[13:46:17] <-- ricas123 disconnected from the server
[13:52:30] --> Kevin_Boetticher connected to the server
[14:25:36] <-- Kevin_Boetticher disconnected from the server
[15:18:42] --> Larry6678 connected to the server
[15:41:38] --> TowTow connected to the server
[15:41:57] <TowTow> hi
[15:42:29] <Larry6678> wb
[15:42:40] <TowTow> Thank You
[16:00:01] <-- TowTow disconnected from the server
[16:18:50] <-- Larry6678 disconnected from the server
[16:40:52] --> SkrubbyCupcake connected to the server
[16:48:02] <-- SkrubbyCupcake disconnected from the server
[16:52:05] --> SkrubbyCupcake connected to the server
[16:53:15] --> Gajeel connected to the server
[17:32:24] --> Bliktonijn connected to the server
[17:32:38] --> ProGamer[BO$$] connected to the server
[17:34:20] <Bliktonijn> w
[17:34:20] <Bliktonijn> WB
[17:34:26] <ProGamer[BO$$]> thx :)
[17:34:37] <ProGamer[BO$$]> its been a long time
[17:34:39] <Bliktonijn> yeahh ikr
[17:34:47] <Bliktonijn> how is life going
[17:35:09] <ProGamer[BO$$]> pretty well, got work now... making da cash :D
[17:35:17] <Bliktonijn> Sounds good
[17:35:20] <ProGamer[BO$$]> what about you?
[17:35:25] <Bliktonijn> what kind of work
[17:35:28] <Bliktonijn> ehmm
[17:35:33] <Bliktonijn> also work and college xD
[17:35:33] <ProGamer[BO$$]> electrician
[17:35:39] <Bliktonijn> working @ the mediamarkt
[17:35:42] <Bliktonijn> very nice!
[17:35:44] <ProGamer[BO$$]> :D what do you do?
[17:35:52] <Bliktonijn> Work smartbar
[17:35:58] <Bliktonijn> and college IT Informatic
[17:36:09] <Bliktonijn> just coding
[17:36:19] <ProGamer[BO$$]> wow, IT Informatic was my plan too...
[17:36:28] <-- SkrubbyCupcake disconnected from the server
[17:36:38] <ProGamer[BO$$]> but marks were too bad
[17:36:38] <Bliktonijn> Its a nice study
[17:36:46] <ProGamer[BO$$]> yea, i think so
[17:36:46] <Bliktonijn> but you need a lot of self motivation
[17:37:03] <Bliktonijn> so yo need to learn a lot of things by yourself
[17:37:13] <Bliktonijn> ahhh :(
[17:37:24] <ProGamer[BO$$]> ive been coding a few programs about 3 or 4 years ago. :(
[17:38:35] <ProGamer[BO$$]> so PL is getting a huge update?
[17:38:54] <ProGamer[BO$$]> so PL is getting a huge update?
[17:38:56] <ProGamer[BO$$]> oops
[17:39:07] <Bliktonijn> aaah stil lnice :)
[17:39:12] <Bliktonijn> idk man
[17:39:18] <Bliktonijn> maybe,
[17:39:34] <Bliktonijn> as you can see
[17:39:34] <ProGamer[BO$$]> would be nice :)
[17:39:39] <Bliktonijn> its empty here XD
[17:39:56] <Bliktonijn> we need more players
[17:40:07] <Bliktonijn> just like the old good days
[17:40:15] <ProGamer[BO$$]> yea... i guess there are more popular games now :D
[17:41:36] <Bliktonijn> yeahh...
[17:41:39] <ProGamer[BO$$]> and all the kids only play GTA V :D
[17:41:41] <Bliktonijn> thats the big prroblem
[17:41:47] <Bliktonijn> yeahh :(
[17:41:57] <Bliktonijn> its more like fortnite
[17:42:03] <Bliktonijn> a lot of people play fortnite
[17:42:11] <ProGamer[BO$$]> yeah... well I play it too :P
[17:42:30] <Bliktonijn> is it nice?
[17:42:33] <Bliktonijn> never played it XD
[17:42:35] <ProGamer[BO$$]> hum
[17:42:49] <ProGamer[BO$$]> i think it was much better about a year ago
[17:43:00] <Bliktonijn> hmm
[17:43:02] <ProGamer[BO$$]> now everyone is just sooo OP
[17:43:08] <Bliktonijn> Lel XD
[17:43:21] <ProGamer[BO$$]> :D we need a fortnite for noobs like me :P
[17:43:29] <Bliktonijn> just get a fortnite girl and life mission complete
[17:43:35] <Bliktonijn> hahahahha xD
[17:43:48] <ProGamer[BO$$]> haha, yea... hard to find though
[17:43:59] <Bliktonijn> you are single?
[17:44:07] <ProGamer[BO$$]> yea
[17:44:13] <Bliktonijn> forever alone nbro
[17:44:15] <Bliktonijn> me to xD
[17:44:18] <Bliktonijn> and 22 years
[17:44:32] <ProGamer[BO$$]> haha when was your last relationship?
[17:44:37] <ProGamer[BO$$]> im 21 btw
[17:44:45] <Bliktonijn> never had a serious one
[17:44:45] <ProGamer[BO$$]> 20*
[17:44:59] <Bliktonijn> had chances
[17:45:01] <ProGamer[BO$$]> yup... me neither i guess :/
[17:45:09] <Bliktonijn> but yeah some girls arent loyal enoguh
[17:45:12] <Bliktonijn> enough
[17:45:28] <Bliktonijn> they use their looks to get attention
[17:45:34] <ProGamer[BO$$]> might be an issue too... but i guess im just too shy
[17:45:42] <Bliktonijn> hmm
[17:45:47] <Bliktonijn> are you long?
[17:45:47] <ProGamer[BO$$]> haha... yea everyone does
[17:45:50] <Bliktonijn> in height
[17:46:01] <ProGamer[BO$$]> 1,85m
[17:46:06] <Bliktonijn> Enough height xD
[17:46:14] <ProGamer[BO$$]> haha
[17:46:20] <ProGamer[BO$$]> long... maybe :P
[17:46:20] <Bliktonijn> yeah just go to the gym
[17:46:33] <Bliktonijn> get a good haircut
[17:46:44] <Gajeel> wb both
[17:46:49] <ProGamer[BO$$]> hi
[17:47:06] <Bliktonijn> and then all the girls will come at you
[17:47:14] <Bliktonijn> my height is 1:65 D:
[17:47:38] <ProGamer[BO$$]> ouh... just get some high heels :P
[17:47:52] <Bliktonijn> yeahh transgender
[17:47:52] <Bliktonijn> XD
[17:47:57] <ProGamer[BO$$]> haha
[17:49:21] <ProGamer[BO$$]> wait... how can I apply to airlines again? wasnt there a button in /airlines?
[17:49:45] <Bliktonijn> /airlines i think
[17:49:48] <Bliktonijn> uhm
[17:50:01] <Bliktonijn> thefak its gone
[17:50:09] <ProGamer[BO$$]> vanished
[17:59:23] <ProGamer[BO$$]> wow them ninja trees ^^
[18:08:40] <-- ProGamer[BO$$] disconnected from the server
[18:16:09] <-- Gajeel disconnected from the server
[18:24:32] <-- Bliktonijn disconnected from the server
[18:30:36] --> zebbe connected to the server
[18:31:33] <zebbe> /KILL
[18:32:22] --> Jon_Blof connected to the server
[18:32:46] --> Kratos connected to the server
[18:34:51] <-- Kratos disconnected from the server
[18:50:50] <zebbe> �'
[18:50:53] <zebbe> 7asd
[18:51:01] <zebbe> a
[18:55:50] --> Kevin_Boetticher connected to the server
[19:10:20] --> Daniel_Reynolds connected to the server
[19:13:26] <-- Daniel_Reynolds disconnected from the server
[19:13:50] --> Daniel_Reynolds connected to the server
[19:15:06] <Jon_Blof> moimoi
[19:15:14] <Jon_Blof> bebs
[19:15:25] <Jon_Blof> get dat plane her
[19:15:36] <Jon_Blof> bebs get ova hya
[19:16:05] <-- zebbe disconnected from the server
[19:16:46] <-- Jon_Blof disconnected from the server
[19:27:16] --> JEFFBR connected to the server
[19:27:56] <-- JEFFBR disconnected from the server
[19:28:31] <-- Daniel_Reynolds disconnected from the server
[19:28:34] --> JEFFBR connected to the server
[19:32:56] <-- Kevin_Boetticher disconnected from the server
[19:49:15] <-- JEFFBR disconnected from the server
[21:16:56] --> Kevin_Boetticher connected to the server
[21:30:05] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[21:38:08] <-- Kevin_Boetticher disconnected from the server
[22:00:53] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[22:00:56] <Smetkowski> wb
[22:01:09] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[22:19:51] <Smetkowski> !player FireGhost
[22:19:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player FireGhost: 2795 score, last seen 6 Months Ago
[22:20:07] <Smetkowski> !player Lt.Cmdr.Price
[22:20:11] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lt.Cmdr.Price: 9250 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[22:32:12] --> robin_be connected to the server
[22:38:25] --> Gajeel connected to the server
[22:38:46] <Gajeel> henlo
[22:38:49] <robin_be> hai
[22:39:19] <robin_be> hai
[22:39:24] <robin_be> ops
[22:42:52] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[22:58:18] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[23:04:48] <-- Gajeel disconnected from the server
[23:26:22] --> Snowman_ connected to the server
[23:33:37] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[23:37:24] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[23:39:34] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[23:40:23] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[23:47:27] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[23:47:57] --> TheFallenBeat connected to the server
[23:47:59] <Smetkowski> wb
[23:48:15] <TheFallenBeat> Cheers mate.
[23:48:32] <Snowman_> hi guys
[23:48:37] <Smetkowski> hey
[23:48:37] <Snowman_> im new here
[23:48:40] <TheFallenBeat> Hello bud.
[23:48:45] <Smetkowski> welcome to the server
[23:48:59] <Snowman_> thx
[23:49:12] <TheFallenBeat> I've been around this server since 2011, but lost my account damn.
[23:49:31] <Smetkowski> long time hehe
[23:49:37] <Snowman_> hehehe
[23:49:39] <TheFallenBeat> Haha yeah bud.
[23:49:39] <Snowman_> i like the server
[23:50:12] <Snowman_> this islands is amazing
[23:51:27] <Snowman_> im leaving now
[23:51:33] <Snowman_> see you guys later
[23:51:35] <Smetkowski> cya
[23:51:38] <TheFallenBeat> Bye
[23:51:44] <Snowman_> bye
[23:51:49] <-- Snowman_ disconnected from the server