[00:01:02] <Hamster12> when saw how gas station shop looks like in usa
[00:01:10] <Hamster12> i lost faith in humanity
[00:01:18] <Lavija> Why?
[00:01:37] <Hamster12> it's full of sweet andies food coke, and unhealthy food
[00:01:45] <allen_lombard> combos
[00:01:47] <allen_lombard> i want some combos
[00:01:50] <Lavija> well its not a grocery store
[00:02:01] <Hamster12> gas station shop in US is like shopping mall in poland
[00:03:02] <Hamster12> laviaj your english grammar suprises me
[00:03:08] <Lavija> Why?
[00:03:13] <Hamster12> it's sooo bad
[00:03:18] <Shazi> F
[00:03:21] <Lavija> You're one to talk.
[00:03:26] <Gajeel> F
[00:03:29] <Gajeel> dameeeee
[00:03:45] <Hamster12> well
[00:03:56] <Hamster12> You're one to answer.
[00:04:01] <Hamster12> #rekt
[00:04:09] <Lavija> That makes no sense but ok
[00:05:11] <Hamster12> i said how looks gas station shops in US u answered: well it's not groccery shops
[00:05:32] <Hamster12> !8ball Do I have shit grammar?
[00:05:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: Ask again later
[00:05:43] <Hamster12> -.-
[00:05:56] <Lavija> I asked why
[00:06:15] <Hamster12> stop being confusing
[00:06:23] <Lavija> not my fault you're dumb
[00:06:42] <Hamster12> So proud i am not US and ave still better grammar. ._.
[00:06:58] <allen_lombard> yeah, no
[00:06:58] <Lavija> Ok
[00:06:58] <Hamster12> even tho I had worst grammar grade in school
[00:07:06] <allen_lombard> you still do
[00:07:09] <Lavija> Nah, it's still horrible
[00:07:11] <Lavija> but ok go on
[00:07:11] <Hamster12> why so rude
[00:07:57] <Hamster12> i am better at speakign than writing
[00:08:05] <Lavija> Ok buddy
[00:08:21] <Hamster12> u asain?
[00:08:29] <Hamster12> Asian
[00:09:06] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[00:11:41] <Hamster12> hmm who Lavija spectate now
[00:11:55] <Lavija> you
[00:11:57] <Hamster12> why
[00:12:00] <Hamster12> ._.
[00:12:03] <Lavija> because i can
[00:12:03] <Hamster12> whos
[00:12:05] <Hamster12> dont
[00:12:11] <Hamster12> stop i dont like watching me
[00:12:11] <Lavija> dont tell me what to do
[00:12:13] <Lavija> idc
[00:12:19] <Hamster12> u rude
[00:12:32] <Lavija> good
[00:12:32] <Hamster12> how u will feel when i will watch u while u take shower
[00:12:40] <allen_lombard> aroused
[00:12:45] <Lavija> lil bit
[00:14:11] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[00:14:46] <Hamster12> u still watchin me ?
[00:14:59] <Lavija> yes
[00:15:02] <Lavija> ofc
[00:15:02] <allen_lombard> why dont you taxi a little sloweer
[00:15:07] <Hamster12> ok
[00:15:13] <Hamster12> who me ?
[00:15:21] <Hamster12> look at me now
[00:15:29] <allen_lombard> rude
[00:15:34] <Hamster12> xd
[00:15:42] <Hamster12> arent u too ?
[00:16:01] <Hamster12> i am feelign abused hwen u watch me
[00:17:37] <Hamster12> pICTURE TIME
[00:18:46] <Lavija> aww i wish hamster was id 0
[00:18:49] <Hamster12> hahahaha
[00:19:08] <Hamster12> why
[00:19:19] <Shazi> f
[00:19:21] <allen_lombard> f @shazi
[00:19:45] <Hamster12> u watchin me still
[00:19:51] <Lavija> ofc
[00:19:59] <Hamster12> look at this
[00:20:20] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[00:20:52] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[00:21:03] <Hamster12> shit game crash
[00:21:14] <Hamster12> aha u dont spec me
[00:21:19] <Lavija> check again
[00:21:22] <Hamster12> well i did
[00:21:24] <allen_lombard> yup
[00:21:24] <Lavija> again
[00:21:27] <allen_lombard> again
[00:21:30] <Hamster12> ye
[00:21:38] <Hamster12> record me of u spec me and send on dsc then i believe
[00:21:48] <Hamster12> NO
[00:21:54] <Lavija> :)
[00:22:02] <Lavija> look whos ID 0 now
[00:22:18] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[00:22:28] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[00:22:44] <Lavija> stop timing out
[00:22:47] <Hamster12> why
[00:22:50] <Hamster12> I can
[00:22:58] <Lavija> beacuse i have to start watching you again
[00:23:03] --> Shazi connected to the server
[00:23:03] <Hamster12> omg
[00:23:11] <Hamster12> stop or i call Crystal for harassment
[00:23:17] <Shazi> F
[00:23:22] <Lavija> I am crystal's father
[00:23:30] <Hamster12> game crashes near the space ship lv wtf
[00:23:30] <allen_lombard> ^
[00:23:33] <Hamster12> u arent
[00:23:38] <allen_lombard> idk man
[00:23:41] <Lavija> i am
[00:23:41] <Lavija> ask him
[00:23:41] <Hamster12> Crystal is wayy too beautiful
[00:24:39] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[00:24:50] <Hamster12> ._.
[00:24:53] <Lavija> omg
[00:24:56] <Hamster12> where is it
[00:25:01] <Hamster12> don
[00:25:04] <Hamster12> dont u dare
[00:25:22] <Lavija> oh hell yeha
[00:25:36] <Hamster12> i have vip god mode
[00:25:49] <Lavija> not anymore
[00:25:52] <Hamster12> f(*
[00:25:57] <Hamster12> aha?
[00:26:00] <Hamster12> i stil have
[00:26:10] <Hamster12> i am fast
[00:26:13] <Shazi> back
[00:26:16] <Lavija> nice godmode
[00:26:16] <Hamster12> F**** u
[00:26:26] <Hamster12> nice dm
[00:26:29] <Lavija> thanks
[00:26:45] <Lavija> way better shaz
[00:26:53] <Shazi> thanks
[00:26:59] <allen_lombard> dope af
[00:27:04] <allen_lombard> i want this
[00:27:07] <Lavija> same lol
[00:27:09] <allen_lombard> idc if it had 0 slots
[00:27:12] <Shazi> no lol xD
[00:27:17] <Shazi> i mapped this for me xD
[00:27:17] <Lavija> like my shithole
[00:27:36] <Shazi> f my fence
[00:27:44] <Lavija> yes im watching you stop loc'ing me
[00:27:47] <Hamster12> who
[00:27:49] <Lavija> right shaz
[00:27:49] <Lavija> You
[00:27:52] --> BIGBADGRIZZLY connected to the server
[00:27:55] <Hamster12> how u knwo i loc u
[00:27:57] <HanzelDS> wb
[00:28:00] <Lavija> because i know everything
[00:28:08] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> thanks bratan
[00:28:11] <Hamster12> stop watching me man get off
[00:28:16] <Lavija> na
[00:28:21] <Hamster12> u love me ? tell me
[00:28:27] --> Treyway connected to the server
[00:28:29] <Lavija> yeah guess so
[00:28:32] <HanzelDS> wb
[00:28:38] <Treyway> ty
[00:28:38] <Hamster12> so if u love me then eeeehmm uuhm
[00:28:54] <Lavija> shaz want a gun
[00:28:59] <Hamster12> dpmt
[00:29:04] <Hamster12> i hav vip god mode
[00:29:04] <Shazi> double eneded dildo plox
[00:29:10] <Shazi> ended*
[00:29:50] <Shazi> lmfao
[00:29:58] <Treyway> racist
[00:30:06] <Shazi> F
[00:30:08] <Lavija> HES GONE WILD
[00:30:11] <allen_lombard> hahahahaha
[00:30:27] <Shazi> F
[00:30:59] <Shazi> who tf broke my swag balcony smh
[00:31:15] <Lavija> soz
[00:31:21] <Shazi> </3
[00:31:23] <allen_lombard> whoops
[00:31:26] <Lavija> glass is so satisfying to break with a minigun
[00:31:31] <allen_lombard> ^
[00:31:31] <Lavija> lemme show u
[00:31:47] <Hamster12> yey
[00:31:58] <Shazi> hue, that glass on the windows aint brokable
[00:32:09] <Hamster12> will u stop fking spec me
[00:32:11] <Hamster12> both of u
[00:32:11] <Lavija> No
[00:32:19] <Lavija> isnt it awesome
[00:32:25] <Hamster12> k then i leave game not gonna let u watch my balls
[00:32:30] <Shazi> its not even broking ._.
[00:32:33] <Lavija> tf
[00:32:41] <Lavija> ok to lufthansas base then
[00:32:57] <Hamster12> not again
[00:33:21] --> Twi connected to the server
[00:33:24] <Treyway> wb
[00:33:29] <Hamster12> bye
[00:33:32] <Shazi> opening doors with minugun is also cool tho
[00:33:34] <Twi> ty
[00:33:34] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[00:33:40] <allen_lombard> yup
[00:33:50] <Lavija> sesc
[00:34:09] <Lavija> knock urself out
[00:34:12] <allen_lombard> ooooh shiw him how saatifying it is to desgtroy the ia tower
[00:34:20] <Lavija> i just did lol
[00:34:25] <Twi> noobs
[00:34:28] <Shazi> DESTROY IA
[00:34:30] <Lavija> no
[00:34:36] <Twi> Destroy Shazi
[00:34:41] <Lavija> ill put you down like the dog you are
[00:35:05] <Shazi> damn, this is why ill never be admin in this server lmao
[00:35:21] <Lavija> facts
[00:35:43] <Lavija> were in the gulag
[00:35:51] <Shazi> #lagz
[00:36:23] <Shazi> allen, have you been in DHL?
[00:36:31] <allen_lombard> ia for lyfe
[00:36:36] <Shazi> f
[00:36:42] <allen_lombard> dhl was good thoough
[00:37:00] <Shazi> ionce owned a good house and made custom mapping for it
[00:37:08] <Shazi> featuring cows, you know
[00:37:24] <allen_lombard> every house needs cows
[00:37:27] <Shazi> thought you'd like it
[00:37:43] <allen_lombard> i remember when this bong was a house
[00:37:48] --> adalarva connected to the server
[00:37:56] <Shazi> Chong's one
[00:37:59] <Treyway> wb
[00:38:02] <allen_lombard> yeah
[00:38:04] <adalarva> ty:d
[00:38:50] <-- pabloescobarr disconnected from the server
[00:39:41] <Gajeel> who won the lotto
[00:39:57] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[00:39:59] <-- BIGBADGRIZZLY disconnected from the server
[00:40:18] --> BIGBADGRIZZLY connected to the server
[00:42:24] <adalarva> w
[00:42:53] <Gajeel> how to see all chat?
[00:44:43] <Gajeel> !rank
[00:44:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel(8970) rank: Commercial Captain(8000) next: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) (+30)
[00:52:58] <Lavija> allen remember when I was gonna go study at 6?
[00:53:06] <allen_lombard> oh yeah
[00:53:30] <allen_lombard> i might have consumed a medicinal herb around the time you said that
[00:53:41] <Lavija> that and shazo happened
[00:53:43] <Lavija> oh and hamster
[00:53:51] <allen_lombard> that treehouse is legit
[00:53:57] <Lavija> it is
[00:54:16] <Shazi> say what
[00:54:21] <allen_lombard> cooler than my church
[00:54:29] <allen_lombard> your treehouse
[00:54:32] <Shazi> you got a church? .oO
[00:54:34] <Lavija> dare i say better than my shithole
[00:54:37] <Shazi> o.O
[00:54:40] <allen_lombard> yeah
[00:54:45] <allen_lombard> in lv
[00:54:48] --> Statham connected to the server
[00:54:50] <allen_lombard> im starting a cult
[00:54:50] <Treyway> wb
[00:54:53] <adalarva> wb
[00:55:01] <Statham> Thank you
[00:55:09] <Shazi> the back chappel or something?
[00:55:33] <allen_lombard> the one on the freeway corner
[00:55:44] <Shazi> yeah
[00:56:19] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[00:56:27] <Shazi> well, you know
[00:56:35] <Shazi> i own the big spread ranch
[00:56:48] <Shazi> we could think of some bussiness :P
[00:57:31] --> adalarva connected to the server
[00:57:41] <Lavija> im embarrased to say it took me this long to get your setrank allen
[00:57:55] <Shazi> f
[00:58:16] <allen_lombard> jojo said it one day and i was stoned and it was funny
[00:59:04] <Lavija> whos jojo
[00:59:12] <allen_lombard> joyadijoestar
[00:59:20] <allen_lombard> from a japanamation cartoon
[00:59:28] <Lavija> oh the noob
[00:59:36] <allen_lombard> ye
[00:59:36] <Shazi> F
[00:59:39] <Shazi> big F
[01:00:06] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[01:00:14] <Treyway> lmao
[01:00:14] <Shazi> double F
[01:00:22] <allen_lombard> he is a dumbass
[01:00:33] <Gajeel> allen
[01:00:35] <allen_lombard> ?
[01:00:41] <Shazi> eh, for 60 minutes he aint gonna learn much
[01:00:57] <Gajeel> how can i look all chat history
[01:01:02] <allen_lombard> once he starts, hell be fine
[01:01:45] <Gajeel> allen ? O_O
[01:01:55] <Gajeel> oh
[01:01:58] <Gajeel> that is long lol
[01:02:30] <allen_lombard> robins archive is really good too
[01:02:36] <allen_lombard> goes back years
[01:02:44] <Gajeel> oh
[01:02:52] <Gajeel> robins website..
[01:02:54] <Gajeel> can reach from forum?
[01:03:13] <Shazi> robin's forum profile > the link in his signature
[01:04:12] <Shazi> f
[01:05:27] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[01:06:52] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[01:12:48] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[01:14:00] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[01:15:26] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[01:17:15] --> Treyway connected to the server
[01:17:31] <Gajeel> wb TRRRRNNIEWAY
[01:17:34] <Statham> wb
[01:17:37] <Treyway> tyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[01:19:48] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[01:19:50] <Treyway> wb
[01:19:53] <Gajeel> wb
[01:19:58] <Statham> :
[01:20:01] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ty
[01:21:43] <Treyway> .
[01:25:25] <Gajeel> !player Diamondx
[01:25:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player Diamondx: 72 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[01:25:33] <Gajeel> !player Diamondx79
[01:25:36] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Diamondx79
[01:28:27] --> Manish connected to the server
[01:28:35] <Gajeel> wb
[01:28:46] <Manish> ty
[01:30:09] <-- Sursai_Kosecksi disconnected from the server
[01:33:27] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[01:33:32] <Treyway> wb
[01:33:32] <Gajeel> wb
[01:33:35] <Smetkowski> ty
[01:34:07] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> wb
[01:34:17] <Smetkowski> ty
[01:35:54] <Manish> !rank
[01:35:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Manish(500) rank: First Flight Sergeant(500) next: Senior Flight Officer(800) (+300)
[01:36:05] <Manish> finally new rank
[01:36:07] <Smetkowski> gz
[01:36:07] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[01:36:15] <Manish> thanks :D
[01:38:29] <-- Manish disconnected from the server
[01:43:50] --> Mocithe connected to the server
[01:49:24] <-- Mocithe disconnected from the server
[01:50:04] --> ErdemEmireri connected to the server
[01:50:18] <Smetkowski> wb
[01:50:26] <ErdemEmireri> thx
[01:54:00] --> pabloescobarr connected to the server
[02:00:22] --> JuraganMelon connected to the server
[02:00:27] <Smetkowski> wb
[02:00:27] <Twi> wb
[02:00:30] <JuraganMelon> ty
[02:00:33] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[02:00:33] <Gajeel> wb
[02:00:35] <JuraganMelon> ty
[02:01:42] <Gajeel> !interest 18000000
[02:01:42] <ErdemEmireri> !interest 18000000
[02:01:45] (WEB) <robin_be> $18,000,000 will generate about $12,000 every 60 minutes
[02:22:05] <-- Statham disconnected from the server
[02:25:13] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[02:25:15] <Gajeel> wb
[02:25:18] <Smetkowski> wb
[02:25:26] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ty
[02:27:40] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[02:27:45] <Smetkowski> wb
[02:27:48] <Gajeel> wb
[02:27:48] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> wb
[02:27:50] <HanzelDS> ty
[02:38:35] --> Bogota connected to the server
[02:40:54] <HanzelDS> cargo drop formation at sfc in 2 minutes
[02:45:14] <JuraganMelon> nice
[02:48:59] --> Lavija connected to the server
[02:49:04] <Gajeel> Wb
[02:49:07] <Smetkowski> wb
[02:49:09] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> wb
[02:49:09] <ErdemEmireri> wb
[02:49:28] <Smetkowski> cold
[02:50:16] --> Marcster connected to the server
[02:50:59] <JuraganMelon> no lavija
[02:52:09] <Smetkowski> wb
[02:53:13] <Gajeel> !cash BIGBADGRIZZLY
[02:53:16] (WEB) <robin_be> BIGBADGRIZZLY has $599,270 in hand
[02:53:43] <Gajeel> yarramýn kastýgý paraya bak
[02:53:46] <Gajeel> gay
[02:54:05] <Bogota> guatafak
[02:55:44] --> Twi connected to the server
[02:55:47] <Smetkowski> wb
[02:55:47] <Gajeel> wb lol
[02:56:13] <Twi> ty
[02:56:40] <HanzelDS> gz
[02:56:43] <Gajeel> ty
[02:57:10] <Gajeel> now 9002
[02:57:20] <Smetkowski> still good
[02:57:34] <Bogota> what is gz
[02:57:37] <Twi> gratz
[02:57:45] <Smetkowski> congratulations
[02:58:09] <Bogota> italian?
[02:58:25] <Twi> !player Cygnus
[02:58:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cygnus: 11477 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[02:58:41] <Twi> !player Crystal
[02:58:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player Crystal: 7682 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[02:58:55] <Twi> !player Cretex
[02:58:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cretex: 1267 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[02:59:04] <Twi> !player Walter
[02:59:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player Walter: 4183 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[02:59:15] <Smetkowski> rip
[02:59:34] <Bogota> italian?
[02:59:39] <Bogota> fail
[03:00:08] <Smetkowski> your from Colombia yea?
[03:00:43] <Twi> MADAR RUSSIA
[03:00:49] <Bogota> yes, i do
[03:00:49] <Twi> Ø äùìó êãûûøô
[03:00:54] <Smetkowski> cyka blyat
[03:01:02] <Twi> eh
[03:01:15] <Smetkowski> ide na huh w pizdziec
[03:01:23] <JuraganMelon> damn 76k
[03:01:34] <Twi> for what juragan
[03:01:42] <Smetkowski> PL $
[03:01:42] <JuraganMelon> newtontoppen black mesa
[03:01:50] <Smetkowski> at400?
[03:01:50] <Twi> oh
[03:01:53] <Twi> how long was it
[03:01:56] <JuraganMelon> hydra
[03:01:58] <JuraganMelon> 34km
[03:01:58] <Twi> holy fuck
[03:02:01] <Twi> 76k
[03:02:01] <Smetkowski> damn
[03:02:09] <JuraganMelon> and im doing another 34km flight
[03:02:12] <Smetkowski> never even saw a 34km flight
[03:02:17] <Twi> I dide a 33km one
[03:02:22] <Twi> did*
[03:02:25] <Twi> ffs
[03:02:25] <Smetkowski> my max was 28km
[03:02:31] <JuraganMelon> 10 mins boring
[03:02:44] <Bogota> where are you from?
[03:02:55] <allen_lombard> uranus
[03:03:00] <Smetkowski> Belarus
[03:03:03] <Twi> lmao
[03:03:05] <Lavija> take us on a trip allen
[03:03:16] <Twi> wtf
[03:03:16] <allen_lombard> i am impaired atm
[03:03:21] <Twi> wow lol allen owns the black chappe
[03:03:24] <Twi> chappel
[03:03:24] <Lavija> even better
[03:03:32] <-- Sursai_Kosecksi disconnected from the server
[03:03:38] <Gajeel> eh
[03:03:40] <Marcster> ah
[03:03:43] <Smetkowski> ug
[03:03:46] <Gajeel> oh
[03:03:54] <Twi> allen doesn't accept guests :(
[03:04:04] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[03:04:07] <Bogota> atm?
[03:04:07] <Smetkowski> what is he hiding ... hmmm
[03:04:07] <Twi> wb
[03:04:07] <allen_lombard> cults not ready yet
[03:04:18] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ty
[03:04:18] <Twi> oh lol
[03:05:25] <Bogota> atm?
[03:05:27] <Bogota> faiiil
[03:05:41] <Lavija> should i park coach here
[03:05:49] <Lavija> my b
[03:05:57] <JuraganMelon> hey
[03:06:00] <Lavija> hi
[03:06:00] <Twi> hi
[03:06:08] <JuraganMelon> how can my coach at LV?
[03:06:10] <allen_lombard> it will just end up on a skyscraper
[03:06:13] <Lavija> huh
[03:06:13] <Lavija> weird
[03:06:18] <Lavija> bug maybe?
[03:06:18] <JuraganMelon> hm weird
[03:06:34] <Gajeel> prolly Lavi jacked
[03:06:34] <allen_lombard> i would report it
[03:06:40] <Lavija> i would never
[03:06:43] <JuraganMelon> nah i would let it be
[03:06:56] <JuraganMelon> i'll sell it and buy another coach
[03:07:07] <Lavija> We should park it on super high in the air above some airlines spawn
[03:07:23] <allen_lombard> lufthansa
[03:07:25] <Marcster> sit
[03:07:25] <Lavija> and just /rr so it lands and kills someone when they log in
[03:07:36] <Bogota> sorry
[03:07:42] <Marcster> lmao dw
[03:07:42] <Smetkowski> not a bad idea
[03:07:52] <Lavija> im filled with great ideas
[03:07:55] <Smetkowski> ohh yes
[03:08:00] <Twi> seems kinda odd to have all ars clamped
[03:08:08] <Lavija> wasnt me
[03:08:22] <Twi> seems like you or santi
[03:08:30] <Lavija> me >santi
[03:08:59] <Twi> oh
[03:09:29] <Twi> don't get me banned lmao
[03:10:14] <Lavija> gz
[03:10:14] <Twi> lmao
[03:10:14] <JuraganMelon> gz
[03:10:20] <Twi> gz
[03:10:44] <JuraganMelon> somebody using my veh hm
[03:10:44] <Twi> SEX
[03:10:46] <Lavija> not me
[03:11:27] <Lavija> i think im gonna puike
[03:11:35] <Twi> why
[03:11:43] <Lavija> idk
[03:11:43] <Lavija> fun
[03:11:48] <Twi> 6pm and i'm already sleepy af
[03:11:56] <Lavija> im going to sleep in 10m
[03:11:59] <Lavija> inutes
[03:12:10] <Twi> damn
[03:12:10] <Marcster> n
[03:12:12] <Marcster> ice
[03:12:20] <Lavija> when you get as old as papa lav, u gotta sleep early
[03:12:28] <Twi> lol
[03:12:28] <JuraganMelon> u 70?
[03:12:36] <JuraganMelon> hm
[03:12:44] <Smetkowski> that's old af
[03:13:19] <Twi> BIKINI LINE
[03:16:59] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[03:17:02] <Twi> wb
[03:17:07] <JokerFace10> ty
[03:17:50] <Lavija> gn
[03:17:50] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[03:18:46] <JuraganMelon> damn he really park my coach somewhere
[03:19:02] <Twi> rip lol
[03:19:16] <JuraganMelon> ty
[03:19:32] <Twi> wb
[03:19:35] <Smetkowski> ty
[03:19:48] <Twi> !player LTzonda
[03:19:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player LTzonda: 5684 score, last seen 4 Hours Ago
[03:19:59] <Twi> rich ass
[03:19:59] --> Santiago connected to the server
[03:20:02] <Twi> b
[03:20:05] <Smetkowski> wb
[03:20:05] <Twi> wb
[03:20:05] <JokerFace10> wb
[03:20:05] <Gajeel> wb
[03:20:13] <Santiago> hi
[03:20:18] <Santiago> wow where is lavija
[03:20:23] <JuraganMelon> sleep
[03:20:26] <JokerFace10> went off
[03:20:26] <Gajeel> said gn
[03:20:26] <Twi> he left I guess
[03:20:53] <Twi> he said gn hugs for santi
[03:21:30] <Santiago> im also selling some shit cars
[03:21:38] <Twi> bmx's*?
[03:21:41] <allen_lombard> what shit cars?
[03:21:44] <Santiago> mountain bikes
[03:21:46] <Twi> oh
[03:21:54] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[03:21:57] <Santiago> a coach
[03:22:05] <Santiago> oh and a normal bike
[03:22:10] <Twi> how much for coach
[03:22:32] <Santiago> 780k
[03:22:35] <Twi> wtf?
[03:22:37] <Santiago> it's literally brand new
[03:22:37] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[03:22:40] <JuraganMelon> u mean bus?
[03:22:40] <Twi> /getprice coach
[03:22:48] <JuraganMelon> coach only 320k
[03:22:53] <Santiago> oh 300k then
[03:23:01] <Twi> has it got nos?
[03:23:39] <Twi> add unlimited nos to it and /forsale 300000 and i'd buy
[03:23:42] <Santiago> nope
[03:23:44] <Twi> :(
[03:23:44] <Santiago> I literally
[03:23:50] <Santiago> bought it off delearship
[03:23:58] <Twi> okay goto blueberry
[03:24:00] <Santiago> parked it somewhere for one of the vents
[03:24:00] <Santiago> and didn't use it
[03:24:57] <Twi> !cash
[03:25:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has $319,684 in hand
[03:25:00] <Twi> rich
[03:25:05] <JuraganMelon> rich
[03:25:05] <Twi> !assets
[03:25:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[03:25:11] <Twi> RICH
[03:25:16] <JokerFace10> dem
[03:25:35] <JokerFace10> i used to be riches too
[03:25:40] <Twi> hahah lol
[03:25:59] <Santiago> why did you sell all your assets
[03:26:04] <Twi> me?
[03:26:07] <Santiago> yeah
[03:26:20] <JokerFace10> eco reset hit me hard
[03:26:42] <Twi> well
[03:27:22] <Twi> SEX
[03:27:46] <JuraganMelon> gz
[03:27:57] <JokerFace10> le intercurse del peepee
[03:28:05] <JokerFace10> gz
[03:28:05] <Twi> gz
[03:28:48] <Twi> !cars Santiago
[03:28:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Santiago has: Coach Coach RC Baron Camper Bike Mountain Bike Mountain Bike Mountain Bike AT-400 Police Car S(..)
[03:28:59] <Twi> !asets Santiago
[03:29:10] <Twi> !sasets Santiago
[03:29:13] <Twi> F
[03:29:21] <Twi> !assets Santiago
[03:29:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Santiago has 12 car(s) ($1,820,000) and 3 house(s) ($13,150,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $14,970,000
[03:29:23] <JokerFace10> !assets Santiago
[03:29:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Santiago has 12 car(s) ($1,820,000) and 3 house(s) ($13,150,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $14,970,000
[03:29:29] <Twi> 136m odo lmao, you said
[03:29:32] <Santiago> !assets santiago
[03:29:35] (WEB) <robin_be> santiago has 12 car(s) ($1,820,000) and 3 house(s) ($13,150,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $14,970,000
[03:29:35] <Twi> it's brand new lol
[03:29:37] <Santiago> yes I know what I said
[03:29:43] <Santiago> but
[03:29:45] <Santiago> shit happened
[03:29:51] <Twi> where tf is it parked lmao
[03:29:59] <Santiago> somewhere in flint county
[03:30:04] <Santiago> where you want it parked
[03:30:10] <Santiago> I'll tow it for ya
[03:30:10] <Twi> yeah at that cracky farm
[03:30:15] <Twi> thanks man it's good here
[03:30:18] <allen_lombard> oh
[03:30:26] <allen_lombard> thats the one i clamped
[03:30:31] <Twi> damn this bitch is fast
[03:30:36] <Santiago> nah
[03:30:39] <Santiago> I still have the clamped one
[03:31:01] <Santiago> actually I'm even on it rn
[03:32:26] --> pabloescobarr connected to the server
[03:32:29] <Twi> wb
[03:32:45] <pabloescobarr> ty lol
[03:32:48] <JokerFace10> my interest payment is 666
[03:32:56] <JokerFace10> wth
[03:33:47] <Twi> these SA radio ad's are horrible
[03:36:36] <-- Marcster disconnected from the server
[03:38:09] <Twi> wb
[03:38:36] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[03:38:50] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[03:38:58] <Santiago> literally 95 percent of the custom houses are shit
[03:39:03] <Twi> show me too lol
[03:39:19] <Santiago> okay I didn't mean to write this here bt
[03:39:24] <Twi> rip
[03:39:27] <Santiago> nothing I have said before
[03:39:30] <Santiago> haven't*
[03:39:35] <Smetkowski> is it still possible to get a custom house?
[03:40:53] <Santiago> yes in may 1st
[03:41:09] <Smetkowski> not bad
[03:42:38] <Twi> DAMN
[03:42:49] <Twi> this house is fucking best
[03:42:49] <Santiago> twi can't wait
[03:42:59] <Twi> fuck 18m for 9 slots
[03:43:48] <Twi> F
[03:46:07] <Gajeel> t/w
[03:47:28] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[03:47:41] <Santiago> je suis une baguette
[03:47:44] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[03:47:46] <Twi> wb
[03:48:03] <Gajeel> which spell is that santi?
[03:48:08] <Santiago> you mean language
[03:48:13] <Santiago> french I guess
[03:48:16] <HanzelDS> ty
[03:48:24] <Gajeel> u made spell like magician lol
[03:48:32] <Santiago> oh I got it lmao
[03:48:35] <Santiago> im dumb
[03:48:37] <Gajeel> quote from Harry Potter
[03:48:40] <Smetkowski> dégagé
[03:48:40] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[03:48:51] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[03:48:53] <Gajeel> Especta patrona
[03:49:01] <Santiago> especto patronus
[03:49:07] <Gajeel> right
[03:49:39] <ErdemEmireri> expelliarmus
[03:49:47] <Gajeel> abra cadabra
[03:49:50] <Gajeel> GG
[03:50:19] <Twi> !player P$G
[03:50:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player P$G: 13602 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[03:50:36] <Gajeel> 9 days left :D
[03:50:44] <Twi> in what
[03:50:46] <Smetkowski> house hunting
[03:50:49] <Santiago> to get his house
[03:50:49] <Gajeel> ;)
[03:50:49] <Twi> he doesn't even own a house
[03:50:55] <Twi> !assets P$G
[03:50:57] (WEB) <robin_be> P$G has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[03:50:57] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[03:51:00] <Gajeel> lol
[03:51:00] <Smetkowski> lol
[03:51:05] <Smetkowski> it's all money i see
[03:51:08] <JuraganMelon> !houses p$g
[03:51:11] (WEB) <robin_be> p$g does not own any houses!
[03:51:11] <JuraganMelon> wrong
[03:51:11] <Twi> I was just checking cause he hasn't joined since he lost dice
[03:51:14] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[03:51:27] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[03:51:33] <Smetkowski> no houses and lost in dice... hmm
[03:51:33] <ErdemEmireri> !cash p$g
[03:51:36] (WEB) <robin_be> p$g has $603,590 in hand
[03:51:38] <Smetkowski> he's not coming back
[03:51:41] <Gajeel> then you waiting him for dice
[03:51:54] <Twi> why would I "wait" lol?
[03:52:26] <Gajeel> nwm :D
[03:52:29] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[03:52:29] <Gajeel> !player cashCilion
[03:52:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player cashCilion: 446 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[03:52:40] <Twi> dude I told you already, those rumors are not for real
[03:52:43] <Gajeel> !houses cashCilion
[03:52:46] (WEB) <robin_be> cashCilion does not own any houses!
[03:53:02] <Gajeel> pff Chutiya
[03:53:05] <Gajeel> just jk
[03:53:13] <HanzelDS> w
[03:53:23] <Gajeel> wq
[03:53:37] <Gajeel> mostly im trolling mostly ppl know that <3
[03:53:42] <Twi> tik xd
[03:53:45] <Twi> ik*
[03:57:57] <pabloescobarr> yo how do i use the spraycar cmd
[03:58:02] <Twi> /spraycar id id
[03:58:08] <Santiago> you gotta search for the color ids
[03:58:13] <Santiago> for example white is 0 if im not wrong
[03:58:18] <Twi> which colour do you want?
[03:58:21] <Twi> 0 is black
[03:58:24] <Smetkowski> 0 is black 1 is white
[03:58:24] <pabloescobarr> red
[03:58:24] <Twi> white is 1
[03:58:29] <Gajeel> 3 red
[03:58:29] <Twi> use /pa 3 3
[03:58:32] <Santiago> okay 0 black, 1 white 2 idk
[03:58:34] <Smetkowski> I recommend 667
[03:58:34] <Twi> /spraycar 3 3 *
[03:58:40] <pabloescobarr> okay thanks
[03:58:40] <Santiago> 2 is light blue
[03:58:56] <JokerFace10> lmao
[03:59:12] <JokerFace10> scared the shiz outta me
[03:59:44] <Twi> 24m lol
[04:00:07] <Twi> just /sellcar instead of wasting on ads
[04:00:15] <Smetkowski> are the mountain bikes left over from the event?
[04:00:23] <Santiago> yes
[04:00:39] <Twi> wow he lowered the price for baron
[04:00:41] <Smetkowski> didn't know they where all yours :D
[04:00:52] <allen_lombard> collectors items
[04:01:00] <Twi> should I buy it for 8.5m?
[04:01:11] <Gajeel> why u need rc?
[04:01:11] <Twi> !player Carlos.
[04:01:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player Carlos.: 4503 score, last seen 7 Days Ago
[04:01:17] <Smetkowski> I'm sure you can get it for 8m
[04:01:25] <Twi> !player Bran.
[04:01:28] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Bran.
[04:01:33] <Twi> wtf?
[04:01:36] <Smetkowski> !player Bran
[04:01:39] <Twi> ty santi
[04:01:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player Bran: 7228 score, last seen 9 Days Ago
[04:01:42] <Santiago> you drive twi I'll go to the bathroom
[04:01:44] <Twi> I got no ahcks tho
[04:03:53] <Twi> wow lol
[04:05:27] <Twi> ffs says its clapmed
[04:06:04] <allen_lombard> hax
[04:06:15] <Twi> unclamp it please mr allen
[04:06:23] <Twi> so we can drive
[04:06:37] <Twi> ty
[04:07:01] <Twi> Indo's got
[04:07:03] <Twi> pretty goodhouses
[04:07:17] <Smetkowski> trur
[04:07:19] <allen_lombard> yeah man they own the farms
[04:07:19] <Smetkowski> true
[04:07:38] <Twi> farms and the mansions too
[04:07:46] <Smetkowski> Madd Dogg Mansion
[04:07:57] <Twi> the verdant bluff mansion
[04:08:18] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[04:09:50] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[04:09:52] <Twi> w
[04:09:55] <Twi> b
[04:10:03] <JokerFace10> t
[04:10:06] <JokerFace10> y
[04:10:08] <Twi> xd
[04:10:11] <Smetkowski> y
[04:10:11] <Smetkowski> w
[04:10:32] <JokerFace10> aye ye got da riches bomboclaat
[04:10:46] <Twi> fuck
[04:10:51] <Smetkowski> buyaschaka
[04:11:37] <Smetkowski> gz
[04:11:37] <JokerFace10> gz
[04:11:39] <ErdemEmireri> gz
[04:11:39] <Twi> gz
[04:11:48] <pabloescobarr> thx
[04:11:50] <Gajeel> why bu is so expensive
[04:11:53] <Gajeel> bus*
[04:11:56] <Twi> buy coach lol
[04:11:58] <pabloescobarr> idekk lmao
[04:12:09] <Gajeel> why bus''
[04:12:33] <pabloescobarr> i really dk just fuck it haha
[04:12:47] <Smetkowski> can you do bus missions in a coach?
[04:12:52] <Twi> I guess
[04:12:57] <Gajeel> prolly
[04:13:00] <pabloescobarr> yea
[04:13:11] <Smetkowski> not bad
[04:13:19] <Smetkowski> for 500k less
[04:13:40] <Twi> thanks
[04:14:02] <allen_lombard> pm twi nice one
[04:14:10] <Twi> errr what lol
[04:14:20] <allen_lombard> 8 balls shop
[04:14:20] <Twi> I was going to bomb you both but
[04:14:23] <Twi> !cash
[04:14:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has $-12,660 in hand
[04:14:31] <Gajeel> !rank
[04:14:35] <Twi> it said you gotta pay 500 for the bomb lol
[04:14:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel(9020) rank: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) next: PL First Officer(10000) (+980)
[04:15:20] <allen_lombard> bed
[04:15:23] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[04:15:26] <Twi> cya
[04:15:36] <Twi> wb
[04:15:39] <Smetkowski> wb
[04:16:19] <pabloescobarr> what are switch wheels
[04:16:27] <Twi> the best ones prolly xd
[04:16:30] <Smetkowski> the most expensive wheels
[04:16:30] <Twi> they look good
[04:16:33] <Smetkowski> 50k
[04:16:38] <Twi> 30k for me
[04:16:51] <Smetkowski> good price
[04:17:34] <Twi> rip santi
[04:17:48] <Smetkowski> rip twi
[04:17:48] <Twi> lmao
[04:17:50] <Gajeel> rip twi
[04:17:53] <Santiago> I saw that
[04:18:01] <Twi> hahahah lol what
[04:18:14] <Gajeel> erdem ne kadar odo
[04:18:17] <-- JuraganMelon disconnected from the server
[04:18:25] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[04:18:28] <ErdemEmireri> 316
[04:18:33] <Gajeel> iyi
[04:19:03] --> andres3936 connected to the server
[04:19:05] <Smetkowski> wb
[04:19:13] <Twi> wb
[04:19:19] <andres3936> thx
[04:20:29] <andres3936> 7lotto 25
[04:20:34] <andres3936> fuck
[04:20:45] <Gajeel> :D
[04:20:50] <Smetkowski> gl with that 25
[04:21:01] <andres3936> thnaks
[04:21:03] <andres3936> thanks
[04:22:05] <andres3936> wow that was a close one
[04:22:10] <Smetkowski> yep
[04:22:37] <Twi> rip
[04:23:31] <Smetkowski> gz
[04:23:34] <andres3936> gz
[04:23:34] <Twi> gz
[04:23:34] <HanzelDS> gz
[04:23:42] <Smetkowski> rich
[04:23:44] <JokerFace10> ty
[04:24:38] <-- pabloescobarr disconnected from the server
[04:24:49] <andres3936> pablo escobar hahahaha
[04:25:15] --> Naldo connected to the server
[04:25:21] <Smetkowski> wb
[04:25:21] <Twi> wb
[04:25:21] <HanzelDS> wb
[04:25:21] <andres3936> wb
[04:25:31] <JokerFace10> wb
[04:25:50] <Naldo> Did Martin just leave?
[04:25:53] <Naldo> ty
[04:25:53] <Twi> yea
[04:26:01] <Naldo> ffs
[04:26:12] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[04:26:47] <-- BIGBADGRIZZLY disconnected from the server
[04:27:00] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[04:27:03] <Smetkowski> wb
[04:27:03] <andres3936> wb
[04:27:05] <Naldo> !player CaoMishma
[04:27:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player CaoMishma: 16545 score, last seen 9 Hours Ago
[04:27:14] <FrailLimbNursery> ty
[04:27:16] <HanzelDS> sya guys :)
[04:27:19] <Smetkowski> cya
[04:27:22] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[04:27:22] <andres3936> cya
[04:27:24] <JokerFace10> what was the rims cmd
[04:27:33] <JokerFace10> and nos
[04:27:41] <Smetkowski> there is no rims and nos command
[04:27:43] <Naldo> Pretty sure u mod those
[04:27:49] <JokerFace10> wait a sec
[04:27:59] <Naldo> There's only /spraycar
[04:27:59] <JokerFace10> there were cmds for this
[04:27:59] <Smetkowski> it's /tp > blueberry garage
[04:29:57] <ErdemEmireri> !interest 7251613
[04:30:00] (WEB) <robin_be> $7,251,613 will generate about $4,834 every 60 minutes
[04:30:19] <Naldo> !interest 40000000
[04:30:22] (WEB) <robin_be> $40,000,000 will generate about $26,666 every 60 minutes
[04:30:51] <Smetkowski> that's not enough
[04:31:02] <Naldo> !interest 40400000
[04:31:05] (WEB) <robin_be> $40,400,000 will generate about $26,933 every 60 minutes
[04:31:16] <Smetkowski> that's more like it
[04:32:49] --> adalarva connected to the server
[04:32:52] <Smetkowski> wb
[04:33:00] <adalarva> ty:d
[04:33:14] <andres3936> wb
[04:33:27] <adalarva> ty:d
[04:35:12] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[04:36:08] --> BIGBADGRIZZLY connected to the server
[04:36:10] <Smetkowski> wb finally
[04:36:10] <adalarva> wb
[04:36:13] <andres3936> wb
[04:36:24] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> ty
[04:37:07] --> Statham connected to the server
[04:37:09] <Smetkowski> wb
[04:37:09] <adalarva> wb
[04:37:09] <andres3936> wb
[04:37:18] <Statham> Thank you guys!
[04:39:29] --> Twi connected to the server
[04:39:32] <adalarva> wb
[04:39:32] <Smetkowski> wb
[04:39:32] <andres3936> wb
[04:39:40] <Twi> TY <3
[04:39:42] <-- Gajeel disconnected from the server
[04:47:15] <Smetkowski> Euros not bad
[04:47:31] <andres3936> ye
[04:47:34] <andres3936> i have an euros
[04:47:47] <Smetkowski> in single player it's pretty rare
[04:49:08] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[04:50:10] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> who left the andromada at dunsfold ?
[04:50:28] <Smetkowski> you tell me
[04:50:58] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> wouldnt ask if i knew who it was right ?
[04:51:11] <Smetkowski> is it a server androm?
[04:51:30] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> nah it belongs to a company
[04:51:41] <Smetkowski> a company you say
[04:51:54] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> because it stands in the red circle right now
[04:52:34] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> sky air
[04:52:40] <Smetkowski> I believe it's Naldo's
[04:53:04] --> aminopr connected to the server
[04:53:09] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> are you in the same company with him ?
[04:53:17] <Smetkowski> no I'm not
[04:53:20] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> or is there anyone online from sky ?
[04:53:28] <-- andres3936 disconnected from the server
[04:53:31] <Smetkowski> just me and andres
[04:53:33] <Smetkowski> just me now
[04:54:05] <-- aminopr disconnected from the server
[04:56:25] --> andres3936 connected to the server
[04:56:33] <Smetkowski> wb
[04:56:33] <adalarva> wb
[04:56:41] <andres3936> thx
[05:01:58] --> aminopr connected to the server
[05:02:11] <andres3936> wb
[05:04:14] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[05:06:39] <adalarva> wb
[05:06:47] <Smetkowski> ty
[05:12:06] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[05:15:49] <-- andres3936 disconnected from the server
[05:16:05] --> Naldo connected to the server
[05:16:05] <adalarva> wb
[05:16:16] <Naldo> Uh
[05:16:21] <Naldo> Server restart?
[05:16:26] <adalarva> idk
[05:16:32] <Statham> Working good for me
[05:16:34] <Naldo> I guess I just reconnected
[05:16:40] <-- aminopr disconnected from the server
[05:16:42] <Naldo> I was AFK
[05:16:42] <Statham> Maybe it's your ping
[05:16:50] <Naldo> Nah
[05:16:58] <adalarva> my ping incressed in last days
[05:17:06] <Naldo> I left my PC, it reconnects to the modem from time to time
[05:17:25] <Statham> Good to know
[05:18:35] <-- BIGBADGRIZZLY disconnected from the server
[05:19:37] --> Ainz connected to the server
[05:19:39] <adalarva> wb
[05:20:14] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[05:21:18] <-- Sursai_Kosecksi disconnected from the server
[05:21:18] --> Ainz connected to the server
[05:25:01] --> aminopr connected to the server
[05:34:10] <-- Statham disconnected from the server
[05:36:25] <Naldo> Nice vertical TO
[05:40:18] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[05:40:23] <adalarva> wb
[05:40:31] <KylieJenner> ty
[05:41:03] <KylieJenner> !player julsec
[05:41:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 5462 score, last seen 10 Hours Ago
[05:41:17] <KylieJenner> !player jawnysins.
[05:41:20] (WEB) <robin_be> player jawnysins.: 5100 score, last seen 11 Hours Ago
[05:41:37] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[05:42:14] <-- Ainz disconnected from the server
[05:42:41] --> adalarva connected to the server
[05:42:46] <KylieJenner> wb
[05:42:54] <adalarva> ty
[05:46:39] <-- aminopr disconnected from the server
[05:55:46] --> JuraganMelon connected to the server
[05:56:05] <KylieJenner> sama sama
[05:56:05] <JuraganMelon> sama sama
[05:56:10] <JuraganMelon> salamat
[05:56:18] <KylieJenner> walang anuman
[05:56:27] <JuraganMelon> tang ina ako
[05:56:29] <KylieJenner> xd
[05:56:32] <JuraganMelon> xd
[06:00:06] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[06:02:39] --> JawnySins. connected to the server
[06:02:42] <adalarva> wb
[06:02:45] <KylieJenner> wb po
[06:02:45] <Naldo> sama
[06:02:50] <JawnySins.> thanks
[06:03:22] --> Atreea connected to the server
[06:03:28] <adalarva> wb
[06:03:30] <Atreea> ty
[06:05:01] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[06:05:28] <JawnySins.> !inetrest 12000000
[06:05:42] <JawnySins.> !interest 12000000
[06:05:44] (WEB) <robin_be> $12,000,000 will generate about $8,000 every 60 minutes
[06:05:44] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[06:05:47] <KylieJenner> yaman agad
[06:05:50] <adalarva> wb
[06:05:50] <JawnySins.> wb
[06:05:55] <KylieJenner> tnx
[06:06:00] <KylieJenner> may 12m kan agad?
[06:06:11] <JawnySins.> wala gaga
[06:06:14] <-- Atreea disconnected from the server
[06:06:19] <JawnySins.> chineck ko lang
[06:06:35] <JawnySins.> 4m bank balance ko
[06:07:16] <Naldo> !assets CaoMishma
[06:07:19] (WEB) <robin_be> CaoMishma has 9 car(s) ($8,390,000) and 1 house(s) ($18,000,000 - 10 slots) for a total of $26,390,000
[06:07:40] <Naldo> !houses CaoMishma
[06:07:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Verona Beach: $18,000,000 10 slots
[06:07:56] <Naldo> !cars CaoMishma
[06:07:59] (WEB) <robin_be> CaoMishma has: Dumper RC Bandit Seasparrow RC Raider Camper NRG-500 Sultan AT-400 Phoenix
[06:08:26] <Naldo> !cars
[06:08:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Naldo has: Infernus Taxi Mr Whoopee Seasparrow Baggage Hotring RC Goblin Hotring Racer Hotring Racer Bullet (..)
[06:09:04] <Naldo> When did I obtain a baggage?
[06:09:36] <JawnySins.> u didnt buy one?
[06:09:44] <Naldo> Idr doing so xD
[06:09:55] <KylieJenner> fucking ping
[06:10:24] --> Cpt.Noobsome connected to the server
[06:10:27] <KylieJenner> wb
[06:10:41] <Cpt.Noobsome> tyyy
[06:11:15] <Naldo> !assets Diamondzxd
[06:11:18] (WEB) <robin_be> Diamondzxd has 9 car(s) ($2,960,000) and 2 house(s) ($11,000,000 - 12 slots) for a total of $13,960,000
[06:11:32] <Naldo> !houses Diamondzxd
[06:11:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Dillimore: $1,000,000 2 slots Mt Chilliad: $10,000,000 10 slots
[06:12:15] <KylieJenner> !rinterest 20000
[06:12:18] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $20,000 of interest you need about $30,000,000
[06:12:34] <JawnySins.> sana all
[06:12:50] <KylieJenner> baliw xd
[06:12:55] <Naldo> Ugh, how do I TP to Las Barrancas, Special vehicles
[06:13:17] <JawnySins.> i think las payasadas is closest
[06:13:25] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[06:14:37] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[06:15:17] <Naldo> GPS will have to do
[06:15:55] --> Twi connected to the server
[06:15:55] <KylieJenner> gawa mo jawny
[06:15:58] <KylieJenner> wb
[06:16:00] <adalarva> wb
[06:16:03] <Twi> ty <3
[06:16:08] <JawnySins.> bisita lang
[06:16:08] <JawnySins.> wb
[06:16:08] <KylieJenner> twi give me money
[06:16:11] <Twi> thanks
[06:16:11] <KylieJenner> lol
[06:16:14] <Twi> how much?
[06:16:14] <JawnySins.> dito ako sa bahay
[06:16:16] <KylieJenner> 1m
[06:16:19] <Twi> what for
[06:16:30] <KylieJenner> so i have money
[06:16:35] <Twi> lmao
[06:16:35] <Twi> ?
[06:16:38] <KylieJenner> lol
[06:16:43] <Twi> how much you're gonna return
[06:16:59] <KylieJenner> ay nakalimutan ko 5/6 to
[06:17:05] <KylieJenner> bumbayto jawny e
[06:17:26] <JawnySins.> she said she will return 500k
[06:17:31] <Cpt.Noobsome> what was last lotto number
[06:17:31] <JawnySins.> joke
[06:18:17] <Twi> no lmao
[06:18:44] <KylieJenner> cancelation
[06:18:47] <Cpt.Noobsome> 31 huh
[06:18:52] <Cpt.Noobsome> next lotto number will be 11
[06:18:55] <Naldo> I won with number 3 today
[06:19:00] <KylieJenner> no
[06:19:11] <JawnySins.> yea last night naldo won
[06:19:27] <JawnySins.> brb
[06:19:29] <JawnySins.> cya later
[06:19:29] <Naldo> Well,today for me
[06:19:32] <KylieJenner> ano pinakamalaking napalanunan niyo sa lotto
[06:19:35] <Naldo> Different time zones
[06:19:37] <Naldo> wth
[06:19:40] <Naldo> Same num
[06:19:40] <JawnySins.> 31
[06:19:46] <KylieJenner> puta 31 ulit
[06:19:48] <-- JawnySins. disconnected from the server
[06:20:15] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[06:20:50] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[06:20:58] <KylieJenner> mother fucking internet
[06:21:52] <Cpt.Noobsome> why the fk did i do that
[06:21:52] <JuraganMelon> gz
[06:21:57] <JuraganMelon> idk
[06:21:57] <KylieJenner> yaman
[06:22:26] <Cpt.Noobsome> hue
[06:23:12] <-- JuraganMelon disconnected from the server
[06:24:54] <-- Cpt.Noobsome disconnected from the server
[06:27:32] <KylieJenner> !cash adalarva
[06:27:35] (WEB) <robin_be> adalarva has $905,987 in hand
[06:27:43] <Twi> Adalarva has millions in bank
[06:27:51] <KylieJenner> 84million
[06:27:54] <Twi> 84 really?
[06:27:54] <adalarva> ...
[06:27:57] <KylieJenner> yes
[06:28:05] <Twi> 85 million?
[06:28:07] <KylieJenner> 85 million
[06:28:07] <adalarva> xd
[06:28:10] <adalarva> maybe
[06:28:10] <Twi> holy fuck
[06:28:13] <Twi> give me some lol
[06:28:21] <KylieJenner> chutiya has 50
[06:28:26] <adalarva> jsjs
[06:28:29] <KylieJenner> i have 63
[06:28:34] <adalarva> so much
[06:28:37] <Twi> no comeon how much you ahve adalarva
[06:28:47] --> Jacob connected to the server
[06:28:50] <KylieJenner> wb
[06:28:50] <Twi> wb
[06:28:50] <adalarva> wb
[06:28:58] <KylieJenner> he has 85m
[06:29:01] <Twi> adalarva has like 50m+ for sure
[06:29:04] <KylieJenner> criterion has 150m
[06:29:06] <adalarva> i no have nothing
[06:29:12] <ErdemEmireri> hi
[06:29:12] <KylieJenner> he dont have any assets
[06:29:17] <adalarva> and play so much
[06:29:28] <Jacob> !player lavija
[06:29:31] (WEB) <robin_be> player lavija: 19409 score, last seen 4 Hours Ago
[06:29:31] <Twi> adalarva buy some assets lol
[06:29:44] <adalarva> have plains
[06:29:50] <Twi> oh
[06:29:52] <KylieJenner> he will give me 20 million
[06:29:55] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[06:29:58] <adalarva> to destinate this money
[06:30:00] <Twi> yeah he will give me 20m too
[06:30:14] <KylieJenner> no
[06:30:16] <Twi> adalarva's
[06:30:16] <adalarva> just 20?
[06:30:16] <KylieJenner> only me
[06:30:19] <adalarva> xd
[06:30:19] <Twi> my bestfriend
[06:30:22] <adalarva> so muchh!
[06:30:38] <Twi> Adalarva is my best friend he will give me money ;)
[06:30:38] <KylieJenner> adalarva how much u will give me again?
[06:31:05] <Twi> nope he will only give it to me
[06:31:13] <adalarva> i dont remember give you cash
[06:31:23] <Twi> hahahahahaha lol
[06:31:26] <KylieJenner> lol
[06:31:29] <adalarva> jsjs
[06:31:40] <Twi> adalarva won't give you kylie
[06:31:42] <Twi> he'll give me
[06:32:17] <adalarva> idk
[06:32:30] <KylieJenner> wb
[06:32:41] <Twi> what kind of plans do you have adalarva
[06:32:49] <KylieJenner> dice
[06:32:55] <Twi> lmao
[06:32:55] <KylieJenner> he plan to dice
[06:33:21] <adalarva> mm, secret
[06:33:24] <adalarva> :p
[06:33:29] <Twi> lol cmon tell us
[06:33:46] <adalarva> surprise
[06:33:54] <Twi> you're gonna buy a big house
[06:33:56] <Twi> ?
[06:34:02] <KylieJenner> yes
[06:34:10] <adalarva> maybe yes, maybe no
[06:34:12] <Twi> lol
[06:34:20] <Twi> 84m is alot of money
[06:34:23] <Twi> prolly you're the richest rn
[06:34:23] <KylieJenner> adalarva is crazy
[06:34:26] <adalarva> exist houses, airlines, companys, etc
[06:35:01] <adalarva> companies
[06:35:06] <Twi> well
[06:35:09] <KylieJenner> he will buy airline
[06:35:09] <Twi> you can guy a company for 36m
[06:35:22] <adalarva> i know
[06:35:27] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[06:35:30] <adalarva> wb
[06:35:30] <Twi> why don't you bid for it then
[06:35:33] <KylieJenner> sama sama
[06:35:35] <Twi> wb
[06:35:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> hellow
[06:35:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> where's stan custom house?
[06:35:49] <Twi> you think he has it lol?
[06:35:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> bruh
[06:36:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> pranked
[06:36:05] <Twi> lol
[06:36:05] <KylieJenner> summer after highschool
[06:36:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> !houses ibelongtogamer30
[06:36:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Flint County: $650,000 1 slots None Saved: $4,500,000 5 slots
[06:36:38] <KylieJenner> hahahaha
[06:36:43] <KylieJenner> issa prank
[06:36:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> pranked
[06:36:46] <Twi> chill lol he doesn't have it
[06:36:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah not interested tho
[06:37:04] <Twi> lies
[06:37:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> 300m for farm first
[06:37:18] <Twi> lmao
[06:37:18] <KylieJenner> xd
[06:37:26] <Twi> why the fuck is hydra paying so less
[06:37:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> not demand
[06:37:31] <KylieJenner> try military
[06:37:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> he military
[06:37:42] <KylieJenner> sad
[06:37:45] <Twi> I am military sir
[06:37:58] <Twi> how much millions can we make in a day?
[06:38:06] <KylieJenner> less than a milliob
[06:38:09] <Twi> Lol
[06:38:22] <Twi> gajeel makes 2m+ a day
[06:38:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> 1 IG day maximum is 300-400k using at400
[06:38:27] <KylieJenner> same
[06:38:35] <KylieJenner> no
[06:38:38] <Twi> no I mean like a whole day
[06:38:41] <KylieJenner> when deman its 300-400
[06:38:41] --> Pixy connected to the server
[06:38:44] <Twi> wb
[06:38:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> monyet
[06:38:46] <ErdemEmireri> wb
[06:38:49] <KylieJenner> no demand 125-200k
[06:38:52] <adalarva> i make 1 million in 1 hour
[06:38:52] <adalarva> xd
[06:38:54] <Pixy> thanks
[06:38:57] <Twi> lmao how
[06:38:57] <Pixy> nyet
[06:38:57] <adalarva> !cash
[06:39:00] (WEB) <robin_be> adalarva has $953,726 in hand
[06:39:03] <adalarva> 950k
[06:39:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> 400k when cargo drop demand
[06:39:05] <KylieJenner> see
[06:39:08] <KylieJenner> 186k
[06:39:16] <Twi> this dude adalarva making some serious cash
[06:39:40] <Twi> he's so motivated for /w
[06:39:43] <adalarva> cargo drop pay 10k 1 flight
[06:39:43] <KylieJenner> adalarva tengo disiplina
[06:39:51] <adalarva> disciplina
[06:39:51] <KylieJenner> lmao
[06:39:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> skimmer 1 flight for 15-20k
[06:39:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2-4km
[06:39:59] <KylieJenner> sorry jsjs
[06:40:02] <Twi> skimmer is shit tbh
[06:40:10] <KylieJenner> y compasion
[06:40:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> at textbox said 6-7k, reality earns like 15-20
[06:40:34] <Twi> cargo drop?
[06:40:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> skimmer
[06:40:40] <Twi> oh
[06:40:42] <KylieJenner> hi jodi
[06:40:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> halo jkylui
[06:40:50] <KylieJenner> i saw u
[06:40:53] <Twi> is cargo drop good or simple military?
[06:41:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> good only demand
[06:41:04] <KylieJenner> cargo drop less
[06:41:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> best*
[06:41:20] <Twi> how is cargo drop more good?
[06:41:23] <KylieJenner> fuck
[06:41:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> only when demand
[06:41:31] --> Aladeen connected to the server
[06:41:33] <Pixy> only when it's on demand
[06:41:33] <KylieJenner> wb
[06:41:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> you can get like 23-29k
[06:41:36] <Twi> oh
[06:41:39] <Twi> damn
[06:41:41] <Twi> wb
[06:41:41] <Pixy> uang login
[06:41:44] <adalarva> with demand pay 15k and 20k
[06:41:44] <Aladeen> thu
[06:41:52] <adalarva> no kidding u
[06:41:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> imma service
[06:42:08] <Twi> ayt
[06:42:19] <Pixy> test
[06:42:30] <Pixy> duh lag
[06:42:38] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[06:43:47] <Twi> Lotto, you gotta be mine
[06:44:20] <KylieJenner> only the right person will win
[06:44:52] <Twi> I think my airline pays me less lol
[06:45:29] <Twi> garuda what's your payrate?
[06:45:29] <adalarva> guys
[06:45:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> wait
[06:45:35] <Twi> yeah?
[06:45:45] <adalarva> depossit cash in the bank is good
[06:45:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> staff 90'/. manager upper 85'/.
[06:45:56] <KylieJenner> si
[06:45:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea
[06:45:59] <Twi> yes it is good
[06:46:07] <Aladeen> 100 cuk
[06:46:09] <adalarva> my interest is 170k
[06:46:12] <Twi> how much interest you get
[06:46:17] <Twi> !rinterest 170000
[06:46:20] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $170,000 of interest you need about $255,000,000
[06:46:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> 35+17,5
[06:46:26] <Twi> ...
[06:46:26] <adalarva> im vip
[06:46:34] <Twi> how much does vip 4 pay extra
[06:46:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> 50'/. the interest
[06:46:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> so we get 150'/.
[06:47:01] <Twi> how much interest does he actualyl make without vip
[06:47:14] <KylieJenner> 80k
[06:47:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> depend how much he have at deposit
[06:47:22] <Twi> !rinterest 80000
[06:47:25] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $80,000 of interest you need about $120,000,000
[06:47:30] <Twi> damnn
[06:47:38] <Twi> how much money you deposit in bank adalarva
[06:47:41] --> LeftAt10K connected to the server
[06:47:44] <Twi> wb
[06:47:44] <adalarva> wb
[06:47:44] <ErdemEmireri> !rinterest 20000
[06:47:46] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $20,000 of interest you need about $30,000,000
[06:47:46] <KylieJenner> oh its wrong
[06:47:49] <LeftAt10K> thanks
[06:47:49] <LeftAt10K> Twi
[06:47:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> if your cash at bank is 120m, 80k is base deposit and then 40k is the bonus
[06:47:57] <LeftAt10K> hey Twi
[06:48:03] <KylieJenner> wb
[06:48:03] <Twi> hi
[06:48:05] <LeftAt10K> I'm high as a kite rn lmao
[06:48:11] <Twi> lol
[06:48:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> VIP 4 feature only
[06:48:16] <Twi> what did you haves
[06:48:16] <Twi> have
[06:48:19] <LeftAt10K> weed
[06:48:19] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[06:48:27] <LeftAt10K> hybrid of indica and sativa
[06:48:35] <adalarva> interest without vip is 56k
[06:48:37] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[06:48:37] <Twi> lol cool
[06:48:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> wow
[06:48:46] <LeftAt10K> wanna drive around
[06:48:46] <Twi> !interest 56000
[06:48:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> 72m your money
[06:48:48] (WEB) <robin_be> $56,000 will generate about $37 every 60 minutes
[06:48:54] <Twi> !rinterest 56000
[06:48:57] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $56,000 of interest you need about $84,000,000
[06:49:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> lol bad math
[06:49:05] <adalarva> no, more
[06:49:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> 56k + (56k * 50'/.)
[06:49:34] <Twi> adalarva's gonna buy the best houses
[06:49:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> your interest if VIP 4
[06:49:45] <Twi> 2 or 3 airlines
[06:50:12] <adalarva> mm
[06:50:17] <adalarva> totally 166?
[06:50:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> that uncollected
[06:50:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> ?
[06:50:44] <adalarva> yes?
[06:50:55] <Aladeen> gem doang mikirin duit
[06:51:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> "you will receive xxx from bank blablabla"
[06:51:37] <Twi> !assets JoyadiJoestar.
[06:51:41] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has 36 car(s) ($15,380,000) and 4 house(s) ($41,500,000 - 36 slots) for a total of $56,880,000
[06:51:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets ayers
[06:51:54] (WEB) <robin_be> ayers has 45 car(s) ($21,955,000) and 4 house(s) ($56,000,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $77,955,000
[06:51:54] <Twi> those 36cars at farm wanna eat shit
[06:51:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets cygnus
[06:52:00] (WEB) <robin_be> cygnus has 39 car(s) ($33,122,000) and 4 house(s) ($44,750,000 - 41 slots) for a total of $77,872,000
[06:52:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> 34*
[06:52:11] <LeftAt10K> !assets Haydz
[06:52:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> 2 at devon
[06:52:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Haydz has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[06:52:14] <Twi> rich asses
[06:52:17] <LeftAt10K> oh haydz
[06:52:19] <adalarva> wait 40min for see this announcement
[06:52:30] <Twi> which announcement adalarva
[06:52:49] <Twi> !cars Naldo
[06:52:52] (WEB) <robin_be> Naldo has: Infernus Taxi Mr Whoopee Seasparrow Baggage Hotring RC Goblin Hotring Racer Hotring Racer Bullet (..)
[06:52:57] <adalarva> no understand which
[06:52:57] <Twi> !assets Naldo
[06:53:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Naldo has 12 car(s) ($7,175,000) and 3 house(s) ($7,500,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $14,675,000
[06:53:06] <Twi> rich
[06:53:14] <KylieJenner> !assets twi
[06:53:17] (WEB) <robin_be> twi has 1 car(s) ($320,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $320,000
[06:53:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> rich
[06:53:25] <Twi> ;)
[06:53:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> account
[06:53:33] <KylieJenner> shake the glitter
[06:53:38] <Twi> lol
[06:53:49] <KylieJenner> gimme some cashout baby
[06:53:57] --> Pixy connected to the server
[06:53:57] <Twi> babe I can loan u
[06:53:57] <adalarva> twi
[06:54:00] <adalarva> wb
[06:54:00] <Aladeen> fir
[06:54:02] <Twi> yes?
[06:54:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> hm
[06:54:05] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[06:54:08] <KylieJenner> i am listening to waking up in vegas
[06:54:16] <adalarva> pay of cargo drop: 9k, 10k
[06:54:19] <adalarva> yes or no?
[06:54:21] <Twi> prolly yes
[06:54:24] <LeftAt10K> does anybody want to drive around
[06:54:27] <adalarva> c:
[06:54:29] <Aladeen> lo kerja pake kend pribadi apa air
[06:54:35] --> JuraganMelon connected to the server
[06:54:37] <LeftAt10K> instead of doing this boring ass /w everyday
[06:54:37] <adalarva> wb
[06:54:37] <KylieJenner> adalarva run for president
[06:54:37] <Twi> wb
[06:54:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> pake pesawat garudah la
[06:54:40] <JuraganMelon> ty
[06:54:43] <Aladeen> sip
[06:54:45] <adalarva> aha
[06:54:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets rathk
[06:54:48] (WEB) <robin_be> rathk has 5 car(s) ($600,000) and 3 house(s) ($47,000,000 - 50 slots) for a total of $47,600,000
[06:54:54] <Twi> 47m damn
[06:54:59] <LeftAt10K> !assets none
[06:55:03] (WEB) <robin_be> none has 0 car(s) ($0) and 1077 house(s) ($-150,303,432 - 2780 slots) for a total of $-150,303,432
[06:55:05] <KylieJenner> rich
[06:55:05] <JuraganMelon> !assets
[06:55:09] (WEB) <robin_be> JuraganMelon has 3 car(s) ($700,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,100,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $1,800,000
[06:55:19] <Twi> Juragan the richest lad
[06:55:25] <JuraganMelon> no u
[06:55:25] <Twi> 100m in bank
[06:55:30] <-- LeftAt10K disconnected from the server
[06:55:30] <adalarva> !cars
[06:55:30] <Twi> no u
[06:55:33] (WEB) <robin_be> adalarva has: Camper
[06:55:33] <KylieJenner> criterion
[06:55:36] <adalarva> !cars
[06:55:39] (WEB) <robin_be> adalarva has: Camper
[06:55:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cars
[06:55:47] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has: Trashmaster Voodoo Ambulance Premier Securicar Predator Bus Barracks Seasparrow Pizzaboy(..)
[06:55:50] <JuraganMelon> lu pamer
[06:55:50] <Aladeen> duit pesugihan
[06:55:58] <adalarva> so much caras
[06:56:00] <adalarva> cars
[06:56:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> want to sell it...
[06:56:19] <Twi> lmao why
[06:56:24] <adalarva> whyy
[06:56:24] <Aladeen> sedekahkan gw aja wkwkw
[06:56:30] <adalarva> is your collection
[06:56:32] <adalarva> beatifull
[06:56:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> reclean the car stock
[06:56:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> other than farm collection
[06:56:54] <KylieJenner> jodi lemme see ur house later
[06:56:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> come
[06:57:02] <Twi> I bought santi's coach today
[06:57:10] <Twi> !cars
[06:57:10] <KylieJenner> later
[06:57:13] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has: Coach
[06:57:16] <JuraganMelon> rich
[06:57:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> the farm which hijack combine harvester
[06:57:29] <KylieJenner> give me 5 mins jodi
[06:57:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> at Single Playuer
[06:57:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> mew wotk
[06:58:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions shamal
[06:58:07] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 660 shamal
[06:58:10] <Twi> we can easily make like 1m in 1 hour or 15 minutes more
[06:58:18] <adalarva> !missions shamal
[06:58:21] (WEB) <robin_be> adalarva: 691 shamal
[06:58:29] <JuraganMelon> !missions military
[06:58:32] (WEB) <robin_be> JuraganMelon: 4400 military
[06:58:32] <adalarva> !missions coach
[06:58:35] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[06:58:40] <JuraganMelon> !missions dodo
[06:58:43] (WEB) <robin_be> JuraganMelon: 2200 dodo
[06:58:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[06:58:51] <KylieJenner> california gurls we're unforgettable
[06:58:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 8108 score, 7882 missions: 16'/. trucking - 9'/. cargo drop - 8'/. shamal
[06:59:04] <KylieJenner> jodi come
[06:59:10] <Twi> gz
[06:59:13] <ErdemEmireri> gz
[06:59:15] <JuraganMelon> ty
[06:59:15] <Aladeen> mahal
[06:59:15] <adalarva> gz
[06:59:21] <JuraganMelon> yoi
[06:59:21] <KylieJenner> lol
[06:59:21] <JuraganMelon> ty
[06:59:29] <KylieJenner> jodi where shall we meet
[06:59:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> fuck me
[06:59:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> orbit city
[06:59:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> after potd lkmao
[06:59:50] <KylieJenner> i dont know orbit city
[06:59:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> no no
[07:00:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> my mission is to orbit city
[07:00:06] <KylieJenner> where will we meet
[07:00:09] <JuraganMelon> !assets
[07:00:12] (WEB) <robin_be> JuraganMelon has 3 car(s) ($700,000) and 2 house(s) ($2,300,000 - 4 slots) for a total of $3,000,000
[07:00:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> hmm
[07:00:15] <JuraganMelon> nice round
[07:00:20] <Twi> lol
[07:00:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> SFA?
[07:00:33] <KylieJenner> k
[07:00:42] <KylieJenner> what time
[07:00:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> 20km left
[07:00:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> after potd
[07:00:47] <KylieJenner> k
[07:02:05] <KylieJenner> !player marshmellow
[07:02:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player marshmellow: 6535 score, last seen 9 Hours Ago
[07:02:51] <Twi> SEX
[07:02:59] <KylieJenner> gross
[07:03:07] <Twi> bo
[07:04:16] <KylieJenner> jodi
[07:04:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> ye
[07:04:22] <KylieJenner> sfa?
[07:04:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> 4,5km lewft
[07:05:07] <Twi> 497 military, 500 and I get 500k
[07:05:18] <KylieJenner> nice
[07:05:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> 59k
[07:05:42] <Twi> damn that's ogod
[07:05:45] <Twi> good
[07:06:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> better do 2 jobs and get like 50k average 6-7km
[07:06:14] <KylieJenner> nice
[07:06:22] <Aladeen> better mah ajajn
[07:06:25] <KylieJenner> im at sfa jodi
[07:06:25] <Aladeen> jajan
[07:06:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> otw
[07:06:30] <JuraganMelon> wah
[07:06:41] <JuraganMelon> jadi laper
[07:06:44] <JuraganMelon> batal enak nih
[07:06:52] <Aladeen> indomi
[07:06:57] <JuraganMelon> saos tiram
[07:07:08] <Aladeen> nugget fiesta
[07:07:16] <Twi> !rank
[07:07:16] <Aladeen> abc sarden
[07:07:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi(890) rank: Senior Flight Officer(800) next: Sergeant Fighter(1200) (+310)
[07:07:43] <Aladeen> es krim vendetta
[07:07:49] <JuraganMelon> kontol
[07:07:49] <JuraganMelon> eh
[07:07:51] <JuraganMelon> kondom
[07:08:02] <JuraganMelon> relog
[07:08:02] <-- JuraganMelon disconnected from the server
[07:08:34] <KylieJenner> wow
[07:08:42] <KylieJenner> wow jodi
[07:08:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> here
[07:08:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> use my buke
[07:08:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> bike
[07:08:53] <KylieJenner> what password
[07:09:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> bapakkaupetani
[07:09:23] <KylieJenner> nice house
[07:09:23] <Aladeen> anjir
[07:09:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> yeet
[07:09:33] <Aladeen> woy lotre
[07:09:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> sudah dong
[07:09:44] <KylieJenner> you are like a rich man
[07:09:47] <KylieJenner> irl
[07:09:52] <Aladeen> susah nebaknya
[07:09:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> bike collector and farmer
[07:10:03] <KylieJenner> nice
[07:10:05] <KylieJenner> i love this
[07:10:27] <KylieJenner> where are your kambing/
[07:10:27] <Twi> yay finally
[07:10:30] <Twi> !cash
[07:10:32] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has $344,137 in hand
[07:10:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> inside
[07:10:35] <Twi> got the 500k
[07:10:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> my farm
[07:10:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[07:10:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> my kambing sleep
[07:10:51] <KylieJenner> haha
[07:10:57] --> JuraganMelon connected to the server
[07:11:02] <adalarva> wb
[07:11:07] <JuraganMelon> ty
[07:11:10] <Aladeen> temot terus
[07:11:13] <KylieJenner> Jodi is Entrepreneur, Farmer, Businessman, Rich
[07:11:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> not enterpreneur
[07:11:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> not selling
[07:11:23] <Aladeen> the last jodi
[07:11:37] <KylieJenner> this is fucking big
[07:11:53] <JuraganMelon> jodi sins
[07:12:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> all this car but dont have infernus shits
[07:12:06] <KylieJenner> lol why
[07:12:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> not interested
[07:12:14] <KylieJenner> you stick with rural cars?
[07:12:14] <JuraganMelon> he's heart too weak for infernus
[07:12:17] <Aladeen> jodi kang bokrep
[07:12:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea
[07:12:20] <JuraganMelon> his*
[07:12:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> stick with rural
[07:12:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> K-Rose
[07:12:28] <KylieJenner> this is your farm
[07:12:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> my kambing
[07:12:33] <KylieJenner> the cows, carabaos, kambing died
[07:12:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> eat grass
[07:12:47] <Twi> whose up for travelling the secret vip hangout?
[07:12:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> carabaos is... buffalo right?
[07:12:55] <KylieJenner> no
[07:13:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> because we have kerbau
[07:13:05] <KylieJenner> same family but different specie
[07:13:05] <JuraganMelon> im here at vip hangout
[07:13:08] <Twi> any one wanna go?
[07:13:19] <KylieJenner> carabao
[07:13:21] <Twi> secret vip hangout
[07:13:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> same as cow
[07:13:27] <KylieJenner> yes but black
[07:13:29] <JuraganMelon> where is it?
[07:13:37] <Twi> its under ground
[07:13:40] <JuraganMelon> @twi
[07:13:43] <JuraganMelon> where meet?
[07:13:46] <Twi> come IA bae
[07:13:48] <Twi> base
[07:13:51] <JuraganMelon> otw
[07:13:54] <KylieJenner> you have strawberry crops
[07:14:02] <Twi> anyone else wanna come?
[07:14:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> rice
[07:14:04] <KylieJenner> and eggplant
[07:14:10] <KylieJenner> you have malunggay?
[07:14:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> corn
[07:14:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> nope
[07:14:15] <KylieJenner> and kamyas?
[07:14:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> nope
[07:14:26] <KylieJenner> watermelon
[07:14:31] <JuraganMelon> coming
[07:14:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> semangka here
[07:14:44] <Twi> Joyadi you wanna come?
[07:14:47] <Aladeen> bust
[07:14:50] <KylieJenner> lets come jodi
[07:14:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> kidnapped by artist
[07:14:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> where to? IA?
[07:15:01] <Twi> yeah
[07:15:06] <KylieJenner> where is IA
[07:15:06] <KylieJenner> lv?
[07:15:09] <Twi> yep
[07:15:33] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[07:15:46] <Aladeen> woy beli bobcat dimanasi
[07:15:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> blueberry truckj
[07:16:02] <Aladeen> kaga nemu wkwkw
[07:16:05] <JuraganMelon> tp bb garage
[07:16:05] <JuraganMelon> ada
[07:16:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> belakang tempat modif mobil nos gak abis2
[07:16:13] <JuraganMelon> pelan2 coba
[07:16:26] <Aladeen> gada ikonnya?
[07:16:40] <JuraganMelon> emng gada
[07:16:59] <KylieJenner> yay fieldtrip
[07:17:09] <Twi> make sure to turn /vogodmode on
[07:17:12] <KylieJenner> i was from inverted airlines way back 2014
[07:17:15] <JuraganMelon> done
[07:17:17] <Twi> and asap leave the bus if it's on fire
[07:17:36] <KylieJenner> this is fun
[07:17:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> old base
[07:17:44] <KylieJenner> yeah
[07:17:47] <JuraganMelon> fucking 3/5
[07:17:49] <Aladeen> ealah bgst sembunyi
[07:17:52] <Twi> btw
[07:17:52] <KylieJenner> is yanix from ia?
[07:17:55] <Twi> these are real rockets
[07:17:58] <JuraganMelon> yes
[07:17:58] <Twi> yeah he is
[07:18:00] <JuraganMelon> he is
[07:18:14] <Twi> see
[07:18:16] <JuraganMelon> nice
[07:18:19] <Twi> let's go
[07:18:19] <KylieJenner> lets go
[07:18:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> yete
[07:18:27] <KylieJenner> i forgot everything aqbout the base
[07:18:30] <Twi> sit bois
[07:18:35] <Twi> Juragan
[07:18:35] <KylieJenner> melon
[07:19:18] <KylieJenner> amazing
[07:19:26] <KylieJenner> lets go to dungeon
[07:19:29] <Twi> here is where the 6 tunnels meet
[07:19:45] <KylieJenner> lets go to scary tunnel
[07:19:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> usign bus
[07:20:01] <KylieJenner> im dizzy of this
[07:20:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cars santiago
[07:20:15] (WEB) <robin_be> santiago has: Coach RC Baron Camper Bike Mountain Bike Mountain Bike Mountain Bike AT-400 Police Car SFPD Gl(..)
[07:20:25] <KylieJenner> who owns the president house at ls?
[07:20:31] <KylieJenner> is it ayers?
[07:20:36] <Twi> president house?
[07:20:36] <JuraganMelon> yes
[07:20:41] <JuraganMelon> wait
[07:20:47] <JuraganMelon> is that near lsa?
[07:20:52] <KylieJenner> yes
[07:20:58] <JuraganMelon> 20m 20 slot? yes ayers
[07:21:08] <KylieJenner> like the big ass house
[07:21:11] <KylieJenner> twi we were here right\
[07:21:16] <Twi> I guess so xdf
[07:21:19] <KylieJenner> with santiago and allen
[07:21:22] <Twi> oh yeah
[07:21:49] <Twi> gz
[07:22:02] <Aladeen> tyu
[07:22:05] <KylieJenner> im hungry
[07:22:07] <KylieJenner> i want doritos
[07:22:07] <Twi> same
[07:22:15] <KylieJenner> with ranch lol
[07:22:21] <Twi> haha lol
[07:22:29] <Aladeen> mantep ni buat ngedrift
[07:22:45] <Twi> lmao rip
[07:22:56] <Twi> ya'll stay here i'll come
[07:22:58] <JuraganMelon> fuck
[07:23:06] <KylieJenner> why u died
[07:23:09] <JuraganMelon> nah
[07:23:14] <Twi> I didn't die
[07:23:17] <Twi> I fell into map
[07:23:20] <Twi> !cars
[07:23:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has: Coach
[07:23:28] <KylieJenner> lol
[07:23:31] <Twi> comin
[07:23:47] <KylieJenner> when jumping from high i feel like my soul is falling too
[07:23:55] <Twi> lol
[07:24:08] <Twi> ya'll still there/
[07:24:11] <Twi> ?
[07:24:14] <JuraganMelon> tf
[07:24:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea
[07:24:16] <KylieJenner> hahahahaha
[07:24:19] <KylieJenner> omg
[07:24:35] <KylieJenner> oh noooooooooo
[07:24:41] <KylieJenner> im in the underworld
[07:24:46] <KylieJenner> whaaaaat
[07:24:49] --> Willz. connected to the server
[07:24:51] <adalarva> wb
[07:24:51] <Twi> thats what happened to me
[07:24:54] <KylieJenner> i teleported in the real world
[07:24:57] <Aladeen> wb
[07:24:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> hey kristus
[07:24:57] <KylieJenner> sama
[07:24:59] <JuraganMelon> al kafir
[07:25:02] <Willz.> halo kristus
[07:25:02] <KylieJenner> kambing
[07:25:05] <Willz.> thanks
[07:25:13] <KylieJenner> twi
[07:25:15] <Twi> yea?
[07:25:15] <KylieJenner> take me there
[07:25:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> Jenner get teleported
[07:25:21] <KylieJenner> yeah
[07:25:23] <Twi> i'm in middle of tunnel lol
[07:25:26] <KylieJenner> what
[07:25:29] <KylieJenner> what about me
[07:25:34] <Twi> ayt come IA base
[07:25:40] <KylieJenner> can u guys see me?
[07:25:42] <Twi> or /tp derby
[07:25:50] <Twi> Just /tp derby
[07:25:50] <JuraganMelon> yes
[07:25:56] <Twi> tp a car lol
[07:25:58] <Twi> mine is bugged
[07:26:01] <KylieJenner> lol
[07:26:01] <Twi> says I dont own a car
[07:26:12] <Twi> car keys sir
[07:26:20] <Twi> lets go
[07:26:28] <KylieJenner> i feel rich
[07:26:33] <Twi> lmao
[07:26:36] <KylieJenner> and i have a driver
[07:26:39] <KylieJenner> lol
[07:26:49] <KylieJenner> thank you my driver
[07:26:57] <Twi> np lad
[07:26:57] <KylieJenner> i will hire you $50 per hour
[07:27:19] <KylieJenner> where is this
[07:27:21] <KylieJenner> oh another secret
[07:27:24] <KylieJenner> wow
[07:27:27] <Twi> hahah xd
[07:27:32] <Twi> there are alot
[07:27:35] <KylieJenner> pl is so full of mystery
[07:27:46] <KylieJenner> is this the fourth joyful mystery of jesus?
[07:28:02] <KylieJenner> lmao iremember this
[07:28:15] <KylieJenner> i feel like my memories are coming back lmao
[07:28:23] <Twi> hahah xd
[07:28:26] <KylieJenner> hi guys im back jodi
[07:28:34] <KylieJenner> where is melon
[07:28:39] <JuraganMelon> hei
[07:28:45] --> Pixy connected to the server
[07:28:45] <KylieJenner> oh i didnt see you
[07:28:47] <adalarva> wb
[07:28:50] <KylieJenner> sama kambing
[07:28:50] <Twi> wb
[07:28:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> use /chute
[07:28:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> to completely destroy
[07:29:01] <Pixy> thanks
[07:29:06] <JuraganMelon> al yakub
[07:29:11] <Twi> waht does /chute do lol
[07:29:14] <KylieJenner> chute really works?
[07:29:14] <Pixy> Gereja Al-Yakub
[07:29:17] <JuraganMelon> yes
[07:29:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> really work to destroy the truck
[07:29:22] <JuraganMelon> masjidil yakub
[07:29:25] <KylieJenner> youre so hypnotizing
[07:29:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> try /dl
[07:29:38] <Twi> damn
[07:29:38] <KylieJenner> i want doritos with ranch lmao
[07:29:44] <Pixy> w
[07:30:05] <JuraganMelon> damn sleepy
[07:30:18] <Pixy> tapi nganuk
[07:30:18] <Pixy> lu ga saur
[07:30:21] <Pixy> ngantuk
[07:30:29] <JuraganMelon> diabetes kali
[07:30:32] <Twi> rip
[07:30:45] <KylieJenner> diabetes kali
[07:30:45] <Pixy> parah indihom
[07:30:50] <JuraganMelon> sama
[07:31:31] <KylieJenner> hi wilz
[07:31:33] <Twi> wtf
[07:31:36] <JuraganMelon> lah
[07:31:36] <Twi> how did willz come here
[07:31:39] <JuraganMelon> idk
[07:31:39] <KylieJenner> wilz revillame
[07:31:41] <Willz.> haii :D
[07:31:44] <Twi> Hacker
[07:31:49] <JuraganMelon> s0beit
[07:31:52] --> Ayers connected to the server
[07:31:55] <Twi> wb
[07:31:55] <KylieJenner> wb
[07:31:58] <Ayers> thx
[07:32:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> menangin lotto
[07:32:00] <Pixy> lotto
[07:32:03] <Ayers> gas
[07:32:06] <JuraganMelon> menangit lotto terus keluar
[07:32:14] <JuraganMelon> kylie
[07:32:19] <KylieJenner> boy youre an alien
[07:32:19] <Ayers> gw abis menang lotto cob rumah bocor
[07:32:22] <Ayers> kwkwkw
[07:32:24] <Ayers> makanya keluar
[07:32:27] <KylieJenner> your touch are foreign
[07:32:30] <JuraganMelon> pantesan
[07:32:30] <Twi> lmao
[07:32:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> gaboleh menang
[07:32:35] <KylieJenner> its supernatural
[07:32:38] <Pixy> renov pake uang lotto
[07:32:43] <KylieJenner> lol panicked
[07:32:48] <Willz.> hahahahahaha
[07:32:48] <KylieJenner> do we have more tunnels?
[07:32:51] <Pixy> hadeh nabrak kan andri
[07:32:56] <Pixy> gara2 typing
[07:32:59] <Willz.> twi hacking D:
[07:33:05] <KylieJenner> yeaht
[07:33:07] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[07:33:07] <Twi> I'm not hacking
[07:33:10] <Ayers> next beli tank ni
[07:33:13] <Twi> your vehicle is like that
[07:33:13] <KylieJenner> kambing twi
[07:33:13] <Ayers> kerja rodi
[07:33:50] <KylieJenner> doritos :<
[07:33:58] <KylieJenner> nacho cheese
[07:34:12] <KylieJenner> twili
[07:34:17] <KylieJenner> do we have more tunnels
[07:34:25] <Twi> yep
[07:34:30] <KylieJenner> lets go to other tunnel and hangout
[07:34:57] <Twi> ty Joyadi
[07:34:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> guied us
[07:35:00] <Twi> let's go
[07:35:11] <Willz.> shittt
[07:35:13] <KylieJenner> wait me
[07:35:21] <Twi> well there's no place to chill
[07:35:24] <Pixy> lotto barusan berapa
[07:35:24] <Twi> but there are secret gates
[07:35:27] <KylieJenner> wit me
[07:35:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> lupa
[07:35:37] <Pixy> mantab
[07:35:45] <KylieJenner> anneyeong
[07:35:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> reparasi lotto
[07:35:48] <Pixy> maju atau mundur?
[07:35:53] <KylieJenner> annyeong lupa
[07:35:56] <Aladeen> mundur
[07:36:12] <Pixy> sebelumnya berarti 1-10?
[07:36:15] <JuraganMelon> slowass
[07:36:18] <Aladeen> yoi
[07:36:26] <Pixy> wuedeh sarjana
[07:36:28] <KylieJenner> next lotto number is 31
[07:36:52] <Twi> this tunnel goes to area 51
[07:36:58] <Twi> you'll fall
[07:37:03] <Twi> dont go ahead
[07:37:08] <KylieJenner> whaaaaaaaaaat
[07:37:14] <JuraganMelon> yeah im safe
[07:37:17] <KylieJenner> another secret
[07:37:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> do freeway bug
[07:37:25] <Twi> Rip
[07:37:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> bego
[07:37:27] <Willz.> tolol
[07:37:27] <KylieJenner> you fell
[07:37:30] <KylieJenner> i told you
[07:37:30] <Twi> told you not to go
[07:37:35] <Willz.> goblok emang
[07:37:38] <JuraganMelon> i thought its solid
[07:37:41] <JuraganMelon> woi
[07:37:41] <Twi> Come at
[07:37:43] <Twi> garuda bae
[07:37:46] <Twi> base
[07:37:51] <Twi> I'll pick up from there
[07:38:05] <ErdemEmireri> !interest 8607918
[07:38:08] (WEB) <robin_be> $8,607,918 will generate about $5,738 every 60 minutes
[07:38:08] <JuraganMelon> sini jemput yan
[07:38:21] <Willz.> base garuda or gojek>
[07:38:24] <Willz.> ?
[07:38:32] <Twi> GoJek
[07:38:32] <Pixy> goblok
[07:38:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> gojek
[07:38:34] <JuraganMelon> ngapain lagi yan
[07:39:09] <Twi> lemem repair
[07:39:28] <Willz.> bangsat ga aman sama jakop
[07:39:31] <KylieJenner> kambing
[07:39:33] <JuraganMelon> wkwk
[07:39:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> good guy gojek no gate
[07:39:39] <Willz.> turun
[07:39:42] <JuraganMelon> gak
[07:39:47] <Twi> hahaha
[07:39:52] <KylieJenner> lets go
[07:40:03] <Twi> rip
[07:40:03] <Aladeen> base score g nambah tp skor kurir nambah aneh
[07:40:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> makanya
[07:40:11] <JuraganMelon> ya emang
[07:40:19] <JuraganMelon> dah ga bisa farming kurir
[07:40:27] <Aladeen> yoi
[07:40:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions shamal
[07:40:36] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 662 shamal
[07:40:41] <Willz.> why when we at FC mesti opcode?
[07:40:44] <KylieJenner> lets go to beautiful place
[07:40:44] <Aladeen> dulu 24 menit bisa 58
[07:40:44] <Willz.> mesti b inggris nya apa ya
[07:40:49] <KylieJenner> whaat
[07:40:49] <Aladeen> must
[07:40:52] <Ayers> must
[07:40:52] <KylieJenner> another secert
[07:40:52] <JuraganMelon> ora ngerti
[07:40:57] <Twi> yeah lol
[07:40:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> who owns fv
[07:41:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> fc
[07:41:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> wow shazi rebuy
[07:41:29] <Twi> who tf did it
[07:41:29] <Willz.> lol
[07:41:32] <JuraganMelon> fucking gate
[07:41:37] <KylieJenner> gate is crap
[07:42:04] <KylieJenner> lets go to beautiful place
[07:42:09] <Twi> there's no beautiful place xd
[07:42:31] <KylieJenner> no paradise?
[07:42:36] <JuraganMelon> awkawkawk
[07:42:50] <Twi> PUSH
[07:42:50] <KylieJenner> wth
[07:42:52] <KylieJenner> haaha
[07:42:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> yeeted
[07:42:58] <Twi> LOL
[07:43:00] <KylieJenner> what if our cars explode hre
[07:43:00] <JuraganMelon> lol
[07:43:03] <KylieJenner> we are gonna walk
[07:43:06] <Twi> RIP us
[07:43:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> we no admin
[07:43:11] <Twi> we can /park and /rc
[07:43:11] <Aladeen> !player Cpt.Price
[07:43:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cpt.Price: 11407 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[07:43:22] <KylieJenner> nitro
[07:43:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> lemme
[07:43:33] <Twi> LMAO
[07:43:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> lemme drive
[07:43:52] <JuraganMelon> gua blom pasang nitro pula
[07:44:16] <KylieJenner> i see u guys
[07:44:27] <Twi> rip
[07:44:27] <Twi> cya
[07:44:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmao
[07:44:35] <Twi> /flip
[07:44:40] <KylieJenner> rip
[07:44:45] <Twi> hold up
[07:44:51] <Twi> stop
[07:44:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> need reverse
[07:45:02] <Twi> I'll push from back
[07:45:02] <KylieJenner> push the bus
[07:45:10] <Twi> when u reach that point
[07:45:39] <Twi> come
[07:46:01] <Twi> rip
[07:46:03] <Willz.> loool
[07:46:06] <JuraganMelon> xD
[07:46:09] <KylieJenner> where are you guys
[07:46:11] <Twi> okay we can come other way
[07:46:17] <Twi> car keys pls
[07:46:17] <KylieJenner> whaaaaaat
[07:46:27] <KylieJenner> im lost
[07:46:33] <Aladeen> jir anter paket kerumah sendiri
[07:46:35] <Willz.> WAITTT
[07:46:38] <Twi> /park it and /rc
[07:46:43] <Ayers> dapet 1000 kan
[07:46:46] <Aladeen> 2k
[07:46:49] <Twi> lets go
[07:46:51] <Twi> reverse guys
[07:46:54] <JuraganMelon> wait
[07:47:02] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[07:47:21] <Ayers> lufthansa
[07:47:24] <Ayers> fleet please
[07:47:32] <Ayers> hadeh ga ada pula
[07:47:32] <JuraganMelon> damn
[07:47:42] <Twi> lmao
[07:47:42] <KylieJenner> guys
[07:47:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> we trapped
[07:47:48] <KylieJenner> please back at the waterfalls
[07:47:56] <ErdemEmireri> !cars
[07:47:59] (WEB) <robin_be> ErdemEmireri has: Bullet
[07:47:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> kalem andru
[07:48:02] <ErdemEmireri> xd
[07:48:04] <Twi> Coach was a dumb idea to get into tunels with
[07:48:10] <JuraganMelon> of course
[07:48:18] <Ayers> woi gw mau ke checkpoint ga bisa ini
[07:48:18] <Ayers> ya allah
[07:48:20] <KylieJenner> twi where r u
[07:48:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> esc aja
[07:48:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> didorong
[07:48:26] <Aladeen> pesawat apa
[07:48:26] <Ayers> kesabaran dihari puasa
[07:48:31] <Ayers> pesawat lufthansa
[07:48:31] <Twi> /tp Derby everyone
[07:48:34] <Ayers> at400
[07:48:36] <Aladeen> jir
[07:48:39] <KylieJenner> p
[07:48:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> lemme hjars
[07:48:47] <Aladeen> dorong at lol
[07:48:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmme one more time
[07:48:50] <Twi> come kylie
[07:48:53] <Twi> get the car
[07:48:55] <KylieJenner> where are they
[07:49:03] <Twi> they're still ungerground lol
[07:49:09] <Twi> get a faster car lol
[07:49:09] <KylieJenner> why
[07:49:11] <Twi> !cars KylieJenner
[07:49:14] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has: Stretch Infernus Banshee RC Bandit Turismo Maverick FBI Rancher NRG-500 Bullet Huntley
[07:49:14] <adalarva> bye guys
[07:49:17] <adalarva> good night
[07:49:17] <JuraganMelon> bye
[07:49:17] <KylieJenner> adies
[07:49:20] <JuraganMelon> rip
[07:49:20] <Ayers> bye
[07:49:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> god night
[07:49:20] <KylieJenner> adios
[07:49:22] <Twi> get the fbi rancher
[07:49:22] <-- ErdemEmireri disconnected from the server
[07:49:22] <adalarva> chau
[07:49:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> derby stad
[07:49:25] <Twi> bubye
[07:49:31] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[07:49:31] <JuraganMelon> im at gojek base
[07:49:36] <Twi> Fbi rancher's good lol
[07:49:41] <Twi> car keys sir
[07:49:44] --> ErdemEmireri connected to the server
[07:49:52] <Ayers> brp lagi ja gw ngalahin cygnus
[07:49:55] <Twi> ty
[07:49:57] <KylieJenner> i have a driver again
[07:49:57] <Twi> let's go
[07:50:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> dah menanh
[07:50:08] <Ayers> !assets cygnus
[07:50:11] (WEB) <robin_be> cygnus has 39 car(s) ($33,122,000) and 4 house(s) ($44,750,000 - 41 slots) for a total of $77,872,000
[07:50:14] <Ayers> brp tu
[07:50:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> 77,8
[07:50:22] <Ayers> !assets
[07:50:25] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has 45 car(s) ($21,955,000) and 4 house(s) ($56,000,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $77,955,000
[07:50:30] <Ayers> beda brp dah
[07:50:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> 100k
[07:50:39] <KylieJenner> ayers give me a car
[07:50:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> lupa
[07:51:00] <Twi> don't fucking
[07:51:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> keittlanga
[07:51:11] <JuraganMelon> twi
[07:51:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> wait lmao
[07:51:11] <JuraganMelon> help
[07:51:16] <KylieJenner> wait them
[07:51:16] <KylieJenner> twi
[07:51:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> coba derek
[07:51:24] <Twi> sorry lol
[07:51:24] <KylieJenner> up
[07:51:37] <KylieJenner> lol
[07:51:40] <KylieJenner> come
[07:51:48] <JuraganMelon> lol
[07:51:51] <KylieJenner> come
[07:51:59] <KylieJenner> where is willie
[07:52:02] <Twi> go
[07:52:04] <JuraganMelon> tiemout
[07:52:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> t/o
[07:52:10] <KylieJenner> sad
[07:52:12] <KylieJenner> hre
[07:52:23] <Twi> Lmao
[07:52:28] <KylieJenner> melon your bus
[07:52:34] <Twi> /rc
[07:52:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> he parked
[07:52:42] <Twi> nvm it's parked there lol
[07:52:42] <JuraganMelon> i park it lol
[07:53:06] <KylieJenner> straigjt
[07:53:14] <KylieJenner> it will lead to waterfalls hangout
[07:53:19] <Twi> you wanna go to hangout?
[07:53:25] <KylieJenner> another straight
[07:53:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> wait juragan lost
[07:53:38] <KylieJenner> oh no
[07:53:41] <Twi> this wont take to hangout
[07:53:43] <KylieJenner> rip melon
[07:53:46] <JuraganMelon> rip
[07:53:46] <JuraganMelon> fuck my car
[07:53:57] <KylieJenner> explode?
[07:54:00] <JuraganMelon> nah
[07:54:02] <JuraganMelon> not strong
[07:54:05] <KylieJenner> wtf twi
[07:54:08] <KylieJenner> lets go
[07:54:34] <KylieJenner> wait us jodi and melon
[07:54:40] <KylieJenner> kambing
[07:55:01] <KylieJenner> here again
[07:55:25] <Pixy> relog
[07:55:25] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[07:56:14] <Twi> all these tunnels
[07:56:14] --> Pixy connected to the server
[07:56:16] <Twi> open up here
[07:56:30] <Twi> these all black holes are tunnes
[07:56:32] <Twi> tunnels
[07:56:43] --> Jacob connected to the server
[07:56:59] <Twi> this is trace track
[07:57:02] <Twi> race
[07:57:13] <Jacob> how do i activate surfly
[07:57:18] <Jacob> you should know twi
[07:57:23] <Twi> how would i know
[07:57:29] <Twi> I'm a sober person
[07:57:37] <Jacob> lies
[07:57:39] <Jacob> all lies
[07:57:42] <KylieJenner> im desynced
[07:57:42] <Twi> lol
[07:57:47] <KylieJenner> .
[07:57:47] <KylieJenner> .
[07:57:47] <Twi> come here
[07:57:53] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[07:57:58] <Twi> noob jacob
[07:58:01] <Twi> i'ma kill u
[07:58:01] <JuraganMelon> tf
[07:58:06] <Twi> dont destory it
[07:58:22] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[07:58:30] <KylieJenner> tp derby two
[07:58:30] <Twi> wb
[07:58:30] <KylieJenner> tp derby twi
[07:58:33] <Twi> lmao we're at IA
[07:58:36] <Twi> come at IA
[07:58:41] <Twi> don't jacob :(
[07:58:41] <KylieJenner> i cant go there
[07:58:49] <KylieJenner> tp me there
[07:58:49] <Twi> tp kylie jacob
[07:58:52] <Jacob> how
[07:58:57] <Twi> /get ffs
[07:59:05] <KylieJenner> hello jacob tp me pls
[07:59:08] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[07:59:16] <KylieJenner> wb
[07:59:16] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[07:59:16] <Twi> noob admin
[07:59:21] <Jacob> desynced
[07:59:27] <Twi> you're desycned nab
[07:59:27] <JakeN2436> v
[07:59:32] <Jacob> wot
[07:59:32] <Twi> okay I love you jacob
[07:59:35] <Twi> launch cnr now
[07:59:48] <Twi> HA
[07:59:48] <Twi> HAHAHA
[07:59:56] <Twi> nvm rip
[07:59:59] <Pixy> bler
[08:00:02] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[08:00:02] <Jacob> ha
[08:00:02] <Jacob> hahaha
[08:00:04] <JakeN2436> wb kylie
[08:00:04] <Twi> lol
[08:00:07] <Twi> wb
[08:00:07] <KylieJenner> wb jake
[08:00:10] <KylieJenner> jacob
[08:00:12] <JakeN2436> :)))))
[08:00:12] <Ayers> wb
[08:00:12] <KylieJenner> do it again pls
[08:00:28] <KylieJenner> where is jodi at melon
[08:00:34] <Jacob> oh
[08:00:37] <Jacob> cleo isnt loading smh
[08:00:37] <Twi> they're up here
[08:00:37] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[08:01:09] <Twi> gz
[08:01:09] <KylieJenner> wheres jodi
[08:01:11] <KylieJenner> gz
[08:01:17] <Twi> joyadis down there Iguess
[08:01:19] <Twi> near the payphon
[08:01:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> nope
[08:01:25] <Pixy> beli tank ndri
[08:01:25] <JakeN2436> wtf are you guys doing btw
[08:01:25] <Twi> oh hi xd
[08:01:27] <Ayers> next
[08:01:30] <Twi> having sex
[08:01:44] <KylieJenner> jodi parkour
[08:01:49] --> Jacob connected to the server
[08:01:49] <Twi> wow lol
[08:01:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> parkour
[08:01:52] <Twi> wb
[08:01:57] <KylieJenner> wb
[08:02:16] <KylieJenner> jacob is possessd
[08:02:21] <JakeN2436> pfft, imagine not working smh my head
[08:02:37] <Twi> damnn this is really a parkour
[08:02:59] <Twi> Holy
[08:02:59] <Jacob> right
[08:03:01] <KylieJenner> when i jump i feel like my soul is fallling
[08:03:07] <Jacob> now to find a place to put my custom house
[08:03:09] <Twi> this is a real fuckin parkour
[08:03:17] <Twi> Jacob you getting one too
[08:03:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> rip
[08:04:00] <Pixy> HADEH
[08:04:03] <Pixy> tadi mau 11
[08:04:19] <KylieJenner> tadi mmau 11
[08:04:57] <Twi> f
[08:05:05] <KylieJenner> lol
[08:05:05] <KylieJenner> jodi fell
[08:05:15] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[08:05:29] <JakeN2436> someone make me a sandwich :(
[08:05:34] <KylieJenner> i want doritos
[08:05:37] <Twi> me too please
[08:05:37] <KylieJenner> nacho chees
[08:05:58] <JakeN2436> i love chilli heatwave too
[08:05:58] <KylieJenner> nacho cheese with doritos
[08:06:09] <Twi> wb
[08:06:14] <JakeN2436> but i want a tuna sandwich :(w
[08:06:20] <KylieJenner> ew
[08:06:25] <JakeN2436> imagine not liking tuna
[08:06:30] <KylieJenner> i like cheese ham and cabbage
[08:06:38] <KylieJenner> tomato
[08:06:49] <Twi> yay I won
[08:06:52] <KylieJenner> or ketchup?
[08:06:55] <JakeN2436> i dont understand people who dont like mayo
[08:07:00] <JakeN2436> it's ketchup in english yea
[08:07:00] <Twi> mayo's good
[08:07:08] <JakeN2436> mayo is fucking delicious
[08:07:21] <ErdemEmireri> mayo's taste like a shit
[08:07:29] <JakeN2436> no it doesnt lmao
[08:07:32] <Twi> lmao
[08:07:43] <KylieJenner> lmao
[08:07:48] <KylieJenner> twi is killing me
[08:07:51] --> Santiago connected to the server
[08:07:54] <JakeN2436> wb
[08:07:54] <Twi> wb love
[08:07:54] <KylieJenner> he stole my purse
[08:07:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> kontol
[08:08:15] <Santiago> who
[08:08:15] <KylieJenner> twi spray and stole my purse
[08:08:18] <Twi> ik /pee avoids it
[08:08:23] <Twi> no ban pls
[08:08:31] <KylieJenner> give me back my purse lol
[08:08:31] <Twi> santi we explored whole IA
[08:08:39] <KylieJenner> santi give me a gun pl
[08:08:42] <KylieJenner> santi give me a gun pl
[08:08:42] <JakeN2436> dont you think it's funny how 90# of americans are like "ewwwww mayonnaise is gross"
[08:08:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> gimma gun
[08:08:47] <JakeN2436> but then they're obsessed with ranch sauce
[08:08:58] <KylieJenner> rip jodi
[08:09:03] <KylieJenner> hahaha rip
[08:09:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> twi nuke
[08:09:14] <Twi> I took santi with me lol
[08:09:14] <KylieJenner> i survived the crisis
[08:09:19] <JuraganMelon> relog
[08:09:19] <-- JuraganMelon disconnected from the server
[08:09:35] <KylieJenner> today is anniversary of armenian genocide
[08:09:41] <JakeN2436> can we have more vip colours for sponsors :)))))
[08:09:43] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[08:09:49] <Santiago> yeah suggest it
[08:09:54] <KylieJenner> yeah
[08:09:54] --> JuraganMelon connected to the server
[08:09:54] <KylieJenner> love that
[08:09:57] <JakeN2436> hell yeah
[08:09:57] <JakeN2436> i will
[08:09:57] <Twi> wb
[08:09:57] <KylieJenner> wb
[08:10:00] <JuraganMelon> ty
[08:10:00] <Ayers> wb
[08:10:00] <Santiago> suggest the colors in the forums
[08:10:00] <JakeN2436> also wb
[08:10:02] <JuraganMelon> ty
[08:10:05] <JakeN2436> big yes
[08:10:05] <KylieJenner> twi
[08:10:08] <Twi> yea/
[08:10:10] <KylieJenner> give me car keys to IA fleet
[08:10:10] <Twi> ?*
[08:10:16] <Twi> I can't
[08:10:37] <Twi> !cars
[08:10:40] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has: Coach
[08:11:12] <Twi> putting used by santiago in an /ad would make the thing worth more?
[08:11:28] <KylieJenner> wait me
[08:11:47] <KylieJenner> dont make me fall
[08:11:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> vip seller
[08:13:29] <Twi> I'ma go eat
[08:13:29] <Santiago> why don't you just enter as passengers
[08:13:32] <KylieJenner> i cant move
[08:13:32] <Twi> cya guys enjoy
[08:13:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> nkjoet
[08:13:37] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[08:13:37] <KylieJenner> wait
[08:13:40] <KylieJenner> stop moving
[08:13:51] <KylieJenner> ok
[08:15:11] <Aladeen> pasti ada yg menang
[08:15:22] <Ayers> pixy kmn
[08:15:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> indihome
[08:15:32] <Ayers> hadeh
[08:16:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> wait
[08:16:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> why i can /w
[08:16:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> ...
[08:16:37] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[08:16:39] <JakeN2436> WTF
[08:16:39] <Ayers> rip
[08:16:39] <Aladeen> lol
[08:16:39] <JakeN2436> LOL
[08:16:45] <Ayers> lets camp
[08:16:45] <Santiago> oh right
[08:17:06] <JakeN2436> is he gonna be unbanned
[08:17:09] <Santiago> yes
[08:17:12] <KylieJenner> where jodi go
[08:17:14] <JakeN2436> he got banned
[08:17:17] <JakeN2436> for no reason
[08:17:17] <JakeN2436> LUL
[08:17:17] <Santiago> ban land
[08:17:20] <KylieJenner> santi
[08:17:22] <KylieJenner> santi
[08:17:30] <Santiago> what
[08:17:36] <JakeN2436> he's getting unbanned dw
[08:17:38] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[08:17:44] <JuraganMelon> wb
[08:17:44] <JakeN2436> wb LUL
[08:17:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> gg
[08:17:52] <Ayers> yah kok keunban ja
[08:17:57] <Aladeen> ga seru
[08:18:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmao thanks
[08:18:00] <JuraganMelon> kok jahat andri
[08:18:05] <KylieJenner> !player viktor_skobel
[08:18:05] <Ayers> kwkwkw lucu soalnya
[08:18:05] <Aladeen> padahal mau kemah
[08:18:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player viktor_skobel: 2106 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[08:18:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> /fix at santi's plane
[08:18:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> untung lotto 13
[08:18:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> salah tebak
[08:18:43] <Ayers> tetep rugi goceng
[08:18:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> kerja pizza
[08:18:54] <JuraganMelon> interestnya gede mana rugi
[08:19:13] <Ayers> !interest 5000000
[08:19:16] (WEB) <robin_be> $5,000,000 will generate about $3,333 every 60 minutes
[08:19:18] <KylieJenner> hi jodi
[08:19:18] <Ayers> 33k ya ja
[08:19:18] <KylieJenner> sama
[08:19:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello jenenr
[08:19:45] <KylieJenner> what time is it in indo? 2:19pm?
[08:19:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cash
[08:19:48] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has $53,157,727 in hand
[08:19:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> 13:19
[08:19:51] <KylieJenner> wow rich
[08:19:54] <KylieJenner> 1:19pm
[08:20:04] <KylieJenner> 1 hour difference lol
[08:20:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> 07 nibbs
[08:20:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> +7
[08:20:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> ada
[08:20:42] <Aladeen> base paling mewah
[08:20:50] <KylieJenner> jodi how are u so rich
[08:20:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> /w
[08:20:55] <Aladeen> hax
[08:21:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> potd farming
[08:21:14] <KylieJenner> lol
[08:21:33] <KylieJenner> u are potd star
[08:21:35] <Aladeen> gada akhlak
[08:21:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> also yea
[08:21:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> 4900 x 3500
[08:22:13] <KylieJenner> can i take a picture with you?
[08:22:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> debon heer
[08:22:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> copme devon
[08:22:32] <KylieJenner> gz jake
[08:22:32] <JakeN2436> wtf
[08:22:34] <JakeN2436> didnt even see it
[08:22:34] <JakeN2436> LUL]
[08:22:42] <JakeN2436> it was in a bush, couldnt see it whatsoever
[08:22:50] <KylieJenner> lol
[08:22:53] <JakeN2436> ty anyway
[08:23:17] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[08:23:20] <JakeN2436> wb
[08:23:25] <TheGamer> ty
[08:23:25] <JakeN2436> should i stream
[08:23:28] <JakeN2436> idk if i should or not
[08:23:33] <TheGamer> stream what?
[08:23:36] <JakeN2436> PL
[08:23:41] <TheGamer> idk
[08:23:44] <TheGamer> if it's PLR, sure
[08:23:52] <JakeN2436> no i mean pl on youtube lol
[08:23:55] <JakeN2436> livestream
[08:24:03] <TheGamer> thought so
[08:24:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> hadeh
[08:24:08] <Aladeen> demand
[08:24:08] <JakeN2436> oh dude hell yeah
[08:24:14] <JuraganMelon> gas farming
[08:24:16] <Aladeen> gas
[08:24:16] <JakeN2436> a320 time
[08:24:16] <KylieJenner> yas demand
[08:24:22] <KylieJenner> perfect timing
[08:24:43] <JakeN2436> i get interest of $666
[08:24:46] <JakeN2436> monkaS
[08:25:21] <KylieJenner> jake
[08:25:23] <JakeN2436> ye
[08:25:34] <KylieJenner> i will pm u something lol
[08:25:37] <JakeN2436> ok lol
[08:25:58] <ErdemEmireri> anyone won lotto ?
[08:26:04] <JakeN2436> nop
[08:26:04] <Santiago> ask id 3
[08:26:09] <ErdemEmireri> k
[08:26:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> still nope
[08:26:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> but ayers will win
[08:26:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> again
[08:27:27] <TheGamer> you got the nickname lottonesia for a reason lad
[08:27:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> <:
[08:27:53] <Aladeen> v for vinneta
[08:27:59] <JuraganMelon> vagina
[08:28:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> venneta walls
[08:28:10] <Aladeen> astaghfirullah
[08:28:15] <JakeN2436> vip = vagina in penis
[08:28:15] <JuraganMelon> vagina ikan asin
[08:28:20] <Santiago> v for vkontol
[08:28:23] <KylieJenner> pekpek
[08:28:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> vbuck
[08:28:28] <JuraganMelon> pepek
[08:28:31] <KylieJenner> pepek
[08:28:31] <JuraganMelon> vfuck
[08:28:58] <JakeN2436> oh hi joe
[08:29:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> hai jake
[08:29:08] <JakeN2436> o/
[08:29:08] <Santiago> bye
[08:29:11] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[08:29:14] <JakeN2436> :(
[08:30:02] <JakeN2436> FUCK ME
[08:30:05] <JakeN2436> i had 50
[08:30:05] <JakeN2436> for fucks sake
[08:30:13] <TheGamer> wow
[08:30:16] <TheGamer> ayers didn't win
[08:30:18] <JakeN2436> dude
[08:30:21] <KylieJenner> so sad
[08:30:24] <JuraganMelon> not yet
[08:30:26] <JakeN2436> i've seen the number 50 win like 10 times in 3 days
[08:30:34] <JakeN2436> but ever since i've started using it, nothing
[08:30:40] <KylieJenner> jodi give me the lotto formula lol
[08:30:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> goddamn haven't win like 5 days
[08:31:04] <KylieJenner> i won recently lol
[08:31:06] <JuraganMelon> gz
[08:31:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> well i ask you then the formula
[08:31:15] <KylieJenner> lol it was 2-3 days ago
[08:31:17] <JakeN2436> i won too lol
[08:31:28] <JuraganMelon> gz too
[08:31:44] <JakeN2436> my crush told me to use the number 26
[08:31:44] <JakeN2436> so i used it
[08:31:47] <JakeN2436> and i won like 1.7 mil
[08:31:57] <KylieJenner> i bet it's stan
[08:31:57] <JuraganMelon> i should've find a crush then
[08:32:00] <JakeN2436> no LMAO
[08:32:05] <KylieJenner> yieee
[08:32:19] <JakeN2436> his name is daniel
[08:32:22] <JakeN2436> he's super cute
[08:32:22] <KylieJenner> danielson
[08:32:24] <KylieJenner> hahahahah
[08:32:27] <JuraganMelon> fuck
[08:32:38] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[08:33:07] <KylieJenner> i won with no 26 many times
[08:33:21] <JuraganMelon> give me some
[08:33:26] <Aladeen> nudes
[08:33:31] <JuraganMelon> astaghfirullah
[08:33:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> dudes
[08:33:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions shamal
[08:33:42] <Aladeen> lagi aus
[08:33:45] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 666 shamal
[08:33:50] <KylieJenner> selamat
[08:33:56] <JakeN2436> !missions at400
[08:33:59] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: 739 at400
[08:34:04] <KylieJenner> !missions at400
[08:34:07] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner: 1207 at400
[08:34:32] <TheGamer> how did you all do that much AT400 missions lol
[08:34:32] <KylieJenner> at400 makes so much money
[08:34:34] <TheGamer> that plane sucks
[08:34:37] <KylieJenner> i hope pl can bring selling drugs here
[08:34:42] <JakeN2436> at400 doesnt suck with mods
[08:34:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> bad drug
[08:34:53] <TheGamer> @kylie, CnR will provide that
[08:35:04] <KylieJenner> what cnr
[08:35:09] <JakeN2436> hi again joe lol
[08:35:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> halo
[08:35:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> Pilot's Life Crime and Robber
[08:35:28] <TheGamer> the CnR crystal owns
[08:35:33] <KylieJenner> wow
[08:35:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> Cop and Robber*
[08:35:47] <JuraganMelon> cops
[08:35:47] <KylieJenner> love that
[08:35:49] <JuraganMelon> lol
[08:35:55] <KylieJenner> combined with pl?
[08:36:05] <TheGamer> it's a different server
[08:36:22] <Aladeen> padahal dulu jaman haydz ada
[08:36:38] <JuraganMelon> salah jokowi
[08:36:46] <Aladeen> jokowi pki
[08:36:48] <JuraganMelon> woi
[08:36:51] <JuraganMelon> presiden gua itu
[08:36:59] <Ayers> presiden indonesia ke 7 6 huruf apa 5 cob
[08:37:02] <Aladeen> :v
[08:37:26] <Aladeen> yang penting ahok durjana
[08:37:26] <Ayers> wkwkwkw
[08:37:26] <Aladeen> lol
[08:37:29] <JuraganMelon> jokoi
[08:37:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> yason
[08:37:39] <JuraganMelon> OH
[08:37:42] <JuraganMelon> luhut
[08:37:45] <Aladeen> yasona kang coli
[08:37:45] <Ayers> prabw
[08:37:50] <KylieJenner> where the fuck is stan
[08:38:01] <JakeN2436> dead
[08:38:06] <KylieJenner> fucking desynced
[08:38:06] <JakeN2436> !8ball is stan dead
[08:38:09] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: It is decidedly so
[08:38:09] <JuraganMelon> jokowi dinista
[08:38:09] <JakeN2436> yup
[08:38:12] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[08:38:14] <JuraganMelon> si luhut durjana
[08:38:33] <Aladeen> danzo
[08:38:41] <JuraganMelon> hinata
[08:38:49] <TheGamer> so what's a good at400 mod the
[08:38:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> hinata jamet
[08:38:49] <TheGamer> then*
[08:38:55] <Aladeen> hinata g*ge
[08:38:55] <JakeN2436> easyjet a320 from gamemodding
[08:38:57] <Aladeen> hinata t*ge
[08:39:00] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[08:39:00] <JakeN2436> it's so smooth to fly
[08:39:03] <JuraganMelon> wb
[08:39:05] <KylieJenner> fucking internet
[08:39:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> jamet kuproy
[08:39:16] <Aladeen> Jual lah goblock
[08:39:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player kuproy
[08:39:22] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player kuproy
[08:39:30] <JuraganMelon> padindin
[08:39:30] <JakeN2436> !player iBelongtoGamer30
[08:39:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player iBelongtoGamer30: 10915 score, last seen 17 Hours Ago
[08:39:36] <JakeN2436> fucking saniel
[08:39:38] <JakeN2436> staniel*
[08:39:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player blackpink
[08:39:44] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player blackpink
[08:39:49] <JakeN2436> oh no
[08:39:52] <KylieJenner> u like stan <3
[08:39:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player twice
[08:40:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player twice: 1 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[08:40:00] <KylieJenner> this makes me blush lmao
[08:40:03] <JakeN2436> i dont even know what he looks like lol
[08:40:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player bts
[08:40:09] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player bts
[08:40:09] <KylieJenner> oh
[08:40:22] <Aladeen> ada jual akun minkrap kg
[08:40:22] <KylieJenner> i thought u talk outsidepl
[08:40:28] <JakeN2436> we do a tiny bit
[08:40:33] <JakeN2436> but i still dont know what he looks like lol
[08:40:33] <KylieJenner> nice
[08:40:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> gajual
[08:40:41] <KylieJenner> ask for photo
[08:40:41] <Ayers> gapunya
[08:40:44] <JakeN2436> besides i already like someone else
[08:40:54] <TheGamer> gamemodding is down >.>
[08:40:57] <JakeN2436> wtf lol
[08:41:00] <JakeN2436> feelsbadman
[08:41:03] <Aladeen> Lotto woy
[08:41:03] <KylieJenner> we can like as many as we want
[08:41:05] <JakeN2436> i can send the file on the forums
[08:41:11] <TheGamer> or discord?
[08:41:13] <JakeN2436> or that
[08:41:19] <JakeN2436> the dff and txd files
[08:41:27] <TheGamer> yeah, let's do discord lol
[08:41:30] <JakeN2436> alright after this flight
[08:41:35] <TheGamer> sure
[08:41:40] <JakeN2436> but yeah it's really nice
[08:41:43] <JakeN2436> high quality model
[08:41:46] <JakeN2436> flies really nicely
[08:41:54] <JakeN2436> and an added bonus, you dont need to type /at400 to get in it ;D
[08:42:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> beli laptop buat kerja
[08:42:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> malah wfh ampe tolol
[08:42:21] <Aladeen> org kerja kan tolol semua
[08:42:24] <JakeN2436> actually i'll send it after the at400 mission bonus ends
[08:42:27] <TheGamer> well i still gotta get that achieement lol
[08:42:27] <JakeN2436> if that's ok
[08:42:32] <TheGamer> sure
[08:42:32] <JuraganMelon> duar memek
[08:42:37] <KylieJenner> is liverpool far from london
[08:42:40] <JakeN2436> kinda yea
[08:42:45] <JuraganMelon> ynwa
[08:42:48] <JakeN2436> takes 5 hours to drive from liverpool to london
[08:42:48] <KylieJenner> london is capital?
[08:42:48] <JakeN2436> ewww
[08:42:51] <JakeN2436> football is gross
[08:42:54] <JakeN2436> yeah it is
[08:42:54] <JuraganMelon> lol
[08:42:59] <KylieJenner> wow
[08:43:15] <JakeN2436> juragan i live in liverpool
[08:43:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> pepega
[08:43:18] <KylieJenner> is it safe to live there
[08:43:52] <JakeN2436> i mean yea lol
[08:45:02] <KylieJenner> jake
[08:45:05] <JakeN2436> ye
[08:45:13] <KylieJenner> do u use pound or euro
[08:45:16] <JakeN2436> pounds
[08:45:18] <TheGamer> so i might end up having a bit too powerfull synology NAS thingy soon lol
[08:45:21] <KylieJenner> where is euro used?
[08:45:26] <JakeN2436> everywhere else really
[08:45:29] <TheGamer> europe
[08:45:29] <TheGamer> mostly
[08:45:32] <JakeN2436> except for norway and switzerland
[08:45:37] <JakeN2436> and the uk
[08:45:37] <TheGamer> they use crowns
[08:45:40] <KylieJenner> oh
[08:45:42] <TheGamer> uk ain't europe no more lad
[08:45:45] <JakeN2436> and switzerland uses francs
[08:45:53] <JakeN2436> uk is europe lol
[08:45:58] <JakeN2436> uk isnt part of the european union tho
[08:46:07] <TheGamer> oh cmon
[08:46:12] <TheGamer> did they make shit even more complicated
[08:46:15] <KylieJenner> have u seen the queen?
[08:46:15] <TheGamer> bloody awesome job they did
[08:46:25] <JakeN2436> no kylie LMAO
[08:46:31] <KylieJenner> why lol
[08:46:36] <JakeN2436> she never visits liverpool
[08:46:44] <KylieJenner> have u been to london
[08:46:52] <JakeN2436> no, but i've been to luton
[08:46:55] <JakeN2436> it's a town north of london
[08:47:16] <KylieJenner> i wanna see the queen
[08:47:32] <JakeN2436> a lot of people here hate the queen and the royal family
[08:47:38] <KylieJenner> why
[08:47:43] <KylieJenner> that is so mean
[08:47:46] <JakeN2436> we pay tax to them
[08:47:51] <JakeN2436> essentially, we work for them to survive
[08:47:59] <JakeN2436> also, the queen killed her own daughter in law
[08:48:04] <KylieJenner> why
[08:48:10] <JakeN2436> it was a massive conspiracy
[08:48:12] <KylieJenner> criminal
[08:48:18] <KylieJenner> treachery
[08:48:18] <JakeN2436> but all the evidence is pointing towards that
[08:48:26] <JakeN2436> she was just a very rebellious lady
[08:48:29] <JakeN2436> princess diana
[08:48:37] <KylieJenner> princess diaan died?
[08:48:37] <JakeN2436> and the queen didnt like that
[08:48:39] <JakeN2436> yep
[08:48:42] <KylieJenner> omg
[08:48:42] <JakeN2436> killed by her own family
[08:48:47] <KylieJenner> when was that
[08:48:50] <KylieJenner> i didnt know
[08:48:58] <TheGamer> most don't know lol
[08:49:03] <JakeN2436> yup
[08:49:17] <KylieJenner> oh
[08:49:20] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[08:49:30] <KylieJenner> i thought dianna the wife of william
[08:49:33] <JakeN2436> nope
[08:49:36] <JakeN2436> that's kate
[08:49:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> pak andru ws ws
[08:49:41] <KylieJenner> heheh
[08:49:44] <JakeN2436> and meghan markle is the wife of harry
[08:49:44] <KylieJenner> kate middleton?
[08:49:46] <JakeN2436> yep
[08:49:49] <Aladeen> pak ada yang wsws
[08:49:54] <JuraganMelon> kubis mantap
[08:49:57] <Ayers> pengadu
[08:49:57] <JuraganMelon> soto pak kubis
[08:49:57] <JakeN2436> diana was the mother of harry and william
[08:50:02] <KylieJenner> how was kate
[08:50:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> soto kubis pak dollar
[08:50:13] <JuraganMelon> soto cap kubis
[08:50:29] <KylieJenner> you can enter their house right
[08:50:35] <JakeN2436> kate is still alive
[08:50:40] <JakeN2436> also idk lol
[08:50:56] <KylieJenner> ive watched something on infograhpics show on yt
[08:51:15] <KylieJenner> someone entered the queens house
[08:51:20] <JakeN2436> oh yeah
[08:51:20] <KylieJenner> i mean room
[08:51:23] <JakeN2436> buckingham palace
[08:51:31] <KylieJenner> is it their home?
[08:51:34] <JakeN2436> it's the queen's home
[08:51:42] <JakeN2436> but she also has homes elsewhere
[08:51:44] <JakeN2436> like in balmoral, scotland
[08:51:44] <KylieJenner> so they live in diff houses?
[08:51:47] <JakeN2436> yea
[08:51:55] <JakeN2436> but they would have grown up in the palace
[08:51:55] <KylieJenner> insanely rich
[08:51:58] <JakeN2436> very
[08:52:11] <KylieJenner> crazy
[08:52:19] <JakeN2436> because the working class people essentially pay them
[08:52:33] <JakeN2436> without consent
[08:52:33] <KylieJenner> i hope in my next life i could be their child
[08:52:41] <JakeN2436> oh trust me, you dont lol
[08:52:41] <KylieJenner> or kardashian child lmao
[08:52:49] <KylieJenner> oh yeah no
[08:52:51] <KylieJenner> no internet life
[08:52:59] <JakeN2436> also you're very restricted on what you can do
[08:53:02] <JakeN2436> that's why harry and meghan left
[08:53:13] <KylieJenner> yeah
[08:53:15] <KylieJenner> id rather be a kardashian child
[08:53:18] <JakeN2436> lol
[08:53:26] <KylieJenner> rich af
[08:54:01] <KylieJenner> blackpink in your area
[08:54:06] <JuraganMelon> awesome screen
[08:54:25] <KylieJenner> jake
[08:54:28] <JuraganMelon> long last battery life
[08:54:28] <KylieJenner> watch the hustle pls
[08:54:55] <JakeN2436> gz
[08:54:55] <Ayers> bangsat
[08:54:55] <KylieJenner> what
[08:55:00] <JakeN2436> also i dont watch things unless it's youtube
[08:55:03] <JuraganMelon> gz
[08:55:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> thanks
[08:55:05] <Ayers> JA MINJEM 10JT
[08:55:11] <KylieJenner> rich
[08:55:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> hey andy
[08:55:27] <JuraganMelon> mau gua ikut nih?
[08:55:30] <JuraganMelon> tinggal beli nih
[08:55:32] <JakeN2436> !interest 1000000
[08:55:35] (WEB) <robin_be> $1,000,000 will generate about $666 every 60 minutes
[08:55:35] <Ayers> wuedeh
[08:55:43] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[08:55:46] <JakeN2436> wb
[08:55:48] <KylieJenner> wb
[08:55:56] <JokerFace10> ty
[08:55:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> tank ban dollar
[08:56:07] <JuraganMelon> belom tergoda
[08:56:10] <KylieJenner> jodi give me one kambing
[08:56:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> come
[08:56:26] <Ayers> kambing apa artinya
[08:56:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> goat
[08:56:34] <KylieJenner> i will cook cambing
[08:56:47] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[08:56:55] <KylieJenner> dogs in gta v looks dope
[08:57:01] <KylieJenner> and cows
[08:57:09] <KylieJenner> i slaughter them
[08:57:20] <JuraganMelon> i burn em
[08:57:28] <KylieJenner> i hit em with a car
[08:57:33] <JakeN2436> wtf :(
[08:57:38] <KylieJenner> hahahahah
[08:57:49] <JakeN2436> kylie where are you from btw
[08:58:05] <KylieJenner> hidden hills california
[08:58:11] <JuraganMelon> lies
[08:58:19] <JakeN2436> peepoweird
[08:58:21] <KylieJenner> hahahha
[08:58:24] --> Ayers connected to the server
[08:58:29] <KylieJenner> but kylie jenner really lives there
[08:58:32] <JuraganMelon> thats real kylie house lol
[08:58:32] <KylieJenner> but i live in philippines
[08:58:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets
[08:58:40] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has 36 car(s) ($25,150,000) and 4 house(s) ($41,500,000 - 36 slots) for a total of $66,650,000
[08:58:40] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[08:58:51] <KylieJenner> assets mahal
[08:58:59] <JuraganMelon> !assets
[08:59:02] (WEB) <robin_be> JuraganMelon has 3 car(s) ($700,000) and 2 house(s) ($2,300,000 - 4 slots) for a total of $3,000,000
[08:59:05] <KylieJenner> daniel
[08:59:13] <JakeN2436> !interest 2000000
[08:59:13] <KylieJenner> why u left ur house at sf
[08:59:16] (WEB) <robin_be> $2,000,000 will generate about $1,333 every 60 minutes
[08:59:19] <JuraganMelon> idk
[08:59:21] <JuraganMelon> i was drunk
[08:59:24] <KylieJenner> u gave it to pxy?
[08:59:29] <KylieJenner> or let him keep it
[08:59:32] <JuraganMelon> sold it
[08:59:48] <KylieJenner> ure a lowkey rich
[09:00:02] <JuraganMelon> lowkey dumb
[09:00:12] <KylieJenner> when i go to indonesia pls take me to bali lol
[09:00:34] <JuraganMelon> im even far from bali lol
[09:00:37] <KylieJenner> what
[09:00:42] <KylieJenner> i wanna go to africa too
[09:00:55] <KylieJenner> jake
[09:00:55] <JuraganMelon> meet lions?
[09:00:58] <KylieJenner> yeah
[09:01:19] <KylieJenner> i wanna see lions
[09:01:27] <KylieJenner> and kambing lol
[09:02:02] <KylieJenner> jake is afk lmao
[09:02:48] <KylieJenner> !player hardstone
[09:02:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player hardstone: 5649 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[09:03:07] <KylieJenner> rich
[09:03:12] <JokerFace10> gz
[09:03:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> thaks
[09:04:14] <JakeN2436> im here kylie
[09:04:22] <JakeN2436> i was afk but im back now lol
[09:04:33] <KylieJenner> watch the hustle
[09:04:36] <KylieJenner> tonoght
[09:04:41] <JakeN2436> i dont watch anything lol
[09:04:44] <JakeN2436> i get bored very very easily
[09:04:52] <JakeN2436> i dont have the attention span to watch movies
[09:04:52] <KylieJenner> lmao
[09:04:57] <JakeN2436> because i have ADD
[09:05:00] <KylieJenner> do u know nicki minaj
[09:05:02] <JakeN2436> yep
[09:05:24] <KylieJenner> have u seen a celeb
[09:05:29] <JakeN2436> nope, never met a celebrity
[09:05:35] <KylieJenner> same
[09:05:53] <KylieJenner> but i met famous ppl but not celeb
[09:08:13] <KylieJenner> hi jodi
[09:08:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> hai
[09:08:18] <KylieJenner> look above
[09:08:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> kool
[09:09:04] <JakeN2436> :(
[09:11:42] <JakeN2436> gz
[09:11:47] <JokerFace10> gz rich
[09:11:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> thanks
[09:11:55] <KylieJenner> wow jodi
[09:11:58] <KylieJenner> rich af
[09:12:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> not seller
[09:13:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets
[09:13:03] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has 36 car(s) ($26,430,000) and 4 house(s) ($41,500,000 - 36 slots) for a total of $67,930,000
[09:13:48] <KylieJenner> kylie bought a mansion in beverlyhills for 34m
[09:13:56] <JakeN2436> :)))))
[09:13:59] <KylieJenner> gz
[09:14:02] <JakeN2436> ty
[09:14:15] <KylieJenner> when i get lc i fucking get 8k
[09:14:55] <KylieJenner> jake look above
[09:15:09] <JakeN2436> oops
[09:15:11] <JakeN2436> i just respawned LUL
[09:15:19] <KylieJenner> lol u didn see me
[09:15:22] <JakeN2436> lol
[09:15:41] <KylieJenner> wow 255k
[09:16:00] <JokerFace10> ye riches
[09:16:08] <JokerFace10> bomboclaat
[09:16:21] <JakeN2436> !bank
[09:16:24] <KylieJenner> what is bomboclaat
[09:16:24] <JakeN2436> fuck
[09:16:32] <JokerFace10> i dunno
[09:16:34] <JakeN2436> bomboclaat is a fucking stupid twitter thing
[09:16:43] <KylieJenner> i always see that on twitter
[09:16:48] <JakeN2436> just like sco pa tu manaa
[09:16:48] <JokerFace10> i heard that in gta 4
[09:16:53] <KylieJenner> yeah
[09:16:56] <JakeN2436> yea, little jacob says it
[09:16:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> bambacloth
[09:16:59] <JakeN2436> it's a jamaican word
[09:17:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> JacobX
[09:17:09] <KylieJenner> im craving for tacos
[09:17:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> Little Jacob*
[09:17:23] <JakeN2436> i want tacos now ffs
[09:17:36] <JakeN2436> ive never even eaten tacos before :D
[09:17:47] <KylieJenner> i want cheese quesadillas
[09:17:55] <KylieJenner> taco bell ughhh
[09:18:11] <JakeN2436> ive never had taco bell
[09:18:14] <KylieJenner> try it
[09:18:19] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[09:18:22] <KylieJenner> wb
[09:18:27] <JakeN2436> i mean
[09:18:30] <mohsin_khan> thnx
[09:18:30] <JakeN2436> there's only 1 taco bell in my city
[09:18:32] --> EzraHandelian connected to the server
[09:18:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> ni hao
[09:18:46] <KylieJenner> we have 0
[09:18:51] <KylieJenner> in my city
[09:18:54] <JakeN2436> wo de mingzi shi Premature Ejaculation
[09:19:29] <JokerFace10> deng bro u gotta do kegels and edging shiz
[09:19:39] <JakeN2436> yummy
[09:22:04] <JakeN2436> : (
[09:22:26] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[09:22:39] <-- EzraHandelian disconnected from the server
[09:22:47] <KylieJenner> whch number u chose jke
[09:23:09] --> YaphetS connected to the server
[09:23:14] <JakeN2436> wb
[09:23:14] <KylieJenner> wb tukmol
[09:23:38] --> 23SKBfromthailand connected to the server
[09:23:46] <KylieJenner> sawadeekah
[09:24:26] <-- JuraganMelon disconnected from the server
[09:27:42] <JakeN2436> "Alexa, is sister a purple cow?"
[09:27:50] <JakeN2436> "No, nuns are not violet cows."
[09:28:20] <JakeN2436> !8ball is sister a purple cow?
[09:28:22] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: Cannot predict now
[09:28:25] <JakeN2436> fuck off
[09:30:02] <JakeN2436> who the fuck just shot missiles at me
[09:30:10] <ErdemEmireri> id 3
[09:30:15] <JakeN2436> yeah thought so
[09:30:28] <ErdemEmireri> why did you do that
[09:30:36] <JakeN2436> he probably wants to get banned
[09:31:35] <ErdemEmireri> im gonna be him step dad
[09:32:24] <23SKBfromthailand> .
[09:32:59] --> Ayers connected to the server
[09:33:12] <KylieJenner> fuck
[09:34:19] <-- 23SKBfromthailand disconnected from the server
[09:34:24] <ErdemEmireri> who is sky air's ceo
[09:34:35] <Ayers> citr0n
[09:34:35] <KylieJenner> citron
[09:34:43] <JakeN2436> bran, sam, citron, psg and criterion
[09:34:54] <ErdemEmireri> he must fire him
[09:35:07] <KylieJenner> did he kill u?
[09:35:23] <ErdemEmireri> yes and explode my plane 3 times
[09:35:45] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[09:37:00] <JokerFace10> report id 3 fuck
[09:37:19] <KylieJenner> when he missles u guys press escape button and wait for few minutes
[09:38:34] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[09:38:36] <JakeN2436> good job you idiot, i just recorded you shooting me down
[09:38:47] <KylieJenner> rip
[09:38:47] <JakeN2436> enjoy your ban
[09:38:50] <YaphetS> so ?
[09:38:55] <JakeN2436> so you're getting banned
[09:38:55] <JakeN2436> :D
[09:38:55] <YaphetS> well fuck u
[09:38:58] <JokerFace10> !report 3
[09:38:58] <JakeN2436> LOL
[09:39:01] <YaphetS> dont care
[09:39:01] <ErdemEmireri> so i will fuck your mom
[09:39:09] <JakeN2436> if you dont care why did you curse at me :D
[09:39:09] <JokerFace10> wtf was the cmd again
[09:39:14] <KylieJenner> he's quitting so he's messing up
[09:39:17] <Ayers> erdem
[09:39:19] <Ayers> do fleet
[09:39:27] <Ayers> thx
[09:39:30] <YaphetS> admin here is trash
[09:39:30] <ErdemEmireri> :*
[09:39:33] <JakeN2436> no they arent
[09:39:41] <JakeN2436> because you will be banned as soon as i send them the footage :D
[09:39:57] <JakeN2436> nice try bub
[09:40:00] <JakeN2436> im a vip, i can teleport
[09:40:16] <JakeN2436> oh, and besides
[09:40:18] <JakeN2436> i also have godmode :D
[09:40:18] <YaphetS> dont care ur suck
[09:40:21] <JakeN2436> so good luck trying to kill me
[09:43:05] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[09:44:14] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[09:44:17] <KylieJenner> wb jake
[09:44:22] <JokerFace10> wb
[09:44:22] <JakeN2436> game froze
[09:44:30] <JakeN2436> lemme guess, the edgy kid is still trying? :D
[09:44:38] <KylieJenner> yea coming at me
[09:44:44] <JakeN2436> dw, he'll be banned eventually
[09:44:54] <JakeN2436> i sent the footage of him hacking in the discord server so it's only a matter of time
[09:45:00] <JakeN2436> hacking? fuck me im tired
[09:45:05] <JakeN2436> dogfighting*
[09:46:28] <KylieJenner> !player kiryu_kazuma
[09:46:31] (WEB) <robin_be> player kiryu_kazuma: 5 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[09:46:37] <KylieJenner> ken
[09:46:37] <JakeN2436> mate, i have godmode LOL
[09:46:45] <KylieJenner> ken
[09:46:47] <YaphetS> ano
[09:46:50] <JakeN2436> i dont think he knows what godmode is
[09:46:56] <KylieJenner> friend mo ba si viktor sa fb?
[09:47:17] <YaphetS> oo
[09:47:20] <KylieJenner> chat mo nga
[09:47:22] <KylieJenner> sabihin mo online ngayon na sabi ko
[09:47:25] <KylieJenner> mahalaga kamo
[09:47:25] --> Criterion connected to the server
[09:47:30] <KylieJenner> wb
[09:47:33] <ErdemEmireri> wb
[09:47:38] <Ayers> wb
[09:47:38] <JakeN2436> hi crit
[09:47:46] <JakeN2436> we have an edgy kid DMing :D
[09:47:55] <Criterion> hi
[09:48:08] <JakeN2436> id 3 is dming with a hydra
[09:48:13] <KylieJenner> omg it hits 1m now
[09:48:43] <JokerFace10> id 3 at Lufthansa base
[09:48:43] <KylieJenner> ken sabhin mo kay viktor magol ngayon
[09:48:48] <YaphetS> just call to your daddy
[09:48:53] <YaphetS> HAHHAH
[09:48:56] <KylieJenner> ken sabhin mo kay viktor magol ngayon
[09:48:59] <JokerFace10> he be at yo place
[09:49:10] <JakeN2436> bud, im not the one who's going to be crying when you get banned LUL
[09:49:34] <YaphetS> crying for what
[09:49:44] <KylieJenner> ken dali na
[09:49:58] <JakeN2436> bet you're crying rn because i have godmode :D
[09:50:06] <KylieJenner> chat mo na
[09:50:38] <YaphetS> u can only rely on that cause u dont have a skill
[09:50:49] <JakeN2436> lol ok bud
[09:50:59] <JakeN2436> getting banned doesnt take skill
[09:50:59] <YaphetS> come dogfight
[09:51:10] <JokerFace10> cuck ass
[09:51:16] <YaphetS> > /dogfight
[09:51:18] <YaphetS> scared?
[09:53:54] <YaphetS> bakit daw kylie
[09:54:02] <KylieJenner> may mahalaga kamo akong sasabihn
[09:54:12] <Criterion> Da fuck where Lufthansa AT400 came from?
[09:54:23] <Criterion> OMg Plane blasted at doherty.
[09:54:23] <KylieJenner> possessed criternion
[09:54:34] <YaphetS> hey jake call ur daddy now
[09:54:39] <YaphetS> why it took so long
[09:54:55] <JokerFace10> he up in yo momma's ass
[09:54:55] <ErdemEmireri> yaphets how old are you kiddo
[09:55:06] <YaphetS> and im not a kiddo
[09:55:09] <YaphetS> noob
[09:55:25] <ErdemEmireri> come on im in discord channel
[09:55:36] <YaphetS> discord?
[09:55:46] <YaphetS> for what
[09:55:57] <KylieJenner> ano sabi ken
[09:56:13] <YaphetS> naka cp daw sya mamaya daw
[09:56:24] <KylieJenner> sabihin mo kamo alam ko na account niya
[09:56:26] <KylieJenner> pede nya na ma open
[09:56:35] <YaphetS> pm mo sakin
[09:56:40] <KylieJenner> ayaw
[09:56:45] <YaphetS> ah?
[09:56:45] <KylieJenner> bawal sabi ni santiago
[09:57:12] <YaphetS> hey jake
[09:57:17] <ErdemEmireri> to make sure you are 30 years old
[09:57:23] <YaphetS> add me on fb
[09:57:25] <YaphetS> bitch
[09:57:28] <YaphetS> ken cuarteros
[09:57:36] <ErdemEmireri> who use fb boomer
[09:57:36] <KylieJenner> ken ano sabi?
[09:57:55] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[09:58:00] <YaphetS> us in philippines we use it
[09:58:03] <KylieJenner> !player beevee
[09:58:03] <YaphetS> boomer
[09:58:06] (WEB) <robin_be> player beevee: 831 score, last seen 16 Hours Ago
[09:58:11] <ErdemEmireri> im 18 xd
[09:58:19] <KylieJenner> im 12
[09:58:22] <YaphetS> so you are kid
[09:58:27] <KylieJenner> im a kid
[09:58:33] <ErdemEmireri> how can i be boomer
[09:58:49] <JakeN2436> ken, you are literally like 13 years old LOL
[09:58:52] <JakeN2436> "im 30"
[09:59:08] <YaphetS> admin her
[09:59:08] <ErdemEmireri> come to discord channel if you arent afraid
[09:59:18] <YaphetS> afraid of what ?
[09:59:32] <YaphetS> u want my dick right ?
[09:59:32] <JakeN2436> you dont need to, look him up on facebook
[09:59:34] <YaphetS> then come at me
[09:59:37] <JakeN2436> he's literally like 2 years old
[09:59:51] <YaphetS> then click add
[09:59:56] <KylieJenner> jake im a kid
[09:59:56] <JakeN2436> and he has multiple accounts
[10:00:01] <KylieJenner> lmao
[10:00:04] <ErdemEmireri> If you arent a motherfucker who doesnt know how to speak an asocial mal
[10:00:07] <YaphetS> i am
[10:00:09] <ErdemEmireri> man*
[10:00:17] <YaphetS> i have multiple accounts
[10:00:20] <YaphetS> here in PL
[10:00:31] <YaphetS> since 2012
[10:00:36] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[10:00:39] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:00:44] <JakeN2436> yet you're still the average dumb filipino child LUL
[10:00:50] <mohsin_khan> thnx
[10:01:14] <KylieJenner> holy moly
[10:01:14] <YaphetS> u do talk a lot, just call ur daddy's admin and suck they're dick
[10:01:30] <ErdemEmireri> you are afraid to talk to someone 18 years old
[10:01:35] <JakeN2436> yes he is
[10:01:43] <JakeN2436> because he's filipino and thinks he's a hard man
[10:01:43] <JokerFace10> that is sum nisse grammar for a 30 yr old cuck
[10:01:49] <JakeN2436> when he cant even use the right their
[10:01:51] <YaphetS> i give my FB account and u call me scared? xD
[10:01:57] <JakeN2436> you are scared
[10:02:02] <KylieJenner> he's not on discord
[10:02:02] <JakeN2436> you said you were 30 years old
[10:02:07] <JakeN2436> you literally look like you just came out of your mum's uterus
[10:02:24] <YaphetS> bla bla bla bla
[10:02:26] <JakeN2436> and you haven't played pl since 2012
[10:02:29] <YaphetS> keep chat
[10:02:32] <JakeN2436> because you probably werent even born then LUL
[10:02:34] <KylieJenner> gago ka talga haha
[10:02:40] <YaphetS> bla bla bla
[10:02:45] <YaphetS> keep talk
[10:02:50] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:02:50] <ErdemEmireri> ananý sikerim
[10:03:04] <YaphetS> just cry
[10:03:17] <YaphetS> so ur daddy will come to u
[10:03:20] <JokerFace10> a 30 yr old bragging to be an adult while blowing up others in an online game
[10:03:33] <KylieJenner> !Player julsec
[10:03:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 5462 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[10:03:36] <JokerFace10> makes fucking sense
[10:03:39] <KylieJenner> !Player jawnysins.
[10:03:42] (WEB) <robin_be> player jawnysins.: 5100 score, last seen 4 Hours Ago
[10:03:42] <YaphetS> u dont know the reason
[10:03:45] <KylieJenner> !player hardstone
[10:03:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player hardstone: 5649 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[10:03:48] <YaphetS> admin here is trash
[10:03:51] <JokerFace10> lifeless cuck for a 30 year old then
[10:04:01] <JokerFace10> go fuck him up then
[10:04:28] <JokerFace10> you still a kid if you can't put your anger in the right place
[10:04:36] <JokerFace10> immature son of a bitch
[10:04:55] <JokerFace10> if you're mad at the admin, go show him your balls then
[10:05:27] <KylieJenner> !Player julsec
[10:05:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 5462 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[10:05:35] <mohsin_khan> oh wait he dont have balls coz his balls cut off XD
[10:05:38] <YaphetS> show my balls ? wtf why show yours and let them suck it
[10:06:02] <JokerFace10> you old and still can't catch a phrase?
[10:06:24] <KylieJenner> ken bago ka maban akin na pera mo
[10:06:40] <YaphetS> wala nan pera d2
[10:06:42] <KylieJenner> kotse
[10:06:45] <YaphetS> nasa kabila
[10:06:53] <KylieJenner> akin na lahat ng pera mo sa kabila
[10:07:22] <YaphetS> aken na muna pass ni viktor
[10:07:25] <KylieJenner> bigay mo sakin kotse mo
[10:07:28] <YaphetS> bigay ko sau
[10:07:33] <KylieJenner> bawal ibigay sa iba mababan ako
[10:07:41] <YaphetS> malalaman ba nila
[10:07:44] <KylieJenner> oo sa ip
[10:07:47] <YaphetS> ang honest mo nman
[10:07:57] <KylieJenner> kelangan match kay kiryu kazuma yung ip ng viktor
[10:08:03] <KylieJenner> bawal ko din buksan kasi mababan ako
[10:08:23] <KylieJenner> how to see potd
[10:08:28] <KylieJenner> /potd not working
[10:08:50] <mohsin_khan> /wotd
[10:08:50] <KylieJenner> oh
[10:08:52] <KylieJenner> thanks
[10:08:58] <KylieJenner> what only few are working
[10:09:03] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[10:09:06] <Ayers> wb
[10:09:06] <KylieJenner> w
[10:09:06] <JokerFace10> wb
[10:09:08] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:09:11] <TheGamer> who's the DM noob
[10:09:35] <JakeN2436> id 3
[10:09:38] <JokerFace10> id 3 with an inch of a dick and his immature tantrums
[10:09:54] <YaphetS> u see my dick ?
[10:09:59] <YaphetS> gays
[10:10:02] <JakeN2436> no, that would be child pornography
[10:10:13] <ErdemEmireri> xd
[10:10:15] <JokerFace10> major Oof
[10:10:53] <YaphetS> jake stop talking to urself
[10:10:58] <KylieJenner> shit my odo
[10:11:06] <JakeN2436> mate im probably twice your age
[10:11:09] <JakeN2436> so pipe down
[10:11:09] <JokerFace10> is that all you come up with after that
[10:11:11] <KylieJenner> criterons
[10:11:19] <JakeN2436> yeah, he's literally a 12 year old filipino kid joker
[10:11:22] <KylieJenner> can i do 15km with 928km odo
[10:11:27] <JakeN2436> yes kylie lol
[10:11:27] <TheGamer> ofc
[10:11:33] <TheGamer> it doesn't break down before 1000
[10:11:36] <JakeN2436> you could do 15km with 985km odo lmao
[10:11:36] <KylieJenner> im scared lol
[10:11:44] <KylieJenner> i might break while ling
[10:11:46] <KylieJenner> flying
[10:11:52] <YaphetS> then ask kylie he knows me
[10:12:00] <YaphetS> she*
[10:12:00] <TheGamer> well it's gonna be close
[10:12:10] <TheGamer> just fly over VMA if you have the possibility lol
[10:12:13] <KylieJenner> lotto pls be mine
[10:12:24] <YaphetS> kylie is my bitch in real life
[10:12:26] <YaphetS> ask her
[10:12:32] <KylieJenner> lol
[10:12:32] <JakeN2436> kylie isnt your bitch
[10:12:32] <YaphetS> how old i am
[10:12:34] <JakeN2436> you dont have a bitch
[10:12:37] <JakeN2436> the only bitch is yourself
[10:12:42] <Criterion> You got hit mohsin?|
[10:12:45] <KylieJenner> im not a bitch :( im a good girl
[10:12:48] <JakeN2436> yes you are
[10:12:53] --> Bogota connected to the server
[10:12:56] <mohsin_khan> nah
[10:12:59] <JakeN2436> a good girl, i mean
[10:12:59] <JakeN2436> not a bitch :D
[10:13:01] <YaphetS> kylie tell them how long my cock is
[10:13:01] <Criterion> So close call.
[10:13:04] <KylieJenner> hahahaha
[10:13:28] <KylieJenner> im winning the lotto im concentrating im doing ritual pls lol
[10:14:00] <TheGamer> yaphet, why the fuck were you DMing lol
[10:14:00] <KylieJenner> fuck it
[10:14:05] <JakeN2436> you were saying kylie? LUL
[10:14:16] <KylieJenner> i chose 38 before
[10:14:21] <JakeN2436> gamer, he thinks he's a hard man
[10:14:21] <YaphetS> its a fuckign protest
[10:14:30] <KylieJenner> when i choose diff number my old number pops up
[10:14:30] <YaphetS> for a trah admin
[10:14:32] <JakeN2436> he thinks hating on gays and treating girls like objects makes him cool
[10:15:29] <TheGamer> what a shitty player
[10:15:39] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[10:15:45] <YaphetS> the one i only hate is you and ur my bitch
[10:15:47] <JakeN2436> he's actually so stupid to the point where he tries to kill you with godmode on
[10:15:47] <JakeN2436> LUL
[10:15:50] <TheGamer> who's the "trah admin" tho
[10:16:12] <JakeN2436> !8ball yes
[10:16:14] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: It is decidedly so
[10:16:17] <JakeN2436> indeed
[10:16:22] <YaphetS> the one who banned me for having multiple accounts cause im not donating anymore
[10:16:36] <JakeN2436> mate, having multiple accounts has always been against the rules
[10:16:39] <TheGamer> what was the name lol
[10:16:50] <YaphetS> ya but when im donating theyre not banning me
[10:16:50] <YaphetS> how ironice
[10:17:11] <YaphetS> haydz approve it hes the one who accept my donate and he knows i ahve other account
[10:17:16] <YaphetS> leechar admins
[10:17:19] <JakeN2436> they dont want you wasting your mum's money mate
[10:17:40] <TheGamer> but why DM the other players for it?
[10:17:43] <YaphetS> and now im not donating they banning me now
[10:17:56] <TheGamer> oh i get it
[10:18:04] <TheGamer> cause you can't play in fun, we can't either?
[10:18:29] <JakeN2436> that's how the brain of filipinos works
[10:18:34] <JakeN2436> hint: it doesnt
[10:18:55] <YaphetS> ya and dont ever back stab filipinos they will fight back
[10:18:58] <ErdemEmireri> !8ball is YaphetS gay
[10:19:01] (WEB) <robin_be> ErdemEmireri: My reply is no
[10:19:09] <ErdemEmireri> ohh he is transex
[10:19:12] <JakeN2436> woooow, so edgy
[10:19:14] <JakeN2436> you want a knife with that edge?
[10:19:17] <TheGamer> i think i just did
[10:19:52] <JakeN2436> i know tons of filipinos on facebook and i swear 80# of them are fucking downright braindead
[10:20:08] <TheGamer> time to continue usefull stuff
[10:20:10] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[10:20:24] <KylieJenner> doritos is here
[10:20:34] <JakeN2436> los doritos nacho preparados
[10:20:37] <JakeN2436> C R O N C H
[10:20:53] <YaphetS> they accept my donation for le
[10:21:01] <YaphetS> wtf
[10:21:25] <KylieJenner> bogota
[10:21:33] <YaphetS> kylie ur traitor
[10:21:39] <YaphetS> ur not helping me here
[10:21:44] <Bogota> ?
[10:21:44] <KylieJenner> idk what to do
[10:21:47] <KylieJenner> where r u from bogota
[10:22:13] <Bogota> yes, i do
[10:22:19] <KylieJenner> lmao what
[10:22:21] <JakeN2436> LOL
[10:22:27] <JakeN2436> amazing response
[10:22:29] <Aladeen> lel
[10:22:40] <YaphetS> jake come dogfight
[10:22:56] <JakeN2436> !8ball los doritos nacho preparados
[10:22:59] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: My reply is no
[10:23:02] <JakeN2436> :(
[10:23:07] <JakeN2436> pero quiero los doritos nacho
[10:23:07] <KylieJenner> what is that
[10:23:12] <JakeN2436> it's a meme
[10:23:12] <JakeN2436> :D
[10:23:18] <KylieJenner> no me entiendes
[10:23:23] <YaphetS> nero dorritos piatos nova leche plan
[10:23:26] <Bogota> jajajajjaja
[10:23:31] <Bogota> fail
[10:23:42] <JakeN2436> search up "dorilocos girl"
[10:23:42] <JakeN2436> you'll find it
[10:23:44] <JakeN2436> :D
[10:23:50] <Bogota> soy de bogota xd
[10:23:55] <JakeN2436> her name is jimena dominguez
[10:23:55] <KylieJenner> hola
[10:24:03] <KylieJenner> soy kylie
[10:24:03] <Bogota> hola
[10:24:19] <KylieJenner> como estqa
[10:24:43] <KylieJenner> hablar ingles?
[10:25:10] <JakeN2436> no hablo espanol pero hablo ingles y frances
[10:25:10] <JakeN2436> :))))
[10:25:31] <Bogota> enseñame frances
[10:25:34] <KylieJenner> pero puta
[10:25:37] <Bogota> ami me esta pateando
[10:25:37] <Bogota> xd
[10:25:45] <JakeN2436> :D
[10:25:53] <JakeN2436> el frances es muy facil
[10:25:55] <KylieJenner> im starving
[10:26:14] <Bogota> avr, dame tips xd
[10:26:25] <JakeN2436> ehhhhhhhhhhhh
[10:26:30] <JakeN2436> es dificil en espanol LUL
[10:26:41] <KylieJenner> lotto come to my wallet
[10:26:41] <Bogota> damelos en ingles :vvv
[10:26:41] <JakeN2436> si hablamos ingles
[10:26:44] <JakeN2436> okay
[10:26:54] <JakeN2436> joder
[10:27:02] <KylieJenner> nooooooooo
[10:27:10] <JakeN2436> no se que decir LUL
[10:27:13] <ErdemEmireri> rip kylie
[10:27:21] --> JuraganMelon connected to the server
[10:27:24] <KylieJenner> wb melon
[10:27:24] <JakeN2436> wb
[10:27:24] <KylieJenner> sama kambing
[10:27:26] <JuraganMelon> ty
[10:28:17] <JakeN2436> WAIT WHAT THE FUCK
[10:28:28] <JakeN2436> WHAT IS THIS
[10:28:31] <JakeN2436> dude this baggage is fucked upo
[10:28:33] <Bogota> pase composse
[10:28:39] <YaphetS> noob
[10:28:39] <Bogota> :v
[10:28:41] <KylieJenner> why
[10:28:44] <JakeN2436> it's like
[10:28:49] <KylieJenner> bugged
[10:28:55] <JakeN2436> WHAT THE FUCK
[10:29:03] <JakeN2436> wtf
[10:29:05] <JakeN2436> it just went back to normal
[10:29:08] <JakeN2436> dude i cant make this up
[10:29:24] <JakeN2436> it was like
[10:29:27] <JakeN2436> stretched
[10:29:32] <JuraganMelon> dah ndri
[10:29:35] <JakeN2436> im sending screenshots in the discord LMAO
[10:29:35] <Ayers> mantap
[10:29:35] <KylieJenner> stretched?
[10:29:43] <Aladeen> apaan nih
[10:29:46] <JuraganMelon> apaan
[10:29:51] <Aladeen> udah apaan
[10:29:56] <JuraganMelon> servis pesawat
[10:29:56] <-- YaphetS disconnected from the server
[10:30:02] <Aladeen> kirain colay
[10:30:02] <ErdemEmireri> xd
[10:30:23] <KylieJenner> bogota
[10:30:34] <Bogota> i feel so asshole for my previous answer :v
[10:30:36] <Bogota> lel
[10:30:42] <KylieJenner> why
[10:30:47] <KylieJenner> where are u from
[10:31:57] <Bogota> maybe was a bug mental :v
[10:31:59] <JakeN2436> citr0n just told me that ken is getting banned :D
[10:31:59] <KylieJenner> !cash
[10:32:03] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has $35,831 in hand
[10:32:03] <JakeN2436> also kylie
[10:32:05] <JakeN2436> look in discord
[10:32:08] <KylieJenner> what
[10:32:08] <KylieJenner> why me
[10:32:13] <JakeN2436> i sent screenshots of the baggage
[10:32:16] <JakeN2436> because you're cool LUL
[10:32:19] --> Twi connected to the server
[10:32:21] <JakeN2436> but look at the screenshots i sent
[10:32:24] <Ayers> wb
[10:32:27] <Ayers> !player robin_be
[10:32:27] <KylieJenner> i thought i was getting banned too
[10:32:30] <JakeN2436> the baggage was like super thing
[10:32:30] <Twi> ty
[10:32:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player robin_be: 13332 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[10:32:30] <JakeN2436> no lol
[10:32:32] <Twi> I was yaphetS
[10:32:40] <Twi> I hacked this account
[10:32:46] <Twi> hahahahaa
[10:32:46] <JuraganMelon> nice
[10:32:49] <Ayers> nice
[10:32:57] <KylieJenner> lies
[10:33:02] <Twi> heheh xd
[10:33:05] <Aladeen> triple acc
[10:33:10] <KylieJenner> yay doritos nacho cheese is here
[10:33:15] <JakeN2436> los doritos nacho preparados
[10:33:26] <KylieJenner> bogota
[10:33:31] <KylieJenner> que es "los
[10:33:45] <JakeN2436> if you search "doritos girl" on youtube you can find it
[10:33:55] <KylieJenner> puta
[10:33:58] <Twi> I'm sooo sleepy rn
[10:33:58] <KylieJenner> my wings
[10:34:06] <KylieJenner> good night
[10:34:20] <Twi> I'ma grind some /w man
[10:34:28] <-- Aladeen disconnected from the server
[10:34:33] <Twi> prolly hit 1k
[10:34:54] <KylieJenner> its so hard to make money ugh
[10:35:00] <Bogota> im still waitin´ to tips for french
[10:35:02] <Bogota> :v
[10:35:05] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[10:35:08] <JakeN2436> wb
[10:35:08] <Twi> I'm just making scores lol not money
[10:35:08] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:35:10] <Twi> wb
[10:35:13] <KylieJenner> we missed u mellow
[10:35:16] <JakeN2436> dude i dont know how to give you tips lol
[10:35:16] <JakeN2436> there's so much
[10:35:21] <marshmellow> thanks
[10:35:45] <Twi> !player YaphetS
[10:35:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player YaphetS: 1253 score, last seen 1 Hours Ago
[10:35:51] <marshmellow> why do u miss me
[10:35:56] <ErdemEmireri> !assets YaphetS
[10:35:59] (WEB) <robin_be> YaphetS has 1 car(s) ($400,000) and 1 house(s) ($800,000 - 1 slots) for a total of $1,200,000
[10:35:59] <marshmellow> literally not even one day
[10:36:05] <KylieJenner> idk
[10:36:10] <KylieJenner> i havent seen u in a while
[10:36:15] <marshmellow> bruh u saw me yesterday
[10:36:34] <Twi> !player Gajeel
[10:36:34] <KylieJenner> every second counts
[10:36:37] (WEB) <robin_be> player Gajeel: 9022 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[10:36:40] <marshmellow> oh ok nvm
[10:36:48] <KylieJenner> lotto look mellow
[10:36:53] <marshmellow> WOT
[10:36:56] <marshmellow> omg
[10:37:01] <marshmellow> fk
[10:37:04] <marshmellow> ayers is here
[10:37:04] <KylieJenner> pick 11
[10:37:12] <Twi> damnn Lotto
[10:37:12] <marshmellow> ok done
[10:37:15] <Twi> be mine
[10:37:17] <marshmellow> piss off
[10:37:17] <KylieJenner> u pick 11?
[10:37:20] <marshmellow> yea
[10:37:23] <KylieJenner> gl
[10:37:36] <Twi> LOTTO BE FUCKING MINE *cries*
[10:37:41] <KylieJenner> lotto says no
[10:37:47] <Twi> ;(
[10:37:49] <KylieJenner> youre already rich though
[10:37:55] <Twi> I'm not
[10:37:55] <KylieJenner> give it to poor ppl
[10:38:00] <KylieJenner> like me
[10:38:05] <KylieJenner> or jake
[10:38:13] <Twi> I'm poor :(
[10:38:16] <KylieJenner> no
[10:38:19] <KylieJenner> liar
[10:38:21] <Twi> yes
[10:38:21] <JakeN2436> !cash twi
[10:38:25] (WEB) <robin_be> twi has $20,749 in hand
[10:38:27] <ErdemEmireri> !8ball will i win the lottery
[10:38:27] <Twi> see
[10:38:30] (WEB) <robin_be> ErdemEmireri: You may rely on it
[10:38:30] <KylieJenner> he has 50m
[10:38:33] <JakeN2436> !8ball will i win lotto
[10:38:36] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: Most likely
[10:38:38] <JakeN2436> :)))w
[10:38:38] <KylieJenner> criterion has 150m
[10:38:49] <Twi> !8ball am I going to win lotto with /lotto 1 ?
[10:38:52] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi: Sign points to yes
[10:38:52] <KylieJenner> adalarva has 85m
[10:39:00] <JuraganMelon> kylie has 1b
[10:39:00] <Criterion> 12k tax
[10:39:05] <KylieJenner> !8ball are u lying at chutiya?
[10:39:08] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner: Without a doubt
[10:39:11] <Twi> lmao
[10:39:11] <KylieJenner> lol
[10:39:35] <KylieJenner> plot twist who'll win?
[10:39:43] <Twi> meeee
[10:39:46] <JuraganMelon> yaphets
[10:39:46] <KylieJenner> let us see
[10:39:48] <KylieJenner> lol hahahhah
[10:39:56] <Bogota> alguno de ustedes es de colombia?
[10:40:02] <JakeN2436> :(
[10:40:02] <Twi> YaphetS=Twi
[10:40:12] <KylieJenner> what
[10:40:20] <KylieJenner> 40 isnt on the lotto formula
[10:40:31] <Twi> what is the lotto formula lmao
[10:40:34] <Twi> !roll 50
[10:40:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi rolls 8
[10:40:39] <KylieJenner> i have my formula
[10:40:47] <ErdemEmireri> lotto formula is true
[10:40:53] <JuraganMelon> scam
[10:40:58] <JuraganMelon> :c
[10:41:01] <KylieJenner> hahahahaha
[10:41:09] <JuraganMelon> hi kylie
[10:41:14] <KylieJenner> pay me 500k i will tell the lotto number
[10:41:17] <KylieJenner> whahahah what a scam
[10:41:22] <KylieJenner> just kidding
[10:41:25] <KylieJenner> hi melon! :)
[10:41:33] <JuraganMelon> lol i was going to send you 500k
[10:41:35] <KylieJenner> wheres jodi
[10:41:38] <JuraganMelon> worknig
[10:41:41] <JuraganMelon> working
[10:41:41] <KylieJenner> oh
[10:41:49] <KylieJenner> wbu?
[10:41:54] <JuraganMelon> nah
[10:41:54] <JuraganMelon> not yet
[10:42:00] <KylieJenner> me too
[10:42:05] <KylieJenner> 2 years more before working
[10:42:16] <JuraganMelon> still year end college
[10:42:32] <KylieJenner> im hungry
[10:42:40] <KylieJenner> jake
[10:42:48] <KylieJenner> he's afk
[10:43:17] --> Xmas connected to the server
[10:43:17] <Twi> wb
[10:43:20] <KylieJenner> wb
[10:43:23] <Xmas> ty
[10:43:23] <KylieJenner> feliz navidad
[10:43:31] <JuraganMelon> lol
[10:43:39] <JuraganMelon> too soon
[10:43:49] <Twi> yo why did yaphetS even do that shit?
[10:43:57] <KylieJenner> i need money in xmas
[10:44:05] <Bogota> so go to the kitchen and get somethingready
[10:44:05] <JuraganMelon> he wants attention from jake maybe
[10:44:11] <Bogota> ready*
[10:44:24] <KylieJenner> long flights got me bored
[10:44:27] <Bogota> fuck
[10:45:15] <Bogota> what happening if my vehicle runs out fuel
[10:45:15] <KylieJenner> !assets marshmellow
[10:45:18] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow has 5 car(s) ($1,890,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,300,000 - 4 slots) for a total of $4,190,000
[10:45:18] <Bogota> ?
[10:45:21] <KylieJenner> u die
[10:45:48] <Bogota> :v?
[10:45:53] <Bogota> /reclass or /kill
[10:45:56] <KylieJenner> airplane will stop working
[10:46:01] <KylieJenner> reclass
[10:46:30] <Bogota> see ya
[10:46:33] <KylieJenner> bb
[10:46:38] <Xmas> !cars marshmellow
[10:46:41] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow has: Infernus Burrito NRG-500 Bullet RC Cam
[10:46:52] <-- Bogota disconnected from the server
[10:46:52] <KylieJenner> !assets marshmellow
[10:46:55] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow has 5 car(s) ($1,890,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,300,000 - 4 slots) for a total of $4,190,000
[10:47:03] <KylieJenner> wahat
[10:47:03] <marshmellow> why are u guys checking my assets
[10:47:06] <KylieJenner> mellow
[10:47:11] <marshmellow> ?
[10:47:24] <KylieJenner> whom u sold ur house to?
[10:47:30] <marshmellow> lavija
[10:47:38] <KylieJenner> why
[10:47:48] <marshmellow> im gonna go to college in like 1-2 months
[10:47:56] <marshmellow> no point in having a house
[10:48:07] <Xmas> lol
[10:48:10] <Xmas> school campus
[10:48:20] <marshmellow> most likely nope
[10:48:26] <Xmas> homeless?
[10:48:31] <marshmellow> wtf bro
[10:48:45] <marshmellow> gonna stay at the college dormitory
[10:48:55] <KylieJenner> oh
[10:48:55] <Xmas> that's what i said
[10:49:01] <KylieJenner> we wont see you?
[10:49:01] <marshmellow> oh
[10:49:06] <marshmellow> yea not likely
[10:49:09] <KylieJenner> :(
[10:49:11] <KylieJenner> we will miss u
[10:49:14] <marshmellow> unless i dun get into a college
[10:49:22] <KylieJenner> me too i'll be gone soon
[10:50:07] <Xmas> i am 1 month away from my summer vacation
[10:50:10] <KylieJenner> wb jake
[10:50:15] <JakeN2436> yes
[10:50:18] <JakeN2436> the shit felt good
[10:50:21] <JakeN2436> :)))
[10:50:29] <KylieJenner> what did u do
[10:50:37] <JakeN2436> i took a shit
[10:50:37] <JakeN2436> lol
[10:50:40] <KylieJenner> hahahaha
[10:50:40] <Xmas> lol
[10:50:56] <JuraganMelon> go /lotto
[10:51:57] <KylieJenner> hmm
[10:52:05] <KylieJenner> 9 players are on lotto
[10:52:13] <Twi> haha
[10:52:18] <JuraganMelon> i neeed money
[10:52:21] <KylieJenner> but only one will be considered as a millionaire
[10:52:32] <Xmas> who took 25?
[10:52:35] <KylieJenner> and the grand winner is...
[10:52:35] <JuraganMelon> not me
[10:52:43] <marshmellow> i pick 20
[10:52:45] <KylieJenner> i will guess the lotto winner
[10:52:48] <ErdemEmireri> i pick 42
[10:52:51] <Xmas> me
[10:52:51] <JakeN2436> alexa said i'm going to win the lotto
[10:52:53] <marshmellow> !8ball 10
[10:52:53] <JakeN2436> let's see if she's right
[10:52:56] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow: Yes, definitely
[10:52:56] <KylieJenner> it's (2)KylieJenner
[10:52:59] <KylieJenner> congrats kylie
[10:53:04] <Twi> F
[10:53:04] <marshmellow> FUCK
[10:53:04] <JakeN2436> fuck :(
[10:53:04] <Xmas> lol
[10:53:04] <KylieJenner> whahahahaha
[10:53:07] <Xmas> close
[10:53:07] <KylieJenner> issa prank
[10:53:12] <JuraganMelon> fuck im22
[10:53:15] <JuraganMelon> 2*
[10:53:20] <KylieJenner> pick 19 20 21 its a lucky number
[10:53:28] <JakeN2436> 50 is the luckiest number
[10:53:34] <JakeN2436> im not kidding
[10:53:34] <KylieJenner> 33 is also a lucky nmber
[10:53:47] <JakeN2436> ive seen 50 win the lotto like 10 times in the past 3 days
[10:53:50] <KylieJenner> 41 42 43 44 46
[10:53:55] <KylieJenner> lucky number
[10:54:03] <Ayers> 1 - 50 lucky number
[10:54:08] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[10:54:16] <Twi> I guess 43's gonna win
[10:54:30] <KylieJenner> my prediction says no
[10:54:30] <JakeN2436> hey twi guess what
[10:54:35] <Twi> yo
[10:54:40] <JakeN2436> laphets got banned
[10:54:40] <JakeN2436> :))))
[10:54:43] <KylieJenner> when
[10:54:51] <JakeN2436> for 7 days i think
[10:54:51] <KylieJenner> beast
[10:54:54] <Twi> they gonna ban me now too
[10:55:02] <JakeN2436> i mean
[10:55:04] <JakeN2436> if you're multiaccounting
[10:55:04] <JakeN2436> then yes
[10:55:15] <Twi> I am
[10:55:18] <JakeN2436> ho dear
[10:55:18] <Twi> I hack too
[10:55:20] <Twi> I money hack too
[10:55:34] <KylieJenner> fuck
[10:55:34] <Xmas> good tip
[10:55:37] <KylieJenner> doritos
[10:55:42] <JakeN2436> nacho
[10:55:42] <JakeN2436> preparados
[10:56:30] <JakeN2436> intense?
[10:56:33] <JakeN2436> what genre
[10:56:41] <KylieJenner> jake
[10:56:43] <KylieJenner> what is squatter
[10:56:51] <marshmellow> hardstyle,edm
[10:57:07] <JakeN2436> a squatter is someone who takes refuge in someone's house without permission
[10:57:13] <Xmas> kylie someone who plays with his ass alot
[10:57:13] <JakeN2436> also i have a song to request mellow
[10:57:26] <KylieJenner> what lmao
[10:57:26] <marshmellow> after my playlist is over k?
[10:57:31] <JakeN2436> o
[10:57:34] <JakeN2436> i know a lot of good edm songs
[10:57:42] <marshmellow> well tell me one
[10:57:45] <KylieJenner> me and my girls
[10:57:53] <JakeN2436> nail gun by charlie darker and far too loud :))))
[10:58:04] <marshmellow> ok tell me later
[10:58:09] <JakeN2436> okay
[10:58:20] <JakeN2436> wait ill tune in after this song in my playlist
[10:59:42] <JakeN2436> darude sandstorm LOL
[10:59:59] <marshmellow> yea
[11:01:05] <Xmas> any fun vehicles to buy?
[11:01:16] <marshmellow> rc cam
[11:01:16] <KylieJenner> caddy
[11:01:40] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[11:02:28] --> mkhj connected to the server
[11:03:06] <-- mkhj disconnected from the server
[11:03:32] <KylieJenner> jake
[11:03:35] <JakeN2436> ye
[11:03:38] <KylieJenner> im craving for salad lmao
[11:03:40] <JakeN2436> salad? lol
[11:03:43] <marshmellow> ima lagging so bad
[11:03:51] <KylieJenner> yeah haha
[11:05:46] <JakeN2436> !8ball should i livestream pilot's life
[11:05:49] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: My reply is no
[11:05:49] <KylieJenner> the lotto megajackpot winner is...
[11:05:52] <JakeN2436> fuck you im doing it anwyay
[11:05:54] <JakeN2436> anyway
[11:06:05] <KylieJenner> whaaaaa
[11:06:05] <Xmas> xD
[11:06:05] <JakeN2436> Nobody
[11:06:05] <ErdemEmireri> ohhhh
[11:06:08] <JakeN2436> gz nobody
[11:06:10] <JakeN2436> we're all so proud of you
[11:06:13] <JakeN2436> !player Nobody
[11:06:16] (WEB) <robin_be> player Nobody: 426 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[11:06:16] <KylieJenner> hahahah
[11:06:19] <marshmellow> /requestname Nobody
[11:06:19] <Xmas> xD
[11:06:24] <ErdemEmireri> xd
[11:06:32] <JakeN2436> !player Ricardo
[11:06:35] (WEB) <robin_be> player Ricardo: 489 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[11:06:35] <Xmas> !assets Nobody
[11:06:46] <KylieJenner> i know some lotto lucky players
[11:07:05] <JakeN2436> mellow
[11:07:05] <KylieJenner> its marshmellow and jodi
[11:07:08] <JakeN2436> do u like marshmello?
[11:07:10] <KylieJenner> and ayerss
[11:07:18] <marshmellow> ofc i do
[11:07:21] <JakeN2436> :D
[11:07:24] <marshmellow> not my favourite tho
[11:07:29] <JakeN2436> i love silence and wolves personally
[11:07:34] <JakeN2436> from him
[11:07:40] <marshmellow> yea i like silence aswell
[11:07:42] <KylieJenner> wolves
[11:07:56] <KylieJenner> selena gomez wolves?
[11:07:56] <JakeN2436> this sounds like slav bass LOL
[11:07:58] <JakeN2436> yea kylie
[11:08:04] <KylieJenner> love that too
[11:08:09] <KylieJenner> pls play it lol
[11:08:14] <JakeN2436> maybe later he said
[11:08:14] <JakeN2436> after his playlist
[11:08:17] <KylieJenner> ok
[11:08:33] <JakeN2436> if u like hardcore music
[11:08:39] <JakeN2436> u should listen to cycle hit by kasai hardcores
[11:08:47] <KylieJenner> gucci
[11:08:47] <marshmellow> noted
[11:08:52] <JakeN2436> it's such a good song
[11:09:00] <JakeN2436> it's a collab between dj genki, camellia and cshow
[11:09:05] <KylieJenner> what camellia
[11:09:08] <marshmellow> fuck ping limit warning
[11:09:08] <JakeN2436> 4th drop is SO GOOD
[11:09:19] <JakeN2436> camellia is a hardcore composer
[11:09:27] <JakeN2436> he also makes dubstep
[11:09:29] <KylieJenner> oh i dont know here
[11:09:35] <KylieJenner> oh i dont know her
[11:09:43] <JakeN2436> it's a he btw lol
[11:09:48] <KylieJenner> oh sorry
[11:09:48] --> kjkszpj333 connected to the server
[11:09:51] <JakeN2436> np
[11:09:51] <marshmellow> wb
[11:09:53] <JakeN2436> wb
[11:09:53] <KylieJenner> wb sugar dad
[11:09:53] <Ayers> wb
[11:09:59] <kjkszpj333> ty
[11:10:04] <KylieJenner> sugar dad come at lotto
[11:10:12] <kjkszpj333> ooh nice
[11:10:20] <kjkszpj333> who selected 14
[11:10:23] <JakeN2436> who's listening to plr?
[11:10:23] <KylieJenner> me :)
[11:10:28] <kjkszpj333> fffff
[11:10:33] <marshmellow> desynced
[11:10:36] <KylieJenner> pick 19
[11:10:50] <kjkszpj333> i picked 16 my babe]
[11:10:55] <KylieJenner> oh ok
[11:10:58] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[11:11:03] <KylieJenner> hi ayers
[11:11:11] <Ayers> hi
[11:11:46] <Criterion> !player bran
[11:11:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player bran: 7228 score, last seen 10 Days Ago
[11:12:02] <KylieJenner> wb kambing
[11:12:05] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[11:12:05] <JuraganMelon> salamat
[11:12:08] <JuraganMelon> tang ina ako
[11:12:10] <Ayers> !cars juraganmelon
[11:12:13] (WEB) <robin_be> juraganmelon has:
[11:12:16] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[11:12:21] <Criterion> f
[11:12:24] <marshmellow> ofc my brother has to watch the office in HD while im streaming
[11:12:27] <marshmellow> duckhead
[11:12:32] <marshmellow> dick8*
[11:12:56] <JakeN2436> duckhead :D
[11:12:59] <KylieJenner> haha
[11:13:01] <marshmellow> that was a mistake
[11:13:04] <JakeN2436> i know
[11:13:15] <KylieJenner> where is yo brotha
[11:13:33] <JakeN2436> ps4, yuck
[11:13:33] <JakeN2436> gross
[11:13:33] <KylieJenner> is he a kid
[11:13:42] <marshmellow> 2yrs younger
[11:13:47] <KylieJenner> how old r u
[11:14:06] <marshmellow> 17 rn 18 on 11th of may
[11:14:11] <KylieJenner> oh wow
[11:14:24] <KylieJenner> wow
[11:14:27] <marshmellow> yea also convey it to hardstone btw
[11:14:35] <marshmellow> he was born on the same date as i was
[11:14:40] <marshmellow> 11/05/2002
[11:14:40] <KylieJenner> i will be 11 on june 12
[11:14:54] <kjkszpj333> so young
[11:14:56] <JakeN2436> i had a boyfriend who was born on 11th september 2001
[11:14:56] <JakeN2436> LUL
[11:14:59] <KylieJenner> hahaha just kidding
[11:15:18] <kjkszpj333> i m 20
[11:15:50] <JuraganMelon> ah ah ah aha ha
[11:15:55] <KylieJenner> oh fuck
[11:15:58] <Xmas> ?
[11:15:58] <JuraganMelon> wrong noise
[11:15:58] <JakeN2436> if you like EDM you should play geometry dash
[11:16:01] <KylieJenner> i got desynced
[11:16:03] --> Dasdes connected to the server
[11:16:09] <KylieJenner> oh no
[11:16:09] <JakeN2436> wgb
[11:16:09] <JakeN2436> wb
[11:16:17] <KylieJenner> this is crazy
[11:16:19] <Dasdes> ty!
[11:16:52] <KylieJenner> im tired
[11:16:57] <JakeN2436> lotto owo
[11:17:05] <ErdemEmireri> i need it
[11:17:05] <JakeN2436> lottowo
[11:17:08] <KylieJenner> lotto grandwinner will be revealed in few minutes
[11:17:08] <kjkszpj333> kjkszpj333 has won the lottery
[11:17:29] <JakeN2436> :(
[11:17:40] <Xmas> i got a siren on my sultan
[11:17:43] <Xmas> nice
[11:17:45] <marshmellow> Did you know that u can use the time that u take to fly to black mesa to save a life?
[11:17:59] <KylieJenner> no
[11:18:12] <JakeN2436> how do u become a dj for plr
[11:18:20] <KylieJenner> the lotto megajackpot grandwinner is...
[11:18:20] <marshmellow> ask cygnus or diamond
[11:18:25] <JakeN2436> a
[11:18:28] <JakeN2436> how does it even worklw
[11:18:31] <KylieJenner> RIHANNA!
[11:18:31] <JakeN2436> work*
[11:18:47] <marshmellow> we use a software called mixxx
[11:18:52] <KylieJenner> lotto pls be mine
[11:18:57] <kjkszpj333> plzz lotto
[11:19:00] <JakeN2436> lottowo
[11:19:03] <ErdemEmireri> plzz
[11:19:05] <JakeN2436> LUL
[11:19:05] <ErdemEmireri> fffff
[11:19:08] <KylieJenner> ugh
[11:19:08] <marshmellow> fml
[11:19:11] <Xmas> i did 5
[11:19:11] <Xmas> wtf
[11:19:22] <KylieJenner> pick 10 or 11 or 12
[11:19:40] <KylieJenner> good choice trina
[11:20:07] <KylieJenner> jake
[11:20:12] <JakeN2436> ye
[11:20:15] <KylieJenner> i havent ate my nachos yet lmao
[11:20:18] <JakeN2436> lmao
[11:20:23] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[11:21:27] <JakeN2436> fuck corona???????
[11:21:30] <JakeN2436> BEST SONG NAME EVER
[11:21:43] <marshmellow> lol
[11:21:49] <kjkszpj333> !CASH
[11:21:52] (WEB) <robin_be> kjkszpj333 has $3,131,170 in hand
[11:22:00] <KylieJenner> rich
[11:22:03] <marshmellow> /addlotto 3000000
[11:22:03] <JakeN2436> i wish there was a command to check how much you had in bank :(
[11:22:05] <kjkszpj333> as fuck
[11:22:05] <JakeN2436> like that one
[11:22:11] <KylieJenner> lol
[11:22:11] <kjkszpj333> ye
[11:22:21] <KylieJenner> !bank
[11:22:24] <kjkszpj333> kylie has 50m+
[11:22:29] <KylieJenner> noooo
[11:22:35] <kjkszpj333> dont lie
[11:22:35] <KylieJenner> we have the thing called
[11:22:37] <JakeN2436> gz
[11:22:37] <marshmellow> gz
[11:22:40] <Dasdes> gz
[11:22:43] <Xmas> ty
[11:22:43] <KylieJenner> bank secrecy law
[11:22:53] <KylieJenner> gz
[11:22:56] <JakeN2436> screw the law, this is gta >:(
[11:23:01] <KylieJenner> haha
[11:23:04] <KylieJenner> noo
[11:23:15] <KylieJenner> you will have to deal with my lawyers
[11:23:20] <KylieJenner> theyre coming
[11:23:34] <JakeN2436> :(
[11:23:58] <JakeN2436> "fuck corona! rEEEEEEEEEEEE"
[11:24:03] <kjkszpj333> !houses Xmas
[11:24:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $3,000,000 4 slots Muhulland: $1,900,000 3 slots
[11:24:09] <kjkszpj333> rich
[11:24:11] <JakeN2436> !houses
[11:24:15] (WEB) <robin_be> None Saved: $1,200,000 2 slots
[11:24:20] <JakeN2436> devon island btw
[11:24:28] <kjkszpj333> still poor
[11:24:31] <marshmellow> poor
[11:24:39] <KylieJenner> whaaaaaaat
[11:24:47] <JakeN2436> ik, because i dont have money anymore lol
[11:25:03] <JakeN2436> i used to have loads
[11:25:05] <JakeN2436> won like 20mil from lotto one time
[11:25:13] <kjkszpj333> me 36m
[11:25:13] <KylieJenner> realy?
[11:25:16] <JakeN2436> yea
[11:25:19] <Dasdes> wat
[11:25:21] <JakeN2436> the lotto was a lot different
[11:25:24] <kjkszpj333> or sth like that
[11:25:35] <JakeN2436> i saw someone win like 70mil once
[11:25:37] <JakeN2436> shit's crazy
[11:25:40] <KylieJenner> what
[11:25:51] <KylieJenner> pl was in high inflation back then
[11:25:53] <KylieJenner> lmao
[11:25:53] <marshmellow> yep
[11:26:02] <JakeN2436> i remember there was also once a 300mil lotto because i think psg kept donating to it
[11:26:18] <JakeN2436> it was like 2016
[11:26:18] <kjkszpj333> gg
[11:26:18] <JakeN2436> 2015 maybe
[11:26:26] <KylieJenner> oh i was inactive that yr
[11:26:42] <JakeN2436> i started playing in may 2014 and was active/w
[11:26:44] <kjkszpj333> how old are you my baby
[11:26:44] --> kontraK connected to the server
[11:26:44] <JakeN2436> oops
[11:26:47] <KylieJenner> wb
[11:26:50] <Criterion> wb
[11:26:52] <ErdemEmireri> hoþgeldin reis
[11:26:55] <marshmellow> wb
[11:26:55] <JakeN2436> i started playing in may 2014 and was active until mid 2016, and i've been on and off since then
[11:26:58] <kontraK> eyyyy
[11:27:32] <kjkszpj333> vips
[11:27:59] --> Pixy connected to the server
[11:28:07] <Pixy> thanks
[11:28:13] <Pixy> lmao
[11:28:29] <KylieJenner> lol
[11:28:58] <KylieJenner> lotto come through let someone win already
[11:30:00] <Pixy> panter kerja demand
[11:30:05] <marshmellow> this lotto wont get past this day
[11:30:10] <kjkszpj333> !player PinkPanther
[11:30:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player PinkPanther: 4060 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[11:30:14] <JakeN2436> omg pinkpanther
[11:30:19] <Criterion> f
[11:30:19] <ErdemEmireri> !player Gajeel
[11:30:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player Gajeel: 9022 score, last seen 15 Hours Ago
[11:30:27] <JakeN2436> he's been on my steam friends list for years
[11:30:30] <KylieJenner> beep beep
[11:31:13] <kjkszpj333> !Player Kontol
[11:31:56] <JakeN2436> lottowo
[11:31:59] <marshmellow> gz
[11:32:12] <JakeN2436> LUL
[11:32:15] <ErdemEmireri> f
[11:32:15] <JakeN2436> lotto is being mean
[11:32:18] <-- Xmas disconnected from the server
[11:32:21] <KylieJenner> haha
[11:32:26] <JakeN2436> there's literally a 1 in 5 chance someone should win it
[11:32:26] <JakeN2436> but nope
[11:32:53] <JakeN2436> mellow, how long until your playlist is done? lul
[11:32:58] <Pixy> it's like every person has 2`/. chance of winning
[11:33:01] <marshmellow> 2 more
[11:33:03] <JakeN2436> ppp
[11:33:09] <JakeN2436> *ooooo
[11:33:11] <Dasdes> lotto 47
[11:33:14] <Dasdes> f
[11:33:17] <ErdemEmireri> #24
[11:33:19] <KylieJenner> 47 lucky number
[11:33:25] <Dasdes> xd
[11:33:27] <KylieJenner> good choice dasdesx
[11:33:35] <KylieJenner> give me 200k when u win
[11:33:35] <KylieJenner> lol
[11:33:41] <KylieJenner> kidding
[11:33:41] <Dasdes> sure xD
[11:33:49] <Dasdes> if you say its lucky then i believe you
[11:33:51] <JakeN2436> omg
[11:33:54] <JakeN2436> I SWEAR
[11:33:59] <KylieJenner> 50
[11:33:59] <JakeN2436> something amazing just happened
[11:34:07] <JakeN2436> i jumped out of my hydra, went into the bank
[11:34:07] <JakeN2436> came out
[11:34:13] <JakeN2436> and my hydra landed on top of me LMAO
[11:34:13] <marshmellow> and blew up
[11:34:16] <marshmellow> oh
[11:34:24] <JakeN2436> i was recording too LOL
[11:34:29] <KylieJenner> u are possessed jake
[11:34:34] <Pixy> post it on forum lel
[11:35:09] <marshmellow> the ghost of aaron is possessing u
[11:35:20] <KylieJenner> its a holy ghost
[11:35:25] <KylieJenner> saint aaron
[11:35:30] <KylieJenner> f
[11:35:33] <marshmellow> yea r8
[11:36:10] <kjkszpj333> !player iBurger
[11:36:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player iBurger: 4151 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[11:36:59] <JakeN2436> i just posted the video of what happened in the discord LMAO
[11:37:28] <marshmellow> they'll probably think that u hack and ban u
[11:38:17] <kjkszpj333> kylie
[11:38:22] <KylieJenner> hi
[11:38:25] <kjkszpj333> u cant have my luck with 14
[11:38:33] <KylieJenner> idk :(
[11:38:41] <JakeN2436> kylife
[11:38:41] <kjkszpj333> its my birthday date
[11:38:43] <JakeN2436> kylie*
[11:38:46] <Criterion> Had to go, bye.
[11:38:46] <JakeN2436> check the video in discord LOL
[11:38:46] <KylieJenner> i root for u
[11:38:49] <JakeN2436> it's amazing
[11:38:52] <JakeN2436> cya crit
[11:38:52] <Pixy> bb
[11:38:54] <Dasdes> bb
[11:38:54] <marshmellow> bye
[11:39:00] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[11:39:00] <KylieJenner> byew
[11:39:05] <kjkszpj333> !houses Ayers
[11:39:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Valle Ocultado: $11,000,000 10 slots Verdant Bluffs: $20,000,000 20 slots Flint Range: $17,000,000 8 slots (..)
[11:39:27] <JuraganMelon> !houses pixy
[11:39:30] (WEB) <robin_be> Queens: $15,000,000 15 slots The Sherman Dam: $15,000,000 15 slots Pilgrim: $11,000,000 10 slots
[11:39:30] <JakeN2436> guys check discord LUL
[11:39:33] <JakeN2436> the video i posted
[11:39:38] <Dasdes> wow rich
[11:39:59] <KylieJenner> jake have i seen u won the lottery?
[11:40:02] <JakeN2436> no
[11:40:07] <JakeN2436> i won the lottery recently tho
[11:40:15] <KylieJenner> hmm
[11:40:15] <JakeN2436> it was at like 4am my time tho
[11:40:21] <KylieJenner> i wasnt there
[11:40:26] <JakeN2436> ye
[11:40:29] <KylieJenner> ok
[11:40:29] <JakeN2436> piz saw it tho
[11:40:42] <KylieJenner> piz no logner talk to me lol
[11:40:53] <JakeN2436> rip
[11:40:58] <Dasdes> ;/
[11:40:58] <KylieJenner> lol
[11:41:04] <KylieJenner> f
[11:41:06] <KylieJenner> my wing
[11:41:06] <JakeN2436> btw mellow, play cycle hit first instead of nail gun :)))))))
[11:41:28] <JakeN2436> :)))
[11:41:33] <marshmellow> wifi is slow so download speed is shit
[11:41:36] <JakeN2436> rip
[11:42:42] <marshmellow> ffs lemme download it first bruv
[11:42:51] <JakeN2436> lmao im just saying :D
[11:42:53] <marshmellow> meh ill play something else
[11:43:15] <KylieJenner> the lucky person will be revealed later
[11:43:15] <Dasdes> comeon let me win
[11:43:36] <JakeN2436> WTF IS THIS LOL
[11:44:32] <JakeN2436> 6090 score
[11:44:35] <JakeN2436> soon to be 6969
[11:44:43] <kjkszpj333> :D
[11:44:45] <KylieJenner> u love that
[11:44:48] <JakeN2436> yes
[11:44:54] <KylieJenner> im innocen
[11:44:56] <KylieJenner> im innocent
[11:45:02] <JakeN2436> im not :D
[11:45:07] <KylieJenner> gz kylie
[11:45:18] <JakeN2436> lmfao
[11:45:20] <marshmellow> omg this lotto gay
[11:45:20] <kjkszpj333> gmk[wjk [jtm 3 p[-490j]kf'qew
[11:45:23] <JakeN2436> this lotto is unforgiving
[11:45:23] <kjkszpj333> jkv[rm [4[-ik'df[p[12
[11:45:23] <ErdemEmireri> o
[11:45:42] <KylieJenner> hahahahaha
[11:45:44] <Dasdes> omg for real i thought i'd just won it. Salary payment instead ;__;
[11:45:50] <marshmellow> f
[11:45:55] <KylieJenner> same sades
[11:45:58] <JakeN2436> lol
[11:45:58] <JakeN2436> get jebaited
[11:46:08] <KylieJenner> pick 16
[11:46:11] <-- kjkszpj333 disconnected from the server
[11:46:19] <KylieJenner> he gave up already and quits
[11:46:22] <JakeN2436> LO
[11:46:25] <JakeN2436> L
[11:46:33] <Dasdes> threw monitor out the window
[11:46:35] <KylieJenner> im waiting for julsec
[11:46:38] <KylieJenner> !Player julsec
[11:46:41] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 5462 score, last seen 16 Hours Ago
[11:46:41] <KylieJenner> wb kambing
[11:46:44] <JuraganMelon> ty
[11:46:49] <JakeN2436> what does kambing mean lol
[11:46:52] <JuraganMelon> goat
[11:46:52] <KylieJenner> goat
[11:46:54] <JakeN2436> oh lmfao
[11:47:02] <marshmellow> greatest of all time - GOAT
[11:47:02] <JakeN2436> in french, goat is chèvre
[11:47:05] <KylieJenner> same translation in our language lol
[11:47:10] <JuraganMelon> chevrolet is goat
[11:47:19] <KylieJenner> chevrolet is a car
[11:47:19] <marshmellow> chevrolet is shit
[11:47:35] <JakeN2436> i'm apparently 1230m away from cargo
[11:47:43] <KylieJenner> omg pixy
[11:47:45] <JuraganMelon> !assets criterion
[11:47:45] <Pixy> okay, i hope someone record it
[11:47:45] <KylieJenner> im so sorry did i hit you
[11:47:48] (WEB) <robin_be> criterion has 20 car(s) ($8,700,000) and 4 house(s) ($32,350,000 - 24 slots) for a total of $41,050,000
[11:47:54] <Pixy> dont worry mate xD
[11:47:59] <KylieJenner> did i hit u?
[11:48:07] <Pixy> it's been like 7 years since my last mid air collision
[11:48:12] <KylieJenner> lol
[11:48:15] <JuraganMelon> cie
[11:48:18] <Pixy> yes kyle xD
[11:48:18] <JakeN2436> i had 2 mid air collisions yesterday pixy
[11:48:18] <JakeN2436> not even kidding
[11:48:23] <marshmellow> vietnam flashbacks
[11:48:23] <KylieJenner> its weird bc my health is 100 percennt
[11:48:31] <Pixy> lag ram
[11:48:42] <Pixy> gonna remember this
[11:48:45] <KylieJenner> sorry pixy
[11:48:48] <KylieJenner> kambing
[11:48:50] <Pixy> rarely happend
[11:48:56] --> iBelongtoGamer30 connected to the server
[11:48:58] <JakeN2436> OMG STANIEL
[11:48:58] <marshmellow> wb
[11:48:58] <Dasdes> wb
[11:48:58] <JakeN2436> wb satan
[11:49:01] <KylieJenner> wb stanleys
[11:49:01] <Pixy> dont worry kylie eh
[11:49:01] <kontraK> wb
[11:49:04] <iBelongtoGamer30> Thanksss
[11:49:12] <KylieJenner> jake missed u
[11:49:20] <JakeN2436> kylie
[11:49:22] <JakeN2436> i swear to god
[11:49:22] <JakeN2436> :D
[11:49:30] <KylieJenner> omg im blushing
[11:49:38] <KylieJenner> oh hi again pixy lol
[11:49:44] <JakeN2436> stan
[11:49:47] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes baby
[11:49:49] <JakeN2436> i ordered some durex lube and it's arriving today
[11:49:49] <Pixy> let's dont hit each other again this time xD
[11:49:52] <JakeN2436> wanna try it with me bby
[11:49:52] <marshmellow> gz
[11:49:52] <KylieJenner> omg lol
[11:49:55] <Dasdes> gz
[11:49:55] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes bby
[11:49:55] <JakeN2436> OMG CYCLE HIT
[11:49:57] <JakeN2436> POG
[11:49:57] <KylieJenner> hahah yeah pixy
[11:50:11] <marshmellow> gz
[11:50:11] <JuraganMelon> ty
[11:50:11] <KylieJenner> gz kambing
[11:50:16] <marshmellow> RICHASS
[11:50:27] <KylieJenner> marshmellow has over 30m
[11:50:27] <iBelongtoGamer30> ew
[11:50:35] <marshmellow> no i dont
[11:50:35] <iBelongtoGamer30> Stan is the gayest f word
[11:50:37] <marshmellow> i have 10mil
[11:50:43] <KylieJenner> no fake
[11:50:43] <iBelongtoGamer30> he's a dangerous f word
[11:50:48] <KylieJenner> i dont believe
[11:50:53] <marshmellow> i used all my money on PL Sponso
[11:50:53] <KylieJenner> 30m
[11:50:59] <KylieJenner> :(
[11:51:01] <marshmellow> 39mil
[11:51:04] <KylieJenner> whaaaaaat
[11:51:07] <JakeN2436> ca mel lia
[11:51:07] <JakeN2436> ca mel lia
[11:51:09] <JakeN2436> katose
[11:51:12] <JakeN2436> ca mel
[11:51:12] <JakeN2436> lia
[11:51:15] <JakeN2436> fuck me
[11:51:15] <KylieJenner> camila
[11:51:18] <marshmellow> for pl sponsor i spent 39mil
[11:51:23] <KylieJenner> wtf
[11:51:26] <KylieJenner> unbelievable
[11:51:28] <JakeN2436> wtf?
[11:51:34] <marshmellow> vip 1 ->pl sponsor
[11:51:34] <JakeN2436> i paid $50 :))))
[11:51:36] <marshmellow> 39mil
[11:51:47] <KylieJenner> no
[11:51:55] <KylieJenner> youre rich
[11:52:00] <marshmellow> im not
[11:52:03] <marshmellow> ffs
[11:52:06] <KylieJenner> pixy again lol
[11:52:08] <Pixy> xD
[11:52:14] <KylieJenner> kambing
[11:52:16] <Pixy> where u goin now?
[11:52:19] <JuraganMelon> kambing
[11:52:19] <KylieJenner> blackmesa
[11:52:27] <Pixy> nah, kennedy here
[11:52:32] <KylieJenner> tang ina ako
[11:52:35] <KylieJenner> lol
[11:52:41] <JuraganMelon> tang ina ako
[11:52:41] <Pixy> gago
[11:52:43] <KylieJenner> haahaah
[11:52:51] <KylieJenner> try tanga too
[11:52:51] <JuraganMelon> tang ina ako harder
[11:52:57] <JakeN2436> here comes the best part of the song
[11:53:05] <JakeN2436> from now until the end is the best pat
[11:53:05] <JakeN2436> part
[11:53:07] <KylieJenner> blackmesa is boring pixy :(
[11:53:10] <KylieJenner> i hat it noe
[11:53:13] <Pixy> do /s
[11:53:21] <Pixy> told ya
[11:53:23] <KylieJenner> lmao
[11:53:34] <marshmellow> ffs orbit city for 1st shamal flight
[11:53:39] <marshmellow> FML
[11:53:42] <JakeN2436> this upcoming drop gets me fucking turnt i swear to fucking christ
[11:53:45] <Pixy> /s
[11:53:45] <KylieJenner> have u ever been so lost?
[11:53:53] <JakeN2436> best hardcore drop on earth incoming
[11:53:58] <marshmellow> calm down man
[11:53:58] <iBelongtoGamer30> which one
[11:54:01] <Pixy> peradaban
[11:54:14] <JuraganMelon> langit merah
[11:54:20] <JakeN2436> plr stan
[11:54:22] <Pixy> /vweather 200
[11:54:22] <KylieJenner> melon
[11:54:22] <iBelongtoGamer30> oh
[11:54:25] <KylieJenner> what is belakang
[11:54:25] <JuraganMelon> yes
[11:54:28] <JuraganMelon> behind
[11:54:33] <KylieJenner> balakang is hips here
[11:54:41] <JuraganMelon> lol
[11:54:44] <JakeN2436> i got chills
[11:54:44] <JakeN2436> :)))
[11:54:46] <JuraganMelon> hips is pinggang here
[11:54:52] <KylieJenner> pinggan is plate here
[11:55:08] <JuraganMelon> gonna have tagalog course
[11:55:10] <JuraganMelon> r/c
[11:55:10] <KylieJenner> lol
[11:55:16] <JakeN2436> tagalagalagalagalog
[11:55:18] <iBelongtoGamer30> pinggang is plate in sinhala too
[11:55:24] <JakeN2436> omg
[11:55:26] <JuraganMelon> tang ina ako harder faster
[11:55:29] <JakeN2436> hi ayers LMAO
[11:55:29] <KylieJenner> haha
[11:55:32] <Ayers> hahaha
[11:55:34] <JakeN2436> scared the shit out of me
[11:55:51] <KylieJenner> jake
[11:55:53] <JakeN2436> ye
[11:56:04] <KylieJenner> i still havent ate my nachos
[11:56:04] <marshmellow> 12 percent fuel and 15KM on shamal
[11:56:07] <marshmellow> is it possible
[11:56:07] <KylieJenner> rip
[11:56:09] <KylieJenner> no
[11:56:09] <JakeN2436> oh hi erdem
[11:56:09] <Pixy> no
[11:56:12] <JuraganMelon> gz melon
[11:56:15] <KylieJenner> go for stopover
[11:56:15] <marshmellow> shit
[11:56:20] <ErdemEmireri> hi
[11:56:23] <KylieJenner> stopover mellow
[11:56:25] <JakeN2436> kylie
[11:56:28] <JakeN2436> eat some nachos with salad
[11:56:28] <JakeN2436> :)))
[11:56:33] <marshmellow> im looking for someplace
[11:56:44] <Pixy> use plhud
[11:56:52] <KylieJenner> come quick mellow
[11:57:06] <KylieJenner> haha jake no
[11:57:08] <marshmellow> too late to turn back
[11:57:19] <marshmellow> wait why even bother
[11:57:24] <marshmellow> ill just /s
[11:57:38] <KylieJenner> say my name like a scripture
[11:57:38] <JakeN2436> cmon man you know you wanna risk that money :D
[11:57:56] <-- kontraK disconnected from the server
[11:58:02] <marshmellow> i think stan will win
[11:58:04] <KylieJenner> when someone wins the lotto i will eat the nachos jake
[11:58:04] <marshmellow> lotto
[11:58:07] <iBelongtoGamer30> win what
[11:58:18] <iBelongtoGamer30> wow ok
[11:58:20] <Pixy> bruh
[11:58:20] <JakeN2436> omfg
[11:58:20] <JuraganMelon> ngentot 16
[11:58:20] <KylieJenner> hahahahahahahaha
[11:58:28] <iBelongtoGamer30> feminism is cancer
[11:58:28] <iBelongtoGamer30> not^
[11:58:31] <KylieJenner> lotto doesnt want anyone to win
[11:58:42] <marshmellow> lol erdem close one eh
[11:58:42] <JakeN2436> 6100 score
[11:58:45] <JakeN2436> pog
[11:58:47] <iBelongtoGamer30> gz
[11:58:47] <marshmellow> gz
[11:58:50] <JakeN2436> :))))
[11:58:55] <ErdemEmireri> im gonna die
[11:58:58] <Pixy> paano mo sabihin ang kontol sa tagalog?
[11:59:01] <iBelongtoGamer30> Im afraid of the ghosts of the dicks i've held
[11:59:06] <KylieJenner> !rank
[11:59:09] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner(5176) rank: Flight Officer(5000) next: Flight Commander(5400) (+224)
[11:59:14] <JakeN2436> !rank
[11:59:17] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436(6100) rank: Captain(6100) next: Senior Captain(6500) (+400)
[11:59:17] <KylieJenner> when i hit 5400 nothing happens
[11:59:20] <JakeN2436> oh pog
[11:59:31] <KylieJenner> it doesnt say im promoted
[11:59:31] <JuraganMelon> tang ina lotto harder
[11:59:34] <JakeN2436> same kylie
[11:59:36] <KylieJenner> lol
[11:59:39] <JakeN2436> i think it's a bug
[11:59:39] <KylieJenner> its weird
[11:59:47] <KylieJenner> maybe because we /setrank
[11:59:52] <JuraganMelon> not really
[11:59:55] <JuraganMelon> i tried it
[11:59:58] <iBelongtoGamer30> 28# satifaction
[12:00:00] <KylieJenner> rip stan
[12:00:00] <Dasdes> gg
[12:00:03] <Pixy> we indos have the same issue
[12:00:08] <JuraganMelon> lu indo yan
[12:00:08] <JakeN2436> satisfaction works? what
[12:00:08] <KylieJenner> your passengers threw up
[12:00:14] <marshmellow> give em blowjobs stan
[12:00:16] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes
[12:00:16] <JuraganMelon> jam 5 yan siap2 buka
[12:00:19] <Pixy> bukan
[12:00:24] <JakeN2436> satisfaction hasnt worked for years for me
[12:00:27] <Ayers> jogja buka duluan ni curang
[12:00:30] <iBelongtoGamer30> bc you only do cargo drops bby
[12:00:32] <Pixy> stengah 6
[12:00:32] <JuraganMelon> buka pake amer yan
[12:00:35] <JakeN2436> it used to decrease when i descended or ascended quickly, now it doesnt do anything
[12:00:38] <JakeN2436> no, stan
[12:00:38] <KylieJenner> what bby
[12:00:41] <JakeN2436> i do at400 missions too
[12:00:41] <KylieJenner> haha
[12:00:41] <Pixy> !mission at400
[12:00:43] <KylieJenner> jake call him babe
[12:00:46] <Ayers> pamer lu top global
[12:00:46] <JakeN2436> NO
[12:00:49] <Pixy> !missions at400
[12:00:49] <KylieJenner> yes
[12:00:52] <JuraganMelon> nah kan riya
[12:00:52] (WEB) <robin_be> Pixy: 6668 at400
[12:00:52] <JakeN2436> daniel is my babe
[12:00:54] <JuraganMelon> wedeh
[12:00:57] <KylieJenner> what
[12:00:57] <KylieJenner> danielson
[12:01:00] <JakeN2436> yes
[12:01:00] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[12:01:00] <JakeN2436> NO
[12:01:02] <JuraganMelon> no
[12:01:08] <KylieJenner> tang ina
[12:01:08] <JuraganMelon> tang ina ako harder deeper
[12:01:08] <JakeN2436> not you melon LMAO
[12:01:13] <Dasdes> gotta go, see ya guys
[12:01:13] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[12:01:16] <JakeN2436> cya
[12:01:16] <KylieJenner> bye
[12:01:16] <marshmellow> bb
[12:01:16] <-- Dasdes disconnected from the server
[12:01:18] <JuraganMelon> bye
[12:01:24] <KylieJenner> he gave up
[12:01:51] <KylieJenner> its pixy again
[12:02:01] <Pixy> yoo
[12:02:04] <KylieJenner> wsait
[12:02:12] <KylieJenner> i will refuel here
[12:02:31] <Pixy> nasaan ang kasilyass?
[12:02:49] <KylieJenner> what kasilyass
[12:02:57] <Pixy> i dunno xD
[12:03:05] <KylieJenner> haha u mean kutsilyo
[12:03:14] <Pixy> oh, banyo
[12:03:19] <KylieJenner> banyo
[12:03:30] <KylieJenner> bathroom
[12:04:04] <Pixy> paano mo sabihin ang kambing sa tagalog kylie?
[12:04:04] <KylieJenner> im blusing
[12:04:10] <KylieJenner> im blushing
[12:04:10] <iBelongtoGamer30> done
[12:04:12] <JakeN2436> good
[12:04:15] <iBelongtoGamer30> omg whats this crapap
[12:04:18] <JakeN2436> SHUT UP
[12:04:20] <JakeN2436> it's hard bass
[12:04:20] <marshmellow> typical
[12:04:23] <KylieJenner> ang kambing sa tagalog ay kambing pixy
[12:04:26] <iBelongtoGamer30> based
[12:04:34] <Pixy> ah
[12:04:36] <KylieJenner> stan who is your bby
[12:04:42] <marshmellow> stan only tunes in when i play russian anthem
[12:04:45] <iBelongtoGamer30> everyone because I blow every guy
[12:04:47] <iBelongtoGamer30> fact
[12:04:50] <JakeN2436> stan
[12:04:53] <JakeN2436> dont blow me
[12:04:53] <JakeN2436> please
[12:04:53] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes
[12:04:55] <KylieJenner> lol
[12:04:55] <JakeN2436> i have chlamydia
[12:04:58] <JakeN2436> i dont really
[12:05:11] <iBelongtoGamer30> oh no let's lockdown pl before a chlamydia outbreak
[12:05:19] <JakeN2436> chlamydiavirus
[12:05:19] <iBelongtoGamer30> no one touch jake
[12:05:22] <JakeN2436> SHUT UPw
[12:05:25] <iBelongtoGamer30> it's my vagina
[12:05:27] <Pixy> okay wtf?
[12:05:30] <JakeN2436> VAGINA????
[12:05:33] <KylieJenner> its pixy again hahaha
[12:05:38] <JakeN2436> stan i ordered a pocket anus
[12:05:46] <KylieJenner> kambing
[12:05:49] <marshmellow> pixy are u stalkin kylie?
[12:05:51] <iBelongtoGamer30> i ordered a long distance vibrator
[12:05:51] <JakeN2436> im gonna pretend it's yours
[12:05:54] <Pixy> kambing
[12:05:59] <iBelongtoGamer30> i'm not a bottom tyvm
[12:05:59] <KylieJenner> belakang
[12:06:05] <JakeN2436> you sure about that
[12:06:07] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes
[12:06:10] <JakeN2436> because you sure do act like one
[12:06:10] <JakeN2436> :)
[12:06:15] <iBelongtoGamer30> LOL
[12:06:15] <iBelongtoGamer30> okay
[12:06:24] <KylieJenner> wait what is bottom
[12:06:26] <KylieJenner> who's in the bottom
[12:06:29] <iBelongtoGamer30> you dont wanna know LOL
[12:06:32] <JakeN2436> oh no
[12:06:34] <JakeN2436> who's gonna tell kylie
[12:06:45] <JakeN2436> im not
[12:06:45] <KylieJenner> bottom is like depth
[12:06:50] <JakeN2436> you could say that LOL
[12:07:04] <iBelongtoGamer30> you're too innoncent if you don't know what it is already
[12:07:12] <JakeN2436> dude kylie is the most innocent person on PL
[12:07:22] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes
[12:07:25] <KylieJenner> im so sorry for being stupid not to know
[12:07:28] <JakeN2436> omg stan colour
[12:07:30] <iBelongtoGamer30> they are good for the internet
[12:07:33] <JakeN2436> it's not stupid that you dont know
[12:07:33] <iBelongtoGamer30> you're not being stupid
[12:07:41] <JakeN2436> it's a gay thing
[12:07:44] <KylieJenner> oh
[12:08:00] <JakeN2436> ywe
[12:08:00] <JakeN2436> ye*
[12:08:05] <iBelongtoGamer30> I mean some straight ladies top too
[12:08:05] <iBelongtoGamer30> so
[12:08:13] <KylieJenner> hmmmmmm
[12:08:16] <JakeN2436> well i mean
[12:08:16] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[12:08:16] <iBelongtoGamer30> iywim
[12:08:16] <JakeN2436> that's pegging
[12:08:21] <JakeN2436> and pegging is different
[12:08:21] <JakeN2436> rip mellow
[12:08:24] <KylieJenner> omg i died haha
[12:08:24] <iBelongtoGamer30> yeah
[12:08:45] <JakeN2436> oh fuck me
[12:08:45] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[12:08:48] <JakeN2436> wb
[12:08:48] <KylieJenner> wb mellow
[12:08:48] <iBelongtoGamer30> will do sir
[12:08:56] <marshmellow> lol wifi just fucked me
[12:08:59] <JakeN2436> it just started playing super heavy metal screamo then you came back LOL
[12:08:59] <ErdemEmireri> t/w
[12:09:04] <marshmellow> ikr jae
[12:09:09] <KylieJenner> omg
[12:09:09] <JakeN2436> also shut up stan
[12:09:12] <KylieJenner> jakeeeee
[12:09:15] <JakeN2436> what lol
[12:09:17] <KylieJenner> my cat
[12:09:20] <JakeN2436> gz
[12:09:20] <marshmellow> gz
[12:09:20] <iBelongtoGamer30> make me :P
[12:09:25] <Pixy> wuedeh terminal
[12:09:31] <iBelongtoGamer30> gz
[12:09:33] <KylieJenner> my cat scrtached the nachos
[12:09:33] <iBelongtoGamer30> wtf
[12:09:39] <JakeN2436> i WILL send you a picture of the fucking fleshjack when it comes, stan
[12:09:42] <KylieJenner> gz
[12:09:44] <JakeN2436> now THAT will shut you up
[12:09:50] <iBelongtoGamer30> oh no
[12:10:00] <iBelongtoGamer30> too bad they suspended the postal service in sri lanka
[12:10:03] <iBelongtoGamer30> :(
[12:10:06] <JakeN2436> i mean on discord
[12:10:08] <KylieJenner> megajackpot winner will be revealed in a few seconds
[12:10:11] <Ayers> !assets
[12:10:14] <iBelongtoGamer30> yeah I know
[12:10:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has 45 car(s) ($22,435,000) and 4 house(s) ($56,000,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $78,435,000
[12:10:19] <marshmellow> ayers
[12:10:19] <iBelongtoGamer30> but I meant was I can't order shit lol
[12:10:22] <KylieJenner> one will change life dramatically
[12:10:25] <marshmellow> wat no should i pick
[12:10:33] <JakeN2436> sucks
[12:10:41] <marshmellow> ok done
[12:10:46] <JakeN2436> i can vouch for 26
[12:10:49] <JakeN2436> i won with it the last time
[12:10:51] <KylieJenner> ayers give me moeny when u win hahaha
[12:10:54] --> RathK connected to the server
[12:10:54] <KylieJenner> jk
[12:10:54] <KylieJenner> wb
[12:10:57] <JakeN2436> wb
[12:10:57] <iBelongtoGamer30> bye
[12:10:57] <RathK> ty
[12:10:57] <Ayers> wb
[12:11:02] <RathK> stan I came to slap you
[12:11:05] <RathK> ty
[12:11:10] <iBelongtoGamer30> what
[12:11:13] <iBelongtoGamer30> /lotto
[12:11:13] <iBelongtoGamer30> fast
[12:11:16] <KylieJenner> gz kylieeeeeeeeeee
[12:11:16] <RathK> check discord
[12:11:16] <iBelongtoGamer30> 1.5m
[12:11:21] <JakeN2436> LOL
[12:11:24] <marshmellow> OMFG
[12:11:24] <marshmellow> WTF
[12:11:24] <KylieJenner> hahahahaah
[12:11:26] <iBelongtoGamer30> wow
[12:11:26] <ErdemEmireri> fffffffffffuck
[12:11:29] <Pixy> -_
[12:11:29] <KylieJenner> lotto hates us guys
[12:11:32] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[12:11:34] <JakeN2436> wb
[12:11:34] <KylieJenner> wb jodi
[12:11:37] <marshmellow> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[12:11:37] <KylieJenner> kambing
[12:11:40] <Pixy> here goes the lotto
[12:11:42] <RathK> here the lotto man will win
[12:11:45] <marshmellow> there goes the lotto
[12:11:45] <JuraganMelon> siapa lagi ngambil 50 babi
[12:11:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> berapa tadi angka?
[12:11:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[12:11:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> .lotto 6
[12:12:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> rumus tambah 2 kan
[12:12:06] <JakeN2436> omg imagine if someone took 6 before joe
[12:12:12] <Pixy> rumus -10
[12:12:20] <JakeN2436> hey mellow, did u manage to find nail gun?
[12:12:28] <marshmellow> oh forgot
[12:12:33] <JakeN2436> dw
[12:12:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> wkawkak 1,6m goblok
[12:12:41] <KylieJenner> kambing
[12:12:41] <iBelongtoGamer30> a nail gun for what
[12:12:41] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[12:12:44] <marshmellow> nail gun artist name?
[12:12:44] <JakeN2436> what other genres of EDM do u like mellow
[12:12:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> andri beli tank
[12:12:49] <Pixy> lotto 42
[12:13:00] <ErdemEmireri> i choose 42
[12:13:00] <JakeN2436> charlie darker & far too loud
[12:13:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> !roll
[12:13:13] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. rolls 31
[12:13:13] <Pixy> good luck with that number
[12:13:19] <ErdemEmireri> thanks
[12:13:24] <KylieJenner> pixy when u win gimme some coins lmao
[12:13:29] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[12:13:32] <marshmellow> 31 is a good number
[12:13:32] <JakeN2436> kylie
[12:13:35] <JakeN2436> if i win
[12:13:35] <marshmellow> ive seen it win
[12:13:35] <KylieJenner> hi
[12:13:37] <JakeN2436> i'll give u 200k
[12:13:37] <JakeN2436> :)
[12:13:40] <KylieJenner> yay thanks
[12:13:46] <Pixy> says 'uang keamanan'
[12:13:54] <KylieJenner> what is it pixy
[12:13:56] <Pixy> and every indos who wins the lotto will give u some
[12:14:10] <RathK> if joyadi wins
[12:14:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> means security money
[12:14:12] <Pixy> it's called 'security taxes'
[12:14:12] <KylieJenner> oh
[12:14:15] <iBelongtoGamer30> fuck me harder nick cannon
[12:14:18] <RathK> I get 1m
[12:14:23] <RathK> jk jk
[12:14:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[12:14:28] <JakeN2436> btw mellow, idk if u saw but what other edm genres do u like
[12:14:34] <marshmellow> erm
[12:14:34] <KylieJenner> katy perry
[12:14:42] <marshmellow> wdym
[12:14:47] <JakeN2436> like, u like hard bass
[12:14:55] <JakeN2436> what about, idk, progressive house, trance
[12:14:55] <marshmellow> yea
[12:14:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> imagine winning lotto but lotto collector pm you
[12:15:03] <Pixy> ^
[12:15:03] <JakeN2436> a
[12:15:08] <KylieJenner> lol
[12:15:14] <marshmellow> i like hardwellw
[12:15:19] <Pixy> winning lotto and every indos says uang keamanan
[12:15:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> and then you get like 60'/. from lotto, 40'/. for lotto collector
[12:15:27] <KylieJenner> uang keamanan
[12:15:33] <KylieJenner> wow
[12:15:41] --> Ayers connected to the server
[12:15:41] <marshmellow> there should be taxes for lotto
[12:15:41] <RathK> imagine you are joyadi joestar
[12:15:43] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[12:15:49] <JakeN2436> rip kylie
[12:15:49] <Pixy> andri beli tank
[12:15:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[12:15:54] <Ayers> ntar
[12:15:57] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[12:15:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> permaban like 5 years
[12:15:59] <JakeN2436> wb LUL
[12:15:59] <RathK> winning every lotto possible
[12:15:59] <iBelongtoGamer30> wb
[12:15:59] <KylieJenner> ffs
[12:16:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> try it
[12:16:07] <JuraganMelon> i'll add lotto and let joyadi win and get my money back
[12:16:10] <iBelongtoGamer30> 999 days
[12:16:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> play PL from scratch
[12:16:15] <KylieJenner> my phone died lol my laptop is with hotspot with my phone
[12:16:15] <Pixy> in memoriam Haji.Jayadi[Elite]
[12:16:18] <JakeN2436> oh no
[12:16:21] <JakeN2436> not justin bieber
[12:16:23] <JakeN2436> please help
[12:16:23] <KylieJenner> keamanan
[12:16:26] <JuraganMelon> in memoriam kabeer
[12:16:31] <marshmellow> ...
[12:16:34] <Pixy> yes fuck kabeer27
[12:16:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> duit gua 42jt
[12:16:45] <KylieJenner> pixy
[12:16:47] <JakeN2436> btw mellow have you ever heard songs from avicii
[12:16:47] <Pixy> yea?
[12:16:50] <KylieJenner> jodi melon
[12:16:56] <RathK> in memorian of stan
[12:16:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> uh
[12:16:56] <marshmellow> yea i like him aswell
[12:16:58] <KylieJenner> keamanan we have that too but its kayamanan
[12:17:01] <JuraganMelon> kylie
[12:17:01] <JakeN2436> yea, rip him :(
[12:17:01] <Pixy> what does that mean lol
[12:17:04] <marshmellow> sad wat happened to him
[12:17:06] <JuraganMelon> tang ina ako harder faster deeper
[12:17:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> security?
[12:17:09] <Pixy> oooh
[12:17:17] <KylieJenner> but dont mean security
[12:17:22] <Pixy> then?
[12:17:22] <KylieJenner> it means wealth
[12:17:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> kenyamanan then
[12:17:30] <Pixy> ^
[12:17:33] <JakeN2436> have u ever heard anything from alesso?
[12:17:36] <JuraganMelon> kesempurnaan
[12:17:38] <JuraganMelon> cinta
[12:17:38] <KylieJenner> rootword is yaman
[12:17:41] <RathK> if another demand comes up ill die
[12:17:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> yesus
[12:17:44] <JuraganMelon> woi
[12:17:46] <iBelongtoGamer30> why
[12:17:49] <JuraganMelon> Tuhannya siapa itu
[12:17:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> woy muka LED
[12:17:54] <marshmellow> is the song Stay by alesso?
[12:17:54] <iBelongtoGamer30> i wont work again unless its shamal
[12:18:02] <iBelongtoGamer30> Alessia cara
[12:18:02] <JuraganMelon> muka led philips 30w
[12:18:02] <JakeN2436> im not sure actually
[12:18:05] <iBelongtoGamer30> and zedd
[12:18:08] <Pixy> woi
[12:18:13] <JakeN2436> but if you want a good alesso song, listen to Heroes (We Could Be) ft. Tove Lo
[12:18:16] <RathK> corona ciao
[12:18:16] <Pixy> minta maaf
[12:18:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> Ayers Airlines
[12:18:26] <JakeN2436> zedd is a god
[12:18:26] <KylieJenner> alessia cara
[12:18:29] <JakeN2436> beautiful now is my fav zedd song
[12:18:29] <Ayers> gas lur
[12:18:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> anjing
[12:18:32] <Pixy> hadeh
[12:18:34] <JuraganMelon> sikat
[12:18:34] <RathK> I died
[12:18:34] <KylieJenner> scars to your beautiful
[12:18:34] <iBelongtoGamer30> OMG
[12:18:37] <JakeN2436> also stan have u seen zedd
[12:18:37] <iBelongtoGamer30> LOL
[12:18:37] <JuraganMelon> sblom buka puasa
[12:18:37] <Pixy> kenapa pas buka puasa
[12:18:37] <JuraganMelon> buruan
[12:18:42] <Pixy> 12 menit
[12:18:42] <JuraganMelon> buka sambil main
[12:18:45] <RathK> son of a
[12:18:45] <Pixy> ga cukup
[12:18:48] <JakeN2436> zedd is absolutely fucking adorable
[12:18:50] <JuraganMelon> cukup
[12:18:53] <iBelongtoGamer30> corona ciao corona ciao corona ciao
[12:18:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> andripotd 400k
[12:18:58] <JuraganMelon> bilang orang tua lu lagi demand
[12:19:01] <Pixy> skip deh
[12:19:04] <iBelongtoGamer30> sorry I only like brown men
[12:19:07] <Ayers> gw disuruh prepare
[12:19:09] <JakeN2436> what the fuck :(
[12:19:12] <JuraganMelon> prepare cabbage
[12:19:17] <Ayers> prepare cabbage
[12:19:23] <JakeN2436> zedd is seriously just
[12:19:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> ban dolar
[12:19:25] <JakeN2436> so cute
[12:19:28] <Ayers> ban dollar airlines
[12:19:28] <RathK> did lufthansa fix its cabbage issues :rolf:
[12:19:39] <JakeN2436> HELL YEAH
[12:19:44] <iBelongtoGamer30> pakis and middle easterners are doable if they are open minded lol
[12:19:52] <marshmellow> CALM THE FUCK DOWN
[12:19:55] <JakeN2436> NO :)
[12:19:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> etonia kontol
[12:19:57] <marshmellow> jesus
[12:20:03] <marshmellow> wb
[12:20:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> wuedeh
[12:20:05] <KylieJenner> g
[12:20:05] <marshmellow> gz i mean
[12:20:08] <JuraganMelon> lu banyak duit
[12:20:08] <Ayers> lu mau saingin gw
[12:20:08] <marshmellow> lol
[12:20:13] <KylieJenner> selamat
[12:20:19] <JuraganMelon> salamat
[12:20:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets ayers
[12:20:22] <Pixy> gaada
[12:20:22] (WEB) <robin_be> ayers has 44 car(s) ($22,115,000) and 4 house(s) ($56,000,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $78,115,000
[12:20:25] <KylieJenner> ganda
[12:20:30] <Pixy> lu bukan tetangga tapi ngiri
[12:20:38] <Pixy> jadi tetangga dulu
[12:20:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> beli rumah gua
[12:20:59] <JuraganMelon> may malaking titi ako
[12:21:05] <KylieJenner> ayers
[12:21:10] <Ayers> yes
[12:21:15] <KylieJenner> just saw u lel
[12:21:18] <ErdemEmireri> !assets BIGBADGRIZZLY
[12:21:21] (WEB) <robin_be> BIGBADGRIZZLY has 1 car(s) ($800,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $800,000
[12:21:24] <Ayers> lul
[12:21:27] <JuraganMelon> kylie
[12:21:29] <KylieJenner> i thought u afk
[12:21:29] <JuraganMelon> mahal kita
[12:21:32] <KylieJenner> hahahahha
[12:21:35] <KylieJenner> dont say that
[12:21:45] <JuraganMelon> what does that mean?
[12:21:45] <JakeN2436> there are 2 geometry dash levels with this song :))))
[12:21:51] <KylieJenner> i love you
[12:21:56] <JuraganMelon> love you too
[12:21:59] <JuraganMelon> fuck
[12:21:59] <JuraganMelon> fuck it
[12:22:01] <KylieJenner> hahahaa wtf
[12:22:04] <KylieJenner> tang ina
[12:22:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> yeet
[12:22:23] <JuraganMelon> that's indonesian pick up line
[12:22:33] <marshmellow> if joyadi win im ending stream
[12:22:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> LINE Brown Cony
[12:22:33] <KylieJenner> same here
[12:22:39] <RathK> petition to kill stan
[12:22:39] <JakeN2436> :(
[12:22:42] <Pixy> sajen
[12:22:42] <RathK> nice 69
[12:22:44] <iBelongtoGamer30> petition dismissed
[12:22:47] <KylieJenner> omg my pingggggggg
[12:22:52] <JakeN2436> gz]
[12:22:52] <marshmellow> gz
[12:22:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> wuedeh
[12:22:55] <JakeN2436> windsor best car
[12:22:58] <Pixy> ty
[12:23:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> beli tank yan terus bikin Tiananmen
[12:23:14] <KylieJenner> omgggggggg
[12:23:14] <KylieJenner> please
[12:23:16] <JuraganMelon> ayo yan beli tank
[12:23:16] <Pixy> gaada uang
[12:23:16] <KylieJenner> let me survive
[12:23:19] <RathK> dick
[12:23:22] <JuraganMelon> gua pinjemin yan
[12:23:27] <JuraganMelon> ga pake bunga
[12:23:30] <Pixy> nyaurnya males
[12:23:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> pinjem uang gojek demot
[12:23:35] <JuraganMelon> bisa aja
[12:23:38] <iBelongtoGamer30> wf is this thids doing here
[12:23:43] <JakeN2436> btw mellow i request heroes (we could be) by alesso and tove lo :)
[12:23:46] <JakeN2436> WAIT
[12:23:46] <JuraganMelon> 27jt ready nih buat dipinjemin
[12:23:46] <JakeN2436> YOU PLAYED IT
[12:23:48] <JakeN2436> WTF
[12:23:51] <marshmellow> yea lol
[12:23:51] <Pixy> gw beli 10m buat gengsi
[12:23:54] <Ayers> mana sini pinjem 10jt
[12:23:54] <JakeN2436> LOL
[12:23:54] <marshmellow> wow coincidence
[12:23:56] <Pixy> jual ke server 7.5m
[12:23:59] <JakeN2436> that fucking timing
[12:24:02] <iBelongtoGamer30> /lotto*
[12:24:02] <JuraganMelon> buat apaan
[12:24:04] <marshmellow> ABUSE
[12:24:07] <KylieJenner> everybody
[12:24:07] <marshmellow> BAN
[12:24:10] <Pixy> buat kalo bosen
[12:24:15] <JuraganMelon> wedeh
[12:24:15] <KylieJenner> kalabaw
[12:24:18] <JuraganMelon> jangan
[12:24:20] <JuraganMelon> ntar kek gua
[12:24:23] <JakeN2436> this is one of the best progressive house songs ever
[12:24:26] <KylieJenner> lotto winner is kylie
[12:24:26] <JakeN2436> not even joking
[12:24:26] <KylieJenner> gz
[12:24:28] <iBelongtoGamer30> wow
[12:24:28] <JakeN2436> rip
[12:24:31] <KylieJenner> whaaaaaaat
[12:24:31] <marshmellow> bruh
[12:24:31] <RathK> damn was 42
[12:24:34] <Pixy> kan
[12:24:42] <KylieJenner> who gave up on 43
[12:24:45] <marshmellow> me
[12:24:45] <JuraganMelon> me
[12:24:47] <KylieJenner> whyyyyyyyyy
[12:24:53] <JuraganMelon> fuck lotto
[12:24:53] <KylieJenner> bad choice lol
[12:24:55] <JuraganMelon> tang ina lotto
[12:25:03] <KylieJenner> you change your mind like a girl changes clothes
[12:25:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> kontolotto
[12:25:06] --> Cpt.Charlez connected to the server
[12:25:09] <marshmellow> wb
[12:25:09] <JakeN2436> LOL KYLIE
[12:25:11] <Cpt.Charlez> thx
[12:25:11] <KylieJenner> wb charls
[12:25:14] <Cpt.Charlez> hxx
[12:25:14] <iBelongtoGamer30> that was an epic crash btw
[12:25:17] <Cpt.Charlez> thx**
[12:25:17] <JuraganMelon> i change your mind like i fap, so fast
[12:25:19] <JakeN2436> kylie, fun fact
[12:25:19] <JuraganMelon> my*
[12:25:25] <JakeN2436> i sang that song on karaoke once when i was 7 :D
[12:25:27] <KylieJenner> btw
[12:25:30] <KylieJenner> i gotta relog guys
[12:25:33] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[12:25:33] <JakeN2436> a
[12:25:49] <JakeN2436> this song is so goooood
[12:25:51] <iBelongtoGamer30> uhm
[12:25:57] <marshmellow> !8ball will 35 win
[12:26:00] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow: Sign points to yes
[12:26:02] <iBelongtoGamer30> marshmellow
[12:26:05] <marshmellow> ?
[12:26:05] <iBelongtoGamer30> play corona ciao
[12:26:10] <iBelongtoGamer30> and tell me when you play it
[12:26:10] <marshmellow> erm ok
[12:26:13] <Cpt.Charlez> oh uou are streaming?
[12:26:16] <JakeN2436> he's on plr yea
[12:26:16] <marshmellow> yea
[12:26:24] <JakeN2436> playing heroes by alesso rn :DDD
[12:26:26] <iBelongtoGamer30> get in you little shit
[12:26:29] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[12:26:37] <JuraganMelon> kambing
[12:26:37] <JakeN2436> aaaaa
[12:26:37] <Cpt.Charlez> mmmmm
[12:26:42] <KylieJenner> kambing
[12:26:48] <RathK> journeys life
[12:27:14] <KylieJenner> fuck it
[12:27:17] <iBelongtoGamer30> uh fuck
[12:27:25] <JakeN2436> LOL
[12:27:47] <marshmellow> stan next song is corona ciao
[12:27:49] <JakeN2436> oh no
[12:27:52] <iBelongtoGamer30> thank you
[12:28:00] <RathK> wtf
[12:28:05] <RathK> I cant join PLR english
[12:28:13] <JakeN2436> what happens
[12:28:13] <KylieJenner> who sang
[12:28:16] <iBelongtoGamer30> cause you're r worded
[12:28:24] <iBelongtoGamer30> not this one
[12:28:27] <iBelongtoGamer30> but this is good
[12:28:29] <marshmellow> then which one
[12:28:32] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[12:28:32] <KylieJenner> wb
[12:28:35] <marshmellow> wb
[12:28:35] <JakeN2436> wb
[12:28:35] <iBelongtoGamer30> not as much as the original mix
[12:28:35] <Cpt.Charlez> la casa de papel has made so much damage....
[12:28:40] <k8alfa> ty
[12:28:48] <iBelongtoGamer30> damage how
[12:28:53] <Cpt.Charlez> request
[12:28:59] <RathK> ill send link in discord
[12:29:23] <RathK>
?????????? ? ??? - ?????? ???
[12:29:31] <JakeN2436> ???????
[12:29:36] <Cpt.Charlez> ???
[12:29:42] <JakeN2436> i heard netflix
[12:29:44] <iBelongtoGamer30> same
[12:29:47] <Cpt.Charlez> me 2 lol
[12:29:52] <JakeN2436> i think he also said grammarly
[12:29:52] <JakeN2436> LOL
[12:29:55] --> SemenBog69 connected to the server
[12:29:55] <iBelongtoGamer30> grammarly?
[12:29:58] <JakeN2436> wb
[12:29:58] <RathK> wb
[12:30:00] <SemenBog69> ty
[12:30:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> ew
[12:30:08] <JakeN2436> grammarly is an app that always uploads annoying fucking ads to youtube
[12:30:14] <iBelongtoGamer30> ik]
[12:30:16] <KylieJenner> corona ciao lol
[12:30:24] <KylieJenner> espanyol?
[12:30:27] <iBelongtoGamer30> they tricked me into thinking it was a good plagiarism checker
[12:30:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> skillshare
[12:30:32] <marshmellow> f
[12:30:32] <JakeN2436> you did not
[12:30:35] <iBelongtoGamer30> it was shit
[12:30:38] <iBelongtoGamer30> i asked for a refund
[12:30:40] <iBelongtoGamer30> they said ciao
[12:30:43] <RathK> hah thats why you get for free
[12:30:43] <marshmellow> lol
[12:30:46] <SemenBog69> lmao
[12:30:48] <JakeN2436> corona cia
[12:30:48] <JakeN2436> o
[12:30:48] <Cpt.Charlez> pfff...
[12:30:54] <RathK> never trust ads in youtube lol
[12:31:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> nordVPN
[12:31:07] <RathK> apart from that
[12:31:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> tunnelbear
[12:32:14] <ErdemEmireri> iohhh
[12:32:22] <ErdemEmireri> dude i was jokein
[12:32:27] <KylieJenner> :(
[12:32:27] <iBelongtoGamer30> also im not driving btw
[12:32:33] <RathK> I know gravity is driving
[12:32:44] <Cpt.Charlez> FUCK NOT AGAIN
[12:32:49] <KylieJenner> why
[12:32:52] <Cpt.Charlez> twice jumped out of plane accidentaly
[12:32:54] <marshmellow> nice
[12:32:57] <KylieJenner> haha
[12:33:02] <Cpt.Charlez> the fucking F key
[12:33:08] <KylieJenner> mellow
[12:33:10] <Cpt.Charlez> i use g and b to go down and up
[12:33:10] <marshmellow> ?
[12:33:18] <SemenBog69> stan i heard you did something bad
[12:33:24] <KylieJenner> i also did that when
[12:33:24] <iBelongtoGamer30> what
[12:33:24] <SemenBog69> to your name
[12:33:29] <SemenBog69> LMAO WHAT A RETARD
[12:33:29] <iBelongtoGamer30> no
[12:33:29] <KylieJenner> going to black messa haha
[12:33:34] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[12:33:34] <JakeN2436> wb
[12:33:37] <KylieJenner> hi semabog
[12:33:37] <marshmellow> yep kylie
[12:33:40] <KylieJenner> wb
[12:33:40] <RathK> wb
[12:33:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> ow
[12:33:42] <marshmellow> unlucky
[12:33:42] <SemenBog69> hi
[12:33:45] <iBelongtoGamer30> wb
[12:33:45] <marshmellow> wb admin
[12:33:50] <KylieJenner> kambing
[12:33:53] <JuraganMelon> gpat
[12:34:12] <Cpt.Charlez> thank you.
[12:34:25] <RathK> I hate when peaople call non admins admins smfh
[12:34:33] <SemenBog69> imagine not knowing how to type in . instead of /
[12:34:36] <marshmellow> isnt he an admin?
[12:34:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello mean
[12:34:41] <JuraganMelon> mean
[12:34:44] <allen_lombard> who?
[12:34:49] <iBelongtoGamer30> hes not
[12:34:49] <marshmellow> u
[12:34:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> mean admin
[12:34:52] <allen_lombard> no
[12:34:52] <JakeN2436> noe he isnt
[12:34:55] <marshmellow> wtf
[12:34:57] <JuraganMelon> no
[12:35:00] <JakeN2436> sksksksks
[12:35:00] <marshmellow> my life is a lie
[12:35:08] <SemenBog69> what a retard
[12:35:13] <SemenBog69> fuck
[12:35:16] <KylieJenner> haha
[12:35:16] <iBelongtoGamer30> im busy making love
[12:35:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> lotto
[12:35:21] <SemenBog69> fuck off whore
[12:35:27] <SemenBog69> your not sucking my dick again
[12:35:35] <iBelongtoGamer30> keep talking to me like that and youll never hear from me again
[12:35:35] <Cpt.Charlez> wtf...
[12:35:40] <RathK> ospeaking of love where is greenstan
[12:35:43] <KylieJenner> oof
[12:35:43] <JakeN2436> oh hell yeah dude my durex lube is out for delivery
[12:35:45] <SemenBog69> im ssad
[12:36:04] <JakeN2436> gz
[12:36:04] <SemenBog69> you know i love you ibelongtogamer30 aka retard stan
[12:36:04] <KylieJenner> gz
[12:36:04] <k8alfa> gz
[12:36:07] <KylieJenner> rich
[12:36:07] <Cpt.Charlez> gz
[12:36:07] <JuraganMelon> woi
[12:36:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> buka andri
[12:36:09] <marshmellow> gz
[12:36:09] <JuraganMelon> buka
[12:36:12] <JuraganMelon> malah beli mobil
[12:36:15] <iBelongtoGamer30> lets watch
[12:36:15] <iBelongtoGamer30> walk
[12:36:18] <SemenBog69> me and you?
[12:36:20] <KylieJenner> keamanan
[12:36:26] <iBelongtoGamer30> me and rathk
[12:36:28] <SemenBog69> wow
[12:36:31] <SemenBog69> :( :(
[12:36:34] <SemenBog69> so sad
[12:36:42] <iBelongtoGamer30> my lawfully wedded souse
[12:36:42] <RathK> lemme send a link to marsh
[12:36:50] <marshmellow> ?
[12:36:55] <JakeN2436> should i do a drunk stream later
[12:36:58] <JuraganMelon> gz melon lotto
[12:37:00] <KylieJenner> and the lotto megajackpot grand winner is....
[12:37:06] <SemenBog69> ME ME ME
[12:37:08] <ErdemEmireri> me
[12:37:08] <marshmellow> ok someone will win this one
[12:37:11] <KylieJenner> gz kylie
[12:37:16] <KylieJenner> when i win pls say gz kylie
[12:37:16] <KylieJenner> haha
[12:37:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> .requestname nobody
[12:37:22] <SemenBog69> no
[12:37:24] <RathK> lets get my nrg stan
[12:37:30] <KylieJenner> gz kylie
[12:37:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> lol
[12:37:38] <JakeN2436> wtf
[12:37:38] <KylieJenner> hahhahhaha
[12:37:40] <ErdemEmireri> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[12:37:40] <SemenBog69> FUUUUUUUCK
[12:37:43] <JakeN2436> hasn't it done 47 twice now
[12:37:51] <Cpt.Charlez> 1,8M O_O
[12:37:54] <KylieJenner> si
[12:37:59] <JakeN2436> yeah no-one can win for some reason lol
[12:38:07] <JakeN2436> pog
[12:38:10] <SemenBog69> nice
[12:38:10] <KylieJenner> whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
[12:38:15] <KylieJenner> keamanan
[12:38:15] <JakeN2436> gz
[12:38:15] <KylieJenner> gz
[12:38:18] <JuraganMelon> woii
[12:38:21] <Cpt.Charlez> gz
[12:38:21] <KylieJenner> rich
[12:38:23] <JuraganMelon> dibilangin buka
[12:38:23] <Cpt.Charlez> gz gz gz gz
[12:38:23] <JakeN2436> rich bitch
[12:38:26] <JakeN2436> :(
[12:38:26] <Ayers> bentar buka
[12:38:29] <Cpt.Charlez> c
[12:38:31] <Ayers> siapin buka
[12:38:34] <Ayers> thx
[12:38:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> 1 last cargo allen
[12:38:37] <KylieJenner> giveme cash
[12:38:39] <KylieJenner> haha
[12:38:39] <iBelongtoGamer30> come
[12:38:42] <RathK> sec
[12:38:45] <allen_lombard> more cargo
[12:38:45] <SemenBog69> someone is gonna win this one
[12:38:50] <KylieJenner> yeah
[12:38:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> no
[12:38:50] <KylieJenner> its kylie
[12:38:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions cargo
[12:38:56] <RathK> can someone tp car id 560 to me
[12:38:56] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 665 cargo
[12:38:56] <Cpt.Charlez> i bought a number
[12:39:01] <Cpt.Charlez> so random...
[12:39:01] <JakeN2436> this song is good
[12:39:04] <iBelongtoGamer30> "please"
[12:39:09] <RathK> can someone please*
[12:39:15] <JakeN2436> im pretty sure this is progressive hosue
[12:39:17] <JakeN2436> house
[12:39:20] <JakeN2436> if not, it's similar
[12:39:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets ayers
[12:39:26] (WEB) <robin_be> ayers has 43 car(s) ($21,955,000) and 4 house(s) ($56,000,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $77,955,000
[12:39:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> pool taksi ya andru
[12:40:00] <iBelongtoGamer30> this one is good
[12:40:00] <marshmellow> when u cant find black mesa after turning around becuz u forgot to refuel :(
[12:40:09] <KylieJenner> haha rip mellow
[12:40:14] <allen_lombard> f
[12:40:22] <SemenBog69> 10-20 winning number mark my words
[12:40:25] <marshmellow> nvm found it
[12:40:25] <JakeN2436> mellow u should play i could be the one by avicii and nicky romero
[12:40:30] <KylieJenner> california gurls we're unforgettable
[12:40:30] <RathK> staaan come get me
[12:40:41] <Cpt.Charlez> well i picked anumber higher than 30 xd
[12:40:41] <iBelongtoGamer30> okay wait
[12:40:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmaoo
[12:41:07] <ErdemEmireri> i picked 23
[12:41:15] <Cpt.Charlez> i picked 37
[12:41:18] <KylieJenner> good choice trina
[12:41:21] <JakeN2436> i picked 50
[12:41:21] <JakeN2436> as per usual
[12:41:37] <iBelongtoGamer30> discord
[12:41:37] <iBelongtoGamer30> please
[12:41:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> "killing allen"
[12:41:50] <marshmellow> im lagging so bad i cant listen to my own stream rn
[12:41:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> what cost
[12:42:04] <marshmellow> so no
[12:42:06] <JakeN2436> is it because your brother is watching the office
[12:42:09] <RathK> wait ill send it
[12:42:12] <iBelongtoGamer30> the office
[12:42:12] <marshmellow> btw song name is carried away by tiesto
[12:42:12] <ErdemEmireri> !cash Gajeel
[12:42:12] <iBelongtoGamer30> LOL
[12:42:15] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel has $136,470 in hand
[12:42:17] <iBelongtoGamer30> thank you
[12:42:20] <allen_lombard> no cost, stupid flying is an accepted and encouraged way to die
[12:42:39] <Cpt.Charlez> !cash KylineJenner
[12:42:42] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player KylineJenner
[12:42:44] <JakeN2436> guys i wanna do something other than cargo drops, what should i do
[12:42:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> ://
[12:42:50] <KylieJenner> im poor charles
[12:42:50] <Cpt.Charlez> !cash KylieJenner
[12:42:50] <JuraganMelon> fap
[12:42:53] <iBelongtoGamer30> you should do me
[12:42:53] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has $251,331 in hand
[12:42:56] <Cpt.Charlez> mmmmm
[12:42:56] <RathK> go to a pp
[12:42:56] <JakeN2436> STOP
[12:42:56] <JakeN2436> be serious
[12:42:56] <JakeN2436> :(
[12:42:58] <marshmellow> nice one stan
[12:42:58] <Cpt.Charlez> i was expecting 10M
[12:43:01] <iBelongtoGamer30> you should do me
[12:43:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> one more
[12:43:04] <KylieJenner> im not rich
[12:43:04] <Cpt.Charlez> !cash Cpt.Charlez
[12:43:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Cpt.Charlez has $3,456,030 in hand
[12:43:07] <iBelongtoGamer30> thank you marsh
[12:43:09] <JakeN2436> stan.
[12:43:09] <Cpt.Charlez> oh it works for myself
[12:43:12] <iBelongtoGamer30> jake
[12:43:15] <marshmellow> jake wat was ur request
[12:43:17] <JakeN2436> please
[12:43:20] <ErdemEmireri> !assets ErdemEmireri
[12:43:23] (WEB) <robin_be> ErdemEmireri has 1 car(s) ($600,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,000,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $2,600,000
[12:43:26] <iBelongtoGamer30> please what
[12:43:26] <JakeN2436> i could be the one by avicii and nicky romero
[12:43:29] <KylieJenner> !cash
[12:43:31] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has $251,331 in hand
[12:43:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> welp one more cargo
[12:43:34] <KylieJenner> im poor
[12:43:34] <JakeN2436> please just pick a mission
[12:43:37] <JakeN2436> not you
[12:43:37] <ErdemEmireri> !cash
[12:43:40] (WEB) <robin_be> ErdemEmireri has $81,446 in hand
[12:43:42] <RathK> stan go to a pp theres one in lv
[12:43:48] <ErdemEmireri> why am i poor
[12:43:53] <KylieJenner> !cash
[12:43:56] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has $251,331 in hand
[12:44:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> ooh
[12:44:04] <KylieJenner> rip
[12:44:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> enter one of plane
[12:44:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> anbd then S
[12:44:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> that bug
[12:44:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> no allen, press FD
[12:44:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> F
[12:44:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> and then S
[12:44:28] <iBelongtoGamer30> keep walking straight
[12:44:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> that fix the bug
[12:44:36] <KylieJenner> !cash twi
[12:44:39] (WEB) <robin_be> twi has $72,170 in hand
[12:44:42] <iBelongtoGamer30> wait no
[12:44:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> hadeh
[12:44:50] <RathK> ...
[12:44:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions military
[12:44:55] <Cpt.Charlez> military patrols?????
[12:44:58] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 643 military
[12:44:58] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes straight
[12:45:20] <iBelongtoGamer30> come
[12:45:20] <KylieJenner> wtf black mesa
[12:45:22] <KylieJenner> smh
[12:45:25] <RathK> military patrols boi
[12:45:30] <RathK> but comming
[12:45:30] <Cpt.Charlez> whats that?
[12:45:30] <KylieJenner> !cash jaken3430
[12:45:33] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player jaken3430
[12:45:36] <Cpt.Charlez> just normal military flights?
[12:45:36] <KylieJenner> !cash jaken2436
[12:45:39] (WEB) <robin_be> jaken2436 has $150,198 in hand
[12:45:39] <marshmellow> yea
[12:45:42] <Cpt.Charlez> okk
[12:45:47] <iBelongtoGamer30> come rathk you dumb
[12:45:55] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[12:46:08] <KylieJenner> lmao
[12:46:30] <RathK> noob give me a shit to go faster ffs
[12:46:43] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[12:46:46] <KylieJenner> wb
[12:46:49] <RathK> welcome back
[12:46:49] <Gamer30> Thanks.
[12:46:49] <marshmellow> wb
[12:46:51] <Cpt.Charlez> wbb
[12:46:54] <ErdemEmireri> wb bud
[12:46:59] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[12:47:05] <Ayers> !assets
[12:47:05] <KylieJenner> wb
[12:47:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Ayers has 43 car(s) ($21,955,000) and 4 house(s) ($56,000,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $77,955,000
[12:47:08] <JakeN2436> yes
[12:47:08] <JakeN2436> game died
[12:47:16] <KylieJenner> !cash voyager.
[12:47:19] (WEB) <robin_be> voyager. has $1,405,814 in hand
[12:47:19] <JakeN2436> oh btw
[12:47:24] <KylieJenner> yaman mo pala
[12:47:30] <JakeN2436> just so you guys nknow
[12:47:30] <JuraganMelon> woi kontol mana
[12:47:30] <JakeN2436> know*
[12:47:32] <iBelongtoGamer30> jake make an onlyfans
[12:47:38] <JakeN2436> no
[12:47:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmao onlyfans
[12:47:43] <JuraganMelon> woi kontol mana
[12:47:43] <iBelongtoGamer30> omg this is a loop
[12:47:46] <JuraganMelon> !assets
[12:47:49] (WEB) <robin_be> JuraganMelon has 3 car(s) ($1,700,000) and 2 house(s) ($2,300,000 - 4 slots) for a total of $4,000,000
[12:47:51] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[12:48:02] <iBelongtoGamer30> yeah you are an idiot
[12:48:37] <marshmellow> test
[12:48:42] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[12:48:45] <JuraganMelon> come to me lotto
[12:48:58] <Gamer30> The Real Stan will win Lotto.
[12:49:01] <KylieJenner> come to me lotto
[12:49:04] <KylieJenner> kylie loves you
[12:49:06] <JuraganMelon> lies
[12:49:06] <marshmellow> bruh my download speed is 7kbps
[12:49:06] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes thank you :D
[12:49:09] <marshmellow> ffs
[12:49:12] <marshmellow> im desynced
[12:49:12] <JakeN2436> what the fuck mellow
[12:49:17] <KylieJenner> rip mellow
[12:49:25] <marshmellow> imma stay for lotto
[12:49:28] <Gamer30> 54Kb/s landline
[12:49:30] <KylieJenner> correct
[12:49:33] <KylieJenner> stay
[12:49:39] <KylieJenner> dont leave :(
[12:49:41] <KylieJenner> lol
[12:49:44] <marshmellow> as my hydra slowly sinks
[12:49:47] <iBelongtoGamer30> jake why are you flirting with him
[12:49:47] <iBelongtoGamer30> hes straight
[12:49:52] <marshmellow> i contemplating my actions
[12:49:52] <JakeN2436> shut up stan
[12:50:00] <KylieJenner> LUL
[12:50:03] <iBelongtoGamer30> no i cannpot
[12:50:05] <JakeN2436> cannpot
[12:50:13] <iBelongtoGamer30> shut up
[12:50:16] <RathK> where are you noob
[12:50:24] <iBelongtoGamer30> end the loop and follow me idiot
[12:50:29] <ErdemEmireri> plz
[12:50:37] <KylieJenner> daliiiiiiii
[12:50:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[12:50:37] <JuraganMelon> lottonesia
[12:50:40] <KylieJenner> oops
[12:50:40] <KylieJenner> gz kylie
[12:50:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> yeet
[12:50:45] <ErdemEmireri> me
[12:50:45] <Gamer30> gz Stan
[12:50:48] <KylieJenner> hahahahahaha
[12:50:48] <marshmellow> omg
[12:50:48] <JakeN2436> omg this lotto
[12:50:48] <Cpt.Charlez> :(
[12:50:48] <iBelongtoGamer30> fuck lord
[12:50:51] <ErdemEmireri> ohh ffffffuck
[12:50:54] <Voyager.> damn
[12:50:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> pola kontol
[12:50:56] <Voyager.> i'll win this crapp
[12:50:59] <KylieJenner> !cash
[12:50:59] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[12:51:02] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has $29,276,779 in hand
[12:51:05] <JakeN2436> rip mellow LOL
[12:51:05] <iBelongtoGamer30> wtf
[12:51:08] <JuraganMelon> rich
[12:51:08] <Cpt.Charlez> who stole my number
[12:51:08] <JakeN2436> wtf lkylie?
[12:51:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> noot noot
[12:51:13] <iBelongtoGamer30> kylie rich like the real kylie
[12:51:18] <KylieJenner> i won the lotto
[12:51:18] <Voyager.> donate
[12:51:24] <ErdemEmireri> ho picked 23
[12:51:24] <JuraganMelon> donate all pls
[12:51:26] <JakeN2436> kylie exposed
[12:51:29] <KylieJenner> kambing
[12:51:32] <ErdemEmireri> who*
[12:51:42] <KylieJenner> i use hesoyam
[12:51:45] <RathK> !cash
[12:51:48] (WEB) <robin_be> RathK has $-8,302 in hand
[12:51:51] <JakeN2436> ffs kylie
[12:51:53] <JakeN2436> LOL
[12:51:59] <KylieJenner> a lot of hesoyam
[12:52:26] <KylieJenner> rip my nachos jake haha
[12:52:28] <Voyager.> A'ght lotto come to papa
[12:52:31] <RathK> hop on noob
[12:52:34] <JakeN2436> you have 30mil, you can just buy more LUL
[12:52:44] <KylieJenner> haha LUL
[12:52:44] <Voyager.> kylie share to the poor
[12:52:52] <Gamer30> If Stan won't win, Ricardo will.
[12:53:00] <Cpt.Charlez> !cash KylieJenner
[12:53:00] <KylieJenner> wb
[12:53:03] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has $29,276,779 in hand
[12:53:03] <JakeN2436> omg he bacc
[12:53:06] <KylieJenner> its bug
[12:53:09] <Cpt.Charlez> EXCUSE ME?
[12:53:11] <iBelongtoGamer30> haha noob
[12:53:14] <Cpt.Charlez> 29M?
[12:53:22] <RathK> shut up retard
[12:53:27] <ErdemEmireri> !assets KylieJemmer
[12:53:30] <KylieJenner> its bug
[12:53:30] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player KylieJemmer
[12:53:30] <iBelongtoGamer30> watch me die
[12:53:30] <Voyager.> rich af
[12:53:30] <ErdemEmireri> !assets KylieJenner
[12:53:36] <RathK> NO
[12:53:36] <iBelongtoGamer30> what i didnt die
[12:53:41] <ErdemEmireri> !assets KylieJenner
[12:53:44] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has 10 car(s) ($4,960,000) and 4 house(s) ($24,200,000 - 23 slots) for a total of $29,160,000
[12:53:49] <RathK> hop on idiot
[12:53:57] <Voyager.> kylie donate
[12:54:00] <KylieJenner> jake
[12:54:00] <ErdemEmireri> total 60m
[12:54:00] <RathK> F plr
[12:54:16] <Cpt.Charlez> lol i pciked 22
[12:54:22] <Voyager.> i picked 25
[12:54:24] <KylieJenner> pick 26
[12:54:24] <RathK> can I request something
[12:54:24] <KylieJenner> its lucky
[12:54:30] <ErdemEmireri> i picked 3
[12:54:40] <RathK> can someone please nuke stan
[12:54:40] <Voyager.> who will win
[12:54:43] <allen_lombard> can we not abuse /afk
[12:54:43] <KylieJenner> kylie
[12:55:02] <Cpt.Charlez> if someone quits before lotto gets revealed and his number wins, does he/she recieve the money?
[12:55:04] <JakeN2436> this song sounds like scrubs by tlc
[12:55:04] <JakeN2436> wtf
[12:55:07] <KylieJenner> no
[12:55:12] <iBelongtoGamer30> no
[12:55:15] <Cpt.Charlez> okk
[12:55:18] <JakeN2436> wtf/w
[12:55:28] <KylieJenner> u gotta stay señor charles por favor
[12:55:37] <Gamer30> The Real Stan should really be able to pick all possible numbers.
[12:55:37] <RathK> fuck I fell
[12:55:47] <Cpt.Charlez> oh
[12:55:50] <Voyager.> guys donate
[12:55:50] <KylieJenner> para lotto
[12:55:50] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes i should be
[12:55:50] <Voyager.> jk
[12:55:53] <Cpt.Charlez> i´m gonna stay just for the lotot reveal
[12:55:58] <Cpt.Charlez> i have a videoclass at 13:00
[12:56:01] <Cpt.Charlez> (5mins)
[12:56:01] <iBelongtoGamer30> Okay I'll be coming back every 10 mins for the lotto lol
[12:56:22] <JakeN2436> stan being disloyal
[12:56:22] <JakeN2436> smh
[12:56:25] <JakeN2436> YEP
[12:56:25] <JakeN2436> thought sow
[12:56:27] <JakeN2436> so
[12:56:33] <iBelongtoGamer30> what?
[12:56:38] <iBelongtoGamer30> thought what bitch
[12:56:41] <RathK> can you imagine having to work to buy lotto
[12:56:43] <JakeN2436> you were going to be disloyal
[12:56:51] <JakeN2436> and put hw over pl
[12:56:54] <JakeN2436> omg
[12:56:59] <JakeN2436> are you just gonna play avicii tracks now
[12:57:02] <KylieJenner> the next lotto number is 20
[12:57:08] <iBelongtoGamer30> I think from everyone online right now or even just anyone whos generally active
[12:57:08] <marshmellow> just a few
[12:57:08] <Cpt.Charlez> lol
[12:57:10] <RathK> can someone gib 15k
[12:57:24] <RathK> ill return in a second
[12:57:40] <JakeN2436> hi mellow
[12:57:40] <JakeN2436> :)))
[12:57:40] <Voyager.> when lotto will come
[12:57:42] <marshmellow> hi jake
[12:57:42] <RathK> thanks
[12:57:45] <iBelongtoGamer30> 18"00
[12:57:48] <KylieJenner> 6 at 18
[12:57:48] <RathK> cmon mellow
[12:57:53] <marshmellow> ?
[12:57:58] <RathK> play the song I stan requeste
[12:58:14] <marshmellow> my wifi speed is literally 7kbps
[12:58:20] <allen_lombard> f
[12:58:22] <RathK> upgrade bruv
[12:58:22] --> mrverheul connected to the server
[12:58:25] <Gamer30> Do you use landline?
[12:58:25] <KylieJenner> whoa kbps
[12:58:28] <marshmellow> i cant
[12:58:33] <-- Voyager. disconnected from the server
[12:58:41] <marshmellow> we have a set amount of data per mmonth
[12:58:41] <RathK> im fucking with my brother with the net always xD
[12:58:47] <marshmellow> 150GB
[12:58:57] <RathK> im right next to the router
[12:58:57] <marshmellow> once thats over speed is decreased
[12:59:05] <RathK> so I countrol everything!
[12:59:11] <JakeN2436> our router was moved to my room so i could use ethernet :))
[12:59:24] <marshmellow> no wonder
[12:59:32] <KylieJenner> jake what makes you blush?
[12:59:32] <RathK> also we have unlimited net
[12:59:32] <marshmellow> my brother is using ethernet
[12:59:59] <allen_lombard> my ps3 is on ethernet, it has god awful 802.11b
[12:59:59] <JakeN2436> what makes me blush? i dont know
[12:59:59] <KylieJenner> im using my phone data
[13:00:02] <RathK> yeah I am wasting 4terabytes of net monthly in my lappy
[13:00:02] <JakeN2436> a lot of things?
[13:00:07] <marshmellow> 17 people here
[13:00:10] <KylieJenner> laptop is with hotstop
[13:00:18] <KylieJenner> hotspot
[13:00:18] <marshmellow> 3/4th of which ae here for lotto
[13:00:26] <Gamer30> I'm not for Lotto only.
[13:00:28] <JakeN2436> the thing that really gets my heart racing/face blushing is if a guy puts his hand on my thigh#
[13:00:31] <KylieJenner> jake ask me what makes me blush
[13:00:31] <JakeN2436> that fucks me up
[13:00:34] <JakeN2436> LOL
[13:00:34] <RathK> yeah I am wasting 4terabytes of net monthly in my lappy
[13:00:39] <RathK> fuck wrong
[13:00:47] <marshmellow> terabytes 0_oe
[13:01:00] <marshmellow> u watch videosin 4K rath?
[13:01:03] <JakeN2436> wtf
[13:01:03] <KylieJenner> mellow
[13:01:06] <RathK> yes
[13:01:25] <RathK> geforce now takes 15gb an hour lol
[13:01:41] <Gamer30> Extremely unoptimized software.
[13:01:59] <KylieJenner> i remember winning 2.2m is this a 2peat?
[13:02:07] <KylieJenner> LUL
[13:02:10] <JakeN2436> 14 people wtf
[13:02:13] <RathK> I remember winning 100m
[13:02:21] <KylieJenner> inflation
[13:02:31] <KylieJenner> 15 players
[13:02:34] <KylieJenner> semabog
[13:02:39] <SemenBog69> what
[13:02:39] <KylieJenner> wb
[13:02:42] <SemenBog69> ty
[13:02:53] <SemenBog69> just came to play lotto
[13:02:58] <KylieJenner> the lucky number is 15
[13:03:14] <KylieJenner> the lotto megajackpot winner is...
[13:03:20] <marshmellow> nice place ayers
[13:03:20] <ErdemEmireri> my lucky number is 23 but someone picked it
[13:03:22] <SemenBog69> SEMEN
[13:03:30] <ErdemEmireri> thx huys
[13:03:33] <KylieJenner> someone's life will be changed dramatically today
[13:03:44] <Gamer30> Ricardo
[13:03:44] <KylieJenner> the winner is...
[13:03:46] <SemenBog69> IF I orthem winw
[13:03:46] <KylieJenner> gz kylie
[13:03:49] <marshmellow> gz
[13:03:52] <RathK> someones ass
[13:03:54] <SemenBog69> gz kylie
[13:03:57] <KylieJenner> everybody say gz kylie
[13:04:00] <-- JuraganMelon disconnected from the server
[13:04:00] <RathK> hah
[13:04:00] <SemenBog69> LOOOL
[13:04:00] <KylieJenner> ahahaha
[13:04:00] <Gamer30> Gay
[13:04:02] <Pixy> hahahaa
[13:04:02] <JakeN2436> omfg
[13:04:02] <Cpt.Charlez> pfff.
[13:04:08] <SemenBog69> i wanted to take 6 i swear
[13:04:10] <ErdemEmireri> lotto is gay
[13:04:13] <marshmellow> everytime
[13:04:13] <SemenBog69> it is
[13:04:13] <Pixy> this lotto wont touch number 5 ffs
[13:04:21] <KylieJenner> can i finsih 5k with 18 fuel
[13:04:29] <RathK> yes
[13:04:29] <Gamer30> Yes, of course.
[13:04:29] <Pixy> who pick 14
[13:04:40] <KylieJenner> kylie jenner pixie selamat kambing
[13:04:45] <Gamer30> I finish 5km with twice as few fuel.
[13:04:48] <Pixy> kambing
[13:04:48] <RathK> welcome to Season 1506 of Who picked my lotto number
[13:04:53] <KylieJenner> hehe kambing
[13:04:53] <Gamer30> Ricardo
[13:05:04] <KylieJenner> where is melon
[13:05:09] <RathK> 10/10 would watch that
[13:05:15] <marshmellow> me 2
[13:05:15] <KylieJenner> daniel
[13:05:20] <Gamer30> 9/10 too much water
[13:05:33] <mrverheul> how do you change your callsign
[13:05:33] <KylieJenner> charles
[13:05:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> GUA 5 KONTOL
[13:05:47] <KylieJenner> estoy aqui
[13:05:47] <marshmellow> /setcallsign
[13:05:49] <Cpt.Charlez> ?
[13:05:49] <mrverheul> thnx
[13:05:55] <Cpt.Charlez> oh lol hello
[13:06:00] <Cpt.Charlez> i´m just disconnecting
[13:06:06] <Cpt.Charlez> having class
[13:06:06] <Cpt.Charlez> bb
[13:06:06] <KylieJenner> bad
[13:06:08] <-- Cpt.Charlez disconnected from the server
[13:06:32] <KylieJenner> semabog when u win give me
[13:06:40] <SemenBog69> ok
[13:06:56] <RathK> im just here for the song stan requestend and I will yeet out
[13:06:59] <KylieJenner> 2.2m again
[13:07:10] <KylieJenner> number 42
[13:07:12] <marshmellow> rathk for real?
[13:07:20] <Gamer30> Two number 45s, one with cheese.
[13:07:37] <ErdemEmireri> 42 or 23 will win
[13:07:45] <Gamer30> or Stan
[13:07:53] <KylieJenner> its 50
[13:09:00] <JakeN2436> ez
[13:09:00] <KylieJenner> gz
[13:09:02] <JakeN2436> yes
[13:09:05] <KylieJenner> i thought u were afk
[13:09:08] <JakeN2436> nope lol
[13:09:10] <JakeN2436> was just focusing
[13:09:16] <KylieJenner> its unusual if jake is quiet
[13:09:53] <KylieJenner> i gotta take a rest
[13:10:33] <Gamer30> !player iBelongtoiBelongtoGamer30
[13:10:36] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player iBelongtoiBelongtoGamer30
[13:11:40] <JakeN2436> 8/mc
[13:12:50] <KylieJenner> !player julsec
[13:12:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 5462 score, last seen 18 Hours Ago
[13:14:08] <RathK> where did tan go omg
[13:14:24] <marshmellow> next is stan's song
[13:14:30] <KylieJenner> wht song
[13:14:32] <marshmellow> korona ciao
[13:14:35] <KylieJenner> again
[13:14:40] <marshmellow> a different one
[13:14:40] <JakeN2436> wtf am i seeing
[13:14:46] <marshmellow> the one he asked
[13:15:02] <KylieJenner> mellow add bye korona by vice ganda
[13:15:04] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[13:15:10] <Gamer30> Ah scheiße, hier gehen wir wieder.
[13:15:20] <marshmellow> bruv i dun think im gonna be able to download anything much
[13:15:26] <iBelongtoGamer30> RATHK
[13:15:29] <KylieJenner> on youtube only
[13:15:39] <iBelongtoGamer30> uh if only cygnus sent me my login already lol
[13:15:45] <marshmellow> sotware doesnt work with yt
[13:15:45] <JakeN2436> oh, stan
[13:15:47] <iBelongtoGamer30> hi
[13:15:47] <JakeN2436> do u speak to kevin?
[13:15:50] <RathK> nest song is
[13:15:50] <iBelongtoGamer30> I can talk to him
[13:15:53] <RathK> your song
[13:15:58] <iBelongtoGamer30> you mean ur song
[13:16:01] <RathK> next*
[13:16:01] <iBelongtoGamer30> fatty fatson
[13:16:03] <RathK> yes
[13:16:03] <JakeN2436> i havent spoken to him in years
[13:16:11] <Gamer30> !player Kevin
[13:16:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player Kevin: 3737 score, last seen 9 Days Ago
[13:16:17] <JakeN2436> wait
[13:16:22] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[13:16:22] <JakeN2436> is he not assface anymorew
[13:16:25] <KylieJenner> wb kambing
[13:16:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> kambing
[13:16:41] <JakeN2436> marshmellow, do u have any previous names?
[13:16:44] <KylieJenner> !player czechboy777
[13:16:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player czechboy777: 1021 score, last seen 16 Hours Ago
[13:16:50] <Pixy> uang keamanan
[13:16:55] <marshmellow> plyr10 but not popular at all
[13:16:58] <KylieJenner> uang keamanan kylie
[13:17:03] <ErdemEmireri> finaly
[13:17:03] <KylieJenner> gz kylie
[13:17:06] <iBelongtoGamer30> corona ciao
[13:17:06] <ErdemEmireri> i win
[13:17:11] <iBelongtoGamer30> WTF
[13:17:11] <marshmellow> bruh
[13:17:11] <RathK> MOTHEFUCKER
[13:17:11] <KylieJenner> fuck
[13:17:16] <JakeN2436> OH BNO
[13:17:16] <RathK> I was 27
[13:17:19] <iBelongtoGamer30> I had that number for like 3 rounds
[13:17:19] <KylieJenner> thats my old number
[13:17:19] <ErdemEmireri> ffffffffuck
[13:17:22] <iBelongtoGamer30> then I switched to another
[13:17:24] <iBelongtoGamer30> stop lying kylie LOL
[13:17:30] <JakeN2436> I TOLD U
[13:17:30] <Gamer30> Lotto sucks dicks.
[13:17:30] <ErdemEmireri> how is it possible
[13:17:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> who choose 50
[13:17:33] <JakeN2436> i won with that number last time
[13:17:35] <iBelongtoGamer30> also who took 33
[13:17:35] <JakeN2436> i fucking told u guys
[13:17:43] <RathK> who took 27
[13:18:02] <RathK> happy stan
[13:18:05] <KylieJenner> this is LIT
[13:18:10] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes
[13:18:23] <KylieJenner> wb kambing
[13:18:29] <Pixy> thanks
[13:18:37] <JakeN2436> cough cough
[13:18:37] <JakeN2436> .ma
[13:18:39] <JakeN2436> FUCK
[13:19:09] <RathK> .a also marsh u rude
[13:19:14] <marshmellow> wow
[13:19:30] <RathK> .a theres a reason I did .a
[13:20:08] --> Alifer connected to the server
[13:20:10] <JakeN2436> omg wb
[13:20:10] <KylieJenner> wb
[13:20:13] <iBelongtoGamer30> WB LEGEND
[13:20:16] <RathK> wb
[13:20:16] <marshmellow> wb
[13:20:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[13:20:27] <Alifer> yo
[13:20:27] <KylieJenner> i finally met him
[13:20:56] <marshmellow> watch alifer just snag the lotto from right under us.
[13:20:59] <KylieJenner> where r u from alifer
[13:21:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score alifer
[13:21:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player alifer: 50304 score, 44384 missions: 40'/. military - 28'/. courier - 10'/. at400
[13:21:04] <Alifer> brazil
[13:21:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> !rank alifer
[13:21:10] (WEB) <robin_be> alifer(50304) rank: Aviation Legend(18000)
[13:21:10] <KylieJenner> oh
[13:21:10] <marshmellow> 50k?
[13:21:13] <marshmellow> jeez
[13:21:21] <JakeN2436> most on the server
[13:21:21] <KylieJenner> insane
[13:21:23] <ErdemEmireri> 50k score
[13:24:09] <marshmellow> last song on plr
[13:24:17] <JakeN2436> feelsbadman
[13:24:17] <marshmellow> Steve aoki-turbulence
[13:24:39] <marshmellow> max volume
[13:24:39] --> DarkSoulz. connected to the server
[13:24:42] <JakeN2436> wb
[13:24:44] <marshmellow> wb
[13:24:47] <KylieJenner> wb kuya
[13:24:52] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[13:24:55] <DarkSoulz.> ty
[13:25:19] <KylieJenner> tignan mo lotto haha
[13:25:32] <DarkSoulz.> 1 - 50 na?
[13:25:38] <KylieJenner> tagal na kaya
[13:25:38] <Gamer30> Lotto's range is from 1 to 51.
[13:25:43] <DarkSoulz.> aw hahahah
[13:25:48] <marshmellow> 51 is irrelevant
[13:25:51] <KylieJenner> sabi ko jackpot 2m
[13:26:05] <DarkSoulz.> ahhh hahaha sge2x
[13:26:13] <KylieJenner> taya na
[13:26:13] <DarkSoulz.> tagal na pala yan
[13:26:18] <KylieJenner> ahaha loka
[13:26:42] <-- Alifer disconnected from the server
[13:26:42] <Gamer30> !score LeftAt10K
[13:26:45] (WEB) <robin_be> player LeftAt10K: 8352 score, 6693 missions: 30'/. military - 25'/. cargo drop - 17'/. courier
[13:26:50] <JakeN2436> !player LeftAt10K
[13:26:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player LeftAt10K: 8352 score, last seen 7 Hours Ago
[13:30:06] <KylieJenner> !Player julsec
[13:30:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 5462 score, last seen 18 Hours Ago
[13:30:12] <marshmellow> gz
[13:30:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[13:30:14] <KylieJenner> gz kylie
[13:30:17] <JakeN2436> WTF
[13:30:17] <marshmellow> gz
[13:30:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> kz
[13:30:20] <JakeN2436> LOL
[13:30:20] <KylieJenner> yes!!!!!!!!
[13:30:20] <Pixy> lmao
[13:30:20] <ErdemEmireri> ooohh
[13:30:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz
[13:30:23] <ErdemEmireri> gz
[13:30:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmao
[13:30:23] <KylieJenner> gz kylieeeeeeee
[13:30:25] <DarkSoulz.> waow sana ol
[13:30:25] <Pixy> uang keamanan
[13:30:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> uang keamanan
[13:30:31] <JakeN2436> WTF
[13:30:31] <Gamer30> /hidelotto
[13:30:31] <JakeN2436> LOL
[13:30:31] <KylieJenner> uang keamanan
[13:30:31] <DarkSoulz.> grzt
[13:30:36] <KylieJenner> gz kylie
[13:30:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> now give us
[13:30:41] <JakeN2436> kylie you've got to be fucking kidding me
[13:30:44] <Gamer30> Lotto must commit suicide.
[13:30:47] <KylieJenner> haha well jake
[13:31:00] <marshmellow> she predicted lotto win
[13:31:03] <marshmellow> burn the witch!
[13:31:05] <KylieJenner> hahaha
[13:31:08] <marshmellow> jk dun hate me
[13:31:11] <JakeN2436> kylie is christabella from silent hill
[13:31:40] <marshmellow> now i can relax
[13:31:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> now you free to goo
[13:31:48] <marshmellow> stupid lotto gets me worked up
[13:31:56] <Pixy> go sleep everyone
[13:32:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> now quit the game its safe
[13:32:15] <marshmellow> moe
[13:32:18] <marshmellow> move
[13:32:20] <Gamer30> !8ball Will you remove Lotto altogether?
[13:32:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: My reply is no
[13:32:29] <JakeN2436> omg thanks kylie
[13:32:29] <Gamer30> !8ball Will you bias all wins to Ricardo?
[13:32:31] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: It is decidedly so
[13:33:01] <KylieJenner> youre welcome jake lmao
[13:33:22] <ErdemEmireri> i can relax
[13:33:33] <Gamer30> wb
[13:33:38] <KylieJenner> wb
[13:34:02] <KylieJenner> jake i can now eat the nachos lol
[13:34:05] <-- SemenBog69 disconnected from the server
[13:34:05] <JakeN2436> lol
[13:34:18] <-- ErdemEmireri disconnected from the server
[13:34:29] <JakeN2436> everyone leaving because lotto LUL
[13:34:32] <KylieJenner> hahah LUL
[13:34:40] --> ErdemEmireri connected to the server
[13:35:09] --> Manish connected to the server
[13:35:41] <Pixy> lufthansa /fleet
[13:35:52] <Pixy> kambing thanks
[13:36:05] <KylieJenner> welcome kambing
[13:36:13] <Manish> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
[13:37:39] <Ayers> sama
[13:38:08] <ErdemEmireri> cya guys
[13:38:11] <KylieJenner> bb
[13:38:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> seya
[13:38:14] <marshmellow> cya
[13:38:14] <-- ErdemEmireri disconnected from the server
[13:38:57] <Ayers> !assets pixy
[13:39:00] (WEB) <robin_be> pixy has 39 car(s) ($16,530,000) and 3 house(s) ($41,000,000 - 40 slots) for a total of $57,530,000
[13:39:53] <JakeN2436> ye
[13:39:56] <KylieJenner> kambing
[13:41:32] <iBelongtoGamer30> WHO WON
[13:41:38] <JakeN2436> kylie
[13:41:38] <marshmellow> kylie
[13:41:38] <KylieJenner> kylie
[13:41:38] <JakeN2436> :)))
[13:41:40] <JakeN2436> and she gave me 200k
[13:41:40] <iBelongtoGamer30> smh
[13:41:43] <JakeN2436> because she's a god
[13:41:48] <iBelongtoGamer30> rich keeps getting richer
[13:41:51] <KylieJenner> haha
[13:41:54] <KylieJenner> its u stan
[13:41:59] <iBelongtoGamer30> :D
[13:42:45] <KylieJenner> kambing
[13:42:50] <iBelongtoGamer30> anyways congrats kylie
[13:42:50] <Pixy> mbing
[13:42:58] <Ayers> gz kylie
[13:42:58] <KylieJenner> thanks stan <3
[13:43:01] <KylieJenner> ty ayers
[13:43:06] <-- iBelongtoGamer30 disconnected from the server
[13:43:30] <Ayers> gw 21 dong
[13:43:46] --> iBelongtoGamer30 connected to the server
[13:44:05] <JakeN2436> excuse me
[13:44:10] <KylieJenner> oops
[13:44:13] <JakeN2436> kylie help
[13:44:18] <KylieJenner> wait
[13:44:18] <KylieJenner> why
[13:44:26] <JakeN2436> the fucking andro in the middle of the runway
[13:44:26] <JakeN2436> :(
[13:44:29] <KylieJenner> really?
[13:44:34] <JakeN2436> yea
[13:44:40] <KylieJenner> the andro fell into the sea in my screen
[13:44:40] <KylieJenner> look
[13:44:40] <JakeN2436> omg
[13:44:42] <JakeN2436> it was lufthansa
[13:44:50] <KylieJenner> see?
[13:44:50] <JakeN2436> im disappointed
[13:44:56] <KylieJenner> no dmg lol
[13:46:08] <iBelongtoGamer30> hey
[13:47:12] <Gamer30> hey
[13:47:55] <-- mrverheul disconnected from the server
[13:47:58] --> adalarva connected to the server
[13:48:00] <KylieJenner> wb
[13:48:00] <marshmellow> wb
[13:48:11] <adalarva> ty:d
[13:48:11] <JakeN2436> wb
[13:48:14] <Ayers> wb
[13:48:22] <adalarva> ty guys:d
[13:48:27] <Manish> wb
[13:48:33] <adalarva> ty manish
[13:48:38] <Manish> :D
[13:50:46] <-- Manish disconnected from the server
[13:51:16] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[13:54:02] <iBelongtoGamer30> nice flying jake
[13:54:04] <-- iBelongtoGamer30 disconnected from the server
[13:55:38] --> [President]Putin connected to the server
[13:55:41] <JakeN2436> wb
[13:55:41] <adalarva> wb
[13:55:41] <KylieJenner> wb
[13:55:51] <[President]Putin> ty
[13:56:40] <JakeN2436> wtf
[13:56:42] <KylieJenner> hahah
[13:56:45] <JakeN2436> 26 again???????
[13:56:45] <JakeN2436> dude
[13:56:50] <JakeN2436> what is this
[13:56:58] <KylieJenner> formula
[13:56:58] <Gamer30> Lotto without Ricardo is piece of shit.
[13:57:01] <marshmellow> when kylie won my no was 26
[13:57:06] --> Naldo connected to the server
[13:57:09] <JakeN2436> wb
[13:57:09] <adalarva> wb
[13:57:20] <KylieJenner> i pick 26 yesterdy
[13:57:22] <KylieJenner> always
[13:57:31] <Naldo> Hi, ty
[13:57:36] <KylieJenner> wb
[13:57:41] <KylieJenner> i typed /wb lmao
[13:58:54] <JakeN2436> omfg
[13:58:56] <JakeN2436> 21,198m away from lc
[13:58:59] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[13:59:02] <KylieJenner> lmao
[13:59:07] <-- [President]Putin disconnected from the server
[13:59:10] <JakeN2436> im at black mesa
[13:59:18] <KylieJenner> from far away land
[13:59:26] --> [President]Putin connected to the server
[13:59:28] <KylieJenner> wb again
[13:59:31] <[President]Putin> ty
[14:00:06] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[14:00:33] <KylieJenner> andro pays good rn
[14:01:09] <JakeN2436> at400 with a320 mod
[14:01:17] <KylieJenner> i dont have mod on aircrafts
[14:01:30] <KylieJenner> last work
[14:01:52] <KylieJenner> 10k floght
[14:02:27] <[President]Putin> nice some1 is actually at devon
[14:02:35] <-- DarkSoulz. disconnected from the server
[14:04:22] <KylieJenner> aight
[14:04:35] <KylieJenner> see you later guys
[14:04:38] <[President]Putin> cya
[14:04:43] <marshmellow> bye
[14:04:48] <adalarva> bye
[14:04:51] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[14:05:04] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[14:05:12] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[14:05:18] <marshmellow> wb
[14:05:23] <adalarva> wb
[14:05:26] <k8alfa> ty
[14:05:31] <k8alfa> server restarted ?
[14:05:34] <JakeN2436> nop
[14:05:37] <marshmellow> no?
[14:05:39] <Naldo> Nope
[14:05:47] <Naldo> You timed out
[14:07:18] --> RathK connected to the server
[14:07:21] <adalarva> wb
[14:07:24] <JakeN2436> wb
[14:07:29] <RathK> ty
[14:07:37] <RathK> who won lotto
[14:07:42] <marshmellow> kylie
[14:07:42] <JakeN2436> kylie
[14:15:49] <marshmellow> i cant mov
[14:15:58] <JakeN2436> wtf why
[14:15:58] <JakeN2436> lag?
[14:16:06] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[14:16:08] <marshmellow> i try moving forward
[14:16:19] <marshmellow> but this retarded skimmer goes back
[14:16:22] <JakeN2436> oh
[14:16:27] <JakeN2436> do you have unlimited frames
[14:16:27] <Naldo> !assets JoyadiJoestar
[14:16:30] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player JoyadiJoestar
[14:16:33] <marshmellow> dunno
[14:16:35] <JakeN2436> turn on frame limiter
[14:16:38] <marshmellow> how
[14:16:41] <Naldo> !assets JoyadiJoestar.
[14:16:44] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has 36 car(s) ($26,430,000) and 4 house(s) ($41,500,000 - 36 slots) for a total of $67,930,000
[14:16:44] <JakeN2436> options, display
[14:16:46] <JakeN2436> advanced
[14:17:13] <marshmellow> well now my skimmer dissapeared
[14:17:19] <Naldo> !houses JoyadiJoestar.
[14:17:21] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $10,000,000 10 slots The Farm: $15,000,000 15 slots Grove Street: $8,800,000 6 slots Flint Range(..)
[14:17:43] <JakeN2436> wtf lol
[14:17:56] <JakeN2436> well if you try using a skimmer on frames above 30 it doesnt work as it should
[14:20:45] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[14:20:48] <JakeN2436> wb
[14:20:56] <adalarva> wb
[14:21:09] <FrailLimbNursery> ty
[14:21:12] <RathK> wb
[14:24:48] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[14:24:54] <JakeN2436> wb
[14:24:56] <adalarva> wb
[14:25:04] <adalarva> wb
[14:25:10] <Hamster12> ty
[14:25:13] <adalarva> sorry
[14:25:26] <Hamster12> WHYYY SORRY
[14:25:42] <adalarva> double wb
[14:25:47] <Hamster12> ;_;
[14:25:55] <adalarva> :p
[14:26:01] <RathK> !houses
[14:26:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Rodeo: $15,000,000 15 slots Tierra Robada: $20,000,000 20 slots Market: $12,000,000 15 slots
[14:26:09] <FrailLimbNursery> rich
[14:26:17] <Naldo> !houses Rathk
[14:26:20] (WEB) <robin_be> Rodeo: $15,000,000 15 slots Tierra Robada: $20,000,000 20 slots Market: $12,000,000 15 slots
[14:27:14] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[14:27:38] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[14:28:40] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[14:28:48] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[14:32:22] <RathK> wb
[14:33:34] <[President]Putin> !assets
[14:33:37] (WEB) <robin_be> [President]Putin has 4 car(s) ($2,640,000) and 2 house(s) ($7,700,000 - 9 slots) for a total of $10,340,000
[14:33:37] <JakeN2436> OMG
[14:33:42] <JakeN2436> scatman is playing on PLR LMAO
[14:34:25] <-- [President]Putin disconnected from the server
[14:34:55] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[14:34:57] <JakeN2436> wb
[14:34:57] <RathK> wb kurwa
[14:35:00] <adalarva> wb
[14:35:00] <TheGamer> ty
[14:35:16] <TheGamer> so i installed synology DSM on a PC lol
[14:35:45] <TheGamer> it's thinking it has a dual core intel core i3-4130
[14:35:51] <TheGamer> while it's running a i7-920
[14:35:54] <JakeN2436> wtf
[14:36:04] <TheGamer> and it has 10gb ram available
[14:36:23] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[14:36:31] <Hamster12> shit pc
[14:36:47] <TheGamer> it's doing service as NAS lmao
[14:36:58] <Hamster12> NAS?
[14:37:00] <RathK> kurwa demnad
[14:37:06] <TheGamer> network attached storage
[14:37:17] <Hamster12> so u se server PC for gaming ?
[14:37:22] <TheGamer> no?
[14:37:27] <Hamster12> ye u dio
[14:37:30] <TheGamer> i use my laptop for gaming
[14:37:35] <Hamster12> GAMING ON LAPTOP OMFG
[14:37:41] <TheGamer> bro
[14:37:43] <Hamster12> !8ball do you see this ?
[14:37:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: Don't count on it
[14:37:52] <Hamster12> I do
[14:37:57] <JakeN2436> imagine making fun of someone for gaming on a laptop
[14:38:05] <TheGamer> i7-7700HQ with gtx-1050ti
[14:38:10] <Hamster12> o_o
[14:38:10] <TheGamer> 16gb ddr4
[14:38:16] <TheGamer> now it's your turn again
[14:38:21] <Hamster12> dont wanna know
[14:38:29] <JakeN2436> im so glad i got a new pc
[14:38:32] <JakeN2436> it's like a breath of fresh air
[14:38:45] <Hamster12> Core 2 duo E6400 6 GB DDR2 GT 730
[14:38:50] <JakeN2436> LUL
[14:38:56] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[14:38:58] <TheGamer> "GAMING ON LAPTOP OMFG"
[14:39:06] <JakeN2436> EXACTLY LOL
[14:39:06] <TheGamer> next time, know before yelling lmao
[14:39:06] <Hamster12> u have laptopt io have pc
[14:39:09] <Hamster12> still
[14:39:23] <JakeN2436> there's nothing wrong with using a laptop for gaming mate
[14:39:28] <Hamster12> it is laptop for work
[14:39:39] <TheGamer> i do work with it aswell
[14:39:39] <JakeN2436> gaming laptops exist
[14:39:44] <Hamster12> tell me also u gamign onp hone
[14:39:49] <TheGamer> no
[14:39:52] <Hamster12> op
[14:40:03] <TheGamer> i got a crappy old s7
[14:40:08] --> DarkSoulz. connected to the server
[14:40:11] <RathK> wb
[14:40:11] <TheGamer> which still performs perfectly fine
[14:40:13] <JakeN2436> wb
[14:40:16] <-- DarkSoulz. disconnected from the server
[14:40:19] <TheGamer> has some cracks in the screen but that's about it
[14:40:24] <JakeN2436> i used to use laptops
[14:40:24] <Hamster12> I have brand new s10
[14:40:24] <TheGamer> doesn't effect visibility
[14:40:32] <Naldo> !assets DarkSoulz
[14:40:35] (WEB) <robin_be> DarkSoulz has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[14:40:38] <Naldo> !assets DarkSoulz.
[14:40:41] (WEB) <robin_be> DarkSoulz. has 1 car(s) ($1,125,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $1,125,000
[14:40:41] <TheGamer> yeah my dad bought s10e saturday
[14:40:46] <TheGamer> after getting his s8 screen fucked
[14:40:52] <JakeN2436> when i first started playing PL i had a laptop with an i3-3300 and intel hd 4000 graphics lol
[14:40:52] <Hamster12> u can say my phone is better than my pc
[14:41:16] <JakeN2436> now i have an i7-8700k with a gtx 1070 ti and 16gb ram
[14:41:29] <Hamster12> but i am upgrading in upcmoing
[14:41:37] <Hamster12> I wil lgo Ryzen 7 and RTX 2060 super
[14:41:51] <Hamster12> in feew months
[14:42:12] <TheGamer> yeahh i'll stay away from amd lol
[14:42:15] <JakeN2436> same
[14:42:15] <Hamster12> why
[14:42:23] <JakeN2436> ive never had a good experience with amd
[14:42:23] <TheGamer> amd is known to produce a bit more heat
[14:42:33] <Hamster12> its cheaper
[14:42:39] <TheGamer> and i need mine to handle like 12 hours non stop 3d drawing stuff
[14:42:41] <JakeN2436> yeah so you arent paying for as much quality
[14:42:41] <JakeN2436> lol
[14:42:50] <TheGamer> i use 14gb ram on a normal day
[14:42:58] <Hamster12> I pay enough to get good quality
[14:43:11] <JakeN2436> but then you can pay extra for the best quality
[14:43:14] <Hamster12> AMD supports fast RAM
[14:43:27] <TheGamer> i know
[14:43:32] <JakeN2436> every time amd has been in my pc there's been a problem
[14:43:43] <TheGamer> for me it was like, choosing a CPU that has the power, but can't handle it as long as an intel
[14:43:46] <Hamster12> maybe Youre problem
[14:43:51] <TheGamer> or choosing the best option
[14:43:51] <JakeN2436> im the problem? hahahahaha
[14:43:51] <JakeN2436> ok
[14:43:54] <TheGamer> so i chose intel
[14:43:54] <Hamster12> ye
[14:43:59] <JakeN2436> okay buddy
[14:44:07] <Hamster12> fix it
[14:44:18] <JakeN2436> tell that to amd whose shitty gpu was responsible for bottlenecking my i5-6400
[14:44:29] <Hamster12> we talk about cpu not gpu
[14:44:37] <JakeN2436> im talking about amd
[14:44:39] <Hamster12> amd gpu sucks ikr but cpu rocks
[14:44:42] <JakeN2436> i cant trust them
[14:45:09] <Hamster12> I can trust u too
[14:45:14] <Hamster12> but somehow i do
[14:45:27] <JakeN2436> ok??
[14:45:35] <Hamster12> how old are u
[14:45:38] <JakeN2436> dont know where you're going with that
[14:45:38] <TheGamer> aaand i fucked up my dsm setup already
[14:45:41] <TheGamer> yay
[14:46:48] <Hamster12> how old are u
[14:46:50] <TheGamer> who
[14:46:56] <Hamster12> Jakee
[14:47:01] <JakeN2436> why does my age matter to you
[14:47:17] <Hamster12> I will calculat e quickly how stupid u are
[14:47:31] <FrailLimbNursery> he is 91 years old
[14:47:39] <JakeN2436> oh how i do wish there was a fucking block button in pl
[14:47:49] <JakeN2436> as if i dont deal with enough morons and dickheads already
[14:47:57] <Hamster12> oh how I do wish Fortnite players stop playing SAMP
[14:48:08] <JakeN2436> fortnite players LOL
[14:48:08] <FrailLimbNursery> lol?
[14:48:11] <JakeN2436> ive never played fortnite in my life
[14:48:13] <TheGamer> they don't have to stop samp
[14:48:16] <Hamster12> omg what a lie
[14:48:19] <TheGamer> fornite should've never been made
[14:48:19] <Hamster12> u act like u do
[14:48:27] <JakeN2436> fortnite is garbage
[14:48:29] <RathK> !player ainz
[14:48:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player ainz: 3944 score, last seen 9 Hours Ago
[14:48:38] <JakeN2436> and if i act like i play fortnite, you act like a fucking dickhead who needs to fucking shut up
[14:48:41] <JakeN2436> because my god
[14:48:43] <Hamster12> u are garbage too
[14:48:57] <JakeN2436> you have the worst attitude on all of pl
[14:48:59] <Hamster12> and u rude
[14:48:59] <TheGamer> nonono
[14:49:02] <Hamster12> again
[14:49:02] <JakeN2436> ive seen you be a dickhead to others as well
[14:49:05] <TheGamer> i already have that
[14:49:10] <Hamster12> when
[14:49:15] <Hamster12> i first see you there
[14:49:18] <JakeN2436> every time you've been online the same time as me
[14:49:23] <Hamster12> Never seen u
[14:49:34] <JakeN2436> because ive never spoken to you
[14:49:39] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[14:49:42] <JakeN2436> wish it stayed that way
[14:49:45] <Hamster12> If I am rude I am only who does who deserves it
[14:49:56] <JakeN2436> ok buddy
[14:50:01] <Hamster12> maybe u dow
[14:50:04] <JakeN2436> just fucking shut up and stop causing shit with your stinking attitude
[14:50:17] <TheGamer> allright, it's enough now
[14:50:28] <Hamster12> omg what a rude person I go away before i get sick from that rudness
[14:50:30] <JakeN2436> yes, it is
[14:50:44] <FrailLimbNursery> i hope f7 wont hide the minimap
[14:50:46] <TheGamer> hamster, i said, enough
[14:50:52] <Hamster12> ok
[14:50:54] <TheGamer> it does frail
[14:51:11] <FrailLimbNursery> ye i want hide the chat but it hide the minimap too
[14:51:19] <TheGamer> no need to hide anymore
[14:51:24] <TheGamer> they're finished
[14:51:29] <Hamster12> :3
[14:51:40] <JakeN2436> there isnt a block button in pl is there?
[14:51:48] <TheGamer> didn't i say enough?
[14:51:53] <TheGamer> knock it off
[14:51:53] <JakeN2436> ??????
[14:51:53] <Hamster12> u staqrrt a again/
[14:51:59] <JakeN2436> im asking a question, hello?
[14:52:01] <FrailLimbNursery> bruh
[14:52:04] <JakeN2436> i want to know if there is one
[14:52:09] <TheGamer> there isn't
[14:52:12] <JakeN2436> ok, ill suggest it
[14:52:17] <Hamster12> LMFOA BLOCK button on pl
[14:52:25] <TheGamer> and i don't think there will be one
[14:52:28] --> Criterion connected to the server
[14:52:31] <RathK> wb
[14:52:33] <JakeN2436> there should be
[14:52:39] <JakeN2436> or an ignore command
[14:55:33] <TheGamer> yay, i really fucked the shit up
[14:56:26] <Hamster12> gotta go bye then
[14:56:29] <RathK> cya
[14:56:29] <Hamster12> cya later
[14:56:34] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[14:56:42] <JakeN2436> he just tried to harass me in dms
[14:56:56] <TheGamer> that's where /ignorepms is for
[14:57:04] <JakeN2436> oh so there IS an ignore command
[14:57:09] <TheGamer> it turns off the PMs
[14:57:12] <TheGamer> but that's all
[14:57:15] <JakeN2436> thank fuck for that
[14:57:20] <JakeN2436> i was about to report him
[14:57:39] <JakeN2436> oh wait it just turns off all pms
[14:57:44] <JakeN2436> that sucks
[14:57:44] <JakeN2436> kk nvm thenw
[14:57:47] <TheGamer> yeah it does
[14:57:55] <TheGamer> that's why i said, there wasn't lol
[14:58:00] <JakeN2436> okay yeah fair enough
[14:58:08] <RathK> cya
[14:58:08] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[14:58:11] <JakeN2436> cya
[14:58:32] <JakeN2436> dont know if i can be assed reporting him
[14:58:37] <JakeN2436> if he does it again i will
[14:58:54] <TheGamer> that's your decision
[14:58:56] <JakeN2436> indeed it is
[14:58:59] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[14:59:10] <JakeN2436> tired of dealing with assholes, i already deal with them every day on youtube
[14:59:15] <TheGamer> lol
[14:59:28] <TheGamer> you work for youtube?
[14:59:28] --> TSRAnimations connected to the server
[14:59:31] <JakeN2436> people think being youtube famous is good, it's not
[14:59:31] <JakeN2436> hi thea
[14:59:36] <JakeN2436> also pretty much yes
[14:59:42] <JakeN2436> i earn money from yt, i have 36k subs
[14:59:44] <TheGamer> lol
[14:59:52] <Naldo> <:
[15:00:03] <JakeN2436> and luckily, i was streaming when he tried dming me
[15:00:09] <JakeN2436> so i literally have video footage
[15:00:11] <Naldo> How much subs did ur pay check start?
[15:00:27] <JakeN2436> it's not only based on subs, it's also based on how many views you get per video
[15:00:38] <JakeN2436> i think you need at least 1k subs and at least 4k views per video
[15:00:46] <JakeN2436> i might be wrong tho, idk
[15:00:59] <Naldo> Is the money great? :P
[15:01:02] <JakeN2436> nah
[15:01:10] <Naldo> Oh
[15:01:21] <JakeN2436> how much i earn now, i cant make a living off of it
[15:01:23] <Naldo> Heard there was a YouTube apolocolypse
[15:01:37] <Naldo> Apocolypse
[15:01:42] <JakeN2436> it's also not consistent
[15:01:45] <JakeN2436> i get a different amount each month
[15:01:53] <Naldo> Hm
[15:01:58] <JakeN2436> you just need to hope you get lucky with the youtube algorithm
[15:02:04] <TSRAnimations> My little pony, apocalypse pony...
[15:02:04] <TheGamer> i'll stick to the daily job then lol
[15:02:09] <JakeN2436> yep
[15:03:45] <Naldo> What type of content do you produce?
[15:03:53] <JakeN2436> mainly gaming videos
[15:03:59] <Naldo> Cool
[15:04:09] <JakeN2436> but it's also where 100# of the assholes come from
[15:04:12] <Naldo> Use click bait from time to time :P
[15:04:23] <JakeN2436> i dont like clickbaiting
[15:04:47] <JakeN2436> ive had some dickheads accuse me of clickbaiting when i never do it, ever
[15:04:55] <JakeN2436> yet i go on their channel, they have the red circles and emoji faces and everything
[15:05:35] <JakeN2436> one of them is a guy called redhuseey
[15:05:40] <JakeN2436> absolute fucking cunt
[15:05:43] <Naldo> lol
[15:05:48] <JakeN2436> he has like 30k subs and people ACTUALLY WATCH HIM
[15:05:54] <JakeN2436> he's just a fucking beanhead who doesnt know how to make good content
[15:06:58] <TheGamer> stupidity always wins
[15:07:01] <Naldo> I hope ur subscribers grow man
[15:07:09] <JakeN2436> i honestly dont mind not growing
[15:07:14] <Naldo> :/
[15:07:17] <JakeN2436> i do youtube for fun, not for views
[15:07:17] <Naldo> Why?
[15:07:19] <JakeN2436> not for money
[15:07:25] <JakeN2436> i just got lucky
[15:07:35] <Naldo> In these days, its good
[15:07:41] <JakeN2436> people accuse me of doing yt for money and views all the time
[15:07:41] <Naldo> Being quaratined and stuff
[15:07:43] <JakeN2436> as i said, assholes
[15:07:54] <JakeN2436> have to put up with at least 2 assholes every day
[15:08:34] <JakeN2436> speaking of assholes, someone just came into my stream chat and started spamming
[15:08:48] <Naldo> smh
[15:08:56] --> Criterion connected to the server
[15:08:58] <Naldo> haters are gonna hate
[15:09:01] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[15:09:09] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[15:09:15] <Naldo> wb
[15:09:15] <JakeN2436> game froze
[15:09:20] <JakeN2436> anyway as i was saying
[15:09:25] <Naldo> haters are gonna hate
[15:09:28] <JakeN2436> someone just joined my stream chat spamming that i suck and need to get a job
[15:09:39] <JakeN2436> like, see?
[15:09:41] <JakeN2436> this is what i have to put up with
[15:09:41] <JakeN2436> every day
[15:09:49] <JakeN2436> i dont even know these people
[15:09:52] <Naldo> Ignore them
[15:10:00] <JakeN2436> ignoring doesnt work
[15:10:03] <Naldo> Ur the one doing something good
[15:10:03] <JakeN2436> never has
[15:10:32] <TSRAnimations> Let's just say, in the GD community, there's a lot of immature kids, even kids of our age
[15:10:40] <JakeN2436> im 18, thea is 23
[15:11:31] <Naldo> Who's thea?
[15:11:34] <TSRAnimations> I am
[15:11:36] <JakeN2436> tsranimationsw
[15:11:42] <Naldo> Oh
[15:11:44] <JakeN2436> she's my best friend
[15:11:50] <JakeN2436> i call with her every single day
[15:11:58] <Naldo> :3
[15:12:00] <Naldo> That's cool
[15:12:06] <Naldo> Both UK?
[15:12:08] <JakeN2436> nope
[15:12:11] <JakeN2436> she's from norway
[15:12:22] <JakeN2436> she's the only thing holding me back from feeling depressed most of the time
[15:12:27] <TSRAnimations> sometimes for only a few hours a day, because of Jake's sleep disorder
[15:12:35] <Naldo> Thats warm af
[15:12:49] <JakeN2436> if i didnt have thea, id be very very lonely
[15:12:49] <Naldo> Keep at it
[15:12:54] <JakeN2436> because my other "friends" dont really care about me
[15:13:02] <JakeN2436> like, i have a friend who only talks to me when HE wants
[15:13:34] <JakeN2436> then when i try and talk to him, he ignores me
[15:13:40] <Naldo> What's ur channel bro?
[15:13:45] <JakeN2436> like, 95# of the time
[15:13:45] <JakeN2436> it's JakeN2436
[15:13:50] <Naldo> Ok
[15:13:50] <TheGamer> bro
[15:13:53] <TheGamer> type slower
[15:13:58] <JakeN2436> lol
[15:13:58] <TSRAnimations> lol
[15:13:58] <Naldo> lmao
[15:13:58] <JakeN2436> dude
[15:14:01] <TheGamer> you're too damn fast
[15:14:09] <JakeN2436> you should have seen when ppl used to host those /vann quizzes
[15:14:12] <JakeN2436> i was always the person who answered first
[15:14:17] <TheGamer> i typed 1 character and you did the whole sentence
[15:14:41] <Naldo> Ur live streaming rn
[15:14:41] <JakeN2436> i wanna say i was notorious for being the best at /vann quizzes
[15:14:44] <JakeN2436> yup
[15:14:46] <TSRAnimations> Jake types really fast once he has something on his mind
[15:14:49] <Naldo> Didnt know
[15:15:00] <JakeN2436> yewp
[15:15:05] <Naldo> Anyway, I'm off
[15:15:08] <JakeN2436> alright cya
[15:15:13] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[15:20:24] <JakeN2436> yay
[15:20:26] <Criterion> w/w
[15:26:01] <TheGamer> someone overclocked his amd cpu to 8.1ghz
[15:26:09] <TheGamer> but then needed liquid nitrogen to keep it cool
[15:26:25] <JakeN2436> lmao
[15:26:41] <TheGamer> why the fuck would you go that far in fucking your cpu up
[15:27:00] <TheGamer> and even spilled some on the motherboard
[15:27:05] <TheGamer> making the whole motherboard be frozen
[15:27:10] <JakeN2436> lmfao
[15:31:59] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[15:32:05] <-- TSRAnimations disconnected from the server
[15:32:05] <Criterion> F
[15:32:08] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[15:32:16] <JakeN2436> fucking timeout island
[15:32:18] <JakeN2436> crashed both me and thea
[15:32:26] <TheGamer> where tf is that island lol
[15:32:26] --> TSRAnimations connected to the server
[15:32:26] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[15:32:29] <JakeN2436> i dont even know
[15:32:34] <JakeN2436> i think it's to the east
[15:32:53] <TSRAnimations> Timeout Island is cursed, lol
[15:33:28] <TheGamer> those 20km flights are boring AF
[15:33:36] <JakeN2436> 25km flights with a dodo
[15:33:41] <JakeN2436> ResidentSleepr
[15:33:41] <JakeN2436> er
[15:33:49] <TheGamer> even worse
[15:33:52] --> Gajeel connected to the server
[15:33:55] <JakeN2436> wb
[15:34:03] <Gajeel> ty
[15:41:03] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[15:44:10] <JakeN2436> gz
[15:44:13] <JakeN2436> almost 20k lol
[15:44:16] <TheGamer> ty
[15:44:26] <TheGamer> which dickheaded placed that box in the market train station
[15:44:32] <JakeN2436> lmfao
[15:44:37] --> JuraganMelon connected to the server
[15:44:42] <JakeN2436> wb
[15:44:45] <JuraganMelon> ty
[15:46:35] <-- JuraganMelon disconnected from the server
[15:46:56] --> RathK connected to the server
[15:46:59] <TheGamer> wb kurwa
[15:47:04] <RathK> ty kurwa
[15:47:04] <JakeN2436> wb
[15:47:23] <TheGamer> you were the one who placed the LC in the market train station, am i right?
[15:47:28] <RathK> idk
[15:47:31] <RathK> I think yeah
[15:47:44] <TheGamer> you asshole
[15:47:55] <RathK> you were there too asshole
[15:48:00] <TheGamer> oh shit
[15:48:00] <TheGamer> yeah
[15:48:03] <TheGamer> right
[15:48:38] <RathK> and he complains to me smfh
[15:48:43] <TheGamer> ofc
[15:48:46] <TheGamer> you're the kurwa here
[15:48:49] <TheGamer> kurwa
[15:48:57] <RathK> price is you too are
[15:49:07] <TheGamer> nice english
[15:49:13] <RathK> I Know
[15:49:15] <TheGamer> ggwp
[15:49:23] <RathK> my english is -69420 skill now
[15:49:29] <JakeN2436> kurwa mac jebany twoja stara jest chuj i jestes zaba
[15:49:37] <TheGamer> PRICEEEE
[15:49:42] <TheGamer> we need ya
[15:49:45] <RathK> why fuck old
[15:49:55] <TSRAnimations> I'm Norwegian, and I speak English about as fluently as my native tongue
[15:50:33] <TheGamer> nice
[15:50:52] <JakeN2436> imagine speaking bokmal
[15:51:16] <RathK> I know he said something like this
[15:51:29] <RathK> kurwa fucking your old man is a dick and you are fun
[15:51:40] <JakeN2436> LOL
[15:51:43] <JakeN2436> twoja stara is your mum
[15:51:53] <RathK> im not from polish dickhead
[15:51:59] <TheGamer> poland*
[15:51:59] <JakeN2436> neither am i?
[15:52:12] <JakeN2436> twoja stara jest chuj is "your mum is a dick"
[15:52:12] <RathK> I can underdstand someshit :)
[15:52:20] <TheGamer> clearly not
[15:52:20] <TheGamer> kurwa
[15:52:23] <JakeN2436> my polish friend in school taught me
[15:52:23] <TSRAnimations> Ang manok ay tumawid sa kalye : )
[15:52:31] <RathK> close enough kurwa
[15:52:33] <JakeN2436> filipino in 2020
[15:52:39] <TheGamer> dutch in 2021?
[15:52:49] <RathK> russian in 2022
[15:53:59] --> fantaaa_ connected to the server
[15:54:23] <TheGamer> cya
[15:54:26] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[16:00:19] --> X_Ray connected to the server
[16:00:35] <FrailLimbNursery> wb
[16:02:03] <X_Ray> wb
[16:02:06] <RathK> ty
[16:02:12] <fantaaa_> wb
[16:02:14] <RathK> ty
[16:02:46] <JakeN2436> and airlines too*
[16:02:52] <X_Ray> no
[16:02:54] <JakeN2436> yes.
[16:02:57] <X_Ray> nono
[16:03:00] <RathK> I didn't say shit about airlines
[16:03:00] <JakeN2436> yes.
[16:03:02] <JakeN2436> well i did
[16:03:02] <JakeN2436> :)
[16:03:05] <RathK> ./ad
[16:03:10] <X_Ray> !groups
[16:03:13] (WEB) <robin_be> X_Ray is in airline (none) and company (none)
[16:03:24] <fantaaa_> !groups
[16:03:27] (WEB) <robin_be> fantaaa_ is in airline Lufthansa and company (none)
[16:04:24] <JakeN2436> !groups
[16:04:27] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436 is in airline Lufthansa and company Lufthansa Cargo
[16:04:29] <JakeN2436> look at that, a devoted employee
[16:04:35] <fantaaa_> xd
[16:04:48] <RathK> !player slatham
[16:04:51] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player slatham
[16:05:23] <RathK> !player Statham
[16:05:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player Statham: 7854 score, last seen 11 Hours Ago
[16:07:56] <fantaaa_> rip me
[16:08:07] <RathK> ?
[16:10:21] --> Ayers connected to the server
[16:10:23] <RathK> wb
[16:10:29] <Ayers> thx
[16:11:06] <fantaaa_> sorry man
[16:11:14] <fantaaa_> fog and couldnt see shit XD
[16:11:25] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[16:11:30] <RathK> dont you have vip?
[16:11:36] <fantaaa_> no
[16:11:38] <RathK> oh
[16:11:49] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[16:11:52] <RathK> wb
[16:11:57] <fantaaa_> wb
[16:12:27] <fantaaa_> did they add a new plane on samp btw ?
[16:12:29] <RathK> no?
[16:12:37] <RathK> why
[16:12:40] <fantaaa_> I m flying a plane I never saw lol
[16:12:48] <fantaaa_> kind of a stuntplane
[16:12:53] <fantaaa_> but not exactly
[16:13:01] <X_Ray> cropduster
[16:13:12] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[16:13:15] <X_Ray> wb
[16:13:17] <RathK> its a thing from gta_sa
[16:13:17] <RathK> wbw
[16:13:23] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ty
[16:13:23] <fantaaa_> oh lol
[16:13:25] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[16:13:25] <JakeN2436> wb
[16:13:28] <fantaaa_> never saw it
[16:13:49] <JakeN2436> sursai, teach me how to map :(
[16:14:08] <RathK> I love to map but my editor selects the wrong thing :(
[16:14:11] <JakeN2436> lol
[16:14:16] <JakeN2436> i just never know what im doing
[16:14:24] <RathK> wb
[16:14:43] <X_Ray> hagi hagi
[16:14:51] <Gajeel> hagi hagi hagi
[16:15:45] --> iSam. connected to the server
[16:15:47] <Ayers> wb
[16:15:47] <JakeN2436> hi sam
[16:15:50] <JakeN2436> wb
[16:15:53] <iSam.> ty
[16:15:55] <iSam.> hi
[16:17:10] <RathK> wb
[16:17:21] --> Criterion connected to the server
[16:17:24] <JakeN2436> wb
[16:17:24] <iSam.> whats your old name RathK?
[16:17:34] <RathK> Idiot
[16:17:40] <RathK> wb
[16:17:48] <iSam.> hmm?
[16:17:53] <RathK> btw my old name was Ludred
[16:17:58] <iSam.> ah
[16:18:09] <iSam.> i always forget its you
[16:18:14] <iSam.> ._.
[16:18:17] <RathK> everyone does ._.
[16:18:28] <JakeN2436> excuse me sam
[16:18:30] <JakeN2436> >:(
[16:18:33] <iSam.> this map still exists?
[16:18:33] <RathK> 2more months till I can change it back
[16:18:38] <JakeN2436> ofc it does
[16:18:47] <iSam.> it was AA's base long ago
[16:18:49] <iSam.> i like it
[16:18:52] <JakeN2436> thea is trying to learn how to fly
[16:18:52] <JakeN2436> yes
[16:18:57] <JakeN2436> this was also singapore airlines' base
[16:19:00] <iSam.> really?
[16:19:00] <JakeN2436> and easyjet's base
[16:19:05] <iSam.> try shamal
[16:19:08] <JakeN2436> i joined with easyjet
[16:19:11] <iSam.> dodo sucks lol
[16:19:11] <JakeN2436> nah she's gonna try dodo first
[16:19:16] <iSam.> okay
[16:19:19] <JakeN2436> she's literally never flown a plane in SA before
[16:19:21] <iSam.> fly
[16:19:21] <JakeN2436> she's remapping the controls
[16:19:29] <RathK> who is she
[16:19:35] <JakeN2436> my best fren
[16:19:37] <JakeN2436> tsranimations
[16:19:43] <iSam.> Jakes friend
[16:19:43] <iSam.> yes
[16:19:51] <iSam.> omg i lost my plane
[16:20:07] <RathK> how do you "lose" a plane xd
[16:20:12] <iSam.> its stuck
[16:20:15] <iSam.> here
[16:20:44] <iSam.> I'll escort you
[16:22:21] <iSam.> when landing make sure the rear wheels hit ground first
[16:22:23] <RathK> 10 percent for 34km enough?
[16:22:29] <JakeN2436> she knows, she's played gta v before
[16:22:34] <iSam.> nice
[16:22:34] <JakeN2436> she's more used to the heli controlstho
[16:22:47] <iSam.> gta 5s controls are different
[16:23:09] <-- fantaaa_ disconnected from the server
[16:24:21] <iSam.> lets land at hawaii?
[16:24:34] <JakeN2436> im trying to get her to do a job lool
[16:24:45] <iSam.> you are working?
[16:24:51] <JakeN2436> nah, she's the one flying
[16:24:56] <iSam.> i mean she is?
[16:25:01] <JakeN2436> im trying to get her to do it
[16:25:04] <JakeN2436> so she can improve
[16:25:15] <iSam.> okay
[16:25:23] <Criterion> !player lucy
[16:25:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player lucy: 27504 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[16:25:28] <RathK> jakeM suited you better jake
[16:25:37] <JakeN2436> ik but idc
[16:25:47] <iSam.> whats difference in it?
[16:26:01] <JakeN2436> m standed for mccall, as in scott mccall from teen wolf
[16:26:01] <RathK> sounds better atleast for me
[16:26:06] <JakeN2436> n stands for normandie, my fav band
[16:26:09] <JakeN2436> FICLOMG JE::
[16:26:11] <JakeN2436> fucking hell sam
[16:26:19] <iSam.> what happened?
[16:26:22] <Gajeel> teen wolf..
[16:26:25] <JakeN2436> you flew so fucking close
[16:26:27] <JakeN2436> what about teen wolf
[16:26:30] <Gajeel> watched 3 season
[16:26:33] <iSam.> relly?
[16:26:33] <JakeN2436> YES
[16:26:33] <Gajeel> so stupid
[16:26:33] <iSam.> really?
[16:26:38] <JakeN2436> fuck you gajeel
[16:26:41] <JakeN2436> it's amazing wym
[16:26:46] <RathK> hahah nice one Gajeel
[16:26:46] <Gajeel> no
[16:26:51] <JakeN2436> why did you keep watching if you didnt like it LMAO
[16:26:51] <Gajeel> its totally shit
[16:26:57] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[16:26:59] <iSam.> dude
[16:27:02] <iSam.> this guy gajeel
[16:27:07] <iSam.> is noob
[16:27:07] <RathK> I was thinking fo watching it
[16:27:10] <iSam.> ignore him
[16:27:13] <Gajeel> how Omega fucks Alfa
[16:27:13] <RathK> but now I won't
[16:27:16] <Gajeel> totaly shit
[16:27:18] <JakeN2436> ?????
[16:27:21] <Gajeel> :D
[16:27:21] <JakeN2436> what the fuck are you on about
[16:27:32] <iSam.> he is trying to troll you
[16:27:45] <RathK> I watched one episode
[16:27:48] <RathK> its very shit
[16:28:04] <iSam.> have you seen The WitcherS?
[16:28:09] <RathK> yes
[16:28:12] <iSam.> how is it?
[16:28:14] <JakeN2436> well i like it, and if you're just planning on hating on me for liking it, i dont care
[16:28:17] <RathK> meh
[16:28:17] --> ioannaztecas connected to the server
[16:28:38] <Gajeel> Witchers stupid af
[16:28:41] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[16:28:41] <RathK> wb
[16:28:44] <Ayers> wb
[16:28:49] <iSam.> henry cavill is nice man
[16:28:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> wb
[16:28:52] <iSam.> he's really great actor
[16:29:05] <Gajeel> u like him?
[16:29:05] <RathK> have you seen you
[16:29:05] <-- ioannaztecas disconnected from the server
[16:29:19] <iSam.> i am fan of his since Man of steel
[16:29:27] <iSam.> superman
[16:29:29] <iSam.> lol
[16:29:37] <Gajeel> u fckin poof
[16:29:43] <RathK> man of steel
[16:29:53] <RathK> more like man of paper
[16:29:56] <iSam.> smh
[16:29:59] <iSam.> ya haters gonna die
[16:30:12] <iSam.> lol
[16:30:20] <RathK> I haven't even wathced one of these things you said
[16:30:23] <RathK> im just trolling xD
[16:30:39] <iSam.> yea like i didnt knew
[16:30:42] <RathK> !houses sursai_Koceksi
[16:30:45] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player sursai_Koceksi
[16:30:47] <JakeN2436> koceksi
[16:30:47] <iSam.> you are a stupid troll
[16:30:47] <Gajeel> The Pit
[16:30:53] <Gajeel> fuckin dope
[16:30:53] <RathK> !houses sursai_Kosecksi
[16:30:56] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $7,500,000 5 slots Red County: $5,500,000 5 slots Dunsfold Island: $30,000,000 15 slots Dunsfold I(..)
[16:31:01] <iSam.> you cant even spell his name lmfao
[16:31:41] <RathK> like you can
[16:31:57] <iSam.> want a ride?
[16:32:03] <RathK> now
[16:32:05] <RathK> no*
[16:32:08] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[16:32:13] <iSam.> i am not asking you
[16:32:13] <iSam.> lol
[16:32:16] <RathK> gay
[16:32:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> za warudo
[16:33:04] <iSam.> where are you
[16:33:04] <iSam.> ludred
[16:33:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> njir belom
[16:33:10] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[16:33:10] <RathK> in the iar
[16:33:12] <Ayers> quit aja duluan
[16:33:12] <RathK> air*
[16:33:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> k
[16:33:20] <RathK> above sky airs base
[16:33:23] <iSam.> imma kill you
[16:33:28] <iSam.> thanks for cooperating
[16:33:31] <RathK> ./report
[16:33:39] <iSam.> no report
[16:33:42] <RathK> bet?
[16:33:55] <iSam.> rude
[16:33:58] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[16:33:58] <RathK> F
[16:34:01] <JokerFace10> where le dming cuck at?
[16:34:01] <iSam.> rip
[16:34:25] <iSam.> which language is that Joker?
[16:34:25] <JokerFace10> rIp
[16:34:33] <JokerFace10> dat englis
[16:34:43] <iSam.> oh i feel like uneducated
[16:34:46] <iSam.> i didnt get anything
[16:34:51] <JokerFace10> ye see i was refering to dat low life cuck who dmed jakey
[16:34:57] <RathK> no oke cares isamy
[16:35:07] <iSam.> i dont need your caring rath
[16:35:10] <iSam.> no one does
[16:35:15] <RathK> I said no one
[16:35:26] <iSam.> u lies
[16:35:29] <JokerFace10> i care fo everyone care
[16:35:40] <JokerFace10> spread d luv
[16:36:01] <iSam.> love /
[16:36:04] <TSRAnimations> fuck
[16:36:04] <JokerFace10> i see money not riches in d life only luv riches
[16:36:04] <TSRAnimations> lol
[16:36:14] <JokerFace10> no woman, no cry
[16:36:20] <iSam.> no women?
[16:36:22] <iSam.> hahahaha
[16:36:33] <iSam.> meet a feminist
[16:36:36] <iSam.> say that to her face
[16:36:36] <TSRAnimations> Does anyone see women? I don't
[16:36:41] <RathK> #reviveAA
[16:36:49] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[16:36:52] <RathK> wb
[16:37:00] <JakeN2436> #reviveeasyjet
[16:37:00] <iSam.> whats that ludred
[16:37:00] <JokerFace10> iSam ya bomboclaat no woman no cry is i support my girl fe no cry
[16:37:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> ey
[16:37:11] <RathK> American airlines
[16:37:13] <iSam.> Americano airlines?
[16:37:16] <iSam.> oh
[16:37:21] <iSam.> i miss nightmare
[16:37:27] <iSam.> i bet he dont even remember me
[16:37:51] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[16:37:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> rip potd
[16:38:15] <iSam.> i really hate it
[16:38:17] <iSam.> when this happens
[16:38:42] <iSam.> jake you were live right?
[16:38:47] <JakeN2436> i still am
[16:38:50] <iSam.> oh
[16:40:05] <JokerFace10> ayers ya riches mate
[16:40:26] <JakeN2436> !interest 5100000
[16:40:29] (WEB) <robin_be> $5,100,000 will generate about $3,400 every 60 minutes
[16:40:40] --> RathK connected to the server
[16:40:40] <iSam.> !assets JakeN2436
[16:40:43] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436 has 3 car(s) ($180,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,200,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $1,380,000
[16:40:45] <iSam.> wb gei
[16:40:45] <RathK> fucking gay pieceof hsit
[16:40:53] <RathK> ty gai
[16:40:56] <iSam.> rip for potd
[16:41:01] <RathK> yes
[16:41:09] <RathK> btw sursai
[16:41:15] <JokerFace10> ayi no homophobis just peace luv and sword fights
[16:41:31] <iSam.> sword fights?
[16:41:33] <iSam.> we dont live in 18th century
[16:41:47] <JakeN2436> sam
[16:41:55] <JakeN2436> swordfighting is a sex act
[16:41:55] <iSam.> yes?
[16:41:58] <JokerFace10> iSam ya bumbastic two penises issa swordfight
[16:42:00] <JakeN2436> 2 guys use their dicks as sword LOL
[16:42:03] <iSam.> wtf
[16:42:03] <JakeN2436> swords*
[16:42:14] <JakeN2436> edugaytion with jake
[16:42:27] <iSam.> i thought he meant the real swords
[16:42:27] <iSam.> lol
[16:42:32] <JakeN2436> no LOL
[16:42:32] <JokerFace10> my mans jake he be smart
[16:42:38] <JakeN2436> i also be gay
[16:42:46] <JokerFace10> no worry i luvs
[16:42:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets ayers
[16:42:54] (WEB) <robin_be> ayers has 44 car(s) ($22,435,000) and 4 house(s) ($56,000,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $78,435,000
[16:42:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> mana 80jt
[16:43:13] <JakeN2436> i mean ive never smoked week
[16:43:16] <JakeN2436> weed
[16:43:24] <Ayers> tar last beli tank
[16:43:32] <JokerFace10> we finna no call it weed issa zumba
[16:43:37] <TSRAnimations> Lightsaber plays : P
[16:43:42] <JokerFace10> d gaanja
[16:44:04] <JokerFace10> dis ting make poor maan rich
[16:46:50] <JokerFace10> gaanja ganja
[16:46:50] <Gajeel> JOKER!
[16:47:06] <JokerFace10> sup ma man
[16:47:11] <Gajeel> nm nm nm
[16:47:14] <Gajeel> who r u?
[16:47:19] <Gajeel> intruduce yourself
[16:47:51] <JokerFace10> myself okiwa from uganda
[16:48:13] <Gajeel> and
[16:48:39] <JokerFace10> okiwa unububu otinye swaat ful name
[16:49:14] <Gajeel> hmm
[16:49:22] <JokerFace10> d old man from d country say riches english fly big birds
[16:49:41] <JokerFace10> he say u be go fo ye education
[16:50:08] <Gajeel> yes yes.
[16:50:10] <Gajeel> bommboclaaatt
[16:50:13] <JokerFace10> make d village proud i say da da fo u and fo d country life my life i give
[16:50:24] <iSam.> btw Jake
[16:50:37] <JakeN2436> a
[16:50:40] <iSam.> How you met tsr?
[16:50:53] <iSam.> you are friends irl?
[16:50:59] <JakeN2436> i met her on a discord server, and we are also in a group together on facebook
[16:51:41] <JokerFace10> eh gajeel maan fly safe
[16:51:55] <Gajeel> !rank
[16:51:58] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel(9030) rank: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) next: PL First Officer(10000) (+970)
[16:52:09] <Gajeel> im fuckin commercial Senior Captain
[16:52:09] <Gajeel> chil
[16:52:17] <iSam.> damn my keyboard stopped working for a sec
[16:52:17] <iSam.> lol
[16:52:27] <JokerFace10> eh maan only luv i say care fo ye
[16:52:43] <Gajeel> ya tx for ya confaya.
[16:53:05] <JokerFace10> buba luv
[16:53:18] <-- iSam. disconnected from the server
[16:53:48] --> Criterion connected to the server
[16:53:50] <Gajeel> wb
[16:55:35] <JokerFace10> aye maan dis tree outta no where
[16:55:45] <JokerFace10> disrupt my fly
[16:55:53] <TSRAnimations> Ninja Trees
[16:56:02] --> iSam. connected to the server
[16:56:07] <JokerFace10> finna be stick to d grounds nd taxi fo d money
[16:56:12] <iSam.> oh shit my internet went down
[16:56:15] <iSam.> ffs
[16:56:18] <JokerFace10> wb iSam
[16:56:20] <TSRAnimations> wb
[16:56:23] <iSam.> oh hi
[16:56:23] <iSam.> ty
[16:56:47] <iSam.> have anyone of you ever tried pakistani food?
[16:56:52] <iSam.> or Indian/
[16:57:03] <-- iSam. disconnected from the server
[16:57:06] <JokerFace10> ye see ya peep biryani b bomb
[16:57:16] <Criterion> hmm
[16:57:22] <JokerFace10> he gone ma man internet bad days
[16:57:22] --> iSam. connected to the server
[16:57:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> mandhi rice count?
[16:57:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> or biryani
[16:57:33] <iSam.> FUCK THIS
[16:57:43] <iSam.> keeps disconnecting
[16:57:49] <JokerFace10> ae maan chill ya internet bug
[16:57:57] <iSam.> thats arabic food
[16:58:02] <iSam.> not indo/paki
[16:58:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> aah
[16:58:10] <JokerFace10> i say ya biryani bomb
[16:58:15] <iSam.> whats that
[16:58:21] <iSam.> i know biryani but bomb?
[16:58:47] <JokerFace10> aye maan.......ya misunderstood d languistic
[16:58:55] <iSam.> try chicken karahi
[16:58:55] <JokerFace10> bomb means fly high
[16:58:58] <iSam.> you'll love it
[16:59:04] <JokerFace10> issa mans delicious
[16:59:09] <iSam.> make sure its fulll of spices
[16:59:12] <iSam.> HOT
[16:59:12] <iSam.> make it hot
[16:59:20] <Criterion> I ate korma before
[16:59:36] <iSam.> korma is a failed karahi
[16:59:36] <JokerFace10> i like my lady hot
[16:59:36] <iSam.> lol
[16:59:38] <JokerFace10> and spicy
[16:59:41] <Criterion> lmao
[16:59:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> isnt korma from saudi?
[17:00:00] <iSam.> no
[17:00:05] <iSam.> its south asian dish
[17:00:10] <iSam.> made in India and pakistan
[17:00:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> ooh
[17:00:24] <iSam.> you can find it everywhere in the region tho
[17:00:32] <iSam.> its like chicken in a gravey
[17:00:37] <Ayers> beda fir
[17:00:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> different meaning lmao
[17:00:40] <JokerFace10> ma man once d i say to my fren in pakistan
[17:00:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua kira kurma
[17:00:48] <JokerFace10> kaddi wich pawa ae?
[17:00:48] <Ayers> kwkwkww
[17:00:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> thought date fruit
[17:00:59] <iSam.> oh
[17:00:59] <iSam.> lol
[17:01:01] <iSam.> smh
[17:01:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> because we say that as "kurma"
[17:01:15] <iSam.> kurma is date
[17:01:15] <iSam.> dates?
[17:01:23] <TSRAnimations> Just landed at Lufthansa
[17:01:25] <iSam.> its made of dates right?
[17:01:28] <JokerFace10> kurma spicy
[17:01:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea
[17:01:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> it's date
[17:01:36] <JokerFace10> is no date
[17:01:39] <iSam.> okay
[17:01:41] <JokerFace10> date sweet
[17:01:41] <iSam.> i got it
[17:01:41] <iSam.> its arabic
[17:01:47] <iSam.> thing
[17:02:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> yea sweet date
[17:02:14] <TSRAnimations> I've heard about dates
[17:02:22] <JokerFace10> ye peeps like ugandan food
[17:02:22] <iSam.> really sweet and soft
[17:02:30] <JokerFace10> we got d mukini and mputa
[17:02:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> just love the date but idk what type
[17:02:46] <iSam.> I dont know anything about African countries
[17:02:54] <iSam.> except north africa
[17:03:07] <iSam.> like algeria morroco tunisia egypt
[17:03:10] <RathK> south africa
[17:03:12] <RathK> tanzinia
[17:03:20] <iSam.> Sudan
[17:03:23] <iSam.> somalia
[17:03:26] <RathK> ethiopia zimbamwe sudan south sudan
[17:03:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> nigeria
[17:03:39] <JokerFace10> ye geography good
[17:03:47] <iSam.> south sudan is a failed state
[17:04:11] <JokerFace10> my aunty pola make d best kisra
[17:04:19] <iSam.> Nigeria
[17:04:22] <iSam.> wakaanda
[17:04:25] <iSam.> lol
[17:04:25] <JokerFace10> issa sudanese
[17:04:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> sunda
[17:04:59] --> Joaking connected to the server
[17:05:45] <iSam.> was that you joyadi
[17:05:48] <iSam.> flew over me
[17:05:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> wat
[17:06:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> i think lmao
[17:06:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> passed sky air
[17:06:20] <JakeN2436> imagine getting potd for doing 1 cargo drop
[17:06:39] <JokerFace10> my maan jake finna hardwork
[17:06:44] <iSam.> its been a week since i havent done any work
[17:06:49] <iSam.> i got bored of working
[17:06:57] <JakeN2436> i need to buy a new house
[17:07:03] <JakeN2436> so im on the grind
[17:07:05] <Criterion> My laptop's fps dropping alot, rip.
[17:07:11] <JakeN2436> rip
[17:07:11] <JokerFace10> ae maan sem
[17:07:13] <iSam.> well i did around 1500 score in just 14 days
[17:07:19] <iSam.> so nah i need rest
[17:07:27] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[17:07:27] <JokerFace10> me get d house da da and children be moving
[17:07:29] <iSam.> or more i remember i was at 9k
[17:07:29] <iSam.> lol
[17:07:29] <JakeN2436> lol, i got 500 score in like 2 days
[17:07:59] --> UpnormalTebet connected to the server
[17:08:02] <Ayers> i remember you upnormaltebet
[17:08:07] <iSam.> !assets JakeN2436
[17:08:10] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436 has 3 car(s) ($180,000) and 1 house(s) ($1,200,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $1,380,000
[17:08:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> bule andru
[17:08:13] <Ayers> kwkwkwkw
[17:08:13] <iSam.> damn
[17:08:15] <UpnormalTebet> andri elo ngentot gue akan ngaduin lo ke ortu lo
[17:08:18] <iSam.> you broke
[17:08:21] <JakeN2436> yep
[17:08:29] <JakeN2436> i didnt play after economy reset
[17:08:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> pertama gua tanya rumah lo dimana momen
[17:08:37] <Ayers> jgn ngadu dong nanti gw nangid
[17:08:39] <iSam.> !assets
[17:08:43] <JakeN2436> when i heard pl was getting back up again i decided id make a return
[17:08:43] (WEB) <robin_be> iSam. has 28 car(s) ($12,870,000) and 3 house(s) ($32,500,000 - 27 slots) for a total of $45,370,000
[17:08:43] <iSam.> i am broke too
[17:08:59] <UpnormalTebet> woi andri kok kursi roda nenek gue ban nya jadi ban dollar
[17:09:09] <Ayers> kubis ban dollar
[17:09:20] <iSam.> i want a custom house
[17:09:25] <iSam.> ludred is gonna pay for me
[17:09:50] <Ayers> lu liat rx king bannya udah dollar belom
[17:10:11] <iSam.> Joyadi
[17:10:11] <UpnormalTebet> rx king gue ban rupiah
[17:10:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> ye
[17:10:14] <iSam.> ik u rich boi
[17:10:19] <iSam.> get me a custom house
[17:10:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> and...
[17:10:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> my house no custom
[17:10:27] <iSam.> u
[17:10:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> so go get it
[17:10:30] <iSam.> pay
[17:10:30] <iSam.> for me
[17:10:32] <JokerFace10> joyadi own maddog n cj house
[17:10:35] <iSam.> ok?
[17:10:35] <JokerFace10> riches
[17:10:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> 500k
[17:10:40] <UpnormalTebet> mampus dicepuin
[17:10:51] <iSam.> no?
[17:10:59] <iSam.> where is Danielson gone?
[17:10:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> help the debt
[17:11:02] <iSam.> i miss the dude
[17:11:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> sleep
[17:11:12] <iSam.> !player Danielson
[17:11:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player juraganmelon
[17:11:16] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Danielson
[17:11:19] <iSam.> waot
[17:11:21] <iSam.> wat
[17:11:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> its juraganmelon
[17:11:29] <iSam.> who is juragan
[17:11:29] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[17:11:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> danielson
[17:11:35] <Ayers> tolong rico jgn tembak saya
[17:11:43] <iSam.> that nab changed his name?
[17:11:43] <UpnormalTebet> makannya discord andri
[17:11:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[17:11:51] <iSam.> omg
[17:11:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> ebvading
[17:11:51] <Ayers> sabar nyalain
[17:11:53] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[17:12:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player juraganmelon
[17:12:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player juraganmelon: 12270 score, last seen 1 Hours Ago
[17:12:07] <iSam.> gajeel
[17:12:12] <Gajeel> what
[17:12:15] <UpnormalTebet> danielson probably ngorok somewhere
[17:12:18] <iSam.> you are chutiya
[17:12:23] <-- Joaking disconnected from the server
[17:12:23] <Gajeel> ha?
[17:12:28] <iSam.> right?
[17:12:34] <Gajeel> u fuckin retard
[17:12:36] <JokerFace10> iSam finna be cursin
[17:12:39] <iSam.> you are chutiya
[17:13:03] <iSam.> sell ur house bruuh
[17:13:03] <iSam.> it sucks
[17:13:06] <iSam.> get a custom one
[17:13:14] <-- X_Ray disconnected from the server
[17:13:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> w/
[17:13:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> yang request blackmesa gua pukul anjing
[17:13:43] <UpnormalTebet> sektum sempra
[17:13:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> minggir
[17:14:15] <iSam.> Jake you are from UK
[17:14:18] <iSam.> ?
[17:14:21] <JakeN2436> yea
[17:14:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> rambut gua ketombean
[17:14:31] <iSam.> ah i felt like it
[17:14:42] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[17:15:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> jual soto di black mesa
[17:15:06] <iSam.> i might even move out to London one day
[17:15:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> cakep
[17:15:17] <UpnormalTebet> ingin ku kesana
[17:15:20] --> iBelongtoGamer30 connected to the server
[17:15:25] <JakeN2436> staniel
[17:15:30] <iSam.> wb u gaytan
[17:15:33] <iBelongtoGamer30> thank you
[17:15:38] <iBelongtoGamer30> It's a padlock necklase
[17:15:41] <iBelongtoGamer30> necklace
[17:15:49] <JakeN2436> why
[17:16:00] <iBelongtoGamer30> wear it, it's to assert my dominance over you
[17:16:13] <iSam.> you nab
[17:16:16] <iBelongtoGamer30> it's a BDSM thing :D
[17:16:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> hey anjing
[17:16:21] <iSam.> go somewhere else for your dominance
[17:16:29] <TSRAnimations> BDSM sounds fun, lol
[17:16:35] <iBelongtoGamer30> hey sam
[17:16:35] <JakeN2436> excuse me
[17:16:35] <UpnormalTebet> bible discussion meeting
[17:16:37] <iBelongtoGamer30> this is between me and jake
[17:16:40] <iBelongtoGamer30> mind your own business?
[17:16:45] <iSam.> fku
[17:16:45] <TSRAnimations> :P
[17:16:48] <JakeN2436> satan
[17:16:48] <JokerFace10> ye iSam
[17:16:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> soto babat kristus
[17:17:07] <Ayers> goblok wkwkkw
[17:17:18] <-- iSam. disconnected from the server
[17:17:23] <iBelongtoGamer30> omg lol
[17:17:44] --> Willz. connected to the server
[17:17:47] <JakeN2436> wb
[17:17:55] <Willz.> ty
[17:18:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> lotto berapa kata wildan
[17:18:14] <JakeN2436> !8ball is michael a bottom
[17:18:14] <RathK> what is is gay person
[17:18:17] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: It's better not to know
[17:18:17] <iBelongtoGamer30> Jake
[17:18:27] <iBelongtoGamer30> What if I really ordered that?
[17:18:30] <JakeN2436> !8ball is michael a bottom
[17:18:33] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: It is decidedly so
[17:18:33] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[17:18:35] <TSRAnimations> I did not consent to attempted murder >.>
[17:18:52] <JokerFace10> ae mdfcka ninja trees disrupt 2 times
[17:18:54] <iBelongtoGamer30> omg your mouth is moving joker
[17:19:05] <JokerFace10> i say words fo me queen
[17:19:18] <JokerFace10> eggspress luv
[17:19:21] <iBelongtoGamer30> where to my king
[17:19:29] <iBelongtoGamer30> tahts on periodt luv
[17:19:29] <JokerFace10> to da big bird
[17:19:29] <iBelongtoGamer30> xx
[17:19:58] --> Willz. connected to the server
[17:21:21] --> Kekoian connected to the server
[17:21:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions military
[17:21:43] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 666 military
[17:21:51] --> Max_Stanbacker connected to the server
[17:22:15] <JakeN2436> omg un francais
[17:22:21] <Max_Stanbacker> ui
[17:22:32] <JokerFace10> i buy fast car see my queen
[17:22:37] <JakeN2436> y a pas beaucoup de fr dans le serveur
[17:22:45] <iBelongtoGamer30> i like a good king with a good fast car
[17:22:48] <Willz.> seulemente
[17:22:56] <-- Kekoian disconnected from the server
[17:22:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> nasi bekicot
[17:22:58] <UpnormalTebet> urang teh goblog
[17:23:04] <Max_Stanbacker> c'est aussi rare que les neurones de trump mdr
[17:23:09] <Willz.> moi j'mapelle willz
[17:23:12] <JakeN2436> exacte
[17:23:38] <Max_Stanbacker> j'ai trop de devoirs mes profs c'est des batards
[17:23:46] <iBelongtoGamer30> get in my loyal king
[17:23:49] <Max_Stanbacker> ducoup j'ai pas le temps de profiter de ces vacances
[17:23:57] <JakeN2436> c dommage
[17:24:13] <JakeN2436> j'ai aucunes responsabilités
[17:24:21] <iBelongtoGamer30> get in my good king
[17:24:37] <Willz.> j'habite indonesia
[17:24:37] <iBelongtoGamer30> j'aime bites
[17:24:43] <RathK> stan
[17:24:45] <iBelongtoGamer30> tyes
[17:24:45] <UpnormalTebet> heh sunda
[17:24:48] <JakeN2436> j'aime les bites aussi
[17:24:48] <RathK> come pick me up daddy
[17:24:53] <iBelongtoGamer30> aussie?
[17:24:56] <Max_Stanbacker> j'ai les grosses baguettes
[17:25:01] <JokerFace10> good day make luv in a ride with d quen
[17:25:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> tatang sutarma momen
[17:25:26] <iBelongtoGamer30> I can't drive for shit
[17:25:26] <JakeN2436> je branle pas aux femmes
[17:25:34] <JokerFace10> issa first car i got on d server i replenish memoirs
[17:25:42] <RathK> dont make me makey ou drive
[17:25:58] <iBelongtoGamer30> oop
[17:26:00] <iBelongtoGamer30> oopa
[17:26:06] <JokerFace10> run my quen
[17:26:11] <JokerFace10> ye ok
[17:26:11] <iBelongtoGamer30> cometh here
[17:26:30] <JokerFace10> i care fo d queen not d car
[17:26:46] <RathK> no come here
[17:26:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> w/
[17:26:57] <JokerFace10> my queen is heavy boat
[17:27:08] <iBelongtoGamer30> what I'm heavy??
[17:27:22] <RathK> fine dickhead
[17:27:27] <iBelongtoGamer30> k come
[17:27:27] <JokerFace10> no u perfect lady
[17:28:18] --> Criterion connected to the server
[17:28:23] <JokerFace10> ayi yai yai
[17:28:34] <JokerFace10> lovli queen
[17:28:53] <iBelongtoGamer30> tanku
[17:29:27] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[17:29:27] <JokerFace10> queen di waters raging
[17:29:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player baskaraputra
[17:29:33] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player baskaraputra
[17:29:36] <iBelongtoGamer30> trust me piloting
[17:29:38] <JokerFace10> i pray fo d saftey of this boat and the companions
[17:29:46] <JokerFace10> amen
[17:29:52] <iBelongtoGamer30> amen
[17:29:54] --> RathK connected to the server
[17:30:00] <RathK> motherfuck
[17:30:08] <iBelongtoGamer30> what
[17:30:19] <RathK> I crashed and was about to make it to you
[17:30:21] <JokerFace10> rathk maan be mad today
[17:30:29] <iBelongtoGamer30> he mad all day everyday
[17:30:35] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[17:30:40] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[17:30:43] <iBelongtoGamer30> wb my slav
[17:30:45] <iBelongtoGamer30> e
[17:31:07] <JokerFace10> el queen lets go to ye place fo sumting
[17:31:18] <JokerFace10> fo makin d luv
[17:31:20] <iBelongtoGamer30> dattis were we gawingz
[17:31:23] <RathK> go to the dock
[17:31:47] <JokerFace10> ye lips are enchanting my senses fo pleasure
[17:31:58] <JokerFace10> ye sets my soulanfire
[17:32:11] <iBelongtoGamer30> ludred were near ur base
[17:32:22] <RathK> you mF
[17:32:27] <iBelongtoGamer30> wgat
[17:33:26] <Criterion> garuda, fleet.
[17:33:29] <JokerFace10> my queen draws a fine line btwen pleasure and pain for luv
[17:33:34] <Criterion> thx.
[17:33:39] <JakeN2436> im gonna take a break from samp for a bit guys
[17:33:39] <JakeN2436> be back soon
[17:33:39] <iBelongtoGamer30> pain is pleasure
[17:33:42] <JakeN2436> ily
[17:33:42] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[17:33:47] <RathK> come here STAN
[17:33:53] <iBelongtoGamer30> no come to me I'm the kwween
[17:34:01] <JokerFace10> RathK maan chillz
[17:34:04] <-- TSRAnimations disconnected from the server
[17:34:06] <RathK> no
[17:34:20] <JokerFace10> finna havin good toim after longings
[17:35:02] <JokerFace10> but its rainin
[17:35:21] <JokerFace10> oh my god
[17:35:29] <JokerFace10> de queen has a palace
[17:35:32] <iBelongtoGamer30> yass
[17:35:45] --> SLIFER connected to the server
[17:36:04] <JokerFace10> all hail d empire of which ye yields such wealth
[17:36:31] <JokerFace10> ze password
[17:36:31] <RathK> password is im such a noob
[17:36:44] <iBelongtoGamer30> password is you don't get to come in
[17:36:55] <iBelongtoGamer30> until you guess it correctly
[17:37:00] <RathK> eatshit
[17:37:11] <JokerFace10> ae maan rath chill yo wrath
[17:37:14] <iBelongtoGamer30> with that attitude you're never get inside
[17:37:16] <iBelongtoGamer30> gonna get
[17:37:27] <RathK> no u
[17:37:30] <JokerFace10> d big bathroom
[17:37:40] <JokerFace10> majestic
[17:37:46] <RathK> I have maddgos interior :smirk
[17:37:48] <iBelongtoGamer30> LOL
[17:37:59] <JokerFace10> it ain't like d queens
[17:38:10] <RathK> wow gajeel such a scam
[17:38:58] <RathK> shit interior
[17:39:09] <JokerFace10> go my queen run
[17:39:11] <RathK> wow dick
[17:39:14] <iBelongtoGamer30> XDDD
[17:39:19] <JokerFace10> mu queen fast boats
[17:40:48] <iBelongtoGamer30> dive
[17:41:09] <RathK> wow gay changed the color
[17:41:41] <JokerFace10> i needa breath
[17:42:40] --> Naldo connected to the server
[17:42:46] <iBelongtoGamer30> wb
[17:42:54] <JokerFace10> wb
[17:43:04] <Naldo> Hi
[17:44:14] <JokerFace10> holy physics dis is d atlantis
[17:44:49] <Naldo> Cool name Stan
[17:44:57] <iBelongtoGamer30> Thank you naldo
[17:45:18] <iBelongtoGamer30> this is the padlock necklace version of pl nicknames
[17:45:26] <Naldo> Woah
[17:45:34] <iBelongtoGamer30> if you know what i mean
[17:45:45] <Naldo> Heavy ownership
[17:46:39] <JokerFace10> i needa buy dat house i had before
[17:46:52] <iBelongtoGamer30> which is?
[17:47:05] <iBelongtoGamer30> okay king respawn I'll take you there
[17:47:16] <JokerFace10> i need d money imma earn it
[17:47:19] <iBelongtoGamer30> the one in el castillo or LS?
[17:47:21] <JokerFace10> ls
[17:47:51] <Criterion> Double f
[17:47:56] <JokerFace10> d tase of d death
[17:48:04] <iBelongtoGamer30> get in fatty fat
[17:48:07] <JokerFace10> by da hands of queen
[17:48:26] <JokerFace10> i m rusty
[17:48:31] <iBelongtoGamer30> wtf >>
[17:48:34] <JokerFace10> sorry my queen
[17:48:39] <iBelongtoGamer30> fartty
[17:48:44] <JokerFace10> how to
[17:48:50] <iBelongtoGamer30> LMB fool
[17:48:58] <iBelongtoGamer30> queen is displeased
[17:49:00] <iBelongtoGamer30> S to get out
[17:49:06] <iBelongtoGamer30> not F or enter (you crash)
[17:49:06] <JokerFace10> imma sorry
[17:49:27] <iBelongtoGamer30> queen has accepted the apology
[17:49:33] <iBelongtoGamer30> crit
[17:49:41] <Criterion> Yeah?
[17:49:49] <iBelongtoGamer30> call me when you're dying from caffine overdose
[17:49:57] <iBelongtoGamer30> I'm the san andreas red cross
[17:49:59] <Criterion> Ok lol
[17:50:02] <iBelongtoGamer30> XDD
[17:50:15] <RathK> !player caomishma
[17:50:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player caomishma: 16545 score, last seen 22 Hours Ago
[17:50:19] <JokerFace10> queen artillery flaunting is impressive
[17:50:40] <iBelongtoGamer30> + other side effects
[17:50:56] <JokerFace10> d first time i had more than a pack of ciggies i coughed like a horse
[17:51:07] <iBelongtoGamer30> more than a pack
[17:51:15] <JokerFace10> 26 maybe
[17:51:18] <iBelongtoGamer30> boy what are you doing with life
[17:51:20] <iBelongtoGamer30> 26?
[17:51:26] <iBelongtoGamer30> you're a chainsmoker wow
[17:51:28] <JokerFace10> that was the riches of life
[17:51:36] <JokerFace10> only twice
[17:51:44] <JokerFace10> i has not a full pack since
[17:51:58] <iBelongtoGamer30> but you a smoker
[17:52:27] <JokerFace10> well ye see 13.5 mg nicotine gets ye goin
[17:52:38] <JokerFace10> queen cant decide
[17:52:40] <iBelongtoGamer30> okay I'm worried
[17:52:46] <iBelongtoGamer30> for my future
[17:52:54] <iBelongtoGamer30> I don't wanna die motherless
[17:52:54] <JokerFace10> dis my olden
[17:52:59] <iBelongtoGamer30> who will take the throne?
[17:53:21] <iBelongtoGamer30> nice spot for a custom house
[17:53:37] <JokerFace10> ma babay drink
[17:53:47] <iBelongtoGamer30> thank u, next
[17:53:55] <JokerFace10> quinch d thirst of the faithfull
[17:54:11] <iBelongtoGamer30> oh no
[17:54:17] <iBelongtoGamer30> I'm so sleepy think I'm gonna die now
[17:54:17] <JokerFace10> there used to be a garage here
[17:54:30] <iBelongtoGamer30> yes there was but soon it will be my custom house :D
[17:54:44] <JokerFace10> aye my queen riches as always
[17:54:44] <iBelongtoGamer30> um so chile
[17:54:46] <iBelongtoGamer30> anyways
[17:54:49] <iBelongtoGamer30> I'm sleepy
[17:54:54] <iBelongtoGamer30> it's past my bedtime lol
[17:55:00] <iBelongtoGamer30> queen is still a minor sadly
[17:55:02] <JokerFace10> i can feel dat
[17:55:02] <RathK> damn stan still has a bedtime
[17:55:05] <iBelongtoGamer30> queenie must go now
[17:55:16] <Criterion> 0 passengers in heli?
[17:55:16] <JokerFace10> i didn't sleep the whole night too
[17:55:21] <iBelongtoGamer30> I don't I set it myself tcause good sleeping habits = healthy you
[17:55:29] <Criterion> No satisfaction, hmm.
[17:55:53] <RathK> Fuck
[17:56:01] <iBelongtoGamer30> byeee
[17:56:01] <-- iBelongtoGamer30 disconnected from the server
[17:56:17] <JokerFace10> aah feels good to serve d queen
[17:57:56] <Willz.> !players pixy
[17:59:19] --> kontraK connected to the server
[17:59:27] <JokerFace10> wb
[17:59:33] <RathK> wb
[17:59:33] <kontraK> eyyyy
[17:59:44] <UpnormalTebet> q
[17:59:44] <-- UpnormalTebet disconnected from the server
[18:01:07] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[18:01:09] <Hamster12> wtf
[18:01:17] --> FrailLimbNursery connected to the server
[18:01:23] <kontraK> wb
[18:01:28] <JokerFace10> wb
[18:01:33] <Hamster12> wtf u doing
[18:03:02] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[18:03:55] <Hamster12> i like thsi shine effect on Rustler's body
[18:05:45] <Willz.> lol
[18:05:45] <Gajeel> lol gz
[18:05:45] <kontraK> gz
[18:05:45] <RathK> gz
[18:05:50] <RathK> and wit h my number too
[18:05:53] <Willz.> thankyou guys
[18:05:56] <JokerFace10> gz
[18:08:04] <Gajeel> !player BIGBADGRIZZLY
[18:08:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player BIGBADGRIZZLY: 582 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[18:08:15] <Gajeel> !cash BIGBADGRIZZLY
[18:08:18] (WEB) <robin_be> BIGBADGRIZZLY has $0 in hand
[18:08:29] <Hamster12> !player robin_be
[18:08:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player robin_be: 13332 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[18:08:35] <RathK> and he wants to buy a company lol
[18:08:43] <Criterion> Who?
[18:08:48] <RathK> bigbadrizzly
[18:09:04] <Criterion> lol, that nub don't have enough cash.
[18:09:15] <RathK> gajeel wnats to buy it too
[18:09:28] <Criterion> ahh
[18:09:47] <Gajeel> seems i have more chance
[18:10:19] <Naldo> :P
[18:10:25] <Hamster12> come
[18:10:27] <Hamster12> OO
[18:10:33] <JokerFace10> o_O
[18:13:02] <JokerFace10> smfh
[18:13:13] <Hamster12> what means smfh
[18:13:29] <JokerFace10> shaking my fckin head
[18:13:51] <Hamster12> what means smd
[18:14:01] <JokerFace10> shaking my diaper
[18:14:09] <Hamster12> i thought shakign my d***k
[18:14:20] <JokerFace10> issa geh
[18:14:28] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[18:15:19] --> Willz. connected to the server
[18:16:13] <Hamster12> why everyone flys with hunter
[18:16:26] <Criterion> They're working with formation.
[18:16:29] <Naldo> We're in a formation
[18:16:29] <Max_Stanbacker> cuz it's the start of 3 world war
[18:16:37] <Naldo> lol
[18:16:42] <Hamster12> ;-;
[18:16:45] --> biz connected to the server
[18:16:47] <RathK> wb
[18:16:50] <JokerFace10> wb
[18:16:53] <kontraK> wb
[18:16:55] <biz> ty
[18:17:25] --> ErdemEmireri connected to the server
[18:17:28] <RathK> wb
[18:17:30] <JokerFace10> wb
[18:17:30] <kontraK> wb
[18:17:36] <biz> wb
[18:17:41] <ErdemEmireri> thx
[18:18:08] <JokerFace10> hola
[18:18:43] <SLIFER> hola
[18:18:56] <JokerFace10> mujer
[18:19:01] <SLIFER> hombre
[18:19:04] <JokerFace10> una nina el hombre
[18:19:09] <JokerFace10> kish kish
[18:19:15] <JokerFace10> puta
[18:19:23] <SLIFER> loca arrepentida
[18:19:23] <Hamster12> this lc is messed up
[18:19:28] <Hamster12> says its in las paysadas buts in tierra robada
[18:19:33] <JokerFace10> wut
[18:20:16] <SLIFER> JokerFace es un afeminado y su madre lo mama gratis lool
[18:20:27] <ErdemEmireri> y
[18:20:38] <JokerFace10> SLIFER di panewi yawa
[18:21:10] <RathK> !missions
[18:21:15] <RathK> !socre
[18:21:18] <RathK> !score
[18:21:21] <kontraK> el socre
[18:21:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player RathK: 7319 score, 7013 missions: 42'/. military - 18'/. cargo drop - 10'/. trucking
[18:21:40] <JokerFace10> !score
[18:21:43] (WEB) <robin_be> player JokerFace10: 1820 score, 1010 missions: 72'/. cargo - 10'/. shamal - 5'/. at400
[18:21:51] <Max_Stanbacker> !score
[18:21:54] <JokerFace10> D:
[18:21:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player Max_Stanbacker: 288 score, 286 missions: 56'/. shamal - 28'/. at400 - 10'/. military
[18:21:54] <biz> !score
[18:21:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player biz: 1902 score, 1298 missions: 38'/. cargo drop - 32'/. helicopter - 21'/. trucking
[18:22:02] <-- ErdemEmireri disconnected from the server
[18:22:37] <RathK> stupid trees
[18:23:12] <SLIFER> trees ninjas
[18:23:20] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[18:23:23] <JokerFace10> i had a whole fckin mountain
[18:23:36] <RathK> birnik sucks
[18:23:47] <Willz.> gz
[18:23:50] <kontraK> gzx
[18:23:50] <Hamster12> ty
[18:23:55] <JokerFace10> gzz
[18:23:55] <RathK> gz
[18:23:58] <Criterion> gz
[18:24:08] <Hamster12> o_o
[18:24:14] <JokerFace10> riches
[18:24:59] <-- kontraK disconnected from the server
[18:25:18] <Hamster12> xd
[18:25:21] <Hamster12> rallu
[18:26:03] <JokerFace10> make lufthansa great agen
[18:28:15] <JokerFace10> rip fckin building
[18:28:20] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[18:28:49] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[18:29:22] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[18:29:35] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[18:30:12] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[18:30:12] --> X_Ray connected to the server
[18:30:18] <RathK> wb both
[18:30:23] <X_Ray> ty
[18:30:23] <Smetkowski> ty
[18:30:58] <X_Ray> who won lotto?
[18:31:01] <Criterion> Willz
[18:31:03] <RathK> wizz
[18:31:11] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[18:31:11] <Willz.> :))
[18:31:22] <biz> how much
[18:31:27] <Willz.> 3xxk
[18:31:38] <-- SLIFER disconnected from the server
[18:31:43] <biz> nice
[18:31:57] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[18:31:57] <Hamster12> well
[18:31:57] <Hamster12> wtf
[18:33:31] --> cashCilion connected to the server
[18:33:39] <Hamster12> cya
[18:33:41] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[18:34:08] --> obi connected to the server
[18:35:12] <Willz.> wb
[18:35:58] <FrailLimbNursery> !interest 32000000
[18:36:01] (WEB) <robin_be> $32,000,000 will generate about $21,333 every 60 minutes
[18:36:14] <Criterion> !interest 40000000
[18:36:17] (WEB) <robin_be> $40,000,000 will generate about $26,666 every 60 minutes
[18:37:02] <Max_Stanbacker> !interest 80000000
[18:37:05] (WEB) <robin_be> $80,000,000 will generate about $53,333 every 60 minutes
[18:37:13] <Max_Stanbacker> well I don't have that moni
[18:37:35] <X_Ray> !interest 67000000
[18:37:38] (WEB) <robin_be> $67,000,000 will generate about $44,666 every 60 minutes
[18:38:26] <-- cashCilion disconnected from the server
[18:40:02] <-- Max_Stanbacker disconnected from the server
[18:40:26] <-- FrailLimbNursery disconnected from the server
[18:42:35] <-- obi disconnected from the server
[18:42:37] <Gajeel> !interest 27500000
[18:42:40] (WEB) <robin_be> $27,500,000 will generate about $18,333 every 60 minutes
[18:43:07] --> obi connected to the server
[18:44:59] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[18:51:41] <-- X_Ray disconnected from the server
[18:53:15] --> adalarva connected to the server
[18:53:25] <Smetkowski> wb
[18:53:28] <adalarva> ty:d
[19:00:28] --> JulseC connected to the server
[19:00:31] <adalarva> wb
[19:00:31] <Criterion> wb
[19:00:34] <Smetkowski> wb
[19:00:42] <JulseC> ty
[19:02:26] <-- JulseC disconnected from the server
[19:04:56] --> BIGBADGRIZZLY connected to the server
[19:05:07] <Smetkowski> wb
[19:05:10] <adalarva> wb
[19:05:18] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> ty
[19:12:55] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> give take of maybe ha ???
[19:13:01] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> off*
[19:13:06] <Criterion> Huh?
[19:13:28] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> report that you re taking off
[19:13:49] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> my words are for obi btw
[19:13:54] <Criterion> hmm
[19:18:54] <adalarva> 7w
[19:19:58] <adalarva> 7w
[19:20:49] <JokerFace10> fck trees
[19:21:46] <-- obi disconnected from the server
[19:27:23] <Smetkowski> gz
[19:27:26] <JokerFace10> gz
[19:27:28] <adalarva> gz
[19:27:34] <biz> ty
[19:27:44] <JokerFace10> nice car
[19:29:53] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> w
[19:32:17] <-- Gajeel disconnected from the server
[19:32:33] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[19:33:16] --> Gajeel connected to the server
[19:33:19] <adalarva> wb
[19:33:22] <JokerFace10> how to remove atc screen
[19:33:30] <adalarva> click
[19:33:32] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> wb top
[19:33:35] <JokerFace10> ty
[19:34:37] <adalarva> click
[19:38:19] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[19:43:29] <Criterion> !player prime
[19:43:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player prime: 13871 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[19:44:07] <-- BIGBADGRIZZLY disconnected from the server
[19:44:21] <-- biz disconnected from the server
[19:44:42] --> biz connected to the server
[19:44:58] <biz> wb
[19:45:38] <biz> !player shooter
[19:45:41] (WEB) <robin_be> player shooter: 16144 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[19:45:44] <Criterion> f
[19:45:55] <biz> !player malo
[19:45:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player malo: 15603 score, last seen 7 Days Ago
[19:46:14] <adalarva> !player Adrian_Arroyo
[19:46:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player Adrian_Arroyo: 554 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[19:46:57] <biz> !player shaun_7226
[19:47:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player shaun_7226: 506 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[19:47:16] <Criterion> !player soniarajput
[19:47:20] (WEB) <robin_be> player soniarajput: 10318 score, last seen 8 Months Ago
[19:47:25] <Criterion> !player ashiirajput
[19:47:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player ashiirajput: 9007 score, last seen 16 Months Ago
[19:48:03] <biz> !player lenz
[19:48:06] (WEB) <robin_be> player lenz: 30984 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[19:48:11] <Criterion> !player pi_314
[19:48:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player pi_314: 31415 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[19:48:17] <Criterion> big f
[19:48:28] <biz> remember swift?
[19:48:39] <Criterion> I remember Swift Trucking in 2015.
[19:48:57] <biz> I was exe there
[19:49:21] <biz> who bought swift?
[19:49:29] <Criterion> No idea, never saw him.
[19:49:37] <biz> the company
[19:49:40] <Criterion> I think R3AP bought it.
[19:49:56] <biz> He was the ceo
[19:50:18] <biz> what is their current name?
[19:50:31] <biz> !player R3Ap
[19:50:34] <Criterion> Idk, Swift Trucking got deleted due to BOTC company deletion.
[19:50:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player R3Ap: 0 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[19:50:37] <Criterion> I guess McLOVIN.
[19:50:45] <biz> !player R3AP
[19:50:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player R3AP: 0 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[19:50:56] <biz> 0!
[19:51:41] <biz> !player R#AP
[19:51:44] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player R#AP
[19:51:50] <biz> !player R3AP
[19:51:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player R3AP: 0 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[19:54:44] --> JawnySins. connected to the server
[19:54:57] <JawnySins.> ty
[19:57:25] <biz> wtf the swift trucking base is gone, the telephone is still there though.
[19:57:43] <Criterion> Company was deleted due to BOTC company deletion.
[19:58:00] <-- JawnySins. disconnected from the server
[19:58:13] <biz> BOTC?
[19:58:18] <Criterion> Battle of The Companies.
[19:58:29] <biz> what was that?
[19:58:45] <Criterion> The company with most Trucking deliveries wins.
[19:59:01] <Criterion> Like most trucking missions wins.
[19:59:06] <biz> others get deleted?
[19:59:17] <Criterion> Four bottom companies will be deleted.
[19:59:31] <biz> how many were deleted?
[19:59:47] <Criterion> Yes, other companies are deleted. (RIP Swift, Delta, Wizz, LAN & ST)
[19:59:49] <biz> we used to be the best in 2015.
[19:59:57] <biz> dmn
[20:00:13] <Criterion> Hauls completed are reset due to economy reset at 2017.
[20:00:29] <Criterion> !groups
[20:00:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Criterion is in airline Sky Air and company Sky Logistics
[20:00:41] <biz> sjould,ve played just after the reset huh!
[20:00:54] <biz> should've
[20:01:10] <Criterion> This happens you're gone busy for a work.
[20:01:13] <Criterion> in real life
[20:01:31] <biz> true
[20:03:29] <Criterion> !player aladeen
[20:03:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player aladeen: 6578 score, last seen 13 Hours Ago
[20:03:56] <Criterion> !cars biz
[20:04:00] (WEB) <robin_be> biz has: Feltzer
[20:04:48] <biz> its the SL
[20:04:53] <Criterion> SL?
[20:05:07] <biz> mercedes SL
[20:05:07] <Gajeel> mercedes SL
[20:05:15] <Criterion> SL65 AMG xD
[20:05:28] <biz> yup
[20:05:28] <Gajeel> naa W242
[20:05:33] <biz> the old one
[20:07:31] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[20:07:39] <adalarva> wb
[20:07:42] <biz> wb
[20:07:53] <Hamster12> ty
[20:08:33] <-- biz disconnected from the server
[20:15:46] --> Cpt.Charlez connected to the server
[20:15:49] <adalarva> wb
[20:15:52] <Cpt.Charlez> GUYS
[20:15:57] <Cpt.Charlez> I RECOVERED MY VIP
[20:15:57] <Criterion> What.
[20:16:02] <Cpt.Charlez> I´M SO HAPPYYYYY
[20:16:02] <Criterion> Oh wow, Gz.
[20:16:05] <adalarva> yeah!!!
[20:16:05] <adalarva> gz
[20:16:10] <Cpt.Charlez> from 2011/2012
[20:16:21] <Cpt.Charlez> sursai found the origin of it
[20:16:27] <Cpt.Charlez> it was on a guy´s account
[20:16:32] <Cpt.Charlez> who stole my account years ago
[20:16:51] <Cpt.Charlez> damn JAVOTERRO
[20:16:59] <Cpt.Charlez> i´m gonna donate rn to PL :)
[20:17:17] --> Shazi connected to the server
[20:17:31] <Cpt.Charlez> idk
[20:18:24] <Criterion> Wb F
[20:18:30] <Shazi> ty, f
[20:20:54] <Shazi> f
[20:22:57] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[20:23:00] <adalarva> wb
[20:23:00] <Criterion> wb
[20:23:05] <Gamer30> Thanks.
[20:24:28] <Hamster12> wtf 2 scores for cargo mission
[20:24:39] <Gamer30> What's weird with it?
[20:24:45] <Hamster12> is it bug
[20:24:50] <Hamster12> never seen it
[20:24:53] <Criterion> Cargo mission gives 2 score.
[20:24:58] <Hamster12> o_O
[20:25:01] <Cpt.Charlez> oh wtf
[20:25:03] <Criterion> That's not a bug.
[20:25:09] <Cpt.Charlez> just realised i got my score back
[20:25:19] <Cpt.Charlez> awesome.
[20:25:49] <adalarva> hamster
[20:25:51] <Hamster12> yeee
[20:25:59] --> obi connected to the server
[20:26:07] <adalarva> this mode atr have copick detailed?
[20:26:10] <adalarva> with lights?
[20:26:24] <Hamster12> no
[20:26:24] <adalarva> on cabine
[20:26:29] <Hamster12> well it have details
[20:26:34] <adalarva> ok
[20:26:40] <Hamster12> whyyy ask
[20:26:48] <adalarva> i see 1 atr with amazing copick
[20:26:50] <Criterion> F
[20:27:36] <Shazi> we're busy atm, call later
[20:27:44] <Criterion> Ok sir.
[20:27:47] <Cpt.Charlez> where is the black fat guy?
[20:27:52] <Cpt.Charlez> as skin?
[20:28:03] <Shazi> big smoke?
[20:28:03] <Cpt.Charlez> i always used that one
[20:28:08] <Cpt.Charlez> no, it was a normal civilian
[20:28:27] <Cpt.Charlez> with orange shirt
[20:29:31] <Criterion> So sad for their losses...
[20:29:47] <Shazi> F
[20:29:50] <Criterion> F
[20:32:04] --> marshmellow connected to the server
[20:32:22] <marshmellow> wb
[20:32:22] <Twi> hi
[20:32:25] <Shazi> wb
[20:32:25] <adalarva> wb
[20:32:28] <adalarva> wb
[20:32:28] <Twi> I was just eating marshmellows
[20:32:46] <adalarva> mode dj on please
[20:33:00] <marshmellow> i actually figured out how to put my voice in
[20:33:05] <Twi> Good morning bois
[20:33:16] <Shazi> should i gz him, ot f him lol, 5k from lc
[20:33:19] <adalarva> hmm
[20:33:24] <Hamster12> wtf some supernaturla power pushes me back 5 meters away
[20:33:27] <marshmellow> dun do anything
[20:33:59] <Twi> !player Lavija
[20:34:02] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lavija: 19409 score, last seen 18 Hours Ago
[20:34:02] <Twi> !Player Santiago
[20:34:13] <Hamster12> guys do weather 40
[20:34:26] <Hamster12> wh
[20:34:26] <Hamster12> why
[20:35:15] <Shazi> gz
[20:36:59] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:37:02] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $3,999,856 in hand
[20:37:05] <marshmellow> i figured out how to use my mic in the software
[20:37:05] <Hamster12> 144 dollars
[20:37:08] <Hamster12> o 4m
[20:37:13] <Hamster12> Come on anyone lend 144 dollars
[20:37:16] <adalarva> rich
[20:37:24] <Hamster12> ;(
[20:37:34] <Criterion> !houses kyliejenner
[20:37:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Bayside: $1,450,000 3 slots Vinewood: $11,000,000 10 slots Redsands East: $5,950,000 5 slots Redsands East:(..)
[20:37:59] <Hamster12> ty
[20:38:07] <Hamster12> byw i have
[20:38:07] <Shazi> !cash Hamster12
[20:38:07] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:38:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $3,999,856 in hand
[20:38:16] --> Santiago connected to the server
[20:38:21] <adalarva> wb
[20:38:21] <adalarva> wb
[20:38:24] <marshmellow> webe
[20:38:29] <Shazi> ayyy santi
[20:38:32] <Naldo> Thanks
[20:38:32] <Hamster12> Santiag don't warn me plz
[20:38:37] <Shazi> !cash Hamster12
[20:38:40] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $3,999,856 in hand
[20:38:56] <Santiago> what about a ban then
[20:39:04] --> HanzelDS connected to the server
[20:39:07] <adalarva> wb
[20:39:10] <Shazi> just warn him 3 times, ez
[20:39:15] <Hamster12> no ban no warn plz i swear i wont do it again
[20:39:18] <HanzelDS> ty
[20:39:42] <Hamster12> ;(
[20:39:52] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:39:55] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $3,999,856 in hand
[20:39:58] <Hamster12> wtf
[20:40:06] <Hamster12> wtf
[20:40:09] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:40:11] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $3,999,856 in hand
[20:40:41] <marshmellow> FUCK
[20:40:46] <marshmellow> sorry
[20:40:52] <Gajeel> wowwww
[20:40:52] <Hamster12> is it worth it to buy pl sponsor ?
[20:40:57] <Gajeel> vann abuse
[20:41:00] <Gajeel> wowwww
[20:41:05] <Gajeel> :d
[20:41:05] <Naldo> It is @Hamster
[20:41:05] <Criterion> Depends on your VIP Level hamster.
[20:41:13] <Hamster12> Want me to remidn u Gajeeel how much times u rammed me
[20:41:26] <marshmellow> lol hamster destroy him
[20:41:29] <Gajeel> ur fuckin retard.
[20:41:32] <Hamster12> see
[20:41:50] <Shazi> talking about retards
[20:42:01] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:42:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $4,000,001 in hand
[20:42:07] <Hamster12> well
[20:42:07] <Hamster12> xdd
[20:42:10] <Gajeel> go finger yourself even not needed explain
[20:42:10] <Shazi> lmao f
[20:42:10] <-- Cpt.Charlez disconnected from the server
[20:42:12] <Hamster12> anyone want 1 dollar
[20:42:15] <Gamer30> !player IBELONGTOGAMER30
[20:42:18] (WEB) <robin_be> player IBELONGTOGAMER30: 10925 score, last seen 3 Hours Ago
[20:42:29] <Hamster12> oh i have idea what do do with 1 dollar
[20:42:37] <Naldo> lol
[20:43:12] <Naldo> where th is the DMV again?
[20:43:22] <HanzelDS> blueberry
[20:43:33] <Naldo> Close to the Truck Dealership or like closer to the bank
[20:43:33] <Naldo> ?
[20:43:33] <Hamster12> vending machine
[20:43:41] <Shazi> closer to the bank
[20:43:55] <Shazi> there is a blue car icon on your minimap
[20:43:55] <Naldo> ty
[20:44:03] <Naldo> Ah k
[20:44:27] <Hamster12> ha ! i went to vending machine
[20:44:32] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:44:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $4,000,001 in hand
[20:44:38] <Hamster12> shit update quicker
[20:44:40] <Shazi> F
[20:45:04] <Naldo> Funny enough, I'm never used the DMV until now
[20:45:10] <Naldo> I've*
[20:45:20] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:45:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $4,000,001 in hand
[20:45:34] <Statham> Give me that 1$ fool
[20:46:01] <adalarva> plr BI
[20:46:36] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:46:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $4,000,001 in hand
[20:46:41] <Hamster12> wtf
[20:46:46] <adalarva> rich
[20:46:46] <Hamster12> fuck i had tax payemnet NOOOOOOOOOO
[20:46:52] <Criterion> f.
[20:46:57] <Hamster12> rip 4 000 000
[20:47:02] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:47:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $3,997,802 in hand
[20:47:08] <Hamster12> ;(
[20:47:16] <HanzelDS> F
[20:47:22] <Hamster12> bye bye then
[20:47:35] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[20:48:10] <adalarva> uhh
[20:48:50] <marshmellow> `````````
[20:49:11] <Naldo> When will custom houses be readded?
[20:49:11] <adalarva> yes
[20:49:14] <Criterion> wb
[20:49:17] <adalarva> now yes
[20:49:17] <Shazi> wb
[20:49:38] <Santiago> yes
[20:49:46] <Naldo> Whheenn
[20:50:05] <Santiago> may 1st
[20:50:10] <Naldo> Yeah, Shaz just told me
[20:50:18] <Naldo> CAnt wait tbh
[20:50:21] <Naldo> Cauussee
[20:50:24] <Santiago> you will have to be active
[20:50:24] <Naldo> uu maadee a promise
[20:50:29] <Santiago> what promise
[20:50:32] <Naldo> On the day, np
[20:51:04] <adalarva> yeahh
[20:51:07] <adalarva> good voice
[20:51:09] <adalarva> man
[20:51:15] <marshmellow> lol
[20:51:25] <Gajeel> is it allowed?
[20:51:25] <HanzelDS> oh ur voice marsh hahhahahaw
[20:51:36] <adalarva> real roleplay
[20:51:41] <adalarva> :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[20:52:54] <Criterion> smh, crashed into ocean. RIP
[20:53:07] <Shazi> f
[20:53:10] <Criterion> f
[20:53:23] <Gamer30> !player FakeStan
[20:53:26] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player FakeStan
[20:54:14] <adalarva> yeah
[20:54:17] --> RathK connected to the server
[20:54:20] <adalarva> wb
[20:54:30] <RathK> ty
[20:54:38] <adalarva> plr live
[20:54:46] <adalarva> with voices
[20:54:46] <adalarva> :d
[20:55:03] <Naldo> Shaz?
[20:55:16] <adalarva> marsh
[20:55:19] <Naldo> You getting an elgy or something?
[20:56:07] <adalarva> good
[20:56:34] <adalarva> greet or salute
[20:56:34] <adalarva> me
[20:57:24] <adalarva> haha
[20:57:27] <adalarva> adalarva
[20:57:30] <adalarva> :DDDDDDD
[20:57:41] <HanzelDS> i love that song :)
[20:57:51] <RathK> fail
[20:57:57] <adalarva> hha
[20:57:57] <adalarva> power
[20:58:02] <adalarva> C:
[20:59:44] <marshmellow> i used to own this way back
[20:59:54] --> tnht connected to the server
[21:01:25] <adalarva> request me provocas-fumaratto please
[21:01:31] <Criterion> !cash
[21:01:34] <adalarva> next song
[21:01:34] (WEB) <robin_be> Criterion has $2,969,390 in hand
[21:01:39] <adalarva> !cash
[21:01:42] (WEB) <robin_be> adalarva has $400 in hand
[21:01:53] <Statham> poop
[21:01:56] <Statham> So poor*
[21:01:58] <adalarva> xd
[21:02:39] <Statham> lol
[21:02:41] <adalarva> thanks statham!
[21:02:44] <Statham> Welcome lol
[21:02:55] <adalarva> :dthanks
[21:03:51] <RathK> wb
[21:03:54] <Statham> Wb
[21:03:56] <adalarva> wb
[21:03:56] <JuraganMelon> ty
[21:03:56] <Criterion> oi
[21:03:59] <JuraganMelon> oi
[21:04:23] <adalarva> yeahhhh
[21:04:26] <adalarva> ty
[21:04:39] <adalarva> :D
[21:05:30] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[21:05:33] <JuraganMelon> wb
[21:05:33] <HanzelDS> wb
[21:05:33] <RathK> wb
[21:05:35] <Smetkowski> ty
[21:05:38] <HanzelDS> lol
[21:05:41] <adalarva> wb
[21:06:34] <Statham> Who remember pizza island name ?
[21:06:40] <adalarva> marsh speak spanish
[21:06:40] <Statham> pizza mission*
[21:06:40] <Shazi> devon
[21:06:42] <marshmellow> devon?
[21:07:06] <Statham> Can I tp to there ?
[21:07:09] <marshmellow> yea
[21:07:09] <Naldo> /tp
[21:07:09] <marshmellow> /tp
[21:07:09] <adalarva> say hola amigos
[21:07:20] <Statham> Thank's guys!
[21:07:22] <Naldo> como estas
[21:07:30] <adalarva> holaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[21:07:36] <HanzelDS> Yeeeeah
[21:07:38] <Statham> estas bueno
[21:07:41] <adalarva> bien, y tu?
[21:07:44] <adalarva> lmao
[21:08:27] <Naldo> bien
[21:10:51] <adalarva> lml
[21:11:42] <HanzelDS> omg my song :)
[21:11:47] <adalarva> nice song
[21:12:20] <RathK> sky logistics fleet please
[21:12:33] <Criterion> Done.
[21:14:04] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[21:14:20] --> Vmoney connected to the server
[21:14:23] <RathK> wb
[21:14:25] <adalarva> wb
[21:15:14] <adalarva> xdd
[21:15:16] <Statham> !rank
[21:15:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Statham(7860) rank: Commercial First Officer(7000) next: Commercial Captain(8000) (+140)
[21:15:52] <adalarva> ty
[21:16:00] <-- tnht disconnected from the server
[21:18:00] <HanzelDS> gz
[21:18:00] <Smetkowski> gz
[21:18:03] <adalarva> gz
[21:18:03] <RathK> gz
[21:18:05] <Vmoney> gz
[21:18:05] <Criterion> gz
[21:18:16] <Naldo> Thanks. Been needing a 4 door
[21:18:27] --> tnht connected to the server
[21:20:51] <Criterion> !player diamondzxd
[21:20:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player diamondzxd: 11223 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[21:21:08] <HanzelDS> great song
[21:21:16] <RathK> naldo u
[21:21:24] <Naldo> :P
[21:21:43] <RathK> f me
[21:23:14] <RathK> car crash
[21:23:16] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[21:23:22] <marshmellow> wb
[21:23:24] <adalarva> wb
[21:23:24] <Smetkowski> wb
[21:23:33] <JokerFace10> ty
[21:24:34] <Naldo> :D
[21:24:34] <Naldo> Yw
[21:24:37] <RathK> wb
[21:25:14] <adalarva> oh
[21:25:20] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[21:25:41] --> Criterion connected to the server
[21:25:46] <Statham> Wb
[21:25:57] <adalarva> lala
[21:27:17] <-- Vmoney disconnected from the server
[21:27:39] <RathK> cya
[21:27:41] <-- RathK disconnected from the server
[21:28:22] <-- JuraganMelon disconnected from the server
[21:32:09] <adalarva> uh uh uh
[21:32:39] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[21:34:10] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[21:35:49] <Statham> !player Serbian
[21:35:52] (WEB) <robin_be> player Serbian: 45093 score, last seen 24 Days Ago
[21:36:05] <JokerFace10> !player Aaron
[21:36:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player Aaron: 7279 score, last seen 5 Months Ago
[21:38:06] <adalarva> :D
[21:39:02] <adalarva> oho hohh
[21:39:37] <Statham> Hohoo
[21:39:42] <Statham> Wher are you going ?
[21:40:01] <adalarva> me?
[21:40:07] <Statham> yes
[21:40:09] <adalarva> sfa
[21:40:17] <Statham> SXM
[21:40:17] <adalarva> rw23
[21:40:41] <adalarva> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[21:40:49] <Statham> Nice one
[21:40:55] <adalarva> jsjs
[21:41:00] <Statham> sup ?
[21:41:13] <adalarva> jsjs is haha in english
[21:41:22] <Statham> lol
[21:42:39] <adalarva> good live
[21:45:06] --> mrverheul connected to the server
[21:45:17] <Criterion> !assets x_ray
[21:45:20] (WEB) <robin_be> x_ray has 3 car(s) ($1,540,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,500,000 - 7 slots) for a total of $4,040,000
[21:48:38] <Criterion> !player p$g
[21:48:42] (WEB) <robin_be> player p$g: 13602 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[21:51:22] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[21:51:46] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[21:51:52] <adalarva> wb
[21:52:00] <JokerFace10> ty
[21:52:21] <Criterion> !player fai
[21:52:24] (WEB) <robin_be> player fai: 189 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[21:52:43] <Twi> hi
[21:53:50] --> Dasdes connected to the server
[21:53:53] <Smetkowski> wb
[21:54:01] <Dasdes> thx
[21:54:06] <adalarva> wb
[21:54:11] <JokerFace10> wb
[21:54:14] <Dasdes> ty :)
[21:55:48] --> Lewis connected to the server
[21:55:50] <Criterion> wb
[21:55:50] <Smetkowski> wb
[21:55:50] <adalarva> wb
[21:55:50] <Twi> wb
[21:55:50] <Dasdes> wb
[21:55:53] <Statham> wb
[21:55:56] <Lewis> thx
[21:56:47] <-- HanzelDS disconnected from the server
[21:56:49] <-- Lewis disconnected from the server
[21:57:05] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[21:57:27] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[22:00:10] <Smetkowski>
[22:00:24] <Statham> b 2 - 4ac
[22:00:40] <Smetkowski> E=MC2
[22:00:48] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[22:00:57] <Dasdes> ²
[22:01:00] <Statham> !player Pi_313
[22:01:03] <Statham> !player Pi_314
[22:01:03] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Pi_313
[22:01:06] (WEB) <robin_be> player Pi_314: 31415 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[22:01:14] <Statham> Pi was a good player tho
[22:01:17] <Gajeel> who is that
[22:01:31] <Gajeel> who is that
[22:01:33] <Statham> An old player, very kind
[22:01:36] <mrverheul> how do i get this text box out of my screen
[22:01:44] <Gajeel> do u know old names?
[22:01:49] <Statham> Some yes lol
[22:01:49] <Smetkowski> press left mouse button
[22:01:52] <mrverheul> !player crashingall
[22:01:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player crashingall: 69 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[22:01:58] <Gajeel> f7
[22:02:03] <mrverheul> doesnt work
[22:02:06] <Gajeel> F7
[22:02:11] <Gajeel> try it
[22:02:14] <mrverheul> no not the chat
[22:02:22] <mrverheul> like this atc box is stuck in my screen
[22:02:22] <Gajeel> eh?
[22:02:38] <Gajeel> then pres LMB CTRL Shift
[22:02:49] <mrverheul> doesnt work either
[22:02:49] <Gajeel> push like banging a gurl
[22:02:59] <Gajeel> u dont event try it!
[22:03:05] <mrverheul> hahahah
[22:03:07] <Gajeel> push it more then 1!
[22:03:26] <Gajeel> r u put your penis to vagina 1 time?
[22:03:34] <mrverheul> hahaha
[22:03:42] <Gajeel> is it solved?
[22:03:45] <mrverheul> no man
[22:03:50] <mrverheul> ill just /q after this
[22:03:53] <mrverheul> and relog
[22:03:56] <Gajeel> theen you dont know how to fuck
[22:04:06] <Dasdes> ...
[22:04:09] <Smetkowski> sometimes it bugs I guess
[22:04:12] <Gajeel> facts
[22:04:12] <Gajeel> :D
[22:04:28] <Statham> Crude power station.. NEVER AGAIN with a ATR
[22:04:36] <Criterion> !player carlos.
[22:04:40] (WEB) <robin_be> player carlos.: 4503 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[22:04:40] <Dasdes> lmao
[22:04:48] <Gajeel> !plater Duzmantýk
[22:04:56] <Gajeel> !player Duzmantýk
[22:04:59] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Duzmantýk
[22:05:05] <Gajeel> !player Duzmantik
[22:05:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player Duzmantik: 7115 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[22:05:27] <Gajeel> lies
[22:05:29] <Gajeel> more than 6 year
[22:05:35] <Statham> damn
[22:05:37] <Gajeel> f u robin
[22:05:48] <Statham> lmfao
[22:06:01] <Gajeel> !ping
[22:06:04] (WEB) <robin_be> {fd2dc6}pong! - hi Gajeel
[22:06:10] <Statham> !pong
[22:06:10] <Gajeel> such a gay
[22:06:28] <Gajeel> !roll
[22:06:28] <Statham> :ping
[22:06:31] (WEB) <robin_be> Gajeel rolls 33
[22:06:31] <Statham> !ping
[22:06:45] <Dasdes> !roll
[22:06:48] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasdes rolls 35
[22:06:48] <Statham> fu robin
[22:07:01] <Gajeel> real robin more smarter
[22:07:09] <Statham> f em
[22:07:12] <Statham> both
[22:07:17] <Gajeel> dont say like that
[22:07:20] <Gajeel> he is watchin us
[22:07:20] <Statham> jk lol
[22:07:25] <Statham> !love
[22:07:33] <Dasdes> !8ball Is real robin smarter
[22:07:36] <adalarva> relog
[22:07:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasdes: Cannot predict now
[22:07:36] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[22:08:24] <Criterion> 20kgs of goods damaged.
[22:08:24] <Dasdes> poor containers
[22:08:40] <Criterion> criminal
[22:08:46] <Gajeel> 20 kgs eroin
[22:09:15] <Gajeel> burnt with sinking gasoline
[22:09:18] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[22:09:20] <Statham> wb
[22:09:23] <Dasdes> wb
[22:09:23] <marshmellow> wb
[22:09:26] <JakeN2436> jimena is back
[22:09:28] <JakeN2436> not for long tho
[22:09:28] <JakeN2436> also ty
[22:09:31] <mrverheul> wb
[22:09:36] <JakeN2436> i should be asleep rn but i decided to come on for a lil bit
[22:09:42] <Gajeel> gimme cash
[22:10:30] <Criterion> !player noxer_slade
[22:10:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player noxer_slade: 20726 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[22:11:00] <Criterion> !player naked_snake
[22:11:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player naked_snake: 35753 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[22:11:03] <Statham> oh shit
[22:11:08] <Statham> What and old player
[22:11:08] --> adalarva connected to the server
[22:11:14] <Dasdes> wb
[22:11:19] <adalarva> ty guys:d
[22:11:22] <-- mrverheul disconnected from the server
[22:13:54] <Statham> Any good shamal mod ?
[22:14:08] <adalarva> 7w
[22:14:13] <Gajeel> 7w
[22:14:18] <Statham> 7w ?
[22:14:18] <adalarva> haha
[22:14:26] <Gajeel> lol
[22:14:29] <Statham> ..
[22:14:32] <Gajeel> hahaha
[22:14:40] <adalarva> ... /w
[22:17:04] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[22:23:25] <Dasdes> lel 26km flight
[22:23:30] <JakeN2436> stonks
[22:23:30] <Statham> lol gl
[22:23:35] <Statham> fleyt
[22:23:41] <Dasdes> $$$
[22:24:16] <Statham> §
[22:24:29] <JakeN2436> same
[22:24:40] <Criterion> Close call...
[22:24:42] <JakeN2436> lol
[22:24:58] <JakeN2436> had many of those
[22:25:55] --> JokerFace10 connected to the server
[22:27:28] <JakeN2436> gz
[22:27:28] <Criterion> gz
[22:27:31] <Dasdes> gz
[22:27:34] <Statham> gz
[22:27:36] <JokerFace10> gz
[22:27:36] <marshmellow> gz
[22:27:39] <tnht> <3
[22:27:42] <JakeN2436> fuck me that's a lot of gz
[22:27:44] <Dasdes> yeah
[22:28:03] <JokerFace10> it's his/her first buy
[22:29:26] <-- JokerFace10 disconnected from the server
[22:30:52] <Dasdes> 65k
[22:30:54] <Statham> !rank
[22:30:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Statham(7900) rank: Commercial First Officer(7000) next: Commercial Captain(8000) (+100)
[22:31:05] <Statham> 65K for 26KM ?
[22:31:11] <Dasdes> yeah at400
[22:31:16] <Statham> f
[22:31:22] <Dasdes> expected more
[22:31:27] <Dasdes> (sad face)
[22:31:35] <Statham> 7 hours bro lol
[22:31:48] <Statham> 7 hours in GTA it's 14 mins lmfao
[22:32:31] <Dasdes> 2 times 7 hours you mean lol
[22:33:27] <Statham> I mean 7 hours IG it's 14 mins in real life
[22:33:33] <Statham> How much for that mission ?
[22:33:35] <marshmellow> nice car bruv
[22:33:59] <Dasdes> 1 hour = 1 minute wasnt it xD
[22:34:21] <Dasdes> 29k
[22:35:14] <Statham> 1 hour = 2 minutes lol
[22:35:25] <JakeN2436> in gta sa, 1 hour is 1 minute
[22:35:28] <-- Statham disconnected from the server
[22:35:36] <Dasdes> yeah
[22:35:36] <Criterion> F...
[22:35:38] <Dasdes> I thought so
[22:35:41] <JakeN2436> lmao
[22:35:52] <JakeN2436> in gta v, 1 minute is 3 seconds i think
[22:36:29] <-- tnht disconnected from the server
[22:37:39] <JakeN2436> !interest 5600000
[22:37:42] (WEB) <robin_be> $5,600,000 will generate about $3,733 every 60 minutes
[22:37:50] <JakeN2436> pog
[22:37:55] <JakeN2436> gonna wait until this song is over then im getting off
[22:37:55] <JakeN2436> :)))
[22:38:27] <marshmellow> bruh like wtf
[22:38:41] <marshmellow> i go from LV refinery to bayside
[22:38:43] <marshmellow> next mission
[22:38:49] <marshmellow> i go from LV refinery to bayside
[22:38:54] <marshmellow> wtf
[22:39:07] <JakeN2436> alright guys im heading off, need to sleep desperately
[22:39:10] <JakeN2436> ill be back on tomorrow
[22:39:13] <marshmellow> bye
[22:39:13] <JakeN2436> night :)))))
[22:39:13] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[22:39:24] --> Twi connected to the server
[22:39:32] <marshmellow> wb
[22:39:32] <Twi> thanks
[22:39:42] <Twi> who won that 1.4m lotto
[22:40:04] <Twi> wb
[22:40:06] <Smetkowski> ty
[22:42:12] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[22:46:00] <Dasdes> Damn I want a boat in my pool aswell
[22:46:21] <-- Criterion disconnected from the server
[22:46:37] <Sursai_Kosecksi> got a pool with water?
[22:46:48] <Dasdes> Yes, next to yours in richman
[22:47:09] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ohh right, well... let me know when you buy a boat
[22:47:20] <Dasdes> Sure, gimme a sec
[22:51:18] <marshmellow> gz
[22:51:26] <Dasdes> thx
[22:53:08] <marshmellow> !rank
[22:53:11] (WEB) <robin_be> marshmellow(6601) rank: Senior Captain(6500) next: Commercial First Officer(7000) (+399)
[22:53:59] <marshmellow> how to tow using a tow truck
[22:54:21] <Dasdes> lower the hitch with numpad 2 and stay infront of a car
[22:54:29] <Dasdes> then pull it up with numpad 8
[22:55:22] <marshmellow> not working
[22:55:47] <Dasdes> where ya at?
[22:55:52] <marshmellow> star inc base
[22:56:13] <marshmellow> ill go blueberry
[22:56:16] <Dasdes> ok
[22:58:24] <Dasdes> f
[22:58:51] <Dasdes> damn i dont know man
[22:59:07] <marshmellow> wanna take a ride
[22:59:21] <marshmellow> press g
[23:01:21] <marshmellow> gz
[23:01:29] <Dasdes> gz
[23:01:29] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ty
[23:01:32] <marshmellow> sursai how to tow using tow truck?
[23:01:59] <Sursai_Kosecksi> lol I dont remember
[23:02:15] <Twi> press 2
[23:02:23] <Twi> and it'll hoock the vehicle
[23:02:23] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ^
[23:02:36] <Dasdes> Aahh now I remember
[23:02:36] <marshmellow> oh
[23:02:39] <marshmellow> nvm
[23:02:57] <marshmellow> nice car
[23:03:24] <marshmellow> f
[23:03:32] <marshmellow> woah
[23:03:40] <marshmellow> flying tourney
[23:06:53] <Dasdes> Time to go, see ya!
[23:06:56] <marshmellow> bye
[23:06:58] <-- Dasdes disconnected from the server
[23:11:18] <marshmellow> where is angel pine?
[23:11:34] <marshmellow> where is angel pine?
[23:11:37] <marshmellow> oops
[23:14:20] <-- marshmellow disconnected from the server
[23:14:23] --> ErdemEmireri connected to the server
[23:14:39] --> Cpt.Charlez connected to the server
[23:14:52] <Cpt.Charlez> hellou
[23:22:46] <Cpt.Charlez> !licenses Cpt.Charlez
[23:22:49] (WEB) <robin_be> Cpt.Charlez has no licenses!
[23:26:02] --> BIGBADGRIZZLY connected to the server
[23:38:10] --> LeftAt10K connected to the server
[23:38:21] <Cpt.Charlez> 2wb
[23:38:21] <LeftAt10K> ty
[23:38:26] <Cpt.Charlez> wb*
[23:38:26] --> Cpt.Noobsome connected to the server
[23:38:29] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> wb
[23:38:34] <Cpt.Charlez> wb*
[23:38:40] <Cpt.Noobsome> thanks
[23:40:48] <LeftAt10K> !players Hardstone
[23:40:59] <LeftAt10K> !player Hardstone
[23:41:02] (WEB) <robin_be> player Hardstone: 5649 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[23:50:16] --> adalarva connected to the server
[23:50:24] <Cpt.Charlez> wb
[23:50:43] <adalarva> ty:d
[23:57:22] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[23:57:25] <adalarva> wb
[23:57:25] <Gajeel> wb
[23:57:25] <Cpt.Charlez> wb
[23:57:35] <BIGBADGRIZZLY> wb
[23:59:25] <Cpt.Noobsome> !player ben
[23:59:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player ben: 24 score, last seen 22 Months Ago
[23:59:31] <Cpt.Noobsome> nice nice
[23:59:39] <Cpt.Charlez> ?
[23:59:44] <Cpt.Charlez> who is he?