[00:01:04] --> HendersonER connected to the server
[00:02:14] <-- HendersonER disconnected from the server
[00:26:13] --> Danielson connected to the server
[00:35:43] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[01:29:57] --> shiv connected to the server
[01:33:51] <shiv> r
[01:35:11] --> P$G connected to the server
[01:35:22] <shiv> ayo
[01:35:32] <P$G> yo
[01:35:50] <P$G> how r u man
[01:35:58] <shiv> i'm good
[01:36:00] <shiv> what about you
[01:36:11] <P$G> ugh working to much
[01:36:13] <P$G> so tired
[01:36:16] <shiv> lol
[01:36:18] <shiv> that sucks
[01:36:23] <P$G> yeah
[01:36:31] <shiv> i'm busy with uni
[01:36:34] <P$G> i wanna retire lol
[01:36:36] <shiv> ......
[01:36:39] <P$G> which year though
[01:36:41] <shiv> 2nd year
[01:36:44] --> Danielson connected to the server
[01:36:47] <P$G> 2 years left ?
[01:36:49] <shiv> yah
[01:36:52] <P$G> wb
[01:36:57] <P$G> cool not to much
[01:37:00] <Danielson> thanks
[01:37:02] <P$G> you are already half way
[01:37:10] <shiv> it's a fun course I'm doing tbh
[01:37:25] <P$G> yeah ikrr i used to like it too
[01:37:33] <shiv> so it doesn't feel too stressful
[01:37:46] <P$G> yea yea
[01:37:56] <P$G> work sucks tbh ;d
[01:38:01] <shiv> lol
[01:38:12] <shiv> where are you working?
[01:38:22] <P$G> Accounting department in a travel agency
[01:38:30] <shiv> ooo
[01:38:30] <P$G> number 1 in north America
[01:38:43] <Danielson> nice to see an accountant here
[01:38:50] <P$G> Thanks lol ^
[01:38:53] <shiv> I did accounting for 2 years in high school, hated it lol
[01:39:06] <P$G> oh lol
[01:39:11] <P$G> it is not that bad come on ;D
[01:39:19] <shiv> it is
[01:39:21] <P$G> lmao
[01:39:24] <shiv> I don't understand it lol
[01:39:29] <P$G> that's why xd
[01:39:42] <shiv> ye
[01:39:52] <Danielson> because i'm 4th year accounting college student, and struggling for thesis
[01:39:55] <Danielson> hehe
[01:40:23] <P$G> u study accounting rnw ?
[01:40:28] <Danielson> yeah, last year
[01:40:34] <P$G> thats cool
[01:40:36] <P$G> where u from
[01:40:39] <Danielson> i mean this should be my last year
[01:40:39] <Danielson> indonesia
[01:40:44] <P$G> nice
[01:40:52] <Danielson> i should graduate next year
[01:40:54] <shiv> wait you're JacobDanielson
[01:40:57] <Danielson> yeah shiv
[01:40:57] <shiv> knew I recognised the name
[01:41:05] <P$G> i graduated last May
[01:41:12] <shiv> been a while innit
[01:41:17] <Danielson> yeah
[01:41:23] <Danielson> thanks to ban list wipe
[01:41:25] <shiv> smh
[01:41:28] <P$G> lol
[01:41:30] <shiv> what did you do again
[01:41:54] <Danielson> now im struggling for thesis
[01:42:24] <Danielson> most of my friends were graduated
[01:42:37] <Danielson> and now are working
[01:48:41] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[01:48:46] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[02:05:55] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[02:20:32] --> Danielson connected to the server
[02:43:08] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[03:04:50] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[03:06:33] --> Bananaboi connected to the server
[03:07:24] <Bananaboi> Bro
[03:07:50] <JokowiAmin> pean
[03:08:06] <Bananaboi> Ngapain
[03:08:13] <JokowiAmin> gaada kelas mek, dosennya telat ngasi tau
[03:08:13] <Bananaboi> Tumben online jam segini
[03:08:18] <Bananaboi> Owh
[03:08:31] <JokowiAmin> lu ada install mod sound ga
[03:08:36] <JokowiAmin> bingung gue pake Alci
[03:08:36] <Bananaboi> Kaga
[03:08:47] <Bananaboi> w kalo mod sound pake cleo
[03:08:52] <JokowiAmin> lah bisa emg?
[03:09:00] <Bananaboi> Bisa sih gua
[03:09:02] <Bananaboi> di SAMP 0.3DL
[03:09:10] <Bananaboi> Yg SAMP 0.3.DL gua pake main JGRP
[03:09:23] <JokowiAmin> gabisa gue main RP
[03:09:28] <JokowiAmin> dulu gue bocah lama di JGRP
[03:09:36] <JokowiAmin> baru main bunuh org di jail 10 jam
[03:09:38] <Bananaboi> Aaokwoawkowa
[03:09:41] <JokowiAmin> taun berapa ya 2010 an
[03:09:46] <Bananaboi> gua kalo main RP selalu miskin
[03:09:49] --> Danielson connected to the server
[03:09:54] <JokowiAmin> pambudi juga dah ga pernah main
[03:09:56] <JokowiAmin> bentar ya boker dulu
[03:10:02] <Bananaboi> OK
[03:14:40] <JokowiAmin> lu kerja cob
[03:14:45] <Bananaboi> webe
[03:14:45] <Bananaboi> Hooh
[03:14:48] <Bananaboi> Military
[03:15:03] <JokowiAmin> kata anak anak tar kalau pada udah banyak duit
[03:15:08] <JokowiAmin> baru mikir buat bikin airline baru
[03:15:11] <Danielson> apa sih kontol
[03:15:14] <JokowiAmin> yang penting enjoy aja main dulu
[03:15:19] <JokowiAmin> bacot kau danielson woi
[03:15:21] <Danielson> anjing lo
[03:15:21] <JokowiAmin> discord cob sore
[03:15:24] <Bananaboi> Hooh
[03:15:24] <Danielson> ga ah
[03:15:26] <Danielson> lu kafir
[03:15:29] <JokowiAmin> kok jahat danielson :(
[03:15:32] <Bananaboi> Banyakin duid dlu
[03:15:37] <Bananaboi> duit gua gaada
[03:15:39] <Bananaboi> !cash
[03:15:42] (WEB) <robin_be> Bananaboi has $177,663 in hand
[03:15:52] <Danielson> males ngomong ama kafir
[03:15:55] <JokowiAmin> ashadu
[03:16:03] <Danielson> panas panas
[03:16:03] <Bananaboi> Astafiloh
[03:16:05] <JokowiAmin> panas
[03:16:08] <Danielson> terbakar
[03:16:11] <Danielson> api asmara
[03:16:18] <Bananaboi> kntl ah
[03:16:21] <Bananaboi> Kelas gua jamkos
[03:16:21] <JokowiAmin> cewe orang
[03:16:26] <Bananaboi> temen gua bawa salon
[03:16:29] <Bananaboi> GBLK
[03:16:31] <Bananaboi> Jadi konser
[03:16:34] <JokowiAmin> jamkos mah enak
[03:16:34] <Danielson> semangat ya masih sekolah
[03:16:49] <Bananaboi> Yoi bang
[03:16:52] <JokowiAmin> banyakin aja moment moment indah di sma
[03:16:57] <Danielson> sok iya lo rico kontol
[03:16:57] <JokowiAmin> kuliah susah dapetin nya lagi
[03:16:57] <JokowiAmin> iya ga cob
[03:17:00] <JokowiAmin> kok lu anjing sih
[03:17:05] <Danielson> :(
[03:17:05] <JokowiAmin> cob cob
[03:17:07] <Bananaboi> cob apasih
[03:17:10] <Danielson> belajar keras sejak dini
[03:17:12] <JokowiAmin> jacob
[03:17:18] <Bananaboi> koq jacob
[03:17:23] <Danielson> nama saya jacob, om
[03:17:25] <Danielson> anak baru
[03:17:28] <JokowiAmin> kontol
[03:17:31] <Bananaboi> itu skor 7k
[03:17:41] <Bananaboi> Saya yg anak baru
[03:17:43] <Danielson> kebetulan aja
[03:17:49] <-- Bananaboi disconnected from the server
[03:17:51] <Danielson> lah
[03:17:59] <JokowiAmin> dah masuk guru nya kali
[03:18:14] <Danielson> enak bisa bawa laptop
[03:18:20] <JokowiAmin> kek org goblok gue main gta sendiri di tongkrongan
[03:18:25] <Danielson> ya jangan dong
[03:18:27] <JokowiAmin> sepi cob
[03:18:30] <Danielson> nikmati tongkrongan
[03:18:45] <JokowiAmin> kebablasan aja gue kemaren temen gue bawa botol minum bilang jus
[03:18:45] <JokowiAmin> malah amer
[03:18:48] <JokowiAmin> goblok
[03:18:58] <Danielson> enak kan
[03:19:01] <Danielson> apalagi dingin
[03:19:06] <JokowiAmin> enaknya dingin
[03:19:06] <Danielson> tambah bir
[03:19:09] <Danielson> mantap abidin
[03:19:11] <JokowiAmin> lu bartender cob
[03:19:14] <JokowiAmin> abidin mau lagi sob
[03:19:16] <Danielson> oplosan
[03:19:29] <Danielson> gua aja baru tau abidin pas kuliah
[03:19:37] <JokowiAmin> sama
[03:19:42] <JokowiAmin> kurang jauh mainnya
[03:19:45] <Danielson> gua kira abidin apaan
[03:19:47] <Danielson> taunya anggur bir dingin
[03:20:16] <JokowiAmin> gue alkohol pertama nyoba chivas regal single malt
[03:20:18] <JokowiAmin> panas sangat
[03:20:39] <Danielson> ya tujuannya emang bukan buat fun
[03:20:47] <Danielson> iklim tropis minum gituan
[03:21:05] <JokowiAmin> gue tertarik aja sih minum
[03:21:07] <JokowiAmin> cuman sendiri
[03:21:15] <JokowiAmin> kalau bareng bareng pasti gila nanti, gamau gue rusak wkwkwk
[03:21:23] <Danielson> gua aja muntah
[03:21:25] <Danielson> kebanyakan vodka
[03:21:28] <Danielson> iceland babi
[03:22:25] <JokowiAmin> cuman ya gue minum alkohol pasti bawaannya marah marah
[03:22:32] <Danielson> gua malah ngantuk
[03:22:35] <JokowiAmin> anak 19 aja gue bentak kemaren padahal cuman minum es teh manis gue
[03:22:40] <JokowiAmin> takut gue jadi marah marah lg kek dulu
[03:22:48] <Danielson> yaudah lu minum es teh aja
[03:23:16] <JokowiAmin> campur ciu
[03:23:32] <Danielson> gua pas ke jogja beberapa bulan lalu kan
[03:23:39] <Danielson> niatnya ngopi
[03:23:42] <Danielson> eh ada ciunya
[03:23:45] <Danielson> kontol
[03:23:50] <JokowiAmin> intisari kopi
[03:23:55] <Danielson> kopi klotok namanya
[03:24:10] <JokowiAmin> emg barbar jaman skrg mah
[03:24:13] <Danielson> gua pesen milo, kok ada pahit2nya
[03:24:16] <Danielson> taunya ada alkohol
[03:24:18] <Danielson> bangsat
[03:24:31] <JokowiAmin> milo alkohol rasa apaan anjing oakwoakwo
[03:24:41] <Danielson> ya coklat trus ada panas2 alkoholnya
[03:24:57] <Danielson> pokoknya segala minuman biasa trus ditambah ciu
[03:25:04] <JokowiAmin> lu minum dimana si
[03:25:07] <JokowiAmin> sarkem?
[03:25:10] <Danielson> kaga
[03:25:12] <Danielson> ada tempatnya sndiri
[03:25:56] <JokowiAmin> cukup vape dah bikin ngantuk
[03:25:59] <JokowiAmin> butuh tidur gue
[03:26:04] <JokowiAmin> pepek lah masalah banyak kali
[03:26:04] <Danielson> vape katanya mau dilarang ric
[03:26:06] <Danielson> dah baca?
[03:26:14] <JokowiAmin> gegara BPOM sama liquid ganja
[03:26:14] <Danielson> rokok elektrik sih
[03:26:27] <Danielson> padahal liquidnya doang yang bermasalah
[03:26:30] <JokowiAmin> bocah pada sok nge ganja pake vape
[03:26:32] <Danielson> campurannya
[03:26:42] <JokowiAmin> kan lu kalau nge ganja di bakar ya walaupun efek nya sama
[03:26:45] <JokowiAmin> cuman kalau dipanasin
[03:26:48] <JokowiAmin> keluar vitamin E nya
[03:26:53] <JokowiAmin> dah gitu asepnya banyak
[03:27:29] <Danielson> padahal gua baru mau ganti ke pod
[03:27:31] <Danielson> tinggal tunggu duit
[03:27:50] <JokowiAmin> gegara perusahaan rokok pada takut konsumen nya pindah
[03:27:52] <JokowiAmin> jadi di goreng terus isu isu nya
[03:27:57] <Danielson> ga juga
[03:28:00] <JokowiAmin> padahal zat karsinogen dari vapor lebih kecil
[03:28:10] <Danielson> pemerintah ga dapet cukai sebesar rokok
[03:28:39] <JokowiAmin> cukai liquid aja yang 100ml itu 70rb
[03:28:51] <JokowiAmin> tinggal mass produce juga nanti sama hasilnya
[03:29:20] <JokowiAmin> vapestore juga masih dikit
[03:29:28] <JokowiAmin> ga sebanyak distribusi rokok ke warung warung kecil
[03:29:38] <JokowiAmin> ini baru mulai ke toko toko macem alfamidi indomaret
[03:29:53] <Danielson> ya sebenernya perusahaan rokok juga ga bisa dibilang takut rugi
[03:30:06] <Danielson> yg boomer2 ini kan banyak yang ga pindah ke vape juga
[03:30:09] <Danielson> kayak surya dll
[03:30:11] <Danielson> amild
[03:30:29] <JokowiAmin> kalau di luar negeri cob, cuman di larang liquid yang ada flavour nya
[03:30:35] <JokowiAmin> soalnya banyak underage beli vape karena itu
[03:30:37] <Danielson> lah
[03:30:42] <Danielson> trus gimana rasanya?
[03:30:45] <JokowiAmin> makannya
[03:30:50] <Danielson> hambar dong
[03:30:53] <JokowiAmin> ini gegara masalah underage aja sih sebenernya
[03:30:58] <Danielson> blom ada regulas
[03:30:58] <JokowiAmin> kan ada rasa red bacco, menthol
[03:31:00] <Danielson> i
[03:31:11] <JokowiAmin> vape semua rasa bisa dibuat sebenernya
[03:32:05] <JokowiAmin> pengen minta naikin manager dah mo gue servis servisin pesawatnya
[03:32:07] <JokowiAmin> ga kerawat
[03:32:07] <JokowiAmin> tai lah
[03:32:13] <Danielson> susah kalo ia
[03:32:23] <JokowiAmin> mesti apply?
[03:32:36] <Danielson> ga tau sih
[03:32:49] <Danielson> coba aja ngomong ama yang lu kenal
[03:33:02] <Danielson> ntar main lagio
[03:33:04] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[03:33:14] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[03:58:05] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[03:59:09] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[03:59:48] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[04:00:39] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[04:06:30] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[04:07:11] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[04:11:42] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[04:12:18] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[04:14:55] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[04:15:34] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[04:43:43] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[04:46:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> \
[04:47:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> a
[04:57:49] --> santet connected to the server
[04:58:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> bingung ji menang mulu
[04:58:09] <santet> boleh kali ja
[04:58:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> lu mau kurir gak? gua di AP
[04:58:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> pake mobil gojek
[04:58:38] <santet> kenapa emang
[04:58:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua afk
[04:58:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> mo afk
[04:58:53] <santet> gw punya sendiri kan
[04:58:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> ija
[04:59:27] <santet> !player crystal
[04:59:29] (WEB) <robin_be> player crystal: 7439 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[05:02:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> aa\
[05:02:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player sabtet
[05:02:43] (WEB) <robin_be> player sabtet: 0 score, last seen 16 Hours Ago
[05:02:53] <santet> !assets santet
[05:02:56] (WEB) <robin_be> santet has 3 car(s) ($480,000) and 1 house(s) ($3,500,000 - 5 slots) for a total of $3,980,000
[05:03:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets
[05:03:04] <-- santet disconnected from the server
[05:03:06] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has 7 car(s) ($1,410,000) and 3 house(s) ($14,950,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $16,360,000
[05:03:55] --> Danielson connected to the server
[05:21:30] --> Ayers connected to the server
[05:23:13] --> Pixy connected to the server
[05:24:02] <Ayers> fir lu dapet nmax dmn
[05:24:13] <Ayers> adanya tmax doang
[05:25:04] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[05:27:21] --> ArmandoMakarov connected to the server
[05:27:31] <Danielson> mus
[05:27:31] <Pixy> wuede primus
[05:27:34] <ArmandoMakarov> Duar memek
[05:27:59] <ArmandoMakarov> oit
[05:28:25] <ArmandoMakarov> Ekonomi reset ya?
[05:28:30] <Pixy> iya
[05:28:33] <ArmandoMakarov> Haydz memek
[05:28:38] <Pixy> aaron keknya
[05:28:56] <ArmandoMakarov> Pada dimana neh
[05:29:04] <Danielson> hatimu
[05:29:12] <ArmandoMakarov> :*
[05:29:22] <Pixy> kerja
[05:30:01] <ArmandoMakarov> Base GIA dimana?
[05:30:08] <Pixy> tempat biasa
[05:30:34] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[05:30:39] <JokowiAmin> nyerah gue mod sound ini
[05:30:42] <JokowiAmin> ribet bgt
[05:30:44] <JokowiAmin> ngecrash mulu
[05:30:47] <Danielson> sabar ya
[05:30:52] <Pixy> gausah mending
[05:30:57] <JokowiAmin> buat ganti nrg doang
[05:31:03] <JokowiAmin> pen nyari yang sound pack
[05:31:05] <JokowiAmin> biar langsung diinstall
[05:31:41] <ArmandoMakarov> gw kok gabisa spawn di base ya?
[05:31:49] <Danielson> base apa
[05:31:52] <Pixy> base apa?
[05:31:54] <ArmandoMakarov> GIA
[05:31:57] <Danielson> lah
[05:31:59] <Pixy> gabisa la
[05:31:59] <Danielson> airlinenya ga ada
[05:32:02] <Pixy> GIA mati
[05:32:10] <JokowiAmin> yuk idupin -dirda
[05:32:10] <ArmandoMakarov> Asu pantesan
[05:32:12] <Pixy> wkwkwk
[05:32:48] <JokowiAmin> nanti mau dibuat airline baru kata joyadi
[05:32:53] <JokowiAmin> pixy kontol
[05:32:59] <Pixy> galiat ric
[05:33:12] <Danielson> awkawkwak
[05:33:17] <ArmandoMakarov> Astagfirullah Akhi
[05:33:22] <Pixy> sama kek adrian kemaren
[05:33:27] <ArmandoMakarov> Meisserhower masih idup ga
[05:33:30] <Danielson> masih
[05:33:32] <Danielson> dia yang owner
[05:33:35] <ArmandoMakarov> Pepek
[05:33:40] <JokowiAmin> lah bukan crystal?
[05:33:40] <Danielson> eh
[05:33:45] <Danielson> meisserhower bukan crystal ya
[05:33:50] <Pixy> bukan
[05:33:50] <ArmandoMakarov> Bukan bujank
[05:33:53] <Danielson> kirain
[05:34:01] <JokowiAmin> sursai masi idup sama jajaran admin baru
[05:34:08] <ArmandoMakarov> Yang masih idup siapa aja?
[05:34:11] <ArmandoMakarov> Haydz?
[05:34:21] <JokowiAmin> haydz udah ga idup
[05:34:26] <JokowiAmin> kan ownership pindah ke crystal
[05:34:29] <Pixy> haydz kagak
[05:34:37] <ArmandoMakarov> Haydz ngapain sekarang
[05:34:39] <ArmandoMakarov> ngelonte?
[05:34:42] <Pixy> mbengkel
[05:34:42] <JokowiAmin> kerja lah
[05:34:44] <JokowiAmin> jadi pns
[05:36:07] <ArmandoMakarov> Eh bisa ternak ga ya
[05:36:17] <Pixy> gabisa
[05:36:20] <ArmandoMakarov> Dah nyoba?
[05:36:28] <Pixy> gatau juga deng
[05:36:33] <ArmandoMakarov> huu
[05:36:35] <JokowiAmin> ajarin nernak don
[05:36:41] <JokowiAmin> anak baru nih
[05:36:43] <Danielson> haram astaghfirullah
[05:36:51] <Pixy> ashadu cob
[05:36:56] <Danielson> yesus
[05:38:39] <ArmandoMakarov> Weather yang enak berapaan ?
[05:38:44] <Danielson> cie bareng
[05:38:50] <ArmandoMakarov> Jodoh
[05:38:55] <Danielson> besok kawin
[05:38:55] <Danielson> lusa nikah
[05:38:57] <ArmandoMakarov> Besok ngewe
[05:39:02] <Pixy> yuk yakub
[05:39:13] <JokowiAmin> mana sempat
[05:39:57] <ArmandoMakarov> GIA kenapa kereset dah?
[05:40:02] <Danielson> ga ada orangnya
[05:40:07] <ArmandoMakarov> lol
[05:40:35] <JokowiAmin> makarov masi jualan vip ga
[05:40:48] <ArmandoMakarov> gw?
[05:41:01] <Pixy> bukan
[05:41:06] <JokowiAmin> !player makarov
[05:41:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player makarov: 3180 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[05:41:09] <ArmandoMakarov> oh yang satunya
[05:41:19] <Pixy> indo juga kan dia
[05:41:22] <JokowiAmin> indo
[05:41:24] <Pixy> kawan adi
[05:41:27] <Pixy> t
[05:41:35] <JokowiAmin> baru tau adit punya kawan
[05:42:57] <ArmandoMakarov> Jokowi Amin sapa?
[05:43:02] <Pixy> ricock
[05:43:08] <ArmandoMakarov> oo
[05:43:15] <JokowiAmin> kok buka identitas ryan adhyperdana
[05:43:33] <Pixy> maafin
[05:43:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> wb kek anjing
[05:43:51] <JokowiAmin> assola
[05:43:54] <Pixy> ty
[05:43:57] <JokowiAmin> assalamualaikum
[05:44:07] <JokowiAmin> ga jawab dpr
[05:44:22] <Pixy> dpr semua
[05:45:17] <JokowiAmin> akhirnya dibayar juga gaji
[05:45:17] <Pixy> lu nyogok gw ja?
[05:45:35] <JokowiAmin> lu pergi ga ja hari ini
[05:45:37] <JokowiAmin> gue discord jam 3 an
[05:45:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> ga
[05:45:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua afk lagi, ngedesain
[05:45:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> ntar
[05:45:50] <JokowiAmin> masi aja nge senat
[05:45:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> dibayar sans
[05:46:16] <JokowiAmin> bikin spanduk reuni 212 ya ja
[05:46:16] <JokowiAmin> kan bentar lagi reuni
[05:46:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> yoi
[05:46:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> sok sokan anjing jekop
[05:46:34] <Danielson> lo kata gua miskin
[05:46:47] <Danielson> kalo 1 jt gua mau
[05:46:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> 50k mayan bayar ukt sama ngeprint skripsi
[05:46:52] <JokowiAmin> lumayan bego kop bakal mild 2 bungkus
[05:47:00] <Danielson> ga ah, hidup sehat
[05:47:08] <Danielson> gua diet herbalife
[05:47:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> mayan 50k 3gb
[05:47:13] <JokowiAmin> hidup sehat apa hidup meralat
[05:47:15] <JokowiAmin> melarat
[05:47:18] <JokowiAmin> meralit
[05:47:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> kalo gak inves di binomo
[05:47:20] <Danielson> sehat lah
[05:47:23] <Danielson> gua kaya
[05:47:28] <ArmandoMakarov> mayan 1000 dolar
[05:47:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> primus kok exe gojek dah
[05:48:09] <JokowiAmin> emg mestinya apa?
[05:48:09] <ArmandoMakarov> gatau
[05:48:12] <Danielson> gua jadi ceo dong ric
[05:48:17] <Danielson> hargai gua dong
[05:48:22] <JokowiAmin> lu cocok jadi budak korporat kop
[05:48:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua Board of Director dong
[05:48:30] <Danielson> :')
[05:48:48] <Danielson> ye kontol
[05:48:51] <ArmandoMakarov> hore
[05:48:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> parah yan
[05:49:01] <Pixy> wadu
[05:49:04] <Danielson> woi gua ceo garuda nih
[05:49:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> CEOnya 4 anjay
[05:49:24] <ArmandoMakarov> gw komisioner aja deh
[05:49:27] <JokowiAmin> nama lo gaada jakop
[05:49:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> gue juga ceo garuda
[05:49:32] <Danielson> Danielson
[05:49:37] <JokowiAmin> sumpahgaadda
[05:49:40] <JokowiAmin> ada nya jacob_ds
[05:49:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> slam slam
[05:50:03] <Danielson> hah
[05:50:11] <JokowiAmin> naikin mus
[05:50:11] <Danielson> au ah
[05:50:31] <ArmandoMakarov> sek
[05:51:20] <Danielson> ndi gelarku mas
[05:51:23] <Danielson> mas ah
[05:51:56] <Danielson> makasih mas
[05:52:02] <Danielson> aku tresno kowe
[05:52:07] <JokowiAmin> jawa jawa
[05:52:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> jawir
[05:52:14] <ArmandoMakarov> Kerja apaan yang enak
[05:52:17] <JokowiAmin> pns
[05:52:17] <ArmandoMakarov> Biar cepet kaya
[05:52:20] <Danielson> kerja-in orang
[05:52:22] <ArmandoMakarov> selain MLM
[05:52:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> pns
[05:52:27] <JokowiAmin> h h h kop
[05:52:30] <Danielson> kontol
[05:52:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> jam 9 masuk main zuma
[05:52:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> jam 12 cabut padang sampe jam 2
[05:52:53] <ArmandoMakarov> Enak Cargo Drop ato military mission?
[05:52:58] <Pixy> cg
[05:52:58] <Danielson> kok gua co-e
[05:53:01] <JokowiAmin> cg
[05:53:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> milie
[05:53:01] <Pixy> cd
[05:53:01] <Danielson> kan mau ceo
[05:53:06] <JokowiAmin> dibilangin nama lo gaada
[05:53:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> calvin
[05:53:11] <ArmandoMakarov> ga ada
[05:53:22] <Danielson> :(
[05:54:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player yuudachi
[05:54:37] (WEB) <robin_be> player yuudachi: 773 score, last seen 13 Months Ago
[05:54:52] <JokowiAmin> misi donk
[05:55:23] <JokowiAmin> ja cariin mod ja bobcat jadi kijang bak
[05:55:28] <JokowiAmin> `ngentot jakop
[05:55:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> kek gua noh
[05:55:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> gmc
[05:55:41] <JokowiAmin> wiu
[05:55:41] <JokowiAmin> woi
[05:56:15] <JokowiAmin> kop mau kerja kop kesian anak gue minta beliin hotwheels
[05:56:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> kontol
[05:56:33] <Danielson> parah rico dm
[05:56:38] <JokowiAmin> tod
[05:56:40] <Danielson> ckckck
[05:56:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> mampus gak ada bukti
[05:56:48] <ArmandoMakarov> Derby yok
[05:56:51] <Danielson> males ah main ama rico
[05:56:51] <Danielson> :(
[05:56:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> gada mobil juga derby
[05:57:04] <Pixy> kerja mus
[05:57:09] <ArmandoMakarov> iya om
[05:57:27] <JokowiAmin> udahan dulu
[05:57:29] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[05:57:35] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[05:57:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> bjir
[06:01:55] --> Willz. connected to the server
[06:02:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> kok ada sih
[06:03:15] <Willz.> gz jemboodd
[06:03:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> rasis nih ceo nya jogja semua
[06:05:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> vgodmode
[06:05:45] --> Danielson connected to the server
[06:05:52] <Willz.> wb jembood
[06:06:03] <Danielson> kamu kok kasar sih mas
[06:06:03] <Danielson> :(
[06:06:05] <Willz.> maap kak
[06:08:35] --> Ayers connected to the server
[06:08:40] <Danielson> andri
[06:08:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> adrian
[06:08:45] <Ayers> ya
[06:08:45] <Pixy> ndri
[06:08:48] <Danielson> lu ganteng
[06:08:48] <Ayers> ga
[06:08:53] <Ayers> bagi mod nrg 500
[06:08:53] <Danielson> gua ngasih tau
[06:08:55] <Ayers> lu pake ga cob
[06:08:58] <Danielson> kaga
[06:08:58] <Ayers> gw jelek cob
[06:09:08] <Danielson> buat gua ganteng
[06:09:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> nrg gua cb750 taun 1981 mau
[06:09:13] <Danielson> kontol homo dong gua
[06:09:29] <Danielson> skin cj nomor brp?
[06:09:34] <Ayers> ganti warna kendaraan gmn ja
[06:09:34] <Danielson> ok
[06:09:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> apa 174 lupa
[06:09:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> spraycar
[06:09:50] <Ayers> wuedeh bisa ganti cat
[06:09:55] <Ayers> mantap juga tmax
[06:10:10] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[06:10:44] <Ayers> item warna apa ja
[06:10:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> 0 0
[06:10:57] <Ayers> mantap\
[06:11:07] <Danielson> gojek ndri
[06:11:10] <Ayers> gojek
[06:11:22] <Ayers> lu pake mod nrg 500 ga ja
[06:11:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> pake
[06:11:30] <Ayers> apaan
[06:11:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> motor kuno mau
[06:11:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> cb750
[06:11:38] <Ayers> jgn
[06:11:48] <Ayers> ninja pada pcj atau bf
[06:11:56] <Danielson> fcr aja biar suaranya enak ndri
[06:12:04] --> PutriKimcil connected to the server
[06:12:06] <Ayers> susah cari fcr sama nrg cob
[06:12:09] <Danielson> jar
[06:12:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> mona
[06:12:14] <Pixy> faj
[06:12:17] <Danielson> fcr itu kawasaki zx
[06:12:19] <PutriKimcil> apa
[06:12:22] <Danielson> yang gua inget
[06:12:37] <Danielson> pohon kontol
[06:13:03] <Ayers> premier lu pake mod ja?
[06:13:06] <ArmandoMakarov> p
[06:13:08] <Ayers> ah kalo mobil nanti ga bisa modif
[06:13:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> pake
[06:13:21] <Ayers> mobil apaan
[06:13:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> chevrolet caprice
[06:13:29] <-- ArmandoMakarov disconnected from the server
[06:13:31] <PutriKimcil> cob sacnr yok
[06:13:37] <Danielson> males jar, susah rampok
[06:13:39] <Ayers> emg masi ada?
[06:13:44] <Danielson> masih
[06:14:18] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[06:17:08] <-- PutriKimcil disconnected from the server
[06:24:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets crystal
[06:24:06] (WEB) <robin_be> crystal has 6 car(s) ($2,150,000) and 1 house(s) ($35,000,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $37,150,000
[06:25:50] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[06:26:01] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[06:27:44] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[06:28:40] --> Danielson connected to the server
[06:30:34] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[06:41:29] --> Jacob connected to the server
[06:45:49] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[06:56:31] --> Ayers connected to the server
[07:12:36] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[07:13:30] <Ayers> sebenernya ga boleh ya nambang score dri
[07:13:50] <Ayers> ga boleh di stopwork?
[07:13:53] <Ayers> ya
[07:14:01] <Ayers> lah emg napa
[07:14:39] <Ayers> gw bobcat dah
[07:14:57] <Ayers> ada 2
[07:15:08] <Ayers> harus reclass?
[07:15:39] <Ayers> lu pake godmode dri?
[07:15:46] <Ayers> caranya?
[07:15:52] <adrianstoner_> /vgodmode
[07:15:57] <adrianstoner_> p
[07:15:57] <adrianstoner_> lag
[07:16:02] <adrianstoner_> a
[07:16:07] <adrianstoner_> 700 ping
[07:16:10] <Ayers> ada yg download kali
[07:16:25] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[07:16:25] <Ayers> ada yg download kali
[07:17:17] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[07:18:03] --> Danielson connected to the server
[07:18:39] <Ayers> cara cek duit gmn
[07:18:44] <Danielson> /balance
[07:19:05] <Danielson> !assets Danielson
[07:19:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Danielson has 1 car(s) ($140,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $140,000
[07:21:19] <Ayers> kalo colok 2 headset work 2 2nya ga
[07:21:32] <Ayers> ga usb gw
[07:23:54] <Danielson> ndri
[07:24:10] <Ayers> pelan juga?
[07:24:22] <Ayers> udah
[07:24:22] <adrianstoner_> coba ngomong
[07:24:22] <Danielson> pelan
[07:24:30] <adrianstoner_> klo ga bisa, disconnect connect discord lg
[07:24:35] <adrianstoner_> baru di voice discordnya diganti
[07:24:38] <adrianstoner_> inputnya
[07:24:40] <Danielson> yg merah jangan dicolok ke lobang headset
[07:25:24] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[07:28:45] --> Exo7ic connected to the server
[07:28:56] <Exo7ic> sup lads
[07:29:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> hoi
[07:29:29] <Exo7ic> YES
[07:29:34] <Exo7ic> MY MOD WORKS
[07:29:40] <Exo7ic> dont owrry about it
[07:29:42] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[07:29:45] <Exo7ic> its just a retexture
[07:30:18] --> Ayers connected to the server
[07:34:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> its oke
[07:35:41] <Exo7ic> no
[07:35:43] <Exo7ic> no
[07:36:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets
[07:36:09] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has 7 car(s) ($1,410,000) and 3 house(s) ($14,950,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $16,360,000
[07:36:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> !houses
[07:36:15] (WEB) <robin_be> Paradiso: $2,200,000 4 slots Grove Street: $8,800,000 6 slots Angel Pine: $3,950,000 4 slots
[07:36:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> a nasgor
[07:38:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> a batagor
[07:39:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> a nasi rames
[07:40:35] --> Jacob connected to the server
[07:40:35] --> JaneSpring connected to the server
[07:42:34] <Exo7ic> s
[07:42:52] <Jacob> !assets
[07:42:54] (WEB) <robin_be> Jacob has 2 car(s) ($1,800,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,000,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $3,800,000
[07:43:02] <adrianstoner_> w
[07:45:32] <Ayers> cob temenin cob
[07:46:52] <Ayers> ngelag dah
[07:47:54] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[07:48:43] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[07:49:32] <adrianstoner_> mimin
[07:50:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> a pecel
[07:53:26] <Danielson> /highscore
[07:53:34] <Danielson> /highscores
[07:54:23] <Danielson> !assets Alifer
[07:54:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Alifer has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[07:57:11] <adrianstoner_> w
[07:57:57] <-- Exo7ic disconnected from the server
[07:59:40] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[08:00:16] --> Ayers connected to the server
[08:00:47] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[08:02:28] <adrianstoner_> ini pada ternak son
[08:05:26] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[08:05:31] <Ayers> a
[08:05:34] <JokowiAmin> wb
[08:05:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> ty
[08:05:41] <JokowiAmin> pns pns
[08:05:54] --> Crown connected to the server
[08:06:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> .q
[08:06:15] <Crown> sana keluar anjeng
[08:06:18] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[08:06:25] <Crown> wkww
[08:06:33] <Ayers> a
[08:06:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> a kacang
[08:06:38] <Ayers> kok ga bisa load si ah
[08:06:46] <Ayers> ga bisa load penumpang
[08:07:09] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[08:07:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> aku percaya kepada allah
[08:07:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> bapa yang maha kuassa
[08:07:48] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[08:07:48] --> Ayers connected to the server
[08:08:01] <Crown> itu siapa cypher
[08:08:03] <Crown> katanya mau leaving
[08:08:22] <Cypher.> Damn me.
[08:08:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> veminem last name?
[08:08:55] <Cypher.> Yes.
[08:09:00] <JaneSpring> Hi
[08:09:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> hh
[08:09:39] <Cypher.> Jacob?
[08:09:57] <Cypher.> afk.
[08:10:23] <adrianstoner_> w
[08:10:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> w/
[08:11:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> .cfleet
[08:14:33] <adrianstoner_> cob nembak sim berapa
[08:14:38] <Crown> 500k
[08:14:41] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[08:14:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> lu jekop dhyu
[08:14:56] <Crown> oh ya salah
[08:16:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> use /t and /l
[08:17:21] <Cypher.> Does anyone know a fps mod?
[08:17:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> me dont know
[08:17:46] <JaneSpring> g
[08:18:02] <Cypher.> 3---8
[08:18:15] <JaneSpring> a
[08:18:35] <Cypher.> jOE?
[08:18:43] <Cypher.> Do you own an car?
[08:18:46] <Cypher.> a car*
[08:18:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> yep
[08:18:59] <Cypher.> name?
[08:19:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cars
[08:19:12] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has: Voodoo Premier PCJ-600 Faggio Sanchez NRG-500 Sultan
[08:19:25] <Cypher.> Can I borrow the Sultan?
[08:19:27] <Cypher.> gz
[08:19:30] <Crown> ty
[08:19:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> las paya
[08:19:53] <Ayers> duit lu brp dhy
[08:20:01] <Danielson> !money crown
[08:20:03] <Crown> cuma 500k doang tadi
[08:20:03] <Crown> kwowkw
[08:20:11] <Ayers> !cash crown
[08:20:11] <Danielson> !cash crown
[08:20:14] (WEB) <robin_be> crown has $73,386 in hand
[08:20:27] <JokowiAmin> !cash Ayers
[08:20:30] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has $3,054,152 in hand
[08:20:40] <Crown> wah kaya
[08:20:40] <JokowiAmin> 3jt ingame 3rb dompet
[08:20:40] <Danielson> !assets crown
[08:20:43] (WEB) <robin_be> crown has 0 car(s) ($0) and 1 house(s) ($500,000 - 1 slots) for a total of $500,000
[08:20:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets ayers
[08:20:45] (WEB) <robin_be> ayers has 1 car(s) ($100,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,150,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $2,250,000
[08:20:58] <Danielson> !cash joyadi
[08:21:01] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player joyadi
[08:21:06] <JokowiAmin> s
[08:21:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cash
[08:21:17] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has $166,940 in hand
[08:21:29] <Crown> beli nrg aja kali ya buat jalan cari rumah
[08:21:35] <JaneSpring> How do i change job ?
[08:21:40] <adrianstoner_> /reclass
[08:21:40] <Crown> /reclass
[08:21:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> .reclass
[08:21:45] <JaneSpring> thanks
[08:21:45] <Ayers> /reclass
[08:21:50] <JokowiAmin> lu atmeen
[08:21:53] <Danielson> pansos
[08:21:53] <adrianstoner_> bilang aja lu sosoan jadi newbie
[08:21:55] <adrianstoner_> padahal evade
[08:22:03] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[08:22:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> kata minjem malah quit
[08:22:13] --> Willz. connected to the server
[08:22:13] <Crown> bah cypher ditungguin
[08:22:16] <Crown> malah quit
[08:22:18] <Crown> kontol
[08:22:18] <Crown> wb
[08:22:26] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[08:22:26] <Willz.> lho kok malah ngegas
[08:22:34] <Crown> bukan buat lu syg
[08:22:44] <Crown> ngegas buat si kontol id sembilan nih
[08:23:18] <Crown> asu setres ki wong
[08:23:33] <-- JaneSpring disconnected from the server
[08:24:15] --> Pixy connected to the server
[08:24:20] <Willz.> wb yan
[08:24:25] <JokowiAmin> ty
[08:24:27] <Pixy> sama sama
[08:25:11] <Cypher.> Joe?
[08:25:19] <Crown> tuh dicariin
[08:25:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> ?
[08:25:29] <Danielson> mama
[08:25:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> u want or not?
[08:26:11] <Cypher.> Yes/
[08:26:16] <Cypher.> come to me
[08:26:18] <Cypher.> i am white on the map
[08:26:29] <adrianstoner_> .cfleet
[08:26:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> las payasadas
[08:26:39] <Cypher.> /beacon man
[08:26:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> come
[08:26:52] <Cypher.> /beacon
[08:26:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> just /tp -_-
[08:26:57] <Crown> asu ditinggal
[08:27:00] <Cypher.> :o
[08:28:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> p
[08:29:53] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[08:30:24] --> Danielson connected to the server
[08:30:31] <Ayers> ty
[08:30:36] <Crown> /rc will
[08:30:42] <JokowiAmin> ty
[08:30:44] <Crown> at-400 mu nyemplung z
[08:31:49] <-- Crown disconnected from the server
[08:32:20] --> Crown connected to the server
[08:32:51] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[08:35:49] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[08:36:20] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[08:36:22] <Cypher.> Sultan is gone. :c
[08:36:30] <JokowiAmin> ty
[08:36:35] <Cypher.> wb
[08:36:38] <Cypher.> Joe?
[08:36:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> yo
[08:36:51] <Cypher.> Sultan is gone :'(
[08:36:56] <Cypher.> come to me
[08:36:58] <Cypher.> at lufthansa base
[08:37:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> wait
[08:38:03] <JokowiAmin> GOBLOK
[08:38:08] <Crown> kowkwokw
[08:38:16] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[08:38:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> las paya
[08:38:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> cant go ther
[08:38:52] <adrianstoner_> !player jamesbaily
[08:38:54] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player jamesbaily
[08:38:54] <adrianstoner_> !player jamesbasily
[08:38:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player jamesbasily: 1533 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[08:39:00] <adrianstoner_> !player jamesbasily.
[08:39:03] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player jamesbasily.
[08:39:34] <adrianstoner_> !player alvarobasily
[08:39:36] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player alvarobasily
[08:39:44] <Cypher.> Does anyone use an ENB here?
[08:39:47] <Danielson> !play jamesbasily
[08:39:49] <adrianstoner_> gaboleh
[08:39:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player pabin
[08:39:52] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player pabin
[08:39:52] <Danielson> !player jamesbasily
[08:39:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player jamesbasily: 1533 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[08:40:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player tiongkok
[08:40:08] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player tiongkok
[08:40:15] <adrianstoner_> !player krokoator
[08:40:18] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player krokoator
[08:40:21] <JokowiAmin> !player xi jinping
[08:40:24] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player xi
[08:40:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> not using enb
[08:40:34] <Cypher.> relo
[08:40:36] <Crown> !player iBurger
[08:40:36] <Cypher.> relog
[08:40:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player iBurger: 4151 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[08:40:39] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[08:41:00] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[08:41:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> my house at paradiso theres sultan
[08:41:33] <Cypher.> Yes!
[08:41:46] <adrianstoner_> !player Okamithesatpam
[08:41:46] <Cypher.> First person mod works.
[08:41:49] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Okamithesatpam
[08:42:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player avicenna
[08:42:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player avicenna: 2400 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[08:43:27] <JokowiAmin> ja ja
[08:43:38] <Crown> KWOkwo
[08:44:14] <Danielson> /givecash
[08:45:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> neon
[08:45:34] <JokowiAmin> camry
[08:47:58] <Crown> asu
[08:49:26] <Danielson> sorry my mistake
[08:49:31] <Danielson> please dont ban me
[08:49:34] <JokowiAmin> mistake mistake aja kontol
[08:52:34] <Crown> anjeng
[08:52:37] <Crown> kwokw
[08:52:50] <Crown> asu jangan taruh tengah jalan cok
[08:52:55] <JokowiAmin> !balance
[08:53:05] <Crown> blom
[08:58:30] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[08:58:38] <Ayers> gmn dhy
[08:58:41] <Ayers> bisa ga
[08:58:46] <Crown> bisa kok
[08:58:51] <Crown> katanya suruh nunggu bentar
[08:58:56] <Ayers> sisain 1 aja
[08:59:01] <Crown> 1 atau 2?
[08:59:04] --> Jacob connected to the server
[08:59:22] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[08:59:37] <Ayers> sisain 2 aja dhy
[09:00:32] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[09:01:23] --> Jacob connected to the server
[09:01:31] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[09:02:02] --> Jacob connected to the server
[09:02:07] <Jacob> much better
[09:02:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> lol 2 transx
[09:02:17] <Jacob> wait wha
[09:02:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> airline: transx
[09:02:33] <Crown> do i get the money back into my company account after you sold the trailers? @jacob?
[09:02:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> at mine
[09:02:40] <Jacob> oh damn it
[09:02:46] <Jacob> yeah
[09:02:48] <Crown> ah really
[09:02:51] <Crown> i am glad
[09:03:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> cfleet
[09:03:32] <Jacob> because i managed to put myself in transx as my airline
[09:03:32] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[09:04:03] --> Jacob connected to the server
[09:04:08] <Jacob> much much better
[09:04:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[09:04:21] <Jacob> hopefully didn't break anything
[09:04:24] <Danielson> amen
[09:04:26] <Crown> lmao
[09:04:31] <Crown> i blame you if something brken
[09:04:34] <Crown> xD
[09:04:44] <Danielson> wildan mic
[09:05:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> halo bapak jokowi
[09:06:07] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[09:06:53] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[09:13:48] --> Gozzy connected to the server
[09:16:18] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[09:16:41] <JokowiAmin> nama lu siapa gozzy
[09:16:44] <Danielson> woi
[09:16:44] <JokowiAmin> muhammad gozzy maulana?
[09:16:46] <Gozzy> njir
[09:16:49] <JokowiAmin> bjir
[09:17:10] <Gozzy> gw log disini tulisanya ko usa
[09:17:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> ngecit lu ya
[09:17:17] <JokowiAmin> lu bule
[09:17:30] <Gozzy> kaga njir
[09:17:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> gozarulum lu
[09:17:38] <Gozzy> wkwaokawokawokwa
[09:17:41] <Gozzy> tau aja
[09:17:48] <Gozzy> tau drmn
[09:17:51] <JokowiAmin> awikwokawikwokawikwokawikwokawikwokawikwok
[09:17:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> nebak
[09:17:59] <Gozzy> anjirrr
[09:18:06] <Gozzy> tmn fb ku kah
[09:18:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> bukan
[09:18:27] <Gozzy> lah tau drmn jir
[09:18:30] <Gozzy> ngecit lu ya
[09:18:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> nebak
[09:18:58] <Gozzy> emg dulu pertama di sini pake nama itu sih
[09:19:08] <Gozzy> trs lama ga maen
[09:19:42] <Gozzy> w kira bnyk bule
[09:27:06] <Gozzy> cara chat di compani gimana bro
[09:27:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> ,c
[09:27:11] <Danielson> /c
[09:27:11] <Pixy> /c
[09:27:29] <JokowiAmin> rumah joyadi
[09:29:15] <adrianstoner_> ty
[09:29:20] <Danielson> gz
[09:29:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> wb
[09:29:28] <JokowiAmin> lu pada kek kelas menengah ngehek aja deh beli motor mulu kredit pula
[09:29:56] <Willz.> gzgzgzgzgz
[09:29:59] <adrianstoner_> wb
[09:30:06] <Danielson> 100jt ambil
[09:30:06] <Crown> ty
[09:30:27] <Willz.> bmw 320i e36 gw sikat
[09:30:35] <JokowiAmin> yah sori jualnya mercy
[09:30:45] <JokowiAmin> ada nih C200 buat lu jamet ngentot yang mau nya bmw
[09:32:23] <Gozzy> binomo guy
[09:32:33] <Willz.> alan suryanto
[09:32:44] <JokowiAmin> johnny g plate
[09:32:52] <JokowiAmin> itu menkominfo apa nama tokoh game
[09:33:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> johnny g sins
[09:33:15] <Willz.> johnny g string
[09:33:22] <JokowiAmin> johnny g man
[09:34:40] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[09:39:52] <Ayers> gz
[09:39:58] <Gozzy> gratz
[09:40:05] <Danielson> thanks
[09:40:13] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> AP becoming second Devon?
[09:40:16] <Danielson> no
[09:40:26] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> You know, courier missions :V
[09:40:31] <adrianstoner_> no
[09:40:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Kek, pretty sure it is
[09:40:44] <adrianstoner_> we're having gathering
[09:40:54] <adrianstoner_> sunmori
[09:40:57] <adrianstoner_> you know?
[09:40:57] <JokowiAmin> slum gathering
[09:40:57] <Crown> kwokw matamu
[09:41:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yet so many players buying houses there recently
[09:41:07] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[09:42:01] --> Danielson connected to the server
[09:42:07] <Ayers> ty
[09:42:12] <Willz.> gz
[09:42:40] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 444 courier missions ... hmmmm
[09:42:45] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Let's get that to 500
[09:44:18] <adrianstoner_> kasitau atmin y
[09:46:50] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[09:46:56] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Oid
[09:47:06] <diamondzxd> sup
[09:47:14] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Whoring a bit
[09:48:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> B Team went on half-year training ... so yeah, kinda having 2 weeks free
[09:48:36] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Went for 2h only today
[09:48:36] <diamondzxd> !score SirPlane
[09:48:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player SirPlane: 8711 score, 8436 missions: 46'/. courier - 20'/. shamal - 5'/. dodo
[09:48:47] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Just to give keys, and everything kek
[09:49:28] <Ayers> !assets
[09:49:31] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has 2 car(s) ($240,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,150,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $2,390,000
[09:50:43] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[09:51:37] <diamondzxd> Price
[09:51:37] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> ?
[09:51:45] <diamondzxd> which are the places with truckers caution?
[09:51:55] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Uhhh? What you mean?
[09:51:55] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[09:52:08] <diamondzxd> like the SF tunnel have truckers caution warning right?
[09:52:16] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yeah
[09:52:24] <diamondzxd> I'm adding it to the LS tunnel near verdant bluffs
[09:52:26] <diamondzxd> any other similar?
[09:52:44] <-- Crown disconnected from the server
[09:52:47] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Idk, that's the 2 I know
[09:53:03] <diamondzxd> want any similar text though?
[09:53:08] <diamondzxd> Maybe some direction boards
[09:53:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yes, the Islands
[09:53:18] --> Crown connected to the server
[09:53:23] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Proposed years ago
[09:53:28] <diamondzxd> yeah i know, but where to add now? D:
[09:53:41] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hmmm
[09:53:49] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Intersections?
[09:54:12] <diamondzxd> send*
[09:54:41] <diamondzxd> send me the Coordinates when you're able to, Price :P
[09:54:48] --> Twi connected to the server
[09:55:04] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I really need to get my ass up off the bed
[09:55:19] <diamondzxd> full chat is now pruple gg
[09:55:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lol wat
[09:55:43] <diamondzxd> thanks adrian stoner lmao
[09:55:48] <adrianstoner_> sorry mate
[09:56:03] <Gozzy> gimana
[09:56:06] <Gozzy> cara
[09:56:11] <Twi> EVERYONE IS A INDO
[09:56:24] <Willz.> yeah, just com in indo
[09:56:32] <Gozzy> grup herex ya
[09:56:34] <Twi> who won the lotto?
[09:56:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> grup herex nih
[09:56:40] <Danielson> joyadi
[09:56:40] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I woke up like 5:30, went to work at 6, two hours later and I'm tired
[09:56:50] <Twi> hm was the lotto?
[09:56:55] <Gozzy> chat ke grup gimana si
[09:56:55] <Danielson> 1m
[09:56:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> 1m
[09:56:58] <Crown> /hm
[09:57:00] <Crown> /gm
[09:57:03] <Twi> who's this diego ?
[09:58:07] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Diam I think I got one place. Bridge to PL Speedway
[09:58:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> ikut beacvon
[10:00:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Okay hold on, I'm getting up
[10:01:57] <adrianstoner_> glhf
[10:02:15] <JokowiAmin> false start
[10:02:18] <Ayers> ga ngeload anjing
[10:03:10] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[10:03:46] --> Ayers connected to the server
[10:03:53] <Twi> wb
[10:04:04] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Diam, bridge to PL Speedway :V
[10:04:12] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[10:05:01] <adrianstoner_> mundur
[10:05:11] <adrianstoner_> mundur lagi
[10:05:24] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Mundur means uniform in Polish lmao
[10:05:29] <Ayers> ga mau
[10:05:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> backward in here
[10:05:37] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[10:05:47] <Danielson> aku mundur alon
[10:05:50] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Close enough kek
[10:06:13] --> Ayers connected to the server
[10:06:23] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 10200, not bad
[10:06:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> !score TheGamer
[10:06:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player TheGamer: 11646 score, 8212 missions: 27'/. cargo drop - 12'/. shamal - 11'/. courier
[10:06:49] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Mofo went much higher ...
[10:07:54] <Ayers> gw ga join group anjing
[10:08:07] <Crown> formasi lap asu
[10:08:09] <Crown> ngerti gak cok
[10:08:30] <Ayers> akwkwa
[10:09:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> tet tet tereret
[10:10:42] <diamondzxd> Price
[10:10:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> ?
[10:10:47] <diamondzxd> got the coords?
[10:10:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Smh
[10:10:52] <Crown> asu
[10:11:02] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nope, not yet, I'm freaking whoring
[10:11:07] <diamondzxd> /rs and send me the coords smh
[10:11:10] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> For 500 courier missions
[10:11:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Once I'm done
[10:11:18] <diamondzxd> ok
[10:11:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 30 more missions
[10:11:28] <diamondzxd> I couldn't even find that suggestio
[10:11:28] <diamondzxd> n
[10:11:31] <JokowiAmin> wpo
[10:11:33] <diamondzxd> was it declined?
[10:11:38] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Idk
[10:11:56] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Might be, or accepted, or still stuck at main board
[10:12:35] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> But I'm pretty sure it was somewhere there
[10:12:40] --> SirPlane connected to the server
[10:12:45] <diamondzxd> yeah I see
[10:13:01] <diamondzxd> but frak that, I'll need to implement it now lol
[10:13:09] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> lol
[10:14:21] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Also Radiation area warning would be nice before Prypiat island
[10:15:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> With some joke to 3.6 roentgens :Vs
[10:15:13] <adrianstoner_> ANJING
[10:15:54] <Ayers> ga ngeload anjing
[10:15:57] <Ayers> ANJINNGG
[10:16:35] <Crown> anjeng pegel tangan
[10:19:56] <diamondzxd> yeah my city has been a Gas Chamber lately
[10:20:02] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lmao
[10:20:22] <diamondzxd> Air Quality Index PM 2.5 if greater than 300 is a Hazard
[10:20:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Same goes for Tomaszów, once the heating season went on, jeez
[10:20:30] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Can't freaking breathe
[10:20:35] <diamondzxd> My City corssing it to 1000-1500 like a BOSS
[10:20:43] <diamondzxd> crossing*
[10:20:43] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 1000? DAMN
[10:20:51] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Tomaszów is at about 250
[10:21:09] <diamondzxd> its like its Foggy in the morning, but winter isnt even here
[10:21:11] <diamondzxd> its Smog
[10:21:24] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Poznañ slowly getting to 500 at morning ...
[10:21:42] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Ikr Diam, sometimes so tight, it's like a fog
[10:22:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Mostly cause those wankers still fire plastics and coal ... in old furnaces ...
[10:23:15] <diamondzxd> here its due to farmers burning their hay stacks or something
[10:23:23] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> lol
[10:23:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 5 smh
[10:23:28] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Was 3
[10:23:51] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Oh finally
[10:23:56] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Mt.Chilliad climb
[10:24:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Thought I never get it
[10:25:27] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Btw, Poznañ hit 439 PM 2.5 today, my flatmate just told me lmao
[10:25:37] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> At 6am ... right when I took off to work
[10:25:40] <diamondzxd> hmmm
[10:25:45] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> RIP my lungs
[10:25:58] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[10:26:00] <diamondzxd> wb
[10:26:00] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> oi
[10:26:03] <SirPlane> wb
[10:26:11] <Cypher.> ty
[10:26:16] <Cypher.> PUURRRIIIICE
[10:26:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Like they weren't already fucked by asthma, PM 2.5 fucks them even more
[10:27:15] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[10:28:38] --> Willz. connected to the server
[10:29:01] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
[10:29:14] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[10:29:14] <Cypher.> Price is gei
[10:29:37] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nah, just hopped off Chilliad
[10:29:40] <Cypher.> didnt even wb me
[10:29:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> ty
[10:29:48] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I said oi mofo
[10:29:58] <Cypher.> Do u even know who i am? :c
[10:30:03] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Slim mofo
[10:30:16] <Cypher.> Veminem
[10:30:16] <Cypher.> tnibba
[10:30:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Aka SlimShady or whothefuckeveryouare
[10:30:39] <Cypher.> kiss ma dick
[10:30:47] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> :V No ty
[10:30:47] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[10:30:49] <Cypher.> Its no nut november
[10:30:52] <Cypher.> :(
[10:31:02] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Try telling that to my GF
[10:31:15] <Cypher.> Did you fail yet??
[10:31:23] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> In first 2h
[10:31:26] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lmao
[10:31:26] <diamondzxd> hi all
[10:31:46] <Cypher.> same lmao
[10:31:59] <Cypher.> which job pays de mostt?
[10:32:12] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Wouldn't it be Nevada?
[10:32:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> But long-ass missions tho
[10:32:35] <Cypher.> eh
[10:32:40] <Cypher.> I want cash
[10:32:43] <Cypher.> for vip 3
[10:32:43] --> skylardemas connected to the server
[10:32:56] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Do you need it fast? Or can be slow
[10:33:04] <Cypher.> fast
[10:33:11] <-- skylardemas disconnected from the server
[10:33:11] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Aid Drops/SA Army
[10:33:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Decent cash and kinda fast
[10:34:13] <Cypher.> When I get older, I'll be stronga they will call me freedom jus like a wavin flag
[10:34:29] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> The heck ya singing
[10:34:34] --> SkylarD connected to the server
[10:34:39] <Cypher.> Wavin' Flag - Knaan
[10:34:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Kek
[10:34:44] <Cypher.> World Cup 2010
[10:34:47] <-- SkylarD disconnected from the server
[10:34:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Guess what YT proposed to me yesterday
[10:34:57] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Outta nowhere
[10:35:13] <Cypher.> lmao
[10:35:26] <Cypher.> Netherlands lost 1 - 0
[10:35:28] <Cypher.> in wc 2010
[10:35:31] <Cypher.> what did u see?
[10:35:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Power Rangers - Dino Thunder Theme ... fucking nostalgia hit me instantly
[10:36:25] <diamondzxd> I always watched SPD in childhood
[10:36:46] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> SPD had crossover with Dino Thunder ;)
[10:36:51] <Cypher.> I totally hated Power Rangers
[10:36:53] <Cypher.> Lc
[10:37:01] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yet
[10:37:14] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> IDK what true PR is if you haven't seen the orginal
[10:37:19] <Cypher.> Boomers
[10:38:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Think I've seen every PR up to Dino Thunder
[10:38:42] <Cypher.> Your time to shine don't wait in line y vamos por todo
[10:39:02] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hands down DT had the best theme
[10:39:33] <Cypher.> People are raising
Their expectations
Go on and feed them this is your moment no hesitations
[10:39:46] <Cypher.> fk neveda mods tbh
[10:39:59] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> B-17E "Memphis Belle" ftw
[10:40:28] <Cypher.> Price? U use any enb?
[10:40:35] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Not on lappy kek
[10:40:46] <Cypher.> On pc?
[10:40:51] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> On PC yeah
[10:41:01] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Ty for reminder
[10:41:11] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I need to connect it to my screen kek
[10:41:19] --> skylard connected to the server
[10:41:24] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Brought the gaming one here
[10:41:27] <Cypher.> What enb do you use?
[10:41:29] <-- SirPlane disconnected from the server
[10:41:37] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Like hell I remember now
[10:42:06] <Cypher.> Jeez
[10:42:06] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I do believe I've found settings somewhere on net tho
[10:42:08] <-- skylard disconnected from the server
[10:42:16] <Cypher.> I download a 100enbs
[10:42:18] <Cypher.> none of them work
[10:42:24] <Cypher.> crash
[10:42:26] <adrianstoner_> admon pls move
[10:42:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Just download main one, and find settings on internet
[10:42:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Simple
[10:42:52] <Cypher.> !cars Lt.Cmdr.Price
[10:42:55] (WEB) <robin_be> Lt.Cmdr.Price has: Hotring Racer
[10:42:57] --> skylard connected to the server
[10:43:03] <Cypher.> Can I borrow it?
[10:43:03] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> *RedBull RB12
[10:43:23] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> For what ya need it?
[10:43:31] <Cypher.> Check out ze mod
[10:43:36] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Kek
[10:43:36] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> AP
[10:44:10] --> SirPlane connected to the server
[10:44:20] <Cypher.> /tp laypaydas
[10:44:38] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lazy mofo
[10:44:43] <Crown> goyang2 layar gw
[10:45:01] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 3 fuel wtf
[10:45:04] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on
[10:45:22] <Cypher.> This FBI skin is very sexy
[10:45:35] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> What mod are you using?
[10:45:58] <Cypher.> Its not hotring a
[10:46:03] <Cypher.> i think
[10:46:03] <Cypher.> its the fat one
[10:46:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> It's B
[10:46:21] <Cypher.> let me download one for b
[10:46:24] <Cypher.> drive around
[10:46:26] <Cypher.> while i do
[10:46:47] <Cypher.> :O
[10:46:55] <Cypher.> There is a lotus version
[10:46:57] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lotus?
[10:47:00] <Cypher.> Lotus T125
[10:47:00] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on wat
[10:47:03] <Cypher.> F1
[10:47:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> The shitty one
[10:47:21] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[10:47:21] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lotus/ ... uhhh Caterham
[10:47:23] <Cypher.> Spoiler is bigger than ma ass
[10:47:36] <Cypher.> rip aerodynamics
[10:47:39] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on
[10:47:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Need to send one thing
[10:48:30] <-- skylard disconnected from the server
[10:48:38] <Cypher.> Mitsubushi Lancer
[10:48:41] <Cypher.> very sexy
[10:49:04] <Cypher.> :o
[10:49:07] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Ikr there's 2007 McLaren F1 mod for it ... the F1 car I mean
[10:49:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> But idk if there's BMW Sauber existing for Hotrings ...
[10:49:40] <Crown> asu]
[10:49:48] <Cypher.> I want F1 sf90
[10:49:50] <Cypher.> Mod
[10:49:53] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[10:50:03] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> GL finding it lmao
[10:50:09] <Cypher.> lmao
[10:50:42] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> You know what would be savage?
[10:50:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> FW42 mod for Hotring, with shitty handling :V
[10:51:23] <Cypher.> :O
[10:51:29] <Cypher.> This looks much better
[10:51:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> ?
[10:51:57] <Cypher.> Looks like a mercedes amg
[10:52:12] <Cypher.> v/skin 2
[10:52:41] <Cypher.> omfg
[10:52:46] <Cypher.> let me send you screenshot
[10:52:49] --> skylardemas connected to the server
[10:52:54] <-- Gozzy disconnected from the server
[10:52:56] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Do it then
[10:52:59] --> Lewis connected to the server
[10:53:04] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Oi lewis
[10:53:12] <Lewis> eeejj
[10:53:35] <Cypher.> infernus or hotring?
[10:53:40] <Lewis> infernus
[10:53:45] <Lewis> Rly? xD
[10:53:48] <Lewis> I have no idea
[10:53:53] <Lewis> That signature is like 7 years old
[10:53:56] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Kek he moved in 2013
[10:54:01] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> To Merc
[10:54:03] <diamondzxd> wb Lewis
[10:54:06] <Lewis> ty
[10:54:09] <Lewis> Meh, idc
[10:54:21] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 6th WC won on sunday ...
[10:54:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> maybe formula e at 2021
[10:54:29] <Cypher.> Vettel was better at Red Bull
[10:54:34] <Cypher.> change my mind
[10:54:40] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Formula E < F1
[10:54:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> sbinnala
[10:54:47] <-- skylardemas disconnected from the server
[10:54:47] <Cypher.> Formula E is for nabs
[10:55:21] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Get vettel back to RB, fire Albon, Ferrari hire Kubica back
[10:55:39] <Cypher.> Kubica is gei
[10:55:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> too much sbin
[10:55:44] <Cypher.> change my mind
[10:55:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> IS VETTEL CAREER IS OVER???
[10:56:05] <Cypher.> nno
[10:56:07] <Cypher.> he will come backck
[10:56:10] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Try coming back with 10# strength and mobility in hand then
[10:56:12] <Cypher.> and fk up lewis
[10:56:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah trying to be Rosberg
[10:56:36] <Cypher.> Bottas leaving Mercedes
[10:56:46] <Cypher.> Mercedes will no long be the contructor champ
[10:56:51] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Rosberg's YT career's over tho
[10:56:51] --> Ainz connected to the server
[10:56:56] <Lewis> wb
[10:56:56] <diamondzxd> wb
[10:56:59] <Ainz> ty
[10:57:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> bottas out russell in
[10:57:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> but ocon first
[10:57:14] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[10:57:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Slim I need that Hotring
[10:57:35] <Ainz> sup guys
[10:57:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> yo
[10:57:40] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[10:57:48] <Ainz> diamond hw was ur trip
[10:57:53] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Cyka went afk ...
[10:57:53] <Cypher.> WHAT
[10:57:56] --> __Ep10i0Gs5EPRQ6Uj connected to the server
[10:57:58] <Cypher.> my hotring
[10:58:01] <Cypher.> i mean
[10:58:01] <Cypher.> yours
[10:58:03] <Cypher.> where u at
[10:58:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Rodeo
[10:58:50] <Lewis> Why are skimmers so hard to TO
[10:58:55] <Cypher.> GTA V hud
[10:58:57] <Cypher.> and fps mod
[10:59:18] <Cypher.> Price?
[10:59:21] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> ?
[10:59:26] <Cypher.> save up ig cash for PLL sponsor
[10:59:36] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> You are or?
[10:59:41] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Cause I'm already kek
[10:59:44] <Cypher.> I am doing it
[10:59:47] <-- __Ep10i0Gs5EPRQ6Uj disconnected from the server
[10:59:52] <Cypher.> but I dont play this very much
[10:59:59] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[11:00:02] <Ainz> !assets Lt.Cmdr.Price
[11:00:05] (WEB) <robin_be> Lt.Cmdr.Price has 1 car(s) ($600,000) and 2 house(s) ($1,200,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $1,800,000
[11:00:05] <Cypher.> and I dont work
[11:00:13] <Ainz> lul
[11:00:18] <Cypher.> Ainz
[11:00:20] <Ainz> ?
[11:00:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Ab00se
[11:00:54] <Lewis> What do you even mean
[11:00:54] <Ainz> wtf is desert and grasses
[11:00:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> txd?
[11:01:02] <Cypher.> desert texture
[11:01:02] <Cypher.> ground
[11:01:04] <Cypher.> yes
[11:01:07] <Ainz> ah
[11:01:15] <Lewis> lol just google one
[11:01:22] <Cypher.> Too lazy
[11:01:22] <Lewis> Instead of spamming .vann
[11:01:33] <Cypher.> damn 100k you get for doing that for me
[11:01:56] <-- Crown disconnected from the server
[11:02:09] <Lewis> Whatever dude
[11:02:19] --> Crown connected to the server
[11:02:19] <Cypher.> Price :*
[11:02:24] <Cypher.> :(
[11:02:29] <Cypher.> Nooo
[11:02:37] <Lewis> wb
[11:02:40] <Cypher.> ban
[11:03:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Smh now goes fucking 3
[11:03:13] <diamondzxd> go-jek?
[11:03:44] <Cypher.> New company?
[11:04:10] <Cypher.> wtf
[11:04:13] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> U suk Slim
[11:04:15] <Cypher.> how did i crash
[11:04:20] <Cypher.> i went afk
[11:04:36] <Cypher.> Price
[11:04:44] <Cypher.> Lemme be a passenger
[11:05:12] <Cypher.> Ha!
[11:05:20] <-- Lewis disconnected from the server
[11:05:27] <Cypher.> Imma go afk
[11:05:30] <Cypher.> shower
[11:05:48] <Cypher.> just lost no nut november
[11:05:58] <Cypher.> jk
[11:06:09] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Wtf diam
[11:06:09] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[11:06:11] <Cypher.> Diamond is an admin?
[11:06:17] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Jr. mod
[11:06:22] <Cypher.> congrats man
[11:06:37] <Ainz> diamond is haxer
[11:06:45] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> That too
[11:06:55] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[11:08:02] <Cypher.> I am Stan.
[11:08:08] <Cypher.> stan means gay
[11:08:31] <diamondzxd> price, /o here
[11:08:33] <Cypher.> very hairy
[11:08:41] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Works
[11:08:49] <diamondzxd> and yeah, tell me that coords now ffs
[11:09:02] <diamondzxd> spend time productively xD
[11:09:02] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> What cords? :V
[11:09:07] <diamondzxd> text stuff
[11:09:09] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on
[11:09:12] <-- Crown disconnected from the server
[11:09:15] <Cypher.> WAOT
[11:09:20] <diamondzxd> take cypher with you
[11:09:45] <Cypher.> i tped to you
[11:09:45] <Cypher.> hacks
[11:10:55] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> After I do /rs, what's next? Diam
[11:10:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> ?
[11:11:08] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[11:11:08] <Ainz> wtf
[11:11:13] <Ainz> whats incarp os
[11:11:16] <Ainz> pos
[11:11:23] <diamondzxd> do /rs and put a space and add some text there for your reference
[11:11:39] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Saved
[11:11:39] <diamondzxd> go to your GTA SAN andreas user files > SAMP > rawpositions.txt
[11:11:47] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on
[11:11:49] <diamondzxd> send me those coords after you set em all
[11:11:54] <diamondzxd> and yeah I Need that text to add from you as well
[11:12:10] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Okay
[11:12:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> We have a problem
[11:12:23] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> It doesn't save anything there for me ...
[11:12:30] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> As I copy-pasted SA ...
[11:12:54] <diamondzxd> Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\rawpositions.txt
[11:12:56] <diamondzxd> you dont have this file?
[11:13:04] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nope
[11:13:12] <diamondzxd> go to your GTA folder
[11:13:12] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> USERDATA only
[11:13:17] <diamondzxd> it will be an samp folder there
[11:13:22] <diamondzxd> check there
[11:13:35] <Cypher.> Whats the vehicle that is used to refuel planes with no fuel?
[11:13:35] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> no rawtext.txt
[11:13:40] <Ainz> baggae
[11:13:43] <diamondzxd> rawpositions.txt*
[11:13:45] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Or rawpositions
[11:13:45] <Cypher.> baggae?
[11:13:50] <Ainz> xD
[11:13:50] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nope nothing like this there
[11:13:53] <Ainz> baggage
[11:13:53] <Ainz> i think
[11:13:53] <Cypher.> ok thnaks
[11:13:56] <diamondzxd> smh where does your F8 screenshots saved?
[11:13:56] <Ainz> idk
[11:14:01] <Ainz> something like that
[11:14:06] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nowhere, they doesn't save ...
[11:14:14] <diamondzxd> rip your samp smh
[11:14:19] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I have to do regular Prtscreens
[11:14:24] <diamondzxd> ok lol, where are you right now?
[11:14:34] <diamondzxd> do /dl
[11:14:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Right there :V
[11:14:45] <diamondzxd> see the cPos stuff?
[11:14:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Ye, lemme position at first
[11:15:10] <diamondzxd> yeah so you can screen that cPos somehow and give me in text lol
[11:15:16] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yeap got it
[11:15:29] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I can just rewrite it too kek
[11:16:12] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Or that will hit me with pretty Retardo's ban hammer?
[11:16:18] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[11:16:28] --> Willz. connected to the server
[11:16:28] <diamondzxd> it wont
[11:16:41] <diamondzxd> btw dont PM me ingame
[11:16:46] <diamondzxd> do a discord dm or forum PM
[11:16:59] <Cypher.> Diamond
[11:17:01] <Cypher.> hi
[11:17:09] <diamondzxd> hello
[11:17:09] <Ainz> !assets
[11:17:12] (WEB) <robin_be> Ainz has 16 car(s) ($6,610,000) and 3 house(s) ($14,900,000 - 16 slots) for a total of $21,510,000
[11:17:15] <Cypher.> whats up?
[11:17:22] <diamondzxd> nm, how about you?
[11:17:27] <Cypher.> same same
[11:17:33] <diamondzxd> cool
[11:17:43] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[11:17:43] <Cypher.> btw congrats man
[11:17:48] <diamondzxd> thanks bud
[11:17:53] <Cypher.> wc
[11:17:53] <Ainz> looked like a pretty interesting convo yall had there
[11:17:53] <Ainz> xD
[11:17:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> One sent
[11:18:14] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Discord
[11:18:22] <diamondzxd> ok pricey <3
[11:18:35] <diamondzxd> smh price
[11:18:40] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> ?
[11:18:50] <diamondzxd> could've been locations to islands as well
[11:18:55] <diamondzxd> like that Devon Island's text
[11:19:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> cPos, as you wanted mofo, idk what islands it's leading to
[11:19:05] --> santet connected to the server
[11:19:11] <diamondzxd> ohh ok
[11:19:21] <diamondzxd> if you know da wei include as well :p
[11:19:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Da what?
[11:19:36] <diamondzxd> like i think you know all those locations to Pripayat :P
[11:19:36] <diamondzxd> the way
[11:19:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Heading there right now kek
[11:19:57] <diamondzxd> yeah lmao
[11:20:05] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[11:20:31] <Ainz> what yall doin?
[11:20:36] <santet> yes
[11:20:54] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Important stuff Ainz, you can help too
[11:20:54] <santet> how bout you
[11:21:14] <Ainz> well i wud love t
[11:21:22] <Ainz> but i suck at those stuff
[11:21:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Like noting positions for Diam, so he can add some text leading boards? Like for the islandsw
[11:22:03] <Ainz> oh
[11:22:16] <Ainz> ill just follow u around :P
[11:22:27] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> PL Speedway then
[11:22:29] <Ainz> alright
[11:22:34] <Ainz> lemme finish this
[11:23:47] --> JUSZ connected to the server
[11:24:33] --> Willz. connected to the server
[11:25:04] <Ainz> im at pl speedway
[11:25:27] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Prypiat island is our target
[11:25:33] <Ainz> alright
[11:25:48] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[11:26:29] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on ... which way it was ...
[11:26:32] <Ainz> idek xD
[11:26:58] <diamondzxd> you guys might need some veterans lmao
[11:27:03] <Ainz> stan wud help
[11:27:11] <Ainz> he some map
[11:27:16] <Ainz> has
[11:27:29] --> Willz. connected to the server
[11:27:31] <diamondzxd> I have asked admins to do so, but they weren't on so I thought Price would help <3
[11:27:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I ain't that much into names kek
[11:27:57] <Ainz> same :?
[11:28:05] <Ainz> i dont drive in islands in this side aswell
[11:28:15] <diamondzxd> whichever you know of would be great
[11:28:15] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[11:28:33] <Ainz> wasnt there a website of the map?
[11:28:38] <Cypher.> who wants ma mods
[11:28:38] --> Willz. connected to the server
[11:28:54] <Cypher.> Guys whats the medic helicopter called?
[11:28:59] <Ainz> raindance
[11:29:07] <Cypher.> thanks
[11:29:22] <Ainz> yup we lost xD
[11:29:40] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I remember this island ...
[11:29:48] <Ainz> theres no exit lmao
[11:29:56] <-- santet disconnected from the server
[11:30:03] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[11:30:29] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Where the heck we came from ...
[11:30:32] <Ainz> ikr
[11:30:50] <diamondzxd> Gates added in LV fueling area
[11:31:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> You don't ainz ...
[11:31:21] <Ainz> diamond tp us a heli
[11:31:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Got it
[11:31:47] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[11:32:00] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[11:32:28] <diamondzxd> still need it ainz/
[11:32:33] <Ainz> nop
[11:32:44] <Cypher.> fleet
[11:33:09] <diamondzxd> get this
[11:33:12] <Ainz> nigga
[11:33:17] <Ainz> thats slow af
[11:33:35] <Ainz> OI pirce
[11:33:35] <diamondzxd> lmao
[11:33:35] <Ainz> wait
[11:34:01] <Ainz> cant we do the islands in the north?
[11:34:06] <Ainz> im more familiar there
[11:34:11] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hmm yeah
[11:34:19] <diamondzxd> wherever you're familiar and you think they need updates, sure
[11:34:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> But Prypiat first
[11:34:24] <Ainz> alright
[11:34:29] <Ainz> wanna split up?
[11:34:29] <diamondzxd> btw ainz
[11:34:32] <Ainz> ye
[11:34:37] <Ainz> -_-
[11:34:40] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> We can do it AIn
[11:34:40] <Ainz> smh
[11:34:45] <Ainz> where the fk am i nw
[11:34:55] <diamondzxd> i want to add stuff like this
[11:35:00] <Ainz> oh nice
[11:35:13] <Ainz> bt the problem is add some direction arrows
[11:35:26] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Legit, found Skylard Island
[11:35:31] <Ainz> where the fk is that
[11:35:49] <Ainz> tp a hyra fro me
[11:35:49] <Ainz> :D
[11:35:55] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Behind
[11:35:57] <Ainz> ill escort price from thje sky
[11:36:00] --> m.thik connected to the server
[11:36:02] <diamondzxd> wb
[11:36:07] <m.thik> Thanks
[11:36:23] <Ainz> why is there a bank here lmao
[11:36:28] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Good question lmao
[11:36:38] <Ainz> there were probably houses here
[11:36:41] <diamondzxd> here yo uo
[11:36:46] <Ainz> ty
[11:37:33] <Ainz> arecibo
[11:37:53] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> We're close
[11:37:59] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[11:38:11] <Ainz> want to split up?
[11:38:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> We can do it if you want
[11:38:40] <Ainz> ok
[11:39:11] <Ainz> found it
[11:39:13] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Smh
[11:39:24] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Now find a route therew
[11:39:26] <Ainz> its on my nearest airport
[11:40:10] <Ainz> hmm
[11:40:15] <Ainz> hw do i find a road for u
[11:40:54] <-- JUSZ disconnected from the server
[11:41:02] <Ainz> theres no road leading to u direc price
[11:41:12] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> There is, trust me
[11:41:23] --> Willz. connected to the server
[11:42:12] <Ainz> only 1 road to enter the island
[11:42:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Follow it then
[11:42:35] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Or wait
[11:42:37] <Ainz> towards mainland?
[11:42:48] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Anywhere
[11:42:56] <Ainz> oi
[11:42:58] <Ainz> come back
[11:42:58] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[11:43:01] <Ainz> to skylard
[11:43:06] <Ainz> its close af to that bank
[11:43:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 10-4
[11:44:41] <Cypher.> back
[11:44:54] <Ainz> cme straight
[11:45:07] <-- m.thik disconnected from the server
[11:45:28] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Good
[11:45:30] <Ainz> welcome to pripyat island
[11:45:43] <Cypher.> what are you guys doing?
[11:46:14] <Ainz> no road to mainland ye
[11:46:17] <Ainz> now
[11:46:40] --> Eunomia. connected to the server
[11:47:24] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on
[11:47:32] <Ainz> ait
[11:47:39] --> Ayers connected to the server
[11:47:47] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Taking position notes
[11:47:52] <Ainz> alright
[11:47:52] <Cypher.> Is trump going for president next year
[11:48:28] <Eunomia.> trump knows
[11:48:36] <Cypher.> eh
[11:48:46] <Cypher.> best us president ever
[11:50:30] <Eunomia.> Bigger package
[11:50:43] --> Danielson connected to the server
[11:51:06] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Taking notes lmao
[11:51:11] <Ainz> ah
[11:51:16] <Cypher.> Bigger package?
[11:51:19] <Cypher.> what do you mean?
[11:51:24] <Eunomia.> Salary
[11:51:37] <Cypher.> You could've asked for it. :|
[11:51:42] <Ainz> ikr
[11:51:58] <Eunomia.> Umm I wanted to try something new
[11:52:08] <Ainz> well goodluck then
[11:52:16] <Ainz> it was nice having ya on the team
[11:52:26] <Cypher.> Gonna crash
[11:52:34] <Eunomia.> same here
[11:53:07] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[11:53:41] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[11:53:48] <Eunomia.> We have lt.cmdr.price
[11:53:56] <Ainz> hes gay
[11:54:04] <Eunomia.> we have diamond
[11:54:09] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Prypiat island, the best freaking marked island
[11:54:09] <Ainz> we hav stan
[11:54:30] <Eunomia.> Shit, we only have these two :/
[11:54:48] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[11:54:48] <diamondzxd> lmfao
[11:54:53] <Ainz> lmao
[11:55:06] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yeah, taking so many notes in my notebook
[11:55:06] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[11:55:16] <Ainz> i noticed
[11:55:16] <Ainz> xD
[11:55:24] --> Danielson connected to the server
[11:55:39] <Ainz> interesting
[11:55:39] <Eunomia.> You have stan, you have you, you have Cypher.
[11:55:45] <Eunomia.> we only have these 2
[11:55:50] <Eunomia.> wrong decision
[11:55:52] <Eunomia.> aladeen
[11:55:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on
[11:56:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I'm freaking legend there smh
[11:56:21] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> You get free fucking vodka every month
[11:56:21] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[11:56:26] <Ainz> this place is freaky
[11:56:28] <Eunomia.> We also have Shazi
[11:56:31] <Eunomia.> and Lewis
[11:56:41] <Ainz> we have sluts
[11:56:46] <Eunomia.> we have guts
[11:56:49] <diamondzxd> we are getting gates D:
[11:56:59] <Ainz> we are getting new base
[11:57:07] <diamondzxd> gz
[11:57:10] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> It's Chernobyl, what ya expect
[11:57:17] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> We have admin on our team
[11:57:23] <Eunomia.> we are getting new people
[11:57:25] <Ainz> mod*
[11:57:30] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Same thing
[11:57:43] <diamondzxd> /admins
[11:57:43] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Mod or Admin, still can ban you
[11:57:48] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Ab00se
[11:57:48] <Ainz> anyways we umm done here?
[11:57:54] <Eunomia.> we have diamond
[11:57:54] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nope kek
[11:57:56] <Eunomia.> aka head admin
[11:58:04] <diamondzxd> not head admin lmao
[11:58:06] <diamondzxd> btw
[11:58:09] <Eunomia.> /admins says so?
[11:58:17] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I need 3 more reactors to note
[11:58:30] <Ainz> rip
[11:58:30] <Eunomia.> :/
[11:58:55] <Eunomia.> hahahahaha
[11:58:55] <diamondzxd> 2 more warnings and its a 7 day automatic ban
[11:59:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> One more lmao
[11:59:32] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[12:00:18] --> Ainz connected to the server
[12:00:23] <Ainz> hmm
[12:00:23] <Eunomia.> Virus.exE is landing at LVA
[12:00:39] <adrianstoner_> sok asik
[12:00:52] --> Danielson connected to the server
[12:01:38] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[12:02:12] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[12:02:32] <Ainz> price tell me when ur outside on the road
[12:02:35] --> Willz. connected to the server
[12:02:37] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Good news, done taking notes at CHNPP, now just prypiat city left
[12:02:45] <Eunomia.> What's the use of adding gates to bases when every player is flying an aeroplane
[12:03:03] <Ainz> cuz only broke ppl like u fly planes
[12:03:06] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[12:03:08] <Ainz> rich ppl roll in cars
[12:03:11] <Cypher.> ^
[12:03:26] --> Willz. connected to the server
[12:03:52] <Eunomia.> Yes, i fly an airbus a320, u (rich ppl) drive an admiral
[12:03:55] <Eunomia.> hahaha
[12:04:00] <Ainz> !assets
[12:04:03] (WEB) <robin_be> Ainz has 16 car(s) ($6,610,000) and 3 house(s) ($14,900,000 - 16 slots) for a total of $21,510,000
[12:04:03] <Cypher.> Its nnot yours tho
[12:04:05] <Eunomia.> !assests
[12:04:05] <Cypher.> Its the airlines
[12:04:05] <Ainz> !assets Eunomia
[12:04:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Eunomia has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[12:04:08] <Eunomia.> !assests
[12:04:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> A320 vs F-14D
[12:04:11] <Ainz> oof
[12:04:16] <Eunomia.> Ain't working
[12:04:16] <Ainz> sounds pretty broke to me
[12:04:21] <Eunomia.> what the
[12:04:24] <Cypher.> !assets
[12:04:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Cypher. has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[12:04:26] <Cypher.> !casgh
[12:04:32] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[12:04:32] <Cypher.> !cash
[12:04:34] (WEB) <robin_be> Cypher. has $157,250 in hand
[12:04:34] <Eunomia.> I have total of $182094
[12:04:39] <Cypher.> !cash Eunomia
[12:04:42] (WEB) <robin_be> Eunomia has $10,000 in hand
[12:04:42] <Eunomia.> check my cash
[12:04:45] <Eunomia.> Lie
[12:04:50] <Eunomia.> I have total of $182094
[12:05:13] <Ainz> diamond does the ls carrier have a hunter?
[12:05:26] <Cypher.> no
[12:05:31] <Cypher.> no carriers have a hunter
[12:05:31] <Ainz> oh
[12:05:47] <Cypher.> pls dont crash
[12:05:49] <Ainz> area 69 doesnt have one aswell
[12:05:49] <Cypher.> pls dont crash
[12:05:54] <diamondzxd> I received 2-3 coords from Price
[12:06:00] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I'm noting more lmao
[12:06:07] <diamondzxd> anything from you ainz? :/
[12:06:12] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[12:06:18] <Ainz> im just following price around :D
[12:06:25] --> Ayers connected to the server
[12:06:28] <Ainz> idek where u find the cords from
[12:06:33] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I have 10 noted, in Prypiats
[12:06:49] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Best marked island it will be
[12:07:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> But yeah
[12:07:30] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> You got true STALKER here
[12:07:38] <Ainz> wdym
[12:07:56] <JokowiAmin> finding treasure but got lost in these anomalies
[12:08:09] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yeap, pretty much like this
[12:09:34] <Ainz> this is the airbase
[12:09:36] <diamondzxd> gate added at LV docks
[12:10:38] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I think I'm done with Prypiat Island itself
[12:10:43] <Ainz> xD
[12:11:27] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on, one more coords here
[12:11:48] <Ainz> dont u have to find the shortest route to mainland?
[12:11:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I will, hold on smh
[12:12:03] --> Willz. connected to the server
[12:12:11] <adrianstoner_> !balance
[12:12:16] <adrianstoner_> !assets
[12:12:19] (WEB) <robin_be> adrianstoner_ has 2 car(s) ($540,000) and 2 house(s) ($6,400,000 - 8 slots) for a total of $6,940,000
[12:12:19] <Ainz> i wanna check out area 69 so bad lol
[12:12:24] <Ainz> hurry the fk up price
[12:12:27] <adrianstoner_> !houses
[12:12:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Palomino Creek: $5,100,000 5 slots None Saved: $1,300,000 3 slots
[12:12:29] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[12:13:57] <Ainz> imma go check out area 69
[12:14:00] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 10-4
[12:15:04] <Ainz> oh so this is what u meant
[12:15:17] <Ainz> i thought there will be heatseakers shooting down planes xD
[12:15:23] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[12:15:35] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[12:15:46] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Well mostly done with coords, now gotta find a way to mainland
[12:16:04] <Ainz> i hope diamond doesnt ban me for this
[12:16:12] --> Ayers connected to the server
[12:16:35] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[12:16:35] <-- SirPlane disconnected from the server
[12:16:40] <Ainz> hmm thats a stonk gate
[12:16:56] <Ainz> aight im off
[12:17:03] <Ainz> cya
[12:17:14] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[12:18:57] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Wow
[12:19:07] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Phobos Island airport has no collision wall
[12:19:12] <diamondzxd> gg
[12:19:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> HOLD ON!
[12:19:35] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Let me find a way to mainland!
[12:20:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Just one more note
[12:20:48] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Sheesh got it
[12:21:29] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 18 coord sets
[12:22:10] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[12:22:41] --> Danielson connected to the server
[12:23:02] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[12:24:19] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[12:24:37] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[12:24:50] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[12:25:24] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[12:25:42] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[12:26:56] --> Willz. connected to the server
[12:27:12] --> Danielson connected to the server
[12:28:40] <Danielson> can i use imvehft here?
[12:29:26] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[12:30:36] <adrianstoner_> tp
[12:31:45] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[12:32:29] --> SirPlane connected to the server
[12:32:40] <-- SirPlane disconnected from the server
[12:32:50] <diamondzxd> wb
[12:32:58] <adrianstoner_> geez there's an airport doesnt detected on runway helper
[12:33:03] --> christian123321 connected to the server
[12:33:13] <diamondzxd> yeah that's a newer airport
[12:33:34] <adrianstoner_> i see
[12:34:02] --> SirPlane connected to the server
[12:38:56] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[12:39:17] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Sent all dem coords diam
[12:39:50] --> Willz. connected to the server
[12:40:13] <diamondzxd> got em price
[12:40:44] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[12:40:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I need few more coords, that are leading to Phobos tho kek
[12:40:57] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Like one more set
[12:42:43] --> crown connected to the server
[12:42:53] <christian123321> wb
[12:43:09] <crown> ty
[12:43:14] <christian123321> np
[12:43:24] <JokowiAmin> tadi abis di restart
[12:50:37] <-- crown disconnected from the server
[12:51:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Got like uhh 3 more sets
[12:51:18] <diamondzxd> adding SF docks barrier now
[12:51:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> And yeah, no more kek
[12:51:31] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Brain is pounding
[12:51:43] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Of numbers, will send them later
[12:53:21] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 12:53 already? Damn
[12:54:07] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Gotta make dinner soon
[12:55:30] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> 14km flight sheesh!
[12:55:37] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> In a heli
[12:57:56] --> Ayers connected to the server
[13:00:41] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Wow 33k for it
[13:02:00] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[13:02:47] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> AP becoming second Devon, ha knew it
[13:03:20] <SirPlane> gonna park the maverick for in my house for mt chilliad
[13:04:01] --> Willz. connected to the server
[13:04:42] <adrianstoner_> a
[13:05:03] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[13:07:27] <TheBestGamerEver> sirplani whorin in AP I see
[13:07:45] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> AP = Devon
[13:07:50] <TheBestGamerEver> no sheit
[13:07:55] <adrianstoner_> .
[13:08:03] <adrianstoner_> is that a problem guys?
[13:08:31] <TheBestGamerEver> who won lotto?
[13:08:34] <adrianstoner_> whats wrong with courier mission now?
[13:08:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Noone
[13:08:36] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[13:08:41] <TheBestGamerEver> oh server restart I see
[13:08:49] <adrianstoner_> any problem with whoring
[13:08:59] <TheBestGamerEver> no I just said he was whoring neb
[13:08:59] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nothing adrian, just it's going back to freaking Devon Island days
[13:09:41] --> Pixy connected to the server
[13:09:43] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:09:51] <Pixy> thanks
[13:09:59] --> Willz. connected to the server
[13:09:59] <christian123321> wb
[13:10:01] <christian123321> wb
[13:10:04] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[13:10:09] <christian123321> another wb
[13:10:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> wb
[13:10:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> thanks
[13:10:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> who won lot...
[13:10:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> nvm reset
[13:11:00] <christian123321> wb
[13:11:16] <TheBestGamerEver> motherfucker
[13:13:11] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lol wat
[13:13:22] <crown> nice
[13:13:47] --> kingkings connected to the server
[13:14:11] <adrianstoner_> gada yg jual vip ya
[13:14:16] <crown> twi katanya jual
[13:14:21] <adrianstoner_> berapa?
[13:14:23] <crown> gatau
[13:14:26] <adrianstoner_> oh kyknya udh liat di forum
[13:14:29] <adrianstoner_> mahal
[13:14:34] <-- christian123321 disconnected from the server
[13:14:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> rumah gua kek
[13:15:23] <diamondzxd> finally
[13:15:28] <TheBestGamerEver> ?
[13:15:43] <TheBestGamerEver> time to work in FPS
[13:15:46] <SirPlane> courierception
[13:16:14] <TheBestGamerEver> !assets
[13:16:17] (WEB) <robin_be> TheBestGamerEver has 13 car(s) ($5,630,000) and 3 house(s) ($27,700,000 - 17 slots) for a total of $33,330,000
[13:16:22] <TheBestGamerEver> very gud at lowering assets lmao
[13:16:24] <crown> kaya
[13:16:55] <TheBestGamerEver> Shamal or hydra?
[13:17:00] <adrianstoner_> iya
[13:17:47] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Smh
[13:17:49] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Shitty demand
[13:17:52] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr
[13:18:02] <TheBestGamerEver> should I work with shamal or hydra?
[13:18:07] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hydr
[13:18:18] <TheBestGamerEver> what did dodo give from license?
[13:18:30] <Pixy> 500k
[13:18:33] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> ^
[13:18:43] <Pixy> or seasparrow
[13:18:51] <TheBestGamerEver> what about maverick thenw
[13:18:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> 200k
[13:19:04] <TheBestGamerEver> only that?
[13:19:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> yep
[13:19:06] <SirPlane> where tf is my police maverick
[13:19:19] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> How much was dodo license?
[13:19:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> 500k
[13:19:32] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Reward? Or the price for it?
[13:19:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> prize is seaspar and money (forgot how much)
[13:19:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> or monry*
[13:19:45] <TheBestGamerEver> I think it was 1m
[13:19:48] <TheBestGamerEver> not sure
[13:19:55] <-- SirPlane disconnected from the server
[13:20:06] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hmmm I still have 1 slot free
[13:20:08] <TheBestGamerEver> shit sucks
[13:20:13] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Should I check it?
[13:20:16] <TheBestGamerEver> ya can't see shit in FPS in hydra
[13:20:18] --> SirPlane connected to the server
[13:21:25] <TheBestGamerEver> forgot how gud was working in fps was
[13:21:59] <TheBestGamerEver> free cash yay
[13:22:07] <Ayers> !assets
[13:22:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has 2 car(s) ($240,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,150,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $2,390,000
[13:22:17] <crown> !licenses
[13:22:20] (WEB) <robin_be> crown has no licenses!
[13:22:27] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Gtfo, 150 dodo missions
[13:22:27] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Smfh
[13:22:40] <TheBestGamerEver> 89 shamal missions kurwa
[13:22:45] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I ain't doing that
[13:22:51] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Brb dinner time
[13:22:51] <-- Lt.Cmdr.Price disconnected from the server
[13:22:58] <TheBestGamerEver> the fuck
[13:23:01] <crown> aaa
[13:23:03] <TheBestGamerEver> dinner at 2pm
[13:23:11] <adrianstoner_> orang indo
[13:23:34] <TheBestGamerEver> it's not even 2 it's 1:20
[13:24:00] <kingkings> server reseted ?
[13:24:10] <TheBestGamerEver> I guess
[13:24:13] <kingkings> anyupdate ?
[13:24:21] <TheBestGamerEver> idk wasn't here
[13:24:31] <TheBestGamerEver> since none won lotto idk what else it could be
[13:24:39] <TheBestGamerEver> and the lotto draw is 5
[13:24:41] <crown> test
[13:24:44] <crown> aa
[13:24:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> a martabak
[13:26:22] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[13:26:50] --> Willz. connected to the server
[13:26:55] <crown> asu mah quit
[13:27:00] <kingkings> wb
[13:27:08] <Pixy> dhy license nevada
[13:27:13] <Pixy> gw nonton
[13:27:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> ayo ayo
[13:27:18] <crown> brp license nevada
[13:27:18] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:27:21] <Pixy> 2.5
[13:27:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2.5m
[13:27:23] <crown> asu mahal
[13:27:26] <Pixy> dapetnya 15m
[13:27:28] <crown> pinjem duit
[13:27:34] <crown> pinjem 2.5m ntar gw balikin
[13:27:36] <crown> kalo berhasil
[13:27:41] <Pixy> ga
[13:27:44] <crown> kwkw
[13:27:59] <crown> masa iya dah dapet 15m
[13:28:22] <Ayers> maverick requirment nya apa
[13:28:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> pada nontonin adhy
[13:28:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> 100 heli sama 100 score
[13:28:56] <crown> eh asu
[13:29:01] <Willz.> eaa
[13:29:04] <Willz.> eaa
[13:29:06] <Ayers> majuan
[13:29:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> maju
[13:29:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> mundur sitik mase
[13:29:11] <SirPlane> is doing a courier on your own house illegal?
[13:29:11] <Ayers> masi jauh elah
[13:29:14] <Pixy> mendaratnya belakang lingkaran aja
[13:29:19] <Pixy> jangan jauh2 tapi
[13:29:22] <crown> asu takut nabrak
[13:29:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> no i think
[13:29:22] <TheBestGamerEver> I don't think so sir
[13:29:32] <Willz.> mepet banget emang
[13:29:34] <Pixy> belakang lingkaran
[13:29:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> it's lucky
[13:29:34] <Ayers> deket garis masi ga kena dhy
[13:29:40] <Pixy> terus majuin pelan2
[13:29:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> maju
[13:29:45] <Ayers> op
[13:29:52] <kingkings> any one here expert in electromagntics ?
[13:29:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> lu kira parkir
[13:29:55] <Ayers> dah?
[13:29:58] <crown> udah
[13:30:00] <Willz.> aman?
[13:30:05] <crown> aman keknya
[13:30:08] <crown> kowkw
[13:30:21] <crown> wah asuw
[13:30:26] <crown> deket pohon
[13:30:59] <crown> wah berhasil nih keknya
[13:31:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> lama nih landing doang
[13:31:46] <kingkings> gz
[13:31:46] <TheBestGamerEver> gz
[13:31:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> gzx
[13:31:46] <Ayers> gz
[13:31:48] <crown> kwkw sabar cuks
[13:31:51] <crown> takut lecet
[13:31:53] <crown> ty
[13:31:58] <Ayers> bagi dong
[13:32:16] <-- crown disconnected from the server
[13:32:50] <kingkings> how many licesenes available
[13:33:00] --> crown connected to the server
[13:33:10] <crown> alhamdulillah timeout pada waktunya
[13:33:23] <kingkings> crown what language is this
[13:33:36] <crown> its alien language
[13:33:46] <TheBestGamerEver> waka waka language
[13:33:54] <crown> yes
[13:34:02] <kingkings> i understood first word
[13:34:04] <crown> !licenses
[13:34:07] (WEB) <robin_be> crown has a license for maverick
[13:34:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> bless
[13:34:28] <Ayers> bagi dong dhy
[13:34:43] <-- crown disconnected from the server
[13:35:19] --> crown connected to the server
[13:35:24] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:35:29] <crown> timeout tros
[13:36:13] <kingkings> crown , anta msh ht2ol bttklm lo8h eh ?
[13:36:16] --> Lewis connected to the server
[13:36:18] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:36:18] <crown> lmao
[13:36:24] <crown> what language is that
[13:36:26] <Lewis> ty
[13:36:29] <kingkings> thats aliend language now xD
[13:36:34] <crown> ah yes
[13:36:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> lol he's not arab
[13:36:36] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[13:36:49] <kingkings> lol
[13:37:07] <Willz.> ana bi qoiry syukron
[13:37:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> only know alhamdulillah
[13:37:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> astagfirullah
[13:37:30] <kingkings> aha
[13:37:30] <crown> makanya skolah yg bener fir
[13:37:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> allahu akbar
[13:37:43] <kingkings> n3m
[13:38:55] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[13:38:58] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:39:03] --> Danielson connected to the server
[13:39:08] <crown> wb cob
[13:39:13] <Ayers> ty
[13:39:16] <Danielson> iya dhy
[13:39:18] <crown> np
[13:39:49] <Danielson> mic gua rusak
[13:39:57] <Danielson> lagi ga pake headset
[13:39:57] <Ayers> yah ga bisa denger suara bang jacob
[13:41:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> !licenses
[13:41:14] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has a license for maverick
[13:41:14] <crown> loh kok gak muncul
[13:41:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> dosa
[13:41:19] <Pixy> !licenses
[13:41:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Pixy has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick
[13:41:22] <crown> wah hacker nih ryan
[13:41:38] <Pixy> bayarin gw nevada
[13:42:03] <crown> lmao boro2 bayarin cuk, sini bank 0 rupiah
[13:42:44] <Lewis> yeah TBGE you exploded with me
[13:43:02] <TheBestGamerEver> I died before hmmm
[13:43:10] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[13:43:51] <Lewis> Damn SirPlane, what kind of drugs did you take
[13:43:54] <Lewis> Give me some
[13:44:07] <SirPlane> mt chiliad doesn't affect me
[13:44:12] <TheBestGamerEver> I earn quite a lot from him
[13:44:25] <-- crown disconnected from the server
[13:44:33] <TheBestGamerEver> since have a house there hue hue
[13:44:51] <TheBestGamerEver> but I only made like 5k since the game hates me
[13:45:03] <Danielson> f
[13:45:09] <TheBestGamerEver> from sirplane that is
[13:45:11] --> crown connected to the server
[13:45:45] <Lewis> !score Hefyx
[13:45:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player Hefyx: 6030 score, 4798 missions: 27'/. cargo drop - 17'/. courier - 15'/. at400
[13:45:53] <Lewis> !player Hefyx
[13:45:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player Hefyx: 6030 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[13:46:18] <TheBestGamerEver> prob the most inactive player lmao
[13:46:36] <TheBestGamerEver> !score BlueBaron
[13:46:36] <crown> !player Jacob_DS
[13:46:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player BlueBaron: 522 score, 445 missions: 28'/. cargo drop - 24'/. shamal - 10'/. at400
[13:46:44] <Ayers> !player Jacob_DS
[13:46:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player Jacob_DS: 4210 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[13:46:57] <Lewis> Damn BlueBaron
[13:46:57] <Lewis> That guy
[13:47:05] <TheBestGamerEver> fun fact
[13:47:10] <TheBestGamerEver> he is my brother
[13:47:15] <Lewis> Really?
[13:47:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> mampus 96'/.
[13:47:20] <TheBestGamerEver> yeah
[13:47:26] <Ayers> mampus
[13:47:36] <Lewis> Proof or it didn't happend
[13:47:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player enrico
[13:47:51] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player enrico
[13:48:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> bagi 20k
[13:48:17] <crown> kwkwakk
[13:48:17] <Lewis> gz
[13:48:17] <TheBestGamerEver> gz
[13:48:17] <Ayers> gz
[13:48:17] <kingkings> gz
[13:48:20] <crown> gz
[13:48:22] <JokowiAmin> gz
[13:48:25] <Pixy> ty
[13:48:43] <TheBestGamerEver> JokowiAmin saying gz to himself lmao
[13:48:51] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[13:48:56] <Danielson> he's retard
[13:49:03] <crown> i agree
[13:49:11] <Danielson> jahat adhy
[13:49:19] <crown> bodo amat
[13:49:21] --> Pixy connected to the server
[13:49:21] <Danielson> :(
[13:49:21] <TheBestGamerEver> I bet he did esc on /rules
[13:49:32] <Danielson> who?
[13:49:37] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[13:49:39] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[13:49:42] <TheBestGamerEver> Pixy for the kicks
[13:49:45] <JokowiAmin> i esc on everything
[13:49:47] <Danielson> no
[13:49:52] <Danielson> he changed password
[13:49:55] <-- crown disconnected from the server
[13:49:55] <TheBestGamerEver> oh
[13:50:08] <TheBestGamerEver> you still get kicked from /rules
[13:50:13] <JokowiAmin> tinggal sim A sim C
[13:50:15] <JokowiAmin> ja nembak ja
[13:50:18] <TheBestGamerEver> with esc
[13:50:18] --> Pixy connected to the server
[13:50:23] --> Ayers connected to the server
[13:50:28] <TheBestGamerEver> wb both
[13:50:31] <Pixy> wb
[13:50:33] <JokowiAmin> ty
[13:50:33] <Pixy> ty
[13:50:33] --> crown connected to the server
[13:50:36] <Ayers> ty
[13:50:39] <crown> wb
[13:50:41] <crown> ty
[13:50:41] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:50:44] <crown> ty
[13:50:44] <JokowiAmin> gz
[13:50:49] <TheBestGamerEver> is Jokoi an actual retard>
[13:50:54] <crown> yes
[13:50:59] <Ayers> makar moment
[13:51:02] <TheBestGamerEver> I see it
[13:51:04] <crown> bruh
[13:51:07] <JokowiAmin> just like the president
[13:51:12] <Pixy> makar
[13:51:17] <TheBestGamerEver> which one?
[13:51:20] <JokowiAmin> indonesia
[13:51:22] <TheBestGamerEver> usa ukraine?
[13:51:27] <TheBestGamerEver> PuTIN?
[13:51:35] <JokowiAmin> my name literally the name of the indonesian president and vice president
[13:51:35] <Danielson> papua new guinea
[13:51:38] <JokowiAmin> both are retards
[13:51:43] <Danielson> astaghfirullah rico
[13:51:45] <Danielson> istighfar
[13:51:51] <JokowiAmin> ashadu
[13:51:51] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[13:52:11] --> Pixy connected to the server
[13:52:21] <TheBestGamerEver> OMG
[13:52:32] <TheBestGamerEver> passenger satisfaction on shamal is bs
[13:52:32] <crown> company spawn tak pindah ah
[13:52:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> dibawah kek
[13:52:50] <Willz.> brb
[13:52:50] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[13:52:50] <crown> gampang
[13:53:10] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[13:53:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> yo
[13:53:15] <Brooklyn> ty
[13:53:18] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:53:41] <crown> ea andri
[13:53:46] <crown> ayo kita tontonin
[13:54:02] <crown> anjay shamal susah lho ndri
[13:54:07] --> TommyIsFlying connected to the server
[13:54:48] <-- Lewis disconnected from the server
[13:54:53] <Danielson> lupa gua
[13:54:56] <TommyIsFlying> This is a one huge camp fire
[13:54:56] <Danielson> lagi benerin hape
[13:55:16] <crown> mulus landing
[13:55:32] <Danielson> airline sampah
[13:55:55] <crown> sama kek idup lo cob
[13:56:10] <crown> kwwk canda cuk
[13:56:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> !licenses
[13:56:13] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has a license for maverick
[13:56:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> !licenses brooklyn
[13:56:21] (WEB) <robin_be> brooklyn has no licenses!
[13:56:29] <crown> !licenses Lenz
[13:56:31] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick
[13:56:34] <Pixy> test
[13:56:44] <crown> !licenses SirPlane
[13:56:47] (WEB) <robin_be> SirPlane has no licenses!
[13:56:55] <crown> ea ndri
[13:57:05] <crown> wokeh
[13:57:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player warungbiru
[13:57:18] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player warungbiru
[13:57:21] <Brooklyn> who won the lotto?
[13:57:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player sukabirus
[13:57:23] <Danielson> !licenses danielson
[13:57:26] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player sukabirus
[13:57:29] <Danielson> !licenses danielson
[13:57:31] (WEB) <robin_be> danielson has no licenses!
[13:57:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> server resatrd
[13:57:34] <kingkings> !player whowonthelotto
[13:57:37] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player whowonthelotto
[13:57:44] <kingkings> see none knows xD
[13:57:47] <Brooklyn> xd
[13:58:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player bojongsoang
[13:58:08] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player bojongsoang
[13:58:13] <adrianstoner_> !player Samuelz
[13:58:16] (WEB) <robin_be> player Samuelz: 2740 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[13:58:16] <kingkings> !ping
[13:58:18] (WEB) <robin_be> {f4fd0e}pong! - hi kingkings
[13:58:18] <Brooklyn> !player Haydz
[13:58:18] <TheBestGamerEver> ?
[13:58:34] <Brooklyn> !player Haydz
[13:58:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player Haydz: 2025 score, last seen 10 Months Ago
[13:58:39] <TheBestGamerEver> that was accidental
[13:59:05] <Brooklyn> 1 month and 20 days left til xmas
[13:59:10] <Brooklyn> time flies
[13:59:43] <TommyIsFlying> The yellow messages are pms, Yea?
[13:59:46] <Brooklyn> ye
[13:59:51] <kingkings> yup
[14:00:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player crystal
[14:00:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player crystal: 7439 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[14:01:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player aaron
[14:01:11] (WEB) <robin_be> player aaron: 7279 score, last seen 10 Days Ago
[14:01:16] <crown> !player Ryan_Aja
[14:01:19] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Ryan_Aja
[14:01:35] <crown> waduh
[14:01:40] --> Willz. connected to the server
[14:01:45] <Brooklyn> hey Willz
[14:01:47] <crown> kena sayap tu ndri
[14:01:53] <crown> wb
[14:02:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[14:02:11] <kingkings> i think yea
[14:02:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> kalo temout gimana
[14:02:39] <crown> mantap
[14:02:41] <Pixy> wuedeh
[14:02:44] <TommyIsFlying> have you found my cows, Yet
[14:02:44] <crown> dapet apa ndri
[14:02:44] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[14:02:47] <kingkings> !player skyblue
[14:02:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player skyblue: 90 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[14:02:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> at400 aja udah
[14:03:02] <crown> at400 aja ndri
[14:03:02] <crown> lebih untung
[14:03:12] <Ayers> lu kontol dhy
[14:03:18] <crown> asu
[14:03:20] <SirPlane> !player Twi
[14:03:20] <crown> kok gw
[14:03:23] (WEB) <robin_be> player Twi: 292 score, last seen 4 Hours Ago
[14:03:25] <adrianstoner_> angkat tangan
[14:03:33] <Brooklyn> twi is jackie right ?
[14:03:38] <crown> pilih apaan lu ndri
[14:03:49] <Ayers> kontol lu
[14:03:56] <Ayers> kecil kan
[14:03:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> ndri apa dri
[14:03:59] <crown> anjing sebegitu senengnya sama kontol gw lu
[14:04:02] <Pixy> dri
[14:04:17] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[14:04:20] <adrianstoner_> w
[14:04:35] <kingkings> sry
[14:04:43] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[14:04:53] <-- crown disconnected from the server
[14:04:56] <adrianstoner_> a
[14:04:58] <adrianstoner_> desync babi
[14:05:01] --> Ayers connected to the server
[14:05:03] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[14:05:03] <adrianstoner_> pepek william
[14:05:03] <TommyIsFlying> perfect landing, eh
[14:05:21] --> Pixy connected to the server
[14:05:42] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[14:06:13] --> Ayers connected to the server
[14:06:15] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[14:06:31] <TheBestGamerEver> gz
[14:06:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> woy islam
[14:06:44] <adrianstoner_> bangsat emang
[14:06:46] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[14:07:17] --> Ayers connected to the server
[14:07:38] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[14:07:40] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[14:08:08] --> Ayers connected to the server
[14:08:16] --> Pixy connected to the server
[14:08:24] --> Ainz connected to the server
[14:08:37] <Ainz> who won lotto
[14:08:39] <TommyIsFlying> yay now I can just sit here and spam ya'all
[14:08:44] <diamondzxd> wb all
[14:08:50] <Ainz> ty
[14:09:18] <Ayers> !license
[14:09:28] <Ayers> !license ayers
[14:09:59] <Brooklyn> 2w
[14:10:22] <Pixy> !licenses
[14:10:25] (WEB) <robin_be> Pixy has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick
[14:10:30] <Ayers> !licenses
[14:10:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has a license for shamal
[14:10:38] <Ayers> wuedeh
[14:11:04] <SirPlane> lag
[14:11:42] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[14:11:55] <SirPlane> lag
[14:11:58] <kingkings> wb
[14:12:08] <kingkings> cya guys
[14:12:21] <TommyIsFlying> Leaving?
[14:12:34] <kingkings> have to study for now
[14:12:44] <TommyIsFlying> Alright best wishes for your studies
[14:12:57] <kingkings> thanks :)
[14:13:07] <adrianstoner_> ja
[14:15:26] --> Willz. connected to the server
[14:16:23] --> Aaron connected to the server
[14:16:25] <TheBestGamerEver> OI wb
[14:16:28] <Ainz> rip cars
[14:16:28] <Brooklyn> hey Aaron
[14:16:33] <kingkings> wtf rly
[14:16:41] <Ainz> !assets Aaron
[14:16:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Aaron has 57 car(s) ($108,189,850) and 1 house(s) ($18,000,000 - 9 slots) for a total of $126,189,850
[14:16:46] <Ainz> wtf
[14:16:51] <Ainz> gg
[14:16:51] <Willz.> rich ass
[14:16:54] <TheBestGamerEver> sir has 11m in his inv
[14:16:59] <Brooklyn> 9 slots and 57 cars? -.-
[14:17:09] --> santet connected to the server
[14:17:09] <Aaron> yup
[14:17:19] <TheBestGamerEver> sir give me somew
[14:17:19] <adrianstoner_> bang ini kasian temen saya vipnya hilang
[14:17:40] <kingkings> then we have screenshot with you online this days xD
[14:18:39] --> crown connected to the server
[14:18:52] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[14:19:02] <-- Aaron disconnected from the server
[14:19:20] <santet> apa namanya
[14:19:23] <adrianstoner_> adamantium
[14:20:35] <Brooklyn> have you seen FS 2020 trailer yet?
[14:21:08] <SirPlane> hey aaron
[14:21:16] <crown> hes gone
[14:21:19] <adrianstoner_> uda cabut
[14:21:19] <TheBestGamerEver> he left
[14:21:26] <SirPlane> -_-
[14:21:32] <Ainz> sirplane is like interenet explorer
[14:21:39] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr
[14:23:38] <-- TommyIsFlying disconnected from the server
[14:24:19] <Ainz> oof
[14:24:19] <crown> KWOKWOWK
[14:24:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[14:24:21] <Ayers> kwowkow
[14:24:26] <SirPlane> f
[14:24:29] <TheBestGamerEver> f
[14:24:32] <santet>
[14:24:32] <Ainz> F
[14:24:34] <crown> kuwi license opo yan
[14:24:39] <JokowiAmin> gz
[14:24:39] <TheBestGamerEver> pixy fails
[14:24:47] <TheBestGamerEver> joyadi says gz
[14:24:47] <Pixy> damnit
[14:24:50] <Brooklyn> which license was it?
[14:24:50] <TheBestGamerEver> so does jokow
[14:24:52] <Pixy> nevada
[14:24:57] <crown> kwkwowk
[14:25:00] <Pixy> who the fuck made this kind of license
[14:25:02] <JokowiAmin> can you not use purple colour thank you joyadi yuritard
[14:25:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> yurijected
[14:25:15] <Ainz> its made hard purposely mate
[14:25:28] <crown> emg susahnya kek gmna yan
[14:25:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> yurillymate?
[14:25:39] <Pixy> bayarin gw tunjukin
[14:25:39] <JokowiAmin> yudahlah
[14:25:41] <crown> asu
[14:25:44] <JokowiAmin> yudahlahya
[14:25:51] <Ainz> man i havent seen joe in a long as time
[14:25:51] <crown> gw aja gak punya 2.5m cuk
[14:25:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> lu tukang pukul
[14:25:57] <Brooklyn> you lost the the money if you fail right?
[14:25:59] <Ainz> have yall seen him recently?
[14:25:59] <crown> ofc
[14:26:02] <Pixy> yes
[14:26:02] <SirPlane> relog
[14:26:02] <Brooklyn> half the money*
[14:26:04] <-- SirPlane disconnected from the server
[14:26:04] <Ayers> all
[14:26:04] <Pixy> not half
[14:26:07] <Pixy> all
[14:26:09] <crown> rip
[14:26:12] <Brooklyn> welll
[14:26:15] <Pixy> lost 5m already
[14:26:15] <Brooklyn> that sucks
[14:26:15] <JokowiAmin> money + dignity
[14:26:20] <crown> kwowk
[14:26:22] <crown> edan 5M
[14:26:27] --> SirPlane connected to the server
[14:27:52] <TheBestGamerEver> wtf is wrong with yall
[14:28:00] <Brooklyn> eh?
[14:28:00] <adrianstoner_> kami yg punya server
[14:28:10] <TheBestGamerEver> look at the kill list
[14:28:10] <crown> aaa
[14:28:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> school brawling
[14:28:10] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[14:28:13] <Ainz> jausd wohmasdwai askdwa9sd
[14:28:21] <SirPlane> jangan brantam njir
[14:28:31] <JokowiAmin> i mean school brawling it's already a common thing here
[14:28:33] <JokowiAmin> nature selection
[14:28:44] <SirPlane> we are also corrupt
[14:28:49] --> Willz. connected to the server
[14:29:33] <TheBestGamerEver> THE FUCK
[14:29:53] <Brooklyn> gosh, I hate short flight
[14:29:53] <TheBestGamerEver> I am re entering checkpoint still not loading
[14:30:01] <Ainz> desynced?
[14:30:16] <TheBestGamerEver> motherfucker
[14:30:21] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[14:30:29] <Brooklyn> rage quit lol
[14:30:39] <Ainz> or maybe relog
[14:31:00] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[14:31:21] <TheBestGamerEver> yall doing it again smh
[14:31:31] <SirPlane> meanwhile on the forums....
[14:31:36] --> Danielson connected to the server
[14:32:59] --> Vaerrwenn connected to the server
[14:33:01] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[14:33:04] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[14:33:06] <Ainz> wb neb
[14:33:06] <SirPlane> wb tg
[14:33:09] <Brooklyn> hey tg
[14:33:14] <TheGamer> oi
[14:33:17] <Ainz> OI
[14:33:19] <crown> kowkow
[14:33:22] <crown> gblk cob
[14:33:27] <Ainz> wats kowkow
[14:33:35] <JokowiAmin> don't really know that either
[14:33:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player alt
[14:33:37] <JokowiAmin> he's a retard
[14:33:40] (WEB) <robin_be> player alt: 2109 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[14:33:45] <crown> i disagree
[14:34:03] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[14:35:51] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[14:36:14] <crown> wah kalah
[14:36:14] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[14:37:24] <TheBestGamerEver> !cash
[14:37:27] (WEB) <robin_be> TheBestGamerEver has $665,499 in hand
[14:37:32] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[14:37:32] <Ainz> richarse
[14:37:34] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[14:37:37] <TheBestGamerEver> not really
[14:37:57] <Ainz> !cash
[14:38:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Ainz has $112,523 in hand
[14:38:03] <TheBestGamerEver> yall just spamming my kill list
[14:38:13] <Brooklyn> \
[14:38:36] <TheBestGamerEver> but I can do it better lmao
[14:38:59] <TheBestGamerEver> minigun WTF
[14:39:02] <Brooklyn> where df did you get that minigun?
[14:39:05] <Danielson> sorry my mistake
[14:39:05] <Ainz> hunter
[14:39:05] <Pixy> its hunter
[14:39:07] <crown> wah hacker nih
[14:39:07] <TheBestGamerEver> ban ban
[14:39:12] <JokowiAmin> jilat teros
[14:39:15] <santet> hacker
[14:39:17] <crown> kwoaok
[14:39:17] <santet> sobeit
[14:39:28] <crown> wah dm
[14:39:28] <Ainz> .report
[14:39:33] <JokowiAmin> the purge is happening
[14:39:38] <SirPlane> damn sobiet gun
[14:39:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> kerja kek
[14:39:56] <Ayers> kerja
[14:39:56] <TheBestGamerEver> yall want me to spam kill list aswell?
[14:39:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> kerja woy ada albert nagih utang gia
[14:40:04] <Ayers> mampus di tagih albert
[14:40:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> labert cina
[14:40:24] <Ainz> who ever spams kill list is gay
[14:40:40] <Ainz> aight all of u are gay
[14:40:42] <santet> sorry but i have 2 dads
[14:40:45] <Ainz> :D
[14:40:45] <Pixy> we are
[14:40:58] <Ainz> santet did both of em fk u?
[14:41:06] <TheGamer> oof
[14:41:06] <TheBestGamerEver> no sirplane is not doing courior AAAAA
[14:41:08] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[14:41:26] <Ainz> oiii
[14:41:31] <Ainz> mission farminggggg
[14:41:36] <Ainz> benbenben
[14:41:49] <SirPlane> bruh i didnt use /s
[14:42:02] <Ainz> hes even avoiding /s
[14:42:05] <TheBestGamerEver> idk how he gets to mt chilliad that fast lmao
[14:42:07] <Ainz> benbenben
[14:42:13] <SirPlane> maverick
[14:42:18] <Ainz> benbenben
[14:42:18] <TheBestGamerEver> not allowed
[14:42:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> 200 IQ
[14:42:23] <TheGamer> even using maverick isn't allowed
[14:42:36] <-- santet disconnected from the server
[14:43:01] <TheBestGamerEver> so do not
[14:43:12] <SirPlane> im going back to sa army btw
[14:43:22] <TheGamer> wb
[14:43:25] <Ainz> diamond is back
[14:43:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> kerja kerja
[14:43:37] <Ainz> rip sirplane 2016-2019
[14:43:48] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[14:44:49] <-- crown disconnected from the server
[14:45:56] <Ainz> yall better put the translation in brackets when yall talk in indo
[14:45:56] <Ainz> :P
[14:46:12] <-- SirPlane disconnected from the server
[14:46:17] <Ainz> shit
[14:46:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmao
[14:46:20] <Pixy> lmao
[14:46:20] <Ainz> gg
[14:46:25] <Ayers> lmao
[14:46:27] <Ainz> gz diamond ur first ban
[14:46:30] <TheBestGamerEver> how long is it lasting
[14:46:30] <TheGamer> was that your first ban diamond?
[14:46:45] <TheBestGamerEver> not his first warning tho lmao
[14:46:48] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[14:46:58] <diamondzxd> first ingame, before that some e1ectro guy was banned
[14:47:06] <TheGamer> ah yeah
[14:47:08] <diamondzxd> leaked his password then /q
[14:47:11] <Ainz> ah i still have his pass
[14:47:14] <TheGamer> 1 website ban and 1 IG ban
[14:47:16] <TheBestGamerEver> !player e1ectro
[14:47:16] <Ainz> pass is power
[14:47:16] <Ainz> :D
[14:47:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player e1ectro: 5778 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[14:47:21] <diamondzxd> yeah lmao
[14:47:24] <adrianstoner_> whats the unfair thing
[14:47:24] <TheBestGamerEver> this guy?
[14:47:27] <Ainz> !casj e1elctro
[14:47:29] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[14:47:32] <Ainz> !cash e1elctro
[14:47:35] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player e1elctro
[14:47:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> 14 days?
[14:47:37] <Ainz> naniii
[14:47:40] <TheBestGamerEver> !cash e1ectro
[14:47:42] (WEB) <robin_be> e1ectro has $10,486,173 in hand
[14:47:53] <diamondzxd> ...some vehicles are faster
[14:47:55] <Ainz> yall better go read rules :)
[14:48:03] <TheBestGamerEver> so like you start a job in a tractor
[14:48:08] <TheBestGamerEver> and finish it in a bullet
[14:48:11] <diamondzxd> There was an addendum today on Discord and on Forums as well
[14:48:11] <Ainz> xDD
[14:48:23] <TheGamer> today? few days ago
[14:48:26] <Ainz> im bored
[14:48:31] <TheBestGamerEver> was that your first ban?
[14:48:34] <Ainz> anyone up for some chilling
[14:48:36] <Ainz> ye
[14:48:36] <TheGamer> it was his 2nd
[14:48:36] <Ainz> GZ
[14:48:41] <TheGamer> but his 1st IG ban
[14:48:44] <Ainz> 1st ingame ban
[14:48:47] <diamondzxd> shiv posted to @everyone today on Discord so
[14:49:02] <TheBestGamerEver> still GZ
[14:49:07] <JokowiAmin> F
[14:49:15] <TheGamer> that was the day before yesterday diamond
[14:49:17] <TheGamer> in announcements
[14:49:38] <adrianstoner_> indog sudah biasa di ban
[14:49:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> so diamond
[14:49:46] --> Danielson connected to the server
[14:49:46] <adrianstoner_> next generation sirplane
[14:49:48] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[14:49:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> 7 days or 14 adys?
[14:49:51] <adrianstoner_> danielson = sirplane
[14:49:56] <Danielson> kontol
[14:50:01] <adrianstoner_> i swar
[14:50:04] <adrianstoner_> swear
[14:50:04] <Danielson> babi
[14:50:06] <Ayers> cepu lu
[14:50:19] <diamondzxd> 14 for now but I'm up for reduction if he does an appeal
[14:50:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> ooh
[14:50:30] <diamondzxd> smh brooklyn
[14:50:37] <Brooklyn> failed tragically xd
[14:50:50] <adrianstoner_> evading danielson
[14:50:53] <Danielson> kontol
[14:51:18] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[14:52:07] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[14:52:20] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[14:54:00] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[14:54:29] --> Ainz connected to the server
[14:54:57] <Ayers> !assets
[14:55:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has 2 car(s) ($240,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,150,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $2,390,000
[14:55:13] <TheBestGamerEver> 10 percent 5km ez or stop?
[14:55:20] <TheGamer> fuel up
[14:55:26] <TheBestGamerEver> ya sure?
[14:55:49] <Brooklyn> what happened?
[14:55:54] <TheBestGamerEver> ban ban
[14:55:54] <JokowiAmin> make it 14 months lmao
[14:55:56] <Brooklyn> /s for short-range mission?
[14:55:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> farming
[14:56:02] <TheGamer> using unfair tactics to speed op miissions
[14:56:07] <TheGamer> he was using different vehicles to speed up
[14:56:09] <diamondzxd> he took a maverick to go up for courier missions
[14:56:09] <TheBestGamerEver> no using maverick to get to mount chilliad
[14:56:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> use heli at diamond's mt chilliad house
[14:56:43] <TheBestGamerEver> I made it with 3
[14:56:53] <TheGamer> 3 left?
[14:57:03] <TheBestGamerEver> percent
[14:57:11] <TheBestGamerEver> was fucking risky
[14:57:19] --> Danielson connected to the server
[14:57:50] <Ainz> lool pulling a androm is so fun
[14:58:00] <TheBestGamerEver> ya can tow at400
[14:58:03] <Brooklyn> have anyone remember the /hatch? xd
[14:58:15] <TheBestGamerEver> tf is it
[14:58:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> /pistol
[14:58:46] <Brooklyn> enter an androm and use /j
[14:58:49] <Brooklyn> enter an androm and use /hatch
[14:58:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> /turtle
[14:58:59] <TheBestGamerEver> kk
[14:59:09] <Brooklyn> it will create a checkpoint to enter its cargo bay
[14:59:25] <TheGamer> ikr
[14:59:30] <TheBestGamerEver> oh cool
[14:59:35] <Ainz> man towtruck is so powerful
[14:59:38] <TheBestGamerEver> gonna do it now
[14:59:40] <Ainz> most underated truck
[14:59:43] <Brooklyn> Haydz keeps load/unload it :/
[14:59:58] <TheBestGamerEver> wait is it still a thing
[14:59:58] <Brooklyn> its unavailable anyway xd
[15:00:03] <Ainz> it fkn goes 160kph pulling an androm
[15:00:03] <TheBestGamerEver> oh well sheit
[15:00:14] <TheBestGamerEver> sir you can tow a at400
[15:00:16] <TheBestGamerEver> an*
[15:00:19] <Ainz> ik man
[15:00:29] <Ainz> cme lva
[15:00:34] <TheBestGamerEver> kk
[15:00:47] <TheBestGamerEver> wait but I know it's sheit
[15:00:52] <TheBestGamerEver> Ive done it all
[15:00:57] <Ainz> same
[15:01:03] <Ainz> i havent done it in a while
[15:01:13] <diamondzxd> gate added at this thing on the strip
[15:01:31] <diamondzxd> idk what's the name
[15:01:36] <Ainz> LOL
[15:01:39] <diamondzxd> this thing with fancy tops
[15:01:46] <TheBestGamerEver> motherfucker
[15:01:52] <Ainz> wasnt that a house diamond?
[15:02:02] <diamondzxd> yeah its more like a public hangout now lmao
[15:02:10] <Ainz> stan used to own it
[15:02:22] <diamondzxd> its gate is now public gg
[15:02:30] <Ainz> ahg
[15:02:51] <TheBestGamerEver> cumming ainzw
[15:02:53] <Ainz> oki
[15:03:01] <diamondzxd> fuck now
[15:03:06] <Ainz> shamal is still bugged?
[15:03:06] <TheBestGamerEver> ya bugged one
[15:03:11] <diamondzxd> removing that gate smh, it had like 2-3 other gates smh
[15:03:58] <TheBestGamerEver> cum here boi
[15:04:00] <diamondzxd> 7 gates in total for 1 house
[15:04:05] <TheGamer> jeez
[15:04:13] <diamondzxd> someone paid like $100 for it? lol
[15:04:18] <TheGamer> hold on
[15:04:23] <TheGamer> lemme finish this shit lol
[15:04:39] <diamondzxd> we had like 370 gates and more than 80 percent were for Houses
[15:04:41] <TheBestGamerEver> KURW YOU PULLING ME
[15:04:49] <Ainz> LOOL
[15:04:54] <TheGamer> which house was it?
[15:04:57] <Ainz> can we try that again pls
[15:04:57] <TheBestGamerEver> you motherfucker
[15:05:05] <diamondzxd> this
[15:05:12] <TheGamer> ahh
[15:05:15] <TheBestGamerEver> go to lv airport
[15:05:35] <TheGamer> those gates have been gone for ages
[15:05:35] <TheBestGamerEver> who knew
[15:05:41] <Ainz> ikr
[15:05:53] <TheBestGamerEver> if you magnetize a taxi and someone tow trucks it you fucking lost to tow truckw
[15:05:56] <diamondzxd> most old company and airline bases are empty now
[15:06:09] <TheGamer> ikr
[15:06:11] <Ainz> its like the latest fast and furious movie lmao
[15:06:24] <TheBestGamerEver> tg come lv airport if you want lmao
[15:06:58] <TheGamer> tbnr come pick me up
[15:06:58] <TheGamer> i'm on foor
[15:07:00] <Brooklyn> where is it ?
[15:07:00] <TheGamer> nvm
[15:07:00] <Ainz> we can play tug of war xD
[15:07:03] <TheGamer> y house is nearby
[15:07:05] <Brooklyn> wanna see
[15:07:05] <TheGamer> my*
[15:07:08] <Ainz> just tp to me tg
[15:07:13] <Ainz> use ur hax
[15:07:18] <TheGamer> smh
[15:07:29] <TheBestGamerEver> where at lv smh
[15:07:34] <Ainz> that castle
[15:07:42] <TheGamer> omw lol
[15:07:42] <Brooklyn> mroe specific?w
[15:07:49] <Ainz> tgbe cme back
[15:07:52] <Ainz> tg is here
[15:08:28] <Ainz> we can play tug of war lmao
[15:08:38] <TheBestGamerEver> tow cabbie
[15:08:43] <TheBestGamerEver> fuck fuck
[15:08:48] <diamondzxd> i add one here?
[15:08:54] <TheBestGamerEver> go as fast
[15:08:56] <TheGamer> uhhm
[15:09:01] <TheGamer> there's no need for it
[15:09:04] <diamondzxd> would be good for sapd roleplay lmao
[15:09:09] <TheGamer> true
[15:09:14] <TheBestGamerEver> shits bugged
[15:09:24] <Ainz> LOOOL
[15:09:27] --> PinKPanther connected to the server
[15:09:30] <diamondzxd> this place has 3 gates i guess so no
[15:09:32] <diamondzxd> wb Pinky!
[15:09:35] <PinKPanther> hey
[15:09:40] <TheBestGamerEver> are ya glitched?
[15:09:42] <Brooklyn> hey black panther
[15:09:42] <Ainz> u try to pull me
[15:09:45] <Brooklyn> pink
[15:09:45] <Ainz> no
[15:09:48] <TheGamer> 3 gates?
[15:09:53] <TheGamer> i only remember 1 being there
[15:09:53] <TheBestGamerEver> on my shits so bugged
[15:09:55] <Ainz> u try to pull me tgbe
[15:09:58] <TheBestGamerEver> I follow you
[15:10:08] <Ainz> on my screen u get pulled by me
[15:10:21] <PinKPanther> hmm
[15:10:29] <Ainz> u try to pull me now
[15:10:31] <TheBestGamerEver> ya see floating taxi?
[15:10:31] <PinKPanther> IBex gate is gone
[15:10:34] <PinKPanther> wtf
[15:10:37] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[15:10:39] <Ainz> no
[15:10:42] <Ainz> taxi is here
[15:10:44] <TheGamer> cmon tbnr, attach to me
[15:10:57] <TheBestGamerEver> fuck
[15:11:02] <Ainz> man this is some fast and furious shit
[15:11:07] <Ainz> yall watched the last one?
[15:11:13] <TheBestGamerEver> ya move?
[15:11:15] --> Ayers connected to the server
[15:11:18] <Ainz> LOL
[15:11:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> bule
[15:11:28] <Danielson> wb
[15:11:28] <Pixy> ty
[15:11:31] <Ayers> ty
[15:11:41] <Ainz> tg ur attacked tgbe?
[15:11:43] <Ainz> attached
[15:11:51] <Ainz> i dont see u pull a cabbie
[15:11:59] <TheBestGamerEver> a trick
[15:12:01] <TheGamer> it doesn't work like that
[15:12:12] <TheBestGamerEver> works with that aswell
[15:12:19] <Ainz> tg
[15:12:27] <Ainz> carry the cabbie
[15:12:45] <TheBestGamerEver> ainz went once around the fucking city
[15:12:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> parkir pesawat disini aja
[15:12:48] <diamondzxd> all gates were gone after the reset pink
[15:12:55] <TheBestGamerEver> while I was attached to cabbie
[15:13:03] <PinKPanther> oh
[15:13:16] <diamondzxd> because most gates were house one's
[15:13:21] <Ainz> baka
[15:13:24] <PinKPanther> It's been a while since i logged in, pretty much gave up after the economy reset
[15:13:26] <TheBestGamerEver> lmao
[15:13:39] <diamondzxd> yeah I saw you after long time
[15:13:47] <Ainz> hw big is this magnet mod
[15:13:52] <Ainz> i wanna try it xD
[15:14:05] <PinKPanther> anyway, i'll come back later
[15:14:13] <PinKPanther> cya, have fun
[15:14:13] <-- PinKPanther disconnected from the server
[15:14:28] <TheBestGamerEver> not big
[15:14:43] <Ainz> the tow truck thing was lit tho
[15:15:01] <Ainz> wait there
[15:15:30] <TheBestGamerEver> attack to towtruck
[15:15:48] <diamondzxd> added, check it tg
[15:16:06] <TheGamer> that gate?
[15:16:26] <TheBestGamerEver> tow the tow truck lmao
[15:16:34] <TheBestGamerEver> wait kurw
[15:16:34] <TheGamer> ye that's how it was
[15:16:47] <diamondzxd> I'm just adding from old backup
[15:16:50] <TheBestGamerEver> toiw it you stupid boi
[15:16:57] <diamondzxd> by each and every line
[15:17:02] <TheGamer> lol
[15:17:10] <Ainz> ready?
[15:17:13] <TheBestGamerEver> no
[15:17:13] <Ainz> u try pulling me
[15:17:15] <diamondzxd> most gates dont have islands, houses, and shit
[15:17:26] <TheGamer> guess i know why it had 3
[15:17:36] <Ainz> the hell u going in circles for lmao
[15:17:46] <TheBestGamerEver> I got fucked by u
[15:17:49] <diamondzxd> one was here
[15:17:51] <TheGamer> yeah one up there too
[15:17:54] <Ainz> how?
[15:17:56] <diamondzxd> yeah yeah i can see
[15:17:56] <TheBestGamerEver> hi
[15:18:01] <Ainz> nigga
[15:18:01] <diamondzxd> do i add em all tho?
[15:18:07] <TheGamer> why not :p
[15:18:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> n
[15:18:09] <TheBestGamerEver> go on tow truck
[15:18:09] <TheBestGamerEver> in
[15:18:12] <TheBestGamerEver> go
[15:18:14] <Ainz> rc
[15:18:25] <Ainz> oi
[15:18:30] <TheBestGamerEver> go in tell me when ind
[15:18:32] <Ainz> ok
[15:18:48] <TheBestGamerEver> maybe do it
[15:18:53] <TheBestGamerEver> while you go in tell me when
[15:18:55] <TheBestGamerEver> so like this
[15:19:01] <Ainz> do it at 15 15
[15:19:03] <TheBestGamerEver> I wam going n at 15:30
[15:19:14] <TheBestGamerEver> to slow smh
[15:19:16] <TheBestGamerEver> again
[15:19:19] <TheBestGamerEver> at 30
[15:19:26] <Ainz> LOL
[15:19:29] <TheBestGamerEver> lmao works
[15:19:34] <Ainz> diamond sann
[15:19:34] <diamondzxd> dont do it ainz
[15:19:37] <TheBestGamerEver> now your in JA
[15:19:39] <Ainz> we just made some new hacks
[15:20:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> pak albert
[15:20:49] <TheBestGamerEver> ya fucking my at400
[15:21:04] <Ainz> ffs
[15:21:30] <TheBestGamerEver> alright re doo it
[15:21:40] <TheBestGamerEver> smh
[15:22:06] <TheBestGamerEver> nnice
[15:24:25] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[15:24:40] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[15:25:11] <adrianstoner_> danielson evade
[15:26:13] <adrianstoner_> gz
[15:26:25] <Ayers> wb
[15:26:36] <adrianstoner_> ty
[15:28:13] <TheGamer> uhm i'm mid air rn
[15:29:13] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[15:29:25] <Brooklyn> cingrats
[15:29:28] <Brooklyn> cong*
[15:29:33] <Vaerrwenn> thanks
[15:29:41] --> Ainz connected to the server
[15:29:41] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[15:30:32] <-- Vaerrwenn disconnected from the server
[15:30:48] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[15:30:58] <TheGamer> aaaand that's what we call an empty battery
[15:31:16] <Ainz> what lap do u have lol
[15:31:21] <Ainz> that was a fast af boot
[15:31:24] <TheGamer> ikr
[15:31:31] <TheGamer> acer nitro 5
[15:31:37] <Ainz> ah
[15:31:55] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[15:31:57] <diamondzxd> put an SSD into i5-3rd, works better than an i7-6th Generation on HDD
[15:31:57] <Ainz> aight im off
[15:32:07] <TheGamer> but i have both
[15:32:13] <Ainz> i have a i5 4th
[15:32:18] <Ainz> shud try putting a ssd
[15:33:09] <Ainz> this gate animation is so smooth
[15:33:17] <TheGamer> btw i got a i7-7700HQ
[15:33:58] --> Vaerrwenn connected to the server
[15:34:01] <adrianstoner_> siapa?
[15:34:06] <adrianstoner_> woi siapa
[15:34:08] <adrianstoner_> yg nanya
[15:34:13] <Ayers> huehue
[15:34:42] <JokowiAmin> the basement
[15:34:49] <JokowiAmin> OH
[15:34:57] --> Stan connected to the server
[15:35:00] <TheGamer> gg diamond
[15:35:02] <Brooklyn> hey stan
[15:35:02] <Ainz> wb
[15:35:05] <Stan> thanks
[15:35:07] <Stan> hi
[15:35:07] <diamondzxd> wb Stan
[15:35:10] <Stan> thanks
[15:35:13] <Ainz> diamond
[15:35:18] <Ainz> can i tell stan?
[15:35:25] <Stan> tell me what
[15:35:28] <diamondzxd> meh
[15:35:38] <Ainz> me and tgbe found a pretty smart hax
[15:35:49] <Stan> then you should be banned
[15:36:04] <TheGamer> it's a bug in the sa-mp synchronisation
[15:36:12] <Stan> ah
[15:36:32] <Ainz> ok im not telling it
[15:36:43] <Ainz> that was deadly threat :?
[15:36:50] <Ainz> its our tiny little secret :D
[15:37:03] <TheGamer>
[15:37:06] <Stan> bitch you can pm me
[15:37:08] <Ainz> NO
[15:37:11] <Stan> it's not like i'm stupid enough to try it
[15:37:13] <Stan> he said if you get banned trying
[15:37:24] <TheGamer> which you will
[15:37:24] <Ainz> no im not telling
[15:37:26] <adrianstoner_> ji
[15:37:34] <Stan> you are retarded
[15:37:42] <Ainz> :O
[15:38:10] <Stan> now i won't rest until you tell me broo
[15:38:13] <Ainz> thats the whole point :P
[15:38:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> a
[15:38:20] <Ainz> baka
[15:38:36] <adrianstoner_> min itu lg ternak di angel pin
[15:38:36] <Stan> dumb n word
[15:38:46] <TheGamer> stan, try it 3 times and it gives you a 3 month holida
[15:38:54] <Ainz> xDw
[15:38:56] <Stan> try what?
[15:39:01] <Ainz> the secret
[15:39:07] <TheGamer> you know what i'm talking about
[15:39:17] <Stan> what am i talking about it
[15:39:22] <Stan> what am i talking about?
[15:39:22] --> radoodoo connected to the server
[15:39:25] <Stan> I mean
[15:39:27] <Stan> what are you talking about
[15:39:30] <diamondzxd> wb rad
[15:39:32] <Stan> radoo you retard
[15:39:32] <radoodoo> thanks
[15:39:35] <Ainz> joemama
[15:39:43] <Stan> >ignores my dms
[15:39:43] <radoodoo> what
[15:39:45] <Stan> >comes online
[15:39:48] <radoodoo> i was BUSY
[15:39:50] <Stan> fuk of
[15:39:58] <radoodoo> i didnt ignore anything i replied
[15:39:58] <adrianstoner_> min vaerwen itu alt
[15:40:01] <TheGamer> let's call it a sa-mp exploit to gain an unfair advantage in player movement
[15:40:06] <radoodoo> and ask someone else i dont game
[15:40:08] <Brooklyn> fk
[15:40:11] <-- Vaerrwenn disconnected from the server
[15:40:21] <diamondzxd> has sirplane appealed yet?
[15:40:21] <TheGamer> that's all info you need
[15:40:24] <Ainz> ye lets call it that
[15:40:26] <Brooklyn> he did
[15:40:29] --> Vaerrwenn connected to the server
[15:40:29] <TheGamer> he did
[15:40:37] <Ainz> samp ExPl0it
[15:40:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> (3)
[15:41:02] <Stan> i'm really angry today can you tell me already
[15:41:07] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[15:41:13] <Ainz> LOL
[15:41:20] <Ainz> he rage quit
[15:41:31] <TheGamer> like i care
[15:41:33] <TheGamer> smh
[15:41:36] <Ainz> same
[15:41:41] <Ainz> :D
[15:41:56] <Ainz> ok im off
[15:42:01] <radoodoo> n i oop
[15:42:01] <-- radoodoo disconnected from the server
[15:42:01] <Ainz> happy flying ladies
[15:42:07] <Ainz> oh btw
[15:42:07] <Brooklyn> bye
[15:42:12] <Ainz> i wont be cmn for 2 days
[15:42:14] <Ainz> going on a tiny trip :P
[15:42:19] <diamondzxd> "this is my first being banned with a real admin"
[15:42:27] <TheGamer> i saw lmao
[15:42:30] <Ainz> lmfao
[15:42:37] <Ainz> aight imma go check that out
[15:42:40] <Ainz> cya
[15:42:40] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[15:42:58] <Brooklyn> !player Meissenhower
[15:43:01] (WEB) <robin_be> player Meissenhower: 6236 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[15:43:09] <Brooklyn> is he still an admin?
[15:43:19] <TheGamer> pretty sure he is
[15:43:24] <adrianstoner_> aku dari 2010 main gak jadi2 admin
[15:43:26] <diamondzxd> naah he got demoted
[15:43:32] <adrianstoner_> i playfrom 2010
[15:43:32] <Brooklyn> why tho?
[15:43:34] <diamondzxd> inactivity
[15:43:39] <TheGamer> also IG?
[15:44:08] <diamondzxd> he was banned last week by Ricardo for hacks
[15:44:13] <TheGamer> lol
[15:44:15] <Brooklyn> meiss?
[15:44:20] <diamondzxd> forgot to disable em
[15:48:27] <adrianstoner_> does having courier job at angel pine count as mission farming now?
[15:48:38] <diamondzxd> It isn't
[15:49:01] <diamondzxd> but doing /s to avoid longer missions or taking other vehicles to go to places isn't allowed
[15:50:54] <TheBestGamerEver> still doing a job at AP should not count as mission farmin
[15:50:59] <TheGamer> it doesn't
[15:51:07] <TheBestGamerEver> no sheit
[15:52:29] <diamondzxd> oh maan
[15:52:39] <diamondzxd> some gates are ending up at weird places
[15:53:00] <TheGamer> what did you expect
[15:53:26] <diamondzxd> i mean there's some hangouts underwater
[15:53:26] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[15:53:31] <TheGamer> oh i know
[15:53:36] <TheBestGamerEver> diamond
[15:53:41] <diamondzxd> and some weird long af islands had gates
[15:53:54] <diamondzxd> yes tbge?
[15:54:07] <TheBestGamerEver> that was wierd
[15:54:30] <TheBestGamerEver> one gate opend at JA
[15:54:35] <TheBestGamerEver> but then got fixed when closed
[15:54:40] <TheBestGamerEver> can I get a jail?
[15:54:43] <diamondzxd> fixed?
[15:54:45] <TheBestGamerEver> yeah
[15:54:58] <diamondzxd> ahh yeah, it might bug until restart so yeah
[15:55:21] <TheBestGamerEver> senpai I wan jail time
[15:55:32] <diamondzxd> I'll do the restart soon after I make enough changes
[15:55:39] <adrianstoner_> alah
[15:55:57] <TheBestGamerEver> alright now I know how it is
[15:56:02] <TheGamer> keep him in there for a moment
[15:56:08] <TheBestGamerEver> no
[15:56:10] <TheBestGamerEver> demand
[15:56:13] <TheGamer> i wanna try something
[15:56:13] <TheBestGamerEver> I need cash
[15:56:26] <diamondzxd> I found your house's gate too TG lol
[15:56:36] <TheBestGamerEver> I am not a slave :/
[15:56:41] <TheGamer> you already know that had tunnels too :p
[15:56:54] <diamondzxd> now i muted him as well lmao
[15:56:59] <TheGamer> lmao
[15:57:22] <TheBestGamerEver> finally
[15:57:22] <TheGamer> shame...
[15:57:40] <TheBestGamerEver> :
[15:57:48] <TheBestGamerEver> -_-
[15:58:19] <TheGamer> with some changes to the script
[15:58:26] <TheGamer> crystal could even make it that a player doesn't see the chat
[15:58:34] <TheGamer> if he's muted
[15:58:37] <diamondzxd> wow finally
[15:58:47] <diamondzxd> ikr tg
[15:58:52] <TheBestGamerEver> D;
[15:59:08] <TheBestGamerEver> did ya unmute me
[15:59:15] <TheGamer> he didn't
[15:59:20] <diamondzxd> how are you speaking then
[15:59:23] <TheBestGamerEver> I just fucking got a message unmutted
[15:59:51] <TheBestGamerEver> unmuted*
[16:00:04] <TheGamer> how many glass is there
[16:00:07] <TheGamer> jeez
[16:00:12] <TheBestGamerEver> where?
[16:00:27] <diamondzxd> see the Wizz air base
[16:00:30] <TheGamer> at that baseq
[16:00:38] <TheBestGamerEver> alright
[16:00:43] <diamondzxd> i had to tp there for gates stuff, and its all glassy
[16:00:48] <TheBestGamerEver> tp me in
[16:01:06] <TheGamer> this glass blows up
[16:01:09] <TheGamer> but doesn't dissapear
[16:01:14] <TheBestGamerEver> senpai
[16:01:19] <TheGamer> like how
[16:01:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> k 29
[16:01:45] <TheBestGamerEver> not completing missions smh fine den back to work
[16:03:12] <diamondzxd> just 13 gates left to check
[16:03:20] <diamondzxd> and I'll be done for good
[16:03:25] <TheBestGamerEver> kk
[16:03:27] <TheGamer> and you'll be demoted
[16:03:30] <TheGamer> huehue
[16:03:33] <TheBestGamerEver> yes
[16:04:11] <TheGamer> it looks like you can get killed with godmode on
[16:04:27] <TheBestGamerEver> I suck at nevada
[16:05:28] <TheBestGamerEver> enough fun lmao
[16:05:41] <diamondzxd> this stair case be like
[16:06:02] <TheGamer> go inside then
[16:06:12] <diamondzxd> yeah there was a gate here
[16:06:15] <TheBestGamerEver> ooh yeah wtf
[16:06:15] <diamondzxd> elevator one
[16:06:17] <TheBestGamerEver> gz
[16:06:17] <JokowiAmin> F
[16:06:20] <Vaerrwenn> gz'
[16:06:38] <TheGamer> base looks familiar tho
[16:06:45] <TheBestGamerEver> tp meh
[16:06:48] <TheGamer> look at this stair
[16:06:56] <diamondzxd> lmao gg
[16:06:56] <TheGamer> smh
[16:07:06] <TheBestGamerEver> ya want me to fucking hydra in kden
[16:07:11] <diamondzxd> construction hacks
[16:07:21] <TheGamer> trust me, i'm an engineer
[16:07:24] <diamondzxd> lmfao
[16:07:32] <TheBestGamerEver> f
[16:07:34] <JokowiAmin> gz
[16:07:37] <diamondzxd> this place has 4 gates
[16:07:39] <TheBestGamerEver> gz
[16:07:39] <diamondzxd> gg jokowi
[16:07:39] <TheGamer> lol
[16:07:50] <diamondzxd> 5*
[16:07:55] <TheBestGamerEver> ya did not know but he does that everytime
[16:08:08] <Ayers> !assets
[16:08:11] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has 2 car(s) ($240,000) and 2 house(s) ($4,650,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $4,890,000
[16:08:21] <TheBestGamerEver> cumming on hawai
[16:08:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets
[16:08:26] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has 7 car(s) ($1,410,000) and 3 house(s) ($14,950,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $16,360,000
[16:08:31] <diamondzxd> most houses in the Vinewood had gates
[16:08:36] <TheGamer> ikr
[16:08:42] <TheGamer> and they had high gates
[16:08:42] <TheBestGamerEver> did mine have
[16:08:54] <TheGamer> making it nearly impossible to get in for courier mission
[16:09:02] <diamondzxd> lmao
[16:09:02] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr
[16:09:05] <TheGamer> id did tbnr
[16:09:10] <TheGamer> smfh
[16:09:10] <diamondzxd> this place also has
[16:09:18] <TheBestGamerEver> ya suck
[16:09:20] <TheGamer> this is an old company base
[16:09:20] <TheBestGamerEver> not tping me
[16:09:41] <diamondzxd> should probably add a mission checkpoint here
[16:09:43] <TheBestGamerEver> stuck on jumeriah island
[16:10:24] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[16:10:50] <diamondzxd> wow I'm already done
[16:10:55] <TheGamer> nice
[16:11:03] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[16:11:03] <diamondzxd> just 45 gates
[16:11:16] <TheBestGamerEver> smh diamond
[16:11:21] <diamondzxd> all the way from 377
[16:11:24] <TheGamer> cause you forgot like 3 of inverted...
[16:11:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player beav
[16:11:29] <diamondzxd> still 48
[16:11:31] (WEB) <robin_be> player beav: 3014 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[16:11:34] <diamondzxd> couldn't find it tg sm
[16:11:34] <diamondzxd> h
[16:11:39] <TheGamer> smh
[16:11:47] <diamondzxd> They have updated their base, Sursai might readd em
[16:11:52] <TheGamer> ah
[16:12:02] <TheBestGamerEver> you saw nothing
[16:12:15] <diamondzxd> what was that
[16:12:20] <TheBestGamerEver> WTF
[16:12:33] <TheBestGamerEver> lmao THE BEST load lmao
[16:12:54] <TheBestGamerEver> I started mission on accident and was on air slow
[16:13:12] <TheBestGamerEver> loaded while leaft the carrier 100km and then got off lmao
[16:14:24] <TheBestGamerEver> smfh
[16:14:55] <TheBestGamerEver> did I actually get airbreak warnings
[16:17:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> who CEO Air Asia back then?
[16:17:26] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[16:17:34] <TheBestGamerEver> wb kurwa kubica
[16:17:39] <Vaerrwenn> Kurwica
[16:17:50] <diamondzxd> wb price
[16:17:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Ey, call him like that once more and get repurted
[16:17:57] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Oi diam
[16:18:00] <TheBestGamerEver> wb kurwa robert kubica
[16:18:31] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> What ya working on now Diam?
[16:18:44] <TheBestGamerEver> fast report
[16:18:49] <diamondzxd> was working on gates since you left lmao
[16:18:54] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lol
[16:18:59] <TheBestGamerEver> Lol
[16:19:12] <diamondzxd> finally addin the texts which you've sent
[16:19:14] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Not even close to the signs? :V
[16:20:16] <diamondzxd> work in progress :3
[16:20:24] <JokowiAmin> sot
[16:20:26] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Good
[16:21:02] <TheBestGamerEver> kurwa kubica I love dis now lmao
[16:21:41] <TheBestGamerEver> demand ends :/
[16:21:46] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lol
[16:21:49] <TheBestGamerEver> but another begins
[16:21:51] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Guess not
[16:22:12] <TheBestGamerEver> did we both suicide smh
[16:22:14] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yeap
[16:22:50] <TheBestGamerEver> kurwa
[16:22:55] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Watch it suka
[16:23:08] <TheBestGamerEver> /testdw
[16:23:39] <TheBestGamerEver> its actually a command
[16:24:07] <diamondzxd> tf, how do i disable it lol
[16:24:07] <TheGamer> lol
[16:24:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Oi tg
[16:24:18] <TheBestGamerEver> lufthansa fleet
[16:24:25] <JokowiAmin> .solat
[16:24:31] <TheGamer> oi wanker
[16:24:41] <TheBestGamerEver> I love dis pooper
[16:25:30] <TheBestGamerEver> why it exists idk
[16:25:35] <TheGamer> how you make your deaths go away lol
[16:25:43] <TheBestGamerEver> that is my trick sir
[16:25:48] <diamondzxd> price, what does this mean
[16:25:50] <diamondzxd> 3.6 Roentgens behind! Enter at own risk!
[16:25:53] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hu3 hu3 hu3
[16:25:55] <TheGamer> smfh price
[16:25:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Joke :V
[16:26:13] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Goes to Chernobyl Miniseries
[16:26:16] <diamondzxd> do i not add it then>
[16:26:24] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> If you wish
[16:26:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> solat
[16:26:42] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> It's actually what they could measure back in 26.05.86
[16:26:49] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> With control room geiger counters
[16:27:10] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> For 2 weeks it was official radiation count
[16:27:23] <TheGamer> RIGGED
[16:27:33] <TheBestGamerEver> ya dad is so rigged
[16:27:41] <TheBestGamerEver> dat*a
[16:28:07] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Untill Gen.Pikalov arrived, yeap 15k roentgens was BRDM-2 max count, went off the scale
[16:28:07] <diamondzxd> added
[16:28:50] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> When they got even higher scale geiger counter, that could measure up to 50k
[16:28:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> It also went off scale
[16:29:13] <TheGamer> how did they even get there alive smh
[16:29:26] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> BRDM-2 had anti-radiation shielding
[16:29:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Mostly protected Pikalov
[16:29:37] <TheBestGamerEver> USSR music theme plays
[16:29:49] <TheGamer> protected or not
[16:29:57] <TheGamer> the counter had to go in to measure
[16:30:00] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Plus some thick lead sheets were added
[16:30:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Pikalov himself drove it
[16:30:25] <TheBestGamerEver> kubica ends first
[16:30:38] <TheGamer> that would be historic
[16:30:56] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> After he got readings from 2 of his soliders with hand-held counters
[16:31:01] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Near gate it was 2k
[16:31:14] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Both died the same month
[16:31:32] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Good
[16:31:40] <TheBestGamerEver> bs
[16:31:48] <TheBestGamerEver> any slav can enter ez
[16:31:55] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Since they started deconstructing shelter, yeap it goes up
[16:32:08] <TheGamer> where tf is that place lol
[16:32:13] <TheGamer> on PL map
[16:32:16] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Chernobyl
[16:32:21] <TheGamer> directions lol
[16:32:24] <TheBestGamerEver> south of ls I think
[16:32:24] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Come to LSA
[16:32:29] <TheBestGamerEver> or south of lsa
[16:32:31] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I'll drop you there
[16:32:44] <TheGamer> flying to some orange icons now lol
[16:32:47] <TheGamer> there's 2 left
[16:32:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Fly to LSA
[16:32:52] <diamondzxd> where's reactor I, price?
[16:33:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> The end of that line
[16:33:05] <TheGamer> i'm at LS carrier now
[16:33:18] <TheBestGamerEver> something like thattg
[16:33:23] <TheBestGamerEver> I will pick you up have mission there
[16:33:43] <diamondzxd> ok
[16:33:51] <diamondzxd> dont come to me tg, it'll be live after restart
[16:33:56] <TheGamer> idfc
[16:34:27] <diamondzxd> what does this means
[16:34:27] <diamondzxd> Culture House "Energetik"
[16:34:37] <diamondzxd> and "Prypiat's Eye" lmao
[16:34:48] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> A place that events were held before the accident
[16:35:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Pripiat's eye, come on you know what's that
[16:35:18] <TheBestGamerEver> like the london eye?
[16:35:24] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> yep
[16:35:24] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[16:35:36] <TheBestGamerEver> why tf am I asking I know it smh
[16:35:39] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> That's reactor I
[16:35:44] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[16:35:54] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Next one is II
[16:36:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> That's III
[16:36:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> And infamous IV
[16:36:59] <TheBestGamerEver> oi kurwa
[16:37:01] <TheBestGamerEver> s
[16:37:04] <diamondzxd> is this pripayat's eye?
[16:37:09] <TheBestGamerEver> yea
[16:37:25] <TheGamer> smfh
[16:37:27] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yeap it is
[16:37:27] <TheBestGamerEver> BAN
[16:37:40] <TheGamer> which vehicle explodes with 1 missile
[16:37:48] <TheBestGamerEver> mine
[16:38:00] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Energetik was located there\
[16:38:03] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Smh TG
[16:38:06] <TheBestGamerEver> 1m sir
[16:38:06] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Report
[16:38:08] <TheGamer> it's hunter in general i guess lmao
[16:38:16] <TheBestGamerEver> or that
[16:38:44] <TheBestGamerEver> 5km with 200kmh will take 3hours
[16:38:49] <TheGamer> lol
[16:38:57] <TheBestGamerEver> 10km takes 6smh
[16:39:10] <TheBestGamerEver> funny thing here is 1sec here is 1min
[16:39:15] <TheBestGamerEver> so your should be there in a min
[16:39:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> No shite
[16:39:25] <TheBestGamerEver> frank off
[16:39:56] <diamondzxd> "Get out of here Stalker!/Skylard Island" wtf price
[16:40:06] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Exit sign :V
[16:40:09] <diamondzxd> also "Krug" ?
[16:40:27] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Krug was a station that was helping Duga radar
[16:40:53] <TheBestGamerEver> FUCK
[16:41:31] <TheBestGamerEver> I fucked up
[16:42:10] <diamondzxd> smh
[16:42:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> ?
[16:42:18] <diamondzxd> he resigned from the company
[16:42:18] <TheBestGamerEver> ye don't ask about it smh
[16:42:30] <TheBestGamerEver> oh yeah accidentaly*
[16:43:04] <TheBestGamerEver> wanted to see the ui and accidentaly press enter
[16:43:24] <TheGamer> atleast they earned 10k from you
[16:43:30] <TheBestGamerEver> yeah
[16:43:30] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Wr00m wr00m
[16:44:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Header, Buriakivka is a burial site for the vehicles/reactor parts
[16:44:29] <-- Vaerrwenn disconnected from the server
[16:46:50] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Any more questions diam?
[16:46:55] <diamondzxd> yes
[16:47:00] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Oh god ...
[16:47:08] <diamondzxd> here it says leads to phobos
[16:47:11] <TheBestGamerEver> fuck 25m of lc rip
[16:47:18] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> It kinda does ...
[16:47:31] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Via another island that idk the name
[16:47:34] <diamondzxd> what do i do after this?
[16:47:44] <diamondzxd> straight for phobos or right for phobos?
[16:47:49] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> If I knew the name of this island, right
[16:47:57] <diamondzxd> right for Phobos?
[16:47:59] <TheBestGamerEver> you motherfuck
[16:47:59] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yeap
[16:48:23] <diamondzxd> ahh ok
[16:49:24] <TheBestGamerEver> I suck smh
[16:49:27] <TheGamer> we know
[16:49:35] <diamondzxd> ---->
[16:49:37] <TheBestGamerEver> ya know /testdw exists?
[16:49:42] <diamondzxd> this way for phobos, will it work lol?
[16:49:50] <diamondzxd> i guess no since its 3d
[16:49:58] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> With the arrow pointing the other way
[16:50:03] <diamondzxd> person coming from opposite would be confused as fuck
[16:50:05] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> If you put it on the sign
[16:50:08] <TheGamer> just South to phobos
[16:50:29] <TheGamer> or put it on the sidewalk
[16:50:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Same shit kek
[16:50:49] <TheGamer> the south doesn't change price
[16:51:05] <diamondzxd> imma say ,Turn right to go to Phobos Island from here
[16:51:12] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Magnetic might turn soon
[16:51:15] <diamondzxd> like who will come from Phobos island and wonder hmmmm
[16:51:30] <TheGamer> who even drives here smh
[16:51:33] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> ^
[16:51:35] <diamondzxd> nobody's like how do i fucking go to LSIA lmao
[16:51:38] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Stalkers does TG
[16:51:41] <diamondzxd> /respawn
[16:51:59] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> RedBull Stalkers lmao
[16:52:45] <diamondzxd> anyone has the screenshot of that Pro TIP?
[16:52:50] <diamondzxd> which advises people to go to robin's mod
[16:52:55] <adrianstoner_> !player Precision
[16:52:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player Precision: 21720 score, last seen 7 Days Ago
[16:52:58] <TheBestGamerEver> nop
[16:53:00] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Uhhhhh guess no
[16:53:06] <adrianstoner_> !player iSam
[16:53:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player iSam: 8763 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[16:53:44] <TheBestGamerEver> !player Snowflake
[16:53:47] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Snowflake
[16:54:08] <diamondzxd> nvm got it
[16:55:12] <diamondzxd> oh shit this thing at LVA
[16:55:30] <TheBestGamerEver> what sheit
[16:55:38] <TheGamer> come price
[16:55:38] <TheGamer> we going
[16:56:21] <TheBestGamerEver> I love how sirplane did not post the sec he got banned
[16:56:24] <TheBestGamerEver> on ban appeal
[16:56:37] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> For what he got?
[16:56:47] <TheGamer> mission farming
[16:56:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yeet
[16:57:00] <TheBestGamerEver> using maverick to climb mount chilliad
[16:57:18] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Idiot lmao
[16:57:36] <TheBestGamerEver> he was saying I do not know I knew to not use /s
[16:57:44] <TheBestGamerEver> so was trying to find alternative way
[16:57:57] <TheBestGamerEver> so bought police maverick thats what he said
[16:58:12] <TheBestGamerEver> oh before the alternative it had positive
[16:58:17] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hai
[16:58:38] <TheBestGamerEver> thefuck you in chair
[16:58:53] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Mod mai boi
[16:59:06] <TheBestGamerEver> I love fps mod lmao
[16:59:16] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> RedBull RB12
[16:59:37] <TheBestGamerEver> go to payphone to get my hotring
[16:59:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Aye
[16:59:44] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[17:00:23] <TheBestGamerEver> ty
[17:00:41] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> A or C?
[17:00:49] <TheBestGamerEver> A
[17:00:51] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[17:00:59] <TheBestGamerEver> I wanted so we have diffrent ones
[17:01:04] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Kek, no mod on it so it could be this or this lol
[17:01:20] <TheBestGamerEver> smh
[17:01:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> My sidepod!
[17:01:25] <TheBestGamerEver> repaired for nothing
[17:01:43] <TheBestGamerEver> dis id arkw
[17:01:43] <TheGamer> some nice road lol
[17:01:45] <TheBestGamerEver> dark
[17:01:50] <adrianstoner_> !player adrianstoner
[17:01:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player adrianstoner: 0 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[17:02:04] <Ayers> !player danzoard
[17:02:06] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player danzoard
[17:02:42] <TheBestGamerEver> anyway what about C
[17:02:42] <adrianstoner_> does cygnus sells vip?
[17:02:47] <TheBestGamerEver> how is it diffrent
[17:02:47] <TheGamer> ye
[17:02:50] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Idk
[17:03:00] <TheBestGamerEver> yall gonna make be buy them smh
[17:03:00] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I have only mod on hotring b kek
[17:03:08] <TheBestGamerEver> MY COKE
[17:03:13] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> My front wing!
[17:03:21] <TheGamer> lemme highlight some laws tbnr
[17:03:26] <TheGamer> owning drugs is illegal
[17:03:28] <TheGamer> using drugs is legal
[17:03:41] <TheBestGamerEver> so I live in the dutch place
[17:03:49] <TheBestGamerEver> mother fucker
[17:03:57] <TheBestGamerEver> trucker*
[17:04:28] <TheBestGamerEver> gotcha bitchwa
[17:04:40] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lol nope
[17:05:27] <TheBestGamerEver> almost hit ya
[17:05:32] <TheBestGamerEver> sadly
[17:05:52] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lmao
[17:06:03] <TheBestGamerEver> smh neb
[17:06:05] <TheGamer> cya
[17:06:05] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[17:06:18] <TheBestGamerEver> oh I see diffrences now
[17:06:28] <TheBestGamerEver> dis one has higher roof
[17:06:54] <TheBestGamerEver> and diffrent front thing
[17:07:15] <TheBestGamerEver> finally hit you
[17:07:17] <TheBestGamerEver> full speed
[17:07:35] <TheBestGamerEver> kruwa
[17:08:04] <TheBestGamerEver> wtfw
[17:08:47] <diamondzxd> ok all done
[17:08:52] <TheBestGamerEver> kk
[17:09:16] <TheBestGamerEver> NEIN
[17:09:23] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> JA!
[17:09:46] <diamondzxd> a special surprise at LSA and LVA
[17:09:54] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[17:10:07] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Taste that
[17:10:12] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[17:10:46] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[17:10:51] <TheBestGamerEver> mothertrucker
[17:11:19] <TheBestGamerEver> po
[17:11:24] <TheBestGamerEver> oi lmao
[17:11:47] <TheBestGamerEver> overprices sheit
[17:12:26] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> My master was a Torpedo
[17:12:39] <TheBestGamerEver> we have 1m before I crash
[17:14:14] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[17:14:16] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[17:14:19] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[17:14:21] <adrianstoner_> what
[17:14:24] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[17:14:32] <TheBestGamerEver> I crashed
[17:14:34] <diamondzxd> see that
[17:14:39] <TheBestGamerEver> Nice
[17:14:52] <TheBestGamerEver> how about CNR hall of fame
[17:15:00] <adrianstoner_> still need to go out or is it okay to stay here
[17:15:10] <TheBestGamerEver> 2017-2018
[17:15:21] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Def fucking worst timing to connect
[17:15:28] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[17:15:31] <-- Lt.Cmdr.Price disconnected from the server
[17:15:36] <TheBestGamerEver> I see it
[17:15:49] <TheBestGamerEver> now better
[17:16:22] <TheBestGamerEver> but hallowen passed diamond
[17:16:40] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[17:16:45] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[17:16:53] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Got kinda bugged kek
[17:17:14] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[17:17:14] <-- Lt.Cmdr.Price disconnected from the server
[17:17:14] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[17:17:27] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[17:17:29] <-- Lt.Cmdr.Price disconnected from the server
[17:17:42] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[17:17:45] <diamondzxd> pt
[17:17:47] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[17:17:57] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[17:18:15] <diamondzxd> Had to reduce the range of this one
[17:18:23] <TheBestGamerEver> wait was there a restart and ok
[17:18:23] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Scotty! Damage report!
[17:18:41] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Kek
[17:18:51] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Wall of Shame should've been there too
[17:18:59] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Seen this already
[17:19:02] <diamondzxd> this same thing is at LSA
[17:19:12] <TheBestGamerEver> and I am stuck here smh
[17:19:17] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nice
[17:19:30] <TheBestGamerEver> but hallowen has passed
[17:19:35] <diamondzxd> and rest is at Pripayat xD
[17:19:53] <TheBestGamerEver> what you mean theres shit there now aswell
[17:20:06] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Just don't kill uuuuuuuuusssssssssss!
[17:20:09] <TheBestGamerEver> shit looks akward in fps
[17:20:29] <diamondzxd> left or right?
[17:20:37] <TheBestGamerEver> right
[17:20:39] <TheBestGamerEver> I think
[17:20:45] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Left noob
[17:20:45] <TheBestGamerEver> yeah right
[17:20:47] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> To Phobos
[17:21:00] <TheBestGamerEver> I came once from pribyat here tho
[17:21:13] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Right
[17:21:18] <diamondzxd> should've add a sign here
[17:21:41] <TheBestGamerEver> there is lack of signs everywhere lmao
[17:21:46] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I think I had it noted but forgot to sent ...
[17:21:54] <diamondzxd> next time do /rs and save it, and send me later
[17:22:15] <TheBestGamerEver> oh now I know what rs is
[17:22:43] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nice
[17:22:51] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Why so high?
[17:22:51] <TheBestGamerEver> shits to high lmao
[17:23:01] <TheBestGamerEver> maybe radiotion got to it
[17:23:03] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lmao
[17:23:09] <diamondzxd> thanks to Price
[17:23:09] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> It's just 3.6
[17:23:21] <TheBestGamerEver> and now it has superpowers lmao
[17:23:24] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Thanks to freaking me?
[17:23:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I made a mistake? hold on
[17:23:47] <diamondzxd> smh price, instead of 5 you typed 15
[17:24:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Just saw it in notepad
[17:24:10] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> <3
[17:24:20] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Also nice
[17:24:36] <TheBestGamerEver> naice
[17:24:49] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on!!!!
[17:24:51] <TheBestGamerEver> pripyat eye
[17:24:59] <TheBestGamerEver> image on google
[17:25:02] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> CHNPP sign is kinda weirdly placed ...
[17:25:20] <diamondzxd> radiation below?
[17:25:22] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Shouldn't it be Prypiat city instead of CHNPP?
[17:25:30] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Below, in basements
[17:25:40] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Firemen's clothes
[17:25:45] <TheBestGamerEver> why only there lmao
[17:25:58] <diamondzxd> which sign is badly placed?
[17:26:06] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> CHNPP
[17:26:11] <TheBestGamerEver> naice
[17:26:14] <diamondzxd> wat
[17:26:14] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Energetik nice
[17:26:16] <TheBestGamerEver> very cool
[17:26:37] <TheBestGamerEver> the place where I died by TG
[17:26:39] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Seen Buriakivka
[17:26:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Nice
[17:27:33] <TheBestGamerEver> left mi nitro on
[17:27:41] <TheBestGamerEver> sheit
[17:27:44] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lmao
[17:28:30] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Yeap
[17:28:38] <TheBestGamerEver> does ricardo get annoyed by price for staying like dat
[17:28:38] <diamondzxd> where's that airport sign
[17:28:50] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> That CHNPP should be Prypiat island, near airport lmao
[17:29:16] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Right here
[17:29:34] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Buriakivka is the most known one
[17:29:39] <diamondzxd> where is CHNPP written?
[17:29:55] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Go to the IV
[17:30:05] <diamondzxd> drive me
[17:30:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Days mofo
[17:30:28] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> /givecarkey is buugged
[17:30:36] <diamondzxd> which sign needs to be fixed?
[17:31:02] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Well if you're driving from Prypiat
[17:31:04] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> It fits
[17:31:14] <diamondzxd> tell me that CHNPP thing you were saying
[17:31:20] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> But not when you're arriving from skylard
[17:31:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> This one Diam
[17:31:32] <diamondzxd> any suggestions?
[17:31:50] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Place additional one? a bit futher?
[17:32:01] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Like here?
[17:32:03] <diamondzxd> what to?
[17:32:11] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> That says "Prypiat City"
[17:32:14] <TheBestGamerEver> Radioactive Kurwa Chernobilska Nuclear Power Plant
[17:32:21] <diamondzxd> done
[17:32:24] <diamondzxd> anything else?
[17:32:29] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Guess not
[17:32:47] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Hold on, let me see Krug
[17:33:13] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Oh shit
[17:33:20] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Forgot about Kopatchi ...
[17:33:38] <diamondzxd> meh, send the /rs coords later
[17:33:41] <diamondzxd> that's it for now babe
[17:33:49] <TheBestGamerEver> wait yall gay?
[17:33:56] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> You know it doesn't freaking save for me smh
[17:34:38] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> But yeah, mostly there
[17:35:47] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[17:36:33] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[17:36:38] <TheBestGamerEver> wb kurwa kubica
[17:37:50] <-- Lt.Cmdr.Price disconnected from the server
[17:37:56] <TheBestGamerEver> wb kurwa kubica
[17:38:26] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[17:38:32] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[17:38:37] <TheBestGamerEver> fix airline spawn ples
[17:38:42] <TheBestGamerEver> and company
[17:38:57] <diamondzxd> ik, just wait >.>
[17:39:10] <TheBestGamerEver> oh yeah go on forums ban appeal
[17:39:28] <TheBestGamerEver> for sirplane lavija replied you still need to decide
[17:39:28] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[17:39:36] <TheBestGamerEver> ffs
[17:39:38] <TheBestGamerEver> wb kurwa kubica
[17:39:41] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Wat
[17:39:49] <diamondzxd> final inspection
[17:39:54] <diamondzxd> ...
[17:39:59] <TheBestGamerEver> smh
[17:40:07] <TheBestGamerEver> died from 10m drop
[17:40:53] <diamondzxd> fixed finally
[17:41:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Ikr
[17:41:16] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Idk why I've written 15
[17:41:26] <TheBestGamerEver> mofo
[17:41:31] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> What was that for?!
[17:42:25] <TheBestGamerEver> fix airline spawn ffs
[17:43:43] <TheBestGamerEver> nice
[17:44:34] <TheBestGamerEver> FINALLY I CAN WORK
[17:45:23] <TheBestGamerEver> did I tell you about that aswell
[17:46:07] --> Kampung connected to the server
[17:46:09] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[17:46:14] <Kampung> Thanks
[17:46:30] <-- Kampung disconnected from the server
[17:56:54] <TheBestGamerEver> I need lc
[17:58:45] <TheBestGamerEver> where tf is lc
[17:59:00] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[17:59:06] <TheBestGamerEver> where tf is lc
[17:59:36] <TheBestGamerEver> thefuck
[17:59:44] <TheBestGamerEver> thefuck
[18:04:43] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[18:24:30] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[18:43:26] --> Danielson connected to the server
[18:43:34] <Smetkowski> wb
[18:43:49] <Danielson> thanks
[18:45:50] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[18:47:43] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[18:47:54] --> Danielson connected to the server
[18:53:48] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[18:55:26] --> Danielson connected to the server
[18:57:22] --> Twi connected to the server
[18:57:32] <Twi> yo
[18:57:35] <Danielson> hi
[18:57:40] <Twi> whats up
[18:58:36] <Twi> !assets
[18:58:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has 11 car(s) ($4,240,000) and 3 house(s) ($7,000,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $11,240,000
[18:58:39] <Twi> !assets Danielson
[18:58:47] <Twi> !assets Danielson
[18:58:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Danielson has 2 car(s) ($250,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,950,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $2,200,000
[18:58:57] <Twi> !cars Danielson
[18:59:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Danielson has: FCR-900 Wayfarer
[18:59:05] <Danielson> xD
[18:59:08] <Twi> nice lol
[18:59:15] <Twi> wanna freeroam?
[18:59:18] <Twi> or you working?
[18:59:23] <Danielson> working 3 shamals
[18:59:28] <Twi> free then?
[18:59:31] <Danielson> yeah
[18:59:41] <Twi> aight
[19:06:04] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[19:06:22] --> Danielson connected to the server
[19:07:03] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[19:07:57] --> Danielson connected to the server
[19:08:54] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[19:18:32] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[19:18:38] <TheGamer> no more wining
[19:19:03] <TheGamer> you ask people to come.... and you're afk....
[19:19:06] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[19:39:57] --> Olivier connected to the server
[19:57:31] <Olivier> nice house twi
[19:59:19] <Twi> hi
[19:59:19] <Twi> thx
[19:59:22] <Twi> wanna visit?
[19:59:32] <Olivier> sure
[19:59:40] <Olivier> let me finish this mission quick
[19:59:55] <Twi> aight
[20:00:00] <Twi> lemme know where to pick u up from
[20:01:00] <Olivier> im at ur house
[20:01:48] <Twi> lmem spawn
[20:01:59] <Twi> yo
[20:02:22] <Twi> is my crib nice?
[20:02:37] <Olivier> yeah nice location
[20:02:47] <Twi> thx
[20:02:50] <Olivier> so where is al your score? haha
[20:03:13] <Twi> ah
[20:03:16] <Twi> it's here
[20:03:18] <Twi> you can see
[20:03:29] <Twi> don't report on forums pls
[20:03:47] <Olivier> report what? lol
[20:03:49] <Olivier> im not reporting anything
[20:03:59] <Twi> my all these assets
[20:04:12] <Olivier> oh no i wont
[20:04:20] <Olivier> but how did you get all of them
[20:04:46] <Twi> hacks..
[20:04:51] <Olivier> :C
[20:05:01] <Twi> I usually keep them despawned
[20:05:04] <Twi> so no one knows
[20:05:14] <Twi> only house
[20:05:22] <Olivier> ah i see
[20:05:32] <Twi> I can give you cash too
[20:05:42] <Olivier> naah thank you
[20:05:47] <Twi> I have 300m
[20:05:50] <Olivier> yeezzz
[20:06:05] <Twi> want?
[20:06:08] <Olivier> no thanks
[20:06:13] <Twi> come on
[20:06:28] <Olivier> no thanks for the offer but i like to keep it fair
[20:06:34] <Twi> oh okay np
[20:10:04] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[20:10:09] <Twi> how much you wanna dice?
[20:10:12] <Olivier> well i dont really have that much
[20:10:35] <Twi> send me the dice req of hm you want
[20:10:45] <Olivier> what is the cmd
[20:11:09] <Twi> /dice
[20:11:11] <Twi> it is
[20:11:14] <Twi> come here and /dice
[20:11:32] <Olivier> shit
[20:11:34] <Twi> lol
[20:11:45] <Twi> gg
[20:11:47] <Olivier> yeah
[20:12:03] <Olivier> shet
[20:12:10] <Twi> let's dice 100k?
[20:12:15] <Olivier> no
[20:12:18] <Olivier> i dont even have it
[20:12:18] <Olivier> lol
[20:12:21] <Twi> lol
[20:12:36] <Olivier> yay
[20:13:09] <Olivier> ill just try my luck at the lotto
[20:15:33] <Olivier> rhino dogfight?
[20:16:53] <-- Olivier disconnected from the server
[20:25:43] --> Olivier connected to the server
[20:29:47] <adrianstoner_> .
[20:30:46] <Twi> .
[20:43:12] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[21:21:12] --> Lewis connected to the server
[21:21:22] <Twi> wb'
[21:21:25] <Lewis> ty
[21:21:27] <Olivier> wb
[21:21:32] <Lewis> thanks!
[21:32:02] --> Santiago connected to the server
[21:32:07] <Lewis> wb
[21:32:25] <Lewis> Santi, what did you do to Stan?
[21:32:33] <Santiago> why?
[21:32:43] <Lewis> He removed his PL awards topic
[21:32:56] <Santiago> idk he was mad that everyone voted for me
[21:33:04] <Lewis> lol
[21:33:17] <Santiago> no one cares about the pl awards anyways
[21:33:24] <Lewis> Wrong
[21:33:24] <Lewis> Stan does
[21:33:27] <Lewis> Apparently
[21:33:32] <Santiago> true
[21:33:40] <Lewis> No idea why tho
[21:33:48] <Lewis> PL has been down 80# of the time
[21:34:11] <-- Olivier disconnected from the server
[21:34:29] <Santiago> yeah i mean
[21:34:36] <Santiago> pl doesn't have the players it had long time ago
[21:34:44] <Santiago> so it's pretty much pointless
[21:35:38] <Lewis> And the thing that players who quit can be nominated too
[21:35:46] <Lewis> That's like.. yeah just let it go
[21:35:46] --> Olivier connected to the server
[21:35:51] <Lewis> wehbeh
[21:35:56] <Olivier> ty
[21:36:09] <-- Olivier disconnected from the server
[21:37:03] <Santiago> and dead airlines lmao
[21:37:08] <Lewis> yeah
[21:38:25] <Twi> yo
[21:38:36] <Twi> PI's for sale?
[21:38:38] <Lewis> ?
[21:38:41] <Santiago> yeah
[21:38:41] <Twi> Pi*
[21:38:43] <Lewis> Pi?
[21:38:51] <Twi> Prime incorporated
[21:38:54] <Lewis> Oh
[21:38:56] <Santiago> 3.1416 dollars
[21:39:01] <Lewis> What's their asking price?
[21:39:12] <Twi> btc santi
[21:39:14] <Santiago> nah I don't think they are selling
[21:39:19] <Twi> well
[21:39:22] <Santiago> !player citr0n
[21:39:22] <Twi> it's getting deleted
[21:39:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player citr0n: 7941 score, last seen 6 Months Ago
[21:39:40] <Twi> Lavija posted at their board on forums
[21:40:31] <Santiago> oooh
[21:40:34] <Twi> yeah
[21:40:42] <Santiago> because that prime incorported doesn't exist anymore
[21:40:49] <Twi> oh okayyy
[21:41:07] <Twi> anyone from ST's active
[21:41:10] <Twi> ?
[21:41:28] <Twi> !Player Ander_Kamikaze
[21:41:31] (WEB) <robin_be> player Ander_Kamikaze: 16202 score, last seen 10 Months Ago
[21:41:36] <Santiago> nah there are a lot of companies that need to be deleted
[21:41:36] <Twi> !player Biugo_Br
[21:41:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player Biugo_Br: 32005 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[21:41:39] <Twi> yeah
[21:41:54] <Twi> !player SoniaRajput
[21:41:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player SoniaRajput: 10318 score, last seen 3 Months Ago
[21:42:10] <Twi> !player AshiiRajput
[21:42:12] (WEB) <robin_be> player AshiiRajput: 9007 score, last seen 10 Months Ago
[21:42:15] <Twi> oh damn
[21:42:28] <Twi> wizz seems dead too
[21:42:30] <Lewis> !player Stefanhood
[21:42:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stefanhood: 7309 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[21:42:36] <Lewis> !player Deathrow
[21:42:38] (WEB) <robin_be> player Deathrow: 15197 score, last seen 5 Months Ago
[21:43:02] <Twi> Wanna /dice anyone ?
[21:43:09] <Lewis> Delta Logistics should be deleted too
[21:43:12] <Twi> yeah
[21:43:20] <Lewis> !player Phaegis
[21:43:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player Phaegis: 10873 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[21:43:27] <Twi> they
[21:43:30] <Twi> all dead
[21:44:11] <Twi> !cars Lewis
[21:44:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Lewis has: RCTiger Huntley
[21:44:19] <Twi> !cars Santiago
[21:44:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Santiago has: Camper Merit AT-400
[21:44:22] <Twi> what's a rc-tiger?
[21:44:24] <Twi> that pot thing?
[21:44:30] <Santiago> yeah crystal is planning to create a botc
[21:44:32] <Lewis> the tank
[21:44:37] <Twi> bota?
[21:44:37] <Santiago> maybe after that he can delete some
[21:44:48] <Twi> oh botc Battle of companies
[21:45:11] <Twi> Just get me a custom house smh
[21:48:05] <Lewis> meep
[21:48:11] <Santiago> hi
[21:49:46] <Twi> hey
[21:51:00] <Twi> oof
[21:51:03] <Twi> close
[21:51:05] <Lewis> :3
[21:58:15] <Twi> landing gear hommie
[21:58:17] --> Olivier connected to the server
[21:58:20] <Twi> landing gear hommiewb
[21:58:20] <Twi> wb*
[21:58:40] <Olivier> ty
[21:59:52] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[22:04:53] <-- Olivier disconnected from the server
[22:05:27] --> Olivier connected to the server
[22:05:34] <Twi> wb
[22:05:37] <Olivier> ty
[22:06:38] <-- Olivier disconnected from the server
[22:18:59] <-- Lewis disconnected from the server
[23:02:02] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[23:37:59] --> Danielson connected to the server
[23:39:13] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[23:40:59] --> Danielson connected to the server
[23:55:58] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server