[00:00:06] <JakeN2436> she ended up leaving not even a month later and i wasnt told anything
[00:00:12] <eddie> that sucks man
[00:00:22] <JakeN2436> then in my 2nd year, i was making friends with this other guy from my IT class
[00:00:32] <JakeN2436> we were usually both alone in the class (there were only 6 of us in there)
[00:00:40] <JakeN2436> and we eventually became friends
[00:00:50] <JakeN2436> but before the end of the year he left to do an apprenticeship
[00:00:52] <JakeN2436> so i was alone again
[00:01:03] <JakeN2436> so technically, i had 0 friends
[00:01:10] <eddie> that sucks man
[00:01:18] <JakeN2436> i had a friend group in school
[00:02:06] <JakeN2436> except for me
[00:02:19] <eddie> yeah, its a constant battle to socialise when you have autism
[00:02:39] <eddie> but much like anxiety, it takes experience to get better
[00:02:42] <JakeN2436> some of them even had autism
[00:02:47] <JakeN2436> my "friend" beth
[00:02:57] <JakeN2436> we became REALLY close towards the end of school, like, almost best friends
[00:03:12] <JakeN2436> we get to college, she suddenly abandons me for the other people
[00:03:40] <eddie> tbh, im gonna go back to teenagers being curle
[00:03:51] <JakeN2436> fucked me up
[00:03:53] <eddie> my experience with adults has been way better
[00:03:58] <JakeN2436> same
[00:04:06] <eddie> they understand much more
[00:04:24] <eddie> and half of people dont notice im "autistic" at a party
[00:04:29] <JakeN2436> once, one of the teaching assistants passed me while i was waiting for the bus
[00:04:39] <JakeN2436> she actually gave me a ride to school
[00:04:52] <JakeN2436> she was amazing
[00:05:20] <JakeN2436> despite the fact i wanted anything other than getting to school faster at the time lol
[00:05:22] <eddie> you just have to try and not let your negative experiences effect you too much
[00:05:25] <JakeN2436> because i also hated school
[00:05:32] <JakeN2436> i cant if i have no positive experiences
[00:05:48] <JakeN2436> i also have no-one to lean on
[00:06:03] <JakeN2436> because the people who should understand the most, dont understand at all
[00:06:26] <JakeN2436> they act like they understand but they just dont
[00:07:22] <eddie> naybe look for some charities in your area tht offer conselling
[00:07:45] <eddie> i think that would be really helpful for you while you wait for a psychiatry
[00:07:47] <JakeN2436> oh there is nothing in my area lol
[00:07:52] <JakeN2436> i live in a village full of grannies and benefits scroungers
[00:08:10] <JakeN2436> it's in the area furthest away from the city centre
[00:08:15] <eddie> ahh
[00:08:53] <eddie> maybe see if anywhere in the centre can give you teleconference appointments
[00:09:09] <JakeN2436> teleconference?
[00:09:16] <JakeN2436> like, video calls?
[00:09:55] <eddie> yeah
[00:10:05] <eddie> i think they call it "attend anywhere"
[00:10:30] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[00:10:33] <JakeN2436> rip
[00:10:45] --> Crystal connected to the server
[00:10:51] <JakeN2436> honestly the thing that would help me the most is having friends
[00:10:56] <JakeN2436> but i cant even have those
[00:11:03] <JakeN2436> i have very specific interests
[00:11:13] <JakeN2436> and only a very very few select people understand what i have to put up with
[00:11:29] <Crystal> a good majority of my friends are people I've met on PL
[00:11:41] <JakeN2436> the sleep disorder i have is so rare that most doctors dont even know it exists
[00:11:44] <JakeN2436> even if they specialise in that area
[00:11:54] <eddie> yeah, tbh, my second best friend in the world is allen_lombard
[00:11:59] <eddie> hes like a brother to me
[00:12:17] <Crystal> Allen is an incredible dude
[00:12:32] <eddie> he really is
[00:12:43] <Twi[X]> hey
[00:12:45] <Twi[X]> where's the big news out
[00:12:53] <Crystal> general chat
[00:12:58] <eddie> deffo no shame in internet friends
[00:13:03] <Twi[X]> so it's some gay island called PL 2.0?
[00:13:08] <Crystal> no
[00:13:11] <Crystal> it's not PL2
[00:13:13] <eddie> boomers think its weird but fuck them
[00:13:18] <eddie> theyre fucking dumb
[00:13:21] <Crystal> it's the full liberty city and vice city maps being added to PL
[00:13:26] <Twi[X]> oh
[00:13:33] <amking> wb
[00:13:36] <Twi[X]> so basically idea comes from fortnite
[00:13:36] <Crystal> the actual map, not some shitty reconstruction with SA objects
[00:13:36] <Twi[X]> ty
[00:13:39] <Crystal> the real objects
[00:13:41] <Twi[X]> cool
[00:13:46] <Twi[X]> so 20 slotters in that?
[00:13:49] <JakeN2436> online friends arent enough for me
[00:13:49] <Crystal> yes
[00:13:54] <Crystal> maybe a 30
[00:13:56] <JakeN2436> i need someone who can support me in real life
[00:13:59] <JakeN2436> ive never had that
[00:14:12] <Twi[X]> yo wtf
[00:14:22] <Twi[X]> So I'm dumb that I paid 69m for a house?
[00:14:27] <Crystal> yes
[00:14:37] <Crystal> that's what I've been trying to say
[00:14:50] <eddie> your number one friend always has to be yourself
[00:14:52] <Twi[X]> okay
[00:14:57] <eddie> its a cliche, but true
[00:15:05] <Twi[X]> might get pissed of and just leave :Z
[00:15:08] <Twi[X]> off*
[00:16:01] <JakeN2436> i cant trust myself lol
[00:16:04] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> See twi
[00:16:11] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> That's kinda karma
[00:16:29] <JakeN2436> he has borderline personality disorder
[00:16:34] <eddie> thats where counselling would be helpful
[00:16:37] <Twi[X]> can we just have a vip 4 addon for 5 houses?
[00:16:37] <JakeN2436> i asked him what the symptoms were
[00:16:39] <JakeN2436> i had all the symptoms he did
[00:16:47] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> That's vip 5
[00:16:47] <Twi[X]> like a $5 or $10 addon
[00:16:57] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> And damn I need to get that 30 slotter
[00:16:57] <eddie> have you ever done any CBT?
[00:17:00] <Twi[X]> ngl I'm really pissed
[00:17:05] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> And I got 0 cash on me lmao
[00:17:20] <JakeN2436> nope
[00:17:23] <JakeN2436> ive never had help for this
[00:17:48] <eddie> check out some resources for self CBT
[00:18:16] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Is it possible to make 50m in less than a week?
[00:18:21] <eddie> cbt is a type of thrapy that helps to indentify and rationalise disruyptive thought cycles
[00:18:59] <Twi[X]> well
[00:18:59] <Twi[X]> tbh
[00:19:09] <Twi[X]> that shits gonna be offshore and don't really want offshore shit
[00:19:32] <eddie> plsbro
[00:19:37] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Idc if it's a 30 slot
[00:19:40] <eddie> you gonna cum whne you see that shit
[00:19:45] <Twi[X]> nah I won't
[00:19:55] <Twi[X]> actually it's gonna make PL more laggy lma
[00:19:55] <Twi[X]> lmao
[00:20:13] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I might be able to sell one of my 15 slots to get another 20 slot
[00:20:23] <eddie> lol
[00:20:28] <eddie> twi smart
[00:20:41] <Twi[X]> yeah might aswell upgrade my one 15 slotter
[00:20:54] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> But i wanna know one thing
[00:21:01] <Twi[X]> or just wait till you all get bored of those super laggy houses
[00:21:04] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Is the event dropping in one week?
[00:21:12] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Or 5 days
[00:21:12] <Twi[X]> which event
[00:21:19] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I mean update lmao
[00:21:32] <Twi[X]> what double cash event were you talking about lol
[00:21:45] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Uh where
[00:22:23] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Also crystal you motivated me to work
[00:22:33] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Respect to you sir
[00:22:41] <Twi[X]> can we sell our custom houses ?
[00:22:46] <Twi[X]> :Z
[00:22:51] <Twi[X]> need a house slot
[00:22:56] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> No
[00:22:56] <JakeN2436> wait eddie
[00:23:01] <JakeN2436> what was that drug you suggested again
[00:23:04] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Against the rules I think
[00:23:09] <eddie> omeprazole
[00:23:16] <Twi[X]> might just ask any friend of mine to take a house for me
[00:23:19] <JakeN2436> thanks
[00:23:24] <eddie> np
[00:23:24] <Twi[X]> heart burns?
[00:23:29] <eddie> nausea
[00:23:32] <Twi[X]> omeprazoles my crush
[00:23:39] <Twi[X]> bitch helps me everytime
[00:23:42] <eddie> yeah, its a common as heck drug
[00:23:52] <eddie> and really helpful for pretty much any stomach shit
[00:23:54] <JakeN2436> ive never heard of it
[00:23:54] <Twi[X]> yeahh
[00:24:17] <Twi[X]> what'd you do when you get like acidity/heartburns?
[00:24:43] <eddie> dude, i was getting it so bad a few months ago i was lying on my stomach all day
[00:24:50] <eddie> just to calm the nausea
[00:24:53] <JakeN2436> i just get nausea
[00:24:56] <Twi[X]> yeah taht shit is so bad
[00:24:56] <JakeN2436> and i throw up eventually
[00:25:01] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Aw shit I can't buy another 20slotter as I won't be able to have enough
[00:25:06] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Room for my ch
[00:25:18] --> A4Destruction connected to the server
[00:25:18] <eddie> it might not work, but its a relly safe drug, so worth a try
[00:25:39] <Twi[X]> wb
[00:25:46] <A4Destruction> ty :)
[00:26:12] <Twi[X]> Technically I can make my brother join PL and keep my house right?
[00:26:35] <eddie> i dont think custom houses are transferable
[00:26:40] <eddie> at all
[00:26:50] <Twi[X]> yeah talking about a 15 slotter
[00:26:50] <Crystal> I've been thinkin about switch that rule up
[00:26:58] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[00:27:03] <Twi[X]> just make it like custom houses don't take your house slot :#
[00:27:08] <Crystal> that won't happen
[00:27:16] <Twi[X]> wb
[00:27:21] <Crystal> it's still a house
[00:27:23] <Twi[X]> ugh
[00:27:26] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ty
[00:27:59] <Twi[X]> tbh waiting for vip 5 to get one more house lmao
[00:29:43] <Twi[X]> what was it
[00:29:53] <JakeN2436> it's called metronidazole
[00:30:01] <JakeN2436> holy fuck, it's the most foul tasting thing ive ever put in my mouth
[00:30:27] <JakeN2436> you smell it, and it smells like rotten grass
[00:30:37] <Twi[X]> damnn
[00:30:37] <JakeN2436> you put it in your mouth, and the second it touches your tongue it's straight bitterness
[00:30:39] <amking> how to know my location if I'm not at a plant :/
[00:30:52] <Twi[X]> wdym amking?
[00:30:52] <JakeN2436> it is the most disgusting thing EVER
[00:31:05] <JakeN2436> there's a clip on twitch of me choking because i had to take that shit
[00:31:12] <eddie> ouch
[00:31:17] <Twi[X]> I think that's flygal
[00:31:20] <JakeN2436> flagyl, yes
[00:31:25] <Twi[X]> flagyl* yeah
[00:31:28] <JakeN2436> absolutely horrendous
[00:31:33] <Twi[X]> idk had it a few times
[00:31:33] <eddie> luckily omeprazole is a capsule, so no disgusting shit
[00:31:38] <JakeN2436> yeah
[00:31:48] <JakeN2436> metronidazole is the horrible pale yellow tablet
[00:31:56] <Twi[X]> yeahh I think it's yellow
[00:32:01] <JakeN2436> it has no coating, it's just straight up chemical compound
[00:32:13] <JakeN2436> it's like chalk
[00:32:21] <Twi[X]> yeahh I remember having it
[00:32:24] <JakeN2436> fucking
[00:32:24] <JakeN2436> disgusting
[00:32:39] <Twi[X]> have you had brufen?
[00:32:44] <JakeN2436> probably
[00:32:44] <Twi[X]> that shit the best tablet
[00:32:59] <JakeN2436> ive had fast action ibuprofen
[00:33:02] <Twi[X]> we have the sugar coated ones here
[00:33:04] <JakeN2436> now that shit is good
[00:33:15] <Twi[X]> they're pink I think
[00:33:15] <JakeN2436> and it actually works
[00:33:20] <JakeN2436> like, paracetamol doesnt do shit for me
[00:33:22] <Twi[X]> yeah it's eally good
[00:33:25] <JakeN2436> but fast action ibuprofen
[00:33:25] <Twi[X]> same
[00:33:27] <amking> cya guys
[00:33:27] <eddie> ibuprofen is terrible for your stomach though
[00:33:27] <JakeN2436> cya
[00:33:30] <Twi[X]> cyaa
[00:33:32] <-- amking disconnected from the server
[00:33:37] <eddie> it melts the lining
[00:33:40] <Twi[X]> damn
[00:33:50] <JakeN2436> yeah well id rather have a drug that does something than a drug that does nothing
[00:33:55] <Twi[X]> I think every painkiller does shit to your stomach if thats empty
[00:33:55] <eddie> paracetemol is alot more healthy
[00:33:58] <JakeN2436> and paracetamol does nothing
[00:34:28] <JakeN2436> i had HORRIBLE toothache due to an abscess
[00:34:33] <JakeN2436> i took paracetamol, nothing happened
[00:34:44] <JakeN2436> i took fast action ibuprofen, the pain was completely gone in 10 minutes
[00:34:56] <JakeN2436> and i mean
[00:35:04] <JakeN2436> the pain was so bad that i felt lightheaded
[00:35:06] <JakeN2436> like i was going to faint
[00:35:22] <eddie> when i get that i go to a chemist and get some co-codomol
[00:35:27] <JakeN2436> isnt that a mixture
[00:35:29] <eddie> its paracetemol and codeine
[00:35:37] <JakeN2436> yeah that didnt do anything for me
[00:35:45] <JakeN2436> ive tried both paracetamol and cocodamol
[00:35:50] <JakeN2436> they both did nothing
[00:35:55] <eddie> wow
[00:36:13] <Twi[X]> yoo
[00:36:15] <JakeN2436> drugs just dont work!!!!!! :))))
[00:36:18] <Twi[X]> there was a tablet called
[00:36:20] <Twi[X]> feldene flash
[00:36:28] <Twi[X]> that shit was the best fucking thing ever
[00:36:46] <eddie> that sounds like ecstacy
[00:36:51] <Twi[X]> tooth ache used to went away in a flsah
[00:36:53] <Twi[X]> lol
[00:36:58] <eddie> "you got dem feldene flashes bro"
[00:36:58] <Twi[X]> it's piroxicam I think
[00:37:09] <JakeN2436> my toothache was always caused by abscesses
[00:37:14] <JakeN2436> and it was always so painful
[00:37:19] <eddie> word
[00:37:21] <Twi[X]> you got those root canals now?
[00:37:24] <JakeN2436> it wasnt necessarily toothache
[00:37:29] <eddie> most of my teeth arent real teeth
[00:37:32] <JakeN2436> nah i had the teeth taken out
[00:37:37] <Twi[X]> oh
[00:37:44] <Twi[X]> I've lost like 2 molar teeth of mine
[00:37:47] <JakeN2436> im gonna lose all my teeth by the time im 30 lol
[00:37:54] <Twi[X]> bout to loose the third
[00:37:54] <eddie> im missing like 3 teeth
[00:38:02] <JakeN2436> im missing 2
[00:38:10] <eddie> and i have like 7 crowns
[00:38:17] <eddie> im actually missing 4
[00:38:20] <JakeN2436> one molar and one next to the molar
[00:38:25] <eddie> cause i had an extra tooth
[00:38:30] <JakeN2436> both died and abscessed
[00:38:45] <JakeN2436> i also had a tooth infection that was actually caused by stress
[00:38:50] <JakeN2436> which is why i had to take metronidazole
[00:39:11] <JakeN2436> wait no, not a tooth infection
[00:39:13] <JakeN2436> a gum infection
[00:39:13] <Twi[X]> I wonder how my dad still has all teeth fine
[00:39:34] <JakeN2436> it was acute ulcerative gingivitis
[00:39:34] <JakeN2436> it was horrible
[00:39:52] <Twi[X]> never heard that shit
[00:39:59] <JakeN2436> it's really bad
[00:40:07] <Twi[X]> oh
[00:40:12] <JakeN2436> painful
[00:40:22] <Twi[X]> tbh tooth aches are really painful
[00:40:35] <JakeN2436> when a tooth dies and abscesses
[00:40:40] <-- A4Destruction disconnected from the server
[00:40:40] <JakeN2436> there's nothing more painful i swear
[00:40:45] <Twi[X]> yeah
[00:41:00] <Twi[X]> here they don't take out your dead tooth
[00:41:08] <JakeN2436> fuck that
[00:41:13] <Twi[X]> they like take out it's root
[00:41:23] <Twi[X]> and put a crown on it
[00:41:31] <JakeN2436> im fine with losing my teeth
[00:41:44] <JakeN2436> just whyyyy does it have to be painful lol
[00:41:54] <Twi[X]> hahha lol
[00:42:01] <JakeN2436> like
[00:42:01] <eddie> tbh, root canal > post extraction shock
[00:42:12] <Twi[X]> yeah root canal is really good
[00:42:14] <JakeN2436> i cant incorporate brushing my teeth into my routine
[00:42:22] <JakeN2436> because autism
[00:42:34] <Twi[X]> I don't really brush my teeth now adays
[00:42:40] <JakeN2436> yeah me neither
[00:42:52] <JakeN2436> the last time i brushed my teeth was over a week ago
[00:42:55] <JakeN2436> before that, it was months ago
[00:43:00] <Twi[X]> mine's like 5 days ago lol
[00:44:16] <JakeN2436> im actually gonna head to bed
[00:44:19] <JakeN2436> im fucking dead
[00:44:24] <JakeN2436> night guys
[00:44:29] <Twi[X]> aight
[00:44:32] <Twi[X]> good night lad
[00:44:34] <JakeN2436> cya
[00:44:34] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[00:44:37] <Twi[X]> cya
[00:46:57] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[00:47:22] (WEB) <robin_be#2125> !player robin_be
[00:47:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player robin_be: 13372 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[00:50:46] <-- Clogero_Mndrino disconnected from the server
[00:53:03] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[01:07:11] <angin_TimOr> snw
[01:09:23] <-- angin_TimOr disconnected from the server
[01:09:23] <-- ChairmanMao disconnected from the server
[01:09:54] --> ChairmanMao connected to the server
[01:17:45] <Twi[X]> wb
[01:28:59] <Twi[X]> smh
[01:28:59] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[01:40:06] --> Clogero_Mndrino connected to the server
[01:40:39] <Clogero_Mndrino> martinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnn
[01:41:27] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> !cboard
[01:41:27] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12453) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-57) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5447)
[01:53:13] <Clogero_Mndrino> rtt
[02:04:07] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[02:04:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> tres
[02:05:49] <Clogero_Mndrino> hola
[02:07:48] <-- Clogero_Mndrino disconnected from the server
[02:08:59] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[02:12:36] --> Clogero_Mndrino connected to the server
[02:13:37] <Clogero_Mndrino> hello
[02:13:42] <Clogero_Mndrino> hola
[02:14:33] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[02:17:51] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> joyadi
[02:17:59] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> go to sleep
[02:18:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> 7am
[02:18:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> no i
[02:18:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> no u
[02:18:27] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> wtf
[02:19:23] --> Lavija connected to the server
[02:19:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> .q
[02:21:28] <Lavija> joyadi get on discord voice
[02:21:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> cant alt tab
[02:21:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> alt tab
[02:21:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> crash
[02:21:41] <Lavija> excuses
[02:21:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> ye really
[02:22:21] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[02:22:59] <Clogero_Mndrino> y
[02:25:50] <-- ChairmanMao disconnected from the server
[02:25:50] <-- Clogero_Mndrino disconnected from the server
[02:25:50] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[02:26:20] --> ChairmanMao connected to the server
[02:26:31] --> Clogero_Mndrino connected to the server
[02:29:44] --> Lavija connected to the server
[02:53:30] --> Crystal connected to the server
[02:54:29] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[02:54:34] <Lavija> perfect
[02:54:39] <Lavija> joyadi is here to work for transx
[02:54:52] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[02:54:52] <Clogero_Mndrino> hello
[02:54:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> smh
[02:54:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> gonna work as marketing
[02:55:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> not worker
[02:55:07] <Crystal> lmao
[02:55:43] <Crystal> longest relog ever
[02:55:53] --> Lavija connected to the server
[02:57:14] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[02:57:40] <Lavija> wat
[02:58:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> T R A N a S X
[02:58:59] <Lavija> yis
[02:59:24] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> yes join
[02:59:27] <Lavija> yes
[02:59:32] <Lavija> yuo too daniel
[02:59:39] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> yes, disband gojek
[02:59:49] <Lavija> im buying gojek and deleting it
[03:00:02] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> u dont need to buy it, we'll delete it
[03:00:07] <Lavija> good
[03:00:12] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> in cost of THAT house
[03:00:12] <Lavija> then ill have money to buy that house too
[03:00:20] <Lavija> what the hell
[03:00:20] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> u wish
[03:01:08] --> Adam_DeAth connected to the server
[03:02:35] <Crystal> !cboard
[03:02:35] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12453) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-57) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5447)
[03:02:37] <Crystal> gppd
[03:02:37] <Adam_DeAth> How to get in a at-400?
[03:02:37] <Crystal> good*
[03:02:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> /at400
[03:02:43] <Crystal> /at400 near the rear wheels
[03:02:43] <Lavija> a/t400
[03:03:00] <-- Adam_DeAth disconnected from the server
[03:09:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> p
[03:09:32] <Crystal> e
[03:09:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> e
[03:09:40] <Crystal> n
[03:09:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> c
[03:09:48] <Crystal> what
[03:09:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> pencil
[03:09:53] <Crystal> oh
[03:09:53] <Crystal> :(
[03:09:55] <Lavija> peencil
[03:10:39] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[03:10:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110019) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9869) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24530)
[03:10:49] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> u better start working lav
[03:11:29] <ChairmanMao> good
[03:12:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> !Player jowillzjoestar.
[03:12:23] (WEB) <robin_be> player jowillzjoestar.: 16436 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[03:16:10] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[03:18:50] <Crystal> gz
[03:19:05] <Lavija> wat
[03:19:08] <Crystal> u
[03:19:10] <Crystal> for winning my heart
[03:19:16] <Lavija> lies
[03:19:23] <Lavija> ur just baked
[03:19:28] <Crystal> not yet :/
[03:19:46] <Crystal> tryin to figure out if I wanna get tb first
[03:19:51] <Crystal> or just make food at home
[03:26:39] --> OddeeGarlicBread connected to the server
[03:27:07] <OddeeGarlicBread> Hello my friends, today its the Friends Day in Brazil!
[03:27:15] <Crystal> Hello oder!
[03:27:27] <OddeeGarlicBread> hey my friend. sup
[03:27:35] <ChairmanMao> yo hello oder
[03:28:46] <Clogero_Mndrino> aaasss
[03:30:59] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[03:31:50] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[03:32:02] <OddeeGarlicBread> hey Chairman sup
[03:32:10] <OddeeGarlicBread> are you Cao?
[03:32:13] <ChairmanMao> no
[03:32:20] <ChairmanMao> im winlogon
[03:32:30] <Crystal> lmao hit G Clogero
[03:32:33] <OddeeGarlicBread> ahh nice. name changed cool
[03:35:59] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[03:39:35] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[03:39:35] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110019) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9850) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24544)
[03:40:19] <OddeeGarlicBread> shit...
[03:40:49] <OddeeGarlicBread> hihscores
[03:40:57] <OddeeGarlicBread> highscores
[03:41:17] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Jeeez what is it?
[03:41:22] <Crystal> just come in
[03:41:25] <Crystal> slut
[03:41:27] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> I cant
[03:41:27] <Crystal> it's really important
[03:41:30] <Crystal> like actually
[03:41:48] <Clogero_Mndrino> crystal hellow
[03:41:50] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Why tf do you even need me
[03:42:06] <Clogero_Mndrino> martinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna
[03:42:08] <Lavija> would u stop being difficult and come when you can
[03:42:08] <OddeeGarlicBread> is Lima new airport?
[03:42:11] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Did you update the server or something
[03:42:16] <Crystal> not yet
[03:42:18] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Hello buddy
[03:42:21] <ChairmanMao> yes lima is now
[03:42:24] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[03:42:24] <ChairmanMao> new#
[03:42:36] <Crystal> when can you come on?
[03:42:44] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Like in hours
[03:42:46] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[03:42:52] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Idk yet
[03:42:57] <Clogero_Mndrino> hola alguien espa�ol
[03:42:59] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[03:43:04] <OddeeGarlicBread> i would suggest change the dark green colors of vip chat, most times i cant see
[03:43:07] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Si hola amiguito
[03:43:14] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Que necesitas?
[03:43:20] <OddeeGarlicBread> hi Martin
[03:43:20] <Clogero_Mndrino> jajaja hola brodir
[03:43:35] <-- angin_TimOr disconnected from the server
[03:43:37] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[03:43:37] <-- OddeeGarlicBread disconnected from the server
[03:43:37] <-- ChairmanMao disconnected from the server
[03:43:37] <-- Clogero_Mndrino disconnected from the server
[03:43:37] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Its uhm
[03:43:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> wtf
[03:44:03] --> Lavija connected to the server
[03:44:05] --> OddeeGarlicBread connected to the server
[03:44:08] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Friendship day here so we are facetiming with my friends
[03:44:16] --> ChairmanMao connected to the server
[03:44:18] --> Clogero_Mndrino connected to the server
[03:44:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> wb wb wb wb wb
[03:44:33] <OddeeGarlicBread> hello my friends
[03:44:33] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[03:44:33] <Crystal> massive timeout??
[03:44:36] <Clogero_Mndrino> me ayudas a comprarme autos no martin
[03:44:38] <Lavija> yes
[03:44:46] (WEB) <midget#0266> and my game is bugged hue
[03:44:46] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Tenes que conseguir plata
[03:44:49] <Clogero_Mndrino> no los encuentros
[03:44:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> angin, lavija, odertan, winlogon, clogero timeouted
[03:44:56] <Lavija> wait wait you cant come in bc your facetiming friends?
[03:44:59] <Crystal> odd
[03:45:01] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Usa /god
[03:45:01] <OddeeGarlicBread> very good beagle doing missions
[03:45:04] <Clogero_Mndrino> si tengo plata
[03:45:09] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> /gps*
[03:45:19] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Para ubicar las concesionarias
[03:45:22] <-- ChairmanMao disconnected from the server
[03:45:34] <Lavija> that timeout session was star inc
[03:45:34] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[03:45:37] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Y anda al puntito rojo en tu minimapa
[03:45:37] <Lavija> trying to sabotage us
[03:45:40] --> ChairmanMao connected to the server
[03:45:42] <Clogero_Mndrino> no me deja
[03:45:45] <Crystal> 100 percent
[03:45:47] <Crystal> jk I never timed out
[03:46:02] <Clogero_Mndrino> me esse�as
[03:46:08] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Si estas en un trabajo usa /s
[03:46:15] <Lavija> santi check discord DM
[03:46:15] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Y despues usa /gps
[03:46:20] <OddeeGarlicBread> the beagle is a nice airplane my friends
[03:46:33] <Clogero_Mndrino> yo estoy en un auroperto
[03:46:51] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[03:46:56] <Kamikez> ;
[03:46:58] <OddeeGarlicBread> wb kamikes my friend
[03:47:01] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> No estoy en el juego, estoy hablando desde discord jajajajaja
[03:47:04] <Kamikez> :D
[03:47:11] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Por eso
[03:47:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> caps >:(
[03:47:26] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> On it
[03:47:29] <Clogero_Mndrino> aaaa ok avisame cuando entres
[03:47:39] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[03:47:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110019) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9846) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24548)
[03:47:52] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> Nice one neel
[03:48:02] <Crystal> "nice one"
[03:48:02] <Lavija> look at the username
[03:48:10] <Crystal> come in and find out for yourself
[03:48:12] <OddeeGarlicBread> what max speed u guys get on beagle?
[03:48:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> 80 kts...?
[03:48:48] <OddeeGarlicBread> i mean, higher
[03:48:53] <ChairmanMao> yiou could try divebomb but dk if it will get u banned or not
[03:48:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> 80-90 ish from me
[03:49:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> beagle is slowest i think :/
[03:49:08] <Kamikez> dodo
[03:49:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah dodo magically its faster than beagle
[03:49:21] <ChairmanMao> nah dodo faster than beagle
[03:49:24] <OddeeGarlicBread> i get 70 but can be winds
[03:49:31] <ChairmanMao> depite having one more propeller
[03:49:41] <OddeeGarlicBread> i like slow plane. its realistic for me
[03:50:20] <OddeeGarlicBread> of course hydra is fun
[03:50:40] <OddeeGarlicBread> but a smooth piloting is cool too
[03:51:18] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[03:53:02] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[03:53:23] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[03:53:33] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[03:54:47] <Kamikez> !aoard
[03:54:47] <Kamikez> !aboard
[03:54:49] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110019) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9838) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24554)
[03:55:17] <Clogero_Mndrino> help nou car
[03:55:35] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[03:56:49] <Crystal> congrats!@
[03:56:57] <Wak_Jemah> ty
[03:58:13] <Clogero_Mndrino> ola
[03:59:24] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[04:01:21] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[04:01:37] --> Crystal connected to the server
[04:02:00] <Crystal> dumb game freezes right before unload smh
[04:05:39] <OddeeGarlicBread> who likes garlic bread
[04:05:41] <Lavija> me
[04:05:41] <Crystal> me
[04:05:46] <OddeeGarlicBread> me too
[04:06:02] <Kamikez> !assets oddeegarlicbread
[04:06:02] <Lavija> !cboard
[04:06:02] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12475) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-79) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5447)
[04:06:04] (WEB) <robin_be> oddeegarlicbread has 12 car(s) ($4,330,000) and 4 house(s) ($37,000,000 - 29 slots) for a total of $41,330,000
[04:06:32] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[04:06:37] <Kamikez> wb
[04:06:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> hellow
[04:06:42] <OddeeGarlicBread> wb
[04:06:53] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> !cash juraganmelon
[04:06:55] (WEB) <robin_be> juraganmelon has $0 in hand
[04:07:26] <OddeeGarlicBread> nite my friends
[04:07:26] <OddeeGarlicBread> :D
[04:07:31] <-- OddeeGarlicBread disconnected from the server
[04:07:44] <Crystal> mycar 322
[04:07:46] <Crystal> oops
[04:07:54] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[04:07:59] --> eddie connected to the server
[04:09:23] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[04:11:25] <Clogero_Mndrino> martin
[04:11:35] <Clogero_Mndrino> entraste
[04:12:34] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[04:13:27] <-- angin_TimOr disconnected from the server
[04:13:48] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[04:15:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cboard
[04:15:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12477) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-81) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5447)
[04:19:34] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[04:19:39] <ChairmanMao> wb
[04:19:49] <WarmBees> ayo
[04:20:07] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[04:20:12] <WarmBees> wb
[04:20:40] <WarmBees> gz!
[04:20:45] <Wak_Jemah> gz
[04:20:45] <angin_TimOr> ty
[04:21:23] <ChairmanMao> jesus
[04:21:26] <ChairmanMao> jesus
[04:21:33] <ChairmanMao> .
[04:22:01] <WarmBees> fuck skimmer
[04:22:04] <WarmBees> haha
[04:22:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions skimmer
[04:22:14] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 900 skimmer
[04:22:17] <eddie> wow
[04:22:19] <Lavija> !missions skimmer
[04:22:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Lavija: 0 skimmer
[04:22:22] <ChairmanMao> !missions fubar skimmer
[04:22:22] <eddie> poor jojo
[04:22:22] <ChairmanMao> !missions fubar skimmer
[04:22:27] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[04:22:30] <ChairmanMao> .
[04:22:30] <eddie> !missions skimmer
[04:22:30] <ChairmanMao> !missions fubar skimmer
[04:22:33] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie: 12 skimmer
[04:22:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> xD
[04:22:38] <eddie> 12 too many
[04:22:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> perfection of /statws
[04:22:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> /stats
[04:22:45] <ChairmanMao> !MISSIONS FUBAR SKIMMER FFS
[04:22:48] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[04:22:48] <WarmBees> !missions skimmer
[04:22:51] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees: 1 skimmer
[04:22:56] <Lavija> !missions skimmer fubar
[04:22:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions fubar skimmer
[04:23:01] (WEB) <robin_be> fubar: 1170 skimmer
[04:23:37] <eddie> ngl, i think id die trying to do 1k skimmer
[04:23:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions joyadijoestar. shamal cargo helicopter cargodrop dodo
[04:23:42] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar.: 900 shamal 900 cargo 900 helicopter 900 cargodrop 900 dodo
[04:23:49] <Lavija> 900 heli?
[04:23:49] <Lavija> tf?
[04:23:52] <eddie> nice
[04:24:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> see desi
[04:24:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions ipaid[pl] helicopter
[04:24:10] (WEB) <robin_be> ipaid[pl]: 5100 helicopter
[04:24:12] <Lavija> ok just bc im brown doesnt mean u need to call me desi
[04:24:15] <eddie> !missions eddie shamal cargo helicopter cargodrop dodo
[04:24:18] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie: 2581 shamal 384 cargo 240 helicopter 2805 cargodrop 352 dodo
[04:24:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> not u smh
[04:24:25] <eddie> i beat you on cargo drop :P
[04:24:38] <Lavija> !missions cargo
[04:24:38] <eddie> shamal my fave ho
[04:24:41] (WEB) <robin_be> Lavija: 7526 cargo
[04:24:41] <Lavija> i beat u on cargo
[04:24:48] <eddie> !missions cargo
[04:24:51] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie: 384 cargo
[04:24:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions rescue
[04:24:56] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 902 rescue
[04:24:56] <ChairmanMao> !licenses eddie
[04:24:59] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie has no licenses!
[04:24:59] <eddie> wow, not even 500
[04:25:06] <eddie> yeah baby
[04:25:11] <eddie> unlicensed and dangerous
[04:25:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> wiuuu wiuuu
[04:25:27] <ChairmanMao> i see why ur trucking now
[04:25:42] <eddie> meh
[04:25:49] <eddie> what am i gonna do with a lame rare vehicle
[04:26:07] <ChairmanMao> dm
[04:26:51] <WarmBees> !houses
[04:26:53] (WEB) <robin_be> Blueberry Acres: $10,000,000 8 slots Blueberry: $4,200,000 4 slots
[04:26:53] <WarmBees> ^
[04:27:03] <eddie> !houses
[04:27:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Red County: $8,000,000 8 slots Regular Tom: $10,500,000 7 slots East Beach: $22,000,000 16 slots Hashbury: (..)
[04:27:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> !houses santiago
[04:27:26] (WEB) <robin_be> East Beach: $11,000,000 10 slots Ballsack Ridge: $500,000 1 slots Commerce: $42,000,000 30 slots
[04:27:37] <eddie> dat 30 slot
[04:27:47] <Lavija> i call dibs on the new one
[04:28:10] <Lavija> its 150m
[04:28:13] <eddie> jk i dont have enough money
[04:29:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> off
[04:29:06] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[04:29:34] <-- Clogero_Mndrino disconnected from the server
[04:29:52] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> new update?
[04:29:57] <Lavija> no
[04:30:07] <Crystal> not yet
[04:31:11] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[04:31:11] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110026) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9800) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24594)
[04:31:26] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> stop it mao >.<
[04:31:39] <ChairmanMao> i cant stop working
[04:31:54] <ChairmanMao> its in my blo9od
[04:32:04] <eddie> new update is mao deletion
[04:32:07] <WarmBees> blood /w
[04:32:07] <ChairmanMao> shit
[04:32:09] <Lavija> and lufthansa
[04:32:12] <WarmBees> F
[04:32:14] <eddie> ofc
[04:32:17] <ChairmanMao> more shit
[04:32:22] --> DrunkGarlicBread connected to the server
[04:32:40] <ChairmanMao> wb
[04:32:45] <DrunkGarlicBread> ty
[04:33:13] <WarmBees> !player hades
[04:33:16] (WEB) <robin_be> player hades: 3012 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[04:35:08] <WarmBees> !player czechboy777
[04:35:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player czechboy777: 2372 score, last seen 8 Hours Ago
[04:45:57] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[04:46:17] <Crystal> damn quiet af
[04:46:33] <DrunkGarlicBread> peaceful life
[04:46:35] <eddie> im on dat AT grind
[04:48:02] --> David connected to the server
[04:48:15] <WarmBees> ayo
[04:48:20] <David> hey lav, are you still a forum admin?
[04:49:31] <Crystal> !8ball bowl time?
[04:49:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Crystal: Very doubtful
[04:49:36] <Crystal> slut
[04:49:36] <eddie> lol
[04:49:44] <Lavija> yes
[04:49:46] <Lavija> whys wassup
[04:49:49] <Crystal> !8ball smokey?
[04:49:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Crystal: Very doubtful
[04:49:56] <David> oh nah i already asked eddie
[04:49:56] <Crystal> fuck you bot
[04:49:59] <Crystal> imma do it anyways
[04:50:02] <Crystal> fuck 12
[04:50:12] <Lavija> not if i do it first
[04:50:17] <Crystal> :O
[04:50:19] <Crystal> bet you won't
[04:50:22] <Crystal> pussy
[04:51:36] <eddie> fuck you lav
[04:51:46] <eddie> or whoever beat me to it
[04:51:48] <Crystal> dude check Kanye's twitter
[04:51:51] <Crystal> some shits goin on
[04:51:59] <Crystal> Kanye knows big shit and he's bout to speak
[04:51:59] <eddie> is he dead?
[04:51:59] <DrunkGarlicBread> what's wrong with him now
[04:52:01] <eddie> i hope
[04:52:06] <Crystal> He's probably gonna be
[04:52:09] <Crystal> check his shit
[04:52:14] <eddie> whats right with him?
[04:52:14] <Crystal> someone's gonna take his ass out
[04:52:29] <Kamikez> crystal no free fuel at noon?
[04:52:34] <Crystal> sure
[04:52:34] <DrunkGarlicBread> I don't have twitter but I'll check it out
[04:52:42] <Kamikez> :D
[04:53:12] <DrunkGarlicBread> "NBC locked up Bill Cosby" what the fuck?
[04:53:33] <Lavija> i won
[04:53:35] <DrunkGarlicBread> "if I get locked up like Mandela y'all willl know why"
[04:55:43] --> Hades connected to the server
[04:55:50] <WarmBees> ayo
[04:55:50] <WarmBees> wb
[04:56:03] <Kamikez> wb haydz
[04:56:18] <Hades> thanks
[04:56:23] <Hades> not haydz
[04:56:26] <WarmBees> lol
[04:56:34] <WarmBees> cant read lmao
[04:56:39] <Hades> don't disrespect haydz
[04:56:49] <Kamikez> stfu warmbees
[04:56:59] <ChairmanMao> haydz hello
[04:56:59] <DrunkGarlicBread> yesterday everyone was saying you are haydz
[04:57:02] <WarmBees> someones triggered
[04:57:07] <Kamikez> he ys haydz
[04:57:35] <Kamikez> reincarnated
[04:59:09] <WarmBees> F
[04:59:14] <WarmBees> gz!
[04:59:22] <ChairmanMao> ty
[04:59:37] <DrunkGarlicBread> lc whore as usual
[04:59:39] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[04:59:42] <ChairmanMao> hehe
[04:59:49] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[05:00:51] --> Hades connected to the server
[05:01:16] <Kamikez> wb
[05:02:12] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[05:04:32] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[05:06:45] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[05:07:05] <Hades> wb
[05:07:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> salamat
[05:07:13] <Kamikez> lol
[05:07:18] <Hades> <3
[05:07:20] <WarmBees> thats my boi
[05:08:24] <David> oh shit
[05:08:37] <David> are you guys seeing whats happening on kanye's twitter
[05:08:39] <Crystal> yeah lmao
[05:08:42] <Crystal> been keeping track
[05:08:44] <DrunkGarlicBread> I don't get it tho
[05:08:49] <Kamikez> Kanye 2020
[05:08:49] <Crystal> okay so here's my theory
[05:08:57] <David> lets hear it
[05:09:02] <Crystal> Kanye knows shit about the elite pedo ring in hollywood
[05:09:07] --> HardStone connected to the server
[05:09:07] <David> btw thanks lav
[05:09:10] <David> and eddie
[05:09:10] <Crystal> and someone's after him to kill him
[05:09:25] <Crystal> He keeps referring to Kim as "norths mother"
[05:09:30] <Crystal> so Kims a part of the ring and Kanye wants out
[05:09:48] <David> im telling you, theres some fucked up shit in hollywood
[05:09:58] <Crystal> And Kims trying to sell their children into dirty shit and Kanye's trying to protect his kids
[05:10:01] <David> you can fucking smell it when ur there lmao
[05:10:13] <Crystal> Trumps for sure involved
[05:10:34] <Crystal> hear about how one of the judge's in the epstein case's son was killed?
[05:10:39] <David> afk
[05:10:44] <DrunkGarlicBread> really? damn
[05:11:02] <Crystal> Yeah, dude dressed up like a delivery driver then shot her son when he answered the door
[05:11:04] <David> didn't epstein's wife yeet it couple days ago
[05:11:07] <Crystal> her husband was also shot but survived
[05:11:09] <DrunkGarlicBread> some people really don't want that pedo ring to come out to the public
[05:11:17] <Crystal> not wife, like a business partner
[05:11:20] <Crystal> and she's still alive
[05:11:22] <Crystal> but probably not for long
[05:11:27] <Crystal> rumors are she's going to talk
[05:11:37] <DrunkGarlicBread> I hope she does
[05:11:43] <DrunkGarlicBread> that shit's fucked up
[05:12:03] <David> so much fucked up shit in hollywood man
[05:12:05] <Crystal> then you got ICE "losing kids" and the whole Wayfair thing
[05:12:08] <David> money is power, that's why i can't do shit
[05:12:18] <DrunkGarlicBread> hollywood is the pinacle of fuckedupshit
[05:12:18] <Crystal> Wayfair supposedly trafficking kids and also works with ICE
[05:12:28] <Kamikez> btw
[05:12:31] <David> bro i almost got deported by ICE crustal
[05:12:33] <David> lmao
[05:12:39] <DrunkGarlicBread> what's ICE?
[05:12:39] <Kamikez> what's happening to smith?
[05:12:49] <DrunkGarlicBread> I've heard about it before but I don't know exactly what it is
[05:12:51] <Crystal> Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
[05:12:51] <Kamikez> his wife cheated?
[05:12:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> ah
[05:12:56] <Lavija> fuck ICE
[05:13:01] <David> facts
[05:13:07] <DrunkGarlicBread> "enforcement" lmao
[05:13:07] <David> fuck ICE all day bruh
[05:13:07] <HardStone> Lavija
[05:13:12] <Lavija> hi
[05:13:12] <HardStone> you're asian american?
[05:13:14] <Lavija> yes
[05:13:14] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[05:13:17] <HardStone> ah
[05:13:27] <Lavija> im indian
[05:13:32] <DrunkGarlicBread> they deport people for no reason?
[05:13:35] <Lavija> yeah
[05:13:37] <David> they have "reasons"
[05:13:42] <Crystal> "being brown"
[05:13:42] <Lavija> horrible conditions
[05:13:57] <David> dude, why do you think I'm 7000 miles from where I'm supposed to be rn
[05:14:00] <Lavija> just 2 weeks ago, they were going to deport internation students if their uni went all online
[05:14:00] <Crystal> ICE works for the elite ring
[05:14:03] <DrunkGarlicBread> systemic racism in america is just insane
[05:14:10] <Crystal> the deep state
[05:14:13] <David> lav, that shit was the reason im in HK now
[05:14:23] <David> yes lmao
[05:14:23] <Lavija> tf
[05:14:25] <DrunkGarlicBread> I thought you were in macau
[05:14:31] <David> well, macau yeah
[05:14:38] <Crystal> arm and protect yourself cause you can't count on the government to do it for you
[05:14:38] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[05:14:41] <Lavija> david, they repealed that after all the backlash
[05:14:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> macau and hong kong are completely different things david xD
[05:14:53] <David> yeah, but my parents freaked the fuck out and made me go home
[05:15:01] <Lavija> harvard and yale sued them too
[05:15:06] <David> yeah and the UC system
[05:15:34] <David> never fly international during a pandemic
[05:15:37] <David> it was horrible
[05:15:44] <Lavija> i have
[05:15:57] <David> yeah, flew from LAX to HKG
[05:16:07] <David> girl next to me was cute though
[05:16:10] <David> but she had a UCLA sweater
[05:16:12] <Lavija> oh we need to go online, or else this flu season is going to be a disaster
[05:16:15] <David> and FUCK UCLA on my momma
[05:16:28] <DrunkGarlicBread> exactly, I'm ok with going online, just lower the tuition fees then
[05:16:28] <Lavija> fuck ucla, they stole our basketball coach
[05:16:48] <Lavija> but we still stomped them out here
[05:16:53] <Lavija> shaq's son aint got shit on us
[05:17:06] <David> we got the better engineering school
[05:17:08] <DrunkGarlicBread> my college will do a mixed regime with in-college classes + online
[05:17:16] <David> ucincy got the hotter chicks
[05:17:21] <David> we good fam
[05:17:26] <Lavija> we got some baddies
[05:17:29] <David> facts dude
[05:17:41] <David> my school is good if you like asians lmao
[05:17:41] <DrunkGarlicBread> is ucla that bad?
[05:17:44] <David> like a lot of them
[05:17:47] <David> like 15k of them
[05:18:07] <David> nah, i just shit on ucla because they're my rival school in the system
[05:18:22] <David> but fuck ucla on god
[05:19:05] <David> im in star inc tho
[05:19:11] <David> fuck it say less
[05:19:21] <Lavija> we better
[05:19:28] <DrunkGarlicBread> can't argue with that assessment
[05:19:49] <JoyadiJoestar.>
[05:19:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> !cboard
[05:19:51] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12489) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-93) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5447)
[05:22:01] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[05:22:49] --> HardStone connected to the server
[05:22:55] <DrunkGarlicBread> hang on, wasn't bill cosby accused of pedo shit as well?�
[05:23:00] <David> ^
[05:23:05] <Lavija> ye
[05:23:33] <DrunkGarlicBread> oh then kanye is talking about some pedo ring for sure
[05:23:38] <David> !aboard
[05:23:38] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110080) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9793) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24644)
[05:23:38] <Crystal> 100 percent
[05:24:54] <Kamikez> vettel is the winner again
[05:24:59] <Kamikez> no
[05:24:59] <DrunkGarlicBread> really?
[05:24:59] <Kamikez> xD
[05:25:04] <Kamikez> hamilton
[05:25:09] <DrunkGarlicBread> Ah thank god
[05:25:25] <David> holy shit i just got like 50 opcodes
[05:25:32] <DrunkGarlicBread> I'm not following formula 1 now so I have no clue about the current standings
[05:25:40] <DrunkGarlicBread> hamilton won the race or is world champion yet?
[05:25:40] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[05:25:40] <ChairmanMao> fucking boring hungary race
[05:25:43] <WarmBees> F
[05:25:50] <Kamikez> xD
[05:25:50] <Kamikez> HAHAHA
[05:25:53] <DrunkGarlicBread> boring?
[05:25:55] <DrunkGarlicBread> oh boy
[05:26:36] <DrunkGarlicBread> kanye gave a campaign speech yesterday lmao
[05:26:39] <DrunkGarlicBread> he was angry hahaha
[05:27:12] <Crystal> if I lived in Wyoming I'd so offer security services for his ranch lmao
[05:27:17] <Crystal> Since I used to work security
[05:27:24] <David> if you lived in WY you wouldn't be server owner of PL
[05:27:32] --> Hades connected to the server
[05:27:35] <DrunkGarlicBread> is this why he's running for pres?
[05:27:35] <David> they haven't discovered the internet there yet
[05:27:42] <DrunkGarlicBread> hahahaha poor wyoming
[05:27:50] <DrunkGarlicBread> I thought montana was the place with no internet
[05:27:57] <Crystal> Montana is lit
[05:28:02] <Crystal> my ex used to live out there, beautiful place
[05:28:23] <David> damn lmfao
[05:28:33] <David> i feel like everytime we talk about a place
[05:28:38] <David> crystal pulls up with the ex story
[05:28:41] <Crystal> lmao
[05:28:43] <DrunkGarlicBread> he's a playboy
[05:28:43] <Crystal> I got a couple
[05:28:46] <HardStone> player
[05:28:56] <Crystal> one of em played PL for a bit
[05:28:56] <DrunkGarlicBread> 100 percent player
[05:28:58] <Crystal> like a week lmao
[05:29:11] <Lavija> her name was shiv
[05:29:14] <Crystal> ew
[05:29:14] <David> lmfao shiv
[05:29:16] <Crystal> 1000x no
[05:29:21] <David> too many macbook purchases
[05:29:24] <DrunkGarlicBread> y'all be careful with crys, he gon steal yo girlfriend
[05:29:29] <David> Mr. steal yo girl
[05:29:47] <Crystal> we might have a little entanglement
[05:30:02] <DrunkGarlicBread> lc whore <3
[05:30:10] <Crystal> Chairman's gonna love this next update
[05:30:12] <Crystal> so many new LCs
[05:30:17] <DrunkGarlicBread> do we have any stats about how many LCs we got?
[05:30:25] <Crystal> sadly not
[05:30:28] <Crystal> but I really should add that
[05:30:38] <DrunkGarlicBread> easily addable
[05:30:43] <Crystal> hella
[05:31:03] <Crystal> Going to in a future update
[05:31:06] <Lavija> bc im 5000 iq
[05:31:18] <David> wait we can choose lengths in /p?
[05:31:18] <DrunkGarlicBread> wasn't that the case before you became owner?
[05:31:21] <Crystal> nah
[05:31:24] <David> aw
[05:31:39] <Crystal> but it would be interesting if you could choose distances with a license...
[05:31:41] <DrunkGarlicBread> I didn't get any far missions with hydras until you did some changes
[05:31:44] <Crystal> licenses need to hold more power
[05:31:46] <Lavija> unless you want a whole ass mission from liberty city to SA
[05:31:59] <Crystal> imagine a haul from Vice City to Liberty City
[05:31:59] <DrunkGarlicBread> oh for that purpose, sure
[05:32:02] <Crystal> would take ages
[05:32:04] <-- angin_TimOr disconnected from the server
[05:32:22] <DrunkGarlicBread> btw crys, kalcor still has the files of all 0.3DL files (RC-2, RC-3, etc.) on samp forums
[05:32:27] <DrunkGarlicBread> both client and server
[05:32:32] <Crystal> the way it works, you shouldn't be too far from your original starting point
[05:32:40] <Crystal> SO if you start hauling in VC, you'll stay in VC
[05:32:48] <Crystal> etc
[05:32:55] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[05:33:00] <Hades> !roll 50
[05:33:03] (WEB) <robin_be> Hades rolls 20
[05:33:05] <Crystal> Yeah I've downloaded all the files needed so we can give it out in case he takes his down
[05:33:08] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[05:34:40] <Hades> s
[05:35:18] <Hades> !roll 50
[05:35:20] (WEB) <robin_be> Hades rolls 34
[05:35:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> random isn't really random hades
[05:35:59] <DrunkGarlicBread> you can guess the next lotto number
[05:36:11] <Hades> how
[05:36:14] <Hades> ?
[05:36:29] <WarmBees> prediction
[05:36:49] <DrunkGarlicBread> and do some calculations in between
[05:36:57] <-- David disconnected from the server
[05:37:10] <DrunkGarlicBread> tbh it's too much time consuming
[05:37:20] <DrunkGarlicBread> just notice on the pattern of lotto numbers and go from there
[05:37:28] --> David connected to the server
[05:40:31] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[05:40:56] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[05:42:23] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[05:42:23] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110101) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9794) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24661)
[05:42:33] <DrunkGarlicBread> ia is lagging so far behind damn
[05:42:43] <Lavija> bc we dont work
[05:42:51] <Lavija> were lazy af
[05:42:51] <Hades> bc i am the only one who works
[05:42:56] <DrunkGarlicBread> oof
[05:43:44] <DrunkGarlicBread> crystal
[05:44:15] <DrunkGarlicBread> sky air has 94/50 vehicles right now
[05:44:18] <DrunkGarlicBread> wtf happened
[05:44:23] <Lavija> reload your fleet
[05:44:25] <David> fleet duplication
[05:44:28] <DrunkGarlicBread> already did that
[05:44:30] <DrunkGarlicBread> hang on
[05:44:38] <Lavija> wait is anyone in sky air working
[05:44:40] <DrunkGarlicBread> yeah me
[05:44:43] <Crystal> oh well
[05:44:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> lemme finish
[05:44:53] <DrunkGarlicBread> it's just 2km away
[05:44:56] <David> warmbees is
[05:44:58] <Lavija> lmk when you land
[05:45:14] <WarmBees> im here at the base
[05:45:19] <WarmBees> im not working
[05:45:49] <Lavija> done prompto?
[05:45:52] <DrunkGarlicBread> yeah
[05:45:57] <Lavija> now /fleet
[05:46:04] <DrunkGarlicBread> ah done, thank you
[05:46:07] <WarmBees> there
[05:46:33] <David> !player dumblee
[05:46:35] (WEB) <robin_be> player dumblee: 3522 score, last seen 15 Days Ago
[05:46:45] <WarmBees> !player memelenin
[05:46:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player memelenin: 952 score, last seen 12 Days Ago
[05:46:51] <WarmBees> !assets memelenin
[05:46:51] <Sursai_Kosecksi> I've been editing Gilespy and Guanacana
[05:46:53] (WEB) <robin_be> memelenin has 5 car(s) ($2,550,000) and 2 house(s) ($3,100,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $5,650,000
[05:46:56] <WarmBees> F
[05:47:47] <Lavija> thought it was 10
[05:48:12] <DrunkGarlicBread> 6 slots for $3.1m? nice house lol
[05:48:48] <DrunkGarlicBread> next lotto is mine
[05:49:54] <-- angin_TimOr disconnected from the server
[05:53:13] --> DavyJones connected to the server
[05:53:23] <-- David disconnected from the server
[05:53:33] --> David connected to the server
[05:55:25] <DavyJones> hello my brother
[06:00:13] <David> winny
[06:00:15] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[06:00:25] <David> do you like bubble tea
[06:00:28] <ChairmanMao> ay
[06:00:30] <ChairmanMao> yes
[06:00:33] <David> dammit
[06:00:43] <Hades> told ya
[06:00:53] <WarmBees> any diff between bubble tea and milktea?
[06:01:01] <David> milk tea doesn't have tapioca pearls
[06:01:16] <WarmBees> it does
[06:01:19] <Hades> bubble tea and milktea are the same here
[06:01:21] <DrunkGarlicBread> tapioca tastes like nothing
[06:01:21] <David> oh
[06:01:29] <WarmBees> hahaha oo hades
[06:01:29] <ChairmanMao> its essentially bubble milktea
[06:01:34] <WarmBees> melkte
[06:01:37] <Hades> milktea without pearls
[06:01:44] <Hades> HAHAHA
[06:01:47] <David> that i can take
[06:01:49] <WarmBees> o like frappe
[06:01:49] <ChairmanMao> and prompto the tapiocas are made with brown sugar
[06:01:57] <David> only certain ones tho
[06:02:00] <WarmBees> and smoothies
[06:02:02] <DrunkGarlicBread> I know what tapiocas are made of xD
[06:02:02] <David> those are good i'll admit
[06:02:15] <DrunkGarlicBread> brazilians love tapioca
[06:02:20] <DrunkGarlicBread> there's plenty of that here
[06:02:20] <Hades> yea i like mine without tapioca
[06:02:33] <WarmBees> i dont like tapioca that much
[06:02:40] <DrunkGarlicBread> I don't like it too
[06:02:45] <David> i like mine without tapioca without milk and without tea
[06:02:58] <David> just the ice so when it melts its water
[06:02:58] <David> lmfao
[06:03:03] <WarmBees> its anoying
[06:03:11] <Hades> lmao
[06:03:11] <WarmBees> chewwy asf
[06:03:21] <David> winny be disowning me now
[06:03:26] <WarmBees> and sticks to ur teetg
[06:03:39] <ChairmanMao> arent you be drinking bubble tea for its chewiness
[06:04:14] <ChairmanMao> !missions cargodrop
[06:04:17] (WEB) <robin_be> ChairmanMao: 15075 cargodrop
[06:04:20] <Crystal> I love boba
[06:04:25] <David> dammit
[06:04:43] <David> not my favorite lol
[06:04:48] <WarmBees> but u drink some?
[06:04:58] <David> i used to a lot dude i went to hs here in asia
[06:05:21] <WarmBees> ye same
[06:05:28] <ChairmanMao> and tbh my ex dragged me into it
[06:05:46] <DrunkGarlicBread> tea is just perfect
[06:05:56] <David> !aboard
[06:05:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110120) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9783) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24688)
[06:06:19] <WarmBees> i have'nt tried normal tea in my life
[06:06:32] <David> its great
[06:06:35] <WarmBees> its good with honey right?
[06:06:35] <David> i like it
[06:06:40] <David> yep
[06:06:45] <DrunkGarlicBread> it's perfect
[06:06:47] <WarmBees> ill try some later
[06:07:00] <DrunkGarlicBread> here in portugal many of us consume tea like it's water
[06:07:05] <ChairmanMao> nah pure green tea is better without honety
[06:07:13] <David> for the us it's soda
[06:07:15] <DrunkGarlicBread> we love tea so much we call it "ch�" directly from mandarin
[06:08:19] <WarmBees> !player kozigo
[06:08:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player kozigo: 1416 score, last seen 7 Hours Ago
[06:08:27] <ChairmanMao> yes
[06:08:37] <ChairmanMao> tea has its medical uses
[06:08:47] <WarmBees> ye cuz its organic
[06:08:55] <DrunkGarlicBread> whenever I'm having issues with my stomach I drink tea and the pain goes away
[06:08:57] <David> so does weed
[06:09:00] <Crystal> ;)
[06:09:05] <Crystal> I'm being pretty organic rn
[06:09:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> so organic you forget not to turn vegan
[06:10:06] <David> weed's vegan so im being vegan friendly
[06:10:42] <ChairmanMao> whats vegan gonna help with anyway
[06:11:20] <DrunkGarlicBread> I respect vegans but meat is just too good to just dump it
[06:11:25] <DrunkGarlicBread> I'm eating meat no matter what
[06:11:38] <WarmBees> same
[06:12:11] <ChairmanMao> vegan being environmentally friendly is just another hoax
[06:12:21] <DrunkGarlicBread> lol shut the fuck up vegan twats
[06:12:59] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[06:13:12] <ChairmanMao> ye ikr they feel they're morally superior
[06:13:27] <DrunkGarlicBread> "morally superior" ahahaha
[06:13:27] <-- DavyJones disconnected from the server
[06:13:30] --> Lavija connected to the server
[06:13:37] <DrunkGarlicBread> "oh look at me, I eat trees and grass for a living, i'm better than all of you"
[06:13:45] <DrunkGarlicBread> bunch of entitled people
[06:13:50] <ChairmanMao> and when we tell them whats wrong being vegan they just freak the fuck out
[06:13:55] <David> i have respect for vegans though
[06:13:55] <David> i'
[06:14:00] <David> i'd never be able to
[06:14:10] <DrunkGarlicBread> I do too, as long as they don't trash me for eating meat
[06:14:18] <DrunkGarlicBread> then I'm going full beserk on them
[06:14:36] <David> had a friend from hs that was vegan
[06:14:41] <David> and pushed the vegan agenda pretty hard on me
[06:14:49] <David> but she was hot asf so she gets a pass
[06:14:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> I'd unfriend him pretty quick
[06:14:56] <ChairmanMao> im all for vegan when they dont bash other meat lovers
[06:14:59] <DrunkGarlicBread> OH IT WAS A GIRL
[06:14:59] <ChairmanMao> and vice versa
[06:15:09] <DrunkGarlicBread> oh then that changes everything
[06:16:20] <DrunkGarlicBread> my life's a disgrace
[06:16:28] <DrunkGarlicBread> jackshit*
[06:16:41] <WarmBees> i dont like studying
[06:16:46] <WarmBees> but i need to
[06:16:48] <DrunkGarlicBread> well ya have to
[06:17:03] <DrunkGarlicBread> subjects aren't gonna pass on their own
[06:17:03] <David> educating yourself is good
[06:17:11] <WarmBees> ofc it is
[06:17:11] <David> unless its communications prompto
[06:17:24] <DrunkGarlicBread> it's good unless you study shit you don't want to
[06:17:29] <DrunkGarlicBread> lol fuck communications
[06:17:31] <WarmBees> ^
[06:17:34] <DrunkGarlicBread> I know two people there, poor them
[06:17:37] <ChairmanMao> i play games while studying
[06:17:44] --> Santiago connected to the server
[06:18:38] <David> mecheng
[06:19:06] <DrunkGarlicBread> oh wait, mechanical engineering?
[06:19:11] <ChairmanMao> lmao i tried to pronounce it in mandarin
[06:19:11] <David> yep
[06:19:13] <David> lmfao winny
[06:19:26] <DrunkGarlicBread> which area will you specify in?
[06:19:34] <DrunkGarlicBread> mecheng has a huge range
[06:20:19] <WarmBees> i like mechanical engr
[06:20:30] <David> not sure yet
[06:20:35] <DrunkGarlicBread> what are you studying warmbees
[06:20:58] <DrunkGarlicBread> or are you still in school?
[06:21:05] <WarmBees> i wanna be marine someday
[06:21:08] <WarmBees> or pilot\
[06:21:10] <DrunkGarlicBread> ooh fancy
[06:21:18] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[06:21:23] <DrunkGarlicBread> good choice if you're heading to the military imo
[06:21:28] <WarmBees> i forgot the course
[06:21:28] <DrunkGarlicBread> the army sucks
[06:21:36] <WarmBees> irl?
[06:21:46] <DrunkGarlicBread> we're talking about real life... xD
[06:21:54] <WarmBees> HAHA
[06:21:59] <WarmBees> not that bad
[06:22:04] <DrunkGarlicBread> we don't have PL University
[06:22:04] <DrunkGarlicBread> yet
[06:22:06] <ChairmanMao> ur gonna face china if u get into marines
[06:22:12] <DrunkGarlicBread> most likely
[06:22:17] --> Santiago connected to the server
[06:22:27] <WarmBees> more like, pilot to me
[06:22:27] <DrunkGarlicBread> or the navy
[06:22:32] <Crystal> navy ain't fun
[06:22:37] <Crystal> military*
[06:22:37] <WarmBees> if i cant go with pilot then marine
[06:22:47] <WarmBees> i want cruise type
[06:22:55] <DrunkGarlicBread> so.. navy?
[06:23:13] <Crystal> if you wanna have fun in the navy be an officer
[06:23:15] <Crystal> they get to party
[06:23:25] <DrunkGarlicBread> being an officer is already so superior
[06:24:19] <DrunkGarlicBread> I aced both pilot tests in both years and yet they came up with excuses
[06:24:21] <DrunkGarlicBread> mofos
[06:24:24] <David> .a he got me through some tough shit so i'm pretty grateful of it
[06:24:32] <Crystal> those fuckers told me I have no depth perception
[06:24:32] <David> god damn it
[06:24:34] <David> aa he got me through some tough shit so i'm pretty grateful of it
[06:24:42] <Crystal> I can see depth greatly
[06:24:42] <DrunkGarlicBread> lmao david
[06:24:44] <David> i deserve to die
[06:24:44] <ChairmanMao> nice
[06:24:47] <WarmBees> !assets memelenin
[06:24:49] (WEB) <robin_be> memelenin has 5 car(s) ($2,550,000) and 2 house(s) ($3,100,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $5,650,000
[06:24:52] <David> but yeah winny that ^
[06:25:05] <DrunkGarlicBread> they'll come up with any excuse if they don't like you
[06:25:20] <Crystal> I challenged authority lmao
[06:25:28] <Crystal> so basically I'm like "yep uhuh sure"
[06:25:40] <DrunkGarlicBread> lmao
[06:25:48] <Crystal> Got charged with three Article 92s, failure to obey orders
[06:25:48] <Crystal> so ayy lmao
[06:25:53] <DrunkGarlicBread> hahahahah
[06:25:56] <WarmBees> lmao
[06:25:58] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Pfff
[06:25:58] <DrunkGarlicBread> nice going crystal
[06:26:03] <DrunkGarlicBread> how to fuck up
[06:26:11] <Crystal> for sure, I didn't wanna be there, shit sucks
[06:26:19] <ChairmanMao> just punch him in the face
[06:26:19] <-- Sursai_Kosecksi disconnected from the server
[06:26:26] <Crystal> this captain was a proper dick
[06:26:34] <DrunkGarlicBread> they treat freshmen officers like garbage cans tho
[06:26:47] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> No shit
[06:26:49] <Crystal> all the other E6s and E7s were like "yeah he's fucked"
[06:27:04] <Crystal> they weren't a fan of the captain either
[06:27:04] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I guess its world wide drunkie
[06:27:10] <DrunkGarlicBread> no idea what they gain in doing that shit anyway
[06:27:32] <DrunkGarlicBread> I'm willing to join the fucking military for you twats and still reject me like this
[06:27:35] <DrunkGarlicBread> bunch of motherfuckers
[06:27:58] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Pff. I could join the military
[06:28:16] <DrunkGarlicBread> it's not worth it
[06:28:18] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> But. Probably wouldn't be accepted at Officer's course
[06:28:26] <DrunkGarlicBread> you're better off without going to the military
[06:28:34] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Poor health being main reason
[06:28:59] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> No shit. Tho I could join this thing
[06:29:14] <DrunkGarlicBread> they treat the army like human garbage
[06:29:17] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Called Wojsko Obrony Terytorialnej
[06:29:17] <DrunkGarlicBread> fuck that
[06:29:25] <WarmBees> army is no joke
[06:29:30] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Basically US National Guard
[06:29:47] <Crystal> we call them weekend warriors
[06:29:50] <DrunkGarlicBread> the portuguese national guard is a fucking joke ;)
[06:29:53] <DrunkGarlicBread> :')*
[06:30:03] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> But you get all the newest stuff before Army does lmao
[06:30:08] <DrunkGarlicBread> bunch of fat people patrolling some villages
[06:30:15] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Pffff
[06:30:18] <Crystal> we called the coast guard a joke since they're like a watered down version of the navy
[06:30:18] <DrunkGarlicBread> and yet they're classified as "military" lmao
[06:30:23] <Crystal> and they went "yeah I guess you're right"
[06:30:51] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> You get called every month for a weekend, or every weekend.
[06:30:59] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Depends on your time
[06:31:04] <DrunkGarlicBread> well, the national guard is getting a lot of attention now crystal
[06:31:11] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> And still got pay nicely
[06:31:14] <Crystal> Yeah they're finally doing something lmao
[06:31:19] <DrunkGarlicBread> thanks to derek chauvin
[06:31:29] <DrunkGarlicBread> all hail chauvin for his summoning of the national guard
[06:31:42] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Let me get up and hop in
[06:31:44] <David> his wife changed her last name
[06:31:55] <DrunkGarlicBread> when was the last time the national guard was called lmao? in LA's 1992 king's riots?
[06:32:05] <Crystal> nah they usually get called in for disaster relief
[06:32:10] <DrunkGarlicBread> oh it's them
[06:32:15] <DrunkGarlicBread> interesting
[06:32:28] <Crystal> now the were here for disaster enforcement
[06:32:35] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> And one more thing
[06:32:46] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> !cboard
[06:32:46] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12501) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-105) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5447)
[06:32:56] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Eh. Not bad
[06:33:11] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Thought it's gonna be worse
[06:33:29] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Couldn't haul yesterday. World gone sBinalla
[06:33:37] <DrunkGarlicBread> sBinalla?
[06:33:59] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[06:34:02] <WarmBees> how to stop selling my car?
[06:34:07] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Spinning in other words
[06:34:10] <David> /forsale 0 i thin
[06:34:10] <DrunkGarlicBread> /forsale 0 I think
[06:34:22] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Overworked a bit so yeah
[06:34:30] <DrunkGarlicBread> where do you work at
[06:34:35] <ChairmanMao> sbinalla now means fucking up in general
[06:34:48] --> Ryan_Wt connected to the server
[06:34:48] <DrunkGarlicBread> new word into the english lexicon now?
[06:34:55] <ChairmanMao> yes petition
[06:35:16] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[06:35:34] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I was getting 5 cubic meters of firewood into basement
[06:35:57] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Point is you have to walk into house and then downstairs
[06:36:17] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> To the basement. So yeah, quite workout I had
[06:36:25] <DrunkGarlicBread> "also be used with everything involving Ferrari fucking up in stupid ways"
[06:36:27] <DrunkGarlicBread> thank you reddit <3
[06:36:32] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Lol
[06:36:42] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> That's true
[06:36:53] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Mostly Vettel fucking up
[06:37:03] <DrunkGarlicBread> vettel fucks up a lot man
[06:37:23] <Kamikez> not vettel
[06:37:26] <Kamikez> its Ferrari
[06:37:31] <ChairmanMao> well this time it was the ferrari strategist fucking up again
[06:37:31] <Kamikez> ferrari is fucked up
[06:37:41] <DrunkGarlicBread> so you're telling me it's ferrari's fault?
[06:37:46] <Kamikez> ye
[06:37:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> poor vettel
[06:38:01] <DrunkGarlicBread> on tv all we see if vettel fucking up xD
[06:38:04] <DrunkGarlicBread> is*
[06:38:09] <ChairmanMao> vettel did the right call staying in mediums
[06:38:40] <Kamikez> ferrari strategies are shits
[06:39:13] <DrunkGarlicBread> ever since felipe massa left formula 1 ferrari has gone to shit
[06:39:15] <ChairmanMao> clowns
[06:39:23] <Kamikez> lol
[06:39:25] <ChairmanMao> but the car is shit
[06:39:28] <DrunkGarlicBread> it probably went to shit already with massa in it already
[06:39:30] <ChairmanMao> total absolute shit
[06:39:36] <DrunkGarlicBread> maybe massa left because of them
[06:39:36] <Kamikez> ye xD
[06:39:43] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Gets a bit tap on front wheel
[06:39:46] <DrunkGarlicBread> ferrari's car seems outdated
[06:39:48] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Yeet. sBin
[06:39:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> like they're stuck in 2010
[06:39:56] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Pfff
[06:40:06] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> More like 2014
[06:40:14] <DrunkGarlicBread> oh you're generous
[06:40:14] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Twas worst car ever
[06:40:16] <ChairmanMao> its worse than 2014 lmao
[06:40:21] <ChairmanMao> this year
[06:40:24] <Kamikez> xD
[06:40:42] <ChairmanMao> ye good luck with ferrari hacing 2 races in italy this year
[06:40:47] <ChairmanMao> having*
[06:40:54] <DrunkGarlicBread> they'll fuck up badly
[06:41:02] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Massa had brain damage after that accident in 09
[06:41:12] <DrunkGarlicBread> just like red bull did by teaming up with renault for its engine
[06:41:17] <ChairmanMao> ye massa wasnt the same since that
[06:41:22] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> True
[06:41:40] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Shame Kubica had his accident in 2011
[06:41:45] <WarmBees> why my infernus is broken even my odo is 348km
[06:41:53] <Crystal> planes are 1000k
[06:41:56] <DrunkGarlicBread> doesn't it break down at 400km?
[06:41:56] <Crystal> cars 300k
[06:41:58] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[06:41:58] <DrunkGarlicBread> oh
[06:42:06] <WarmBees> ahh
[06:42:16] <DrunkGarlicBread> imagine having a car irl breaking down at 400kms
[06:42:18] <ChairmanMao> kubica's singapore overtake
[06:42:24] <Crystal> I wish
[06:42:26] <ChairmanMao> overtakes*
[06:42:26] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Or we'd speak of Kubica vs Hamilton vs Vettel now
[06:42:29] <Crystal> mine always break sooner
[06:42:36] --> Hades connected to the server
[06:42:39] <WarmBees> fuck 100k
[06:42:44] <DrunkGarlicBread> dude, breaking down at 400km in odo is fucking shit
[06:42:49] <DrunkGarlicBread> throw that car away
[06:42:49] <WarmBees> yes
[06:42:59] <WarmBees> i used it when searching for lc
[06:43:02] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Pshaw. Should've seen Battle with Massa in Japan
[06:43:07] <Crystal> I'm thinkin miles again lmao
[06:43:15] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Either 07 or 08
[06:43:17] <Crystal> my van needed something fixed every 5k miles
[06:43:32] <DrunkGarlicBread> remember when people thought verstappen would EASILY beat hamilton?
[06:43:32] <DrunkGarlicBread> good times
[06:43:50] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Pushing each other out of track
[06:44:00] <ChairmanMao> if redbull can step up that is
[06:44:05] <-- DrunkGarlicBread disconnected from the server
[06:44:13] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> red bull cant step up
[06:44:16] <ChairmanMao> dude spliting the mercs man
[06:44:18] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Stewards were like. "Just don't crash"
[06:44:36] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> But we have 4 mercs
[06:44:41] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> red bull is too dependent on other team's supply for the engine
[06:44:44] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> <:KirkSmirk:731584623422996687>
[06:45:24] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I can't wait for McLaren with Merc engines again
[06:45:35] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Oooh boi that's gonna be nice
[06:45:40] <ChairmanMao> BWT Aston Martin Mercedes Racing Point Stroll F1 Team
[06:45:55] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> McLaren just dominates F1
[06:45:55] <Kamikez> :o
[06:46:18] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Pfff
[06:46:33] <ChairmanMao> mclaren's still down on aero abit
[06:46:46] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Vettel can legally join mErCeDeS without being in Mercedes
[06:46:51] <Kamikez> mclaren is best
[06:46:51] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> <:CoolStory:731627751663992863>
[06:47:11] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> excuses-moi, qu'est-ce que le fuck?
[06:47:27] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Atleast they will have meme lords in 2021
[06:47:52] <Kamikez> what will vettel join in 2021?
[06:47:57] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Dany and Lando. Hot damn
[06:48:00] <ChairmanMao> tracing point
[06:48:07] <ChairmanMao> or nothing
[06:48:12] <Kamikez> lol
[06:48:12] <Kamikez> poor vettel
[06:48:17] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Rumors are. Aston Martin Stroll Racing
[06:48:25] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Not that poor.
[06:48:33] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> what about India force? ????
[06:48:40] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> Laughable af
[06:48:43] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> RP20 = W10
[06:48:45] <ChairmanMao> oh yeah forgot about force india
[06:48:56] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Oh shut up. They had Fisi
[06:48:58] <Kamikez> We have rumors that F1 will make a track on Philippines
[06:49:19] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Bahahahahahhahaahhahahahaha. No
[06:49:29] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> everyone forgets about force india win
[06:49:29] <Kamikez> That's jsut a rumor
[06:49:39] <ChairmanMao> BWT Aston Martin Mercedes Benz Force India Racing Point Stroll F1 Team then
[06:49:44] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> F1 is finally coming to my country this year
[06:49:47] <Kamikez> xD
[06:49:49] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> It's same as it would be rumor that F1 would race i. Poland
[06:49:52] <Kamikez> you guys playing f1 2020?
[06:49:57] <ChairmanMao> ye
[06:50:02] <WarmBees> all i know is tiktok was banned on india HAHA
[06:50:04] <Kamikez> noice
[06:50:07] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Nope. Studies coming in
[06:50:12] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> australia as well*
[06:50:12] <Kamikez> mao on ps4?
[06:50:15] <ChairmanMao> no PC
[06:50:20] <Kamikez> how much did you bought it
[06:50:27] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Besides. No simulator build yet
[06:50:40] <ChairmanMao> bout 35 usd
[06:50:45] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> It's in projecting phase ?
[06:50:48] <ChairmanMao> 3 days early access
[06:50:53] <Kamikez> noice
[06:51:00] <WarmBees> here in phil, most of the girls make tiktok like a pornsites
[06:51:00] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> My goddamn own racing sim
[06:51:11] <Kamikez> my favorite in the f1 2020 is you will create a team :DD
[06:51:23] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> just like Snapchat warm
[06:51:36] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Build as replica of BMW Sauber F1.08 cockpit
[06:51:44] <WarmBees> ye but much worst
[06:51:49] <-- ChairmanMao disconnected from the server
[06:51:51] <Kamikez> mao did you m
[06:51:51] <Kamikez> xD
[06:51:54] <Kamikez> he left
[06:51:59] --> ChairmanMao connected to the server
[06:52:01] <Kamikez> wb
[06:52:01] <WarmBees> imeout*
[06:52:04] <WarmBees> timeout*
[06:52:12] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> be careful of kiddy porn warm
[06:52:22] <Kamikez> mao did you creat your own team?
[06:52:42] <ChairmanMao> yes
[06:52:47] <Kamikez> whats the name
[06:52:57] <ChairmanMao> midget racing i think
[06:53:00] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> I wanna drive it ahahaha
[06:53:00] <Kamikez> ye
[06:53:05] <WarmBees> wow
[06:53:10] <Kamikez> using v8
[06:53:13] <ChairmanMao> g/w
[06:53:20] <WarmBees> i cant even drive a normal car
[06:53:23] <WarmBees> F
[06:53:31] <WarmBees> my father wont teach me how to
[06:53:33] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> lmao, driving a car is easy
[06:53:43] <ChairmanMao> yes
[06:53:53] <WarmBees> that why i want to know
[06:53:59] <Kamikez> In 2 years I'll get my license :DDD
[06:54:01] <ChairmanMao> manual??
[06:54:06] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> btw, when you go and learn how to drive one plz go Stick
[06:54:11] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> dont drive automatic
[06:54:16] <Crystal> hell yeah stick shift
[06:54:19] <Kamikez> #savemanuals
[06:54:32] <WarmBees> they say manual are the best
[06:54:34] <ChairmanMao> if u mean autos an idiot would know how to drive
[06:54:37] <WarmBees> i and i know it
[06:54:42] <Kamikez> hey crystal make your bb impreza tune
[06:54:47] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> you have more control over your car with manual trans.
[06:55:07] <ChairmanMao> yes
[06:55:10] <Kamikez> manuals are dureable
[06:55:15] <Crystal> autos are for people who drive*
[06:55:18] <Crystal> sorry lmao missing words
[06:55:30] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> the only two good things about automatics are:
[06:55:38] <Kamikez> how many horespower you got ?
[06:55:40] <Kamikez> crystal
[06:55:46] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> driving in packed cities and the durability of the clutch
[06:56:06] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> you wouldnt love manuals, here in indonesia, especially in capital city
[06:56:19] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> that's why I said automatics are good for packed cities
[06:56:26] <Kamikez> lol in Manila too many lambos xD
[06:56:34] <WarmBees> and mustangs
[06:56:49] <ChairmanMao> weekend drivers
[06:56:57] <Kamikez> mustangs are fucking dangerous xD
[06:57:04] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> beat my avanza
[06:57:04] <ChairmanMao> why lmao
[06:57:07] <Kamikez> TC on XD
[06:57:17] <Kamikez> they will drift
[06:57:20] <ChairmanMao> throttle control m8
[06:57:30] <Kamikez> traction control*
[06:57:38] <Kamikez> they will forgot to turn off
[06:57:43] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> mustangs have too much power for what the traction can hold
[06:57:48] <Kamikez> they will hit the pole xD
[06:57:50] <ChairmanMao> torque*
[06:57:55] <Kamikez> ye xD
[06:58:03] <Kamikez> c8s are shit
[06:58:08] <Kamikez> corvette c8
[06:58:21] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> lambos are the same thing
[06:58:34] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> you cant just accelerate just a dipshit, you'll drift
[06:58:34] <ChairmanMao> but i mean if you know how to control the throttle u wouldnt spin
[06:58:41] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> like a dipshit*
[06:58:46] <Kamikez> xD
[06:58:54] <David> im a fucking clairo simp
[06:58:54] <David> god damn it
[06:58:59] <ChairmanMao> yes
[06:58:59] <Kamikez> many fuckboys forgot to turn off their TC
[06:59:12] <Kamikez> then they will lost control
[06:59:19] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> I see so many cunts driving lambos fucking up their cars into a pole
[06:59:25] <Kamikez> xD
[06:59:27] <Kamikez> hahah
[06:59:35] <Kamikez> many of them are huracans
[06:59:37] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> because they think accelerating like a fuckboy will give 'em girls
[06:59:40] <WarmBees> lol i always watch that kind od vids on yt
[07:00:03] <WarmBees> of
[07:00:26] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> the new corvette looks really good
[07:00:33] <Crystal> the C8 is fucking slick
[07:00:51] <Kamikez> I like the features but the engine nah
[07:00:59] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> I follow stradman on yt, that guy is amazing
[07:01:04] <Kamikez> rich
[07:01:17] <Kamikez> he's rich
[07:01:24] <Kamikez> hahaha
[07:01:27] <Kamikez> is it a mustang?
[07:01:32] <Crystal> rich fucks can't drive manuals
[07:01:47] <Kamikez> lol
[07:01:52] <Crystal> all those celebs flexing their fancy cars, notice they're almost always auto
[07:02:00] <ChairmanMao> nah it wasnt a mustang
[07:02:00] <Crystal> "Instagram influencers"
[07:02:07] <ChairmanMao> it was a modified nissan
[07:02:10] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> stradman can, he has a manual ford focus
[07:02:18] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> and drives it alot too
[07:02:18] <Kamikez> he sold it
[07:02:30] <Kamikez> my dream car is the Ford GT 2005
[07:02:35] <Kamikez> early 2000s
[07:02:51] <ChairmanMao> dont
[07:02:56] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> REALLY?? Fuck, I haven't watched his videos for some weeks already
[07:03:03] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> ford gt is crap
[07:03:11] <Kamikez> bitch na
[07:03:14] <ChairmanMao> u wont be able to drive it more than 10 miles
[07:03:16] <Kamikez> ford gt is suck
[07:03:16] <Kamikez> sick
[07:03:31] <Kamikez> that v8 is fucking sick
[07:03:31] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> it might look guy but it's a nightmare on the rest
[07:03:37] <Kamikez> supechanged v8
[07:03:42] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> look good*
[07:04:05] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> it's just not worth it ?
[07:04:17] <ChairmanMao> reliability = -100
[07:04:22] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> one car I really wanna drive is the new toyota supra
[07:04:27] <Kamikez> nah
[07:04:30] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> gosh that car is gorgeous af
[07:04:33] <Kamikez> thatsshit is bmw
[07:04:33] <Kamikez> not toyota
[07:04:50] <Kamikez> all parts are BMW
[07:04:50] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> ofc, toyota belongs to bmw now
[07:04:55] <Crystal> aww shit
[07:04:58] <Crystal> my man joji
[07:05:03] <Crystal> <3
[07:05:08] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> but the car looks SICK
[07:05:08] <Crystal> turnt my shit up to 100
[07:05:31] <Kamikez> stick to JDM
[07:05:36] <Crystal> JDM <3
[07:05:51] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[07:05:59] <Crystal> saw this photo of a foxbody mustang and they built it like a JDM car and it was sick af
[07:06:04] <Crystal> damn rip Lavija
[07:06:12] <Kamikez> the mk 4 supras are fucking damn expensive xD
[07:06:19] <Kamikez> they sky rocketed the price xD
[07:06:19] <Crystal> it's fucking dumb
[07:06:22] <Crystal> drift tax
[07:06:35] <Crystal> same thing with FD RX7s
[07:06:37] <Kamikez> ye
[07:06:37] <Crystal> I can get a nice FC cheap
[07:06:47] <Crystal> but even a fucking shell of a FD runs at least 10k
[07:06:50] <Crystal> a
[07:07:05] <Kamikez> brap brap
[07:07:08] --> Lavija connected to the server
[07:09:10] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> 6am over here, shit the sun is up
[07:09:15] <ChairmanMao> someone's playing minecraft music on a piano near me
[07:09:18] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> I have to go sleep
[07:09:23] <Kamikez> lol
[07:09:48] <ChairmanMao> yes its minecraf tmusic
[07:10:26] <Kamikez> btw
[07:10:54] <Kamikez> is it good that I took a date my moms best friend daughter?
[07:11:10] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> it's cool
[07:11:43] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> never been on a date so I'd go for it
[07:12:41] <Crystal> .c there waas this girl there and she was sooo fuckin cUTE
[07:12:44] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Kek
[07:12:57] <Crystal> ope lmao
[07:12:59] <Crystal> oh wel
[07:13:02] <Kamikez> xD
[07:13:12] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I'm stuck with mine for 8-9 years now.
[07:13:32] <Kamikez> hey crystal take him
[07:13:35] <Kamikez> date
[07:13:50] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> And yeah. Rumours among friends of my wedding is on
[07:14:16] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> It's not happening for next 5 years if ever. That's our decision
[07:14:38] <Kamikez> wru from price
[07:15:14] <ChairmanMao> he's polish
[07:15:52] <Kamikez> play roxanne
[07:17:34] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Oh , Mao is awake , early in the morning
[07:17:39] <ChairmanMao> hi
[07:18:07] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[07:18:17] <David> would you believe me if i said im in love
[07:18:25] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Yo , Mao , can you loan me , when the server updates
[07:18:35] <Wak_Jemah> !score
[07:18:38] (WEB) <robin_be> player Wak_Jemah: 150 score, 134 missions: 87'/. at400 - 11'/. cargo - 1'/. shamal
[07:18:38] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Yes , David , Love ain't an uncommon thing.
[07:18:40] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[07:18:46] <David> naw its the song lmao
[07:18:46] <David> PLR
[07:18:53] <ChairmanMao> probably
[07:18:53] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> What is it?
[07:18:56] <Hades> lmao
[07:18:58] <ChairmanMao> i'll see
[07:19:01] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Noice.
[07:19:03] <David> power trip jcole
[07:19:03] <Crystal> fuck it I'll stream
[07:19:11] <Crystal> after you
[07:19:11] <David> yes sirrrrrrrrrrrr
[07:19:16] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Ah fuck , thank you
[07:19:16] <Kamikez> xD
[07:19:19] <David> ill keep my tab open
[07:19:21] <David> while i eat lunch
[07:19:21] <Kamikez> change the song
[07:19:21] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Discord livestream?
[07:19:29] <Crystal> lit
[07:19:31] <Kamikez> music*
[07:19:49] <Kamikez> ik you got some lit music crystal
[07:20:07] <-- David disconnected from the server
[07:20:12] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Well , most songs by J.Cole are a poetry.
[07:20:27] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[07:21:06] <Kamikez> !cboard
[07:21:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12514) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-118) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5447)
[07:21:13] --> [CCF]SubP.Woodss[FA] connected to the server
[07:21:28] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> TransX workin'
[07:21:36] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> !aboard
[07:21:36] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110158) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9713) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24784)
[07:22:47] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Oh lmao
[07:22:58] <WarmBees> !assets memelenin
[07:23:00] (WEB) <robin_be> memelenin has 5 car(s) ($2,550,000) and 2 house(s) ($3,100,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $5,650,000
[07:23:13] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> You gonna break your PC , from the heat , shut it down sometime.
[07:23:21] <ChairmanMao> NAH
[07:23:23] <ChairmanMao> oops
[07:23:43] <Kamikez> crystal can you stream music
[07:23:59] <Lavija> hes too high for that
[07:24:04] <WarmBees> lmao
[07:24:06] <Kamikez> lmao
[07:24:12] <Crystal> I'm trying
[07:24:12] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> xD
[07:24:14] <Crystal> I'm getting it set up
[07:24:14] <Crystal> lmao
[07:24:22] <Kamikez> play some travis
[07:24:22] <Crystal> almost live
[07:24:34] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Say the names here too , will get YouTube to play rm
[07:24:50] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Or I can listen to PLR from my borwser?
[07:25:05] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> I should be , since it's a .pls stream , but still
[07:25:28] <Kamikez> noice
[07:25:38] <Crystal> I think there's a link on forums somewhere
[07:25:48] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Hmm , Imma go check
[07:26:54] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Found it
[07:26:54] <Kamikez> crystal how many ram you got
[07:27:10] <Crystal> 16gb
[07:27:10] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Hmm , if I paste it here , do I get banned by Ricardo?
[07:27:15] <Lavija> no
[07:27:15] <Crystal> probably gonna go up to 32gb
[07:27:17] <Kamikez> G skills?
[07:27:30] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Hmm , thanks lavija
[07:27:38] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Do it. 32 is awesome
[07:27:45] <Kamikez> overkill 32gb
[07:27:53] <Ryan_Wt> at400
[07:28:03] <Kamikez> you mean 3200Mhz? xD
[07:28:24] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Not for future racing setup kami hu3.
[07:28:44] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Those F1 games eat more and more ram
[07:28:54] <Kamikez> nah 16 is good
[07:29:02] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[07:29:04] <Kamikez> I'm using
[07:29:04] <WarmBees> google use lots of ram
[07:29:14] --> Crystal connected to the server
[07:29:17] <Kamikez> 8x2 3200Mhz
[07:29:17] <ChairmanMao> most games run well with 16gb now still
[07:29:50] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Meh. I still have 32 in my simulator PC
[07:30:10] <Kamikez> 32gb of ram is overkill xD
[07:30:13] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Just don't have sim itself. Still a projecting phase
[07:30:26] <Kamikez> Google is eating my tabs xD
[07:30:28] <Kamikez> ram
[07:30:33] <WarmBees> same
[07:30:36] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Not if you gonna render stuff in the future for YT
[07:30:44] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Hu3
[07:30:51] <Ryan_Wt> q
[07:30:51] <ChairmanMao> danatex or thrustmaster wheel?
[07:30:54] <-- Ryan_Wt disconnected from the server
[07:30:56] <ChairmanMao> fanatec*
[07:31:04] <Kamikez> ram?
[07:31:22] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Wow , Na'vi (2010) vs Na'vi (2020)
[07:31:37] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> August 1 , 13:00 GMT
[07:31:55] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> There's no CSGO channel
[07:31:55] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Undecided yet
[07:32:13] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I'm building my own cockpit mao
[07:32:20] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Ooooooo
[07:32:20] <ChairmanMao> :O nice
[07:32:46] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Maybe
[07:33:04] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Idk yet
[07:33:09] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Does it have motors then the rotate you , as you rotate the plane?
[07:33:19] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Cockpit is BMW Sauber F1.08
[07:34:05] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Oh wait , F1 this is.
[07:34:18] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Yep
[07:34:30] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I'm huge Kubica's fan
[07:34:43] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> So yeah. Better watch out :V
[07:35:06] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[07:35:29] <angin_TimOr> wb
[07:35:36] <Firstrike23.> ty
[07:37:06] <Lavija> !cboard
[07:37:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-124) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5447)
[07:37:06] <Crystal> after this we doin poetry
[07:37:16] <Kamikez> travis pls
[07:37:23] --> Fubar connected to the server
[07:37:31] <ChairmanMao> yo wb
[07:37:59] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[07:38:12] <WarmBees> t
[07:38:14] <WarmBees> t
[07:38:17] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[07:38:55] <Fubar> so pl's going to have a vice city map?
[07:39:03] <ChairmanMao> what no lmao
[07:39:03] <Cpt.Price> I'ma grab some food and proper fresh coffee
[07:39:08] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[07:39:26] <Cpt.Price> Fuck, I can barely walk
[07:39:33] <Cpt.Price> My legs hurt af
[07:39:38] <Crystal> yes
[07:39:59] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[07:40:04] <Cpt.Price> Better have Tommy reference
[07:40:27] <0verlord> damn
[07:40:32] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[07:40:39] <ChairmanMao> holy shit wtf
[07:40:45] <ChairmanMao> just saw that
[07:40:47] <ChairmanMao> damn
[07:42:34] <WarmBees> !cash
[07:42:37] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees has $19,293,134 in hand
[07:42:42] <Kamikez> fuck trees
[07:43:02] <WarmBees> wow top 5 rich list
[07:43:10] <Kamikez> who?
[07:43:15] <WarmBees> meee
[07:43:25] <WarmBees> /highscores
[07:43:40] <Kamikez> 192m?
[07:44:21] <Fubar> !cash
[07:44:24] (WEB) <robin_be> Fubar has $-9,359 in hand
[07:44:24] <WarmBees> !cash kamikez
[07:44:26] (WEB) <robin_be> kamikez has $1,910,564 in hand
[07:44:26] <WarmBees> F
[07:44:44] <Fubar> I'm poor af
[07:44:54] <WarmBees> ur not :p
[07:44:57] <Kamikez> nasan ka sa rich list
[07:45:04] <Fubar> I am poor :<
[07:45:10] <Fubar> !cash
[07:45:10] <ChairmanMao> rish
[07:45:12] (WEB) <robin_be> Fubar has $-9,359 in hand
[07:45:12] <WarmBees> wala na
[07:45:17] <WarmBees> linagay ko na sa bank
[07:45:22] <WarmBees> basta top 10
[07:45:33] <Kamikez> yaman
[07:45:40] <WarmBees> hehe
[07:45:45] <Kamikez> konti pa lang pera ko
[07:45:55] <WarmBees> ilan
[07:46:06] <Kamikez> hades diba
[07:46:08] <Kamikez> konti palan
[07:46:11] <Kamikez> mga
[07:46:13] <Hades> uu
[07:46:13] <WarmBees> di wow
[07:46:21] <Kamikez> 10m
[07:46:31] <WarmBees> tae
[07:46:39] <WarmBees> kadami mo sa bank mo
[07:46:46] <Kamikez> 10m lang
[07:46:46] <Kamikez> HAHAHA
[07:46:54] <Crystal> aw shit I broke it
[07:46:54] <Crystal> sec
[07:47:02] <WarmBees> plr?
[07:47:04] <Crystal> idk what the fuck this is
[07:47:04] <Crystal> yeah
[07:47:22] <Crystal> damn it cut my stream
[07:47:27] <Crystal> I was trying to switch headphones
[07:47:27] <Crystal> sex
[07:47:30] <Crystal> sec*
[07:47:32] <Kamikez> lol
[07:47:35] <Fubar> oops
[07:47:35] <Hades> lol i thought this was u
[07:47:50] <Hades> i'm starting to judge
[07:48:21] <Fubar> nice
[07:48:38] <Crystal> once I get these headphones going I'll get back on
[07:49:24] --> Jacob connected to the server
[07:49:27] <WarmBees> wb
[07:50:10] <Jacob> i am
[07:50:13] <Jacob> high as fuck
[07:50:31] <Hades> crystal too
[07:50:46] <Crystal> eah yoyyyyyy
[07:51:22] <Kamikez> tite
[07:51:32] <WarmBees> burat'
[07:51:42] <Hades> bilat
[07:51:50] <Kamikez> puke
[07:52:58] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[07:53:59] <[CCF]SubP.Woodss[FA]> fuck
[07:54:43] <Cpt.Price> Food, check. Coffee making, check
[07:55:06] <Jacob> why is it clamped
[07:55:08] <Cpt.Price> Ofc, desync
[07:55:13] <Cpt.Price> Screw you game
[07:55:13] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[07:55:16] <Jacob> can i steal your trailer
[07:55:18] <Jacob> ok
[07:55:18] <Jacob> mine now
[07:55:23] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Update is out?
[07:55:23] <Kamikez> xD
[07:55:26] <ChairmanMao> no
[07:55:29] <Kamikez> nah
[07:55:36] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Ah kk
[07:55:44] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Thats btw the most coolest update ever
[07:55:46] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[07:55:54] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> But why we must move ceystal :(
[07:56:02] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Crystal*
[07:56:12] <Fubar> move what?
[07:56:12] <ChairmanMao> move what
[07:56:22] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> sky air base has to move
[07:56:37] <Jacob> wait
[07:56:45] <Jacob> what has he said about the new update
[07:56:45] <Cpt.Price> Shit, shouldn't have slapped some Carolina Reaper on that sandwich ....
[07:56:47] <Cpt.Price> Jesus
[07:56:47] <ChairmanMao> probably using your space for that
[07:57:23] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Go to PL discord general
[07:57:26] <Jacob> !cboard
[07:57:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-124) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5447)
[07:57:31] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> There will be VC, LC map
[07:57:31] <Cpt.Price> Just move it to it's oldest location
[07:57:36] <Jacob> oh ok
[07:57:36] <Jacob> yeah
[07:57:38] <Jacob> your base is in the way
[07:57:41] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Whats the oldest location?
[07:57:44] <Jacob> probably for roads
[07:57:49] <Cpt.Price> Near BB
[07:57:49] <Kamikez> !aboard
[07:57:49] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110172) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9683) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24821)
[07:57:56] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Oh this on
[07:58:09] <Cpt.Price> Yeap, good old days
[07:58:17] <Cpt.Price> Air Arabia days lmao
[07:58:24] <Fubar> devian...
[07:58:32] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> But Smet was mapping a new one just now xD
[07:59:05] <ChairmanMao> ah skyair base i sin the way
[07:59:33] <ChairmanMao> yes skyair deletion is imminent
[08:00:32] --> Matthew_Beaufoy connected to the server
[08:00:49] <Crystal> yesssss, got my headphones workin
[08:00:54] <Crystal> les have some fun
[08:00:57] <Cpt.Price> lol
[08:00:57] <Kamikez> dj pls
[08:01:23] <Crystal> am I live?
[08:01:28] <Crystal> hell yesa
[08:01:30] <Kamikez> ye
[08:01:58] <Cpt.Price> Uh
[08:02:01] <Cpt.Price> Nazi songs
[08:02:03] <Cpt.Price> Ew
[08:02:06] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Lemme join
[08:02:11] <Crystal> what lmao
[08:02:16] <Crystal> it's die prizen
[08:02:21] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Lol
[08:02:21] <Cpt.Price> Still a nazi
[08:02:29] <Cpt.Price> *1939 flashbacks*
[08:02:39] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[08:02:52] <Crystal> wow he left during my set
[08:02:52] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[08:02:52] <Crystal> so rude
[08:03:17] <CzechBoy777> What? I am rude?
[08:03:22] <ChairmanMao> no
[08:03:27] <CzechBoy777> good
[08:03:48] <Kamikez> come on crystal
[08:03:53] <Kamikez> your music
[08:03:53] <-- Matthew_Beaufoy disconnected from the server
[08:04:03] <CzechBoy777> streamin on plr english?
[08:04:16] <Crystal> ye ye
[08:04:23] <CzechBoy777> I hev no mjuzik
[08:04:26] <Kamikez> heat the music
[08:04:31] <ChairmanMao> !player acre
[08:04:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player acre: 51600 score, last seen 13 Hours Ago
[08:04:39] <CzechBoy777> ok good now I do
[08:04:49] <CzechBoy777> do you have PL songs
[08:05:04] <Crystal> PL songs?
[08:05:07] <Cpt.Price> Like USSR Anthem :V
[08:05:12] <Kamikez> xD
[08:05:12] <Crystal> lmao never
[08:05:14] <CzechBoy777> like stan gay song
[08:05:27] <Cpt.Price> I renamed it PL Anthem anyway lol
[08:05:27] <Crystal> I have santiago's grandma by stan
[08:05:35] <Crystal> but not stan gay
[08:05:35] <CzechBoy777> play it
[08:06:08] <CzechBoy777> nice sng this was
[08:06:23] <Cpt.Price> Now that's my age lmao
[08:06:41] --> Matthew_Beaufoy connected to the server
[08:06:49] <CzechBoy777> why songs from 70s,80s,90s are the best and 2000s, 2010s suck
[08:06:59] <Fubar> pre-2010 music ftw
[08:06:59] <Kamikez> not at all
[08:07:01] <Cpt.Price> Cause new bois suk lol
[08:07:11] <Kamikez> early 2000s
[08:07:14] <Kamikez> best
[08:07:17] <Crystal> lemme now if the stream goes down for any reason
[08:07:22] <CzechBoy777> early 2000s good
[08:07:24] <Crystal> I'm listening from the source instead of the stream
[08:07:32] <Cpt.Price> Only Bryan Adams still holding kek
[08:07:34] <CzechBoy777> but 2010-2020, most shit music ever
[08:07:47] <CzechBoy777> the retarded people turned it into depression popular song
[08:07:52] <Kamikez> simple plane
[08:07:55] <Kamikez> simple plan
[08:07:55] <Cpt.Price> Unless it's newest Bryan's album Czech!
[08:07:57] <Kamikez> perfect
[08:07:57] <CzechBoy777> omg
[08:08:02] <Cpt.Price> He's still rocking it lol
[08:08:07] <CzechBoy777> this is the first time I see ccf flying andro
[08:08:28] <CzechBoy777> OMG
[08:08:30] <[CCF]SubP.Woodss[FA]> wow
[08:08:41] --> CooLIon connected to the server
[08:08:41] <[CCF]SubP.Woodss[FA]> hi bud
[08:08:43] <CzechBoy777> that was too close but hi
[08:08:46] <[CCF]SubP.Woodss[FA]> lmao
[08:08:51] <CzechBoy777> lol
[08:08:53] <-- Matthew_Beaufoy disconnected from the server
[08:08:53] <CzechBoy777> F
[08:08:53] <Cpt.Price> Oof
[08:08:56] <ChairmanMao> bye
[08:08:58] <Fubar> oof
[08:09:03] <Crystal> damn I literally just PM'd him
[08:09:03] <Cpt.Price> Crystal, sounds like stream died
[08:09:09] <Crystal> oh shit I forgot to start a song
[08:09:09] <Crystal> lmao
[08:09:11] <Cpt.Price> GG
[08:09:16] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[08:09:19] <Crystal> I'm really higih okay
[08:09:24] <Cpt.Price> Smfh
[08:09:26] <Kamikez> early 2000s songs
[08:09:26] <Cpt.Price> OOOH BOI
[08:09:29] <-- angin_TimOr disconnected from the server
[08:09:31] <Crystal> PM'd him health hacks aren't okay lmao
[08:09:34] <CzechBoy777> yesterday or when TG went into my truck and it banned me XD
[08:09:39] <Kamikez> lol abba
[08:09:39] <Cpt.Price> My friend would orgasm on that
[08:09:57] <Cpt.Price> Btw, KISS coming to Poland, and better
[08:10:02] <CzechBoy777> will u play the song by stan
[08:10:10] <Cpt.Price> To Lodz, 52kms away from my town
[08:10:10] <Crystal> maybe towards the end
[08:10:20] <Cpt.Price> Asia's camping tickets already lol
[08:10:30] <Kamikez> gulag
[08:11:01] <CzechBoy777> would you guys fly on russian planes?
[08:11:06] <Cpt.Price> No
[08:11:06] <CzechBoy777> I would
[08:11:11] <CzechBoy777> why not
[08:11:21] <Cpt.Price> *COUGH*Smolensk 2010*cough*
[08:11:29] <CzechBoy777> ah yes
[08:11:36] <Fubar> if it's a military plane
[08:11:36] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[08:11:36] <ChairmanMao> i'll stick with 1800s
[08:12:04] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[08:12:14] <Fubar> if it's a military plane
[08:12:17] <Fubar> oops
[08:12:19] <Cpt.Price> Phew
[08:12:22] <Kamikez> hey crystal play eraly 2000s
[08:12:25] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[08:12:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110172) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9665) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24839)
[08:12:27] <Cpt.Price> I still love F-14's
[08:12:32] <Cpt.Price> Nothing gonna change that
[08:12:35] <Crystal> I got some ideas
[08:12:37] <CzechBoy777> *COUGH*Collision over �berlingen*COUGH*
[08:13:05] <CzechBoy777> and would u fly on 737 max
[08:13:23] <CzechBoy777> I would because if I die I would die on a thing I love
[08:13:38] <CzechBoy777> airplanes <3
[08:13:59] <Cpt.Price> Eh ...
[08:14:09] <CzechBoy777> nah jk I dont want to die
[08:14:12] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[08:14:22] <Crystal> lmao he must not like eminem
[08:14:34] <CzechBoy777> he'd rather leave than listen to my shit XDDDD
[08:14:42] <CooLIon> hey
[08:14:42] <Fubar> can you play American Idiot by Green Day?
[08:14:52] <Crystal> I'm too high for requests rn
[08:14:55] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> My net just went nuts
[08:14:57] <Fubar> welp okay
[08:15:05] <Crystal> next time tho
[08:15:08] <Crystal> I love that one
[08:15:15] <Fubar> perfect song to describe trump
[08:15:20] <Fubar> fits him more than bush lmao
[08:15:23] <CzechBoy777> train to busan best zombie movie
[08:16:11] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[08:16:32] <ChairmanMao> every listened to boris johnson is a lying shit?
[08:16:34] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[08:16:34] <ChairmanMao> ever*
[08:16:37] <CzechBoy777> wb
[08:16:42] <Crystal> Boris is as bad as biden
[08:16:54] <ChairmanMao> its a fugue
[08:16:54] <Cpt.Price> My ping skyrocketed to 15k lol
[08:17:02] <Cpt.Price> Twas like thefuq
[08:17:58] <CzechBoy777> also again gz to lufthasna for beating 100k flights
[08:18:11] <ChairmanMao> ty
[08:18:13] <Kamikez> :D
[08:18:13] <Kamikez> ty
[08:18:24] <CzechBoy777> every airline deserves a gz
[08:18:26] <Fubar> thanks to chairman lmao
[08:18:29] <CzechBoy777> for hard work
[08:18:52] <Crystal> I love this one
[08:18:52] <Cpt.Price> PFFF
[08:18:57] <CzechBoy777> XD
[08:18:57] <CzechBoy777> EMINEM STAN
[08:19:02] <Cpt.Price> Fuck you Crystal
[08:19:02] <Kamikez> nice son
[08:19:07] <Cpt.Price> I spilled my coffee
[08:19:17] <CzechBoy777> damn crystal where did u find this
[08:19:25] <Crystal> this is all shit I got on my PC
[08:19:27] <Kamikez> youtube lol
[08:19:30] <CzechBoy777> lol
[08:19:40] <CzechBoy777> I have music on my pc that are bad for plr english
[08:19:40] <Crystal> I got this off the CD
[08:19:53] <CzechBoy777> kanye west good
[08:20:00] <Crystal> I got some kanye too, I'll put em on soon
[08:20:03] <-- [CCF]SubP.Woodss[FA] disconnected from the server
[08:20:03] <Kamikez> hey Crystal fan of Linkin Park?
[08:20:05] <CzechBoy777> ey
[08:20:11] <Kamikez> or GreenDay
[08:20:11] <Crystal> a little bit
[08:20:13] <Fubar> speaking of Linkin Park
[08:20:16] <Crystal> my mom got me into them
[08:20:21] <Fubar> it's been 3 years since Chester died :(
[08:20:26] <Kamikez> yep :C
[08:20:26] <Cpt.Price> And I'm stuck in 80's lol
[08:20:28] <CzechBoy777> imagine eminem was singing about our stan
[08:20:31] <Crystal> yeah I just saw in my facebook memories :(
[08:20:36] <CzechBoy777> who?
[08:20:44] <Kamikez> chester
[08:20:46] <CzechBoy777> who is chester?
[08:20:54] <Kamikez> lead singer of Linkin park
[08:20:56] <CzechBoy777> ah
[08:21:01] <CzechBoy777> how old
[08:21:09] <Kamikez> Fav band Linkin park and Greenday
[08:21:19] <Fubar> Looks like Green Day and Linkin Park had a lot of shared fans
[08:21:19] <CzechBoy777> how old was he and how did he die
[08:21:27] <Kamikez> idk
[08:21:27] <Fubar> me too, kamikez :o
[08:21:27] <Cpt.Price> 40ish I believe
[08:21:37] <CzechBoy777> hi chairman
[08:21:42] <ChairmanMao> hi
[08:21:45] <Kamikez> he suicide
[08:21:45] <CzechBoy777> he was young anyway if 40
[08:21:47] <CzechBoy777> oh
[08:21:52] <Fubar> hchester died at the age of 41
[08:21:55] <Kamikez> because of crystal stole his GJ xD
[08:21:55] <Cpt.Price> Hah
[08:21:57] <CzechBoy777> XD
[08:21:57] <Kamikez> GF
[08:22:00] <Cpt.Price> was close
[08:22:03] <CooLIon> nobody found out the reason why chester died rite
[08:22:05] <CzechBoy777> but its sad
[08:22:10] <Kamikez> suicide
[08:22:13] <Fubar> died by hanging
[08:22:18] <Kamikez> ye
[08:22:25] <Kamikez> last song they ritten is
[08:22:25] <CooLIon> he had a gud future man
[08:22:28] <Kamikez> one more light
[08:22:33] --> David connected to the server
[08:22:38] <Cpt.Price> Well, that's worst freaking way to suicide your ass
[08:22:43] <CzechBoy777> why people make fun of people to make them do a suicide :(
[08:22:43] <Cpt.Price> Trust me I know that
[08:22:43] <Crystal> I read this one theory that chester knew shit about the elite pedo gang
[08:22:46] <Crystal> and was killed
[08:23:16] <CzechBoy777> stan ruined it
[08:23:27] <CzechBoy777> as I hear in the song
[08:23:27] <Cpt.Price> That's so true as that Pope is pedo himself lmao
[08:23:37] <CzechBoy777> oof
[08:23:37] <Crystal> 100 percent
[08:23:37] <ChairmanMao> i dont believe in suicide tho
[08:23:44] <Kamikez> he is left hanging
[08:23:55] <Kamikez> on the cieling
[08:23:57] <ChairmanMao> but i go believe events that lead to one killing themselves
[08:24:00] <ChairmanMao> i do*
[08:24:10] <Fubar> depression?
[08:24:10] <CzechBoy777> OH CMON
[08:24:10] <Cpt.Price> But that's the worst way to do it Kami, lol. Trust me I know that
[08:24:15] <Kamikez> ye depression
[08:24:17] <CzechBoy777> died over chairmans house cargo drop
[08:24:20] <Kamikez> chester dperession
[08:24:25] <Cpt.Price> Pfff, welcome to depression club
[08:24:43] <-- CooLIon disconnected from the server
[08:24:43] <Kamikez> depression makes you kill dont ever joke it.
[08:24:48] <Fubar> he was sexual abused when he was young
[08:24:56] <CzechBoy777> oh god
[08:25:11] <Cpt.Price> No shit Kami, you think why I know that hanging is the worst way to pass?
[08:25:19] <ChairmanMao> did the abuser got sued?
[08:25:21] <Kamikez> Just be positive keep them and make a castle
[08:26:12] <CzechBoy777> jk
[08:26:17] <Fubar> ey
[08:26:22] <Fubar> thats not funny tho
[08:26:35] <CzechBoy777> its nto
[08:26:35] <Hades> nothing is better with suicide
[08:26:37] <Cpt.Price> Tbh, just get your ass dead drunk
[08:27:08] <Cpt.Price> if you'll wake up next day, you'll be happy to live lol
[08:27:13] <CzechBoy777> yeah
[08:27:44] <Cpt.Price> Well, maybe after hungover lol
[08:27:44] <CzechBoy777> also
[08:27:56] <CzechBoy777> why the teenagers keep putting depresing things in their bios
[08:28:07] <Cpt.Price> Idk lol
[08:28:14] <CzechBoy777> I mean its so fucking useless
[08:28:29] <Fubar> guess they're trying to "be cool" lmao
[08:28:32] <CzechBoy777> yeah
[08:28:40] <CzechBoy777> teenagers do stupid things
[08:28:47] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[08:28:47] <CzechBoy777> but there is a problem
[08:28:52] <Cpt.Price> be cool lmao, fucking survive 12 years of bulling, I double dare you
[08:28:55] <CzechBoy777> I will become one next year
[08:29:33] <CzechBoy777> lmao I dont want to die
[08:29:36] <Fubar> anyways, the song given up is about Chester's depression
[08:29:48] <CzechBoy777> oh
[08:29:56] <David> we talkin about LP?
[08:30:01] <CzechBoy777> yes
[08:30:04] <David> rip chester
[08:30:04] <Cpt.Price> They do lol
[08:30:16] <CzechBoy777> I never knew him but rip
[08:30:19] <Fubar> and boy oh boy, I love that 17 seconds scream
[08:30:44] <CzechBoy777> why cant I complete this cargo drop
[08:30:50] <CzechBoy777> ah desynced
[08:30:55] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[08:31:10] <Fubar> hey dave
[08:31:20] <Fubar> david _mccarthy?
[08:31:23] <Cpt.Price> Wtf, my net going nuts
[08:31:23] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[08:31:30] <David> yeah
[08:31:30] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[08:31:45] <CzechBoy777> I will not die until I visit America
[08:31:45] <Fubar> no more "leaft at 10k" shit eh lmao
[08:31:48] <CzechBoy777> its my dream to visit it
[08:31:56] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[08:31:56] <CzechBoy777> wb
[08:31:58] <David> nope
[08:32:06] <David> missed winny too much
[08:32:08] <David> so i came back
[08:32:11] <Cpt.Price> Literally going nuts ...
[08:32:16] <CzechBoy777> we missed you too
[08:32:19] <Cpt.Price> Idk what's causing that
[08:32:21] <David> aww
[08:32:26] <ChairmanMao> yes
[08:32:31] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[08:32:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110176) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9644) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24858)
[08:32:39] <Fubar> bromance?
[08:32:47] <CzechBoy777> lol
[08:32:49] <ChairmanMao> no gay
[08:32:52] <CzechBoy777> no homo
[08:32:54] <David> no gay but yes
[08:32:57] <Fubar> xd
[08:33:04] <David> me and winny are like obama and biden
[08:33:09] <CzechBoy777> lol
[08:33:12] <ChairmanMao> no i meant no, gay
[08:33:12] <David> one is the face of lufthansa
[08:33:20] <David> the other just there freeriding
[08:33:30] <ChairmanMao> no so freeriding now
[08:33:32] <CzechBoy777> o davi no vai no
[08:33:35] <David> ill let you guess who is who
[08:33:40] <Fubar> wtf is playing in PLR English rn? smh
[08:33:53] <CzechBoy777> o davi no vai no
[08:33:55] <Cpt.Price> Dafuq
[08:34:08] <Cpt.Price> Back to my 80's then
[08:34:11] <CzechBoy777> crystal broke rules!
[08:34:16] <Fubar> aight, back to green day
[08:34:18] <CzechBoy777> its not english XD
[08:34:31] <Cpt.Price> Right!
[08:34:33] <CzechBoy777> play the new o davi no vai no
[08:34:36] <Cpt.Price> I'm calling papa Cygnus
[08:34:36] <CzechBoy777> there is also english
[08:35:07] <ChairmanMao> meh no more ussr anthem
[08:35:09] <Cpt.Price> Smh
[08:35:17] <Cpt.Price> Just wait there sunshine ;)
[08:35:27] <CzechBoy777> in Prague ZoOoOoOOo there is some animal called dyk dyk
[08:35:37] <David> yo isn't this song from tiktok
[08:35:42] <CzechBoy777> we were laughing so much
[08:35:50] <Crystal> I don't use tik tok
[08:35:52] <David> 10/10 trasition holy shit
[08:35:57] <Crystal> yeah that was fuckin solid
[08:36:03] <Crystal> I impressed myself
[08:36:03] <David> respect
[08:36:08] <Crystal> I literally said "ooohhh " aloud
[08:36:10] <David> was it the tracks themselves
[08:36:15] <David> or did you drag the slider
[08:36:18] <Crystal> just using the slider
[08:36:18] <David> ayyy
[08:36:20] <Crystal> mint af
[08:36:23] <David> ikr
[08:36:28] <David> i use it when im in the mood
[08:36:41] <ChairmanMao> hmm i should play ussr anthem on piano
[08:36:41] <David> that shit was butter crystal lmao
[08:36:46] <CzechBoy777> I got tik tok only for songs
[08:37:29] <CzechBoy777> fuck tik tok
[08:37:32] <CzechBoy777> was best
[08:37:37] <David> vine
[08:37:45] <CzechBoy777> fucking miss musical ly
[08:37:50] <Crystal> this next song is a banger
[08:37:50] <David> vine was the shit
[08:37:52] <Crystal> ed showed me it
[08:37:55] <Crystal> I loved Vine
[08:37:57] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[08:38:00] <Cpt.Price> Back in my days, there was only Youtube hu3
[08:38:02] <David> yeah ikr
[08:38:02] <CzechBoy777> there is fix point in air
[08:38:13] <Crystal> do /save and we'll get to it
[08:38:28] <CzechBoy777> ok
[08:38:46] <Crystal> hopefully I'll land this next fade
[08:38:53] <CzechBoy777> saved
[08:38:56] <Cpt.Price> !cboard
[08:38:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-118) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5453)
[08:39:01] <Crystal> I'm listening to the source instead of the stream for better response
[08:39:06] <David> im waiting for ya
[08:39:16] <David> yeah i listen to the source
[08:39:16] <David> not the stream
[08:39:29] <Crystal> it was bein a pain with my headphones but I go it eventually
[08:39:29] <CzechBoy777> why is there bike on runway
[08:39:32] <CzechBoy777> in lufthansa base
[08:40:17] <Fubar> join what?
[08:40:17] <CzechBoy777> nah fuck it
[08:40:20] <Cpt.Price> Join wat
[08:40:33] <CzechBoy777> I'd rather choose inverted
[08:40:38] <CzechBoy777> than lufthansa
[08:40:45] <CzechBoy777> no
[08:40:56] <David> ayyyyyyyyy
[08:40:58] <David> tuxedo
[08:41:16] <David> crystal be such a mood when hes stoned
[08:41:26] <Cpt.Price> Boom
[08:41:26] <Crystal> oh fuck yeah man
[08:41:26] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[08:42:32] <CzechBoy777> mod loader best
[08:42:35] <CzechBoy777> wb
[08:42:37] <0verlord> ty
[08:43:13] <0verlord> damn it feels good to crack the mystery of the update
[08:43:21] <Crystal> worth the wait?
[08:43:23] <Cpt.Price> Hu3
[08:43:23] <Crystal> pretty cool update yeah?
[08:43:33] <David> when's the set date for the update?
[08:43:33] <David> is there one yet
[08:43:41] <Cpt.Price> Soon
[08:43:51] <David> nice price
[08:43:56] <David> thanks for telling me absolutely nothing lmaow
[08:43:56] <0verlord> Damn , never thought i have to quote crystal
[08:44:01] <0verlord> "Hopefully , this week"
[08:44:14] <Crystal> ^
[08:44:14] <Cpt.Price> Same as WT going historical fights lol
[08:44:19] <Crystal> but before Aug 1st for sure
[08:44:35] <Crystal> I wanna get it out asap but when it's 100 percent done
[08:44:40] <Crystal> since I go on vacation that weekend
[08:44:45] <Crystal> wannna have time in case any big bugs pop up
[08:44:47] <Cpt.Price> Ever seen King Tigers vs T-55? No? Oh right ...
[08:45:10] <Cpt.Price> ^War Thunder in nutshell
[08:45:48] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[08:45:56] <Cpt.Price> But hell what killed me was B-17E/Late vs MiG-17's lmfao
[08:46:04] <Cpt.Price> Historical as fuck
[08:46:55] <0verlord> gz
[08:46:57] <Fubar> ty
[08:47:25] <David> holy fucking shit crystal
[08:47:33] <David> that shit was butter
[08:48:03] <0verlord> I CANT STREAM PLR
[08:48:08] <David> OKAY BRO
[08:48:08] <0verlord> the menu doesnt appear
[08:48:11] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[08:48:13] --> DavyJones connected to the server
[08:48:21] <DavyJones> hola
[08:48:26] <Crystal> there's a website link somewhere on forums I thini
[08:48:26] <CzechBoy777> hi
[08:48:29] <Crystal> someone was usin it earlier
[08:48:36] <0verlord> crystal it doesnt even work in game
[08:48:59] <Cpt.Price> Relog your ass
[08:49:04] <CzechBoy777> my game crashed while changing mods lol
[08:49:15] <David> ask stan for the link
[08:49:15] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[08:49:17] <David> overlord
[08:49:25] <David> relogging doesn't fix it lol
[08:49:27] <CzechBoy777> I also once tried all gta 5 jumbo jet mods but all didnt work
[08:49:32] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[08:49:37] <David> overlord
[08:49:40] <David> ask stan for the link
[08:49:48] <David> there's a link you can put into your web browser
[08:50:03] <0verlord> lol still doesnt work
[08:50:18] <CzechBoy777> what are u trying to do
[08:50:39] <-- DavyJones disconnected from the server
[08:50:39] <0verlord> had the radio volume set to 0
[08:50:44] <Crystal> this next track is a bop
[08:50:49] <Cpt.Price> Whoop whoop
[08:51:07] <David> damn i love the drums
[08:51:19] <CzechBoy777> same
[08:51:35] <CzechBoy777> XD
[08:51:40] --> DavyJones connected to the server
[08:51:40] <Fubar> lmao
[08:51:42] <CzechBoy777> at400 chasin skimmer
[08:52:33] <CzechBoy777> also
[08:52:41] <CzechBoy777> carcer wanted me to add him in discod
[08:52:41] <CzechBoy777> discord
[08:52:48] <CzechBoy777> and he added me to his friends at gtainside
[08:53:11] <Fubar> can you ask him to make a vietnam airlines livery for the 787-10? :<
[08:53:19] <Crystal> switchin up the vibe after this one
[08:53:21] <Crystal> still gonna be bangers ofc
[08:53:34] <0verlord> poll time?
[08:53:42] <Crystal> nah I got shit lined up
[08:53:44] <0verlord> crystal gdrive links soon?
[08:53:44] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Crystal still awake at almost 3am
[08:53:47] <0verlord> :-)
[08:53:52] <Crystal> hell yeah
[08:53:52] <Crystal> I'm DJin
[08:53:52] <CzechBoy777> he said that uh
[08:53:55] <Cpt.Price> Get your ass in TB
[08:53:55] <Crystal> and high
[08:54:02] <CzechBoy777> someone asked him
[08:54:10] <CzechBoy777> adn he said some newest version of txd workshop or waht
[08:54:20] <CzechBoy777> I will try it
[08:54:28] <Crystal> I've been using the same txd workshop folder since like 2012
[08:54:30] <Crystal> probably super old
[08:54:38] <CzechBoy777> I use it so often this time
[08:54:43] <CzechBoy777> I love making liveries
[08:55:16] <CzechBoy777> lmao I am just 12 and can make liveries
[08:55:16] <Fubar> is there any green day or linkin park song in it, Crystal?
[08:55:19] <CzechBoy777> oooo lotto
[08:55:49] <0verlord> damn /fix
[08:55:49] <David> YES
[08:56:02] <Crystal> that fade tho
[08:56:04] <Crystal> another mint fade
[08:56:09] <0verlord> Well , its 12am here
[08:56:12] <0verlord> 12pm*
[08:56:15] <CzechBoy777> guten morgen
[08:56:20] <Crystal> good mornin <3
[08:56:22] <0verlord> Good Afternoon , everyone
[08:56:27] <Cpt.Price> Butem w mordem?
[08:56:30] <CzechBoy777> did u sleep with ur god damn teacher
[08:56:40] <CzechBoy777> dobr� r�no xdddd
[08:56:43] <0verlord> lol wut
[08:56:45] <David> TBNR crystal gets a pass for not sleeping
[08:56:48] <CzechBoy777> ou SHIT XDD
[08:56:53] <David> he's spinning straight bangers out of that joint
[08:56:58] <CzechBoy777> WHY xD
[08:57:16] <Cpt.Price> Guten morgen has the same pronoun as Butem w Mordem
[08:57:16] <Crystal> thank the weed
[08:57:23] <Cpt.Price> Which means shoe in the face
[08:57:31] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I just woke up hoe
[08:57:31] <CzechBoy777> oh
[08:57:33] <CzechBoy777> XD
[08:57:36] <CzechBoy777> LOL
[08:57:36] <0verlord> noice
[08:57:39] <Cpt.Price> Then get up TB
[08:57:46] <Cpt.Price> We got a work to do
[08:57:54] (WEB) <Stan#3177> Road trip out to the Ventura beach house
[08:57:59] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> My friend has his birthday
[08:58:04] <Cpt.Price> ffs
[08:58:14] <0verlord> Ventura Beach House?
[08:59:28] <David> thank you, god bless you, good night i came i came i came
[08:59:51] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Lavija and Santi are back
[08:59:56] <David> yes
[09:00:06] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Lav is back? <3
[09:00:11] <Cpt.Price> So?
[09:00:21] <Cpt.Price> I'm still mock that Santi mofo
[09:00:29] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Sssh u fatman
[09:00:32] <David> cool story price tell it again
[09:00:37] <Cpt.Price> Smh
[09:00:42] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Rip I can't ping Santiago no more
[09:00:49] <Cpt.Price> Atleast I'm emoji on discord lmfao
[09:00:55] <0verlord> xD
[09:00:55] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Or lavija
[09:01:12] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I wish you can silently mention someone lmao
[09:01:28] <CzechBoy777> yeah XD
[09:01:38] <CzechBoy777> @TBNR
[09:01:48] <0verlord> @Santiago
[09:01:51] <David> n
[09:01:51] <0verlord> mission failed
[09:01:53] <CzechBoy777> test
[09:01:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> @CzechBoy777 test failed!
[09:02:01] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> That doesn't work
[09:02:06] <CzechBoy777> idk what at400 mod to use :(
[09:03:02] <Crystal> up next is kanye's new song
[09:04:56] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[09:05:01] <Cpt.Price> !cboard
[09:05:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-112) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5459)
[09:06:59] <Crystal> ooo this one is lit
[09:06:59] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Fine I'll come
[09:07:06] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I won't truck tho
[09:07:11] <Cpt.Price> smh
[09:07:47] <DavyJones> how to buy vehicles?
[09:07:47] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I need real cash for the new house s
[09:07:52] <David> /getprice [name]
[09:07:52] <0verlord> xD
[09:07:55] <0verlord> we know
[09:07:57] <David> then find the location of the dealer
[09:08:00] <David> then /gps
[09:08:00] <DavyJones> thanks
[09:08:00] <DavyJones> thanks
[09:08:07] <Cpt.Price> First of all, you need 100 points lol
[09:08:12] <David> no you don't
[09:08:20] <Cpt.Price> Not anymore?
[09:08:23] <Cpt.Price> Loldafuq
[09:08:28] <David> never was iirc
[09:08:43] <Fubar> iirc?
[09:08:45] <Crystal> yeah 100 score I htink
[09:08:50] <Crystal> if I remember correctly
[09:08:50] <David> if i recall correctly
[09:08:58] <Fubar> ah thanks
[09:09:06] <David> i thought we are able to own 1 car without a house under 100 score
[09:09:13] <Gamer30> The only need to have 100 score is to buy a house.
[09:09:18] <David> yeah
[09:09:21] <Cpt.Price> Ain't that one of "Aaron's" upgrades?
[09:09:36] <David> dk
[09:09:41] <David> was banned when aaron was here
[09:09:46] <Crystal> lmao
[09:09:49] <Crystal> what for?
[09:09:52] <Cpt.Price> kek
[09:09:54] <David> me?
[09:09:57] <0verlord> yes
[09:10:09] <David> made up some evidence to avoid a 14 day ban
[09:10:14] <David> got a perm
[09:10:17] <Fubar> oof
[09:10:17] <Cpt.Price> Noobstein
[09:10:20] <Fubar> mega off
[09:10:27] <0verlord> xd
[09:10:30] <David> i was 14 lmao
[09:10:42] <Crystal> woo eatin more edible, gonna be a long stream
[09:10:55] <David> we all do dumb shit when we're 14
[09:11:00] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[09:11:03] <David> hell i still do dumb shit now lmao
[09:11:03] <Fubar> 21st Century Breakdown <3
[09:11:08] <Crystal> same
[09:11:23] <Fubar> been playing that song on repeat for days lmao
[09:11:41] <Crystal> just last month I had to escape the police lmao
[09:11:49] <David> tf
[09:11:59] <CzechBoy777> I will try to make Aeroflot A350 to gta sa
[09:11:59] <David> what'd u do again crystal
[09:12:01] <Crystal> yeah I was at a car meet and things got a little wild
[09:12:01] <CzechBoy777> but not sure if I will do it
[09:12:06] <Crystal> lots of cops came out
[09:12:27] <David> oh damn lmao
[09:12:45] <David> oh shit
[09:12:47] <Crystal> whipped around some corners and killed my lights, didn't see em
[09:12:55] <David> not the uturn lmao
[09:12:57] <0verlord> oh damn
[09:13:00] <Crystal> I fucking hate that
[09:13:05] <Crystal> heart attack every time
[09:13:13] <David> i know exactly that feeling
[09:13:13] <CzechBoy777> lol hades
[09:13:15] <Crystal> I drive modified cars so people love me
[09:13:20] <Crystal> police love*
[09:13:25] <Crystal> neighbors hate me
[09:13:28] <David> smh should've kept the crown vic
[09:13:36] <Hades> staying true to the inverted ways
[09:13:36] <Crystal> it was fun, but I love subaru more <3
[09:13:38] <David> cops would've flashed their headlights at ya
[09:13:41] <David> lmao
[09:13:41] <0verlord> xD
[09:13:58] <David> with all your mods and shit
[09:14:19] <Crystal> dude this fade
[09:14:19] <Crystal> is lit
[09:14:21] <Crystal> just listen
[09:14:29] <David> havent got to it yet
[09:14:34] <David> there it is
[09:14:34] <CzechBoy777> runawayy
[09:14:49] <Fubar> interest
[09:14:52] <David> litty titty dude
[09:18:08] <CzechBoy777> imagine there was airplane factory map lol
[09:18:21] <DavyJones> helo
[09:18:39] <DavyJones> how do you get rhis plane?
[09:18:44] <CzechBoy777> in the airline
[09:18:46] <DavyJones> waw
[09:18:51] <DavyJones> how?
[09:19:01] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Crystal
[09:19:07] <Crystal> ay
[09:19:09] <CzechBoy777> AT400
[09:19:09] <Fubar> at400 eh?
[09:19:09] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> You gonna get fbi in your house
[09:19:19] <Crystal> whys that? lmao
[09:19:19] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[09:19:32] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> You just said you had to escape police
[09:19:47] <Crystal> lmao it was over dumb shit, they didn't have their lights on, else I wouldn't have
[09:19:50] <David> naw i don't think he meant a road chase
[09:19:55] <Crystal> I just ain't taking chances
[09:20:00] <David> think he just played it safe and laid low
[09:20:05] <Crystal> ^
[09:20:08] <David> rather than taking off and packing on heat lmao
[09:20:13] <David> nobody's that dumb
[09:20:41] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[09:20:43] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110176) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9573) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24910)
[09:20:51] <David> yee haw
[09:20:56] <David> rush team luft
[09:21:34] <CzechBoy777> damn
[09:22:05] <ChairmanMao> man i want my old school orchestra to play the ussr anthem
[09:22:10] <CzechBoy777> lol
[09:22:15] <-- Fubar disconnected from the server
[09:22:15] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[09:22:15] <0verlord> desynced
[09:22:15] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[09:22:20] <DavyJones> mayday mayday
[09:22:23] <DavyJones> mayday mayday
[09:22:25] <David> yes
[09:22:28] <Crystal> mayday parade?
[09:22:35] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[09:22:38] <Crystal> I saw them live, and they're incredible
[09:22:56] --> Fubar connected to the server
[09:22:56] <CzechBoy777> wo
[09:22:58] <CzechBoy777> who
[09:23:16] <Fubar> w`/vm
[09:23:19] <Fubar> w`/vm
[09:23:31] <David> w`/vm
[09:23:36] <Gamer30> w`/vm
[09:23:39] <Fubar> smh
[09:23:52] <DavyJones> mayday mayday
[09:24:02] <0verlord> Thank Joyadi
[09:24:09] <CzechBoy777> carcer said the next mod will be updated 737-900ER with changeable winglets ingame
[09:24:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> welcome
[09:24:12] <DavyJones> of c/q
[09:24:15] <-- DavyJones disconnected from the server
[09:24:20] <0verlord> but Joyadi?
[09:24:27] <0verlord> it no longer offers score
[09:24:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> you are welcome
[09:24:27] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[09:24:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> imma farm potd
[09:24:40] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Bruh I reinstalled shit and everything
[09:25:08] <Gamer30> See if singleplayer works.
[09:25:08] <ChairmanMao> .lotto 27
[09:25:13] <ChairmanMao> ?lotto 27
[09:25:21] <ChairmanMao> .
[09:25:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> .lottoforce
[09:25:36] <CzechBoy777> lol
[09:25:44] <CzechBoy777> is this panda beat
[09:25:51] <Crystal> lmao maybeeee
[09:25:59] <0verlord> it is
[09:26:07] <CzechBoy777> yes
[09:26:09] <David> czechboy
[09:26:12] <0verlord> there it is
[09:26:19] <David> can you tell carcer to please make a United skin for it
[09:26:29] <CzechBoy777> new or old?
[09:26:42] <David> meh i don't really mind
[09:26:47] <CzechBoy777> I mean I dont want to annoy him liol
[09:26:47] <CzechBoy777> lol
[09:26:52] <David> aw ok
[09:26:55] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[09:26:55] <CzechBoy777> I can try to anytime make it
[09:27:05] <David> oh for sure
[09:27:08] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> You know what's weird it worked perfectly yesterday
[09:27:43] <CzechBoy777> i u
[09:27:53] <0verlord> thats more like my taste
[09:27:56] <Gamer30> Try removing .set file from GTA:SA User Files.
[09:27:56] <0verlord> very thanl
[09:28:01] <CzechBoy777> play indian version
[09:28:14] <0verlord> WTF , i am desynced again
[09:28:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> delete gtasa.set or something like gamer said
[09:28:29] <CzechBoy777> dont
[09:28:29] <0verlord> let me work for WOTD damn it
[09:28:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> at documents > GTA SA User file
[09:28:42] <CzechBoy777> better dotn do it
[09:29:25] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[09:29:51] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[09:29:56] <CzechBoy777> idk if it was in the song or not
[09:29:58] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Still crashes
[09:30:01] <CzechBoy777> btu I heard an explosion
[09:30:01] <CzechBoy777> wb
[09:30:06] <Crystal> yeah song lmao
[09:30:11] <0verlord> ty
[09:30:13] <Gamer30> Maybe your HDD caught a bad sector?
[09:30:21] <Crystal> have you rebooted your PC?
[09:30:26] <Crystal> that usually fixes installs for me
[09:30:34] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[09:30:39] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Should try that
[09:30:47] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> The weird part is
[09:30:54] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Everything worked perfectly yesterday
[09:31:12] <0verlord> isnt this the GTA SA soundtrack?
[09:31:17] <Fubar> it is
[09:31:20] <Crystal> this song is on there yeah
[09:31:25] <CzechBoy777> rlly
[09:31:27] <Crystal> which I didn't know til this year lmao
[09:31:30] <0verlord> yes
[09:31:30] <CzechBoy777> never heard the soundtrack
[09:31:58] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> If it doesn't work I'll reinstall every thing smh
[09:32:08] <0verlord> thats why they say
[09:32:13] <0verlord> dont do mods kids
[09:32:16] <0verlord> yes
[09:32:23] <Crystal> it's a slippy slope
[09:32:28] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> It worked perfectly till yesterday tho
[09:33:09] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[09:33:14] <Fubar> now I know its name lmao
[09:33:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> Ballas
[09:33:32] <Crystal> slick rick is the best
[09:33:35] <Fubar> listened to it in game for a thousand times, never know its name
[09:33:45] <Crystal> chances are you've heard him sampled in tons of songs
[09:33:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> True Crime: New York City song it is
[09:34:05] <Crystal> this next one is a bop
[09:34:08] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> What am I missing eh?
[09:34:10] <Crystal> good vibes comin
[09:34:18] <Gamer30> Some HDD sector could break down.
[09:34:18] <0verlord> well i am going to miss 6969
[09:34:28] <0verlord> but thats the price i pay for doing nevada
[09:34:51] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Now gta itself doesn't wanna start the fuck
[09:35:04] <0verlord> just redo it
[09:35:29] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> As soon as I said that shit started
[09:36:00] <CzechBoy777> my reverse thrusters got stuck
[09:36:02] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Nope crashed again...
[09:36:15] <David> test
[09:36:15] (WEB) <TheGamer> @David test failed!
[09:37:08] <David> who has robin's pl hud installed?
[09:37:13] <CzechBoy777> me
[09:37:16] <David> did the thing just freeze
[09:37:26] <CzechBoy777> omg
[09:37:29] <CzechBoy777> black mesa to lima
[09:37:29] <Fubar> test
[09:37:29] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Fubar test failed!
[09:37:36] <Gamer30> Test failed?
[09:37:36] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Gamer30 test failed!
[09:37:39] <0verlord> test pass?
[09:37:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> @0verlord test failed!
[09:37:41] <CzechBoy777> test
[09:37:41] (WEB) <TheGamer> @CzechBoy777 test failed!
[09:37:44] <Fubar> lmao
[09:37:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> test broke?
[09:37:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> @JoyadiJoestar. test failed!
[09:37:47] <Fubar> t e s t
[09:37:52] <Crystal> you can't win the test
[09:37:54] <Crystal> it's not a game lmao
[09:37:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> test lotto
[09:37:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> @JoyadiJoestar. test failed!
[09:37:57] <David> test icles
[09:37:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> @David test failed!
[09:37:57] <Fubar> tset
[09:38:02] <CzechBoy777> wtf there is osmething wrong with my game
[09:38:04] <Gamer30> Test tits
[09:38:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Gamer30 test failed!
[09:38:04] <0verlord> its just like the nevada license then
[09:38:04] <CzechBoy777> I cant close the gears
[09:38:04] <0verlord> xd
[09:38:15] <CzechBoy777> cant turn on hud
[09:38:17] <0verlord> SA : become human
[09:38:20] <CzechBoy777> I have to relog wtf
[09:38:22] <David> yeah my pl hud just died
[09:38:25] <0verlord> F
[09:38:27] <David> need to relog too
[09:38:32] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> The fuck
[09:38:35] <CzechBoy777> it keeps showing user track player up there
[09:38:35] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[09:38:37] <David> same
[09:38:43] <0verlord> its because PLR
[09:38:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> because /radio
[09:38:53] <0verlord> my game is vanilla , it does it tioo
[09:39:08] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[09:39:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> vanilla / modded are same
[09:39:21] <David> my /panel is stuck lol
[09:39:23] <David> none of the numbers are moving
[09:39:26] <CzechBoy777> weird
[09:39:28] <0verlord> desynced?
[09:39:28] <David> but im not desynced or anything
[09:39:36] <David> nope im still doing missions
[09:39:39] <David> time is moving
[09:39:41] <David> maps are loading
[09:39:44] <0verlord> then do it
[09:39:46] <Gamer30> Panel got weird.
[09:39:54] <Crystal> if panel gets weird just hop out and get back in
[09:39:59] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Aw fuck it reinstalling gta sa...
[09:40:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[09:40:04] <CzechBoy777> my reverse thruster got stuck, it kept showing user track player
[09:40:09] <Gamer30> I had cases where panel was refreshing more often than normally.
[09:40:09] <-- David disconnected from the server
[09:40:17] <Crystal> the mod? or server?
[09:40:22] <0verlord> it always keeps showing user track playlist
[09:40:22] <CzechBoy777> mod
[09:40:24] <Fubar> !missions skimmer
[09:40:24] <0verlord> when u use /radio
[09:40:27] (WEB) <robin_be> Fubar: 1201 skimmer
[09:40:27] <Crystal> ah nevermind then lmao
[09:40:32] <CzechBoy777> or wdym
[09:40:40] --> David connected to the server
[09:40:42] <Fubar> 600 flights after 1 month ~~
[09:40:50] <Gamer30> !missions skimmer
[09:40:53] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: 1039 skimmer
[09:41:00] <Fubar> I stole your top 1 skimmer xd
[09:41:21] <David> oop
[09:41:26] <David> problem fixed itself
[09:42:12] <CzechBoy777> I want someone to fly this shamal
[09:42:19] <CzechBoy777> ah I forgot
[09:42:22] <0verlord> oh damn
[09:42:22] <0verlord> gz
[09:42:24] <CzechBoy777> gz
[09:42:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> thanks
[09:42:27] <0verlord> nice place though
[09:42:52] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> how tf can I listen to PLR without being ing
[09:43:02] <0verlord> look on forum for ip links
[09:43:10] <0verlord> PL R subsection has them
[09:43:53] <CzechBoy777> ping limit fuck
[09:43:56] <0verlord> F
[09:44:04] <CzechBoy777> cmooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
[09:44:14] <0verlord> 4/5?
[09:44:19] <CzechBoy777> 2/5
[09:44:24] <CzechBoy777> but now it stopped
[09:44:26] <CzechBoy777> fucking internet connection
[09:44:37] <CzechBoy777> I am sure its because of my brother because he is home
[09:44:49] <CzechBoy777> now plane lgot stuck
[09:44:54] <CzechBoy777> Fuck!
[09:45:15] <CzechBoy777> I am so mad
[09:45:15] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[09:45:43] <Crystal> I love this tyler session
[09:45:43] <David> GIA /fleet
[09:45:50] <David> ty
[09:45:53] <Fubar> np
[09:46:03] <CzechBoy777> nice
[09:46:06] <CzechBoy777> lost mission
[09:46:06] <CzechBoy777> fuck this
[09:46:06] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[09:46:11] <David> rip
[09:46:11] --> Roardle connected to the server
[09:46:13] <0verlord> rage quit
[09:46:16] <ChairmanMao> wb
[09:46:18] <0verlord> F
[09:46:18] <0verlord> wb
[09:46:21] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> yes .__.
[09:46:21] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> my retard ass searched google for gta sa optifine
[09:46:26] <Roardle> ty
[09:46:26] <Crystal> lmao
[09:46:26] <0verlord> lul
[09:47:22] <Crystal> how do y'all feel about getting electric after this session?
[09:47:37] <0verlord> i feel sleepu
[09:47:40] <Crystal> I'm just jockeyin' shit I feel like
[09:47:48] <0verlord> no worries
[09:47:48] <Fubar> yeah me too
[09:47:50] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[09:47:55] <0verlord> DESYNCED again
[09:47:58] <0verlord> oh damn
[09:48:05] <0verlord> .reconnect
[09:48:33] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[09:48:54] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[09:50:33] (WEB) <arnir#9350> Hi
[09:50:36] <David> ayy satan
[09:50:36] <Gamer30> Hi.
[09:50:36] <Fubar> hello
[09:50:46] (WEB) <arnir#9350> I'm coming ig soon
[09:50:48] <ChairmanMao> yo satan
[09:50:48] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> bruh
[09:50:56] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> im really retarded today
[09:50:58] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[09:51:01] <ChairmanMao> yes
[09:51:01] (WEB) <arnir#9350> Yo guys
[09:51:09] (WEB) <arnir#9350> You're always retarded
[09:51:11] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Crystal
[09:51:16] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I fucking downloaded 0.3.8 samp versioon
[09:51:21] <Crystal> ayy
[09:51:26] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Where are we going to be moved to?
[09:51:37] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> San Andreas
[09:51:37] <Crystal> We'll figure it out
[09:51:37] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[09:51:37] <0verlord> my dick lmao
[09:51:39] <Crystal> just not rn cause I'm high
[09:51:42] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[09:51:52] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> you are always high crystal
[09:51:54] (WEB) <iSam#5191> nice can i be high top?
[09:51:57] (WEB) <arnir#9350> Crystal what's the difference between MTA and Samp
[09:51:57] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> get low
[09:52:07] <Crystal> SAMP is better
[09:52:07] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> mta is more shittier than samp
[09:52:10] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Mta is shit
[09:52:10] <Crystal> that's the difference
[09:52:17] (WEB) <arnir#9350> LOL
[09:52:43] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I played once and it looks like its fucking wider for some reason
[09:52:53] <Crystal> I felt that same thing oddly enough
[09:52:58] <0verlord> it lags more too
[09:52:58] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[09:53:01] <0verlord> atleast for me
[09:53:13] <Gamer30> I tried MTA and I couldn't find any interesting server then. POS
[09:53:18] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[09:53:24] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[09:53:26] <Crystal> there's a NFS server thats pretty neat
[09:53:29] <Crystal> but that's about it
[09:53:46] (WEB) <arnir#9350> The only server I play is PL
[09:53:52] <0verlord> same
[09:53:57] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Pls no 3dl :(
[09:53:59] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I play others too but rarely
[09:54:07] <0verlord> xd
[09:54:17] <-- Roardle disconnected from the server
[09:54:35] (WEB) <iSam#5191> I have to keep changing client versions now demnnn :(
[09:54:50] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> meh as long as CnR will be 0.3.dl too ill be fine
[09:54:58] <Crystal> it only takes like 10 seconds to switch versions
[09:55:03] <0verlord> well , for every crash i will do 10 pushups
[09:55:13] <0verlord> should make me less lazy
[09:55:13] (WEB) <arnir#9350> Yo crystal could u send me server client for DL
[09:55:36] (WEB) <iSam#5191> It's good that i have clients starting from 3c till 3dl xD
[09:56:04] (WEB) <arnir#9350> I want to move my mapping server to dl
[09:56:19] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> nah PL would have benefited a lot if samp didnt pull the plug on 0.3.8
[09:56:32] <Crystal> back when kalcor still cared, kinda
[09:56:57] <Crystal> kalcors actually been on PL
[09:58:55] <0verlord> whoever's doing fuel trucking
[09:59:00] <ChairmanMao> m
[09:59:02] <0verlord> you da MVP
[09:59:05] <Fubar> ^
[09:59:07] <David> ^
[09:59:15] <ChairmanMao> ty
[09:59:38] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[09:59:40] <0verlord> didnt know wb
[09:59:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> ye
[09:59:51] <0verlord> didint know you can fuel truck in a hydra mao
[09:59:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> w
[10:00:01] <ChairmanMao> yes
[10:00:39] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> welp hopefully gta works now
[10:00:44] <Gamer30> !Groups Dumblee
[10:00:47] (WEB) <robin_be> Dumblee is in airline (none) and company (none)
[10:00:59] <David> rip dumblee
[10:01:25] <Crystal> 15 days F
[10:01:35] <Gamer30> !ASSets DumbLee
[10:01:38] (WEB) <robin_be> DumbLee has 1 car(s) ($140,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $140,000
[10:01:40] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[10:02:23] --> Satan connected to the server
[10:03:19] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> bruh
[10:03:53] <Satan> yo crystal
[10:03:55] <Crystal> ay ay
[10:04:00] <Satan> where can i find the dl server client
[10:04:10] <Crystal> client or server?
[10:04:13] <Satan> server
[10:04:21] <Crystal> windows or linux?
[10:04:26] <Satan> windows
[10:04:36] <Satan> linux works too
[10:04:49] <Satan> or u could send both LOL
[10:05:01] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> The fuck
[10:05:09] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> It still crashes
[10:05:17] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> no mods no cleos fresh gta
[10:05:22] <Fubar> is rescue payment going to be rasied in the next update tho?
[10:05:27] <Fubar> wanna make it 3k
[10:05:32] <Fubar> !missions rescue
[10:05:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Fubar: 2430 rescue
[10:05:37] <Fubar> damn rich bish
[10:05:42] <Gamer30> Run singleplayer once, then try again with SA:MP.
[10:06:05] <Crystal> DM'd the windows server
[10:06:15] <Satan> Ty crys
[10:06:48] <Crystal> linux too
[10:06:51] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Why does life hate me lmao
[10:06:53] <David> !score
[10:06:56] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 10672 score, 8992 missions: 37'/. cargo drop - 27'/. military - 13'/. courier
[10:07:09] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> What is MTA
[10:07:09] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Even gta sa crashes...
[10:07:19] <Fubar> !missions fubar at400 military shamal helicopter rescue
[10:07:22] (WEB) <robin_be> fubar: 3000 at400 3000 military 3000 shamal 3000 helicopter 2430 rescue
[10:07:32] <Gamer30> HDD bad sector?
[10:07:42] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I have no mods
[10:07:50] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> fresh gta
[10:08:00] <Satan> Ty Crystal
[10:08:07] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I think gta sa document files is crashing me
[10:08:10] <Gamer30> Tell your HDD's S.M.A.R.T. parameters.
[10:08:23] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> shit doesn't give me op codes now just crashes on start
[10:08:25] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[10:09:14] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> What is MTA
[10:09:26] <Satan> crystal can u come to me
[10:09:26] <ChairmanMao> mmulti theft auto
[10:09:26] <Gamer30> Some shitty multiplayer mode to San Andreas.
[10:09:52] <Satan> shit i died
[10:12:25] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Now I wonder if crystal remembered something
[10:12:30] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[10:12:58] <David> !aboard
[10:12:58] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110178) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9460) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25023)
[10:13:21] <Fubar> !score lufthansa\
[10:13:21] <Fubar> !score lufthansa
[10:13:23] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player lufthansa
[10:13:39] <Crystal> what did I remember?
[10:13:46] <Fubar> !player pedro_bear
[10:13:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player pedro_bear: 5504 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[10:13:52] <Gamer30> !player lUFTHANSA
[10:13:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player lUFTHANSA: 5 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[10:13:54] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Wait I'll tell you if don't crash
[10:14:17] <Satan> Crystal will DL be more stable?
[10:14:48] <Kamikez> !cash david
[10:14:50] (WEB) <robin_be> david has $52,521 in hand
[10:14:53] <Crystal> it feels more stable to me
[10:14:55] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Shit gave me the opcodes on start
[10:15:01] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Fuck my life
[10:15:03] <Gamer30> What's the crashing opcode?
[10:15:29] <Satan> try deleting cached gta files and your copy of gta, then get a completely fresh one
[10:15:31] <0verlord> xD
[10:15:41] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I did that...
[10:16:02] <Satan> brb
[10:16:09] <Satan> lemme grab some pizza XD
[10:16:09] --> i$am. connected to the server
[10:16:14] <Satan> OMG ITS ISAM
[10:16:17] <Satan> wb jani
[10:16:17] <i$am.> ty
[10:16:50] <Crystal> quick nap lmao
[10:17:03] <David> had to sike them lufthansa mf'ers
[10:17:08] <Kamikez> ok boomer
[10:17:10] <David> called me lazy when i've been working the whole time
[10:17:13] <i$am.> crystal
[10:17:18] <Kamikez> ok boomer
[10:17:31] <Crystal> lmao
[10:17:41] <i$am.> i have 03dl r1
[10:17:46] <i$am.> is it latest version of it?
[10:17:51] <Crystal> yeah
[10:17:59] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Welp
[10:18:04] <i$am.> aight i dont need to download it :p
[10:18:09] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Imma try reinstall again
[10:18:22] <0verlord> !assets Kamikez
[10:18:24] (WEB) <robin_be> Kamikez has 1 car(s) ($1,000,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $1,000,000
[10:18:29] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Shit worked perfectly yesterday
[10:18:29] <Kamikez> dont stalk me boomer
[10:18:42] <i$am.> what's wrong tbnr
[10:18:52] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Gta sa keeps crashing
[10:19:03] <i$am.> ah its cause its your birthday
[10:19:15] <i$am.> reinstall gta :/
[10:19:23] <Gamer30> Check if your HDD has new bad sectors!!!
[10:20:11] <Crystal> ayy
[10:20:11] <i$am.> do you have any way to contact Citr0n?
[10:20:29] <Crystal> yeah
[10:20:37] <i$am.> can you forward him a message?
[10:20:42] <Crystal> what's up?
[10:20:55] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Watch my hard drive now explode
[10:21:00] <i$am.> tell him whenever he's free talk with me
[10:21:07] <Crystal> aye
[10:21:10] <Kamikez> when will the update release?
[10:21:25] <Fubar> before
[10:21:28] <Crystal> I should make a FAQ lmao
[10:21:28] <i$am.> brooks
[10:21:30] <i$am.> smh
[10:21:30] <Kamikez> noice
[10:21:30] <Fubar> ?
[10:21:33] <0verlord> do it xD
[10:21:53] <i$am.> make sure server is in tab listing :(
[10:22:26] <Crystal> nah
[10:22:34] <Crystal> but it's alright, we have a loyal enough following
[10:22:42] <Crystal> through word of mouth we'll spread
[10:22:52] <i$am.> yes
[10:22:54] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Crystal advertise the server on samp forums
[10:22:54] <Crystal> gonna make lots of ads
[10:22:54] <Satan> how many servers use DL?
[10:23:02] <i$am.> peeps like us will still play ;c
[10:23:05] --> Ludred connected to the server
[10:23:05] <Crystal> I will when the updates live
[10:23:07] <i$am.> wb gay
[10:23:12] <David> crystal just get a bunch of people join random servers in internet tab
[10:23:12] <Ludred> ty
[10:23:15] <Ludred> finally
[10:23:15] <Satan> how many servers use DL?
[10:23:20] <David> and spam their main chat with ads for PL
[10:23:20] <Ludred> a lot satan
[10:23:20] <i$am.> a few does
[10:23:27] <0verlord> oh no these desyncs are increasing day by day
[10:23:30] <i$am.> alot? ffs lier
[10:23:33] <Ludred> thats gonna make the server look unproffesional
[10:23:33] <Satan> also when will the update be live C:
[10:23:48] <i$am.> satan kys
[10:23:50] <David> that's how the biggest cnr server on samp rn got big
[10:23:58] <i$am.> i will burry you in deadhansa graveyard
[10:24:01] <i$am.> dont worry
[10:24:01] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[10:24:01] <Satan> Astagfirullah
[10:24:03] <David> and its still the biggest
[10:24:08] <Satan> lpc bey
[10:24:11] <Satan> sky mari huwi haio
[10:24:16] <i$am.> jali gand jaldi
[10:24:18] <i$am.> xD
[10:24:29] <Satan> teri gand mai luft ka danda jo ghusa huwa hai
[10:24:44] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[10:24:46] <i$am.> luft walon ko hi obessesion h
[10:24:49] <Ludred> wb
[10:24:52] <Fubar> testing
[10:24:54] <0verlord> ty
[10:24:54] <i$am.> mazak kar raha hu dont mind :p
[10:24:59] <Ludred> welp should I try adding cleos?
[10:25:04] <0verlord> server pls fix
[10:25:17] <Satan> obsession hume hai laikin jab chance milta hai luft ko naye naye naamon se tu bula tahai
[10:25:20] <0verlord> any tips to avoid this desync
[10:25:25] <Satan> ta hai*t
[10:25:30] <Satan> logic dhund apni baaton mai bhai :P
[10:25:42] <Satan> i mean behen*
[10:25:45] <Ludred> was there a way to check fps?
[10:25:48] <i$am.> game main kis baat ka logic lmao
[10:25:55] <i$am.> enjoy chill xD
[10:25:55] <Crystal> time to switch the vibe on yall
[10:26:03] <Satan> mai chill hi hu jani
[10:26:10] <i$am.> gud obi
[10:26:13] <i$am.> boi
[10:26:18] <Fubar> .fix
[10:26:33] <Ludred> smh
[10:26:38] <Ludred> was there a way to check fps
[10:26:49] <i$am.> um use some kind of recorder?
[10:27:01] <ChairmanMao> cl_showfps 1
[10:27:01] <Crystal> yeah my nvidia shows my fps
[10:27:12] <ChairmanMao> net_graph
[10:27:22] <Satan> !aboard
[10:27:22] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110178) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9418) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25065)
[10:27:40] <David> nice numbers you got there sky air
[10:27:50] <0verlord> mind if we break em?
[10:28:00] <i$am.> smh
[10:28:10] <i$am.> obsession is increasing with sky air
[10:28:13] <i$am.> ggwp
[10:28:18] <ChairmanMao> !missions cargodrop
[10:28:20] (WEB) <robin_be> ChairmanMao: 15255 cargodrop
[10:28:20] <David> obsession is a strong word
[10:28:28] <David> I'd use disdain
[10:28:33] <0verlord> everyone envies the number 1 unless they themselves are number 1
[10:28:46] <i$am.> jealousy can be seen
[10:28:59] <Ludred> gta sa sucks without mods
[10:28:59] <David> uno reverse card is catching up to ya
[10:28:59] <0verlord> not for long
[10:29:01] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[10:29:14] <i$am.> we dont even care if someone surpasses us tbh
[10:29:16] <David> its time to stop telling us you're bored and get to word sam
[10:29:16] <Crystal> man this shit bummin me out
[10:29:21] <Crystal> lets start bumpin
[10:29:21] <i$am.> cause we know we can get back in no time
[10:29:29] <Gamer30> So you actually care.
[10:29:32] <David> lmfao
[10:29:32] <Satan> LOLO
[10:29:34] <David> gotem
[10:29:47] <i$am.> my score is same since a week or so
[10:29:47] <i$am.> lmao
[10:29:49] <Satan> LOOOOL
[10:30:00] <David> rip winny's screen
[10:30:05] <0verlord> Big F
[10:30:17] <ChairmanMao> !score
[10:30:20] (WEB) <robin_be> player ChairmanMao: 33255 score, 30046 missions: 51'/. cargo drop - 33'/. military - 7'/. courier
[10:30:20] <0verlord> i work hydra
[10:30:23] <David> !score
[10:30:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 10679 score, 8999 missions: 37'/. cargo drop - 27'/. military - 13'/. courier
[10:30:33] <0verlord> it desyncs , i work at it desync , i work nevada
[10:30:38] <0verlord> it doesnt desync
[10:30:46] <David> hydra too fast for ur internet
[10:30:48] <David> lmao
[10:30:48] <Kamikez> !aboard
[10:30:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110178) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9409) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25074)
[10:30:53] <ChairmanMao> its the god's message
[10:31:11] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Ima join later
[10:31:19] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Gonna eat now
[10:32:48] <i$am.> k bai'
[10:32:50] <i$am.> bored af
[10:32:50] <-- i$am. disconnected from the server
[10:33:06] <0verlord> desynced again?
[10:33:08] <0verlord> this shit
[10:33:44] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[10:34:09] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[10:37:03] --> TheAir connected to the server
[10:37:05] <Kamikez> wb
[10:37:13] <TheAir> thanks :)
[10:38:47] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[10:39:05] <Satan> 'a true
[10:39:15] <David> 'a fail
[10:39:20] <Gamer30> 'a chuj z tym
[10:39:35] <-- Fubar disconnected from the server
[10:40:19] --> TheAir connected to the server
[10:40:29] <0verlord> damn cargo?
[10:41:07] --> Stan connected to the server
[10:41:10] <Crystal> oh no
[10:41:15] <Crystal> hide your smoochs
[10:41:17] <Crystal> stan will take them all
[10:41:20] <Stan> shhhh
[10:41:48] <Satan> !aboard
[10:41:50] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110178) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9382) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25101)
[10:41:58] <Stan> !groups David
[10:42:01] (WEB) <robin_be> David is in airline Lufthansa and company TransX
[10:42:03] <Stan> traitor
[10:42:03] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[10:42:06] <Kamikez> t3
[10:42:18] <Stan> kj jk
[10:42:26] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[10:42:29] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[10:42:31] <David> crystal ban
[10:42:36] <Crystal> F
[10:42:54] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[10:42:57] <Stan> wb
[10:43:14] <Kamikez> t
[10:43:17] <Kamikez> test
[10:43:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Kamikez test failed!
[10:43:22] <Kamikez> test
[10:43:22] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Kamikez test failed!
[10:44:05] <Kamikez> !aboard
[10:44:05] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110178) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9376) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25107)
[10:45:04] <Satan> wait fuel is currently for 1$ per litre
[10:45:07] <Satan> WTF
[10:45:14] <Kamikez> HAX
[10:45:19] <Crystal> thank chairman
[10:45:24] <Satan> wot did he do
[10:45:27] <ChairmanMao> yw
[10:45:40] <Satan> wait how do players affect fuel
[10:45:42] <David> he did aerial refueling missions
[10:45:45] <ChairmanMao> yes
[10:45:47] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[10:45:47] <David> he attached a fuel tank to his hydra
[10:45:52] <David> and hauled fuel around PL
[10:46:03] <ChairmanMao> dropping fuel everywhere
[10:46:03] <Gamer30> I want to attach septic tank.
[10:46:05] <0verlord> teach me too
[10:46:05] <David> yes
[10:46:08] <David> jettison
[10:46:15] <David> do /reclass and choose Jettison class
[10:46:20] <0verlord> :-/
[10:46:31] <David> 500 score
[10:46:36] <David> scroll down the menu
[10:46:48] (WEB) <TSRAnimations#1593> Ahhhh, I'm building this thing in Geometry Dash, I'm getting a headache
[10:46:54] (WEB) <TSRAnimations#1593> lol
[10:46:59] <David> oh hi thea
[10:47:06] <0verlord> TheAir?
[10:47:11] <0verlord> license time/
[10:47:19] (WEB) <TSRAnimations#1593> hi
[10:47:24] <TheAir> didnt have money :(
[10:47:37] <0verlord> well PLR desyncs me
[10:48:20] <0verlord> but crystals playing so hot bangers that idk even if it desynces my PC
[10:48:28] <0verlord> idc*
[10:48:30] <David> setting your pc on fire
[10:48:33] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[10:48:38] <0verlord> wb
[10:48:40] <Stan> wtf my plane just plunged
[10:48:58] <Stan> bring back shiv?
[10:49:06] <David> too many macbook purchases
[10:49:06] <0verlord> Yoooo?
[10:49:11] <Kamikez> a
[10:49:19] <Kamikez> test
[10:49:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Kamikez test failed!
[10:50:04] <Kamikez> test3
[10:50:45] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[10:51:03] <Kamikez> t
[10:51:08] <Stan> who won lotto
[10:51:16] <ChairmanMao> yes
[10:51:16] <Stan> how much what number
[10:51:21] <David> 20m
[10:51:23] <Stan> fuck
[10:51:31] <Stan> 26?!
[10:51:34] <David> i won 20m with 26
[10:51:36] <Stan> I will hit you
[10:51:39] <David> ye
[10:51:39] <ChairmanMao> yes
[10:51:46] <Kamikez> really?
[10:51:51] <Gamer30> I picked 51.
[10:51:56] <David> ye, but i gave it all to winnyr
[10:51:59] <Stan> o.o
[10:52:04] <ChairmanMao> yes thank you david
[10:52:09] <Stan> then its fine
[10:52:12] <Gamer30> Good not to Radoo.
[10:52:12] <ChairmanMao> so generous of you
[10:52:12] <0verlord> i shit you not 26 appears more than all other numbers combined
[10:52:17] <David> yes im winny's simp
[10:52:58] <Stan> !cboard
[10:52:58] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-106) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5465)
[10:53:05] <Kamikez> ok boomer
[10:53:23] <Gamer30> Where is Rank 3: Luft Cargo?
[10:53:33] <Stan> :v
[10:53:33] <David> ded
[10:53:56] <0verlord> Rain in new delhi
[10:53:56] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[10:54:01] <0verlord> Flood Alert
[10:54:04] <Stan> Lufthansa Cargo is helping their friends
[10:54:14] <Stan> oh yeah there was so much rain here yday
[10:54:14] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[10:54:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110178) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9348) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25135)
[10:55:41] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[10:55:56] <0verlord> wb
[10:55:56] <Satan> yo warm i found sarah's insta
[10:56:06] <Stan> wat
[10:56:06] <WarmBees> eh
[10:56:29] --> kozigo connected to the server
[10:56:34] <David> YEEEESSSSSSSS
[10:56:39] <WarmBees> wb both
[10:56:39] <0verlord> wb
[10:56:52] <kozigo> abuse
[10:56:54] <0verlord> in the house*
[10:57:00] <Satan> is this metal
[10:57:05] <Crystal> emo
[10:57:07] <Crystal> punk
[10:57:10] <Satan> Oh
[10:57:10] <Stan> ah yes
[10:57:10] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[10:57:12] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[10:57:20] <Kamikez> t
[10:57:20] <Stan> it's cleo or modloader fucks with the radio
[10:57:28] --> kozigo connected to the server
[10:57:28] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[10:57:28] <Stan> everytime i instal lthat shit..
[10:57:30] <Satan> i have cleo
[10:57:33] <WarmBees> wb both
[10:57:35] <Satan> radio works fo rme
[10:57:38] <kozigo> hello ty
[10:57:43] <Stan> I'm using an old version I downloaded in 2016
[10:57:43] <Stan> or 205
[10:58:01] <WarmBees> test
[10:58:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> @WarmBees test failed!
[10:58:06] <kozigo> !ping
[10:58:06] <Stan> acre and someone else was havin this issue too
[10:58:08] (WEB) <robin_be> {cd620c}pong! - hi kozigo
[10:58:11] <0verlord> !pong
[10:58:14] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[10:58:19] <Satan> WB JOJO
[10:58:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> smh who won loto
[10:58:36] <kozigo> :Lotto
[10:59:27] <Satan> !aboard
[10:59:27] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110179) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9335) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25149)
[10:59:32] <kozigo> wowwwww
[10:59:58] <kozigo> a
[11:00:03] <Satan> w/
[11:00:21] <Crystal> oh yeah
[11:00:23] <Crystal> that
[11:00:36] <Kamikez> `a we buy the
[11:00:39] <Stan> caden might come back
[11:00:39] <kozigo> !missions military
[11:00:41] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo: 481 military
[11:00:44] <kozigo> ez
[11:00:46] <kozigo> very close
[11:00:54] <Stan> oh yea
[11:00:54] <Kamikez> !assets david
[11:00:57] (WEB) <robin_be> david has 3 car(s) ($900,000) and 2 house(s) ($23,000,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $23,900,000
[11:01:02] <kozigo> poor
[11:01:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> !Houses davids
[11:01:07] (WEB) <robin_be> davids does not own any houses!
[11:01:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> !houses david
[11:01:12] (WEB) <robin_be> Las Payasadas: $11,000,000 10 slots Ocean Flats: $12,000,000 10 slots
[11:01:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> oooh
[11:01:20] <Stan> will we be able to buy more slots for the airlines in DL
[11:01:30] <Crystal> do y'all need more slots?
[11:01:32] <Stan> yea lmao
[11:01:35] <kozigo> yes
[11:01:35] <kozigo> i need
[11:01:40] <WarmBees> !asssets memelenin
[11:01:43] <David> lufthansa does
[11:01:43] <David> lmao
[11:01:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> me? nah
[11:01:53] <WarmBees> !assets memelenin
[11:01:55] (WEB) <robin_be> memelenin has 5 car(s) ($2,550,000) and 2 house(s) ($3,100,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $5,650,000
[11:01:55] <Kamikez> `a how much for it
[11:01:55] <0verlord> shortage of hydras xd
[11:02:01] <Satan> We need more slots tbfh
[11:02:06] <David> kozigo
[11:02:08] <ChairmanMao> thanks david
[11:02:11] <Satan> could u make max 60 for airlines
[11:02:11] <David> you're in luft
[11:02:16] <kozigo> yep
[11:02:18] <Stan> all 8 hydras in use lol
[11:02:18] <Gamer30> Max 60 for companies, too.
[11:02:23] <kozigo> yep
[11:02:31] <0verlord> Gamer be like others build a fleet
[11:02:39] <Stan> wait till jake and others join lol
[11:03:12] <Stan> gi chair
[11:03:14] <David> rip
[11:03:19] <WarmBees> t
[11:03:22] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[11:03:25] <Kamikez> Fun Fact: 8/11 is lufthansa
[11:03:30] <kozigo> funny
[11:03:35] <Satan> nice fun fact indeed
[11:03:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> who the other 1?
[11:03:42] <kozigo> be
[11:03:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> 10 player :/
[11:04:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cboard
[11:04:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-106) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5465)
[11:04:49] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[11:04:51] <0verlord> wv
[11:04:56] <kozigo> wb
[11:05:04] <WarmBees> ayo
[11:05:32] <WarmBees> how many fleets does luft have?
[11:05:45] <WarmBees> ahh same
[11:05:52] <0verlord> desynce agin?
[11:06:02] <WarmBees> me? noo
[11:06:07] <0verlord> ah safe
[11:06:15] <Kamikez> you sky air?
[11:06:20] <WarmBees> y tho?
[11:06:30] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[11:06:30] <Kamikez> nothing.
[11:06:30] <WarmBees> yepie
[11:06:30] <0verlord> we need negotiator
[11:06:48] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[11:06:56] --> Stan connected to the server
[11:07:06] <kozigo> hi id 7
[11:07:06] <Satan> so crys are u increasing slots xD
[11:07:11] <WarmBees> R.I.P. sky air D:
[11:07:29] <Crystal> probably
[11:07:54] <Stan> wtf I think my sister is trying to download the entire internet or something
[11:07:59] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[11:08:02] <Stan> 256 ping o.o
[11:08:05] <kozigo> nice ping
[11:08:10] <Stan> yea
[11:08:15] (WEB) <iSam#5191> rude
[11:08:22] <kozigo> delete porn if you have stop watching
[11:08:27] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Sky Air is the best thing in PL
[11:08:35] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> ??
[11:08:35] <Stan> debatable
[11:09:01] <Crystal> awww
[11:09:01] <Crystal> <3
[11:09:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110183) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9306) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25182)
[11:09:26] <Stan> .setrank on9 5awal
[11:09:36] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[11:09:49] <kozigo> smh
[11:10:07] <kozigo> i didn't take a shit since 2days
[11:10:12] <WarmBees> kozigo, my eyebags
[11:10:22] <Satan> are u constipated?
[11:10:37] <WarmBees> no im not
[11:11:15] <Stan> you know i thought it's weird some people don't shit for days (without being constipated)
[11:11:21] <Stan> and i shit multiple times everyday
[11:11:26] <kozigo> lmao
[11:11:26] <Stan> turns out im weird???
[11:11:31] <kozigo> you are
[11:11:38] <kozigo> i take a shit one time every 2days
[11:11:43] <Satan> tf
[11:11:49] <Stan> I can shit every hour if i want to
[11:11:49] <Satan> tht aint normal buddy
[11:11:56] <kozigo> nah its normal
[11:11:56] <Stan> no that apparently is LOL
[11:12:01] <Satan> tf
[11:12:01] <Kamikez> my longest is 1 week I did not take a shit
[11:12:06] <Gamer30> Sri Lankan skills!
[11:12:06] <kozigo> lol
[11:12:06] <Stan> i used to think it wasnt but it's not
[11:12:06] <ChairmanMao> wtf
[11:12:09] <kozigo> 1week
[11:12:11] <Kamikez> ye
[11:12:14] <Satan> tf
[11:12:17] <Kamikez> smells bad
[11:12:19] <Stan> ...
[11:12:19] <WarmBees> i wonder the smell of the fart
[11:12:27] <kozigo> i didnt pee since 2weeks
[11:12:32] <Satan> why would u wonder that
[11:12:32] <Stan> ok thats weird
[11:12:34] <Satan> WHAT THE FUCK
[11:12:34] <WarmBees> UTI
[11:12:37] <Satan> u aint normal bro
[11:12:42] <Kamikez> no its real 1 week I did not take a shi
[11:12:45] <Kamikez> no its real 1 week I did not take a shit
[11:12:50] <Kamikez> for real
[11:12:52] <Satan> theres no way u didnt pee for 2 weeks
[11:12:55] <kozigo> ohhh i knew why
[11:13:00] <Gamer30> Imagine there are people not wanking for 100 years.
[11:13:00] <kozigo> probably someone fucked your ass
[11:13:02] <Kamikez> I dont drink to much water
[11:13:10] <Stan> "Will download it [San andreas] tonight" - Caden
[11:13:15] <Satan> THAQT DOESNT MATTER
[11:13:20] <kozigo> nah im joking i pee 2times everyday
[11:13:20] <Stan> !player Cadeniswet
[11:13:23] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cadeniswet: 10416 score, last seen 21 Months Ago
[11:13:23] <WarmBees> drink pineapple kami
[11:13:25] --> BootyBoi connected to the server
[11:13:28] <Stan> i pee every hour??/
[11:13:36] <Stan> im always in the toilet
[11:13:36] <kozigo> you wank
[11:13:38] <kozigo> i dont
[11:13:56] <Kamikez> !aboard
[11:13:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110186) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9296) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25195)
[11:14:06] <BootyBoi> SKY AIR?
[11:14:14] <WarmBees> wut?
[11:14:14] <kozigo> me and satan dont wank sorry
[11:14:21] <Stan> liars
[11:14:24] <BootyBoi> Do you wank
[11:14:29] <kozigo> no
[11:14:32] <Kamikez> you guys are abnormal
[11:14:32] <BootyBoi> do it
[11:14:39] <Kamikez> normal is all men wank
[11:14:39] <kozigo> nah, its not good for health
[11:14:55] <Stan> good for your health
[11:14:55] <BootyBoi> I wank 10 times everyday
[11:14:57] <Kamikez> not good at health if its fucking every day or every fucking hour
[11:14:57] <kozigo> lol
[11:15:00] <Crystal> bruh
[11:15:10] <Kamikez> ye xD
[11:15:12] <Stan> only A BIT
[11:15:18] <Stan> I promise
[11:15:18] <BootyBoi> I found it useful
[11:15:18] <Kamikez> my minimum is like 3 :D
[11:15:23] <Stan> ..
[11:15:25] <WarmBees> same
[11:15:25] <Satan> ....
[11:15:28] <Stan> cum machines LOL
[11:15:33] <BootyBoi> Wanking away my feeling
[11:15:35] <Kamikez> maximum like 5 or 6 :D
[11:15:38] <Satan> FUCK
[11:15:40] <WarmBees> but not anymore
[11:15:40] <Stan> I eat my feelings
[11:15:48] <BootyBoi> Wanking the hell out of my hentai charecter
[11:15:48] <Stan> put on 30 kgs in quarantine now im obese <3
[11:15:58] <kozigo> gg <3
[11:15:58] <Satan> same im obese too :)
[11:16:03] <kozigo> lmao
[11:16:06] <BootyBoi> me too
[11:16:11] <kozigo> fat noobs
[11:16:14] <Kamikez> btw I'm keeping all the semen on the big bottle
[11:16:16] <kozigo> go practise sport
[11:16:19] <BootyBoi> Fat Wankers
[11:16:19] <Stan> whats ur weight satan
[11:16:26] <WarmBees> i wanked with my teachers picture
[11:16:29] <kozigo> my weight is 69
[11:16:31] <Satan> like 80-90kg
[11:16:37] <Stan> ur not obese LOL
[11:16:47] <Stan> my normal weight was 72 now i'm 100
[11:16:50] <Satan> wide and fat
[11:16:50] <kozigo> lmao
[11:16:52] <kozigo> 100?
[11:16:52] <BootyBoi> did she saw you cumming?
[11:16:55] <Stan> how tall are you lol
[11:17:02] <Satan> 5'11 i think
[11:17:10] <kozigo> what
[11:17:10] <WarmBees> im 5'11 and my weight is more 75 tp 80
[11:17:13] <Stan> wtf no way ur obese then xd
[11:17:18] <Kamikez> xD
[11:17:28] <kozigo> crystal are you tall or medium
[11:17:30] <WarmBees> base on my height, im not
[11:17:36] <Satan> im fat
[11:17:41] <WarmBees> F
[11:17:51] <Stan> :S
[11:17:53] <BootyBoi> Warm Bees
[11:17:56] <WarmBees> eat more kami
[11:17:58] <WarmBees> wut
[11:18:01] <WarmBees> .fix
[11:18:04] <BootyBoi> did she saw you cumming?
[11:18:04] <Kamikez> cum on me stan
[11:18:06] <kozigo> 58kg is perfect for a 15years old
[11:18:06] <Stan> ok maybe you're a little overweight
[11:18:09] <Stan> no stop you're 15 <3
[11:18:11] <WarmBees> no it was her picture
[11:18:16] <BootyBoi> Oh
[11:18:21] <WarmBees> my teachers picture
[11:18:24] <Kamikez> are you fucking stupid
[11:18:29] <Kamikez> wank on a picture xD
[11:18:29] <WarmBees> she is so hot
[11:18:34] <kozigo> bruh
[11:18:42] <kozigo> your teacher...
[11:18:42] <Satan> tf..
[11:18:49] <BootyBoi> Wank the hell out of her teacher's picture
[11:18:52] <Stan> ok sir
[11:19:02] <WarmBees> she's hot, common
[11:19:10] <WarmBees> come on
[11:19:10] <Kamikez> david always wanking like 10times a day
[11:19:15] <Stan> its' true
[11:19:15] <kozigo> smh
[11:19:17] <Stan> i can confirm
[11:19:17] <David> nah
[11:19:25] <kozigo> your dick doesnt hurt or what
[11:19:33] <David> but this mariana's trench really got me feelling some type of way though
[11:19:40] <Kamikez> xD
[11:19:40] <WarmBees> david has 3 testicles
[11:19:40] <Stan> wtf
[11:19:45] <Crystal> this mans vocals
[11:19:48] <Crystal> like holy shit
[11:19:48] <David> ikr
[11:19:53] <Stan> whats it
[11:19:58] <Stan> sttuter?
[11:20:03] <David> wat
[11:20:06] <BootyBoi> I heard that wanking creates acne on your face
[11:20:06] <David> you stutter?
[11:20:08] <Crystal> Fallout
[11:20:11] <Crystal> Stutter is next
[11:20:13] <David> stan do you stu stu stu stu stu stu stutter
[11:20:13] <Stan> it's not true
[11:20:18] <kozigo> crystal, can we have wanking conversation
[11:20:18] <Stan> YES
[11:20:18] <Kamikez> stutter ? stutututt
[11:20:18] <Satan> !aboard
[11:20:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110187) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9278) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25214)
[11:20:21] <WarmBees> ofc i have alot of acnes
[11:20:31] <David> leave the man alone lmao
[11:20:36] <WarmBees> MERCY LUFT!!!
[11:20:36] <David> he's enjoying his high
[11:20:36] <BootyBoi> Wanking = Acne
[11:20:41] <BootyBoi> is it a myth
[11:20:46] <Stan> no merc
[11:20:49] <Stan> y
[11:21:09] <kozigo> !missions military
[11:21:12] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo: 492 military
[11:21:15] <kozigo> ez
[11:21:15] <BootyBoi> Wb Gaylord
[11:21:15] <kozigo> 8left
[11:21:25] <0verlord> whos BootyBoi?
[11:21:25] <WarmBees> damn, it hurts everytime i see the gap slowly decreases
[11:21:25] <Stan> Gaylord :rofl:
[11:21:35] <BootyBoi> Your nemesis
[11:21:43] <Stan> you can jooin the light
[11:21:45] <Stan> or stay in the dark
[11:21:48] <BootyBoi> or your wifeu
[11:22:03] <Stan> stop it kamikez
[11:22:06] <BootyBoi> Cumming Blood
[11:22:06] <Stan> you're 15
[11:22:06] <Kamikez> come*
[11:22:06] <WarmBees> cum inside
[11:22:16] <Stan> I'm an adult now. I don't wanna go to jail lol
[11:22:23] <kozigo> you are a bab
[11:22:23] <kozigo> baby
[11:22:31] <Stan> a wb
[11:22:41] <Stan> toddler
[11:22:41] <WarmBees> i know the word
[11:22:49] <Kamikez> fssdisdsidfidjfs
[11:24:36] <Satan> crystal
[11:24:46] <Satan> 10 more slots for airline plez <3
[11:24:51] <BootyBoi> Daddy
[11:24:51] <Crystal> we'll see probably
[11:25:19] <Satan> !aboard
[11:25:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110188) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9264) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25229)
[11:25:29] <0verlord> holy shit Maop
[11:25:37] <Kamikez> give
[11:25:39] <Stan> diamond i need ur help
[11:25:39] <kozigo> HAHAHA
[11:25:42] <ChairmanMao> #moreslots
[11:25:47] <Satan> #moreslots
[11:25:52] <Stan> #moreslots
[11:25:55] <ChairmanMao> xd
[11:25:57] <Kamikez> #moresluts
[11:26:00] <WarmBees> #moresluts
[11:26:00] <-- Diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[11:26:00] <kozigo> #FUCKSLOTS
[11:26:02] <BootyBoi> #moresex
[11:26:05] <WarmBees> ^
[11:26:05] <Kamikez> #moresluts
[11:26:07] <Kamikez> #moresluts
[11:26:07] <Kamikez> #moresluts
[11:26:13] <Stan> diamond left o.o
[11:26:13] <kozigo> ok boomer
[11:26:43] <Stan> is there an admin
[11:26:48] <kozigo> yes
[11:26:48] <kozigo> id 0 is
[11:26:53] <David> yeah, ID 0
[11:26:56] <WarmBees> floor gang
[11:27:57] <WarmBees> ^
[11:28:00] <kozigo> no one can afford me
[11:28:00] <David> good
[11:28:02] <0verlord> !assets kozigo
[11:28:05] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo has 12 car(s) ($4,740,000) and 1 house(s) ($20,000,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $24,740,000
[11:28:05] <David> the hydra is expensive too
[11:28:20] <0verlord> okay Kami , hes worth more than you
[11:28:23] <kozigo> hydra for company?
[11:28:40] <Kamikez> I have 50m
[11:28:43] <Kamikez> xD
[11:28:46] <kozigo> you don't
[11:28:46] <WarmBees> rich
[11:28:51] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Net slowly stabilizes. Main base station caught fire
[11:28:56] <Gamer30> 5G
[11:29:12] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Nope. Not yet
[11:29:12] <0verlord> xD
[11:29:22] <Stan> I bet it was one of those idiots who think 5G causes covid
[11:29:58] <kozigo> i dreamt yesterday that crystal is one of the 60k corona affected people
[11:32:13] <kozigo> !missions military
[11:32:15] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo: 495 military
[11:32:15] <kozigo> ez
[11:32:18] <kozigo> 5 left
[11:32:23] <BootyBoi> !missions military
[11:32:26] (WEB) <robin_be> BootyBoi: 340 military
[11:32:28] <BootyBoi> bruh
[11:32:28] <David> !missions military
[11:32:31] (WEB) <robin_be> David: 2434 military
[11:33:06] <kozigo> buying id 6 nudes /pm me
[11:33:11] <David> /ad
[11:33:14] <David> bruh
[11:33:27] <kozigo> nudes are allowed
[11:34:48] <0verlord> is crystal still vibin' on PLR
[11:34:53] <David> always
[11:34:53] <Crystal> you bet I am
[11:35:01] <Crystal> we're havin a moment here
[11:35:06] <David> truly
[11:35:11] <0verlord> thats for sure
[11:35:19] <kozigo> crystal i hope your not one of the 60k people get affeceted everyday in usa
[11:35:24] <kozigo> :))
[11:35:49] <Stan> 60k
[11:35:52] <Stan> probbaly more lol
[11:35:55] <ChairmanMao> !missions cargodrop
[11:35:57] (WEB) <robin_be> ChairmanMao: 15300 cargodrop
[11:35:57] <kozigo> yeah 60k everyday
[11:36:07] <Kamikez> 1+1 is 2 booomers
[11:36:07] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[11:36:07] <kozigo> but why trump opened schools and everything lol
[11:37:16] <Satan> Crystal i got a suggestion
[11:37:21] <Stan> ban satan
[11:37:24] <kozigo> ban
[11:37:26] <Kamikez> post it on /forum pls
[11:37:34] <kozigo> ahahahah warmbess
[11:37:34] <Satan> accounts*
[11:37:36] <Crystal> why
[11:37:39] <Crystal> lmao
[11:37:39] <Kamikez> If you have any suggestion post it on forum
[11:37:39] <kozigo> good joke
[11:37:44] <Satan> i dont take interest
[11:37:47] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[11:37:47] <Satan> thats why
[11:37:49] <WarmBees> lol
[11:37:52] <Crystal> donate it
[11:37:52] <kozigo> hi buran
[11:37:57] <Satan> hassle
[11:38:07] <CzechBoy777> hi
[11:38:10] <Satan> would be easier to have no interest at all
[11:38:10] <kozigo> dont forget me
[11:38:15] <Kamikez> hell nah
[11:38:17] <Stan> islamic banking
[11:38:20] --> Ludred connected to the server
[11:38:20] <Kamikez> ban satan
[11:38:20] <0verlord> this guy is drunk ignore him
[11:38:22] <angin_TimOr> haram
[11:38:22] <Satan> you could have an option to choose between interest and interest free
[11:38:22] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:38:22] <Kamikez> we need money
[11:38:25] <Kamikez> we are broke
[11:38:30] <Ludred> islamic banking?
[11:38:33] <0verlord> 50m aint broke Kami
[11:38:33] <ChairmanMao> donat eto me
[11:38:40] <Stan> yeah bitch just donate to the interest to me lol
[11:38:40] <Ludred> !cboard
[11:38:40] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-104) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5467)
[11:38:45] <Cpt.Price> Poof
[11:38:50] <Stan> bitch we have beer
[11:38:55] <Stan> n david
[11:38:55] <David> yes
[11:38:58] <Satan> or we could have two types of bank accounts
[11:38:58] <David> we have beer
[11:38:58] <Cpt.Price> Beer < Vodka
[11:39:03] <Satan> interest and interest free
[11:39:03] <David> and me
[11:39:06] <ChairmanMao> Jetstar Call Centre
[11:39:11] <David> most importantly me
[11:39:11] <Kamikez> Semen is best we have here many
[11:39:11] <kozigo> beer and vodka are haram
[11:39:13] <Stan> boo this is america
[11:39:13] <Satan> no one will pickup
[11:39:13] <kozigo> sorry
[11:39:18] <ChairmanMao> yes
[11:39:18] <Kamikez> SEMEN best
[11:39:21] <WarmBees> we send free foot pics here
[11:39:26] <Stan> satan lufthansa washrooms dont have a bumgum
[11:39:31] <Stan> thats haram too :S :SS:
[11:39:31] <David> thats why you have hamster there
[11:40:02] <BootyBoi> Guys
[11:40:02] <0verlord> DJ Crystal , is all well in your life?
[11:40:04] <BootyBoi> What do buy
[11:40:09] <Crystal> hell yeah
[11:40:35] <Kamikez> Brad Bellick
[11:40:45] <kozigo> brad is gone
[11:40:55] <kozigo> nico hunted him
[11:40:58] <Kamikez> ye
[11:41:00] <WarmBees> nice land
[11:41:00] <kozigo> in the head
[11:41:00] --> TheAir connected to the server
[11:41:05] <Ludred> wb
[11:41:05] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:41:05] <WarmBees> errections island
[11:41:08] <Kamikez> fuck no
[11:41:18] <TheAir> thanks :)
[11:41:28] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Hi
[11:41:36] (WEB) <iSam#5191> How are you guys doing?
[11:41:36] <Kamikez> not killed
[11:41:41] <Ludred> shit
[11:41:41] <Cpt.Price> Achoo
[11:41:41] <kozigo> he is killed smh
[11:41:54] <0verlord> Well tbh san
[11:41:54] <Kamikez> watch season 4
[11:42:04] <Stan> !cboard
[11:42:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-103) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5468)
[11:42:04] <kozigo> im talking about gta 4 bruh
[11:42:17] <BootyBoi> GTA 4 is greayt
[11:42:22] <BootyBoi> GTA 4 is great
[11:42:24] <kozigo> yep
[11:42:29] <BootyBoi> do you have it
[11:42:37] <kozigo> but the multiplayer is trash
[11:42:42] <Cpt.Price> IV wasn't optimized in any reasonable way lmfao
[11:42:47] <Ludred> gta 4 is poorly optimized
[11:42:52] --> HardStone connected to the server
[11:42:55] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:43:02] <kozigo> physics are better
[11:43:02] <0verlord> wb
[11:43:02] <HardStone> ty
[11:43:07] <Stan> wb farting
[11:43:07] <kozigo> and storyline too
[11:43:07] <BootyBoi> hardstone
[11:43:13] <David> !aboard
[11:43:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110195) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9215) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25285)
[11:43:13] <HardStone> noice
[11:43:28] <Ludred> make gta 6 story like gta sa
[11:43:35] <Ludred> and graphics like 5
[11:43:41] <HardStone> I saw an interview
[11:43:43] <Ludred> and you got yourself a good gta
[11:43:46] <WarmBees> i want gta sa remastered
[11:43:48] <kozigo> ludred ask crystal
[11:43:51] <HardStone> they said they'll bring back cj in one of the upcoming series
[11:43:53] <kozigo> he can make it
[11:43:53] <HardStone> maybe gta 6
[11:43:53] <BootyBoi> yes
[11:43:53] <kozigo> lmao
[11:44:01] <BootyBoi> Hardstone
[11:44:03] <HardStone> bootyboi
[11:44:06] <0verlord> sam houser said that?
[11:44:14] <BootyBoi> relog
[11:44:14] <-- BootyBoi disconnected from the server
[11:44:21] <Ludred> gta 6 is liberty city gta vice city 2 gta san andreas 2
[11:44:24] <HardStone> someone from the rockstar team, 'gta creators '
[11:44:42] <kozigo> gta 6 will be realised in august
[11:44:47] <Stan> no
[11:44:47] <Kamikez> no
[11:44:52] <HardStone> forget it lol
[11:44:52] <Ludred> more like 2023
[11:44:52] <kozigo> shut up i work in rockstar
[11:44:54] <HardStone> prolly in next 3-4yrs
[11:44:54] <Kamikez> ps5 is not out yet on public
[11:45:15] --> BootyBoi connected to the server
[11:45:15] <Ludred> rockstar games the next valve on gta games
[11:45:27] <Stan> !cboard
[11:45:27] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-102) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5469)
[11:45:27] <HardStone> stan
[11:45:27] <BootyBoi> Sorry had to relog
[11:45:27] <WarmBees> fix
[11:45:30] <kozigo> currently people are focued on red dead redemption 2
[11:45:30] <Stan> yes fartin
[11:45:35] <kozigo> focused*
[11:45:35] <HardStone> your surname belongs to me
[11:45:38] <HardStone> 'Bey'
[11:45:53] <WarmBees> KALM
[11:46:03] <Ludred> cool songs crystal
[11:46:03] <HardStone> yeah u are a bae
[11:46:03] <WarmBees> wtf is berak
[11:46:03] <0verlord> arrey bsdk shaant hoja
[11:46:03] <kozigo> the singleplayer is good
[11:46:03] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[11:46:06] <HardStone> my bae
[11:46:11] <Cpt.Price> Pfff RDR2 < Stalker 2
[11:46:13] <kozigo> but rdr2 multiplayer is garbage like gta online
[11:46:13] <angin_TimOr> shit
[11:46:29] <HardStone> o shit
[11:46:34] <HardStone> your surname is a meme too xD
[11:46:36] <HardStone> ' Abey' saale
[11:46:39] <Satan> hardstone ka khabba tatta katt gaya
[11:46:44] <kozigo> !missions military
[11:46:44] <BootyBoi> Lol
[11:46:46] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo: 503 military
[11:46:49] <Stan> it's not my real surname tho
[11:46:49] <-- BootyBoi disconnected from the server
[11:46:52] <WarmBees> PANIK
[11:46:57] <HardStone> Kalm
[11:46:57] <Ludred> mr crystal I got a car for you to clamp
[11:47:07] <Ludred> well not really if twi moves it
[11:47:12] <Stan> my real surname goes something like
[11:47:17] <HardStone> uvuvwuv
[11:47:17] <Satan> twi is probably sleeping
[11:47:32] <Crystal> like 1am I think
[11:47:32] <Satan> yes
[11:47:35] <David> are you fr
[11:47:35] <David> lmao
[11:47:37] <Satan> LOL
[11:47:40] <Stan> no he knows
[11:47:42] <Gamer30> !CARS
[11:47:45] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 has: Trashmaster Pony Mule Mr Whoopee Bus Packer Seasparrow Flatbed Boxville RC Goblin Journey Cemen(..)
[11:47:45] <David> ok
[11:47:48] <kozigo> !CARS
[11:47:50] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo has: Banshee Maverick Hotring Sandking Hotring Racer Elegant NRG-500 Hustler Sultan Elegy Police Car (..)
[11:47:50] <Stan> everyone knows at this point
[11:47:53] <Stan> except twi
[11:47:55] <David> really?
[11:47:58] <Stan> yes
[11:48:00] <David> lmao
[11:48:00] <David> damn
[11:48:34] <WarmBees> understandable, have a nice day
[11:48:59] <Ludred> 3am I think
[11:49:07] <Ludred> i feels gud
[11:49:22] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[11:49:32] <Ludred> yeah its 3am
[11:49:40] <Ludred> in california
[11:49:47] <David> you're in california ludred?
[11:49:47] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Damn I need clean SA copy ...
[11:49:53] <Stan> Okay price
[11:49:55] <Ludred> nop I know american timezones well
[11:49:55] <David> wtf happened to macedonia
[11:49:58] <Stan> check the star inc chat
[11:50:00] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[11:50:00] <kozigo> lol its 10 a.m here in tunisia
[11:50:05] <Stan> they became north macedonia
[11:50:05] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I got it Stan no worries
[11:50:16] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Just it's downstairs
[11:50:21] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[11:50:23] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> <:KirkSmirk:731584623422996687>
[11:50:39] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:50:46] <Ludred> in texas its 5am nevada 4am
[11:51:04] <kozigo> new york
[11:51:12] <Ludred> michigan is 6am
[11:51:17] <ChairmanMao> hmm i fell asleep
[11:51:27] <David> just now?
[11:51:32] <David> lazy
[11:51:35] <ChairmanMao> for a few secs
[11:51:42] <WarmBees> sleep
[11:51:45] <Ludred> new york has the same timezone as michigan I think
[11:51:55] <Crystal> yeah
[11:52:03] <kozigo> i feel like i want to across the whole world on foot now
[11:52:15] <Ludred> I know american timezones better than european
[11:52:20] <-- Satan disconnected from the server
[11:52:26] <Stan> omg i
[11:52:26] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[11:52:31] <Stan> pissedo ff satan xD
[11:53:57] <Ludred> damn this stupid bug
[11:54:48] <David> YESSSSS
[11:55:54] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[11:56:02] --> Stan connected to the server
[11:56:22] <HardStone> wb abey saale
[11:57:57] <Stan> A I will
[11:58:53] <Crystal> STan I was bout to nuke u
[11:58:58] <Crystal> but you'er working so I didn't
[11:59:00] <Stan> you would ;(
[11:59:03] <David> lmao
[11:59:31] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[11:59:51] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[11:59:59] <TheAir> welcome back :)
[12:00:14] <Ludred> wb
[12:00:17] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:00:19] <Stan> !8ball feeling cute should i do it
[12:00:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan: Most likely
[12:00:47] <Gamer30> !8ball Is it stupid we can't send ourselves money???
[12:00:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: Very doubtful
[12:00:55] <Stan> you can
[12:01:08] <kozigo> !8ballhello ty
[12:01:08] <Stan> /sendmessage
[12:01:10] <kozigo> wrong
[12:01:10] <Ludred> but you can get banned for it
[12:01:10] <kozigo> hello ty
[12:01:18] <Ludred> wait nvm
[12:01:18] <kozigo> hi bruan
[12:01:20] <kozigo> buran
[12:01:20] <CzechBoy777> hi
[12:01:25] <Ludred> this isn't cnr with tax evade
[12:02:01] (WEB) <arnir#9350> stan check discord
[12:02:09] <David> stan's afk
[12:02:16] <Stan> Satans gay
[12:02:16] <kozigo> sten
[12:02:21] <David> sten
[12:02:26] <David> lmao
[12:02:29] <Stan> harvey wankstan
[12:02:29] <kozigo> hi id 0
[12:02:32] <Stan> harvey wanksten
[12:02:34] <Crystal> epstain
[12:02:37] <ChairmanMao> hi
[12:02:39] <Crystal> epSTAN
[12:02:39] <Stan> xDDD
[12:02:42] <Crystal> :O
[12:03:02] <Ludred> crystal you are high go home
[12:03:05] <kozigo> ffs game freezes every second
[12:03:15] <Crystal> i am home ;)
[12:03:25] <Crystal> lmao my dumbass ducked
[12:03:33] <Stan> good
[12:03:35] <Ludred> lmao though there was a heli near
[12:03:43] <Ludred> I was looking around so much...
[12:03:48] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[12:03:48] <David> SAME dude
[12:04:03] <kozigo> fuck i gotta relog
[12:04:06] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[12:04:18] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[12:04:46] <Ludred> wow from montegomery Bone County east to get fuel
[12:05:27] <CzechBoy777> I am so hungry
[12:05:27] <Ludred> we really need more fuel refinerys
[12:05:30] <CzechBoy777> a/t400
[12:05:32] <Stan> david bitch
[12:05:35] <Crystal> there's more in the update
[12:05:35] <Ludred> f english
[12:05:40] <Ludred> fucking finally
[12:05:45] <Stan> hi
[12:05:50] <Ludred> sucked to go to bayside then back to LV to get fuel lmao
[12:05:50] <ChairmanMao> hi
[12:06:08] <Stan> does the new upgrade include a shiv
[12:06:13] <Ludred> nah
[12:06:16] <Crystal> no
[12:06:16] <Ludred> shiv is permed
[12:06:23] <CzechBoy777> what
[12:06:28] <Stan> :'(
[12:06:28] <Ludred> shiv has a perm ban
[12:06:33] <CzechBoy777> why
[12:06:36] <ChairmanMao> statue of shiv
[12:06:36] <Stan> what happened to KKK
[12:06:39] --> Acre connected to the server
[12:06:44] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:06:44] <Ludred> ask pedro I forgot lmao
[12:06:46] <Stan> I left after shiv locked me in the anime chanel
[12:07:42] <Ludred> having sex with yourself isnt sex
[12:07:50] <Stan> WTF
[12:07:52] <ChairmanMao> xd
[12:07:55] <Ludred> lmao
[12:07:57] <Ludred> get rekt stan
[12:09:01] <Gamer30> Number 51 has the best odds of winning. 0 percent.
[12:09:14] <Ludred> well there is actually still a numer 51
[12:09:19] <Ludred> it just cant be chosen
[12:09:21] <Gamer30> Yes, absolutely it is.
[12:09:29] <Ludred> source:
[12:09:34] <Ludred> lotto.php
[12:09:34] <Gamer30> Do it yourself: /lotto 51
[12:09:37] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[12:09:55] <Ludred> remember when you could have bought number 152 lmao
[12:10:02] <Gamer30> /lotto 51 is a successor to /lotto 152.
[12:10:28] <Ludred> wait what you can choose 51??
[12:10:33] <Gamer30> Yes, you can!
[12:10:58] <Ludred> nice lmao
[12:10:58] <Crystal> omg
[12:11:06] <Crystal> I'm smart
[12:11:19] <Ludred> dont worry crystal its never choosen
[12:11:31] <Ludred> source: lotto.php
[12:11:39] <Gamer30> /lotto 51 is like /addlotto 5000.
[12:12:12] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Holy smokes, I found one thing ... if that works ... hmmm
[12:12:25] <Ludred> smh get yo ass here
[12:12:40] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Shut up Lud, I've found backup gta3.img
[12:12:43] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[12:12:50] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:12:55] <0verlord> ty
[12:12:58] <Ludred> you dont use modloader?
[12:13:00] <CzechBoy777> I do
[12:13:05] <CzechBoy777> oh
[12:13:08] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I don't lol
[12:13:13] <Ludred> WHY
[12:13:18] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Alci's IMG is simpler lol
[12:13:23] <CzechBoy777> u should, I love modloader
[12:13:33] --> CooLIon connected to the server
[12:13:36] <Ludred> you just have to place a folder in the modloader and you are done
[12:13:41] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Phew
[12:13:51] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Let me bring the few working mods
[12:14:01] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[12:14:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110203) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9178) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25330)
[12:14:04] <0verlord> Crystal still vibin'
[12:14:09] <Ludred> are you getting opcodes as soon as you join?
[12:14:09] --> kozigo connected to the server
[12:14:14] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:14:17] <Ludred> wb
[12:14:17] <0verlord> wb
[12:14:19] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Let's see
[12:14:27] <kozigo> helo ty
[12:14:32] <0verlord> he is , nice
[12:14:45] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Ops were happening in SF only
[12:14:57] <Ludred> hmmm thats totally diffrent to my issue
[12:15:59] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[12:16:01] <Ludred> was that part of the music?
[12:16:01] <0verlord> wb
[12:16:06] <0verlord> yes
[12:16:06] --> Satan connected to the server
[12:16:09] <Ludred> wb
[12:16:14] <Cpt.Price> Shhh don't yet
[12:16:21] <Satan> ty
[12:16:24] <kozigo> wb
[12:17:00] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[12:17:05] <kozigo> wb lad
[12:17:05] <Ludred> wb
[12:17:05] <ChairmanMao> wb
[12:17:05] <kozigo> sex
[12:17:07] <angin_TimOr> wb
[12:17:10] <0verlord> wb
[12:17:10] <Twi[X]> ty lads
[12:17:10] <Satan> wb twi
[12:17:12] <CzechBoy777> wb sexboi
[12:17:12] <Twi[X]> ty
[12:17:15] <Cpt.Price> They should be happening now
[12:17:17] <Satan> why arent u sleeping bro
[12:17:17] <CzechBoy777> mafian
[12:17:17] <Twi[X]> :d
[12:17:17] <Ludred> I bet crystal fell asleep
[12:17:17] <kozigo> buran
[12:17:20] <Cpt.Price> But nopity nope
[12:17:23] <Twi[X]> just read
[12:17:28] <Twi[X]> santi got promoted
[12:17:28] <ChairmanMao> twi sleep
[12:17:28] <Satan> twi go sleep omg
[12:17:30] <Ludred> we know
[12:17:33] <CzechBoy777> yay santi back admin
[12:17:38] <Ludred> he is head admin
[12:17:40] <Cpt.Price> Yeap game's fine
[12:17:40] <Twi[X]> santi's the next jezza
[12:17:53] <Satan> twi go sleep
[12:17:56] <Cpt.Price> Let me bring the few mods I'm dead sure wasn't the issue
[12:17:56] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[12:17:58] <kozigo> id 0 is next junior mod
[12:17:58] <Twi[X]> yeah will dip in a bit
[12:18:01] <Gamer30> !player fAbiaNeL.
[12:18:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player fAbiaNeL.: 2557 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[12:18:03] <ChairmanMao> twi go dsleep
[12:18:03] <ChairmanMao> now
[12:18:06] <Twi[X]> true that kozigo
[12:18:08] <kozigo> yes
[12:18:11] <Satan> go sleep now
[12:18:19] <Satan> !abord
[12:18:24] <Satan> !aboard
[12:18:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110206) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9171) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25340)
[12:18:34] <-- ChairmanMao disconnected from the server
[12:18:34] <Ludred> so lavija resigning for studies was also a lie eh?
[12:18:36] <Twi[X]> pussy in yo face bitches got alot to say
[12:18:47] --> ChairmanMao connected to the server
[12:18:47] <kozigo> my dream is to put pussy in my face
[12:18:47] <Twi[X]> lavija isn't demoted tho
[12:18:49] <Crystal> nah he was super busy with work and studies
[12:18:52] <0verlord> wb
[12:18:59] <Twi[X]> wb
[12:19:04] <0verlord> oh hello crystal
[12:19:10] <Ludred> he is repromoted tho
[12:19:15] <Ludred> reinstalled*
[12:19:15] <0verlord> we thought you sleep , big big sleep
[12:19:20] <Ludred> ah fuck it
[12:19:22] <Crystal> nah I'm DJ'ing
[12:19:30] <kozigo> i think crystal is the only server owner that use mainchat
[12:19:38] <kozigo> all others are being ffs silent
[12:19:38] <0verlord> i know that pink floyd
[12:19:38] <Ludred> crystal its 6am you night owl
[12:19:45] <Crystal> hell yeah
[12:19:48] <Satan> yo twi its late for u too
[12:19:50] <Satan> both of u go sleep omg
[12:19:55] <Ludred> also crystal a lil suggesstio
[12:19:58] <Twi[X]> yeah I'm dip
[12:20:23] <Ludred> release the update around when asians and americans and europeans can log in
[12:20:23] <Twi[X]> !cboard
[12:20:23] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12520) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-91) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5480)
[12:20:28] <Twi[X]> gonna truck a bit
[12:20:46] <Ludred> damn free fuel
[12:20:49] <Ludred> thanks to me
[12:20:59] <0verlord> you da mvp
[12:21:07] <Twi[X]> now I know why you guys wanted me to sleep lol
[12:21:07] <kozigo> who wanna dice
[12:21:09] <0verlord> bday boi
[12:21:22] <Twi[X]> I wanna dice
[12:21:24] <Satan> why
[12:21:24] <kozigo> 5k
[12:21:30] <Satan> ?
[12:21:30] <0verlord> xD
[12:21:30] <Twi[X]> no 5k's dumb
[12:21:37] <Ludred> like u
[12:21:37] <kozigo> no i only dice 5k
[12:21:40] <Gamer30> Not sleeping for too long time may be fatal to health.
[12:21:40] <Twi[X]> :Z
[12:21:45] <Satan> ^^
[12:21:47] <kozigo> buran lets dice
[12:21:50] <Ludred> why am I keep getting disconnected from PLR
[12:21:52] <CzechBoy777> noooo
[12:21:52] <Twi[X]> no it's not if you're trucking
[12:21:55] <Stan> brb
[12:21:58] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[12:21:58] <kozigo> why
[12:22:03] <CzechBoy777> I hate dice XD
[12:22:05] <kozigo> :(
[12:22:08] <kozigo> 5k dice
[12:22:13] <kozigo> its low
[12:22:15] <CzechBoy777> later
[12:22:15] <kozigo> lets do
[12:22:20] <CzechBoy777> lemme do one mission
[12:22:26] <kozigo> ok
[12:22:43] <kozigo> imagine i do /dice 5m to twi and i win it
[12:22:54] <CzechBoy777> impossible
[12:22:56] <Twi[X]> you get 9.75m
[12:23:01] <0verlord> but what if you lost?
[12:23:01] <kozigo> why not
[12:23:04] <ChairmanMao> dice gay
[12:23:19] <Twi[X]> The thing is I only got 920k
[12:23:22] <kozigo> i will dice 10m with id 0
[12:23:29] <ChairmanMao> fucking dice bitch i always roll 0
[12:23:34] <Twi[X]> lmao
[12:23:37] <0verlord> lmao
[12:23:42] <kozigo> dont say swear words you still a kid
[12:23:52] <0verlord> guy so unlucky breaks the law of dice
[12:23:57] <0verlord> dice has 1 to 6 xD
[12:24:05] <Twi[X]> ^
[12:24:05] <Ludred> yeah what the fuck
[12:24:10] <Twi[X]> yo wtf
[12:24:12] <Twi[X]> for real
[12:24:25] <ChairmanMao> its 0-6 for dice
[12:24:30] <-- Satan disconnected from the server
[12:24:38] <ChairmanMao> ask the one who added it lmao
[12:24:40] <Gamer30> Aaron
[12:24:40] <0verlord> in PL , not in real life tho
[12:24:46] <Ludred> damn I purchased lotto 51
[12:24:56] <0verlord> idk i also look at hayden for that
[12:25:36] <kozigo> i'll dice with crystal i want to make him poor
[12:25:44] <CzechBoy777> wow hi
[12:25:44] <Twi[X]> he won't
[12:25:47] <CzechBoy777> chairmanos
[12:25:57] <ChairmanMao> hi
[12:26:20] <CzechBoy777> XDDD
[12:26:25] <Twi[X]> lol
[12:26:27] <CzechBoy777> nice idea
[12:26:32] <0verlord> by Gamer30
[12:26:37] <CzechBoy777> no
[12:26:37] <CzechBoy777> by czechos
[12:26:43] <0verlord> runs on absolute potatoes as well
[12:26:55] <CzechBoy777> CzechOS
[12:26:55] <Ludred> its 16bit aswell
[12:27:11] <Crystal> im trippin tf out on this music lmao
[12:27:16] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[12:27:16] <0verlord> real men write their own compilers
[12:27:18] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:27:18] <Twi[X]> wb
[12:27:23] <0verlord> wb
[12:27:26] <kozigo> wb good russian boi
[12:27:36] <Nati_Mage> ty
[12:27:39] <Ludred> wb
[12:27:44] <ChairmanMao> !score
[12:27:44] <Nati_Mage> ty
[12:27:46] (WEB) <robin_be> player ChairmanMao: 33336 score, 30127 missions: 51'/. cargo drop - 33'/. military - 7'/. courier
[12:29:03] <kozigo> buran
[12:29:03] <kozigo> go
[12:29:05] <Ludred> !cboarrd
[12:29:08] <kozigo> reclass to pilot
[12:29:10] <Ludred> !cboard
[12:29:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-91) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5481)
[12:29:18] <Ludred> change my mind crystal dj da best
[12:29:21] <kozigo> b
[12:29:28] <Twi[X]> F
[12:29:31] <0verlord> F
[12:29:33] <0verlord> nvm
[12:29:36] <Twi[X]> lol
[12:30:27] <Twi[X]> smh
[12:30:29] <Twi[X]> no low balling
[12:30:34] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[12:30:34] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:30:34] <Ludred> !cash
[12:30:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Ludred has $1,211,499 in hand
[12:30:37] <Twi[X]> wb
[12:30:40] <Twi[X]> lets go 1.2m
[12:30:42] <CzechBoy777> !cash
[12:30:45] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777 has $1,140,667 in hand
[12:30:47] <TheAir> welcome back :)
[12:30:50] <Ludred> no lol
[12:30:52] <Ludred> waht if I lose?
[12:30:55] <Firstrike23.> ty
[12:31:00] <Twi[X]> you get more motivation to /w
[12:31:03] <0verlord> .v idk why
[12:31:05] <Ludred> I already have motivation
[12:31:10] --> Thor30 connected to the server
[12:31:18] <Twi[X]> ;o
[12:31:25] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[12:31:28] <CzechBoy777> odo 666km XD
[12:31:43] <Ludred> veracity island?
[12:31:46] <Ludred> since when lmao
[12:31:51] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[12:32:39] <Ludred> fuck
[12:32:55] <Ludred> fuck
[12:33:05] <Ludred> brb installing cleo lmao
[12:33:07] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[12:33:30] <CzechBoy777> you cut your own cable
[12:33:30] <Acre> Precision.exe has stopped working
[12:33:30] <Twi[X]> wait
[12:33:35] <Twi[X]> you're precision lmao
[12:33:40] <CzechBoy777> yes lol XD
[12:33:48] <CzechBoy777> he cut his own cable
[12:34:06] <Acre> Windows is finding solution for this problem...
[12:34:26] <CzechBoy777> AcreOS
[12:34:31] <0verlord> FastAsFuck
[12:34:39] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[12:34:47] <CzechBoy777> I got a 757-200 American Airlines, now next thing is.. find the pentagon
[12:34:54] <0verlord> hmmmmmmm................
[12:35:10] <CzechBoy777> can someone help me find the pentagon
[12:35:20] <CzechBoy777> here
[12:35:43] <Crystal> is there anybody out there?
[12:35:48] <Twi[X]> hi
[12:35:50] <CzechBoy777> hi
[12:35:53] <0verlord> hello
[12:35:55] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Achoo
[12:36:00] <kozigo> yo twi
[12:36:00] <Twi[X]> shit
[12:36:00] <kozigo> im above
[12:36:06] <Twi[X]> oh hi
[12:36:16] <0verlord> damn santi promised me 10m for guessing the update info first
[12:36:28] <Twi[X]> did u
[12:36:28] <0verlord> or he asked for 10m , i dont remember
[12:36:34] <Twi[X]> lol
[12:36:36] <Twi[X]> might've asked
[12:36:39] <0verlord> ask Ludred
[12:36:54] <kozigo> Ludgreen
[12:37:07] <0verlord> the third change to 07xx20.html was the runway layouts
[12:37:19] <0verlord> yesterday at like 1:30am IST
[12:37:30] <-- Thor30 disconnected from the server
[12:37:50] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[12:37:58] <0verlord> yo this seriously going too vibey
[12:38:08] <CzechBoy777> oh god
[12:38:13] <0verlord> crystal i dont want to cry for someone that doesnt even exist yet
[12:38:13] <CzechBoy777> dont use mouse flying
[12:38:15] <Twi[X]> I mean it's just new islands
[12:38:20] <CzechBoy777> I stalled 2 times rn
[12:38:28] <CzechBoy777> giant islands lol
[12:38:33] <CzechBoy777> rip dollet dukedom
[12:38:36] <Crystal> it's great shit
[12:38:38] <Crystal> I love this album
[12:38:38] <kozigo> buran
[12:38:43] <kozigo> reclass to pilot
[12:38:48] <CzechBoy777> after missionm
[12:38:51] <CzechBoy777> but why
[12:39:06] <0verlord> my ass wants to go for the nevada license
[12:39:11] <CzechBoy777> only if u will help me find the pentagon XD
[12:39:14] <Twi[X]> don';t
[12:39:14] <kozigo> if you are military doing at400 missions we both can crash
[12:39:22] <CzechBoy777> really?
[12:39:27] <0verlord> but i am scared AF of the ninja trees on the palomino creek
[12:39:37] <kozigo> many people are orange now and i cant know if you are one of them
[12:39:42] <0verlord> i have completed the course
[12:39:42] <kozigo> at least change your color :p
[12:39:45] <CzechBoy777> oh
[12:39:45] <0verlord> except that part
[12:39:45] (WEB) <HanzelDS#4027> Btw Crystal pl will no longer be in samp?
[12:39:50] <Twi[X]> smh
[12:39:55] <CzechBoy777> k done
[12:40:00] <ChairmanMao> tf?
[12:40:00] <CzechBoy777> now help me find the pentagon
[12:40:05] <Gamer30> My color is shitty color.
[12:40:05] --> BorderCollie connected to the server
[12:40:05] <Twi[X]> crystal said we might switch to 03DL
[12:40:07] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:40:07] <ChairmanMao> wb
[12:40:10] <Twi[X]> wb
[12:40:13] <BorderCollie> Ty
[12:40:15] <CzechBoy777> what
[12:40:15] <0verlord> we change to 03dl lol
[12:40:18] <kozigo> longtime border..
[12:40:18] <CzechBoy777> why 03dl
[12:40:20] <0verlord> theres no might.
[12:40:23] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[12:40:25] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:40:25] <0verlord> wb
[12:40:28] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[12:40:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110225) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9153) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25376)
[12:40:33] <BorderCollie> Priceee :D
[12:40:33] (WEB) <HanzelDS#4027> HOLY SH*IT
[12:40:35] <BorderCollie> Koleka
[12:40:43] <Cpt.Price> Should be fine now
[12:40:43] <CzechBoy777> what hanzel
[12:41:09] (WEB) <HanzelDS#4027> 03dl doesn't support mods ;)
[12:41:09] <ChairmanMao> sh*it lmao
[12:41:29] <0verlord> jokes on you i have no mods
[12:41:34] <Twi[X]> same
[12:41:34] <Crystal> it supports mods lamo
[12:41:37] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> smh cleo makes me crash
[12:41:39] <Crystal> lmao*
[12:41:39] <kozigo> lamo
[12:41:42] <ChairmanMao> knai
[12:41:47] <0verlord> lambo leak?
[12:41:54] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> crystal has tons of mods btw
[12:41:59] <0verlord> damn make the fuel -7$
[12:42:07] <0verlord> the station pays us
[12:42:15] <Gamer30> Remove fuel price limits.
[12:42:22] <Cpt.Price> Opcodes are gone, yay
[12:42:25] <Twi[X]> lets make fuel negative
[12:42:25] <CzechBoy777> wdym support mods?
[12:42:30] <kozigo> lol
[12:42:40] <CzechBoy777> like what
[12:42:53] <CzechBoy777> somethng like fivem?
[12:42:55] <kozigo> if it doesnt support mods, you may get punished for that its at your risk downloading mods
[12:43:16] <CzechBoy777> 03dl is like fivem?
[12:43:23] <Twi[X]> nah
[12:43:23] (WEB) <HanzelDS#4027> If you have any mod, the server crash
[12:43:26] <CzechBoy777> or what
[12:43:26] <Twi[X]> It's samp
[12:43:29] <Twi[X]> but not official
[12:43:34] <0verlord> and my ass is desynced
[12:43:36] <0verlord> fucl
[12:43:36] <Twi[X]> no it's not like that hanzel lmao
[12:43:36] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[12:43:39] <CzechBoy777> I mean what mods it support
[12:43:57] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[12:44:02] <Twi[X]> it's much more advance than 0.3.7
[12:44:07] <kozigo> yep
[12:44:12] <kozigo> and it has more features
[12:44:17] <CzechBoy777> that doesnt tell anything xd
[12:44:19] <CzechBoy777> what features
[12:44:30] <kozigo> like you can have tommy vercetti skin
[12:44:37] <Twi[X]> yes ^
[12:44:40] <Twi[X]> custom models
[12:44:40] <CzechBoy777> thats wat
[12:44:55] <CzechBoy777> many mods at same time?
[12:45:05] <kozigo> yas
[12:45:08] <Crystal> server sided custom models
[12:45:16] <Crystal> we can model a legit carrier and put it in
[12:45:16] <Twi[X]> ^
[12:45:28] <CzechBoy777> like many mods at same time on somehting like at400?
[12:45:33] <CzechBoy777> or nah
[12:45:33] <Twi[X]> no
[12:45:38] <CzechBoy777> fuck :( :D
[12:45:38] <Twi[X]> it's like
[12:45:49] <Twi[X]> server sided mods
[12:46:01] <CzechBoy777> preinstalled or what
[12:46:01] <0verlord> afterburner?
[12:46:04] <Cpt.Price> A legit Enterprise would be great lmao
[12:46:04] <CzechBoy777> I just dont get it lol
[12:46:06] <kozigo> for example you can have a yacht (like gta 5 one) in 0.3DL version
[12:46:12] <CzechBoy777> wowwww
[12:46:29] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: scrap the word mods and just say custom models smh
[12:46:29] <CzechBoy777> that will be great swich right?
[12:46:32] <kozigo> but not the same as gta 5 one
[12:46:40] <Crystal> dudes
[12:46:42] <kozigo> graphics are not same
[12:46:45] <Crystal> imagine owning a yacht here
[12:46:47] <Crystal> that you can place yourself
[12:46:47] <CzechBoy777> yeah
[12:47:05] <Crystal> hmmm
[12:47:08] <Crystal> this gives me ideas
[12:47:13] --> robin_be connected to the server
[12:47:18] <Twi[X]> wb
[12:47:18] <CzechBoy777> what ideas xd
[12:47:20] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:47:28] <Cpt.Price> Inb4 December Update : Moving to 0.3dx (orwhateveritscalled)
[12:47:30] <BorderCollie> Op deze betaalde feestdag
[12:47:33] <robin_be> thx
[12:47:36] <Twi[X]> 0.3z
[12:47:58] <Twi[X]> wait
[12:48:06] <Cpt.Price> Soon czech :V
[12:48:06] <Twi[X]> isn't 0.3DL backwards compatible?
[12:48:11] <Cpt.Price> Same as War Funder :V
[12:48:16] <kozigo> but
[12:48:19] <robin_be> pretty sure it's not
[12:48:29] <Twi[X]> read something like that somewhere
[12:48:29] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> welp cleo library makes me crash
[12:48:37] <kozigo> 0.3DL Version will be so laggy for me, my pc can not handle so many objects
[12:48:39] <Cpt.Price> Smh
[12:48:47] <kozigo> and these models
[12:48:47] <Cpt.Price> I didn't set that tho ...
[12:48:49] <CzechBoy777> this is cool
[12:48:52] <Crystal> I don't feel a difference
[12:48:57] <BorderCollie> Crystal did? xD
[12:48:57] <CzechBoy777> the new update will be like gta underground XD
[12:49:02] --> Stan connected to the server
[12:49:05] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:49:05] <BorderCollie> Wb
[12:49:05] <Twi[X]> wb stan ily
[12:49:12] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> have you tried on a low end pc crystal?
[12:49:12] <Stan> thanks
[12:49:12] <Crystal> wb queen
[12:49:17] <Stan> thanks king
[12:49:20] <Crystal> smooch
[12:49:22] <Twi[X]> I mean
[12:49:30] <Stan> no smooches. it's coconut virus timezzz!!
[12:49:33] <CzechBoy777> lol
[12:49:35] <Crystal> oh no !!
[12:49:38] <Cpt.Price> Achoo
[12:49:56] <0verlord> holy shit
[12:50:01] <Twi[X]> F for u my mna
[12:50:01] <Twi[X]> man
[12:50:03] <0verlord> lotto money gone
[12:50:08] <Twi[X]> Lol
[12:50:08] <Cpt.Price> !cboard
[12:50:08] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-89) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5483)
[12:50:24] <BorderCollie> Since when is TG a web chat
[12:50:31] <Stan> r changed ur name and lost the account??
[12:50:36] <Cpt.Price> Where's my headphones. Time for some Airbourne power
[12:50:57] <CzechBoy777> I couldnt play gta sa without mods
[12:51:02] <CzechBoy777> lol
[12:51:09] <CzechBoy777> and I dont play single player, only samp
[12:51:27] <Cpt.Price> Here we go
[12:51:43] <BorderCollie> GTA without mods is more relaxing since you don't crash every 2min
[12:51:45] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> @crystal the mod that was shared earlier in general does allow backward compatibility
[12:51:58] <Crystal> oh shit nice
[12:51:58] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[12:52:05] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> what mod
[12:52:05] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:52:05] <Twi[X]> wb
[12:52:11] <Twi[X]> 03DL
[12:52:13] <0verlord> gz
[12:52:13] <JakeN2436> ty
[12:52:18] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> I'll be testing out that mod once I get home
[12:52:28] <Gamer30> !player Coolion
[12:52:31] (WEB) <robin_be> player Coolion: 12 score, last seen Online Now
[12:52:34] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> It's in your DM Crystal
[12:52:34] <Twi[X]> I mean
[12:52:39] <Crystal> thanks fam
[12:52:44] <Twi[X]> some big RP servers are usign it
[12:52:46] <BorderCollie> Zie TG gaan
[12:52:54] <BorderCollie> Mooie update komt eraan wel
[12:53:02] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Jatoch
[12:53:04] <BorderCollie> Wnr komt ie
[12:53:17] <Twi[X]> rip interest
[12:53:24] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Deze maand
[12:53:37] <BorderCollie> Wow das snel, lekker wel
[12:53:42] <ChairmanMao> twi hax dice.cs
[12:53:45] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Dus deze week of volgende week
[12:53:45] <Twi[X]> anyone up for a 4m dice round?
[12:53:47] <kozigo> haha
[12:53:50] <kozigo> good joke twi
[12:53:52] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Er wordt al sinds begin juni aan gewerkt
[12:53:55] <ChairmanMao> bye back to /w
[12:53:58] <0verlord> no jokes
[12:54:00] <-- CooLIon disconnected from the server
[12:54:08] <Twi[X]> ;z
[12:54:10] <0verlord> crystal
[12:54:13] <Crystal> ay
[12:54:23] <0verlord> how much you sold dice.cs to twix for?
[12:54:36] <Twi[X]> stans nudes
[12:54:46] <Cpt.Price> Ew
[12:54:46] <Crystal> lmao he hacked into my pc with teamviewer and stole it
[12:54:46] <kozigo> how about i go now dice 4m with twi and beat him
[12:54:48] <0verlord> WTF
[12:54:56] <Twi[X]> damn teamviewer's old
[12:55:01] <0verlord> Damn , kozi if you do that
[12:55:01] <Twi[X]> lets go kozigo
[12:55:06] <Crystal> was supposed to be admins only
[12:55:06] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I swear no one can beat twi
[12:55:06] <0verlord> get a mil from me
[12:55:16] <Gamer30> Radoo can.
[12:55:22] <Twi[X]> aight kozigo that's a total of 9m
[12:55:24] <CzechBoy777> oof hijacked plane crashed into highschool
[12:55:27] <0verlord> am i alive?
[12:55:32] <Cpt.Price> What
[12:55:42] <0verlord> kozi lost too?
[12:55:57] <kozigo> I didn't even start
[12:56:00] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Oi
[12:56:02] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[12:56:02] <kozigo> nah 4m too much
[12:56:05] <Twi[X]> 2m?
[12:56:07] <kozigo> 500k
[12:56:10] <Twi[X]> smh
[12:56:12] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Dice.cs admin only?
[12:56:12] <Twi[X]> 500k's gay
[12:56:15] <kozigo> or 5k?
[12:56:15] <Twi[X]> aight lets go
[12:56:18] <Stan> !player [MW]CooLIon
[12:56:20] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Better start sharing it Crystal
[12:56:20] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player [MW]CooLIon
[12:56:20] <Twi[X]> 500^
[12:56:20] <Gamer30> $6969
[12:56:20] <kozigo> ok 5k
[12:56:23] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[12:56:23] <CzechBoy777> lol
[12:56:25] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:56:25] <Twi[X]> nah 5k too gay
[12:56:38] <kozigo> dude im not ready to lose ma cash
[12:56:46] <kozigo> im scared
[12:56:48] <Twi[X]> you could win lol
[12:56:58] <ChairmanMao> or you couldnt
[12:57:26] <kozigo> np, id 0 will refund me if i lose
[12:57:31] <ChairmanMao> mp
[12:57:34] <Twi[X]> who knows
[12:57:34] <ChairmanMao> no
[12:57:42] <0verlord> twix lost?
[12:57:47] <kozigo> we didnt sttart yet
[12:57:47] <0verlord> twix lost?
[12:57:52] <robin_be> yes
[12:57:52] <Twi[X]> he wants to dice 5k :Z
[12:57:57] <Crystal> y'all excited for duel?
[12:57:59] <Twi[X]> I am
[12:58:02] <kozigo> EZ
[12:58:20] <kozigo> smh
[12:58:22] <Twi[X]> lol
[12:58:27] <Gamer30> The triple!
[12:58:33] <Twi[X]> yo guys doing 5ks?
[12:58:35] <kozigo> EZ
[12:58:38] <kozigo> ye
[12:58:40] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[12:58:43] <Twi[X]> smh 5k's gayyyyyyy
[12:58:50] <0verlord> do 25k twix
[12:58:50] <Gamer30> 5k the least gay.
[12:58:53] <ChairmanMao> i swear everytime i dice theres always a 0 rolled
[12:58:58] <Twi[X]> 25k's shit too
[12:59:13] <0verlord> 300k?
[12:59:13] <Gamer30> Anything above 50k is shit.
[12:59:18] <Twi[X]> 3m?
[12:59:23] <kozigo> 100m?
[12:59:29] <kozigo> xd
[12:59:29] --> l_drago connected to the server
[12:59:31] <0verlord> 300k first
[12:59:31] <CzechBoy777> wb
[12:59:34] <0verlord> wb
[12:59:34] <Cpt.Price> Remember those 100m duels? :V
[12:59:44] <Twi[X]> aight lets go 300
[12:59:44] <l_drago> thanks
[12:59:46] <Acre> hello
[12:59:49] <kozigo> who the retard accepts a duel for 100m
[12:59:49] <Twi[X]> wb
[12:59:51] <BorderCollie> Pog
[12:59:59] <Cpt.Price> Stan was one of those koz :V
[12:59:59] <kozigo> how many you won twi
[13:00:02] <Twi[X]> idk
[13:00:04] <Twi[X]> like 4
[13:00:04] <BorderCollie> !assets
[13:00:07] (WEB) <robin_be> BorderCollie has 1 car(s) ($180,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $180,000
[13:00:07] <Gamer30> $
[13:00:07] <kozigo> who the retard except stan
[13:00:09] <Twi[X]> you mean money or rounds?
[13:00:12] <Gamer30> Radoo.
[13:00:14] <kozigo> money
[13:00:14] <Twi[X]> 300k
[13:00:22] <0verlord> damn , do we want to see 4m wagers?
[13:00:22] <kozigo> overlord u are noob ffs
[13:00:30] <Twi[X]> I've dice 10m's
[13:00:37] <Twi[X]> 10m*
[13:00:40] <ChairmanMao> dice 500m
[13:00:42] <Twi[X]> and 5m's*
[13:00:45] <0verlord> idk , i am here to play , not to hoard cash
[13:00:45] <Gamer30> I'd dice myself.
[13:01:00] <kozigo> :(
[13:01:08] <kozigo> ez
[13:01:13] <Twi[X]> smh
[13:01:13] <0verlord> aint that right kozi?
[13:01:13] <kozigo> rekt
[13:01:26] <0verlord> what happened?
[13:01:39] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[13:01:56] <Cpt.Price> Trans /cfleet
[13:01:59] <kozigo> ezz
[13:02:04] <Twi[X]> kozigo lets go 300k
[13:02:04] <kozigo> ezz
[13:02:04] <Cpt.Price> ty
[13:02:04] <Twi[X]> wb
[13:02:04] <ChairmanMao> wb
[13:02:07] <Stan> wb
[13:02:12] <Ludred> tty
[13:02:24] <Stan> !player furrydash
[13:02:27] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player furrydash
[13:02:27] <Stan> xD
[13:02:35] <Gamer30> !player furry
[13:02:35] <JakeN2436> very funny
[13:02:37] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player furry
[13:02:37] <JakeN2436> im like, laughing rn
[13:02:42] <0verlord> my brain wants to do 4m wager
[13:02:42] <Stan> that was your name in 2016
[13:02:45] <Twi[X]> wow wtf gamer
[13:02:45] <JakeN2436> well spotted
[13:02:50] <0verlord> my heart doesnt want to
[13:02:50] <JakeN2436> that's why im clearly laughing
[13:02:50] <Twi[X]> lets go overlord :D
[13:02:53] <Stan> xD
[13:02:55] <JakeN2436> like, omg stan, so funny.
[13:02:58] <0verlord> alright fuck it
[13:03:03] <Stan> :S
[13:03:05] <CzechBoy777> my pia a320 mod is pretty detailed
[13:03:08] <0verlord> do it
[13:03:10] <Twi[X]> aight bring it on
[13:03:10] <-- BorderCollie disconnected from the server
[13:03:23] <Twi[X]> Rip
[13:03:31] <0verlord> well
[13:03:38] <0verlord> finish the 3m too then
[13:03:44] <Twi[X]> nah
[13:03:49] <Twi[X]> kinda feel gonna loose now lmao
[13:03:54] <Stan> !cboard
[13:03:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-86) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5485)
[13:03:56] <Twi[X]> lets go 500k
[13:04:04] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[13:04:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110244) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9141) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25403)
[13:04:06] <0verlord> i havent seen a bigger pussy than this then
[13:04:12] <Twi[X]> same
[13:04:19] <kozigo> ez
[13:04:27] <Twi[X]> See lol
[13:04:29] <kozigo> gg overlord
[13:04:42] <Twi[X]> Seeeee
[13:05:13] <ChairmanMao> who won
[13:05:20] <0verlord> guy knows when he will lose
[13:05:20] <Twi[X]> I won the 4m one :z
[13:05:28] <Twi[X]> it's just a gut feeling lmao
[13:05:28] <ChairmanMao> stop gifting money geezx
[13:05:36] <kozigo> I hate gambling
[13:05:41] <Gamer30> Yes, gambling gay.
[13:05:41] <kozigo> but money is needed
[13:05:53] <Twi[X]> Gg
[13:05:53] <kozigo> gg overlord
[13:05:58] <0verlord> welp
[13:06:04] <ChairmanMao> /w is greatly encouraged
[13:06:04] <Twi[X]> sold a turismo for that dice
[13:06:29] <Twi[X]> lol
[13:06:34] <kozigo> :(
[13:06:34] <0verlord> 5m gone
[13:06:37] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[13:06:39] <kozigo> smhh
[13:06:44] <kozigo> ez
[13:06:44] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[13:06:47] <CzechBoy777> I heard someone say ,,you little shit'' in the song
[13:06:49] <0verlord> but no worries
[13:06:55] <kozigo> ez
[13:07:05] <kozigo> ezzzz
[13:07:15] <kozigo> EZ
[13:07:17] <Twi[X]> aight who wanna go 5m
[13:07:20] <ChairmanMao> no
[13:07:25] <0verlord> 4m
[13:07:30] <kozigo> im gonna buy some cars
[13:07:35] <Twi[X]> umm lets go 4m
[13:07:35] <kozigo> and i'll dice with the rest
[13:07:56] <Twi[X]> wow wtf buran
[13:07:56] <JakeN2436> imagine dicing when you could earn the money properly
[13:08:08] <CzechBoy777> nice flyin
[13:08:11] <Twi[X]> bring it on
[13:08:11] <ChairmanMao> yes jake
[13:08:16] <0verlord> start it twix
[13:08:24] <kozigo> dice 4m
[13:08:29] <CzechBoy777> i will be right back in few mins
[13:08:31] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[13:08:31] <kozigo> hhhhh
[13:08:34] <Twi[X]> GZ
[13:08:34] <kozigo> gggg
[13:08:36] <0verlord> GET REKT
[13:08:39] <Twi[X]> hahahah
[13:08:39] <kozigo> how much u won overlord
[13:08:41] <0verlord> i am outta here
[13:08:47] <0verlord> 4m
[13:08:49] <kozigo> omg
[13:08:52] <Twi[X]> gz
[13:08:57] <0verlord> thanks twi
[13:08:59] <Twi[X]> np anytime
[13:09:12] <0verlord> you still have the lotto moneh xD
[13:09:15] <Gamer30> Dice is shit. GTG
[13:09:17] <Twi[X]> hahha
[13:09:20] <Twi[X]> xd
[13:09:22] <0verlord> 1.8m in loss , yeh nvm
[13:09:32] <kozigo> !cash twi[x]
[13:09:35] (WEB) <robin_be> twi[x] has $97,444 in hand
[13:09:35] <kozigo> lol
[13:09:38] <kozigo> poor
[13:09:40] <Gamer30> I won 45k, but Ricardo won 10k regardless of result.
[13:09:48] <kozigo> lol
[13:09:50] <kozigo> !cash twi[x]
[13:09:53] (WEB) <robin_be> twi[x] has $97,444 in hand
[13:09:53] <Twi[X]> aight time to dip
[13:10:01] <Twi[X]> cya lads]
[13:10:06] <Twi[X]> Have fun dicin
[13:10:08] <0verlord> cya
[13:10:08] <ChairmanMao> go sleep
[13:10:08] <kozigo> OGM
[13:10:11] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[13:10:11] <0verlord> xd
[13:10:13] <kozigo> Ez
[13:10:13] <JakeN2436> !8ball fat
[13:10:16] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: Cannot predict now
[13:10:16] <kozigo> EZ
[13:10:18] <0verlord> Yo
[13:10:21] --> Satan connected to the server
[13:10:34] <Satan> damn pl is active
[13:10:39] <Satan> what time is it for u guys
[13:10:44] <JakeN2436> your mum o'clock
[13:10:46] <Cpt.Price> 12ish?
[13:10:49] <Cpt.Price> Oh wait
[13:10:54] <Cpt.Price> 1pm
[13:10:59] --> Ludred connected to the server
[13:10:59] <kozigo> alright we continue later
[13:11:07] <0verlord> one lasrt
[13:11:07] <ChairmanMao> wb
[13:11:07] <kozigo> time to buy cars
[13:11:12] <Gamer30> !Cars
[13:11:15] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 has: Trashmaster Pony Mule Mr Whoopee Bus Packer Seasparrow Flatbed Boxville RC Goblin Journey Cemen(..)
[13:11:15] <0verlord> 200k to top it off
[13:11:17] <Satan> !aboard
[13:11:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110248) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9139) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25408)
[13:11:25] <kozigo> i will dice with the rest
[13:11:32] <0verlord> well i gotta go work
[13:11:40] <kozigo> go ahead lol
[13:11:40] <0verlord> earn the 1.8m i lost
[13:11:58] <0verlord> i cant see your dice invite
[13:12:05] <kozigo> smh
[13:12:13] <kozigo> i knew it.
[13:12:16] <Gamer30> Yes, it's glitched out.
[13:12:18] <0verlord> lol go now
[13:12:18] <kozigo> lool
[13:12:31] <kozigo> wtf
[13:12:33] <0verlord> thank
[13:12:33] <kozigo> fucking dice
[13:12:33] <Ludred> !cboard
[13:12:33] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-84) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5487)
[13:12:36] <Satan> i hate the angel pine drop
[13:12:39] <kozigo> i'll never dice again
[13:12:49] <0verlord> i am even with todays standing now
[13:12:51] <0verlord> one last?
[13:12:51] <kozigo> !cash 0Verlord
[13:12:54] (WEB) <robin_be> 0Verlord has $973,486 in hand
[13:13:07] <0verlord> guy be like 1m dice
[13:13:12] <l_drago> fleeting
[13:13:17] <kozigo> wow
[13:13:19] <0verlord> geez stop
[13:13:27] <kozigo> ez
[13:13:35] <Ludred> lotto 51 ezpz
[13:13:58] <kozigo> ezz
[13:14:26] <kozigo> XD
[13:14:33] <kozigo> won 300k in a row
[13:14:38] <0verlord> now go
[13:14:43] <kozigo> no
[13:14:49] <kozigo> i awaanna get my 500k lost
[13:14:51] <0verlord> lol k , dice away
[13:15:52] <kozigo> REKT
[13:15:55] <kozigo> i got my money back ez
[13:15:57] <0verlord> now go
[13:16:00] <kozigo> now bye
[13:16:05] <kozigo> i will make id 7 poor
[13:16:07] <kozigo> come dice id 7
[13:16:10] <angin_TimOr> no
[13:16:15] <0verlord> i wanted you to have it , i went away when i had 1.2m
[13:16:23] <angin_TimOr> dice haram
[13:16:28] <kozigo> we are in game
[13:16:30] <ChairmanMao> boi stop dicing <3
[13:16:33] <kozigo> its not real life
[13:16:35] <ChairmanMao> /w is the way to success
[13:16:43] <0verlord> well mao , we played like 20 rounds of 100k each
[13:16:51] <0verlord> me and kozi xd
[13:17:06] <kozigo> i started dicing with 6,5m
[13:17:09] <Ludred> lets be real dice favors someone
[13:17:11] <kozigo> got lost to 5m
[13:17:14] <kozigo> then back to 6,5m xd
[13:17:21] <angin_TimOr> nah
[13:17:24] <Gamer30> I started dicing at 70k and ended with 110k.
[13:17:42] <0verlord> well , fuck it next time i beat kozi to the punch
[13:17:42] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> smh
[13:17:47] <kozigo> ez
[13:17:47] <0verlord> i will just quit
[13:17:57] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> !missions Twi[X] Trucking
[13:18:00] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[13:18:05] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> can someone check my trucking missions
[13:18:05] --> robin_be connected to the server
[13:18:07] <Ludred> wb
[13:18:10] <angin_TimOr> wb
[13:18:10] <Stan> wb
[13:18:15] <robin_be> thx
[13:18:15] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> wb
[13:18:22] <Acre> !missions twi[x] trucking
[13:18:25] (WEB) <robin_be> twi[x]: 88 trucking
[13:18:28] <kozigo> smh
[13:18:35] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> cool
[13:18:56] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[13:18:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110255) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9127) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25427)
[13:18:58] <0verlord> i go now?
[13:18:58] <kozigo> why?
[13:19:01] <0verlord> lol
[13:19:03] <0verlord> do it
[13:19:03] <0verlord> xD
[13:19:08] <kozigo> ineed to relog
[13:19:11] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[13:19:11] <Stan> hi
[13:19:11] <JakeN2436> oof
[13:19:13] <0verlord> xD
[13:19:13] <0verlord> sorry
[13:19:16] <Acre> lol
[13:19:26] <JakeN2436> that was almost my 2nd time colliding with someone in that exact spot
[13:19:34] <0verlord> kozi making me even
[13:19:59] --> kozigo connected to the server
[13:20:35] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[13:20:45] <Ludred> wb
[13:20:55] <Twi[X]> ty
[13:21:00] <0verlord> cash ded
[13:21:05] <kozigo> !cash 0verlord
[13:21:08] (WEB) <robin_be> 0verlord has $736 in hand
[13:21:08] <kozigo> LMAO
[13:21:11] <kozigo> rekt
[13:21:23] <ChairmanMao> nei
[13:21:23] <kozigo> hi id 7
[13:21:23] <Satan> twi whats the time for u
[13:21:23] <ChairmanMao> nein
[13:21:26] <angin_TimOr> hi
[13:21:29] <0verlord> well kozi good bye
[13:21:31] <Twi[X]> 4 20
[13:21:34] <kozigo> bye
[13:21:34] <0verlord> its time to go
[13:21:39] <Ludred> crystal still streaming?
[13:21:41] <Stan> !cboard
[13:21:41] <Satan> am or pm
[13:21:41] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-79) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5492)
[13:21:44] <Twi[X]> am
[13:21:46] <Crystal> ye
[13:21:51] <Ludred> hell yeah
[13:21:54] <Satan> i think its 4:21pm for u
[13:21:57] <Twi[X]> I love garuda
[13:21:59] <kozigo> id 7
[13:22:02] <Twi[X]> it's actually AM
[13:22:02] <kozigo> do /tp - rodeo
[13:22:09] <Twi[X]> cya guys
[13:22:09] <Ludred> its am
[13:22:09] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[13:22:17] <Satan> typo
[13:22:25] <robin_be> crystal, streaming?
[13:22:30] <kozigo> !cars angin_timOr
[13:22:30] <Crystal> i'm on a whole nother plane rn
[13:22:32] (WEB) <robin_be> angin_timOr has: RC Raider Sanchez
[13:22:32] --> Serbian connected to the server
[13:22:32] <Crystal> yeah
[13:22:35] <Crystal> ay serb
[13:22:35] <Stan> wb
[13:22:35] <Cpt.Price> oi
[13:22:40] <Serbian> hey
[13:22:40] <kozigo> !houses angin_timor
[13:22:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Las Barrancas: $1,000,000 2 slots
[13:22:45] <kozigo> :(
[13:23:00] <Ludred> does anyone else hate mosquitos?
[13:23:03] <Gamer30> Yes.
[13:23:03] <kozigo> i have house too
[13:23:03] <Ludred> PLR english
[13:23:03] <Cpt.Price> Yes
[13:23:06] <kozigo> !houses
[13:23:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Whitewood Estates: $20,000,000 20 slots
[13:23:13] <robin_be> ah right
[13:23:21] <Cpt.Price> One biten me right in the ass
[13:23:26] <Serbian> wtf
[13:23:31] <Ludred> my legs are full of mosquito bits
[13:23:36] <Ludred> bites
[13:23:54] <kozigo> !cars
[13:23:54] <Stan> i found pseudoscorpion in my room and i don't even live in a desert lol
[13:23:57] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo has: Banshee Maverick Hotring Sandking Hotring Racer Elegant NRG-500 Hustler Sultan Elegy Police Car (..)
[13:23:59] <Acre> In winter season, they got too many mosquitoes.
[13:24:09] <angin_TimOr> too many vehicles
[13:24:09] <Ludred> we aint got mosquito here in winter
[13:24:19] <angin_TimOr> no
[13:24:40] <Ludred> so robin have any idea why cleo.asi crashes me
[13:24:42] <kozigo> !assets
[13:24:45] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo has 12 car(s) ($4,740,000) and 1 house(s) ($20,000,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $24,740,000
[13:25:05] <robin_be> maybe exe idk
[13:25:18] <Ludred> it used to work on the same install before tho
[13:25:28] <Serbian> Did you change anything? Mods etc..?
[13:25:36] <Ludred> fresh gta
[13:25:43] <Stan> yeah cleos making me crash and it fucks up my radio too
[13:25:51] <Stan> think acre has the same issue
[13:25:56] <Stan> with the radio
[13:26:06] <Ludred> I think its with the cleo library version
[13:26:24] <Acre> how?
[13:26:39] <Stan> you have issues with listening to plr without that link right
[13:26:42] <Acre> Removing cleo fixes PL Radio?
[13:26:42] <Cpt.Price> Just slap newest one lmao
[13:26:42] <Ludred> wait I wonder if any asi file will crash me
[13:26:45] <Stan> yea
[13:26:52] --> Haroon connected to the server
[13:26:52] <Acre> hmm
[13:26:55] <0verlord> wb
[13:26:57] <Stan> i reinstalled the game and it worked fine until i installed cleo
[13:27:02] <Haroon> ty Over
[13:27:13] --> Bliktonijn connected to the server
[13:27:15] <Cpt.Price> Oi
[13:27:15] <Ludred> I have had no probelms with cleos
[13:27:18] <Serbian> Blik!
[13:27:18] <Ludred> wb
[13:27:18] <Haroon> wb
[13:27:18] <0verlord> dont desync
[13:27:20] <Bliktonijn> Kurwaaaaaaaaaaa
[13:27:23] <Serbian> <3
[13:27:25] <Bliktonijn> Serb <3
[13:27:25] <-- Acre disconnected from the server
[13:27:25] <0verlord> well PL is only desyncing for me today
[13:27:28] <Stan> wb ilangi
[13:27:33] <Stan> wb ilangai*
[13:27:33] <Bliktonijn> Punda
[13:27:38] <Bliktonijn> tyw
[13:27:43] <Stan> is it ilangi or ilangai
[13:27:48] <Bliktonijn> ilangai
[13:27:51] <Bliktonijn> = sri lanka
[13:27:53] <0verlord> desunced
[13:27:53] <Cpt.Price> I was desyncing af in the morning over
[13:27:53] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[13:27:56] <Stan> that explains why everyone in sri lanka is gay
[13:27:58] <Cpt.Price> Mofo
[13:28:01] <Stan> ilanGAY xD
[13:28:03] <Bliktonijn> xD
[13:28:11] <Serbian> lol
[13:28:14] <Bliktonijn> nella
[13:28:34] <Bliktonijn> so jasper is still touring through europe with his truck? xD
[13:28:47] <Serbian> idk :o probably :D
[13:28:57] <Stan> !player shooter
[13:29:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player shooter: 16144 score, last seen 7 Months Ago
[13:29:02] <Bliktonijn> 7 months HAHAHHA
[13:29:15] <Bliktonijn> explains a lot
[13:29:17] <Ludred> !player aaron
[13:29:20] (WEB) <robin_be> player aaron: 7279 score, last seen 8 Months Ago
[13:29:20] <Cpt.Price> smh
[13:29:23] <Bliktonijn> saw a picture of him driving a truck
[13:29:25] <JakeN2436> 50 won twice in a row
[13:29:25] <JakeN2436> ok
[13:29:25] <Bliktonijn> a big one
[13:29:30] <Stan> !player haydz
[13:29:30] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[13:29:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player haydz: 2025 score, last seen 18 Months Ago
[13:29:35] <Bliktonijn> like DAF
[13:29:35] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[13:29:38] <Haroon> wb
[13:29:41] <Bliktonijn> Free haydz
[13:29:48] <0verlord> ty haroon
[13:29:51] <Haroon> yes makecargodropsgreatagain please
[13:29:51] <Stan> justice4haydz
[13:29:53] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> gonna check if any asi file crashes me
[13:29:53] <0verlord> ./fleet
[13:30:01] <Bliktonijn> !player aaron
[13:30:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player aaron: 7279 score, last seen 8 Months Ago
[13:30:24] <Bliktonijn> !player Stefanhood
[13:30:27] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stefanhood: 7309 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[13:30:44] <Serbian> aww
[13:30:52] <Bliktonijn> Unknown user
[13:30:55] <Cpt.Price> Doesn't show if you're online
[13:31:00] <Serbian> xd
[13:31:02] --> Ludred connected to the server
[13:31:02] <kozigo> !player serbian
[13:31:02] <Haroon> !player Haroon
[13:31:05] (WEB) <robin_be> player serbian: 45145 score, last seen Online Now
[13:31:05] <Serbian> sad
[13:31:05] <Gamer30> !8ball Is Stan gay?
[13:31:05] <Crystal> !player
[13:31:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: It is certain
[13:31:08] <kozigo> id shows
[13:31:08] <Haroon> see,cpt price
[13:31:08] <kozigo> !player serbian
[13:31:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player serbian: 45145 score, last seen Online Now
[13:31:25] <Serbian> none
[13:31:28] <Stan> !player is Gamer30 straight
[13:31:31] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player is
[13:31:31] <Ludred> well silent patch doesnt crash me
[13:31:36] <Cpt.Price> Atleast when someone else checks it does lmao
[13:31:36] <Stan> !8ball is Gamer30 straight
[13:31:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan: Cannot predict now
[13:32:01] <Stan> wtf bot crashed
[13:32:06] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[13:32:09] <Cpt.Price> !ping
[13:32:11] (WEB) <robin_be> {179047}pong! - hi Cpt.Price
[13:32:14] <Stan> !8ball is Gamer30 straight
[13:32:17] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan: My reply is no
[13:32:17] <0verlord> cant the bot crash , you ungrateful bitch?
[13:32:17] (WEB) <Regera#1312> Going to eat now, later
[13:32:19] <Stan> :O
[13:32:19] <angin_TimOr> gz
[13:32:19] <Haroon> gz
[13:32:22] <0verlord> gz
[13:32:24] <kozigo> ty
[13:32:27] <Satan> Gz
[13:32:29] <kozigo> ty
[13:32:32] <kozigo> jester for life
[13:32:37] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[13:32:40] <angin_TimOr> toyota supra
[13:32:42] <kozigo> yes
[13:32:47] <0verlord> MKIV
[13:32:50] --> Ludred connected to the server
[13:32:50] <Haroon> wb
[13:32:55] <Stan> wb
[13:32:55] --> HardStone connected to the server
[13:32:55] <Gamer30> !8ball Are you botsexual?
[13:32:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: It is decidedly so
[13:32:57] <0verlord> wb
[13:33:00] <0verlord> wb boh
[13:33:00] <Ludred> ty
[13:33:00] <Haroon> wb Hardd
[13:33:08] <Ludred> this is weird asi loader doesnt crash me
[13:33:13] <HardStone> ty
[13:33:25] <Haroon> !assets Hardstone
[13:33:25] <Ludred> only cleo.asi crashses me
[13:33:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Hardstone has 22 car(s) ($9,430,000) and 3 house(s) ($43,500,000 - 43 slots) for a total of $52,930,000
[13:33:28] <Stan> you're complaining that it's not crashing u?
[13:33:33] <Stan> wtf is cleo.asi
[13:33:43] <Ludred> cleo library
[13:33:51] <kozigo> nice house bliktonijn
[13:33:51] <Bliktonijn> !assets Serbian
[13:33:54] (WEB) <robin_be> Serbian has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[13:33:56] <Bliktonijn> Ty man
[13:33:56] <0verlord> wat?
[13:34:01] <kozigo> is the 15slots for sale?
[13:34:09] <Bliktonijn> this one not
[13:34:11] <kozigo> :(
[13:34:11] <Ludred> cleo.asi is also used to load cleos sir
[13:34:14] <0verlord> damn , crashed now gotta do 10 pushups
[13:34:14] <kozigo> i like it
[13:34:16] <Bliktonijn> because custom houses can't be sold
[13:34:24] <Bliktonijn> will result in a punishment
[13:34:29] <Stan> !player cummy
[13:34:32] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player cummy
[13:34:37] <Crystal> no stan
[13:34:37] <Stan> !player cummybot
[13:34:37] <Crystal> dont do it
[13:34:40] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player cummybot
[13:34:42] <Stan> :D
[13:34:42] <Serbian> No house best house
[13:34:47] <Serbian> the world is my house xD
[13:34:47] <Stan> !8ball should I do it
[13:34:47] <Gamer30> !houses Radude
[13:34:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan: Without a doubt
[13:34:52] <Crystal> omg no
[13:34:58] <Stan> I will
[13:35:15] <Haroon> bad bois in the house xD
[13:35:23] <Cpt.Price> I'd get a custom house, but idk if anyone will agree it to be set in Reactor IV :V
[13:35:36] <kozigo> this one is so impressive tho
[13:35:36] <Serbian> Chernobyl?
[13:35:46] <HardStone> Pripyat Island
[13:35:49] <Cpt.Price> I'm true Stalker :V
[13:35:54] <Cpt.Price> Passed it on Master
[13:36:04] <Cpt.Price> Screw the 25454885454874854 deaths
[13:36:04] <Serbian> unless it has a NSC it's not legit.
[13:36:06] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[13:36:09] <Cpt.Price> It has
[13:36:17] <Stan> wut
[13:36:17] <HardStone> ...
[13:36:29] <Stan> pristine pussy..
[13:36:29] <Serbian> what
[13:36:34] <Cpt.Price> Hell I even developed some signs with Diamond Serb :V
[13:36:34] <Stan> just what
[13:36:37] <HardStone> ' That is pristine '
[13:36:47] <Serbian> i wanna see it
[13:36:50] <Cpt.Price> Just forgot to add Lazure Swimming Pool sign
[13:37:02] <Cpt.Price> Wanna see?
[13:37:02] <Serbian> ye
[13:37:05] <Cpt.Price> Hmmm rodeo
[13:37:18] <Haroon> !houses Hardstone
[13:37:20] (WEB) <robin_be> The Sherman Dam: $15,000,000 15 slots Rodeo: $8,500,000 8 slots Creek: $20,000,000 20 slots
[13:37:38] <Haroon> !aboard
[13:37:38] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110266) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9099) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25463)
[13:37:43] <Stan> gz
[13:37:43] <0verlord> nice car
[13:37:48] <kozigo> buffalo is cool
[13:37:51] <Haroon> gz
[13:37:51] <Cpt.Price> Shit I still don't have that mod back
[13:37:51] <kozigo> gz
[13:37:53] <Serbian> How does one abort mission.. i forgot.. lol
[13:37:56] <Cpt.Price> ./s
[13:37:58] <HardStone> /s
[13:38:09] <Gamer30> /stopwork
[13:38:14] <0verlord> idk why
[13:38:24] <Cpt.Price> I'll slap NOS
[13:38:26] <0verlord> i feel like serbian wanted one of us to quit his mission
[13:38:26] --> Ludred connected to the server
[13:38:34] <HardStone> wb
[13:38:37] <0verlord> NOS is a must
[13:38:44] <Satan> Serb I've gotten to 3.6k score since 2011 LOL
[13:38:44] <0verlord> wb
[13:38:52] <Crystal> damn I've been DJ'ing for over 6 hours
[13:38:54] <Stan> ok get off now
[13:38:57] <Serbian> Also NSC for the ones who don't know means New Safe Confinement
[13:39:02] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[13:39:05] <Crystal> soon stan
[13:39:07] <Cpt.Price> or Arch
[13:39:15] <kozigo> crystal
[13:39:15] <Crystal> almost 8am, bed time
[13:39:15] --> Ludred connected to the server
[13:39:17] <Stan> lemme stream im a barbie girl for the next 6 hours
[13:39:17] <Haroon> wb
[13:39:22] <Serbian> At 8am?
[13:39:25] <Serbian> Really? xD
[13:39:33] <Ludred> finally
[13:39:35] <Ludred> it works
[13:39:45] <0verlord> gz
[13:39:53] <Crystal> yeah I don't have a sleep schedule
[13:39:58] <Crystal> just do what I want
[13:40:01] <Serbian> top kek
[13:40:01] <Gamer30> Are you actually streaming that? Let me tune in /radio.
[13:40:03] <Satan> !abooard
[13:40:06] <Satan> !aboard
[13:40:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110267) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9095) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25468)
[13:40:08] <Stan> not yet
[13:40:13] <Ludred> had to manully install it
[13:40:13] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> PL needs something from GTA 5, airport can be enough
[13:40:13] <Serbian> I'm on vacation for 2 weeks
[13:40:18] <Serbian> time to ruin my schedule xD
[13:40:26] <Stan> oh yeah is that possible
[13:40:34] <Stan> !player nightmare
[13:40:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player nightmare: 20442 score, last seen 9 Days Ago
[13:40:36] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Nop
[13:40:39] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[13:40:44] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> nvm doesnt work
[13:41:02] <Serbian> Mapping GTAV LSIA would be a pain.
[13:41:09] <Serbian> Simply due to the sheer size.
[13:41:22] <0verlord> but hangar sales
[13:42:18] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> But it would be so cool man
[13:42:21] <Serbian> GPU is boosting to 1.9 ghz
[13:42:23] <Serbian> the fuck
[13:42:39] <Gamer30> GTA 5 sucks.
[13:42:41] <Stan> !player Cadeniswet
[13:42:41] <Haroon> No
[13:42:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cadeniswet: 10416 score, last seen 21 Months Ago
[13:42:49] <Haroon> Gamer30 Online is best
[13:42:57] <Crystal> neeps cops n crooks DLC
[13:43:02] <Gamer30> In fact, Online is the worst part of GTA 5.
[13:43:09] <Haroon> not really
[13:43:12] <Serbian> used to be
[13:43:19] <Serbian> now not so much
[13:43:19] <Satan> i haven't really gone deep into online so cant tell
[13:43:32] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> well fuck
[13:43:40] <Satan> i played for like a few hours then uninstalled
[13:43:40] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I cant have cleos on my gta anymore
[13:43:42] <Gamer30> I definitely WILL NOT ever attempt GTA 6.
[13:43:50] <Cpt.Price> Okay ready to lol hard Serb? Look for signs :V
[13:44:05] <Haroon> Gta 6 is not releasing yet
[13:44:10] <Serbian> lol
[13:44:16] <Gamer30> And may it stay this way.
[13:44:28] <Cpt.Price> Best one here lmao
[13:44:33] <Cpt.Price> 3.6 :V
[13:44:38] <Serbian> more like 15000
[13:44:38] <Ludred> auto login is the best thing on PL
[13:44:46] <Bliktonijn> Rockstar games be like: Releases a new game, gives a sneak peak of GTA 4 remastered
[13:44:46] <0verlord> ^
[13:44:51] <Bliktonijn> instead of GTA 6 for PS5
[13:45:06] <Cpt.Price> Hell even has Elephant's foot
[13:45:09] <0verlord> well GTA IV remastered would be great lmao
[13:45:09] <Bliktonijn> GTA 5 *
[13:45:12] <Haroon> its so shitty that there will be no New Gta for ps5
[13:45:19] <Ludred> I was about to say rockstar games is the new valve for gta 6 lmao
[13:45:32] <Haroon> but rockstar games are the most popular ^
[13:45:32] <Cpt.Price> Right inside
[13:45:45] <Ludred> you dont know how big valve is lmao
[13:45:50] <Haroon> Read Dead Redemption 2 ,A great Masterpiece
[13:45:52] <Gamer30> GTA ended on Vice City Stories.
[13:46:03] <0verlord> hmm
[13:46:05] <0verlord> chinatown wars?
[13:46:10] <Ludred> !cboard
[13:46:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-69) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5502)
[13:46:15] <Gamer30> I tried it, also sucked ass.
[13:46:15] <0verlord> nice
[13:46:20] <Cpt.Price> Sursai did a great job
[13:46:28] <Serbian> gotta have the green glow
[13:46:31] <Serbian> xD
[13:46:33] <Cpt.Price> Yeap
[13:46:51] <Serbian> Imma go to the store now
[13:46:59] <Serbian> I'll be back later :D
[13:47:01] <Ludred> pripyat will probably get an update after 0.3.dl
[13:47:04] <Cpt.Price> Only flavour I'm missing is constriction of V and VI reactor
[13:47:06] <Serbian> Time to spend money lol
[13:47:21] <-- Serbian disconnected from the server
[13:47:37] <Ludred> well fuck I avoided a ninja tree by so close
[13:47:39] <Crystal> last song of the night for me
[13:47:52] <Ludred> go to sleep its 8am there hoe
[13:47:55] <Bliktonijn> what time is it in the US?
[13:47:55] <Haroon> gz
[13:48:00] <angin_TimOr> ty
[13:48:05] <0verlord> gz
[13:48:07] <kozigo> wow price?
[13:48:10] <Satan> !aboard
[13:48:10] <angin_TimOr> ty
[13:48:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110271) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9084) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25483)
[13:48:20] <kozigo> since when star base here
[13:48:23] <Ludred> no hard feeling that I called you hoe crystal right??
[13:48:28] <Cpt.Price> Since always
[13:48:38] <Crystal> nah we good
[13:48:40] <0verlord> perfect to end crystal's dj streak
[13:48:43] <Ludred> k now cake time
[13:48:58] <0verlord> now i do 20 for the 2 crashes
[13:49:03] <0verlord> and then work
[13:49:06] <Crystal> like a seven hour stream holy shit
[13:49:34] <Haroon> RIP
[13:50:30] <Bliktonijn> yo man haaron
[13:50:35] <Haroon> Yo !
[13:51:54] <Gamer30> !player Stanisgay
[13:51:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stanisgay: 0 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[13:51:57] <Crystal> aye have a good day/night y'all
[13:52:02] <Crystal> I'm passin out finally lmao
[13:52:02] <Haroon> Bye crystal : )"
[13:52:07] <Satan> Take care bro
[13:52:07] <Crystal> y'all take care
[13:52:07] <Bliktonijn> bye crystal
[13:52:09] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[13:52:12] <Cpt.Price> Achooo!
[13:52:50] <Haroon> Now i can buy 2 custom houses ?
[13:53:21] <Acre> no
[13:53:23] <Haroon> ok
[13:53:26] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[13:53:33] <Haroon> hey angin
[13:53:38] <angin_TimOr> hi
[13:53:44] <Haroon> Hello
[13:53:44] <kozigo> helo
[13:53:44] <angin_TimOr> party?
[13:54:14] <Stan> whats happening here
[13:54:22] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[13:54:24] <Haroon> Stan just Chilling.
[13:54:27] <Stan> oh o
[13:55:13] <0verlord> Stan
[13:55:18] <Stan> yea
[13:55:23] <0verlord> your turn to play barbie girl on PLr
[13:55:25] <Cpt.Price> !cboard
[13:55:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-68) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5503)
[13:55:28] --> DavyJones connected to the server
[13:55:28] <Stan> oh ok
[13:55:30] <Stan> wb davy
[13:55:33] <angin_TimOr> wb
[13:55:38] <DavyJones> thanks
[13:55:41] <0verlord> wb
[13:55:46] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[13:56:24] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[13:56:57] --> l_drago connected to the server
[13:57:17] <0verlord> F gamer
[13:57:20] <Satan> !aboard
[13:57:20] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110273) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9076) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25493)
[13:57:40] --> IceLube connected to the server
[13:57:43] <Haroon> wb
[13:57:45] <0verlord> wb
[13:57:56] <IceLube> you
[13:58:44] <kozigo> !asses
[13:58:44] <kozigo> !assets
[13:58:47] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo has 13 car(s) ($5,130,000) and 1 house(s) ($20,000,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $25,130,000
[13:58:49] <Haroon> RICh
[13:58:57] <kozigo> very
[13:59:22] <IceLube> !cBoARd
[13:59:22] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-68) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5503)
[13:59:32] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Fun fact: Kozigo is nothing we are selling him,Dm me on discord
[13:59:37] <0verlord> lol
[13:59:37] <-- Satan disconnected from the server
[14:00:00] <0verlord> Fun fact : Kami's account is worth nothing
[14:00:13] --> Larzie33 connected to the server
[14:00:18] <Bliktonijn> Larzie jonguhh
[14:00:31] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Fun Fact: You�re useless.
[14:00:41] <Larzie33> Daaag
[14:00:59] <0verlord> Fun Fact : I have both twice the time and the score you have done on in here
[14:01:29] <Haroon> hi madam stan
[14:01:45] <Haroon> may i help you ? madam
[14:02:13] <0verlord> that madam is ruthless , she will staple your dick to your balss
[14:02:15] <0verlord> balls*
[14:02:23] <Haroon> : (
[14:02:23] <IceLube> lol ok
[14:03:04] <Bliktonijn> damn this house
[14:03:06] <0verlord> F
[14:03:42] <IceLube> there's a blue t-shirt icon floating near palomino
[14:03:49] <Haroon> gz
[14:03:49] <0verlord> gz
[14:03:49] <angin_TimOr> gz
[14:03:52] <Bliktonijn> GZ
[14:03:52] <IceLube> there's a blue t-shirt icon floating near palomino
[14:03:55] <kozigo> ty
[14:04:07] <HardStone> that's for rescue missions Icelube
[14:04:12] <IceLube> oh?
[14:04:53] <Bliktonijn> en dan ga je naar zo'n rondje
[14:04:53] <Gamer30> "I completed Vice City and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"
[14:05:29] <DavyJones> how going to dealer?
[14:05:34] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[14:05:34] <HardStone> /gps
[14:05:36] <DavyJones> use what?
[14:05:41] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[14:05:44] <Haroon> wb
[14:05:44] <0verlord> man give me short flights
[14:05:44] <kozigo> wb
[14:05:47] <HardStone> /gps > Find a vehicle dealership
[14:05:47] <0verlord> wb
[14:05:57] <HardStone> wb
[14:06:02] <DavyJones> yeah i know use gps but how to get there?
[14:06:07] <CzechBoy777> ty
[14:06:12] <0verlord> drive or fly\
[14:06:12] <HardStone> use public vehicle lol
[14:06:22] <DavyJones> hm
[14:06:22] <Haroon> davy
[14:06:27] <DavyJones> yeah?
[14:06:27] <Haroon> which vehicle do you wanna buy ?
[14:06:30] <HardStone> well, i'll hook you up with a veh, where are you?
[14:06:37] <DavyJones> i dont know
[14:06:37] <Haroon> i can get you to you'r location : )
[14:06:45] <HardStone> working or just flying around?
[14:07:00] <DavyJones> i flying
[14:07:05] <DavyJones> maybe letter
[14:07:11] <DavyJones> i go to dealr
[14:07:13] <CzechBoy777> bed england
[14:07:13] <HardStone> ok sir
[14:07:16] <0verlord> xD
[14:07:16] <DavyJones> yeah
[14:07:18] <DavyJones> thanks
[14:07:49] <IceLube> I wonder if ya'll say gz when someone buys a chocolate bar
[14:09:05] <Haroon> gz!
[14:09:05] <angin_TimOr> gz
[14:09:10] <kozigo> t
[14:09:10] <kozigo> ty
[14:09:26] <IceLube> gz for doing a very easy task
[14:09:38] <kozigo> ty
[14:09:46] <0verlord> fz
[14:09:46] <CzechBoy777> z
[14:09:59] <0verlord> gz
[14:10:29] <kozigo> hamster good boi
[14:10:32] <IceLube> wb
[14:10:52] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[14:10:57] <0verlord> F
[14:11:15] <0verlord> wb
[14:11:15] <Haroon> wb hamster
[14:11:18] <-- angin_TimOr disconnected from the server
[14:11:28] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[14:11:33] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[14:11:35] <Haroon> wb
[14:11:38] <kozigo> wb
[14:11:43] <angin_TimOr> ty
[14:11:43] <-- Acre disconnected from the server
[14:11:53] <0verlord> wb
[14:11:53] <0verlord> both
[14:12:03] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[14:12:06] <Bliktonijn> tyy
[14:12:11] <Bliktonijn> afk brb
[14:12:11] <-- Bliktonijn disconnected from the server
[14:12:14] <0verlord> nice
[14:12:14] <Hamster12> oh forgot to uninstall old cleo scripts
[14:12:29] <kozigo> ty
[14:12:36] <ChairmanMao> fuck me my surfly's still here
[14:12:47] <Hamster12> yey he left finally
[14:12:57] <CzechBoy777> lol
[14:12:59] <Hamster12> !hardstone
[14:13:20] <Haroon> wb
[14:13:27] <IceLube> wb
[14:13:53] <-- angin_TimOr disconnected from the server
[14:14:06] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[14:14:13] <0verlord> wb
[14:14:13] --> Broadside connected to the server
[14:14:16] <DavyJones> wb
[14:14:18] <0verlord> wb
[14:14:18] <Haroon> wb both
[14:14:18] <kozigo> wb
[14:14:21] <HardStone> wb
[14:14:23] <ChairmanMao> dl
[14:14:23] <Broadside> Sup guys
[14:14:23] <angin_TimOr> ty
[14:14:23] <CzechBoy777> wb
[14:14:26] <ChairmanMao> wb
[14:14:31] <ChairmanMao> .wq
[14:14:39] <IceLube> wb
[14:14:46] <IceLube> god saying wb is so time consuming
[14:14:51] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[14:15:07] <kozigo> wb
[14:15:07] <angin_TimOr> ty
[14:16:18] <Hamster12> and
[14:16:54] <0verlord> F
[14:17:04] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[14:17:06] <0verlord> wb
[14:17:06] <Haroon> wb
[14:17:09] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[14:17:09] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110295) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9080) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25511)
[14:17:16] <Hamster12> wtf
[14:17:19] <Hamster12> i didnt left
[14:17:27] <IceLube> oh you timed out
[14:17:44] <ChairmanMao> nice demand
[14:18:05] <Stan> smfh crystal
[14:18:10] <IceLube> streaming?
[14:18:10] <IceLube> what
[14:18:25] <Stan> okay I took over
[14:18:38] <Gamer30> Barbie Girl?
[14:18:46] <Stan> no I'm streaming david's playlist :D
[14:19:01] <Stan> [fake] DJ Stan
[14:19:06] <Gamer30> DJ Radoo when?
[14:19:08] <Stan> never
[14:19:47] <kozigo> drago
[14:19:47] <kozigo> wait thee
[14:19:49] <HardStone> first cargo drop : farle
[14:19:52] <HardStone> y, gg
[14:19:52] <ChairmanMao> gg
[14:20:04] <IceLube> nah
[14:20:15] <l_drago> why kozigo??
[14:20:22] <CzechBoy777> yeah why
[14:21:01] <kozigo> i need the star inc payphone
[14:21:03] <CzechBoy777> OH LOL CMON
[14:21:08] <kozigo> because its near my house xd im lazy to go to a farther one
[14:21:11] <Gamer30> Ok, come to the bacon.
[14:21:11] <Stan> czech u listening to plr
[14:21:26] <l_drago> LOL
[14:21:57] <DavyJones> hard to fly this at400 shit
[14:21:59] <DavyJones> haha
[14:22:25] <CzechBoy777> damn modloader is best
[14:22:32] <HardStone> It is, start with shamal/dodo
[14:22:35] <CzechBoy777> and easier to planespot
[14:22:40] <angin_TimOr> hi gamer
[14:22:42] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> !userid overloard
[14:22:42] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[14:22:47] <ChairmanMao> test
[14:22:47] (WEB) <TheGamer> @ChairmanMao test failed!
[14:22:50] <Gamer30> Hi.
[14:22:53] <CzechBoy777> !userid 0verlord
[14:22:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}0verlord's userid is 218448
[14:22:53] <IceLube> !userid Overlord
[14:22:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}OVERLORD's userid is 25178
[14:22:58] <0verlord> !userid Kamikez
[14:22:58] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Kamikez's userid is 369316
[14:22:58] <CzechBoy777> xd
[14:22:58] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Yo
[14:23:08] <CzechBoy777> !userid BuranCzech
[14:23:08] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}BuranCzech's userid is 447430
[14:23:10] <0verlord> Yo
[14:23:13] <CzechBoy777> !Userid CzechBoy777
[14:23:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Czechboy777's userid is 446179
[14:23:15] <CzechBoy777> !player czechboy777
[14:23:18] (WEB) <robin_be> player czechboy777: 2385 score, last seen Online Now
[14:23:41] <CzechBoy777> !player buranczech
[14:23:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player buranczech: 0 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[14:23:44] <Hamster12> !playerPolska
[14:23:46] <Hamster12> !player Polska
[14:23:46] <CzechBoy777> buchan
[14:23:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player Polska: 1 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[14:23:51] <Haroon> !player TheOneShoo
[14:23:54] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player TheOneShoo
[14:23:54] <Haroon> !player TheOneShoot
[14:23:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player TheOneShoot: 3916 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[14:23:57] <CzechBoy777> !player ceska
[14:23:59] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player ceska
[14:24:02] <CzechBoy777> oof
[14:24:07] <Haroon> !player none
[14:24:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player none: 69 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[14:24:10] <Hamster12> !player Dupa
[14:24:10] <Haroon> !assets none
[14:24:12] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Dupa
[14:24:15] <Hamster12> !player dupa
[14:24:18] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player dupa
[14:24:18] <Haroon> !assets none
[14:24:20] (WEB) <robin_be> none has 1 car(s) ($0) and 1052 house(s) ($-1,440,968,431 - 2658 slots) for a total of $-1,440,968,431
[14:24:20] <Haroon> see
[14:24:23] <DavyJones> shy
[14:24:33] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> !player 69
[14:24:36] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player 69
[14:24:38] <Hamster12> /fix
[14:24:41] <Hamster12> fuck
[14:24:43] <CzechBoy777> /fox
[14:24:48] <Hamster12> fuck
[14:24:56] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> /aboard
[14:25:04] <DavyJones> haha
[14:25:14] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> !aboard
[14:25:14] <0verlord> play volunme 1
[14:25:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110304) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9078) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25522)
[14:25:26] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Shit we are close to buy that xD
[14:25:32] <Haroon> to buy ?
[14:25:44] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Nothing.
[14:25:47] <Haroon> lol
[14:25:52] <Haroon> you meant 1 airline ?
[14:26:35] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> I�ll buy you
[14:27:11] <Haroon> !player Thiago
[14:27:13] (WEB) <robin_be> player Thiago: 20270 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[14:27:19] <CzechBoy777> RA RA RASPUTIN
[14:27:19] <0verlord> bb
[14:27:24] <CzechBoy777> russian greatest love machine
[14:27:26] <-- DavyJones disconnected from the server
[14:27:31] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> !player smetkowski
[14:27:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player smetkowski: 8887 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[14:27:34] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[14:27:42] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> I�ll join later
[14:27:52] <0verlord> play crazy frog
[14:27:54] <CzechBoy777> axel f
[14:27:57] <Hamster12> play barbie girl
[14:27:59] <Gamer30> Axel F
[14:28:04] <Gamer30> F
[14:28:04] <Haroon> play game of thrones,the light of seven
[14:28:07] <CzechBoy777> axel fuck
[14:28:22] <CzechBoy777> who is angin
[14:28:27] <Hamster12> angina
[14:28:30] <Stan> ID 7
[14:28:30] <Hamster12> ill
[14:28:30] <CzechBoy777> ah I see
[14:28:55] <0verlord> USSR ANTHEM!!!
[14:29:06] <Stan> can do
[14:29:08] <Stan> want me to?
[14:29:13] <CzechBoy777> OMG
[14:29:13] <0verlord> yes
[14:29:13] <IceLube> yes
[14:29:16] <CzechBoy777> I junmped in time
[14:29:26] <0verlord> sorry buran
[14:29:34] <CzechBoy777> whats wrong
[14:29:46] <0verlord> who flew by me in angel pine
[14:29:51] <CzechBoy777> not me
[14:30:02] <CzechBoy777> I exploded over sf
[14:30:07] <0verlord> oh okay
[14:30:19] <CzechBoy777> and landed on payphone XD
[14:30:24] <0verlord> noice
[14:30:45] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Gamer
[14:30:52] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> I mean stan
[14:31:05] <Stan> yes?
[14:31:10] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Ily
[14:31:18] <0verlord> lol
[14:31:23] <Stan> ily more
[14:31:23] <angin_TimOr> \
[14:31:33] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> I got kyliejenner phone
[14:31:46] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Number
[14:31:51] <Stan> oki
[14:32:01] <0verlord> congratz
[14:32:04] <CzechBoy777> I got her insta
[14:32:16] <0verlord> YES!
[14:32:16] <Hamster12> why aotd is Shithansa
[14:32:16] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Send it to me
[14:32:24] <CzechBoy777> YAS
[14:32:27] <IceLube> cause lufthansa always works
[14:32:29] <ChairmanMao> because it is
[14:32:34] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Stfu hamster
[14:32:44] <Stan> because scam is dead
[14:32:44] <Hamster12> change it
[14:32:44] <CzechBoy777> YASS
[14:32:47] <IceLube> uhh
[14:32:47] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[14:32:50] <Haroon> interiors'
[14:32:50] <0verlord> FUCKER WHY THE FADE?
[14:32:52] <IceLube> better
[14:32:55] <Stan> idk
[14:32:57] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Sky air Ded
[14:32:57] <CzechBoy777> better
[14:33:02] <CzechBoy777> stfu lol
[14:33:07] <0verlord> Volume 200
[14:33:10] <Stan> okay
[14:33:12] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Sky air ded
[14:33:12] <CzechBoy777> dead? no.1 airline
[14:33:12] <Haroon> Kamikez 4 are online from SA
[14:33:18] <Stan> volume 200
[14:33:23] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[14:33:23] <Stan> should take a second to chane
[14:33:25] <Stan> change*
[14:33:25] <ChairmanMao> because no one works in shit air hamster
[14:33:28] <CzechBoy777> holy
[14:33:30] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> What haroon?
[14:33:33] <CzechBoy777> AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[14:33:38] <Haroon> Kamikez yes
[14:33:38] <Stan> PL has been liberated
[14:33:43] <CzechBoy777> Fegelin
[14:33:43] <0verlord> yes
[14:33:51] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Webare going to buy your sky air xD
[14:34:11] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> We are going to be number airline
[14:34:19] <Stan> reduced bc the volume was giving me a headache lol
[14:34:19] <-- Broadside disconnected from the server
[14:34:21] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> We will get you
[14:34:44] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> !player shazi
[14:34:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player shazi: 15426 score, last seen 18 Hours Ago
[14:35:12] <IceLube> lets only have one airline and only one company on PL
[14:35:17] <Haroon> Really?
[14:35:20] <IceLube> Socialist republics of Pilots life
[14:35:25] <Haroon> then there will be no PL
[14:35:33] <Stan> Union of Socialist Republics of San Andreas
[14:35:33] <IceLube> yes there will
[14:35:35] <Haroon> No
[14:35:38] <IceLube> yes
[14:35:45] <IceLube> then we take over samp
[14:35:45] <Stan> union of san andreas socialist republics*
[14:35:45] --> Broadside connected to the server
[14:35:48] <Stan> USSR
[14:35:50] <IceLube> only one samp server that is PL
[14:35:50] <Haroon> wb
[14:35:55] <Haroon> oh it is still
[14:36:08] <HardStone> Sic mundus creatus est
[14:36:08] <Stan> we'll literally become the only server on samp when we upgrade to 0.3 DL lol
[14:36:16] <CzechBoy777> vede!!
[14:36:21] <CzechBoy777> vedet
[14:36:41] <0verlord> Crazy Frog!
[14:36:44] <CzechBoy777> skvoz grozy siialo nam slntse svobody i lenin velikij nam dal ozaril
[14:36:54] <CzechBoy777> fun fact is that slavs will understand
[14:37:07] <CzechBoy777> Icelube, me, Hamster will understan
[14:37:09] <IceLube> I kinda do and dont
[14:37:12] <Gamer30> Will I?
[14:37:14] <0verlord> lol
[14:37:14] <IceLube> some words I do some I dont
[14:37:17] <CzechBoy777> and gamer 30 too
[14:37:27] <CzechBoy777> gamer30: Am I joke to you?
[14:37:35] <0verlord> xD
[14:38:03] <IceLube> k bye lads
[14:38:05] <Stan> crazy fog will play after the song after this
[14:38:05] <CzechBoy777> bb
[14:38:08] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[14:38:08] <ChairmanMao> bye
[14:38:08] <0verlord> bb
[14:38:10] <CzechBoy777> YAY
[14:38:16] <CzechBoy777> 0verlord our time has come
[14:38:18] <Gamer30> Crazy Smog
[14:38:18] <0verlord> whats next
[14:38:21] <Stan> !cboard
[14:38:21] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-54) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5517)
[14:38:26] <CzechBoy777> crazy frog next!!
[14:38:31] <Stan> weird genius lathi
[14:38:33] <angin_TimOr> !aboard
[14:38:33] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110320) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9070) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25546)
[14:38:33] <CzechBoy777> axel F??
[14:38:38] <0verlord> yes
[14:38:41] <CzechBoy777> yassss
[14:39:37] <angin_TimOr> yes
[14:39:37] <Hamster12> no ty, i have my own radio
[14:39:45] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Did I crash?
[14:39:45] <CzechBoy777> lol
[14:39:50] <JakeN2436> gay
[14:39:52] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Song is still playing
[14:39:52] <Hamster12> called Hamster's Radio
[14:39:57] <angin_TimOr> java pride
[14:39:57] <CzechBoy777> lol
[14:40:00] <Gamer30> No, you didn't.
[14:40:00] <CzechBoy777> relog 0verlord
[14:40:00] <ChairmanMao> yes you crashed
[14:40:00] <Stan> good, no one cares hamster
[14:40:05] <Hamster12> you do
[14:40:08] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> F
[14:40:18] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> All my cargo drops WOTD :_(
[14:40:23] <Stan> F
[14:40:23] <Gamer30> Wait three minutes, okay?
[14:40:25] <Hamster12> dont wanna listen to DJ that picks wrong songs i request
[14:40:33] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[14:40:33] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> They said you crashed
[14:40:36] <ChairmanMao> dont bother overlord
[14:40:41] <Stan> you didn't even request
[14:40:41] <ChairmanMao> relog lmao
[14:40:41] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Mother fuckers
[14:40:46] <Hamster12> did before..
[14:40:56] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Welp
[14:40:56] <Stan> and how long ago was this?
[14:41:11] <JakeN2436> !8ball is stan fat
[14:41:11] <CzechBoy777> 1m girls
[14:41:14] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: Yes
[14:41:14] <Stan> this is my first time streaming in a month
[14:41:16] <CzechBoy777> fuCK
[14:41:16] <Stan> yes
[14:42:25] <CzechBoy777> YAS
[14:42:30] <CzechBoy777> wuts going on
[14:42:30] <Gamer30> Fog is not frog.
[14:42:35] <0verlord> ding ding
[14:42:35] <CzechBoy777> tin tin
[14:42:35] <Stan> wuts gawin awn
[14:42:43] <CzechBoy777> frooooooog
[14:42:48] <CzechBoy777> tin tin
[14:42:48] <Stan> bing bing
[14:42:48] <0verlord> ting ting
[14:42:53] <Haroon> stan ping shong pong
[14:43:01] <0verlord> bim bim bim
[14:43:03] <CzechBoy777> ringingitic pim bim bim
[14:43:03] <Haroon> stan ping shong pong
[14:43:09] <Stan> is that a request
[14:43:11] <Hamster12> ken gugen koekol ?
[14:43:11] <0verlord> yes
[14:43:11] <Haroon> No
[14:43:16] <0verlord> bim bim
[14:43:21] <CzechBoy777> he says some kind of ,, prdel '' that means ass in my language XD
[14:43:31] <0verlord> bam bam
[14:43:34] <CzechBoy777> ban ban
[14:43:39] <Hamster12> fart fart
[14:43:39] <JakeN2436> !player cadeniswet
[14:43:42] (WEB) <robin_be> player cadeniswet: 10416 score, last seen 21 Months Ago
[14:43:47] <Hamster12> bbbbbbbbbb
[14:43:47] <ChairmanMao> ?
[14:44:12] <CzechBoy777> annoying thing
[14:44:30] <CzechBoy777> ringingitic pim bim bim
[14:44:33] <CzechBoy777> XDDDDDDDDDDD
[14:44:33] <ChairmanMao> sorry but shithansa just got aotd
[14:44:48] <CzechBoy777> shit
[14:44:56] <CzechBoy777> banana phone!
[14:45:06] <CzechBoy777> TIN TIN !!!!
[14:46:14] <CzechBoy777> YES
[14:46:20] <Hamster12> toilet hahaha
[14:46:37] <CzechBoy777> KLOP
[14:47:16] <CzechBoy777> giornos theme on list
[14:48:50] <Hamster12> FUEL PRICE 0
[14:48:52] <Hamster12> wtf
[14:48:57] <CzechBoy777> the IL18 restaurant got a new livery
[14:48:57] <Hamster12> holly fuk gotta refuel it
[14:49:00] <CzechBoy777> buggyra air XDD
[14:49:13] <CzechBoy777> and we have an ice cream called nogger
[14:49:13] <0verlord> baggage is always free hamster
[14:49:20] <CzechBoy777> oh shit so much warnings I got rn
[14:49:25] <0verlord> opcodes?
[14:49:31] <Hamster12> remove your dog
[14:49:33] <CzechBoy777> expections
[14:49:46] <CzechBoy777> nah never remving dog
[14:49:53] <CzechBoy777> I love my dog
[14:49:56] <0verlord> stan play some akon
[14:50:01] <Hamster12> ugly
[14:50:04] <CzechBoy777> akon - dont matter
[14:50:04] <Haroon> cya
[14:50:06] <-- Haroon disconnected from the server
[14:50:06] <0verlord> cya
[14:50:09] <CzechBoy777> what the
[14:50:14] <0verlord> Chamak Challo
[14:50:16] <0verlord> :-)
[14:50:24] <angin_TimOr> guard me
[14:50:32] <CzechBoy777> ah its garuda
[14:50:34] <CzechBoy777> good than
[14:51:25] <CzechBoy777> dont matter is better song
[14:51:35] <0verlord> oh okay
[14:51:53] <0verlord> !assets Dickweed
[14:51:56] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Dickweed
[14:52:19] <0verlord> damn why didnt it come up with hamster's stats
[14:52:52] <CzechBoy777> flugzeug!
[14:53:27] <0verlord> Daft Punk - Get Lucky
[14:53:30] <Hamster12> !8ball Can someone hug me ? :3
[14:53:32] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: Very doubtful
[14:53:35] <0verlord> OOF
[14:53:40] <CzechBoy777> other countries: avion,aeroplane,aero,airplane,plane czechia: letadlo
[14:53:48] <Gamer30> Samolot
[14:53:48] <Hamster12> !8ball You love hamsters ? :3
[14:53:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: Cannot predict now
[14:53:53] <0verlord> !8ball Do I get to meet my crush tomorrow?
[14:53:55] (WEB) <robin_be> 0verlord: Very doubtful
[14:53:55] <CzechBoy777> samoLOT!
[14:53:55] <Hamster12> !8ball You love anyone ?
[14:53:58] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: Don't count on it
[14:53:58] <Gamer30> Aeroplan te�.
[14:54:01] <Broadside> Damn Overlord XD
[14:54:08] <CzechBoy777> samoloty kurwa
[14:54:08] <Hamster12> statek powitrzny
[14:54:11] <0verlord> she called me
[14:54:16] <CzechBoy777> odzutovca
[14:54:18] <0verlord> guess moms gonna let me go then
[14:54:21] <CzechBoy777> i bombovca
[14:54:24] <Hamster12> Arbuz
[14:54:34] <CzechBoy777> tarzan boi - samolot nice song
[14:54:36] <Hamster12> Boning
[14:54:36] (WEB) <allen_lombard#3257> Yo, if she called you get on it kid
[14:54:46] (WEB) <allen_lombard#3257> Servers not going anywhere
[14:54:52] <0verlord> bu but my mom
[14:54:54] <Hamster12> it goes
[14:54:59] <0verlord> i said my mom wont let me go
[14:55:02] <CzechBoy777> XD
[14:55:09] (WEB) <allen_lombard#3257> Sneak out
[14:55:12] <CzechBoy777> OOoOoOoOoh I wont let u go
[14:55:20] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[14:55:22] (WEB) <allen_lombard#3257> How old are you?
[14:55:22] <CzechBoy777> NOoooo
[14:55:55] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[14:55:58] (WEB) <allen_lombard#3257> Because this is the age to do a bit of stupid. Just wear a mask
[14:56:00] <CzechBoy777> I cant even hear the song stan
[14:56:08] <Stan> yeah its low
[14:56:13] <CzechBoy777> fuCK
[14:56:18] <Stan> better now?
[14:56:21] <0verlord> its not about the mask
[14:56:23] <CzechBoy777> nope
[14:56:28] <CzechBoy777> now better!
[14:56:28] <0verlord> i tell her i m going to meet a friend
[14:56:38] <0verlord> shes gonna automatically say no
[14:56:54] <CzechBoy777> damn this song is nice
[14:57:04] <Hamster12> what song
[14:57:17] <0verlord> a man of culture
[14:57:17] <Stan> not taking requests anymore
[14:57:19] <Stan> I'm signing off in a while
[14:57:22] <Hamster12> See
[14:57:24] <CzechBoy777> let the bodies set the flooooooooooooooooooooor
[14:57:29] <Hamster12> thats why dont listenr to stan DJ
[14:57:34] <0verlord> hit the floor*
[14:57:40] <CzechBoy777> wait stan
[14:57:42] <Stan> but 3 more requests queued
[14:57:45] <Hamster12> annouce everywhwere, takign requests, minute later, no taking requests
[14:57:45] <CzechBoy777> will u play giornos theme
[14:57:47] <Stan> czech's and overlord's
[14:57:50] <0verlord> OOOOO
[14:57:52] <CzechBoy777> Yay
[14:57:52] <Stan> yeah czech
[14:57:55] <0verlord> damn
[14:58:02] <Gamer30> What would be Radoo's request?
[14:58:13] <JakeN2436> trying to get thea to come online and she's like uuuuuu
[14:58:13] <CzechBoy777> YayYAS
[14:58:15] <Stan> Hamster, I can assure that you not listening makes no difference to me
[14:58:23] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Joining in 5
[14:58:25] <0verlord> ONLY THE BEST PART?
[14:58:28] <CzechBoy777> golden wind!
[14:58:28] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !cboard
[14:58:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-54) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5516)
[14:58:31] <0verlord> THE WHOLE SONG IS THE BEST PART
[14:58:48] <CzechBoy777> golden winddd
[14:58:56] <-- Larzie33 disconnected from the server
[14:59:09] <CzechBoy777> nice
[14:59:21] <0verlord> Overload?
[14:59:27] <0verlord> Czech did it
[14:59:34] <CzechBoy777> what
[14:59:52] <JakeN2436> .fix
[14:59:55] <CzechBoy777> what did I do
[15:00:05] <CzechBoy777> I didnt request this song
[15:00:28] <Hamster12> see DJ is losing songs
[15:00:33] <Hamster12> same shame shame
[15:00:38] <Stan> it was requsted by overlord
[15:00:40] <CzechBoy777> gz
[15:00:48] <Stan> if you look at the bottom it says woh it was requested by
[15:01:03] <CzechBoy777> yeah I didnt request it
[15:01:06] <Hamster12> !cash
[15:01:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $18,699,883 in hand
[15:01:09] <JakeN2436> should i get drunk tonight
[15:01:11] <Stan> yup
[15:01:16] <CzechBoy777> no
[15:01:19] <Broadside> ask the 8ball about it
[15:01:21] <ChairmanMao> !cash
[15:01:24] (WEB) <robin_be> ChairmanMao has $2,235,763 in hand
[15:01:24] <JakeN2436> !8ball should i get drunk tonight
[15:01:27] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: It's better not to know
[15:01:27] <Hamster12> !8ball Should I fap tonight ?
[15:01:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: It is certain
[15:01:29] <Stan> yes jake
[15:01:32] <JakeN2436> !8ball should i get drunk tonight
[15:01:34] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: My sources say no
[15:01:34] <Gamer30> !8ball Will you give Windows 10 16-bit on 360K floppy disk?
[15:01:39] <JakeN2436> fuck off im getting drunk anyway fuck you
[15:01:39] <Stan> did he say corona
[15:01:45] <CzechBoy777> yes lol
[15:01:47] <Stan> wtf lamo
[15:01:55] <Gamer30> !8ball Give me Windows 10 16-bit edition on 360K 5.25" floppy disk, okay?
[15:01:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: It is certain
[15:02:08] <CzechBoy777> oooh I wont le u go doe
[15:02:10] <-- Broadside disconnected from the server
[15:02:51] <0verlord> THATS MORE LIKE IT
[15:02:53] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[15:02:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110340) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9039) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25597)
[15:03:06] <Hamster12> !8ball Corona Virus will wipe out whole humanity?
[15:03:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12: You may rely on it
[15:03:37] <CzechBoy777> this song is good
[15:03:37] --> Ludred connected to the server
[15:03:42] <ChairmanMao> wb
[15:03:42] <angin_TimOr> wb
[15:03:44] <0verlord> wb
[15:03:44] <JakeN2436> ill start drinking in 2 hours i think
[15:03:44] <CzechBoy777> it was in one video drawing planes
[15:03:47] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:03:52] <Ludred> ty
[15:03:55] <CzechBoy777>
[15:04:00] <0verlord>
[15:04:07] <CzechBoy777> I knew XD
[15:04:07] <CzechBoy777>
[15:04:20] <Ludred> !cboard
[15:04:23] <CzechBoy777> noooooo
[15:04:23] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-54) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5516)
[15:04:28] <CzechBoy777> hey
[15:04:30] <CzechBoy777> stan
[15:04:33] <Stan> don't worry, it'll switcj to autodj
[15:04:38] <CzechBoy777> did u download all these songs??
[15:04:40] <Stan> yes
[15:04:45] <CzechBoy777> from where
[15:04:48] <Stan> youtube xd
[15:04:56] <0verlord> youtube to mp3 xD
[15:04:58] <Stan> yeah
[15:05:03] <CzechBoy777> I mean for me it takes long time
[15:05:06] <0verlord>
[15:05:06] <Stan> tried to connect apple music but it won't et me play
[15:05:19] <CzechBoy777> can I connect spotify
[15:05:26] <Stan> nah
[15:05:29] <0verlord> the shit has so fast servers they limit my 100mbit connection
[15:05:29] <CzechBoy777> fuk
[15:05:31] <Stan> only itunes and some others
[15:05:49] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[15:05:49] <CzechBoy777> I want to stream some meme songs
[15:05:54] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:05:54] <Kamikez> test
[15:05:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Kamikez test failed!
[15:05:57] <0verlord> do it czech
[15:05:59] <Ludred> wb
[15:05:59] <Kamikez> ty :D
[15:06:04] <JakeN2436> omg thea is here
[15:06:07] --> TSRAnimations connected to the server
[15:06:09] <Ludred> wb
[15:06:09] <JakeN2436> theaheahe
[15:06:17] <Hamster12> omg
[15:06:22] <Hamster12> overlod
[15:06:30] <TSRAnimations> Jaaaaaake
[15:06:30] <0verlord> yep
[15:06:32] <JakeN2436> yes
[15:06:43] <Hamster12> didnt seen me there ?
[15:06:48] <0verlord> nope
[15:06:55] <CzechBoy777> but my stream might lag when I am online
[15:06:58] <0verlord> i knpw
[15:07:00] <Hamster12> you flew in front of me
[15:07:05] <0verlord> no worries
[15:07:05] <Hamster12> almost crashed
[15:07:05] <angin_TimOr> #2020vision
[15:07:11] <Hamster12> xdddd
[15:08:01] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[15:08:04] --> Broadside connected to the server
[15:08:07] <0verlord> i dont like ye's voice
[15:08:07] <Ludred> wb
[15:08:09] <0verlord> wb
[15:08:17] --> Stan connected to the server
[15:08:22] <Ludred> !aboard
[15:08:22] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110342) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9027) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25611)
[15:08:22] <0verlord> wb nab
[15:10:14] <CzechBoy777> s
[15:11:02] <0verlord> Czech , your turn?
[15:11:07] <Hamster12> bye
[15:11:07] <CzechBoy777> lemme turn it on
[15:11:18] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[15:11:43] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> But I think my songs are shit
[15:11:48] <0verlord> eh fuck em
[15:11:51] <TSRAnimations> Just eating Jalape�o poppers, don't mind me
[15:12:03] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[15:12:14] <0verlord> i did be sorry for ya stomach
[15:12:21] <JakeN2436> jalapenos arent even spicy
[15:12:31] <angin_TimOr> !cash
[15:12:34] (WEB) <robin_be> angin_TimOr has $213 in hand
[15:12:39] <TSRAnimations> Feel sorry for my stomach if I eat Reaper Poppers, lmao
[15:12:54] <0verlord> damn i confused em
[15:13:02] <angin_TimOr> star inc fleet
[15:13:05] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I get bad lags when I am online while streaming
[15:13:15] <0verlord> buran trumps stan's whole DJ session in one song
[15:13:22] <angin_TimOr> thx
[15:13:27] <Ludred> np
[15:13:33] <CzechBoy777> is it lagging
[15:13:38] <0verlord> not a bit
[15:13:45] <CzechBoy777> I mean ignore if it lags
[15:13:48] <0verlord> lol
[15:13:53] <CzechBoy777> I cant fix it XD
[15:14:21] <Stan> !cboard
[15:14:21] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-52) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5518)
[15:14:29] <Stan> !aboard
[15:14:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110343) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9012) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25627)
[15:14:46] <CzechBoy777> I will go to vacation in saturday
[15:14:51] <CzechBoy777> I will come back next thursday
[15:14:59] <-- angin_TimOr disconnected from the server
[15:15:02] <0verlord> theres a global pandemic going on ?
[15:15:12] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[15:15:12] <CzechBoy777> and my name day is in 7 days :D
[15:15:14] <Ludred> !groups angin_timor
[15:15:14] <0verlord> wb
[15:15:14] <CzechBoy777> cmon
[15:15:17] (WEB) <robin_be> angin_timor is in airline Garuda Indonesia and company GO-JEK
[15:15:27] <CzechBoy777> I am not only one who will be on vacation
[15:15:37] <CzechBoy777> it will be just in slovakia
[15:15:53] <Cpt.Price> !cboard
[15:15:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-52) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5518)
[15:17:50] <Stan> FUCK
[15:17:52] <Stan> .
[15:18:02] <CzechBoy777> I will take requests like in next years xd
[15:18:10] <CzechBoy777> when I will get PC my own
[15:18:25] <CzechBoy777> when I will get my own pc*
[15:18:36] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[15:18:36] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110344) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-9004) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25636)
[15:18:41] <ChairmanMao> !cboard
[15:18:41] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-51) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5519)
[15:19:32] <CzechBoy777> wopity scoop
[15:20:25] --> Satan connected to the server
[15:20:30] <Stan> wb
[15:20:45] <Satan> ty bbt
[15:20:50] <Satan> !aboard
[15:20:50] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110344) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8998) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25642)
[15:20:53] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:20:53] --> angin_TimOr connected to the server
[15:20:56] <Stan> wb
[15:20:56] <Ludred> wb
[15:21:01] <Satan> wb
[15:21:03] <angin_TimOr> ty
[15:21:11] <Cpt.Price> ...
[15:21:39] <Stan> yea
[15:21:46] <CzechBoy777> yes its me
[15:21:49] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> stanley
[15:21:52] <CzechBoy777> lol
[15:21:54] <Stan> yes sister
[15:21:57] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> i�m coming for you
[15:22:02] <Stan> oh noooo
[15:22:04] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> you better be scared
[15:22:07] <Stan> they're coming to get me!!
[15:22:07] <CzechBoy777> stanik, hide!
[15:22:09] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[15:22:14] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:22:20] <Stan> hiding
[15:22:22] <0verlord> i aint from Australia
[15:22:42] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[15:22:42] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> yes we�re going to send you back to your own planet
[15:23:08] <0verlord> logged in and desynced
[15:23:10] <CzechBoy777> lol
[15:23:10] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> you�re xenophobia
[15:23:16] <CzechBoy777> ahppens to me too
[15:23:31] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> im ok with that
[15:23:54] <Stan> bigot
[15:24:52] <CzechBoy777> fuck will I make this
[15:24:55] <Satan> !aboard
[15:24:55] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110345) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8991) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25650)
[15:24:57] <CzechBoy777> 3km 4 percent fuel
[15:25:00] <CzechBoy777> I wont make this
[15:25:10] <0verlord> you wont
[15:25:13] <Ludred> you can land
[15:25:15] <CzechBoy777> I am so dead
[15:25:23] <CzechBoy777> come on come oooon
[15:25:30] <0verlord> gamer flying cargo drops?
[15:25:43] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> wasnt lufthansa like 10.5 k away from #1 yesterday
[15:25:46] <CzechBoy777> run out FUCK
[15:25:51] <CzechBoy777> NOOO
[15:25:51] <Ludred> yes
[15:25:53] <CzechBoy777> Ocean wathc out!!
[15:25:56] <Satan> yes luft was
[15:26:01] <Stan> 11.5k*
[15:26:06] <Stan> in the morning :D
[15:26:16] <CzechBoy777> rip
[15:26:21] <0verlord> RIP
[15:27:07] <CzechBoy777> I will play krejzy frog
[15:27:10] <CzechBoy777> after this
[15:27:12] <Cpt.Price> Go to hell
[15:27:17] <0verlord> yes!
[15:27:17] <Cpt.Price> I overheard it
[15:27:25] <CzechBoy777> what
[15:27:25] <0verlord> hear it agaub thebn
[15:27:33] <Cpt.Price> Fuckoff
[15:27:33] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> respect
[15:27:40] <CzechBoy777> XD
[15:28:14] <Satan> !cboard
[15:28:16] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(12521) , Rank 2: Star Inc.(-45) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5525)
[15:29:15] <Ludred> !player k8alfa
[15:29:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player k8alfa: 6192 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[15:29:22] <0verlord> xD
[15:29:43] <0verlord> this song is never enough
[15:29:48] <Cpt.Price> Smh
[15:29:53] <0verlord> ding ding
[15:30:08] <Cpt.Price> If you were listening to radio back in 2003-2004 here
[15:30:08] <CzechBoy777> TIN TIN
[15:30:11] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[15:30:13] <Cpt.Price> You would overhear it smh
[15:30:13] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:30:18] <CzechBoy777> lol
[15:30:26] <CzechBoy777> wait what
[15:30:34] <CzechBoy777> 2003-2004?
[15:30:41] <CzechBoy777> I am sure pl didnt exist that time
[15:30:41] <0verlord> lol
[15:30:41] <Cpt.Price> Yes, that song was all the time then here
[15:30:49] <0verlord> 2003 - 2004
[15:30:54] <0verlord> good days
[15:30:54] <Cpt.Price> In Poland suka
[15:30:57] <CzechBoy777> lol
[15:31:07] <CzechBoy777> thats why its called annoying thing too
[15:31:07] <CzechBoy777> XDDDDDDDDDD
[15:31:17] <0verlord> i was 4 years old and playing a game that wasnt even launched
[15:31:19] <0verlord> nice
[15:31:22] <Cpt.Price> Good days indeed, since I wasn't in school back then
[15:31:25] <CzechBoy777> I really like this song
[15:31:27] <CzechBoy777> the beat is good
[15:31:27] <Cpt.Price> Then it went to hell lol
[15:31:37] <0verlord> ofc everything went to hell
[15:31:42] <CzechBoy777> good days.. I wasnt even alive
[15:31:45] <CzechBoy777> XD
[15:32:00] <CzechBoy777> kur wa
[15:32:05] <Broadside> In what year are you talking about lol
[15:32:13] <CzechBoy777> lemme play on polish song for pricey
[15:32:21] <Cpt.Price> But yet 2005 was the year I was told that I won't be able to even drive 5kms
[15:32:26] <Ludred> play tripalovski
[15:32:26] <Cpt.Price> Now I'ma attack 80kms
[15:32:33] <Cpt.Price> Who's beating your ass doctors?!
[15:32:46] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[15:32:51] <Cpt.Price> OH FFS
[15:32:54] <CzechBoy777> XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[15:33:01] <0verlord> DOTA is a polishsong?
[15:33:14] <CzechBoy777> polish remastered
[15:33:17] <0verlord> DOTA is a polishsong?
[15:33:19] <Cpt.Price> Can confirm smh
[15:33:27] <CzechBoy777> dare you glad price
[15:33:32] <CzechBoy777> are*
[15:33:34] <Cpt.Price> Fucking *unhear*
[15:33:39] <CzechBoy777> lol
[15:33:42] <0verlord> DESYNC!
[15:33:50] <0verlord> FUCK THIS!
[15:33:52] <CzechBoy777> XD
[15:33:55] <0verlord> why only at day end?
[15:33:57] <CzechBoy777> whats wrong XD
[15:34:02] <CzechBoy777> its good song
[15:34:07] <CzechBoy777> until u know the lyrics
[15:34:07] <0verlord> i work 20 mins a IG day
[15:34:07] <Stan> !aboard
[15:34:07] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110345) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8968) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25673)
[15:34:13] <0verlord> and then it desyncs
[15:34:13] <CzechBoy777> NO
[15:34:13] <Cpt.Price> Better stfu
[15:34:15] <0verlord> FUCK
[15:34:18] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[15:34:23] <CzechBoy777> XD NOO
[15:34:30] <-- Broadside disconnected from the server
[15:34:43] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[15:35:03] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:35:11] <CzechBoy777> did u like the song price
[15:35:21] <0verlord> Nice
[15:35:42] <CzechBoy777> ah shIT
[15:35:42] <Satan> FUCK
[15:35:44] <Satan> FUCK
[15:35:52] <CzechBoy777> SHIT
[15:35:57] <CzechBoy777> dont do anything
[15:36:05] <CzechBoy777> I didnt even visit america
[15:36:10] <CzechBoy777> do fuck up my dreams
[15:36:17] <CzechBoy777> or I will fuck up yours
[15:36:20] <CzechBoy777> gz
[15:36:40] <CzechBoy777> I mean, why am I still flying
[15:36:43] <Gamer30> Niko, it's Roman! Let's go bowling!
[15:36:55] <CzechBoy777> oh shit
[15:36:58] <CzechBoy777> I misstyped
[15:37:03] <CzechBoy777> dont* fuck up my dreams
[15:37:03] <CzechBoy777> DAMN
[15:38:12] <Satan> !aboard
[15:38:12] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110345) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8959) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25682)
[15:38:19] <Stan> gz
[15:38:19] <Satan> GZ
[15:38:22] <0verlord> gz
[15:38:22] <Ludred> wb
[15:38:22] <ChairmanMao> gz
[15:38:25] <Ludred> I mean gz
[15:38:25] <CzechBoy777> gz
[15:38:32] <Firstrike23.> ty all :D
[15:38:55] <CzechBoy777> fucking lags
[15:39:00] <Ludred> gz
[15:39:03] <0verlord> gz
[15:39:05] <ChairmanMao> gz
[15:39:15] <Firstrike23.> ty all :D
[15:39:18] <CzechBoy777> how the fuck did u buy a comet!!
[15:39:46] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[15:39:51] <Stan> wb
[15:39:54] <Kamikez> :D
[15:39:54] <Firstrike23.> i have a mod
[15:41:15] --> Lavija connected to the server
[15:41:18] <Kamikez> wb
[15:41:20] <Ludred> wb
[15:41:23] <ChairmanMao> wb
[15:41:35] <Lavija> lalalalala
[15:41:43] <Stan> hi
[15:41:53] <Lavija> 5awal
[15:41:58] <Stan> lavija on9
[15:42:06] <Lavija> 3ars
[15:42:09] <Stan> SARS
[15:42:16] <Ludred> so lavija how did your exam go
[15:42:21] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Had to reset pc
[15:42:24] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[15:44:26] <Stan> dont mind my driving
[15:44:31] <Stan> dotn tell my employer
[15:44:34] <Lavija> it sucks like you
[15:44:54] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[15:44:54] <Lavija> loc me stanley
[15:44:59] <Stan> idiot
[15:45:07] <Lavija> oops
[15:45:07] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[15:45:17] <Stan> Lavija gay
[15:45:37] <Lavija> ;c
[15:46:08] <Stan> lavija can i hire you
[15:46:10] <Lavija> for what
[15:46:13] <Stan> as my secretary
[15:46:15] <Lavija> yes
[15:46:28] <Stan> ok
[15:46:54] <Lavija> are you guys winning yet so i can stop trucking
[15:47:01] <Stan> no we lost
[15:47:04] <Lavija> f
[15:47:09] --> TheAir connected to the server
[15:47:27] <Ludred> wb
[15:47:32] <Lavija> oh well i got hella work anyways so u win
[15:47:42] <TheAir> thanks :)
[15:47:42] <Ludred> more studies?
[15:47:47] <Stan> real work
[15:47:52] <Lavija> school and work
[15:48:00] <Ludred> welp I wasnt that far off
[15:48:28] <Kamikez> !player smetkowski
[15:48:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player smetkowski: 8887 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[15:48:48] <JakeN2436> did smet die
[15:48:58] --> JowillzJoestar. connected to the server
[15:49:01] <Stan> wb
[15:49:26] <JowillzJoestar.> ty
[15:49:44] --> Ryan_Wt connected to the server
[15:49:49] <Ludred> wb
[15:50:02] <Lavija> brake chem him
[15:50:05] <Lavija> check
[15:50:28] <Cpt.Price> One two
[15:50:35] <Cpt.Price> Oh here we go again
[15:50:35] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[15:50:43] <Kamikez> test
[15:50:43] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Kamikez test failed!
[15:50:53] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[15:51:06] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[15:51:11] <-- JowillzJoestar. disconnected from the server
[15:51:16] <Ludred> wb
[15:51:29] <Cpt.Price> Twas unexpected ...
[15:52:12] <Lavija> what tf are you doing
[15:52:17] <Ludred> who
[15:52:20] <Lavija> stanley
[15:52:27] <Ludred> he does what he always does
[15:53:18] <Stan> lol gamer
[15:53:59] <Stan> winny
[15:54:01] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[15:54:04] <ChairmanMao> hi
[15:54:04] <ChairmanMao> wb
[15:54:06] <Stan> what does on9 mean again
[15:54:09] <TheAir> welcome back :)
[15:54:12] <Gamer30> !player Dumblee
[15:54:14] (WEB) <robin_be> player Dumblee: 3522 score, last seen 16 Days Ago
[15:54:14] <ChairmanMao> dumbass
[15:54:14] <k8alfa> ty
[15:54:35] <Stan> xd
[15:55:36] <k8alfa> !search capt.air
[15:55:56] <Ludred> !player capt.air
[15:55:59] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player capt.air
[15:56:01] <k8alfa> what was command for player details ?
[15:56:11] <Ludred> it is !player
[15:56:29] <Gamer30> It's /stats, when it comes to stricte command.
[15:56:32] --> Kamikez connected to the server
[15:56:37] <TheAir> welcome back :)
[15:56:37] <Ludred> wb
[15:56:42] <Kamikez> ty :D
[15:58:14] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[15:58:31] --> Lavija connected to the server
[15:58:34] <Stan> wb
[15:58:36] <Ludred> wb
[15:59:07] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[16:03:55] --> TheAir connected to the server
[16:03:57] <Ludred> wb
[16:04:10] <TheAir> thanks :)
[16:05:34] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> kami matulog ka na HAHAHA
[16:05:42] <Kamikez> mamaya hahaha
[16:05:47] <Kamikez> kakalaro ko lang
[16:06:04] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> ka gabi 4:30 na ako natulog
[16:06:04] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[16:06:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110345) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8926) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25715)
[16:06:12] <Kamikez> lol
[16:06:12] <Ludred> wb
[16:06:12] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> tanong mo kay kozigo
[16:06:15] <-- Kamikez disconnected from the server
[16:06:15] <0verlord> F
[16:06:20] <k8alfa> tb
[16:06:20] <Ryan_Wt> F
[16:06:22] <k8alfa> ty
[16:06:30] <Ludred> wb both
[16:06:32] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> is he timeouted?
[16:06:37] <0verlord> ping limited
[16:06:48] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> ?
[16:06:55] <Ludred> got kicked for high ping
[16:07:26] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> well, ill join later also, i have high ping
[16:09:15] <JakeN2436> nice skid
[16:11:07] <0verlord> everytime i open a menu
[16:11:17] <0verlord> i lag and it scares me with timeout
[16:11:33] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> lol same
[16:11:35] <Ludred> f
[16:11:48] <0verlord> i didnt timeout
[16:11:48] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[16:11:51] <0verlord> atleast not still
[16:11:51] <Stan> wb
[16:11:53] <0verlord> wb
[16:11:56] <Ludred> wb
[16:11:58] <TheAir> wb kakak
[16:12:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> fuck
[16:12:06] <0verlord> oops
[16:12:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> hellow
[16:12:19] <TheAir> please make him permanent in jail
[16:12:24] <Gamer30> {FFFF
[16:12:29] <Stan> ban joyadi
[16:12:29] <Lavija> you all can see that?
[16:12:34] <0verlord> yes
[16:12:34] <Ludred> joyadi do /lotto 51
[16:12:36] <Stan> deny him the lotto
[16:12:44] <0verlord> did it
[16:12:47] <0verlord> lul
[16:12:47] <Lavija> im going to rig the lotto now that im admin again
[16:12:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> why someone picked the number
[16:12:54] <Stan> rig in my favour
[16:12:59] <Lavija> no in my favor
[16:12:59] <Ludred> overlord picked it
[16:13:07] <0verlord> sorry
[16:13:07] <Lavija> wait stan
[16:13:12] <Stan> yes
[16:13:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> oki imma 50
[16:13:12] <Lavija> have you had a trailer this whole time?
[16:13:12] <Ludred> but it works
[16:13:15] <Stan> yes
[16:13:17] <Lavija> wtf?
[16:13:22] <Stan> lol what
[16:13:25] <Lavija> you lost it on my screen back in AP
[16:13:27] <Ludred> samp sync issues I Guess?
[16:13:32] <Stan> nah i was alt tabing for stuff
[16:13:37] <Lavija> thats why i asked if you needed a trailer
[16:13:40] <Stan> haha xd
[16:13:48] <Lavija> haha
[16:13:48] <Stan> no i teleported it from base
[16:13:50] <0verlord> Stuff, cmon stan , we all know you clicking nudes
[16:13:55] <Stan> hacks
[16:14:54] <Stan> hows my driving? pm gamer30
[16:14:59] <Lavija> bad
[16:15:14] <Stan> wtf
[16:15:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> unlicensed
[16:15:17] <Lavija> ?
[16:15:32] <0verlord> .pm 4 why did you buy your sperm a car , his tail doesnt even reach the bottom
[16:15:35] <Ludred> well dump your load
[16:15:37] <JakeN2436> what
[16:15:42] <Stan> what
[16:15:45] <Lavija> what
[16:15:47] <0verlord> wat/
[16:15:52] <TSRAnimations> Excuse me, what
[16:15:52] <Gamer30> WDYM?
[16:15:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> what
[16:15:55] <Stan> I'm not his sperm
[16:15:55] <Ludred> its what my trailer says lmfao
[16:16:00] <Cpt.Price> Unsee
[16:16:00] <JakeN2436> LMAO
[16:16:03] <0verlord> oh :_(
[16:16:03] <Stan> xDDDD
[16:16:05] <Gamer30> You shermhead!
[16:16:15] <0verlord> lol
[16:16:31] <0verlord> well gamer30 definitely ruined it
[16:16:31] <TSRAnimations> Excuse me
[16:16:36] <Gamer30> Sherm.
[16:16:38] <Ludred> atleast I didnt get a warning
[16:16:41] <Stan> ludred didnt ay
[16:16:41] <Stan> say
[16:16:43] <Stan> omg
[16:16:46] <Stan> ?HAHA
[16:16:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> >:(
[16:16:53] <Stan> i was about to say ludred didnt say "i didnt get one"
[16:16:53] <Stan> xD
[16:17:06] <Stan> in todays episode of finding who asked ludred
[16:17:06] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[16:17:16] <Ludred> I said atleast I didnt get one smh
[16:17:24] <Lavija> tbnr, we werent saying what to you
[16:17:32] <Gamer30> "You cannot message yourself." WTF?
[16:17:44] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[16:18:02] <Ludred> oooh
[16:18:10] <Ludred> that does make sense lavija
[16:18:20] <Lavija> idk what youre saying
[16:18:23] --> TheAir connected to the server
[16:18:28] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[16:18:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110345) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8910) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25731)
[16:18:48] <Ludred> we'll dumb your load
[16:18:56] <Stan> what
[16:19:13] <Ludred> my mind almost when somewhere else with that load part
[16:19:13] <Stan> wb
[16:19:16] <Ludred> wb
[16:19:19] <TheAir> welcome back :)
[16:19:19] <k8alfa> wb
[16:19:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> ehllow
[16:19:19] <TSRAnimations> Dumbing your load, gg
[16:19:57] <CzechBoy777> ty
[16:19:59] <CzechBoy777> :D
[16:20:12] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[16:20:27] <Gamer30> No, it says "Arctic Trailer 1 Owner Stan"
[16:20:55] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[16:20:58] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:20:58] <Ludred> wb
[16:21:00] <TheAir> welcome back :)
[16:21:23] <JakeN2436> fucking game crashed
[16:21:26] <CzechBoy777> lol
[16:21:28] <JakeN2436> now i have to get into the toilet with satan again
[16:21:34] <CzechBoy777> XD
[16:21:41] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> !assets memelenin
[16:21:44] (WEB) <robin_be> memelenin has 5 car(s) ($2,550,000) and 2 house(s) ($3,100,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $5,650,000
[16:21:46] <TSRAnimations> Currently at Black Mesa, my next destination is Keroman Submarine Base
[16:22:07] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> memelenin was afk for 12 days now?
[16:22:14] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> !player memelenin
[16:22:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player memelenin: 952 score, last seen 12 Days Ago
[16:22:25] <CzechBoy777> imagine heli mission from sa spaceport to black mesa
[16:22:37] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> how many meters
[16:22:48] <CzechBoy777> around 30km I think
[16:22:58] <Ludred> you can get 34km in a heli mission I think
[16:23:03] <Lavija> say "if" if i should ban stan. (Only need 1 i)
[16:23:05] <Lavija> i
[16:23:08] <Lavija> works fo rme
[16:23:10] <Ludred> if
[16:23:13] <Gamer30> Staden
[16:23:16] <Lavija> any last words
[16:23:16] --> .AnTi. connected to the server
[16:23:21] <Stan> wb!
[16:23:21] <Cpt.Price> Longest is still 38kms right?
[16:23:21] <Ludred> ANTI
[16:23:21] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:23:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[16:23:23] <.AnTi.> hey
[16:23:28] <.AnTi.> back after 2 years
[16:23:33] <ChairmanMao> wb
[16:23:33] <CzechBoy777> wow welcome
[16:23:33] <Ludred> I remember you so clearly
[16:23:33] <TheAir> welcome back :)
[16:23:41] <.AnTi.> do you?
[16:23:41] <JakeN2436> i dont
[16:23:41] <JakeN2436> :)
[16:23:44] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> is there a mod, that shows islands on map?
[16:23:46] <JakeN2436> enlighten me
[16:23:46] <Ludred> you are the one who made the banners
[16:23:46] <CzechBoy777> I see you for first time XD
[16:23:54] <CzechBoy777> oh cmon
[16:23:54] <.AnTi.> oh yeah :D
[16:23:56] <JakeN2436> LUL
[16:24:06] <.AnTi.> lmao Stan
[16:24:09] <Ludred> I still have it
[16:24:24] <.AnTi.> thats nice
[16:24:45] <Ludred> god dammit why does everyone beat me in ads
[16:24:50] <Lavija> I'm offended by you calling us that term
[16:25:02] <Cpt.Price> Cause you're still single TV
[16:25:02] <Cpt.Price> TB
[16:25:10] <Cpt.Price> I got dem fast fingers hu3
[16:25:10] <Ryan_Wt> oof
[16:25:28] <TSRAnimations> welcome to the ad wars
[16:25:28] <.AnTi.> alright i gotta figure out all of the commands haha
[16:25:28] <Lavija> and what does that have to do with anything?
[16:25:41] <Cpt.Price> Hmmm
[16:25:51] <Cpt.Price> Theoritically? No
[16:25:58] <Cpt.Price> Hell yes
[16:26:11] <Lavija> I will be taking action if you call my employees slaves, or suggest we "brought" HIV
[16:26:19] <Cpt.Price> Hmmm
[16:26:24] <JakeN2436> EXCUSE ME
[16:26:29] <.AnTi.> this server seems more active than i remember
[16:26:29] <Ludred> anti im greenbaron remember me?
[16:26:32] <JakeN2436> why did you move my baron
[16:26:34] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[16:26:34] <CzechBoy777> excuse you
[16:26:37] <.AnTi.> ludred i think so but very lightly though
[16:26:44] <Stan> you remember stan/staden?
[16:26:49] <.AnTi.> i do remember Stan yeah
[16:26:52] <ChairmanMao> !userid .AnTi.
[16:26:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}.AnTi.'s userid is 351707
[16:26:54] <Stan> :D
[16:26:54] <JakeN2436> LMAOOOOO
[16:26:57] <Ryan_Wt> that's
[16:26:57] <Cpt.Price> But shiv's not in TransX? Or my brain went on strike
[16:27:00] <Ryan_Wt> so hot
[16:27:02] <Stan> !userid
[16:27:02] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Stan's userid is 355138
[16:27:05] <Ryan_Wt> hahahaah
[16:27:10] <Ludred> !userid
[16:27:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Ludred's userid is 404608
[16:27:12] <Stan> !userid sarith
[16:27:12] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}sarith's userid is 336859
[16:27:17] <Lavija> what does shiv have to do with any of that
[16:27:22] <-- Ryan_Wt disconnected from the server
[16:27:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> !userid
[16:27:22] <k8alfa> !userid
[16:27:22] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}JoyadiJoestar.'s userid is 445910
[16:27:22] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}k8alfa's userid is 161364
[16:27:25] <Ludred> !userid bluebaron
[16:27:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}BlueBaron's userid is 150716
[16:27:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> i'm noob
[16:27:40] <Ludred> bluebaron oold player
[16:27:43] <Cpt.Price> Pfftchhh don't you remember how we all used to call him back in 14?
[16:28:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> !Player haji.jayadi.[elite]
[16:28:19] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player haji.jayadi.[elite]
[16:28:21] <Stan> !groups .anti.
[16:28:24] (WEB) <robin_be> .anti. is in airline Lufthansa and company (none)
[16:28:42] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[16:28:42] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[16:28:52] <Stan> bye lavija
[16:29:02] <JoyadiJoestar.>
[16:29:10] --> Lavija connected to the server
[16:29:10] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:29:12] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[16:29:12] <Stan> wb lavija
[16:29:12] <TheAir> welcome back :)
[16:29:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> ew
[16:29:20] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[16:29:22] <Lavija> fight me kid
[16:29:25] <TheAir> welcome back :)
[16:29:25] <Ludred> wb
[16:30:00] <CzechBoy777> lol
[16:30:03] <Lavija> since when was this jump a thing
[16:30:16] <Stan> since forever
[16:30:44] <Stan> ....
[16:31:17] <Stan> stfu
[16:31:37] <Stan> it's that
[16:31:40] <Stan> but not that
[16:31:40] <CzechBoy777> what the fuq?
[16:32:26] <Stan> joyadi..
[16:32:26] <Stan> staph
[16:32:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> no
[16:32:36] <Gamer30> Radoo deserves ban.
[16:32:38] <CzechBoy777> jojo
[16:32:43] <Stan> joyadi rockstar
[16:32:46] <k8alfa> #stanforban ?
[16:32:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> golden wind
[16:32:48] <CzechBoy777> correct
[16:33:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> gta vi moment
[16:33:14] <CzechBoy777> bizzare
[16:33:14] <CzechBoy777> xddd
[16:34:40] <Stan> gamer
[16:34:45] <Stan> who caused the coronavirus
[16:34:48] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[16:34:48] <Gamer30> Radoo.
[16:35:57] <CzechBoy777> carcer sent me his pics of his new mod
[16:35:59] <Stan> gamer
[16:36:02] <Stan> whos gonna win the lotto
[16:36:04] <Gamer30> Stan.
[16:36:17] <Stan> thank u
[16:36:25] <Stan> !8ball is gamer a bot
[16:36:27] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan: It is decidedly so
[16:36:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> !8ball test
[16:36:35] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: Sign points to yes
[16:39:38] (WEB) <iSam#5191> !aboard
[16:39:38] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110345) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8882) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25759)
[16:40:06] (WEB) <iSam#5191> gz in advance ;)
[16:40:29] <Stan> !cboard
[16:40:29] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12532) , Rank 2: TransX(-11) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5570)
[16:40:34] <Stan> wat
[16:40:39] <Stan> why am i still trucking
[16:40:42] <Lavija> ur dumb
[16:40:47] <Stan> that i am
[16:40:52] <Lavija> yes :'(
[16:41:00] <Lavija> isam get back ingame so i can ban you
[16:41:10] (WEB) <iSam#5191> wow no :(
[16:41:12] <Lavija> bitch
[16:41:15] <Stan> ban him everywhere
[16:41:20] <Lavija> ok
[16:41:25] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Ban Staden gay
[16:41:30] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[16:41:30] <Gamer30> Ban Radoo bat
[16:41:38] <Ludred> thank you
[16:41:46] <Ludred> im finally free of a headache
[16:41:46] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Anyone who have contacts to shzi
[16:41:51] <Ludred> I do
[16:41:56] --> Stan connected to the server
[16:41:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> his discord?
[16:41:56] (WEB) <Stan#3177> sorry master
[16:41:56] <-- .AnTi. disconnected from the server
[16:42:01] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Fb?
[16:42:11] <Ludred> he has discord
[16:42:11] <Lavija> hes banned on his discord too
[16:42:11] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> He is answering on discord
[16:42:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> idk if fb
[16:42:14] <Stan> who
[16:42:16] <Lavija> you
[16:42:19] <Ludred> not sure if he has facebook
[16:42:21] <Lavija> i banned you on all discords too
[16:42:29] <Stan> :/
[16:42:31] <Stan> i have facebook
[16:42:34] <CzechBoy777> you have facebook stan?
[16:42:34] <CzechBoy777> add me
[16:42:36] <Stan> no
[16:42:39] <CzechBoy777> wHY
[16:42:44] <ChairmanMao> test
[16:42:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> @ChairmanMao test failed!
[16:42:44] <Stan> it's private
[16:42:49] <CzechBoy777> you idioto
[16:43:04] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Anyone have contacts to shazi
[16:43:10] <CzechBoy777> bad stanik
[16:43:15] <Ludred> !cash
[16:43:17] (WEB) <robin_be> Ludred has $1,636,893 in hand
[16:43:22] <Stan> hes probably in class or at work
[16:43:27] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> !cash
[16:43:30] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Kamikez#7694
[16:43:38] <Ludred> he has a job aswell
[16:43:45] <Satan> where tf am i
[16:43:48] <Stan> you were kidnapped
[16:43:50] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Oh ok
[16:43:50] <Lavija> imagine having a job lul
[16:43:50] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[16:43:53] <Satan> !aboard
[16:43:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110345) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8875) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25766)
[16:43:53] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:43:56] <Stan> wb
[16:43:58] <Ludred> wb
[16:44:01] <Satan> ty
[16:44:01] <Fyrel> ty
[16:44:13] <Satan> im trying to work
[16:44:16] <ChairmanMao> satan get ur ass in a hydra
[16:44:16] <Stan> wat
[16:44:18] <Satan> pls stop
[16:44:18] <Satan> tping me
[16:44:24] <Ludred> hah get wrecked stan
[16:44:24] <Lavija> no
[16:44:29] <Stan> don't listen to him lavija
[16:44:34] <Satan> im trying to winny
[16:44:34] <Stan> it's ok tp him <3
[16:44:39] <Stan> i didn't die :D
[16:44:39] <Lavija> ik
[16:44:41] <Lavija> how
[16:44:49] <Lavija> you did now
[16:44:49] <Satan> im working rn
[16:45:12] <Ludred> does anyone know why cleos crash me
[16:45:15] <CzechBoy777> idk
[16:45:17] <Lavija> you ahve the gay
[16:45:17] <Satan> i had to go discuss about my uni
[16:45:25] <CzechBoy777> use newest cleo
[16:45:27] <Lavija> imagine being in uni lmao
[16:45:27] <Satan> going to go enroll soon
[16:45:30] <Satan> prolly this week
[16:45:30] <Fyrel> reinstall your cleo
[16:45:32] <Stan> imagine being in uni in 2020
[16:45:37] <Lavija> ^^
[16:45:43] <Ludred> I did reinstall it 50 times
[16:45:48] <Fyrel> and delete any mods you didnt use
[16:45:53] <Ludred> have 0 mods
[16:45:55] <Stan> i was gonna graduate last month and go to uni this september but ms rona has diff plans for me
[16:46:03] <Fyrel> thats weird
[16:46:05] <Stan> wake me up when september 2021 comes <3
[16:46:08] <CzechBoy777> replace gta3 img or what
[16:46:08] --> XMaster29 connected to the server
[16:46:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> SA_DX2.0 for now
[16:46:11] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:46:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[16:46:18] <Satan> Why the fuck is there a cage in the base
[16:46:23] <Ludred> the cleo.asi crashes me
[16:46:26] --> Noah_Beaumont connected to the server
[16:46:26] <Lavija> bc its where you belong
[16:46:31] <Stan> admin tyranny
[16:46:31] <CzechBoy777> XDD
[16:46:33] <Lavija> since you act like an animal
[16:46:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> reinstall the cleo and get a new asi loader
[16:46:39] <CzechBoy777> Lol 0verlord
[16:46:44] <Ludred> other .asi dont crash me
[16:46:46] <Satan> lav u honestly need a humor checkw
[16:46:46] <CzechBoy777> why not using runway
[16:46:54] <Lavija> ur mom needs a humor check
[16:46:54] <0verlord> i am the overlord
[16:46:56] <Stan> king lavija leopold xd
[16:47:01] <0verlord> i drive wherever i like
[16:47:04] <0verlord> xD
[16:47:07] <CzechBoy777> Lol
[16:47:14] <Lavija> HOW DO I GET OUT OF THIS
[16:47:19] <0verlord> lol czech
[16:47:22] <Lavija> oh thats how
[16:47:22] <Stan> /o
[16:47:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> /nuke yourself
[16:47:29] <Ludred> I did jojo
[16:47:32] <Stan> you can unclamp all my cars
[16:47:32] <CzechBoy777> lol this sounded so nice lol
[16:47:35] <Lavija> ok master
[16:47:37] <Stan> I'll let you out
[16:47:45] <Ludred> it always worked and now it just crashes
[16:47:47] <Ludred> for some odd reason
[16:47:50] <Gamer30> I got to go to DMV.
[16:47:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> hmm
[16:47:58] <Stan> may 2020 update
[16:48:05] <0verlord> thanks joy
[16:48:05] <Lavija> you cant
[16:48:08] <CzechBoy777> you cant
[16:48:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> you can't, but you can find the plane at airport
[16:48:20] <0verlord> AAARGHHH stop desycning me
[16:48:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> LS, LV, SF
[16:48:23] <Noah_Beaumont> Why theres no planes in Julianas
[16:48:33] <CzechBoy777> there should be
[16:48:36] <Lavija> was the server restarted last night?
[16:48:38] <Lavija> bc it needs one
[16:48:43] <Stan> why
[16:48:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> here
[16:48:51] <Lavija> map bugs n shit
[16:48:54] <0verlord> relog time
[16:48:56] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[16:48:56] <Ludred> nah
[16:48:59] <Ludred> it wasnt
[16:49:06] <Ludred> I think
[16:49:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> there're dodos
[16:49:16] <Gamer30> Look at Lotto draw number.
[16:49:16] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[16:49:19] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:49:22] <Lavija> tbnr for admin
[16:49:24] <Stan> +1
[16:49:24] <Fyrel> ok this is weird
[16:49:32] <Ludred> :/
[16:49:39] <Fyrel> i did /drinkbleach and jumped but it didnt killed me
[16:49:39] <0verlord> lol cmon
[16:49:44] <Fyrel> i dont use /vgm
[16:49:52] <Satan> !aboard
[16:49:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110345) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8865) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25776)
[16:49:52] <Ludred> it did kill you just a samp bug I Think
[16:49:55] <Stan> yeah sometimes it doesnt
[16:49:55] --> Acre connected to the server
[16:49:57] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:49:57] <Stan> wb
[16:50:02] <Ludred> wb
[16:50:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[16:50:02] <Satan> wb
[16:50:05] <k8alfa> wb
[16:50:07] <Acre> hi
[16:50:10] <Ludred> it like leaves you on 0 hp
[16:50:12] <Satan> kaise ho
[16:50:18] <Stan> accha
[16:50:20] <0verlord> theek hai ji
[16:50:20] <Ludred> but you are able to walk
[16:50:20] <Acre> theek ho
[16:50:25] <Lavija> racism
[16:50:35] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[16:50:38] <Fyrel> it wont trigger ricardo right?
[16:50:43] <Ludred> nop
[16:50:46] <Lavija> what wont
[16:50:46] --> Stan connected to the server
[16:50:46] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:50:53] <Stan> oh my god wtf
[16:50:56] <Stan> it's 8.30
[16:50:56] <Ludred> you just need to take a tiny amount of damage
[16:51:11] <Lavija> me and crystal did the same thing yesterday
[16:51:11] <Lavija> twice
[16:51:19] <Lavija> it was like 12:30 and we thought it was 9
[16:51:36] <Satan> i just ate
[16:51:39] --> David connected to the server
[16:51:42] <Ludred> wb
[16:51:42] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:51:42] <Stan> lavija sucks ass
[16:51:44] <k8alfa> wb
[16:51:49] <0verlord> welp
[16:51:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> spawn kill noob
[16:51:52] <Satan> !aboard
[16:51:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110345) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8862) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25779)
[16:51:54] <Ludred> haha let him get tax
[16:51:57] <CzechBoy777> !player X_ray
[16:51:59] (WEB) <robin_be> player X_ray: 15415 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[16:52:05] <Ludred> oh he will get banned too for interest farming
[16:52:07] <CzechBoy777> left?
[16:52:10] <Lavija> BAN?
[16:52:12] <Lavija> who ban
[16:52:15] <-- David disconnected from the server
[16:52:22] <-- XMaster29 disconnected from the server
[16:52:27] <Ludred> no one?
[16:52:27] <CzechBoy777> lol
[16:52:30] <Satan> FUCK
[16:52:33] <Ludred> do /lotto 51
[16:52:38] <Ludred> after drwa
[16:52:45] <Gamer30> Chuj
[16:52:48] <Stan> k bye ill be back in 15
[16:52:50] <CzechBoy777> Kurwa
[16:52:53] <Lavija> no dont come back
[16:52:53] <Stan> or 5
[16:52:53] <0verlord> oopos
[16:53:01] <CzechBoy777> yes stanik come back
[16:53:03] <CzechBoy777> we love u
[16:53:08] <Lavija> get back here satan
[16:53:11] <Ludred> server restarted almost 12 days ago
[16:53:13] <Satan> im working
[16:53:18] <Ludred> 11.85 days
[16:53:18] <Lavija> hoe
[16:53:26] <0verlord> welp
[16:53:29] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[16:53:39] <0verlord> restart it pls
[16:53:44] <0verlord> i never desync so much
[16:53:44] <Lavija> later when theres less players
[16:53:44] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[16:53:46] <Satan> RoadTo#1
[16:53:49] <CzechBoy777> no
[16:54:22] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:54:22] --> David connected to the server
[16:54:27] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:54:27] <Ludred> wb both
[16:54:32] <Ludred> I play 2 games at the same time
[16:54:32] <Satan> FUCK
[16:54:37] <Satan> why do i keep crashing
[16:54:42] <Lavija> david dont crash again
[16:54:42] <Ludred> git gud
[16:54:50] <0verlord> Lavija
[16:54:58] <David> naw i usually only crash if i keep respawning
[16:55:00] <0verlord> can we schedule a server restart?
[16:55:03] <Satan> w
[16:55:10] <0verlord> lol my ping's stable
[16:55:13] <Lavija> later when the servers less busy
[16:55:18] <0verlord> but my messages take 5 seconds to go
[16:55:26] <CzechBoy777> thats your internet
[16:55:33] <Lavija> but why should i inhibit everyone else for 1 person
[16:55:56] <Lavija> Satan "race to #1"
[16:55:59] <0verlord> F Mao
[16:56:01] <Lavija> also satan flies inverted into a rock
[16:56:12] <CzechBoy777> lol
[16:56:14] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Stan
[16:56:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> !rank
[16:56:19] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.(10492) rank: PL First Officer(10000) next: PL Captain(11000) (+508)
[16:56:22] <ChairmanMao> stan afk
[16:56:24] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Can you online on discord
[16:56:32] <0verlord> nice england
[16:56:55] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> He is jerking off
[16:57:15] <CzechBoy777> oof
[16:57:20] <0verlord> good enough
[16:58:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> !userid monster
[16:58:09] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Monster's userid is 131277
[16:58:11] <Lavija> race to #1 right here
[16:58:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> !userid love
[16:58:14] <Satan> XD
[16:58:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Love's userid is 204787
[16:58:44] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Is he back
[16:58:50] <0verlord> /lc
[16:58:52] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> ?
[16:58:57] <ChairmanMao> no
[16:59:05] <0verlord> /lc
[16:59:05] <CzechBoy777> I really should clean the floor lol
[16:59:07] <CzechBoy777> ty
[16:59:12] <CzechBoy777> but I dont need it
[16:59:12] <0verlord> what te fuckw
[16:59:15] <Ludred> I almost crashed my plan while playing another game
[16:59:18] <CzechBoy777> Lol
[16:59:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> yall better finish your covid event before big update coming
[16:59:33] <CzechBoy777> why
[16:59:38] <CzechBoy777> wait its still on? :D
[16:59:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> eyah still on
[16:59:46] <CzechBoy777> lol
[16:59:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[16:59:58] <Lavija> L
[16:59:58] <Acre> F
[16:59:58] <CzechBoy777> lol
[17:00:01] <CzechBoy777> F
[17:00:03] <Ludred> f
[17:00:03] <k8alfa> FFF
[17:00:03] <0verlord> what license?
[17:00:11] <Satan> what license
[17:00:16] <CzechBoy777> dont worry try it again, we believe in u
[17:00:52] <CzechBoy777> do u believe in god guys
[17:00:54] <0verlord> YES
[17:00:54] <CzechBoy777> I dont
[17:00:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[17:01:04] <Ludred> hause*
[17:01:07] <Ludred> house*
[17:01:09] <0verlord> lol
[17:01:09] <Lavija> glad to see you all believe in me
[17:01:12] <ChairmanMao> haus
[17:01:15] <CzechBoy777> Lmoa
[17:01:20] <Satan> oh no lavija now has a god complex
[17:01:40] <Satan> first selena now this
[17:02:08] <Satan> FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK
[17:02:18] <CzechBoy777> ?
[17:02:26] <-- Noah_Beaumont disconnected from the server
[17:02:41] <Satan> ok i need to stop watching netflix
[17:02:49] <0verlord> lol
[17:03:04] <0verlord> i play PUBGM while playing PL
[17:03:24] <0verlord> dont desync again pls
[17:03:35] <0verlord> whew!
[17:03:50] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Stan not yet done jerking
[17:03:55] <0verlord> nope
[17:04:08] <0verlord> what are you setting up kami?
[17:04:13] <0verlord> a mapping server?
[17:04:20] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> No
[17:04:26] <0verlord> then?
[17:04:38] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> We are doing something
[17:04:43] <Lavija> gamer30 stop tp hacking
[17:04:56] <0verlord> is it a secret?
[17:05:04] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Ue
[17:05:19] <0verlord> huh?
[17:05:37] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> HAX
[17:05:37] <Acre> f
[17:05:44] <Lavija> oh ok
[17:05:52] <Lavija> will admin deal with them later then?
[17:05:55] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Ily lav
[17:06:10] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Ye xD
[17:06:25] (WEB) <Kamikez#7694> Ily lav
[17:06:25] <Lavija> ok i will report hackers now
[17:06:28] <Lavija> thx
[17:06:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> if i dont listen ludred's number...
[17:07:36] <Ludred> I went to go drink water
[17:07:44] <Ludred> and forgot to hit esc
[17:07:54] <Ludred> made it 19km
[17:08:10] <Ludred> fucking love hydras lmao
[17:08:17] <0verlord> lies
[17:08:27] <Ludred> anyway
[17:08:30] <0verlord> hydras tend to nose up if not controlled
[17:09:31] <Ludred> I guess nothing
[17:10:19] <ChairmanMao> 9k cargodrop nice
[17:11:13] <Ludred> Gz
[17:11:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[17:11:15] <ChairmanMao> gz
[17:11:18] <0verlord> gz
[17:11:18] <k8alfa> gz
[17:11:20] <Satan> GZ
[17:11:26] (WEB) <iSam#5191> gz
[17:11:26] <0verlord> wats the reward>
[17:11:28] <Ludred> ayyy 8.3k score
[17:11:28] <0verlord> ?*
[17:11:33] <TheAir> thank you :D
[17:11:36] <k8alfa> t/respawn
[17:11:36] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[17:11:41] <TheAir> i take 2mil
[17:11:43] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[17:11:51] <0verlord> what else was there?
[17:11:51] <ChairmanMao> !assets theair
[17:11:54] (WEB) <robin_be> theair has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[17:11:54] <0verlord> AT400?
[17:12:01] <Satan> !aboard'
[17:12:01] <TheAir> i took 2 mil man
[17:12:04] <David> wtf lav nuked me
[17:12:06] <Satan> !abord
[17:12:09] <Satan> !aboard
[17:12:11] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110364) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8849) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25811)
[17:12:11] <0verlord> hmm okay theair
[17:12:17] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[17:12:29] --> Lavija connected to the server
[17:12:32] <Stan> wb
[17:12:37] <0verlord> wb
[17:12:39] <David> smh lav bullying me when im AFK
[17:12:45] <Lavija> what i do
[17:12:55] <David> i got nuked lmao
[17:13:10] <Lavija> oh wasnt me
[17:13:20] <David> oh
[17:13:23] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Fatija :c
[17:13:23] <David> mb
[17:13:25] <Lavija> yes it was
[17:13:28] <David> smh
[17:13:38] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[17:13:41] <David> brb gonna clean my entire laptop
[17:13:41] <-- David disconnected from the server
[17:13:56] <Ludred> does he mean clean the hdd or clean the dust?
[17:14:03] <Lavija> go back down
[17:14:06] <Lavija> and worship me
[17:14:21] <Ludred> I always worship you master
[17:14:47] <CzechBoy777> oof my fuel
[17:14:57] <0verlord> czech you never check yo fuel
[17:14:59] <CzechBoy777> XD
[17:15:02] <CzechBoy777> yes ^
[17:15:12] <Ludred> my retard ass forgot to set the house forsale lmao
[17:15:27] <0verlord> test
[17:15:27] (WEB) <TheGamer> @0verlord test failed!
[17:15:30] <Lavija> what
[17:15:35] <Stan> what did you say
[17:15:38] <CzechBoy777> I just landed for fuel
[17:15:43] <CzechBoy777> but now my fuel is at 99
[17:15:43] <Lavija> i refueled you czceh
[17:15:48] <CzechBoy777> ah thankss
[17:15:55] <Ludred> now pay lavija 700bucks
[17:16:01] <CzechBoy777> XD
[17:16:01] <0verlord> yeh xd
[17:16:03] <CzechBoy777> nah fuck
[17:16:21] <CzechBoy777> nah fuck
[17:16:29] <Lavija> czceh you shouldnt use those words
[17:16:31] <Lavija> theyre bad words
[17:16:36] <Stan> yeah czech
[17:16:39] <CzechBoy777> why shouldnt I if you can
[17:16:39] <ChairmanMao> ;anguage
[17:16:44] <Stan> you're 12
[17:16:44] <Lavija> you're a little kid
[17:16:49] <CzechBoy777> and whats wrong with that?
[17:16:51] <Ludred> we are grownups
[17:16:54] <ChairmanMao> badbad
[17:16:57] <Lavija> little kids shouldnt say that stuff
[17:17:02] <CzechBoy777> 12 is just a number
[17:17:04] <Lavija> well, we're grownups then theres TBNR
[17:17:04] <Stan> well, how would your mother feel if she found out
[17:17:07] <CzechBoy777> Idc lol
[17:17:17] <CzechBoy777> everyone swears in our class
[17:17:19] <Stan> oh i bet
[17:17:22] <Lavija> thats not good
[17:17:22] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[17:17:25] <Lavija> dont do that
[17:17:27] <Stan> is misha your classmate
[17:17:30] <CzechBoy777> my mum knows I swear alot
[17:17:32] <CzechBoy777> she dont care
[17:17:35] <Stan> ok weird
[17:17:37] <Lavija> well dont swear
[17:17:37] <0verlord> lol safe
[17:17:37] <Ludred> horrible parent lmao
[17:17:40] <CzechBoy777> she swears too lol
[17:17:45] <CzechBoy777> jk she dont
[17:17:45] <0verlord> was about heliblade lav
[17:17:55] <CzechBoy777> but why cant I swear and you can?
[17:17:55] <Lavija> should we ban czech from discord?
[17:18:00] <Stan> yes
[17:18:00] <0verlord> LOL
[17:18:03] <Lavija> reported
[17:18:03] <0verlord> fuckl
[17:18:03] <CzechBoy777> why?
[17:18:10] <Ludred> I mean you do have to be 13 to use discord
[17:18:13] <CzechBoy777> stan I thought u are a friend
[17:18:15] <Lavija> youre not old enough to be on discord
[17:18:18] <Stan> I'm your friend
[17:18:21] <CzechBoy777> cmon
[17:18:26] <Stan> he turns 13 next week tho
[17:18:33] <Lavija> perfect, 1 week ban
[17:18:36] <CzechBoy777> I have facebook, instagram, youtube, whatsapp, discord and many more
[17:18:38] <Ludred> yes lmao
[17:18:38] <Stan> omg lies idk
[17:18:43] <CzechBoy777> not lies
[17:18:43] <Lavija> aw shoot, we'll have to ban chumlee too
[17:18:49] <CzechBoy777> want my names in there?
[17:18:49] <Lavija> hes too young for discord
[17:18:51] <Stan> he's 16
[17:18:54] <Stan> can you believe it LOL
[17:18:56] <Lavija> hes 12 in my book
[17:19:01] <Stan> i met him when he was 12
[17:19:06] <0verlord> i am stans scout
[17:19:09] <Lavija> i met him when he was 9
[17:19:09] <CzechBoy777> You met me when I was 11.
[17:19:11] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> *Laughs in 22*
[17:19:14] <Ludred> although you shouldn\t use youtube too
[17:19:17] <Stan> omfg can you believe
[17:19:22] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[17:19:22] <Stan> price, i dont believe you;re 22
[17:19:24] <Stan> wb
[17:19:27] <CzechBoy777> 9? in that age I didnt know anybody of you
[17:19:27] <0verlord> neither do I
[17:19:27] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Smh
[17:19:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[17:19:34] <Ludred> wb
[17:19:37] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> 26.05.1998
[17:19:37] <Lavija> Nobody: Price: achooo; memememe all about me; i have a gf; :kirksmile:
[17:19:39] <Ludred> wait so your birthday is in december?
[17:19:39] --> Ryan_Wt connected to the server
[17:19:50] <Stan> DEAD
[17:19:52] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Achooo
[17:19:52] <Stan> OMG
[17:20:18] <Stan> I should set up my keybind to buy the lotto every round
[17:20:25] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I'm living meme. What can you expect lmao
[17:20:33] <Lavija> cool story price
[17:20:33] <Lavija> tell it again
[17:20:58] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Hu3
[17:21:11] --> Shazi connected to the server
[17:21:14] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> I feel offended. I'll tell papa Crystal
[17:21:29] <0verlord> wb
[17:21:31] <Shazi> !cboard
[17:21:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12532) , Rank 2: TransX(-11) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5570)
[17:21:34] <Ludred> wb
[17:21:37] <Shazi> ty
[17:21:37] <CzechBoy777> wb
[17:21:42] <Stan> wb shazi
[17:21:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> GO-JEK be like:
[17:21:44] <0verlord> sorry mao
[17:21:47] <Shazi> thanks
[17:21:54] <0verlord> internal screaming and crisis going on
[17:22:10] <Stan> why
[17:22:20] <CzechBoy777> hi
[17:22:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[17:22:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> hi
[17:22:25] <Stan> jake can i swear
[17:22:25] <0verlord> Link pl0x
[17:22:27] <JakeN2436> yes
[17:22:30] <Satan> !aboard
[17:22:30] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110373) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8841) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25828)
[17:22:35] <Stan> ok
[17:22:38] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[17:22:38] <JakeN2436> just go on twitch and search for JakeN2436 lol
[17:22:43] <CzechBoy777> wb
[17:22:53] <Stan> repeat after me
[17:22:55] <Quorthon> ty
[17:23:03] <CzechBoy777> wb
[17:23:06] <CzechBoy777> nice
[17:23:06] <CzechBoy777> !score
[17:23:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player CzechBoy777: 2400 score, 2322 missions: 31'/. cargo drop - 26'/. shamal - 26'/. at400
[17:23:08] <CzechBoy777> !rank
[17:23:08] <JakeN2436> where is caden : (
[17:23:18] <David> yes thank you stan
[17:23:21] <CzechBoy777> !rank
[17:23:24] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777(2400) rank: Lieutenant(1800) next: Junior Captain(2500) (+100)
[17:23:31] <Shazi> stan is gay
[17:23:34] <CzechBoy777> van abuse
[17:23:36] <CzechBoy777> vann*
[17:23:36] <Quorthon> !cboard
[17:23:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12532) , Rank 2: TransX(-11) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5570)
[17:23:39] <Stan> it's not abuse i mean
[17:23:41] <Stan> mmm
[17:23:44] <CzechBoy777> vanilla xdd
[17:23:52] <CzechBoy777> I am just joking
[17:23:54] <Stan> how to beg for forgivness
[17:23:59] <Stan> in american
[17:24:02] <CzechBoy777> pls do
[17:24:20] <JakeN2436> ok fine ill put it on
[17:24:22] <-- ChairmanMao disconnected from the server
[17:24:53] <CzechBoy777> hi jake
[17:24:58] --> ChairmanMao connected to the server
[17:25:00] <Ludred> wb
[17:25:13] <JakeN2436> omg it's mairman chao
[17:25:18] <CzechBoy777> XD
[17:25:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> Ma Chao
[17:25:26] <JakeN2436> and bak choi
[17:25:28] <CzechBoy777> yes
[17:25:39] <CzechBoy777> and 6342N Jake
[17:25:44] <JakeN2436> >:(
[17:25:46] <ChairmanMao> test
[17:25:46] (WEB) <TheGamer> @ChairmanMao test failed!
[17:25:51] <CzechBoy777> aw sorry
[17:26:12] <Stan> who
[17:26:19] <CzechBoy777> jake
[17:26:24] <David> !aboard
[17:26:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110377) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8837) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25836)
[17:26:32] <JakeN2436> im getting drunk so i dont mind
[17:26:50] <Stan> deadhansa world domination
[17:27:03] <0verlord> .setrank Penetrate Sky Air Team
[17:27:05] <0verlord> oops
[17:27:18] <CzechBoy777> you lufthansians are not friendly as I see
[17:27:38] <Stan> well
[17:27:51] <Lavija> no
[17:27:53] <Stan> cant expect us to be if hamsters insulting us 24/7
[17:27:53] <CzechBoy777> I am glad I didnt join lufthansa back than XD
[17:27:56] <Quorthon> advertising at its finest
[17:28:01] <JakeN2436> 8fuck
[17:28:06] <JakeN2436> 8fuck lol
[17:28:09] <Lavija> Oh i cant wait til hamster sees im back
[17:28:11] <CzechBoy777> Lol
[17:28:16] <David> he hates you doesn't me
[17:28:19] <JakeN2436> clearly the best player
[17:28:19] <Lavija> yeah
[17:28:21] <David> he*
[17:28:21] <JakeN2436> hamster hates everyone
[17:28:24] <Satan> #moreslots
[17:28:27] <CzechBoy777> yea
[17:28:29] <CzechBoy777> hamster is rude alot
[17:28:32] <Lavija> hes got a treat waiting for him if hes an ass in front of me
[17:28:32] <David> !player hamster12
[17:28:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player hamster12: 1654 score, last seen 3 Hours Ago
[17:28:34] <Ludred> hamster always tries to start shit up
[17:28:39] <CzechBoy777> lol
[17:28:42] <JakeN2436> lavija i like you
[17:28:42] <David> like stan
[17:28:55] <Lavija> im a likeable guy
[17:28:57] <Ludred> atleast stan doesnt do it often amirite
[17:28:57] <JakeN2436> that shit should have stayed permad
[17:29:00] <Lavija> some times
[17:29:41] <Stan> !8ball am i on9
[17:29:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan: Ask again later
[17:29:48] <Acre> f
[17:29:48] <Ludred> F
[17:29:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[17:29:48] <Satan> !8ball is
[17:29:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Satan: My sources say no
[17:29:51] <CzechBoy777> oh no
[17:29:51] <TheAir> so hard
[17:29:51] <Quorthon> lol
[17:29:53] <Quorthon> f
[17:29:53] <Ludred> I guess nevada
[17:29:58] <JakeN2436> dont bother air
[17:30:01] <JakeN2436> just dont bother lol
[17:30:01] <Lavija> DM
[17:30:04] <JakeN2436> it's garbo
[17:30:19] <JakeN2436> you'll waste more money than you get back
[17:30:19] <JakeN2436> trust mew
[17:30:21] <Ludred> you should practice first
[17:30:21] <JakeN2436> me*
[17:30:32] <Stan> make the licenses more realistic
[17:30:32] <Ludred> and you can get it first try
[17:30:34] <Stan> pls
[17:30:34] <Satan> i read radio as radoo
[17:30:39] <CzechBoy777> oof
[17:30:42] <TSRAnimations> wtf did I just witness
[17:30:44] <JakeN2436> i practiced and i died to the same place every time
[17:30:47] <JakeN2436> even after practicing
[17:30:57] <Satan> !aboard
[17:30:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110380) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8823) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25853)
[17:31:00] <Ludred> also what the fuck are those license logic
[17:31:25] <CzechBoy777> lol
[17:31:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> ew
[17:31:25] <JakeN2436> excuse me
[17:31:25] <Quorthon> first
[17:31:25] <David> wtf
[17:31:25] <Shazi> ayy
[17:31:25] <Quorthon> f
[17:31:38] <Ludred> just lavija being an idiot
[17:31:45] <JakeN2436> hey dont he'll do it again now :(
[17:32:01] <Stan> maybe fly a challenging rout in shit weather with 95# satisfaction
[17:32:21] <Stan> ... dumb aaron
[17:32:39] <Ludred> can you imagine if there was an at400 licencse lmao
[17:32:46] <JakeN2436> there will be one in the next update
[17:32:52] <JakeN2436> cant wait
[17:32:52] <Gamer30> Skimmer license?
[17:32:52] <JakeN2436> i love at400
[17:32:59] <Stan> without dying
[17:33:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> smh
[17:33:04] <Ludred> ad abuse
[17:33:07] <Shazi> ABOOOOSE
[17:33:07] <JakeN2436> ad abos
[17:33:07] <Lavija> tru
[17:33:07] <Ludred> warn
[17:33:12] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[17:33:17] <0verlord> lul
[17:33:17] <Acre> F
[17:33:20] <Shazi> Lmao
[17:33:22] <Ludred> did he have 3 warnings?
[17:33:22] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> ...
[17:33:25] <Stan> don't unban <3
[17:33:27] <Quorthon> duality of man
[17:33:37] <Ludred> oh well see you in 7 days lavija
[17:33:53] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> yes see u
[17:34:03] <Ludred> wait a minute
[17:34:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> camp camp
[17:34:08] <Ludred> someone quick ban him on discord
[17:34:18] --> Lavija connected to the server
[17:34:18] <Ludred> wb
[17:34:21] <Stan> wb
[17:34:21] <Quorthon> wb
[17:34:26] <CzechBoy777> damn at400 license
[17:34:28] <CzechBoy777> wb
[17:34:28] <Shazi> oh nice
[17:34:31] <CzechBoy777> I fucking love at400
[17:34:41] <Stan> lavija what you doing later on i got nowhere to beee
[17:34:49] <Stan> let's get a room you and i
[17:34:59] <0verlord> ew
[17:35:04] <CzechBoy777> but where will be all the airportsl ike dollet dukedom?
[17:35:04] <Stan> to play xbox
[17:35:07] <CzechBoy777> or garuda base?
[17:35:14] <Stan> u dirty minded bastard
[17:35:57] <Lavija> dm
[17:36:03] <Stan> never
[17:36:08] <Stan> thanks
[17:36:13] <Acre> lol
[17:36:18] <Stan> !player Stan958
[17:36:18] <Stan> yea
[17:37:14] <Stan> joining garuda <3
[17:37:24] <CzechBoy777> JOIN SKY AIR!!
[17:37:29] <David> ok 100k
[17:37:32] <Satan> suck my dick stan and come back
[17:37:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> Stan is Indo
[17:37:39] <ChairmanMao> but you have 69m salary
[17:37:39] <Stan> wkwkwkwk :v :v :v
[17:37:42] <0verlord> nice satan
[17:37:55] <Ludred> 17m server value*
[17:37:55] <Lavija> 14m
[17:38:02] <Stan> yes will i get ceo if i join sky
[17:38:07] <Lavija> i did
[17:38:07] <CzechBoy777> yea
[17:38:13] <Ludred> fam its like in front of PL sponsor stars
[17:38:13] <David> stan hurry ur ass up and get back we need to get to work
[17:38:23] <Stan> im working in a luft plane rn
[17:38:25] <David> dang even AA?
[17:38:28] <-- Acre disconnected from the server
[17:38:28] <Shazi> :thonk":
[17:38:30] <Lavija> like current airlines
[17:38:33] <Stan> no he hated AA so i reported him
[17:38:35] <Ludred> wow even Jetstar?
[17:38:35] <David> oh fasho
[17:38:41] <JakeN2436> even easyjet?
[17:38:41] <Lavija> i think ive been ceo of jetstar
[17:38:43] <Lavija> i cant remember
[17:38:48] <Shazi> cough
[17:38:53] <David> stan rejoin and i'll demote myself to intern
[17:38:53] <Lavija> i think i hate cao set me for like 2 min or something
[17:38:56] <Lavija> i forget
[17:39:01] <David> ill make you a deal
[17:39:14] <Ludred> I thought you ahted him
[17:39:21] <Ludred> would have killed ya
[17:39:24] <CzechBoy777> I wish I could be a streamer too
[17:39:34] <JakeN2436> and a good personbality
[17:39:34] <Ludred> jk I dont want to go to banland
[17:39:44] <Stan> garuda gave me manager <3
[17:39:47] <JakeN2436> and i only have one of those :D
[17:39:54] <David> traitor stan
[17:39:57] <Satan> Stan stay there now
[17:40:02] <0verlord> i am happy with your progress
[17:40:02] <Lavija> yes
[17:40:07] <CzechBoy777> stanw hy
[17:40:07] <Lavija> we're deleting all the airlines
[17:40:10] <CzechBoy777> why
[17:40:10] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[17:40:10] <Lavija> so garuda takes over the world
[17:40:12] <Stan> I'm still working for lufthansa while in garuda
[17:40:17] <Stan> using luft plane
[17:40:20] <Ludred> the fuck
[17:40:22] <David> do the missions go to luft
[17:40:25] <Ludred> someone nuke him!
[17:40:33] <Stan> lets see
[17:40:35] <Stan> !abord
[17:40:38] <David> nice
[17:40:38] <Stan> !aboard
[17:40:40] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110385) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8800) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25881)
[17:40:48] <Stan> !aboard
[17:40:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110385) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8800) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25881)
[17:40:50] <Stan> no
[17:40:50] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[17:40:53] <Stan> !aboard
[17:40:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110385) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8799) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25882)
[17:40:53] <Satan> !aboard
[17:40:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110385) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8799) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25882)
[17:40:56] <Quorthon> wb
[17:40:58] <Ludred> yes
[17:41:06] <CzechBoy777> no its chairman
[17:41:16] <David> whats wrong with chairman
[17:41:21] <Lavija> wait im dealing with something
[17:41:21] <ChairmanMao> everything
[17:41:21] <CzechBoy777> he is working
[17:41:26] <David> yes
[17:41:29] <David> like always
[17:41:34] <Lavija> im such a great admin, ive been back for >12 hours and I already found a huge bug on the site
[17:41:34] <CzechBoy777> so u cant know if the missions counts to luft or not
[17:41:52] <CzechBoy777> no you shouldnt
[17:41:57] <Ludred> we know there are bugs lmao
[17:41:59] <CzechBoy777> santi atleast dont want to ban me from discord
[17:42:02] <Lavija> but I FOUND the bug
[17:42:07] <Stan> finding who asked ludred
[17:42:12] <Lavija> czcech, i was joking
[17:42:20] <Lavija> someone even told me to ban you
[17:42:20] <Lavija> i said no
[17:42:22] --> Yanix connected to the server
[17:42:22] <CzechBoy777> ah good than
[17:42:25] <Shazi> wb
[17:42:25] <Quorthon> wb
[17:42:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> sarap
[17:42:25] <CzechBoy777> u scared shit otu of me XD
[17:42:27] <Stan> wb
[17:42:27] <CzechBoy777> wb
[17:42:27] <ChairmanMao> wb
[17:42:30] <Ludred> because I find bugs doesn't mean I need to get owner rank
[17:42:30] <Ludred> wb
[17:42:32] <JakeN2436> wb
[17:42:32] <Lavija> i'll go ahead and enforce it if you want
[17:42:32] <Yanix> ty
[17:42:37] <Stan> okay ludred
[17:42:37] <Yanix> sarap!
[17:42:40] <JakeN2436> i think that's the most wbs ive seen in years
[17:42:43] <Lavija> okay ludred
[17:42:48] <CzechBoy777> lol
[17:42:58] <Ryan_Wt> how to set colors in the name
[17:43:00] <Ludred> but you would be a better head than santiago
[17:43:00] <Stan> vip
[17:43:03] <Shazi> vip
[17:43:08] <Ryan_Wt> oh
[17:43:11] <Stan> he also gives better head than martin
[17:43:21] <Ludred> with his eighthead
[17:43:36] <Lavija> nah i wouldn't be a better head than santi
[17:43:41] <Ludred> you will
[17:43:41] <Stan> but you do give better head
[17:43:44] <Lavija> he deserved it
[17:43:49] <Lavija> thats why i got him the spot
[17:43:51] <CzechBoy777> my chicken thought that if she will be on eggs than she will have chickens
[17:43:51] <0verlord> xd
[17:43:59] <CzechBoy777> but we dont have a cock
[17:44:02] <Stan> really, she told you?
[17:44:04] <Stan> wat
[17:44:22] <CzechBoy777> and she gave us real eggs with chickens in it
[17:44:24] <CzechBoy777> cmon whats wrong
[17:44:27] <Yanix> is there an event going on?
[17:44:32] <Lavija> i like czech better than ToS
[17:44:35] <Ludred> covid event
[17:44:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> off
[17:44:35] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[17:44:35] <0verlord> Corona evernt
[17:44:35] <Yanix> aside from mask
[17:44:35] <CzechBoy777> I dont mean dick
[17:44:37] <Stan> yeah
[17:44:45] <CzechBoy777> I mean the CHICKEN BOY XD
[17:44:45] <Lavija> STAN
[17:44:45] <0verlord> Luft WOTD event
[17:44:47] <Stan> yes
[17:44:50] <Lavija> I DIDNT DO THE MASKE VENT YET
[17:44:50] <ChairmanMao> yes
[17:44:58] <Shazi> F
[17:45:03] <0verlord> where Mao breaks his bank to pay us broke asses
[17:45:03] <Ludred> I can show you the masks
[17:45:03] <Lavija> shut up shazi
[17:45:03] <Stan> in there
[17:45:05] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[17:45:05] <Ludred> wb
[17:45:08] <ChairmanMao> yes
[17:45:08] <CzechBoy777> wb
[17:45:08] <ChairmanMao> wb
[17:45:08] <Shazi> fffff
[17:45:13] <Yanix> wb sarap!
[17:45:15] <ChairmanMao> good morning twi
[17:45:15] <Lavija> 1/20
[17:45:18] <Quorthon> wb twi
[17:45:18] <Twi[X]> Ty guys <3
[17:45:18] <Satan> wb
[17:45:20] <Twi[X]> ayo morning
[17:45:20] <Twi[X]> wb
[17:45:20] <Lavija> how the hell did oyu guys find that one
[17:45:23] <Twi[X]> ty**
[17:45:26] <JakeN2436> idk where any of the masks are
[17:45:31] <Stan> previous events
[17:45:31] <JakeN2436> i found 1 by accident
[17:45:31] <Satan> good morning twi
[17:45:31] <Twi[X]> damn PL is so active
[17:45:36] <Twi[X]> morning lad
[17:45:36] <Stan> oh ill show u jake
[17:45:43] <Satan> it's like almost 8pm for me tho
[17:45:43] <Lavija> bc im back
[17:45:46] <Twi[X]> gonna get some cereal and nap again
[17:45:48] <Yanix> we can bribe the admins for the corana event
[17:45:51] <JakeN2436> i found the one near luft base
[17:45:56] <Quorthon> yeah I'm just ditching work and playing here
[17:45:56] <Stan> yeah on the cow?
[17:45:59] <Satan> yeah u need sleep bro, it's like u dont sleep at all
[17:46:01] <JakeN2436> ye
[17:46:06] <CzechBoy777> what is chicken boy called
[17:46:11] <CzechBoy777> a cock or what
[17:46:14] <0verlord> twix made back all the loss in the dice
[17:46:22] <Stan> idk
[17:46:24] <CzechBoy777> hen?
[17:46:24] <Twi[X]> it's cause I kinda work at night
[17:46:27] <CzechBoy777> maybe
[17:46:39] <Satan> ah wot work u do
[17:46:50] <Twi[X]> just my crypto trading
[17:46:55] <ChairmanMao> no
[17:46:57] <Ludred> cmon lotto gods
[17:47:10] <Twi[X]> :o
[17:47:12] <Satan> no but ik a thing or two about crypto
[17:47:28] <David> this chat is hard to follow
[17:47:28] <Satan> and time slots for crypto dont work well in the night time in the us
[17:47:53] <Twi[X]> lmao?
[17:48:11] <Stan> take it
[17:48:14] <Lavija> wtf
[17:48:24] <Lavija> who hid these
[17:48:29] <Stan> santi
[17:48:29] <Satan> damn which currencies you investing in temme yo i want to invest also
[17:48:31] <Lavija> oh i know
[17:48:36] <Lavija> i think it was pedro actually
[17:48:39] <Stan> oh
[17:48:52] <Ludred> ive heard multiple admins sent locations
[17:48:52] <Lavija> facts
[17:49:07] <David> yes transx
[17:49:12] <Lavija> multiple admins sent locationsf or what
[17:49:22] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> !player fubar
[17:49:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player fubar: 23748 score, last seen 8 Hours Ago
[17:49:25] <Stan> inside
[17:49:25] <Ludred> im not sure but thats my theory
[17:49:30] <Yanix> whats the command again about pagesize?
[17:49:33] <David> /pagesize
[17:49:35] <Stan> /pagesize
[17:49:35] <Shazi> /pagesize
[17:49:38] <Ludred> and do I look like a moderator to you to know?
[17:49:40] <Lavija> admin gay
[17:49:53] <ChairmanMao> ludred 4 jr mod
[17:49:55] <Ludred> maybe 2025
[17:49:55] <Shazi> :plsno:
[17:49:58] <Stan> luded 4 head admin
[17:50:01] <Lavija> ludred4jrmod
[17:50:11] <Ludred> lets be real guys
[17:50:18] <Ludred> if crystal made me junior mod it would be the end of the world
[17:50:21] <Yanix> lol
[17:50:23] <Stan> !player Staden4ServerOwner
[17:50:26] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Staden4ServerOwner
[17:50:26] <David> yes it would
[17:50:26] <Gamer30> Fake.
[17:50:29] <ChairmanMao> hello lidred server owner
[17:50:32] <ChairmanMao> ludred*
[17:50:34] <Stan> !player TWSS4ServerOwner
[17:50:37] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player TWSS4ServerOwner
[17:50:37] <Lavija> hello jr mod ludred
[17:50:37] <Gamer30> That would happen if Radoo become Junior Moderator.
[17:50:39] <David> bro is twss back
[17:50:42] <Stan> !player Maden4ServerOwner
[17:50:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player Maden4ServerOwner: 0 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[17:50:44] <Yanix> gz ludred
[17:50:50] <Lavija> gz ludred
[17:50:52] <Gamer30> !player Radoo4ServerOwner
[17:50:55] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Radoo4ServerOwner
[17:50:55] <JakeN2436> !player thatswhatshesaid
[17:50:55] <David> lavija pls nominate winlogon for jr mod
[17:50:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player thatswhatshesaid: 6428 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[17:51:00] <David> the man's fuckin online 24/7
[17:51:00] <Stan> yes
[17:51:05] <CzechBoy777> lol
[17:51:08] <Lavija> but hes not in IA
[17:51:15] <Ludred> anyway who the fuck would nominate me for junior mod lmao
[17:51:15] <Twi[X]> ^
[17:51:18] <ChairmanMao> .leaveairline
[17:51:20] <Stan> omg
[17:51:20] <CzechBoy777> yES
[17:51:23] <Gamer30> Me.
[17:51:23] <CzechBoy777> Yes
[17:51:23] <David> we need equal representation
[17:51:23] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[17:51:28] <CzechBoy777> LOL
[17:51:28] <Quorthon> f
[17:51:28] <Stan> you would love it wouldnt you czecho
[17:51:28] <Twi[X]> F
[17:51:30] <ChairmanMao> F
[17:51:30] <Lavija> i already know who i'm nominating next
[17:51:30] <Ludred> F
[17:51:30] <Shazi> F
[17:51:33] <Ryan_Wt> F
[17:51:36] <Gamer30> Radoo
[17:51:38] <CzechBoy777> I feel so bad for TheAir!
[17:51:38] <David> F
[17:52:06] <Ludred> uh I know
[17:52:09] <Ludred> its not me!
[17:52:14] <ChairmanMao> usmart
[17:52:19] <Ludred> big brain time
[17:52:37] <Stan> !aboard
[17:52:37] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110385) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8765) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25916)
[17:52:44] <Stan> yay
[17:52:49] --> eddie connected to the server
[17:52:49] <CzechBoy777> unyay
[17:52:52] <Twi[X]> wb
[17:52:52] <Quorthon> wb
[17:52:52] <CzechBoy777> wb
[17:52:52] <Stan> wb
[17:52:54] <JakeN2436> wb eddie
[17:52:54] <ChairmanMao> wb
[17:52:54] <Ludred> wb
[17:52:57] <Yanix> wb sarap eddie!
[17:53:00] <Shazi> wb
[17:53:05] <eddie> ty
[17:53:05] <Stan> go get it dear
[17:53:20] <CzechBoy777> lel
[17:53:22] <JakeN2436> with facecam so you can see how ugly i am :D
[17:53:30] <CzechBoy777> not rlly ugly
[17:53:35] <Stan> we are one
[17:53:38] <JakeN2436> not from this angle no
[17:53:43] <JakeN2436> any other angle, yes i am
[17:53:43] <CzechBoy777> everyone is ugly XD
[17:53:50] <Shazi> lavija isnt
[17:53:50] <JakeN2436> philip strand isnt
[17:53:56] <CzechBoy777> lavija is cute
[17:53:56] <Lavija> what i do?
[17:54:03] <Ludred> 14 military missions big brain time
[17:54:06] <CzechBoy777> and crystal looks cool
[17:54:06] <Shazi> ^
[17:54:08] <Stan> i can confirm hes cute
[17:54:16] <CzechBoy777> is that :coolstory: emoji really cpt price?
[17:54:18] <Stan> approved by selena gomez
[17:54:24] <Lavija> yes
[17:54:26] <Ludred> yes
[17:54:29] <David> yes
[17:54:31] <CzechBoy777> he is the coolest looking guy in PL XD
[17:54:39] <CzechBoy777> as for my opinion
[17:54:41] <Stan> you havent met caden
[17:54:46] <JakeN2436> ^^^^^^^^
[17:54:49] <Ludred> crystal kinda looks gay
[17:54:49] <CzechBoy777> show me his feic
[17:54:57] <CzechBoy777> nah crystal looks good
[17:54:57] <Stan> gay is not bad but ok
[17:55:02] <CzechBoy777> yeah
[17:55:04] <CzechBoy777> ^
[17:55:07] <Ludred> no on some pictures lmao
[17:55:22] <Stan> go go
[17:55:27] <CzechBoy777> I am sure you guys saw the picture of snail czech
[17:55:35] <Stan> snail czech?
[17:55:42] <CzechBoy777> its a picture of me with snail head effect
[17:55:50] <Stan> ive seen ur facepic
[17:55:50] <CzechBoy777> haha yes
[17:55:55] <CzechBoy777> yes
[17:55:58] <CzechBoy777> PL Player level god
[17:56:03] <Stan> >:D
[17:56:08] <CzechBoy777> ugly
[17:56:08] <JakeN2436> i sent a face pic on the forums when i was like 14 LOL
[17:56:13] <CzechBoy777> lol
[17:56:13] <Stan> noooooo
[17:56:28] --> Marcster connected to the server
[17:56:28] <CzechBoy777> I wonder how stan looks like
[17:56:31] <CzechBoy777> wb
[17:56:31] <Stan> wb
[17:56:31] <Quorthon> wb
[17:56:33] <Marcster> ty
[17:56:36] <Ludred> wb
[17:56:36] <Shazi> wb
[17:56:38] <Stan> wheres lavija
[17:56:38] <Twi[X]> wb
[17:56:49] <Ludred> I bet marcster is the next jr. mod
[17:56:54] <Lavija> probably
[17:56:56] <Quorthon> !player annoyinggarlicbrad
[17:56:59] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player annoyinggarlicbrad
[17:56:59] <Quorthon> !player annoyinggarlicbread
[17:57:02] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player annoyinggarlicbread
[17:57:04] <Stan> lavija come here
[17:57:07] <David> he'd make a good one
[17:57:09] <Quorthon> what
[17:57:09] <Stan> deAR
[17:57:12] <Lavija> damn right he would
[17:57:27] <Stan> macster joins lufthansa and ill love him
[17:57:27] <Quorthon> !player annoyingarlicbread
[17:57:30] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player annoyingarlicbread
[17:57:32] <Marcster> rip
[17:57:32] <Lavija> hes already loved in IA
[17:57:35] <ChairmanMao> but we all know its gonna be ludred
[17:57:35] <-- Ryan_Wt disconnected from the server
[17:57:37] <Stan> yes
[17:57:40] <Marcster> ^
[17:57:45] <Stan> omg lavija come here and take this one
[17:57:45] <David> marc too nice to be dealing with the shit inside luft /a
[17:57:55] <Lavija> where
[17:57:58] <Stan> on the disco floor
[17:58:00] <Ludred> I mean as I said the world would end of I become jr mod
[17:58:10] <Marcster> wonder what goes on in luft /a chat
[17:58:16] <Lavija> you dont wanna know
[17:58:16] <Ludred> gay talk
[17:58:18] <David> dumpster fires
[17:58:18] <David> lmao
[17:58:26] <CzechBoy777> stan can u show me how you look like
[17:58:26] <Gamer30> Find out yourself.
[17:58:28] <Stan> no
[17:58:33] <Stan> im ugly
[17:58:33] <CzechBoy777> ok
[17:58:38] <CzechBoy777> I am too but I showed lol
[17:58:41] <Twi[X]> okay can we stop everyone saying I cAnT bE A jUnIoR Modeeratorzz
[17:58:41] <Ludred> stan is more ugly that the ugliest person alive
[17:58:51] <ChairmanMao> yes twi be jr mod
[17:58:51] <Stan> :(
[17:58:54] <Ludred> uless its me
[17:58:54] <CzechBoy777> hardstone is cute
[17:58:54] <eddie> i cant be jr mod
[17:58:54] <David> yes twi
[17:58:59] <Ludred> I can say it
[17:58:59] <Lavija> i cant be jr mod
[17:58:59] <Stan> twi +1
[17:59:01] <eddie> cause im already an admin
[17:59:06] <Gamer30> l cAnT bE A jUnloR Modeeratorzz
[17:59:09] <Twi[X]> can we stop?
[17:59:12] <Ludred> no
[17:59:12] <Lavija> no
[17:59:12] <David> lmao
[17:59:14] <ChairmanMao> no
[17:59:22] <CzechBoy777> lol
[17:59:29] <eddie> im fucking gorgeous
[17:59:32] <CzechBoy777> no lmao no lol lol
[17:59:34] <CzechBoy777> show us
[17:59:37] <Stan> we're only 17
[17:59:37] <Twi[X]> PL Sucks
[17:59:40] <Marcster> i second that eddie
[17:59:40] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[17:59:40] <CzechBoy777> WAT
[17:59:47] <Ludred> lmfao
[17:59:47] <Stan> im gonna blow up
[17:59:52] <eddie> $25 a miunute for my onlyfans
[17:59:55] <ChairmanMao> if i say i can be jr mod do i get jr mod?
[18:00:00] <Lavija> ..
[18:00:00] <Stan> oops
[18:00:02] <Ludred> no
[18:00:02] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> no
[18:00:02] <David> fuck
[18:00:05] <Lavija> something like that
[18:00:05] <Marcster> too generous
[18:00:05] <David> he solved the puzzle
[18:00:08] <Ludred> it lowers your chance of b eing one
[18:00:08] <David> lmao
[18:00:13] <ChairmanMao> ok i cant be jr mod then
[18:00:18] <Lavija> F
[18:00:20] <CzechBoy777> be careful jake xd
[18:00:20] <Ludred> nothing changes
[18:00:20] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> If you say " I can't be a Junieorrrr modeeratorsszzz" thats when u get it
[18:00:25] <David> logic 100
[18:00:25] <Stan> come here lavija <3
[18:00:41] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[18:00:41] <CzechBoy777> well be watching u
[18:00:43] <ChairmanMao> wb
[18:00:43] <Ludred> wb
[18:00:43] <CzechBoy777> wb
[18:00:43] <JakeN2436> wb
[18:00:48] <TheGamer> ty
[18:00:56] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[18:00:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110385) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8745) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25935)
[18:01:03] <Stan> xDDD
[18:01:06] <CzechBoy777> do LSA have ground crew?
[18:01:29] <CzechBoy777> I like that there is ground crew
[18:01:31] <CzechBoy777> its pretty cool
[18:02:02] <CzechBoy777> I hope I will enjoy my vacatiion in slovakia
[18:02:05] <CzechBoy777> and my nameday
[18:02:20] <CzechBoy777> I might go to Croatia next year :D
[18:02:33] <eddie> heard croatias lovely
[18:02:33] <Ludred> im still gonna go home next yeah
[18:02:38] <Stan> on the red thing
[18:02:45] <Ludred> I can somewhat understand croats
[18:02:48] <Stan> there
[18:02:48] <Stan> on top
[18:02:53] <Stan> wat
[18:02:58] <Quorthon> modric
[18:02:58] <Lavija> i burned in the fire
[18:03:01] <Stan> oh
[18:03:03] --> Rx_painless connected to the server
[18:03:06] <Stan> sowy
[18:03:06] <CzechBoy777> wb
[18:03:08] <Quorthon> wb
[18:03:08] <Ludred> wb
[18:03:21] <Rx_painless> thanks :) greetings
[18:03:26] <Ludred> ma
[18:03:29] <Stan> .
[18:03:39] <Stan> inside
[18:03:57] <TheGamer> !cboard
[18:03:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12537) , Rank 2: TransX(-16) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5570)
[18:03:59] <Stan> sm
[18:04:07] <Stan> just tp rodeo
[18:04:37] <CzechBoy777> I want someone to leanr me to map
[18:04:50] <Quorthon> grr
[18:04:50] <CzechBoy777> lol
[18:04:58] <CzechBoy777> real admins join IA
[18:05:00] <Lavija> yes
[18:05:16] <David> over time
[18:05:18] <Quorthon> ^
[18:05:21] <Stan> !player diamond
[18:05:23] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player diamond
[18:05:28] <Lavija> ive never seen this before
[18:05:28] <Gamer30> �ber Zeit
[18:05:31] <Stan> !groups diamondxd
[18:05:34] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player diamondxd
[18:05:34] <Stan> nono
[18:05:41] <David> diamondzxd
[18:05:46] <Ludred> !player diamondzxd
[18:05:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player diamondzxd: 11284 score, last seen 7 Hours Ago
[18:05:49] <Ludred> there
[18:05:52] <Ludred> you noob
[18:05:54] <Stan> wut
[18:05:54] <Lavija> ..
[18:06:04] <CzechBoy777> fuck
[18:06:04] <Stan> we came out of tbnrs hole
[18:06:04] <eddie> !player allen_lombard
[18:06:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player allen_lombard: 9339 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[18:06:15] <Stan> tp pl office
[18:06:22] <Marcster> !player Pedro_Bear
[18:06:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player Pedro_Bear: 5504 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[18:06:25] <JakeN2436> ill be back later
[18:06:25] <Ludred> which hole
[18:06:30] <JakeN2436> someone message me on discord when caden comes online
[18:06:30] <Stan> parking tunnel
[18:06:30] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[18:06:33] <Stan> yes ok
[18:06:35] <Ludred> I have 4 holes
[18:06:45] <Stan> why did you
[18:06:50] <Ludred> well technically 6
[18:07:18] <Ludred> ive got a lot of holes
[18:07:29] <Stan> do you remember asking him
[18:07:39] <Lavija> nope
[18:07:41] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[18:07:41] <-- Yanix disconnected from the server
[18:07:49] --> dough connected to the server
[18:07:54] <Ludred> welcome
[18:07:59] <ChairmanMao> welcome
[18:08:04] <ChairmanMao> good name
[18:08:04] <Lavija> stan do you remember asking him to say welcome
[18:08:09] <Quorthon> xd indeed
[18:08:12] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[18:08:12] <David> homer simpson says dough
[18:08:12] <Stan> nope
[18:08:14] <Ludred> wb
[18:08:22] <Lavija> theyre not friendly
[18:08:22] <Lavija> theyre mean
[18:08:27] <CzechBoy777> ty
[18:08:37] <CzechBoy777> no its nto a friendly airline
[18:08:45] <-- dough disconnected from the server
[18:08:50] <David> well done guys
[18:08:53] <Ludred> yall made him quit
[18:08:55] <Stan> mixed emotions
[18:08:58] <CzechBoy777> lol
[18:08:58] <Shazi> you scared him away lmao
[18:09:03] <Lavija> tbnr made him quit
[18:09:05] <ChairmanMao> smh
[18:09:05] <Stan> ban him
[18:09:08] <David> he lasted a total of 56 seconds
[18:09:10] <Ludred> I didnt say jack shit the fuck
[18:09:13] <David> good job
[18:09:21] <Lavija> you said welcome
[18:09:21] <Stan> still longer than me in bed
[18:09:21] <ChairmanMao> you said welcome
[18:09:21] <Satan> !aboard
[18:09:21] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110385) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8730) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25950)
[18:09:31] <Ludred> welcome is the nicest thing to say to a new player
[18:09:36] <Lavija> nope
[18:09:46] <Ludred> so when someone joins you say Fuck you fuck you
[18:09:46] <Stan> gz laviija
[18:09:49] <TheGamer> wb haxor is
[18:09:51] <Ludred> gz noob
[18:09:51] <Shazi> lmao
[18:09:51] <Quorthon> gz
[18:09:54] <Lavija> 500k?
[18:09:56] <Ludred> yes
[18:09:59] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[18:10:01] <Stan> yeah give it to me
[18:10:04] --> HardStone connected to the server
[18:10:06] <ChairmanMao> wb
[18:10:06] <Quorthon> i mean the guy's name is dough
[18:10:09] <CzechBoy777> gz gz gz gz gz gz
[18:10:11] <Ludred> I was the first to find it apart from the admin team
[18:10:11] <Ludred> wb
[18:10:14] <CzechBoy777> wb wb wb wb wb wb
[18:10:17] <Quorthon> wb
[18:10:19] --> TheAir connected to the server
[18:10:22] <Ludred> wb
[18:10:22] <HardStone> ty
[18:10:22] <Quorthon> wb
[18:10:22] <TheAir> thanks :0
[18:10:24] <CzechBoy777> wb
[18:10:24] <ChairmanMao> wb
[18:10:24] <TheAir> :)
[18:10:27] <Stan> wb
[18:10:52] <Quorthon> frontier post 314
[18:10:52] <Quorthon> is this new?
[18:10:55] <ChairmanMao> no
[18:10:55] <Lavija> no
[18:10:57] <David> no
[18:11:07] <Quorthon> oh ok
[18:11:23] <Ludred> also I hate working omg
[18:11:28] <Stan> -m
[18:11:33] <Ludred> Ive earned like 1.5m today
[18:11:33] <ChairmanMao> k
[18:11:43] <Ludred> already bored
[18:12:03] <0verlord> lol desynced in transition
[18:12:09] <0verlord> stuck now
[18:12:14] <0verlord> in Luft Spawn
[18:12:19] <0verlord> relog time
[18:12:21] <David> /rc
[18:12:21] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[18:12:24] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[18:12:37] <Stan> nice
[18:12:42] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[18:12:47] <David> !aboard
[18:12:47] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110385) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8724) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25956)
[18:12:49] <Ludred> wb
[18:12:54] <0verlord> ty
[18:13:22] <Ludred> dont do /vips
[18:13:53] <Shazi> stop trucking TG
[18:14:01] <Satan> !cboard
[18:14:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12540) , Rank 2: TransX(-17) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5572)
[18:14:06] <TheGamer> i was indeed planning to stop
[18:14:11] <Shazi> good
[18:14:46] <David> !player apollo
[18:14:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player apollo: 10241 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[18:16:26] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[18:16:49] --> TheAir connected to the server
[18:17:52] <0verlord> Hello
[18:17:55] <0verlord> Hello
[18:18:20] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Kesa h jani
[18:18:51] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[18:20:05] --> robin_be connected to the server
[18:20:12] <Shazi> wb
[18:20:12] <CzechBoy777> wb
[18:20:20] <Stan> !PLAYER
[18:20:23] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stan: 13666 score, last seen Online Now
[18:20:25] <robin_be> hi thx
[18:20:28] <Stan> 13 and 666
[18:20:30] <Stan> I'm the devil
[18:20:33] <Ludred> hello robin
[18:20:46] <robin_be> hi Ludred
[18:20:53] <Ludred> still havent found a fix :/
[18:21:34] --> Noah_Beaumont connected to the server
[18:22:17] <CzechBoy777> ill come later
[18:22:20] <CzechBoy777> sya
[18:22:20] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[18:22:20] <Stan> bye
[18:24:17] --> Acre connected to the server
[18:24:19] <Stan> wb
[18:26:52] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[18:29:05] --> Lavija connected to the server
[18:29:07] <Stan> wb
[18:29:07] <Stan> how was it
[18:29:15] <Lavija> how was what
[18:29:25] <Stan> you know what
[18:29:33] <Lavija> my quiz?
[18:29:35] <Stan> no
[18:29:43] <Lavija> your mom?
[18:29:45] <Stan> yes
[18:29:53] <Lavija> breathtaking
[18:30:03] <Stan> yes
[18:30:13] <0verlord> !rinterest 98668
[18:30:16] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $98,668 of interest you need about $148,002,000
[18:30:19] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[18:30:29] --> Lavija connected to the server
[18:30:34] <Marcster> lmao lav
[18:30:36] <Stan> I'm not from wuhan
[18:30:44] <Marcster> come back
[18:30:52] <Lavija> wait
[18:36:56] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[18:37:34] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[18:37:36] <Stan> wb
[18:37:44] <-- David disconnected from the server
[18:37:47] <HardStone> wb jhaatu
[18:37:52] <HardStone> stan
[18:37:52] --> David connected to the server
[18:38:12] <HardStone> STAN
[18:38:15] <Stan> yes
[18:38:17] <Stan> no
[18:38:17] <HardStone> Abey saale
[18:38:22] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[18:38:22] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110400) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8686) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26002)
[18:38:30] <HardStone> you know
[18:38:35] <HardStone> abey saale is hindi version of facepalm
[18:38:43] <0verlord> true that
[18:38:48] <Stan> i know it means you rascal
[18:38:55] <HardStone> oh so u know
[18:38:55] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[18:39:00] <Stan> yes dummy
[18:39:11] <Stan> bhenchod
[18:39:16] <HardStone> bhadwe
[18:39:23] <Stan> gandhu
[18:39:41] <HardStone> lawdi
[18:40:07] <Quorthon> fuck
[18:40:07] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[18:41:23] <Stan> ...
[18:41:28] <ChairmanMao> gz
[18:41:28] <0verlord> gz
[18:41:36] <Marcster> ty
[18:41:46] <Shazi> gz
[18:41:51] <HardStone> secret member of lottonesia
[18:41:54] <HardStone> gz
[18:42:11] <Stan> fartin
[18:42:22] <Marcster> naw once in a decade
[18:42:42] <-- Noah_Beaumont disconnected from the server
[18:43:12] <Lavija> get on stan
[18:43:15] <Stan> u jinxed me
[18:43:18] <Lavija> step out
[18:43:35] <Stan> wat
[18:43:35] <Lavija> wait wtf
[18:43:38] <Lavija> out again
[18:43:56] <Stan> thank
[18:43:58] <Stan> it worked
[18:44:06] <Stan> but the wings broken it's ok
[18:44:24] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[18:44:37] --> Stan connected to the server
[18:44:42] <HardStone> wb
[18:45:02] --> Noah_Beaumont connected to the server
[18:45:53] <Stan> cADEMs cumming
[18:46:29] <David> !player Caden
[18:46:31] (WEB) <robin_be> player Caden: 0 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[18:46:31] <Stan> !player Cadeniswet
[18:46:34] <Rx_painless> l
[18:46:59] <Stan> lavija killed mew
[18:47:04] <Lavija> mewtwo
[18:47:07] <David> what else is new
[18:47:20] <Stan> I'm growing horns
[18:47:27] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[18:47:32] <Lavija> oh look its caden
[18:47:37] <Lavija> hi caden
[18:47:37] <Stan> it's not
[18:47:40] <Lavija> it is
[18:47:45] <0verlord> high cayden
[18:48:08] <WarmBees> !aboard
[18:48:08] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110413) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8681) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26018)
[18:48:11] <Rx_painless> lol
[18:48:13] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[18:49:07] <Acre> failed tunnel stunt with plane :c
[18:49:12] <WarmBees> t
[18:49:17] <0verlord> F
[18:49:27] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[18:49:32] <0verlord> bokep
[18:49:40] <TheGamer> anyone online who has tons of bank accounts in bank?
[18:49:45] <TheGamer> private and shared
[18:49:45] <Stan> i have
[18:49:57] <Lavija> stan is rich
[18:50:00] <TheGamer> already used yours ;x
[18:50:05] <Stan> savings, savings 2, radoo's bank, radoo's 2, ainz's
[18:50:05] <0verlord> lololololololo
[18:50:15] <Lavija> stan
[18:50:15] <Stan> yes
[18:50:18] <Lavija> want access to mine?
[18:50:20] <Stan> yes
[18:50:23] <Lavija> ok
[18:50:28] <TheGamer> stangay acc
[18:50:28] <TheGamer> bet
[18:50:33] <Lavija> done
[18:50:33] <Stan> :S
[18:50:46] <Lavija> nah hes not getting the shared acc
[18:50:46] <Stan> deposited
[18:50:48] <Lavija> but he can have my acc
[18:50:56] <TheGamer> that actually helped me lol
[18:51:37] <Stan> i saw ur bank account
[18:51:44] <Acre> rip
[18:51:47] <Stan> in /atc
[18:51:47] <Stan> lol
[18:51:52] --> Haroon connected to the server
[18:52:20] <Stan> ban lavija
[18:52:23] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[18:52:25] <0verlord> Counter Strike!!w
[18:52:25] <Lavija> thats f'd up
[18:52:25] <Marcster> love my first ever warning
[18:52:25] <Haroon> wb
[18:52:25] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[18:52:28] <Stan> wb
[18:52:28] <Haroon> wb twi
[18:52:33] <0verlord> wb
[18:52:33] <Twi[X]> ty
[18:52:43] <HardStone> wb noob
[18:52:48] <Satan> !aotd
[18:52:48] <Twi[X]> ty
[18:52:58] <Marcster> :O
[18:53:06] <0verlord> oi he will get banned xD
[18:53:08] <Lavija> no he wont
[18:53:13] <Lavija> NOOOO
[18:53:19] <0verlord> oh these are verbal warnings
[18:53:19] <Stan> do it
[18:53:24] <Lavija> nononono
[18:53:24] <Stan> DO IT
[18:53:24] <Satan> no it doesnt work
[18:53:26] <Lavija> nonononono
[18:53:29] <TheGamer> bet
[18:53:31] <Haroon> !prevnames David
[18:53:31] <Lavija> :c
[18:53:31] <Satan> even if u warn him he wont get kicked
[18:53:34] <Lavija> goodbye world
[18:53:41] <Twi[X]> F
[18:53:44] <Acre> F
[18:53:44] <Satan> !aboard
[18:53:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110418) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8671) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26033)
[18:53:52] <WarmBees> F
[18:53:59] <TheGamer> yes, it banned him
[18:54:07] --> Lavija connected to the server
[18:54:09] <Haroon> wb
[18:54:12] <TheGamer> shit
[18:54:12] <Stan> wb
[18:54:12] <TheGamer> run
[18:54:32] <Lavija> satan it works
[18:54:32] <Lavija> wanna test
[18:54:37] <Twi[X]> TIme to feed up on TransX money using the point exchange event
[18:55:03] --> Madkilla connected to the server
[18:55:05] <Lavija> want the 3rd?
[18:55:11] <Satan> why are u warning me?
[18:55:11] <Twi[X]> wb madkilla
[18:55:11] <0verlord> wb
[18:55:16] <0verlord> lol
[18:55:16] <-- Madkilla disconnected from the server
[18:55:18] <Lavija> cuz i can
[18:55:18] <Twi[X]> lmao
[18:55:21] <Stan> nice
[18:55:21] <0verlord> lul
[18:55:23] <Lavija> :c
[18:55:23] <Marcster> lmao rip
[18:55:26] <ChairmanMao> u scares him
[18:55:28] <Satan> ok then lets see if u abuse into giving me the third
[18:55:33] <HardStone> loool
[18:55:33] <David> 57 seconds
[18:55:36] <Marcster> he took a u turn
[18:55:36] <David> good job
[18:55:39] <Stan> do it lavija
[18:55:41] --> Madkilla connected to the server
[18:55:41] <David> longer than the other guy
[18:55:44] <Twi[X]> wb
[18:55:46] <Stan> wb
[18:55:46] <Ludred> back
[18:55:46] <ChairmanMao> wb
[18:55:51] <Lavija> lmfao
[18:55:56] <Stan> lavija do you remember asking ludred
[18:56:02] <Lavija> nope
[18:56:04] <Madkilla> hey
[18:56:09] <Ludred> fuckoff stanley
[18:56:09] <Marcster> hey
[18:56:09] <Lavija> heyo
[18:56:17] <Twi[X]> waddup madkilla
[18:57:03] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[18:57:05] <Twi[X]> f
[18:57:05] <Acre> F
[18:57:08] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[18:57:13] <Twi[X]> WTF
[18:57:23] <Haroon> wb
[18:57:26] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[18:57:33] <0verlord> Gamer
[18:57:33] <Stan> 3/5
[18:57:36] <Stan> stop
[18:57:36] <Acre> 3/5.
[18:57:36] <Lavija> smh gaymer
[18:57:38] <Stan> I'm working
[18:57:43] <Haroon> RIP PL
[18:57:59] <Lavija> stan did you ask?
[18:57:59] <Twi[X]> idk why I'm so salty today, sorry guys
[18:58:04] <Stan> nope
[18:58:19] <-- Satan disconnected from the server
[18:58:27] <Acre> hue
[18:58:32] <0verlord> wb
[18:58:34] <Haroon> wb
[18:58:39] <Lavija> hi noobstone
[18:58:39] <Twi[X]> acre has to do something with the PL tower
[18:58:50] <HardStone> ty
[18:58:52] <HardStone> hi noob
[18:58:55] <Stan> no
[18:58:57] <Stan> dont say it
[18:58:57] <Lavija> wow that hurts
[18:59:05] <Lavija> yeah
[18:59:05] <Stan> DO NOT
[18:59:07] <HardStone> good
[18:59:10] <Marcster> ban
[18:59:12] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[18:59:30] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[18:59:53] <Lavija> DM
[18:59:58] <ChairmanMao> ban pls
[19:00:08] <Lavija> shoot
[19:00:08] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[19:00:26] <Twi[X]> damn gay ad
[19:00:36] <Haroon> twi : (
[19:00:36] <Twi[X]> (rare house ever)
[19:00:36] --> Noah_Beaumont connected to the server
[19:00:49] <Haroon> yes any house has 2 interiors?
[19:00:52] <Stan> fix
[19:00:57] --> eddie connected to the server
[19:00:57] <Haroon> except custom houses'
[19:00:57] <0verlord> not gayer than the SF hotel you jamming down everyone's throats
[19:00:57] <Twi[X]> everyone get's lost in bermuda
[19:00:59] <Twi[X]> wb
[19:01:02] <Marcster> !cboard
[19:01:02] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12547) , Rank 2: TransX(-15) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5581)
[19:01:02] <0verlord> wb
[19:01:02] <ChairmanMao> wb
[19:01:07] <Haroon> lmao twi
[19:01:12] <Twi[X]> wtf 0verlord that shit's lit
[19:01:15] <eddie> ty
[19:01:15] --> DavyJones connected to the server
[19:01:27] <DavyJones> hey whatsup
[19:01:30] <Marcster> hey
[19:01:35] <Twi[X]> kinda gay to own 15 slotters on an island
[19:01:35] <0verlord> does your house get packages Twi?
[19:01:38] <David> aye its my brother davy
[19:01:40] <Twi[X]> it does
[19:01:50] <0verlord> the hotel
[19:01:55] <Ludred> well san andreas is an island itself
[19:01:55] <Twi[X]> idk prolly
[19:02:11] <Twi[X]> Ludred arent yo at 3/4 houses
[19:02:16] <eddie> everywhere is an island
[19:02:21] <Haroon> lol eddie
[19:02:23] <Ludred> yes
[19:02:28] <Twi[X]> why selling one then :z
[19:02:46] <Twi[X]> oh
[19:02:56] <Stan> !8ball is david my alt account
[19:02:59] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan: As I see it, yes
[19:03:02] <Stan> ban
[19:03:09] <0verlord> ban both
[19:03:12] <0verlord> MultiAcc
[19:03:12] <Haroon> ^^
[19:03:14] <Stan> +1
[19:03:25] <Stan> everyone at lufthansa is the same person
[19:03:35] <Noah_Beaumont> ?
[19:03:35] <Ludred> delete lufthansa
[19:03:35] <Marcster> delete lufthansa
[19:03:37] <Haroon> ^^
[19:03:47] <0verlord> only win's realw
[19:03:50] <eddie> removed in next update
[19:03:50] <Stan> yes
[19:03:53] <Lavija> delete lufthansa
[19:04:00] <0verlord> delete deadhansa
[19:04:03] <Ludred> #lufthansaisoverparty
[19:04:08] <DavyJones> hm
[19:04:08] <ChairmanMao> good my bank's still here
[19:04:18] <Stan> ;)
[19:04:26] <Lavija> although i own lufthansa, i'm ok with deleting it
[19:04:26] <Ludred> god I wish wealth tax is a thing now
[19:04:31] <Ludred> I wont suffer at all
[19:04:33] <Twi[X]> wtf?
[19:04:33] <DavyJones> anyone cant give money hehe:(
[19:04:36] <Ludred> im that broke
[19:04:36] <ChairmanMao> no
[19:04:36] <Lavija> No
[19:04:51] <0verlord> he stated facts tho
[19:04:56] <Stan> if lufthansa gets deleted winny will buy all the remaining airlines and name them lufthansa
[19:04:59] <0verlord> anyone cant give him money
[19:05:04] --> HardStone connected to the server
[19:05:04] <Lavija> nope not allowed
[19:05:06] <Stan> yes allowed
[19:05:09] <Lavija> nope
[19:05:11] <Stan> yes
[19:05:14] <0verlord> Win's best quote till date
[19:05:14] <Lavija> nope
[19:05:14] <Ludred> good luck buying Jetstar
[19:05:19] <Stan> "if you join sky i will buy it"
[19:05:22] <Marcster> his word against yours
[19:05:22] <Twi[X]> UnPopular Opinion PL edition: Stop feeding on winny
[19:05:22] <Stan> xD
[19:05:27] <0verlord> if you join sky air , i buy sky air
[19:05:27] <Lavija> jetstar is prob the easiest airline to buy wtf
[19:05:34] <Lavija> i deadass almost bought jetstar a few months ago
[19:05:45] <Stan> twi
[19:05:50] <Stan> stop scamming newbs <3
[19:05:50] <Twi[X]> yes bby
[19:05:57] <Twi[X]> I don't
[19:06:00] <David> ouch
[19:06:07] <David> that ones gotta hurt
[19:06:10] <Ludred> you may be able to but 66percent of jetstar
[19:06:10] <Haroon> LMAO
[19:06:13] <Twi[X]> no
[19:06:13] <0verlord> oof
[19:06:13] <Lavija> sure
[19:06:18] <Ludred> not 33percent others
[19:06:20] <0verlord> clamp incoming
[19:06:23] <Stan> that's not true
[19:06:25] <Stan> Jetstar is a great airline
[19:06:33] <Marcster> yo stan
[19:06:41] <Stan> Can't be compared to a monster owned by an employee of a fraud company
[19:06:41] <Haroon> LMAO
[19:06:43] <0verlord> i said it first
[19:06:43] <HardStone> -.-
[19:06:46] <Marcster> when you guys bought luft, was is air asia
[19:06:46] <Stan> hi mar
[19:06:51] <Stan> yesss
[19:06:53] <Stan> u were in it :D
[19:06:53] <Twi[X]> Lufthansa is the next sky air
[19:06:53] <Ludred> but I doubt naldo and cao would agree to sell their shares
[19:06:53] <Marcster> so that means
[19:07:01] <Marcster> i was ceo of luft at one time
[19:07:03] <Stan> yes
[19:07:14] <Ludred> on a technically im a CEO at luft
[19:07:21] <HardStone> <3
[19:07:21] <Stan> thats not a word
[19:07:42] <Ludred> I didnt mention which luft tho
[19:07:49] <Lavija> no one asked
[19:07:49] <Twi[X]> CARGO
[19:08:02] <Ludred> dammit who won lotto wtf
[19:08:02] <Stan> .leaveairline
[19:08:05] <Lavija> me
[19:08:05] <David> marc
[19:08:10] <ChairmanMao> lavija
[19:08:10] <Marcster> lav
[19:08:12] <Ludred> gz
[19:08:15] (WEB) <arnir#9350> hes not currently a luft ceo also he's in star inc LOL
[19:08:17] <Lavija> thx
[19:08:17] <David> i meant lav
[19:08:25] <Stan> I had a dream marcter leaves IA and joins Lufthansa
[19:08:30] <Lavija> but he wont
[19:08:33] <ChairmanMao> damn that sound familiar
[19:08:38] <Marcster> uhnn
[19:08:40] <David> way too familiar
[19:08:48] <Ludred> ikr it does sound familiar
[19:08:50] <Twi[X]> !player kebabdefender
[19:08:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player kebabdefender: 10712 score, last seen 7 Days Ago
[19:08:53] <Lavija> marcs one of us sorry
[19:08:58] <Twi[X]> no wonder he left PL
[19:09:06] <Stan> he was one of us before it all
[19:09:11] <Lavija> are you sure about that?
[19:09:13] <Stan> yes
[19:09:16] <Ludred> also thats why marc will be the next jr mod
[19:09:18] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[19:09:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110439) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8658) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26060)
[19:09:18] <Twi[X]> that's true
[19:09:24] <Lavija> ask marc who hes been friends with longer
[19:09:24] <Haroon> wb
[19:09:31] <ChairmanMao> nice 21 players
[19:09:39] <Marcster> lav and I were tryna buy an airline back in 2013 i think
[19:09:44] <Stan> ew
[19:09:44] <Stan> bye
[19:09:44] <Lavija> mhmm
[19:09:46] <Marcster> sry stan
[19:09:49] <DavyJones> hehe i promotion this server hehe
[19:09:59] <Ludred> cool
[19:09:59] <Twi[X]> where did you promote davy
[19:10:20] <-- Noah_Beaumont disconnected from the server
[19:10:20] <Twi[X]> cool
[19:10:32] <Satan> p
[19:10:35] <WarmBees> ?????
[19:10:37] <Stan> !8ball should we tell him
[19:10:40] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan: Yes
[19:10:48] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[19:10:53] <Twi[X]> cool so PL's moving to 03DL
[19:10:58] <Stan> !roll 1 are you sure (0=yes, 1=no)
[19:11:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan rolls 0
[19:11:03] <0verlord> Good Morning
[19:11:05] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[19:11:11] <Ludred> good day
[19:11:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12547) , Rank 2: TransX(-13) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5583)
[19:11:36] <Ludred> guten tag
[19:11:39] <Ludred> stan ist ein sheize
[19:11:49] <Ludred> wbb
[19:11:51] <Twi[X]> wb
[19:11:51] <Lavija> ayo adal
[19:11:59] <adalarva> ty guys! :d
[19:12:01] <Haroon> wb adal
[19:12:01] <Stan> stan ist furher
[19:12:14] <Ludred> look like stan wanna join fabianel
[19:12:19] <Stan> lavija
[19:12:22] <Lavija> stam
[19:12:24] <Stan> do you remember asking him
[19:12:29] <Lavija> nope
[19:13:03] <0verlord> Aerolineas Virtuales?
[19:13:08] <WarmBees> t
[19:13:18] <Stan> .leaveairline
[19:13:23] <Lavija> leave
[19:13:31] <David> do it
[19:13:36] <Twi[X]> !cars
[19:13:41] <Twi[X]> !houses
[19:13:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Verdant Bluffs: $20,000,000 20 slots Queens: $15,000,000 15 slots Rockshore East: $20,000,000 20 slots Quee(..)
[19:13:49] <Lavija> 5m right here rn
[19:13:49] <Ludred> twi is really salty that he spent 69m lmao
[19:13:51] <Lavija> take it or leave it
[19:13:54] <Twi[X]> nah
[19:14:01] <Stan> twi is cute
[19:14:01] <Twi[X]> not really salty about the house
[19:14:04] <Twi[X]> as I really like that house
[19:14:09] <0verlord> lav?
[19:14:09] <ChairmanMao> twibby
[19:14:14] <Lavija> ?
[19:14:17] <Ludred> why you selling?
[19:14:17] <0verlord> i can drive stans clamped hotring?
[19:14:24] <adalarva> t/afk
[19:14:24] <WarmBees> t
[19:14:24] <Lavija> fr
[19:14:27] <Twi[X]> having a rough irl life
[19:14:37] <Ludred> wait till update
[19:14:39] <Ludred> gonna cheer you
[19:14:47] <WarmBees> .w
[19:14:47] <Satan> woah what happened twi bb
[19:14:55] <0verlord> wow
[19:14:57] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[19:14:57] <Twi[X]> kinda feel like gonna get ahead lol
[19:15:00] <0verlord> now i cant get it
[19:15:02] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[19:15:07] <Lavija> now try
[19:15:23] <Satan> what happened
[19:15:23] <HardStone> /r why?
[19:15:23] <Twi[X]> hi
[19:15:30] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[19:15:35] <Satan> everything fine?
[19:15:40] <Twi[X]> yeah man
[19:15:40] <Stan> target located
[19:15:58] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[19:15:58] <Ludred> flood
[19:15:58] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110445) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8651) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26070)
[19:16:01] <Lavija> satan
[19:16:06] <Lavija> wanna see a magic trick
[19:16:06] <Satan> hi lav
[19:16:06] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[19:16:09] <Haroon> wb
[19:16:09] <Stan> !aboard
[19:16:09] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110446) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8651) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26071)
[19:16:09] <Satan> sure
[19:16:11] <Ludred> wb
[19:16:11] <Lavija> ok
[19:16:14] <JakeN2436> im back bitches
[19:16:19] <DavyJones> hm
[19:16:21] <-- Satan disconnected from the server
[19:16:29] <Ludred> f
[19:16:34] <0verlord> lol
[19:16:47] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[19:16:52] <0verlord> smh
[19:16:57] (WEB) <arnir#9350> nice
[19:16:57] <0verlord> desynced asgaint
[19:16:57] <0verlord> relog
[19:17:02] <Ludred> btw do /warnings go away?
[19:17:05] <Lavija> come back satan
[19:17:05] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[19:17:10] <Lavija> they do if i remove them
[19:17:22] <Ludred> I meant by themself
[19:17:25] <Lavija> nope
[19:17:30] --> Satan connected to the server
[19:17:33] <Ludred> wb
[19:17:33] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[19:17:35] <Ludred> wb
[19:17:38] <Haroon> wb both 1
[19:17:38] <Twi[X]> wb guys
[19:17:40] <JakeN2436> where tf is stan
[19:17:40] <0verlord> ty
[19:17:45] --> adalarva connected to the server
[19:17:45] <Satan> if i get 3 warnings my next ban will be how long?
[19:17:45] <JakeN2436> wb
[19:17:48] <Ludred> timeout
[19:17:48] <Ludred> wb
[19:17:55] <Satan> can u remove my warnings
[19:17:55] <adalarva> ty guys!
[19:17:58] <Lavija> ye
[19:18:03] <JakeN2436> 21 players online
[19:18:03] <JakeN2436> this is great
[19:18:06] <DavyJones> hello
[19:18:11] <Ludred> but what if you get 6 warnings?
[19:18:13] <Madkilla> hello
[19:18:13] <Lavija> idk
[19:18:18] <Lavija> stan had 69
[19:18:18] <JakeN2436> wait
[19:18:21] <JakeN2436> madkilla?
[19:18:23] --> Stan connected to the server
[19:18:23] <Haroon> 21 Players,PL.
[19:18:26] <JakeN2436> why do i recognise that name
[19:18:28] <Haroon> wb madam !
[19:18:28] <HardStone> lodu
[19:18:28] <Ludred> warnings dont change after name change
[19:18:28] <Satan> TY LAV
[19:18:31] <HardStone> chutiya
[19:18:34] <Ludred> I had 4 didnt get a ban
[19:18:34] <0verlord> xD
[19:18:34] <Lavija> NP SATAN
[19:18:39] <Twi[X]> /warnings
[19:18:39] <Madkilla> JakeN?
[19:18:44] <HardStone> aaja ghusja meri gandmei lol
[19:18:44] <Twi[X]> /carkeys
[19:18:46] <JakeN2436> where do i know you from
[19:18:51] <Satan> i can use surfly better than u lav
[19:18:54] <Twi[X]> /password
[19:18:54] <Lavija> do it
[19:19:04] <Lavija> do it here
[19:19:07] <Satan> we mapped the base there
[19:19:07] <Satan> no can do
[19:19:12] <Lavija> im letting you
[19:19:14] <Lavija> go do it
[19:19:14] <Madkilla> when did you join JakeN
[19:19:14] <HardStone> lavija
[19:19:17] <HardStone> lets duel noob
[19:19:17] <Satan> ricordo wont let me
[19:19:19] <Lavija> hi
[19:19:19] <JakeN2436> may 2015
[19:19:19] <Twi[X]> what an admin says is a rule
[19:19:22] <Lavija> just do it
[19:19:22] <JakeN2436> i used to be called foxy
[19:19:22] <Satan> ricardo*
[19:19:24] <Lavija> ill override it
[19:19:24] <Satan> no
[19:19:32] <Satan> i dont break rules
[19:19:32] <Ludred> you gonna get banned 9 seconds after using hacks
[19:19:45] <Twi[X]> admin ed in ze house
[19:19:47] <Madkilla> sounds familiar
[19:19:47] <JakeN2436> yea
[19:19:50] <Lavija> do it, fr it wont ban u
[19:19:58] <JakeN2436> FurrDash
[19:20:00] <JakeN2436> FurryDash*
[19:20:00] <JakeN2436> those names
[19:20:08] <Lavija> me > ricardo
[19:20:15] <Satan> anyways i dont have surfly installed
[19:20:18] <HardStone> satan ricardo won't ban you
[19:20:21] <Lavija> poos
[19:20:26] <Satan> ill have to install it
[19:20:28] <HardStone> try it
[19:20:38] <HardStone> krna lodu
[19:20:38] <Ludred> whats the speed limit on foot lmao
[19:20:41] <Haroon> Laro ni oy
[19:20:49] <David> .r tengo mas tiempo libre
[19:20:54] <Twi[X]> fly hacks get detected due to the animation
[19:20:59] <HardStone> walk using Alt & shift :>
[19:21:32] <DavyJones> walk use alt+ w
[19:22:38] --> skdeapool connected to the server
[19:22:48] <Ludred> wb
[19:23:16] <Stan> !player firstrike23.
[19:23:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player firstrike23.: 2606 score, last seen 4 Hours Ago
[19:24:15] <Stan> gamer
[19:24:23] <Haroon> w
[19:24:23] <Stan> what's your preferred browser
[19:24:30] <-- skdeapool disconnected from the server
[19:24:30] <David> .r soliamos pasar mucho tiempo en linea juntos
[19:24:38] <David> god fucking dammit i need a new keyboard
[19:24:43] <Gamer30> CD-ROM
[19:24:46] <Stan> OS?
[19:24:46] <Satan> yo
[19:24:48] <Satan> david
[19:24:51] <Gamer30> Microsoft Windows
[19:24:51] <David> yo
[19:24:58] <Satan> pls stream your playlist
[19:24:58] <Stan> yes
[19:25:01] <JakeN2436> dm me caden's name on fb
[19:25:01] <David> im bout to head off
[19:25:06] <JakeN2436> i want to add him : )
[19:25:06] <Lavija> hard stop hacking
[19:25:11] <Lavija> ok
[19:25:14] <Stan> dont remember i have him on ig tho
[19:25:19] <Satan> oh its ok then ill watch netflix
[19:25:21] <JakeN2436> oh nvm then
[19:25:21] <HardStone> wait ricardo triggered?
[19:25:26] <Lavija> yes
[19:25:31] <Stan> david u gotta wait
[19:25:34] <Stan> n meet caden
[19:25:36] <Twi[X]> !Player michael_r
[19:25:36] <JakeN2436> ^
[19:25:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player michael_r: 2647 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[19:25:39] <HardStone> im flying around lel
[19:25:54] <Lavija> hacks
[19:25:54] <Satan> lav tp to me
[19:25:59] <Gamer30> Ok, Stan, now your answers to same questions.
[19:25:59] <Stan> !player Cadeniswet
[19:26:02] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cadeniswet: 10416 score, last seen 21 Months Ago
[19:26:12] <Stan> chrome
[19:26:15] <Stan> and my phone
[19:26:33] <Gamer30> And the OS?
[19:26:35] <JakeN2436> on9
[19:26:43] <Satan> tbh i prefer linux ngl
[19:26:50] <0verlord> POP os
[19:26:58] <Satan> lets jump off
[19:27:16] <Lavija> hurry satan
[19:27:24] <Satan> LOL
[19:27:29] <Lavija> OOPS
[19:27:31] <Ludred> fine I wont
[19:27:34] <ChairmanMao> no
[19:27:34] <JakeN2436> when is he coming no
[19:27:36] <Stan> i wasnt working anyway
[19:27:36] <0verlord> me neither
[19:27:36] <JakeN2436> on
[19:27:36] <Twi[X]> it's just gonna be stan in his account ^
[19:27:39] <JakeN2436> im scared
[19:27:39] <Stan> he installed it
[19:27:39] <Lavija> oh good
[19:28:35] <TSRAnimations> rip
[19:29:08] <Stan> where is he
[19:29:23] <Stan> the first aden is coming
[19:29:26] <0verlord> he ditched yo ass
[19:29:36] <Twi[X]> !player Staden
[19:29:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player Staden: 0 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[19:29:44] <Stan> took him 15 mins to figure how to extract a rar
[19:29:51] <Stan> dementia <#
[19:29:51] <Satan> twi do uk lionheart/
[19:29:54] <Satan> ?
[19:30:09] <DavyJones> WOW
[19:30:09] <Gamer30> !Score
[19:30:12] (WEB) <robin_be> player Gamer30: 16441 score, 15076 missions: 46'/. shamal - 10'/. cargo drop - 9'/. trucking
[19:30:55] <Satan> !score Satan
[19:30:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player Satan: 3676 score, 3156 missions: 40'/. cargo drop - 16'/. shamal - 16'/. courier
[19:32:01] <Twi[X]> Petition to add vip 5
[19:32:09] <Ludred> crystal will add it
[19:32:09] <JakeN2436> you just want extra houses smh
[19:32:17] <Twi[X]> true dat jake
[19:32:29] <Twi[X]> or just add a vip 4 addon
[19:32:34] <0verlord> lul
[19:32:37] <Twi[X]> or extra house slot
[19:32:40] <ChairmanMao> i read that VIP4 aaron
[19:32:42] <Twi[X]> for*
[19:32:57] <Twi[X]> go sleep ma
[19:33:00] <Twi[X]> mao
[19:33:02] <ChairmanMao> no
[19:33:15] <Twi[X]> mao tryna get luft #1
[19:33:18] --> A4Destruction connected to the server
[19:33:20] <Stan> yes
[19:33:33] <Ludred> how many have you done today lmao
[19:33:33] <Twi[X]> Acre logged 9.2k flights in 30 days.... good luck
[19:33:35] <Satan> twi its 10am for u right
[19:34:06] <Ludred> we are going to see new number 1 score list player soon guys
[19:34:06] <Satan> is that a problem
[19:34:14] <Satan> if u mind i wont ask
[19:34:21] <Twi[X]> I mean kinda introvert
[19:34:21] <Satan> sorry :(
[19:34:32] <Satan> OOF
[19:34:34] <David> twi do you like in n out
[19:34:42] <Twi[X]> yeah it's a fun place
[19:34:52] <Ludred> !cboard
[19:34:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12550) , Rank 2: TransX(-14) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5585)
[19:35:45] <-- DavyJones disconnected from the server
[19:36:01] <Satan> .a what error is he getting
[19:36:11] --> DavyJones connected to the server
[19:36:11] <Ludred> yeah me too
[19:36:18] <Haroon> wb
[19:36:18] <David> more than that
[19:36:21] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> a
[19:36:29] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> damn sended that by accident XD
[19:36:29] <Haroon> hey czech come ig ?
[19:36:41] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> soon ok
[19:36:46] <Marcster> t/mbank
[19:36:49] <Ludred> how much is average cargo drop reward
[19:36:57] <JakeN2436> gz
[19:36:57] <Satan> GZ
[19:36:59] <Ludred> gg
[19:36:59] <0verlord> gz
[19:36:59] <Gamer30> 2137?
[19:37:04] <Madkilla> gz
[19:37:07] <0verlord> gg
[19:37:07] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> gz for what
[19:37:07] <Ludred> gz
[19:37:07] <Haroon> gz!
[19:37:07] <eddie> ty
[19:37:12] <JakeN2436> $0 wtf
[19:37:14] <David> eddie won 20m lotto
[19:37:14] <0verlord> dodo license
[19:37:17] <DavyJones> wow
[19:37:17] <Ludred> eddie passed his license
[19:37:20] <Satan> eddie won 20m WOAH
[19:37:20] <ChairmanMao> gz
[19:37:22] <DavyJones> free?
[19:37:22] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> OH NO
[19:37:30] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> 20M FUCK! You didnt say!
[19:37:30] <Satan> Czech u missed the lotto
[19:37:35] <Ludred> and won 20m at the same time
[19:37:35] <DavyJones> how you get that?
[19:37:42] <eddie> yeah, you get a seasparrow free for passing dodo license
[19:37:42] <Haroon> btw i can get license 2 times?
[19:37:45] <Marcster> gzz eddie
[19:37:45] <Gamer30> With number 26!
[19:37:55] <HardStone> gz
[19:37:55] <Satan> Eddie stole stans number for 20m
[19:38:05] <Stan> fuck
[19:38:05] <Ludred> outplayed stan
[19:38:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> Bot going down
[19:38:13] --> CadenIsWet connected to the server
[19:38:16] <JakeN2436> OMG
[19:38:16] <Gamer30> wb
[19:38:16] <ChairmanMao> wb
[19:38:18] <HardStone> wb
[19:38:18] <Ludred> wb
[19:38:18] <Acre> wb
[19:38:18] <Satan> OMG
[19:38:21] <JakeN2436> wb wtffffff
[19:38:21] <CadenIsWet> :D
[19:38:21] <Stan> wb
[19:38:26] <TSRAnimations> wb
[19:38:28] <Stan> THE KING IS HERE
[19:38:33] <Ludred> most wbs ive seen
[19:38:33] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> what the
[19:38:33] <Stan> all hail the king
[19:38:33] <ChairmanMao> dude how many years
[19:38:38] <CadenIsWet> Hi guys
[19:38:38] <Gamer30> 21 months
[19:38:38] <JakeN2436> 2 years almost
[19:38:41] <CadenIsWet> I miss you all xD
[19:38:41] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I am coming on! harun
[19:38:49] <Ludred> gz
[19:38:59] <Stan> CADEN
[19:39:06] <Stan> do you know who ID 0 is
[19:39:06] <CadenIsWet> hi Jake!
[19:39:12] <CadenIsWet> who?
[19:39:14] <HardStone> Davy, /gps > blueberry garage
[19:39:17] <Haroon> oh
[19:39:19] <DavyJones> thanks
[19:39:19] <Haroon> jaken is a legend !
[19:39:22] <ChairmanMao> im the rightful owner of china
[19:39:40] <Haroon> wb !
[19:39:42] <adalarva> wb
[19:39:42] <Ludred> wb
[19:39:45] <0verlord> wb
[19:39:45] <Rx_painless> wb
[19:39:52] <Stan> idk
[19:40:15] <Stan> I'd rather spend time with my dad
[19:40:15] <Ludred> no deathmatch
[19:40:20] <CzechBoy777> !missions dodo
[19:40:20] <Gamer30> No direct messages?
[19:40:23] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777: 57 dodo
[19:40:23] <Ludred> yeah
[19:40:36] <CzechBoy777> how many dodo flights to license
[19:40:41] <CadenIsWet> hello
[19:40:54] <TSRAnimations> o.o
[19:40:59] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110480) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8637) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26114)
[19:40:59] <CadenIsWet> t/money
[19:41:01] <CzechBoy777> oh damn 100 left
[19:41:01] <Ludred> !player snekyninja
[19:41:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player snekyninja: 2530 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[19:41:04] <Stan> /balance
[19:41:06] <-- Satan disconnected from the server
[19:41:06] <CadenIsWet> ohhhh
[19:41:09] (WEB) <TheGamer> Bot going down
[19:41:09] <TSRAnimations> uhhhhm, Jake, you're floating
[19:41:11] <JakeN2436> UMMMMMM
[19:41:14] <JakeN2436> HELP
[19:41:14] <0verlord> test
[19:41:14] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[19:41:22] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110480) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8637) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26114)
[19:41:27] <0verlord> nice
[19:41:27] <CadenIsWet> Where is my money?
[19:41:32] <0verlord> reset
[19:41:32] <CadenIsWet> Haydz
[19:41:37] <CzechBoy777> rlg
[19:41:39] <eddie> YES!
[19:41:39] <CadenIsWet> oh god
[19:41:42] <CzechBoy777> I cant play like this
[19:41:42] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[19:41:42] <David> !bankcash
[19:41:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}David's bank money is $430,000
[19:41:45] <0verlord> !bankcash ChairmanMao
[19:41:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}0verlord's bank money is $9,589,635
[19:41:47] <JakeN2436> !bankcash
[19:41:47] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}JakeN2436's bank money is $15,000,000
[19:41:50] <WarmBees> !bankcash
[19:41:50] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}WarmBees's bank money is $19,982,145
[19:41:50] <0verlord> uh oh
[19:41:50] <Gamer30> !bankcash Radude
[19:41:50] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Gamer30's bank money is $12,000,000
[19:41:52] <ChairmanMao> !bankcash
[19:41:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}ChairmanMao's bank money is $540,000,000
[19:41:52] <Ludred> !bankcash
[19:41:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Ludred's bank money is $5,370,174
[19:41:52] <TheGamer> too bad, your own cash only
[19:41:55] <Acre> !bankcash
[19:41:55] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Acre's bank money is $450,000,000
[19:41:55] <0verlord> MAO
[19:41:55] <David> HOLY SHIT
[19:41:57] <Stan> !bbankcash
[19:41:57] <David> lmao
[19:41:57] <Madkilla> !bankcash
[19:41:57] <JakeN2436> WHATG
[19:41:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Madkilla's bank money is $22,200,000
[19:41:57] <0verlord> wtf
[19:42:00] <Stan> wtf bitch
[19:42:00] <Gamer30> !bankcash Radude
[19:42:00] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Gamer30's bank money is $12,000,000
[19:42:05] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Stan's bank money is $30,200,000
[19:42:05] <HardStone> !bankcash
[19:42:05] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}HardStone's bank money is $77,000,000
[19:42:07] <TSRAnimations> !cash
[19:42:07] <ChairmanMao> um
[19:42:10] (WEB) <robin_be> TSRAnimations has $1,330,925 in hand
[19:42:10] <WarmBees> !bankcash
[19:42:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}WarmBees's bank money is $19,982,145
[19:42:10] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[19:42:10] <ChairmanMao> dont rob me
[19:42:13] <HardStone> rip
[19:42:18] <Gamer30> Why Radoo's mention tells about my bank status?
[19:42:20] <Stan> !bankcash cadeniswet
[19:42:20] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Stan's bank money is $30,200,000
[19:42:25] <adalarva> mi internet is bad today
[19:42:25] <Stan> !bankcash cadeniswet
[19:42:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Stan's bank money is $30,200,000
[19:42:28] <Stan> what
[19:42:31] <-- adalarva disconnected from the server
[19:42:33] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> wow wtf TG exposing shit outta people
[19:42:43] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> okay so here you guys go I got 0 in bank
[19:42:43] <CadenIsWet> Stan, can you send me PL disc?
[19:42:43] <ChairmanMao> bankcash only works for yourself only
[19:42:43] <Stan> I don't think this should be allowed
[19:42:43] <Haroon> !bankcash
[19:42:43] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Haroon's bank money is $2,005,243
[19:42:43] <Gamer30> Gei bot can't tell Radoo.
[19:42:48] <HardStone> !bankcash Twi[X]
[19:42:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}HardStone's bank money is $77,000,000
[19:42:51] <HardStone> lol
[19:42:51] <Haroon> omg twi
[19:42:53] <CadenIsWet> ty :d
[19:42:53] <TSRAnimations> Jake, you're still floating on my end, but falling
[19:43:01] <JakeN2436> im just stuck here
[19:43:01] <Haroon> !bankcash Acre
[19:43:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Haroon's bank money is $2,005,243
[19:43:06] <JakeN2436> stan help
[19:43:09] <Ludred> no way stan has 30m lmao
[19:43:09] <JakeN2436> look at me
[19:43:11] <TheGamer> gotta prevent discord usage i guess
[19:43:14] <Acre> !bankcash Acre
[19:43:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Acre's bank money is $450,000,000
[19:43:16] <JakeN2436> im on top of thea's hydra
[19:43:16] <Stan> LOL
[19:43:16] <JakeN2436> helppppp
[19:43:16] <Haroon> OMG !
[19:43:24] <Haroon> 450 MILLION
[19:43:24] <JakeN2436> you should see it on my screen
[19:43:24] <WarmBees> rich
[19:43:29] <ChairmanMao> i like this command
[19:43:29] <David> !bankcash
[19:43:29] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}David's bank money is $430,000
[19:43:29] <TSRAnimations> excuse me
[19:43:32] <Stan> oop
[19:43:32] <JakeN2436> WHAT
[19:43:34] <ChairmanMao> !bankcash
[19:43:34] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}ChairmanMao's bank money is $540,000,000
[19:43:34] <JakeN2436> I HAD GODMODE
[19:43:39] <JakeN2436> im so fucking confused
[19:43:44] <0verlord> hamster gonna be mad soon
[19:43:47] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[19:43:55] <ChairmanMao> know*
[19:43:55] <David> !bankcash hamster12
[19:43:55] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}David's bank money is $430,000
[19:43:57] --> Stan connected to the server
[19:43:57] <David> wtf
[19:44:00] <CzechBoy777> wb
[19:44:00] <Haroon> wb
[19:44:00] <CadenIsWet> wb
[19:44:02] <WarmBees> !interest 500000000
[19:44:05] (WEB) <robin_be> $500,000,000 will generate about $333,333 every 60 minutes
[19:44:05] <Ludred> chairman give some to the poor
[19:44:05] <Ludred> cough cough me
[19:44:07] <JakeN2436> wtf happened stan
[19:44:10] <CzechBoy777> hi hard
[19:44:12] <HardStone> hi
[19:44:15] <Stan> crashed
[19:44:17] <ChairmanMao> no
[19:44:17] <HardStone> !interest 540000000
[19:44:20] (WEB) <robin_be> $540,000,000 will generate about $360,000 every 60 minutes
[19:44:23] <WarmBees> !aboard
[19:44:23] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110483) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8635) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26119)
[19:44:23] <CzechBoy777> fuck cmooooooooooooon motherfucking internet
[19:44:25] <David> nice callsign Caden
[19:44:25] <ChairmanMao> 540k
[19:44:28] <Ludred> he gets 540k interest an hour
[19:44:30] <Haroon> custom
[19:44:33] <CzechBoy777> why :(
[19:44:33] <TheGamer> !bankcash
[19:44:35] <0verlord> nope
[19:44:35] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}TheGamer's bank money is $172,000,000
[19:44:38] <TheGamer> me poor
[19:44:40] <0verlord> 540k + 270k
[19:44:43] <David> retard
[19:44:43] <0verlord> vip 4
[19:44:43] <eddie> cough
[19:44:43] <Stan> Do we all agree that people shouldn't know our bank balance? :(
[19:44:46] <David> !bankcash
[19:44:46] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}David's bank money is $430,000
[19:44:48] <eddie> !bankcash
[19:44:48] <CzechBoy777> fucking internet!
[19:44:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}eddie's bank money is $9,239,898
[19:44:48] <David> this is called poor btich
[19:44:51] <0verlord> i dont agree
[19:44:53] <eddie> under 10m
[19:44:56] <TheGamer> stan, you can only !bankcash yourself
[19:44:56] <eddie> shame on me
[19:44:56] <Haroon> but now stan everyone knows
[19:44:58] <Ludred> winny gonna be the worlds first billionare
[19:44:58] <TheGamer> not others
[19:45:01] <Gamer30> No unless I can see Radoo's bank balance.
[19:45:03] <Stan> oh
[19:45:08] <Stan> !bankcash
[19:45:08] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Stan's bank money is $30,200,000
[19:45:11] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> tg smh how tf u have 172m
[19:45:14] <TheGamer> !bankcash stan
[19:45:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}TheGamer's bank money is $172,000,000
[19:45:16] <Ludred> how does stan have 30m lmao
[19:45:21] <Stan> I work
[19:45:29] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[19:45:29] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> yeah
[19:45:34] <Ludred> !bankcash
[19:45:34] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Ludred's bank money is $7,870,174
[19:45:34] <David> selling SnR
[19:45:36] <Gamer30> !bancash
[19:45:39] <ChairmanMao> ludred you should work
[19:45:39] <David> thats how
[19:45:42] <Ludred> im very broke
[19:45:44] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> that was 36m lmao
[19:45:54] <Stan> twi bankcash
[19:45:57] <Haroon> !bankcash KylieJenner
[19:45:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Haroon's bank money is $2,005,243
[19:46:02] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> IA and sexX event ^
[19:46:07] <JakeN2436> !player kyliejenner
[19:46:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player kyliejenner: 6572 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[19:46:22] <0verlord> kylie's insta?w
[19:46:27] <0verlord> ;-)
[19:46:33] <Ludred> and mao Im tryna work
[19:46:43] <Stan> caden r u high
[19:46:50] <CadenIsWet> yes @_@
[19:46:50] <Ludred> ive gained like 5m these days
[19:46:55] <CadenIsWet> Wanna join discord call
[19:47:03] <JakeN2436> duuude
[19:47:08] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> My internet fucking sucks haroon
[19:47:11] <JakeN2436> yea in the pl discord
[19:47:13] <CadenIsWet> oo you do? :D
[19:47:16] <Haroon> David's prev name guys ?
[19:47:16] <David> i've been twice
[19:47:16] <Stan> same
[19:47:18] <CadenIsWet> Come to Thailand huehue
[19:47:18] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[19:47:21] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110490) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8637) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26124)
[19:47:21] <CadenIsWet> ok come hake
[19:47:21] <David> Phuket and Chiang Mai
[19:47:23] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Brother is home = fucks up internet
[19:47:23] <Ludred> PL still stuck on Skype
[19:47:29] <Haroon> oh no problem Czech
[19:47:29] <CadenIsWet> Damnnnnn
[19:47:29] <JakeN2436> im in the pl discord
[19:47:34] <JakeN2436> in the voice chat
[19:47:34] <CadenIsWet> Those are really good places @Davcoi
[19:47:36] <David> never bangkok though
[19:47:36] <JakeN2436> with thea
[19:47:36] <CadenIsWet> ok
[19:47:41] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Yes it is a problem xD
[19:47:54] <Stan> caden
[19:47:57] <CadenIsWet> Yes?
[19:48:02] <Stan> do you live near bangna
[19:48:09] <CadenIsWet> 15 km ;d
[19:48:22] <JakeN2436> LMAO
[19:48:30] <Stan> jake killed me
[19:48:35] <Stan> itsa murder
[19:48:37] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> karma
[19:48:37] <DavyJones> hello
[19:48:42] <Stan> CADEN
[19:48:47] <DavyJones> wow
[19:48:47] <WarmBees> hey
[19:48:55] <Stan> are you going to acknowledge our existence
[19:48:58] <WarmBees> nice house?
[19:49:00] <DavyJones> if you give me 1 cars hehe
[19:49:03] <DavyJones> :(
[19:49:10] --> Jauz connected to the server
[19:49:10] <WarmBees> work hard :)
[19:49:15] <DavyJones> :(
[19:49:18] <DavyJones> i need car
[19:49:21] <Jauz> Hi
[19:49:21] <WarmBees> hop on
[19:49:59] <Haroon> caden is srsly wet
[19:50:06] <Stan> no im not here
[19:50:09] <0verlord> lol
[19:50:12] <CadenIsWet> Hey, Haroon :D
[19:50:19] --> Thor30 connected to the server
[19:50:19] <Stan> yes jake daddy
[19:50:19] <0verlord> fuck you stan
[19:50:19] <WarmBees> drive it
[19:50:22] <Stan> call me a bitch M3
[19:50:24] <DavyJones> hm
[19:50:27] <Stan> YESSS
[19:50:47] <CadenIsWet> Yo, Stan. my brother asked if u still rmb his username lol
[19:51:00] <CadenIsWet> lord
[19:51:00] <Stan> !player kickmyass
[19:51:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player kickmyass: 5400 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[19:51:10] <Gamer30> !player Dumblee
[19:51:10] <CadenIsWet> Tq :D
[19:51:13] (WEB) <robin_be> player Dumblee: 3522 score, last seen 16 Days Ago
[19:51:13] <Stan> he lives with you now? o.O
[19:51:15] <-- DavyJones disconnected from the server
[19:51:41] <Gamer30> !cboard
[19:51:43] <Gamer30> !bankcash
[19:51:46] <TheGamer> it says going down for a fucking reason
[19:51:51] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> hi
[19:51:59] <Stan> hi casandra
[19:52:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> Bot has been connected
[19:52:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Gamer30's bank money is $12,000,000
[19:52:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12550) , Rank 2: TransX(-10) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5589)
[19:52:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110497) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8636) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26132)
[19:52:06] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[19:52:09] <Haroon> omg
[19:52:14] <Stan> CADEN
[19:52:14] <ChairmanMao> hardstone?
[19:52:14] <Stan> u bitch
[19:52:14] <Stan> .
[19:52:17] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> !bankcash
[19:52:22] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> can you see my chat ingame?
[19:52:22] <HardStone> ?
[19:52:24] <TheGamer> sweet, no reply
[19:52:24] <Haroon> yes
[19:52:32] <ChairmanMao> hardstone let everyone hear your voice <3
[19:52:34] <HardStone> o lol
[19:52:39] <HardStone> playing pubgm
[19:52:42] <HardStone> nu
[19:52:42] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> hey guys! does anyone remember me?
[19:52:42] <ChairmanMao> you have a sexy voice
[19:52:47] <Haroon> whaat?
[19:52:47] <HardStone> yeah?
[19:52:50] <0verlord> Indian Accent reveal
[19:52:52] <Haroon> we can hear hard?
[19:52:52] <Acre> Who is vsk?
[19:52:55] <Haroon> hey vsk
[19:53:13] <ChairmanMao> uh
[19:53:18] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> omg i remember the names, hardstone, haroon, overlord
[19:53:25] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> 4 years back
[19:53:25] <Haroon> really?
[19:53:25] <0verlord> whos me
[19:53:38] <HardStone> you're the first guy who remembers my name
[19:53:38] <HardStone> ;-;
[19:53:41] <Stan> vsk
[19:53:41] <Haroon> lol same
[19:53:46] <Stan> hiii casandra
[19:53:46] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> Cretex
[19:54:03] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> was my ingame name
[19:54:09] <Haroon> ohh !
[19:54:09] <HardStone> oh yeah stan too
[19:54:19] <HardStone> abey <3
[19:54:26] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> chutiye
[19:54:31] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> xD
[19:54:44] <TheGamer> !botstats
[19:54:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> Min player count: 43; Max player count: 81; Average: 63; Amount of logged users today: 71
[19:54:44] <0verlord> lag raha
[19:54:47] <JakeN2436> on9
[19:54:47] <Haroon> mje bh
[19:54:49] <TheGamer> PL running good again
[19:54:54] <Haroon> yes TG
[19:54:54] <TheGamer> real good
[19:54:57] <Stan> ON9
[19:54:59] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[19:55:02] <Haroon> Thegamer Appreciated.
[19:55:02] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> kaise ho sab
[19:55:12] <Haroon> tu sam kasa ha /
[19:55:15] <TheGamer> where is crystal when the server is crowded....
[19:55:20] <Haroon> lol
[19:55:27] <Ludred> wb
[19:55:27] <Rx_painless> wb
[19:55:30] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> wb
[19:55:30] <TheGamer> that's lav, not crystal
[19:55:38] <CadenIsWet> Lavija wtf
[19:55:40] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> omg i remember the 'wb'
[19:55:40] <Lavija> no? im crystal
[19:55:40] <0verlord> bsdk Sam?
[19:55:48] <Lavija> hell yeah
[19:55:48] <CadenIsWet> wb wb
[19:55:55] <eddie> lol nice
[19:55:55] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> !bankcash
[19:56:01] <TheGamer> nonono, no discord
[19:56:03] <Ludred> !cash lavija
[19:56:06] (WEB) <robin_be> lavija has $0 in hand
[19:56:08] <Lavija> what it do caden
[19:56:08] <Gamer30> !bankinterest
[19:56:13] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> !cash Cretex
[19:56:16] (WEB) <robin_be> Cretex has $357,343 in hand
[19:56:21] <Haroon> !player M.thik
[19:56:24] (WEB) <robin_be> player M.thik: 7082 score, last seen 3 Months Ago
[19:56:24] --> Dasdes connected to the server
[19:56:34] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> !bank Cretex
[19:56:47] <Lavija> !bankaccount santiago
[19:56:47] <CadenIsWet> nice :D
[19:56:52] <-- Jauz disconnected from the server
[19:57:02] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> !bankaccount Cretex
[19:57:15] <TheGamer> you on discord
[19:57:17] <Marcster> !bankcash
[19:57:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Marcster's bank money is $420
[19:57:17] <eddie> have to be in game
[19:57:17] <TheGamer> i don't allow that
[19:57:20] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> can u do it
[19:57:22] <Gamer30> Does it work from IRC?
[19:57:25] <TheGamer> nop
[19:57:27] <JakeN2436> oh for fucks sake
[19:57:27] <eddie> can only do it on yourself
[19:57:38] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> ohh
[19:57:43] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> !cash eddie
[19:57:45] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie has $719,783 in hand
[19:57:50] <Ludred> !bankcash
[19:57:50] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Ludred's bank money is $7,870,174
[19:57:50] (WEB) <Vsk#8950> hehe
[19:58:03] <Ludred> im rich
[19:58:06] <eddie> yeah, its best that way
[19:58:08] <Lavija> wheres stan
[19:58:21] <Haroon> bestone TG <3
[19:58:29] <Haroon> bb
[19:58:29] <Ludred> gn
[19:58:31] <Stan> gn david
[19:58:31] <Haroon> sam xDs
[19:58:36] <Lavija> wow ok stan
[19:58:44] <Stan> getting away from u
[19:58:51] <Lavija> shut up hoe
[19:58:59] <Stan> do you speak to ur mother with that mouth
[19:59:04] <Lavija> no sir
[19:59:09] <Stan> good
[19:59:32] <Stan> david
[19:59:32] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[19:59:40] <Stan> why do you sound like an adult????????????????????
[19:59:45] <HardStone> !bankcash
[19:59:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}HardStone's bank money is $77,000,000
[20:00:03] <David> why can i not sound like an adult
[20:00:05] <David> LOL
[20:00:05] <Ludred> he did earn like 50 after twi got scammed lmao
[20:00:15] <David> I'm 19 sir
[20:00:18] <Stan> wut
[20:00:21] <Stan> im 19 too :S
[20:00:21] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[20:00:21] <Stan> almost
[20:00:31] <Stan> Gz
[20:00:31] <0verlord> gz
[20:00:33] <David> gz
[20:00:33] <HardStone> gz
[20:00:38] <Dasdes> gz
[20:00:38] <David> hey fake stan
[20:00:41] <CadenIsWet> omega stan
[20:00:46] <Stan> WTF
[20:00:49] <Ludred> gz
[20:00:51] <CadenIsWet> i went inactive for 2 years and you haven't even reached 50# of ma score
[20:00:51] <CadenIsWet> noob
[20:00:54] <David> HEY
[20:00:54] <Stan> winnys screaming it's fake stan??
[20:00:54] <Stan> XDDD
[20:00:59] <David> LOL
[20:00:59] <Stan> oh
[20:01:06] <Stan> why do you sound like a different person now
[20:01:12] <Ludred> !rank
[20:01:12] <ChairmanMao> stan let us hear your sexy voice
[20:01:12] <David> because im speaking up
[20:01:12] <Stan> no
[20:01:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Ludred(8347) rank: Commercial Captain(8000) next: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) (+653)
[20:01:19] --> Diamondzxd connected to the server
[20:01:24] <Stan> it's not fun
[20:01:24] <Ludred> wbb
[20:01:24] <Haroon> wbbb
[20:01:24] <ChairmanMao> yes
[20:01:24] <Gamer30> !rank 21474000000
[20:01:27] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player 21474000000
[20:01:27] <ChairmanMao> speak <3
[20:01:35] <Gamer30> !rank -21473000000
[20:01:35] <Stan> no u first bby
[20:01:37] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player -21473000000
[20:01:55] <Gamer30> !rank -2147369666
[20:01:58] (WEB) <robin_be> idk, negative score or something?
[20:01:58] <Stan> warmbees
[20:02:08] <HardStone> gn guys
[20:02:08] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[20:02:11] <CadenIsWet> gn
[20:02:13] <David> gn
[20:02:18] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[20:02:23] <Stan> Lavija come back
[20:02:26] <Stan> stan too
[20:02:26] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[20:02:26] <Stan> :(
[20:02:28] <Haroon> wb
[20:02:28] <TheGamer> he will come back
[20:02:33] <Ludred> wb
[20:02:39] <Haroon> Lufthansa,fleet
[20:02:44] <WarmBees> ayo
[20:02:51] --> Lavija connected to the server
[20:02:59] <Stan> wb lufthana owner
[20:03:04] <Lavija> hi
[20:03:12] <Rx_painless> wb
[20:03:17] <Lavija> Lufthansa
[20:03:40] <WarmBees> how can i add volume at the chat in discord
[20:03:40] <WarmBees> '
[20:03:57] <Gamer30> !roll 2137
[20:04:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 rolls 1928
[20:04:38] <Lavija> yes
[20:04:38] <Haroon> k
[20:04:38] <Haroon> ?
[20:04:59] <Ludred> unless there is an economy reset and licenses are reset yeah
[20:05:01] --> Serbian connected to the server
[20:05:04] <Haroon> yes
[20:05:04] <Stan> wb
[20:05:04] <Haroon> wb
[20:05:04] <Ludred> wb
[20:05:09] <Serbian> yo yo
[20:05:16] --> skdeapool connected to the server
[20:05:19] <Ludred> wb
[20:06:15] <JakeN2436> !player marshmellow
[20:06:18] (WEB) <robin_be> player marshmellow: 7598 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[20:06:33] <Haroon> ROAD TRIP GUYS?
[20:06:41] <Haroon> bcz boring
[20:06:53] <-- Dasdes disconnected from the server
[20:06:56] <Ludred> im leaving soon
[20:07:01] <Haroon> anybody else?
[20:07:16] <Ludred> kinda bored and I wanna play something else
[20:07:49] <Haroon> !player Kingkings
[20:07:52] (WEB) <robin_be> player Kingkings: 6253 score, last seen 5 Months Ago
[20:07:54] <Ludred> im out cya
[20:07:57] <Gamer30> !player aabuser
[20:07:57] <CadenIsWet> cya
[20:08:00] <Rx_painless> bye
[20:08:00] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player aabuser
[20:08:00] <TheGamer> no
[20:08:00] <TheGamer> go work
[20:08:07] <Ludred> ...
[20:08:15] <skdeapool> .
[20:08:17] <JakeN2436> no
[20:08:17] <Rx_painless> si
[20:08:23] <JakeN2436> no quiero hablar espanol
[20:08:25] <-- skdeapool disconnected from the server
[20:08:28] <Rx_painless> f
[20:08:43] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[20:08:43] <Ludred> a/base
[20:09:13] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[20:09:24] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[20:09:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110515) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8607) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26179)
[20:09:49] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[20:09:52] <David> nice demand
[20:10:09] <CadenIsWet> wb senorita
[20:10:35] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[20:10:35] <Stan> ctar
[20:10:37] <CadenIsWet> Yes?
[20:10:43] <Stan> fuck me n suck me
[20:10:50] <Ludred> wow cheating on your husband much?
[20:11:00] <Ludred> husbands*
[20:11:00] <Stan> been caden's before you were a sperm
[20:11:00] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[20:11:05] <Ludred> wb
[20:11:05] <CadenIsWet> 2-2
[20:11:13] <Stan> I'm caden's sperm
[20:11:26] <Stan> omg i think they're shit talking me :S
[20:11:44] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[20:12:47] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[20:13:43] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[20:14:47] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[20:15:40] <skdeapool> .
[20:16:01] <Ludred> chat very dead when 20 players online rip
[20:16:08] <Gamer30> 20 players not enough.
[20:16:47] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> OMG HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAA
[20:16:57] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I rickrolled people in PL voice chat
[20:16:57] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[20:16:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110522) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8603) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26190)
[20:17:35] <Gamer30> I didn't join in first place.
[20:17:50] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> This was so funny
[20:17:58] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> This was my first and best rickroll
[20:18:23] <WarmBees> rickroll?
[20:18:31] <David> !bankcash
[20:18:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}David's bank money is $680,000
[20:18:49] <TheGamer> boi stan, you spamming lavlav
[20:18:51] <TSRAnimations> !cash
[20:18:54] (WEB) <robin_be> TSRAnimations has $1,438,274 in hand
[20:19:09] <Stan> IS SATAN MOANING
[20:19:12] <Stan> omg
[20:19:14] <Stan> .leaveairline
[20:19:27] <WarmBees> TSR
[20:19:30] <TSRAnimations> What
[20:19:35] <WarmBees> where u from?
[20:19:50] <David> mars
[20:19:50] <Ludred> oh yall went to lufthansa chat
[20:19:55] <0verlord> yes
[20:19:55] <ChairmanMao> yes
[20:19:58] <David> yes
[20:20:00] <TSRAnimations> Norway
[20:20:00] <ChairmanMao> come in ludred
[20:20:03] <Gamer30> C:\>DOSKEY.EXE
[20:20:05] <David> come in ludred
[20:20:10] <Stan> lemme pee chile
[20:20:18] <Ludred> im not gonna talk
[20:20:21] <Ludred> I have a sore throat
[20:20:38] <Ludred> not corona
[20:20:54] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[20:21:06] --> Lavija connected to the server
[20:21:14] <TheGamer> right, ofcourse
[20:21:34] <Ludred> wb
[20:21:45] <CadenIsWet> OH YEAh XD
[20:21:55] <Haroon> Borrring
[20:22:02] <-- Serbian disconnected from the server
[20:22:02] <Ludred> wb
[20:22:08] (WEB) <Stan#3177> im the toiley
[20:22:08] <Haroon> 19 players are alive and no one is ready for Road trip ?why
[20:22:10] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Yeah lol rickroll
[20:22:13] (WEB) <Stan#3177> toilet
[20:22:15] <Gamer30> Because Radoo is absent.
[20:22:18] <TheGamer> sure, let's do oen
[20:22:20] <Diamondzxd> smh czechboy, plays coffin meme and leaves
[20:22:23] <Haroon> :( gamer
[20:22:25] <David> !cars gamer30
[20:22:25] <Haroon> TG road trip ?
[20:22:28] (WEB) <robin_be> gamer30 has: Trashmaster Pony Mule Mr Whoopee Bus Packer Seasparrow Flatbed Boxville RC Goblin Journey Cemen(..)
[20:22:28] <TheGamer> sure
[20:22:33] <WarmBees> lets go
[20:22:38] <WarmBees> ill go too
[20:22:38] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Cmon, ludred played coffin meme...
[20:22:43] (WEB) <Stan#3177> lavija
[20:22:46] <Haroon> all come at Our Location
[20:22:46] <Lavija> stan
[20:22:59] <David> stan unmute
[20:23:06] <Lavija> ok
[20:23:19] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Lufthansa voice? How can I join that
[20:23:21] <ChairmanMao> stan unmute
[20:23:24] <0verlord> the bitch will invite the whole server
[20:23:27] <Ludred> ikr
[20:23:29] <0verlord> but not unmute his mic
[20:23:39] (WEB) <Stan#3177> im pooping
[20:23:42] <David> sup lav
[20:23:44] <ChairmanMao> stan unmute
[20:23:47] <0verlord> yo so what
[20:23:47] <Lavija> wht did i walk into
[20:23:50] (WEB) <Stan#3177> IM POOPING
[20:23:52] <David> sup lav
[20:23:57] <0verlord> every human poops
[20:23:57] <ChairmanMao> still unmute
[20:24:00] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Invite mw
[20:24:05] <David> lav don't be shy
[20:24:05] <ChairmanMao> let me hear the water
[20:24:07] <Gamer30> Even fishes poop.
[20:24:07] <CadenIsWet> Stan, dick pic if u unmute
[20:24:10] <Ludred> one reason I left lavija
[20:24:28] (WEB) <Stan#3177> already seen that monster
[20:24:35] (WEB) <Stan#3177> GUYS IM REALLY INNTHE TOILET
[20:24:40] <David> unmute and speak
[20:24:48] (WEB) <Stan#3177> ill unmute when i stop pooping
[20:24:51] <ChairmanMao> unmute and speak
[20:24:58] <Ludred> unmute and speak
[20:25:03] <David> wait can you hear us
[20:25:06] (WEB) <Stan#3177> yes
[20:25:11] <Gamer30> I can't join voice chat.
[20:25:21] <David> why not
[20:25:24] <CadenIsWet> zero pubic hair energy
[20:25:24] (WEB) <Stan#3177> im sure you wouldnt wanna hear my poop hit the water
[20:25:29] <Gamer30> I use different browser.
[20:25:34] <Haroon> Get ur cars guys
[20:25:34] --> i$am. connected to the server
[20:25:39] <Haroon> wb !
[20:25:39] <Gamer30> You mean trucks.
[20:25:39] <Ludred> wb
[20:25:42] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[20:25:42] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110527) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8597) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26201)
[20:25:44] <i$am.> ty
[20:25:52] (WEB) <Stan#3177> gamer
[20:25:59] (WEB) <Stan#3177> whats ur favourite ca<:ThinkFoil:717092651492704266>ThinkFoil: :
[20:26:15] (WEB) <Stan#3177> vehicle type
[20:26:22] <Gamer30> Truck
[20:26:27] --> IceLube connected to the server
[20:26:30] (WEB) <Stan#3177> truck
[20:26:40] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[20:26:40] <Ludred> wb
[20:26:40] <i$am.> damnnnnnn
[20:26:43] <Ludred> !cboar
[20:26:43] <IceLube> thx
[20:26:45] <i$am.> look whose back
[20:26:45] <Ludred> !cboard
[20:26:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12550) , Rank 2: TransX(-8) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5591)
[20:26:53] <i$am.> caden sexy
[20:26:58] <CadenIsWet> Hi Iam :D
[20:27:08] <CadenIsWet> What's your previous name? :P
[20:27:13] <i$am.> you dont know how much i missed you
[20:27:13] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[20:27:18] <i$am.> leave me alone bad admun :/
[20:27:21] <IceLube> awww
[20:27:28] <IceLube> finally somone misses me in life
[20:27:28] <CadenIsWet> wdym? ;{
[20:27:41] <i$am.> it was for caden icelube
[20:27:44] <i$am.> :p
[20:27:51] <i$am.> xD
[20:27:51] <CadenIsWet> ops
[20:27:51] <Diamondzxd> lmao
[20:27:51] <TheGamer> flashy sultan
[20:27:56] <IceLube> you broke my heaaaaaaaaaaaart
[20:27:59] <i$am.> nuuu :(
[20:27:59] <IceLube> you treatorous swine
[20:28:09] (WEB) <Stan#3177> you know i can hear u
[20:28:14] <0verlord> nice event
[20:28:14] <i$am.> i miss you too :d
[20:28:14] <Haroon> TG
[20:28:19] <TheGamer> oi
[20:28:19] <i$am.> Caden I'm Sam
[20:28:22] <i$am.> Sameer
[20:28:22] <Haroon> TG
[20:28:24] <CadenIsWet> Sam?
[20:28:24] <CadenIsWet> :O
[20:28:24] <Haroon> you and me onl?
[20:28:30] <TheGamer> i guess
[20:28:32] <i$am.> yeah
[20:28:35] <CadenIsWet> hot damn Sameer <3
[20:28:40] <i$am.> <3 :D
[20:28:40] <CadenIsWet> Lemme give ua hug
[20:28:47] (WEB) <Stan#3177> im done pooping
[20:28:50] <i$am.> :p
[20:28:55] <i$am.> eww stan go AWAY
[20:28:55] <CadenIsWet> how are you man?
[20:28:58] <-- Rx_painless disconnected from the server
[20:28:58] <0verlord> well , what do i do then?
[20:29:10] <i$am.> I'm good, I heard you've been sailing around?
[20:29:10] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> stan invite me to lufthansa discord
[20:29:10] <WarmBees> t
[20:29:20] <Lavija> no only lufthansa members only
[20:29:23] <CadenIsWet> Yes, in Atlas :D
[20:29:23] <Lavija> @czech
[20:29:33] <CadenIsWet> Good to see you ma dude
[20:29:33] <i$am.> nice
[20:29:36] <TheGamer> no trip then?
[20:29:38] <CadenIsWet> It's been agessssss
[20:29:38] <i$am.> you too bro
[20:29:38] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> @boy
[20:29:38] <TheGamer> i kinda got bored
[20:29:41] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[20:29:48] <i$am.> oh yeah long ass time lmao xD
[20:29:48] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[20:29:59] <Stan> you killed me
[20:30:01] <Stan> i won't speak
[20:30:06] <CadenIsWet> Sameer, you have your own companies now?
[20:30:09] <CadenIsWet> Congrats :D
[20:30:09] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> but someone said he will invite everyone ?
[20:30:11] <Gamer30> Nice, I can work during event.
[20:30:14] <i$am.> i dont own airline lmao
[20:30:16] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I want to hear stans vois
[20:30:16] <Stan> yes caden and i do too
[20:30:37] <i$am.> stan always owned something its not something new lel
[20:30:39] <Stan> you gotta be in lufthansa to earn the privilige
[20:30:47] <David> stan unmute and speak
[20:30:50] <Stan> unmuted
[20:30:55] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I wanna hear stan!
[20:31:02] <0verlord> imma record him>
[20:31:07] <0verlord> voice reveal
[20:31:07] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> yes please
[20:31:15] <ChairmanMao> STAN SPEAK BITCH
[20:31:20] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> XD
[20:31:20] <Stan> nudes first ##
[20:31:20] (WEB) <arnir#9350> !aboard
[20:31:23] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110531) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8596) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26206)
[20:31:25] <CadenIsWet> Stan is the master of money laundering in PL :D
[20:31:25] <David> wtf does 5awal mean
[20:31:25] <Stan> follow the bluelight
[20:31:28] <i$am.> voilent ;d
[20:31:28] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> HAAAAAAAAA
[20:31:30] <Stan> it's true
[20:31:38] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> stan is pl�s supermodel
[20:31:43] (WEB) <arnir#9350> i would speak but discord voice chat is blocked here in uae
[20:31:48] <Stan> lies
[20:31:48] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Uh oh
[20:31:56] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> realy?
[20:31:58] <Stan> use a vpn idiot
[20:31:58] (WEB) <arnir#9350> yeah
[20:31:58] <CadenIsWet> Stan, speak rn
[20:32:03] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> bed england
[20:32:06] (WEB) <arnir#9350> k let me do it
[20:32:11] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Stan let me hear your voice
[20:32:14] <Stan> no
[20:32:16] <David> uncultured swine
[20:32:19] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Why
[20:32:19] <Gamer30> !8ball Is Chrome shit?
[20:32:19] <David> whoever that was
[20:32:19] <Stan> you're not in lufthansa <3
[20:32:21] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: As I see it, yes
[20:32:24] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> ily
[20:32:31] <Ludred> or lufthansa cargo
[20:32:31] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> pls stanik
[20:32:37] <Stan> no
[20:32:39] <Stan> okay
[20:32:42] <i$am.> where are you guys voice chating?
[20:32:42] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> plsss ?
[20:32:47] <Ludred> lufthansa group
[20:32:47] <Stan> lufthansa voice
[20:32:54] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> pls let me join ?
[20:32:57] <i$am.> How's czech there?
[20:32:57] <Stan> no
[20:33:05] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> no I am not in here lol
[20:33:15] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> he didnt add me, fucking stan ?
[20:33:17] <i$am.> staden is good boy he will add me in his gay group
[20:33:25] <Ludred> he wont
[20:33:35] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> il stan but he wont add me
[20:33:35] <Ludred> if he does ill kick ya
[20:33:38] <i$am.> rly?
[20:33:40] <i$am.> rude
[20:33:43] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I must join lufthansa cargo only to hear his voice
[20:33:48] <David> yes
[20:33:50] <Ludred> or lufthasna
[20:33:50] <Gamer30> Do it then.
[20:34:03] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I dont want to be idiot for my lovely sky air
[20:34:06] <i$am.> he wont do it :d
[20:34:08] <Stan> omg who laughed
[20:34:13] <Ludred> me
[20:34:18] <Gamer30> You won't know Stan's voice then.
[20:34:21] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I dont care if it is about companies, I care if it is about airline
[20:34:23] <Stan> Gamer30 will join I know it
[20:34:26] <i$am.> stan never talks
[20:34:26] <i$am.> :P
[20:34:26] <ChairmanMao> everyone laughed
[20:34:34] <Stan> I heard a witch
[20:34:39] <-- Thor30 disconnected from the server
[20:34:39] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> idc in what company I am, I care in what airline I am
[20:34:41] <David> !cboard
[20:34:41] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12552) , Rank 2: TransX(-10) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5591)
[20:34:49] <Lavija> oops
[20:34:49] <IceLube> go fuck yourself
[20:34:51] <IceLube> seriously
[20:34:54] <Gamer30> I won't join because I use browser not chosen by majority.
[20:34:59] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I also cant join lufthansa cargo because of my bad internet
[20:34:59] <CadenIsWet> iceLube, i'll pay for the damage XD
[20:34:59] <David> ouch
[20:35:02] <CadenIsWet> dun report plz
[20:35:07] <IceLube> pay for this dick
[20:35:12] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Hey isam should I join lufthansa cargo for few mins
[20:35:14] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[20:35:17] <Ludred> where is your trailer lmao
[20:35:19] <Ludred> here use mie
[20:35:22] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> or nah fuck it ?
[20:35:22] <IceLube> well ask that bus driver
[20:35:27] <i$am.> its upto you
[20:35:27] --> Lavija connected to the server
[20:35:30] <i$am.> ;)
[20:35:32] <IceLube> I wouldmn't know
[20:35:32] <Gamer30> Wanna hear Stan's voice or not?
[20:35:37] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> yes I want
[20:35:45] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> so imma call him than
[20:35:55] <i$am.> !player HardSTONE
[20:35:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player HardSTONE: 7922 score, last seen 2 Hours Ago
[20:36:00] <Stan> tp me <3
[20:36:00] <Gamer30> Stan will click red button all the time.
[20:36:00] <IceLube> doesnt work
[20:36:03] <Ludred> twb
[20:36:03] <IceLube> thank you
[20:36:03] <i$am.> !player Fatija
[20:36:05] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Fatija
[20:36:08] <Ludred> leave the checkpoint idiot
[20:36:13] <Ludred> then reenter
[20:36:13] <IceLube> man fuck this
[20:36:16] <Stan> LAVIJA
[20:36:18] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[20:36:18] <Stan> /get stan
[20:36:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110536) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8595) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26212)
[20:36:18] <CadenIsWet> Don't tilt D:
[20:36:21] <Ludred> fucking retard
[20:36:21] <IceLube> why is life so fucking hard
[20:36:23] (WEB) <arnir#9350> stan speak
[20:36:28] <IceLube> then work alone you dip shti
[20:36:31] <Stan> you first arnir bby
[20:36:31] <i$am.> you live with me
[20:36:31] <Ludred> you really are a retard
[20:36:31] <ChairmanMao> !aboard
[20:36:33] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110536) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8594) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26213)
[20:36:33] <i$am.> and it wont be hard :d
[20:36:39] <IceLube> WELL tell that idiot bus driver
[20:36:44] <IceLube> cause he flew into me like a fucking cuck
[20:36:46] <IceLube> and fucked shit uop
[20:37:01] <i$am.> gulf air :(
[20:37:12] <TSRAnimations> The fuck bus
[20:37:14] <i$am.> i miss my airline lmao
[20:37:22] <Ludred> which idiot was driving
[20:37:24] <IceLube> I DONT know
[20:37:24] <Stan> lavija]
[20:37:30] <IceLube> there were like 100 in them
[20:37:30] <Lavija> what
[20:37:37] <Ludred> how tf
[20:37:37] <Stan> ludred join vc
[20:37:37] <IceLube> great admin I swear
[20:37:40] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[20:37:42] <Ludred> someone hijacked
[20:37:45] <IceLube> fucking shit up and shit
[20:37:50] <Ludred> nah
[20:37:50] (WEB) <arnir#9350> ironic to see an idiot calling people idiots
[20:38:00] <IceLube> i know right
[20:38:03] <Stan> not satan tryin to stir shit up again :V
[20:38:10] <David> bikini line coach co.
[20:38:15] <IceLube> and who are you to call me an idiot
[20:38:15] (WEB) <arnir#9350> btw stan
[20:38:20] <Stan> speak
[20:38:23] (WEB) <arnir#9350> i spoke multiple times in vc
[20:38:23] <i$am.> !player Smetkowski
[20:38:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player Smetkowski: 8887 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[20:38:33] (WEB) <arnir#9350> but everyone was speaking
[20:38:41] (WEB) <arnir#9350> xD
[20:38:49] <Stan> ok everyones speaking if you speak ill speak <3
[20:38:49] <TheGamer> oh god
[20:38:51] <Ludred> gg
[20:38:59] (WEB) <arnir#9350> LOL
[20:39:06] (WEB) <arnir#9350> ok ill speak later
[20:39:06] <Ludred> can we get banned for this like in CnR lmao
[20:39:09] <Gamer30> !CBoard
[20:39:09] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12553) , Rank 2: TransX(-11) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5591)
[20:39:27] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[20:39:29] <IceLube> wb
[20:39:32] (WEB) <arnir#9350> i hope u heard me now
[20:39:34] <Stan> no lol
[20:39:37] <Stan> I didn't
[20:39:39] (WEB) <arnir#9350> .........
[20:39:39] <Quorthon> ty
[20:39:47] <Stan> i do satan
[20:39:52] <Stan> your so cute
[20:39:55] <Stan> nah
[20:39:55] <CzechBoy777> Stan
[20:40:00] <CzechBoy777> show me ur voice
[20:40:00] <Stan> okay what do you want me to say
[20:40:02] <CzechBoy777> Rn
[20:40:15] <Stan> no
[20:40:18] <CzechBoy777> send me a voice message
[20:40:20] <CzechBoy777> pls
[20:40:23] <Gamer30> !groups
[20:40:25] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 is in airline Lufthansa and company Star Inc.
[20:40:28] <Quorthon> f
[20:40:30] <Gamer30> You'd have to be in the former.
[20:40:36] <CzechBoy777> I wont join lufthansa cargo because company hopping isnt allowed
[20:40:36] <Ludred> ikr
[20:40:41] <Stan> cause it's a lufthansa bus
[20:40:43] <CzechBoy777> so show me ur voice
[20:40:46] <CzechBoy777> rn
[20:40:48] <ChairmanMao> lufthansa bangbus
[20:40:53] <David> fake taxi
[20:40:53] <Stan> bangbros
[20:40:58] <CzechBoy777> cmon
[20:41:01] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[20:41:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110540) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8595) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26216)
[20:41:01] <Ludred> we are stuck
[20:41:06] <David> rescue operation
[20:41:11] <Ludred> what the fuck
[20:41:16] <CzechBoy777> you debil
[20:41:19] <Stan> I promise this time
[20:41:19] <CzechBoy777> show me voice
[20:41:26] <Stan> okay czech lemme invite u
[20:41:29] (WEB) <arnir#9350> Stan u faggot speak
[20:41:32] <IceLube> ti debil
[20:41:32] <CzechBoy777> good
[20:41:37] <CzechBoy777> debilos
[20:41:37] <Ludred> we gonna get banned
[20:41:39] (WEB) <arnir#9350> STAN SPEAK
[20:41:44] <David> epilepsy warning
[20:42:02] <Ludred> f jake
[20:42:07] <David> f jake
[20:42:10] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[20:42:12] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[20:42:15] <Ludred> f stan too
[20:42:17] <Gamer30> !ABoard Stan
[20:42:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110542) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8596) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26217)
[20:42:28] <David> !aboard
[20:42:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110542) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8595) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26218)
[20:42:30] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[20:42:35] <CzechBoy777> wb
[20:42:35] <i$am.> wb jake
[20:42:38] <JakeN2436> he's dead
[20:42:38] <Ludred> bruh how are we still a live
[20:42:40] (WEB) <Stan#3177> lavija unblock me and ill speak fr
[20:42:43] <JakeN2436> the magic bus crashed my samp
[20:42:53] <IceLube> the magic pile of shit
[20:43:01] <David> lmfao
[20:43:19] --> Stan connected to the server
[20:43:21] <Haroon> WB
[20:43:29] <Stan> you can connect now czech
[20:43:54] <CzechBoy777> i dont hear stan
[20:44:04] <0verlord> good Ad
[20:44:04] <David> ywes
[20:44:04] <Stan> bc lavija didn't unmute me <3
[20:44:04] <CzechBoy777> No
[20:44:07] <David> 10/10
[20:44:09] <Gamer30> Scammer.
[20:44:15] <CzechBoy777> I came to hear stans voice
[20:44:17] <Quorthon> >
[20:44:22] <CzechBoy777> but I hear NOTHING KURWA
[20:44:30] <Gamer30> You didn't join yet.
[20:44:30] <Quorthon> lol
[20:44:30] (WEB) <arnir#9350> stan isnt speaking
[20:44:32] <Stan> and ill speak
[20:44:32] <CzechBoy777> this is so useless
[20:44:32] <JakeN2436> no
[20:44:32] <David> no
[20:44:35] <ChairmanMao> no
[20:44:37] <Stan> ok then i dont speak
[20:44:37] --> kozigo connected to the server
[20:44:43] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[20:44:50] <kozigo> hello ty
[20:44:50] <Quorthon> did i predict this dm?
[20:44:53] <Ludred> he is my favoirate too
[20:44:55] <Quorthon> oh hi cuties
[20:45:13] <Stan> omg
[20:45:16] <Stan> is that dumblee
[20:45:18] <CzechBoy777> stan speak or I will punch yoi
[20:45:23] <Quorthon> wb kozigo
[20:45:26] <Stan> I think I heard dumblee
[20:45:26] <kozigo> hello ty
[20:45:28] <Lavija> no but someone does sound like chum
[20:45:31] <CzechBoy777> SPEAK ffs
[20:45:33] <Stan> that was satan
[20:45:51] <David> stan
[20:45:51] <David> buzz kill
[20:45:51] --> Satan connected to the server
[20:45:54] <CzechBoy777> ._.
[20:45:56] <JakeN2436> that you're gay for caden
[20:45:59] <CzechBoy777> say kurwa
[20:45:59] <JakeN2436> because tyou are
[20:46:01] <CadenIsWet> x)
[20:46:14] <CzechBoy777> nice voice
[20:46:14] <CadenIsWet> in voice bish
[20:46:22] <Stan> no
[20:46:32] <IceLube> can ya'll fuck off this this bus
[20:46:37] <Lavija> nope
[20:46:37] <CadenIsWet> Say it or i'll give out ur ig acc
[20:46:37] <Ludred> im in fucking garcia
[20:46:42] <Stan> it's ok
[20:46:45] <IceLube> lavija you terrible admin
[20:46:47] <Stan> Icelube
[20:46:50] <Stan> STFU
[20:46:50] <Lavija> thanks
[20:46:50] <IceLube> what
[20:46:52] <IceLube> you stfu
[20:46:55] <IceLube> eat shit and die stan
[20:46:55] <CadenIsWet> Sarithh
[20:46:57] <Stan> stuf or I'll ban you from star inc <3
[20:47:00] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[20:47:03] <IceLube> do it
[20:47:05] <kozigo> ban
[20:47:05] <CzechBoy777> u lufthansians laugh so much
[20:47:08] <Quorthon> :o
[20:47:08] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[20:47:10] <CzechBoy777> F
[20:47:13] <Stan> LOL
[20:47:13] <0verlord> wow
[20:47:18] <i$am.> F
[20:47:18] <Stan> he's gonna be even more salty now
[20:47:18] <Acre> f
[20:47:18] <CadenIsWet> Oof
[20:47:20] <0verlord> we happy happy auirline
[20:47:20] <Lavija> good
[20:47:23] <CzechBoy777> but its really not nice
[20:47:28] <i$am.> ey u put some more salt on steak
[20:47:28] <i$am.> xD
[20:47:33] <David> wtf is happening at the killlog
[20:47:33] <Quorthon> now that's not advisable
[20:47:33] <David> lmao
[20:47:33] <0verlord> laughing is good for health
[20:47:36] <CzechBoy777> stan say a random sentence
[20:47:41] --> IceLube connected to the server
[20:47:41] <Stan> a random sentence
[20:47:46] <CzechBoy777> say czech is best
[20:47:59] <IceLube> lavija you know whats not nice? Fucking up people who work
[20:48:01] <CzechBoy777> who is from california
[20:48:01] <IceLube> fucking idiot
[20:48:09] <Lavija> it was an accident
[20:48:11] <Ludred> he said sorry lmao
[20:48:21] <IceLube> when
[20:48:29] <Lavija> literally after it happened
[20:48:29] <IceLube> I didn't look at chat lol
[20:48:32] <IceLube> fuck this
[20:48:32] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[20:48:37] <0verlord> lol
[20:48:37] <CzechBoy777> lol
[20:48:42] <Quorthon> yeah i mean
[20:48:47] <CzechBoy777> rage quit number 2 today
[20:48:49] <Gamer30> /givetruck /givetruckkeys
[20:48:55] <Quorthon> he's not in the wrong tho
[20:49:10] <kozigo> be
[20:49:20] <David> i need a fuckin blunt or something
[20:49:40] <Stan> whos wanking
[20:49:40] <ChairmanMao> !assets
[20:49:43] (WEB) <robin_be> ChairmanMao has 19 car(s) ($18,810,000) and 1 house(s) ($20,000,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $38,810,000
[20:49:43] <kozigo> satan is
[20:49:43] <ChairmanMao> !assets stan
[20:49:46] (WEB) <robin_be> stan has 10 car(s) ($4,260,000) and 4 house(s) ($7,400,000 - 9 slots) for a total of $11,660,000
[20:49:46] <Ludred> def not me
[20:49:51] <0verlord> F
[20:50:01] <Ludred> multi kill
[20:50:04] <0verlord> gz
[20:50:04] <Stan> what do I get for speaking :)?
[20:50:12] <Gamer30> Nice, winning events gave free /s.
[20:50:12] <0verlord> my dick
[20:50:14] <Stan> ok
[20:50:22] --> David connected to the server
[20:50:22] <Ludred> remeet?
[20:50:27] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[20:50:34] <Stan> S+N
[20:50:40] <kozigo> !assets
[20:50:40] <Lavija> yes
[20:50:42] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo has 16 car(s) ($6,380,000) and 1 house(s) ($20,000,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $26,380,000
[20:50:50] <0verlord> ayo we aint here to solve fuckin riddles stan
[20:50:55] <Stan> lavija knows
[20:52:16] <CzechBoy777> XD
[20:52:19] <Stan> I'm safe
[20:52:19] <CzechBoy777> crash
[20:52:21] <Ludred> yo what the fuck
[20:52:27] <-- TSRAnimations disconnected from the server
[20:52:27] <Satan> Who tf added this cage
[20:52:27] <Ludred> its causing me to lag something
[20:52:32] <Stan> jacob
[20:52:34] <Diamondzxd> nice opcodes
[20:52:37] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[20:52:39] <Stan> opcodes
[20:52:42] <Ludred> 2nd opcode
[20:52:42] <CzechBoy777> yea I got 2 now
[20:52:42] --> TSRAnimations connected to the server
[20:52:44] <Stan> 0x362
[20:52:44] <Diamondzxd> 2nd
[20:52:44] <CzechBoy777> wb
[20:52:49] <Quorthon> i'd be twice as richer if /addlotto didn't exist
[20:52:49] <CzechBoy777> yerp 0x362
[20:52:49] --> Lavija connected to the server
[20:53:00] <0verlord> sky air
[20:53:02] <CzechBoy777> dafuq?
[20:53:05] <CzechBoy777> !cars
[20:53:07] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777 has: Stretch Monster Patriot FBI Rancher Hotring Racer Shamal Hydra NRG-500 AT-400 Andromada Dodo
[20:53:15] <Stan> someone better be recording this
[20:53:25] <Stan> YES
[20:53:48] <Stan> diamond lock me in pls
[20:53:53] <kozigo> ez
[20:53:58] <0verlord> gz
[20:54:03] <kozigo> ty
[20:54:08] <Quorthon> gz
[20:54:11] <kozigo> ty
[20:54:14] <CzechBoy777> XDDD
[20:54:16] <Satan> can u remove this admin cage from luft base
[20:54:19] <Stan> no
[20:54:21] <kozigo> who's selling infernus?
[20:54:24] <Ludred> I had a nice freeze there
[20:54:29] <Gamer30> Make that cage activable for Luft Interns.
[20:54:31] <Satan> sjhutup stan u dont even speak
[20:54:31] <i$am.> !player dasdes
[20:54:31] <Stan> yes
[20:54:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player dasdes: 3154 score, last seen 58 Minutes Ago
[20:54:37] <kozigo> no one ok
[20:54:37] <Satan> im selling infernus
[20:54:42] <Stan> i dont have anything to say <3
[20:54:44] <kozigo> whats your price
[20:54:47] <Diamondzxd> nice ad
[20:54:49] <TSRAnimations> Fire crotch and I'm on fire
[20:55:05] <CzechBoy777> XD
[20:55:07] <Stan> YES DADDY
[20:55:12] <eddie> retrospective rule following, gotta respect
[20:55:15] <CzechBoy777> wtf so many explosions
[20:55:15] <CadenIsWet> Buy me a Bike :D
[20:55:20] <Ludred> this is lufthansa
[20:55:20] <Ludred> normal day
[20:55:25] <0verlord> yes
[20:55:25] <CzechBoy777> LOL
[20:55:28] <CzechBoy777> OMG XDDDDDD
[20:55:35] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[20:55:48] --> Lavija connected to the server
[20:55:50] <Stan> wb
[20:55:53] <CzechBoy777> lol
[20:55:58] <i$am.> noob
[20:55:58] <i$am.> wb
[20:56:03] <Ludred> winny this is like Csgo
[20:56:13] <CzechBoy777> wtf cmon
[20:56:24] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[20:56:54] <kozigo> a
[20:57:14] <Ludred> holy czech almost hit me
[20:57:19] <CzechBoy777> wtf cmonreally?
[20:57:27] <CzechBoy777> really? *
[20:57:27] <JakeN2436> hi sam
[20:57:32] <CzechBoy777> wait why did I kill myself XD
[20:57:35] <i$am.> hi
[20:57:45] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[20:57:47] <CzechBoy777> wb
[20:57:55] <i$am.> can someone open Luft door
[20:57:58] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> !cboard
[20:57:58] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12555) , Rank 2: TransX(-13) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5591)
[20:58:03] <i$am.> o
[20:58:05] <i$am.> I cant
[20:58:08] <CzechBoy777> XD
[20:58:08] <Ludred> its public for everone
[20:58:08] <Stan> /o
[20:58:13] <CzechBoy777> its not public
[20:58:13] <David> /o
[20:58:15] <i$am.> it says Lufthansa etc
[20:58:15] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> sBlyadinerro!
[20:58:21] <David> well that means you should join then
[20:58:21] <Stan> dont let sky air in
[20:58:26] <Ludred> its not public anymore
[20:58:33] <CzechBoy777> you already let me in
[20:58:38] <Stan> ur a traitor
[20:58:43] <David> /tcar trailer
[20:58:56] <CzechBoy777> oh cmon I am under luft base
[20:59:01] <CadenIsWet> Sarith
[20:59:06] <Stan> CTAR
[20:59:19] <CzechBoy777> HELP ME
[20:59:24] <WarmBees> !aboard
[20:59:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110551) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8588) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26233)
[20:59:32] <Stan> david left
[20:59:34] <Stan> wut
[20:59:37] <CzechBoy777> help
[20:59:39] <Ludred> satan too
[20:59:47] <Stan> CTAR
[20:59:52] <CadenIsWet> Ye?
[20:59:57] <Stan> you asked for me
[21:00:10] <CzechBoy777> CMON
[21:00:10] <0verlord> damn
[21:00:10] <CzechBoy777> SAVE ME
[21:00:13] <Ludred> wish I didnt have a sore throat lmao
[21:00:20] <Stan> just join
[21:00:20] <CzechBoy777> and heal me pls
[21:00:23] <Stan> and dont speak
[21:00:25] <-- Satan disconnected from the server
[21:00:38] <Ludred> I would have loved to have spoken
[21:00:43] <Stan> lies
[21:00:53] <CzechBoy777> not lying
[21:00:53] <Acre> !bankcash
[21:00:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Acre's bank money is $450,000,000
[21:00:56] <i$am.> what are u doing there czechy
[21:00:56] <Ludred> yall would have heard my sexy voice
[21:00:58] <CzechBoy777> I must rlg
[21:01:01] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[21:01:14] <Ludred> !bankcash
[21:01:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Ludred's bank money is $8,170,000
[21:01:14] <Diamondzxd> :o
[21:01:16] <WarmBees> !bankcash
[21:01:16] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}WarmBees's bank money is $19,982,145
[21:01:19] <Ludred> super rich
[21:01:19] <i$am.> I'm broke
[21:01:19] <kozigo> rich ludred
[21:01:31] <Stan> fox
[21:01:39] <kozigo> Gox = Gay Fox
[21:01:42] <Gamer30> Fox browser sux.
[21:01:57] <i$am.> 450m nice
[21:01:59] <i$am.> lol
[21:01:59] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[21:02:02] <kozigo> hi buran
[21:02:05] <Ludred> wb
[21:02:15] <i$am.> who is richest guy in pl?
[21:02:17] <David> haydz
[21:02:17] <CzechBoy777> I selled my wife for internet connection
[21:02:17] <eddie> mao
[21:02:17] <Ludred> chair
[21:02:25] <Lavija> LOL
[21:02:27] <Stan> what
[21:02:27] <i$am.> how much do you have mao?
[21:02:33] <CzechBoy777> to play life pilot
[21:02:35] <ChairmanMao> !bankcash
[21:02:35] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}ChairmanMao's bank money is $540,000,000
[21:02:40] <Ludred> op codes
[21:02:43] <Diamondzxd> :O
[21:02:43] <Stan> wut is gawing auwn
[21:02:48] <i$am.> nice
[21:02:48] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[21:02:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110554) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8590) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26233)
[21:03:18] <Gamer30> Wankers Life
[21:03:23] <i$am.> wow
[21:03:39] <i$am.> my bike
[21:03:46] <CzechBoy777> oh god
[21:03:46] <-- TSRAnimations disconnected from the server
[21:03:54] <Ludred> lavija u hoe
[21:03:57] <CzechBoy777> my game is so broken
[21:03:59] <CzechBoy777> Fuck
[21:03:59] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[21:04:14] <i$am.> rage quiet no 3
[21:04:17] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[21:04:17] <i$am.> :P
[21:04:25] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[21:04:25] <Ludred> wb
[21:04:27] --> Lavija connected to the server
[21:04:30] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[21:04:30] <Haroon> ah
[21:04:32] <i$am.> why back noob
[21:04:35] <Haroon> wuts going on
[21:04:35] <Stan> wb stan
[21:04:42] <Stan958> ty
[21:04:47] --> TSRAnimations connected to the server
[21:04:53] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[21:05:26] <CzechBoy777> I see there is some indian in lufhtansa
[21:05:26] <Ludred> omg my gta frooze
[21:05:31] <CzechBoy777> F
[21:05:33] <0verlord> i am czech
[21:05:33] <Stan> im indian
[21:05:36] <David> im indian
[21:05:38] <CadenIsWet> Sri Lankan
[21:05:41] <kozigo> im indian
[21:05:41] <Ludred> im russian
[21:05:41] <Stan> we are indian
[21:05:43] <CzechBoy777> no ur sri lankan XD
[21:05:46] <David> we are air india
[21:05:49] <Stan> same thing
[21:05:49] <CadenIsWet> no
[21:05:51] <Stan> sri lanka = india
[21:05:51] <Stan> <3
[21:05:51] <Ludred> party rape sultan
[21:05:56] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[21:06:17] <i$am.> who dared dming me
[21:06:19] <CzechBoy777> my god XD
[21:06:29] <Lavija> ye
[21:06:42] <Gamer30> !assets Stan
[21:06:45] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan has 10 car(s) ($4,260,000) and 4 house(s) ($7,400,000 - 9 slots) for a total of $11,660,000
[21:06:55] <CzechBoy777> FUCK
[21:07:13] <Diamondzxd> /vgodmode
[21:07:15] <Ludred> /vgm
[21:07:25] <CzechBoy777> WHAT
[21:07:28] <Stan> bitch
[21:07:31] <Stan> it's red cross
[21:07:36] <i$am.> where is gay lavij
[21:07:41] <Ludred> red cross ded
[21:07:41] <i$am.> imma kill em
[21:07:48] <CadenIsWet> Stan, i can feel yo tension rising
[21:07:48] <CadenIsWet> d;
[21:07:51] <CzechBoy777> oh no
[21:07:59] <CzechBoy777> oof
[21:07:59] <Ludred> lav u a bitch
[21:08:04] <Gamer30> And they Luft is unfriendly.
[21:08:04] <CzechBoy777> WHAT
[21:08:06] <ChairmanMao> xD
[21:08:09] <i$am.> :c
[21:08:11] <CzechBoy777> chairmanOS
[21:08:14] <i$am.> vgm doesnt work
[21:08:14] <i$am.> lol
[21:08:14] <Ludred> damn got double teamed
[21:08:16] <Stan> do not shoot
[21:08:32] <Lavija> betrayal
[21:08:34] <0verlord> Get rekt lavija
[21:08:44] <CzechBoy777> cmon
[21:08:47] <0verlord> Get rekt lavija
[21:08:49] <CzechBoy777> WTF
[21:08:52] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[21:08:55] <kozigo> Ez
[21:08:55] <CzechBoy777> 61 vehicles have been respawned?
[21:09:00] <Stan> 58 vehicles
[21:09:02] <Stan> LOL
[21:09:02] <Gamer30> Stan has the most vehicles.
[21:09:10] <Stan> /serverstats
[21:09:10] <TheGamer> yeeted
[21:09:12] <Stan> 900 vehicles lol
[21:09:12] <CzechBoy777> but I have only 11 vehicles
[21:09:15] <Lavija> im being betrayed by my own
[21:09:23] <David> !aboard
[21:09:23] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110562) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8590) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26239)
[21:09:30] <i$am.> i am in water :/
[21:09:33] <Haroon> cya<3
[21:09:35] <-- Haroon disconnected from the server
[21:09:43] <Lavija> who tf is moaning
[21:09:48] <Diamondzxd> > Stan spawns.
[21:09:48] <Stan> HAAHHAj
[21:09:48] <Lavija> OH SHIT
[21:09:48] <Stan> HAAHHA
[21:09:51] <Ludred> wrong STAN
[21:09:51] <kozigo> who shot me
[21:09:51] <Stan958> heel fijn
[21:09:53] <Diamondzxd> > Everyone with MINIGUN : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
[21:09:56] <CzechBoy777> XD
[21:09:56] <Lavija> hnoeugbHIKbgGjbglNk
[21:10:03] <Lavija> SORRY SUPERIOR STAN
[21:10:11] <i$am.> noob
[21:10:13] <i$am.> xd
[21:10:13] <CzechBoy777> XD
[21:10:16] <Gamer30> Stan, one of your fifty cars is brought to you.
[21:10:16] <kozigo> loool
[21:10:16] <Ludred> you have to give him 100k to compensate his work
[21:10:19] <CzechBoy777> bak choi
[21:10:21] <Lavija> i did
[21:10:26] <CzechBoy777> W SHIT
[21:10:31] <Stan958> thanks for comp
[21:10:36] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[21:10:36] <kozigo> rip
[21:10:47] <i$am.> EY NO
[21:10:49] <Acre> 4/5..
[21:10:49] <i$am.> lol
[21:10:49] <0verlord> 1/5
[21:10:54] <Stan> david
[21:10:59] <Acre> inb4mypingkick
[21:11:04] <Stan> DAVID
[21:11:04] <Lavija> tick tock acre
[21:11:15] <Gamer30> Who shot Stan's car?
[21:11:22] <David> aye
[21:11:25] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[21:11:27] <Stan> win lets run
[21:11:35] <CzechBoy777> my internet is going nuts
[21:11:50] <CzechBoy777> FUck
[21:11:55] <0verlord> f
[21:12:00] <TheGamer> nononono
[21:12:03] <Stan> noooo
[21:12:03] <CzechBoy777> I am traveling in pinghole city too
[21:12:06] <Ludred> damn gamer30 betrayal
[21:12:08] <CzechBoy777> Fuck noooooooooo
[21:12:16] <i$am.> dont shoot pls? be good kid
[21:12:18] <Lavija> hello stan and chairman
[21:12:18] <eddie> im vpned and im still only 51 ping
[21:12:21] <TheGamer> that's teamkill
[21:12:23] <ChairmanMao> hello
[21:12:31] <eddie> god bless wesetern europes siick infrastructure :P
[21:12:41] <CadenIsWet> hey oscar
[21:12:51] <kozigo> LMFAO
[21:12:54] <David> that's actually nuts eddie
[21:13:09] <Ludred> bruh my gta sa froze right when I entered lufthasna base lmao
[21:13:12] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[21:13:14] <David> only western europe has the infrastructure to facilitate that kind of internet speed
[21:13:14] <i$am.> if i were to use vpn it would increase 30-40 ping
[21:13:14] <CzechBoy777> lol
[21:13:30] <i$am.> i would get 160-180 ping ;/
[21:13:42] <eddie> some of the US has very good infrastructure
[21:13:47] <0verlord> spawn kill
[21:13:47] <CzechBoy777> LOL
[21:13:50] <Ludred> ill /vgm
[21:13:53] <CzechBoy777> someone has rage
[21:14:00] --> Stan connected to the server
[21:14:03] <CzechBoy777> wb
[21:14:03] <CadenIsWet> b
[21:14:05] <i$am.> k bai cya
[21:14:05] <-- i$am. disconnected from the server
[21:14:05] <CzechBoy777> XDDD
[21:14:08] <eddie> but alot of europe is just top tier
[21:14:13] <Stan> this is the lufthansa emerency broadcast system
[21:14:23] <Stan> we're going to airlift you from this hell
[21:14:23] <CadenIsWet> chaotic af
[21:14:33] <WarmBees> !aboard
[21:14:33] <CzechBoy777> donmt kill me pls
[21:14:33] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110570) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8595) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26240)
[21:14:36] <Ludred> lavija spawn killing
[21:14:38] <Lavija> say hello to your lord
[21:14:46] <kozigo> bye
[21:14:46] <WarmBees> !bankcash kamikez
[21:14:46] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}WarmBees's bank money is $19,982,145
[21:14:56] <kozigo> lol
[21:14:59] <kozigo> !bankcash
[21:14:59] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}kozigo's bank money is $368
[21:15:01] <JakeN2436> d
[21:15:01] <kozigo> rip
[21:15:06] <CzechBoy777> CMON!!!!!!
[21:15:11] <CzechBoy777> motherfucker
[21:15:11] <CzechBoy777> who did this
[21:15:24] <CzechBoy777> who did this
[21:15:27] <Gamer30> Lufthansa
[21:15:34] --> Santiago connected to the server
[21:15:37] <CzechBoy777> who killed me
[21:15:37] <Stan> on
[21:15:37] <JakeN2436> santi
[21:15:39] <Gamer30> Lufthansa
[21:15:39] <Stan> noooo
[21:15:42] <JakeN2436> you are about to walk in
[21:15:42] <Ludred> wb head ad,om
[21:15:45] <JakeN2436> on something very bizarre
[21:15:45] <TSRAnimations> Excuse me
[21:15:50] <0verlord> wb
[21:15:50] <Stan> the head admin
[21:15:52] <Lavija> QUIT GUYS
[21:15:55] <Lavija> headadmin is here
[21:15:55] <Lavija> no more fun
[21:15:57] <Stan> lufthansa oenr
[21:16:02] <Stan> santi is gay
[21:16:13] <TheGamer> lol
[21:16:15] --> Marcster connected to the server
[21:16:18] <TheGamer> jake down
[21:16:20] <TSRAnimations> ...
[21:16:20] <CzechBoy777> this is what you get for killing my monster truck
[21:16:20] <Santiago> wrong server
[21:16:23] <kozigo> MARCSTER FANS CLUB
[21:16:30] <Santiago> !cboard
[21:16:30] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12555) , Rank 2: TransX(-13) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5591)
[21:16:33] <0verlord> czech literally shot mao out of existebnce
[21:16:43] <CzechBoy777> oooF
[21:16:43] <Stan> I'll save you all
[21:16:48] <CzechBoy777> that androm
[21:16:58] <WarmBees> !bankcash
[21:16:58] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}WarmBees's bank money is $20,436,475
[21:17:01] <CzechBoy777> WHO IS SHOOTING ME!!!!!!!!!!�
[21:17:03] <Ludred> Im dead
[21:17:09] <Ludred> HELP
[21:17:16] <Ludred> im stuck underground
[21:17:16] <CzechBoy777> fuck this
[21:17:24] <WarmBees> cya guyst
[21:17:24] <CzechBoy777> stop shooting me debil
[21:17:24] <kozigo> ffs tg
[21:17:57] <0verlord> stop runnin you little shit
[21:18:02] --> Thor30 connected to the server
[21:18:10] <-- David disconnected from the server
[21:18:22] <CzechBoy777> lufthanas base so lags
[21:18:25] <Stan> someone lock the gate
[21:18:33] <Stan> omg head admin
[21:18:35] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[21:18:40] <Stan> add a gate here and flood it
[21:18:53] --> eddie connected to the server
[21:18:53] <CzechBoy777> oof
[21:18:55] <CzechBoy777> wb
[21:19:06] <eddie> oof, 168 ping now
[21:19:18] <kozigo> F
[21:19:21] <Diamondzxd> lmfao
[21:19:51] <Ludred> yall like my cape?
[21:20:09] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[21:20:32] <Stan>
[21:20:52] <Ludred> USA vs uh colorized
[21:21:26] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[21:21:28] <CzechBoy777> am I desynced
[21:21:31] <CzechBoy777> yes I am desynced
[21:21:36] --> RequestName[IA] connected to the server
[21:21:38] --> eddie connected to the server
[21:21:38] <CzechBoy777> but I still have gun XD
[21:21:38] <Ludred> wb
[21:21:46] <RequestName[IA]> fuccccccck
[21:21:46] <RequestName[IA]> ty
[21:21:48] <Ludred> wtf
[21:21:51] <RequestName[IA]> eddie!?
[21:21:56] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[21:21:59] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[21:21:59] <Diamondzxd> gg
[21:21:59] <Lavija> ...
[21:22:01] <Acre> F
[21:22:01] <Stan> lmao
[21:22:06] <Ludred> f
[21:22:22] <RequestName[IA]> fuccck house was deleted smh
[21:22:37] (WEB) <Gamer30#9618> What happened?
[21:22:55] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[21:23:10] <-- Marcster disconnected from the server
[21:23:12] <Ludred> F
[21:23:12] <Stan> AHAHHAa
[21:23:12] <0verlord> F
[21:23:12] <TheGamer> lmfao
[21:23:12] <Acre> F
[21:23:18] <Ludred> ricardo busting everyone
[21:23:28] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[21:23:35] <Gamer30> Aw, Ricardo being stupid as always.
[21:23:38] <-- CadenIsWet disconnected from the server
[21:23:46] <Stan> omg caden left
[21:23:48] <Ludred> tyou used a hydra
[21:24:08] <Ludred> wb both
[21:24:16] --> CadenIsWet connected to the server
[21:24:19] <Stan> wb caden
[21:24:21] <ChairmanMao> b
[21:24:21] <ChairmanMao> wb
[21:24:26] <Santiago> /joinevent for your free uhm
[21:24:26] <CadenIsWet> ty :D
[21:24:29] <Santiago> weapon
[21:24:31] --> Marcster connected to the server
[21:24:31] <Stan> overlord... you're on our side
[21:24:47] <kozigo> MARCSTER FANS CLUB
[21:25:10] <BorderCollie> lol
[21:25:17] <Marcster> wth just happened lmao
[21:25:20] <Lavija> someone give me 10k for an ad
[21:25:48] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[21:26:00] <Marcster> love that ad
[21:26:00] <Stan> no
[21:26:03] <Lavija> im at 110k
[21:26:03] <Marcster> <3
[21:26:06] <BorderCollie> I'm bugged someone kill me pls
[21:26:18] --> Santiago connected to the server
[21:26:21] <BorderCollie> TG explodeer m eff
[21:26:31] <Ludred> someone nuke stan please
[21:26:39] <0verlord> opcode
[21:26:46] <ChairmanMao> remvoed player 9
[21:26:51] <-- ChairmanMao disconnected from the server
[21:26:54] <0verlord> gz
[21:26:56] <kozigo> who won
[21:27:02] <Gamer30> Kozigo.
[21:27:02] <-- BorderCollie disconnected from the server
[21:27:02] <Santiago> me
[21:27:04] <Stan> ok i might speak now :D
[21:27:07] <kozigo> oh nice i won
[21:27:12] <Stan> lavijas gone
[21:27:12] <Stan> yay
[21:27:14] <CadenIsWet> stop teasing
[21:27:17] <Lavija> u sure?
[21:27:17] --> ChairmanMao connected to the server
[21:27:19] <Stan> i love blueballing
[21:27:19] --> BorderCollie connected to the server
[21:27:22] <CadenIsWet> wb :D
[21:27:32] <Ludred> I could have earned 1m while fucking around lmao
[21:27:53] <Lavija> guys
[21:27:53] <Stan> .flip
[21:27:58] <ChairmanMao> yes
[21:27:58] <Ludred> yse
[21:28:00] <Lavija> ok sec
[21:28:08] <Lavija> someone give me a car
[21:28:38] <Stan> caden
[21:28:41] <Santiago> 1 like and I nuke stan
[21:28:41] <Ludred> why tf am I lagging lmao
[21:28:43] <Stan> do you see this person on my truck
[21:28:43] <Stan> shoot him
[21:28:43] <Lavija> like
[21:28:43] <Ludred> like
[21:28:46] <0verlord> liked
[21:28:49] <Stan> HAHAHAH
[21:28:49] <Ludred> wrong STAN
[21:28:49] <Lavija> poor stan
[21:28:49] <Santiago> oh damn wrong stan
[21:28:51] <0verlord> wrong stan
[21:28:54] <Diamondzxd> lol
[21:28:56] <Stan958> nuke with id next time
[21:28:56] <TheGamer> this is the right one
[21:28:59] <Lavija> everyone get on
[21:29:09] <Ludred> lets nuke stan again?
[21:29:40] <TheGamer> i'm off, cya
[21:29:40] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[21:29:40] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[21:29:47] <Lavija> nevermind
[21:30:05] <Ludred> rip marc
[21:30:13] <Marcster> lmfao
[21:30:25] <Lavija> get on
[21:30:46] <Ludred> ontop or as a passenger?
[21:30:48] <Lavija> on top
[21:30:48] <Stan> on
[21:30:51] <Stan> ON
[21:30:53] <CadenIsWet> LMS?w
[21:30:53] <kozigo> where is the shamal
[21:31:04] <-- Acre disconnected from the server
[21:31:04] <JakeN2436> in your mum
[21:31:11] <kozigo> in your dud
[21:31:52] <-- BorderCollie disconnected from the server
[21:31:54] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[21:31:54] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[21:31:57] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[21:31:57] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[21:31:57] <kozigo> lol
[21:32:00] <kozigo> F
[21:32:02] <eddie> gz
[21:32:02] <Marcster> oh man
[21:32:02] <Diamondzxd> NICE
[21:32:30] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[21:32:30] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> F
[21:32:35] --> Stan connected to the server
[21:32:45] <0verlord> how was the ban
[21:32:48] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[21:33:16] --> Ludred connected to the server
[21:33:24] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[21:33:31] <Ludred> !cboard
[21:33:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12555) , Rank 2: TransX(-13) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5591)
[21:33:49] <Ludred> can I get a tp back to lufthansa base?
[21:34:02] <Ludred> fine ill come myself
[21:34:07] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[21:34:17] --> Stan connected to the server
[21:34:25] <CadenIsWet> wb bae
[21:34:27] <Ludred> wb
[21:34:27] <0verlord> :-P
[21:34:30] <Stan> thanks
[21:34:32] <Ludred> my husband
[21:34:43] <CadenIsWet> o_O?
[21:34:48] --> Lavija connected to the server
[21:34:50] <Ludred> wb
[21:34:55] <CadenIsWet> wbb
[21:35:00] <Lavija> stan is gay
[21:35:05] <Marcster> an is gay
[21:35:05] <JakeN2436> stan is gay
[21:35:05] <kozigo> stan is gay
[21:35:05] <0verlord> GAAYYY!
[21:35:08] <ChairmanMao> stan is gay
[21:35:08] <Stan> WTF
[21:35:08] <Stan> IS
[21:35:11] <Stan> this
[21:35:11] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[21:35:11] <RequestName[IA]> yeah theyre happy
[21:35:13] <RequestName[IA]> hahaha
[21:35:18] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[21:35:33] --> Stan connected to the server
[21:35:36] <Ludred> wb
[21:35:39] <Stan> thanks
[21:35:49] <Ludred> I got shot and managed to get inside lmao
[21:36:01] <JakeN2436> !8ball thea
[21:36:04] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: My reply is no
[21:36:19] <Ludred> !8ball do I actually have a sore throat
[21:36:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Ludred: Without a doubt
[21:36:47] <Ludred> mass explosion of 2020
[21:36:47] <Stan> ,banandremovefromairline kozigo
[21:36:52] <0verlord> xD
[21:36:55] <Stan> top 10 anime betrayals
[21:36:55] <kozigo> :(
[21:37:03] <Ludred> he was shot down lmao
[21:37:10] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[21:37:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110575) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8590) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26248)
[21:37:10] <kozigo> me and overlord having fun
[21:37:13] <0verlord> i shot him down
[21:37:20] <Ludred> no
[21:37:23] <0verlord> want me to shoot you too?
[21:37:23] <Gamer30> Fallout 69
[21:37:48] <kozigo> yes
[21:37:48] <Ludred> winny wanna play csgo tomorrow
[21:37:54] <kozigo> no
[21:37:56] <Lavija> no
[21:37:59] <kozigo> play cs 1.6
[21:37:59] <Ludred> I said winny you hoes
[21:37:59] <kozigo> with me
[21:38:01] <ChairmanMao> yo
[21:38:04] <ChairmanMao> uh sure
[21:38:19] <Stan> get in
[21:38:34] <kozigo> lol
[21:38:39] <0verlord> i am alive kozi
[21:38:39] <Gamer30> What is airlift takes off?
[21:39:05] <kozigo> dont overlord
[21:39:05] <Stan> wrong plane
[21:39:07] <Stan> but okay
[21:39:12] <0verlord> lol i wont
[21:39:12] <Stan> let's all fly and dive bomb IA
[21:39:15] <ChairmanMao> yes
[21:39:25] <Ludred> im inside the andromeda wtf
[21:39:35] <kozigo> ez ludred
[21:39:35] <kozigo> die
[21:39:46] <Ludred> damn I got left alone
[21:40:03] <ChairmanMao> come to IA we divebombin
[21:40:11] <Ludred> kamikazi?
[21:40:19] <Stan> yes
[21:40:47] <kozigo> lol
[21:40:47] <kozigo> diamond
[21:40:47] <0verlord> bomber with its defense crew
[21:40:59] <Ludred> HOLY FUCKK I see it
[21:40:59] <Stan> nice caden
[21:41:02] <kozigo> lmao diamond
[21:41:04] <kozigo> xD
[21:41:17] <Diamondzxd> lmao
[21:41:48] <Stan> lmao we gotta do this again
[21:41:50] <Stan> but organised
[21:41:58] <Gamer30> orgasmed*
[21:42:00] <Ludred> lets use like every hydra
[21:42:08] <Ludred> and go
[21:42:11] <Stan> mao
[21:42:13] <Stan> shoot up their building
[21:42:13] <ChairmanMao> yo
[21:42:13] <Gamer30> I would use Skimmer.
[21:42:18] <ChairmanMao> yes
[21:42:26] <Stan> IA ovverun lmao
[21:42:31] <Lavija> what is this
[21:42:31] <Ludred> where is their building
[21:42:36] <Stan> you shoudlve seen how we came
[21:42:36] <Stan> it was gold
[21:42:41] <Lavija> howd you come
[21:42:46] <Stan> we kamikazed
[21:42:49] <Stan> all of us together
[21:42:49] <Stan> xDDD
[21:42:51] <Lavija> rude
[21:42:56] <Ludred> it shwoed last second
[21:43:14] <kozigo> any admin im underground
[21:43:27] <kozigo> ty
[21:44:03] <Ludred> ima be there in 30 seconds
[21:44:26] <kozigo> ok
[21:44:26] <Lavija> base clear
[21:45:57] <-- ChairmanMao disconnected from the server
[21:46:07] --> ChairmanMao connected to the server
[21:46:20] <Stan> we lost our leader mao
[21:46:23] <ChairmanMao> ty
[21:46:30] <JakeN2436> mao just vanished
[21:47:03] <kozigo> loool
[21:47:29] <Ludred> if there was a stuka dive sound
[21:47:34] <Ludred> this would be comedy gold
[21:48:07] <0verlord> wat are you douing kozi
[21:48:10] <kozigo> xD
[21:48:17] <Stan> rip gaden
[21:48:17] <Stan> caden
[21:48:27] <CadenIsWet> Rip xD
[21:48:55] <JakeN2436> this is the gta v angry planes mod but in samp
[21:49:03] <Ludred> everyone die
[21:49:06] <Stan> jake you better be recording
[21:49:06] <Stan> XDDD
[21:49:11] <Ludred> diamond died too
[21:49:11] <JakeN2436> ium streaming stan
[21:49:13] <Stan> hahah
[21:49:31] <Stan> aw
[21:49:36] <Ludred> lets all get hydras
[21:49:41] <Ludred> and dive bomb their ass
[21:50:07] <Gamer30> Stan, you parked so much vehicles in slum my game runs at 2 FPS.
[21:50:19] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> ayoo phillie
[21:50:37] <RequestName[IA]> me?
[21:50:53] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> yeah.. lo
[21:50:58] <Stan> twi come in
[21:51:00] <Stan> you're gonna see your base exploding
[21:51:03] <RequestName[IA]> new name, who dis?
[21:51:08] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Eh wat ya doin?
[21:51:08] <Stan> it's jackie
[21:51:13] <Stan> bombing IA
[21:51:18] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Hu3
[21:51:31] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> no you can't do shit to IA
[21:51:33] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> But nah. I'm in bed
[21:51:33] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[21:51:33] <Stan> we did
[21:52:24] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> And I don't feel like getting up lol
[21:52:29] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[21:52:29] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110575) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8588) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26250)
[21:52:32] <Stan> yeah mao
[21:52:39] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> !cboard
[21:52:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(12555) , Rank 2: TransX(-13) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5591)
[21:52:47] --> CRiZZ connected to the server
[21:52:50] <ChairmanMao> !assets stan
[21:52:50] <kozigo> !assets tan
[21:52:50] <Ludred> !assets stan
[21:52:52] (WEB) <robin_be> stan has 10 car(s) ($4,260,000) and 4 house(s) ($7,400,000 - 9 slots) for a total of $11,660,000
[21:52:52] <Stan> "98 of your vehicles have been respawned"
[21:52:58] <kozigo> a
[21:53:00] <Ludred> wtf
[21:53:10] <CRiZZ> chellas
[21:53:13] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> !assets Stan
[21:53:15] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan has 10 car(s) ($4,260,000) and 4 house(s) ($7,400,000 - 9 slots) for a total of $11,660,000
[21:53:15] <Stan> hiii
[21:53:23] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Uh. Bot is lagging
[21:53:43] <Gamer30> !bankcash Radude
[21:53:43] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Gamer30's bank money is $13,400,000
[21:53:56] <Stan> I spoke
[21:54:24] <0verlord> oh damn
[21:54:37] <ChairmanMao> stan speak again <3
[21:54:39] <kozigo> no <3
[21:55:00] <JakeN2436> im gonna go and play dead by daylight
[21:55:02] <Stan> noooo
[21:55:07] <Stan> im speaking now :D
[21:55:10] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[21:55:18] <CRiZZ> wow like old rimes here :D
[21:55:20] <Stan> yess
[21:55:28] <kozigo> yess
[21:55:38] <kozigo> yess
[21:55:48] <kozigo> someone else to say yess?
[21:55:48] <Stan> r can you hear me
[21:56:16] <Ludred> Stan you sound like a 20year old going thru puberty I think
[21:56:24] <Stan> I'm a 9 year old going through puberty
[21:56:42] <Stan> czech's speaking LOL
[21:56:44] <Ludred> 9 yeay olds cant go thru ppuberty
[21:56:54] <Ludred> I think
[21:56:54] <Stan> no
[21:56:57] <0verlord> he speaking nothing but facts
[21:56:57] <Stan> they can
[21:56:59] <Ludred> I failed biology class anyway
[21:57:05] <Stan> ludred speak ill speak
[21:57:07] <Stan> <3
[21:57:17] (WEB) <iSam#5191> I can see how you failed
[21:57:22] <Ludred> no I sound like 80 year old mixed with a 10 year old
[21:57:25] <Stan> fuck off sam go away
[21:57:33] <Stan> omg stop being a pussy
[21:57:35] <Stan> i spoke now you speak <3
[21:57:38] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Stan gay
[21:57:45] (WEB) <KylieJenner#7680> Hi
[21:57:50] <Ludred> because you do stupid decisions doesnt mean I have to do them too
[21:58:01] <Stan> ofc you do
[21:58:03] <0verlord> if speaking is stupid to yo
[21:58:03] <Stan> you took a vow
[21:58:11] <Ludred> I didnt promise shit lmfao
[21:58:13] (WEB) <KylieJenner#7680> !player david
[21:58:13] <0verlord> idk how your brain function
[21:58:16] (WEB) <robin_be> player david: 10799 score, last seen 1 Hours Ago
[21:58:21] <Stan> you married me hun
[21:58:24] <Stan> omg
[21:58:24] (WEB) <iSam#5191> He tricked you noobstan
[21:58:24] <kozigo> ez
[21:58:24] <Stan> my vehicles
[21:58:26] <kozigo> ezz
[21:58:36] <kozigo> gzz kozigo
[21:58:57] <Diamondzxd> ayy czechy
[21:58:59] <kozigo> any gz?
[21:59:02] <0verlord> gz
[21:59:02] <CadenIsWet> gz
[21:59:04] <kozigo> ty
[21:59:04] <Ludred> gz
[21:59:04] <0verlord> gz
[21:59:07] <kozigo> ty noobs
[21:59:30] <Stan> Caden
[21:59:30] <0verlord> Cant CATCH ME
[21:59:32] <Stan> your avatar looks like u
[21:59:37] <CadenIsWet> meh? xD
[21:59:42] <Stan> :(
[21:59:48] <CadenIsWet> right
[22:00:05] <Stan> gamer
[22:00:10] <Stan> who caused the coronavirus
[22:00:13] <kozigo> me
[22:00:16] <-- RequestName[IA] disconnected from the server
[22:00:16] <Gamer30> Radoo
[22:00:21] <Stan> periodt
[22:00:46] <Stan> shoot that bitch
[22:01:04] <Stan> !aboard
[22:01:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110576) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8589) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26250)
[22:01:17] <Stan> lufthansa mad gay
[22:01:29] <CadenIsWet> u not rong
[22:01:42] <Stan> caden
[22:01:45] <CadenIsWet> yes? :D
[22:01:47] <Stan> show me the bluelight
[22:01:50] <0verlord> F
[22:01:50] <CadenIsWet> staph xD
[22:01:52] <CadenIsWet> s
[22:02:05] <Ludred> yo im glitched
[22:02:08] <CadenIsWet> where is Maden
[22:02:08] <kozigo> F
[22:02:10] <-- CRiZZ disconnected from the server
[22:02:10] <Stan> HE LEFT
[22:02:18] <Stan> call his ass
[22:02:23] <Stan> he said he'll come back one day
[22:02:36] <Stan> !player denied
[22:02:38] (WEB) <robin_be> player denied: 7218 score, last seen 25 Months Ago
[22:02:38] <CadenIsWet> he's too deep in the puss
[22:02:43] <Stan> YES
[22:02:43] <kozigo> !player rejected
[22:02:46] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player rejected
[22:02:46] <CadenIsWet> never seeing light again
[22:02:51] <Stan> imagine being hetero :S
[22:02:54] <CadenIsWet> relatable
[22:02:56] <CadenIsWet> u can't relate
[22:03:04] <CadenIsWet> ^_^
[22:03:19] --> A4Destruction connected to the server
[22:03:50] <A4Destruction> !aboard
[22:03:50] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110577) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8589) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26251)
[22:03:55] <Ludred> I dont /lotto and my number shows up fucking hell
[22:04:05] <ChairmanMao> oh i won with 27 earlier today
[22:04:28] <Ludred> why so many fire trucks wtf?
[22:04:35] <kozigo> your ass got burned
[22:04:38] <Gamer30> Stan has larger fleet now.
[22:04:38] <Stan> all my cars are multiplied by 10
[22:04:41] <Ludred> oh stan you gotta relog
[22:04:46] <Stan> 111 ars lmao
[22:04:51] <Ludred> taht should fix it
[22:04:53] <Gamer30> Get in the slum.
[22:04:53] <Stan> despawned
[22:05:01] <0verlord> !assets
[22:05:04] (WEB) <robin_be> 0verlord has 10 car(s) ($5,570,000) and 2 house(s) ($5,800,000 - 11 slots) for a total of $11,370,000
[22:05:09] <Stan> caden
[22:05:11] <CadenIsWet> yes?
[22:05:21] <Ludred> someone is very sleepy
[22:05:21] <Stan> :(
[22:05:27] <Stan> or winny's
[22:05:29] <CadenIsWet> wdym?
[22:05:32] <Stan> we're sad
[22:05:34] <CadenIsWet> i am xd
[22:05:34] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> !cash Twi[X]
[22:05:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi[X] has $317,839 in hand
[22:05:39] <Stan> twi
[22:05:42] <CadenIsWet> dun be. :D
[22:05:42] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> who wants to dice 300k
[22:05:44] <Stan> !cashinbank
[22:05:47] <kozigo> me
[22:05:50] <Stan> !cashinbank
[22:05:52] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> aight coming
[22:05:55] <Stan> !bankcash
[22:05:55] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Stan's bank money is $30,200,000
[22:06:00] <Stan> :O
[22:06:10] <Gamer30> How to see Radoo's balance?
[22:06:23] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[22:06:23] <Stan> he has two accounts
[22:06:25] <kozigo> Who's selling turismo?
[22:06:25] <Stan> nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[22:06:28] <Ludred> wb
[22:06:48] <Stan> but pls dont kill him hes nice to me
[22:06:48] <Ludred> inb4 chairman gets nuked
[22:07:01] <Ludred> lemme get on that heli
[22:07:01] <kozigo> wait
[22:07:11] <kozigo> ffs
[22:07:31] <Twi[X]> aight stan here u go
[22:07:34] <Twi[X]> !bankcash
[22:07:34] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Twi[X]'s bank money is $500,000
[22:07:39] <ChairmanMao> !cash twi[x]
[22:07:42] (WEB) <robin_be> twi[x] has $317,839 in hand
[22:07:44] <Twi[X]> ;)
[22:07:44] <Stan> donkeys
[22:07:44] <Ludred> 700k balance
[22:07:52] <Ludred> !bankcash
[22:07:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Ludred's bank money is $8,170,000
[22:07:54] <Stan> he probably sendcashed himself
[22:07:57] <Ludred> im broke af
[22:08:00] <Stan> sendmessaged
[22:08:00] <Twi[X]> huee
[22:08:12] <Stan> ok guys
[22:08:15] <Twi[X]> just /tp kozigo
[22:08:17] <Stan> we just gonna keep breathing into the mics
[22:08:20] <Stan> xD
[22:08:25] <Ludred> yes
[22:08:25] <kozigo> wait lol
[22:08:33] <Twi[X]> hi caden
[22:08:33] <Stan> dont sleep caden
[22:08:38] <CadenIsWet> hi Twink
[22:08:40] <Gamer30> Didn't he mean fap?
[22:08:43] <Stan> :S
[22:08:43] <Ludred> ghost helicopter
[22:08:45] <Stan> yall hear czecho
[22:08:48] <Twi[X]> waddup caden
[22:08:53] <Twi[X]> 300k I said
[22:08:56] <CadenIsWet> All good. what's ur name? :D
[22:09:01] <Twi[X]> Twi
[22:09:06] <CadenIsWet> eh
[22:09:11] <Twi[X]> smh
[22:09:21] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> Oui
[22:09:26] <Twi[X]> gz
[22:09:29] <kozigo> ty
[22:09:31] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[22:09:31] <kozigo> thats all?
[22:09:34] <kozigo> lol
[22:09:36] <Stan> caden
[22:09:39] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> yeah only had 300k
[22:09:41] <kozigo> overlord?
[22:09:44] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> we'll dice later
[22:09:46] <0verlord> yes
[22:09:49] <kozigo> i have beaten twi
[22:09:52] <Ludred> yeah we fucked up with czech he swears way to much for his age tbh
[22:09:54] <Stan> twi is jackie
[22:10:12] <Stan> jackie the hacker
[22:10:25] <Ludred> he changed
[22:10:27] <Ludred> he really do
[22:10:30] <Ludred> did*
[22:10:37] <ChairmanMao> !cash twi[x]
[22:10:40] (WEB) <robin_be> twi[x] has $317,839 in hand
[22:10:48] <Stan> is czech moaning
[22:10:55] <Stan> hes 12
[22:11:00] <Stan> yea
[22:11:05] <Ludred> whoops
[22:11:05] <Diamondzxd> I didn't cut hair entire lockdown now I actually wanna have long hair
[22:11:13] <Ludred> ikr
[22:11:16] <Stan> picS
[22:11:21] <Diamondzxd> kinda liking this style now
[22:11:23] <Stan> diamond send pic
[22:11:31] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> Diamond's the next patrick then
[22:11:33] <Ludred> I liked longed hair
[22:11:36] <Ludred> and I always do
[22:11:36] <-- Marcster disconnected from the server
[22:11:46] <Diamondzxd> lol I dont think I'll grow that much long
[22:11:46] <ChairmanMao> twi get in
[22:11:46] <Ludred> but my family hates long hair smfh
[22:11:46] <Stan> is he possessed
[22:11:49] <ChairmanMao> imma dice
[22:11:54] <Diamondzxd> he's like what... Sirius black
[22:11:54] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> bored af mao
[22:11:56] <Ludred> he is saying stan gay
[22:11:59] <ChairmanMao> cyla
[22:11:59] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> how much u wanna go
[22:12:02] <ChairmanMao> cyka
[22:12:04] <Stan> I hear him saying i'm gay
[22:12:07] <ChairmanMao> 300k
[22:12:09] <Ludred> nah stan gay
[22:12:12] <Stan> but it sounds like hes possessed
[22:12:12] <kozigo> i will never anymore dice with overlord
[22:12:14] <Diamondzxd> I can relate, Ludred
[22:12:14] <Stan> yes I'm gay
[22:12:14] <kozigo> anyone else
[22:12:17] (WEB) <BlackyBurn#9389> aight
[22:12:22] <kozigo> smh
[22:12:22] <0verlord> lol
[22:12:24] <CadenIsWet> Stan, are u gay tho
[22:12:24] <kozigo> dont dice me again
[22:12:27] <CadenIsWet> that's the question
[22:12:27] <Ludred> we have a lot of things in common as it seems diamond...
[22:12:27] <Stan> yes
[22:12:30] <kozigo> i dont want to lose my money
[22:12:37] <CadenIsWet> u out the closet?
[22:12:40] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[22:12:47] <Twi[X]> ty
[22:12:47] <Stan> on pl
[22:12:47] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Stan cant say anything
[22:12:47] <CadenIsWet> wb twix
[22:12:52] <Twi[X]> ty
[22:12:55] <Diamondzxd> as the restrictions leaned down, they want me to take a haircut
[22:12:58] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Cmon Stan speak!
[22:13:08] <Twi[X]> winny where u at
[22:13:18] <Twi[X]> 5k's suck
[22:13:20] (WEB) <arnir#9350> !aboarf
[22:13:26] (WEB) <arnir#9350> !aboard
[22:13:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110577) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8583) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26257)
[22:13:28] <Twi[X]> gz
[22:13:31] <0verlord> F
[22:13:33] <kozigo> wtf
[22:13:36] <kozigo> overlord
[22:13:36] <kozigo> stop dicing me
[22:13:41] (WEB) <arnir#9350> Guys
[22:13:43] <0verlord> nice decline
[22:13:48] (WEB) <arnir#9350> Catch up da pace
[22:13:54] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[22:13:54] <Diamondzxd> close enough lul ded
[22:13:59] <Ludred> ikr
[22:14:04] <kozigo> come here
[22:14:04] <kozigo> mao
[22:14:06] <0verlord> gonna hit the bed now
[22:14:09] <kozigo> or you are scared
[22:14:14] <0verlord> lol
[22:14:19] <Twi[X]> kozigo u bugged
[22:14:19] <kozigo> no
[22:14:24] <kozigo> no
[22:14:27] <Twi[X]> pending invite
[22:14:32] <0verlord> get rekt
[22:14:34] <kozigo> shit
[22:14:37] <ChairmanMao> :)
[22:14:47] <ChairmanMao> im out
[22:14:47] <0verlord> Mao be like someone who i can dice with ah
[22:14:47] <kozigo> no
[22:14:50] <kozigo> come plz
[22:14:52] <kozigo> :(
[22:14:55] <Twi[X]> dice me 500k
[22:14:57] <kozigo> twi accept this
[22:14:57] <ChairmanMao> i diced away too much in 2017
[22:15:00] --> Stan connected to the server
[22:15:02] <kozigo> accept this firs
[22:15:05] <Twi[X]> accept twhat
[22:15:07] <kozigo> then 500k
[22:15:07] <Ludred> wb
[22:15:07] <0verlord> see kozi i told ya not everyone keep playing like me
[22:15:10] <kozigo> i diced you 100k
[22:15:18] <Twi[X]> u didn't ? lol
[22:15:20] <kozigo> smh
[22:15:20] <Twi[X]> you're bugged
[22:15:20] <kozigo> i did
[22:15:23] <kozigo> send me
[22:15:23] <Twi[X]> whenevr I send u invite
[22:15:30] <kozigo> send me 500k
[22:15:33] <Twi[X]> it says u have pending invite
[22:15:38] <Twi[X]> smh no
[22:15:38] <Stan> yes
[22:15:38] <kozigo> i dont
[22:15:40] <kozigo> lets both relog
[22:15:43] <Stan> it does
[22:15:43] <Twi[X]> aight
[22:15:46] <kozigo> ffs lol
[22:15:46] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[22:15:46] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[22:16:06] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[22:16:16] <Diamondzxd> ayy
[22:16:21] <Ludred> those damn trees lmao
[22:16:26] <Stan> lmao
[22:16:31] <Twi[X]> did u relog kozigo
[22:16:39] --> kozigo connected to the server
[22:16:39] <Twi[X]> wb
[22:16:47] <kozigo> ty
[22:16:47] <Ludred> im rich
[22:16:52] <kozigo> ludred
[22:16:54] <kozigo> come dice and i'll make ya poor
[22:16:54] <Twi[X]> 500k pull in koz
[22:17:07] <kozigo> why nobody in hangout?
[22:17:10] <Twi[X]> smh
[22:17:10] <kozigo> wtf
[22:17:12] <ChairmanMao> stan rollin in the cash
[22:17:12] <Twi[X]> you might be desynnced
[22:17:15] <0verlord> bugged
[22:17:17] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[22:17:20] <kozigo> no i'm not
[22:17:22] <kozigo> i can type /stats and it works
[22:17:25] <Twi[X]> u are
[22:17:27] <Twi[X]> we all are at vip hangout
[22:17:35] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[22:17:35] <Ludred> !cash
[22:17:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Ludred has $9,780 in hand
[22:17:38] <Twi[X]> wb
[22:17:38] <Stan> wb
[22:17:40] <Stan> lmao
[22:17:40] <Ludred> stan took
[22:17:43] <Ludred> ty
[22:17:45] <Ludred> every bit of my cash
[22:17:50] <Twi[X]> lets go kozigo
[22:17:53] <Twi[X]> 500k
[22:17:53] <kozigo> 1sec
[22:17:55] <kozigo> k
[22:17:58] <kozigo> dice me
[22:18:08] <kozigo> ez
[22:18:08] <Twi[X]> okay fuck me
[22:18:16] <Twi[X]> kozigo got that luck today
[22:18:26] <0verlord> lol mao
[22:18:29] <kozigo> overlord king of dice lmao
[22:18:46] <kozigo> someone dice me
[22:18:51] <Ludred> bruh the fuck
[22:18:51] <kozigo> !cash 0verlord
[22:18:54] (WEB) <robin_be> 0verlord has $490,930 in hand
[22:18:54] <Ludred> why can we roll 0
[22:18:57] <Ludred> dices are 1-6
[22:19:04] <Ludred> I KEEP rolling
[22:19:04] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Bruh lufthansa voice chat dead
[22:19:07] <Stan> !cash ludree
[22:19:09] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player ludree
[22:19:09] <Twi[X]> aight officialy broke
[22:19:09] <Stan> !cash ludred
[22:19:12] (WEB) <robin_be> ludred has $0 in hand
[22:19:12] <Twi[X]> !cash
[22:19:12] <Ludred> pm stan dice me with all of the cash
[22:19:17] <kozigo> lmao ludred
[22:19:20] <ChairmanMao> .
[22:19:22] <Twi[X]> !cash
[22:19:22] <Ludred> I have -500 lmao
[22:19:25] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi[X] has $2,714 in hand
[22:19:30] <kozigo> dude
[22:19:33] <Stan> made ez 75k
[22:19:33] <Ludred> im that bruke
[22:19:35] <kozigo> dont send me dices
[22:19:38] <0verlord> make 200k
[22:19:38] <kozigo> overlord
[22:19:40] <kozigo> no
[22:19:43] <Ludred> I kept rolling 0
[22:19:43] <kozigo> i dice everyone except you
[22:19:53] <kozigo> i dont wanna lose ma money
[22:20:06] <A4Destruction> ops
[22:20:06] <A4Destruction> sorry
[22:20:16] <ChairmanMao> twi u out of luck today
[22:20:18] <ChairmanMao> nvm
[22:20:21] <kozigo> SMH
[22:20:26] <ChairmanMao> stop
[22:20:31] <Twi[X]> 5k gay
[22:20:36] <kozigo> ffs
[22:20:41] <kozigo> why mao (
[22:20:41] <kozigo> :(
[22:20:44] <ChairmanMao> nu
[22:20:46] <kozigo> yu
[22:20:49] <Twi[X]> 600k anyone?
[22:20:49] <0verlord> twix give me back all my money
[22:20:49] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[22:21:02] <0verlord> xD
[22:21:04] <Ludred> twi doesnt give free money
[22:21:14] --> kozigo connected to the server
[22:21:17] <Twi[X]> gg
[22:21:20] <0verlord> AAHAHAHAHA
[22:21:22] <kozigo> gg
[22:21:25] <Stan> twi is a synonym for trump international organisation
[22:21:30] <Twi[X]> true
[22:21:30] <Stan> filthy rich n trash
[22:21:32] <Ludred> ive heard diamond can /duel non admins
[22:21:37] <Twi[X]> yeah he can
[22:21:42] <Ludred> ice
[22:21:45] <Ludred> nice
[22:21:50] <Twi[X]> 100k and I'll tell you a super secret command that tp's you away
[22:22:18] <kozigo> !cash 0Verlord
[22:22:21] (WEB) <robin_be> 0Verlord has $63,430 in hand
[22:22:39] <Ludred> duel me
[22:22:46] <kozigo> yeah i want duel too
[22:22:59] <Stan> haacks
[22:23:01] <Ludred> yall weak
[22:23:07] <kozigo> how to duel
[22:23:17] <Twi[X]> you can't
[22:23:19] <Ludred> diamond will send you and invite
[22:23:22] <Twi[X]> admin only cmd for now
[22:23:24] <Stan> lmao
[22:23:29] <Stan> we won#
[22:23:35] <Twi[X]> damn so badluck today
[22:23:45] <kozigo> !cash ludred
[22:23:45] <Ludred> why are we at voice chat if non is talking lmao
[22:23:47] (WEB) <robin_be> ludred has $0 in hand
[22:23:55] <ChairmanMao> ludred speak
[22:24:00] <Ludred> no
[22:24:00] <0verlord> nice
[22:24:00] <Twi[X]> cya guys V time
[22:24:00] <ChairmanMao> yes
[22:24:05] <Ludred> no
[22:24:08] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[22:24:08] <Stan> :S
[22:24:08] <ChairmanMao> :v
[22:24:10] <kozigo> diamond duel me pls :(
[22:24:18] <Ludred> coronaaa
[22:24:23] <ChairmanMao> shutup
[22:24:38] <kozigo> ez
[22:24:41] <Ludred> now me
[22:24:54] <0verlord> thanks twi
[22:24:59] <kozigo> why it says you cant use this command in an event
[22:24:59] (WEB) <arnir#9350> Hi
[22:25:01] <0verlord> now only 900k remain
[22:25:04] <Stan> hi
[22:25:09] <ChairmanMao> hi
[22:25:09] <Ludred> ezpz
[22:25:16] <kozigo> send me invite diamond
[22:25:19] <0verlord> GN
[22:25:24] <0verlord> see ya all
[22:25:24] <Diamondzxd> gn
[22:25:24] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[22:25:24] <kozigo> micro smg gun?
[22:25:24] <-- Diamondzxd disconnected from the server
[22:25:27] <kozigo> :(
[22:25:32] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[22:26:00] --> kozigo connected to the server
[22:26:23] <kozigo> why vip hangout is empty
[22:26:25] <kozigo> scared bois
[22:26:30] <A4Destruction> .w
[22:26:33] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[22:26:48] <kozigo> hmm time to /w again
[22:26:53] <-- A4Destruction disconnected from the server
[22:27:01] <Stan> winny
[22:27:03] <Stan> it's 4 am lol
[22:27:03] <ChairmanMao> ayy
[22:27:06] <ChairmanMao> yes
[22:27:08] <Stan> shouldnt you sleep :S
[22:27:11] <kozigo> its 9 p.m here
[22:27:14] <ChairmanMao> yes
[22:27:19] <kozigo> yes
[22:27:24] <kozigo> y
[22:27:24] <ChairmanMao> good choice to sleep
[22:27:31] <Stan> I think I'm going back to a fucked up sleep schedule again bc sleep is not worth missing this fun
[22:27:49] <ChairmanMao> ye ikr
[22:27:57] <ChairmanMao> welp gotta really sleep now
[22:28:02] <Stan> well me too
[22:28:07] <Stan> "bat"
[22:28:07] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[22:31:20] <kozigo> goodnight bros
[22:31:28] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[22:32:06] <TSRAnimations> !cash
[22:32:09] (WEB) <robin_be> TSRAnimations has $1,740,300 in hand
[22:32:27] <-- TSRAnimations disconnected from the server
[22:32:52] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[22:33:58] --> Kongen_Mathias connected to the server
[22:35:30] (WEB) <arnir#9350> !aboard
[22:35:30] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Sky Air(110577) , Rank 2: Lufthansa(-8571) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26264)
[22:35:43] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[22:37:04] <Kongen_Mathias> Wait how do I get a plane as a pilot? I know it's a noob question :P
[22:37:55] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[22:38:21] <-- Thor30 disconnected from the server
[22:39:14] --> Thor30 connected to the server
[22:42:22] (WEB) <Stan#3177> !groups Overboard
[22:42:25] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Overboard
[22:42:33] (WEB) <Stan#3177> !groups 0verlord
[22:42:35] (WEB) <robin_be> 0verlord is in airline Lufthansa and company Lufthansa Cargo
[23:03:53] <-- Thor30 disconnected from the server
[23:04:21] --> Thor30 connected to the server
[23:27:08] --> Ludred connected to the server
[23:27:24] --> Noah_Beaumont connected to the server
[23:30:01] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[23:32:09] <-- Noah_Beaumont disconnected from the server
[23:54:10] --> Supremacy connected to the server
[23:58:14] <-- CadenIsWet disconnected from the server