[00:00:16] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[00:04:04] --> adalarva connected to the server
[00:04:28] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[00:06:15] --> Pelegrino547 connected to the server
[00:06:39] --> adalarva connected to the server
[00:08:55] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[00:10:36] <-- Pelegrino547 disconnected from the server
[00:11:19] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[00:15:36] <-- OhOhOh disconnected from the server
[00:18:32] --> Pelegrino547 connected to the server
[00:18:56] --> adalarva connected to the server
[00:21:39] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[00:37:41] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[00:47:50] --> ChrisDerGamer connected to the server
[01:00:13] <ChrisDerGamer> rip
[01:00:55] <Pelegrino547> i typed kill lol i was looking for prices of cars and houses
[01:01:38] <Pelegrino547> i think best way to earn some money here is andromeda flights right?
[01:09:12] <Pelegrino547> well that landing was ok
[01:09:25] <Pelegrino547> i nearly crashed lol
[01:10:35] <ChrisDerGamer> are you searching for an Airline??
[01:10:54] <Pelegrino547> im in an andromeda
[01:11:12] <Pelegrino547> dont know knothing here im a newbie
[01:12:19] <ChrisDerGamer> sumbit your application
[01:12:24] <Pelegrino547> ah ok
[01:18:46] <-- ChrisDerGamer disconnected from the server
[01:23:35] <-- Pelegrino547 disconnected from the server
[01:34:37] --> [ICE]Maverick connected to the server
[01:46:15] <-- [ICE]Maverick disconnected from the server
[01:49:54] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[01:49:56] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[01:51:22] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[01:51:24] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[01:58:32] --> Nescau connected to the server
[01:58:56] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[02:07:47] --> Nescau connected to the server
[02:11:13] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[02:11:32] <Nescau> wb
[02:11:43] <Hamster12> sssh
[02:12:04] <Hamster12> 3 am in my country
[02:12:09] <Nescau> go to sleep bro
[02:12:23] <Hamster12> i woke up with nightmare im operm banned here
[02:12:31] <Nescau> looool
[02:12:33] <Hamster12> :(
[02:14:10] <Hamster12> ok gotta sleep
[02:14:15] <Nescau> good night
[02:14:20] <Nescau> dream with me
[02:14:23] <Hamster12> fleet
[02:14:34] <Hamster12> how old are u
[02:14:39] <Nescau> 19y
[02:14:42] <Hamster12> cuute
[02:14:47] <Hamster12> cyaa
[02:14:47] <Nescau> :3
[02:14:50] <Nescau> bb
[02:14:52] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[02:20:24] --> adalarva connected to the server
[02:21:38] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[02:25:52] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[02:25:52] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[02:29:23] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[02:29:23] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[02:37:24] <adalarva>
[02:40:36] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[02:40:36] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[02:40:42] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[02:45:03] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[02:45:22] --> Nescau connected to the server
[02:45:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player atreea
[02:45:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player atreea: 3253 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[02:50:46] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[02:50:46] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[02:52:14] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[02:52:30] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[02:52:33] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[02:52:46] --> Lucy connected to the server
[02:52:54] <Nescau> wb
[02:53:00] <Lucy> ty
[02:53:08] <Lucy> r u funkyblackcat?
[02:53:10] <Nescau> Nope
[02:54:09] --> DoritosG3 connected to the server
[02:55:59] <Nescau> !player DoritosG3_Wolf
[02:56:02] (WEB) <robin_be> player DoritosG3_Wolf: 53 score, last seen 3 Hours Ago
[02:56:15] <DoritosG3> work
[03:01:38] --> scoff connected to the server
[03:01:49] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[03:02:45] <-- DoritosG3 disconnected from the server
[03:02:53] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[03:03:12] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[03:04:02] --> DoritosG3 connected to the server
[03:04:13] <-- DoritosG3 disconnected from the server
[03:04:29] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[03:04:40] --> lord_vader connected to the server
[03:04:56] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[03:07:15] <-- Hanzel_Nunez disconnected from the server
[03:08:05] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[03:08:54] <adalarva> atc
[03:15:14] <Hanzel_Nunez> the prpiyat island icant see it
[03:15:28] <Nescau> Whats the time on your clock?
[03:15:30] <Nescau> Maybe desynced
[03:15:38] <Hanzel_Nunez> 21:36
[03:15:44] <lord_vader> 23 45
[03:15:46] <Nescau> Yep, you are desynced
[03:15:52] <Nescau> Its 23:50
[03:15:52] <Hanzel_Nunez> ok
[03:16:00] <Nescau> Try to leave and join again
[03:16:08] <Hanzel_Nunez> thanks
[03:16:13] <-- Hanzel_Nunez disconnected from the server
[03:16:56] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[03:19:44] <lord_vader> agasg
[03:20:51] <lord_vader> how to have color in my callsign?
[03:20:59] <Nescau> You need to be vip
[03:21:05] <Nescau> Go to /p
[03:21:13] <lord_vader> i am :D
[03:21:13] <Nescau> click on the callsign space
[03:21:23] <Nescau> add a hex coloc and your callsing
[03:21:31] <lord_vader> got it
[03:21:34] <Nescau> Example: Callsign
[03:21:39] <Nescau> { asadsa }
[03:22:14] <Nescau> the hex betwen { } and your sign after it
[03:22:44] <lord_vader> ty
[03:23:37] <-- Hanzel_Nunez disconnected from the server
[03:25:35] --> Ayers connected to the server
[03:25:35] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[03:27:11] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[03:28:02] <Lucy> lol im watchin my laptop copilot at like 15 FPS
[03:28:23] --> Ayers connected to the server
[03:29:49] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[03:30:18] <lord_vader> fuck
[03:31:44] <DoritosG3_Wolf> cmon scoff are u kidding me ???
[03:31:57] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[03:32:02] <scoff> oops
[03:34:00] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[03:34:29] --> Nescau connected to the server
[03:37:23] <-- lord_vader disconnected from the server
[03:39:58] --> Lavija connected to the server
[03:40:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> ew
[03:40:09] <Lucy> wbs
[03:40:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> ty
[03:40:14] --> YaphetS connected to the server
[03:41:16] <-- YaphetS disconnected from the server
[03:42:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[03:42:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> at400 where
[03:43:08] <Nescau> thats already sold
[03:43:11] <Nescau> hue
[03:43:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> eh
[03:43:22] --> YaphetS connected to the server
[03:44:23] <Lucy> ADMIN CHANGE WEATHER
[03:44:34] <Lavija> !!!!!
[03:44:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> ok
[03:44:42] --> Adeel connected to the server
[03:44:50] <Adeel> Hi
[03:44:53] <Nescau> Hey
[03:44:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[03:45:03] <Lavija> joyadi she asked u to change the weather
[03:45:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> what the command i forgot
[03:45:22] <Lavija> /givecash lavija 10000000 .
[03:45:25] <Lavija> that was it
[03:45:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> that work
[03:45:44] <Lavija> u forgot some 0s
[03:45:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> mine work
[03:45:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> from rain to sunny
[03:45:54] <Lavija> weird not for me
[03:46:02] <Nescau> Best weather: 266
[03:46:24] <Nescau> 222*
[03:46:24] <Nescau> Sorry
[03:46:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> weatheroff best
[03:48:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[03:48:03] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[03:48:37] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[03:55:37] <adalarva> uff
[03:56:01] <DoritosG3_Wolf> hahaha
[03:56:39] <Lucy> ded
[03:59:43] <YaphetS> tangi nang fog to
[03:59:43] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[04:01:57] <-- scoff disconnected from the server
[04:02:56] <YaphetS> wtf
[04:06:56] <YaphetS> what is kONTOL?
[04:09:53] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[04:10:41] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[04:11:02] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[04:13:43] <Lucy> why dont we get on haydz cnr? :D
[04:13:48] <Lucy> port 8888
[04:13:59] <Lavija> i havent been on cnr since like 2015
[04:14:12] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[04:14:23] <Lucy> i been playin some other cnr
[04:14:47] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[04:15:24] <Lucy> do they have lagshoot there
[04:15:38] <YaphetS> what is cnr?
[04:15:51] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[04:15:51] <Adeel> cops and robber
[04:16:02] <YaphetS> ohh
[04:16:18] <Lucy> basically same server different port except its kind of secret :D
[04:16:20] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[04:16:36] --> [Alqaida]xx[sj] connected to the server
[04:16:55] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[04:17:01] <Lucy> !seen cygnus
[04:17:03] <Lavija> Miles you good?
[04:17:09] <Lucy> !player cygnus
[04:17:12] (WEB) <robin_be> player cygnus: 11477 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[04:17:49] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[04:18:00] --> adalarva connected to the server
[04:18:08] <Lucy> !player crystal
[04:18:11] (WEB) <robin_be> player crystal: 7682 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[04:18:27] <Lucy> !player diamondzxd
[04:18:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player diamondzxd: 11214 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[04:18:57] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[04:19:42] <Lucy> IM WEARING BREASTS
[04:19:48] <-- Lucy disconnected from the server
[04:20:55] --> adalarva connected to the server
[04:22:25] <Adeel> !score BeeVee
[04:22:29] (WEB) <robin_be> player BeeVee: 829 score, 553 missions: 33'/. military - 20'/. trucking - 17'/. courier
[04:24:26] --> Criterion connected to the server
[04:24:29] <Adeel> wb
[04:24:40] <adalarva> hi, one mod recomended for shamal?
[04:24:45] <Criterion> hi
[04:25:17] <adalarva> mod no big, mod take off an runway small
[04:26:05] <Adeel> !score adeel
[04:26:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player adeel: 2759 score, 2620 missions: 35'/. cargo drop - 33'/. trucking - 15'/. courier
[04:26:54] <Adeel> !score adeel
[04:26:54] <YaphetS> !player Cpt.Charles
[04:26:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player adeel: 2759 score, 2620 missions: 35'/. cargo drop - 33'/. trucking - 15'/. courier
[04:27:05] <adalarva> !score adalarva
[04:27:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player adalarva: 271 score, 258 missions: 93'/. shamal - 3'/. cargo - 2'/. at400
[04:27:13] <Criterion> !score
[04:27:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player Criterion: 28080 score, 25580 missions: 23'/. military - 23'/. courier - 20'/. cargo drop
[04:27:51] <-- YaphetS disconnected from the server
[04:28:15] <Adeel> !score Lavija
[04:28:18] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lavija: 19161 score, 11696 missions: 62'/. cargo - 24'/. military - 11'/. trucking
[04:29:41] <Adeel> w
[04:29:44] <Adeel> w
[04:31:52] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[04:33:26] <Lavija> .kic 4
[04:33:34] <Lavija> Nothing
[04:33:39] <[Alqaida]xx[sj]> ¡£
[04:33:39] <Adeel> Haha
[04:33:55] <-- [Alqaida]xx[sj] disconnected from the server
[04:34:03] <Adeel> Why xD
[04:34:03] <Criterion> f
[04:34:57] <Adeel> Crit what's your real name?
[04:36:57] <Adeel> Starving
[04:37:03] <Adeel> later.
[04:37:03] <-- Adeel disconnected from the server
[04:37:40] --> adalarva connected to the server
[04:39:32] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[04:39:54] --> Nescau connected to the server
[04:40:53] <Criterion> smh lag
[04:41:14] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[04:43:22] --> adalarva connected to the server
[04:44:45] <Lavija> .q
[04:44:48] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[04:46:59] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[04:47:04] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[04:47:26] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[04:47:36] --> Pixy connected to the server
[04:47:47] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[04:48:03] --> Ayers connected to the server
[04:48:16] <Ayers> !assets
[04:48:20] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has 40 car(s) ($14,005,000) and 4 house(s) ($41,000,000 - 42 slots) for a total of $55,005,000
[04:49:29] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[04:51:37] --> adalarva connected to the server
[04:51:45] <Ayers> ah elah
[04:52:01] <Criterion> gg
[04:52:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> gg
[04:53:16] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[04:53:43] --> Willz. connected to the server
[04:53:48] <Ayers> hello bitches
[04:54:26] <Willz.> hai
[04:57:44] --> UpnormalTebet connected to the server
[04:58:40] <UpnormalTebet> !assets
[04:58:43] (WEB) <robin_be> UpnormalTebet has 10 car(s) ($3,220,000) and 4 house(s) ($34,450,000 - 30 slots) for a total of $37,670,000
[04:58:51] --> Azhad_Wafi connected to the server
[04:59:36] <UpnormalTebet> !players brooklyn
[04:59:50] <UpnormalTebet> warnet nya tutup haha
[05:00:08] <Criterion> !player brooklyn
[05:00:12] (WEB) <robin_be> player brooklyn: 19500 score, last seen 23 Hours Ago
[05:01:14] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[05:01:43] --> Willz. connected to the server
[05:02:02] <Ayers> hello bitches
[05:02:10] <UpnormalTebet> !bota
[05:02:13] (WEB) <robin_be> ends in -32d-4h
[05:02:18] <Ayers> !botc
[05:02:21] (WEB) <robin_be> it's over, check forums
[05:05:10] <Azhad_Wafi> gz
[05:05:23] <UpnormalTebet> hasil duit proyek ya wil
[05:05:42] <Willz.> duit korupsi
[05:05:50] <UpnormalTebet> halo kapeka
[05:05:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> 1 ceo kena ban
[05:08:14] <-- UpnormalTebet disconnected from the server
[05:08:30] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[05:08:54] --> Willz. connected to the server
[05:09:05] <KylieJenner> s
[05:09:42] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[05:09:48] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[05:10:06] --> Willz. connected to the server
[05:10:20] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[05:10:33] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[05:12:12] <-- Azhad_Wafi disconnected from the server
[05:13:00] --> Nescau connected to the server
[05:13:03] --> adalarva connected to the server
[05:13:43] <Willz.> hey willian
[05:13:56] --> Danielson connected to the server
[05:14:02] <Criterion> hai
[05:14:04] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[05:14:10] <Danielson> hai
[05:14:47] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[05:14:55] <Willz.> discord yes
[05:15:01] --> Pixy connected to the server
[05:16:10] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[05:17:06] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[05:18:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player adrianstoner_
[05:18:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player adrianstoner_: 1673 score, last seen 22 Days Ago
[05:18:32] --> Willz. connected to the server
[05:18:40] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[05:19:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> !houses upnormaltebet
[05:19:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Vinewood: $8,500,000 6 slots Missionary Hill: $7,000,000 7 slots Las Payasadas: $11,000,000 10 slots Whetst(..)
[05:19:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> !houses durex
[05:19:56] (WEB) <robin_be> Mulholland Intersection: $800,000 2 slots Fern Ridge: $5,000,000 5 slots Los Santos Sewers: $5,500,000 5 sl(..)
[05:20:04] <Criterion> That guy is banned
[05:20:07] <Criterion> f
[05:20:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> eh why?
[05:20:15] <Pixy> really?
[05:20:17] <Criterion> idk, he requested it
[05:20:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> might i lost the drama
[05:20:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> ooh
[05:20:25] <Pixy> for how long?
[05:20:33] <Criterion> no ide.a
[05:20:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> attention whore :/
[05:20:36] <Criterion> idea*
[05:20:50] <Pixy> !player durex
[05:20:52] (WEB) <robin_be> player durex: 13303 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[05:22:02] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[05:22:26] --> Willz. connected to the server
[05:23:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> !Player crown
[05:23:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player crown: 11000 score, last seen 16 Days Ago
[05:24:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player bran
[05:24:43] (WEB) <robin_be> player bran: 7219 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[05:25:21] <Pixy> !player citr0n
[05:25:24] (WEB) <robin_be> player citr0n: 10839 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[05:26:31] --> Jacob connected to the server
[05:26:36] <Criterion> wb
[05:27:19] <Jacob> ty
[05:29:16] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[05:31:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions iburger cargo
[05:31:36] (WEB) <robin_be> iburger: 0 cargo
[05:31:49] <Pixy> !mission Kirk. Cargo
[05:38:38] <Willz.> !cash
[05:38:41] (WEB) <robin_be> Willz. has $-1,029 in hand
[05:43:01] --> adalarva connected to the server
[05:49:39] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[05:50:25] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[05:51:47] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[05:52:01] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[06:03:47] <KylieJenner> !player cygnus
[06:03:50] (WEB) <robin_be> player cygnus: 11477 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[06:04:46] <adalarva> !player sirjpg
[06:04:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player sirjpg: 2400 score, last seen 10 Months Ago
[06:09:46] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[06:10:39] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[06:20:17] --> adalarva connected to the server
[06:21:29] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[06:21:58] <KylieJenner> !player haydz
[06:22:01] (WEB) <robin_be> player haydz: 2025 score, last seen 14 Months Ago
[06:22:18] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[06:23:19] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[06:25:59] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[06:30:38] --> adalarva connected to the server
[06:30:43] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[06:30:59] <Hamster12> nic
[06:33:21] <KylieJenner> this is insane 1billion is the price of the house?????????/
[06:33:58] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[06:34:33] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[06:35:00] <Hamster12> fick
[06:35:16] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[06:42:58] --> Pelegrino547 connected to the server
[06:44:05] <-- Pelegrino547 disconnected from the server
[06:45:25] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[06:46:45] --> Pelegrino547 connected to the server
[06:47:07] --> DoritosG3_Wolf connected to the server
[06:47:36] --> adalarva connected to the server
[06:47:50] <DoritosG3_Wolf> sup guys
[06:47:55] <Hamster12> hiiii
[06:47:58] <KylieJenner> hi
[06:52:33] <DoritosG3_Wolf> pm 0 um pouco kkk*
[06:53:00] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[06:58:47] <Hamster12> fuck
[06:58:55] <mohsin_khan> ?
[06:58:58] <Hamster12> seatbelt
[07:02:00] --> HardStone connected to the server
[07:03:12] <HardStone> 7k, gay
[07:03:17] <Hamster12> :(
[07:03:20] <Hamster12> wb annoying ston
[07:03:22] <HardStone> no wb for me babes?
[07:03:52] <Hamster12> remember i told u that i get job ?
[07:04:00] <HardStone> you never did
[07:04:19] <Hamster12> oh nvm cause im not getting it because i am afraid i have virus
[07:04:24] <HardStone> ._.
[07:04:27] <Hamster12> i might have
[07:04:29] <Hamster12> ._.
[07:04:37] <adalarva> good night
[07:04:40] <adalarva> bye
[07:04:43] <HardStone> gn
[07:04:43] <Hamster12> GOOD NIGHT?
[07:04:48] <Hamster12> it's 7 am here
[07:04:53] <Hamster12> duude GOOD MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORNING
[07:04:56] <HardStone> adalarva, why are you not in any airline?
[07:04:59] <adalarva> in my country is 1 am
[07:05:09] <Pelegrino547> 3 am in brazil
[07:05:18] <HardStone> 11pm here
[07:05:20] <adalarva> mm i dont now
[07:05:31] <HardStone> dude, check /airlines
[07:05:31] <adalarva> i like play free
[07:05:36] <HardStone> join any of them you want, they have their own base
[07:05:44] <HardStone> With almost all airplanes
[07:05:50] <adalarva> no english, sorry for my write
[07:05:50] <Hamster12> see he likes to play free
[07:05:55] <Hamster12> xddd
[07:05:55] <adalarva> words
[07:06:00] <HardStone> its okay lol
[07:06:00] <Hamster12> He don't speak London
[07:07:29] <Hamster12> I will buy vip once i get 1000 scores
[07:07:50] <Hamster12> i gotta go bye
[07:07:55] <HardStone> nice
[07:07:55] <HardStone> bb
[07:07:58] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[07:08:38] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[07:10:33] <-- DoritosG3_Wolf disconnected from the server
[07:11:24] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[07:17:01] --> HardStone connected to the server
[07:17:14] <HardStone> !player Durex
[07:17:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player Durex: 13303 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[07:17:20] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[07:24:57] --> Criterion connected to the server
[07:36:13] --> Pixy connected to the server
[07:38:45] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[07:40:22] --> HardStone connected to the server
[07:41:44] <Criterion> rip
[07:41:55] <Criterion> f
[07:42:00] <HardStone> F
[07:43:45] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[08:00:01] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[08:18:20] <Pelegrino547> r.i.p
[08:18:47] <-- Pelegrino547 disconnected from the server
[08:19:46] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[08:21:03] <Criterion> !player azhad_wafi
[08:21:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player azhad_wafi: 167 score, last seen 3 Hours Ago
[08:26:22] <Wak_Jemah> !player
[08:26:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player Wak_Jemah: 101 score, last seen Online Now
[08:29:11] <Wak_Jemah> !assets
[08:29:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Wak_Jemah has 3 car(s) ($610,000) and 2 house(s) ($2,500,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $3,110,000
[08:44:23] --> Sean_Williams connected to the server
[08:45:11] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[08:58:14] <-- Sean_Williams disconnected from the server
[09:04:47] <Criterion> smh..
[09:04:53] <Criterion> trailer glitches...
[09:05:49] --> Haroon connected to the server
[09:05:54] <Haroon> Hello
[09:08:13] <Haroon> !houses Criterion
[09:08:16] (WEB) <robin_be> Roca Escalante: $5,000,000 5 slots None Saved: $1,700,000 3 slots
[09:08:40] <Haroon> rich fag
[09:10:19] <Criterion> I was working in many ages lol
[09:10:27] <Haroon> lol
[09:10:51] <Haroon> Are you in quarantine?
[09:11:53] <Haroon> yoo Thats good
[09:18:34] <-- Haroon disconnected from the server
[09:42:35] --> Diamondzxd connected to the server
[09:42:43] <Criterion> wb Diamond :3
[09:42:48] <Diamondzxd> ty
[09:43:04] <Diamondzxd> are you working?
[09:43:10] <Criterion> Yes, trucking.
[09:43:20] <Diamondzxd> lemme know when you finish, gotta restart
[09:43:31] <Criterion> What's going on?
[09:43:45] <Diamondzxd> fixed your bug, rockshore east one
[09:43:53] <Criterion> Oh yeah
[09:44:01] <Criterion> Will look after my mission.
[09:44:11] <Criterion> ETA 70 sec
[09:44:14] <Diamondzxd> np
[09:44:43] <Criterion> Go on.
[09:45:02] <Criterion> Diamond.
[09:45:02] <Criterion> Go on.
[09:46:14] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[09:46:33] --> Criterion connected to the server
[09:46:36] <CzechBoy777> hi
[09:46:49] <Criterion> How you came czech?
[09:46:57] <Criterion> I didnt saw you joined lmao
[09:47:08] <Criterion> I didnt saw you joined lmao.
[09:47:08] --> Diamondzxd connected to the server
[09:47:13] <CzechBoy777> lol
[09:47:16] <-- Diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[09:47:48] --> Diamondzxd connected to the server
[09:48:17] <Criterion> Diamond, come with a Bus.
[09:48:25] <Criterion> I'll pick taxi.
[09:49:27] <CzechBoy777> ill have to go soon
[09:49:32] <CzechBoy777> ill just test one thing
[09:49:53] <Criterion> It worked.
[09:49:56] <Diamondzxd> :)
[09:50:20] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[09:50:26] <Criterion> Now that map is fixed. You can close my topic now to make a final verdict diamond.
[09:50:31] <Diamondzxd> done, crit
[09:50:34] <Diamondzxd> wb
[09:50:36] <Criterion> Alright.
[09:51:59] <CzechBoy777> this is the strangest mod I ever had
[09:52:10] <CzechBoy777> I can fly normally in so high altitude
[09:52:21] <Criterion> Saw, good one.
[09:52:21] <CzechBoy777> grr stupid mod
[09:52:37] --> kjkszpj333 connected to the server
[09:52:58] <CzechBoy777> I wont even lose speed
[09:53:03] <CzechBoy777> when I go vertically up
[09:54:05] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[09:54:15] <CzechBoy777> can you even see me
[09:54:23] <Gamer30> N/A
[09:54:31] <CzechBoy777> wb also
[09:54:37] <Gamer30> Thanks.
[09:54:45] <CzechBoy777> can you see me
[09:55:22] <CzechBoy777> click on my plane
[09:56:56] <Criterion> Light raining there in pakistan
[09:57:09] <Diamondzxd> 2 days ago here too, it rained and stormed hard here
[09:58:29] <CzechBoy777> 4000ft
[09:58:29] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[09:58:43] <CzechBoy777> this mod is so strangee
[09:58:53] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[09:59:50] <Gamer30> Normally it's possible to go only as high as 950ft and it's only very brief moment.
[10:00:03] <Diamondzxd> yeah its like the fly limit
[10:00:19] <Diamondzxd> his mod allowed to go up vertically without any speed loss
[10:00:19] <Gamer30> The unrestricted zone is capped at 800ft.
[10:00:30] <Criterion> Maximum fly limit is 1000 probably.
[10:00:46] <Criterion> That's the altitude limit, true.
[10:01:47] <-- Diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[10:02:54] <kjkszpj333> who won lotto?
[10:03:02] <Gamer30> Server restart won.
[10:03:07] <Criterion> ^
[10:03:07] <kjkszpj333> ooh
[10:03:15] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[10:03:18] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[10:03:21] <kjkszpj333> wb
[10:03:26] <Criterion> wb nati
[10:03:29] <Gamer30> Why is N/A not present on /companies list?
[10:03:37] <Nati_Mage> wb
[10:03:45] --> Manish connected to the server
[10:03:50] <Criterion> There was server restart which came N/A Gamer30.
[10:04:04] <Gamer30> !groups none
[10:04:07] (WEB) <robin_be> none is in airline (none) and company (none)
[10:08:06] <Gamer30> "Clarity IslaNd", "Terria Robinson" — Aaron 2017
[10:10:59] <Gamer30> !8ball Is Aaron gay?
[10:11:02] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: My sources say no
[10:15:35] <kjkszpj333> sad
[10:15:35] <Criterion> f
[10:15:38] <KylieJenner> RIP
[10:17:01] <Gamer30> Who is now going to deliver SARS-CoV-2 cure to hospitals?
[10:17:17] <kjkszpj333> idk yet
[10:17:25] <Criterion> Never heard that...
[10:18:13] <KylieJenner> !cash crux
[10:18:16] (WEB) <robin_be> crux has $10,000 in hand
[10:18:24] <Gamer30> !score Stalin
[10:18:27] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stalin: 1 score, 1 missions: 100'/. at400 - 0'/. null - 0'/. null
[10:18:33] <kjkszpj333> !cash Prime
[10:18:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Prime has $10,000 in hand
[10:18:36] <Gamer30> !score Hitler
[10:18:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player Hitler: 0 score, 0 missions: 0'/. null - 0'/. null - 0'/. null
[10:18:45] <Manish> !player manish
[10:18:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player manish: 406 score, last seen Online Now
[10:18:58] <KylieJenner> !score kyliejenner
[10:19:01] (WEB) <robin_be> player kyliejenner: 3214 score, 1715 missions: 60'/. military - 15'/. cargo - 8'/. at400
[10:19:01] <Manish> !cash manish
[10:19:04] (WEB) <robin_be> manish has $3,530,286 in hand
[10:19:20] <Manish> !score manish
[10:19:23] (WEB) <robin_be> player manish: 406 score, 359 missions: 68'/. shamal - 26'/. at400 - 3'/. courier
[10:19:26] <Gamer30> !score
[10:19:29] (WEB) <robin_be> player Gamer30: 11109 score, 10298 missions: 64'/. shamal - 7'/. cargo - 6'/. helicopter
[10:20:17] <Gamer30> !groups OHOHOH
[10:20:20] (WEB) <robin_be> OHOHOH is in airline Jetstar Airways and company Star Inc.
[10:20:23] <Criterion> !groups
[10:20:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Criterion is in airline Sky Air and company Sky Logistics
[10:20:26] <-- Manish disconnected from the server
[10:20:42] <Gamer30> !groups piXy
[10:20:45] (WEB) <robin_be> piXy is in airline Garuda Indonesia and company GO-JEK
[10:21:04] <Gamer30> !groups Haydz
[10:21:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Haydz is in airline (none) and company (none)
[10:21:50] <Gamer30> !cash GAY
[10:21:53] (WEB) <robin_be> GAY has $10,000 in hand
[10:22:17] <Gamer30> !player robin_BE
[10:22:20] (WEB) <robin_be> player robin_BE: 13305 score, last seen 9 Days Ago
[10:22:33] <kjkszpj333> !missions Nigel
[10:22:36] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[10:22:42] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[10:23:00] <Gamer30> Use !score for general missions count.
[10:23:06] <kjkszpj333> !score Nigel
[10:23:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player Nigel: 9971 score, 9367 missions: 27'/. military - 18'/. cargo drop - 15'/. courier
[10:23:14] <kjkszpj333> ty
[10:23:36] <kjkszpj333> haha
[10:24:26] <KylieJenner> !cash jaclyn
[10:24:29] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player jaclyn
[10:25:07] <Gamer30> !ASSets Stan
[10:25:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan has 3 car(s) ($90,000) and 2 house(s) ($5,150,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $5,240,000
[10:25:15] --> HardStone connected to the server
[10:25:18] <KylieJenner> !assets gamer30
[10:25:21] (WEB) <robin_be> gamer30 has 9 car(s) ($5,300,000) and 2 house(s) ($8,000,000 - 8 slots) for a total of $13,300,000
[10:25:32] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[10:25:51] <CzechBoy777> ty
[10:25:56] <Gamer30> How to spell "advertisement" without "semen"?
[10:26:17] <HardStone> without emen
[10:26:20] <HardStone> It'll be Advert's tit
[10:26:26] <HardStone> xD
[10:26:31] <CzechBoy777> ok Fine
[10:26:39] <CzechBoy777> the mod is normal now
[10:27:03] <Gamer30> A-word
[10:27:08] <kjkszpj333> whats the longest at400 flight?
[10:27:14] <HardStone> 34km
[10:27:19] <kjkszpj333> wow
[10:27:24] <kjkszpj333> that gives 100k
[10:27:30] <HardStone> newtontoppen to blackmesa
[10:27:46] <KylieJenner> blackmesa's far away
[10:27:51] <Gamer30> So is Newtontoppen.
[10:27:59] <KylieJenner> havent been there
[10:28:02] <HardStone> Thats why its longest flight
[10:28:04] <HardStone> smh
[10:28:31] <HardStone> wb
[10:28:53] <Gamer30> Does /notepad have any use?
[10:28:58] <HardStone> Yes
[10:29:33] <CzechBoy777> hii
[10:30:05] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[10:30:34] <HardStone> !assets Haroon
[10:30:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Haroon has 4 car(s) ($1,760,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $1,760,000
[10:30:45] <Gamer30> !8ball Are you lovin' McDonald's?
[10:30:48] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: You may rely on it
[10:32:20] <kjkszpj333> i get shortest possible flights
[10:32:30] <KylieJenner> how short
[10:32:36] <kjkszpj333> 1.7m
[10:32:41] <KylieJenner> haha same
[10:33:08] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[10:36:29] --> Gajeel connected to the server
[10:36:34] <HardStone> wb
[10:36:42] <Gajeel> ty
[10:38:32] <KylieJenner> who can buy a house worth 1b haha
[10:40:43] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[10:41:13] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[10:42:36] <Gamer30> !8ball Does anyone care about Lotto?
[10:42:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: My reply is no
[10:44:10] <HardStone> ok wow
[10:44:15] <HardStone> i felt asleep while flying
[10:44:29] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[10:44:34] <HardStone> lmao
[10:44:34] <HardStone> wb
[10:44:50] <Cpt.Price> Aye
[10:45:44] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[10:45:49] <kjkszpj333> wb
[10:45:54] <KylieJenner> haha
[10:46:29] <kjkszpj333> how much cash you recieve when completing an achievement?
[10:46:35] <Gamer30> $500000
[10:46:35] <Cpt.Price> 500k
[10:46:43] <kjkszpj333> too less
[10:46:51] --> Cpt.Noobsome connected to the server
[10:46:51] <Cpt.Price> *too low
[10:46:53] <Cpt.Price> wb
[10:47:01] <Gamer30> too more/much
[10:47:04] <kjkszpj333> i think its little cash
[10:47:07] <Cpt.Noobsome> ty
[10:47:07] <Cpt.Price> Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
[10:47:09] <kjkszpj333> thats the correct form
[10:47:12] <kjkszpj333> too little cash
[10:47:17] <kjkszpj333> uncountable noun
[10:47:31] <Cpt.Price> Same shit
[10:47:33] <Cpt.Noobsome> did someone win the lotto again lol
[10:47:39] <Gamer30> Yes, server restart won.
[10:47:42] <kjkszpj333> server restart
[10:47:47] <Gamer30> It's like Ricardo, but forced.
[10:47:50] <Cpt.Noobsome> ah okay
[10:47:50] <KylieJenner> yeah haha
[10:48:03] <Cpt.Price> *Retardo
[10:48:59] <KylieJenner> how many missions to complete achievement
[10:49:02] <Cpt.Noobsome> is crit afk
[10:49:10] <kjkszpj333> yes
[10:58:54] <Cpt.Noobsome> wb
[10:58:57] <Criterion> ty
[10:59:07] --> Ludred connected to the server
[10:59:31] <Criterion> Huh?
[10:59:31] <Ludred> damn
[10:59:47] <Ludred> I am spending more time on online classes than I did before when e had classes lmao
[10:59:53] <Cpt.Price> lol
[11:00:12] <Cpt.Noobsome> one step forward and 2 steps back
[11:00:22] <Cpt.Price> !player OhOhOh
[11:00:25] <Cpt.Noobsome> yeah sure
[11:00:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player OhOhOh: 14473 score, last seen 13 Hours Ago
[11:00:28] <Cpt.Price> 13h mofo
[11:00:33] <Ludred> why you need hom
[11:00:39] <Ludred> I can summon him
[11:00:41] <Cpt.Price> Shhh
[11:00:47] <Ludred> oh shit
[11:00:47] <Cpt.Price> Devon camp
[11:01:03] <Ludred> lol gl
[11:01:30] <Ludred> oh shit
[11:01:51] <Cpt.Price> BAHAHAHAHHA
[11:01:51] <Ludred> FUCK
[11:02:04] <Cpt.Price> Can't even intercept me properly
[11:02:07] <Ludred> wb
[11:02:15] <Ludred> I wanted to jump to you mofo
[11:02:45] <Cpt.Price> MY PAINT!
[11:02:50] <Ludred> f
[11:03:03] <Gamer30> !CARS
[11:03:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 has: Trashmaster Mr Whoopee Seasparrow Tropic Cement Truck Firetruck Merit RCTiger Police Car LSPD
[11:03:41] <Ludred> mofo
[11:03:41] <Cpt.Price> wtf
[11:03:47] <Ludred> I havve some powers
[11:03:52] <Ludred> you don't know them
[11:04:16] <Ludred> the best feel is
[11:04:24] <Ludred> when your friends release their project
[11:04:30] <Ludred> so now you can copy paste it lmao
[11:04:35] <Cpt.Price> lol
[11:04:43] <Ludred> done that 7 times already
[11:04:51] <Cpt.Price> RIGHT SIDEEEEEEEEEEE
[11:04:59] <Ludred> shh this is UK
[11:05:02] <Ludred> oh wait
[11:05:07] <Gamer30> Hong Kong.
[11:05:12] <Ludred> hwo won lotto smfh
[11:05:18] <Gamer30> Retardo.
[11:05:23] <Ludred> nice try
[11:05:26] <Cpt.Price> What's your 20 bois?
[11:05:53] <Gamer30> Server restart is like Retardo win.
[11:05:58] <Criterion> ^
[11:06:01] <Ludred> oohl mfao
[11:07:10] <Ludred> !player kingkings
[11:07:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player kingkings: 6253 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[11:07:17] <Criterion> f
[11:07:22] <Cpt.Price> Convoy mofos, what's your 10-20?
[11:07:38] <Criterion> Delivering goods to Montomery Pizza
[11:07:49] <Cpt.Price> And I gotta relog, hold on
[11:07:49] <Ludred> alright near
[11:07:49] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[11:09:04] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[11:09:09] <Ludred> kurwa
[11:09:12] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[11:09:23] <-- kjkszpj333 disconnected from the server
[11:09:36] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[11:09:39] <Ludred> ight gotta go online classes
[11:09:39] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[11:09:50] <Cpt.Price> F00ken opcodes
[11:10:03] <Cpt.Price> Wait for me at monti
[11:10:14] <Criterion> Good already unloaded..
[11:10:30] <Criterion> Coming to Juniper Hollow
[11:10:35] <Cpt.Price> K
[11:10:40] <Cpt.Price> I'll hit BB for repairs tho
[11:12:36] <Criterion> Im here.
[11:13:21] <Cpt.Price> On my way
[11:14:50] <Cpt.Noobsome> such powerful handbrakes
[11:15:16] <Criterion> Noobsme, use & for mission chat.
[11:15:24] <Gamer30> /f works too.
[11:15:30] <Gajeel> nice landing
[11:15:30] <Cpt.Noobsome> oh sht thanks
[11:15:43] <Cpt.Price> Meep meep
[11:15:46] <Gajeel> id 3 use /l /t
[11:21:07] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[11:21:21] <CzechBoy777> hi
[11:23:21] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[11:23:27] <Cpt.Noobsome> F
[11:23:29] <Criterion> f
[11:23:37] <Criterion> test
[11:25:06] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[11:25:08] <Criterion> wb
[11:25:14] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:25:16] <Cpt.Price> My net went nuts lol
[11:25:49] <Criterion> I'm stationing at LV Docks and waiting for you.
[11:25:54] --> iSam. connected to the server
[11:25:57] <Cpt.Price> 10-4
[11:25:59] <Cpt.Price> Oi sam
[11:26:05] <iSam.> oi
[11:26:23] <Cpt.Noobsome> imma find a fuel station first
[11:26:26] <Criterion> k
[11:26:39] <Cpt.Price> Oh wait
[11:26:42] <Cpt.Price> Cargo demand
[11:26:53] <Cpt.Price> B-17 TIMEH
[11:27:01] <Cpt.Price> Don't wait for me
[11:27:46] <Cpt.Noobsome> !loc price
[11:27:57] <Cpt.Noobsome> oh
[11:28:00] <Gamer30> !ogloc
[11:28:29] <Cpt.Price> Don't wait for me kek. Cargo demand
[11:28:48] <Criterion> Oh
[11:29:31] <Criterion> Star Inc, fleet.
[11:30:24] <Cpt.Price> Guess there's noone from stars around there?
[11:30:30] <Criterion> ^
[11:30:38] <Cpt.Price> No wait
[11:30:38] <Cpt.Price> Gamer is
[11:30:40] <Cpt.Noobsome> gemr
[11:30:43] <Cpt.Noobsome> ^
[11:30:59] <Cpt.Price> BUT HE'S AFK LOL
[11:31:15] <Cpt.Price> Gaj?
[11:31:37] <Gamer30> No, I'm not AFK.
[11:31:45] <Cpt.Price> .cfleet w takim razie
[11:31:50] <Gamer30> I already have done that.
[11:31:58] <Cpt.Price> Ciulu ¿ych ty
[11:32:17] <Cpt.Price> Oooh boi 19km flight <3
[11:32:20] <CzechBoy777> nice
[11:32:25] <Gamer30> I did it second time, is problem solved?
[11:32:36] <Cpt.Price> Ask the cumvoi mofos
[11:32:49] <Cpt.Noobsome> your trailer is on the road
[11:32:52] <Cpt.Noobsome> uhm
[11:32:54] <Criterion> ^ in the LV Freeway
[11:33:02] <Gamer30> I did /cfleet twice!
[11:33:08] <Criterion> That's good.
[11:33:21] <Gamer30> Here's third.
[11:33:27] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[11:33:48] --> YaphetS connected to the server
[11:33:59] <YaphetS> sup nigga
[11:34:01] <Cpt.Noobsome> No
[11:34:04] <Cpt.Noobsome> wtf
[11:34:07] <Cpt.Price> smh
[11:34:15] <Cpt.Price> Kids these days
[11:34:42] <Cpt.Price> No insulting/racism around here boi
[11:35:38] <Cpt.Price> I smell a zitrone
[11:35:43] <YaphetS> im not insulting everyone ur just OA
[11:35:51] <Cpt.Noobsome> wtf dude
[11:36:07] --> Citr0n connected to the server
[11:36:07] <Cpt.Price> Oh am I?
[11:36:15] <YaphetS> come at me kid
[11:36:21] <Cpt.Price> Tell that to your saviour Citro
[11:36:31] <Cpt.Noobsome> c1tron is admin?
[11:36:34] <Cpt.Price> no
[11:36:37] <Citr0n> /admins for admins
[11:37:04] <Cpt.Price> Someone used N word without a pass!
[11:37:09] <Cpt.Price> Daddy welp
[11:37:25] <Gamer30> African country with name beginning on N.
[11:38:00] <Citr0n> nairobi?
[11:38:24] <Cpt.Price> The other one
[11:38:45] <Citr0n> ahh
[11:38:48] <Citr0n> nigeria
[11:38:51] <Citr0n> xD
[11:38:53] <Cpt.Price> Exactly
[11:39:04] <Citr0n> or Namibia? ;D
[11:39:09] <Cpt.Price> smh
[11:39:15] <Gamer30> River named like a country.
[11:39:25] <Citr0n> nairobi is not even a country its a city i forgot lmao
[11:39:44] <Citr0n> anyway who's being racist
[11:39:58] <Cpt.Price> Yaph
[11:40:11] <YaphetS> what
[11:40:32] <Cpt.Price> srat, badum tss
[11:40:51] <Cpt.Noobsome> yaphet wtf
[11:40:51] <Cpt.Price> Daddyyy!
[11:40:54] <Citr0n> i wasnt here so i dont know what you said but try not to be racist
[11:40:57] <Cpt.Price> Do somethingggg
[11:41:07] <Gamer30> ß
[11:42:25] <Gamer30> Nobody likes SARS-CoV-2.
[11:42:36] <Cpt.Price> Citro, disc
[11:42:44] <Citr0n> okay
[11:42:57] <Cpt.Price> Mild one tho
[11:43:24] <Cpt.Price> Oh gosh, realised that catcus behind my lappy looks like a dildo on le pic *facepalm*
[11:43:37] <iSam.> useit
[11:43:45] <Cpt.Price> *smirk*
[11:44:18] <Cpt.Price> Why not? Everything is a dildo if you're brave enough :V
[11:44:18] <Cpt.Noobsome> LOL
[11:44:34] <Gamer30> AT-400 can too?
[11:44:39] <Cpt.Price> Ah yes. Guess so
[11:44:44] <Cpt.Price> Even A380
[11:47:17] <Gamer30> !8ball Does anyone care about lost cargo?
[11:47:20] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: Cannot predict now
[11:47:55] <Cpt.Price> The answer is no
[11:48:16] <Gamer30> Especially now, when earnings are doubled.
[11:48:24] <Cpt.Price> Yup
[11:48:32] <Citr0n> forgot earnings was doubled xD
[11:48:48] <Gamer30> !8ball Should earnings be tripled?
[11:48:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: My sources say no
[11:49:26] <Gamer30> !player Pilsudski
[11:49:26] <Citr0n> close call
[11:49:29] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Pilsudski
[11:49:29] <Citr0n> lel
[11:49:32] <Cpt.Price> Aye
[11:50:23] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[11:51:48] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[11:52:04] <KylieJenner> ay ano ba yan
[11:52:31] <-- iSam. disconnected from the server
[11:52:55] <KylieJenner> fuck
[11:53:03] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[11:53:36] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[11:56:00] <YaphetS> s
[11:57:42] --> Danielson connected to the server
[11:59:32] --> Ludred connected to the server
[12:03:41] --> HardStone connected to the server
[12:03:44] <Danielson> wb
[12:03:52] <Ludred> wb
[12:03:52] <HardStone> ty
[12:04:08] <Ludred> online classes sux
[12:04:08] <HardStone> online class.. lmao
[12:04:21] <Gamer30> You can't spell "class" without "ass".
[12:04:32] <Ludred> you can spell woman without a man
[12:04:45] <Cpt.Price> Savage
[12:04:45] <HardStone> You can't Spell Gamer30 without 'me' in it
[12:05:07] <Ludred> you can't spell me without e
[12:05:12] <Cpt.Price> mi
[12:05:25] <Ludred> mi is diffrent me is diffrent ok?
[12:05:31] --> Fai connected to the server
[12:05:36] <Cpt.Noobsome> nah theyre same
[12:05:36] <Ludred> wb
[12:06:03] <Fai> salam
[12:06:19] <Danielson> salam
[12:06:46] <Ludred> you know you can spell tits without it
[12:06:51] --> DarkSoulz connected to the server
[12:06:56] <-- DarkSoulz disconnected from the server
[12:07:07] <Cpt.Price> Mofo forgot his nick lol
[12:07:07] <Ludred> cant*
[12:07:34] --> DarkSoulz connected to the server
[12:07:37] <-- DarkSoulz disconnected from the server
[12:07:58] <Ludred> why are proffersors being gay ffs
[12:08:12] <Cpt.Price> They always were, are, and will be
[12:08:20] --> DarkSoulz_ connected to the server
[12:08:20] <Ludred> they say online class at 12pm and don't show up at all smfh
[12:08:25] <-- DarkSoulz_ disconnected from the server
[12:08:30] <-- Citr0n disconnected from the server
[12:08:30] <Cpt.Price> Dark forgot his nick F
[12:08:33] <Criterion> f
[12:08:46] <Criterion> DarkSoulz. should be correct
[12:09:00] <Ludred> !player DarkSoulz
[12:09:00] <Gamer30> !player DarkSoulz.
[12:09:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player DarkSoulz: 0 score, last seen 1 Minutes Ago
[12:09:03] --> DarkSoulz. connected to the server
[12:09:06] <Ludred> wb
[12:09:09] <HardStone> he found it dumbass
[12:09:09] <Criterion> wb
[12:09:09] <HardStone> wb
[12:09:11] <DarkSoulz.> xD
[12:09:11] <Cpt.Price> Yep, good job Dark lol
[12:09:30] --> Citr0n connected to the server
[12:09:38] <Ludred> wb
[12:09:38] <DarkSoulz.> forgot my username haha
[12:10:02] <Cpt.Noobsome> !Missions trucking
[12:10:05] (WEB) <robin_be> Cpt.Noobsome: 60 trucking
[12:11:09] <Gamer30> !8ball Do you like John Paul II?
[12:11:12] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: Cannot predict now
[12:11:58] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[12:12:59] <Ludred> ah for fuck sakes another online class on 1pm then 2pm smfh
[12:13:05] <Danielson> F
[12:13:07] <Criterion> f
[12:13:26] <Ludred> no joke I am spending more time on online classes than before I had classes lmao
[12:13:32] <Cpt.Noobsome> if u quit school you wouldnt need to take them anymore :D
[12:13:34] <Cpt.Price> Screw them
[12:13:56] <Ludred> I hate them
[12:14:04] <Cpt.Price> Show on the beginning, then simulate net faliature or sth
[12:14:52] <Ludred> I think that my proffesors
[12:15:00] <Ludred> use the same net provider ffs
[12:15:03] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[12:15:13] <Cpt.Price> So what?
[12:15:16] <Ludred> but ill try
[12:15:32] <Ludred> kurwa we have like less than a 2km diffrence betwen us...
[12:15:45] <Cpt.Price> uh well
[12:15:59] <Ludred> for fuck sakes why do I have to live near my proffesors...
*** session close: 15:34:11
*** session open: 15:34:19
[15:34:28] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: WORK
[15:34:30] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: ok
[15:34:38] <Lavija> robin is drunk
[15:34:57] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: drunk on sleep deprivation
[15:35:08] <Lavija> still trapped?
[15:35:08] <Shazi> !houses lavija
[15:35:11] (WEB) <robin_be> Shithole: $1,000,000 0 slots
[15:35:14] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: yeah
[15:35:24] <Lavija> where you at?
[15:35:27] <Cpt.Noobsome> !missions trucking
[15:35:30] (WEB) <robin_be> Cpt.Noobsome: 89 trucking
[15:35:46] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: Norway, about an hour from Oslo
[15:35:57] <YaphetS> !mission
[15:35:57] <Lavija> Damnw
[15:36:00] <Lavija> Godspeed brother
[15:37:01] <MrXecutioneRSs> event?
[15:37:09] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: thanks, staying with someone so it's okay
[15:37:28] <Lavija> oh i thought you were alone ALONE
[15:38:54] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: I'm staying with my gf in a small student room
[15:39:12] <Lavija> dorm room?
[15:39:53] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: not sure about the translation, but I think so.
[15:40:09] <Lavija> Damn, they had all the kids in our uni move out
[15:40:14] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: it's basically a basement where someone rents two rooms for students with a shared kitchen etc
[15:40:25] <Lavija> oh its not through uni?
[15:40:33] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: nah
[15:40:38] <Lavija> gotcha
[15:41:02] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[15:41:29] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[15:41:45] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[15:41:56] <Lavija> kylie did anyone update your forum vip?
[15:42:01] <KylieJenner> yeah
[15:42:06] <Lavija> aight
[15:42:12] <KylieJenner> uhm i mean i havent checked it out yet
[15:42:15] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: sadly it seems that what you said will come true; about US passing CN in cases by the end of t(..)
[15:42:23] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: the week
[15:42:31] <KylieJenner> was my request accepted ?
[15:42:31] <Cpt.Noobsome> yo steering with mouse is foking awesome
[15:42:52] <Lavija> dude im telling you, our gov needs to step in and have a mandatory quarantine
[15:43:00] <Lavija> lemme update it for you kylie
[15:43:08] <KylieJenner> yay thanks
[15:43:48] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: hell ye, it should be obvious if they just look at what happens in EU
[15:44:12] <Lavija> You would think so but ofc not
[15:44:18] <Lavija> done btw kylie
[15:44:26] <KylieJenner> thanks
[15:45:41] <Cpt.Noobsome> gtg
[15:45:43] <Lavija> peace
[15:45:43] <Criterion> bye
[15:45:46] <Cpt.Noobsome> cya peeps
[15:45:49] <-- Cpt.Noobsome disconnected from the server
[15:48:10] <Lavija> oh god hes back
[15:48:10] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[15:48:16] <Shazi> ha
[15:49:44] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[15:53:10] <Criterion> TransX, fleet
[15:57:38] --> TheBlackout connected to the server
[15:57:43] <Criterion> wb
[15:57:49] <TheBlackout> ty
[16:00:13] --> Santiago connected to the server
[16:00:16] <Criterion> hi
[16:00:26] <Santiago> hi
[16:00:32] <MrXecutioneRSs> hi
[16:02:38] <Criterion> TransX, fleet
[16:04:09] <MrXecutioneRSs> odometers limit ?
[16:04:19] <Santiago> 1000 for planes
[16:04:25] <MrXecutioneRSs> okey
[16:04:30] <Santiago> 300 for vehicles
[16:04:30] <Criterion> And 300 for ground vehicles.
[16:04:33] <MrXecutioneRSs> 937 xD
[16:04:38] <MrXecutioneRSs> ty
[16:05:15] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[16:05:29] <KylieJenner> oh helllo
[16:06:33] <MrXecutioneRSs> sandking sumo xD
[16:06:41] <MrXecutioneRSs> in tower
[16:08:33] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[16:10:23] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[16:10:29] --> HardStone connected to the server
[16:11:19] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[16:12:13] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[16:13:39] --> Ludred connected to the server
[16:13:41] <HardStone> wb
[16:13:47] <Ludred> ty
[16:14:05] <YaphetS> lakas
[16:14:21] <KylieJenner> liit pala nyan
[16:14:35] <YaphetS> maliit lan eh
[16:14:35] <YaphetS> sau malaki
[16:14:40] <KylieJenner> true haha
[16:14:51] <KylieJenner> malaki kita jan?
[16:14:59] <YaphetS> first time
[16:15:04] <YaphetS> tignan ko
[16:16:06] <YaphetS> atae
[16:16:09] <YaphetS> tae craash
[16:16:25] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[16:16:38] <KylieJenner> hahahaha deserve
[16:16:54] <YaphetS> harsh
[16:16:57] --> adalarva connected to the server
[16:16:59] <KylieJenner> haha jk lng
[16:17:05] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[16:17:29] <Criterion> rip fuel
[16:17:31] <YaphetS> wtf
[16:17:48] <KylieJenner> another? hah
[16:17:58] <YaphetS> ya
[16:18:01] <KylieJenner> hahha
[16:18:20] <YaphetS> d naka baba ung paa
[16:19:13] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[16:19:19] <Santiago> help us lavija go on bankrupt
[16:20:04] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[16:21:51] <KylieJenner> magkano yaph
[16:21:56] <YaphetS> 30k
[16:22:02] <KylieJenner> ilang m
[16:22:10] <YaphetS> 5k
[16:22:23] <KylieJenner> laki naman nyan
[16:22:26] --> adalarva connected to the server
[16:23:30] <KylieJenner> fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[16:23:35] <YaphetS> sd
[16:23:41] <MrXecutioneRSs> xD
[16:23:46] <Santiago> what did you do
[16:24:21] <YaphetS> haykz
[16:24:29] <Santiago> haydz
[16:25:14] <KylieJenner> has anyone here has hayu subscription?
[16:25:31] <Santiago> shiv maybe
[16:25:39] <YaphetS> evil smile
[16:25:41] <Criterion> We towed a truck with a trailer with my sky tow truck xD
[16:26:19] <KylieJenner> hoyyy
[16:26:21] <KylieJenner> gago ka haha
[16:26:27] <YaphetS> hahaha
[16:27:10] <KylieJenner> gagu ka a
[16:27:26] <YaphetS> haha
[16:27:28] <KylieJenner> namatay ka?
[16:27:42] <YaphetS> hindi lumapag ako sa base
[16:27:52] <KylieJenner> penge 100k
[16:31:24] <Santiago> I mapped that
[16:31:34] <Criterion> What you mapped?
[16:31:45] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[16:31:53] <Santiago> isla de los estados
[16:31:59] <KylieJenner> im heading there
[16:32:25] --> JulseC connected to the server
[16:32:36] <YaphetS> wb
[16:32:44] <JulseC> ty
[16:32:47] <KylieJenner> im here now
[16:32:49] <YaphetS> palimos
[16:32:52] <KylieJenner> haha
[16:33:05] <KylieJenner> jucls penge 200k
[16:33:11] <JulseC> sana all rich
[16:33:16] <YaphetS> palaki nan palaki ahh
[16:33:24] <KylieJenner> ahaha
[16:33:30] <JulseC> poor ako
[16:33:35] <YaphetS> okay nako sa 100k sir
[16:34:04] <JulseC> fuq
[16:34:07] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[16:34:31] <Santiago> sino pinoy dito
[16:34:36] --> JulseC connected to the server
[16:35:03] <KylieJenner> i thought u were spanish santiago
[16:35:06] <YaphetS> kami
[16:35:35] <JulseC> wtfg
[16:35:35] <Santiago> well I'm from argentina
[16:35:49] <KylieJenner> but u speak filipino?
[16:35:54] <JulseC> baliw
[16:36:02] <Santiago> not really
[16:36:07] <JulseC> tarantado haha
[16:36:15] <KylieJenner> haha gago ka
[16:36:23] <KylieJenner> soy kylie
[16:36:26] <Santiago> I only learnt that from some filipino guy who was spamming it
[16:36:29] <JulseC> ng aaning ng admin eh
[16:36:32] <Santiago> years ago
[16:36:48] <Santiago> and I loved how I got all the ako answers
[16:36:50] <Santiago> oh the good ol times
[16:37:01] <KylieJenner> ohhh
[16:37:04] <KylieJenner> thats great
[16:37:54] <Criterion> !assets citr0n
[16:37:58] (WEB) <robin_be> citr0n has 1 car(s) ($0) and 1 house(s) ($15,000,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $15,000,000
[16:38:00] <YaphetS> tae
[16:38:14] <YaphetS> d malaman kung dagat o lupa
[16:38:16] <KylieJenner> haha
[16:38:22] <JulseC> bobo putaa
[16:38:22] <YaphetS> bagal mag loading nan area
[16:38:24] <YaphetS> pota
[16:38:27] <KylieJenner> bagal net mo
[16:38:27] <KylieJenner> ahahaha
[16:38:46] <YaphetS> naka max na nga eh
[16:38:57] <JulseC> weak
[16:39:15] <JulseC> panget ng mod ko
[16:39:18] <JulseC> ang kapal ng ulap
[16:39:47] <JulseC> vip kana din
[16:39:53] <YaphetS> vip isa ko
[16:39:55] <adalarva> use helper cleo to land
[16:39:58] <YaphetS> ayaw ko lan gamitin
[16:40:14] <JulseC> rich
[16:40:19] <KylieJenner> how much is pl sponsor
[16:40:30] <YaphetS> vip 2 lang
[16:40:33] <Santiago> 30usd i think
[16:40:49] <Criterion> VIP 3 > PL Sponsor costs 10 USD
[16:41:02] <Criterion> VIP 0 > PL Sponsor costs 30 USD
[16:41:13] <Criterion> It depends on your VIP Level.
[16:41:16] <KylieJenner> oh
[16:41:32] <KylieJenner> whats the differene tho
[16:41:42] <JulseC> yung spelling pre
[16:41:53] <YaphetS> jejemon yan eh
[16:41:56] <JulseC> yung number pala
[16:42:17] <Criterion> PL Sponsor.
[16:42:33] <JulseC> whats
[16:42:36] <JulseC> the gift
[16:42:39] <JulseC> on v2
[16:42:44] <KylieJenner> oh hello yaphets ahaha
[16:42:52] <Criterion> VIP3? RC or Mothership.
[16:42:52] <YaphetS> mabangga ka sana
[16:42:55] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[16:43:21] <JulseC> kylie penge 50k
[16:43:35] <KylieJenner> ano bank account details mo
[16:43:40] <Criterion> im ded
[16:43:40] <JulseC> /givecash
[16:43:43] <Criterion> f
[16:43:46] <KylieJenner> hinde bdo o bpi
[16:43:54] <JulseC> inamooooo
[16:43:56] <JulseC> kala mo talaga
[16:43:56] <KylieJenner> haha
[16:47:49] <KylieJenner> do we have billionare player here?
[16:47:54] <Santiago> me
[16:48:05] <KylieJenner> for real?
[16:48:10] <Santiago> no
[16:48:51] <KylieJenner> how to see top players
[16:49:01] --> Diamondzxd connected to the server
[16:49:07] <Criterion> wb
[16:49:12] <Diamondzxd> yo ty
[16:49:15] --> Gajeel connected to the server
[16:50:08] <KylieJenner> marami ng may covid sa mga senador
[16:50:08] <KylieJenner> haha
[16:52:43] <Gajeel> öbür hesap?
[16:54:47] --> Shazi connected to the server
[16:55:05] <Gajeel> any admin?
[16:55:16] <YaphetS> nope
[16:55:19] <Santiago> id 9 is admin
[16:55:27] <Gajeel> diamond
[16:55:29] <Diamondzxd> /admin
[16:55:37] <MrXecutioneRSs> gecicem þimdi diðer hesaba
[16:55:40] <adalarva> hi friend
[16:55:40] <Gajeel> /admin says no admin
[16:55:48] <adalarva> mrxecutioner
[16:55:48] <MrXecutioneRSs> pedroda admin
[16:55:53] <MrXecutioneRSs> ?
[16:55:59] <Gajeel> i just wanna ask
[16:56:07] <adalarva> i recomended you use cleo helper
[16:56:15] <Gajeel> is that possible houses.php site open?
[16:56:18] --> Ludred connected to the server
[16:56:20] <Santiago> yes it is
[16:56:23] <Santiago> for admins
[16:56:31] <Gajeel> oh.
[16:56:42] --> slender_man connected to the server
[16:56:44] <Gajeel> it was open for everyone :(
[16:56:50] <Santiago> yes it was
[16:57:08] <YaphetS> woo 61k
[16:57:14] <KylieJenner> wow ano yan
[16:57:46] <KylieJenner> andromada
[16:58:23] <Gajeel> adalarva
[16:58:29] <adalarva> yes?
[16:58:37] <Gajeel> u sent CLEO or something for what?
[16:59:04] <Criterion> Oye, pedro's car is in Ghost Town.
[16:59:14] <Gajeel> o ye esse
[16:59:17] <adalarva> no english
[16:59:20] <adalarva> cleo helper
[16:59:22] <Diamondzxd> oye
[16:59:22] <adalarva> roben be
[16:59:28] <MrXecutioneRSs> onunda yok inlgizce
[16:59:30] <Pedro_Bear> i used to live there chief
[16:59:38] <Ludred> before you got kicked out of there
[16:59:54] <KylieJenner> fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkk
[16:59:57] <-- MrXecutioneRSs disconnected from the server
[17:00:05] <Criterion> The ghost town?
[17:00:10] <Pedro_Bear> yea
[17:00:10] <Gajeel> send me eighter
[17:00:13] <Gajeel> adalarva
[17:00:16] <Criterion> I was looking here to see who left a car here
[17:00:21] <Gajeel> because idk how to do that
[17:00:24] <adalarva> i send cleo helper?
[17:00:24] <Pedro_Bear> me and jdt owned the 2 houses there
[17:00:29] --> Belial_Desalyn connected to the server
[17:00:29] <adalarva> i send you?
[17:00:37] <Belial_Desalyn> kýnk al yolliyom
[17:00:40] <Gajeel> also i dont know how to install asi
[17:00:40] <Santiago> now jdt is banned and pedro will be soon
[17:00:43] <Criterion> Ahh
[17:00:45] <Belial_Desalyn> nasýl yollicam
[17:00:48] <Pedro_Bear> huh?
[17:01:01] <Ludred> yes a sabotage
[17:01:01] <Ludred> oh wait
[17:01:04] <Ludred> I talked to much
[17:01:25] <adalarva> jus donwload at forum pl
[17:01:28] <adalarva> just
[17:01:36] <adalarva> before install.asi in folder cleo
[17:01:44] <KylieJenner> omggggg
[17:01:47] <adalarva> but first download cleo 4
[17:01:55] <Belial_Desalyn> yolladým
[17:01:58] <Gajeel> aq
[17:02:03] <Gajeel> 2 saattir ne diyom sana askdhasdfas
[17:02:03] --> Lavija connected to the server
[17:02:08] <Criterion> wb
[17:02:08] <Gajeel> gir hemen öbür hesaba
[17:02:11] <-- Belial_Desalyn disconnected from the server
[17:02:40] --> MrXecutioneRSs connected to the server
[17:02:48] <MrXecutioneRSs> geçtim
[17:03:15] <MrXecutioneRSs> ev alcak param var
[17:03:15] <Ludred> finally I meeet the kontol
[17:03:23] <Gajeel> 2k benim katkým olsun asjhdas
[17:03:34] <MrXecutioneRSs> :D
[17:03:34] <Ludred> omfg i am stupid
[17:03:47] <Lavija> yes we know
[17:03:50] <Gajeel> lol
[17:03:58] <Ludred> not more than you tho
[17:04:01] <Gajeel> benim evi mi alacan
[17:04:06] <MrXecutioneRSs> evet
[17:04:11] <Gajeel> bakmadýn piyasaya dimi :D
[17:04:17] <MrXecutioneRSs> yokw
[17:04:22] <MrXecutioneRSs> varmý onun gibi ev
[17:04:25] <Ludred> how the fucking fuck I survived that
[17:04:27] <Gajeel> bilmiyorum ki
[17:04:35] <Gajeel> 1500 1700 e olmasý lazým
[17:05:00] <Ludred> I actually did a 180 and no passenger satisfaction loss :O
[17:05:02] <MrXecutioneRSs> bakim
[17:05:10] <KylieJenner> woooo 68k
[17:05:16] <MrXecutioneRSs> ne kadar
[17:05:24] <Gajeel> max 100k olsun ne olacak
[17:05:29] <Gajeel> bi evin olsun da
[17:05:29] <Gajeel> :D
[17:05:40] <MrXecutioneRSs> knk 2 slot olsada yeter
[17:05:42] <Gajeel> 2 görevde yapýyom zaten 100k
[17:05:48] <Gajeel> ev 3 slot benim
[17:05:50] <MrXecutioneRSs> at400ledemi :D
[17:05:53] <Gajeel> ama 2 slot istiyosan bakalým sana
[17:05:58] <Criterion> huh?
[17:06:01] <Gajeel> 82 mi
[17:06:12] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[17:06:25] <MrXecutioneRSs> 27bin meterete gittim
[17:06:25] <Gajeel> çok vermiþ asdasdsa
[17:06:28] <MrXecutioneRSs> ozaman
[17:06:52] <Gajeel> bayside biliyosun?
[17:07:00] <Gajeel> gel oraya
[17:07:00] <Ludred> w/
[17:07:05] <Gajeel> ordan çýkýp bakalým ucuza 2 slot
[17:07:46] <Ludred> finally
[17:07:59] <Ludred> bvn still ended in water
[17:09:51] <Ludred> w
[17:11:30] <Criterion> !missions cygnus trucking
[17:11:34] (WEB) <robin_be> cygnus: 531 trucking
[17:11:42] <Ludred> how to die
[17:11:47] <Ludred> step 1 fly low
[17:12:08] <Lavija> Join to save humanity*
[17:12:11] <YaphetS> lubog
[17:12:11] <YaphetS> hahahaha
[17:12:14] <Lavija> *cough* shaz
[17:12:16] <JulseC> lutang
[17:12:38] <Shazi> dont cough
[17:12:46] <JulseC> covid-19
[17:12:49] <JulseC> fuq
[17:12:49] <Ludred> HE has
[17:12:51] <Ludred> its
[17:12:51] <Lavija> If u would join the cough would go away
[17:13:05] <Ludred> no don't he has the sickness hes coughing :O
[17:13:10] <Pedro_Bear> join to save lavija he has corona vibes
[17:13:15] <Diamondzxd> RUN
[17:13:18] <Santiago> sorry ever since I came from italy I've had this cough and its killing me
[17:13:18] <YaphetS> diamond is admin ?
[17:13:29] <Ludred> no
[17:13:34] <JulseC> you have covid :3
[17:13:37] <Shazi> join my fake taxi company instead
[17:13:45] <Shazi> i mean, not fake, its legal c:
[17:13:45] <Ludred> ill join
[17:13:48] <Pedro_Bear> gay fake taxi
[17:13:53] <Ludred> gimme a taxi nad ill work
[17:14:30] <MrXecutioneRSs> bi yer hatýrladým
[17:14:36] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[17:15:02] <Ludred> buy me a taxi and inll join
[17:16:42] <MrXecutioneRSs> yok
[17:16:50] <Gajeel> burada yok
[17:17:08] <Lavija> me
[17:17:22] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[17:17:27] <Santiago> oh god
[17:17:32] <Lavija> everyone leave
[17:17:35] <Santiago> everyone hide it's him
[17:17:43] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[17:17:49] <Lavija> lmao
[17:17:51] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[17:17:51] <Criterion> f
[17:18:23] <Gajeel> MrXecution
[17:18:34] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[17:19:06] <MrXecutioneRSs> efem
[17:19:30] <Gajeel> diyolarki heresin ban'ý kalktý
[17:19:36] <Gajeel> 1 hesap kullanmasý gerekiyor
[17:19:41] <Gajeel> diðerine giremez
[17:19:46] <Gajeel> 2 acc kullanýmý ban sebebi
[17:19:49] <MrXecutioneRSs> kullancam
[17:19:52] <MrXecutioneRSs> anasýný sikim onlarýn
[17:19:57] <slender_man> þdsflkgþlfkjþlrgkrjghþlkjagþlikhjfh
[17:19:57] <Gajeel> dur bekle
[17:20:05] <slender_man> türkçe bilen vardýr yav yavaþ
[17:20:18] --> Cygnus connected to the server
[17:20:21] <Shazi> wb
[17:20:21] <Ludred> wb
[17:20:24] <Cygnus> ty
[17:20:24] <MrXecutioneRSs> millet 10 tane hesaba giriyor 2 hesabýn lafýný yapyýrolar ibneler
[17:20:29] <Santiago> give it to me ludred I use it
[17:20:37] <Diamondzxd> spem
[17:20:51] <slender_man> gajeel
[17:20:51] <Ludred> what you want now santi <.<
[17:21:23] <Gajeel> eðer diðer hesaba girersen bundan sonra ikisinide banlayabilirler
[17:21:23] <-- Pedro_Bear disconnected from the server
[17:21:39] <Gajeel> evet
[17:21:44] <Gajeel> tek hesap
[17:21:44] <MrXecutioneRSs> ok
[17:21:50] <Gajeel> ben dedim sana :D
[17:22:03] <MrXecutioneRSs> amýna koyim belki kardeþim oynyiyor hesabla nerdne bilcekler
[17:22:16] <Gajeel> onu da sonra anlatýrýz
[17:22:19] <MrXecutioneRSs> anlat
[17:22:22] <MrXecutioneRSs> tek pc var de
[17:22:24] <MrXecutioneRSs> 2 yok
[17:22:30] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[17:22:43] <Cpt.Price> Had to restart my damned phone smh
[17:22:49] <Santiago> oh god hide
[17:22:54] <Santiago> it's him
[17:22:57] <Gajeel> sýrf bundan sebep beni de gümleticen sal iþte :D
[17:22:57] <Lavija> why your phone?
[17:23:21] <Cpt.Price> It's acting as my router kek
[17:23:26] <Criterion> smh trailer...
[17:23:34] <Lavija> hotspot
[17:23:37] <MrXecutioneRSs> solda var
[17:23:37] <Lavija> ?
[17:23:39] <Gajeel> 1.450
[17:23:47] <MrXecutioneRSs> hacý bi yer daha bakýcam
[17:23:50] --> Pedro_Bear connected to the server
[17:23:50] <Gajeel> alma dur
[17:23:53] <Cpt.Price> Tho the phone itself is quite old
[17:23:53] <Shazi> wv
[17:23:53] <MrXecutioneRSs> biliyom
[17:23:53] <Shazi> b
[17:23:55] <MrXecutioneRSs> neresi
[17:23:58] <Gajeel> ben iþaretledim buraya döneriz sonra
[17:23:58] <-- slender_man disconnected from the server
[17:24:01] <Pedro_Bear> ty
[17:24:09] <Cpt.Price> So it acts weird sometimes lol
[17:24:22] <MrXecutioneRSs> knk o hesap 3 sene ban yedi cezasý bitti kullanmýcam onu
[17:24:38] <Gajeel> 3 sene nasýl yedin
[17:24:46] <MrXecutioneRSs> nasýl biliyonmu
[17:24:49] <Ludred> should I sell me assets?
[17:24:54] <Santiago> yes
[17:24:57] <Gajeel> dm ?
[17:25:02] <Gajeel> aferin
[17:25:05] <Santiago> and leave the server if possible
[17:25:10] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[17:25:10] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[17:25:13] <MrXecutioneRSs> diðer hesaptan girdiðimi oðrenince baný 3 seneye uzzattýlar
[17:25:18] <Gajeel> heee
[17:25:29] <MrXecutioneRSs> modemi acýp kapýyon ya
[17:25:29] <MrXecutioneRSs> öyle
[17:25:32] <Santiago> oh shit
[17:25:35] <Shazi> gz for corona santi
[17:25:48] <MrXecutioneRSs> cj evine gi
[17:25:48] <MrXecutioneRSs> :D
[17:25:53] <Gajeel> o ev alýndý
[17:26:01] <Gajeel> yan yana
[17:26:07] <YaphetS> eroplano
[17:26:09] <MrXecutioneRSs> ayn
[17:26:47] <MrXecutioneRSs> 1.5m 3 slot
[17:26:47] <Cpt.Price> ty
[17:26:47] <Shazi> you could buy a taxi for 400k smh
[17:26:52] <Cpt.Price> Meh
[17:26:55] <Criterion> !missions kmen117
[17:26:58] --> Ludred connected to the server
[17:26:58] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[17:27:06] <Criterion> !scire kmen117
[17:27:11] <Criterion> !score kmen117
[17:27:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player kmen117: 2228 score, 2201 missions: 61'/. helicopter - 27'/. military - 4'/. shamal
[17:28:00] <Criterion> !player kmen117
[17:28:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player kmen117: 2228 score, last seen 3 Months Ago
[17:28:54] <MrXecutioneRSs> bura
[17:28:56] <Gajeel> al bunu
[17:29:05] <MrXecutioneRSs> 320k eksik
[17:29:05] <Gajeel> yoksa ben alýrým :D
[17:29:18] <MrXecutioneRSs> al sen farketmez
[17:29:21] <MrXecutioneRSs> güzelo ev
[17:29:31] <MrXecutioneRSs> burdada var
[17:29:42] --> HardStone connected to the server
[17:29:45] <MrXecutioneRSs> ucuzu
[17:29:45] <Diamondzxd> ayyyyyyy
[17:29:50] --> iSam. connected to the server
[17:29:55] <Diamondzxd> o bhaisaab
[17:30:06] <Diamondzxd> dono londe aagye hahaha
[17:30:06] <HardStone> aur londe :D
[17:30:11] <YaphetS> badtrip nako
[17:30:22] <MrXecutioneRSs> knk parayý kasým alým
[17:30:22] <Diamondzxd> Day 2 of lockdown D:
[17:30:28] <iSam.> hi
[17:30:30] <Criterion> waitwat?
[17:30:30] <Gajeel> oha
[17:30:30] <HardStone> ye :/
[17:30:33] <Cygnus> day 2.5 for me
[17:30:38] <Diamondzxd> we got 21 day lockdown crit
[17:30:41] <Cpt.Price> 10 healed here
[17:30:41] <Gajeel> slotu fazla olsa alýnýr bu
[17:30:44] <Criterion> F
[17:30:57] <HardStone> follow e
[17:30:57] <HardStone> me
[17:31:37] <HardStone> 1$
[17:31:37] <MrXecutioneRSs> oha
[17:31:37] <HardStone> deal?
[17:31:43] <Gajeel> yes
[17:31:51] <Gajeel> go on
[17:31:53] <HardStone> ok i want it, through the cmd only
[17:31:56] <HardStone> /givecash me 1$
[17:31:59] <HardStone> and its yours
[17:32:09] <Gajeel> is that new tactics? :D
[17:32:12] <Cpt.Price> Wasn't that not allowed?w
[17:32:15] <iSam.> sup
[17:32:20] <MrXecutioneRSs> knk araba nerden alcam
[17:32:25] <Lavija> TUJHE BHULA DIYA OOOOOOH
[17:32:33] <HardStone> lmfaooo
[17:32:41] <Shazi> rage in english please
[17:32:49] <HardStone> har pal teri yaado nee
[17:32:52] <Lavija> I FORGOT YOUUUU OOOOH
[17:32:58] <iSam.> smh
[17:33:03] <Diamondzxd> bhag bhag dike bhos dike bhos dike bhos bhag bhag dike bhos dike bhag
[17:33:14] <iSam.> spam
[17:33:16] <Lavija> yes
[17:33:54] <MrXecutioneRSs> parayý kasimim
[17:34:04] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[17:34:23] <Criterion> TransX, Please fleet.
[17:34:29] <HardStone> gz
[17:34:29] <Criterion> Trailer in Dillimore fuel station.
[17:34:31] <MrXecutioneRSs> ty
[17:34:34] <Criterion> Thx
[17:34:39] <MrXecutioneRSs> knk araba aldým
[17:34:45] <Diamondzxd> hardstone
[17:34:50] <HardStone> ji paaji
[17:34:53] <Diamondzxd> kal hamaare yahaa kisi ne DJ bajaa diya
[17:34:58] <HardStone> gajban
[17:34:58] <HardStone> paani
[17:35:01] <Diamondzxd> ho ho ho ho pe rok dia sab chilla rahe
[17:35:09] <HardStone> ooooohhh
[17:35:11] <Diamondzxd> ISHAQ TERA TADPAAVE
[17:35:17] <Lavija> UFF TERI ADAA
[17:35:19] <HardStone> Ohh hoo ohhh hoo
[17:35:22] <Lavija> I LIKE THE WAY U MOVE
[17:35:25] <Diamondzxd> i like the way u move
[17:35:25] <HardStone> uff tera kajal
[17:35:38] <iSam.> po
[17:35:41] <Lavija> op
[17:35:41] <iSam.> fk
[17:35:49] <Diamondzxd> o sauda khara khara
[17:36:26] <-- iSam. disconnected from the server
[17:36:48] <MrXecutioneRSs> modifiyeci nerde
[17:38:16] <HardStone> 2nd ping warning
[17:38:30] <Diamondzxd> sabke net ki maa chudi padi hai
[17:38:30] <Lavija> wow all of u are heartless
[17:38:38] <Gajeel> ben bu evil alýyim ya
[17:38:40] <Diamondzxd> "are maa chudi padi hai"
[17:38:48] <Gajeel> 8.5M 6 slot
[17:39:15] <MrXecutioneRSs> al
[17:39:31] <Lavija> lmfao
[17:39:37] <Shazi> fuck sake xD
[17:39:42] <TheBlackout> :D
[17:39:42] <HardStone> Thats how its played bois, goodjob Blackout
[17:39:58] <MrXecutioneRSs> knk modifiyie nerde yapýcam
[17:40:01] <-- YaphetS disconnected from the server
[17:40:03] <Gajeel> gel benim þu evi 1.300 e satayým sana
[17:40:03] <Shazi> god dammit
[17:40:09] <Gajeel> yoksa servera satýcam
[17:40:19] <MrXecutioneRSs> 23k eksik almam için
[17:40:22] <Gajeel> tarif edemem göstermem lazým
[17:40:43] <MrXecutioneRSs> arabayý niye modifiye edmeiyom
[17:40:49] <Gajeel> if i sell house to player
[17:40:52] <Gajeel> it takes tax?
[17:41:00] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[17:41:10] <Gajeel> araba ney
[17:42:06] <Criterion> How better my trucking skills is?
[17:42:25] <TheBlackout> fuck i bought a wrong bike
[17:42:25] <HardStone> !assets TheBlackout
[17:42:25] <HardStone> gz
[17:42:28] (WEB) <robin_be> TheBlackout has 2 car(s) ($250,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,000,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $1,250,000
[17:42:31] <Diamondzxd> gg
[17:42:39] <TheBlackout> fuck
[17:42:44] <MrXecutioneRSs> sýnýrsýz nitro nerde
[17:42:50] <HardStone> MrBeast feelz incoming
[17:42:52] <Gajeel> blueberry
[17:43:01] <TheBlackout> fucking hell
[17:43:03] <MrXecutioneRSs> ordamý
[17:43:03] <Shazi> me
[17:43:06] <Gajeel> evet
[17:43:19] <Pedro_Bear> wdym shazi u already a fag
[17:43:22] <HardStone> Congrats fag
[17:43:22] <Shazi> i wanted a fag, like, a cigar ...
[17:43:27] <Shazi> but a faggio works too i guess
[17:43:46] <-- TheBlackout disconnected from the server
[17:44:10] --> TheBlackout connected to the server
[17:44:37] <HardStone> forgot to mention : we have big event! :D
[17:45:01] <HardStone> TBO kya h?
[17:45:04] <Diamondzxd> TheBlackOut
[17:45:25] <Gajeel> how to play?
[17:45:49] <Gajeel> ah
[17:45:49] <HardStone> prize?
[17:45:52] <MrXecutioneRSs> en sevdiðim eventlerden 1 tanesi
[17:45:57] <MrXecutioneRSs> hacý uçakdan uçurucak seni kacmay acalýsýyon
[17:46:00] <MrXecutioneRSs> ibliyon
[17:46:13] --> YaphetS connected to the server
[17:46:19] <TheBlackout> its not a bike i just bought, thats for me hahah
[17:46:24] <HardStone> Nice Stratum
[17:46:27] <HardStone> I'm buying one, looks dope
[17:46:27] <Pedro_Bear> yo give me the keys to this piece of junk with wheels
[17:46:35] <Gajeel> lol
[17:46:37] <Shazi> f o
[17:46:40] <Ludred> hijack it
[17:46:48] --> Bran connected to the server
[17:47:12] <HardStone> Drift : 0 , Car : 10
[17:47:15] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[17:47:15] <Pedro_Bear> ok but this drift
[17:47:26] <Shazi> its the drift that makes it awesome -.-
[17:47:36] <HardStone> Bad driver
[17:47:58] <Gajeel> someone should teach him how to drift
[17:48:03] <YaphetS> why no one in cabin lol
[17:48:03] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[17:48:08] <HardStone> ggwp
[17:48:11] <Gajeel> eh?
[17:48:11] <Shazi> fucking ludred ffs
[17:48:11] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[17:48:14] <Gajeel> wt
[17:48:14] --> Durex connected to the server
[17:48:19] --> Ludred connected to the server
[17:48:19] <Pedro_Bear> right into the crowd lmfao
[17:48:30] --> Ar3zz.. connected to the server
[17:48:33] <Pedro_Bear> didnt know this was a mustang
[17:48:46] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[17:48:51] <Shazi> jesus
[17:48:51] <HardStone> fuck you lul ded
[17:48:54] <Ar3zz..> wow a lot of players
[17:48:57] <HardStone> everyone just G
[17:49:02] --> Ludred connected to the server
[17:49:07] <Ludred> why the fuck am I crashing
[17:49:13] <HardStone> Ey Bear
[17:49:15] <HardStone> dont take em back
[17:49:18] <HardStone> xD
[17:49:21] <Gajeel> hahaha
[17:49:34] <Ludred> ill just G
[17:49:45] <KylieJenner> yeah
[17:49:53] <KylieJenner> 3rd ping warning
[17:50:04] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[17:50:06] <Santiago> F
[17:50:09] <Criterion> f
[17:50:17] <MrXecutioneRSs> :D
[17:50:17] <HardStone> 00f rip assets
[17:50:25] <Ludred> have we started yet?
[17:50:30] <TheBlackout> nope
[17:50:36] <TheBlackout> at 6
[17:50:36] <Gajeel> eyo
[17:50:41] <Ludred> H
[17:50:47] <HardStone> ey santi
[17:50:47] <Pedro_Bear> okay forget the ad martin
[17:50:47] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[17:50:49] <Ludred> -_-
[17:50:52] <HardStone> tp me
[17:50:55] <Ludred> I thought you didn't take off ffs
[17:50:55] <Pedro_Bear> u just killed me on purpose
[17:51:05] <Ludred> wait for me
[17:51:19] <Gajeel> wut
[17:51:21] <HardStone> what
[17:51:21] <MrXecutioneRSs> tp pls
[17:51:21] <Gajeel> ?
[17:51:24] <TheBlackout> wat
[17:51:27] <Pedro_Bear> hell yeah
[17:51:29] <Santiago> /JOINEVENT
[17:51:32] <Pedro_Bear> gg loosers
[17:51:32] <MrXecutioneRSs> ý dont joined
[17:51:35] <MrXecutioneRSs> ý dont joined
[17:51:45] <MrXecutioneRSs> you are alread in the event
[17:51:48] <MrXecutioneRSs> :D
[17:51:51] <Ludred> why :(
[17:51:51] <MrXecutioneRSs> admin tp pls
[17:51:53] <HardStone> /leaveevent
[17:51:56] <Gajeel> /leaveevent
[17:51:56] <HardStone> and then rejoin
[17:51:56] <Santiago> /leaveevent and /joinevent again
[17:52:01] <MrXecutioneRSs> ty
[17:52:07] <Ludred> f shamal
[17:52:07] <Gajeel> :(
[17:52:18] <Ludred> uh shit fuck
[17:52:31] <Diamondzxd> bread rakhi hai gril pe xD
[17:52:34] <Ludred> I may have gone dead dead
[17:52:44] <Diamondzxd> peanut butter ke saath khayenge
[17:52:47] <HardStone> aur paaji kidda
[17:52:47] <Gajeel> lol
[17:52:47] <Pedro_Bear> wtf
[17:52:50] <KylieJenner> bye everyoneeeeeeeeeee
[17:52:55] <Santiago> bye
[17:52:58] <Ar3zz..> Did they buy a Hosted Tab?
[17:53:00] <Diamondzxd> nuni roti khayenge zindagi sang hi bitayenge
[17:53:03] <HardStone> !assets Durex
[17:53:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Durex has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[17:53:06] <MrXecutioneRSs> minigunla öldürdü bana saydý
[17:53:06] <Santiago> nah hosted tab is sold out
[17:53:09] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[17:53:12] <MrXecutioneRSs> xD
[17:53:17] <Gajeel> :D
[17:53:20] <TheBlackout> yo shazi /beacon
[17:53:20] <Ludred> ill lose anyay
[17:53:38] <Ludred> better die :)
[17:53:38] <HardStone> beacon yourself
[17:53:41] <Gajeel> camping not allowed
[17:53:41] <Shazi> done
[17:53:41] <Ar3zz..> Did they buy a Hosted Tab?
[17:53:46] <Diamondzxd> gaadi vaala aya ghar se kachra nikaal
[17:53:54] <HardStone> no Ar3zz
[17:54:02] <Gajeel> lol
[17:54:08] <Pedro_Bear> 1 billion iq attack
[17:54:27] <YaphetS> dafak
[17:54:27] <Gajeel> hahaha
[17:54:27] <YaphetS> ?
[17:54:29] <Shazi> as aways
[17:54:29] <TheBlackout> hjahahhahaha
[17:54:32] <Pedro_Bear> rip
[17:54:32] <Ludred> f yaphets
[17:54:35] <YaphetS> dafak?
[17:54:48] <HardStone> pro pilot
[17:54:56] <HardStone> lmao
[17:54:56] <Gajeel> shazi :D
[17:54:59] <Shazi> i suck as attacker lmao
[17:55:09] <Ludred> if you get can I be attacter too?
[17:55:17] <Gajeel> tbo shoot him :D
[17:55:20] <Ludred> f english
[17:55:23] <TheBlackout> lmao imagine
[17:55:42] <TheBlackout> last man standing gets fucked by my gun
[17:55:42] <Ludred> OH
[17:55:47] <Gajeel> if we dont move
[17:55:50] <Ludred> my god heart attack
[17:55:50] <Gajeel> he will miss :D
[17:56:00] <MrXecutioneRSs> :DD
[17:56:00] <TheBlackout> hahah
[17:56:00] <Gajeel> yyeeeeeyyy
[17:56:00] <Pedro_Bear> double kill
[17:56:06] <HardStone> F
[17:56:08] <Criterion> f
[17:56:14] <TheBlackout> missed
[17:56:22] <Ludred> shazo
[17:56:27] <TheBlackout> missed again
[17:56:27] <Ludred> can I be attacker too?
[17:56:32] <TheBlackout> ye lunder join
[17:56:38] <Gajeel> fak
[17:56:40] <Gajeel> 2 attacker
[17:56:46] <TheGamer> do i hear attack?
[17:56:48] <Ludred> yes
[17:57:13] <MrXecutioneRSs> odul ne var acaba
[17:57:13] <Shazi> repair break
[17:57:15] <Gajeel> open your beacon
[17:57:15] <TheBlackout> lunder if you attack use /beacon
[17:57:21] <Ludred> ill be comming now
[17:57:23] <HardStone> bacon
[17:57:26] <TheGamer> if i don't woop yo ass
[17:57:34] <Ludred> I am
[17:57:42] <Gajeel> :D
[17:57:50] <TheBlackout> amazing hahhahah
[17:57:50] <HardStone> F
[17:57:50] <Santiago> lmao
[17:58:06] <HardStone> i'm spectating k
[17:58:25] <Pedro_Bear> rip santi
[17:58:33] <HardStone> Gz gajeel
[17:58:36] <Gajeel> ty
[17:58:36] <TheBlackout> gz
[17:58:38] <Santiago> look at this 18 players
[17:58:41] --> PenguinPilot connected to the server
[17:58:44] <Pedro_Bear> f
[17:58:46] <Ludred> who won
[17:58:46] <PenguinPilot> so many players, what's happening
[17:58:46] <Diamondzxd> yeah man who needs hosted tab
[17:58:54] <Gajeel> price is bullets
[17:58:57] <Gajeel> ty
[17:58:57] <TheBlackout> lmao
[17:59:00] <Gajeel> lol
[17:59:02] <HardStone> lmfaoo
[17:59:10] <TheBlackout> you'll get RC Tiger
[17:59:13] <Ludred> another dts
[17:59:16] <Ludred> prize 200k from me
[17:59:24] <Gajeel> oh yea
[17:59:29] <Santiago> damn holy shit
[17:59:29] <Gajeel> how to i get that?
[17:59:32] <Gajeel> :D
[17:59:37] <Santiago> should have put more effort into it
[17:59:37] <TheGamer> !player ayer
[17:59:40] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player ayer
[17:59:43] <TheGamer> !player ayers
[17:59:46] <Cygnus> okay
[17:59:46] (WEB) <robin_be> player ayers: 9269 score, last seen 13 Hours Ago
[17:59:51] <TheGamer> that fucker
[17:59:59] <-- Durex disconnected from the server
[17:59:59] <Bran> no one cares
[18:00:02] <Santiago> someone forgot to take his meds
[18:00:05] <Criterion> f
[18:00:07] <Cygnus> he wanted a perma
[18:00:10] <HardStone> /r sab hate krte use
[18:00:13] <Cygnus> soo he got it
[18:00:21] <Ludred> if he wants unban he gets it?
[18:00:32] <Bran> probably
[18:00:37] <Ludred> alright
[18:00:42] <Ludred> DTS event aain
[18:00:45] <Santiago> prize should go to santiago cuz he's cool
[18:00:45] <Ludred> 300k prize
[18:00:53] <Ludred> ill give you 10kw
[18:00:53] <Bran> i dunno never been perma'd before lmao
[18:00:53] <Cygnus> imma make him wait months though soo
[18:01:14] <Cygnus> you ask me for a perma, I default make you wait 3-4 months if you're legit about it
[18:01:17] <Ludred> create a new event
[18:01:25] <Santiago> sec
[18:01:25] --> Lavija connected to the server
[18:01:31] <HardStone> go me i'm there at the building
[18:01:33] <PenguinPilot> kontol
[18:01:33] <Ar3zz..> wb
[18:01:39] <Lavija> kontol
[18:01:47] <HardStone> wot ha
[18:01:52] <HardStone> hax
[18:02:08] <PenguinPilot> hax0r adymn ben ben
[18:02:13] <TheBlackout> fuck
[18:02:19] <Gajeel> ty for prize
[18:02:32] <HardStone> xDD
[18:02:32] <Lavija> bruh
[18:02:37] <TheGamer> kurwa
[18:02:40] <TheBlackout> yo santiago tp me back
[18:02:40] <TheGamer> can i attack?
[18:02:43] <HardStone> heal me
[18:02:43] <Lavija> /joinevent
[18:02:43] <HardStone> :3
[18:02:48] <Ludred> you can attack too :)
[18:02:51] --> Lazor connected to the server
[18:02:54] <Ludred> Ill give 400k 2 attackers
[18:02:54] <Ludred> wb
[18:02:56] <Gajeel> wb lazor :D
[18:02:56] <Criterion> wb
[18:02:56] <PenguinPilot> what's dts?
[18:03:02] <Ludred> dodge the shemale
[18:03:02] <Lazor> yo
[18:03:04] <Santiago> dodge the shamal
[18:03:07] <PenguinPilot> ah ok
[18:03:15] <HardStone> Attackers beacon yourself pl0x
[18:03:18] <Lazor> Old players :O
[18:03:18] <Santiago> hi
[18:03:26] <Santiago> yes old players and lavija
[18:03:28] <Criterion> !groups
[18:03:31] (WEB) <robin_be> Criterion is in airline Sky Air and company Sky Logistics
[18:03:31] <-- ANDRESMONT disconnected from the server
[18:03:31] <Lavija> what
[18:03:31] <Shazi> 19 players damn
[18:03:34] <Shazi> -1
[18:03:37] <Bran> dodging shemales is hard when you live in bangkok
[18:03:39] <PenguinPilot> kontol
[18:03:42] <Gajeel> whats the cost of rc tiger
[18:03:42] <Santiago> kontol
[18:03:42] <HardStone> Who are the attackers?
[18:03:48] <Ludred> me and tg
[18:03:58] <PenguinPilot> nice journey thegamer
[18:03:58] <Lazor> Theblackout wow
[18:04:01] <HardStone> TG, beacon pls
[18:04:01] <TheBlackout> yo
[18:04:06] <TheGamer> i'll beacon once we start
[18:04:09] <Gajeel> bak gevþeðe bak
[18:04:09] <Santiago> where is josh
[18:04:12] <Gajeel> beni hatýrlamadý :D
[18:04:12] <Santiago> and andy
[18:04:12] <HardStone> ohk
[18:04:12] <PenguinPilot> why the heck is it doing over newtontoppen island
[18:04:14] <Lazor> gajeel
[18:04:14] <Santiago> damn I miss andy
[18:04:17] <Lazor> eski ismin ne
[18:04:22] <MrXecutioneRSs> knk blueberry geldim nerde nitro
[18:04:25] <TheBlackout> havent heard from andy in 4 years
[18:04:28] <Gajeel> Mystoff Lucastroff Cpt.Lucas
[18:04:30] <Lazor> oha
[18:04:33] <Santiago> same
[18:04:33] <Gajeel> :D
[18:04:33] <Lavija> he was back for a minute
[18:04:33] <TheBlackout> havent heard from josh in 2
[18:04:33] <Lazor> napýyon lan :D
[18:04:36] <Gajeel> jahgsdhsaf
[18:04:41] <Gajeel> burdayým ayný
[18:04:44] <Gajeel> sen napýyon
[18:04:46] <Lazor> yaþýyo mu burasý
[18:04:54] <Gajeel> ya virüs varya þimdi
[18:04:57] <MrXecutioneRSs> knk bak
[18:04:57] <Santiago> so
[18:04:57] <Gajeel> herkes online :D
[18:05:00] <Lazor> xd
[18:05:03] <Santiago> should I lock the event or what
[18:05:11] <MrXecutioneRSs> sen 3slot evi kaça vercektin
[18:05:11] <Ludred> yes at 18:30
[18:05:19] <HardStone> ey healall
[18:05:21] <HardStone> i'm low at hp
[18:05:24] <Gajeel> 1.300
[18:05:32] <MrXecutioneRSs> blueberryde buldum
[18:05:35] <MrXecutioneRSs> 1.5m
[18:05:37] <Gajeel> çok iyi
[18:05:43] <Shazi> beacon lads
[18:05:48] <Gajeel> benim bayside daki evi al istiyosan
[18:05:48] <Lazor> gz
[18:05:51] <MrXecutioneRSs> aldým
[18:05:51] <Gajeel> sattým onu ben
[18:05:51] <Ar3zz..> oh damn
[18:05:51] <Gajeel> 1.400
[18:05:56] <MrXecutioneRSs> ty
[18:05:56] <Ar3zz..> that's a good fucking price for a 3 sloottt
[18:05:59] <Ludred> gz
[18:06:04] <Lavija> wow okw
[18:06:04] <Ludred> attacking in 30 seconds
[18:06:07] <TheBlackout> lmao
[18:06:09] <Ar3zz..> Holly shit 23k distance with nevada
[18:06:15] <Ar3zz..> this is boringg -_-
[18:06:23] <Lavija> take that back
[18:06:28] <HardStone> lulded beacon
[18:06:34] <Gajeel> guys how much is RC tiger?
[18:06:42] <Lavija> free
[18:06:44] <TheGamer> when do we attack lol
[18:06:47] <Gajeel> haha
[18:06:47] <Bran> f
[18:06:55] <Ludred> attack lol
[18:06:58] <TheGamer> hmm
[18:06:58] <TheGamer> sure
[18:07:00] <Lazor> uh
[18:07:03] <PenguinPilot> weeee
[18:07:08] <Ludred> fuck low on hp
[18:07:08] <TheBlackout> yo fuck
[18:07:11] <-- PenguinPilot disconnected from the server
[18:07:14] <Ludred> imean shemale
[18:07:24] <TheBlackout> that was tota lDP
[18:07:24] <TheBlackout> DP
[18:07:30] <HardStone> noooo
[18:07:32] <Santiago> shazo won
[18:07:38] <-- Pedro_Bear disconnected from the server
[18:07:38] <Ludred> jesus that was fast
[18:07:38] <Santiago> gz shazo
[18:07:40] <TheBlackout> gg
[18:07:43] <Shazi> ez
[18:07:43] <Ludred> gz
[18:07:46] <TheBlackout> lets do another one
[18:07:46] <TheGamer> i don't miss kurwa
[18:08:05] <Lazor> is CnR opened?
[18:08:07] <Ludred> now im totally broke
[18:08:10] <HardStone> im hosting
[18:08:13] <TheBlackout> :D
[18:08:18] <TheGamer> it's not lazor
[18:08:29] <Ludred> !player lazl0
[18:08:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player lazl0: 0 score, last seen 21 Months Ago
[18:08:32] <TheBlackout> i can give 100k
[18:08:40] <Ludred> !cash theblackout
[18:08:43] (WEB) <robin_be> theblackout has $1,528,521 in hand
[18:08:43] <-- Lazor disconnected from the server
[18:08:46] <Ar3zz..> Bro wtfff
[18:08:51] <Ar3zz..> i start the mission
[18:08:54] <Ar3zz..> and u start an event
[18:08:54] <HardStone> gimme dat shamal
[18:08:54] <Ar3zz..> c'monn man
[18:08:57] <Diamondzxd> /s
[18:09:05] <MrXecutioneRSs> renk nasýl deðiþtircemw
[18:09:07] <TheBlackout> yoooo
[18:09:10] <HardStone> coming back
[18:09:10] <HardStone> xD
[18:09:13] <TheGamer> it's probably abuse to just crash the plane
[18:09:13] <Ar3zz..> wtf
[18:09:15] <HardStone> oh wait come with me
[18:09:15] <Ar3zz..> wtf
[18:09:23] <Ar3zz..> so what do we do
[18:09:31] <Diamondzxd> dodge the shamal
[18:09:37] <Ar3zz..> okayy
[18:09:39] <HardStone> Attacking at 00:00
[18:09:45] <Gajeel> how to leave from rc?
[18:09:50] <TheGamer> same command
[18:09:50] <MrXecutioneRSs> nrg500ün varmý gajel
[18:09:58] <Gajeel> f not working
[18:10:01] <Gajeel> yok
[18:10:01] <Ar3zz..> at 00 dude i could have completed that mission
[18:10:03] <Shazi> hardstone, beacon
[18:10:09] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[18:10:09] <TheGamer> use the same command as you used to enter
[18:10:20] <Shazi> thanks
[18:10:20] <Ludred> will you be my qurantine
[18:10:22] <TheGamer> no
[18:10:28] <TheBlackout> im attacking guys
[18:10:30] <Ludred> :(
[18:10:41] <Ludred> fuck low on health
[18:10:49] <Ludred> AH
[18:10:52] <Ludred> masacre
[18:11:05] <TheGamer> yo
[18:11:05] <TheGamer> fuckoff
[18:11:08] <Ar3zz..> xd
[18:11:13] <TheGamer> this isn't a DM event
[18:11:19] <Shazi> stop fighting lol
[18:11:29] <Shazi> rip
[18:11:29] <Gajeel> :D
[18:11:29] <Ludred> f santi and diamond
[18:11:51] <Ludred> blackout over here chopping
[18:12:12] <Gajeel> lol
[18:12:12] <Ar3zz..> santiago
[18:12:15] <Ludred> F yaphet
[18:12:17] <Ar3zz..> u threw id 1 out
[18:12:17] <YaphetS> dafak?
[18:12:17] <Santiago> ?
[18:12:17] <Diamondzxd> mera naam mukesh hai
[18:12:25] <Ar3zz..> u threw id 1 out
[18:12:25] <Santiago> /joinevent
[18:12:25] <Ludred> diamodn
[18:12:28] <Bran> 0 fucks given
[18:12:47] <Ar3zz..> wtf are u doing with that shamall
[18:12:55] <Ludred> when attac
[18:13:00] <Ludred> I don't have all day here
[18:13:14] <Ar3zz..> oh now he gonna attack
[18:13:14] <TheBlackout> shall we go
[18:13:27] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[18:13:27] <Ludred> fuck the lag
[18:13:30] <Ludred> wb
[18:13:38] <Smetkowski> ty
[18:13:38] <Ludred> time to loe
[18:13:40] <Santiago> lallala
[18:13:54] <Ludred> time to lose
[18:13:54] <Gajeel> wýt
[18:14:02] <Diamondzxd> bc
[18:14:10] <Gajeel> free dildoooo
[18:14:10] <Criterion> !score
[18:14:13] (WEB) <robin_be> player Criterion: 28210 score, 25710 missions: 23'/. military - 23'/. courier - 19'/. cargo drop
[18:14:13] <Diamondzxd> meri hi gaand marle
[18:14:13] <Ar3zz..> that was not fair xD
[18:14:18] <Ar3zz..> u attacked delayed
[18:14:24] <Gajeel> go no
[18:14:26] <Gajeel> haha
[18:14:29] <Ar3zz..> i quit xD
[18:14:29] <-- Ar3zz.. disconnected from the server
[18:15:04] <-- YaphetS disconnected from the server
[18:15:07] <Ludred> hiow did I survive that
[18:15:25] <-- MrXecutioneRSs disconnected from the server
[18:15:41] <Diamondzxd> ayyy
[18:15:44] <TheBlackout> had to fix
[18:15:47] <Criterion> Crit's gonna reach 30k score later. :p
[18:15:47] <HardStone> avenged
[18:15:49] <HardStone> jk
[18:15:55] <Ludred> f me
[18:15:57] <TheGamer> bye kurwa
[18:15:57] <TheBlackout> thegamer gg
[18:16:05] <Santiago> f
[18:16:05] <TheBlackout> lol
[18:16:05] <Shazi> gg
[18:16:08] <Diamondzxd> lmao
[18:16:08] <Santiago> it was thegamer
[18:16:11] <HardStone> not blackout
[18:16:11] <Ludred> idk why I didn't turn my light filter lmao
[18:16:14] <HardStone> it was TheGamer
[18:16:19] <Santiago> yeha yeah ik ik
[18:16:35] <Ludred> im so use to it lol
[18:16:38] <TheGamer> sweet, thx
[18:17:18] <Ludred> kurwa did you breed the sheeps
[18:17:34] <TheGamer> haven't been online kurwa
[18:17:53] <TheGamer> unlike most, i'm not at home 24/7
[18:17:55] <TheGamer> i still got work lol
[18:18:22] <Bran> i finished the other day
[18:19:50] <-- TheBlackout disconnected from the server
[18:20:20] <Ludred> !groups Mr.Pilot
[18:20:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Mr.Pilot is in airline Garuda Indonesia and company (none)
[18:20:39] <HardStone> ruk
[18:20:44] <Ludred> hardstone gimme keys pweez
[18:20:50] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[18:21:06] <Ludred> givei it the poor
[18:21:11] <HardStone> bich
[18:21:14] <Criterion> f
[18:21:14] <Ludred> lmfao
[18:21:22] <HardStone> lmfao
[18:21:33] <HardStone> .-.
[18:21:41] <Ludred> f hardstone
[18:21:57] <HardStone> abooz
[18:22:19] <Diamondzxd> o bc
[18:22:21] <Shazi> 10/10 driving
[18:22:35] <HardStone> Arch le chalo paaji
[18:22:43] <HardStone> Gaadi nu modify karwani h
[18:22:59] <HardStone> Bass tube dalwaunga, yo yo honey singh
[18:23:02] <HardStone> volume 1
[18:23:02] <Criterion> Jetstar, fleet.
[18:23:23] <Ludred> phew almost
[18:23:34] <Ludred> JESUS
[18:23:36] --> Mr.Pilot connected to the server
[18:23:39] <Ludred> wb
[18:23:52] <HardStone> whaaaa
[18:24:11] <HardStone> o bhaiiii
[18:24:14] <Ludred> owo
[18:24:25] <-- Bran disconnected from the server
[18:24:27] --> Royal_Stag connected to the server
[18:24:33] <Ludred> wb
[18:24:38] <Royal_Stag> ty
[18:24:49] <Criterion> !player treyway
[18:24:52] (WEB) <robin_be> player treyway: 3823 score, last seen 3 Months Ago
[18:25:08] <-- Diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[18:25:08] <HardStone> <3
[18:25:13] <HardStone> ey lulded
[18:25:16] <Ludred> lets drive around
[18:25:21] <HardStone> ye wait
[18:25:35] <Ludred> to pp?
[18:25:45] <HardStone> SF transfender
[18:26:39] <HardStone> ..
[18:26:42] <Ludred> I meant thta
[18:26:47] <HardStone> 2stars
[18:27:11] <Criterion> close call
[18:27:16] <Criterion> hehe
[18:27:16] <Ludred> yea
[18:27:41] <Ludred> ppf
[18:28:02] <HardStone> ...
[18:28:07] <Ludred> ok I stop now
[18:28:10] <HardStone> xD
[18:29:33] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[18:30:27] <HardStone> F
[18:30:27] <Royal_Stag> rip
[18:30:32] <Ludred> idiot
[18:30:35] <HardStone> pick us up yo
[18:30:37] <Ludred> only fast cars
[18:30:45] <HardStone> i forgot i was driving a stratum xD
[18:31:34] <HardStone> that stunt
[18:31:36] <HardStone> dude
[18:31:44] <Ludred> smfh lampposts
[18:31:52] <HardStone> y u didn't use that ramp >:
[18:31:55] <Ludred> no
[18:32:19] <Ludred> WTF
[18:32:22] <HardStone> 00f
[18:32:30] <Ludred> how did that even happen lmfao
[18:34:01] <Criterion> Petrol truck khatam hogya.
[18:34:03] <Criterion> f
[18:34:06] <HardStone> F
[18:34:09] <Ludred> where now boi
[18:34:14] <Royal_Stag> hain
[18:34:14] <HardStone> ma house
[18:34:20] <Ludred> where is that ffs
[18:34:20] <HardStone> Richman, LS
[18:34:22] <Royal_Stag> that was hindi
[18:34:30] <HardStone> ha bhai
[18:34:44] <Ludred> wb
[18:34:54] <Royal_Stag> Indian or paki?
[18:35:02] <HardStone> indian
[18:35:10] <Royal_Stag> :D
[18:36:01] <Royal_Stag> t/pee
[18:36:07] <Ludred> phew
[18:37:03] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[18:37:16] <HardStone> here
[18:37:24] <Ludred> MOFO
[18:37:30] <HardStone> you picked the wrong house fool
[18:37:38] <Criterion> Eh, What's up doc?
[18:37:38] <Ludred> you said HERE
[18:37:54] <Royal_Stag> gg
[18:38:04] <HardStone> Groove street 2.0
[18:38:07] <Ludred> get on the turismo and lets race
[18:38:18] <HardStone> Royal stag
[18:38:23] <HardStone> you need a car?
[18:38:23] <Royal_Stag> ye
[18:38:31] <Ludred> lemme repair
[18:38:34] <Royal_Stag> you mean key
[18:38:37] <HardStone> ofc
[18:38:39] <HardStone> xD
[18:38:53] <Royal_Stag> g is better xD
[18:39:17] <Ludred> first person to my
[18:39:27] <Ludred> 15 slot house
[18:39:30] <HardStone> gtg
[18:39:30] <Ludred> rodeo
[18:39:36] <Ludred> oh cmon
[18:39:41] <HardStone> look at my car lol
[18:39:46] <HardStone> There on that roof
[18:39:54] <Ludred> you butherin idiot
[18:39:57] <HardStone> i'm leaving anyway
[18:39:57] <HardStone> k bai
[18:39:57] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[18:40:00] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[18:40:05] <-- Royal_Stag disconnected from the server
[18:43:26] --> MrXecutioneRSs connected to the server
[18:43:34] <MrXecutioneRSs> :
[18:44:27] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[18:44:33] <Criterion> hi
[18:45:02] <Shazi> if you guys need toilet paper, search and rescue have like 6 rolls at their LS Base
[18:45:16] <Shazi> oh and 6 bottles of sanitizer also
[18:45:32] <Cpt.Price> Or just call me for vodka ;)
[18:45:37] <Criterion> Oye TransX, fleet.
[18:45:48] <Cpt.Price> Hey, hands off SnR's stuff
[18:45:56] <Cpt.Price> Or I'll blow you from my M2HB
[18:46:17] <Shazi> they also have bottled water
[18:46:31] <Cpt.Price> I'MA GET YOUUUUU!
[18:47:16] <Cpt.Price> Reeeeeeee!
[18:49:03] <Cpt.Price> F1 PD! Hands up!
[18:49:14] <Shazi> pf
[18:49:14] <Gajeel> f1?
[18:49:19] <Shazi> hue
[18:50:15] <Shazi> ty
[18:50:26] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[18:50:32] <Cpt.Price> Motherfu
[18:50:37] <Hanzel_Nunez> Hi guys
[18:50:37] <Shazi> lmao
[18:50:42] <Gajeel> hay
[18:50:48] <MrXecutioneRSs> gajel
[18:50:48] <-- Hanzel_Nunez disconnected from the server
[18:50:50] <Gajeel> he
[18:50:56] <MrXecutioneRSs> gene boþ
[18:50:58] <MrXecutioneRSs> :D
[18:51:06] <Gajeel> sen ne bekliyodun onu anlamadým asjkhfasd
[18:51:12] <Cpt.Price> *Need backup*
[18:51:17] <MrXecutioneRSs> :D
[18:51:17] <MrXecutioneRSs> asdasd
[18:51:22] <Gajeel> milletin hayatý var amk bütün gününü burda geçircek deðil asdsad
[18:52:03] <MrXecutioneRSs> böyle iþin, ben
[18:52:08] <MrXecutioneRSs> bu yagmurlu havanýn taa
[18:52:13] <Gajeel> haha vip var
[18:52:19] <Gajeel> havayý deðiþtirebniliyon
[18:52:27] <Gajeel> deðiþtirebiliyorum
[18:52:37] <Gajeel> þimdi çok pahalý lvl3 istiyorum da
[18:53:10] <Cpt.Price> Hai
[18:53:23] <Shazi> not today beach
[18:53:26] <Cpt.Price> Transx .cfleet
[18:53:31] <Criterion> ^
[18:53:52] <Cpt.Price> FREEZE!
[18:54:19] <Gajeel> at400le uçma asjhdsad
[18:54:25] <Gajeel> patlýyon böyle
[18:54:25] <Gajeel> :D
[18:54:41] <MrXecutioneRSs> kaldýrýsnlar amýna koyim hava þeyini saçma iþ yapýyorlar
[18:54:57] <Gajeel> lan niye :D
[18:54:57] <Gajeel> bu da rp
[18:54:59] <Gajeel> asdasd
[18:57:21] <Shazi> lmao
[18:57:24] <Cpt.Price> Stuck kek?
[18:57:27] <Shazi> nope
[18:57:40] <Shazi> you arent drowning my hp kek
[18:57:45] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[18:58:01] <Shazi> lelll
[18:58:17] <Shazi> FUCK
[18:58:28] <Shazi> you got me ffs
[18:58:31] <Cpt.Price> No running from F1 PD hu3
[18:58:55] <Cpt.Price> Hands off my toilet paper, sanitizer and vodka
[18:59:00] <Shazi> no
[18:59:11] <Cpt.Price> Again?
[18:59:59] <Cpt.Price> I wouldn't
[19:00:45] <Shazi> wheres dat tp mmm
[19:01:25] <Cpt.Price> Raped
[19:02:40] <Cpt.Price> x2
[19:02:48] <Cpt.Price> Hands off my shit
[19:02:48] <Shazi> where is dat lv base now hmmm
[19:03:01] <Cpt.Price> Try me biatch
[19:03:09] --> Brianna connected to the server
[19:03:15] <Gajeel> :D
[19:03:20] <Shazi> sike
[19:03:23] <Shazi> /loc me
[19:03:33] <Cpt.Price> MORDERFURKER
[19:03:42] <Cpt.Price> Rape!
[19:03:44] <-- Gajeel disconnected from the server
[19:03:50] <Shazi> there isnt even a toilet here lmfao
[19:04:43] <Hanzel_Nunez> whats is the best airlines?
[19:07:24] <Cpt.Price> Wow
[19:07:45] <Criterion> !player durex
[19:07:48] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player durex
[19:07:59] <Shazi> fuck
[19:08:02] <Cpt.Price> 3rd time, you suck
[19:08:04] <Shazi> was typing /vheal :D
[19:08:10] <Cpt.Price> :V
[19:08:28] <Shazi> lets inspect the pl offices for toilet paper
[19:08:36] <Cpt.Price> Sure
[19:09:11] <Cpt.Price> Geronimooooooo!
[19:09:27] <Cpt.Price> Ouch
[19:10:10] <Brianna> rip
[19:10:40] <-- MrXecutioneRSs disconnected from the server
[19:11:01] <Cpt.Price> Stan's secret Porn vids? Oh boi
[19:11:39] <Cpt.Price> Pftchhhhhh
[19:11:39] <Shazi> WHERE IS THE TOILET PAPER
[19:11:41] <Cpt.Price> Sahzi
[19:11:44] <Cpt.Price> Come here
[19:11:52] <Shazi> hello there
[19:11:57] <Cpt.Price> Perfectly blocked
[19:12:16] <Shazi> are you sure about that
[19:12:21] <Shazi> do you have a rc vehicle?
[19:12:27] <Cpt.Price> Uh well hu3
[19:12:29] <Cpt.Price> Tiger
[19:12:35] <Shazi> perfect
[19:12:48] <Criterion> in the truck
[19:13:07] <Cpt.Price> Nope it's blocked
[19:13:15] <Shazi> gimmie, i can get in
[19:13:50] <Shazi> doesnt work
[19:13:52] <Cpt.Price> Well F
[19:13:55] <Criterion> f
[19:14:06] <Cpt.Price> Cause I'm not giving you my tiger
[19:14:08] <Shazi> i dont think there is anything inside tho
[19:14:16] <Cpt.Price> No offense but I don't trust anyone lol
[19:14:19] <Shazi> yeah cuz i will run away with it
[19:14:22] <Shazi> i mean
[19:14:25] <Shazi> i will give it back
[19:14:49] <Shazi> yeah i wouldnt give my rc tiger to myself either lol
[19:14:54] <Cpt.Price> Someone left lappy on
[19:15:15] <Cpt.Price> Let's see
[19:15:40] <Cpt.Price> NEVERMIND!
[19:15:48] <Cpt.Price> I don't want to touch that
[19:16:14] <Shazi> our floors are mapped the best lmao
[19:16:30] <Cpt.Price> True kek
[19:17:00] <Criterion> Ahoy there.
[19:17:21] <Shazi> you can like, sit in the damn chairs, you know
[19:18:28] <Criterion> !player dumblee
[19:18:31] (WEB) <robin_be> player dumblee: 3479 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[19:19:11] <Shazi> hey there handsome, need a ride?
[19:19:22] <Cpt.Price> F1 PD mofo
[19:19:36] <Cpt.Price> Your license and yellow card
[19:19:41] <Shazi> yeah, we have promos for police officers
[19:19:57] <Cpt.Price> Hands off or I'll shoot you right there
[19:20:00] <Shazi> oh license
[19:20:10] <Shazi> ummm, yes... its here somewhere
[19:20:26] <Shazi> here it is!
[19:20:34] <Criterion> !licenses
[19:20:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Criterion has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick, nevada
[19:20:38] <Cpt.Price> That's a goddamn condom!
[19:20:46] <Shazi> is it?
[19:20:54] <Cpt.Price> Step out of the vehicle
[19:20:59] <Cpt.Price> You're under arrest
[19:20:59] <Shazi> guess its at home
[19:21:04] <Shazi> ill go search for it
[19:21:10] <Cpt.Price> STOP!
[19:21:34] <Hanzel_Nunez> ok whats going on here
[19:22:41] <Cpt.Price> No respect for the law ...
[19:22:46] <Shazi> nevahhh
[19:23:08] <Cpt.Price> You just pissed off Sheriff Bufford T. Justice whore
[19:23:53] <Shazi> gg officer
[19:25:11] <-- Mr.Pilot disconnected from the server
[19:26:02] <Shazi> lel
[19:26:26] <Cpt.Price> HANDS UP!
[19:26:34] <Shazi> excuse me?
[19:26:42] <Cpt.Price> I said hands up!
[19:26:52] <Shazi> i didnt do anything!
[19:27:03] <Cpt.Price> PUT EM UP!
[19:27:14] <Shazi> cheers
[19:27:22] <Cpt.Price> TASER!
[19:27:38] <Shazi> fucking cop
[19:29:14] <Cpt.Price> Hang on
[19:29:17] <Cpt.Price> X key has issues
[19:29:20] <Shazi> lel
[19:30:00] <Cpt.Price> Should be good
[19:30:43] <Cpt.Price> Step out!
[19:31:58] <Cpt.Price> Oh shi
[19:32:00] <Shazi> >:D
[19:36:58] <Cpt.Price> Motherf
[19:37:06] <Shazi> hue
[19:37:38] <Cpt.Price> Die lol
[19:37:43] <Shazi> hell no
[19:37:49] <-- Brianna disconnected from the server
[19:38:47] <Shazi> lmao
[19:39:57] <Shazi> fuck xD
[19:39:57] <Cpt.Price> Got you
[19:41:42] <Shazi> \
[19:42:27] <Cpt.Price> That's it
[19:42:54] <Shazi> lmao getting the hydras now?
[19:42:54] <Cpt.Price> You're going down
[19:42:59] <Shazi> LOL
[19:43:18] <Cpt.Price> And it's F-14D mofo
[19:43:37] <Hanzel_Nunez> LOL I FOUND A HYDRA
[19:46:44] <Cpt.Price> Pwned
[19:46:47] <Shazi> heh
[19:46:49] <Criterion> f
[19:47:06] <Shazi> ill go now, cya later
[19:47:11] <Cpt.Price> cya mofo
[19:47:11] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[19:47:14] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[19:55:48] --> Nescau connected to the server
[19:56:28] <-- Hanzel_Nunez disconnected from the server
[19:56:36] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[20:00:53] <Criterion> rip truck fuel
[20:00:58] <Criterion> oof
[20:02:24] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[20:05:34] <Criterion> Just a quietass place...
[20:11:41] --> Mr.Pilot connected to the server
[20:12:00] <-- Mr.Pilot disconnected from the server
[20:14:40] --> Nescau connected to the server
[20:15:02] <Criterion> TransX, fleet.
[20:15:18] <Nescau> Done
[20:15:21] <Criterion> Thx.
[20:16:09] --> Mr.Pilot connected to the server
[20:16:11] <Nescau> wb
[20:16:30] <-- Mr.Pilot disconnected from the server
[20:21:09] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[20:21:41] <CzechBoy777> hi
[20:21:46] <Nescau> Hey
[20:29:03] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[20:29:37] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[20:30:04] --> Lucy connected to the server
[20:30:10] <Lucy> sup cygnus
[20:30:15] <CzechBoy777> wb
[20:34:59] <-- Lucy disconnected from the server
[20:35:50] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[20:36:51] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[20:37:05] <CzechBoy777> Lol I tried to stream, I had sooo much lags
[20:39:29] <CzechBoy777> gtg byer
[20:39:29] <CzechBoy777> bye
[20:39:37] <Miles_Fitzgerald> bye
[20:39:43] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[20:40:23] <Miles_Fitzgerald> w
[20:54:40] --> Nescau connected to the server
[20:54:50] --> adalarva connected to the server
[20:54:53] --> Mr.Pilot connected to the server
[20:55:12] <Miles_Fitzgerald> chego a tropa
[20:55:25] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[20:55:33] <Mr.Pilot> fui tentar instalar o mod lá da pista kkkk ficou dando crash
[20:55:38] <Miles_Fitzgerald> vixe k
[20:55:41] --> Nescau connected to the server
[20:56:13] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[20:56:19] <Mr.Pilot> vou tentar de novo
[20:56:27] <Miles_Fitzgerald> vc instalou o cleo etc...
[20:56:27] <Miles_Fitzgerald> ?
[20:56:29] <Mr.Pilot> simm
[20:56:40] <Miles_Fitzgerald> é o mod entt
[20:56:59] <Mr.Pilot> vou tentar dnv, ja volto
[20:57:04] <Miles_Fitzgerald> nem vo tentar pq tenho uma pa de mod kk
[20:57:12] <-- Mr.Pilot disconnected from the server
[21:00:06] <adalarva> 2s
[21:04:37] --> Nescau connected to the server
[21:06:02] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[21:06:48] --> Nescau connected to the server
[21:06:59] <Nescau> tnc
[21:07:04] <Nescau> instalei um mod que tá bugado
[21:07:04] <Miles_Fitzgerald> kkkkkkkkkkkk
[21:07:12] <Miles_Fitzgerald> qual
[21:07:17] <Nescau> avião tá dando spawn com as rodas embaixo da terra
[21:07:23] <Miles_Fitzgerald> meeee
[21:08:08] <Nescau> Puts
[21:08:11] <Nescau> é do servidor
[21:08:14] <Nescau> que bosta
[21:08:24] <Nescau> achei um que tá normal
[21:12:04] --> Mr.Pilot connected to the server
[21:12:17] <Miles_Fitzgerald> fala ai irmao
[21:12:25] <Mr.Pilot> vamos ver se agr vai kkkk
[21:12:33] <Nescau> baixou mod tbm?
[21:12:44] <Mr.Pilot> de carregar a pista?
[21:13:30] <Miles_Fitzgerald> funfou?
[21:13:32] <Nescau> alguem tem mod bom pro shamal ai?
[21:13:46] <Miles_Fitzgerald> eu uso o nimbus do gta v
[21:13:56] --> ChrisC19 connected to the server
[21:13:59] <Mr.Pilot> aq nao mudou nada kkkk
[21:14:04] <Miles_Fitzgerald> kkkk
[21:15:41] <Mr.Pilot> nao tem nenhum botao especifico p ativar no cleo né?
[21:15:49] <Miles_Fitzgerald> F10 eu acho
[21:15:57] <ChrisC19> that was close
[21:16:02] <Mr.Pilot> puts
[21:16:08] <ChrisC19> y sorry
[21:16:29] <Mr.Pilot> acho que agr vai entao, valeu
[21:19:10] <Mr.Pilot> funcionou... show dms
[21:19:20] <Nescau> Qual mod é?
[21:19:50] <Mr.Pilot> que ajuda a guiar para essas pistas das ilhas que demoram p carregar
[21:19:58] <Nescau> aaah
[21:20:25] <Nescau> Como funciona?
[21:20:49] <Mr.Pilot> a pista fica destacada bem antes quando vc ta chegando, tem como alterar a distancia
[21:21:10] <Mr.Pilot> ai mostra a altitude que ela está tbm, ajuda dms
[21:21:21] <Mr.Pilot> vc não precisa chegar perdidão kkkkk
[21:27:30] <-- Mr.Pilot disconnected from the server
[21:28:13] <-- Nescau disconnected from the server
[21:33:51] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[21:52:14] <ChrisC19> are there any stuntplane missions?
[21:55:43] <-- ChrisC19 disconnected from the server
[22:12:08] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[22:15:07] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[22:15:13] --> bilalHM connected to the server
[22:16:49] --> Mr.Pilot connected to the server
[22:17:05] <adalarva> wb
[22:17:13] <Mr.Pilot> thanks :D
[22:19:46] <-- Mr.Pilot disconnected from the server
[22:20:23] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[22:21:33] --> Mr.Pilot connected to the server
[22:23:41] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[22:24:19] <-- Mr.Pilot disconnected from the server
[22:26:38] <-- bilalHM disconnected from the server
[22:29:54] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[22:33:52] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[22:41:27] --> Mr.Pilot connected to the server
[22:42:26] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[22:45:47] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[22:47:07] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[22:48:57] --> adalarva connected to the server
[22:49:08] <Mr.Pilot> wb
[22:52:34] --> SnekyNinja connected to the server
[22:52:42] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[22:54:10] <SnekyNinja> hey guys
[22:54:21] <Mr.Pilot> hello
[22:54:26] <SnekyNinja> money got reset i see
[22:54:59] <SnekyNinja> spent so much time on this server
[22:55:01] <Mr.Pilot> good question :D i came back recently, like 3 days haha
[22:55:04] <SnekyNinja> what a throwback
[22:55:17] <adalarva> ey, help me
[22:55:36] <adalarva> in forum posting one mod Bae for shamal
[22:55:52] <adalarva> is good, but no taxing fine
[22:55:52] <-- SnekyNinja disconnected from the server
[22:56:11] <adalarva> you now something?
[22:56:16] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[22:56:22] <Mr.Pilot> i dont
[22:56:32] <adalarva> okok, thanks
[22:56:40] <Mr.Pilot> i am having some problems while installing mods... i tried the 3d map but it didnt work
[22:57:34] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[23:04:34] --> adalarva connected to the server
[23:08:50] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[23:27:53] --> adalarva connected to the server
[23:43:44] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[23:44:56] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[23:45:12] <Miles_Fitzgerald> pai ta on porra
[23:45:20] <Mr.Pilot> eaee
[23:45:31] <Mr.Pilot> tu tem o mod do mini mapa em 3d?
[23:45:39] <Miles_Fitzgerald> tenho nao vei
[23:45:47] <Miles_Fitzgerald> eu to querendo um hud novo
[23:45:58] <Mr.Pilot> tentei fazer de tudo mas n consegui instalar
[23:46:22] <Miles_Fitzgerald> instalei o cleo
[23:46:24] <Miles_Fitzgerald> top top
[23:46:30] <Mr.Pilot> o da pista?
[23:46:40] <Miles_Fitzgerald> ss
[23:46:48] <Mr.Pilot> vai ver q ajuda mto
[23:46:54] <Miles_Fitzgerald> testar agr
[23:47:26] <Miles_Fitzgerald> nice
[23:47:34] --> adalarva connected to the server
[23:47:37] <Mr.Pilot> é irado dms
[23:48:09] <Miles_Fitzgerald> só o ouro
[23:48:17] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[23:49:37] --> Pedro_Bear connected to the server
[23:49:53] <Miles_Fitzgerald> br?
[23:49:55] <Pedro_Bear> nepia
[23:50:11] <Pedro_Bear> pt
[23:51:29] <Miles_Fitzgerald> 10/10 esse mod
[23:51:45] <Mr.Pilot> tbm achei dms, antes ficava me matando p esperar carregar
[23:52:12] <Miles_Fitzgerald> eu ficava dando voltar emcima
[23:52:17] <Miles_Fitzgerald> mesmo usando SSD demora um pouco
[23:52:20] <Miles_Fitzgerald> pra carregar