[00:04:18] --> Erick_Azollini connected to the server
[00:18:38] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[00:19:01] <-- Erick_Azollini disconnected from the server
[00:19:44] --> Prompto connected to the server
[00:38:00] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Hi
[00:38:23] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> prompto
[00:38:43] (WEB) <Equeohfilho#8676> hi
[00:47:27] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> hi
[00:47:35] <Prompto> hi
[00:47:42] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> hi
[00:52:55] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[00:53:00] <Prompto> wb
[00:53:18] <akiyamaha> t
[00:53:21] <akiyamaha> y
[01:02:58] --> Jacob connected to the server
[01:11:16] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[01:15:05] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> hi
[01:22:43] --> Naldo connected to the server
[01:23:23] <Prompto> wb
[01:23:23] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[01:23:26] <Prompto> wb
[01:23:34] <Naldo> Thanks
[01:23:34] <JakeN2436> oh wow someone is alive
[01:23:49] <Prompto> hell yea
[01:23:54] <Prompto> so, how's brexit?
[01:24:02] <JakeN2436> idk lol
[01:24:09] <JakeN2436> i dont care about politics
[01:24:40] <Prompto> harsh
[01:24:45] <JakeN2436> yup
[01:24:50] <Prompto> it's a policy that affects a lot of people
[01:25:05] <JakeN2436> doesnt affect me, at least not by much at all
[01:25:28] <Prompto> if you wanna travel abroad it'll be harder for you for example
[01:25:33] <JakeN2436> also im high rn so i dont really have any cares
[01:25:36] <Prompto> LMAO
[01:25:48] <JakeN2436> yea
[01:26:01] <JakeN2436> im so high i flew into a runway and died
[01:26:24] <Prompto> marijuana, more like marifuckmylife
[01:26:32] <JakeN2436> i love it
[01:26:39] <JakeN2436> makes me feel inner peace for once
[01:27:56] <JakeN2436> holy fuck
[01:28:01] <JakeN2436> whose ghost truck is that
[01:28:03] <JakeN2436> on mount chiliad, in the hole
[01:28:11] <Prompto> idk, i don't truck
[01:28:44] --> STETZ connected to the server
[01:28:49] <JakeN2436> oh it's twi's
[01:28:49] <Prompto> wb
[01:28:57] <Prompto> twi's afk as usual
[01:29:09] <STETZ> ty
[01:31:34] <JakeN2436> aa
[01:31:34] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[01:39:38] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[01:41:29] <Twi> ngentot
[01:41:34] <STETZ> twi!
[01:41:42] <Twi> heyy
[01:41:45] <Twi> whats up
[01:42:02] <STETZ> what are you doining?
[01:42:02] <Prompto> hey
[01:42:08] <Twi> fappin
[01:42:10] <STETZ> why afk 24/7?
[01:42:13] <Prompto> awesome
[01:42:13] <Twi> idk
[01:42:20] <Twi> afk's the best thing to do
[01:42:33] <Twi> which truck jake
[01:42:46] <Twi> ohh the journey
[01:48:24] <STETZ> WTF
[01:49:17] <akiyamaha> oh my bad
[01:50:00] <STETZ> w
[01:50:51] <STETZ> gta sa logic
[01:52:15] <STETZ> lol a exception code
[01:52:30] <STETZ> probably by the explosion
[02:04:46] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[02:07:28] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> Twi
[02:08:12] <Prompto> twi is afk I think
[02:08:47] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> Yeah maybe he already asleep
[02:08:55] <Prompto> he's still connected tho
[02:09:00] <Prompto> he leaves his pc on?
[02:10:57] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> Yeah or maybe he's passed out
[02:11:04] <Prompto> maybe
[02:30:14] --> Odertan connected to the server
[02:30:22] <akiyamaha> webe
[02:30:39] <Odertan> hello my friends
[02:30:50] <Odertan> hey Prompto, tudo bem
[02:30:55] <Prompto> ta tudo e ctg?
[02:31:13] <Odertan> estou bem, mas meu irmao esta com covid
[02:31:18] <Prompto> oh que merda
[02:31:25] <Prompto> est� assintom�tico ou doentE?
[02:31:35] <Odertan> ontem teve febre, comecou ontem
[02:31:43] <Odertan> e ficou suando
[02:31:58] <Prompto> eish, febre potente entao
[02:31:58] <Odertan> hoje, disse que esta bem
[02:32:06] <Prompto> Ahhh ainda bem
[02:32:16] <Odertan> sim, febre de uns 39
[02:32:44] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:32:57] <Odertan> espero q n seja mais q isso
[02:33:07] <Prompto> ah ent�o ele safa-se
[02:33:10] <Prompto> eu tive 38.5
[02:33:15] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:33:20] <Odertan> wb
[02:33:28] <Odertan> vc teve covid�
[02:33:33] <Odertan> foi
[02:33:33] <akiyamaha> ty
[02:33:33] <Prompto> tive hahaha
[02:33:35] <Prompto> em novembro
[02:33:43] <Odertan> Nossa
[02:33:58] <Odertan> como foi?
[02:34:11] <Prompto> um bocado complicado mas felizmente n�o deixou nenhuma sequela
[02:34:23] <Odertan> quanto tempo ficou mal?
[02:34:29] <Prompto> 4, 5 dias
[02:34:39] <Odertan> entao � r�pido ne
[02:34:46] <Prompto> no meu caso foi
[02:34:49] <Odertan> nao � coisa de semanas
[02:34:54] <Prompto> h� pessoal em que isto dura semanas
[02:35:02] <Prompto> a minha m�e est� negativa mas ainda tem sintomas
[02:35:04] <Prompto> desde novembro
[02:35:12] <Odertan> se meu irmao saiu da febre rapido, ja vai melhorar?
[02:35:19] <Odertan> ou pode dar de novo?
[02:35:25] <Prompto> depende da maneira como a febre saiu
[02:35:27] <Prompto> ele tomou medicamentos?
[02:35:32] <Odertan> n�o sei
[02:35:47] <Prompto> se ele tomou medicamentos pra febre ent�o ele ainda vai ficar uns dias doente
[02:35:47] <Odertan> com medicamento � pior?
[02:36:05] <Prompto> nao necessariamente
[02:36:15] <Odertan> aqui em casa teremos todos que fazer exames
[02:36:23] <Odertan> eu n posso pegar covid
[02:36:28] <Prompto> simplesmente os medicamentos n�o s�o eficazes e d�o uma falsa sensa��o de seguran�a
[02:36:43] <Prompto> � fodido... a minha irm� e o meu padrasto n�o apanharam
[02:36:49] <Odertan> eu tenho bronquite asm�tica, e press�o alta e estou acima do peso um pouco
[02:36:56] <Prompto> oh
[02:37:14] <Prompto> mas foram feito estudos e pessoal asm�tico (a final) n�o � t�o mau como diziam
[02:37:17] <Odertan> a� � ruim ne
[02:37:27] <Odertan> n�o � ?
[02:37:34] <Odertan> onde viu?]
[02:37:44] <Prompto> nao, � s� pessoal asm�tico com outras doen�as
[02:38:07] <Prompto> num medico qualquer do youtube
[02:38:10] <Prompto> dr. mike acho eu
[02:38:12] <Odertan> ahh, eu tenho press�o alta, a� � ruim?
[02:38:15] <Prompto> n�o sei
[02:38:20] <Odertan> mas estou medicado
[02:38:28] <Odertan> tanto de bronquite qto pressao alta
[02:38:33] <Prompto> n�o sei mesmo
[02:38:48] <Odertan> entao, estou bem controlado com medicamento pra pressao e bronquite
[02:39:03] <Prompto> ent�o se calhar at� te deves safar bem
[02:39:19] <Odertan> acha q todos vao pegar covid?
[02:39:31] <Prompto> da experi�ncia que tive c� em casa, n�o
[02:39:44] <Prompto> mas que � possivel? claro que sim
[02:39:44] <Odertan> ja tomou a vacina?
[02:39:54] <Prompto> eish... s� estou na terceira fase que s� come�a em julho
[02:40:15] <Odertan> so podes tomar em julho?
[02:40:15] <Prompto> sendo que estou fora da lista de espera porque j� apanhei covid
[02:40:32] <Odertan> mas se ja teve, entao n precisa
[02:40:43] <Prompto> mas h� especialistas que dizem que precisamos na mesma
[02:40:55] <Odertan> verdade, mas nem tao urgente?
[02:41:21] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> hey
[02:41:28] <Odertan> hey
[02:41:31] <Prompto> nao sei
[02:41:31] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> brasileiro?
[02:41:33] <Odertan> oi
[02:41:39] <Prompto> credo
[02:41:41] <Prompto> sou tuga
[02:41:46] <Prompto> sinto-me ofendido
[02:41:46] <Odertan> brasileiro, e portugues
[02:41:56] <Odertan> kkkk
[02:42:09] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> no se que mierda estan hablando
[02:42:09] <Odertan> brasileiro ta fodido assim ne
[02:42:22] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> pero no suea bueno
[02:42:22] <Odertan> xiii piorou
[02:42:29] <Odertan> hehe]
[02:42:29] <Prompto> oder es brasile�o y yo soy portugu�s
[02:43:00] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> no entendi
[02:43:05] <Odertan> estan hablando de covid
[02:43:08] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> pero bueno
[02:43:20] <Prompto> estamos*
[02:43:41] <Odertan> prompto, voce soube alguem aqui do servidor que pegou covid?
[02:43:43] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> nisiquiera lo voy a traducir
[02:43:51] <Prompto> o twi apanhou
[02:43:56] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> pero me sabe a mierda
[02:44:03] <Odertan> ah eh, mas est� bem logo?
[02:44:06] <Prompto> ok josuetanker, ok
[02:44:21] <Prompto> n tenho a certeza mas acho q ficou uma sequela
[02:44:39] <Odertan> que tipo de sequela a covid faz?
[02:45:12] <Prompto> complica��es nos pulm�es, cansa�o, perda de olfato e paladar, etc
[02:45:32] <Odertan> � uma merda
[02:46:13] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> entonces habland de culonavirus
[02:46:26] <Odertan> yes
[02:50:50] <Prompto> !rank
[02:50:53] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto(9900) rank: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) next: PL First Officer(10000) (+100)
[02:51:06] <Odertan> gz
[02:53:48] --> dipa connected to the server
[02:53:59] <Odertan> hey Dipa!!
[02:54:06] <dipa> Wow hey oder!
[02:54:06] <Odertan> sup my friend
[02:54:16] <dipa> Where've you been?!
[02:54:19] <Prompto> in brazil
[02:54:21] <Odertan> how are u doing
[02:54:21] <Prompto> hue hue hue
[02:54:27] <dipa> Im fine
[02:54:29] <dipa> How bout you
[02:54:34] <Odertan> yes Brazil
[02:54:39] <dipa> Hehehe
[02:54:47] <dipa> I remember you giving portuguese lesson :v
[02:54:47] <Odertan> a bit worried coz my brother got covid
[02:55:00] <dipa> :o
[02:55:02] <Odertan> nice
[02:55:10] <Odertan> but he is fine now
[02:55:10] <dipa> Is he okay?
[02:55:12] <dipa> Oh ok
[02:55:20] <Odertan> just fever yesterday
[02:55:23] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> hi dipa
[02:55:28] <dipa> Hi stetz
[02:55:43] <Odertan> oh u Stetz
[02:55:58] <Odertan> i remember u
[02:56:01] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> i will edit a txd file
[02:56:06] <dipa> Ok
[02:56:18] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> or destroy a poor cessna
[02:56:21] <Odertan> dipa are u working in airlines
[02:56:24] <akiyamaha> !userid stetz
[02:56:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}STETZ's userid is 448117
[02:56:31] <dipa> Yes Oder
[02:56:39] <dipa> I'm working for Lufthansa
[02:56:44] <Odertan> nice
[02:56:46] <Odertan> I retired
[02:56:54] <dipa> :p
[02:56:54] <Odertan> now i only RP
[02:57:17] <Odertan> And I live at Svalbard
[02:57:32] <dipa> Far from mainland
[02:57:35] <Odertan> noy sure anyone else has a house here
[02:57:40] <Odertan> not]
[02:57:58] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[02:58:03] <Odertan> hey smet my friend
[02:58:10] <dipa> Wb
[02:58:15] <Smetkowski> hey Oder :)
[02:58:18] <Smetkowski> thanks
[02:58:18] <Odertan> wb
[02:58:56] <Odertan> dipa u working?
[02:58:59] <dipa> No
[02:59:01] <dipa> Im heading to svalbard
[02:59:09] <Odertan> wanna visit me on svalbard
[02:59:11] <Odertan> nice
[02:59:19] <dipa> Yes I'm flying there
[03:01:13] --> Danielson connected to the server
[03:01:18] <Prompto> wb
[03:01:24] <dipa> Wb
[03:01:54] <Danielson> ty
[03:02:14] <Twi> wb kontol
[03:02:17] <Odertan> wb Danielson
[03:02:17] <Twi> hi dipa
[03:02:19] <Danielson> ty
[03:02:30] <Twi> hi odertan
[03:02:32] <dipa> Hi twi
[03:02:35] <Odertan> nice land
[03:02:37] <dipa> Thanks
[03:02:40] <Odertan> hey twi sup
[03:02:40] <Twi> hi prompto
[03:02:42] <Twi> hi smet
[03:02:47] <Prompto> hi
[03:02:47] <Twi> hi aki
[03:02:50] <Twi> hi winny mad gay
[03:02:50] <akiyamaha> henlo
[03:02:55] <Twi> hi twi
[03:03:00] <Odertan> hey Dipa!
[03:03:05] <dipa> Hey!
[03:03:13] <Twi> ngentot
[03:03:15] <Odertan> nice hat
[03:03:28] <dipa> Yeah, server hat
[03:03:33] <Odertan> very good
[03:03:43] <dipa> Nice heli
[03:03:43] <Odertan> wanna park at400?
[03:03:54] <dipa> Its
[03:03:56] <dipa> airline plane
[03:04:09] <Odertan> u can park here i guess
[03:04:16] <dipa> but I have personal at400
[03:04:27] <Danielson> pagi2 dipaksa langganan alodokter bangsat
[03:04:27] <dipa> So I will fleet it
[03:04:29] <Odertan> ahhh nice
[03:04:34] <Odertan> no probs
[03:04:44] <Odertan> wanna see my huse?
[03:04:47] <dipa> Sure
[03:04:57] <Odertan> wanna go ny heli or plane
[03:05:07] <dipa> We can go by heli
[03:05:15] <Odertan> ahhh nice
[03:05:40] <Odertan> rdy to take off
[03:05:43] <dipa> Yes
[03:07:45] <Odertan> ty
[03:07:50] <Odertan> brakes set
[03:08:08] <Odertan> here my bandit
[03:08:33] <dipa> Locked
[03:08:33] <Odertan> u can come in?
[03:08:38] <dipa> xd
[03:08:49] <Odertan> how i open
[03:08:51] <Odertan> i forget
[03:08:51] <dipa> /housemenu
[03:09:14] <Odertan> come in
[03:09:27] <Odertan> this is diferent interior]
[03:09:34] <dipa> It looks nice
[03:09:57] <Odertan> yes, its good to live at Svalbard, just a bit cold
[03:10:10] <dipa> :0
[03:10:23] <Odertan> i gotta install a heater
[03:10:35] <dipa> Yeah heater like electroBoom
[03:10:38] <Odertan> this kitchen is good to do a party
[03:10:43] <Twi> omg
[03:10:43] <Odertan> look at the floor
[03:10:48] <Twi> do you watch electroboom
[03:10:48] <Twi> lmaooooooo
[03:10:53] <dipa> yeah the floor is reflective
[03:10:56] <dipa> Yes twi xD
[03:10:58] <Twi> that guy is so funny
[03:11:06] <Odertan> whats electorBoom
[03:11:11] <Odertan> electroBoom
[03:11:19] <dipa> He's an electrician
[03:11:19] <akiyamaha> f u l l b r i d g e r e c t i f i e r
[03:11:29] <Odertan> chinese good
[03:11:36] <dipa> Yeah noodles
[03:11:57] <Odertan> the correct place for a party, the kitchen
[03:11:59] <Odertan> isnt
[03:12:02] <dipa> Yes
[03:12:12] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[03:12:25] <Odertan> i was a better dancer
[03:12:37] <Odertan> come dipa
[03:12:45] <Odertan> wow
[03:12:48] --> Prompto connected to the server
[03:12:53] <Odertan> green room
[03:12:55] <dipa> Wb
[03:13:00] <Prompto> ty
[03:13:00] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> webe
[03:13:05] <Odertan> whats it a tv
[03:13:11] <Odertan> wb prompto
[03:13:18] <Prompto> ty
[03:14:35] <Odertan> sorry phone call
[03:14:47] <Prompto> ll�mame papi
[03:14:52] <Odertan> i have lots of room
[03:15:18] <Odertan> oh the living room
[03:15:33] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> sange
[03:15:38] <Danielson> mulai
[03:16:09] <Odertan> dipa u my firsdt visitor
[03:16:14] <dipa> xd
[03:16:14] <Odertan> fist
[03:16:19] <dipa> First
[03:16:29] <Odertan> lets fly to mainland?
[03:16:34] <dipa> SUre
[03:16:37] <Odertan> on my dodo?
[03:16:39] <dipa> Ye
[03:18:23] <Smetkowski> gz
[03:18:28] <dipa> Gz
[03:18:31] <Prompto> ty
[03:19:37] <Odertan> there
[03:20:08] <Odertan> wanna drive it
[03:20:10] <dipa> Sure
[03:20:30] <Odertan> id?
[03:21:21] <Odertan> what do i have to type dipsa
[03:21:26] <dipa> You can drive the vehicle to lend a key
[03:21:29] <Odertan> to give keus
[03:21:32] <dipa> /givecarkey
[03:22:15] <Odertan> what -1 means
[03:22:25] <Prompto> infinite days
[03:22:25] <dipa> Eh, the key expired
[03:22:33] <Prompto> oh it is? damn
[03:23:21] <Odertan> do we have fuel captain?
[03:23:23] --> Lenz connected to the server
[03:23:23] <dipa> Yes
[03:23:26] <dipa> Full
[03:23:29] <Prompto> wb
[03:23:29] <akiyamaha> webe
[03:23:29] <Odertan> wb
[03:23:29] <Smetkowski> wb
[03:23:36] <Danielson> wb
[03:23:41] <Lenz> thanks
[03:23:54] <Odertan> have a good flight
[03:24:53] <Odertan> ow is weather my friend]
[03:25:10] <dipa> You can choose weather with /vweather
[03:25:48] <Odertan> i like clouds, u?
[03:25:54] <dipa> Yes
[03:26:39] <Odertan> this is a nice flight
[03:27:33] <dipa> We will land at north pole for some fuel
[03:27:45] <Odertan> nice
[03:28:31] <dipa> Uhh
[03:28:44] <dipa> I think when restarting the engine it expires
[03:28:52] <Odertan> oh wait
[03:29:58] <Odertan> good place for a land, north pole
[03:30:00] <dipa> This is devon
[03:30:10] <Odertan> famous place
[03:30:46] <dipa> Mainland
[03:31:11] <Odertan> nice
[03:31:27] <Odertan> its good to be here again
[03:31:39] <Odertan> remember out at400 landing?
[03:31:47] <Odertan> our
[03:31:47] <dipa> Yeah yanix recorded it
[03:31:52] <Odertan> hehehehe
[03:31:57] <dipa> It's still on the Forums Media xd
[03:32:02] <Odertan> how long time it happened?
[03:32:07] <dipa> 3 years
[03:32:28] <dipa> That's my At400 at the top of the hospital
[03:32:43] <Odertan> wow 3 years
[03:32:53] <Odertan> u was a baby then
[03:32:56] <Odertan> lol
[03:32:58] <dipa> xD
[03:33:11] <Odertan> how old are u now dipa
[03:33:18] <Odertan> wow
[03:33:24] <dipa> :D
[03:33:36] <Lenz> i feel old :v
[03:33:44] <akiyamaha> wot dipa you're 14?
[03:33:44] <dipa> bhahahah
[03:33:46] <dipa> Yes
[03:34:04] <Odertan> i remember dipa talking on discord with kid voice
[03:34:09] <Lenz> lol
[03:34:09] <akiyamaha> damn now i feel like an old fart too
[03:34:17] <dipa> lol oder xD
[03:34:32] <Odertan> 14 is very old
[03:34:37] <dipa> no :v
[03:34:42] <Odertan> i remember when i was 14
[03:34:50] <Odertan> i was like, oh Im so man
[03:34:53] <Odertan> lel
[03:35:15] <Odertan> i even learned to drive car
[03:35:28] <Odertan> do u drive dipa?
[03:35:31] <dipa> No
[03:35:59] <Odertan> u wanna be pilot?
[03:35:59] <dipa> You can punch the plane Oder
[03:36:37] <dipa> If i'm not a pilot, then I will be a musician
[03:36:52] <Odertan> u play guitar?
[03:37:02] <dipa> Sometimes
[03:37:07] <Odertan> drums
[03:37:15] <dipa> Yes yes! :D
[03:37:20] <akiyamaha> pl band when
[03:37:28] <Odertan> good idea
[03:37:48] <Odertan> dipa do u know weres the new airport?
[03:37:58] <dipa> Which one Oder
[03:38:14] <Odertan> im not online for like 4 months
[03:38:31] <dipa> There's Lima and Iguazu
[03:38:44] <Odertan> oh., lets see ?
[03:38:59] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[03:39:02] <Odertan> Iguazu is Brasil?
[03:39:04] <akiyamaha> wb bee
[03:39:07] <Smetkowski> wb
[03:39:07] <Odertan> wb
[03:39:12] <Prompto> igua�u is
[03:39:15] <WarmBees> salamat
[03:39:22] <dipa> Wb
[03:39:27] <Odertan> here os �ufthansa
[03:39:30] <WarmBees> makasih
[03:39:37] <dipa> Sama sama :3
[03:39:43] <Odertan> hey my friend sup
[03:39:48] <WarmBees> sama sama is join join?
[03:39:53] <Odertan> welcome aboard
[03:39:55] <dipa> you're welcome
[03:40:13] <Odertan> dipa whats the name of your language?
[03:40:13] <akiyamaha> inb4 lotto 1
[03:40:16] <akiyamaha> oh
[03:40:18] <Smetkowski> damn I had 24
[03:42:13] <dipa> Iguazu is across Lima
[03:42:18] <WarmBees> *lamma spits*
[03:42:33] <dipa> *hits eye*
[03:42:35] <WarmBees> fuck
[03:42:40] <dipa> xD
[03:43:08] <Odertan> nice
[03:43:16] <Odertan> its here w
[03:43:16] <Odertan> ??
[03:43:21] <dipa> Yes
[03:43:21] <dipa> This is Lima
[03:43:26] <Odertan> big airport
[03:43:49] <Odertan> Lima is close to Brazil
[03:44:09] <Odertan> now we heading Igauzu
[03:44:15] <WarmBees> Lima island Exist IRL?
[03:44:30] <Odertan> Lima is Peru capitol isnt
[03:44:32] <Prompto> I live like 100km away from a city called Ponte de Lima
[03:44:35] <Smetkowski> yeah
[03:44:50] <Odertan> hey i like this airport
[03:45:03] <Odertan> very well done
[03:45:03] <dipa> Iguazu is adalarva?
[03:45:05] <Prompto> lima airport belonged to adalarva's airport
[03:45:13] <Prompto> airline*
[03:45:39] <Odertan> beautifull airport here
[03:45:46] <Smetkowski> was that the airline base?
[03:45:51] <Prompto> yea
[03:45:54] <Smetkowski> ohh wow
[03:45:54] <Prompto> an enourmous base
[03:45:59] <Smetkowski> didn't even know
[03:46:01] <Odertan> we have even turn around base
[03:46:04] <akiyamaha> always fun to land at lima
[03:46:09] <Smetkowski> who mapped that airport?
[03:46:12] <akiyamaha> dont need to use runway :v
[03:46:14] <Prompto> uhm.. not sure
[03:46:19] <Prompto> I think adalarva himself
[03:46:22] <dipa> The PAPI lights are accurate
[03:46:24] <Prompto> with some help maybe
[03:46:29] <dipa> Adalarva also mapped iguazu?
[03:46:32] <Prompto> PAPI lights aren't accurate xD
[03:46:40] <WarmBees> chupapi lights
[03:47:00] <Prompto> oh right, lenz the wotd whore..
[03:47:00] --> Jacob connected to the server
[03:47:05] <Odertan> wb
[03:47:08] <Smetkowski> wb
[03:47:15] <dipa> You wanna accompany my at400 mission oder?
[03:47:25] <Odertan> yes
[03:47:33] <dipa> Alright
[03:47:41] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[03:47:48] <Prompto> lmao
[03:47:51] <dipa> Lol
[03:49:07] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[03:49:53] <-- Odertan disconnected from the server
[03:49:55] <WarmBees> F
[03:49:58] <dipa> Oh no odertan pressed F
[03:50:03] --> Odertan connected to the server
[03:50:16] <Odertan> sorry forget
[03:50:21] <Odertan> pressed f
[03:50:31] <WarmBees> !player cassandra
[03:50:34] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player cassandra
[03:50:34] <Odertan> gotta meet you at SFA?
[03:50:54] <dipa> Ok
[03:51:17] <dipa> I'm at SFA
[03:51:42] <Odertan> im verdant meadows
[03:51:53] <Odertan> heading sfa
[03:51:58] <dipa> No no
[03:51:58] <dipa> Im here
[03:52:13] <Odertan> sorry im stupid
[03:52:21] <dipa> Lol, No
[03:52:21] <Odertan> my brain is a bit crazy
[03:52:38] <Odertan> i keep crashing coz of pressing f instead f
[03:52:41] <Odertan> s
[03:52:51] <dipa> it's alright Oder
[03:52:56] <dipa> It's age factor
[03:53:01] <Odertan> yes
[03:53:42] <dipa> The plane might seizure for You
[03:53:50] <dipa> It's a boeing 757
[03:54:10] <-- Odertan disconnected from the server
[03:54:12] <WarmBees> F
[03:54:15] <dipa> F
[03:54:15] <WarmBees> again
[03:54:20] --> Odertan connected to the server
[03:54:23] <dipa> Wb
[03:54:33] <dipa> Teleport here Oder
[03:54:35] <Odertan> yes
[03:55:26] <Danielson> left click
[03:55:34] <Danielson> middle plane
[03:55:39] <dipa> Under the main gears Oder
[03:55:44] <Danielson> oh only 1
[03:55:44] <Danielson> can enter
[03:55:49] <Danielson> try
[03:56:07] <Odertan> i can use g too
[03:56:12] <dipa> Despawned?
[03:56:15] <Danielson> im inside
[03:56:17] <Danielson> using G
[03:56:27] <-- Odertan disconnected from the server
[03:56:32] <dipa> Eh keluar dulu
[03:56:32] <Danielson> F
[03:56:37] --> Odertan connected to the server
[03:56:40] <Prompto> wb
[03:56:42] <dipa> Pesawatnya despawn
[03:56:48] <Danielson> !cars dipa
[03:56:50] (WEB) <robin_be> dipa has: Infernus BF Injection Journey HPV1000 Bullet AT-400
[03:56:55] <Danielson> kok bisa despawn?
[03:57:54] <Danielson> nice
[03:57:56] <Odertan> good
[03:57:59] <Odertan> im in!
[03:58:09] <Danielson> im in
[03:58:09] <Danielson> using g
[03:58:12] <dipa> OK
[03:58:19] <Odertan> u can go at wings too
[04:00:03] <Odertan> very good land
[04:00:11] <Danielson> landed?
[04:00:16] <dipa> Thanks
[04:00:16] <Odertan> taxing
[04:00:19] <dipa> Yes
[04:00:31] <Odertan> SFA my friend
[04:00:39] <Danielson> nice
[04:01:04] <Danielson> ty for the flight
[04:01:40] <Danielson> relog
[04:01:43] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[04:02:05] <Odertan> beautifull at400, nice color
[04:02:23] --> Danielson connected to the server
[04:02:28] <dipa> Wb
[04:02:31] <Odertan> wb
[04:02:31] <Danielson> ty
[04:02:59] <Odertan> gear up
[04:03:04] <Odertan> flaps
[04:03:22] <Odertan> whats our flight plan
[04:03:27] <dipa> Heligoland
[04:03:34] <Odertan> wow
[04:03:37] <dipa> And theres no flight checkpoint
[04:03:45] <dipa> Since its not simulator xd
[04:03:57] <Odertan> hard
[04:04:10] <dipa> So route is random
[04:04:23] <Odertan> we could buiild airways
[04:04:25] <Odertan> to PL]
[04:05:44] <Odertan> wow, short for at400
[04:05:49] <Odertan> gz
[04:05:57] <dipa> :D
[04:06:15] <Odertan> once I hit the fence here
[04:06:30] <Odertan> hmm lotto is good
[04:06:38] <dipa> Hard to guess
[04:07:11] <Odertan> here is nice take off over roofs
[04:07:16] <dipa> Yes
[04:07:59] <Odertan> today I ate 4 eggs
[04:08:07] <dipa> :o
[04:08:12] <Odertan> with chease
[04:08:14] <Odertan> cheese
[04:08:22] <Odertan> pepper too
[04:08:37] <Odertan> I use butter too
[04:09:10] <Odertan> nice land
[04:09:18] <Odertan> here is delta isnt
[04:09:23] <dipa> Yes
[04:09:28] <dipa> Lots of runways
[04:09:31] <dipa> :v
[04:09:59] <Odertan> long time ago I had a neighborn house around here
[04:10:16] <Odertan> and Portela close to me
[04:10:27] <dipa> oh yeah c.portela
[04:10:27] <Odertan> long time i dont see portela
[04:10:37] <Odertan> remember him
[04:10:42] <dipa> Yes
[04:11:02] <Odertan> !seen C.Portela
[04:11:12] <dipa> We can use !player
[04:11:17] <Odertan> !player C.Portela
[04:11:20] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player C.Portela
[04:11:25] <Odertan> !player CPortela
[04:11:28] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player CPortela
[04:11:33] <Odertan> !player C_Portela
[04:11:36] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player C_Portela
[04:11:38] <dipa> Maybe name change
[04:11:38] <Odertan> well
[04:12:01] <Odertan> possibly
[04:12:57] <Odertan> u got POTD
[04:13:05] <Prompto> easy
[04:13:20] <dipa> Usually got 8 if lucky
[04:14:36] <Prompto> ba-bye
[04:14:39] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[04:14:39] <dipa> Cya
[04:14:44] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[04:14:49] <Odertan> I think this map is huge. better than gta v
[04:14:54] <Odertan> dipa u play gta v?
[04:14:56] <dipa> No
[04:15:17] <Odertan> this map is more realistic
[04:16:13] <Odertan> lots of airports, gta v has only 4
[04:16:36] <Odertan> wb
[04:16:38] <dipa> Wb
[04:16:43] <akiyamaha> arigathank you
[04:16:53] <Odertan> akiyamaha u from Japan?
[04:16:56] <akiyamaha> no lol
[04:17:03] <akiyamaha> just a weeb
[04:17:03] <dipa> :v
[04:17:11] <Odertan> whats weeb
[04:17:26] <dipa> Person who loves japanese culture
[04:17:39] <Odertan> nice
[04:17:42] <akiyamaha> less respectful than that lmao
[04:17:47] <akiyamaha> someone addicted to anime*
[04:17:52] <dipa> Im saying the positive side :v
[04:17:54] <akiyamaha> :v
[04:17:59] <Odertan> t:
[04:18:43] <Odertan> PL is kinda a family isnt
[04:18:50] <akiyamaha> yupyup
[04:18:53] <dipa> A community
[04:18:55] <dipa> And familia
[04:19:03] <Odertan> true
[04:19:23] <Odertan> Wish i could be more active and support more the server
[04:19:41] <Odertan> I had lots of fun here
[04:19:51] <Odertan> Im glad every minute here
[04:20:37] <Odertan> its so peacefull, feels like anime world isn
[04:20:42] <dipa> xd
[04:20:45] <akiyamaha> lmao
[04:20:50] <akiyamaha> lots of great memories here
[04:21:08] <Odertan> whats u old nick my friend
[04:21:10] <akiyamaha> puga
[04:21:20] <Odertan> ahh puga!
[04:21:33] <Odertan> u remember him dipa?
[04:21:38] <akiyamaha> wanted to go back to puga but forgot the password :v
[04:21:41] <dipa> I have heard him before
[04:21:48] <akiyamaha> couldnt be arsed to make a post on the forums hahaha
[04:22:14] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> loving 2jz rb engine is also considered as weeb :/
[04:22:44] <akiyamaha> well the import scene is full of weebs anyways lmao
[04:22:49] <Odertan> this is the best approach in my opinion
[04:22:59] <dipa> No oder
[04:23:04] <dipa> I've seen much better :0
[04:23:12] <Odertan> i mean, from that side
[04:23:15] <Odertan> u know
[04:23:17] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> hi
[04:23:20] <Odertan> to LSA
[04:23:20] <dipa> oh ok :D
[04:23:27] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> idk if watching holo EN is weeb or not
[04:23:38] <akiyamaha> mmmm maybe not?
[04:23:40] <dipa> :v
[04:23:48] <akiyamaha> but it's anime-style so maybe...
[04:23:55] <Odertan> the old animes was very cool when i was kid
[04:24:05] <Odertan> don dracula, any of u know it?
[04:24:08] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> anime is cartoon :>
[04:24:21] <akiyamaha> true dat
[04:24:28] <Odertan> tv cartoon
[04:24:31] <akiyamaha> havent heard of it
[04:24:31] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> no idea oder, but was watching scooby doo and scraby doo
[04:24:49] <Odertan> scraby doo is new to me
[04:24:54] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> and mandatory 1950s cartoon tom and jerry
[04:25:07] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> the little dog one
[04:25:07] <akiyamaha> ahh the good ol' slightly racist tom n jerry
[04:25:12] <Odertan> ahh tom and jerry is from my childhood
[04:25:22] <Odertan> why racist?
[04:25:37] <akiyamaha> the ones from the 50s were full of stereotypes stuff like that
[04:25:37] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> because pre 70s racism
[04:25:47] <Odertan> yes?
[04:25:50] <dipa> Yeah sometimes they put hidden racism
[04:26:08] <akiyamaha> tho I think they edit it out now for re-airings
[04:26:15] <akiyamaha> or a disclaimer at the start
[04:26:23] <Odertan> what about about woody
[04:26:46] <Odertan> he used to bully everyyone]
[04:26:51] <Odertan> hehehe
[04:26:51] <akiyamaha> woody?
[04:27:01] <Odertan> yes, woody wood pecker
[04:27:09] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> woodpecker yeeah
[04:27:24] <akiyamaha> oh from looney tunes right?
[04:27:26] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> but not following and regular watcher back then
[04:27:39] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> childhood was Space Jam
[04:27:47] <Odertan> walter lantz
[04:27:49] <Odertan> i gues
[04:27:49] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> that Michael Jordan wit
[04:28:02] <akiyamaha> havent watched space jam :v
[04:28:17] <Odertan> dipa, u are doing very good lands ,nose touching small
[04:28:20] <Odertan> good to see
[04:28:32] <dipa> Yes oder
[04:28:35] <Odertan> i mean, not small, slow
[04:28:40] <dipa> Happy to hear you liked it
[04:28:53] <Odertan> yes i like to see lands and take off
[04:28:58] <Odertan> real life too
[04:29:08] <Odertan> but i havent been to airport long time
[04:29:28] <dipa> Yea I get landing technique reference from Smet, CzechBoy, and Adalarva
[04:29:33] <Odertan> i already saw a real Concorde take off when i was kid in Brazil
[04:29:39] <dipa> :0
[04:29:41] <akiyamaha> damn thats cool
[04:29:46] <Odertan> oh then are good pilot
[04:29:56] <dipa> It must be really fun to watch Concorde
[04:30:04] <Odertan> yes, in past Concorde used to fly to Rio de Janeiro, my city u know
[04:30:29] <Odertan> once Concorde passed low over my building very noise
[04:30:37] <akiyamaha> 10/10
[04:30:42] <Odertan> good land too
[04:30:45] <akiyamaha> oh fuck im stuck
[04:30:50] <Odertan> oh oh
[04:30:52] <dipa> My heartbeat skipped for a seocnd
[04:30:55] <Odertan> emergency
[04:30:55] <dipa> Second*
[04:30:55] <akiyamaha> lmfao
[04:31:02] <dipa> Explosion
[04:31:07] <Odertan> see y in another life
[04:31:30] <Odertan> try using rwy my friend
[04:31:51] <akiyamaha> fuck runways
[04:31:53] <dipa> Usually for score Oder
[04:31:58] <akiyamaha> save time by landing on terminal itself
[04:32:09] <dipa> Yeah for roleplaying could use the runway
[04:32:24] <Odertan> i think rwy makes more sense
[04:32:31] <Odertan> unless we are in event
[04:32:36] <dipa> xd
[04:32:57] <Odertan> once i was second place in Sky Air event
[04:33:10] <Odertan> But Bran wins for 16 score diference
[04:33:35] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wat
[04:33:40] <dipa> ?
[04:33:50] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> lmaooo
[04:34:16] <Odertan> and we helped Sky Air win BOTA with Smet and others
[04:34:28] <Odertan> btw, weres hard stone
[04:34:38] <dipa> Sometimes log in
[04:35:14] <Odertan> u use rudder very good
[04:35:42] <dipa> Yes, applying little inputs for centerline correction
[04:36:56] <Odertan> time for medicine
[04:37:11] <Odertan> who is injured dipa
[04:37:24] <dipa> Idk x
[04:37:26] <dipa> xD*
[04:37:42] <Odertan> so why u have ambulance, u taking me to hospicium :D
[04:37:52] <dipa> We drive around
[04:38:12] <Odertan> i like it, first person
[04:38:20] <dipa> Yeah im using first person
[04:39:21] <Odertan> whats it
[04:39:26] <Odertan> wait
[04:39:36] <Odertan> wow]
[04:39:39] <dipa> It's the PL Sponsor road
[04:39:44] <Odertan> our names my friend
[04:39:49] <dipa> Yes
[04:39:54] <Odertan> side by side
[04:40:12] <Odertan> beautifull
[04:41:08] <Odertan> anything alse new?
[04:41:41] <akiyamaha> well rhino is buyable now
[04:41:56] <Odertan> war tank?
[04:42:01] <akiyamaha> yes
[04:42:09] <Odertan> but u can shoot?
[04:42:11] <dipa> Yes
[04:42:16] <dipa> But not for DM
[04:42:39] <dipa> Oder come here
[04:43:00] <Odertan> sorry
[04:43:02] <dipa> It's called a gasmask oder
[04:43:02] <Odertan> i didnt know
[04:43:12] <Odertan> u was gonna grab it
[04:43:17] <Odertan> can i give back
[04:43:20] <dipa> No i already completed it
[04:43:45] <Odertan> what happens if completed?
[04:43:45] <dipa> I will drive you to the location I memorized
[04:43:53] <dipa> You will get gasmask item
[04:43:53] <Odertan> nice ok
[04:44:23] <dipa> Thats one oder
[04:44:26] <Smetkowski> cya guys
[04:44:26] <dipa> On the bush
[04:44:28] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[04:44:28] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[04:44:28] <dipa> Cya
[04:44:34] <Odertan> cya
[04:44:34] <akiyamaha> webe
[04:44:39] <Odertan> wb
[04:44:39] <dipa> Wb
[04:44:46] <Santa_Claus> hi
[04:44:51] <dipa> Hi santa
[04:44:56] <Santa_Claus> hi dipa
[04:44:56] <Odertan> how have u been my friend
[04:45:14] <Santa_Claus> fine I guess
[04:45:17] <Odertan> sorry
[04:45:30] <Odertan> u sad?
[04:45:35] <dipa> No
[04:45:37] <dipa> :D
[04:45:45] <Odertan> no i mean santa claus
[04:45:50] <dipa> Ok
[04:46:31] <dipa> cj house is decorated
[04:46:33] <Santa_Claus> nah im kinda bored
[04:46:46] <Odertan> nice decoration
[04:47:04] <Odertan> dont be bored
[04:47:14] <Odertan> u should try ice cream
[04:47:24] <Odertan> when im nored i do ice cream
[04:47:34] <Odertan> chocolate
[04:47:37] <Santa_Claus> yeah I'd kill for an ice cream rn but im pretty sure ice cream stores are closed rn
[04:47:47] <dipa> :<
[04:47:47] <Odertan> oh
[04:48:33] <akiyamaha> test
[04:48:33] (WEB) <TheGamer> @akiyamaha test failed!
[04:48:33] <Odertan> hey
[04:48:55] <Odertan> we are going to hospicium
[04:49:16] <dipa> Oder the gasmask
[04:49:28] <Odertan> thanks
[04:49:31] <Odertan> good
[04:49:51] <Odertan> is mask for prevent covid?
[04:49:56] <dipa> Yes
[04:50:09] <Odertan> better we find then all
[04:50:55] <Odertan> can i tell a story?]
[04:51:08] <dipa> Oder can you walk down there
[04:51:28] <dipa> Theres a gasmask on the elevator
[04:51:38] <Odertan> shot
[04:51:43] <dipa> Oh no...
[04:51:46] <Odertan> i mean, shit
[04:51:56] <akiyamaha> is that the building in ls lol
[04:52:01] <dipa> yes
[04:52:04] <akiyamaha> rip
[04:52:14] <dipa> I can't walk on it bcz its not rendered for me :v
[04:52:29] <akiyamaha> do the car trick :v
[04:52:37] <Odertan> i find the mask dipa
[04:52:42] <dipa> Same for the car
[04:52:47] <dipa> Good oder
[04:52:55] <Odertan> that was behind elevastor
[04:52:57] <akiyamaha> did he get it?
[04:53:00] <dipa> yes
[04:53:02] <Odertan> how u memorize all masks
[04:53:05] <akiyamaha> oh nice
[04:53:45] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some considered to...... unatural
[04:53:56] <Odertan> true
[04:54:06] <Odertan> is it star wars
[04:54:41] <Odertan> Santa u good back there?
[04:55:20] <Santa_Claus> yeah
[04:55:40] <Odertan> weres is it dipa my friend
[04:55:45] <dipa> No oder
[04:55:47] <dipa> im refueling
[04:55:50] <dipa> xD
[04:55:58] <Odertan> lol trolled me
[04:56:08] <dipa> hahaha sorry xD
[04:56:31] <Odertan> Odertan is very crazy
[04:57:06] <dipa> I think theres 3 on LS
[04:57:11] <dipa> But i forgot the 3rd
[04:57:16] <Odertan> oh
[04:58:20] <Odertan> dipa are we in las venturas
[04:58:23] <dipa> Yes
[04:58:38] <dipa> Oh yeah i remember one
[04:58:53] <akiyamaha> the disco thingy
[04:59:03] <dipa> on ls?
[04:59:06] <akiyamaha> lv
[04:59:21] <dipa> oh ok i will get there once i go to palomino
[04:59:24] <Odertan> ahh the area 51
[05:00:14] <dipa> checking map....
[05:00:45] <akiyamaha> dipa what ls did you find
[05:01:08] <dipa> mask
[05:01:10] <dipa> On police
[05:01:15] <dipa> and office
[05:01:23] <akiyamaha> ah thats the ones i remember too rip
[05:01:23] <dipa> and also the building
[05:01:33] <akiyamaha> oh so ls complete
[05:01:38] <dipa> I think so
[05:02:01] <dipa> Oder you have rc heli?
[05:02:11] --> AztreK connected to the server
[05:02:11] <Odertan> i had once
[05:02:16] <akiyamaha> wb az
[05:02:19] <Odertan> but it disapeared
[05:02:19] <AztreK> Hey!!!
[05:02:27] <Odertan> wb
[05:02:32] <dipa> wb
[05:02:32] <Odertan> now i have bandit
[05:02:32] <AztreK> Thank ya'll
[05:02:39] <dipa> Cant jump...
[05:03:10] <dipa> Oh yeah oder
[05:03:12] <dipa> Have dodo?
[05:03:15] <Odertan> yes
[05:03:25] <dipa> we can use the dodo
[05:04:54] <Odertan> good driver
[05:05:55] <dipa> Oder here
[05:06:18] <Odertan> nicee:D
[05:06:28] <dipa> Now to LV
[05:07:09] --> Danielson connected to the server
[05:07:17] <Odertan> wb
[05:07:19] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> webe
[05:07:19] <Danielson> ty
[05:07:27] <dipa> Wb
[05:08:05] <dipa> wait
[05:08:10] <Odertan> ok
[05:10:17] <dipa> wait oder
[05:10:27] <dipa> Oh yeah keep going
[05:10:35] <Odertan> niceee
[05:10:37] <Odertan> :D
[05:11:28] <WarmBees> where can i service bandit?
[05:11:33] <WarmBees> and the other RCs?
[05:11:33] <Danielson> blueberry i think
[05:11:54] <dipa> Hmm how do we jump across that xD
[05:12:09] <Odertan> whats it
[05:12:19] <dipa> Come here oder
[05:12:39] <Danielson> nice demand
[05:12:45] <dipa> we need to go back to santa
[05:12:45] --> enovenn connected to the server
[05:13:02] <dipa> we can use /rcbandit oder
[05:13:28] <WarmBees> militaryyy
[05:13:30] <WarmBees> noice
[05:13:56] <Odertan> wtf
[05:14:03] <dipa> Oder
[05:14:14] <dipa> we can jump to the fence that has bombs next to it
[05:14:19] <dipa> I mean walk on the fence
[05:14:34] <AztreK> What are you guys upto? :P
[05:14:44] <dipa> Gasmask
[05:14:54] <Lenz> damn I only got 2/20 :v
[05:15:07] <akiyamaha> nub penz
[05:15:15] <Lenz> halp me
[05:15:27] <akiyamaha> dipa's doing oder's gasmask now :v
[05:15:35] <Odertan> oh mn
[05:15:35] <dipa> Can you /rcbandit ?
[05:15:50] <Lenz> where you at dipa
[05:15:55] <dipa> hunters quarry
[05:16:08] <Lenz> okay omw
[05:16:13] <dipa> :v
[05:16:18] <dipa> ok stop here
[05:17:12] <dipa> Walk slowly oder
[05:17:45] <dipa> lenz help odertan
[05:18:13] <Lenz> where is it tho
[05:18:15] <dipa> come her
[05:18:18] <dipa> here
[05:18:30] <dipa> oh rc heli
[05:19:32] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[05:19:37] <Lenz> got it
[05:19:39] <dipa> nice
[05:19:49] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[05:19:52] <Lenz> where is Oder going
[05:19:54] <dipa> and lets help odertan
[05:19:54] <Odertan> hey guys
[05:19:59] <Odertan> im in jail
[05:20:02] <dipa> to the ambulance
[05:20:20] <Lenz> lol
[05:20:58] <dipa> to santa claus
[05:21:11] <Odertan> :D
[05:21:11] <Lenz> you fell D:
[05:21:21] <dipa> go to ambulance lenz
[05:21:28] <Lenz> i am there
[05:21:34] <Odertan> come dipa
[05:22:07] <dipa> ...
[05:22:17] <akiyamaha> welp
[05:22:19] <Odertan> sorry
[05:22:40] <Lenz> you cant go through here
[05:23:03] <Lenz> there is a hole ahead lol
[05:23:05] <Odertan> i didnt know hunters query was so hard
[05:23:23] <Odertan> if u fall here its hard to leave lel
[05:23:38] <Lenz> no other way?
[05:23:51] <akiyamaha> noice
[05:23:58] <Odertan> good
[05:24:11] <Odertan> gz
[05:24:24] <Odertan> hello anime friend
[05:24:26] <dipa> do you remember the locations aki :v
[05:24:32] <akiyamaha> henlo
[05:24:34] <akiyamaha> uhhh
[05:24:34] <akiyamaha> sfa
[05:24:47] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[05:24:52] <Lenz> F
[05:24:54] <dipa> F
[05:24:59] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[05:25:05] <Odertan> wb
[05:25:12] <akiyamaha> dat crash
[05:25:27] <akiyamaha> the whetstone junkyard
[05:26:18] <Odertan> hey
[05:26:26] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[05:26:31] <Lenz> F
[05:26:31] <Odertan> oh
[05:26:34] <dipa> ...
[05:26:36] <Odertan> f
[05:26:36] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[05:27:09] <Lenz> where we going now?
[05:27:19] <Odertan> mask
[05:27:24] <Odertan> isnt
[05:27:55] <dipa> wait a minute
[05:27:58] <akiyamaha> oh yeah vma
[05:28:15] <Lenz> oh yeah i have this one i guess
[05:28:33] <Odertan> noice
[05:28:54] <Odertan> 7 masks already :D
[05:29:01] <Lenz> 3 c:
[05:29:04] <Odertan> just more 13
[05:29:55] --> Jacob connected to the server
[05:30:15] <Odertan> wb Jacob
[05:31:26] <dipa> On the red market
[05:31:29] <dipa> marker*
[05:31:44] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[05:31:49] <akiyamaha> f
[05:31:49] <dipa> ...
[05:31:59] <Odertan> thanks
[05:32:04] <Odertan> 8 masks
[05:32:37] <Danielson> gz
[05:32:42] <Odertan> wow
[05:32:47] <AztreK> wait
[05:32:50] <dipa> wrong roda
[05:32:50] <AztreK> its showing me a msg
[05:32:52] <dipa> road
[05:32:58] <AztreK> u have found gas masks
[05:32:58] <akiyamaha> nice one dipa
[05:32:58] <AztreK> 20/20
[05:33:00] <Danielson> yes
[05:33:00] <AztreK> :c
[05:33:03] <Danielson> u have found
[05:33:03] <Danielson> gz
[05:33:10] <AztreK> What really?! xD
[05:33:13] <Odertan> gz my friend
[05:33:15] <akiyamaha> gz az
[05:33:18] <AztreK> I was just taking off from Hawaii lol
[05:33:23] <AztreK> ah man
[05:33:23] <enovenn> what the fuck
[05:33:26] <Odertan> lel
[05:33:28] <AztreK> a prank...
[05:33:28] <WarmBees> it's santa
[05:33:59] <dipa> fuel low :c
[05:34:14] <Odertan> oh what we gonna do now dipa
[05:34:19] <enovenn> fuel 16
[05:34:19] --> Lenz connected to the server
[05:34:27] <Odertan> wb
[05:34:29] <dipa> eh wait a min
[05:34:37] <dipa> Why is it full
[05:35:10] <Odertan> magic
[05:35:30] <dipa> I think theres one on hospital
[05:35:30] <WarmBees> !rank
[05:35:33] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees(7247) rank: Commercial First Officer(7000) next: Commercial Captain(8000) (+753)
[05:35:58] <dipa> wheres the hospital...
[05:36:11] <Lenz> the other side
[05:36:11] <Lenz> south
[05:36:26] <Lenz> or.. idk east
[05:36:39] <akiyamaha> ah this way
[05:36:44] <akiyamaha> just remembered
[05:36:44] <Lenz> near the city hall area
[05:36:46] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[05:37:42] <Odertan> vewry good my friends
[05:37:47] <Lenz> lagging af.. will join ya guys later :v
[05:37:53] <Lenz> thanks dipa tho
[05:37:55] <dipa> ok
[05:37:55] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[05:37:58] <dipa> thanks to aki also
[05:38:03] <akiyamaha> :>
[05:38:31] <dipa> where is it tho...
[05:38:49] <WarmBees> i remember the first week covid mask event, joyadi and the bois finding it together
[05:39:17] <WarmBees> dipa, where you here that time?
[05:39:24] <dipa> maybe banned
[05:39:29] <WarmBees> reason?
[05:39:37] <dipa> idk, forgo
[05:39:39] <dipa> t
[05:39:44] <WarmBees> !player memelenin
[05:39:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player memelenin: 953 score, last seen 5 Months Ago
[05:40:30] <dipa> jeez where is it
[05:41:01] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> wait wtf
[05:41:06] <dipa> the boat
[05:41:19] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> jacob gay
[05:41:57] <dipa> here is one
[05:42:15] <dipa> use the boat's body
[05:42:20] --> Twi connected to the server
[05:42:25] <Twi> hi gay people
[05:42:30] <dipa> hi
[05:42:30] <Odertan> shit
[05:42:38] <dipa> its ok odertan
[05:42:38] <Twi> time to DM
[05:43:16] <Odertan> lel
[05:43:16] <akiyamaha> rip
[05:43:26] <dipa> Why is all people here
[05:43:34] <dipa> ...
[05:43:36] <akiyamaha> nothing else to do :v
[05:43:39] <Odertan> sorry dipa
[05:43:41] <Twi> .report jacob kamikaze
[05:43:49] <Odertan> I have to sleep
[05:43:49] <AztreK> Which maximum heigh dodo plane can reach?
[05:43:51] <dipa> oh ok
[05:43:54] <Odertan> i come tomorrow
[05:43:56] <dipa> Its ok oder
[05:43:59] <Twi> idk
[05:43:59] <dipa> You can sleep
[05:43:59] <Odertan> thanks for the masks
[05:44:01] <Twi> dodo is slow
[05:44:04] <dipa> yeah
[05:44:12] <Twi> lamoo
[05:44:14] <-- Odertan disconnected from the server
[05:44:17] <Twi> santa ded
[05:44:57] <AztreK> Shamal is faster than AT 400 right?
[05:45:15] <akiyamaha> same top speed
[05:45:46] <Twi> THIS BADDIE
[05:45:51] <Twi> would be so cool with nos
[05:46:16] <Twi> interest farming time
[05:46:26] <Twi> fu
[05:46:44] <Twi> wow fuck
[05:46:49] <Twi> I just
[05:46:57] <Twi> lmaoo
[05:47:07] <Twi> aaaaaaaa
[05:47:45] <Twi> GTA SA Train > GTA V train
[05:48:31] <Twi> hello this is an official announcement
[05:48:39] <Twi> driving a train can get you punished
[05:49:40] <Santa_Claus> your mom can get you punished
[05:50:10] <Twi> ..
[05:50:28] <Twi> watch me bag the lotto
[05:50:41] <Jacob> .restart 1
[05:51:29] <Twi> what does that do
[05:51:32] <Twi> UwU
[05:51:47] <-- AztreK disconnected from the server
[05:52:10] --> enovenn connected to the server
[05:56:11] --> Dusty_Hoang connected to the server
[05:56:16] <Danielson> wb
[05:56:27] <Dusty_Hoang> thx
[05:56:49] <Jacob> are you playing npc train driver
[05:56:57] <Dusty_Hoang> not
[05:57:12] <Santa_Claus> yes
[05:57:20] <Santa_Claus> im /w with the train
[05:57:40] <Twi> so gay
[06:00:13] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[06:00:20] <Santa_Claus> damn went too far
[06:04:53] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> /forcelotto 5
[06:06:52] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> !score Stetz
[06:06:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stetz: 556 score, 538 missions: 59'/. dodo - 32'/. shamal - 3'/. cargo
[06:12:18] <Twi> hmm
[06:12:23] <Dusty_Hoang> ?
[06:12:25] <dipa> !score Twi
[06:12:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player Twi: 4050 score, 3965 missions: 39'/. military - 18'/. cargo drop - 13'/. shamal
[06:12:38] <Dusty_Hoang> hi dipa
[06:12:43] <dipa> hi dusty
[06:12:58] <Twi> okay sure
[06:13:01] <Twi> hold on
[06:15:59] <Dusty_Hoang> hey dipa
[06:16:02] <dipa> Hey dusty
[06:18:37] <dipa> god...
[06:23:17] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> How much can you earn in this server, in a day?
[06:23:32] <Dusty_Hoang> 160k / a day
[06:24:07] <dipa> 300k
[06:24:15] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> I meant in real life day
[06:24:38] <Danielson> depends
[06:25:01] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[06:25:19] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[06:25:29] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Well...
[06:25:41] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Crap
[06:25:44] <Dusty_Hoang> idk
[06:31:30] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> 4M
[06:31:58] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[06:32:05] <Jacob> dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddf
[06:32:13] <Jacob> fucking MOUSE
[06:32:28] <Twi> stop
[06:32:31] <Twi> spamming
[06:32:33] <Twi> ban
[06:32:39] <Jacob> fuck you
[06:32:41] <Twi> no wait flooding
[06:32:54] <Santa_Claus> next time you flood I'll warn twi
[06:33:01] <Jacob> WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[06:33:04] <Twi> yes
[06:33:04] <Santa_Claus> that's it
[06:33:09] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[06:33:12] --> enovenn connected to the server
[06:33:14] <Santa_Claus> oh shit
[06:33:17] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> hadeh
[06:33:24] <Jacob> lmao
[06:33:24] <Santa_Claus> goblok
[06:33:34] <enovenn> im bouta do my 100th flight
[06:33:50] --> Twi connected to the server
[06:34:00] <Twi> officialy at 4/3 warnings <3
[06:34:30] <Twi> look at that blessed aotd
[06:34:36] <Santa_Claus> ikr
[06:34:38] <Twi> hi dusty
[06:34:43] <Dusty_Hoang> hi Twi
[06:34:48] <Twi> !lastmission Jacob
[06:34:51] (WEB) <TheGamer> USS Roddenberry to Octane Springs Cargo. 7 hours 9 minutes(17861 Metres) Pay: $42275
[06:34:56] <Dusty_Hoang> G
[06:34:56] <Twi> wait no dusty I hate u
[06:35:01] <Twi> you fat airline hopper
[06:35:01] <Jacob> when was that added smh
[06:35:09] <Dusty_Hoang> why =((
[06:35:14] <Twi> when $twi was added :Clown:
[06:35:19] <Jacob> $twi
[06:35:24] <Santa_Claus> jacob why don't you add your own bot
[06:35:26] <Jacob> fine
[06:35:29] <Twi> oh look
[06:35:29] <Santa_Claus> !userid 3
[06:35:29] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:35:31] <Jacob> ill work on it tomorrow
[06:35:31] <Twi> a rc baron at vma
[06:35:39] <Jacob> !userid 69420
[06:35:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:35:39] <Santa_Claus> !cmds
[06:35:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> !bottest !botchat !botstats !aboard !cboard !username !userid !eddie !crystal !dasher !countrychecker !bankcash
[06:35:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> !luftcode !cmds !lastmission !istheupdatehere !lowestlogged !highestlogged
[06:35:42] (WEB) <robin_be> - ping 8ball player score cash groups assets cars houses licenses roll (r)interest rank missions
[06:35:44] <Twi> !username 69420
[06:35:47] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Rinor_Hiseni's userid is 69420
[06:35:54] <Santa_Claus> !Username 3
[06:35:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}HanonLee's userid is 3
[06:35:54] <Twi> !username 420 dickhead
[06:35:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Jacob's userid is 420
[06:36:00] <Twi> OOOOOOOOOOO
[06:36:02] <Santa_Claus> tf
[06:36:12] <Twi> I just typed dickhead
[06:36:12] <Santa_Claus> how is that guy hanonlee user id 3
[06:36:17] <Twi> he's
[06:36:17] <Twi> bladz
[06:36:20] <Jacob> how did hanonlee get 3??
[06:36:22] <Twi> he's baldz
[06:36:25] <Twi> bladz
[06:36:27] <Santa_Claus> who
[06:36:30] <Twi> ngentot
[06:36:38] <Santa_Claus> kontol
[06:36:53] <-- Dusty_Hoang disconnected from the server
[06:37:23] <Twi> wb
[06:37:28] <akiyamaha> henlo
[06:37:28] <Santa_Claus> !username 4
[06:37:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}GoldLeader's userid is 4
[06:37:51] <Santa_Claus> !username 5
[06:37:51] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:37:54] <Twi> !username 42069
[06:37:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:38:02] <Santa_Claus> oi can I claim username 5
[06:38:04] <Twi> !username 666
[06:38:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Devil's userid is 666
[06:38:24] <Santa_Claus> !username 1
[06:38:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Jezza's userid is 1
[06:38:30] <Santa_Claus> !username 2
[06:38:32] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Haydz's userid is 2
[06:38:45] <Santa_Claus> !username 6
[06:38:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Sambo's userid is 6
[06:38:50] <Twi> !username 666
[06:38:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Devil's userid is 666
[06:38:52] <Twi> COINCIDENCE??
[06:38:57] <Twi> I think NO
[06:39:05] <Santa_Claus> !username 7
[06:39:05] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Evil_Benzke's userid is 7
[06:39:05] <Twi> I mean
[06:39:10] <Twi> you are level 4
[06:39:15] <Twi> u have Db access
[06:39:18] <Twi> sure u can have it
[06:39:23] <Santa_Claus> I don't
[06:39:28] <Twi> ask
[06:39:31] <Twi> id 10
[06:39:43] <Santa_Claus> everyone but santiago has db access
[06:39:48] <Santa_Claus> !username 8
[06:39:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:39:48] <Twi> lies
[06:39:56] <Santa_Claus> !username 9
[06:39:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:40:01] <Santa_Claus> !username 10
[06:40:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:40:06] <Santa_Claus> tf
[06:40:16] <Twi> pl being gay
[06:40:21] <Twi> and mission on userids
[06:40:24] <Santa_Claus> !username 11
[06:40:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:40:29] <Twi> !username 111
[06:40:29] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:40:34] <Twi> !username 50
[06:40:34] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:40:37] <Twi> yep
[06:40:37] <Santa_Claus> where did all those accounts go
[06:40:44] <Twi> all deleted prolly
[06:40:44] <Santa_Claus> !username 280404
[06:40:47] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Santa_Claus's userid is 280404
[06:40:54] <Twi> !userid 333
[06:40:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}333's userid is 365999
[06:41:00] <Twi> !username 333
[06:41:00] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:41:05] <Twi> !username 450
[06:41:05] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:41:07] <Twi> !username 1000
[06:41:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:41:10] <Twi> !username 1001
[06:41:12] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:41:15] <Twi> hadeh
[06:41:20] <Twi> !username 2000
[06:41:20] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:41:20] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> Can you not?
[06:41:22] <Twi> kontol
[06:41:28] <Twi> me?
[06:41:33] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> yes you
[06:41:35] <Santa_Claus> !username 15
[06:41:38] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}MasterWhatcha's userid is 15
[06:41:43] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> you too
[06:41:45] <Twi> right click > mute channel :eyes:
[06:41:50] <Santa_Claus> what you gonna do
[06:41:58] <Twi> shhh
[06:42:01] <Twi> he can zucc me
[06:42:16] <Santa_Claus> !username 16
[06:42:16] (WEB) <TheGamer> {ff0000}No such user.
[06:42:21] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> Or I can just go on and hit ban
[06:42:29] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> UwU
[06:42:34] <enovenn> i completed my 100th flight
[06:42:36] <Santa_Claus> imma go to sleep bye
[06:42:39] <Santa_Claus> gz budy
[06:42:41] <Santa_Claus> buddy*
[06:42:49] <Santa_Claus> you can now buy a house
[06:42:59] <Twi> yes
[06:43:04] <Twi> !houses santa_claus
[06:43:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Ballsack Ridge: $500,000 1 slots Commerce: $15,000,000 15 slots
[06:43:09] <Twi> that
[06:43:14] <akiyamaha> ballsack ridge..?
[06:43:14] <Twi> 15 slot is for sale for a cheap price
[06:43:22] <enovenn> !lotto 49
[06:43:27] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[06:43:27] <Twi> !cash enovenn
[06:43:30] (WEB) <robin_be> enovenn has $2,521,904 in hand
[06:43:35] <Twi> come back santa
[06:43:40] <Jacob> twi will sell it for only 2.521,904m
[06:43:48] <Twi> not me
[06:43:48] <Twi> santa
[06:43:53] <Twi> has it ofr
[06:43:53] <Twi> 215m
[06:44:00] <Jacob> !houses twi
[06:44:03] (WEB) <robin_be> Whitewood Estates: $12,500,000 15 slots Prickle Pine: $15,000,000 15 slots Hayden Island: $15,000,000 15 sl(..)
[06:44:13] <Jacob> he'll sell whitewood estates at a very good discount
[06:44:16] <Twi> yes
[06:44:18] <Jacob> only 5m
[06:44:26] <Twi> yes
[06:44:44] <Twi> !cars
[06:44:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has: Buffalo Sentinel Stretch Infernus Packer Packer Monster Seasparrow
[06:44:59] <Twi> and hide yo cars
[06:45:27] <Twi> alright
[06:45:30] <Twi> im at santas house
[06:45:32] <Twi> it's 225m not 215
[06:45:55] <Twi> lufthansa gay
[06:46:05] <Twi> oh I love portlandia
[06:46:28] <Twi> hackers these days
[06:46:48] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[06:46:56] <Twi> rage quit
[06:47:44] <enovenn> what happened
[06:47:57] <Twi> so enovenn
[06:48:02] <Twi> u looking for houses?
[06:48:05] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> fuck fuck shit bitch cunt ass fuck
[06:48:05] <enovenn> nah
[06:48:15] <enovenn> i have a shit pc running in the ground wont be pretty
[06:48:17] <Twi> lmk if u need help
[06:48:20] <enovenn> haha 2 fps go brr
[06:48:23] <Twi> with searching houses
[06:48:30] <Twi> Lol
[06:48:43] <enovenn> ill probably look for house when i get a new pc,probably early 2022
[06:48:56] <akiyamaha> will PL still be up in 2022 lol
[06:49:03] <Twi> I guess
[06:49:03] <Twi> yea
[06:49:29] <Twi> nice
[06:56:38] <enovenn> are you fucking serious
[06:56:41] <Twi> waddup
[06:56:43] <enovenn> im only 1 number from 48
[06:56:51] <akiyamaha> rip in pepperoni
[06:56:51] <enovenn> i choosed 49 lmaoo
[06:56:56] <Twi> oh lmao
[06:57:27] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> !houses twi
[06:57:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Whitewood Estates: $12,500,000 15 slots Prickle Pine: $15,000,000 15 slots Hayden Island: $15,000,000 15 sl(..)
[06:57:42] <Twi> !cars hardstone
[06:57:45] (WEB) <robin_be> hardstone has: Infernus Cheetah Hydra NRG-500 Feltzer Hustler Sultan Elegy RCTiger Huntley
[06:57:47] <Twi> which one u want babe <3
[06:58:15] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> Idk, i dont have money lol
[06:58:20] <Twi> i mean
[06:58:23] <Twi> they're cheap
[06:58:56] <Twi> lottonesia bank
[06:59:06] <Twi> sponsored by ^
[07:00:38] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[07:01:36] --> Danielson connected to the server
[07:02:04] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[07:02:22] <Twi> kontol
[07:02:50] --> Lenz connected to the server
[07:02:55] <akiyamaha> webe
[07:03:03] <Lenz> teye
[07:03:08] <akiyamaha> !houses lenz
[07:03:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Kings: $12,000,000 12 slots
[07:03:15] <Twi> kontol I mean I'm selling
[07:03:15] <Lenz> wot houses
[07:03:21] <Twi> 15 slutters
[07:03:46] <Lenz> one of which ive sold earlier :3
[07:03:48] <Twi> oh well
[07:03:51] <Twi> that too
[07:03:54] <Twi> could
[07:04:01] <Twi> sell it for lower price tho
[07:04:09] <Lenz> neh
[07:04:22] <Twi> :z
[07:04:29] <Lenz> sell sea sparrow
[07:04:32] <Twi> nu
[07:04:37] <Lenz> :c
[07:04:42] <Twi> ask tg
[07:07:58] <Twi> !player kozigo
[07:08:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player kozigo: 2270 score, last seen 13 Days Ago
[07:08:00] <Twi> rip
[07:08:05] <Lenz> F
[07:08:11] <Twi> winnyyyyyyyy get it
[07:08:13] <Lenz> !houses kozigo
[07:08:16] (WEB) <robin_be> Missionary Hill: $7,000,000 7 slots Whitewood Estates: $20,000,000 20 slots
[07:08:18] <Twi> he got a custom house
[07:08:23] <Lenz> lmao
[07:10:00] <Twi> !player haroon
[07:10:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player haroon: 6946 score, last seen 7 Days Ago
[07:10:25] <Twi> !houses ayers
[07:10:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Beacon Hill: $10,000,000 7 slots Seacliff Shores: $1,000,000 2 slots Flint County: $20,000,000 20 slots
[07:19:20] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> !player joyadijoestar.
[07:19:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player joyadijoestar.: 13576 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[07:21:11] <akiyamaha> lmfao
[07:21:32] <akiyamaha> finally
[07:21:34] <akiyamaha> now i can sleep
[07:24:27] --> Danielson connected to the server
[07:24:43] <Twi> wb
[07:24:45] <Danielson> ty
[07:25:03] <Twi> clearrank?
[07:25:08] <Danielson> /resetrank
[07:25:16] <Twi> oh fuck
[07:25:44] <Twi> i think
[07:25:46] <Twi> I reported this
[07:25:49] <Twi> but still
[07:25:54] <Twi> 6k scores to /resetrank
[07:26:24] <Danielson> maybe theres another cmd for lower than 6k player
[07:27:15] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> !8ball Is Twi rich?
[07:27:18] (WEB) <robin_be> Twilight#0406: It is certain
[07:27:33] --> Jacob connected to the server
[07:32:38] <Twi> KONTOL
[07:32:41] <Twi> who wonn lotto
[07:32:49] <Twi> LOTTONESIA
[07:33:24] <Danielson> not me lol
[07:33:39] <Jacob> how you not die
[07:33:42] <Twi> no wait
[07:33:45] <Twi> invertedlotto
[07:34:15] <Twi> I punc
[07:34:18] <Twi> ch
[07:34:20] <Twi> instead of enter :P
[07:34:28] <Jacob> i punch too
[07:34:41] <Jacob> takes 9 keystrokes to nuke you
[07:35:21] <Twi> no
[07:35:24] <Twi> try me
[07:35:36] <Twi> gay
[07:35:42] <Twi> jacob
[07:35:47] <Twi> use /resetrank
[07:35:57] <Jacob> no thats okay
[07:35:59] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[07:36:04] <Twi> no its not
[07:36:04] <Twi> it's
[07:36:07] <Twi> bugged
[07:36:10] <Twi> aaron things
[07:36:15] <Twi> allowing vip 4 to /setrank
[07:36:15] <Twi> but not
[07:36:17] <Twi> /resetrank
[07:36:30] <Jacob> tell aaron that
[07:37:16] <Twi> ok wait
[07:37:21] <Jacob> why do you not spawn at your airline base
[07:37:26] <Twi> select spawn
[07:40:19] <Jacob> $bankcash
[07:40:21] <Jacob> !bankcash
[07:40:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Jacob's bank money is $197,972
[07:40:42] <Twi> jacob
[07:40:44] <Twi> buy
[07:40:47] <Twi> my house
[07:40:49] <Jacob> no
[07:40:59] <Twi> its cheap
[07:41:07] <Twi> !assets Jacob
[07:41:07] <Jacob> !cash
[07:41:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Jacob has 8 car(s) ($15,640,000) and 3 house(s) ($38,500,000 - 30 slots) for a total of $54,140,000
[07:41:12] <Twi> only 30 slots
[07:41:15] <Twi> so gay
[07:41:20] <Jacob> !cars
[07:41:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Jacob has: Rhino Cabbie Camper RC Goblin NRG-500 Monster Broadway Police Car LVPD
[07:41:25] <Jacob> do i look like i need more slots
[07:41:28] <Twi> yes
[07:41:30] <Twi> buy
[07:41:35] <Jacob> !cash
[07:41:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Jacob has $418 in hand
[07:41:40] <Jacob> i have no moneys
[07:41:40] <Twi> alot of rhinos
[07:41:45] <Twi> /addmoney
[07:41:53] <Jacob> thaats not the command
[07:42:06] <Twi> ok nvm
[07:42:08] <HanonLee> /w instead of /addmoney
[07:42:11] <Twi> /addkontol
[07:42:16] <HanonLee> yes
[07:42:19] <Twi> /w is for gays
[07:42:21] <HanonLee> already have 1
[07:42:21] <Danielson> wow
[07:42:26] <Danielson> im offended
[07:42:34] <Twi> mf
[07:42:34] <Twi> I was like
[07:42:36] <Danielson> by JABLAY
[07:42:39] <Twi> the fuck happend to gate
[07:42:44] <Twi> JABLAY
[07:42:47] <Twi> Jembut
[07:42:47] <Jacob> ha shit that was funny
[07:43:02] <Twi> jacob have u had jembut
[07:43:07] <Twi> it's like really spicy tacos
[07:43:12] <Danielson> lol
[07:43:17] <HanonLee> /mute twi
[07:43:22] <Jacob> no but uve had jembut
[07:43:25] <Twi> jembut is the filling that goes into it
[07:43:32] <Twi> yes jembut is delicious
[07:43:37] <Twi> mm
[07:43:40] <Danielson> mmmmmmmmmmmm
[07:43:48] <HanonLee> fucking chats -_-
[07:43:48] <Twi> so natural
[07:43:53] <Danielson> lmao
[07:43:58] <Twi> organic food
[07:44:03] <Danielson> k stop
[07:44:05] <Twi> why
[07:44:08] <Danielson> to real food
[07:44:10] <Twi> u wanna have it now:?
[07:44:18] <Danielson> no
[07:44:21] <Jacob> twi jembutnya
[07:45:47] <Twi> air mani
[07:45:52] <Twi> jacob loves air mani
[07:46:10] <Danielson> nice
[07:46:56] <Twi> naldos gonna curse me for doing this
[07:47:14] <Twi> sop
[07:47:16] <Twi> 30 per health
[07:47:26] <Twi> fuck
[07:47:31] <Twi> cant even repair a baggage
[07:47:59] <Twi> huehuehue
[07:48:02] <Twi> nvm
[07:48:27] <Twi> jablay
[07:48:32] <Twi> holy fuck
[07:48:40] <Jacob> going somewhere fast?
[07:48:53] <Twi> cement truck and at400 sex
[07:49:13] <Twi> rare sight of jacob doing /w in 2021
[07:49:13] <Jacob> welp
[07:49:13] <Twi> nvm
[07:49:16] <Twi> he's a bad pilot
[07:49:21] <Jacob> it was at 999 odo
[07:49:26] <Twi> lmaooo
[07:49:28] <Twi> HHAHAHA
[07:50:09] <Twi> !lastmission jacob
[07:50:09] (WEB) <TheGamer> USS Roddenberry to Octane Springs Cargo. 7 hours 9 minutes(17861 Metres) Pay: $42275
[07:50:24] <Twi> jacob
[07:50:27] <Twi> can u camp a house
[07:50:29] <Jacob> no
[07:50:32] <Jacob> you cannot
[07:50:34] <Twi> i feel sad for him
[07:50:40] <Twi> I mean can "you"
[07:50:55] <Jacob> i have no money
[07:51:00] <Twi> :(
[07:51:08] <Twi> !player kozigo
[07:51:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player kozigo: 2270 score, last seen 13 Days Ago
[07:52:50] <HanonLee> gonna camp?
[07:52:55] <Twi> me?
[07:53:00] <HanonLee> yes
[07:53:02] <Twi> camp = ban
[07:53:07] <Twi> and no I love kozigo
[07:53:15] <HanonLee> good :)
[07:53:28] <Jacob> !player kozigo
[07:53:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player kozigo: 2270 score, last seen 13 Days Ago
[07:53:30] <Jacob> ;)
[07:53:41] <Twi> did u transfer the house
[07:53:41] <HanonLee> !houses kozigo
[07:53:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Missionary Hill: $7,000,000 7 slots Whitewood Estates: $20,000,000 20 slots
[07:53:46] <Jacob> no
[07:53:53] <Twi> why ";)"
[07:53:56] <Twi> hadhe
[07:54:03] <Twi> fuck
[07:54:03] <Jacob> failed ctrl v
[07:54:21] <Twi> jacob talking to his crush
[07:54:29] <Twi> her*
[07:54:39] <Twi> or his :oooooooo
[07:55:07] <Twi> look at this beautifuly parked at
[07:55:30] <Jacob> did you steal TGs house
[07:55:55] <Jacob> yes
[07:56:00] <Twi> yes
[07:56:18] <Twi> holy fuck
[07:56:21] <Twi> big space to park my shit
[07:56:36] <Twi> inb4 clamp
[07:56:39] <Jacob> !player kozigo
[07:56:41] (WEB) <robin_be> player kozigo: 2270 score, last seen 4 Minutes Ago
[07:56:44] <Twi> Yay
[07:56:59] <HanonLee> house saved!
[07:58:13] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[07:58:20] <HanonLee> !player kozigo
[07:58:23] (WEB) <robin_be> player kozigo: 2270 score, last seen 4 Minutes Ago
[07:58:38] <Twi> why does this house feel like miami
[07:58:53] <Twi> ooo
[07:58:56] <Twi> check this cars sound
[07:59:09] <Twi> best car in sa
[07:59:11] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> I hear nothing
[07:59:29] <Jacob> ?/
[07:59:34] <Jacob> why does it have truck sound
[07:59:44] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Lol
[07:59:44] <Twi> more like a civic but ok
[08:00:02] <Jacob> sounds like two truck
[08:01:18] <Twi> ricardo triggered noises
[08:01:41] <Twi> it's..
[08:02:04] <Twi> ..
[08:02:14] <Twi> oh also
[08:02:17] <Twi> it's front wheel
[08:02:25] <Twi> so space + accelerate
[08:02:27] <Twi> is fun
[08:03:05] <Twi> look at the license plate
[08:03:10] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> What car is it?
[08:03:15] <Jacob> it says XYZ 123
[08:03:26] <Twi> says kontol for me
[08:03:36] <Jacob> cause you're kontol
[08:03:41] <Twi> oooooooooooooooooooooo
[08:03:41] --> enovenn connected to the server
[08:03:51] <Twi> wb mi amor
[08:04:22] <Twi> oh
[08:04:27] <Twi> runs right under my house
[08:04:52] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> !player Stetz
[08:04:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stetz: 556 score, last seen 7 Hours Ago
[08:05:00] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Hmmm
[08:05:07] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Time to spam Nevada missions
[08:05:12] <Twi> NO
[08:05:18] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> yea
[08:05:25] <Twi> lufthansa is so dead
[08:05:35] <Twi> even garuda better than deadhansa
[08:05:35] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Jetstar is more
[08:05:56] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> I'll make it Livethansa then
[08:06:08] <Twi> good luck doing that
[08:06:29] <Twi> oh boiy
[08:06:34] <Twi> I love /weatheroff
[08:07:17] <Twi> wb kontols
[08:07:20] <enovenn> anyone looking for co pilot
[08:07:25] <Twi> me but
[08:07:30] <Twi> someones kidnapping me
[08:07:37] <enovenn> well where are you
[08:07:40] <Twi> LV
[08:07:43] <Twi> wait IA base
[08:07:53] <Twi> I got kicked out now
[08:07:58] <enovenn> ill meet you after i complete my flight
[08:07:58] <Jacob> why did it take so long to eject you
[08:08:03] <Jacob> i ran that command 20 seconds ago
[08:08:03] <Twi> cause
[08:08:03] <Twi> hacks
[08:08:23] <Twi> wait
[08:08:26] <Twi> do /doors
[08:08:26] <Jacob> TWI
[08:08:31] <Twi> get in
[08:08:33] <Jacob> Why did you have 1000 health
[08:08:36] <Twi> smh
[08:08:41] <Twi> jacob = ruben
[08:08:44] <enovenn> oh shit i gtg
[08:08:46] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[08:08:56] <Twi> I'm hacking
[08:09:09] <Jacob> this car is gay
[08:09:12] <Twi> do /doors smh
[08:09:17] <Jacob> What does it do
[08:09:19] <Jacob> Does nothing for me
[08:09:24] <Twi> just do it
[08:09:27] <Twi> I mean
[08:09:27] <Twi> in a car
[08:09:27] <Jacob> i did
[08:09:42] <Twi> done?
[08:09:45] <Jacob> yes
[08:09:47] <Twi> tf
[08:09:50] <Twi> you are kontol
[08:10:05] <Twi> tp 337 pl0x
[08:10:15] <Twi> try to get in
[08:10:20] <Twi> as a pas
[08:10:28] <Twi> tf..
[08:10:30] <Jacob> im admin
[08:10:41] <Twi> but I should not enter ur car
[08:10:56] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[08:11:09] --> enovenn connected to the server
[08:11:29] <Twi> crazy how u can /lights
[08:11:29] <Twi> but not
[08:11:31] <Jacob> smh haydz commands
[08:11:34] <Twi> have them flashing
[08:11:39] <Twi> okay fuck
[08:11:44] <Twi> I cant get in now lmao
[08:11:57] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[08:13:08] --> l_drago connected to the server
[08:13:11] <Twi> wb
[08:13:21] <Twi> /o
[08:13:26] <l_drago> ty
[08:13:31] <Twi> ty
[08:13:34] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[08:13:36] <l_drago> ty
[08:14:09] <Twi> northpole time
[08:14:42] (WEB) <._.#2128> !player kristel
[08:14:45] (WEB) <robin_be> player kristel: 10223 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[08:14:47] <Twi> kristel ur rcs
[08:14:50] <Jacob> !player crystal
[08:14:53] (WEB) <robin_be> player crystal: 7870 score, last seen 11 Hours Ago
[08:15:08] <Twi> gay house
[08:16:34] <Twi> -_-
[08:17:05] --> Lenz connected to the server
[08:17:07] <Twi> wb
[08:17:28] <Lenz> ty
[08:18:21] <Jacob> !player JoyadiJoestar.
[08:18:24] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 13576 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[08:18:39] <Twi> wow joyadi
[08:18:39] <Twi> 4 days
[08:18:47] <Jacob> 10 more to go
[08:18:52] <Lenz> lol
[08:18:57] <Jacob> thats what twi is thinking
[08:18:59] <Twi> report jacob house camping
[08:19:12] <Twi> it's 2021
[08:19:15] <Jacob> you know we watch everytime someone does player right
[08:19:15] <Twi> its not house camping anymoer
[08:19:22] <Twi> it's !Player
[08:19:37] <Twi> is doing !Player =ban?
[08:19:50] <Lenz> = being watched
[08:20:05] <Twi> i mean
[08:20:11] <Twi> thats not house camping
[08:20:11] <Twi> UwU
[08:21:24] <Twi> this bitch spins
[08:21:40] <Twi> hey wheres the ramp
[08:21:50] <Jacob> no ramp
[08:21:52] <Twi> :(
[08:21:57] <Jacob> sursai said no fun here
[08:22:00] <Twi> :(
[08:22:20] (WEB) <dipa#0472> *sad noise *
[08:22:30] <Twi> why does this seem like
[08:22:41] <Twi> some sci fi fuel station
[08:23:11] (WEB) <midget#0266> go sleep twi
[08:23:11] <Twi> i'm tired
[08:23:16] <Twi> omg
[08:23:16] <Twi> aww
[08:23:24] (WEB) <midget#0266> ...
[08:23:32] (WEB) <midget#0266> what the fuck lmao
[08:23:37] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[08:23:42] <l_drago> wb
[08:23:44] <TwilightMontana> ty
[08:23:47] <Twi> :o
[08:24:30] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[08:24:35] (WEB) <midget#0266> !player twi
[08:24:38] (WEB) <robin_be> player twi: 4050 score, last seen Online Now
[08:24:45] (WEB) <midget#0266> !player kozigo
[08:24:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player kozigo: 2270 score, last seen 32 Minutes Ago
[08:25:59] <Twi> nice
[08:26:25] <Twi> ...
[08:26:35] <Jacob> twi why didnt you fuel
[08:26:37] <Twi> ....
[08:26:42] <Twi> I'm pretty sure I did
[08:26:50] <Twi> nice
[08:27:03] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> How do I use skin mods in this server?
[08:27:05] <Jacob> fuel usage is more ofland
[08:27:15] <Twi> why tho
[08:27:28] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> I mean
[08:27:41] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Idk
[08:28:37] <l_drago> wb
[08:28:39] <Twi> wb
[08:28:42] <HanonLee> thanks :)
[08:29:02] <Twi> a house with a runway
[08:29:05] <Twi> what else u need
[08:29:28] <Twi> looks like
[08:29:30] <Twi> nore more bbq here
[08:29:58] <l_drago> which house?
[08:30:03] <Twi> fort lauderfail
[08:30:08] <l_drago> 10 slots?
[08:30:11] <Twi> nope
[08:30:57] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Time to leave Lufthansa and join Inverted Airlines
[08:31:02] <Twi> hadeh
[08:31:07] <l_drago> :(
[08:31:09] <Twi> kontol
[08:31:20] <Twi> jog time
[08:31:37] <Twi> wait why are u
[08:31:43] <Twi> standing like that
[08:31:45] <Twi> nvm
[08:31:50] <Jacob> i was in the car??
[08:31:55] <Jacob> oh its gone
[08:31:58] <Twi> u left
[08:32:05] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[08:32:08] <Twi> wb
[08:32:08] <l_drago> wb
[08:32:11] <TwilightMontana> ty
[08:32:38] <Twi> this is making me trippy
[08:33:06] <Twi> ....
[08:34:35] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Inverted Airlines mad gay?
[08:34:38] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: Ask again later
[08:34:43] <Twi> 8ball scared of ban
[08:34:53] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Ask again later
[08:34:56] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: You may rely on it
[08:35:03] <Jacob> !lastmission TwilightMontana
[08:35:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> Las Payasadas Warehouses to Little Mexico General Store. 4 hours 11 minutes(4854 Metres) Pay: $19002
[08:35:11] <Twi> ew
[08:35:14] <Twi> trucking
[08:35:19] <TwilightMontana> I did not truck
[08:35:29] <TwilightMontana> The fuck?
[08:35:49] <l_drago> it might be jacob's
[08:35:57] <TwilightMontana> !lastmission
[08:35:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> Longe Island Gate E to Los Santos Gate 2. 6 hours 51 minutes(4936 Metres) Pay: $24710
[08:36:02] <Twi> ...
[08:36:05] <Twi> !lastmission Jacob
[08:36:07] <Jacob> !lastmission
[08:36:07] (WEB) <TheGamer> USS Roddenberry to Octane Springs Cargo. 7 hours 9 minutes(17861 Metres) Pay: $42275
[08:36:07] (WEB) <TheGamer> Las Payasadas Warehouses to Little Mexico General Store. 4 hours 11 minutes(4854 Metres) Pay: $19002
[08:36:10] <Jacob> ??
[08:36:12] <Jacob> oh
[08:36:12] <Twi> hadeh
[08:36:15] <Jacob> lmao
[08:36:15] <Twi> so
[08:36:15] <Twi> username
[08:36:17] <Twi> wont work for the bot
[08:36:35] <Jacob> my last mission should be hydra not that
[08:36:35] <Jacob> weird
[08:36:43] <l_drago> cargo drops wont show
[08:36:45] <Twi> sleep
[08:36:45] <Twi> time
[08:36:50] <Twi> lmao
[08:36:50] <TwilightMontana> cya
[08:36:53] <l_drago> cya
[08:37:01] <TwilightMontana> Spam
[08:37:06] <TwilightMontana> Ban
[08:37:08] <Twi> ngentot
[08:37:11] <Lenz> rip
[08:37:21] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[08:37:23] <Lenz> F
[08:37:26] <TwilightMontana> F
[08:37:28] <l_drago> wth
[08:37:39] --> enovenn connected to the server
[08:37:41] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[08:37:44] <TwilightMontana> wb
[08:37:49] <l_drago> wbs
[08:37:51] <l_drago> wb
[08:37:56] <enovenn> are you still kidnapped?
[08:38:12] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> i'ma sleep enovenn later
[08:38:30] <enovenn> work
[08:38:35] <TwilightMontana> What's the time there?
[08:38:52] <l_drago> !player dipa
[08:38:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player dipa: 4227 score, last seen 6 Hours Ago
[08:44:26] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> fucking nape hurts
[08:44:33] <TwilightMontana> Nape?
[08:45:04] <TwilightMontana> Neck you meant?
[08:57:52] <TwilightMontana> gz
[08:57:54] <l_drago> ty
[08:59:13] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[09:01:46] <TwilightMontana> wb
[09:02:01] <HanonLee> thanks
[09:04:54] <enovenn> that flight was so fucking long
[09:05:04] <TwilightMontana> What flight?
[09:05:30] <enovenn> lima island to black mesa rf
[09:05:40] <TwilightMontana> Well
[09:05:47] <TwilightMontana> The pay will darn good
[09:07:42] <enovenn> i got 66k from that flight
[09:07:42] --> Danielson connected to the server
[09:08:20] <TwilightMontana> wb
[09:08:25] <TwilightMontana> Nice
[09:09:06] <Danielson> ty
[09:09:54] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[09:10:32] --> Alifer connected to the server
[09:10:35] <TwilightMontana> wb
[09:10:40] <Alifer> yo
[09:10:42] <TwilightMontana> hey
[09:10:45] --> JosipCRO connected to the server
[09:10:55] <TwilightMontana> Old player?
[09:11:08] <Alifer> since 2011
[09:11:20] <TwilightMontana> Cool
[09:12:26] <TwilightMontana> Holy
[09:12:44] <TwilightMontana> That's alot of scores
[09:13:00] <-- Alifer disconnected from the server
[09:13:25] --> Alifer connected to the server
[09:13:30] <TwilightMontana> wb
[09:13:35] <Alifer> crashed
[09:13:48] <TwilightMontana> High ping?
[09:13:58] <Alifer> samp
[09:14:03] <TwilightMontana> oh
[09:17:54] <TwilightMontana> !cash Alifer
[09:17:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Alifer has $4,422,282 in hand
[09:22:55] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[09:22:57] <TwilightMontana> wb
[09:23:13] <Brooklyn> ty
[09:23:41] <-- Alifer disconnected from the server
[09:24:47] <Brooklyn> brb
[09:24:47] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[09:28:51] <TwilightMontana> wb
[09:28:53] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[09:28:56] <akiyamaha> ty
[09:30:10] <-- JosipCRO disconnected from the server
[09:32:34] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[09:32:37] <TwilightMontana> wb
[09:32:37] <akiyamaha> webe
[09:33:00] <TwilightMontana> Who does not?
[09:38:56] --> JosipCRO connected to the server
[09:38:58] <TwilightMontana> wb
[09:39:04] <JosipCRO> ty
[09:39:29] --> E1ectro connected to the server
[09:40:38] <TwilightMontana> wb
[09:47:17] <HanonLee> \
[09:50:05] --> Alifer connected to the server
[09:54:39] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[09:55:53] <-- JosipCRO disconnected from the server
[09:58:49] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[10:01:47] --> Gonzalez connected to the server
[10:02:32] <-- Alifer disconnected from the server
[10:05:15] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[10:12:50] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[10:16:09] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[10:23:42] --> AztreK connected to the server
[10:23:54] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[10:24:04] <HanonLee> Welcome Back both
[10:24:10] <Gamer30> Thanks.
[10:24:12] <AztreK> :D
[10:26:29] --> Dusty_Hoang connected to the server
[10:26:34] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[10:26:40] <Dusty_Hoang> thx
[10:28:03] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[10:28:19] <Dusty_Hoang> hey hanon
[10:28:31] <HanonLee> yes?
[10:28:52] <Dusty_Hoang> do u free now ?
[10:28:59] <HanonLee> still /w ing
[10:29:04] <Dusty_Hoang> ok
[10:29:09] <Dusty_Hoang> have a lucky day
[10:29:12] <Dusty_Hoang> and
[10:29:17] <Dusty_Hoang> who win Lotto
[10:29:22] <akiyamaha> :^)
[10:29:27] <Danielson> !houses yanix
[10:29:30] (WEB) <robin_be> Santa Maria Beach: $6,500,000 5 slots Fern Ridge: $5,000,000 5 slots Bone County: $950,000 2 slots
[10:29:30] <Dusty_Hoang> u
[10:29:32] <Dusty_Hoang> u aki ?
[10:29:38] <akiyamaha> :^)
[10:30:06] <Dusty_Hoang> how much
[10:31:24] <akiyamaha> why cant i just transport fuel from where i delivered it
[10:31:32] <akiyamaha> have to drive to refineries like a peasant smfh
[10:33:47] <Dusty_Hoang> how to see lotto
[10:33:54] <Gonzalez> /lotto
[10:34:07] <Dusty_Hoang> thx
[10:35:06] <Dusty_Hoang> F
[10:35:34] <Gonzalez> my keyboard spazzed. f
[10:35:36] <Danielson> F
[10:35:41] <akiyamaha> f
[10:41:07] <-- Dusty_Hoang disconnected from the server
[10:41:12] --> piirivalvur connected to the server
[10:43:32] <AztreK> Which plane is the best to gain score fast and easily?
[10:43:37] <piirivalvur> helicopter
[10:43:37] <akiyamaha> nevada
[10:44:02] <piirivalvur> nevada is slower than helicopter
[10:44:15] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> No it�s not
[10:44:17] <piirivalvur> yes it is
[10:44:25] <piirivalvur> i calculated and testet it 100 per cent
[10:44:35] <piirivalvur> nevada is like 1,6 times slower
[10:44:43] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Its top speed is 118 knots, while heli is around 100
[10:44:53] <piirivalvur> yeh, maybe, i meant to gain score
[10:45:03] <piirivalvur> not top speed
[10:45:26] <E1ectro> -_- u can do heli speed over 120
[10:45:29] <AztreK> What about shamal?
[10:45:44] <akiyamaha> good if you can do lots
[10:45:46] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> An average Nevada flights per ig day is 8, and 2 scores per flight
[10:45:46] <piirivalvur> shamal is quite equal to helicopter but harder to move
[10:46:19] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Heli is about 6~7 flights per ig day, only 1 score per flight
[10:46:22] <piirivalvur> only if u have played with nevada like 1000 score then yes
[10:46:35] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> You also earn more from cargo flight
[10:46:40] <piirivalvur> i did 14 scores with heli
[10:46:47] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> !missions Brooklyn helicopter cargo
[10:46:47] <piirivalvur> and not even 24 game hour
[10:46:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 3000 helicopter 3000 cargo
[10:46:53] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Enough?
[10:47:08] <piirivalvur> what did it showed
[10:47:43] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Shamal is the best for newbie,
[10:47:43] --> Aaron_Jonathan connected to the server
[10:48:19] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Fast, maneuverable, high pay (slightly lower than at400, but same rate as Nevada)
[10:48:55] <akiyamaha> lmfao
[10:49:02] <E1ectro> military the best
[10:49:05] <akiyamaha> ok
[10:50:19] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> !missions piirivalvur helicopter cargo
[10:50:21] (WEB) <robin_be> piirivalvur: 45 helicopter 56 cargo
[10:50:42] <AztreK> WHAT?!
[10:50:49] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> You lost the debate, mate! :>
[10:50:54] --> GPrakasa connected to the server
[10:51:10] <AztreK> THERE IS A HACKER HERE
[10:51:12] <AztreK> OMG
[10:51:15] <AztreK> AAROON IS HACKER
[10:51:27] <AztreK> Admin?!
[10:51:27] <akiyamaha> /report
[10:51:27] <-- Aaron_Jonathan disconnected from the server
[10:51:30] <akiyamaha> rip
[10:51:35] <piirivalvur> rest in peace
[10:51:38] <AztreK> omg
[10:51:45] <HanonLee> nice try aaron
[10:51:53] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Did Ricardo rely him?
[10:51:58] <akiyamaha> ye
[10:51:58] <piirivalvur> brooklyn, what these nummers show? that i have tried both and got result that nevada sucks?
[10:52:00] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Rekt* damn autocorrect
[10:52:28] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> I did more flights, so I know better :>
[10:52:56] <piirivalvur> yes, my point was that you can get more score if you are experienced player
[10:53:07] <piirivalvur> but that mean you have already like 1000 flights
[10:53:40] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> **AztreK** � Which plane is the best to gain score fast and easily?
[10:53:47] <piirivalvur> yes, it is helicopter
[10:53:55] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> N�, Shazam
[10:54:02] <piirivalvur> again, if you are experienced player
[10:54:05] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Shamal*
[10:54:05] <AztreK> Shamal?
[10:54:23] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Helicopter is slow af
[10:54:25] <AztreK> piirvi
[10:54:25] <AztreK> you say heli
[10:54:30] <piirivalvur> yep
[10:54:33] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Even hunter
[10:54:33] <AztreK> imagine get 10k distance in heli work
[10:54:41] <AztreK> getting*
[10:54:43] <piirivalvur> you does not need to 10k distance :P
[10:54:53] <akiyamaha> /s /w doesnt count
[10:54:56] <AztreK> and do /stopwork again and again?
[10:54:58] <akiyamaha> :p
[10:55:09] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Imagine getting 35km helicopter flight
[10:55:16] <AztreK> I had to
[10:55:19] <piirivalvur> no need, normally there are 1k - 5k flights
[10:55:24] <AztreK> fly to Mesa RF
[10:55:24] <akiyamaha> god I wish i got a 35km at400
[10:55:26] <piirivalvur> only one time /stopwork works
[10:55:29] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Black Mesa <=> Newtontoppen
[10:55:42] <akiyamaha> want
[10:55:47] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> 12 minutes flight (for helicopter) lmao
[10:56:04] <E1ectro> thats nightmare
[10:56:12] <AztreK> Shamal is the second fastest plane right?
[10:56:15] <E1ectro> landing palomino with rustler
[10:56:20] <akiyamaha> ezpz
[10:56:30] <akiyamaha> you might die landing
[10:56:30] <akiyamaha> but ez
[10:56:32] <E1ectro> with 25 fps?
[10:56:32] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Nah, same speed as Hydra and AT400
[10:56:32] <piirivalvur> you does not need land with helicopter, so you save like many minutes
[10:57:00] <akiyamaha> laughs in stall landing into checkpoint
[10:57:08] <AztreK> lol
[10:57:28] --> Dusty_Hoang connected to the server
[10:57:33] <Dusty_Hoang> hello
[10:57:39] <akiyamaha> henlo
[10:57:49] <Dusty_Hoang> w`hey Az
[10:57:56] <AztreK> Heyy bro
[10:58:09] <E1ectro> ez huh? try it
[10:58:19] <Dusty_Hoang> what ?
[10:58:22] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Anyway, if you wanna earn score & money fast, but can�t handle AT400 & Nevada, do Shamal
[10:58:37] <Dusty_Hoang> hi Brooklyn
[10:58:37] <AztreK> I am really good in AT400 bro
[10:58:47] <AztreK> But AT400 is kind of slow
[10:58:52] <piirivalvur> its only your opinion, brooklyn
[10:58:52] <GPrakasa> how to fly heli
[10:59:05] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> You feels slow because it�s big af lmao
[10:59:10] <Dusty_Hoang> more money but slow
[10:59:20] <akiyamaha> yeah at400 does 145 lol
[10:59:28] <piirivalvur> i bet you got money from companies who offer shamal and at400 :)
[10:59:33] <AztreK> how can i check how many at400 flights i have done?
[10:59:38] <piirivalvur> !at400
[10:59:41] <akiyamaha> /stats
[10:59:43] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> /stats
[10:59:43] <AztreK> !stats
[10:59:46] <piirivalvur> !nevada
[10:59:51] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> /stats
[10:59:51] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Or double click on your name on TAB
[11:00:04] <AztreK> I have done 91 at400 flights
[11:00:09] <E1ectro> !missions military
[11:00:11] (WEB) <robin_be> E1ectro: 2483 military
[11:00:16] <piirivalvur> !missions shamal
[11:00:19] (WEB) <robin_be> piirivalvur: 40 shamal
[11:00:24] <AztreK> !missions at400
[11:00:27] (WEB) <robin_be> AztreK: 91 at400
[11:00:27] <akiyamaha> 922 at400...
[11:00:37] <akiyamaha> need to get a life
[11:00:37] <E1ectro> !missions taxi
[11:00:39] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[11:00:52] <piirivalvur> what life
[11:00:57] <E1ectro> okay taxi doesnt count so
[11:01:05] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Also, you can go to 800ft and let the plane flies itself on long flights lmao
[11:01:20] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> ^ for planes, not helicopter
[11:01:28] <E1ectro> why taxi doesnt count? is it not work?
[11:01:30] <piirivalvur> yes
[11:02:01] <AztreK> do we have some special hydra missions or just normal flights?
[11:02:06] <akiyamaha> mmm cargo drops
[11:02:14] <piirivalvur> you can shoot other players who are annoying
[11:02:16] <E1ectro> I can earn on taxi much more than shamal -_-
[11:02:26] <Dusty_Hoang> DM=Banned
[11:02:42] <piirivalvur> really?
[11:02:44] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> I must be joking, electro
[11:02:52] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> You*
[11:03:04] <piirivalvur> i hoped i can blow someone up
[11:03:22] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Go play some DM servers then
[11:03:40] <piirivalvur> i see you are suggesting me to leave this server to join another?
[11:03:48] <Gonzalez> we have /dogfight where you can go against other in game players
[11:03:48] <piirivalvur> is it against the rules?
[11:03:55] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> No
[11:04:03] <piirivalvur> okey then, sir
[11:04:08] <piirivalvur> oh dogfights i forgot that
[11:04:33] <E1ectro> see my stats: why I have ~1.5k on military and <1k at other
[11:04:59] <E1ectro> okay its near 4.5k where is other scores if I have 5.9k huh?
[11:05:17] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> !missions Brooklyn at400 shamal skimmer helicopter cargo
[11:05:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 3000 at400 3000 shamal 3000 skimmer 3000 helicopter 3000 cargo
[11:05:19] <akiyamaha> some dont show iirc
[11:05:27] <akiyamaha> and some give 2x score
[11:05:29] <AztreK> Bruh
[11:05:29] <piirivalvur> hahahaha
[11:05:42] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> !missions Brooklyn cargodrop military trucking courier
[11:05:45] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 3000 cargodrop 3000 military 3000 trucking 3000 courier
[11:05:53] <piirivalvur> is
[11:06:03] <E1ectro> I dont mean like nevada 2x cargo so taxi... why it doesnt count?
[11:06:05] <piirivalvur> come dogfight rustlers if u are real man or woman
[11:06:10] <akiyamaha> no idea
[11:06:36] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Waste of time
[11:06:41] <E1ectro> I have over 1k missions on taxi... i think i have
[11:06:51] <piirivalvur> come dogfight rustlers if u are real man or woman
[11:07:09] <AztreK> piirv
[11:07:14] <piirivalvur> brooklyn, do you like sudokus?
[11:07:17] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[11:07:17] <AztreK> it'll take me few mins to get you down bro
[11:07:19] <E1ectro> so why u just dont delete these "taxi" so u can earn scores on it u can earn money on it
[11:07:22] <Dusty_Hoang> wb
[11:07:24] <TwilightMontana> ty
[11:07:34] <E1ectro> but ur missions doesnt count -_- wtf huh?
[11:07:34] <piirivalvur> come dogfight !
[11:07:39] <AztreK> wait
[11:07:42] <Dusty_Hoang> wait me
[11:07:44] <AztreK> lemme complete the flight
[11:07:47] <piirivalvur> okey
[11:07:52] <-- GPrakasa disconnected from the server
[11:08:10] <piirivalvur> i be here like 10 minutes then i will study :D
[11:08:15] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[11:08:23] <AztreK> :D
[11:08:40] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[11:09:41] <Dusty_Hoang> ???
[11:09:44] <AztreK> ok piirv
[11:09:47] <AztreK> im landing 1 min
[11:09:47] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> I�m at work run lmao
[11:09:52] <Dusty_Hoang> what is lobby ?
[11:09:57] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Right now*
[11:10:02] <-- Gonzalez disconnected from the server
[11:10:07] <TwilightMontana> Did you get caught?
[11:10:48] <piirivalvur> rekt
[11:11:41] <AztreK> i told u
[11:11:44] <piirivalvur> oh no
[11:12:01] <piirivalvur> coming and shoot ur donw
[11:12:27] <AztreK> Pfft
[11:12:37] <Dusty_Hoang> crash
[11:13:10] <piirivalvur> gg
[11:14:06] <Dusty_Hoang> shit
[11:14:14] <AztreK> I love rustler dog fights
[11:14:21] <AztreK> Literally no one of you can defeat me
[11:14:57] <E1ectro> I better will work than show u my skills on rustler -_-
[11:15:05] <AztreK> sure bro!
[11:15:38] <piirivalvur> follow the smoke
[11:16:03] <piirivalvur> mayday
[11:16:06] <piirivalvur> sos
[11:17:02] <Dusty_Hoang> hey
[11:17:07] <akiyamaha> test
[11:17:07] (WEB) <TheGamer> @akiyamaha test failed!
[11:17:12] <akiyamaha> rip desync
[11:17:17] <piirivalvur> ok cya
[11:17:19] <AztreK> wtf?
[11:17:19] <-- piirivalvur disconnected from the server
[11:17:22] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[11:17:24] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Dit me may
[11:17:32] <AztreK> another one down
[11:17:37] <AztreK> E1ectro
[11:17:42] <E1ectro> ?
[11:17:45] <AztreK> can u please come?
[11:17:45] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[11:17:50] <E1ectro> where?
[11:17:52] <AztreK> i really wanna prove myself best here :c
[11:17:58] <AztreK> in the rustler dog fight
[11:18:15] <E1ectro> still working
[11:18:23] <AztreK> which mission?
[11:18:31] <E1ectro> taxi
[11:19:04] <E1ectro> spy mission that doesnt count cuz its waste of time for scripters -_-
[11:19:11] <AztreK> Down
[11:20:25] <AztreK> hoho
[11:20:45] <AztreK> Do you surrender? :D
[11:21:13] <Dusty_Hoang> hi
[11:21:19] <TwilightMontana> hey
[11:21:29] <AztreK> E1ectro budddy
[11:21:31] <AztreK> are you done yet?
[11:21:57] <Dusty_Hoang> hey
[11:21:57] <TwilightMontana> !score Stetz
[11:21:59] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stetz: 556 score, 538 missions: 59'/. dodo - 32'/. shamal - 3'/. cargo
[11:21:59] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[11:21:59] <E1ectro> Im done and going to do my business on warcraft
[11:22:04] <Dusty_Hoang> play ss dogfight
[11:22:17] <AztreK> Is that a samp server?
[11:22:27] <E1ectro> warcraft is an other game
[11:22:32] <E1ectro> mmorpg
[11:22:35] <AztreK> E1ctro
[11:22:37] <AztreK> please man 1 dogfight
[11:22:53] <Dusty_Hoang> play ss dogfight
[11:23:23] <E1ectro> nice spawn -_-
[11:23:33] <E1ectro> and invisible bug
[11:23:36] <AztreK> Ok
[11:23:56] <AztreK> lemme refuel
[11:24:14] <E1ectro> nice invisible bugs
[11:24:14] <AztreK> dusty
[11:24:17] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[11:24:22] <AztreK> let me and e1ectro 1v1 pls
[11:24:24] <Dusty_Hoang> ok
[11:24:50] <AztreK> uhh electro?
[11:24:57] <E1ectro> I wont do cuz there is some lost textures after rejoin
[11:25:02] <AztreK> dude
[11:25:10] <AztreK> give it a try one more time pls
[11:25:25] <E1ectro> again -_-
[11:25:33] <AztreK> it doesn't hapen to me
[11:25:41] <AztreK> happen****
[11:25:58] <E1ectro> ok just go and kill me so u will be the best
[11:26:03] <E1ectro> I leave it 4 u
[11:26:03] <AztreK> bro no
[11:26:21] <-- E1ectro disconnected from the server
[11:31:37] <Dusty_Hoang> az
[11:31:39] <AztreK> yes?
[11:31:44] <Dusty_Hoang> /fleet pls
[11:31:52] <Dusty_Hoang> thx
[11:31:52] <AztreK> done
[11:32:12] <TwilightMontana> !player Warmbees
[11:32:15] <AztreK> np
[11:32:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player Warmbees: 7250 score, last seen 8 Hours Ago
[11:32:28] <AztreK> !player robin_be
[11:32:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player robin_be: 13382 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[11:35:08] --> Lenz connected to the server
[11:35:10] <TwilightMontana> wb
[11:35:13] <AztreK> Welcome back!
[11:35:23] <Lenz> thanks
[11:35:41] <AztreK> Lenz which class is best for earning score fast?
[11:35:56] <Dusty_Hoang> yay
[11:36:39] <Lenz> Aztrek for you Pilot class is better
[11:36:52] <Lenz> when you get 250 score, start doing military
[11:36:57] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[11:37:00] <TwilightMontana> Wb
[11:37:07] <Lenz> wet balls
[11:37:12] <akiyamaha> danke
[11:37:12] <TwilightMontana> Warner Bros
[11:38:01] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[11:38:03] --> enovenn connected to the server
[11:38:03] <TwilightMontana> wb
[11:38:11] <slampinjsh> ty
[11:38:26] <TwilightMontana> wb
[11:38:29] <HanonLee> thanks :)
[11:38:34] <Dusty_Hoang> wb
[11:38:39] <HanonLee> thanks :)
[11:38:54] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[11:38:57] <AztreK> Okay Lenz
[11:38:57] <TwilightMontana> wb
[11:38:59] <akiyamaha> aaaa ping
[11:39:14] <Dusty_Hoang> !bankcash HanonLee
[11:39:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Dusty_Hoang's bank money is $152,870
[11:39:20] <HanonLee> uhh
[11:39:22] <Lenz> lol
[11:39:25] <HanonLee> !bankcash
[11:39:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}HanonLee's bank money is $140,000,000
[11:39:32] <Gamer30> !BankCash
[11:39:32] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Gamer30's bank money is $1,500,000
[11:39:32] <Lenz> rich
[11:39:32] <akiyamaha> smh
[11:41:52] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[11:42:38] <Dusty_Hoang> 7/10 more to have enough to buy infernus
[11:42:46] <TwilightMontana> nice
[11:42:48] <Lenz> same
[11:46:32] <enovenn> fuck
[11:46:42] <enovenn> crashed to a tree
[11:46:52] <enovenn> the tree didnt even get any damage
[11:47:07] <TwilightMontana> Trees are made up of titanium
[11:47:10] <Lenz> F
[11:47:10] <Dusty_Hoang> logic in this game
[11:47:20] <Lenz> gta logic
[11:47:25] <Dusty_Hoang> yup
[11:47:33] <Dusty_Hoang> yupF
[11:47:56] <HanonLee> there's no way to destroy those trees
[11:48:06] <enovenn> why am i invisible
[11:48:11] <HanonLee> even you kamikaze it with at400, the trees still stands strong
[11:48:11] <Dusty_Hoang> Bullet or infernus
[11:48:16] <Dusty_Hoang> who is the best
[11:48:24] <Gamer30> There is a way.
[11:48:29] <slampinjsh> made of steel ^^
[11:48:31] <Gamer30> Remove the object altogether.
[11:48:36] <TwilightMontana> ^
[11:48:42] <HanonLee> yep xD
[11:48:47] <Dusty_Hoang> =))
[11:49:27] <Gamer30> !player ST�TZ
[11:49:30] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player ST�TZ
[11:49:40] <Lenz> o.O
[11:49:43] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[11:49:48] <TwilightMontana> wb
[11:49:48] <Lenz> wb
[11:49:50] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[11:50:03] <akiyamaha> shukran
[11:50:11] <enovenn> assalamualaikum
[11:50:18] <HanonLee> Wa'alaikumsalam
[11:52:56] <TwilightMontana> !score Stetz
[11:52:59] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stetz: 556 score, 538 missions: 59'/. dodo - 32'/. shamal - 3'/. cargo
[11:53:14] <Gamer30> !player Stanisgay
[11:53:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stanisgay: 0 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[11:53:52] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[11:56:12] <slampinjsh> lol
[11:56:17] <TwilightMontana> hehe
[11:56:20] <slampinjsh> so close
[11:56:25] <slampinjsh> o.o
[11:56:25] <TwilightMontana> yes
[11:57:56] <TwilightMontana> !score
[11:57:59] (WEB) <robin_be> player TwilightMontana: 552 score, 400 missions: 36'/. cargo - 25'/. at400 - 16'/. shamal
[11:59:05] <TwilightMontana> !roll Twi gay meter
[11:59:08] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana rolls 29
[12:02:54] <slampinjsh> omfg
[12:04:13] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[12:05:21] <Dusty_Hoang> fix
[12:05:57] <Lenz> lotto 1
[12:06:05] <Lenz> ;v
[12:06:20] <Dusty_Hoang> lotto 9
[12:06:20] <akiyamaha> woi
[12:08:02] <akiyamaha> rip
[12:08:04] <Dusty_Hoang> F
[12:08:07] <Lenz> :c
[12:11:23] <AztreK> What?
[12:11:28] <TwilightMontana> Misspressed
[12:11:30] <AztreK> Oh
[12:12:57] <AztreK> Uhh
[12:13:17] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[12:13:50] <AztreK> What happend? :c
[12:13:58] <HanonLee> samp crashe maybe
[12:14:05] <TwilightMontana> Man got paralyzed
[12:14:05] <HanonLee> crashed*
[12:14:41] <AztreK> Bruh
[12:15:09] --> Lenz connected to the server
[12:15:11] <TwilightMontana> wb
[12:15:16] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[12:15:16] <Dusty_Hoang> wb
[12:15:16] <akiyamaha> wetballs
[12:15:22] <Lenz> thanks
[12:15:55] <-- Dusty_Hoang disconnected from the server
[12:16:10] --> Dusty_Hoang connected to the server
[12:19:13] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Got it!
[12:19:18] <TwilightMontana> what?
[12:19:23] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Msfs2020 it arrived
[12:19:28] <TwilightMontana> Gz
[12:19:28] <Gamer30> F
[12:19:28] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Look on discord
[12:19:36] <Dusty_Hoang> gz
[12:20:32] <TwilightMontana> Uhhh Czech where?
[12:20:39] <AztreK> omg
[12:20:39] <AztreK> wtf
[12:20:44] <AztreK> how can i get off this drinking mod
[12:20:47] <TwilightMontana> drunk
[12:20:55] <TwilightMontana> Wait
[12:20:57] <Lenz> just wait for abit
[12:21:05] <AztreK> my minimap is un visible too
[12:21:12] <TwilightMontana> SAme
[12:21:15] <AztreK> in*
[12:22:31] --> dipa connected to the server
[12:22:49] <TwilightMontana> wb
[12:23:09] <dipa> ty
[12:23:50] <TwilightMontana> .f yeah'
[12:24:59] <AztreK> ....
[12:25:27] <Lenz> anyone else lagging? :v
[12:25:32] <dipa> Yes
[12:25:32] <akiyamaha> thats my secret
[12:25:37] <akiyamaha> im always lagging
[12:25:40] <akiyamaha> :v
[12:25:47] <Lenz> :v
[12:26:28] <Dusty_Hoang> hey
[12:27:37] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[12:27:44] <-- Dusty_Hoang disconnected from the server
[12:28:12] --> Dusty_Hoang connected to the server
[12:31:28] <dipa> w
[12:34:57] <HanonLee> ./w
[12:37:01] <-- Dusty_Hoang disconnected from the server
[12:37:04] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[12:39:47] --> Dusty_Hoang connected to the server
[12:40:35] <Dusty_Hoang> i want to buy Inferm
[12:40:37] <Dusty_Hoang> i want to buy Infer
[12:40:43] <dipa> Infernus*
[12:40:50] <AztreK> ...
[12:40:53] <AztreK> seriously?
[12:41:11] <dipa> If you buy lots of things then you will get taxes
[12:41:33] <akiyamaha> much better to buy eleven faggios imo
[12:41:38] <TwilightMontana> yes
[12:42:27] <Dusty_Hoang> w`/reclass
[12:42:42] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[12:42:45] <Dusty_Hoang> dddddddddddddddddddd`/
[12:42:45] <TwilightMontana> wb
[12:42:47] --> Danielson connected to the server
[12:44:59] <dipa> *laughs in mbanking*
[12:45:30] <Dusty_Hoang> F
[12:45:38] <Dusty_Hoang> 16,00 m?e to have 1m =(((
[12:45:43] <Dusty_Hoang> 16,00 more to have 1m =(((
[12:45:50] <Dusty_Hoang> 16,000 more to have 1m =(((
[12:45:50] <AztreK> How much infernus costs?
[12:45:55] <Dusty_Hoang> 1m
[12:46:06] <AztreK> I have enough cash to buy it yo!
[12:46:08] <Dusty_Hoang> !cash
[12:46:11] (WEB) <robin_be> Dusty_Hoang has $984,118 in hand
[12:46:57] <dipa> kalo di at400 aja yang waras
[12:46:59] <HanonLee> :v
[12:47:04] <HanonLee> di andro gila
[12:47:14] <dipa> xD
[12:47:22] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[12:47:27] <AztreK> Bruh
[12:47:35] <HanonLee> congrats!
[12:47:35] <TwilightMontana> G
[12:47:35] <dipa> gz :/
[12:47:37] <AztreK> :D
[12:47:37] <TwilightMontana> Z
[12:47:37] <akiyamaha> gz
[12:47:45] <dipa> !cars dusty_hoang
[12:47:45] <Dusty_Hoang> thx Hanon and Az
[12:47:48] (WEB) <robin_be> dusty_hoang has: Infernus Hunter Rustler Police Maverick Shamal Hydra NRG-500 Dodo
[12:47:55] <HanonLee> !assets dusty_hoang
[12:47:58] (WEB) <robin_be> dusty_hoang has 8 car(s) ($5,690,000) and 2 house(s) ($3,650,000 - 7 slots) for a total of $9,340,000
[12:48:11] <dipa> When I was you, I only have bobcat dusty :/
[12:48:16] <Dusty_Hoang> oh
[12:48:23] <dipa> And also use it for courier at devon
[12:48:28] <akiyamaha> lol
[12:48:33] <HanonLee> when i was you, i had nothing dusty :(
[12:48:36] <dipa> Before they removed courier scoring
[12:49:17] <Dusty_Hoang> what is Courier Scoring ?
[12:49:40] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[12:49:42] <TwilightMontana> wb
[12:49:47] <AztreK> :c
[12:49:52] <TwilightMontana> Damn
[12:50:25] <dipa> Yaaah :(
[12:50:33] <HanonLee> yodah diatas
[12:52:25] <Danielson> jangan nangis dongg
[12:52:30] <TwilightMontana> '
[12:52:45] <Dusty_Hoang> yay
[12:52:50] <TwilightMontana> gz
[12:52:55] <Danielson> gz
[12:53:18] <AztreK> Yo bro
[12:53:26] <Dusty_Hoang> thanks u Az
[12:53:31] <AztreK> <3
[12:53:41] <AztreK>
[12:53:41] <AztreK>
[12:53:59] <Dusty_Hoang> wait me Hanon
[12:54:09] <Dusty_Hoang> i'll work and take back for u
[12:54:12] <TwilightMontana> gz
[12:54:17] <dipa> hanon is afk dusty
[12:54:17] <Dusty_Hoang> gz
[12:54:19] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[12:54:24] <Dusty_Hoang> oh ok
[12:54:24] <AztreK> Dusty come to your house bro
[12:54:27] <Danielson> gz
[12:54:32] <Dusty_Hoang> ok
[12:54:40] <HanonLee> its ok dusty dont be hurry :0
[12:54:42] <HanonLee> :)
[12:54:45] <HanonLee> congrats aztrek!
[12:54:57] <Dusty_Hoang> thanks u Hanon
[12:54:57] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Game crashed
[12:55:03] <Dusty_Hoang> thanks u Hanon X3.14
[12:55:28] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[12:55:46] <AztreK> Dusty
[12:55:48] <AztreK> Where do you park your cars?
[12:55:48] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[12:55:51] <Dusty_Hoang> wait me pls
[12:55:51] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> how many people are online rn?
[12:56:06] <AztreK> Dusty
[12:56:14] <AztreK> How many parking space does your house has?
[12:57:33] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> 8
[12:57:38] <TwilightMontana> !houses Dusty
[12:57:40] (WEB) <robin_be> Dusty does not own any houses!
[12:57:45] <TwilightMontana> !houses Dusty_Hoang
[12:57:48] (WEB) <robin_be> Los Santos: $2,000,000 4 slots Mulholland Intersection: $1,650,000 3 slots
[12:57:48] <dipa> Type full name
[12:57:53] <dipa> Username*
[12:57:56] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[12:57:58] <TwilightMontana> wb
[12:57:58] <Danielson> wb
[12:58:01] <dipa> webe
[12:58:06] <akiyamaha> ty
[12:58:49] <AztreK> yoo
[12:59:02] <AztreK> So you like my house?
[12:59:14] <Danielson> yes
[12:59:20] <Danielson> it was my house months ago
[12:59:25] <AztreK> Haha
[12:59:25] <AztreK> you sold it?
[12:59:27] <Danielson> nice house
[12:59:30] <Danielson> yeah
[12:59:32] <AztreK> WHy?
[12:59:40] <TwilightMontana> !houses Aztrek
[12:59:42] (WEB) <robin_be> Mulholland Intersection: $1,300,000 3 slots
[12:59:42] <Danielson> because i was bored haha
[12:59:53] <dipa> hahaha :v
[13:00:16] <-- Dusty_Hoang disconnected from the server
[13:00:28] --> Dusty_Hoang connected to the server
[13:00:31] <Danielson> why
[13:00:38] <AztreK> This house ain't beautiful man
[13:00:41] <AztreK> Thanks dipa
[13:00:49] <Danielson> but it has good price
[13:00:54] <TwilightMontana> .......
[13:00:54] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:00:59] <TwilightMontana> Thanks
[13:01:22] <TwilightMontana> I was trying to type bored then he said that
[13:01:55] <Dusty_Hoang> hey
[13:02:00] <Dusty_Hoang> go with me Az
[13:02:13] <AztreK> Where?
[13:02:53] <Dusty_Hoang> where are u now ?
[13:04:53] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:05:00] <TwilightMontana> wb
[13:05:00] <dipa> webe
[13:05:03] <akiyamaha> ty
[13:05:03] <Dusty_Hoang> wb
[13:05:06] <Dusty_Hoang> Az
[13:05:11] <AztreK> Yes?
[13:05:18] <Dusty_Hoang> where are u now ?
[13:05:23] <AztreK> With Gamer30
[13:05:28] <Dusty_Hoang> oh ok
[13:05:33] <Gamer30> Combine harvester.
[13:05:49] <AztreK> Owh
[13:05:54] <AztreK> 4 million
[13:05:54] <AztreK> :(
[13:05:59] <AztreK> I wish I could buy this house
[13:06:04] <Dusty_Hoang> !houses Aztrek
[13:06:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Aztrek does not own any houses!
[13:06:09] <AztreK> :*(
[13:06:24] <Dusty_Hoang> where is your house AZ ?
[13:06:30] <AztreK> I sold it
[13:06:32] <Dusty_Hoang> =)))
[13:06:42] <AztreK> I am no more your neighbour
[13:07:15] <Gamer30> !BankCash
[13:07:15] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Gamer30's bank money is $1,500,000
[13:12:31] <AztreK> tysm <3
[13:12:41] <HanonLee> gz
[13:12:43] <AztreK> :D
[13:12:43] <Dusty_Hoang> gz
[13:12:46] <dipa> Gz
[13:12:49] <TwilightMontana> gz
[13:16:27] <HanonLee> noo dusty :(
[13:16:32] <Dusty_Hoang> sr
[13:16:43] <Dusty_Hoang> what Hanon ?
[13:16:53] <HanonLee> you crashed into trees
[13:17:05] <Dusty_Hoang> why did u know
[13:17:18] <Dusty_Hoang> sr
[13:17:21] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[13:19:10] <AztreK> guys
[13:19:15] <TwilightMontana> what?
[13:19:15] <AztreK> does that look beautiful?
[13:19:30] <TwilightMontana> yes
[13:20:11] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> hello
[13:20:14] <AztreK> How can I put money to bank?
[13:20:29] <TwilightMontana> heya
[13:20:54] <AztreK> I am falling for no reason
[13:20:57] --> Dasher connected to the server
[13:21:00] <TwilightMontana> wb
[13:21:02] <akiyamaha> webe
[13:21:07] <Dasher> ty
[13:21:25] <Dusty_Hoang> wb
[13:21:30] <Dasher> ty
[13:22:11] <TwilightMontana> !cash Aztrek
[13:22:13] (WEB) <robin_be> Aztrek has $27,810 in hand
[13:22:13] <akiyamaha> test
[13:22:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> @akiyamaha test failed!
[13:25:11] --> Hiyahh connected to the server
[13:25:14] <TwilightMontana> wv
[13:25:19] <TwilightMontana> Wc
[13:25:24] <Hiyahh> Hello.
[13:25:50] <TwilightMontana> Do /w to work
[13:26:00] <TwilightMontana> and /s to stop work
[13:26:12] <Hiyahh> Thank you.
[13:26:51] <TwilightMontana> np
[13:27:54] <Hiyahh> Omg
[13:27:59] <TwilightMontana> What?
[13:28:07] <Hiyahh> Im stucked HAHAHA
[13:28:17] <TwilightMontana> Do /respawn
[13:28:27] <Hiyahh> im in the car.
[13:28:48] <TwilightMontana> Ok
[13:28:50] <Hiyahh> Fine im good now.
[13:28:55] <TwilightMontana> Nice
[13:30:01] <TwilightMontana> wb
[13:30:06] <dipa> Thanks
[13:30:57] <Dasher> !groups shamil.agdeev
[13:31:00] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player shamil.agdeev
[13:31:02] <Dasher> F
[13:31:05] <TwilightMontana> F
[13:31:10] <Dasher> !groups Bryanzito
[13:31:13] (WEB) <robin_be> Bryanzito is in airline (none) and company (none)
[13:31:18] <Dasher> !groups Kizule
[13:31:20] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Kizule
[13:31:23] <Gamer30> !Groups Dumblee
[13:31:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Dumblee is in airline Lufthansa and company TransX
[13:31:28] <Dasher> what was his name again
[13:31:43] <TwilightMontana> Who?
[13:32:14] <Dasher> Kizule
[13:32:24] <TwilightMontana> idk
[13:32:32] <Gamer30> !player Denied
[13:32:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player Denied: 7218 score, last seen 31 Months Ago
[13:32:34] <akiyamaha> maybe dot?
[13:32:37] <Dasher> !player Kizule
[13:32:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player Kizule: 232 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[13:32:45] <akiyamaha> nvm
[13:32:45] <Hiyahh> Any admin?
[13:32:52] <dipa> !player TheOneShoot
[13:32:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player TheOneShoot: 3916 score, last seen 7 Months Ago
[13:32:57] <Dasher> !player Kizule
[13:33:00] (WEB) <robin_be> player Kizule: 232 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[13:33:00] <dipa> ^miss that guy
[13:33:02] <Dasher> opps
[13:33:05] <Dasher> !groups Kizule
[13:33:05] <TwilightMontana> None active right now
[13:33:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Kizule is in airline Lufthansa and company (none)
[13:33:08] <Hiyahh> Weather?
[13:33:20] <Dasher> !groups CaptainDexter
[13:33:20] <dipa> cannot change weather
[13:33:23] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player CaptainDexter
[13:33:23] <TwilightMontana> Server does that
[13:33:25] <Dasher> dammit
[13:33:41] <Dasher> !groups That_Pilot_3000
[13:33:43] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player That_Pilot_3000
[13:33:48] <Dasher> ffs fuck this
[13:34:04] <dipa> It's Ok Ludred
[13:34:06] <dipa> Breathe
[13:34:47] <-- Hiyahh disconnected from the server
[13:36:16] <Dasher> !groups Nekoha
[13:36:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Nekoha is in airline (none) and company (none)
[13:36:46] <Dasher> smfh
[13:37:02] <dipa> You can do it luddy!
[13:38:38] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[13:38:43] <Dasher> yeah ik
[13:38:49] <Dasher> but I just don't get it
[13:39:14] <Gamer30> !player Dumbass
[13:39:14] <dipa> dead...
[13:39:14] <Dasher> the bot died didn't it
[13:39:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player Dumbass: 84 score, last seen 31 Months Ago
[13:39:27] <dipa> Oh gamer defibriliate the bot xD
[13:39:27] <Dasher> It rejected me thrice bruh
[13:39:37] <Dasher> sorry for the spam
[13:39:40] <Gamer30> !Groups KylerX_Dragon
[13:39:42] (WEB) <robin_be> KylerX_Dragon is in airline (none) and company (none)
[13:39:55] <dipa> You put the double space i think lud
[13:39:55] <Dasher> according to the webstie
[13:40:08] <Dasher> he should be in a company
[13:40:18] <Dasher> !groups VVlasy
[13:40:20] (WEB) <robin_be> VVlasy is in airline (none) and company (none)
[13:40:20] <Gamer30> He is, but it doesn't display due to bug.
[13:40:38] <dipa> Are you searching for something lud/
[13:40:41] <dipa> ?
[13:40:46] <Dasher> ye
[13:40:48] <Gamer30> !player Kylerx_Dragon
[13:40:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player Kylerx_Dragon: 5 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[13:41:06] <Dasher> !groups SuperNatural
[13:41:09] (WEB) <robin_be> SuperNatural is in airline (none) and company (none)
[13:41:09] <Gamer30> !Roll 2147483646
[13:41:12] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 rolls 1548541047
[13:41:52] <Gamer30> !Roll 2000000000 If I roll number below billion, Stan is gay.
[13:41:55] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30 rolls 276401082
[13:44:10] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> what gaymer30?
[13:44:17] <dipa> Gamer*
[13:44:48] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> its gaymer30 because its a gay trucker lmflao
[13:45:31] <dipa> Ok
[13:45:36] <dipa> Understandable, have nice day
[13:45:57] <-- AztreK disconnected from the server
[13:46:02] <dipa> Gz
[13:46:07] <Gamer30> You want to destroy "gay truckers", but you're so bad at it, you cannot hit immobile object.
[13:46:12] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> what lc'
[13:46:24] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> fuck off gaymer30
[13:46:35] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> you hack me to avoid the crash via rc
[13:46:37] <dipa> Bad word
[13:46:45] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:48:44] <-- Dusty_Hoang disconnected from the server
[13:49:02] --> Dusty_Hoang connected to the server
[13:49:45] <Dusty_Hoang> hello
[13:49:51] <dipa> Hi
[13:50:54] <Dusty_Hoang> who ?
[13:51:25] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[13:51:30] <Dusty_Hoang> wb
[13:51:30] <dipa> Welcome Back
[13:51:45] <HanonLee> thanks :)
[13:51:53] <dipa> Np
[13:52:13] <Dusty_Hoang> Amen
[13:52:36] <Gamer30> !MiSSions STETZ trucking
[13:52:39] (WEB) <robin_be> STETZ: 1 trucking
[13:52:44] <dipa> MISS
[13:52:46] <dipa> xD
[13:52:54] <Dusty_Hoang> i choose 9 =(((
[13:54:18] <Dusty_Hoang> hanon
[13:54:23] <HanonLee> yes
[13:54:25] <Dusty_Hoang> ok ok
[13:55:26] <Dusty_Hoang> noooooooooooo
[13:55:29] <Dusty_Hoang> crash
[13:55:52] <Dusty_Hoang> I Belive In Jesus
[13:56:50] <dipa> Mantap
[13:58:35] --> Eren961 connected to the server
[13:58:37] --> sCaryGhosT connected to the server
[13:58:40] <Dusty_Hoang> wb
[13:58:42] <TwilightMontana> wb
[13:58:42] <sCaryGhosT> ty
[13:59:23] <-- sCaryGhosT disconnected from the server
[14:03:55] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> what
[14:04:31] <TwilightMontana> We talked about trucking
[14:05:09] <Gamer30> Oh yes, everyone on the server, including Dasher were trucking!
[14:05:16] <TwilightMontana> ^
[14:06:12] --> sCaryGhosT connected to the server
[14:06:25] <TwilightMontana> wb
[14:06:38] <dipa> Wb
[14:06:38] <sCaryGhosT> fk my internet xd
[14:07:01] <TwilightMontana> lol
[14:07:26] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:07:29] <TwilightMontana> wb
[14:07:31] <Dusty_Hoang> wb
[14:07:39] <akiyamaha> tenkyu
[14:07:41] <dipa> webe
[14:07:46] <akiyamaha> ty
[14:08:35] <sCaryGhosT> how i died lol
[14:08:47] <TwilightMontana> Jesus came
[14:09:23] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> WHO IS TRUCKING?
[14:09:28] <Gamer30> Everyone.
[14:09:28] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> FUCK
[14:09:31] <TwilightMontana> Everyone
[14:09:31] <Gamer30> Come with us!
[14:09:33] <dipa> Im flying an air truck right now
[14:09:36] <TwilightMontana> Yes
[14:09:38] <dipa> Come here
[14:09:38] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> I WILL ENTER AND DESTROY ALL
[14:09:54] <TwilightMontana> Trucking is the best of both worlds
[14:09:56] <Gamer30> Destroy? Haha. You cannot even hit static object.
[14:10:04] <TwilightMontana> Damn
[14:10:24] --> Shazi connected to the server
[14:10:27] --> STETZ connected to the server
[14:10:27] <TwilightMontana> wb
[14:10:37] <Shazi> yo
[14:10:44] <STETZ> JAJA
[14:10:57] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[14:11:05] <dipa> F
[14:11:12] <STETZ> i completed the cessna 335
[14:11:15] <dipa> k
[14:11:15] <STETZ> 227*
[14:11:25] <STETZ> 337*
[14:11:40] <STETZ> stop
[14:11:43] --> HanonLee connected to the server
[14:11:46] <dipa> Webe
[14:11:51] <STETZ> its cesna 337 skymaster
[14:11:58] <dipa> c-17 globemaster
[14:12:01] <HanonLee> thanks
[14:12:01] <dipa> :v
[14:12:14] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[14:12:14] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[14:13:12] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[14:13:12] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[14:13:40] <Dusty_Hoang> 0.5 years
[14:14:36] <Dusty_Hoang> hey s
[14:15:17] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[14:15:17] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[14:15:24] <Dusty_Hoang> Kick ???
[14:15:27] <Dusty_Hoang> =)))
[14:15:37] <Shazi> he cant get his password
[14:15:42] <Dusty_Hoang> oh
[14:15:45] <akiyamaha> oh hai shaz
[14:15:47] <Shazi> 3x times wrong password = kick
[14:15:50] <Shazi> hai puga
[14:15:52] <sCaryGhosT> hi shazi
[14:15:57] <Shazi> hey gho
[14:16:00] <Shazi> st
[14:16:00] <sCaryGhosT> i loved your treehouse
[14:16:02] <sCaryGhosT> <3
[14:16:05] <Shazi> thanks <3
[14:16:15] <TwilightMontana> !player ScaryGhost
[14:16:18] (WEB) <robin_be> player ScaryGhost: 884 score, last seen Online Now
[14:16:18] <dipa> I want a treehouse :<
[14:16:20] <STETZ> what are you doining now hanon?
[14:16:20] <HanonLee> !houses shazi
[14:16:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $5,000,000 5 slots Palomino Creek: $5,000,000 5 slots
[14:16:25] <dipa> Hanon is owrking
[14:16:28] <HanonLee> /w ing cargo drop
[14:16:28] <dipa> Working*
[14:16:31] <STETZ> aaa
[14:16:36] <Dusty_Hoang> !Houses
[14:16:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Los Santos: $2,000,000 4 slots Mulholland Intersection: $1,650,000 3 slots
[14:16:48] <Dusty_Hoang> !cars
[14:16:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Dusty_Hoang has: Infernus Hunter Rustler Police Maverick Shamal Hydra NRG-500 Dodo
[14:17:09] <dipa> Must be pricey :/
[14:17:16] <Shazi> not at all actuall
[14:17:19] <Shazi> y
[14:17:21] <dipa> :0
[14:17:24] <sCaryGhosT> + donations too @dipa
[14:17:42] <dipa> So how much?
[14:17:57] <Shazi> the mapping itself would cost you only 2m
[14:18:12] <dipa> WOW sure sure!
[14:18:15] <dipa> :D
[14:18:20] <Shazi> however, in order to get it live into the server, youll have to donate, or find a donator
[14:18:25] <dipa> Ok
[14:18:28] <dipa> I will find one
[14:19:16] <sCaryGhosT> i hate this weather change xd
[14:19:21] <STETZ> x2
[14:19:26] <Dusty_Hoang> x3
[14:19:34] <STETZ> i hate fly on bad weather
[14:19:39] <Shazi> buy vip then :D
[14:19:44] <sCaryGhosT> ive vip xd
[14:19:46] <akiyamaha> :v
[14:19:57] <Dusty_Hoang> i hate fly on green sky weather
[14:20:04] <STETZ> i need a vip friend who request the weather
[14:20:14] <dipa> Vip weather is personal
[14:21:28] <Dusty_Hoang> hi hanon
[14:21:41] <HanonLee> wohooo dusty hoang :)
[14:21:46] <Dusty_Hoang> yay
[14:21:51] <dipa> yay :D
[14:21:54] <akiyamaha> is it just me or does ai_planes slow you down much faster :o
[14:21:59] <HanonLee> horaayyyy
[14:21:59] <dipa> Yes it is
[14:22:11] <dipa> Ai plane script is like that
[14:22:29] <akiyamaha> i've been wasting time slowing down 1000m from the airport
[14:22:29] <akiyamaha> fuck
[14:22:37] <TwilightMontana> lol
[14:22:47] <dipa> Sorry to make you drawed out :<
[14:22:52] <STETZ> i do the final app around 2.5km away of the airport
[14:23:18] <akiyamaha> now i might actually hit 10 at400 missions in one day lmao
[14:23:28] <akiyamaha> dipa wot
[14:23:28] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[14:23:28] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[14:23:33] <Shazi> weak, ive once made 13
[14:23:38] <dipa> I talked to you when approach
[14:23:40] <akiyamaha> /s /w doesnt count :p
[14:23:43] <Gamer30> I once made 0.
[14:23:46] <akiyamaha> nah dw about it dipa
[14:23:51] <HanonLee> depends on the distances
[14:23:51] <dipa> Its ok aki take it
[14:23:56] <dipa> To buy some snacks
[14:23:56] <sCaryGhosT> i only like cargo drop missions xd
[14:24:03] <akiyamaha> oki ty :>
[14:24:03] <STETZ> yesterday or today i crashed with yamaha
[14:24:06] <dipa> You deserve snacks
[14:24:08] <HanonLee> if you got under 10km most, you can make it to 10 - 13 missions
[14:24:49] --> enovenn connected to the server
[14:25:02] <dipa> Webe
[14:25:04] <STETZ> webe
[14:25:07] <Dusty_Hoang> wb
[14:25:12] <enovenn> owkr
[14:25:15] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[14:26:10] <Dusty_Hoang> F
[14:26:56] <STETZ> i wanna see a haul from here to orbit city
[14:27:19] --> dipa connected to the server
[14:27:39] <dipa> Yeah dice made rich into a ragtimer
[14:27:45] <dipa> Oop-
[14:27:50] <akiyamaha> HMMM
[14:28:00] <dipa> *plays maple leaf*I
[14:31:38] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[14:32:42] <enovenn> if you die while in a mission,will you get a 4k fine?
[14:32:50] <Shazi> nop
[14:32:50] <STETZ> nope
[14:32:50] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> no
[14:32:57] <akiyamaha> suicide > /s
[14:33:02] <Dusty_Hoang> or /q
[14:33:15] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[14:33:20] <dipa> Noice heli dusty
[14:33:58] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:34:14] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:34:19] <Dasher> wb
[14:34:24] <Shazi> wb
[14:34:29] <STETZ> webe
[14:34:31] <dipa> Wb
[14:34:34] <TwilightMontana> wb
[14:34:37] <akiyamaha> tenkyu
[14:36:13] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:36:31] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:36:34] <-- Eren961 disconnected from the server
[14:36:34] <Dasher> wb
[14:36:34] <Dusty_Hoang> gz =((
[14:36:39] <sCaryGhosT> TY
[14:36:39] <Dasher> and gz
[14:36:39] <TwilightMontana> gz
[14:36:44] <akiyamaha> what the fuck is crashing my game
[14:36:44] <STETZ> webe
[14:36:54] <enovenn> probably you installed something not cleo
[14:37:14] <STETZ> or use the limitadjuster
[14:37:32] <Gamer30> Do you use StreamMem"Fix"?
[14:38:03] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:38:13] <STETZ> i use memory512 updated
[14:38:15] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:38:20] <Dasher> wb
[14:38:25] <akiyamaha> ty
[14:38:25] <Dasher> I use a 2gb patch
[14:38:36] <Dasher> so basically the game can use 2gb memory
[14:38:41] <sCaryGhosT> nice 16 missions
[14:38:43] <enovenn> oh wow
[14:38:46] (WEB) <Sarith#3177> im so fucked
[14:38:51] <Dasher> why stan
[14:38:51] <TwilightMontana> why?
[14:38:53] <HanonLee> cool
[14:38:53] <enovenn> day ended right when i arrive at the gate
[14:39:09] <enovenn> i was about to get a pilot of the day reward loll
[14:39:47] <STETZ> ok i trucked too today now its time to use the cessna 185
[14:39:57] <STETZ> skywagon
[14:40:17] <dipa> pee
[14:40:20] <dipa> oops
[14:40:22] <STETZ> peee
[14:40:33] <sCaryGhosT> shazi
[14:40:38] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:40:45] <Shazi> sup
[14:40:48] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:40:50] <STETZ> this server needs a tower both
[14:41:01] <sCaryGhosT> im scared of your tree house xd.. when i do the cargo drop in palomino creek
[14:41:13] <Shazi> lmao
[14:41:23] <Shazi> its not that close to the checkpoint xD
[14:41:29] <Dusty_Hoang> how many slot cars for tree house ?
[14:41:31] <sCaryGhosT> ik
[14:41:41] <Shazi> its a 5 slot
[14:41:46] <sCaryGhosT> im nub at flying xd
[14:42:02] <sCaryGhosT> sometimes mapped objects loads slowly because of internet
[14:42:09] (WEB) <dipa#0472> You will get the controls later
[14:42:22] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Fly bit high and should be safe
[14:42:27] <akiyamaha> tf
[14:42:55] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:42:55] <Dasher> he crashed didn't he
[14:43:00] <Dasher> oop
[14:43:03] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[14:43:03] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[14:43:28] <Shazi> ahh, 666 trucking missions, perfection
[14:43:38] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:43:46] <Dasher> x50
[14:43:48] <akiyamaha> ty
[14:43:51] <-- sCaryGhosT disconnected from the server
[14:44:04] <akiyamaha> something in prickle pine is crashing my game lmao
[14:44:11] <Gamer30> Whitewood Estates?
[14:44:22] <akiyamaha> nah whitewood is ok for me
[14:44:27] <Dasher> well
[14:44:29] <Dasher> don't go to prickle pine
[14:44:37] <STETZ> you have limtadjuster?
[14:44:50] <akiyamaha> cant approach lva
[14:45:12] <Dusty_Hoang> F
[14:45:17] <Dusty_Hoang> i'm buy 25 =(((
[14:45:28] <TwilightMontana> !player Twi
[14:45:30] (WEB) <robin_be> player Twi: 4050 score, last seen 8 Hours Ago
[14:45:30] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:45:40] <STETZ> twi is sleping with miku
[14:46:31] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:46:34] <Dasher> wb
[14:46:39] <TwilightMontana> wc
[14:46:49] <akiyamaha> ty
[14:46:59] <akiyamaha> ok uninstalled mods, if this crashes im stumped lol
[14:47:12] <Dasher> you had project 2dfx?
[14:47:17] <akiyamaha> nope
[14:47:22] <Dusty_Hoang> hi gamer
[14:48:05] <akiyamaha> HMMMMM
[14:48:23] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> Miku my love
[14:48:26] <STETZ> nel i will eat bye
[14:48:36] <STETZ> i will back in 15 minutes
[14:48:44] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[14:49:04] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> ffs
[14:49:09] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:49:09] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> my game froze
[14:50:05] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[14:50:20] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:51:42] <akiyamaha> i think imvehft was crashing when near train
[14:51:47] <akiyamaha> for some weird fucking reason
[14:52:07] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:53:44] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:54:14] <Shazi> just install a fresh copy of sa puga
[14:54:19] <Shazi> fuck the mods
[14:54:22] <akiyamaha> never
[14:55:48] (WEB) <midget#0266> mods gay
[14:55:56] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:56:37] <Gamer30> Chaos+Rainbomizer working together are more stable than StreamMem"Fix".
[14:56:54] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:57:00] <HanonLee> hello shazi now thats mine :)
[14:57:12] <Shazi> yeah, i noticed
[14:57:20] <Shazi> wasnt it forbidden to sell custom houses?
[14:57:45] <HanonLee> it was, but idk it seems its ok by now
[14:57:48] <HanonLee> im not really sure
[14:58:29] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:59:07] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:59:07] <Gamer30> !missions STETZ trucking
[14:59:09] (WEB) <robin_be> STETZ: 4 trucking
[14:59:45] <TwilightMontana> ^
[15:01:27] <TwilightMontana> !player Atreea
[15:01:29] (WEB) <robin_be> player Atreea: 3360 score, last seen 7 Days Ago
[15:01:45] <Gamer30> !Assets Twi
[15:01:47] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has 8 car(s) ($5,780,000) and 4 house(s) ($59,500,000 - 60 slots) for a total of $65,280,000
[15:02:08] <TwilightMontana> !Assets Winlogon.bat
[15:02:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Winlogon.bat has 24 car(s) ($15,950,000) and 4 house(s) ($112,000,000 - 90 slots) for a total of $127,950,000
[15:02:26] <Dusty_Hoang> F
[15:02:43] <Shazi> !assets
[15:02:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Shazi has 1 car(s) ($800,000) and 2 house(s) ($10,000,000 - 10 slots) for a total of $10,800,000
[15:02:51] <akiyamaha> reech
[15:02:54] <TwilightMontana> rich
[15:03:39] <Winlogon.bat> yes me poor plz give moolah
[15:03:45] <Dusty_Hoang> !houses Dusty_Hoang
[15:03:47] (WEB) <robin_be> Los Santos: $2,000,000 4 slots Mulholland Intersection: $1,650,000 3 slots
[15:03:57] --> Twi connected to the server
[15:04:00] <TwilightMontana> wb
[15:04:02] <Shazi> sex
[15:04:02] <TwilightMontana> Fag
[15:04:02] <akiyamaha> webe
[15:04:05] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[15:04:07] <TwilightMontana> Secs?
[15:04:07] <Twi> me moor poooring pls give me
[15:04:07] <Dusty_Hoang> 3.650.000 for 7 slot
[15:04:10] <dipa> Seggs
[15:04:13] <Twi> thanks kurwas
[15:04:15] <Gamer30> !Assets Rudolph
[15:04:18] (WEB) <robin_be> Rudolph has 10 car(s) ($4,040,000) and 4 house(s) ($7,400,000 - 9 slots) for a total of $11,440,000
[15:04:18] <Dusty_Hoang> hi Twi
[15:04:18] --> Pavel94 connected to the server
[15:04:20] <Twi> hi dusty
[15:04:23] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[15:04:25] <Twi> wb
[15:04:28] <Winlogon.bat> go away twi
[15:04:28] <Dusty_Hoang> don't hate me pls
[15:04:30] <Twi> no
[15:04:36] <Winlogon.bat> yes go away
[15:04:41] <Twi> no
[15:04:46] <dipa> Gamer can I try combine :>
[15:04:51] <dipa> wow thanks gamer
[15:04:56] <dipa> Thanks twilight
[15:05:32] <Twi> and it's only 180k
[15:05:42] <dipa> Tokyo Drift: Farm edition
[15:05:42] <Twi> yes it sure can
[15:05:52] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !groups SnekyNinja
[15:05:55] (WEB) <robin_be> SnekyNinja is in airline (none) and company (none)
[15:05:57] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !groups LTZonda
[15:06:00] (WEB) <robin_be> LTZonda is in airline (none) and company (none)
[15:06:10] <Twi> I just woke up and wanna go sleep again
[15:06:18] <dipa> Twi dont sleep
[15:06:18] <TwilightMontana> NO
[15:06:33] <dipa> Lol
[15:06:43] <TwilightMontana> I tried to type No
[15:06:53] <TwilightMontana> But held on shift for too long
[15:06:53] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[15:07:01] --> dipa connected to the server
[15:07:06] <Twi> I don't even have cash to /addlotto
[15:07:08] <Twi> wb bae
[15:07:13] <dipa> Thanks babe
[15:07:24] <Twi> <3
[15:07:31] <Winlogon.bat> tgo sleep
[15:07:41] <Twi> :clown:
[15:08:12] <dipa> gamer i think we should RC
[15:08:12] <TwilightMontana> !player David
[15:08:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 16790 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[15:08:17] <dipa> I mean /rc
[15:08:58] <Winlogon.bat> twi i think u should /q and sleep
[15:09:05] <Twi> no u
[15:09:23] <Twi> god I fucking hate barons
[15:09:31] <Dusty_Hoang> u hate me and i hate u =))) right Twi
[15:09:39] <Twi> yes dusty
[15:09:44] <Dusty_Hoang> what is Barons
[15:09:46] <Dusty_Hoang> =)))
[15:09:49] <Dusty_Hoang> =(((
[15:09:59] <Twi> barons = condom
[15:10:01] <Dusty_Hoang> =)))
[15:10:04] <HanonLee> you said u hated barons then why u still need it? lul
[15:10:09] <Twi> no
[15:10:12] <Twi> id 3
[15:10:14] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[15:10:14] <Twi> low baller
[15:10:19] <Winlogon.bat> no
[15:10:22] <Twi> yes
[15:10:29] <Twi> hello this is twi speaking
[15:10:35] <Twi> how many barons u wanna buy
[15:10:50] <HanonLee> xD
[15:10:52] <Twi> dela
[15:10:55] <Twi> deal
[15:10:57] <-- Pavel94 disconnected from the server
[15:11:00] <Winlogon.bat> 1m each
[15:11:08] <Twi> low balling see ^^
[15:11:28] <Winlogon.bat> other players i'll give you 10m each
[15:11:46] <Dusty_Hoang> what ?
[15:12:14] <Twi> he's buying condoms for 10m each @dusty
[15:12:21] <Dusty_Hoang> oh
[15:12:21] <dipa> Baron*
[15:12:24] <Winlogon.bat> used
[15:12:26] <Twi> go report him
[15:12:26] <Gamer30> Who wants keys to my truck?
[15:12:37] <Twi> I mean I already have them keys
[15:12:49] <Winlogon.bat> no
[15:12:57] <Twi> oh new truck
[15:12:57] <Twi> FBI
[15:13:33] <Winlogon.bat> lmao so many star inc trucks
[15:13:40] <Twi> lmao so many twis barons
[15:13:40] <TwilightMontana> yes
[15:14:01] <Twi> no fu
[15:14:11] <akiyamaha> gamer why are you giving and taking away keys from me lmao
[15:14:18] <Twi> fuck im not playing Pl when im high
[15:14:23] <Gamer30> I don't know if you want.
[15:14:28] <Twi> this bitch gonna tell me /sellcar shit
[15:14:28] <dipa> 10/10 landing
[15:14:34] <HanonLee> :D
[15:14:36] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[15:14:59] <Winlogon.bat> and you should do it 10 times
[15:15:04] <Winlogon.bat> /rcbaron /sellcar
[15:15:04] <Twi> :/
[15:15:17] <dipa> .i
[15:15:40] <Twi> give me keys to rhino please =)
[15:16:00] <Gamer30> I don't have Rhino.
[15:16:10] <Twi> ask winny
[15:16:13] <Twi> he gives away free rhinos
[15:17:14] <Twi> ambulance is the best vehicle in sa
[15:17:29] <Twi> fuck ice cream truck
[15:17:39] <TwilightMontana> Ice cum truck
[15:17:44] <HanonLee> lol
[15:17:44] <dipa> :v
[15:17:47] <Winlogon.bat> shutup twi
[15:17:49] <HanonLee> how much?
[15:17:57] <Twi> /getprice
[15:18:00] <dipa> keep silent double twi's
[15:18:00] <dipa> :v
[15:18:02] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[15:18:15] <akiyamaha> webe
[15:18:15] <Twi> fuck yt ads
[15:18:17] <Shazi> thanks
[15:18:20] <Twi> let me watch gordon in peace
[15:18:25] <Winlogon.bat> no
[15:18:30] <TwilightMontana> Gordon Freeman?
[15:18:38] <Shazi> gordon ramsay
[15:18:38] <Twi> yes
[15:18:45] <TwilightMontana> Ram said what?
[15:18:58] <Twi> =_+
[15:19:01] <dipa> The meat is raw :v
[15:19:11] <Dusty_Hoang> bye all
[15:19:13] <-- Dusty_Hoang disconnected from the server
[15:19:13] <TwilightMontana> cya
[15:19:16] <dipa> Cya
[15:19:16] <Twi> no fuck u dusty
[15:19:24] <dipa> Twi bad word
[15:19:26] <TwilightMontana> Gordon Cocksay
[15:19:26] <Winlogon.bat> no fuck u twi
[15:19:36] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[15:19:52] --> Alberto_Suarez connected to the server
[15:19:54] <TwilightMontana> wb
[15:19:57] <Winlogon.bat> 10m
[15:19:59] <TwilightMontana> 1m
[15:20:02] <Twi> dea;
[15:20:02] <Alberto_Suarez> hey guys
[15:20:02] <Twi> deal
[15:20:07] <akiyamaha> hi there
[15:20:12] <Alberto_Suarez> jesus, i haven't been online for the last 2 years lol
[15:20:12] --> Lenz connected to the server
[15:20:14] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[15:20:17] <TwilightMontana> lol
[15:20:17] <TwilightMontana> wb
[15:20:20] <akiyamaha> wetballs lenz
[15:20:22] <Twi> hi alberto
[15:20:25] <Lenz> thanks
[15:20:37] <Twi> your name sounds like a drug cartel leader
[15:20:40] <akiyamaha> alberto werent you the hydra stunt guy
[15:20:42] <Twi> wb lenz
[15:20:47] <Lenz> ty
[15:20:47] <Alberto_Suarez> uhhh nah
[15:21:18] <Alberto_Suarez> i picked this name when i got into samp rp, when I was like 10
[15:21:28] <Twi> hmm
[15:21:31] <Winlogon.bat> hmm
[15:21:31] <Twi> or if you own a drug cartel
[15:21:36] <Twi> and you dont wanna tell us
[15:21:41] <Alberto_Suarez> perhaps
[15:21:41] <TwilightMontana> ^
[15:21:49] <Twi> well no worries
[15:21:56] <Twi> we all are smugglers too
[15:22:11] <Alberto_Suarez> great
[15:22:14] <Winlogon.bat> no just u
[15:22:17] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> what?
[15:22:17] <Twi> we smuggle hoes
[15:22:24] <Twi> stetz fuck off
[15:22:27] <TwilightMontana> with trucks
[15:22:27] <Alberto_Suarez> now that I can rate
[15:22:32] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> FUCK YOU GAY
[15:22:37] <Twi> yes with trucks
[15:22:39] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> FUCK YOU TWI GAY
[15:22:42] <Lenz> lol
[15:22:42] <Gamer30> !missions STETZ trucking
[15:22:42] <TwilightMontana> Me?
[15:22:45] (WEB) <robin_be> STETZ: 4 trucking
[15:22:45] <akiyamaha> angery
[15:22:52] <Twi> twilight he's calling u gay
[15:23:02] <Alberto_Suarez> is that still considered an insult?
[15:23:08] <Twi> idk
[15:23:08] <TwilightMontana> no
[15:23:13] <Twi> but he's homophobic
[15:23:18] <dipa> Yeah its phobe
[15:23:25] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Is Stetz more gay?
[15:23:25] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> ITS TO TWI 1
[15:23:28] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: It is decidedly so
[15:23:28] <Gamer30> It's pessimist-phobic.
[15:23:33] <Twi> Twi 1 what
[15:23:43] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> THE NORMAL TWI
[15:23:46] <TwilightMontana> Who are you refering to?
[15:23:51] <Twi> normal twi what
[15:23:51] <Gamer30> What the abnormal Twi is?
[15:23:56] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> nope you no twilight
[15:24:04] <Twi> he means
[15:24:06] <dipa> You no?
[15:24:09] <Twi> nope you twi, it's twilight
[15:24:16] <dipa> Oh ok
[15:24:16] <Alberto_Suarez> gamer why are u giving me so many keys? lol
[15:24:24] <Gamer30> My trucks are open-source.
[15:24:24] <TwilightMontana> Giveaway
[15:24:24] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> because is gay.
[15:24:32] <Alberto_Suarez> aah
[15:24:32] <Twi> cause you're smuggling hoes with us too
[15:24:32] <dipa> He's kevin macleod But vehicle version, albert
[15:24:34] <Alberto_Suarez> cheers
[15:24:34] <TwilightMontana> Is is gay?
[15:24:52] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> the fuck i will enter to kill twi
[15:24:54] <dipa> It's Gay*
[15:24:57] <TwilightMontana> Sure
[15:25:00] <TwilightMontana> Kill me
[15:25:02] <TwilightMontana> Plese
[15:25:05] <Twi> it's join
[15:25:07] <TwilightMontana> Honey
[15:25:10] <Twi> not enter
[15:25:10] <Twi> hadeh
[15:25:15] <TwilightMontana> kontol
[15:25:38] --> STETZ connected to the server
[15:25:43] <TwilightMontana> wb
[15:25:53] <STETZ> ty
[15:25:55] <Twi> lalalalala
[15:26:08] <Twi> yes
[15:26:11] <TwilightMontana> yes
[15:26:13] <STETZ> NOOOOOO
[15:26:26] <TwilightMontana> Yes
[15:26:26] <STETZ> aa im on the company bae
[15:26:31] <Twi> yes
[15:26:31] <akiyamaha> yes
[15:26:34] <TwilightMontana> yes
[15:26:34] <Gamer30> As a penalty, I'll give you my truck! BUHAHAHA!!!
[15:26:51] <TwilightMontana> Semen Truck
[15:26:57] <Twi> ^^^
[15:26:59] <HanonLee> yes
[15:27:12] <Winlogon.bat> everything
[15:27:19] <akiyamaha> you i suppose
[15:27:22] <TwilightMontana> Stetz
[15:27:30] <Winlogon.bat> no you
[15:27:32] <STETZ> toooo lag in the base
[15:27:40] <TwilightMontana> Do you like Taylor Swift?
[15:27:42] <STETZ> literally how 500 vehicles
[15:27:47] <Lenz> we hax
[15:27:55] <STETZ> gamer30 stop teleporting vhicles
[15:28:08] <STETZ> idk who is taylor swift
[15:28:10] <TwilightMontana> Trucker
[15:28:15] <Lenz> she is a tailor
[15:28:20] <TwilightMontana> yes
[15:28:20] <akiyamaha> fast tailor
[15:28:23] <TwilightMontana> Trucker tailor
[15:28:26] <Twi> yes
[15:28:41] <STETZ> what twi
[15:28:46] <dipa> Yes
[15:28:51] <Twi> yes
[15:29:04] <STETZ> yes
[15:29:09] <Twi> no
[15:29:14] <STETZ> yes
[15:29:16] <Twi> no
[15:29:19] <STETZ> no
[15:29:21] <TwilightMontana> yes
[15:29:21] <Twi> yes
[15:29:34] <Lenz> stetz stop spamming
[15:29:37] <Winlogon.bat> twi
[15:29:39] <TwilightMontana> Stetz is T U A I
[15:30:02] <Twi> imagine
[15:30:05] <Twi> flying a crop duster
[15:30:07] <TwilightMontana> What?
[15:30:07] <Twi> lol
[15:30:48] <TwilightMontana> ID 9 mad gay
[15:30:56] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[15:31:06] <STETZ> id 2 mad gay
[15:31:13] <TwilightMontana> yes
[15:31:16] <TwilightMontana> Wait
[15:31:21] <TwilightMontana> That is me
[15:31:21] <Alberto_Suarez> id0 big gay
[15:31:34] <STETZ> t
[15:31:34] <Twi> whats wrong with being gay
[15:31:39] <TwilightMontana> Gay
[15:31:39] <STETZ> id 7 how gay
[15:31:41] <Winlogon.bat> nothing
[15:31:46] <Winlogon.bat> being twi is the problem
[15:31:49] <Winlogon.bat> :v
[15:31:57] <Twi> !roll 1000 stetz gay meter
[15:31:59] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi rolls 291
[15:32:02] <Twi> 291 oooof
[15:32:07] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Hi
[15:32:12] <Winlogon.bat> hi
[15:32:14] <TwilightMontana> Hey
[15:32:14] <STETZ> hey czech!
[15:32:17] <akiyamaha> henlo
[15:32:17] <Twi> hi hi hi
[15:32:22] <TwilightMontana> Jump in Cech
[15:32:25] <Lenz> LOL win
[15:32:30] <Winlogon.bat> hi
[15:32:30] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Sorry I cant
[15:32:32] <STETZ> why?
[15:32:35] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[15:32:35] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[15:32:45] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Im preparing to the new pc and Im copying files from the old one
[15:32:53] <Twi> oh great
[15:32:53] <TwilightMontana> oh
[15:32:55] <STETZ> uuu new pc
[15:32:55] <TwilightMontana> gz
[15:32:58] <akiyamaha> oh your 500gb pc
[15:33:00] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Only 10 percent done in five hours
[15:33:05] <Winlogon.bat> F
[15:33:05] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> It will be 1000 gb
[15:33:08] <STETZ> LOL
[15:33:13] <TwilightMontana> Buy an SSD
[15:33:28] <Winlogon.bat> u mean 100gb
[15:33:28] <akiyamaha> just chuck the old drive in your new pc
[15:33:28] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Ill show u if u dont know what I mean
[15:33:28] <dipa> Have fun czech
[15:33:36] <dipa> It's 1 step to be an avitator
[15:33:38] --> Blackfielld connected to the server
[15:33:38] <dipa> aviator*
[15:33:49] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Lmao I already am an aviatir
[15:33:59] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> And the pc havent arrived yet
[15:33:59] <TwilightMontana> Can we help Thomas get his account back?
[15:34:06] <dipa> Even tho msfs physics is not so advanced like x plane
[15:34:09] <Blackfielld> Yes, help pls
[15:34:17] <Winlogon.bat> which thomas
[15:34:17] <STETZ> what especs have your new pc?
[15:34:24] <TwilightMontana> Thomas_Blackfield
[15:34:27] <Blackfielld> This smthng wrong with my IP location
[15:34:27] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> !countrychecker Thomas_Blackfielld
[15:34:37] <dipa> Country Check?
[15:34:39] <Winlogon.bat> !player thomas_blackfiels
[15:34:42] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player thomas_blackfiels
[15:34:42] <Winlogon.bat> !player thomas_blackfield
[15:34:42] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> @TheGamer#0195
[15:34:50] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Help him
[15:34:50] <Winlogon.bat> !player thomas_blackfield
[15:34:52] (WEB) <robin_be> player thomas_blackfield: 668 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[15:35:00] <STETZ> !cash twi
[15:35:03] (WEB) <robin_be> twi has $13,572 in hand
[15:35:08] <Lenz> rich
[15:35:08] <STETZ> need help twi?
[15:35:15] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Is it a problem with country checker?
[15:35:23] <Blackfielld> yes
[15:35:23] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> That it says ur in different country
[15:35:28] <-- Alberto_Suarez disconnected from the server
[15:35:33] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Oh just wait and ask TheGamer
[15:35:43] <Blackfielld> I'm connecting from the same country as usual
[15:35:56] <dipa> Ip location...
[15:35:56] <akiyamaha> yeah the country checker can be weird sometimes
[15:36:04] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Well I have problem with it aswell
[15:36:09] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I had*
[15:36:22] <Blackfielld> do we have any discord server?
[15:36:32] <dipa> Yes
[15:36:34] <Lenz> /discord
[15:36:37] <dipa> /discord
[15:36:39] <HanonLee> yes
[15:36:55] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> /dizgord
[15:37:00] <dipa> :v
[15:37:10] <akiyamaha> inb4 lotto 1
[15:37:12] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Flajt simulejtr
[15:37:23] <Winlogon.bat> no
[15:37:25] <Lenz> hope forcelotto works
[15:37:33] <HanonLee> please
[15:37:35] <dipa> Nice try :^)
[15:37:35] <Lenz> F
[15:37:38] <HanonLee> DAMN
[15:37:40] <dipa> IM 41 DAMN
[15:37:43] <akiyamaha> lotto scam
[15:37:48] <TwilightMontana> yes
[15:37:51] <Lenz> kontol lotto
[15:37:53] <dipa> Just remove the 1 then some cash :v
[15:37:53] <HanonLee> 55? oh yes
[15:37:56] <dipa> Lenz bad word :v
[15:37:58] <HanonLee> yes dipa xD
[15:38:03] <STETZ> help twi
[15:38:06] <Lenz> oh sorry
[15:38:06] <Winlogon.bat> .interest
[15:38:11] <akiyamaha> what does kontol translate to again?
[15:38:11] <Lenz> ^ farm
[15:38:11] <STETZ> need some charity
[15:38:16] <dipa> D*ck
[15:38:24] <dipa> Sorry
[15:38:31] <Winlogon.bat> puga kontol;
[15:38:34] <Lenz> van abuuse
[15:38:39] <dipa> Aku gemar berbahasa Indonesia :v
[15:39:25] <dipa> Hey winny
[15:39:32] <Winlogon.bat> hi
[15:39:32] <HanonLee> heylo
[15:41:01] <STETZ> heyden rock is a island no?
[15:41:09] <TwilightMontana> no
[15:41:14] <dipa> It's a rock :v
[15:41:29] <STETZ> lmao dipa
[15:41:39] <STETZ> good gta sa logic
[15:41:44] <dipa> Thanks
[15:41:47] <STETZ> test
[15:41:47] (WEB) <TheGamer> @STETZ test failed!
[15:42:18] <Blackfielld> TheGamer, can you help with countrycheker?
[15:42:30] <dipa> Not online
[15:42:43] <STETZ> dipa u are a admin?
[15:42:46] <dipa> No
[15:42:46] <HanonLee> yes
[15:42:51] <dipa> Lee...
[15:42:53] <STETZ> why?
[15:42:53] <akiyamaha> might be quicker if you make a forum post thomas
[15:43:24] <Blackfielld> my forum account still not accepted by admin
[15:43:29] <akiyamaha> ah rip
[15:44:37] --> enovenn connected to the server
[15:44:43] <STETZ> nooo trash airport
[15:44:45] <TwilightMontana> wb
[15:44:48] <STETZ> webe
[15:44:55] <akiyamaha> aaaaa
[15:45:05] <dipa> webe
[15:45:08] <dipa> whiskey bravo :v
[15:46:24] <STETZ> watson island is a island no?
[15:46:29] <STETZ> ooo
[15:46:29] <STETZ> wtf
[15:46:52] <dipa> Yes
[15:47:02] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:47:07] <TwilightMontana> !palyer David
[15:47:13] <TwilightMontana> !player David
[15:47:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 16790 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[15:47:20] <enovenn> what are the close and open gate command for? i tried it but doesnt do anything
[15:47:28] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> winlogon
[15:47:36] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> are you working?
[15:48:11] --> Dasher connected to the server
[15:48:14] <TwilightMontana> wb
[15:48:14] <STETZ> webe
[15:48:16] <Winlogon.bat> hi go truck
[15:48:19] <enovenn> how do i close the atc menu
[15:48:19] <Dasher> ty
[15:48:24] <TwilightMontana> lmb
[15:49:02] <STETZ> i will search the lc
[15:49:30] <Winlogon.bat> why is twi in our base
[15:49:38] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[15:49:43] <Dasher> he gay
[15:50:00] --> dipa connected to the server
[15:50:06] <HanonLee> thats a code
[15:50:13] <HanonLee> he might be join luft soon
[15:51:24] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:51:27] <TwilightMontana> wb
[15:51:29] <dipa> Webe
[15:51:32] <STETZ> webe
[15:51:34] <Lenz> wb
[15:51:37] <HanonLee> Welcome Back
[15:51:37] <Blackfielld> wb
[15:51:42] <Dasher> wb
[15:51:42] <akiyamaha> danke
[15:51:42] <Winlogon.bat> give me that TM
[15:51:47] <dipa> danke schon:v
[15:51:52] <enovenn> whats the /snw command for
[15:52:00] <Winlogon.bat> how did u type that
[15:52:00] <Dasher> stop next work
[15:52:00] <HanonLee> stop /w ing
[15:52:00] <dipa> For mission
[15:52:08] <akiyamaha> just copy pasted from google
[15:52:20] <TwilightMontana> How can you even do that?
[15:52:20] <STETZ> or ctrl + h
[15:52:23] <Winlogon.bat> i thought u cant show it in samp lol
[15:52:25] <Dasher> ctrl + c
[15:52:30] <Dasher> ctrl + v
[15:52:33] <STETZ> or ctrl + c
[15:52:48] <Winlogon.bat> nice
[15:52:53] <dipa> You can ctrl + c and V :v
[15:52:56] <dipa> Tada
[15:52:58] <Dasher> ctrl + h works?
[15:53:01] <TwilightMontana> ok
[15:53:14] <Dasher> damn new thing learned today
[15:54:20] <TwilightMontana> Crtl + V works
[15:54:50] <dipa> Thanks for Info Twilight
[15:54:58] <TwilightMontana> np
[15:55:00] <dipa> Now I know
[15:55:00] <dipa> :D
[15:55:11] <TwilightMontana> :-)
[15:55:31] <dipa> So if I mix that color on a palette i will get pastel pink
[15:55:34] <TwilightMontana> yes
[15:55:39] <dipa> :D
[15:55:44] <Winlogon.bat> bayside to ganton kontol
[15:55:44] <TwilightMontana> The best color
[15:55:51] <dipa> Winnie bad word :v
[15:56:02] <Winlogon.bat> hateful mission
[15:56:07] <TwilightMontana> Longyearbyen mad gay
[15:56:07] <Dasher> or
[15:56:07] <enovenn> tf
[15:56:12] <Dasher> LS docks to bayside
[15:56:14] <enovenn> i was taking off and exploded lmaoo
[15:56:14] <Dasher> even longer
[15:56:17] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[15:56:22] <TwilightMontana> Trees
[15:56:24] <Dasher> or angel pine to linden
[15:56:24] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[15:56:40] <Winlogon.bat> angel pine to vrovk
[15:56:42] <Winlogon.bat> vrock
[15:56:45] <Lenz> F
[15:56:45] <Dasher> oof that too
[15:57:00] <Winlogon.bat> and when u finish vrock you have to go to redsands west to load
[15:57:05] <akiyamaha> imagine if there are offshore trucking missions
[15:57:13] <Dasher> jesus
[15:57:15] <dipa> Goodluck with rendering :v
[15:57:20] <Dasher> black mesa to newtontoppen
[15:57:20] <TwilightMontana> Orbit City to Longyearbyen
[15:57:23] <Lenz> there is offshore bus/taxi missions
[15:57:25] <TwilightMontana> Now think about that
[15:57:33] <Lenz> to Cortez Island :v
[15:57:59] <TwilightMontana> How much km do you guys think LC and VC be?
[15:58:04] <akiyamaha> hell yeah demand
[15:58:06] <dipa> i know
[15:58:11] <dipa> LC and VC is about 10+ km
[15:58:14] <Winlogon.bat> bad demand
[15:58:19] <Winlogon.bat> pls server restart
[15:58:19] <akiyamaha> :(
[15:58:24] <Dasher> or server crash
[15:58:24] <TwilightMontana> That's short
[15:58:27] <Lenz> there is no trucking demand :c
[15:58:29] <dipa> Underground player :v
[15:58:47] <TwilightMontana> I was hoping 100km
[15:58:49] <Dasher> kontol
[15:58:54] <Dasher> I did a flip same as winny
[15:58:57] <dipa> kntl :v
[15:59:00] <Lenz> lol
[15:59:25] <Dasher> !missions trucking
[15:59:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 975 trucking
[15:59:33] <Winlogon.bat> !missions trucking
[15:59:33] <Dasher> so close I can taste it
[15:59:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Winlogon.bat: 5159 trucking
[15:59:38] <TwilightMontana> Stetz loves that
[15:59:38] <Lenz> dang
[16:00:21] <Winlogon.bat> cargo
[16:00:31] <TwilightMontana> No
[16:00:36] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[16:00:57] <TwilightMontana> ^ All that trucking missions made him AFK
[16:00:57] <Dasher> fucking shit
[16:01:17] <Dasher> give me ls to ls missions pls
[16:01:22] <Dasher> not ls to sf etc
[16:01:35] <TwilightMontana> Lmao
[16:02:18] <Dasher> wish there was a prize for 1k missions tbh
[16:02:28] <akiyamaha> 1mil :v
[16:03:01] <akiyamaha> smh win
[16:03:01] <STETZ> what
[16:03:14] <Winlogon.bat> broken down
[16:03:52] <dipa> Service :v
[16:04:00] <Lenz> lol
[16:04:02] <akiyamaha> woi
[16:04:02] <STETZ> twi can use the gay o ken
[16:04:05] <Dasher> gz ._.
[16:04:05] <HanonLee> gz
[16:04:07] <dipa> Wow gz
[16:04:10] <TwilightMontana> gz
[16:04:10] <dipa> Lotto guy ;v
[16:04:10] <HanonLee> always numba 1
[16:04:15] <Lenz> ty
[16:04:20] <STETZ> the 5 never win
[16:04:28] <HanonLee> hmm why is that?
[16:04:41] <Lenz> 5 won few rounds ago
[16:05:01] <Lenz> 51 never wins
[16:05:09] <akiyamaha> :v
[16:05:14] <STETZ> anyone never viewed a mid air collision here?
[16:05:21] <Lenz> you can take 51 tho
[16:05:24] <dipa> I almost collision when landing
[16:05:42] <STETZ> i crashed into akiyamaha yesterday
[16:05:47] <dipa> :v
[16:05:52] --> scaryghost connected to the server
[16:05:54] <akiyamaha> you were in the way
[16:05:54] <TwilightMontana> wb
[16:05:57] <Winlogon.bat> wb
[16:05:57] <STETZ> webe
[16:05:59] <Dasher> !assets
[16:06:02] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher has 22 car(s) ($4,980,000) and 4 house(s) ($75,000,000 - 70 slots) for a total of $79,980,000
[16:06:05] <scaryghost> ty
[16:06:10] <akiyamaha> !houses dasher
[16:06:13] (WEB) <robin_be> Tierra Robada: $20,000,000 20 slots East Beach: $11,000,000 10 slots Whitewood Estates: $20,000,000 20 slot(..)
[16:06:25] <HanonLee> !assets
[16:06:41] <-- scaryghost disconnected from the server
[16:07:04] --> scaryghost connected to the server
[16:07:09] <STETZ> webe again
[16:07:11] <scaryghost> ty
[16:07:11] <TwilightMontana> The balls are no longer at Svalbard
[16:07:14] <scaryghost> xd
[16:07:19] <Dasher> good
[16:07:27] <TwilightMontana> yep
[16:08:00] <TwilightMontana> And your Journey is still here
[16:08:51] <Dasher> ^ stan
[16:09:29] <STETZ> stan what
[16:09:34] <Dasher> is gay
[16:10:07] <dipa> *sad Stan noise(
[16:11:18] <Dasher> Bloody fuck me stuck again
[16:11:31] <akiyamaha> wat r u doin step trucker
[16:11:38] <STETZ> yes
[16:12:09] <TwilightMontana> wb
[16:12:11] <Gamer30> Thanks.
[16:12:11] <STETZ> gamer!
[16:12:11] <Dasher> wb
[16:12:55] <Dasher> thanks
[16:15:17] <Dasher> lenz
[16:15:20] <STETZ> lemz
[16:15:25] <HanonLee> HanonLenz
[16:15:53] <STETZ> its a good idea buy a car at wang cars?
[16:15:58] <Dasher> old ones?
[16:16:03] <STETZ> yes
[16:16:05] <Dasher> ye
[16:16:08] <Gamer30> No, buy at Blueberry Truckstop instead.
[16:16:08] <Dasher> cheaper
[16:16:10] <dipa> Yes it's a used car/2nd hand
[16:16:26] <STETZ> how is a 10 hand car?
[16:19:34] <STETZ> i will try the dodo license
[16:19:42] <STETZ> agfain
[16:19:42] <TwilightMontana> Good luck
[16:19:44] <HanonLee> good luck
[16:19:47] <dipa> Good luck
[16:20:07] <Winlogon.bat> gojek time to borrow one of your trailers
[16:20:30] <Gamer30> Why not other company?
[16:20:45] <Winlogon.bat> because
[16:20:50] <-- Blackfielld disconnected from the server
[16:23:53] <akiyamaha> goddamn
[16:24:24] <STETZ> tryng the dodo license guys!
[16:24:29] <dipa> Ok
[16:24:29] <TwilightMontana> gl
[16:24:32] <dipa> We're coming
[16:24:32] <HanonLee> coming
[16:24:34] <Dasher> gl
[16:24:47] --> Blackfielld connected to the server
[16:24:49] <TwilightMontana> wb
[16:24:55] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[16:25:02] <Winlogon.bat> lmao 13 hours 9 mnutes
[16:25:22] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[16:25:22] <TwilightMontana> Whole thing took 12 minutes
[16:25:30] <Dasher> welcome back
[16:25:30] <TwilightMontana> wb
[16:25:33] <Gamer30> Thanks.
[16:25:45] <TwilightMontana> And guess what?
[16:25:56] <TwilightMontana> I only got paid 71k
[16:26:03] <dipa> Underpaid :v
[16:26:06] <Lenz> 71 isn't that bad
[16:26:08] <TwilightMontana> Absolutely
[16:26:18] <-- Blackfielld disconnected from the server
[16:26:39] <Winlogon.bat> ludred
[16:26:44] <Dasher> yes?
[16:26:54] <Winlogon.bat> did u do /snw
[16:26:57] <Dasher> yes
[16:26:57] <STETZ> first part completed
[16:27:04] <Winlogon.bat> nice
[16:27:07] <TwilightMontana> gz
[16:27:07] <scaryghost> snw? means
[16:27:09] <dipa> Goodluck and focus on your flight
[16:27:12] <Dasher> because I'm not going to tierra robanda
[16:27:19] <dipa> Stop Next Work
[16:27:22] <scaryghost> ohk
[16:27:27] <Gamer30> I never use /snw.
[16:27:40] <Dasher> damn short mission
[16:27:47] <-- Winlogon.bat disconnected from the server
[16:27:47] <Dasher> san fierro supa save to bayside huehue
[16:28:13] <STETZ> now the hardest part
[16:28:26] <dipa> Ok now focus
[16:29:14] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[16:29:16] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[16:30:00] --> Winlogon.bat connected to the server
[16:30:02] <Dasher> wb
[16:30:07] <TwilightMontana> wb
[16:30:07] <akiyamaha> webe
[16:30:10] <dipa> Wb
[16:30:10] <scaryghost> wb
[16:30:10] <Winlogon.bat> ty
[16:30:17] <dipa> Winny, besar or kecil? :v
[16:30:28] <Dasher> besar
[16:30:33] <dipa> O.o
[16:30:35] <dipa> xD
[16:30:40] <Dasher> ik besar is big
[16:30:43] <HanonLee> !licenses stetz
[16:30:45] (WEB) <robin_be> stetz has no licenses!
[16:30:45] <Dasher> so kecil must be small
[16:30:50] <dipa> Yes
[16:31:08] <HanonLee> he did it
[16:31:11] <HanonLee> gz
[16:31:11] <dipa> Gz
[16:31:13] <dipa> Yay
[16:31:13] <TwilightMontana> gz
[16:31:21] <HanonLee> ez dodo
[16:31:36] <scaryghost> u got the license?
[16:31:44] <dipa> hes landing
[16:31:46] <HanonLee> you mean him?
[16:31:49] <HanonLee> almost
[16:31:59] <scaryghost> cool
[16:32:19] <scaryghost> gz
[16:32:22] <TwilightMontana> gz
[16:32:25] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[16:32:25] <Dasher> gz
[16:32:30] <akiyamaha> gz
[16:32:30] <STETZ> aaa
[16:32:32] <scaryghost> gz
[16:32:32] <TwilightMontana> gz
[16:32:37] <dipa> wow
[16:32:40] <dipa> Nice prize
[16:32:47] <scaryghost> what are requirements for dodo license?
[16:32:50] <STETZ> now what i exit of the plane?
[16:32:53] (WEB) <Jayce#9445> 150 dodo missions
[16:32:53] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[16:32:58] <dipa> You can exit now stetz
[16:33:00] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[16:33:03] (WEB) <Jayce#9445> and ~200k i think? not sure
[16:33:03] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[16:33:26] <scaryghost> for shamal license?
[16:33:31] <Gamer30> Did you redeem Seasparrow?
[16:33:41] <STETZ> now i how exit of the test?
[16:33:46] (WEB) <Jayce#9445> 500 shamal missions
[16:33:48] <dipa> You can respawn
[16:33:54] (WEB) <Jayce#9445> and ~500k or more
[16:33:59] <scaryghost> cool
[16:34:06] <STETZ> now lets take the seasparrow
[16:34:09] <Dasher> star inc. fleet
[16:34:19] <Dasher> ty
[16:34:24] <TwilightMontana> np
[16:35:25] <Winlogon.bat> jesus
[16:35:33] <Winlogon.bat> feel like brown rain coming
[16:35:53] <STETZ> !licenses
[16:35:56] (WEB) <robin_be> STETZ has a license for dodo
[16:36:54] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[16:36:59] <akiyamaha> webe
[16:37:04] <TwilightMontana> wb
[16:37:07] <STETZ> webe agggain
[16:37:12] <Thomas_Blackfield> thanks
[16:37:15] <STETZ> uu the seasparrow
[16:37:27] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[16:37:48] <Thomas_Blackfield> about 15 router restarts and my IP allowed to connect
[16:37:50] <scaryghost> gz
[16:37:53] <HanonLee> congrats
[16:37:53] <TwilightMontana> gz
[16:37:55] <dipa> Thanks
[16:38:13] <STETZ> im testing the seasparrow
[16:38:44] <STETZ> how much a seasparrow costs?
[16:38:54] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[16:38:59] <scaryghost> 1m?
[16:39:06] <Gamer30> It's priceless.
[16:39:12] <Thomas_Blackfield> what for do i need any licenses?
[16:39:12] <HanonLee> 1-2M
[16:39:27] <STETZ> nel i dont will sell the seasparrow
[16:39:40] <STETZ> now lets destroy gay truckers
[16:39:52] <TwilightMontana> Oh I don't think so
[16:40:18] <STETZ> the fuck orbit city helipad
[16:40:28] <TwilightMontana> haha
[16:40:28] <STETZ> i will re enter
[16:40:53] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[16:41:49] <dipa> gamer
[16:41:57] <dipa> Look what I got :v
[16:42:10] <HanonLee> he did like you said
[16:42:35] <dipa> Noice right :D
[16:42:38] <Gamer30> Yes!~
[16:42:55] <scaryghost> PL weather is like my GF's mood. changes every minute lol
[16:43:00] --> STETZ connected to the server
[16:43:08] <dipa> Like my EX :v
[16:43:11] <scaryghost> xd
[16:43:11] <dipa> bad weather all the time
[16:43:18] <akiyamaha> use /vweather and it wont change, just like a dead gf
[16:43:41] <Gamer30> Remember you can store at most 3 vehicles according to your company rules.
[16:45:20] <TwilightMontana> !groups Thomas_Blackfield
[16:45:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Thomas_Blackfield is in airline Lufthansa and company TransX
[16:45:31] <dipa> gz
[16:45:31] <STETZ> gz
[16:45:33] <TwilightMontana> gz
[16:45:33] <scaryghost> ty
[16:45:33] <STETZ> gayz
[16:45:59] (WEB) <midget#0266> overnight milk is a great natural laxative
[16:47:25] <HanonLee> we're under attack and gamer wanking
[16:47:30] <dipa> repair
[16:47:33] <TwilightMontana> Man you suck
[16:47:45] <dipa> My f*ckn truck!
[16:47:56] <HanonLee> stet u're an asshole
[16:47:58] <dipa> You gonna pay for the engines!
[16:48:03] <TwilightMontana> Run
[16:48:11] <Gamer30> Hide in Multipla!
[16:48:24] <TwilightMontana> My right feet can shoot better than your shooting
[16:48:41] <dipa> MOONBEAM SHIELD!
[16:48:52] <TwilightMontana> Stetz
[16:49:07] <TwilightMontana> I think you will kill yourself instead
[16:49:07] <STETZ> wqtf inmortal van
[16:49:12] <dipa> 3 2 1 SHOOT!
[16:49:14] <Gamer30> Fiat Multipla IS immortal.
[16:50:08] <STETZ> i need to relog clock stopped
[16:50:13] <Gamer30> Oof.
[16:50:18] <dipa> Oop-
[16:50:18] <HanonLee> nice
[16:50:36] <TwilightMontana> He died?
[16:50:38] <Gamer30> You destroyed time dimension.
[16:50:43] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[16:52:10] --> STETZ connected to the server
[16:52:28] <STETZ> what happened
[16:53:01] <TwilightMontana> We missed you
[16:53:36] <Gamer30> Shame on you! You damaged an ambulance!
[16:53:59] --> Twi connected to the server
[16:54:02] <TwilightMontana> wb
[16:54:04] <dipa> wb
[16:54:04] <-- HanonLee disconnected from the server
[16:54:07] <TwilightMontana> Help us Twi
[16:54:07] --> azwyll connected to the server
[16:54:15] <Twi> waddup
[16:54:17] <Twi> wb
[16:54:17] <TwilightMontana> You're our only hope
[16:54:27] <azwyll> ty
[16:54:32] <Twi> stetz
[16:54:35] <Twi> don't dm
[16:54:37] <Twi> you'll get banned
[16:54:45] <Twi> 14 days
[16:54:53] <Twi> you'll loose your houses
[16:54:55] <Twi> ohhhhhhhhh
[16:55:08] <Twi> !cars stetz
[16:55:11] (WEB) <robin_be> stetz has: Infernus Seasparrow Skimmer Maverick Beagle Cropduster Dodo
[16:55:13] <akiyamaha> seasparrow :v
[16:55:18] <dipa> Lee udah dulu ya
[16:55:56] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[16:56:57] <TwilightMontana> Stetz
[16:57:10] <TwilightMontana> How bout in dogfight
[16:57:43] <STETZ> you will crash the caravan
[16:57:48] <STETZ> lmflao
[16:58:01] <TwilightMontana> nah
[16:58:49] <Twi> due
[16:58:57] <TwilightMontana> What?
[16:59:10] <Twi> a ngentot died
[16:59:25] <TwilightMontana> What's ngentot?
[17:00:23] <STETZ> gay in wenglish
[17:00:39] <Twi> stetz noob
[17:00:51] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Ngentot is sex for Indo
[17:00:54] <-- azwyll disconnected from the server
[17:00:54] <Gamer30> Stetz, wouldn't you want to practice on garbage truck first?
[17:00:54] <Twi> cant even kill me
[17:00:56] <STETZ> no
[17:00:56] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Sorry :/
[17:01:07] <TwilightMontana> lol
[17:01:12] <STETZ> for what gamer?
[17:01:22] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[17:01:29] <Gamer30> For accuracy.
[17:01:35] <Twi> stetz gay
[17:01:35] <STETZ> lmao
[17:02:20] <STETZ> gay twi
[17:02:31] <STETZ> !license stetz
[17:02:36] <STETZ> !licenses stetz
[17:02:38] (WEB) <robin_be> stetz has a license for dodo
[17:02:43] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> I'll kill you stetz
[17:02:51] <STETZ> lenz?
[17:02:56] <Twi> .....
[17:03:04] <TwilightMontana> Hannon lee X Stetz
[17:03:14] <Lenz> ?
[17:03:16] <Gamer30> How little for that?
[17:03:27] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Lets kill him Lee
[17:03:34] <Twi> only -$2
[17:04:05] <Twi> make a bit
[17:04:07] <Twi> bid
[17:04:15] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[17:04:20] <Lenz> 70k
[17:04:20] <akiyamaha> wb bee
[17:04:23] <STETZ> warmi!
[17:04:33] <Twi> wb warm bee s
[17:04:45] <WarmBees> thankyou kings
[17:04:51] <TwilightMontana> wb
[17:04:56] <STETZ> i will do cargo drop
[17:05:01] <WarmBees> thankyou impostor t
[17:05:08] <Twi> wait wtf
[17:06:45] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[17:07:00] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[17:07:08] <Lenz> wb Pug
[17:07:10] <akiyamaha> ty
[17:07:21] <WarmBees> what does pog means?w
[17:07:26] <WarmBees> i always heard of that
[17:07:28] <Gamer30> Piss on Ground
[17:07:33] <Lenz> yes
[17:09:51] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[17:09:53] <STETZ> webe
[17:10:59] <STETZ> twi is sleeping with miku
[17:11:04] <Twi> no
[17:11:10] <Twi> im fucking stetz sister
[17:11:12] <Twi> :)
[17:11:15] <WarmBees> who the hell is miku?
[17:11:17] <STETZ> i dont have sisters
[17:11:20] <TwilightMontana> Twi Benchod
[17:12:08] <STETZ> 39k paid
[17:13:32] <STETZ> twi have comited incest?
[17:13:40] <Twi> stfu
[17:14:02] <STETZ> gamer30 dont knows what is the incest
[17:14:05] <WarmBees> imagine you're only 12 and you already know about that stuff
[17:14:13] <Twi> 14*
[17:14:15] <Gamer30> Vatican.
[17:14:18] <WarmBees> oh
[17:14:20] <WarmBees> yes 14
[17:14:23] <STETZ> lMAOOO GAMER
[17:15:01] <Twi> !cash twilightmontana
[17:15:04] (WEB) <robin_be> twilightmontana has $856,020 in hand
[17:15:06] <WarmBees> rich
[17:15:09] <TwilightMontana> yes
[17:15:14] <STETZ> !cash twi
[17:15:16] (WEB) <robin_be> twi has $84,082 in hand
[17:15:19] <Twi> ngentot
[17:15:24] <Gamer30> !Player G�wno
[17:15:24] <TwilightMontana> ditek?
[17:15:27] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player G�wno
[17:15:27] <STETZ> need charity twi?
[17:15:52] <STETZ> sas macan tutul
[17:16:18] <STETZ> the fuck
[17:16:58] <STETZ> i will search the lc
[17:17:26] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[17:17:41] <STETZ> i think the 99# of the accidents on this server are caused by the crash landing?
[17:18:04] <WarmBees> maybe ninja trees
[17:18:04] <Gamer30> You're wrong.
[17:18:07] <Thomas_Blackfield> and 1# for last rendering
[17:18:12] <Gamer30> 100 percent of accidents is caused by truckers.
[17:18:12] <STETZ> ryes
[17:18:20] <STETZ> stop gamer
[17:18:25] <WarmBees> gay trucker?
[17:18:42] <STETZ> some truyckers have miniguns and when you are landing the gay trucker attacks you
[17:18:55] <STETZ> example gamer30
[17:19:18] <Gamer30> !Missions STETZ trucking
[17:19:21] (WEB) <robin_be> STETZ: 4 trucking
[17:19:39] <STETZ> gamer30 stop hacking my account and trucking!
[17:19:41] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[17:19:56] <Gamer30> How is /w hacking?
[17:20:01] <STETZ> yes
[17:20:06] <STETZ> bassically
[17:20:06] <WarmBees> ?
[17:20:12] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[17:20:12] <STETZ> only you have my pas
[17:20:17] <STETZ> pass
[17:20:17] <WarmBees> webe
[17:20:19] <STETZ> webe
[17:20:32] <Gamer30> If only I have your password, supposedly, how are you logged in?
[17:20:55] <STETZ> because you use my acc when im not connected
[17:21:28] <STETZ> and my pass is your name in gay nsme
[17:21:53] <Twi> time to rob stetz
[17:22:03] <STETZ> what
[17:22:03] <WarmBees> srsly
[17:22:16] <STETZ> yes my pass is gamer30 in gay
[17:22:19] --> Hades connected to the server
[17:22:24] <STETZ> webe
[17:22:26] <WarmBees> wb king
[17:22:29] <Twi> wb
[17:22:31] <TwilightMontana> wb
[17:22:31] <Hades> ty
[17:23:02] <WarmBees> no
[17:23:10] <STETZ> why warmi?
[17:23:35] <Hades> u gonna sell me back my baron lol
[17:23:43] <Twi> not baron
[17:24:00] <Gamer30> Rudolph's reproduction organ?
[17:24:05] <Twi> no
[17:24:08] <STETZ> lmao gaymer
[17:24:13] <STETZ> stop
[17:24:18] <Gamer30> Start.
[17:24:18] <WarmBees> how about my kidney?
[17:24:41] <Twi> gz ngentot
[17:24:44] <TwilightMontana> Ditek
[17:24:44] <WarmBees> stonks
[17:25:06] <WarmBees> that's cool house
[17:25:09] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Am I even more of Twi's bitch now?
[17:25:12] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: My sources say no
[17:25:14] <TwilightMontana> Thanks
[17:25:17] <WarmBees> yes
[17:25:19] <STETZ> for me the seasparrow is the best chopper
[17:25:27] <Twi> fuck seasparrow
[17:25:35] <TwilightMontana> News Chopper is the best
[17:25:37] <TwilightMontana> .
[17:25:40] <Gamer30> Garbage truck.
[17:25:45] <STETZ> because they can float and have a gun
[17:25:57] <Twi> ..
[17:26:05] <STETZ> fuck off twi
[17:26:10] <Twi> yes
[17:26:10] <TwilightMontana> me?W
[17:26:13] <WarmBees> wtf
[17:26:13] <Gamer30> Garbage truck can take garbage away.
[17:26:23] <WarmBees> 26k meter flight shamal
[17:26:23] <Twi> pls take stetz then
[17:26:28] <STETZ> the garbage truck acnt do anithoing
[17:26:33] <WarmBees> should i do this?
[17:26:36] <TwilightMontana> yes it can
[17:26:43] <STETZ> do what?
[17:26:43] <WarmBees> /s
[17:26:51] <WarmBees> 26k meter flight
[17:26:56] <WarmBees> shamal
[17:26:58] <TwilightMontana> Can I have that>
[17:27:04] <STETZ> i acn do easily
[17:27:11] <TwilightMontana> War,
[17:27:14] <TwilightMontana> Warm
[17:27:14] <WarmBees> fuck, i don't want this
[17:27:16] <STETZ> i doed a maximun of around 28k
[17:27:29] <WarmBees> i don't want long flight for now
[17:27:34] <TwilightMontana> Atleast it is not Newtoppen to Black Mesa with a chopper
[17:27:47] <WarmBees> aight, lemme do this
[17:27:52] <STETZ> what chopper exactly twilight?
[17:27:57] <TwilightMontana> Hunter
[17:28:02] <STETZ> a
[17:28:05] <STETZ> ez for me
[17:28:25] <STETZ> almot you dont have doed from ls airport to orbit city in a leviathan
[17:28:38] <WarmBees> to orbit city
[17:28:45] <Thomas_Blackfield> just like me now
[17:28:50] <TwilightMontana> Give me a faggio and I will do that
[17:28:55] <WarmBees> if i get DC...
[17:29:01] <STETZ> faggio is for hays
[17:29:03] <Gamer30> You should try a mission from Orbit City to Black Me�a in street sweeper.
[17:29:11] <TwilightMontana> Oh yes
[17:29:16] <WarmBees> what...
[17:29:18] <STETZ> or forklift
[17:29:21] <TwilightMontana> PM Crystal
[17:29:26] <WarmBees> baggage
[17:29:29] <TwilightMontana> I'll glady do that
[17:30:22] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[17:30:22] <Gamer30> Too bad there's no septic truck in GTA.
[17:30:24] <WarmBees> guys, guess what on how much im gonna get in this flight
[17:30:30] <Twi> 32k
[17:30:30] <Thomas_Blackfield> 50k
[17:30:35] <STETZ> around 40k for me
[17:30:35] <TwilightMontana> 30k
[17:30:37] <Twi> 42k
[17:30:37] <WarmBees> fuck that twi
[17:30:45] <WarmBees> 55k for me
[17:30:47] <STETZ> why all hated twi?
[17:30:58] <TwilightMontana> mad gay
[17:30:58] <WarmBees> i love twi <3
[17:31:00] <Twi> <3
[17:31:03] <STETZ> for me is overrated
[17:31:05] <WarmBees> sex
[17:31:10] <TwilightMontana> Secs?
[17:31:10] <WarmBees> xd
[17:32:04] <WarmBees> last 10k meters
[17:32:06] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Ah scheibe, here vam wieder
[17:32:14] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Idk how to say it :v
[17:32:16] <STETZ> why i cant use the submarine of the game?
[17:32:16] <Gamer30> WTF scheibe?
[17:32:29] <Gamer30> If you can't get � character to work, use "ss" instead.
[17:32:37] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[17:32:39] <TwilightMontana> wb
[17:32:42] <Twi> wb
[17:32:42] <STETZ> webe
[17:32:49] <Thomas_Blackfield> whisky bravo
[17:32:49] <TwilightMontana> Scheisse
[17:32:54] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Sorry gamer :v
[17:32:57] <akiyamaha> ty
[17:33:28] <STETZ> why the perennial is the most hated vehicle in the game?
[17:33:35] <Gamer30> Because it's a car.
[17:33:45] <STETZ> you hate it?
[17:33:48] <TwilightMontana> And a dead boby is inside
[17:34:13] <WarmBees> Kobe's dead body
[17:34:18] <TwilightMontana> Yes
[17:34:18] <WarmBees> corpse
[17:34:21] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Which fucked pinged me here
[17:34:29] <TwilightMontana> Not me
[17:34:57] <WarmBees> 60k nubs
[17:36:18] <TwilightMontana> Is Robin's bot full of shit?
[17:36:38] <Hades> :O
[17:36:46] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Hey Robin Hood are you full of shit?
[17:36:49] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: Sign points to yes
[17:37:09] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Are you sure?
[17:37:11] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: As I see it, yes
[17:37:22] <TwilightMontana> He's full of shit
[17:39:36] <Gamer30> /flip?
[17:39:49] <Hades> oh
[17:40:43] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !assets kozigo
[17:40:45] (WEB) <robin_be> kozigo has 20 car(s) ($9,180,000) and 2 house(s) ($27,000,000 - 27 slots) for a total of $36,180,000
[17:40:50] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> !houses kozigo
[17:40:53] (WEB) <robin_be> Missionary Hill: $7,000,000 7 slots Whitewood Estates: $20,000,000 20 slots
[17:41:51] <TwilightMontana> gz
[17:41:54] <STETZ> gayz
[17:43:20] <STETZ> i will play to
[17:43:25] <STETZ> bb
[17:43:28] <TwilightMontana> cya
[17:43:36] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[17:45:40] <WarmBees> !score trap
[17:45:43] (WEB) <robin_be> player trap: 5530 score, 5530 missions: 100'/. shamal - 0'/. null - 0'/. null
[17:46:01] <TwilightMontana> Shamal Stan
[17:46:08] <WarmBees> pure
[17:46:13] <TwilightMontana> yes
[17:46:24] <TwilightMontana> yes
[17:46:26] <TwilightMontana> oops
[17:46:39] <WarmBees> #2 shamal missions
[17:46:49] <WarmBees> highest
[17:46:59] <TwilightMontana> Who's the highest?
[17:47:20] --> JosipCRO connected to the server
[17:47:22] <TwilightMontana> wb
[17:47:32] <JosipCRO> ty
[17:51:24] --> Prompto connected to the server
[17:51:29] <TwilightMontana> Wb
[17:51:31] <WarmBees> wb
[17:51:34] <Prompto> ty
[17:51:39] <TwilightMontana> So
[17:51:52] <TwilightMontana> Christian Ronaldo broke Pele's record
[17:51:57] <TwilightMontana> How do you feel?
[17:52:04] <Prompto> it's not my record
[17:52:12] <TwilightMontana> I mean
[17:52:20] <Prompto> but generally proud
[17:52:25] <TwilightMontana> Nice
[17:52:32] --> Strasburger connected to the server
[17:52:35] <TwilightMontana> Pele's being a sore loser again
[17:52:35] <TwilightMontana> Wb
[17:52:40] <Prompto> pele disgusts me now
[17:52:43] <Strasburger> omg pilots life is alive
[17:52:45] <TwilightMontana> SAme
[17:52:48] <Gamer30> Karol Strasburger?
[17:52:53] <Strasburger> yes why
[17:52:58] <Prompto> lufthansa, /fleet plz
[17:53:03] <Strasburger> lmao
[17:53:11] <TwilightMontana> But is a sore loseer
[17:53:13] <Prompto> thank you
[17:53:26] <Gamer30> Polsha.
[17:53:28] <Strasburger> I thought that this server was dead :0
[17:53:33] <Strasburger> tak
[17:53:36] <TwilightMontana> Not quite
[17:53:44] <Prompto> he changed his record of goals for the same club with messi too... ridiculous
[17:53:44] <Gamer30> Dobre!
[17:53:51] <TwilightMontana> yep
[17:54:12] <TwilightMontana> I mean if Ronaldo did what Pele did I bet he'd have more
[17:54:27] <Prompto> pele was lucky to be brazilian
[17:54:45] <Prompto> had he played for portugal and pele wouldn't have won the same
[17:55:28] <TwilightMontana> Yes
[17:56:24] <Strasburger> any airline I could join?
[17:56:31] <TwilightMontana> yes
[17:56:34] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[17:56:34] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(164233) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-41401) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-36294)
[17:56:37] <TwilightMontana> no Lufthansa
[17:56:42] <WarmBees> /ad
[17:56:44] <Prompto> where's the /ad twilight?
[17:56:57] <TwilightMontana> Cooldown
[17:57:10] <Prompto> doesn't allow you to break the rules
[17:57:17] <Strasburger> gonna think
[17:57:20] <Gamer30> B�d� z Polakiem!
[17:57:25] <Strasburger> a ty polak?
[17:57:27] <Gamer30> Tak jest!
[17:57:40] <Strasburger> sk�d? xD
[17:57:45] <Gamer30> Ma�opolska.
[17:58:00] <Strasburger> no ok
[17:58:03] <Strasburger> spr�buj�
[18:02:07] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[18:05:10] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[18:05:59] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[18:06:19] <WarmBees> xD
[18:06:34] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[18:06:37] <TwilightMontana> wb
[18:08:11] <Gamer30> !missions Gamer30 shamal skimmer
[18:08:13] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: 7077 shamal 1157 skimmer
[18:08:57] <WarmBees> prompto, having 10k scores today?
[18:09:02] <Prompto> ye
[18:09:07] <TwilightMontana> Gz
[18:09:07] <WarmBees> nice
[18:09:55] <WarmBees> >.>
[18:10:31] <TwilightMontana> Time to /fpslimit 20 and do Skimmer flights
[18:10:41] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[18:10:44] <TwilightMontana> wb
[18:10:46] <Strasburger> wb
[18:10:46] <Twi> stfu
[18:10:49] <Twi> wb
[18:10:51] <k8alfa> ty
[18:11:04] <Strasburger> might be a dumb question, but who's the server owner now?
[18:11:09] <TwilightMontana> Crystal
[18:11:12] <Gamer30> /fpslimit 40
[18:11:14] <WarmBees> okay, what's the original frame limit?
[18:11:19] <Strasburger> Is this this guy from New Zealand?
[18:11:24] <TwilightMontana> Idk
[18:11:32] <Gamer30> Crystal pochodzi z USA.
[18:11:34] <Prompto> crystal is from michigan
[18:11:55] <WarmBees> !player crystal
[18:11:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player crystal: 7870 score, last seen 21 Hours Ago
[18:12:00] <Prompto> haydz
[18:12:08] <Strasburger> exactly
[18:12:18] <Prompto> haydz sold pl to aaron (a brit)
[18:12:18] <Strasburger> I wasn't around for few years lmao
[18:12:25] <Prompto> and then aaron sold to crystal
[18:12:48] <Strasburger> thanks for explaining
[18:15:01] <-- JosipCRO disconnected from the server
[18:16:12] --> Madkilla connected to the server
[18:16:14] <TwilightMontana> wb
[18:16:22] <Madkilla> ty
[18:16:32] <k8alfa> wb
[18:17:36] <Twi> !houses madkilla
[18:17:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Santa Maria Beach: $7,500,000 5 slots Julius Thruway East: $7,500,000 8 slots Junkyard Airport: $9,500,000 (..)
[18:19:30] <Thomas_Blackfield> LV airport runway 18L in work
[18:21:22] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[18:21:25] <TwilightMontana> wb
[18:21:27] <k8alfa> wb
[18:21:37] <Strasburger> wb
[18:21:45] <slampinjsh> ty
[18:22:33] <Strasburger> what was the command to set my nickname color as a VIP?
[18:22:41] <Prompto> /Vm
[18:22:56] <TwilightMontana> Use Pastel Pink
[18:23:06] <TwilightMontana> Superior Color
[18:23:16] <Prompto> gay colour
[18:23:16] <WarmBees> is it?
[18:23:19] <TwilightMontana> yes
[18:23:27] <TwilightMontana> I'll ask Robin
[18:23:42] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Is Pastel Pink the superior color?
[18:23:42] <Strasburger> i use this one always lmao
[18:23:45] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: Ask again later
[18:23:47] <Strasburger> wait no
[18:23:47] <Strasburger> not this
[18:23:55] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Is Pastel Pink the superior color? Here's again
[18:23:57] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: Ask again later
[18:24:00] <TwilightMontana> FAh
[18:24:02] <Strasburger> fuck this
[18:24:02] <Strasburger> lmao
[18:24:10] <TwilightMontana> Gz
[18:24:15] <Strasburger> ty
[18:24:18] <akiyamaha> one of us, one of us!
[18:27:18] <WarmBees> !player sursai_kosecksi
[18:27:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player sursai_kosecksi: 5030 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[18:27:29] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[18:29:10] <WarmBees> !player l_drago
[18:29:13] (WEB) <robin_be> player l_drago: 5553 score, last seen 10 Hours Ago
[18:30:57] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Do I hate Taylor Swift?
[18:31:00] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: Cannot predict now
[18:31:10] <WarmBees> well, Do you?
[18:31:20] <TwilightMontana> No
[18:31:48] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Can you predict now?
[18:31:51] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: My reply is no
[18:31:56] <TwilightMontana> Thanks Robin
[18:32:14] <WarmBees> !player Robin_bw
[18:32:14] <Prompto> !8ball is twilight noob?
[18:32:16] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Robin_bw
[18:32:19] <WarmBees> !player Robin_be
[18:32:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player Robin_be: 13382 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[18:32:21] <Prompto> !8ball is twilight noob?
[18:32:32] <Prompto> lmao
[18:32:34] <TwilightMontana> haha
[18:32:34] <Prompto> !8ball is twilight noob?
[18:32:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto: You may rely on it
[18:32:39] <Prompto> HAHAHA
[18:32:44] <TwilightMontana> Robin
[18:32:47] <TwilightMontana> Why always me?
[18:33:05] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Is Prompto more noob than me?
[18:33:07] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: Don't count on it
[18:33:25] <Prompto> lmao
[18:34:21] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Am I the worst player ever?
[18:34:24] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: My reply is no
[18:34:36] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Is Prompto?
[18:34:39] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: Yes, definitely
[18:34:42] <TwilightMontana> Hah
[18:34:44] <TwilightMontana> Take that
[18:34:49] <Prompto> is prompto what?
[18:34:52] <Prompto> you confused robin
[18:35:09] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Is Prompto the worst player?
[18:35:12] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: Sign points to yes
[18:35:15] <Prompto> .I.
[18:35:15] <TwilightMontana> See
[18:35:22] <Prompto> suck my dick
[18:35:27] <WarmBees> sometimes, we must accept the truth xD
[18:36:23] <WarmBees> that's some nice demand
[18:36:23] <Gamer30> !score STETZ
[18:36:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player STETZ: 570 score, 552 missions: 59'/. dodo - 32'/. shamal - 3'/. cargo
[18:39:29] --> Dasher connected to the server
[18:39:29] <TwilightMontana> wb
[18:39:34] <k8alfa> wb
[18:39:37] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Howdy
[18:39:42] <Prompto> wb lud
[18:39:44] <TwilightMontana> Heeya
[18:40:05] <k8alfa> hey
[18:40:07] <Dasher> ty
[18:40:10] <Dasher> hello
[18:40:38] <Gamer30> !IsTheUpdateHere
[18:40:38] (WEB) <TheGamer> Not here yet!
[18:40:58] <WarmBees> when?
[18:40:58] <Prompto> the update will come in 2023
[18:41:21] <Dasher> yall think update is taking forever
[18:41:29] <TwilightMontana> Kinda
[18:41:29] <Dasher> but you forgot the new website
[18:41:36] <TwilightMontana> Where?
[18:41:51] <Dasher> if not wrong
[18:41:59] <Dasher> it was announced like more than a year ago
[18:42:04] <Gamer30> It also takes forever, right?
[18:42:14] <Prompto> shit happens
[18:42:32] <TwilightMontana> Hopefully the update is not like Cyberpunk
[18:43:18] <Prompto> let's hope not
[18:43:43] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> hi
[18:43:43] <Gamer30> Cyberjunk 2077 lacks things GTA: Vice City had.
[18:43:46] <TwilightMontana> I don't wanna see a car fly all the way from SA to LC
[18:44:11] <Prompto> well, we can do it in gta sa too
[18:44:16] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wat
[18:44:16] <Prompto> *cough* towtrucks *cough*
[18:44:29] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wat}
[18:44:34] <Gamer30> TW@
[18:44:50] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> i will enter
[18:45:02] <Gamer30> I will backspace.
[18:45:35] <TwilightMontana> Why do I want to truck right now?
[18:45:38] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[18:45:40] <TwilightMontana> w
[18:45:43] <TwilightMontana> b
[18:45:43] <Dasher> wb
[18:45:45] <WarmBees> wb
[18:45:48] <Madkilla> wb
[18:45:48] <TheGamer> ty
[18:46:03] --> STETZ connected to the server
[18:46:29] <STETZ> what happenned
[18:46:39] <TwilightMontana> We trucked
[18:46:41] <WarmBees> lotto 18m
[18:46:44] <STETZ> no twi why?
[18:46:49] <TwilightMontana> What?
[18:47:07] <STETZ> why you trucked?
[18:47:17] <TwilightMontana> Because I love it
[18:48:18] --> liar0ne connected to the server
[18:48:23] <TwilightMontana> wc
[18:48:31] <STETZ> wtf my brother is liarone
[18:48:33] <WarmBees> whalecum
[18:48:41] <Dasher> welcome
[18:48:59] <TwilightMontana> Do /w to work and /s to stop work
[18:50:38] <STETZ> madkilla u have a bf injection?
[18:51:06] <Madkilla> yeah from joyadi
[18:51:14] <STETZ> is a good car?
[18:51:31] <WarmBees> !player joyadijoestar.
[18:51:31] <Madkilla> very
[18:51:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player joyadijoestar.: 13576 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[18:51:42] <STETZ> joyadi is a slave
[18:51:49] <STETZ> works 24/7
[18:52:38] <STETZ> F
[18:52:45] <Madkilla> oh wait is the car still at lufthansa..?
[18:52:50] <STETZ> yes
[18:53:00] <Madkilla> lel
[18:53:18] <Madkilla> ill repark it
[18:57:45] <TwilightMontana> !player Help
[18:57:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player Help: 0 score, last seen 31 Months Ago
[18:58:11] <Strasburger> XD
[18:58:19] <Gamer30> !player Hilfe
[18:58:21] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Hilfe
[18:58:29] <Dasher> I wonder
[18:58:31] <Strasburger> !player Chajzer
[18:58:34] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Chajzer
[18:58:34] <Strasburger> shit
[18:58:37] <Dasher> !player Ludred
[18:58:37] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[18:58:39] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Ludred
[18:58:42] <Gamer30> !player Jan Pawe� II
[18:58:42] <Strasburger> XD
[18:58:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player Jan: 0 score, last seen 31 Months Ago
[18:58:44] <Dasher> ok cool still not taken
[18:58:49] <WarmBees> !ludred
[18:58:52] <WarmBees> !ping
[18:58:55] (WEB) <robin_be> {8f2956}pong! - hi WarmBees
[18:59:10] <Madkilla> !player Player
[18:59:12] (WEB) <robin_be> player Player: 1 score, last seen 31 Months Ago
[18:59:12] <STETZ> !pong
[18:59:12] <Strasburger> !player skittles
[18:59:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player skittles: 336 score, last seen 31 Months Ago
[18:59:25] <Dasher> !dasher
[18:59:25] <Gamer30> !player Cipka2137
[18:59:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> @lulded's a retard
[18:59:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cipka2137: 6 score, last seen 9 Months Ago
[18:59:33] <Strasburger> !player strasburger
[18:59:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player strasburger: 2256 score, last seen Online Now
[18:59:38] <Strasburger> lmao
[18:59:41] <WarmBees> !player kamikez
[18:59:43] (WEB) <robin_be> player kamikez: 4510 score, last seen 3 Months Ago
[18:59:51] <WarmBees> !player kyliejenner
[18:59:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player kyliejenner: 6610 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[18:59:56] <Strasburger> !player Haydz
[18:59:59] (WEB) <robin_be> player Haydz: 2058 score, last seen 5 Months Ago
[19:00:01] --> Haroon connected to the server
[19:00:04] <k8alfa> wb
[19:00:04] <Dasher> wb
[19:00:06] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[19:00:06] <STETZ> webe
[19:00:06] <Madkilla> wb
[19:00:06] <Strasburger> valkommen
[19:00:09] <Gamer30> !player Stanisgay
[19:00:12] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stanisgay: 0 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[19:00:27] <Haroon> Thank you all : ")
[19:00:29] <Haroon> how are you all ?
[19:00:32] <Strasburger> !player Pi_314
[19:00:35] (WEB) <robin_be> player Pi_314: 31415 score, last seen 31 Months Ago
[19:00:40] <Dasher> I'm oki
[19:01:03] <Strasburger> how do I check the nearest airport by command?
[19:01:10] <WarmBees> /gps
[19:01:15] <Haroon> btw,now vehicles will be deleted if you have less lots of cars?
[19:01:20] <Haroon> Slots'
[19:01:23] <Strasburger> can't use while in a mission wtf
[19:01:28] <Dasher> your latest ones I think
[19:01:31] <WarmBees> yes
[19:01:33] <Gamer30> Try /atc.
[19:01:36] <Haroon> oh ok,Ty .
[19:01:56] <Strasburger> ffs
[19:02:01] <Haroon> Mainland also '
[19:02:19] <Prompto> my house is super rare but not for sale :V
[19:02:19] <Twi> already sold uwu
[19:02:21] <Haroon> :V
[19:02:24] <Twi> whats ur budget haroon
[19:02:26] <Haroon> lel
[19:02:29] <Dasher> well shit
[19:02:34] <Haroon> !houses Twi
[19:02:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Whitewood Estates: $12,500,000 15 slots Prickle Pine: $15,000,000 15 slots Queens: $17,000,000 15 slots
[19:02:39] <Dasher> my house isn't in mainland
[19:02:39] <STETZ> twi!
[19:02:42] <Gamer30> !Assets Twi
[19:02:42] <-- liar0ne disconnected from the server
[19:02:44] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has 8 car(s) ($5,780,000) and 3 house(s) ($44,500,000 - 45 slots) for a total of $50,280,000
[19:02:57] <Twi> hi stetz
[19:03:02] <Prompto> twi, are you a supermarket for houses?
[19:03:02] <WarmBees> peace
[19:03:05] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[19:03:05] <STETZ> what are you doining?
[19:03:07] <Dasher> yes he is
[19:03:12] <Twi> yes
[19:03:12] <Prompto> god damn capitalist
[19:03:20] <STETZ> go
[19:03:23] <Twi> kontol
[19:03:28] <Prompto> ngetot
[19:04:03] <STETZ> IM ERECTED
[19:04:13] <Prompto> nobody asked
[19:04:16] <Dasher> I had a fun night last night
[19:04:47] <Prompto> you lost your virginity lud?
[19:04:49] <Dasher> no
[19:04:54] <Prompto> shame
[19:05:22] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[19:06:05] --> JosipCRO connected to the server
[19:06:10] <STETZ> WEBE
[19:06:33] <Dasher> !houses shressth
[19:06:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Queens: $15,000,000 15 slots Come-A-Lot: $10,500,000 6 slots
[19:06:41] <Dasher> !houses kristel
[19:06:44] (WEB) <robin_be> Doherty: $8,000,000 6 slots Las Payasadas: $11,000,000 10 slots Vinewood: $11,000,000 10 slots Palm Jumeira(..)
[19:06:46] <STETZ> !licenses stetz
[19:06:49] (WEB) <robin_be> stetz has a license for dodo
[19:06:49] <Prompto> !assets
[19:06:52] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto has 0 car(s) ($0) and 1 house(s) ($10,000,000 - 10 slots) for a total of $10,000,000
[19:06:57] <Prompto> i'm poor
[19:07:09] <Twi> !assets haroon
[19:07:12] (WEB) <robin_be> haroon has 32 car(s) ($17,130,000) and 2 house(s) ($18,500,000 - 16 slots) for a total of $35,630,000
[19:08:23] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[19:08:26] <Haroon> cya
[19:08:26] <-- Haroon disconnected from the server
[19:08:36] --> STETZ connected to the server
[19:09:01] <Twi> tg whee
[19:09:01] <Twi> where
[19:09:12] <TheGamer> wat
[19:09:29] <Twi> wow
[19:09:32] <Twi> for some reason
[19:09:34] <Twi> I couldnt see u
[19:09:40] <TheGamer> good
[19:09:42] <Twi> in the tab list
[19:09:47] <Twi> I was like he's not in cnr,not in beta not in PL
[19:10:05] --> liar0ne connected to the server
[19:10:33] <TheGamer> me here
[19:10:41] <Twi> where
[19:10:46] <STETZ> wat twi
[19:11:49] <STETZ> how hard is the nevada license?
[19:12:02] <Dasher> very hard
[19:12:15] <Twi> ez pz
[19:12:32] <Dasher> !licenses twi
[19:12:35] (WEB) <robin_be> twi has a license for shamal, dodo
[19:13:11] <Twi> ...
[19:13:26] <Prompto> !licenses
[19:13:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick, nevada
[19:13:31] <Gamer30> !Licenses Rudolph (Stan)
[19:13:34] (WEB) <robin_be> Rudolph has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick, nevada
[19:13:49] <-- liar0ne disconnected from the server
[19:14:09] <-- Madkilla disconnected from the server
[19:14:48] <STETZ> i will eat bye
[19:14:50] <Dasher> cya
[19:14:53] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[19:15:10] <Dasher> !missions shamal at400 cargo skimmer
[19:15:13] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[19:15:31] <Dasher> !missions dasher shamal at400 cargo skimmer
[19:15:33] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[19:15:39] <Dasher> !missions dasher shamal at400 cargo skimmer
[19:15:41] (WEB) <robin_be> dasher: 542 shamal 439 at400 386 cargo 8 skimmer
[19:17:36] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Hi
[19:17:38] <Dasher> hi
[19:17:43] <TheGamer> oi czech
[19:17:48] <Strasburger> dobri den
[19:17:51] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Oi
[19:17:53] <TheGamer> don't ping me in server chat next time
[19:17:59] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Did ya help thomas
[19:18:01] <TheGamer> no
[19:18:04] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Sorry
[19:18:16] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Well turn his country checker off, Thomas_Blackfielld
[19:19:48] --> piirivalvur connected to the server
[19:19:56] <slampinjsh> tere :)
[19:20:03] <piirivalvur> sveiksss
[19:20:16] <Dasher> wb
[19:20:18] <piirivalvur> twi, did you stormed the capitol
[19:20:36] <piirivalvur> did you steal pelosi computer ?
[19:20:51] <slampinjsh> how's it going puis ?
[19:21:02] <piirivalvur> slampinjsh, did you looked up baltic herring war
[19:21:14] <slampinjsh> ops, i didn't : (
[19:21:32] <piirivalvur> np
[19:21:45] <slampinjsh> i will, dont worry : )
[19:21:52] <slampinjsh> jah
[19:22:13] <piirivalvur> how is jah in latvia
[19:22:18] <slampinjsh> ja or jaa
[19:22:31] <piirivalvur> oh ja in estonia is and
[19:22:31] <slampinjsh> jah = yes right ?
[19:22:51] <piirivalvur> yep jah=yes, jaa = yep, ja = and
[19:23:01] <slampinjsh> ja = un in latvian
[19:23:19] <piirivalvur> oh nice
[19:23:24] <slampinjsh> yeah : )
[19:23:29] <piirivalvur> in russia it is just i xD
[19:23:34] <slampinjsh> maja = maaja : )
[19:23:34] <piirivalvur> russians are so lazy
[19:23:39] <slampinjsh> yes they are
[19:23:49] <piirivalvur> even but is just a
[19:24:07] <slampinjsh> true
[19:24:30] <slampinjsh> latvian language is pretty mixed
[19:24:40] <piirivalvur> oh okey
[19:24:53] <slampinjsh> can you understand finnish at all ?
[19:24:55] <piirivalvur> yes
[19:24:58] <slampinjsh> wow
[19:24:58] <Strasburger> perkele
[19:25:03] <piirivalvur> perkele paska
[19:25:08] <slampinjsh> janis
[19:25:11] <piirivalvur> finnish is like retarded estonian
[19:25:21] <slampinjsh> which is drunk
[19:25:23] <Strasburger> estonian is like retarded finnish*
[19:25:26] <-- JosipCRO disconnected from the server
[19:25:26] <piirivalvur> no
[19:25:39] --> JosipCRO connected to the server
[19:25:39] <piirivalvur> estonia is older than finland
[19:25:46] <Prompto> interesting statement
[19:25:51] <slampinjsh> eesti <3
[19:25:56] <Prompto> spanish is just retarded portuguese
[19:26:02] <piirivalvur> yes
[19:26:04] <Strasburger> I love finland gosh
[19:26:19] <piirivalvur> do know party called perusoimilases?
[19:26:24] <piirivalvur> or how ever it is
[19:26:24] <slampinjsh> wish i was born in estonia not in latvia lol
[19:26:30] <Prompto> oof
[19:26:37] <Prompto> where's the love for your country
[19:26:40] <Strasburger> yes
[19:26:50] <Dasher> gone
[19:26:55] <piirivalvur> where are you from strasburger
[19:26:55] <Dasher> into dusts when I was born
[19:26:58] <slampinjsh> its fine
[19:27:13] <piirivalvur> latvia is great place, i wanna live in Belarus and become headmaster of kolkhoz
[19:27:25] <Prompto> belarus? are you insane
[19:27:25] <Strasburger> Poland
[19:27:28] <slampinjsh> and dancing to kalinka malinka :d
[19:27:41] <Prompto> kalinka moya
[19:27:41] <piirivalvur> why, prompto? belarus makes best tractors
[19:27:46] <piirivalvur> kaaaaaaaaaaalinka kaaalinka
[19:27:48] <slampinjsh> xD
[19:27:51] <Prompto> so you wanna go live in a dictatorship?
[19:28:11] <piirivalvur> yes, if i get profit from it
[19:28:16] <Prompto> wow
[19:28:26] <piirivalvur> i think everyone likes that
[19:28:26] <Dasher> well
[19:28:34] <Dasher> yugoslavia was a dictatorship
[19:28:39] <piirivalvur> TITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTO
[19:28:39] <Dasher> but everyone liked living there
[19:28:52] <piirivalvur> Tito was a great man!
[19:29:15] <Prompto> regime*
[19:29:17] <Prompto> not raid wtf
[19:29:22] <piirivalvur> raid xC
[19:29:40] <Dasher> milosevic was the worst thing to happen to yugoslavia lol
[19:30:03] <Dasher> 13km mission to black mesa o.O
[19:30:08] <Prompto> 13km is nothing
[19:30:13] <slampinjsh> +
[19:30:18] <Dasher> it's usually 20km or 30km when I get a mission there
[19:30:51] <Dasher> but yeah I kinda wished yugoslavia was a thing tbh
[19:31:04] <Prompto> *NATO glares in a distance*
[19:31:07] <Dasher> is still a thing*
[19:31:27] <Dasher> nah but macedonia wouldn't get fucked that badly
[19:31:32] <Dasher> if yugoslavia was still a thing
[19:32:20] <Prompto> *greeks look in disbelief*
[19:34:02] <Strasburger> I like potatoes
[19:34:07] <Dasher> who doesn't
[19:34:12] <Strasburger> cunts
[19:34:15] <Strasburger> simple
[19:34:15] <Winlogon.bat> no potatos
[19:34:22] <Prompto> me gusta las papas
[19:34:22] <Winlogon.bat> mash potatos otherwise
[19:34:40] <Dasher> well, thanks to potatoes
[19:34:40] <Prompto> mash potatoes are alright
[19:34:40] <slampinjsh> mac & cheese
[19:34:48] <Dasher> we have some snacks and fries
[19:34:48] <Gamer30> Broccoli.
[19:34:53] <Prompto> Sex.
[19:34:53] <Strasburger> ravioli ravioli
[19:35:26] <Winlogon.bat> WTF
[19:35:29] <Winlogon.bat> uh
[19:36:24] <Dasher> bye gtg
[19:36:27] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[19:36:35] <TheGamer> rudeeee
[19:36:55] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> yes rude
[19:37:00] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> bye now
[19:37:00] <Winlogon.bat> yes i completed a long haul in -1 houes
[19:37:08] <Strasburger> rude people are rude
[19:37:33] <Winlogon.bat> how can i complete it in -1 hour lmao
[19:37:48] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wat
[19:37:53] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> what happened?
[19:38:01] <TheGamer> i think it took him 25 hours
[19:38:26] <TheGamer> idk how else
[19:39:25] <piirivalvur> back
[19:39:33] <slampinjsh> wb
[19:39:45] <piirivalvur> just ate dinner
[19:39:58] <slampinjsh> what have you had for dinner
[19:40:08] <piirivalvur> potatos and saausagase
[19:40:18] <slampinjsh> nice
[19:40:36] <piirivalvur> yep
[19:40:41] <piirivalvur> what you had?
[19:40:46] <slampinjsh> mac and cheese
[19:40:51] <piirivalvur> oh
[19:41:02] <piirivalvur> mac is ? macdonalds?
[19:41:07] <slampinjsh> macaroni
[19:41:17] <piirivalvur> oh
[19:41:22] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> piiri!
[19:41:30] <piirivalvur> yes?
[19:41:35] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> hi
[19:41:40] <piirivalvur> hello josuetanker
[19:41:47] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> im stetz
[19:41:52] <piirivalvur> oh nice!
[19:42:05] <piirivalvur> whats up?
[19:42:20] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> i will enter
[19:42:31] <piirivalvur> okey we will wait you
[19:43:21] <piirivalvur> slampin, do you know pele(lv)?
[19:43:32] <Prompto> !rank
[19:43:34] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto(9983) rank: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) next: PL First Officer(10000) (+17)
[19:43:34] <slampinjsh> yes
[19:43:37] <Prompto> huh
[19:43:39] <Prompto> i'll finish later
[19:43:39] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[19:43:44] <piirivalvur> really?
[19:43:49] --> STETZ connected to the server
[19:44:02] <slampinjsh> it's a mouse
[19:44:02] <piirivalvur> hello!
[19:44:10] <piirivalvur> :_D
[19:44:15] <slampinjsh> ?
[19:44:17] <STETZ> hi
[19:44:20] <piirivalvur> oh nothing
[19:44:23] <slampinjsh> tell me
[19:44:33] <piirivalvur> what is time in venezueala ? 13:47?
[19:44:48] <STETZ> 2:43pm
[19:44:50] <piirivalvur> i know a person who is pele
[19:45:24] <piirivalvur> can not recall now this city name
[19:45:26] <slampinjsh> huge waterpark ?
[19:45:34] <piirivalvur> yep, near sea
[19:45:34] <STETZ> i have the dodo license and a seasparrow piiri
[19:45:36] <slampinjsh> in ventspils or jurmala ?
[19:45:41] <piirivalvur> jurmala yes
[19:45:52] <piirivalvur> oh, stetz, how much you got extra money?
[19:46:04] <STETZ> nope no extra money
[19:46:14] <piirivalvur> what you can do with licenses?
[19:46:27] <piirivalvur> okey
[19:46:45] <piirivalvur> Jurmala is very famous for Estonians
[19:46:47] <STETZ> !miions piirivalvur dodo
[19:46:53] <STETZ> !misions piirivalvur dodo
[19:46:58] <slampinjsh> really ?
[19:47:03] <piirivalvur> yeh
[19:47:08] <STETZ> !missions piirivalvur dodo
[19:47:10] (WEB) <robin_be> piirivalvur: 5 dodo
[19:47:13] <slampinjsh> great
[19:47:31] <Gamer30> !missions shamal shamal
[19:47:33] (WEB) <robin_be> shamal: 1 shamal
[19:47:59] <piirivalvur> do you eat Selga's biscuits every day?
[19:48:04] <slampinjsh> no why xD
[19:48:19] <piirivalvur> just asking
[19:48:42] <slampinjsh> kk
[19:49:00] <STETZ> !missions stetz maverick
[19:49:03] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[19:49:15] <STETZ> !missions stetz helicopter
[19:49:18] (WEB) <robin_be> stetz: 4 helicopter
[19:49:25] <piirivalvur> !missions piirivalvur helicopter
[19:49:25] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[19:49:28] (WEB) <robin_be> piirivalvur: 50 helicopter
[19:49:33] <Winlogon.bat> wb
[19:49:41] <STETZ> webe sursai
[19:49:41] <Sursai_Kosecksi> ty
[19:50:04] <piirivalvur> slampin, what happened with your minister of healtcare? why he did not order vaccines?
[19:50:39] <slampinjsh> they all are too dumb to understand it
[19:50:55] <piirivalvur> that they need vaccines or ?
[19:51:00] <slampinjsh> yes
[19:51:05] <piirivalvur> i see
[19:51:25] <Strasburger> asd
[19:51:28] <slampinjsh> we got a new healthcare minister though
[19:51:33] <piirivalvur> already?
[19:51:38] <slampinjsh> yes
[19:51:40] <slampinjsh> today
[19:51:45] <piirivalvur> oh nice
[19:51:58] <piirivalvur> no big news about that in media, only how trump supporters burned town pelosi office
[19:52:16] <slampinjsh> lol
[19:52:34] --> Prompto connected to the server
[19:52:39] <STETZ> webe
[19:52:44] <Prompto> ty
[19:52:46] <piirivalvur> and ofcourse news how bad our government is xD
[19:52:49] <Winlogon.bat> wb
[19:53:04] <slampinjsh> how bad is it
[19:53:04] <Winlogon.bat> wot
[19:53:14] <Gamer30> Biden Administration?
[19:53:19] <Prompto> <3
[19:53:19] <Strasburger> XD
[19:53:25] <Prompto> finally a decent administration
[19:53:30] <TheGamer> oi
[19:53:30] <piirivalvur> i think it is quite good but media support other parties, slampin
[19:53:35] <TheGamer> i do my own administration
[19:53:45] <piirivalvur> i am riding with biden :PPPPPPPPP
[19:53:53] <Prompto> you would suck tg
[19:53:53] <slampinjsh> well
[19:54:28] <piirivalvur> if you do not ride with Biden then you are racist and should get shot
[19:54:38] <Prompto> quite radical
[19:54:38] --> liar0ne connected to the server
[19:54:43] <slampinjsh> o.o
[19:54:48] <Prompto> a lot of people who voted for trump aren't racist
[19:54:56] <Prompto> they just like republican ideals
[19:55:04] <TheGamer> just plain stupid
[19:55:11] <piirivalvur> explaine that to media :P
[19:55:19] <Gamer30> Both are populists.
[19:55:32] <piirivalvur> our media only read Communist News Network aka CNN
[19:55:55] <slampinjsh> wow
[19:56:10] <Prompto> and when I mean ideals, I mean economic ones
[19:56:20] <piirivalvur> yes i know
[19:56:33] <Prompto> cultural republican ideals are populist and stupid
[19:56:56] <Prompto> but the vast majority of people actually just vote for the economy
[19:57:21] <piirivalvur> there will be a big rumble when squad get what they wants...
[19:57:49] <piirivalvur> agree
[19:58:20] <piirivalvur> now dollar value will go down hard ..
[19:58:27] <Prompto> anti-abortion isn't a "right-wing" policy for example..
[19:58:40] <piirivalvur> most of usa people are anti-abortion
[19:58:45] <Prompto> most? no
[19:58:50] <piirivalvur> yes they are
[19:58:55] <Prompto> but most of them have been alienated to such extent...
[19:59:08] <piirivalvur> alienated what that mean
[19:59:18] <-- Sursai_Kosecksi disconnected from the server
[19:59:23] <piirivalvur> there are even pro-life for Biden
[19:59:26] <Strasburger> !player Serbian
[19:59:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player Serbian: 45153 score, last seen 5 Months Ago
[19:59:38] <piirivalvur> and pro life democrats
[19:59:46] --> Sursai_Kosecksi connected to the server
[19:59:56] <STETZ> !lastmissions
[19:59:59] <STETZ> !lastmission
[19:59:59] (WEB) <TheGamer> Greenglass College Helipad to Newtontoppen Helipad. 10 hours 26 minutes(16157 Metres) Pay: $40585
[20:00:04] <Prompto> alienated.. is like.. idk how to explain xD
[20:00:12] <TheGamer> !lastmissions would be kinda too spammy lol
[20:00:14] <Prompto> just google the meaning
[20:00:19] <piirivalvur> okey later if i remember
[20:00:29] <Prompto> lemme copy-paste
[20:01:23] <Prompto> example: "He alienated most of his colleagues with his bad temper."
[20:02:16] <piirivalvur> okey what you mean that when u said "but most of them have been aliented to such extent"?
[20:02:31] <-- JosipCRO disconnected from the server
[20:02:37] <Prompto> have you seen their media?
[20:02:44] <piirivalvur> usa?
[20:02:47] <piirivalvur> yes everyday
[20:02:52] <Prompto> constantly attacking the opposition and making sure they spread fear amonst the population
[20:03:02] <Prompto> making the other party seem "unfriendly, hostile"
[20:03:30] <piirivalvur> oh ye, 40 per cent of republicans think democrats are son of devil and opposite
[20:03:38] <piirivalvur> you mean that?
[20:03:38] <Prompto> gtg, dinner
[20:03:40] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[20:03:50] <Gamer30> Dinner so late?
[20:03:53] <piirivalvur> yes
[20:04:28] <piirivalvur> gamer, why my mom dell laptop is in polish language?
[20:04:44] <Gamer30> Do you mean BIOS SETUP utility language?
[20:04:54] <piirivalvur> uhm idk, windows default language
[20:05:12] <-- Sursai_Kosecksi disconnected from the server
[20:05:17] <piirivalvur> windows 8 and 10 both are default in polish and can not change
[20:05:17] <Gamer30> This is the specific language version of Windows that was installed.
[20:05:24] <STETZ> !cash piirivalvur
[20:05:27] (WEB) <robin_be> piirivalvur has $6,905,594 in hand
[20:05:30] <STETZ> uff
[20:05:42] <piirivalvur> oh okey
[20:05:53] <Twi> hi strasburger
[20:06:00] <STETZ> twi!
[20:06:03] <Twi> hi
[20:06:05] <Gamer30> Find something like "Windows 10 Estonian language pack".
[20:06:10] <liar0ne> stetz is gay
[20:06:18] <Twi> !cars strasburger
[20:06:18] <STETZ> why afl the 99 percent of the day?
[20:06:21] (WEB) <robin_be> strasburger has:
[20:06:26] <piirivalvur> twi, did you steal pelosi's computer emails?
[20:06:28] <STETZ> afk
[20:06:31] <Twi> yes
[20:06:36] <piirivalvur> give them back you bastard
[20:06:43] <STETZ> why piiri?
[20:06:56] <piirivalvur> why not
[20:07:06] <Twi> no
[20:07:11] <Gamer30> Changing language post-installation is easier since Windows Vista.
[20:07:27] <piirivalvur> gamer, we did it, we installed estonian package
[20:07:45] <piirivalvur> but still when u go in then windows tell hello in poland and ask to log in
[20:07:57] <Winlogon.bat> fucking angel pine to vrock
[20:08:07] <piirivalvur> twi, fbi will arrest you
[20:08:15] <STETZ> why lmao
[20:08:30] <Twi> lmaoo
[20:08:38] <piirivalvur> why
[20:08:40] <slampinjsh> What ?
[20:08:56] <Twi> the reason says it ^
[20:08:58] <STETZ> wat
[20:09:11] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Gn guys
[20:09:14] <Gamer30> Find "J�zyk wy�wietlania systemu Windows" and change it to Eesti.
[20:09:19] <Twi> ew
[20:09:21] <-- liar0ne disconnected from the server
[20:09:24] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Last word before sleep
[20:09:31] <Twi> u love me
[20:09:34] <Twi> ik twilight
[20:09:39] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Yes
[20:09:41] <piirivalvur> ohm, gamer, when you log in then everthing is estonian
[20:09:44] <slampinjsh> Where is it written that I cannot park it at the kerb ?
[20:09:47] --> liar0ne connected to the server
[20:10:02] <piirivalvur> but some things are in polish
[20:10:04] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Stetz said he hates trucking but he has done it 4 times
[20:10:15] <Twi> fucking desync
[20:10:15] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[20:10:15] <STETZ> im been hacked!
[20:10:22] <piirivalvur> you can hate something only then when you have tried it
[20:10:35] <STETZ> gamer30 has hacked me!
[20:10:37] <slampinjsh> Answer to my question ?
[20:10:40] --> Twi connected to the server
[20:10:48] <STETZ> webe
[20:10:48] <Gamer30> This may have been hardcoded by MS then.
[20:11:31] <Twi> ngentot
[20:11:41] <slampinjsh> fucking boring here
[20:11:44] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[20:14:01] <Twi> !player jacob
[20:14:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player jacob: 5763 score, last seen 13 Hours Ago
[20:14:06] <Twi> :I
[20:14:29] <STETZ> gayz
[20:15:38] <STETZ> !lastmission
[20:15:40] (WEB) <TheGamer> Newtontoppen Helipad to San Bernardo Helipad. 14 hours 46 minutes(23626 Metres) Pay: $54904
[20:15:45] <STETZ> 54k
[20:16:16] <Twi> aw
[20:16:18] <Twi> my old pp
[20:16:49] <-- liar0ne disconnected from the server
[20:18:56] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[20:19:01] <TheGamer> wb
[20:19:09] <Strasburger> wb
[20:19:14] <Stan958> ty
[20:19:19] <STETZ> webe
[20:21:29] <STETZ> sky air again has winned......
[20:21:52] <STETZ> i will view videos bb
[20:21:57] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[20:22:35] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[20:23:46] <-- piirivalvur disconnected from the server
[20:27:07] --> Prompto connected to the server
[20:27:12] <Winlogon.bat> wb
[20:27:30] <Prompto> ty
[20:29:24] --> Akillegotutiburon connected to the server
[20:36:09] --> Wiggles connected to the server
[20:36:14] <-- Akillegotutiburon disconnected from the server
[20:38:13] <Winlogon.bat> fucking trailer
[20:38:18] <Winlogon.bat> stop having a mind of its own
[20:38:31] <Prompto> start driving correctly then
[20:38:41] <Winlogon.bat> mp
[20:38:44] <Winlogon.bat> no
[20:39:09] <Winlogon.bat> like a dog's tail
[20:39:27] <Winlogon.bat> waggling around everywhere
[20:40:46] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wat
[20:46:52] <Twi> seggs
[20:47:07] <Twi> jcobbbbbbbbb
[20:47:38] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Calm down with the trailer winny
[20:47:45] <Winlogon.bat> no
[20:47:56] <Twi> what a gay
[20:47:58] <Twi> house
[20:48:03] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Then goodluck controlling it
[20:48:03] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[20:48:08] <-- Wiggles disconnected from the server
[20:48:31] <Twi> stras burger are u still afk =)
[20:49:22] <Strasburger> nah
[20:49:25] <Strasburger> Im online
[20:49:30] <Twi> cool
[20:49:32] <Twi> hold on
[20:49:32] <Strasburger> why
[20:49:40] <Twi> wait
[20:50:00] <Prompto> no
[20:50:03] <Winlogon.bat> no
[20:50:08] <Strasburger> no
[20:50:10] <Twi> i mean not you guys
[20:50:13] <Twi> wow ok
[20:50:18] <Winlogon.bat> see?
[20:50:23] <Prompto> chain reaction
[20:50:28] <Twi> sad gay hansa got him
[20:50:38] <Strasburger> I dont even have one lmao
[20:50:49] <Twi> u do
[20:50:51] <Twi> use /vm
[20:50:54] <Twi> vip gift
[20:50:54] <Prompto> !rank
[20:50:56] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto(9999) rank: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) next: PL First Officer(10000) (+1)
[20:51:14] <Gamer30> Will promotion message pop up?
[20:51:19] <Twi> nah
[20:51:19] <Prompto> probably not
[20:51:24] <Winlogon.bat> /resetrank
[20:51:24] <Prompto> it did for smet
[20:51:24] <Winlogon.bat> relog
[20:51:32] <Winlogon.bat> and do your last mission
[20:51:47] <Twi> omg prompto
[20:51:50] <Prompto> reset rank?
[20:51:55] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[20:51:57] <Winlogon.bat> your setrank
[20:52:00] <Twi> !rank
[20:52:03] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi(4051) rank: Lieutenant Pilot Major(4000) next: Master Pilot(4500) (+449)
[20:52:13] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[20:52:38] --> Prompto connected to the server
[20:52:46] <Twi> kontol
[20:52:48] <Winlogon.bat> hello trainee
[20:52:51] <Prompto> trainee pilot lmao
[20:52:56] <Twi> w0t
[20:53:06] <Winlogon.bat> !rank
[20:53:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Winlogon.bat(55191) rank: Aviation Legend(18000)
[20:53:14] <Twi> gay
[20:53:19] <TheGamer> !rank
[20:53:19] <Strasburger> !rank
[20:53:22] (WEB) <robin_be> TheGamer(19590) rank: Aviation Legend(18000)
[20:53:22] <Winlogon.bat> gayviation legeng
[20:53:24] <Winlogon.bat> legend
[20:53:27] <Twi> 55k scores :clown:
[20:53:27] <Strasburger> !rank
[20:53:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Strasburger(2280) rank: Lieutenant(1800) next: Junior Captain(2500) (+220)
[20:53:42] <Twi> winny
[20:53:50] <Winlogon.bat> will it appear tho
[20:53:50] <Winlogon.bat> what
[20:53:52] <Twi> how many scores u had when u joined
[20:53:57] <Twi> back
[20:54:02] <Winlogon.bat> oh
[20:54:05] <Twi> ^^
[20:54:10] <Winlogon.bat> 13k
[20:54:13] <Twi> holy
[20:54:23] <Twi> 42k =_=
[20:54:25] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[20:54:33] <Twi> when did u came back eh
[20:54:35] <Twi> june?
[20:54:41] <Winlogon.bat> april
[20:54:43] <Prompto> didn't work
[20:54:46] <Winlogon.bat> F
[20:54:46] <Twi> F
[20:54:48] <Prompto> !rank
[20:54:48] <Twi> gz tho
[20:54:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto(9999) rank: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) next: PL First Officer(10000) (+1)
[20:54:58] <Prompto> ty
[20:55:01] <Twi> !rank Prompto
[20:55:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto(9999) rank: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) next: PL First Officer(10000) (+1)
[20:55:16] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[20:55:42] <Twi> best score is 69420
[20:55:47] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[20:55:54] --> Prompto connected to the server
[20:55:57] <Twi> go for it winny
[20:56:02] <Prompto> !rank
[20:56:05] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto(10000) rank: PL First Officer(10000) next: PL Captain(11000) (+1000)
[20:56:33] <Winlogon.bat> erest
[20:56:38] <Twi> well another 1k to get the msg
[20:56:53] <Prompto> I hope crystal fixes the damn rank message promotion by 18k
[20:57:03] <Twi> xd
[20:57:08] <Prompto> I wonder how it got fucked in the first place
[20:57:16] --> Naldo connected to the server
[20:57:21] <Twi> it always worked in the past
[20:57:21] <Twi> wb
[20:57:23] <Winlogon.bat> from what i've heard /setrank fucks with the message
[20:57:31] <Naldo> Thanks
[20:57:34] <Prompto> but it shouldn't...
[20:57:39] <Prompto> /setrank is badly scripted then
[20:58:02] <Twi> fuck /w
[20:58:12] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wat twi?
[20:58:35] <Gamer30> I got the 18 thousand message despite /setrank active.
[20:58:45] <Winlogon.bat> interesting
[20:59:00] <Twi> becuase they say you're a bot
[20:59:05] <Prompto> both*
[21:00:04] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wat twi?
[21:04:36] --> piirivalvur connected to the server
[21:05:04] <piirivalvur> prompto, you are from portugal?
[21:06:38] <Strasburger> ass
[21:06:40] <Prompto> ye
[21:06:43] <Twi> ass
[21:06:48] <piirivalvur> ass = donkey?
[21:06:53] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[21:06:56] <Twi> yes
[21:07:01] <Naldo> si
[21:07:01] <piirivalvur> nice
[21:07:03] <Strasburger> yes
[21:07:03] <Winlogon.bat> = twi
[21:07:08] <Twi> no
[21:07:26] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wat twi?
[21:07:47] <piirivalvur> twi, do you wear mask right now
[21:07:49] <Twi> no
[21:07:54] <piirivalvur> you are anti masker?
[21:08:04] <Twi> yes
[21:08:07] <Twi> anti vaxxer too
[21:08:14] <piirivalvur> yes, vaccines = bad
[21:08:25] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> dont speak too with twi now because he is probably fucking witrh miku
[21:08:25] <Winlogon.bat> who wears masks at home
[21:08:30] <Winlogon.bat> anyway
[21:08:35] <Twi> stetz does
[21:08:37] <piirivalvur> yes
[21:08:45] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wat
[21:08:48] <piirivalvur> who is miku?
[21:08:53] <piirivalvur> Miku is a person name here.
[21:08:58] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> is a hentai of women
[21:09:05] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> a women of a hentai*
[21:09:13] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> created by twi
[21:09:16] <piirivalvur> what is hentai
[21:09:26] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> /:
[21:09:31] <Gamer30> It's a hen sitting on Tai's head.
[21:09:33] <piirivalvur> i will google it later
[21:09:33] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> you dont know what is hentai?
[21:09:41] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> ok
[21:09:54] <piirivalvur> no, is it some anime stuff
[21:10:01] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> yes
[21:10:06] <piirivalvur> oh okey then maybe i know
[21:10:09] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> i view it
[21:10:32] <piirivalvur> is it this anime porno?
[21:10:32] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> the fuck
[21:10:34] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[21:10:37] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> yes
[21:10:37] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> just crashed
[21:10:47] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> is anime porn
[21:10:52] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> is good view it
[21:10:55] <Gamer30> Why would you watch this?
[21:11:13] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> because im a human
[21:11:13] <piirivalvur> i watch only human porn
[21:11:23] --> Twi connected to the server
[21:11:23] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> and im not a intel pentium 1
[21:11:35] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> with 728 mb of ram
[21:11:43] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> that is the reason
[21:11:43] <piirivalvur> i like these which start like this "no stop stepbro no"
[21:11:46] <Twi> looks like
[21:11:51] <Strasburger> Im not an intel pentium either
[21:11:53] <Strasburger> Im a human
[21:11:53] <Twi> you're spending too much time with gamer30
[21:11:53] <Gamer30> Are you AMD Am286 with 16KB of RAM?
[21:12:19] <piirivalvur> what the fuck are you talking about
[21:12:21] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> im a intel celeron 847 with 2gb of ram
[21:12:34] <TheGamer> i just ordered new phone, comes with 8gb of ram
[21:12:44] <piirivalvur> gamer, do you have windows 95?
[21:12:59] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> gamer have windows 88
[21:12:59] <piirivalvur> i remember it was our first computer
[21:13:12] <Gamer30> I have Windows 95 and NT 3.1.
[21:13:15] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> first brain
[21:13:25] <piirivalvur> nice, nice
[21:13:40] <piirivalvur> twi, you are from alabama?
[21:13:43] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> gamer30 is a computer connected to another computer who is connected to a server
[21:13:45] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[21:13:55] <piirivalvur> i see, i see
[21:14:08] <Strasburger> nah, he's from Bangor, Maine
[21:14:08] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> bassically a bot
[21:14:13] <piirivalvur> Maine?
[21:14:23] <Strasburger> idk, just guessing
[21:14:28] <Gamer30> STETZ, why do you say about yourself YOU are Intel Celeron 847 with 2GB RAM?
[21:14:28] <piirivalvur> Bangor is a real place?
[21:14:34] <Strasburger> yes
[21:14:41] <Strasburger> legit place
[21:14:46] <piirivalvur> xd
[21:15:04] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> because i have a laptop with a intel celeron 847 with 2gb of ram?
[21:15:14] <piirivalvur> where are you from ? katowice?
[21:15:35] <Strasburger> who
[21:15:37] <piirivalvur> you
[21:15:45] <Gamer30> Initially, you have said you are Intel Celeron 847, not that it's your laptop that has it.
[21:15:47] <Strasburger> Nah, outskirts of Pozna�
[21:15:52] <piirivalvur> where is that
[21:15:55] <Strasburger> I don't live in Poland anymore tho
[21:15:55] <Strasburger> idk google
[21:16:00] <piirivalvur> where u live then, sir
[21:16:03] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> because its recorted
[21:16:05] <Strasburger> Norway
[21:16:13] <-- Winlogon.bat disconnected from the server
[21:16:18] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> im a boy with 14 years
[21:16:20] <piirivalvur> oh okey
[21:16:23] <Strasburger> in poland on vacation now tho
[21:16:25] <Strasburger> lmao
[21:16:28] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> that explains all
[21:16:36] <piirivalvur> have u seen European Pison?
[21:16:46] <piirivalvur> or how evere it is in english
[21:16:46] <Strasburger> what
[21:16:48] <piirivalvur> these big animals
[21:16:53] <Strasburger> Bison
[21:16:53] <piirivalvur> buffalos?
[21:16:56] <Strasburger> yeah
[21:16:56] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> the bisonte
[21:17:06] <piirivalvur> yeh bison = buffalo??
[21:17:14] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> ye
[21:17:29] <Strasburger> idk probably
[21:17:34] <piirivalvur> really, in wild, you have seen bison?
[21:17:59] <piirivalvur> i heard that in Lithuania they ate farmers crops but they could not shoot themxD
[21:18:20] <Strasburger> there was one bison that kept visiting people in some village
[21:18:22] <Strasburger> 2 years ago or so
[21:18:25] <Strasburger> lmao
[21:18:27] <Strasburger> been on tv
[21:18:33] <piirivalvur> okey
[21:18:38] --> Winlogon.bat connected to the server
[21:18:40] <piirivalvur> have you seen bear or wolves?
[21:18:45] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> you have seen jophn deere tractors?
[21:18:45] <Strasburger> both
[21:18:55] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> john*
[21:18:55] <piirivalvur> john deere?
[21:19:13] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> yes
[21:19:16] <Strasburger> my friend has a john deere
[21:19:16] <piirivalvur> yeh of course
[21:19:23] <Gamer30> John Paul II
[21:19:23] <piirivalvur> here region are new holland
[21:19:28] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> i viewed ones serie 6
[21:19:31] <piirivalvur> new holland is a boss here :P
[21:19:36] <piirivalvur> and claas
[21:19:39] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> yes
[21:19:46] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> buth i prefer massey ferguson
[21:19:54] <piirivalvur> xd
[21:20:12] <piirivalvur> do you know Valtra?
[21:20:32] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> yea
[21:20:32] <piirivalvur> do you friend are farmer, strasburger?
[21:21:13] <Strasburger> yeah, my friend has a farm in Poland
[21:21:20] <piirivalvur> my neighbour has like 3 new holland tractor and combine harvester
[21:21:28] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> i viewed in real life: massey-ferguson john deere claas lexon new holland
[21:21:30] <piirivalvur> and other neigbour have 5 new holland tractor
[21:21:46] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> cat
[21:21:56] <piirivalvur> i can see 5 farm from my window
[21:21:58] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> caterpillar
[21:22:14] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> from my window i can see a chinese car
[21:22:26] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> and a dog having sex with another dog wtf
[21:22:57] <piirivalvur> good for them
[21:23:02] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> lmao
[21:23:20] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> you have videoconsole?
[21:23:27] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> i have a wii u
[21:23:58] <piirivalvur> i do not have any of these i have only dell laptop
[21:24:13] <piirivalvur> strasburger, did you saw wolves and bear in norway wild?
[21:26:18] <piirivalvur> i have seen only bear and elk in wild ..
[21:26:25] <piirivalvur> and other small animals
[21:27:37] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[21:31:33] <-- Strasburger disconnected from the server
[21:34:23] --> Strasburger connected to the server
[21:34:49] <-- piirivalvur disconnected from the server
[21:38:12] --> Eren961 connected to the server
[21:39:39] --> STETZ connected to the server
[21:39:59] <STETZ> hi?
[21:40:07] <STETZ> none connected?
[21:40:22] <STETZ> gaymer!
[21:42:34] <Gamer30> Boo!
[21:42:39] <Naldo> yikes
[21:45:30] <STETZ> go to the mt chilliad
[21:45:37] <STETZ> lets try to climb it
[21:46:54] <STETZ> a airtrain!
[21:47:34] <STETZ> hey gamer
[21:48:58] <-- Strasburger disconnected from the server
[21:56:01] --> Lockheed connected to the server
[21:56:03] <Twi> wb
[21:56:06] <STETZ> webe
[21:56:16] <Lockheed> Thanks!
[21:57:22] <STETZ> 7w
[21:58:08] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Howdy lock!
[21:58:15] <STETZ> crystal! hi
[21:58:15] <Lockheed> hey crystal
[21:58:23] <Lockheed> fine, how about you? :)
[21:58:56] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Just chillin out behind work before I have to slave away lmao
[21:59:04] <Lockheed> haha
[21:59:19] <Lockheed> everyone still talking much about what happened in dc yesterday?
[21:59:26] <Lockheed> on my website i'm seeing a massive drop in us visitors
[21:59:44] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Oh yeah it�s all I see anywhere I go
[21:59:54] <Lockheed> instead of working :p
[22:01:08] <STETZ> i will relog
[22:01:13] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[22:02:58] --> STETZ connected to the server
[22:03:48] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[22:06:57] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[22:07:17] <STETZ> webe
[22:07:25] <STETZ> gamer you are from poland?
[22:07:30] <Gamer30> Yes.
[22:09:42] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[22:09:52] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[22:10:18] --> STETZ connected to the server
[22:10:20] <-- Eren961 disconnected from the server
[22:10:23] <-- Lockheed disconnected from the server
[22:11:09] --> Eren961 connected to the server
[22:13:49] --> itown connected to the server
[22:13:51] <-- Eren961 disconnected from the server
[22:17:48] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[22:20:36] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Ah sheisse, hir van wieder
[22:20:48] <Gamer30> Ah schei�e, hier gehen wir wieder.
[22:20:56] <STETZ> wat
[22:21:04] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Oh ok, hier gehen wir wieder
[22:21:32] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Polish: Stonks :-D
[22:22:02] <-- itown disconnected from the server
[22:22:48] --> itown connected to the server
[22:23:18] (WEB) <dipa#0472> !player CzechBoy777
[22:23:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player CzechBoy777: 2755 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[22:25:31] <-- itown disconnected from the server
[22:30:08] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[22:31:32] <-- STETZ disconnected from the server
[22:32:15] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[22:33:44] --> Naldo connected to the server
[22:40:11] --> itown connected to the server
[22:44:18] <-- itown disconnected from the server
[22:45:54] --> itown connected to the server
[22:53:45] --> Telefunken connected to the server
[22:53:45] <-- Telefunken disconnected from the server
[22:54:43] --> Telefunken connected to the server
[22:54:43] <-- Telefunken disconnected from the server
[22:55:49] --> Telefunken1 connected to the server
[22:57:11] <-- itown disconnected from the server
[23:06:40] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[23:06:48] <-- Telefunken1 disconnected from the server
[23:09:23] --> Naldo connected to the server
[23:10:55] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[23:11:30] --> Naldo connected to the server
[23:14:46] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[23:15:27] --> Naldo connected to the server
[23:37:24] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[23:37:45] <Santa_Claus> hi I came to house camp kozigo's house with twi
[23:37:50] (WEB) <JosueTanker#2497> wbe santa
[23:37:55] <Santa_Claus> thanks
[23:38:43] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> the timer was reset yesterday
[23:39:03] <Santa_Claus> damn f
[23:39:14] <Santa_Claus> any houses you recommend me to house camp twi
[23:45:22] --> Danielson connected to the server
[23:46:41] <Santa_Claus> goblok
[23:49:06] --> Lavija connected to the server
[23:49:26] <Santa_Claus> wow look at this
[23:49:34] <Santa_Claus> it's lavija
[23:49:39] <Lavija> hi
[23:49:39] <Santa_Claus> someone make a wish
[23:49:54] <Santa_Claus> omg he's working
[23:49:59] <Santa_Claus> are you sure is this the real lavija
[23:50:05] <Lavija> no