[00:06:19] --> Dr.Love connected to the server
[00:06:24] <HenriqueValer.> Wb
[00:06:42] <Dr.Love> ty
[00:07:00] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2599 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[00:07:39] <Dr.Love> F
[00:07:44] <Treyway> how you died lol
[00:08:15] <Dr.Love> no clue what the fuck I've done
[00:08:17] <Dr.Love> lol
[00:08:23] <Treyway> xD
[00:09:42] <-- HenriqueValer. disconnected from the server
[00:10:13] <Dr.Love> Sorry, I just noticed I killed you too
[00:10:16] <Dr.Love> or not?
[00:10:21] <Treyway> NA
[00:10:31] <Treyway> i hit an invisible tree xD
[00:10:36] <Dr.Love> lmao
[00:10:49] <Treyway> it spawned after i hit it
[00:10:49] <Dr.Love> almost at the same time I died
[00:11:00] <Treyway> y
[00:11:33] <Dr.Love> which class you're using?
[00:11:36] <Treyway> tryina reach 2mil and going to sleep it 00 here
[00:11:43] <Treyway> sa army
[00:11:51] <Dr.Love> how to change though?
[00:11:56] <Treyway> /reclass
[00:12:04] <Dr.Love> ty
[00:12:09] <Dr.Love> sa army?
[00:12:12] <Treyway> y
[00:12:48] <Dr.Love> 20:12 pm here
[00:12:58] <Dr.Love> where are you from?
[00:13:08] <Treyway> Tunisia North africa
[00:13:26] <Dr.Love> aah nice
[00:13:39] <Dr.Love> I'm from Paraguay, South America
[00:13:47] <Treyway> Nice to meet ya.
[00:13:55] <Dr.Love> Same ;D
[00:17:00] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2599 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[00:18:00] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[00:18:07] <Treyway> wb
[00:18:18] <Dr.Love> Argentina
[00:18:23] <Dr.Love> wb
[00:18:23] <Santa_Claus> yes
[00:18:28] <Dr.Love> Yo soy de Paraguay
[00:18:33] <Dr.Love> Jajaja
[00:18:36] <Santa_Claus> ah cerca
[00:18:41] <Santa_Claus> que bien
[00:18:46] <Dr.Love> Cerca
[00:18:51] <Dr.Love> hace cuanto jugas santa?
[00:18:59] <Santa_Claus> eh bastante
[00:19:02] <Santa_Claus> 2014 creo
[00:19:07] <Dr.Love> Yo 2012
[00:19:09] <Dr.Love> poco antes
[00:19:09] <Treyway> Spanish ??
[00:19:12] <Santa_Claus> !botc
[00:19:12] <Santa_Claus> yeah
[00:19:15] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2599 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[00:19:30] <Dr.Love> Es que yo como en el 2016 me sali de PL
[00:19:46] <Dr.Love> Hasta hace una semana que vuelvo
[00:19:53] <Dr.Love> Yeah Treey
[00:19:53] <Treyway> i'm studying this language from last year and still can't understand a single word
[00:20:04] <Santa_Claus> you empece en 2014 y estuve hasta como 2017
[00:20:24] <Dr.Love> Buena
[00:20:32] <Treyway> buenas dias
[00:20:32] <Santa_Claus> y despues la verdad que estuve jugando poco
[00:20:47] <Dr.Love> Jajaja buenas días Trey
[00:20:47] <Santa_Claus> hasta que crystal compro el server y ahi empece a estar mas activo
[00:20:53] <Dr.Love> Si si
[00:21:13] <Treyway> Hasta la vista
[00:21:18] <Dr.Love> Haydz -> Aaron y ahora Crystal, verdad?
[00:21:21] <Santa_Claus> si
[00:21:31] <Treyway> falsadero
[00:21:34] <Santa_Claus> yo deje de ser admin y todo durante la epoca de aaron
[00:21:49] <Santa_Claus> la verdad que no estaba de acuerdo con muchas cosas que hizo pero bueno
[00:21:55] <Dr.Love> Aaron?
[00:22:00] <Santa_Claus> si
[00:22:13] <Santa_Claus> con el tema de economy reset y todo eso
[00:22:23] <Dr.Love> Me llevaba bien con el como jugador, como dueño ni idea como habrá hecho las cosas
[00:22:31] <Dr.Love> Ahh claro
[00:22:38] <Santa_Claus> eeh intento hacer cosas
[00:22:44] <Dr.Love> Aaron Farley verdad?
[00:22:46] <Santa_Claus> pero la verdad que las hizo mal
[00:22:49] <Santa_Claus> si
[00:22:51] <Dr.Love> Es que yo no jugue más cuando el fue dueño
[00:23:12] <Dr.Love> Practicamente nada
[00:23:17] <Santa_Claus> no confio en los admins y tomo decisiones que impactaron negativamente
[00:23:35] <Dr.Love> Y como fue para que Haydz le pase el owner a el?
[00:23:38] <Santa_Claus> pero bueno nada
[00:23:43] <Dr.Love> Nunca entendi bien esa parte del cuento
[00:23:48] <Santa_Claus> y el server estaba medio muerto
[00:23:58] <Santa_Claus> hayden hacia bastante que no hacia un update en el server
[00:24:11] <Dr.Love> Si lo tenia ahi encajonadao
[00:24:14] <Dr.Love> encajonado
[00:24:21] <Santa_Claus> y supuestamente no tenia para pagar el server y eso
[00:24:39] <Dr.Love> Si eso recuerdo
[00:24:45] <Santa_Claus> a veces el server estaba offline por meses porque el se olvidaba de pagar
[00:24:47] <Dr.Love> Pero me impacto lo que es ahora
[00:24:47] <Santa_Claus> o los foros
[00:24:57] <Dr.Love> Estamos máximo 10 personas online
[00:25:16] <Santa_Claus> creeme que es mas de lo que habia hace poco
[00:25:16] <Dr.Love> Antes (hace años) recuerdo tener que esperar lugar para meterme
[00:25:34] <Santa_Claus> si jajajaja yo no jugaba en esa epoca
[00:25:34] <Dr.Love> El chat no se alcanzaba a leer jajaa
[00:25:49] <Santa_Claus> pero me acuerdo tiempos en los que llegabamos casi a tener el server lleno
[00:25:54] <Dr.Love> Sii
[00:26:04] <Dr.Love> 70-90 jugadores los fines de semana
[00:26:12] <Dr.Love> eventos repletos
[00:26:12] <Santa_Claus> o a tener como 60-70 jugadores los fines
[00:26:15] <Santa_Claus> sisi
[00:26:33] <Dr.Love> Una pena pero bueno
[00:26:38] <Dr.Love> Sigue en pie el server
[00:26:46] <Santa_Claus> si
[00:26:53] <Santa_Claus> no son muchos los jugadores
[00:27:01] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2599 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[00:27:04] <Dr.Love> Todavia quedan jugadores de nuestras epocas
[00:27:09] <Santa_Claus> pero bueno a comparacion con los anteriores meses hay mas
[00:27:17] <Dr.Love> Ahh si eso me imagino
[00:27:19] <Dr.Love> Lei que estaba mal la cosa
[00:27:27] <Dr.Love> respecto a los online
[00:27:43] <Santa_Claus> de los admins hay varios, hay algunos que aparecieron de vuelta
[00:27:48] <Dr.Love> Si?
[00:27:53] <Santa_Claus> apollo, jezza, khazen
[00:27:58] <Dr.Love> A mi el unico que me reconocio fue Sursai
[00:28:03] <Santa_Claus> bueno sursai tambien se habia ido y volvio
[00:28:13] <Dr.Love> Si me acuerdo de los tres que dijiste
[00:28:26] <Dr.Love> Frances, Gringo y el otro de Israel
[00:28:29] <Santa_Claus> se
[00:28:55] <Santa_Claus> despues de los jugadores muuuy viejos estaba nexuz el otro dia
[00:29:08] <Santa_Claus> alguno que otro qu epor ahi se conecta
[00:29:10] <Santa_Claus> alifer
[00:29:23] <Dr.Love> teniamos argentinos, mexicanos, el salvador
[00:29:28] <Dr.Love> todos latinos casi
[00:29:31] <Dr.Love> LAN
[00:29:33] <Santa_Claus> si lan si no me equivoco
[00:29:41] <Dr.Love> Exacto
[00:29:49] <Dr.Love> la hicimos con naked_snake
[00:29:51] <Santa_Claus> obviamente que cuando empece estuve en esa aerolina
[00:29:57] <Dr.Love> y otro latino que no recuerdo su nombre
[00:30:04] <Dr.Love> mexicano parece que era
[00:30:04] <Santa_Claus> felipe?
[00:30:07] <Dr.Love> si nexuz
[00:30:07] <Santa_Claus> ah no wagner
[00:30:12] <Dr.Love> wagner!
[00:30:12] <Dr.Love> el
[00:30:17] <Dr.Love> exactamente
[00:30:22] <Santa_Claus> si wagner me enseño muchas cosas
[00:30:30] <Dr.Love> se peleo con este chileno (naked)
[00:30:33] <Dr.Love> se salio de lan
[00:30:40] <Dr.Love> despues se dejo un poco del server
[00:30:43] <Dr.Love> y ya ni recuerdo
[00:30:51] <Dr.Love> pasaron varios años
[00:31:06] <Dr.Love> cuando se fue wagner?
[00:31:16] <Santa_Claus> 2015 creo
[00:31:22] <Dr.Love> fuu hace rato
[00:31:32] <Dr.Love> me caia bien
[00:31:34] <Santa_Claus> tuvo RS Haul que ahora es mia
[00:31:40] <Santa_Claus> se llama transX
[00:31:42] <Dr.Love> claro
[00:31:45] <Dr.Love> yo estaba en esa
[00:31:58] <Santa_Claus> que la compramos con zach me acuerdo porque el ya ni jugaba
[00:32:00] <Dr.Love> de naked_snake te acordas?
[00:32:05] <Dr.Love> ahh si Zach
[00:32:08] <Dr.Love> me acuerdo de el, el gringo
[00:32:10] <Santa_Claus> si
[00:32:13] <Dr.Love> y de el que paso?
[00:32:21] <Santa_Claus> empezo a estudiar
[00:32:28] <Santa_Claus> en la universidad
[00:32:36] <Santa_Claus> ingenieria aeroespacial creo
[00:32:44] <Dr.Love> Jajaja me acuerdo que yo le enseñaba a hablar español
[00:32:47] <Dr.Love> le ayudaba con su tarea
[00:32:49] <Dr.Love> ahh que buena
[00:32:54] <Dr.Love> Yo soy piloto
[00:32:57] <Santa_Claus> si hablaba bastante bien
[00:33:05] <Dr.Love> (de verdad)
[00:33:05] <Santa_Claus> que bien
[00:33:12] <Dr.Love> todavia no en aerolineas pero ya con vuelos locales
[00:33:15] <Santa_Claus> privado?
[00:33:17] <Dr.Love> estoy juntando las horas
[00:33:25] <Dr.Love> termine privado, ahora voy con IFR
[00:33:33] <Santa_Claus> ah que bien y cuantas hora tenes?
[00:33:41] <Dr.Love> csm, yo hablando y me quede sin combustible
[00:33:46] <Dr.Love> se me fue a la mierda el avion
[00:33:56] <Dr.Love> 50 horas recien
[00:34:06] <Dr.Love> las 40 de privado, estoy volando de copiloto con particulares
[00:34:22] <Dr.Love> necesito 75 para continuar con las 20 de IFR
[00:34:24] <Dr.Love> de instrucción
[00:34:50] <Treyway> fk i did 3
[00:35:08] <Dr.Love> you did 3 what trey?
[00:35:16] <Treyway> lotto
[00:35:21] <Dr.Love> lol
[00:35:24] <Dr.Love> Mine was 8
[00:35:31] <Dr.Love> F
[00:36:00] <Dr.Love> De que parte de Arg sos Santa?
[00:36:31] <Dr.Love> Si, la verdad muy lindo lo de ser piloto si te gusta
[00:36:57] <Santa_Claus> ah bien
[00:37:02] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2600 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[00:37:07] <Santa_Claus> yo buenos aires
[00:37:20] <Dr.Love> buena
[00:37:38] <Santa_Claus> si tengo amigos que estan haciendo el curso de piloto
[00:37:41] <Santa_Claus> recien arrancan igual
[00:38:50] --> Grinch connected to the server
[00:39:06] <Dr.Love> que bueno eso
[00:39:16] <Dr.Love> hay mucha demanda por pilotos en la aviacion comercial
[00:39:16] <Grinch> !botc
[00:39:19] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2600 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[00:39:19] <Dr.Love> aerolineas
[00:39:31] <Treyway> !assets stan
[00:39:34] (WEB) <robin_be> stan has 3 car(s) ($0) and 2 house(s) ($1,450,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $1,450,000
[00:40:05] --> shiv connected to the server
[00:40:15] <Dr.Love> sos admin todavia santa?
[00:40:18] <Dr.Love> wb shiv
[00:40:18] <Santa_Claus> si
[00:40:21] <shiv> hi
[00:40:28] <Dr.Love> sos el primero que conozco y es latino
[00:40:28] <Dr.Love> jajaja
[00:40:31] <Dr.Love> que buena
[00:40:34] <Treyway> Nice house shiv
[00:40:36] <shiv> thanks owo
[00:40:46] <Santa_Claus> si creo que soy el primer latino en ser admin
[00:40:52] <Dr.Love> me parece que si
[00:40:57] <Treyway> but why entrance from window xD
[00:41:04] <Grinch> rr
[00:41:04] <Santa_Claus> despues thiago fue promovido que es brasileño pero
[00:41:04] <Grinch> get in
[00:41:10] <Santa_Claus> hace mucho que no juega ya
[00:41:41] <Dr.Love> cual era el nombre anterior de thiago?
[00:41:43] <Dr.Love> capaz lo ubico
[00:41:54] <Santa_Claus> thiagoormonde
[00:42:01] <Santa_Claus> empezo a jugar mas o menos cuando empece yo igual
[00:42:24] <Dr.Love> Ahh no
[00:42:30] <Dr.Love> Ni idea quien es :/
[00:42:43] <Dr.Love> brasileros me acuerdo de
[00:42:53] <Dr.Love> biugo_br, noxer_Slade, henrique_hotz
[00:43:01] <Dr.Love> seguro muchos otros, habian varios
[00:43:08] <Dr.Love> funkyblackcat
[00:43:11] <Dr.Love> algo asi
[00:43:16] <Santa_Claus> ah si
[00:43:19] <shiv> damn the old ST crew
[00:43:26] <Santa_Claus> biugo y noxer hace ya años que no se conectan
[00:43:29] <Dr.Love> haha yea
[00:43:29] <shiv> i remember
[00:43:39] <Santa_Claus> funky desde que lo banearon tampoco
[00:43:39] <Dr.Love> same here
[00:43:47] <Dr.Love> do you remember that guy henrique_hotz?
[00:43:52] <Santa_Claus> idk
[00:43:52] <shiv> oh yah i remember you in ST
[00:44:02] <Santa_Claus> I do remember an henrique guy
[00:44:10] <Dr.Love> me too shiv
[00:44:15] <Santa_Claus> ja se me mezclan los idiomas
[00:44:15] <shiv> i remember him
[00:44:51] --> kingkings connected to the server
[00:45:15] <Dr.Love> i think he it is one of the oldest names I remember from this community
[00:45:20] <Dr.Love> i think he*
[00:45:38] <kingkings> !botcrip
[00:45:40] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 126 Wizz
[00:45:46] <shiv> F
[00:45:46] <Dr.Love> !player henrique_hotz
[00:45:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player henrique_hotz: 6714 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[00:45:54] <Dr.Love> that one
[00:46:25] <kingkings> where American fright and Delta base ?
[00:46:40] <Santa_Claus> why
[00:46:43] <Dr.Love> I was naming brazilian players I knew from this server and it was almost the whole ST crew
[00:46:45] <Santa_Claus> are you planning to move your fleet ther
[00:46:53] <kingkings> nah
[00:46:53] <Dr.Love> lol
[00:46:56] <kingkings> wanna see it
[00:47:01] <kingkings> the land it self
[00:47:03] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2605 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[00:47:11] <Santa_Claus> american is literally next to your base
[00:47:19] <Santa_Claus> and delta only god knows where their fleet is located
[00:47:32] <kingkings> which base presi or sky ?
[00:47:34] <Dr.Love> we played a lot together shiv
[00:47:55] <shiv> hell yeah
[00:48:21] <Dr.Love> I remember that as when I didn't grow a beard yet lol
[00:48:31] <kingkings> delta seems to be at ocean docks as their history log
[00:48:57] <shiv> I remmember when I wasn't a massive cuck
[00:48:57] <shiv> amirite Martin
[00:49:07] <Santa_Claus> yeah it wasn't long ago
[00:49:15] <shiv> 3 months?
[00:49:25] <Santa_Claus> when did you met r-word
[00:49:30] <shiv> uhh
[00:49:38] <shiv> around december last year
[00:49:46] <Santa_Claus> around december last year
[00:52:41] <Dr.Love> santa, y tu nombre siempre fue ese?
[00:53:12] <kingkings> transx base when i pass nearby i got shitty lag
[00:53:22] <Grinch> shitty computer
[00:53:27] <Grinch> transx best base
[00:53:45] <Santa_Claus> nah el mio fue santiago casi siempre
[00:53:56] <Dr.Love> Ahh santiago?
[00:53:58] <Santa_Claus> si
[00:54:04] <Dr.Love> como exactamente?
[00:54:06] <Dr.Love> recuerdo un santiago
[00:54:09] <kingkings> shiv u not even in jojek lol
[00:54:24] <shiv> thats the joke
[00:54:24] <Santa_Claus> eh santiago_penalva al principio despues me lo cambie a santiago
[00:54:34] <Santa_Claus> y casi solo lo cambio a santa_claus para las fiestas
[00:54:37] <kingkings> !botc
[00:54:37] <Dr.Love> ahh por ahi recuerdo haber leido el primero
[00:54:40] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2610 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[00:55:11] <-- Grinch disconnected from the server
[00:55:52] <Dr.Love> who owns the madd dogg vinewood mansion?
[00:56:10] <shiv> idk
[00:56:38] <Treyway> i can't respawn my car idk why always says 0
[00:56:38] <kingkings> iam searched ocean docks
[00:57:01] <kingkings> but no sign of delta
[00:57:04] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2611 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[00:57:07] <Treyway> shiv can you help me spawn my car i can't spawn it with /mycars
[00:57:43] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[00:57:58] <Dr.Love> it was the best choice Shiv
[00:57:58] <kingkings> does it work or he have to do /q xD
[00:58:09] <shiv> it works
[00:58:11] <shiv> xd
[00:59:31] <shiv> did it fix?
[00:59:36] <Treyway> ye ty
[00:59:36] <Treyway> xD
[00:59:39] <shiv> np
[01:00:41] <Dr.Love> Santa, y como fue para que te den el admin?
[01:00:51] <Dr.Love> Siempre quise saber eso jajaja
[01:01:32] <Dr.Love> más por curiosidad que otra cosa
[01:01:35] <Santa_Claus> eh al principio ayudaba bastante al resto
[01:01:37] <Santa_Claus> que se yo
[01:01:53] <Santa_Claus> aparte me llevaba bien con algunos como zach, crystal y sursai
[01:02:26] <Dr.Love> ahh entiendo
[01:02:42] <Treyway> !botc
[01:02:45] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2614 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[01:02:45] <Dr.Love> preguntaba nada más como fue casi excepcional tener a un hispano hablante admin
[01:02:53] <Dr.Love> o sea, latino quiero decir
[01:02:55] <Dr.Love> porque hablas ingles
[01:03:03] <Santa_Claus> si
[01:03:23] <Treyway> come pick me
[01:03:29] <Santa_Claus> esta bueno porque podes ayudar a alguno que no sepa ingles
[01:03:36] <Dr.Love> zach fue moderador tambíen si mal no recuerdo, verdad?
[01:03:39] <Santa_Claus> que antes eran varios
[01:03:39] <Dr.Love> Sii justamente por eso
[01:03:41] <Santa_Claus> claro
[01:03:57] <Dr.Love> De repente hay algunos que hablan español y estan medio perdidos
[01:04:02] <Dr.Love> y los admins hablan solo ingles
[01:05:30] <Santa_Claus> me acuerdo de knight que es hindu
[01:05:35] <Dr.Love> ahh si
[01:05:43] <Dr.Love> knight_prowler algo asi?
[01:05:48] <Santa_Claus> asi como mas exoticos ajjaaj
[01:05:50] <Santa_Claus> si
[01:05:53] <Dr.Love> Jajajaja
[01:05:56] <Dr.Love> Exacto
[01:05:58] <Dr.Love> habia un italiano antes
[01:06:03] <Dr.Love> Lt.Incredibly algo asi
[01:06:11] <Dr.Love> !player Lt.Incredibly
[01:06:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lt.Incredibly: 6483 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[01:06:27] <Santa_Claus> ah si me acuerdo de el
[01:06:32] <Santa_Claus> pero no fue admin o si?
[01:06:37] <kingkings> see magic now
[01:06:39] <Dr.Love> Que yo recuerde no
[01:06:42] <Dr.Love> Knight lo fue?
[01:06:55] <Santa_Claus> si fue moderador
[01:07:05] <Dr.Love> ahh no sabia
[01:07:05] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2615 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[01:07:08] <Santa_Claus> es mas creo que sigue siendo pero hace mil años que no lo veo
[01:07:10] <Treyway> good place
[01:07:16] <Dr.Love> a quien también lo conoci como jugador normal y luego admin fue Serbian
[01:07:29] <Treyway> i hope delta closes xD
[01:07:47] <Santa_Claus> ah si yo arranque a jugar mas o menos cuando promovieron a zach y a serbian
[01:07:59] <Dr.Love> Si, recuerdo
[01:08:05] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[01:08:10] <Treyway> rip
[01:08:15] --> shiv connected to the server
[01:08:20] <Dr.Love> wb shiv
[01:08:23] <shiv> hi
[01:08:35] <Dr.Love> f for that timeout
[01:08:46] <shiv> F
[01:09:06] <Treyway> !botcrip
[01:09:06] <Dr.Love> why did it crashed?
[01:09:09] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 126 Wizz
[01:09:12] <shiv> beats me
[01:09:14] <shiv> no warnings
[01:09:22] <Treyway> for hacking
[01:10:01] <Dr.Love> Fortunately since my one week here after some years I haven't experienced a crash yet
[01:10:03] <Treyway> i think delta is in custom mapped island
[01:10:14] <Treyway> i think i joined them once
[01:11:02] <Dr.Love> santa conociste a otros argentinos aca?
[01:11:10] <Dr.Love> a ver si recuerdo nombres
[01:11:18] <Dr.Love> yo conoci a varios pero no recuerdo
[01:11:21] <Santa_Claus> si pero la mayoria duraron poco
[01:11:31] <Santa_Claus> la verdad que ni me acuerdo los nombres
[01:11:49] <Dr.Love> yo recuerdo a uno que en aquel entonces tenia como 14-15 años y duro bastante
[01:11:54] <shiv> !botcrip
[01:11:57] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 126 Wizz
[01:11:57] <Santa_Claus> nunca conoci a algun argentino con bastante score
[01:11:57] <Dr.Love> creo que seguía cuando yo me sali
[01:12:05] <Dr.Love> este que te digo tenia
[01:12:12] <Dr.Love> pero ni por si acaso recuerdo el nombre
[01:12:23] <Dr.Love> estaba en lan con nosotros
[01:12:43] <Dr.Love> habra tenido 2000-3000 algo así
[01:12:46] <Santa_Claus> mendoza?
[01:12:56] <Dr.Love> Ese me suena, lo recuerdo
[01:13:01] <Dr.Love> pero no era el de quien hablo
[01:13:09] <Santa_Claus> ese ni me acuerdo de donde era
[01:13:17] <Dr.Love> era una chica
[01:13:17] <Santa_Claus> pero me caia mal
[01:13:19] <Dr.Love> jajaja
[01:13:24] <Dr.Love> sabias?
[01:13:27] <Santa_Claus> si supuestamente
[01:13:40] <Dr.Love> no se si era argentina
[01:13:42] <Dr.Love> colombia me parece
[01:13:58] <Santa_Claus> por eso naked no paraba de jugar tanto con ella
[01:14:11] <Dr.Love> jajaja naked igual
[01:14:11] <kingkings> temp is 7o and i feel its like -10
[01:14:18] <Dr.Love> tenia como 15 años creo
[01:14:26] <Dr.Love> cuando jugue con el la ultima vez
[01:14:42] <Treyway> !assets kingkings
[01:14:42] <kingkings> how to fight Cold guys
[01:14:44] (WEB) <robin_be> kingkings has 5 car(s) ($12,525,000) and 1 house(s) ($9,000,000 - 8 slots) for a total of $21,525,000
[01:14:50] <shiv> with warm
[01:14:55] <Santa_Claus> yo arranque a jugar con 13-14 años jajajajja
[01:15:08] <Dr.Love> uhh desde chico
[01:15:10] <Dr.Love> jajaja
[01:15:51] <Dr.Love> ahora tenes 17-18?
[01:16:40] <Dr.Love> ahh verdad que me dijiste desde el 2014
[01:16:45] <kingkings> !botcrip
[01:16:48] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 126 Wizz
[01:17:06] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2617 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[01:18:01] <kingkings> back
[01:18:06] <kingkings> u was there
[01:18:11] <Dr.Love> que tal te llevabas con naked?
[01:18:26] <kingkings> next to one of admin house
[01:18:26] <Santa_Claus> al principio bien
[01:18:31] <kingkings> moded one
[01:18:34] <kingkings> bak
[01:18:39] <kingkings> yup
[01:18:44] <Santa_Claus> despues me echo de lan porque no se
[01:18:52] <Dr.Love> ahhh si me acuerdo
[01:18:57] <Santa_Claus> de un dia para el otro
[01:18:57] <Dr.Love> yo tenia otro nombre
[01:19:31] <Santa_Claus> asi que nada me fui a otra aerolinea que justo estaba wagner
[01:19:38] <Santa_Claus> con quien se habia peleado tambien
[01:19:38] <Dr.Love> yo la primera persona con quien jugue el primer dia fue con el
[01:19:49] <Dr.Love> sii se llevaba mal con wagner
[01:20:27] <Dr.Love> naked volvio a jugar?
[01:20:38] <Santa_Claus> yo no me llevaba mal con ellos pero parece que naked y mendoza me odiaban no se porque
[01:21:06] <Santa_Claus> eh aparecio un par de veces como en 2016
[01:21:11] <Dr.Love> yo tampoco me tragaba a mendoza
[01:21:16] <Santa_Claus> despues desde ahi ya no lo vi mas
[01:21:21] <Dr.Love> pero ya no más volvio?
[01:21:29] <Santa_Claus> nah
[01:21:32] <Santa_Claus> !player naked_snake
[01:21:35] (WEB) <robin_be> player naked_snake: 35753 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[01:21:47] <Dr.Love> que m
[01:21:55] <Dr.Love> mucho score tenia
[01:22:05] <Santa_Claus> el bot ese registra igual a partir del ultimo año y medio
[01:22:47] <Santa_Claus> si yo tampoco me acordaba que tenga tanto score
[01:23:07] <Dr.Love> noo tenia como 20.000 y tanto cuando jugamos las ultimas veces
[01:23:07] <Dr.Love> jajajaj
[01:23:33] <Dr.Love> Bueno me voy a cenar
[01:23:41] <Dr.Love> veo si vuelo luego
[01:23:46] <Dr.Love> Cya guys
[01:23:48] <Santa_Claus> bueno, suerte
[01:23:59] <Dr.Love> gracias Santi
[01:24:01] <Dr.Love> Nos vemos
[01:24:04] <-- Dr.Love disconnected from the server
[01:26:34] <Treyway> TransX tryharding
[01:26:41] <shiv> hell yeah we are
[01:27:07] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2621 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[01:27:36] <kingkings> if transx passed 2800 this indos will make it 4444
[01:27:46] <shiv> xD
[01:27:56] <Treyway> i seen their video fking 5 people in one convoy
[01:28:22] <kingkings> thats 30-35 score in 24 mintues
[01:28:48] <kingkings> 3333 is total of like 2400 min
[01:29:24] <kingkings> 40hr
[01:29:42] <Treyway> and we struggle to make 100score
[01:29:47] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[01:30:05] --> shiv connected to the server
[01:34:15] <kingkings> cya gn
[01:34:23] <shiv> gn
[01:34:28] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[01:34:38] <Treyway> time for military
[01:37:08] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2627 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[01:40:49] --> kalandro connected to the server
[01:42:06] --> TheTrucker963 connected to the server
[01:42:17] <TheTrucker963> Hey all
[01:42:22] <Treyway> Heyy
[01:42:22] <shiv> ayo wb
[01:42:27] <TheTrucker963> Ty
[01:43:24] <Treyway> tf 35k m flight
[01:43:52] <shiv> ye
[01:44:25] <-- kalandro disconnected from the server
[01:44:46] <TheTrucker963> Anyone want to buy RC vehicle?
[01:44:56] <shiv> /ad
[01:44:56] <Santa_Claus> not really
[01:45:01] <shiv> also what kind?
[01:45:07] <TheTrucker963> RC Cam
[01:45:12] <shiv> eh
[01:45:14] <TheTrucker963> Sorry only have 4k x)
[01:45:20] <shiv> no thanks
[01:45:27] --> kalandro connected to the server
[01:45:35] <TheTrucker963> Wb kalandro
[01:45:45] <TheTrucker963> I know it is a special RC hehe
[01:46:06] <Santa_Claus> I don't think there are many rc cams around
[01:46:16] <shiv> yeah nobody wants the,m
[01:46:16] <shiv> them
[01:46:16] <TheTrucker963> Indeed perhaps 2 or 3
[01:46:29] <TheTrucker963> Atleast it is unique
[01:46:32] <Santa_Claus> so yeah maybe someone collecting rc's might want it
[01:46:45] <Santa_Claus> different rcs*
[01:46:47] <TheTrucker963> I will post it on the forums to gain more attention, is that still allowed?
[01:46:52] <shiv> yup
[01:46:55] <Santa_Claus> yeah
[01:47:03] <TheTrucker963> Nice
[01:47:08] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2631 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[01:47:18] <TheTrucker963> Used to have topic full of houses and used vehicles but now the market is almost dead
[01:47:29] <shiv> p mush
[01:47:29] <-- kalandro disconnected from the server
[01:47:34] <shiv> much
[01:48:33] <TheTrucker963> Still best server tho
[01:48:43] <Treyway> is it hosted tab ??
[01:49:01] <shiv> nop
[01:51:13] <TheTrucker963> Is it true they are making the CnR coming back?
[01:51:21] <Treyway> who took ma number 3
[01:51:21] <shiv> so they say
[01:51:26] <TheTrucker963> Me sry
[01:51:28] <shiv> its in the works
[01:51:34] <Treyway> np
[01:51:41] <TheTrucker963> Nice, when will it be released?
[01:51:57] <shiv> soon (TM)
[01:52:12] <Treyway> old database or will reset ?
[01:52:17] <Treyway> :W
[01:52:20] <TheTrucker963> Nice from 4k to 70k in 10mins gtg love new economy
[01:52:23] <shiv> reset
[01:53:09] <Treyway> IT's the old eco
[01:53:12] <Treyway> i think
[01:53:24] <TheTrucker963> Nah
[01:53:32] <TheTrucker963> Or atleast not how I remember before Aaron
[01:53:32] <shiv> yeah it is
[01:53:37] <Treyway> i got 60k in one flight
[01:53:45] <shiv> except house price
[01:53:48] <Treyway> yeh
[01:53:58] <Treyway> i miss 4 slots for 2mil
[01:54:00] <TheTrucker963> Ah it's possible, been a long time
[01:54:03] <TheTrucker963> I have one
[01:54:06] <TheTrucker963> !houses
[01:54:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $2,500,000 3 slots Muhulland: $2,000,000 4 slots
[01:54:19] <Treyway> lucky
[01:54:34] <TheTrucker963> Yeh indeed never expected it myself, and a good location also
[01:54:37] <Treyway> i hope the website opens again
[01:54:42] <TheTrucker963> Same
[01:54:42] <Treyway> to see good houses
[01:54:47] <shiv> new website is in development
[01:55:41] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[01:57:09] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2635 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[01:58:36] <Treyway> Good night.
[01:58:41] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[01:58:44] <TheTrucker963> Gn
[01:59:30] <TheTrucker963> !shooter
[01:59:46] <TheTrucker963> How to see when one was last online
[02:00:40] <TheTrucker963> 49k nice
[02:00:45] <shiv> noice
[02:02:10] <TheTrucker963> How can you see when someone was last online?
[02:02:20] <shiv> !player
[02:02:23] (WEB) <robin_be> player shiv: 15477 score, last seen Online Now
[02:02:23] <TheTrucker963> Ty
[02:02:26] <TheTrucker963> !player shooter
[02:02:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player shooter: 16144 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[02:03:20] <TheTrucker963> !player mrghb
[02:03:23] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player mrghb
[02:05:49] <TheTrucker963> Come on lotto I need 3
[02:06:00] <TheTrucker963> Yikes
[02:06:05] <shiv> damn
[02:06:07] <shiv> I'm gonna go
[02:06:07] <shiv> byeee
[02:06:10] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[02:06:10] <TheTrucker963> Gn
[02:07:09] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[02:07:40] <TheTrucker963> Yes yes gz Go Jek
[02:08:11] <TheTrucker963> 55k nice
[02:08:32] <TheTrucker963> !player mbrg684
[02:08:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player mbrg684: 811 score, last seen 11 Days Ago
[02:08:40] <-- TheTrucker963 disconnected from the server
[02:09:18] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[02:10:12] <Sursai_Kosecksi> !botc
[02:10:15] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 169 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[02:11:01] <Sursai_Kosecksi> !botcrip
[02:11:04] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 126 Wizz
[02:17:10] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 171 ST, 171 IBEx, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[02:27:12] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 172 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[02:29:31] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[02:30:56] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[02:31:30] <-- Sursai_Kosecksi disconnected from the server
[02:31:42] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[02:31:55] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[02:37:13] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 174 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[02:44:30] --> HenriqueValer. connected to the server
[02:45:58] --> Prompto connected to the server
[02:46:11] <Prompto> what
[02:46:16] <Prompto> these motd and amotd
[02:47:13] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 176 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[02:49:09] <Brooklyn> !rank
[02:49:11] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn(17851) rank: PL Senior Captain(16000) next: Aviation Legend(18000) (+149)
[02:51:25] --> cygnus connected to the server
[02:53:16] <Prompto> !rank
[02:53:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto(4435) rank: Lieutenant Pilot Major(4000) next: Master Pilot(4500) (+65)
[02:53:21] <Prompto> fuck kids?
[02:53:37] <Prompto> how paedophile of you
[02:53:39] <cygnus> yeah, their a pain in the ass, I don't recommend having them
[02:54:00] <Prompto> I know they're a pain
[02:54:05] <Prompto> I have two little siblings
[02:54:13] <cygnus> my buddy has a two year old, he's not as much fun due to that damn, fucking kid
[02:54:33] <Prompto> hahahaah
[02:54:39] <Prompto> real life is striking him hard
[02:56:32] <cygnus> plus their kinda dumb
[02:56:55] <cygnus> I had to help them sign up for all the goverment and state aid programs saturday
[02:57:13] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 178 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[02:57:52] <HenriqueValer.> GZ
[02:57:55] <cygnus> dope
[02:57:57] <Brooklyn> congrats
[03:00:42] <Prompto> nicea
[03:01:06] <Brooklyn> last day of the decade
[03:01:39] <Prompto> I don't wanna think about that
[03:01:42] <cygnus> I got 3 hours for that
[03:01:52] <Prompto> college exams are banging my door right now and I still haven't studied yet hahahaha
[03:01:55] <cygnus> damn ill be 29 soon lol
[03:02:00] <Brooklyn> xd
[03:02:07] <Prompto> 29?? damn
[03:02:10] <Brooklyn> 91?
[03:02:18] <Prompto> and I was thinking reaching 21 was too bad
[03:02:33] <Brooklyn> and i'll be 23 next feb
[03:02:56] <Prompto> time's flying ffs
[03:03:48] <cygnus> gets faster as the years go buy
[03:03:58] <Prompto> I know
[03:04:16] <Prompto> A year doesn't feel as long as it did when I was a kid
[03:04:40] <cygnus> there's some science behind that
[03:04:50] <Prompto> I saw a video about that as well
[03:05:00] <Prompto> due to the knowledge you have about the world around you
[03:05:03] <cygnus> new experinces seem longer or something
[03:05:10] <Prompto> yeah
[03:05:16] <cygnus> and when your older you'ce seen it al
[03:05:29] <Prompto> travelling around the world helps that
[03:05:44] <Prompto> because you experience something new all the time
[03:05:57] <cygnus> yes sir
[03:06:02] <Prompto> and what I'm studying right now opens the door for me to travel
[03:06:20] <Prompto> learning a new language also helps
[03:06:38] <Prompto> although I don't remember a thing back when I was still learning english
[03:06:43] <Prompto> there's just a sudden gap in my life
[03:07:14] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 180 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[03:07:45] <Prompto> where are you from cygnus?
[03:07:48] <cygnus> yeah you gotta keep reading and always learning shit
[03:07:48] <cygnus> USA
[03:07:58] <Prompto> which part of the us? xD
[03:07:58] <Prompto> it's quite big
[03:08:11] <cygnus> Boston, East coast
[03:08:16] <Prompto> oooh boston
[03:08:26] <Prompto> do you have that boston accent?
[03:08:32] <cygnus> no not really
[03:08:47] <Prompto> too bad playah
[03:09:00] <Prompto> hopefully I'm travelling to california next year
[03:09:05] <cygnus> I had a speech impediment until I was like 15 so I have a pretty neutral accident
[03:09:15] <Prompto> :o
[03:09:33] <Prompto> the accent changes according to your environment
[03:09:41] <Prompto> not because you have a speech impediment
[03:09:49] <cygnus> oh I know
[03:10:04] <cygnus> but the major issues with the boston accent I had issues with too
[03:10:25] <Prompto> so you pronounce the rs like a general american?w
[03:10:30] <Prompto> r*
[03:10:48] <cygnus> so I had to go 1-2 times a week in school from like 1-10th grade to work on my R's and "ow"s
[03:10:53] <cygnus> yeah for the most part
[03:11:11] <Prompto> I wish I had that possibility hahaha
[03:11:14] --> kalandro connected to the server
[03:11:19] <HenriqueValer.> wb
[03:11:24] <Prompto> I grew up in england, pronouncing those Rs is actually hard for me
[03:11:35] <Prompto> I mean, I can pronounce them but they sound so "foreign"
[03:11:42] <cygnus> it wasn't easy and you can work on it, I still do in my free time every few days
[03:12:06] <Prompto> I can pronounce all american vowels easily
[03:12:13] <Prompto> it's just the Rs
[03:12:39] <Prompto> I end up sounding like a new yorkan
[03:12:47] <Prompto> which I don't mind
[03:12:52] <cygnus> my "asey"s were bad too
[03:13:13] <cygnus> like the name Casey would be Casheeee
[03:13:38] <Prompto> ooh I knew someone who had that issue
[03:14:07] <cygnus> yeah I had it on like 3-4 different phenetics
[03:14:14] <Prompto> I also know a ton of british people with a speed impendiment on the Rs, they pronounce it like a W
[03:14:30] <cygnus> Car was always Cooaw
[03:14:40] <Prompto> I feel yah
[03:14:48] <Prompto> I have a speech impediment in portuguese
[03:14:58] <cygnus> that one was one of the hardest of me actually lol, took most of the decade
[03:15:19] <cygnus> I still toll the r .5-1 second longer just to be saf
[03:16:03] <Prompto> sucks to have that issue actually
[03:16:03] <cygnus> still roll* to be safe*
[03:16:16] <Prompto> you don't "roll" the rs in english tho
[03:16:26] <Prompto> you do in Spanish, Italian (and in some portuguese)
[03:16:28] <cygnus> I went a few years not caring and it started happing again
[03:16:41] <cygnus> you're right, I used the wrong term
[03:16:57] <Prompto> so if you don't train your speech, it just pops up again?
[03:16:59] <cygnus> by roll, I meant a hard R, like Carrrrrrr
[03:17:10] <cygnus> it takes a few years but I found out yeah
[03:17:10] <Prompto> yeah I understood xd
[03:17:15] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 183 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[03:17:15] <Prompto> that's actually the hardest sound in english
[03:17:25] <Prompto> I saw in a video it takes up to 5 years (for an infant) to learn it
[03:17:59] <cygnus> I also didn't event begin to make more then just screams,cries and yips until I was like 3.5
[03:18:06] <-- kalandro disconnected from the server
[03:18:09] <cygnus> didn't really start learning to talk until 4
[03:18:14] <Prompto> :o
[03:18:17] <Prompto> now that's rare
[03:18:53] <Prompto> was it because you didn't know how to? or you just didn't feel like it?
[03:18:55] <cygnus> min amount of muscles to live
[03:18:58] <Prompto> oh ok
[03:19:16] <Prompto> were you born prematurely?
[03:19:34] <cygnus> I think almost 2 weeks late and about 12 pounds
[03:19:44] <Prompto> yikes.. 2 weeks late
[03:19:49] <cygnus> I was a big baby
[03:19:57] <Prompto> that could have negative implications
[03:20:36] <Prompto> wait.. 12 pounds????
[03:20:38] <Prompto> holy crap
[03:20:46] <Prompto> I feel bad for your mother hahaha
[03:21:40] <cygnus> yeah
[03:21:45] <Prompto> quite heavy
[03:21:45] <HenriqueValer.> Cya
[03:21:56] <-- HenriqueValer. disconnected from the server
[03:22:09] <cygnus> biggiephil/requestname was closer to 14
[03:22:11] <Prompto> my brother was born with almost 9 pounds and he was considered to be heavy
[03:22:14] <Prompto> :O
[03:24:58] <Prompto> fucking clouds
[03:25:06] <Prompto> good thing I know the height of san fierro buildings
[03:25:22] <Brooklyn> you got lag?
[03:25:24] <Prompto> nope
[03:25:29] <Prompto> just heavy cloud
[03:25:29] <Prompto> clouds
[03:25:45] <Prompto> and one of them was blocking my view of a high building
[03:26:05] <Prompto> almost crashed against PL Radio hahaha
[03:27:18] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 185 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[03:31:17] <Prompto> what's the fuel price in boston?
[03:34:36] <cygnus> anywhere from 2.40-3.10
[03:34:38] <cygnus> a gallon
[03:34:46] <Prompto> gosh that's cheap wtf
[03:35:27] <Prompto> converting the prices from here to $ per gallon
[03:35:43] <Prompto> the price here in portugal is around 7-8 a gallon
[03:37:18] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 185 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[03:45:10] --> Dr.Love connected to the server
[03:45:25] <Prompto> wb
[03:45:53] <Dr.Love> ty man
[03:46:04] <Brooklyn> that name sounds familiar
[03:46:09] <Dr.Love> Hey Brooklyn
[03:46:14] <Dr.Love> I remember you too
[03:46:17] <Brooklyn> hi!
[03:46:19] <Dr.Love> :D
[03:46:27] <Dr.Love> How you doing mate?
[03:46:32] <Brooklyn> i'm great!
[03:46:45] <Prompto> pl went from a normal server to a nostalgic server
[03:46:50] <Brooklyn> xd
[03:47:00] <Dr.Love> I'm back after 3-4 years :P
[03:47:19] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 187 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[03:47:24] <Brooklyn> I came back after almost 6 years in banland
[03:47:29] <Prompto> :o
[03:47:37] <Dr.Love> lmao
[03:47:37] <Brooklyn> xd
[03:47:50] --> kalandro connected to the server
[03:47:57] <Dr.Love> brb
[03:47:57] <Prompto> I came back after 2 years of intensive college fucking me hard in the ass
[03:47:57] <Brooklyn> it was today, 6 years ago that I got perm banned for abusing bank bug
[03:48:00] <Dr.Love> I'll get some beer
[03:48:02] <Brooklyn> by Jdt
[03:48:13] <Prompto> hahaah jdt
[03:48:28] <Prompto> I remember that bank bug
[03:48:41] <Brooklyn> xd
[03:48:59] <Brooklyn> banned on the last day of 2013 lmao
[03:49:27] <Brooklyn> lmao
[03:50:19] <Prompto> ricardo was like, this motherfucker hacking
[03:50:22] <Prompto> banned
[03:50:22] <Brooklyn> xd
[03:50:45] --> Vicente_Estate connected to the server
[03:51:03] <Dr.Love> How did the bank bug worked though?
[03:51:26] <Brooklyn> its like I have 9m in my balance, I withdraw it
[03:51:29] <Prompto> it was quite abusive I remember but I don't remember the exact details of it
[03:51:34] <Brooklyn> but the balance still remain 9m
[03:51:44] <Prompto> oh that's a different kind of bug
[03:51:49] <Brooklyn> so yeah, basically unlimited money
[03:51:54] <Dr.Love> wow
[03:51:54] <Vicente_Estate> !botc
[03:51:57] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 188 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[03:52:00] <Prompto> the one I'm talking was bug in transfering money
[03:52:13] <Dr.Love> I'm always lost when cool stuff is going on
[03:52:13] <Dr.Love> :P
[03:52:18] <Dr.Love> nah joking
[03:52:18] <Prompto> you'd transfer 100k to someone and those 100k would go to you, 100k+100k = 200k
[03:52:20] --> RonaldoValer connected to the server
[03:52:33] <Brooklyn> I dont remeber/know about that :p
[03:52:33] <RonaldoValer> hai :3
[03:52:38] <Brooklyn> hi!
[03:52:43] <Vicente_Estate> hi
[03:52:46] <Prompto> it was fixed straight away
[03:52:46] <Dr.Love> Prompto
[03:52:49] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[03:52:54] <RonaldoValer> prompo <3
[03:52:54] <Dr.Love> what was your previous name?
[03:52:59] <RonaldoValer> prompto <3
[03:53:02] <RonaldoValer> sursai nab
[03:53:04] <Prompto> FlyRio, EderRektFrance
[03:53:09] <Prompto> sup valer
[03:53:12] <Dr.Love> Oh
[03:53:17] <-- kalandro disconnected from the server
[03:53:20] <Dr.Love> I knew two guys from Portugal
[03:53:30] <Dr.Love> Wembly, Rafael_Rodgers
[03:53:35] <Dr.Love> do you know any of them?
[03:53:38] <Prompto> I don't know them xd
[03:53:45] <Dr.Love> they were really old players
[03:53:51] <Prompto> yeah I guess
[03:53:58] <Dr.Love> by the way, that guy Wembly faked his own death
[03:54:16] <Prompto> what do you mean
[03:54:29] <Dr.Love> said he was hospitalized, terminal cancer
[03:54:34] <Dr.Love> days remaining
[03:54:42] <Dr.Love> as far as I know
[03:54:42] <Prompto> lmao what
[03:55:03] <Dr.Love> yeah, still can't believe
[03:55:16] <Prompto> what a joker he is
[03:55:21] <Dr.Love> what he have done to seek attention or whatever he wanted
[03:55:34] <Prompto> he probably wanted that admin positish
[03:55:39] <Prompto> posish*
[03:56:02] <Prompto> I knew a portuguese (in another server) who licked the admins butts so fucking hard
[03:56:10] <Dr.Love> the other guy from Portugal made the track behind that lie
[03:56:10] <Prompto> and he got promoted
[03:56:12] <Prompto> that son of a bitcha
[03:56:15] <Dr.Love> and the truth came out
[03:56:20] <Prompto> ouch
[03:56:33] <Dr.Love> so portuguese people like doing that to get admin?
[03:56:33] <Dr.Love> haha
[03:56:46] <Brooklyn> !rank
[03:56:48] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn(17870) rank: PL Senior Captain(16000) next: Aviation Legend(18000) (+130)
[03:56:51] <Dr.Love> !rank
[03:56:54] (WEB) <robin_be> Dr.Love(5299) rank: Flight Officer(5000) next: Flight Commander(5400) (+101)
[03:57:04] <Prompto> there's some sort of a weird atlantic way of living when it comes to work
[03:57:20] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 189 IBEx, 171 ST, 134 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[03:57:20] <Prompto> we get it done, but somehow you need "extra" measures to make sure we get them
[03:57:30] <Dr.Love> lmfao
[03:57:35] <Prompto> many of those "extras" is just "asslicking"
[03:58:19] --> kalandro connected to the server
[03:58:40] <Prompto> it's the "we need contacts" to get what we want
[03:58:52] <Prompto> the system allows it so...
[03:59:16] <Dr.Love> No wonder but this guy Wembly was friend of most of theadmins
[03:59:21] <Dr.Love> the admins* haha
[03:59:31] <Prompto> yeah
[03:59:34] <Prompto> he wanted that position
[03:59:39] <Dr.Love> or at least he had a good talk with them
[04:00:02] <Prompto> the way you're describing it, we wanted to be admin hahaha
[04:00:05] <Dr.Love> but it still was surprisingly weird coming from a veteran
[04:00:20] <Prompto> so he faked his death in an attempt to become admin even if it were only for a few days
[04:00:33] <Dr.Love> I mean, he was playing from the 2011
[04:00:38] <Prompto> I'm not surprised by that behaviour
[04:00:46] <Dr.Love> we all felt for him
[04:00:46] <Prompto> I deal with assholes like that almost everyday
[04:01:25] <Prompto> do you know exactly which city we was from?
[04:01:35] <Dr.Love> I have no clue Prompto
[04:01:40] <Dr.Love> Never talked much with him
[04:01:45] <Prompto> he sounds like someone from lisbon
[04:01:53] <Dr.Love> capital city right?
[04:01:56] <Prompto> yup
[04:01:58] <Prompto> they're cunts
[04:02:01] --> Ayers connected to the server
[04:02:03] <Prompto> most of them
[04:02:06] <Prompto> some of them are cool people
[04:02:08] <Dr.Love> lol
[04:02:16] <Dr.Love> I can't say much apart from that
[04:02:24] <Dr.Love> From what I've seen he was always helping newbies
[04:02:26] <Brooklyn> no long flight ffs
[04:02:29] <Dr.Love> or anyone who was lost
[04:02:42] <Prompto> it has to do with the portuguese culture of centralization
[04:03:00] <Dr.Love> I thought he would be a good admin, if he was
[04:03:00] <Prompto> everything that happens good HAS to be in Lisbon
[04:03:08] <Prompto> anything outside of lisbon is just "shit" for them
[04:03:13] <kalandro> portugal is ass
[04:03:18] <Prompto> things are changing, the city I live in "Porto" is becoming a tourist hotspot
[04:03:23] <Dr.Love> same thing happens where I live
[04:03:23] <Prompto> and it's making lisbon look like shit
[04:03:36] <Dr.Love> sucks but alright, I live in the capital
[04:03:49] --> Raptor. connected to the server
[04:03:52] <Prompto> I used to live in the capital too
[04:03:57] <Brooklyn> wb raptor.
[04:03:57] <Prompto> both in portugal and in england
[04:03:59] <Prompto> it's just awful
[04:04:02] <Dr.Love> Porto has a great football team, right?
[04:04:04] <Raptor.> thanks :D
[04:04:07] <Prompto> fc porto yeah
[04:04:15] <Prompto> but right now they're a bit messed up
[04:04:17] <Prompto> and I don't support them hahahah
[04:04:28] <Dr.Love> which team do you support?
[04:04:33] <Dr.Love> from portugal
[04:04:43] <Prompto> Leixões SC (and I get happy when SL Benfica wins)
[04:04:51] <Prompto> but I don't really give a fuck about benfica
[04:04:59] <Dr.Love> Ahh I've heard about that team
[04:05:09] <Dr.Love> football is very popular there, right?
[04:05:09] <Prompto> the second team to win the champions league
[04:05:12] <Prompto> back in 1960s
[04:05:19] <Prompto> it's a fucking religion dude
[04:05:24] <Dr.Love> haha
[04:05:37] <Prompto> I don't follow it much but news channel resume themselves to Politics and Football
[04:06:01] <Prompto> and there's a huge monopoly of 3 clubs (porto, benfica and sporting)
[04:06:06] <Dr.Love> Now I'm talking with a portuguese
[04:06:06] <Prompto> they're the so called "big three"
[04:06:11] <Dr.Love> I have a big question
[04:06:19] <Prompto> go ahead
[04:06:26] <Dr.Love> You can speak "well" with brazilians?
[04:06:37] <Dr.Love> there aren't big differences between your languages?
[04:06:50] <Prompto> depends
[04:07:00] <Dr.Love> Yeah, I know those three teams you've mentioned
[04:07:15] <Dr.Love> like, chating here?
[04:07:21] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 191 IBEx, 171 ST, 135 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[04:07:21] <Prompto> written portuguese is almost the same in both variants
[04:07:28] <Prompto> like, ALMOST the same thing
[04:07:31] <-- RonaldoValer disconnected from the server
[04:07:36] <Prompto> many words change, the grammar is different too
[04:07:41] <Prompto> the problem is talking
[04:07:44] <Dr.Love> yeah
[04:07:54] <Dr.Love> that's exactly what I was about to ask
[04:07:59] <Dr.Love> the talk
[04:08:05] <Prompto> so we're used to hear them
[04:08:05] --> RonaldoValer connected to the server
[04:08:07] <Prompto> but they don't
[04:08:15] <Prompto> when I went to brazil some of them couldn't understand met
[04:08:17] <Prompto> I had to speak really slowly
[04:08:25] <Dr.Love> lol really?
[04:08:30] <Prompto> yeah
[04:08:35] <Dr.Love> I thought it was something like american and british english
[04:08:43] <Brooklyn> ^
[04:08:46] <Prompto> brazilians sometime understand spanish better than they do with european portuguese
[04:08:51] <Brooklyn> was about to say the same thing
[04:08:56] <Prompto> infact they called me "argentinian"
[04:09:01] <Dr.Love> what haha
[04:09:04] <Dr.Love> argentinian?
[04:09:06] <Prompto> I mean, it's like that
[04:09:12] <Prompto> but the differences are bigger
[04:09:30] <RonaldoValer> nao fala mal dos brasileiros! hahahahaha
[04:09:35] <Dr.Love> why did you go to Brazil though?
[04:09:40] <Dr.Love> lol ronaldo
[04:09:43] <Prompto> with southern american english
[04:09:48] <Dr.Love> I get it
[04:09:55] <RonaldoValer> yeah, im from brazil
[04:10:01] <Prompto> Não estou a falar mal de vocês xD
[04:10:32] <Prompto> want some examples of how "different" it can get?
[04:10:32] <Dr.Love> And what's the relation between brazilians and portuguese?
[04:10:34] <Dr.Love> is it good?
[04:10:39] <Prompto> depends on who you speak hahah
[04:10:39] <Dr.Love> yeah
[04:10:47] <Dr.Love> I want to hear
[04:10:55] <Prompto> older portuguese generations are usually more "hostile" to them
[04:11:00] <Dr.Love> Because I have always wanted to ask this to a portuguese haha
[04:11:00] <Prompto> younger people love them
[04:11:18] <Brooklyn> brb
[04:11:18] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[04:11:23] <Dr.Love> mhm
[04:11:42] <Prompto> immigration rates have exploded with brazilian here in portugal
[04:11:54] <Prompto> there's a ton of brazilian people now living in portugal
[04:12:02] <Dr.Love> wow, I never imagined that
[04:12:10] <Prompto> so some people have different opinions, the thing is, they shouldn't
[04:12:13] <Dr.Love> better living?
[04:12:15] <Prompto> yup
[04:12:31] <RonaldoValer> too much better living on portugal
[04:12:41] <Prompto> they're not like what we see in the media of favelas
[04:12:56] <Prompto> people are just afraid of them because of what they see on the news
[04:13:04] <RonaldoValer> in portugal dont have lula hahaha
[04:13:07] <Dr.Love> yeah, brazilians who have the opportunity to travel there
[04:13:45] <Prompto> they don't want to hurt us in any wayt
[04:13:51] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[04:13:53] <Prompto> people are just afraid (older people)t
[04:13:53] <Raptor.> wb
[04:13:56] <RonaldoValer> wb
[04:13:56] <Prompto> not us, we don't care about that xD
[04:13:56] <Brooklyn> ty
[04:14:01] <Prompto> we welcome everyone
[04:14:06] <Dr.Love> I get it
[04:14:16] <Dr.Love> things are getting much clear for me
[04:14:16] <Dr.Love> lol
[04:14:24] <Prompto> anyways about the differences in language
[04:14:27] <Prompto> for example
[04:14:34] <RonaldoValer> omg i only die --'
[04:15:03] <Prompto> in brazil, the continuous is formed by adding an "ando, endo, indo" just like in spanish
[04:15:05] <Prompto> estou comendo - I'm eating
[04:15:13] <Dr.Love> mhm
[04:15:18] <Dr.Love> I've noticed that
[04:15:21] <Prompto> in portugal it's "estou a comer", lit. "I am to eat"
[04:15:29] <Dr.Love> Ohh :O
[04:15:39] <Dr.Love> there's a significant difference then
[04:15:44] <Dr.Love> when it comes to writing
[04:15:57] <Prompto> in brazil "you" is "você" (some of them use tu but with você conjugation"
[04:16:05] <Prompto> so they say "você é" for "you are",
[04:16:13] <Prompto> in portugal we have 2 different ways of saying it
[04:16:23] <Prompto> tu és - informal | você é - this is formal speech
[04:16:56] <Dr.Love> I get it
[04:16:59] <Dr.Love> Wow
[04:17:04] <Prompto> some words for brazilians are homophones and for us it's not
[04:17:22] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 194 IBEx, 171 ST, 137 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[04:17:22] <Prompto> "mal" is pronounced the same way as "mau" for them
[04:17:30] <Dr.Love> yeah
[04:17:33] <Prompto> in portugal they're different, mal is mal, mau is mau
[04:17:56] <Dr.Love> So I can say
[04:18:06] <Dr.Love> Your portuguese, from portugal is far more complex
[04:18:24] <Dr.Love> the brazil one is like simplified
[04:18:42] <Prompto> so in brazil you say "eu lhe ajudarei", in portugal it's "eu ajudar-lhe-ei"
[04:19:06] <Prompto> kinda yeah, brazilian grammar is more simplified than the european one
[04:19:24] <Dr.Love> interesting
[04:19:39] <Prompto> brazilian pronunciation is more archaic, so it's easier for other people to learn
[04:19:49] <Dr.Love> yeah that's true
[04:20:00] <Prompto> european pt evolved quite a lot in terms of pronunciation
[04:20:05] <Prompto> people say we speak like "russian"
[04:20:07] <Prompto> we eat a lot of vowels
[04:20:13] <Prompto> we smash consonants together
[04:20:15] <Prompto> and we say a lot of "sh"
[04:20:18] <Brooklyn> nice forum sig, prompt
[04:20:23] <Prompto> thanks xd
[04:20:31] <Brooklyn> where did you get it?
[04:20:36] <Brooklyn> I mean find it
[04:21:04] <Prompto> I made it
[04:21:12] <Dr.Love> wow
[04:21:15] <Prompto> it's a screenshot from a flight I did in FSX
[04:21:20] <Dr.Love> totally different
[04:21:58] <Brooklyn> it doesnt look liek game at all
[04:22:16] <Dr.Love> yeah, me as a spanish speaker
[04:22:19] <Dr.Love> when I went to brazil
[04:22:22] <Prompto> I used the PMDG 737 mod, REX environment to make it look better
[04:22:29] <Dr.Love> It wasn't really that hard for us to communicate there
[04:22:37] <Prompto> yeah, for you it's easier brazilian portuguese
[04:23:11] <Prompto> pero español también no es tan facil como puede parecer
[04:23:31] <Dr.Love> much easier now I get what you're saying
[04:23:36] <Prompto> xD
[04:23:47] <Dr.Love> hablar español es muy facil
[04:23:49] <Dr.Love> xD
[04:24:05] <Prompto> he estudiado español hace dos años
[04:24:12] <Prompto> claro que si haahahah
[04:24:15] <Dr.Love> en serio?
[04:24:23] <Dr.Love> donde estudiaste?
[04:24:23] <Prompto> si
[04:24:33] <Prompto> duolingo hahaha
[04:24:38] <Prompto> e con musicas latinas
[04:24:41] <Dr.Love> jajaja
[04:24:48] <Dr.Love> entonces duolingo funciona realmente
[04:25:07] <Prompto> y también vivo cerco de españa
[04:25:19] <Prompto> funciona porque hablo portugues hahaaha
[04:25:19] <Dr.Love> cerca la frontera?
[04:25:32] <Prompto> pero no es suficiente para hablar español
[04:25:32] <Prompto> si
[04:25:40] <Prompto> la frontera com galicia
[04:25:48] <Dr.Love> ahh que bien
[04:26:03] <Prompto> en galicia ellos hablan galego pero tambien hablan español
[04:26:03] <Dr.Love> have you ever heard argentinians or chileans talking spanish?
[04:26:06] <Brooklyn> lmao
[04:26:11] <Prompto> YEAH I HAVE OMG
[04:26:11] <Dr.Love> how different it sounds
[04:26:24] <Prompto> chileans forget it, I can't understand them
[04:26:26] <Dr.Love> lol
[04:26:26] <Prompto> I simply can't
[04:26:26] <Brooklyn> you probably it take it from goldcharlie232/live from the flight deck
[04:26:32] <Brooklyn> take it*
[04:26:34] <Dr.Love> I'm half chilean :P
[04:26:42] <Prompto> argentinians are funny
[04:26:47] <Prompto> a lot of "sh" in there
[04:26:50] <Dr.Love> yeah
[04:26:57] <Prompto> sho estoy comiendo
[04:26:57] <Prompto> hahahaah
[04:27:03] <Dr.Love> exactly haha
[04:27:13] <Dr.Love> que hashe boludo
[04:27:23] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 196 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[04:27:44] <Dr.Love> si, en verdad es dificil entender a los chilenos hablar
[04:28:30] <Dr.Love> lots of argentinians with italians lastname
[04:28:33] <Prompto> yup
[04:28:38] <Prompto> it sometimes affect languages too
[04:28:38] <Dr.Love> italian*
[04:28:43] <Prompto> iit affected insular european portuguese hahaah
[04:28:48] <Dr.Love> yeah
[04:28:59] <Dr.Love> it is probably the reason of their pronunciation
[04:29:04] <Dr.Love> it might
[04:29:07] <Prompto> the island of azores got so many french immigrants
[04:29:19] <Prompto> azorean portuguese is almost like a different language I swear
[04:29:27] <Prompto> it's like the chileans of portuguese
[04:29:30] <Prompto> we can't understand them
[04:29:30] <Dr.Love> lol
[04:30:16] <Prompto> pero eres donde?
[04:30:24] <Dr.Love> yo soy de Paraguay
[04:30:29] <Prompto> ahh
[04:30:37] <Prompto> brazilians call paraguay the south american china
[04:30:42] <Dr.Love> en el medio de America
[04:30:58] <Dr.Love> haha really?
[04:31:05] <Prompto> yeah, I don't know why
[04:31:08] <Dr.Love> because everything is cheap here?
[04:31:10] <Dr.Love> probably
[04:31:49] <Dr.Love> probably it was true
[04:31:52] <Dr.Love> lol
[04:31:54] <Prompto> xD
[04:32:35] --> Danielson connected to the server
[04:32:41] <Raptor.> wb
[04:32:46] <Danielson> ty
[04:32:59] <Dr.Love> what time is in Portugal?
[04:32:59] <Prompto> espera, deciste que vives en la capital, la capital del paraguay es asunción creo?
[04:33:12] <Prompto> 3:32am
[04:33:12] <Prompto> hahah
[04:33:14] <Dr.Love> Sii vivo en Asunción, es la capital de Paraguay
[04:33:14] <Prompto> I need to sleep
[04:34:16] <RonaldoValer> same that here
[04:34:31] <Prompto> 3 hours difference?
[04:34:39] <Dr.Love> yep
[04:34:44] <Dr.Love> not that much
[04:34:44] <Prompto> oh.. yeah right
[04:34:52] <Prompto> in rio de janeiro it's only 2
[04:34:55] <Prompto> now I got confused nevermind haahahha
[04:35:10] <Dr.Love> yeah, Rio in some words is "closer" than Asuncion is from Portugal
[04:35:15] <Prompto> yup
[04:35:28] <Dr.Love> I have never been there though
[04:35:36] <Prompto> I have
[04:35:38] <Prompto> that's not a city
[04:35:44] <Prompto> it's a fucking country
[04:35:44] <Prompto> so big
[04:35:46] <Dr.Love> Rio de Janeiro?
[04:35:49] <Prompto> yeah
[04:35:59] <RonaldoValer> nao queira ir
[04:36:02] <Dr.Love> a mothership lol
[04:36:15] <Prompto> és de onde valer?
[04:36:25] <RonaldoValer> Porto alegre, rio grande do sul
[04:36:33] <Prompto> bem la no sul
[04:36:53] <Prompto> cai neve no inverno aí?
[04:36:53] <RonaldoValer> sim, perto de onde está morando a irmã do cristiano ronaldo
[04:37:01] <RonaldoValer> em gramado
[04:37:06] <Prompto> whaaaat, a irmã dele foi pra ai?
[04:37:09] <Prompto> estou chocado hahaha
[04:37:22] <Dr.Love> cristiano ronaldo's sister lives where?
[04:37:22] <RonaldoValer> a katia mora em gramado
[04:37:24] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 199 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[04:37:32] <Prompto> pensei que ela tivesse ficado na madeira
[04:37:37] <RonaldoValer> eles tem um restaurante, a casa aveiro em gramado
[04:37:42] <Prompto> mas pronto, fixe pra ela
[04:37:55] <RonaldoValer> ja estive la, conheci ela este ano
[04:38:16] <Prompto> peço já desculpa se perdeste alguns neurónios a falar com ela
[04:38:24] <Prompto> mas ela não tem assim uma educação boa
[04:38:39] <RonaldoValer> hahahaha
[04:38:57] <Prompto> ronaldo's sister lives in brazil
[04:39:05] <Dr.Love> lol what?
[04:39:10] <Prompto> yeah
[04:39:13] <Dr.Love> as far as I understood
[04:39:18] <Dr.Love> from what I've read
[04:39:28] <Dr.Love> she owns a restaurant where valer lives?
[04:39:31] <RonaldoValer> ela foi gentil com minha familia até :3
[04:39:36] --> A38.png connected to the server
[04:39:38] <Prompto> yeah
[04:39:44] <RonaldoValer> not on my city love
[04:39:49] <RonaldoValer> but, close
[04:39:54] <RonaldoValer> only 100km
[04:39:54] <Dr.Love> in the same state?
[04:39:56] <RonaldoValer> yeah
[04:39:59] <Dr.Love> oh
[04:40:04] <Prompto> funny how "100km" for brazilians is close
[04:40:17] <RonaldoValer> in gramado, u know?
[04:40:27] <Prompto> infact, I was having my vacations 300km away from rio de janeiro and yet that was "close" to rio
[04:40:35] <Dr.Love> lol
[04:40:40] <Prompto> ffs, in portugal something 30km away is already distant as shit
[04:40:40] <Dr.Love> Brazil is a empire
[04:41:01] <Dr.Love> Same in Paraguay
[04:41:11] <Prompto> and asian colonies tood
[04:41:16] <Dr.Love> traveling more than 400 kms inside is nuts
[04:41:22] <RonaldoValer> for one big country, 100km is too clouse :3
[04:41:42] <RonaldoValer> close*
[04:41:50] <Prompto> in portugal, 400km gets you from north to south
[04:42:00] <Prompto> in brazil it gets you nowhere
[04:42:03] <Prompto> hahahaha
[04:42:08] <Dr.Love> in brazil it gets you home
[04:42:11] <Dr.Love> lol
[04:42:34] <RonaldoValer> on brazil, 6.000km to get north to south
[04:42:42] <Prompto> six thousand
[04:42:42] <Dr.Love> holy crap
[04:42:42] <Prompto> jesus
[04:42:52] <Prompto> how portugal, how the fuck did you
[04:42:57] <RonaldoValer> 6.000 or 7.000, near this
[04:43:07] <Dr.Love> lol
[04:43:10] <Dr.Love> how did you really
[04:43:10] <RonaldoValer> or more
[04:43:43] <Prompto> portugal had a population of 1-2m people at the time brazil was a colony
[04:43:56] <Prompto> today, my city has 2.3m
[04:44:12] <Prompto> There is no way a city-like population could handle such a huge country
[04:44:56] <Prompto> I tell you this, to keep power a lot of shit must've happened back stage :x
[04:44:56] <Dr.Love> From what I've seen, valer can understand well your portuguese
[04:44:56] <RonaldoValer> my city have 1.5m people
[04:45:06] <Prompto> *cough* slavery *cough*
[04:45:22] <Prompto> yeah yeah
[04:45:37] <RonaldoValer> for me, portugues from portugal and brazil is same
[04:45:42] <Prompto> like I said, written portuguese is almost the same
[04:45:58] <RonaldoValer> only change on write
[04:46:08] <RonaldoValer> but on talk, is same
[04:46:13] <Brooklyn> !botc
[04:46:16] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 201 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[04:46:16] <Prompto> what
[04:46:19] <Prompto> you switched there
[04:46:24] <Prompto> write is the same
[04:46:29] <Prompto> talk is differente
[04:46:47] <RonaldoValer> yeah, ok hahaha
[04:46:55] <Prompto> unless you're from chapecó
[04:47:02] <Prompto> they're accent is surprisingly similar
[04:47:13] <Dr.Love> wow really?
[04:47:15] --> IIKoehlerII connected to the server
[04:47:20] <A38.png> wb
[04:47:20] <Dr.Love> why though?
[04:47:20] <Prompto> yeah, the vowels like us
[04:47:26] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[04:47:26] <Prompto> they eat*
[04:47:34] <IIKoehlerII> Hi!!
[04:47:41] <Dr.Love> Prompto
[04:47:44] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[04:47:52] <Dr.Love> the huge thing in Brazil is Sao Paulo
[04:47:57] <Dr.Love> Ever been there?
[04:48:02] <Prompto> no but I know people from there
[04:48:07] <Prompto> 20m of population I think
[04:48:12] <Dr.Love> yeah
[04:48:18] <Dr.Love> fuck ton of people lol
[04:48:25] <RonaldoValer> sao paulo?
[04:48:28] <Dr.Love> yeah
[04:48:30] <Prompto> twice the size of portugal inside a city
[04:48:30] <RonaldoValer> 4m
[04:48:33] <Dr.Love> lot of people
[04:48:33] <Prompto> what the fuck
[04:48:36] <RonaldoValer> or 5
[04:48:59] <Dr.Love> but that's just the city
[04:49:01] <Prompto> I think only tokyo beats them
[04:49:01] <Prompto> with 30m
[04:49:14] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[04:49:17] <Dr.Love> not the whole sao paulo "district" right
[04:49:30] <RonaldoValer> no, is a city
[04:49:35] <Dr.Love> yeah, it is one of the most populated cities in the worl
[04:49:35] <Dr.Love> world*
[04:49:56] --> A38.png connected to the server
[04:50:06] <IIKoehlerII> Wb
[04:50:21] <A38.png> how to fix gta sa slow asf map loading
[04:50:24] <-- IIKoehlerII disconnected from the server
[04:50:29] <A38.png> like everything is on LOD
[04:50:37] <A38.png> apart from buying an ssd
[04:51:08] <Prompto> idk a38
[04:51:08] <Dr.Love> I would love to help you, but sincerly I have no clue on how to maximize in some way
[04:51:13] <Dr.Love> the drawing distance right?
[04:51:21] <A38.png> not draw distance
[04:51:21] <Prompto> I straight away just bought a gaming pc
[04:51:36] <A38.png> like u move on a plane, everything is not detailed
[04:51:52] <A38.png> basically the game renders so slow
[04:51:57] <A38.png> only LOD is rendered
[04:51:57] <Prompto> oh those are problems with the game
[04:52:12] <Prompto> you'll have to try and reinstall it
[04:52:17] <A38.png> cause it gets worse the longer i play
[04:52:25] <Prompto> yeah yeah
[04:52:46] <Prompto> valer
[04:52:53] <Dr.Love> I have never experienced such thing, fortunately
[04:52:53] <RonaldoValer> ?
[04:52:59] <Prompto> ja viajaste?
[04:53:04] <A38.png> wish my ssd isnt fucked
[04:53:12] <Dr.Love> messed up?
[04:53:17] <RonaldoValer> ja
[04:53:24] <Prompto> ja vieste a portugal?
[04:53:27] <A38.png> my ssd died
[04:53:30] <RonaldoValer> ainda nao
[04:53:32] <A38.png> back to spinning rust
[04:53:35] <Prompto> "ainda"
[04:53:35] <RonaldoValer> mas quero ir
[04:53:40] <Prompto> gostei desse "ainda"
[04:53:50] <RonaldoValer> sim hahaha
[04:54:03] <RonaldoValer> pretendo ir ao porto
[04:54:06] <Dr.Love> Ainda nao means "not yet"?
[04:54:08] <RonaldoValer> e a madeira
[04:54:11] <Prompto> ainda = aún
[04:54:13] <Dr.Love> or something like that
[04:54:13] <Prompto> or todavía
[04:54:21] <Dr.Love> Ya ya
[04:54:39] <Prompto> porto? eh la
[04:54:47] <-- kalandro disconnected from the server
[04:54:52] <Prompto> amanha vou à baixa do porto passar a passagem de ano
[04:55:23] <Dr.Love> party?
[04:55:31] <Prompto> yup
[04:55:33] <Prompto> fiesta
[04:55:39] <Dr.Love> yeah fiesta
[04:55:41] <Ayers> gz
[04:55:44] <Prompto> gz
[04:55:44] <A38.png> dammit my skimmer landed upside down
[04:55:44] <Raptor.> gz
[04:55:46] <RonaldoValer> gz
[04:55:49] <Prompto> you "gz" yourself?
[04:55:49] <A38.png> why u again wth
[04:55:49] <Prompto> HAAHAH
[04:55:49] <A38.png> gz
[04:55:54] <Ayers> no joyadi ez win
[04:56:02] <Brooklyn> you mofo always win lotto -.-
[04:56:07] <Raptor.> lol
[04:56:20] <Dr.Love> which number won?
[04:56:28] <Dr.Love> F
[04:56:30] <Prompto> vou ter que comer bastante para poder disfrutar da festa
[04:56:35] <Prompto> vai ser uma noite longa hahaha
[04:56:38] <RonaldoValer> hahahah
[04:56:43] <Brooklyn> !cash ayers
[04:56:46] (WEB) <robin_be> ayers has $806,765 in hand
[04:56:49] <RonaldoValer> eu estou em jurere internacional
[04:56:51] <Prompto> e beber alcool sem comer é suicidio
[04:56:59] <RonaldoValer> a ibiza do brasil
[04:57:04] <Prompto> :O
[04:57:07] <Dr.Love> jurere internacional famous beach in florianopolis right?
[04:57:09] <RonaldoValer> passando o final de ano
[04:57:14] <RonaldoValer> right
[04:57:14] <Prompto> lucky bastard
[04:57:28] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[04:57:40] <RonaldoValer> my family have house here
[04:57:48] <Dr.Love> holy crap
[04:57:48] <Dr.Love> nice dude
[04:57:48] <RonaldoValer> neymar stay here with gabriel medina hahahaha
[04:57:51] <Prompto> bem, eu estive em cabo frio/arraial do cabo que muitos consideram ser as caraíbas do brasil
[04:58:11] <RonaldoValer> cabo frio é muito bonito!
[04:58:14] <Dr.Love> when you are traveling there ronaldo?
[04:58:19] <Prompto> oh wait, you know the word "caraíbas" right?
[04:58:24] <Dr.Love> how far from where you live is florianopolis?
[04:58:35] <Dr.Love> valer*
[04:58:45] <RonaldoValer> only stay on summer
[04:59:00] <Prompto> on summer which is my winter
[04:59:06] <Prompto> so confusing right now hahhahah
[04:59:16] <Dr.Love> Yeah
[04:59:18] <RonaldoValer> hahahah yeah, summer here, winter to you
[04:59:21] <Dr.Love> Haha it's summer here
[04:59:21] <RonaldoValer> fucking hot here
[04:59:26] <Prompto> I love winter
[04:59:36] <A38.png> never tasted winter
[04:59:36] <Dr.Love> almost 40 degrees celsius here today
[04:59:49] <RonaldoValer> ^ too
[04:59:52] <Prompto> I can literally just put some more clothes on and be warmer
[05:00:00] <Prompto> in the summer what can I do? rip my fucking skin off?
[05:00:07] <Dr.Love> peel your skin
[05:00:10] <Dr.Love> lol
[05:00:33] <Prompto> I prefer winter a thousand times more than summer
[05:00:38] <Dr.Love> same
[05:00:41] <RonaldoValer> ^2
[05:00:41] <Prompto> so I really hate global warming
[05:00:54] <A38.png> both are terrible actually
[05:00:59] <A38.png> summer : hot asf
[05:01:04] <Prompto> NO THEY'RE NOT
[05:01:04] <A38.png> winter : cold asf
[05:01:09] <Prompto> Summer is awful
[05:01:12] <Prompto> winter is awesome
[05:01:17] <Dr.Love> where are you from A38?
[05:01:22] <Dr.Love> US?
[05:01:25] <A38.png> never experienced winter so im gonna stay silent on this
[05:01:27] <Prompto> (I grew up in england so I can't really complain about portuguese winter hahahaha)
[05:01:35] <Brooklyn> he's from indo
[05:01:43] <Prompto> indo?
[05:01:45] <Prompto> india?
[05:01:48] <Brooklyn> nesia
[05:01:48] <RonaldoValer> indonesia
[05:01:50] <Dr.Love> indonesia?
[05:01:50] <Prompto> ah
[05:02:01] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[05:02:14] <Prompto> it's afternoon in indonesia right?
[05:02:19] <Brooklyn> yeah
[05:02:27] <Brooklyn> 11am atm
[05:02:32] <Dr.Love> lol
[05:02:32] --> A38.png connected to the server
[05:02:34] <Dr.Love> right in the future
[05:02:34] <Brooklyn> same timezone with my country
[05:02:34] <Prompto> oh 11am
[05:02:37] <Prompto> almost there
[05:02:47] <Brooklyn> 13 hours left til we hit new decade
[05:02:47] <A38.png> fucking game crashe
[05:02:52] <Dr.Love> 11 hours ahead of us
[05:03:00] <A38.png> its 11 am now soo...
[05:03:08] <Prompto> but as I was saying, winter is awesome
[05:03:10] <A38.png> how many hours before new decade ?
[05:03:10] <Brooklyn> those new zealanders are about to celebrate 2020`
[05:03:13] <Prompto> it's just awesome
[05:03:21] <Brooklyn> in the next 6
[05:03:21] <Prompto> I feel bad for those who never experienced it
[05:03:28] <Brooklyn> 11atm
[05:03:28] <A38.png> i imagine drifting on ice roads isnt fun
[05:03:31] <Brooklyn> 13 left
[05:04:04] <Prompto> you drift on ice roads because you don't have winter tyres with the chains around the wheel
[05:04:10] <Prompto> and yet people expect miracles
[05:04:12] <Dr.Love> lol NZ is in the 2030
[05:04:38] <Prompto> europe is asleep
[05:04:43] <Prompto> 4am here in portugal
[05:04:48] <A38.png> would u pick smoldering hot summer or feezing cold winter ?
[05:04:48] <Prompto> 5am in spain, france, germany
[05:04:51] <Brooklyn> gmt 0:00?
[05:04:53] <Prompto> 6am i russian
[05:04:56] <Prompto> yeah
[05:05:06] <Prompto> freezing cold winter all the way dude
[05:05:14] <Prompto> I really hate smoldering hot summers
[05:05:30] <Brooklyn> *laughs in Australia*
[05:05:35] <A38.png> what ?
[05:05:37] <Prompto> poor australians
[05:05:45] <Brooklyn> it's hot af in Aussie
[05:05:53] <Dr.Love> Aussieland
[05:06:16] <Prompto> YOU CUNTS, THIS IS 'STRALIA M8
[05:06:24] <Dr.Love> lol
[05:06:24] <Brooklyn> and I heard it's summer in Aussie atm
[05:06:26] <Dr.Love> "mait"
[05:06:31] <Prompto> mate*
[05:06:42] <Dr.Love> I read that with the fookin aussie accent
[05:06:57] <A38.png> cant imagine it
[05:06:57] <Prompto> I read with a scottish one idk why
[05:07:02] <Prompto> "met"
[05:07:10] <Brooklyn> "aussie accent" => instantly thinking of Chris Hemsworth
[05:07:26] <Brooklyn> welp
[05:07:28] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[05:07:34] <A38.png> aussie accent : remembers the pet emu video
[05:07:34] <Prompto> aussie accent => instantly thinking of bondi beach vet guy
[05:07:41] <Dr.Love> that's thor right?
[05:07:44] <RonaldoValer> omg brooklin
[05:07:44] <Brooklyn> yeah
[05:07:49] <Brooklyn> ?
[05:07:57] <Prompto> the emu war was funny
[05:07:57] <RonaldoValer> nice land
[05:08:02] <Brooklyn> xd ty
[05:08:02] <Prompto> sort of laughable actually
[05:08:12] <A38.png> so funny even aussies think its a joke ?
[05:08:25] <A38.png> well its just a couple guys with rifles lol
[05:08:35] <Dr.Love> emu war'
[05:08:38] <Prompto> they probably didn't find it funny since their national bird was being shot down
[05:08:41] <Prompto> but... it's ridiculous
[05:08:51] <Prompto> killing off birds just because they were eating the crops
[05:08:53] <Dr.Love> what the fuck
[05:08:59] <Dr.Love> I should see that
[05:09:04] <Brooklyn> ostrichs right?
[05:09:09] <Prompto> when the solution really was to fix the fences
[05:09:14] <Prompto> not to shoot them down
[05:09:22] <A38.png> emu isnt ostriches or are they ?
[05:09:24] <Prompto> I hate to say this but the aussie military back then were quite dumb
[05:09:40] <Dr.Love> how should I look for that?
[05:09:40] <A38.png> what about now lol
[05:09:42] <Prompto> emu looks like an ostrich
[05:09:48] <Dr.Love> emu war?
[05:09:50] <Prompto> yeah
[05:09:50] <A38.png> ye
[05:09:53] <Dr.Love> brb
[05:09:55] <Prompto> literally type "emu war"
[05:09:55] <A38.png> read it up its comical
[05:10:32] <Prompto> funniest thing ever was the fact the emus actually won that war
[05:10:32] <Prompto> hahahahaha
[05:10:34] <A38.png> ye
[05:10:52] <A38.png> i wonder if there is a list of the silliest war ever
[05:10:52] <Prompto> fucking animals won a war when we have guns, etc
[05:10:57] <A38.png> like the emus
[05:10:57] <-- RonaldoValer disconnected from the server
[05:11:08] <Prompto> well, napolean wars were silly too
[05:11:23] <Prompto> poor napolean, trying to invade britain, portugal and russia
[05:11:26] <Prompto> what was he thinking
[05:11:31] <A38.png> lol the russia one
[05:11:38] <Prompto> hitler was even dumber
[05:11:38] <Dr.Love> lol
[05:11:41] <A38.png> ye
[05:11:44] <A38.png> even hitler fucked up
[05:11:46] <Prompto> invading russian during the winter
[05:11:49] <Dr.Love> the cartoon explanation right?
[05:11:51] <Prompto> yeah
[05:11:54] <Prompto> "oversimplified"
[05:12:02] <A38.png> i love that guy
[05:12:07] <Dr.Love> lol, I'll watch it before sleeping
[05:12:07] <A38.png> too bad uploads rarely
[05:12:25] <Prompto> yeah
[05:12:27] <Prompto> but it's normal
[05:12:38] <Prompto> oh, the war of the bucket seemed comical at first
[05:12:45] <A38.png> whic is worse : hitler invading russia in winter or japan declaring war with the us
[05:12:51] <Prompto> but turns out it was just an ordinary war
[05:13:09] <Prompto> japan spitting the us with pearl harbour was so dumb
[05:13:19] <A38.png> it was an ok move if the carriers are there
[05:13:19] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[05:13:21] <Prompto> the us really wanted to join the war but couldn't because they didn't have reasons to
[05:13:21] <A38.png> but it isnt
[05:13:27] <Prompto> and japans does a pro-gamer move
[05:13:29] <Prompto> dumbfucks
[05:13:29] <Prompto> hahahaha
[05:13:34] <Dr.Love> lol
[05:13:45] <A38.png> lol even yamamoto didnt actually want to war
[05:13:45] <Dr.Love> it was literally the typical pro gamer move
[05:13:58] <A38.png> the higher ups pulled a pro gamer move
[05:14:26] <Prompto> reminds me of the luso-dutch war
[05:14:36] <Prompto> when the dutch tried to steal brazil from us, pff poor them
[05:14:36] <A38.png> does anyone remember that battle of tsushima thing ?
[05:14:36] <Prompto> so dumb
[05:14:52] <A38.png> where the russian fleet went the long way & get kicked hard
[05:14:57] <Prompto> no
[05:14:57] <Dr.Love> I've heard about that
[05:14:59] <Prompto> I don't know that
[05:15:02] <A38.png> read it
[05:15:05] <A38.png> its hilarious
[05:15:07] <Prompto> tsushima?
[05:15:10] <A38.png> yea
[05:15:15] <A38.png> battle of tsushima
[05:15:20] <A38.png> or the russian fleet journey to it
[05:15:48] <Prompto> the world should be like liechtenstein
[05:15:59] <Dr.Love> small?
[05:16:06] <Prompto> they carry out a mission with 80 people and they arrive back with 81
[05:16:12] <A38.png> i find it bizzare in ww2 japan fought uk while some of their older ships are built in the uk lmao
[05:16:14] <Prompto> what a friendly army
[05:16:22] <Dr.Love> lol
[05:16:30] <Prompto> japan was just weird
[05:16:35] <Prompto> in ww1 they were british allies
[05:16:42] <A38.png> in ww2 they turned against them
[05:16:48] <Prompto> in ww2 they were like "you know what, fuck the planet, we're the best"
[05:16:55] <A38.png> imho its becasue the world condems what japanis doing
[05:16:58] <A38.png> invading shit
[05:17:06] <A38.png> they went to war thinking it would bring them a deal
[05:17:08] <A38.png> but nope
[05:17:11] <A38.png> they got fucked
[05:17:16] <Prompto> but japan kept the asian german colonies
[05:17:29] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[05:17:29] <Brooklyn> ajnd french
[05:17:47] <A38.png> its funny that german was training chinese soldiers & japan raided china lol
[05:17:50] <A38.png> like total wtf move
[05:17:50] <Prompto> then in ww2 they lost those colonies to the US
[05:17:55] <Prompto> because, pro gamer move
[05:18:18] <A38.png> wanna talk a bit more recent pro gamer move ?
[05:18:23] <A38.png> falklands
[05:18:28] <Prompto> hahahhhahaha
[05:18:31] <Prompto> argentina had no chance
[05:18:33] <Dr.Love> Canadians, no doubt they can win anything saying "sorry"
[05:18:52] <A38.png> argentina declares war, got sunk, complains
[05:19:04] <A38.png> 10/10 move lol
[05:19:12] <Prompto> argentina is the definition of a rich kid being bullied
[05:19:15] <Dr.Love> lol and Argentina still claiming the Falklands
[05:19:20] <Dr.Love> nowadays
[05:19:38] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[05:19:38] <Prompto> they'll always claim the falklands
[05:20:09] --> A38.png connected to the server
[05:20:12] <Dr.Love> they asked for war, they got the war
[05:20:24] <A38.png> this game crashed so many times smfh
[05:20:48] <Prompto> a comical war: the football war
[05:20:53] <Prompto> nicaragua vs costa rica
[05:20:58] <Prompto> or el salvador
[05:20:58] <Prompto> can't remember
[05:21:06] <Prompto> but what a silly shit to do
[05:21:06] <A38.png> anyone remember the top gear argentina special ?
[05:21:11] <Prompto> yup
[05:21:16] <Dr.Love> yeah I do
[05:21:21] <Prompto> they were so funny hahaha xD
[05:21:31] <A38.png> they got shooed because one of the plates makes ppl think they were mocking the falklands
[05:21:34] <A38.png> smfh
[05:21:47] <Dr.Love> lol
[05:21:57] <Prompto> I remember in one episode of top gear where clarkson said "there's a slope on the bridge"
[05:22:05] <Prompto> I laughed SO HARD on that
[05:22:10] <A38.png> vietnam special lol
[05:22:31] <Brooklyn> sctooers instead of cars
[05:22:31] <A38.png> its the trucks one isnt it
[05:22:31] <Prompto> the guy just has no chill
[05:22:39] <Brooklyn> scooters*
[05:22:39] <Prompto> I think so
[05:22:39] <Dr.Love> fookin jeremy
[05:22:44] <A38.png> its not the scooters
[05:22:46] <A38.png> the trucks one
[05:22:52] <A38.png> where they cross the river kok lmao
[05:23:07] <Prompto> I remember the US special
[05:23:12] <Dr.Love> pickup trucks?
[05:23:15] <A38.png> us special is kinda boring
[05:23:17] <Prompto> when they arrive in tijuana with super cars
[05:23:25] <Prompto> I was like.. Tijuana? with a fucking super car?
[05:23:33] <Prompto> these guys love to live dangerously
[05:23:35] <A38.png> lol ik
[05:23:56] <A38.png> i love the used car challenge so much
[05:24:11] <A38.png> especially the british leyland episode
[05:24:19] <Prompto> I loved it when clarkson remember and did the "so I saw this on the internet" hahahahaha
[05:24:30] <A38.png> i went on the internet this week and i found this
[05:24:35] <Prompto> hahahaahha
[05:24:55] <Prompto> the one with james may edited as a girl was awesome
[05:24:58] <A38.png> lol
[05:25:08] <A38.png> he was in a girls magazine too lmao
[05:25:13] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[05:25:16] <A38.png> in that 1 news part
[05:25:21] <Dr.Love> stay safe
[05:25:24] <A38.png> thx
[05:25:24] <Prompto> happy new year
[05:25:26] <A38.png> u too
[05:25:26] <Brooklyn> ty
[05:25:29] <A38.png> happy new decade
[05:25:34] <Prompto> top gears nowadays is a shit show
[05:25:42] <A38.png> gran tour ?
[05:25:42] <Dr.Love> yeah, hope we make it to the other decade :P
[05:25:47] <Prompto> no, the top gear
[05:25:55] <A38.png> well after S21 it went to shit
[05:26:10] <Prompto> made by those pricks we joked about may, clarkson and hammond of being "unprofessional"
[05:26:13] <Dr.Love> it's getting late here
[05:26:13] <Prompto> who*
[05:26:15] <Dr.Love> nite
[05:26:18] <Dr.Love> see ya
[05:26:20] <A38.png> bye
[05:26:38] <Dr.Love> buenas noches
[05:26:41] <Prompto> buenas noches
[05:26:46] <-- Dr.Love disconnected from the server
[05:26:49] <Prompto> duerme bien
[05:27:07] <A38.png> has anyone read the battle of surigao strait
[05:27:09] <Prompto> anyways, I'm gonna get going too
[05:27:12] <Prompto> 4:30am
[05:27:17] <A38.png> ok
[05:27:17] <A38.png> bye
[05:27:17] <Prompto> I'm starting to feel sleepy
[05:27:22] <A38.png> lol
[05:27:25] <Prompto> surigao strait?
[05:27:30] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[05:27:30] <A38.png> ye
[05:27:30] <Prompto> where's that?
[05:27:41] <A38.png> philiphines
[05:27:43] <A38.png> japan ww2
[05:27:51] <Prompto> gonna look it up before going to bed then
[05:27:53] <Prompto> bye
[05:27:56] <A38.png> its kinda wtf
[05:27:56] <A38.png> bye
[05:28:06] <Prompto> hopefully I'm just gonna see y'all next decade
[05:28:09] <Prompto> have fun
[05:28:11] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[05:28:58] <A38.png> vinewood waterpark ?
[05:28:58] <A38.png> wtf
[05:29:42] <A38.png> ffs
[05:29:47] <A38.png> faking ninja tree w
[05:29:49] <Raptor.> F
[05:31:14] <Brooklyn> !rank
[05:31:17] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn(17890) rank: PL Senior Captain(16000) next: Aviation Legend(18000) (+110)
[05:31:20] <A38.png> !rank
[05:31:22] (WEB) <robin_be> A38.png(2873) rank: Senior Captain(2500) next: Pilot Major(3500) (+627)
[05:31:28] <A38.png> rip
[05:31:35] <Brooklyn> 3 more days til Av Legend
[05:31:38] <A38.png> since 2015 yet shit score lol
[05:31:38] <Brooklyn> I hope
[05:31:46] <Brooklyn> lmao
[05:31:53] <Raptor.> work harder lol
[05:32:01] <Brooklyn> my score would be 30k right now if i didnt get banned for 6 years
[05:32:04] <A38.png> oof
[05:32:09] <A38.png> 6 years
[05:32:09] <A38.png> ouch
[05:32:29] <A38.png> why tho
[05:32:32] <Brooklyn> well, maybe 40k+
[05:32:55] <Brooklyn> abusing bank bug
[05:33:08] <A38.png> can you explain more ?
[05:33:18] <A38.png> i dont get the bank abuse bug back then
[05:33:29] <Brooklyn> basically unlimited bank balance
[05:33:54] <A38.png> but 6 years ban lol
[05:34:00] <A38.png> like a real life sentence lmao
[05:34:05] <Brooklyn> it's like your balance have 1m, you withdraw it all
[05:34:12] <Brooklyn> but your balance still remain 1m
[05:34:36] <A38.png> yikes
[05:34:59] <A38.png> that explains why pl economy was kinda fucked then, bugs & stuff
[05:35:07] <Brooklyn> I wish Joyadi didnt told me about that bug lmao
[05:35:27] <A38.png> lol
[05:35:53] <Brooklyn> !cash
[05:35:56] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn has $1,231,508 in hand
[05:36:11] <A38.png> !assets
[05:36:14] (WEB) <robin_be> A38.png has 5 car(s) ($1,880,000) and 2 house(s) ($6,630,000 - 7 slots) for a total of $8,510,000
[05:36:19] <Brooklyn> !assets
[05:36:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn has 11 car(s) ($1,800,000) and 2 house(s) ($12,500,000 - 10 slots) for a total of $14,300,000
[05:36:35] <A38.png> 11 cars 1.8 mil
[05:36:37] <A38.png> wot
[05:36:40] <Ayers> premier
[05:36:40] <A38.png> !cars Brooklyn
[05:36:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn has: Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier AT-400
[05:36:43] <A38.png> lol
[05:36:45] <A38.png> why
[05:36:48] <Raptor.> lol...
[05:36:50] <A38.png> its a good car
[05:36:50] <Brooklyn> 10 premiers costs 180k/each
[05:36:50] <A38.png> ik
[05:36:56] <A38.png> but why 10 of them lmao
[05:37:06] <Brooklyn> because I wanted to lol
[05:37:14] <A38.png> make a taxi company :p
[05:37:29] <Brooklyn> you havent see my premiers collection in 2013
[05:37:32] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[05:37:34] <Brooklyn> 20 cars, I think
[05:38:05] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[05:38:05] <A38.png> i dont even know pl in 2013 lol
[05:38:26] <A38.png> i think i need a streamfix thing for this LOD issue
[05:38:34] <Brooklyn> I joined PL in mid 2012
[05:38:59] <Raptor.> 2013 was golden times lol
[05:39:07] <Brooklyn> yeah
[05:39:10] <Raptor.> 50+ players joined
[05:39:10] <A38.png> if only one can see when he joined in the stats
[05:39:17] <Raptor.> lots of fkin events
[05:39:28] <A38.png> everyone rich ?
[05:39:33] <Brooklyn> I was an event creators/host back then lol
[05:39:46] --> kalandro connected to the server
[05:39:48] <A38.png> wb
[05:40:14] <A38.png> i think 2013 overall is the golden age of internet ish
[05:40:17] <Brooklyn> I bought an airlines, run it for like 2 weeks, and boom ... banned
[05:40:48] <A38.png> youtube changed format to a new cleaner look
[05:40:53] <-- kalandro disconnected from the server
[05:40:55] <A38.png> and yt rewind is still good
[05:41:00] <A38.png> probably the best rewind ever lol
[05:41:08] --> kalandro connected to the server
[05:41:24] <Raptor.> and now youtube copies WatchMojo...
[05:41:26] <Brooklyn> I still remember PLR plays Gangnam Styles over and over again lol
[05:41:31] <A38.png> lol
[05:41:44] <A38.png> FUCKING GHOST HILL
[05:41:49] <A38.png> stupid ass game
[05:41:52] <Raptor.> xD
[05:41:57] <A38.png> need to find streamfix or some shit i cant bear this
[05:42:02] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[05:42:51] <kalandro> w
[05:45:57] --> A38.png connected to the server
[05:46:07] <A38.png> game crashed so hard the display driver crashed too
[05:46:10] <A38.png> smfh
[05:46:17] <Brooklyn> F
[05:47:32] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[05:48:13] <A38.png> my 3d printer is doing some whack shit
[05:48:21] <A38.png> it prints better on black filament than white
[05:48:52] <A38.png> gz
[05:48:54] <Brooklyn> gotta take some rest before I go to work
[05:48:54] <Raptor.> gratz
[05:48:57] <Ayers> gz
[05:49:07] <Brooklyn> Happy new year/decade in advance!
[05:49:18] <Raptor.> happy new year!
[05:49:31] <A38.png> happy new year for u
[05:49:41] <A38.png> i have no reaction lmao
[05:50:04] <A38.png> wish i have some money to buy myself a new year present
[05:50:12] <Brooklyn> work ?
[05:50:14] <A38.png> instead i have shit breaking or going wrong this month lmao
[05:50:38] <A38.png> well my income is now used to fix broken shit in december
[05:50:43] <A38.png> 10/10 i know lol
[05:50:58] <A38.png> my ssd died, earphone died, chair broke
[05:51:01] <A38.png> what els
[05:53:10] <A38.png> skimmer missions dont pay well enough *sadface*
[05:53:40] <kalandro> !player a38.png
[05:53:43] (WEB) <robin_be> player a38.png: 2876 score, last seen Online Now
[05:53:48] <A38.png> what ?
[05:54:06] <kalandro> lol
[05:54:53] <A38.png> oshit
[05:55:03] <A38.png> landed upside down smfh
[05:55:21] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[05:55:37] <A38.png> lol flint intersection waterfield has no dock or map
[05:55:42] <A38.png> its just water
[05:56:36] <A38.png> rip
[05:57:33] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[05:57:36] <-- Raptor. disconnected from the server
[05:58:20] <-- kalandro disconnected from the server
[05:58:27] --> kalandro connected to the server
[06:07:34] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[06:12:15] <A38.png> ripwb
[06:12:17] <A38.png> wb
[06:12:22] <cygnus> ty
[06:12:59] <A38.png> wb
[06:13:01] <Ayers> tq
[06:13:01] <cygnus> ty
[06:14:36] --> Beam connected to the server
[06:14:54] <A38.png> lol cygnus
[06:14:54] <A38.png> wb
[06:15:02] <Beam> thanks!
[06:16:02] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[06:17:32] <A38.png> welp
[06:17:34] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[06:17:37] <A38.png> thats that then
[06:17:45] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[06:18:39] <-- Vicente_Estate disconnected from the server
[06:19:18] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[06:20:30] <-- Beam disconnected from the server
[06:21:36] --> Rogz connected to the server
[06:21:44] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[06:24:01] <Rogz> hey guys, have sended some PMs on forums and they aren't appearing on My Messages > Messages Sent,
[06:24:03] <Rogz> bug?
[06:25:16] <cygnus> you have to make sure to click a little tab that says "save copy to outbox" or something
[06:25:26] <Rogz> hmm no
[06:25:31] <Rogz> just Send message
[06:27:35] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[06:29:28] <-- kalandro disconnected from the server
[06:31:09] <-- Rogz disconnected from the server
[06:31:58] --> Rogz connected to the server
[06:37:36] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[06:47:36] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[06:48:38] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[06:51:08] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[06:54:10] <Delima_Rizki> tai gue 43
[06:54:13] <Ayers> wkkwkw
[06:54:44] --> Zomboy connected to the server
[06:54:47] --> IIKoehlerII connected to the server
[06:55:20] <IIKoehlerII> Hii
[06:55:23] <Delima_Rizki> hello
[06:56:01] <Zomboy> Is Inverted Airlines accepting members?
[06:56:14] <IIKoehlerII> Yes we are accepting members :D
[06:56:35] <Ayers> yes
[06:57:14] <IIKoehlerII> You're welcome
[06:57:37] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2638 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[06:57:50] <Delima_Rizki> transx mulai ngebalap ni
[07:03:07] <Zomboy> !rank
[07:03:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Zomboy(6625) rank: Senior Captain(6500) next: Commercial First Officer(7000) (+375)
[07:07:38] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[07:08:22] --> Raptor. connected to the server
[07:08:27] <IIKoehlerII> Wb
[07:08:29] <Delima_Rizki> masih hidup aja
[07:08:34] <Raptor.> thx
[07:08:42] <Raptor.> weh pertamina wkwk
[07:08:47] <Delima_Rizki> wuedeh
[07:10:33] <-- Rogz disconnected from the server
[07:11:58] <Delima_Rizki> c udh rada santai
[07:12:47] <Delima_Rizki> duar
[07:16:16] <-- Zomboy disconnected from the server
[07:17:39] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[07:18:02] --> Rogz connected to the server
[07:24:45] --> CaoMishma connected to the server
[07:25:03] <IIKoehlerII> Wb Cao!
[07:25:26] <CaoMishma> ty
[07:25:52] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[07:26:15] <-- IIKoehlerII disconnected from the server
[07:26:51] --> IIKoehlerII connected to the server
[07:27:40] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[07:28:01] --> Zomboy connected to the server
[07:29:15] <-- IIKoehlerII disconnected from the server
[07:31:40] <Ayers> !rinterest 100000
[07:31:42] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $100,000 of interest you need about $150,000,000
[07:32:49] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[07:35:55] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[07:37:41] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[07:37:51] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[07:40:57] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[07:41:33] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[07:42:24] <-- Zomboy disconnected from the server
[07:46:42] --> madmikez connected to the server
[07:47:42] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[07:49:43] <-- Rogz disconnected from the server
[07:51:47] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[07:54:42] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[07:57:43] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 202 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[08:06:52] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[08:07:10] --> Ayers connected to the server
[08:07:44] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 203 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[08:13:01] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[08:13:55] --> Ayers connected to the server
[08:16:32] --> iSam connected to the server
[08:17:26] <iSam> !botcrip
[08:17:29] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 126 Wizz
[08:17:36] <iSam> !botc
[08:17:39] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 205 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[08:17:44] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 205 IBEx, 171 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[08:21:50] <-- cygnus disconnected from the server
[08:27:45] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 207 IBEx, 172 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[08:29:18] <-- CaoMishma disconnected from the server
[08:30:12] --> Rogz connected to the server
[08:32:42] <iSam> !boc
[08:32:44] <iSam> !botc
[08:32:47] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 208 IBEx, 173 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[08:33:20] <iSam> when is botc ending?
[08:33:28] <Ayers> 1 jan
[08:33:36] <iSam> dead companies will be deleted?
[08:33:51] <Ayers> yea
[08:33:59] <Rogz> Which ones are dead
[08:34:09] <iSam> !botcrip
[08:34:09] <madmikez> !botcrip
[08:34:12] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 126 Wizz
[08:34:12] <iSam> these ones
[08:34:15] <Rogz> oh
[08:34:25] <Rogz> sad for Wizz,
[08:34:43] <iSam> !groups Rogz
[08:34:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Rogz is in airline Inverted Airlines and company LAN Cargo
[08:34:51] <Rogz> :)
[08:34:59] <iSam> why are you being sad for wizz?
[08:35:07] <iSam> you are not even part of it lol
[08:35:12] <Rogz> Personal feelings
[08:35:17] <madmikez> lul
[08:35:25] <Rogz> felt in love with WizzAir when was youbger
[08:35:30] <Rogz> younger*
[08:35:32] <iSam> lol
[08:35:43] <iSam> i was also part of it
[08:35:45] <iSam> but i left it long ago
[08:36:24] <Rogz> I flew on WizzAir a lot
[08:36:37] <Rogz> real flyies
[08:37:03] <iSam> real airline?
[08:37:08] <Rogz> Yes, WizzAir is an real airline
[08:37:13] <iSam> ikr
[08:37:18] <Rogz> yeah
[08:37:26] <Rogz> that is why I said "personal feelings"
[08:37:47] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 209 IBEx, 173 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[08:37:52] <iSam> Wizz Air is removed aswell
[08:37:54] <Rogz> Before ukranian crisis, WizzAir was divided in 2 groups
[08:38:05] <Rogz> WizzAir Hungary and WizzAir Ukraine
[08:38:10] <Rogz> I flew on WizzAir Ukraine,
[08:38:12] <iSam> i see
[08:38:36] <Rogz> direct flights, cheap. Had a good time
[08:38:48] <-- madmikez disconnected from the server
[08:38:48] <iSam> That's nice
[08:38:56] <iSam> well i only travel on Emirates
[08:38:59] <iSam> mostly
[08:40:14] <Rogz> after the crisis, WizzAir hungary said that will restore in future flights that were revoked on crisis
[08:40:24] <Rogz> 5 years and nothing
[08:40:39] <iSam> it isnt easy
[08:40:44] <Rogz> ik
[08:41:13] <Rogz> they created new ones, that are more beneficial
[08:41:46] <iSam> that's sad
[08:42:07] <Rogz> and ofc, all planes with Ukranian registration were repainted
[08:42:09] <iSam> Oh shit
[08:42:30] <Rogz> and now old photos with old registration number are history
[08:42:58] <iSam> there might be still
[08:43:19] --> A38.png connected to the server
[08:43:29] <A38.png> nice amotd
[08:43:32] <A38.png> "test"
[08:43:58] <iSam> wb
[08:44:00] <iSam> n00b
[08:44:11] <A38.png> dont make me change my name
[08:44:23] <iSam> blur sucks
[08:44:44] <A38.png> but u dont
[08:44:47] <A38.png> unfair
[08:44:52] <iSam> lol
[08:44:57] <Rogz> xd
[08:45:00] <iSam> want a ride?
[08:45:15] <A38.png> ami supposed to work or nah
[08:45:20] <iSam> nah
[08:45:28] <A38.png> sure
[08:45:41] <iSam> you almost fcked my trailer
[08:45:41] <A38.png> imma ride inide like this
[08:45:54] <A38.png> almost
[08:46:01] <A38.png> good enough for me to pass
[08:46:32] <A38.png> u drive liek shiet
[08:46:45] <iSam> wot?
[08:46:48] <iSam> no
[08:46:50] <iSam> i drive fine
[08:47:06] <A38.png> i cant go passenger lmao
[08:47:08] <A38.png> rip mod
[08:47:11] <A38.png> oh well
[08:47:14] <iSam> what?
[08:47:19] <A38.png> vnm
[08:47:19] <iSam> you said you dont use mods
[08:47:21] <A38.png> i use
[08:47:29] <A38.png> i didnt use shamal or nevada mods
[08:47:32] <A38.png> u misunderstood me
[08:47:34] <A38.png> how dare u
[08:47:37] <iSam> show me your mod
[08:47:39] <iSam> i might use it
[08:47:47] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 174 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[08:47:58] <iSam> rofl
[08:48:03] <A38.png> rip
[08:48:08] <A38.png> fine ill work
[08:48:16] <iSam> ok
[08:48:16] <A38.png> seems tlike the game hates me screwing around
[08:48:26] --> Hanifarrafi connected to the server
[08:48:39] <A38.png> uhh
[08:49:46] <Rogz> !houses
[08:49:49] (WEB) <robin_be> Rogz does not own any houses!
[08:49:54] <A38.png> !cash rogz
[08:49:56] (WEB) <robin_be> rogz has $101,165 in hand
[08:50:04] <Rogz> 5,8m on bank
[08:50:09] <A38.png> rich in disguise
[08:50:33] <Rogz> searching for good price/slot house
[08:50:56] <A38.png> i heard some are in LS
[08:51:11] <A38.png> though they cost like 10 mil for a lot of slots
[08:51:16] <iSam> Yeah
[08:51:27] <iSam> expenSive
[08:51:32] <A38.png> but cheap
[08:51:32] <iSam> 10m for 6 slots e.e
[08:51:45] <A38.png> well ur looking at the wrong house then
[08:51:50] <A38.png> bayside has a nice price slot ratio
[08:52:11] <A38.png> but i bought the good ones there lmao
[08:52:29] <A38.png> why are both of our names in pink
[08:52:47] <iSam> mine is not girly pink
[08:52:49] <iSam> yours is
[08:53:00] <A38.png> thats even worse pink
[08:53:05] <A38.png> this is more magenta pink
[08:53:12] <iSam> whatever!
[08:53:15] <A38.png> yours light pink
[08:53:38] <A38.png> i really wonder if i should change names
[08:53:43] <A38.png> i might regret it
[08:53:56] <iSam> you are never happy with anythng
[08:53:59] <iSam> lmao
[08:54:07] <A38.png> well who is ?
[08:54:35] <iSam> me
[08:54:38] <iSam> xD
[08:55:14] <iSam> !groups A38.png
[08:55:16] (WEB) <robin_be> A38.png is in airline Sky Air and company Wizz Freightways
[08:55:16] <A38.png> wtf did i hit
[08:55:16] <A38.png> faaak
[08:55:24] <iSam> lal you're in wiz
[08:55:45] <A38.png> ffs the plane dissapear
[08:55:50] <iSam> lol?
[08:55:53] <A38.png> screw u samp auto reset
[08:55:58] <Raptor.> rip
[08:56:18] <Hanifarrafi> any indonesia people here ?
[08:56:23] <A38.png> u are
[08:56:26] <Delima_Rizki> ga ada
[08:56:36] <iSam> lol everyone is
[08:56:36] <iSam> xD
[08:56:44] <Hanifarrafi> wah
[08:56:49] <A38.png> the only indo u know is kontol
[08:56:49] <A38.png> sam
[08:56:57] <iSam> what is that
[08:57:00] <iSam> i dont even know that
[08:57:02] <iSam> lol
[08:57:02] <Ayers> ga ada
[08:57:05] <A38.png> dick
[08:57:10] <A38.png> u do this to me D:
[08:57:18] <iSam> lol
[08:57:38] <iSam> bhenchooo xd
[08:57:46] <A38.png> thats indioan ?
[08:57:49] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 175 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[08:57:57] <iSam> what is indioan
[08:57:59] <A38.png> hmm yess
[08:58:02] <A38.png> indionan
[08:58:07] <iSam> idk that
[08:58:07] <A38.png> india mendoan
[08:58:12] <A38.png> ignore that i fucked up
[08:58:30] <iSam> Its Urdu
[08:58:38] <A38.png> close enough ?
[08:58:40] <iSam> no
[08:58:46] <A38.png> wokeh
[08:59:06] <iSam> A38
[08:59:11] <iSam> You're my jallebi
[08:59:19] <A38.png> uhhh
[08:59:19] <A38.png> no
[08:59:22] <iSam> xD
[08:59:30] <A38.png> where the fuck did my phone go ffs
[08:59:37] <A38.png> i fell asleep & i woke up without it
[08:59:45] <iSam> you are going to translate that
[08:59:45] <iSam> ikr
[09:00:24] <iSam> btw Jallebi is a Indian Sweet
[09:00:39] <A38.png> teeny tiny japanese and chinese with normal letters i still can read
[09:00:42] <A38.png> others nah
[09:01:41] <iSam> !player Mendoza
[09:01:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player Mendoza: 30487 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[09:01:51] <A38.png> ffs i cant find my phone
[09:01:54] <A38.png> aghaghahgh
[09:02:53] <iSam> what happened you maniac
[09:03:17] <A38.png> found it
[09:03:24] <iSam> e.e
[09:03:45] <A38.png> chocolate rain
[09:03:58] <A38.png> anyone remember that ?
[09:04:00] <iSam> no
[09:04:16] <A38.png> some stay dry and other feels the pan
[09:04:34] <A38.png> a literal raptor flew buy
[09:04:36] <A38.png> by
[09:04:39] <A38.png> rip vocap
[09:04:42] <A38.png> fack
[09:04:44] <A38.png> rip vocab
[09:04:57] <Raptor.> lol
[09:05:31] <A38.png> if ayers win this one again i call bs on lotto
[09:05:31] <A38.png> lol
[09:05:36] <-- Rogz disconnected from the server
[09:06:09] <-- Hanifarrafi disconnected from the server
[09:07:34] --> Rogz connected to the server
[09:07:50] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 177 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[09:08:05] <A38.png> !8ball is PL ded ?
[09:08:08] (WEB) <robin_be> A38.png: You may rely on it
[09:08:11] <A38.png> k
[09:08:39] <A38.png> !8ball is 2013 the gold times for internet ?
[09:08:41] (WEB) <robin_be> A38.png: As I see it, yes
[09:08:47] <-- Raptor. disconnected from the server
[09:08:49] <iSam> !8ball is A38 stupid?
[09:08:49] <A38.png> fak
[09:08:52] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam: Ask again later
[09:09:00] <A38.png> landed upside down ina skimmer
[09:09:38] --> Ainz connected to the server
[09:09:41] <A38.png> !8ball is isam stupid
[09:09:44] (WEB) <robin_be> A38.png: You may rely on it
[09:09:49] <A38.png> ok
[09:09:54] <A38.png> wb ainz
[09:09:56] <Ainz> ty
[09:10:09] <iSam> wb pindi bo
[09:10:15] <iSam> boy*
[09:10:27] <Ainz> ty
[09:10:53] <iSam> You're from Colombo?
[09:10:56] <A38.png> a 5 slot house for 5.2
[09:10:56] <Ainz> yup
[09:11:11] <iSam> nice
[09:12:26] <iSam> ffs
[09:12:31] <iSam> this extremely low
[09:12:36] <iSam> what should i do
[09:12:39] <A38.png> !8ball does isam have a waifu?
[09:12:41] (WEB) <robin_be> A38.png: As I see it, yes
[09:12:44] --> Precision connected to the server
[09:12:47] <A38.png> wb prec
[09:12:49] <Ainz> wb
[09:12:52] <Rogz> wb
[09:12:54] <Ainz> prec back for good?
[09:13:28] <iSam> FUCKKKKK
[09:13:36] <A38.png> what happened
[09:13:41] <iSam> my trailer is stuck
[09:13:43] <Precision> hello.
[09:13:56] <A38.png> told u u drive like shit lol
[09:13:56] <Ayers> !botcrip
[09:13:56] <Ainz> sup
[09:13:59] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 126 Wizz
[09:14:04] <Ayers> go go precision
[09:14:09] <Precision> !botc
[09:14:12] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1395 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 177 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[09:14:12] <iSam> How am i supposed to get it out
[09:14:17] <Ayers> last day
[09:14:17] <A38.png> ri
[09:14:22] <Precision> for?
[09:14:25] <A38.png> rip wizz ?
[09:14:33] <Precision> no, to ayers.
[09:14:38] <iSam> wizz will not die
[09:14:40] <iSam> lan will
[09:14:43] <iSam> lol
[09:14:43] <Ayers> ow
[09:14:45] <Ayers> hahaha
[09:14:45] <Rogz> :c
[09:14:48] <Precision> duh, he has no CEOs in LAN.
[09:14:58] <A38.png> make him ceo then lol
[09:15:04] <iSam> I'm fked tbh
[09:15:19] <A38.png> /s , /cbase :p
[09:15:29] <iSam> i cam al the way from lv
[09:15:32] <iSam> to santa maria
[09:15:37] <iSam> to get fked
[09:15:40] <Ainz> try pushing it
[09:15:42] <A38.png> could be worse
[09:15:47] <Ainz> get out of the truck n try pushing
[09:15:53] <iSam> it aint
[09:15:55] <iSam> stuck
[09:16:03] <iSam> You are right
[09:16:05] <iSam> i got an idea
[09:16:05] <iSam> muhahaha
[09:16:08] <Ainz> ram it
[09:16:11] <A38.png> suicide
[09:16:13] <iSam> no
[09:16:16] <A38.png> ram
[09:16:18] <iSam> ST needs to work
[09:16:21] <iSam> for its survivla
[09:16:31] <A38.png> !BOTCRIP
[09:16:34] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 126 Wizz
[09:16:42] <A38.png> st isnt even in this list
[09:16:44] <Ainz> !botc
[09:16:47] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1396 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 177 ST, 138 LAN, 126 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[09:16:50] <iSam> ik
[09:16:55] <iSam> competition is good
[09:16:57] <Ainz> if wizz beats lan
[09:17:20] <A38.png> what
[09:17:26] <Precision> !player Naked_Snake
[09:17:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player Naked_Snake: 35753 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[09:17:36] <iSam> oh lolt
[09:17:39] <iSam> i made it worse
[09:17:49] <A38.png> howw
[09:17:52] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1396 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 177 ST, 138 LAN, 127 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[09:18:46] <iSam> I cant even respawn fleet
[09:18:46] <iSam> loll
[09:19:12] <Rogz> !botc
[09:19:14] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1396 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 177 ST, 138 LAN, 127 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[09:19:38] --> Agera connected to the server
[09:19:40] <Ainz> !assets Precision
[09:19:40] <A38.png> wb
[09:19:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Precision has 1 car(s) ($320,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $320,000
[09:19:46] <Agera> ty
[09:19:48] <A38.png> aaand this plane is fucked
[09:20:01] <A38.png> hey sam
[09:20:06] <iSam> ?
[09:20:09] <A38.png> wanna convoy ?\
[09:20:09] <Ainz> what the fuck
[09:20:22] <Ainz> why are there strippers on the road
[09:20:22] <iSam> ok
[09:20:24] <A38.png> uhh
[09:20:29] <A38.png> fell from heaven
[09:20:29] <Ainz> fly to me
[09:20:45] <Ainz> theres like 5 strippers dancing around sursais bike
[09:20:50] <iSam> I'm at ST base
[09:20:53] <A38.png> its in montgomery ish ?
[09:20:55] <Ainz> ye
[09:21:05] <A38.png> it felll from the mile high club
[09:21:13] <Ainz> lmao wot
[09:21:13] <A38.png> no one bothered to fix it lol
[09:21:24] <A38.png> where tf is ST
[09:21:31] <iSam> Blackfield Chapel
[09:21:39] <A38.png> SF ?
[09:21:42] <iSam> lv
[09:22:00] <A38.png> long drive D:
[09:22:10] <iSam> dont start convoy then
[09:22:13] <Ainz> imma join yall
[09:22:20] <A38.png> ffs
[09:22:23] <iSam> come to LV
[09:22:23] <A38.png> i screwed up
[09:22:28] <A38.png> i went in water
[09:22:33] <iSam> Oh well
[09:22:36] <iSam> rip
[09:22:46] <Precision> d
[09:22:46] <A38.png> il come wait a damn minute
[09:22:56] <iSam> no i am gonna leave any time now
[09:22:59] <iSam> lets do it later
[09:22:59] <Rogz> !player Vicente_Estate
[09:23:02] (WEB) <robin_be> player Vicente_Estate: 1931 score, last seen 6 Hours Ago
[09:23:15] <A38.png> ah boo
[09:23:23] <A38.png> wats ur destination ?
[09:23:33] <Ainz> wtf
[09:23:43] <iSam> I'm going Little mexioc
[09:23:46] <Ainz> st and star have the same colour trucks?
[09:23:51] <A38.png> in SF or LV or :S
[09:23:53] <Ainz> ls
[09:23:59] <A38.png> hi
[09:24:04] <Precision> hey
[09:24:09] <iSam> ls
[09:24:11] <iSam> las santos
[09:24:17] <A38.png> k ill be there
[09:24:30] <Ainz> why does st and star have some paintjob
[09:24:42] <iSam> idk
[09:24:48] <A38.png> does it matter ? lol
[09:24:50] <iSam> no
[09:24:53] <Ainz> yes
[09:24:58] <Ainz> xD
[09:25:16] <iSam> y u following me?
[09:25:16] <A38.png> spun harder than a top for a second there
[09:25:19] <A38.png> damn pole
[09:25:21] <Ainz> so are we gonna convoy or not
[09:25:24] <iSam> no
[09:25:29] <A38.png> later isht
[09:25:29] <Ainz> ffs
[09:25:31] <A38.png> im near u sam
[09:25:39] <iSam> we'll do like 2 hours later
[09:25:44] <A38.png> bruh
[09:25:47] <iSam> I'm leaving after this mission
[09:25:49] <Ainz> smfh
[09:25:55] <A38.png> fine ainz
[09:25:57] <Rogz> !botc
[09:25:57] <A38.png> wanna do it ?
[09:26:00] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1398 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 177 ST, 138 LAN, 128 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[09:26:00] <Ainz> ait
[09:26:05] <Ainz> come to bb
[09:26:08] <Rogz> !botcrip
[09:26:08] <A38.png> bb ?
[09:26:08] <iSam> boobsboob
[09:26:10] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 128 Wizz
[09:26:10] <iSam> lol
[09:26:10] <A38.png> blueberry ?
[09:26:13] <Ainz> yup
[09:26:18] <A38.png> ffs i drove all the way to LS lol
[09:26:21] <A38.png> k coming
[09:26:23] <Ainz> lmao
[09:26:28] <Rogz> 7p
[09:27:28] <Ainz> hurry the fuck up slowpoke
[09:27:30] <A38.png> i can see u isam
[09:27:30] <Ainz> xD
[09:27:38] <iSam> same her
[09:27:41] <iSam> here
[09:27:54] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1398 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 177 ST, 138 LAN, 129 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[09:27:54] <iSam> i took a route so that i wont find you
[09:27:54] <iSam> smh
[09:27:54] <Ainz> i keep reading isam as islam
[09:28:07] <iSam> lol
[09:28:17] <A38.png> is this blueberyr
[09:28:22] <A38.png> no this is montgomery fuck
[09:28:27] <iSam> lol
[09:28:32] <Ainz> lmao
[09:29:01] <Ainz> come to blue
[09:29:47] <A38.png> hi
[09:29:50] <Ainz> yo
[09:30:18] <A38.png> i remind u i drive like shit
[09:30:26] <Ainz> alg
[09:30:57] <Ainz> prec wanna join?
[09:31:10] <Precision> sorry, not now.
[09:31:17] <Ainz> ait
[09:31:51] <Ainz> a38 why u driving such a slow ass truck
[09:32:07] <A38.png> idk lol
[09:32:27] <Precision> sursai rip. that truck.
[09:33:06] <A38.png> oshiet
[09:33:19] <A38.png> well shiet
[09:33:21] <Ainz> why lol
[09:33:27] <A38.png> aaight im done here
[09:33:34] <A38.png> im stuck lmao
[09:33:50] <Ainz> ur shit is bugged
[09:34:05] <A38.png> imma change some shit i guess
[09:34:16] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[09:34:34] <Ainz> wizz fleet
[09:34:44] <Precision> there
[09:35:05] <Ainz> meep
[09:35:25] <Ainz> wow ur rude
[09:35:43] <iSam> rude?
[09:35:51] <Ainz> he didnt meep back at me
[09:36:01] <iSam> He's busy ofc
[09:36:01] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[09:36:14] <iSam> what you expect when your company is in botcrip
[09:36:22] <Ainz> LAN isnt in botcrip
[09:36:30] <iSam> oh?
[09:36:32] <iSam> ok
[09:36:35] <iSam> my bad lol
[09:36:43] <Ainz> baka
[09:36:45] <Rogz> ;)w
[09:36:53] <iSam> who is even working in lan
[09:36:58] <Ainz> rogz
[09:36:58] <iSam> i have never seen one lol
[09:36:58] <Rogz> some members
[09:37:14] <iSam> you are in lan?
[09:37:19] <Rogz> yepw
[09:37:37] <iSam> you're rare
[09:37:37] <iSam> lol
[09:37:50] <Rogz> I contributed more than 20m
[09:37:55] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1399 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 179 ST, 139 LAN, 131 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[09:37:58] <Ainz> ur rare aswell sam
[09:38:03] <Rogz> for this company
[09:38:05] <iSam> am i?
[09:38:16] <Ainz> ur the only st member i have seen lmao
[09:38:21] <iSam> WOW
[09:38:21] <iSam> Rude
[09:38:28] <Ainz> xD
[09:38:41] <iSam> there is one more
[09:38:44] <iSam> xd
[09:38:57] <Ainz> yall only hve two members?
[09:39:02] <iSam> no
[09:39:07] <iSam> active members? yes
[09:39:12] <Ainz> lmfao
[09:39:38] <Ainz> whos the other one
[09:39:51] <iSam> Thif
[09:40:04] <Ainz> who thee dafuq is that
[09:40:19] <iSam> !player Thif_Br
[09:40:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player Thif_Br: 9609 score, last seen 17 Hours Ago
[09:40:30] --> Ludred connected to the server
[09:40:35] <Rogz> wb
[09:40:38] <Ludred> ty
[09:40:40] <Ainz> whos tb
[09:40:45] <Ludred> mofow
[09:40:56] <Ludred> you don't know me aidz?
[09:40:56] <Ainz> umm
[09:41:01] <Ainz> hmmm
[09:41:06] <Ainz> lmao no
[09:41:08] <Ainz> xD
[09:41:14] <Ainz> whats ur old name
[09:41:16] <Ludred> smfh aids
[09:41:52] <Ainz> !assets Ludred
[09:41:55] (WEB) <robin_be> Ludred has 13 car(s) ($17,180,000) and 3 house(s) ($28,000,000 - 33 slots) for a total of $45,180,000
[09:41:58] <Ainz> lmao
[09:42:03] <Ainz> when did u change ur name
[09:42:05] <Ludred> yesterday
[09:42:16] <Ainz> didnt even tell me smh
[09:42:26] <Ludred> you were offline :P
[09:42:29] <Ainz> wanna cumvoy?
[09:42:36] <iSam> gayshit
[09:42:39] <iSam> naice
[09:42:39] <Ludred> not really
[09:42:47] <Ainz> K
[09:43:25] <Ludred> my grammar ist broken smfh
[09:43:30] <iSam> oh ok
[09:43:36] <iSam> i fked up again
[09:43:36] <Ainz> ok
[09:43:46] <Ludred> no I only have 4 hours of sleep
[09:43:46] <iSam> yeey i am out
[09:44:14] <-- iSam disconnected from the server
[09:47:56] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1401 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 141 LAN, 134 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[09:50:39] --> Exo7ic connected to the server
[09:50:54] <Exo7ic> sup bois
[09:51:25] <-- Exo7ic disconnected from the server
[09:51:53] --> Exo7ic connected to the server
[09:52:09] <Exo7ic> sup bois
[09:52:14] <Ludred> sup
[09:55:51] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[09:57:26] <-- Exo7ic disconnected from the server
[09:57:47] <Precision> Inverted airlines, fleet.
[09:57:57] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 141 LAN, 137 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[10:06:27] --> A38.png connected to the server
[10:06:32] <Agera> wb
[10:06:35] <A38.png> ty
[10:06:38] <A38.png> modded somethings
[10:06:45] <A38.png> aand i forgot to change 1 mid
[10:06:45] <A38.png> fuack
[10:06:48] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[10:07:58] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 142 LAN, 140 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[10:11:32] <Ainz> dude
[10:11:39] <Precision> ?
[10:11:45] <Ainz> sigh
[10:11:58] <Ainz> why is everyone so pissed these days
[10:12:05] <Precision> no idea.
[10:12:13] <Ainz> oi ludred
[10:12:23] --> A38.png connected to the server
[10:12:23] <Ludred> who are you?
[10:12:26] <Ludred> wb
[10:12:28] <Ainz> great
[10:12:31] <A38.png> ty
[10:13:02] <Precision> he could be working or AFK sometimes.
[10:13:15] <Agera> lc
[10:13:56] <Ainz> opn ur pms idiot
[10:14:06] <Ludred> what did you just call me?
[10:14:12] <Ainz> idiot
[10:14:32] <Ainz> lmao
[10:15:29] <A38.png> anyone interested ?
[10:15:50] <A38.png> no ok
[10:15:52] --> Stan connected to the server
[10:16:08] <Precision> hey stan
[10:16:10] <A38.png> wb
[10:16:20] <Stan> hiii
[10:17:53] <A38.png> shiet
[10:17:58] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2639 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 145 LAN, 144 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[10:20:33] <Stan> !botcrip
[10:20:36] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 145 Wizz, 145 LAN
[10:22:47] <A38.png> i drive like shit
[10:23:31] <Stan> idiot
[10:23:42] <A38.png> ur glitching in y screen
[10:23:49] <Stan> your screen shit
[10:24:41] <Stan> !botc
[10:24:43] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2640 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 147 Wizz, 146 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[10:24:54] <Stan> !botcrip
[10:24:57] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 146 LAN
[10:25:09] <Ainz> rip
[10:25:33] <A38.png> aand im nout of fuel
[10:25:33] <A38.png> rip
[10:26:06] <Precision> wait, grey = fuel driver?
[10:26:11] <Ainz> yup
[10:26:16] <Ludred> yup
[10:27:29] <Precision> ahh
[10:28:00] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2640 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 148 Wizz, 146 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[10:29:40] <Ainz> im off cya
[10:29:45] <Stan> bye
[10:29:51] <A38.png> tbye
[10:30:01] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[10:30:16] <A38.png> i drive liek shit lol
[10:30:24] <Stan> YOU ARE SHIT
[10:30:29] <A38.png> r u retarded
[10:30:32] <A38.png> stfu
[10:31:54] <A38.png> ah shiet
[10:34:29] <Sursai_Kosecksi> I have received a report that someone was offended.
[10:34:39] <Precision> who?
[10:34:44] <Sursai_Kosecksi> There can be only one course of action.
[10:34:50] <-- Sursai_Kosecksi disconnected from the server
[10:34:57] <A38.png> lemme guess i offended someone
[10:36:30] <Stan> Ludred, why are you telling my friends that you're pissed at me bla blah
[10:36:40] <Stan> noo balls to tell me?
[10:37:03] <Ludred> ?
[10:37:21] <Ludred> I didn't say shit bruh
[10:37:29] <Stan> you told ainz that you were pissed at me
[10:37:39] <Ludred> you already know mofo
[10:37:47] <Ludred> you whine like a bitch
[10:38:00] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2642 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 152 Wizz, 149 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[10:38:05] <Stan> wow look whos whining now
[10:38:05] <Ludred> anyway I am out gonna eat
[10:38:13] <Stan> the whole thing was a joke you realise right?
[10:38:21] <Ludred> no
[10:38:34] <Ludred> I am out gonna talk this earlier bitch
[10:38:34] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[10:38:39] --> radoodoo connected to the server
[10:38:41] <A38.png> wb
[10:38:41] <Stan> lmao hes mad
[10:38:44] <Stan> wb
[10:38:54] <radoodoo> ty
[10:39:51] <Stan> !botcrip
[10:39:54] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 149 LAN
[10:40:20] <Stan> !botc
[10:40:22] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2642 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 152 Wizz, 149 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[10:41:22] <A38.png> wtf is my trailer doing lmao
[10:41:37] <A38.png> . cdooont
[10:42:08] <radoodoo> ok then
[10:44:17] <A38.png> lol
[10:44:35] <Rogz> :c
[10:45:19] <Agera> !player stefanhood
[10:45:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player stefanhood: 7309 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[10:45:42] <Agera> !player nightmare
[10:45:45] (WEB) <robin_be> player nightmare: 20430 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[10:46:29] <Stan> !bot
[10:46:31] <Stan> !botc
[10:46:34] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 155 Wizz, 150 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[10:48:48] <A38.png> raining hard outside
[10:48:53] <Stan> hard like my ding dong
[10:48:56] <radoodoo> m hard
[10:48:59] <A38.png> if this happened during night i would have laughed
[10:49:09] <radoodoo> chile
[10:49:19] <radoodoo> ill explore the unerwater world
[10:49:19] <Stan> life is not worth living
[10:49:27] <Agera> true
[10:49:29] <A38.png> whats wrong with u today lolsd
[10:49:35] <A38.png> so melancholic
[10:49:47] <Agera> so alcoholic :))
[10:49:50] <Stan> im melancholic
[10:49:53] <Stan> im not melancholic
[10:49:58] <Stan> im an eglomaniac
[10:50:26] <radoodoo> stan come to the smol island
[10:50:36] <Stan> ok
[10:50:39] <radoodoo> ill come out of the water like a mermaid
[10:50:52] <Stan> where are you loverboy
[10:51:28] <radoodoo> ok land on the islande
[10:51:46] <radoodoo> ok ready
[10:51:56] <Stan> ok
[10:52:12] <Stan> wait
[10:52:17] <Stan> hey loverboy
[10:52:20] <Stan> you a mermaid?
[10:52:22] <radoodoo> .me kiss
[10:52:32] <Stan> we'll fly
[10:52:38] <Stan> to my yacht
[10:53:19] <Stan> my yacht is designed like a container ship
[10:53:29] <Stan> but really it's just luxury rooms inside these containers
[10:54:39] <A38.png> i dont like where this is goingd
[10:55:15] <Stan> LOL
[10:55:20] <radoodoo> luv... xx
[10:55:28] <Stan> lets do that again
[10:56:55] <radoodoo> eject
[10:57:26] <radoodoo> rainin bitches
[10:58:03] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 159 Wizz, 151 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[11:00:40] <Stan> hi
[11:01:44] <radoodoo> anna ou
[11:02:00] <Stan> tho ge amma
[11:02:28] <radoodoo> stop
[11:02:31] <radoodoo> STOP!
[11:02:36] <Stan> no
[11:02:36] <radoodoo> come back
[11:02:44] <Stan> catch me if you can mf
[11:03:30] <A38.png> oh fock off lotto
[11:03:33] <radoodoo> shut up stinky
[11:03:35] <A38.png> just
[11:03:53] <radoodoo> ow
[11:03:56] <radoodoo> crashing
[11:03:59] <radoodoo> mayday
[11:04:01] <Agera> !player smetkowski
[11:04:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player smetkowski: 2065 score, last seen 11 Days Ago
[11:04:42] <radoodoo> damn right
[11:05:34] <-- radoodoo disconnected from the server
[11:05:55] --> radoodoo connected to the server
[11:05:57] <Precision> damn
[11:06:02] <Rogz> thanks for intencionate
[11:06:15] <Precision> and my trailer trashed.
[11:06:25] <Rogz> karma
[11:08:04] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 163 Wizz, 153 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[11:10:43] <A38.png> faaak
[11:10:59] <radoodoo> do u want an mnm
[11:11:01] <Stan> no
[11:11:06] <radoodoo> why
[11:11:09] <radoodoo> what
[11:11:35] <A38.png> w
[11:11:58] <radoodoo> punch me
[11:12:03] <Stan> my names allah
[11:12:06] <radoodoo> hah tricked
[11:12:08] <radoodoo> no punch me
[11:14:20] <Stan> you are bitcjh
[11:14:20] <Stan> bye
[11:14:20] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[11:14:25] <-- radoodoo disconnected from the server
[11:18:04] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 168 Wizz, 155 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[11:18:43] --> Brianna connected to the server
[11:18:48] <A38.png> wb
[11:19:03] <Brianna> thank you
[11:21:59] <A38.png> god dammit
[11:22:04] <A38.png> well thats that then
[11:22:07] <A38.png> rip trailer
[11:22:17] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[11:22:40] <Brianna> t/seatbelt
[11:26:22] --> robin_be connected to the server
[11:26:24] <Agera> wb
[11:26:24] <Rogz> wb
[11:26:29] <Precision> wb
[11:26:37] <robin_be> thx
[11:26:40] <robin_be> !groups stan
[11:26:42] (WEB) <robin_be> stan is in airline Lufthansa and company TransX
[11:26:42] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[11:26:55] --> Ayers connected to the server
[11:27:05] <Brianna> wb
[11:27:13] <Ayers> thanks
[11:27:36] <Ayers> !botc
[11:27:39] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 170 Wizz, 157 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[11:27:57] --> Willz. connected to the server
[11:28:05] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 170 Wizz, 158 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[11:28:10] <Ayers> wuedeh
[11:28:41] <Willz.> di jual at400 saa seasparrow buat ongkos beli vip
[11:29:20] <Ayers> emg duit lu brp
[11:29:33] <Ayers> terima jasa pinjam
[11:29:48] <Willz.> ada 7,5 ini
[11:29:58] <Willz.> kurang masi ayan banyak biar 12
[11:29:58] <Ayers> kurang brp
[11:30:19] <-- Rogz disconnected from the server
[11:30:19] <Willz.> 4,5
[11:30:37] <Ayers> mending ngutang sama gw
[11:30:45] <Willz.> ber bunga ga nih?
[11:30:48] <Ayers> ga
[11:30:58] <Willz.> boleh, nunggu kl ada cygnus on aja
[11:31:00] <Ayers> gmn
[11:31:03] <Ayers> ok
[11:31:08] <Willz.> tak kerja rodi dulu
[11:33:17] <-- Agera disconnected from the server
[11:34:11] <Willz.> w
[11:38:06] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 174 Wizz, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[11:40:38] <Willz.> w
[11:41:24] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[11:42:21] --> Ayers connected to the server
[11:42:52] <Willz.> anjing gw 9
[11:43:46] <-- Brianna disconnected from the server
[11:44:17] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[11:48:06] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 177 Wizz, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[11:49:29] --> Treyway connected to the server
[11:50:00] <Treyway> !botc
[11:50:02] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 177 Wizz, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[11:50:13] <Precision> hello
[11:50:15] <Treyway> Hi
[11:51:41] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[11:51:53] --> Treyway connected to the server
[11:52:01] <Precision> wb
[11:52:04] <Treyway> ty
[11:56:58] <Precision> that's good.
[11:57:03] <Treyway> yE
[11:57:27] <Precision> driving an oncoming traffic lol
[11:58:08] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 312 President, 210 IBEx, 180 ST, 179 Wizz, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[11:59:49] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[12:00:33] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[12:01:34] <Willz.> gz
[12:01:58] <Precision> gz
[12:03:05] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[12:03:33] --> Ayers connected to the server
[12:04:53] <-- Precision disconnected from the server
[12:05:01] <Willz.> w
[12:05:14] <Treyway> !botc
[12:05:16] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 315 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:05:27] <Treyway> !botc
[12:05:30] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 315 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:05:30] <Treyway> !botcrip
[12:05:32] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 159 LAN
[12:08:10] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 315 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:09:06] <Willz.> fuu 1
[12:09:12] <Treyway> i hat 3
[12:09:14] <Treyway> had
[12:10:55] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[12:12:43] <Treyway> !botc
[12:12:46] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 316 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:18:11] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 317 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:20:14] --> Agera connected to the server
[12:20:55] --> deathlife23 connected to the server
[12:21:16] --> DarkSoulz. connected to the server
[12:21:21] <Agera> wb
[12:21:47] <DarkSoulz.> ty!
[12:22:05] <Ayers> gz
[12:22:23] <Treyway> bro tell me how you winning lottos xD
[12:22:26] <Ayers> hahaha
[12:22:28] <Treyway> AND GZ
[12:22:39] <Willz.> tai lah ndri
[12:22:46] <Treyway> does the numbers repeat everyday ??
[12:24:27] <Willz.> thats secret formula
[12:25:08] <Treyway> nah there is something suspecious xD
[12:27:50] <-- deathlife23 disconnected from the server
[12:27:58] <Treyway> !botc
[12:28:01] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 320 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:28:03] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[12:28:11] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 320 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:28:34] <-- DarkSoulz. disconnected from the server
[12:28:40] --> deathlife23 connected to the server
[12:30:41] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[12:32:35] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[12:33:39] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[12:37:13] <-- deathlife23 disconnected from the server
[12:38:12] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:39:55] <Treyway> t
[12:40:11] <Treyway> t
[12:40:19] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[12:40:26] --> Willz. connected to the server
[12:40:34] <Ayers> crash wil?
[12:40:42] <Willz.> engga, sholat dl tadi
[12:40:47] <Ayers> ooo
[12:41:18] --> Treyway connected to the server
[12:46:45] <Treyway> fking trees
[12:46:50] <Ayers> f
[12:48:07] --> Rogz connected to the server
[12:48:10] --> deathlife23 connected to the server
[12:48:13] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:50:58] <Treyway> !botc
[12:51:00] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 159 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:55:28] <Treyway> Nice
[12:56:33] <deathlife23> wdym military patrols
[12:58:14] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 161 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[12:59:41] --> iSam connected to the server
[12:59:46] <Ayers> wb
[12:59:49] <iSam> ty
[13:00:23] <Treyway> !rank
[13:00:25] (WEB) <robin_be> Treyway(3764) rank: Pilot Major(3500) next: Lieutenant Pilot Major(4000) (+236)
[13:00:25] <iSam> !botc
[13:00:36] <iSam> !botc
[13:00:39] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 162 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:00:54] <iSam> !botcrip
[13:00:57] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 162 LAN
[13:00:57] <Willz.> goodluck ST n wizz
[13:01:02] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[13:01:07] <Ayers> wuedeh
[13:01:07] <Willz.> wb jembott
[13:01:10] <Delima_Rizki> wuedeh
[13:01:15] <Delima_Rizki> makasih tod
[13:01:33] <Delima_Rizki> lu maen terus ndri?
[13:01:35] <Ayers> kaga
[13:01:46] <Ayers> tadi 2 jam nonton spongebob
[13:02:22] --> Bleizi connected to the server
[13:06:14] <iSam> what is ODO of Roadtrain?
[13:06:22] <iSam> for it to break?
[13:06:24] <Treyway> 300 i think
[13:06:24] <Ayers> ya
[13:07:06] <Willz.> wuedeh
[13:07:08] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[13:07:45] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[13:08:00] <Ayers> di lu pada muncul?
[13:08:05] <Ayers> tadi siang perasana masi ada
[13:08:16] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 181 Wizz, 180 ST, 164 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:08:18] <Willz.> muncul
[13:08:21] --> Treyway connected to the server
[13:08:57] <Delima_Rizki> cara ngilangin pusing stlh tidur siang gmn ya
[13:09:07] <Willz.> makan
[13:09:12] <Delima_Rizki> udah
[13:09:15] <Willz.> mandi
[13:09:18] <Delima_Rizki> ga mempan
[13:09:20] <Willz.> sholat
[13:09:20] <Ayers> minum sama mandi
[13:09:20] <Delima_Rizki> mandi kali ya
[13:09:25] <Ayers> emg adit solat?
[13:09:25] <Delima_Rizki> gue belom mandi
[13:09:33] <Willz.> ya saran gw sholat aja
[13:09:38] <Delima_Rizki> ajarin solat
[13:09:41] <Ayers> ayo adit ucapkan kalimat syahadat
[13:09:51] <Delima_Rizki> aku percaya kepada Allah
[13:09:59] <Willz.> demi bapa tuhan yesus
[13:09:59] <Ayers> asyhadualla
[13:10:22] <Delima_Rizki> abis misi mandid dulu deh
[13:10:30] <Willz.> inum yg banyak
[13:10:38] <Rogz> !botc
[13:10:40] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 181 ST, 181 Wizz, 164 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:10:43] <Ayers> gw si saranin minum
[13:10:48] <Treyway> Nice st
[13:10:51] <Willz.> minum amer biar tabah pusing
[13:10:56] <Rogz> !botrip
[13:10:59] <Delima_Rizki> amer?
[13:11:01] <Treyway> Isam in st ?
[13:11:01] <Rogz> !botcrip
[13:11:04] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 164 LAN
[13:11:07] <Willz.> anggur merah
[13:11:12] <iSam> yeah
[13:11:14] <Delima_Rizki> oalah
[13:11:25] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[13:12:47] <-- deathlife23 disconnected from the server
[13:15:50] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[13:16:42] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[13:16:44] <Ayers> gw buat status bisa
[13:16:47] <Ayers> terus di liat orang
[13:17:10] <Willz.> update wa terbaru
[13:17:23] <Ayers> coba deh
[13:17:51] --> Ludred connected to the server
[13:18:17] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 183 ST, 181 Wizz, 166 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:21:10] --> A38.png connected to the server
[13:21:41] <A38.png> night of the new year and its raining hahahahah
[13:21:57] <Treyway> !BOTC
[13:21:59] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 183 ST, 181 Wizz, 168 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:24:01] <A38.png> a
[13:24:11] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[13:24:16] <Ayers> wuedeh
[13:24:16] <A38.png> ga taun baruan ?
[13:24:21] <Ayers> ini di pl
[13:24:21] <Delima_Rizki> malah dc
[13:24:24] <Ayers> kan ujan
[13:24:31] <A38.png> gpp basah2an
[13:24:37] <Delima_Rizki> mayan lah pusing berkurang abis mandi
[13:24:39] <A38.png> :v
[13:24:42] <Delima_Rizki> makasih sarannya
[13:24:47] <A38.png> pusing ya tidur :v
[13:24:47] <Ayers> sama minum jgn lupa
[13:24:49] <Willz.> keramas ga tuh
[13:24:55] <Delima_Rizki> keramas lah
[13:24:55] <Ayers> dia pusing karena tidur
[13:24:55] <Willz.> kl kramas makin enteng kepala
[13:24:57] <Delima_Rizki> oiya belom minum
[13:25:05] <A38.png> gebleg
[13:25:10] <A38.png> oklah sip awokaok
[13:27:29] <A38.png> the only one active on wizz is only me *sadface*
[13:27:37] <A38.png> oh well at least it wont get removed yed
[13:27:42] <Willz.> rip wizz
[13:27:52] <A38.png> masih ada kesempatan
[13:27:57] <Ayers> a38
[13:28:08] <A38.png> klo tutup yowes minggat :v
[13:28:18] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 184 ST, 182 Wizz, 170 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:28:18] <A38.png> ?
[13:28:23] <Ayers> gw menang lotto lagi
[13:28:29] <A38.png> oksip
[13:28:34] <A38.png> males denger gw lu mulu menang :v
[13:28:36] <Ayers> nice info
[13:28:41] <Ayers> kwkwkw
[13:28:57] <A38.png> ga coba judi sekalian
[13:28:59] <A38.png> sapa tau untung
[13:32:05] <A38.png> i was expecting low roof but not a complete jam
[13:32:10] <A38.png> ffs LS tunnel
[13:32:10] <A38.png> i hate u
[13:33:04] <Delima_Rizki> iya
[13:33:27] <Willz.> bagi 30k dong
[13:33:38] <Delima_Rizki> buat apa wil
[13:33:43] <Ayers> rokok?
[13:33:48] <Willz.> biar pas 100k wokwok
[13:33:51] <Delima_Rizki> hadeh
[13:33:53] <Ayers> bagi goceng
[13:34:09] <Willz.> wkowkowkok makasi ndri
[13:34:11] <Ayers> sip
[13:34:27] <Ayers> !cash willz
[13:34:30] (WEB) <robin_be> willz has $10,000 in hand
[13:34:35] <Ayers> !cash willz.
[13:34:38] (WEB) <robin_be> willz. has $106,228 in hand
[13:34:45] <Ayers> kelebihannya jembut
[13:34:45] <Willz.> :)
[13:34:48] <A38.png> bisa curang ga ya
[13:35:01] <A38.png> bawa truk pake androm trus tinggal nyetir sisanya :v
[13:35:14] <Ayers> bisa
[13:35:21] <Ayers> tapi ga ada trailernya
[13:35:27] <Ayers> kan harus ada trailer
[13:35:29] <A38.png> hantam
[13:35:34] <Ayers> terus lu di banned sama diamond deh
[13:35:34] <A38.png> coba paksa :v
[13:35:42] <A38.png> lah gitu
[13:35:45] <Ayers> karena ga boleh
[13:36:00] <A38.png> ga asik :v
[13:36:13] <A38.png> yowes terbang 2 kali awoakwok
[13:36:21] <A38.png> trailer masukin cabut
[13:36:23] <A38.png> trus balik
[13:36:26] <A38.png> truk masukin
[13:36:29] <A38.png> cabut
[13:36:29] <A38.png> :v
[13:37:23] <iSam> !botc
[13:37:25] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 185 ST, 182 Wizz, 173 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:37:36] <iSam> oh well
[13:37:54] <Treyway> Fight between wizz and st
[13:37:54] <A38.png> whats ur company
[13:38:01] <iSam> mine?
[13:38:04] <A38.png> yes
[13:38:09] <iSam> !groups
[13:38:12] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam is in airline Sky Air and company ST Express
[13:38:20] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 322 President, 210 IBEx, 185 ST, 182 Wizz, 173 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:38:28] <iSam> lets work together and let lan die
[13:38:28] <iSam> ?
[13:38:35] <A38.png> maybe ?
[13:38:43] <iSam> meet me at lv
[13:38:46] <Treyway> wanna convoy guys ??
[13:38:51] <iSam> sure
[13:38:51] <A38.png> uhh let me finishe one
[13:38:58] <iSam> come to me
[13:39:01] <A38.png> or not
[13:39:04] <A38.png> ill join
[13:39:09] <A38.png> where ?
[13:39:11] <A38.png> LVA ?
[13:39:14] <iSam> no
[13:39:24] <Treyway> i'm at lv
[13:39:27] <iSam> You can see my Icon
[13:39:27] --> kingkings connected to the server
[13:39:35] <A38.png> wb
[13:39:35] <A38.png> king
[13:39:37] <kingkings> ty
[13:40:18] <A38.png> coming to lv
[13:40:26] <iSam> k
[13:40:39] <A38.png> if this trailer would stop fking with me
[13:40:44] <Delima_Rizki> solat solat
[13:40:52] <iSam> Treyway?
[13:40:52] <A38.png> hah
[13:40:57] <iSam> you're coming?
[13:41:10] <Treyway> Yea
[13:41:20] <iSam> lol
[13:41:23] <iSam> how you came here
[13:41:28] <Treyway> your icon
[13:41:28] <A38.png> need to pee :v
[13:41:33] <A38.png> brb
[13:41:33] <Treyway> and my company is near
[13:41:36] <iSam> okay
[13:43:22] <A38.png> hi
[13:43:35] <A38.png> love kiss
[13:43:40] <Willz.> og naiss adit
[13:43:45] <Delima_Rizki> <3
[13:44:00] <A38.png> stop fighting lol
[13:44:08] <Ayers> nice dit
[13:44:52] <A38.png> ah fuck
[13:45:13] <A38.png> no shit
[13:45:18] <A38.png> turning circle trash
[13:45:23] <kingkings> !player Gaden
[13:45:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player Gaden: 10252 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[13:45:33] <kingkings> !player Soniarajput
[13:45:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player Soniarajput: 10318 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[13:46:20] <iSam> where are you blur
[13:46:25] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[13:46:30] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[13:46:35] <A38.png> eating dusk
[13:46:41] <A38.png> fuck
[13:46:41] <Treyway> ggg
[13:46:51] <iSam> dude fuck you
[13:46:53] <Treyway> Man you should leave trucking xD
[13:46:59] <iSam> almost ruined my truck
[13:47:01] <A38.png> shit
[13:47:04] <Treyway> WTF
[13:47:14] <Treyway> and remove your truck mod
[13:47:14] <A38.png> i told you crap turning circle lol
[13:47:24] <kingkings> !botc
[13:47:27] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 323 President, 210 IBEx, 186 ST, 183 Wizz, 176 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:47:27] <Treyway> your truck mod sucks
[13:47:32] <A38.png> uhh i changed mods recently
[13:47:37] <A38.png> not the shit one anymore
[13:47:53] <Treyway> sometimes the mod makes the truck handling bad
[13:47:55] <A38.png> this one is 3x easier to drive
[13:47:55] <iSam> go ahead Tre
[13:48:01] <A38.png> the old one is utter shite
[13:48:06] <A38.png> isam
[13:48:08] <A38.png> pro gamer move
[13:48:19] <iSam> dude
[13:48:21] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 323 President, 210 IBEx, 186 ST, 183 Wizz, 176 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:48:21] <iSam> this truck wont move
[13:48:32] <Treyway> go slowasses
[13:48:32] <A38.png> start the job smh
[13:48:34] <A38.png> i didnt get shit
[13:48:39] <iSam> what?
[13:48:42] <Treyway> leave and join formation
[13:48:45] <A38.png> i didnt get the checkpoint
[13:48:45] <iSam> we have the work already
[13:48:52] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[13:48:57] <Treyway> got it ??
[13:49:00] <A38.png> blueberry truckstop ?
[13:49:00] <A38.png> wb
[13:49:03] <A38.png> freril
[13:49:05] <iSam> no
[13:49:05] <Treyway> NO
[13:49:05] <kingkings> wb Frail
[13:49:05] <FrailLimbNursery> e
[13:49:08] <A38.png> ffs
[13:49:10] <FrailLimbNursery> ty
[13:49:10] <iSam> Ottos Auto
[13:49:15] <A38.png> mines broken then
[13:49:21] <Treyway> Leave and wait we finish
[13:49:21] <A38.png> imma just follow
[13:49:41] <Willz.> double ad
[13:49:46] <kingkings> :D
[13:50:30] <A38.png> fuuuck
[13:51:42] <Treyway> Join now
[13:51:42] <Treyway> A
[13:51:45] <iSam> yeah
[13:51:58] <Treyway> join convoy
[13:52:13] <A38.png> tiera robada ?
[13:52:21] <Treyway> sorry
[13:52:21] <iSam> lol a38
[13:52:26] <A38.png> wat
[13:52:31] <iSam> your trailer is glitching
[13:52:37] <Treyway> MODS
[13:52:39] <A38.png> idk its stock trailer
[13:52:55] <A38.png> find me the link for the original trailers
[13:53:07] <kingkings> !botcrip
[13:53:10] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 176 LAN
[13:53:18] <kingkings> !botc
[13:53:21] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 324 President, 210 IBEx, 187 ST, 183 Wizz, 176 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:54:28] <A38.png> sam u umoron
[13:54:30] <iSam> that's why i stopped
[13:54:30] <iSam> lol
[13:54:41] <A38.png> u stupped u bitch
[13:54:48] <A38.png> i need to dodge ur fatass
[13:54:48] <iSam> lol i didnt wana fall
[13:54:51] <Treyway> he's stuck forever
[13:55:32] <kingkings> brb
[13:55:40] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[13:56:27] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[13:56:34] --> RonaldoValer connected to the server
[13:56:39] <FrailLimbNursery> test
[13:56:42] <A38.png> wb
[13:56:47] <RonaldoValer> thx
[13:57:31] <A38.png> ur lagging like a mofo
[13:57:41] <Treyway> trailer bugs
[13:58:07] <A38.png> brah
[13:58:10] <A38.png> move
[13:58:23] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 325 President, 210 IBEx, 187 ST, 184 Wizz, 177 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[13:58:31] <A38.png> lag sry
[13:58:31] <A38.png> bish
[14:01:11] <iSam> where are you ?
[14:01:18] <A38.png> lost
[14:01:21] <Treyway> lmao
[14:01:23] <Treyway> lva
[14:01:26] <Treyway> xD
[14:01:26] <iSam> lol?
[14:01:31] <iSam> what the hell lol
[14:01:36] <iSam> what u doing there?
[14:01:44] <A38.png> refuel
[14:01:49] <iSam> e.e
[14:01:54] <Treyway> Go gogo
[14:02:02] <iSam> I'm low too but I'll refuel on next stop
[14:02:02] <A38.png> what
[14:02:07] <Treyway> same
[14:02:15] <A38.png> im at 30 now
[14:02:23] <A38.png> got left behind because i refuel & it bugged
[14:02:25] <Treyway> you can reach next stop with it
[14:02:38] <Treyway> why xD
[14:02:46] <A38.png> cuz irritated
[14:02:49] <A38.png> start the mission sam
[14:03:01] <iSam> you havent completed yet
[14:03:04] <A38.png> i have
[14:03:07] <iSam> How? lol
[14:03:14] <A38.png> uhh
[14:03:17] <A38.png> crystal fix ur shit
[14:03:30] <Treyway> /W
[14:03:32] <A38.png> \
[14:03:32] <Treyway> FKING /W
[14:03:38] <A38.png> hunter quarry ?
[14:03:43] <iSam> if it isnt my net
[14:03:43] <Treyway> gg
[14:03:48] <iSam> u just tped for me
[14:03:48] <iSam> there
[14:03:50] <iSam> lol
[14:03:58] <A38.png> get better pc
[14:04:06] <A38.png> :p
[14:04:11] <iSam> my pc is better then yours
[14:04:14] <iSam> my isp isnt
[14:04:21] <A38.png> get better internet
[14:04:29] <FrailLimbNursery> tHaT vEhIcLe iS aLrEaDy fUeLeD
[14:04:34] <FrailLimbNursery> fak off
[14:04:42] <A38.png> lol
[14:04:52] <Treyway> if we follow a38 we will get lost
[14:04:52] <FrailLimbNursery> really?
[14:05:00] <A38.png> im james may anyway
[14:05:00] <FrailLimbNursery> really?
[14:05:08] <FrailLimbNursery> ahh
[14:05:21] <iSam> OH shit
[14:05:23] <iSam> wait
[14:05:23] <RonaldoValer> lol sam
[14:06:59] <RonaldoValer> gz
[14:07:01] <Ayers> gz lagi dong
[14:07:01] <A38.png> fuck off
[14:07:04] <Ayers> 3x win streak hehe
[14:07:07] <Delima_Rizki> wakakak
[14:07:09] <iSam> gz
[14:07:12] <Treyway> rly dude you fking it up xD
[14:07:14] <A38.png> bagi resep suhu
[14:07:17] <RonaldoValer> lucky bastard
[14:07:27] <Treyway> he got the lotto last hour too
[14:07:30] <A38.png> hi
[14:07:45] <A38.png> oops
[14:07:53] <A38.png> imma refuel
[14:08:14] --> kingkings connected to the server
[14:08:22] <RonaldoValer> wb
[14:08:24] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 327 President, 210 IBEx, 189 ST, 186 Wizz, 180 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:09:03] <kingkings> ty
[14:09:32] <A38.png> lol
[14:10:46] <iSam> !botc
[14:10:49] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 327 President, 210 IBEx, 190 ST, 186 Wizz, 180 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:12:01] <A38.png> where r u peeps at
[14:12:14] --> Brianna connected to the server
[14:12:25] <A38.png> wtf
[14:12:30] <A38.png> starting vehicle to finish
[14:12:33] <A38.png> fuck off game ur drunk
[14:12:45] <A38.png> crystal fix ur shit lol
[14:12:56] <A38.png> ill wait till u guys finish
[14:13:16] <iSam> mine is fine
[14:13:22] <A38.png> im cursed
[14:13:32] <A38.png> waiting for u
[14:13:32] <iSam> let me refuel
[14:14:44] <-- Brianna disconnected from the server
[14:16:40] <A38.png> lol i fked up
[14:16:43] <Treyway> wru slowasses
[14:17:19] <A38.png> oshit
[14:17:24] <A38.png> i splashed
[14:17:24] <A38.png> rip
[14:17:29] --> Brianna connected to the server
[14:17:45] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[14:17:48] <iSam> hmm?
[14:17:55] <RonaldoValer> wb
[14:17:58] <FrailLimbNursery> what
[14:18:01] <FrailLimbNursery> the
[14:18:03] <FrailLimbNursery> fuck
[14:18:06] <iSam> should i start?
[14:18:08] <RonaldoValer> oO
[14:18:11] <A38.png> do u wanna wait or not
[14:18:16] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[14:18:19] <iSam> how long ?
[14:18:19] <A38.png> just start ill meet u on the next dest
[14:18:24] <A38.png> whats ur next dest
[14:18:27] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 329 President, 210 IBEx, 192 ST, 186 Wizz, 182 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:18:34] <iSam> we havent started it yet
[14:18:40] <A38.png> then start it
[14:18:40] <A38.png> ill join later
[14:18:47] <iSam> Leafy Hollow
[14:18:50] <A38.png> which is in ?
[14:19:08] <iSam> wait
[14:19:13] <iSam> Treway
[14:19:16] <Treyway> ye
[14:19:18] <iSam> I'm stuck
[14:19:24] <Treyway> coming
[14:19:34] <iSam> no dont
[14:20:08] <iSam> go ahead
[14:20:10] <iSam> idk where it is
[14:20:21] <Treyway> ls
[14:20:21] <iSam> wtF?
[14:20:26] <Treyway> i was afk
[14:20:28] --> Airbus380_Pilot connected to the server
[14:20:28] <Treyway> checking map
[14:20:31] <iSam> you lagged for me
[14:20:31] <iSam> ok
[14:20:39] <A38.png> hi guys
[14:20:46] <iSam> hi mr cursed
[14:20:46] <A38.png> shit
[14:20:46] <Treyway> lmao
[14:20:51] <iSam> u nab
[14:20:54] <A38.png> i am curshed lmao
[14:21:15] <-- Brianna disconnected from the server
[14:21:22] <-- Airbus380_Pilot disconnected from the server
[14:21:28] --> Brianna connected to the server
[14:22:17] --> DiReWoLF connected to the server
[14:22:17] <A38.png> ur as shit as me
[14:22:19] <Treyway> go slowasses
[14:22:19] <iSam> no
[14:22:22] <iSam> lol
[14:22:40] <-- DiReWoLF disconnected from the server
[14:22:48] --> DiReWoLF connected to the server
[14:22:53] <A38.png> ur trailer is punching my truck
[14:23:08] <Treyway> let's wait sam
[14:23:11] --> Airbus380_Pilot connected to the server
[14:23:19] <Brianna> vodka
[14:23:21] <A38.png> ur no better than me lmao
[14:24:36] <-- Airbus380_Pilot disconnected from the server
[14:24:59] <Treyway> keep your convoy guys
[14:25:04] <A38.png> faaak
[14:25:22] <A38.png> can i join now ?
[14:25:25] <iSam> I'm low on fuel
[14:25:28] <iSam> yeah
[14:25:33] <iSam> !botc
[14:25:35] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 330 President, 210 IBEx, 193 ST, 186 Wizz, 184 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:25:43] <A38.png> where is treyway
[14:25:48] <iSam> where will i refuel?
[14:25:53] <A38.png> i can push u
[14:25:56] <iSam> no
[14:26:01] <iSam> i got 17 percent
[14:26:12] <A38.png> turn off engine, let me push lol
[14:26:24] --> Airbus380_Pilot connected to the server
[14:26:27] <-- Bleizi disconnected from the server
[14:26:35] <A38.png> lol what
[14:27:01] <A38.png> why not join /
[14:27:13] <A38.png> r u insane ?
[14:27:19] <iSam> lol
[14:27:21] <-- Airbus380_Pilot disconnected from the server
[14:27:21] <A38.png> speeding on a downhile turn ?
[14:27:26] <iSam> what are you doing?
[14:27:37] <A38.png> slowing down & turn
[14:27:39] <iSam> nah
[14:27:42] <A38.png> what are YOU doing /
[14:27:44] <iSam> u ruined my erntrance
[14:27:52] --> Bleizi connected to the server
[14:27:52] <A38.png> this isnt formula 1 ffs
[14:27:55] <A38.png> dont rush
[14:28:13] <iSam> ok then we go together
[14:28:29] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 330 President, 210 IBEx, 193 ST, 186 Wizz, 185 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:28:36] <A38.png> r u insane lolw
[14:28:39] <iSam> lol
[14:28:47] <iSam> i fked up
[14:28:47] <A38.png> just flip ur truck
[14:28:57] <A38.png> get in bish
[14:29:23] <iSam> A38 leave convoy
[14:29:25] <Treyway> xD
[14:29:36] <A38.png> join who ?
[14:29:38] <Treyway> !botc
[14:29:41] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 332 President, 210 IBEx, 193 ST, 186 Wizz, 185 LAN, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:29:46] <A38.png> no answer we kill us both
[14:29:49] <iSam> ST will be removed sadly
[14:29:57] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[14:30:02] <A38.png> wb
[14:30:02] <Delima_Rizki> wuedeh
[14:30:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> wb
[14:30:07] <Ayers> wuedeh
[14:30:12] <Delima_Rizki> ada JoJo
[14:30:12] <-- Airbus380_Pilot disconnected from the server
[14:30:15] <A38.png> soo... now what
[14:30:20] <iSam> we fk ourselfs?
[14:30:22] <iSam> idk lol
[14:30:33] <iSam> Hit pump
[14:30:38] --> Hellscythe[Elite] connected to the server
[14:30:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> kalpin
[14:30:43] <iSam> lets die together
[14:30:46] <Ayers> hadeh masi ada yg pake nama elite
[14:30:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> riko mana
[14:30:51] <iSam> lol
[14:30:56] <iSam> yayaa
[14:30:59] <Hellscythe[Elite]> eh nick gw apa ya
[14:30:59] <A38.png> fuck u
[14:31:09] <iSam> i wanted you to die
[14:31:12] <iSam> xd
[14:31:12] <Ayers> dulu masuk gojek ga
[14:31:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> first sentence u say is:
[14:31:17] <A38.png> lying nigga
[14:31:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> who won lotto?
[14:31:22] <Delima_Rizki> andri
[14:31:25] <A38.png> siapa algi
[14:31:27] <Ayers> gw 3x fir
[14:31:37] <Hellscythe[Elite]> perasaan yuudachi[elite] cm td masuk malah new acc
[14:31:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player yuudachi
[14:31:37] <Ayers> pertama 350k
[14:31:37] <iSam> I gotta go now
[14:31:40] (WEB) <robin_be> player yuudachi: 773 score, last seen 15 Months Ago
[14:31:40] <iSam> too tired
[14:31:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> ini bukan?
[14:31:45] <Ayers> kedua 680k
[14:31:48] <Ayers> ketiga 150k
[14:31:51] <Hellscythe[Elite]> oo
[14:31:51] <-- iSam disconnected from the server
[14:31:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> yaudah sekarang gua yang menang
[14:31:56] <-- Hellscythe[Elite] disconnected from the server
[14:31:58] <Ayers> tu kan
[14:32:01] <A38.png> treyway
[14:32:01] <Ayers> emg kontol kalo dah ada firza
[14:32:16] <Delima_Rizki> wkwkwk
[14:32:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> lotto terakhir berapa?
[14:32:27] <A38.png> wanna ?
[14:32:34] --> Yuudachi connected to the server
[14:32:40] <Yuudachi> ntap
[14:32:42] <A38.png> poi poi
[14:32:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> panggil riko
[14:32:47] <Ayers> yuudachi poi poi
[14:33:08] <Delima_Rizki> yuudachi siapa
[14:33:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> skor 773 potd 776
[14:33:18] <Ayers> kalpin
[14:33:21] <Delima_Rizki> oohh
[14:33:23] <Delima_Rizki> si cina muslim
[14:33:29] <Delima_Rizki> wkwkwk
[14:33:31] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[14:34:25] --> Airbus380_Pilot connected to the server
[14:34:28] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[14:34:33] <Ayers> wuedeh
[14:34:36] <Delima_Rizki> wuedeh
[14:34:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> tadi berapa lotto?
[14:34:49] <Ayers> lu mau rumus ga ja
[14:34:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> ah elah
[14:36:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2/5 mana dio anjing sini gelut
[14:36:11] <Agera> !interest 10000000
[14:36:14] (WEB) <robin_be> $10,000,000 will generate about $6,666 every 60 minutes
[14:36:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> Za warudo
[14:36:47] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[14:36:55] <Ayers> hadeh
[14:37:11] <Brianna> i just saw a bush in the air
[14:37:21] <Delima_Rizki> 9/11 confirmed
[14:37:26] <A38.png> george bush ?
[14:37:31] <Brianna> ye
[14:37:34] <-- Yuudachi disconnected from the server
[14:37:39] <A38.png> cool shoot it down
[14:37:44] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[14:38:02] <Rogz> !botc
[14:38:05] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 334 President, 210 IBEx, 193 ST, 189 LAN, 188 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:38:05] <Delima_Rizki> matiin streaming bokep lu fir
[14:38:31] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 334 President, 210 IBEx, 193 ST, 189 LAN, 188 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:39:43] <A38.png> fuuuuck
[14:40:12] <Rogz> 7s
[14:40:27] <RonaldoValer> army? who work is this?
[14:41:42] --> Yuudachi connected to the server
[14:41:52] <-- Yuudachi disconnected from the server
[14:41:55] <A38.png> bruh
[14:42:00] <A38.png> un cool
[14:42:00] <-- Brianna disconnected from the server
[14:42:29] --> Yuudachi connected to the server
[14:43:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> gosah kerja anjink gua mau potdd
[14:43:15] <Delima_Rizki> tod
[14:43:20] <Ayers> jgn ngegas la anjing
[14:44:58] <Treyway> join mine
[14:45:08] <Treyway> go refuel
[14:45:11] <Treyway> we will wait
[14:45:50] <Treyway> airbines
[14:45:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> wuedeh kerja 773 potd 776
[14:46:36] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[14:46:39] <A38.png> wb admen
[14:46:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> wb atmon
[14:46:44] <kingkings> wb dia
[14:46:49] <Delima_Rizki> wb
[14:46:49] <Ayers> wb berlian
[14:47:20] <diamondzxd> ty
[14:48:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> !licenses
[14:48:04] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has a license for dodo, maverick
[14:48:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> !licenses yuudachi
[14:48:17] (WEB) <robin_be> yuudachi has no licenses!
[14:48:23] <Delima_Rizki> ngegas amat
[14:48:33] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 336 President, 210 IBEx, 193 ST, 192 LAN, 189 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:48:54] <Ayers> kasi warna dong
[14:49:07] <Delima_Rizki> kasih warna almamater dong
[14:53:02] <RonaldoValer> o mg
[14:56:59] <RonaldoValer> skyai fleet --'
[14:57:07] <RonaldoValer> thx
[14:58:35] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 345 President, 210 IBEx, 197 LAN, 193 ST, 191 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[14:59:14] <Treyway> he's blocking the way
[15:01:05] <diamondzxd> !botcrip
[15:01:08] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 191 Wizz
[15:02:04] <diamondzxd> how much time left Joyadi?
[15:02:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> newyear?
[15:02:17] <diamondzxd> ye
[15:02:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> 3 hours
[15:02:22] <diamondzxd> nice
[15:02:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> gmt +7 nibbas
[15:02:33] <Agera> 8 hours here
[15:02:43] <diamondzxd> I heard Australians already celebrated 1 hour ago
[15:02:43] <A38.png> celebrating new year in pl
[15:02:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> europe?
[15:02:48] <Agera> ye
[15:02:48] <A38.png> cuz its raining outside lol
[15:02:58] <diamondzxd> and New Zealanders are also asleep lol
[15:03:01] <Delima_Rizki> tahun baru haram
[15:03:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> haydz
[15:03:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[15:03:12] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 345 President, 210 IBEx, 199 LAN, 193 ST, 192 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:03:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> masuk pesawat kebalik sini
[15:04:06] <Treyway> leggo
[15:04:14] <Yuudachi> anjeng stall gblk
[15:04:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> diomelin ait
[15:04:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> adit
[15:04:24] <Treyway> i put my trailer
[15:04:24] <Delima_Rizki> >:(
[15:04:27] <A38.png> what r y lot doing
[15:04:27] <Ayers> stall landing haram
[15:04:27] <-- DiReWoLF disconnected from the server
[15:04:29] <Ayers> kata adit
[15:04:32] <Yuudachi> dh lama g bawa pesawat
[15:04:47] <diamondzxd> one of my friends was in Bali yesterday
[15:04:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> hot
[15:05:00] <Delima_Rizki> Bali is good
[15:05:03] <Delima_Rizki> i like Bali
[15:05:05] <A38.png> overpriced
[15:05:05] <Yuudachi> tuh lamaran gw
[15:05:11] <diamondzxd> yeah he shared some stories of those pubs
[15:05:26] <Delima_Rizki> (.)(.)
[15:05:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> too bad cant drink becasue h a r a m
[15:05:36] <Ayers> h A r A m
[15:05:36] <diamondzxd> lmao
[15:05:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> ara ara
[15:05:49] <A38.png> laughs in non muslim
[15:05:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> reee diamond
[15:06:00] <diamondzxd> yeah I don't drink either, not because of that though
[15:06:05] <A38.png> i never drank lol
[15:06:05] <Delima_Rizki> kirain a38 islam
[15:06:13] <A38.png> ktp gw isalm
[15:06:15] <diamondzxd> I'm a pure vegetarian teetotaler gg
[15:06:15] <A38.png> padahal bukan
[15:06:20] <Delima_Rizki> aslinya apa
[15:06:26] <A38.png> buddha
[15:06:28] <A38.png> males ganti
[15:06:28] <Delima_Rizki> kok bisa
[15:06:31] <A38.png> ribet
[15:06:31] <Ayers> hadeh albert
[15:06:33] <Delima_Rizki> salah rekam?
[15:06:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> ching cheng hanji
[15:06:36] <A38.png> iye
[15:06:36] <Delima_Rizki> awkakw
[15:06:39] <diamondzxd> gantipresiden
[15:06:44] <A38.png> belom diganti data gw :v
[15:06:57] <Delima_Rizki> bjie
[15:06:57] <Delima_Rizki> bjir
[15:07:02] <Ayers> bjir moment
[15:07:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2019 gantipresiedn is not valid lul
[15:07:02] <A38.png> bodoamat gaduli :v
[15:07:07] <Bleizi> ?botc
[15:07:10] <Ayers> !player 29
[15:07:12] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player 29
[15:07:12] <A38.png> dah 2020
[15:07:15] <Delima_Rizki> lanjiao
[15:07:17] <A38.png> telat awokaok
[15:07:20] <Bleizi> !botc
[15:07:23] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 345 President, 210 IBEx, 202 LAN, 193 ST, 192 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:07:23] <Ayers> !player 2019gantipresiden
[15:07:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player 2019gantipresiden: 4981 score, last seen 22 Hours Ago
[15:07:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> tho the president is stay for jokowi
[15:07:41] <Delima_Rizki> jokowi nibbas
[15:07:46] <diamondzxd> yeah I researched in that names xD
[15:07:54] <A38.png> presiden yg sering disalahin ;v
[15:07:59] <diamondzxd> presidential campaigns haha
[15:08:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> toxic campaign
[15:08:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> :/
[15:08:17] <Yuudachi> anjeng ngeleg amat
[15:08:20] <Treyway> y
[15:08:22] <diamondzxd> you guys dont like him?
[15:08:22] <Delima_Rizki> plonga plongo moment
[15:08:28] <Ayers> i like him
[15:08:28] <Delima_Rizki> i like jokowi
[15:08:28] <A38.png> vps nya sampah
[15:08:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> not the president
[15:08:33] <A38.png> i like him]
[15:08:35] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 346 President, 210 IBEx, 202 LAN, 193 ST, 192 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:08:35] <Delima_Rizki> jokowi is a good president
[15:08:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> but the supporter
[15:08:38] <A38.png> not the minister though lol
[15:08:41] <Delima_Rizki> but many extrimist hate him
[15:08:43] <diamondzxd> ahhh
[15:08:43] <Ayers> i hate the supporter
[15:08:51] <A38.png> t
[15:08:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> and yet the extrimist
[15:08:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> and the opposite's supporter
[15:09:06] <-- Bleizi disconnected from the server
[15:09:17] <A38.png> politics is complicated lets not talk about it lol
[15:09:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> using religion to... yea u know
[15:09:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea too complicated
[15:09:30] <A38.png> sounds like disaster to happen
[15:09:37] <Delima_Rizki> religion to discriminate the voters
[15:09:40] <A38.png> yes
[15:09:40] <A38.png> i remember that
[15:09:48] --> DiReWoLF connected to the server
[15:09:48] <A38.png> fuck my truck is stuck
[15:09:50] <A38.png> faaaak
[15:09:58] --> Bleizi connected to the server
[15:10:01] <A38.png> uhh
[15:10:01] <A38.png> help
[15:10:06] <A38.png> rogz ?
[15:10:16] <diamondzxd> sec
[15:10:19] <-- DiReWoLF disconnected from the server
[15:10:21] <Yuudachi> a/tc
[15:10:26] --> DiReWoLF connected to the server
[15:10:47] --> Beam connected to the server
[15:10:50] <A38.png> wb
[15:10:50] <-- DiReWoLF disconnected from the server
[15:10:55] <diamondzxd> wb rjay!
[15:10:55] <Beam> thank you !
[15:11:00] <RonaldoValer> wb
[15:11:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> w/
[15:11:05] <Beam> thanks guys :D
[15:11:08] <A38.png> stuck in a pp rip
[15:11:16] <diamondzxd> finally got the samp working? :d
[15:11:16] --> DiReWoLF connected to the server
[15:11:21] <Beam> yeah
[15:11:26] <Beam> mods are not
[15:11:31] <Delima_Rizki> bjir bau dupa
[15:11:44] <A38.png> thx diamond
[15:11:52] <diamondzxd> np
[15:12:36] <A38.png> !botc
[15:12:38] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1402 Star, 346 President, 210 IBEx, 203 LAN, 193 ST, 193 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:13:12] <Treyway> TF
[15:13:27] <diamondzxd> so event will be over tonight
[15:13:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> !scores
[15:13:40] <A38.png> what event
[15:13:43] <A38.png> botc?
[15:13:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[15:13:51] <Ayers> yey
[15:13:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 3802 score, 3571 missions: 28'/. trucking - 7'/. shamal - 7'/. rescue
[15:13:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> hore
[15:13:56] <Delima_Rizki> wuedeh
[15:13:56] <Ayers> hore
[15:14:04] <RonaldoValer> oO
[15:14:04] <Yuudachi> .atc
[15:14:06] <A38.png> gojek op pls nerf
[15:14:06] <diamondzxd> lmao wow
[15:14:06] <Delima_Rizki> ojol unite
[15:14:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> /t /l
[15:14:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah transX might flying roadtrain
[15:14:19] <diamondzxd> joyadi dont care about his score balance now :o
[15:14:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea i must do 1k shamal and other
[15:15:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> and p o t d
[15:15:19] <A38.png> potd whore :v
[15:15:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> :>
[15:15:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2.2k * 4k
[15:15:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> or more than 4k dunno
[15:16:08] <-- RonaldoValer disconnected from the server
[15:16:54] <Beam> yeah I see
[15:17:22] <Treyway> Hi
[15:17:27] <Beam> hello
[15:18:37] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1403 Star, 348 President, 210 IBEx, 206 LAN, 193 ST, 193 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:18:40] <Rogz> 7fix
[15:21:22] --> deathlife23 connected to the server
[15:22:55] <A38.png> i find it bizzare my old earphone outlast the newer model from the same company
[15:23:34] <diamondzxd> lmao yesterday night the earphone's bass bud got stuck in my sister's earlobe
[15:23:42] <A38.png> ... wait
[15:23:44] <A38.png> what
[15:23:44] <A38.png> lol
[15:23:44] <diamondzxd> she got hella freaked out
[15:23:52] <A38.png> the earbuds thing got stuck ?
[15:23:52] <A38.png> lmao
[15:24:00] <diamondzxd> it got detached from the earphone
[15:24:07] <A38.png> first time that happened to me i kinda went "oh shit wtf"
[15:24:13] <A38.png> w
[15:24:25] <diamondzxd> yeah at like 1 am she was punching me for help
[15:24:28] <Beam> anyone using gta all mods?
[15:24:31] <A38.png> now its more of an annoyand
[15:24:38] <A38.png> it must be hilarious
[15:24:46] <diamondzxd> at the first sight I coulnd't even see it lmao
[15:24:49] --> shiv connected to the server
[15:24:54] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[15:24:54] <A38.png> wb
[15:24:56] <kingkings> wb
[15:24:56] <A38.png> shiv
[15:24:59] <A38.png> uwu
[15:24:59] <Ayers> wb
[15:25:01] <shiv> ayo
[15:25:01] <shiv> owo
[15:25:01] <diamondzxd> saw it with mobile torch and plucked it out somehow haha
[15:25:04] <Beam> wb
[15:25:04] <diamondzxd> wb
[15:25:09] <A38.png> lol
[15:25:12] <shiv> !botc
[15:25:15] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1405 Star, 351 President, 210 IBEx, 209 LAN, 194 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:25:20] <shiv> F TransX ain't winning
[15:25:22] <A38.png> yay wizz above st lol
[15:25:30] <Beam> !bota
[15:25:33] (WEB) <robin_be> BOTA is over, gz Jetstar, IA, AA and everyone else
[15:25:35] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[15:25:40] <Ayers> anjing
[15:25:40] <shiv> kontol
[15:25:43] <shiv> wb
[15:25:46] <Beam> LOL
[15:25:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> kontol
[15:25:48] <Delima_Rizki> kontol
[15:25:56] <A38.png> lmao
[15:26:01] <Yuudachi> tytyd
[15:26:04] <A38.png> pada demen kontol ye
[15:26:09] <Ayers> ya
[15:26:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea who teach admin K-Word
[15:26:14] <Delima_Rizki> gue doyannya meki
[15:26:17] <Ayers> kan kita penonton jojo
[15:26:17] <shiv> yeah
[15:26:19] <diamondzxd> wkwkwkwk
[15:26:22] <A38.png> njir
[15:26:22] <Delima_Rizki> meki cyna
[15:26:29] <A38.png> miring dong
[15:26:35] <Delima_Rizki> mpsshhh bau barongsai
[15:26:40] <Ayers> kwkwkwkw
[15:26:42] <A38.png> awokaok goblok
[15:26:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> bau dupa
[15:26:58] <Rogz> !botcrip
[15:27:01] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 193 ST
[15:27:01] <Treyway> GO W
[15:27:06] <Delima_Rizki> !rank
[15:27:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Delima_Rizki(7810) rank: Commercial First Officer(7000) next: Commercial Captain(8000) (+190)
[15:27:11] <A38.png> lol what
[15:27:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> wait ST rip.?
[15:27:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[15:27:22] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1406 Star, 354 President, 210 IBEx, 209 LAN, 195 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:27:29] <A38.png> chasing lan
[15:27:32] <Ayers> battle lan vs st
[15:27:35] <-- Beam disconnected from the server
[15:27:40] <shiv> yeah RIP ST
[15:27:53] <diamondzxd> yeah man who cares about transx or go jek, lan vs st is the real competition
[15:28:08] <shiv> TransX already accepted 2nd tbh
[15:28:13] <shiv> #2nd for life
[15:28:18] <diamondzxd> look how those guys are doing 1 mission / week
[15:28:29] <diamondzxd> such dedication!
[15:28:37] <A38.png> lol who
[15:28:39] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2643 TransX, 1406 Star, 354 President, 210 LAN, 210 IBEx, 195 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:28:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> err shiv you can flying using roadtrain
[15:28:50] <shiv> I can yes
[15:28:52] <shiv> but I won't
[15:28:52] <shiv> that'
[15:28:55] <shiv> that's just scummy
[15:29:05] <A38.png> sounds like fun tho
[15:29:10] <shiv> nah
[15:29:18] --> Beam connected to the server
[15:29:18] <diamondzxd> that and the trailer keeps detaching lmao
[15:29:23] <shiv> p much
[15:30:02] <Beam> why my previous mods still installed?, but i already uninstalled it
[15:30:10] --> Chrissy_Costanza connected to the server
[15:30:18] <shiv> what mod?
[15:30:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> brevalda balikin garuda anjing
[15:30:23] <Beam> hmm its gta all
[15:30:23] <diamondzxd> so I leased this IP address and it got routed to Crystal's city lmao
[15:30:25] <Chrissy_Costanza> samlekom
[15:30:31] <Ayers> brevalda mana gia
[15:30:31] <Beam> hey brevalda
[15:30:33] <Beam> its me rjay
[15:30:36] <A38.png> lol cluckin bell ad never fails to make me crack
[15:30:38] <Chrissy_Costanza> hi
[15:30:43] <Chrissy_Costanza> gua terkenal bjir
[15:30:49] <Delima_Rizki> bjir
[15:30:49] <Ayers> bjir moment
[15:30:56] <A38.png> biji anjir
[15:31:02] <Delima_Rizki> apasi lu
[15:31:09] <A38.png> galak banget
[15:31:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player santet
[15:31:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player santet: 2690 score, last seen 26 Days Ago
[15:31:17] <diamondzxd> mimpi adanah kunti
[15:31:22] <Ayers> !player sabtet
[15:31:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player sabtet: 0 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[15:31:25] <Treyway> !botc
[15:31:31] <Delima_Rizki> wkwk
[15:31:31] <diamondzxd> untuk kittah
[15:31:33] <Beam> !player Silver
[15:31:33] <Treyway> !botc
[15:31:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player Silver: 11969 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[15:31:39] <Treyway> !botcz
[15:31:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> wow
[15:33:58] <Chrissy_Costanza> .r good
[15:34:27] <A38.png> lol why is diamon bullet in the middle of the road
[15:34:29] <A38.png> in SF
[15:34:50] <A38.png> aand its gone
[15:34:50] <diamondzxd> should be gone now
[15:35:26] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[15:35:55] <-- Beam disconnected from the server
[15:36:41] <A38.png> jam 9.30 makan....
[15:36:41] <A38.png> siap
[15:36:54] <Delima_Rizki> lu akan ngerti kalo dah dewasa
[15:36:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua jam 1 pagi makan juga sans
[15:37:14] <Delima_Rizki> apalagi pas skripsian bjir
[15:37:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> ha?
[15:37:40] <Yuudachi> anjeng kejebur mulu
[15:37:43] <Delima_Rizki> f
[15:37:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> /fpslimit 30
[15:38:06] <Chrissy_Costanza> bjir gua ganteng
[15:38:24] <Yuudachi> kaga itu gw mainin hydra jebur mulu
[15:38:40] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2647 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 214 LAN, 210 IBEx, 197 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:38:45] <kingkings> jetstar company have an awesome base but they dont realize
[15:39:18] <Chrissy_Costanza> gblk
[15:39:21] <A38.png> gg lah
[15:39:49] <A38.png> afk alasanya makin gila :v
[15:39:54] --> Treyway connected to the server
[15:39:57] <A38.png> wb
[15:39:57] <A38.png> tray
[15:40:02] <Treyway> ty
[15:40:10] <Treyway> it's TREYWAY!!
[15:40:18] <A38.png> i was about to call u food tray
[15:40:18] <A38.png> but ok
[15:40:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> !houses danielson
[15:40:49] (WEB) <robin_be> Red County: $3,500,000 5 slots Paradiso: $2,100,000 3 slots Bone County: $2,500,000 7 slots None Saved: $2,(..)
[15:40:52] <A38.png> !assets treyway
[15:40:54] (WEB) <robin_be> treyway has 1 car(s) ($180,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $180,000
[15:40:59] <A38.png> premiere ?
[15:41:05] <A38.png> !cars treyway
[15:41:05] <Treyway> no uranus
[15:41:07] (WEB) <robin_be> treyway has: Uranus
[15:41:10] <A38.png> nice
[15:41:12] <A38.png> we have the same car
[15:41:25] <Treyway> i have 3mil in bank
[15:41:28] <shiv> same
[15:41:33] <A38.png> i have non lol
[15:41:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> !houses
[15:41:38] <A38.png> cepet banget
[15:41:41] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $10,000,000 10 slots Paradiso: $2,200,000 4 slots Grove Street: $8,800,000 6 slots Bone County: (..)
[15:41:46] <Chrissy_Costanza> !houses
[15:41:50] (WEB) <robin_be> None Saved: $1,000,000 2 slots
[15:42:00] <shiv> wait Joyadi Madd Dogg's mansion was 10m?
[15:42:05] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[15:42:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea
[15:42:13] <Chrissy_Costanza> kaya bjir
[15:42:13] <A38.png> how rich r u
[15:42:16] <shiv> wth Aaron actually did a fair price house
[15:42:21] <A38.png> rumah cj aja dibeli
[15:42:34] <kingkings> !houses
[15:42:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $9,000,000 8 slots
[15:42:36] <Chrissy_Costanza> aset gua ilang mulu bjir
[15:42:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> what inside of Ludred / TBNR's mind
[15:42:44] <shiv> good question
[15:42:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> sell his madd dogg for devon
[15:42:49] <shiv> beats me
[15:42:49] <A38.png> masuk tiap 2 minggu ?s
[15:43:05] <Chrissy_Costanza> nggak
[15:43:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> >how rich r u
[15:43:15] <Chrissy_Costanza> bjir thank you
[15:43:18] <Delima_Rizki> masama
[15:43:18] <kingkings> !cars
[15:43:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> hehe, u know
[15:43:20] (WEB) <robin_be> kingkings has: Infernus Enforcer Rhino Clover AT-400
[15:43:23] --> Treyway connected to the server
[15:43:28] <A38.png> !assets joyadijoestart
[15:43:28] <A38.png> wb
[15:43:31] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player joyadijoestart
[15:43:31] <A38.png> trey
[15:43:33] <A38.png> !assets joyadijoestar
[15:43:36] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player joyadijoestar
[15:43:39] <Treyway> y
[15:43:39] <Delima_Rizki> wkwk
[15:43:41] <Ayers> hayo
[15:43:41] <Treyway> ty
[15:43:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> hayo
[15:43:44] <Ayers> sekali lagi salah dapet piala
[15:43:47] <A38.png> !assets joyadijoestar.
[15:43:47] <A38.png> ha
[15:43:49] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar. has 25 car(s) ($17,890,000) and 4 house(s) ($29,400,000 - 27 slots) for a total of $47,290,000
[15:43:52] <Ayers> yey
[15:43:52] <A38.png> lucu kalian
[15:43:57] <Delima_Rizki> woiyadong
[15:44:02] <Treyway> Richass
[15:44:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> kaya karena macul dong
[15:44:13] <A38.png> mainin tuyul :v
[15:44:18] <kingkings> !bota
[15:44:18] <Delima_Rizki> kaya di PL
[15:44:21] (WEB) <robin_be> BOTA is over, gz Jetstar, IA, AA and everyone else
[15:44:21] <kingkings> !botc
[15:44:21] <Delima_Rizki> di real life sengsaras
[15:44:23] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2649 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 215 LAN, 210 IBEx, 198 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:44:28] <A38.png> awokaowk momen
[15:44:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> di real life masuk angin
[15:44:36] <Ayers> njir sama
[15:44:39] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[15:44:52] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[15:45:02] <-- Yuudachi disconnected from the server
[15:45:43] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[15:45:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> cara kaya menang derby
[15:45:59] <Rogz> star inc /fleet
[15:46:09] <A38.png> hoki tgl 28
[15:48:41] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2650 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 217 LAN, 210 IBEx, 199 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:49:40] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[15:51:26] <DiReWoLF> wrf
[15:51:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> ye report mi i shot missil, not fler
[15:51:49] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[15:52:00] <FrailLimbNursery> test
[15:52:02] <Chrissy_Costanza> ini siapa bgsd
[15:52:05] <FrailLimbNursery> test
[15:52:07] <Delima_Rizki> org singapur
[15:52:28] <Chrissy_Costanza> anak sini namanya ganti ganti ajg , kek lonte pinggir rumah gua
[15:52:31] <Ayers> !player ludred
[15:52:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player ludred: 5581 score, last seen Online Now
[15:52:39] <Delima_Rizki> mau dong nomor wa nya
[15:52:39] <kingkings> !botc
[15:52:41] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2651 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 219 LAN, 210 IBEx, 199 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:52:41] <Ayers> nice
[15:52:46] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[15:52:59] <Chrissy_Costanza> lombanya sampek kapan?
[15:53:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> ampe taun baru
[15:53:12] <Chrissy_Costanza> zeeb
[15:53:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> taun baru london
[15:53:35] <Delima_Rizki> besok pagi kalo jam indon
[15:53:43] <Delima_Rizki> jam 7 pagi
[15:53:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> jam 7 pagi indo dah silahkan pake truck ampe mampus
[15:54:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets brooklyn
[15:54:12] (WEB) <robin_be> brooklyn has 11 car(s) ($1,800,000) and 2 house(s) ($12,500,000 - 10 slots) for a total of $14,300,000
[15:54:40] <Chrissy_Costanza> kerja apa yang duitnya kenceng?
[15:54:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> hydra
[15:54:50] <Delima_Rizki> cargo drop
[15:54:50] <Chrissy_Costanza> cargo drop?
[15:55:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> cargo drop kalo jaman haydz gak gembel
[15:55:21] <Chrissy_Costanza> target harini 2m
[15:55:21] <Chrissy_Costanza> kwkwkwk
[15:55:29] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[15:55:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> yakin?
[15:55:34] <Chrissy_Costanza> kagak sih
[15:55:34] <Delima_Rizki> emg udh bukan cargodrop lg skrg?
[15:55:45] <Delima_Rizki> yg kenceng
[15:55:55] <Chrissy_Costanza> kek nya masih
[15:56:00] <Chrissy_Costanza> shamal gua 700m udah 20k++
[15:56:03] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[15:56:08] <Chrissy_Costanza> 7000m
[15:56:31] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[15:58:43] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2653 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 220 LAN, 210 IBEx, 199 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[15:58:56] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[16:00:31] <Chrissy_Costanza> pengen cukrik slur
[16:00:34] <Delima_Rizki> cukrik apaan
[16:00:47] <Chrissy_Costanza> miras
[16:00:47] <Rogz> 7fix
[16:01:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> dream for crot
[16:01:18] <Delima_Rizki> mimbas
[16:01:18] <Chrissy_Costanza> crot enak slur
[16:01:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets ayers
[16:01:38] (WEB) <robin_be> ayers has 12 car(s) ($4,950,000) and 3 house(s) ($15,700,000 - 17 slots) for a total of $20,650,000
[16:02:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> !houses ayers
[16:02:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $9,500,000 8 slots Los Santos: $2,000,000 4 slots Paradiso: $4,200,000 5 slots
[16:04:34] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[16:04:47] --> shiv connected to the server
[16:05:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cars
[16:05:57] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has: Trashmaster Voodoo Ambulance Premier Bus Bus Bus Rhino Barracks Romero Seasparrow PCJ-60(..)
[16:08:45] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 223 LAN, 210 IBEx, 199 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:08:48] <deathlife23> where can i get a beagle
[16:08:53] <shiv> Verdant Meadows
[16:08:56] <shiv> for 800k
[16:09:03] <deathlife23> i mean that you can use
[16:09:03] <shiv> 700k*
[16:09:08] <shiv> oh uhh
[16:09:08] <deathlife23> and not buy
[16:09:14] <shiv> LSA has them
[16:09:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> try LSA...
[16:09:19] <deathlife23> i'm at LSIA
[16:09:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> or Blueberry airport
[16:09:32] <shiv> check near RW 09
[16:09:34] <deathlife23> where's LSA
[16:09:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> and santa maria airport
[16:09:50] <Delima_Rizki> jauh amat santa maria
[16:11:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> woww
[16:11:10] <Ayers> santai bos
[16:11:12] <diamondzxd> whoops
[16:11:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> this is why i stop
[16:11:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> >:(
[16:11:23] <shiv> what'd diamond do?
[16:11:25] <Ayers> repair please
[16:11:28] <Chrissy_Costanza> napa slur?
[16:11:30] <deathlife23> You can retract the gear in the beagle?
[16:11:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> slap romero's ass
[16:11:36] <shiv> no
[16:11:41] <deathlife23> then why the hell can i retract it
[16:11:41] <Delima_Rizki> no
[16:11:43] <shiv> oh uhh
[16:11:48] <Ayers> ty
[16:11:48] <shiv> you have AI_Planes installed?
[16:11:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> err... you can /repair with baggage
[16:11:56] <deathlife23> yeah
[16:12:06] <shiv> yeah uhh
[16:12:09] <shiv> uninstall
[16:12:14] <deathlife23> why btw
[16:12:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> and this romero has weakest car ever
[16:12:30] <shiv> gives an unfair advantage
[16:12:35] <deathlife23> what unfair advantage?
[16:12:37] <shiv> makes the beagle go faster than vanilla allows
[16:12:45] <shiv> can trigger anticheat and ban you
[16:12:53] <Chrissy_Costanza> h3hh3h3
[16:12:58] <deathlife23> shit
[16:13:01] <deathlife23> like how much faster
[16:13:06] <shiv> way faster
[16:13:11] <shiv> like 95kts
[16:13:21] <shiv> vanilla is like 75kts iirc
[16:13:24] <deathlife23> is that more than 270 km?
[16:13:26] <shiv> nope
[16:13:26] <deathlife23> per hour
[16:13:34] <Chrissy_Costanza> bjir karma
[16:13:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> how much we must pay to unclaim veh?
[16:13:47] <shiv> you can use mods that have T4.cs tho
[16:13:50] <Chrissy_Costanza> 1m
[16:13:52] <shiv> that doesn't trigger the exploit
[16:14:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> 10'/. from purchase
[16:14:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> ?
[16:14:05] <Chrissy_Costanza> 1m
[16:14:08] <shiv> yeah unclamp fee is 10'/.
[16:14:18] <deathlife23> yeah
[16:14:21] <deathlife23> i just noticed
[16:14:28] <deathlife23> any other airplane that has this problem?
[16:14:31] <shiv> Beagle and Dodo
[16:14:44] <Chrissy_Costanza> how to fleet cars?
[16:14:44] <Ayers> hmmm
[16:14:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> so this is one we hide the roadtrain
[16:14:46] <shiv> /rc
[16:14:54] <Chrissy_Costanza> thanks
[16:14:57] <Ayers> f
[16:14:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> >:(
[16:15:02] <deathlife23> can you install any mods in the beagle?
[16:15:15] <shiv> I think there are some
[16:15:17] <Chrissy_Costanza> !asset
[16:15:17] <shiv> gtainside may have some
[16:15:25] <Chrissy_Costanza> !assets
[16:15:25] <deathlife23> yeah i found a pilatus that needed al planes
[16:15:25] <shiv> but they may need AI_planes
[16:15:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Chrissy_Costanza has 1 car(s) ($130,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,000,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $1,130,000
[16:15:30] <deathlife23> it's cool but it sucks
[16:15:33] <shiv> ikr
[16:15:36] <deathlife23> that i have to remove it
[16:15:38] <shiv> especially the osprey
[16:15:41] <shiv> I know :/
[16:15:43] <shiv> but it's to keep it fair
[16:15:46] <Rogz> 7w
[16:15:46] <shiv> hope you understand
[16:15:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> wait me and ayers thinking lotto
[16:16:04] <shiv> t/forcelotto
[16:16:48] --> Thif_BR connected to the server
[16:17:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> and this is the second one
[16:17:01] <Thif_BR> !botc
[16:17:04] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 225 LAN, 210 IBEx, 199 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:17:06] <Ayers> nice pro tip
[16:17:09] <deathlife23> it kinda sucks tho that dodo and beagle go so slow but i didnt know that it made it faster
[16:17:11] <Chrissy_Costanza> bjir anak st
[16:17:19] <Thif_BR> !botcrip
[16:17:22] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 193 ST
[16:17:30] <deathlife23> do you know any planes with live cockpit tho
[16:17:32] <Chrissy_Costanza> !botcrip
[16:17:35] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 193 ST
[16:17:35] <shiv> uhh
[16:17:43] <shiv> there's an A321 mod with T4.cs
[16:17:45] <shiv> lemme find it
[16:17:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> and yes there was old gojek
[16:17:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> or garuda express
[16:18:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> company base
[16:18:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> that RS Haul payphone
[16:18:22] <shiv>
[16:18:29] <Chrissy_Costanza> habis 1jt off ah mau skibidipapap
[16:18:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> katanya 2jt
[16:18:40] <Chrissy_Costanza> capek bjir
[16:18:45] <Chrissy_Costanza> h3h3h3h
[16:18:48] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 225 LAN, 210 IBEx, 199 Wizz, 193 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:18:58] <Delima_Rizki> skidipapap juga capek
[16:19:03] <Chrissy_Costanza> tapi enak
[16:19:24] <Chrissy_Costanza> apalagi sama tante semok montok hmmmmm
[16:19:26] <Chrissy_Costanza> mmmppshhhhh
[16:19:34] <Delima_Rizki> alah coli doang paling
[16:19:34] <deathlife23> shiv
[16:19:39] <shiv> hm?
[16:19:39] <deathlife23> i dont think that has live cockpit
[16:19:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> and this 2 other
[16:19:44] <deathlife23> and it doesnt mention T
[16:19:44] <deathlife23> and it doesnt mention T4
[16:19:47] <shiv> live cockpit as in?
[16:19:50] <shiv> that has T4
[16:19:55] <shiv> I use it
[16:19:57] <Chrissy_Costanza> :)
[16:20:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> this was AT-400 park
[16:20:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> and androm
[16:20:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> back when 50 fleet was easy to get
[16:20:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> go FLY
[16:20:46] <Bleizi> got deadmatched ty...
[16:20:59] <shiv> uhh Joyadi you still have 2 Roadtrains from GO-JEK at SF
[16:21:04] <Chrissy_Costanza> kualat bjir
[16:21:04] <shiv> move them pls thanksies
[16:21:15] <shiv> I'll help youg
[16:21:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> SFA? Really?
[16:21:20] <Chrissy_Costanza> capek ah
[16:21:20] <Delima_Rizki> bjir
[16:21:25] <Chrissy_Costanza> bye
[16:21:33] <-- Chrissy_Costanza disconnected from the server
[16:21:33] <shiv> wait nvm my bad
[16:21:35] <deathlife23> SHIV
[16:21:35] <shiv> it's LAN Cargo
[16:21:38] <deathlife23> ok
[16:21:38] <shiv> hi
[16:21:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> reeee
[16:21:43] <Delima_Rizki> wkwkw
[16:21:48] <Ayers> ye fitnah
[16:21:53] <Ayers> wkwkw
[16:21:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> and LAN's CEO was oof-ed
[16:21:59] <shiv> F
[16:22:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> and now diamond moving nonsense
[16:22:17] <deathlife23> SHIV
[16:22:19] <deathlife23> it doesnt work
[16:22:19] <shiv> hi
[16:22:22] <shiv> you sure?
[16:22:27] <deathlife23> yeah
[16:22:29] <shiv> you use modloader?
[16:22:29] <deathlife23> no T4 in folder
[16:22:37] <shiv> hold on
[16:22:37] <deathlife23> and there's no live cockpit
[16:23:03] <shiv> live cockpit as in?
[16:23:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> skyair yea
[16:23:11] <shiv> with working displays and stuff?
[16:23:26] <deathlife23> ya
[16:23:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> hax gate
[16:23:39] <shiv> guess not then
[16:23:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> hacker
[16:23:47] <shiv> what AT mod you have with working displays tho?
[16:23:49] <shiv> I'm interested
[16:23:55] <Ayers> terbang lagi dong bang
[16:23:55] <deathlife23> i have a shamal
[16:24:00] <deathlife23> with working displays
[16:24:00] <shiv> ooh
[16:24:05] <shiv> could you link it?
[16:24:05] <Ayers> lag
[16:24:13] <Rogz> ???
[16:24:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player guy
[16:24:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player guy: 262 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[16:24:31] <Rogz> shiv
[16:24:33] <shiv> hi
[16:24:36] <Rogz> can't refuel this
[16:24:44] <shiv> which?
[16:24:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice hayden isladn
[16:24:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> portlandie
[16:24:57] <Rogz> ty
[16:25:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> and... augusto severo
[16:25:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> portlandia - hayden bridge still not fixed, right?
[16:25:41] <shiv> uhh the drawbridge?
[16:25:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea
[16:25:46] <shiv> nope
[16:25:48] <diamondzxd> whats wrong with it
[16:25:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> aight
[16:25:59] <shiv> its set as a gate iirc
[16:26:04] <shiv> and I think it's bugged
[16:26:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> set as gate, but object is bridge
[16:26:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> stragt
[16:26:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> This bridfe
[16:26:55] <diamondzxd> hmm? :D
[16:27:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> you need to be admin to open this gate
[16:27:03] <Ayers> you need to be an admin
[16:27:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> gimme admin :>
[16:27:16] <shiv> which gate?
[16:27:16] <diamondzxd> lets fix that
[16:27:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> this hayden bridge
[16:27:29] <shiv> oh
[16:27:31] <shiv> uhh
[16:27:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> said gate
[16:27:49] <shiv> pfft
[16:27:52] <shiv> neat
[16:28:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[16:28:05] <shiv> neat
[16:28:10] <Ayers> kok gw ga bisa
[16:28:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> i can close the "gate"
[16:28:18] --> TheTrucker963 connected to the server
[16:28:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> but still can't "open"
[16:28:26] <TheTrucker963> Hey all
[16:28:26] <Ayers> i can close but can't open
[16:28:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[16:28:28] <shiv> ayo wb
[16:28:31] <TheTrucker963> Ty
[16:28:41] <-- DiReWoLF disconnected from the server
[16:28:44] <diamondzxd> yeah ids are messed again, dont worry, it'll be fixed soon
[16:28:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> chill
[16:28:49] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 225 LAN, 210 IBEx, 199 Wizz, 196 ST, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:28:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> wow dm
[16:29:02] <shiv> wow
[16:29:02] <Ayers> dm
[16:29:10] <Ayers> nice
[16:29:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> who drive
[16:29:20] <deathlife23> shiv
[16:29:23] <shiv> yo
[16:29:23] <deathlife23> i found a cessna with live cockpit
[16:29:28] <shiv> oooo
[16:29:30] <shiv> send it
[16:29:33] <diamondzxd> huhuhu
[16:29:38] <deathlife23> problem is
[16:29:43] <deathlife23> its with al
[16:29:43] <shiv> it needs AI_planes
[16:29:46] <deathlife23> :(
[16:29:46] <shiv> well fuck
[16:29:46] <shiv> :(
[16:29:56] <shiv> still send it pls
[16:29:59] <shiv> I wanna test it in SP
[16:30:12] <deathlife23> for some reason the pitch indicator is bugged
[16:30:17] <shiv> bugged how?
[16:30:40] <shiv> heck
[16:30:48] <shiv> needs overhauling lmao
[16:30:56] <deathlife23> yeah i want to fix it but idk how :(
[16:30:58] <shiv> but fr can you link it pls
[16:32:26] <deathlife23> sup
[16:32:31] <diamondzxd> nice landing
[16:32:36] <deathlife23> best landing ever
[16:32:36] <shiv> hi
[16:32:41] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[16:32:57] <deathlife23> lets bet i can land the shamal inverted
[16:32:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[16:32:59] <deathlife23> oh shit
[16:33:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> this is a vip lounge
[16:33:12] <deathlife23> so we wanna do it?
[16:33:15] <deathlife23> land a shamal inverted?
[16:33:17] <diamondzxd> new one's coming up here
[16:33:28] <Ayers> wow
[16:33:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[16:33:38] <diamondzxd> see those flashing neon effect
[16:33:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> wait
[16:33:48] <deathlife23> ey diamond homie
[16:33:51] --> shiv connected to the server
[16:33:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice i can dm at vip lounge
[16:33:53] <deathlife23> you wanna bet i can land the shamal inverted
[16:33:53] <deathlife23> xd
[16:33:56] <TheTrucker963> Wb shiv
[16:33:56] <Rogz> wb
[16:33:59] <shiv> ayo
[16:34:06] <diamondzxd> this feels like disco floor
[16:34:06] <deathlife23> come on lets land
[16:34:11] <diamondzxd> sure
[16:34:17] <deathlife23> go to the shamal
[16:34:17] --> Ludred connected to the server
[16:34:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea diamond can sultan inverted
[16:34:24] <deathlife23> ill land it inverted
[16:34:27] <Ludred> a fuck
[16:34:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> so sure he can shamal inverted
[16:34:35] <Ludred> I've played xbox for 5 hours now smfh
[16:34:40] <deathlife23> sec
[16:34:42] <diamondzxd> i can fly it reverse at most
[16:35:03] <deathlife23> rip it respawned
[16:35:13] <diamondzxd> left click
[16:35:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> punch to get in
[16:35:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> not G
[16:35:19] <deathlife23> wait
[16:35:21] <deathlife23> im in the interior
[16:35:24] <deathlife23> fuck
[16:35:29] <diamondzxd> come ot
[16:35:29] <diamondzxd> out
[16:35:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> PUNCH to get in, S to get out
[16:35:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> or... LMB
[16:35:49] <diamondzxd> come
[16:36:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes diamond can nebada inverted
[16:36:44] <diamondzxd> sec lemme get mouse lmao
[16:36:46] <deathlife23> is this nevada a fucking airbus
[16:36:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[16:36:49] <deathlife23> I CANT FUCKING INVERT IT
[16:37:22] <Ludred> france is a dick in Hoi4
[16:37:30] <shiv> oops
[16:37:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[16:37:41] <Ayers> f
[16:37:56] <deathlife23> i can fly the shamal inverted for a long period of time
[16:37:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> 7-8 years playing PL
[16:38:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> still can't landing backward
[16:38:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[16:38:09] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[16:38:17] <deathlife23> i cant fly backward
[16:38:24] <diamondzxd> yeah its easier to do with a Hydra
[16:38:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2012-2014, coming back at 2019*
[16:38:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[16:38:38] <deathlife23> shit
[16:38:38] <diamondzxd> smh death lmao
[16:38:40] <deathlife23> repair my
[16:38:43] <deathlife23> PLANE
[16:38:45] <deathlife23> its going to die
[16:38:45] <diamondzxd> /fix
[16:38:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> yeah repair his plane
[16:38:51] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 230 LAN, 210 IBEx, 199 ST, 199 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:39:04] <Ayers> mau ikutan ga dit
[16:39:06] <Delima_Rizki> gak
[16:39:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[16:39:19] <deathlife23> shit
[16:39:22] <Delima_Rizki> eh boleh deh
[16:39:24] <deathlife23> HELP DIAMOND
[16:39:27] <diamondzxd> imma try with a Hydra smh
[16:39:29] --> Treyway connected to the server
[16:39:32] <deathlife23> DIAMOND HELP
[16:39:35] <TheTrucker963> Wb Treyway
[16:39:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> tbnr hello
[16:39:58] <Treyway> ty
[16:40:03] <diamondzxd> smh
[16:40:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmao
[16:40:08] <deathlife23> SHIT I CANT FLY THE HYDRA
[16:40:11] <deathlife23> SET ME TO 250
[16:40:11] <diamondzxd> left click
[16:40:19] <Ayers> wtf this hydra
[16:40:21] <deathlife23> i cant fly the hydra
[16:40:21] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[16:40:21] <Treyway> !botc
[16:40:21] <deathlife23> for fuck sakes
[16:40:24] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 230 LAN, 210 IBEx, 199 ST, 199 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:40:24] <Ayers> nah
[16:40:26] <deathlife23> please help
[16:40:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> you cant
[16:40:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> must have 250 score
[16:40:32] <diamondzxd> dude press LMB
[16:40:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> and choose military
[16:40:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> bye tbnr
[16:40:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> (id 9)
[16:40:52] --> Ludred connected to the server
[16:41:00] <Ludred> who the fuck crashed me
[16:41:03] <TheTrucker963> Wb Ludred
[16:41:05] <Ludred> ty
[16:41:31] <deathlife23> STALL
[16:41:44] <deathlife23> YAY
[16:41:46] <deathlife23> fuck
[16:42:17] <diamondzxd> this Hydra is too heavy lmao
[16:42:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> how... heavy
[16:42:25] <deathlife23> shut up i weigh only 1 g
[16:42:33] <Ludred> well Joyadi is the fatest
[16:42:38] <Ludred> he weights 500kg
[16:42:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> :>
[16:42:43] <Delima_Rizki> dasar gentong
[16:42:51] <Ayers> ada 3 gentong kan
[16:42:54] <deathlife23> lets rob the planes from lufthansa
[16:43:19] <diamondzxd> idk why its going to the side today
[16:43:19] <Agera> lets not ;)
[16:43:35] <Ludred> I fucking told you joyadi weights 500 kg smfh
[16:43:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> no i sit middle
[16:43:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> not right side
[16:43:53] <Ludred> huh then it must be ayers
[16:43:56] <deathlife23> maybe it's the rudder?
[16:44:09] <diamondzxd> ok last try
[16:44:14] <deathlife23> do it with the gear
[16:44:27] <deathlife23> do not press anything
[16:44:34] <deathlife23> shit
[16:44:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmao
[16:44:42] <deathlife23> this hydra is an airbus
[16:44:42] <deathlife23> confirmed
[16:44:50] <deathlife23> fucking airbuses and their safety
[16:44:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> no ludred bring brick
[16:44:58] <deathlife23> i'm with the boeing and MCAS gang
[16:45:10] <Ludred> there
[16:45:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[16:45:13] <Ayers> joyadi 100kg delima 100kg ayers 100kg
[16:45:23] <Delima_Rizki> duar mmq
[16:45:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> 10/10
[16:45:23] <Thif_BR> !botcrip
[16:45:26] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 199 Wizz
[16:45:26] <Ludred> gg noob
[16:45:26] <Ayers> duar
[16:45:29] <diamondzxd> finally lmao
[16:45:31] <Ludred> watch all crash
[16:45:34] <diamondzxd> /joinevent
[16:45:55] <deathlife23> im stuck
[16:46:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> press S first ludred
[16:46:02] <deathlife23> IM STUCK
[16:46:02] <Ludred> whats up with this gay hydra
[16:46:08] <deathlife23> IM STUCK HELP
[16:46:10] <diamondzxd> press s dea
[16:46:15] <deathlife23> SOMEONE KILL ME
[16:46:15] <deathlife23> IM STUCK
[16:46:20] <Ludred> smfh
[16:46:20] <Ayers> press s
[16:46:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botcrip
[16:46:23] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 199 Wizz
[16:46:26] <deathlife23> S DOESNT WORK
[16:46:26] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[16:46:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[16:46:26] <Treyway> Nice event
[16:46:29] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 233 LAN, 210 IBEx, 201 ST, 199 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:46:29] <deathlife23> GOD DAMNIT
[16:46:34] <Ayers> loh adit kmn
[16:46:34] <deathlife23> HELP
[16:46:36] <Ludred> god fucking dammit
[16:46:36] <diamondzxd> get in this baggage, and press S tbnr
[16:46:39] <deathlife23> I CANT MOVE
[16:46:41] <deathlife23> IM INSIDE THE HYDRA
[16:46:49] <Ludred> finally lmao
[16:46:52] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[16:46:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> press S deathlife
[16:46:52] <deathlife23> HELP
[16:46:57] <deathlife23> I PRESSED S COUNTLESS TIMES
[16:47:00] <deathlife23> IT DOESNT WORK
[16:47:00] <-- deathlife23 disconnected from the server
[16:47:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[16:47:10] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 233 LAN, 210 IBEx, 201 ST, 199 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:47:28] <Ludred> what should I set my setrank?
[16:47:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> Win me lotto pls
[16:47:49] <Ayers> i win 3x this day
[16:47:49] <diamondzxd> bismillah ul rehman ul rahim!!!
[16:47:51] <Ayers> amen
[16:47:54] <diamondzxd> Alhamdulillah!
[16:47:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> amen
[16:48:20] <Ayers> wkwkwkkw
[16:48:51] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 233 LAN, 210 IBEx, 201 ST, 199 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:49:04] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[16:49:17] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[16:49:37] <diamondzxd> yeah gotta practice smh
[16:49:45] --> shiv connected to the server
[16:49:53] <TheTrucker963> Wb
[16:49:53] <Rogz> wb
[16:49:55] <Ludred> wb
[16:49:58] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[16:49:58] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[16:49:58] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[16:49:58] <-- Thif_BR disconnected from the server
[16:50:01] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[16:50:03] <TheTrucker963> Lol
[16:50:06] <Treyway> NICE
[16:50:06] <Ludred> welp
[16:50:08] --> shiv connected to the server
[16:50:11] <Ludred> now we gonna timeout too
[16:50:14] --> diamondzxd connected to the server
[16:50:16] <-- TheTrucker963 disconnected from the server
[16:50:19] <shiv> wth
[16:50:19] <-- Rogz disconnected from the server
[16:50:21] --> Thif_BR connected to the server
[16:50:21] <-- Agera disconnected from the server
[16:50:21] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[16:50:24] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[16:50:27] <-- Bleizi disconnected from the server
[16:50:32] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[16:50:42] --> Ayers connected to the server
[16:50:47] --> Ludred connected to the server
[16:50:50] --> TheTrucker963 connected to the server
[16:50:52] <Ludred> DDOS is a dick
[16:50:57] <TheTrucker963> Wb all
[16:51:13] <Ludred> oh I am stalling the nrg lul
[16:51:16] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[16:51:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> a
[16:51:31] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[16:51:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> hmm
[16:51:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> tp 427
[16:51:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> /mycars
[16:52:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> thanks
[16:52:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> ayers bike lost
[16:52:17] --> Rogz connected to the server
[16:52:28] <Ludred> rilf I made it to sf
[16:52:33] <TheTrucker963> Wb
[16:52:33] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[16:52:35] <Rogz> ty
[16:52:41] <Ayers> tp 373
[16:52:43] <Ludred> I may need a tp
[16:52:43] <Rogz> neqr7w
[16:53:04] <Ludred> I may have ended up in water :p
[16:53:27] <-- TheTrucker963 disconnected from the server
[16:53:42] --> TheTrucker963 connected to the server
[16:53:48] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[16:54:11] <Ludred> I think I bugged gta
[16:54:16] <Ludred> no heal
[16:54:19] <shiv> restart your PC
[16:54:24] <Ludred> wasted on y screen
[16:54:37] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[16:54:47] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[16:54:55] --> Ayers connected to the server
[16:54:57] <TheTrucker963> Wb
[16:55:03] <Ayers> ty
[16:55:03] --> Ludred connected to the server
[16:55:08] <TheTrucker963> Wb
[16:55:10] --> Precision connected to the server
[16:55:10] <Ludred> ty
[16:55:13] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[16:55:18] <TheTrucker963> Wb
[16:55:18] --> A38.png connected to the server
[16:55:21] <TheGamer> ty
[16:55:23] <TheTrucker963> Wb
[16:55:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[16:55:28] <Ludred> reloging
[16:55:28] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[16:55:41] <Precision> ty
[16:55:57] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[16:55:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> tp ayers
[16:55:59] --> Ludred connected to the server
[16:56:02] <Ayers> tp me
[16:56:02] <TheTrucker963> Wb
[16:56:04] <TheGamer> wb kurwa
[16:56:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> and ludred (?)
[16:56:10] <Ludred> wb
[16:56:12] <Ludred> uh WHAT THE FUCK
[16:56:17] <Precision> !botc
[16:56:20] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 234 LAN, 210 IBEx, 202 ST, 199 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:56:20] <Ludred> the fuck is this beam lmao
[16:56:36] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[16:56:41] <TheGamer> where?
[16:56:54] <TheTrucker963> Maybe stop the event can help?
[16:57:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[16:57:07] <TheTrucker963> Gz ty
[16:57:07] <Ayers> gz
[16:57:30] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[16:57:56] <-- TheTrucker963 disconnected from the server
[16:57:56] <Ludred> naice
[16:57:56] <Thif_BR> !botc
[16:57:58] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 235 LAN, 210 IBEx, 202 ST, 199 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:57:58] <Ludred> I earned 1m
[16:58:04] --> Santet connected to the server
[16:58:06] <Ludred> wb
[16:58:24] <Thif_BR> !botcrip
[16:58:24] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[16:58:27] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 199 Wizz
[16:58:35] <Ludred> !cash
[16:58:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Ludred has $1,022,730 in hand
[16:58:40] <Ludred> see
[16:58:45] <Ludred> I won 1m for free xD
[16:58:53] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 235 LAN, 210 IBEx, 202 ST, 199 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[16:59:01] <-- Santet disconnected from the server
[16:59:14] <TheGamer> well
[16:59:14] <TheGamer> fuck
[16:59:16] <Ludred> ?
[16:59:29] <Stan958> rip
[16:59:34] --> Ayers connected to the server
[16:59:45] <diamondzxd> oh santet was back
[16:59:47] <Ayers> nice
[16:59:50] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[16:59:52] <A38.png> ffs
[16:59:57] <A38.png> ur a dick
[17:00:05] <Thif_BR> a big
[17:00:08] <Ludred> who can do /mbank?
[17:00:16] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[17:00:16] <A38.png> laughs in v3
[17:00:18] <shiv> me
[17:00:21] <FrailLimbNursery> me
[17:00:34] <Ludred> bitch only vip 3 can do it
[17:00:39] <FrailLimbNursery> i can
[17:00:44] <Ludred> wut the fkw
[17:00:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> mbank?
[17:00:54] <Ludred> yes
[17:00:59] <Ludred> mobile bank
[17:00:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> what that command...
[17:01:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> i cant
[17:01:12] <TheGamer> is that an actual command?
[17:01:12] <Ludred> crystal fucked up
[17:01:17] <Ludred> yes
[17:01:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> ^^ what TG said
[17:01:20] <Ludred> PL sponsor only
[17:01:28] <Ludred> but crystal fucked up
[17:01:28] <TheGamer> ahh
[17:01:33] <Ayers> i can't
[17:01:33] <TheGamer> as usual
[17:01:46] <A38.png> it was supposed to be v4, crystal screwed up and v4 cant use it
[17:01:59] <Ludred> whats new tho
[17:02:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> or i must go to bank?
[17:02:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> and apply mbank?
[17:02:12] <Ludred> nah
[17:02:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> well... fckedup then
[17:02:32] <A38.png> its basicaly bank ui when using /mbank
[17:03:11] <Rogz> !botc
[17:03:14] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 236 LAN, 210 IBEx, 203 ST, 201 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:04:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[17:04:49] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 236 LAN, 210 IBEx, 203 ST, 202 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:04:55] <Ludred> oo
[17:04:57] <Ludred> old lufthansa base
[17:05:51] <FrailLimbNursery> test
[17:07:14] --> Agera connected to the server
[17:07:19] <A38.png> wb
[17:07:19] <Ayers> fotoin dong
[17:07:24] <Agera> ty
[17:08:55] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 238 LAN, 210 IBEx, 205 ST, 203 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:08:55] <Ayers> jgn pake parasut dit
[17:08:57] <Delima_Rizki> dah
[17:09:15] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[17:09:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> dah
[17:09:36] <Ayers> mantap
[17:09:41] <Delima_Rizki> post di grup
[17:09:41] <A38.png> !botcrip
[17:09:44] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 203 Wizz
[17:10:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> ayo adit tiananment
[17:10:15] <Delima_Rizki> skin nya apa
[17:10:20] <Delima_Rizki> nomornya
[17:10:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> gausah pake skin
[17:10:23] <Ayers> lupa skin cina
[17:10:25] <Delima_Rizki> wkwk
[17:10:35] <Delima_Rizki> kemeja putih something kan
[17:10:56] <Delima_Rizki> malah skin nibba
[17:11:58] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[17:12:03] <Ayers> malah crash
[17:12:11] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[17:12:42] <Ludred> Imma head out
[17:12:42] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[17:12:52] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[17:13:03] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[17:13:21] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[17:15:53] --> Bleizi connected to the server
[17:16:52] <-- A38.png disconnected from the server
[17:16:57] <shiv> !botc
[17:17:00] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 239 LAN, 210 IBEx, 207 ST, 205 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:17:08] <shiv> !botcrip
[17:17:11] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 205 Wizz
[17:17:26] <shiv> !they aren't
[17:17:29] --> A38.png connected to the server
[17:17:31] <shiv> oops
[17:17:42] <A38.png> game hanged rip
[17:17:49] <Precision> crashed?
[17:17:57] <A38.png> black screen
[17:18:08] <Ayers> ja bagi goceng
[17:18:21] <Ayers> sip
[17:18:39] <Delima_Rizki> tetap trucking walaupun fleet diumpetin
[17:18:54] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[17:18:57] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 240 LAN, 210 IBEx, 209 ST, 206 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:19:46] <A38.png> bruh
[17:19:54] <Thif_BR> sorry
[17:20:07] <A38.png> my truck blew up smfh
[17:20:35] <A38.png> diamond really
[17:20:35] <A38.png> lmao
[17:21:11] <diamondzxd> i got crushed under >.>
[17:21:19] <A38.png> lol
[17:21:22] <A38.png> how
[17:21:27] <A38.png> i wasnt even moving fast
[17:21:30] <diamondzxd> you were reversing
[17:21:30] <diamondzxd> lmfao
[17:21:32] <A38.png> FFS
[17:21:32] <A38.png> AGAIN
[17:21:35] <A38.png> YOU
[17:21:53] <A38.png> is this fate, r u my lover :3
[17:21:58] <Precision> lol
[17:22:13] <Thif_BR> Prefence...
[17:22:16] <A38.png> shiet
[17:22:24] <Thif_BR> T intersection, respect the transit rules
[17:22:34] <Thif_BR> I'm with the PREFERENCE...
[17:22:39] <diamondzxd> dont text and drive
[17:22:50] <A38.png> good idea
[17:23:13] <diamondzxd> your trailer is rekt?
[17:23:15] --> Stan connected to the server
[17:23:20] <diamondzxd> wb
[17:23:28] <Stan> thanks
[17:23:31] <A38.png> wow diamond
[17:23:31] <Stan> is tbge here?
[17:23:31] <A38.png> gg
[17:23:49] <A38.png> uhh its here all along
[17:23:51] <A38.png> aand its gone
[17:23:51] <A38.png> smfh
[17:23:59] <A38.png> bruh moment is strong here
[17:23:59] <diamondzxd> it was gone all this time
[17:24:10] <diamondzxd> use this
[17:24:12] <Stan> did tbge come online today
[17:24:15] <Stan> !player Ludred
[17:24:15] <diamondzxd> yep
[17:24:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player Ludred: 5581 score, last seen 28 Minutes Ago
[17:24:20] <A38.png> can it even continue the mission ?
[17:24:20] <Stan> damn
[17:24:30] <diamondzxd> apparently, yers
[17:24:30] --> kingkings connected to the server
[17:24:35] <A38.png> admin magic
[17:25:01] <kingkings> !botc
[17:25:04] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 241 LAN, 212 ST, 210 IBEx, 208 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:25:07] <diamondzxd> ;D
[17:25:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> rip ibex
[17:25:33] <Stan> !botcrip
[17:25:35] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 208 Wizz
[17:25:38] <diamondzxd> freshest trailer, 0 KM odo
[17:25:43] <A38.png> freshest meme
[17:26:29] <Thif_BR> NOS ?
[17:26:37] <diamondzxd> !botcrip
[17:26:40] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 209 Wizz
[17:26:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> w
[17:26:58] <A38.png> fack
[17:27:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> ikut andri apa gua dit
[17:27:19] <Ayers> sabar dong
[17:27:26] <Ayers> tq
[17:27:29] <Delima_Rizki> ada convoy yah
[17:28:57] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 242 LAN, 212 ST, 210 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:29:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[17:29:44] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 244 LAN, 214 ST, 211 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:29:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botcrip
[17:29:47] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 210 IBEx
[17:30:10] <Stan> HALT
[17:30:23] <Delima_Rizki> knp pd masuk ST?
[17:30:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> dit mending bawa utility truck
[17:30:31] <Ayers> bosen udah juara 1
[17:30:36] <Delima_Rizki> wkwk
[17:30:38] <Delima_Rizki> anterin fir
[17:30:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> kan bisa spawn adit
[17:30:54] <Stan> wa
[17:30:56] <Delima_Rizki> command nya apa
[17:30:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> /p
[17:31:09] <Delima_Rizki> kirain beneran spawn mobilnya
[17:31:17] <Delima_Rizki> tujuan lu kemana dah
[17:31:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> ija
[17:31:17] <Stan> 16ft
[17:31:25] <Delima_Rizki> rip
[17:31:27] <Precision> lol
[17:31:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> lol
[17:31:38] <Precision> your trailer fails
[17:31:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> :(
[17:31:45] <Stan> aaaand the pilot of the dead is
[17:31:48] <Stan> decade
[17:31:48] <Stan> well nvm
[17:32:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> chong mcbong
[17:32:06] <diamondzxd> too bad the PL Awards 2019 was a scam
[17:32:09] <Stan> shak actually
[17:32:17] <Stan> :joy:
[17:32:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> shak was 2013-2016 i think?
[17:32:35] <Stan> nooo people won't stop nominating santiago for every category
[17:32:47] <Stan> even the best airline and company is santiago lmao
[17:32:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> too bad i didnt see shak at 2014 until his retirement
[17:33:29] <Stan> rip
[17:34:15] <Stan> thanks
[17:34:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> /refuel dit
[17:35:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[17:35:22] <Stan> watchu doing big man
[17:35:25] <Rogz> ops
[17:35:25] <Rogz> soz
[17:35:28] <Stan> wb
[17:35:30] <kingkings> how much u got paid Joyadi
[17:35:38] <Rogz> sorry guys
[17:35:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> paid wat?
[17:35:43] <kingkings> to make st survive
[17:35:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> free
[17:35:48] <Ayers> free
[17:35:51] <kingkings> rip
[17:36:04] <kingkings> omg u both
[17:36:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> ST was history before Garuda so yea
[17:36:14] <-- Bleizi disconnected from the server
[17:36:42] <Ayers> jadi susah menang gw karena joyadi kontol
[17:36:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> kok gua anjing
[17:36:47] <Delima_Rizki> wkwk
[17:36:58] <kingkings> come i show u something at jetstar base
[17:37:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> bilang adit andri kalo bensin abis
[17:37:26] <kingkings> open
[17:37:29] <kingkings> xD
[17:37:44] <kingkings> who mapped this
[17:37:50] <Stan> me thinks me
[17:38:08] <Stan> no wait that wasn't me
[17:38:21] <-- Thif_BR disconnected from the server
[17:38:21] <Stan> well this was me
[17:38:36] --> Thif_BR connected to the server
[17:38:49] <Rogz> !botch
[17:38:49] <Rogz> !botc
[17:38:52] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 246 LAN, 221 ST, 215 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:38:54] <Stan> damn run
[17:38:54] <Rogz> !botcrip
[17:38:57] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 210 IBEx
[17:39:31] <kingkings> lol
[17:39:33] <Stan> i am the tank man
[17:39:36] <Stan> well was
[17:39:36] <kingkings> i turng vgmode
[17:39:54] <Ayers> udah dit tidur di pesawat aja besok
[17:39:59] <kingkings> are u guys here to distrubt me from working xD
[17:40:22] <Thif_BR> c yes
[17:40:43] <Precision> !player Apollo
[17:40:46] (WEB) <robin_be> player Apollo: 10241 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[17:40:56] <Delima_Rizki> gue jam 12 lewat quit deh
[17:41:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> wuedeh
[17:41:01] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[17:41:17] <Ayers> makasi kenangannya dit
[17:41:22] <Delima_Rizki> yoi
[17:41:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> miss u somuch
[17:41:30] <Delima_Rizki> gay
[17:41:43] <Stan> Pro tip: birds aren't real
[17:41:55] <Delima_Rizki> gay
[17:42:01] <Stan> speaking of which
[17:42:08] <Ayers> adit isi bensin
[17:42:14] <Stan> got an idea to make things interesting D:
[17:42:14] <Ayers> sdap
[17:42:24] <Stan> EMERGENCIES
[17:42:32] <Precision> You ready to going to do Fireworks in New Year 2020?
[17:42:37] <kingkings> do u know what is the worst thing guys
[17:42:55] <kingkings> after botc the companies who fighting to survive will all back inactive
[17:43:05] <Stan> yeah it's sad
[17:43:16] <Stan> XDD
[17:43:18] <kingkings> idk what the point then
[17:43:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[17:43:59] --> radoodoo connected to the server
[17:44:02] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 3816 score, 3589 missions: 28'/. trucking - 7'/. shamal - 7'/. rescue
[17:44:23] <Delima_Rizki> !score
[17:44:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player Delima_Rizki: 7838 score, 7039 missions: 16'/. at400 - 15'/. shamal - 15'/. dodo
[17:44:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> anak at
[17:44:59] <A38.png> geser bos
[17:45:10] <Delima_Rizki> bilang makasih kek
[17:45:22] <A38.png> emg lu ngapain ;v
[17:45:25] <Delima_Rizki> refuel
[17:45:33] <A38.png> kaga
[17:45:38] <A38.png> msh 10#
[17:45:41] <Delima_Rizki> yodah sini
[17:45:53] <A38.png> biar greget
[17:46:12] <Delima_Rizki> off
[17:46:19] <Delima_Rizki> mau tidur
[17:46:43] <Ayers> lu off jam brp dit
[17:46:50] <A38.png> lol what
[17:46:50] <Delima_Rizki> 12 lewat dikit
[17:47:03] <radoodoo> wow
[17:47:03] <Stan> nightvision
[17:47:06] <Stan> ahhh
[17:47:14] <Stan> i like that give it back!
[17:47:26] <radoodoo> is it server wide or just us
[17:47:32] <Stan> serverwide
[17:47:34] <diamondzxd> player range
[17:47:42] <radoodoo> yeah
[17:47:57] <Stan> damn we could make a short movie
[17:48:03] <kingkings> is there command to detach trailer ?
[17:48:03] <Stan> breaking into area 69
[17:48:10] <Stan> except we'll use the area 51 movie trailer :D
[17:48:18] <Stan> i mean the sounds from the trailer
[17:48:26] <Stan> recreate it in gta sa hehe
[17:48:28] <diamondzxd> lol I watched some Titanic 2 trailer yesterday
[17:48:28] --> Alifer connected to the server
[17:48:41] <diamondzxd> it was so good to be fake
[17:48:41] <Stan> ah that shitty fan fic sequal
[17:48:44] <diamondzxd> wb alifer
[17:48:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> ok who pick 3
[17:48:52] <Stan> there was a reak movie tho
[17:48:54] <A38.png> gw
[17:48:54] <A38.png> :v
[17:48:54] <Stan> called titanic 2
[17:49:00] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 246 LAN, 230 ST, 217 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:49:07] <Stan> it's some tsunami blah blah but it was better than a fan fiction
[17:49:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> idih meta lotto
[17:49:20] <radoodoo> no
[17:49:49] <Delima_Rizki> meleset
[17:49:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[17:49:59] <kingkings> what is the realtime of server
[17:49:59] <diamondzxd> hue
[17:50:02] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 357 President, 246 LAN, 232 ST, 217 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:50:15] <Thif_BR> survive st ? :s
[17:50:15] <Stan> shoot me with heatseaking missiles
[17:50:25] <radoodoo> what
[17:50:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> #surviveST
[17:50:35] <Precision> where the hell is Xoomer HQ entrance?
[17:50:46] <Stan> use the headseekers on me and see if i can avoid it
[17:50:48] <diamondzxd> from here
[17:50:56] <Stan> yes
[17:51:06] <Precision> okay thanks
[17:51:19] <Stan> also nightvision pls
[17:51:25] <Stan> or heatvision
[17:51:43] <A38.png> uhh diamond im leaving ur trailer here
[17:51:45] <A38.png> the truck broke down lol
[17:51:48] <diamondzxd> k np
[17:52:01] <A38.png> bruh what is this lol
[17:52:08] <A38.png> im in night vision lmao
[17:52:19] <A38.png> now heat vision
[17:52:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> brtuh
[17:53:42] <Stan> lmao shit pilot
[17:53:47] <radoodoo> n i oop
[17:54:51] <Stan> im leaving in 5
[17:54:56] <radoodoo> nah
[17:54:56] <radoodoo> youre not
[17:54:59] <Stan> yes
[17:55:02] <radoodoo> no
[17:55:04] <Stan> dont need your permission bitch
[17:55:07] <Stan> i mean mins
[17:55:09] <Stan> MINUTES
[17:55:12] <Stan> D:
[17:55:12] <diamondzxd> oh smh
[17:55:14] <Agera> !player pi_314
[17:55:17] <A38.png> lmao
[17:55:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player pi_314: 31415 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[17:55:22] <radoodoo> ok and where will you go
[17:55:38] <Stan> offline
[17:55:38] <radoodoo> !player e_217
[17:55:41] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player e_217
[17:55:46] <radoodoo> where
[17:55:51] <radoodoo> !player e_271
[17:55:51] <Stan> OFFLINE U DENSE BITCH
[17:55:51] <Agera> !player stefan
[17:55:54] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player e_271
[17:55:59] <radoodoo> where your bed
[17:56:04] <Agera> !player eimus
[17:56:04] <Stan> behind me
[17:56:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player eimus: 100 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[17:56:35] <Precision> now i completed 100# gta 5 in PC.
[17:56:48] <Rogz> !botc
[17:56:51] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 359 President, 246 LAN, 236 ST, 218 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:56:51] <radoodoo> dam you hot
[17:56:51] <Stan> am i shirtless
[17:56:59] <Stan> radoo you look naked
[17:57:01] --> RonaldoValer connected to the server
[17:57:04] <radoodoo> ok
[17:57:07] <Stan> wb ronaldo
[17:57:07] <Thif_BR> wb viado
[17:57:12] <RonaldoValer> thx
[17:57:14] <A38.png> wb
[17:57:14] <RonaldoValer> thx gay
[17:57:20] <Thif_BR> eai gaucho
[17:57:22] <Stan> you call me gaY?
[17:57:25] <RonaldoValer> eai puto
[17:57:30] <RonaldoValer> yes
[17:57:30] <RonaldoValer> M3
[17:57:33] <RonaldoValer> <3*
[17:57:35] <Agera> !player serbian
[17:57:38] (WEB) <robin_be> player serbian: 45093 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[17:57:43] <Stan> iDead
[17:57:43] <Thif_BR> perdido por aqui?
[17:57:46] <radoodoo> whew chile
[17:57:48] <RonaldoValer> serbian alive D:
[17:57:59] <RonaldoValer> sim, estava com saudades
[17:58:12] <Thif_BR> vai fazer umas missoes?
[17:58:17] <RonaldoValer> logico
[17:58:19] <RonaldoValer> to pobre
[17:58:19] <Stan> nothing shitter than
[17:58:22] <Stan> you shitbag
[17:58:27] <radoodoo> you aint goin nowhere
[17:58:27] <Thif_BR> oq tu me diz de ajudar a STE anao ser deletada? kkkk
[17:58:27] <kingkings> will botc stop counting at 00:00 or robin have to stop it
[17:58:30] <RonaldoValer> shut up nab
[17:58:38] <Thif_BR> acaba hj o evento
[17:58:38] <Stan> radoo babe hide
[17:58:43] <RonaldoValer> como assim?
[17:58:43] <Stan> omg give us deagles
[17:58:50] <Agera> you alive too ronaldo, i bought a house at whitewood estates years ago
[17:58:53] <Stan> open event
[17:58:56] <Agera> from you
[17:58:56] <Ayers> chat pemain bola
[17:58:58] <Thif_BR> as 4 ultimas companias vao ser deletadas
[17:59:01] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 359 President, 246 LAN, 238 ST, 219 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:59:01] <Thif_BR> !botc
[17:59:04] <Thif_BR> !botcrip
[17:59:04] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 359 President, 246 LAN, 238 ST, 219 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[17:59:06] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 210 IBEx
[17:59:06] --> KoreanBoy connected to the server
[17:59:06] <Stan> id 24
[17:59:09] <Stan> deagle
[17:59:12] <A38.png> wb
[17:59:12] <Precision> be ready to deply fireworks
[17:59:12] <RonaldoValer> really? i cant remember :3
[17:59:14] <Precision> deploy*
[17:59:17] <A38.png> korean czech\
[17:59:19] <RonaldoValer> a few years
[17:59:19] <radoodoo> omg what if stealth also hid your tag
[17:59:19] <KoreanBoy> hii
[17:59:25] <Agera> that one with the payphone
[17:59:27] <Stan> stealth doesnt work anymore lol
[17:59:30] <RonaldoValer> ahhh, yes
[17:59:30] <radoodoo> and
[17:59:32] <radoodoo> what if it did
[17:59:32] <Stan> babe hide
[17:59:40] <RonaldoValer> with 50 slots, right?
[17:59:40] <Agera> i paid you 80m :))
[17:59:50] <A38.png> oh yea
[17:59:53] <A38.png> thx
[17:59:53] <Ayers> HAPPY NEW YEAR
[17:59:58] <Rogz> Happy new year
[17:59:58] <RonaldoValer> HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS <3
[18:00:01] <Stan> happy new year indonesia!
[18:00:01] <A38.png> shits banging ouside
[18:00:03] <Stan> happy new year indonesia!
[18:00:11] <Precision> Happy new year South east Asia.
[18:00:24] <Agera> in 5 hours here too
[18:00:24] <Ayers> happy new yearr
[18:00:47] <Stan> actually no i won't let that be im quitting now
[18:00:52] <diamondzxd> waot
[18:01:00] <Stan> haha you come online every 31st dec?
[18:01:08] <RonaldoValer> no
[18:01:10] <RonaldoValer> hu3
[18:01:16] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[18:01:18] <Rogz> wb
[18:01:26] <RonaldoValer> wb
[18:01:26] <-- radoodoo disconnected from the server
[18:01:28] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[18:01:36] <Stan> i entered 2016 playing pl, 2017, 2018, 2019 and maybe 2020
[18:01:47] --> radoodoo connected to the server
[18:01:52] <Stan> i don't want the first thing i do in 2020 to be talking to santi
[18:01:54] <Stan> or radoo
[18:01:59] <RonaldoValer> i entered playing pl on 2011, nearly
[18:02:02] <radoodoo> :(
[18:02:05] <Thif_BR> how much hours to end comapnies battle?
[18:02:07] <kingkings> can admin know which date i joined ?
[18:02:18] <Rogz> at gmt - 4 Thif
[18:02:23] <Precision> Next fireworks turn is South asia
[18:02:25] <diamondzxd> stay here
[18:02:36] <RonaldoValer> wtf
[18:02:38] <diamondzxd> wrong id smh
[18:02:38] <radoodoo> wow
[18:02:38] <Stan> true but south asia is a mess oftimezones
[18:02:41] <RonaldoValer> nice king
[18:02:46] <kingkings> i was working :(
[18:02:49] <Precision> yeah.,
[18:02:59] <Stan> maldives is what 15 mins ahead of the rest
[18:03:01] <Stan> pakistan 30?
[18:03:09] <Precision> no, GMT +5
[18:03:20] <Stan> yeah pakistans 30 mins behind the rest of south asia
[18:03:25] <RonaldoValer> shit
[18:03:30] --> Delima_Rizki connected to the server
[18:03:35] <Precision> 2 hours in my new year.
[18:03:40] <kingkings> i have no weapon
[18:03:40] <Santa_Claus> !botc
[18:03:43] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 360 President, 248 LAN, 240 ST, 220 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:03:43] <radoodoo> bye peasants
[18:03:53] <Santa_Claus> !botc
[18:03:56] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 360 President, 248 LAN, 240 ST, 220 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:03:59] <Santa_Claus> woops
[18:04:01] <Santa_Claus> !botcrip
[18:04:04] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 210 IBEx
[18:04:04] <Ayers> good bye adit
[18:04:09] <Stan> why am i on fire omg
[18:04:14] <Stan> estinguqihs me
[18:04:25] <radoodoo> open the gate
[18:04:25] <RonaldoValer> anybody buy my camper please
[18:04:37] <radoodoo> ok open it again lol
[18:04:48] <Stan> heal me
[18:04:50] <diamondzxd> lets bang radoo with fireworks
[18:05:06] <-- Delima_Rizki disconnected from the server
[18:05:09] <kingkings> give me gerande ?
[18:05:14] <radoodoo> omg
[18:06:36] <kingkings> is it 00:00 at ur city now ?
[18:06:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea
[18:06:47] <kingkings> oh here still 4 hours left
[18:06:52] <Stan> heal
[18:06:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[18:07:00] <KoreanBoy> for me is 18:06
[18:07:15] <RonaldoValer> thief é o rodrigo ou o wilson?
[18:07:23] <Stan> what the fuck
[18:07:25] <Stan> shiv
[18:07:28] <radoodoo> what
[18:07:28] <RonaldoValer> nao lembro mais '-'
[18:07:31] <RonaldoValer> shivvvv
[18:07:31] <Stan> daddy :DDDD
[18:07:31] <KoreanBoy> wb
[18:07:33] <RonaldoValer> wb
[18:07:36] <shiv> no
[18:07:49] <Stan> yeah daddy
[18:07:59] <RonaldoValer> poor child
[18:08:07] <Stan> im falling
[18:08:07] <Stan> eeee
[18:08:09] <shiv> !botcrip
[18:08:13] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 210 IBEx
[18:08:13] <shiv> F
[18:08:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[18:08:20] <RonaldoValer> f
[18:08:23] <Stan> lala dumb bitc/r
[18:08:23] <Thif_BR> f
[18:08:23] <kingkings> f
[18:08:38] <Precision> damn, didnt know i was normal trucking while i was fuel trucking lol
[18:08:38] <kingkings> someone call sursai to pump
[18:08:43] <Stan> no
[18:08:51] <radoodoo> joinevent
[18:09:02] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 360 President, 249 LAN, 242 ST, 221 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:09:20] <-- KoreanBoy disconnected from the server
[18:09:43] <radoodoo> stan you oaf
[18:10:04] <Stan> haha radoo you shit
[18:10:14] <Santa_Claus> wkwkwkwkwwk
[18:10:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> jajajajajaj
[18:10:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[18:10:30] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 361 President, 249 LAN, 244 ST, 221 Wizz, 210 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:10:30] --> iSam connected to the server
[18:10:32] <Stan> wb sam
[18:10:43] <diamondzxd> naye saal di lakh lakh wadahiyaan sameer
[18:10:43] <iSam> ty
[18:10:43] <RonaldoValer> wb
[18:10:45] <Santa_Claus> now everyone is trucking to save their companies
[18:10:50] <Ayers> yea
[18:10:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[18:11:03] <Thif_BR> not trucking before due... Don't know this event ¬¬
[18:11:11] <iSam> awah khe ba lakh lakh mubarkoon hujan ada
[18:11:14] <iSam> diamond xd
[18:11:19] <RonaldoValer> to sabendo de nada
[18:11:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> wait, hujan at Indian is... rain?
[18:11:34] <diamondzxd> bismilaah ul rehman ul rahim
[18:11:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> amen
[18:11:39] <Ayers> amen
[18:11:39] <shiv> inshallah
[18:11:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> amen
[18:11:47] <iSam> Its Sindhi
[18:11:47] <shiv> amen
[18:11:52] <iSam> language
[18:11:52] <kingkings> inshallah
[18:11:55] <diamondzxd> alhamdulillah
[18:11:57] <Precision> w/
[18:12:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> ashadualla
[18:12:08] <Ayers> lu jgn mengislamkan orang
[18:12:08] <A38.png> its raining liek a mofo lmao
[18:12:21] <A38.png> went outside for a spot, come back in wet
[18:12:39] <kingkings> what does mtnak means
[18:12:46] <diamondzxd> Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam
[18:13:15] <shiv> kontol
[18:13:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> kontol
[18:13:25] <Ayers> puki
[18:13:59] <iSam> !botc
[18:14:02] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 362 President, 249 LAN, 247 ST, 222 Wizz, 211 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:15:03] <Thif_BR> !getprice trailer
[18:15:22] <Precision> oye, im top 10 in trucking missions!
[18:15:32] <-- Alifer disconnected from the server
[18:15:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[18:15:35] <diamondzxd> oye lucky lucky oye!
[18:15:40] <A38.png> naisu
[18:15:42] <kingkings> santa coming
[18:15:53] <kingkings> when he loged ?
[18:16:03] <A38.png> oh yea
[18:16:08] <A38.png> silent admins
[18:16:31] <iSam> a38
[18:16:34] <iSam> sup janu
[18:16:34] <A38.png> what
[18:16:49] <iSam> a38 mujhse shadi karo
[18:17:05] <shiv> colour ID for yellow?
[18:17:13] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[18:17:18] <iSam> wana convoy blur
[18:17:26] <diamondzxd> mujhse shadi karogi , tan tan tan tan tan tan, mujhse shadi karogi
[18:17:31] <iSam> lol
[18:17:46] <iSam> blurrr?
[18:17:46] <radoodoo> aw yes
[18:18:07] <Precision> what you guys doing?
[18:18:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> FFFF00
[18:18:20] <shiv> SAMP id
[18:18:43] <shiv> thx
[18:19:01] <A38.png> oi
[18:19:04] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 363 President, 251 LAN, 249 ST, 223 Wizz, 212 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:19:04] <A38.png> idipshit
[18:19:09] <FrailLimbNursery> dm
[18:19:12] <FrailLimbNursery> report
[18:19:19] --> IIKoehlerII connected to the server
[18:20:24] <iSam> diamond
[18:20:34] <iSam> ashish ki videos dekhta h
[18:20:34] <iSam> ?
[18:20:39] <diamondzxd> chanchalani?
[18:20:42] <iSam> yea
[18:20:47] <Thif_BR> !botc
[18:20:50] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 364 President, 251 LAN, 251 ST, 223 Wizz, 212 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:20:55] <diamondzxd> havent in a long time tbh
[18:20:55] <Thif_BR> !botc
[18:20:58] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 364 President, 252 ST, 251 LAN, 223 Wizz, 212 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:21:08] --> Dobleh connected to the server
[18:21:11] <A38.png> fuck u frail
[18:21:13] <RonaldoValer> qq ta dando esse evento?
[18:21:13] <Ayers> wuedeh
[18:21:13] <diamondzxd> but they're fun ik
[18:21:18] <A38.png> the new fucking decade and ur ruining it already
[18:21:18] <iSam> !botcrip
[18:21:18] <Thif_BR> de truck ?
[18:21:21] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 212 IBEx
[18:21:21] <RonaldoValer> é
[18:21:21] <diamondzxd> twilight dubbing xD
[18:21:26] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[18:21:31] <Thif_BR> as 4 ultimas companias vão ser deletadas
[18:21:39] <RonaldoValer> D:
[18:21:42] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[18:21:47] <A38.png> wb bitch]
[18:21:50] <A38.png> how do u like that timeout
[18:21:52] <Thif_BR> E eu so fiquei sabendo antes de ontem
[18:22:05] <FrailLimbNursery> you crashed me? are you serious?
[18:22:13] <A38.png> why should i
[18:22:18] <A38.png> its your luck thats shit
[18:22:18] <iSam> He's ass Frail
[18:22:21] <A38.png> dont blame me
[18:22:21] <iSam> ignore him
[18:22:26] <A38.png> sam stfu
[18:22:52] --> MaplePuff connected to the server
[18:22:52] <iSam> He's sooo bad in Trucking
[18:22:52] <iSam> omg
[18:22:59] <iSam> it makes me laugh xD
[18:23:04] <A38.png> look at the mirror
[18:23:07] <A38.png> ur no different
[18:23:25] <iSam> I'm better then you
[18:23:38] <FrailLimbNursery> u both suck stfu
[18:23:38] <shiv> Buffalo*
[18:23:38] <A38.png> whatever
[18:23:51] <iSam> lol
[18:24:04] --> MaplePuff connected to the server
[18:24:24] <diamondzxd> or suna sameer
[18:24:30] <diamondzxd> baal bachche sab thik thak
[18:24:35] <iSam> han jani
[18:24:43] <iSam> sardi h buht
[18:24:48] <diamondzxd> or randi rona kaisa chal raha hai
[18:24:50] <iSam> gand fati pari h
[18:24:55] <diamondzxd> lol
[18:25:16] <A38.png> next level bruh
[18:25:37] <A38.png> sounds like carpet bombing
[18:26:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> kontol
[18:26:29] <shiv> kontol
[18:26:29] <Ayers> napa ja
[18:26:29] <Santa_Claus> kontol kotnol
[18:26:34] <Dobleh> tahun baru ngomong kasar
[18:26:36] <FrailLimbNursery> oh no
[18:26:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> how to meet admin:
[18:26:47] --> robin_be connected to the server
[18:26:49] <iSam> nice frail
[18:26:49] <Rogz> wb
[18:26:54] <FrailLimbNursery> lag
[18:26:57] <A38.png> wb robin
[18:26:57] <robin_be> thx
[18:27:25] <RonaldoValer> ^rich]
[18:27:33] <Stan> wb robin
[18:27:36] <A38.png> lol
[18:27:51] <iSam> ayers make mi ceo when u get one
[18:27:54] <robin_be> !cash ayers
[18:27:54] <iSam> e.E
[18:27:54] <Rogz> !boch
[18:27:57] (WEB) <robin_be> ayers has $205,272 in hand
[18:27:57] <Rogz> !botc
[18:27:59] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 365 President, 257 ST, 253 LAN, 224 Wizz, 215 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:28:15] <A38.png> u tried to kill me ?
[18:28:17] <FrailLimbNursery> what?
[18:28:25] <diamondzxd> 6 degrees
[18:28:38] <iSam> acha
[18:28:43] <Stan> !botcrip
[18:28:43] <FrailLimbNursery> lol
[18:29:01] <Ayers> emg joyadi bikin susah lotto kontol
[18:29:04] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 365 President, 260 ST, 253 LAN, 224 Wizz, 216 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:29:07] <iSam> Well
[18:29:09] <Dobleh> gue kapan lotto anjeng
[18:29:15] <Santa_Claus> use the left side
[18:29:20] <iSam> gaand freeze ho rahi h
[18:29:22] <Santa_Claus> seelike id 6
[18:29:30] <iSam> 2 din se nahaya bhe nhe
[18:29:33] <diamondzxd> wew
[18:29:33] <A38.png> what
[18:29:35] <A38.png> wat did i do
[18:29:35] <diamondzxd> lol
[18:29:38] --> Oatdelta_Official connected to the server
[18:29:40] <diamondzxd> dil saaf hona chaahiye
[18:29:48] <diamondzxd> shareer me kya rakha hai
[18:29:53] <iSam> bc bahir paani freeze ho jata h
[18:30:04] <iSam> bhaly garam kyun na hoo
[18:30:09] <A38.png> see if u can find me
[18:30:17] <FrailLimbNursery> ?
[18:30:17] --> Alifer connected to the server
[18:30:27] <kingkings> wb
[18:30:40] <A38.png> lol
[18:30:55] <A38.png> shiet
[18:30:58] <A38.png> trailer to the water
[18:31:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[18:31:03] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 365 President, 261 ST, 253 LAN, 224 Wizz, 216 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:31:32] <Precision> LOL I got Tped to LS Carrier and ded.
[18:31:47] <-- iSam disconnected from the server
[18:32:05] --> iSam connected to the server
[18:32:08] <Precision> hah, im in 1 HP.
[18:32:08] <RonaldoValer> wb
[18:32:13] <iSam> ty
[18:32:13] <A38.png> thanks for the setrank
[18:32:21] <A38.png> really dont like it
[18:32:23] <iSam> lol
[18:33:28] <Santa_Claus> let's make an event
[18:33:43] <FrailLimbNursery> poor^
[18:33:46] <Precision> which?
[18:33:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> can i join event?
[18:33:49] <Santa_Claus> yes
[18:33:51] <A38.png> !cash frail
[18:33:51] <Ayers> no please
[18:33:54] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player frail
[18:33:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> yey
[18:33:54] <Santa_Claus> all kontols can join the event
[18:33:57] <A38.png> !cash fraillimbnursry
[18:33:59] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player fraillimbnursry
[18:33:59] <kingkings> there is raise of dead right nows
[18:33:59] <A38.png> ah fuck me
[18:34:15] <-- Dobleh disconnected from the server
[18:34:41] <iSam> !botc
[18:34:43] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 366 President, 267 ST, 253 LAN, 224 Wizz, 219 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:35:07] <Agera> prize?
[18:35:17] <A38.png> they really want wizz to die dont they
[18:35:20] <Santa_Claus> 1000m
[18:35:25] <Ayers> kontol firza
[18:35:25] <radoodoo> so 1b
[18:35:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> yoi
[18:35:32] <Ayers> gw cuma 8
[18:35:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> tenaga joestar
[18:35:53] <A38.png> lolt
[18:35:53] <radoodoo> how do i donate
[18:35:56] <A38.png> no budget
[18:36:03] <radoodoo> ill donate all my money
[18:36:14] <Santa_Claus> wow only 5 players
[18:36:14] <-- IIKoehlerII disconnected from the server
[18:36:14] <A38.png> givemoney 15
[18:36:24] <Santa_Claus> prize is now 250k
[18:36:47] <Ayers> how to donate
[18:37:00] <diamondzxd> /givecash santa
[18:37:18] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[18:37:23] <A38.png> admin hax mod
[18:37:29] <A38.png> :p
[18:37:29] --> Ayers connected to the server
[18:37:39] <A38.png> why is everyone moving to lan & st smfh
[18:37:39] <kingkings> when to start ?
[18:37:44] <A38.png> oshiet
[18:37:47] <FrailLimbNursery> huh?
[18:37:52] <RonaldoValer> D?
[18:37:52] <A38.png> mines for real
[18:37:54] <RonaldoValer> D:
[18:38:00] <kingkings> when to start ?
*** session close: 18:38:01
*** session open: 18:38:05
[18:38:11] <Santa_Claus> don't de robin
[18:38:14] <Santa_Claus> oh great he's back
[18:38:16] <robin_be> !botcend
[18:38:16] <Thif_BR> !score
[18:38:19] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 381 minutes
[18:38:22] <Thif_BR> !botc
[18:38:24] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 367 President, 268 ST, 253 LAN, 224 Wizz, 219 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:39:16] <kingkings> u didnt say time to start
[18:39:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botcend
[18:39:24] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 380 minutes
[18:39:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botcstart
[18:39:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botaend
[18:39:52] <kingkings> any rules ?
[18:40:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> pak ada yang ngendok
[18:40:10] <Thif_BR> esc allow?
[18:40:16] <MaplePuff> no
[18:40:18] <Santa_Claus> no
[18:40:23] <A38.png> alt tabbing lol
[18:40:23] <kingkings> camping means stay in one place with no move ?
[18:40:36] <RonaldoValer> pray for jesus allow?
[18:40:52] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[18:40:52] <FrailLimbNursery> air break allowed?
[18:40:57] <Thif_BR> Why not Beagle Inverted?
[18:40:59] <-- iSam disconnected from the server
[18:41:02] <Thif_BR> pro prei
[18:41:02] --> CaoMishma connected to the server
[18:41:05] <A38.png> wb
[18:41:15] --> kingkings connected to the server
[18:41:20] <RonaldoValer> thx for flowers <3
[18:41:20] <kingkings> i crashed
[18:41:23] <kingkings> tp me
[18:41:23] --> iSam connected to the server
[18:41:31] <Precision> is fire extinguisher allowed?
[18:41:36] <radoodoo> yes
[18:41:43] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[18:42:02] <RonaldoValer> dildo*-*
[18:42:07] <shiv> owo
[18:42:17] <A38.png> fuck u
[18:42:17] <radoodoo> lol
[18:42:23] <kingkings> fk
[18:42:25] <kingkings> unfair
[18:42:28] <RonaldoValer> shi
[18:42:33] <RonaldoValer> t
[18:44:03] <shiv> F
[18:44:06] <A38.png> where did my knife go ffs
[18:44:29] <iSam> lol rip blur
[18:44:32] <radoodoo> um
[18:44:32] <Santa_Claus> oi fags I said no camping
[18:44:34] <diamondzxd> gg radoo
[18:44:37] <Stan> 45 mins to new year
[18:44:39] <Stan> camping whwre
[18:44:42] <Stan> what this
[18:44:50] <Santa_Claus> I said dts
[18:44:50] <Stan> OPEN EVENT
[18:44:52] <diamondzxd> cao's afk
[18:44:52] <Precision> cao camping
[18:44:57] <Santa_Claus> oh then precision wins
[18:44:57] <radoodoo> didnt fall so technically still in
[18:45:15] <Stan> cao
[18:45:15] <radoodoo> oh
[18:45:18] <Precision> thanks
[18:45:23] <radoodoo> no
[18:45:39] <RonaldoValer> ^rich
[18:45:44] <Stan> 150m or no deal
[18:45:46] <Stan> 300*
[18:45:52] <RonaldoValer> more
[18:45:57] <Thif_BR> how much costs an airline?
[18:45:57] <radoodoo> 779$
[18:45:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> skip xD
[18:46:07] <iSam> 30M
[18:46:07] <iSam> i guess
[18:46:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> nibba really
[18:46:17] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[18:46:20] <RonaldoValer> your anus
[18:46:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> no, that maple's ad
[18:46:38] <shiv> wait
[18:46:41] <shiv> how can you have an airline maple?
[18:46:43] <Stan> bought it for 750m
[18:46:46] <MaplePuff> yes
[18:46:46] <shiv> with 2 score
[18:46:51] <iSam> lol
[18:46:53] <iSam> yeah
[18:46:56] <RonaldoValer> im here
[18:47:04] <RonaldoValer> i never out here
[18:47:12] <Agera> id 18 has gun
[18:47:14] <Santa_Claus> stop stop
[18:47:17] <MaplePuff> i no have gun
[18:47:19] <MaplePuff> admin
[18:47:19] <RonaldoValer> heal please
[18:47:24] <A38.png> ffs radoo
[18:47:24] <RonaldoValer> thx
[18:47:27] <Precision> Is this boxing?
[18:47:27] <MaplePuff> dont listen
[18:47:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> stuck lel
[18:47:40] <radoodoo> ban a38 he pepper sprayed me
[18:48:09] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 368 President, 276 ST, 254 LAN, 224 Wizz, 224 IBEx, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:48:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botcrip
[18:48:19] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 224 IBEx, 224 Wizz
[18:48:19] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[18:48:29] <kingkings> wtf
[18:48:32] <iSam> 5?
[18:48:32] <Santa_Claus> oh shit
[18:48:40] <Santa_Claus> sorry man you joined late
[18:49:06] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[18:49:13] --> shiv connected to the server
[18:49:18] <iSam> wb
[18:49:37] <RonaldoValer> noooooo i need muney
[18:49:49] <Santa_Claus> stan left no wonder why
[18:49:57] <Santa_Claus> maybe because he has so much experience with dildos
[18:50:00] <shiv> owo
[18:50:05] <iSam> lol
[18:50:05] <Agera> loooooooooool
[18:50:20] <RonaldoValer> 1 dolar on stan
[18:50:28] <RonaldoValer> too much experience with dildos
[18:50:36] <Stan> bitch cheated
[18:50:38] <radoodoo> bithc
[18:50:38] <Santa_Claus> a38 anally destroyed everyone!!!!
[18:50:38] <RonaldoValer> shit, my dolar
[18:50:41] <Precision> !botcrip
[18:50:41] <A38.png> what
[18:50:44] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 224 IBEx, 224 Wizz
[18:50:54] <A38.png> didnt cheat
[18:50:59] <A38.png> if u want i can return it
[18:50:59] <Santa_Claus> what other events you want
[18:51:07] <shiv> running back
[18:51:12] <Stan> yes that
[18:51:15] <radoodoo> bye
[18:51:15] <Thif_BR> !botcripend
[18:51:17] <-- radoodoo disconnected from the server
[18:51:17] <Santa_Claus> we need more players for the running back one
[18:51:25] <Stan> no we do it on a bridge
[18:51:25] <shiv> uhh
[18:51:30] <Thif_BR> !botcend
[18:51:30] <Stan> like the real one
[18:51:33] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 368 minutes
[18:51:38] <shiv> dodge the rhinowo
[18:51:43] <Santa_Claus> dodge the rhinowo
[18:51:43] <Stan> 6 hours owo
[18:51:46] <RonaldoValer> how id 18 have one ak47?
[18:51:46] <Santa_Claus> it is
[18:51:54] <MaplePuff> id 13 has gun
[18:51:54] <FrailLimbNursery> hax
[18:51:54] <MaplePuff> not me
[18:51:59] <Agera> as i said id 8 hacker
[18:52:04] <Agera> 18***
[18:52:04] <Stan> id 8 yes
[18:52:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes id 8
[18:52:12] <Stan> ID 8 mega hacker
[18:52:17] <RonaldoValer> police please, he have a gun!
[18:52:17] <A38.png> lol
[18:52:19] <A38.png> warned
[18:52:35] <RonaldoValer> now he have a minigun
[18:52:35] <Santa_Claus> no wait
[18:52:37] <RonaldoValer> D:
[18:52:37] <iSam> a38
[18:52:40] <Santa_Claus> I have a better idea
[18:52:45] <iSam> How about Blur is nolifer
[18:52:45] <A38.png> what sammu
[18:52:48] <iSam> as new rank?
[18:52:50] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[18:52:53] <diamondzxd> sammu lmfao
[18:52:53] <A38.png> lol
[18:52:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmao
[18:52:55] <Stan> good
[18:52:55] <Agera> give him lifetime sentence :)
[18:52:55] <Precision> rip shiv
[18:52:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> 3 warns
[18:53:06] <A38.png> got shived
[18:53:13] <iSam> call me Sam not sammu
[18:53:16] <iSam> its weird xd
[18:53:24] <A38.png> its the uwu version
[18:53:34] <Stan> shiv says "unban me uwu"
[18:53:37] <Precision> i dont have bike
[18:53:37] <A38.png> dont have bike
[18:53:44] <RonaldoValer> i dont have bike too, im homeless
[18:54:21] <Santa_Claus> damn I guess we are just not many people
[18:54:23] <iSam> this flight is way too long man
[18:54:28] <Santa_Claus> for the extreme event
[18:54:44] --> shiv connected to the server
[18:54:54] --> Dzokagiven_Estate connected to the server
[18:55:02] <shiv> better
[18:55:28] <A38.png> lolwat
[18:55:28] <Stan> give gun
[18:55:35] <Stan> we driveby
[18:55:35] <Thif_BR> wtd
[18:55:38] <A38.png> passengers loaded wtf
[18:55:41] <Thif_BR> twtf
[18:55:41] <Precision> huh? what's happening?
[18:55:48] <iSam> wtf
[18:55:54] <A38.png> stop screwin around admin plez
[18:55:54] <iSam> i died lol
[18:55:59] <Dzokagiven_Estate> !botc
[18:56:01] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 368 President, 283 ST, 256 LAN, 225 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:56:12] <Stan> ran out
[18:56:17] <A38.png> no bike
[18:56:17] <A38.png> no friends
[18:56:25] <Precision> Your vehicle has ran out of fuel
[18:56:25] <Stan> buy one bitch
[18:56:27] <Precision> what is this?
[18:56:30] <Stan> it's only 100k
[18:56:32] <Santa_Claus> yeah we aren't manny people for this event
[18:56:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> rent ayers\
[18:56:32] <shiv> bug
[18:56:38] <Precision> it appears on me.
[18:56:38] <A38.png> fine
[18:56:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> bike
[18:56:45] <Precision> aah, It's a bug.
[18:57:09] <A38.png> where is BIKE STORE
[18:57:14] <Stan> dillimore
[18:57:14] <Ayers> dilimore
[18:57:16] <Santa_Claus> dillimore
[18:57:16] <diamondzxd> dillimore
[18:57:19] <Santa_Claus> /tp > dillimore
[18:57:19] <A38.png> dildomore kek thx
[18:57:21] <Stan> dildomore*
[18:57:21] <MaplePuff> dillimore
[18:57:29] <iSam> Dildo God
[18:57:40] --> radoodoo connected to the server
[18:57:45] <Stan> good times
[18:57:55] <RonaldoValer> hai xD
[18:58:05] <Stan> idiot
[18:58:11] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 369 President, 284 ST, 257 LAN, 225 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[18:58:11] <A38.png> its a bike
[18:58:13] <Stan> not
[18:58:13] <Santa_Claus> no
[18:58:18] <FrailLimbNursery> bruh
[18:58:24] <Santa_Claus> you need a sanchez or a nrg500
[18:58:29] <A38.png> why is it inthe bke shopthen smfh
[18:58:31] <A38.png> only those 2 ?
[18:58:42] <Santa_Claus> idk ask id 18
[18:58:42] <-- MaplePuff disconnected from the server
[18:58:47] <RonaldoValer> swaggio no allowed?
[18:58:52] <A38.png> doesnt exist
[18:58:55] <Santa_Claus> yes swaggio allowed
[18:58:55] <Stan> allowed but youll die
[18:59:15] <radoodoo> give us guns
[18:59:20] <A38.png> fine
[18:59:23] <Santa_Claus> once the event starts
[18:59:26] <Stan> omg guys wanna play protect the ceo xDDD
[18:59:28] <radoodoo> now
[18:59:44] <radoodoo> cant im banned or something
[18:59:59] <RonaldoValer> shit no slot --'
[19:00:02] <A38.png> ill giveaway the quad then
[19:00:02] <Stan> no you idiot i mean protect the ceo
[19:00:04] <Stan> on pl
[19:00:07] <diamondzxd> use this
[19:00:10] <radoodoo> ok
[19:00:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> xd
[19:00:20] <RonaldoValer> thx <3
[19:00:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> happy new year gmt +6
[19:00:30] <Santa_Claus> happy new year stan
[19:00:33] <iSam> still 1 hour
[19:00:38] <iSam> for us
[19:00:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> to 2020 superbower
[19:00:43] <shiv> hows 2020 looking
[19:00:48] <A38.png> shit
[19:00:48] <A38.png> im wet
[19:00:51] <Stan> 30 mins
[19:01:01] <iSam> I'm livin in +5
[19:01:04] <iSam> lel
[19:01:11] <Stan> yeah your country is mental
[19:01:11] <A38.png> nmax simulator
[19:01:17] <iSam> why always wet a38?
[19:01:27] <A38.png> cause its raining ?
[19:01:32] <iSam> oh
[19:01:35] <radoodoo> give us guns
[19:01:37] <A38.png> why is wayfarer so cheap
[19:01:37] <Stan> why don't they change it to 5.30+ so it's the same time as your neighbours
[19:01:37] <iSam> i thought something else xd
[19:01:40] <Ayers> !botc
[19:01:40] <iSam> nvm
[19:01:43] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 369 President, 288 ST, 258 LAN, 226 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:01:56] <A38.png> why is this bike soo cheeep
[19:01:58] <radoodoo> why not 5+ so its an integer
[19:02:08] <Stan> +5.30 ok
[19:02:29] <shiv> wow what a shit timezone
[19:03:21] <Stan> it was radoos fault
[19:03:23] <Stan> he asked me to stop for a sec
[19:03:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> jetstar /fleet please
[19:03:39] <radoodoo> yeah after you blew up
[19:04:18] <A38.png> wtf a shotgun ?
[19:04:33] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[19:04:33] <Stan> who run the world?
[19:04:36] <Stan> us
[19:04:36] <Santa_Claus> radoogay and stan win
[19:04:56] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[19:05:22] <FrailLimbNursery> why i always crashed when the game crashed huh?
[19:05:27] <A38.png> uhh
[19:05:30] <A38.png> cause its a crash ?
[19:05:35] <FrailLimbNursery> yeah wrong
[19:05:40] <Stan> o boy
[19:05:45] <RonaldoValer> how he have a shotgun --'
[19:05:48] <FrailLimbNursery> xd
[19:05:48] <radoodoo> im invincible
[19:05:53] <shiv> you sure?
[19:06:01] <A38.png> look at the death thing
[19:06:04] <A38.png> lol
[19:06:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> wow
[19:06:11] <RonaldoValer> nice
[19:06:11] <Stan> admin abuse
[19:06:11] <radoodoo> wow
[19:06:11] <Stan> report
[19:06:22] <RonaldoValer> wtf
[19:06:32] <radoodoo> im a firework
[19:06:35] <FrailLimbNursery> wtf is this
[19:06:42] <Stan> yeah baby im a firework
[19:06:45] <RonaldoValer> lets go to the moon stan
[19:06:48] <FrailLimbNursery> 2,95m for 3 slots
[19:06:53] <Stan> diamond tp me to 500ft
[19:06:55] <FrailLimbNursery> and 3,45m for 3slots
[19:06:58] <FrailLimbNursery> huh?
[19:07:26] <RonaldoValer> i believe i cant fly
[19:07:26] <Stan> thanks
[19:07:31] <Stan> do you ever feel
[19:07:39] <RonaldoValer> shit
[19:08:13] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 371 President, 293 ST, 260 LAN, 229 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:08:16] <A38.png> .rc
[19:08:21] <A38.png> bye
[19:08:26] <A38.png> frail
[19:08:26] <A38.png> bish
[19:08:29] <diamondzxd> cya gn
[19:08:31] <Santa_Claus> F
[19:08:34] <A38.png> what
[19:08:34] <Stan> gn diamond
[19:08:42] <A38.png> not bye by im leaving
[19:08:44] <Stan> tp me now you little shit santiago
[19:08:49] <Stan> lmao ok
[19:08:54] <RonaldoValer> santiago nub
[19:08:54] <A38.png> im saying fk u to frail basically
[19:09:05] <diamondzxd> cooking maggie at midnight
[19:09:10] <A38.png> gay
[19:09:12] <Precision> Alright, i placed some fireworks for you in HMS Farley for 5:30 timezones
[19:09:25] <Stan> damn can we do that
[19:09:25] <Thif_BR> !getprice blade
[19:09:28] <iSam> who eats maggie in 2020
[19:09:31] <iSam> lol
[19:09:36] <Stan> maggie gives you cancer bro
[19:09:41] <iSam> lol
[19:09:44] <Stan> dont eat that shit
[19:09:44] <iSam> canceR?
[19:09:49] <diamondzxd> smh everyone eats maggie
[19:09:54] <A38.png> what is maggie
[19:09:56] <iSam> I dont eat maggie
[19:09:56] <Stan> yeah that's why i have brain cancer
[19:09:59] <diamondzxd> noodles brand
[19:09:59] <radoodoo> soup
[19:10:02] <iSam> its tasteless
[19:10:09] <A38.png> indomie>maggie
[19:10:09] <Stan> like you
[19:10:12] <iSam> try Thai noodles
[19:10:17] <iSam> they are better
[19:10:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> indomie rendadng
[19:10:38] <A38.png> what firework
[19:10:40] <shiv> they do a bunch of seasonings too
[19:10:48] <shiv> 5well at least here
[19:10:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> !Botc
[19:11:01] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 372 President, 294 ST, 261 LAN, 230 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:11:01] <Stan> come to princess juliana
[19:11:09] <Precision> we have to wait 30 mins before new year starts
[19:11:11] <iSam> cya
[19:11:17] <diamondzxd> gn
[19:11:30] <-- iSam disconnected from the server
[19:11:30] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[19:11:42] <Stan> booooooooom booooom
[19:11:48] <Stan> even brighter than the mooon moon
[19:11:50] <-- radoodoo disconnected from the server
[19:11:53] <Stan> omg
[19:11:55] <Stan> shiv
[19:11:58] <shiv> hi
[19:12:06] <Stan> i swwear you're the most faithful friend there is
[19:12:11] <shiv> :)
[19:12:11] <Stan> ýou care so much for martin
[19:12:16] <Stan> look at radoo
[19:12:16] <shiv> ye
[19:12:19] <Stan> he left me :(
[19:12:21] <shiv> :(
[19:12:24] <Stan> can you tell him hes a bad friend
[19:12:26] <diamondzxd> 23:43
[19:12:32] <shiv> radoo youre a bad fren
[19:12:45] <RonaldoValer> you try to kill me? D:
[19:12:50] <A38.png> its smok grenade
[19:12:52] <Stan> thanks
[19:13:00] <Stan> we need rocket launchers or something
[19:13:08] <Stan> i'm gonna install
[19:13:13] <Stan> fireworks mod or something
[19:13:18] <shiv> oh you wanna go boom stan
[19:13:21] <A38.png> ship fire simulator
[19:13:26] --> Bleizi connected to the server
[19:13:34] <Stan> noooooo i'm so sexy i can't die aha
[19:13:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[19:13:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 3838 score, 3611 missions: 28'/. trucking - 7'/. shamal - 7'/. rescue
[19:13:54] <A38.png> can i change name ?
[19:14:00] <shiv> !score
[19:14:02] (WEB) <robin_be> player shiv: 15521 score, 12968 missions: 35'/. dodo - 23'/. trucking - 10'/. military
[19:14:02] <diamondzxd> /requestname
[19:14:20] <shiv> eww 10'/. military
[19:14:23] <Santa_Claus> bye
[19:14:23] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[19:14:26] <Stan> wow rude
[19:14:28] <Stan> tp me
[19:14:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> rip 1k score clean
[19:14:51] <shiv> rip
[19:14:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> trucking > 1k
[19:15:02] <diamondzxd> meh you're desynced stan
[19:15:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> but i heard no truck at there
[19:15:33] <shiv> F
[19:15:40] <Stan> no o i have afk
[19:15:51] <diamondzxd> lmao joyadi
[19:16:06] <Stan> why this idiots be doing this so close to my window
[19:16:14] <shiv> why not
[19:16:14] <A38.png> when is ze firewok
[19:16:17] <diamondzxd> shouting a lot
[19:16:22] <Stan> i thought ISIS!
[19:16:24] <Oatdelta_Official> w
[19:16:42] --> radoodoo connected to the server
[19:16:45] <diamondzxd> lmao who bursts crackers 15 minutes before
[19:16:50] <radoodoo> heard yall talkin shit
[19:17:01] <Stan> damn now i remembered all people that died in that isis attack
[19:17:08] <shiv> stan said youre a bad friend radoo
[19:17:14] <Stan> who won't get to celebrate 2020
[19:17:14] <diamondzxd> :(
[19:17:16] <Stan> :(((
[19:17:19] <radoodoo> yeah you too
[19:17:21] <radoodoo> you did too
[19:17:37] <RonaldoValer> wtf
[19:17:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[19:17:42] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 373 President, 297 ST, 262 LAN, 231 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:18:00] <A38.png> grenade fishing
[19:18:08] <-- Oatdelta_Official disconnected from the server
[19:18:13] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 373 President, 298 ST, 262 LAN, 231 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:18:18] <A38.png> hahaha
[19:18:21] <A38.png> it hits
[19:18:24] <Stan> boom boom
[19:18:26] <Stan> even brighter than moon moon
[19:18:31] <Stan> it's always been inside you you
[19:18:42] <radoodoo> can you stop
[19:18:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[19:19:02] <Precision> what is this?
[19:19:02] <A38.png> bruh ?
[19:19:38] <A38.png> damn radoo
[19:20:12] <Precision> oye
[19:20:15] <diamondzxd> lmao
[19:20:20] <Thif_BR> syry
[19:20:30] --> Vicente_Estate connected to the server
[19:20:33] <Precision> damn you killed him
[19:20:38] <Thif_BR> i miss a score
[19:20:43] <Thif_BR> f*ck u
[19:20:51] <Thif_BR> GZ
[19:20:53] <Ayers> 4x STREAK WIN
[19:20:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> kontol andri
[19:20:56] <A38.png> YOU AGAIN
[19:20:56] <RonaldoValer> shit
[19:20:56] <A38.png> WTF
[19:21:01] <shiv> omfg
[19:21:06] <A38.png> lotto rigged
[19:21:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes diamond yes ayers steals my hack
[19:21:11] <Stan> let me relog to try the firework mode
[19:21:11] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[19:21:19] <RonaldoValer> give me money please
[19:21:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> balikin duit lottog ua
[19:21:32] <Thif_BR> give me ur mother pls
[19:21:55] <diamondzxd> 8 minutes
[19:22:06] --> Stan connected to the server
[19:22:26] <Stan> okay look at this
[19:22:29] <-- Atreea disconnected from the server
[19:22:37] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[19:22:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[19:22:52] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 375 President, 302 ST, 264 LAN, 234 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:23:05] --> Stan connected to the server
[19:23:13] --> Atreea connected to the server
[19:23:16] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[19:23:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice 29 29
[19:23:31] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[19:23:49] --> Stan connected to the server
[19:23:57] <diamondzxd> dont crash
[19:24:28] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[19:24:43] --> Stan connected to the server
[19:24:51] <diamondzxd> 5 minutes left and this guy is crashing ...
[19:24:56] <Stan> ikr
[19:24:59] <Stan> gods sign
[19:24:59] <Stan> tp me
[19:25:04] <Atreea> ah shiet
[19:25:06] <diamondzxd> joinevent
[19:25:25] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[19:25:30] <diamondzxd> rip
[19:25:35] <RonaldoValer> hahahahaa
[19:26:03] <Precision> 5 minutes.
[19:26:16] <diamondzxd> 4 no actually 3
[19:26:34] <diamondzxd> 3:30
[19:27:08] <Precision> besure to mark my fireworks.
[19:27:59] <diamondzxd> 2 mins @prec
[19:28:10] <RonaldoValer> and stan die
[19:28:15] <radoodoo> cant believe he left me here
[19:28:15] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 377 President, 307 ST, 266 LAN, 234 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:28:20] <radoodoo> and im the bad friend smh
[19:28:23] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[19:28:30] <Precision> after i launched fireworks, ready to say Happy new year.
[19:28:38] <Atreea> happy new year
[19:28:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[19:28:54] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 377 President, 307 ST, 266 LAN, 234 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:29:01] <diamondzxd> ok 1 minute
[19:29:09] <-- radoodoo disconnected from the server
[19:29:14] <RonaldoValer> hahahahaha
[19:29:17] --> Stan connected to the server
[19:29:20] <Atreea> wb
[19:29:25] <RonaldoValer> wb
[19:29:27] <Stan> yeah installing samp with only 1 min left really a race against time
[19:29:32] <diamondzxd> 30 seconds to superpower!
[19:29:45] <RonaldoValer> u enter and radoo timeout
[19:29:50] <Stan> HEAL ME
[19:29:50] <Stan> QUICK
[19:29:53] <Stan> DIAMOND
[19:29:56] <Stan> uuhhh
[19:29:56] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[19:29:58] --> radoodoo connected to the server
[19:30:01] <Atreea> wb
[19:30:03] <diamondzxd> HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
[19:30:03] <Precision> 10 seconds
[19:30:09] <Atreea> merry new year
[19:30:11] <RonaldoValer> happy new year
[19:30:16] <radoodoo> i crashed
[19:30:19] <Atreea> what fireworks lmao
[19:30:22] <Atreea> there isnt shit
[19:30:24] <diamondzxd> fireworks began here
[19:30:27] <diamondzxd> oooof
[19:30:27] <kingkings> happy new year to whom this time :D
[19:30:34] <Atreea> precision
[19:30:42] <kingkings> happy new year
[19:30:55] <Atreea> oh fuck
[19:31:13] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[19:31:39] <Precision> sorry
[19:32:10] <Atreea> dangit
[19:32:12] <Thif_BR> Wizz abandoned the battle?
[19:32:23] --> cygnus connected to the server
[19:32:25] <RonaldoValer> wb
[19:32:25] <Rogz> wbw
[19:32:25] <Atreea> wb
[19:32:28] <cygnus> ty
[19:32:28] <kingkings> wb
[19:32:31] <-- radoodoo disconnected from the server
[19:33:12] <diamondzxd> tbh the fireworks arent that great compared to Diwali
[19:33:20] <Atreea> diwali ?
[19:33:35] <diamondzxd> indian festival
[19:33:38] <Rogz> 7w
[19:33:45] <RonaldoValer> happy new year nab
[19:33:53] <diamondzxd> lots of fireworks on that day
[19:33:56] <diamondzxd> ty same to you
[19:34:06] <Atreea> lol
[19:34:11] <Atreea> aimed at diamond killed prec
[19:34:14] <cygnus> my ex gf called me up last night wanting to know if I wanted to spend the evening with her...
[19:34:19] <Atreea> lolwhat
[19:34:29] <cygnus> tonight, new years lol
[19:34:32] <RonaldoValer> is not good
[19:34:37] <cygnus> girl needs to get laid bad
[19:34:37] <Atreea> id say no lmao
[19:35:34] <cygnus> but yeah to think I'm got going to bring ATLEAST 3 knifes would be silly
[19:35:44] <Atreea> 3 knives wtf
[19:35:47] <diamondzxd> alright I'm gonna go off now, happy new year and peace.
[19:35:47] <Atreea> why lol
[19:35:49] <Atreea> bye
[19:35:49] <Atreea> gn
[19:35:54] <-- diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[19:35:54] <Atreea> paeace
[19:36:12] <cygnus> Pocket,boot, and coat breat pocket knifes
[19:36:12] <Atreea> went out in the rain with my camera to capture fireworks
[19:36:18] <Atreea> not a good idea lol
[19:36:18] --> IceLube connected to the server
[19:36:18] <kingkings> whose next new year ?
[19:36:20] <Atreea> wb
[19:36:20] <Atreea> lub
[19:36:23] <Atreea> e
[19:36:25] <IceLube> TAHNKS
[19:36:30] <IceLube> TIEM FOR RAP
[19:36:30] <IceLube> E
[19:36:33] <IceLube> RAPE
[19:36:33] <cygnus> Atreea, I leave my house with a boot and pocket knife everyday
[19:36:38] <Atreea> RaPe
[19:36:41] <IceLube> prepere ur an00s
[19:36:51] <IceLube> davai davai
[19:36:56] <kingkings> !BOTC
[19:36:59] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 378 President, 311 ST, 271 LAN, 234 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:36:59] <Atreea> just in case cyg ?
[19:37:02] <Atreea> davai cyka
[19:37:09] <Precision> !botcend
[19:37:09] <Rogz> blyat
[19:37:12] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 322 minutes
[19:37:15] <IceLube> daj daj
[19:37:17] <cygnus> yep, I live in a hispanic ghetto and I'n kinda white
[19:37:33] <cygnus> by kinda, I mean very
[19:37:38] <Atreea> so soft target ish
[19:37:41] <kingkings> !botcrip
[19:37:43] <IceLube> basically you're white
[19:37:43] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 224 Wizz
[19:37:46] <IceLube> don't complicate
[19:37:48] <IceLube> americans
[19:37:51] <cygnus> no I am white as fuck
[19:37:56] <Atreea> white in the neighborhood
[19:38:01] <IceLube> ok
[19:38:09] <cygnus> 3rd gen american though so I haven't been here that long
[19:38:17] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 379 President, 312 ST, 271 LAN, 234 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:38:30] <IceLube> 100rd gen slav been here long
[19:38:33] <Atreea> lol
[19:38:33] <IceLube> or even more lmao
[19:38:48] <Atreea> stalin would be proud
[19:39:01] <IceLube> Tito*
[19:39:04] <IceLube> I'm not russian
[19:39:11] <Atreea> who the heck is tito
[19:39:29] <Atreea> so hows 2020
[19:39:29] <IceLube> Josip Broz Tito
[19:39:32] <Atreea> sleepy af ?
[19:39:35] <IceLube> Dictator of Jugoslavia
[19:39:37] <IceLube> a good one
[19:39:42] <IceLube> it's not 2020 here yet
[19:39:50] <IceLube> It's 19:39 in my country
[19:39:55] <Atreea> well its only 4 more houers
[19:39:58] <Atreea> ish
[19:40:06] <IceLube> yes
[19:40:11] <Rogz> p/w
[19:40:19] <IceLube> you have high ping for european
[19:40:19] <Atreea> is it rainging like shit there ?a
[19:40:21] <IceLube> No
[19:40:29] <IceLube> It's -6c
[19:40:31] <IceLube> it can't be raining
[19:40:39] <Atreea> well snowing is a thing
[19:40:39] <Atreea> lol
[19:40:47] <IceLube> yeah but it's not snowin
[19:40:47] <IceLube> it's dry
[19:41:23] <Atreea> well the new year here is accompanied with a huge ass rain
[19:41:28] <IceLube> where you from?
[19:41:34] <Atreea> indo
[19:41:36] <Atreea> ignore my ip
[19:41:39] <IceLube> indonesia?
[19:41:39] <Atreea> its broken in PL
[19:41:41] <Atreea> yes
[19:41:46] <Atreea> u dont recognize me D:
[19:41:57] <IceLube> well any server thats hosted in europe makes you have high ping
[19:41:59] <IceLube> which most samp servers are
[19:42:04] <Atreea> well its usually 190
[19:42:07] <IceLube> I really don't, I'll be honest
[19:42:10] <Atreea> now its 290 is
[19:42:20] <IceLube> hard to remember everyone
[19:42:33] <Atreea> lol im a38 :P
[19:42:35] <IceLube> oh
[19:42:41] <IceLube> why change name then
[19:42:41] <IceLube> nub
[19:42:48] <Atreea> cuz isam pulling me leg
[19:42:54] <IceLube> what
[19:42:56] <IceLube> amputating you?
[19:42:59] <Atreea> so ichange to annoy him more ;p
[19:43:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[19:43:22] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 380 President, 314 ST, 274 LAN, 234 IBEx, 224 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:44:11] <Atreea> i was supposed to change my name to atreeat
[19:44:16] <Atreea> but messed the t lol
[19:44:22] <IceLube> gg
[19:44:40] --> deathlife23 connected to the server
[19:44:40] <Atreea> well a38 is "athreeeight" might aswell make it atreat
[19:45:47] <IceLube> ok
[19:46:15] <Atreea> i suck at trucking
[19:46:20] <Atreea> i should stop smfh
[19:46:20] <IceLube> ok
[19:47:48] <IceLube> hate this /open thing
[19:47:56] <IceLube> instead of automatic opening
[19:48:09] <Atreea> cant u just press "2" ?
[19:48:17] <IceLube> wait, that exist?
[19:48:19] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 381 President, 318 ST, 276 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:48:30] <Atreea> well on some gates you can
[19:48:32] <Atreea> not sure if all of them
[19:48:35] <IceLube> ok
[19:48:48] <IceLube> yes it does
[19:48:50] <IceLube> thank you
[19:48:58] <Atreea> lol
[19:49:03] <Atreea> your welcome
[19:49:11] <Stan> damn
[19:49:16] <IceLube> hi stan
[19:49:24] <IceLube> you dirty
[19:49:24] <IceLube> filthy
[19:49:29] <IceLube> j
[19:49:29] <Stan> for the first time i actually sent a separate text to each person instead of broadcasting xd
[19:49:32] <IceLube> uice
[19:50:03] <IceLube> man, fuck them kids
[19:50:36] <Atreea> well imma sleep
[19:50:41] <IceLube> ok bye
[19:50:41] <Atreea> its 1 : 50
[19:50:44] <Atreea> rip
[19:50:44] <Atreea> bye
[19:50:46] <-- Atreea disconnected from the server
[19:50:57] <Thif_BR> !botcend
[19:50:59] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 308 minutes
[19:51:10] <IceLube> what will end in 308 min?
[19:51:46] <deathlife23> \/repair
[19:51:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> botc
[19:51:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> event
[19:53:55] --> Wishera connected to the server
[19:53:55] <IceLube> !botc
[19:53:57] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 381 President, 324 ST, 279 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:54:10] --> Dr.Love connected to the server
[19:54:44] <Stan> lmao took me 25 mins to message like 50 people and reply :|
[19:54:49] <Stan> ok my hands tired now bye
[19:54:52] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[19:54:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[19:55:02] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 381 President, 324 ST, 279 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:55:05] <IceLube> !botc
[19:55:08] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 381 President, 325 ST, 279 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:55:08] <IceLube> !botc
[19:55:10] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 381 President, 325 ST, 279 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:58:21] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 381 President, 327 ST, 283 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[19:59:18] <Precision> 1 minute for me.
[19:59:41] <IceLube> new year huh
[20:00:18] <Dr.Love> 16:00 PM here :P
[20:00:23] <Precision> HAPPY NEW YEAR!
[20:00:25] <IceLube> 20:00 here
[20:00:38] <IceLube> Precision you should've gone with family or friends
[20:00:41] <IceLube> but tthanks
[20:00:54] <IceLube> I wish you the same
[20:01:35] <deathlife23> happy new year
[20:01:43] <Dr.Love> where are you from guys
[20:01:55] <kingkings> 22:00 here
[20:02:55] <Dr.Love> lmao
[20:02:57] <Dr.Love> what happened kings
[20:02:57] <kingkings> lol
[20:03:34] <Rogz> !botc
[20:03:36] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 385 President, 331 ST, 287 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:04:15] <deathlife23> what's the max speed for dodo
[20:04:33] <Rogz> !botchrip
[20:04:43] <Rogz> !botcrip
[20:04:46] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 225 Wizz
[20:04:54] <-- Vicente_Estate disconnected from the server
[20:06:06] <kingkings> is there application for windows to download music like phones
[20:07:13] <Thif_BR> !botc
[20:07:16] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 386 President, 333 ST, 289 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:07:29] <kingkings> thankgod
[20:08:23] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 387 President, 333 ST, 289 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:08:28] <-- Precision disconnected from the server
[20:09:35] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[20:09:43] <kingkings> wb
[20:09:51] <TheGamer> ty
[20:10:53] <Rogz> how to give money?
[20:10:58] <kingkings> /givecash
[20:10:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> /givecash
[20:11:00] <Rogz> tyy
[20:11:03] <kingkings> /givecash 14
[20:11:37] <Rogz> !cash Rogz
[20:11:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Rogz has $1,114,586 in hand
[20:11:50] <Rogz> !player Naked_Snake
[20:11:50] <Bleizi> !cash rogz
[20:11:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player Naked_Snake: 35753 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[20:12:03] <Bleizi> !cash rogz
[20:12:06] (WEB) <robin_be> rogz has $1,114,586 in hand
[20:12:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> !botc
[20:12:37] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 389 President, 335 ST, 291 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:12:57] <TheGamer> planning to reach 16m today
[20:15:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> fg
[20:15:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[20:15:37] <deathlife23> thx
[20:16:34] <Rogz> !botc
[20:16:37] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 391 President, 337 ST, 292 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:18:26] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 391 President, 338 ST, 294 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:18:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[20:18:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 3860 score, 3633 missions: 29'/. trucking - 7'/. shamal - 7'/. rescue
[20:19:25] --> Treyway connected to the server
[20:19:30] <Dr.Love> wb
[20:19:35] <Treyway> ty
[20:19:59] <Treyway> !botc
[20:20:01] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 391 President, 338 ST, 294 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:20:22] <-- deathlife23 disconnected from the server
[20:21:27] <-- Bleizi disconnected from the server
[20:21:42] --> Bleizi connected to the server
[20:22:11] <-- Bleizi disconnected from the server
[20:22:21] <-- Wishera disconnected from the server
[20:22:24] --> Bleizi connected to the server
[20:22:49] --> Wishera connected to the server
[20:23:31] <Thif_BR> !botc
[20:23:33] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 393 President, 339 ST, 294 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:24:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player crux
[20:24:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player crux: 11847 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[20:25:14] <kingkings> !botcend
[20:25:17] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 274 minutes
[20:27:39] <Thif_BR> !botc
[20:27:42] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 396 President, 340 ST, 295 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:28:05] <Thif_BR> !botcend
[20:28:08] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 271 minutes
[20:28:26] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 396 President, 340 ST, 295 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:28:49] <Rogz> asd
[20:29:23] <TheGamer> !interest 50000000
[20:29:25] (WEB) <robin_be> $50,000,000 will generate about $33,333 every 60 minutes
[20:29:33] <TheGamer> wasn't there an interest limit?
[20:29:38] <TheGamer> or was that CnR?
[20:30:50] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[20:34:32] <Thif_BR> kkkk
[20:34:50] <Rogz> :C
[20:38:27] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 405 President, 343 ST, 301 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:40:00] <Thif_BR> !botc
[20:40:03] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 405 President, 344 ST, 302 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:41:51] <Rogz> Guys, how to know price of vehicle
[20:41:54] <Rogz> ?
[20:42:12] <Rogz> !houses
[20:42:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Rogz does not own any houses!
[20:43:03] <Rogz> !price infernus
[20:43:11] <Rogz> (cmd
[20:44:21] <Rogz> !hel
[20:44:21] <Rogz> !helpw
[20:44:23] <Rogz> !help
[20:44:28] <Rogz> ok
[20:45:38] <-- Dr.Love disconnected from the server
[20:46:07] --> Dr.Love connected to the server
[20:46:17] <Rogz> !BOTC
[20:46:20] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 409 President, 345 ST, 305 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:46:25] <Rogz> !botchend
[20:46:35] <Rogz> !botcend
[20:46:38] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 253 minutes
[20:47:35] --> Serbian connected to the server
[20:47:40] <Dr.Love> wb Serbian
[20:47:40] <Agera> wbbbb
[20:47:42] <Rogz> wb
[20:47:45] <Serbian> yo
[20:47:45] <kingkings> wb
[20:48:16] <Serbian> lol
[20:48:29] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 410 President, 346 ST, 306 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:48:32] <Thif_BR> serbian admin?
[20:48:37] <Agera> ye
[20:48:39] <Serbian> yes
[20:48:45] <Thif_BR> serbian, a time...
[20:49:00] <Thif_BR> I auto demoted my rank to executive, months before pl come down
[20:49:26] <Thif_BR> Which the possibility of an admin set the ranking?
[20:49:28] <Thif_BR> (CEO)
[20:49:36] <Rogz> none
[20:49:52] <Serbian> You need someone with db acces (Crystal)
[20:49:52] <Treyway> You need to call another ceo
[20:49:57] <Thif_BR> all players saying which the companies with inactive ceos will be deleted
[20:49:57] <kingkings> nothing called autodemoted
[20:49:59] <Serbian> I don't have that type of access.
[20:50:18] <Rogz> I tried to become CEO of LAN, contacting administrator after nice carry to save the company
[20:50:20] <Rogz> and nothing
[20:50:28] <Rogz> so, contact CEO
[20:50:31] <-- Bleizi disconnected from the server
[20:50:33] <Rogz> good luck
[20:50:43] <Treyway> savage rogz
[20:50:43] <Thif_BR> deleted after botc, I'm waiting biugo return of the travel to log-in and set my rank
[20:50:49] <Rogz> 15 hours of farming
[20:51:07] <Treyway>
[20:51:14] <Thif_BR> but... I'm her...
[20:51:35] <Rogz> !player Nolbit
[20:51:38] <Rogz> !player Mendoza
[20:51:38] (WEB) <robin_be> player Nolbit: 10011 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[20:51:41] (WEB) <robin_be> player Mendoza: 30487 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[20:51:46] <Rogz> !player Naked_Snake
[20:51:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player Naked_Snake: 35753 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[20:51:51] <Treyway> RIP
[20:51:59] <Rogz> xddd, all CEO's 1,5 year offline
[20:52:09] <Dr.Love> I was LAN CEO
[20:52:12] <Treyway> Could be more
[20:52:12] <kingkings> thif what last time u was active a week ago ?
[20:52:12] <Rogz> Yesterday I got in conctact with Naked. but he did not response me
[20:52:20] <-- Dr.Love disconnected from the server
[20:52:30] --> Dr.Love connected to the server
[20:52:32] <Rogz> wb
[20:53:27] <Treyway> Thif still have hope ?
[20:54:03] <kingkings> thif is not even active :| he just logged at event
[20:54:05] <Thif_BR> I'm her...
[20:54:08] <Treyway> !botc
[20:54:11] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 412 President, 347 ST, 310 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:54:13] <kingkings> her what ?
[20:54:19] <Treyway> he meant here
[20:54:21] <Thif_BR> I'm CEO of ST Express
[20:54:31] <kingkings> u giveup ur position
[20:54:39] <kingkings> gaveup
[20:54:44] <Treyway> Join discord and contact crystal
[20:54:55] <Thif_BR> I have a topic on forums
[20:55:15] <Thif_BR> !botc
[20:55:15] <kingkings> u said u demoted ur self
[20:55:18] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 412 President, 347 ST, 311 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:55:26] <Thif_BR> Yes, temporary
[20:55:36] <Thif_BR> How in companies don't have auto-kick
[20:55:54] <Treyway> Everytime i leave server for a while i don't get kicked from it
[20:55:57] <kingkings> if company had autokick none of u would be in company
[20:55:59] <Treyway> only airlines auto kick
[20:56:07] <kingkings> and it would got deleted years ago
[20:56:15] <Thif_BR> cya
[20:56:25] <Thif_BR> !botcrip
[20:56:28] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 225 Wizz
[20:56:28] <-- Thif_BR disconnected from the server
[20:56:43] <kingkings> rip joyda
[20:56:59] <Treyway> i guess rip st
[20:57:17] <kingkings> joydra worked much for st now
[20:58:06] <Dr.Love> !player Shazo
[20:58:09] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Shazo
[20:58:11] <kingkings> i
[20:58:30] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 414 President, 347 ST, 312 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[20:58:30] <Treyway> add an i
[20:58:32] <Dr.Love> !player LWM97
[20:58:35] (WEB) <robin_be> player LWM97: 0 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[20:58:53] <kingkings> !player Shazi
[20:58:56] (WEB) <robin_be> player Shazi: 14075 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[21:01:00] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[21:01:05] <Agera> wb
[21:01:08] <Rogz> wb
[21:01:10] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ty
[21:01:10] <Dr.Love> wb Sursai
[21:01:13] <kingkings> wb surc
[21:02:46] <Agera> happy new year to all, cya
[21:02:48] <Rogz> hnw
[21:02:53] <kingkings> hnw
[21:02:53] <kingkings> cya
[21:03:04] <-- Agera disconnected from the server
[21:03:30] <kingkings> !botc
[21:03:32] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 415 President, 347 ST, 313 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:05:39] <kingkings> !botcend
[21:05:42] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 234 minutes
[21:08:32] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 417 President, 347 ST, 315 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:09:23] --> shiv connected to the server
[21:09:39] <Dr.Love> wb
[21:09:39] <shiv> ayo
[21:09:41] <kingkings> wb
[21:10:05] <shiv> !botc
[21:10:07] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 418 President, 347 ST, 315 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:10:33] --> Stan connected to the server
[21:10:33] <Treyway> he rage quit xD
[21:10:36] <shiv> why
[21:10:41] <-- cygnus disconnected from the server
[21:10:46] <kingkings> because no hope he going be CEO
[21:10:46] <Stan> who
[21:10:49] <Dr.Love> F
[21:10:49] <shiv> F
[21:10:49] <Treyway> CEO rank
[21:10:51] <shiv> .w
[21:10:59] <Stan> !seen Ludred
[21:11:04] <Treyway> wb stan
[21:11:04] <Stan> !player Ludred
[21:11:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player Ludred: 5581 score, last seen 4 Hours Ago
[21:11:07] <Stan> thank you shark
[21:11:17] <Stan> !groups Treyway
[21:11:20] (WEB) <robin_be> Treyway is in airline Sky Air and company President Exp
[21:11:25] <Stan> :--0
[21:11:28] <Treyway> Sorry left your airline :D
[21:11:33] <shiv> wow
[21:11:36] <Stan> it's alright
[21:11:38] <shiv> !groups shiv
[21:11:41] (WEB) <robin_be> shiv is in airline Inverted Airlines and company Inverted Buffalo Express
[21:11:44] <Stan> !botc
[21:11:46] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 419 President, 347 ST, 315 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:11:49] <Stan> guess what
[21:11:57] <Stan> !botcrip
[21:11:59] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 225 Wizz
[21:12:10] <Stan> damn this is not fair lol
[21:12:17] <shiv> why
[21:12:30] <Treyway> Poor wizz
[21:12:59] <kingkings> shiv who gonna set him CEO ?
[21:12:59] <Treyway> !botc
[21:13:01] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 419 President, 347 ST, 315 LAN, 234 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:13:04] <Stan> uh
[21:13:09] <kingkings> so IBEX not get deleted ?
[21:13:22] <kingkings> shiv in transx
[21:13:30] <kingkings> admins company except diamond
[21:13:45] <Treyway> abouse
[21:13:48] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[21:13:55] <Stan> wb
[21:13:58] <kingkings> wb
[21:14:03] <Santa_Claus> !botcend
[21:14:06] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 225 minutes
[21:14:11] <Santa_Claus> !botc
[21:14:14] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 419 President, 347 ST, 316 LAN, 235 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:15:18] <-- Dr.Love disconnected from the server
[21:15:52] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[21:15:59] --> Stan connected to the server
[21:15:59] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[21:17:09] <shiv> F
[21:17:12] <shiv> lmfao Stan
[21:17:17] <Stan> :(
[21:17:35] <Stan> proof that god doesn't exist
[21:17:45] <Rogz> !botc
[21:17:48] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 419 President, 347 ST, 316 LAN, 236 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:18:32] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 419 President, 347 ST, 316 LAN, 236 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:18:40] <Stan> again
[21:19:29] --> Dr.Love connected to the server
[21:19:36] <RonaldoValer> wb
[21:19:42] <Dr.Love> ty
[21:20:13] <shiv> stan what are you trying to do?
[21:20:18] <Stan> come to you
[21:20:33] <Stan> /get stan
[21:22:12] <-- Rogz disconnected from the server
[21:22:27] --> Rogz connected to the server
[21:22:37] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[21:23:11] <Santa_Claus> !player naked_snake
[21:23:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player naked_snake: 35753 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[21:23:34] --> Treyway connected to the server
[21:23:40] <Rogz> !botc
[21:23:42] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 419 President, 347 ST, 317 LAN, 237 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:24:08] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[21:24:31] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[21:24:49] <Santa_Claus> !Player gabe_gabbinton
[21:24:49] <Rogz> wb
[21:24:52] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player gabe_gabbinton
[21:25:18] <Santa_Claus> !player gabe_gabbington
[21:25:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player gabe_gabbington: 234 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[21:27:02] <Santa_Claus> I'll park it -50ft in the ocean
[21:27:15] <kingkings> lol
[21:27:17] <shiv> you wont
[21:27:20] <RonaldoValer> nice parking
[21:27:46] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[21:28:32] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 419 President, 347 ST, 320 LAN, 239 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:28:45] <-- Dr.Love disconnected from the server
[21:28:58] --> Dr.Love connected to the server
[21:29:14] <-- Serbian disconnected from the server
[21:29:29] <Santa_Claus> this manana I bought sucks
[21:33:01] <shiv> tur
[21:33:06] <shiv> true, can confirm
[21:34:49] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[21:35:25] <Treyway> !botc
[21:35:28] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 321 LAN, 243 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:36:48] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[21:38:21] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[21:38:24] <RonaldoValer> wb
[21:38:26] <TheGamer> ty
[21:38:34] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 321 LAN, 244 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:39:47] <Rogz> sorry
[21:40:23] <-- Dr.Love disconnected from the server
[21:41:53] <Rogz> !botcenda
[21:41:56] <Rogz> !botcenda
[21:41:56] <Rogz> !botcend
[21:41:58] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 197 minutes
[21:41:58] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[21:42:01] <Rogz> sorry for spam
[21:43:29] <kingkings> !johncena
[21:43:44] <Rogz> !cost Huntley
[21:43:54] <Rogz> check price of vehicle?
[21:43:57] <kingkings> /getprice
[21:44:00] <Rogz> ty
[21:44:05] <kingkings> relog
[21:44:07] <-- kingkings disconnected from the server
[21:44:25] <Rogz> !botch
[21:44:28] <Rogz> !botcd
[21:44:30] <Rogz> !botc
[21:44:33] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 323 LAN, 245 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:44:51] --> kingkings connected to the server
[21:48:36] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 325 LAN, 247 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:49:56] <Rogz> !botc
[21:49:56] --> Bliktonijn connected to the server
[21:49:58] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 247 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:50:01] <TheGamer> wb blik
[21:50:01] <RonaldoValer> wb nub
[21:50:06] <Bliktonijn> tyy boys
[21:50:16] <Bliktonijn> ohja ritueel
[21:50:24] <TheGamer> was al gaan stilhangen
[21:50:32] <Bliktonijn> zoooo
[21:50:40] <-- Wishera disconnected from the server
[21:50:47] <TheGamer> nog 17km
[21:50:50] <Bliktonijn> Nice man
[21:51:00] <Bliktonijn> iederen stappen feesten
[21:51:21] <TheGamer> meh, ben daar nie zo van
[21:52:10] <Bliktonijn> when aaron was still leader
[21:52:15] <Bliktonijn> a fuk
[21:52:23] <TheGamer> wrong chat boi
[21:54:29] <kingkings> !botcend
[21:54:29] <-- Dzokagiven_Estate disconnected from the server
[21:54:32] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 185 minutes
[21:54:52] <TheGamer> nog 6km
[21:54:55] <TheGamer> verdomme zeg
[21:55:00] <Bliktonijn> je bent er bijna
[21:55:08] <TheGamer> duurt laaaang
[21:55:26] <TheGamer> als ik naar dat kut eiland wil spawn ik wel in mn journey
[21:56:12] <kingkings> Happy new Now xD
[21:56:22] <TheGamer> 2 hours left
[21:56:35] <kingkings> this is 4th new year we celebrate here
[21:57:01] <TheGamer> gisteren werd er zo'n thunder ding voor t raam gegooid
[21:57:06] <TheGamer> wat een knal is dat verdomme
[21:57:53] <Rogz> !botc
[21:57:55] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 248 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:58:11] <TheGamer> !botcrip
[21:58:14] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 225 Wizz
[21:58:24] <TheGamer> wizz still trying to beat ibex?
[21:58:37] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 248 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[21:58:58] <kingkings> nah
[21:59:39] <TheGamer> i don't need to walk to the window to check it lol
[22:04:20] <TheGamer> must be a nice wotd coming up
[22:07:42] <kingkings> sursai got a question
[22:08:07] <kingkings> what is point of keeping company in same time its inactive
[22:08:39] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 250 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[22:10:42] <kingkings> !rinterest 100000
[22:10:45] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $100,000 of interest you need about $150,000,000
[22:10:53] <Sursai_Kosecksi> you'd have to ask someone with an inactive company
[22:11:34] <kingkings> but u and requestIA only active 2 players in ur company
[22:11:57] <kingkings> i wonder what is the point why crystal wanted to reduce companies
[22:12:03] <kingkings> then*
[22:12:13] <Sursai_Kosecksi> Ronaldo would argue that, and a few more
[22:12:36] <TheGamer> due to the inactivity
[22:13:30] <kingkings> my point is now look at Airlines
[22:13:38] <kingkings> they are all active
[22:13:43] <kingkings> except american xD
[22:13:46] <Sursai_Kosecksi> lol
[22:14:01] <kingkings> !player fluffy
[22:14:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player fluffy: 9463 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[22:14:07] <kingkings> !player fluffy
[22:14:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player fluffy: 9463 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[22:14:17] <RonaldoValer> error hahaha
[22:14:22] <kingkings> they are 3 active
[22:14:50] <kingkings> the 4th pressie logs for 1 sec to avoid deleting assests
[22:15:37] <kingkings> i told crystal an idea before botc
[22:15:45] <Bliktonijn> Q
[22:15:58] <kingkings> but it made him think launch botc xD
[22:16:10] <Bliktonijn> When Lucas Moura rekt Ajax
[22:17:41] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[22:18:40] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 252 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[22:24:49] <kingkings> Lan will be deleted also i thinka
[22:25:07] <CaoMishma> !botcrip
[22:25:10] (WEB) <robin_be> {ff0000}rip: 0 Delta, 4 Swift, 28 AF, 225 Wizz
[22:25:17] <CaoMishma> !botc
[22:25:20] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 255 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[22:28:41] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 257 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[22:30:42] <RonaldoValer> omg
[22:31:00] <kingkings> this LC shouldnt be on that top
[22:31:08] <kingkings> it not accible by foot
[22:31:49] <RonaldoValer> pl wall of fame <3
[22:32:46] <kingkings> i think we should add graveyard for removed companies and airlines
[22:33:58] <-- RonaldoValer disconnected from the server
[22:34:34] <kingkings> !botc
[22:34:37] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 258 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[22:35:26] <kingkings> !botcend
[22:35:29] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 144 minutes
[22:37:43] <Rogz> !botc
[22:37:43] <Sursai_Kosecksi> huh.. if only we had aircraft /o
[22:37:46] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 258 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[22:37:53] <kingkings> lol
[22:38:22] <Sursai_Kosecksi> re: lc
[22:38:42] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 258 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[22:47:42] <Rogz> Happy new Year Russia!
[22:47:57] <kingkings> lol
[22:48:41] <Rogz> !botc
[22:48:44] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 261 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[22:57:11] <Sursai_Kosecksi> gz
[22:57:17] <kingkings> ty
[22:57:19] <kingkings> !botcend
[22:57:22] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 122 minutes
[22:57:27] <CaoMishma> 2 hrs
[22:57:58] <kingkings> normally players come after 2 hours
[22:58:08] --> shiv connected to the server
[22:58:13] <kingkings> this time should be none online xD
[22:58:13] <CaoMishma> wb
[22:58:19] <shiv> ayp
[22:58:24] <shiv> just testing stuff
[22:58:26] <shiv> don't mind me logging in and out
[22:58:31] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[22:58:44] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 326 LAN, 264 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:00:53] <-- Bliktonijn disconnected from the server
[23:03:33] <CaoMishma> test
[23:03:44] --> shiv connected to the server
[23:04:25] <Sursai_Kosecksi> sarapl?
[23:05:22] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[23:06:26] --> shiv connected to the server
[23:07:15] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[23:08:46] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 327 LAN, 266 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:10:37] <Santa_Claus> who's getting the big delet
[23:10:42] <Santa_Claus> !botcend
[23:10:44] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 108 minutes
[23:10:44] <shiv> trans
[23:10:47] <Santa_Claus> oh boi
[23:13:17] <kingkings> show us some magic santa
[23:13:22] <shiv> sure
[23:13:24] <kingkings> and where is my present
[23:13:29] <kingkings> lol
[23:13:29] <kingkings> xD
[23:13:32] <shiv> xD
[23:14:11] <kingkings> can u edit drinkbleache make me go 5k feet up ?
[23:15:00] <shiv> !botc
[23:15:02] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 328 LAN, 268 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:18:05] <kingkings> lets make good photo for new year and post it at discord
[23:18:47] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 329 LAN, 269 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:20:07] --> Treyway connected to the server
[23:20:22] <kingkings> wb
[23:20:25] <Treyway> !botc
[23:20:25] <Treyway> ty
[23:20:28] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 329 LAN, 271 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:22:47] <CaoMishma> gz
[23:23:21] <Treyway> Admons helping each other
[23:26:19] <Treyway> !botcend
[23:26:21] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 93 minutes
[23:28:49] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 332 LAN, 275 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:34:19] <-- shiv disconnected from the server
[23:34:29] --> shiv connected to the server
[23:34:32] <Rogz> wb
[23:35:13] <Treyway> tf is wrong with your driving xD
[23:35:29] <kingkings> watching tiktok on phone xD
[23:35:54] <Santa_Claus> tik tok is mad gay
[23:35:59] <shiv> wooow
[23:35:59] <Treyway> YEA
[23:36:05] <shiv> tik tok is good
[23:36:10] <Treyway> GAY
[23:36:17] <kingkings> actullay its different in each country xD
[23:36:25] <shiv> its good when youre bored tbh
[23:36:25] <Santa_Claus> shiv is gay so it confirms my theory thanks thanks
[23:36:28] <Treyway> in my country gay
[23:36:41] <kingkings> lol
[23:36:48] <Treyway> shit tiktoks everywhere
[23:36:54] <kingkings> call stan make him happy then
[23:37:04] <Treyway> he's gay ?
[23:37:14] <Santa_Claus> yes
[23:37:25] <Sursai_Kosecksi> supremely, so Im told
[23:37:43] <Treyway> eww
[23:37:45] <Santa_Claus> we have a large list of openly gay players in PL
[23:37:56] <Treyway> lmao
[23:37:58] <shiv> and bi
[23:38:03] <Santa_Claus> yes
[23:38:19] <Treyway> i thaught stan is only noob not gay too lol
[23:38:50] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 335 LAN, 282 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:41:04] <Treyway> !botc
[23:41:07] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 336 LAN, 284 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:41:43] <Santa_Claus> f
[23:41:46] <shiv> F
[23:41:51] <Treyway> f
[23:45:27] <Treyway> low fuel
[23:46:14] <kingkings> stop
[23:46:17] <Treyway> RIPS
[23:46:32] <Treyway> -1 fuel
[23:46:37] <Treyway> can't
[23:46:40] <Treyway> -2
[23:48:52] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 337 LAN, 291 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:48:59] <Treyway> RIP
[23:49:28] <kingkings> rip
[23:49:33] <kingkings> it slipped into water xD
[23:49:43] <Treyway> TP to rodeo
[23:49:43] <kingkings> respawn
[23:49:51] <Treyway> k
[23:50:55] <Rogz> !botc
[23:50:58] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 338 LAN, 292 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:51:09] <Treyway> you can't beat 420
[23:51:11] <kingkings> shhhhh
[23:51:14] <Santa_Claus> I will
[23:51:19] <Santa_Claus> oh wait I did
[23:51:21] <kingkings> dont let them do it :(
[23:51:32] <shiv> weed XD
[23:51:34] <Santa_Claus> x
[23:51:42] <kingkings> !botcend
[23:51:45] (WEB) <robin_be> will end in 67 minutes
[23:51:52] <Treyway> 7 mins and i'll go wank
[23:52:00] <Treyway> good way to welcome new year
[23:54:40] <kingkings> play mb14 on pl radio
[23:55:01] <shiv> no DJ on uwu
[23:55:06] <Santa_Claus> alexa play all i want for christmas it's you
[23:55:42] <kingkings> cant connect /radio channel to discord one ?
[23:55:52] <shiv> it is
[23:56:05] <shiv> on discord there is a plr channel
[23:56:13] <kingkings> but they not the same
[23:56:31] <kingkings> i mean i request track there it plays here
[23:56:31] <shiv> you sure?
[23:56:41] <kingkings> they same ?
[23:56:52] <shiv> yes
[23:57:02] <Treyway> you guys should add !requestsong command for plr
[23:57:33] <shiv> that'll be a bit hard to do
[23:57:46] <Treyway> sucks to hear that
[23:57:51] <kingkings> u change the way of wiring
[23:58:01] <kingkings> u add music bot to discord
[23:58:09] <kingkings> then link it to url
[23:58:12] <kingkings> then add that url here
[23:58:17] <Santa_Claus> there is a music bot in discord
[23:58:17] <Treyway> it's hard
[23:58:25] <kingkings> i know
[23:58:27] <Treyway> maybe if they link a discord bot here
[23:58:32] <Treyway> for ig chat
[23:58:38] <kingkings> i mean we play in discord players hear here
[23:58:38] <Sursai_Kosecksi> I appreciate your impression of our abilities. I make maps and ban people. lol
[23:58:40] <Treyway> there is discord connector plugin
[23:58:45] <kingkings> lol
[23:58:53] (WEB) <robin_be> 3333 GO-JEK, 2654 TransX, 1406 Star, 420 President, 347 ST, 340 LAN, 298 IBEx, 225 Wizz, 28 AF, 4 Swift, 0 D(..)
[23:59:45] <Treyway> t
[23:59:53] <Treyway> tt
[23:59:58] <Treyway> Happy new year