
[00:06:47] --> CptCop connected to the server
[00:07:20] <CptCop> Hi
[00:09:38] <-- CptCop disconnected from the server
[04:00:10] --> Vmoney connected to the server
[04:02:39] <-- Vmoney disconnected from the server
[05:26:31] --> JulseC connected to the server
[05:29:01] <JulseC> !player Stan
[05:29:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stan: 10070 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[05:33:48] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[06:21:46] --> JulseC connected to the server
[06:32:28] <JulseC> t/balance
[06:35:35] <JulseC> t/cc ac
[06:36:42] <JulseC> t/flip
[06:39:46] <JulseC> t/fleet
[06:40:11] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[09:01:28] --> JulseC connected to the server
[09:08:07] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[09:30:31] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[09:35:52] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[09:48:34] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[10:12:57] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[11:32:51] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[11:34:04] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[11:34:26] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[11:44:36] --> kunj connected to the server
[11:51:06] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[11:51:30] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[11:52:41] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[11:53:13] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[12:02:12] <-- kunj disconnected from the server
[12:05:57] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[12:44:41] --> PulseHadi connected to the server
[12:46:21] <-- PulseHadi disconnected from the server
[14:06:29] --> UJHD connected to the server
[14:09:57] <-- UJHD disconnected from the server
[15:16:13] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[15:23:18] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[16:38:56] --> octopus connected to the server
[16:39:02] <-- octopus disconnected from the server
[16:41:14] --> octopus connected to the server
[16:41:47] --> JulseC connected to the server
[16:42:11] <octopus> wb JulseC
[16:42:17] <JulseC> ty sir :D
[16:43:19] <JulseC> how long you play PL/
[16:43:30] <octopus> 3 years
[16:43:43] <octopus> you?
[16:43:43] <JulseC> same
[16:43:49] <JulseC> year 2016
[16:43:57] <octopus> yep
[16:44:38] <JulseC> !player Aaron
[16:44:41] (WEB) <robin_be> player Aaron: 7276 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[16:46:16] <JulseC> !assets Octopus
[16:46:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Octopus has 1 car(s) ($850,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,600,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $3,450,000
[16:46:54] <octopus> !assets JulseC
[16:46:58] (WEB) <robin_be> JulseC has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[16:47:25] <JulseC> im poor
[16:47:27] <JulseC> only have 4m
[16:47:33] <octopus> !cash JulseC
[16:47:36] (WEB) <robin_be> JulseC has $54,233 in hand
[16:47:36] <JulseC> bank
[16:47:49] <JulseC> why dont u buy vip?
[16:48:14] <octopus> dont know the price of vip
[16:48:27] <JulseC> i buy vip 2 for 5m i think
[16:48:33] <JulseC> 2.5m for vip1
[16:48:35] <octopus> from whom?
[16:48:41] <JulseC> cygnus
[16:48:52] <JulseC> !player cygnus
[16:48:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player cygnus: 10811 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[16:49:00] <octopus> !player Lucy
[16:49:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lucy: 26420 score, last seen 23 Hours Ago
[16:49:58] <octopus> you ever found any LC?
[16:50:06] --> August connected to the server
[16:50:09] <octopus> wb August
[16:50:11] <August> thanks
[16:50:14] <JulseC> wb
[16:50:20] <August> ty
[16:50:49] <octopus> !assets August
[16:50:53] (WEB) <robin_be> August has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[16:50:55] <octopus> !cash August
[16:50:58] (WEB) <robin_be> August has $-5,000 in hand
[16:51:09] <octopus> what?
[16:51:17] <octopus> $-5000?
[16:51:23] <August> got a problem with that, son?
[16:53:54] <August> who won the lotto
[16:54:16] <JulseC> ricardo
[16:54:21] <JulseC> !cash Ricardo
[16:54:25] (WEB) <robin_be> Ricardo has $10,000 in hand
[16:54:43] <August> thats not the anti cheat*
[16:57:10] <August> !player Aaron
[16:57:13] (WEB) <robin_be> player Aaron: 7276 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[16:57:18] <August> dat bitch^
[16:57:40] <octopus> !cash Aaron
[16:57:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Aaron has $6,818,587 in hand
[16:59:09] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[16:59:15] <-- August disconnected from the server
[16:59:42] --> JulseC connected to the server
[16:59:55] <JulseC> wheres august?
[17:00:01] <octopus> he left
[17:00:03] <JulseC> ohh
[17:00:17] <octopus> why relog?
[17:00:22] <JulseC> bug
[17:00:25] <octopus> ohh
[17:00:31] <JulseC> my screen minimize
[17:00:47] <JulseC> where u ffrom?
[17:01:03] <octopus> i'm China
[17:01:19] <octopus> i'm from China^
[17:01:46] <JulseC> cool
[17:02:11] <octopus> where are you from?
[17:02:30] --> Shishi connected to the server
[17:02:40] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[17:07:17] <JulseC> philippines
[17:07:22] <JulseC> .timestamp
[17:10:37] <JulseC> !company Stan
[17:10:43] <JulseC> !groups Stan
[17:10:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan is in airline Lufthansa and company American Freightways
[17:12:10] <JulseC> !8ball .
[17:12:13] (WEB) <robin_be> JulseC: It's better not to know
[17:19:21] <JulseC> aww
[17:23:41] <JulseC> bye gttg
[17:23:44] <octopus> bb
[17:23:46] <JulseC> :D
[17:23:46] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[17:27:39] --> August connected to the server
[17:27:53] <octopus> wb August
[17:27:58] <August> thanks
[17:29:03] <-- August disconnected from the server
[17:29:14] <octopus> what happened?
[17:30:00] --> Fermat connected to the server
[17:31:16] <-- Fermat disconnected from the server
[17:50:46] --> UJHD connected to the server
[17:50:56] <UJHD> hi there
[17:51:18] <octopus> hi
[17:53:04] <-- UJHD disconnected from the server
[17:58:25] <octopus> !cash NJHC
[17:58:29] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player NJHC
[17:58:34] <octopus> !cash OJHC
[17:58:37] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player OJHC
[17:58:53] <octopus> !cash UJHD
[17:58:57] (WEB) <robin_be> UJHD has $138,457 in hand
[18:00:15] --> FelTell connected to the server
[18:01:55] <octopus> !cash FelTel
[18:01:58] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player FelTel
[18:02:01] <octopus> !cash FelTell
[18:02:04] (WEB) <robin_be> FelTell has $12,104 in hand
[18:02:13] <FelTell> hey
[18:02:29] <-- FelTell disconnected from the server
[18:03:04] <octopus> \w
[18:03:39] <-- octopus disconnected from the server
[18:10:04] --> FelTell connected to the server
[18:30:45] --> Fermat connected to the server
[18:31:39] <FelTell> hey
[18:31:55] <FelTell> is this server always so empty?
[18:34:11] <FelTell> are you on any airline?
[18:39:01] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[18:39:55] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[18:43:43] <-- FelTell disconnected from the server
[18:49:43] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[18:52:02] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[18:54:20] --> Shishi connected to the server
[18:54:28] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[18:55:01] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[19:00:24] --> Shishi connected to the server
[19:00:45] <Tony_Accarado> how to join airlines/
[19:02:14] <Shishi> submit application
[19:02:28] <Tony_Accarado> what appplication
[19:03:35] <Shishi> You click on an airline, and then on submit application
[19:05:05] <Shishi> But it can only be accepted if you have an airline member online
[19:05:15] <Tony_Accarado> Okey Thanks
[19:05:21] <Tony_Accarado> Where are you from?
[19:05:51] <Shishi> India
[19:06:34] <Shishi> See you
[19:06:42] <Tony_Accarado> Gel
[19:06:45] <Tony_Accarado> Gelrgka
[19:06:47] <Tony_Accarado> gelrgk
[19:06:50] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[19:06:50] <Tony_Accarado> georgia
[19:08:14] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[19:12:28] <-- Fermat disconnected from the server
[19:14:08] --> Shishi connected to the server
[19:32:11] <-- Shishi disconnected from the server
[19:41:43] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[19:48:38] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[19:49:19] --> Tony_Accarado connected to the server
[19:54:56] <-- Tony_Accarado disconnected from the server
[20:03:58] --> CaoMishma connected to the server
[20:04:30] <-- CaoMishma disconnected from the server
[22:35:51] --> kingkings connected to the server
[22:38:45] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[23:19:09] --> Nikita_Pestikov connected to the server
[23:36:36] <Nikita_Pestikov> ww/atc
