[01:48:30] --> Azathoth connected to the server
[01:48:50] <Azathoth> hi
[01:50:32] <-- Azathoth disconnected from the server
[02:20:07] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[02:32:51] --> Kristel connected to the server
[02:32:59] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[02:51:54] --> Danielson connected to the server
[02:55:56] <HanonLee> gz
[02:55:59] <Kristel> yey
[02:56:04] <Kristel> ty :D
[02:57:05] <Winlogon.bat> ...
[02:57:10] <Kristel> ha
[02:57:18] <Kristel> see
[02:57:25] <Kristel> it works on me aswell :p
[02:58:31] <Danielson> !player haroon
[02:58:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player haroon: 6934 score, last seen 6 Hours Ago
[03:00:34] <Kristel> what was that SFA remap for
[03:00:49] <HanonLee> halloween i think
[03:00:54] <Kristel> ah
[03:06:58] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[03:13:20] <HanonLee> !assets
[03:13:23] (WEB) <robin_be> HanonLee has 55 car(s) ($46,820,000) and 4 house(s) ($59,000,000 - 55 slots) for a total of $105,820,000
[03:27:51] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[03:35:50] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[03:39:59] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[03:58:57] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[04:28:08] --> Azathoth connected to the server
[04:47:34] <Azathoth> wb
[04:47:39] <Winlogon.bat> ty
[04:52:04] <Azathoth> gn boss
[04:52:09] <-- Azathoth disconnected from the server
[05:11:20] <Winlogon.bat> w
[05:34:11] --> dipa connected to the server
[05:35:23] <dipa> !interest 36060924
[05:35:25] (WEB) <robin_be> $36,060,924 will generate about $24,040 every 60 minutes
[05:41:04] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> Soljum dipaa
[05:41:22] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> Jangan soljum di rodeo :v
[05:41:27] <dipa> :v
[05:46:45] <dipa> why the hell is sfa full of bush
[05:47:28] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[05:49:02] --> Lenz connected to the server
[05:57:29] --> Danielson connected to the server
[06:07:27] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[06:44:22] <-- Winlogon.bat disconnected from the server
[06:45:43] --> Winlogon.bat connected to the server
[06:46:44] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[06:46:52] <Winlogon.bat> wb
[06:47:15] <HanonLee> thanks :)
[06:50:36] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> !houses ludred
[06:50:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $2,000,000 4 slots Tierra Robada: $20,000,000 20 slots
[06:53:37] <Winlogon.bat> w
[06:58:06] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[06:59:25] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[07:00:47] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[07:01:15] --> zarif__ connected to the server
[07:02:39] --> Danielson connected to the server
[07:03:32] <-- zarif__ disconnected from the server
[07:08:17] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[07:09:16] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[07:12:37] --> l_drago connected to the server
[07:16:21] <l_drago> !missions cargi
[07:16:24] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[07:16:24] <l_drago> !missions cargo
[07:16:26] (WEB) <robin_be> l_drago: 479 cargo
[07:20:13] <HanonLee>
[07:20:15] <l_drago> wb
[07:20:20] <HanonLee> thanks :)
[07:25:36] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[07:26:01] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[07:26:06] <l_drago> wb
[07:26:32] <HanonLee> thanks
[07:37:41] <l_drago> is the sf airport bring remapped?
[07:37:51] --> Danielson connected to the server
[07:38:12] <Lenz> halloween deco
[07:38:19] <l_drago> ohh
[07:42:06] <l_drago> wb
[07:42:14] <HanonLee> thanks
[07:44:31] <HanonLee> !player xijinping
[07:44:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player xijinping: 3964 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[07:45:27] <HanonLee> !houses lenz
[07:45:30] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $4,000,000 5 slots Devon Island: $2,800,000 5 slots Whitewood Estates: $20,000,000 20 slots
[07:49:01] <HanonLee> !interest 69000000
[07:49:04] (WEB) <robin_be> $69,000,000 will generate about $46,000 every 60 minutes
[08:02:48] <Lenz> fix
[08:13:25] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[08:26:34] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[08:38:45] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[08:44:59] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> !player ayes
[08:45:02] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player ayes
[08:45:04] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> !player ayers
[08:45:07] (WEB) <robin_be> player ayers: 14762 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[08:49:44] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[09:02:21] <-- Winlogon.bat disconnected from the server
[09:03:01] --> Winlogon.bat connected to the server
[09:05:14] --> zarif__ connected to the server
[09:17:42] --> dipa connected to the server
[09:17:52] <zarif__> wb
[09:18:00] <dipa> thanks
[09:18:15] <dipa> im tired playing roleplay T_T
[09:18:23] <dipa> and i came here to refresh
[09:18:38] <zarif__> cool
[09:20:10] <zarif__> this a350 mod is clean af
[09:20:17] <dipa> author?
[09:20:53] <zarif__> skyline i think
[09:21:06] <dipa> oh we use same author then
[09:21:11] <dipa> i use a320 by skyline
[09:21:51] <zarif__> i need to get one for the hydra
[09:22:02] <dipa> cool
[09:22:45] <dipa> people still care san andreas :D
[09:22:55] <zarif__> yeah no shit
[09:23:03] <zarif__> one of the best gta ever made
[09:23:08] <dipa> yeah agree
[09:23:18] <zarif__> better than gta V in my opinion
[09:23:43] <dipa> gta v is complex
[09:24:29] <zarif__> san andreas is crazy fun even after playing it for so long
[09:24:37] <zarif__> 5 gets boring after a while
[09:25:30] <dipa> yeah
[09:26:34] <zarif__> hello lol
[09:26:47] <dipa> oh hello xD
[09:27:33] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[09:30:21] <zarif__> p
[09:30:21] <zarif__> p
[09:31:24] <-- zarif__ disconnected from the server
[10:17:39] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[10:43:12] --> Lenz connected to the server
[10:54:37] <Lenz> .tp
[10:55:28] --> l_drago connected to the server
[10:55:56] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[10:56:01] <l_drago> thnx
[11:04:12] <l_drago> !missions cargo
[11:04:15] (WEB) <robin_be> l_drago: 490 cargo
[11:14:18] --> CzechBoy777 connected to the server
[11:14:21] <l_drago> wb
[11:14:23] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[11:14:28] <CzechBoy777> ty
[11:14:36] <HanonLee> LOL
[11:14:41] <CzechBoy777> ?
[11:14:41] <l_drago> sorry
[11:14:49] <HanonLee> no2, did i hit you?
[11:15:01] <l_drago> idk what happened
[11:15:29] <l_drago> i was trying to fly behind you
[11:15:29] <HanonLee> my plane's okay, but u got destroyed. yea maybe i hit you
[11:15:42] <HanonLee> sorry :D
[11:15:57] <l_drago> itz kk :)
[11:21:49] <CzechBoy777> lol
[11:21:54] <CzechBoy777> theres acrashed plane
[11:22:02] <l_drago> at sf rite?
[11:22:02] <HanonLee> andromed?
[11:22:04] <CzechBoy777> yes
[11:22:14] <CzechBoy777> I didnt see that before
[11:22:25] <CzechBoy777> wait wtf happened to sfa
[11:22:25] <l_drago> its part of halloween i guess :)
[11:22:27] <HanonLee> there's 1 more
[11:22:37] <CzechBoy777> rip SFA
[11:23:03] <l_drago> where is the other one lee?
[11:23:31] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Another hour of online classes smfh
[11:23:33] <HanonLee> 1 near runway, 1 in sfa airport's circle
[11:23:36] <CzechBoy777> f
[11:23:49] <CzechBoy777> its only in sfa?
[11:23:54] <l_drago> i only saw the one in the airport circle
[11:24:17] <HanonLee> yea there's 1 near sfa's runway
[11:24:19] <CzechBoy777> second one near runway
[11:24:29] <l_drago> oh
[11:25:18] <CzechBoy777> omg
[11:25:26] <CzechBoy777> I didnt see you lol
[11:25:28] <CzechBoy777> there were clouds
[11:25:31] <Lenz> :v
[11:25:41] <Lenz> its okay.. you didn't hit me
[11:25:46] <CzechBoy777> good
[11:27:15] <HanonLee> gz
[11:27:18] <l_drago> gz
[11:27:20] <HanonLee> numba wan
[11:28:52] <Lenz> ty
[11:30:13] --> zarif__ connected to the server
[11:30:18] <l_drago> wb
[11:30:31] <zarif__> ty
[11:35:21] --> kozigo connected to the server
[11:35:21] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[11:35:34] <kozigo> ty
[11:36:48] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:37:21] <kozigo> !player cookiemobster
[11:37:24] (WEB) <robin_be> player cookiemobster: 2298 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[11:39:11] <CzechBoy777> the halloween decorations on sfa or what breaks my plane alot lol
[11:39:39] <kozigo> they don't in my screen cuz u flying 777 xd
[11:39:46] <CzechBoy777> on my screen I am in 767
[11:39:51] <CzechBoy777> and ur in a330
[11:39:57] <HanonLee> numba wan again
[11:40:09] <Lenz> damn I picked something else :v
[11:40:17] <CzechBoy777> adn what 777 u use kozigo
[11:40:27] <CzechBoy777> and*
[11:40:35] <kozigo> carcer's 777-x pack
[11:40:37] <CzechBoy777> ah
[11:40:42] <CzechBoy777> thats a cool one
[11:40:53] <kozigo> ..
[11:40:55] <CzechBoy777> omg sorry
[11:41:03] <kozigo> np xd
[11:41:05] <CzechBoy777> I guess I die
[11:41:18] <CzechBoy777> I broke so hard
[11:41:26] <CzechBoy777> but Im a pro pilot
[11:41:26] <kozigo> only wing for me
[11:41:28] <CzechBoy777> I can do this
[11:42:09] <CzechBoy777> I did it!
[11:42:19] <kozigo> same
[11:42:24] <kozigo> lmao yeah you did it
[11:42:24] <CzechBoy777> but I die still
[11:42:32] <CzechBoy777> the decorations broke my plane again
[11:42:47] <CzechBoy777> but I promise I did it I landed until the things on runway killed me
[11:42:50] <CzechBoy777> I screenshotted it all
[11:43:08] <CzechBoy777> and where u flyin to
[11:43:13] <kozigo> black mesa
[11:43:25] <CzechBoy777> I wouldnot want to be at ur side now
[11:43:28] <zarif__> i just left mesa
[11:43:28] <kozigo> but did emergency landing on jumeriah as you broke my wing xd
[11:43:36] <zarif__> 24km to mornington
[11:43:53] <CzechBoy777> but it was near headon collision
[11:43:58] <CzechBoy777> I had to do a very hard turn
[11:44:49] <kozigo> why did you go on my opposite side if you took off on rw 23 lol
[11:44:54] <CzechBoy777> crosswind landing
[11:44:57] <CzechBoy777> idk
[11:45:02] <CzechBoy777> i wasnt about to land
[11:46:34] <CzechBoy777> gz
[11:46:36] <l_drago> ty
[11:46:44] <kozigo> good deman
[11:47:09] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[11:47:15] <CzechBoy777> wb
[11:47:17] <Brooklyn> ty
[11:48:11] <CzechBoy777> I am flying air force two now
[11:48:26] <CzechBoy777> guess who is onboard
[11:48:31] <kozigo> trump
[11:48:33] <CzechBoy777> nope
[11:48:39] <kozigo> joe biden
[11:48:39] <CzechBoy777> mike pompeo
[11:48:49] <CzechBoy777> I have to land safely
[11:49:25] <CzechBoy777> ok good
[11:49:40] <CzechBoy777> wtf
[11:50:15] <CzechBoy777> I dont like watching people land on taxiways or gates
[11:50:23] <kozigo> same
[11:50:31] <CzechBoy777> lol and zarif just did it xd
[11:50:38] <zarif__> pretend im not here
[11:50:46] <zarif__> lol
[11:50:49] <CzechBoy777> ok hes fixing it now I guess
[11:50:56] <zarif__> fixing what?
[11:51:04] <CzechBoy777> that you wont takeoff from taxiway or gate
[11:51:17] <zarif__> i cant takeoff on that short space
[11:51:24] <CzechBoy777> Im gonna preted I didnt see anything
[11:51:24] <kozigo> with hydra you can
[11:51:34] <zarif__> welp im in a a350
[11:52:25] <kozigo> are you using czechboy's a350
[11:53:04] <CzechBoy777> anyway I have seen af2 landing in real life
[11:53:09] <CzechBoy777> and mike pompeo was onboard
[11:53:19] <CzechBoy777> didnt see him sadly
[11:55:01] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Brooklyn nab
[11:55:41] <Brooklyn> nou
[11:56:25] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Nabnab
[11:56:30] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Gimme money
[11:56:43] <Brooklyn> mo
[11:56:45] <Brooklyn> no
[11:56:55] <kozigo> hi ludred
[11:57:23] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> Sup koz
[11:58:27] <CzechBoy777> kozigo
[11:58:30] <kozigo> sup
[11:58:35] <CzechBoy777> there was some guy called el_arab in gtainside
[11:58:42] <CzechBoy777> and he kept rating my mods 1 star without a reason
[11:58:52] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Hi kozi
[11:59:00] <kozigo> hello
[11:59:00] <CzechBoy777> today I got fucking mad and contacted gtainside
[11:59:05] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I stiol think brook is a nab
[11:59:23] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[11:59:26] <kozigo> yes ludred
[11:59:33] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Czech thats not hoe the internet really works tbh
[11:59:38] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> Mad gay
[11:59:41] <CzechBoy777> and now I looked at mail and they said that he got immediately removed
[11:59:41] <Brooklyn> "heo"
[11:59:51] <Brooklyn> "hoe"
[11:59:56] <Brooklyn> sounds like you, ludred
[12:00:04] <CzechBoy777> because he had multiple accounts
[12:00:09] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> You will always have 1 star reviews no matter how good it is
[12:00:16] <CzechBoy777> but you know
[12:00:22] <CzechBoy777> if he rates EVERY mods with 1
[12:00:29] <CzechBoy777> and laughs at me and says Im stupid
[12:00:32] <CzechBoy777> than its not normal
[12:00:34] <kozigo> bruh
[12:00:39] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> It is
[12:00:42] <kozigo> you are quite sensitive
[12:00:47] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> It's the internet
[12:01:02] <kozigo> why do you care if someone laughs at you and say you are stupid xd
[12:01:07] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> And no brook thats sounds more like you
[12:01:12] <-- zarif__ disconnected from the server
[12:01:18] <CzechBoy777> I mean
[12:01:18] <kozigo> just ignore
[12:01:20] <Brooklyn> no I dont
[12:01:30] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> See brook doesn't care when I call him a hoe
[12:01:30] <CzechBoy777> it makes it that my mods look shit to people so they wont download it
[12:01:35] --> zarif__ connected to the server
[12:01:38] <kozigo> ah that makes sense
[12:01:43] <Brooklyn> !8ball is ludred a hoe?
[12:01:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: Yes
[12:01:46] <kozigo> u right in tha
[12:01:48] <Brooklyn> see?
[12:01:51] <CzechBoy777> well he still broke the rules
[12:01:59] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !8ball is brooklyn a hoe too?
[12:02:01] (WEB) <robin_be> TBNR#3500: My sources say no
[12:02:04] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Shit
[12:02:09] <Brooklyn> haahahaha
[12:02:09] <CzechBoy777> lol
[12:02:09] <Brooklyn> hoe
[12:02:14] <kozigo> !8ball is brooklyin hoe
[12:02:16] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo: Very doubtful
[12:02:16] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !8ball is brook a whore?
[12:02:22] <Brooklyn> lmfao
[12:02:24] <CzechBoy777> hoe hoe hoe
[12:02:24] <CzechBoy777> hoe santa
[12:02:27] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !8ball is brook a whore?
[12:02:29] (WEB) <robin_be> TBNR#3500: As I see it, yes
[12:02:32] <kozigo> ezz
[12:02:37] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Hhhhhheeehe
[12:02:37] <Brooklyn> u forced the bot .-.
[12:03:00] <CzechBoy777> imagine the bot was a real player
[12:03:13] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Thats the first time it awnsered lol
[12:03:25] <CzechBoy777> that it would say like you suck
[12:03:28] <Brooklyn> !8ball is ludred mad gay?
[12:03:30] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: My reply is no
[12:03:33] <kozigo> shrekt
[12:03:43] <zarif__> lmao im gonna pretend i didnt see you crashing
[12:03:48] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !8ball do i love brook
[12:03:51] (WEB) <robin_be> TBNR#3500: Sign points to yes
[12:03:51] <CzechBoy777> or you said !8ball am I gay and it would say you are a big big one
[12:03:59] <Brooklyn> gaaaaaaaaaaaay
[12:04:04] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Fuck now i have to love him in a non gay eay
[12:04:27] <CzechBoy777> !8ball is stan good
[12:04:29] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777: My reply is no
[12:04:32] <kozigo> xD
[12:04:34] <CzechBoy777> oof.
[12:04:42] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !8ball will i go to online classes now?
[12:04:44] (WEB) <robin_be> TBNR#3500: You may rely on it
[12:04:50] <CzechBoy777> !8ball and is the second stan good
[12:04:52] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777: Without a doubt
[12:04:52] <kozigo> online,
[12:04:55] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Well ima dip now
[12:05:02] <CzechBoy777> !8ball is stan from sri lanka best
[12:05:05] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777: It is decidedly so
[12:05:05] <kozigo> are you still having online classes
[12:05:10] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Yes
[12:05:15] <CzechBoy777> !8ball yes or no
[12:05:18] (WEB) <robin_be> CzechBoy777: Yes, definitely
[12:05:20] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> We got like 850 cases 2 days in a row
[12:05:36] <kozigo> well here 2000 cases by last 24hours
[12:05:38] <CzechBoy777> we get 20K cases every day
[12:05:46] <kozigo> governement forced us a quarantine for 7days
[12:05:51] <Brooklyn> that sounds fucked up
[12:06:09] <CzechBoy777> Im really not joking
[12:06:16] <CzechBoy777> I believe we have like 300k confirmed
[12:06:24] <CzechBoy777> as we get over 15K every day
[12:06:39] <CzechBoy777> last time I looked it was 268k
[12:07:22] <kozigo> people here are not wearing masks, then blame governement for not doing its duty well
[12:07:45] <kozigo> cya 5min
[12:07:45] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[12:08:01] <CzechBoy777> the czech people are retarded
[12:08:08] <CzechBoy777> because they were protesting aganist masks
[12:08:21] <zarif__> GREAT
[12:08:29] <zarif__> 1000 ODO MID WORK
[12:08:31] <CzechBoy777> czech people just cant get it that masks save us
[12:09:04] <CzechBoy777> ''so proud to live in czech republic'' ._.
[12:09:27] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Brook still a nab
[12:10:28] <-- CzechBoy777 disconnected from the server
[12:11:27] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[12:11:37] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[12:13:34] <zarif__> p
[12:14:12] <Brooklyn> !lastmissions
[12:14:15] <Brooklyn> !lastmission
[12:14:15] (WEB) <TheGamer> Samantha Airport Cargo to Longyearbyen Island. 5 hours 52 minutes(14988 Metres) Pay: $40120
[12:16:55] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[12:21:02] <-- zarif__ disconnected from the server
[12:25:07] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[12:29:57] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[12:30:53] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[12:31:11] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[12:34:17] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[12:34:55] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[12:37:53] --> Danielson connected to the server
[12:38:01] <Brooklyn> evening
[12:38:06] <Danielson> evening
[12:38:29] <slampinjsh> wb
[12:38:31] <Danielson> thanks
[12:38:59] <slampinjsh> guys do you know why i've gotten frozen can't even move my character lol
[12:39:07] <Danielson> try relog
[12:41:40] <Brooklyn> !cboard
[12:41:42] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(17706) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-3186) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-353)
[12:41:50] --> xSamurai connected to the server
[12:45:44] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[12:55:57] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Brooklyn nab
[12:58:30] <Danielson> `/snw
[12:58:48] --> Ludred connected to the server
[12:58:58] <Brooklyn> ludred mad gay
[12:59:11] <Ludred> no u
[12:59:16] <Ludred> donate to the event :)
[12:59:19] <Brooklyn> yes you are
[12:59:31] <Ludred> aka you can donates to me
[12:59:52] <Danielson> donate all ur money too ludred
[12:59:59] <Brooklyn> there
[13:00:02] <Ludred> I will
[13:00:15] <Ludred> damn thanks for the 69 dollars
[13:00:22] <Brooklyn> :)
[13:00:25] <Ludred> + 5069
[13:00:58] <Brooklyn> do you accept my kidney?
[13:01:00] <Danielson> how much u got already?
[13:01:44] <Ludred> 61m I think
[13:02:09] <Danielson> target?
[13:02:14] <Brooklyn> 320m
[13:02:22] <Danielson> good luck then
[13:02:35] <Brooklyn> just ... 260m left lmao
[13:03:00] <Ludred> if we all donate like 5m each
[13:03:08] <Ludred> winny is gonna donate 50m bet
[13:03:36] <Danielson> i wish i have 5m
[13:03:43] <Ludred> didn't you win 29m from jackie lol
[13:03:46] --> XiJinPing connected to the server
[13:03:51] <Ludred> wb
[13:03:54] <Danielson> wb
[13:03:56] <Ludred> speaking about him he comes online
[13:04:19] <Ludred> wtf is wrong
[13:04:22] <Ludred> with sfa
[13:04:47] <Ludred> or is it a problem on my end with the grass?
[13:05:02] <Danielson> halloween afaik
[13:05:15] <Ludred> aha
[13:05:33] <XiJinPing> lol
[13:05:38] <Ludred> I wish /rob existed here I would rob winny every time
[13:05:51] <Ludred> #add/robtoPL
[13:06:16] <XiJinPing> !Player Ayers
[13:06:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player Ayers: 14762 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[13:06:19] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[13:06:24] <Ludred> wb
[13:06:37] <HanonLee> thanks :)
[13:06:37] <Brooklyn> he wasn't seious with that 65m offer lmao
[13:06:44] <Ludred> who?
[13:06:44] <Brooklyn> serious*
[13:06:49] <Brooklyn> Ayers
[13:06:57] <Brooklyn> for the golf club
[13:06:57] <XiJinPing> did I ask you that?
[13:07:25] <Ludred> !houses xijinping
[13:07:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Prickle Pine: $15,000,000 15 slots
[13:07:35] <Ludred> yeah dude no one will buy it for 100m lmao
[13:07:53] <XiJinPing> where'd I say I'm going to sell it for 100m?
[13:08:03] <HanonLee> T__T
[13:08:49] <XiJinPing> dk why do you guys prefer to get your stuff dirty in someones pond
[13:08:54] <Brooklyn> oops, going 145knots with nevada
[13:08:59] <Ludred> ban ban
[13:09:04] <Brooklyn> hope it's not gonna trigger ricardo
[13:09:27] <Brooklyn> I did a vertical dive lmao
[13:09:30] <-- XiJinPing disconnected from the server
[13:11:02] <Brooklyn> 1missions cargo
[13:11:04] <Brooklyn> !missions cargo
[13:11:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 1521 cargo
[13:11:17] <Brooklyn> daily target: 45~50 cargo flights
[13:11:25] <Ludred> daily targe 1mission
[13:11:32] <Brooklyn> lmao
[13:11:42] <Brooklyn> nub
[13:12:16] <Ludred> damn rules about no dm suck
[13:13:17] <Ludred> rustler such a nice plane
[13:13:27] <Ludred> but it got fucked over because it got smae missions with hydra
[13:13:29] <Brooklyn> nicer than you, obviously
[13:13:32] <-- xSamurai disconnected from the server
[13:14:41] <Ludred> what was hanons lees old name?
[13:14:43] <Brooklyn> !missions cargo
[13:14:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 1521 cargo
[13:14:48] <Brooklyn> TheAir
[13:15:06] <Ludred> !userid 5
[13:15:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[13:15:14] <Ludred> !userid 3
[13:15:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[13:15:19] <Ludred> !username 3
[13:15:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}HanonLee's userid is 3
[13:15:21] <Brooklyn> !username 3
[13:15:21] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}HanonLee's userid is 3
[13:15:27] <Ludred> he da real og
[13:15:42] <Brooklyn> !userid
[13:15:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[13:15:49] <Brooklyn> !userid brooklyn
[13:15:49] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Brooklyn's userid is 180546
[13:15:52] --> xSamurai connected to the server
[13:15:55] <Winlogon.bat> !missions brooklyn cargo
[13:15:57] (WEB) <robin_be> brooklyn: 1523 cargo
[13:17:14] <Brooklyn> !missions cargodrop
[13:17:16] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 3000 cargodrop
[13:18:02] <Brooklyn> .loc 1
[13:18:22] <Brooklyn> #BidenHarris2020
[13:18:35] <Ludred> you gonna b et 2m this time?
[13:18:43] <Brooklyn> sure lol
[13:19:03] <Ludred> I hate to say this but trump might win
[13:19:08] <Brooklyn> 2m is like spare money to me rn lmao
[13:20:25] <Brooklyn> soldier*
[13:21:16] <Ludred> theres a high chance for trump to win lol
[13:21:26] <Ludred> it depends if people go out and vote
[13:21:59] <Brooklyn> the early vote counts are like 10 times higher than it was in '16
[13:22:29] <Brooklyn> bleeding?
[13:22:35] <Brooklyn> u on period? xd
[13:23:46] <Ludred> yes
[13:24:09] <Ludred> I was hitting my teeth meat idk how to see it
[13:24:11] <Ludred> say it*
[13:24:14] <Brooklyn> guess it's time to play xmas songs :>
[13:24:19] <Ludred> wtf
[13:24:24] <Ludred> xmas is like 2 months away lol
[13:24:42] <Brooklyn> been listen to it sometimes since june lmfao
[13:24:57] <Ludred> u gay
[13:25:00] <Brooklyn> nou
[13:25:07] <Brooklyn> !8ball am I gay?
[13:25:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: My reply is no
[13:25:12] <Brooklyn> see?
[13:25:20] <Danielson> !8ball brookgay
[13:25:20] <Ludred> !8ball am I gay
[13:25:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Danielson: Sign points to yes
[13:25:25] <Ludred> !8ball am I gay
[13:25:25] <Danielson> sorry brook
[13:25:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Ludred: It is decidedly so
[13:25:38] <Brooklyn> you mofo bribed the bot .-,.
[13:25:46] <Ludred> !bribebot
[13:25:51] <Ludred> not a command
[13:26:06] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> !lulded
[13:26:09] <Brooklyn> everything 8ball says against me are rigged
[13:26:14] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> f
[13:26:16] <Ludred> !ludred
[13:26:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> @lulded's a retard
[13:26:34] <Ludred> gonna load a dft in fps
[13:26:54] <Brooklyn> doing that crates on dft thing?
[13:27:12] <Ludred> yes
[13:27:15] <Brooklyn> !houses ludred
[13:27:17] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $2,000,000 4 slots Tierra Robada: $20,000,000 20 slots
[13:27:30] <Brooklyn> imma block your house's entrance with house crates lmfao
[13:27:38] <Brooklyn> those*
[13:27:40] <Ludred> gl
[13:27:48] <Ludred> you need like 10 large crates lol
[13:27:56] <Ludred> maybe more
[13:29:07] <Ludred> we should be able to put crates on freight trains lol
[13:29:22] <Brooklyn> Christmas with Boney M is lit <3
[13:30:56] <Brooklyn> !8ball is ludred my slave?
[13:30:59] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: It is certain
[13:31:04] <Brooklyn> serve me dinner, bitch
[13:31:07] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[13:31:09] <Ludred> ./report brooklyn slave joke
[13:31:12] <Ludred> wb
[13:31:24] <Quorthon> hello
[13:33:47] <Brooklyn> !houses doofenshmirtz
[13:33:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Paradiso: $2,200,000 4 slots Blueberry Acres: $10,000,000 8 slots Blueberry: $4,200,000 4 slots Rockshore E(..)
[13:33:57] <Quorthon> oh did i lose my stuff
[13:33:57] <Quorthon> !houses
[13:34:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $2,000,000 3 slots Fort Carson: $8,000,000 6 slots Bone County: $8,400,000 7 slots
[13:34:03] <Quorthon> noice
[13:34:08] <Danielson> ludred must be bored
[13:34:20] <Brooklyn> mofo's always bored
[13:34:26] <Ludred> yes
[13:34:28] <Danielson> tf
[13:34:38] <Danielson> tp hack
[13:34:43] <Ludred> ?
[13:34:54] <Quorthon> oh shit
[13:34:56] <Quorthon> winny got to 50k
[13:35:01] <Brooklyn> what's happening?
[13:35:04] <Ludred> ooooh this
[13:35:14] <Ludred> thats when you enter a vehicle and leave it
[13:35:16] <Ludred> before you enter
[13:35:27] <Danielson> yeah
[13:35:29] <Danielson> looks good
[13:35:29] <Ludred> becareful ricardo may strike I guess
[13:35:32] <Danielson> yeah
[13:35:37] <Danielson> 0 tolerance
[13:36:07] <Quorthon> ricardo is very intolerant regarding tow trucking
[13:36:12] <Quorthon> got banned a few times myself
[13:36:20] <Quorthon> he dislikes honest workers
[13:36:28] <Brooklyn> booooooooooo
[13:36:40] <Brooklyn> #RicardoIsOverParty
[13:37:24] <Quorthon> tell me he wasnt afk
[13:37:34] <Brooklyn> win?
[13:37:39] <Quorthon> danielson
[13:37:47] <Quorthon> wrecked my shamal to run him over
[13:37:57] <Ludred> danielson is in my car?
[13:37:59] <Brooklyn> tbh, I can't wait to camp UD again
[13:38:02] <Quorthon> lmao what
[13:38:07] <Ludred> truck*
[13:38:20] <Danielson> what
[13:38:25] <Danielson> im with ludred
[13:38:32] <Quorthon> just samp things then
[13:38:40] <Ludred> no you are probablly high
[13:38:40] <Danielson> u hit my ghost
[13:38:50] <Danielson> delusion
[13:39:00] <Quorthon> nice metaphor
[13:39:03] <Quorthon> also its like 9 am
[13:39:13] <Quorthon> cant be high on work hours
[13:39:18] <Brooklyn> 19:40 here
[13:39:18] <Quorthon> well kinda
[13:39:56] <Ludred> wtf
[13:40:32] <Ludred> gotta go cya
[13:40:32] <-- Ludred disconnected from the server
[13:40:47] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> camp?
[13:40:50] <Brooklyn> !missions cargo
[13:40:53] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 1530 cargo
[13:40:53] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> ban brooklyn
[13:40:58] <Brooklyn> u w0t m8?
[13:41:23] <Quorthon> !bankcash
[13:41:23] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Quorthon's bank money is $900,000
[13:41:28] <Quorthon> nice
[13:41:28] <Brooklyn> rich
[13:41:33] <Brooklyn> !cash
[13:41:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn has $221,677 in hand
[13:41:49] <Quorthon> bankcash now real quick
[13:41:54] <Brooklyn> !bankcash
[13:41:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Brooklyn's bank money is $251,100,000
[13:42:07] <Quorthon> gtfo with your poor ass
[13:42:24] <Quorthon> xd
[13:42:57] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> relog brook ur banned
[13:43:05] <Brooklyn> :(
[13:43:10] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> ?
[13:43:33] <Quorthon> what happened to the <penis:20198321>?
[13:43:43] <Quorthon> now its just a question mark
[13:43:48] <Brooklyn> removed due to uveruse
[13:43:56] <Quorthon> f
[13:44:01] <Brooklyn> I think lol
[13:44:04] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> who tf removed the penis emoji
[13:44:09] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[13:44:34] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[13:45:02] <Brooklyn> kbai
[13:45:02] <Brooklyn> bored af
[13:45:10] <Quorthon> bye
[13:45:15] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[13:45:35] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> <:penis:726429297564450928>
[13:46:01] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[13:47:22] --> Karliitis connected to the server
[13:49:52] --> TBullFake.Co connected to the server
[13:50:05] <TBullFake.Co> heloo
[13:50:30] <-- TBullFake.Co disconnected from the server
[13:52:58] --> Shazi connected to the server
[13:53:11] <-- Karliitis disconnected from the server
[13:55:38] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[14:02:31] --> Ayers connected to the server
[14:03:22] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[14:06:35] --> Lenz connected to the server
[14:16:46] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[14:17:48] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[14:25:11] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[14:31:55] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[14:36:18] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[14:36:43] --> zarif__ connected to the server
[14:41:59] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[14:49:04] <Lenz> 3rd lotto win today.. wtf
[14:50:49] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> gz
[14:51:11] <Lenz> ty
[14:56:45] --> Danielson connected to the server
[14:57:10] <Lenz> wb
[14:57:13] <Danielson> ty
[14:57:15] (WEB) <dipa#0472> hi
[14:57:31] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> !missions dipa shamal
[14:57:33] (WEB) <robin_be> dipa: 466 shamal
[15:20:10] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[15:23:14] --> Danielson connected to the server
[15:23:52] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[15:26:25] --> shayanttv connected to the server
[15:27:56] --> Karliitis connected to the server
[15:29:08] --> Danielson connected to the server
[15:30:21] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[15:30:42] --> Danielson connected to the server
[15:33:22] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[15:35:50] <-- zarif__ disconnected from the server
[15:37:06] <-- Karliitis disconnected from the server
[15:42:24] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[15:50:49] --> dipa connected to the server
[15:51:01] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[15:51:04] <dipa> Thanks
[15:52:18] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[15:55:39] <shayanttv> may day
[15:55:46] <shayanttv> mayday
[15:55:57] <dipa> its october not may
[15:55:59] (WEB) <XiJinPing#9389> 100m to a random person or 100m to lotto?
[15:56:30] <HanonLee> up to you :)
[15:56:35] <dipa> up to you <3
[15:57:13] (WEB) <XiJinPing#9389> k
[15:57:51] <HanonLee> to random person
[15:57:59] --> xIjInPiNg connected to the server
[15:58:14] <dipa> :(
[15:58:22] <xIjInPiNg> !cash
[15:58:24] (WEB) <robin_be> xIjInPiNg has $100,464,982 in hand
[15:58:24] <HanonLee> farewell?
[16:00:32] --> stan connected to the server
[16:01:05] <-- stan disconnected from the server
[16:05:12] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[16:05:20] <xIjInPiNg> wb
[16:05:27] <Quorthon> ty
[16:05:53] <-- shayanttv disconnected from the server
[16:08:10] <Quorthon> twi
[16:08:28] <Quorthon> wake up
[16:08:31] <xIjInPiNg> yes
[16:08:36] <Quorthon> what if
[16:08:48] <Quorthon> i make an account named twi[x]
[16:08:53] <xIjInPiNg> and
[16:09:06] <Quorthon> would you be interested in buying it
[16:09:09] <xIjInPiNg> nah
[16:09:11] <HanonLee> its already exist
[16:09:19] <xIjInPiNg> !Player Twi[X]
[16:09:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player Twi[X]: 0 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[16:09:22] <xIjInPiNg> lol
[16:09:24] <Quorthon> lmao fuck
[16:09:29] <xIjInPiNg> I bet thats me
[16:10:23] <Quorthon> !bankcash
[16:10:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Quorthon's bank money is $900,000
[16:10:33] <Quorthon> crash took all my paper
[16:10:41] <xIjInPiNg> crash who
[16:10:41] <dipa> c.r.a.s.h*
[16:10:48] <Quorthon> ty dipa
[16:10:53] <dipa> yes :|
[16:11:09] <xIjInPiNg> WHO IS CRASH
[16:11:24] <Quorthon> yo go play the actual game
[16:11:26] <Quorthon> gta san andreas
[16:11:29] <Quorthon> lmao
[16:11:39] <xIjInPiNg> I FORGOT
[16:11:44] <Quorthon> lmao
[16:11:54] <dipa> its in the beginning....
[16:12:02] <xIjInPiNg> its been so many years
[16:12:02] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[16:12:30] <Quorthon> i'm trying to speedrun it, but this game is long af
[16:12:35] <Quorthon> WR is like 4 hours
[16:12:38] <Quorthon> lmao
[16:20:21] --> zarif__ connected to the server
[16:20:26] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[16:20:49] <zarif__> wtf mods not working :(
[16:20:51] <-- zarif__ disconnected from the server
[16:21:48] <dipa> wb <3
[16:21:53] <xIjInPiNg> ty
[16:22:08] <dipa> gz
[16:26:25] <HanonLee> !assets xijinping
[16:26:28] (WEB) <robin_be> xijinping has 16 car(s) ($7,620,000) and 1 house(s) ($15,000,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $22,620,000
[16:26:40] <HanonLee> !cars xijinping
[16:26:43] (WEB) <robin_be> xijinping has: Buffalo Stretch Infernus Premier Monster Seasparrow RC Baron RC Raider Patriot FBI Rancher RC(..)
[16:27:34] <HanonLee> !cars dipa
[16:27:36] (WEB) <robin_be> dipa has: Journey HPV1000
[16:27:44] <dipa> uhmm Lv
[16:27:49] <dipa> :v*
[16:27:59] <HanonLee> aku dikasih premier sama twi
[16:28:07] <dipa> uwaw
[16:28:12] <HanonLee> mau ngasih ke kau tp gapunya rumah -_-
[16:28:48] <dipa> -.-
[16:36:31] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> hihih
[16:39:24] --> Bliktonijn connected to the server
[16:40:20] --> Azwyll connected to the server
[16:40:23] <dipa> wb
[16:40:30] <xIjInPiNg> wb
[16:40:38] <Azwyll> thx
[16:40:38] <dipa> i want to afk
[16:42:10] <xIjInPiNg> /password
[16:42:15] <xIjInPiNg> /password
[16:42:22] <Winlogon.bat> nice
[16:42:38] <Winlogon.bat> what the fuck happened ti ur name
[16:42:45] <xIjInPiNg> got fucked I Guess
[16:42:53] <Winlogon.bat> nice
[16:43:11] <xIjInPiNg> wish we had a /ignore cmd
[16:43:41] <Winlogon.bat> /ignore 5
[16:43:49] <xIjInPiNg> which is the longest truck
[16:44:07] <Winlogon.bat> packer
[16:44:27] <xIjInPiNg> k
[16:44:35] <xIjInPiNg> who wants a premeir
[16:44:50] <xIjInPiNg> ??????
[16:44:55] <Azwyll> i would take it but only one slot soo
[16:45:03] <xIjInPiNg> f
[16:45:28] <Azwyll> aw
[16:45:31] <Azwyll> thanks lol
[16:45:41] <xIjInPiNg> gr8
[16:45:54] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[16:46:17] --> Azathoth connected to the server
[16:46:19] <dipa> test
[16:46:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> @dipa test failed!
[16:46:22] <xIjInPiNg> wb
[16:46:27] <-- Azwyll disconnected from the server
[16:46:29] <dipa> <3
[16:47:03] <Azathoth> ty & gz
[16:47:05] <dipa> gz
[16:47:08] <xIjInPiNg> feel like dft was more longer
[16:48:24] <xIjInPiNg> FUCK
[16:50:59] <xIjInPiNg> omg
[16:51:02] <xIjInPiNg> packer really works
[16:57:42] --> HardStone connected to the server
[16:57:44] --> Zeed2000 connected to the server
[17:00:09] <-- Zeed2000 disconnected from the server
[17:00:22] <-- Bliktonijn disconnected from the server
[17:01:46] --> Zeed2000 connected to the server
[17:02:45] <Azathoth> lrpmqmrylcdll
[17:02:55] <Azathoth> >:c
[17:05:48] <Azathoth> COME ON
[17:06:03] <-- Azathoth disconnected from the server
[17:11:32] <HardStone> winny
[17:11:37] <HardStone> can i piss on ye rhino
[17:11:55] --> zarif__ connected to the server
[17:13:03] <-- zarif__ disconnected from the server
[17:15:06] <dipa> i rlly want a rhino :(
[17:16:02] <Zeed2000> exit
[17:18:24] <xIjInPiNg> buy it.
[17:18:37] --> zarif__ connected to the server
[17:19:13] <xIjInPiNg> wb
[17:19:20] <xIjInPiNg> ah gay
[17:19:23] <zarif__> ty
[17:19:25] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Vah betichod
[17:19:25] <HardStone> ah ur mom
[17:19:28] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[17:19:33] <HardStone> namaskar
[17:19:36] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Baap ke rhino pe mootoge?
[17:19:48] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Paari Pauna bhaiyaji
[17:20:01] <HardStone> winny daddyyy
[17:20:06] <xIjInPiNg> FUck OF
[17:20:06] <xIjInPiNg> off
[17:20:39] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> Alright , shut the fuck up , the autistic clone of the Chinese President
[17:20:54] (WEB) <Overlord#8864> xIjINpInG
[17:21:00] <xIjInPiNg> your opinion doesn't matter
[17:29:14] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[17:29:19] <-- zarif__ disconnected from the server
[17:31:21] <Zeed2000> how to drop passanger?
[17:33:59] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[17:39:17] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[17:41:22] <-- Zeed2000 disconnected from the server
[17:47:08] --> Zeed2000 connected to the server
[17:52:24] --> Danielson connected to the server
[17:52:57] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> JUDI MOLO
[17:53:04] <Danielson> tolol wkwk
[17:54:18] --> oscarpapee connected to the server
[17:54:23] <xIjInPiNg> wb
[18:00:30] --> Garry_Millrood connected to the server
[18:00:38] <xIjInPiNg> wb
[18:09:20] <-- Zeed2000 disconnected from the server
[18:12:46] <-- Garry_Millrood disconnected from the server
[18:16:02] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[18:18:07] --> Zeed2000 connected to the server
[18:22:29] <-- oscarpapee disconnected from the server
[18:26:00] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> Hi
[18:30:45] <-- Zeed2000 disconnected from the server
[18:39:24] --> Zeed2000 connected to the server
[18:39:32] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> wb
[18:39:32] <xIjInPiNg> god
[18:41:29] <Winlogon.bat> hairy balls
[18:42:07] --> PROmpto connected to the server
[18:42:20] <Winlogon.bat> wb
[18:42:23] <PROmpto> ty
[18:42:35] <Winlogon.bat> nice name
[18:42:41] <PROmpto> IKR
[18:43:44] <-- Zeed2000 disconnected from the server
[18:45:39] <Winlogon.bat> dont crash
[18:45:47] <PROmpto> nah
[18:45:52] <PROmpto> I'm too PRO for that
[18:45:59] <Winlogon.bat> or u might need to changtte your name
[18:46:04] <PROmpto> nah
[18:53:38] (WEB) <dipa#0472> hi
[18:53:43] <PROmpto> hi
[18:53:45] <Winlogon.bat> hi
[18:53:48] <xIjInPiNg> bye
[18:54:36] <xIjInPiNg> any therapist here?
[18:54:59] <Winlogon.bat> no but whats wrong
[18:55:04] <xIjInPiNg> everything
[18:55:07] <Winlogon.bat> u seem pissed today
[18:55:09] (WEB) <dipa#0472> the rapist?
[18:55:22] <PROmpto> psycho the rapist
[18:55:25] <xIjInPiNg> I want to give up on all my friends
[18:55:27] <PROmpto> damn
[18:55:35] (WEB) <dipa#0472> why :(
[18:55:53] <xIjInPiNg> idk
[18:56:00] <xIjInPiNg> they always like to mess up with me
[18:56:03] <xIjInPiNg> taunt me with shit
[18:56:46] <xIjInPiNg> I kinda feel paranoid around them
[18:57:24] (WEB) <dipa#0472> ...
[18:57:40] <xIjInPiNg> also
[18:57:40] --> Zeed2000 connected to the server
[18:57:40] <xIjInPiNg> I wanna die
[18:57:52] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Oh my.... god
[18:58:25] (WEB) <dipa#0472> You can get some fresh air <#
[18:58:28] <xIjInPiNg> they're snitches
[18:58:38] <xIjInPiNg> they only like me when I spend cash on em
[18:58:38] (WEB) <dipa#0472> :(
[18:58:48] (WEB) <dipa#0472> no
[18:59:32] <xIjInPiNg> Pro Tip: Friends aren't real.
[18:59:42] <xIjInPiNg> wb admin xsamurai
[18:59:49] <-- Zeed2000 disconnected from the server
[18:59:52] <xSamurai> im admin?
[18:59:55] <xIjInPiNg> yea
[18:59:57] <xSamurai> lol what?
[19:00:38] <xIjInPiNg> oh wait
[19:00:43] <xIjInPiNg> !Player sexicutioner
[19:00:46] (WEB) <robin_be> player sexicutioner: 387 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[19:00:48] <xIjInPiNg> nvm
[19:01:06] (WEB) <dipa#0472> have you sleep?
[19:01:11] <xIjInPiNg> no
[19:01:11] <xIjInPiNg> I can't sleep
[19:01:19] <xIjInPiNg> I keep thinking shit
[19:01:39] <xIjInPiNg> I better get some xan
[19:02:02] (WEB) <dipa#0472> eat?
[19:02:05] (WEB) <Innsmouth#9592> eat?
[19:02:15] <xIjInPiNg> it's a pill..
[19:02:25] (WEB) <dipa#0472> no no no dont
[19:02:25] <Winlogon.bat> no
[19:02:38] (WEB) <Innsmouth#9592> n0
[19:02:45] <xIjInPiNg> ...
[19:02:48] (WEB) <dipa#0472> you will overdose like MJ, just dont
[19:02:53] <xIjInPiNg> lol
[19:03:01] <xIjInPiNg> I only have to take one pill lol
[19:03:13] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Dont use pill
[19:03:34] <Winlogon.bat> if u ever gonna take that pill or thinking of dying
[19:03:41] <Winlogon.bat> i will personally come to california
[19:03:52] <Winlogon.bat> and find u
[19:03:54] (WEB) <Innsmouth#9592> say NO to drugs
[19:04:07] <Winlogon.bat> and i mean it
[19:04:32] <xIjInPiNg> damn I needed this badly
[19:04:37] <xIjInPiNg> thanks lads <3
[19:04:45] (WEB) <dipa#0472> No pills
[19:04:50] (WEB) <Innsmouth#9592> No drugs
[19:04:58] --> Danielson connected to the server
[19:05:08] (WEB) <Innsmouth#9592> Hi Danielson
[19:05:11] <Winlogon.bat> when i come to cali in winter u are going to see me and david
[19:05:11] <Winlogon.bat> wb
[19:05:31] <Danielson> ty
[19:05:31] <Danielson> hi
[19:05:31] <xIjInPiNg> when u guys coming
[19:05:33] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[19:05:36] <Winlogon.bat> or i dont
[19:05:36] <xIjInPiNg> wb
[19:05:41] <Winlogon.bat> because im poor af irl
[19:05:46] <k8alfa> ty
[19:05:51] <Winlogon.bat> wb
[19:05:51] <xIjInPiNg> welp f
[19:05:56] <k8alfa> ty
[19:05:56] <xIjInPiNg> !houses k8alfa
[19:05:59] (WEB) <robin_be> Devon Island: $1,000,000 2 slots Devon Island: $1,000,000 2 slots Devon Island: $1,000,000 2 slots
[19:06:17] <xIjInPiNg> 3 houses at devon = devon king
[19:06:19] <xIjInPiNg> ?
[19:06:19] <Winlogon.bat> gonna pay for the driving lessons
[19:06:24] <xIjInPiNg> oh
[19:06:40] <Winlogon.bat> so i dont need to be drive around when i come to cali
[19:06:42] <k8alfa> poor man at devon island
[19:06:50] <xIjInPiNg> cool
[19:06:58] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[19:07:00] <xIjInPiNg> driven*
[19:07:08] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[19:07:18] <k8alfa> t/myhouses
[19:08:37] (WEB) <dipa#0472> take walk outside twi
[19:08:52] <xIjInPiNg> i'm very tired rn dipa
[19:09:10] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[19:09:12] (WEB) <dipa#0472> uhmm maybe just sit outside
[19:09:35] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Ok? :D
[19:09:40] <xIjInPiNg> sure <3
[19:09:48] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Hehehe :D
[19:09:56] (WEB) <dipa#0472> <3
[19:09:56] <xIjInPiNg> I'm at 1# health lmao
[19:10:03] <Winlogon.bat> listen to classical music
[19:10:06] (WEB) <dipa#0472> heal
[19:10:06] <Winlogon.bat> it does help
[19:10:16] <xIjInPiNg> any recomendations?
[19:10:21] (WEB) <dipa#0472> listen to mozart aria
[19:10:47] <Winlogon.bat> got a spotify playlist full of them
[19:10:54] <xIjInPiNg> my feamle bf listens to all my shit, she's not here today thats why I'm pissed lol
[19:10:57] (WEB) <dipa#0472> just dont shostakovich symphony.... in Cm
[19:11:07] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[19:11:27] <Winlogon.bat> dont listen to any shostakovich when u are in stress
[19:11:30] <xIjInPiNg> I have to get my guns back
[19:11:35] (WEB) <dipa#0472> ok
[19:11:35] <xIjInPiNg> alright
[19:12:03] <Winlogon.bat> for starters mozart sonatas
[19:12:11] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Yeah
[19:12:31] <xIjInPiNg> sweet
[19:12:36] (WEB) <dipa#0472> mozart and bach wrote happy songs for beginners
[19:12:39] <xIjInPiNg> I'ma get some food and listen to it
[19:12:44] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Ok
[19:12:54] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Nice :D
[19:12:54] <Winlogon.bat> the two b-flat major sonatas are the best of all imo
[19:13:14] (WEB) <dipa#0472> yay Bb maj :D
[19:13:27] <xIjInPiNg> alright
[19:13:37] <Winlogon.bat> yeh Bb maj is so calm yet joyful
[19:13:52] <Winlogon.bat> delighting
[19:14:03] (WEB) <dipa#0472> i have a folksong orchestrated
[19:14:46] (WEB) <dipa#0472> my parents find my music taste different than peopld
[19:14:51] <Winlogon.bat> k281 and k333
[19:15:04] <Winlogon.bat> the two b-flat maj sonata
[19:15:42] <Winlogon.bat> oh and k280 f maj too
[19:15:49] <Winlogon.bat> similar vibes
[19:17:13] (WEB) <dipa#0472> bach has lots of similar melody
[19:17:52] <Winlogon.bat> yeh bach and mozart are very similar
[19:18:09] <Winlogon.bat> basically scales and ornaments
[19:18:12] <PROmpto> fuck I crashed
[19:18:17] <PROmpto> hang on need to change my nam
[19:18:20] <-- PROmpto disconnected from the server
[19:18:35] (WEB) <dipa#0472> bach uses lots of trills
[19:18:40] <Winlogon.bat> yeh
[19:18:50] --> Prompto connected to the server
[19:18:58] <Winlogon.bat> mozart too
[19:19:03] (WEB) <dipa#0472> like the orch. suite 2 b min.
[19:19:03] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[19:19:05] <Winlogon.bat> mostly before coda
[19:25:53] <-- xSamurai disconnected from the server
[19:31:21] <Winlogon.bat> s
[19:52:29] <-- xIjInPiNg disconnected from the server
[20:11:58] --> Aco_Jovicic connected to the server
[20:14:51] --> John_Goti connected to the server
[20:14:58] --> IceLube connected to the server
[20:15:16] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[20:15:26] --> IceLube connected to the server
[20:18:37] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[20:24:13] <IceLube> (/q
[20:24:16] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[20:31:34] <-- Aco_Jovicic disconnected from the server
[20:31:56] --> Lima_SG connected to the server
[20:35:10] <-- John_Goti disconnected from the server
[20:38:44] <Lima_SG> help?
[20:39:02] --> TurkishPilots connected to the server
[20:41:37] <TurkishPilots> Hello
[20:41:42] <Lima_SG> Hello
[20:41:52] <TurkishPilots> How are you?
[20:41:57] <Lima_SG> Good
[20:42:00] <Lima_SG> How are you?
[20:42:10] <TurkishPilots> Good.
[20:43:01] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[20:43:21] <Lima_SG> Omg
[20:43:44] <TurkishPilots> Where are you from?
[20:43:52] <Lima_SG> I from Brazil
[20:43:57] <TurkishPilots> Good.
[20:44:07] <Lima_SG> You from Turk?
[20:44:10] <TurkishPilots> Yes.
[20:44:28] <Lima_SG> Good
[20:44:33] <TurkishPilots> Thanks.
[20:44:48] <Lima_SG> How close /atc ?
[20:44:53] <TurkishPilots> Brazil is Good.
[20:45:03] <Lima_SG> Thanks, i love brazilXD
[20:45:16] <TurkishPilots> :D
[20:45:26] <Lima_SG> Turk is good.
[20:45:39] <Lima_SG> How close /atc ?
[20:46:53] <Lima_SG> Bye
[20:46:58] <Lima_SG> Good Game
[20:47:03] <TurkishPilots> Bye.
[20:47:21] <-- Lima_SG disconnected from the server
[20:50:27] <-- TurkishPilots disconnected from the server
[20:53:12] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[21:06:24] --> TurkishPilots connected to the server
[21:07:12] <-- TurkishPilots disconnected from the server
[21:11:06] --> TurkishPilots connected to the server
[21:11:29] (WEB) <Innsmouth#9592> Wb
[21:20:24] <-- TurkishPilots disconnected from the server
[21:30:35] --> TurkishPilots connected to the server
[21:33:49] <-- TurkishPilots disconnected from the server
[22:00:14] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> welp winny is alone F
[22:23:47] --> shegeci connected to the server
[22:26:25] <-- shegeci disconnected from the server