[00:00:17] --> Danielson connected to the server
[01:24:46] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[02:10:45] --> Ayers connected to the server
[02:38:38] --> Pixy connected to the server
[02:38:54] <Pixy> kuliah andri
[02:38:59] <Ayers> males
[02:39:04] --> Danielson connected to the server
[02:39:06] <Pixy> lotre terakhir nomor berapa
[02:39:09] <Pixy> kuliah jacob
[02:39:12] <Danielson> tumben ndri
[02:39:14] <Danielson> dah ga ada
[02:40:01] <Ayers> gw dah ga tau mau ngapain
[02:40:11] --> Warthog connected to the server
[02:40:16] <Ayers> wb
[02:40:19] <Danielson> sama
[02:40:24] <Danielson> udah duduk2 aja
[02:40:24] <Pixy> !player cygnus
[02:40:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player cygnus: 10945 score, last seen 20 Hours Ago
[02:40:39] <Ayers> akhirnya yaudah gw main pl aja lagi
[02:40:44] <Ayers> dari pada main game offline gajelas
[02:40:52] <Danielson> dota dong
[02:40:55] <Ayers> setidaknya nabung main ginian bisa beli vip
[02:40:57] <Ayers> susah dota males
[02:41:05] <Ayers> ngelag juga
[02:41:05] <Danielson> kan lu jago ndri
[02:41:10] <Ayers> ngelag cob
[02:41:15] <Danielson> sabar ndri
[02:41:20] <Danielson> ntar kerja langsung ganti indihome
[02:41:26] <Ayers> amin
[02:43:03] <Ayers> cepet bgt makan
[02:43:16] <Pixy> gaada lauk ndri
[02:43:21] <Ayers> bego
[02:43:26] <Ayers> masak
[02:43:29] <Pixy> lagi males masak
[02:43:34] <Pixy> nah tu shamal
[02:43:39] <Pixy> panen ndri
[02:43:47] <Ayers> ya
[02:43:50] <Ayers> perhari emg gini
[02:43:50] <Ayers> 160k
[02:44:05] <Pixy> bisa lebih tu
[02:44:10] <Pixy> demandnya naik
[02:44:18] <Ayers> liat dmn
[02:44:33] <Pixy> itu chat atas
[02:44:44] <Pixy> diatas gw bilang lagi males masak
[02:44:46] <Pixy> ada biru2
[02:44:59] <Ayers> oh ya
[02:45:12] <Ayers> lu ga kuliah yan?
[02:45:20] <Pixy> selasa sengaja gw kosongin
[02:45:25] <Ayers> biar libur ya
[02:45:27] <Pixy> yoi
[02:45:27] <Ayers> jumat libur kan
[02:45:32] <Pixy> masuk malem gw
[02:45:43] <Ayers> enak malem emg kuliah\
[02:45:48] <Warthog> a
[02:45:56] <Pixy> gadapet kelas siang ndri
[02:45:58] <Ayers> kok bisa
[02:46:14] <Pixy> krsan kampus gw sistemnya rebutan
[02:46:34] <Pixy> yang cepet yang dapet
[02:46:42] <Ayers> pantesan
[02:46:42] <Pixy> yang bayar duluan yg dapet
[02:47:05] <Ayers> lu per semester bayar brp yan
[02:47:18] <Pixy> semester awal 10
[02:47:31] <Pixy> total sampai semester 7 sekitar 55jt an
[02:47:51] <Ayers> murah juga
[02:47:56] <Ayers> gw cuma 30jt
[02:48:02] <Ayers> sampe tamat
[02:48:07] <Pixy> lebih murah tu
[02:48:12] <Ayers> tapi kan umy masuk rank
[02:48:12] <Ayers> gw ga
[02:48:27] <Pixy> lu dimana ndri
[02:48:38] <Ayers> itb ahmad dahlan
[02:48:48] <Pixy> sumatera itu?
[02:48:50] <Ayers> jakarta
[02:49:06] <Pixy> baru tau gw lu di jakarta
[02:49:14] <Pixy> yang usu siapa dah
[02:49:16] <Ayers> william
[02:49:21] <Pixy> oh iya
[02:49:29] --> DJCAYZ connected to the server
[02:50:33] <Ayers> lu bawa at yan?
[02:50:44] <Pixy> iya ndri
[02:50:51] <Ayers> kok kalo yg bawa lu bisa cepet
[02:50:56] <Pixy> males gw bawa yang lain
[02:51:04] <Ayers> pake mod?
[02:51:14] <Pixy> gatau, gw dari awal dulu mesti main at
[02:51:17] <Pixy> gaada
[02:51:22] <Ayers> dah biasa berarti ya
[02:51:30] <Pixy> mungkin
[02:51:32] <-- DJCAYZ disconnected from the server
[02:52:16] <Pixy> lu mau beli vip berapa ndri
[02:52:19] --> DJCAYZ connected to the server
[02:52:29] <Pixy> 12 ya
[02:52:34] <Ayers> kayanya
[02:52:47] <Ayers> tapi cygnusnya lagi ga ada duit kata jacob
[02:56:54] <Ayers> si adhy dmn yan
[02:56:57] <Ayers> sama?
[02:57:04] <Pixy> amikom dia
[02:57:09] <Ayers> apaan tu
[02:57:17] <Pixy> komunikasi2 gitu
[02:57:25] <Ayers> lah katanya ekonomi dia
[02:57:27] <Pixy> tapi gatau gw jurusan apa
[02:57:35] <Pixy> keknya ikom dah
[02:57:38] <Pixy> gatau juga gw
[02:57:45] <Ayers> katanya manajemen dia
[02:57:48] <Pixy> soallnya sering pinjem kamera gw
[02:57:53] <Pixy> buat project katanya
[02:57:58] <Ayers> hmm
[02:58:03] <Ayers> gw kirain lu deket yan
[02:58:16] <Pixy> gw sama temen2 sma masih sering main
[02:58:19] <Pixy> termasuk adhy
[02:58:34] <Pixy> tapi banyak yg gk terlalu tau tentang adhy
[02:58:39] <Ayers> knp gitu
[02:58:42] <Pixy> ga cuma gw, temen2 lain emg gatau
[02:58:50] <Ayers> jarang cerita?
[02:58:52] <Pixy> entah, kurang terbuka gitu
[02:58:57] <Pixy> sama pada males
[02:59:05] <Ayers> si adhy emg gitu
[02:59:10] <Ayers> dia tipenya mau jawab kalo di tanyain
[02:59:18] <Ayers> tapi ga mau ngomong
[02:59:23] <Ayers> ya ga
[02:59:44] <Pixy> sosialnya dia lumayan kok, cuma sama beberapa orang aja
[02:59:46] <Ayers> ooo
[03:00:04] <Ayers> kurang sreg kali dia
[03:00:15] <Pixy> mungkin, dari smp gitu soallnya
[03:00:56] <Ayers> lah lu temann dari sd?
[03:01:03] <Pixy> smp ndri
[03:01:11] <Ayers> 1 sekolah?
[03:01:22] <Pixy> iya
[03:01:27] <Pixy> smp pernah sekelass
[03:01:29] <Ayers> gila juga
[03:01:32] <Pixy> sma sekelas terus
[03:01:42] <Pixy> wildan dari sd smp
[03:01:47] <Pixy> salman smp sma
[03:01:50] <Ayers> gw kirain wildan kenalan di pl
[03:02:00] <Pixy> kagak, temen gw sd smp tu
[03:02:16] <Pixy> gw ajakin gegara liat screenshot di fb
[03:02:16] <Ayers> si salman skrg kuliah dmn yan
[03:02:26] <Pixy> UII
[03:02:36] <Ayers> singkatan dari?
[03:02:52] <Pixy> univeristas islam indonesia
[03:03:22] <Pixy> tempatnya mahfud md
[03:03:35] <Ayers> jurusan apa
[03:03:43] <Pixy> akuntansi apa ya
[03:03:56] <Pixy> kalau gak eko
[03:03:56] <Ayers> kirain akuntansi gw ber 3 doang
[03:04:03] <Ayers> gw firza jacob
[03:04:06] <Ayers> salman juga ya
[03:04:16] <Pixy> iya keknya, pokoknya fe dia
[03:04:50] <Ayers> lu knp pilih HI yan
[03:05:08] <Ayers> UMY kan udah kaya binusnya jogja
[03:05:13] <Ayers> trisakti deng
[03:05:13] <Pixy> pilihan 2 gw ndri
[03:05:28] <Pixy> itu aja udah mepet gw ambil
[03:05:36] <Ayers> emg apa 1 lagi
[03:05:36] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[03:05:39] <Pixy> untung2an dapet HI situ
[03:05:46] <Pixy> gw penerbangan
[03:05:51] <Ayers> oh ya
[03:05:57] <Danielson> `kenapa ga UAD yan
[03:05:57] <Ayers> gagal jadi pilot knp yan
[03:05:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> nobar license
[03:06:07] <Ayers> bagusan uad apa umy si
[03:06:10] <Pixy> UAD gaada HI cob
[03:06:15] <Danielson> sama2 muhamadiyah ndri
[03:06:17] <Danielson> ga tau bagusan mana
[03:06:17] <Danielson> ooo
[03:06:22] <Pixy> ga dikasih berangkat sama bokap ndri gw
[03:06:28] <Ayers> yah sayang bgt yan
[03:06:40] <Danielson> takut anaknya kenapa2 kali yan
[03:06:48] <Pixy> bilangnya kuliah dulu
[03:06:51] <Danielson> mana fir
[03:06:51] <Danielson> katanya tes
[03:06:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> 4 dodo lagi
[03:06:56] <Pixy> abis potd pir
[03:07:01] <Ayers> yaudah abis itu ambil penerbangan yan
[03:07:11] <Pixy> keknya enggak ndri
[03:07:14] <Ayers> knp
[03:07:32] <Pixy> duit keluarga gw dibawa lari
[03:07:45] <Ayers> emg bisnis kejam ya
[03:07:47] <Danielson> buset
[03:07:55] <Pixy> ya namanya juga bisnis
[03:08:00] <Pixy> emg high risk kata bokap gw
[03:08:18] <-- Warthog disconnected from the server
[03:08:54] <Ayers> yaudah kerja aja dulu yan
[03:09:02] <Ayers> kerja mah ga pandang jurusan
[03:09:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> woo asu
[03:09:28] <Pixy> iya ndri rencana mau ngelanjutin usaha
[03:09:35] <Danielson> lu daftar pns ndri?
[03:09:43] <Ayers> gw belom ada ijazah cob
[03:09:56] <Danielson> yah
[03:10:19] <Ayers> kalo boleh tau usaha apa yan
[03:10:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> pns sma aja
[03:10:29] <Ayers> estate?
[03:10:32] <Pixy> proyek pemerintah gitu ndri
[03:10:45] <Pixy> rata2 sih alat pertanian
[03:10:47] <Pixy> main lelang
[03:10:50] <Ayers> ooo
[03:11:03] <Ayers> keren juga usaha bapak lu yan
[03:11:31] <Pixy> itu cv sih ndri, banyak kok lelang2 kek gitu
[03:11:46] <Ayers> nge lelangin barang barang pemerintah gitu?
[03:11:59] <Pixy> lebih ke nyariin barang buat dinas
[03:12:07] <Pixy> terkait
[03:12:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> 1x lagi
[03:12:22] <Ayers> banyak juga jenis bisnis ya
[03:12:28] <Ayers> baru tau gw ada bisnis kaya gitu
[03:12:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> emang banyak
[03:12:33] <Pixy> emang, gw juga baru tau
[03:12:38] <Danielson> `selama ada pasarnya mah bisa aja ndri
[03:12:43] <Danielson> atau lu yang menciptakan pasar
[03:12:48] <Danielson> wedeh
[03:12:48] --> CaoMishma connected to the server
[03:12:51] <Pixy> wuedeh
[03:12:53] <Ayers> s1 jacob
[03:12:53] <Danielson> sok iya gua
[03:13:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> mt chilliad sabar
[03:14:05] <Danielson> lu udah yudisium ndri?
[03:14:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> goblok harusnya gua psikotes astra malah reschedule
[03:14:10] <Danielson> fir fir
[03:14:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> lagi di email malem2 bangsat jam 10
[03:14:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> captionnya selamat siang
[03:14:26] <Ayers> yudisium itu
[03:14:28] <Pixy> wkwkwk
[03:14:34] <Ayers> apa ya lupa gw
[03:14:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> nilai skripsi dah keluar
[03:14:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> namanya yudisium
[03:14:46] <Ayers> oh udah
[03:14:52] <Danielson> proses sebelom wisuda pokoknya
[03:14:54] <Danielson> lu kapan wisuda?
[03:14:59] <Ayers> tahun depan cob
[03:15:02] <Ayers> di tmii
[03:15:04] <Ayers> dateng fir
[03:15:04] <Danielson> lah
[03:15:07] <Danielson> ngapa ga tahun ini
[03:15:10] <Danielson> ?
[03:15:12] <Ayers> ga tau tu kampus
[03:15:17] <Ayers> mau nyatuin sama yg semester ini
[03:15:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2020 kapan?
[03:15:25] <Ayers> april kali
[03:15:30] <Ayers> atau februari
[03:15:33] <Danielson> anjing lama amat
[03:15:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> kalo gua belom kerja
[03:16:04] <Ayers> makanya kesel gw
[03:16:06] <Ayers> gw lulus agustus
[03:16:11] <Pixy> udah ja?
[03:16:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> gas
[03:16:29] <Pixy> otw
[03:16:35] <Danielson> ayo ndang fir
[03:16:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> nunggu ryan
[03:16:55] <Ayers> gw lagi narik
[03:17:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> jam 8 deh mulai
[03:17:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> bismillah
[03:17:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> buang sial
[03:17:52] <Ayers> lu ga coli tadi kan fir
[03:18:02] <Ayers> siapa tau bala colinya
[03:18:02] <Pixy> baru lisen ndri
[03:18:10] <Danielson> harusnya coli dulu
[03:18:17] <Pixy> kok ga keluar
[03:18:23] <Pixy> dah terbang pir?
[03:18:25] <Ayers> respawn
[03:18:30] <Ayers> makanya nonton jgn dari awal
[03:18:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> jacob bisa
[03:18:51] <Pixy> baru tau gw
[03:19:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> gabisa invert
[03:19:42] <Ayers> lu percaya ga sih kebijakan ganjil genap ngerugiin grab sama gocar
[03:19:50] <Ayers> terus malah untungin taxi komersial
[03:20:05] <Danielson> wkwkw firza dipanggil ortu
[03:20:08] <Danielson> ya bisa aja ndri
[03:20:13] <Pixy> gw ga paham kalau itu
[03:20:18] <Ayers> di jakarta doang ya
[03:20:23] <Ayers> wilayah lain ga berlaku
[03:20:26] <Pixy> afk ni firza
[03:20:31] <Danielson> wkwkw firza dipanggil ortu
[03:20:36] <Danielson> gagal fir?
[03:20:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> belom
[03:20:41] <Ayers> emg pake waktu?
[03:20:54] <Danielson> tumben mikirin grab gocar ndri
[03:21:10] <Ayers> siapa tau next usaha beli mobil cob
[03:21:15] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[03:21:25] <Danielson> amin
[03:21:28] <Ayers> jaklingko nya anies angkot gw belom dapet
[03:21:30] <Ayers> bangsat juga anies
[03:21:41] <Ayers> padahal dulu gw dukung anies karena itu doang
[03:21:41] <Danielson> ya lu tangerang si
[03:21:46] <Ayers> angkot gw jkt cob
[03:21:54] <Danielson> ga nyampe perbatasan kali ndri
[03:22:04] --> Pixy connected to the server
[03:22:09] <Ayers> tapi udah ada 10 mobil yg dapet
[03:22:17] <Ayers> untuk trayek gw ya
[03:22:27] <Danielson> tapi lu blom dapet?
[03:22:30] <Ayers> belom
[03:22:32] <Danielson> yah
[03:22:32] <Ayers> padahal angkot gw terawat
[03:22:40] <Ayers> dah kaya mobil pribadi tu angkot
[03:22:53] <Danielson> lu ga mengajukan kali ndri
[03:23:06] <Ayers> udah berkali kali bapak gw dateng ke kwknya cob
[03:23:13] <Danielson> ga dikasih?
[03:23:19] <Danielson> apa cuma diiyain?
[03:23:19] <Ayers> katanya nanti tunggu kabar
[03:23:24] <Ayers> kan kontol
[03:23:26] <Danielson> wkwkwk
[03:23:42] <Ayers> soalnya petinggi kwk ni angkotnya kan banyak cob
[03:23:44] <Ayers> kayanya sengaja dia
[03:23:49] <Danielson> ya politik
[03:23:49] <Ayers> biar angkot dia yg dapet
[03:23:52] <Ayers> emg anjing
[03:24:02] <Danielson> ya gitulah ndri
[03:24:07] <Danielson> kalo punya wewenang
[03:24:13] <Pixy> namanya juga politik
[03:24:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah ini
[03:25:17] <Pixy> dah selesai
[03:25:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> ejet
[03:25:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> F
[03:25:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> kepencet enter
[03:25:30] <Ayers> bego
[03:25:40] <Pixy> kagak wkwkw
[03:26:21] <Danielson> cie firza
[03:26:24] <Danielson> gantian ah
[03:26:26] <Ayers> oo seasparrow dari dodo ya
[03:26:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> ejet
[03:26:29] <Ayers> dodo harus brp score
[03:26:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz kek anjing
[03:26:37] <Pixy> f
[03:26:37] <Ayers> ty
[03:26:42] <Danielson> f
[03:26:55] <Pixy> lu mau ambil cob?
[03:26:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> 150 score dodo
[03:27:00] <Danielson> ini lagi ambil
[03:27:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> 1000 score semua
[03:27:05] <Danielson> buang2 duit aja
[03:27:18] <Ayers> apaan si ja 125 semua scorenya kwkw
[03:27:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> wuedeh
[03:27:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> itu dodo 150 sendiri
[03:27:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> andri
[03:28:02] <Danielson> masa top 10 dodo gini doang ga bisa ya kan
[03:28:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> kepencet enter gua kasih duit 200k
[03:28:22] <Pixy> balik modal
[03:28:22] <Danielson> jangan sampe
[03:28:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> rugi 300k tetep
[03:28:30] <Ayers> emg selain seasparrow apa lagi hadiahnya
[03:28:32] <Danielson> duit
[03:28:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> 400k
[03:28:38] <Ayers> ga guna
[03:28:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> lah mending seasparrow
[03:28:43] <Danielson> lu bayar 500 fir?
[03:28:45] <Danielson> kok gua 400 ya
[03:28:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> tesnya 500k dapet 400k kan lontong
[03:28:53] <Danielson> kaga
[03:28:56] <Danielson> gua tesnya 400
[03:28:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> gatau deh
[03:29:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua 500k
[03:29:03] <Danielson> fir fir
[03:29:26] <Pixy> takutnya ngebug
[03:29:34] <Pixy> harusnya hadiahnya 2x lipat
[03:29:42] <Pixy> kek nevada tulisannya 15jt
[03:29:50] <Pixy> begitu ambil 5jt doang dapet
[03:29:57] <Ayers> nevada kalo udah 2500 dikasi duit ga
[03:30:08] <Pixy> license iya
[03:30:15] <Ayers> kalo ga license ?
[03:30:20] <Ayers> soalnya shamal di kasi 500k
[03:30:23] <Ayers> pas scorenya 500
[03:30:31] <Pixy> gatau, emg ada ya sistem berapa score terus dapet duit
[03:30:36] <Pixy> oo baru ingat gw
[03:30:51] <Pixy> aduh jekop
[03:30:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[03:30:59] <Pixy> mati aja cob
[03:31:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> mati aja kop
[03:31:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[03:31:09] <Danielson> wkwkwaw
[03:31:12] <Danielson> azab sombong
[03:31:14] <Ayers> gz
[03:31:32] <Ayers> ngambil lisensi aja mati
[03:31:38] <Danielson> itulah ndri
[03:31:40] <Danielson> azab sombong
[03:31:45] <Ayers> joki aja
[03:31:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> joki farzi
[03:31:56] <Danielson> gua siap 1.6jt
[03:31:58] <Danielson> buat 4x coba
[03:32:03] <Ayers> ni gw ada duit cob
[03:32:09] <Danielson> nanti aja ndri
[03:32:27] <Danielson> oh iya 500 fir
[03:32:29] <Ayers> cepet dapet duit main apaan
[03:32:34] <Danielson> hydra
[03:32:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> lotto
[03:32:50] <Ayers> emg nevada dikit ya
[03:32:52] <Danielson> togel
[03:32:57] <Ayers> dosa fir judi
[03:33:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> char gua kristen
[03:35:29] --> P$G connected to the server
[03:35:39] <CaoMishma> wb
[03:35:42] <P$G> tyy
[03:37:20] <Ayers> jacob afk?
[03:37:27] <P$G> /afklist
[03:37:30] <Ayers> tq
[03:37:30] <Danielson> lagi tes
[03:37:33] <P$G> i think no lol
[03:37:40] <Danielson> im not afk
[03:37:45] <Danielson> im taking dodo license
[03:37:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> yaelah lagi truck
[03:38:27] <Pixy> wuedeh gz
[03:38:29] <Ayers> kelar?
[03:38:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[03:38:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> sombong sih
[03:38:45] <Pixy> baru landing
[03:38:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> landing LV?
[03:39:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> wuedeh
[03:39:05] <CaoMishma> GZ
[03:39:08] <Danielson> azab sombong
[03:39:08] <Ayers> gz
[03:39:10] <P$G> gz
[03:39:10] <Danielson> thanks cao
[03:39:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> ty
[03:39:13] <Danielson> and psg
[03:39:15] <Danielson> suwun kabeh
[03:39:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> jekop di gz tin
[03:39:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> gue engga
[03:39:39] <Pixy> wkwkw
[03:39:46] <Danielson> emang gitu hidup fir
[03:40:07] <Ayers> ngasi duit gmn
[03:40:09] <Danielson> /givecash
[03:40:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> givecash
[03:40:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> buat apa andri
[03:40:43] <Ayers> ga ada
[03:41:01] <Danielson> andri baik banget :(
[03:41:01] <Ayers> si tai
[03:41:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> bagi 1 dollar andri
[03:41:55] <Danielson> kebaikanmu besar pahalanya ndri
[03:42:03] <Ayers> banyak juga duit dodo ya
[03:42:05] <Ayers> gw kirain cuma dapet 500
[03:42:08] <Ayers> gw kirain cuma dapet 5000
[03:42:44] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[03:44:16] <Danielson> itu beneran buat gua ndri?
[03:44:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> orientasis aya bukan duit andri
[03:44:55] <Ayers> gengsi ya
[03:44:57] <Danielson> ndri balas dong
[03:45:05] <Ayers> buat lu cob
[03:45:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> nanti ngeluh gara2 ngasih duit
[03:45:10] <Danielson> makasih ndri
[03:45:10] <Pixy> wakwkaw
[03:45:18] <Ayers> gw mah ngeluh inverted doang
[03:45:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> nyalahin gua
[03:45:31] <Ayers> wjjwjw tai
[03:45:33] <Ayers> mana pernah gw kaya gitu
[03:45:54] <Ayers> kalo maverick brp score
[03:45:59] <Danielson> yah ga kena
[03:45:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> 100 heli
[03:46:12] <Ayers> dodo dulu dah
[03:46:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> dodo 1 hari ingame 10 kali
[03:46:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> kalo rutenya kek tai 8km bisa 8x doang
[03:46:53] <Ayers> berarti 4jam main
[03:46:56] <Danielson> kenapa pada keluar disc semua
[03:47:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> ngelag discord
[03:49:32] <-- DJCAYZ disconnected from the server
[03:50:52] <Ayers> st kok bisa bubar si
[03:50:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> gak ada yg login
[03:51:00] <Pixy> sama kek gia
[03:51:05] <Ayers> sayang bgt
[03:51:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> bma juga
[03:51:36] <Ayers> dulu maksimal airlines brp si
[03:51:51] <Pixy> 10 apa ya
[03:51:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> lebih
[03:52:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> ST BMA GIA IA DHL LAN AA
[03:52:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> sisanya airline dijual
[03:52:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> airline dadakan*
[03:52:40] <Ayers> malaysia di jual apa kena apus
[03:52:45] <Pixy> jual
[03:52:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> jual
[03:53:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> Delta Blue jan lupa
[03:54:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> ini sekarang nasibnya kaya The Dutch Aviator sama Air Asia 2020
[03:54:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2012*
[03:54:15] <Ayers> air asia kena apus?
[03:54:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> yang airline sisa 1 ceo doang
[03:54:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> gtw
[03:55:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> pokoknya dulu gelut dah
[03:55:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> pagi2 pasti ST kalo gak airline orang latin
[04:00:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player crux
[04:00:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player crux: 11847 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[04:02:29] <Ayers> itu udah semua ja?
[04:02:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> apaan?
[04:02:37] <Ayers> potd
[04:02:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> ga la
[04:02:45] <Ayers> apa yg kurang
[04:03:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> pizaboy cargo taksi bis
[04:03:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> sky diver
[04:03:21] <Ayers> dapet brp tu sky diver
[04:03:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> gak worth
[04:03:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> 10k lama
[04:03:47] <Pixy> gamasuk highscore juga
[04:04:30] <Ayers> dah ga ad lagi si main samp orang
[04:04:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> yang main paling warnet jamet
[04:07:20] <Ayers> nama nama pemain di compani kok ga ilang ya
[04:07:28] <Ayers> tapi di airlines kena kick
[04:07:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> ngebug
[04:07:46] <Pixy> makanya awet company
[04:08:01] <Ayers> ga bakalan ilang company ya
[04:08:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[04:08:12] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[04:08:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> asu jekop nungguin lotto doang
[04:09:11] <Ayers> lu ga main game lain yan?
[04:09:19] <Ayers> atau cuma ada samp
[04:09:21] <Pixy> codm
[04:09:29] <Pixy> rata2 offline
[04:09:31] <Ayers> game apa tu
[04:09:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> kemaren mabar pubgl sama rico wildan
[04:09:39] <Pixy> pc gw kentang
[04:09:44] <Pixy> cod mobile
[04:10:07] <Pixy> wows juga sama rico
[04:10:07] <Ayers> game offlinenya apa ja yan
[04:10:10] <Pixy> calvin
[04:10:18] <Ayers> calvin masi man wows?
[04:10:28] <Pixy> fsx, banshee, red alert, the sims
[04:10:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> mainnya azur lane
[04:10:38] <Pixy> banyak lagi
[04:10:43] <Ayers> banshee yg mana si
[04:10:49] <Ayers> kok gw ga tau
[04:10:56] <Pixy> bikin kampung2
[04:11:01] <Ayers> oh ya
[04:11:01] <Ayers> lupa wkkw
[04:11:04] <Ayers> itu susah bgt sumpah
[04:11:19] <Ayers> kok banshee sih
[04:11:22] <Pixy> gw ngulang 13 kali baru bisa dapet populasi bagus
[04:11:25] <Ayers> banished kali
[04:11:30] <Pixy> oiya
[04:11:30] <Pixy> wkwkw
[04:11:43] <Pixy> banshee mah nama mobil
[04:11:43] <Ayers> kalo udah musim dingin auto mati rakyat gw
[04:11:48] <Ayers> kwkwkw tolol
[04:12:01] <Pixy> gw udah ampe 350
[04:12:06] <Pixy> stuck disitu mulu
[04:12:13] <Ayers> jadi pgn beli banished lagi gw
[04:12:26] <Ayers> steam lagi diskon ga ja
[04:12:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> ga
[04:12:31] <Pixy> yang susah ngatur populasi doang
[04:12:34] <Pixy> ga keknya ndri
[04:12:42] <Pixy> desember ya
[04:12:44] <Ayers> dulu gw refund karena mati mulu rakyat gw
[04:12:47] <Ayers> males jadinya
[04:12:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> game receh gua banyak gak gua refund
[04:13:10] <Ayers> share family ja
[04:13:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> kan GTA SA gua pake di steam
[04:13:25] <Ayers> oh ya kwkw
[04:13:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> playcount gua banyak
[04:13:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> gara2 tab SAMP
[04:14:14] <Ayers> ah tolol la nyangkut mulu dodo gw
[04:15:08] <Ayers> fir fir
[04:15:39] <Ayers> gw pgn kaya adit gitu
[04:15:42] <Ayers> ambil kuliah niat
[04:15:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> gendut
[04:15:49] <Ayers> lah gw kuliah ga niat
[04:16:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> adit juga tersiksa
[04:16:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> koas juga mampus2 an dia
[04:16:41] <Ayers> koas tu apa si
[04:16:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> profesi buat kedokteran keknya
[04:17:32] <Ayers> oh kalo lulus biasa doang cuma jadi dokter umum ya
[04:17:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> iya
[04:17:50] <Ayers> makanya dia ambil profesi
[04:17:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> eh gak paham juga kalo kedokteran
[04:18:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> soalnya rata2 pada ngambil koas
[04:18:06] <Pixy> kata mau buka praktek adit
[04:18:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> 1-2 taun
[04:18:14] <Ayers> berarti si adit kelar kuliah ambil praktek dong
[04:18:16] <Ayers> udah brp tahun si adit
[04:18:21] <Ayers> dia lulus kan 1,5 tahun yg lalu
[04:18:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> 1.75 taun
[04:18:26] <Ayers> berarti april dah kelar dong
[04:18:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> dia awal januari 2018 dah lulus
[04:18:47] <Ayers> langsung buka klinik ya
[04:18:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua paling telat itungannya
[04:18:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> bukan buka klinik
[04:18:57] <Ayers> lu 5,5 tahun apa 5 tahun
[04:19:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> 4.75 taun
[04:19:20] --> Danielson connected to the server
[04:19:26] <Ayers> yg ngebuat lama apa fir
[04:19:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> dosen
[04:19:44] <Ayers> dosen lu ilang mulu?
[04:19:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> banyak mau
[04:20:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> kadang lu procast
[04:20:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> kelamaan mager
[04:20:20] <Danielson> sama nih
[04:20:30] <Danielson> ga nanya ya
[04:20:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> ga
[04:20:38] <Danielson> :(
[04:20:40] <Ayers> kalo lu di dosen juga cob?
[04:20:45] <Danielson> gua nya males
[04:21:01] <Ayers> lu dapet tekanan ga
[04:21:01] <Danielson> topiknya juga susah
[04:21:08] <Danielson> tekanan dari siapa?
[04:21:11] <Ayers> dari orang rumah
[04:21:16] <Danielson> iya
[04:21:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> 22 dong asu
[04:21:34] <Ayers> lu punya adek cob?
[04:21:37] <Ayers> atau lu paling tua
[04:21:37] <Danielson> anak tunggal
[04:21:39] <Ayers> oooo
[04:21:57] <Ayers> lu dulu lulus 5 tahun kena tekanan ga ja
[04:22:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> kerja gonta ganti pesawat gak enaknya cuman dapet 60k
[04:22:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> bolak balik ganti pesaaw
[04:22:18] <Ayers> nevada ga worth it ah
[04:22:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> pasti la
[04:22:23] <Ayers> banyak dapet
[04:22:23] <Ayers> dodo
[04:22:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> temen lu pada dah lulus tapi lu masih bab 1
[04:22:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> ditelpon orang mulu suruh lulus
[04:23:35] <Ayers> dah lulus disuruh kerja cepet ya ga
[04:23:38] <Ayers> tekanan lagi
[04:23:43] <Danielson> lu juga kan ndri
[04:23:48] <Danielson> dah lulus masih nganggur
[04:23:48] <Ayers> ya
[04:24:26] <Danielson> !houses thegamer
[04:24:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Angel Pine: $2,500,000 3 slots Whitewood Estates: $12,500,000 8 slots Redsands East: $5,800,000 5 slots Non(..)
[04:25:03] <Ayers> rejeki gw ga kaya abang gw si
[04:25:08] <Ayers> emg anak sial kayanya gw
[04:25:13] <Danielson> ga juga
[04:25:18] <Danielson> kayak indra sama ashura ndri
[04:25:23] <Pixy> udah ada yg ngatur ndri
[04:25:23] <Danielson> yg satu talenta
[04:25:26] <Danielson> yg satu kerja keras
[04:25:36] <Pixy> mana tau blm waktu lu aja
[04:26:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> kemakan sama toxic positivity
[04:26:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> jadi gua males
[04:26:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> mending berkaca diri daripada denger ucapan orang yang ada toxic
[04:27:04] <Danielson> haleluya
[04:27:11] <Ayers> gw takutnya kelamaan nganggur lupa kuliah ngapain
[04:27:16] <Danielson> ya baca2 lagi
[04:27:27] <Danielson> kebanyakan juga begitu
[04:27:58] <Ayers> agak gengsi gw mau ke kampus
[04:28:21] <Danielson> kenapa gengsi?
[04:28:28] <Ayers> ya harusnya kan udah nyarti kerja
[04:28:31] <Ayers> ngapain ke kampus lagi
[04:28:46] <Ayers> meskipun ga ada yg nanyain sih
[04:28:52] <Ayers> cuma di dalam diri gw aja
[04:30:47] <Ayers> lu ada ngumpulin kertas rivisian skripsi ga
[04:30:50] <Ayers> gw ada kwkw
[04:30:52] <Ayers> ada kali 1 kardus
[04:31:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua loakin
[04:31:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> sisanya draft skripsi
[04:31:05] <Danielson> kalo gua masih blom sbrp banyak
[04:31:13] <Pixy> lu kumpulin kenapa ndri
[04:31:21] <Ayers> ga tau
[04:31:21] <Ayers> kenangan aja
[04:31:26] <Danielson> wedeh
[04:31:28] <Danielson> lu melankolis
[04:31:36] <Ayers> lu skripsi dibuat untuk diri lu sendiri ga ja
[04:31:39] <Ayers> \
[04:31:44] <Ayers> versi buku
[04:31:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> kaga
[04:31:54] <Ayers> napa
[04:31:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> ngpain jaman digital juga
[04:32:07] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[04:32:15] <Ayers> kenangan
[04:32:51] --> Danielson connected to the server
[04:33:34] <Pixy> ngisi bensin pesawat yang bayar maskapai ya
[04:33:42] <Ayers> kaga
[04:33:45] <Danielson> sendiri
[04:33:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> individu
[04:33:47] <Ayers> bayar sendiri
[04:33:52] <Pixy> kok duit gw kagak kurang
[04:33:55] <Danielson> kalo benerin baru bayar
[04:33:58] <Danielson> dibayarin*
[04:34:05] <Danielson> ga tau deh
[04:34:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> ngebug lu ya
[04:34:13] <Ayers> bayar sendiri kok
[04:34:13] <Pixy> keknya
[04:34:21] <Ayers> tadi gw isi bensin 100persen masa 3x
[04:34:26] <Ayers> bayar 3x
[04:35:10] <Ayers> lu pada kepikiran masuk invertedr knp
[04:35:15] <Pixy> ngikut aja
[04:35:20] <Ayers> karena admin semua?
[04:35:20] <Pixy> pada di inverted
[04:35:25] <Pixy> yang indo
[04:35:40] <Ayers> gw juga ikut ikutan
[04:38:38] <Ayers> gw heran sama lu yan
[04:38:43] <Pixy> napa ndri
[04:38:43] <Ayers> kok bisa temen sma smp main samp
[04:38:53] <Pixy> gatau juga
[04:38:53] <Ayers> pas gw smp sama smp aja pada ga tau samp apaan
[04:38:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player randhy_id
[04:39:01] (WEB) <robin_be> player randhy_id: 234 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[04:39:09] <Ayers> smp sma*
[04:39:09] <Pixy> gegara gw post di fb terus
[04:39:12] --> Fluffy connected to the server
[04:39:19] <Pixy> pada nanya
[04:39:19] <Ayers> wb
[04:39:30] <Fluffy> ty
[04:39:30] <Ayers> pantesan
[04:39:32] <Pixy> gw emg dulu ngebet main samp
[04:39:45] <Ayers> yg lain pada main pb
[04:39:48] <Pixy> seru keknya gitu
[04:39:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player kristel
[04:39:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player kristel: 6933 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[04:39:58] <Pixy> pb gw juga main, tapi ga lama
[04:41:07] <Ayers> lu tau samp dari mana yan
[04:41:13] <Pixy> youtube
[04:41:25] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[04:42:12] --> Pixy connected to the server
[04:42:22] <Pixy> lotto terakhir tadi berapa dah
[04:42:32] <Pixy> ga paham gw sama indihome
[04:42:40] <Ayers> lagi eror kali
[04:42:50] <Ayers> pake paket yg brp yan
[04:43:03] <Pixy> yang paling kecil
[04:43:06] <Ayers> gw ajakin boris main samp lagi dia udah ga ada gta sa
[04:43:06] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[04:43:06] <Pixy> 100mbps kan
[04:43:16] <Pixy> oiya 10
[04:43:26] <Ayers> sama usee tv ga
[04:43:29] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[04:43:37] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[04:43:42] <Ayers> gw pgn usee tv buat nonton anime doang
[04:43:47] <Ayers> bisa ga si
[04:43:52] <Ayers> paket channel lokal ga usah
[04:44:05] --> Pixy connected to the server
[04:44:23] <Ayers> sama usee tv yan?
[04:44:31] <Pixy> gw cabut
[04:44:33] <Pixy> biar ga terlalu mahal
[04:44:41] <Ayers> jadi kena brp
[04:44:49] <Ayers> murah
[04:44:59] <Pixy> awalnya 300
[04:45:02] <Pixy> naik2 mulu
[04:45:20] <Ayers> telpon
[04:45:27] <Ayers> komplen aja
[04:45:27] <Pixy> iya sama telpon
[04:45:30] <Ayers> nanti di turunin juga
[04:45:38] <Pixy> udah gw komplain
[04:45:40] <Pixy> turun
[04:45:43] <Pixy> terus naik lagi
[04:45:48] <Ayers> wkwkkw
[04:45:56] <Ayers> tapi pertahap kan naiknya
[04:45:58] <Pixy> iya
[04:46:06] <Pixy> tapi kadang turun juga
[04:46:08] <Pixy> ga jelas
[04:46:08] <Ayers> emg si internet itu sebenernya 10mbps bayarnya 500k
[04:46:24] <Ayers> kan dari promo masangnya
[04:46:29] <Pixy> pln ni katanya mau buka internet
[04:46:37] <Ayers> bagus la
[04:46:44] <Pixy> ada gw liat foto dimana
[04:46:50] <Pixy> terus gaada kabar lagi
[04:46:55] <Ayers> telkom terlalu monopoli
[04:47:02] <Ayers> emg si skrg ga monopoli banyak pilihan
[04:47:05] <Ayers> tapi ttp aja yg bagus punya telkom
[04:47:08] <Pixy> makanya itu
[04:47:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> telkom luas
[04:47:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> dia monopoli pasar desa
[04:48:17] <Ayers> pl kok kalo di search internet ga ketemu servernya
[04:48:20] <Ayers> pantesen ga ada player baru
[04:48:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> masih private itungannya
[04:48:45] <Ayers> biar ga diserang hacker lagi ya
[04:48:45] <Ayers> biar ga cape
[04:48:53] <-- Fluffy disconnected from the server
[04:50:02] --> Fluffy connected to the server
[04:50:26] --> Ainz connected to the server
[04:50:54] <Ainz> !player stan
[04:50:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player stan: 10365 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[04:54:46] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[05:07:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> tar sore
[05:07:04] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[05:07:27] --> Danielson connected to the server
[05:19:14] <Ainz> meep
[05:22:09] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[05:24:33] <Ainz> fuel economy on roadtrain is so bad lmao
[05:24:46] <Ainz> takes like 3percent fuel for 1km
[05:27:05] <Ainz> gz
[05:27:12] <Pixy> thanks
[05:27:54] <Danielson> kontol
[05:27:59] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[05:28:01] <Pixy> wkwkwk maap
[05:31:53] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[05:52:55] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[06:06:22] <-- Fluffy disconnected from the server
[06:06:50] --> Fluffy connected to the server
[06:46:39] --> Pixy connected to the server
[06:50:33] --> Ayers connected to the server
[06:51:27] <Pixy> ga dota ndri
[06:51:29] <Ayers> ga
[06:51:42] <Ayers> tadi abis makan gw
[06:52:11] <Ayers> sama nonton spongebob bentar
[06:52:36] <Pixy> global pasti
[06:52:42] <Ayers> ya
[06:55:59] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[06:56:20] <Ayers> who win lotto?
[07:09:09] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[07:23:43] <-- CaoMishma disconnected from the server
[08:00:39] <-- Fluffy disconnected from the server
[08:24:38] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[08:26:44] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[08:45:45] --> Jacob connected to the server
[08:47:10] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[09:06:42] --> Fluffy connected to the server
[09:48:11] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[09:52:28] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[09:52:48] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[09:54:23] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[09:54:47] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[09:56:09] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[09:56:27] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[09:56:58] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[09:57:49] <-- Fluffy disconnected from the server
[09:59:52] --> Pixy connected to the server
[09:59:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> ryan asu
[10:00:00] <Cypher.> Is there anyway to disable the hud?
[10:00:03] <Pixy> apalagi
[10:00:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> /panel ?
[10:00:21] <Cypher.> Thanks man
[10:00:39] <Pixy> lotre terakhir nomor berapa
[10:00:41] <Pixy> !player cygnus
[10:00:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player cygnus: 10945 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[10:14:32] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[10:19:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> w/
[10:32:11] <Cypher.> wow
[10:32:16] <Cypher.> my name is in there :D
[10:32:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> i know u work at400
[10:32:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> so i skipped it
[10:32:47] <Cypher.> you couldve done it man
[10:32:55] <Cypher.> how much moeny did u earn in total
[10:33:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> POTD's = 9 x 5000
[10:33:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> work, about 80-100k
[10:51:46] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[10:54:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[10:54:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 1573 score, 1437 missions: 10'/. dodo - 9'/. shamal - 9'/. rescue
[10:59:01] --> Pixy connected to the server
[11:02:27] <Pixy> lotto barusan berapa ja
[11:03:10] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[11:03:39] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[11:03:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> ngentot rugi 2 pitd
[11:03:59] <Pixy> itu indihome apa server dah
[11:04:04] <Pixy> perasaan sering crash
[11:04:15] <Pixy> gw juga kadang gitu soallnya
[11:04:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua cerash
[11:04:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> oalah 31
[11:05:16] <Pixy> lotto pl ni sebenernya ada patternya kan
[11:05:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> harusnya
[11:05:47] <Pixy> tinggi rendah tinggi rendah
[11:09:15] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[11:12:08] <Cypher.> fuck
[11:12:10] <Cypher.> i am stupid
[11:12:13] <Cypher.> as fuck
[11:12:15] <Pixy> what happend?
[11:12:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> huh
[11:12:46] <Cypher.> nothing .-.
[11:12:52] <Pixy> bruh
[11:12:59] <Pixy> looks like something serious
[11:13:17] <Cypher.> its just me being stupid
[11:13:40] <Pixy> what kind of stupid
[11:15:49] <Cypher.> mentally retarded kind of stupid
[11:15:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> oje
[11:18:23] <Pixy> w
[11:18:26] <Cypher.> w
[11:18:49] <Cypher.> Pixy where are ya from?
[11:18:54] <Pixy> Indo
[11:19:04] <Pixy> nesia
[11:19:07] <Cypher.> Maldives
[11:19:25] <Pixy> heard a lot about maldvies
[11:19:33] <Pixy> nice place huh?
[11:19:35] <Cypher.> eh
[11:19:46] <Pixy> good for travelling
[11:19:48] <Cypher.> i am more of a city person
[11:19:56] <Pixy> ah i see
[11:20:01] <Cypher.> Dont like the maldives :c
[11:20:09] <Cypher.> very ugly tbh
[11:20:14] <Pixy> why?
[11:20:29] <Cypher.> The resorts are nice tbh
[11:20:42] <Cypher.> but the goverment only focuses on Male (capital of maldives).
[11:20:47] <Cypher.> not the local islands
[11:21:11] <Pixy> so there's no improvement on the other island?
[11:21:26] <Cypher.> there is a little bit improvement
[11:21:29] <Cypher.> just a little bit
[11:21:36] <Cypher.> but the roads are f ed up
[11:21:36] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[11:22:23] --> Pixy connected to the server
[11:22:25] <Cypher.> wb
[11:22:38] <Pixy> goddamn i hate my internet
[11:22:43] <Pixy> thanks anyway
[11:22:46] <Cypher.> same
[11:23:24] <Cypher.> JOYADII
[11:23:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> wut
[11:23:45] <Cypher.> Dont mess with the planes here pls
[11:23:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah imma
[11:23:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> work
[11:26:27] <Cypher.> Can someone come to me i need a little bit of help
[11:26:50] <Cypher.> Jody?
[11:27:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> imma afk, cant sorry
[11:27:03] <Cypher.> Pix?
[11:27:31] <Pixy> working atm, and also afk after the lottery
[11:27:36] <Cypher.> ok
[11:30:39] <Cypher.> 38!
[11:30:57] <Cypher.> I was gonna choose it but instead i picked 47
[11:31:30] <Cypher.> !cars Pixy
[11:31:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Pixy has:
[11:31:38] <Cypher.> !assets Pixy
[11:31:41] (WEB) <robin_be> Pixy has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[11:31:43] <Pixy> gimme some
[11:31:54] <Cypher.> whats your balance
[11:31:54] <Cypher.> mine is
[11:32:09] <Pixy> !assets cypher.
[11:32:12] (WEB) <robin_be> cypher. has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[11:32:22] <Pixy> in bank?
[11:32:25] <Cypher.> 0$
[11:32:38] <Cypher.> I gave like 6m to Cygnus
[11:32:43] <Pixy> really?
[11:32:48] <Cypher.> for VIP 3
[11:32:51] <Pixy> ah for vip?
[11:33:01] <Pixy> makes sense
[11:33:06] <Pixy> brb
[11:35:12] <Cypher.> for VIP 3
[11:40:41] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[12:05:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> afk
[12:11:04] --> Danielson connected to the server
[12:11:06] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[12:15:16] --> Danielson connected to the server
[12:17:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> ./reclass
[12:24:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets danielson
[12:24:11] (WEB) <robin_be> danielson has 3 car(s) ($350,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,400,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $1,750,000
[12:24:26] <Pixy> murah 3 slots 1.4
[12:24:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> jekop mana
[12:24:49] <Pixy> afk
[12:27:57] <Danielson> mau beli rumah?
[12:28:02] <Pixy> kagak, tanya doang
[12:28:07] <Danielson> kirain
[12:28:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> beli vip dong
[12:28:18] <Pixy> ga online2 cyg
[12:28:23] <Danielson> dia ga ada duit
[12:28:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> lagi bokek
[12:28:31] <Pixy> pre order
[12:28:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> paling 1-2minggu lagi
[12:28:43] <Danielson> tunggu desember aja
[12:29:01] <Pixy> natal ada event keknya
[12:29:19] <Danielson> semoga aja
[12:29:53] <Danielson> mau kerja tapi males
[12:30:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2jt lagi biar aman beli vip 4
[12:30:03] <Danielson> iya sih
[12:30:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> udah beli vip 4 gatau ngapain lagi
[12:30:31] <Danielson> muter2 aja udah
[12:30:37] <Danielson> beli rumah juga percuma
[12:31:05] <Pixy> bosen juga ditinggak
[12:31:07] <Pixy> ilang terus
[12:31:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> sellhouse deh
[12:31:36] <Danielson> iya emang lebih aman beli vip
[12:32:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> nebada harus 250 score ya
[12:32:14] <Pixy> keknya iya
[12:32:19] <Pixy> license kan?
[12:32:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> hooh
[12:32:27] <Pixy> 2500 score deh
[12:32:32] <Danielson> mau coba nevada tapi takut gagal
[12:32:35] <Danielson> lumayan juga 2.5m
[12:32:37] <Pixy> score biasa
[12:32:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> score mah aman
[12:33:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> males naikin ke 250 sama 500 nya
[12:33:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua udah ekerja militer belonm sih
[12:33:55] <Pixy> !score joyadi
[12:33:57] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player joyadi
[12:34:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[12:34:05] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 1598 score, 1459 missions: 10'/. dodo - 9'/. shamal - 9'/. rescue
[12:34:05] <Pixy> !score joyadijoestar.
[12:34:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score tergasis
[12:34:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player tergasis: 9556 score, 8253 missions: 11'/. shamal - 11'/. courier - 10'/. cargo drop
[12:34:36] <Pixy> !score ricardo_sasaki
[12:34:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player ricardo_sasaki: 8145 score, 8052 missions: 74'/. at400 - 6'/. shamal - 6'/. courier
[12:35:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> otw 1k
[12:35:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[12:36:22] <Pixy> begitu ambil genap, keluarnya ganjil
[12:36:43] <Pixy> siapa ambil 7
[12:36:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> awkakwakw
[12:36:50] <Danielson> gua 27
[12:37:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> ngomongnya 15 detik yang lalu
[12:37:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> kerja pizzaboy ntar rusak stats
[12:37:47] <Danielson> ngapain juga
[12:37:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> potd la
[12:39:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> anak koto
[12:39:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> l
[12:43:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> !interest 10000000
[12:43:52] (WEB) <robin_be> $10,000,000 will generate about $6,666 every 60 minutes
[12:44:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player serversta
[12:44:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player serversta: 20056 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[12:49:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> oalah
[12:49:06] <Pixy> jauh
[12:49:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> 7 x 3
[12:53:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> w/
[12:53:33] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[12:54:17] --> Pixy connected to the server
[12:56:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> wuedeh
[12:56:18] <Danielson> kita bertemu
[12:56:20] <Danielson> di udara
[12:56:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> tos dong
[12:56:31] <Danielson> tos
[12:57:40] <Danielson> cie
[12:57:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> cie
[12:58:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> asu
[12:58:08] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[12:58:11] <Danielson> yah
[12:58:29] <TheBestGamerEver> yo
[12:58:32] <Pixy> bule
[12:58:32] <Danielson> hi
[12:58:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> supo
[12:58:34] <Pixy> sup
[12:58:37] <Danielson> londo
[12:58:39] <Danielson> londo kampang
[12:58:55] <TheBestGamerEver> do I know you from somewhere danielson
[12:59:00] <TheBestGamerEver> you actually seem familiar
[12:59:00] <Danielson> discord?
[12:59:05] --> Ainz connected to the server
[12:59:10] <Danielson> welcome ainz
[12:59:13] <Ainz> ty
[12:59:15] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:01:26] <Danielson> cie
[13:01:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> euedeh
[13:02:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> wuedhe
[13:02:05] <Danielson> kontol
[13:02:07] <Pixy> wuedej
[13:02:07] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:02:10] <Danielson> aduh keceplosan
[13:02:13] <Danielson> gz
[13:02:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[13:02:25] <Pixy> ty
[13:02:33] <Pixy> wuede
[13:02:49] <TheBestGamerEver> you ty
[13:02:51] <TheBestGamerEver> and gz
[13:02:54] <Ainz> lol ty
[13:02:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> thanks
[13:03:01] <TheBestGamerEver> yyou did not have too tho
[13:03:07] <Ainz> ye
[13:03:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> xD
[13:03:12] <Danielson> he has too
[13:03:17] <Danielson> he won lotto everyday
[13:03:43] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr
[13:03:45] <TheBestGamerEver> i need to chang
[13:03:50] <TheBestGamerEver> my number
[13:04:29] <TheBestGamerEver> smh ainz
[13:04:34] <Ainz> im drunk xD
[13:04:49] <TheBestGamerEver> nice
[13:05:36] <TheBestGamerEver> you left highway for nothin
[13:05:43] <Ainz> u were driving into me smh
[13:06:07] <TheBestGamerEver> ffs
[13:06:09] <TheBestGamerEver> why this far
[13:06:12] <TheBestGamerEver> this is gay
[13:06:12] <Ainz> lol
[13:08:23] <TheBestGamerEver> shit
[13:08:31] <Ainz> lmfao
[13:08:43] <TheBestGamerEver> thought said acres lmao
[13:09:19] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[13:10:39] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[13:11:20] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[13:12:01] --> Ayers connected to the server
[13:12:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> andri
[13:12:09] <TheBestGamerEver> wv
[13:12:12] <Ayers> apa
[13:12:14] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[13:12:17] <Ayers> thank uu
[13:12:35] <TheBestGamerEver> are you playing upside down?
[13:13:08] <TheBestGamerEver> smh ainz
[13:13:08] <Ainz> xD
[13:13:31] <TheBestGamerEver> why...
[13:13:39] <Ainz> cuz why not xD
[13:13:52] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[13:13:54] <Ayers> ty
[13:13:54] <TheBestGamerEver> gz
[13:14:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> wb
[13:14:07] --> Ainz connected to the server
[13:14:10] <Ainz> ffs
[13:14:15] <TheBestGamerEver> you had ur time
[13:14:25] <TheBestGamerEver> now I will leave company work go work with planes
[13:14:28] <TheBestGamerEver> since u crashed
[13:14:33] <Ainz> alright
[13:14:41] <Ainz> i dont feel like playing aswell lmao
[13:14:43] <Ainz> cya
[13:14:43] <TheBestGamerEver> I need money :
[13:14:46] <TheBestGamerEver> bye
[13:14:48] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[13:16:24] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[13:18:19] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[13:19:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> andri /rc dong
[13:19:13] <Ayers> rico mana ya
[13:19:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> main pubg lite
[13:19:21] <Danielson> chat aja
[13:19:24] <Ayers> ya elah
[13:19:26] <Danielson>
[13:19:36] <Danielson> pubg lite banyak bot ya fir
[13:19:39] <Danielson> ?
[13:19:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> pas bronze iya
[13:19:49] <Danielson> ooo
[13:22:13] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[13:22:26] <Ayers> itu sirplane ya
[13:22:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> bukan
[13:22:42] <Ayers> siapa ja
[13:22:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> au
[13:22:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> orang baru
[13:22:52] <Danielson> sirplane dari jerman lokasinya
[13:23:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cash
[13:23:59] <Danielson> tai lah jauh2
[13:24:01] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has $10,253,288 in hand
[13:24:22] <Danielson> 2 jt lagi fir
[13:24:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2 jt 2 hari IRL
[13:24:40] <Ayers> sehari bisa kok
[13:24:45] <Danielson> kalo niat
[13:24:48] <Ayers> ya
[13:24:50] <Ayers> wuiedeh
[13:25:01] <Danielson> untung ga kena ya ndri
[13:25:03] <Ayers> ya
[13:25:11] <Danielson> kesel gua jaraknya jauh2 mulu
[13:25:57] <Ayers> gw pgn ngeluh
[13:26:00] <Ayers> lu pada mau dengerin ga
[13:26:05] <Danielson> dengerin mau
[13:26:10] <Ayers> baca mau ga
[13:26:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> kan gabisa denger lu ngomong andri
[13:26:13] <Danielson> mau
[13:26:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> up lur
[13:26:56] <Danielson> mana ndri
[13:27:27] <Ayers> sry abis isi bensin
[13:27:30] <Ayers> hal sepele si
[13:27:37] <Ayers> gw yakin lu pada nganggep gw tolol nantinya
[13:27:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> tolol
[13:27:45] <Danielson> ya cerita aja dulu
[13:28:16] <Ayers> gw cape aja kan sejak ibu gw pergi ke medan
[13:28:19] <Ayers> urusan rumah jadi gw yg urus
[13:28:26] <Ayers> biasanya gw yg bantu ibu gw
[13:28:34] <Ayers> tapi kalo ibu gw ga ada jadi semuanya urusan gw
[13:28:39] <Ayers> nah ini yg dirumah bantuin pun ga mau
[13:28:47] <Ayers> gw okin aja la ya kan
[13:28:52] <Ayers> terus gw minta uang jajan sama abang gw
[13:28:57] <Ayers> jutek mulu
[13:29:07] <Ayers> gw cape aja udah semua gw urus masa minta uang jajan aja ga boleh si
[13:29:15] <Ayers> gw pgn keluar tapi kalo ga ada duit ngapain
[13:29:25] <Ayers> masa si gw dirumah mulu
[13:29:36] <Danielson> mana bagian tololnya
[13:29:36] <Ayers> tapi giliran gw dirumah mulu
[13:29:43] <Ayers> dibilang lu si ga pernah kemana mana
[13:29:56] <Ayers> makanya jadi orang sering keluar
[13:29:59] <Ayers> lah
[13:30:04] <Ayers> gw ya cuma bisa diem aja
[13:30:19] <Ayers> logika aja gmn caranya keluar ga ada duit
[13:30:19] <Danielson> "kalo ga mau ngasih duit ga usah bacot"
[13:30:22] <Ayers> gw ga ngemis ngemis si
[13:30:22] <Danielson> gituin aja ndri
[13:30:27] <Ayers> nah tu gw pgn gituin
[13:30:30] <Ayers> tapi mau gmn
[13:30:32] <Ayers> sebagai yg pegang duit
[13:30:35] <Ayers> gw bisa apa
[13:30:43] <Ayers> giliran dia era dia gitu
[13:30:48] <Ayers> pas masi kuliah sama sma
[13:30:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> gausah bacot kalo sendirinya kandangin gua
[13:30:53] <Ayers> jajan di kasi mulu sama ortu gw
[13:31:01] <Ayers> pas gw sma ortu gw dah susah dong
[13:31:03] <Ayers> gw iri aja sama abang abang gw
[13:31:08] <Ayers> kok dia enak enak amat masa remajanya
[13:31:13] <Ayers> gw masi remaja si tapi gmn ya
[13:31:19] <Ayers> kan inti pertemanan itu kan pas smp sama sma ya
[13:31:31] <Ayers> sejak dulu gw minta uang pasti ga ada
[13:31:44] <Ayers> akhirnya gw dirumah aja la terus
[13:31:54] <Ayers> yg namanya temenan kalo di sekolah doang pasti nganggep gw orang biasa aja dong
[13:32:05] <Ayers> kan kalo temenan pasti yg bagus tu ikut nongkrong la
[13:32:07] <Ayers> jalan dsb
[13:32:12] <Ayers> yaudah jadinya gw ga ada temen la
[13:32:18] <Ayers> ok itu masa lalu kan
[13:32:20] <Ayers> gw biarin aja
[13:32:33] <Ayers> tapi skrg coba dong gw kan udah nurutin kemauan dia
[13:32:38] <Ayers> gw urus rumah bantuin ortu gw sebisa gw
[13:32:43] <Ayers> kuliah gw niatin
[13:32:56] <Ayers> jgn buang buang duit
[13:32:59] <Ayers> ok
[13:33:12] <Ayers> tapi masa gw turutin giliran gw minta dia ga ada apanya
[13:33:14] <Ayers> apanya tu gmn ya
[13:33:19] <Ayers> macam tolak baliknya
[13:33:22] <Danielson> iya ngerti
[13:33:24] <Danielson> trusin
[13:33:35] <Ayers> bentar terbang
[13:33:55] <Danielson> lu anak keberapa ndri?
[13:33:55] <Ayers> gw akuin gw kuper
[13:34:00] <Ayers> ya gmn ga kuper
[13:34:03] <Ayers> orang gw di kandangin
[13:34:11] <Ayers> gw udah berusaha ya jadi anak baik baik disini
[13:34:18] <Ayers> tapi masa gmn ya
[13:34:21] <Ayers> kesel aja la duh
[13:34:24] <Ayers> susah jelasinnya
[13:34:36] <Ayers> dia ngomong gini
[13:34:42] <Ayers> liat tu orang diluar susah sana sini bersukur dikit
[13:34:49] <Ayers> dalam hati gw yg ga bersukur siapa
[13:34:54] <Ayers> gw minta ga banyak banyak kok
[13:35:00] <Ayers> uang jajan gw smp 10ribu udah sama ongkos
[13:35:02] <Ayers> sma 10 ribu
[13:35:10] <Ayers> pas kuliah semester 1-5 10ribu
[13:35:15] <Ayers> pas semester 6-8 20ribu
[13:35:23] <Ayers> emg gw boros?
[13:35:25] <Ayers> ga kan
[13:35:33] <Ayers> itu pun gw minta duit kalo kuliah aja
[13:35:38] <Ayers> pas uang jajan gw jadi 20ribu
[13:35:43] <Ayers> dia selalu bilang
[13:35:46] <Ayers> kemaren kan dah minta
[13:35:48] <Ayers> ngapain minta lagi
[13:35:56] <Ayers> lah emg gw ga makan apa
[13:36:04] <Ayers> ga pgn nabung
[13:36:35] <Ayers> bentar terbang
[13:37:06] <Ayers> gw kan kembar ya
[13:37:11] <Ayers> gw sama kembaran gw sama posisinya
[13:37:16] <Ayers> ga ada tu minta macem macem
[13:37:36] <Ayers> giliran gw ngomel balik
[13:37:39] <Ayers> yaudah internet gausah dibayar
[13:37:42] <Ayers> dalem hati anjing juga
[13:37:44] <Ayers> dia dulu enak
[13:37:47] <Ayers> skrg udah enak idupnya
[13:37:57] <Ayers> pasti dong gw ngeluh
[13:38:02] <Ayers> napa si giliran era gw
[13:38:05] <Ayers> semua ga enak
[13:38:18] <Ayers> gw cuma nurut sama apa yg mereka mau
[13:38:36] <Ayers> emg dia ga ngaca apa
[13:38:43] <Ayers> emg dia ga tau apa ada anak anak yg dgn enaknya gitu
[13:38:48] <Ayers> ma minta duit buat beli ini
[13:38:51] <Ayers> kalo ga di beliin ini ga mau
[13:39:01] <Ayers> kalo boleh jujur gw iri
[13:39:06] <Ayers> sama kehidupan orang orang
[13:39:09] <Ayers> yg gw liat
[13:39:22] <Ayers> emg hal sepele
[13:39:35] <Ayers> masi ada yg lebih susah dari gw
[13:39:35] <Ayers> gw yakin
[13:39:58] <Ayers> bentar terbang
[13:40:36] <Ayers> giliran gw jajan pake duit simpanan gw
[13:40:39] <Ayers> bilang ngapain beli itu
[13:40:44] <Ayers> terus gw bilang dong kan duit gw
[13:40:49] <Ayers> terus dia bilang lagi emg itu duit dari siapa?
[13:40:57] <Ayers> lah terus gw nurut
[13:41:02] <Ayers> ga di kasi apa apa?
[13:41:38] <Ayers> bosen aja sama tindakannya
[13:41:43] <Ayers> emg si skrg dia aja yg ngasi duit
[13:41:46] <Ayers> pendapatan ortu dah susah
[13:41:54] <Ayers> tapi gmn ya
[13:42:01] <Ayers> masa si gw sebulan minta 100k aja ga boleh
[13:42:06] <Ayers> cuma 100k lo buat isi pulsa sama ngapain kek gw
[13:42:12] <Ayers> anggep aja isi pulsa 35ribu
[13:42:14] <Ayers> sisanya bair gw tabung
[13:42:22] <Ayers> ttp aja ga boleh
[13:42:35] <Ayers> mau berontak sama aja
[13:42:35] <Danielson> itu bukan hal sepele ndri
[13:42:37] <Ayers> posisi gw
[13:42:40] <Ayers> ga bisa milih
[13:42:45] <Danielson> lu ga boleh trus2an digituin
[13:42:48] <Ayers> yg bisa gw ikutin ya nurut
[13:42:53] <Danielson> ga boleh gitu juga
[13:43:13] <Danielson> untung lu dah lulus
[13:43:18] <Danielson> tinggal tunggu waktunya kerja aja
[13:43:21] <Danielson> trus bales dendam
[13:43:26] <Ayers> ga bisa
[13:43:42] <Ayers> gw kerja pun
[13:43:42] <Danielson> jangan sampe nanti lu dah kerja malah dipalak
[13:43:49] <Ayers> ttp aja ada kewajiban
[13:44:00] <Danielson> kewajibanlu cuma buat ortu
[13:44:00] <Ayers> masa si abang gw gaji 14x setahun masi kurang
[13:44:02] <Ayers> ngomong ga ada duit la
[13:44:05] <Ayers> tai anjing
[13:44:07] <Danielson> jangan ndri
[13:44:10] <Danielson> jangan mau
[13:44:12] <Ayers> gw cuma minta 100k perbulan tai
[13:44:20] <Ayers> berat amat 100k
[13:44:20] <Danielson> jangan mau ngasih abanglu
[13:44:25] <Ayers> gw bukan mau ngasi abang gw
[13:44:30] <Ayers> gw niat ni ya cob
[13:44:33] <Ayers> mau bantu ortu gw
[13:44:41] <Ayers> jujur gw sedih liat ortu ga punya apa apa
[13:44:46] <Danielson> ya kalo ortu emng harus
[13:44:46] <Ayers> ya dia juga si
[13:44:48] <Danielson> asal jangan abanglu
[13:44:54] <Ayers> tapi kan seenggaknya gini ya cob
[13:45:04] <Ayers> ya kan skrg gw lagi ga ada ni isttilahnya
[13:45:09] <Ayers> masa ga boleh si berbagi dikit
[13:45:22] <Ayers> gw dari semenjak skripsi perbulan cuma dapet 120k apa
[13:45:27] <Ayers> skrg kan gw dah ga ada kuliah
[13:45:45] <Ayers> bentar terbang
[13:46:31] <Ayers> dan uang itu pun ttp aja gw pake buat skripsi
[13:46:39] <Ayers> gw beli apa apa pasti kena tegor
[13:46:44] <Ayers> kaya ga bebas aja
[13:47:00] <Ayers> gw beli steam wallet itu setahun cuma keluar 200k lo
[13:47:05] <Ayers> dibilang ngapain beli gituan
[13:47:07] <Ayers> ga penting
[13:47:18] <Ayers> gw juga beli game di steam kan sengaja
[13:47:23] <Ayers> bayangin aja kalo gw download diluar
[13:47:28] <Ayers> kalo komputernya kenapa napa
[13:47:30] <Ayers> gw lagi disalahin
[13:47:36] <Ayers> ngomong keluar duit lagi
[13:48:12] <Ayers> giliran dia
[13:48:14] <Ayers> ada ga gw nanya nanya
[13:48:22] <Ayers> mana ada
[13:48:27] <Ayers> gw orangnya sama kembaran gw ga mau tau apa apa
[13:48:30] <Ayers> suka suka aja sana
[13:48:50] <Ayers> terbang
[13:49:06] <Ayers> coba dong cob
[13:49:08] <Ayers> tutup dulu chatnya
[13:49:11] <Ayers> nogmong apa kek
[13:49:13] <Ayers> ada bapak gw dibelakang
[13:49:18] <Danielson> iye
[13:49:18] <Danielson> ntar
[13:49:24] <Danielson> apa ya
[13:49:24] <Danielson> ga tau
[13:49:26] <Danielson> .rc
[13:49:26] <Ayers> dah
[13:49:29] <Danielson> .rc
[13:49:31] <Danielson> .rc
[13:52:18] <Ayers> gw cape aja
[13:52:23] <Ayers> apa yg gw lakuin pasti diawasin
[13:52:57] <Ayers> terus gw ga bisa milih kehendak gw
[13:53:02] <Danielson> bapaklu ga ngomong2 apa gitu?
[13:53:02] <Ayers> emg mungkin bagi dia
[13:53:05] <Ayers> gw biasa aja
[13:53:10] <Ayers> dalem hati mah buset
[13:53:18] <Ayers> gw ga terbuka sama ortu juga
[13:53:18] <Ayers> males
[13:53:25] <Ayers> pokoknya
[13:53:41] <Ayers> pokoknya kalo masalah gajelas
[13:53:43] <Ayers> sepele kaya gini
[13:53:51] <Ayers> gw paling anti ngomong sama orang rumah
[13:53:56] <Ayers> tah napa gw ga bisa percaya sama orang rumah
[13:54:04] <Ayers> malah ke orang asing yg paling ga peduli juga sama gw
[13:54:04] <Danielson> wajar sih
[13:54:06] <Ayers> tapi gw bodo amat
[13:54:14] <Ayers> biar aja la mending gw cerita sama orang asing yg ga peduli gw
[13:54:19] <Ayers> dari pada keluar gw
[13:54:22] <Ayers> keluarga
[13:54:48] <Ayers> makanya gw pas kuliah sering nanya gitu
[13:54:53] <Ayers> klen berkeluarga gmn
[13:54:55] <Ayers> sama adek abang
[13:54:55] <Ayers> ortu
[13:55:00] <Ayers> pas gw denger
[13:55:03] <Ayers> kok beda ya
[13:55:54] <Danielson> ya emang masalah tiap rumah tangga beda2 ndri
[13:55:57] <Ayers> gw ga minta aneh aneh kok
[13:56:10] <Ayers> emg gitu la
[13:56:17] <Danielson> ada yang kaya tapi broken home
[13:56:25] <Danielson> ortunya ntah kemana
[13:56:28] <Ayers> ada yg normal aja
[13:56:30] <Ayers> kaya gw
[13:56:33] <Ayers> tapi ya gini
[13:56:33] <Danielson> ada yg normal
[13:56:35] <Ayers> minim komunikasi
[13:57:11] <Danielson> emang dimana2 kalo miskomunikasi urusannya jadi rumit
[13:57:22] <Danielson> mau di keluarga kek, organisasi
[13:57:47] <Danielson> tapi kadang diremehin kalo mau ngomong ke keluarga
[13:57:53] <Danielson> jadi emang serba salah
[13:58:11] <Danielson> emang susah buat ikhlas, ndri
[13:58:16] <Ayers> gw berusaha cob
[13:58:18] <Ayers> tapi gmn ya
[13:58:21] <Ayers> susah aja
[13:58:36] <Danielson> ya gua ga bisa ngerasain apa yg lu rasakan ya
[13:58:41] <Danielson> tapi jelas susah lah
[13:58:49] <Ayers> gw mencoba nerima keadaan
[13:58:52] <Danielson> gua kayak lu paling udah anjing2in abang gua
[13:59:05] <Danielson> mau lu apa sih sebenernya anjing
[13:59:07] <Ayers> impian gw cuma bisa memilih
[13:59:46] <Danielson> ya bntar lagi lu kerja, kerja sebaik mungkin
[14:00:01] <Danielson> inget masa2 lu susah
[14:00:11] <Ayers> makanya skrg gw cob
[14:00:14] <Danielson> rejeki ntah dateng darimana
[14:00:19] <Ayers> ga pernah punya tujuan atau impian masa panjang
[14:00:27] <Ayers> ketika abang gw sama ortu bilang
[14:00:32] <Ayers> jadi orang harus punya tujuan masa depan
[14:00:35] <Ayers> tai anjing
[14:00:45] <Ayers> gw pgn ngebalikin keadaan yg ilang dulu\
[14:00:55] <Danielson> ya itu bisa jadi masa depan lu
[14:01:11] <Danielson> "gua ga mau susah lagi" pun bisa jadi tujuan
[14:01:18] <Danielson> ga harus punya posisi yang tinggi
[14:01:29] <Ayers> setidaknya independen
[14:01:31] <Ayers> itu aja yg gw mau
[14:01:34] <Danielson> atau "nanti kalo gua punya anak, gua ga mau naak gua jadi kayak gua"
[14:01:41] <Danielson> anak*
[14:02:02] <Danielson> itu juga udah bisa jadi tujuan
[14:02:15] <Ayers> gw boleh jujur ga cob
[14:02:15] <Danielson> jangan lagi2 deh diperbudak ama abanglu
[14:02:17] <Danielson> ya bilang aja
[14:02:17] <Ayers> gw ga mau nikah
[14:02:25] <Ayers> ga mau gw dekat sama perempuan
[14:02:25] <Danielson> kenapa?
[14:02:30] <Ayers> no homo ya
[14:02:33] <Ayers> gmn ya
[14:02:33] <Danielson> iya
[14:02:38] <Ayers> ya karena keadaan ini
[14:02:48] <Ayers> gw belom merasakan kejayaan apa yg didapetin orang pas masa remajanya
[14:03:01] <Ayers> gw ga tau kedepannya gmn apa berubah atau ga
[14:03:04] <Danielson> lu juga masih 22 ndri
[14:03:04] <Danielson> apa 23
[14:03:09] <Danielson> perjalanan masih panjang
[14:03:27] <Ayers> gw kek bocah
[14:03:32] <Ayers> gw suka dong sama cewe pasti
[14:03:35] <Ayers> tapi gw ya diem aja
[14:03:37] <Ayers> keadaan
[14:03:45] <Ayers> masa keadaan kek gini mau sama orang pula
[14:03:50] <Ayers> mau nurutin orang lain maksud gw
[14:04:05] <Danielson> ya ga masalah juga kalo ga mau kawin
[14:04:16] <Danielson> gua juga dulu begitu
[14:04:23] <Danielson> sekarangpun kadang2
[14:04:41] <Danielson> walau udah ada cewe
[14:05:07] <Ayers> jujur gw ketika albert curhat
[14:05:12] <Ayers> keadaan dia
[14:05:15] <Ayers> gw iri
[14:05:17] <Ayers> tapi gw pendam aja
[14:05:23] <Ayers> dari pada musuhan gw
[14:05:35] <Ayers> gw menjijikan juga ya
[14:05:38] <Ayers> sama temen aja begini
[14:05:51] <Danielson> ngingetin orang untuk bersyukur itu ga ada salahnya ndri
[14:06:01] <Danielson> walau lu dikatain tai
[14:07:16] <Ayers> gw skrg karena keadaan skrg
[14:07:26] <Ayers> dalem hati pgn independen dong
[14:07:34] <Ayers> tapi gw berusaha pgn kaya gw ngalah aja la
[14:07:36] <Ayers> gini la
[14:07:41] <Ayers> gw kaya ga berani nurutin apa kemauan gw
[14:07:49] <Ayers> pgn berontak sekedar cerita
[14:08:15] <Ayers> kemana mana ya cerita gw
[14:08:15] <Ayers> maap
[14:08:28] <Danielson> percuma kalo lu berontak sama batu
[14:08:30] <Danielson> mental
[14:08:40] <Danielson> masuk kiri keluar kanan
[14:08:46] <Danielson> boro2 masuk ke kepala
[14:09:11] <Ayers> gw berusaha pgn ilangin sifat iri gw
[14:09:16] <Ayers> dari dulu
[14:09:19] <Ayers> beberapa udah gw ilangin
[14:09:22] --> mrShebek connected to the server
[14:09:22] <Ayers> dari harta dsb
[14:09:29] <Ayers> yg gw iriin dan ga bisa ilang
[14:09:34] <Ayers> ya cuma independensi
[14:09:37] <Ayers> bebas gitu
[14:09:42] <Danielson> iri gapapa
[14:09:50] <Danielson> tinggal gimana lu memperlakukan iri hati itu
[14:09:55] <Danielson> lu jadi orang yang negatif atau positif
[14:10:16] <Ayers> gw berusaha positif
[14:10:18] <Ayers> tapi yg namanya negatif
[14:10:23] <Ayers> ttp aja kadang muncul
[14:10:26] <Danielson> ya wajar
[14:10:29] <Ayers> gw muna
[14:10:31] <Ayers> gw akuin gw muna
[14:10:31] <Danielson> tinggal mana yg lebih kuat aja
[14:10:47] <Ayers> gw merasa bersalah dgn muna gw
[14:11:31] <Ayers> gw muna dalam hati gw
[14:11:41] <Danielson> susah sih emang ndri
[14:11:43] <Danielson> tapi nanti pasti ada celahnya
[14:11:59] <Ayers> gw ga enak hati diluar aja
[14:12:12] <Ayers> di dalem ttp aja pasti ada rasa kaya
[14:12:14] <Ayers> anjing lu dah begitu juga
[14:12:19] <Ayers> mencompare kan keadaan gw
[14:12:22] <Ayers> padahal gw ga tau keadaan dia
[14:13:34] <Danielson> gua pernah sih gitu
[14:13:39] <Danielson> kesel ama bocah
[14:13:44] <Danielson> brisik amat nih anjing
[14:13:57] <Danielson> tau2nya ni bocah punya penyakit, bisa mati kapan aja
[14:14:02] <Danielson> kalau dia ketiduran
[14:14:07] <Ayers> nah tu kek gitu cob
[14:14:13] <Danielson> mirip2 kayak gitu kan
[14:14:18] <Danielson> di situ gua jadi maklum
[14:14:38] <Ayers> gw dgn keadaan skrg
[14:14:43] <Ayers> pgn liat orang punya kebebasan juga
[14:14:51] <Ayers> meskipun bukan keadaan
[14:14:56] <Ayers> tapi ekspresi pun gpp la
[14:15:30] <Ayers> maap ya cob kalo kemana mana
[14:15:35] <Ayers> gw kalo cerita emg suka gini
[14:15:35] <Danielson> biasa aja
[14:15:45] <Danielson> orang kalo punya terlalu banyak hal buat diceritakan
[14:15:48] <Danielson> trus dipendam doang
[14:16:11] <Danielson> lu mending bisa cerita panjang lebar
[14:16:21] <Danielson> gua gini seneng denger/baca cerita orang
[14:16:31] <Danielson> tapi ga bisa cerita panjang lebar ke orang
[14:16:39] <Danielson> bahkan ke cewe gua
[14:16:44] <Danielson> "lu ga bakalan ngerti juga"
[14:16:47] <Ayers> dulu gw juga ga bisa cerita panjang lebar
[14:16:54] <Ayers> tapi yg lu kutip itu cob
[14:16:57] <Ayers> gw apus
[14:17:02] <Ayers> gw mikir ga peduli la gw
[14:17:05] <Ayers> yg penting gw open
[14:17:07] <Ayers> mau dia peduli atau ga
[14:17:15] <Ayers> gw ga bisa nahan emosi gw
[14:17:23] <Ayers> lu mau peduli atau ga urusan belakangan
[14:17:30] <Danielson> bagus deh kalo gitu
[14:17:30] <Ayers> yg penting gw cerita
[14:17:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> iya
[14:17:54] <Ayers> gw awalnya karena albert juga si
[14:17:56] <Ayers> dia sering cerita
[14:17:59] <Ayers> jadi gw berusaha cerita juga
[14:18:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> ija
[14:18:06] <Ayers> meskipun dia ga ngerti atau ga peduli
[14:18:12] <Danielson> ya berarti lu udah dipercaya sama dia
[14:18:25] <Ayers> nah tu
[14:18:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> bayangin, nonton bokep lupa nyalain wifi
[14:18:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> abis 100MB sendiri
[14:18:58] <Danielson> dah berani cerita itu udah step awal yang bagus ndri
[14:19:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> asal jangan cerita ke orang asal2an
[14:19:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> sok tau padahal gua kan baru dateng
[14:19:37] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[14:19:42] <Danielson> dah ndri dah ada bule
[14:20:02] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[14:20:07] <Ayers> untung keluar
[14:21:12] <Ayers> lanjut lagi ni ya
[14:21:17] <Danielson> iya
[14:21:27] <Ayers> ya cerita emg pilih pilih ja
[14:21:37] <Ayers> gw tiba tiba cerita gini sama lu pada
[14:21:45] <Ayers> juga gw mikir kalo klen ga peduli juga gpp
[14:21:50] <Ayers> tapi setidaknya ga hina gw
[14:25:29] <Danielson> 500k lagi
[14:28:21] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[14:31:57] <-- mrShebek disconnected from the server
[14:37:24] <Ayers> alah
[14:37:31] <Ayers> service cob
[14:37:44] <Ayers> dah 1000 wkwk
[14:38:15] <Danielson> bntar
[14:39:45] --> Fluffy connected to the server
[14:39:58] <Danielson> udah ndri
[14:40:03] <Ayers> mantep
[14:41:38] <-- Fluffy disconnected from the server
[14:43:16] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[14:43:19] <Danielson> welcome
[14:43:21] <Ayers> wb
[14:43:26] <diamondzxd> ty
[14:53:07] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[14:58:34] --> Vaerrwynn connected to the server
[14:58:42] <Vaerrwynn> wuedeh
[15:00:30] <Vaerrwynn> ndri
[15:01:11] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[15:01:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> discord ada cina
[15:02:33] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[15:04:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> w/
[15:05:20] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[15:05:41] --> Danielson connected to the server
[15:09:04] <Danielson> 300k lagi
[15:12:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> w/
[15:13:06] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[15:13:44] --> Ayers connected to the server
[15:18:09] --> Shazi connected to the server
[15:18:40] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[15:21:56] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[15:24:04] --> Crown connected to the server
[15:24:07] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[15:26:56] --> kingkings connected to the server
[15:29:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> kapal gua iag
[15:29:13] <-- Lt.Cmdr.Price disconnected from the server
[15:29:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> lah gfobko
[15:29:38] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[15:31:55] <-- Crown disconnected from the server
[15:34:50] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[15:35:59] <-- Lt.Cmdr.Price disconnected from the server
[15:38:13] --> JokowiAmin connected to the server
[15:38:23] <JokowiAmin> mana si pegawai kfc
[15:38:36] <JokowiAmin> lah goblok lu semua disini gaada bule
[15:38:44] <Ayers> ya emg ga ada
[15:39:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score adrianstoner_
[15:39:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player adrianstoner_: 1608 score, 1573 missions: 60'/. at400 - 31'/. courier - 4'/. shamal
[15:39:40] <Vaerrwynn> !score Vaerrwynn
[15:39:43] (WEB) <robin_be> player Vaerrwynn: 2235 score, 1746 missions: 64'/. cargo - 12'/. shamal - 9'/. at400
[15:39:51] <JokowiAmin> !score JokowiAmin
[15:39:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player JokowiAmin: 7956 score, 7342 missions: 55'/. cargo drop - 11'/. courier - 8'/. at400
[15:40:17] <Vaerrwynn> !score Icebear
[15:40:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player Icebear: 1751 score, 1418 missions: 39'/. dodo - 18'/. cargo - 8'/. cargo drop
[15:40:48] <Danielson> icebear sok dewasa aja
[15:40:53] <Danielson> iya
[15:41:01] <JokowiAmin> gue tau lu admin cob
[15:41:03] <JokowiAmin> ngaku aja
[15:41:06] <Danielson> jadi gua yang ngelag
[15:41:08] <Danielson> jaga
[15:41:11] <Danielson> kaga
[15:41:19] <Danielson> ini gua lagi ngejilat cygnus
[15:41:26] <JokowiAmin> kan lagi no nut november
[15:41:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> calon atmin nih jekop
[15:41:37] <Danielson> kan gua ga ikutan
[15:41:39] <JokowiAmin> tenennet
[15:41:42] <Danielson> kalo ga ikut kan ga gagal
[15:42:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> ayo bikin airline pt mencari cina sejati
[15:42:54] <JokowiAmin> PT literasi meme tbk.
[15:43:07] <JokowiAmin> maaf tapi meme kamu misused kita temenan aja ya
[15:43:20] <Ayers> itu wizz kayanya mau jual
[15:43:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> pacaran sama anak meme
[15:43:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> 20m sin
[15:43:30] <Danielson> kalo 10jt gua bayar ndri
[15:43:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua CEO kepemilikan 50'/.
[15:43:58] <Danielson> pake standar ifrs
[15:44:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> server usa pake GAAP dong
[15:44:11] --> Psy_Irmuha connected to the server
[15:44:14] <Danielson> nanti rata ifrs
[15:45:31] <Danielson> andri ganti isp
[15:45:44] <JokowiAmin> ngentot
[15:45:46] <Danielson> andri keluar dari rumahnya
[15:46:02] <JokowiAmin> lu pansos andri putrna perdani
[15:46:09] <Danielson> 14 lagi fir
[15:46:15] <Ayers> co
[15:46:17] <Ayers> co
[15:46:27] <JokowiAmin> apean
[15:47:11] <-- Vaerrwynn disconnected from the server
[15:47:42] <Ayers> gw mau nanya yg lain
[15:49:38] <-- Psy_Irmuha disconnected from the server
[15:53:14] --> adrianstoner_ connected to the server
[15:53:24] --> Vaerrwynn connected to the server
[15:53:32] <JokowiAmin> icelamp
[15:53:34] <JokowiAmin> ntar gue rubah nama
[15:53:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> JeSepatu
[15:53:55] <Danielson> es_lampu
[15:53:57] <JokowiAmin> jasjus
[15:54:05] <Danielson> es_lem
[15:54:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> yahood
[15:54:05] <Ayers> eh rasis
[15:54:10] <JokowiAmin> lu MUI
[15:54:13] <Danielson> is_lamp
[15:54:15] <Danielson> adalah lampu
[15:54:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> sapihindu
[15:54:41] <Ayers> perlu vpn ga
[15:55:02] <Danielson> hinducintasapi
[15:55:20] <Danielson> hindumakansapi
[15:55:40] <Danielson> belinya berapa jualnya berapa
[15:55:48] <Ayers> bacot
[15:55:51] <Danielson> wkwkwk
[15:56:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> diari kehidupan andri
[15:57:05] <Ayers> eh dri minta
[15:57:10] <Ayers> kirim line
[15:57:18] <Danielson>
[15:57:23] <Ayers> serius ga ni
[15:57:28] <Danielson> serius
[15:57:36] <Ayers> tinggal tulis itu aja apa gmn
[15:57:44] <Danielson> tulis trus enter
[15:57:59] <JokowiAmin> bapaknya kontrakan
[15:58:43] <Ayers> ya ipk dari dosen dri
[15:58:56] <Ayers> gausah kfc
[15:59:01] <Ayers> jadi sopir angkot gw aja
[15:59:24] <Danielson> gua beli aja angkotlu
[15:59:32] <Ayers> wkwkkw
[16:00:26] <Danielson> 7 lagi
[16:00:44] <Ayers> ayo semangat 7jt lagi
[16:00:59] <Danielson> kok 7jt
[16:01:07] <Ayers> tapi 12jt
[16:01:35] <Ayers> kousaka reina siapa ja
[16:01:51] <Danielson> anri okita
[16:02:03] <Ayers> kenal aja cob
[16:02:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> anri okita siapa lu kop?
[16:02:29] <Danielson> pppd 288
[16:02:37] <Danielson> temen fir
[16:02:50] <Ayers> !cash joyadijoestar.
[16:02:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> /g/340316
[16:02:52] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar. has $340,616 in hand
[16:03:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> /g/199237
[16:04:30] <Ayers> berisik lu
[16:04:38] <Danielson> pake pepsodent
[16:04:51] --> charlesthfrench connected to the server
[16:06:18] <Ayers> sirplane lu ya
[16:06:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> mau makar lu ya
[16:06:52] <JokowiAmin> jgn lupa listerine untuk kumur kumur ya
[16:06:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> tau gini requestname jadi wiranto
[16:07:07] <JokowiAmin> pijama jgn lupa dipake biar bobo nya nyenyak
[16:07:51] --> Kevin connected to the server
[16:08:14] <Danielson> londo kampang
[16:08:24] <Ayers> voc dah bangkrut
[16:09:18] <JokowiAmin> sabtet
[16:09:21] <Ayers> sabtet
[16:09:23] <Ayers> !player sabtet
[16:09:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player sabtet: 0 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[16:09:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player panji
[16:09:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player panji: 513 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[16:09:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player tiongkok
[16:09:55] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player tiongkok
[16:09:57] <Ayers> !firza
[16:09:57] <Kevin> How you doin Robin!
[16:10:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> !8ball am i oke?
[16:10:10] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: Very doubtful
[16:10:13] <JokowiAmin> !player S1mpul
[16:10:16] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player S1mpul
[16:10:21] <Kevin> !player Kevin
[16:10:24] (WEB) <robin_be> player Kevin: 3709 score, last seen Online Now
[16:10:44] <Ayers> !player william
[16:10:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player william: 0 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[16:10:47] <Kevin> Bruh, show me my id
[16:11:49] <Kevin> Bruh, show me my id
[16:11:59] <Kevin> Freaking hell, got keyaids
[16:12:25] <JokowiAmin> uh oh tanam paksa
[16:12:35] <Danielson> aku cinta daendels
[16:13:29] <JokowiAmin> woi kok ga adil kau di renville
[16:14:23] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[16:17:23] <-- Vaerrwynn disconnected from the server
[16:17:38] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[16:17:43] <JokowiAmin> wb
[16:17:59] <Ayers> ty
[16:18:01] <adrianstoner_> charles french
[16:18:04] <JokowiAmin> ok boomer
[16:18:07] <adrianstoner_> ngentot
[16:18:07] <Kevin> wb
[16:18:19] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[16:18:32] <Kevin> 10k dodo flight jesus
[16:18:50] <diamondzxd> hello hi bye
[16:18:50] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[16:19:55] <JokowiAmin> ja bener kan ZN
[16:19:55] <JokowiAmin> ZSN
[16:20:02] <JokowiAmin> bukan ZST
[16:20:25] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[16:20:28] <-- JokowiAmin disconnected from the server
[16:20:38] <-- charlesthfrench disconnected from the server
[16:20:38] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[16:20:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> q
[16:20:59] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[16:21:04] <-- adrianstoner_ disconnected from the server
[16:30:47] <-- Kevin disconnected from the server
[16:34:46] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[16:37:28] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[16:37:36] <TheBestGamerEver> AH
[16:37:57] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[16:38:35] <diamondzxd> q/
[16:38:38] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[16:39:06] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[16:40:36] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[16:42:29] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[16:51:06] --> Fluffy connected to the server
[16:57:52] <-- Fluffy disconnected from the server
[17:32:26] --> Cypher. connected to the server
[17:34:09] --> shiv connected to the server
[17:35:34] <Cypher.> Hi
[17:35:36] <shiv> hi
[17:38:28] <Cypher.> how do i leave my company
[17:38:33] <shiv> /leavecompany
[17:39:04] <Cypher.> Damn after 6 years of playing in this server you'd think that I know how to leave my company. .-.
[17:39:27] <shiv> lol it happens
[17:39:58] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[17:41:49] <TheBestGamerEver> wtf 400 ping
[17:43:37] --> Cygnus connected to the server
[17:43:47] <shiv> wb Cyggie
[17:43:57] <Cygnus> sup guise
[17:49:01] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[17:54:50] <Cypher.> where can i get a firetruck?
[17:55:06] <-- Cypher. disconnected from the server
[17:55:24] <TheBestGamerEver> my ass
[17:55:26] <TheBestGamerEver> oh he left
[17:55:29] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[17:55:47] <Cygnus> they all did!
[17:55:52] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr
[17:56:05] <TheBestGamerEver> uh fk my life
[17:56:07] <TheBestGamerEver> in water lmao
[17:56:20] <TheBestGamerEver> ty lola
[17:56:28] <Cygnus> np lol that worked out really well actually
[17:56:33] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr
[17:56:46] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[17:56:48] <-- Cygnus disconnected from the server
[17:57:09] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[17:57:14] --> Cygnus connected to the server
[17:57:14] <TheBestGamerEver> fkin samp
[17:57:19] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[17:58:34] <TheBestGamerEver> oh
[17:58:39] <TheBestGamerEver> ty
[17:58:59] <TheBestGamerEver> but it's getting annoying now to be honest
[17:59:07] <Cygnus> it is
[18:00:11] <TheBestGamerEver> fk
[18:01:31] <TheBestGamerEver> do you have any suggestions how to make 9m easy?
[18:02:02] <Cygnus> work demands and /w a lot I guess lol
[18:02:12] <TheBestGamerEver> I know but it got boring
[18:02:20] <TheBestGamerEver> WTF cargo drop demand
[18:02:30] <Cygnus> yeah that one is lame
[18:02:40] <TheBestGamerEver> but you get money a lot
[18:02:53] <TheBestGamerEver> why tf is hydra so loud wtf
[18:03:16] <Cygnus> that jet engine lol, but I turned the radio and sound fx off like years ago
[18:03:45] <TheBestGamerEver> I do turn it off on pl but you know dm servers exxist where u need fx sound
[18:04:05] <Cygnus> ohh yeah thats true, I don't play really anywhere else but here
[18:04:16] <TheBestGamerEver> I do play tbh
[18:04:39] <TheBestGamerEver> what the fuck
[18:04:52] <Cygnus> I just find it hard to get into other servers this late in the game
[18:05:15] <TheBestGamerEver> may not be a shocker
[18:05:22] <TheBestGamerEver> but I love cnr servers
[18:05:33] <TheBestGamerEver> you should know this by now tho
[18:05:58] <TheBestGamerEver> fun fact I had more score in haydz cnr than here
[18:05:58] <Cygnus> that I do lol, Isn't our's coming back
[18:06:14] <TheBestGamerEver> also a lot of money
[18:06:19] <TheBestGamerEver> 2nd richest to be exact
[18:06:34] <TheBestGamerEver> I mean 180m in cash I had I belive
[18:07:00] <TheBestGamerEver> no suprise there I was a whore therea
[18:07:23] <Cygnus> I swear I was buying memberships for like the last 3 hardcore players who hung around there
[18:07:46] <TheBestGamerEver> [NWA]IceCube, me and brooklyn?
[18:08:15] <TheBestGamerEver> we all had +100m cash
[18:08:33] <Cygnus> yes! I forget who cube renamed himself and I forget what happened to brook
[18:08:43] <TheBestGamerEver> he is playing here atm
[18:08:53] <TheBestGamerEver> brook
[18:09:04] <TheBestGamerEver> !player brooklyn
[18:09:06] (WEB) <robin_be> player brooklyn: 17148 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[18:09:09] <TheBestGamerEver> see
[18:09:14] <TheBestGamerEver> and icecube is locster
[18:09:22] <Cygnus> ahhh must be missing him
[18:09:37] <TheBestGamerEver> !player Locster
[18:09:40] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Locster
[18:09:55] <TheBestGamerEver> huh
[18:10:34] <TheBestGamerEver> did he change his name
[18:11:18] <TheBestGamerEver> I guess he is IceLube
[18:11:59] <Cygnus> yeah I had to look it up lol
[18:12:24] <TheBestGamerEver> we share the same servers on samp
[18:12:35] <Cygnus> good I'm glad to see him, I haven't seen him since the start of october
[18:12:50] <TheBestGamerEver> he doesn't play here much
[18:13:00] <TheBestGamerEver> I know where but it is another cnr server
[18:13:06] <Cygnus> I had to ban him on Oct 8th for 2 days and I haven't seen him since
[18:13:13] <TheBestGamerEver> yeah I know
[18:13:26] <Cygnus> pricey crying
[18:13:47] <TheBestGamerEver> was he whining that much?
[18:13:57] <Cygnus> he made a report on the fourms lol
[18:14:02] <TheBestGamerEver> I know
[18:14:12] <TheBestGamerEver> I want to know in main chat
[18:14:43] <Cygnus> but besides that and when he was bitching about it in MC that day, we all forgot
[18:14:46] <TheBestGamerEver> btw how do u apply for mod I need it for one thing lmao
[18:15:14] <TheBestGamerEver> I need to know since tax is raping mew
[18:15:22] <TheBestGamerEver> wait....
[18:15:24] <Cygnus> on PL you don't
[18:15:32] <TheBestGamerEver> FK
[18:16:06] <TheBestGamerEver> I have one more question but idk if you would know this one
[18:16:39] <TheBestGamerEver> will staff in our cnr be rearanged?
[18:16:57] <TheBestGamerEver> asking this bec my brother was admen there
[18:17:59] <TheBestGamerEver> yeah I wantedd to ask since my brother was admin there
[18:18:19] <TheBestGamerEver> !player BlueBaron
[18:18:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player BlueBaron: 522 score, last seen a long time ago (pre 2017)
[18:18:37] <Cygnus> yeah I was thinking it was one of the colored Barons
[18:19:08] <TheBestGamerEver> he got mostly out of samp but he is still kinda active
[18:19:16] <TheBestGamerEver> since he got to collage that is
[18:19:39] <Cygnus> that happens to the best of us lol, I've seen it happen to like 3 rounds of players now
[18:20:13] <TheBestGamerEver> I mean look I can actually be an admin of cnr I belive there was an apply section
[18:20:25] <TheBestGamerEver> I know almost all the things about it
[18:20:28] <Cygnus> yeah I was going to say, I belive there was there
[18:20:51] <TheBestGamerEver> as I said I know most things, like 3rd with score, 2nd richest what yall want more lmao
[18:21:50] <TheBestGamerEver> but yeah there is an apply section
[18:22:11] <TheBestGamerEver> I belive you can get banned if you are admin in cnr with hacks
[18:22:55] <TheBestGamerEver> I know it since my brother back then was testing jackies hacks andd he got banned by AC
[18:27:48] <TheBestGamerEver> !houses
[18:27:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $25,000,000 12 slots Muhulland: $2,000,000 4 slots Angel Pine: $700,000 1 slots
[18:30:17] <TheBestGamerEver> CNR's moneybag was legendary lmaow
[18:31:06] <TheBestGamerEver> I loved how it can stack
[18:31:52] <TheBestGamerEver> I think I remember most of the locations
[18:31:52] <Cygnus> ha yeah wasn't the actually /ban part broken though
[18:32:08] <TheBestGamerEver> I think it was
[18:32:21] <TheBestGamerEver> I remember I got banned for spamming 1 day ban
[18:32:26] <TheBestGamerEver> was able to join after an hour
[18:32:54] <TheBestGamerEver> and no perm ban existed in cnr
[18:32:57] <Cygnus> haydz never fixed that shit ffs
[18:33:20] <TheBestGamerEver> you just had to do ban for 999 days and thats a perm on CNR
[18:34:01] <TheBestGamerEver> and you can't ban if someone you are trying to ban is offline
[18:34:27] <Cygnus> there's no fourms for that cnr left is there?
[18:34:39] <TheBestGamerEver> ?
[18:34:45] <TheBestGamerEver> oh you mean forum got fucked?
[18:34:52] <TheBestGamerEver> since it got lost?
[18:35:08] <Cygnus> idk lol did it I forget if it went down
[18:35:26] <TheBestGamerEver> fun fact cnr is a glitch galore
[18:35:36] <TheBestGamerEver> you can find glitches everywhere
[18:36:33] <TheBestGamerEver> you know carbombs right?
[18:36:53] <Cygnus> wasn't there a money glitch if you robbed the right place or some shit and yeah I know carbombs
[18:37:34] <TheBestGamerEver> you wwould have gotten a ban from ac for vehicle repair hax
[18:38:15] <TheBestGamerEver> I don't think money glitch existed
[18:38:26] <TheBestGamerEver> if it did I never used it
[18:39:04] <Cygnus> I thought there was some glitch for money, I forget
[18:39:17] <TheBestGamerEver> do you mean FM/Uda
[18:39:35] <Cygnus> I'm pretty sure I had admin there too, might have been right before here actually
[18:39:56] <TheBestGamerEver> I think money glitch got fixed
[18:40:34] <TheBestGamerEver> I swear I don't know about it
[18:40:52] <TheBestGamerEver> ya rembemr FM/UD?
[18:41:02] <TheBestGamerEver> remember*
[18:41:21] <Cygnus> wouldn't matter even if you did, its closed now and no, not of the top of my head
[18:41:21] <TheBestGamerEver> if you cracked the code you get from 270K-340k
[18:41:36] <Cygnus> ohhh yeah
[18:41:44] <Cygnus> the union and fed
[18:41:46] <TheBestGamerEver> easiest money lmao
[18:41:59] <Cygnus> it was!
[18:42:12] <TheBestGamerEver> I had like 200fm robs
[18:42:35] <TheBestGamerEver> I've earned like 60m from FM alone
[18:42:45] <TheBestGamerEver> or like 70m
[18:42:56] <TheBestGamerEver> then I had like 100 UD robs aswell
[18:43:19] <Cygnus> I forget my stats tbh
[18:43:21] <TheBestGamerEver> which is like 30m so I've gotten like 100m from Fm and U
[18:43:42] <TheBestGamerEver> I somehow remember them I guess idk why
[18:44:08] <TheBestGamerEver> I know all of the money bag locations
[18:44:13] <Cygnus> If I remeber correctly some of the first wave of PL admins also became CNR admins when CNR started
[18:44:15] <TheBestGamerEver> apart from some of LS that I forgotedw
[18:44:31] <TheBestGamerEver> eh in CNR there were like 4 admins lmao
[18:44:44] <Cygnus> and as the CNR got popular haydz or someone wanted PL admins to be PL admins and CNR to stay there
[18:44:46] <TheBestGamerEver> Jacob, TWSS, BlueBaron and assmonkey
[18:44:54] <Cygnus> and we hired some CNR admins yeah
[18:45:22] <TheBestGamerEver> I mean look I want to actually be an admin
[18:45:50] <TheBestGamerEver> If I will ever get there I don't know
[18:46:24] <Cygnus> I'll pass that on to jacob, I think he's going lead bringing it back but idk
[18:46:52] <TheBestGamerEver> yah
[18:47:05] <TheBestGamerEver> he has the script as far as I know
[18:47:46] <Cygnus> yeah something like that
[18:47:56] <TheBestGamerEver> but still CNR moneybag was legendary lmao
[18:48:02] <TheBestGamerEver> money can stack
[18:48:20] <TheBestGamerEver> from 20k to 30k, 40k, 50k etc
[18:49:01] <TheBestGamerEver> alright I guess enough CNR talk for now :/
[18:49:29] <Cygnus> lol why we didn't take that stacking idea and add to to like lost cargo I'll never know
[18:49:49] <TheBestGamerEver> idk
[18:50:10] <TheBestGamerEver> I always remember when I got home I always rushed for mb to get 170k or something
[18:50:49] <TheBestGamerEver> lotto was a bit fucked in cnr but not mch
[18:51:40] <Cygnus> I'd get the small FM & UD payouts since i'd hit it up when the server was empty
[18:52:42] <TheBestGamerEver> if he will develop I can always help him
[18:52:52] <TheBestGamerEver> by telling hat is fucked and what is right lmao
[18:53:20] <TheBestGamerEver> if I am not mistaken in cnr /fish existed
[18:53:43] <Cygnus> lol yeah thats how I help the dev team. "yep that looks fucked, center it on the map,etc"
[18:54:07] <Cygnus> If there was a /fish I forget about itw
[18:54:19] <TheBestGamerEver> wasn't finished tho
[18:54:48] <TheBestGamerEver> car prices are fucked in CNR
[18:54:55] <TheBestGamerEver> I think everything costs 50k lmao
[18:55:08] <Cygnus> yeah that was nice
[18:55:16] <TheBestGamerEver> I wonder
[18:55:39] <Cygnus> but cars were kinda more throw away things in cnr
[18:55:47] <TheBestGamerEver> yeah
[18:56:00] <TheBestGamerEver> I loved one thing about cnr houses
[18:56:05] <TheBestGamerEver> you can edit the interior
[18:56:13] <Cygnus> yes!
[18:56:31] <TheBestGamerEver> anyway why doesn't it exist here lmao
[18:57:12] <TheBestGamerEver> tax is fucked in CNR aswell there are 2 types of tax wtf
[18:58:11] <TheBestGamerEver> wealth tax and assets tax
[18:58:19] <TheBestGamerEver> I once lost 1m in a sec there
[18:58:42] <Cygnus> oh yeah I remember that shit
[18:58:44] <Cygnus> not a fan
[18:58:49] <TheBestGamerEver> was moving my cash from the hideout forgot to check /tax and got fucked
[18:59:36] <TheBestGamerEver> you should keep 500k-1m in bank in cnr or tax would fuck you
[19:00:01] <Cygnus> gotta tax those rich ones
[19:00:07] <TheBestGamerEver> another good way to make money was rob player houses
[19:00:55] <TheBestGamerEver> wasn't a big fan of lotto but it was better than pl before
[19:01:08] <TheBestGamerEver> 1-40 every 24 min no ricardo
[19:01:31] <Cygnus> lol and now thats almost what we now have
[19:01:49] <TheBestGamerEver> every 24min sucks tbh
[19:02:20] <TheBestGamerEver> lottos used to last forever with big prizes
[19:02:38] <Cygnus> yeah thats why we do it 2 times
[19:02:46] <TheBestGamerEver> it should be 2
[19:03:04] <TheBestGamerEver> to grow 1m in cnr it would take like 10 hours lmao
[19:03:17] <TheBestGamerEver> I remember I once won 8m lotto
[19:03:37] <TheBestGamerEver> it wasn't donated tho
[19:03:45] <Cygnus> damn thats a growth
[19:04:03] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr but it took like 5 days to get 8m lmao
[19:05:00] <TheBestGamerEver> and the biggest thing is it's like here you are always 1 off in lotto...
[19:05:36] <Cygnus> I swear sometimes it does it on purpose but I've won it to many times over the years
[19:06:19] <TheBestGamerEver> also it does it like this sometimes you choose 1 number always
[19:06:32] <TheBestGamerEver> and then you decide to change stuff a bit and guess waht
[19:06:37] <TheBestGamerEver> your old number shwos
[19:06:40] <Cygnus> that is the worst!
[19:06:40] <TheBestGamerEver> shows*
[19:06:55] <Cygnus> yeah thats why I've been running the same one over and over and over
[19:07:16] <TheBestGamerEver> that happend to me on the 4m lotto when it got there somehow
[19:07:24] <TheBestGamerEver> decided to change it and 2 showed up
[19:07:57] <TheBestGamerEver> anyway why arent there AI's here for trains
[19:08:07] <TheBestGamerEver> like CNR
[19:08:36] <TheBestGamerEver> you would always start with id 4 and up u skip the first 4 I belive
[19:08:54] <Cygnus> because I like to drive the trains that are here lol
[19:09:12] <TheBestGamerEver> u can do that there aswell when they somehow get deleted lmaoo
[19:09:40] <TheBestGamerEver> but CNR lacks side jobs a lot
[19:10:06] <TheBestGamerEver> you can only rob and be a police/cia well medic aswell
[19:10:42] <TheBestGamerEver> oh yeah there was a pilot job aswell but it sucks
[19:10:47] <TheBestGamerEver> 5k per job lmao
[19:10:47] <Cygnus> yeah and robbing does get repetitive
[19:11:05] <TheBestGamerEver> I mean you can be a drug dealer lmao
[19:11:25] <TheBestGamerEver> I always planted drugs and started robbing
[19:11:33] <TheBestGamerEver> thre were 4 best routs for robbing
[19:12:19] <Cygnus> all those casinos
[19:12:27] <TheBestGamerEver> I always wondered what the fuck will happen if PL and CNR are one server lmao
[19:12:40] <TheBestGamerEver> that was the LV route cyg
[19:13:00] <TheBestGamerEver> 4 Drags, caligulas, bank, redsandswest casino
[19:13:05] <Cygnus> there would be too much RDM going on if we combined it
[19:13:18] <TheBestGamerEver> true
[19:13:34] <TheBestGamerEver> but still how will economy be fucked or be good
[19:14:05] <TheBestGamerEver> oh now I see why it's shit lmao
[19:14:30] <Cygnus> but hey I g2g drive my mom to the Doctor
[19:14:33] <TheBestGamerEver> but still cnr lacks side jobs
[19:14:36] <Cygnus> Ill catch you later
[19:14:36] <-- Cygnus disconnected from the server
[19:16:16] <TheBestGamerEver> !groups Bramlbrds
[19:16:18] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Bramlbrds
[19:16:47] <TheBestGamerEver> !groups Bramlbrds
[19:16:50] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Bramlbrds
[19:17:05] <TheBestGamerEver> !groups bordus
[19:17:08] (WEB) <robin_be> bordus is in airline Jetstar Airways and company Search and Rescue
[19:44:59] <TheBestGamerEver> !player radooo
[19:45:01] (WEB) <robin_be> player radooo: 0 score, last seen 13 Months Ago
[19:45:06] <TheBestGamerEver> !player radoodoo
[19:45:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player radoodoo: 4667 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[19:58:44] --> Lt.Cmdr.Price connected to the server
[19:59:30] <TheBestGamerEver> wb commander kurwa
[19:59:51] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Oi, came for a sec
[19:59:56] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> To accept SnR app
[20:00:06] <TheBestGamerEver> BS
[20:00:17] <TheBestGamerEver> cypher is a traitor
[20:00:32] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> He's our slave now HU3 HU3
[20:01:08] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[20:03:50] <TheBestGamerEver> b
[20:03:53] <TheBestGamerEver> w
[20:04:00] <TheBestGamerEver> Price reported slave joke
[20:04:16] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Achooo
[20:04:26] <TheBestGamerEver> not really tho
[20:05:25] <TheBestGamerEver> I need an RC smh
[20:05:28] <TheBestGamerEver> a RC*
[20:06:24] <TheBestGamerEver> I think I'm fucked
[20:06:30] <TheBestGamerEver> nvm lol
[20:09:19] <TheBestGamerEver> what does do you wish TG?
[20:11:25] <TheGamer> that's cheating sir
[20:11:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> HARDER
[20:11:51] <TheBestGamerEver> open relationship sir
[20:12:06] <TheGamer> you can't do shit if you want cash smh
[20:12:27] <TheBestGamerEver> oh my facts are not sex it's another way hue hue
[20:12:37] <TheBestGamerEver> cactus up ass
[20:12:42] <TheGamer> lol
[20:13:00] <TheBestGamerEver> so I am not sexually active
[20:13:31] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> YES! DEEPER!
[20:13:49] <TheBestGamerEver> suprised you love cactus so much lmaoo
[20:14:10] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> FASTER!W
[20:14:15] <TheGamer> yeeet
[20:14:20] <TheBestGamerEver> the fuck am I doing with my life...
[20:15:22] <TheGamer> cum in the ass?
[20:15:22] <TheGamer> that's weird
[20:15:30] <TheBestGamerEver> put that cum away from me lmao and ikr it is wierd
[20:15:48] <TheGamer> well if it's from another man, it's not weird
[20:15:55] <TheBestGamerEver> EWWWW
[20:16:11] <TheBestGamerEver> you fucked my pants
[20:16:18] <TheBestGamerEver> I mean cummed*
[20:16:26] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Meow
[20:16:47] <TheBestGamerEver> I have to stop using fuck for everything smh
[20:17:38] <TheBestGamerEver> but still wierd cum in ass lmao
[20:18:14] <TheBestGamerEver> considering I used a cactus
[20:20:20] <TheBestGamerEver> but still if it's an open relationship I can fuck price tho
[20:20:36] <TheGamer> depends on the limitations
[20:20:49] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> There are none honey
[20:20:49] <TheBestGamerEver> we said no limits so
[20:20:49] <TheGamer> tho i wouldn't want an open relationship tho
[20:20:59] <TheBestGamerEver> just open
[20:22:34] <TheBestGamerEver> omfg
[20:22:47] <TheBestGamerEver> I've ben 27 and guess what numbers appear
[20:22:52] <TheBestGamerEver> they are 26 and 28
[20:23:23] <TheBestGamerEver> did you hear about diamound?
[20:23:25] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Ye
[20:23:38] <TheGamer> what should i have heared?
[20:23:41] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> No exact reason right?
[20:23:46] <TheBestGamerEver> nop
[20:23:49] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Inactive untill 2.12
[20:23:54] <TheBestGamerEver> announcments in discord
[20:23:59] <TheBestGamerEver> wait nvm
[20:27:43] <TheBestGamerEver> any news about CNR tg?
[20:27:58] <TheGamer> jacob busy with PL website
[20:28:06] <TheBestGamerEver> ffs
[20:28:47] <TheGamer> so you'll have to wait longer lol
[20:29:07] <TheBestGamerEver> I mean I know a lot of shit is fucked up in CNR
[20:29:18] <TheGamer> so do i
[20:29:23] <TheGamer> more than you
[20:29:23] <TheBestGamerEver> what do u know?
[20:29:31] <TheBestGamerEver> tell dem all
[20:29:33] <TheGamer> i won't
[20:29:38] <TheBestGamerEver> why
[20:29:41] <TheGamer> think it's up to you to tell
[20:29:51] <TheBestGamerEver> that means you don't know
[20:29:56] <TheGamer> oh i do
[20:29:59] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Trust me, he does
[20:30:04] <TheGamer> some serious issues
[20:30:04] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> How? Classified
[20:30:09] <TheBestGamerEver> but why don't you tell me tho :/
[20:30:14] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> CLASSIFIED
[20:30:22] <TheGamer> even price doesn't know them all lol
[20:30:22] <TheBestGamerEver> you shut up
[20:30:30] <TheGamer> he knows a few
[20:30:32] <TheBestGamerEver> it's betwen me and tg
[20:30:35] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Make me kek
[20:30:43] <TheGamer> price is right tho
[20:30:58] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[20:30:58] <TheGamer> they're not a secret
[20:31:01] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> A good informant is a dead informant
[20:31:03] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> lolololo
[20:31:08] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Epic one
[20:31:16] <TheGamer> wanker got rekt
[20:31:19] <TheGamer> yeet
[20:32:10] <TheGamer> i had to waterproof some steel today
[20:32:15] <TheGamer> by welding...
[20:32:15] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I'm like "Pls PKP gib ze modernised EN57 tomorrow"
[20:32:18] <TheGamer> that shit sucks
[20:32:23] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Lol
[20:32:23] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[20:32:28] <TheGamer> wb kurwa
[20:32:46] <TheBestGamerEver> ty
[20:33:04] <TheBestGamerEver> just tell one
[20:33:04] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Already occupied by previous cactus mofo
[20:33:43] <TheGamer> only one solution
[20:33:56] <TheGamer> either one of the cactusses has to go deeper....
[20:34:29] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Instructions were not clear enough, one cactus hit the brain
[20:41:44] <TheBestGamerEver> wait
[20:43:19] --> Lewis connected to the server
[20:43:21] <TheGamer> wb
[20:43:34] <TheBestGamerEver> wb
[20:43:37] <Lewis> ty
[20:43:52] <Lewis> Wazup
[20:47:15] <TheBestGamerEver> stupid kurwa stuck
[20:47:26] <TheGamer> i can shoot ya down
[20:47:46] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> I hacks
[20:47:54] <TheGamer> as usual
[20:48:40] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> Begone
[20:48:45] <Lt.Cmdr.Price> *poof*
[20:48:45] <-- Lt.Cmdr.Price disconnected from the server
[20:48:56] <TheGamer> begone thot
[20:49:01] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[20:51:50] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[20:52:11] <TheGamer> kurwa
[20:52:14] <TheBestGamerEver> ?
[20:52:16] <TheGamer> wb
[20:52:19] <TheBestGamerEver> ty
[20:52:24] <TheBestGamerEver> pickatimater
[20:52:32] <TheGamer> now in english please
[20:52:37] <TheBestGamerEver> motherfucker
[20:52:39] <TheGamer> aha
[20:52:42] <TheGamer> teringlijer
[20:52:52] <TheBestGamerEver> in balkan slav tho not sure about how it's in polish
[20:53:20] <TheBestGamerEver> balkan slav is interesting when you think about it
[20:53:28] <TheBestGamerEver> picka means vagina/pussy
[20:53:31] <TheGamer> that's why i prefer not to think about it
[20:53:36] <TheBestGamerEver> but it can also mean bitch
[20:54:53] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[20:56:26] --> TheBestGamerEver connected to the server
[20:56:36] <TheGamer> wb hoer
[20:56:46] <TheBestGamerEver> ty picka
[20:56:56] <TheBestGamerEver> ti ebam pickata
[20:57:07] <TheGamer> ach houd je bakkes man
[20:57:12] <TheBestGamerEver> english please lmao
[21:01:19] <Lewis> Ipv dingen aan elkaar te linken
[21:04:57] <Lewis> !player Crystal
[21:05:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player Crystal: 7439 score, last seen 13 Days Ago
[21:05:49] <-- Lewis disconnected from the server
[21:05:56] <TheGamer> and he's gone
[21:07:55] <TheBestGamerEver> what I miss
[21:08:00] <TheGamer> nothing much
[21:08:13] <TheGamer> btw don't go trucking please
[21:10:13] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[21:10:31] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[21:10:37] <TheGamer> fuuuuuck
[21:10:37] <TheBestGamerEver> why
[21:10:42] <TheGamer> 200m from destination
[21:10:47] <TheGamer> trying to prove something
[21:10:52] <TheBestGamerEver> kk
[21:11:31] <TheBestGamerEver> pls gib me moneh
[21:13:13] <TheGamer> smh
[21:13:24] <TheBestGamerEver> what I gib you money?
[21:13:47] <TheBestGamerEver> lost 50k just by staying afk fml
[21:13:55] <TheGamer> why lol
[21:13:57] <TheBestGamerEver> tax
[21:14:00] <TheBestGamerEver> lotto
[21:14:02] <TheGamer> tax pauses
[21:14:07] <TheBestGamerEver> o.O
[21:14:13] <TheBestGamerEver> I guess just lotto
[21:14:25] <TheBestGamerEver> tomorrow my plan is to make 2m tho
[21:14:28] <TheGamer> lol
[21:14:43] <TheBestGamerEver> so then I will be in debt 7m
[21:14:49] <TheGamer> smh
[21:15:01] <TheBestGamerEver> but how do I return to diamond smh
[21:15:14] <TheGamer> keep it in bank till he's back lol
[21:15:17] <TheGamer> get some interest from it
[21:15:19] <TheBestGamerEver> guess so
[21:15:27] <TheBestGamerEver> I do have to repay him interest lmao
[21:15:48] <TheGamer> lol why
[21:15:50] <TheBestGamerEver> 48k uncollected by having 6m for a while before returned it
[21:16:01] <TheBestGamerEver> well he has it in bank
[21:16:06] <TheBestGamerEver> so how do I say it
[21:16:08] <TheGamer> ah
[21:16:16] <TheGamer> i fucked up
[21:16:19] <TheGamer> shittt
[21:16:19] <TheBestGamerEver> ?
[21:16:26] <TheGamer> had to note shit down first
[21:16:29] <TheGamer> which i didn't do
[21:16:39] <TheBestGamerEver> what shit
[21:16:47] <TheGamer> money stuff
[21:16:52] <TheBestGamerEver> smh nob
[21:16:55] <TheGamer> oh well, you're not trucking for another IG day then
[21:16:57] <TheBestGamerEver> neb*
[21:17:38] <TheBestGamerEver> can I get 1000 score in 7 days tho I wonder
[21:17:46] <TheGamer> you can
[21:17:56] <TheBestGamerEver> the point is I am quite busy with shit
[21:18:01] <TheGamer> lol
[21:18:07] <TheGamer> then not
[21:18:14] <TheBestGamerEver> if it's summer I can prob do 2k since I am a no lifer in summer lmao
[21:18:22] <TheBestGamerEver> I stay 16 hours on lappy on summer
[21:19:19] <TheBestGamerEver> when I get long distances now I just walk off lappy lmao
[21:19:24] <TheBestGamerEver> and do something random
[21:19:29] <TheGamer> lol
[21:19:57] <TheBestGamerEver> I even have a TV next to me so I watch that aswell lmao
[21:19:57] <TheGamer> brb paperwork
[21:21:12] <TheGamer> this shit makes no sense at all lmao
[21:21:30] <TheBestGamerEver> what shit
[21:21:40] <TheGamer> company money
[21:21:45] <TheBestGamerEver> ikrw
[21:21:53] <TheBestGamerEver> airline money is bugged sometime aswell
[21:22:01] <TheBestGamerEver> at the your airline earned
[21:22:08] <TheGamer> yeah company stuff too
[21:22:16] <TheGamer> sometimes the company barely gets money
[21:22:26] <TheGamer> now with 2 missions the compay got
[21:22:29] <TheBestGamerEver> sometimes your airline earned is 1m I got a photo
[21:22:31] <TheGamer> 77k
[21:22:34] <TheBestGamerEver> but shit only earns 100k
[21:24:50] <TheGamer> and ofc
[21:24:53] <TheGamer> when gathering info
[21:24:58] <TheGamer> it all works as it should
[21:24:58] <TheGamer> smfh
[21:25:26] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr
[21:25:42] <TheBestGamerEver> but when you aren't you can logicaly see it doesn't add up
[21:26:25] <TheGamer> ikr
[21:26:28] <TheGamer> mostly in formation
[21:26:36] <TheGamer> 2 people both earning 3k for company
[21:26:43] <TheGamer> and company only earns like 2k total
[21:26:48] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr
[21:27:01] <TheBestGamerEver> as I told you earlier text is also bugged sometimes
[21:27:09] <TheBestGamerEver> once it said your airline earned 1m
[21:27:17] <TheGamer> don't expect those bugs to be there for ages on cnr tho
[21:27:17] <TheBestGamerEver> wtf that isn't even possible lmao
[21:27:19] <TheGamer> i can't stand them
[21:27:32] <TheBestGamerEver> ikr
[21:27:37] <TheGamer> i'm out
[21:27:40] <TheBestGamerEver> kk
[21:27:42] <TheBestGamerEver> bai
[21:27:42] <TheGamer> gotta configure a camera
[21:27:45] <TheGamer> cya
[21:27:45] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[21:28:06] <-- TheBestGamerEver disconnected from the server
[21:48:32] --> mbrg684 connected to the server
[22:53:30] --> shiv connected to the server
[22:53:50] <mbrg684> oi
[22:53:53] <shiv> oi
[22:54:06] <mbrg684> hows life?
[22:54:11] <shiv> sick asf rn
[22:54:16] <mbrg684> ah that sucks
[22:54:24] <mbrg684> other than quality time for pl lol
[22:54:26] <shiv> lol
[22:54:32] <shiv> had to leave school early today
[22:54:39] <mbrg684> oh no how terrible lol
[22:54:42] <shiv> smh
[22:55:08] <shiv> I don't like missing out school
[22:55:18] <shiv> uni innit
[22:55:28] <mbrg684> I barely ever go lol
[22:55:33] <shiv> smh
[22:55:51] <shiv> I gotta make an 80'/. attendance rate for my course
[22:56:02] <mbrg684> oof, lucky i dont have that
[22:56:22] <mbrg684> new quarter just started though so i'm trying to make an effort to go more often
[22:56:27] <shiv> aye
[22:56:35] <shiv> what do you study?
[22:56:40] <mbrg684> computer science
[22:56:45] <shiv> neat
[22:57:06] <mbrg684> its alright
[22:57:21] <mbrg684> getting a bit bored with it rn, starting my masters next year
[22:57:29] <shiv> ooh
[22:57:47] <mbrg684> have to repeat a bunch of courses that I didn't get last year
[22:57:57] <shiv> that sucks
[22:58:08] <shiv> I have to repeat one next semester
[22:58:18] <shiv> already failed coursework for one of my subjects
[22:58:23] <mbrg684> ouch
[22:58:23] <shiv> and well it's a must-pass system
[22:58:41] <mbrg684> yeah I'm doing 1 course for the third time rn
[22:58:44] <shiv> 75'/. pass mark
[22:58:54] <mbrg684> starts off sooo easy but then they ramp up the pace massively
[22:58:59] <shiv> pfft I know
[22:59:25] <-- mbrg684 disconnected from the server
[22:59:38] --> mbrg684 connected to the server
[22:59:45] <shiv> what happened?
[22:59:48] <mbrg684> ugh crashy game
[22:59:53] <shiv> lol
[22:59:56] <mbrg684> can't hold keys when I get in a vehicle or it crashes
[23:00:06] <shiv> heck, is it a vanilla game?
[23:00:16] <mbrg684> nah some silentpatch and such
[23:00:24] <shiv> odd
[23:00:37] <shiv> what exactly do you have, asi wise
[23:00:42] <mbrg684> lemme check
[23:01:33] <mbrg684> widescreen fix, ginput, silentpatch, lodlights and skygfx
[23:01:51] <shiv> I have all except skygfx
[23:01:54] <shiv> no issues with me
[23:01:59] <mbrg684> yeah I don't really care that much
[23:02:04] <mbrg684> don't play samp much really
[23:02:12] <shiv> it's comfy for me tbh
[23:02:15] <mbrg684> just came back couple of weeks ago for old times' sake really
[23:02:38] <shiv> and well responsiblities as well
[23:02:40] <mbrg684> was super active in this game/mod like 10 yrs ago
[23:03:06] <shiv> I only had SAMP for PL really
[23:03:11] <mbrg684> loll
[23:03:19] <mbrg684> I played a ton of RP servers back then
[23:03:21] <shiv> I started PL what, 2011-2012
[23:03:21] <mbrg684> but also SAP
[23:03:42] <mbrg684> So I was sad to see that SAP was gone nowadays but this server is a much better version
[23:03:55] <shiv> never tried SAP
[23:04:05] <mbrg684> basically the same thing, jobs, islands
[23:05:02] <shiv> ooh
[23:07:15] <-- mbrg684 disconnected from the server
[23:07:51] <shiv> XD\
[23:25:28] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[23:25:38] --> shiv connected to the server
[23:34:41] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[23:34:54] --> Naldo connected to the server
[23:36:44] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[23:44:01] --> Smetkowski connected to the server