[00:07:08] --> Prompto connected to the server
[00:07:38] <Ouro> hoolo
[00:07:43] <Ouro> heelo
[00:07:48] <Ouro> hello
[00:08:01] <Ouro> there we go got right
[00:08:47] <Prompto> hello
[00:09:05] <Ouro> are you portuguese too?
[00:09:53] <Santa_Claus> eaea galera
[00:10:11] <Ouro> i had no idea you were on sant
[00:11:09] <Prompto> sant?
[00:11:17] <Ouro> santa or santi
[00:11:22] <Santa_Claus> both
[00:11:22] <Ouro> sant
[00:11:27] <Prompto> oh wait, I was just distracted and didn't see santi chat
[00:11:32] <Prompto> yes i'm portuguese
[00:11:40] <Santa_Claus> vsf
[00:11:47] <Ouro> caralho foda-se
[00:11:52] <Prompto> foda-se caralho
[00:12:00] <Ouro> chouri�o
[00:12:10] <Prompto> francesinha
[00:12:18] <Ouro> sagres
[00:12:38] <Prompto> super bock
[00:12:46] <Santa_Claus> banga um
[00:12:48] <Ouro> yes super bock has the best taste
[00:13:01] <Santa_Claus> vai b mano
[00:13:01] <Prompto> ofc it has the best taste, anything from the north is the best
[00:13:19] <Santa_Claus> voce e muito bom manito, onde joga vc
[00:13:31] <Ouro> quem
[00:13:37] <Prompto> olha s� este impostor brasileiro
[00:13:42] <Ouro> tsktsk
[00:13:57] <Ouro> ele � boa gente
[00:13:59] <Ouro> paz d'alma
[00:14:07] <Prompto> �s de onde?
[00:14:12] <Ouro> sim
[00:14:25] <Prompto> sim, que grande regi�o sim senhor
[00:14:32] <Ouro> a melhor
[00:15:06] <Santa_Claus> bora mano bora
[00:15:13] <Santa_Claus> vai ganar
[00:15:16] <Ouro> puxa caralho
[00:15:18] <Prompto> ganhar
[00:16:57] <Ouro> mod que torna impossivel perder o trailer � contra as regras?
[00:17:08] <Santa_Claus> sim mano
[00:17:13] <Ouro> pois claro :\
[00:17:20] <Prompto> �bvio
[00:17:36] <Prompto> foda-se, �s algum semi-deus?
[00:17:48] <Santa_Claus> eu vou falar com o time pra que esse mod sea tudo bom tudo legal
[00:17:56] <Ouro> obg
[00:18:04] <Ouro> o trailer buga todo
[00:18:06] <Ouro> as vezes
[00:18:14] <Ouro> e sai disparado
[00:18:19] <Prompto> j� conseguiste voar pela colina abaixo por causa do trailer?
[00:18:24] <Ouro> ya
[00:18:26] <Santa_Claus> pq quem nao gosta de usar ese mod
[00:18:34] <Ouro> eu n to a usar o mod
[00:18:37] <Prompto> o atrelado de terra � o pior pqp
[00:18:37] <Ouro> nem sei se o mod exit
[00:18:39] <Ouro> existe
[00:18:47] <Ouro> so perguntei pra saber se � legal ou n
[00:19:05] <Ouro> o do petroleo � pior
[00:19:28] <Ouro> das-lhe um toque e vais pelos ares
[00:19:33] <Prompto> o do petr�leo s� tenho problemas com ele colar-se �s paredes pqp
[00:19:48] <Ouro> isso acontece com todos
[00:20:01] <Ouro> da mega cancro
[00:20:21] <Ouro> haha
[00:21:24] <Ouro> to a usar um caralho de mods que arrumam os bugs do samp e gta em geralt
[00:21:40] <Ouro> acho que o trailer ficar colado a parede � um dos fixes
[00:21:58] <Ouro> tentei fazer ele colar a parede mas n�o colou
[00:21:58] <Prompto> os bugs do samp corrigem com scripts.. n�o sei at� que ponto esse mod � bom
[00:22:25] <Ouro> nem sei o que ele faz
[00:22:36] <Ouro> tenho 2 mods de bug fix
[00:22:41] <Ouro> pra gta no geral e pra samp
[00:22:59] <Ouro> nem sei exatamente o que eles fazem mas ta tudo tranquilo por enquanto
[00:23:14] <Prompto> top
[00:23:27] <Prompto> nunca tive raz�es de queixa
[00:23:44] <Ouro> porra
[00:23:55] <Ouro> fui pelo tunel aqui perto da prai de ls
[00:24:00] <Ouro> e fiquei preso
[00:24:00] <Prompto> nabo
[00:24:10] <Ouro> esqueci-me porque ninguem passa aqui com trailer
[00:24:15] <Prompto> esse t�nel precisa de ser mapeado
[00:24:17] <Ouro> e n�o dei a volta tsktsk
[00:24:20] <Prompto> para aumentar o teto
[00:24:20] <Ouro> sim
[00:24:28] <Ouro> so remover umas cenas do teto
[00:24:38] <Ouro> � t�o facil tamb�m
[00:24:50] <Ouro> tenho que fazer uma sugest�o no forum quanto a isto
[00:24:53] <Prompto> yeah
[00:29:56] <Ouro> s
[00:31:27] <Prompto> s
[00:34:25] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[00:48:49] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[01:08:47] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[01:13:42] --> Smith. connected to the server
[01:13:57] <Smith.> Hay
[01:14:38] <Devi0707> surprised this server is still alive
[01:16:07] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[01:17:51] --> BichoO connected to the server
[01:25:18] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[01:26:53] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[01:27:48] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[01:34:28] --> Ouro connected to the server
[01:34:30] <Smith.> wb
[01:34:40] <Ouro> what the fuck is up my mans
[01:36:58] <Smith.> lol
[01:37:28] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[01:38:11] <Ouro> welcome the fuck back
[01:38:17] <Danielson> lol
[01:38:22] <Danielson> yhank tou
[01:38:57] <Ouro> what the shit
[01:39:07] <Ouro> hard rock hotel has a house
[01:39:12] <Ouro> i remember them always being bought smh
[01:40:01] <-- Smith. disconnected from the server
[01:40:01] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[01:40:11] --> Smith. connected to the server
[01:40:19] <Ouro> WELCOME TO PL
[01:40:19] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[01:40:26] <Ouro> DO /A TO CHAT IN AIRLINE CHAT
[01:41:48] <Ouro> SO UH
[01:41:53] <Ouro> who wants to do epic fucking convoy
[01:42:03] <Santa_Claus> me
[01:42:08] <Ouro> lets go just a minute
[01:42:13] <Ouro> DELIVERING FAT LOAD
[01:42:18] <Ouro> wtf man
[01:42:18] <Santa_Claus> woops
[01:42:21] <Santa_Claus> damn
[01:42:23] <Santa_Claus> you were actually close
[01:42:26] <Ouro> reborted
[01:42:26] <Santa_Claus> where are you going
[01:42:33] <Ouro> L CASTILLO
[01:42:51] <Ouro> fuck this shit
[01:42:56] <Ouro> COME C BASE
[01:48:34] --> Nicolas_Fernandez connected to the server
[01:49:20] <Ouro> hello
[01:52:13] <Ouro> bora caralhoooo
[01:52:18] <Santa_Claus> bora bora bora manito
[01:52:21] <Ouro> where are you
[01:52:26] <Santa_Claus> in sf
[01:52:28] <Ouro> WTF
[01:52:31] <Ouro> I WAS WAITING FOR YOU
[01:52:36] <Ouro> LMAOOO
[01:52:41] <BichoO> caralho?
[01:52:46] <Santa_Claus> i thought you were following
[01:52:56] <Ouro> dude i was seeing your name stopped behind me
[01:52:56] <Santa_Claus> eae galera
[01:52:59] <Ouro> so i stopped and waited
[01:53:11] <Ouro> then suddenly you disapperaed
[01:53:14] <Ouro> lmaoo
[01:53:22] <Santa_Claus> come im waiting for you
[01:53:32] <Ouro> hackermans
[01:53:55] <Ouro> where is you going
[01:54:05] <Ouro> here faster vroom vroom power and speed
[01:54:43] <Ouro> FUCKING LAMP POSTS
[01:54:51] <Santa_Claus> lmao
[01:54:58] <Ouro> are mods that remove them allowed
[01:55:13] <Santa_Claus> ikd
[01:55:13] <Devi0707> pretty sure that's server side
[01:55:13] <Santa_Claus> idk
[01:55:16] <Santa_Claus> yeah
[01:55:24] <Ouro> not the ones from mainland tho?
[01:55:26] <Santa_Claus> i think so
[01:55:52] <BichoO> what is ouro?
[01:56:15] <Ouro> goild
[01:56:17] <Ouro> goldl
[01:56:40] <BichoO> spanish?
[01:56:48] <Ouro> si si la chancla
[01:57:00] <Devi0707> well it's gold in most post-latin languages
[01:57:03] <BichoO> achei que era de Ouro Preto...
[01:57:51] <Devi0707> 27km flight jesus
[01:58:04] <Ouro> PREGA FUNDO
[01:58:06] <BichoO> thats a nice trip
[01:58:11] <BichoO> kkkkk
[01:58:17] <BichoO> prega fundo
[01:58:27] <Santa_Claus> caralho mano tenho muitos b
[01:58:32] <Ouro> b?
[01:58:37] <-- Smith. disconnected from the server
[01:58:45] <Santa_Claus> sim mano eles tam ruxando b
[01:58:47] --> Smith. connected to the server
[01:58:55] <Ouro> ah kkk
[01:58:57] <Smith.> i fck this game
[01:59:05] <Smith.> how can i end this game crashed
[01:59:07] <BichoO> wtf you are falando santa? lol
[01:59:28] <Santa_Claus> my portuguese is based on cs go communications
[01:59:33] <Ouro> ele ta speakando que nos estamos a rushar b
[01:59:43] <Ouro> rush b � do csgo
[01:59:46] <Santa_Claus> idk you can get an anti crasher thing but idk how it works
[01:59:53] <Santa_Claus> i suck at mods
[01:59:58] <Ouro> install silent patch
[02:00:01] <Ouro> �samp fi
[02:00:01] <Ouro> fix
[02:00:14] <BichoO> did you guys see the video "how people from different countries rush B"?
[02:00:24] <Santa_Claus> nope
[02:00:42] <BichoO> search for it in YT... its hillaryous
[02:00:57] <BichoO> hillarious... is that correct?
[02:00:57] <Santa_Claus> bora manito bora
[02:00:57] <Ouro> RUSH B CYKA CARALHO
[02:01:04] <Santa_Claus> yes hillarious
[02:01:20] <Santa_Claus> hilarious*
[02:01:30] <Ouro> hil�rio
[02:01:37] <Devi0707> hillary clinton
[02:01:40] <BichoO> where you from Ouro?
[02:01:50] <Ouro> spain adjacent
[02:02:03] <BichoO> lol
[02:02:08] <Ouro> CHEGUEI S�OTIAGO
[02:02:26] <Nicolas_Fernandez> el bichoooo, siuuuuuuuuuuuu
[02:02:31] <BichoO> money... que � good n�s n�o have
[02:02:31] <Santa_Claus> ele bora no portugal
[02:02:41] <BichoO> heeeeeyyy Nicolaaasss
[02:02:41] <Santa_Claus> mora*
[02:02:44] <Santa_Claus> lmao
[02:03:01] <Nicolas_Fernandez> nice name hahaha
[02:03:22] <BichoO> ele bora com a baria
[02:04:43] <Santa_Claus> bora ouro bora
[02:04:48] <Santa_Claus> vc e muito bom mano
[02:04:53] <Santa_Claus> onde joga vc?
[02:05:04] <Ouro> jogo no pc :)
[02:05:16] <Smith.> !cash Ouro
[02:05:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $1,055,179 in hand
[02:05:57] <Ouro> nem �
[02:06:02] <Santa_Claus> !missions trucking
[02:06:05] (WEB) <robin_be> Santa_Claus: 2524 trucking
[02:06:08] <Santa_Claus> vc e muito bom santiago
[02:06:13] <Santa_Claus> onde joga vc
[02:08:07] <Ouro> por aqui e melhor lenda mitologica
[02:08:32] <Santa_Claus> nao mano
[02:08:40] <Santa_Claus> vc confia mano
[02:08:48] <Ouro> caralho h
[02:09:00] <Santa_Claus> gotta go
[02:09:00] <Santa_Claus> brb later
[02:09:03] <Ouro> fiquei preso no portao kkkk
[02:09:03] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[02:09:06] <Ouro> good b
[02:10:22] <-- Nicolas_Fernandez disconnected from the server
[02:10:55] <Smith.> any way to get off that crashes
[02:11:23] <Ouro> not having ghetto cracked gta might help
[02:11:33] <Smith.> nah i legally bought it on steam
[02:11:33] <Ouro> (in da hood)
[02:11:46] <Ouro> then you need to use the version 1.0 crack
[02:11:51] <Ouro> because steam version is DOG SHIT
[02:12:29] <Smith.> ikr
[02:12:47] <Ouro> you can find downgrades on the internet
[02:12:52] <Ouro> use hoodlum i vouch for that one
[02:12:57] --> Nicolas_Fernandez connected to the server
[02:13:02] <Devi0707> yeah i'm using hoodlum rn
[02:13:07] <Devi0707> ALLEGEDLY
[02:13:15] <Ouro> yeah allegedly
[02:13:20] <Ouro> we law abiding pilots
[02:15:24] --> Sadx connected to the server
[02:15:40] <BichoO> gz
[02:16:13] <Devi0707> nice
[02:16:51] <Ouro> huh let me check
[02:16:53] <Ouro> !aboard
[02:17:01] <Ouro> no idea
[02:17:49] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> okg
[02:17:57] <Devi0707> the fuck does lost cargo give anyway
[02:18:02] <Smith.> Ouro ask Lavija he knows im verified VIP Seller
[02:18:05] <Ouro> some cash
[02:18:10] <Ouro> lavija that true?
[02:18:40] <Ouro> him left
[02:18:43] <Smith.> damn
[02:18:53] <Devi0707> are there any render distance mods that dont conflict with smap
[02:18:55] <Ouro> well time to grind i guess
[02:19:03] <Ouro> yeah devi
[02:19:13] <Ouro> mixsets has a bunch of settings render distance being one of them
[02:19:26] <Devi0707> i'll keep that in mind
[02:19:36] <Ouro> samp addon also has one
[02:19:46] <Ouro> i can see so far away i'm like a hawk
[02:19:54] <Devi0707> okay ill check that out
[02:19:59] <Ouro> samp addon is basically a bunch of fixes and performance improvements to samp
[02:20:27] <Devi0707> the server props don't spawn for a while
[02:20:37] <Ouro> oh
[02:20:40] <Ouro> that's server sided
[02:20:50] <Ouro> and requires lower ping or something
[02:20:50] <Devi0707> ah so it's ping
[02:21:08] <Ouro> yes
[02:23:28] <-- BichoO disconnected from the server
[02:24:51] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> ouro hes verified
[02:25:09] <Ouro> kk thanks lavija
[02:25:17] <-- Nicolas_Fernandez disconnected from the server
[02:33:18] <Ouro> gz
[02:33:25] <Devi0707> thanks
[02:36:01] <Ouro> nice try ATC i ain't doing heli mission
[02:39:47] <Ouro> POG
[02:43:36] <Smith.> wtf house value 11m player selling it for 100m
[02:43:43] <Ouro> stonks
[02:43:48] <Sadx> where?
[02:43:51] <Smith.> LS
[02:43:59] <Sadx> oh richman
[02:44:11] <Ouro> is the house even good at least
[02:44:19] <Smith.> well not really
[02:44:44] <Smith.> leavin now soo see ya guys tomorrow
[02:44:55] <Ouro> good b
[02:45:00] <-- Smith. disconnected from the server
[02:47:07] --> dipa connected to the server
[02:47:14] <Ouro> back welcome
[02:47:27] <Sadx> Welcome Back
[02:48:56] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> lemme guess its twi�s house
[02:49:19] <Ouro> do you want some one to check
[02:49:29] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> !houses twi
[02:49:32] (WEB) <robin_be> Avispa Country Club: $12,000,000 15 slots Prickle Pine: $15,000,000 15 slots Queens: $17,000,000 15 slots
[02:49:32] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> nah idc
[02:53:31] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Lavija it�s x Rays house
[02:53:46] <Ouro> who that
[02:53:59] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Idk idc
[02:54:14] <Ouro> pog
[02:57:04] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> ouro ily
[02:57:25] <Ouro> the la chancla misses you
[02:57:53] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> noooooooo
[02:58:03] <Ouro> come here so the la chancla can give you a kiss
[02:58:31] <dipa> the la oreo will give you kiss :v
[02:58:41] <dipa> Xixixi
[02:58:41] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[02:58:44] <Ouro> no that would be big gay
[02:58:44] --> Danielson connected to the server
[02:58:46] <Danielson> come here
[02:58:56] <Ouro> oh you don't have to ask twice
[02:59:07] <Ouro> let me go grab the la chancla
[02:59:09] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> eae
[02:59:09] <Ouro> stay right there mister
[02:59:14] <Ouro> frick
[02:59:14] <Danielson> right
[02:59:27] <Ouro> missed gay
[02:59:40] <Danielson> lucky
[03:00:00] <Danielson> ok abort
[03:00:05] <Ouro> get ready for the la chancla
[03:00:10] <Ouro> better run
[03:00:23] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[03:00:25] <Sadx> Welcome Back
[03:00:28] <Danielson> wb
[03:00:33] <Ouro> you fricked the engine
[03:00:43] <Ouro> the la chancla is running at half power
[03:01:14] <Danielson> missed
[03:01:21] <Danielson> oh u dead
[03:01:26] <Ouro> VGODMODE
[03:01:29] <Danielson> lmao
[03:01:39] <Ouro> ok
[03:01:42] <Ouro> the la chancla can't hit you
[03:01:44] <Ouro> but
[03:01:49] <Ouro> i still got the lil chanclitas
[03:02:07] <dipa> la carnitas :c
[03:02:10] <dipa> :v*
[03:02:20] <Danielson> F
[03:02:25] <Ouro> frick
[03:02:25] <Danielson> missed again
[03:02:32] <Ouro> wdym missed
[03:02:35] <Ouro> i clearly hit
[03:02:38] <Danielson> nah
[03:02:40] <Danielson> i paused
[03:02:48] <Ouro> YO
[03:02:50] <Ouro> THAT'S
[03:02:55] <Ouro> CHEATING
[03:03:44] <Ouro> pls help
[03:03:49] <Ouro> how to pilot
[03:03:54] <Danielson> F
[03:03:56] <Wak_Jemah> hi
[03:04:07] <Danielson> hi
[03:04:19] <Danielson> HAHAHAHAHA
[03:04:19] <Ouro> LMAO
[03:04:29] --> Yerimise connected to the server
[03:05:18] <Danielson> here he is
[03:05:33] <Danielson> HAHAHA
[03:05:38] <Ouro> lost all power
[03:05:41] <Ouro> on the engine
[03:05:43] <Ouro> wtf
[03:05:48] <Ouro> is this androm doing here
[03:05:51] <Danielson> impostor
[03:05:56] <Ouro> oh shit
[03:05:56] <Wak_Jemah> lol let me fleet
[03:06:06] <Danielson> plane shaming
[03:06:14] <Danielson> switch car
[03:06:31] <Ouro> frick
[03:07:07] <Ouro> frick
[03:07:15] <Ouro> get yo ass abck inside
[03:07:32] <Ouro> wtf
[03:07:38] <Ouro> how did that plane explode
[03:07:43] <Wak_Jemah> I have no idea
[03:07:48] <Ouro> bruh
[03:07:50] <Ouro> this base is rigged
[03:07:53] <Ouro> i swear
[03:08:08] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[03:08:11] <Ouro> HO HO
[03:08:13] <Ouro> WHAT DID I FIND
[03:08:16] <Danielson> bombs have been planted on all planes
[03:08:28] <Danielson> nice
[03:08:59] <Danielson> !assets
[03:09:02] (WEB) <robin_be> Danielson has 6 car(s) ($6,500,000) and 2 house(s) ($7,500,000 - 7 slots) for a total of $14,000,000
[03:09:02] <Ouro> frick how do i control tank aim on controlled
[03:09:17] <dipa> You can aim tank with camera move
[03:09:19] <Danielson> u just aim it
[03:09:27] <Ouro> i can't the camera is stuck
[03:09:37] <Danielson> F
[03:09:42] <dipa> F
[03:09:47] <Ouro> ight suicide bombing worked
[03:10:18] <Ouro> your dude looks extremely native american
[03:10:31] <Danielson> yeah
[03:10:33] <Danielson> with long hair
[03:10:41] <Ouro> check out the bulge on my guy
[03:10:48] <Ouro> packing a massive hulking donger
[03:10:51] <Danielson> retired cop
[03:10:53] <Danielson> corrupt cop
[03:11:09] <Ouro> wdym corrupt i only shoot on sight if you're b
[03:11:09] <Ouro> wait a minute
[03:11:16] <Ouro> i said nussing
[03:13:41] <Ouro> how'd you get up here
[03:14:09] <Danielson> climb that stairs
[03:14:19] <Ouro> i tired but got stuck on something
[03:14:45] <Ouro> aki is haunting these stairs
[03:14:55] <Danielson> yeah he put ghosts
[03:15:18] <Ouro> i was able to pass this time
[03:15:23] <Ouro> i think we spooked him
[03:15:36] <Ouro> nice office man fancy as fuck
[03:16:09] --> Nicolas_Fernandez connected to the server
[03:16:14] <Ouro> i'm going bonkers
[03:17:07] <Danielson> bonk
[03:17:17] <Ouro> i must /w now
[03:17:22] <Ouro> found a guy selling bip 4
[03:17:27] <Danielson> nice
[03:21:57] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[03:23:54] <-- Nicolas_Fernandez disconnected from the server
[03:26:22] --> Ouro connected to the server
[03:26:24] <Danielson> bw
[03:26:39] <Ouro> 10q UwU :3 <333333333333333333333333333333333
[03:26:52] <Ouro> had to kms after that
[03:27:23] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[03:27:28] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[03:28:49] --> Ouro connected to the server
[03:30:44] --> Lenz connected to the server
[03:30:46] <Danielson> wb
[03:30:49] <Ouro> wb
[03:30:49] <Sadx> Welcome Back
[03:30:56] <Lenz> thanks
[03:31:01] <Ouro> wow 3 wb's what a popular fellow
[03:31:09] <Danielson> PL celeb
[03:31:52] <Ouro> can i heterosexual hand shake you lenz ?
[03:31:57] <Lenz> no
[03:32:02] <Ouro> frick you too
[03:32:18] <Danielson> F
[03:32:33] <Ouro> why the fuck not tho
[03:32:46] <Lenz> I only do hugs
[03:33:01] <Ouro> oh shiet my fellow that's all you had to say
[03:33:11] <Ouro> i give the most heterosexual hugs
[03:33:14] <Lenz> no
[03:33:24] <Ouro> k now i'm confused
[03:34:45] <Yerimise> DOGFIGHT
[03:35:08] <Ouro> COCKFIGHT
[03:35:13] <Danielson> relog
[03:35:16] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[03:35:39] --> Danielson connected to the server
[03:35:46] <Ouro> welcome to pl
[03:35:51] <Danielson> welcome
[03:35:54] <Danielson> my chancla
[03:36:14] <Danielson> ok 10
[03:37:07] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[03:37:10] <Danielson> wb
[03:37:13] <Brooklyn> ty
[03:37:30] <Ouro> EPIC WELCOME BACK
[03:37:41] <Brooklyn> ty
[03:37:41] <-- Yerimise disconnected from the server
[03:40:23] <Brooklyn> !lastmission
[03:43:47] <Danielson> hmm nice target
[03:44:00] <Ouro> hwrhere
[03:44:12] <Danielson> /loc 6
[03:44:27] <Ouro> bro that me
[03:44:33] <Danielson> of course
[03:45:03] <Ouro> i dare you to come
[03:45:11] <Danielson> no u
[03:45:18] <Ouro> i defy you to come
[03:45:39] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[03:45:49] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[03:45:59] <Danielson> just wait
[03:46:09] <Ouro> nah i ain't gonna
[03:46:14] <Danielson> your time will come
[03:46:14] <Ouro> catch me if ya can :3 uwu
[03:46:40] <Ouro> i am so far away i can barely see your mom fat butt from here :3
[03:46:45] <Danielson> oooooooooooo
[03:46:50] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[03:46:52] <Ouro> you've been got
[03:47:41] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[03:47:53] <Ouro> i'm actually pretty fucking far like got dayum where the frick am i
[03:48:06] <Danielson> not that far
[03:48:14] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[03:49:55] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[03:50:41] <Ouro> I DIED POG
[03:51:22] <Wak_Jemah> is the airship thing running now?
[03:51:25] <Ouro> nah
[03:51:30] <Wak_Jemah> okay
[03:52:31] --> N2790L connected to the server
[03:52:46] <Ouro> WELCOME BACC
[03:52:48] <-- N2790L disconnected from the server
[03:53:14] <Ouro> he couldn't handle the epic energy i emenate
[03:54:33] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[03:54:53] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[03:55:44] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[03:55:54] <Ouro> wilcome biock
[03:56:25] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[03:58:50] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[03:59:10] <Ouro> weba comeck
[04:00:11] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[04:02:13] <Ouro> who here has the balls os steal necessary to do cargo drop formation
[04:02:33] <Ouro> rly
[04:02:36] <Ouro> nobody
[04:02:46] <Lenz> !missions cargodrop
[04:02:49] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 5000 cargodrop
[04:02:54] <Ouro> pog
[04:02:54] <Ouro> lets go lenz
[04:02:59] <Ouro> you legend of the game
[04:03:01] <Lenz> not gonna break that
[04:03:12] <Ouro> you can always go for 10k
[04:03:12] <Ouro> or 6666
[04:03:22] <Lenz> /stats me
[04:03:37] <Lenz> defiently not getting 6666
[04:03:47] <Ouro> i see
[04:04:08] <Ouro> anybody else?
[04:04:15] <Lenz> I only do shamal and trucking
[04:04:23] <Ouro> you don't even need have massive balls of steal like me you just gotta follow me
[04:04:23] <Sadx> sorry, im /w ing for 500 dodo mission
[04:04:28] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[04:04:33] <Ouro> like a baby duck following the duck momma i keep you alive
[04:05:03] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[04:05:11] <Ouro> i quite literally know every single cargo drop location like the back of my dick
[04:05:16] <Sadx> yea but kinda wasting time just following without /w
[04:05:19] <Ouro> lets go formation warmpees
[04:05:26] <WarmBees> crago drop?
[04:05:26] <Ouro> nah you follow me while /w
[04:05:31] <Ouro> i just lead you the right path
[04:05:34] <Ouro> so you don't die
[04:05:36] <WarmBees> ?
[04:05:44] <Ouro> yes warmpees
[04:05:49] <WarmBees> alrigthy
[04:05:59] <Ouro> lezz go finally a fucking legend
[04:06:02] <Ouro> let me die real quick
[04:06:25] <Ouro> meet sfc or a69?
[04:06:45] <WarmBees> near lufthansa
[04:06:45] <Lenz> lufthansa cargo /cfleet pls
[04:07:13] <Lenz> all dead :/
[04:07:13] <Ouro> where the frick is near lufthansa
[04:07:26] <Lenz> near SFC
[04:07:31] <WarmBees> ^
[04:07:36] <Ouro> yeah but like where
[04:07:36] <WarmBees> i forgot the name :|
[04:07:39] <Ouro> just say meet at sfc
[04:07:51] <WarmBees> beacon
[04:07:56] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[04:08:04] <Sadx> and say "missed" if you missed the point
[04:08:24] <WarmBees> d for done f for missed
[04:08:37] <Sadx> lol xD
[04:08:37] <WarmBees> g for go
[04:08:42] <Ouro> nah
[04:08:45] <Ouro> we don't wait
[04:08:47] <Wak_Jemah> test
[04:08:47] <Ouro> we go zoomin
[04:08:50] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> Wiu wiu
[04:09:08] <Sadx> semalem siapa yg menang?
[04:09:13] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> !assets joyadijoestar.
[04:09:15] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> Yanix
[04:09:15] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar. has 47 car(s) ($60,190,000) and 4 house(s) ($68,800,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $128,990,000
[04:09:20] <Sadx> lah kirain lu wkwk
[04:09:25] <Sadx> !assets
[04:09:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Sadx has 66 car(s) ($53,200,000) and 4 house(s) ($68,000,000 - 65 slots) for a total of $121,200,000
[04:09:28] <Sadx> hett di salip
[04:09:28] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> Gak ada
[04:09:41] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> !cars joyadijoestar.
[04:09:43] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar. has: Trashmaster Voodoo Ambulance Enforcer Securicar Predator Bus Rhino Rhino Rhino Rhino Bar(..)
[04:09:43] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> Koleksi
[04:09:59] <Sadx> hoo tanknya jadi 3
[04:10:04] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> 4
[04:10:16] <Sadx> di park di sawah?
[04:10:22] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> Yoi
[04:10:32] <WarmBees> kemah rumah
[04:10:42] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> a
[04:10:44] <Sadx> !twi
[04:10:47] <WarmBees> that's so weird
[04:10:49] <WarmBees> ouro
[04:10:52] <Ouro> what
[04:11:02] <WarmBees> why do you land like that
[04:11:12] <Ouro> i have massive brain damage
[04:11:56] <Santa_Claus> smh why isn't lavija on
[04:12:08] <Danielson> isnt it midnite there
[04:12:16] <Lenz> hi Santa :D
[04:12:21] <Santa_Claus> hi
[04:12:26] <Santa_Claus> I guess you want your free car
[04:12:29] <Santa_Claus> right
[04:12:31] <Lenz> duh
[04:12:39] <Brooklyn> so Santa expressed his rage opn Jacob because Lavija isn't on
[04:12:46] <Santa_Claus> yes
[04:12:52] <Danielson> santa work
[04:13:25] <Brooklyn> I dont want lenzx
[04:13:37] <Santa_Claus> yeah i don't want lenz as well
[04:13:42] <Lenz> :c
[04:13:50] <Brooklyn> so you're trying to get rid of him?
[04:13:58] <Santa_Claus> nope
[04:17:01] <Santa_Claus> !cboard
[04:17:11] <Brooklyn> bot ded
[04:17:21] <Santa_Claus> yeah
[04:17:31] <Santa_Claus> no wonder who was spamming it and got tg mad
[04:17:49] <WarmBees> who spammed?
[04:17:54] <Santa_Claus> I have no idea lmao
[04:17:59] <WarmBees> hmm
[04:18:07] <Ouro> he was working on it and people kept doing commands
[04:18:09] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[04:18:47] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[04:19:08] <WarmBees> lmao
[04:19:13] <WarmBees> he died
[04:20:16] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[04:20:57] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[04:24:26] <WarmBees> look at that at400s
[04:29:48] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> I see nothing.
[04:30:01] --> Ouro connected to the server
[04:30:11] <WarmBees> ouro wanna do it?
[04:30:19] <Ouro> what
[04:30:27] <WarmBees> formation
[04:30:32] <Ouro> ah yes
[04:30:32] <Ouro> meet sfc
[04:30:39] <WarmBees> yes
[04:30:55] <Ouro> calm
[04:30:57] <Ouro> i gotta do something
[04:31:43] <Ouro> back
[04:31:50] <WarmBees> go at sfc
[04:32:01] <WarmBees> gotta do this one first
[04:32:31] <Brooklyn> !cash danielson
[04:32:34] (WEB) <robin_be> danielson has $2,033,302 in hand
[04:32:36] <Brooklyn> rich
[04:32:36] <Ouro> mega pog
[04:32:41] <Danielson> leech
[04:34:31] <Ouro> hard or ez what do you think this one is
[04:34:38] <WarmBees> ez
[04:35:06] <WarmBees> see
[04:35:12] <Ouro> t/w
[04:35:34] <WarmBees> wtf JAJAJA
[04:35:37] <Ouro> bruh moment
[04:35:42] <WarmBees> again
[04:35:42] <Ouro> brb again gotta fix this shit
[04:35:45] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[04:35:47] <WarmBees> :<
[04:35:50] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[04:37:09] --> Ouro connected to the server
[04:37:24] <Sadx> !missions dodo
[04:37:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Sadx: 303 dodo
[04:37:39] <Brooklyn> !missions dodo
[04:37:42] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 1011 dodo
[04:37:49] <Ouro> _reclass
[04:46:41] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[04:47:14] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[04:48:25] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[04:49:24] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[04:50:02] --> Naldo connected to the server
[04:50:40] <Ouro> wb
[04:50:42] <Ouro> stopid
[04:51:00] <Naldo> ty
[04:51:00] <Naldo> ?
[04:51:03] (WEB) <ChesterMcbadbat#6412> if someone sees santiago tell him to work
[04:51:20] <Ouro> santiaago you heard the boss mate
[04:51:36] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[04:51:41] <Ouro> lavija
[04:51:59] <[CbK]FreAkeD> who won last lotto?
[04:52:04] <Ouro> smith
[04:52:19] <[CbK]FreAkeD> cool
[04:53:02] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[04:54:44] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[04:58:48] <Santa_Claus> work
[04:58:53] <Danielson> work
[04:58:53] <Brooklyn> no
[04:58:58] <Danielson> twerk
[04:59:03] <Ouro> slack
[04:59:06] <Santa_Claus> goblok
[04:59:08] <Brooklyn> jerk
[04:59:08] <Danielson> woi
[04:59:29] <Santa_Claus> speaking of gobloks
[04:59:44] <Santa_Claus> wait for it
[04:59:47] <[CbK]FreAkeD> damn PL weather is like my GF's mood, changes 100 times
[04:59:54] <Ouro> smh
[04:59:57] <Danielson> F
[04:59:59] <Ouro> gotta be bip
[05:00:04] <Santa_Claus> oh wait wtf
[05:00:07] <Danielson> im waiting
[05:00:09] <Ouro> my boy smith selling bip if you want
[05:00:22] <Danielson> F
[05:00:37] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:00:40] <Brooklyn> was he farming interest?
[05:01:00] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:01:16] <Ouro> i didn't even notice him online
[05:01:18] <Santa_Claus> did you remove your hacks successfully?
[05:01:31] <Brooklyn> I think he logged in, but didn't click "spawn"
[05:01:36] <Brooklyn> so he can farm interest
[05:01:41] <Ouro> lmao
[05:01:46] <Ouro> didn't know that worked
[05:02:12] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> hai
[05:02:19] <Danielson> sup honda
[05:02:27] <[CbK]FreAkeD> wtf, PL weather is like my GF's Mood... Changes every minute
[05:02:32] <Brooklyn> hello Asuzuki
[05:02:37] <Wak_Jemah> HAHAHA
[05:02:37] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> huehue
[05:02:42] <Danielson> ur gf change bf every minute
[05:02:45] <Danielson> sorry to say
[05:02:50] <Ouro> hello ak
[05:02:50] <Ouro> aki
[05:02:55] <Brooklyn> truth hurts, amirite?
[05:02:57] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> no wtf iw as not farming
[05:02:57] <Danielson> yeah
[05:03:00] <[CbK]FreAkeD> nah dan
[05:03:10] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> santi said "Santa_Claus � speaking of gobloks
[05:03:23] <[CbK]FreAkeD> she loves me... but get angry on small things
[05:03:30] --> Twi connected to the server
[05:03:33] <Danielson> every woman does that
[05:03:35] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> just make ouro your gf
[05:03:46] <Santa_Claus> speaking of gobloks
[05:03:46] <Ouro> excuse me
[05:04:03] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> hard working, rarely complains
[05:04:03] <Twi> speaking of gobloks, look at id 3
[05:04:11] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:04:14] <Ouro> i complain all the time
[05:04:19] <Ouro> santi won't give me a raise
[05:04:34] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> ur already an intern
[05:04:39] <Brooklyn> why don't you pretest
[05:04:44] <Brooklyn> pro*
[05:04:47] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> ur salary wont get any higher
[05:04:47] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:04:54] <Ouro> i'm intern but not earning nearly half as much as interns should
[05:05:04] <Ouro> i only earn 25k per hour
[05:05:12] <Ouro> i make like 100k per hour to the airline
[05:05:17] <[CbK]FreAkeD> like if im playing game, if she calls me and i don't pick her call
[05:05:20] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> That's more than me.
[05:05:20] <[CbK]FreAkeD> she will get angry
[05:05:30] <Danielson> break up with her
[05:05:32] <Danielson> and nolife PL
[05:05:37] <[CbK]FreAkeD> she dont like game xd
[05:05:37] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> ia scamming my boi ouro smh
[05:05:43] <Ouro> well you're not as pog as me twilight
[05:05:45] <Danielson> then play her
[05:05:50] <Danielson> oooooooooo thats rude
[05:05:53] <Brooklyn> yes, IA is ripping off its employees
[05:06:00] <Ouro> yeah IA is scamming me i'm gonna finish the event and then ponder my options
[05:06:00] <[CbK]FreAkeD> and she play candy crush xd
[05:06:11] <Brooklyn> #BoycottIA
[05:06:21] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> inb4 ouro makes swift
[05:06:26] <Ouro> speaking of salary just got ine
[05:06:28] <Ouro> mine
[05:06:31] <Ouro> ez 25k
[05:06:36] <Danielson> nice
[05:06:36] <Ouro> i'm gonna make swift
[05:06:41] <Ouro> when i'm rich ass
[05:06:49] <Ouro> but by then server will have closed tbh
[05:06:49] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Taylor Swift?.
[05:06:49] <Brooklyn> quit gambling then lmao
[05:07:01] <Ouro> how the fuck dare you sir
[05:07:07] <Ouro> i'm speaking of swift airways
[05:07:09] <Ouro> the n1 airline
[05:07:19] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> how much is an airline anyways?
[05:07:24] <Brooklyn> tailor swift airways
[05:07:29] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> Yes.
[05:07:29] <Lenz> swift is copyrighted by me
[05:07:37] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> I'll join.
[05:07:37] <Ouro> i'll bring it back
[05:07:42] <Lenz> or trademarked
[05:08:00] <Santa_Claus> :(
[05:08:00] <Brooklyn> .ad selling TransX
[05:08:18] <Ouro> i bring back swift airways lenz brings back swift trucking and we take over pl
[05:08:25] <Santa_Claus> there goes my N�1 spot in companies
[05:08:30] <Lenz> sky logistics seems inactive... are they selling?
[05:08:38] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> #bringbackdeltablue
[05:08:56] <Brooklyn> #BringBackSTAandBMA
[05:10:22] <Ouro> btw IA scams 10 percent of my pay per mission
[05:10:35] <Ouro> that was quick
[05:10:43] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> im flash
[05:11:11] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[05:11:29] <Brooklyn> rip airline balance\
[05:11:36] <Ouro> why
[05:11:49] <Brooklyn> reufueling while afk
[05:12:04] <Santa_Claus> RIP lufthansa bank
[05:12:40] <[CbK]FreAkeD> we have winlog
[05:13:15] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:13:28] <Ouro> win hoards his money
[05:13:33] <Ouro> never shares with the homies
[05:13:41] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:14:09] --> dipa connected to the server
[05:14:09] <Brooklyn> where do you think his 1.4b comes from?
[05:14:16] <Ouro> hoarding
[05:14:16] <Brooklyn> he's ripping off his mates
[05:14:39] <Brooklyn> so he can fill his pocket
[05:14:39] <Ouro> bet he takes money from airline bank
[05:14:47] <[CbK]FreAkeD> .dleet
[05:15:00] <Brooklyn> no
[05:15:05] <Santa_Claus> yes
[05:15:05] <Lenz> is the interest per hour capped to 1m like before?
[05:15:12] <Ouro> 2m
[05:15:15] <Ouro> wuith vip 4
[05:15:17] <Brooklyn> I'll join if I get to own IA only
[05:15:27] <Santa_Claus> we'll see
[05:16:28] <Ouro> IA ownage open to deal??
[05:16:34] <Ouro> bruh make me owner then
[05:16:36] <Ouro> i'm carrying it anyway
[05:16:46] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[05:16:46] <Santa_Claus> we'll see
[05:16:56] <Ouro> i'll hold you to i
[05:16:56] <Ouro> t
[05:16:59] <Santa_Claus> I mean
[05:17:07] <Santa_Claus> ask sursai if you wanna be owner
[05:17:17] <Ouro> ight nvm
[05:17:17] <Santa_Claus> if you have the balls
[05:17:37] <Lenz> how much for IA ?
[05:17:50] <Brooklyn> 69 billion PL Dollars
[05:17:52] <Santa_Claus> last one who asked him how much for IA
[05:17:55] <Brooklyn> amirite?
[05:18:05] <Santa_Claus> disappeared the day after
[05:18:08] <Lenz> lmao
[05:18:15] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> :o
[05:18:15] <Brooklyn> sounds like Chinese govt.
[05:18:38] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> And then came back praising Sursai.
[05:19:11] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:19:37] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:21:08] <Brooklyn> !missions dodo
[05:21:11] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 1020 dodo
[05:21:18] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:21:24] <Ouro> WHAT THE FUCK
[05:21:31] <Ouro> i was shooting random rockets at the hair and they exploded me
[05:21:49] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:21:52] <Brooklyn> I guess the hair caught fire
[05:22:02] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[05:22:07] <Ouro> wb
[05:22:14] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[05:22:35] <Ouro> do you have the chad energy required to do cargo drop formation with me?
[05:22:42] <TwilightMontana> Nah.
[05:22:45] <Ouro> anyone?
[05:23:51] <Santa_Claus> someone make formation with ouro
[05:23:54] <Ouro> what if i pay y'all 100k per in game day to do cargo drop formation with me
[05:24:22] <Ouro> still nobody?
[05:24:24] <Ouro> wtf
[05:24:34] <Ouro> where meet
[05:24:55] <Santa_Claus> sec
[05:25:28] --> Shressth connected to the server
[05:25:30] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[05:25:35] <Santa_Claus> damn twi
[05:25:40] <Santa_Claus> there goes your kemah rumah plans
[05:25:43] <TwilightMontana> What?.
[05:25:45] <Shressth> ah shit , here i go disappearing again
[05:25:48] <-- Shressth disconnected from the server
[05:25:58] <Twi> hi
[05:26:01] <Twi> no wtf
[05:26:08] <Brooklyn>
[05:26:11] <Brooklyn> oops
[05:26:11] <Santa_Claus> logging in every 14 days to keep your houses will result in your custom house deleted
[05:26:21] <Twi> no
[05:26:21] <Twi> we were
[05:26:24] <Twi> gonna have
[05:26:24] <Brooklyn> unless you have a valid reason?
[05:26:26] <Twi> some talk
[05:26:36] <Twi> shressth has a custom house?
[05:26:39] <[CbK]FreAkeD> !player Shressth
[05:26:39] <Twi> !houses shressth
[05:26:42] (WEB) <robin_be> player Shressth: 13373 score, last seen null
[05:26:44] <Twi> !houses shressth
[05:26:47] (WEB) <robin_be> Queens: $15,000,000 15 slots Come-A-Lot: $10,500,000 6 slots
[05:26:49] <Twi> nah
[05:26:49] <Brooklyn> nah
[05:27:05] <[CbK]FreAkeD> who is shressth
[05:27:12] <TwilightMontana> Overlord.
[05:27:17] <[CbK]FreAkeD> overload?
[05:27:22] <[CbK]FreAkeD> who is overload xd
[05:27:27] <Twi> shressth
[05:27:27] <Brooklyn> Cpt.Doraemon
[05:27:27] <Santa_Claus> you
[05:27:38] --> Shressth connected to the server
[05:27:40] <Twi> wb
[05:27:43] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[05:27:45] <[CbK]FreAkeD> wb
[05:27:53] <Ouro> fuck
[05:28:03] <Santa_Claus> watch a pro do it
[05:28:16] --> Danielson connected to the server
[05:28:21] <TwilightMontana> WB.
[05:28:26] <Brooklyn> kontol
[05:28:26] <Danielson> ty
[05:28:28] <Danielson> goblok
[05:29:01] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:29:07] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> kontol
[05:29:09] <Brooklyn> hmmmmmmmmm
[05:29:17] <Brooklyn> !houses shressth
[05:29:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Queens: $15,000,000 15 slots Come-A-Lot: $10,500,000 6 slots
[05:29:22] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:29:27] <Danielson> i want that 15 slot
[05:29:40] <Shressth> match 70m
[05:29:40] <Brooklyn> house trading?
[05:29:52] <Santa_Claus> how about 30m
[05:30:00] <Danielson> 22.5
[05:30:18] <Brooklyn> 300m
[05:30:20] <Brooklyn> nah jk
[05:30:31] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:30:33] <Santa_Claus> wow
[05:30:36] <TwilightMontana> What the fuck?.
[05:30:36] <Santa_Claus> another kemah rumah
[05:30:46] <Brooklyn> !houses shressth
[05:30:46] <Danielson> whatever
[05:30:48] (WEB) <robin_be> Queens: $15,000,000 15 slots Come-A-Lot: $10,500,000 6 slots
[05:30:51] <Danielson> oh
[05:30:53] <Danielson> wait
[05:30:59] <Brooklyn> house trading?
[05:31:01] <Twi> yes
[05:31:14] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:31:34] <Brooklyn> .ad selling jefferson motel with one and only interior
[05:31:49] <Danielson> 15m
[05:32:00] <Brooklyn> no
[05:32:02] <Danielson> 15m
[05:32:05] <Danielson> wrong
[05:32:12] <Brooklyn> November Oscar
[05:32:50] <Santa_Claus> 16m for all 3
[05:33:08] <Santa_Claus> im out
[05:33:13] <Danielson> i win
[05:33:18] <Brooklyn> smh 19km dodo flight
[05:33:18] <Twi> hadeh
[05:33:56] <Brooklyn>
[05:33:59] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:34:24] <Brooklyn> doing 19km dodo flight is like doing trans-pacific flight in a Cessna
[05:34:32] <Santa_Claus> yes
[05:34:32] <Twi> I might've
[05:34:35] <Twi> bought santis house
[05:34:37] <Twi> but he hates me
[05:34:42] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:34:52] <Shressth> he sold it?
[05:34:55] <Shressth> seriously?
[05:35:00] <Twi> no
[05:35:00] <Brooklyn> nah inactive
[05:35:05] <Lenz> he got inactive
[05:35:10] <Shressth> fucking hell , i wanted to get it
[05:35:13] <Shressth> but PL dead
[05:35:13] <Santa_Claus> twi house camped him
[05:35:15] <Twi> uwu
[05:35:18] <TwilightMontana> And a kemah rumah bought it.
[05:35:18] <Twi> kemah rumah
[05:35:28] <Santa_Claus> i don't hate anyone
[05:35:28] <Twi> !player rumah
[05:35:31] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player rumah
[05:35:31] <Santa_Claus> only that guy
[05:35:33] <Twi> it means
[05:35:33] <Twi> he LOVES ME
[05:35:38] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> ye
[05:35:38] <Santa_Claus> what was that his name
[05:35:43] <Twi> stetz
[05:35:43] <Santa_Claus> goldenblack
[05:35:46] <Twi> oh
[05:35:46] <Twi> that
[05:35:48] <Twi> air asia
[05:35:54] <Santa_Claus> i dont give a shit about stetz lmo
[05:35:59] <Twi> horse sex
[05:36:04] <Twi> well seems like
[05:36:06] <Lenz> ...
[05:36:06] <Twi> santi loves it too
[05:36:09] <Twi> hadeh
[05:36:27] <Twi> I mean
[05:36:34] <Brooklyn> !player goldenblack
[05:36:37] (WEB) <robin_be> player goldenblack: 10116 score, last seen null
[05:36:37] <Twi> we could just have an nsfw channel in discord
[05:36:47] <Santa_Claus> meeh
[05:36:50] <Shressth> not gonna lie
[05:36:55] <Twi> would fix so many problems
[05:36:57] <Danielson> and block kids like dipa
[05:37:07] <Twi> it's not our responsibility
[05:37:07] <Brooklyn> u mean you?
[05:37:10] <Twi> to block them
[05:37:17] <Danielson> no u underage fuckl
[05:37:17] <Twi> if you're 18+ only then you enter it
[05:37:30] <Santa_Claus> there is no point in making a nsfw channel
[05:37:33] <Brooklyn> yes
[05:37:35] <Twi> we can
[05:37:40] <Danielson> gz
[05:37:40] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[05:37:40] <Twi> share our great porn collection
[05:37:43] <Twi> z
[05:37:45] <Twi> gz
[05:37:48] <Ouro> i'd post so much hentai y'all can't even imagine
[05:37:48] <Shressth> bitch is this Tushar?
[05:37:51] <Wak_Jemah> gz
[05:37:53] <Danielson> ouro
[05:37:56] <Danielson> dont
[05:37:56] --> enovenn connected to the server
[05:37:56] <Santa_Claus> if you want you can create your own nsfw server
[05:37:58] <Twi> hi shressth
[05:38:01] <Twi> lets get u the
[05:38:03] <Twi> house
[05:38:06] <Santa_Claus> up to your own risks
[05:38:13] <Twi> there's no risk..
[05:38:19] <Twi> discord allows it..
[05:38:39] <Twi> f
[05:38:44] <Santa_Claus> fuck
[05:38:46] <Ouro> rip
[05:38:46] <Ouro> sfc?
[05:38:54] <Ouro> a69
[05:38:59] <Santa_Claus> a69
[05:39:45] <Shressth> cya all , gotta take a bath
[05:39:45] <-- Shressth disconnected from the server
[05:40:00] <Twi> damn
[05:40:00] <Santa_Claus> did you left the group?
[05:40:03] <Twi> so many good houses
[05:40:10] <Ouro> no
[05:40:10] <Ouro> wtf
[05:40:18] <Santa_Claus> it says you left the group
[05:40:21] <Ouro> wait
[05:40:21] <Twi> imagine twi getting banned
[05:40:23] <Twi> so much kemah rumah
[05:40:23] <Ouro> wtf
[05:40:54] <Twi> fuck
[05:40:59] <Twi> my mouth smells like cigs
[05:41:06] <Twi> i should stop
[05:41:06] <Ouro> stop kissing your mom
[05:41:14] <Danielson> oooooooooooo
[05:41:19] <Santa_Claus> your dads ass
[05:41:27] <Ouro> lmaooo
[05:41:27] <Twi> hadeh
[05:42:10] <Ouro> pure skillage time
[05:42:43] <Ouro> pure fucking skill
[05:42:48] <Brooklyn> !lastmission
[05:44:37] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ouro
[05:44:45] <Ouro> hello
[05:44:53] <[CbK]FreAkeD> you were on target xd, one missile
[05:45:03] <Ouro> i'd report you
[05:45:26] <[CbK]FreAkeD> actually i was refueling
[05:45:43] <[CbK]FreAkeD> aim was locked
[05:46:04] <Ouro> refuel
[05:47:12] <Ouro> santi beacon caralho
[05:47:15] <Ouro> i can't find you on map
[05:47:28] <Ouro> there you are
[05:47:30] <Ouro> my little pogchamp
[05:47:48] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:49:04] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:49:50] <Ouro> wtf wasn't paying attention
[05:50:08] <Ouro> 30 percent
[05:50:41] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[05:50:41] <Ouro> i dropped down to 22 on landing i was bout to exploe
[05:50:59] <TwilightMontana> WB.
[05:51:01] <Ouro> wb
[05:51:09] <Winlogon.bat> ty
[05:51:47] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[05:52:18] <Santa_Claus> sc
[05:52:23] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:52:30] <Ouro> what happened
[05:52:46] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[05:52:53] <Winlogon.bat> ty
[05:53:03] <Brooklyn> lc whore
[05:53:11] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:53:11] <Winlogon.bat> hue
[05:53:14] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[05:53:16] <Danielson> wb
[05:53:16] <Danielson> x2
[05:53:19] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[05:53:21] <Ouro> aki boy~
[05:53:24] <Ouro> wb~
[05:53:24] <Ouro> uwu
[05:53:26] <akiyamaha> ty
[05:53:34] <akiyamaha> uwu
[05:53:34] <Lenz> fml plane broke
[05:53:34] <Ouro> join me and santa on formation caralho
[05:53:42] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[05:53:44] <Santa_Claus> smh y'all stop hacking
[05:53:49] <Ouro> whom hacking
[05:54:15] <TwilightMontana> Relog.
[05:54:22] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[05:54:25] <Ouro> aki what do you say
[05:54:30] <Ouro> about epic cargo dorp formation
[05:54:38] <akiyamaha> i suck at cargo drop
[05:54:40] <Brooklyn> or an epic crashes
[05:54:45] <Ouro> join caralho and get better
[05:54:45] <Sadx> lol
[05:54:50] <Ouro> learn from the master ouro
[05:54:53] <akiyamaha> mmm ill try
[05:55:06] <Ouro> i lead you through the cargo drop zones like a mother leads their kids to the potty
[05:55:16] <Ouro> you won't fucking miss 1
[05:55:23] <Ouro> come angel pine
[05:55:28] <akiyamaha> thats where ur wrong kiddo
[05:55:31] <Ouro> and beacon so we can find you
[05:55:44] <Ouro> and, pray tell, where am i wrong
[05:56:01] <akiyamaha> in saying i wont miss any lol
[05:56:07] <Ouro> SMH
[05:56:09] <Ouro> i'm tleling you
[05:56:12] <Ouro> just beeline behind me
[05:56:17] <Ouro> you gonna be a pro in like 24 mins
[05:56:17] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[05:56:19] <Ouro> i promise
[05:56:27] <Ouro> but
[05:56:32] <Ouro> santiago is afk now
[05:56:37] <akiyamaha> smh my head
[05:56:40] <Santa_Claus> leggo
[05:56:47] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[05:56:55] <Ouro> new meet location
[05:57:05] <Ouro> idk the name just follow lmao
[05:57:20] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[05:57:41] <Brooklyn> 24 ...
[05:57:51] <Winlogon.bat> wooi 200k
[05:57:53] <Santa_Claus> join the formation
[05:58:39] <Ouro> i must look so retarded on your screens with this mod
[05:58:44] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[05:58:47] <Santa_Claus> yes you do
[05:58:52] <Ouro> lmao epic
[05:59:05] <akiyamaha> what u got
[05:59:15] <Ouro> arwing
[05:59:43] <Ouro> SMH
[05:59:45] <Ouro> AAHAHA
[05:59:53] <Ouro> you didn't miss?
[06:00:18] <Ouro> why didn't message show uo
[06:00:31] <Brooklyn> who?
[06:00:33] <Ouro> aki
[06:00:33] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[06:00:33] <Santa_Claus> lmao I saw that
[06:00:36] <akiyamaha> hax
[06:00:41] <Ouro> what happened
[06:00:44] <Brooklyn> different crass
[06:00:46] <Brooklyn> class
[06:00:51] <Ouro> bro he can't do cargo drop
[06:00:54] <Ouro> without aid worker
[06:00:56] <Brooklyn> he could tho
[06:00:56] <Winlogon.bat> u can
[06:00:59] <Ouro> bruh
[06:01:09] <Winlogon.bat> regardless of class, you do cargo drop in formation
[06:01:19] --> Dusty_Hoang connected to the server
[06:01:24] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[06:01:27] <Dusty_Hoang> hello
[06:01:32] <Brooklyn> you can do cargo drop as sa airforce, only when you're in a formation
[06:01:45] <Santa_Claus> ^
[06:01:47] <Brooklyn> chao buoi trua
[06:01:50] <Ouro> shiet til
[06:01:52] <Dusty_Hoang> chao buoi trua
[06:01:55] <Santa_Claus> ho minh pan
[06:02:00] <Ouro> keep up caralho
[06:02:20] <Ouro> even the nub aki boy is faster than you santiago
[06:02:23] <Ouro> SMH
[06:03:01] <Dusty_Hoang> hey
[06:03:01] <Brooklyn> hey Euro, Dusty wants to join the formation
[06:03:03] <Ouro> my only wish in life
[06:03:06] <Brooklyn> Ouro*
[06:03:09] <Dusty_Hoang> yup
[06:03:11] <Ouro> is seeing aki eating shit at bayside cargo drop
[06:03:14] <akiyamaha> euro lol
[06:03:16] <akiyamaha> smh
[06:03:21] <Santa_Claus> he gotta /reclass
[06:03:24] <Ouro> formation full
[06:03:26] <Dusty_Hoang> ok
[06:03:34] <Ouro> max number reached
[06:03:37] <Santa_Claus> you can join now
[06:03:47] <Santa_Claus> /formations
[06:04:04] <akiyamaha> hi there
[06:04:04] <Ouro> wait the limit is not 3?
[06:04:07] <Ouro> today i learned
[06:04:07] <Santa_Claus> nope
[06:04:32] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[06:04:50] <Brooklyn> oh noice
[06:04:53] <Brooklyn> dodo demand
[06:04:55] <Santa_Claus> are you coming dusty
[06:05:03] <Santa_Claus> there he is
[06:05:03] <Lenz> rip lee, he left
[06:05:08] <Santa_Claus> RIP
[06:05:16] <Brooklyn> I'm doing dodo tho
[06:05:18] <Lenz> gg
[06:05:23] <Ouro> BEACON
[06:05:23] <Santa_Claus> rip
[06:05:26] <akiyamaha> f
[06:05:31] <Santa_Claus> /beacon dusty
[06:05:46] <Ouro> beacon... or suffer my curse
[06:06:19] <akiyamaha> pro
[06:06:34] <Ouro> who the fuck left
[06:07:18] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[06:07:33] <Santa_Claus> did dusty die?
[06:07:38] <Dusty_Hoang> yup
[06:07:38] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[06:07:41] <Santa_Claus> f
[06:07:51] <Dusty_Hoang> my wings
[06:07:53] <Santa_Claus> try to go to montgomery and meet us there
[06:07:58] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[06:09:25] <akiyamaha> imma switch this mod, its gigantic lmao
[06:09:27] <Ouro> refueling the beast
[06:09:43] <Brooklyn> which mod is it?
[06:09:45] <Ouro> search for arwing hydra mod
[06:09:45] <akiyamaha> f15
[06:09:48] <Ouro> shits dank
[06:09:48] <Ouro> but
[06:09:53] <Ouro> can't turn for shit while landed
[06:10:05] <Dusty_Hoang> f
[06:10:08] <Brooklyn> lmao I'm using f-15 too
[06:10:13] <Dusty_Hoang> why i cant do this mission ?
[06:10:21] <Brooklyn> not too big to dol cargo drop tho
[06:10:23] <Santa_Claus> what does it say
[06:10:23] <Ouro> leave and rejoin
[06:10:26] <akiyamaha> true
[06:10:31] <akiyamaha> but its a lot bigger than the f2 lol
[06:10:39] <Dusty_Hoang> u need to be in your staring
[06:10:44] <Brooklyn> but, it's still biggerthan the F-16 :c
[06:10:44] <Santa_Claus> ooh
[06:10:44] <Dusty_Hoang> vehicle
[06:10:46] <Santa_Claus> /leaveformation
[06:10:54] <akiyamaha> f2 is like a dummy thicc f16
[06:10:54] <Santa_Claus> and /formations > santiago
[06:10:54] <Santa_Claus> again
[06:11:09] <Brooklyn> Mitsubishi F-2 eh
[06:11:17] <Brooklyn> aka Japanese F-16
[06:11:17] <akiyamaha> yup
[06:11:27] <akiyamaha> the f15 i use is a mitsu too lol
[06:11:34] <akiyamaha> jasdf ceremonial liveries are pretty
[06:11:42] <Santa_Claus> well fuck this airport
[06:11:47] <Ouro> nani
[06:11:47] <Santa_Claus> brb
[06:11:50] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[06:12:00] <Ouro> to not keep thrusters full straight
[06:12:05] <TwilightMontana> Ain't the F-15 Mcdonnell Douglas?.
[06:12:10] <Ouro> makes taking off much harder
[06:12:28] <Brooklyn> now bOLeing
[06:12:28] <akiyamaha> the japanese f15s are made by mitsu under license
[06:12:30] <Brooklyn> Boeing*
[06:12:30] <Dusty_Hoang> .fix
[06:12:33] <akiyamaha> or however it works
[06:12:41] <TwilightMontana> Oh.
[06:13:21] <akiyamaha> 10/0
[06:13:21] <Ouro> LETS GO CARALHO
[06:13:34] <Dusty_Hoang> F again
[06:13:42] <Winlogon.bat> smh
[06:13:42] <Ouro> aki boy i still wanna see you crash can you go ahead of me
[06:13:49] <Brooklyn> anyway I switched back to F-16C
[06:14:12] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[06:14:27] <Ouro> dusty don't rejoin after you die
[06:14:32] <Ouro> wait for us to let you know
[06:14:35] <Dusty_Hoang> ok
[06:14:38] --> Danielson connected to the server
[06:14:40] <TwilightMontana> W.
[06:14:43] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[06:14:43] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[06:15:05] <Dusty_Hoang> ok
[06:15:08] <Ouro> yeah
[06:16:22] --> N2790L connected to the server
[06:16:27] <akiyamaha> almost ate shit on landing lol
[06:16:29] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[06:16:32] <Ouro> lmao
[06:16:32] <N2790L> ty
[06:18:03] <akiyamaha> lmaooo
[06:18:06] <Ouro> LMAO MISSED
[06:18:16] <Dusty_Hoang> wait me
[06:18:24] <akiyamaha> dat save
[06:18:52] <akiyamaha> fuck this carrier
[06:18:54] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[06:18:57] <Ouro> why
[06:19:04] <akiyamaha> well we're shooting at it arent we
[06:19:12] <Ouro> yeah bruh we're deranged
[06:19:15] <Ouro> going bonkers
[06:19:17] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[06:19:27] <Ouro> ono i almost fucked up
[06:19:30] <Ouro> going forward
[06:19:30] <akiyamaha> rip all the people on the bridge
[06:19:38] <Ouro> fuck them
[06:19:40] <Ouro> they called me momma ugly
[06:20:06] <Ouro> ~/pm 4 come harder daddy
[06:20:11] <akiyamaha> :O
[06:20:13] <Ouro> y'all just ignore that shit
[06:20:16] <Brooklyn> no
[06:20:18] <Ouro> or i curse you
[06:20:26] <Brooklyn> bet
[06:20:31] <Ouro> fat fingered the ~ and shift
[06:20:34] <akiyamaha> do the two of you have ai_planes?
[06:20:34] <Ouro> smh
[06:20:39] <Ouro> eayh
[06:20:41] <Ouro> yeah
[06:20:41] <akiyamaha> i wanna test something
[06:20:46] <akiyamaha> tell me if you take damage
[06:20:59] <Brooklyn> the canon eh?
[06:21:01] <akiyamaha> yes
[06:21:42] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[06:22:00] <akiyamaha> time to show my leadership skills
[06:22:10] <Brooklyn> inb4 crash
[06:22:18] <Ouro> we got bayside
[06:22:38] <Ouro> aki gonna eat shit
[06:22:41] <Ouro> follow behind me
[06:22:48] <Ouro> nvm it's the tutorial mode bayside
[06:23:11] <Ouro> fuck
[06:23:14] <akiyamaha> omg dusty
[06:23:16] <Dusty_Hoang> sorry
[06:23:34] <Ouro> there's an airport here
[06:23:34] <Ouro> btw
[06:24:38] <[CbK]FreAkeD> fk these clouds too lag
[06:24:45] <Ouro> there's mods for that
[06:25:03] <Ouro> that remove clouds
[06:25:13] <akiyamaha> vweather 19 for no clouds at all
[06:25:23] <Brooklyn> no
[06:25:26] <Brooklyn> vweather 21
[06:25:28] <Ouro> lmao
[06:25:34] <TwilightMontana> Liar.
[06:25:36] <Danielson> fuck u
[06:25:39] <Ouro> baited
[06:25:44] <TwilightMontana> I can't see shit.
[06:25:44] <Ouro> who is leader
[06:25:46] <[CbK]FreAkeD> coming xd
[06:25:51] <Brooklyn> lmao
[06:26:22] <akiyamaha> smh my head
[06:26:24] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> uuh you gta nerds
[06:26:35] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> what would be the modloader folder
[06:26:42] <Ouro> gta root
[06:26:47] <akiyamaha> whos martin
[06:26:47] <Dusty_Hoang> hey
[06:26:55] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> santigo
[06:26:57] <akiyamaha> o hai
[06:27:08] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> is that a folder or what
[06:27:13] <Brooklyn> saltiago
[06:27:18] <akiyamaha> like base gta directory
[06:27:18] <Ouro> are you asking where you put modloader folder?
[06:27:23] <akiyamaha> where the exes are
[06:27:38] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> no this mod says I gotta put all the files in the modloader folder
[06:27:48] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> the fuck is that
[06:27:51] <Ouro> get modloader then
[06:27:59] <Ouro> it'�s the best way to install mods
[06:28:04] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[06:28:06] <Danielson> just find modloader for gta sa
[06:28:14] <Ouro> with it you can just install mods on the fly
[06:28:16] <Ouro> no need to leave the game
[06:28:19] <Brooklyn> yeah
[06:28:24] <Ouro> with some exceptions
[06:28:34] <akiyamaha> god I still remember the pains of having to edit gta3.img
[06:28:42] <Ouro> YIKES
[06:28:44] <Ouro> god those were awful times
[06:28:52] <akiyamaha> o look ia
[06:29:00] <Dusty_Hoang> nice
[06:29:02] <Brooklyn> all haill our savior, mod loader
[06:29:17] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> uuuuh
[06:29:17] <akiyamaha> hail
[06:29:22] <TwilightMontana> Modloader mad great.
[06:29:28] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> is this thing different from that alcii's thing
[06:29:35] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> shit I suck hard at mods
[06:29:40] <Brooklyn> yes, imagine editing gta3.img using img tool
[06:29:43] <Ouro> it adds a mod menu in game
[06:29:45] <akiyamaha> you remind me of grandparents lol
[06:29:48] <Danielson> alci tool better
[06:29:48] <Dusty_Hoang> sheat
[06:29:48] <Ouro> so you can disable and enable mods
[06:29:48] <akiyamaha> lmaoooo dusty
[06:29:50] <Brooklyn> gigantic pain in the ass
[06:29:50] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lol dusty
[06:29:53] <Dusty_Hoang> FFF
[06:30:01] <Dusty_Hoang> did anyone help me
[06:30:29] <Brooklyn> no
[06:30:36] <Winlogon.bat> no
[06:30:39] <TwilightMontana> No.
[06:30:39] <Brooklyn> November Oscar Papa Echo
[06:30:44] <akiyamaha> we have ouro
[06:30:49] <Ouro> henlo
[06:30:51] <akiyamaha> best stripper in ton
[06:30:54] <akiyamaha> town
[06:30:57] <Ouro> no
[06:30:57] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> wow jeeez
[06:31:04] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> you suck at helping
[06:31:04] <Ouro> i'm best keep my clothes on in gta
[06:31:09] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> I'll ban y'all
[06:31:14] <Brooklyn> D:
[06:31:19] <Winlogon.bat> wow worst admin smh
[06:31:27] <Brooklyn> indeed
[06:31:30] <akiyamaha> do you think ill eat shit if I follow the road
[06:31:40] <Danielson> sooooo
[06:31:52] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> wait so danielson
[06:31:55] <Danielson> 10 disasters in 19 days of 2021
[06:31:58] <Ouro> aki ate shit?
[06:32:00] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> you are the only helpful person
[06:32:10] <Danielson> yes santi
[06:32:10] <Brooklyn> marry him, Santi
[06:32:13] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> do I just use alci to load the files
[06:32:18] <akiyamaha> no i landed lmaooo
[06:32:20] <Brooklyn> so he'll help the rest of your life
[06:32:20] <Ouro> wtf
[06:32:25] <Brooklyn> help you*
[06:32:31] <Danielson> sure if u want to
[06:32:31] <akiyamaha> cargo drop on the ground
[06:32:31] <Ouro> how the fuck
[06:32:33] <Ouro> i done flip my huydra
[06:32:36] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> thanks
[06:32:36] <Danielson> dont forget to backup ur files
[06:32:38] <[CbK]FreAkeD> xd
[06:32:41] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> hope it doesn't fuck up my game
[06:32:56] <Danielson> export original files first before u replacing it
[06:32:56] <akiyamaha> its actually pretty hard to fuck up gta sa now
[06:32:59] <Ouro> start one freaked tell me unload
[06:33:11] <-- Dusty_Hoang disconnected from the server
[06:33:39] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ouro
[06:33:44] <Ouro> henlo
[06:33:52] <[CbK]FreAkeD> meet at greenglass airport
[06:34:00] <Ouro> where the fuck is that
[06:34:05] <[CbK]FreAkeD> will start formation from there
[06:34:15] <akiyamaha> near gojek?
[06:34:17] <Brooklyn> ye
[06:34:25] <Brooklyn> west of LVA
[06:34:38] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> well I can fuck it u
[06:34:40] (WEB) <Martin123#2533> watch this
[06:34:45] <Danielson> what
[06:34:55] <[CbK]FreAkeD> or come to montgomery
[06:35:06] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[06:35:11] <Ouro> just say montgomery you freak
[06:35:16] <akiyamaha> cumming
[06:35:23] <Ouro> cum harder god damnit
[06:35:29] <akiyamaha> :o
[06:35:36] <Ouro> LETS GO CARALHGO
[06:35:51] <Ouro> time to eat shit at back o beyond
[06:35:54] <Santa_Claus> smh it didn't work
[06:35:56] <Danielson> does it work?
[06:35:56] <Danielson> ...
[06:35:59] <akiyamaha> lol
[06:36:07] <Ouro> what santiago?
[06:36:09] <Santa_Claus> im trying to download this 2fdx shit
[06:36:17] <akiyamaha> oh the light stuff
[06:36:22] <Santa_Claus> yeah
[06:36:40] <TwilightMontana> How do you even use it?.
[06:36:45] <Danielson> u need to install modloader then
[06:36:47] <akiyamaha> HAHHAHA
[06:36:47] <Santa_Claus> idk
[06:36:52] <Ouro> who the fuck
[06:36:52] <Ouro> HIT ME
[06:36:55] <Ouro> WHO
[06:37:00] <TwilightMontana> You.
[06:37:03] <akiyamaha> i was landing from the side lmao
[06:37:05] <Ouro> y'all ate shit and made me eat shit SMH
[06:37:05] <Brooklyn> trees
[06:37:05] <Danielson> u just need to download silent asi loader and modloader
[06:37:08] <[CbK]FreAkeD> rip?
[06:37:10] <[CbK]FreAkeD> again
[06:37:15] <Ouro> WE GO AGANE
[06:37:15] <Danielson> !rank
[06:37:18] (WEB) <robin_be> Danielson(16500) rank: PL Senior Captain(16000) next: Aviation Legend(18000) (+1500)
[06:37:33] <Santa_Claus> smh
[06:37:33] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[06:37:36] <Ouro> join mine y'alls cursed
[06:37:54] <Ouro> we go a69
[06:38:16] <Ouro> beacon up my bretheren
[06:38:19] <Danielson> i wanna watch u ded
[06:38:24] <akiyamaha> daniel cum
[06:38:27] <Ouro> ahah no chance
[06:38:27] <Danielson> done
[06:38:29] <Ouro> i'm god of gods
[06:38:34] <Danielson> nah i dont do drops
[06:38:39] <akiyamaha> u just ate shit earlier smh
[06:38:47] <Ouro> you mother of b itch
[06:38:49] <Ouro> YOU HIT ME
[06:38:55] <akiyamaha> r00d
[06:38:55] <Ouro> I AM ANGER NOW
[06:38:57] <akiyamaha> i was taxiing
[06:39:02] <Ouro> WE ALL HERE?
[06:39:02] <Brooklyn> i'm gonna do cargodrop ...
[06:39:05] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[06:39:07] <Brooklyn> irl
[06:39:15] <[CbK]FreAkeD> come /pornation
[06:39:20] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ./formation
[06:39:30] <Brooklyn> porn nation
[06:39:30] <Brooklyn> hmmmmmmmm
[06:39:33] <[CbK]FreAkeD> xd
[06:39:48] <Brooklyn> and freaked is the president?
[06:40:01] <[CbK]FreAkeD> na ouro is
[06:40:16] <Ouro> i'mk the god king
[06:40:21] <akiyamaha> heil
[06:40:57] <Danielson> ouro so pro
[06:40:57] <Danielson> wow
[06:41:04] <Ouro> im pog
[06:41:14] <Ouro> haha bayside
[06:41:20] <Ouro> time for pure skills
[06:41:22] <Danielson> looks like santi is still struggling with the mods
[06:41:25] <Ouro> follow behind me akiu
[06:41:45] <akiyamaha> lmfao
[06:41:48] <Danielson> HAHAHHAA
[06:41:50] <Ouro> WTF
[06:42:00] <Danielson> no i didnt lmao
[06:42:05] <Brooklyn> excuses
[06:42:08] <Danielson> u nub
[06:42:08] <akiyamaha> how in the fuc
[06:42:18] <Danielson> u shouldnt fly through that tunnel
[06:42:23] <Ouro> meet a69 ;3
[06:42:28] <akiyamaha> pro
[06:43:17] <Ouro> me can join?
[06:43:32] --> enovenn connected to the server
[06:43:42] <Ouro> puire skill time v2
[06:43:52] <[CbK]FreAkeD> again rip ouro
[06:44:05] <akiyamaha> oh this is on the mountain
[06:44:10] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[06:44:15] <TwilightMontana> WB.
[06:44:18] <akiyamaha> wb gramps
[06:44:30] --> Fako connected to the server
[06:44:38] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[06:44:43] <Ouro> where yall going
[06:44:43] <Danielson> does it work now?
[06:44:46] <Ouro> airport right here
[06:44:46] <Fako> ty dude
[06:45:08] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[06:45:29] <Santa_Claus> it worked
[06:45:31] <akiyamaha> nice!
[06:45:31] <Santa_Claus> thanks danielson
[06:45:36] <Santa_Claus> I'll recommend you for admin
[06:45:47] <Ouro> me too
[06:45:49] <Santa_Claus> while the rest
[06:45:52] <Santa_Claus> are gonna get the rope rope ban
[06:45:54] <akiyamaha> we helped u didnt we
[06:45:57] <Brooklyn> to gulag?
[06:45:59] <Danielson> amen
[06:46:17] <Fako> roperopeban lol
[06:46:37] <Brooklyn> anyway, santi, is that 2fdx mod good?
[06:46:45] <Santa_Claus> yeah looks amazing
[06:46:53] <Ouro> yeah it adds tits to planes
[06:46:53] <Brooklyn> cna you send me da link?
[06:46:53] <Santa_Claus> this draw distance
[06:46:55] <Santa_Claus> is amazing
[06:47:05] <Santa_Claus> yeah
[06:47:10] <Brooklyn> thanks in advance!
[06:47:23] <Santa_Claus> yeah rope rope ban
[06:47:26] <Santa_Claus> good ol memories
[06:47:26] <Ouro> bayside again
[06:47:38] <[CbK]FreAkeD> our skills v3?
[06:47:41] <[CbK]FreAkeD> oruo*
[06:47:43] <Ouro> lezz see
[06:47:46] <akiyamaha> our skills
[06:47:49] <Ouro> nah
[06:47:51] <akiyamaha> doesnt include ouro
[06:47:54] <Ouro> again tutorial mode
[06:47:59] <Danielson> ouro gonna dead after this
[06:48:19] <Danielson> lucky
[06:48:19] <Ouro> tutorail mode
[06:48:32] <Ouro> what's this
[06:48:32] <akiyamaha> balls
[06:48:34] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lolol
[06:48:34] <Ouro> my screen shook
[06:48:37] <Ouro> what happen
[06:48:37] <[CbK]FreAkeD> i died xd
[06:48:37] <Ouro> oh no
[06:48:39] <Danielson> F
[06:48:39] <Ouro> they ate shit
[06:48:42] <Ouro> smh
[06:48:42] <akiyamaha> hit my carcass lmao
[06:48:44] <Ouro> oh well
[06:48:47] <Ouro> gues i must wait now :3
[06:48:55] <[CbK]FreAkeD> wait at bayside
[06:48:57] <Ouro> a69
[06:49:23] <Danielson> HAHAHAHA
[06:49:23] <Ouro> i am
[06:49:28] <Ouro> a different specimen
[06:49:35] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[06:49:43] <Ouro> WE MEET A69
[06:49:48] <akiyamaha> first
[06:49:51] <akiyamaha> wheres my prize
[06:49:53] <Ouro> smh
[06:49:53] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[06:49:56] <Ouro> it's not race
[06:50:19] --> Danielson connected to the server
[06:50:21] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[06:50:24] <akiyamaha> wb snek
[06:50:26] <Danielson> ty
[06:50:34] <Ouro> BACK WLECOM
[06:50:36] <akiyamaha> brb 10 sec
[06:50:39] <Danielson> yhank tou
[06:50:59] <Santa_Claus> uuh wait
[06:51:12] <Santa_Claus> what happened with my fpv mod
[06:51:15] <Santa_Claus> jeeez
[06:51:25] <akiyamaha> back
[06:51:35] <akiyamaha> i did massive piss
[06:52:00] <Ouro> 7A you did it not me
[06:52:08] <akiyamaha> bacon u 2
[06:52:21] <Fako> wb
[06:52:28] <N2790L> gz
[06:52:31] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[06:52:31] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[06:52:36] <Wak_Jemah> ty
[06:52:36] <Fako> gz
[06:52:54] <Fako> gz
[06:52:56] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[06:52:59] <Danielson> ty
[06:52:59] <Ouro> the fuck is you doing
[06:53:04] <[CbK]FreAkeD> LC
[06:53:06] <Ouro> bruh
[06:53:11] <akiyamaha> smh my head
[06:53:17] <Ouro> you do lc in formation again i slap you
[06:53:22] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[06:53:24] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lol
[06:53:29] <Winlogon.bat> slapped
[06:53:32] <Wak_Jemah> where is downtown?
[06:53:39] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[06:53:47] <Fako> welcome boss
[06:53:50] <Ouro> just down the town
[06:53:52] <Santa_Claus> hi
[06:54:00] <akiyamaha> there is downtown in both sf and ls
[06:54:02] <akiyamaha> iirc
[06:54:48] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[06:54:51] <[CbK]FreAkeD> long one
[06:54:56] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[06:54:58] <Ouro> /S TIME
[06:55:06] <Ouro> wtf
[06:55:11] <Ouro> iwas joking
[06:55:11] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lol
[06:55:24] <Ouro> COME BACK AKI
[06:55:24] <Ouro> AKI
[06:55:26] <Ouro> COME BACK
[06:55:29] <akiyamaha> y
[06:55:39] <Ouro> this peanut brain thought i was serious about /s
[06:55:39] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[06:55:44] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[06:55:49] <[CbK]FreAkeD> xD
[06:55:54] <Ouro> smh dude
[06:55:54] <akiyamaha> you pair of dingleberries
[06:55:59] <Ouro> WHAT
[06:56:02] <Ouro> DID YOU CALL US
[06:56:04] <N2790L> gz
[06:56:25] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[06:56:55] <Brooklyn> nope
[06:56:58] <Santa_Claus> yes
[06:57:00] <TwilightMontana> No, I won't.
[06:57:00] <akiyamaha> what curse u got
[06:57:08] <Santa_Claus> your 2021 is cursed
[06:57:15] <akiyamaha> balls
[06:57:21] <Brooklyn> jokes on you, it's already fucked up
[06:57:23] <Fako> wb
[06:57:33] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[06:57:43] <akiyamaha> smh cutting me off
[06:57:54] <Santa_Claus> yes
[06:57:54] <Ouro> BE FASTER NEXT TIME
[06:58:09] <Ouro> is was mistake :3
[06:58:17] <Ouro> yall can't prove it wasnt
[06:58:34] <Ouro> WTF
[06:58:47] <akiyamaha> tf u do
[06:58:57] <Ouro> missed lieka smooth brain
[06:59:02] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[06:59:33] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[07:00:08] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[07:01:32] <akiyamaha> beepbeep
[07:01:48] <Ouro> you sent me almost to the water
[07:03:34] <Ouro> aki be great if you switched to aid worker
[07:03:39] <akiyamaha> y
[07:03:39] <Ouro> so we can see when you finish
[07:03:44] <akiyamaha> k sec
[07:03:47] <Ouro> 2late
[07:03:55] <akiyamaha> nub
[07:04:23] <Ouro> this one is epic hard
[07:04:25] <Ouro> try not to eat shit
[07:04:33] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ill do easily
[07:04:48] <akiyamaha> ill do it one pass
[07:04:56] <Santa_Claus> brook
[07:05:01] <Santa_Claus> did you have a fpv mod installed
[07:05:08] <akiyamaha> damn that was hard
[07:05:08] <Brooklyn> nah
[07:05:11] <akiyamaha> sec i reclass
[07:05:16] <Brooklyn> only first person driving
[07:05:24] <akiyamaha> penisface
[07:05:24] <Ouro> color me impressionado i didn't know you guys had it in you
[07:05:41] <Brooklyn> but I think the 2fdx mod needs a legit version
[07:06:12] <Brooklyn> mine is privated/cracked :*
[07:06:25] <Brooklyn> pirated*
[07:06:27] <Ouro> just say it
[07:06:30] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lv carrier
[07:06:30] <Ouro> PIRATED
[07:06:58] <Ouro> calm
[07:07:03] <Ouro> where the caralho are you guys
[07:07:21] <akiyamaha> yes
[07:07:49] --> Blackmakkron connected to the server
[07:08:01] <Fako> wb
[07:08:04] <Blackmakkron> Ty
[07:08:32] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[07:08:37] <Fako> wb
[07:08:42] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[07:09:00] --> Lenz connected to the server
[07:09:02] <Blackmakkron> Wb
[07:09:07] <Fako> wb
[07:09:15] --> Danielson connected to the server
[07:09:23] <Lenz> ty
[07:09:38] <-- Blackmakkron disconnected from the server
[07:09:38] <akiyamaha> wait at ia
[07:09:41] <akiyamaha> ill reclass
[07:10:31] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[07:10:44] <[CbK]FreAkeD> star?
[07:10:47] <[CbK]FreAkeD> start
[07:10:49] <Ouro> i did
[07:10:52] <Ouro> ono
[07:10:54] <Ouro> did you not get it
[07:10:59] <[CbK]FreAkeD> no lol
[07:11:04] <[CbK]FreAkeD> its showing wait for Ouro
[07:11:58] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[07:11:58] <akiyamaha> 5/7
[07:12:33] <[CbK]FreAkeD> aki done?
[07:12:36] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[07:12:44] <akiyamaha> no my mission is sf for some reason
[07:13:01] <akiyamaha> don
[07:13:01] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ohk
[07:13:57] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[07:14:23] <akiyamaha> ill go after this
[07:14:28] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ok
[07:14:28] <akiyamaha> i wanna nap
[07:14:35] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[07:14:41] <Fako> wb
[07:14:43] <N2790L> wb
[07:14:46] <Brooklyn> ty
[07:14:51] <akiyamaha> ty for the formation ghost
[07:14:53] <akiyamaha> great fun
[07:14:53] <[CbK]FreAkeD> :D
[07:15:01] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[07:16:17] <[CbK]FreAkeD> gz
[07:16:17] <Brooklyn> nice
[07:16:20] <N2790L> gz
[07:16:20] <Santa_Claus> gz
[07:16:22] <Fako> thanks all
[07:16:40] <[CbK]FreAkeD> test
[07:16:53] <Fako> i didn't guess i won xD
[07:17:11] <Fako> 300k bullshit :D
[07:17:28] <Santa_Claus> money is money
[07:17:39] <Fako> right :) better than nothing ^^
[07:17:41] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[07:17:44] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> turn out u dont need to put 2dfx in modloader. just gta root
[07:17:49] <Fako> wb Twilight
[07:17:54] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[07:20:36] (WEB) <Firzdlow_#4662> Eee basically SAMP use cracked version
[07:21:04] <Fako> wb
[07:21:10] <N2790L> wb
[07:21:43] <TwilightMontana> Relog
[07:21:43] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[07:22:49] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[07:22:51] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[07:22:59] <Jacob> !groups Brooklyn
[07:23:02] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn is in airline Garuda Indonesia and company GO-JEK
[07:23:14] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[07:23:24] <Fako> bye all, love you, cya ^^
[07:23:32] <-- Fako disconnected from the server
[07:26:05] --> Danielson connected to the server
[07:26:33] <TwilightMontana> wb.
[07:27:00] <Danielson> ty
[07:27:06] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[07:27:13] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> got my dick dangling
[07:28:22] --> enovenn connected to the server
[07:29:51] <Santa_Claus> right jacob
[07:30:42] <TwilightMontana> Give me 5m, and I'll join.
[07:31:07] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> how about a slap
[07:31:15] <TwilightMontana> Sure.
[07:31:20] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> rly
[07:31:30] <TwilightMontana> No.
[07:31:30] <N2790L> `/work
[07:31:33] <N2790L> awww
[07:32:21] <Jacob> sure
[07:32:51] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[07:32:54] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[07:33:12] <Hamster12> thanks
[07:33:19] <Hamster12> Jacob
[07:33:24] <Hamster12> You still admin?
[07:33:37] <Santa_Claus> yes
[07:33:42] <Hamster12> he afk?
[07:34:02] <Santa_Claus> yes
[07:34:08] <Hamster12> fecj
[07:34:13] <Hamster12> i want unban on PL discord
[07:34:25] <Santa_Claus> what was your account name
[07:34:30] <Hamster12> Hamster12
[07:35:42] <Santa_Claus> you are not banned on discord
[07:35:47] <Hamster12> okay i join\
[07:35:49] <Hamster12> bye
[07:35:59] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[07:36:07] <Jacob> what's your discord name
[07:36:07] <Jacob> oh
[07:36:10] <Jacob> he gone
[07:36:12] <-- N2790L disconnected from the server
[07:37:28] --> Hamster12 connected to the server
[07:37:41] <Hamster12> have to do /discord
[07:37:46] <Hamster12> and screenshot it :D
[07:37:56] <Santa_Claus> you can join with the link on forums
[07:38:01] <Hamster12> there is no link on forums
[07:38:04] <Hamster12> where
[07:38:14] <Santa_Claus> in general discussion
[07:38:19] <Hamster12> oh okay i look for it
[07:38:19] <Santa_Claus> check the sticky topics
[07:38:24] <-- Hamster12 disconnected from the server
[07:39:23] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[07:39:51] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[07:40:16] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[07:47:13] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[07:49:31] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[08:07:46] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> i like your cut G
[08:09:56] --> Danielson connected to the server
[08:10:11] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[08:10:16] <Danielson> wb
[08:11:02] --> Ouro connected to the server
[08:11:12] <Ouro> y'all ever just fucking hit quit instead of login
[08:11:51] <Jacob> na
[08:11:53] <Jacob> autologin
[08:12:06] <Ouro> shiet bro i'm getitng hacked if i turn that on
[08:12:19] (WEB) <Jacob#0195> why lol
[08:12:29] <Ouro> who knows
[08:12:31] <Ouro> best be careful
[08:12:54] (WEB) <Jacob#0195> if you're the only one playing your ip it's not an issue
[08:13:02] (WEB) <Jacob#0195> it only logins if it's the previous ip used
[08:13:17] <Ouro> say no more fam
[08:13:45] <Ouro> doot didly done
[08:13:48] <Ouro> auto login is turned on
[08:15:32] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[08:17:54] <Ouro> try banning him next
[08:18:07] <Jacob> na
[08:18:12] <Ouro> just do it
[08:18:15] <Ouro> as a joke
[08:18:30] <Ouro> pretend it's me
[08:18:42] <Ouro> dude
[08:18:45] <Ouro> DUDE
[08:18:50] <Ouro> now i have a warning
[08:18:50] <Jacob> lmao
[08:18:53] <Jacob> relax
[08:18:53] <Ouro> is you kidding me
[08:18:55] <Jacob> i'm just testing stuff
[08:19:00] <Jacob> check discord, #in-game-warnings
[08:19:13] <Ouro> oion it chief
[08:19:28] <Jacob> oh you cant see
[08:19:31] <Jacob> lol
[08:19:33] <Danielson> we cant
[08:19:49] <Ouro> yes
[08:19:56] <Ouro> make me admin so ican see it
[08:20:01] <Jacob> i cant
[08:20:06] <Ouro> my man
[08:20:09] <Ouro> what can you do
[08:20:11] <Jacob> but i removed your warning
[08:20:19] <Ouro> oh 10q
[08:20:57] <Ouro> i am a law abiding pilot i can't have a warning on my name
[08:22:54] <Jacob> night
[08:22:54] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[08:22:57] <Ouro> gn
[08:25:39] --> Mumarzkie connected to the server
[08:25:55] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[08:29:54] (WEB) <Jacob#0195> !player jacob
[08:29:56] (WEB) <robin_be> player jacob: 5822 score, last seen null
[08:31:10] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> !player scoobydooo
[08:31:13] (WEB) <robin_be> player scoobydooo: 21 score, last seen null
[08:31:20] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> o no
[08:31:31] <Ouro> !player heterosexual
[08:31:33] (WEB) <robin_be> player heterosexual: 10 score, last seen null
[08:32:24] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> null
[08:32:32] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> !Player null
[08:32:34] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player null
[08:33:02] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> !player czechboy777
[08:33:05] (WEB) <robin_be> player czechboy777: 2756 score, last seen null
[08:34:29] <Ouro> y/fix
[08:35:48] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[08:39:03] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[08:42:32] --> Danielson connected to the server
[08:42:37] <Ouro> wb
[08:42:37] <Danielson> ty
[08:42:52] <Mumarzkie> tsk dang unloaded tree
[08:43:05] <Ouro> get a mod called mixsets
[08:43:15] <Ouro> there's a setting there that increase stream memory
[08:43:30] <Ouro> up to 1024mb without other mods to increase how much memory gta can use
[08:44:24] <Ouro> although it won't help with trees and other things mapped in on this server
[08:44:31] <Ouro> that's more related to your ping and stuff
[08:44:36] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[08:45:02] --> Danielson connected to the server
[08:45:22] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[08:45:45] --> Danielson connected to the server
[08:52:55] <-- Mumarzkie disconnected from the server
[08:53:02] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[08:55:38] --> Danielson connected to the server
[08:56:11] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[08:56:39] --> l_drago connected to the server
[08:56:46] <Ouro> wb
[08:56:51] <l_drago> ty
[08:57:01] (WEB) <midget#0266> hello
[08:58:10] <l_drago> hy
[09:02:19] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[09:08:59] --> Danielson connected to the server
[09:10:30] <l_drago> wb
[09:11:34] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> thanks
[09:15:15] --> Sadx connected to the server
[09:17:12] <-- sangam disconnected from the server
[09:22:12] <l_drago> !missions cargodrop
[09:22:14] (WEB) <robin_be> l_drago: 1000 cargodrop
[09:25:56] <l_drago> wb
[09:26:06] --> XMaster29 connected to the server
[09:29:01] --> enovenn connected to the server
[09:29:06] <TwilightMontana> WB.
[09:29:17] <Danielson> gz
[09:29:24] <TwilightMontana> What?.
[09:30:15] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[09:30:20] <Danielson> ty
[09:30:23] <enovenn> hwat does gz mean
[09:30:28] <l_drago> congratz
[09:35:13] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[09:36:37] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Big Ole titties
[09:36:39] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[09:36:44] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[09:36:49] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Wb
[09:38:01] <TwilightMontana> Project2DFX makes the game look good.
[09:38:03] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[09:38:06] <Danielson> yeah
[09:38:16] <l_drago> a mod?
[09:38:16] <TwilightMontana> You're using it?.
[09:38:18] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[09:38:21] <Danielson> i am
[09:38:46] <TwilightMontana> Makes the cities an actual city.
[09:39:50] --> Sadx connected to the server
[09:39:52] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[09:40:08] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[09:42:22] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[09:44:50] <Sadx> !cboard
[09:44:55] <Sadx> !aboard
[09:45:05] <TwilightMontana> Bot's down.
[09:51:47] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> !houses twi
[09:51:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Avispa Country Club: $12,000,000 15 slots Queens: $15,000,000 15 slots Prickle Pine: $15,000,000 15 slots
[09:52:05] <TwilightMontana> <3
[09:52:23] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> Finally all the nice houses
[09:52:43] <TwilightMontana> Kemah rumahing San Fierro?.
[09:53:11] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> No fuck y
[09:53:21] <TwilightMontana> Glady.
[09:53:44] <-- Winlogon.bat disconnected from the server
[09:53:49] <-- XMaster29 disconnected from the server
[09:53:52] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> Check discord babes
[09:54:02] <TwilightMontana> I know.
[09:54:02] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> Wow winny left
[09:54:02] <Sadx> which?
[09:54:07] <Sadx> oh
[09:54:22] <TwilightMontana> Winny's ex returned.
[09:59:27] --> Cpt.Boss connected to the server
[09:59:30] <TwilightMontana> wb.
[09:59:40] <Cpt.Boss> thnx man
[09:59:55] <Cpt.Boss> im thinking of working and buying back a house which my brother had
[10:00:05] <Cpt.Boss> in mulholland
[10:00:10] <TwilightMontana> What house?.
[10:00:18] <Cpt.Boss> 3 slot house
[10:00:23] <TwilightMontana> Oh.
[10:00:26] <Cpt.Boss> i think its still on sale
[10:00:51] <Cpt.Boss> which is the best aircraft for money? at400?
[10:00:56] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[10:01:14] <Cpt.Boss> yeet
[10:01:55] <Cpt.Boss> ffs
[10:02:02] <Cpt.Boss> my a340-600 mod is too long
[10:02:10] <Cpt.Boss> longer than my pp
[10:02:18] <Cpt.Boss> if i get in then BOOM
[10:02:33] <TwilightMontana> Use A319.
[10:02:40] <TwilightMontana> Or 20.
[10:02:51] <Cpt.Boss> yea skyline had a really small airbus mod
[10:03:01] <Cpt.Boss> can i get into a clan? xD
[10:03:03] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[10:03:11] <TwilightMontana> wait
[10:03:13] <TwilightMontana> What?.
[10:03:29] <Cpt.Boss> i got booted
[10:03:34] <Cpt.Boss> for inactivity
[10:03:41] <TwilightMontana> Oh
[10:03:44] <TwilightMontana> You meant airline?.
[10:04:09] <Cpt.Boss> yea
[10:04:17] <TwilightMontana> /airlines
[10:04:30] <Cpt.Boss> ah shit after playing world of tanks all i remember is the word "clan"
[10:04:45] <Cpt.Boss> which one will accept me in 1 minute?
[10:04:50] <TwilightMontana> World of Wanks?.
[10:04:55] <Cpt.Boss> yea kinda
[10:04:58] <TwilightMontana> Probably Lufthansa.
[10:05:03] <Cpt.Boss> noice
[10:05:38] --> JosipCRO connected to the server
[10:05:43] <Cpt.Boss> wb
[10:05:49] <TwilightMontana> wb.
[10:05:49] <JosipCRO> ty
[10:08:34] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[10:08:36] <Danielson> wb
[10:08:36] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[10:08:39] <Cpt.Boss> wb
[10:08:52] <akiyamaha> 10q
[10:09:12] (WEB) <dipa#0472> weeb :v
[10:09:20] <akiyamaha> ohai diaper
[10:09:22] <Cpt.Boss> senpaiiii
[10:09:30] <Danielson> kyaaaaaaa
[10:09:35] <akiyamaha> nyaa uwu
[10:11:22] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[10:11:44] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[10:12:58] <Cpt.Boss> catch me retardo im using aimbot
[10:13:06] <Cpt.Boss> KEKW
[10:13:26] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[10:13:34] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[10:14:50] <-- JosipCRO disconnected from the server
[10:16:50] <-- Cpt.Boss disconnected from the server
[10:17:28] <TwilightMontana> And that makes it only the two of us.
[10:19:55] --> Cpt.Boss connected to the server
[10:27:15] <-- Cpt.Boss disconnected from the server
[10:34:15] --> Danielson connected to the server
[10:34:17] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[10:34:20] <Danielson> ty
[10:48:37] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[10:48:42] <Danielson> ty
[10:53:39] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[10:53:44] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[10:54:05] <Oatdelta> thanks
[10:54:28] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[10:54:30] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[10:54:30] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[10:54:35] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[10:54:38] <Oatdelta> wb
[10:55:18] <Brooklyn> ty
[10:55:31] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[10:55:36] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[10:55:49] --> Danielson connected to the server
[10:55:54] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[10:55:54] <Danielson> ty
[10:57:03] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[10:57:28] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[10:57:38] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[11:02:53] --> enovenn connected to the server
[11:03:39] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[11:09:07] <Brooklyn> hello
[11:09:12] <TwilightMontana> Heya.
[11:10:01] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[11:10:03] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[11:10:21] <akiyamaha> 10q
[11:13:06] <enovenn> how do you enter a correct radio station URL
[11:13:37] --> knightriderfan000 connected to the server
[11:13:42] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[11:13:47] <knightriderfan000> hey
[11:15:44] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[11:15:49] <enovenn> bruh
[11:15:51] <enovenn> what the fucj
[11:16:02] <enovenn> literally left while im on the plane
[11:16:12] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[11:16:22] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[11:16:37] <enovenn> what happened
[11:17:23] <Brooklyn> my game crashed
[11:17:28] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[11:17:59] <akiyamaha> anyone else experience an issue where unli nitro doesnt work on one car?
[11:18:19] <Brooklyn> nope, not me
[11:18:32] <TwilightMontana> Nah.
[11:18:37] <akiyamaha> weird
[11:18:47] <TwilightMontana> Try /rc
[11:18:52] <akiyamaha> I've had it happen twice now, once on a super gt and now a dune
[11:18:54] <akiyamaha> i have
[11:19:05] <TwilightMontana> It is correct lol.
[11:20:01] <Brooklyn> !missions winlogon.bat trucking
[11:20:03] (WEB) <robin_be> winlogon.bat: 5810 trucking
[11:21:55] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[11:22:38] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[11:22:46] <akiyamaha> ty
[11:23:19] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[11:23:32] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[11:23:34] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[11:23:44] <TwilightMontana> w/
[11:23:44] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[11:25:34] <Sadx> !missions dodo
[11:25:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Sadx: 362 dodo
[11:25:54] <Brooklyn> going for 500?
[11:25:59] <Sadx> yes
[11:26:07] <Sadx> then skimmer
[11:26:43] <Brooklyn> ninja trees smh
[11:27:03] <akiyamaha> anyone not working?
[11:27:18] <Sadx> need help aki?
[11:27:31] <akiyamaha> yeah just a quick test
[11:27:54] <Sadx> k, coming
[11:27:56] <akiyamaha> tp bb
[11:28:01] --> Danielson connected to the server
[11:28:06] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[11:28:09] <Danielson> ty
[11:28:27] <akiyamaha> can you check if the nitrous works
[11:28:34] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> bruh my head fucking hurts
[11:28:40] <Sadx> yes doesnt work
[11:28:47] <akiyamaha> ok ty
[11:28:57] <Sadx> i think dune is just same as dumper
[11:29:05] <Danielson> fap
[11:29:10] <Sadx> i added UL nitro to it but doesnt worked
[11:29:20] <akiyamaha> darn
[11:29:25] <akiyamaha> this is already slow enough smh
[11:29:53] <Sadx> also added wheels to dumper but doesnt changed
[11:30:09] --> Twi connected to the server
[11:30:11] <Sadx> Welcome Back
[11:30:19] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[11:30:21] <Twi> ty
[11:30:31] <Twi> dice anyone?
[11:30:54] <Sadx> sell all of your houses to server then lets go dice :)
[11:30:57] <Sadx> interested?
[11:30:57] <Twi> why
[11:31:48] --> Lenz connected to the server
[11:31:55] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[11:32:00] <akiyamaha> webe
[11:32:18] <Lenz> tanks
[11:36:25] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[11:36:45] <Twi> !player nightmare
[11:36:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player nightmare: 20442 score, last seen null
[11:36:53] <Twi> dice
[11:36:55] <Brooklyn> !player knight
[11:36:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player knight: 17654 score, last seen null
[11:37:01] <TwilightMontana> 5k.
[11:37:03] <Twi> come
[11:37:11] <TwilightMontana> Alright.
[11:39:23] <Twi> HAHA
[11:39:41] <Twi> HAHAHA
[11:39:48] <Twi> :(
[11:39:51] <TwilightMontana> Cunt.
[11:39:53] <Twi> ty
[11:40:34] <Twi> win it all
[11:40:44] <Twi> !cash
[11:40:44] <Twi> win it ALL
[11:40:47] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has $216,687 in hand
[11:41:53] <TwilightMontana> I did not do anything.
[11:42:03] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[11:42:11] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[11:42:11] <Twi> wb
[11:42:13] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[11:42:21] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[11:42:24] <Twi> wb
[11:42:29] <Brooklyn> ty
[11:42:34] <Twi> selling
[11:42:54] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[11:43:22] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[11:43:22] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[11:43:25] <Twi> wb
[11:43:27] <Twi> that dodo way fast
[11:43:47] <Sadx> really that fast? xD
[11:43:50] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[11:46:02] <TwilightMontana> !cash Twi
[11:46:05] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has $206,562 in hand
[11:46:45] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[11:48:09] <-- knightriderfan000 disconnected from the server
[11:51:30] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[11:51:33] <akiyamaha> ty
[11:54:13] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[11:54:36] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[12:02:34] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[12:14:21] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[12:14:26] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:14:38] <akiyamaha> ty
[12:16:18] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[12:16:23] <akiyamaha> ty
[12:19:51] <TwilightMontana> w/
[12:22:52] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[12:23:55] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[12:24:11] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:24:13] <Brooklyn> ty
[12:36:51] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[12:39:11] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[12:39:31] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:39:34] <Smetkowski> ty
[12:41:48] <Twi> tf
[12:41:48] <Twi> b
[12:41:51] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[12:43:38] --> Twi connected to the server
[12:43:45] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:43:53] <Twi> Thank you.
[12:44:39] <TwilightMontana> Is it Cygnus's house?.
[12:44:44] <Brooklyn> nope
[12:44:46] <Twi> na
[12:44:56] <Twi> cygnus's avispa
[12:44:59] <Brooklyn> it was the avispa country club in SF
[12:45:07] <TwilightMontana> Oh.
[12:45:07] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[12:45:09] <Twi> wb
[12:45:14] <Wak_Jemah> ty
[12:46:18] <Twi> mt chiliad house
[12:46:20] <Twi> for sale
[12:46:20] <Twi> 100m
[12:46:31] <Twi> stonks
[12:46:46] <TwilightMontana> 1k.
[12:46:53] <Twi> tell diamond
[12:47:24] <TwilightMontana> Nah.
[12:47:32] <Twi> anone seen ayers?
[12:47:47] <Brooklyn> nah
[12:47:52] <TwilightMontana> I think he logged yesterday.
[12:47:57] <Twi> !cars ayers
[12:48:00] (WEB) <robin_be> ayers has: Sentinel Esperanto Premier Sabre Maverick Hotring Racer Mountain Bike NRG-500 Bullet Utility Truc(..)
[12:48:12] <TwilightMontana> Are you going to kemah rumah him?.
[12:48:18] <Twi> nah
[12:48:23] <Twi> he posted an ad
[12:49:03] <TwilightMontana> oh.
[12:49:34] <Twi> !cars lenz
[12:49:36] (WEB) <robin_be> lenz has: Buffalo Infernus Seasparrow Seasparrow Seasparrow Seasparrow Pizzaboy Camper FBI Rancher RC Goblin(..)
[12:49:47] <Twi> !cars brooklyn
[12:49:49] (WEB) <robin_be> brooklyn has: Buffalo Stretch Stretch Bobcat Hunter Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier (..)
[12:50:30] <Wak_Jemah> !cars
[12:50:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Wak_Jemah has: Premier Blista Compact Stratum Club
[12:51:06] <TwilightMontana> !cars Twi
[12:51:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has: Buffalo Sentinel Stretch Infernus Packer Packer Monster Seasparrow Faggio RC Baron RC Baron RC Baro(..)
[12:51:39] <Twi> twi
[12:51:44] <TwilightMontana> What?.
[12:51:44] <Twi> what mod u usi
[12:51:47] <Twi> n
[12:52:04] <TwilightMontana> SkyGFX, Project 2DFX.
[12:52:17] <Twi> send pl0x
[12:52:22] <TwilightMontana> Sure.
[12:52:50] --> Danielson connected to the server
[12:52:53] <TwilightMontana> WB.
[12:52:55] <Danielson> TY
[12:52:58] <Twi> no
[12:53:05] <Twi> ban danielson
[12:54:19] <TwilightMontana> Sent.
[12:54:22] <Twi> come
[12:54:27] <Danielson> ey
[12:54:34] <Twi> let me install some shit
[12:54:34] <TwilightMontana> Make sure to crank up the view distance.
[12:54:37] <Danielson> ok
[12:54:39] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[12:54:50] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[12:55:15] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[12:56:16] --> Smith. connected to the server
[12:56:24] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> Game crahsed
[12:56:31] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> It says not enough space for coronas wtf
[12:56:31] <TwilightMontana> Lmao.
[12:56:34] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:56:41] <Smith.> thxx
[12:57:48] <Smith.> K-Rose best radi
[12:57:50] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[12:57:53] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[12:58:03] <Smith.> wb
[12:58:05] <Brooklyn> ty
[12:58:59] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[12:59:50] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> twi ngentot
[12:59:55] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[13:00:15] --> Rudolph connected to the server
[13:00:15] <TwilightMontana> Bitchlyn.
[13:00:18] <Danielson> wb
[13:00:23] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[13:00:23] <Rudolph> thanks
[13:00:28] <Smith.> wb
[13:00:40] <Brooklyn> hello stan
[13:00:58] --> Dasher connected to the server
[13:01:01] <Smith.> where is stan
[13:01:01] <Danielson> wb
[13:01:01] <Rudolph> hello brook
[13:01:03] <TwilightMontana> WB.
[13:01:11] <TwilightMontana> Stan's dead?.
[13:01:11] <Dasher> ty
[13:01:13] <Dasher> stan is sleepig
[13:01:19] <Dasher> sleeping
[13:01:39] <Brooklyn> yes, Real Stan is ded, Rudolph is an impostor
[13:01:47] <Rudolph> Brooklyn is sus
[13:01:52] <Brooklyn> nou
[13:02:04] <Dasher> Yes, Brooklyn is sus.
[13:02:48] <Brooklyn> !8ball are Rudolph and Dasher an impostors?
[13:02:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: Sign points to yes
[13:02:55] <Dasher> !8ball do you tell lies?
[13:02:58] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: Sign points to yes
[13:03:03] <Brooklyn> a
[13:03:03] <Dasher> :
[13:03:08] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Is that a lie?.
[13:03:11] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: Don't count on it
[13:03:13] <Smith.> !8ball Smith is best player on PL right?
[13:03:16] (WEB) <robin_be> Smith.: You may rely on it
[13:03:21] <Smith.> ;)
[13:03:21] <Brooklyn> yes, indeed
[13:03:26] <Brooklyn> #Smith4Admin
[13:03:31] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[13:03:39] <Smith.> There was a time when i was trying to get Admin
[13:03:39] <Smith.> lol
[13:04:14] <Smith.> yesterday checked my forum pms from old time
[13:04:17] <Brooklyn> well, if you return a year earlier, you would've been seleteced as an admin right now
[13:04:32] <Brooklyn> selected*
[13:04:37] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:04:40] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[13:04:45] <Smith.> nah its okay im admin on a dayz server thats enough
[13:05:33] <akiyamaha> !player puga
[13:05:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player puga: 0 score, last seen null
[13:05:46] <Dasher> !userid
[13:05:56] <Dasher> oh yeah
[13:05:58] <Dasher> the bot is dead forgot
[13:06:09] <Dasher> !missions cargo
[13:06:11] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 463 cargo
[13:06:11] <Dasher> ^ today 500
[13:06:19] <TwilightMontana> Gl.
[13:06:24] <Dasher> ty
[13:06:42] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> gg
[13:06:49] (WEB) <XiJinPing#0921> license when
[13:06:55] <Dasher> twi how about you join and work
[13:07:40] <Smith.> wb
[13:07:48] <Lenz> ty
[13:08:49] <Smith.> what is my benefit if i do shamal license
[13:08:57] <Danielson> free at400
[13:08:59] <Lenz> extra pay
[13:09:09] <Smith.> i did the licenses years ago why i dont have them anymore lol
[13:09:09] <Lenz> and At400 as prize
[13:09:12] <Dasher> or 2m
[13:09:17] <Dasher> @smith economy reset
[13:09:19] <Brooklyn> free at400 & bonush for every completed shamal flight
[13:09:27] <Lenz> At400 worth like 5m
[13:09:27] <Brooklyn> bonus
[13:09:30] <Danielson> do it and give me the at400
[13:09:42] --> Twi connected to the server
[13:09:45] <Smith.> how much is the bonus per flight
[13:09:45] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[13:09:47] <akiyamaha> ohai
[13:09:47] <Rudolph> wb
[13:09:50] <Dasher> wb
[13:09:52] <Brooklyn> around 3k
[13:09:58] <Lenz> 2-3k
[13:10:05] <Dasher> that 2-3k stacks up each time
[13:10:13] <Dasher> I mean
[13:10:26] <Dasher> you do 10 missions and you have easy 20-30k extra
[13:10:26] <Smith.> !mission Shamal
[13:10:28] <Brooklyn> 2~3k per flight
[13:10:36] <Brooklyn> 100 flights earn you quite a lot tho
[13:10:41] <Lenz> !missions smith. shamal
[13:10:43] (WEB) <robin_be> smith.: 549 shamal
[13:10:46] <Smith.> thats not enough or
[13:10:54] <Brooklyn> yes
[13:10:54] <Dasher> it's enough
[13:10:54] <Brooklyn> enough
[13:11:11] <Dasher> !cash smith.
[13:11:11] <Smith.> well okay then
[13:11:14] (WEB) <robin_be> smith. has $94,211 in hand
[13:11:14] <Brooklyn> nevada licenses requires 2500 completed flights right?
[13:11:14] <TwilightMontana> What's the requirement?.
[13:11:19] <Dasher> no 500 brook
[13:11:22] <Lenz> no, 500
[13:11:29] <TwilightMontana> On shamal.
[13:11:34] <Brooklyn> hello there
[13:11:34] <Dasher> uh 500 shamal missions
[13:11:37] <Dasher> 1m cash
[13:11:39] <Smith.> hai
[13:11:42] <Dasher> and 1000 score I think
[13:11:42] <TwilightMontana> Thanks.
[13:11:44] <Lenz> yes dasher
[13:11:50] <TwilightMontana> General Kenobi
[13:12:33] <Brooklyn> btw, smith, you need a house right?
[13:12:40] <Smith.> yea
[13:12:56] <Brooklyn> why don't you design your own custom house? :v
[13:13:06] <Smith.> i dont even know how it works
[13:13:13] <Dasher> you make a custom house
[13:13:21] <Dasher> you can choose between 5-20 slots
[13:13:24] <Lenz> there is forum post regarding this
[13:13:26] <Brooklyn> submit it at custom house section on forums
[13:13:29] <Dasher> max 50 objects
[13:13:29] <Brooklyn> get sursai's approval
[13:13:36] <Smith.> How much will it cost ingame
[13:13:39] <Brooklyn> then donate to get it added to the server
[13:13:41] <Dasher> why am I getting opcodes when I press 5 smh
[13:13:47] <Brooklyn> depends on slots and your vip status
[13:13:47] <Lenz> custom house is IRL money
[13:13:52] <Smith.> ah
[13:14:02] <Smith.> how much?
[13:14:02] <Dasher> there's a table on the post I think
[13:14:07] <Brooklyn> there's the price chart in #information section tho
[13:14:15] <Smith.> alright im gonna check
[13:14:22] <Smith.> where can i do a custm house?
[13:14:30] <Dasher> stan u gai
[13:14:35] <Lenz> not Whitewood estates
[13:14:43] <Dasher> whitewood estates
[13:14:43] <Dasher> very flat
[13:14:48] <TwilightMontana> ^
[13:14:50] <Brooklyn> no more empty space at Whitewood anyway lol
[13:14:50] <Lenz> too many houses there
[13:15:00] <Dasher> there is I think
[13:15:00] <Smith.> na thinkin about Verona Beach
[13:15:05] <Smetkowski> there's still 2 spaces
[13:15:21] <Smith.> brb im gonna check the forum post
[13:15:23] <Brooklyn> there's a big ass empty space next to go-jek tho
[13:17:30] <Smith.> so who can map in here
[13:17:33] <Brooklyn> me
[13:17:43] <Smetkowski> me too
[13:17:51] <Brooklyn> but my skills is kinda shit tho
[13:17:51] <Smith.> Do i need to pay you for mapping
[13:18:06] <Brooklyn> I can do it for free tho
[13:18:26] <Dasher> some want a payement of 2-3m
[13:18:29] <Brooklyn> but contact smet, i'm lazy af anyway lmao
[13:18:36] <Dasher> payment*
[13:18:47] <Smetkowski> nah I can do it for 1m
[13:18:52] <Lenz> Shazi has that mapping bussiness, 3m per map
[13:19:12] <Dasher> pixy does 50k per object I think
[13:19:30] <Brooklyn> I dont think pix is available rn
[13:19:35] <Dasher> yeah
[13:19:43] <Dasher> I think he's busy
[13:20:03] <Brooklyn> so smeth, shazie,
[13:20:28] <Dasher> I think Crystal also maps custom houses
[13:21:11] <Dasher> but he might not IDK
[13:21:32] <Brooklyn> he can map, but I dont think he do map custom house
[13:21:42] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[13:21:50] --> Twi connected to the server
[13:21:52] <Rudolph> wn
[13:21:52] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[13:21:55] <Dasher> wb
[13:21:55] <Rudolph> wb
[13:21:57] <Dasher> guess what twi
[13:21:57] <Brooklyn> !bankcash
[13:22:00] <Dasher> your number showed up
[13:22:02] <Twi> oh look it's stan
[13:22:07] <Twi> lotto?
[13:22:10] <Brooklyn> oh right, bot ded
[13:22:10] <Dasher> on a 3m lotot
[13:22:15] <Twi> 3k
[13:22:18] <Twi> 300k
[13:23:14] <Dasher> I got a total of 1.6m lul
[13:23:16] <Twi> hadeh
[13:23:34] <Brooklyn> rich
[13:24:32] <Smith.> what happens when i dont have free slot for at400
[13:24:42] <Brooklyn> you get 2m instead
[13:24:42] <Lenz> you get the 2m, i guess
[13:24:42] <Dasher> you don't get it
[13:24:42] <Twi> ricardo
[13:24:45] <Twi> has it
[13:24:48] <Smetkowski> it dissapears
[13:24:50] <Twi> takes it*
[13:24:55] <Brooklyn> but you have 1 free slot
[13:25:00] <Smith.> nah
[13:25:00] <Dasher> !assets smith.
[13:25:03] (WEB) <robin_be> smith. has 1 car(s) ($140,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $140,000
[13:25:11] <Dasher> don't tell me you started the license lol
[13:25:16] <Smith.> i did
[13:25:18] <Lenz> F
[13:25:18] <Brooklyn> F
[13:25:18] <TwilightMontana> F.
[13:25:21] <Twi> f
[13:25:28] <Twi> i can hold your nrg
[13:25:28] <Smetkowski> can't u do /mycars > sell during that?
[13:25:31] <Dasher> you better hope the server crashes or something
[13:25:31] <Brooklyn> quick, crash t the tres
[13:25:36] <Twi> I think he can
[13:25:41] <Dasher> he can actually I think
[13:25:41] <Brooklyn> fail that test right now lol
[13:25:46] <Smith.> sold
[13:25:46] <Dasher> no or just
[13:25:49] <Twi> sweet
[13:25:49] <Dasher> lmao
[13:25:51] <Brooklyn> !cars smith.
[13:25:51] <Lenz> !assets Smith.
[13:25:51] <Dasher> gg
[13:25:54] (WEB) <robin_be> smith. has: NRG-500
[13:26:02] <Lenz> !assets Smith.
[13:26:02] <TwilightMontana> Or not.
[13:26:02] <Dasher> give it a moment to update lol
[13:26:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Smith. has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[13:26:04] <Brooklyn> isnt updated yet I think
[13:26:04] <Smith.> i think i failed
[13:26:07] <Brooklyn> !cars smith.
[13:26:09] (WEB) <robin_be> smith. has: NRG-500
[13:26:17] <Rudolph> L
[13:26:17] <Dasher> F
[13:26:19] <Lenz> damaged..
[13:26:19] <Twi> shamal is ez
[13:26:19] <Twi> f
[13:26:19] <Lenz> F
[13:26:19] <TwilightMontana> L.
[13:26:25] <Smith.> f
[13:26:27] <Dasher> hey "L" is rude
[13:26:30] <Dasher> say "F"
[13:26:35] <akiyamaha> rip
[13:26:37] <TwilightMontana> F.
[13:26:40] <Dasher> or rip
[13:26:40] <Smith.> takes me another 1m ffs
[13:26:42] <Smith.> nah idc
[13:26:45] <TwilightMontana> !missions Shamal
[13:26:48] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[13:26:53] <Dasher> don't worry I failed aswell on the shamal license lol
[13:26:55] <TwilightMontana> !missions shamal
[13:26:55] <Twi> smith rich
[13:26:58] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: 66 shamal
[13:26:58] <Smith.> im not rich
[13:27:03] --> dipa connected to the server
[13:27:08] <Rudolph> wb
[13:27:08] <Dasher> wb
[13:27:10] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[13:27:10] <Brooklyn> .givecash smith 5000000 hue
[13:27:10] <Smetkowski> wb
[13:27:13] <Lenz> wb
[13:27:16] <dipa> ty
[13:27:18] <Smith.> yea go on brooklyn
[13:27:18] <Dasher> how about
[13:27:18] <dipa> so much wb's :3
[13:27:18] <Smith.> do again
[13:27:26] <Dasher> you do Dasher brooklyn
[13:27:26] <Brooklyn> I might do it fr tho lol
[13:28:09] <Wak_Jemah> Is lima island airport new?
[13:28:19] <Dasher> yes but no
[13:28:19] <Brooklyn> it's been year for half a year already
[13:28:27] <Brooklyn> been here*
[13:28:39] <Wak_Jemah> because somehow the runway helper couldnt detect the runway
[13:28:45] <Rudolph> F10
[13:28:47] <Dasher> F10
[13:28:52] <Wak_Jemah> I pressed that
[13:28:52] <Dasher> and look which version you got
[13:28:57] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[13:29:00] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[13:29:13] <Dasher> like at the bottom of the settings
[13:29:25] <Wak_Jemah> I think I got the old version, which is like few years ago
[13:29:28] <Brooklyn> !plhelper
[13:29:30] <Dasher> !plhud
[13:29:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Latest+plhud+version:+v30+(spelling+update)
[13:29:33] <Brooklyn> !plhud
[13:29:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Latest+plhud+version:+v30+(spelling+update)
[13:29:41] <Dasher> I guess you have v20-25
[13:29:51] <Dasher> but you can check which one you have from F10
[13:29:56] <Wak_Jemah> v22
[13:30:06] <Dasher> damn that one is old
[13:30:06] <Wak_Jemah> where can I get the latest update?
[13:30:09] <Dasher> forums
[13:30:16] <Wak_Jemah> the latest is v25?
[13:30:29] <dipa> The latest is 30.206
[13:30:31] <Wak_Jemah> alright i'll update soon
[13:30:54] <Wak_Jemah> thanks people :)
[13:32:05] <Dasher> ty
[13:32:33] <Dasher> bruh
[13:32:36] <Smith.> wtf means lyk?
[13:32:39] <Dasher> I added myself as a friend
[13:32:41] <Dasher> I'm dead
[13:32:49] <akiyamaha> loner strat
[13:33:19] <Smith.> what stands lyk for?
[13:33:27] <dipa> what lyk stands for*
[13:33:29] <Rudolph> let you know?
[13:33:37] <Smith.> lol
[13:33:37] <Dasher> love you know?
[13:33:40] <Smith.> thanks
[13:33:42] <Rudolph> or like
[13:33:57] <Dasher> tdsoag
[13:34:20] <Dasher> who knows what that means
[13:34:25] <Dasher> is educated
[13:34:35] <Dasher> or just searches youtube nonstop
[13:35:14] <dipa> youtube tags?
[13:35:26] <Dasher> god dammit
[13:35:29] <Dasher> I hit water
[13:35:39] <Brooklyn> hah!
[13:35:49] <Brooklyn> !crystal
[13:35:52] <Wak_Jemah> hi dipa
[13:35:54] <dipa> hi wak
[13:35:57] <Dasher> the bot is dead
[13:36:02] <Brooklyn> oh yeah I forgot
[13:36:04] <Brooklyn> TG's bot is ded
[13:36:04] <Dasher> test
[13:36:07] <Dasher> ^ see
[13:36:15] <Dasher> well it's not dead he disabled the commands
[13:36:17] <dipa> next year :<
[13:36:25] <Brooklyn> must be Dashoe's fault
[13:36:48] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[13:38:01] <Brooklyn> .loc 7
[13:38:32] <Smith.> okay meet me in rodeo again
[13:39:20] <akiyamaha> ooo
[13:39:23] <akiyamaha> gz
[13:39:23] <Smetkowski> gz
[13:39:25] <Smith.> thx
[13:39:28] <Brooklyn> gren icon gang :3
[13:39:38] <akiyamaha> thanks dash
[13:39:41] <Dasher> where is winlogon when you need him smh
[13:39:48] <Rudolph> WINNY WINNY WINNY POOH
[13:39:51] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[13:39:53] (WEB) <Luci#2625> hi
[13:39:56] <Twi> winny ded
[13:39:58] <akiyamaha> hi rare
[13:40:01] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> Hellow
[13:40:09] <Dasher> hell sadx
[13:40:09] <Brooklyn> mapping ideas, rh?
[13:40:11] <dipa> 'lo
[13:40:11] <Dasher> happy bd
[13:40:14] <Smith.> yea
[13:40:16] <Twi> vibin with the co worker
[13:40:42] <Dasher> I remember onec
[13:40:47] <Dasher> I died while unloading lol
[13:41:07] <Twi> hey
[13:41:10] <Twi> what ya'll doing up there
[13:41:22] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[13:41:25] <Brooklyn> some shady businesses
[13:41:30] <Dasher> where
[13:41:32] <Dasher> can I join
[13:41:35] <Brooklyn> no
[13:41:35] <Twi> sketchy
[13:41:55] <Brooklyn> It won't be shady if more people are joining
[13:42:05] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[13:42:18] <Twi> uwu
[13:42:21] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[13:42:21] <Twi> a house in
[13:42:21] <Smith.> and in the middle the gate?
[13:42:23] <Twi> richman
[13:42:33] (WEB) <Shazi#1614> lud lets make our own shady bussiness and not tell them about it
[13:42:49] <Dasher> sure thing
[13:42:49] --> Ayers connected to the server
[13:42:51] <Twi> wb
[13:42:56] <Ayers> thx!
[13:42:56] <Dasher> >creates a shady bussines
[13:42:59] <Dasher> wb
[13:43:07] (WEB) <Shazi#1614> >joins
[13:43:19] <Danielson> deal
[13:43:22] (WEB) <Shazi#1614> >business now locked
[13:43:34] <Twi> daniel
[13:43:37] <Twi> i got
[13:43:37] <Dasher> >business stock market is huge
[13:43:40] <Twi> the wank
[13:43:40] <Twi> house back
[13:43:52] (WEB) <Shazi#1614> >yes
[13:44:05] <Twi> stan working
[13:44:08] <Dasher> >shazi and dasher become trillionares
[13:44:10] <Twi> lufthansa broke
[13:44:15] <Dasher> yes
[13:44:15] (WEB) <Shazi#1614> >stonks
[13:44:23] <Rudolph> .openwinlogonsbankk
[13:44:23] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[13:44:28] <Twi> hadeh
[13:44:28] <Twi> wb
[13:44:33] <Rudolph> im working cause im on a vc ;r:
[13:44:41] <Wak_Jemah> updated to the latest version, thanks guys :)
[13:44:56] <Dasher> np
[13:45:03] <Twi> brooklyn nub
[13:45:06] <Brooklyn> you fucker
[13:45:14] <Ayers> !cboard
[13:45:21] <Twi> rip them
[13:45:24] <Twi> ricardo pls
[13:45:26] <Twi> do it
[13:45:44] <Brooklyn> /spraycar
[13:45:44] <Twi> oh no
[13:45:47] <Twi> oh no no no no no
[13:46:04] <Twi> should I ..
[13:46:45] <Twi> wb
[13:46:53] <Ayers> !assets danielson
[13:46:55] (WEB) <robin_be> danielson has 7 car(s) ($6,500,000) and 2 house(s) ($7,500,000 - 7 slots) for a total of $14,000,000
[13:47:51] <Smith.> how do change color again with command
[13:47:54] <Smith.> of car
[13:47:59] <Twi> /spraycar id id
[13:47:59] <Lenz> /spraycar
[13:48:14] <Twi> 11 slot in richman
[13:48:17] <Twi> only for 100m
[13:48:17] <Twi> HADEH
[13:48:22] <Smetkowski> cheap
[13:48:22] <Smith.> i saw that yesterday
[13:48:24] <Smith.> fully overpriced
[13:48:55] <Twi> doesn't even have a payphone
[13:48:55] <Smith.> alright smiths richass will get a custom house soon hopefully
[13:49:41] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[13:49:46] <Brooklyn> shit
[13:50:16] <Dasher> fucking landfill\
[13:50:24] <akiyamaha> f
[13:50:32] <Twi> fucking dasher
[13:50:37] <Dasher> nou
[13:50:37] <Twi> !missions cargo
[13:50:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi: 72 cargo
[13:50:42] <Twi> wow
[13:50:47] <Twi> i'm so near 500
[13:50:55] <dipa> Far
[13:51:15] <dipa> fine
[13:51:15] --> Wak_Jemah connected to the server
[13:51:20] <Twi> yes fine
[13:52:01] <Brooklyn> LC is bugged lmao
[13:52:06] <Brooklyn> it disappeared sometimes
[13:52:19] <Dasher> could be a mod brook
[13:52:21] <Dasher> happend to me
[13:52:41] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[13:52:49] <Smith.> defintly bugged
[13:52:54] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[13:52:57] <Rudolph> wb
[13:52:59] <Dasher> wb
[13:53:02] <Brooklyn> ty
[13:53:12] <Brooklyn> pm 0 sure
[13:53:42] <-- Wak_Jemah disconnected from the server
[13:55:37] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[13:56:28] <Smith.> Cant I map by myself is there any mapping tool?
[13:56:28] <Smith.> idk
[13:56:33] <Dasher> yes
[13:56:33] <Twi> map editor
[13:56:35] <Brooklyn> yes
[13:56:40] <Twi> there's a link on forums
[13:56:40] <Twi> for it
[13:56:56] <dipa> Link is on forum
[13:57:06] <dipa> On the tutorial sections of the forum
[13:57:13] <dipa> You will find it pinned
[13:57:21] <Twi> huh
[13:57:31] <Smith.> brb
[13:57:31] <-- Smith. disconnected from the server
[14:04:06] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[14:04:08] <Danielson> wb
[14:04:11] <Twi> wb
[14:04:26] <TwilightMontana> Thank you.
[14:04:44] <Brooklyn> !player warmbees
[14:04:46] (WEB) <robin_be> player warmbees: 7610 score, last seen null
[14:05:42] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> id warna yang mendekati emas apa ya?
[14:06:26] <Danielson> warna mobil?
[14:06:28] <Danielson> 6 kali
[14:06:36] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> 99 juga
[14:06:46] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> iya sih 6 tapi lebih ke kuning
[14:06:54] (WEB) <Agnefo#7191> 110
[14:06:59] <Dasher> nevada's engines are weak
[14:07:29] (WEB) <eddie#6341> yo#ure weak
[14:07:37] <Dasher> ok
[14:07:37] <Brooklyn> indeed
[14:07:55] <Dasher> I almsot went boo
[14:07:55] <Dasher> boom
[14:08:05] --> enovenn connected to the server
[14:08:07] (WEB) <eddie#6341> guess whos not winning the event#
[14:08:56] --> eddie connected to the server
[14:09:01] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:09:11] <Dasher> I can smell 500 nevada missions
[14:09:31] <eddie> canyousmellwhattherockiscookin
[14:09:44] <TwilightMontana> Cum, I smell cum.
[14:09:46] <Dasher> no
[14:09:49] <Dasher> probably some eggz
[14:09:57] <akiyamaha> cummy wummies
[14:09:59] <Brooklyn> Dasher's feelings
[14:10:25] <Brooklyn> .loc 7
[14:11:41] --> Pixy connected to the server
[14:11:46] <Danielson> tumben
[14:11:51] <Pixy> thanks
[14:11:54] <dipa> iyah :v
[14:11:56] <Pixy> lagi males coli
[14:11:56] <dipa> wb
[14:12:04] <Danielson> kan ga harus coli juga
[14:12:09] <Danielson> lu dari PP kan
[14:12:11] <Pixy> gaada kegiatan
[14:12:14] <Dasher> wb
[14:12:14] <Ayers> gmn yan udah nemu jilboob lagi ga
[14:12:16] <Pixy> wkwkwk anjing
[14:12:16] <Danielson> okawokawok tolol
[14:12:19] <Pixy> thanks
[14:12:21] <Dasher> !missions cargo
[14:12:24] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 480 cargo
[14:12:27] <dipa> Oli nya di simpen dulu :v
[14:12:32] <dipa> jangan ganti terus
[14:12:47] <Danielson> woi anjeng
[14:12:52] <Ayers> kan buat pixy
[14:13:02] <Danielson> bukan si ryan nabrak gua
[14:13:07] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[14:13:18] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:13:51] <Danielson> tumben ga main GI yan
[14:14:03] <Ayers> stress ga dapet pantat ganyu
[14:14:08] <Danielson> wkwkw tolol
[14:14:16] <Pixy> gua GI sehari 1 jam doang biar ga bosen
[14:14:26] <Danielson> sisanya cari baco
[14:14:26] <Danielson> bacol
[14:14:29] <Pixy> wkwkwk
[14:14:31] <Ayers> jilboob bagi dong
[14:14:41] <Danielson> emang bangsat andri
[14:14:44] <Pixy> sebenernya pen nyoba salon yg di kaskus itu
[14:14:47] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[14:14:57] <Pixy> lumayan babi 150an
[14:15:02] <Ayers> murah juga
[14:15:07] <Pixy> cuma lom liat aja gimana
[14:15:15] <Pixy> BJ sama Hj doang ndri
[14:15:17] <Ayers> ya mayan
[14:15:22] <dipa> F twilight
[14:15:25] <Ayers> dari pada 3tahun putus
[14:15:27] <dipa> Flipped stall
[14:15:40] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[14:15:42] <Pixy> lu nyindir jacob?
[14:15:45] <Ayers> nyindir lu
[14:15:48] <Danielson> lu
[14:15:50] <Ayers> lu 3 tahun kan?
[14:15:50] <Danielson> gua ngga
[14:16:00] <Danielson> gua antara iya dan tidak
[14:16:03] <Pixy> mana ada anjir 3 tahun
[14:16:05] <Ayers> lah
[14:16:05] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[14:16:10] <Danielson> gua yg 3 taun
[14:16:18] <Pixy> stengah tahun pdkt, jadian stengah tahun juga
[14:16:21] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:16:33] <dipa> sama kek aku :v
[14:16:38] <dipa> eh
[14:16:38] <Dasher> !aboard
[14:16:46] <Dasher> smh
[14:16:54] <Ayers> jadi pacarannya brp tahun
[14:17:04] <Pixy> bilangin 6 bulan
[14:17:14] <-- Rudolph disconnected from the server
[14:17:29] <Ayers> yan gw skrg ada kerjaan ni usaha katering
[14:17:34] <Dasher> fix
[14:17:37] <-- enovenn disconnected from the server
[14:17:37] <Ayers> lu mau jadi tukang nyusun boxnya ga
[14:17:42] <Ayers> kaya yg di video monyet gw share
[14:17:45] <Pixy> wkwkwkw
[14:17:45] <Pixy> peler
[14:17:47] <Danielson> wkwkwk tolol
[14:17:55] <Danielson> lu tukang matahin buncis
[14:17:55] <dipa> hayo bahasanya :v
[14:18:41] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> ohai pixy
[14:18:58] <Pixy> hello there
[14:19:14] <Pixy> previous name?
[14:19:29] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Always smith or Lt.Smith
[14:19:44] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[14:19:47] <Pixy> Wooo hello there smith
[14:19:49] <Pixy> long time bruh
[14:20:04] <Brooklyn> yeah, he returned to PL 2 days ago
[14:20:04] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Was PL Radio DJ and CEO of ANZ and BMA and GIA a small Tine
[14:20:12] <Pixy> how's life?
[14:20:12] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Yea haii
[14:20:22] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Good hb urs ?
[14:20:25] <Twi> look
[14:20:25] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:20:27] <Twi> eddie is here
[14:20:30] <Twi> ty
[14:20:32] <Pixy> not bad at all
[14:20:48] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[14:20:50] <Dasher> wb
[14:20:50] <TwilightMontana> B.
[14:20:53] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[14:20:53] <Ayers> wb
[14:20:53] <Twi> wb
[14:21:11] <TwilightMontana> w/
[14:21:33] <TwilightMontana> for 1k.
[14:21:39] <Twi> hadeh
[14:21:41] <Dasher> 1m for all of that
[14:21:49] <Ayers> avispa 10m
[14:21:51] <Twi> deal
[14:22:01] <Dasher> imma send you the money
[14:22:04] <Twi> holy fuck
[14:22:04] <Dasher> get ready
[14:22:07] <Twi> when I
[14:22:12] <Twi> do /rcbaron in a car
[14:22:17] <Twi> my chat gets flodded
[14:22:19] <Ayers> .na
[14:22:22] <Twi> you can't use this command while in a vehicle
[14:22:27] <Twi> for all the number of barons lmao
[14:22:45] <Twi> wb
[14:22:52] <Smetkowski> ty
[14:22:52] <Brooklyn> mapping done?
[14:23:10] <Smetkowski> not yet, it'll be done tomorrow
[14:23:33] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[14:23:36] <Danielson> welcome
[14:23:38] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:23:38] <Brooklyn> hello
[14:23:38] <Smetkowski> wb
[14:23:38] <Ayers> wb
[14:23:43] <JakeN2436> oh loooooooooooook
[14:23:43] <JakeN2436> im live on twitch
[14:23:46] <Dasher> wb
[14:23:48] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Wb
[14:23:51] <Danielson> hi twitch
[14:23:53] <Danielson> i love u mom
[14:23:56] <dipa> dead by daylight?
[14:23:58] <JakeN2436> no lol, im here
[14:25:07] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> fucking game died because i alt tabbed
[14:25:12] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[14:25:22] <Dasher> lmao F
[14:25:22] --> Pavel94 connected to the server
[14:25:25] <Dasher> wb
[14:25:27] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:25:27] <Smetkowski> wb
[14:25:35] <Pavel94> ty
[14:25:38] <Twi> wb
[14:25:40] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[14:25:40] <Dasher> wb
[14:25:48] <JakeN2436> alright im back
[14:25:53] <dipa> ok
[14:26:03] <JakeN2436> no
[14:26:08] <Twi> rude
[14:26:11] <Twi> i'll ask u when you're high <3
[14:26:16] <JakeN2436> dude im not a money tree lol
[14:26:16] <JakeN2436> i am high
[14:26:16] <dipa> I watched your stream last year when my PC broke
[14:26:26] <Twi> really high*
[14:26:34] <JakeN2436> dipa you're like floating
[14:26:36] <JakeN2436> wtf
[14:26:41] <dipa> lol what?
[14:26:49] <JakeN2436> you were like gliding across the floor
[14:26:51] <dipa> o
[14:26:54] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[14:27:14] <Dasher> wb
[14:29:04] <Danielson> lu parkir mobil ndri
[14:29:04] <Danielson> ?
[14:30:50] <JakeN2436> LMAO
[14:31:00] <Danielson> lu jauh2 ndri ke rodeo
[14:31:00] <JakeN2436> i just crashed into the fucking radio tower in vinewood
[14:31:03] <Danielson> deket sini ada pp
[14:31:03] <JakeN2436> i didnt even see it coming LMAOOOO
[14:31:08] <Ayers> serius?
[14:31:11] <Danielson> iya
[14:31:13] <Ayers> dmn
[14:31:16] <Dasher> so ninja radio tower
[14:31:23] <JakeN2436> yea
[14:31:26] <Danielson> sini
[14:31:28] <Ayers> lah iya
[14:31:31] <JakeN2436> it perfectly synced with the song im listening to as well
[14:31:36] <Dasher> I remember in a 15km missio
[14:31:36] <JakeN2436> the song paused the second i hit it
[14:31:44] <Dasher> I got fucked by ninja trees at the end
[14:31:44] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[14:31:51] <dipa> You interrupted the radio broadcast xD
[14:32:09] <JakeN2436> at least i can make a clip of that moment later
[14:32:47] <Brooklyn> and I just fucked up a 12km flight right at the destioantion
[14:32:55] <dipa> it's ok brook
[14:35:15] <JakeN2436> dude i swear
[14:35:17] <JakeN2436> this radio tower has it out for me
[14:35:32] <Danielson> it loves u
[14:35:43] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[14:35:43] <Pavel94> gz
[14:35:45] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[14:35:45] <dipa> golf zulu
[14:36:00] <JakeN2436> oscar kilo alpha yankee
[14:36:08] <JakeN2436> golf zulu
[14:36:18] <dipa> gz weeb :v
[14:36:21] <akiyamaha> twerking yankee
[14:36:23] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[14:36:28] <JakeN2436> LMAO
[14:36:31] <dipa> Oi wrong phonetic xD
[14:36:36] <Brooklyn> hotel oscar echo sierra
[14:37:09] <JakeN2436> echo xray charlie uniform sierra echo mike echo
[14:38:05] <Brooklyn> lima mike alpha oscar
[14:38:28] <Brooklyn> okay this shit is geting weird
[14:38:38] <Dasher> nato should hire you guys
[14:38:38] <JakeN2436> yankee echo alpha
[14:38:43] <Dasher> I mean draft you
[14:38:56] <dipa> use the phonetics for acronyms :v
[14:39:01] <akiyamaha> if nato hires me their efficiency will go up by 250 percent
[14:39:09] <Brooklyn> :bigbrain*
[14:39:09] <Dasher> down*
[14:39:34] <Brooklyn> Dasher Mike Alpha Delta Golf Allpha Yankee
[14:39:47] <JakeN2436> i am, in fact, golf alpha yankee
[14:39:47] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[14:39:54] <Brooklyn> srsly tho
[14:40:10] <Danielson> #GLM
[14:40:15] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[14:40:17] <JakeN2436> glm
[14:40:22] <JakeN2436> sounds like a new mercedes benz car
[14:40:35] <Danielson> nice idea
[14:40:50] <Dasher> fucking antenna
[14:41:08] <JakeN2436> dude these cargo drops are sending me fucking everywhere
[14:41:13] <JakeN2436> from one corner of the map to the other and back
[14:41:21] <Dasher> is that not le point tho?
[14:41:26] <JakeN2436> usually i have super short ones
[14:42:04] <Dasher> puga
[14:42:09] <akiyamaha> yes
[14:42:14] <Dasher> you like puma?
[14:42:27] <akiyamaha> i think they're cool
[14:42:29] <akiyamaha> the animals
[14:42:42] <Dasher> god damn
[14:42:47] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[14:42:50] <Dasher> these last missions are like 10km-15km
[14:43:02] <Brooklyn> money
[14:43:08] <Dasher> idc about money
[14:43:25] <Dasher> I got 2m that's what matters
[14:43:38] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[14:44:26] <dipa> duh ngelamun :v
[14:44:54] <Ayers> d
[14:45:40] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[14:45:43] <JakeN2436> rip
[14:45:45] <dipa> F
[14:45:45] <Pavel94> F
[14:45:48] (WEB) <Shazi#1614> f
[14:45:53] <TwilightMontana> Freaked by his ping again.
[14:46:46] <Dasher> I won't do more than 500 cargo drop
[14:46:54] <Dasher> I mean more that 500 cargo missions
[14:46:59] <JakeN2436> oh hi
[14:47:04] <Pavel94> for achievement
[14:47:12] <Dasher> yeah and license
[14:47:12] <Brooklyn> !missions dodo
[14:47:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 1098 dodo
[14:47:27] <Dasher> 2.1k more
[14:47:35] <Brooklyn> lmao genius
[14:47:40] <Dasher> well
[14:47:45] <Dasher> 2.102k more
[14:47:50] <Brooklyn> 1.9k
[14:48:23] <Brooklyn> made 100 dodo flights today
[14:48:48] <Dasher> Oh fuck me
[14:48:59] <Dasher> I thought you were going for 3.2k msh
[14:49:06] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[14:49:11] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:49:11] <Brooklyn> ...
[14:49:42] --> Winlogon.bat connected to the server
[14:49:44] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:49:49] <Dasher> wb
[14:49:49] <Brooklyn> the draw distance that comes with this sky box mod is what caused the textrues to flickering
[14:49:52] <Brooklyn> I think
[14:50:02] <Winlogon.bat> ty
[14:51:46] <TwilightMontana> WB.
[14:51:49] <Pixy> thanks
[14:52:40] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:52:58] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[14:53:56] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[14:54:16] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:54:19] <Dasher> ty
[14:54:19] <JakeN2436> i just got killed by another ninja shit
[14:54:21] <JakeN2436> fucks sake
[14:54:27] <dipa> it's ok jake
[14:54:27] <JakeN2436> these fucking RADIO TOWERS dude
[14:54:44] <JakeN2436> uh dipa im fine lol
[14:54:47] <dipa> just take it
[14:54:49] <Dasher> brookhoe
[14:54:52] <dipa> to buy some candy
[14:54:57] <Brooklyn> dashoe
[14:55:12] <Dasher> after you do 3000 dodo
[14:55:17] <Dasher> are ya gonna go for 4k everything lmao
[14:55:28] <Brooklyn> I think 1800 bus missions
[14:55:35] <Dasher> how do you know how many bus missions you havel ol
[14:55:50] <dipa> uhh...
[14:55:58] <Brooklyn> my score will be 34200 when I'm done with 3k dodo
[14:56:08] <Brooklyn> just do bus to make it 36k
[14:56:08] <Danielson> poor lambe turah will be out from highscore list
[14:56:31] <Lenz> lambe turah?
[14:56:36] <Danielson> #10 dodo
[14:56:57] <Lenz> oh.. F
[14:56:59] <Brooklyn> unless they separate trucking to normal trucking and fuel trucking :x
[14:57:14] <Dasher> but
[14:57:19] <Dasher> trucking is trucking :9
[14:57:37] <Brooklyn> my houses are missing a few walls .-.
[14:57:40] <Dasher> 12 more these last ones feel like they take forever
[14:57:42] <Brooklyn> need a server restart to fix it
[14:57:42] <Lenz> real truckes know its different
[14:57:55] <Brooklyn> relog
[14:57:58] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[14:58:03] <Dasher> hello
[14:58:26] --> Brooklyn connected to the server
[14:58:28] <JakeN2436> LMAO
[14:58:28] <Dasher> wb
[14:58:46] <Brooklyn> nope
[14:58:54] <Dasher> wow what a hotel oscar echo
[14:59:04] <Brooklyn> hue
[14:59:39] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[15:00:10] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[15:00:23] <Dasher> wb
[15:00:23] --> Smith. connected to the server
[15:00:28] <Danielson> wb
[15:00:30] <Brooklyn> hello
[15:00:30] <Dasher> wb
[15:00:30] <Lenz> wb
[15:00:33] <Smith.> 7VM
[15:00:40] <Smith.> thx
[15:00:53] <Smith.> how to activate that runway cleo helper
[15:00:56] <dipa> f10
[15:01:01] <Danielson> nub
[15:01:06] <Brooklyn> dat flip lmaoi
[15:01:36] <Brooklyn> um
[15:02:25] <Dasher> I almost died in crude lel
[15:02:50] <Dasher> who fucking puts explosive barrels in the airport smh
[15:02:58] <Danielson> sursai maybe
[15:03:10] <Dasher> !missions cargo
[15:03:13] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 490 cargo
[15:03:16] <eddie> !missions cargo
[15:03:18] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie: 590 cargo
[15:03:23] <Dasher> ok no need to flex
[15:03:23] <Brooklyn> !missions cargo
[15:03:26] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: 3000 cargo
[15:03:31] <JakeN2436> !missions cargo
[15:03:34] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: 629 cargo
[15:03:49] <eddie> !missions shamal
[15:03:52] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie: 4060 shamal
[15:04:07] <JakeN2436> !missions at400
[15:04:09] (WEB) <robin_be> JakeN2436: 1036 at400
[15:04:22] <eddie> !lastmission
[15:04:22] <Brooklyn> !missions brooklyn at400 shamal helicopter skimmer military cargodrop cargo
[15:04:25] (WEB) <robin_be> brooklyn: 3000 at400 3000 shamal 3000 helicopter 3000 skimmer 3000 military 3000 cargodrop 3000 cargo
[15:04:40] <Brooklyn> !missions brooklyn trucking courier rescue dodo
[15:04:43] (WEB) <robin_be> brooklyn: 3000 trucking 3000 courier 3000 rescue 1100 dodo
[15:04:55] <JakeN2436> idk how you play this game that much lol
[15:05:00] <Brooklyn> only dodo remaining
[15:05:05] <Dasher> well
[15:05:05] <Dasher> shit pc
[15:05:36] <JakeN2436> 7500 nice
[15:06:09] <Brooklyn> !8ball Delta Alha Sierra Hotel Oscar Echo?
[15:06:12] (WEB) <robin_be> Brooklyn: As I see it, yes
[15:06:47] <JakeN2436> alright imma head out
[15:06:47] <JakeN2436> cya
[15:06:50] <Dasher> cya
[15:06:50] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[15:06:55] <Brooklyn> imma headout too
[15:06:55] <-- Brooklyn disconnected from the server
[15:07:08] <Dasher> !missions at400
[15:07:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 443 at400
[15:07:18] <Dasher> hmmm I guess I'll do those after
[15:07:20] <Dasher> cargo
[15:07:31] <Smith.> how much is at400 worth
[15:07:33] <Dasher> like 5m
[15:07:46] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> dashoe
[15:07:51] <Dasher> wat
[15:07:53] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> go to bed, bish
[15:07:59] <Dasher> no
[15:08:09] <Smith.> alright selling it for 10m XD
[15:08:09] <Dasher> fuck you brooklyn
[15:08:11] <Dasher> you made me jump
[15:08:26] <Smith.> nah dont have one to sell
[15:08:32] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[15:08:34] <Dasher> wb best stan
[15:08:44] <Stan958> ty
[15:09:20] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> lmao dont blame me
[15:09:25] <Dasher> yes
[15:09:28] <Dasher> you made me type
[15:09:35] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> excuse
[15:09:48] <Dasher> yes you made me type
[15:10:46] <Smith.> oh wow bma base still existing
[15:10:59] <Dasher> isn't that garuda base
[15:13:04] <Dasher> noooo
[15:13:06] <Danielson> nice
[15:13:09] <Dasher> gotta do it
[15:13:11] <Dasher> fuck cargo now
[15:13:11] <Danielson> do it
[15:13:29] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[15:13:32] <-- Ayers disconnected from the server
[15:15:06] <Dasher> gz
[15:15:08] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[15:15:13] <Smith.> nah dont gz me its boring house
[15:15:16] <Smith.> xD
[15:15:16] <Smith.> but thx
[15:15:26] <Dasher> 22k out of this mission nice
[15:16:22] <Dasher> cargo drops with demand
[15:16:22] <Dasher> op
[15:16:27] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[15:16:30] <Dasher> wb
[15:16:32] --> AztreK connected to the server
[15:16:35] <Dasher> wb
[15:16:37] <Danielson> wb
[15:16:37] <AztreK> Hey thanks!
[15:16:40] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[15:16:52] <AztreK> Anyone up for cargo drop formation?!
[15:17:05] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:17:08] <Dasher> I;m going solo
[15:17:15] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[15:17:18] <AztreK> Dasher
[15:17:28] <Dasher> yes/
[15:17:28] <Dasher> ?
[15:17:31] <AztreK> Is it possible to do cargo drop mission alone?
[15:17:31] <AztreK> If so how?
[15:17:41] <Dasher> /reclass aid worker
[15:17:43] <Lenz> Aid worker class and /w
[15:18:01] <Dasher> then /w
[15:18:19] <Pavel94> Bravo Yankee Echo
[15:18:24] <Dasher> cya
[15:18:24] <Danielson> bye\
[15:18:29] <TwilightMontana> Bye.
[15:18:42] <akiyamaha> w
[15:18:52] <TwilightMontana> What's lambung?.
[15:19:05] <Dasher> unlucky
[15:19:12] <Danielson> idk the english of it
[15:19:17] <Smith.> had 12
[15:19:17] <dipa> yeah same
[15:19:20] <Danielson> but its in ur stomach
[15:19:20] <dipa> Forgot :v
[15:19:28] <Lenz> poop?
[15:19:30] <Danielson> no
[15:19:30] <dipa> no
[15:19:35] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[15:19:40] <Dasher> acid?
[15:19:55] <dipa> keknya stomach juga :v
[15:20:03] <Danielson> gastric
[15:20:08] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[15:21:37] <Dasher> I like dropping flares on le checkpoint
[15:21:58] <AztreK> Oops
[15:22:00] <Dasher> Gz!
[15:22:00] <Lenz> gz
[15:22:03] <akiyamaha> noice
[15:22:13] <Lenz> nice
[15:22:18] <Smith.> thx
[15:22:23] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[15:22:23] <Lenz> same ^
[15:22:36] <Danielson> 5m cash now
[15:22:41] <Smith.> 10m
[15:22:43] <Danielson> 5m
[15:23:09] <Lenz> there are many at400 buyers :3
[15:23:16] <Danielson> 5.1m
[15:23:57] <akiyamaha> ohai dash
[15:24:22] <TwilightMontana> 50.
[15:24:25] <Danielson> start from me 2m
[15:25:23] <Devi0707> at 400 and the andromeda have the same work/payout right?
[15:25:28] <Lenz> yes
[15:25:36] <Devi0707> thanks
[15:25:44] <Smith.> im making a forum thread with at40
[15:25:46] <Smith.> at400*
[15:28:11] <Dasher> who used CJ skin?
[15:28:16] <TwilightMontana> Not me
[15:28:26] --> Shazi connected to the server
[15:28:26] <Smith.> me
[15:28:29] <Danielson> smith
[15:28:29] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[15:28:32] <Danielson> wb
[15:28:37] <Shazi> thanks
[15:30:34] <Smith.> !cash Shazi
[15:30:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Shazi has $382,756 in hand
[15:30:41] <TwilightMontana> Miskin.
[15:30:49] <dipa> Hush :/
[15:31:30] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[15:31:52] <-- AztreK disconnected from the server
[15:32:00] <Smith.> gimme ur cash
[15:32:00] <Shazi> fail
[15:32:15] <Smith.> fcking hell
[15:32:18] <Smith.> had 12
[15:32:28] <TwilightMontana> I had 45 yesterday.
[15:32:43] <TwilightMontana> Was just one number away from getting the 6m lotto.
[15:33:57] <Devi0707> why does the lotto increase in such small increments tho
[15:34:15] <akiyamaha> be the change you want to see
[15:34:17] <Shazi> it increases from the money spent on tickets
[15:34:20] <akiyamaha> do /addlotto 1000000
[15:34:25] <Devi0707> lmao
[15:34:28] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[15:34:43] <Shazi> imo it should increase from taxes too
[15:35:01] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[15:35:24] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[15:35:44] <akiyamaha> ono
[15:35:46] <akiyamaha> landfill
[15:35:49] <Shazi> f
[15:35:52] <TwilightMontana> F.
[15:36:09] <TwilightMontana> Relog
[15:36:09] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[15:37:41] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[15:37:41] <Dasher> wb
[15:37:46] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[15:37:46] <Shazi> wb
[15:37:54] <TwilightMontana> Yt.
[15:38:19] --> l_drago connected to the server
[15:38:22] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[15:38:32] <l_drago> ty
[15:40:57] <eddie> !missions skimmer
[15:40:59] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie: 81 skimmer
[15:43:24] <Dasher> eddie is that dude
[15:43:27] <Dasher> who always donates to lotto
[15:43:47] <Smith.> !score Smith.
[15:43:50] (WEB) <robin_be> player Smith.: 10902 score, 8008 missions: 46'/. cargo drop - 15'/. military - 11'/. courier
[15:43:52] <TwilightMontana> #Eddie2024.
[15:43:55] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[15:44:00] <Dasher> gz
[15:44:02] <l_drago> gz
[15:44:05] <Shazi> gz
[15:44:07] <akiyamaha> 10q
[15:44:35] <akiyamaha> this accelerates pretty fast for a truck
[15:44:38] <akiyamaha> wow
[15:45:03] <Shazi> fast and furious
[15:45:03] (WEB) <dipa#0472> ?
[15:45:03] <Dasher> !assets
[15:45:06] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher has 31 car(s) ($7,455,000) and 4 house(s) ($75,000,000 - 70 slots) for a total of $82,455,000
[15:55:29] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:59:25] <Smith.> /#q
[15:59:25] <-- Smith. disconnected from the server
[16:00:44] <Dasher> hello
[16:00:47] <l_drago> hey
[16:00:49] <TwilightMontana> Heya.
[16:01:07] <Winlogon.bat> iya
[16:03:32] <Dasher> gz
[16:03:32] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[16:03:42] <l_drago> ty
[16:06:12] (WEB) <FreAkeD#8795> who won lotto?
[16:06:17] <Dasher> none
[16:06:22] (WEB) <FreAkeD#8795> im coming
[16:06:45] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[16:07:00] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[16:07:06] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[16:07:13] <[CbK]FreAkeD> who donated xd?
[16:07:18] <Dasher> mostly eddei
[16:07:23] <Dasher> eddie*
[16:08:42] <Dasher> gz
[16:08:42] <[CbK]FreAkeD> gz
[16:08:47] <l_drago> ty
[16:09:05] (WEB) <Thatswhatshesaid#5769> Does this still work?
[16:09:10] <Dasher> yes]
[16:10:19] <Twi> smith
[16:10:21] <Twi> !cars smith.
[16:10:24] (WEB) <robin_be> smith. has: Turismo AT-400
[16:10:32] <TwilightMontana> Smith's out.
[16:10:44] <Twi> hadeh
[16:11:15] <Dasher> !twi
[16:11:17] <Dasher> Twi is a kemah rumah
[16:11:22] <[CbK]FreAkeD> !twi
[16:11:25] <Danielson> nice try
[16:11:27] <Dasher> huehue
[16:11:35] <TwilightMontana> SEX
[16:11:40] (WEB) <midget#0266> !twi
[16:11:48] <TwilightMontana> Ngentot
[16:11:53] <Twi> hadeh
[16:12:18] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Highest offer for at rn and 5,2
[16:12:31] <Twi> I mean
[16:12:34] <Twi> if it's a bid
[16:12:36] <Danielson> 5.3
[16:12:36] (WEB) <midget#0266> should add 'winny ily' as a message
[16:12:44] <Twi> yes
[16:12:46] <Twi> 5.4
[16:12:56] <TwilightMontana> !bankcash Twi
[16:12:59] <Dasher> -5.5
[16:13:07] <TwilightMontana> 200k
[16:13:14] (WEB) <midget#0266> gonna do some mapping
[16:13:22] (WEB) <Thatswhatshesaid#5769> How can I see when I was last online
[16:13:24] <Dasher> we were talking about k's and not m's right?
[16:13:27] <Twi> ooooooooooooo
[16:13:27] <Twi> u cant
[16:13:29] <Dasher> you can't
[16:13:32] <TwilightMontana> No longer possible.
[16:13:32] <Dasher> thaks to twi
[16:13:35] <Dasher> thanks
[16:13:37] <Twi> someone kemah rumah'd
[16:13:37] <TwilightMontana> Because of a Kemah Rumah
[16:13:45] (WEB) <Thatswhatshesaid#5769> Ay well, thats sad.
[16:13:45] <Twi> yes twilight
[16:13:55] <Twi> it's been 69 days since ur last login twss
[16:14:03] (WEB) <midget#0266> yes
[16:14:13] <Dasher> what about
[16:14:13] <[CbK]FreAkeD> 49 days 49 positions
[16:14:13] <Dasher> aaron
[16:14:15] (WEB) <midget#0266> twi knows all things
[16:14:25] <[CbK]FreAkeD> 69*
[16:14:31] (WEB) <Thatswhatshesaid#5769> Im downloading all the stuff again, gonna take a look on the server to get some good old days vibes
[16:14:53] <Twi> yes
[16:15:04] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[16:15:14] (WEB) <Twilight#0406> whats happening now?
[16:15:19] <Devi0707> holy fuck i've been flying between longe island and LSA for the past 10 minutes
[16:15:42] <Dasher> !missions cargp
[16:15:44] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[16:15:44] <Dasher> !missions cargo
[16:15:52] <[CbK]FreAkeD> !missions shamal
[16:15:55] (WEB) <robin_be> [CbK]FreAkeD: 92 shamal
[16:15:55] <Dasher> !missions cargo
[16:15:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 499 cargo
[16:16:07] <Devi0707> !missions at400
[16:16:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Devi0707: 322 at400
[16:16:58] <TwilightMontana> t/w
[16:20:32] <Dasher> foken finally
[16:20:34] <Dasher> !missions cargo
[16:20:34] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[16:20:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 499 cargo
[16:20:37] <Danielson> gz
[16:20:40] <Dasher> smh ty
[16:20:47] <l_drago> gz
[16:20:50] <Dasher> ty
[16:23:32] <Dasher> gz
[16:23:32] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[16:23:45] <l_drago> ohh
[16:24:21] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[16:24:56] <Dasher> bye
[16:25:01] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[16:25:04] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> 5.4 highest offer
[16:25:27] <[CbK]FreAkeD> who gonna win ?
[16:32:26] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[16:35:35] (WEB) <Jayce#9445> for the at400?
[16:35:45] (WEB) <Jayce#9445> the highest bid was 5.4?
[16:35:50] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[16:35:52] (WEB) <Jayce#9445> welp guess i'll have to offer 6m
[16:36:10] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[16:36:23] (WEB) <Jayce#9445> so uh @LegendarYx99#5060 i offer 6m for it
[16:43:43] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[16:46:18] <TwilightMontana> .w
[16:50:19] <-- Winlogon.bat disconnected from the server
[16:51:23] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[16:56:03] --> Gaden connected to the server
[16:56:05] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[16:56:20] <Gaden> Thank you.
[16:57:37] <-- Gaden disconnected from the server
[17:01:20] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[17:01:28] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:01:31] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[17:02:11] <[CbK]FreAkeD> what happens when your vehicle got clamped?
[17:04:26] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[17:04:54] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Highest bid for at400 is now 6m of jayce
[17:05:47] (WEB) <Danielson#3994> u cant use ur veh if it gets clamped
[17:09:06] --> Danielson connected to the server
[17:09:08] <[CbK]FreAkeD> wb
[17:09:11] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:09:11] <Danielson> ty
[17:20:25] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[17:20:35] <Danielson> i didnt even realize
[17:20:43] <TwilightMontana> Lmao.
[17:20:50] <Danielson> it's hidden in those bushes lol
[17:21:03] <TwilightMontana> Haha.
[17:25:10] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:26:26] --> Thomas_Blackfield connected to the server
[17:26:34] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:27:04] <Thomas_Blackfield> hi
[17:27:12] <TwilightMontana> Can you help?.
[17:27:19] <Thomas_Blackfield> how?
[17:27:24] <TwilightMontana> I'm stuck on a guy.
[17:27:50] <Thomas_Blackfield> help me step brother, im stucked? :D
[17:27:52] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[17:27:52] <Thomas_Blackfield> okay
[17:28:00] <TwilightMontana> Luft base.
[17:28:31] <Thomas_Blackfield> 1 minute
[17:28:36] <TwilightMontana> Alright.
[17:29:16] <Thomas_Blackfield> try to press G
[17:29:29] <TwilightMontana> Does nothing.
[17:29:37] <TwilightMontana> Can you try punching?.
[17:29:44] <TwilightMontana> Thanks.
[17:30:20] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[17:30:33] <[CbK]FreAkeD> twilight
[17:30:35] <TwilightMontana> What?.
[17:30:40] <[CbK]FreAkeD> you saw my bullet?
[17:30:50] <TwilightMontana> Nah.
[17:30:58] <[CbK]FreAkeD> see
[17:31:03] <TwilightMontana> I did see your insides.
[17:31:18] <[CbK]FreAkeD> and here
[17:31:18] --> Danielson connected to the server
[17:31:46] <[CbK]FreAkeD> abase looking like car showroom
[17:31:51] <TwilightMontana> Nice.
[17:36:46] <Thomas_Blackfield> how can i change nickname?
[17:36:54] <eddie> #/requestname
[17:36:54] <TwilightMontana> /requestname
[17:37:07] <-- Danielson disconnected from the server
[17:43:36] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[17:44:22] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[17:44:27] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:44:57] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[17:46:39] <-- Thomas_Blackfield disconnected from the server
[17:48:33] --> netzeek. connected to the server
[17:48:43] <TwilightMontana> Wc.
[17:48:54] <netzeek.> Ty
[17:49:45] <TwilightMontana> !player Stetz
[17:49:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player Stetz: 649 score, last seen null
[17:51:39] <TwilightMontana> .w
[17:54:09] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[17:54:45] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[18:00:56] --> Rare90 connected to the server
[18:01:01] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:01:09] <Rare90> ty
[18:01:19] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[18:01:32] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:02:43] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[18:03:11] <-- netzeek. disconnected from the server
[18:03:18] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[18:11:03] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[18:11:24] --> Dasher connected to the server
[18:11:26] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:11:47] <Dasher> wb
[18:11:49] <Rare90> wena
[18:11:49] <Rare90> weba
[18:11:52] <Dasher> I mean ty
[18:11:59] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[18:12:07] <Rare90> ty
[18:12:22] <TwilightMontana> I forgot to /w.
[18:12:53] <Rare90> gz
[18:13:00] <TwilightMontana> Thanks.
[18:14:29] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[18:15:02] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[18:17:35] <Dasher> !missions cargo at400
[18:17:38] (WEB) <robin_be> cargo: 0 at400
[18:17:40] <Dasher> smh
[18:17:45] <TwilightMontana> Lol.
[18:17:48] <Dasher> !missions dasher cargo at400
[18:17:48] <Rare90> !missions cargo
[18:17:50] (WEB) <robin_be> dasher: 500 cargo 443 at400
[18:18:18] --> siddhi connected to the server
[18:18:24] <TwilightMontana> Wc.
[18:18:44] <Dasher> welcome
[18:18:49] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:18:59] <Twi> ty'
[18:19:37] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Twix
[18:20:08] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Okay highest offer rn 6m I�m selling when I�m online
[18:20:23] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Selling what
[18:20:28] <TwilightMontana> AT-400.
[18:20:38] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Pog
[18:21:06] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I want 1 too
[18:21:09] <siddhi> Do/airlines>Lufthansa>Submit application
[18:21:21] <TwilightMontana> Huh?.
[18:21:29] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Time to grind shamal
[18:21:42] <-- siddhi disconnected from the server
[18:22:00] <Dasher> gz
[18:22:02] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions shamal
[18:22:05] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Ouro#6190
[18:22:05] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[18:22:07] --> siddhi connected to the server
[18:22:17] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Bruh
[18:22:30] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[18:22:51] (WEB) <FreAkeD#8795> Who won Lotto?
[18:23:01] <Dasher> twilight
[18:23:06] <TwilightMontana> What?.
[18:23:11] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro shamal
[18:23:14] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 170 shamal
[18:23:57] <Dasher> I wonder
[18:24:02] <Dasher> **Dinner**
[18:24:02] <TwilightMontana> What is it?.
[18:24:17] <Dasher> yup it works
[18:24:17] (WEB) <FreAkeD#8795> I thought I won
[18:24:25] <TwilightMontana> Or is it "meat dinner".
[18:24:37] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[18:25:38] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Fried cock for dinner
[18:26:34] --> JosipCRO connected to the server
[18:27:25] <TwilightMontana> Cya everyone.
[18:27:25] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[18:27:40] <Rare90> byeeeeeeee
[18:31:55] <Twi> !cars smith
[18:31:57] (WEB) <robin_be> smith has:
[18:32:00] <Rare90> hi twi
[18:32:00] <Twi> !cars smith.
[18:32:02] (WEB) <robin_be> smith. has: Turismo AT-400
[18:32:02] <Twi> hi rare
[18:32:56] --> Smith. connected to the server
[18:33:09] <Twi> who made the 6m offer lol
[18:33:09] <Twi> wb
[18:33:11] <Smith.> Jayce
[18:33:14] <Rare90> wb
[18:33:14] <Smith.> thx
[18:33:19] <Twi> man really fucked up the price
[18:33:21] <Twi> 6.1
[18:37:05] <Rare90> gtg byeeeeeeeet
[18:37:08] <-- Rare90 disconnected from the server
[18:37:13] <Twi> wb
[18:37:33] <Dasher> my man smith will make some gud profit
[18:37:46] <Twi> yea
[18:37:48] <Twi> 6m for an at
[18:37:53] <Twi> hadeh
[18:37:58] <Dasher> 6.1*
[18:38:06] <Twi> 6.1 ,1
[18:38:11] <Twi> 6.1 , 2
[18:38:11] <-- JosipCRO disconnected from the server
[18:38:14] <Twi> 6.1, 3
[18:38:14] <Twi> sold
[18:38:31] <Twi> you know what
[18:38:36] <Twi> I'm an impatient fuck
[18:38:39] <Twi> just sell it to me already
[18:38:47] <Dasher> no twi
[18:38:47] <Smith.> i sell it to you directly for 8m
[18:38:57] <Twi> damn
[18:38:59] <Twi> I feel
[18:39:04] <Dasher> you must wait some time between bids
[18:39:07] <Twi> it's inflation competiton
[18:39:17] <Twi> and kemah rumah too
[18:40:49] <Twi> gotta see dentist
[18:40:49] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[18:41:47] <Dasher> wow I got wotd somehow
[18:42:07] <Smith.> 1100 more POTD wins and im back to highscore list
[18:42:28] <Dasher> I'm actually close to 1000POTD wins
[18:42:35] <Smith.> i have 1214
[18:43:42] <Dasher> hmmm 1262 online time
[18:43:57] <Dasher> wtfff I keep getting opcodes when I say 5
[18:45:49] <Smith.> i hope my custom house will be good
[18:46:24] <-- siddhi disconnected from the server
[18:46:45] --> siddhi connected to the server
[18:47:18] <[CbK]FreAkeD> twilight
[18:47:23] <[CbK]FreAkeD> how i got 2 bullets lol
[18:47:56] <Dasher> dublication bug?
[18:47:58] <[CbK]FreAkeD> yes
[18:48:11] <Dasher> !assets [CBK]Freaked
[18:48:14] (WEB) <robin_be> [CBK]Freaked has 5 car(s) ($1,630,000) and 2 house(s) ($2,000,000 - 4 slots) for a total of $3,630,000
[18:48:21] <Dasher> !cars [CBK]Freaked
[18:48:24] (WEB) <robin_be> [CBK]Freaked has: Manana Bobcat Maverick NRG-500 Bullet
[18:48:29] <Dasher> hmm
[18:48:49] <Dasher> I don't think you can do anything about hta
[18:48:57] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> 5
[18:51:14] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Dashoe
[18:51:19] <Dasher> wut
[18:51:37] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Nothing
[18:51:57] <Smith.> brook wanna buy my at400
[18:52:00] <Dasher> come ig hoe
[18:52:20] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> I typed �Dashoe� for too many times, now it�s in my word prediction, or whatever it�s called
[18:52:23] <Dasher> smith I don't think that's allowed
[18:52:30] <Smith.> no one saw that
[18:52:36] <Smith.> u know what
[18:52:41] <Smith.> i just shut my mouth
[18:52:43] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> What
[18:52:51] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Happenrd
[18:53:09] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Oh I c
[18:53:11] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> !licenses smith.
[18:53:14] (WEB) <robin_be> smith. has a license for shamal
[18:53:24] <Dasher> !missions cargo
[18:53:27] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 500 cargo
[18:53:29] <Dasher> look brook
[18:53:29] <Dasher> are you proud
[18:53:37] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Nope
[18:53:55] <Dasher> y :(
[18:54:22] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[18:54:25] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> 500 cargo flights was a torture for you, wasn�t it lmao
[18:54:30] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions skimmer
[18:54:30] <Dasher> yes
[18:54:33] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Ouro#6190
[18:54:40] <Dasher> doing at400 now
[18:54:43] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> !missions skimmer Brooklyn
[18:54:46] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[18:54:46] <Dasher> !missions at400
[18:54:48] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 448 at400
[18:54:48] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro skimmer
[18:55:01] <Dasher> !missions brooklyn skimmer
[18:55:04] (WEB) <robin_be> brooklyn: 3000 skimmer
[18:55:04] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro skimmer
[18:55:04] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[18:55:06] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 1 skimmer
[18:55:06] <Dasher> !missions ouro skimmer
[18:55:09] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Fucjkkkkkk
[18:55:24] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro skimmer
[18:55:27] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 1 skimmer
[18:55:57] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> 3k skimmer flights, I really respected myself for the patience lmao
[18:56:07] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Why
[18:56:07] <Dasher> actually
[18:56:12] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Do that
[18:56:15] <Dasher> skimmer isn't that hard
[18:56:20] <Dasher> short missions
[18:56:25] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> It's annoying
[18:56:35] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Yeah, but if you damage it, it can only go reverse
[18:56:38] <Dasher> but it sucks since you gotta play 20fps
[18:56:38] <-- Smith. disconnected from the server
[18:56:45] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> 30fps max
[18:56:56] --> Ignacio_Sierrabuena connected to the server
[18:57:01] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> You can do 24
[18:57:03] --> Smith. connected to the server
[18:57:11] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Hello
[18:57:18] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Wb
[18:57:21] <Dasher> wb
[18:57:21] <Smith.> goddamnt
[18:57:24] <Smith.> thx
[18:57:29] <Dasher> 20percent 15km enough?
[18:57:36] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Yes
[18:57:49] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Is it 18:00 in German right now, Smith?
[18:57:54] <Smith.> 18.57
[18:58:07] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> Oh, 6 hrs behind us
[18:58:09] <Dasher> 18:58*
[18:59:20] <Dasher> immo I don't think I have enough
[19:00:09] <Smith.> for what
[19:00:27] <Dasher> fuel
[19:01:00] <-- siddhi disconnected from the server
[19:01:20] --> siddhi connected to the server
[19:01:28] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[19:02:21] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[19:02:24] <Dasher> wb
[19:02:29] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[19:03:19] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> wtf
[19:03:27] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> ffs
[19:03:27] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[19:06:17] (WEB) <Brooklyn#6879> ?!?
[19:07:16] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> I crashed
[19:11:12] <-- siddhi disconnected from the server
[19:11:35] --> siddhi connected to the server
[19:14:18] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[19:17:13] <-- Ignacio_Sierrabuena disconnected from the server
[19:18:24] --> Ignacio_Sierrabuena connected to the server
[19:21:17] <Smith.> gz
[19:21:17] --> knightriderfan000 connected to the server
[19:21:22] <knightriderfan000> hey guys
[19:21:25] <[CbK]FreAkeD> tty
[19:30:03] <[CbK]FreAkeD> do /fix
[19:30:16] <[CbK]FreAkeD> here
[19:34:15] <-- Smith. disconnected from the server
[19:35:36] <[CbK]FreAkeD> t/fix
[19:40:14] <[CbK]FreAkeD> gz
[19:40:16] <knightriderfan000> ty :D
[19:41:37] --> eddie connected to the server
[19:48:17] <-- knightriderfan000 disconnected from the server
[19:48:32] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[19:48:37] --> Winlogon.bat connected to the server
[19:48:57] <[CbK]FreAkeD> wb
[19:49:00] <Winlogon.bat> ty
[19:49:15] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[19:49:35] <Winlogon.bat> wb
[19:49:40] <Santa_Claus> hi
[19:50:06] <Santa_Claus> I had to see it to believe it
[19:50:16] <eddie> no its not real
[19:50:26] <eddie> its all in your imagination
[19:50:39] <-- siddhi disconnected from the server
[19:50:54] --> siddhi connected to the server
[19:51:37] <[CbK]FreAkeD> hi santa
[19:51:40] <Winlogon.bat> gz whoever won the lotot
[19:51:40] <Santa_Claus> hi
[19:51:42] <Winlogon.bat> lotto
[19:52:31] <[CbK]FreAkeD> i didn't won
[19:52:33] <[CbK]FreAkeD> :((
[19:53:14] <Winlogon.bat> rip
[19:53:50] --> Rojas_Korssjoen connected to the server
[19:54:30] <-- Santa_Claus disconnected from the server
[19:54:43] --> Santa_Claus connected to the server
[19:57:13] <Winlogon.bat> i see everyone grinding for IA event
[19:58:04] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[19:58:22] <Winlogon.bat> right
[19:58:37] <eddie> you could have fun too winny
[19:59:02] <Winlogon.bat> but i have more fun carrying lufthansa :0
[19:59:07] <Winlogon.bat> lufthansa cargo*
[20:05:16] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[20:05:36] <-- Ignacio_Sierrabuena disconnected from the server
[20:06:37] --> Jacob connected to the server
[20:10:41] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[20:11:17] <-- siddhi disconnected from the server
[20:12:38] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[20:14:10] <Santa_Claus> yes
[20:14:17] <TheGamer> wrong chat
[20:14:30] <Jacob> havent talked in few months
[20:14:35] <Jacob> hes a truck driver now
[20:14:38] <TheGamer> oh neat
[20:14:43] <eddie> yeah, i havent heard from him in yeears
[20:14:45] <Santa_Claus> i was answering to winlogon
[20:14:58] <Winlogon.bat> he's got a girl oooooooooo
[20:15:03] <Jacob> that too
[20:15:18] <TheGamer> companies pay for your truckers license nowaays
[20:15:26] <TheGamer> nowadays*
[20:15:49] <TheGamer> pays absolute shit tho
[20:16:04] <Santa_Claus> like in PL
[20:16:17] <Santa_Claus> am i rite
[20:16:27] <TheGamer> pays better in PL
[20:19:30] <Winlogon.bat> bored
[20:19:55] <Winlogon.bat> more boring
[20:20:01] <Winlogon.bat> :0
[20:20:03] <TheGamer> 4/6
[20:20:06] <TheGamer> just sayin
[20:21:27] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lol
[20:21:45] <Santa_Claus> jacob will race you
[20:21:55] <Santa_Claus> right jacob
[20:22:05] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[20:22:15] <Santa_Claus> I'll just let him do its job
[20:22:25] <[CbK]FreAkeD> can i ?
[20:22:28] <Winlogon.bat> WOW
[20:22:43] <Santa_Claus> yes he can beat anyone
[20:23:21] <Jacob> this car sucks
[20:23:34] <Winlogon.bat> uh
[20:23:34] <Winlogon.bat> ..
[20:23:49] <[CbK]FreAkeD> looking for payphone
[20:24:15] <Winlogon.bat> look
[20:24:22] <[CbK]FreAkeD> win flying?
[20:24:25] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lol
[20:24:33] <Jacob> he bugged
[20:24:33] <Winlogon.bat> damn it doesnt work
[20:24:38] <TheGamer> hax
[20:24:38] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[20:24:58] <Winlogon.bat> urgh
[20:25:41] <Jacob> hospital made you all better yes
[20:25:46] <Winlogon.bat> yes
[20:25:51] <Winlogon.bat> no longer a cop too
[20:25:54] <Winlogon.bat> cops gay
[20:25:56] <Jacob> perfect
[20:26:02] <Winlogon.bat> im criminal now
[20:26:27] <Winlogon.bat> no gps in this car smh
[20:27:00] <Winlogon.bat> right it doesnt need one
[20:27:10] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[20:27:51] <Winlogon.bat> what
[20:27:58] --> AlgisEco connected to the server
[20:28:06] <Winlogon.bat> someone fainted from all the high speed driving
[20:28:19] <Winlogon.bat> oh shit
[20:28:21] <Jacob> goodbye
[20:28:24] <Winlogon.bat> surfly still on
[20:28:24] <-- Winlogon.bat disconnected from the server
[20:29:10] --> Winlogon.bat connected to the server
[20:29:53] (WEB) <LegendarYx99#5060> Hayy
[20:30:00] <Winlogon.bat> hello
[20:30:51] (WEB) <AlgisEco#4733> my game stuck
[20:31:01] <Winlogon.bat> lmao
[20:31:04] <TheGamer> rip
[20:31:17] <TheGamer> it now gonna crash
[20:32:10] <Winlogon.bat> algis why is your name show up as chinese in discord lmao
[20:32:15] <-- AlgisEco disconnected from the server
[20:32:53] (WEB) <AlgisEco#4733> for fun
[20:33:06] <Winlogon.bat> did u google translate it lol
[20:33:09] (WEB) <AlgisEco#4733> now is back to normal
[20:33:19] (WEB) <AlgisEco#4733> yes
[20:33:44] (WEB) <AlgisEco#4733> welp no samp today rr pc
[20:33:44] <Winlogon.bat> look lufthansa planes in IA
[20:34:40] <TheGamer> where's the dirt at
[20:34:48] <Winlogon.bat> all these
[20:35:03] <Winlogon.bat> are in lufthansa livery
[20:35:16] <Winlogon.bat> very pretty
[20:35:23] <Winlogon.bat> masterpiece
[20:35:49] <TheGamer> you're spelling it wrong tho
[20:36:01] <TheGamer> pretty is spelled u g l y
[20:36:19] <Winlogon.bat> yes my english is poor
[20:37:00] <Winlogon.bat> ahhh
[20:37:02] <Winlogon.bat> wow
[20:37:30] <Winlogon.bat> smh
[20:38:14] <Winlogon.bat> lovely tunnels
[20:39:07] <Winlogon.bat> wait
[20:39:10] <Winlogon.bat> ...
[20:41:04] <Winlogon.bat> wheres this place
[20:41:42] <Winlogon.bat> jesus
[20:42:38] <Winlogon.bat> ..
[20:43:19] (WEB) <AlgisEco#4733> no modloader.asi = crash
[20:43:49] <Winlogon.bat> oooo
[20:43:59] (WEB) <TBNR#3500> hello
[20:44:04] <TheGamer> off to fort carson
[20:44:10] <Winlogon.bat> byee
[20:44:35] (WEB) <AlgisEco#4733> bye
[20:45:03] --> Dasher connected to the server
[20:45:44] <Dasher> did I hear a roadtrip?
[20:45:49] <Winlogon.bat> no
[20:45:51] <Winlogon.bat> i hear work
[20:46:12] --> AlgisEco connected to the server
[20:46:42] <AlgisEco> yes no crash
[20:48:19] (WEB) <Jacob#0195> T
[20:48:24] (WEB) <a#0195> T
[20:48:26] <Santa_Claus> u
[20:48:59] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> hi
[20:49:12] <AlgisEco> gz
[20:49:15] <Dasher> gz
[20:49:20] (WEB) <eddie#6341> HI
[20:49:22] <Winlogon.bat> ty
[20:49:27] <Dasher> hmmm
[20:49:30] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> hi
[20:49:32] <Dasher> ohhhh
[20:49:35] (WEB) <Winlogon.bat#0266> hI
[20:49:40] <Dasher> it now shows le name
[20:49:45] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> hi
[20:49:50] (WEB) <Winlogon.bat#0266> oooo nice
[20:50:00] (WEB) <Smith.#5060> How long does it take to get a custom house into the server
[20:50:03] <Dasher> inb4 someone
[20:50:08] <Dasher> changes their name to crystal lmao
[20:50:13] <Jacob> someone abuses they get removed form server-chat
[20:50:16] <Jacob> simple as that
[20:50:31] <Winlogon.bat> looks like dasher is the first one
[20:50:34] (WEB) <Crystal#2533> i'm hella gay
[20:50:44] (WEB) <Smith.#5060> We know that crystal
[20:50:54] (WEB) <Haydz#2533> hey everyone
[20:50:56] <TheGamer> santi....
[20:51:12] <TheGamer> the #2533 doesn't change
[20:51:14] <Dasher> sooo when is he getting removed from #server-chat
[20:51:45] (WEB) <Smith.#5060> Gamer how long does it take to get custom house Integrated
[20:51:52] <Winlogon.bat> see santiago worst admin
[20:51:52] <Santa_Claus> who
[20:51:52] <Dasher> `hmmm
[20:51:57] <Dasher> can take a week
[20:52:41] <Dasher> how
[20:53:16] <TheGamer> how what
[20:53:27] <Dasher> did ya crash on that tree
[20:53:34] <TheGamer> on purpose
[20:53:34] <TheGamer> duh
[20:54:53] <Dasher> karma is bitting my ass
[20:54:58] <TheGamer> as usual
[20:55:01] <Winlogon.bat> what
[20:55:21] (WEB) <Smith.#5060> A week ? Oh wow
[20:55:34] (WEB) <Smith.#5060> Thought taking longer
[20:56:37] <Santa_Claus> yes
[20:58:24] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[20:59:53] <Dasher> ^ true
[21:00:54] <Dasher> oh
[21:00:59] <Dasher> he has 2 cars like in water
[21:01:07] <eddie> shut up
[21:01:12] <Dasher> hehe
[21:01:22] <TheGamer> 29 cars
[21:01:42] <TheGamer> scattered like all over the map
[21:01:55] <Dasher> I know like more but I'll shut up
[21:01:58] <Winlogon.bat> not this sultan though
[21:02:18] <Winlogon.bat> which is clamped
[21:02:23] <Dasher> he esc
[21:02:28] <Dasher> esc-ed
[21:03:14] <Winlogon.bat> stalker
[21:03:24] <Dasher> he is in like my car
[21:03:32] <TheGamer> i am?
[21:03:34] <TheGamer> thought it was mine
[21:04:00] <TheGamer> yours is ugly
[21:04:05] <TheGamer> and clamped
[21:05:01] <Dasher> Santi you rule breaker
[21:10:46] --> Lucy connected to the server
[21:11:02] <AlgisEco> wb
[21:11:55] <Dasher> halp
[21:12:05] <Dasher> ty
[21:12:13] <TheGamer> np
[21:12:15] <Dasher> ...
[21:14:00] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I'm watching you
[21:14:10] <Lucy> while i masturbate?
[21:14:35] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> No
[21:14:40] <Lucy> dont lie
[21:14:48] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Im not
[21:15:08] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> That's a lie
[21:15:13] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Or was it
[21:15:18] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: ewww
[21:15:56] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Broken bot saying robin_be twice
[21:16:04] <Dasher> nah
[21:16:09] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Yes
[21:16:14] <Dasher> if I went on IRC it would say once robin be
[21:16:17] <Dasher> once dasher
[21:16:22] <Dasher> but I don't know how
[21:16:24] <Dasher> since me dumb
[21:16:27] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Nah
[21:16:50] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I know how
[21:17:08] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC CandyAsss: know how what
[21:17:56] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> How to cum in 2 separate directions at the same time
[21:20:18] <Dasher> are yall hiding monster trucks or what
[21:20:31] <TheGamer> they atleast doing a terrible job at it
[21:20:51] <TheGamer> ait, i earned my 1m today
[21:20:54] <Dasher> wait so is
[21:20:54] <TheGamer> cya
[21:20:54] <Lucy> !player piirivalvur
[21:20:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player piirivalvur: 303 score, last seen null
[21:20:57] <Dasher> cya
[21:21:04] <TheGamer> so is what?
[21:21:07] <Lucy> !player cygnus
[21:21:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player cygnus: 11477 score, last seen null
[21:21:15] <Dasher> off-mainland allowed?
[21:21:35] --> IceLube connected to the server
[21:21:37] <Dasher> wb
[21:21:42] <Dasher> ice wanna go on cnr?
[21:21:50] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[21:21:53] <Dasher> smh
[21:21:58] --> IceLube connected to the server
[21:22:03] <Dasher> wb
[21:22:13] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> He does not want you to win the lotto.
[21:22:13] <IceLube> ty
[21:22:16] <Dasher> ice wanna go on cnr?
[21:22:18] <IceLube> no
[21:22:21] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[21:22:23] <Dasher> ok
[21:22:26] <IceLube> tired af lol
[21:22:31] <Dasher> oh yeah
[21:22:41] <Dasher> you have work
[21:22:43] <IceLube> job and 1h and a half workout
[21:23:06] <-- Lucy disconnected from the server
[21:23:19] <Dasher> santiiii
[21:23:22] <IceLube> agooo
[21:23:24] <Dasher> smh
[21:23:29] <Dasher> he stole my hotring
[21:23:37] <IceLube> take it back
[21:23:50] <IceLube> oo
[21:23:52] <IceLube> trailer store
[21:27:56] <IceLube> hi
[21:28:01] <Dasher> hi
[21:28:04] <Dasher> !assets eddie
[21:28:07] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie has 29 car(s) ($14,220,000) and 3 house(s) ($39,500,000 - 36 slots) for a total of $53,720,000
[21:28:12] <IceLube> richass
[21:28:17] <Dasher> !assets
[21:28:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher has 31 car(s) ($7,455,000) and 4 house(s) ($75,000,000 - 70 slots) for a total of $82,455,000
[21:28:22] <IceLube> richass
[21:28:25] <IceLube> !assets
[21:28:27] (WEB) <robin_be> IceLube has 7 car(s) ($4,784,925) and 2 house(s) ($6,000,000 - 8 slots) for a total of $10,784,925
[21:28:27] <Dasher> !bankcash
[21:30:19] --> yesser connected to the server
[21:30:27] <Dasher> welcome
[21:31:28] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Welcome.
[21:32:03] --> Micks connected to the server
[21:32:36] <Dasher> wb
[21:32:52] <eddie> !missions skimmer
[21:32:54] (WEB) <robin_be> eddie: 96 skimmer
[21:32:57] <Dasher> GL
[21:33:30] <eddie> damn 10k mission not making it easier
[21:33:37] <Dasher> 10km?
[21:33:42] <eddie> yeah
[21:33:53] <Dasher> that's why I'm taking a break from working
[21:34:03] <Dasher> cargo missions tortured me
[21:34:08] <IceLube> I've always taken a break from working lol
[21:35:14] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> IceLube hard worker.
[21:35:17] --> Soap_MacTavish. connected to the server
[21:35:22] <Dasher> wb
[21:35:22] <IceLube> irl yes
[21:35:24] <IceLube> here not so much
[21:35:32] <Soap_MacTavish.> ty
[21:35:57] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> What job you got Ice?.
[21:36:02] <IceLube> car mechanic
[21:36:07] <IceLube> well
[21:36:12] <Soap_MacTavish.> Did it inspire your name?
[21:36:15] <IceLube> high school program
[21:36:20] <IceLube> not really lol
[21:36:23] <Soap_MacTavish.> Oh
[21:36:35] <Micks> convoy
[21:36:40] <Dasher> go refuel lol
[21:36:53] <Dasher> wanna do stunts?
[21:36:56] <IceLube> wait you also see fuel?
[21:36:58] <Dasher> yes
[21:37:03] <Dasher> it gives me warnings
[21:37:03] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Nice.
[21:37:03] <IceLube> oke
[21:37:08] <IceLube> it didn't give me any warnings
[21:37:16] <IceLube> but I know I have low fuel lol dont worry
[21:37:36] <Dasher> are ya gonna make it lol
[21:37:44] <IceLube> I always do
[21:37:49] <Dasher> damn on 1 percent
[21:38:04] (WEB) <Smith.#5060> Hai
[21:38:30] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Hey, Vsauce. Michael here.
[21:38:40] <IceLube> Hey, Michael. Vsauce here.
[21:38:50] <IceLube> vaginal sauce
[21:39:00] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Oh god.
[21:39:08] <IceLube> >:)
[21:39:26] <Dasher> let's go do stunts smh
[21:39:33] <IceLube> I'll go offline soon anyways lol
[21:39:36] <Soap_MacTavish.> you are a stunt
[21:39:41] <IceLube> you can do them if you want
[21:39:49] <Dasher> it's boring alone tho
[21:39:56] <IceLube> I'll go with you but with elegy
[21:40:04] <-- Soap_MacTavish. disconnected from the server
[21:40:34] <IceLube> nice
[21:40:39] <IceLube> you fell already
[21:40:52] <IceLube> gg
[21:40:55] <Dasher> gg
[21:41:02] <AlgisEco> ty
[21:41:10] <IceLube> k going off
[21:41:10] <IceLube> GN
[21:41:12] <Dasher> gn
[21:41:12] <Dasher> cya
[21:41:15] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[21:41:15] <AlgisEco> gn
[21:41:25] <Devi0707> ???
[21:41:35] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[21:44:03] <eddie> '/w
[21:44:41] <AlgisEco> how reset car
[21:44:59] --> Shazi connected to the server
[21:45:14] <AlgisEco> how respawn car
[21:45:17] <Shazi> /rc
[21:45:22] <AlgisEco> ty
[21:45:24] <Shazi> yw
[21:47:24] <-- Micks disconnected from the server
[21:47:26] <-- yesser disconnected from the server
[21:47:26] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> welcom back
[21:47:44] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[21:51:00] <Shazi> oh ty
[21:54:26] --> Ouro connected to the server
[21:55:29] <-- AlgisEco disconnected from the server
[21:56:13] --> AlgisEco connected to the server
[21:59:26] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Goodnight Hadehs.
[21:59:31] <Ouro> good
[21:59:36] <Ouro> night
[22:00:55] <-- eddie disconnected from the server
[22:01:05] <Ouro> lmao rage quit detected
[22:01:38] <AlgisEco> bye
[22:01:43] <Ouro> bye
[22:01:46] <-- AlgisEco disconnected from the server
[22:10:20] <-- Shazi disconnected from the server
[22:11:03] --> Azathoth connected to the server
[22:11:54] <-- Azathoth disconnected from the server
[23:02:35] <Ouro> hello
[23:02:42] <Santa_Claus> hello
[23:02:55] <Santa_Claus> im waiting for my guy crystal to log in
[23:03:00] <Santa_Claus> he will come soon
[23:03:03] <Santa_Claus> right crystal
[23:04:14] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Naaaaahhh
[23:26:44] --> Thatswhatshesaid connected to the server
[23:29:29] <-- Thatswhatshesaid disconnected from the server
[23:35:12] <Santa_Claus> o damn
[23:35:18] <Santa_Claus> matthijs was here
[23:38:54] (WEB) <Thatswhatshesaid#5769> I was, yeah
[23:38:59] (WEB) <Thatswhatshesaid#5769> You were afk tho
[23:41:19] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[23:47:20] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[23:48:03] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[23:50:33] <WarmBees> !missions
[23:50:38] <WarmBees> !mission
[23:50:45] <WarmBees> !score
[23:50:48] (WEB) <robin_be> player WarmBees: 7613 score, 7462 missions: 46'/. cargo drop - 25'/. military - 20'/. shamal