[00:03:29] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[00:04:10] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[00:07:26] <Firstrike23.> w
[00:08:04] <-- ElSebas02 disconnected from the server
[00:10:24] <Firstrike23.> w
[00:19:57] --> zohir2002 connected to the server
[00:20:20] <zohir2002> ty bro <3
[00:23:21] <Firstrike23.> !rank
[00:23:24] (WEB) <robin_be> Firstrike23.(5500) rank: Flight Commander(5400) next: First Officer(5800) (+300)
[00:31:09] <-- zohir2002 disconnected from the server
[00:31:47] --> zohir2002 connected to the server
[00:34:43] <Firstrike23.> w
[00:35:31] <Firstrike23.> w
[00:36:07] <Firstrike23.>
[00:38:30] <zohir2002> hi
[00:41:05] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[00:48:00] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[00:49:03] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[00:54:09] --> rgs connected to the server
[00:54:09] <-- rgs disconnected from the server
[00:55:05] --> rgs connected to the server
[00:55:07] <-- rgs disconnected from the server
[00:55:58] --> rsgoet connected to the server
[00:56:21] --> Treyway connected to the server
[00:56:31] <Firstrike23.> wb
[00:56:49] <Treyway> tty
[01:01:50] <-- zohir2002 disconnected from the server
[01:02:00] <Firstrike23.> !Player rsg
[01:02:02] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player rsg
[01:02:18] <Treyway> !player P$G
[01:02:20] (WEB) <robin_be> player P$G: 13816 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[01:03:06] <Treyway> !player ibelongtogamer30
[01:03:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player ibelongtogamer30: 0 score, last seen 3 Months Ago
[01:03:17] <Firstrike23.> !player Gamer30
[01:03:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player Gamer30: 18912 score, last seen 10 Hours Ago
[01:03:29] <Treyway> !player stan
[01:03:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player stan: 14443 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[01:08:12] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[01:08:40] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[01:10:30] --> eddie connected to the server
[01:10:32] <Firstrike23.> wb
[01:10:45] <eddie> ty
[01:12:19] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[01:18:36] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[01:27:03] <-- [CCF]Gral.Tariska.FA disconnected from the server
[01:30:16] <rsgoet> hey
[01:30:41] <rsgoet> sure thing
[01:30:59] <rsgoet> ;work
[01:40:07] <-- rsgoet disconnected from the server
[01:40:29] --> Kizule connected to the server
[01:40:32] <Firstrike23.> wb
[01:40:45] <Kizule> ty
[01:40:52] <Kizule> I'm hearing some noises here
[01:43:07] <Firstrike23.> !player rsgoet
[01:43:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player rsgoet: 6 score, last seen 47 Minutes Ago
[01:43:20] <Firstrike23.> !userid rsgoet
[01:43:20] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}rsgoet's userid is 447644
[01:50:38] <Kizule> thank you for support :D
[01:50:53] <Firstrike23.> no problem :)
[01:51:01] <Kizule> I'm on flight from Watson Island to Longyearbyen Island..
[01:51:14] <Firstrike23.> good luck
[01:51:19] <Kizule> thank you again
[01:51:24] <Firstrike23.> and safe flight
[01:51:29] <Kizule> roger that
[01:54:53] <Kizule> !rank
[01:54:55] (WEB) <robin_be> Kizule(101) rank: Staff Pilot Sergeant(70) next: Sergeant Pilot(140) (+39)
[01:55:18] <Firstrike23.> !rank
[01:55:21] (WEB) <robin_be> Firstrike23.(5549) rank: Flight Commander(5400) next: First Officer(5800) (+251)
[01:55:26] <Kizule> great
[01:55:28] <Firstrike23.> yeah
[01:59:43] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[02:00:03] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[02:00:08] <Kizule> oh wb :D
[02:00:11] --> TheAir connected to the server
[02:00:13] <Firstrike23.> ty
[02:00:21] <Kizule> wb TheAir
[02:00:26] <TheAir> oh thank you :)
[02:04:00] <Kizule> I got exploded...
[02:04:08] <Firstrike23.> F
[02:04:25] <Kizule> Because of odometer near the airport :D.. But I'm ok, as I'm in base :)
[02:04:25] --> CRiZZ connected to the server
[02:04:56] <CRiZZ> hola
[02:05:01] <TheAir> hey :)
[02:06:22] <-- Kizule disconnected from the server
[02:08:07] --> Kizule connected to the server
[02:08:20] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[02:08:25] <Firstrike23.> wb
[02:08:42] <Kizule> ty, I has some problem with SAMP per xyz time, but maybe I will get laptop next week
[02:10:19] <-- CRiZZ disconnected from the server
[02:13:02] <Firstrike23.> !rank
[02:13:05] (WEB) <robin_be> Firstrike23.(5555) rank: Flight Commander(5400) next: First Officer(5800) (+245)
[02:27:10] <Kizule> Congrats
[02:27:15] <Firstrike23.> ty
[02:27:48] <-- Kizule disconnected from the server
[02:28:18] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[02:28:21] --> Kizule connected to the server
[02:29:02] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[02:34:18] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[02:34:20] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[02:34:23] <Kizule> wb :)
[02:34:33] <Twi[X]> thanks mate
[02:41:15] <-- Kizule disconnected from the server
[02:46:41] <Twi[X]> gz
[02:46:44] <Firstrike23.> ty
[02:49:57] (WEB) <midget#0266> !player Mars
[02:50:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player Mars: 8040 score, last seen 7 Hours Ago
[02:51:54] <Firstrike23.> !cars theair
[02:51:57] (WEB) <robin_be> theair has: Dumper Firetruck Stretch Infernus Voodoo Ambulance Hunter Banshee Predator Rhino Coach Packer Se(..)
[02:57:13] <Firstrike23.> gz
[02:57:28] <TheAir> thx
[02:59:48] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[03:00:31] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[03:12:09] --> CaoMishma connected to the server
[03:12:16] <Firstrike23.> wb
[03:12:24] <CaoMishma> ty
[03:15:10] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[03:24:04] --> angin_timor connected to the server
[03:24:09] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[03:24:14] <angin_timor> thx
[03:24:30] <angin_timor> sepi amat
[03:24:55] <angin_timor> okok
[03:26:04] <TheAir> a kau pake indihome?
[03:31:37] <angin_timor> !asset Firstrike23.
[03:31:53] <angin_timor> !assets Firstrike23.
[03:31:55] (WEB) <robin_be> Firstrike23. has 11 car(s) ($3,060,000) and 2 house(s) ($15,200,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $18,260,000
[03:35:34] --> doravmon connected to the server
[03:35:44] <doravmon> fuck wrong name
[03:35:47] <-- doravmon disconnected from the server
[03:36:17] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[03:44:42] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[03:51:08] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[03:58:34] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[04:00:16] --> TheAir connected to the server
[04:05:11] <angin_timor> gz
[04:09:08] <-- CaoMishma disconnected from the server
[04:11:41] <TheAir> gua mau pindah2 duls
[04:15:14] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[04:17:04] --> CaoMishma connected to the server
[04:18:56] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> !player tsranimations
[04:18:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player tsranimations: 311 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[04:30:16] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[04:30:49] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[04:30:54] <Quorthon> ty friend
[04:35:31] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[04:35:59] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[04:36:14] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[04:36:20] <angin_timor> wb
[04:36:22] <DoofenshmirtZ> ty
[04:36:25] <TheAir> Welcome Back both :)
[04:36:32] <mr_toothpaste> ty
[04:36:37] <DoofenshmirtZ> colgate :)
[04:40:11] <-- angin_timor disconnected from the server
[04:40:32] --> angin_timor connected to the server
[04:42:47] <TheAir> wkwkw ntar aja pas udh kelar tim
[04:42:57] <angin_timor> pantau aja wkwkwk
[04:43:45] <TheAir> :P
[04:43:53] <angin_timor> njir
[04:44:03] <TheAir> masih lama gua
[04:44:31] <angin_timor> lol
[04:44:33] <TheAir> oh lol
[04:44:36] <TheAir> sorry mao
[04:44:36] <angin_timor> tabrakan
[04:44:39] <chairMANmao> hi
[04:44:46] <TheAir> sorry okay
[04:44:51] <chairMANmao> xD
[04:45:07] <TheAir> careful out there :)
[04:45:29] <angin_timor> berapaan swat ini?
[04:45:42] <TheAir> 800k
[04:45:57] <angin_timor> kirain 3m
[04:46:13] <TheAir> ngga, murah ini wkwk
[04:46:15] <angin_timor> semprot disfektan
[04:46:18] <TheAir> enak buat derby tim
[04:46:20] <angin_timor> wkwkwk
[04:46:41] --> David connected to the server
[04:46:43] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[04:46:48] <angin_timor> webe
[04:46:53] <David> teyeh :D
[04:46:53] <DoofenshmirtZ> wb
[04:47:19] <TheAir> mau minjem apa tim?
[04:47:37] <DoofenshmirtZ> wtf
[04:47:39] <angin_timor> nggak usah
[04:47:52] <angin_timor> liat liat aja wkwkw
[04:47:52] <DoofenshmirtZ> someone fall from the above
[04:48:00] <-- CaoMishma disconnected from the server
[04:48:10] <DoofenshmirtZ> theres person here
[04:48:30] <DoofenshmirtZ> and they're dancing, lmao
[04:49:01] <angin_timor> kerja duit banyak apaan?
[04:49:08] <TheAir> at400 tim
[04:49:19] <angin_timor> nevada nggak?
[04:49:39] <TheAir> nevada ngga begitu
[04:50:35] <angin_timor> okok
[04:53:28] <angin_timor> jual mobil dinas dimana sih?
[04:53:31] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[04:53:36] <TheAir> di SF
[04:53:41] <TheAir> nanti tak temenin tim
[04:53:51] <angin_timor> okok
[04:53:51] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[04:54:16] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[04:55:56] --> Bulkase connected to the server
[04:55:56] <-- Bulkase disconnected from the server
[04:56:11] <angin_timor> !assets TheAir
[04:56:14] (WEB) <robin_be> TheAir has 30 car(s) ($28,850,000) and 4 house(s) ($30,700,000 - 29 slots) for a total of $59,550,000
[04:56:19] <David> woi
[04:56:26] <angin_timor> wkwk tajir amat
[04:59:09] <TheAir> nih tim kalo mau cepet ke PP jalan kaki lewat sini
[04:59:19] <TheAir> manjat disini
[04:59:27] <angin_timor> PP paan?
[04:59:27] <TheAir> trus jalan deh ke PP
[04:59:30] <TheAir> payphone
[04:59:42] <angin_timor> ohh okok
[04:59:42] <TheAir> nih
[04:59:48] <TheAir> deket kan?
[04:59:55] <angin_timor> iya
[05:00:21] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> !player
[05:00:24] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player DrunkGarlicBread#8676
[05:00:31] <David> prompto come
[05:00:34] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> !player DrunkGarlicBread
[05:00:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player DrunkGarlicBread: 8012 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[05:00:39] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> hmm
[05:00:47] <DoofenshmirtZ> wkwkwkw
[05:00:49] <David> come lets do hood rat shit
[05:00:54] --> BudiSetiawan connected to the server
[05:00:57] <-- BudiSetiawan disconnected from the server
[05:01:04] <David> !groups budisetiawan
[05:01:07] (WEB) <robin_be> budisetiawan is in airline Garuda Indonesia and company GO-JEK
[05:01:07] (WEB) <DrunkGarlicBread#8676> can't login
[05:01:35] --> Santet connected to the server
[05:01:40] <-- Santet disconnected from the server
[05:02:39] --> Hades connected to the server
[05:02:46] <DoofenshmirtZ> wb
[05:02:49] <David> sino pinoy dito?
[05:02:57] <DoofenshmirtZ> wala
[05:03:09] <Hades> walang pinoy
[05:03:12] <Hades> ty
[05:05:14] <Hades> !missions at400
[05:05:17] (WEB) <robin_be> Hades: 385 at400
[05:06:20] --> Fubar connected to the server
[05:06:23] <DoofenshmirtZ> wb
[05:06:23] <Hades> wb
[05:06:25] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[05:06:28] <angin_timor> webe
[05:06:28] <Fubar> hi!
[05:09:06] (WEB) <dipa#0472> DoofenshmirtZ Evil Incorporation :v
[05:09:26] <DoofenshmirtZ> incorporation?
[05:09:31] <Hades> incorporated*
[05:09:34] <DoofenshmirtZ> lmao
[05:09:39] (WEB) <dipa#0472> oh yes incorporated
[05:09:39] <-- Fubar disconnected from the server
[05:09:47] (WEB) <dipa#0472> I'm sorry
[05:09:52] <DoofenshmirtZ> fine :)
[05:09:54] <Hades> haven't u memorized the song lmao
[05:10:15] --> Fubar connected to the server
[05:10:17] (WEB) <dipa#0472> I havent watch it for a while since the channel got deleted on my TV
[05:10:30] <DoofenshmirtZ> TV 5 huehue
[05:10:55] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Is my babe here?
[05:11:21] <DoofenshmirtZ> who?
[05:11:54] <Fubar> !player lawrence_vercetti
[05:11:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player lawrence_vercetti: 55 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[05:11:59] <angin_timor> s
[05:12:02] <David> !player CookieMobster
[05:12:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player CookieMobster: 791 score, last seen 11 Hours Ago
[05:19:37] <DoofenshmirtZ> !player 7th
[05:19:40] (WEB) <robin_be> player 7th: 49 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[05:22:28] --> stan connected to the server
[05:22:28] <-- stan disconnected from the server
[05:22:43] <DoofenshmirtZ> sayang giliw
[05:23:01] <Hades> ha
[05:23:11] <DoofenshmirtZ> eto ang sinapit
[05:25:16] <David> !score adalarva
[05:25:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player adalarva: 11526 score, 10948 missions: 69'/. cargo drop - 10'/. at400 - 8'/. military
[05:25:26] <David> !missions adalarva military
[05:25:29] (WEB) <robin_be> adalarva: 927 military
[05:25:32] <David> !missions military
[05:25:34] (WEB) <robin_be> David: 4735 military
[05:29:54] <Hades> Noooo fck
[05:29:59] <DoofenshmirtZ> ?
[05:30:04] <Hades> i got desync in a 22km at400 flight
[05:30:04] <David> palang sa ako?
[05:30:04] --> Kizule connected to the server
[05:30:09] <Fubar> F
[05:30:09] <David> F
[05:30:14] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[05:30:17] <Hades> fck
[05:30:17] <Kizule> ty
[05:30:19] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[05:31:28] --> murilo_6 connected to the server
[05:31:36] <Kizule> wb
[05:32:04] <murilo_6> thank u
[05:35:17] <Twi[X]> fucking desync
[05:35:17] --> Icebear connected to the server
[05:35:20] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[05:35:33] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[05:35:35] <David> george miller
[05:35:43] <Twi[X]> wb icebear
[05:35:45] <Icebear> thanks
[05:35:55] <Kizule> wb
[05:35:58] <Twi[X]> ty
[05:35:58] <DoofenshmirtZ> george flloyd
[05:36:46] <Twi[X]> only 6k
[05:36:54] <Twi[X]> what you saving for
[05:37:12] <DoofenshmirtZ> u?
[05:37:22] <Twi[X]> also IA and tRanx*
[05:37:22] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[05:37:53] <Twi[X]> wb
[05:38:00] <Twi[X]> oh
[05:38:05] <DoofenshmirtZ> colgate
[05:38:46] <DoofenshmirtZ> nice
[05:38:46] <Kizule> !cash David
[05:38:49] (WEB) <robin_be> David has $729,171 in hand
[05:38:59] <Twi[X]> smh
[05:39:22] <DoofenshmirtZ> thanks
[05:39:24] <Twi[X]> np
[05:39:29] <DoofenshmirtZ> xD
[05:39:34] <Twi[X]> it's only 30k lol
[05:39:45] <DoofenshmirtZ> how to remove chat box?
[05:39:47] <DoofenshmirtZ> thanks
[05:39:55] <Icebear> f7
[05:39:57] <DoofenshmirtZ> so rich
[05:40:00] <Twi[X]> F7
[05:40:10] <Twi[X]> watch me bag this lotto
[05:40:10] --> Hades connected to the server
[05:40:13] <Twi[X]> wb
[05:40:15] <Icebear> 27 ftw
[05:40:46] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[05:41:01] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[05:41:06] <Twi[X]> wb
[05:41:09] <Kizule> wb
[05:42:22] <Fubar> !cash
[05:42:25] (WEB) <robin_be> Fubar has $94,744 in hand
[05:43:11] <DoofenshmirtZ> dickhead
[05:43:14] <Twi[X]> !cash
[05:43:16] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi[X] has $0 in hand
[05:43:19] <Icebear> !cash
[05:43:21] (WEB) <robin_be> Icebear has $405,564 in hand
[05:43:24] <Hades> rich
[05:43:29] <Icebear> no
[05:43:37] <Fubar> .bankcash
[05:43:39] <DoofenshmirtZ> grizz
[05:44:07] <Hades> !bancash
[05:44:12] <Twi[X]> DICK
[05:44:22] <Fubar> !player pedro_bear
[05:44:22] <DoofenshmirtZ> tite
[05:44:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player pedro_bear: 5504 score, last seen 11 Days Ago
[05:44:35] <Twi[X]> titties
[05:44:35] <Hades> is that...
[05:44:40] <Hades> dice??
[05:44:40] <Icebear> titties
[05:44:48] <Fubar> sinep
[05:44:51] <DoofenshmirtZ> apetite
[05:44:51] <Twi[X]> yes
[05:44:53] <Icebear> binod tharu
[05:44:58] <Twi[X]> it's the vip hangout
[05:45:14] <Twi[X]> /givecash
[05:45:26] <Twi[X]> !bankcash
[05:45:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Twi[X]'s bank money is $69
[05:45:36] <chairMANmao> !ping
[05:45:39] (WEB) <robin_be> {31124b}pong! - hi chairMANmao
[05:45:39] <Hades> scam
[05:45:54] <chairMANmao> bruh
[05:45:54] <Hades> !cash
[05:45:54] <Twi[X]> someone fucked up with !cash
[05:45:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Hades has $319,860 in hand
[05:46:02] <Twi[X]> !cash
[05:46:02] <chairMANmao> !cash
[05:46:05] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi[X] has $0 in hand
[05:46:07] <Fubar> !bankcash
[05:46:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Fubar's bank money is $107,100,000
[05:46:23] <-- chairMANmao disconnected from the server
[05:46:23] <David> gz
[05:46:23] <Icebear> rich
[05:46:25] <Hades> !bancash
[05:46:30] <Fubar> ban...
[05:46:30] --> chairMANmao connected to the server
[05:46:33] <David> fubar ur so rich u crashed winny
[05:46:35] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[05:46:38] <Fubar> lmao
[05:46:58] <DoofenshmirtZ> hades ilan na cash mo
[05:47:06] <Icebear> wtf is that language
[05:47:13] <David> filipino
[05:47:16] <David> tagalog
[05:47:16] <DoofenshmirtZ> hindi
[05:47:16] <Icebear> oh tagalog
[05:47:16] <Hades> secret language
[05:47:24] <Fubar> that's martian
[05:47:24] <Icebear> mga bobo
[05:47:26] <David> palang sa ako hades?
[05:47:26] <Hades> only me and doof know
[05:47:34] <Icebear> bobo ng david
[05:47:34] <DoofenshmirtZ> ilan na cash mo hades
[05:47:36] <Hades> ako lang pa sa david
[05:47:42] <David> sa ako lang pa
[05:47:42] <Hades> !bankcash
[05:47:42] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Hades's bank money is $20,000,000
[05:47:47] <Kizule> !bankcash
[05:47:47] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Kizule's bank money is $0
[05:47:52] <DoofenshmirtZ> bakit naubos?
[05:47:54] <DoofenshmirtZ> nabili ka nga pala]
[05:47:59] <David> pangit pala ako
[05:48:02] <Hades> !assets
[05:48:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Hades has 29 car(s) ($15,925,000) and 3 house(s) ($42,500,000 - 38 slots) for a total of $58,425,000
[05:48:07] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[05:48:07] <DoofenshmirtZ> ikr
[05:48:07] <Kizule> !assets
[05:48:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Kizule has 1 car(s) ($250,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $250,000
[05:48:10] <Fubar> !assets
[05:48:12] (WEB) <robin_be> Fubar has 33 car(s) ($9,920,000) and 3 house(s) ($50,000,000 - 50 slots) for a total of $59,920,000
[05:48:12] <David> gimme 666
[05:48:23] <Kizule> 6969 :joy:
[05:48:25] <Icebear> what command
[05:48:28] <Icebear> i forgot
[05:48:30] <David> /sendmessage
[05:48:33] <murilo_6> mayday
[05:48:40] <DoofenshmirtZ> use @
[05:48:45] <David> usually /givecash but thats for 5k or above
[05:48:45] <chairMANmao> aprilmonth
[05:49:01] <Icebear> ok
[05:49:08] <Hades> lang ako pa sa
[05:49:16] <David> pa ako lang sa
[05:49:36] --> Santiago connected to the server
[05:49:44] <Icebear> ola
[05:49:44] <Kizule> wb Santiago
[05:49:44] <Icebear> i sent
[05:49:52] <Icebear> i sent the msg
[05:49:54] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[05:49:57] <Hades> wb
[05:50:02] <DoofenshmirtZ> webe
[05:50:07] <TheAir> wb tetangga
[05:50:12] <Firstrike23.> ty bro
[05:50:12] <TheAir> numpang lahan parkir
[05:50:15] <TheAir> lagi pindah2
[05:50:17] <Icebear> damn i got 22000m flight
[05:50:22] <David> ty icebear
[05:50:50] <Icebear> if the cops can't catch you
[05:50:53] <Icebear> you must be on the dust
[05:51:00] <Fubar> I was at work when you pinged me, santi :v
[05:51:03] <Icebear> K-DUST
[05:51:03] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[05:51:11] <David> K-DST
[05:51:16] <Kizule> wb mr_toothpaste
[05:51:16] <TheAir> militer gua pindah ke LS semua wkwkwk
[05:51:18] <Icebear> i prefer it to call dust
[05:51:23] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[05:51:26] <DoofenshmirtZ> sksksks
[05:51:28] <Icebear> because tommy nightmare smith calls it the dust
[05:51:39] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[05:51:54] <murilo_6> such a foggy
[05:52:04] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[05:52:09] <David> you get dangerous weather bonus for doggy weather
[05:52:22] <murilo_6> ah ok
[05:52:42] <-- angin_timor disconnected from the server
[05:52:45] <DoofenshmirtZ> turuan mo ako mag dogie
[05:52:57] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[05:53:05] <Hades> tite
[05:53:10] <Icebear> tang ina
[05:53:20] --> angin_timor connected to the server
[05:53:20] <Hades> tang ina mo rin gago
[05:53:31] <Santiago> sino pinoy dito
[05:53:38] <Hades> tite
[05:53:46] <DoofenshmirtZ> hindot
[05:53:51] <Icebear> bobo mga david
[05:53:56] <Santiago> siapa orang indo
[05:53:59] <Kizule> !rank
[05:54:01] (WEB) <robin_be> Kizule(111) rank: Staff Pilot Sergeant(70) next: Sergeant Pilot(140) (+29)
[05:54:01] <Firstrike23.> you
[05:54:01] <DoofenshmirtZ> ik
[05:54:01] <Hades> kontol
[05:54:04] <David> apa
[05:54:06] <David> sito pinoy dito?
[05:54:06] <Hades> air mani
[05:54:11] <Icebear> ako pinoy
[05:54:11] <Icebear> bisaya
[05:54:24] <Hades> bisaya ka man dong
[05:54:24] <David> you want the mandarin version santi
[05:54:32] <DoofenshmirtZ> bayot
[05:54:34] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[05:54:34] <murilo_6> why dont u laugh w "kkkkkkkk"?
[05:54:34] <Santiago> yes why not
[05:54:37] <Icebear> you want the hokkien version
[05:54:39] <David> shei shi zhong guo ren
[05:54:45] <DoofenshmirtZ> bayot
[05:54:50] <David> means whos chinese
[05:54:52] <Santiago> that's too difficult to remember
[05:54:55] <David> fair
[05:55:07] <David> bitch xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao
[05:55:10] <DoofenshmirtZ> can i have the c word pass?
[05:55:13] <chairMANmao> ngo hai heung gong yan
[05:55:13] <Icebear> guys please buy me msfs 2020
[05:55:15] <Santiago> yes
[05:55:18] <murilo_6> kkk
[05:55:20] <DoofenshmirtZ> cat
[05:55:20] <Fubar> cunt?
[05:55:20] <Santiago> kkkkkk
[05:55:23] <David> ngo diu lei lo mo
[05:55:30] <chairMANmao> caonima david
[05:55:30] <DoofenshmirtZ> cultural
[05:55:35] <TheAir> culun2
[05:55:35] <David> dui bu qi
[05:55:48] <-- murilo_6 disconnected from the server
[05:55:51] <DoofenshmirtZ> i like pizza
[05:55:56] <David> sor9ry dai lou
[05:56:06] <Icebear> guys do you guys know davie504
[05:56:06] <Santiago> all I know in chinese is
[05:56:08] <Santiago> bing shui
[05:56:14] <DoofenshmirtZ> slap bass
[05:56:14] <David> nice
[05:56:16] <David> thats all u need
[05:56:19] <chairMANmao> ice water? xd
[05:56:24] <Santiago> yes
[05:56:24] <Icebear> davie started playing bass because of k-dst
[05:56:26] <David> thats also what most of my gringo friends know
[05:56:26] <Santiago> because
[05:56:31] <David> lmao
[05:56:36] <DoofenshmirtZ> geez
[05:56:39] <Santiago> you guys don't drink cold water
[05:56:44] <David> yo i do
[05:56:49] <chairMANmao> i do
[05:56:57] <David> i always ask for bing shui
[05:57:10] <Santiago> well when I went to china
[05:57:12] <DoofenshmirtZ> nice landing hades
[05:57:15] <David> tea?
[05:57:17] <David> lmao
[05:57:17] <DoofenshmirtZ> pro landing xD
[05:57:17] <Hades> thanks
[05:57:17] <Santiago> they didn't drink bing shui everywhere
[05:57:25] <David> ye i feel that
[05:57:38] <Santiago> they even drink coke at room temperature
[05:57:43] <David> i like ice water bc it helps wash hot food down
[05:57:43] <Santiago> and that's disgusting
[05:57:43] <DoofenshmirtZ> yamete
[05:57:55] <David> we dont drink beer at room temp tho so at least we got that right
[05:58:01] <Santiago> yeah
[05:58:06] <DoofenshmirtZ> who likes beer?
[05:58:08] <David> me
[05:58:11] <Kizule> me too
[05:58:11] <DoofenshmirtZ> fuck
[05:58:13] <Hades> me
[05:58:18] <David> tsingtao the best
[05:58:18] <DoofenshmirtZ> taste bad af
[05:58:23] <Hades> nope
[05:58:26] <David> wait brb
[05:58:31] <Santiago> you will like it once you are older I guess
[05:58:31] <DoofenshmirtZ> >_<
[05:58:34] <Hades> ice cold beer
[05:59:02] <Icebear> rip me
[05:59:02] <Icebear> i lost fuel
[05:59:04] <Icebear> 0#
[05:59:04] <DoofenshmirtZ> F
[05:59:07] <Fubar> tp
[05:59:07] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[05:59:09] <Icebear> can someone refuel me
[05:59:12] <Icebear> middle of the air
[05:59:19] <DoofenshmirtZ> no
[05:59:22] <Icebear> rip me
[05:59:40] <DoofenshmirtZ> gz!
[05:59:45] <Firstrike23.> ty
[05:59:47] <Icebear> can someone give me cash
[05:59:50] <DoofenshmirtZ> how much?
[05:59:50] <Fubar> /w
[05:59:53] <Icebear> 100k
[05:59:58] <Icebear> its for my fans
[06:00:00] <Santiago> no asking for cash
[06:00:03] <DoofenshmirtZ> i dont have suficient
[06:00:03] <Santiago> /rules
[06:00:10] <Icebear> ok
[06:00:10] <chairMANmao> /forcerules
[06:00:13] <DoofenshmirtZ> what about loans?
[06:00:18] <Icebear> atleast please subscribe to my onlyfans
[06:00:31] <Santiago> okay
[06:00:31] <Icebear> noooo iwas kiding
[06:00:43] <DoofenshmirtZ> is loaning legel here?
[06:00:46] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[06:00:46] <Santiago> if it is a loan
[06:00:49] <DoofenshmirtZ> allowed?
[06:00:49] <chairMANmao> yes
[06:00:51] <Santiago> yeah
[06:00:56] <DoofenshmirtZ> cool
[06:01:04] <chairMANmao> twi is the most experienced one here
[06:01:14] <Santiago> yeah but ludred is close
[06:01:19] <DoofenshmirtZ> !userid Twi[x]
[06:01:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Twi[X]'s userid is 444277
[06:01:22] <chairMANmao> yes
[06:01:29] <Fubar> experienced about what?
[06:01:45] <DoofenshmirtZ> !userid 69
[06:01:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:02:13] <DoofenshmirtZ> can admins read PMs?
[06:02:15] <chairMANmao> yes
[06:02:15] <Fubar> yes
[06:02:18] <Icebear> yes
[06:02:23] <Icebear> they dont respect privacy here
[06:02:36] <Icebear> hence thats why its personal message not private message here
[06:02:51] <Santiago> I ddn't think about that
[06:02:56] <Icebear> :D
[06:03:01] <Santiago> I mean we can
[06:03:06] <Santiago> I'm not doing it rn
[06:03:14] <Icebear> if you can read PM then its not private message anymore
[06:03:29] <Santiago> brb
[06:03:39] <DoofenshmirtZ> i dont feel safe here
[06:03:44] <DoofenshmirtZ> lmao
[06:03:47] <Santiago> I guess now it'll be a private message
[06:03:47] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[06:03:52] <Icebear> hehehe
[06:04:35] <Fubar> !crystal
[06:04:38] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[06:04:43] <Icebear> ok
[06:04:50] <Icebear> hello bonjour buenos dias
[06:04:56] <Icebear> good day guten tag konnichiwa
[06:04:56] <DoofenshmirtZ> soon-ish? wtf does that mean?
[06:04:58] <Fubar> Xin ch�o!
[06:05:13] <Icebear> is that vietnamese
[06:05:16] <Fubar> yes
[06:05:18] <Icebear> e
[06:05:18] <Hades> Magandang araw
[06:05:24] <-- Kizule disconnected from the server
[06:05:26] <DoofenshmirtZ> ni hao
[06:05:31] <Icebear> e fubar
[06:05:36] <Fubar> what?
[06:05:36] <chairMANmao> e
[06:05:39] <Icebear> e
[06:05:59] <chairMANmao> i like e
[06:06:02] <chairMANmao> so simple
[06:06:20] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[06:06:30] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[06:06:35] <DoofenshmirtZ> i like cheese
[06:06:55] <Fubar> !player .feast
[06:06:55] <DoofenshmirtZ> lemme win lotto ples
[06:06:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player .feast: 10764 score, last seen 13 Days Ago
[06:07:00] <Icebear> no
[06:07:03] <Fubar> !assets .feast
[06:07:03] <Icebear> if i win lotto i will
[06:07:03] <DoofenshmirtZ> yes
[06:07:05] (WEB) <robin_be> .feast has 0 car(s) ($0) and 1 house(s) ($7,950,000 - 7 slots) for a total of $7,950,000
[06:07:05] <Icebear> donate
[06:07:13] <Hades> bankcash ka nga
[06:07:13] <Icebear> donate cash
[06:07:16] <Icebear> $$$$$$$
[06:07:23] <Hades> doof
[06:07:28] <DoofenshmirtZ> !bankcash
[06:07:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}DoofenshmirtZ's bank money is $45,709,127
[06:07:31] <Icebear> wow
[06:07:33] <Icebear> u rich
[06:07:33] <DoofenshmirtZ> nag landing ako HAHAH'
[06:07:36] <Icebear> please give me cash
[06:07:36] <Fubar> yeah
[06:07:39] <chairMANmao> holy shit so rich
[06:07:39] <Fubar> rich af
[06:07:44] <Icebear> !bankcash
[06:07:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Icebear's bank money is $605,262
[06:07:44] <DoofenshmirtZ> no mao
[06:07:46] <Icebear> jesus christ mate
[06:07:51] <Icebear> give me pleaz
[06:07:59] <Icebear> :((((((
[06:08:01] <Hades> mao and fubar talking like they aren't rich smh
[06:08:09] <chairMANmao> im not :(
[06:08:09] <DoofenshmirtZ> SMFH
[06:08:09] <Fubar> thats fake number :<
[06:08:12] <Icebear> !bankcash chairmanmao
[06:08:12] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Icebear's bank money is $605,262
[06:08:19] <Icebear> !help
[06:08:19] <chairMANmao> HA
[06:08:22] <Fubar> you can't use bankcash on others
[06:08:24] <Icebear> !bankcash
[06:08:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Icebear's bank money is $605,262
[06:08:47] <Hades> that's the only privacy we have
[06:08:50] <Fubar> yeah
[06:08:52] <Icebear> lol
[06:09:08] <DoofenshmirtZ> i wish it'll be PRIVATE messages
[06:09:10] <chairMANmao> admins can stalk bank accounts :
[06:09:10] <Icebear> neve
[06:09:13] <Icebear> never
[06:09:56] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[06:10:32] <chairMANmao> lemme try sharing my bank account
[06:10:49] <DoofenshmirtZ> !cash chairmanmao
[06:10:49] <Icebear> yo
[06:10:52] (WEB) <robin_be> chairmanmao has $1,372,251 in hand
[06:10:52] <Icebear> share me your bank account
[06:10:57] <Icebear> please
[06:10:57] <Hades> share it with me
[06:11:02] <Icebear> we will start a business together
[06:11:02] <chairMANmao> ok no
[06:11:02] <Hades> :>
[06:11:05] <Icebear> my mom and my dad is a business man
[06:11:10] <TheAir> u're guys are nothing :)
[06:11:10] <Icebear> they taught me how to do business
[06:11:15] <Icebear> please
[06:11:23] <DoofenshmirtZ> fishbollan
[06:11:25] <TheAir> dont share mao
[06:11:28] <chairMANmao> !bankcash
[06:11:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}chairMANmao's bank money is $738,000,000
[06:11:30] <DoofenshmirtZ> fishbollan
[06:11:33] <chairMANmao> bruh
[06:11:33] <Icebear> woakjoaksdasd
[06:11:33] <Icebear> wtf
[06:11:35] <Icebear> bro
[06:11:35] <Icebear> ur
[06:11:38] <Icebear> fucking
[06:11:38] <Icebear> rich
[06:11:51] <DoofenshmirtZ> zonrox
[06:11:56] <chairMANmao> how does shared bank accounts are calculated
[06:12:19] <DoofenshmirtZ> how much interest u have every 60 mins mao?
[06:12:21] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player David
[06:12:24] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 14621 score, last seen Online Now
[06:12:24] <Fubar> 738k
[06:12:29] <Icebear> haha
[06:12:29] --> Santiago connected to the server
[06:12:29] <Icebear> eat
[06:12:34] <Fubar> i meant
[06:12:42] <Fubar> with that much money in his bank
[06:12:52] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player chairmanMao
[06:12:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player chairmanMao: 39714 score, last seen Online Now
[06:12:54] <Fubar> he can just fucking around and still earn shit ton of money
[06:13:12] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Mao you are so close to 40k score
[06:13:17] <Hades> !interest 738000000
[06:13:20] (WEB) <robin_be> $738,000,000 will generate about $492,000 every 60 minutes
[06:13:20] <Icebear> im learning hebrew now
[06:13:20] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Advanced gz
[06:13:23] <Icebear> alef bet
[06:13:25] <chairMANmao> ty
[06:13:28] <DoofenshmirtZ> plus vip 4
[06:13:30] <Fubar> thats just standa
[06:13:30] <Icebear> alef bet gimel dalet
[06:13:30] <DoofenshmirtZ> hades
[06:13:33] <Fubar> standard*
[06:13:38] <Icebear> yes
[06:13:40] <Icebear> im new
[06:13:40] <Hades> ik
[06:13:45] <Hades> but it gives u an idea
[06:14:26] <Fubar> it's almost 1 year since I returned to PL
[06:14:29] <Icebear> damn bro
[06:14:36] <Icebear> i left PL 3 years ago
[06:14:39] <Fubar> back from banland since nov. 1, 2019
[06:14:49] <Icebear> since economy reset i have no passion to play anymore
[06:14:54] <DoofenshmirtZ> !cash
[06:14:57] (WEB) <robin_be> DoofenshmirtZ has $222,235 in hand
[06:14:57] <Icebear> usualyl i come once a week
[06:14:57] <David> !cash
[06:14:59] (WEB) <robin_be> David has $72,069 in hand
[06:14:59] <chairMANmao> came back in may this year
[06:15:02] <Icebear> but since economy reset i cry
[06:15:15] <Icebear> mi cri evrytim :(
[06:15:35] <Fubar> I was still in ban land when the eco reset happens xd
[06:15:38] <Icebear> why they removed capital radio
[06:15:40] <Icebear> xd
[06:15:45] <-- angin_timor disconnected from the server
[06:15:45] <Icebear> i like those british radio
[06:16:01] <DoofenshmirtZ> i can stream tagalog songs
[06:16:03] <Fubar> !missions skimmer
[06:16:03] <DoofenshmirtZ> :>
[06:16:03] <Icebear> no
[06:16:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Fubar: 1868 skimmer
[06:16:08] <Icebear> i want
[06:16:11] <Icebear> british song now
[06:16:13] <Icebear> :(
[06:16:16] <Icebear> :<
[06:16:16] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Czechboy777
[06:16:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player Czechboy777: 2511 score, last seen 11 Hours Ago
[06:16:21] <Icebear> chup
[06:16:21] <Icebear> binod tharu
[06:16:24] <DoofenshmirtZ> who are u
[06:16:29] <Icebear> wow
[06:16:31] <DoofenshmirtZ> baap
[06:16:31] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Binod
[06:16:36] <Fubar> I wonder who invented the word "banland"
[06:16:42] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hehe_Boii
[06:16:42] <DoofenshmirtZ> who tf is binod?
[06:16:42] <Icebear> jackie
[06:16:49] <DoofenshmirtZ> ah
[06:16:59] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> My ig name is Hehe_Boii
[06:17:02] <Icebear> no
[06:17:02] <Icebear> jackie is not binod
[06:17:10] <Fubar> or it could be me
[06:17:12] <DoofenshmirtZ> change your nickname to your ig name please
[06:17:17] <Icebear> no
[06:17:17] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Justice for pinku kumar
[06:17:25] <DoofenshmirtZ> change your nickname to your ig name please, hehe boi
[06:17:48] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> My nickname is Hehe_Boii in discord server
[06:18:18] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> But idk why it shows you Tera Baap lol
[06:18:23] <Icebear> im real binod tharu
[06:18:28] <chairMANmao> thats your discord id
[06:18:31] <Fubar> lmao
[06:18:51] <Icebear> wb santiago
[06:18:51] <Icebear> apa kabar
[06:18:56] <Santiago> hi
[06:18:59] <Santiago> sarap
[06:19:02] <Icebear> sarap mo
[06:19:02] <Fubar> just read about an indian king buys 6 rolls royces and use it to collect garbage
[06:19:12] <Icebear> haha
[06:19:14] <Icebear> i know that story
[06:19:19] <DoofenshmirtZ> wtf
[06:19:29] <Fubar> yeah, the employee of the RR showroom boosted him out
[06:19:40] <Fubar> think he's just a poor as indian
[06:19:42] <DoofenshmirtZ> filthy af
[06:19:42] <Icebear> the king of india
[06:19:45] <Icebear> goes to UK
[06:19:50] <Icebear> with normal clothing and no guards
[06:19:55] <Icebear> when he comes to RR showroom
[06:20:03] <DoofenshmirtZ> who is ukranian here?
[06:20:05] <Icebear> the dealer acts like he's nothing and starts to underestimate him
[06:20:20] <Icebear> mad, he buys all the RR there and makes it as a garbage truck
[06:20:28] <DoofenshmirtZ> winny, what time its is in HK?
[06:20:31] <Icebear> then the car dealer just stood there silent
[06:20:33] <Icebear> .w
[06:20:33] <David> 12:20pm
[06:20:41] <Fubar> and RR's reputation drops like a drop when the word spreaded
[06:20:46] <DoofenshmirtZ> ahh, same here
[06:20:46] <Icebear> yeah in sg also 12:20
[06:20:48] <Fubar> drops like stgone*
[06:20:56] <DoofenshmirtZ> where u from david?
[06:21:01] <Icebear> he from macau
[06:21:06] <Icebear> david can you speak patua
[06:21:11] <David> no
[06:21:16] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[06:21:22] <Icebear> why
[06:22:15] <Fubar> noice
[06:22:15] <Icebear> gg
[06:22:15] <TheAir> GZ
[06:22:20] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> What?
[06:22:23] <Icebear> send some blessings bro
[06:22:25] <Santiago> that' snot fair
[06:22:28] <David> ty
[06:22:30] <Santiago> add it back
[06:22:33] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> What happened?
[06:22:35] <Icebear> donate it to lufthansa
[06:22:38] <Fubar> welp, at least it's not lottonesia or Vietlotto :>
[06:22:43] <Santiago> no lufthansa mad gay
[06:22:43] <Fubar> david won the lotto
[06:22:53] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> Fuck
[06:22:58] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> Gz
[06:23:13] <Fubar> goddes of lotto hates me now
[06:23:24] <Santiago> life hates me
[06:23:34] <Fubar> ^ me too
[06:23:34] <Icebear> my dad left for milk he never came back
[06:23:54] <Icebear> 2489 days since my dad gone to buy a mik
[06:24:07] <David> my dad went out for a smoke 2 years ago
[06:24:09] <David> he doesn't smoke...
[06:24:15] <Icebear> wtf
[06:24:15] <Fubar> but still have some possibile after going through a series of fucked up situations tho
[06:24:25] <Fubar> possitive*
[06:24:27] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> He uses Viagra
[06:24:55] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Jajajajajaj
[06:25:13] <Santiago> jajaajaja
[06:25:16] <Icebear> kkkkkkkkk
[06:25:21] <Santiago> wkwkwkwkw
[06:25:21] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> Gz he he boi, PLR DJ!
[06:25:44] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> Come and stream soon@{HKS} Tera Baap#8805
[06:25:49] <Icebear> favela
[06:25:59] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Stream?
[06:26:01] <Santiago> im not br buddy
[06:26:04] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> PLR
[06:26:09] <Icebear> yeas
[06:26:17] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Oh I am selected?
[06:26:17] <Icebear> im a fan of comanda vernelho
[06:26:27] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wow
[06:26:42] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> Meanwhile, trial only
[06:26:42] <Icebear> im a fan of comanda vernelho
[06:26:50] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Ok
[06:26:50] <Icebear> really
[06:27:10] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Can i dm you? I want to ask you something
[06:27:18] <Icebear> no you cannot dm
[06:27:18] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> Sure
[06:27:23] <Icebear> deathmatching is a server offence
[06:27:28] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> :p
[06:27:31] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> Stfu
[06:27:33] <Icebear> no
[06:27:38] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> Yes
[06:27:41] <Icebear> no
[06:28:27] <Fubar> surely you can't be serious, icebear
[06:28:44] <Icebear> nahj
[06:28:49] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Santiago is binod
[06:28:49] <Icebear> its aj oke
[06:28:55] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Don�t let him lie to you
[06:28:55] <Icebear> binod tharu
[06:29:20] <Fubar> cryst, can I buy gates for my house tho?
[06:29:28] <Hades> so david you're the one stealing my number
[06:29:30] <Hades> smh
[06:29:38] <Santiago> !crystal
[06:29:38] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[06:29:38] <Icebear> wb
[06:29:45] <Icebear> !crystal
[06:29:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[06:29:48] <Icebear> soon-ish
[06:31:07] <-- Icebear disconnected from the server
[06:32:36] <David> i havent been stealing ur number hades
[06:33:19] <David> 50 is an awfully small sample size to choose from, inevitably there would be overlaps :D
[06:38:25] <chairMANmao> bruh these trailers keep stuck inside the wall
[06:38:37] <David> invisible_trailer.cs
[06:38:53] <David> so that the game thinks a trailer is attached but it's just the roadtrain
[06:39:16] <chairMANmao> no
[06:39:28] <David> good
[06:39:31] <chairMANmao> the corners of the trailer stuck inside the wall
[06:39:46] --> Acre connected to the server
[06:39:46] <David> u are a man of great integrity
[06:41:51] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[06:42:01] <Fubar> feels so good after the cargodrop
[06:42:04] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[06:42:19] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> David , gimme the invisible_trailer.cs
[06:42:32] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> I didn't know I needed that
[06:43:20] <David> it was a joke
[06:44:13] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Damn , you break my heart
[06:44:57] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> David
[06:45:02] <David> ay
[06:45:02] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player David
[06:45:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 14638 score, last seen Online Now
[06:45:20] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Advanced gz for 15k score
[06:45:22] (WEB) <Stan#3177> admin please turn on my country checker
[06:45:25] <David> ty :D
[06:45:38] (WEB) <Stan#3177> i didnt ask for it to be disabled
[06:45:38] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Stan
[06:45:40] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stan: 14443 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[06:45:48] <Santiago> you are disabled stan
[06:45:55] (WEB) <Stan#3177> TURN IT ON!
[06:46:03] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player chairmanMao
[06:46:03] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Damn , just login
[06:46:06] (WEB) <robin_be> player chairmanMao: 39724 score, last seen Online Now
[06:46:13] (WEB) <Stan#3177> i kept it on bc i want to stay away from pl for my exam babe ??
[06:46:26] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Overlord
[06:46:29] (WEB) <robin_be> player Overlord: 263 score, last seen 26 Months Ago
[06:46:34] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Wow , login , and disable it again , it takes 2 mins
[06:46:34] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> What
[06:46:44] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Boi , I am 0verlord
[06:46:49] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Not Overlord
[06:46:49] (WEB) <Stan#3177> !player 0verlord
[06:46:52] (WEB) <robin_be> player 0verlord: 9802 score, last seen 12 Hours Ago
[06:47:07] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> What is the difference
[06:47:10] <Twi[X]> smh
[06:47:12] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> !countrychecker Stan
[06:47:12] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Oh Hi Crystal
[06:47:15] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Shit
[06:47:20] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Howdy
[06:47:20] (WEB) <Stan#3177> LOL WHAT
[06:47:20] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> RIP
[06:47:25] <Twi[X]> FUcking hell
[06:47:27] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hi crystal
[06:47:40] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Good Bye Stan , we finally had enough of you
[06:47:40] <Santiago> !countrychecker santiago
[06:47:43] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player 0verlord
[06:47:45] (WEB) <robin_be> player 0verlord: 9802 score, last seen 12 Hours Ago
[06:47:48] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[06:47:53] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Oh 0
[06:47:58] (WEB) <Stan#3177> I hate david bye
[06:48:06] <Santiago> bye
[06:48:08] --> Twi[X] connected to the server
[06:48:08] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Bye bye bye
[06:48:13] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> !countrychecker Stan
[06:48:13] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Lol , was that serious tho?
[06:48:16] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Huh
[06:48:23] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hi crystal
[06:48:29] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> !countrychecker Crystal
[06:48:36] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Must be broke
[06:48:39] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Crystal , Say Hi to the young man atleast
[06:48:44] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> I did say hi lmao
[06:48:49] <Fubar> !botstats
[06:48:49] (WEB) <TheGamer> Min player count: 43; Max player count: 88; Average: 67; Amount of logged users today: 24
[06:48:51] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I didn't see
[06:48:59] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Lmao , howdy
[06:49:07] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Robin_be
[06:49:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player Robin_be: 13380 score, last seen 18 Hours Ago
[06:49:09] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Imma cowboy
[06:49:12] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Just like my hero Stan
[06:49:22] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player TheGamer
[06:49:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player TheGamer: 18871 score, last seen 15 Hours Ago
[06:49:25] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Stan is gay , not cowboy :-)
[06:49:30] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Same thing
[06:49:35] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Uh oh
[06:49:50] <David> oh rip
[06:49:53] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player JoyaesJoyistar
[06:49:55] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player JoyaesJoyistar
[06:49:55] <David> @Stan#3177
[06:50:00] <David> does discord pings work from in-game
[06:50:03] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Idk his name
[06:50:06] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> David , Stan Hates you
[06:50:11] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> @Stan#3177
[06:50:13] <David> i am aware
[06:50:18] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Here will , do it for ya.
[06:50:31] (WEB) <Stan#3177> overlord is worse than ludred
[06:50:34] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Stan
[06:50:36] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> DAVID DEMANDS HIS ANSWERS
[06:50:39] (WEB) <Stan#3177> just shut up and let me be
[06:50:41] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Stan
[06:50:46] (WEB) <Stan#3177> hi heheboi
[06:50:49] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hi
[06:50:56] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Bye
[06:51:02] (WEB) <Stan#3177> bye
[06:51:07] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> I am , the lord of satan , I am worse than everything you can imagine
[06:51:19] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Worse = evil tho
[06:51:30] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Sorry , english skill 0
[06:52:59] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[06:57:23] <Acre> oi
[07:05:35] <David> gz
[07:05:40] <Hades> tyy
[07:05:40] <TheAir> gz
[07:05:40] <Fubar> grats!
[07:09:14] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[07:09:42] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Gz
[07:09:54] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Oh left
[07:10:04] <TheAir> brb
[07:10:04] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[07:11:13] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[07:11:34] <Fubar> !player vn_vettel
[07:11:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player vn_vettel: 51 score, last seen 15 Days Ago
[07:12:04] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[07:12:12] <mr_toothpaste> p
[07:12:17] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hi
[07:12:22] <Fubar> hi
[07:12:25] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> David
[07:12:32] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[07:12:32] <David> hello
[07:12:32] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Finally
[07:12:45] <David> !player Ozi
[07:12:45] <DoofenshmirtZ> hemlo
[07:12:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player Ozi: 11942 score, last seen 26 Months Ago
[07:13:28] <Fubar> !player Biugo_BR
[07:13:31] (WEB) <robin_be> player Biugo_BR: 32020 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[07:14:09] <-- chairMANmao disconnected from the server
[07:14:17] --> chairMANmao connected to the server
[07:14:35] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hi mr_toothpaste
[07:14:40] <mr_toothpaste> hi
[07:14:52] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> David give me 200k
[07:15:08] <TheGamer> how about, not asking for cash?
[07:15:26] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I am not begging
[07:15:28] <Fubar> use the money h4x, aka /w
[07:15:51] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I am talking about the money David was giving
[07:16:04] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player David
[07:16:06] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 14652 score, last seen Online Now
[07:16:11] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hey David
[07:16:22] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Why are you not answering
[07:16:34] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Liar
[07:16:39] --> NoxScythe connected to the server
[07:16:45] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wb
[07:17:07] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Liar David where are you
[07:17:15] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hiding?
[07:17:25] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> X$
[07:17:41] <NoxScythe> I think he's afk.
[07:17:53] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hmm gone afk to hide nice
[07:18:01] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Nice strategy
[07:18:06] <NoxScythe> hide from what?
[07:18:26] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> He was giving me 200k bcoz i completed a task
[07:18:34] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> That was very very very hard
[07:19:12] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> David don't hide
[07:19:17] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I know you are hiding
[07:21:07] <-- Acre disconnected from the server
[07:21:27] <DoofenshmirtZ> Oof
[07:21:37] <TheGamer> without their conscent*
[07:21:50] <DoofenshmirtZ> why david?
[07:22:23] <NoxScythe> Doofenshmirtz evil incorporated
[07:23:32] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player David
[07:23:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 14657 score, last seen Online Now
[07:23:52] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I know you are hiding
[07:23:55] --> Acre connected to the server
[07:24:00] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> He is not afk
[07:24:00] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Can�t hide forever
[07:24:05] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Especially from admins
[07:24:08] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Yes
[07:24:30] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> When I checked before his score was 14652
[07:24:36] <NoxScythe> what was the task?
[07:24:46] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> And now it is 14657
[07:25:01] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I cant tell you in the main chat
[07:25:11] <NoxScythe> PM me the
[07:25:26] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Are you in pl discord?
[07:25:34] <NoxScythe> nah man
[07:26:53] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wait
[07:28:07] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Ok thanks
[07:28:27] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Btw Crystal your doggo is very cute
[07:28:37] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> If you are online rn
[07:28:53] <Acre> rip truck fuel
[07:28:58] <David> rip
[07:28:58] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Rip
[07:29:16] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !crystal
[07:29:16] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[07:29:23] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !eddie
[07:29:23] (WEB) <TheGamer> Eddie calls @{HKS} Tera Baap a cunt
[07:29:28] --> Danielson connected to the server
[07:29:33] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wb
[07:29:33] <DoofenshmirtZ> wb
[07:29:33] <Acre> kontol
[07:29:36] <Fubar> k o n t o l
[07:29:38] <Danielson> kontol
[07:29:44] <Danielson> setrank KONTOL
[07:29:46] <Danielson> f
[07:30:47] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !rank
[07:30:50] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player {HKS} Tera Baap#8805
[07:30:58] <DoofenshmirtZ> come ig
[07:30:58] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wait
[07:31:05] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I should change my name
[07:31:13] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> No I can't
[07:31:15] --> TheAir connected to the server
[07:31:20] <DoofenshmirtZ> why not?
[07:31:20] <DoofenshmirtZ> webe
[07:31:20] <TheGamer> just add your IG name after !rank
[07:31:28] <TheAir> thank you :)
[07:31:41] <DoofenshmirtZ> !player yanix'
[07:31:43] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player yanix'
[07:31:46] <DoofenshmirtZ> !player yanix
[07:31:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player yanix: 6638 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[07:31:49] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !rank Hehe_Boii
[07:31:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Hehe_Boii(122) rank: Staff Pilot Sergeant(70) next: Sergeant Pilot(140) (+18)
[07:32:12] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> +18 content
[07:32:40] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Boi
[07:33:00] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Bootyboi
[07:33:00] <DoofenshmirtZ> was that your oldname?
[07:33:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player Bootyboi: 964 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[07:33:05] <DoofenshmirtZ> ow
[07:33:05] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> No
[07:34:11] <-- Twi[X] disconnected from the server
[07:34:34] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hey DoofenshmirtZ check my pm
[07:34:47] <DoofenshmirtZ> sec
[07:35:10] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> E
[07:38:11] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Crystal
[07:38:13] (WEB) <robin_be> player Crystal: 7803 score, last seen 15 Hours Ago
[07:38:34] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player allen_lombard
[07:38:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player allen_lombard: 9379 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[07:39:20] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> DoofenshmirtZ check again
[07:43:14] --> Hades connected to the server
[07:45:06] <DoofenshmirtZ> bye david :P
[07:45:08] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[07:46:07] <TheGamer> i gotta go now lol, battery empty
[07:46:12] <Acre> f
[07:46:17] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[07:46:22] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[07:46:37] <NoxScythe> congrats!
[07:46:40] <Danielson> gz
[07:46:53] <TheAir> thank you :)
[07:47:05] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[07:47:56] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[07:48:04] <David> wb
[07:48:09] <NoxScythe> Hey toothpaste
[07:48:19] <mr_toothpaste> henlo
[07:49:00] <-- Fubar disconnected from the server
[07:49:08] (WEB) <WarmBees#7519> Have you switched to airline AT, David?
[07:50:04] --> Fubar connected to the server
[07:51:25] <Acre> !player harvard
[07:51:28] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player harvard
[07:53:12] <Fubar> !player apollo
[07:53:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player apollo: 10241 score, last seen 5 Months Ago
[07:53:17] <David> !player apollon
[07:53:20] (WEB) <robin_be> player apollon: 8846 score, last seen 13 Hours Ago
[07:53:30] <Fubar> !player haydz
[07:53:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player haydz: 2058 score, last seen 13 Days Ago
[07:54:24] <Acre> f
[07:54:41] <Fubar> !missions skimmer
[07:54:44] (WEB) <robin_be> Fubar: 1888 skimmer
[07:55:04] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !missions Hehe_Boii shamal
[07:55:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Hehe_Boii: 74 shamal
[07:55:25] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !missions Hehe_Boii at400
[07:55:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Hehe_Boii: 12 at400
[07:55:48] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !missions Hehe_Boii Nevada
[07:55:48] <Fubar> !missions fubar at400 military helicopter shamal rescue
[07:55:51] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[07:56:03] <Fubar> !missions fubar at400 military helicopter shamal
[07:56:06] (WEB) <robin_be> fubar: 3000 at400 3000 military 3000 helicopter 3000 shamal
[07:56:21] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[07:56:24] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !missions Hehe_Boii cargo
[07:56:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Hehe_Boii: 5 cargo
[07:56:32] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I feel fucking ded
[07:56:57] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !missions Hehe_Boii Helicopter
[07:57:00] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[07:57:12] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Frick
[07:57:45] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[07:57:50] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Someone knows how to add boobbot in any server
[07:58:34] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> <:Fgrave:710577494910042152>
[07:58:52] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Everyone dead?
[07:59:09] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player David
[07:59:12] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 14666 score, last seen Online Now
[07:59:15] --> Kristel connected to the server
[07:59:30] <Fubar> hello Filipino Crystal
[07:59:40] <Kristel> thanks <3
[07:59:43] <Kristel> yo
[07:59:43] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I am temporarily dj now i think
[07:59:48] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wb
[07:59:50] <DoofenshmirtZ> yes
[08:00:00] <Fubar> i'm bored af
[08:00:00] <Fubar> bye
[08:00:03] <DoofenshmirtZ> cya
[08:00:08] <-- Fubar disconnected from the server
[08:00:16] <-- NoxScythe disconnected from the server
[08:00:21] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I can't see the pl planning channel
[08:00:46] <DoofenshmirtZ> wait for someone to add you mate
[08:00:56] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Ook
[08:01:24] (WEB) <Zero#2037> wehada vega ya
[08:01:32] <TheAir> ga ada dhy
[08:01:37] (WEB) <Zero#2037> keknya gak ada tadi
[08:01:47] (WEB) <Zero#2037> jancok
[08:02:00] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player JoyesiJoestar
[08:02:03] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player JoyesiJoestar
[08:02:13] <TheAir> dicariin jacob dhy
[08:02:46] (WEB) <Zero#2037> mana
[08:03:24] (WEB) <Zero#2037> knp jekop nyariin gw veg
[08:03:32] <TheAir> afk
[08:03:47] (WEB) <Zero#2037> kapan nyarinya
[08:03:55] (WEB) <Zero#2037> gw baru bangun btw wkakak
[08:04:12] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> David left the server(kicked)
[08:06:22] <-- David disconnected from the server
[08:06:48] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> What? He really left
[08:06:53] <DoofenshmirtZ> yes
[08:10:14] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[08:14:11] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> How many players online
[08:17:06] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Kicked?
[08:17:11] <TheGamer> nobody got kicked
[08:17:24] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Aw shit howdy
[08:17:32] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Didn�t realize you were still IG
[08:17:32] --> nitromitro connected to the server
[08:17:44] <Acre> hi nitro
[08:17:47] <TheGamer> i am :p
[08:17:47] <nitromitro> hi acre
[08:17:50] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Meissenhower is on his way over
[08:17:55] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> We bout to burn more shit
[08:17:55] <TheGamer> oh niceee
[08:18:12] <TheGamer> just don't burn the house
[08:18:43] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Nah I got a water hose
[08:18:48] <TheGamer> goodgood
[08:18:51] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Unlike burning shit at the cabin
[08:18:56] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Where we just gotta he smart
[08:19:03] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> No running water or electricity up there
[08:19:19] <TheGamer> lol
[08:19:29] <TheGamer> next job for you to do?
[08:20:02] <nitromitro> 22km in a dodo
[08:20:07] <DoofenshmirtZ> damn
[08:20:15] <Danielson> easy
[08:20:23] <nitromitro> 38# fuel
[08:20:25] <nitromitro> can i make it?
[08:20:30] <TheGamer> don't think so
[08:20:30] <DoofenshmirtZ> i guess not
[08:20:33] <Danielson> X for doubt
[08:20:51] <DoofenshmirtZ> land on the nearest airport
[08:20:56] <DoofenshmirtZ> to refuel
[08:21:01] <nitromitro> yep
[08:21:19] <nitromitro> shit
[08:21:21] <nitromitro> this is a payphone
[08:23:00] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[08:23:13] <nitromitro> Crystal
[08:23:54] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[08:24:02] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[08:24:24] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[08:25:03] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[08:25:05] <TheGamer> 1 hour of printing, 11'/. progress
[08:25:13] <TheGamer> this gonna take fucking ages
[08:25:26] <nitromitro> 9 hours
[08:25:31] <DoofenshmirtZ> what brand?
[08:25:31] <TheGamer> 6 probably
[08:26:11] <TheGamer> brand of what?
[08:26:16] <DoofenshmirtZ> printer
[08:26:19] <TheGamer> creality
[08:30:21] <DoofenshmirtZ> nice
[08:30:21] <nitromitro> grats
[08:30:26] <nitromitro> `gz`
[08:30:28] <TheGamer> ayyy
[08:30:33] <TheAir> thanks :)
[08:30:36] <TheGamer> nice taste of cars
[08:32:10] <nitromitro> FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS
[08:32:18] <nitromitro> for 22KM
[08:32:25] <TheGamer> shit huh
[08:32:31] <nitromitro> and 20k for 2km flight
[08:32:38] <DoofenshmirtZ> damn
[08:32:43] <nitromitro> this is as rigged as dice
[08:32:56] --> Marcster connected to the server
[08:32:59] <TheGamer> well, it's the base income that does it
[08:33:04] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[08:33:04] <DoofenshmirtZ> wb
[08:33:04] <TheGamer> not the distance pay
[08:33:16] <Marcster> ty
[08:33:16] <nitromitro> wb
[08:33:19] <nitromitro> cyaaa
[08:33:19] <-- nitromitro disconnected from the server
[08:35:13] <TheGamer> 12km
[08:35:13] <TheGamer> fuck me
[08:35:26] <TheGamer> skimmer mission...
[08:35:34] <DoofenshmirtZ> shit
[08:38:17] <DoofenshmirtZ> !player Jaken2436
[08:38:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player Jaken2436: 7448 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[08:40:01] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[08:40:14] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[08:40:29] --> Kizule connected to the server
[08:41:51] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[08:42:19] <Kizule> ty, what you think about Honor MagicBook 15 laptop?
[08:42:59] --> Vaerrwynn connected to the server
[08:43:35] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[08:43:45] <TheAir> Welcome Back both :)
[08:43:50] <Vaerrwynn> ty
[08:44:08] <Vaerrwynn> wb CzechoslovakiaBoy
[08:44:59] <-- Vaerrwynn disconnected from the server
[08:45:07] <DoofenshmirtZ> kbai
[08:45:07] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[08:45:27] --> The_Roasters_Hub connected to the server
[08:45:32] <CzechBoy777> wb
[08:45:47] <CzechBoy777> wb
[08:46:43] --> Vaerrwynn connected to the server
[08:46:54] <-- Kizule disconnected from the server
[08:47:06] <-- Marcster disconnected from the server
[08:50:22] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[08:50:50] <The_Roasters_Hub> why is this weather keeps changing
[08:50:55] --> Clinton_Nicolas connected to the server
[08:50:55] <Vaerrwynn> feature
[08:51:41] <CzechBoy777> gz
[08:51:49] --> Hades connected to the server
[08:51:51] <CzechBoy777> wb
[08:51:54] <TheAir> oh thank you :)
[08:51:59] <Vaerrwynn> gz
[08:51:59] <Vaerrwynn> wb
[08:52:04] <TheAir> thx bert :)
[08:52:07] <Hades> ty
[08:52:07] --> Mars connected to the server
[08:52:12] <CzechBoy777> wb
[08:52:12] <Hades> wb
[08:52:19] <Mars> thanks
[08:52:27] <Vaerrwynn> bruh
[08:52:37] <Clinton_Nicolas> ;/at400
[08:52:42] <Vaerrwynn> I'm listening to Mars by Holst lmao
[08:52:47] <CzechBoy777> lol
[08:52:47] <Mars> nice
[08:53:05] <CzechBoy777> it was better when u were marshmellow tbh
[08:53:18] <Mars> why
[08:53:26] --> JoyersJoestar. connected to the server
[08:53:26] <CzechBoy777> wtf is that a submarine
[08:53:31] <Vaerrwynn> wb
[08:53:33] <Mars> wb
[08:53:36] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[08:53:36] <JoyersJoestar.> sip
[08:53:38] <The_Roasters_Hub> anyone connected on discord?
[08:53:54] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[08:54:04] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[08:55:00] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[08:55:28] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[08:55:41] <Clinton_Nicolas> a
[08:57:07] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[08:57:10] <CzechBoy777> wb
[08:57:12] <Vaerrwynn> wb
[08:57:15] <JoyersJoestar.> wb
[08:57:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cbase
[08:57:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cboard
[08:57:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(13255) , Rank 2: TransX(-494) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5227)
[09:00:16] <The_Roasters_Hub> it lags so much can any one help me fix this lag...please
[09:00:26] <Mars> close other applications?
[09:00:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> what lag?
[09:00:39] <The_Roasters_Hub> i did
[09:01:09] <The_Roasters_Hub> but still it lags
[09:01:32] <The_Roasters_Hub> but still it lagsgameplay lag
[09:01:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> lower the resolution?
[09:01:40] <The_Roasters_Hub> ok
[09:02:13] <The_Roasters_Hub> ok/seatbelt
[09:03:06] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[09:03:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(125867) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-10146) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-34151)
[09:03:55] <-- Clinton_Nicolas disconnected from the server
[09:04:46] --> Apollon connected to the server
[09:04:51] <Mars> wb
[09:04:56] <Apollon> ty
[09:04:56] <CzechBoy777> wb
[09:05:08] <Apollon> tyty
[09:05:16] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Jajajajajajaakajajajajajajajajajajaj
Fuck ccp
[09:05:21] <CzechBoy777> Bruh
[09:05:34] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaj
Fuck ccp
[09:05:39] <CzechBoy777> stop spamming
[09:05:44] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> No
[09:05:49] <CzechBoy777> then you will get banned
[09:06:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> dont flood
[09:06:12] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[09:06:15] <CzechBoy777> ^
[09:07:51] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Floooooooood
[09:07:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> nono i mean it
[09:07:59] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I like flood
[09:08:02] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[09:08:04] <CzechBoy777> bruhhhh
[09:08:20] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> But I don't like Tsunami
[09:08:32] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Tsunami is so deadly
[09:08:40] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> And earthquake too
[09:08:42] <Vaerrwynn> yeah
[09:08:48] <Mars> tsunami and earthquake?
[09:08:53] <Mars> they got nice bass drops tho
[09:09:03] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Lawrence_Vercetti
[09:09:03] <Vaerrwynn> fuck tsunami, let's dry our sea so there won't be any tsunamy
[09:09:05] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lawrence_Vercetti: 55 score, last seen 18 Hours Ago
[09:09:13] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wtf
[09:09:13] <Mars> fr?
[09:09:18] <Mars> we'll all die
[09:09:23] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Yes
[09:09:23] <Mars> no water lol
[09:09:31] <CzechBoy777> dunt worry
[09:09:31] <Vaerrwynn> shieeet
[09:09:31] <Apollon> lol
[09:09:46] <Vaerrwynn> then we'll have to adapt to not drink water
[09:09:46] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Then earth will replace mars
[09:09:59] <CzechBoy777> I wouldnt say so
[09:10:04] <CzechBoy777> its cold in mars
[09:10:04] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> And mars will replace earth
[09:10:07] <Mars> there is ice in mars
[09:10:17] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hey mars
[09:10:17] <CzechBoy777> Or I got an idea
[09:10:19] <Mars> hi
[09:10:19] <CzechBoy777> ID 6
[09:10:22] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Do you like earth
[09:10:24] <CzechBoy777> we will live on ID 6
[09:10:35] <Mars> im not gonna lie it was gud before
[09:10:40] <Mars> now its just shit
[09:10:42] <CzechBoy777> ^
[09:10:52] <The_Roasters_Hub> are you from
[09:10:52] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[09:10:55] <CzechBoy777> wb
[09:10:58] <The_Roasters_Hub> mars
[09:11:00] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> And Elon Musk will fuck it more
[09:11:00] <0verlord> ty
[09:11:05] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wb
[09:11:10] <CzechBoy777> idk if he is from mars, but sursai is from titan
[09:11:18] <Mars> believe me if nuclear holocaust starts
[09:11:18] <CzechBoy777> and ik that
[09:11:20] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Thanos
[09:11:26] <Mars> elon will hop in rocket and leave
[09:11:31] <Mars> middle finger all the way
[09:11:38] <Gamer30> Wanking meanwhile.
[09:11:41] <CzechBoy777> Lol
[09:11:43] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Big Fucking Rocket
[09:11:48] <CzechBoy777> yep
[09:11:51] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> BFR
[09:12:01] <CzechBoy777> by boing
[09:12:04] <0verlord> i will shoot him with a BFG then
[09:12:11] <0verlord> Big Fucking Gun
[09:12:14] <CzechBoy777> Lol
[09:12:29] <0verlord> actually , its in DOOM
[09:12:32] <Mars> no im not from mars btw
[09:12:32] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Czechboy777 send me 747 mod
[09:12:39] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> And bye
[09:12:42] <CzechBoy777> I am using one right now
[09:12:44] <CzechBoy777> national 744
[09:12:50] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[09:12:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> w
[09:12:57] <CzechBoy777> but I just cant stop changing mods
[09:13:10] <CzechBoy777> RIP NOOOO
[09:13:13] <CzechBoy777> fuck
[09:13:20] <0verlord> RIP
[09:13:48] <CzechBoy777> lag
[09:14:14] <Mars> OK
[09:14:26] <Mars> u better watch ur mouth boi
[09:14:29] <CzechBoy777> No
[09:14:34] <CzechBoy777> Its my opinion
[09:14:37] <0verlord> IDIOTA
[09:14:37] <Mars> why
[09:14:39] <CzechBoy777> I hate him
[09:14:39] <Mars> why
[09:14:44] <Gamer30> Watch your mouth or Stan will all of sudden put his tiny D in it.
[09:14:49] <0verlord> ^
[09:14:49] <Mars> eew
[09:14:54] <CzechBoy777> because hed like to add some chips into people
[09:15:07] <CzechBoy777> and replace earth with mars
[09:15:10] <Vaerrwynn> I wouldn't mind eating some more chips
[09:15:15] <CzechBoy777> not these chips
[09:15:17] <Mars> bruh he isnt going to force us to put chips in body
[09:15:22] <0verlord> uhh , computer chips
[09:15:25] <Vaerrwynn> lmao
[09:15:27] <CzechBoy777> yes computer ones
[09:15:27] <Gamer30> Like, Intel 8088?
[09:15:33] <CzechBoy777> yes
[09:15:35] <Mars> replacing earth with mars?
[09:15:40] <CzechBoy777> yes
[09:15:40] <0verlord> fuck tesla's , i want BIG V8's ROARING THE LAND!
[09:15:43] --> Danielson connected to the server
[09:15:43] <CzechBoy777> hed like to live on marse
[09:15:48] <CzechBoy777> wb
[09:15:48] <Acre> kontol
[09:15:48] <Vaerrwynn> wb
[09:15:50] <Danielson> kontol
[09:15:50] <Danielson> ty
[09:15:58] <Gamer30> Why not on Venus or Mercury?
[09:16:03] <Mars> too close to sun
[09:16:06] <0verlord> is the time here now?
[09:16:06] <CzechBoy777> too close
[09:16:06] <Mars> we'll burn up
[09:16:08] <CzechBoy777> mars too far
[09:16:26] <0verlord> humans as a race
[09:16:34] <0verlord> was better ded
[09:16:39] <Vaerrwynn> YES
[09:16:44] <Gamer30> NO
[09:16:44] <Mars> +1
[09:16:49] <CzechBoy777> Id rather die than moving on another planet
[09:16:51] <Mars> why
[09:16:59] <Mars> dont u wanna see mars?w
[09:16:59] <CzechBoy777> No
[09:17:02] <0verlord> it would be like
[09:17:02] <Mars> why
[09:17:04] <CzechBoy777> I dont like space stuff
[09:17:12] <0verlord> my grandparents learning to use android
[09:17:14] <Mars> just becus u dont doesnt mean everyone doesnt
[09:17:17] <0verlord> except 100 times worse
[09:17:22] <CzechBoy777> Ik
[09:17:30] <The_Roasters_Hub> yeah i want to see mars
[09:17:35] <Mars> we'll just leave u here czechboi
[09:17:37] <Mars> lol
[09:17:42] <CzechBoy777> ok
[09:17:45] <CzechBoy777> no worries
[09:18:00] <0verlord> Mars be like
[09:18:08] <0verlord> Wear a space suit
[09:18:10] <Mars> did u know that there's a plan to host the PL server from the ISS
[09:18:13] <0verlord> fuck no , n word
[09:18:23] <0verlord> w
[09:18:31] <Gamer30> ISS will cause high lags.
[09:18:33] <0verlord> ^
[09:18:38] <Mars> nasa wifi boi
[09:18:46] <Mars> just fly us all there
[09:18:56] <0verlord> but well , its stupid to host PL from the ISS
[09:19:01] <CzechBoy777> yeah
[09:19:04] <Mars> but its kewl
[09:19:19] <CzechBoy777> its cool plan tho
[09:19:22] <0verlord> well , driving a lamborghini is very kewl
[09:19:27] <0verlord> but is it practical?
[09:19:27] <Mars> but?
[09:19:32] <Gamer30> Lamborghini tractor? Yes.
[09:19:34] <Mars> lol
[09:19:39] <CzechBoy777> Lol
[09:19:42] <0verlord> tractor , yes , car no
[09:19:55] <Mars> what if u need to reach someplace quick
[09:20:18] <Mars> it is practical
[09:20:20] <Mars> it gets u the girls
[09:20:33] <0verlord> girls arent very practical
[09:20:35] <0verlord> thats for sure
[09:20:35] <Mars> OK WOW
[09:20:38] <Gamer30> It's bad for homosexuals.
[09:21:11] <0verlord> and mars you can quote me on this everywhere
[09:21:47] <0verlord> there
[09:22:10] <Mars> how old r u?
[09:22:20] <CzechBoy777> relog
[09:22:20] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[09:22:35] <-- The_Roasters_Hub disconnected from the server
[09:22:43] <Mars> why do u have no hope in the womankind rn
[09:22:50] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[09:22:53] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[09:23:06] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[09:23:08] <0verlord> every woman i see here , acts like a fucking golddigger
[09:23:16] <0verlord> seeing them speak so openly
[09:23:16] <Mars> india?
[09:23:18] <0verlord> raises questions
[09:23:21] <0verlord> yes
[09:23:23] <0verlord> Delhi , India
[09:23:31] <Mars> openly bout wat?
[09:23:49] <-- Apollon disconnected from the server
[09:23:54] <Danielson> !houses eddie
[09:23:54] <0verlord> that boohoo i am with him for his cash , so wat
[09:23:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Red County: $8,000,000 8 slots East Beach: $22,000,000 16 slots Hashbury: $6,500,000 5 slots
[09:24:02] <0verlord> and like the guy dumped her
[09:24:09] <Mars> oh
[09:24:14] <0verlord> comes back after one week and she openly accepts him
[09:24:20] <Mars> not every woman is like that btw
[09:24:22] <0verlord> WHAT THE FUCK NIBBI?
[09:24:27] <0verlord> ik
[09:24:40] <0verlord> its just that my experiences with female friends have been very bad
[09:24:45] <Mars> i c
[09:25:00] <Mars> gl for future
[09:25:05] <Mars> any girls in college?
[09:25:18] <0verlord> yes
[09:25:28] <0verlord> there's nothing like a boys only college
[09:25:31] <Mars> IIT
[09:25:44] <0verlord> it isnt boys only
[09:25:51] <0verlord> are u okay tbh
[09:25:51] <Mars> u rarely see girls
[09:25:59] <Mars> 1:30 ratio
[09:26:04] <Mars> girl to boi
[09:26:12] <Vaerrwynn> what are you majoring?
[09:26:12] <0verlord> you have to qualify to sit there
[09:26:17] <0verlord> thats the issue
[09:26:22] <Mars> wat?
[09:26:24] <Mars> sit wher?
[09:26:27] <0verlord> although plans are there to reserve
[09:26:37] <Mars> i dun want iit
[09:26:40] <Mars> im not taht good
[09:26:45] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[09:26:50] <0verlord> i am saying
[09:27:00] --> Icebear connected to the server
[09:27:00] <0verlord> you have to qualify to get a seat
[09:27:02] <Mars> ye jee
[09:27:05] <0verlord> wb
[09:27:10] <Mars> wb
[09:27:10] <Vaerrwynn> wb
[09:27:15] <Icebear> thanks
[09:27:15] <0verlord> JEE(A)
[09:27:20] <Mars> yea yea
[09:28:19] <Mars> this ratrace for jee i s shti
[09:28:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> sini ngentot
[09:28:21] <Mars> shit
[09:28:32] <0verlord> but its importantw
[09:28:37] <Danielson> lah
[09:28:39] <Danielson> tadi ga ada
[09:28:47] <0verlord> the criteria for judging is bad
[09:28:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> desync kan
[09:28:49] <Danielson> ty
[09:28:52] <0verlord> but when was it good
[09:28:57] <Danielson> indingentot kapan berubah sih
[09:29:05] <Icebear> restart routernya
[09:29:07] <Mars> i honestly want to leave india when i grow up
[09:29:12] <Mars> go to japan or something
[09:29:17] <Gamer30> T-Series problem?
[09:29:23] <Mars> no
[09:29:30] <0verlord> Japan is good place
[09:29:30] <Mars> india in general
[09:29:38] <Mars> best example
[09:29:38] <0verlord> Job easy due to the ageing population
[09:29:43] <Mars> the binod meme
[09:29:53] <Icebear> india tiktok
[09:29:58] <Mars> retarded
[09:30:03] <Icebear> free fire
[09:30:11] <0verlord> free fire is from singapore
[09:30:14] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[09:30:16] <Icebear> no
[09:30:24] <0verlord> yes look it up
[09:30:26] <Icebear> no
[09:30:29] <0verlord> Garuda
[09:30:34] <mr_toothpaste> `/q
[09:30:36] <Icebear> wow
[09:30:36] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[09:30:36] <Mars> yo overlord funny story btw bout jan 2020 jee mains
[09:30:49] <Gamer30> Clearly from Indonesia.
[09:30:52] <Mars> i opened the newspaper bout 2 weeks after writing
[09:30:52] <Icebear> no
[09:30:57] <Icebear> not from indonesia
[09:31:04] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[09:31:07] <Mars> and i saw a full body picture of my old classmate from qatar
[09:31:17] <Mars> holding a boquet
[09:31:25] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[09:31:27] <Mars> he was state topper it seems
[09:31:48] <0verlord> state topper from quatar?
[09:31:50] <Mars> no
[09:31:55] <0verlord> Qatar*
[09:31:58] <Mars> he used to study with me in qatar
[09:32:03] <Acre> rip trailer fell into cliffs.
[09:32:06] <Mars> f
[09:32:08] <0verlord> RIP
[09:32:11] <0verlord> so?
[09:32:18] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[09:32:18] <Mars> he got state top
[09:32:23] <0verlord> so?
[09:32:28] <Mars> ...
[09:32:41] <0verlord> he was your classmate in qatar
[09:32:44] <Mars> do u have a friend who got a state top rank?
[09:33:04] <0verlord> my brother got a top 10 rank in JEE(A)
[09:33:09] <Mars> woah
[09:33:17] <Mars> wait
[09:33:19] <Mars> i dun believe it
[09:33:24] <0verlord> cousin
[09:33:27] <Mars> tell me his name
[09:33:30] <Mars> lemme google it
[09:33:52] <0verlord> nope
[09:33:58] <0verlord> no personal infos
[09:34:03] <Mars> his name ffs
[09:34:10] <Mars> it mustve come in the newspapers
[09:34:13] <Icebear> yeah
[09:34:18] <0verlord> it would have
[09:34:20] <Icebear> if he is top 10 at somethjing
[09:34:26] <0verlord> well Ice
[09:34:36] <0verlord> the only time you feature in a newspaper
[09:34:43] <0verlord> is if you're top 3 or you died
[09:34:51] <Mars> ok wow
[09:34:54] <Mars> rude
[09:35:04] <0verlord> its the truthw
[09:35:19] <0verlord> ever read obituaries?
[09:35:22] <Mars> yep
[09:35:34] <0verlord> then?
[09:35:42] <Mars> wat if no one knows u died
[09:35:52] <0verlord> hmm
[09:36:10] <0verlord> but no one cares
[09:36:12] <Gamer30> What in opposite situation: everyone thinks you died, but actually you're still alive?
[09:36:23] <Mars> life of a spy
[09:36:33] <Icebear> thats michael de santa
[09:36:35] <0verlord> ^
[09:36:38] --> David connected to the server
[09:36:40] <Mars> wb
[09:36:48] <David> ty
[09:36:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> ty
[09:37:06] <0verlord> sorry gamer
[09:37:26] <-- David disconnected from the server
[09:37:39] <0verlord> welp fell into a pit
[09:38:04] --> David connected to the server
[09:38:07] <0verlord> wb
[09:38:12] <David> ty
[09:38:30] <Icebear> nice
[09:38:32] <Icebear> im a dodo main
[09:38:38] <0verlord> nice
[09:38:45] <Icebear> slap like now
[09:38:55] <David> there are lots of other options to deal with depression icebear
[09:38:58] <David> make the right choice
[09:39:03] <Icebear> wow
[09:39:06] <0verlord> davie504
[09:39:11] <Icebear> is
[09:39:11] <Icebear> suicide
[09:39:16] <0verlord> ^
[09:39:18] <David> thanks for coming to my ted talk
[09:39:23] <Icebear> okay
[09:39:31] <0verlord> thanks for coming to icebear's ted talk
[09:39:36] <Mars> suicide
[09:39:41] <Icebear> kol od balevav
[09:39:41] <Mars> horrible advice
[09:39:46] <Icebear> penimah
[09:39:54] <Mars> talk to a professional
[09:40:07] <Icebear> im a scat man
[09:40:12] <Icebear> bee bap bap bap bop
[09:40:14] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Status report
[09:40:17] <0verlord> bee bap bap bop bop bop
[09:40:27] <Mars> suicide might seem easy but the pain it causes to the one close to u is horrible
[09:40:35] <Mars> ones*
[09:40:35] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Uhhhh
[09:40:53] <0verlord> what if you were a to-be-aborted child
[09:40:55] <Gamer30> Don't be like Adolf, don't suicide!
[09:41:05] <0verlord> i aint saying i was , just contemplating
[09:41:05] <Icebear> adolf should be killed
[09:41:08] <Mars> u dun have choice in that case
[09:41:13] <Icebear> a man had the chance to kill adolf
[09:41:15] <Icebear> but he didnt
[09:41:43] <0verlord> the guy survived a mortar sheell
[09:41:49] <0verlord> when the rest of his squad didnt
[09:42:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> hadeh
[09:42:24] <JoyersJoestar.> hadeh
[09:42:24] <David> hadeh
[09:42:27] <JoyersJoestar.> hoki sangat
[09:42:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> baru mau gua tele
[09:42:50] <0verlord> sangat in hindi is used for devotees
[09:42:55] <David> csb
[09:43:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> sangat in Indo is "very"
[09:43:02] <David> csb
[09:43:23] <0verlord> can it be used for crowd too?
[09:43:25] <Icebear> no
[09:43:35] <Icebear> sangat ramai= very crowded
[09:43:38] <Icebear> ramai = crowd
[09:43:41] <David> csb
[09:43:41] <Icebear> -ed
[09:43:43] <Icebear> fuck is csb
[09:43:48] <David> cool story bro
[09:43:53] <Icebear> oh
[09:44:06] <Icebear> those good old days
[09:44:14] <Icebear> when tutorials are done with notepad
[09:44:16] <0verlord> 2010-2014
[09:44:21] <Icebear> windows xp and unlicensed hypercam
[09:44:24] <0verlord> God tier times
[09:44:31] <Icebear> mostly consists of fake club penguin hack
[09:44:37] <Gamer30> BSoDs popping all the time.
[09:44:42] <Icebear> and an outdated cheat engine
[09:44:57] <Icebear> the bgm is youtube's royalty free song
[09:44:57] <Icebear> that techno song
[09:45:05] <0verlord> 007 SOUNDSYSTEMS
[09:45:10] <David> omg
[09:45:10] <David> i remember that shit
[09:45:20] <David> youtube tutorials
[09:46:03] <0verlord> Trance - 009 Sound System
[09:46:06] <Icebear> yes
[09:46:11] <David> no
[09:46:13] <Icebear> i remember that song
[09:46:13] <0verlord> yes
[09:46:18] <David> With A Spirit is the best one
[09:46:18] <Icebear> yes
[09:46:18] <Icebear> club penguin hack
[09:46:36] <David> how to install gta sa for free hack
[09:46:36] <Icebear> the 2006-2010 youtube anthem
[09:46:44] <David> updated 2009 may
[09:46:49] <David> no virus no torrent
[09:46:52] <Icebear> hahahahha
[09:46:52] <David> link in description
[09:46:54] <Icebear> no virus
[09:46:57] <David> gz
[09:47:02] <Icebear> lol
[09:47:17] <Gamer30> 1994, when tutorials were on video cassettes.
[09:47:53] <David> oh oh
[09:47:55] <0verlord> this guy was the internet before the internet
[09:47:58] <David> another YouTube OG OST is
[09:48:03] <David> drowning pool bodies
[09:48:08] <David> let the bodies hit the floor
[09:48:10] <David> let the bodies hit the floor
[09:48:10] <0verlord> LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR
[09:48:21] <David> also requiem for a dream
[09:48:21] <David> lmao
[09:48:26] <Gamer30> 1981, when games were on audio cassettes.
[09:48:26] <David> was also youtube OG OST
[09:48:56] <David> yondeiru muneno dokoka okude
[09:49:01] <David> itsumo kokoro odoru yume wo mitai
[09:49:17] <David> kurikaesu ayamachi no sonotabi hito wa
[09:49:27] <Icebear> indian are richer than us
[09:49:27] <0verlord> Fun Fact : The starting 3 seconds of Trance sound avfuly lot like the CoD 4 logo
[09:49:29] <David> smh no one watch anime here?
[09:49:34] <David> shit server
[09:49:40] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I love you virus
[09:49:40] <Icebear> lol
[09:49:40] <0verlord> wait who made CoD 4?w
[09:49:42] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[09:49:42] <Acre> rip truck fuel and odo
[09:49:45] <0verlord> wb
[09:49:45] <Icebear> wb
[09:49:47] <David> rip acre
[09:49:50] <TheGamer> ty
[09:49:50] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wb
[09:50:02] <Icebear> netherland reminds me of stressmannetje
[09:50:10] <0verlord> whats that/
[09:50:18] <TheGamer> who td is stressmannetje lol
[09:50:46] <Icebear> that doll
[09:50:51] --> TheAir connected to the server
[09:50:53] <TheGamer> voodoo doll?
[09:50:58] <Icebear> stress doll
[09:51:04] <TheGamer> never heard of it lol
[09:51:06] <0verlord> i sometimes wonder what type of cargo would greenglass academy give us?
[09:51:09] <Icebear> because its in
[09:51:14] <Icebear> belgium
[09:51:14] <Gamer30> Green glass.
[09:51:19] <Icebear> but its in dutch
[09:51:21] <0verlord> books maybe?w
[09:51:29] <TheGamer> ahh, belgiums got weird shit anyways
[09:51:32] <Icebear> yes
[09:51:42] <Gamer30> Students' illegal items.
[09:51:47] <Icebear> the times when we can /repair
[09:51:49] <Icebear> on the air
[09:52:12] <Gamer30> Aaron made it impossible for some time.
[09:52:12] <0verlord> w
[09:52:25] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> /w
[09:52:28] <0verlord> desperate time indeed
[09:53:03] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Flight from San Fierro gate 2 to Los Santos gate 2 with 169 passengers
[09:55:39] <0verlord> ^
[09:56:01] <Icebear> wei da lingxiu mao zhushi
[09:59:45] --> Dark_Rider. connected to the server
[10:00:06] <Gamer30> !player Stan is gay
[10:00:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stan: 14443 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[10:00:29] <David> also join gojek
[10:00:31] <Icebear> ban
[10:00:36] <David> no ad abuse :v
[10:00:39] <Gamer30> Is this Counter-Strike file?
[10:00:57] <David> woi TG
[10:00:59] <David> wasnt ad abuse
[10:01:04] <David> i ad for gojek
[10:02:00] <-- Icebear disconnected from the server
[10:02:28] <David> nice dude
[10:02:39] <David> turn off ur pms to avoid helping a player TG
[10:02:44] <David> good mod
[10:03:07] <0verlord> use /admin
[10:03:14] <David> no i dont want to bother joyadi
[10:03:27] <TheGamer> the spinbot_hack.cs was a reference to a discussion you had with charimanmao earlier on
[10:03:45] <David> false
[10:03:45] <0verlord> damn you reading PMs now?
[10:03:50] <TheGamer> now? i always am
[10:03:50] <David> i demand my warning to be removed
[10:04:00] <David> i have not talked to chairmanmao about spinbot hack
[10:04:08] <TheGamer> i never said that
[10:04:13] <Gamer30> PM stands for Public Message, after all.
[10:04:23] <TheGamer> wasn't PMs either btw
[10:04:26] <David> "the spinbot_hack.vs was a reference to a discussion you had with chairmanmao earlier on"
[10:04:38] <David> i wasn't talking to chairmanmao about the spinbot hack bruh
[10:04:43] <David> plus i said join gojek afterwards
[10:04:48] <David> i'd like my warning removed pls
[10:04:54] <TheGamer> "but i spinbot hack" "dodge all bullet"
[10:05:04] <David> chairmanmao isn't in gojek smartass
[10:05:11] <TheGamer> i know
[10:05:29] <David> are you purposely trying not to make sense or is that just how you normally talk
[10:05:39] <TheGamer> on purpose
[10:05:44] <David> nice
[10:05:55] <David> can i have my warning removed now given that my nick is short and warnings actually matter?
[10:06:02] <TheGamer> nope
[10:06:12] <David> i had an additional line after my /ad
[10:06:18] <David> clarifying what the /ad itself was for
[10:06:28] <0verlord> David , just take a screen and appeal to a higher rank goddamn it
[10:06:51] <David> im not appealing it lol but i definitely took a screenshot
[10:07:06] <David> so if one day TG actually pisses me off
[10:07:29] <Gamer30> !LuftCode 2137
[10:07:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> Gamer30 is already registered.
[10:07:39] <David> i can dig up my 30 screenshots i have saved already :P
[10:07:39] <TheGamer> fine, i'll alter the warning then
[10:08:25] <TheGamer> i was gonna remove the warning indeed
[10:08:30] <David> no you werent lmao
[10:08:40] <TheGamer> oh great, you're a mindreader now too?
[10:09:00] <TheGamer> fine, it's gone
[10:09:06] <TheGamer> just be more carefull next time
[10:09:11] <David> thank you sir
[10:09:21] <Dark_Rider.> q
[10:09:36] <0verlord> fail
[10:09:41] <Mars> bruh kissasnime got taken down
[10:09:46] <0verlord> we know
[10:09:49] <Mars> wat a shame
[10:09:49] <0verlord> too sad
[10:09:51] <Mars> f
[10:09:59] <0verlord> RIP
[10:10:07] <Gamer30> Who is he?
[10:10:19] <0verlord> the OG's of anime hosting
[10:10:22] <Mars> kissanime is a website that streams pirated anime
[10:10:55] <Mars> shit mah truck is stuck
[10:11:13] <0verlord> help me , i am stuck , step truck
[10:11:46] <-- Dark_Rider. disconnected from the server
[10:13:51] <0verlord> Petition for admins to stop flying on foor
[10:14:03] <Mars> someone gimmie a gud movie to watch
[10:14:14] <David> forgetting sarah marshall
[10:14:16] <Gamer30> Good movie? I have no idea then.
[10:14:21] <Acre> out of truck fuel
[10:14:21] <0verlord> ^
[10:14:49] <Mars> fk its not in amazon prime
[10:16:56] <Acre> no use and truck's too heavy to push
[10:17:04] <David> need a push?
[10:17:04] <0verlord> w
[10:17:09] <Acre> yeah
[10:17:17] <David> omw
[10:17:55] --> Danielson connected to the server
[10:18:28] <0verlord> Acre beacon pls
[10:18:33] <David> angel pine
[10:18:36] <Danielson> !houses vaerrwyn
[10:18:38] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player vaerrwyn
[10:18:38] <Acre> here
[10:18:41] <Danielson> hadeh
[10:18:46] <TheAir> !cash
[10:18:49] (WEB) <robin_be> TheAir has $573,055 in hand
[10:18:49] <TheAir> !bankcash
[10:18:49] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}TheAir's bank money is $1,000,000
[10:18:56] <chairMANmao> !cash
[10:18:59] (WEB) <robin_be> chairMANmao has $1,580,099 in hand
[10:19:07] <TheGamer> damn my bot is fast
[10:19:12] <TheGamer> gets called after robins, and answers before
[10:19:17] <chairMANmao> bruh robin is lagging horse power today
[10:19:35] <0verlord> where do i push it?
[10:19:37] <Acre> Fuel station
[10:19:40] <David> to where
[10:19:42] <David> ok
[10:19:52] <David> hmmm lemme think
[10:19:57] <David> lemme go get a swat van
[10:19:57] <Acre> Tow truck will work
[10:20:03] <David> oh tru
[10:20:05] <TheGamer> get out acrew
[10:20:19] <0verlord> damn
[10:20:48] <0verlord> imagine refueling for free
[10:21:00] <TheGamer> not in missions
[10:21:00] <Gamer30> Utility Truck
[10:21:10] <TheGamer> there's still common sense for command usage
[10:21:26] <0verlord> idk man
[10:21:31] <0verlord> acre was in a mission
[10:21:36] <0verlord> he just finished it
[10:21:39] <Acre> Utility truck has to be used for refuel emergency.
[10:21:41] <TheGamer> i've only given him 20'/.
[10:22:01] <Gamer30> And it is refuel emergency situation.
[10:22:24] <0verlord> tbh
[10:22:29] <TheGamer> would be cool if towtruck carried like a 5'/. tank to pass to a truck
[10:22:45] <TheGamer> where it would just take it from it's own fuel
[10:22:45] <0verlord> i can create an emergency refuel situation by not refuelling
[10:23:13] <chairMANmao> what i think is /refuel in baggage or utility truck can only refuel like 10 percent of the fuel
[10:23:20] <0verlord> ^
[10:23:23] <Acre> Well, I'm sure if I can radio to call utility truck.
[10:23:41] <-- JoyersJoestar. disconnected from the server
[10:24:11] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[10:24:19] <Acre> Also there is no active utility truck worker here
[10:24:21] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[10:24:39] <TheGamer> utility truck slow af man
[10:24:47] <Acre> yes
[10:24:57] <Gamer30> Even slower with utility trailer attached.
[10:25:05] <Acre> ^
[10:25:07] <TheGamer> tow it with towtruck
[10:25:10] <TheGamer> and you're fast
[10:25:12] <0verlord> ^
[10:26:03] --> JoyersJoestar. connected to the server
[10:26:21] <Acre> If tow truck sents you to closest fuel station, you may take time alot to refuel your truck.
[10:26:31] <0verlord> mash the space bar
[10:26:42] <0verlord> sure it might fill the chat with refuel messages
[10:26:47] <0verlord> but its fast
[10:26:54] <Acre> lmao really?
[10:26:59] <David> yes
[10:27:04] <Danielson> gz
[10:27:04] <Vaerrwynn> ty
[10:27:04] <0verlord> gz
[10:27:07] <chairMANmao> gz
[10:27:07] <David> tap it couple of times then hold
[10:27:10] <David> gz
[10:27:10] <JoyersJoestar.> gratz!
[10:27:10] <Acre> If I do that, I might get rekt.
[10:27:30] <David> you won't, santi once told me it's a bug that's fine to use
[10:27:35] <Mars> gz
[10:28:13] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[10:28:21] <0verlord> !bankcash
[10:28:21] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}0verlord's bank money is $63,000,000
[10:28:44] <Danielson> 21.30
[10:28:44] <Gamer30> !BankCash
[10:28:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Gamer30's bank money is $5,700,000
[10:28:51] <Danielson> ga jadi
[10:29:09] <David> not if you refuel before 100
[10:29:09] <chairMANmao> if u dont refuel to the max that is
[10:29:14] <David> let go when it's at 90-ish
[10:29:17] <chairMANmao> yes
[10:29:25] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[10:29:25] <David> and you pay for the fuel price out of pocket, which as CEO shouldn
[10:29:27] <David> 't matter anyway
[10:29:37] <chairMANmao> yes
[10:29:45] <chairMANmao> cough cough david
[10:29:47] <Danielson> andri anjingggggggg
[10:29:53] <JoyersJoestar.> ulang
[10:31:04] <Danielson> 00.00
[10:31:11] <Danielson> 1 lap
[10:31:11] (WEB) <TheGamer> Gamer30 is already registered.
[10:31:14] <Vaerrwynn> sep
[10:31:17] <TheAir> ok
[10:31:24] <Acre> !SkyCode
[10:32:18] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> Bentar dong
[10:32:20] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> Ikut
[10:33:03] <Danielson> 1.30
[10:33:16] <Mars> wb
[10:33:26] <CzechBoy777> ty
[10:33:44] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[10:34:10] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[10:34:20] <Danielson> hadeh
[10:34:25] <Vaerrwynn> hadeh
[10:34:27] <TheAir> haduh
[10:34:35] <JoyersJoestar.> pake lap apa ga si
[10:34:38] <TheAir> gatau
[10:34:40] <TheAir> katanya 1
[10:34:40] <Danielson> 3.00 1 lap
[10:34:45] <JoyersJoestar.> ok
[10:34:48] <TheAir> ok
[10:36:04] <Vaerrwynn> nice cob
[10:36:07] <TheAir> mantap
[10:36:09] <Danielson> mayan
[10:36:22] <TheAir> infer? atau bulet?
[10:36:27] <JoyersJoestar.> ga ahli gw 1 lap
[10:36:32] <JoyersJoestar.> biasa jago nyalip
[10:36:32] <Danielson> yaudah 2
[10:36:35] <TheAir> yodah 2
[10:36:35] <Vaerrwynn> banyak lap lah
[10:36:42] <Danielson> ntar 6.00 sampe 12.00
[10:37:00] --> Christopher_Combat connected to the server
[10:37:13] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[10:37:28] <angin_timor> ty
[10:37:31] <Christopher_Combat> hello everyone ty
[10:37:38] <TheAir> mau balapan ga? ke kas sekarang
[10:37:41] <JoyersJoestar.> warna janda
[10:37:51] <Vaerrwynn> jam 6 kan
[10:37:56] <JoyersJoestar.> iya
[10:37:59] <Vaerrwynn> 6 - 12
[10:38:01] <TheAir> ok
[10:38:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> indomie rendang + nasi + daging mercon
[10:38:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> best
[10:38:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> surga dunia
[10:41:17] <Vaerrwynn> spin teros
[10:41:23] <Gamer30> !Cboard
[10:41:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(13274) , Rank 2: TransX(-513) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5207)
[10:41:49] <Mars> wtf
[10:42:04] <Mars> g on drugs
[10:42:07] <Mars> tg
[10:42:25] <0verlord> !groups JoyadiJoestar.
[10:42:27] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. is in airline Garuda Indonesia and company GO-JEK
[10:44:19] <0verlord> RIP
[10:44:24] <Acre> f
[10:44:42] --> JorockJoestar. connected to the server
[10:44:45] <CzechBoy777> wb
[10:44:50] <Mars> wb
[10:44:55] <chairMANmao> wb
[10:45:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> sini dhy kas
[10:45:08] --> Santiago connected to the server
[10:45:08] <JorockJoestar.> ty
[10:45:10] <JorockJoestar.> kas apaan
[10:45:18] <Mars> wb
[10:45:18] <Gamer30> !player Stan is gay
[10:45:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stan: 14443 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[10:45:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> /tp kas speed
[10:45:31] <0verlord> me too
[10:45:31] <JoyersJoestar.> sampe gw kerja 1 lap bert kwkwkw
[10:45:31] <Vaerrwynn> kalah lagi
[10:45:31] --> David connected to the server
[10:45:33] <JorockJoestar.> owalah
[10:45:38] <Danielson> woi
[10:45:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> ayo ada gua
[10:45:41] <Danielson> hadeh
[10:45:51] <Vaerrwynn> ga enak pake hotrod
[10:46:09] <JorockJoestar.> oi kop
[10:46:11] <Danielson> ha
[10:46:19] <TheAir> baris
[10:46:19] <Mars> yo te
[10:46:19] <Santiago> the oakland coliseum sucks
[10:46:19] <JorockJoestar.> tdi katanya nyariin gw
[10:46:22] <TheAir> foto dulu lah
[10:46:22] <Mars> tg
[10:46:22] <Danielson> kaga
[10:46:27] <JorockJoestar.> ngentot
[10:46:37] <Danielson> ogah amat
[10:46:39] <JoyersJoestar.> infernus top speednya brp
[10:46:39] <Santiago> siapa orang indo?
[10:46:42] <JorockJoestar.> itu kata vega
[10:46:42] <David> who let this guy in the server
[10:46:42] <David> smh
[10:46:45] <TheAir> 200 an
[10:46:45] <Danielson> ako
[10:46:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> ako
[10:46:45] <CzechBoy777> what guy
[10:46:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> ako mid
[10:46:47] <Mars> my trailer is stuuck in the roof
[10:46:50] <JoyersJoestar.> hadeh
[10:46:50] <TheAir> oi
[10:46:50] <Mars> halp
[10:46:52] <TheAir> foto
[10:47:02] <Mars> WTF
[10:47:05] <David> oakland coliseum the best
[10:47:13] <chairMANmao> succs
[10:47:15] <David> tracy chapman performed there nuff said
[10:47:18] <Santiago> how
[10:47:20] <Santiago> did this happen
[10:47:25] <0verlord> well english pls
[10:47:25] <TheAir> mobil gua
[10:47:25] <Mars> NO IDEA
[10:47:28] <0verlord> i no indo
[10:47:28] <TheAir> gabisa nail
[10:47:30] <Santiago> lmao
[10:47:35] <TheAir> nah minggir gitu dhy
[10:47:38] <Vaerrwynn> what time?
[10:47:41] <TheAir> dari tadi kek wkwkwk
[10:47:48] <JoyersJoestar.> 3lap?
[10:47:48] <JorockJoestar.> kwkwk ya maap
[10:47:51] <JorockJoestar.> wtf
[10:47:53] <0verlord> 3 laps yes
[10:47:53] <JorockJoestar.> weapon hax
[10:47:56] <JorockJoestar.> rEPoRT
[10:47:56] <CzechBoy777> time?
[10:47:58] <JoyersJoestar.> ok
[10:48:06] <JoyersJoestar.> 15:00
[10:48:09] <0verlord> shoot joyers in the head lol
[10:48:11] <0verlord> huh?
[10:48:19] <JoyersJoestar.> ?????
[10:48:24] <0verlord> 6 mins?
[10:48:24] <TheAir> start?
[10:48:24] <Danielson> yes
[10:48:26] <Santiago> at least you are a trailer now
[10:48:26] <0verlord> wow laps 100
[10:48:31] <TheAir> aduh keluar
[10:48:34] <TheAir> dhy mundur dikit
[10:48:34] <Mars> i can barely move
[10:48:37] <TheAir> thx
[10:48:37] <0verlord> welp if it starts at 18:00
[10:48:47] <Santiago> I think max speed is 2km/h
[10:48:54] <Mars> no 3
[10:48:54] <TheAir> start?
[10:48:54] <Danielson> sure u can practice, but still start at 18.00
[10:49:05] <-- angin_timor disconnected from the server
[10:49:05] <Santiago> what does it start at 18
[10:49:07] <Santiago> derby?
[10:49:12] <Danielson> no
[10:49:12] <Danielson> race
[10:49:15] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Technically its 1000kmh limit
[10:49:15] <JorockJoestar.> wtf
[10:49:22] <JorockJoestar.> fucker tpd to me
[10:49:25] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Amirite santi
[10:49:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> ini jam 5 sore sampe jamber kop
[10:49:53] <JoyersJoestar.> surfly allowed?
[10:49:58] <JorockJoestar.> no\
[10:49:58] <Santiago> yes
[10:49:58] <0verlord> nope
[10:50:03] <TheAir> wwkkww 6 jam
[10:50:08] <Danielson> yoi
[10:50:11] <Danielson> biar lama
[10:50:21] <JorockJoestar.> no
[10:50:21] <Danielson> yes
[10:50:21] <0verlord> 6 hours endurance race
[10:50:21] <JoyersJoestar.> yes
[10:50:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> i use aimbot to race
[10:50:26] <Danielson> yes endurance race
[10:50:29] <0verlord> lets see who puts the most laps down
[10:50:34] <Gamer30> 69 hours endurance race.
[10:50:39] <0verlord> this aint no le mans
[10:51:04] <Santiago> wait
[10:51:07] <Santiago> how many laps
[10:51:07] <JorockJoestar.> lah plate gw kok kontol
[10:51:12] <CzechBoy777> vaerrwynn can u go a little back
[10:51:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> 6 hours in game
[10:51:17] <TheAir> santi lol
[10:51:17] <Santiago> shit
[10:51:17] <TheAir> my car
[10:51:17] <0verlord> yep
[10:51:45] <chairMANmao> hi
[10:51:50] <Acre> hi
[10:52:00] <David> hi
[10:52:08] <chairMANmao> fuck u david
[10:52:18] <David> sor9ry
[10:52:31] <chairMANmao> gau see
[10:52:51] <David> sek gau see
[10:53:27] <chairMANmao> but what if im maldonado
[10:53:39] <David> then gz
[10:53:50] <David> you get free happy meal for the rest of your life by being mcdonald's brother
[10:53:57] <chairMANmao> what
[10:54:05] <CzechBoy777> LOl
[10:54:05] <Mars> FFS
[10:54:08] <JorockJoestar.> pake acara galon dateng lagi
[10:54:10] <Mars> I FELL IN WATER
[10:54:13] <Mars> WHY
[10:54:13] <JorockJoestar.> jadi gak bisa balappan z
[10:54:18] <David> jitterbug
[10:54:33] <chairMANmao> yuji ide?
[10:54:43] <Mars> omg
[10:54:46] <David> sor hai
[10:54:48] <Mars> santi u lucky asshole
[10:54:56] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[10:54:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(126017) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-10294) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-34143)
[10:55:06] <chairMANmao> u mean santi hax
[10:55:49] <Gamer30> !luftcode stangay
[10:55:49] (WEB) <TheGamer> Gamer30 is already registered.
[10:55:54] <Danielson> current #1: joyers
[10:56:15] <CzechBoy777> mars
[10:56:17] <Danielson> current #1: 0ver
[10:56:20] <CzechBoy777> he said no grass
[10:56:25] <Mars> lost control
[10:56:25] <Gamer30> !Cboard
[10:56:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(13279) , Rank 2: TransX(-518) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5207)
[10:56:28] <CzechBoy777> ah kk
[10:56:45] <Santiago> why the fuck
[10:56:53] <Santiago> asss handling
[10:57:03] <Danielson> current #1: 0ver
[10:57:16] <chairMANmao> u got a ferrari apparently
[10:57:49] <Santiago> wow fuck this map
[10:57:49] <Danielson> current #1: 0ver
[10:58:02] <Santiago> there is like a fucking gap there
[10:58:09] <JorockJoestar.> yay menang
[10:58:12] <Danielson> maybe needs revamp
[10:58:17] <CzechBoy777> bruh
[10:58:32] <Santiago> im here to spoil every runner
[10:58:40] <Santiago> ramming allowed right?
[10:58:42] <Danielson> yes
[10:58:45] <Santiago> oh damn is it over already
[10:58:50] <-- JoyersJoestar. disconnected from the server
[10:58:53] <Vaerrwynn> hadeh juara 4
[10:58:58] <TheAir> hadeh 2
[10:59:08] <JorockJoestar.> NGENtot lah
[10:59:10] <Vaerrwynn> hotring = SF1000
[10:59:13] <JorockJoestar.> gara2 galon dateng
[10:59:26] <Danielson> woi
[10:59:26] <CzechBoy777> emergency landing
[10:59:33] <Vaerrwynn> lagi lagi
[10:59:36] <0verlord> jorock or joyadi?
[10:59:38] <Santiago> hey this ain't no air canada in 1988
[10:59:41] <Danielson> idk
[10:59:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> joyers maybe
[10:59:49] <TheAir> another event?
[10:59:51] <Danielson> mau ganti track apa di sini?
[10:59:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> im at 5th
[10:59:56] <Vaerrwynn> i'm 4th
[11:00:06] <Vaerrwynn> bebas
[11:00:17] <0verlord> i know i literally fucked him over by lag ramming him
[11:00:22] <Santiago> ramming allowed
[11:00:29] <Santiago> ?
[11:00:29] <0verlord> wow?
[11:00:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> bike allowed?
[11:00:42] <Vaerrwynn> 6 jam
[11:00:45] <chairMANmao> motogp lmao
[11:00:45] <Danielson> hadeh
[11:00:47] <Mars> lol czech
[11:00:47] <CzechBoy777> Did I hit somebody?
[11:00:50] <0verlord> YEAH
[11:00:50] <Mars> nice job
[11:00:52] <0verlord> moto GP
[11:00:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> 8 hours Suzuka
[11:01:00] <0verlord> can we have bikes danielson?
[11:01:00] <CzechBoy777> I feel I hit somebody
[11:01:05] <Danielson> bikes only then
[11:01:08] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[11:01:08] <Mars> yes czech u hit santi
[11:01:10] <0verlord> yay
[11:01:15] <Vaerrwynn> ga punya
[11:01:18] <CzechBoy777> sorry santi
[11:01:18] <Danielson> beli
[11:01:20] <CzechBoy777> rip
[11:01:20] <Santiago> what about rhinos
[11:01:25] <0verlord> hnn
[11:01:28] <0verlord> works?
[11:01:30] <Gamer30> What about street cleaners?
[11:01:38] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[11:01:51] <Vaerrwynn> ada yg punya ga?
[11:01:53] <Danielson> what y'all doing lmao
[11:02:01] <Gamer30> /w(ank)
[11:02:09] <CzechBoy777> problem is I dont have bmx
[11:02:11] <Danielson> looks like it
[11:02:14] <Vaerrwynn> same
[11:02:14] <0verlord> everything allowed except sports cars
[11:02:14] <0verlord> xD
[11:02:19] <Gamer30> AT-400?
[11:02:21] <Danielson> yes
[11:02:26] <Mars> santi gonan blow us up
[11:02:29] <0verlord> if you can line it up at the start line
[11:02:32] <0verlord> yes
[11:02:39] <Mars> wow joyadi
[11:02:47] <Mars> stop
[11:02:47] <0verlord> i swear if joyadi races a trailer
[11:02:52] <Mars> lined up
[11:03:07] <CzechBoy777> LOL
[11:03:10] <chairMANmao> k nvm
[11:03:12] <Danielson> what kind of race do u guys want lol
[11:03:12] <0verlord> Joyadi can you go
[11:03:17] <Gamer30> 69 hours endurance
[11:03:17] <0verlord> like seriously launch
[11:03:22] <Santiago> how many laps?
[11:03:30] <Santiago> ezzz
[11:03:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> imma rocky
[11:03:33] <Mars> a fuel trailer right next to a rhino
[11:03:35] <Mars> very nice
[11:03:35] <Santiago> dm allowed right?
[11:03:38] <0verlord> Vae
[11:03:43] <0verlord> no sports cars pls
[11:03:45] <Vaerrwynn> I'm safety car
[11:03:48] <Gamer30> Sport trucks?
[11:03:53] <0verlord> oh wee woo wee woo wee woo
[11:04:06] <Gamer30> Let me swap vehicle!
[11:04:13] <Santiago> let's see
[11:04:16] <Mars> santi
[11:04:19] <0verlord> damn body harvest right there
[11:04:26] <Santiago> I'm gonna shoot this bae
[11:04:26] <Mars> why tf are u pointing the turret at us santi?
[11:04:29] <Gamer30> Sweeper hype
[11:04:31] <Santiago> you better dodge bullets
[11:04:31] <CzechBoy777> slowest?
[11:04:36] <Mars> oh fuck
[11:04:39] <chairMANmao> im going behind santi then
[11:04:39] <Danielson> yes
[11:04:44] <Vaerrwynn> I'll just observe
[11:04:49] <Mars> LMAO GAMER
[11:04:49] <Vaerrwynn> I don't have slow cars
[11:04:52] <0verlord> my slowest is a sultan
[11:04:54] <chairMANmao> shit
[11:04:57] <0verlord> gz
[11:04:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> kontol
[11:04:57] <chairMANmao> WTF
[11:04:57] <Gamer30> This is my slowest.
[11:04:57] <Mars> gz
[11:04:59] <chairMANmao> stop
[11:04:59] <TheAir> gz
[11:05:04] <chairMANmao> NGENTOT DAVID
[11:05:07] --> JoyersJoestar. connected to the server
[11:05:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> NGENTOT
[11:05:12] <Santiago> ngentot
[11:05:15] <Danielson> sini ndri balapan pake tampa
[11:05:17] <David> ty all
[11:05:20] <Santiago> what does ngentot mean
[11:05:20] <CzechBoy777> gz
[11:05:22] <Danielson> fuck
[11:05:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> fuck
[11:05:25] <chairMANmao> fuck
[11:05:27] <0verlord> fuck
[11:05:30] <CzechBoy777> fuckl
[11:05:30] <Santiago> fuck
[11:05:32] <David> fuck
[11:05:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> ngentot
[11:05:37] <Gamer30> I get -69 hours bonus for driving the slowest vehicle.
[11:05:40] <Santiago> when does it start
[11:05:45] --> .Feast connected to the server
[11:05:45] <Danielson> 9AM
[11:05:45] <CzechBoy777> now
[11:05:48] <Santiago> I really wanna go to sleep it's 6am
[11:05:48] <0verlord> wb
[11:05:50] <chairMANmao> wb
[11:05:55] <.Feast> pls buy my house
[11:06:05] <0verlord> !houses .Feast
[11:06:05] <Santiago> I just wanna shoot down all the bikes
[11:06:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Whetstone: $7,950,000 7 slots
[11:06:18] <0verlord> i can do a lap before 9
[11:06:21] <Gamer30> Shoot everything but lawn mower and street cleaner.
[11:06:21] <CzechBoy777> slowest cars?
[11:06:21] <0verlord> watch me
[11:06:26] <chairMANmao> and barrack
[11:06:28] <CzechBoy777> oh sorry lol
[11:06:34] <TheAir> restart
[11:06:41] <Santiago> he's not gonna need that lap
[11:06:44] <Danielson> sakit kepala gua laitnya
[11:06:46] <Santiago> he ain't gonna last a second
[11:06:49] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[11:06:51] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[11:06:54] <CzechBoy777> bus drivers life
[11:06:54] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:06:56] <Christopher_Combat> wb
[11:07:02] <-- Mars disconnected from the server
[11:07:07] <DoofenshmirtZ> ayy
[11:07:09] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[11:07:19] <Santiago> how many slots
[11:07:22] <DoofenshmirtZ> soft
[11:07:22] <0verlord> wait
[11:07:24] <0verlord> relog
[11:07:24] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[11:07:30] <.Feast> 7 on MT chilliad
[11:07:32] <DoofenshmirtZ> danielson
[11:07:37] <Santiago> nah im fine
[11:07:40] <Danielson> what
[11:07:42] <Santiago> you can post it on discord or the house market
[11:07:42] <Gamer30> Are you racing on foot?
[11:07:45] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[11:07:47] <Danielson> yes
[11:07:47] <DoofenshmirtZ> what car?
[11:07:47] --> Mars connected to the server
[11:07:55] <Danielson> except sport
[11:07:58] <chairMANmao> hellow joyadijoestar.
[11:08:03] <Gamer30> Wasn't it said to be the slowest owned?
[11:08:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> hellow
[11:08:05] <chairMANmao> shell?
[11:08:08] <Danielson> yes
[11:08:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> SF1000
[11:08:46] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> damn 18 players online
[11:08:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> .q
[11:08:54] <chairMANmao> .q
[11:08:59] <David> .q
[11:09:01] <Danielson> .q
[11:09:01] <Gamer30> .q
[11:09:01] <JorockJoestar.> .q
[11:09:06] <0verlord> .q
[11:09:09] <Danielson> gg
[11:09:09] <CzechBoy777> .q
[11:09:09] <-- Mars disconnected from the server
[11:09:09] <TheAir> .q
[11:09:11] <DoofenshmirtZ> nrg allowed?
[11:09:11] <Danielson> slowest wins
[11:09:11] <Acre> .q
[11:09:14] <chairMANmao> joyadi illegal engine
[11:09:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> V16
[11:09:29] --> Mars connected to the server
[11:09:34] <Danielson> gamer30 gonna wins this
[11:09:52] <CzechBoy777> go go
[11:09:57] --> Ludred connected to the server
[11:10:05] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> malah crash
[11:10:10] <chairMANmao> wkwkwkwkwk
[11:10:13] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[11:10:15] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[11:10:20] <0verlord> lamo
[11:10:25] <0verlord> lmao
[11:10:25] <Danielson> damn santi making people timeout lmao
[11:10:25] <Ludred> where is da race\
[11:10:30] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[11:10:30] <Danielson> go go gogogogogog
[11:10:33] <CzechBoy777> done
[11:10:33] <0verlord> got shot , then desynced
[11:10:41] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[11:10:41] <David> gz
[11:10:41] <Santiago> wtf
[11:10:43] <Mars> gz
[11:10:43] <CzechBoy777> didnt he do one lap?
[11:10:48] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[11:10:48] <Danielson> oh
[11:10:48] <Santiago> we did one lap only
[11:10:51] <Gamer30> I took the slowest vehicle.
[11:10:51] <CzechBoy777> or idk lol
[11:10:56] <CzechBoy777> I did two laps
[11:10:58] <chairMANmao> hadeh
[11:11:01] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[11:11:01] <David> hadeh
[11:11:01] <Danielson> actually idk my head hurts lmao
[11:11:04] <Vaerrwynn> hadeh
[11:11:04] <CzechBoy777> but I wasnt the slowest
[11:11:06] <JoyersJoestar.> hadeh
[11:11:11] <David> goblok danielson
[11:11:11] <Gamer30> We were said to take our slowest vehicles, so I took.
[11:11:11] <CzechBoy777> gamer30 GO
[11:11:19] <Danielson> gamer30 go one last lap
[11:11:24] <DoofenshmirtZ> what does BOTA 4 winners?
[11:11:24] <Gamer30> Let's go!
[11:11:29] <Mars> lmao
[11:11:32] <Ludred> YOU HOE
[11:11:34] <Mars> this is so sad
[11:11:34] <Ludred> whoops caps
[11:11:39] <Mars> lemme push u
[11:11:59] <0verlord> is it dm now
[11:12:07] <Ludred> yall remember when I jumped 13 trucks in a bmx lmao
[11:12:12] <0verlord> is it dm now
[11:12:12] <Gamer30> Yes.
[11:12:12] <chairMANmao> wow dm
[11:12:22] <CzechBoy777> f
[11:12:30] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Have fun. I'll come to chew bubble gum ...
[11:12:38] <CzechBoy777> lol
[11:12:43] <David> santi theres a way to escape from jail
[11:12:45] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[11:12:45] <DoofenshmirtZ> and gz to hehe boi
[11:13:03] <-- Vaerrwynn disconnected from the server
[11:13:08] <CzechBoy777> BRUH
[11:13:16] <Santiago> okay im out gn
[11:13:16] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[11:13:18] <Ludred> tg you made me run over jorock
[11:13:21] <TheGamer> naice
[11:13:29] <JorockJoestar.> lmao
[11:13:31] <Danielson> go go go gamer
[11:13:34] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[11:13:34] <Ludred> like literally
[11:13:44] --> Vaerrwynn connected to the server
[11:13:44] <0verlord> he's still going?
[11:13:44] <CzechBoy777> Thanks tg.
[11:13:44] <Danielson> gz gamer
[11:13:44] <Mars> yea boi
[11:13:46] <Mars> gz
[11:13:49] <TheGamer> yeah that was a mistake lol
[11:13:52] <0verlord> gz
[11:13:59] <Gamer30> You killed my street cleaner, Sky Air!
[11:13:59] <CzechBoy777> ty
[11:14:07] <CzechBoy777> thanks
[11:14:17] <JorockJoestar.> lmao
[11:14:17] <TheGamer> gotta say, it spawned perfectly
[11:14:22] <CzechBoy777> yeah
[11:14:45] <JorockJoestar.> pada ngeram gw napa dah
[11:14:48] <Gamer30> This was my slowest non-RC vehicle.
[11:15:00] <TheAir> wrong
[11:15:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> dozer win
[11:15:05] <0verlord> oh lol
[11:15:08] <Ludred> I cant jump this truck now due to a mod f
[11:15:11] <Gamer30> Let's race now.
[11:15:21] <Danielson> dah gantian host
[11:15:23] <Danielson> gua afk
[11:15:36] <TheAir> gajelas nih sumpah
[11:15:46] <0verlord> how many players are even here?
[11:15:54] <CzechBoy777> relog
[11:15:56] <Ludred> a lot
[11:15:56] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[11:15:59] <Ludred> who owon lotto?
[11:16:01] <Gamer30> Less than 69.
[11:16:04] <TheGamer> bring it on dozer
[11:16:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> david
[11:16:04] <chairMANmao> david
[11:16:09] <Ludred> how much
[11:16:22] <0verlord> out of 17 , 11 are here
[11:16:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[11:16:37] <Ludred> my bike is invicible
[11:16:52] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[11:16:52] <Ludred> no hacks promise
[11:17:08] <Gamer30> Test of the 8Ball bot...
[11:17:08] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Gamer30 test failed!
[11:17:10] <CzechBoy777> also today
[11:17:10] <Gamer30> !8ball Is Stan gay?
[11:17:13] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: Cannot predict now
[11:17:18] <CzechBoy777> someone tried to hack into my email today
[11:17:20] <chairMANmao> hedeh wheel spin
[11:17:20] <CzechBoy777> from vladivostok
[11:17:26] <DoofenshmirtZ> !ludred
[11:17:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> @lulded's a retard
[11:17:38] <CzechBoy777> yes
[11:17:46] <Ludred> oi what the fuck
[11:17:59] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[11:18:04] <Gamer30> Bikes don't have engine.
[11:18:04] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[11:18:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> ngentot gua 30 bangsat
[11:18:14] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:18:16] <chairMANmao> wkwkwkwkk
[11:18:27] <Ludred> thegamer is jesus
[11:18:32] <CzechBoy777> yes
[11:18:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> aiming fewest loto
[11:18:57] <chairMANmao> hadeh
[11:19:02] <CzechBoy777> f
[11:19:10] <TheAir> SO CHAOS NOW
[11:19:10] <0verlord> now kith
[11:19:20] <DoofenshmirtZ> jota, what was the last anime u watched?
[11:19:23] <DoofenshmirtZ> joya
[11:19:28] <Ludred> jojo you so strung you knocked me out of my bike lmao
[11:19:28] <Christopher_Combat> hi
[11:19:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> not watching anime
[11:19:33] <JoyersJoestar.> sao
[11:19:35] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[11:19:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> JoJo
[11:19:43] <DoofenshmirtZ> wat about jojo?
[11:19:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> good good
[11:19:58] <DoofenshmirtZ> jojo only?
[11:20:11] <Ludred> US vs US tank derbuy
[11:20:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> kinda
[11:20:14] <Ludred> who is going to win
[11:20:31] <Ludred> nice im 18km away from lc
[11:20:31] <TheGamer> i am
[11:20:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> dor
[11:20:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> bruh
[11:20:34] <JoyersJoestar.> hadehd
[11:20:54] <Ludred> ok that was some funky physics lmao
[11:20:54] <Danielson> dah ah jadi ribut ngentot lo semua
[11:20:57] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[11:20:59] (WEB) <Hienne#7146> Hai
[11:21:02] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[11:21:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> hellow
[11:21:17] (WEB) <Hienne#7146> i still can't solve the .cs problem ?
[11:21:25] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[11:21:25] <CzechBoy777> lol
[11:21:33] <TheGamer> are you using samp addon?
[11:21:45] <CzechBoy777> rip that hydra
[11:21:45] <Ludred> whoops
[11:21:53] <CzechBoy777> whoops
[11:21:53] (WEB) <Hienne#7146> no, when i entered the game it imediately crash my gem
[11:21:55] <Ludred> driving a bike in fps is cool
[11:22:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> mau stunt anderi
[11:22:11] (WEB) <Hienne#7146> without that idk how to land
[11:22:11] <JoyersJoestar.> yuk
[11:22:16] <Gamer30> How's /wank in FPP?
[11:22:46] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[11:22:49] <JorockJoestar.> wtf
[11:22:49] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:22:51] <Ludred> wb kurwa
[11:22:51] <0verlord> RIP
[11:22:51] <JorockJoestar.> wah vega parah
[11:22:54] <Gamer30> Gotta race in that Nevada.
[11:22:54] <Ludred> come to kas
[11:22:54] <TheGamer> kurwaa
[11:22:57] <Mars> wb
[11:22:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> lu mana
[11:23:02] <Cpt.Price> No ty
[11:23:04] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[11:23:04] <JorockJoestar.> di area 69
[11:23:04] <JoyersJoestar.> lu mana
[11:23:07] <JoyersJoestar.> wb
[11:23:09] <Cpt.Price> I'm not in racing mood today lmfao
[11:23:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> gua di kasa
[11:23:14] <Firstrike23.> t
[11:23:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> kas
[11:23:17] <Firstrike23.> ty
[11:23:20] <TheGamer> we're not racing
[11:23:22] <Ludred> who said we are racing
[11:23:22] <TheGamer> just fucking shit up
[11:23:22] <JorockJoestar.> gw di dm vega nih
[11:23:27] <JorockJoestar.> enaknya diapain ya
[11:23:30] <Cpt.Price> Ehhh
[11:23:35] <Ludred> perfect timing
[11:23:35] <Cpt.Price> Someone gotta haul
[11:23:35] <TheGamer> get rekt luddie
[11:23:40] <CzechBoy777> sanic
[11:23:48] <JorockJoestar.> kwowko rusuh anying
[11:23:53] <DoofenshmirtZ> wkwkwkw
[11:23:55] <TheAir> rusuh semua bangat
[11:24:03] <JorockJoestar.> gw diem aja pdhl
[11:24:23] <CzechBoy777> brutal crash
[11:24:28] <CzechBoy777> thats what I luv
[11:24:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> hadeh
[11:24:38] --> The_Roasters_Hub connected to the server
[11:24:56] --> Dasdes connected to the server
[11:24:59] <-- Vaerrwynn disconnected from the server
[11:24:59] <CzechBoy777> lol
[11:24:59] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:25:06] <JoyersJoestar.> wb
[11:25:09] <Dasdes> thxx
[11:25:09] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[11:25:12] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> wow kas is giving me opcodes noi
[11:25:17] <Cpt.Price> F
[11:25:40] --> Ludred connected to the server
[11:25:42] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> crash
[11:25:45] <CzechBoy777> that was so cool
[11:25:47] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> cuman masuk kolong start doang
[11:25:47] <CzechBoy777> I flew through explosion
[11:26:00] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[11:26:13] <CzechBoy777> again
[11:26:13] <Mars> aargh
[11:26:18] <Gamer30> Just let me take off!
[11:26:25] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[11:26:28] <Mars> hi gamer
[11:26:41] <CzechBoy777> lol
[11:26:41] <Gamer30> ERROR: Unable To Repair Vehicle
[11:26:46] <Ludred> fuck kas
[11:26:51] <CzechBoy777> this is hell
[11:26:51] <Ludred> it gives me opcodes
[11:27:06] <Mars> not again
[11:27:11] <0verlord> me too
[11:27:16] <0verlord> but i still race
[11:27:19] <0verlord> bcoz moneh
[11:27:47] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[11:28:05] <0verlord> !aboard
[11:28:20] <CzechBoy777> tf
[11:28:22] <Gamer30> I absolutely can race in Andromada.
[11:28:22] <CzechBoy777> who killed me
[11:28:33] <TheAir> idk :D
[11:28:40] <CzechBoy777> it was yohu?
[11:28:43] <-- JoyersJoestar. disconnected from the server
[11:28:50] <CzechBoy777> ill come in few mins
[11:28:56] <Gamer30> Why is Kys Raceway so far?
[11:29:03] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Czechboy777
[11:29:06] (WEB) <robin_be> player Czechboy777: 2515 score, last seen 12 Minutes Ago
[11:29:06] <The_Roasters_Hub> anyone connected on discord
[11:29:14] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Me
[11:29:26] <The_Roasters_Hub> come on voice chat
[11:29:34] <-- David disconnected from the server
[11:29:42] <DoofenshmirtZ> soap?!
[11:30:02] <-- Christopher_Combat disconnected from the server
[11:30:07] <Cpt.Price> I'll slap anyone who will reference me as CoD4 character
[11:30:17] <DoofenshmirtZ> i did'nt
[11:30:25] <Ludred> cod4 character
[11:30:38] <Cpt.Price> You don't know your hour TB
[11:30:40] <Cpt.Price> I'll find you
[11:30:45] <Ludred> gl
[11:30:48] <Cpt.Price> And I will slap you
[11:30:58] <Ludred> finding me in a 500k populated city
[11:31:03] <Cpt.Price> Not an issue
[11:31:08] <Cpt.Price> 500k slaps
[11:31:13] <0verlord> 500k is seriously not an issue
[11:31:18] <The_Roasters_Hub> come on discord voice chat
[11:31:21] <0verlord> find me in 10m
[11:31:21] <Ludred> youll get arrested for assault idiot
[11:31:26] <DoofenshmirtZ> find me on my country with 150k covid victimes
[11:31:36] <Cpt.Price> Not a chance TB
[11:31:36] <DoofenshmirtZ> victims
[11:31:41] <Cpt.Price> I'm a stalker :V
[11:32:12] <DoofenshmirtZ> wkwkwkw
[11:33:15] <Cpt.Price> Wowowowo, fighters flew above my house!
[11:33:28] <Mars> maybe their coming to get u
[11:33:28] <Ludred> thats just me finding out where to bomb your ass
[11:33:28] <DoofenshmirtZ> fighter jets
[11:33:31] <Cpt.Price> Nope
[11:33:36] <Cpt.Price> MiG-29's
[11:33:43] <Cpt.Price> I can differ eng sound
[11:33:54] <Mars> yea cause ur cpt price
[11:33:56] <0verlord> ^
[11:34:01] <Ludred> he got demoted sadly
[11:34:09] <Ludred> he used to be a lt cmdr
[11:34:09] <0verlord> RIP
[11:34:11] <Mars> u can't slap a planet
[11:34:17] <Cpt.Price> Pfff
[11:34:19] <The_Roasters_Hub> mars are u frm mars
[11:34:22] <DoofenshmirtZ> wkwkw
[11:34:24] <Ludred> well technically you can
[11:34:27] <Mars> I am mars
[11:34:29] <0verlord> idk how long was Mars waiting to make that joke
[11:34:34] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[11:34:42] <Cpt.Price> Let me get NCC-1701, you'd get that photon torp slap
[11:34:45] <The_Roasters_Hub> lol
[11:35:00] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[11:35:10] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[11:35:13] <Mars> if u want price jr to live in mars u better apologize
[11:35:25] <Cpt.Price> I'm not living in cold hellhole
[11:35:38] <Mars> thats wat earth will end up being
[11:35:48] <Cpt.Price> Not if I'd fart
[11:35:48] <Mars> actually come to think of it
[11:35:48] <Ludred> earth will end up being hot
[11:35:53] <Mars> it is wat it is
[11:36:09] <Gamer30> Isn't it actually good?
[11:36:09] <Mars> isnt a cold hellhole better than a hot hellhole
[11:36:19] <Ludred> tell that to the sun
[11:36:24] <Ludred> in 1 billion years
[11:36:26] <Gamer30> Hot can also mean sexy.
[11:36:26] <0verlord> w/
[11:36:29] <0verlord> w
[11:37:05] <Mars> lol if the sun became a blackhole it would end up being a hell hole
[11:37:15] <Ludred> sun wont become a black hole
[11:37:22] <Ludred> its gonna become a white dwarf
[11:37:22] <Mars> yea super nova or something r8
[11:37:27] <Mars> oh yea
[11:37:27] <Cpt.Price> You don't know what's on the other side of blackholes
[11:37:30] <Ludred> sun is to small for a black hole
[11:37:38] <chairMANmao> dr. ludred
[11:37:43] <Mars> ik wat is on the other side of the black hole
[11:37:45] <Mars> PL Update
[11:37:48] --> HardStone connected to the server
[11:37:48] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[11:37:50] <Ludred> or a white hole
[11:37:50] <Mars> wb
[11:37:50] <chairMANmao> oof
[11:37:50] <Ludred> wb
[11:37:53] <0verlord> namaste bsdk
[11:37:53] <chairMANmao> wb
[11:37:55] <Dasdes> wb
[11:37:58] <HardStone> ty
[11:37:58] <Cpt.Price> Supernova ain't happening in bilion years, you will be dead
[11:38:13] <Ludred> sun wont explode in a supernova btw
[11:38:28] <Ludred> it will expand
[11:38:31] <Ludred> like 100 times its mass
[11:38:41] <Mars> ypical human being
[11:38:46] <Ludred> and eat venus mercury and a maybe earth too
[11:38:57] <Cpt.Price> But we'll be dead by then meh
[11:39:02] <HardStone> that shit still smaller than my exs hole
[11:39:02] <chairMANmao> yes
[11:39:04] <Ludred> exactly
[11:39:12] <Mars> will we even make it to the end of 2020 is my question
[11:39:17] <0verlord> Hard , you dont have ex'es
[11:39:17] <Ludred> thats gonna happen in like 7b years
[11:39:17] <Cpt.Price> I will
[11:39:22] <HardStone> i do
[11:39:22] <0verlord> stop lying to yourself
[11:39:25] <Cpt.Price> Stalkers will survive 2020
[11:39:40] <Mars> stalkers?why
[11:39:40] <chairMANmao> hardstone's imadinary exes
[11:39:42] <-- Dasdes disconnected from the server
[11:39:45] <HardStone> 0verlord
[11:39:47] <HardStone> bkl
[11:39:47] <HardStone> madarchod
[11:39:53] <Cpt.Price> Vodka, radiation, mutants
[11:39:53] <0verlord> RIP
[11:39:58] <Cpt.Price> Do I have to say more?
[11:40:03] <Ludred> he is from chernobly
[11:40:05] <Mars> lol
[11:40:15] <Ludred> I mean pripyat
[11:40:20] <Mars> chernobyl breach has occured it seems
[11:40:28] <Cpt.Price> well you could say that
[11:40:33] <Ludred> he has 3 legs
[11:40:38] <Cpt.Price> Spent my childhood playing STALKER games
[11:40:46] <Ludred> iin pripyat
[11:40:51] <Cpt.Price> Mostly
[11:41:01] <Mars> did u play with hulk
[11:41:01] <chairMANmao> played shadow of chernobyl
[11:41:04] --> Martin_Olson connected to the server
[11:41:06] <chairMANmao> dunno what i was doing
[11:41:09] <Mars> wb
[11:41:09] <Ludred> wb
[11:41:19] <Martin_Olson> hi
[11:41:24] <The_Roasters_Hub> wb
[11:41:29] <DoofenshmirtZ> who can open the IAs gate for me?
[11:41:44] <Ludred> go to fort carson
[11:41:50] <Ludred> anyone can open that one
[11:41:50] <Cpt.Price> Shadow was a shit, far away from what it was supposed to be
[11:41:50] <DoofenshmirtZ> whos online?
[11:41:50] <Martin_Olson> I bought a DJI mavic air 2
[11:41:57] <Mars> wats that
[11:41:57] <HardStone> no ludred, not anymore
[11:42:05] <0verlord> DIE
[11:42:07] <Ludred> oh it got fixed?
[11:42:10] <DoofenshmirtZ> i want to visit IA
[11:42:20] <chairMANmao> fly in
[11:42:20] <Mars> we have air everywhere ffs why do they have to name products air aswell
[11:42:23] <Gamer30> They don't want you to because it's awful.
[11:42:43] <Martin_Olson> WHO S gonna play FSX 2020
[11:42:51] <Martin_Olson> FS 2020*
[11:42:51] <Ludred> not me
[11:42:56] <chairMANmao> not me
[11:42:56] <Ludred> not me
[11:42:56] <Gamer30> Definitely not me.
[11:42:58] <Cpt.Price> not me
[11:42:58] <Martin_Olson> lol
[11:42:58] <HardStone> not me
[11:43:01] <Acre> not me
[11:43:01] <Gamer30> FS 1982 for life.
[11:43:03] <Mars> cpt.price did u play CoD in cherrnobyl
[11:43:06] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[11:43:08] <Cpt.Price> Smfh
[11:43:08] <Ludred> I dont want fried potatoes for dinner
[11:43:21] <Cpt.Price> No mutants no fun
[11:43:31] <Ludred> he likes to play half life 2
[11:43:36] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[11:43:39] <Ludred> and think its in pripyat
[11:43:42] <Mars> wb
[11:43:44] <Ludred> wb
[11:43:47] <Nati_Mage> ty
[11:43:47] <Martin_Olson> i paid like 1000dollars for a drone
[11:43:57] <Cpt.Price> If you didn't fucked a chimera, you don't know what's fun
[11:44:02] <Mars> wow
[11:44:25] <Martin_Olson> someone playing minecraft?
[11:44:30] <Ludred> price
[11:44:32] <DoofenshmirtZ> me
[11:44:43] <Martin_Olson> i played mc
[11:44:43] <Cpt.Price> Just wait for 1.16.2 server update
[11:44:43] <Ludred> he is a java scripter for minecraft
[11:44:45] <Martin_Olson> i had a server
[11:44:50] <Cpt.Price> Shut up TB
[11:44:53] <Ludred> and makes stalker mods
[11:44:53] <Martin_Olson> With like 45 man online
[11:44:58] <DoofenshmirtZ> whos TB?
[11:45:08] <Mars> TB - tuberculosis
[11:45:16] <Ludred> that would be me
[11:45:16] <DoofenshmirtZ> okay
[11:45:28] <Martin_Olson> ludred why you park your bike on the bridge
[11:45:36] <Ludred> I have 6 bikes on a bridge
[11:45:41] <0verlord> sf bridge?
[11:45:41] <Ludred> yes
[11:45:46] <0verlord> i started that
[11:45:54] <0verlord> removed because TG said no
[11:45:54] <Mars> my boat is on top of the pyramid in LV
[11:45:59] <Martin_Olson> how did you even get there
[11:46:02] <Mars> hacks
[11:46:07] <Ludred> admin powers lmao
[11:46:24] <Ludred> just ask an admin nicely
[11:46:35] <chairMANmao> or hack yourself
[11:46:50] <Acre> F
[11:46:55] <Martin_Olson> I fell
[11:47:10] <Acre> Martin Olson fell from bridge into highway bridge. Rest in Peace.
[11:47:13] <Mars> is there a nighttime /vweather?
[11:47:26] --> angin_timor connected to the server
[11:47:26] <chairMANmao> no?
[11:47:54] <Ludred> wb
[11:48:04] <Mars> omg
[11:48:04] <Nati_Mage> wb
[11:48:04] <Cpt.Price> Go go acre
[11:48:04] <Ludred> says martin olson
[11:48:11] <Mars> i did /vweather 69
[11:48:19] <Mars> nothingmakes sense anymore
[11:48:22] <Ludred> dont do 420
[11:48:24] <0verlord> do /vweather 420
[11:48:24] <Ludred> you will get banned
[11:48:29] <0verlord> damn lud
[11:48:37] <Ludred> and no unbans btw
[11:48:37] <Cpt.Price> Spider sense
[11:48:39] <HardStone> smh ludred acting lulded
[11:48:42] <JorockJoestar.> lah dah pada cabut
[11:48:47] <JorockJoestar.> gw ya ikutan cabut lah
[11:48:50] <-- JorockJoestar. disconnected from the server
[11:48:57] <Ludred> lavija said that in attendum
[11:48:57] <Mars> overlord trying to get me banned :(
[11:49:05] <chairMANmao> but only if u do /vweather 420 as a driver ye?
[11:49:07] <Cpt.Price> Addendum mofo
[11:49:12] <-- The_Roasters_Hub disconnected from the server
[11:49:18] <Ludred> fast typing mofo
[11:49:18] <Gamer30> I checked 420 is same weather as 164.
[11:49:20] <0verlord> nope in a plane as well
[11:49:25] <Ludred> no I was on foot mofo
[11:49:33] <Ludred> I think lmao
[11:49:35] <HardStone> any admin?
[11:49:40] <HardStone> im gon try 420 weather
[11:49:40] <0verlord> 164 is invalid ID
[11:49:43] <chairMANmao> id 6 is admin
[11:49:46] <0verlord> dont
[11:49:48] <HardStone> oh boi izz cool
[11:49:56] <Mars> bye hardstone
[11:49:58] <Gamer30> They are valid, but are not intended to be used.
[11:50:03] <0verlord> cars fly in 420
[11:50:06] <0verlord> dont do it
[11:50:06] <HardStone> lemme try sprinting
[11:50:06] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[11:50:08] <Gamer30> GTA:SA has 256 unique weathers.
[11:50:11] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[11:50:11] <Cpt.Price> F
[11:50:11] <Mars> F
[11:50:14] <Ludred> LMAO
[11:50:14] <chairMANmao> smh
[11:50:14] <0verlord> AND RIP
[11:50:14] <Acre> LOL
[11:50:14] <angin_timor> f
[11:50:16] <Acre> F
[11:50:19] <Ludred> fucking idiot
[11:50:24] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> oh boi
[11:50:26] <0verlord> Time to buy hard's houses
[11:50:31] <0verlord> !houses HardStone
[11:50:34] (WEB) <robin_be> The Sherman Dam: $15,000,000 15 slots Rodeo: $8,500,000 8 slots Creek: $20,000,000 20 slots
[11:50:34] <Acre> What did you do HS
[11:50:37] <Mars> "Lemme try sprinting"d-Famous last words Hardstone 2020
[11:50:39] <Cpt.Price> Yup, time to camp them
[11:50:49] <Mars> i call dibs on the 20slot
[11:50:49] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> so yeah, it triggers ricardo only when you are moving
[11:50:54] <0verlord> 8 slots
[11:50:54] <Ludred> it will be funny af if he doesnt get unbanned
[11:50:57] <Cpt.Price> 8 sluts mine
[11:51:02] <chairMANmao> 15 sluts mine
[11:51:05] <Gamer30> Anyway, Stan gay.
[11:51:20] <Cpt.Price> He won't
[11:52:03] <0verlord> but tbh
[11:52:11] <0verlord> 420 has amazing view distancw
[11:52:13] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> expires in 90days ?
[11:52:18] <chairMANmao> yes
[11:52:24] <0verlord> retardo bans for 90 days for hax
[11:52:31] <Ludred> yes
[11:52:31] <Mars> see u in 3 months hard
[11:52:34] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> farewell
[11:52:39] <chairMANmao> will do
[11:52:41] <Mars> !Player haydz
[11:52:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player haydz: 2058 score, last seen 13 Days Ago
[11:52:47] <Ludred> see you on december!
[11:52:52] <Gamer30> GTA:SA has 256 weathers that repeat once ID is over 255.
[11:53:12] <Ludred> also id 164 doesnt exist I think is because it allows you to drive under water
[11:53:15] <Cpt.Price> brb
[11:53:25] <Cpt.Price> Need to put shirt on lmfao
[11:53:55] <Martin_Olson> Im playing like 5 years on this server and still not above level 600
[11:53:55] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[11:53:55] <Martin_Olson> xd
[11:53:55] <Gamer30> ID 164 got filtered properly, but 420 not and such a thing had to be repeated 65536 times.
[11:54:00] <Cpt.Price> lol
[11:54:11] <chairMANmao> over level 9000
[11:54:49] <Martin_Olson> stan keep spamming on my steam profile
[11:54:54] <Martin_Olson> that i needed to come back
[11:56:18] <Martin_Olson> gamer whats the name of that car
[11:57:39] <Mars> gz
[11:58:15] --> mak connected to the server
[11:59:03] --> HardStone connected to the server
[11:59:06] <0verlord> oh hi
[11:59:11] <Martin_Olson> how can i sell my car
[11:59:11] <Cpt.Price> Shit
[11:59:13] <chairMANmao> .report 7 ban evade
[11:59:16] <Cpt.Price> Here goes our plan
[11:59:18] <0verlord> DAMN 420 is STUPID
[11:59:21] <HardStone> hey admen ludred wanted me to stay banned for 3months :(
[11:59:29] <HardStone> dude as soon as i logged in, my weather was still 420
[11:59:41] <HardStone> 'Ah shit, here we go again' intensified
[11:59:47] <0verlord> 420 is fly hacks
[11:59:59] <0verlord> and water hacks too
[12:00:15] (WEB) <4k#5074> what happened to hardstone lmao
[12:00:20] <Martin_Olson> vweather 420 looks like a monthly period
[12:00:20] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> he got banned
[12:00:20] <chairMANmao> he hack
[12:00:22] <0verlord> imma do /vweather 420 and /rules < decline
[12:00:27] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> now is ban evading
[12:00:27] (WEB) <4k#5074> for what tho
[12:00:35] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> fly hacks
[12:00:35] <chairMANmao> hack
[12:00:35] <HardStone> for hijacking lufthansa
[12:00:35] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[12:00:40] <Acre> f
[12:00:40] <HardStone> gg overlord
[12:01:38] <Martin_Olson> HOW can i sell my helicopter
[12:01:41] <chairMANmao> /sellcar
[12:01:54] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Wait
[12:01:59] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> My vweather is 420
[12:02:01] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[12:02:04] <HardStone> /sellcar or /forsale if you want to auction it
[12:02:04] <Cpt.Price> F
[12:02:09] <HardStone> yes 0verlord
[12:02:19] <0verlord> safe
[12:02:29] <HardStone> what if your map/base didn't load :o
[12:02:32] <0verlord> will test later
[12:02:32] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[12:02:40] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> See ya all
[12:02:52] <HardStone> nikl lawde
[12:03:25] <-- Martin_Olson disconnected from the server
[12:03:36] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Jokes on you , I have set it to house spawn at missionary hill
[12:03:46] <chairMANmao> ok
[12:03:48] <HardStone> ok
[12:04:04] <HardStone> ?lc
[12:04:27] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[12:04:27] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Hard , did you appeal on forums like a normal player
[12:04:34] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Or you bribes an admin
[12:06:01] --> Danielson connected to the server
[12:06:08] <Mars> wb
[12:06:08] <Acre> wb kontol
[12:06:11] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> what do you think
[12:06:11] <chairMANmao> kontol
[12:06:11] <Danielson> ty
[12:06:14] <Danielson> kontol
[12:07:20] --> NoxScythe connected to the server
[12:07:22] <Mars> wb
[12:07:30] <NoxScythe> thanks!
[12:07:35] --> Jamal_Abdallah connected to the server
[12:08:08] <Cpt.Price> Not that
[12:08:13] <Cpt.Price> !cboard
[12:08:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(13285) , Rank 2: TransX(-524) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5207)
[12:08:18] <Cpt.Price> Oof
[12:09:04] <Cpt.Price> Oh shit, just realised one thing
[12:09:09] <Cpt.Price> Gotta hit 12k
[12:09:17] <Danielson> gl
[12:09:22] <NoxScythe> gg
[12:09:32] <Mars> !cmds
[12:09:35] (WEB) <robin_be> - ping 8ball player score cash groups assets cars houses licenses roll (r)interest rank missions
[12:09:45] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[12:09:58] <Mars> !rank 12000
[12:10:00] (WEB) <robin_be> PL Senior Commander(12000) next: PL Commander(13000) (+1000)
[12:10:15] <Mars> !rank 20000
[12:10:18] (WEB) <robin_be> Aviation Legend(18000)
[12:10:26] <Gamer30> !rank Stan is gay
[12:10:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Stan(14443) rank: PL Commander(13000) next: PL Senior Captain(16000) (+1557)
[12:11:47] <Ludred> !groups 0verlord
[12:11:50] (WEB) <robin_be> 0verlord is in airline Lufthansa and company TransX
[12:11:52] <Cpt.Price> Star /cfleet
[12:13:14] <chairMANmao> fuck my AT
[12:16:35] <NoxScythe> do you have to be online to recieve your salary
[12:16:37] <NoxScythe> ?
[12:16:40] <Gamer30> Yes.
[12:16:53] <NoxScythe> okay, thanks!
[12:17:39] <Acre> meep
[12:19:03] <Cpt.Price> Finally
[12:22:24] <NoxScythe> wb
[12:23:20] <Ludred> fuck you trailer
[12:23:30] <Ludred> cfleet
[12:25:47] <-- Acre disconnected from the server
[12:29:44] <mak> t/gps
[12:32:45] <NoxScythe> !eddie
[12:32:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> Eddie calls @NoxScythe a cunt
[12:33:36] <mak> jamal
[12:33:43] <Jamal_Abdallah> yea
[12:35:15] <mak> jamal fly with me
[12:35:23] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[12:36:44] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[12:36:54] <Mars> wb
[12:36:59] <Firstrike23.> ttyy
[12:37:02] <angin_timor> wb
[12:37:05] <Firstrike23.> ty
[12:37:20] <Firstrike23.> ttyy
[12:37:35] <NoxScythe> damn
[12:37:38] <NoxScythe> congrats!
[12:37:40] <angin_timor> ai bodok
[12:37:43] <Firstrike23.> ty
[12:37:45] <Firstrike23.> babi ni
[12:37:48] <angin_timor> apa
[12:41:27] --> Hades connected to the server
[12:41:32] <Firstrike23.> wb
[12:41:32] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[12:41:37] <angin_timor> wb both
[12:41:47] <Hades> thanks :)
[12:43:14] <CzechBoy777> ty
[12:43:21] <Hades> !missions at400
[12:43:24] (WEB) <robin_be> Hades: 408 at400
[12:44:40] <mak> get in
[12:44:53] <mak> guys how do you send money gain
[12:44:58] <Hades> /givecash
[12:45:06] <Jamal_Abdallah> how can i get in?
[12:46:43] <Jamal_Abdallah> thanks
[12:47:51] <mak> how can a player get inside my hydra as a passenger
[12:47:59] <Mars> punch the hydra
[12:48:02] <Hades> click lmb
[12:48:07] <Hades> near hydra
[12:48:09] <Jamal_Abdallah> got it
[12:48:12] <Jamal_Abdallah> thanks
[12:48:40] <chairMANmao> press S to get out tho, not F
[12:48:50] <chairMANmao> for the passenger
[12:48:55] <Jamal_Abdallah> aight
[12:49:00] <chairMANmao> or you will crash
[12:49:56] <Jamal_Abdallah> shit i pressed f xd
[12:49:59] <mak> plan broke down
[12:50:17] <CzechBoy777> relog
[12:50:17] <mak> click f
[12:50:19] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[12:50:29] <-- Jamal_Abdallah disconnected from the server
[12:50:50] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[12:51:00] --> Jamal_Abdallah connected to the server
[12:51:48] <NoxScythe> Mars, which plane do you fly?
[12:51:53] <Mars> andromeda
[12:51:56] <CzechBoy777> androm
[12:52:11] <angin_timor> gz
[12:52:11] <mak> can someone send me money
[12:52:16] <NoxScythe> which one's easier in Androm vs AT?
[12:52:16] <Firstrike23.> gz nobody
[12:52:19] <CzechBoy777> next time use /loc (player name/ID)
[12:52:21] <CzechBoy777> AT
[12:52:44] <Mars> AT? no way andromeda is easier to control
[12:52:44] <Hades> if u don't have mod for AT i think androm is easier
[12:52:52] <CzechBoy777> oh You mean easier
[12:52:59] <CzechBoy777> androm than I think
[12:53:15] <CzechBoy777> but I often use mods on both
[12:53:22] <CzechBoy777> L1011 and 727 makes good turns on andro
[12:53:33] <CzechBoy777> but Id like to know more mods
[12:54:08] <mak> anybodu have xbox one
[12:54:11] <CzechBoy777> no
[12:54:16] <CzechBoy777> max
[12:54:46] <CzechBoy777> I wonder what will be the next episode of I cant believe I have to say this but
[12:56:26] <mak> jamal
[12:56:33] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[12:57:06] <Jamal_Abdallah> yea
[12:59:32] --> David connected to the server
[12:59:49] <CzechBoy777> wb
[13:00:00] <Hades> wb
[13:00:23] <David> ty
[13:01:16] <mr_toothpaste> `/help
[13:01:36] <-- mak disconnected from the server
[13:03:11] <CzechBoy777> gz
[13:03:16] <Firstrike23.> gzz
[13:03:16] <David> gz
[13:03:18] <Hades> gz
[13:03:21] <angin_timor> gz
[13:03:26] <NoxScythe> thank you :)
[13:03:48] <-- chairMANmao disconnected from the server
[13:04:05] --> chairMANmao connected to the server
[13:04:07] <CzechBoy777> wb
[13:04:10] <angin_timor> webe
[13:04:22] <CzechBoy777> wait how the fuck did u log in that fast
[13:04:25] <chairMANmao> thx
[13:04:33] <David> auto login
[13:04:40] <CzechBoy777> where to get that
[13:04:45] <chairMANmao> /p
[13:04:45] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[13:05:06] <CzechBoy777> but I mean when the game fell
[13:05:11] <CzechBoy777> it doesnt even take a minute
[13:05:11] <CzechBoy777> and he is on
[13:05:16] <Gamer30> !LuftCode Stangay
[13:05:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> Gamer30 is already registered.
[13:05:31] <CzechBoy777> for me it takes 3 minutes until the game loads
[13:05:36] <CzechBoy777> for you 10 seconds
[13:05:54] <CzechBoy777> how?
[13:06:04] <Hades> he did not closed the game
[13:06:09] <Hades> it just timed out
[13:06:14] <CzechBoy777> ahh this one
[13:06:17] <Hades> and reconnect again
[13:06:50] <CzechBoy777> ah kk
[13:07:16] <chairMANmao> my game crashed
[13:07:21] <chairMANmao> but it loads quick
[13:07:28] <CzechBoy777> for me it loads 3 minutes
[13:07:36] <Hades> then u have good pc
[13:07:46] <CzechBoy777> let me try turning on timer
[13:07:51] <chairMANmao> tbf u got a lot more mods than me
[13:08:09] <CzechBoy777> yes but it still wouldnot load that fast
[13:08:12] <Firstrike23.>
[13:08:37] <chairMANmao> []
[13:09:13] <Hades> !score
[13:09:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player Hades: 5355 score, 4400 missions: 37'/. shamal - 24'/. military - 11'/. cargo
[13:09:28] <Hades> !missions hades at400 cargo
[13:09:31] (WEB) <robin_be> hades: 414 at400 500 cargo
[13:11:10] <chairMANmao> shit pc then
[13:11:23] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[13:11:25] <CzechBoy777> yep
[13:11:28] <CzechBoy777> potato
[13:11:28] <angin_timor> wb
[13:11:28] <CzechBoy777> wb
[13:11:33] <TheGamer> ty
[13:11:41] <CzechBoy777> wb latest admin
[13:11:53] <TheGamer> that'd be marcster
[13:11:58] <chairMANmao> bruh
[13:12:04] <CzechBoy777> can u tell us what is the next episode of I cant believe I have to say this
[13:12:04] <CzechBoy777> oh ok
[13:12:29] --> IceLube connected to the server
[13:12:32] <CzechBoy777> wow turkish cargo base
[13:12:37] <chairMANmao> wb
[13:12:39] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[13:12:47] --> IceLube connected to the server
[13:12:54] <chairMANmao> wb
[13:12:57] <David> :o
[13:13:00] <David> its my man
[13:13:02] <IceLube> Thank you
[13:13:02] <IceLube> yes it is
[13:13:17] <Hades> wb
[13:13:20] <Firstrike23.> p
[13:13:22] <IceLube> thank you
[13:13:28] <chairMANmao> !missions trucking
[13:13:30] (WEB) <robin_be> chairMANmao: 2000 trucking
[13:13:35] <TheGamer> now stop
[13:13:35] <chairMANmao> !missions shamal
[13:13:38] (WEB) <robin_be> chairMANmao: 598 shamal
[13:13:43] <chairMANmao> 2k shamal then 4k trucking
[13:13:56] --> HardStone connected to the server
[13:14:01] <Firstrike23.> wb
[13:14:03] <chairMANmao> wb haxor
[13:14:08] <IceLube> wb
[13:14:11] <HardStone> ty
[13:14:16] <Hades> wb
[13:14:29] <chairMANmao> !missions hardstone trucking
[13:14:31] (WEB) <robin_be> hardstone: 500 trucking
[13:14:34] <HardStone> >:)
[13:14:39] <chairMANmao> smh
[13:14:59] <HardStone> !missions hardstone dodo heli
[13:15:02] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[13:15:05] <HardStone> !missions hardstone dodo helicopter
[13:15:07] (WEB) <robin_be> hardstone: 260 dodo 167 helicopter
[13:15:10] <HardStone> its dodo time
[13:15:25] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Hard , it's you being lucky time if anything
[13:15:35] <chairMANmao> !missions hardstone skimmer
[13:15:38] (WEB) <robin_be> hardstone: 11 skimmer
[13:15:43] <HardStone> skimmer suckx
[13:15:45] <HardStone> what do you want noob
[13:16:06] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> You being banned for being specifically told not to do it.
[13:16:08] <Gamer30> !player STAN IS GAY!!!
[13:16:11] (WEB) <robin_be> player STAN: 14443 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[13:16:16] <Gamer30> !missions skimmer
[13:16:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: 1043 skimmer
[13:16:19] <HardStone> ok mr admin
[13:16:21] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Jking , lmao
[13:16:26] <HardStone> it won't happen again admin
[13:16:39] <TheGamer> if it does, it's 3 months
[13:17:10] <HardStone> you're not an admin, 0verlord is
[13:17:43] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Yes , I am admoon , I probably spent enough time here to qualify as a oldie if not an admin
[13:18:21] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[13:18:31] <HardStone> what was your old name again?
[13:18:49] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[13:18:59] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Cpt.Doraemon
[13:19:07] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Jaa apne pati se pooch le
[13:19:15] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> :-)
[13:19:15] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[13:19:15] --> Danielson connected to the server
[13:20:03] <CzechBoy777> someone forgot to take down the christmas tree here
[13:20:11] <Danielson> everyday is christmas
[13:20:16] <CzechBoy777> unbelievably, it was chairman
[13:20:26] <CzechBoy777> nice house tho
[13:21:22] <IceLube> hi
[13:21:24] (WEB) <Zero#2037> woi kop
[13:21:24] <Danielson> hi
[13:21:29] <Danielson> apalagi
[13:21:37] (WEB) <Zero#2037> katanya vega lu nyariin gw
[13:21:45] <-- Jamal_Abdallah disconnected from the server
[13:21:50] <Danielson> ogah gua cariin lu
[13:21:57] (WEB) <Zero#2037> cie kangen ya
[13:22:13] --> Jamal_Abdallah connected to the server
[13:22:15] <Danielson> ngentot
[13:23:24] --> robin_be connected to the server
[13:23:27] <IceLube> wb
[13:23:27] <Mars> wb
[13:23:27] <angin_timor> wb
[13:23:29] <Firstrike23.> wb
[13:23:29] <HardStone> wb
[13:23:39] <Firstrike23.> !ping
[13:23:42] (WEB) <robin_be> {f16e4b}pong! - hi Firstrike23.
[13:23:42] <robin_be> thanks hi hey you're all breathtaking
[13:23:47] <IceLube> !Ping
[13:23:50] (WEB) <robin_be> {e2658f}pong! - hi IceLube
[13:24:00] <angin_timor> !ping
[13:24:02] (WEB) <robin_be> {a4e3cd}pong! - hi angin_timor
[13:24:02] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> no you are breathtaking
[13:24:10] <IceLube> Fuck
[13:24:13] <robin_be> :3c
[13:24:13] <IceLube> Bruh
[13:24:15] <Danielson> F
[13:24:20] <IceLube> LOL
[13:24:28] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> if it wasnt for you we would still do stall landings lmao
[13:24:35] <Danielson> why is it bouncing on water lol
[13:24:51] <CzechBoy777> long viecl
[13:25:09] <IceLube> don't type and drive
[13:25:14] <Danielson> yes
[13:25:14] <IceLube> or you'll lose cocaine in water
[13:25:19] <IceLube> and fish will get addicted
[13:25:26] <Danielson> lost money
[13:25:29] <CzechBoy777> you mean me?
[13:25:34] <IceLube> what you?
[13:25:34] <robin_be> oh if that's only what it takes, then try getting another one
[13:25:39] <CzechBoy777> I am driving lol
[13:25:42] <Danielson> no icelube was delivering coke
[13:25:42] <CzechBoy777> and typing
[13:25:44] <CzechBoy777> ah
[13:25:49] <IceLube> no I was talking abou tme
[13:25:52] <IceLube> about me*
[13:25:52] <CzechBoy777> ah jk
[13:25:52] <CzechBoy777> k
[13:26:15] <CzechBoy777> SHIT
[13:26:17] <CzechBoy777> HOLY SHIT
[13:26:25] <CzechBoy777> that was brutakl
[13:26:27] <CzechBoy777> brutal
[13:27:11] <-- NoxScythe disconnected from the server
[13:28:24] <David> brb
[13:28:30] <CzechBoy777> ok
[13:28:32] <IceLube> ok
[13:28:35] <Firstrike23.> ok
[13:28:37] <Gamer30> ok
[13:28:40] <IceLube> ok
[13:28:40] <Danielson> ok
[13:28:42] <angin_timor> ok
[13:28:42] <IceLube> ok
[13:28:42] <Firstrike23.> ok
[13:28:45] <-- Mars disconnected from the server
[13:28:52] <CzechBoy777> kurwshot taken
[13:29:08] <CzechBoy777> oK?
[13:29:10] <Gamer30> Who was supposed to "BRB"?
[13:29:13] <CzechBoy777> david
[13:29:15] <IceLube> david
[13:29:20] <Gamer30> So why Mars left instead?
[13:29:23] <angin_timor> lol
[13:29:26] <CzechBoy777> idk lol
[13:29:33] <CzechBoy777> Because David is Mars.
[13:30:24] <David> back lmao ty guys
[13:30:29] <David> <3
[13:30:29] <CzechBoy777> oh no
[13:30:32] <CzechBoy777> my trailer!
[13:30:34] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[13:30:39] <IceLube> jamal smoking kills!
[13:30:44] <IceLube> quit while you still can!!!1
[13:30:47] <-- angin_timor disconnected from the server
[13:30:50] <David> ^^^^
[13:31:10] --> angin_timor connected to the server
[13:31:10] <IceLube> 7crystal when is gonna be 0.3DL
[13:31:30] <IceLube> wb
[13:31:35] <CzechBoy777> wb
[13:31:35] <angin_timor> ty
[13:31:38] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> soon
[13:31:40] <IceLube> soon
[13:31:40] <IceLube> right
[13:31:46] <IceLube> more like two weeks ago
[13:31:53] <CzechBoy777> yeh
[13:32:03] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> he is moving
[13:32:08] <IceLube> how long is he moving lol
[13:32:08] <CzechBoy777> not he, US
[13:32:11] <IceLube> jesus
[13:32:19] <CzechBoy777> oh you mean moving irl?
[13:32:21] <Danielson> US is moving?
[13:32:21] <IceLube> does he have like cocaine
[13:32:36] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> well the thing is he wasn't exepecting to move
[13:32:39] <David> brb
[13:32:47] <CzechBoy777> again? lol
[13:36:13] <IceLube> gg
[13:36:13] <angin_timor> gz
[13:36:15] <CzechBoy777> ty
[13:36:15] <Firstrike23.> gz
[13:36:23] <CzechBoy777> ty
[13:36:51] <CzechBoy777> [ERROR] wtf is this, getting removed
[13:37:01] <CzechBoy777> /o - pets
[13:37:06] <CzechBoy777> /i - pets *
[13:37:09] <CzechBoy777> I want pet
[13:37:24] <Gamer30> "[ERROR] Not Yet Implemented" ~Aaron pervert
[13:37:32] <CzechBoy777> wtf lol
[13:37:57] <Gamer30> Aaron wanted to implement this to have a reason to /wank, but he was too lazy to actually do it.
[13:38:10] <CzechBoy777> lol
[13:38:15] <IceLube> why have a reason to have /wank? It's very natural to /wank
[13:38:23] <IceLube> you have to relieve yourself
[13:38:38] <IceLube> from stresses of modern society
[13:39:14] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[13:39:19] <CzechBoy777> tf u doing xD
[13:39:37] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[13:39:39] <angin_timor> webe
[13:39:42] <Firstrike23.> ty
[13:39:44] <IceLube> wb
[13:39:47] <Firstrike23.> ty
[13:40:22] <IceLube> smoke
[13:40:25] <CzechBoy777> tf u doing david
[13:40:30] <Jamal_Abdallah> smoke
[13:40:35] <Jamal_Abdallah> smoke is bad
[13:40:40] <IceLube> yes
[13:40:45] <Danielson> yes
[13:40:48] <IceLube> oxygen good
[13:40:53] <angin_timor> brb
[13:40:53] <-- angin_timor disconnected from the server
[13:40:53] <Danielson> so is c2o
[13:40:55] <Gamer30> Stan gay
[13:40:55] <Danielson> co2
[13:40:58] <IceLube> well, not pure oxygen
[13:41:08] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[13:41:13] <-- David disconnected from the server
[13:41:18] <Jamal_Abdallah> but hard to stop it. Stop Smoke! Stop Trump!
[13:41:36] <IceLube> what does trump have to do with smoking doe
[13:41:39] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[13:41:44] <IceLube> wb
[13:41:59] <IceLube> if you really wanna stop, just throw the whole pack in water
[13:41:59] <IceLube> or something
[13:42:07] <IceLube> and don't go outside for about a week
[13:42:07] <IceLube> or more
[13:42:14] <IceLube> so you don't accidentally go to a store and buy a pack
[13:42:14] <IceLube> :v
[13:42:17] <Gamer30> Donald Trump is fake Donald Tusk.
[13:42:27] <IceLube> Donald Duck
[13:42:30] <Jamal_Abdallah> accidentally :D
[13:42:32] <IceLube> yes
[13:42:42] <IceLube> accidents do happen
[13:42:42] <Gamer30> Donald D�CK
[13:43:00] <Danielson> donald truck
[13:43:08] <IceLube> donald meow
[13:43:13] <Gamer30> Eww...
[13:43:15] <CzechBoy777> �
[13:43:23] <CzechBoy777> I have letter � in my surname lel
[13:43:31] <IceLube> good for you!
[13:43:38] <IceLube> I have normal letters in my first and last name
[13:43:41] --> Ludred connected to the server
[13:43:43] <IceLube> wb peder
[13:43:54] <IceLube> kurva ena
[13:43:56] <Ludred> ty
[13:43:59] <Gamer30> �URO 2012 highways are not complete yet.
[13:44:01] <Ludred> awesome samp addon works
[13:44:09] <IceLube> what's point of samp addon? to fix crashes?
[13:44:14] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[13:44:14] <IceLube> but when you press ESC, you're not really afk
[13:44:17] <IceLube> so it sucks
[13:44:19] <Firstrike23.> .fix
[13:44:22] <Jamal_Abdallah> i have letter � in my firstname
[13:44:29] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[13:44:29] <TheGamer> if you untick the anti pause, it pauses you
[13:44:39] <Ludred> ^
[13:44:39] <IceLube> oh
[13:44:45] <IceLube> in the text file?
[13:44:50] <TheGamer> in the installer
[13:44:50] <Ludred> and you can connect with 0.3.dl
[13:44:52] <robin_be> iirc if you paused in samp 0.2 it didn't really pause either
[13:44:57] <robin_be> but I'm not sure
[13:45:07] <IceLube> ludred, you can create another gta sa folder to connect to 0.3DL
[13:45:07] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[13:45:28] <Jamal_Abdallah> btw how can i change job without relog?
[13:45:33] <Danielson> /reclass
[13:45:43] <Ludred> you really dont need a diffrent folder for this lmao
[13:45:43] <TheGamer> basicly i'm playing here on a 0.3dl launcher
[13:45:48] <Jamal_Abdallah> thanks
[13:45:48] <Ludred> same
[13:45:51] <Danielson> np
[13:46:03] <IceLube> Well i can't connect if I use incorrect samp version
[13:46:11] <Gamer30> "Incorrect DOS version"
[13:46:16] <Ludred> with samp addon you can connect with 0.3.dl
[13:46:21] <IceLube> right
[13:46:21] <Ludred> on 0.3.7 servers
[13:46:39] <Ludred> shit feels smooth af aswell
[13:46:39] <IceLube> I'll just create another folder for gta sa
[13:46:44] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[13:46:52] <IceLube> if we'll have 0.3DL
[13:47:05] <Ludred> sadly plhud doesnt work with samp addon
[13:47:12] <TheGamer> already annoyed robin with it
[13:47:17] <TheGamer> amirite
[13:47:27] <robin_be> youreright
[13:47:30] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[13:47:30] <Gamer30> !LuftCode StanIsGay
[13:47:33] <IceLube> wb
[13:47:33] (WEB) <TheGamer> Gamer30 is already registered.
[13:47:33] <Ludred> wb
[13:47:35] <Firstrike23.> ty
[13:47:40] <IceLube> !userid IceLube
[13:47:40] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}IceLube's userid is 410522
[13:47:43] <Ludred> !luftcode stanisactuallyverygay
[13:47:43] <IceLube> nooooo
[13:47:43] (WEB) <TheGamer> No existing code found. Please re-run the command.
[13:47:45] <IceLube> noooo
[13:47:53] <IceLube> I used to be untracable
[13:47:53] <Ludred> the fuck
[13:47:53] <IceLube> fuck
[13:48:06] <TheGamer> you're in luft lad
[13:48:11] <IceLube> D:
[13:48:13] <IceLube> that sucks
[13:48:16] <Ludred> im not in luft tho
[13:48:26] <Gamer30> I'm in Star and it works.
[13:48:29] <TheGamer> lufthansa cargo
[13:48:34] <Ludred> ooh it works for that too?
[13:48:36] <TheGamer> it's both airline and company
[13:48:57] <Gamer30> !groups
[13:48:57] <TheGamer> that's what satan requested, so that's what he got
[13:48:59] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 is in airline Lufthansa and company Star Inc.
[13:49:07] <Ludred> cool
[13:49:09] <IceLube> !groupsa
[13:49:12] <IceLube> !groups
[13:49:15] (WEB) <robin_be> IceLube is in airline Jetstar Airways and company Star Inc.
[13:49:27] <IceLube> Star inc has the purest cocaine in the wordl
[13:49:30] <IceLube> world
[13:49:48] <Firstrike23.> w
[13:51:09] <Ludred> star inc fleet please
[13:51:14] <IceLube> ok
[13:51:17] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[13:53:24] <-- Jamal_Abdallah disconnected from the server
[13:54:07] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[13:55:42] --> ObamaSan connected to the server
[13:55:54] <Firstrike23.> !player obama
[13:55:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player obama: 0 score, last seen 26 Months Ago
[13:57:34] <Ludred> awesome samp addon removes clouds aswell
[13:57:54] <TheGamer> doesn't for me
[13:58:25] <IceLube> d
[13:58:50] <Ludred> !luftcode 8619534
[13:58:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> Ludred has been verified.
[13:59:00] <IceLube> !luftcode
[14:00:37] (WEB) <Jarno#0644> !player BorderCollie
[14:00:40] (WEB) <robin_be> player BorderCollie: 2880 score, last seen 15 Days Ago
[14:00:47] (WEB) <Jarno#0644> Shit, ben ik mijnen auto kwijt?
[14:01:54] <Ludred> af fuck
[14:02:04] <Ludred> I just realized it doesnt even stop afk from alt tap
[14:02:04] <Gamer30> !LuftCode 666StanIsGay
[14:02:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> Gamer30 is already registered.
[14:02:17] <Ludred> fml
[14:02:39] <Gamer30> !StarCode please
[14:03:07] <IceLube> hi firststrike
[14:03:10] <IceLube> nice hydra
[14:03:10] <Firstrike23.> hi
[14:04:09] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[14:04:19] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[14:04:47] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[14:04:49] <IceLube> wb
[14:04:52] <Firstrike23.> ty
[14:05:45] <Gamer30> !player Osama_bin_Laden
[14:05:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player Osama_bin_Laden: 0 score, last seen 26 Months Ago
[14:06:21] --> Ludred connected to the server
[14:06:24] <Firstrike23.> wb
[14:06:46] <Ludred> ty
[14:06:57] <Ludred> just in time for aid
[14:08:08] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[14:08:13] <Firstrike23.> wb
[14:08:21] <Ludred> wb
[14:08:28] <0verlord> ty
[14:08:59] <Ludred> /demand
[14:09:09] --> eddie connected to the server
[14:09:12] <IceLube> wb
[14:09:12] <Ludred> wb
[14:09:17] <Firstrike23.> wb
[14:09:22] <0verlord> wb
[14:09:24] <0verlord> ty Lud
[14:09:29] <Ludred> /demand
[14:09:55] <eddie> pettition to add doing nothing demand
[14:09:57] <0verlord> Ludred be like
[14:09:57] <0verlord> wtf
[14:10:08] <IceLube> Ludred be like:
[14:10:10] <Ludred> you were actually really buggy on my screen lma
[14:10:13] <Gamer30> !Ludred be like?
[14:10:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> @lulded's a retard
[14:10:13] <IceLube> ja sam peder
[14:10:25] <Ludred> because I have a hydra mod
[14:10:30] <0verlord> oh
[14:10:33] <IceLube> ludred za�to si ti peder?
[14:10:38] (WEB) <iSam#5191> What sam
[14:10:46] <Ludred> stfu
[14:10:48] <0verlord> sam nub
[14:10:51] <IceLube> peder
[14:11:11] (WEB) <iSam#5191> :3 no Porno for you
[14:11:14] <0verlord> did Ice just call him a pedophile?
[14:11:19] <eddie> looks like it
[14:11:26] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Wot
[14:11:29] <Ludred> no
[14:11:32] <IceLube> no
[14:11:32] <Ludred> peder means gay
[14:11:34] <IceLube> peder is gay
[14:11:37] <IceLube> or a faggot
[14:11:39] <0verlord> oh lmao
[14:11:39] <Gamer30> Stan peder
[14:11:39] <IceLube> to be more specific
[14:11:49] <IceLube> stan je peder, ako pu�i kurac
[14:11:52] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Lube is mad gay
[14:11:57] <IceLube> no
[14:12:05] (WEB) <iSam#5191> YES
[14:12:05] <IceLube> in my country, gay is illegal
[14:12:12] <Ludred> no its not
[14:12:12] <IceLube> and our leader borut pahor can smell that
[14:12:15] <IceLube> shut up ludred
[14:12:15] (WEB) <iSam#5191> IMsame
[14:12:17] <Ludred> I just google searched it
[14:12:20] <IceLube> anyways, if you gay you get execute
[14:12:30] (WEB) <iSam#5191> same here
[14:12:33] <eddie> exeCUTE
[14:12:35] <IceLube> yes
[14:12:43] <0verlord> eddie nice
[14:12:43] <IceLube> post communist countires hit different
[14:12:50] (WEB) <iSam#5191> You get hanged or Life Imprisonment
[14:12:53] <IceLube> very different
[14:13:03] <Gamer30> Homophobic, in one word.
[14:13:06] <IceLube> you get analy raped
[14:13:16] <Ludred> samp addon is fucking awesomew
[14:13:24] <eddie> isnt that just prison?
[14:13:24] <0verlord> India is now free coutnry
[14:13:31] (WEB) <iSam#5191> What is it ludred
[14:13:34] <IceLube> good!
[14:13:36] <IceLube> slovenia isn't!
[14:13:54] <Ludred> slovenia has a negative growth rate
[14:13:59] (WEB) <iSam#5191> India is no longer secular
[14:13:59] <-- ObamaSan disconnected from the server
[14:13:59] <Ludred> last time I checked
[14:14:02] <IceLube> well no shit ludred
[14:14:07] <IceLube> we only have 2m population
[14:14:12] <Ludred> what the fuck
[14:14:20] <Ludred> you cant beat macedonia in population lmfao
[14:14:25] <eddie> jesus
[14:14:27] (WEB) <iSam#5191> The city i live in has almost 2m citizens lmao
[14:14:32] <eddie> i thought scotland was weak with its 5m
[14:14:35] <IceLube> w
[14:14:45] <Ludred> eddie ex yugo countries
[14:14:50] <IceLube> yugoslavia needs to happen again
[14:14:55] <IceLube> so we big and stronk
[14:14:58] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Yugoslavia
[14:15:03] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Reunite
[14:15:03] <IceLube> but no socialism, just pure capitalism
[14:15:05] --> Dark_Rider. connected to the server
[14:15:13] <Ludred> wb
[14:15:13] <eddie> i need a good yugo mod
[14:15:13] <IceLube> yes
[14:15:13] <0verlord> meanwhile the place i live at 40m
[14:15:23] <Dark_Rider.> ty
[14:15:26] <IceLube> wb
[14:15:28] <Ludred> we still use yogos
[14:15:33] <eddie> jesus 40m
[14:15:36] (WEB) <iSam#5191> 40m?
[14:15:36] <IceLube> yugo cars?
[14:15:41] <Ludred> yes
[14:15:41] <0verlord> 4 cr
[14:15:41] (WEB) <iSam#5191> That's false
[14:15:51] <IceLube> yes, I can go down the street and there's a 55 koral
[14:15:54] <IceLube> :D
[14:15:56] <0verlord> google kar pls
[14:15:59] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Dehli does not have 40m population
[14:16:02] <0verlord> 2 se kam na hoge
[14:16:04] --> Danielson connected to the server
[14:16:12] <Ludred> wb
[14:16:14] <IceLube> wb
[14:16:17] <Danielson> ty
[14:16:27] <eddie> entire UK only has a population of 60m lol
[14:16:27] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> !player gaymer30
[14:16:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player gaymer30: 0 score, last seen 18 Hours Ago
[14:16:30] <Ludred> its 19m
[14:16:30] (WEB) <iSam#5191> It has around 20m population
[14:16:58] <Ludred> 18.98m
[14:16:58] <Gamer30> !player Furry
[14:17:00] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Furry
[14:17:03] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Plus that census is of 2012 so probaby around 24m now
[14:17:05] <IceLube> phew no furries here
[14:17:16] <Gamer30> Fortunately.
[14:17:16] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Sam whats Wrong on me cooking food
[14:17:26] <eddie> i live in the biggest city on scotland
[14:17:31] <0verlord> was someone in that skimmer?
[14:17:33] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Nothinf is wrong
[14:17:36] <eddie> and it has 598k people lolol
[14:17:41] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Not joking, I even cooked in school lol
[14:17:44] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[14:17:46] <IceLube> biggest city Ljubljana has like 180k residents
[14:17:49] <IceLube> lmao
[14:17:49] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> We had a class where we were able to cook
[14:17:56] --> David connected to the server
[14:17:56] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Instead od lunch
[14:17:59] <0verlord> wb
[14:17:59] <IceLube> the rest are smaller cities and viligaes
[14:18:01] <Ludred> biggest city has 600k population
[14:18:01] <Ludred> wb
[14:18:22] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Also wytb
[14:18:24] <Ludred> the thing is other cities get fucked hard with low population lmao
[14:18:24] <IceLube> we have lots of albanians in Kranj
[14:18:35] <IceLube> and kosovars
[14:18:37] <0verlord> idk man
[14:18:40] <0verlord> a lot of people is too bad
[14:18:45] <Ludred> west macedonia is mostly populated with albanians lmao
[14:18:50] <eddie> scotland only has like 5 or 6 cities lol
[14:19:00] <Ludred> we have like 21 cities the fuck
[14:19:00] --> Lavija connected to the server
[14:19:08] (WEB) <iSam#5191> We have 200M+ peeps
[14:19:08] <Firstrike23.> wb
[14:19:13] <IceLube> wb
[14:19:15] <eddie> jesus
[14:19:15] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Too much tbh
[14:19:20] <0verlord> w
[14:19:31] <IceLube> isam, build land on sea
[14:19:33] <Ludred> correction*
[14:19:36] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[14:19:36] <Ludred> 34 cities
[14:19:38] <Ludred> wb
[14:19:38] <IceLube> wb
[14:19:38] (WEB) <iSam#5191> 97 percent muslims here
[14:19:41] <0verlord> 1.25B according to 2012 census
[14:19:43] <TheGamer> ty
[14:19:43] <0verlord> would have been more now
[14:19:48] <0verlord> 1250M
[14:20:04] <Ludred> something tells me
[14:20:06] <David> ty
[14:20:09] <Ludred> we have to many cities
[14:20:09] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I dont really like my city
[14:20:14] <0verlord> I dont know about china
[14:20:19] <IceLube> chINA
[14:20:21] <0verlord> but india's stupidly crowded
[14:20:24] <eddie> i think sc otland majority secular no
[14:20:27] (WEB) <iSam#5191> 212m peeps live here
[14:20:34] <IceLube> probably some places in china are overcrowded too
[14:20:39] <IceLube> but not all
[14:20:42] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> There 10
[14:20:44] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Major cities are
[14:20:49] --> Jamal_Abdallah connected to the server
[14:21:05] <0verlord> Delhi , Mumbai , Kolkata , Chennai
[14:21:10] <Ludred> we still use statistics from 2003
[14:21:15] <eddie> jesus
[14:21:20] <IceLube> lmao
[14:21:23] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> 10,69M people in Czechia
[14:21:23] <eddie> we gewt a census every 10 years
[14:21:28] <0verlord> ^
[14:21:28] <Ludred> same
[14:21:43] <Ludred> they started to do it 2013 and I dont know what happend
[14:21:48] <eddie> wow
[14:21:51] <Danielson> lu mabok
[14:21:56] <Firstrike23.> wkwkw
[14:21:56] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Karachi is Huge city
[14:21:58] <Ludred> there will be one in 2021 I think
[14:22:16] <eddie> ngl, filling out census fo rms way boring
[14:22:36] <Ludred> the thing here is
[14:22:39] <Ludred> if its done in summer
[14:22:47] <Ludred> population will be higher
[14:22:54] <0verlord> huh?
[14:23:10] <eddie> cause of people coming home to see fmaily?
[14:23:10] <0verlord> Ah winter
[14:23:12] <TheGamer> tourism?
[14:23:12] <Ludred> yup
[14:23:17] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[14:23:45] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[14:23:48] <IceLube> wb
[14:23:48] <Ludred> wb
[14:23:48] <Danielson> wb
[14:23:55] <Gamer30> !BotStats
[14:23:55] <Firstrike23.> wb
[14:23:55] (WEB) <TheGamer> Min player count: 43; Max player count: 88; Average: 67; Amount of logged users today: 57
[14:23:55] <Ludred> according to google
[14:24:08] <Ludred> "2.077 million in 2019" but not official at all
[14:24:08] <CzechBoy777> ty ty ty ty
[14:24:23] <IceLube> we're one of the smallest country lmao
[14:24:29] <IceLube> countries*
[14:24:36] <Ludred> ikr
[14:24:44] <IceLube> we only have professional army, no draft
[14:24:46] <Ludred> macedonia used to be bigger before ww2
[14:24:49] <IceLube> which would be better if we had a draft
[14:25:04] <IceLube> I mean, mandatory millitary service
[14:25:30] <Ludred> meh who cares
[14:25:40] <IceLube> there might be in the future in slovenia
[14:25:40] <Ludred> atleast we in nato lmao
[14:25:42] <IceLube> for 6months
[14:26:08] <Dark_Rider.> 34
[14:26:18] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[14:26:28] <Ludred> still
[14:26:36] <Ludred> 34 cities for a 2m population is huge
[14:26:44] <Jamal_Abdallah> our country is fucked up. i wanna leave it asap
[14:26:54] <0verlord> what country is it?
[14:26:54] --> IceLube connected to the server
[14:26:56] <Ludred> wb
[14:27:01] <IceLube> thx
[14:27:04] <Jamal_Abdallah> hungary
[14:27:06] <Ludred> one thing I hate about covid 19 stats
[14:27:12] <CzechBoy777> hung(a)ry
[14:27:24] <Jamal_Abdallah> old but gold xd
[14:27:40] <Ludred> if you had covid19 and died from like a heart attack
[14:27:47] <Ludred> counts as a covid death
[14:27:55] <IceLube> or if an eldery person dies in a home, it's covid 19
[14:27:57] <IceLube> fucking bullshit
[14:28:02] <Ludred> ikr
[14:28:05] <IceLube> mass hysteria over nothing
[14:28:15] <IceLube> over a retarded flu that's a bit worse than the regular one
[14:28:33] (WEB) <iSam#5191> You're stupid
[14:28:33] <0verlord> idk nman
[14:28:38] <IceLube> I know
[14:28:41] <IceLube> :D
[14:28:43] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Its not retarded flue
[14:28:56] <Ludred> wb
[14:29:04] <IceLube> wb
[14:29:09] <chairMANmao> hi
[14:29:14] (WEB) <iSam#5191> You will know once you have it tbh its really bad.
[14:29:24] <IceLube> I don't know anyone irl that has had it
[14:29:29] <IceLube> nor my friends do
[14:29:32] (WEB) <iSam#5191> I do
[14:29:32] <Ludred> speaking of it
[14:29:32] <IceLube> and or family
[14:29:34] <Ludred> I might have it
[14:29:42] <Danielson> damn
[14:29:44] (WEB) <iSam#5191> My cousins had it
[14:29:47] <0verlord> and Voila
[14:29:49] <IceLube> is he okay?
[14:30:05] (WEB) <iSam#5191> My Aunt's husband was about to die because of corona but he survived
[14:30:12] <Ludred> a/base
[14:30:35] <0verlord> was about to die?
[14:30:38] <0verlord> ventilator?
[14:30:48] <CzechBoy777> your PC
[14:30:50] <CzechBoy777> jk
[14:30:53] <Ludred> as said I might have it
[14:30:58] <IceLube> wdym you might have it
[14:31:01] <IceLube> go get a test
[14:31:03] <0verlord> well get a test done then
[14:31:21] (WEB) <iSam#5191> He was not on ventilator because he was in his home but on oxygen
[14:31:29] <-- Dark_Rider. disconnected from the server
[14:31:39] <Ludred> my throat feels way to dry
[14:31:41] <Danielson> covid
[14:31:44] (WEB) <iSam#5191> He had Private doctors looking after him
[14:31:44] <IceLube> covid
[14:31:44] <IceLube> lmao
[14:31:54] <0verlord> Rich Man
[14:31:59] <Ludred> and my brothers throat hurts
[14:32:02] <IceLube> it might be cheap
[14:32:04] <Danielson> covid too
[14:32:07] <IceLube> in his country
[14:32:14] <Ludred> but it can be because we fucked up and ate ice cream at 15c
[14:32:17] <IceLube> especially now
[14:32:20] <Danielson> apaan itu barusan
[14:32:25] <Firstrike23.> apa?
[14:32:27] <IceLube> ludred, you have 15c?
[14:32:30] <IceLube> that's low
[14:32:30] <IceLube> lol
[14:32:30] <Danielson> lu ketabrak ga?
[14:32:35] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Ice cream is good
[14:32:37] <Firstrike23.> ga
[14:32:43] <Firstrike23.> emang ada apa?
[14:32:48] <Danielson> lah
[14:32:50] <Danielson> gua nabrak lu tadi
[14:32:53] <Danielson> kirain kena
[14:32:55] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[14:32:58] <chairMANmao> fuck
[14:32:58] <-- chairMANmao disconnected from the server
[14:33:03] <CzechBoy777> rARE MOMENT!
[14:33:03] <Firstrike23.> ga kerasa juga
[14:33:05] <CzechBoy777> Chairman was in shamal
[14:33:08] <Ludred> nah we had 15c for like 3 days
[14:33:08] <Danielson> oala
[14:33:23] <CzechBoy777> koala
[14:33:23] <Danielson> damn demand finally
[14:33:23] <Ludred> !Plhud
[14:33:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Latest+plhud+version:+v29
[14:33:39] --> chairMANmao connected to the server
[14:33:41] <Ludred> wb
[14:33:46] <Firstrike23.> wb
[14:33:59] <Ludred> also this bs goverment is so shit
[14:33:59] <chairMANmao> runway helper crash with gta v hud meh
[14:34:12] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[14:34:19] <IceLube> like 50eur+
[14:34:29] <Ludred> its like 100usd here lmao
[14:34:37] <IceLube> lol
[14:34:45] <IceLube> take a lease :V
[14:34:55] <IceLube> or get the 24month plan pay
[14:34:55] <Ludred> but if the goverment says you have to take a test its free
[14:34:55] --> Apollon connected to the server
[14:34:57] <IceLube> lmao
[14:35:43] <Ludred> welp if he leave ill leave too
[14:35:43] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[14:36:01] <chairMANmao> test
[14:36:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> @chairMANmao test failed!
[14:36:39] <CzechBoy777> wb
[14:36:42] <CookieMobster> ty
[14:36:57] <Firstrike23.> p
[14:37:00] <CzechBoy777> fine
[14:37:00] <CookieMobster> Very good
[14:37:00] <Lavija> can you not
[14:37:02] <Danielson> god
[14:37:10] <Jamal_Abdallah> good i guess
[14:37:12] <0verlord> how are you lavija
[14:37:18] <CzechBoy777> he is good
[14:37:30] <Danielson> fucking internet
[14:37:40] <0verlord> lav?
[14:37:43] <0verlord> do you lav me?
[14:37:46] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[14:38:09] <CzechBoy777> do you lavija me
[14:38:24] <0verlord> my pun was better
[14:39:17] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[14:40:36] --> Danielson connected to the server
[14:41:58] --> JoyersJoestar. connected to the server
[14:45:34] <Apollon> w
[14:46:35] <CookieMobster> close call xD
[14:46:40] <JoyersJoestar.> xD
[14:48:19] <JoyersJoestar.> candyass
[14:48:22] <LUCY> HI
[14:48:30] <CzechBoy777> wtf is milf
[14:48:37] <David> nth
[14:48:40] <Lavija> Last verbal warning, stop abusing /vann
[14:48:40] <LUCY> Mother I Like To Fuck
[14:48:42] <David> dont corrupt ur mind kid
[14:48:45] <CzechBoy777> ah
[14:48:52] <-- Apollon disconnected from the server
[14:48:52] <CookieMobster> aka ur mom
[14:49:20] <CzechBoy777> rip
[14:49:38] <CzechBoy777> and whats simp
[14:50:14] <CookieMobster> some entitled sexual attention or activity from them
[14:50:14] <CzechBoy777> k
[14:50:16] <David> shit
[14:50:22] <David> somebody give this guy a medal
[14:50:22] <David> lmao
[14:50:24] <CzechBoy777> I still dont understand tho
[14:50:37] <LUCY> wtf y so many tampas
[14:50:39] <CookieMobster> basically if you;re a walking carpet for women expecting sex in return your a simp
[14:50:42] --> Satan connected to the server
[14:51:10] <Jamal_Abdallah> lost cargo? o.O
[14:51:15] <David> /lc
[14:51:18] <CzechBoy777> yes
[14:51:20] <CzechBoy777> I lost my cargo
[14:51:23] <CzechBoy777> help me find ti
[14:51:23] <CzechBoy777> it
[14:51:25] <David> u get 20-30j
[14:51:28] <David> k*
[14:51:53] <CookieMobster> !rank
[14:51:56] (WEB) <robin_be> CookieMobster(799) rank: First Flight Sergeant(500) next: Senior Flight Officer(800) (+1)
[14:52:01] <David> yo nice
[14:52:04] <0verlord> time to get gz's readu
[14:52:09] <Gamer30> !missions CookieMobster trucking
[14:52:11] (WEB) <robin_be> CookieMobster: 0 trucking
[14:52:16] <CookieMobster> I'll do some before I sleep tonight heh
[14:52:24] <CookieMobster> sowwieee
[14:52:37] <CzechBoy777> lol rip satan
[14:52:39] <CzechBoy777> rest in peace
[14:52:42] <0verlord> Satan nub
[14:52:44] <CzechBoy777> we lost our member
[14:52:47] <Satan> i purposely died
[14:52:49] <Satan> i forgot to reclass
[14:52:52] <0verlord> gz
[14:52:52] <CookieMobster> excuses excuses
[14:52:54] <JoyersJoestar.> woah
[14:52:54] <CzechBoy777> gz
[14:52:57] <Satan> i didnt start /w tho
[14:53:00] <Satan> GZ
[14:53:02] <CookieMobster> gz
[14:53:05] <JoyersJoestar.> thx fuel price
[14:53:33] <Satan> GZ HINDLEY
[14:53:33] <JoyersJoestar.> gratz cookie
[14:53:35] <CookieMobster> tyty
[14:53:35] <0verlord> now can i get a cookie?
[14:53:40] <CookieMobster> sure
[14:53:45] <David> subway cookies slaps bro
[14:53:48] <-- LUCY disconnected from the server
[14:54:08] <CookieMobster> hell yeah
[14:54:13] <0verlord> ty for cookies
[14:54:19] <CookieMobster> np
[14:54:39] <Satan> /mycars
[14:55:15] <CzechBoy777> ty
[14:55:35] <0verlord> nop[e
[14:55:35] <Danielson> no
[14:55:40] <CzechBoy777> why
[14:55:40] <David> no
[14:55:48] <David> becuz the gates are sacred
[14:55:50] <CzechBoy777> what if I say I like luft
[14:55:50] <Danielson> wow ad
[14:55:53] <CzechBoy777> will u open gate
[14:56:33] <CzechBoy777> nvm failed
[14:56:39] <0verlord> RIP
[14:56:39] <CzechBoy777> lmao u got to see this
[14:56:46] <0verlord> ik that
[14:56:54] <CzechBoy777> I ended up there
[14:56:54] <0verlord> the jump gets you into the base
[14:56:59] <Danielson> lmao
[14:57:01] <CzechBoy777> same as danielson XD
[14:57:17] <CzechBoy777> yes
[14:57:19] <CzechBoy777> help me
[14:57:50] <Danielson> nope i cant
[14:57:52] <CzechBoy777> Ill just respawn it
[14:58:05] <CzechBoy777> its for sale also if ud like to buy it
[14:58:13] <Danielson> maybe
[14:58:46] <CzechBoy777> wait ok
[14:59:06] <JoyersJoestar.> !assets danielson
[14:59:09] (WEB) <robin_be> danielson has 4 car(s) ($2,800,000) and 2 house(s) ($2,200,000 - 4 slots) for a total of $5,000,000
[14:59:09] <Lavija> daniel stop hacking
[14:59:09] <0verlord> czech did you just do an ad?
[14:59:16] <CzechBoy777> no
[14:59:19] <CzechBoy777> its david
[14:59:27] <CzechBoy777> I dont have rcraider
[14:59:32] <Danielson> what
[14:59:37] <Danielson> oh
[14:59:39] <0verlord> "its for sale also if you like to buy it"
[14:59:42] <Jamal_Abdallah> lc
[14:59:44] <CzechBoy777> oh yes
[14:59:44] <Danielson> dont mind my surfly
[14:59:44] <Jamal_Abdallah> opps
[14:59:52] <CzechBoy777> its in wang cars if u want it
[14:59:55] <0verlord> warn time
[14:59:55] <Lavija> tell that to ricardo
[15:00:05] <CzechBoy777> wut?
[15:00:07] <Danielson> i bribed him
[15:00:33] <0verlord> damn czech
[15:00:40] <CzechBoy777> wat wrong
[15:00:51] <0verlord> you called me out for join luft when you wanted to say open gate
[15:00:56] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !palyer cygnus
[15:00:58] <CzechBoy777> what?
[15:01:06] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !player cygnus
[15:01:06] <0verlord> now you saying that buy my car at wang
[15:01:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player cygnus: 11477 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[15:01:11] <Jamal_Abdallah> what can i do as ATC worker?
[15:01:16] <Danielson> nothing
[15:01:16] <David> RP
[15:01:16] <Gamer30> /wank at most.
[15:01:16] <Danielson> only roleplay
[15:01:19] <0verlord> sit and use @
[15:01:21] <CzechBoy777> you know what?
[15:01:21] <Satan> r how mucht
[15:01:31] <CzechBoy777> I wanted to get out from lufthansa base to take the car to wang cars
[15:01:42] <CzechBoy777> but I got stuck anyway
[15:01:44] <0verlord> RIP
[15:01:52] <CzechBoy777> and just asked if anyone'D like to buy it
[15:01:54] <0verlord> gz
[15:01:57] <CzechBoy777> gz
[15:02:02] <0verlord> there
[15:02:07] <0verlord> you need to /ad for it lmao
[15:02:20] <David> gz
[15:02:30] <CzechBoy777> ill just wait for someone to go to wang cars anytime
[15:02:35] <CzechBoy777> but I can do ad
[15:03:01] --> Hades connected to the server
[15:03:03] <Danielson> w
[15:03:03] <Danielson> b
[15:03:21] <Hades> thanks :)
[15:04:04] <CzechBoy777> sky is blue but without planes :(
[15:04:30] <chairMANmao> ok time for f1
[15:04:35] (WEB) <Zero#2037> enaknya ngapain ya
[15:04:43] <JoyersJoestar.> tidur dhy
[15:05:05] <Danielson> lu nanya
[15:05:05] <Danielson> dia jawab
[15:05:16] (WEB) <Zero#2037> gw protes
[15:05:23] <Danielson> oke
[15:05:41] (WEB) <Zero#2037> ngentot yuk
[15:05:49] <Gamer30> Bot R-word.
[15:06:40] <Lavija> david have you heard that no limit remix with french montana, and juicy j
[15:07:53] <David> ...... testing
[15:08:04] <-- David disconnected from the server
[15:08:42] <0verlord> t
[15:09:15] <0verlord> bsdk dobara mat bhej diyo voh
[15:09:20] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Haha
[15:09:23] <0verlord> aur mai majak ni kar raha
[15:09:40] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Isam ne bheja tha
[15:09:43] --> David connected to the server
[15:09:48] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wb
[15:09:48] <0verlord> uski maa ka
[15:09:53] <0verlord> usko bhi bata ta hu
[15:10:01] <0verlord> saala kamina
[15:10:01] <David> .a man fuck u u racist ass bitch
[15:10:08] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> What
[15:10:13] <David> lav
[15:10:16] <Lavija> ?
[15:10:21] <David> apparently my YT watch history says ive heard it
[15:10:21] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Lavija?
[15:10:31] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> What are u saying?
[15:10:39] <Lavija> i just heard it after like 3 years
[15:10:39] <Satan> !aboard
[15:10:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(126232) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-10497) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-34119)
[15:10:47] <Gamer30> /wank
[15:10:52] <David> ive heard the original
[15:10:54] <Satan> we were supposed to get a PL insta post at 1k we at 10k now
[15:10:54] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> /wank
[15:10:54] <David> fuckin litty
[15:10:57] <Lavija> the original is a banger
[15:10:59] <Satan> still no PL post
[15:11:07] <Satan> lavija tum chakke ho
[15:11:07] <-- David disconnected from the server
[15:11:15] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> �\\_(?)\_/�
[15:11:20] (WEB) <Zero#2037> hobi ngeluh
[15:11:22] <chairMANmao> david using indihome now
[15:11:27] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Satan lol
[15:11:30] (WEB) <Zero#2037> cita2 pengen sukses
[15:11:40] --> David connected to the server
[15:11:50] <0verlord> david using indihome now?
[15:11:53] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player saTAN
[15:11:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player saTAN: 4310 score, last seen Online Now
[15:11:55] <0verlord> joke by map
[15:11:58] (WEB) <Zero#2037> jancok emg yg namanya adhy
[15:11:58] <0verlord> mao*
[15:12:13] <Satan> jalebi baby
[15:12:13] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player saTan
[15:12:16] (WEB) <robin_be> player saTan: 4310 score, last seen Online Now
[15:12:29] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Satan
[15:12:29] <CookieMobster> er
[15:12:29] <CookieMobster> what is going on
[15:12:31] (WEB) <robin_be> player Satan: 4310 score, last seen Online Now
[15:12:34] <David> my net being shit
[15:12:34] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> E
[15:12:39] <Satan> someone is obsessed with me
[15:12:39] <0verlord> and holy fuck , that rant was intense
[15:12:54] <Satan> oh its heheboi
[15:12:59] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I thought there are 2 Satans
[15:13:02] <CookieMobster> its like you took the top 20 # on twitter to make a sentence
[15:13:09] <0verlord> ^
[15:13:15] <David> im turning into kanye west bro
[15:13:15] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> ^
[15:13:17] <David> just watch my twitter feed
[15:13:25] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> #######
[15:13:30] <David> gonna tweet a bunch of headass shit to promote a new album dw
[15:13:35] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> �����
[15:13:40] <Gamer30> �����
[15:13:48] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> �������
[15:13:55] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> ??????
[15:14:08] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> E
[15:14:31] <CzechBoy777> Bruh
[15:14:41] <David> bruh
[15:14:51] <David> bitch laying on me like she tired
[15:14:54] <CookieMobster> didnt work for me
[15:14:54] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Bruh
[15:15:04] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> /q
[15:15:19] <CzechBoy777> Administrator Lavija has banned Hehe_Boii(13) for spamming.
[15:15:32] <David> F
[15:15:32] <0verlord> RIP
[15:15:35] <chairMANmao> bruh what the fuck bottas
[15:15:35] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> F
[15:15:55] <0verlord> !missions
[15:15:55] <CookieMobster> rip
[15:16:03] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> F
[15:16:05] <Jamal_Abdallah> sandstorm in san fierro lmao
[15:16:10] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> E
[15:16:18] <0verlord> Sandstorm in Red County too
[15:16:26] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> E
[15:16:31] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Darude
[15:16:36] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[15:16:36] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Darude
[15:16:41] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[15:17:19] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Czechboy777 left the server(kicked)
[15:17:24] <CzechBoy777> stup
[15:17:29] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> stup
[15:17:47] <0verlord> he copy you
[15:17:50] <Danielson> he's your fan
[15:18:02] <CzechBoy777> he loves me
[15:18:07] <Danielson> yes
[15:18:33] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> No I love god in which you don't believe
[15:18:43] <Danielson> pasta god
[15:18:46] <CzechBoy777> thats the reason you annoy me?
[15:18:51] <CzechBoy777> Pasta god XD
[15:18:51] <Satan> !luftcode 0000
[15:18:51] (WEB) <TheGamer> Satan is already registered.
[15:18:53] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> YES
[15:18:56] <CookieMobster> W/9
[15:19:44] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> ok
[15:19:44] <CookieMobster> a
[15:19:47] <CookieMobster> a
[15:19:49] <David> b
[15:19:49] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Np
[15:19:49] <0verlord> !luftcode
[15:19:54] <CzechBoy777> !luftcode not working for me
[15:19:59] <0verlord> !luftcode 007
[15:19:59] (WEB) <TheGamer> No existing code found. Please re-run the command.
[15:20:02] <0verlord> !luftcode 007
[15:20:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> No existing code found. Please re-run the command.
[15:20:07] <Gamer30> It works to me even though I'm in Star.
[15:20:07] <CzechBoy777> !luftcode 6969
[15:20:15] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> 6969
[15:20:15] <CzechBoy777> but ur in lufthansa ceo
[15:20:18] <chairMANmao> ha no czech
[15:20:18] <Satan> !luftcode 000
[15:20:20] (WEB) <TheGamer> Satan has entered the wrong code.
[15:20:23] <Satan> !luftcode 53194214
[15:20:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> Satan has been verified.
[15:20:30] <CzechBoy777> !luftcode 725642
[15:20:40] <CzechBoy777> ah I must be registered
[15:20:40] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Illuminati confirmed
[15:20:43] <CookieMobster> h63y sh5t n5ce save
[15:20:51] <Satan> Guys stop spamming it.
[15:20:53] <CookieMobster> nice save
[15:20:53] <Danielson> nice song
[15:20:53] <Jamal_Abdallah> it always makes me smile :D
[15:20:58] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> No
[15:21:11] <CzechBoy777> bruh stop
[15:21:19] <CzechBoy777> Or I will E you too
[15:21:24] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> E
[15:21:24] <David> �
[15:21:29] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Pee
[15:21:31] <CzechBoy777> :�
[15:21:39] <CzechBoy777> are u a kid
[15:21:42] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> �
[15:21:52] --> Clinton_Nicolas connected to the server
[15:22:02] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> F
[15:22:07] <Lavija> Stop spamming
[15:22:07] <CzechBoy777> I like every airline in this server
[15:22:07] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> G
[15:22:10] <Lavija> before i take away your webchat pivs
[15:22:15] <Lavija> privs
[15:22:17] <CzechBoy777> do it lavija
[15:22:17] --> amking connected to the server
[15:22:25] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I am not spamming
[15:22:43] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> I am writing alphabets
[15:22:48] <David> �
[15:22:55] <Lavija> do you really wanna play this game against me?
[15:22:58] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> ?
[15:23:01] <chairMANmao> oof
[15:23:03] <David> alt 0174
[15:23:08] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> F
[15:23:08] <CzechBoy777> go go lavija
[15:23:13] <chairMANmao> "Hamilton is driving super slow"
[15:23:13] <David> try it buran
[15:23:18] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Yes
[15:23:18] <David> alt 0174
[15:23:23] <Lavija> Okay
[15:23:26] <CzechBoy777> try what
[15:23:29] --> Hades connected to the server
[15:23:31] <CzechBoy777> luftcode?
[15:23:31] <CookieMobster> I dun have number keypad on my laptop lol
[15:23:31] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:23:36] <David> do u have a numpad keyboard czech
[15:23:39] <Gamer30> You must have Fn to emulate it.
[15:23:41] <Hades> ty
[15:23:41] <CzechBoy777> yes
[15:23:46] <David> hold alt
[15:23:46] <Lavija> dont say i didnt warn you
[15:23:51] <CookieMobster> wdym fn
[15:23:51] <David> and type 0174 on the numpad
[15:23:57] <CzechBoy777> no
[15:24:02] <CzechBoy777> what will happen
[15:24:07] <Gamer30> This: �
[15:24:09] <David> lmao bruh
[15:24:12] <CzechBoy777> ah
[15:24:17] <David> u literally asked me how to type it
[15:24:17] <CzechBoy777> �
[15:24:17] <-- amking disconnected from the server
[15:24:19] <CzechBoy777> thanks
[15:24:19] <David> and i told u
[15:24:22] <David> -_-
[15:24:22] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Discord is good
[15:24:27] <CzechBoy777> i thought its some kind of joke
[15:24:32] <CzechBoy777> to get me banned XD
[15:24:35] <David> �
[15:24:35] <CookieMobster> rofl
[15:24:45] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Yes it is
[15:24:47] <David> i dont pull dumb shit like that no more bro
[15:24:47] <CzechBoy777> Lufthansa�
[15:24:50] <Gamer30> If you hold Ctrl and you press Scroll Lock twice, you'll BSoD out your system.
[15:24:53] <David> one perma ban is enough lmao
[15:24:55] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[15:25:03] <CookieMobster> whats BSoD
[15:25:05] <Gamer30> Blue Screen of Death
[15:25:10] <CookieMobster> fuck Im tempted
[15:25:15] <CzechBoy777> lets try that
[15:25:18] <David> lmao
[15:25:23] <chairMANmao> we dont get opcode infos in BSoD now in windows 10
[15:25:23] <CookieMobster> good thing Justin never discovered this davivd
[15:25:26] <chairMANmao> fuccking shit
[15:25:28] <CzechBoy777> ill try it now
[15:25:31] <David> �
[15:25:33] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[15:25:33] <chairMANmao> bugcheck code*
[15:25:33] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Windows 10 pro
[15:25:46] <David> lmao justin
[15:25:49] <Gamer30> I managed to get BSoD in early Windows 3.1 beta.
[15:25:49] <David> bro hes a business major
[15:25:54] <David> he cant use his computer for shit
[15:25:56] <chairMANmao> dont get bugcheck code in win10 pro too
[15:25:59] <Gamer30> "KeBugCheck: 0x0000000A"
[15:26:01] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I have to restart pc :/
[15:26:04] <CookieMobster> he has the right personality for it
[15:26:04] <David> even in high school he barely knew how to get around
[15:26:11] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Jk lmao
[15:26:11] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[15:26:11] <David> we turned down the brightness on his laptop and he thought we broke it
[15:26:14] <David> lmfao
[15:26:17] <CookieMobster> LOL ok
[15:26:19] <Satan> hi
[15:26:24] <CzechBoy777> hi
[15:26:32] <CzechBoy777> I faked my PC fail
[15:26:42] <CzechBoy777> I disagreed on rules to get kicked lol
[15:27:13] <David> � � �
[15:27:18] <David> damn those shits look delicate af
[15:27:28] <-- Satan disconnected from the server
[15:27:28] <CzechBoy777> �
[15:27:30] --> Treyway connected to the server
[15:27:38] <Danielson> welcome
[15:27:43] <CookieMobster> wb
[15:27:48] <David> me?
[15:27:48] <CookieMobster> ye
[15:27:51] <CzechBoy777> alt + 0999
[15:27:53] <David> numpad again
[15:27:58] <CookieMobster> ahhhh me no numpad
[15:28:01] <David> its alt 0188 0189 0190
[15:28:11] <David> � � �
[15:28:16] <CookieMobster> time to get a keboard
[15:28:21] <CzechBoy777> � � ��
[15:28:26] <David> nice lmao
[15:28:26] <CzechBoy777> dopi�e
[15:29:00] <CzechBoy777> my weird letters on keyboard
[15:29:05] <CzechBoy777> ��������
[15:29:17] <CzechBoy777> �
[15:29:20] <chairMANmao> wrong airport nice
[15:29:20] <CzechBoy777> �
[15:29:43] <CzechBoy777> �
[15:29:50] <CzechBoy777> lol
[15:29:56] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[15:29:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(126267) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-10532) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-34109)
[15:29:58] <CzechBoy777> �oblox
[15:30:06] <CzechBoy777> gz.. :(
[15:30:06] <-- Clinton_Nicolas disconnected from the server
[15:30:11] <CzechBoy777> u make me sad
[15:31:30] --> 11yearsOfExperience connected to the server
[15:31:37] <Gamer30> wb
[15:31:43] <chairMANmao> wb
[15:31:45] <CookieMobster> wb
[15:31:48] <11yearsOfExperience> Hello lads.
[15:31:48] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[15:31:50] <David> wb
[15:31:53] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:32:05] <11yearsOfExperience> What kind of server is this?
[15:32:11] <CzechBoy777> aviation
[15:32:16] <Lavija> well, the name is Pilot's Life
[15:32:21] <CzechBoy777> that means aviation lol
[15:32:23] <Gamer30> For some reason, I'm trucking.
[15:32:26] <David> welcome to truck life
[15:32:28] <CookieMobster> fly planes earn money
[15:32:28] <David> where trucking is your life
[15:32:31] <11yearsOfExperience> And there's trucking.
[15:32:39] <CookieMobster> yessir
[15:32:41] <David> yes
[15:32:44] <David> theres taxi
[15:32:44] <chairMANmao> yes
[15:32:46] <David> bus
[15:32:49] <Lavija> Pizza Hut also has garlic bread
[15:32:51] <Lavija> whats your point
[15:32:51] <David> and the whole mfkin shebang
[15:32:54] <11yearsOfExperience> So its the same thing, but. Transport thing?
[15:32:56] <CzechBoy777> you can join airlines, companies, buy cars and houses
[15:33:07] <David> yeah but we dont got uber or lyft yet
[15:33:19] <David> or trains
[15:33:29] <CzechBoy777> pilot, trucker, army, aid worker, rescue etc
[15:33:29] <Gamer30> You can even /wank when not working!
[15:33:52] <11yearsOfExperience> I came from from a heavy role-play server, just wasting time, nothing else.
[15:34:03] <David> well u came to the right place fam
[15:34:10] <David> we come here to waste time too
[15:34:25] <11yearsOfExperience> Haha.
[15:34:59] --> robin_be connected to the server
[15:35:04] <David> wb robin
[15:35:04] <JoyersJoestar.> wb
[15:35:06] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:35:09] <chairMANmao> wb
[15:35:16] <robin_be> thanks
[15:35:16] <CookieMobster> I come here to contemplate my pitful existence
[15:35:16] <CookieMobster> wb
[15:35:27] <David> im sorry
[15:35:29] <Lavija> ma
[15:35:32] <CzechBoy777> I hope someone will buy my cars
[15:35:34] <David> i thought ur gf does that
[15:35:52] <11yearsOfExperience> There's law enforcement?
[15:35:57] <chairMANmao> nope
[15:35:57] <David> yes
[15:36:00] (WEB) <Stan#3177> yes
[15:36:02] <chairMANmao> well, yes
[15:36:05] <David> ID 1 is law enforcement
[15:36:05] (WEB) <Stan#3177> lavija is
[15:36:07] <CzechBoy777> whats that
[15:36:07] <11yearsOfExperience> Yes or no.
[15:36:12] <Danielson> wait no
[15:36:15] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[15:36:17] <Danielson> lmao
[15:36:17] <David> lmao
[15:36:17] <CzechBoy777> IDK
[15:36:20] <CookieMobster> no
[15:36:23] <11yearsOfExperience> You don't even know?
[15:36:25] <David> nope we dont
[15:36:28] (WEB) <Stan#3177> i want to eat mcspicys now
[15:36:28] <Danielson> no there isnt
[15:36:30] <CzechBoy777> idk whats law enforcment
[15:36:33] <11yearsOfExperience> Cops.
[15:36:33] <Danielson> police
[15:36:35] (WEB) <Stan#3177> 10 mcspicys
[15:36:38] <David> we just a bunch of confused meatheads here tryna figure out our sexuality bro
[15:36:38] <CookieMobster> I live in Macau cops don't exist here
[15:36:38] <CzechBoy777> oh no
[15:36:40] <David> wanna join us?
[15:36:43] <Danielson> meat or meth?
[15:36:51] <David> why not both
[15:36:56] <11yearsOfExperience> No, thanks
[15:37:24] <David> so whats the 11 yrs of exp in?
[15:37:26] <-- Jamal_Abdallah disconnected from the server
[15:37:31] <11yearsOfExperience> Roleplaying.
[15:37:31] <Lavija> quitting
[15:37:36] <Danielson> F
[15:37:39] <11yearsOfExperience> Uh, mixed.
[15:37:41] <CookieMobster> giving birth
[15:37:44] <David> roleplaying
[15:37:44] <CzechBoy777> Lmao
[15:37:47] <11yearsOfExperience> I can shoot well, and I'm a heavy roleplayer.
[15:37:49] <David> the kind in bed or the kind on the internet
[15:37:57] <David> oh
[15:37:59] <CookieMobster> oh
[15:38:07] <0verlord> Professional Killer?
[15:38:09] <0verlord> Bounty Hunter?
[15:38:15] <Danielson> dammit
[15:38:17] <CookieMobster> NoobHunter
[15:38:17] <CzechBoy777> kidnapper?
[15:38:20] <11yearsOfExperience> Well, I'm used to be one, In the Hitman Agency.
[15:38:22] <Danielson> .report 10 hacke
[15:38:40] <11yearsOfExperience> Been twice, the Vice Director, then got Character Killed.
[15:38:45] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[15:38:58] <CookieMobster> obv no
[15:38:58] <11yearsOfExperience> Wanted to change my way of roleplaying, and switched to a police officer.
[15:39:08] <11yearsOfExperience> Roleplaying is a lot of fun.
[15:39:11] <Danielson> this isnt mine
[15:39:21] <David> roleplaying in bed is hella fun i assure you that
[15:39:31] <0verlord> david
[15:39:34] <David> yea
[15:39:41] <0verlord> is that from experience?
[15:39:44] <CookieMobster> keep your poon stories to yourself
[15:39:49] <David> sorry
[15:39:54] <11yearsOfExperience> Here we go lmao
[15:39:54] <Danielson> wtf
[15:39:59] <0verlord> is that from experience??????????w
[15:39:59] <Lavija> wheres the spawn here
[15:40:02] <David> ill shove my poon stories up ur ass
[15:40:04] <Danielson> what spawn
[15:40:09] <Lavija> for this shop
[15:40:12] <Danielson> oh its 2nd floor
[15:40:14] <Danielson> oh
[15:40:14] <Danielson> idk
[15:40:22] <Lavija> here right?
[15:40:32] <Danielson> there
[15:40:32] <CookieMobster> gz
[15:40:35] <0verlord> gz
[15:40:42] <Danielson> no just testing spaw
[15:40:42] <Danielson> spawn
[15:40:45] <David> idk man ur mom sure seem to like my poon stories every night
[15:40:52] <Danielson> ....
[15:40:55] <0verlord> you pay some , you get somew
[15:40:58] <Lavija> ....
[15:41:05] <Lavija> woi
[15:41:10] <Danielson> woi my car
[15:41:10] <David> woi
[15:41:10] <11yearsOfExperience> Who's the Executive here?
[15:41:15] <David> 0verlord
[15:41:15] <Gamer30> I'm CEO.
[15:41:18] <Danielson> 0verlord
[15:41:18] <David> lavija
[15:41:20] <0verlord> I am
[15:41:23] <Lavija> wat
[15:41:23] <CookieMobster> memememe
[15:41:26] <Danielson> nice
[15:41:31] <11yearsOfExperience> Well, ADD Law Enforcement faction to the server.
[15:41:31] <Gamer30> !GRoups
[15:41:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 is in airline Lufthansa and company Star Inc.
[15:41:33] <11yearsOfExperience> It will be fun.
[15:41:33] <David> oh he asked who are executives
[15:41:33] <chairMANmao> lavija is level 5
[15:41:41] <0verlord> well , its all pilots
[15:41:43] <Danielson> lavija is god
[15:41:43] <David> oh mb
[15:41:46] <Lavija> they dont even trust me with level3 :C
[15:41:49] <David> lavija is level 6
[15:41:54] <chairMANmao> yes
[15:41:56] <Danielson> lavija above server owner
[15:42:06] <chairMANmao> haydz-level
[15:42:09] <David> lavija the server owner owner
[15:42:09] <11yearsOfExperience> So, as I can see, I gain 1 score per run.
[15:42:11] <Danielson> here we go with the airbreak
[15:42:14] <11yearsOfExperience> And most of you got 18k.
[15:42:14] <David> not with nevada 11
[15:42:17] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[15:42:19] <David> nevada you get 2
[15:42:19] <CookieMobster> wb
[15:42:24] <11yearsOfExperience> That's a lot.
[15:42:32] <Firstrike23.> ty
[15:42:37] <Gamer30> !missions trucking
[15:42:37] <David> stop reminding me how much time i waste pls
[15:42:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: 1561 trucking
[15:42:42] <0verlord> ^
[15:42:52] <chairMANmao> !missions trucking
[15:42:55] (WEB) <robin_be> chairMANmao: 2000 trucking
[15:42:55] <David> wtf was that a fuckin roach?
[15:42:55] <Danielson> 1400 hours here
[15:42:57] <David> oh its lav
[15:43:02] <chairMANmao> danielsonub
[15:43:02] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[15:43:08] <David> rip
[15:43:08] <Danielson> F
[15:43:10] <chairMANmao> f
[15:43:10] <Danielson> woi
[15:43:10] <0verlord> Mao , time to flex
[15:43:13] <Danielson> lanjiao
[15:43:15] <chairMANmao> oh nice timeout island
[15:43:18] <David> lanjiao lai
[15:43:23] <chairMANmao> lets go
[15:43:25] <11yearsOfExperience> Alright lads, its been a pleasure.
[15:43:28] <Danielson> malah di bawah
[15:43:33] <David> watch out for the invisible wall winny
[15:43:33] <0verlord> i just hit 1.7k hours
[15:43:36] <11yearsOfExperience> Seeing mature people still exists.
[15:43:38] <David> theres an invisible wall
[15:43:38] <CzechBoy777> stop
[15:43:43] <CzechBoy777> why u wanna kill em?
[15:43:48] <David> idk if that was meant to be sarcastic
[15:43:48] <11yearsOfExperience> Take care y'all.
[15:43:51] <11yearsOfExperience> Peace.
[15:43:51] <David> lmao
[15:43:51] <Danielson> peace
[15:43:53] <David> peace
[15:43:56] <-- 11yearsOfExperience disconnected from the server
[15:43:56] <0verlord> you play no more?
[15:43:56] <CzechBoy777> pic
[15:43:58] <chairMANmao> hmm no opcodes in timeout island
[15:44:21] <Danielson> fucking hell
[15:44:24] <David> woi
[15:44:29] <David> word
[15:44:29] <Danielson> wood
[15:44:34] <chairMANmao> wood
[15:44:34] <0verlord> wood
[15:44:34] <David> ok sorry i go die now
[15:44:39] <chairMANmao> good
[15:44:42] <CookieMobster> good wood
[15:44:44] <CookieMobster> food
[15:44:44] <0verlord> idk mna
[15:44:47] <CookieMobster> lube
[15:44:49] <chairMANmao> goodwood
[15:44:54] <0verlord> how did 11 call us all mature
[15:45:00] <Danielson> idk
[15:45:02] <chairMANmao> idk
[15:45:02] <CookieMobster> maybe he;s 10
[15:45:05] <David> yall are some cheeky mfers u know that
[15:45:12] <chairMANmao> yes said by david
[15:45:17] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[15:45:17] <CookieMobster> 1 year of roleplay in his mama''s stomach
[15:45:20] <0verlord> gz
[15:45:22] <chairMANmao> gz
[15:45:22] <CzechBoy777> XDDDD
[15:45:22] <chairMANmao> f
[15:45:25] <David> gz
[15:45:25] <0verlord> lmao
[15:45:28] <David> F
[15:45:30] <CzechBoy777> gz
[15:45:30] <Gamer30> If it's furry roleplay, it's all negated.
[15:45:38] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[15:45:43] <Danielson> gz
[15:45:45] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:45:48] <Firstrike23.> ty
[15:45:58] <David> hindley
[15:46:01] <David> go sek gau see
[15:46:08] <CookieMobster> ?
[15:46:13] <David> sek gau se
[15:46:16] --> VN_Vettel connected to the server
[15:46:16] <David> see*
[15:46:21] <CookieMobster> whats ga7 se
[15:46:31] <David> you dont know gau see?
[15:46:31] <Gamer30> !Cboard
[15:46:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(13321) , Rank 2: TransX(-560) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5191)
[15:46:39] <CookieMobster> fuck
[15:46:41] <David> but you eat gau see veeryday
[15:46:41] --> amking connected to the server
[15:46:49] <David> everyday*
[15:46:57] <CookieMobster> oh gau see
[15:46:57] <CookieMobster> no I dont
[15:46:59] <David> lmao
[15:47:12] <-- amking disconnected from the server
[15:47:14] <David> hindley do u know tam jai
[15:47:17] <Danielson> wheres your car?
[15:47:20] <0verlord> !houses amkign
[15:47:22] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player amkign
[15:47:22] <CzechBoy777> crashed brutally lol
[15:47:25] <0verlord> !houses amking
[15:47:25] <CookieMobster> lei ma
[15:47:25] <Danielson> lol
[15:47:27] (WEB) <robin_be> Bayside: $1,450,000 3 slots Devon Island: $2,800,000 5 slots
[15:47:50] <CzechBoy777> nice jump lol
[15:47:55] <Danielson> ty
[15:48:11] <CzechBoy777> lel
[15:48:59] <CzechBoy777> Lmao
[15:49:07] <CzechBoy777> HOW DIDNT I DIE?
[15:49:09] <Danielson> gg
[15:49:09] <CookieMobster> werent I alwayas nanabger
[15:49:17] <David> nanabger
[15:49:22] <Danielson> because the car dont explode immediately
[15:49:22] <Fyrel> nanabger???
[15:49:24] <David> how the fuck do you mistype that badly
[15:49:24] <CookieMobster> nabnanager
[15:49:27] <David> nanabger
[15:49:30] <David> lmao
[15:49:32] <CookieMobster> you use your fingers
[15:49:42] <CzechBoy777> ah
[15:49:50] --> amking connected to the server
[15:50:56] <CzechBoy777> where is the train
[15:50:59] <CzechBoy777> sreik
[15:50:59] <CzechBoy777> streik
[15:51:04] <Fyrel> shrek?
[15:51:06] --> Treyway connected to the server
[15:51:09] <CzechBoy777> streak
[15:51:24] <Treyway> ty
[15:51:39] <David> damn hindley ur actually doing hauls
[15:51:39] <CookieMobster> con�tem�plate
[15:51:42] <CookieMobster> fux
[15:51:42] <CookieMobster> fix
[15:51:47] <David> fux
[15:51:52] <chairMANmao> !missions cookiemobster trucking
[15:51:52] <CookieMobster> ;c
[15:51:55] <David> do u give a fux?
[15:51:55] (WEB) <robin_be> cookiemobster: 6 trucking
[15:51:57] <Gamer30> fox
[15:52:05] <CzechBoy777> any admin online
[15:52:08] <David> my man dont give no fux
[15:52:10] <CookieMobster> why u gotaa bully me like that
[15:52:18] <David> nanabger hazing
[15:53:06] <David> !cash cookiemobster
[15:53:09] (WEB) <robin_be> cookiemobster has $86,889 in hand
[15:53:09] <CookieMobster> food is good lube for my tube
[15:53:14] <David> do u always find a bank lmao
[15:53:19] <David> or do u head to VIP hangout
[15:53:27] <CookieMobster> usually vip
[15:53:32] <-- amking disconnected from the server
[15:53:37] <David> u can gamble at VIP hangout btw
[15:53:42] <David> u can play dice
[15:53:44] <chairMANmao> buy vip4 so u can use /mbank
[15:53:44] <David> at the tables
[15:54:05] <Gamer30> You can dice with me, you can dice with Twi (not recommended!).
[15:54:51] --> The_Roasters_Hub connected to the server
[15:54:58] --> Bliktonijn connected to the server
[15:55:13] <CzechBoy777> wb
[15:55:26] <CzechBoy777> nether
[15:55:39] <The_Roasters_Hub> can i change the weather
[15:55:44] <David> only VIP
[15:55:44] <CzechBoy777> with vip yes
[15:55:52] <The_Roasters_Hub> ok
[15:57:13] <CzechBoy777> treyway is located at san andreas sound?
[15:57:13] <CzechBoy777> tgf
[15:57:16] <CzechBoy777> tf
[15:57:26] <David> thats usually LVC
[15:57:33] <CzechBoy777> oh no
[15:57:44] <CzechBoy777> locator revealed
[15:58:27] --> Roardle connected to the server
[15:59:59] <CzechBoy777> where is train?
[16:01:20] --> Treyway connected to the server
[16:02:47] <CookieMobster> do /a to use airline chat
[16:04:03] <CookieMobster> fix
[16:04:31] <Firstrike23.> f/ix
[16:05:12] <CookieMobster> oh no he left
[16:06:18] <0verlord> ty
[16:07:55] <CookieMobster> !bankcash
[16:07:55] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}CookieMobster's bank money is $15,470,000
[16:09:14] <Gamer30> !Cboard
[16:09:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(13325) , Rank 2: TransX(-564) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5188)
[16:09:24] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[16:09:52] <CzechBoy777> lmao 0verlord and me keep dying
[16:10:35] <0verlord> !houses David
[16:10:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Mulholland Intersection: $1,000,000 2 slots Santa Maria Beach: $1,700,000 2 slots Las Payasadas: $11,000,00(..)
[16:11:01] <CookieMobster> !assets David
[16:11:03] (WEB) <robin_be> David has 18 car(s) ($16,740,000) and 4 house(s) ($21,700,000 - 22 slots) for a total of $38,440,000
[16:11:08] <Gamer30> !Assets
[16:11:11] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 has 21 car(s) ($11,570,000) and 3 house(s) ($22,500,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $34,070,000
[16:11:16] <Bliktonijn> lell
[16:11:21] <Bliktonijn> rich boy
[16:11:26] <CzechBoy777> !assets
[16:11:29] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777 has 13 car(s) ($10,100,000) and 3 house(s) ($24,750,000 - 26 slots) for a total of $34,850,000
[16:11:37] <Bliktonijn> !assets
[16:11:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Bliktonijn has 11 car(s) ($7,210,000) and 2 house(s) ($26,000,000 - 25 slots) for a total of $33,210,000
[16:11:44] <Firstrike23.> !assets
[16:11:44] <0verlord> !assets David
[16:11:47] (WEB) <robin_be> Firstrike23. has 11 car(s) ($3,060,000) and 2 house(s) ($15,200,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $18,260,000
[16:11:49] <CzechBoy777> everybody flexing
[16:11:55] <Roardle> !assets
[16:11:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Roardle has 2 car(s) ($650,000) and 1 house(s) ($2,100,000 - 3 slots) for a total of $2,750,000
[16:11:57] <CzechBoy777> like phil swift
[16:12:00] <Roardle> XD
[16:12:02] <CzechBoy777> smith
[16:12:02] <CzechBoy777> IDK
[16:12:18] --> Treyway connected to the server
[16:12:48] <Gamer30> !BankCash
[16:12:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Gamer30's bank money is $6,700,000
[16:12:48] <Bliktonijn> chute
[16:12:53] <Firstrike23.> lolo
[16:12:56] <Firstrike23.> lol
[16:12:56] <Bliktonijn> fuk
[16:12:56] <CzechBoy777> lol
[16:13:01] <Bliktonijn> respawned
[16:13:03] <CzechBoy777> who won
[16:13:09] <Bliktonijn> noeone
[16:13:09] <Gamer30> Stan
[16:13:24] <CzechBoy777> :)
[16:13:24] <Firstrike23.> lol
[16:13:24] <Danielson> i win
[16:13:26] <Treyway> gz
[16:13:26] <0verlord> lmao
[16:13:26] <chairMANmao> hadeh
[16:13:26] <CookieMobster> gz
[16:13:26] <Bliktonijn> wo was that
[16:13:31] <Firstrike23.> hadeh
[16:13:34] <CzechBoy777> no I punched him down lol
[16:13:39] <Bliktonijn> that
[16:13:39] <Danielson> no
[16:13:39] <JoyersJoestar.> hadeh
[16:13:42] <Bliktonijn> groove street guy
[16:13:42] <CzechBoy777> or you know what
[16:13:42] <Danielson> wdym
[16:13:44] <CzechBoy777> we both killed him
[16:13:47] <Danielson> .....
[16:13:47] <Bliktonijn> yeah you win
[16:13:57] <Bliktonijn> czechboy
[16:13:59] <Bliktonijn> will do another one
[16:14:05] <CzechBoy777> danielson come
[16:14:07] <CzechBoy777> lets done him
[16:14:33] <CzechBoy777> Team wins
[16:14:38] <Danielson> teamkill
[16:16:55] <Bliktonijn> danielso nwins
[16:17:00] <Danielson> nice
[16:17:08] <0verlord> i punched blik like 4 times
[16:17:10] <Danielson> ty
[16:17:15] <0verlord> i dont know if it saw on screen or not
[16:17:23] <Bliktonijn> nope D:
[16:17:23] <Danielson> maybe not on his screen
[16:17:36] <Bliktonijn> gonna do another oen
[16:17:51] <Bliktonijn> stan is gay
[16:17:54] <Treyway> stan is gay
[16:17:54] <0verlord> Stan is gay
[16:17:54] <Danielson> fuck
[16:17:59] <0verlord> yay
[16:18:04] <Gamer30> Overlord wins! It's exactly as it's in "".
[16:18:24] (WEB) <iSam#5191> stan gay
[16:18:32] <0verlord> ty gamer
[16:18:32] --> TheAir connected to the server
[16:18:39] <CookieMobster> wb
[16:18:44] <Roardle> wb
[16:18:50] <TheAir> thank you :)
[16:18:55] <Roardle> wb
[16:18:55] <Danielson> .rc
[16:19:02] <Roardle> oops lol
[16:19:15] <CookieMobster> Interesting fetish bro
[16:19:25] <Danielson> damn u guys so fast
[16:19:35] <CzechBoy777> oh my lord
[16:19:35] <0verlord> Oh my lord
[16:19:35] <Bliktonijn> overlord
[16:19:35] <Bliktonijn> wins
[16:19:38] <Bliktonijn> oh no
[16:19:43] <Bliktonijn> czechboy!
[16:19:46] <Bliktonijn> oh shit
[16:19:48] <CzechBoy777> wait
[16:19:51] <Bliktonijn> you both get 40k
[16:19:53] <Bliktonijn> :D
[16:19:56] <CzechBoy777> he punched you first and I said oh my lord first
[16:19:56] <0verlord> he wrong
[16:19:58] <CzechBoy777> lol
[16:20:06] <0verlord> he didnt use Capital o
[16:20:14] <CzechBoy777> whu kers
[16:20:52] <Gamer30> Apparantly, saying Stan is gay can grant more cash than a challenge to punch specific player.
[16:21:32] <CookieMobster> !cash
[16:21:35] (WEB) <robin_be> CookieMobster has $300 in hand
[16:21:38] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[16:21:43] <JoyersJoestar.> wb
[16:21:48] <-- CookieMobster disconnected from the server
[16:22:01] <DoofenshmirtZ> thanks
[16:22:41] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[16:22:57] <CzechBoy777> wtf how can I punch you
[16:23:09] <Roardle> ah rip
[16:23:14] <David> !luftcode 40376597
[16:23:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> David has been verified.
[16:23:22] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[16:23:25] <CzechBoy777> go dwon
[16:23:45] <Bliktonijn> you can use barrons/helicopters
[16:23:47] <CzechBoy777> I dont have any
[16:23:58] <Roardle> XD
[16:23:58] <Bliktonijn> SFA
[16:24:05] <Bliktonijn> XDD
[16:24:18] <Roardle> hmmm
[16:24:28] <DoofenshmirtZ> t
[16:24:31] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[16:25:09] <0verlord> w
[16:25:09] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[16:26:05] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[16:26:38] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[16:26:46] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[16:26:48] <Gamer30> !UserID IceLube
[16:26:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}IceLube's userid is 410522
[16:26:53] <CzechBoy777> :(
[16:26:53] <CzechBoy777> ty
[16:27:31] <Bliktonijn> New location
[16:27:31] <Bliktonijn> LS TOWER
[16:27:49] <chairMANmao> bottas noob
[16:27:54] <CzechBoy777> xD
[16:30:17] <0verlord> w
[16:30:17] <0verlord> w
[16:30:53] <Roardle> ik heb 2 tieten
[16:30:55] <CzechBoy777> ik heb 2 tieten
[16:31:00] <Bliktonijn> hmmm
[16:31:03] <CzechBoy777> I punched him first tho
[16:31:13] <Roardle> Ik heb 2 tieten
[16:31:13] <Bliktonijn> wo punched
[16:31:15] <Roardle> lol forgot the caps
[16:31:15] <CzechBoy777> me
[16:31:15] <Bliktonijn> first?
[16:31:18] <Gamer30> Higher prizes were for saying Stan is gay.
[16:31:46] <CzechBoy777> roadly you vip?
[16:31:51] <CzechBoy777> roardle*
[16:31:54] <Roardle> nah man
[16:31:59] <Roardle> thinking about it
[16:32:39] <Treyway> guys twi is still alive ?, i remember he was always online.
[16:32:45] <chairMANmao> he is
[16:32:47] <CzechBoy777> yes
[16:32:50] <chairMANmao> !player twi[x]
[16:32:52] (WEB) <robin_be> player twi[x]: 3564 score, last seen 10 Hours Ago
[16:34:27] <CzechBoy777> what?
[16:34:37] <Bliktonijn> czech*
[16:34:39] <CzechBoy777> oh
[16:34:42] <Bliktonijn> cant send 1 dollar
[16:34:44] <Bliktonijn> D:
[16:34:44] <CzechBoy777> Lmao
[16:34:52] <CzechBoy777> good
[16:34:52] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Achooo
[16:34:55] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[16:35:00] <Roardle> aw ty
[16:35:12] <Bliktonijn> g2g bb
[16:35:12] <-- Bliktonijn disconnected from the server
[16:35:23] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> My sneeze made those 2 quit
[16:35:35] (WEB) <Lt.Cmdr.Price#9335> Jesus. Double kill
[16:36:08] --> Spring_the_loop connected to the server
[16:38:54] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[16:38:59] <CzechBoy777> wb meme
[16:39:07] <Cpt.Price> Czech?
[16:39:12] <CzechBoy777> yes
[16:39:17] <Cpt.Price> sBinalla
[16:39:22] <CzechBoy777> ?
[16:39:24] <Cpt.Price> ...
[16:39:40] <CzechBoy777> tf is sbinalla
[16:39:47] <Cpt.Price> He doesn't know lmfao
[16:40:08] <Gamer30> !player Osama_bin_Laden
[16:40:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player Osama_bin_Laden: 0 score, last seen 26 Months Ago
[16:40:20] <Cpt.Price> Wtf, Checo got doubled ...
[16:40:23] <CzechBoy777> tbetter tell me what it is
[16:40:43] <Danielson> f1 things
[16:40:48] <Cpt.Price> mErCeDeS iS sLoWiNg DoWn
[16:40:54] <Gamer30> !Cboard
[16:40:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(13325) , Rank 2: TransX(-564) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5179)
[16:40:54] <CzechBoy777> I am not interested in F1 so I dont know it
[16:40:59] <Danielson> just telling
[16:41:04] <CzechBoy777> yep
[16:41:06] <Cpt.Price> Uh oh!
[16:41:11] <CzechBoy777> I am telling thats why I dont know sbinalla or what
[16:41:34] <Cpt.Price> Hamilton got through debris from Grosjean car ...
[16:41:37] <CzechBoy777> sergei
[16:41:37] <Cpt.Price> Hmmm
[16:41:37] <chairMANmao> smh ferrari
[16:41:42] <Cpt.Price> Flashbacks?
[16:41:50] <CzechBoy777> dmitrij
[16:41:52] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[16:41:55] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(126399) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-10664) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-34102)
[16:41:55] <CzechBoy777> ilya
[16:42:20] <CzechBoy777> my first russian friend was ilya lol
[16:42:23] <David> !score
[16:42:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 14767 score, 12940 missions: 38'/. military - 33'/. cargo drop - 9'/. courier
[16:42:28] --> Kristel connected to the server
[16:42:31] <CzechBoy777> wait no
[16:42:38] <CzechBoy777> andrew
[16:42:44] <Kristel> ty <3
[16:42:44] <CzechBoy777> or wait idk
[16:42:46] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:43:01] <CzechBoy777> Artem!
[16:43:24] <CzechBoy777> ras�ja
[16:44:00] <-- Roardle disconnected from the server
[16:44:08] --> Treyway connected to the server
[16:44:10] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:45:06] <CzechBoy777> WGAT
[16:45:06] <CzechBoy777> WHAT
[16:45:24] <CzechBoy777> GZ David!
[16:45:27] <chairMANmao> only 3 cars in lead lap
[16:45:37] <chairMANmao> bruh
[16:45:49] <David> ty
[16:45:49] <Spring_the_loop> mayday mayday mayday engine fail
[16:46:02] <Treyway> use @ spring
[16:47:29] <CzechBoy777> relug
[16:47:31] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[16:48:09] <chairMANmao> !cash
[16:48:12] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[16:48:12] (WEB) <robin_be> chairMANmao has $2,107,303 in hand
[16:48:25] <-- JoyersJoestar. disconnected from the server
[16:48:30] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[16:49:13] <chairMANmao> sbinalla
[16:49:18] <Cpt.Price> Eh?
[16:49:23] <Cpt.Price> Crashed out?
[16:49:23] <chairMANmao> DNF
[16:49:26] <CzechBoy777> sbinalla
[16:49:29] <chairMANmao> apparently engine
[16:49:44] <chairMANmao> spun in last chicane and engine cut off
[16:49:54] <chairMANmao> seatbelt issues too
[16:49:59] <Cpt.Price> Hmpf
[16:50:09] <Cpt.Price> Seems like he got Seb's chassis
[16:50:25] <chairMANmao> uh oh
[16:51:13] <Spring_the_loop> help
[16:51:33] <Cpt.Price> Shitwilliams? Last?
[16:52:22] --> kjkszpj333 connected to the server
[16:52:34] <chairMANmao> weee timeout island
[16:56:06] <kjkszpj333> !player kebabdefender
[16:56:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player kebabdefender: 10716 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[16:56:24] <kjkszpj333> !player .feast
[16:56:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player .feast: 10764 score, last seen 6 Hours Ago
[16:56:29] <Gamer30> !groups Kebabdefender
[16:56:31] (WEB) <robin_be> Kebabdefender is in airline Sky Air and company (none)
[16:56:44] <CzechBoy777> sorryp
[16:57:02] <0verlord> wrong base Czech
[16:57:07] <CzechBoy777> who cares
[16:57:07] <0verlord> lmao
[16:57:10] <CzechBoy777> I like the base
[16:57:12] <0verlord> have fun :-)
[16:57:17] <CzechBoy777> ty
[16:57:48] <0verlord> HOLY!
[16:58:00] <CzechBoy777> ryanair
[16:58:54] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[16:58:56] <CzechBoy777> wb
[16:58:59] <David> wb
[16:59:04] <mr_toothpaste> ty
[16:59:12] <CzechBoy777> How lol
[16:59:19] <Cpt.Price> Ew
[16:59:30] <Cpt.Price> Ew ew ew!
[16:59:35] <CzechBoy777> pew
[16:59:58] <-- Treyway disconnected from the server
[17:00:31] <CzechBoy777> VODKA?
[17:00:46] <Gamer30> Do you want to use !luftcode?
[17:00:51] <-- Spring_the_loop disconnected from the server
[17:01:39] <0verlord> czech
[17:01:39] <Cpt.Price> Should be few containers
[17:01:47] <CzechBoy777> yes
[17:01:47] <0verlord> you wondering how did i do dat?
[17:01:52] <CzechBoy777> u use a mod
[17:02:38] <0verlord> the gears are retracted
[17:02:40] <0verlord> thats it
[17:03:26] <CzechBoy777> can I have the mod too
[17:03:29] <0verlord> wait
[17:03:34] <0verlord> its vanilla hydra
[17:03:39] <0verlord> lmao
[17:03:39] <CzechBoy777> I mean towing
[17:03:52] <0verlord> towing is vanilla PL
[17:03:54] <CzechBoy777> as I cant do that with planes but u can
[17:03:57] <0verlord> the press 2
[17:04:02] <CzechBoy777> ik but its not working for me
[17:04:04] <0verlord> Czech
[17:04:07] <CzechBoy777> I have to go
[17:04:15] <CzechBoy777> ill come later
[17:04:15] <CzechBoy777> sya
[17:04:15] <0verlord> the gears are retracted on that hydra
[17:04:17] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[17:04:17] <0verlord> cya
[17:06:45] <0verlord> see ya all
[17:06:50] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[17:10:42] <David> !score 0verlord
[17:10:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player 0verlord: 9941 score, 8926 missions: 35'/. cargo drop - 27'/. military - 10'/. courier
[17:11:07] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[17:13:30] <Firstrike23.> .w
[17:16:48] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[17:17:06] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[17:17:34] --> Lavija connected to the server
[17:17:39] <Kristel> lavija hax
[17:18:56] <Firstrike23.> relog
[17:18:58] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[17:19:31] --> Firstrike23. connected to the server
[17:20:27] --> Acre connected to the server
[17:21:54] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[17:23:05] <David> beautiful
[17:24:19] <David> S/fix
[17:25:12] --> Mars connected to the server
[17:26:01] <Acre> hi
[17:26:06] <Mars> hi
[17:26:13] <David> wb
[17:26:16] <Mars> thanks
[17:32:23] --> Hades connected to the server
[17:32:28] <Mars> wb
[17:32:28] <chairMANmao> wb
[17:32:30] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[17:32:38] <Hades> thanks guys :)
[17:33:44] <-- Firstrike23. disconnected from the server
[17:33:49] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[17:33:57] --> Hades connected to the server
[17:34:12] (WEB) <Consigliere#8895> Hello my friends
[17:34:15] <Acre> hi
[17:34:17] <Mars> hello
[17:34:22] <TheAir> hello there :)
[17:34:22] <Acre> !player oddeegarlicbrea
[17:34:25] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player oddeegarlicbrea
[17:34:25] <Acre> !player oddeegarlicbread
[17:34:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player oddeegarlicbread: 12475 score, last seen 12 Days Ago
[17:34:35] <Mars> wat
[17:34:35] <chairMANmao> :o
[17:34:40] <Gamer30> No way. I don't have cars.
[17:34:43] (WEB) <Consigliere#8895> Ohhhh my God
[17:34:43] <Acre> Car jacked? Wtf?
[17:34:48] <Hades> car jacked while standing
[17:34:53] (WEB) <Consigliere#8895> 12 days
[17:34:56] <TheAir> where's the hijacker?
[17:34:58] <Gamer30> Someone is jacking off to cars.
[17:35:03] <Mars> lol
[17:35:16] (WEB) <Consigliere#8895> car lover?
[17:35:44] (WEB) <Consigliere#8895> I love car too, but i diesnt jack off to then
[17:36:09] (WEB) <Consigliere#8895> I prefer airplane
[17:36:25] <Hades> uhmmm
[17:36:40] (WEB) <Consigliere#8895> !assets Oddeegarlicbread
[17:36:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Oddeegarlicbread has 12 car(s) ($4,330,000) and 4 house(s) ($37,000,000 - 29 slots) for a total of $41,330,000
[17:37:08] (WEB) <Consigliere#8895> Hmmmm
[17:41:48] --> Danielson connected to the server
[17:41:56] <Hades> wb
[17:42:01] <Danielson> ty
[17:42:03] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[17:42:11] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[17:42:24] <Mars> wb
[17:42:42] --> Hades connected to the server
[17:46:36] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[17:48:18] <TheAir> im refueling
[17:48:23] <Hades> yea sure
[17:48:28] <Hades> no im not workking lol
[17:48:36] <Hades> im just following u
[17:48:51] <TheAir> lol thought u were working
[17:48:53] <TheAir> ok guard me :P
[17:49:32] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[17:49:37] <Mars> wb
[17:49:42] <Hades> wb
[17:50:48] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[17:51:41] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[17:51:52] <0verlord> h /1
[17:51:54] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[17:52:09] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[17:52:25] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[17:52:32] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[17:52:40] <TheAir> lol hades
[17:52:45] <TheAir> still following me
[17:52:55] <TheAir> hello there mars :)
[17:52:55] <0verlord> he loves you
[17:52:58] <Mars> heyo
[17:53:00] <0verlord> he loves you
[17:53:10] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[17:53:26] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[17:53:26] <TheAir> follow mars
[17:53:54] <Hades> okay
[17:54:01] <TheAir> :D
[17:54:04] <TheAir> u got tail now mars
[17:54:12] <Mars> whatever
[17:55:00] <Mars> ooh black mesa
[17:55:05] <Mars> gonna be long flight boi
[17:55:05] <TheAir> nice :)
[17:55:10] <TheAir> yeah
[17:55:25] <TheAir> hades still following you to mesa maybe :D
[17:55:28] <Hades> make sure u got enough fuel
[17:55:38] <Mars> ye thats why i stopped
[17:56:21] <Mars> why are u following others hades
[17:56:29] <David> nice mars
[17:56:29] <Hades> boredom
[17:56:32] <David> im taking off from black mesa
[17:56:44] <TheAir> mars taking off to black mesa
[17:56:47] <Mars> im still 22kms away anyway
[17:56:49] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[17:56:54] <David> and im 24kms away from my destination
[17:57:00] <David> where u coming from
[17:57:00] <0verlord> wb
[17:57:02] <TheAir> hades go follow david :D
[17:57:02] <Danielson> ty
[17:57:05] <David> im going to devon
[17:57:12] <David> 24km from mesa to devon :P
[17:57:20] <Mars> SHIT
[17:57:20] <Mars> LOL
[17:57:22] <Hades> sorry
[17:59:25] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[17:59:27] <-- chairMANmao disconnected from the server
[17:59:30] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[17:59:45] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[18:00:00] --> chairMANmao connected to the server
[18:01:09] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[18:02:48] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[18:03:39] <mr_toothpaste> r/w
[18:05:13] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[18:07:13] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[18:08:04] <Mars> hades wat happen boi
[18:08:22] <Hades> i got distracted
[18:08:24] <Hades> crashed to the ocean
[18:08:29] <Mars> lol
[18:08:29] <chairMANmao> f
[18:08:32] <Acre> F
[18:08:47] <Hades> not atm
[18:08:50] --> David connected to the server
[18:08:50] <Hades> maybe later
[18:08:52] <Hades> lmao
[18:10:37] <Mars> gz
[18:10:39] <Kristel> gz
[18:10:44] <Hades> ty
[18:10:44] <TheAir> congrats :)
[18:12:16] <0verlord> !player Kamikex
[18:12:19] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Kamikex
[18:12:19] <0verlord> !player Kamikez
[18:12:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player Kamikez: 4510 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[18:12:21] <David> kez
[18:12:54] <Hades> !assets kamikez
[18:12:57] (WEB) <robin_be> kamikez has 12 car(s) ($6,540,000) and 1 house(s) ($20,000,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $26,540,000
[18:14:03] <Mars> yo anyone else having issues with the lima island runway no rendering properly
[18:14:11] <Mars> not*
[18:14:16] <Hades> yea the middle part
[18:14:18] <David> the hole in the ground?
[18:14:21] <Hades> of the runway
[18:14:26] <Mars> yes exactly
[18:14:29] <David> crystal said it can only be fixed with a server restart
[18:14:34] <David> and there hasnt been one yet
[18:14:36] <Mars> i see
[18:14:46] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player Czechboy777
[18:14:49] (WEB) <robin_be> player Czechboy777: 2516 score, last seen 1 Hours Ago
[18:15:04] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player chairmanMao
[18:15:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player chairmanMao: 39862 score, last seen Online Now
[18:15:27] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> !player farmerMao
[18:15:30] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player farmerMao
[18:15:35] <0verlord> lMAO
[18:15:38] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[18:15:58] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> MAO LMAO
[18:16:18] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hey David
[18:16:23] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[18:16:26] <Danielson> wb
[18:16:29] <Kristel> wb
[18:16:31] <David> wb
[18:16:31] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wb
[18:16:34] <0verlord> wb
[18:16:36] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[18:16:41] <Quorthon> tyty
[18:16:41] <David> oh boy, is it time to grab a beer and tow truck the shit out of SA?
[18:16:46] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Tyty
[18:16:46] <Quorthon> yoo david
[18:16:49] --> Hades connected to the server
[18:16:49] <chairMANmao> wb
[18:16:49] <Quorthon> lets go lmao
[18:16:51] <Kristel> wb
[18:16:59] --> ObamaSan connected to the server
[18:16:59] <David> fuck it lemme finish up
[18:17:02] <Hades> ty
[18:17:04] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wb
[18:17:07] <0verlord> wb ObamaSan
[18:17:14] <ObamaSan> hello
[18:17:25] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Hello
[18:18:26] <David> !missions chairmanmao shamal
[18:18:28] (WEB) <robin_be> chairmanmao: 686 shamal
[18:18:31] <David> !missions shamal
[18:18:33] (WEB) <robin_be> David: 928 shamal
[18:18:33] <David> wow noob
[18:18:46] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Admins can read our pms?
[18:18:51] <chairMANmao> yes
[18:18:51] <David> yes
[18:18:54] <Quorthon> ofc not
[18:18:54] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[18:18:54] <Quorthon> u mad
[18:19:02] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[18:19:02] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> No U
[18:19:04] --> Hades connected to the server
[18:19:07] <Quorthon> ty
[18:19:12] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> Wb
[18:19:19] <Gamer30> Can admins not read PMs?
[18:19:32] <Quorthon> no
[18:19:42] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> No they don't have right to read our pms
[18:19:50] (WEB) <{HKS} Tera Baap#8805> We will protest
[18:19:52] <chairMANmao> they can
[18:20:00] <Quorthon> they can read my furry roleplay pm's all they want
[18:20:00] --> Hehe_Boii connected to the server
[18:20:59] <Gamer30> What? Furry?
[18:21:04] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[18:21:04] --> IceLube connected to the server
[18:21:09] <chairMANmao> wb
[18:21:16] <David> is that my man icelube
[18:21:22] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[18:21:29] <IceLube> thx
[18:22:33] <Kristel> !player Stan
[18:22:35] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stan: 14443 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[18:24:02] <Hehe_Boii> test
[18:24:02] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Hehe_Boii test failed!
[18:24:10] <Acre> test
[18:24:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Acre test failed!
[18:24:12] <Acre> f
[18:24:33] <Gamer30> Test : If this test fails, Stan is gay.
[18:24:33] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Gamer30 test failed!
[18:24:35] <Acre> F
[18:24:50] <Quorthon> test is lowkey !8ball
[18:24:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Quorthon test failed!
[18:24:55] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[18:24:58] <IceLube> w
[18:25:01] <Quorthon> wb
[18:25:01] <TheAir> Welcome Back :)
[18:25:03] <IceLube> wb
[18:25:03] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[18:25:18] <DoofenshmirtZ> thanks :)
[18:25:23] <Kristel> wb doofen
[18:25:31] <DoofenshmirtZ> ty kris
[18:26:07] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[18:26:09] <IceLube> wb
[18:26:35] <IceLube> !cars
[18:26:37] (WEB) <robin_be> IceLube has: Buffalo Infernus Faggio NRG-500 Elegy Phoenix
[18:27:44] <Hehe_Boii> gz
[18:27:46] <chairMANmao> gz
[18:27:46] <0verlord> Regular?
[18:27:46] <0verlord> gz
[18:27:49] <Mars> gz
[18:27:54] <TheAir> thanks :)
[18:27:56] <TheAir> yeah
[18:27:56] <Gamer30> Yes, not irregular.
[18:28:06] <DoofenshmirtZ> gz bladz
[18:28:12] --> Bliktonijn connected to the server
[18:28:14] <IceLube> wb
[18:28:14] <Mars> wb
[18:28:14] <TheAir> thanks warm :)
[18:28:17] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[18:28:17] <Kristel> wb
[18:28:19] <Bliktonijn> tyy'
[18:28:34] <DoofenshmirtZ> t
[18:28:55] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[18:29:33] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[18:29:36] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[18:30:01] <Hehe_Boii> I am at alcatraz
[18:30:21] <TheAir> !assets
[18:30:24] (WEB) <robin_be> TheAir has 30 car(s) ($32,140,000) and 4 house(s) ($30,700,000 - 29 slots) for a total of $62,840,000
[18:31:28] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[18:31:38] --> DoofenshmirtZ connected to the server
[18:33:09] <-- DoofenshmirtZ disconnected from the server
[18:33:22] <IceLube> I know
[18:33:55] <0verlord> !missions Acre trucking'
[18:33:58] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[18:34:00] <0verlord> !missions Acre trucking
[18:34:03] (WEB) <robin_be> Acre: 4618 trucking
[18:34:13] <0verlord> not so far , are you?
[18:34:21] --> Danielson connected to the server
[18:34:36] <Acre> Had to make more 100 in this day.
[18:34:51] <chairMANmao> nice demand
[18:34:51] <0verlord> nice demand
[18:34:54] <David> nice demand
[18:34:59] <IceLube> nice demand
[18:34:59] <Acre> nice demand
[18:34:59] <Mars> nice demand
[18:35:07] <Mars> this is how binod started
[18:35:09] <chairMANmao> i just completed one mission right before demand
[18:35:14] <0verlord> ^
[18:35:14] <chairMANmao> fucking shit
[18:35:14] <-- Bliktonijn disconnected from the server
[18:35:17] <David> rip
[18:36:18] <-- TheAir disconnected from the server
[18:36:31] <IceLube> !cash
[18:36:33] (WEB) <robin_be> IceLube has $-5,990 in hand
[18:36:44] <Danielson> nice timing
[18:36:44] <chairMANmao> lmao
[18:36:46] <chairMANmao> !cash
[18:36:49] (WEB) <robin_be> chairMANmao has $2,939,998 in hand
[18:36:49] <IceLube> tax
[18:36:51] <Danielson> !cash
[18:36:51] <chairMANmao> !cash danielson
[18:36:51] <IceLube> tax hits different
[18:36:54] (WEB) <robin_be> Danielson has $19,348 in hand
[18:36:57] <Danielson> !tax
[18:36:59] <Danielson> oh cant
[18:37:04] --> Hehe_Boii connected to the server
[18:37:09] <Mars> wb
[18:37:19] <0verlord> !assets
[18:37:22] (WEB) <robin_be> 0verlord has 14 car(s) ($10,470,000) and 2 house(s) ($10,300,000 - 13 slots) for a total of $20,770,000
[18:37:22] <Hehe_Boii> ty
[18:37:27] <Danielson> !assets
[18:37:30] (WEB) <robin_be> Danielson has 4 car(s) ($2,800,000) and 2 house(s) ($2,200,000 - 4 slots) for a total of $5,000,000
[18:37:53] <Hehe_Boii> /countrychecker Hehe_boii
[18:38:03] <Hehe_Boii> why this cmd not working
[18:38:18] <Mars> isn't that an admin thing
[18:38:26] <Hehe_Boii> hmm idk
[18:38:26] <Danielson> eyy
[18:38:28] <Acre> eyy
[18:38:28] <chairMANmao> its !countrychecker
[18:38:36] <Danielson> !countrychecker
[18:38:39] <Danielson> oh
[18:38:39] <Danielson> dammit
[18:38:41] <chairMANmao> xd
[18:38:41] <Danielson> gz
[18:38:44] <0verlord> gz
[18:38:44] <chairMANmao> gz
[18:38:51] <Kristel> gz
[18:38:51] <Quorthon> gz
[18:38:51] <Hehe_Boii> !countrychecker Hehe_boii
[18:38:56] <IceLube> gz
[18:39:01] <IceLube> !countrychecker
[18:39:09] <Hehe_Boii> nothing happening lmao
[18:39:17] <Acre> Yesterday, I did 200 hauls in morning and evening in about 5-6 hours.
[18:39:17] <Mars> gz
[18:39:22] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> its admin only
[18:39:35] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> 0verlord can use it
[18:39:40] <-- ObamaSan disconnected from the server
[18:39:55] <IceLube> 200 hauls?
[18:39:57] <IceLube> bruuh
[18:40:00] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> wo admin hai, usko bas pta nahi hai
[18:40:18] <Acre> I did 100 hauls in morning then I did this again in night IceLube.
[18:40:25] <IceLube> bruh
[18:40:28] <0verlord> mai admin?
[18:40:31] <IceLube> don't you get bored
[18:40:31] <0verlord> nuice
[18:40:31] <Hehe_Boii> fuck this weather
[18:40:48] <Acre> Look at my title or you will know.
[18:40:51] <0verlord> /ban HardStone nikal lawde
[18:40:53] <Hehe_Boii> test
[18:40:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Hehe_Boii test failed!
[18:40:56] <IceLube> well idk what's your title
[18:41:01] <IceLube> since I'm far away
[18:41:06] <Gamer30> Last time it was "Retired..".
[18:41:06] <Acre> Need to make it 5000 hauls.
[18:41:14] <Mars> !crystal
[18:41:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[18:41:14] <0verlord> !houses Acre
[18:41:16] (WEB) <robin_be> City Hall: $11,000,000 10 slots Market: $12,000,000 15 slots Bermuda Island: $9,000,000 6 slots
[18:41:22] <Acre> This one I said.
[18:41:24] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[18:41:29] <0verlord> can i buys the market
[18:41:39] <Hehe_Boii> test
[18:41:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Hehe_Boii test failed!
[18:41:47] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> poor Acre, he bought it for 30m xD
[18:42:28] <0verlord> tu sabka hisaab rakhta hai saale
[18:42:56] --> HardStone connected to the server
[18:43:01] <chairMANmao> wb
[18:43:01] <0verlord> wb retard
[18:43:03] <IceLube> wb
[18:43:11] <HardStone> ty
[18:43:21] <0verlord> ungliya theek karle jaldi
[18:43:24] <HardStone> bin bolee baate tumse karuuu <3
[18:43:29] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[18:43:31] <HardStone> agar tum sath hoo
[18:43:31] <0verlord> fir chalani padegi
[18:43:36] <Acre> I'm turned into trucker expert when I made 3000 hauls for me.
[18:43:44] <Quorthon> slam it
[18:43:44] <0verlord> arrey bc , yeh toh pyarr me gir gaya
[18:44:17] <HardStone> meri duniya hai teri chahato mei
[18:44:22] --> DrunkGarlicBread connected to the server
[18:44:27] <0verlord> DickStacy
[18:44:30] <chairMANmao> wb dick
[18:44:30] <David> just in time
[18:44:30] <0verlord> wb
[18:44:30] <DrunkGarlicBread> fret not for I have arrived
[18:44:32] <IceLube> tator dick
[18:44:35] <HardStone> wb dick
[18:44:40] <Quorthon> yo prompto
[18:44:43] <Quorthon> wb
[18:44:53] <Hehe_Boii> shit
[18:44:55] <DrunkGarlicBread> ol�
[18:45:03] <Hehe_Boii> fuel is 46$/l
[18:45:06] <Quorthon> a gente ta bugando pra dentro de alcatraz
[18:45:06] <Quorthon> vem c�
[18:45:08] <Gamer30> Too cheap.
[18:45:11] <Hehe_Boii> $46/l
[18:45:11] <DrunkGarlicBread> alcatraz? crlh
[18:45:16] <Hehe_Boii> yes
[18:46:07] --> ObamaSan connected to the server
[18:46:19] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[18:47:15] <Hehe_Boii> relog
[18:47:18] <-- Hehe_Boii disconnected from the server
[18:47:18] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[18:48:16] <-- ObamaSan disconnected from the server
[18:49:02] <0verlord> w
[18:49:05] --> ObamaSan connected to the server
[18:49:46] <ObamaSan> damn my draw distance mod just doesnt wanna work :/
[18:50:16] <-- DrunkGarlicBread disconnected from the server
[18:50:29] <0verlord> wait did they block me from using #media on PL discord
[18:50:39] --> Hehe_Boii connected to the server
[18:50:57] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !missions chairmanmao shamal
[18:50:59] (WEB) <robin_be> chairmanmao: 703 shamal
[18:51:17] --> DrunkGarlicBread connected to the server
[18:51:22] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[18:51:35] <Mars> wb
[18:51:43] <Hehe_Boii> DICKTATOR LMAO
[18:51:45] <DrunkGarlicBread> danke
[18:51:50] <IceLube> tator dick
[18:52:29] <-- ObamaSan disconnected from the server
[18:52:49] <DrunkGarlicBread> david
[18:52:51] <David> yee
[18:52:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> you have a mod?
[18:52:54] <Hehe_Boii> david
[18:52:54] <David> yee
[18:52:57] <DrunkGarlicBread> that's why
[18:52:59] <Hehe_Boii> hi
[18:53:02] <DrunkGarlicBread> you're "higher" than usual
[18:53:12] <David> quor and i got the same mod
[18:53:14] <David> so it works fine for us
[18:53:25] <DrunkGarlicBread> doesn't work fine for me
[18:53:30] <David> sec
[18:53:32] <DrunkGarlicBread> quor
[18:53:32] <David> actually
[18:53:37] <DrunkGarlicBread> got a mod for that too xD
[18:53:37] <David> gimme keys prompto
[18:53:40] <DrunkGarlicBread> Corsair
[18:53:47] <David> to truck
[18:53:55] <Hehe_Boii> f
[18:53:55] <0verlord> my hydra is at 30# health
[18:54:00] <DrunkGarlicBread> /report 3 dm
[18:54:00] <0verlord> with nothing broken
[18:54:00] <Quorthon> lmao gamer
[18:54:23] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[18:56:05] <DrunkGarlicBread> mao you idiot
[18:56:05] <David> brh
[18:56:33] <0verlord> mao is probably sleepy
[18:56:38] <0verlord> its 1am there
[18:56:43] <Hehe_Boii> you mean farmerMao?
[18:56:46] <0verlord> yes
[18:56:48] <Hehe_Boii> ok
[18:56:56] <IceLube> Comrade mao
[18:57:03] <IceLube> lamo
[18:57:03] <IceLube> LMAO
[18:57:11] <Hehe_Boii> LAME MAO
[18:57:24] <-- David disconnected from the server
[18:57:26] <Quorthon> wut
[18:58:10] --> David connected to the server
[18:58:22] <0verlord> wb
[18:58:22] <David> bruh i fucked the landing
[18:58:27] <David> big time
[18:58:30] <Quorthon> np i got this
[18:58:40] <David> who the group leader
[18:58:43] <David> or do yall just wanna do mainchat
[18:58:58] <IceLube> quorthon is
[18:59:08] <-- Mars disconnected from the server
[18:59:36] --> Hades connected to the server
[18:59:41] <Hehe_Boii> how to write in groupchat?
[18:59:44] <0verlord> Flyby 100
[18:59:46] <David> do /gl
[18:59:49] <Hehe_Boii> ok
[18:59:51] <0verlord> david be like
[19:00:04] <Quorthon> F
[19:00:09] <Hehe_Boii> f
[19:00:12] <IceLube> get yeeted lmao
[19:00:14] <Gamer30> What's going on? Furry roleplay?
[19:00:14] <Quorthon> sorry man, we doing something high secret here
[19:00:14] <DrunkGarlicBread> it's /gm
[19:00:22] <IceLube> no
[19:00:27] <IceLube> something better
[19:00:32] <IceLube> toe sucking contest
[19:00:40] <DrunkGarlicBread> tow*
[19:00:42] <IceLube> sorry, tow
[19:00:45] <DrunkGarlicBread> don't confused it with your weird fetish
[19:00:47] <Hehe_Boii> frick
[19:00:50] <IceLube> lmao
[19:00:55] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[19:01:00] <Gamer30> So, is it tow or toe after all?
[19:01:03] <IceLube> tow
[19:01:03] <IceLube> tow
[19:01:18] <Hehe_Boii> why I am seeing everyone's colour pink?
[19:01:26] <0verlord> you blind
[19:01:28] <Hehe_Boii> no
[19:01:36] <DrunkGarlicBread> because you're in the group genius
[19:01:44] <Hehe_Boii> no i /gl
[19:01:54] <IceLube> you're pink for me too lol
[19:01:54] <DrunkGarlicBread> then it doesn't update
[19:02:01] <Quorthon> pink power
[19:02:06] <Hehe_Boii> no
[19:02:14] <Gamer30> I don't see any of you pink.
[19:02:17] --> Hades connected to the server
[19:02:19] <0verlord> wb
[19:02:19] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[19:02:24] <Hades> ty
[19:02:29] <Hehe_Boii> pink pink everywhere
[19:02:37] <IceLube> LMAO
[19:02:42] <Gamer30> Pink, pink nowhere.
[19:04:06] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
[19:04:11] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[19:05:05] <Quorthon> prompto onde est�s
[19:05:20] <Hehe_Boii> prompto onde estas
[19:05:30] <David> donde estas prompto>?
[19:06:06] <Quorthon> nooooooooo
[19:06:08] <David> no no
[19:06:13] <David> i parked up there
[19:06:21] <David> ez
[19:06:26] <Quorthon> ez
[19:06:44] <IceLube> wb
[19:06:49] <Quorthon> promptoooooooooo
[19:06:52] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[19:06:52] <Hades> wb
[19:06:52] <IceLube> peder
[19:06:57] <Ludred> ty
[19:07:48] <David> gz
[19:07:48] <0verlord> cmon
[19:07:50] <Hades> gz
[19:07:50] <0verlord> gz
[19:07:50] <Ludred> gz
[19:07:53] <IceLube> gg
[19:07:55] <Hehe_Boii> gz
[19:08:00] <IceLube> rich getting richer
[19:08:06] <Hehe_Boii> yes
[19:08:11] <chairMANmao> nice
[19:08:26] <Ludred> anyway im connected from a 0.3.dl Client :D
[19:08:34] <Hehe_Boii> ok and?
[19:08:36] <chairMANmao> samp addon?
[19:08:39] <Ludred> yeah
[19:08:46] <Ludred> shit makes samp smooth af
[19:08:56] <IceLube> ludred this is the 100th time you talking about it
[19:09:02] <Ludred> I know
[19:09:14] <chairMANmao> !cahs
[19:09:17] <chairMANmao> !cash
[19:09:20] (WEB) <robin_be> chairMANmao has $12,351,702 in hand
[19:09:25] <Ludred> that spare change
[19:09:27] <0verlord> alright thats enough
[19:09:32] <Ludred> do !bankcash
[19:09:32] <chairMANmao> yes
[19:09:35] <chairMANmao> no
[19:09:45] <Ludred> aight your choic
[19:09:50] <0verlord> !cash
[19:09:50] <chairMANmao> fuck
[19:09:53] (WEB) <robin_be> 0verlord has $65,568,495 in hand
[19:10:13] <DrunkGarlicBread> woah what
[19:10:26] <chairMANmao> ..
[19:10:49] <Quorthon> promptoooooooooooo
[19:13:24] <0verlord> 19 to go
[19:13:34] --> Mars connected to the server
[19:13:37] <0verlord> wb
[19:13:37] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[19:13:37] <chairMANmao> wb
[19:13:39] --> Sameer connected to the server
[19:13:39] <Ludred> ayyy wb
[19:13:39] <David> shit
[19:13:39] <Hades> wb
[19:13:42] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[19:13:42] <Ludred> both
[19:13:47] <Sameer> ty
[19:13:47] --> IceLube connected to the server
[19:13:49] <Mars> thanks
[19:13:49] <Ludred> wb peder
[19:13:55] <IceLube> hvala kurba ena
[19:13:55] <0verlord> wb x2
[19:13:57] <Sameer> wb mad gay
[19:13:57] <IceLube> thank you
[19:14:10] <Mars> ok wtf
[19:14:15] <Sameer> overlord chutiye
[19:14:23] <0verlord> kya hua?
[19:14:28] <Mars> why is my number plate 1NV3RT3D?
[19:14:28] <Sameer> ye hardstone beti kaha h
[19:14:30] <Sameer> :#
[19:14:30] <Mars> who did this
[19:14:33] <Hehe_Boii> Sameer aap Isam ho?
[19:14:35] <0verlord> aaj toh ban hui thi
[19:14:43] <chairMANmao> u bought someone else's car?
[19:14:43] <Sameer> ban?
[19:14:45] <0verlord> unban kiya saale ko
[19:14:48] <Mars> no?
[19:14:48] <0verlord> haa
[19:14:51] <Sameer> BAN?
[19:14:53] <chairMANmao> huh
[19:14:53] <Sameer> wtf
[19:14:56] <Hehe_Boii> Sameer aap Isam ho?
[19:14:56] <0verlord> vweather id 420
[19:14:58] <0verlord> Fly Hacks
[19:14:58] <Hades> it's inverted hax
[19:14:58] <Sameer> rofl
[19:15:01] <Sameer> XD
[19:15:03] <Sameer> han bol
[19:15:11] <Hehe_Boii> Sameer aap Isam ho?
[19:15:13] <Sameer> han bol agaye
[19:15:16] <Sameer> lol
[19:15:19] <Hehe_Boii> ok
[19:15:36] <Sameer> spam
[19:15:39] <Mars> BAN
[19:15:41] <Sameer> yes
[19:15:44] <Hehe_Boii> BAN
[19:15:49] <0verlord> look at my score , only i get to do it
[19:15:52] <Gamer30> !player Cipka2137
[19:15:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cipka2137: 6 score, last seen 5 Months Ago
[19:15:54] <Sameer> ludled d:
[19:16:07] <Mars> damn mao
[19:16:12] <Mars> almost at 40k boi
[19:16:12] <chairMANmao> ye?
[19:16:15] <chairMANmao> yep
[19:16:22] <Hehe_Boii> advanced gz
[19:16:25] <Mars> same
[19:16:25] <Sameer> Price
[19:16:25] <chairMANmao> ty
[19:16:30] <Cpt.Price> What?
[19:16:43] <Sameer> ur face is being used for emojis?
[19:16:50] <Cpt.Price> Yes
[19:16:53] <Sameer> :O
[19:17:03] <Sameer> how much weight u lost?
[19:17:08] <Cpt.Price> 20kgs
[19:17:11] <Sameer> wtf
[19:17:13] <Sameer> in how much time?
[19:17:18] <Cpt.Price> 5 months
[19:17:23] <0verlord> inspiration
[19:17:23] <Sameer> damn 20kg is too much
[19:17:31] <Cpt.Price> Needed to lmfao
[19:17:34] <Ludred> cyka I gained 5kg in 2 weeks
[19:17:39] <Sameer> no gains
[19:17:41] <IceLube> fat fucks
[19:17:41] <Sameer> plox
[19:17:41] <Ludred> m obese now
[19:17:41] <0verlord> i lost 10 in a month
[19:17:49] <Sameer> lube
[19:17:49] <Sameer> rode
[19:17:57] <Sameer> no body shaming
[19:17:57] <0verlord> like doing nothing
[19:18:07] <Sameer> u fap more u loose more
[19:18:07] <Sameer> d:
[19:18:12] <IceLube> body shaming actuall ymotivates you to lose fat
[19:18:14] <IceLube> actually*
[19:18:14] <0verlord> i dont do fap
[19:18:17] <IceLube> tough love
[19:18:27] <0verlord> i only exercise using my body weght
[19:18:30] <Sameer> u masturbate
[19:18:30] <Sameer> lies
[19:18:32] <0verlord> weight*
[19:18:35] <IceLube> why not use weights
[19:18:40] <IceLube> U'll be john cena
[19:18:42] <Sameer> nah
[19:18:45] <David> lube
[19:18:45] <IceLube> yah
[19:18:47] <Sameer> he will be invisible
[19:18:47] <IceLube> yes
[19:18:47] <Sameer> :3
[19:18:47] <0verlord> because poor
[19:18:50] <David> ur name isnt og blue
[19:18:53] <David> smh
[19:18:58] <Sameer> poor?
[19:19:00] <Sameer> smh
[19:19:05] <IceLube> test
[19:19:05] (WEB) <TheGamer> @IceLube test failed!
[19:19:05] <IceLube> now it is
[19:19:08] <Acre> F
[19:19:08] <Sameer> test
[19:19:08] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Sameer test failed!
[19:19:10] <David> nice
[19:19:10] <chairMANmao> fuck no og blue pls
[19:19:15] <Sameer> og blue sucks
[19:19:18] <Sameer> like you lube
[19:19:21] <Sameer> jk
[19:19:21] <IceLube> OG BLUE OG BLUE OG BLUE
[19:19:28] <IceLube> yes I suck toes
[19:19:28] <0verlord> people cant be poor Sameer?
[19:19:28] <Ludred> no it doesnt
[19:19:31] <chairMANmao> IM BLUE
[19:19:31] <IceLube> thank you for reminding me
[19:19:33] <Sameer> they can
[19:19:33] <0verlord> not everyone is like you
[19:19:33] <Sameer> but you are not
[19:19:43] <0verlord> i am
[19:19:49] <0verlord> my parents are not
[19:19:51] <IceLube> overlord, who said anything about finances
[19:19:51] <Sameer> see?
[19:19:54] <Ludred> cbase
[19:19:56] <Sameer> they can pay for u
[19:19:56] <Sameer> :3
[19:19:59] <IceLube> plus overlord, you can make your own weights
[19:19:59] <David> fuck yall
[19:20:04] <David> OG BLUE OG BLUE OG BLUE
[19:20:04] <IceLube> steal bricks or somethin
[19:20:06] <0verlord> damn icelube how?
[19:20:09] <0verlord> goddamn it
[19:20:09] <IceLube> bricks, backpack
[19:20:11] <Sameer> yes
[19:20:14] <IceLube> big ass water bottles
[19:20:17] <IceLube> those 10l one
[19:20:17] <Quorthon> is it OG blue time?
[19:20:17] <Sameer> using cement
[19:20:17] <IceLube> yes
[19:20:19] <Sameer> and containers
[19:20:19] <Acre> Lufthansa Cargo, fleet..
[19:20:22] <chairMANmao> fuck u og blue
[19:20:24] <IceLube> you can use a fat prostitute
[19:20:24] <Acre> thx
[19:20:24] <Sameer> you can make your own shit :p
[19:20:34] <David> holy shit
[19:20:37] <David> press tab
[19:20:39] <0verlord> i may steal bricks
[19:20:39] <Cpt.Price> Blue takeover
[19:20:39] <David> look at all the og blue
[19:20:42] <IceLube> OG BLUE OG BLUE
[19:20:45] <David> you started a revolution lube
[19:20:45] <Ludred> gotta be honest I used /cfleet to get my trailer
[19:20:45] <David> OG BLUE
[19:20:52] <Gamer30> Shitty color better.
[19:20:52] <Sameer> yo
[19:21:00] <0verlord> it feels like i am in a group
[19:21:02] --> HardStone connected to the server
[19:21:05] <Sameer> same xD
[19:21:05] <Ludred> wb
[19:21:05] <0verlord> wb
[19:21:05] <chairMANmao> wb
[19:21:07] <Ludred> do tab
[19:21:07] <Sameer> WB GANDU
[19:21:07] <David> wb
[19:21:10] <Hades> wb
[19:21:13] <David> do tab hardstone
[19:21:13] <HardStone> ty
[19:21:15] <HardStone> lmao
[19:21:15] <DrunkGarlicBread> lmao what everyone's og blue
[19:21:18] <David> hardstone
[19:21:20] <David> OG blue or die
[19:21:20] <HardStone> has joined the party
[19:21:23] <chairMANmao> hardstone chutiye og blue
[19:21:25] <Gamer30> I'd rather die.
[19:21:25] <chairMANmao> nice
[19:21:28] <IceLube> ludred
[19:21:28] <David> ayyyyyy
[19:21:30] <IceLube> you know who kale is?
[19:21:30] <DrunkGarlicBread> HEY YOOOO
[19:21:33] <Mars> ur all nubs
[19:21:33] <Sameer> binod
[19:21:35] <Cpt.Price> Smh
[19:21:38] <HardStone> ooo damn
[19:21:43] <HardStone> hi mars hoe
[19:21:48] <Sameer> hoe
[19:21:48] <Quorthon> wtf happened
[19:21:51] <chairMANmao> mars hoe
[19:21:53] <Hades> what's ahoe
[19:21:53] <Quorthon> just tab'd and everyone is OG blue
[19:21:56] <Gamer30> NO!!!
[19:21:58] <David> mars hoe
[19:22:03] <Sameer> gaymer likes shitty colour :3
[19:22:06] <David> acre hoe
[19:22:09] <DrunkGarlicBread> Gamer30 hoe
[19:22:11] <David> gamer hoe
[19:22:14] <Mars> U CANT PEER PRESSURE ME
[19:22:14] <David> lmfaoo
[19:22:14] <Mars> NO
[19:22:19] <Hehe_Boii> wut
[19:22:21] <chairMANmao> fuck u quorthon was gonna ad
[19:22:21] <HardStone> Mars cmon bby
[19:22:26] <Quorthon> lmao
[19:22:26] <0verlord> WOOOHOOOOOO|
[19:22:31] <Mars> SHIT IS THE BEST
[19:22:31] <HardStone> Heheboi def a hoe
[19:22:31] <Acre> gg
[19:22:34] <Sameer> YESS BITCHES
[19:22:34] <Quorthon> get 30 second'd
[19:22:42] <David> look what u started icelube
[19:22:44] <0verlord> Heheboi cant do OG Blue
[19:22:47] <David> #OGBlueMeToo
[19:22:49] <David> #MeToo
[19:22:52] <HardStone> o damn someone timeout him
[19:22:52] <Acre> dem roadblock
[19:22:52] <HardStone> xD
[19:22:54] <Quorthon> heheboi gets an OG pass
[19:22:54] <IceLube> damn whole server OG BLUE
[19:22:57] <Sameer> #OGBLUE4LIFE
[19:22:57] <chairMANmao> ayy acre nice
[19:23:02] <Sameer> take ss
[19:23:05] <0verlord> cmon
[19:23:07] <Sameer> and Post it on discord
[19:23:15] <Hades> 3 hoes left
[19:23:15] <0verlord> Marshmellow
[19:23:15] <David> take ss lmao
[19:23:15] <0verlord> do it
[19:23:17] <Gamer30> Conformist asses.
[19:23:20] <Sameer> yes take ss
[19:23:20] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[19:23:22] <Ludred> wb
[19:23:22] <0verlord> wb
[19:23:22] <Ludred> do tab
[19:23:25] <David> wb
[19:23:25] <Mars> CANCER
[19:23:30] <David> czechboy press tab
[19:23:33] <IceLube> HOW DARE YOU OPPOSE US.
[19:23:38] <David> czechboy press tab
[19:23:40] <CzechBoy777> lags Aaah
[19:23:50] <Gamer30> Who's the opressed now, huh?
[19:23:50] <Sameer> Czechy go OG
[19:23:50] <Mars> LMAO u guys already made a govt?
[19:23:53] <Sameer> or u hoes too
[19:23:55] <chairMANmao> yes
[19:23:58] <IceLube> yes
[19:23:58] <David> czechboy go OG blue
[19:24:01] <IceLube> it's like socialism
[19:24:03] <IceLube> but better
[19:24:03] <CzechBoy777> ok
[19:24:06] <IceLube> it won't collapese
[19:24:08] <David> ayyyyyy
[19:24:08] <IceLube> collapse*
[19:24:11] <Sameer> aayy
[19:24:11] <0verlord> ayyyyyyy
[19:24:13] <IceLube> ayyyy
[19:24:18] <David> gz
[19:24:21] <Mars> poor wang
[19:24:23] <David> fuck wangs cars
[19:24:23] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[19:24:26] <Acre> F
[19:24:29] <Sameer> poor hehe
[19:24:31] <Quorthon> fuck that was kinda racist
[19:24:34] <Sameer> he is not vip lol
[19:24:34] <IceLube> yes
[19:24:34] <Gamer30> Blue mofos destroy environment.
[19:24:39] <David> hmm...
[19:24:39] <0verlord> and now you know why Star Inc aint the best company
[19:24:39] <chairMANmao> breh quorthon
[19:24:44] <IceLube> it is
[19:24:46] <David> guys we should all switch to shitty color
[19:24:49] <Quorthon> ok forget it
[19:24:49] <IceLube> okay
[19:24:51] <chairMANmao> yes
[19:24:51] <Sameer> yes :D
[19:24:51] <IceLube> lets do it
[19:24:51] <David> so we get the same color
[19:24:51] <Quorthon> dont say a word
[19:24:51] <0verlord> hmm
[19:24:54] <0verlord> yes
[19:24:54] <David> okay shittycolor
[19:24:57] <IceLube> yeay
[19:24:59] <Sameer> do it
[19:25:02] <chairMANmao> hi
[19:25:04] <David> hi
[19:25:04] <0verlord> hello
[19:25:09] <Hehe_Boii> hi
[19:25:14] <Sameer> Shitty4life
[19:25:17] <Sameer> yaya
[19:25:17] <IceLube> meow meow
[19:25:19] <Acre> hue
[19:25:19] <Cpt.Price> Done
[19:25:22] <David> huehuehue
[19:25:27] <Hades> shitty color like our lives
[19:25:30] <Sameer> hahahahah
[19:25:30] <0verlord> xd
[19:25:30] <David> come on lulded
[19:25:32] <IceLube> ooff
[19:25:32] <IceLube> burn
[19:25:37] <David> come on prompto
[19:25:40] <IceLube> shitty color like our sins
[19:25:42] <Hehe_Boii> wtf is going on here
[19:25:42] <David> come on hardy
[19:25:45] <HardStone> wait what just happend here
[19:25:45] <David> come on cezch
[19:25:45] <Sameer> go shitty noobs
[19:25:47] <DrunkGarlicBread> what colour is that
[19:25:47] <Sameer> or u hoes
[19:25:47] <David> go shitty
[19:25:53] <HardStone> y'all chameleons
[19:25:53] <IceLube> shitty color
[19:25:55] <David> its calledshitty color
[19:25:55] <HardStone> hoes
[19:25:58] <0verlord> Hard
[19:26:00] <Sameer> hardstone is hoe
[19:26:00] <0verlord> man
[19:26:10] <David> fardin hoe
[19:26:10] <0verlord> cant let 2 people destroy the unity of the crow
[19:26:13] <DrunkGarlicBread> I'm not paying attention to the chat
[19:26:13] <0verlord> d
[19:26:15] <Sameer> Fardin Hoe
[19:26:18] <HardStone> :/
[19:26:21] <DrunkGarlicBread> so sorry for the delay in changing colours
[19:26:23] <David> fardin hoe
[19:26:26] <HardStone> not anymore
[19:26:28] <Cpt.Price> TB
[19:26:28] <Sameer> ok he shitty now
[19:26:31] <David> come on ludred
[19:26:33] <David> TBNR
[19:26:33] <Cpt.Price> CHANGE THAT COLOUR!
[19:26:36] <Sameer> Ludred HOE
[19:26:38] <IceLube> LUDRED HOE
[19:26:38] <CzechBoy777> m e too
[19:26:41] <IceLube> CHANGE COLOR
[19:26:41] <David> TBNR lets go
[19:26:41] <IceLube> w
[19:26:46] <Sameer> lud is hoe
[19:26:46] <0verlord> hehe?
[19:26:49] <IceLube> Ludred change color or you are peder
[19:26:51] <David> holy shit guys
[19:26:56] <IceLube> ok good boi
[19:26:56] <CzechBoy777> everyone is shit!
[19:26:56] <David> look at the fucking minimap
[19:26:56] <Mars> poor hehe
[19:26:56] <David> LMAO
[19:26:59] <Sameer> yaes we did it
[19:26:59] <HardStone> 2min silence for those who are reading #server-chat
[19:26:59] <Sameer> :D
[19:27:04] <0verlord> xd
[19:27:04] <Cpt.Price> Heads up. Hehe is not a vip
[19:27:04] <Quorthon> gg folks
[19:27:06] <Sameer> full of shitty
[19:27:06] <Sameer> :D
[19:27:09] <IceLube> Last thing you see before death
[19:27:09] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[19:27:09] <David> look at the fucking minimap bro LMAOOOOO
[19:27:09] <Gamer30> I was shitty color before it was trendy.
[19:27:11] <IceLube> lmaolmaolmao
[19:27:14] <chairMANmao> someone donate for hehe
[19:27:14] <Hades> now hehe donate so u can change color too
[19:27:17] <David> guys check the fucking minimap
[19:27:19] <Sameer> achievement accomplished
[19:27:22] <Sameer> we're offically shitty
[19:27:22] <David> this shit like the single player gangwar
[19:27:24] <IceLube> it's normal
[19:27:24] <David> LMAO
[19:27:24] <0verlord> all of us
[19:27:32] <CzechBoy777> we are shit
[19:27:32] <Sameer> yes
[19:27:32] <0verlord> 10 score to 10k
[19:27:39] <Cpt.Price> Nope
[19:27:39] <CzechBoy777> what place?
[19:27:42] <Sameer> from 1k to 50k
[19:27:45] <Hades> click on hehe's name on tab, so we seem to look identical
[19:27:45] <Sameer> we're all shit
[19:27:47] <Cpt.Price> I'm working hard, fuckoff
[19:27:55] <0verlord> price pls
[19:28:00] <Cpt.Price> No
[19:28:00] <Acre> Need to get 5k hauls. Sorry.
[19:28:05] <CzechBoy777> PLR?
[19:28:05] <Cpt.Price> I'm too close to 12k
[19:28:10] <Sameer> :D
[19:28:13] <David> PLR?
[19:28:18] <David> or LS
[19:28:18] <CzechBoy777> plr tower?
[19:28:28] <Sameer> PL Radio Headquaters
[19:28:28] <Sameer> come
[19:28:33] <-- Mars disconnected from the server
[19:28:35] <chairMANmao> bruh where
[19:28:35] <Quorthon> old man still peeing
[19:28:38] <David> bruh
[19:28:38] <IceLube> PLR
[19:28:43] <IceLube> PILOTS RADIO
[19:28:43] <IceLube> thing
[19:28:48] <David> ok
[19:28:51] <David> wait hardy
[19:28:56] <David> if we go to PLR we can go onto the roof
[19:28:58] <Ludred> sky air fleet
[19:28:58] --> Mars connected to the server
[19:28:58] <David> ^&^^^^^^^^^
[19:29:01] <0verlord> yes
[19:29:03] <Quorthon> LMAO LUBE
[19:29:06] <0verlord> roof on PLR headquarteres
[19:29:09] <Ludred> thanks
[19:29:14] <HardStone> less gooo
[19:29:37] <CzechBoy777> lets do selfie
[19:29:42] <Mars> true
[19:29:42] <IceLube> Oh yes
[19:29:44] <CzechBoy777> Noo masturbation no
[19:29:47] <IceLube> pre nut selfie
[19:29:47] <CzechBoy777> XDD
[19:30:05] <IceLube> HardStone :O
[19:30:05] <0verlord> Acre
[19:30:07] <0verlord> pls come bro
[19:30:07] <IceLube> you live up to your name
[19:30:10] <Mars> quor u gotta get ur anus checked
[19:30:10] <IceLube> you really hard
[19:30:12] <IceLube> lemme get a taste
[19:30:12] <David> lmao
[19:30:15] <0verlord> Price you too
[19:30:17] <0verlord> pls
[19:30:22] <David> lube this started from u being lazy cuck
[19:30:22] <David> LMAO
[19:30:25] <HardStone> Czechboy you making me look like pedophile
[19:30:28] <HardStone> please fuck off
[19:30:30] <CzechBoy777> XD
[19:30:40] <CzechBoy777> dont worry its just a game
[19:30:43] <HardStone> aw nice pp check Quor
[19:30:48] <IceLube> I have godmode
[19:30:48] <IceLube> :DDD
[19:30:58] <David> mao
[19:31:01] <David> u have such a gay skin
[19:31:03] <0verlord> Price come
[19:31:03] <David> tenpenn
[19:31:08] <David> suck my dick tenpenny
[19:31:13] <0verlord> i am 8 score away from 10k and i am still here
[19:31:16] <chairMANmao> what
[19:31:18] <Mars> what track should i play bois
[19:31:18] <David> rip quorthon
[19:31:21] <CzechBoy777> lol rip
[19:31:41] <Ludred> wtf
[19:31:44] <IceLube> how to get this dick
[19:31:46] <IceLube> purple dick
[19:31:46] <Sameer> enjoy the party
[19:31:49] <Sameer> yes
[19:31:52] <0verlord> damn
[19:31:52] <Acre> watch this
[19:31:54] <HardStone> Acre cmon
[19:32:02] <chairMANmao> bruh lmao
[19:32:04] <IceLube> lmao
[19:32:07] <0verlord> PL India is playing Maar Daala
[19:32:12] <IceLube> stop
[19:32:14] <IceLube> :D
[19:32:17] <David> wtf happened lmao
[19:32:17] <chairMANmao> oof
[19:32:17] <Quorthon> lmao he died
[19:32:20] <Quorthon> lmaooo
[19:32:27] <chairMANmao> ayy acre
[19:32:30] <0verlord> Price is a hoe
[19:32:35] <Ludred> no you
[19:32:35] <IceLube> ???
[19:32:35] <David> price is a hoe
[19:32:35] <0verlord> Ayo Mars
[19:32:37] <Acre> breaking glasses xD
[19:32:40] <Cpt.Price> I'm working
[19:32:43] <0verlord> play Diplo Welcome to the Party
[19:32:43] <CzechBoy777> dont punch ma
[19:32:45] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[19:32:48] <Quorthon> f lube
[19:32:50] <chairMANmao> g
[19:32:50] <Ludred> f
[19:32:50] <chairMANmao> f
[19:32:53] <Quorthon> timeouted wtf
[19:32:55] <Gamer30> Tactical timeout.
[19:33:03] <0verlord> who's working
[19:33:03] <chairMANmao> ok my mom's a hoe
[19:33:05] <0verlord> the 3 of you
[19:33:16] <Hehe_Boii> coffin dance
[19:33:16] <David> damn rip gamer
[19:33:18] <0verlord> Mao just lives for highscores
[19:33:21] <0verlord> so he /w
[19:33:23] <David> ^^^^^^^
[19:33:28] <Mars> mao shame on u
[19:33:31] --> IceLube connected to the server
[19:33:41] <0verlord> HOLY SHIT
[19:33:44] <0verlord> STOP IT
[19:33:44] <Acre> F
[19:33:46] <Quorthon> this is vietnam all over again
[19:34:01] <Mars> coffin dance lol
[19:34:04] <Quorthon> lmao
[19:34:09] <chairMANmao> lmao gamer
[19:34:29] <Acre> F
[19:34:35] <HardStone> no mars dont do it
[19:34:37] <HardStone> no
[19:34:37] <HardStone> STOP
[19:34:40] <Quorthon> lmao we smokin now
[19:34:40] <chairMANmao> icelube shitty color
[19:34:42] <Mars> hue hue hue
[19:34:47] <Cpt.Price> Y'all wanted a nuke?
[19:35:00] <Sameer> hardstone sucks
[19:35:03] <Mars> lol
[19:35:05] <Gamer30> Mars can because me and him was shitty color before it was trendy.
[19:35:08] <IceLube> how do get penis
[19:35:13] <IceLube> purple penis
[19:35:15] <chairMANmao> yo lets all /vgm off and let price bomb us
[19:35:18] <David> rippp ace
[19:35:18] <HardStone> born as a man
[19:35:18] <IceLube> I need it
[19:35:18] <David> acre
[19:35:23] <Sameer> u go no penis lube
[19:35:23] <Acre> Ye?
[19:35:26] <Sameer> u pussy
[19:35:26] <Mars> HADES wtf
[19:35:28] <IceLube> everything is white
[19:35:31] <David> we should all have price bomb us lmao
[19:35:31] <HardStone> rip frames
[19:35:31] <chairMANmao> bruh wtf
[19:35:36] <Cpt.Price> Nukes?
[19:35:36] <CzechBoy777> dig moment
[19:35:36] <Sameer> i like it
[19:35:38] <0verlord> Frames ded
[19:35:41] <Hehe_Boii> where are you all?
[19:35:43] <Sameer> still getting 100 fps
[19:35:43] <Quorthon> san fierro
[19:35:46] <0verlord> PL R tower
[19:35:46] <Sameer> XD
[19:35:46] <Hades> first one to crash wins 10k
[19:35:48] <CzechBoy777> BRUH
[19:35:51] <David> RIPPPPPP
[19:35:51] <IceLube> LOl
[19:35:51] <Cpt.Price> Hello
[19:35:54] <David> WTF
[19:35:56] <David> how did i fall off
[19:36:04] <Sameer> omg price is alive
[19:36:04] <Sameer> :O
[19:36:11] <Cpt.Price> I'm flying bae
[19:36:14] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[19:36:14] <0verlord> Hades stop throwing
[19:36:19] <Cpt.Price> HU3
[19:36:24] <Cpt.Price> Nukesss
[19:36:27] <CzechBoy777> STOP
[19:36:27] <David> rip sam
[19:36:29] <Sameer> u made me fall
[19:36:29] <Sameer> lol
[19:36:32] <Quorthon> lmao
[19:36:32] <Ludred> apparantly 3 people can stop a shamal lmao
[19:36:34] <CzechBoy777> WTF
[19:36:39] <Cpt.Price> Nuked
[19:36:42] <Acre> F
[19:36:45] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[19:36:47] <chairMANmao> bruh vgm pussies
[19:36:47] <Quorthon> virgin shamal vs chad pl player
[19:36:47] <Ludred> wb
[19:36:50] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[19:36:50] <David> bruh
[19:36:52] <0verlord> xD
[19:36:52] <David> my vgm off
[19:36:55] <Cpt.Price> Again?
[19:36:55] <David> i just didnt die
[19:36:57] <chairMANmao> yes
[19:37:00] <Gamer30> Who gets 10k for crash?
[19:37:15] <CzechBoy777> rip shamal
[19:37:15] <-- David disconnected from the server
[19:37:18] <Acre> F
[19:37:20] <chairMANmao> lmao
[19:37:20] <Sameer> shit
[19:37:23] <Hades> david wins
[19:37:23] <Cpt.Price> brrrrt!
[19:37:25] <Quorthon> i bet david timeouted bc he LMB shamal
[19:37:25] <CzechBoy777> is this some kind of dts
[19:37:28] <Gamer30> What? I crashed first.
[19:37:30] --> David connected to the server
[19:37:30] <chairMANmao> dtm
[19:37:33] <Ludred> wb
[19:37:36] <chairMANmao> dodge the missile
[19:37:36] <CzechBoy777> someone knows a good A10 mod?
[19:37:38] <David> ytyty
[19:37:38] <Hehe_Boii> wait i am also coming
[19:37:43] <Sameer> no shoot
[19:37:43] <CzechBoy777> that makes BRRRRT
[19:37:48] <David> dont call me pussy winny
[19:37:51] <David> im so chad my game crashed
[19:37:53] <Cpt.Price> Want more nukes?
[19:37:58] <Gamer30> My game crashed earlier.
[19:37:58] <chairMANmao> yes
[19:37:58] <IceLube> YES
[19:38:04] <David> YES
[19:38:06] <IceLube> how to get purple dick
[19:38:09] <Cpt.Price> Oof
[19:38:09] <CzechBoy777> oh shit
[19:38:11] <DrunkGarlicBread> paint it in purple
[19:38:11] <David> ij
[19:38:14] <DrunkGarlicBread> noob
[19:38:14] <Ludred> whoops sorry gamer30
[19:38:19] <David> srry
[19:38:21] <Ludred> was trying to get on the hydra
[19:38:24] <Sameer> xD
[19:38:26] <David> there
[19:38:26] <Mars> wtf
[19:38:26] <David> SHITTY NOW HAPPY
[19:38:29] <IceLube> LOL
[19:38:29] <David> wtf
[19:38:32] <IceLube> LMAO
[19:38:34] <IceLube> ludred got murekd
[19:38:37] <David> BRUH
[19:38:39] <IceLube> murked*
[19:38:44] <0verlord> DM 100
[19:39:00] <David> wtf
[19:39:00] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[19:39:02] <IceLube> bruh price u missed me
[19:39:02] <chairMANmao> bruh
[19:39:02] <CzechBoy777> how are you so fast
[19:39:07] <chairMANmao> u missed all
[19:39:15] <0verlord> NICE
[19:39:22] <CzechBoy777> and what mod do you have price
[19:39:28] <IceLube> how to get this purple dildo
[19:39:28] <Cpt.Price> F-14D
[19:39:28] <Sameer> F14
[19:39:30] <Sameer> xD
[19:39:33] <CzechBoy777> ahh
[19:39:35] <CzechBoy777> I like that one
[19:39:40] <Hehe_Boii> shit wtf
[19:39:40] <0verlord> David
[19:39:40] <IceLube> LOL
[19:39:40] <Ludred> nuke incomming
[19:39:45] <IceLube> this rc got aimbot
[19:39:45] <Hades> MURDER
[19:39:45] <CzechBoy777> polish air force :)
[19:39:48] <Sameer> oh no
[19:39:48] <Sameer> :O
[19:39:56] <David> wow
[19:39:58] <Hehe_Boii> shoe polish
[19:40:01] <David> what a way to end my killstreak ludred
[19:40:06] <David> LMAO
[19:40:11] <IceLube> ludred noob
[19:40:11] <Sameer> shit xD
[19:40:11] <Ludred> jeez 3 kills
[19:40:11] <chairMANmao> bruh
[19:40:13] <CzechBoy777> AWWW
[19:40:19] <CzechBoy777> Hydra gave me a kiss
[19:40:19] <chairMANmao> the glasses
[19:40:19] <David> mile high club?
[19:40:21] <HardStone> so that price doesn't bombard us
[19:40:21] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[19:40:24] <Acre> Star Inc, fleet.
[19:40:29] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[19:40:29] <IceLube> there acre
[19:40:31] <Acre> ty
[19:40:31] --> Danielson connected to the server
[19:40:34] <CzechBoy777> AAAAAAAAAA SHIT
[19:40:36] <Ludred> wb both
[19:40:36] <Sameer> everyone gone yaay
[19:40:36] <CzechBoy777> oh ok good
[19:40:39] <Acre> kontol
[19:40:41] <Quorthon> sameer l�maoooo
[19:40:52] <Quorthon> whooa wtf
[19:40:52] <IceLube> cmd to get purple dildo?
[19:40:57] <Ludred> vip 2
[19:41:04] <Sameer> come Mile High CLUB
[19:41:07] <HardStone> danielson, join the party
[19:41:09] <Cpt.Price> I will still get you there
[19:41:12] <Danielson> wait
[19:41:12] <CzechBoy777> lufthansa fleet
[19:41:15] <0verlord> time to fly
[19:41:17] <David> done czech
[19:41:22] <Danielson> done
[19:41:32] <David> WTF
[19:41:35] <IceLube> LOL
[19:41:37] <chairMANmao> lmao
[19:41:40] <Quorthon> LMAO
[19:41:40] <Acre> f
[19:41:40] <Sameer> rofl
[19:41:43] <David> WHY
[19:41:45] <HardStone> lool
[19:41:45] <Quorthon> im dying here o�mg
[19:41:45] <Ludred> bruh why tf am I lagging
[19:41:45] <David> is there an ANDROM
[19:41:48] <Gamer30> Use /vskin 8 for Hitler skin.
[19:41:53] <Hehe_Boii> f
[19:42:05] <CzechBoy777> YES
[19:42:13] <chairMANmao> no jump on my rhino and dive down
[19:42:21] <HardStone> that sounds more fun
[19:42:26] <chairMANmao> WTF
[19:42:28] <Sameer> omg
[19:42:31] <Sameer> wtf
[19:42:46] <Ludred> this is fun lamo
[19:42:46] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[19:42:46] <HardStone> where is ur rhino
[19:42:49] <Ludred> killing people and shit
[19:42:51] <Sameer> my raindance went nuts
[19:42:51] <Sameer> XD
[19:43:01] <Hehe_Boii> wher are you all?
[19:43:04] <Hehe_Boii> where
[19:43:04] <Ludred> I killed atleast 6 people lmfao
[19:43:07] <Ludred> on a high booat
[19:43:09] <Hades> secret
[19:43:12] <0verlord> gpd
[19:43:22] <CzechBoy777> I see LS Tower from here
[19:43:24] <Danielson> wheres the launchpad
[19:43:29] <David> winny
[19:43:29] <0verlord> down below
[19:43:35] <CzechBoy777> where will we land
[19:43:35] <David> lets go
[19:43:35] <chairMANmao> yes?
[19:43:37] <David> launchpad
[19:43:37] <Danielson> im here
[19:43:40] <Quorthon> lmao
[19:43:40] <Sameer> come down
[19:43:42] <Sameer> D:
[19:43:42] <David> coming
[19:43:45] <Ludred> I missed
[19:43:45] <Quorthon> very fast ludred
[19:43:45] <chairMANmao> bruh
[19:43:47] <David> sorry sam
[19:43:50] <HardStone> mao come here
[19:43:50] <Sameer> how to get parachute
[19:43:52] <Sameer> ?
[19:43:52] <David> /chute
[19:43:55] <Hehe_Boii> wher are you all?
[19:43:55] <HardStone> /chute
[19:43:55] <Mars> fuck
[19:43:57] <David> RIP mras
[19:43:57] <CzechBoy777> XD
[19:43:57] <0verlord> RIP MARS
[19:44:00] <Danielson> F
[19:44:03] <David> mras lmao mars*
[19:44:10] <Sameer> jump?
[19:44:13] <HardStone> no
[19:44:13] <David> wait
[19:44:15] <David> wait for all
[19:44:20] <Hades> rip mao
[19:44:23] <-- DrunkGarlicBread disconnected from the server
[19:44:28] <CzechBoy777> BRUH
[19:44:28] <Quorthon> wutff
[19:44:31] <David> woi
[19:44:31] <David> wtf
[19:44:36] <Quorthon> oh hi sameer
[19:44:36] <Sameer> oh fuck
[19:44:38] <Quorthon> by sameer
[19:44:38] <Sameer> hi :D
[19:44:41] <Sameer> bue
[19:44:46] <Hehe_Boii> where is launchpad?
[19:44:53] <Hades> secret
[19:45:01] <Danielson> fucking hell
[19:45:01] <Mars> FFS
[19:45:01] <HardStone> stupid asshole
[19:45:01] <Hades> fcking
[19:45:04] <chairMANmao> bruh
[19:45:04] <David> lulded
[19:45:06] <David> !ludred
[19:45:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> @lulded's a retard
[19:45:06] <Quorthon> old lady dancing 10km aboce
[19:45:09] <David> !ludred
[19:45:09] (WEB) <TheGamer> @lulded's a retard
[19:45:09] <HardStone> ludred stop it noob
[19:45:11] <chairMANmao> !ludred
[19:45:11] (WEB) <TheGamer> @lulded's a retard
[19:45:11] <Ludred> ill stop if ya want
[19:45:16] <0verlord> Alright thats enough
[19:45:19] <Gamer30> Haha, I went to pay phone before.
[19:45:21] <David> im coming
[19:45:34] <Sameer> imma land at that road
[19:45:34] <Sameer> D:
[19:45:42] <Mars> rip
[19:45:47] <Hades> lmao
[19:45:47] <chairMANmao> bruh czecho
[19:45:49] <0verlord> can i dive in an nrg
[19:45:57] <chairMANmao> no we glide
[19:45:57] <0verlord> will jump off after it
[19:46:00] <CzechBoy777> wait for me
[19:46:00] <HardStone> we glide
[19:46:02] <Danielson> come on lets do this
[19:46:05] <Ludred> F price
[19:46:10] <Mars> where do we land
[19:46:12] <Ludred> prcie is coming too
[19:46:15] <Mars> wait lemme set music
[19:46:17] <Danielson> fuck somebody should get a camhack
[19:46:17] <Ludred> ill do a fps drop in first person
[19:46:20] <0verlord> ACRE
[19:46:20] <David> wait
[19:46:20] <0verlord> come
[19:46:23] <CzechBoy777> LOL
[19:46:23] <David> who tf is back there
[19:46:23] <0verlord> FUCK
[19:46:25] <HardStone> 0verlord ...
[19:46:25] <Sameer> lol
[19:46:28] <Quorthon> whooooooeeeeeee
[19:46:28] <CzechBoy777> bruh
[19:46:28] <Danielson> ...............
[19:46:33] <David> bruh overlord
[19:46:35] <Sameer> i already did
[19:46:38] <Sameer> wait for me
[19:46:38] <David> stop jumping off u bans
[19:46:40] <Danielson> set the time HS
[19:46:43] <David> stop jumping off u nabs
[19:46:43] <Sameer> WAIT
[19:46:43] <David> LMAO
[19:46:45] <Acre> wut
[19:46:45] <David> FUCK
[19:46:51] <Danielson> goddammit
[19:46:51] <HardStone> David u idiot
[19:46:56] <CzechBoy777> where will we land?
[19:46:56] <Danielson> tolol david
[19:46:56] <CzechBoy777> LOL
[19:46:56] <David> .to
[19:46:58] <David> .tp
[19:47:01] <Ludred> aint got time ffs
[19:47:01] <HardStone> gg quorthon
[19:47:01] <David> tp
[19:47:01] <Cpt.Price> Here to land?
[19:47:03] <David> /tp
[19:47:06] <0verlord> to the west is LV
[19:47:08] <Ludred> lets start as soon as possible
[19:47:08] <Cpt.Price> Copy
[19:47:34] <Quorthon> whoooaa
[19:47:34] <David> wow
[19:47:34] <Danielson> where to lol
[19:47:36] <Acre> Jumping starts at?
[19:47:36] <HardStone> someone record this shit
[19:47:44] <Danielson> started
[19:47:47] <Mars> where tf is stan when u need him
[19:47:52] <David> idm doing it again tbh'
[19:47:54] <David> that shit looks so cool
[19:47:59] <Sameer> yes
[19:48:02] <Sameer> D:
[19:48:07] <Sameer> fuck off?
[19:48:07] <David> im betting ludred is going further
[19:48:09] <Sameer> it was fun
[19:48:12] <David> look how far up he is
[19:48:12] <David> lmao
[19:48:20] <CzechBoy777> YEP
[19:48:22] <Sameer> yes
[19:48:25] <0verlord> YES
[19:48:30] <Gamer30> No, Luft Cargo base.
[19:48:35] <Cpt.Price> Invasion!
[19:48:35] <Danielson> u dont say
[19:48:45] <David> ok
[19:48:48] <Cpt.Price> k
[19:48:48] <CzechBoy777> ok
[19:48:55] <0verlord> GERMANS INVADING POLAND , COLOURED 1939
[19:48:55] <Sameer> :3 k
[19:48:58] <CzechBoy777> I am so fucking glad I joined
[19:48:58] <Danielson> we should jump after HS says go
[19:48:58] <Hehe_Boii> what is alt?
[19:49:00] <Cpt.Price> Smh
[19:49:00] <0verlord> ok
[19:49:03] <Gamer30> u gay
[19:49:06] <Danielson> u gay
[19:49:06] <CzechBoy777> u gay
[19:49:08] <chairMANmao> ugay
[19:49:08] <HardStone> lmao
[19:49:13] <David> u gay
[19:49:21] <Mars> rip hades
[19:49:21] <HardStone> in another episode of thats not what i meant
[19:49:26] <Danielson> thats not trans x base
[19:49:28] <David> wtf overlord
[19:49:31] <David> so fast
[19:49:34] <David> like u in bed
[19:49:36] <0verlord> YEE HAW
[19:49:36] <HardStone> ooof
[19:49:36] <Danielson> right inside the base
[19:49:39] <Acre> This is transX
[19:49:41] <0verlord> hello Acre
[19:49:49] <Gamer30> I'm too high to land at TransX. I'm gonna land at Luft Cargo.
[19:49:49] <Acre> yo
[19:49:59] <Ludred> same
[19:49:59] <HardStone> who is recording?
[19:50:02] <Danielson> not me
[19:50:02] <Cpt.Price> Geronimoooooooo!
[19:50:07] <CzechBoy777> YES!!!
[19:50:09] <Danielson> lmao
[19:50:12] <HardStone> RIP turkeys
[19:50:14] <Quorthon> f turkish
[19:50:14] <CzechBoy777> landed on truck
[19:50:19] <David> rip turkeys
[19:50:22] <Acre> RIP Turkish Cargo
[19:50:30] <CzechBoy777> wonder where they will land..
[19:50:32] <Sameer> rip sexy cargo
[19:50:35] <Gamer30> I have not even landed...
[19:50:35] <Mars> wait we havent landed
[19:50:37] <0verlord> come back lo
[19:50:37] <Cpt.Price> Those 3 fuckers gonna make to Luft Cargo
[19:50:37] <David> LOL
[19:50:42] <Danielson> where 3 of you will land lmao
[19:50:42] <HardStone> we'll wait LOL
[19:50:53] <CzechBoy777> hardstone watch me
[19:50:58] <David> i swear these 3 mother fuckers are going all the way to Luft Cargo lmao
[19:51:00] <HardStone> noice
[19:51:03] <HardStone> lmao
[19:51:05] <Hades> we should all attach the smoke ball when chuting
[19:51:08] <0verlord> time to tp hydras
[19:51:10] <Quorthon> watch out
[19:51:13] <Cpt.Price> Hop in
[19:51:13] <David> daniel
[19:51:18] <David> woi daniel
[19:51:18] <CzechBoy777> I am gonna do a hydra stunt
[19:51:18] <Cpt.Price> Will intercept them
[19:51:26] <David> woi daniel
[19:51:28] <Danielson> woi
[19:51:33] <David> daniel u jump from here to gojek i give u 10million
[19:51:36] <David> xD
[19:51:41] <HardStone> aka no touching
[19:51:43] <Ludred> im still going
[19:51:49] <Danielson> even if u give me 1b that will be impossible lmao
[19:51:51] <Cpt.Price> Achoooo!
[19:51:51] <David> truuuu
[19:51:54] <Gamer30> Covid positive? Gotta touch it ASAP.
[19:51:54] <David> but still
[19:51:54] <0verlord> w
[19:51:56] <David> gojek numba wan
[19:51:59] <CzechBoy777> watch my stunt
[19:52:11] <HardStone> y'all come fast
[19:52:11] <Danielson> yes
[19:52:11] <Hades> attach smokeball for effects
[19:52:14] <Danielson> #1
[19:52:17] <HardStone> lets jump before 00:00
[19:52:17] <HardStone> that'd be cool
[19:52:22] <Ludred> and landed
[19:52:22] <Sameer> ok
[19:52:24] <Sameer> d:
[19:52:24] <HardStone> jumping right into thursday
[19:52:24] <Cpt.Price> Ready
[19:52:24] <Ludred> near the highway bridge
[19:52:27] <0verlord> Hehe Come
[19:52:29] <chairMANmao> ..
[19:52:32] <CzechBoy777> hehe isnt vip
[19:52:32] <CzechBoy777> XD
[19:52:32] <Hehe_Boii> where
[19:52:32] <Danielson> ...........
[19:52:34] <Quorthon> acre dodge
[19:52:34] <David> LOL quorthon
[19:52:39] <Quorthon> got baited lmao
[19:52:39] <0verlord> tell him lol
[19:52:39] <HardStone> get rid of this elegy
[19:52:55] <David> nao
[19:52:55] <David> mao
[19:52:57] <Ludred> start at 23:40?
[19:52:57] <David> wtf u doing
[19:53:02] <Cpt.Price> Let's make it as far as we can
[19:53:02] <David> back there
[19:53:07] <David> mao come quick
[19:53:15] <David> woi
[19:53:18] <HardStone> u
[19:53:18] <Quorthon> f overlord
[19:53:20] <CzechBoy777> cant wait
[19:53:20] <0verlord> WTF
[19:53:20] <chairMANmao> wait
[19:53:23] <Ludred> when do we start
[19:53:23] <Gamer30> Let's make it through all airline and company bases!
[19:53:25] <chairMANmao> 01:00
[19:53:25] <CzechBoy777> this is so fucking epic lol
[19:53:25] <David> waut
[19:53:28] <chairMANmao> imma test
[19:53:28] <David> wgi tf usbt gere
[19:53:33] <Cpt.Price> Copy
[19:53:33] <David> who tf isnt here
[19:53:35] <David> ah ok
[19:53:43] <HardStone> mao quick
[19:53:43] <Sameer> yes
[19:53:46] <CzechBoy777> I feel so bad for heheboi
[19:53:46] <0verlord> yo only hehe isnt here
[19:53:53] <CzechBoy777> only he isnt here
[19:53:53] <HardStone> oi
[19:53:58] <Sameer> he is not vip
[19:53:58] <Hehe_Boii> what
[19:54:01] <0verlord> So what
[19:54:06] <0verlord> we can bring him here
[19:54:06] <Hades> attach yo smokeballs
[19:54:09] <Ludred> jump at 1:00
[19:54:19] <HardStone> roger
[19:54:19] <chairMANmao> furthest or transx?
[19:54:21] --> Spring_the_poor connected to the server
[19:54:29] <Sameer> transxxx
[19:54:29] <Gamer30> We go all the way to Garuda Indo base.
[19:54:29] <David> trabsx?
[19:54:31] <Ludred> furthest
[19:54:37] <David> ???????
[19:54:37] <chairMANmao> lets go furtest
[19:54:42] <chairMANmao> ok transx
[19:54:42] <David> furtutest
[19:54:44] <David> furtransx
[19:54:44] <HardStone> mao go
[19:54:47] <David> mfao
[19:54:47] <Sameer> transx
[19:54:47] <David> lmfao
[19:54:47] <Mars> land at LSA lol
[19:54:47] <Quorthon> lmao fucking hell
[19:54:49] <David> transx
[19:54:57] <David> woooooi
[19:54:59] <David> look so cool
[19:54:59] <-- Spring_the_poor disconnected from the server
[19:54:59] <CzechBoy777> wtf is this song about mars lol
[19:55:12] <CzechBoy777> wtf gamer
[19:55:15] <HardStone> lmao mao
[19:55:17] <HardStone> hi
[19:55:17] <Hehe_Boii> finally
[19:55:20] <Mars> i didnt have time czech
[19:55:22] <Hehe_Boii> good weather
[19:55:22] <CzechBoy777> its ok
[19:55:30] <David> stan gay
[19:55:35] <Quorthon> flying turtle
[19:55:43] <HardStone> hi youtube
[19:55:45] <David> 10/10 timing
[19:55:48] <HardStone> !crystal
[19:55:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[19:55:48] <CzechBoy777> scary song
[19:55:50] <Hades> am i famous now
[19:55:55] <Sameer> kontol
[19:55:55] --> Spring_the_oggy connected to the server
[19:55:55] <chairMANmao> this recording aint gonna work lmao
[19:55:58] <Hades> shoutout to my mom
[19:56:01] <chairMANmao> so dispersed
[19:56:13] <David> trailtor
[19:56:16] <David> traitor
[19:56:26] <David> lmfao jk
[19:56:31] <0verlord> xd
[19:56:34] <HardStone> mao dont tell me you didn't record this
[19:56:36] <chairMANmao> i did
[19:56:44] <chairMANmao> but guys are everywhere
[19:56:59] <HardStone> workaholics
[19:57:04] <Mars> bye guys
[19:57:07] <0verlord> the best is when you let go of your chute
[19:57:07] <Gamer30> I'm going to a tour through all company bases.
[19:57:09] <David> bye
[19:57:09] <Danielson> gz
[19:57:09] <Quorthon> bye marsh
[19:57:12] <chairMANmao> bye
[19:57:12] <0verlord> to spawn another chute
[19:57:12] <0verlord> bye bye
[19:57:14] <Ludred> bye
[19:57:14] <HardStone> bye marsh
[19:57:17] <HardStone> best DJ
[19:57:17] <Mars> im not logging out
[19:57:25] <Quorthon> cant see shit with this bigass turtle
[19:57:27] <David> aight guys
[19:57:32] <Acre> Alright, back to my hauls
[19:57:40] <David> 2am here and im going to bed, this shit was super fun yall, thanks guys :D
[19:57:40] <chairMANmao> wow this recording is shit lmao
[19:57:45] <0verlord> xD
[19:57:48] <HardStone> It was
[19:57:48] <David> gb evertibe
[19:57:48] <0verlord> RIP record
[19:57:48] <Ludred> wait where is my 50k
[19:57:50] <David> gn everyone
[19:57:50] <Danielson> ty guys it was fun
[19:57:50] <0verlord> bye bye
[19:57:53] <chairMANmao> cuz people are everywhere lool
[19:57:53] <Danielson> gn
[19:57:53] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[19:57:55] <Cpt.Price> GERONIMOOOOOOOO!\
[19:57:58] <-- David disconnected from the server
[19:57:58] <0verlord> imma go do 7 missions
[19:57:58] <Ludred> gb
[19:58:00] <Mars> gn
[19:58:00] <HardStone> goodnight
[19:58:03] <-- Sameer disconnected from the server
[19:58:03] <Hades> gn
[19:58:05] <chairMANmao> gngngngngng
[19:58:05] <Ludred> and im the furthest
[19:58:08] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[19:58:26] <Hades> mass q LMAO
[19:58:31] <Ludred> yeah ill leave too
[19:58:33] <Ludred> im bored now
[19:58:39] <HardStone> leave before 5:00 or u gay
[19:58:39] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> !skip
[19:58:44] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[19:58:44] <Gamer30> u gay
[19:58:44] <0verlord> i need to do 10k
[19:58:46] <CzechBoy777> bruh XD
[19:58:51] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> oh wtf
[19:58:59] <HardStone> 5more secs
[19:59:01] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[19:59:04] <-- chairMANmao disconnected from the server
[19:59:07] <Gamer30> u gay
[19:59:09] <-- Hades disconnected from the server
[19:59:12] <-- Cpt.Price disconnected from the server
[19:59:17] <CzechBoy777> why everyone leaving?
[19:59:19] <Mars> idk
[19:59:22] <Mars> lol
[19:59:24] <Gamer30> Because they are not gay.
[19:59:24] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> u gay
[19:59:24] <0verlord> idk
[19:59:27] (WEB) <midget#0266> czech gay
[19:59:29] <0verlord> yo
[19:59:32] <CzechBoy777> WHAT
[19:59:32] <CzechBoy777> STFU
[19:59:32] <Gamer30> Not gay means they are sad.
[19:59:35] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[19:59:35] (WEB) <HardStone#2955> mars gay
[19:59:37] (WEB) <midget#0266> gamer and overlord gay
[19:59:37] <0verlord> ^
[19:59:45] <Mars> nubs
[19:59:47] (WEB) <midget#0266> WOW MARS U STILL IN?
[19:59:52] (WEB) <midget#0266> im disappointed hoe
[20:00:05] <Mars> ....
[20:00:10] <Hehe_Boii> fuck fuck fuck
[20:00:10] <Hehe_Boii> fuck fuck fuck
[20:00:13] <Hehe_Boii> fuck fuck fuck
[20:00:13] (WEB) <midget#0266> ok cumming back
[20:00:15] <Gamer30> If you just quit, you are sad.
[20:00:20] <0verlord> ^
[20:00:20] <Acre> smfh stop spam
[20:00:20] <Mars> +1
[20:00:31] <Hehe_Boii> fuck fuck fuck
[20:00:33] <0verlord> Xd
[20:00:38] <Mars> hehe are u wanking
[20:00:38] --> chairMANmao connected to the server
[20:00:43] <Hehe_Boii> shit shit
[20:00:46] <0verlord> can be
[20:00:48] <Hehe_Boii> only 3km left
[20:00:53] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !player caomishma
[20:00:56] (WEB) <robin_be> player caomishma: 16908 score, last seen 16 Hours Ago
[20:00:56] <Hehe_Boii> till this plane breaks
[20:01:27] <Hehe_Boii> sjit
[20:01:29] <Hehe_Boii> shit
[20:01:34] <Hehe_Boii> plane broke
[20:01:37] --> KylieJenner connected to the server
[20:01:42] <Hehe_Boii> fuck lufthansa
[20:01:42] <Mars> wb kylie!
[20:01:42] <0verlord> wb kylie
[20:01:47] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[20:01:50] <Mars> im marsh btw
[20:01:57] <KylieJenner> ty
[20:01:57] <KylieJenner> oh hi marshy
[20:02:05] <Hehe_Boii> who are you?
[20:02:23] <KylieJenner> !assets
[20:02:25] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has 8 car(s) ($3,560,000) and 1 house(s) ($5,950,000 - 5 slots) for a total of $9,510,000
[20:02:36] <Spring_the_oggy> mayday mayday mayday airplane cresh
[20:02:38] <Hehe_Boii> I know you are rich
[20:02:41] <KylieJenner> no
[20:02:41] <Gamer30> What do you want?
[20:02:46] (WEB) <arnir#9350> hardy
[20:02:51] <Hehe_Boii> gone
[20:02:53] <0verlord> gome
[20:02:56] <chairMANmao> gnome
[20:02:59] <KylieJenner> they are all gone
[20:03:11] <Gamer30> All of them not gay...
[20:03:21] <0verlord> !cars KylieJeneer
[20:03:24] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player KylieJeneer
[20:03:24] <0verlord> !cars KylieJenner
[20:03:34] <0verlord> !cars KylieJenner
[20:03:37] (WEB) <robin_be> KylieJenner has: Banshee Turismo Maverick FBI Rancher NRG-500 Bullet AT-400 Huntley
[20:04:02] <KylieJenner> !player julsec
[20:04:05] (WEB) <robin_be> player julsec: 5542 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[20:04:15] <KylieJenner> is julsec back/?
[20:04:20] --> Ludred connected to the server
[20:04:25] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[20:04:28] <chairMANmao> wb hoe
[20:04:30] <0verlord> i think he just logged in to save his assets
[20:04:33] <Ludred> ty
[20:04:38] <Ludred> who logged in
[20:04:41] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> kailie
[20:04:43] <Acre> Lufthansa Cargo, fleet.
[20:04:48] <0verlord> !rank
[20:04:48] <Hehe_Boii> ok wait
[20:04:51] (WEB) <robin_be> 0verlord(9998) rank: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) next: PL First Officer(10000) (+2)
[20:04:53] <Ludred> done
[20:04:56] <-- KylieJenner disconnected from the server
[20:04:59] <Acre> Trailer still there in Las Payasadas
[20:04:59] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Lets see
[20:05:01] <Ludred> kylie is a she
[20:05:04] <Acre> on road.
[20:05:04] <Acre> ty
[20:05:06] <0verlord> idk
[20:05:14] <Hehe_Boii> oh thats why everyone is mad
[20:05:19] <Mars> anyone up for a convoy>
[20:05:27] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> gz 0verlord
[20:05:34] <0verlord> well ty
[20:05:37] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> lets do party on mile high club
[20:05:42] <Hehe_Boii> ok come
[20:05:47] <0verlord> let me hit it first
[20:05:57] <chairMANmao> go sleep overlord
[20:06:12] <Hehe_Boii> no why
[20:06:12] <0verlord> Last Mission pls
[20:06:12] <Spring_the_oggy> ./work
[20:06:15] <Mars> imagine if overlord got banned rn lol
[20:06:17] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[20:06:20] <chairMANmao> fuck 40k not today
[20:06:28] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[20:06:33] <CzechBoy777> 0verlord you made me think
[20:06:33] <0verlord> i can hit 10k today
[20:06:45] <CzechBoy777> my dream is also to hit 10k
[20:06:56] <CzechBoy777> I must start working again
[20:07:03] <chairMANmao> be ambitious
[20:07:03] <0verlord> i did like 5k missions to get here
[20:07:06] <chairMANmao> hit 100k
[20:07:08] <Hehe_Boii> no party : (
[20:07:13] <0verlord> wait for it
[20:07:36] <Mars> party's over go sleep nubs
[20:07:44] <Hehe_Boii> party
[20:07:47] <CzechBoy777> mile high club party
[20:07:49] <Hehe_Boii> yes
[20:07:57] <chairMANmao> mars go sleep
[20:07:59] <Mars> gz
[20:07:59] <chairMANmao> gz
[20:08:04] <0verlord> ty
[20:08:04] <Hehe_Boii> gz
[20:08:07] <Acre> gz
[20:08:25] <chairMANmao> !score
[20:08:27] (WEB) <robin_be> player chairMANmao: 39900 score, 36691 missions: 55'/. cargo drop - 27'/. military - 6'/. courier
[20:08:27] <CzechBoy777> I must hit 10k too
[20:08:32] <0verlord> woa mao
[20:08:40] <CzechBoy777> problem is I am a lifer
[20:08:43] <0verlord> mao is in for the real benchmark
[20:08:43] <CzechBoy777> gz chairmanus
[20:08:48] <0verlord> Czech
[20:08:48] <Mars> !score
[20:08:50] (WEB) <robin_be> player Mars: 8085 score, 7379 missions: 33'/. at400 - 28'/. cargo drop - 10'/. cargo
[20:08:50] <CzechBoy777> yes
[20:08:53] <0verlord> i play like 4 hours a day
[20:08:55] <chairMANmao> gonna sleep when i get a long mission
[20:08:58] <0verlord> do work 4 hours
[20:08:58] <CzechBoy777> same
[20:09:06] <0verlord> not IG work
[20:09:06] <CzechBoy777> kurwa drops
[20:09:11] <0verlord> IRL work
[20:09:13] <Gamer30> !Score
[20:09:13] <CzechBoy777> oh
[20:09:16] (WEB) <robin_be> player Gamer30: 18983 score, 17559 missions: 40'/. shamal - 20'/. cargo drop - 9'/. trucking
[20:09:21] <0verlord> !score
[20:09:24] (WEB) <robin_be> player 0verlord: 9998 score, 8983 missions: 36'/. cargo drop - 26'/. military - 10'/. courier
[20:09:26] <0verlord> lmao
[20:09:26] <Hehe_Boii> overlord time kya hua?
[20:09:26] <CzechBoy777> bruh xD
[20:09:34] <0verlord> 11:40
[20:09:39] <Hehe_Boii> ok
[20:09:39] <chairMANmao> i wanna sleep stop giving me 4k missions
[20:09:44] <0verlord> xD
[20:09:47] <CzechBoy777> same
[20:09:49] <0verlord> also now i go play CS
[20:09:54] <chairMANmao> oh shit yes
[20:09:57] <0verlord> i am bored from SAMP
[20:09:57] <Hehe_Boii> ok bye
[20:09:57] <Mars> csgo?
[20:09:59] <chairMANmao> gonna play 1 cs
[20:10:02] <0verlord> yes CS
[20:10:04] <0verlord> GO
[20:10:04] <Mars> i can joins
[20:10:12] <chairMANmao> long mission
[20:10:15] <chairMANmao> csgo time
[20:10:15] <Hehe_Boii> chairmanMao u are farmer right
[20:10:17] <0verlord> you on the CS group?
[20:10:20] <Mars> ye
[20:10:20] <chairMANmao> tes
[20:10:22] <0verlord> Mao is
[20:10:22] <chairMANmao> yes
[20:10:27] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> im laggy
[20:10:27] <0verlord> i am asking Mars
[20:10:30] <Mars> wait im gonna go csgo now tf
[20:10:35] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> can i play with you folks
[20:10:40] <0verlord> sure lol
[20:10:43] <Mars> yes im in group btw
[20:10:50] <0verlord> is it time for a Competitive?
[20:10:50] <Mars> lemme open discord
[20:10:58] <Hehe_Boii> I should also go after doing some missions
[20:11:00] <Mars> mao will carry us
[20:11:00] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> 300 ping competitive hype
[20:11:00] <0verlord> Mao lets go
[20:11:03] <0verlord> xD
[20:11:11] <chairMANmao> quorthon u have like 1000 ping gonna lmao
[20:11:16] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[20:11:28] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> im chinese wtf
[20:11:34] <Mars> lemme open up my discord real quick
[20:11:36] <CzechBoy777> how long does it take to make 10k score?
[20:11:49] <Gamer30> Depends on specific player.
[20:11:59] <-- Spring_the_oggy disconnected from the server
[20:11:59] <Mars> if ur a no lifer like mao
[20:12:04] <Mars> not too long
[20:12:12] <CzechBoy777> problem is I am
[20:12:12] <Gamer30> If you are Stan, then no way.
[20:12:17] <Mars> yep
[20:12:22] <CzechBoy777> why lol
[20:12:30] <CzechBoy777> lazy kurwa?
[20:12:30] <Gamer30> !player Satan
[20:12:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player Satan: 4311 score, last seen 5 Hours Ago
[20:12:32] <Hehe_Boii> !player stan
[20:12:37] <Hehe_Boii> !player stan
[20:12:40] (WEB) <robin_be> player stan: 14443 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[20:12:42] --> Spring_the_poor connected to the server
[20:12:48] <CzechBoy777> wb
[20:12:50] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[20:12:55] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> aight ill be left out
[20:12:55] <Hehe_Boii> nv
[20:12:58] <Hehe_Boii> m
[20:12:58] <Mars> k imma go play csgo
[20:13:00] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> bye fellas
[20:13:03] <Mars> bb
[20:13:05] <-- Mars disconnected from the server
[20:13:16] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Marsh
[20:13:23] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> @marshmellow#8909
[20:13:26] <CzechBoy777> if there was smet, he would force me to work
[20:13:28] <CzechBoy777> I need smet
[20:14:22] <Gamer30> !missions CookieMobster trucking
[20:14:24] (WEB) <robin_be> CookieMobster: 7 trucking
[20:14:27] <CzechBoy777> lel
[20:14:32] <Gamer30> I forced him to haul from 0.
[20:14:37] <CzechBoy777> lol
[20:14:47] <CzechBoy777> !missions cargodrop
[20:14:50] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777: 759 cargodrop
[20:14:53] <CzechBoy777> lets make it 1000
[20:15:00] <CzechBoy777> not today tho
[20:15:08] <Gamer30> Tomorrow?
[20:15:13] <CzechBoy777> today, tomorrow and after tomorrow
[20:15:28] <CzechBoy777> I'd like to hit 10k asap
[20:15:33] <Hehe_Boii> hmm
[20:15:36] <-- Spring_the_poor disconnected from the server
[20:15:43] <CzechBoy777> I heard you can join mile high club
[20:15:43] <CzechBoy777> or what
[20:15:51] <Hehe_Boii> I am dj now
[20:15:56] <CzechBoy777> really
[20:15:59] <Hehe_Boii> yes
[20:16:04] <CzechBoy777> do djing
[20:16:09] <Hehe_Boii> soon
[20:16:14] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> hmu if you ppl ever play rocket league
[20:16:19] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> im like crazy good at that game
[20:16:27] <Hehe_Boii> ok and?
[20:16:32] <CzechBoy777> lol
[20:16:37] <Hehe_Boii> jk
[20:16:45] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> :p
[20:16:57] <Gamer30> If this game will cease to have servers active, those skills will be useless.
[20:17:02] <CzechBoy777> I am good in mlg edition
[20:17:25] <Hehe_Boii> did you mean samp?
[20:17:35] <CzechBoy777>
[20:17:35] <Hehe_Boii> did you mean binod?
[20:17:43] <CzechBoy777> no
[20:17:53] <Hehe_Boii> yes ok
[20:18:16] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> you mean rocket league, gamer? i heard it was going to go free
[20:20:01] <Gamer30> !player Ricardo
[20:20:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player Ricardo: 489 score, last seen 26 Months Ago
[20:20:03] <Gamer30> !player Retardo
[20:20:06] <CzechBoy777> lol
[20:20:16] <CzechBoy777> !Player retardo
[20:20:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player retardo: 0 score, last seen 26 Months Ago
[20:20:26] <Hehe_Boii> ricardo milos
[20:20:34] <CzechBoy777> lmao
[20:20:39] <CzechBoy777> why 26 months tho?
[20:20:49] <Hehe_Boii> bc he nub
[20:20:52] <Gamer30> Aaron decided to be so.
[20:21:00] <CzechBoy777> what happened 26 months ago
[20:21:07] <Gamer30> Aaron disabled PL.
[20:21:07] <CzechBoy777> people lost interest in PL?
[20:21:10] <Hehe_Boii> nothing just BOOM
[20:21:15] <CzechBoy777> oh thats why they lost interest?
[20:21:30] <CzechBoy777> why tf did he disable it
[20:21:35] <Gamer30> Because he's noob.
[20:21:40] <Hehe_Boii> yes
[20:22:11] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[20:22:11] <CzechBoy777> wb
[20:22:13] <Hehe_Boii> i think crystal best
[20:22:16] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[20:22:18] <CzechBoy777> thats true
[20:22:18] <Hamster12> ty
[20:22:29] <CzechBoy777> crystal is the best owner
[20:22:31] <Hehe_Boii> yes
[20:22:34] <Hamster12> doubt that
[20:22:41] <Hehe_Boii> no doubt
[20:22:41] <CzechBoy777> 1. Crystal, 2. Haydz, 3. Aaron
[20:22:49] <Hamster12> Haydz was better
[20:22:57] <CzechBoy777> you were there in haydz era?
[20:23:04] <Hamster12> yes of course
[20:23:07] <Gamer30> I was in Haydz era and it was the most boring.
[20:23:14] <Hehe_Boii> hmm
[20:23:22] <Hehe_Boii> f
[20:23:30] <CzechBoy777> wonder whats your new mod
[20:23:37] <Hehe_Boii> whose?
[20:23:40] <CzechBoy777> your lmao
[20:23:45] <Hehe_Boii> mine?
[20:23:50] <CzechBoy777> bruh
[20:23:50] <CzechBoy777> yes
[20:24:00] <Hehe_Boii> what?
[20:24:05] <CzechBoy777> oh
[20:24:10] <CzechBoy777> hamster
[20:24:13] <CzechBoy777> your mod
[20:24:15] <Hehe_Boii> are u asking me
[20:24:18] <CzechBoy777> I didnt realised lol
[20:24:18] <CzechBoy777> no
[20:24:23] <CzechBoy777> I am asking hams
[20:24:49] <Hehe_Boii> shit
[20:25:01] <Hehe_Boii> f
[20:25:06] <Hehe_Boii> bb
[20:25:12] <Hehe_Boii> bye
[20:25:14] <Hehe_Boii> cya
[20:25:14] <CzechBoy777> tf I take too much screens
[20:25:17] <CzechBoy777> sya
[20:25:19] <Hehe_Boii> cya
[20:25:19] <Hehe_Boii> sya
[20:25:22] <CzechBoy777> already 523
[20:25:22] <Hehe_Boii> bye
[20:25:24] <Hehe_Boii> bb
[20:25:27] <CzechBoy777> bruh
[20:25:27] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[20:25:27] <Hehe_Boii> brb
[20:25:29] <CzechBoy777> leave already no?
[20:25:34] <Hehe_Boii> n
[20:25:37] <Hehe_Boii> no
[20:25:40] <CzechBoy777> than stop spamming
[20:25:47] <Hehe_Boii> just going
[20:25:57] <Hehe_Boii> !crystal
[20:25:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[20:26:02] <Hehe_Boii> ok
[20:26:05] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[20:26:05] <CzechBoy777> wb
[20:26:10] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[20:26:13] <Hehe_Boii> bye
[20:26:18] <Hamster12> this game optimaziaon sucks
[20:26:20] <Hehe_Boii> brb
[20:26:23] <CzechBoy777> wdym?
[20:26:23] <Hamster12> yo u press esc and game not responds
[20:26:25] <Hehe_Boii> bb
[20:26:33] <Hehe_Boii> byebyebyebyebye
[20:26:33] <CzechBoy777> hams whats your new mod
[20:26:33] --> ObamaSan connected to the server
[20:26:38] <Hehe_Boii> wb
[20:26:38] <CzechBoy777> wb
[20:26:41] <Hehe_Boii> byebyebye
[20:26:43] <-- Hehe_Boii disconnected from the server
[20:26:43] <CzechBoy777> STOP ALREADY
[20:26:46] <Hamster12> Airbus A330-200 Korean Air
[20:26:46] <CzechBoy777> finally
[20:26:51] --> rsgoet connected to the server
[20:26:53] <CzechBoy777> ah goodchoice :)
[20:26:56] <Gamer30> The North Korean Air?
[20:26:56] <CzechBoy777> hope ull like it
[20:27:04] <CzechBoy777> no north is air koryo
[20:27:34] <CzechBoy777> I can reveal whats next mod
[20:27:49] <CzechBoy777> A350 lufthansa
[20:27:52] <CzechBoy777> new livery
[20:28:05] <Hamster12> when
[20:28:10] <CzechBoy777> soon
[20:28:23] <CzechBoy777> maybe today uploaded
[20:28:28] <CzechBoy777> but I will have to wait for admin aprooval
[20:28:30] <CzechBoy777> approval idk
[20:29:01] <Hamster12> ok lets use my private at400
[20:29:06] <CzechBoy777> ok
[20:29:39] <Hamster12> wannna fly with me ?
[20:29:47] <CzechBoy777> nah working sorry
[20:29:54] <CzechBoy777> Id like to hit big score asap
[20:30:12] (WEB) <Hades#7373> !player crystal
[20:30:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player crystal: 7803 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[20:30:55] <Hamster12> oh shit callsign
[20:34:34] --> Jamal_Abdallah connected to the server
[20:34:40] <Hamster12> very detailed mod
[20:34:42] <CzechBoy777> yep
[20:34:47] <CzechBoy777> thats why I used it
[20:34:55] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[20:35:05] <Hamster12> oh fuck brnik
[20:35:10] <CzechBoy777> shitport
[20:35:30] <ObamaSan> does this server have a discord?
[20:35:41] <Hamster12> /discord
[20:35:58] <ObamaSan> thx
[20:36:04] <Hamster12> o_o
[20:36:19] <Hamster12> np
[20:36:29] <CzechBoy777> also u can use /serverip
[20:37:30] <Hamster12> Before I leave PL i wanna fly there A350
[20:37:35] <Hamster12> ee no A350
[20:37:35] <CzechBoy777> leave pl?
[20:37:40] <Hamster12> i Mean A330 neo
[20:37:48] <CzechBoy777> welp
[20:37:53] <CzechBoy777> ull wait for that very long lol
[20:38:13] <CzechBoy777> oh yes
[20:38:16] <CzechBoy777> gta v
[20:38:21] <Hamster12> yes
[20:38:23] <CzechBoy777> :/
[20:38:34] <Hamster12> i will get PC that will allow play ultra on 130 FPS
[20:38:51] <CzechBoy777> I got 200 fps minecraft :D
[20:38:59] <CzechBoy777> on potato pc
[20:39:14] <-- Jamal_Abdallah disconnected from the server
[20:40:28] <-- Acre disconnected from the server
[20:40:33] <CzechBoy777> I dont think I will leave pl
[20:40:51] <Hamster12> iam here since 2014
[20:40:51] <Hamster12> got bored
[20:41:09] <CzechBoy777> I am here since end of december 2019
[20:41:11] <CzechBoy777> still got more score
[20:41:14] <CzechBoy777> !player a380
[20:41:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player a380: 978 score, last seen 26 Months Ago
[20:41:22] <CzechBoy777> hm maybe nvm idk
[20:41:34] <Hamster12> add a380 score
[20:41:40] <CzechBoy777> yep
[20:42:00] <Hamster12> OMFG
[20:42:05] <Hamster12> i landed and almsot crashed
[20:42:08] <CzechBoy777> f
[20:42:18] <CzechBoy777> does it have reverse thrusters the mod?
[20:42:25] <Hamster12> this plane is too detailed escpeially wings
[20:42:28] <Hamster12> ye
[20:42:33] <CzechBoy777> good :)
[20:42:51] <Hamster12> yay when i fly with my own plane i dont get airport tax fee
[20:42:51] <CzechBoy777> glad you like it
[20:42:56] (WEB) <arnir#9350> SHE GON DO ME ALL NIGHT LONG
[20:43:04] <CzechBoy777> lol
[20:43:32] <Hamster12> i like in this mod you dont need to squeeze keybaord to turn
[20:43:37] <Hamster12> smotoh turning
[20:43:44] <CzechBoy777> :(
[20:43:47] <CzechBoy777> :) *
[20:43:52] <CzechBoy777> fail
[20:43:54] <Hamster12> your a320 mod was pian in ass
[20:44:00] <CzechBoy777> it was not my model tho
[20:44:02] <CzechBoy777> I made only livery
[20:44:07] <Hamster12> who model
[20:44:12] <CzechBoy777> its typed here
[20:44:22] <CzechBoy777> let me check
[20:44:25] <Hamster12> oh my fav song on radio
[20:44:33] <CzechBoy777> yes its good
[20:44:35] <CzechBoy777> chillin it
[20:44:58] <CzechBoy777> also if u want to get a good mod
[20:45:06] <CzechBoy777> download my PL 787-8 Mod on forums
[20:45:36] <CzechBoy777> a320 model by unknow tho
[20:45:44] <CzechBoy777> the userpage name was unknown
[20:45:54] <CzechBoy777> but the model was by aerosoft
[20:46:20] <Hamster12> !cash
[20:46:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $21,590,018 in hand
[20:46:22] <CzechBoy777> saw u
[20:46:25] <CzechBoy777> nice
[20:46:25] <Hamster12> 22m and i buy private androm
[20:46:32] <CzechBoy777> you can already now
[20:46:32] <Hamster12> where
[20:46:35] <CzechBoy777> vma
[20:46:43] <CzechBoy777> /getprice androm
[20:46:43] <Hamster12> where you saw me
[20:46:50] <CzechBoy777> over sf
[20:47:05] <Hamster12> nah i want 22m so i get 20m
[20:47:11] <CzechBoy777> ok
[20:47:26] <Hamster12> plz lower fuel rpice
[20:47:33] <CzechBoy777> can u tell me your TOP 3 Fav Mods from me
[20:47:44] <Hamster12> later
[20:47:46] <CzechBoy777> ok
[20:47:54] <CzechBoy777> btw
[20:47:59] <CzechBoy777> I made EXPO 777 yesterday
[20:48:09] <CzechBoy777> green yet
[20:48:14] <CzechBoy777> there will be green blue and orange
[20:48:22] <CzechBoy777> its pain in ass tho XD
[20:48:32] <CzechBoy777> pita
[20:50:24] <CzechBoy777> oh shit noooo rip
[20:57:47] <-- ObamaSan disconnected from the server
[21:01:11] <Hamster12> fucking fuel rpice
[21:01:16] <CzechBoy777> lol
[21:01:31] <CzechBoy777> well I am gonna hit 2540 score today
[21:01:39] <Hamster12> ok
[21:01:44] <CzechBoy777> than I will put videos to my pc and upload them on youtube
[21:01:51] <Hamster12> what videos
[21:01:51] <CzechBoy777> Air Force Two landing
[21:02:04] <Hamster12> oh i wanted to see it in warsaw but was too hot
[21:02:07] <CzechBoy777> oh
[21:02:14] <CzechBoy777> I think its in ljubljana now
[21:02:22] <Hamster12> its 757 nothign special
[21:02:27] <CzechBoy777> fucking hard name
[21:02:32] <CzechBoy777> its cool tho
[21:02:40] <CzechBoy777> I recommend to see it
[21:03:03] <Hamster12> i saw it many times
[21:03:08] <CzechBoy777> really?
[21:03:10] <CzechBoy777> nvm than
[21:03:13] <Hamster12> ye like 3-4 times
[21:03:18] <CzechBoy777> good
[21:03:20] <CzechBoy777> and af1?
[21:03:25] <Hamster12> af1 yes too
[21:03:31] <CzechBoy777> luck
[21:03:31] <CzechBoy777> y
[21:03:48] <Hamster12> you saw my post of AF on insta?
[21:03:51] <CzechBoy777> I saw Czech A319, Slovakian A319, 757 AF2 and IL96 Russian
[21:03:59] <CzechBoy777> I dont remember lol
[21:04:04] <CzechBoy777> send it tho
[21:04:11] <CzechBoy777> Id like to see again
[21:04:37] <Hamster12> oh wait i didnt posted that
[21:04:39] <Hamster12> i thouht i did
[21:04:42] <CzechBoy777> Lmao
[21:04:47] <CzechBoy777> post it than
[21:04:49] <CzechBoy777> Id like to see
[21:05:02] <Hamster12> nvm check my a350 vientam
[21:05:07] <CzechBoy777> sure
[21:05:12] <Hamster12> i post it maybe tomorrow
[21:05:12] <CzechBoy777> I saw a350 vietnam flying over
[21:05:15] <CzechBoy777> ok
[21:08:39] <-- rsgoet disconnected from the server
[21:09:12] <Hamster12> what work you doing
[21:09:17] <CzechBoy777> cargodrop
[21:09:19] <Hamster12> oh
[21:09:40] <Hamster12> wtf there is /fix point in air
[21:09:45] <Hamster12> WTFFF
[21:09:45] <CzechBoy777> yep lol
[21:09:47] <Hamster12> xddd
[21:09:55] <CzechBoy777> k last mission today
[21:10:08] <Hamster12> i end at 1707
[21:10:10] <CzechBoy777> ok
[21:10:13] <CzechBoy777> lol
[21:10:56] <Hamster12> i like when textures so detailed that there is dirt on wings and on engines
[21:11:04] <CzechBoy777> Nice
[21:11:06] <CzechBoy777> glad u like it
[21:11:14] <CzechBoy777> well that was my last missions today
[21:11:19] <CzechBoy777> Sya
[21:11:21] <Hamster12> sya
[21:11:24] <CzechBoy777> I will still be on discord tho
[21:11:24] <CzechBoy777> sya
[21:11:27] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[21:11:27] <Hamster12> oh
[21:12:45] <Hamster12> WB
[21:12:48] <chairMANmao> TY
[21:18:06] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[21:18:11] <Hamster12> wb
[21:19:20] --> Mars connected to the server
[21:19:45] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[21:19:48] <Mars> how'd u change skins again
[21:19:53] --> HardStone connected to the server
[21:19:56] <Hamster12> ctrl + p
[21:19:58] <Mars> lies
[21:20:03] <Hamster12> or al
[21:20:06] <Hamster12> alt
[21:21:43] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[21:23:29] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[21:25:06] <chairMANmao> p
[21:26:48] <HardStone> gz bich
[21:26:51] <chairMANmao> hue
[21:26:56] <HardStone> !bankcash
[21:26:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}HardStone's bank money is $93,000,000
[21:27:01] <HardStone> reveal
[21:27:03] <chairMANmao> :O
[21:27:03] <Hamster12> stop flexin
[21:27:11] <Mars> mao is 800m
[21:27:19] <Mars> if im correct i get 100m
[21:27:21] <Mars> cmon
[21:27:24] <chairMANmao> :O
[21:27:26] <chairMANmao> WRONG
[21:27:47] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[21:27:49] <Mars> wb
[21:28:04] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> !dankcasg
[21:28:07] <chairMANmao> !bankcash
[21:28:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}chairMANmao's bank money is $750,000,000
[21:28:15] <Mars> I WAS CLSOE
[21:28:22] <chairMANmao> BUT U WERE WRONG
[21:28:25] <chairMANmao> !cash
[21:28:27] (WEB) <robin_be> chairMANmao has $620,027 in hand
[21:28:58] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> RIP David
[21:29:18] <HardStone> !score 0verlord
[21:29:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player 0verlord: 10001 score, 8986 missions: 36'/. cargo drop - 26'/. military - 10'/. courier
[21:31:03] <Hamster12> !cash
[21:31:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has $21,836,351 in hand
[21:31:13] <HardStone> put em in bank, earn interest
[21:31:16] <Mars> !bankcash
[21:31:16] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Mars's bank money is $20,546,008
[21:31:29] <chairMANmao> !cash mars
[21:31:31] (WEB) <robin_be> mars has $145,505 in hand
[21:31:54] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> !assets mars
[21:31:57] (WEB) <robin_be> mars has 5 car(s) ($3,440,000) and 1 house(s) ($11,000,000 - 10 slots) for a total of $14,440,000
[21:32:02] <HardStone> !assets Hamster12
[21:32:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Hamster12 has 5 car(s) ($1,740,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $1,740,000
[21:32:40] <Hamster12> dang private at4000 generates more cash than airline at400
[21:32:48] <Mars> WAIT WAT
[21:32:50] <HardStone> nope
[21:32:53] <Hamster12> ye
[21:33:00] <Hamster12> you get private plane bonus and no airprot tax fee
[21:33:33] <Mars> yo guys checkout jetstar payrates
[21:33:36] <Mars> its op
[21:33:36] <Hamster12> ok i gotta go bye
[21:33:44] <Hamster12> bb
[21:33:46] <Mars> bb
[21:33:49] <HardStone> bye
[21:33:49] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[21:34:19] <Mars> how much extra $$$ do u get from private plane
[21:35:03] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> its wasteful in the long run
[21:35:13] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> the service gon fuck you
[21:35:20] <Mars> i see
[21:35:25] <HardStone> !assets
[21:35:28] (WEB) <robin_be> HardStone has 26 car(s) ($7,170,000) and 3 house(s) ($43,500,000 - 43 slots) for a total of $50,670,000
[21:35:43] <Mars> vercetti around 50m
[21:35:59] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> 60-70m mark my words
[21:36:09] <chairMANmao> ok
[21:36:24] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> crystal said i would price it around 60m
[21:36:42] <Mars> i asked crystal to make it IST friendly
[21:36:50] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> oh nice
[21:36:57] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> what did he say?
[21:37:12] <Mars> he said he'd try i think
[21:37:23] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> idk man
[21:38:31] (WEB) <iSam#5191> Hola
[21:39:35] <Mars> diaz's place?
[21:41:37] <chairMANmao> !houses hardstone
[21:41:40] (WEB) <robin_be> The Sherman Dam: $15,000,000 15 slots Rodeo: $8,500,000 8 slots Creek: $20,000,000 20 slots
[21:43:12] <Mars> !missions Mars at400
[21:43:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Mars: 2427 at400
[21:43:45] <Mars> film studio IS MINE
[21:43:50] <Mars> BEK OFF
[21:43:57] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> IST friendly?
[21:44:03] <Mars> indian time
[21:44:10] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Oh yeah
[21:44:23] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Yeah when the server goes live it�ll
[21:44:31] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Be announced at least 24 hours ahead
[21:44:38] <chairMANmao> thank you lord
[21:44:38] <HardStone> yeah keep it ist friendly <3
[21:44:59] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> India has a huge player base for us
[21:45:01] <Mars> true
[21:45:06] <chairMANmao> and indo
[21:45:06] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> So we gotta make sure we coordinate with that
[21:45:14] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Ye, luckily y�all are close
[21:45:29] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> What time is it for you two right now?
[21:45:44] <Mars> poor 1:15 AM
[21:45:50] <Mars> ignore the poor
[21:45:55] <Mars> 1:15AM IST
[21:46:00] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[21:46:30] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Maybe what I�ll do is make a forum post
[21:46:48] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Asking players which time range works best
[21:46:53] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Then from that decide a time
[21:46:53] <Mars> first get us a a date kind sir
[21:46:56] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> That works for all
[21:47:01] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Uhhh we�ll see lmao
[21:47:11] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> I started a new job
[21:47:16] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> So hopefully I get my new place ASAP
[21:47:24] <Mars> fingers crossed
[21:47:31] <Mars> r u doing most of the work?
[21:49:00] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Mostly
[21:49:11] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> TG helped out with a few old bugs
[21:49:18] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Lotta bug fixes coming
[21:49:51] <Mars> btw crystal there's an issue with lima island
[21:49:59] <Mars> the runway isnt loading properly
[21:50:09] <Mars> u told earlier that a reset is required for server
[21:50:14] <Mars> how bout now?
[21:53:07] <chairMANmao> ye we can do a reset now
[21:53:12] <chairMANmao> 3 ppl here only
[21:53:23] (WEB) <Crystal#0003> Aye I�ll grab my laptop
[21:54:31] --> Crystal connected to the server
[21:54:57] <Mars> make it 2 mins
[21:55:35] <Crystal> someones working lmao
[21:55:38] <Mars> thats me
[21:55:40] <Mars> wait ill die
[21:55:53] <Mars> k go
[21:57:19] --> HardStone connected to the server
[21:57:30] --> Crystal connected to the server
[21:57:45] --> Mars connected to the server
[21:57:52] --> chairMANmao connected to the server
[21:58:59] <Crystal> so many maps lmao
[21:59:06] <-- Mars disconnected from the server
[22:00:23] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[22:00:40] --> Mars connected to the server
[22:00:48] <HardStone> u back
[22:01:21] --> Crystal connected to the server
[22:03:41] --> DrunkGarlicBread connected to the server
[22:03:44] <Mars> wb
[22:03:51] <DrunkGarlicBread> tyt
[22:04:50] --> Julian_Polanco connected to the server
[22:05:03] <-- Julian_Polanco disconnected from the server
[22:05:03] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[22:05:15] <Mars> wb
[22:06:39] <HardStone> !userid 0verlord
[22:06:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}0verlord's userid is 218448
[22:06:44] <HardStone> !userid
[22:06:47] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[22:06:50] <HardStone> !userid HardStone
[22:06:50] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}HardStone's userid is 363021
[22:12:03] <-- DrunkGarlicBread disconnected from the server
[22:15:34] <chairMANmao> !player sallu
[22:15:37] (WEB) <robin_be> player sallu: 426 score, last seen 26 Months Ago
[22:17:01] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> WHENS THE UPDATE???????????
[22:17:08] <chairMANmao> bruh
[22:17:14] <Crystal> certified bruh moment
[22:17:31] <chairMANmao> overlord's screaming in discord asking for the update
[22:17:31] <chairMANmao> bruh
[22:17:42] <Crystal> I get asked every fucking day
[22:17:42] <HardStone> hes boutta break his keyboard
[22:17:47] <chairMANmao> !crystal
[22:17:47] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[22:17:47] <Crystal> every fucking day I say expect septembe
[22:17:49] <Crystal> september
[22:17:49] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> want a glimpse of the luft airline chat?
[22:18:12] --> Lavija connected to the server
[22:18:17] <Crystal> aw shit
[22:18:20] <Crystal> hide yo kids
[22:18:22] <chairMANmao> wb haydz
[22:18:33] <Lavija> im here
[22:18:38] <Crystal> and queer
[22:18:40] <Lavija> you bitch
[22:18:45] <Crystal> :O
[22:21:33] <chairMANmao> !houses stan
[22:21:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Flint County: $650,000 1 slots Flint Intersection: $1,000,000 2 slots Flint Intersection: $1,250,000 1 slot(..)
[22:21:41] <Crystal> lmao that fucked me up
[22:21:56] <Lavija> cuz you have the dumb
[22:21:56] <Crystal> I'm bout to check out sursai's new map if anyone wants to see
[22:22:04] <Lavija> ye sec
[22:22:35] <Crystal> sec gotta bring the dog in
[22:22:37] <Lavija> winlog why arent you working
[22:22:47] <HardStone> why do u wanna know weatherboy
[22:23:28] <Crystal> lmao
[22:23:36] <Crystal> this kids sketchy
[22:23:38] <Crystal> dont trust him
[22:23:51] <Lavija> who
[22:24:04] <Crystal> weatherboy kid
[22:24:09] <Crystal> never seen that video?
[22:24:11] <Lavija> nope
[22:24:16] <Crystal> smh
[22:24:16] <Crystal> sec
[22:24:21] <Crystal> I'll send it to our discord
[22:24:37] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Id like to see the map
[22:24:57] <Crystal> come IG
[22:25:02] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I cant
[22:25:10] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Could you send me a pic?
[22:25:15] <Lavija> wtf
[22:25:22] <Crystal> yeah I'll take some screens
[22:25:33] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> K thanks
[22:27:40] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[22:29:22] --> Ent connected to the server
[22:32:38] <Crystal> Sursai has outdone himself once again
[22:32:48] <Lavija> im surs
[22:33:13] <Mars> wats up
[22:33:19] <Crystal> his new map
[22:34:20] <Mars> we're talking bout the map that u posted on announcements?
[22:34:25] <Crystal> nah
[22:34:32] <Crystal> the one he posted to the map suggestions
[22:34:35] <Crystal> it's IG
[22:36:22] <Mars> wait a min
[22:36:29] <Mars> in ur update teasers thing
[22:36:40] <Mars> why do i see sun shine autos thing
[22:36:50] <Crystal> cause sunshine autos is in the update
[22:36:50] <Mars> can we buy that place?
[22:36:55] <Crystal> it's a dealership
[22:37:03] <Crystal> for saloon, civil, and sports
[22:37:05] <Mars> oh nice
[22:37:08] <Crystal> and there's a mod garage on the lower level
[22:37:13] <Mars> good idea
[22:39:10] --> 0verlord connected to the server
[22:41:25] --> Santiago connected to the server
[22:41:30] <HardStone> wb
[22:42:18] <Santiago> !cboard
[22:42:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Star Inc.(13325) , Rank 2: TransX(-564) , Rank 3: GO-JEK(-5175)
[22:42:49] <0verlord> Petition for Mao to do a nice event when he gets to 40k
[22:42:56] <0verlord> and my earphones ran out
[22:42:56] <HardStone> signed
[22:42:56] <Crystal> give his score away
[22:42:59] <Mars> 800m prize
[22:43:04] <chairMANmao> xd
[22:43:12] <Crystal> no one should be allowed to have that much score
[22:43:17] <Crystal> we need to score tax the rich
[22:43:19] <Santiago> petition for crystal to do a nice event these weekends
[22:43:22] <0verlord> yes
[22:43:22] <Mars> INCOME TAX UPDATE
[22:43:27] <HardStone> reported
[22:43:32] <chairMANmao> wow
[22:43:37] <Santiago> I didn't see anything
[22:43:40] <0verlord> Crystal , we have 18 players on weekends
[22:43:45] <Santiago> yes crystal
[22:43:52] <Lavija> yes crystal
[22:43:55] <Santiago> maybe we should have a nice event
[22:44:03] <HardStone> yes crystal
[22:44:03] <Mars> hey crystal add more ranks after PL Aviation legend
[22:44:08] <Lavija> yes crystal
[22:44:10] <Santiago> yes add
[22:44:13] <HardStone> yes crystal
[22:44:15] <chairMANmao> yes crystal
[22:44:18] <HardStone> hey crystal when is the update?
[22:44:18] <Mars> yes crystal
[22:44:20] <Santiago> PL Aviation godlike
[22:44:20] <Lavija> yes crystal
[22:44:26] <Santiago> !crystal
[22:44:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[22:44:33] <chairMANmao> crystal whens the update
[22:44:33] <Crystal> hey crystal
[22:44:36] <Santiago> !crystal
[22:44:36] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[22:44:38] <Lavija> crystal dumb
[22:44:38] <0verlord> Crystal be like , taps F7 twice
[22:44:46] <chairMANmao> crystal immature 11 yo
[22:44:46] <Crystal> stop getting so high and update the server
[22:44:56] <Santiago> crystal be like
[22:45:06] <0verlord> crystal high again?
[22:45:09] <Santiago> im getting hella high this weekend in my house, ryan is coming
[22:45:16] <Crystal> nah was last night
[22:45:16] <0verlord> Ryan_WT/
[22:45:19] <Lavija> that sounds exactly like him
[22:45:19] <Santiago> too*
[22:45:29] <Crystal> meissenhower and I had a fire
[22:45:32] <Lavija> we're going to the cabin this weekend
[22:45:37] <Crystal> lmao
[22:45:44] <Lavija> hoping i can cheat the inactivity timer
[22:46:02] <0verlord> !houses Lavija
[22:46:05] (WEB) <robin_be> East Beach: $11,000,000 10 slots Portlandia: $20,000,000 15 slots
[22:46:07] <0verlord> hmm
[22:46:10] <Crystal> this muffin is so good
[22:46:18] <Crystal> cranberry orange
[22:46:20] <Santiago> weed muffin?
[22:46:30] <Santiago> !player michael_r
[22:46:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player michael_r: 2649 score, last seen 10 Days Ago
[22:47:06] <Lavija> potd*
[22:47:11] <-- chairMANmao disconnected from the server
[22:47:24] <Lavija> lalalalala
[22:47:52] --> chairMANmao connected to the server
[22:47:57] <Crystal> that was wotd
[22:48:05] <Lavija> you hoe
[22:48:07] <Ent> hi
[22:48:10] <0verlord> you aint AOTD
[22:48:10] <0verlord> RIP
[22:48:30] <Santiago> eaea galera
[22:48:35] <Ent> Esaa
[22:48:40] <Mars> add emojis to pl ingame chat
[22:48:50] <Lavija> dont think thats possible
[22:48:58] <HardStone> useless
[22:49:01] <Mars> rip
[22:49:06] <Crystal> it's not possible
[22:49:06] <Lavija> not useless
[22:49:11] <Lavija> i would spam a penis emjoi
[22:49:16] <Crystal> kirksmirk
[22:49:21] <Lavija> engaged btw
[22:49:24] <Lavija> taken
[22:49:36] <Crystal> who's engaged?
[22:49:41] <Lavija> price
[22:49:52] <Crystal> I mean good for him
[22:50:02] <Mars> how bout adding every player's rank to their name in brackets before their name in chat
[22:50:02] (WEB) <midget#0266> <:KirkSmirk:731584623422996687>
[22:50:04] <-- 0verlord disconnected from the server
[22:50:15] <Crystal> that'd be too much
[22:50:25] <Mars> for example [Trainee]mars ": im nub lololololol
[22:50:37] <Lavija> nah
[22:50:40] <Mars> dammit
[22:50:43] <Crystal> I like how simple our chat looks
[22:50:50] <Mars> true
[22:50:53] <Crystal> not a bunch of fuckin tags everywhere n shit
[22:51:11] (WEB) <midget#0266> thats what's called "too much information"
[22:51:21] <Mars> GO SLEEP NUB
[22:51:28] <Lavija> omg is that pedro on webchat?
[22:51:28] (WEB) <midget#0266> fuck u <#
[22:51:33] <Crystal> lmao
[22:51:33] <Lavija> the username is fitting at least
[22:51:59] (WEB) <midget#0266> yes
[22:52:07] (WEB) <midget#0266> <:penis:726429297564450928>
[22:52:12] <HardStone> chatcolor for vip 5
[22:52:50] (WEB) <midget#0266> hardstone for admin
[22:53:38] <HardStone> santi
[22:53:41] <HardStone> Park the baron elsewhere
[22:54:11] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[22:54:29] <Crystal> you upset him
[22:54:34] <HardStone> looks like it
[22:54:39] --> Santiago connected to the server
[22:54:39] <Lavija> hes crying in our discord rn
[22:54:42] <Lavija> amirite santi
[22:54:57] <Santiago> yes
[22:55:58] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[22:56:13] <Ent> how much turmist $$$?
[22:56:19] <Ent> turismo*
[22:56:24] <Santiago> /getprice turismo
[22:56:44] <Ent> thx
[22:56:49] <Santiago> np
[23:02:20] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Welp , is mai sleep yet?
[23:02:28] <Crystal> probably
[23:02:30] <Crystal> he's afk
[23:02:33] <Santiago> maybe
[23:02:40] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Also , is crystal streaming music?
[23:02:45] <Crystal> nah
[23:02:51] <Crystal> just listening to youtube
[23:02:58] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Oh , okay , i can sleep then
[23:03:03] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Sleep tight!
[23:04:25] <Santiago> who won the lotto
[23:04:30] <Mars> server reset
[23:04:37] <Santiago> wow why restart
[23:04:45] <Mars> lima island rw was fked up
[23:04:55] <Santiago> that was probably lavija's fault
[23:05:54] <Lavija> i won the lotto
[23:05:54] <Crystal> lotto draw was over 1k yeah?
[23:06:04] <Crystal> which means there's been a couple of map changes
[23:06:09] <Crystal> so we needed a restart
[23:06:12] <Mars> u mean 100k ?
[23:06:14] <Mars> ye
[23:06:22] <Crystal> nah the lottery draw #
[23:06:30] <Mars> oh idk
[23:06:42] <Ent> restart?
[23:07:13] --> stawa1241 connected to the server
[23:07:20] <Mars> wb
[23:07:26] <stawa1241> hi, ty :)
[23:07:36] <Ent> wb
[23:07:51] <stawa1241> hi :)
[23:07:54] <Ent> oh sht xd
[23:10:24] <Ent> aircraft carrier lift work?
[23:10:34] <Mars> try /o
[23:10:39] <-- Ent disconnected from the server
[23:10:42] <Mars> nvm
[23:14:28] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[23:33:18] <-- stawa1241 disconnected from the server
[23:40:00] --> amking connected to the server
[23:43:52] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[23:49:08] <-- amking disconnected from the server
[23:55:24] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC CandyAss: gay
[23:55:45] <Mars> u gei
[23:55:52] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC CandyAss: no u
[23:56:43] <-- Mars disconnected from the server
[23:57:01] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC CandyAss: i need make marijuana cigarette
[23:57:27] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC CandyAss: also why the fuck is our internet cafe banned????!!!