
[00:00:45] <adalarva> cuando quieras despega
[00:00:48] <adalarva> espera
[00:00:50] <lord_vader> oka
[00:00:53] <adalarva> aun no
[00:00:53] <lord_vader> me avisas
[00:00:56] <adalarva> xd
[00:01:12] <adalarva> ahora si
[00:01:20] --> Naldo connected to the server
[00:01:25] <Gajeel> wb
[00:01:30] <Naldo> Thankks
[00:01:36] <lord_vader> te aviso al aterrizar
[00:01:47] <adalarva> si
[00:02:16] <lord_vader> voy
[00:02:21] <adalarva> ok
[00:03:12] <lord_vader> otra vez?
[00:03:15] <adalarva> si
[00:03:20] <adalarva> mas bajo
[00:03:26] <lord_vader> te aviso
[00:03:39] <adalarva> mi camara esta en la cabecera
[00:03:39] <lord_vader> listo
[00:04:22] <lord_vader> listo voy
[00:04:24] <adalarva> tengo la camara despues del 69
[00:04:27] <adalarva> ok
[00:04:54] <ErdemEmireri> f
[00:05:07] <adalarva> bien
[00:05:10] <adalarva> de nuevo please
[00:05:13] <lord_vader> otra?
[00:05:31] <lord_vader> te aviso
[00:05:34] <adalarva> ok
[00:06:14] <lord_vader> listo voy
[00:06:22] <Naldo> Who won the lotto?
[00:06:27] <Santiago> me
[00:06:30] <adalarva> al comienzo de pista
[00:06:35] <marshmellow> mohsin won before that i forgot
[00:07:24] <adalarva> un take off y un landing mas vale?
[00:07:26] <lord_vader> listo
[00:07:29] <Gajeel> me first :
[00:07:32] <Gajeel> lel
[00:07:42] <lord_vader> asi como voy despego?
[00:07:45] <lord_vader> o del otro lado?
[00:07:50] <adalarva> del otro lado por favor
[00:07:53] <lord_vader> k
[00:08:41] <adalarva> go
[00:08:41] <lord_vader> avisame para despegar
[00:09:05] <adalarva> nice
[00:09:08] <lord_vader> te aviso para aterrizar
[00:09:13] <adalarva> camara en la torre
[00:09:24] <lord_vader> aterrizo al comienzo?
[00:09:27] <adalarva> donde gustes
[00:09:29] <lord_vader> listo
[00:09:35] <adalarva> tres trasero primero
[00:09:40] <lord_vader> k
[00:09:40] <lord_vader> ya voy
[00:09:43] <adalarva> ok
[00:09:45] <emiraybro> !w
[00:09:51] <emiraybro> !work
[00:09:56] <Gajeel> /work
[00:10:47] <adalarva> bien
[00:10:50] <lord_vader> :D
[00:10:58] <adalarva> hare un landing
[00:11:00] <adalarva> ok?
[00:11:00] <adalarva> ya vengo
[00:11:03] <lord_vader> ok
[00:11:40] <marshmellow> gz
[00:11:48] <lord_vader> gz
[00:11:48] <Gajeel> gz
[00:11:54] <mohsin_khan> thnx
[00:11:54] <Gajeel> but expensive
[00:12:02] <Gajeel> i can sell you 9Mil
[00:12:07] <-- [President]Putin disconnected from the server
[00:13:30] <adalarva> muy complicado grabar asi xd
[00:13:35] <lord_vader> lol
[00:13:41] <adalarva> vamos a seychelle
[00:13:43] <adalarva> grabare tu despegue
[00:13:43] <lord_vader> okat
[00:13:57] <lord_vader> ese queda por los santos cierto?
[00:14:02] <adalarva> en el radar sale
[00:14:07] <adalarva> esta antes del que estamos
[00:14:21] <lord_vader> a cuantos km esta?
[00:14:32] <adalarva> mm no se
[00:14:40] <adalarva> pon en 4k de distacia para ver la pista a ver
[00:14:45] <lord_vader> k
[00:14:56] <adalarva> esperaa
[00:15:01] <adalarva> queria grabar tu despeguexd
[00:15:28] <lord_vader> lol
[00:15:28] --> [President]Putin connected to the server
[00:15:36] <lord_vader> pense que lo querias grabar alla en la otra isla
[00:15:38] <lord_vader> deja de posiciono
[00:15:46] <adalarva> ok
[00:15:49] <adalarva> alla tambien grabaremos
[00:16:16] <adalarva> go
[00:16:21] <lord_vader> me avisas
[00:16:43] <adalarva> wuuh
[00:16:48] <adalarva> :D me encanta como se ve
[00:16:56] <lord_vader> :D
[00:17:04] <lord_vader> seychelle esta para los lados de sf
[00:17:04] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[00:17:07] <lord_vader> los santos*
[00:17:09] <lord_vader> ya se donde
[00:17:12] <Hamster12> wooow this mod works
[00:17:15] <adalarva> ok
[00:17:55] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[00:19:20] <lord_vader> queda lejos XD
[00:19:28] <-- [President]Putin disconnected from the server
[00:19:28] <adalarva> lol
[00:19:31] <adalarva> parece que lo vi cuando venia
[00:19:42] <Hamster12> putin left server
[00:19:47] <Hamster12> ;-;
[00:20:51] <Gajeel> guys
[00:21:02] <lord_vader> yeah?
[00:21:02] <Gajeel> where is Gangnam island
[00:21:13] <lord_vader> let me look for it
[00:21:18] <Hamster12> i knw owhere
[00:21:26] <Hamster12> its head of sf
[00:21:34] <Gajeel> to top?
[00:21:37] <Gajeel> or left
[00:21:39] <Hamster12> do you knwo coean flats ?
[00:21:45] <adalarva> tengo buenas tomas en tuvalu:d
[00:21:48] <Gajeel> naaah
[00:21:48] <Hamster12> fly to west like to ocean flats
[00:22:17] <lord_vader> north ocean flats
[00:22:22] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[00:22:28] <adalarva> hi
[00:22:28] <Hamster12> want me to navigate u?
[00:22:38] <lord_vader> :D
[00:22:46] <lord_vader> ya estamos llegando
[00:22:52] <adalarva> si
[00:22:54] <lord_vader> 3km
[00:22:54] <adalarva> aterriza primero tu
[00:22:57] <lord_vader> oka
[00:23:05] <lord_vader> casi se me acaba la gasolina
[00:23:35] <adalarva> mm
[00:25:00] --> Santiago connected to the server
[00:25:06] <Gajeel> wb
[00:25:16] <Santiago> hi
[00:25:35] <-- Cygnus disconnected from the server
[00:25:38] <adalarva> lo mismo
[00:25:40] <Gajeel> lol
[00:25:46] <lord_vader> oka
[00:25:51] <adalarva> espera
[00:25:59] <lord_vader> me avisas
[00:26:37] <adalarva> go
[00:27:03] <lord_vader> te aviso al aterrizar
[00:27:09] <adalarva> ok
[00:27:35] <lord_vader> voy
[00:27:38] <adalarva> go
[00:27:59] <Gajeel> gps
[00:28:29] <adalarva> lindo
[00:28:32] <lord_vader> :D
[00:28:37] <lord_vader> otra?
[00:28:40] <adalarva> ya
[00:28:45] <lord_vader> listo :D
[00:29:33] <lord_vader> y ahora? :D
[00:29:38] <adalarva> un landing mas?
[00:29:41] <lord_vader> listo
[00:29:44] <lord_vader> te aviso
[00:29:46] <adalarva> ok
[00:30:32] <-- Pedro_Bear disconnected from the server
[00:30:43] <lord_vader> listo voy
[00:30:45] <adalarva> go
[00:31:23] <lord_vader> ahhh
[00:31:25] <lord_vader> espera lol
[00:31:25] --> Pedro_Bear connected to the server
[00:31:31] <Hamster12> rip
[00:31:41] <adalarva> estuvo bien
[00:31:44] <lord_vader> lol
[00:31:49] <lord_vader> deja hago otro
[00:31:55] <adalarva> cuando aterrices rueda hasta el final de pista
[00:32:00] <adalarva> quiero enfocar toda
[00:32:06] <lord_vader> oka
[00:32:22] <lord_vader> boy
[00:32:24] <lord_vader> voy
[00:32:24] <adalarva> go
[00:33:12] <-- Pedro_Bear disconnected from the server
[00:33:31] <adalarva> espera
[00:33:34] <adalarva> stop
[00:33:44] <adalarva> aqui se ve espectacular
[00:33:47] <adalarva> grabare tu rodaje
[00:33:50] <lord_vader> :D
[00:33:53] <adalarva> solo sigues la linea amarilla
[00:33:55] <lord_vader> ok
[00:34:03] <adalarva> y te posicionas en el gusano
[00:34:03] --> Pedro_Bear connected to the server
[00:34:03] <adalarva> de abordaje
[00:34:06] <adalarva> entiendes?
[00:34:14] <adalarva> pero aun no
[00:34:17] <lord_vader> no XD
[00:34:19] <adalarva> desde donde estabasxd
[00:34:19] <adalarva> este mira
[00:34:25] <lord_vader> oka
[00:34:30] <lord_vader> deja te muestro como
[00:34:41] <adalarva> ok
[00:34:57] <adalarva> maso menos por aqui dolas
[00:34:59] <adalarva> doblas
[00:35:05] <adalarva> para que agarres bien la entrada
[00:35:21] <adalarva> y tratas de colocar la puerta con el gusano
[00:35:32] <adalarva> yes
[00:35:37] <adalarva> evita retroceder
[00:35:40] <lord_vader> me avisas hasta donde queda la puerta con el gusano
[00:35:40] <adalarva> para que sea real
[00:35:42] <adalarva> sigue
[00:35:50] <adalarva> stop
[00:35:56] <adalarva> ahi
[00:35:58] <lord_vader> listo
[00:35:58] <adalarva> yes
[00:36:04] <adalarva> mira
[00:36:06] <lord_vader> deja me grabo eso en la mente XD
[00:36:06] <adalarva> mirame
[00:36:20] <adalarva> :p
[00:36:20] <lord_vader> loool
[00:36:28] <lord_vader> y ese tiburon? xD
[00:36:28] <adalarva> ya
[00:36:33] <adalarva> solo era eso xd
[00:36:38] <adalarva> no se lo descubri hoy
[00:36:38] <adalarva> xd
[00:36:38] <lord_vader> ahi queda bien?
[00:36:44] <adalarva> si
[00:36:46] <adalarva> para mi mod si
[00:36:46] <lord_vader> listo
[00:36:54] <adalarva> recuerda no retroceder
[00:36:57] <lord_vader> oka
[00:37:00] <lord_vader> deja ver como hago
[00:37:05] <lord_vader> deja y hago uno de prueba
[00:37:10] <adalarva> puedes ir por aqui para que dobles bien
[00:37:29] <adalarva> mira yo soy el avion
[00:37:29] <adalarva> algo asi
[00:37:35] <adalarva> sigueme si gustas
[00:37:56] <-- Pedro_Bear disconnected from the server
[00:37:59] <adalarva> xd
[00:38:17] --> Pedro_Bear connected to the server
[00:38:23] <adalarva> claro, por eso mejor es ir mas adelante
[00:38:25] <adalarva> yeeeeah
[00:38:39] <lord_vader> tengo que retroceder XD
[00:38:41] <adalarva> un tip para que doble es presionar la flecha de abajo
[00:38:47] <adalarva> y presionas q o e
[00:38:49] <adalarva> y doblar mejor
[00:38:55] <lord_vader> ohhhhhh
[00:39:00] <adalarva> mantienes presionado claro
[00:39:11] <adalarva> estamos para enseñarnos
[00:39:11] <-- emiraybro disconnected from the server
[00:39:11] <adalarva> xd
[00:39:14] <lord_vader> XD
[00:39:16] <lord_vader> esta dificil esto XD
[00:39:19] <adalarva> te salio no?
[00:39:24] <adalarva> lo que salgo
[00:39:27] <lord_vader> no XD
[00:39:27] <adalarva> sino recorto la toma
[00:39:30] <lord_vader> deja intengo otra vez
[00:39:59] <adalarva> lo de la flechita te salio?
[00:40:02] <lord_vader> siii
[00:40:04] <adalarva> si
[00:40:07] <adalarva> ya te vi
[00:40:10] <adalarva> doblas mas rapido jaja
[00:40:42] <adalarva> puedes doblar por aqui tambien
[00:40:47] <adalarva> de la linea amarilla a la izquierda
[00:41:01] <adalarva> me lo prestas?
[00:41:06] <lord_vader> todo tuyo XD
[00:41:06] <adalarva> no puedo
[00:41:09] <lord_vader> ahhh
[00:41:11] <adalarva> es tu aerolineaxd
[00:41:17] <adalarva> dale me avisas
[00:41:22] <lord_vader> entra a la aereolinea solo para esto
[00:41:25] <adalarva> cuidado se desaparezca
[00:41:25] <lord_vader> y te sales
[00:41:25] <lord_vader> yo te acepto
[00:41:35] <adalarva> mira por aqui tal vez
[00:41:54] <marshmellow> hi
[00:41:59] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> hi there
[00:42:07] <marshmellow> bye
[00:42:13] <adalarva> recorto la escena entonces, no hay problema
[00:42:18] <lord_vader> ya se como
[00:42:21] <Gajeel> t/qq
[00:42:23] <-- Gajeel disconnected from the server
[00:42:23] <adalarva> como
[00:42:26] <lord_vader> deja intento otra vez XD
[00:42:29] <adalarva> oka
[00:43:22] <lord_vader> mas o menos asi?
[00:43:25] <adalarva> salio?
[00:43:28] <adalarva> fui a beber aguat
[00:43:33] <adalarva> si te salio queda
[00:43:36] <lord_vader> creo que si XD
[00:43:38] <adalarva> dale
[00:43:41] <lord_vader> lo hare completo para que mires
[00:44:08] <lord_vader> yo tengo un mod de ver por dentro del avion
[00:44:10] <Hamster12> nalder
[00:44:10] <lord_vader> no se si te sirva
[00:44:16] <Hamster12> gotta go byee
[00:44:18] <adalarva> tal vez
[00:44:24] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[00:44:37] <lord_vader> dare toda la vuelta
[00:44:48] <adalarva> desde ahi esta bien
[00:45:07] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[00:45:44] <adalarva> me gusto
[00:45:47] <adalarva> un poco mas atras
[00:46:11] <adalarva> ahi
[00:46:14] <adalarva> ahi
[00:46:19] <adalarva> ese es el punto
[00:47:02] <lord_vader> listo
[00:47:07] <lord_vader> otra vez?
[00:47:07] <adalarva> ok go
[00:47:47] <lord_vader> aterrizo y lo hago todo?
[00:47:58] <adalarva> nono
[00:48:01] <adalarva> desde ahi
[00:48:01] <adalarva> go
[00:48:57] <adalarva> excelente
[00:48:59] <adalarva> excelente
[00:49:02] <lord_vader> :D
[00:49:37] <adalarva> que hacemos ahora?
[00:49:42] <lord_vader> ni idea
[00:49:47] <lord_vader> este at400 casi muere
[00:50:25] <adalarva> me bajare esa vista en primera persona
[00:50:28] <Santiago> brb
[00:50:30] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[00:50:36] <lord_vader> :d
[00:50:41] <adalarva> sere tu copiloto
[00:50:46] <adalarva> me encargo de grabar nomas
[00:50:49] <adalarva> alm
[00:51:08] <lord_vader> y as
[00:51:21] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[00:51:29] <lord_vader> y asi puedes gragar los aterrizajes desde adentro
[00:51:40] <adalarva> si
[00:51:56] <lord_vader> ._.
[00:51:59] <lord_vader> no vi eso
[00:52:01] <adalarva> xd
[00:52:01] <lord_vader> salio de la nada
[00:52:25] <lord_vader> ya grabaste con el hydra?
[00:52:36] <adalarva> no aun no
[00:52:47] <adalarva> me falta
[00:52:49] <adalarva> lo hacemos?
[00:52:52] <lord_vader> claro
[00:53:03] <adalarva> que sea en un portaaviones
[00:53:24] <lord_vader> aca en la base hay uno cerca
[00:53:46] <lord_vader> ese no lol
[00:53:46] <adalarva> confirmas si sale en el radar
[00:53:51] <lord_vader> no sale
[00:53:56] <adalarva> ok
[00:53:59] <lord_vader> hay uno bueno en lv
[00:54:42] <adalarva> go
[00:55:08] <lord_vader> lv carrieri
[00:55:16] <lord_vader> lv carrier asi se llama
[00:55:43] --> Manish connected to the server
[00:55:46] <adalarva> no se que paso
[00:55:59] <lord_vader> lol
[00:56:23] <adalarva> ya
[00:56:45] <lord_vader> que hago?
[00:56:58] <adalarva> despegues y aterrizajes
[00:57:04] <adalarva> me avisas cuando estes ok
[00:57:04] <lord_vader> listo
[00:57:04] <lord_vader> avisa
[00:57:06] <adalarva> para posicionar mi camara
[00:57:12] --> kjkszpj333 connected to the server
[00:57:22] <adalarva> espera subo todos los graficos
[00:57:28] <lord_vader> listo
[00:57:33] <-- kjkszpj333 disconnected from the server
[00:57:52] <adalarva> go
[00:58:16] <adalarva> jaja calcule mal
[00:58:26] <lord_vader> lolq
[00:58:26] <adalarva> el land si lo grabo
[00:58:37] <lord_vader> no avise XD
[00:58:56] <lord_vader> AVISA
[00:59:04] <adalarva> go
[00:59:15] <adalarva> has un rasante
[00:59:17] <adalarva> no tan rasante
[00:59:28] <adalarva> cuando quieras
[00:59:44] <adalarva> upa
[00:59:44] <lord_vader> otro?
[00:59:47] <adalarva> otra:d
[00:59:49] <lord_vader> listo te aviso
[00:59:49] <lord_vader> XD
[00:59:57] <lord_vader> listo voy
[01:00:21] <adalarva> bien
[01:00:27] <adalarva> land
[01:00:35] <lord_vader> lol
[01:00:37] <lord_vader> oka
[01:00:40] <lord_vader> te aviso
[01:00:43] <adalarva> go
[01:01:20] <adalarva> bien
[01:01:39] <lord_vader> hare un rasante al revez XD
[01:01:44] <lord_vader> graba a ver XD
[01:01:44] <adalarva> sisi
[01:01:52] <lord_vader> te aviso
[01:01:55] <adalarva> cuando quieras pasa
[01:01:58] <lord_vader> oka
[01:02:00] <lord_vader> voy
[01:02:22] <adalarva> again
[01:02:27] <lord_vader> ok
[01:02:59] <adalarva> jaja buena maniobra
[01:03:13] <lord_vader> :D
[01:03:21] <adalarva> me gusto la del costado
[01:03:23] <adalarva> me gusta
[01:03:29] <lord_vader> una de costado?
[01:03:37] <adalarva> espera vere algo aqui
[01:03:39] <lord_vader> oka
[01:03:50] <adalarva> no recuerdod que presione pero se puso en primera persona
[01:04:01] <lord_vader> lool
[01:04:33] <adalarva> ohhh
[01:04:38] <adalarva> si sale
[01:04:46] <adalarva> no ya no xd
[01:04:52] <adalarva> no se que presiono
[01:04:52] <lord_vader> XD
[01:04:57] <lord_vader> dale a la v
[01:05:05] <lord_vader> tienes un mod para eso?
[01:05:48] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[01:06:14] <adalarva> camhack
[01:06:14] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[01:06:23] <lord_vader> ohh
[01:06:41] <adalarva> entras a discord?
[01:06:49] <lord_vader> ah
[01:06:52] <lord_vader> deja lo busco
[01:08:18] <lord_vader> ya lo encontre XD
[01:08:23] <lord_vader> asi mismo lord_vader
[01:08:28] <lord_vader> estoy en el discord de pilots life
[01:08:31] <adalarva> jaja dale
[01:08:34] <adalarva> espera
[01:09:38] <adalarva> go
[01:09:43] <adalarva> por donde lo haras
[01:09:48] <lord_vader> que cosa?
[01:09:59] <adalarva> el rasante
[01:10:02] <lord_vader> ah
[01:10:05] <adalarva> en la pista?
[01:10:07] <lord_vader> en toda la pista si quieres
[01:10:10] <adalarva> ya
[01:10:13] <lord_vader> te aviso
[01:10:21] <adalarva> ok
[01:10:31] <lord_vader> voy
[01:10:37] <adalarva> go
[01:10:45] <lord_vader> esperta XD
[01:10:50] <lord_vader> no me puse bien
[01:10:53] <adalarva> xd
[01:10:55] <adalarva> dale
[01:11:01] <lord_vader> te aviso
[01:11:03] <adalarva> ok
[01:11:19] <lord_vader> voy
[01:11:22] <adalarva> go
[01:11:52] <adalarva> hacemos unas acrobacias?
[01:11:57] <lord_vader> sii :D
[01:12:00] <adalarva> espera entro a discord
[01:12:05] <lord_vader> oka
[01:12:10] <lord_vader> tengo que descargar discord en el pc?
[01:12:21] <lord_vader> o asi en internet sirve?
[01:14:29] --> Crystal connected to the server
[01:14:53] <lord_vader> wb
[01:15:15] <adalarva> wb
[01:15:20] <adalarva> yo hablo por la web
[01:15:26] <lord_vader> listo
[01:15:26] <adalarva> se me oye?
[01:15:28] <lord_vader> deja entro XD
[01:16:59] <lord_vader> si
[01:17:02] <adalarva> me escuchas?
[01:17:07] <lord_vader> si claro
[01:18:09] <-- Manish disconnected from the server
[01:18:11] <lord_vader> te escucho
[01:18:22] <lord_vader> si
[01:18:38] <lord_vader> listo
[01:19:34] <lord_vader> listo
[01:19:42] <lord_vader> oka
[01:19:56] <lord_vader> yo a 70 de altura?
[01:20:01] <lord_vader> oka
[01:20:09] <lord_vader> listo
[01:20:14] <lord_vader> jajaj
[01:20:28] <lord_vader> XD
[01:20:30] <lord_vader> oka
[01:21:03] <lord_vader> oka
[01:21:24] <lord_vader> XD
[01:21:48] <lord_vader> ese estuvo bueno
[01:22:04] <lord_vader> oka
[01:22:18] --> WpAggResioNN connected to the server
[01:22:42] <lord_vader> ahh
[01:22:44] <lord_vader> listo
[01:22:50] <lord_vader> ya se como XD
[01:23:27] <lord_vader> me quede XD
[01:23:35] <lord_vader> hacemos lo mismo?
[01:23:49] <lord_vader> listo
[01:24:18] <lord_vader> oka XD
[01:24:34] <lord_vader> espera
[01:24:34] <lord_vader> me qujede
[01:24:53] --> Fgjordy connected to the server
[01:24:55] <lord_vader> listo voy
[01:25:19] <lord_vader> listo voy}
[01:25:25] <Fgjordy> Ello there
[01:25:44] <lord_vader> eso parece XD
[01:26:13] <-- Fgjordy disconnected from the server
[01:26:16] <lord_vader> oka
[01:27:28] <lord_vader> hay que ir lento
[01:28:21] <lord_vader> hey crystal how much to create my own mapped house?
[01:28:32] <lord_vader> te escucho
[01:28:32] <Pedro_Bear> 30 dollars
[01:28:40] <Crystal> custom houses will be opened may 1st
[01:28:45] <lord_vader> perfect
[01:29:20] <lord_vader> listo
[01:29:47] <lord_vader> oka
[01:30:11] <-- WpAggResioNN disconnected from the server
[01:30:19] <lord_vader> XD
[01:30:49] --> WpAggResioNN connected to the server
[01:31:02] <lord_vader> muy lento yo XD
[01:31:10] <-- WpAggResioNN disconnected from the server
[01:31:39] <lord_vader> 95 XD
[01:31:47] <lord_vader> k
[01:32:22] <lord_vader> ya casi XD
[01:32:35] <lord_vader> listo
[01:33:05] <lord_vader> sii
[01:33:13] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[01:33:24] <lord_vader> estoy buggeado XD
[01:33:29] <lord_vader> n¿
[01:33:42] <lord_vader> tengo que prender y apagar mi internet XD
[01:33:48] <lord_vader> esperame como unos 15 minutos XD
[01:33:50] <-- lord_vader disconnected from the server
[01:34:47] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[01:35:51] --> AZ0 connected to the server
[01:36:15] <-- AZ0 disconnected from the server
[01:37:08] --> sikici0 connected to the server
[01:40:16] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[01:43:12] <ErdemEmireri> senin anani sikerim amýna kodumun býzdýðý
[01:43:17] <ErdemEmireri> düzgün dur
[01:44:35] <ErdemEmireri> yarrrramý yedinmi
[01:48:14] <ErdemEmireri> çocuk anneni bulursam tekmeliycem
[01:48:14] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[01:48:17] <ErdemEmireri> adýný soyadýný ver
[01:49:19] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[01:49:43] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[01:50:12] <-- BIGBADGRIZZLY disconnected from the server
[01:50:17] <sikici0> anan kaþar
[01:50:39] <ErdemEmireri> kaç yaþýndasýn
[01:50:41] --> lord_vader connected to the server
[01:50:44] <adalarva> wb
[01:50:47] <ErdemEmireri> ver numara
[01:50:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> hlerlo
[01:50:50] <lord_vader> volvi XD
[01:50:50] <ErdemEmireri> bakýyým
[01:51:00] <lord_vader> se me habia dañado el internet por completo
[01:51:00] <lord_vader> si te escucho
[01:51:11] <ErdemEmireri> ,
[01:51:16] <lord_vader> donde estas?t
[01:51:40] <sikici0> beylikdüzü
[01:51:48] <ErdemEmireri> bende beylikdüzü
[01:51:54] <sikici0> neresi
[01:51:54] <ErdemEmireri> nerdesin annesini siktiðim
[01:52:04] <lord_vader> si quieres grabar algo pues puedo XD+
[01:52:07] <ErdemEmireri> adakent ,
[01:52:15] <ErdemEmireri> gel evelliyatýný sikerim alper
[01:52:18] <adalarva> por el momento no
[01:52:20] <adalarva> vas a trabajar?
[01:52:26] <lord_vader> si :D
[01:52:28] <adalarva> dale
[01:52:34] <adalarva> ire a revisar los videos
[01:52:39] <lord_vader> listo
[01:52:39] <adalarva> y seleccionarlos
[01:52:42] <sikici0> atrümu blirmisin
[01:52:47] <lord_vader> oka
[01:52:53] <adalarva> mas tarde o mañana te paso el avance del video
[01:52:53] <ErdemEmireri> bilirim yarram discord gel
[01:52:55] <adalarva> por discord
[01:53:01] <adalarva> me desconecto
[01:53:03] <adalarva> bye
[01:53:03] <lord_vader> perfecto
[01:53:06] <lord_vader> bye
[01:53:09] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[01:53:17] <sikici0> ben canlý konuþurum dijital erkeklik yapmam
[01:53:22] <-- lord_vader disconnected from the server
[01:53:25] <ErdemEmireri> ya yarram siktir git
[01:53:43] <sikici0> klavye delikanlýsý seni
[01:53:49] <ErdemEmireri> ya alper gel
[01:53:59] <ErdemEmireri> dc
[01:54:07] <sikici0> alper kim la
[01:54:10] <ErdemEmireri> baban
[01:54:18] <sikici0> sikerim onu
[01:55:28] <sikici0> nereye gaçtýn ula
[01:55:33] <ErdemEmireri> discord gel takýlak alper az önce oyuna girdiðini gördüm wp agresion
[01:55:44] <sikici0> ne diyon la
[01:55:52] <ErdemEmireri> YA
[01:56:05] <sikici0> ne alperi alper kim ?
[01:59:31] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[02:00:11] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[02:01:48] <ErdemEmireri> YARRRAM
[02:01:53] <ErdemEmireri> SÝKÝCÝ 0
[02:05:27] <Naldo> !player Smetkowski
[02:05:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player Smetkowski: 3924 score, last seen 2 Hours Ago
[02:08:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> !Player danielson
[02:08:16] (WEB) <robin_be> player danielson: 12065 score, last seen 5 Hours Ago
[02:08:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player ayers
[02:08:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player ayers: 9332 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[02:09:13] <ErdemEmireri> companies
[02:15:33] <ErdemEmireri> naldo pls accept my friends invitation
[02:16:07] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[02:17:46] <ErdemEmireri> airline
[02:19:23] <ErdemEmireri> naldo
[02:19:28] <ErdemEmireri> are you online
[02:19:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> he's afk
[02:19:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> /afklist
[02:19:55] <ErdemEmireri> thx
[02:20:38] --> BIGBADGRIZZLY connected to the server
[02:22:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player mff
[02:22:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player mff: 9444 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[02:23:21] <-- sikici0 disconnected from the server
[02:23:56] <ErdemEmireri> flip
[02:24:41] --> WpAggResioNN connected to the server
[02:27:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player citr0n
[02:27:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player citr0n: 10875 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[02:29:12] <-- ErdemEmireri disconnected from the server
[02:29:34] <-- WpAggResioNN disconnected from the server
[02:30:32] <-- BIGBADGRIZZLY disconnected from the server
[02:33:48] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[02:34:39] <Naldo> !groups ErdemEmireri
[02:34:42] (WEB) <robin_be> ErdemEmireri is in airline Lufthansa and company Star Inc.
[02:40:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> w
[02:44:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[02:44:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 7419 score, 7182 missions: 17'/. trucking - 10'/. cargo drop - 8'/. shamal
[02:52:43] <-- Pedro_Bear disconnected from the server
[02:54:14] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[02:56:12] --> Mr.Pilot connected to the server
[03:06:54] --> NikSRB connected to the server
[03:10:52] <-- Mr.Pilot disconnected from the server
[03:13:35] --> adalarva connected to the server
[03:16:16] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[03:23:29] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[03:26:42] <Naldo> !groups ludred
[03:26:45] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player ludred
[03:27:09] <Naldo> !groups rathk
[03:27:12] (WEB) <robin_be> rathk is in airline Jetstar Airways and company Lufthansa Cargo
[03:28:46] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[03:28:48] <Gabryel17> Hello here
[03:28:59] <Smetkowski> hey
[03:29:04] <Gabryel17> adm online?
[03:29:12] <Smetkowski> nope
[03:29:39] <Gabryel17> ok
[03:30:38] <Gabryel17> i have other acount
[03:30:46] <Smetkowski> what's wrong with it?
[03:30:49] <Gabryel17> i need adm..
[03:31:02] <Gabryel17> my pasword is invalid
[03:33:00] <Smetkowski> make a post on forums, I'm sure they will cheak it out for you
[03:34:52] --> Pizookies connected to the server
[03:35:24] <-- Gabryel17 disconnected from the server
[03:36:44] <-- NikSRB disconnected from the server
[03:37:40] <Pizookies> !houses
[03:37:44] (WEB) <robin_be> None Saved: $900,000 2 slots
[03:37:49] <Pizookies> !houses
[03:37:52] (WEB) <robin_be> None Saved: $900,000 2 slots
[03:37:55] <Pizookies> !houses
[03:37:57] (WEB) <robin_be> None Saved: $900,000 2 slots
[03:37:57] <Pizookies> !houses 4
[03:38:00] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player 4
[03:38:11] <Smetkowski> is it bugged or something?
[03:38:25] <Pizookies> don't think so
[03:38:33] <Pizookies> the command searches up the houses of a player
[03:38:43] <Pizookies> if there's no input for player, it pulls up house with ID 1
[03:38:46] <Pizookies> !houses Pizookies
[03:38:49] (WEB) <robin_be> None Saved: $900,000 2 slots
[03:38:49] <Pizookies> see
[03:38:57] <Pizookies> !houses Smetkowski
[03:38:57] <Smetkowski> ahh
[03:39:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $4,000,000 5 slots Tierra Robada: $9,500,000 7 slots City Hall: $11,000,000 10 slots
[03:39:05] <Pizookies> :)
[03:39:45] <Pizookies> and damn i wonder where i could get a 5 slot for 4 mil
[03:39:56] <Smetkowski> there is one for 4.2m in Paradiso SF
[03:40:02] <Smetkowski> 5slots
[03:40:07] <Pizookies> yeah I think I was just there
[03:40:26] <Pizookies> the one behind the bridge right?
[03:40:28] <Smetkowski> yeah
[03:40:31] <Pizookies> close to SF Hospital
[03:40:31] <Pizookies> off the shore
[03:40:34] <Smetkowski> that hill
[03:40:39] <Pizookies> yeah I'm not too crazy about the parking of that house though
[03:40:50] <Smetkowski> yeah it's pretty basic
[03:40:52] <Pizookies> i have a 2 slot at a random island
[03:40:58] --> adalarva connected to the server
[03:41:00] <Pizookies> just to get some slots in for the time being
[03:41:03] <Pizookies> you feel me?
[03:41:16] <Smetkowski> yeah
[03:42:18] <Pizookies> I'm trying to get a 5 slot around 2-4mil
[03:42:21] <Pizookies> on the mainland
[03:42:40] <Pizookies> impossible?
[03:42:40] <Smetkowski> well you won't find a cheaper 5 slot than 4m
[03:42:43] <Pizookies> lmao
[03:42:48] <Pizookies> oh is that the case?
[03:42:53] <Smetkowski> yeah
[03:42:53] <Pizookies> then I guess 4mil for 5
[03:43:04] <Smetkowski> 4m for 5 slots is the best deal
[03:43:15] <Smetkowski> however few are left these days
[03:43:17] <Pizookies> it's probably all gone by now
[03:44:16] <Pizookies> what's the slot and price like?
[03:44:22] <Pizookies> and i'm not sure where that is
[03:44:24] <Smetkowski> can't remember
[03:44:32] <Pizookies> where's the old boat shop?
[03:44:35] <Smetkowski> but it's around 5m I think
[03:44:38] <Smetkowski> LS marina
[03:44:38] <Pizookies> that's doable
[03:44:46] <Pizookies> oh gotcha
[03:44:48] <Pizookies> Santa Maria Beach?
[03:45:02] <Smetkowski> no, it's that small river that goes through LS
[03:45:04] <Pizookies> gotcha
[03:45:23] <Smetkowski> gonna go cheak it myself to see if it's still actually for sale
[03:45:28] <Pizookies> fasho, let me know
[03:46:01] <Smetkowski> 5.2m 5slots
[03:46:22] <Smetkowski> very good deal though, it has private docks and parking for like 10 cars
[03:46:57] <Pizookies> i'll check it out if I get a mission to LS
[03:47:02] <Smetkowski> cool
[03:47:07] <Pizookies> speaking of which, got one rn
[03:47:13] <Smetkowski> nice
[03:47:32] <Smetkowski> it's literally where the small river ends
[03:47:45] <Pizookies> the most overpriced neighbourhood has got to be Richman
[03:48:01] <Smetkowski> yea, especially the big mansions
[03:48:09] <Pizookies> welp it is a nice neighborhood
[03:48:14] <Pizookies> modeled after Beverly Hills lmao
[03:48:17] <Smetkowski> best in LS
[03:48:49] <Pizookies> oh I see the house now
[03:49:21] <Pizookies> you're right
[03:49:21] <adalarva> hi
[03:49:24] <Pizookies> indeed a pretty good damn deal
[03:49:24] <adalarva> dude
[03:49:32] <Pizookies> sup adalarva
[03:49:35] <adalarva> where is garuda indonesa?
[03:49:37] <adalarva> location
[03:49:40] <Pizookies> no idea
[03:49:40] <adalarva> no speak english
[03:49:45] <adalarva> sorry
[03:49:48] <Pizookies> no lo se
[03:49:51] <Pizookies> lo siento
[03:49:53] <Smetkowski> go where joyadi is
[03:50:04] <adalarva> no problem
[03:50:20] <Pizookies> are all richman houses gone basically
[03:50:28] <Pizookies> except the rundown small ones
[03:50:39] <Smetkowski> ehh, there's still a few left
[03:50:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[03:50:44] <Smetkowski> all the best ones are gone though
[03:50:49] <Pizookies> makes sense
[03:51:00] <Pizookies> Joyadi ID 2 wants to see your base btw
[03:51:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> come
[03:51:11] <adalarva> ok
[03:52:20] <adalarva> ohh, thanks
[03:52:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> sorry if messed up lmao
[03:52:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> because leftover from
[03:52:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> !bota\
[03:52:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> !bota
[03:52:47] (WEB) <robin_be> ends in -45d-1h
[03:52:55] <adalarva> the airplanes are bug?
[03:53:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> not bug
[03:53:09] <adalarva> or is my pc
[03:53:11] <adalarva> uh ok
[03:53:35] <adalarva> needed know location for an video
[03:53:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> because bad draw distance and a lot of objects
[03:53:46] <adalarva> ok
[03:54:02] <adalarva> thanksw
[03:54:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> you are welcome
[03:56:24] <Pizookies> so how's coronavirus treating yall lmao
[03:56:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> wfh stuff
[03:56:35] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[03:56:59] <Smetkowski> apart from the city being shut down, it's been good
[03:57:07] <Pizookies> my whole country is about to
[03:57:10] <Pizookies> shut down
[03:57:15] <Pizookies> it should've been a long time ago
[03:57:15] <Smetkowski> where do you live?
[03:57:18] <Pizookies> US
[03:57:20] <Pizookies> hbu?
[03:57:31] <Smetkowski> ohh yea, some parts are already closed
[03:57:36] <Smetkowski> I live in the UK
[03:57:42] <Pizookies> oh sick
[03:57:44] <Pizookies> I almost moved to the UK
[03:57:52] <Smetkowski> cool
[03:57:58] <Pizookies> outta high school when I was applying to uni
[03:58:06] <Pizookies> I had to choose between US and UK
[03:58:22] <Pizookies> I narrowed it down to California and Edinburgh and chose the former
[03:58:35] <Pizookies> lol isn't boris johnson in ICU
[03:58:40] <Smetkowski> UK is cool but US has more to offer
[03:58:46] <Smetkowski> yeah, 2nd day
[03:58:51] <Pizookies> i bet
[03:58:56] <Pizookies> most of my friends went to the UK
[03:59:18] <Smetkowski> well Britian has a pretty good education system
[03:59:21] <Pizookies> they're all in either London or Manchester
[03:59:47] <Smetkowski> not bad
[03:59:55] <Pizookies> what's the best city in the UK?
[04:00:01] <Pizookies> in ur opinion
[04:00:06] <Smetkowski> depends
[04:00:11] <Smetkowski> every city has it's style
[04:00:22] <Smetkowski> London is like the NY of the UK
[04:01:00] <Smetkowski> my personal favourite would be Edinburgh to be honest
[04:01:05] <Smetkowski> very medieval
[04:01:26] <Pizookies> i do lowkey regret not choosing the UK though
[04:01:32] <Pizookies> I'm a sucker for rich history
[04:01:40] <Pizookies> and the US has none of that
[04:01:42] <Pizookies> at least not California
[04:01:48] <Smetkowski> ohh yea, Britain definatelly has history
[04:01:50] <Pizookies> east coast for sure
[04:02:01] <Smetkowski> but US is great too
[04:02:14] <Pizookies> not the 21 drinking age
[04:02:41] <Smetkowski> ehhh, I'm sure you can get alcohol in the US if you know your sources
[04:02:47] <Pizookies> yeah
[04:02:49] <Smetkowski> just gotta be careful
[04:03:00] <Pizookies> not necessarily
[04:03:05] <Pizookies> I get my alcohol through my friends just fine
[04:03:24] <adalarva> thanks
[04:03:29] <Pizookies> ofc
[04:03:53] <Smetkowski> I was actually planning on visiting NY at the end of April but then the world ended
[04:04:04] <Pizookies> hah true
[04:04:12] <Pizookies> one other factor was greek life
[04:04:20] <Pizookies> i chose the US for that
[04:04:28] <Pizookies> from what i've heard it's nonexistent in the UK
[04:04:42] <Smetkowski> I don't believe it is
[04:04:58] <Pizookies> as in
[04:05:03] <Pizookies> im confused
[04:05:19] <Smetkowski> there is not greek life in the UK
[04:05:22] <Pizookies> gotcha
[04:06:10] <Pizookies> i think it's something all schools should have
[04:06:18] <Pizookies> it really refined my college experience
[04:06:26] <Pizookies> a fraternity is really fun
[04:06:53] <Smetkowski> good point, more places should have them
[04:07:33] <Pizookies> damn you barely earn jackshit from cargo drops
[04:07:51] <Smetkowski> yea, it's only really profitable if there is a demand for it
[04:08:00] <Smetkowski> as the missions are not long
[04:08:00] <Pizookies> hate the fact that they changed it
[04:08:16] <Smetkowski> yea, it used to be the most paid work
[04:08:18] <Pizookies> it used to be profitable
[04:08:18] <Pizookies> yeah
[04:08:24] <Pizookies> and 2 score per mission too
[04:08:34] <Pizookies> they toned down the score
[04:08:34] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[04:08:37] <Pizookies> and now the pay
[04:08:37] <Smetkowski> no that's only nevada cargo
[04:08:50] <Smetkowski> cargo drops always gave 1 score
[04:09:01] <Pizookies> naw they had 2 score for cargo drops im pretty sure
[04:09:09] <Smetkowski> seriously
[04:09:09] <Pizookies> double click on my name in tab lmao
[04:09:22] <Pizookies> the discrepancy between my missions and my score is from the 2 score cargo drops
[04:09:33] <Pizookies> that i hella exploited back in the day
[04:09:49] <Smetkowski> hmm I must of not have realised it lol
[04:10:00] <Pizookies> meh
[04:10:08] <Pizookies> score really doesn't matter once you unlock all the classes
[04:10:45] <Smetkowski> once you get 6000 you have pretty much completed the PL story
[04:11:01] <Pizookies> yep facts
[04:11:07] <Pizookies> once you unlock /setrank
[04:11:09] <Smetkowski> yeah
[04:11:23] <Pizookies> is that where you're headed
[04:11:26] <Pizookies> for
[04:11:39] <Smetkowski> looks like it :)
[04:11:44] <Pizookies> it's overhyped
[04:11:58] <Smetkowski> especially since PL sponsors get it instantly
[04:12:03] <Pizookies> I heard about that
[04:12:06] <Pizookies> bullshit
[04:12:16] <Pizookies> unfair to people like me who worked for it
[04:12:32] <Smetkowski> well, they need to offer something for that $30
[04:12:38] <Pizookies> it's 30 bucks?
[04:12:43] <Smetkowski> yeah
[04:12:48] <Pizookies> fucking christ
[04:12:56] <Pizookies> that's almost 5 meals at McDonalds
[04:13:04] <Smetkowski> I thought $20 for vip3 was expensive hehe
[04:13:15] <Pizookies> never spent a single cent on this server lmao
[04:13:21] <Pizookies> bought my vip levels with in game cash
[04:13:55] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[04:14:27] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[04:14:38] <Smetkowski> sorry crashed
[04:14:41] <Pizookies> rip
[04:14:43] <Pizookies> error 404 there
[04:14:51] <Pizookies> but yeah
[04:14:57] <Smetkowski> I bought vip1 for $5 then a couple of months later got vip2 for another 5 bucks
[04:15:05] <Smetkowski> that's all I need really
[04:15:08] <Pizookies> the jump from normal to vip1 was huge imo
[04:15:16] <Smetkowski> ohh yea
[04:15:26] <Smetkowski> especially the weather
[04:15:32] <Smetkowski> which is a big plus
[04:15:37] <Pizookies> getting rid of those rainstorms yeah
[04:16:28] <Pizookies> !player Beau
[04:16:31] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Beau
[04:18:10] <Pizookies> i lowkey miss Haydz
[04:18:28] <Smetkowski> yeah, he's pretty much gone
[04:18:39] <Pizookies> his gf was hot dont @ me
[04:18:45] <Smetkowski> hehe
[04:19:01] <Pizookies> he was a handsome young fella too
[04:19:30] <Smetkowski> yep, he's living the real life now
[04:19:35] <Pizookies> aren't we all
[04:19:43] <Smetkowski> I guess
[04:19:43] <Pizookies> i just come on here occasionally to pass the time
[04:20:42] <Smetkowski> it's more fun when more people are online though
[04:20:45] <Smetkowski> like 15-20
[04:24:40] --> HardStone connected to the server
[04:24:43] <Pizookies> yeah
[04:24:46] <Pizookies> i agree
[04:25:02] <Pizookies> please get live on PLR
[04:25:04] <Pizookies> what's good my dude
[04:25:18] <HardStone> i have online class in 5mins
[04:25:26] <Pizookies> I'm tired of listening to fuckin KDST
[04:25:31] <Pizookies> lmao
[04:25:39] <HardStone> lol
[04:26:22] <Pizookies> you got class on Zoom?
[04:26:30] <HardStone> Hangout meets
[04:26:33] <Pizookies> oh
[04:26:35] <Pizookies> wack
[04:26:41] <Pizookies> smet do you have online class
[04:26:46] <HardStone> shit, got the invite code too xD
[04:26:49] <HardStone> cya bruv
[04:26:51] <Pizookies> cya
[04:26:54] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[04:28:22] <Pizookies> smet
[04:28:30] <Smetkowski> yea
[04:28:36] <Pizookies> you got online class?
[04:28:52] <-- Hanzel_Nunez disconnected from the server
[04:28:52] <Smetkowski> nah, just assignments
[04:29:10] <Pizookies> gotcha
[04:30:31] <Pizookies> sky air has a nice base
[04:30:50] <Smetkowski> yeah it's pretty cool
[04:31:00] <Smetkowski> this is our new base we got a couple of months ago
[04:31:03] <Pizookies> we have a trash ass base
[04:31:22] <Smetkowski> ehh, Lufthansa is not that bad
[04:31:40] <Pizookies> meh I really dont care for my airline
[04:32:04] <Smetkowski> come join Sky Air then hehe
[04:32:10] <Pizookies> nah im chill
[04:32:18] <Pizookies> it really doesn't matter which one im in
[04:32:20] <Pizookies> as long as im in one
[04:32:42] <Smetkowski> all the airlines operate on the same idea
[04:32:45] <Pizookies> yep
[04:33:09] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[04:37:28] <Pizookies> ill brb
[04:37:28] <-- Pizookies disconnected from the server
[04:37:52] <adalarva> dude
[04:38:00] <adalarva> how change colog of my setcallsign?
[04:39:10] <Smetkowski> you need to do { color number } NAME
[04:39:18] <Smetkowski> in those bracets
[04:39:31] <Smetkowski> you can select the color and get the number by googling hex colors
[04:39:44] <adalarva> oh, ok
[04:39:58] <adalarva> /setcallsign {color number} name
[04:39:58] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[04:40:01] <adalarva> yeah?
[04:48:37] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[04:58:30] --> Sulei connected to the server
[04:58:44] <adalarva> wb
[04:59:48] <adalarva> bienvenido a the pilot's life
[05:00:04] <Sulei> Gracias
[05:00:17] <adalarva> necesitas ayuda?
[05:00:33] <Sulei> Si, como hago para cambiar mi skin?
[05:00:52] <adalarva> el skin se cambia dependiendo la clase de trabajador que elijas
[05:01:08] <adalarva> si deseas otros skin los puedes conseguir siendo jugador vip
[05:01:11] --> ErdemEmireri connected to the server
[05:01:16] <adalarva> wb
[05:02:15] <adalarva> te gusta la aviacion?
[05:02:18] <ErdemEmireri> is anybody in star inc
[05:03:49] <-- ErdemEmireri disconnected from the server
[05:08:59] <adalarva> 3w
[05:24:36] <adalarva> bye
[05:24:39] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[05:51:13] <-- Sulei disconnected from the server
[06:16:48] --> Jacob connected to the server
[06:16:59] <Jacob> wb
[06:17:01] <Jacob> ty
[06:22:49] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[06:33:07] --> kazmii.peus connected to the server
[06:39:03] <kazmii.peus> !player Mr Chutiya
[06:39:06] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Mr
[06:49:45] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[06:49:51] <kazmii.peus> wb
[06:49:59] <Nati_Mage> ty
[07:09:07] --> pukar connected to the server
[07:09:09] <kazmii.peus> wb
[07:09:15] <Nati_Mage> wb
[07:09:20] <pukar> thanks :D
[07:14:34] --> iSam. connected to the server
[07:14:40] <kazmii.peus> wb
[07:14:42] <Nati_Mage> wb
[07:14:42] <iSam.> ty
[07:15:47] <iSam.> sup
[07:16:56] <iSam.> !assets
[07:17:00] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has 24 car(s) ($11,030,000) and 3 house(s) ($32,500,000 - 27 slots) for a total of $43,530,000
[07:17:56] <iSam.> where is vehicle garage in LS?
[07:18:04] <kazmii.peus> blueberry
[07:18:07] <iSam.> -_-
[07:18:12] <iSam.> I'm asking for Los Santos
[07:18:20] <kazmii.peus> oh
[07:18:23] <kazmii.peus> idk
[07:18:42] <-- pukar disconnected from the server
[07:23:18] <iSam.> can i get some loan?
[07:23:21] <iSam.> lol
[07:23:29] <kazmii.peus> how uch?
[07:23:37] <kazmii.peus> how much?
[07:23:45] <iSam.> 100k
[07:26:42] <iSam.> wana look at this beast?
[07:26:53] <kazmii.peus> sure
[07:26:58] <iSam.> come at lsa
[07:27:06] <kazmii.peus> okay
[07:27:14] <kazmii.peus> let me complete the task
[07:29:10] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[07:29:26] <Nati_Mage> wb
[07:29:44] <kazmii.peus> wb
[07:29:44] <KylieJenner> ty
[07:29:52] <KylieJenner> hi kazmi long time no see
[07:30:03] <kazmii.peus> i was busy with my studies
[07:30:14] <KylieJenner> i missed u lol
[07:30:19] <kazmii.peus> isam where are you
[07:30:25] <kazmii.peus> same
[07:30:27] <iSam.> wait
[07:30:33] <iSam.> here
[07:30:46] <kazmii.peus> woww
[07:30:54] <iSam.> sexi right?
[07:30:54] <kazmii.peus> awesome paintjob
[07:31:10] <iSam.> !cash
[07:31:13] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has $140,590 in hand
[07:31:54] <KylieJenner> !player julsec
[07:31:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 4283 score, last seen 11 Hours Ago
[07:32:05] <iSam.> lets park it
[07:32:18] <KylieJenner> its so hot today lmao
[07:32:58] <kazmii.peus> !cars kazmii.peus
[07:33:02] (WEB) <robin_be> kazmii.peus has: PCJ-600 Mountain Bike Combine
[07:33:04] <iSam.> !cars
[07:33:07] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has: Infernus Infernus Cheetah Cheetah Enforcer Seasparrow Camper FBI Rancher FBI Rancher Super GT FCR(..)
[07:33:26] <kazmii.peus> i miss my seasparrow XD
[07:33:45] <KylieJenner> ninja tree fuck it
[07:33:53] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[07:34:57] <-- kazmii.peus disconnected from the server
[07:35:05] <iSam.> smh
[07:35:11] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[07:35:16] <iSam.> lmao
[07:35:32] <iSam.> !cash
[07:35:35] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has $140,590 in hand
[07:37:04] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[07:37:12] <iSam.> ey
[07:37:12] <KylieJenner> lmao where did they go?
[07:37:17] <iSam.> all left
[07:37:22] <KylieJenner> whyyy lol
[07:37:25] <iSam.> idk?
[07:39:36] <KylieJenner> sam
[07:39:58] <iSam.> i am sleepy lol
[07:40:03] --> HardStone connected to the server
[07:40:06] <KylieJenner> lol wb babes
[07:40:14] <iSam.> chutiye
[07:40:22] <iSam.> subha agaya aj xD
[07:40:25] <HardStone> aur launde
[07:40:25] <HardStone> ty
[07:40:30] <HardStone> bc 7.30 bje se utha hu
[07:40:35] <HardStone> online class ;-;
[07:40:35] <iSam.> acha
[07:40:38] <iSam.> hahahaha
[07:40:44] <HardStone> abhi break mila half an hour ka
[07:41:05] <iSam.> shukar h hamara online nhe hua
[07:41:10] <HardStone> sahi h bhai
[07:41:16] <HardStone> bhosdiwale subeh rakhte h
[07:41:18] <iSam.> han
[07:41:21] <HardStone> sota hei subeh hu mei
[07:41:26] <iSam.> mei bhe aj jaldi utha hu
[07:41:32] <iSam.> neend hi puri nhe hui
[07:41:37] <iSam.> abhi neend arhi h lmao
[07:41:37] <HardStone> lol
[07:41:45] <HardStone> mei last 2days se sirf 7hrs soya hu
[07:41:48] <HardStone> kal bhi thi class
[07:41:48] <iSam.> bc 3 bje soya tha
[07:42:15] <iSam.> mei din main 9-13 ghante sota hu
[07:42:15] <iSam.> lol
[07:42:20] <iSam.> farig log jo hain xd
[07:42:25] <HardStone> lol
[07:42:31] <HardStone> meri class jab nahi hoti same
[07:42:31] <HardStone> 12hrs xD
[07:42:39] <iSam.> han meri classes nhe na islie
[07:42:52] <iSam.> wese bhe meri evening ki classes hoti h
[07:43:00] <HardStone> sahi hai :c
[07:43:00] <iSam.> shaam tk
[07:43:03] <iSam.> 1 se
[07:43:06] <iSam.> lel
[07:43:33] <iSam.> kon uthe subha yr hum se nhe hota
[07:43:43] <HardStone> han yr :c
[07:44:10] <iSam.> remington ko repaint kia abhi
[07:44:13] <iSam.> full upgraded
[07:44:18] <iSam.> vip hogai lol
[07:44:18] <HardStone> rich
[07:44:26] <iSam.> abe cheap
[07:44:26] <iSam.> h
[07:44:32] <HardStone> but you rich sir
[07:44:34] <iSam.> no
[07:44:37] <iSam.> you rich
[07:44:42] --> Ri$hie connected to the server
[07:44:42] <HardStone> !assets iSam.
[07:44:46] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has 24 car(s) ($11,030,000) and 3 house(s) ($32,500,000 - 27 slots) for a total of $43,530,000
[07:44:46] <HardStone> wb bro
[07:44:51] <HardStone> !assets
[07:44:51] <iSam.> soch rha hu 3 4 or bhe le lon remington
[07:44:51] <Ri$hie> Thx
[07:44:54] (WEB) <robin_be> HardStone has 30 car(s) ($16,910,000) and 4 house(s) ($22,000,000 - 29 slots) for a total of $38,910,000
[07:44:54] <HardStone> dekh kaun rich h:/
[07:45:02] <HardStone> ghar hei bharde apna
[07:45:10] <HardStone> remington se
[07:45:13] <iSam.> jagah bht h bhai k pass
[07:45:13] <iSam.> lol
[07:45:15] <iSam.> slots nhe
[07:45:40] <iSam.> 17m ki cars?
[07:45:40] <iSam.> bc
[07:45:58] <iSam.> rhino h kya bhai
[07:45:58] <HardStone> Monster,Hydra,Hunter
[07:46:07] <HardStone> Securicar
[07:46:07] <iSam.> mehngi cheezen
[07:46:07] <HardStone> xD
[07:46:15] <iSam.> ameer log
[07:46:20] <iSam.> S*
[07:46:20] <HardStone> fakeeer log h hum bhai
[07:46:23] <iSam.> lol
[07:46:23] --> TheBlackout connected to the server
[07:46:25] <KylieJenner> wb
[07:46:36] <iSam.> ameer k age S laga lo mera name banjata h
[07:46:39] <iSam.> lol xd
[07:46:49] <Ri$hie> Waah
[07:47:03] <iSam.> bc ye hydra phass gaya
[07:47:35] <iSam.> shit
[07:51:55] <HardStone> son of bitches started the class
[07:52:01] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[07:53:35] <KylieJenner> f
[07:54:10] <iSam.> ?
[07:54:34] <KylieJenner> i am in the bottom of the ocean
[07:54:39] <iSam.> nice
[07:54:50] <KylieJenner> its so dark here lol
[07:55:01] <iSam.> yeah ocean floor is mostly dark
[07:56:05] <KylieJenner> what th
[07:56:05] <KylieJenner> what the
[07:56:08] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[07:56:43] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[07:58:24] <TheBlackout> YO rI$hie
[07:58:51] <Ri$hie> Yo supp
[07:59:18] <TheBlackout> Nothing much, how are you
[07:59:34] <Ri$hie> Well I am supposed to be working :P
[07:59:58] <TheBlackout> me too, but the firm is closed lmao
[08:00:23] <Ri$hie> That's better..... I have to work from home eeh
[08:00:28] <iSam.> i am in lockdown since 17 days
[08:00:31] <iSam.> lol
[08:00:31] <TheBlackout> too bad hahhaha
[08:00:36] <iSam.> i am not going outside at all
[08:00:39] <Ri$hie> Pata hai bhai
[08:00:41] <TheBlackout> a month here isam
[08:00:44] <Ri$hie> xD
[08:00:52] --> cessna177rg connected to the server
[08:00:57] <iSam.> why a month?
[08:01:06] <TheBlackout> its been a month since lockdown
[08:01:11] <iSam.> oh well pandemic started late here
[08:01:22] <Ri$hie> Blackout you from ??
[08:01:27] <TheBlackout> Slovenia
[08:01:30] <Ri$hie> Okay
[08:01:35] <-- cessna177rg disconnected from the server
[08:01:46] <KylieJenner> hi rishie
[08:01:51] <iSam.> where are you from Rishie?
[08:01:54] <TheBlackout> all in all, it's not to bad of a situation here but everything is closed
[08:01:57] --> cessna177rg connected to the server
[08:02:02] <iSam.> same here ._.
[08:02:10] <Ri$hie> India
[08:02:15] <KylieJenner> oh
[08:02:15] <iSam.> its a precaution so it does not increase
[08:02:31] <KylieJenner> same here
[08:02:31] <iSam.> cause one person can infect everyone
[08:02:31] <Ri$hie> Sam ghanta :P
[08:02:37] <TheBlackout> They are planning to lift bans adter 14th
[08:02:42] <TheBlackout> so that's good i guess
[08:02:48] <KylieJenner> but 2 main islands are not in lockdown
[08:02:53] <TheBlackout> not all of them ofcourse
[08:02:58] <iSam.> well in Hyderabad city where i live
[08:03:04] <iSam.> we have around 130-200 cases
[08:03:17] <Ri$hie> Crap
[08:03:38] <iSam.> those are reported cases
[08:03:41] <TheBlackout> there's like 14 cases in my area, not a single one it town tho
[08:03:44] <iSam.> I'm sure the no is even higher
[08:03:47] <Ri$hie> Its /repair
[08:03:49] <Ri$hie> Sorry
[08:04:05] <KylieJenner> i think we have 30 in my city
[08:04:27] <Ri$hie> Kylie you from ??
[08:04:32] <KylieJenner> Philippines
[08:04:38] <TheBlackout> your towns are like the size of my whole country lmao
[08:04:46] <iSam.> total 42k test are taken here
[08:04:46] <Ri$hie> Woah
[08:05:04] <iSam.> well in Hyderabad i think 1.7m people live
[08:05:07] <iSam.> or more
[08:05:23] <TheBlackout> we have 2m total population lol
[08:05:26] <KylieJenner> how many cases does india has
[08:05:31] <Ri$hie> Bangalore its 10mil bruh
[08:05:34] <iSam.> idk about India
[08:05:34] <TheBlackout> fuckk
[08:05:37] <Ri$hie> Lol
[08:05:42] <iSam.> cause i dont live in India
[08:05:45] <iSam.> ask rishie
[08:05:47] <KylieJenner> i think indians are 1.4billion
[08:05:53] <Ri$hie> Yeah
[08:05:58] <iSam.> total population is 1.4b yes
[08:06:03] <iSam.> of india
[08:06:11] <KylieJenner> we are like 100+ million
[08:06:17] <Ri$hie> In my work city itself 10mil people
[08:06:30] <Ri$hie> So its dangerous if corona goes rogue
[08:06:36] <KylieJenner> ye
[08:06:49] <TheBlackout> in my town theres 30k poeple living, it's on top 10 biggest towns we have lmao
[08:07:00] <iSam.> well
[08:07:05] <Ri$hie> That's good
[08:07:11] <iSam.> 30k is the small village
[08:07:13] <iSam.> in here
[08:07:32] <iSam.> total population of Iceland is 56k
[08:07:32] <iSam.> lmao
[08:07:35] <TheBlackout> woah
[08:07:45] <iSam.> oh not Iceland
[08:07:48] <iSam.> Greenland i mean
[08:07:51] <iSam.> my bad
[08:07:53] <Ri$hie> Sam you from ??
[08:07:59] <iSam.> Sindh
[08:08:02] <iSam.> pakistan
[08:08:15] <KylieJenner> too small
[08:08:15] <Ri$hie> How's the situation ??
[08:08:20] <KylieJenner> t
[08:08:31] <iSam.> in my province its not that bad
[08:08:44] <iSam.> in punjab its bad
[08:08:55] <Ri$hie> Yeah.....
[08:08:58] <iSam.> around 2k confirmed cases
[08:09:01] <iSam.> in punjab
[08:09:09] <Ri$hie> How much in total ??
[08:09:14] <KylieJenner> FUCK
[08:09:38] <iSam.> total
[08:09:49] <KylieJenner> sam how old r u
[08:09:52] <iSam.> 467 recovered 58 died
[08:10:00] <iSam.> I'm 20
[08:10:13] <KylieJenner> oh
[08:10:21] <KylieJenner> where do u live now
[08:10:26] <iSam.> Hyderabad
[08:10:32] <KylieJenner> where is that
[08:10:37] <iSam.> its a city
[08:10:37] <iSam.> lol
[08:10:40] <iSam.> in pakistan
[08:11:04] <KylieJenner> isnt it hot there right now
[08:11:12] <iSam.> not that much
[08:11:17] <KylieJenner> its so hot here now
[08:11:25] <iSam.> whats temp rn?
[08:11:34] <KylieJenner> more than 30C
[08:11:39] <iSam.> google it
[08:11:42] <iSam.> tell me
[08:12:19] <KylieJenner> 33C
[08:12:27] <iSam.> oh well its 34'C here
[08:12:30] <iSam.> and i am fine
[08:12:46] <iSam.> cause in Summer it reaches its peak which is 48
[08:12:54] <KylieJenner> whoa thats how
[08:12:54] <iSam.> i am used to it
[08:12:59] <TheBlackout> i'm melting atg 30'C
[08:13:05] <KylieJenner> maybe u are used to 30C above
[08:13:13] <iSam.> ey you will die in 48
[08:13:13] <iSam.> for sure
[08:13:16] <KylieJenner> slovenia is cold
[08:13:18] <KylieJenner> right?
[08:13:32] <iSam.> the lowest is 4'C
[08:13:34] <TheBlackout> i guess so, i mean in summer it gets to 30
[08:13:37] <KylieJenner> i wanna live in like 15C
[08:13:50] <TheBlackout> here, the lowest was -47'C
[08:13:53] <KylieJenner> in pakistan?
[08:13:53] <Ri$hie> See ya guys
[08:13:56] <-- Ri$hie disconnected from the server
[08:13:56] <KylieJenner> bb
[08:13:59] <iSam.> I have never seen Temperature in Minus in pakistan
[08:14:04] <KylieJenner> pakistan 4C?
[08:14:04] <iSam.> in Sindh Region
[08:14:12] <KylieJenner> that's cold
[08:14:17] <iSam.> nah i mean in Sindh province cause its hot
[08:14:20] <TheBlackout> not that cold lol
[08:14:23] <iSam.> deserty area
[08:14:23] <KylieJenner> our lowest in my city is 23
[08:14:33] <TheBlackout> nicee
[08:14:39] <iSam.> wait u wana know lowest temperature in pakistan?
[08:14:39] <TheBlackout> i wish that was lowest here
[08:14:41] <KylieJenner> thats freezing for me lol
[08:14:41] <TheBlackout> yea
[08:15:08] <iSam.> in city or just in any areA?
[08:15:11] <KylieJenner> i want col
[08:15:14] <KylieJenner> i want col
[08:15:16] <KylieJenner> but not -40+
[08:15:27] <KylieJenner> i want -5 to 25C
[08:15:27] <iSam.> if you are talking about a city then its -24 lowest
[08:15:30] <TheBlackout> like 50 km away
[08:15:38] <KylieJenner> lol too cold
[08:15:49] <iSam.> if general area then its somewhere b/w -40 to -60
[08:15:54] <KylieJenner> its hard to shower wgen cold
[08:15:59] <TheBlackout> i hate cold tho, i'd rather have 30'C
[08:16:07] <KylieJenner> lol noooo
[08:16:10] <KylieJenner> i love cold
[08:16:18] <iSam.> temperature around 20-25 is damn good
[08:16:21] <KylieJenner> yes
[08:16:23] <iSam.> too high or too low is shit
[08:16:23] <TheBlackout> by cold i mean -10 lmao
[08:16:31] <KylieJenner> i think i can handle -5
[08:16:40] <TheBlackout> you'd freeze
[08:16:48] <KylieJenner> i havent seen snow
[08:16:53] <iSam.> the coldest temperature i have seen is 4'C
[08:16:56] <iSam.> in Quetta
[08:17:06] <iSam.> too low and I'll die
[08:17:06] <KylieJenner> is it really cold sma?
[08:17:23] <iSam.> u cant compete coldness with Canada and Russia
[08:17:25] <iSam.> go there
[08:17:31] <TheBlackout> :D
[08:17:36] <KylieJenner> russia is always cold
[08:17:41] --> charlesthefrench connected to the server
[08:17:47] <iSam.> canadian weather is weird
[08:17:55] <iSam.> it can snow anytime
[08:17:55] <iSam.> lol
[08:18:00] <KylieJenner> i prefer texas
[08:18:05] <KylieJenner> or californian weather
[08:18:05] <iSam.> cowboy stuff
[08:18:08] <iSam.> lol
[08:18:24] <iSam.> iowa is better
[08:18:24] <KylieJenner> u dont like texas? lol
[08:18:30] <iSam.> nop
[08:18:32] <KylieJenner> why
[08:18:35] <iSam.> idk
[08:18:46] <KylieJenner> ca?
[08:18:56] <KylieJenner> california?
[08:19:04] <iSam.> i think north carolina is good place too
[08:19:12] <KylieJenner> too many crimes
[08:19:34] <iSam.> but
[08:19:39] <iSam.> if i ever move out
[08:19:42] <iSam.> to us
[08:19:45] <KylieJenner> minnesota and massachusetts
[08:19:50] <KylieJenner> are great
[08:20:04] <KylieJenner> but its cold in minnesoat
[08:20:06] <iSam.> hm
[08:20:14] <KylieJenner> i dont like cold because it snows
[08:20:20] <iSam.> Alabama
[08:20:25] <iSam.> is where i would lie
[08:20:28] <iSam.> live
[08:20:30] <KylieJenner> why
[08:20:46] <iSam.> i like it
[08:20:55] <KylieJenner> w
[08:21:03] <iSam.> or atlanta
[08:21:03] <KylieJenner> the weather?
[08:21:05] <iSam.> both are cool places
[08:21:13] <KylieJenner> food or cost of living?
[08:21:21] <iSam.> people are more nicer
[08:21:43] <KylieJenner> ohh
[08:22:07] <iSam.> in Canada
[08:22:20] <iSam.> Ontario is nice
[08:22:31] <KylieJenner> i know nothing about canada
[08:23:25] <iSam.> Hamilton is cheaper
[08:23:27] <iSam.> then Toronto city
[08:23:44] <KylieJenner> but its cold ha
[08:24:10] <iSam.> yeh
[08:24:18] <iSam.> my cousins live in Milton
[08:24:24] <iSam.> its near Mississuaga
[08:24:29] <KylieJenner> cool
[08:25:01] <iSam.> !score
[08:25:05] (WEB) <robin_be> player iSam.: 11741 score, 11106 missions: 37'/. courier - 32'/. cargo drop - 12'/. shamal
[08:25:31] <iSam.> 2m people live in Slovenia
[08:25:42] <iSam.> its like a city for us
[08:25:45] <TheBlackout> yea, lol
[08:25:45] <iSam.> lel
[08:26:01] <iSam.> even a city has higher population here
[08:26:06] <TheBlackout> :'D
[08:26:09] <iSam.> Like Karachi which has 25m people
[08:26:09] <iSam.> lol
[08:26:17] <TheBlackout> fuck that's a lot
[08:26:17] <KylieJenner> is slovenia small country
[08:26:20] <TheBlackout> yeah
[08:26:22] <iSam.> yes
[08:26:28] <-- charlesthefrench disconnected from the server
[08:26:28] <iSam.> its really nice country
[08:26:30] <KylieJenner> located in europe?
[08:26:33] <TheBlackout> yes
[08:26:38] <KylieJenner> near spain?
[08:26:44] <TheBlackout> nope hahhaha
[08:26:44] <iSam.> no lol
[08:26:49] <KylieJenner> whre haha
[08:26:55] <KylieJenner> bulgaria?
[08:27:00] <TheBlackout> between italy, hungary, austria and croatia
[08:27:08] <KylieJenner> oh
[08:27:46] <iSam.> Sweden and Finland are nice countries
[08:27:51] <TheBlackout> yup
[08:27:54] <iSam.> bad for immigrants
[08:27:56] <iSam.> lol
[08:28:04] <KylieJenner> why
[08:28:12] <iSam.> try living there
[08:28:18] <KylieJenner> does pakistan and india speak the same langauge
[08:28:18] <iSam.> you'll know why
[08:28:34] <iSam.> well maybe? not really
[08:28:42] <iSam.> i mean you can kinda say yes
[08:28:53] <KylieJenner> tbo what is your language
[08:29:01] <TheBlackout> Slovene
[08:29:25] <KylieJenner> oh
[08:29:38] <iSam.> I can understand 90'/. of Hindi
[08:29:44] <KylieJenner> thats cool
[08:29:46] <KylieJenner> it's like russian
[08:29:46] <iSam.> i cant read it
[08:29:54] <iSam.> different scripts
[08:30:00] <TheBlackout> i can speak croatian, bosnian language as well
[08:30:05] <KylieJenner> it's like russian and serbians
[08:30:05] <TheBlackout> a bit of russian
[08:30:08] <iSam.> urdu is written in persian/arabic script
[08:30:13] <KylieJenner> prolly kazakstan too
[08:30:24] <KylieJenner> they have the same writing but different language
[08:30:27] <TheBlackout> serbia and croatia share the same language
[08:30:53] <KylieJenner> russians are very tall
[08:30:53] <iSam.> you can understand German?
[08:30:59] <KylieJenner> guten morgen
[08:31:01] <KylieJenner> lol
[08:31:01] <TheBlackout> i can
[08:31:18] <iSam.> nice
[08:31:36] <iSam.> if there's anymore world war
[08:31:39] <-- cessna177rg disconnected from the server
[08:31:42] <iSam.> it would be in Asia now
[08:31:42] <iSam.> lol
[08:32:41] <TheBlackout> i think no country should have armed forces
[08:32:57] <iSam.> why not
[08:33:10] <iSam.> everyone should have it to defend themselfs
[08:33:10] <iSam.> only
[08:33:10] <KylieJenner> it's their deffense
[08:33:13] <TheBlackout> wouldnt be a world a better place
[08:33:16] <TheBlackout> ahh fuck that
[08:33:21] <iSam.> a worse lol
[08:33:29] <iSam.> cause if you cant defend yourself
[08:33:32] <iSam.> rip
[08:34:12] <KylieJenner> tbo how tall are you
[08:34:20] <TheBlackout> 190cm
[08:34:39] <KylieJenner> whoa
[08:34:44] <KylieJenner> 6'3?
[08:34:52] <iSam.> nice
[08:34:55] <iSam.> I'm short
[08:34:58] <iSam.> damn
[08:35:00] <TheBlackout> i don't know in inches lol
[08:35:08] <KylieJenner> im 196
[08:35:08] <iSam.> my height is 178cm
[08:35:11] <KylieJenner> im 196cm
[08:35:16] <TheBlackout> 196cm???
[08:35:19] <TheBlackout> what the hell
[08:35:24] <KylieJenner> 6'5
[08:35:30] <iSam.> 178 is average right?
[08:35:33] <iSam.> or i am too shorrt
[08:35:35] <iSam.> lol
[08:35:38] <TheBlackout> i guess sam
[08:35:46] <KylieJenner> 178 its likee 5'8
[08:35:54] <iSam.> not too bad
[08:35:54] <iSam.> i mean
[08:36:02] <iSam.> people here are short in height
[08:36:10] <iSam.> around 5-4
[08:36:13] <iSam.> or 5-5
[08:36:26] <KylieJenner> do u play volleyball
[08:36:40] <iSam.> who me?
[08:36:45] <KylieJenner> both of u
[08:36:48] <iSam.> i dont
[08:36:48] <TheBlackout> nah
[08:36:53] <iSam.> i used to play circket
[08:36:56] <TheBlackout> i dont do much sports
[08:36:58] <iSam.> but i dont play it too
[08:37:01] <KylieJenner> not a popilar sport ther?
[08:37:04] <iSam.> nope
[08:37:12] <KylieJenner> F
[08:37:12] <iSam.> cricket is popular
[08:37:23] <KylieJenner> what is that
[08:37:28] <iSam.> then its football/soccer
[08:37:47] <KylieJenner> whats circket
[08:39:02] <TheBlackout> how much do you have in bank guys
[08:39:07] <iSam.> its a sport
[08:39:10] <KylieJenner> not a lot lol
[08:39:21] <iSam.> why do you wana knot that
[08:39:26] <iSam.> lol
[08:39:39] <TheBlackout> i have 11,2m
[08:39:48] <iSam.> in game?
[08:39:48] <TheBlackout> i want to know your interest
[08:39:50] <TheBlackout> yeah
[08:39:53] <TheBlackout> lol
[08:39:56] <iSam.> i thought irl
[08:39:56] <iSam.> lol
[08:40:01] <TheBlackout> no hahhaha
[08:40:06] <iSam.> well i am broke
[08:40:12] <iSam.> so 0$
[08:40:14] <iSam.> basically
[08:40:17] <KylieJenner> 10m lol
[08:40:22] <TheBlackout> alright hahhaha
[08:40:25] <KylieJenner> i bought vip 4 yesterday
[08:40:36] <iSam.> i dont keep cash in my bank
[08:40:41] <iSam.> i buy stuff
[08:40:41] <iSam.> vehicles
[08:40:44] <KylieJenner> why
[08:40:52] <TheBlackout> i have a NRG, that's all i need
[08:40:55] <KylieJenner> haha
[08:41:27] <iSam.> i have 23 vehicles
[08:41:32] <iSam.> oh wait 24
[08:41:38] <TheBlackout> i used to have 11 dumpers back in the day
[08:41:40] <KylieJenner> i havge few
[08:41:54] <iSam.> !assets TheBlackOut
[08:41:57] (WEB) <robin_be> TheBlackOut has 1 car(s) ($140,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $140,000
[08:42:05] <iSam.> !assets TheBlackout
[08:42:08] (WEB) <robin_be> TheBlackout has 1 car(s) ($140,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $140,000
[08:42:11] <iSam.> lol
[08:42:13] <TheBlackout> :D
[08:42:24] <iSam.> !assets KylieJenner
[08:42:27] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has 5 car(s) ($2,620,000) and 3 house(s) ($13,200,000 - 13 slots) for a total of $15,820,000
[08:42:35] <iSam.> !assets
[08:42:39] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has 24 car(s) ($11,030,000) and 3 house(s) ($32,500,000 - 27 slots) for a total of $43,530,000
[08:42:39] <KylieJenner> chutiya wants to sell me his house for 24m
[08:42:49] <iSam.> chutiya means asshole
[08:42:49] <iSam.> lol
[08:42:52] <KylieJenner> we agreed on 17m then he increased to 24m
[08:43:03] <iSam.> ye hes asshole
[08:43:05] <iSam.> dont buy his house
[08:43:16] <KylieJenner> bc he base on houses here
[08:43:30] <iSam.> once i get all 28 vehicles
[08:43:38] <iSam.> i will save for a 10+ slot house
[08:43:40] <KylieJenner> he said 12 slots costs 24m
[08:43:46] <iSam.> nah
[08:43:56] <iSam.> if i wanted i would sell mine for 15m
[08:44:02] <iSam.> 12 slots
[08:44:15] <KylieJenner> he dont wnt to sell it for 15m
[08:44:23] <iSam.> greedy
[08:44:31] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[08:44:34] <KylieJenner> wb kid
[08:44:39] <iSam.> alri i gtg
[08:44:42] <TheBlackout> wb
[08:44:42] <TheBlackout> bye
[08:44:42] <CzechBoy777> cant u shut up
[08:44:45] <KylieJenner> bb
[08:44:47] <-- iSam. disconnected from the server
[08:44:53] <KylieJenner> why
[08:45:01] <CzechBoy777> stop calling me a kid if I am lmao
[08:45:09] <KylieJenner> youre a kid lol
[08:45:17] <CzechBoy777> but I dont like when you call me like that
[08:45:20] <KylieJenner> why
[08:45:33] <CzechBoy777> bcuz I dont like it
[08:45:38] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[08:45:41] <KylieJenner> ok but ure a kid lol
[08:45:49] <CzechBoy777> yes btu dont call me like that xd
[08:46:16] <CzechBoy777> lmao I have ryanair a320 from smetkowski :D
[08:46:24] <KylieJenner> but i think its cute
[08:46:37] <CzechBoy777> whats cute lmao
[08:46:40] <KylieJenner> kid
[08:46:51] <CzechBoy777> for me niet :d
[08:47:04] <KylieJenner> it is
[08:47:47] <KylieJenner> f
[08:47:47] <CzechBoy777> lmao ur ded
[08:47:55] <KylieJenner> yeah kid lol
[08:48:06] <CzechBoy777> you should say that you want to fleet
[08:48:19] <KylieJenner> sorry kid
[08:49:10] <KylieJenner> ure almost 11k tbo
[08:49:21] <CzechBoy777> yeah 1 mission for him
[08:49:21] <TheBlackout> yeah
[08:49:27] <KylieJenner> gz tho
[08:49:43] <TheBlackout> thanks haha
[08:50:07] <CzechBoy777> ryranair
[08:50:20] <TheBlackout> the majority of missions were completed probably in 2013
[08:50:31] <KylieJenner> same
[08:50:39] <CzechBoy777> !rank
[08:50:42] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777(476) rank: Master Flight Sergeant(280) next: First Flight Sergeant(500) (+24)
[08:51:14] <KylieJenner> gz kid
[08:51:20] <CzechBoy777> ?
[08:51:22] <KylieJenner> ure almost there
[08:51:22] <CzechBoy777> I did nothing lmao
[08:51:30] <CzechBoy777> oh well yep
[08:51:39] <KylieJenner> !rank
[08:51:42] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner(4036) rank: Lieutenant Pilot Major(4000) next: Master Pilot(4500) (+464)
[08:51:47] <CzechBoy777> haha xd
[08:52:19] <CzechBoy777> !player Carlos.
[08:52:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player Carlos.: 4503 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[08:52:25] <-- TheBlackout disconnected from the server
[08:52:30] <CzechBoy777> lol
[08:52:49] <KylieJenner> kid
[08:53:08] <KylieJenner> !cash czechboy779
[08:53:11] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player czechboy779
[08:53:11] <KylieJenner> !cash czechboy777
[08:53:14] (WEB) <robin_be> czechboy777 has $85,043 in hand
[08:53:20] <CzechBoy777> I have in bank xd
[08:53:22] <KylieJenner> how much u have in bank
[08:53:28] <CzechBoy777> 3m
[08:53:30] <KylieJenner> lol
[08:53:44] <KylieJenner> give me 1m haha
[08:53:49] <CzechBoy777> never
[08:54:08] <CzechBoy777> I already gave you keys
[08:54:08] <KylieJenner> i will steal your money
[08:54:19] <KylieJenner> from the banj
[08:54:21] <CzechBoy777> yes, I thought this
[08:54:24] --> P$G connected to the server
[08:54:27] <KylieJenner> wb
[08:54:32] <P$G> tyy!
[08:54:35] <P$G> wut!
[08:54:40] <P$G> KylieJenner! :O
[08:54:48] <KylieJenner> why lol
[08:54:56] <P$G> i luv Kylie jenner lol
[08:55:02] <KylieJenner> that is cool
[08:55:12] <CzechBoy777> I knew that
[08:55:12] <P$G> nuuu
[08:55:15] <P$G> no 1 will do that <3
[08:55:23] <KylieJenner> do u watch kuwtk?
[08:55:31] <P$G> nu ;o
[08:56:11] <KylieJenner> u dont watch keeping up with the kardawshians?
[08:56:25] <P$G> oh no lol
[08:56:27] <KylieJenner> why
[08:56:33] <P$G> But Kyllie is ma fav
[08:56:38] <KylieJenner> cool
[08:56:41] <P$G> idk never had a chance ;d
[08:56:46] <P$G> what is your aka ?
[08:57:00] <KylieJenner> u have kyliecosmsetics products?
[08:57:08] <P$G> as a male i dont think so xd
[08:57:08] <KylieJenner> FUCK
[08:57:16] <KylieJenner> oh haha sorry
[08:57:18] <P$G> are you a female ?
[08:57:21] <KylieJenner> i died again
[08:57:24] <P$G> lol
[08:57:27] <KylieJenner> yes
[08:57:27] <CzechBoy777> f
[08:57:35] <P$G> wuts your old id though ;o
[08:57:40] <KylieJenner> i forgot
[08:57:45] <KylieJenner> i was inactive for years
[08:57:45] <P$G> ;/
[08:57:48] <P$G> ohh
[08:57:48] <P$G> lol
[08:57:51] <P$G> wb though
[08:58:09] <KylieJenner> its been a month since i came back here
[08:58:23] <P$G> i see i was just inactive for few days
[08:58:26] <P$G> around 20 days though
[08:58:34] <P$G> and now am back again
[08:58:36] <KylieJenner> fuck it again!!!!!!!
[08:58:44] <P$G> haha
[08:59:00] <CzechBoy777> !player Smetkowski
[08:59:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player Smetkowski: 3935 score, last seen 5 Hours Ago
[08:59:09] <KylieJenner> who is that kid?
[08:59:20] <CzechBoy777> lmao he is not kid
[08:59:28] <CzechBoy777> he makes mods for our airline
[08:59:52] <KylieJenner> are you in 6th grade kid?
[09:00:00] <P$G> how old r ya btw
[09:00:11] <KylieJenner> im 21
[09:00:13] <P$G> nice
[09:00:13] <CzechBoy777> he made a340, a319, 747sp, a340-500
[09:00:21] <KylieJenner> you?
[09:00:30] <CzechBoy777> yes I am in 6th grade and s t o p calling me a kid!
[09:00:30] <KylieJenner> oh
[09:00:38] <P$G> :)
[09:00:40] <KylieJenner> youre in 6th grade then u are stilla kid
[09:00:54] <P$G> Where u from though
[09:01:10] <KylieJenner> when your 13 your not a kid anymore
[09:01:15] <KylieJenner> i live in los angeles california
[09:01:18] <CzechBoy777> in my country i am already teen lmao
[09:01:31] <P$G> Goshhh
[09:01:31] <KylieJenner> no youre stilla kidd
[09:01:58] <P$G> coronavirus cases are going up there eh...?
[09:01:58] <CzechBoy777> twelfteen lmao
[09:02:06] <CzechBoy777> yeah
[09:02:09] <CzechBoy777> 5k already
[09:02:17] <KylieJenner> stay safe kid
[09:02:20] <P$G> we are 13 k ;/
[09:02:25] <P$G> lol
[09:02:28] <KylieJenner> where do u live
[09:02:30] <CzechBoy777> now i am stopping to talk with you
[09:02:38] <KylieJenner> you're mean kid
[09:02:41] <P$G> North of where u live
[09:02:52] <KylieJenner> san francisco?
[09:02:54] <P$G> more north ;d
[09:02:57] <P$G> Canada lol
[09:03:00] <P$G> Ontario''
[09:03:13] <KylieJenner> oh
[09:03:24] <KylieJenner> its cold there
[09:03:29] <P$G> atm its cool
[09:03:37] <KylieJenner> what C?
[09:03:51] <P$G> lemme see
[09:03:53] --> Ri$hie connected to the server
[09:03:56] <KylieJenner> wb
[09:04:04] <Ri$hie> Thx
[09:04:07] <P$G> wb
[09:04:10] <KylieJenner> cold
[09:04:12] <CzechBoy777> its cold but the nature is beautiful in canada
[09:04:15] <P$G> 6 degrees C
[09:04:18] <P$G> huh
[09:04:18] <P$G> what is it for u
[09:04:20] <KylieJenner> thats cold
[09:04:26] <P$G> no it aint xd
[09:04:31] <KylieJenner> isnt it cold for u
[09:04:36] <P$G> we are always -20 xd
[09:04:42] <KylieJenner> omg
[09:04:47] <P$G> so 6 is cool xd
[09:05:36] <CzechBoy777> we had over 20 degrees yesterday
[09:05:41] <KylieJenner> do u have a girlfriend?
[09:05:52] <P$G> nah
[09:06:00] <KylieJenner> wbu kid?
[09:06:05] <P$G> lmao
[09:06:16] <Ri$hie> Lol
[09:06:16] <P$G> well i do
[09:06:24] <KylieJenner> lol
[09:06:24] <P$G> Selena Gomez
[09:06:32] <KylieJenner> lol
[09:06:56] <P$G> Czech boy
[09:06:59] <P$G> u from Praga ?
[09:07:04] <CzechBoy777> no i am not
[09:07:12] <P$G> where u from kid
[09:07:28] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[09:07:31] <KylieJenner> lol haha
[09:07:36] <P$G> ouch
[09:07:36] <CzechBoy777> thats what you get from calling me a kid
[09:07:44] <P$G> ;/
[09:07:44] <CzechBoy777> i live in north of czech republic
[09:07:50] <P$G> Cool
[09:07:52] <KylieJenner> kid yo uare so powerful
[09:07:55] <P$G> i went there btw 5 years ago
[09:08:00] <CzechBoy777> not really cool, i dont like it there xd
[09:08:03] <KylieJenner> how did u do that kid?
[09:08:09] <KylieJenner> you did that to me too
[09:08:17] <CzechBoy777> no, it was cygnus
[09:08:22] <CzechBoy777> he trolled me a little
[09:08:22] <P$G> well i think Czech is cool
[09:08:25] <KylieJenner> lol
[09:08:27] <P$G> i liked it there
[09:08:33] <CzechBoy777> yes it is but not the city i live in lol
[09:08:35] <KylieJenner> have u been to usa psgw
[09:08:57] <P$G> not really but planing to do it once this is over
[09:09:00] <P$G> ;/
[09:09:08] <KylieJenner> whats ur job
[09:09:13] <P$G> Accountant
[09:09:13] <Ri$hie> P$G you from ??
[09:09:13] <CzechBoy777> and where you was in czech republic
[09:09:24] <KylieJenner> whoa u are so smart
[09:09:26] <P$G> Toronto
[09:09:32] <Ri$hie> Cool
[09:09:32] <P$G> lol
[09:09:40] <P$G> wbu
[09:09:42] <P$G> what do u do
[09:09:48] <KylieJenner> im taking up a finance program
[09:09:53] <P$G> :O
[09:09:53] <P$G> Niceeeee
[09:10:01] <KylieJenner> well work together lol
[09:10:04] <P$G> exactly lol
[09:10:15] <P$G> i applied for MBA
[09:10:15] <P$G> btw
[09:10:17] <KylieJenner> wow
[09:10:20] <P$G> starting in 2 days
[09:10:23] <P$G> its online
[09:10:28] <P$G> as all universities are closed
[09:10:33] <P$G> so its all online
[09:10:47] <KylieJenner> u are smart
[09:10:52] <P$G> atm the company am working in closed though
[09:10:55] <KylieJenner> i can tell
[09:10:58] <P$G> ty lol
[09:11:06] <P$G> so i was like its better to apply for masters
[09:11:08] <KylieJenner> accountancy is hard
[09:11:14] <P$G> instead of sataying home doing nothing
[09:11:16] <KylieJenner> will u go for phd
[09:11:24] <P$G> well if u knew the basics well
[09:11:30] <P$G> its not hard anymore
[09:11:35] <P$G> prob later on
[09:11:46] <KylieJenner> when i studied accountanct 1 & 2 twas hard
[09:12:02] <KylieJenner> i cant even do any financial statements lol
[09:12:05] <P$G> i just didnt like the Auditing ;s
[09:12:07] <P$G> lol
[09:12:23] <CzechBoy777> damn
[09:12:37] <KylieJenner> same
[09:12:48] <KylieJenner> my future job is about investments
[09:13:06] <P$G> so do u have a job atm ?
[09:13:15] <KylieJenner> nope currently 2nd yr college
[09:13:28] <P$G> hmm
[09:13:39] <P$G> well sadly i was an accountant in a travel agency
[09:13:44] <P$G> and based on whats going on atm
[09:13:55] <KylieJenner> whyyy
[09:13:55] <P$G> we defiantly closed lol
[09:14:22] <KylieJenner> would u want to work in big companies
[09:14:24] <P$G> Well, it is considered one of the top 3 travel agencies in North America
[09:14:30] <KylieJenner> wow
[09:14:35] <KylieJenner> that is cool
[09:14:40] <P$G> yup it is nice there tbh
[09:14:43] <KylieJenner> kid what will u take in college soon
[09:14:56] <KylieJenner> was it hard
[09:14:56] <CzechBoy777> flying
[09:15:02] <KylieJenner> pilot?
[09:15:05] <P$G> ;o
[09:15:05] <CzechBoy777> yea
[09:15:45] <KylieJenner> thats cool kid
[09:17:24] <P$G> so it is 4 years program ?
[09:17:27] <KylieJenner> yep
[09:17:29] <P$G> cool
[09:17:37] <KylieJenner> mba is 2 yrs tight
[09:17:40] <KylieJenner> right
[09:17:43] <P$G> yeah
[09:17:46] <P$G> thats true
[09:17:54] <P$G> well for me its 2.5
[09:17:59] <P$G> first semester
[09:17:59] <KylieJenner> wh
[09:18:02] <P$G> am taking like
[09:18:02] <KylieJenner> why
[09:18:07] <P$G> probation
[09:18:15] <KylieJenner> what law did u take during colleg
[09:18:26] <P$G> law ?
[09:18:31] <KylieJenner> law subj
[09:18:37] <P$G> oh
[09:18:42] <P$G> i studied Business law
[09:18:55] <KylieJenner> what about it
[09:19:38] <P$G> i didn't like it to be honest and it was not like a core course for me
[09:19:52] <P$G> do u study business law too ?
[09:19:54] <KylieJenner> we have obligations & contracts
[09:20:05] <P$G> ohh
[09:20:10] <KylieJenner> its hard idont like itw
[09:20:16] <P$G> i see i see
[09:20:21] <P$G> well yeah it was all about contacts too
[09:20:29] <P$G> What about
[09:20:32] <P$G> Taxation
[09:20:32] <KylieJenner> our prof failed me
[09:20:37] <KylieJenner> jeez
[09:20:37] <P$G> pfff
[09:20:43] <KylieJenner> we have inome taxation
[09:20:53] <KylieJenner> only few passed prelims
[09:20:53] <P$G> it suks tbh lol
[09:21:04] <P$G> I studied
[09:21:10] <P$G> taxation in 2 countries
[09:21:12] <P$G> imagine
[09:21:15] <KylieJenner> inc tax and oblicon require a lot of reading
[09:21:18] <KylieJenner> why
[09:21:31] <P$G> i studied in Canada and in Egypt though
[09:21:39] <P$G> so i studied some courses twice ;d
[09:21:42] <KylieJenner> why
[09:21:52] <P$G> i lived in Egypt then moved to Canada
[09:21:58] <KylieJenner> it's part of your curriculum?w
[09:21:58] <P$G> 3 years ago
[09:22:01] <KylieJenner> oh
[09:22:03] <KylieJenner> that's why
[09:22:06] <P$G> yupp
[09:22:14] <KylieJenner> whic one is harder
[09:22:27] <P$G> Well in Canada it is more complicated
[09:22:33] <P$G> listen to this funny fact
[09:22:33] <KylieJenner> why
[09:22:46] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[09:22:46] <P$G> Taxes in Egypt didnt exist untill last year .....
[09:22:49] <KylieJenner> wb
[09:22:54] <P$G> only very few taxes applied xd
[09:22:57] <KylieJenner> wtf
[09:23:05] <KylieJenner> whats the point of studying lol
[09:23:08] <P$G> like 15# on income and thats it xd
[09:23:18] <KylieJenner> insane
[09:23:24] <CzechBoy777> wb
[09:23:24] <P$G> it was damn easy though lol
[09:23:40] <KylieJenner> have u been in pyramid of giza
[09:23:59] <P$G> Well, didnt go there but seen them alot xd while passing by
[09:24:15] <P$G> You know
[09:24:17] <KylieJenner> wy=hyy
[09:24:20] <P$G> when u live by these things
[09:24:28] <P$G> you are used to it lol
[09:24:28] <P$G> like
[09:24:36] <P$G> Everyone gets to Canada
[09:24:42] <P$G> to see the CN Tower
[09:24:42] <P$G> eh ?
[09:24:47] <P$G> and it is just a tower xd
[09:24:50] <KylieJenner> ohh i understand
[09:24:52] <Cpt.Price> And PSG didn't noticed me, sad
[09:25:00] <P$G> Ohhh sorry man!
[09:25:03] <P$G> wb :)
[09:25:08] <KylieJenner> f
[09:25:16] <Cpt.Price> Now you owe me 30 bottles of whisky
[09:25:16] <KylieJenner> w
[09:25:22] <P$G> Fair enough
[09:25:38] <KylieJenner> 9 moreeeeeee :)
[09:25:43] <P$G> Did u come to niagara falls before ?
[09:25:54] <KylieJenner> no
[09:25:54] <Cpt.Price> Cuz I'm running short of my corona prevention supplies kek
[09:25:57] <KylieJenner> where is that
[09:26:02] <P$G> Not even the US side ?
[09:26:02] <P$G> huh
[09:26:10] <P$G> Niagara falls ....
[09:26:16] <KylieJenner> no
[09:26:21] <P$G> Boarders between us and canada ;d
[09:26:32] <P$G> Buffalo state
[09:26:48] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[09:26:53] <KylieJenner> omg
[09:26:53] <Cpt.Price> Oof
[09:26:56] --> P$G connected to the server
[09:27:01] <KylieJenner> why did i die
[09:27:04] <P$G> crashed ;/
[09:27:06] <P$G> my bad
[09:27:09] <P$G> i pressed enter
[09:27:20] <KylieJenner> lol
[09:27:20] <P$G> while i am in your vehicle
[09:27:47] <KylieJenner> lol its okq
[09:28:08] <KylieJenner> youre nice lol
[09:28:14] <P$G> ty lol
[09:28:40] <KylieJenner> what is the kid doing?
[09:28:54] <P$G> idk
[09:28:54] <P$G> boi...
[09:28:57] <P$G> are u ok ?
[09:29:05] <CzechBoy777> working
[09:29:07] <KylieJenner> F
[09:29:13] <P$G> lmao
[09:29:23] <KylieJenner> now you know why i always die psg hahahah
[09:29:39] <P$G> kk not working xd
[09:29:42] <CzechBoy777> rip lmao
[09:29:48] <P$G> here we go
[09:30:01] <P$G> 'Typing is the main factor''
[09:30:06] <P$G> its like driving and usign phone
[09:30:09] <P$G> using *
[09:30:12] <KylieJenner> lol
[09:30:17] <Cpt.Price> You can master that
[09:30:22] <P$G> lol
[09:30:28] <CzechBoy777> tf you doin?
[09:30:33] <CzechBoy777> lol
[09:30:41] <P$G> peeing missles
[09:30:44] <KylieJenner> dont say bad words kid
[09:31:03] <CzechBoy777> you stop talking to me kylie...
[09:31:08] <P$G> Cpt. Price
[09:31:11] <KylieJenner> lmao
[09:31:13] <Cpt.Price> wat
[09:31:13] <KylieJenner> bad kid
[09:31:13] <P$G> new cod is out
[09:31:19] <P$G> and you are in it
[09:31:19] <Cpt.Price> I know heh
[09:31:21] <Cpt.Price> Ordered it
[09:31:24] <P$G> ^_^
[09:31:27] <P$G> cool!
[09:31:30] <P$G> i want it too lol
[09:31:35] <P$G> i think i will get it
[09:31:38] <Cpt.Price> Will arrive today <3
[09:31:43] <P$G> ;ooo
[09:31:46] <P$G> lucky u
[09:31:59] <Cpt.Price> Can't wait to replay Hotel Whisky
[09:32:04] <KylieJenner> does canada have sephora
[09:32:10] <Cpt.Price> It had greatest soundtrack ever
[09:32:23] <P$G> products ?
[09:32:29] <KylieJenner> f
[09:32:50] <P$G> yeah
[09:32:53] <P$G> lol
[09:32:55] <P$G> balance
[09:32:58] <KylieJenner> haha
[09:33:06] <P$G> its like a baby learning to walk
[09:33:20] <Cpt.Price> quarantine day 5 : My spine is screaming from gaming
[09:33:33] <P$G> day 5 ?!
[09:33:38] <P$G> its day 17 for me >.<
[09:33:46] <CzechBoy777> lmao for me too like day 17
[09:33:46] <Cpt.Price> Day 6 : Price still waiting for his PLR password, one vodka bottle down
[09:34:05] <P$G> so you dont go to school boi ?
[09:34:11] <CzechBoy777> no
[09:34:11] <Cpt.Price> Oh shutup, I'm not counting :V Just pulling numbers out of my ass
[09:34:16] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[09:34:19] <P$G> lol
[09:34:37] <P$G> So how will that work though, its like you passed this year ?
[09:34:51] <CzechBoy777> i dont know lmao
[09:34:56] <P$G> umm
[09:35:12] <P$G> Kylie should we let kid pass or fail ?
[09:35:23] <KylieJenner> lets pass him lol
[09:35:28] <P$G> ;d
[09:35:34] <P$G> Congrats ^_^
[09:35:42] <P$G> u made it to grade 7!
[09:35:50] <KylieJenner> ure no longer a kid
[09:35:58] <P$G> gz u
[09:35:58] <CzechBoy777> lmao ty
[09:36:03] <Cpt.Price> You're kiddoh now
[09:36:09] <Cpt.Price> Badumtss
[09:36:14] <P$G> lol
[09:36:25] <CzechBoy777> i dont need to go to school, i am already pilot there lmao
[09:36:30] <KylieJenner> omg
[09:36:30] <P$G> Kylie!
[09:36:33] <P$G> u just wanna
[09:36:36] <KylieJenner> fuckkkkkk
[09:36:38] <P$G> Kill me...
[09:36:38] <P$G> i know it
[09:37:05] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[09:37:10] <Cpt.Price> oof
[09:37:13] <CzechBoy777> lmao f
[09:37:13] <Cpt.Price> Karma
[09:37:16] <P$G> lol
[09:37:16] <CzechBoy777> f
[09:37:18] <CzechBoy777> um
[09:37:26] <CzechBoy777> capslock doesnt work for me lmao
[09:37:29] <CzechBoy777> wth :d
[09:37:32] <Cpt.Price> f
[09:37:40] <CzechBoy777> wait wut
[09:37:40] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[09:37:43] <Cpt.Price> Oh you got that turned off :V
[09:37:45] <KylieJenner> sorry
[09:38:01] <Cpt.Price> Pfftchhh he doesn't know
[09:38:01] <Cpt.Price> :V
[09:38:15] <KylieJenner> for 500k
[09:38:15] <CzechBoy777> it doesnt work in game lol
[09:38:26] <Cpt.Price> Cause you got that turned off
[09:38:31] <CzechBoy777> i have it on lmao
[09:38:42] <Cpt.Price> adm00ns have that ability to turn it off ig
[09:38:44] <CzechBoy777> ill try to rlg
[09:38:47] <P$G> wb
[09:38:50] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[09:38:50] <KylieJenner> omg
[09:38:55] <KylieJenner> ty
[09:38:58] <KylieJenner> ride
[09:39:00] <P$G> he was talking
[09:39:03] <P$G> about his caps ?
[09:39:11] <Cpt.Price> Yeap
[09:39:11] <P$G> i turned it off lol
[09:39:17] <P$G> lol
[09:39:17] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[09:39:17] <Cpt.Price> Ikr :V
[09:39:19] <KylieJenner> wb boy
[09:39:19] <P$G> he is back
[09:39:22] <P$G> wb
[09:39:25] <Cpt.Price> But shhh he doesn't know ;)
[09:39:30] <CzechBoy777> ty
[09:39:33] <CzechBoy777> TY
[09:39:35] <CzechBoy777> nice it works now xd
[09:39:35] <P$G> yayyy
[09:39:38] <P$G> its working
[09:39:46] <CzechBoy777> yay :D
[09:39:59] <KylieJenner> for 500k yall
[09:40:02] <Cpt.Price> You know what? I'm getting old, can
[09:40:08] <Cpt.Price> smh enter!
[09:40:13] <KylieJenner> lmao
[09:40:26] <CzechBoy777> do u guys have a flight simulator
[09:40:32] <Cpt.Price> Can't stay late and then stay awaken in the morning without more than one coffees
[09:40:37] <CzechBoy777> I dont so I use this as lol
[09:40:45] <P$G> nu i dont
[09:40:56] <Cpt.Price> Does War Thunder counts? lol
[09:40:56] <P$G> I better save up for a house now lol
[09:40:56] <CzechBoy777> and gta san andreas is my favorite game lmao
[09:41:09] <CzechBoy777> wait I have war thunder too but idk if it counts
[09:41:17] <Cpt.Price> Neither do I lol
[09:41:33] <Cpt.Price> Stopped playing once they fucked up economy
[09:41:47] <CzechBoy777> I play it
[09:41:52] <CzechBoy777> but I am lazy to fight
[09:41:52] <Cpt.Price> Since?
[09:42:00] <CzechBoy777> since this year lmao
[09:42:03] <CzechBoy777> I think january
[09:42:06] --> TheBlackout connected to the server
[09:42:06] <Cpt.Price> Pfftchhh
[09:42:06] <KylieJenner> wb
[09:42:08] <Cpt.Price> Newbie
[09:42:11] <CzechBoy777> wb
[09:42:16] <Cpt.Price> 2011 Closed Beta Test :V
[09:42:19] <TheBlackout> thanks
[09:42:22] <CzechBoy777> oh
[09:42:33] <CzechBoy777> :v
[09:42:43] <Cpt.Price> So I've seen shit going on through in those years
[09:42:54] <Cpt.Price> Like original 30 tier tech tree removal
[09:42:59] <Cpt.Price> B-17E's heavy nerf
[09:43:18] <Cpt.Price> Hurricane's buff so it's OP
[09:43:23] <CzechBoy777> do you guys like classion planes like 707
[09:43:29] <CzechBoy777> classic
[09:43:53] <Cpt.Price> I'm more into Warbirds not the civs
[09:43:58] <CzechBoy777> oh
[09:44:15] <CzechBoy777> I like civilian planes the most
[09:44:17] <Cpt.Price> Kek
[09:44:44] <Cpt.Price> First one I've been in was 737-300 Centralwings
[09:45:08] <Cpt.Price> 2007 it was I guess, somewhen around that
[09:45:11] <Cpt.Price> Or 2006
[09:45:11] <CzechBoy777> first plane I was in was B737-800 Smartwings
[09:45:19] <CzechBoy777> and it was 2018 lmao
[09:45:27] <CzechBoy777> my only flight xd
[09:45:30] <Cpt.Price> Warsaw-Heraklion flight lol
[09:45:46] <CzechBoy777> bcuz my parents and sister doesnt like flying that much lmao
[09:45:54] <Cpt.Price> I've been flying from 06-07 to like uh 13? Somewhen around that
[09:46:05] <CzechBoy777> but in this year I could fly A320 to London but because of the coronavirus I wont
[09:46:07] <Cpt.Price> No wait more
[09:46:13] <Cpt.Price> To 15
[09:46:23] <CzechBoy777> I love to fly
[09:46:34] <CzechBoy777> but the landing was too hard
[09:46:39] <Cpt.Price> True
[09:46:50] <P$G> -,-
[09:46:50] <Cpt.Price> Starts and landings are hard to bear
[09:46:56] <CzechBoy777> it was like a fat guy fells into the pool
[09:47:06] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[09:47:06] <Cpt.Price> Here goes my coffee
[09:47:17] <CzechBoy777> ryanair landing xd
[09:47:25] <Cpt.Price> Meh
[09:47:33] <CzechBoy777> do u like ryanair
[09:47:47] <Cpt.Price> Enterair 23yr old B737-400 shaky flight heh
[09:47:52] <Cpt.Price> Mom experienced that
[09:47:55] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[09:48:08] <Cpt.Price> She said it felt like it was about to breakup in any minute
[09:48:16] <CzechBoy777> it could lmao
[09:48:19] <Cpt.Price> 2 flights later that plane was retired
[09:48:24] <CzechBoy777> oh rip
[09:48:35] <CzechBoy777> reg?
[09:48:43] <Cpt.Price> Yeah they're operating 800's can't remember now
[09:49:02] <CzechBoy777> oh
[09:49:02] <Cpt.Price> It was in 14
[09:49:10] <CzechBoy777> I had OK-TSF and OK-TVP
[09:49:12] <P$G> wut
[09:49:15] <P$G> use the road!
[09:49:37] <CzechBoy777> that are the registrations of the boeing 737-800's that smartwings has
[09:49:39] <Cpt.Price> Oh wait wasn't it 737-400 SP-ENB?
[09:49:53] <CzechBoy777> maybe Ill look at
[09:50:04] <Cpt.Price> Idk if 737-800 took over tho
[09:50:06] <-- Ri$hie disconnected from the server
[09:50:36] <Cpt.Price> I remember flying in ENB tho, wasn't that shaky in 2012
[09:50:36] <CzechBoy777> its active it says in enter air
[09:50:41] <Cpt.Price> 737-400?!
[09:50:46] <Cpt.Price> Da fuq
[09:50:49] <P$G> r u kidnapping me s
[09:50:49] <P$G> ?
[09:50:57] <CzechBoy777> it says only Boeing 737
[09:51:03] <Cpt.Price> Oh right
[09:51:19] <Cpt.Price> They might switched the registration from 400 to 800 one
[09:51:24] <CzechBoy777> yes man, 737-400
[09:51:29] <Cpt.Price> PFFFFUTTTT
[09:51:29] <Cpt.Price> WAT
[09:51:35] <Cpt.Price> THEY CHANGEDTHT
[09:51:43] <Cpt.Price> They changed that one!
[09:51:48] <CzechBoy777> look at google at pictures
[09:51:51] <Cpt.Price> They're no longer use 400's!
[09:51:54] <CzechBoy777> of sp-enb
[09:52:10] <Cpt.Price> Dafuq.jpeg
[09:52:26] <Cpt.Price> still in Enter Air's fleet?
[09:52:31] <CzechBoy777> I clicked on the registration at the site and now it shows me EI-STP in asl airlines ireland
[09:52:39] <TheBlackout> i was flying with volotea boeing 717-200 and gowair airbus 320-200
[09:52:45] <Cpt.Price> Oh so they sold it
[09:52:53] <TheBlackout> that 717 is sketchy as fuck
[09:52:53] <CzechBoy777> 737-4Q8F
[09:53:03] <CzechBoy777> 26 years age
[09:53:06] <Cpt.Price> Yeah it was that one
[09:53:06] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[09:53:14] <Cpt.Price> So they sold it
[09:53:27] <Cpt.Price> p00r passengers
[09:54:32] <CzechBoy777> rip germanwings
[09:54:40] <CzechBoy777> more rip the suicide pilot
[09:54:45] <CzechBoy777> wait was it a suicide?
[09:54:51] <Cpt.Price> kinda
[09:54:53] --> kjkszpj333 connected to the server
[09:54:53] <KylieJenner> wba
[09:54:56] <CzechBoy777> wb
[09:54:56] <P$G> wb
[09:54:59] <TheBlackout> wb
[09:55:01] <kjkszpj333> ty
[09:55:07] <kjkszpj333> wow psg on
[09:55:12] <kjkszpj333> long time no see
[09:55:12] <P$G> ayeee
[09:55:12] <Cpt.Price> Just Banzai into a mountain
[09:55:18] <P$G> yeah been busy ;D
[09:55:20] <CzechBoy777> well It could be very bad if it was a suicide because more people die..
[09:55:47] <kjkszpj333> same,joined 2 months ago by mistake this acc was banned
[09:55:47] <CzechBoy777> why didnt he stole a plane like the worker in alaska lmao
[09:55:58] <Cpt.Price> Rule 1 when you fly as japs in WT. Always BANZAI into enemy planes
[09:56:03] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[09:56:11] <Cpt.Price> 50/50 chance that you will survive
[09:56:14] <kjkszpj333> price u from poland?
[09:56:17] <Cpt.Price> Yeap
[09:56:27] <CzechBoy777> where do u live in poland lmao
[09:56:27] <kjkszpj333> i ve been there
[09:56:35] <CzechBoy777> I also have been there
[09:56:38] <Cpt.Price> Central ... oh well Hamster's not there
[09:56:43] <kjkszpj333> i visited krakow
[09:56:46] <CzechBoy777> in Sklarzka Poreba I think
[09:56:52] <Cpt.Price> Tomaszow Mazowiecki
[09:56:57] <kjkszpj333> and auschwitx
[09:56:57] <Cpt.Price> 127km's from warsaw
[09:57:00] <kjkszpj333> and auschwitz
[09:57:32] <CzechBoy777> oh Szklarska Poreba it is
[09:57:40] <Cpt.Price> Porêba
[09:57:42] <CzechBoy777> thats the city I was in
[09:57:42] <Cpt.Price> :V
[09:57:45] <CzechBoy777> yes
[09:57:48] <CzechBoy777> I cant say it lmao
[09:57:51] <Cpt.Price> Nah too far away lol
[09:57:53] <CzechBoy777> skláøská xd
[09:57:59] <CzechBoy777> for me no xd
[09:58:07] <Cpt.Price> ikr
[09:58:12] <CzechBoy777> there was a cool poland train lmao
[09:58:23] <Cpt.Price> The legendary Pendolino?
[09:58:31] <CzechBoy777> nein haha
[09:58:36] <CzechBoy777> poland train xd
[09:58:42] <kjkszpj333> RIP
[09:58:44] <Cpt.Price> which uses 220vmax on 30-50 km of it's route?
[09:58:47] <kjkszpj333> FUCKING NINJA
[09:58:50] <CzechBoy777> and in my city is not tracks electrified
[09:59:14] <CzechBoy777> in czech republic trains can ride 160km/h only
[09:59:16] <CzechBoy777> not faster
[09:59:22] <kjkszpj333> in romania 100
[09:59:25] <kjkszpj333> slow as shit
[09:59:33] <kjkszpj333> max 120
[09:59:35] <CzechBoy777> but czech railways suck lmao
[09:59:41] <CzechBoy777> but the fast trains nope
[09:59:41] <TheBlackout> you get 100 in romania, in slovenia its like 70max
[09:59:43] <kjkszpj333> you dont have idea here
[09:59:51] <kjkszpj333> ye but slovenia mountin
[10:00:07] <Cpt.Price> Flirts go up to 120-160, 160 is rare tho
[10:00:07] <CzechBoy777> czech railways bought some Siemens
[10:00:13] <kjkszpj333> fastest train ride i ve been
[10:00:13] <CzechBoy777> Taurus it is called
[10:00:15] <Cpt.Price> 120 is pretty standard
[10:00:21] <kjkszpj333> budapest-wien
[10:00:21] <TheBlackout> railways are not at mountain side tho lol
[10:00:24] <kjkszpj333> 160 km
[10:00:24] <Cpt.Price> Pfft
[10:00:24] <kjkszpj333> constant
[10:00:29] <kjkszpj333> oh
[10:00:34] <CzechBoy777> my fastest ride in train was 162KM/H lmao
[10:00:42] <Cpt.Price> Meanwhile Poland : Takes out old locos out of the bushes
[10:00:45] <CzechBoy777> and in plane idk but it could be 800KM/H or what
[10:00:58] <CzechBoy777> also I will visit russia someday
[10:00:58] <kjkszpj333> planes ussualu 800-1000
[10:01:01] <Cpt.Price> But hell after restoration, repair and refit they work
[10:01:20] <CzechBoy777> and I will ride in poland lmao
[10:01:28] <Cpt.Price> Russia? Pffft
[10:01:33] <CzechBoy777> moscow lmao
[10:01:36] <Cpt.Price> They might have M62 locos
[10:01:39] <CzechBoy777> its my dream to visit Moscow lmao
[10:01:55] <Cpt.Price> But did they rebuilt their M62 into a electric loco?
[10:01:58] <Cpt.Price> Nope
[10:02:06] <CzechBoy777> oh
[10:02:14] <CzechBoy777> I like Sapsan lmao
[10:02:19] <Cpt.Price> The "Gagarin" loco
[10:02:19] <kjkszpj333> my fast personal driving is 210km
[10:02:22] <CzechBoy777> cancah or what lmao
[10:02:27] <CzechBoy777> oh
[10:02:27] <kjkszpj333> and passenger 260
[10:03:18] <kjkszpj333> !player Criterion
[10:03:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player Criterion: 30700 score, last seen 12 Hours Ago
[10:03:35] <CzechBoy777> I want to learn Russian and German
[10:03:40] <CzechBoy777> but I have choosen russian
[10:03:48] <Cpt.Price> kek, fastest noticed speed on Tomaszow-Poznan ride? 160kph, right before Lodz Widzew station
[10:03:48] <TheBlackout> russian is not that hard
[10:03:59] <CzechBoy777> privet
[10:04:02] <CzechBoy777> or priviet??
[10:04:04] <kjkszpj333> i know english and barely some french lol
[10:04:04] <KylieJenner> lol
[10:04:10] <KylieJenner> russian is hard
[10:04:10] <CzechBoy777> lol
[10:04:15] <Cpt.Price> cyka blyat idi na hui pizdiec, jobit twaju mat
[10:04:18] <Cpt.Price> Yeah
[10:04:18] <kjkszpj333> do you know french?
[10:04:18] <P$G> Kido
[10:04:20] <CzechBoy777> my mum said german is harder
[10:04:23] <P$G> install nitros in your cars
[10:04:23] <Cpt.Price> Standard War Thunder cusses
[10:04:26] <KylieJenner> capt prince speak russian?
[10:04:31] <-- TheBlackout disconnected from the server
[10:04:34] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[10:04:34] <kjkszpj333> he is cpt.price ofc he does
[10:04:39] <kjkszpj333> check cod
[10:04:47] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[10:04:53] <CzechBoy777> wb
[10:04:55] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:04:58] <Cpt.Price> I swear to god
[10:05:09] <CzechBoy777> you drive my car?
[10:05:11] <Cpt.Price> I'm going to kill this goddamn chinese shitphone
[10:05:22] <CzechBoy777> ooooooh he stealin!
[10:05:22] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[10:05:44] <P$G> ;D
[10:05:44] <Cpt.Price> I'm stuck with it since my LG Mini burnt down, quite literally lol
[10:05:49] <Cpt.Price> CPU burnt
[10:06:13] <kjkszpj333> lg mini?
[10:06:16] <kjkszpj333> what is that
[10:06:19] <kjkszpj333> laptop?
[10:06:24] <Cpt.Price> Old 2014 smartphone lmao
[10:06:27] <Cpt.Price> G2 one
[10:06:29] <kjkszpj333> looool
[10:06:35] <kjkszpj333> shit phone
[10:06:35] <kjkszpj333> "D
[10:06:45] <CzechBoy777> what do you prefer
[10:06:48] <CzechBoy777> 787 or a350
[10:07:04] <Cpt.Price> Come on, it served as Messenger, Discord, text, calls only
[10:07:10] <Cpt.Price> And router
[10:07:15] <CzechBoy777> how can he drive my car
[10:07:18] <Cpt.Price> Rest I was doing on laptop anyways
[10:07:20] <CzechBoy777> if I didnt give him the keys
[10:07:23] <Cpt.Price> And it was reliable atleast
[10:07:26] <kjkszpj333> hacks
[10:07:31] <CzechBoy777> how you doin xd
[10:07:50] <kjkszpj333> !houses P$G
[10:07:53] (WEB) <robin_be> P$G does not own any houses!
[10:08:09] <Cpt.Price> Screen was fine
[10:08:17] <P$G> yo boi
[10:08:22] <CzechBoy777> how do you drive my car
[10:08:22] <P$G> gonna install u a free nitros
[10:08:25] <CzechBoy777> if I didnt gave you keys
[10:08:25] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[10:08:28] <Cpt.Price> Yeah, I was working at the airport before I had to move out lol
[10:08:31] <P$G> u did ;o
[10:08:36] <CzechBoy777> I gave only to kylie
[10:08:44] <P$G> she gave em to me
[10:08:49] <P$G> well tbh
[10:08:52] <P$G> i stole them
[10:08:52] <CzechBoy777> oh
[10:08:52] <Cpt.Price> Achoooo!
[10:08:55] <P$G> from her pocket...
[10:08:57] <Cpt.Price> Ooops
[10:09:00] <P$G> dont blame her...
[10:09:00] <KylieJenner> psg is so mean
[10:09:05] <KylieJenner> he stole it from me
[10:09:05] <Cpt.Price> I swear to god I have mask on
[10:09:11] <KylieJenner> i didnt know how he did it :(
[10:09:11] <P$G> sowreh ;s
[10:09:19] <CzechBoy777> kk
[10:09:19] <P$G> i am a pyke
[10:09:27] <CzechBoy777> install nitros and give it back to kylie xd
[10:09:32] <P$G> will do sir
[10:09:35] <P$G> anything else ?
[10:09:35] <KylieJenner> lmao
[10:09:38] <CzechBoy777> nah xd
[10:09:40] <P$G> need to wash it ?
[10:09:46] <CzechBoy777> nein
[10:09:48] <P$G> kk
[10:09:51] <kjkszpj333> !player Crystal
[10:09:54] <P$G> Have a safe flight
[10:09:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player Crystal: 7682 score, last seen 9 Hours Ago
[10:09:57] <CzechBoy777> ty
[10:10:21] --> Emran connected to the server
[10:10:26] --> Ludred connected to the server
[10:10:29] <Cpt.Price> OwO full trainee
[10:10:32] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:10:32] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[10:10:32] <kjkszpj333> wb
[10:10:34] <P$G> wb
[10:10:34] <KylieJenner> lmao
[10:10:37] <Cpt.Price> LUDRED YOU'RE ST00PID SHITASS
[10:10:40] <kjkszpj333> trainee pilot
[10:10:40] <CzechBoy777> ooo he stealin :DDD
[10:10:40] <kjkszpj333> lool
[10:10:45] <Cpt.Price> He changed his name yesterday
[10:10:51] <Cpt.Price> *facepalm*
[10:10:56] <KylieJenner> help me czech boy
[10:11:07] <KylieJenner> czech boy help me please
[10:11:09] <CzechBoy777> what happened
[10:11:15] <KylieJenner> psg kidnapped me
[10:11:23] <kjkszpj333> gj
[10:11:31] <Cpt.Price> And yeah my nick does originate from the years I've been playing COD 4 hard lol aka 2013
[10:11:47] <-- Emran disconnected from the server
[10:11:47] <kjkszpj333> i ve played every cod from 1 to mw3
[10:11:47] --> RathK connected to the server
[10:11:50] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:11:52] <kjkszpj333> wb
[10:11:52] <CzechBoy777> wb
[10:11:58] <RathK> ty
[10:11:58] <kjkszpj333> shitty name
[10:12:00] <Cpt.Price> Ludred, you're st00pid shitass
[10:12:00] <KylieJenner> help me boy
[10:12:06] <RathK> boi
[10:12:08] <KylieJenner> viktor magtanggol
[10:12:11] <CzechBoy777> but ur over the car
[10:12:14] <CzechBoy777> wtf?
[10:12:14] <Cpt.Price> I gotta restart my phone fuck that
[10:12:16] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[10:12:19] <RathK> I changed my name in smap yesterday but didn't save the fucking shit
[10:12:25] <RathK> samp*
[10:12:25] --> Emran connected to the server
[10:12:33] <kjkszpj333> you are noob
[10:12:33] <CzechBoy777> oh shit lmao
[10:12:43] <KylieJenner> viktor magtanggol help
[10:12:46] <RathK> ain't my fualt tho
[10:12:51] <CzechBoy777> wut is magtanggol lol
[10:12:59] <KylieJenner> savior
[10:13:05] <CzechBoy777> oh
[10:13:10] <CzechBoy777> click on plane lmao
[10:13:10] <KylieJenner> its a filipino word
[10:13:16] <CzechBoy777> !player Kingsking
[10:13:19] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Kingsking
[10:13:19] <KylieJenner> i cant get out of the car
[10:13:24] <KylieJenner> psg tied my hands and feet
[10:13:24] <CzechBoy777> !player kingkings
[10:13:27] (WEB) <robin_be> player kingkings: 6253 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[10:13:35] <P$G> relogging
[10:13:38] <CzechBoy777> but I see you next to car
[10:13:41] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[10:13:46] <KylieJenner> omg finally
[10:14:40] <CzechBoy777> can u also give me keys to your car lmao
[10:14:42] <kjkszpj333> !player Pvt.Vali
[10:14:45] <KylieJenner> ok
[10:14:45] (WEB) <robin_be> player Pvt.Vali: 0 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[10:14:59] <KylieJenner> omg im in a condo
[10:15:10] <KylieJenner> come hre viktor magtanggol
[10:15:31] <KylieJenner> come
[10:15:58] <KylieJenner> viktor magtanggol come here
[10:16:11] <KylieJenner> get in the car
[10:16:11] <kjkszpj333> hi emran
[10:16:14] <kjkszpj333> new here
[10:16:33] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[10:16:44] <Cpt.Price> Should be fine now
[10:16:46] <KylieJenner> its a condo
[10:16:54] <KylieJenner> get in the condo
[10:16:54] <CzechBoy777> I dont get it lmao
[10:16:57] <Cpt.Price> I was having micro net lags
[10:17:21] <CzechBoy777> theres absolutely nothing
[10:17:24] <KylieJenner> really?
[10:17:26] <KylieJenner> its a room
[10:17:29] <CzechBoy777> yeah
[10:17:32] <CzechBoy777> only a room
[10:17:35] <Cpt.Price> Ohshit
[10:17:40] <KylieJenner> i think its cool
[10:17:40] --> slender_man connected to the server
[10:17:45] <CzechBoy777> and u cant see anything from the windows
[10:17:45] <kjkszpj333> wb
[10:17:45] <Cpt.Price> 5000 cases of corona here
[10:17:48] <slender_man> hey
[10:17:51] <CzechBoy777> there too
[10:17:53] <kjkszpj333> same here
[10:17:56] <KylieJenner> get in
[10:18:01] <Cpt.Price> I mean the latest stats
[10:18:04] <CzechBoy777> dont crash lmao
[10:18:07] <Cpt.Price> 152 new
[10:18:12] <kjkszpj333> thats not much
[10:18:12] <KylieJenner> why your car dont have nitro
[10:18:12] <kjkszpj333> tbh
[10:18:17] <kjkszpj333> cargo drop demand
[10:18:20] <Cpt.Price> That's morning update smh
[10:18:28] <kjkszpj333> ...
[10:18:44] <kjkszpj333> here gets updated at 13;00
[10:18:50] <Cpt.Price> There's one more in the noon/afternoon, somewhen around that
[10:19:33] <kjkszpj333> damn
[10:19:35] <RathK> here gets in the morning or middy
[10:19:35] <kjkszpj333> almost ripped
[10:19:38] <RathK> or something
[10:20:10] <CzechBoy777> how many airports ar there lmao
[10:20:16] <CzechBoy777> over 40 right?
[10:21:20] <RathK> I think its around 155 airports
[10:21:23] <KylieJenner> welcome to my house
[10:21:23] <kjkszpj333> in PL?
[10:21:25] <CzechBoy777> ty xd
[10:21:28] <RathK> ye
[10:21:33] <RathK> maybe even 160
[10:21:33] <kjkszpj333> probably
[10:21:49] <KylieJenner> boy
[10:21:49] <CzechBoy777> ye
[10:21:52] <KylieJenner> get in here
[10:21:52] <RathK> robins cleo has 156 but there are like some new ones
[10:22:06] <KylieJenner> not here
[10:22:11] <kjkszpj333> !is robin_be a boss?
[10:22:14] <KylieJenner> get in my house
[10:22:49] <kjkszpj333> do you think gta 5 runs on i3 laptop 8gb ram of ram and 2gb vram dedicated?
[10:22:51] <kjkszpj333> not gtx
[10:22:54] <Cpt.Price> That's my ex house you mofs
[10:22:57] <kjkszpj333> normal video
[10:22:59] <KylieJenner> where are you
[10:22:59] <Cpt.Price> Treat it well or be raped
[10:23:05] <-- Emran disconnected from the server
[10:23:15] <KylieJenner> where are you boy
[10:23:21] <CzechBoy777> in your house
[10:23:21] <Cpt.Price> i3? Uh well
[10:23:23] <CzechBoy777> how to leave lol
[10:23:26] <KylieJenner> what are you doing
[10:23:31] <Cpt.Price> That might be a bit laggy, how much ghz?
[10:23:34] <CzechBoy777> wtf help xd
[10:23:40] <kjkszpj333> 2,6
[10:23:45] <CzechBoy777> I cant go out
[10:23:45] <kjkszpj333> low settings
[10:23:48] <KylieJenner> lol
[10:23:48] <KylieJenner> why
[10:23:50] <CzechBoy777> how to leave house
[10:23:58] <Cpt.Price> Nah on low it will run on like duh
[10:24:01] <KylieJenner> i am inside my house u are not here
[10:24:06] <CzechBoy777> I am lmao
[10:24:09] <Cpt.Price> 30-40 fps
[10:24:12] <Cpt.Price> No worries
[10:24:12] <CzechBoy777> rlg than
[10:24:17] <kjkszpj333> how about older i5?
[10:24:17] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[10:24:17] <KylieJenner> now stay in my house
[10:24:20] <kjkszpj333> like 3rd gen
[10:24:36] <Cpt.Price> I mean my old pc could run 5 on meds
[10:24:41] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[10:24:55] <Cpt.Price> Athlon II 3.0ghz 8GB ram and 1gb GTS450 onboard lol
[10:24:57] <kjkszpj333> my current pc specs
[10:25:03] --> P$G connected to the server
[10:25:03] <CzechBoy777> comming
[10:25:05] <kjkszpj333> athlon 2 3.0 ghz
[10:25:08] <RathK> wb both
[10:25:08] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:25:08] <kjkszpj333> 4gb ddr3
[10:25:11] <Cpt.Price> Aye
[10:25:13] <P$G> tyy
[10:25:16] <kjkszpj333> nvidia gt630 1gb
[10:25:19] <Cpt.Price> Welcome to Athlon II club lmao
[10:25:19] <kjkszpj333> opens gta v
[10:25:27] <kjkszpj333> but it isnt playable
[10:25:30] <Cpt.Price> Lol wat
[10:25:35] <kjkszpj333> 20 fps
[10:25:38] <Cpt.Price> GT630 is a shit I guess lol
[10:25:43] <kjkszpj333> probablu
[10:25:59] <Cpt.Price> Try to get GTS450, old but gold card
[10:26:02] <CzechBoy777> !player Anrzz
[10:26:05] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Anrzz
[10:26:05] <kjkszpj333> is amd 5870 good?
[10:26:08] <CzechBoy777> wtf Idk his name now
[10:26:13] <Cpt.Price> Uh
[10:26:13] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[10:26:16] <Cpt.Price> Idk
[10:26:21] <CzechBoy777> wuts his name
[10:26:24] <P$G> relogging again
[10:26:24] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[10:26:26] <Cpt.Price> Haven't been using much AMD's
[10:26:34] <kjkszpj333> i like amd more
[10:26:37] --> HardStone connected to the server
[10:26:37] <kjkszpj333> at processors
[10:26:37] <kjkszpj333> cheaper
[10:26:48] <Cpt.Price> Extra heating in the winter hehehe
[10:26:53] <kjkszpj333> lol
[10:26:56] <RathK> wb
[10:26:59] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[10:27:01] <CzechBoy777> hi xd
[10:27:04] <RathK> wb
[10:27:07] <HardStone> lmao that name
[10:27:12] <HardStone> gg lulded
[10:27:17] <CzechBoy777> wb
[10:27:28] <CzechBoy777> lol
[10:27:41] <RathK> ok crashyboi
[10:27:44] <Cpt.Price> Well you might sit down for my main gaming PC specs
[10:27:47] <CzechBoy777> I gave her car keys because she wanted but she didnt gave me her car keys lmao
[10:27:49] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[10:27:52] <kjkszpj333> tell me
[10:27:58] <kjkszpj333> i7
[10:27:58] <kjkszpj333> 16 gb ram
[10:28:00] <Cpt.Price> *crack crack*
[10:28:00] <kjkszpj333> gtx 1080ti
[10:28:08] <Cpt.Price> 2x GTX
[10:28:14] <kjkszpj333> ...
[10:28:19] <Cpt.Price> And 32gb ram ;)
[10:28:27] <kjkszpj333> why would you need that
[10:28:27] <KylieJenner> where are you boy
[10:28:32] <kjkszpj333> to open 50 4k youtube
[10:28:35] <kjkszpj333> ?
[10:28:43] <kjkszpj333> or 30 gta sa
[10:28:46] <Cpt.Price> Why the hell not, projected for future recordings
[10:29:02] <kjkszpj333> i use pc very rare
[10:29:05] <kjkszpj333> i am college
[10:29:07] <kjkszpj333> and i dont need
[10:29:26] <Cpt.Price> And F1 simulator kek
[10:29:50] <Cpt.Price> Thinking of upgrading to RTX tho
[10:30:09] <CzechBoy777> I am at your house
[10:30:14] <KylieJenner> wait me there
[10:30:14] <RathK> why do I love to drive on the left side wtf
[10:30:17] <CzechBoy777> ok
[10:30:20] <kjkszpj333> i ve had this pc for 7 years i think
[10:30:22] <kjkszpj333> not even a single problem
[10:30:25] <HardStone> cause you suck lulded
[10:30:28] <kjkszpj333> but now runs shitty
[10:30:31] <kjkszpj333> even lol has lag
[10:30:33] <RathK> not as much as you do
[10:30:33] <kjkszpj333> sometimes
[10:30:41] <Cpt.Price> Heh, you'd laugh at the outside of that gaming one :V
[10:30:49] <kjkszpj333> ye
[10:30:52] <Cpt.Price> Cause 4gb ram is low these days kj
[10:30:55] <RathK> meanwhile im here on my potato PC
[10:30:57] <kjkszpj333> ofc
[10:31:00] <kjkszpj333> my phone has 3
[10:31:05] <Cpt.Price> Cause I've put that in the 2005 case
[10:31:16] <kjkszpj333> told ya i dont need pc
[10:31:24] <kjkszpj333> no time for games
[10:31:32] <Cpt.Price> It's water cooled tho
[10:31:38] --> P$G connected to the server
[10:31:40] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:31:43] <CzechBoy777> iPhone XS 737 MAX
[10:31:43] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[10:31:46] <RathK> wb
[10:31:54] <P$G> ty
[10:31:56] <RathK> jk jk Im to broke to have a flagship phone
[10:32:07] <kjkszpj333> i have a xiamoi redmi note 5
[10:32:07] <Cpt.Price> Can your phones absorb hit to the ribs without being pwned to hell?t
[10:32:10] <Cpt.Price> No?
[10:32:13] <Cpt.Price> Thank you
[10:32:15] <kjkszpj333> no
[10:32:23] <slender_man> !user kalandro
[10:32:29] <Cpt.Price> G2 Mini did lol
[10:32:42] <RathK> honestly tho that phone has more ram than I do on my PC ._.
[10:32:50] <slender_man> wtf was that command
[10:32:55] <RathK> !ping
[10:32:58] (WEB) <robin_be> {d08296}pong! - hi RathK
[10:32:58] <P$G> ^
[10:33:09] <RathK> !player kalandro
[10:33:12] <Cpt.Price> PS. Win 10 isn't good for laptops with 4gb ram installed
[10:33:12] (WEB) <robin_be> player kalandro: 1888 score, last seen 7 Days Ago
[10:33:12] <CzechBoy777> there
[10:33:15] <slender_man> thanks
[10:33:20] <KylieJenner> get in my house
[10:33:23] <kjkszpj333> i have `windows 7
[10:33:26] <kjkszpj333> 64 bit
[10:33:28] <kjkszpj333> best
[10:33:31] <Cpt.Price> 7 the best <3
[10:33:36] <kjkszpj333> yep
[10:33:36] <RathK> wrong mofo
[10:33:42] <CzechBoy777> hi psg xd
[10:33:42] <RathK> jk jk jk
[10:33:47] <kjkszpj333> it is
[10:33:58] <RathK> ye but its easy to hack now
[10:33:58] <Cpt.Price> Gotta find the moment to downgrade from 10 to 7 on my laptop lmao
[10:33:58] <-- slender_man disconnected from the server
[10:34:06] <kjkszpj333> i once had 10
[10:34:11] <kjkszpj333> shit windows
[10:34:19] <RathK> windows 8 sucks more
[10:34:27] <kjkszpj333> yep
[10:34:27] <Cpt.Price> Oh shut up I'm stuck with pre-installed 10 on my lappy
[10:34:41] <KylieJenner> boy can you go out
[10:34:49] <CzechBoy777> how?
[10:34:57] <KylieJenner> are you with psg
[10:35:02] <CzechBoy777> yes I am
[10:35:13] <RathK> boi
[10:35:26] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[10:35:32] <HardStone> shiity ass, you play football?
[10:35:32] <KylieJenner> get out boy
[10:35:43] <CzechBoy777> how?
[10:35:43] <HardStone> bet you're always the subsitute
[10:35:45] <HardStone> xD
[10:35:48] <KylieJenner> idk lolw
[10:35:48] <Cpt.Price> And recently I've seen improved version of my first ever laptop which was ASUS R510L
[10:35:48] <RathK> smfh
[10:36:04] <kjkszpj333> is acer aspire V5 good?
[10:36:04] <CzechBoy777> how to get out from house????
[10:36:07] <kjkszpj333> 2014 year
[10:36:12] <KylieJenner> what are you doing inside
[10:36:15] <Cpt.Price> It's R510L with some more protection on kek
[10:36:17] <CzechBoy777> trying to get out
[10:36:23] <KylieJenner> dont steal my car keys
[10:36:31] <RathK> I dont play football you dumbarse
[10:36:34] <Cpt.Price> It was very weak at first, shitty cooling and shit
[10:36:36] <CzechBoy777> HELLO?
[10:36:39] <KylieJenner> look at my carkeys boy
[10:36:44] <Cpt.Price> Blew my GPU in 2 years lol
[10:36:47] <KylieJenner> it's in my bed room
[10:36:47] <RathK> gamers aren't sportive
[10:36:52] <kjkszpj333> loooooool
[10:36:58] <CzechBoy777> can anybody tell me how to leave house?
[10:37:00] <RathK> enter
[10:37:03] <kjkszpj333> /kil
[10:37:06] <CzechBoy777> it doesnt work
[10:37:11] <RathK> go near ze door
[10:37:14] <KylieJenner> do /respawn
[10:37:27] <CzechBoy777> I am next to the door
[10:37:30] <CzechBoy777> and it doesnt work
[10:37:33] <CzechBoy777> ill respawn
[10:37:35] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[10:37:57] <KylieJenner> what cars do you guys use?
[10:37:59] --> HardStone connected to the server
[10:38:02] <CzechBoy777> bullet
[10:38:05] <KylieJenner> wb hardstone
[10:38:07] <HardStone> ty
[10:38:13] <kjkszpj333> !cash/fix
[10:38:18] <kjkszpj333> lol
[10:38:34] <kjkszpj333> !houses Cpt.Price
[10:38:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Angel Pine: $700,000 1 slots
[10:38:40] <Cpt.Price> Smh
[10:38:40] <kjkszpj333> poor
[10:38:48] <Cpt.Price> Had to sell my 2x5sluts
[10:38:54] <Cpt.Price> But yeah
[10:38:54] <kjkszpj333> why
[10:38:56] <Cpt.Price> !groups Cpt.Price
[10:38:59] (WEB) <robin_be> Cpt.Price is in airline Jetstar Airways and company Lufthansa Cargo
[10:39:04] <Cpt.Price> That cumpany <3
[10:39:04] <HardStone> ma
[10:39:04] <kjkszpj333> buy company?
[10:39:07] <kjkszpj333> cool
[10:39:13] <Cpt.Price> Invest actually
[10:39:42] <Cpt.Price> Anyways I'm off for some Stellaris Star Trek New Horizons now <3
[10:39:42] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[10:40:12] <CzechBoy777> rlg
[10:41:54] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[10:42:02] <HardStone> !assets kjkspzj333
[10:42:05] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player kjkspzj333
[10:42:18] <HardStone> look at your name
[10:42:45] <HardStone> !assets kjkszpj333
[10:42:48] (WEB) <robin_be> kjkszpj333 has 8 car(s) ($2,550,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,100,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $4,650,000
[10:42:48] <kjkszpj333> !assets kjkszpj333
[10:42:51] (WEB) <robin_be> kjkszpj333 has 8 car(s) ($2,550,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,100,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $4,650,000
[10:42:56] <RathK> rich
[10:42:59] <RathK> !assets
[10:43:02] (WEB) <robin_be> RathK has 4 car(s) ($890,000) and 3 house(s) ($47,000,000 - 50 slots) for a total of $47,890,000
[10:43:02] <kjkszpj333> por as fuck
[10:43:13] <kjkszpj333> !cars kjkszpj333
[10:43:13] <RathK> !assets Cygnus
[10:43:16] (WEB) <robin_be> kjkszpj333 has: Sentinel Infernus Sabre NRG-500 Windsor Sultan AT-400 Huntley
[10:43:19] <RathK> !assets Cygnus
[10:43:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Cygnus has 39 car(s) ($33,122,000) and 4 house(s) ($44,750,000 - 41 slots) for a total of $77,872,000
[10:43:24] <kjkszpj333> ....
[10:43:27] <kjkszpj333> rich as fuck
[10:43:33] <kjkszpj333> !assets Ayers
[10:43:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has 39 car(s) ($16,005,000) and 4 house(s) ($44,250,000 - 43 slots) for a total of $60,255,000
[10:43:41] <HardStone> !assets Pixy
[10:43:44] (WEB) <robin_be> Pixy has 28 car(s) ($9,050,000) and 3 house(s) ($37,000,000 - 35 slots) for a total of $46,050,000
[10:43:52] <HardStone> !assets JoyadiJoeStar.
[10:43:55] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoeStar. has 38 car(s) ($15,910,000) and 4 house(s) ($41,800,000 - 37 slots) for a total of $57,710,000
[10:44:01] <kjkszpj333> how did you get that cash ludred
[10:44:01] <kjkszpj333> work?
[10:44:03] <kjkszpj333> or donate
[10:44:11] <HardStone> loans
[10:44:11] <HardStone> xD
[10:44:17] <RathK> both
[10:44:22] <kjkszpj333> i d donate
[10:44:33] <CzechBoy777> exploded..
[10:44:49] <kjkszpj333> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[10:44:54] <HardStone> ...
[10:45:00] <kjkszpj333> fuck this
[10:45:11] <CzechBoy777> ? :D
[10:45:16] <kjkszpj333> crased
[10:45:19] <CzechBoy777> oh
[10:45:21] <CzechBoy777> f
[10:45:35] <kjkszpj333> the hardest worker guy is criterion
[10:46:04] <RathK> richs
[10:46:07] <kjkszpj333> !houses Ludred
[10:46:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Ludred does not own any houses!
[10:46:13] <kjkszpj333> !houses RathK
[10:46:16] (WEB) <robin_be> Rodeo: $15,000,000 15 slots Tierra Robada: $20,000,000 20 slots Market: $12,000,000 15 slots
[10:46:21] <kjkszpj333> sell me market?
[10:46:21] <kjkszpj333> ;D
[10:46:34] <RathK> idk I am thinking about it
[10:46:37] <kjkszpj333> k
[10:46:48] <RathK> I have 2 plans
[10:46:53] <kjkszpj333> ?
[10:46:53] <RathK> either sell my assets
[10:47:01] <RathK> or buy cars and another house
[10:47:12] <kjkszpj333> how much cash u have
[10:47:20] <RathK> a bit
[10:47:28] <kjkszpj333> 30?
[10:47:33] <HardStone> !assets
[10:47:37] (WEB) <robin_be> HardStone has 30 car(s) ($16,910,000) and 4 house(s) ($22,000,000 - 29 slots) for a total of $38,910,000
[10:47:42] <HardStone> 17m worth cars
[10:47:45] <HardStone> If i sell em all
[10:47:45] <CzechBoy777> wtf lol
[10:47:47] <HardStone> How much will i get?
[10:47:47] <kjkszpj333> you dont get that
[10:47:53] <kjkszpj333> 75#
[10:47:55] <kjkszpj333> do mathematics
[10:48:03] <RathK> I can get 500m worth
[10:48:09] <RathK> of cars
[10:48:14] <kjkszpj333> (75*17m)/100
[10:48:28] <kjkszpj333> !cars RathK
[10:48:31] (WEB) <robin_be> RathK has: Cheetah Seasparrow RC Baron NRG-500
[10:48:41] <kjkszpj333> how much is seasparrow?
[10:48:47] <RathK> 2.5m
[10:48:52] <HardStone> i'll get around 15.5m
[10:48:55] <HardStone> 15.5-16m
[10:48:58] <kjkszpj333> at?
[10:49:08] <HardStone> If i sell all my cars
[10:49:14] <RathK> no 12m
[10:49:22] <kjkszpj333> how much is at400
[10:49:32] <kjkszpj333> it used to be 20m
[10:49:35] <HardStone> i sold mine for 3.5m
[10:49:46] <kjkszpj333> when licenses where bugged
[10:49:54] <kjkszpj333> i wont sell mine
[10:50:18] <RathK> how much are RC Barons worth?
[10:50:26] <kjkszpj333> think 15m]
[10:50:34] <kjkszpj333> even more
[10:50:37] <RathK> wow I got a bargain lel
[10:50:42] <RathK> I got dat rc baron for 6m
[10:50:42] <kjkszpj333> how many u have
[10:52:13] <CzechBoy777> NOO
[10:52:21] <CzechBoy777> fell into water
[10:52:24] <RathK> F
[10:52:27] <RathK> ight food time
[10:53:18] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[10:54:28] <-- kjkszpj333 disconnected from the server
[10:56:58] <KylieJenner> !houses dasdes
[10:57:01] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $9,500,000 8 slots
[10:59:05] <KylieJenner> !player upnormaltebet
[10:59:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player upnormaltebet: 10564 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[10:59:29] <KylieJenner> !assets upnormaltebet
[10:59:32] (WEB) <robin_be> upnormaltebet has 10 car(s) ($3,220,000) and 4 house(s) ($34,450,000 - 30 slots) for a total of $37,670,000
[10:59:35] --> P$G connected to the server
[10:59:37] <HardStone> Wb
[10:59:40] <P$G> ty
[11:03:15] --> Criterion connected to the server
[11:03:17] <KylieJenner> oh noa
[11:03:23] <P$G> heq
[11:03:34] <Criterion> hello
[11:03:34] <P$G> come back
[11:03:36] <KylieJenner> sorry haha lemme pick u
[11:03:42] <P$G> no wait xd
[11:04:03] <KylieJenner> wow
[11:04:06] <P$G> lmao
[11:04:08] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[11:04:22] <Criterion> !groups p$g
[11:04:25] (WEB) <robin_be> p$g is in airline Sky Air and company (none)
[11:04:25] <P$G> wb !
[11:05:45] <KylieJenner> heyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[11:05:48] <KylieJenner> -_-
[11:05:59] <CzechBoy777> gz man
[11:06:04] <HardStone> ty
[11:06:07] <P$G> lol
[11:06:10] <KylieJenner> nvm
[11:06:23] <HardStone> oh wait
[11:06:26] <HardStone> dass my huntley
[11:06:31] <KylieJenner> its mine
[11:06:36] <P$G> no its mine
[11:07:19] <KylieJenner> lmao
[11:07:25] <HardStone> im fast as fuck boiii
[11:07:25] <KylieJenner> its like were playing ptp
[11:07:27] <P$G> loooool
[11:07:30] <HardStone> die
[11:07:33] <HardStone> oh u
[11:07:46] <KylieJenner> psg is the president and i am security
[11:07:54] <HardStone> driver*
[11:08:05] <P$G> Please take me away from that hard stone
[11:08:13] <P$G> gtfoo
[11:08:13] <KylieJenner> hes the terrorist
[11:08:16] <KylieJenner> hell kill you
[11:08:21] <P$G> ruuun
[11:08:32] <P$G> wait wut
[11:08:37] <P$G> lemme sit in the back seat
[11:08:51] <P$G> i found a doot ;o
[11:08:53] <P$G> door *
[11:09:01] <KylieJenner> flop
[11:09:07] <KylieJenner> ph mp
[11:09:09] <P$G> i give up ;s
[11:09:09] <KylieJenner> oh no
[11:09:17] <P$G> lol
[11:09:20] <KylieJenner> get in mr president
[11:09:20] <HardStone> dont move or ill be head u right here
[11:09:31] <HardStone> o shit
[11:09:31] <P$G> ;d
[11:09:36] <KylieJenner> we must escape
[11:09:50] <P$G> boi is not helping us ;s
[11:10:19] <KylieJenner> yeg
[11:10:25] <KylieJenner> help us boy
[11:10:38] <KylieJenner> where did the terrorist go
[11:10:43] <CzechBoy777> I am working sorry
[11:10:49] <KylieJenner> lol
[11:10:57] <P$G> we gotta work too though ;d
[11:10:59] <CzechBoy777> !cash
[11:11:03] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777 has $410,895 in hand
[11:11:08] <P$G> well lemme re-install the game reall quick
[11:11:11] <P$G> and be back
[11:11:16] <KylieJenner> well escape from the trrorist too
[11:11:16] <HardStone> aight
[11:11:16] <HardStone> cya
[11:11:16] <CzechBoy777> I had 85 K today lol
[11:11:21] <CzechBoy777> now 410K
[11:11:24] <P$G> cya in abit
[11:11:27] <KylieJenner> bb
[11:11:29] <P$G> bb
[11:11:29] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[11:11:43] <KylieJenner> omg thre is he is
[11:11:54] <CzechBoy777> what lol
[11:12:07] <KylieJenner> help me boy
[11:12:12] <CzechBoy777> I want to work lmao
[11:12:18] <CzechBoy777> who is the terrorist
[11:12:23] <KylieJenner> gardstone
[11:12:26] <CzechBoy777> oh
[11:12:26] <CzechBoy777> gl
[11:13:49] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[11:13:54] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[11:14:05] <HardStone> !player ChrisC19
[11:14:08] <CzechBoy777> nice day
[11:14:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player ChrisC19: 141 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[11:14:14] <CzechBoy777> !player putin
[11:14:17] <KylieJenner> !player julsec
[11:14:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player putin: 0 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[11:14:20] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 4283 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[11:14:55] <CzechBoy777> !rank
[11:14:58] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777(490) rank: Master Flight Sergeant(280) next: First Flight Sergeant(500) (+10)
[11:15:03] --> slender_man connected to the server
[11:15:19] <CzechBoy777> wb slender man
[11:15:24] <CzechBoy777> pls dont kill me lmao
[11:15:30] <slender_man> :/
[11:15:32] <CzechBoy777> oh you are good slender man
[11:15:41] <CzechBoy777> thank god lmao
[11:16:31] <CzechBoy777> hi kylie
[11:16:40] <CzechBoy777> STOP SHOOTING AT ME
[11:16:48] <CzechBoy777> you are ruining my work
[11:16:56] <CzechBoy777> STOP
[11:17:04] <KylieJenner> im maleficnet
[11:17:09] <CzechBoy777> I dont care
[11:17:14] <CzechBoy777> jsut dont shoot at me if I am working
[11:18:00] <CzechBoy777> STOP
[11:18:32] <CzechBoy777> my fucking god
[11:18:40] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[11:18:48] <CzechBoy777> finally!!!!!!!!
[11:18:56] <slender_man> r u guys friends ?
[11:19:04] <CzechBoy777> I hate her!
[11:19:07] <slender_man> and just joking?
[11:19:23] <CzechBoy777> she trolls me from the time I said I am 11
[11:19:29] <CzechBoy777> steals my car!
[11:19:37] <CzechBoy777> now ruining my missions!
[11:19:39] <slender_man> well; you can lock your car
[11:19:50] <CzechBoy777> but she wanted me to give her my car keys
[11:20:01] <CzechBoy777> for 365 she wants
[11:20:06] <slender_man> why giving it when you don't want to
[11:20:09] <CzechBoy777> so I gave her I believed her
[11:20:20] <CzechBoy777> I fucking hate her
[11:20:47] <slender_man> just report her for ab00000sing
[11:20:49] <CzechBoy777> how can I ungive the car keys when she is offline!
[11:21:08] <CzechBoy777> if she would be online than she could get mad
[11:21:21] <CzechBoy777> she wanted me to give her car keys for 365
[11:21:24] <CzechBoy777> days
[11:21:37] <CzechBoy777> and when I asked her than she gave it only for 1 day
[11:21:46] <CzechBoy777> and than she took the keys
[11:21:54] <slender_man> did she give anything back ?
[11:21:56] <CzechBoy777> I will not believe her anymore
[11:22:02] <CzechBoy777> No
[11:22:20] <CzechBoy777> I will park my car at secret place
[11:22:23] <slender_man> just take the keys back when she's online
[11:22:29] <CzechBoy777> Ill do
[11:22:50] <slender_man> and I'm telling all these in case you are not trolling me xd
[11:23:01] <CzechBoy777> I am not
[11:23:09] <CzechBoy777> I am not a guy that trolls everyone
[11:23:36] <slender_man> keep yourself calm and talk to her/him when he's/she's back
[11:23:38] <slender_man> it's ok
[11:24:16] <CzechBoy777> okay
[11:27:16] <CzechBoy777> I dont want to talk with her
[11:27:18] <CzechBoy777> stupid kylie
[11:27:26] <CzechBoy777> wtf?
[11:27:26] <slender_man> then don't
[11:27:35] <CzechBoy777> I saw grass in air lmao
[11:27:35] <CzechBoy777> I wont
[11:33:07] <-- slender_man disconnected from the server
[11:34:30] <CzechBoy777> !Rank
[11:34:34] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777(499) rank: Master Flight Sergeant(280) next: First Flight Sergeant(500) (+1)
[11:34:58] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[11:35:00] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:35:03] <CzechBoy777> !rank
[11:35:06] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777(499) rank: Master Flight Sergeant(280) next: First Flight Sergeant(500) (+1)
[11:35:11] <k8alfa> ty
[11:35:35] <CzechBoy777> wanna escort me on my flight ? I have 499 score now
[11:35:52] <k8alfa> syre
[11:35:57] <k8alfa> sure
[11:36:02] <CzechBoy777> Okay I am at dollet dukedom now
[11:36:24] <k8alfa> what is your destination
[11:36:29] <CzechBoy777> princess juliana
[11:36:53] <k8alfa> i cannot telepor to that place
[11:36:56] <CzechBoy777> oh
[11:37:04] <CzechBoy777> /reclass - pilot
[11:37:17] <k8alfa> still cannot
[11:37:20] <CzechBoy777> /p - choose spawn - select spawn point, respawn
[11:37:31] <CzechBoy777> really?
[11:37:36] <k8alfa> wait let me check
[11:37:42] <CzechBoy777> ok
[11:38:35] <k8alfa> i m at princess julliana now
[11:38:38] <CzechBoy777> ok I am taking off
[11:38:43] <CzechBoy777> you can do pics of my landing
[11:38:54] <CzechBoy777> than you can send me on forums
[11:38:54] <k8alfa> ysure
[11:40:25] <CzechBoy777> it will take some time lol
[11:41:49] <CzechBoy777> landingg
[11:43:20] <CzechBoy777> done!
[11:43:23] <CzechBoy777> rank
[11:43:25] <CzechBoy777> !Rank
[11:43:28] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777(500) rank: First Flight Sergeant(500) next: Senior Flight Officer(800) (+300)
[11:43:34] <CzechBoy777> nice :D
[11:44:09] <CzechBoy777> you can send me on the forums, czechoboyyy lol
[11:44:17] <k8alfa> pm me
[11:44:33] <k8alfa> using the same name i'll send it to you
[11:45:08] <CzechBoy777> okay
[11:46:36] --> Manish connected to the server
[11:46:36] <CzechBoy777> sent
[11:49:31] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[11:49:33] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:49:44] <mohsin_khan> thnx
[11:52:55] <k8alfa> give me you gmail unable to attach files
[11:53:03] <k8alfa> your
[11:53:22] <k8alfa> i'll send you a mail
[11:53:24] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[11:54:29] <CzechBoy777> okay
[11:58:17] <k8alfa> check your email czech boy
[11:58:52] <-- Manish disconnected from the server
[11:58:57] <CzechBoy777> okay
[12:00:15] <CzechBoy777> thank you
[12:00:23] <k8alfa> no problem
[12:00:23] <CzechBoy777> looks nice
[12:01:35] <CzechBoy777> well gtg
[12:01:38] <CzechBoy777> bye
[12:01:41] <k8alfa> bye
[12:01:44] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[12:02:43] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[12:02:45] <k8alfa> wb
[12:02:51] <mohsin_khan> thnx
[12:06:36] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[12:06:55] <k8alfa> wb
[12:07:03] <Wak_Jemah> ty
[12:07:22] --> Panos1231 connected to the server
[12:07:35] <-- Panos1231 disconnected from the server
[12:08:45] <k8alfa> how to open back door of cargobob
[12:09:14] <mohsin_khan> dont know
[12:09:22] <mohsin_khan> try /cmds
[12:10:32] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[12:11:21] --> TheBlackout connected to the server
[12:11:45] <k8alfa> wb
[12:11:47] <TheBlackout> thanks
[12:11:53] <k8alfa> how to open back door of cargobob blackout ?
[12:12:01] <k8alfa> and andromeda
[12:12:09] <TheBlackout> i have no idea
[12:12:14] <TheBlackout> maybe press H
[12:12:38] <k8alfa> nope
[12:13:19] <TheBlackout> i don't know, sorry
[12:14:18] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: you can't open the cargobob's ramp
[12:14:42] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: for the androm, it's the same keys as using hydraulics or forklift truck
[12:16:35] <k8alfa> which ??
[12:16:37] <k8alfa> are >>?
[12:17:01] <TheBlackout> the number keyboard it should be on the right side of keyboard
[12:17:07] <TheBlackout> 8 and 2
[12:17:12] <k8alfa> thanks
[12:26:06] --> shavlianuca connected to the server
[12:26:20] <shavlianuca> hello
[12:26:25] <k8alfa> hello
[12:27:16] <shavlianuca> What does AOTD mean?
[12:27:40] <TheBlackout> airline of the day
[12:27:48] <shavlianuca> what does COTD mean?
[12:28:02] <TheBlackout> company of the day
[12:28:07] <shavlianuca> Oh
[12:28:47] <TheBlackout> you can join an airline or a company
[12:28:55] <TheBlackout> /airlines
[12:28:58] <TheBlackout> /companies
[12:29:06] <shavlianuca> Oh
[12:29:28] <TheBlackout> you earn more money when working with airline/company fleet
[12:29:57] <k8alfa> !player hardstone
[12:30:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player hardstone: 5221 score, last seen 2 Hours Ago
[12:30:16] <k8alfa> !player Ludred
[12:30:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player Ludred: 0 score, last seen 2 Hours Ago
[12:30:33] <k8alfa> score zero ?
[12:30:49] <TheBlackout> i think he changed his username
[12:31:13] <shavlianuca> AAAAH
[12:31:24] <shavlianuca> SHIT
[12:31:27] <shavlianuca> HELL
[12:31:40] <shavlianuca> ARRRRG
[12:31:45] <k8alfa> !player CaoMishma
[12:31:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player CaoMishma: 16545 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[12:32:05] <k8alfa> !player Rathk
[12:32:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player Rathk: 7072 score, last seen 2 Hours Ago
[12:32:45] <shavlianuca> The islands should be removed
[12:32:51] <shavlianuca> Their rendering time is so awful
[12:32:51] <TheBlackout> why
[12:32:59] <shavlianuca> I can't land in time because of them
[12:33:04] <TheBlackout> you get used to it
[12:33:09] <shavlianuca> No I can't get used to it
[12:33:15] <shavlianuca> The damn Islands aren't rendered in time
[12:33:18] <k8alfa> use the runway helper from the forums
[12:33:23] <shavlianuca> and sometimes i hit a invisible thing thats not loaded yet
[12:33:28] <shavlianuca> I use the runway helper but it doesnt help me enough
[12:33:52] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[12:33:55] <shavlianuca> It would be better if it made them render in time or highlighted the runways
[12:34:06] <TheBlackout> agreed
[12:34:22] <shavlianuca> How can i create my own airline btw
[12:34:25] <TheBlackout> some island load faster you will see
[12:34:27] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[12:34:46] <shavlianuca> They dont load faster
[12:34:46] --> iSam. connected to the server
[12:34:46] <TheBlackout> you can only buy one when it's for sale, i doubt there will be any in near future
[12:34:51] <k8alfa> wb
[12:35:02] <shavlianuca> You can't create your own airline?
[12:35:05] <TheBlackout> nope
[12:35:10] <shavlianuca> Oh
[12:35:16] <shavlianuca> would be cool if you couild
[12:35:16] <shavlianuca> could
[12:35:18] <shavlianuca> like
[12:35:21] <shavlianuca> AirAndreas or something
[12:35:21] --> Gajeel connected to the server
[12:35:29] <k8alfa> wb
[12:35:32] <Gajeel> ty
[12:35:34] <shavlianuca> what does wb mean?
[12:35:37] <iSam.> ey neb
[12:35:40] <TheBlackout> imagine everyone having their own airline lmao
[12:35:42] <shavlianuca> yep lmao
[12:35:45] <shavlianuca> would be cool ngl
[12:35:53] <iSam.> cool?
[12:35:53] <Gajeel> yo Gai
[12:35:59] <iSam.> that's worset idea
[12:35:59] <iSam.> ever
[12:36:12] <shavlianuca> why
[12:36:17] <shavlianuca> oh yeah
[12:36:17] <shavlianuca> the airlines
[12:36:20] <shavlianuca> wont benefit
[12:36:34] --> Criterion connected to the server
[12:36:37] <iSam.> wb
[12:36:39] <shavlianuca> but it would be nice if they could create their own airline
[12:36:39] <iSam.> !cash
[12:36:39] <Gajeel> wb
[12:36:42] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has $249,128 in hand
[12:36:48] <shavlianuca> !cash
[12:36:51] (WEB) <robin_be> shavlianuca has $135,748 in hand
[12:37:07] <shavlianuca> wrong
[12:37:12] <shavlianuca> i have 135,648 in hand
[12:37:45] <Criterion> ty
[12:38:25] <shavlianuca> is there any way to fix the islands not being rendered in time?
[12:38:30] <k8alfa> does normal sparrow has gun attached to it ?
[12:38:30] <TheBlackout> nope
[12:38:36] <shavlianuca> :(
[12:38:36] <iSam.> no
[12:38:38] <shavlianuca> then its unplayable
[12:38:52] <iSam.> your internet is slow?
[12:38:54] <k8alfa> get better internet connection
[12:38:54] <shavlianuca> no
[12:38:57] <shavlianuca> its not slow
[12:39:05] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: it's a server problem
[12:39:05] <iSam.> either its your internet or com
[12:39:16] <iSam.> oh well ^
[12:39:21] <k8alfa> if this is not internet issue then it's the hardware issue
[12:39:37] <shavlianuca> I just realised
[12:39:37] <iSam.> btw everything is loading fine for me
[12:39:43] <shavlianuca> If you say "Juank Air" it sounds like "Junk Air"
[12:39:45] <shavlianuca> lmao
[12:39:51] <iSam.> no?
[12:39:54] <shavlianuca> the satire of this game is hilarious
[12:39:56] <shavlianuca> ?
[12:39:59] <iSam.> its still Juank
[12:39:59] <iSam.> lol
[12:40:13] <iSam.> where are you from?
[12:40:16] <k8alfa> yeah
[12:40:18] <shavlianuca> me?
[12:40:21] <iSam.> ye
[12:40:24] <Gajeel> me?
[12:40:24] <shavlianuca> Georgia
[12:40:35] <iSam.> oh well maybe difference accent
[12:40:40] --> adalarva connected to the server
[12:40:59] <k8alfa> wb
[12:41:12] <shavlianuca> what the hell
[12:41:12] <adalarva> thanks:d
[12:41:15] <shavlianuca> Glenfiddigogogoch island
[12:41:20] --> Dr.Chutiya connected to the server
[12:41:34] <Gajeel> some stupid island names
[12:41:39] <iSam.> its taken from irl
[12:41:52] <k8alfa> does normal sparrow has gun attached to it ?
[12:41:55] <Gajeel> Gangnam islan
[12:41:55] <Dr.Chutiya> no
[12:41:58] <iSam.> no
[12:42:00] <Dr.Chutiya> a seasparrow does
[12:42:03] <Gajeel> Erection island
[12:42:33] <shavlianuca> Is it?
[12:42:43] <Gajeel> wtf is tht
[12:42:46] <Dr.Chutiya> who knows
[12:42:49] <shavlianuca> village in wales
[12:42:54] <-- TheBlackout disconnected from the server
[12:42:54] <Gajeel> nwm
[12:43:00] <shavlianuca> Glenfiddigogogoch and Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch sound similar
[12:43:02] <shavlianuca> especially at the endings
[12:43:37] <Gajeel> shav
[12:43:40] <shavlianuca> ?
[12:43:45] <Gajeel> r u passivE?
[12:43:45] <Criterion> !missions gage trucking
[12:43:48] (WEB) <robin_be> gage: 301 trucking
[12:43:51] <shavlianuca> what do you mean by passive
[12:43:59] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[12:44:04] <Gajeel> or active
[12:44:15] <shavlianuca> ???
[12:44:29] <Gajeel> ur taking from back or front
[12:44:31] <shavlianuca> Dr.Chutiya the name means St Mary and the village's several sightseeings
[12:44:34] <iSam.> Trindad aka Longe Island
[12:44:37] <shavlianuca> back
[12:44:42] <Gajeel> good
[12:44:55] <Gajeel> then bendover
[12:45:01] <iSam.> lol
[12:45:06] <Dr.Chutiya> oh cool
[12:45:25] <iSam.> nep
[12:45:33] <shavlianuca> me looking for Short Island, Pre-Malone, Covid-20 and Ralph Pendelbury's skin be like
[12:45:52] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[12:45:52] <Gajeel> shav
[12:45:54] <shavlianuca> ?
[12:46:03] <Gajeel> ur gender similar or mixed
[12:46:05] <shavlianuca> ?
[12:46:19] <Gajeel> whichone
[12:46:54] <shavlianuca> my fucking plane just fell and died
[12:47:04] <Gajeel> i asked something answer
[12:47:07] <Dr.Chutiya> !Player Crystal
[12:47:07] <iSam.> your plane died?
[12:47:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player Crystal: 7682 score, last seen 12 Hours Ago
[12:47:10] <shavlianuca> i don't get what you mean
[12:47:15] <shavlianuca> by similar or mixed
[12:47:34] <Gajeel> r u tranny or shemale
[12:47:40] <shavlianuca> bruh
[12:47:45] <Dr.Chutiya> lmao
[12:48:06] <shavlianuca> what the fuck
[12:48:09] <shavlianuca> none
[12:48:23] <iSam.> maybe hes gay
[12:48:28] <shavlianuca> no i'm not a gay either
[12:48:52] <Gajeel> bisexual
[12:48:57] <shavlianuca> not a bisexual either
[12:49:00] <shavlianuca> heterosexual
[12:49:00] <shavlianuca> aka straight
[12:49:06] <Gajeel> Vegan?
[12:49:06] <Dr.Chutiya> damnn
[12:49:16] <shavlianuca> trolls
[12:49:24] <Gajeel> vegetrian?
[12:49:27] <iSam.> he is also flateather beliver
[12:49:27] <-- shavlianuca disconnected from the server
[12:49:30] <iSam.> lol
[12:49:32] <Gajeel> hhaha
[12:49:38] <Gajeel> problem solved :D
[12:49:40] <Dr.Chutiya> lololol
[12:51:20] <Gajeel> id 0 enjoy
[12:51:28] <iSam.> wot
[12:51:39] <Gajeel> if you shoot me ill rape you
[12:51:57] <k8alfa> im just breaking glass
[12:52:08] <iSam.> dont rape anyone
[12:52:11] <iSam.> u gei
[12:52:22] <Gajeel> but rape is best
[12:52:24] <iSam.> nu
[12:52:24] <Gajeel> torching
[12:52:24] <iSam.> is not
[12:52:27] <Gajeel> yeee
[12:52:27] <Gajeel> slaappp
[12:52:32] <iSam.> torching?
[12:52:32] <iSam.> lol
[12:52:35] <Gajeel> squieze
[12:52:46] <Gajeel> bondage
[12:52:54] <iSam.> incest
[12:52:59] <Gajeel> wtf
[12:53:02] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[12:53:02] <Gajeel> ewww
[12:53:07] <iSam.> i like incest
[12:53:07] <iSam.> yes
[12:53:26] <Gajeel> maaan
[12:53:29] <Gajeel> ur disgusting
[12:53:34] <iSam.> wot
[12:53:34] <iSam.> no
[12:53:37] <iSam.> you are
[12:53:42] <Gajeel> mine is fantasy
[12:53:48] <Gajeel> yours sick
[12:53:53] <iSam.> why is it ?
[12:53:58] <iSam.> dont lie
[12:53:58] <iSam.> you like it too
[12:54:12] <Gajeel> noooo
[12:54:12] <Gajeel> dameee
[12:54:17] <Gajeel> wait
[12:54:23] <iSam.> shiet
[12:54:23] <Gajeel> i imagined
[12:54:31] <Gajeel> thats naaayss
[12:54:39] <iSam.> banging ur step siso
[12:54:41] <iSam.> is cute
[12:54:55] <Dr.Chutiya> !assets isam
[12:54:55] <Gajeel> oh step
[12:54:58] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player isam
[12:54:58] <Dr.Chutiya> !assets isam.
[12:54:58] <Gajeel> good
[12:55:01] (WEB) <robin_be> isam. has 24 car(s) ($11,030,000) and 3 house(s) ($32,500,000 - 27 slots) for a total of $43,530,000
[12:55:01] <iSam.> ye
[12:55:06] <Dr.Chutiya> !cars isam.
[12:55:09] (WEB) <robin_be> isam. has: Infernus Infernus Cheetah Cheetah Enforcer Seasparrow Camper FBI Rancher FBI Rancher Super GT FCR(..)
[12:55:25] <Gajeel> rich asss
[12:55:39] <Dr.Chutiya> !assets cygnus
[12:55:42] (WEB) <robin_be> cygnus has 39 car(s) ($33,122,000) and 4 house(s) ($44,750,000 - 41 slots) for a total of $77,872,000
[12:55:42] <Dr.Chutiya> what about cyg?
[12:56:12] <iSam.> I can get more cash then cyg
[12:56:14] <iSam.> lol
[12:56:22] <Dr.Chutiya> how lolol?
[12:56:25] <iSam.> idk
[12:56:28] <Dr.Chutiya> !assets Gajeel
[12:56:31] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel has 12 car(s) ($5,015,000) and 2 house(s) ($9,000,000 - 11 slots) for a total of $14,015,000
[12:56:31] <Dr.Chutiya> airline right?
[12:56:39] <iSam.> gajeel is my inspiration
[12:56:42] <iSam.> he is rich asf
[12:56:42] <Dr.Chutiya> Cygnus share's IA too
[12:56:44] <Gajeel> me
[12:56:47] <Gajeel> gtfo
[12:56:50] <Dr.Chutiya> !cars Gajeel
[12:56:53] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel has: Infernus Hotknife Police Maverick Boxville Hotring Racer Feltzer Remington Elegy Dune Huntley Do(..)
[12:57:01] <iSam.> he is hiding his wealth in bank
[12:57:03] <iSam.> dont trust him
[12:57:03] <Dr.Chutiya> yeah he is
[12:57:06] <Dr.Chutiya> !assets
[12:57:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Dr.Chutiya has 20 car(s) ($8,190,000) and 3 house(s) ($17,800,000 - 23 slots) for a total of $25,990,000
[12:57:12] <Gajeel> nope
[12:57:28] <Dr.Chutiya> SEX
[12:57:52] <Gajeel> look that bitch
[12:57:58] <Gajeel> he is the richone
[12:58:06] <Dr.Chutiya> who
[12:58:08] <iSam.> who? you?
[12:58:08] <iSam.> yes
[12:58:08] <Gajeel> u
[12:58:11] <Gajeel> naa
[12:58:16] <Gajeel> my ass stinks
[12:58:35] <Dr.Chutiya> Sex
[12:58:54] <Gajeel> i cant man
[12:58:57] <Dr.Chutiya> I want a custom house so bad
[12:59:02] <Gajeel> im old daddy
[12:59:05] <iSam.> you got cash?
[12:59:07] <Dr.Chutiya> I do
[12:59:15] <Dr.Chutiya> we gotta pay using irl cash
[12:59:15] <iSam.> hmm wait then
[12:59:21] <Gajeel> elvis left tower
[12:59:26] <iSam.> if you ask crystal he will only delay it
[12:59:31] <Dr.Chutiya> yeah lols
[12:59:42] <iSam.> i got cash ready too
[12:59:48] <iSam.> i might guy one or two
[12:59:50] <iSam.> buy*
[12:59:53] <Dr.Chutiya> oh
[13:00:17] <iSam.> depending on how much he is selling it for
[13:00:17] <iSam.> lel
[13:00:20] <Dr.Chutiya> idk he just prolly want's to make it fair for everyone
[13:00:25] <Criterion> !assets
[13:00:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Criterion has 13 car(s) ($6,500,000) and 4 house(s) ($20,700,000 - 22 slots) for a total of $27,200,000
[13:00:39] <Dr.Chutiya> I already had a deal with aaron but he sold the server ffs
[13:00:42] <iSam.> criteri
[13:00:52] <iSam.> interest kitna mil rha h?
[13:01:38] <iSam.> !rinterest 100000
[13:01:41] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $100,000 of interest you need about $150,000,000
[13:01:44] <Dr.Chutiya> lies
[13:01:49] <iSam.> 150m?
[13:01:52] <Dr.Chutiya> he doesn't have 150m
[13:01:52] <iSam.> good
[13:02:02] <Dr.Chutiya> !cash Gajeel
[13:02:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel has $193,861 in hand
[13:02:35] <Gajeel> ty
[13:02:38] <Dr.Chutiya> np
[13:02:38] <iSam.> u won?
[13:02:40] <Gajeel> ofc
[13:02:43] <iSam.> how much
[13:02:46] <Dr.Chutiya> 100k
[13:02:49] <iSam.> gimme
[13:02:51] <iSam.> dat
[13:02:51] <Gajeel> haxed dice
[13:02:51] <iSam.> cash
[13:02:54] <iSam.> ok dont
[13:02:59] <Gajeel> with magnets
[13:03:05] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[13:03:05] <iSam.> me is sed
[13:03:29] <Gajeel> i had 1 chance in my life
[13:03:34] <iSam.> of sex?
[13:03:34] <Gajeel> and i used that for chutiya dice
[13:03:37] <iSam.> but u failed
[13:03:40] <iSam.> right?
[13:03:42] <Criterion> !groups stan
[13:03:45] (WEB) <robin_be> stan is in airline Lufthansa and company Lufthansa Cargo
[13:03:45] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[13:03:59] <iSam.> oh they changed company name again
[13:03:59] <Gajeel> btw
[13:03:59] <iSam.> from DHL
[13:04:01] <iSam.> lol
[13:04:07] <Gajeel> im pro fucker
[13:04:20] <Gajeel> never failed
[13:04:26] <Criterion> and stan became lufthansa group
[13:04:28] <Dr.Chutiya> in premature ejaculations?
[13:04:50] <Dr.Chutiya> stan's behind always hte lufthansa group lol
[13:04:50] <Dr.Chutiya> lotto 1
[13:04:58] <Gajeel> i have 15 years backup from Pornhub and Youjizz
[13:05:14] <Dr.Chutiya> where do you keep it lol/
[13:05:22] <iSam.> perv
[13:05:27] <Gajeel> in my mind
[13:05:30] <Gajeel> :D
[13:05:33] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[13:05:49] <iSam.> porvert
[13:06:00] <Gajeel> <- pro rimjobber
[13:06:00] <Criterion> !groups m.thik
[13:06:03] (WEB) <robin_be> m.thik is in airline (none) and company (none)
[13:06:11] <iSam.> he is in lufthansa
[13:06:13] <iSam.> lol
[13:06:16] <Dr.Chutiya> Adalarva is the most hardworking guy in PL rn <3
[13:06:27] <Dr.Chutiya> gz
[13:06:30] <iSam.> ty
[13:06:32] <Criterion> !groups M.Thik
[13:06:35] (WEB) <robin_be> M.Thik is in airline (none) and company (none)
[13:06:46] <Dr.Chutiya> m.Thik is shit tbh
[13:06:49] <Dr.Chutiya> I hate him
[13:06:51] <Dr.Chutiya> hahaha
[13:07:05] <iSam.> lol why u hate him?
[13:07:16] <Dr.Chutiya> because I just won lotto
[13:07:18] <Dr.Chutiya> nvm, he reported me alot
[13:07:21] <iSam.> lol
[13:07:34] <iSam.> why he reported you?
[13:07:40] <Dr.Chutiya> because I hacked?
[13:07:48] <iSam.> then you deserved it
[13:07:51] <Gajeel> he is right
[13:07:51] <iSam.> lol
[13:07:51] <Dr.Chutiya> becuse I fucked his summers lol?
[13:07:56] <Gajeel> ?
[13:07:59] <Gajeel> how is it
[13:08:04] <Dr.Chutiya> nvm
[13:08:12] <iSam.> gajeel
[13:08:12] <iSam.> ey yo
[13:08:15] <Gajeel> dont act like a bitch
[13:08:15] <Gajeel> tell
[13:08:25] <Dr.Chutiya> he wanted to play pl
[13:08:31] <Dr.Chutiya> and due to m
[13:08:31] <Gajeel> yee
[13:08:31] <Dr.Chutiya> me
[13:08:39] <Dr.Chutiya> Aaron locked the server or idk whatevert
[13:08:44] <Gajeel> classic
[13:08:47] <Dr.Chutiya> that's why he was in rage lmao
[13:08:55] <Gajeel> wtf
[13:09:30] <Dr.Chutiya> no offence but, isam remeber pedilight owning lightish airways?
[13:09:30] <iSam.> gajeel
[13:09:38] <Gajeel> ye
[13:09:41] <iSam.> i bought 3 rem
[13:09:49] <Gajeel> why
[13:09:49] <iSam.> i got more remi then you
[13:09:59] <Gajeel> well
[13:09:59] <iSam.> meh i liked it
[13:09:59] <iSam.> lol
[13:10:02] <Gajeel> first
[13:10:10] <iSam.> i upgraded one
[13:10:10] <Gajeel> youre rich bitch you can buy
[13:10:15] <Gajeel> second
[13:10:15] <iSam.> lol
[13:10:18] <Gajeel> i dont fuckin care
[13:10:21] <Gajeel> :D
[13:10:29] <iSam.> u make me sed now
[13:10:32] <Criterion> Upgrading remington gets banned by ricardo for VHH...
[13:10:42] <iSam.> why u didnt tell me that earlier?
[13:10:45] <iSam.> ffs?
[13:10:56] <Dr.Chutiya> RICARDO IS DUMB
[13:10:56] <iSam.> is it real?
[13:11:01] <iSam.> will i get banned lol?
[13:11:01] <Gajeel> upgrading u mean?
[13:11:09] <Dr.Chutiya> Ricardo is the shittiest anti cheat
[13:11:14] <Criterion> ^
[13:11:44] <iSam.> i hope i dont
[13:11:55] <Gajeel> i dont understand
[13:11:55] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[13:12:00] <iSam.> same gajeel
[13:12:08] <adalarva> wb
[13:12:14] <Gajeel> wb
[13:12:32] <mohsin_khan> thnx
[13:13:05] <Gajeel> today target 3Mil
[13:13:23] <Criterion> Did you change remington's paint job?
[13:13:26] <Gajeel> yes
[13:13:31] <Gajeel> and it shows
[13:14:01] <Criterion> Wheel Arch angels is the one which is bugged.
[13:14:22] <Gajeel> i made it in Loco Low Co
[13:18:08] <iSam.> !assets
[13:18:11] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has 26 car(s) ($11,450,000) and 3 house(s) ($32,500,000 - 27 slots) for a total of $43,950,000
[13:18:11] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[13:18:16] <Criterion> wb
[13:18:24] <iSam.> ey crit
[13:18:32] <iSam.> gajeel
[13:18:35] <Gajeel> ye
[13:18:46] <iSam.> what are you doing?
[13:20:15] <Criterion> working?
[13:20:25] <iSam.> meet me at Muhulland
[13:20:36] <iSam.> later
[13:20:47] <Gajeel> im working too
[13:30:59] <iSam.> park
[13:33:21] <-- iSam. disconnected from the server
[13:42:26] --> kjkszpj333 connected to the server
[13:42:32] <adalarva> wb
[13:42:34] <kjkszpj333> ty
[13:43:17] <adalarva> wb
[13:46:41] <kjkszpj333> !houses adalarva
[13:46:44] (WEB) <robin_be> adalarva does not own any houses!
[13:46:50] <adalarva> xd
[13:46:52] <kjkszpj333> poor
[13:47:11] <adalarva> no have nothing
[13:47:19] <kjkszpj333> only cash
[13:48:02] <adalarva> no have nothing
[13:48:08] <adalarva> tno
[13:48:26] <kjkszpj333> lol
[13:49:01] <kjkszpj333> riP
[13:55:33] <Dr.Chutiya> hi sexy people
[13:55:39] <kjkszpj333> hi
[13:55:44] <Dr.Chutiya> whats up
[13:58:28] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[14:00:39] <-- Dr.Chutiya disconnected from the server
[14:02:43] <Criterion> !player yaphets
[14:02:46] (WEB) <robin_be> player yaphets: 1253 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[14:04:01] <-- kjkszpj333 disconnected from the server
[14:26:01] --> DelToroxd connected to the server
[14:26:10] <adalarva> wbs
[14:26:15] <DelToroxd> ty
[14:31:29] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[14:31:35] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[14:38:04] <-- DelToroxd disconnected from the server
[14:44:07] --> Capt_Inung connected to the server
[14:44:12] <adalarva> wb
[14:44:36] <Capt_Inung> lol unitedstates
[14:47:25] --> Criterion connected to the server
[14:47:33] <adalarva> wb
[14:47:39] <Gajeel> wb
[15:00:40] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[15:00:42] <adalarva> wb
[15:00:48] <CzechBoy777> ty
[15:00:51] <CzechBoy777> I am here to repark my car
[15:01:04] <CzechBoy777> cuz outside is beautiful so yeah
[15:01:12] <Gajeel> wtf
[15:01:12] <adalarva> wb
[15:01:15] <CzechBoy777> do you guys know any secret places?
[15:01:17] <Gajeel> stayhome
[15:01:17] <adalarva> sorry, no
[15:01:25] --> ItsUberrr connected to the server
[15:01:25] <CzechBoy777> yeah outside my house
[15:01:31] <CzechBoy777> on garden
[15:01:31] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:01:36] --> Willz. connected to the server
[15:01:47] <adalarva> wb
[15:01:47] <adalarva> wv
[15:01:50] <adalarva> wb
[15:01:52] <CzechBoy777> so you dont know any good secret places
[15:01:58] <Willz.> thanks
[15:01:58] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:01:58] <ItsUberrr> hello
[15:02:03] <Willz.> !cash
[15:02:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Willz. has $-1,025 in hand
[15:02:09] <Willz.> o shit
[15:03:40] <CzechBoy777> !player KylieJenner
[15:03:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player KylieJenner: 4064 score, last seen 5 Hours Ago
[15:03:52] <CzechBoy777> glad she isnt here..
[15:05:29] <CzechBoy777> how to lock car
[15:05:45] <Criterion> Your car is already locked
[15:05:45] <CzechBoy777> oh
[15:05:58] <Criterion> Only people can enter your car
[15:06:03] <CzechBoy777> and can I take car keys from people that are not online
[15:06:14] <Criterion> yeah
[15:06:17] <adalarva> byeaw
[15:06:17] <CzechBoy777> how?
[15:06:19] <adalarva> bye
[15:06:25] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[15:06:33] <Criterion> /givecarkeys
[15:06:41] <CzechBoy777> I said take
[15:06:52] <CzechBoy777> take car keys from people if they are offline
[15:07:00] <CzechBoy777> does that work?
[15:07:02] <Criterion> /takecarkeys?
[15:07:24] <CzechBoy777> yeah but if it works if people isnt connected
[15:07:24] <-- ItsUberrr disconnected from the server
[15:09:41] <CzechBoy777> Nice
[15:09:49] <CzechBoy777> hope she will not find it
[15:10:26] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[15:11:07] <CzechBoy777> I hope I will not forget it xd
[15:11:15] <CzechBoy777> well, Ill go outside now
[15:11:15] <CzechBoy777> bye
[15:11:17] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[15:12:41] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[15:16:29] --> Ri$hie connected to the server
[15:16:37] <Criterion> wb
[15:16:42] <Ri$hie> Thanks
[15:18:38] --> Shazi connected to the server
[15:21:21] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[15:21:27] <Shazi> wb
[15:21:29] <Criterion> wb
[15:21:35] <Ri$hie> Wb
[15:21:43] <allen_lombard> tty
[15:23:30] <Ri$hie> Hey Criteria
[15:23:52] <Criterion> There's no criteria here.
[15:24:19] <Ri$hie> Yeah.... Criterion*
[15:24:32] <Ri$hie> Which would be an idle airlines ??
[15:24:43] <Capt_Inung> guanacani airport not suitable for shamal take offs
[15:26:44] <-- Ri$hie disconnected from the server
[15:35:54] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[15:51:15] <Capt_Inung> wx like sh**
[15:54:47] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[16:00:57] <-- Capt_Inung disconnected from the server
[16:07:10] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[16:07:16] <Criterion> Wb
[16:07:24] <Shazi> wb
[16:07:29] <KylieJenner> thanks
[16:09:00] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[16:10:58] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[16:11:01] <Shazi> wb
[16:11:15] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[16:11:25] <KylieJenner> thanks
[16:12:06] <KylieJenner> !player julsec
[16:12:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 4283 score, last seen 19 Hours Ago
[16:12:17] <KylieJenner> !player hardstone
[16:12:20] (WEB) <robin_be> player hardstone: 5221 score, last seen 6 Hours Ago
[16:12:20] --> Dr.Chutiya connected to the server
[16:12:33] <Shazi> wb
[16:12:33] <Dr.Chutiya> hi chicks
[16:12:41] <Dr.Chutiya> thanks <3
[16:12:44] <KylieJenner> wb
[16:13:30] --> iSam. connected to the server
[16:14:21] <iSam.> ey shezei
[16:14:40] --> Ri$hie connected to the server
[16:14:42] <Shazi> eya
[16:14:45] <KylieJenner> wb
[16:14:53] <Ri$hie> Thx
[16:14:56] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[16:14:56] <iSam.> why is everyone using faketaxi in their title
[16:14:58] <iSam.> lol
[16:15:12] <Criterion> No clue, shazi knows.
[16:15:36] <Criterion> They bought some owned taxis in LV.
[16:15:49] <KylieJenner> who won the lottery
[16:16:03] <Criterion> Twi?
[16:16:03] <iSam.> lol
[16:16:05] <iSam.> a taxi is for 400k
[16:16:08] <KylieJenner> !Player czechboy777
[16:16:08] <iSam.> wtf
[16:16:11] (WEB) <robin_be> player czechboy777: 500 score, last seen 1 Hours Ago
[16:20:37] <iSam.> crit bro
[16:20:42] <iSam.> or bta karachi mei aman h
[16:21:01] <Criterion> samman?
[16:21:20] <Criterion> Haan, papa nei raashan ka samman lya few days mei.
[16:21:36] <iSam.> acha
[16:21:41] <iSam.> yaha bacho ne jeena haram kar rakh h
[16:22:11] <iSam.> relog
[16:22:11] <-- iSam. disconnected from the server
[16:22:14] <Criterion> k
[16:23:26] --> iSam. connected to the server
[16:23:29] <KylieJenner> wb
[16:23:31] <Criterion> wb
[16:23:42] <-- iSam. disconnected from the server
[16:23:48] <Criterion> Oof
[16:25:48] --> [President]Putin connected to the server
[16:25:54] <KylieJenner> wb
[16:25:59] <[President]Putin> ty
[16:26:15] <Ri$hie> Putin o.O
[16:27:12] --> X_Ray connected to the server
[16:27:17] <KylieJenner> wb
[16:27:22] <X_Ray> ty
[16:28:43] --> HardStone connected to the server
[16:28:48] <X_Ray> wb
[16:28:51] <-- Ri$hie disconnected from the server
[16:28:54] <HardStone> ty
[16:29:02] <KylieJenner> wb hardstone
[16:29:07] <HardStone> ty
[16:30:09] --> PilotGabriel connected to the server
[16:30:41] <-- PilotGabriel disconnected from the server
[16:31:08] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[16:31:13] --> PilotGabriel connected to the server
[16:31:13] <[President]Putin> 20 k for a haul... not too bad actualy
[16:31:32] <KylieJenner> gz
[16:31:32] <Criterion> !missions trucking
[16:31:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Criterion: 3000 trucking
[16:31:40] <HardStone> ty
[16:32:05] --> Eunomia. connected to the server
[16:32:15] <KylieJenner> wb
[16:32:21] <Eunomia.> Thanks brother
[16:32:26] <HardStone> brother
[16:32:26] <HardStone> oooooof
[16:34:32] <KylieJenner> F
[16:34:35] <Criterion> press f
[16:37:53] <Eunomia.> Shit.
[16:39:46] <Criterion> fix
[16:39:49] <HardStone> ok
[16:40:37] <Hanzel_Nunez> orbit city not seen
[16:40:51] <Eunomia.> xd
[16:42:03] --> Sean_Reynolds connected to the server
[16:42:11] <HardStone> welcome to the server!
[16:42:51] <Sean_Reynolds> good evening
[16:42:57] <[President]Putin> hello
[16:43:07] <Eunomia.> ID 10 seems like a ban evader to me.
[16:43:18] <Eunomia.> xd
[16:43:26] <Eunomia.> Chekc their AKA/IP please.
[16:43:29] <Eunomia.> !player Hayz
[16:43:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player Hayz: 0 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[16:43:35] <Eunomia.> !player Haydz
[16:43:38] (WEB) <robin_be> player Haydz: 2025 score, last seen 15 Months Ago
[16:43:41] <Hanzel_Nunez> my odo its 968km how i get service
[16:43:46] <HardStone> goto VMA, Hanzel
[16:43:46] <Criterion> Service at VMA
[16:43:49] <Eunomia.> Go to desert airport
[16:43:54] <Eunomia.> VMA*
[16:44:05] <Hanzel_Nunez> where is vma?
[16:44:10] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: oh hi mr admin Eunomia yes tell me what to do
[16:44:10] <HardStone> Verdant Meadows Airport
[16:44:24] <HardStone> robin savage xDD
[16:44:32] <-- Dr.Chutiya disconnected from the server
[16:44:48] <-- PilotGabriel disconnected from the server
[16:45:12] <Sean_Reynolds> i had been playing in this server 2 years ago
[16:45:20] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[16:45:20] <Eunomia.> Robin_be check this person's AKA
[16:45:31] --> JulseC connected to the server
[16:45:31] <Eunomia.> Seems like a ban evader
[16:45:41] <Eunomia.> Claims that playing server for 2 years
[16:45:44] <Eunomia.> and has 0 sense
[16:45:47] <Eunomia.> score*
[16:45:47] <Sean_Reynolds> why does you consider that im so
[16:45:49] <Eunomia.> Something looks fishy
[16:45:55] <marshmellow> when the new owner came
[16:45:58] <[President]Putin> wtf man leave the guy alone :))
[16:45:58] <marshmellow> he unbanned everyone
[16:46:00] <Eunomia.> xd
[16:46:03] <Criterion> rip crashed in jet
[16:46:43] <Eunomia.> Yeye
[16:48:04] <Eunomia.> Robin be is a bot or real person?
[16:48:09] <marshmellow> both?
[16:48:12] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: both
[16:48:14] <HardStone> yep
[16:48:22] <Eunomia.> Lel
[16:48:44] <Sean_Reynolds> Nothing bro,i just stopped to play samp and now downloaded again
[16:48:52] <Eunomia.> Lel ok just leave it
[16:49:35] <Sean_Reynolds> where are you from
[16:49:46] <Eunomia.> Suel
[16:49:51] <Sean_Reynolds> anyuhasyo
[16:49:59] <Eunomia.> Sare bane
[16:50:04] <Eunomia.> Parwa gila?
[16:50:15] <Sean_Reynolds> sorry i dont know other word
[16:50:31] <Eunomia.> Neem si sufaidi
[16:50:34] <Eunomia.> Nirma se aayu
[16:50:37] <Eunomia.> aayi*
[16:51:01] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[16:54:22] <-- Sean_Reynolds disconnected from the server
[16:54:49] --> Diamondzxd connected to the server
[16:54:54] <Criterion> wb diamond
[16:55:00] <Diamondzxd> hey ty
[16:55:10] <HardStone> ayy londe :D
[16:55:13] <Diamondzxd> sup
[16:55:51] --> SeanWopa connected to the server
[16:56:18] <-- SeanWopa disconnected from the server
[16:57:06] --> Sean_Reynolds connected to the server
[16:58:08] <Eunomia.> xd
[16:58:48] <Eunomia.> Qurram Hussein.
[16:59:09] <marshmellow> boooo
[16:59:12] <Criterion> RIP
[16:59:12] <JulseC> waiit
[16:59:15] <Hanzel_Nunez> noooooo
[16:59:17] <Eunomia.> Why!!!!!!!
[16:59:20] <Diamondzxd> 3 minutes
[16:59:39] <Eunomia.> I can offer my services as a scripter.
[16:59:42] <marshmellow> whose house is it?
[16:59:42] <Eunomia.> No more bugs afterwards xd
[16:59:47] <Diamondzxd> ok
[16:59:47] <X_Ray> mine
[16:59:50] <Eunomia.> To whom MAY I CONcern?
[16:59:52] <Criterion> Diamond
[16:59:55] <Criterion> Where house was bugged in?
[17:00:03] <Eunomia.> LV.
[17:00:03] <marshmellow> !houses X_Ray
[17:00:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Mulholland Intersection: $1,000,000 2 slots
[17:00:12] <marshmellow> i see
[17:00:12] <Eunomia.> xd
[17:00:14] <X_Ray> my house is owned by X-Ray not X_Ray
[17:00:25] <marshmellow> huh
[17:00:25] <Eunomia.> Gtg
[17:00:25] <-- Eunomia. disconnected from the server
[17:00:28] <Criterion> oh
[17:00:33] <marshmellow> !houses X-Ray
[17:00:36] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player X-Ray
[17:00:41] <-- Hanzel_Nunez disconnected from the server
[17:00:47] <Diamondzxd> !houses X_Ray
[17:00:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Mulholland Intersection: $1,000,000 2 slots
[17:01:06] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[17:01:14] <HardStone> 8km left
[17:01:17] <HardStone> oh boi
[17:01:19] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[17:01:22] <HardStone> it was a 20km long flight
[17:02:10] <-- [President]Putin disconnected from the server
[17:02:29] --> Gajeel connected to the server
[17:02:37] --> JulseC connected to the server
[17:02:40] --> Criterion connected to the server
[17:02:48] --> X_Ray connected to the server
[17:02:53] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[17:02:56] --> Diamondzxd connected to the server
[17:03:04] <X_Ray> Workiiiinggggg
[17:03:17] <marshmellow> fallen tree airport wtf?
[17:03:17] --> HardStone connected to the server
[17:03:17] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[17:03:20] --> Sean_Reynolds connected to the server
[17:03:44] <marshmellow> LOL LAVIJAS SHITHOUSE has been loaded lmao
[17:03:47] <-- Sean_Reynolds disconnected from the server
[17:03:50] <HardStone> lol
[17:03:52] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[17:03:58] --> Sean_Reynolds connected to the server
[17:04:03] <Miles_Fitzgerald> wtf
[17:04:32] <Miles_Fitzgerald> wtf lol
[17:04:43] --> Criterion connected to the server
[17:05:05] <marshmellow> is it over?
[17:05:07] <Diamondzxd> yep
[17:05:26] <Diamondzxd> !ping
[17:05:26] <marshmellow> why am i still spawning in water
[17:05:29] (WEB) <robin_be> {83fc96}pong! - hi Diamondzxd
[17:05:29] <Sean_Reynolds> s
[17:05:32] <-- Sean_Reynolds disconnected from the server
[17:05:32] <Diamondzxd> /respawn
[17:05:32] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[17:05:43] <marshmellow> relogging
[17:05:45] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[17:07:03] <-- Diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[17:07:25] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[17:07:49] <HardStone> !ping
[17:07:52] (WEB) <robin_be> {3d9147}pong! - hi HardStone
[17:07:57] <marshmellow> !ping
[17:08:00] (WEB) <robin_be> {cb4b4c}pong! - hi marshmellow
[17:08:08] <X_Ray> !pong
[17:08:16] <HardStone> smart but failed
[17:08:24] --> Brianna connected to the server
[17:08:29] <HardStone> wb
[17:08:32] <JulseC> a
[17:08:35] <Brianna> thanks
[17:08:37] <JulseC> a
[17:09:04] --> [President]Putin connected to the server
[17:09:04] <HardStone> !houses Bananaboi
[17:09:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Bananaboi does not own any houses!
[17:09:10] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[17:09:10] <Criterion> f
[17:09:13] <HardStone> !assets Bananaboi
[17:09:16] (WEB) <robin_be> Bananaboi has 4 car(s) ($1,640,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $1,640,000
[17:09:26] <Criterion> f
[17:09:37] <HardStone> Server reset - am i a joke to you?
[17:09:51] <Criterion> no
[17:09:53] --> Marcster connected to the server
[17:10:23] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[17:10:42] <-- Marcster disconnected from the server
[17:12:37] <Brianna> sb
[17:13:20] --> Dr.Chutiya connected to the server
[17:13:23] <Dr.Chutiya> hi
[17:13:25] <HardStone> yo
[17:13:47] <Dr.Chutiya> whats up
[17:14:00] <HardStone> nm
[17:14:03] <HardStone> u?
[17:14:08] <Dr.Chutiya> Hartstone, you've seen my richman house right?
[17:14:14] <HardStone> yep
[17:14:30] <Dr.Chutiya> how much should I sell it for
[17:14:40] <HardStone> to me?
[17:14:40] <HardStone> 5m
[17:14:43] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[17:14:46] <Dr.Chutiya> no
[17:14:46] <Brianna> s/
[17:14:46] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[17:14:49] <X_Ray> wb
[17:14:51] <HardStone> whats the server price?
[17:14:59] <KylieJenner> ty
[17:15:02] <HardStone> 13m xD
[17:15:07] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[17:15:18] <HardStone> to kylie
[17:15:18] <HardStone> umm
[17:15:23] <HardStone> give her discount man :c
[17:15:29] <Dr.Chutiya> what about me lad
[17:15:34] <Dr.Chutiya> I gotta buy a house too
[17:15:40] <HardStone> buy my richman
[17:15:48] <Dr.Chutiya> how much for
[17:15:56] <HardStone> bid 20m+
[17:16:09] <Dr.Chutiya> fuck off already lma
[17:16:12] <Dr.Chutiya> lmao
[17:16:12] <HardStone> xD
[17:16:20] <HardStone> its worth it noob
[17:16:22] <Criterion> 1 of 5.exe here
[17:16:28] <Dr.Chutiya> Mine's worth 20m too then
[17:16:33] <HardStone> yours suck tbh
[17:16:44] <Dr.Chutiya> ha
[17:16:44] <Dr.Chutiya> ha
[17:16:49] <HardStone> jk xD
[17:17:03] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[17:17:16] <HardStone> sell it for 15m
[17:17:16] <HardStone> or more
[17:17:16] <HardStone> idk
[17:17:30] <Dr.Chutiya> 11m and 11 slots bruhh what
[17:17:35] <Dr.Chutiya> mine is 13m nad 12 slots lol
[17:17:40] <HardStone> the location
[17:17:43] <HardStone> space
[17:17:46] <Dr.Chutiya> well yeha
[17:17:46] <HardStone> interior :3
[17:17:48] <Dr.Chutiya> make's it equal xd
[17:17:54] <HardStone> not equal dumbass
[17:17:56] --> Gabryel17 connected to the server
[17:18:02] <KylieJenner> welcome to the server <3
[17:18:07] <Gabryel17> Hi
[17:18:10] <HardStone> I have 30cars parked there xD
[17:18:13] <HardStone> !assets
[17:18:16] (WEB) <robin_be> HardStone has 30 car(s) ($16,910,000) and 4 house(s) ($22,000,000 - 29 slots) for a total of $38,910,000
[17:18:29] <Gabryel17> i need admin
[17:19:44] <Gabryel17> adm online
[17:19:55] <Gabryel17> ?
[17:19:55] <HardStone> no Gabrye
[17:19:58] <HardStone> not atm
[17:20:06] <HardStone> !ping
[17:20:09] (WEB) <robin_be> {8dcf1d}pong! - hi HardStone
[17:20:09] <Gabryel17> !ping
[17:20:12] (WEB) <robin_be> {1251f6}pong! - hi Gabryel17
[17:20:14] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[17:20:17] <KylieJenner> wb
[17:20:17] <HardStone> wb
[17:20:22] <Gabryel17> wb
[17:20:28] <-- Brianna disconnected from the server
[17:20:33] <marshmellow> thx bois
[17:20:44] <HardStone> b o i s
[17:22:45] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[17:22:47] <Dr.Chutiya> hi marshmellow
[17:22:47] <KylieJenner> wb
[17:22:47] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[17:22:50] --> Lavija connected to the server
[17:22:50] <marshmellow> wb
[17:22:53] <HardStone> Wb
[17:22:53] <Gabryel17> wb
[17:22:55] <HardStone> x2
[17:22:55] <Dr.Chutiya> wb CEO lavija
[17:23:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> wow why follow me login
[17:23:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> and hello all
[17:23:14] <[President]Putin> wb
[17:24:10] <marshmellow> there was a 52 lap race yesterday
[17:24:16] --> Danielson connected to the server
[17:24:18] <marshmellow> wb
[17:24:18] <KylieJenner> wb
[17:24:18] <Danielson> wb
[17:24:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> tumben login
[17:24:21] <HardStone> kontol! :D
[17:24:24] <Danielson> tumben
[17:24:27] <Danielson> kontol!
[17:24:35] <marshmellow> what does kontol mean
[17:24:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> dick
[17:24:43] <HardStone> kontol - marshy
[17:24:45] <marshmellow> oh
[17:24:45] <HardStone> oops
[17:24:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> sorry lmao
[17:24:59] <marshmellow> so lavija is a dick?
[17:25:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[17:25:12] <marshmellow> cool
[17:25:12] <HardStone> oh marshy, you're dead now xD
[17:25:15] <marshmellow> jailed probs
[17:25:28] <marshmellow> yesterday there was this race
[17:25:31] <marshmellow> 52 laps
[17:25:36] <marshmellow> organised by santi
[17:25:42] <HardStone> tf
[17:25:44] <HardStone> Event week already started?
[17:25:50] <marshmellow> no
[17:25:50] <Danielson> what event?
[17:25:55] <marshmellow> it was a test event
[17:25:58] <HardStone> oh
[17:26:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> le mans?
[17:26:09] <marshmellow> sorta
[17:26:11] <HardStone> Danielson, Event week check forums D:
[17:26:19] <Danielson> oh
[17:26:30] <Danielson> okay
[17:26:35] <marshmellow> i think kjk won
[17:26:38] <HardStone> Tungevaag
[17:26:43] <marshmellow> others cars ran out of fuel
[17:26:49] <HardStone> they have this monkey song
[17:26:54] <HardStone> i dont remember then name
[17:27:02] <marshmellow> by the 5th lap i knew it was pointless to race
[17:27:13] <marshmellow> so i went to the racetrack and /danced
[17:27:16] <HardStone> ey play Samsara marshy D:
[17:27:21] <marshmellow> an admin hit
[17:27:24] <marshmellow> me and blew up
[17:27:29] <marshmellow> i got jailed
[17:27:29] --> Ri$hie connected to the server
[17:27:32] <marshmellow> ...
[17:27:35] <HardStone> wb
[17:27:37] <-- Gabryel17 disconnected from the server
[17:27:37] <HardStone> very nice
[17:27:43] <Ri$hie> Thx bhai
[17:27:43] <HardStone> now play Samsara next D:
[17:27:51] <marshmellow> lemme sees
[17:28:09] <marshmellow> is the radio lagging?
[17:28:15] <marshmellow> its horrible for me
[17:28:58] <HardStone> lil bit
[17:31:41] <HardStone> Samsaaaara :D
[17:31:58] <Ri$hie> Kya hua bhai ??
[17:31:58] <marshmellow> wtf my playlist just vanished
[17:32:00] <marshmellow> ffs
[17:32:03] <HardStone> rishi
[17:32:06] <Ri$hie> Ha ?
[17:32:11] <[President]Putin> courier its closed down for good?
[17:32:11] <HardStone> /radio > PLR English
[17:32:16] <HardStone> marshy paaji is streaming
[17:32:16] <Ri$hie> Thik hai
[17:32:19] <Ri$hie> Waah
[17:32:27] <HardStone> take me home until samsara
[17:32:38] <marshmellow> what does samsara mean
[17:32:43] <HardStone> idk
[17:32:46] <HardStone> the beat
[17:32:49] <marshmellow> lol
[17:32:51] <HardStone> naacho penchodo
[17:32:54] <marshmellow> oh damn
[17:32:57] <marshmellow> epic beat
[17:33:10] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[17:33:37] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[17:33:45] <HardStone> wb
[17:33:53] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[17:34:25] <marshmellow> oh this next u will like hardstone
[17:34:36] <HardStone> oh yeah?
[17:34:39] <marshmellow> used to play in PLR all the time
[17:34:41] <marshmellow> back in the days
[17:35:05] <Ri$hie> Waah
[17:35:46] <Dr.Chutiya> pedo is acually hot
[17:35:54] <Dr.Chutiya> Pedro**
[17:36:04] <HardStone> gay
[17:36:31] <Ri$hie> Hindi gaane bajate ho kya ??w
[17:36:42] <marshmellow> PLR english
[17:36:42] <HardStone> ha PLR India/Hindi mei
[17:36:45] <marshmellow> no hindi
[17:36:45] <HardStone> sometimes
[17:36:55] <Ri$hie> Cool
[17:37:09] --> slender_man connected to the server
[17:38:03] <KylieJenner> chutiya
[17:38:05] <HardStone> ooof so close
[17:38:32] <marshmellow> shit im out of songs
[17:38:37] <marshmellow> need idea
[17:38:46] <marshmellow> gimmie suggestions
[17:38:51] <HardStone> play dead eyes
[17:38:51] <slender_man> become god - ghost data
[17:38:51] <HardStone> by powfu
[17:38:59] <Ri$hie> Pour some sugar on me
[17:39:45] <KylieJenner> but u talk on public chat
[17:40:22] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[17:40:25] <HardStone> this song ;-; <3
[17:41:08] <Ri$hie> Haa accha hai
[17:41:43] <HardStone> ' I'm still in love, i know so are you. I pray for the rain when sky is blue '
[17:41:48] <marshmellow> i might have to leave soon
[17:41:53] --> Santiago connected to the server
[17:41:59] <KylieJenner> wb
[17:42:39] <Criterion> Which is fastest 4 door car?
[17:42:50] <HardStone> sultan?
[17:43:11] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[17:43:19] <marshmellow> wifi cutout
[17:45:12] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[17:45:36] <-- slender_man disconnected from the server
[17:46:27] <marshmellow> gz?
[17:46:38] <HardStone> congrats
[17:46:38] <Gajeel> why
[17:46:43] <HardStone> 55k tho xD
[17:46:46] <Ri$hie> Lewl
[17:46:51] <marshmellow> aint much
[17:46:54] <Ri$hie> Yeah
[17:47:02] <Gajeel> worth
[17:47:05] <Gajeel> 5k - 55
[17:47:16] <Gajeel> 1 at400 work price
[17:47:37] <Criterion> Damn, this bridge ramp is steeped up...
[17:47:40] <Ri$hie> It does pay out though
[17:47:50] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[17:47:53] <marshmellow> f
[17:47:56] <Criterion> f
[17:47:56] <KylieJenner> fq
[17:48:31] --> HardStone connected to the server
[17:48:33] <Ri$hie> Wb
[17:49:16] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[17:49:24] <HardStone> ty
[17:50:40] <Ri$hie> Ooooh bhaiii
[17:50:53] <HardStone> maaro mujhe maaaro
[17:50:53] <HardStone> xD
[17:51:14] <Ri$hie> Maar diya tune to
[17:51:20] <HardStone> mar gya? ;o
[17:51:23] <Ri$hie> Nahi
[17:51:28] <Ri$hie> Land kara diya
[17:51:28] <HardStone> acha
[17:51:33] --> NikSRB connected to the server
[17:51:36] <marshmellow> wb
[17:51:55] <NikSRB> thx
[17:53:05] <NikSRB> finally got that VIP
[17:53:10] <marshmellow> gz
[17:53:10] <HardStone> nicee
[17:53:10] <Dr.Chutiya> gz
[17:53:13] <HardStone> gz
[17:53:23] <NikSRB> thx
[17:53:26] <Gajeel> lvl?
[17:53:34] <Gajeel> how much
[17:53:39] <NikSRB> 5 dollars
[17:53:47] <Gajeel> ah you paid with RM
[17:53:50] <NikSRB> yep
[17:53:53] --> iSam. connected to the server
[17:53:56] <KylieJenner> wb
[17:53:56] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[17:53:58] <HardStone> wb
[17:54:01] <NikSRB> well i mean it's really not that much
[17:54:01] <iSam.> ty
[17:54:01] <NikSRB> wb
[17:55:19] <iSam.> ey
[17:55:40] <iSam.> hs
[17:55:46] <HardStone> eee yooo
[17:55:51] <iSam.> parh lia
[17:55:51] <iSam.> lol
[17:56:02] <HardStone> parh?
[17:56:07] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[17:56:15] <iSam.> parhai*
[17:56:20] <iSam.> study
[17:56:29] <HardStone> acha online class?
[17:56:34] <iSam.> han
[17:56:37] <HardStone> wo toh subeh hogyi thi
[17:56:42] <iSam.> tu kya smjha
[17:56:45] <iSam.> acha
[17:56:50] <iSam.> gandi soch
[17:56:50] <HardStone> Management padha business m
[17:57:06] <HardStone> gandi soch o.o
[17:57:06] <iSam.> ary wah management to apni fav h bhai
[17:57:20] <HardStone> mei toh neend m tha xD
[17:57:28] <iSam.> lol
[17:57:28] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[17:57:30] <HardStone> bas teacher padha rahi thi
[17:57:33] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[17:57:36] <iSam.> finance se to achi h management
[17:57:41] <iSam.> ._.
[17:57:46] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[17:57:52] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[17:57:54] <HardStone> ha
[17:57:57] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[17:58:03] <iSam.> !assets
[17:58:06] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[17:58:06] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has 26 car(s) ($11,450,000) and 3 house(s) ($32,500,000 - 27 slots) for a total of $43,950,000
[17:58:27] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[17:58:30] <HardStone> wb
[17:58:30] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[17:58:35] <Ri$hie> Wb
[17:58:41] <iSam.> Queen of iSam.
[17:58:43] <HardStone> need help putin?
[17:58:43] <KylieJenner> thanks yall
[17:58:54] <[President]Putin> nah ty
[17:59:45] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[17:59:50] <HardStone> m chla
[17:59:56] <iSam.> kyu
[17:59:58] <HardStone> Breaking bad dekhunga :v
[18:00:06] <iSam.> breaking?
[18:00:09] <HardStone> jaldi bhi sona h bc, 2din se 7ghante soya hu xD
[18:00:14] <iSam.> acha sahi h
[18:00:17] <HardStone> Breaking Bad
[18:00:31] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[18:00:39] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[18:00:55] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[18:01:00] <HardStone> chal milte
[18:01:00] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[18:01:03] <iSam.> ok
[18:01:35] <iSam.> Hi
[18:01:51] <iSam.> yo lavija
[18:02:29] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[18:02:29] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[18:03:14] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[18:03:30] <Ri$hie> See ya guys
[18:03:33] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[18:03:33] <-- Ri$hie disconnected from the server
[18:03:49] <iSam.> hi putin
[18:04:00] <[President]Putin> hello
[18:04:16] <iSam.> i have never seen you before
[18:04:19] <iSam.> ._.
[18:04:21] <marshmellow> he's eminem
[18:04:27] <Dr.Chutiya> He is Eminemz
[18:04:43] <Dr.Chutiya> or Emin3em
[18:04:43] <Dr.Chutiya> whatever
[18:04:48] <[President]Putin> :)))
[18:04:48] <iSam.> i dont know any Eminem too
[18:04:48] <iSam.> lol
[18:04:51] <NikSRB> longe island is bugged af
[18:04:56] <iSam.> bugged?
[18:04:56] <iSam.> no
[18:04:59] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[18:05:02] <iSam.> i just came from there
[18:05:07] <iSam.> i mean flight*
[18:05:10] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[18:05:10] <NikSRB> I fell through texture
[18:05:18] <X_Ray> wb
[18:05:23] <iSam.> never happened with me
[18:05:31] <NikSRB> and it doesn't show up on the runway helper
[18:05:31] <iSam.> i fly there all the time
[18:05:34] <iSam.> lol
[18:05:45] <iSam.> it does
[18:05:50] <iSam.> as Longe Island
[18:05:53] <iSam.> lol
[18:05:55] <[President]Putin> unity station its in LS?
[18:06:30] <[President]Putin> yea nvm
[18:06:41] <iSam.> no one knows i guess
[18:06:49] <[President]Putin> i remembered
[18:06:57] <iSam.> its train station
[18:06:57] <iSam.> ?
[18:07:00] <[President]Putin> yep
[18:07:11] <iSam.> oh okay
[18:07:16] <Gajeel> no its in bayside
[18:07:19] <Gajeel> :3
[18:07:24] <[President]Putin> :))) hell no
[18:07:32] <iSam.> gajeel
[18:07:35] <Gajeel> yee
[18:07:40] <iSam.> y so neb
[18:07:40] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[18:07:43] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[18:07:43] <Gajeel> jkk
[18:07:45] <KylieJenner> lol
[18:07:54] <iSam.> wb geimer
[18:07:54] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[18:07:59] <TheGamer> ty
[18:08:53] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[18:09:17] <iSam.> it will help you
[18:10:59] <iSam.> High ping ffs
[18:13:40] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[18:14:15] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[18:14:17] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[18:15:22] <Dr.Chutiya> gz
[18:15:57] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[18:16:02] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[18:16:07] <Smetkowski> ty
[18:16:26] <[President]Putin> at how much does a odo break?
[18:16:34] <Dr.Chutiya> airplane breaks at 1000 I guess
[18:16:37] <KylieJenner> for cars 300
[18:16:45] <[President]Putin> okay thanks
[18:19:02] <TheGamer> lavija
[18:19:05] <Lavija> tg
[18:19:07] <TheGamer> tell crystal to fix odo system
[18:19:13] <Lavija> you tell him
[18:19:26] <TheGamer> stupid forum reports
[18:19:26] <Lavija> whats wrong w it
[18:19:29] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[18:19:37] <TheGamer> my car is at 362
[18:19:50] <Dr.Chutiya> prolly it breaks at 500 now
[18:19:53] <TheGamer> should've broke down on 300, it didn't break down till i ran out of fuel yesterday
[18:19:58] <Lavija> its still 300
[18:20:01] <NikSRB> hmm strange, shouldn't hunter be military missions and not passengers?
[18:20:22] <Lavija> post it on the forums, he forgets stuff that i tell him on discord
[18:20:39] <TheGamer> don't really have any evidence i guess
[18:20:49] <TheGamer> i'll explain via text
[18:20:52] <Lavija> ye
[18:21:03] <-- [President]Putin disconnected from the server
[18:21:27] --> [President]Putin connected to the server
[18:21:40] <[President]Putin> did i just crash?
[18:21:43] <Lavija> yes
[18:21:48] <[President]Putin> eh
[18:21:54] <TheGamer> already reported by criterion >.>
[18:22:04] <Lavija> oh rip
[18:22:10] <TheGamer> which is nice
[18:22:15] <Lavija> hes in the middle of moving rn
[18:22:15] <TheGamer> saves me the time
[18:22:18] <Lavija> so it may be a bit
[18:22:29] <TheGamer> did he find his charger already?
[18:22:37] <TheGamer> somewhere in a box
[18:22:45] <Lavija> what charger
[18:22:53] <TheGamer> phonecharger i guess
[18:22:58] <Lavija> no idea
[18:24:00] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[18:25:23] <NikSRB> eh gotta change hydra mod
[18:25:45] <Lavija> kylie where are you from
[18:25:53] <Lavija> bc you have the WORST internet ive ever seen
[18:25:53] <KylieJenner> philippines
[18:26:01] <TheGamer> kinda explain
[18:26:06] <TheGamer> explains*
[18:26:11] <NikSRB> the philippines internet is the absolute worst
[18:26:14] <KylieJenner> yeah
[18:26:19] <X_Ray> /setpinglimit 2
[18:26:25] <KylieJenner> exactly! yet they charge a lot
[18:26:28] <TheGamer> i've worked for the company that made the license plates for the philippines some years ago lol
[18:26:41] <KylieJenner> which company
[18:27:05] <TheGamer> Dutch company
[18:27:24] <TheGamer> we used to make like 12000 plates a day
[18:27:24] <[President]Putin> east india traiding?
[18:27:29] <[President]Putin> jk
[18:27:29] <TheGamer> that machine ran 24/5
[18:28:10] <Gajeel> why u passed landin
[18:29:54] <KylieJenner> shit
[18:33:24] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[18:33:42] <NikSRB> what the fuck did i ran into
[18:34:09] <X_Ray> i saw you there is a ninja thing
[18:34:20] <KylieJenner> rip
[18:34:28] <NikSRB> yea and i went between the buildings and just blew up lol
[18:34:31] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[18:34:36] <X_Ray> i know
[18:34:39] <NikSRB> like right by the PL Radio building
[18:35:00] <NikSRB> there is a radio mast at the SFPD building, could be that
[18:35:03] --> Ri$hie connected to the server
[18:35:27] <NikSRB> brb
[18:35:30] <-- NikSRB disconnected from the server
[18:35:57] --> TheBlackout connected to the server
[18:35:57] <KylieJenner> wb
[18:36:10] <TheBlackout> ty
[18:36:31] <[President]Putin> hello
[18:37:20] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[18:37:49] <Ri$hie> Zdravstvuyte
[18:40:30] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[18:41:56] <[President]Putin> w/
[18:42:26] <-- X_Ray disconnected from the server
[18:43:30] <[President]Putin> how to see the player of the day once it dissapeared?
[18:43:41] <Smetkowski> /wotd
[18:43:44] <[President]Putin> ty
[18:45:10] <Ri$hie> How to hide this dialogue box of /wotd ??
[18:45:15] <TheGamer> left mouse click
[18:45:23] <Ri$hie> Thanks
[18:45:23] <[President]Putin> yea click
[18:46:19] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[18:49:19] <-- TheBlackout disconnected from the server
[18:49:43] --> Syth connected to the server
[18:49:54] <[President]Putin> salut
[18:51:47] --> NikSRB connected to the server
[18:53:18] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[18:54:04] <NikSRB> finally all the mods work as they should
[18:54:44] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[18:58:11] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[18:58:13] <Gajeel> wb
[18:58:21] <KylieJenner> ty
[18:59:47] <[President]Putin> wtf random npc's dancing on a field
[18:59:58] <[President]Putin> is this normal?
[19:00:11] <Ri$hie> NPCs there on this server !? lol
[19:00:30] <[President]Putin> go north of montgomery
[19:00:44] <Ri$hie> Okay
[19:03:14] <KylieJenner> !player dawngazer
[19:03:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player dawngazer: 11 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[19:05:37] <-- NikSRB disconnected from the server
[19:08:15] <Gajeel> hehehe
[19:08:53] <Syth> guguys
[19:08:58] <Syth> one question
[19:09:01] <Ri$hie> Yes
[19:09:09] <Syth> why the texutres load so hard ?
[19:09:22] <Syth> i mean i can see the airport when im really close to it
[19:09:36] <[President]Putin> there are a lot of maps
[19:09:36] <Smetkowski> it's just a way samp is designed
[19:09:44] <allen_lombard> thats normal, SAMP has a shitty streamer
[19:10:08] <Syth> ok but that happens only on this server to be honest
[19:10:08] <allen_lombard> also SAMP wasnt designed for PL
[19:10:43] <Ri$hie> They are not part of the actual map.....
[19:11:01] <Syth> yeah i know
[19:11:01] <Ri$hie> So you can expect that lag
[19:11:20] <Ri$hie> I think almost all get it
[19:11:58] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[19:12:14] <Ri$hie> The heck
[19:14:28] <-- [President]Putin disconnected from the server
[19:15:03] <Syth> so i just hit nothing and i died -.-
[19:15:19] <Ri$hie> Ikr
[19:15:27] <Ri$hie> Happened to me in the beginning
[19:15:46] <Ri$hie> Se ya guys
[19:15:49] <-- Ri$hie disconnected from the server
[19:15:59] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[19:17:52] <-- Syth disconnected from the server
[19:22:02] <Hanzel_Nunez> how i show off air traffic control
[19:22:26] <Gajeel> press LMB millon timess
[19:22:45] <Hanzel_Nunez> :v
[19:24:43] --> AcerLCS connected to the server
[19:27:32] <KylieJenner> a
[19:27:32] <KylieJenner> a
[19:28:15] <KylieJenner> aw
[19:30:16] --> [President]Putin connected to the server
[19:30:53] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[19:31:17] <[President]Putin> so today shamal is best pay?
[19:31:33] <Hanzel_Nunez> i guess
[19:31:33] <Gajeel> today
[19:31:36] <Gajeel> ?
[19:31:44] <[President]Putin> its the message that pops up
[19:31:50] <[President]Putin> sometimes
[19:31:52] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[19:32:00] <Gajeel> mission payouts doubled
[19:32:49] <KylieJenner> this day is the saddest
[19:32:59] <KylieJenner> smh
[19:33:07] <Hanzel_Nunez> why?
[19:33:10] <Gajeel> no
[19:33:13] <Gajeel> awesome
[19:33:18] <Gajeel> bcz we fucking today
[19:33:21] <Gajeel> with kylie
[19:33:26] <KylieJenner> :(
[19:33:58] <KylieJenner> this is so weird
[19:34:15] <[President]Putin> wtf increased demand
[19:34:20] <[President]Putin> it means double or how much?
[19:34:41] <Gajeel> doubled
[19:34:57] <KylieJenner> wth i blocked him >,<
[19:36:10] --> kjkszpj333 connected to the server
[19:36:13] <KylieJenner> wb
[19:36:13] <[President]Putin> wb
[19:36:21] <kjkszpj333> ty
[19:36:26] <kjkszpj333> ce zici
[19:36:31] <[President]Putin> uite bine tu?
[19:36:42] <kjkszpj333> sho bagai un antrenament
[19:36:45] <[President]Putin> forta
[19:36:50] <kjkszpj333> da
[19:38:27] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[19:39:23] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[19:39:26] <KylieJenner> wb
[19:39:55] <marshmellow> thx
[19:40:25] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[19:40:36] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[19:40:38] <KylieJenner> wbd
[19:41:11] <Hamster12> tyy
[19:42:42] <KylieJenner> shit
[19:43:01] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[19:43:41] <[President]Putin> 44k for a flight... damn
[19:43:46] <KylieJenner> lmao
[19:43:49] <KylieJenner> from where
[19:43:54] <kjkszpj333> i got 74
[19:43:54] <kjkszpj333> the most
[19:44:05] <KylieJenner> what flightis that
[19:44:10] <kjkszpj333> 25 km
[19:44:13] <[President]Putin> andro
[19:44:21] <KylieJenner> from what airport
[19:45:04] <KylieJenner> kj
[19:45:07] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[19:45:07] <-- Hanzel_Nunez disconnected from the server
[19:45:17] <-- AcerLCS disconnected from the server
[19:45:52] <KylieJenner> what happened putin
[19:46:06] <[President]Putin> ah?
[19:46:16] <KylieJenner> !player hardstone
[19:46:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player hardstone: 5244 score, last seen 2 Hours Ago
[19:46:46] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[19:47:13] --> Brianna connected to the server
[19:47:27] <[President]Putin> wb, salut
[19:47:37] <Brianna> servus, thanks
[19:47:48] <Hamster12> bye
[19:47:51] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[19:48:04] --> adalarva connected to the server
[19:48:47] <Dr.Chutiya> hi
[19:48:50] <kjkszpj333> wb
[19:49:03] <[President]Putin> suntem ceva romani pe aici :))
[19:49:06] --> Gabryel17 connected to the server
[19:49:09] <Dr.Chutiya> thanks
[19:49:14] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[19:49:19] <Gabryel17> adm online?
[19:49:19] <Dr.Chutiya> !assets adalrava
[19:49:22] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player adalrava
[19:49:33] <Dr.Chutiya> !assets adalarva
[19:49:36] (WEB) <robin_be> adalarva has 1 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[19:49:44] <adalarva> xd
[19:49:47] <[President]Putin> !assets
[19:49:50] (WEB) <robin_be> [President]Putin has 1 car(s) ($1,000,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $1,000,000
[19:49:50] <adalarva> this car is a gift
[19:49:50] <Dr.Chutiya> hey adalarva
[19:49:53] <Dr.Chutiya> put that money in bank
[19:50:01] <Dr.Chutiya> you'll get interest from it
[19:50:04] <-- Gabryel17 disconnected from the server
[19:50:22] <kjkszpj333> `/w
[19:50:36] <adalarva> oh
[19:50:36] <adalarva> ok
[19:50:49] <adalarva> i yes doing
[19:50:57] <Dr.Chutiya> cool
[19:51:48] --> Gabryel17 connected to the server
[19:52:15] --> [SD].GM connected to the server
[19:54:08] <kjkszpj333> !player Criterion
[19:54:11] (WEB) <robin_be> player Criterion: 30850 score, last seen 3 Hours Ago
[19:54:22] <[President]Putin> does any1 know a vweather without clouds
[19:54:43] <Dr.Chutiya> /vipmenu > weather settings
[19:55:02] <[President]Putin> ok ill try that
[19:55:58] <kjkszpj333> sa vezi cat da at400 cu demand
[19:56:06] <kjkszpj333> 4-5k in plus pe misiune
[19:57:13] <adalarva> 3s
[19:58:04] <Brianna> san bernardo is too small.
[19:58:13] <kjkszpj333> for what plane
[19:58:13] <-- Dr.Chutiya disconnected from the server
[19:58:21] <Brianna> shamal, modded anyway, but not a big difference
[19:58:26] <kjkszpj333> oh
[19:58:31] <kjkszpj333> report on forum
[19:58:42] <Brianna> i'll
[19:58:45] <kjkszpj333> mama
[19:58:47] <[President]Putin> vedeti ca sunteti romamani amandoi
[19:58:53] <[President]Putin> :)))
[19:58:55] <kjkszpj333> aa
[19:58:58] <kjkszpj333> i auzi
[19:59:22] <kjkszpj333> vezi ca e demand
[19:59:28] <[President]Putin> la?
[19:59:33] <kjkszpj333> andro
[20:01:26] <kjkszpj333> de unde esti briana
[20:01:55] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[20:02:01] <kjkszpj333> wb
[20:02:03] <Smetkowski> ty
[20:02:14] <adalarva> dude
[20:02:22] <adalarva> how change color of atc?
[20:02:33] <Smetkowski> i told you yesterday
[20:02:36] <kjkszpj333> sa mi bag pula in aeroportu matii
[20:02:44] <Brianna> :))
[20:02:44] <kjkszpj333> sin mortii amtii
[20:02:46] <adalarva> with p?
[20:02:52] <Smetkowski> yea
[20:02:57] <[President]Putin> era sa iau eu un ninja acum
[20:03:27] <kjkszpj333> !houses Smetkowski
[20:03:30] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $4,000,000 5 slots Tierra Robada: $9,500,000 7 slots City Hall: $11,000,000 10 slots
[20:04:26] --> NaoUsoS0beit connected to the server
[20:06:46] <-- Gajeel disconnected from the server
[20:07:50] --> slender_man connected to the server
[20:08:06] --> Gajeel connected to the server
[20:09:40] <adalarva> xd
[20:09:54] <Smetkowski> do that but without the hashtag ^
[20:10:18] --> Hanzel_Nunez connected to the server
[20:10:26] <Smetkowski> there you go
[20:10:29] <adalarva> thanks!!
[20:10:34] <Smetkowski> no problem
[20:10:39] --> robin_be connected to the server
[20:10:45] <kjkszpj333> wb
[20:10:45] <Smetkowski> wb
[20:10:50] <adalarva> wb
[20:10:50] <kjkszpj333> eminem zisesi ceva
[20:10:53] <kjkszpj333> ca fusei afk
[20:10:53] <robin_be> thx
[20:11:22] --> Royal_StaG connected to the server
[20:11:25] <kjkszpj333> wb
[20:11:30] <Royal_StaG> ty
[20:12:59] <-- NaoUsoS0beit disconnected from the server
[20:13:04] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[20:15:13] <-- [President]Putin disconnected from the server
[20:15:29] --> [President]Putin connected to the server
[20:15:32] <kjkszpj333> crashed
[20:15:37] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[20:15:37] <[President]Putin> yeap i did
[20:15:45] <-- Royal_StaG disconnected from the server
[20:15:48] --> Royal_StaG connected to the server
[20:16:01] <-- Royal_StaG disconnected from the server
[20:17:11] <Brianna> sb
[20:17:11] <Brianna> Sb
[20:17:16] <Brianna> fok
[20:17:57] --> lord_vader connected to the server
[20:17:59] <adalarva> wb vader
[20:18:08] <lord_vader> hey :D
[20:18:32] <adalarva> que tal como va todo?
[20:18:40] <[President]Putin> anakin... get back to the light side at once
[20:18:42] <[President]Putin> thats an order
[20:18:45] <Gabryel17> por mialgro uno que habla espanol
[20:18:45] <lord_vader> excelente t
[20:18:53] <Gabryel17> milagro*
[20:18:56] <adalarva> XD
[20:18:56] <Hanzel_Nunez> latinos presentes
[20:18:58] <adalarva> bueno hubieras preguntado
[20:19:01] <Gabryel17> asi es
[20:19:07] <lord_vader> never, dark side is the best one, it has the cure for the coronavirus
[20:19:07] <adalarva> hay varios
[20:19:15] <Gabryel17> extrano jugar este servidor en 2016
[20:19:23] <[President]Putin> you mean dying :))
[20:19:28] <adalarva> muchos conectados
[20:19:33] <lord_vader> en el 2012 eran muchos mas
[20:19:47] <adalarva> si
[20:19:49] <lord_vader> se completaban los 100 jugadores y tocaba esperar demasiado para entrar
[20:19:49] <Brianna> yo visto eso en youtube ah
[20:20:06] <adalarva> si es cierto!
[20:20:11] <adalarva> yo era parte de st airways
[20:20:19] <adalarva> una aero brasileña
[20:20:22] <lord_vader> yo estaba en lan
[20:20:24] <kjkszpj333> !houses robin_be
[20:20:28] (WEB) <robin_be> North Pole: $35,000,000 15 slots
[20:20:44] <kjkszpj333> !houses Brianna
[20:20:47] (WEB) <robin_be> Brianna does not own any houses!
[20:20:55] <adalarva> yo hacia acrobacia con el ceo de lan!
[20:21:03] <adalarva> no recuerdo su nombre
[20:21:11] <lord_vader> eran wagner cre
[20:21:14] <lord_vader> creo*
[20:21:16] <adalarva> pero yo estuve cuando la creo
[20:21:19] <adalarva> me uni tambien
[20:21:27] <Brianna> am homeless with 10m in my pocket
[20:21:40] <lord_vader> buenos tiempos esos
[20:21:46] <adalarva> si
[20:21:46] <adalarva> es cierto
[20:22:10] <kjkszpj333> .w
[20:22:40] <-- slender_man disconnected from the server
[20:23:49] <Hanzel_Nunez> de donde son
[20:23:52] <lord_vader> colombia
[20:24:08] <adalarva> peru
[20:26:30] <-- kjkszpj333 disconnected from the server
[20:27:24] <[President]Putin> fuck me and my kamikaze landing
[20:27:32] <[President]Putin> damn im so aggresive...
[20:27:48] --> slender_man connected to the server
[20:27:48] <-- Brianna disconnected from the server
[20:27:56] <adalarva> wb
[20:27:59] <slender_man> hey
[20:28:18] <Gajeel> wb
[20:29:22] <lord_vader> lol
[20:29:22] <Gajeel> !cash 9
[20:29:25] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player 9
[20:29:25] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[20:29:31] <Gajeel> !cash Gajeel
[20:29:34] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel has $65,926 in hand
[20:29:39] <CzechBoy777> hi
[20:29:50] <Gajeel> :D
[20:29:55] <CzechBoy777> this is my last day of being 11 years old lmao
[20:30:09] <Gajeel> suprise :D
[20:30:11] <CzechBoy777> !Rank
[20:30:11] <lord_vader> lol XD
[20:30:14] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777(500) rank: First Flight Sergeant(500) next: Senior Flight Officer(800) (+300)
[20:30:14] <CzechBoy777> omg putin
[20:30:20] <Gajeel> :D
[20:30:20] <CzechBoy777> my favorite president
[20:30:25] <Gajeel> !cash Gajeel
[20:30:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel has $65,926 in hand
[20:30:31] <CzechBoy777> priviet putin!
[20:30:31] <Gajeel> wut
[20:30:33] <Gabryel17> Pultin!!!
[20:30:33] <[President]Putin> hello
[20:30:33] <lord_vader> !cash
[20:30:37] (WEB) <robin_be> lord_vader has $2,293,885 in hand
[20:30:37] <adalarva> wbd
[20:30:39] <Gajeel> !cash
[20:30:39] <adalarva> xd
[20:30:42] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel has $65,926 in hand
[20:30:50] <CzechBoy777> hey putin can you please own czech republic
[20:30:50] <Gajeel> i have 451$
[20:30:58] <Gajeel> its lie
[20:31:09] <[President]Putin> yes comrade we have to reload the soviet union
[20:31:09] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[20:31:20] <adalarva> me ha mandado a orbit city en helicoptero
[20:31:22] <CzechBoy777> oh no, clock lmao
[20:31:28] <lord_vader> lol
[20:31:28] <adalarva> me aburro
[20:31:30] <CzechBoy777> thats nice Putin
[20:31:30] <lord_vader> donde queda eso?
[20:31:30] <adalarva> xd
[20:31:36] <adalarva> demasiaaaaado lejos
[20:31:41] <CzechBoy777> good putin
[20:31:44] <CzechBoy777> rLG
[20:31:44] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[20:31:47] <[President]Putin> :)))
[20:31:49] <Gabryel17> tambien estoy en choper
[20:32:05] <adalarva> de donde eres gabriel
[20:32:08] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[20:32:21] <Gabryel17> terra
[20:32:24] --> Ri$hie connected to the server
[20:32:43] <CzechBoy777> wb Rishie
[20:32:51] <Ri$hie> Thx
[20:32:51] <adalarva> wb
[20:32:59] <Ri$hie> Gracias
[20:34:30] <CzechBoy777> !rank Hanzel_Nunez
[20:34:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Hanzel_Nunez(77) rank: Staff Pilot Sergeant(70) next: Sergeant Pilot(140) (+63)
[20:34:52] <CzechBoy777> work lmao
[20:35:00] <Ri$hie> !kill CzechBoy777
[20:35:03] <Ri$hie> xD
[20:35:06] <CzechBoy777> oh youre working nice
[20:35:14] <CzechBoy777> money money money :D
[20:35:41] <CzechBoy777> !Vip
[20:35:46] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[20:36:29] <Ri$hie> !getcash 99999999
[20:37:04] <Gabryel17> !getcash 99999
[20:37:06] <Gabryel17> ?
[20:37:12] <CzechBoy777> !getcash 100
[20:37:14] <Ri$hie> It gave me $$$
[20:37:20] <CzechBoy777> really
[20:37:23] <Ri$hie> Jk bruh
[20:37:25] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[20:37:36] <Ri$hie> Crystal would kill me lol
[20:37:49] <CzechBoy777> is anyone listening to plr radio english?
[20:37:57] <Ri$hie> Nein
[20:38:00] <CzechBoy777> plr english lmao
[20:38:00] <CzechBoy777> oh
[20:38:24] <CzechBoy777> lmao in song see you again someone said: all the planes we flew
[20:38:27] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[20:38:48] <Ri$hie> Yeah relatable to server
[20:39:05] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[20:39:39] <CzechBoy777> nooo I finished mission but I didnt get money
[20:39:45] <CzechBoy777> because clock is frozen noo
[20:39:47] <Ri$hie> Lel
[20:39:50] <CzechBoy777> and I cant move
[20:40:12] <-- slender_man disconnected from the server
[20:40:22] <CzechBoy777> cant move with cam wtf
[20:40:30] <CzechBoy777> rlg :(
[20:40:36] <Ri$hie> Okay
[20:40:46] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[20:41:48] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[20:41:56] <Ri$hie> Wb
[20:42:02] <CzechBoy777> wuts motd lol
[20:42:04] <CzechBoy777> ty
[20:42:12] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[20:42:15] <CzechBoy777> wbbb
[20:42:20] <Ri$hie> Wb
[20:42:20] <adalarva> wb
[20:42:23] <CzechBoy777> please play on plr english
[20:42:26] <marshmellow> ok
[20:42:31] <marshmellow> btw isnt it ur bday
[20:42:34] <Ri$hie> DJ is back!
[20:42:37] <CzechBoy777> tomorrow
[20:42:50] <marshmellow> i sneaked downstairs and turned on pops hotspot
[20:42:50] <CzechBoy777> when I will wake up than I will be 12 lmao
[20:42:53] <marshmellow> hueheuhehuue
[20:42:55] <CzechBoy777> lol
[20:43:01] <Ri$hie> Whats the time at your place ??
[20:43:06] <marshmellow> 12:12 am
[20:43:09] <marshmellow> india
[20:43:14] <CzechBoy777> 20:43 czech republic
[20:43:19] <Ri$hie> I am also from India
[20:43:22] <marshmellow> ik
[20:43:28] <marshmellow> state?
[20:43:36] <Ri$hie> Karnataka
[20:43:41] <marshmellow> aha nice
[20:43:46] <CzechBoy777> isnt that a region?
[20:43:46] <marshmellow> been to mysore
[20:43:52] <marshmellow> i like it
[20:44:00] <marshmellow> im from kerala
[20:44:32] <Ri$hie> Kerala is pretty nice
[20:45:07] <CzechBoy777> be a dj xd
[20:45:20] <CzechBoy777> oh yay
[20:45:23] <marshmellow> kerala not bad
[20:45:31] <[President]Putin> im on the radio too
[20:45:31] <marshmellow> karnataka aswell
[20:45:39] <marshmellow> yea ill go live
[20:45:55] --> LTZonda connected to the server
[20:46:01] <adalarva> wb
[20:46:06] <CzechBoy777> wb
[20:46:09] <adalarva> electronic
[20:46:09] <LTZonda> hello guys
[20:46:14] <Ri$hie> Hi
[20:47:26] <CzechBoy777> play song someone you love lol
[20:48:15] <CzechBoy777> this sounds nice
[20:48:47] <CzechBoy777> putin flies his IL96 I guess lmaoqw
[20:48:58] <marshmellow> someone you love?
[20:49:03] <CzechBoy777> ye
[20:49:06] <marshmellow> ok
[20:49:27] <marshmellow> artist name?
[20:49:33] <CzechBoy777> let me see
[20:49:51] <CzechBoy777> some lewis canaldi or what
[20:49:57] <marshmellow> kk
[20:50:13] <CzechBoy777> this also sounds great
[20:50:26] <[President]Putin> damn low fuel
[20:50:32] <CzechBoy777> oh no dont die!!
[20:50:42] <CzechBoy777> best putin must never die
[20:50:45] <Ri$hie> Mr.President please don't die
[20:50:50] <[President]Putin> :)))
[20:50:53] <marshmellow> MR PRESIDENT GET DOWN
[20:51:01] <[President]Putin> middle of the ocean too
[20:51:04] <CzechBoy777> best president dont leave us
[20:51:07] <CzechBoy777> oh damn it lmao
[20:51:07] <Ri$hie> Sir do you speak Russian ??
[20:51:09] <[President]Putin> nah
[20:51:31] <CzechBoy777> KURVA
[20:51:39] <Gajeel> etot malcuka tývarkonchini suka
[20:51:39] <[President]Putin> damn im so low
[20:51:44] <Ri$hie> Zonda you do ??
[20:51:47] <LTZonda> nah xd
[20:52:22] <CzechBoy777> you will do this mr president
[20:52:40] <Ri$hie> Marshmellow play Soviet march
[20:52:43] <Ri$hie> Lol
[20:52:46] <CzechBoy777> lmao ye
[20:52:54] <CzechBoy777> some good soviet mjuzik
[20:52:57] <CzechBoy777> xd
[20:53:15] <Ri$hie> Just play Soviet March
[20:53:18] <Ri$hie> Its kinda cool
[20:53:37] <CzechBoy777> !rank
[20:53:40] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777(503) rank: First Flight Sergeant(500) next: Senior Flight Officer(800) (+297)
[20:53:43] <CzechBoy777> ohh
[20:53:51] <LTZonda> !rank
[20:53:54] (WEB) <robin_be> LTZonda(5041) rank: Flight Officer(5000) next: Flight Commander(5400) (+359)
[20:54:10] <CzechBoy777> yay
[20:54:21] <CzechBoy777> I thought is P instead of N lol
[20:54:40] <CzechBoy777> it lags lmao
[20:55:01] <Ri$hie> Ikr
[20:55:25] <marshmellow> soviet national anthem next
[20:55:28] <Ri$hie> Woah!
[20:55:36] <CzechBoy777> yay!
[20:55:39] <Ri$hie> Hail mother Russia
[20:55:47] <marshmellow> all hail putin
[20:55:52] <Ri$hie> Hail Putin!
[20:56:13] <[President]Putin> thank you comrade
[20:56:24] <[President]Putin> but im czar
[20:56:27] <[President]Putin> not soviet
[20:56:30] --> Ludred connected to the server
[20:56:32] <marshmellow> f
[20:56:32] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[20:56:32] --> NikSRB connected to the server
[20:56:35] <Ri$hie> No problem sir.
[20:56:40] <LTZonda> wb
[20:56:51] <NikSRB> thx
[20:58:04] <Gajeel> 7w
[20:58:22] <CzechBoy777> soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnik
[20:58:22] <[President]Putin> omg :))))
[20:58:28] <CzechBoy777> :)))))
[20:58:30] <Ri$hie> Dayuuuum
[20:58:44] <[President]Putin> you actually put the soviet anthem
[20:58:44] <NikSRB> slaaaaaaavstya otechestvooooo
[20:58:52] <Ri$hie> How you do that rp ??
[20:58:55] <[President]Putin> ohhh fuck lenin ohhh fuck stalin
[20:59:00] <NikSRB> what RP?
[20:59:00] <[President]Putin> :)))
[20:59:00] <[President]Putin> remix
[20:59:08] <Ri$hie> Roleplay
[20:59:13] <CzechBoy777> lol
[20:59:13] <marshmellow> do /me
[20:59:27] <CzechBoy777> play stereotypical music around the world
[20:59:27] --> RathK connected to the server
[20:59:51] <marshmellow> bruh i wanna play some of my tracks
[20:59:56] <NikSRB> i can't hear the radio
[20:59:59] <CzechBoy777> please lmao
[21:00:02] <marshmellow> u cant?
[21:00:04] <NikSRB> nope
[21:00:10] <CzechBoy777> are you on ?
[21:00:15] --> Naldo connected to the server
[21:00:15] <marshmellow> u can search for the pl radio website
[21:00:18] <LTZonda> wb
[21:00:23] <Ri$hie> Eargasm
[21:00:26] <CzechBoy777> /radio - plr english
[21:00:34] <Naldo> ty
[21:00:34] <NikSRB> i only hear that idobi
[21:00:37] <[President]Putin> 28k m flight
[21:00:39] <[President]Putin> damn
[21:00:42] <lord_vader> same XD
[21:01:11] <[President]Putin> flying to this music is so wired :))
[21:01:19] <CzechBoy777> hay NikSrb do you have problems with sound in PC?
[21:01:25] <NikSRB> nope
[21:01:28] <[President]Putin> join us comrades
[21:01:28] <CzechBoy777> I do lmao
[21:01:33] <marshmellow> it happens sometimes
[21:01:36] <CzechBoy777> yeah lmao
[21:01:41] <NikSRB> i just can't hear that radio station
[21:01:41] <Ri$hie> Yes sir. Your words are our orders.
[21:01:41] <marshmellow> niksrb u on discord?
[21:01:46] <NikSRB> i am
[21:01:52] <marshmellow> ok wait
[21:03:20] <marshmellow> discord takes forever to open
[21:03:26] <NikSRB> yea
[21:03:26] <[President]Putin> can u put next on radio put in put out :))) ?
[21:03:26] <LTZonda> hey there gajeel xd
[21:04:01] <marshmellow> putin artist name
[21:04:09] <[President]Putin> kelemen sonja
[21:04:11] <[President]Putin> or something
[21:05:02] <Gabryel17> é
[21:05:08] <CzechBoy777> ééééé
[21:05:10] --> JulseC connected to the server
[21:05:13] <CzechBoy777> wb
[21:05:13] <Ri$hie> Espanol ??
[21:05:18] <-- Gabryel17 disconnected from the server
[21:05:18] <NikSRB> èèè
[21:05:21] <CzechBoy777> no xd
[21:05:21] <JulseC> ty
[21:05:24] <CzechBoy777> ÈÈÈÈ
[21:05:29] <Ri$hie> Fek
[21:05:32] <marshmellow> cant find the song putin
[21:05:32] <CzechBoy777> xD
[21:05:37] <[President]Putin> nvm than
[21:05:37] <CzechBoy777> wut wut wut wut
[21:05:51] <CzechBoy777> sorry
[21:05:53] <Ri$hie> Thrift!
[21:05:53] <marshmellow> im gonna pop some tags
[21:06:01] <Ri$hie> This is noice
[21:06:15] <[President]Putin> how about some old stuff
[21:06:20] <[President]Putin> coolio gangstas paradise
[21:06:28] <CzechBoy777> gajeel move
[21:06:34] --> Dasdes connected to the server
[21:06:34] <Ri$hie> Well good night guys
[21:06:36] <CzechBoy777> gn
[21:06:36] <LTZonda> VIZE stars
[21:06:36] <-- Ri$hie disconnected from the server
[21:06:50] <CzechBoy777> gajeel move please
[21:07:25] --> Gabryel17 connected to the server
[21:08:07] <-- Gabryel17 disconnected from the server
[21:08:10] <[President]Putin> i got the same 28k m mission
[21:08:16] <[President]Putin> just reversed xD
[21:08:37] --> Gabryel17 connected to the server
[21:09:09] <-- [SD].GM disconnected from the server
[21:09:17] <CzechBoy777> well nice but now I cant get out lmao
[21:09:39] <CzechBoy777> oh ripp
[21:09:39] <marshmellow> nik i sent message
[21:09:41] <CzechBoy777> he died lmao
[21:10:06] <NikSRB> yep i saw
[21:10:27] <NikSRB> oh i figured. Link in /radio menu is wrong
[21:10:59] <-- Dasdes disconnected from the server
[21:12:06] <RathK> !groups Sursai_Kosecski
[21:12:09] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Sursai_Kosecski
[21:12:20] <RathK> !groups Sursai_Kosecksi
[21:12:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Sursai_Kosecksi is in airline Inverted Airlines and company (none)
[21:12:34] <marshmellow> sursai ko sexy
[21:12:37] <CzechBoy777> !player BSK799
[21:12:40] (WEB) <robin_be> player BSK799: 37 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[21:12:40] <CzechBoy777> lol
[21:12:45] <CzechBoy777> oh sadly
[21:13:34] <CzechBoy777> !player Walrus
[21:13:37] (WEB) <robin_be> player Walrus: 364 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[21:13:53] <CzechBoy777> !player AT76
[21:13:56] (WEB) <robin_be> player AT76: 44 score, last seen 24 Days Ago
[21:13:56] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[21:14:15] --> RathK connected to the server
[21:14:17] <CzechBoy777> nice song man
[21:14:20] <RathK> bruh
[21:14:23] <CzechBoy777> !player ar3zz..
[21:14:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player ar3zz..: 248 score, last seen 13 Days Ago
[21:14:31] <marshmellow> u cant hate cant hold us
[21:14:53] <CzechBoy777> today you play very nice songs man
[21:15:01] <marshmellow> thx
[21:15:06] <CzechBoy777> better than the first day
[21:15:06] <lord_vader> cya guys
[21:15:09] <marshmellow> idk bout the next song tho
[21:15:09] <CzechBoy777> much much better
[21:15:12] <lord_vader> bye
[21:15:12] <CzechBoy777> sya
[21:15:14] <marshmellow> bye
[21:15:14] <adalarva> bye vader
[21:15:22] <-- lord_vader disconnected from the server
[21:15:57] <RathK> !player bran
[21:16:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player bran: 7228 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[21:16:19] <RathK> I need a clean gta
[21:16:19] <CzechBoy777> !player Cygnus
[21:16:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cygnus: 11477 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[21:16:25] <CzechBoy777> !player KylieJenner
[21:16:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player KylieJenner: 4098 score, last seen 2 Hours Ago
[21:16:28] <RathK> I keep getting random crashes when flying...
[21:16:28] --> SemaBog connected to the server
[21:16:41] <CzechBoy777> wb SemaBog
[21:16:47] <SemaBog> ty
[21:16:52] <RathK> brb
[21:16:55] <RathK> fixing gt
[21:16:58] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[21:18:02] <-- NikSRB disconnected from the server
[21:18:26] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[21:18:29] <CzechBoy777> creeper
[21:18:29] <SemaBog> what do y'all think about my score?
[21:18:34] <CzechBoy777> nice
[21:18:37] <CzechBoy777> creeper
[21:18:37] <JulseC> cool
[21:18:40] <marshmellow> nice score
[21:18:42] <SemaBog> nice
[21:18:42] <CzechBoy777> Creeper
[21:18:50] <marshmellow> oh man
[21:19:01] <CzechBoy777> so we back in the mine
[21:19:17] <SemaBog> got our pickaxe
[21:19:17] <marshmellow> got our pickaxe swinging from side to side
[21:19:20] <marshmellow> f
[21:19:23] <CzechBoy777> side side to side
[21:19:25] <SemaBog> side-side to side
[21:19:28] <CzechBoy777> f xd
[21:19:33] <SemaBog> thetask, a grueling one
[21:19:41] <SemaBog> this******
[21:19:44] --> Lavija connected to the server
[21:19:47] <CzechBoy777> hope to find some diamonds tonihgt
[21:19:49] <JulseC> !player upnormaltebet
[21:19:49] <LTZonda> wb
[21:19:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player upnormaltebet: 10564 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[21:19:53] <marshmellow> wb
[21:19:53] <SemaBog> diamonds tonight
[21:20:01] <Lavija> who talkin shit
[21:20:03] <LTZonda> me
[21:20:09] <Lavija> damn
[21:20:09] <CzechBoy777> cuz bejby tunajt
[21:20:09] <Lavija> too far bro
[21:20:25] <SemaBog> the creeper tryna steal our stuff
[21:20:27] <LTZonda> whatcha gonna do about it bro
[21:20:30] <CzechBoy777> and ran ran antil its dan
[21:20:30] <LTZonda> ban me bro
[21:20:35] <Lavija> reported
[21:20:41] <SemaBog> no u
[21:20:44] <LTZonda> oh no
[21:20:46] <Lavija> no u
[21:20:54] <CzechBoy777> ?
[21:21:05] <SemaBog> yes u
[21:21:08] <Lavija> yeah u
[21:21:08] <CzechBoy777> what me
[21:21:10] <SemaBog> no u
[21:21:10] <Lavija> mhmm
[21:21:18] <CzechBoy777> what mewtf lmao
[21:21:27] <SemaBog> no u
[21:21:29] <Lavija> u
[21:21:32] <SemaBog> no ,u
[21:21:37] <Lavija> sema
[21:21:40] <Lavija> your score
[21:21:40] <SemaBog> no
[21:21:40] <Lavija> nice
[21:21:43] <CzechBoy777> not me thanks xd
[21:21:51] <SemaBog> thats my boy
[21:21:54] <Gabryel17> adm on?
[21:21:59] <marshmellow> ys
[21:22:02] <Lavija> no
[21:22:02] <marshmellow> lavija
[21:22:02] <SemaBog> i was thinking about stopping doing jobs
[21:22:04] <Lavija> what
[21:22:04] <Gabryel17> pls i need suport
[21:22:07] <SemaBog> whatchu think lavija?
[21:22:10] <Gabryel17> i need admin
[21:22:10] <Lavija> whats wrong
[21:22:15] <Gabryel17> my account
[21:22:15] <Lavija> why not go for 69420
[21:22:18] <SemaBog> oof
[21:22:18] <Lavija> what about it
[21:22:21] <marshmellow> tor 666
[21:22:23] <SemaBog> 6969?
[21:22:23] <Gabryel17> i need my pasword
[21:22:29] <SemaBog> yeah, 666
[21:22:37] <Lavija> whats your accounts name
[21:22:42] <Gabryel17> GabryelFOX
[21:22:50] <CzechBoy777> nice
[21:22:53] <SemaBog> no
[21:22:55] <CzechBoy777> nic song too
[21:22:55] <SemaBog> y
[21:22:55] <SemaBog> u
[21:23:36] <SemaBog> czech girl gets gaped
[21:23:38] <CzechBoy777> I used to rulee the worl
[21:23:41] <CzechBoy777> wat lol
[21:23:46] <SemaBog> yes u
[21:23:57] <Lavija> your score is lower than your score on this accout
[21:24:00] <Lavija> do you still want that one?
[21:24:03] <LTZonda> czech hookers ez and affordable
[21:24:05] <CzechBoy777> what lmao
[21:24:08] <SemaBog> exactly
[21:24:16] <CzechBoy777> I am confusion
[21:24:16] <Lavija> no u
[21:24:16] <Gabryel17> iam playerd in this server in 2015 / 2016
[21:24:21] <SemaBog> no, y
[21:24:24] <SemaBog> u
[21:24:32] <Gabryel17> my score in GabryelFOX 7...
[21:24:32] <Lavija> I saw your account Gabryel, the score is 13
[21:24:35] <Gabryel17> wtf
[21:24:43] <Gabryel17> send my pasword pls
[21:24:45] <SemaBog> well its obviously not his account
[21:24:59] <SemaBog> cuz he has 42069 on the other one...
[21:25:26] <Lavija> for that account?
[21:25:31] <Gabryel17> GabryelFOX
[21:26:17] <Gabryel17> really?
[21:26:17] <CzechBoy777> damn my tooth hurts lmao
[21:26:41] <LTZonda> Lavija
[21:26:41] <Gabryel17> ok thanks
[21:26:44] <-- Gabryel17 disconnected from the server
[21:27:10] <CzechBoy777> born to fly :)
[21:27:16] <Lavija> ?
[21:27:18] --> GabryelFOX connected to the server
[21:27:24] <LTZonda> I love you
[21:27:27] <LTZonda> so fucking random
[21:27:29] <CzechBoy777> :DDDDDDDDDD
[21:27:35] <Lavija> weird flex
[21:27:40] <GabryelFOX> Thnaks team staff
[21:27:40] <Hanzel_Nunez> so okw
[21:27:40] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[21:27:45] <CzechBoy777> now kidnapp him
[21:27:45] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[21:27:56] <adalarva> lavija, change airplane
[21:27:56] <marshmellow> lol lavija helps him and he thanks the whole staff
[21:27:59] <marshmellow> feelsbadman
[21:27:59] <CzechBoy777> nice song too xd
[21:28:10] <CzechBoy777> oh this part sucks xd
[21:28:18] <CzechBoy777> frick frozen clock xd
[21:28:18] <Lavija> how do you spawn at your mothership?
[21:28:36] <LTZonda> you're the goddamn admin
[21:28:39] <LTZonda> ahahhahah
[21:28:47] <Lavija> i never said i was a good one
[21:28:55] <LTZonda> ppfafafahhaha
[21:28:58] <LTZonda> i think /p
[21:29:11] <CzechBoy777> rlg
[21:29:11] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[21:29:41] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[21:30:08] <marshmellow> wb
[21:30:26] --> PilotGabriel connected to the server
[21:30:40] <Hamster12> ty
[21:31:12] <-- PilotGabriel disconnected from the server
[21:31:25] <-- GabryelFOX disconnected from the server
[21:31:50] --> PilotGabriel connected to the server
[21:32:03] --> GabryelFOX connected to the server
[21:32:08] <Miles_Fitzgerald> wb both
[21:32:24] <GabryelFOX> nice
[21:32:33] --> Dr.Chutiya connected to the server
[21:32:49] <Dr.Chutiya> hi
[21:32:49] <-- PilotGabriel disconnected from the server
[21:32:51] <marshmellow> wb
[21:32:54] <Dr.Chutiya> thx
[21:33:56] --> Naldo connected to the server
[21:34:12] <Hanzel_Nunez> wbw
[21:34:55] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[21:35:01] <LTZonda> wb
[21:35:01] <marshmellow> wb
[21:35:01] --> Malyafkaa connected to the server
[21:35:06] <KylieJenner> thanks
[21:35:33] <KylieJenner> !player hardstone
[21:35:33] <JulseC> hi pokpok
[21:35:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player hardstone: 5244 score, last seen 4 Hours Ago
[21:35:47] <KylieJenner> hi bitch
[21:36:00] <JulseC> himala :)
[21:36:19] <JulseC> gising ka pa
[21:36:32] <Hamster12> do /t
[21:36:32] <KylieJenner> halos 5-6am na kasi ako nakakatulog eh
[21:36:59] --> RathK connected to the server
[21:37:15] <RathK> bruh
[21:37:18] <RathK> im an idiot
[21:37:34] --> [SD].GM connected to the server
[21:37:45] <RathK> instead of the 0.3.7 version I got the 0.3.8 one ._.
[21:37:58] <marshmellow> wats wrong with dat
[21:38:01] <KylieJenner> taray vip 3 na ah
[21:38:12] <RathK> whats the diffrentce betwen the versions anyway
[21:38:17] <JulseC> ya
[21:38:28] <JulseC> sipag ah 4k agad
[21:38:38] <KylieJenner> salamat :)
[21:38:38] --> kjkszpj333 connected to the server
[21:38:41] <KylieJenner> wb
[21:38:41] <marshmellow> wb
[21:38:49] <kjkszpj333> ty
[21:38:49] <[President]Putin> wb
[21:40:02] <kjkszpj333> ii dai blana a?
[21:40:07] <[President]Putin> dap
[21:40:10] <[President]Putin> 1.8m
[21:40:18] <kjkszpj333> bvv
[21:41:09] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[21:41:25] <RathK> wb
[21:41:28] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[21:41:41] <kjkszpj333> vr sa strang cash sa o iau o casa smechera
[21:41:46] <KylieJenner> wb
[21:41:49] <kjkszpj333> wb
[21:41:52] <GabryelFOX> hao
[21:42:05] <Hamster12> gajeeeee
[21:42:08] <marshmellow> when you see a house while flying and you gotta check it out
[21:42:08] <Hamster12> u scared me's
[21:42:16] <marshmellow> crashes the plane
[21:42:37] <Hamster12> omg what a idiet
[21:42:43] <Hamster12> selfish
[21:42:48] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[21:42:53] <KylieJenner> wb
[21:43:01] <allen_lombard> ty
[21:43:15] <Naldo> Lavija
[21:43:20] <Lavija> Naldo
[21:43:52] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[21:44:06] <Lavija> im retired ask allen
[21:44:09] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[21:44:14] <Lavija> amirite allen
[21:44:14] <allen_lombard> he is
[21:44:17] <RathK> anyway lavlav
[21:44:27] <RathK> whats the diffrence betwen the 0.3.8 version and 0.3.7 version
[21:44:38] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[21:44:57] <-- LTZonda disconnected from the server
[21:46:34] <Gajeel> so quite
[21:46:39] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[21:47:19] <Malyafkaa> suka blyat
[21:47:30] <SemaBog> no u
[21:47:41] <Malyafkaa> suka blyat
[21:48:10] <kjkszpj333> relog brb
[21:48:10] <-- kjkszpj333 disconnected from the server
[21:48:13] <GabryelFOX> SUKA
[21:49:04] <Malyafkaa> Suka it means - bitch
[21:49:04] --> kjkszpj333 connected to the server
[21:49:06] <Hanzel_Nunez> si
[21:49:06] <[President]Putin> wb
[21:49:44] <kjkszpj333> guys PLR works properly for you?
[21:49:47] <-- Malyafkaa disconnected from the server
[21:49:49] <kjkszpj333> mine is not
[21:49:49] <marshmellow> yes
[21:49:55] <kjkszpj333> retard pc
[21:50:16] <marshmellow> im gonna end soon anyway
[21:51:29] <kjkszpj333> almost mid air collision
[21:51:31] <kjkszpj333> ;D
[21:51:31] <marshmellow> sema you ok?
[21:51:42] <Miles_Fitzgerald> fala ai meu bom, tu é daonde
[21:51:45] <kjkszpj333> that was close gajeel
[21:51:58] <GabryelFOX> TW
[21:52:01] <GabryelFOX> i tu?
[21:52:11] <Miles_Fitzgerald> oxi onde é isso
[21:52:30] <GabryelFOX> faltando aulas de geografia moderna em
[21:52:44] <Miles_Fitzgerald> pô cara eu tenho 39 anos
[21:52:54] <GabryelFOX> ta na fase
[21:53:02] <kjkszpj333> !houses Naldo
[21:53:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $1,700,000 3 slots None Saved: $3,300,000 6 slots None Saved: $2,500,000 5 slots
[21:53:06] <GabryelFOX> kkk
[21:53:11] <Miles_Fitzgerald> to gastando
[21:53:46] <GabryelFOX> joguei aqui pela 1 vez em 2016
[21:54:10] <Hamster12> due what u doing
[21:54:26] <GabryelFOX> oho ok
[21:54:29] <Gajeel> lets see can you takeoff
[21:54:29] <marshmellow> yes
[21:54:34] <[President]Putin> yes
[21:54:34] <RathK> yes
[21:54:34] <Hamster12> i cna see me
[21:54:37] <marshmellow> we're in attention
[21:54:45] <Naldo> Tes
[21:54:53] <Naldo> Yes
[21:54:58] <Gajeel> yeeeee
[21:55:03] <Hamster12> wooah
[21:55:17] <Naldo> His chat is a bit cut off though
[21:55:20] <Gajeel> this is the best part of PL
[21:55:25] <kjkszpj333> !player Lockheed
[21:55:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lockheed: 9534 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[21:55:33] <marshmellow> did we screw up or something
[21:55:39] <Lavija> Nope
[21:55:44] <[President]Putin> free money?
[21:55:47] <[President]Putin> ;)))
[21:55:47] <RathK> no
[21:55:47] <Naldo> No DHL and Lanfthansa Cargo conversion was messed up
[21:55:49] <marshmellow> yea!@!
[21:55:55] <JulseC> yes pls
[21:56:14] <marshmellow> so how does that concern us
[21:56:16] <Gajeel> how is that possible idk
[21:56:19] <Gajeel> but
[21:56:22] <RathK> it affects jetstar too
[21:56:30] <marshmellow> how
[21:56:32] <Hamster12> I agree
[21:56:32] <Gajeel> 2 days ago i asked about creating airline and company
[21:56:35] <Naldo> Its throwing off figures for JSA as I see
[21:56:38] <Gajeel> they said its closed
[21:56:43] <Gajeel> you can buy another CEO
[21:56:54] <Gajeel> now Lufthansa cargo created
[21:56:57] <marshmellow> is that y ur seeing all these bad figures naldo
[21:56:57] <Gajeel> how is that possiblew
[21:57:07] <Naldo> Errors in the code
[21:57:10] <marshmellow> i c
[21:57:42] <kjkszpj333> RIP
[21:59:37] <Hamster12> !cash Lavija
[21:59:43] <Hamster12> HAHAHHAHAHAHAA
[21:59:43] --> LTZonda connected to the server
[21:59:43] <Miles_Fitzgerald> poor
[21:59:46] <marshmellow> f
[21:59:46] <Lavija> yes
[21:59:51] <-- Hanzel_Nunez disconnected from the server
[22:00:05] <kjkszpj333> wb
[22:00:15] --> PenguinPilot connected to the server
[22:00:18] <kjkszpj333> wb
[22:00:23] <marshmellow> wb
[22:00:23] <PenguinPilot> thx
[22:00:32] <GabryelFOX> profiction
[22:00:34] <marshmellow> do /reclass gabryel
[22:00:37] <GabryelFOX> thanks
[22:00:42] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[22:00:45] <marshmellow> btw its profession
[22:01:12] <adalarva> cualquier duda me puedes consultar
[22:01:17] <adalarva> eu te puedo ajudar
[22:01:20] <PenguinPilot> que bueno
[22:01:28] <PenguinPilot> también tengo dudas
[22:01:30] <GabryelFOX> gracias amigo es bueno saber que alguien mas me enteinde
[22:01:30] <adalarva> en lo que puedo
[22:01:33] <GabryelFOX> entiende
[22:01:33] <PenguinPilot> sobre la vida en general
[22:01:55] <GabryelFOX> solo aviso que puedo habalr espanol portugues y chino mi ingles es basico
[22:02:00] <Gajeel> 7w
[22:02:03] <Gajeel> faaak
[22:02:05] <adalarva> muchos idiomas
[22:02:08] <PenguinPilot> queeee
[22:02:13] <PenguinPilot> hablas portugues?
[22:02:16] <Miles_Fitzgerald> carai
[22:02:16] <GabryelFOX> ha jugado aqui en 2016 pero perdi mis score
[22:02:19] <KylieJenner> mi falo portugues
[22:02:24] <adalarva> xd
[22:02:27] <KylieJenner> eu*
[22:02:29] <KylieJenner> lol
[22:02:32] <GabryelFOX> lol
[22:02:40] <GabryelFOX> puedo hablar su portugues
[22:02:46] <PenguinPilot> ai podes?
[22:02:48] <Miles_Fitzgerald> so os poliglota
[22:02:54] <GabryelFOX> Ola xD
[22:02:54] <KylieJenner> eu falo um pocou
[22:02:56] <adalarva> yo perdi mi escore tambien
[22:03:02] <GabryelFOX> vale
[22:03:02] <adalarva> en el 2012
[22:03:02] <PenguinPilot> fixe fixe
[22:03:04] <PenguinPilot> gosto
[22:03:23] <PenguinPilot> é bom saber que há quem fale portugues aqui
[22:03:34] <GabryelFOX> how to charge callsing
[22:03:37] <JulseC> /p
[22:03:39] <PenguinPilot> /p
[22:03:39] <GabryelFOX> sim
[22:03:42] <GabryelFOX> thanks here
[22:03:50] <KylieJenner> tudo bem?
[22:03:58] <[President]Putin> my bank account its named kremlinvalut and i didnt create that :))))
[22:03:58] <PenguinPilot> nao
[22:04:06] <PenguinPilot> ta tudo parado em quarentena, nao está nada bem
[22:04:06] <PenguinPilot> hahaha
[22:04:14] <KylieJenner> lolq
[22:04:20] <KylieJenner> nao
[22:04:33] <GabryelFOX> mano gm /reclass
[22:04:38] <PenguinPilot> putin, don't share the kremlin secrets like that
[22:05:08] <adalarva> kylie fala tudos idiomas
[22:05:08] <GabryelFOX> quarentena pika em
[22:05:19] <[President]Putin> the secret services working behind my back
[22:05:19] <Miles_Fitzgerald> ta foda
[22:05:27] <[President]Putin> i need the people by my side!
[22:05:35] <PenguinPilot> vocês são de onde
[22:05:37] <GabryelFOX> nice
[22:05:43] <adalarva> eu de peru
[22:05:45] <Miles_Fitzgerald> Brasil kk
[22:05:51] <PenguinPilot> a huge portion of the portuguese population supports putin, so... maybe
[22:06:28] <PenguinPilot> de que estado?
[22:06:34] <Miles_Fitzgerald> here the comunism is not welcome, cause Trump has a good relation with us
[22:06:34] <PenguinPilot> dizer brasil é um bocado vago hahaha
[22:06:36] <[President]Putin> lets face it naturally we are made to be ruled in a monarchical manner
[22:06:45] <[President]Putin> its just the nature of things
[22:06:50] <GabryelFOX> eoq kk
[22:07:11] <Miles_Fitzgerald> os cara falando que no brasil tem comunista kkk
[22:07:17] <GabryelFOX> kkk
[22:07:19] <GabryelFOX> mais tem PT
[22:07:22] <GabryelFOX> PT ¿
[22:07:30] <RathK> online classes are pointles ._.
[22:07:33] <PenguinPilot> até podem morar na idade da pedra em acre e eu a achar q vcs moram no rio ou sao paulo haha
[22:07:38] <GabryelFOX> hao
[22:07:54] <Hamster12> 55555$ for flight to blakc mesa
[22:07:54] <PenguinPilot> eu acho que sou o único pt a jogar isto agora
[22:07:57] <[President]Putin> they just food me with homework and they call it courses...
[22:08:00] <Hamster12> niice
[22:08:16] <Miles_Fitzgerald> acre é foda
[22:08:29] <Miles_Fitzgerald> só dinossauro la
[22:08:32] <PenguinPilot> hahaha
[22:08:32] <KylieJenner> wb
[22:08:32] <Dr.Chutiya> hi
[22:08:35] <Dr.Chutiya> thanks
[22:08:43] <Hamster12> bye
[22:08:56] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[22:10:38] <RathK> online classes just give more stress than normal classes
[22:10:43] <marshmellow> ikr
[22:10:43] <PenguinPilot> nah
[22:10:43] <-- Miles_Fitzgerald disconnected from the server
[22:10:49] <marshmellow> ur all alone
[22:10:49] <KylieJenner> absolutely
[22:10:51] <PenguinPilot> I get more distracted
[22:11:00] <RathK> teachers give shitty deadlnes too
[22:11:16] <KylieJenner> hi bitch
[22:11:26] <PenguinPilot> because technically you're at home
[22:11:29] <PenguinPilot> so you have a lot of time
[22:11:34] <PenguinPilot> and be honest, you're just boredq
[22:11:40] <KylieJenner> bilis po
[22:11:48] <RathK> a lot of time doesn't mean make a assigment at 12am
[22:11:56] <RathK> and have 12 hours to finish it ._.
[22:12:09] <[President]Putin> dude and those assigments are trash... i have just 2 per course
[22:12:15] <[President]Putin> week i mean
[22:12:23] <RathK> thats low
[22:12:23] <[President]Putin> but no logic subjects
[22:12:31] <PenguinPilot> I don't even have classes in some subjects
[22:12:31] <RathK> I get like 4 per day till friday
[22:12:39] <[President]Putin> what r u studying?
[22:12:41] <kjkszpj333> !assets
[22:12:45] (WEB) <robin_be> kjkszpj333 has 8 car(s) ($2,550,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,100,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $4,650,000
[22:12:45] <PenguinPilot> they just give us all the PDFs for us to study for the exam at the end of semestre
[22:12:53] <[President]Putin> thats the best
[22:12:53] <RathK> idk how to explain it in english
[22:13:01] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[22:13:03] <KylieJenner> julse tatapusin mo na cargo mission mo? haah
[22:13:03] <RathK> wb
[22:13:17] <JulseC> hindi
[22:13:17] <PenguinPilot> where are you from rathk?
[22:13:22] <KylieJenner> tapusin mo naaaaa
[22:13:25] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[22:13:30] <JulseC> baba ng sahod e
[22:13:38] <KylieJenner> magkaka 500k ka naman
[22:13:41] <[President]Putin> w
[22:13:41] <JulseC> bagal pa
[22:13:46] <Dr.Chutiya> sex
[22:14:03] <KylieJenner> last ko na to eh
[22:14:03] <JulseC> inaantok na ako :/
[22:14:05] <KylieJenner> tapos tutulog nako
[22:14:05] <JulseC> 4:14am na
[22:14:13] <JulseC> aga mo ah
[22:14:16] <JulseC> matulog haha
[22:14:21] <GabryelFOX> os br ai sumiu
[22:14:24] <KylieJenner> siraulo ka haha
[22:14:32] <JulseC> Goodnight :*
[22:14:40] <KylieJenner> good morning!
[22:14:43] <JulseC> good mornight
[22:14:51] <PenguinPilot> schools might reopen next month in my country
[22:14:51] <KylieJenner> buenas noches
[22:14:56] <GabryelFOX> buenas
[22:15:02] <LTZonda> where you live Peng?
[22:15:04] <JulseC> noche buenas
[22:15:04] <PenguinPilot> portugal
[22:15:07] <GabryelFOX> !ping
[22:15:10] (WEB) <robin_be> {c40114}pong! - hi GabryelFOX
[22:15:12] <JulseC> !ping
[22:15:15] (WEB) <robin_be> {1a41ac}pong! - hi JulseC
[22:15:23] <adalarva> !ping
[22:15:26] (WEB) <robin_be> {da56f3}pong! - hi adalarva
[22:15:29] <PenguinPilot> we've managed to flatten the curve (even though we have 13k cases)
[22:15:29] <adalarva> oh
[22:15:32] <Dr.Chutiya> !ping
[22:15:34] (WEB) <robin_be> {0df4cf}pong! - hi Dr.Chutiya
[22:15:34] <Gajeel> !ping
[22:15:37] (WEB) <robin_be> {4260c2}pong! - hi Gajeel
[22:15:37] <KylieJenner> !ping
[22:15:40] (WEB) <robin_be> {3ec1e3}pong! - hi KylieJenner
[22:15:40] <JulseC> !
[22:15:40] <PenguinPilot> !ping
[22:15:43] <SemaBog> gajeel
[22:15:46] <GabryelFOX> :)
[22:15:48] <Dr.Chutiya> Fuck corona
[22:15:51] <JulseC> wtf
[22:15:51] <Gajeel> ye gai
[22:15:54] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[22:15:57] <SemaBog> how are you babe
[22:15:59] <PenguinPilot> !ping
[22:16:02] (WEB) <robin_be> {f3a65d}pong! - hi PenguinPilot
[22:16:05] <Gajeel> feeling sick
[22:16:07] <GabryelFOX> stop transport corona in cargo plane
[22:16:13] <JulseC> fucq
[22:16:16] <SemaBog> nice, wanna fuck>?s
[22:16:18] <Gajeel> noh
[22:16:21] <KylieJenner> putaaaaaaaaaa
[22:16:24] <SemaBog> aight bye
[22:16:24] <LTZonda> bosnia seems to only have started with corona
[22:16:26] <PenguinPilot> ahahahahaha puta
[22:16:56] <PenguinPilot> you're from bosnia?
[22:16:58] <KylieJenner> tulog nako julse tang ina nalublob eroplano ko sa tubig
[22:16:58] <SemaBog> yes
[22:17:01] <LTZonda> yup
[22:17:06] <JulseC> goodnight
[22:17:20] <PenguinPilot> how many cases do you have
[22:17:25] <SemaBog> more than 3
[22:17:28] <KylieJenner> hasta mananaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[22:17:33] <PenguinPilot> more than 3, that's funny
[22:17:36] <LTZonda> 750+
[22:17:36] --> Criterion connected to the server
[22:17:41] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[22:17:41] <RathK> wb
[22:17:44] <marshmellow> wb
[22:17:52] <LTZonda> wb
[22:17:55] <PenguinPilot> yeah 750 is crazy
[22:17:57] <PenguinPilot> are you under lockdown?
[22:18:06] <LTZonda> we got 750 but we're a small country
[22:18:08] <Criterion> hello
[22:18:08] <LTZonda> yeah we are
[22:18:11] <RathK> we have like 517 csesw
[22:18:11] <LTZonda> hey Crit
[22:18:16] <PenguinPilot> yeah I know
[22:18:19] <RathK> we are allowed to go 11 hours outside
[22:18:30] <RathK> from 5am to 4pm
[22:18:35] <RathK> from monday to friday
[22:18:43] <Dr.Chutiya> hi ludred
[22:18:49] <RathK> btu from friday 4pm till monday 5am no goingoutside
[22:19:10] <Dr.Chutiya> !assets RathK
[22:19:13] (WEB) <robin_be> RathK has 3 car(s) ($140,000) and 3 house(s) ($47,000,000 - 50 slots) for a total of $47,140,000
[22:19:18] <Gajeel> whoah
[22:19:21] <Dr.Chutiya> !cars RathK
[22:19:24] (WEB) <robin_be> RathK has: Seasparrow RC Baron NRG-500
[22:19:35] <marshmellow> 50 slots and 3 cars
[22:19:37] <marshmellow> wat a waste
[22:19:40] <kjkszpj333> rich as fuck
[22:19:51] <PenguinPilot> with 13k cases it's a bit mad, airports closed, everything closed except for some shops
[22:19:59] <PenguinPilot> we're not allowed to leave our municipality
[22:20:23] <PenguinPilot> instead of a lockdown it feels more like a prision
[22:20:23] <Gajeel> there is secret company in PL
[22:20:31] <Gajeel> lobby like illuminati
[22:20:39] <PenguinPilot> yes, they're called the Administration team
[22:20:45] <Gajeel> they work for each other and buy high slots houses
[22:20:47] <JulseC> how much i can sell mothership?
[22:20:50] <Gajeel> so they get economy
[22:21:01] <Dr.Chutiya> mothership is useless tbh
[22:21:06] <Gajeel> my theory
[22:21:06] <kjkszpj333> it looks cool
[22:21:06] <JulseC> ohh :3
[22:21:30] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[22:21:33] <marshmellow> gz
[22:21:38] <Dr.Chutiya> gz
[22:21:57] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[22:22:37] <[President]Putin> bye guys
[22:22:40] <-- [President]Putin disconnected from the server
[22:22:40] <LTZonda> bye
[22:23:04] <PenguinPilot> quick, putin left, time to make a revolution and overthrow the federal government
[22:23:09] <marshmellow> lol
[22:23:12] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[22:23:15] <RathK> no
[22:23:26] <Dr.Chutiya> hi julsce
[22:23:28] <-- kjkszpj333 disconnected from the server
[22:23:31] <JulseC> hello
[22:23:39] <GabryelFOX> hi
[22:24:00] <marshmellow> ffs last time i picked 24
[22:24:06] <marshmellow> now i pick 27
[22:24:09] <LTZonda> f
[22:24:09] <marshmellow> ...
[22:24:09] <RathK> welcome to lotto life
[22:24:22] <SemaBog> dont gamble kids
[22:24:27] <PenguinPilot> I always pick 23
[22:24:38] <marshmellow> that sucks
[22:24:52] <PenguinPilot> ##
[22:24:57] <RathK> that hapend to me aswell
[22:25:18] <RathK> back whe ricardo was a thing
[22:25:24] <marshmellow> lol
[22:25:24] <RathK> ah the pain
[22:25:26] <marshmellow> retardo
[22:25:37] <RathK> I always choose 2
[22:25:40] <RathK> I forgot to choose
[22:25:51] <RathK> 2 popped up on a 5m lottow
[22:26:01] <JulseC> !cash
[22:26:04] (WEB) <robin_be> JulseC has $100 in hand
[22:26:04] <JulseC> !cash Dr.Chutiya
[22:26:04] <PenguinPilot> !cash
[22:26:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Dr.Chutiya has $5,751 in hand
[22:26:08] <Dr.Chutiya> lolw
[22:26:11] <RathK> !cash
[22:26:11] <PenguinPilot> !cash
[22:26:14] (WEB) <robin_be> RathK has $580,303 in hand
[22:26:14] <PenguinPilot> !cash
[22:26:14] <Dr.Chutiya> !score
[22:26:17] (WEB) <robin_be> PenguinPilot has $711,973 in hand
[22:26:17] <PenguinPilot> !cash
[22:26:17] <PenguinPilot> !cash
[22:26:17] <PenguinPilot> !cash
[22:26:20] (WEB) <robin_be> PenguinPilot has $711,973 in hand
[22:26:20] <PenguinPilot> jesus, finally
[22:26:20] <RathK> f prompto
[22:26:20] <Dr.Chutiya> !score
[22:26:23] (WEB) <robin_be> player Dr.Chutiya: 547 score, 473 missions: 39'/. military - 32'/. dodo - 15'/. cargo
[22:26:23] <marshmellow> stop spamming
[22:26:26] <RathK> !score
[22:26:26] <JulseC> !rank
[22:26:29] (WEB) <robin_be> player RathK: 7073 score, 6767 missions: 42'/. military - 18'/. cargo drop - 10'/. trucking
[22:26:29] <SemaBog> !cash
[22:26:29] <KylieJenner> angry marshy
[22:26:32] (WEB) <robin_be> SemaBog has $1,089,117 in hand
[22:26:35] <LTZonda> rich
[22:26:37] <RathK> uh
[22:26:37] <Gajeel> hello
[22:26:37] <Dr.Chutiya> wtf
[22:26:40] <marshmellow> yep
[22:26:40] <RathK> wat happend
[22:26:40] <JulseC> ff
[22:26:43] <KylieJenner> lmao
[22:26:48] <SemaBog> they mad i got money
[22:26:48] <LTZonda> Sema FLEXED TOO HARD
[22:26:51] <SemaBog> looooooooool
[22:26:51] <PenguinPilot> clearly clear chat
[22:26:51] <allen_lombard> magic spam remover
[22:26:54] <SemaBog> !cash
[22:26:54] <JulseC> rich
[22:26:56] (WEB) <robin_be> SemaBog has $1,089,117 in hand
[22:27:02] <RathK> uh
[22:27:04] <marshmellow> !cash
[22:27:08] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow has $1,833,202 in hand
[22:27:08] <Gajeel> its a secret lobby man
[22:27:18] <RathK> lemme see what happend in chatlogs
[22:27:56] <RathK> hmmm
[22:28:04] <RathK> it could be we spammed to much
[22:28:12] <Dr.Chutiya> admin allen cleared chat
[22:28:12] <marshmellow> obviously
[22:28:15] <allen_lombard> thats exactly waht it was
[22:28:17] <RathK> but no banned hpapend
[22:28:23] <Dr.Chutiya> admin allen cleared chat**
[22:28:28] <marshmellow> there is no ban foor spamming
[22:28:33] <KylieJenner> admin marshmallow cleared the chat
[22:28:33] <Dr.Chutiya> there is
[22:28:36] <RathK> there is
[22:28:42] <marshmellow> there is ? damn
[22:28:47] <Dr.Chutiya> Try it lol
[22:28:52] <RathK> its a 3day ban btw
[22:29:03] <marshmellow> oh yea i remeber
[22:29:03] <KylieJenner> what chutiya?
[22:29:11] <RathK> btw there is no admin named allen
[22:29:16] <PenguinPilot> for(new a=0;a<100<a++) SendClientMessageToAll(-1, " ");
[22:29:19] <PenguinPilot> that's how you clear a chat^
[22:29:22] <Dr.Chutiya> there is Allen lombard
[22:29:33] <JulseC> /rcon login [password]
[22:29:41] <LTZonda> is this shit written in c++?
[22:29:41] <RathK> he isn't admin
[22:29:43] <PenguinPilot> Pawno
[22:29:46] <allen_lombard> there ia no allen admins
[22:29:46] <KylieJenner> /ban JulseC hacking
[22:29:46] <Dr.Chutiya> dont try to login rcon, you'll get banned
[22:29:49] <JulseC> !houses Dr.Chutiya
[22:29:49] <allen_lombard> is
[22:29:52] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $13,000,000 12 slots Bone County: $2,500,000 7 slots None Saved: $2,300,000 4 slots
[22:30:05] <JulseC> :))
[22:30:08] <RathK> im positive its perma aswell
[22:30:08] <PenguinPilot> it's written in a derivative of C
[22:30:13] <PenguinPilot> called PAWN
[22:30:18] <KylieJenner> iban kita julse
[22:30:21] <KylieJenner> iban ka ni admin kylie
[22:30:24] <LTZonda> ye I see it's close to C
[22:30:24] <JulseC> lol
[22:30:29] <JulseC> kakamiss maging admin :3
[22:30:34] <KylieJenner> ulol
[22:30:37] <JulseC> lol?
[22:30:40] <-- SemaBog disconnected from the server
[22:30:42] <Dr.Chutiya> !houses JulseC
[22:30:42] <JulseC> oo nga
[22:30:45] (WEB) <robin_be> JulseC does not own any houses!
[22:30:45] <PenguinPilot> it's not object-orientated which sucks sometimes
[22:30:48] <JulseC> :))
[22:30:48] <Dr.Chutiya> waat
[22:30:53] <JulseC> im poor
[22:30:53] <Dr.Chutiya> why
[22:30:56] <KylieJenner> san ka admin
[22:30:59] <Dr.Chutiya> lier you got millions in banks
[22:31:01] <JulseC> i only have mothership
[22:31:12] <JulseC> 1mil
[22:31:15] <Dr.Chutiya> lies
[22:31:18] <PenguinPilot> the closest you have is enumerators hahaha
[22:31:39] <KylieJenner> who's looking a helper for their house?
[22:31:47] <PenguinPilot> !houses
[22:31:50] (WEB) <robin_be> PenguinPilot does not own any houses!
[22:31:50] <PenguinPilot> !cars
[22:31:56] <LTZonda> whatcha mean Kylie
[22:31:58] <PenguinPilot> !cars
[22:31:58] <KylieJenner> !gRoUpS
[22:32:02] (WEB) <robin_be> PenguinPilot has:
[22:32:04] --> SemaBog connected to the server
[22:32:07] <PenguinPilot> !assets
[22:32:07] <Dr.Chutiya> helper what?
[22:32:10] (WEB) <robin_be> PenguinPilot has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[22:32:23] <KylieJenner> i can be a maid
[22:32:26] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[22:32:29] <KylieJenner> or a helper to yourhouse
[22:32:34] <LTZonda> ahahahhaha
[22:32:42] <KylieJenner> 1m per day lol
[22:32:48] <PenguinPilot> expensive
[22:32:48] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[22:32:50] <PenguinPilot> wow
[22:32:50] <-- PenguinPilot disconnected from the server
[22:33:06] <SemaBog> kylie can i see your feet without kanye finding out? its urgent
[22:33:06] <JulseC> its 4:32am :/ not sleepy yet :(
[22:33:14] <KylieJenner> no one cares
[22:33:17] <KylieJenner> no one asked
[22:33:23] <JulseC> pakyu
[22:33:25] <KylieJenner> hhahahha
[22:33:28] <KylieJenner> joke
[22:33:31] <KylieJenner> :*
[22:33:44] <JulseC> bilhin mo na mothership ko
[22:33:44] <JulseC> 3m na lang
[22:33:49] <KylieJenner> ano yun?
[22:33:55] <JulseC> camper
[22:33:57] <KylieJenner> pangit
[22:34:19] --> adalarva connected to the server
[22:34:22] <Dr.Chutiya> wb <3
[22:34:22] <KylieJenner> wb
[22:34:35] <adalarva> thanks:d
[22:34:35] <JulseC> lol
[22:34:40] <KylieJenner> nakita mo na bahay ko?
[22:34:43] <Dr.Chutiya> xd
[22:34:54] <JulseC> no kylie
[22:34:59] <KylieJenner> tara punta tyo
[22:35:07] <KylieJenner> sunduin kita asn ka
[22:35:07] <JulseC> chutiya is more richer than u
[22:35:15] <Dr.Chutiya> lol me?
[22:35:15] <JulseC> /tp verdant meadows
[22:35:21] <JulseC> ya
[22:35:26] <Dr.Chutiya> !cash
[22:35:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Dr.Chutiya has $751 in hand
[22:35:29] <KylieJenner> kylie is poor
[22:35:32] <JulseC> im on ur house
[22:35:43] <Dr.Chutiya> sit kylie
[22:35:51] <KylieJenner> julse tignan mo bahay ko
[22:36:01] <JulseC> sunduin mo ko
[22:36:17] <KylieJenner> andito na kami
[22:36:25] <KylieJenner> hinto
[22:36:34] <marshmellow> 50-_-
[22:36:36] <KylieJenner> chutiya lemme borrow any car
[22:36:42] <Dr.Chutiya> sure
[22:36:44] <Dr.Chutiya> which one?
[22:36:50] <KylieJenner> julse is that yours?
[22:36:55] <JulseC> yup
[22:36:55] <KylieJenner> or you smuggled that car
[22:37:00] <KylieJenner> you're a thief
[22:37:11] <JulseC> lemme borrow sandking
[22:37:14] <KylieJenner> !assets dr.chutiya
[22:37:17] (WEB) <robin_be> dr.chutiya has 20 car(s) ($8,190,000) and 3 house(s) ($17,800,000 - 23 slots) for a total of $25,990,000
[22:37:36] <JulseC> so rich
[22:37:38] <Dr.Chutiya> Lmao
[22:37:41] <Dr.Chutiya> lies
[22:37:46] <Dr.Chutiya> you're more richer
[22:37:52] <JulseC> my score is 4k but im poor lol
[22:37:57] <Dr.Chutiya> hahah lol
[22:38:03] <JulseC> putang ina
[22:38:13] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[22:38:59] <Dr.Chutiya> ffs
[22:39:10] <Dr.Chutiya> police
[22:39:10] <Dr.Chutiya> stop!!!
[22:39:15] <JulseC> /report 13
[22:39:26] <KylieJenner> report 13 very sweet
[22:39:36] <KylieJenner> julse tara sa houseko
[22:39:42] <SemaBog> !cash
[22:39:45] (WEB) <robin_be> SemaBog has $1,152,837 in hand
[22:39:48] <SemaBog> nice.
[22:39:53] <SemaBog> !cash mershmellow
[22:39:56] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player mershmellow
[22:40:07] <marshmellow> who tf is mershmellow
[22:40:15] <SemaBog> sorry boi
[22:40:23] <SemaBog> !cash marshmellow
[22:40:26] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow has $1,987,155 in hand
[22:40:26] <KylieJenner> julse tara na
[22:40:31] <SemaBog> no :(
[22:40:40] <LTZonda> marsh
[22:40:42] <marshmellow> ?
[22:40:48] <LTZonda> you want your head to become a sunflower?
[22:40:53] <JulseC> lets go
[22:40:56] <marshmellow> wtf?
[22:40:56] <SemaBog> yes
[22:40:56] <marshmellow> no
[22:40:58] <SemaBog> you
[22:41:01] <SemaBog> no
[22:41:01] <JulseC> chutiya you comming?
[22:41:06] <JulseC> !cash
[22:41:09] (WEB) <robin_be> JulseC has $100 in hand
[22:41:09] <Dr.Chutiya> sure
[22:41:12] <JulseC> baka naman kyli
[22:41:18] <KylieJenner> ano
[22:41:26] <JulseC> naubos na money ko sa vip
[22:41:34] <KylieJenner> ako rin wag ka magalala
[22:41:47] <Dr.Chutiya> where we goiN?
[22:41:52] <KylieJenner> ang bagal naman ng sasakyan omo bulok
[22:41:58] <Dr.Chutiya> f
[22:42:00] <KylieJenner> lamo
[22:42:00] <JulseC> kylie house
[22:42:03] <KylieJenner> get in
[22:42:19] <KylieJenner> ilaglag ko kaya car mo sa tubig
[22:42:27] <Dr.Chutiya> LMAO
[22:42:27] <KylieJenner> ayy ahala
[22:42:30] <JulseC> pota
[22:42:35] <KylieJenner> sorry ahaha
[22:42:38] <Dr.Chutiya> you guys stay heree i'll take a care
[22:42:38] <Dr.Chutiya> car
[22:42:43] <JulseC> sure
[22:42:54] <KylieJenner> lemme drive chutiya
[22:42:57] <JulseC> tarantado ka talaga
[22:43:05] <KylieJenner> nahulog ako gago d ko sinasadya haha
[22:43:29] <JulseC> tang ina ka di ako maka akyat
[22:43:32] <JulseC> wait lang
[22:43:40] <KylieJenner> hala ako din
[22:43:42] <JulseC> go
[22:43:48] <KylieJenner> chutiya were stucked
[22:43:48] <JulseC> u idiot
[22:43:59] <Dr.Chutiya> !houses KylieJenner
[22:44:02] (WEB) <robin_be> Bayside: $1,450,000 3 slots Redsands East: $5,950,000 5 slots Redsands East: $5,800,000 5 slots
[22:44:26] <JulseC> poor
[22:44:34] <JulseC> !cars KylieJenner
[22:44:37] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has: Infernus RC Bandit Turismo FBI Rancher Bullet Huntley
[22:44:39] <JulseC> !cars
[22:44:39] <KylieJenner> inggit
[22:44:42] (WEB) <robin_be> JulseC has: Camper
[22:44:45] <JulseC> :/
[22:44:48] <KylieJenner> nyay
[22:44:48] <JulseC> !houses
[22:44:51] (WEB) <robin_be> JulseC does not own any houses!
[22:44:51] <KylieJenner> dukha
[22:45:39] <JulseC> ur fucking lag
[22:45:44] <Dr.Chutiya> ohh
[22:45:44] <KylieJenner> ur fucking stupid
[22:45:47] <JulseC> ugly house
[22:45:47] <Dr.Chutiya> I used to own this back in the days
[22:45:50] <Dr.Chutiya> with a gate
[22:45:52] <KylieJenner> really?
[22:45:58] <Dr.Chutiya> yeah
[22:46:03] <KylieJenner> pasok ka sa loob julse
[22:46:06] <Dr.Chutiya> a custom gate and payphpne
[22:46:08] <Dr.Chutiya> phone*
[22:46:08] <KylieJenner> where did the gate go
[22:46:16] <JulseC> chutiya house is more beatiful than this
[22:46:25] <Dr.Chutiya> They removed all the custom stuff
[22:46:27] <JulseC> may bayad pagawa ng gate
[22:46:33] <KylieJenner> atleast i have a house but u dont have any
[22:46:41] <KylieJenner> how much did u pay
[22:46:46] <LTZonda> I wonder why they removed it
[22:46:51] <SemaBog> stfu
[22:46:59] <Dr.Chutiya> me?
[22:47:02] <LTZonda> ./ban 0
[22:47:02] <KylieJenner> yes
[22:47:05] <SemaBog> no
[22:47:21] <Dr.Chutiya> I paid like 15m I guess
[22:47:21] <Dr.Chutiya> or 20m
[22:47:56] <KylieJenner> pasok ka sa loob julse
[22:48:20] <Gajeel> !cash Dr.Chutiya
[22:48:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Dr.Chutiya has $5,751 in hand
[22:48:26] <KylieJenner> maganda ba loob?
[22:48:26] <JulseC> !player Crystal
[22:48:26] <Gajeel> lol
[22:48:26] <SemaBog> !cash gajeel
[22:48:29] (WEB) <robin_be> player Crystal: 7682 score, last seen 22 Hours Ago
[22:48:37] <SemaBog> !cash Gajeel
[22:48:40] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel has $950,885 in hand
[22:48:40] <JulseC> dapat malaking spot na binili mo
[22:48:43] <SemaBog> LOL
[22:48:49] <Dr.Chutiya> !cash marshmellow
[22:48:52] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow has $2,059,769 in hand
[22:48:52] <KylieJenner> malaki naman parking space nito
[22:48:57] <marshmellow> nice head julse
[22:49:05] <JulseC> nice cap :P
[22:49:10] <JulseC> goodluck
[22:49:24] <marshmellow> dammit
[22:49:24] <JulseC> gz
[22:49:35] <marshmellow> he's usiing me
[22:49:40] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[22:49:43] <KylieJenner> marshmallow help me
[22:49:45] <marshmellow> i work my ass off
[22:49:51] <marshmellow> and he takes it alll
[22:50:12] <Dr.Chutiya> gz
[22:50:15] <KylieJenner> gz
[22:50:23] <KylieJenner> lets dice
[22:50:23] <JulseC> how much
[22:50:26] <JulseC> sure
[22:50:26] <Dr.Chutiya> 80k
[22:50:26] <KylieJenner> but please not 1m
[22:50:28] --> ErdemEmireri connected to the server
[22:50:34] <Dr.Chutiya> gz
[22:50:34] <JulseC> ty
[22:50:39] <KylieJenner> tayo naman julse
[22:50:42] <KylieJenner> 100k
[22:50:47] <KylieJenner> noooo
[22:50:50] <KylieJenner> mallows thats big
[22:51:01] <KylieJenner> julse 100k
[22:51:03] <JulseC> invite
[22:51:11] <JulseC> 50k lang
[22:51:11] <KylieJenner> ikaw na
[22:51:17] <KylieJenner> d ako marunon
[22:51:17] <JulseC> 50k muna
[22:51:17] <marshmellow> chutiya 1ml
[22:51:22] <Dr.Chutiya> again?
[22:51:22] <marshmellow> i want my cash back
[22:51:27] <marshmellow> lets go
[22:51:30] <Dr.Chutiya> what if you loose lol?
[22:51:30] <JulseC> ayaw e
[22:51:35] <marshmellow> well i lose
[22:51:38] <marshmellow> i guess
[22:51:38] <Dr.Chutiya> we talked about 1 round heheh
[22:51:41] <JulseC> 50 lang
[22:51:43] <KylieJenner> takot?
[22:51:54] <Dr.Chutiya> !casj
[22:51:57] <Dr.Chutiya> !cash
[22:52:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Dr.Chutiya has $5,751 in hand
[22:52:02] <KylieJenner> ayaw na tuloy
[22:52:08] <KylieJenner> ikaw na maginvite
[22:52:10] <Dr.Chutiya> !cash
[22:52:13] (WEB) <robin_be> Dr.Chutiya has $5,751 in hand
[22:52:13] <Dr.Chutiya> 751$
[22:52:43] <KylieJenner> you have already invited somebody
[22:53:10] <marshmellow> i have already invited?
[22:53:15] <KylieJenner> idk
[22:53:15] <marshmellow> ffs
[22:53:20] <KylieJenner> invit me
[22:53:23] <JulseC> hey
[22:53:29] <Dr.Chutiya> invite me 500k
[22:53:45] <marshmellow> not working
[22:53:47] <marshmellow> relog?
[22:53:47] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[22:53:50] <Dr.Chutiya> you're bugged mellow I guess relog nap
[22:54:03] <ErdemEmireri> Emre abi can you /w
[22:54:09] <Gajeel> ne diyon lan
[22:54:14] <ErdemEmireri> join our discord server
[22:54:20] <Gajeel> bekle
[22:54:22] <Gajeel> görevdeyim
[22:54:25] <KylieJenner> come here
[22:54:33] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[22:54:36] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[22:54:36] <KylieJenner> 5 million
[22:54:38] <ErdemEmireri> ./w arada kaynadý
[22:54:44] <Dr.Chutiya> !cash KylieJenner
[22:54:47] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has $248,835 in hand
[22:54:52] <Dr.Chutiya> lemme dice 500k with mellow
[22:55:06] <Dr.Chutiya> gz
[22:55:06] <KylieJenner> try me
[22:55:14] <marshmellow> !cash
[22:55:17] <KylieJenner> gz
[22:55:17] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow has $1,644,769 in hand
[22:55:17] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[22:55:22] <Dr.Chutiya> hahah lol
[22:55:25] --> NikSRB connected to the server
[22:55:25] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[22:55:28] <JulseC> !cash
[22:55:31] (WEB) <robin_be> JulseC has $-305 in hand
[22:55:44] <NikSRB> thx
[22:55:44] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[22:55:52] <JulseC> matulog kana
[22:55:58] <KylieJenner> ikaw rin
[22:56:08] <KylieJenner> marshmallows where are you
[22:56:08] <JulseC> bat naka gmt 0:00 ka
[22:56:11] <marshmellow> ?
[22:56:16] <KylieJenner> nasa australia ako tanga
[22:56:16] <-- GabryelFOX disconnected from the server
[22:56:22] <KylieJenner> lets dice
[22:56:24] <JulseC> tang ina mo
[22:56:40] <JulseC> you poor kylie. mellow is workin
[22:56:46] <KylieJenner> who won
[22:56:51] <Dr.Chutiya> how muchdid ya'll dice?
[22:56:51] <marshmellow> me
[22:56:54] <KylieJenner> oh
[22:56:57] <Dr.Chutiya> marshmellow won
[22:56:57] <marshmellow> 50k?
[22:57:07] <KylieJenner> i lost again?
[22:57:10] <marshmellow> ye
[22:57:13] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[22:57:15] <Dr.Chutiya> !cash marshmellow
[22:57:18] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow has $1,644,769 in hand
[22:57:18] <KylieJenner> whut
[22:57:24] <Gajeel> lets dice
[22:57:24] <KylieJenner> i dont understand this
[22:57:26] <Gajeel> 43kk
[22:57:29] <marshmellow> ok
[22:57:40] <Gajeel> bye
[22:57:45] <marshmellow> lol
[22:57:45] <JulseC> bb
[22:57:48] <KylieJenner> what happened
[22:57:48] <Dr.Chutiya> !cash gajeel
[22:57:51] (WEB) <robin_be> gajeel has $1,001,079 in hand
[22:57:56] <Dr.Chutiya> Wanna dice 1m gajeel?
[22:57:59] <KylieJenner> julse dice tayo
[22:57:59] <marshmellow> lol
[22:58:04] <Gajeel> nope
[22:58:07] <JulseC> !cash Aaron
[22:58:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Aaron has $104,293,744 in hand
[22:58:13] <marshmellow> jeez
[22:58:16] <Dr.Chutiya> 100m noob
[22:58:21] <marshmellow> too much
[22:58:29] <KylieJenner> yay
[22:58:32] <LTZonda> a
[22:58:34] <JulseC> !cash Aaron
[22:58:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Aaron has $104,293,744 in hand
[22:58:37] <JulseC> oops wrong
[22:58:40] <KylieJenner> its like a matter of luck?
[22:58:43] <marshmellow> yea
[22:58:45] <Dr.Chutiya> yeah it is luck
[22:58:48] <JulseC> !cash Bliktonijin
[22:58:51] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Bliktonijin
[22:59:04] <KylieJenner> hala julse nanalo ako
[22:59:07] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[22:59:07] <JulseC> !cash Bliktonijn
[22:59:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Bliktonijn has $21,409,789 in hand
[22:59:10] <JulseC> hm
[22:59:16] <KylieJenner> check mo
[22:59:24] <JulseC> balato
[22:59:26] <KylieJenner> where are you guyz
[22:59:26] <JulseC> /givecash
[22:59:34] <LTZonda> !player Bliktonijn
[22:59:37] (WEB) <robin_be> player Bliktonijn: 2902 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[22:59:43] <Gajeel> dice 25k
[23:00:07] <JulseC> !player Alifer
[23:00:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player Alifer: 50304 score, last seen 29 Days Ago
[23:00:18] <LTZonda> hey there
[23:00:29] <Gajeel> anyone_
[23:00:34] <KylieJenner> hello
[23:00:53] <KylieJenner> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[23:01:36] <KylieJenner> wth
[23:01:57] <JulseC> pa event ka kylie
[23:01:57] <-- Gajeel disconnected from the server
[23:02:03] <KylieJenner> mama mo event
[23:02:16] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[23:02:19] <JulseC> 200k lang e
[23:02:24] <JulseC> barya lang sayo yun
[23:02:27] <JulseC> !interest 50000
[23:02:30] (WEB) <robin_be> $50,000 will generate about $33 every 60 minutes
[23:02:30] <KylieJenner> 200k mo
[23:02:33] <JulseC> !interest 500000
[23:02:35] (WEB) <robin_be> $500,000 will generate about $333 every 60 minutes
[23:02:35] <JulseC> !interest 5000000
[23:02:38] (WEB) <robin_be> $5,000,000 will generate about $3,333 every 60 minutes
[23:02:44] <KylieJenner> !interest 35000000
[23:02:46] <JulseC> !interest 50000000
[23:02:46] (WEB) <robin_be> $35,000,000 will generate about $23,333 every 60 minutes
[23:02:49] (WEB) <robin_be> $50,000,000 will generate about $33,333 every 60 minutes
[23:02:55] <KylieJenner> !interest 35000000
[23:02:58] (WEB) <robin_be> $35,000,000 will generate about $23,333 every 60 minutes
[23:02:58] <JulseC> !interest 500000000
[23:02:58] <LTZonda> can someone do it for my amount?
[23:03:00] (WEB) <robin_be> $500,000,000 will generate about $333,333 every 60 minutes
[23:03:14] <LTZonda> can someone do it for my amount?
[23:03:16] <KylieJenner> sure
[23:03:22] <SemaBog> can someone do it for his amount
[23:03:27] <LTZonda> 112M pls
[23:03:27] <JulseC> !rinterest 100000
[23:03:30] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $100,000 of interest you need about $150,000,000
[23:03:30] <KylieJenner> si
[23:03:41] <SemaBog> can someone do it for his amount
[23:03:43] <JulseC> !rinterest 1000000
[23:03:46] (WEB) <robin_be> (overflow) to get $268,434 of interest you need about $402,651,000
[23:03:46] <LTZonda> I earn 20M a day
[23:03:46] <KylieJenner> ok sema
[23:03:52] <KylieJenner> lol
[23:04:02] <JulseC> so its imposible to get 1m interest :3
[23:04:16] <KylieJenner> tang ina mo
[23:04:21] <JulseC> namotoo
[23:04:29] <KylieJenner> fuck you
[23:04:32] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[23:04:40] <NikSRB> oof
[23:04:51] <JulseC> ur not educated w
[23:05:07] <Dr.Chutiya> FUck this lotot
[23:05:15] <JulseC> /addlotto
[23:05:23] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[23:06:28] <JulseC> !interest 112000000
[23:06:30] (WEB) <robin_be> $112,000,000 will generate about $74,666 every 60 minutes
[23:06:38] <SemaBog> !interest 69696969420
[23:06:41] (WEB) <robin_be> syntax: !interest [amount]
[23:06:47] <SemaBog> !interest 696969420
[23:06:50] (WEB) <robin_be> $696,969,420 will generate about $464,646 every 60 minutes
[23:06:52] <SemaBog> nice
[23:06:52] <Dr.Chutiya> !rinterest 999999999
[23:06:55] (WEB) <robin_be> (overflow) to get $268,434 of interest you need about $402,651,000
[23:07:00] <Dr.Chutiya> !rinterest 99999999
[23:07:03] (WEB) <robin_be> (overflow) to get $268,434 of interest you need about $402,651,000
[23:07:09] <JulseC> !interest 1000000000
[23:07:12] (WEB) <robin_be> $1,000,000,000 will generate about $666,666 every 60 minutes
[23:07:14] <SemaBog> !rinterest 69696969
[23:07:17] (WEB) <robin_be> (overflow) to get $268,434 of interest you need about $402,651,000
[23:07:20] <JulseC> ohh devils number
[23:07:25] <SemaBog> funny
[23:07:25] <Dr.Chutiya> lol
[23:07:55] <Dr.Chutiya> PL IS ILLUMINATI
[23:08:13] <-- [SD].GM disconnected from the server
[23:09:34] <Dr.Chutiya> !cash X_ray
[23:09:37] (WEB) <robin_be> X_ray has $11,232 in hand
[23:09:45] <Dr.Chutiya> !assets X_ray
[23:09:48] (WEB) <robin_be> X_ray has 2 car(s) ($1,140,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,000,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $2,140,000
[23:11:11] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[23:11:16] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[23:11:30] <Hamster12> ty
[23:12:50] <SemaBog> gps
[23:12:56] <Dr.Chutiya> /gps
[23:14:05] <Dr.Chutiya> !player Ayers
[23:14:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player Ayers: 9332 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[23:15:32] <SemaBog> !cash LTZondqa
[23:15:35] <SemaBog> !cash LTZonda
[23:15:35] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player LTZondqa
[23:15:38] (WEB) <robin_be> LTZonda has $5,651,483 in hand
[23:15:38] <SemaBog> !cash LTZonda
[23:15:41] (WEB) <robin_be> LTZonda has $5,651,483 in hand
[23:15:57] <JulseC> !player robin_be
[23:16:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player robin_be: 13322 score, last seen 3 Hours Ago
[23:16:11] <JulseC> !assets robin_be
[23:16:14] (WEB) <robin_be> robin_be has 9 car(s) ($3,210,000) and 1 house(s) ($35,000,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $38,210,000
[23:16:19] <marshmellow> !interest
[23:16:22] (WEB) <robin_be> syntax: !interest [amount]
[23:16:33] <Hamster12> lol i back started to thunnder
[23:17:02] <Dr.Chutiya> hi sexy lads
[23:17:34] <Dr.Chutiya> /addlotto 50000
[23:18:47] <Hamster12> marshemlow whatu doing
[23:18:52] <marshmellow> flying
[23:18:55] <JulseC> !assets Stan
[23:18:58] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan has 6 car(s) ($1,020,000) and 2 house(s) ($5,150,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $6,170,000
[23:18:58] <Hamster12> fly back to me
[23:19:17] <Hamster12> where uflying to
[23:20:05] <marshmellow> flying to longe island
[23:20:21] <Hamster12> `/wave
[23:20:24] <Hamster12> `/wave
[23:20:32] <NikSRB> o boy army missions suck today
[23:20:48] <RathK> what am I missing over here
[23:20:48] <Hamster12> yee
[23:21:28] <NikSRB> finally a long flight
[23:22:40] <-- ErdemEmireri disconnected from the server
[23:24:36] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[23:28:00] <Hamster12> hiii
[23:28:08] <marshmellow> heyo
[23:28:13] <Hamster12> oh welk
[23:28:24] <Hamster12> give me sec
[23:28:40] --> SnekyNinja connected to the server
[23:28:48] <marshmellow> wb
[23:28:51] <SnekyNinja> ty
[23:28:56] <SnekyNinja> can you get a gun?
[23:29:28] <JulseC> .rc
[23:30:00] <Dr.Chutiya> !player crystla
[23:30:03] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player crystla
[23:30:03] <Dr.Chutiya> !player crystal
[23:30:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player crystal: 7682 score, last seen 22 Hours Ago
[23:30:15] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[23:32:29] --> lord_vader connected to the server
[23:32:31] <Dr.Chutiya> wb
[23:32:34] <SnekyNinja> wb
[23:32:40] <lord_vader> ty :D
[23:33:01] <Hamster12> hoii
[23:33:17] <-- lord_vader disconnected from the server
[23:33:36] --> Shazi connected to the server
[23:33:41] <LTZonda> wb
[23:33:41] <SnekyNinja> wb
[23:33:47] <Shazi> thanks
[23:34:22] <Hamster12> !cash
[23:34:25] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $4,449,301 in hand
[23:35:48] <Hamster12> !player Boeing
[23:35:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player Boeing: 0 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[23:35:51] <Dr.Chutiya> wb shazi
[23:35:54] <Shazi> thanks
[23:35:56] <Hamster12> !player Airbus
[23:36:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player Airbus: 1 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[23:36:13] <Shazi> !player Lockheed
[23:36:16] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lockheed: 9534 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[23:36:19] <Hamster12> o_O
[23:36:24] <Hamster12> !player cessna
[23:36:27] (WEB) <robin_be> player cessna: 30 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[23:36:35] <Shazi> lockie was head admin :P
[23:36:41] <Hamster12> really?
[23:36:43] <Hamster12> when
[23:36:46] <Shazi> back in like 2012
[23:36:49] <NikSRB> yep, i remember him
[23:37:24] <Shazi> he stopped playing by the time i joined he
[23:37:24] <NikSRB> !player Serbian
[23:37:27] (WEB) <robin_be> player Serbian: 45093 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[23:37:54] <Shazi> !player RedHatCarrot
[23:37:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player RedHatCarrot: 4 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[23:38:11] <Shazi> F if you remember the carrots
[23:38:19] <SnekyNinja> !player Lorik
[23:38:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lorik: 0 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[23:38:27] <SnekyNinja> !score Lorik
[23:38:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lorik: 0 score, 0 missions: 0'/. null - 0'/. null - 0'/. null
[23:38:33] <Shazi> !player Lorik[IA]
[23:38:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lorik[IA]: 13062 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[23:38:36] <SnekyNinja> !score lorik
[23:38:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player lorik: 0 score, 0 missions: 0'/. null - 0'/. null - 0'/. null
[23:38:50] <SnekyNinja> thanks
[23:38:55] <Shazi> ;)
[23:39:38] <SnekyNinja> F
[23:39:41] <Hamster12> I remember Lorik
[23:39:49] <Hamster12> anyone remmebr spedyd gonzales
[23:39:52] <SnekyNinja> yep
[23:39:57] <Hamster12> !player speedygonzalez
[23:40:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player speedygonzalez: 5 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[23:40:03] <Hamster12> oh
[23:40:11] <SnekyNinja> wrong ome
[23:40:11] <SnekyNinja> one*
[23:40:14] <JulseC> !player Beam
[23:40:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player Beam: 7871 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[23:40:20] <Hamster12> !player speedygonzalez[IA]
[23:40:20] <JulseC> !player Dark_Soulz.
[23:40:23] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player speedygonzalez[IA]
[23:40:28] <JulseC> !player Dark_Soulz.
[23:40:28] <Hamster12> what was his name
[23:40:31] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Dark_Soulz.
[23:40:34] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[23:40:39] <SnekyNinja> wb
[23:40:39] <Shazi> !player Gonzalez
[23:40:39] <JulseC> !player DarkSoulz.
[23:40:43] (WEB) <robin_be> player Gonzalez: 8948 score, last seen 3 Months Ago
[23:40:46] <Smetkowski> ty
[23:40:46] <Shazi> wb
[23:40:48] <Hamster12> 3 months ago ooh
[23:40:59] <Shazi> he got demoted from admin F
[23:41:02] <SnekyNinja> !score SeedyGonzalez
[23:41:05] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player SeedyGonzalez
[23:42:36] <SnekyNinja> kako ide nik
[23:42:50] <NikSRB> gura se
[23:42:55] <SnekyNinja> samo tako
[23:43:24] <NikSRB> hm mislim da te se secam
[23:43:32] <NikSRB> ja sam igrao fazon 2016
[23:43:38] <NikSRB> ili 2017
[23:43:46] <SnekyNinja> ja sam nekad prije
[23:43:57] <NikSRB> Serbian_Boy sam bio
[23:43:59] <SnekyNinja> aha
[23:44:02] <SnekyNinja> znam
[23:44:32] <NikSRB> kako si to poleteo :P
[23:44:45] <SnekyNinja> lagano haha
[23:45:52] <Hamster12> fuck
[23:45:55] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[23:46:03] <Shazi> ne pii chai, pii rakia
[23:46:03] <JulseC> good morning
[23:46:11] <Hamster12> Shazii dont smoke or u will die
[23:46:14] <JulseC> bb gotta sleep ^^.
[23:46:16] <Shazi> F
[23:46:16] <SnekyNinja> bb
[23:46:24] <Hamster12> jak tam ci mija kwarantanna snekyninja ?
[23:46:32] <SnekyNinja> what?7
[23:46:35] <Shazi> uhhh
[23:46:35] <Hamster12> jak mijaq ?
[23:46:38] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[23:46:54] <SnekyNinja> sorry only londone speak men
[23:46:56] <Shazi> something about quarantine
[23:46:59] <Hamster12> ;(
[23:47:07] <Hamster12> ohh you not slovakia ?
[23:47:10] <SnekyNinja> naaah
[23:47:15] <Hamster12> ;-;
[23:47:18] <SnekyNinja> ahahah
[23:47:23] <Shazi> no, i only know luka doncic <3
[23:47:34] <Hamster12> !8ball Should I start smoking ?
[23:47:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: Without a doubt
[23:47:37] <Shazi> yes
[23:47:45] <SnekyNinja> !8ball should i kill myself
[23:47:45] <Hamster12> !8ball Should Shazi stop smoking ?
[23:47:48] (WEB) <robin_be> SnekyNinja: Cannot predict now
[23:47:48] <Shazi> no
[23:47:48] <SnekyNinja> wow7
[23:48:01] <Hamster12> !8ball Will Shazi die from smoking ?
[23:48:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: It is certain
[23:48:04] --> Miles_Fitzgerald connected to the server
[23:48:10] <Shazi> wait, luka was slovakian, or slovenian
[23:48:18] <SnekyNinja> wbwb
[23:48:18] <SnekyNinja> wb
[23:48:20] <Shazi> more like slovenian
[23:48:20] <Miles_Fitzgerald> THX
[23:48:28] <SnekyNinja> OK
[23:48:34] <SnekyNinja> NP
[23:48:47] <Shazi> sneaky
[23:48:50] <SnekyNinja> ?
[23:48:58] <Shazi> lepa brena <3
[23:49:03] <SnekyNinja> ah yes
[23:49:06] <Hamster12> !8ball is sneky kid ?
[23:49:06] <SnekyNinja> good milf
[23:49:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: It's better not to know
[23:49:12] <SnekyNinja> gilf i should say
[23:49:14] <Shazi> ^
[23:49:33] <Hamster12> !8ball Will covid19 end ?
[23:49:33] <SnekyNinja> :)
[23:49:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: Cannot predict now
[23:49:36] <Shazi> lepa breana, mile kitic, vesna zmijanac <3
[23:49:41] --> TechReside connected to the server
[23:49:44] <SnekyNinja> theyre aight
[23:49:57] <Shazi> and ofc, saban saulic
[23:49:57] <SnekyNinja> wb
[23:50:03] <SnekyNinja> classic
[23:50:19] <Shazi> kad zamirisu ....... JORGOVAAANIIIIII
[23:51:07] <Shazi> i'm bulgarian, so i know most of the serbian turbo-folk songs from like 1990
[23:51:15] <SnekyNinja> im not surprised
[23:51:31] <SnekyNinja> yall listen to them a lot i suppose
[23:51:39] <Shazi> bruh
[23:51:45] <Hamster12> omg
[23:51:47] <Hamster12> sorry
[23:51:56] <SnekyNinja> what?
[23:52:01] <Shazi> its not a party if we dont listen to atleast 10-20 serbian songs
[23:52:06] <SnekyNinja> ahahah
[23:52:28] <Shazi> serbian music is deep in bulgarian's hearths
[23:53:11] --> Santiago connected to the server
[23:53:13] <SnekyNinja> wb
[23:53:13] <Smetkowski> wb
[23:53:21] <Shazi> ayy santi
[23:53:24] <Santiago> hi
[23:53:29] <Hamster12> oh no its he again
[23:53:32] <Santiago> go check discord
[23:53:38] <Hamster12> NOA
[23:53:38] <Santiago> in general
[23:53:43] <Santiago> everyone
[23:53:59] <Hamster12> fuck
[23:53:59] <Santiago> yes
[23:54:02] <Hamster12> @everyone
[23:55:33] --> Manish connected to the server
[23:55:38] <SnekyNinja> wb
[23:56:00] <Manish> TY
[23:56:29] <Shazi> ayy santi tf is this wall of text
[23:56:35] <Santiago> wow no one checked discord
[23:56:48] <Shazi> i checked it
[23:56:51] <Santiago> where
[23:56:56] <Shazi> general
[23:57:23] <Santiago> wait you can't see the text?
[23:57:28] <Santiago> that's the event week schedule
[23:57:34] <Shazi> i checked it
[23:57:39] <Shazi> the document file
[23:57:55] <Shazi> its a damn wall of text, will read it tommorow </3
[23:58:03] <Santiago> boooo
[23:58:06] <Santiago> just take a look at it
[23:58:11] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[23:58:14] <Santiago> most of it are descriptions of the events that's why
[23:58:17] <SnekyNinja> wb
[23:58:22] <Stan958> ty
[23:59:59] <adalarva> !player Adrian_Arroyo
