[00:00:00] <Prompto> desconhecia esta ponte
[00:00:05] <Ouro> � do server
[00:01:23] <Prompto> WTF
[00:01:26] <Ouro> sporru
[00:01:26] <Ouro> sorry
[00:01:36] <Prompto> tens de aprender a driftar xD
[00:01:41] <Ouro> o trailer � que drifto
[00:01:54] <Prompto> pois exato
[00:02:12] <Prompto> h� todo uma arte em driftar cami�es com atrelados
[00:02:12] <Ouro> n posso fazer nada ele tem mente propria
[00:02:50] <Ouro> wtf haha
[00:02:55] <Prompto> demasiado rapido
[00:02:58] <Prompto> entrei a matar
[00:03:26] <Prompto> lmao
[00:03:33] <Ouro> deixa-me adivinhar
[00:03:36] <Ouro> o trailer ta a foder a parede
[00:03:48] <Ouro> nvm
[00:06:06] <Ouro> CARAL�HO
[00:06:13] <Prompto> inteligente
[00:06:57] <Prompto> ias cair ao rio ne?
[00:07:14] <Ouro> nao
[00:07:19] <Prompto> entao que se passou?
[00:07:27] <Ouro> a eleva��o fez o trailer tombar e o meu cami�o foi pro caralho
[00:07:32] <Prompto> hahahah
[00:07:40] <Ouro> xd
[00:09:01] <Prompto> yeehaw
[00:09:09] <Prompto> parecia um touro o trailer pqp
[00:09:14] <Ouro> � o que eu digo
[00:09:16] <Ouro> tem vontade propria
[00:10:28] <Prompto> fds
[00:12:32] <Prompto> conseguiste?w
[00:12:32] <Ouro> asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[00:12:42] <Ouro> consegui boa merda
[00:12:50] <Prompto> xD
[00:13:16] <Prompto> � por isso q eu nao fui por ai
[00:13:23] <Prompto> ja sabia que nao ia subir
[00:13:41] <Prompto> refuel
[00:13:41] <Ouro> quando quer sobe
[00:13:51] <Prompto> fuck nao da
[00:13:56] <Ouro> ten quanto
[00:14:04] <Ouro> same
[00:14:27] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> How many players online
[00:14:50] <Prompto> vou encher em ma
[00:14:52] <Prompto> vma
[00:14:52] <Prompto> wtf
[00:14:57] <Ouro> lmao
[00:15:15] <Prompto> nem fui mt mau
[00:15:30] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> 4 smith
[00:15:33] <Ouro> uma vez ao cair dali
[00:15:43] <Ouro> bati coma frente o cami�o at� pul�ou
[00:15:46] <Twi> ya'll investing in dodge coin?
[00:15:48] <Prompto> I wish I could
[00:15:58] <Prompto> but it asks for my address and I'm like... NAH
[00:16:31] <Prompto> tu a mim agora bugaste at� dizer chega
[00:16:44] <Twi> lol
[00:16:49] <Ouro> nem to perto de ti
[00:16:59] <Prompto> quando ca�ste da ravina
[00:17:12] <Prompto> o atrelado tava aos pinchos
[00:17:20] <Ouro> ya pra mim tbm
[00:17:25] <Prompto> wtf
[00:17:35] <Prompto> estes caralhos cairam do ceu
[00:17:35] <Ouro> twi join us in convoy
[00:17:40] <Ouro> oq?
[00:17:43] <Prompto> olha
[00:17:53] --> SmithSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[00:17:53] <Prompto> so vi umas merdas a cair lmao
[00:17:55] <Ouro> wtf
[00:18:13] <Twi> winny gay
[00:18:16] <Twi> wb smith
[00:18:36] <-- SmithSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[00:18:38] <Prompto> bati naqueles fdp voadores e tenho de dar repair
[00:18:46] --> SmithSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[00:18:51] <Ouro> nunca os vi ali
[00:18:59] <Prompto> sao para a atualiza��o nova
[00:19:06] <SmithSProMaxPlus> thanks
[00:19:11] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[00:19:17] <Ouro> nem vi onde era o unload
[00:19:22] <Ouro> wb aki :)
[00:19:24] <Prompto> boa hahah
[00:19:50] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> wow r00d my game crashed
[00:19:57] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> how much is the lotto
[00:20:02] <Ouro> 900k
[00:20:05] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> ooo
[00:20:20] <Ouro> lmao
[00:20:23] <Ouro> virei na colina caralho
[00:20:23] <Prompto> oh no
[00:20:28] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[00:20:38] <Prompto> foda-se
[00:20:56] <Twi> wb ngentot
[00:20:58] <Twi> aki
[00:21:03] --> Odertan connected to the server
[00:21:06] <akiyamaha> ty jablay twi
[00:21:06] <Twi> wb
[00:21:06] <Prompto> fodeste-te?
[00:21:11] <Twi> eww no u jablay
[00:21:14] <akiyamaha> :<
[00:21:21] <Prompto> wb caralho
[00:21:24] <akiyamaha> time to afk lotto
[00:21:26] <Odertan> Hello my friends!
[00:21:29] <akiyamaha> hi oder
[00:21:31] <Odertan> koe Prompto
[00:21:36] <Odertan> hey aki
[00:21:39] <Prompto> wtf
[00:21:44] <Odertan> Twi?
[00:21:47] <Twi> hi
[00:21:49] <Prompto> s� me tocaste e o trailer saiu
[00:21:59] <Ouro> haha
[00:22:04] <Ouro> mas n te toquei
[00:22:20] <Prompto> sou burro
[00:22:22] <Ouro> shortcut
[00:22:30] <Prompto> olhei para o mapa e entrei no shortcut errado..
[00:23:28] <Prompto> agora bato em todos os postes da luz pqp
[00:23:38] <Ouro> passei-te a minha maldi��o
[00:23:54] <Prompto> foi aquele toque
[00:25:02] <Prompto> nem me atrasei mt
[00:25:15] <Ouro> eu esperei por ti
[00:25:40] <Prompto> ah ok
[00:27:32] <Prompto> ria-me se ca�sses ao mar
[00:28:59] <Prompto> HOLY
[00:29:01] <Ouro> wtf
[00:29:01] <Twi> HOLY
[00:29:04] <Ouro> tas todo lagado
[00:29:11] <Prompto> encravou-me o pc
[00:29:14] <Prompto> congelei
[00:29:17] --> Gaden connected to the server
[00:29:22] <Ouro> deste-me uma cagada
[00:29:24] <Ouro> olha
[00:29:27] <Ouro> pera
[00:29:27] <Prompto> xD
[00:29:34] <Ouro> aseguir desta vamos trocar para formation
[00:29:39] <Prompto> ok
[00:29:45] <Ouro> pq acho que de convoy n se ganha dinherio extra
[00:29:57] --> CaptainDeath connected to the server
[00:30:07] <Ouro> ono death is here
[00:30:56] <Prompto> fuck vip and ia, what should really buy is $gme
[00:30:58] <Prompto> you
[00:31:08] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Gme?
[00:31:19] <Prompto> oh no you still haven't heard of gamestop?
[00:31:31] <Twi> all the people investing in gamestop are fucked
[00:31:34] <SmithSProMaxPlus> huh
[00:31:36] <Odertan> whats gamestop
[00:31:44] <Prompto> the point isn't to win money twi
[00:31:54] <Prompto> it's to bleed hedge funds
[00:31:54] <Twi> w0t is it then
[00:31:59] <Twi> hadeh
[00:32:17] <Prompto> hedge fund managers have lost 54 billion as of today through everyone buying gamestop stocks
[00:32:35] <Twi> I thought
[00:32:38] <Twi> everyone was dumb for soem reason
[00:32:40] <Prompto> FYI, it was those hedge fund managers that fucked our economy in 2008
[00:32:40] <-- Gaden disconnected from the server
[00:32:43] <Twi> to buy those shares
[00:32:43] <Ouro> n�o da deixa
[00:32:45] <Ouro> � a mesma coisa
[00:32:48] <-- CaptainDeath disconnected from the server
[00:32:58] <Twi> uwuwuw
[00:33:00] --> Gaden connected to the server
[00:33:16] <Prompto> seeing them cry for 54 billion lost gives me so much pleasure
[00:33:23] <Prompto> fuck 'em
[00:33:28] --> CaptainDeath connected to the server
[00:33:49] <Prompto> that's why they keep saying "HOLD", "DON'T SELL"
[00:33:54] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im to late to buy game stop funds
[00:33:59] <SmithSProMaxPlus> its already at 275 �
[00:34:04] <Prompto> $amc is still within reach
[00:34:07] <-- CaptainDeath disconnected from the server
[00:34:42] <SmithSProMaxPlus> my girlfriend is owning a 0,2# of a bitcoin
[00:34:42] --> CaptainDeath connected to the server
[00:34:50] <SmithSProMaxPlus> bought it for 1000 �
[00:34:55] <SmithSProMaxPlus> now its 5000
[00:34:57] <Twi> Im so happy about crytpo
[00:35:05] <Twi> like we all know
[00:35:10] <Twi> it's gonna raise more
[00:35:15] <Prompto> they needed to reach 115$ and they FAILED miserably
[00:35:20] <Prompto> 20 billion lost just today
[00:35:25] <Prompto> EAT THE RICH
[00:35:30] <Odertan> do que voce esta falando Prompto?
[00:35:36] <Twi> help me eat hthe rich
[00:35:36] <Prompto> da bolsa de wall street
[00:35:41] <Odertan> ahh
[00:35:51] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im owning some funds of Infineon
[00:36:04] <SmithSProMaxPlus> they have a + of 66 percent
[00:37:53] <Prompto> refuel
[00:38:03] <Ouro> tens quanto
[00:38:11] <Ouro> chega bora continuar
[00:38:26] <Ouro> onde vais
[00:38:41] <Prompto> ha um gas station um quarteirao acima lol
[00:38:44] <Ouro> at� la chegava :)
[00:38:51] <Ouro> h� um pelo caminho
[00:39:02] <Ouro> logo la perto do unload
[00:39:09] <Prompto> prefiro nao arriscar xD
[00:39:19] <Twi> shut up hurrensohns
[00:39:19] <Prompto> damn
[00:39:24] <Prompto> horensohn*
[00:39:32] <Ouro> hurensohn
[00:39:32] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Hurensohn**
[00:39:37] <Prompto> WTF
[00:39:40] <Prompto> foda-se de postes meu..
[00:39:45] <Ouro> ^
[00:39:50] <Twi> wie auch immer
[00:40:10] <Prompto> boa
[00:40:13] <Prompto> amei
[00:40:13] <Ouro> bruh
[00:40:20] <Twi> sag winny, dass ich ihn ficken will, bis ich 69420 mal abspritze
[00:40:20] <Ouro> da-me o teu
[00:40:23] <Ouro> no unload
[00:40:23] <Prompto> ai agora
[00:40:23] <Ouro> BRO
[00:40:31] <Ouro> haha
[00:40:31] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wtf twi
[00:40:33] <Ouro> wtf
[00:40:41] <Prompto> twi, ich hasse dich
[00:40:43] <Twi> oh no
[00:40:43] <Ouro> era so eu usar o teu no unload
[00:40:51] <Ouro> e depois iamos buscar um qualquer...
[00:40:59] <Twi> no
[00:41:01] <Twi> but I love u
[00:41:19] <Ouro> continuamos ou ficamos por aqui
[00:41:34] <Prompto> tu � que sabes
[00:41:37] <Twi> Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung
[00:41:39] <Ouro> haha o teu corpo a flutuar ahahaha
[00:41:44] <Ouro> eu quer ocontinuar
[00:41:47] <Prompto> s� tenho � de ir buscar o camiao a ls docks
[00:41:52] <Ouro> eu tbm
[00:41:57] <Ouro> n sei aonde � a gojek
[00:42:12] <Ouro> meet same place
[00:42:15] <Prompto> ok
[00:42:20] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[00:42:25] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[00:42:28] <Prompto> nao consegues fazer /cbase?
[00:42:28] <Twi> daniel
[00:42:28] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[00:42:33] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> twi
[00:42:35] <Twi> daniel
[00:42:45] <Odertan> wb
[00:42:48] <Twi> dice
[00:42:48] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ty
[00:42:56] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> nah
[00:42:58] <Twi> ouro and daniel come dice
[00:43:06] <Ouro> i dicen't sorry
[00:43:24] <Prompto> just because ouro has gold in his name doesn't mean he's rich
[00:43:31] <Ouro> i'm actually quite poor
[00:43:36] <Ouro> second poorest online
[00:44:07] <Ouro> join caralho
[00:44:19] <Ouro> whole server join convoy now
[00:44:35] <Ouro> wat
[00:44:45] <Ouro> eu cancelei miss�o e por isso sa� do convoy
[00:44:45] <Prompto> wtffff
[00:44:45] <Ouro> join o novo
[00:45:05] <Ouro> join convoy twi gay
[00:46:06] <Ouro> bora trambolho
[00:46:14] <Ouro> speed e poder
[00:46:24] <Prompto> oh
[00:46:27] <Prompto> outra vez
[00:46:34] <Ouro> t�s todo bugado
[00:46:39] <Prompto> tu � q tas
[00:46:42] <Ouro> eu n�o
[00:46:44] <Ouro> to tranquilo
[00:46:49] <Prompto> ta tranquilo
[00:46:52] <Prompto> ta favoravel
[00:46:55] <Ouro> suave
[00:47:30] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wb naldo
[00:47:33] <Odertan> wb
[00:47:33] <Ouro> wb naldo
[00:47:38] <Ouro> join us convoy naldo?
[00:47:45] <Naldo> Thanks
[00:47:53] <Naldo> LV meet up?
[00:47:56] <Ouro> yeah
[00:48:01] <Ouro> ta fixe isso prompto?
[00:48:11] <Prompto> ya
[00:48:29] <Ouro> wait us finish this one first naldinho
[00:48:49] <Prompto> we're at sf docks tho
[00:49:02] <Naldo> I'll head in that directon
[00:49:07] <Ouro> ok
[00:49:12] <SmithSProMaxPlus> thinkin about joining
[00:50:13] <Ouro> SF DOCKS
[00:50:15] <Ouro> we be waiting
[00:50:21] <Naldo> Fine
[00:50:23] <Ouro> turn on the turbo and nos
[00:50:26] <Naldo> No need to shout
[00:50:36] <Prompto> we shall wait for thee, no worries
[00:50:46] <Ouro> time is money
[00:51:11] <Ouro> last one to each unload pays the convoy 100k each
[00:51:14] <Ouro> just kidding
[00:51:16] <Ouro> or am i
[00:51:22] <Ouro> :)
[00:51:27] <Prompto> are you a dictator now?
[00:51:37] <Ouro> nah nah is joke
[00:51:42] <Ouro> or is it
[00:52:58] --> Santiago connected to the server
[00:53:01] <Gaden> wb
[00:53:06] <CaptainDeath> wb
[00:53:16] <Santiago> is everyone behaving
[00:53:19] <Prompto> no
[00:53:19] <Ouro> do nada o jogo ficou bu� claro
[00:53:19] <Gaden> No.
[00:53:21] <Ouro> ganda flashbang
[00:53:29] <Prompto> s� para ti
[00:53:29] <Ouro> santiago
[00:53:29] <Ouro> wb
[00:53:31] <Santiago> don't make me start with the bans
[00:53:31] <Prompto> pra mim ta normal
[00:53:36] <Prompto> you should tho
[00:53:39] <Gaden> Where is your ban hammer?
[00:53:44] <Santiago> cala boca prompto viado
[00:53:47] <Naldo> Oh no, Oh no, Oh no no no no
[00:53:52] <Prompto> sorry
[00:53:54] <Ouro> mau mau
[00:54:02] <Odertan> Santiago aprendeu pt??
[00:54:04] <Ouro> wait smith load
[00:54:12] <Santiago> eu aprendeu na scola
[00:54:12] <Ouro> hahaha
[00:54:17] <Ouro> wait smith load bruh
[00:54:17] <Prompto> "eu aprendeu"
[00:54:22] <Santiago> the basics
[00:54:22] <Odertan> J� sabe xingar hahaha
[00:54:25] <Santiago> oi
[00:54:27] <Odertan> oi
[00:54:37] <Santiago> I had 1 year of portuguese
[00:54:42] <Santiago> 8 years ago
[00:54:48] <Odertan> not bad
[00:54:55] <Santiago> respeita prompto respeita caralho
[00:55:00] <SmithSProMaxPlus> !aboard
[00:55:00] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(172746) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49002) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26524)
[00:55:10] <Prompto> isn't spanish for "i learned", aprendi?
[00:55:10] <Twi> no puedes hablar en espa�ol para ocultar lo que est�s hablando puta
[00:55:10] <Ouro> cona caralho
[00:55:15] <Santiago> yeah
[00:55:15] <Odertan> I think Brazil and Argentina is friends so we should learn spanish too very much
[00:55:18] <Prompto> same in portuguese
[00:55:18] <Santiago> yo aprendi
[00:55:23] <Prompto> why the "aprendeu"? XD
[00:55:28] <Santiago> idk
[00:55:33] <Odertan> aprendi Santi
[00:55:33] <Santiago> eu aprendi
[00:55:38] <Santiago> na scola
[00:55:38] <Odertan> isso
[00:55:41] <Prompto> there you go
[00:55:43] <Santiago> muitos anos ago
[00:55:59] <Odertan> quero aprender espanhol
[00:56:01] <Twi> hola chicos estoy diciendo esto otra vez me follar� a winny hasta que me corra 69420 veces
[00:56:14] <Ouro> lewd twi
[00:56:32] <Prompto> callate twi
[00:56:34] <akiyamaha> ohai santi
[00:56:44] <Twi> no u
[00:56:47] <Odertan> did we get new updates ?
[00:56:47] <Ouro> aki what this convoy needs is your special touch
[00:57:02] <Prompto> that sounds gay
[00:57:02] <Ouro> idk about you guys but i'm safe from having to pay 100k
[00:57:05] <akiyamaha> im studying
[00:57:07] <akiyamaha> llike a loser
[00:57:12] <Prompto> pfahahaha you loser
[00:57:18] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> pfftt
[00:57:23] <Prompto> who the fuck even studies for a better live, lmao noob
[00:57:25] <Ouro> smith and naldinho where you at
[00:57:30] <SmithSProMaxPlus> drove wrong
[00:57:33] <Odertan> ive heard we will have more drop areas
[00:57:33] <Twi> nueva actualizaci�n ahora puedes conseguir azadas del club de striptease
[00:57:33] <Prompto> fuck
[00:57:56] <Prompto> you're just embarassing
[00:58:34] <Prompto> oh crap
[00:58:59] <Twi> para obtener la actualizaci�n.
[00:59:20] <Prompto> ffs
[00:59:22] <Ouro> smh
[00:59:30] <Ouro> i'm too good for this convoy
[00:59:30] <Twi> Santi tambi�n regalar� todos sus at400 debido a la emoci�n de la actualizaci�n.
[00:59:53] <Prompto> isso � pq tou atento ao chat e fodo-me sempre
[01:00:00] <Ouro> :)
[01:00:21] <Prompto> why did I follow you naldo..
[01:00:28] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wait for them ouro
[01:00:31] <Santiago> twi va a ser baneado del servidor por ser muy tonto
[01:00:36] <Ouro> we're near montgomery
[01:00:49] <Santiago> or ban
[01:00:59] <Prompto> I joined transx but got kicked
[01:01:42] <Santiago> 4th is dasher with 1800
[01:02:20] <Twi> no ban pls
[01:02:33] <Twi> gimme 69m
[01:02:35] <Twi> and i'll join
[01:02:51] <Ouro> HAHAH
[01:02:56] <SmithSProMaxPlus> xD
[01:03:41] <Twi> fuck u ngentots
[01:03:41] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[01:03:47] <akiyamaha> f
[01:04:07] <Prompto> /Oban twi
[01:04:12] <Ouro> /delete twi
[01:04:25] (WEB) <Twi#0921> /fuck prompto , ouro
[01:04:35] <Prompto> bish
[01:04:42] <akiyamaha> lotto pls
[01:04:50] <Gaden> gz
[01:04:50] <Naldo> gz
[01:04:53] <akiyamaha> hadeh
[01:04:53] <SmithSProMaxPlus> gz
[01:04:53] <Prompto> olha olha
[01:04:55] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gz
[01:04:58] <Ouro> rigged
[01:05:00] <Prompto> o ouro ganhou ouro
[01:05:03] <Ouro> LMAO I WON
[01:05:03] <Ouro> NOT RIGGED
[01:05:03] <Santiago> aaah caralho
[01:05:08] <Ouro> EZ
[01:05:16] <akiyamaha> dat full 180
[01:05:18] <Ouro> !cash
[01:05:21] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $4,007,258 in hand
[01:05:36] <Ouro> 1mil more for 30m
[01:05:41] <akiyamaha> nice
[01:05:49] <Santiago> brb
[01:08:06] <Ouro> im there nubs
[01:08:09] <Ouro> keep up
[01:08:19] <Ouro> trailer d caralho
[01:08:19] <CaptainDeath> neon
[01:08:24] <Ouro> ficou colado a parede
[01:08:34] <Prompto> I still managed to unload it first... you really are a noob
[01:08:42] <Ouro> trailer gltiched
[01:08:49] <Prompto> bla bla bla excuses
[01:08:59] <Ouro> kk we see next one
[01:09:02] <SmithSProMaxPlus> got the fcking cops behind me
[01:09:02] <Prompto> oh no sorry
[01:09:04] <SmithSProMaxPlus> go go go
[01:09:07] <Prompto> cops?
[01:09:10] <Ouro> were
[01:09:12] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yes
[01:09:12] <Ouro> where
[01:09:12] <SmithSProMaxPlus> go gogo
[01:09:20] <Gaden> You are under arrest!
[01:09:25] <Gaden> Pullover!
[01:09:27] <CaptainDeath> Freeze
[01:09:27] <Prompto> lol just ram him
[01:09:35] <CaptainDeath> he did :(
[01:09:45] <Prompto> good
[01:09:48] <Ouro> l8r
[01:10:05] <Gaden> We're here for your protection.
[01:10:18] <CaptainDeath> Woop Woop
[01:10:21] <Ouro> protect my nuts
[01:10:33] <Gaden> Desynced...
[01:10:46] <-- Gaden disconnected from the server
[01:11:04] <Ouro> gay ahead
[01:11:14] <Prompto> screw him
[01:11:19] --> Gaden connected to the server
[01:11:34] <Gaden> tp
[01:11:55] <Prompto> refueling
[01:12:02] <Ouro> refuel no caralho bora bora
[01:12:10] <Prompto> .I.
[01:12:18] <Ouro> tem refuel aqui
[01:12:25] <Prompto> so tinha 2'/-
[01:12:36] <Ouro> ainda chegava
[01:12:38] <Ouro> confia
[01:12:41] <Prompto> n
[01:13:09] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[01:13:26] <SmithSProMaxPlus> got fcking cops again behind me
[01:13:37] <Prompto> lag pit them
[01:13:42] <Prompto> ram them to the water
[01:13:47] <Ouro> como se faz isso
[01:13:49] <Ouro> lag pit
[01:13:57] <Ouro> levo com bu�s mas n�o sei fazer
[01:14:00] <Prompto> so da com pessoas com algo ping
[01:14:02] <Gaden> We'll get them next time.
[01:14:05] <Ouro> caralho
[01:14:10] <Ouro> pingers de merda
[01:14:12] <Prompto> pois
[01:14:15] <Ouro> smith where are you
[01:14:20] <Ouro> i see you
[01:14:25] <Ouro> lets go speed and power
[01:14:33] <Prompto> o truque � sabers que a posi��o que v�s do jogador no teu ecr� tem um certo "delay"
[01:14:43] <Ouro> ya eu sei disso
[01:14:50] <Ouro> lol
[01:14:53] <Prompto> a altas velocidades, a posi��o real dele � mais � frente por isso d�s ram "a frente" dele
[01:14:58] <CaptainDeath> u are under arrest
[01:15:03] <CaptainDeath> freeze
[01:15:08] <Ouro> fuck off
[01:15:18] <Ouro> fucking cunt
[01:15:18] <Naldo> Um
[01:15:21] <Ouro> blew himself up and me
[01:15:29] <CaptainDeath> u hit me man :/
[01:15:34] <Ouro> get the fuck out of the way
[01:15:36] <Prompto> you were on the way XD
[01:15:36] <Ouro> you're not a cop retard
[01:15:39] <Prompto> truckers don't stop
[01:15:46] <CaptainDeath> cops have all ways
[01:15:54] <Ouro> i have all ways with your mom sister and granny
[01:16:07] <Naldo> That's some talent
[01:16:17] <Ouro> where meet
[01:16:19] <Ouro> lv ls ?
[01:16:22] <Ouro> intersection
[01:16:22] <Naldo> HEading to AP
[01:16:30] <Prompto> cops have all ways? excuse me, is this server an authoritarian police state?
[01:16:42] <Ouro> meet SF docks
[01:17:43] <Gaden> Can we join your convoy?
[01:17:46] <Prompto> yes
[01:17:46] <Ouro> no
[01:17:48] <Gaden> me and capt?
[01:17:54] <Gaden> Oh ok.
[01:17:56] <Naldo> Heading to AP
[01:17:59] <Ouro> �s o lider agora prompto?
[01:18:04] <Prompto> ele disse "your"
[01:18:11] <Prompto> que eu saiba your � plural tmbm
[01:18:11] <CaptainDeath> okay Ouro u will see our lights again
[01:18:21] <Prompto> police state again
[01:18:21] <Ouro> tu aceitaste
[01:18:27] <Ouro> quem aceita � o lider smh
[01:18:57] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[01:19:10] --> Prompto connected to the server
[01:19:20] <Ouro> quem � o lagado agora
[01:19:20] <Prompto> I arrived at angel pine and op-codes came flying down like a fucking witch
[01:19:33] <Naldo> I happens
[01:19:33] <Ouro> where do we meet
[01:19:33] <Naldo> It*
[01:19:43] <Prompto> I'm at ls docks so do your mission and tell me the unload
[01:19:43] <Naldo> I'll be back
[01:19:45] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[01:20:03] <Ouro> meet flint county
[01:20:06] <Prompto> okd
[01:20:21] <Prompto> ok so... are the police dicktators still here?
[01:20:34] <Gaden> Affirmative.
[01:20:39] <Ouro> no stetz invited them to horse party
[01:20:46] <CaptainDeath> our main suspect is Ouro
[01:21:02] <Prompto> allegation of horse porn collection?
[01:21:09] <Ouro> if you keep bocking me from /w i'll report you just fyi
[01:21:09] <Prompto> shoul've doubted by his name...
[01:21:17] <Prompto> "bocking" XDD
[01:21:19] <Ouro> hahaha
[01:21:30] <Prompto> aqui vai uma super bock
[01:22:28] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Hello Mr.
[01:22:36] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Can i see your drivers license please?
[01:22:43] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hey
[01:22:46] <Ouro> you can see these
[01:22:46] <Ouro> my nuts
[01:22:53] <Prompto> bist du blint? no police here, get off
[01:23:11] <Prompto> fuck the police
[01:23:52] <Ouro> policeride horses more than stetz
[01:24:02] <Prompto> XD
[01:24:20] <Ouro> drift king
[01:24:25] <Prompto> yes
[01:24:30] <Prompto> and you are king noob
[01:24:33] <Ouro> HAHAH
[01:24:43] <Ouro> olhe pra tras e vi essa tristeza
[01:24:45] <Prompto> tens mods?
[01:24:53] <Ouro> vanilla
[01:24:58] <Prompto> u buggy as shit
[01:25:16] <Ouro> ue?
[01:25:16] <Ouro> eu*
[01:25:18] <Prompto> ye
[01:25:29] <Ouro> tu tas t�o bugado que tens crash
[01:25:39] <Prompto> boa
[01:25:46] <Prompto> nao d�s prioridade... tens carta?
[01:25:54] <Ouro> tenho lideran�a
[01:26:04] <Prompto> foda-se mas a carta ficou no caralho
[01:26:19] <Ouro> vais aonde pa
[01:26:25] <Ouro> aqui cego
[01:26:30] <Prompto> nao olhei para o mapa lol
[01:27:08] <SmithSProMaxPlus> santi will not know anythin
[01:28:19] <Prompto> he doesn't know anything
[01:28:32] <Ouro> se seguires o l�der ja n�o te atrasas
[01:28:42] <Prompto> calou
[01:29:15] <Ouro> burro � aquele que n�o segue conselhos - sun tzu
[01:29:58] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Would you please step out of the car
[01:30:01] <Ouro> fodi-me
[01:30:08] <Gaden> Why's that for, sir?
[01:30:16] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Step out of the car now
[01:30:24] <Gaden> Ok.
[01:30:26] <Prompto> que lento da pi�a
[01:30:34] <SmithSProMaxPlus> show me ur licenses
[01:30:41] <Gaden> You could've seen them while I'm inside.
[01:30:54] <Gaden> Here are they.
[01:30:54] <Prompto> officer, our doesn't have a licence, you might want to arrest him (this is an anonymous complaint)
[01:30:57] <Prompto> ouro*
[01:31:14] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Listen dude you can work together or you will be arrested
[01:31:14] <Ouro> i have 4 licenses
[01:31:17] <Ouro> !licenses
[01:31:20] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick, nevada
[01:31:20] <SmithSProMaxPlus> are there drugs in your car?
[01:31:27] <Gaden> Of course not.
[01:31:30] <Gaden> Wanna check out?
[01:31:35] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Mind if i check that?
[01:31:40] <Gaden> My pleasure.
[01:31:48] <Gaden> Let me open the boot.
[01:32:00] <Prompto> are you guys foreplaying cops?
[01:32:05] --> Sadx connected to the server
[01:32:13] <CaptainDeath> man let's just kill the cop
[01:32:31] <Gaden> Everything's clear, sir?
[01:32:41] <SmithSProMaxPlus> would you please open the motor room?
[01:32:46] <SmithSProMaxPlus> engine*
[01:32:51] <Gaden> Let me open it.
[01:33:04] <Gaden> Go ahead, sir.
[01:33:04] <Santiago> sino pinoy dito
[01:33:16] <Santiago> ako
[01:33:19] <Prompto> you guys are blocking the way lmao
[01:33:32] <Ouro> ainda s� tas nesse tunel caralho?
[01:33:32] <CaptainDeath> we are under legal arrest
[01:33:34] <Ouro> fodasse que lentidao
[01:33:39] <Prompto> fodi o atrelado todo
[01:33:47] <SmithSProMaxPlus> oh sir whatst his?
[01:33:52] <Ouro> se o condutor fosse bom isso n�o acontecia
[01:34:00] <Gaden> It's none of my business.
[01:34:07] <Prompto> olha quem fala
[01:34:10] <Gaden> Talk to him.
[01:34:10] <Prompto> nem carta tem
[01:34:18] <Ouro> o meu trailer
[01:34:20] <Ouro> rebentou
[01:34:20] <SmithSProMaxPlus> please move the car from the street
[01:34:20] <Ouro> HAHAHA
[01:34:23] <CaptainDeath> he's older than me talk to him
[01:34:25] <SmithSProMaxPlus> put it on left or right
[01:34:28] <Prompto> ele ta direito
[01:34:28] <Gaden> Let me do it.
[01:34:30] <Prompto> como assim rebentou?
[01:34:35] <Ouro> explodio
[01:34:48] <Ouro> ta aqui um dos travestis
[01:34:51] <Prompto> nao no meu ecra lmao
[01:34:51] <SmithSProMaxPlus> fucking dickhead
[01:34:56] <CaptainDeath> xDDD
[01:34:56] <Ouro> ajuda-me a tirar o trailer dele
[01:35:26] <Prompto> se eles fizerem /cfleet fodes-te
[01:35:39] <Ouro> levam com um report que se fodem
[01:35:46] <Prompto> transx, /cfleet plz
[01:35:54] <Ouro> shhhhhhhhhhh
[01:36:02] <Prompto> olha nao deu cabo
[01:36:53] <Gaden> Well.
[01:36:55] <Ouro> ent�o
[01:37:00] <Ouro> bora
[01:37:00] <Ouro> speed
[01:37:03] <Prompto> WTF
[01:37:05] <Gaden> We did it.
[01:37:08] <Prompto> o trailer saltou
[01:37:13] <Ouro> tou-te a ver ao longe todo fucked
[01:37:23] <Ouro> e chamas-me bugado
[01:37:33] <Prompto> e �s todo bugado
[01:37:38] <Gaden> Well listen we're wanted now.
[01:37:43] <Gaden> Let's split up.
[01:37:49] <CaptainDeath> good idea
[01:37:59] <Ouro> segue o l�der p�
[01:38:09] <Prompto> eu nem te vi lmao
[01:38:19] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[01:38:24] <Ouro> eu sei os caminhos todos
[01:38:27] <Prompto> rei
[01:39:10] <Gaden> You fuckin' high bitch.
[01:39:10] <Ouro> stop sniffing your ballsack
[01:39:12] --> Santiago connected to the server
[01:39:15] <Prompto> oh foda-se
[01:39:25] <Ouro> foste pelo caminho mais longo possivel
[01:39:28] <CaptainDeath> who tf are u
[01:39:28] <Ouro> incrivel
[01:39:33] <Santiago> cala boca ouro
[01:39:38] <Ouro> smh
[01:39:38] <Prompto> o caminho mais longo � o da minha pi�a
[01:39:43] <Ouro> haha
[01:40:08] <Gaden> You got yourself too high bro.
[01:40:29] <Prompto> foreplaying as cops won't solve your virginity issues, just saying :)
[01:40:29] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Step the fuck out of the vehicle now
[01:40:36] <Gaden> Ok sir.
[01:40:44] <Ouro> que isso meu
[01:40:46] <Ouro> todo bugado
[01:40:46] <Santiago> get rekt windumbgon
[01:40:49] <Ouro> com esses drifts
[01:41:04] <CaptainDeath> police brutality
[01:41:09] <Gaden> Run BISH
[01:42:03] <SmithSProMaxPlus> damnit
[01:42:08] <Prompto> lmao
[01:42:13] <Ouro> poste de merda
[01:42:13] <Prompto> nem te desviares dum poste sabes
[01:42:15] <Ouro> fezme ir pela rampa
[01:42:51] <Prompto> 29 de health..
[01:42:54] <Prompto> obrigado xD
[01:42:59] <Prompto> fodeu
[01:43:06] <Ouro> cralho meut
[01:43:09] <Ouro> vai devaga
[01:43:11] <Ouro> se n�o explodes
[01:43:55] <Ouro> onde foste?
[01:44:00] <Santiago> trannieX better
[01:44:02] <Prompto> bomba de servi�o
[01:44:10] <Ouro> tava uma em doherty
[01:44:12] <Ouro> e fica pelo caminho
[01:44:12] <Ouro> .....
[01:44:15] <Prompto> tou em sf docks
[01:44:17] <Prompto> � perto
[01:44:35] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[01:44:45] <Ouro> santiago por favor n�o fa�as /cfleet :)
[01:44:56] <Santiago> smh
[01:45:06] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[01:45:13] <Ouro> wb
[01:45:21] <akiyamaha> ty
[01:45:24] <Santiago> sino pinoy dito?
[01:45:31] <akiyamaha> tite mo
[01:45:39] <Prompto> esqueci-me do aerporto
[01:45:41] <Ouro> o que
[01:45:49] <Ouro> doente do carfalho hahahaha
[01:46:04] <Prompto> yey colou-se ao hangar
[01:46:09] <Ouro> hahaha
[01:46:17] <Ouro> meet em ls docks
[01:46:27] <Prompto> HAHAH
[01:46:30] <Prompto> soltou-se
[01:46:47] <Ouro> cai da ponte
[01:46:50] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[01:46:55] <Prompto> foda-se
[01:47:18] <Prompto> omg so many cars in ls
[01:47:23] <Prompto> who the hell owns that big ass hotel?
[01:47:28] <Ouro> winny
[01:47:33] <Prompto> fuck
[01:48:22] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i was following the wrong
[01:48:57] <Prompto> nice try bish
[01:49:00] <Ouro> ja unloadaste?
[01:49:02] <Prompto> ha
[01:49:05] <Prompto> ja
[01:49:48] <Ouro> refuel
[01:50:16] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[01:50:18] <Gaden> wb
[01:50:36] <Ouro> espera prompto
[01:50:41] <Ouro> os meus headphones foderamse
[01:50:52] <Prompto> tou na bomba de servi�o � tua espera lol
[01:50:54] <Prompto> disseste refuel
[01:50:59] <Ouro> nvm o video do youtube foi para pausa nao sei pq
[01:51:07] <Prompto> nao gosta de ti
[01:51:35] <SmithSProMaxPlus> good night guys
[01:51:40] <Ouro> gn
[01:51:40] <Gaden> Cya.
[01:51:40] <Prompto> gn
[01:51:42] <CaptainDeath> cya
[01:51:42] <akiyamaha> gn
[01:51:45] <-- SmithSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[01:51:50] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[01:52:15] <Prompto> pera ai
[01:52:18] <Prompto> deixa-me ver o angulo
[01:52:21] <Prompto> pra proxima saltar direito
[01:52:28] <Prompto> ok easy
[01:52:33] <Ouro> pelas arvores
[01:52:36] --> P$G connected to the server
[01:52:38] <Gaden> wb
[01:52:43] <CaptainDeath> wb
[01:52:46] <P$G> ty
[01:53:57] <Ouro> shortcut mais inutil
[01:54:05] <Prompto> o trailer fez-me voar quase pqp
[01:55:19] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[01:55:26] <P$G> wb
[01:55:47] <akiyamaha> ty
[01:56:17] <Ouro> jump?
[01:56:20] <Prompto> ye
[01:56:22] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[01:56:50] <Prompto> temos de aperfei�oar o angulo s�
[01:56:53] <Ouro> ya
[01:57:31] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[01:57:49] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[01:57:51] --> PedroSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[01:57:56] <Gaden> wb
[01:57:59] <P$G> wb
[01:57:59] <Prompto> oh foda-se
[01:58:04] <Prompto> outro spromax do crlh
[01:58:04] <PedroSProMaxPlus> ty
[01:58:24] <PedroSProMaxPlus> � o q � rapaz
[01:59:07] <Prompto> � lidar irmaum
[02:00:01] <Prompto> so existires
[02:00:19] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:00:19] <Prompto> ...
[02:00:24] <Ouro> ??????
[02:00:24] <Prompto> vou fingir que n�o fiz isto
[02:00:39] <Ouro> HAHAHA WTF
[02:00:41] <Prompto> what the fuck dude
[02:00:41] <Ouro> tinhas quanto de vida
[02:00:52] <Prompto> muito pouco, o trailer comeu-me a vida toda
[02:00:57] <Ouro> n�o sabia
[02:01:02] <Ouro> so tava a tentar bloquear o caminho
[02:01:07] <Ouro> pra te fazer dar a volta
[02:01:15] <Prompto> acabaste por me matar, parabens
[02:01:20] <Prompto> agora levas com um /report :)
[02:01:27] <Ouro> foi sem querer caralho
[02:01:50] <Ouro> vais-me reportar mesmo por um acidente?
[02:01:55] <Prompto> como � que explicas �s autoridades que mataste um homem sem querer?
[02:02:00] <Prompto> dafuq nao lol
[02:02:03] <Prompto> tava a gozar
[02:02:33] <Ouro> ent�o
[02:02:38] <Ouro> queres continuar ou n�o
[02:02:54] <Prompto> oh shit what
[02:03:14] <Ouro> ls docks
[02:03:14] <Santiago> righ tguys
[02:03:19] <Santiago> right guys?
[02:03:32] <Ouro> pensava que tinhas voltado para ls docks
[02:03:40] <Prompto> estas onde?
[02:03:42] <-- Gaden disconnected from the server
[02:03:47] <Ouro> east beach
[02:03:50] <-- CaptainDeath disconnected from the server
[02:03:52] <Ouro> pera meet ls lv
[02:03:55] <Santiago> vc nao sabe jogar muito prompto
[02:03:57] <Prompto> ok
[02:04:00] <Santiago> pedro joga muito
[02:04:05] <PedroSProMaxPlus> spittin
[02:04:05] <Prompto> calou � penguim
[02:04:05] <Santiago> onda joga vc pedro
[02:04:13] <Santiago> vc e muito bom
[02:04:13] <Odertan> Santiago, onde anda Thiago?
[02:04:25] <Prompto> santiago nao sabe porra nenhuma
[02:04:28] <PedroSProMaxPlus> santiago melhor admin no servidor
[02:04:28] <Santiago> no tenho idea
[02:04:43] <Santiago> ele estaba trabalhando
[02:04:46] <Odertan> Pedro tmb fala pt?
[02:04:51] <Prompto> pedro � tuga
[02:04:53] <Santiago> sim ele e pt
[02:04:58] <Ouro> tas no convoy?
[02:05:01] <Prompto> nao
[02:05:04] <Prompto> posso entrar?
[02:05:09] <Ouro> pode
[02:05:29] <Prompto> tinhamos dois
[02:05:32] <Prompto> mas faliram
[02:05:42] <Prompto> e ST
[02:05:47] <Odertan> E ST n�
[02:05:49] <Santiago> brb
[02:05:49] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[02:07:49] <Ouro> tens quanto fuel?
[02:07:56] <PedroSProMaxPlus> who won lotto
[02:07:56] <Prompto> deixa-me dar unload
[02:07:59] <Prompto> ouro did
[02:08:09] <Ouro> comeicei missao sem querer..
[02:08:12] <PedroSProMaxPlus> parabens
[02:08:14] <Prompto> ...
[02:08:19] <Ouro> obg
[02:08:24] <Prompto> deixa-me fazer unload
[02:08:37] <Ouro> tavas a espoera
[02:08:47] <Prompto> ya eu disse-te
[02:09:18] <Prompto> outro jump?
[02:09:23] <Ouro> jump?
[02:09:23] <Ouro> sim
[02:09:25] <Prompto> no tunel
[02:09:31] <Ouro> yaya
[02:10:04] <Ouro> e fodi-me
[02:10:04] <Prompto> vou fingir que n�o vi isso
[02:10:11] <Ouro> vou morrer
[02:10:14] <Prompto> n�o sabes usar o pedal do trav�o?
[02:10:19] <Prompto> v�-se mesmo que n�o tens carta pqp
[02:10:29] <Ouro> usei mas o trailer foi com fogo no cu e levou-me atras
[02:10:32] <Prompto> meet em ls depot
[02:11:17] <Prompto> lmao o truque do jump � abrandar
[02:11:30] <Ouro> quem diria que lento = rapido
[02:11:43] <Prompto> � como a quarentena
[02:11:53] <Prompto> o tempo passa tao lento mas tao rapido ao mesmo tempo
[02:13:47] <Prompto> podes entrar
[02:13:55] <Ouro> queres ser lider?
[02:13:57] <Prompto> tanto me faz
[02:14:05] <Prompto> wtf
[02:14:10] <Ouro> que
[02:14:15] <Prompto> encontrei um map bug aqui
[02:14:18] <Prompto> o camiao nao anda
[02:14:20] <Ouro> n�o vejo nada fora do normal
[02:14:25] <Ouro> deixa-me tentar
[02:14:31] <Prompto> ah ja deu
[02:14:33] <Prompto> olha entra
[02:14:48] <Prompto> passa por aqui lentamente
[02:15:09] <Ouro> onde
[02:15:21] <Prompto> aqui
[02:15:27] <Prompto> yup
[02:15:37] <Prompto> ja viste?
[02:15:42] <Ouro> ya
[02:15:49] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:16:38] --> Santiago connected to the server
[02:17:08] <Santiago> bora pedro bora
[02:17:18] <Prompto> sabes o caminho pelo caminho de ferro?
[02:17:21] <Ouro> sim
[02:17:29] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:18:17] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:18:52] <Ouro> tens a missao?
[02:18:55] <Ouro> nvm
[02:18:55] <Prompto> ya
[02:18:58] <Ouro> �s o lider looool
[02:19:08] <Ouro> nice
[02:19:10] <Prompto> genius
[02:19:15] <Prompto> foda-se
[02:19:20] <Ouro> Hhahaha
[02:19:28] <Prompto> /detach � magia
[02:20:19] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:20:21] <Prompto> cabr�o
[02:20:24] <Ouro> oq
[02:20:37] <Ouro> so ta aberto durante um curto espa�o de tempo
[02:20:39] <Prompto> fechou-me enquanto tava a passar
[02:20:39] <Ouro> depois fecha
[02:20:44] <Prompto> script de merd
[02:20:47] <Prompto> merda
[02:23:30] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:24:46] <Prompto> q lindo atalho
[02:25:01] <Ouro> sincerament
[02:25:09] <Ouro> nem me lembrava onde este sitio era
[02:25:49] <Prompto> qp
[02:25:52] <Prompto> pqp
[02:25:57] <Ouro> postes?
[02:26:00] <Prompto> ya
[02:26:00] <PedroSProMaxPlus> votaste em quem
[02:26:00] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:26:20] <Prompto> fui basic mainstream white bitch e votei no marcelo
[02:26:38] <PedroSProMaxPlus> tive quase para por x no tino
[02:26:45] <Prompto> rei
[02:27:01] <Prompto> se nao fosse pelo ventura eu poria tino
[02:27:23] <PedroSProMaxPlus> ainda tou a espera que se demita
[02:27:29] <Prompto> ele demitiu-se
[02:27:34] <Prompto> s� que candidatou-se novamente
[02:28:02] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:28:22] <PedroSProMaxPlus> uma piada ambulante
[02:28:25] <Prompto> soube tao bem ver que no meu distrito o cabr�o nao chegou ao 2� em lado nenhum
[02:29:00] <Prompto> eish, refuel
[02:29:08] <Prompto> vai indo
[02:30:24] <Prompto> alias fomos o motivo pela ana gomes chegar ao 2�
[02:31:12] <PedroSProMaxPlus> se ele tivesse ficado em 2� era mt mau
[02:31:28] <Prompto> � a revolta no porto...
[02:31:35] --> Lenz connected to the server
[02:32:11] <akiyamaha> wb penz
[02:32:21] <Lenz> ty lotto
[02:32:42] <akiyamaha> D:
[02:32:59] <PedroSProMaxPlus> bem vou me por no crl
[02:32:59] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:33:05] <Prompto> xau
[02:33:07] <PedroSProMaxPlus> later
[02:33:10] <-- PedroSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[02:33:22] <Ouro> bruh
[02:33:25] <Prompto> bruh
[02:34:21] <Prompto> nem sei como nao saiu fora
[02:34:26] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> zoom with lecturer on saturday morning
[02:34:26] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:34:31] <Ouro> cola quente
[02:35:27] <Prompto> vai indo
[02:35:55] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:36:20] <Ouro> 17 �/.
[02:36:25] <Prompto> ok
[02:36:43] <Prompto> puta deita-te
[02:36:51] <Prompto> ja me tou a cansar destes postes
[02:36:56] <Ouro> ^^^
[02:37:26] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:37:34] <Lenz> wb aks
[02:37:39] <akiyamaha> ty
[02:37:47] <Prompto> ? que se passou
[02:37:49] <Ouro> fuel
[02:37:52] <Ouro> ali
[02:37:52] <Prompto> ah
[02:38:30] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[02:39:34] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:39:46] <Prompto> hmm
[02:39:46] <Ouro> bro
[02:39:49] <Ouro> rly
[02:39:49] <Ouro> hahaha
[02:39:59] <Prompto> tentei fazer refuel mas toquei ligeiramente numa bomba
[02:40:04] <Prompto> literalmente uma bomba pelos vistos
[02:40:14] <Ouro> continuamos?
[02:40:17] <Prompto> queres?
[02:40:24] <Ouro> se quiseres eu quero
[02:40:29] <Prompto> entao siga
[02:40:32] <Prompto> n tneho nada pra fazer
[02:40:45] <Ouro> ls lv?
[02:40:50] <Prompto> sure
[02:40:50] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:41:18] <Santiago> bora pedro bora
[02:41:28] <Santiago> where did pedro go
[02:41:36] <Ouro> sleep
[02:41:36] <Prompto> he left you noob
[02:42:49] <Ouro> santiago why doesn't trucker gain extra money from convoy
[02:42:52] <Ouro> like cargo drop formation
[02:43:25] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:43:55] <Santiago> I think it does
[02:44:00] <Ouro> i don't think so
[02:44:06] <Santiago> but trucking pay is shit
[02:44:11] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:44:44] <akiyamaha> HMMMMMMMM
[02:44:46] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:44:56] <Prompto> it pays
[02:45:01] <Prompto> it's listed as "group pay"
[02:45:04] <Ouro> oh yeah i see
[02:45:12] <Prompto> oops
[02:45:37] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:46:08] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:46:10] <Prompto> h� algum atalho por dentro?
[02:46:13] <Prompto> ou autoestrada � q �?
[02:46:15] <Ouro> n
[02:46:18] <Ouro> s~
[02:46:20] <Prompto> confused
[02:46:25] <Ouro> que eu saiba
[02:46:51] <Lenz> !cboard
[02:46:51] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19600) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4053) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-399)
[02:47:19] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:47:44] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:49:13] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:49:33] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:50:27] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[02:50:35] <Lenz> wb danny
[02:50:42] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> thanks
[02:50:52] <Prompto> tmbm viemos ao cu de judas porra
[02:51:02] <Ouro> nem sabia onde isto era
[02:51:43] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:52:01] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:52:29] <Prompto> wtf
[02:52:34] <Ouro> ?
[02:52:54] <Prompto> nao te apareceu um desenho no meio do ecra?
[02:52:57] <Ouro> n
[02:53:02] <Prompto> wtfff
[02:53:02] <Ouro> era oq?
[02:53:12] <Prompto> sei la
[02:53:20] <Prompto> era mesmo estranho
[02:53:25] <Ouro> foi o jackie
[02:53:32] <Prompto> twi ffs
[02:53:35] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[02:53:35] <Prompto> always hacking
[02:54:03] <Ouro> jump?
[02:54:06] <Prompto> sim
[02:54:11] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:54:21] <Prompto> again
[02:54:31] <Ouro> aconteceu dnv?
[02:54:33] <Prompto> ya
[02:54:46] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:55:27] <Prompto> abranda agora
[02:55:34] <Ouro> FULL SPEED
[02:55:40] <Ouro> poweeeeeeeeer
[02:56:10] <Prompto> fodeste-te?
[02:56:13] <Ouro> nope
[02:56:25] <Ouro> fiquei de lado
[02:56:30] <Ouro> bruh
[02:56:33] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> congelei pqp
[02:56:41] <Ouro> agora tas na agua
[02:57:03] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> no meu ecra tou congelado na estrada
[02:57:14] <Ouro> acho que tens um mod fodido
[02:57:19] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> vou ter q tentar sair... � q nem o task manager d�
[02:57:21] <Ouro> tbm tens desenhos a aparacer no ecr�
[02:57:24] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> eu nao tenho mods instalado
[02:57:39] <Ouro> o teu jogo da amaldi�oado
[02:57:49] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[02:57:49] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> mesmo
[02:57:59] <Ouro> deste timeout agora
[02:58:07] --> Prompto connected to the server
[02:58:15] <Ouro> ls depot
[02:58:20] <Prompto> ok
[02:59:18] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:59:44] <Ouro> preciso de fuel
[02:59:49] <Prompto> aqui tem
[03:00:04] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:00:40] <Prompto> wait nao
[03:00:42] <Prompto> caminho errado
[03:00:47] <Prompto> or maybe not
[03:00:50] <Ouro> tava a ver isso
[03:00:57] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:01:05] <Prompto> afinal deu certo haha
[03:01:15] <Ouro> all according to keikaku
[03:01:38] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:02:31] <Prompto> onde tas lol?
[03:02:37] <Ouro> perdi o trailerzinho
[03:02:39] <Prompto> oh
[03:02:47] <Ouro> to a ir
[03:02:52] <Prompto> eu ja tou ca
[03:03:30] <Ouro> pronto
[03:03:40] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:03:45] <Ouro> ja eras?
[03:03:50] <Prompto> ?
[03:03:58] <Ouro> tas fora do camiao
[03:04:03] <Prompto> nao tou lol
[03:04:05] <Prompto> tou c�
[03:04:05] <Ouro> tas sim lol
[03:04:13] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:04:13] <Ouro> bruh
[03:04:13] <Prompto> Eu tou em fort carson dude
[03:04:28] <Ouro> eu tou ao teu lado
[03:04:31] <Prompto> For real???
[03:04:36] <Ouro> acho que estas desynced
[03:04:36] <Prompto> Oh
[03:04:39] <Ouro> a pera
[03:04:39] <Ouro> ja tas bom
[03:04:46] <Prompto> mexi um bocado e apareceste
[03:04:51] <Ouro> bruh
[03:05:04] <Prompto> ja em ls aconteceu isso
[03:05:09] <Ouro> tas todo amaldi�oado
[03:05:22] <Prompto> pelos vistos
[03:05:52] <Prompto> arriscado ahaha
[03:05:55] <Ouro> oq
[03:06:05] <Prompto> smp q vou por esse caminho fodo-me
[03:06:08] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[03:06:13] <Ouro> tutorial mode
[03:06:18] <Ouro> olha o speed hack
[03:06:25] <Ouro> yfodime
[03:06:25] <Prompto> ta guardad�ssiimo
[03:06:25] <Prompto> WTF
[03:06:38] <Prompto> como � que te fodeste numa autoestrada
[03:06:43] <Ouro> no poste ali
[03:06:43] <Prompto> XD
[03:06:46] <Ouro> speeeeeed
[03:07:29] <Prompto> fds
[03:07:31] <Sadx> !rank
[03:07:34] (WEB) <robin_be> Sadx(17200) rank: PL Senior Captain(16000) next: Aviation Legend(18000) (+800)
[03:07:47] <Ouro> !rank
[03:07:49] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro(15362) rank: PL Commander(13000) next: PL Senior Captain(16000) (+638)
[03:08:30] <Prompto> imagina fazer o ponto de embraiagem com transito nesta subida
[03:08:30] <Prompto> crlh
[03:08:33] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[03:08:43] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ikut veg
[03:08:53] <Sadx> ls tower
[03:09:03] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gua sambil zoom ini
[03:09:08] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> dah
[03:09:11] <Ouro> wtf hahaha
[03:09:31] <Prompto> como � que ele ficou a� em ciam wtf
[03:09:34] <Prompto> eu voei
[03:09:36] <Prompto> thank you
[03:09:41] <Ouro> perdi o meu agora
[03:09:49] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> afk zoom
[03:10:27] <Ouro> eu a descer com todo o cuidado e tu vais a voar smh
[03:10:42] <Prompto> dude
[03:10:42] <Ouro> MERDA
[03:10:45] <Ouro> cai na agura
[03:10:47] <Ouro> agua
[03:10:52] <Prompto> that was funny hahaha
[03:11:13] <Prompto> anda q eu deixo-te la em go-jek
[03:11:15] <Prompto> vou pra p. creek
[03:11:20] <Ouro> go
[03:11:43] <Ouro> caralho ja to com 174k interesse n�o coletado
[03:11:51] <Prompto> wait what
[03:11:51] <Ouro> so tenho 25k por hora
[03:12:04] <Prompto> 600k uncollected
[03:12:11] <Ouro> tu tens 150k por hora
[03:12:14] <Prompto> ya
[03:12:47] <Prompto> wait i'm dubm
[03:12:52] <Ouro> wut happen
[03:13:25] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:13:35] <Ouro> akiyamaha australian cunt
[03:13:43] <Ouro> :3
[03:13:51] <akiyamaha> fuq australia
[03:13:58] <Ouro> but it's your country :)
[03:14:03] <akiyamaha> im not
[03:14:06] <Ouro> why are you loggin off and on
[03:14:08] <Sadx> desync
[03:14:11] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[03:14:11] <akiyamaha> country checker is a retard
[03:14:16] <akiyamaha> testing mods
[03:14:19] <akiyamaha> i reinstalled gta
[03:14:24] <Ouro> let me guess
[03:14:24] <Ouro> hacks
[03:14:26] <akiyamaha> yes
[03:14:31] <Ouro> as expected
[03:14:34] <akiyamaha> optimizing akilotto.cs
[03:14:36] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:14:47] <Ouro> sabes onde �
[03:15:17] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:15:20] <Prompto> oh fuck
[03:15:25] <Prompto> tenho de repar�-lo no dmv
[03:15:48] <Prompto> vai indo para blueberry
[03:15:50] <Prompto> dmv � la certo?
[03:15:53] <Prompto> wtf
[03:15:53] <Ouro> bru
[03:16:31] <Ouro> sabes uma coisa
[03:16:38] <Ouro> vou dormir
[03:16:43] <Ouro> tchau
[03:16:46] <Ouro> GOOD NIGHT ALL
[03:16:49] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[03:16:54] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:17:11] <Prompto> wow
[03:17:14] <Prompto> he left me
[03:17:27] <Odertan> why
[03:17:34] <Prompto> sei la
[03:17:57] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[03:18:00] <Prompto> yo
[03:18:07] <eddiespromaxplus> Hi GaMeRs
[03:18:20] <Odertan> when eddie joined his clamped tow truck almost killed me
[03:18:23] <Odertan> :D
[03:18:43] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:18:53] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro trucking
[03:18:53] <Odertan> sabe acho que estou ficando um pouco louco
[03:18:53] <Odertan> wb
[03:18:56] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 1555 trucking
[03:19:03] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Perfeito
[03:19:06] <Prompto> wait, where do I repair trucks?
[03:19:14] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Blueberry
[03:19:16] <Lenz> odo? blueberry garage
[03:19:19] <akiyamaha> Q
[03:19:19] <eddiespromaxplus> same place as cars
[03:19:21] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:19:26] <Prompto> oh
[03:19:59] <eddiespromaxplus> petition to make vehcile service take 9 ingame days
[03:20:02] <Odertan> Why the Budha at IA has money coins around him?
[03:20:12] <Prompto> cause buddha's a rich bitch
[03:20:17] --> Sadx connected to the server
[03:20:20] <eddiespromaxplus> cause buddha riccc
[03:20:22] <Odertan> oh he isnt
[03:20:30] <Odertan> he gave money to poor?
[03:20:48] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:20:48] <Odertan> I think ppl keeps giving him the money back
[03:20:48] <eddiespromaxplus> thats what he wants you to think
[03:20:55] <eddiespromaxplus> he secretly ballin
[03:21:00] <Odertan> ohhh i got it
[03:21:23] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:21:31] <eddiespromaxplus> !missions santiago skimmer
[03:21:34] (WEB) <robin_be> santiago: 500 skimmer
[03:21:36] <Odertan> anyways if he was poor how come he is fat?
[03:21:36] <eddiespromaxplus> pfft
[03:21:41] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:21:44] <eddiespromaxplus> get on my level bitch
[03:21:59] <eddiespromaxplus> fuck
[03:22:02] <Santiago> I'll never do a skimmer mission again sorry edd
[03:22:02] <Lenz> !missions skimmer
[03:22:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 1000 skimmer
[03:22:07] <eddiespromaxplus> great
[03:22:07] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:22:14] <Santiago> same with rescue
[03:22:14] <eddiespromaxplus> we can sell them after the event then
[03:22:17] <Odertan> why everyone is interested so much in skimmer?
[03:22:27] <Lenz> its slow thats why
[03:22:32] <Santiago> because it gives 3 score in IAs event
[03:22:35] <eddiespromaxplus> cause its slow and boring and hard
[03:22:37] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[03:22:42] <eddiespromaxplus> like
[03:22:47] <eddiespromaxplus> i want to die
[03:22:47] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:22:53] <Santiago> in the beta server IA is xanass
[03:22:58] <Odertan> ohhhhh skimmer 3 score� i tough it was nevada
[03:23:05] <eddiespromaxplus> skimmer nevada and dodo#
[03:23:13] <Santiago> only in inverted airlines' event
[03:23:28] <Odertan> nice
[03:23:36] <eddiespromaxplus> !missions sKiMmEr
[03:23:36] <Lenz> gojek cfleet -_-
[03:23:38] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[03:23:43] <Odertan> my brain isnt working so good
[03:23:51] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:23:54] <Odertan> sometimes it does, some .... not
[03:24:09] <Odertan> maybe a cable disconected or something
[03:24:39] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:24:39] <eddiespromaxplus> nice drift lenz
[03:24:45] <Lenz> tq
[03:25:07] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:25:18] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Eddie why did you decide to do skimmer instead of cargo
[03:25:28] <Odertan> dodo too slow
[03:25:30] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> It gives same score and is faster
[03:25:51] <Odertan> but circuit?
[03:25:53] <eddiespromaxplus> cause longest skimmer mission is only 14km
[03:25:53] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> probably for /achievements
[03:26:01] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Rly now
[03:26:03] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:26:08] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Thanks for advice
[03:26:13] <Odertan> yes, circuit
[03:26:26] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> longest skimmer mission is about 16km iirc
[03:26:29] <Odertan> u guys gave me a good idea
[03:26:34] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> `Jaccuse Suc to Crude Power
[03:27:20] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[03:27:20] <Odertan> i gotta build circuits
[03:27:32] <Syracuse> to 32
[03:27:35] <akiyamaha> santi why do you have two glenshits
[03:27:37] <Odertan> fluxogram
[03:28:08] <Santiago> I have 1 shit glendale and 1 shit sadelr
[03:28:21] <akiyamaha> theres two at kas lol
[03:28:33] <Santiago> then my cars are bugged
[03:28:36] <Santiago> and i gotta reload
[03:28:38] <Santiago> and i cba
[03:28:46] <Odertan> for some reason my dog has a crush to my leg
[03:28:49] <Santiago> relog*
[03:28:49] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[03:29:11] <Odertan> he keeps licking me feet
[03:29:19] <akiyamaha> your dog has a foot fetish
[03:29:22] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:29:44] <Odertan> i should see a veterinary
[03:30:15] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:31:24] <Santiago> puga has relogged more times than the score he has
[03:31:29] <akiyamaha> yes
[03:31:44] <akiyamaha> how dare my game be unstable after installing like 500 mods
[03:33:21] <akiyamaha> k good i havent crashed
[03:33:23] <Syracuse> \
[03:33:28] <akiyamaha> time to kill my gta by installing a texturepack
[03:33:31] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:33:33] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> smh
[03:33:38] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[03:33:46] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> `game crashed when I'm on the last 500m of the flight
[03:33:51] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> F
[03:34:04] <Sadx> rip pays
[03:34:06] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[03:34:09] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[03:36:29] --> ClaySProMaxPlus connected to the server
[03:37:04] <ClaySProMaxPlus> A ybody want to help me understand why i'm such a piece of trash?
[03:37:09] <ClaySProMaxPlus> anybody*
[03:37:14] <Santiago> okay
[03:37:17] <Syracuse> no
[03:37:25] <eddiespromaxplus> were all pieces of trash
[03:37:32] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> true
[03:37:37] <Lenz> yes
[03:37:42] <ClaySProMaxPlus> That i can fathom.
[03:37:48] <ClaySProMaxPlus> Thank you.
[03:37:58] <Santiago> but clay is the biggest
[03:38:03] <ClaySProMaxPlus> Yes.
[03:38:15] <ClaySProMaxPlus> I'm the smelliest piece of trash.
[03:38:18] <Syracuse> best of ?
[03:38:23] <ClaySProMaxPlus> Non-decomposable.
[03:39:04] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:39:50] <akiyamaha> good my gta hasnt imploded
[03:40:53] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:42:30] <-- ClaySProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[03:43:05] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:44:44] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:46:44] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:47:04] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[03:47:09] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[03:49:52] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[03:49:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> Wadworth Hill Gate 1 to USS Roddenberry. 9 hours 23 minutes(19680 Metres) Pay: $48350
[03:51:11] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:52:50] --> Sadx connected to the server
[03:52:58] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> !aboard
[03:52:58] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(172762) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49013) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26485)
[03:53:00] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> !cboard
[03:53:00] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19617) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4064) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-405)
[03:54:27] <Syracuse> !missions warmbees trucking
[03:54:29] (WEB) <robin_be> warmbees: 66 trucking
[03:54:37] <Syracuse> !missions dipa trucking
[03:54:40] (WEB) <robin_be> dipa: 116 trucking
[03:54:40] <-- Odertan disconnected from the server
[03:54:42] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[03:54:45] <Syracuse> !missions i_drago trucking
[03:54:47] (WEB) <robin_be> i_drago: 0 trucking
[03:54:55] <Syracuse> !missions L_drago trucking
[03:54:58] (WEB) <robin_be> L_drago: 188 trucking
[03:55:33] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:56:24] <Syracuse> !istheupdatehere
[03:56:27] (WEB) <TheGamer> Not here yet!
[03:56:47] <eddiespromaxplus> if that doesnt update the second the updates out imma be mad
[03:58:21] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[03:59:07] --> Sadx connected to the server
[03:59:17] --> Lavija connected to the server
[03:59:22] <Syracuse> hello
[03:59:22] <akiyamaha> o look
[03:59:25] <akiyamaha> its labia
[03:59:27] <Syracuse> noobija
[04:00:11] <Syracuse> !missions winny skimmer
[04:00:13] (WEB) <robin_be> winny: 500 skimmer
[04:00:21] <eddiespromaxplus> pfft
[04:00:26] <eddiespromaxplus> !missions skimmer
[04:00:29] (WEB) <robin_be> eddiespromaxplus: 663 skimmer
[04:00:31] <Lavija> pffft
[04:00:34] <Lavija> !missions skimmer
[04:00:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Lavija: 0 skimmer
[04:00:39] <Syracuse> hah
[04:00:39] <Syracuse> nub
[04:00:49] <akiyamaha> wawrmbees
[04:00:54] <akiyamaha> wait
[04:01:04] <akiyamaha> nvm
[04:01:04] <WarmBees> yeah?
[04:01:07] <WarmBees> waiting
[04:01:19] <WarmBees> come
[04:01:25] <akiyamaha> nono
[04:01:30] <akiyamaha> keep on working
[04:01:45] <eddiespromaxplus> what a tease
[04:02:10] <WarmBees> ahh yes, 7k meters cargodrop
[04:02:15] <akiyamaha> f
[04:02:43] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[04:03:14] <Syracuse> Repesct+
[04:03:19] <Lavija> silence.
[04:03:22] <Syracuse> respect*
[04:03:27] <Syracuse> no
[04:03:27] <Lavija> I SAID SILENCE
[04:03:34] <WarmBees> ..
[04:03:37] <Syracuse> !8ball sould I?
[04:03:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: You may rely on it
[04:03:45] <Lavija> sould
[04:06:35] --> Crystal connected to the server
[04:06:40] <Lavija> update time
[04:06:45] <Lavija> get off all of u
[04:06:45] <eddiespromaxplus> fuck yes
[04:06:45] <Sadx> Hello :)
[04:06:45] <Crystal> lmao
[04:06:48] <Crystal> not update time
[04:06:53] <Lavija> this dude
[04:06:55] <Lavija> RIOT
[04:06:58] <Santiago> sorry for making you wait dumbija
[04:06:58] <eddiespromaxplus> such a cock tease
[04:07:00] <Syracuse> howdy
[04:07:00] <Crystal> I just got home from work fam
[04:07:08] <Crystal> still gotta do a couple things on the beta
[04:07:10] <Lavija> did you bring me a pizza
[04:07:18] <Syracuse> nope
[04:07:18] <Crystal> no but I did bring you an arizona tea
[04:07:21] <Crystal> that I'm going to drink
[04:07:28] <Lavija> this dude x2
[04:07:54] <eddiespromaxplus> i had papa johns tonight
[04:08:06] <Crystal> stuffed crust?
[04:08:09] <eddiespromaxplus> fuck yeah
[04:08:11] <Crystal> hell yeah
[04:08:17] <eddiespromaxplus> stuffed crust american hot with onions
[04:08:17] <Lavija> is stuff crust any good?
[04:08:22] <Lavija> ive never had their stuffed crust
[04:08:24] <Crystal> dude
[04:08:24] <Crystal> it fucks
[04:08:27] <Crystal> hard
[04:08:29] <eddiespromaxplus> i fuck with it
[04:08:39] <Crystal> our buffalo chicken pizza with stuffed crust is superb
[04:09:02] <eddiespromaxplus> i dont think we get that one in britainland
[04:09:05] <Crystal> shame
[04:09:18] <Crystal> your pizza is called american hot?
[04:09:46] <Crystal> interesting lmao
[04:09:56] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[04:09:58] <Crystal> bout to check papa johns out there for their specialities
[04:10:08] <akiyamaha> ohai crystal
[04:10:47] <Santiago> 7dl
[04:10:49] <Syracuse> !cboard
[04:10:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19617) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4064) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-405)
[04:10:59] <eddiespromaxplus> /dl is secret command to update the server
[04:11:02] <akiyamaha> 20m
[04:11:12] <Santiago> 5m
[04:11:14] <WarmBees> what?
[04:11:17] <akiyamaha> scam
[04:11:22] <WarmBees> 10m
[04:11:22] <Santiago> the fuck
[04:11:22] <Crystal> yo what the fuck
[04:11:25] <Santiago> 5m
[04:11:27] <Lavija> tf
[04:11:27] <Crystal> vegan stuffed crust?
[04:11:30] <WarmBees> 10m deal
[04:11:30] <Santiago> i paid all my at400s 5m
[04:11:32] <Crystal> y'all got vegan chicken poppers?
[04:11:32] <Lavija> i wouldve offered 4.5m
[04:11:37] <Lavija> 5m is a good deal
[04:11:37] <eddiespromaxplus> i think so
[04:11:45] <eddiespromaxplus> we got alot of vegans here
[04:11:45] <Syracuse> 6m
[04:11:45] <Santiago> I should ban you for trying to scam me
[04:11:50] <Crystal> "go on, have a nibble"
[04:11:53] <eddiespromaxplus> vegans disgust me ngl
[04:11:55] <eddiespromaxplus> so judgy
[04:11:58] <Crystal> "fancy a taste?"
[04:12:00] <Crystal> this shits so english
[04:12:03] <Crystal> it hurts
[04:12:05] <Lavija> lmao just take 5m, 5m is a good deal
[04:12:31] <eddiespromaxplus> fun fact
[04:12:31] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[04:12:38] <eddiespromaxplus> i was vegetarian until 10 years old
[04:12:41] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[04:13:29] <akiyamaha> stonk
[04:13:29] <Crystal> I don't know shit about yo town so I chose the one on Duke
[04:13:57] <eddiespromaxplus> pretty close ngl
[04:14:07] <eddiespromaxplus> used to be my local before a nearer one opened
[04:15:31] <Santiago> they just eat vegetables and seeds
[04:15:34] <Crystal> okay ngl
[04:15:39] <Crystal> this "Vegan Cheese Potato Tots with Jalape�o" looks kinda dope
[04:15:39] <Santiago> hi puga
[04:15:44] <akiyamaha> hai
[04:16:22] <WarmBees> w
[04:16:48] <Crystal> lmao y'all got a pizza called "The Mexican"
[04:16:53] <eddiespromaxplus> yup lol
[04:16:55] <Lavija> Mexican Pizza?
[04:16:58] <Lavija> :thinking:
[04:17:00] <Crystal> Lavija just got PTSD
[04:17:05] <eddiespromaxplus> it doesnt have a negative conotation here lol
[04:17:05] <Lavija> :'(
[04:17:23] <Crystal> pers"
[04:18:09] <eddiespromaxplus> spicy beef underrated pizza topping
[04:18:22] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[04:18:24] <Crystal> yo ngl
[04:18:32] <Crystal> y'all get a lot of items we don't have in the states and they look pretty lit
[04:18:37] <Crystal> kinda feel cheated
[04:18:42] <Crystal> but at the same time, our menu is pretty simple
[04:18:50] <eddiespromaxplus> i usually get an american hot always
[04:18:57] <eddiespromaxplus> and either the pizza bread sticks
[04:19:00] <WarmBees> 27s
[04:19:02] <eddiespromaxplus> or the giant cookie
[04:19:25] <Lavija> chicken bacon ranch is lit as hell
[04:19:30] <Crystal> hell yeah
[04:19:33] <Crystal> okay that reminds me
[04:19:46] <Crystal> we had an arguement at work that divided us
[04:19:48] <Lavija> i never thought ranch on pizza would be good til i had it
[04:19:56] <Crystal> yay or nay, salt and vingear chips
[04:19:58] <Lavija> nay
[04:20:01] <Crystal> BITCH
[04:20:03] <eddiespromaxplus> like cristps?
[04:20:06] <eddiespromaxplus> yay
[04:20:06] <Crystal> yeah crisps
[04:20:08] <Crystal> thank you
[04:20:14] <Crystal> ed gets to live
[04:20:14] <eddiespromaxplus> its a very standard flavour here
[04:20:26] <Lavija> my sister and i are divided on it too
[04:20:34] <eddiespromaxplus> cheese and onion, and salt and vinegar are the most classic flavours
[04:20:42] <Crystal> been eatin them since I was a wee lil lad
[04:20:59] <eddiespromaxplus> i like the barbecue lays
[04:21:04] <Lavija> my sisters goto is salt and vin chips with ice cream
[04:21:04] <Crystal> fav memories is watching my mom play tomb raider on our PS1 while we eat salt and vinegar chips
[04:21:25] <eddiespromaxplus> the best crisps i ever had
[04:21:30] <eddiespromaxplus> i was in the netherlands
[04:21:32] <Lavija> crystal have you ever tried the ruffles jalepno ranch chips
[04:21:37] <Crystal> fuck yeah lav
[04:21:40] <eddiespromaxplus> and they had bolognaise flvaour crisps
[04:21:43] <Lavija> i love them
[04:21:43] <Santiago> weed flavoured crisps
[04:21:48] <eddiespromaxplus> duuuuuude it was so good
[04:21:55] <Crystal> those lowkey sound like they slap
[04:22:03] <Crystal> but fuck those ketchup chips
[04:22:08] <Lavija> ketchup sucks
[04:22:13] <eddiespromaxplus> ketchup is dope too
[04:22:26] <eddiespromaxplus> and worstershire sauce flavour
[04:22:31] <Crystal> yo what
[04:22:33] <Crystal> that's a thing?
[04:22:36] <Lavija> ???
[04:22:36] <Crystal> that sounds god awful
[04:22:38] <eddiespromaxplus> yeah, in the UK
[04:22:44] <eddiespromaxplus> its amazing
[04:22:56] <Lavija> canes sauce is ketchip, worstershire + seasoning
[04:22:56] <eddiespromaxplus> trust me
[04:22:59] <Lavija> and its amazing
[04:23:04] <eddiespromaxplus> you ever come to scotland
[04:23:09] <eddiespromaxplus> i can hook you up with good snacks
[04:23:09] <Crystal> I've never been more thankful for the revolutionary war
[04:23:14] <Crystal> I do wanna go tho
[04:23:27] <eddiespromaxplus> prepare to gain weight
[04:23:32] <Crystal> impossible
[04:23:34] <eddiespromaxplus> lol
[04:23:37] <Lavija> i was in england for a weekt
[04:23:40] <Lavija> and ate hella
[04:23:42] <Lavija> AND DIDNT POOP ONCE
[04:23:47] <Lavija> the whole week
[04:23:50] <eddiespromaxplus> wtf
[04:23:55] <Crystal> lmao dude that was me in boot camp
[04:23:55] <Lavija> wtf indeed
[04:24:00] <eddiespromaxplus> shouldve went to A&E
[04:24:02] <Crystal> none of us could shit
[04:24:10] <Lavija> whats A&E
[04:24:15] <Crystal> that tv channel
[04:24:15] <eddiespromaxplus> emergency room
[04:24:20] <Lavija> i did go to the ER
[04:24:30] <Lavija> because i had an allergic reaction to someone on the plane
[04:24:35] <Crystal> lmao
[04:24:38] <Lavija> and i kept getting hives for like 3 days
[04:24:38] <Crystal> DUDE
[04:24:43] <eddiespromaxplus> lol, what are you allergic to?
[04:24:43] <Crystal> this girl I delivered to tonight
[04:24:48] <Lavija> i have no idea
[04:24:48] <Crystal> smelt like maple syrup
[04:24:56] <Lavija> the dude gave me an antihistamine
[04:25:01] <Lavija> and i was like ok where do i pay
[04:25:03] <eddiespromaxplus> thats my kinda girlw
[04:25:14] <Lavija> and he looked at me, smiled and said. "No pay, its free"
[04:25:16] <Lavija> I was like o.O
[04:25:16] <eddiespromaxplus> lol lav
[04:25:21] <Crystal> this is the same bitch that ordered 30 seconds before we closed last week
[04:25:31] <Crystal> and she lives fuckin far from the store too
[04:25:57] <Lavija> how did 3 of us just have a missino to longyearbyrn
[04:26:10] <Santiago> does uk have free healthcare?
[04:26:10] <Syracuse> magic
[04:26:15] <Lavija> yes
[04:26:15] <eddiespromaxplus> yes
[04:26:25] <Santiago> didn't know that
[04:26:25] <eddiespromaxplus> and free prescriptions in scotland
[04:26:27] <Crystal> will they give me a tit job for free
[04:26:32] <Lavija> yeah
[04:26:32] <eddiespromaxplus> no
[04:26:35] <Crystal> damn
[04:26:37] <Lavija> but but
[04:26:45] <Crystal> but what I am hearing is
[04:26:45] <Lavija> the guy said "No Pay, its free"
[04:26:50] <Lavija> so yes
[04:26:55] <Lavija> dont listen to eddie
[04:26:58] <Lavija> a doctor told me
[04:27:08] <Crystal> free fentanyl
[04:27:18] <eddiespromaxplus> lol, it doesnt include cosmetic surgery
[04:27:23] <Lavija> fent can be deadly
[04:27:38] <Crystal> yes and
[04:27:46] <Lavija> my goto fact about fent is you can die by taking a hot shower
[04:27:56] <eddiespromaxplus> good luck getting a script for anything remotely fun
[04:27:56] <Crystal> interesting
[04:28:01] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[04:28:04] <Crystal> lmao
[04:28:06] <Crystal> F
[04:28:12] <Crystal> y'all do whip its over there?
[04:28:27] <Lavija> so what is a whipit
[04:28:29] <Crystal> smh
[04:28:32] <Lavija> like its original purpose
[04:28:34] <Crystal> you go to uni
[04:28:37] <Crystal> uh
[04:28:40] <eddiespromaxplus> is that whgen you snort the gass from whipped cream?
[04:28:40] <Crystal> not getting high
[04:28:40] <Lavija> i know what it is
[04:28:42] <Crystal> yeah
[04:28:42] <Crystal> lmao
[04:28:45] <Lavija> well duh
[04:28:50] <eddiespromaxplus> naw
[04:28:55] <eddiespromaxplus> we sniff glue
[04:29:10] <Crystal> y'all huff spraypaint? or do you need a license
[04:29:13] <Crystal> :dab:
[04:29:25] <eddiespromaxplus> no you can buy spraypaint
[04:29:35] <eddiespromaxplus> think you gotta be 18+
[04:30:21] --> ShaziSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[04:30:26] <eddiespromaxplus> i think people mainly do terrible graffiti with spraypaint here
[04:30:31] <eddiespromaxplus> whats that shit
[04:30:36] <Santiago> the fuck shazo
[04:30:36] <eddiespromaxplus> that people huff
[04:30:39] <Santiago> go to sleep
[04:30:39] <eddiespromaxplus> gays
[04:30:42] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> no
[04:30:47] <eddiespromaxplus> POPPERS
[04:30:49] <Santiago> isnt there like 5am?
[04:30:57] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> lets have a beer
[04:31:04] <Santiago> yeah sure
[04:31:12] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> 5:30
[04:31:22] <eddiespromaxplus> im am stupid
[04:31:25] <Syracuse> fix
[04:31:45] <eddiespromaxplus> i wanna go to bed so bad
[04:31:53] <Lavija> then go
[04:32:00] <eddiespromaxplus> gotta beat ouro first
[04:32:00] <Santiago> gn ed
[04:32:03] <Crystal> oh yeah poppers lmao
[04:32:05] <Crystal> almost forgot
[04:32:08] <Crystal> big in the navy
[04:32:26] <Lavija> poppers
[04:32:31] <Lavija> like the think you dip in sauce?
[04:32:31] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[04:32:36] <Crystal> lmao
[04:32:44] <eddiespromaxplus> they loosen your anal sphincters
[04:32:46] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[04:32:51] <Crystal> Alkyl nitrites
[04:32:59] <eddiespromaxplus> so you can have bumsex more better
[04:33:06] <Lavija> i get on here to avoid organic chemistry
[04:33:19] <eddiespromaxplus> you sniff it
[04:33:27] <eddiespromaxplus> and it gives you a headrush
[04:33:40] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wtf is going on
[04:33:42] <Crystal> "brief sense of euphoria, and their typically tight sphincters totally unclenched."
[04:33:45] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[04:33:50] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> where are you
[04:33:50] <eddiespromaxplus> yup
[04:33:52] <eddiespromaxplus> ready for diccc
[04:34:07] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[04:34:07] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[04:34:13] <eddiespromaxplus> hi gamer
[04:34:15] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[04:34:18] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[04:34:20] <Crystal> dramatically.
[04:34:23] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[04:34:28] <Santiago> hi gamer
[04:34:33] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> sorry santi
[04:35:29] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[04:35:39] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[04:36:17] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> !cboard
[04:36:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19621) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4068) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-405)
[04:36:53] <Santiago> have you seen the new covid anal tests
[04:37:21] <Santiago> we are gonna implement them on PL
[04:38:19] <-- eddiespromaxplus disconnected from the server
[04:38:42] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[04:39:13] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[04:39:51] <Crystal> that reminds me
[04:39:51] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[04:40:24] <eddiespromaxplus> lol nice
[04:40:26] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> owo
[04:40:34] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> beer with smoke shaz
[04:40:42] <Santiago> owo
[04:40:44] <eddiespromaxplus> double haram
[04:40:52] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yea boi
[04:40:54] <eddiespromaxplus> is smoking haram?
[04:41:10] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> actually not, but avoid it if u can
[04:41:17] <WarmBees> F
[04:41:20] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> f
[04:41:35] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[04:41:38] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[04:41:50] <akiyamaha> ty
[04:41:53] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> oWu
[04:41:53] <akiyamaha> uwu
[04:42:03] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[04:42:11] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> lmao
[04:42:46] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[04:42:51] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[04:42:54] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[04:42:56] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wb
[04:43:02] <akiyamaha> weird
[04:43:09] <akiyamaha> my 0.3dl doesnt like plpanel.cs lol
[04:43:12] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> u need new pc aki
[04:43:17] <akiyamaha> yes
[04:43:19] <akiyamaha> donate pls
[04:43:24] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes open donation for aki
[04:43:27] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> me and puga are the only one left behind in the beta testing, major F
[04:43:45] <akiyamaha> yes #shazoandpuga4betatester
[04:43:50] <eddiespromaxplus> its ok
[04:43:55] <Lavija> its ok
[04:43:57] <eddiespromaxplus> the updates coming soon
[04:43:57] <Santiago> that cna be fixed with 10m
[04:44:08] <eddiespromaxplus> 10m to each online admin
[04:44:13] <akiyamaha> guys
[04:44:18] <akiyamaha> /q first
[04:44:20] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> we are just so supreme, the beta doesnt deserves us
[04:44:20] <Syracuse> wow
[04:44:23] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> .q
[04:44:25] <Lavija> 10m from each guy too
[04:44:25] <akiyamaha> yes
[04:44:33] <eddiespromaxplus> yes
[04:44:33] <Lavija> see puga agrees
[04:44:36] <akiyamaha> are there already houses in the beta
[04:44:43] <Lavija> no
[04:44:43] <Syracuse> yes
[04:44:53] <eddiespromaxplus> i expect money in 30 secs or ban for scam
[04:44:53] --> Sadx connected to the server
[04:44:56] <Syracuse> 10k slots for $1
[04:44:56] <Santiago> yes vercetti estate is mine
[04:45:01] <akiyamaha> somehow i think brook is more trustworthy
[04:45:01] <Lavija> mine
[04:45:04] <eddiespromaxplus> he made a mistake
[04:45:11] <eddiespromaxplus> he meant it belongs to eddie
[04:45:14] <Syracuse> bet
[04:45:24] <WarmBees> wtf was that\
[04:45:26] <Syracuse> Ricardo's
[04:45:32] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> daniel's
[04:45:32] <Lavija> how ylal gonna forget about warmbees like that too
[04:45:42] <akiyamaha> time to
[04:45:44] <akiyamaha> brb
[04:45:44] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[04:45:49] <Santiago> no one cares about warmbees :(
[04:45:52] <Syracuse> samp 0.3dl doesnt liek skybox mod :x
[04:45:54] <WarmBees> fact
[04:46:17] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> so, who should i send 10m to become beta tester?
[04:46:22] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[04:46:22] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> me
[04:46:22] <Lavija> each admin
[04:46:25] <Syracuse> yes
[04:46:25] <Santiago> me
[04:46:25] <eddiespromaxplus> all of ius
[04:46:35] <Santiago> in straight cash homie
[04:46:35] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> money whores smh
[04:46:38] <-- ShaziSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[04:46:38] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> admins and existing tester
[04:46:40] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ...
[04:46:43] <WarmBees> so how many admins are there
[04:46:45] <WarmBees> ?
[04:46:50] <Santiago> a lot
[04:46:55] <WarmBees> i can pay
[04:46:55] <Lavija> take a guess
[04:47:01] <eddiespromaxplus> 4 rn
[04:47:08] <WarmBees> line up
[04:47:08] <akiyamaha> including puga yes
[04:47:18] <Santiago> 5 you forgot puga
[04:47:26] <WarmBees> no peenoise
[04:47:29] <akiyamaha> :<
[04:47:34] <WarmBees> xd
[04:47:36] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> pinoy gang rise up
[04:47:36] <eddiespromaxplus> puga is level -1 admin
[04:47:39] <Syracuse> anyone know how to fix glitching map textures?
[04:47:59] <Santiago>
[04:48:04] <eddiespromaxplus> uhm
[04:48:09] <eddiespromaxplus> you got stream memory fix?
[04:48:19] <Syracuse> i have no idea about pc and shit
[04:48:32] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> it's a cleo i think
[04:48:32] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> or asi
[04:48:35] <akiyamaha> wtf
[04:48:37] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[04:48:40] <eddiespromaxplus> correct
[04:48:55] <eddiespromaxplus> it increases texture/model streaming memory
[04:49:03] <Syracuse> I guess it must be the draw distance that comes with the skybox mod
[04:49:05] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[04:49:13] <eddiespromaxplus> could be if you never had it before
[04:49:18] <WarmBees> lol lav is working
[04:49:25] <akiyamaha> lmao what a slave
[04:49:25] <Santiago> what a miracle
[04:49:28] <Syracuse> 1st time, wamrbee?
[04:49:31] <Santiago> lav is working
[04:49:33] <WarmBees> yeah
[04:49:46] <WarmBees> haven't seen admeans working
[04:49:59] <akiyamaha> yes because they just /addmoney
[04:50:09] <Syracuse> andand addscore
[04:50:11] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[04:50:21] <Santiago> they are always afk
[04:50:32] <eddiespromaxplus> shut up santi
[04:50:37] <eddiespromaxplus> stop telling thm our secrets
[04:50:37] <WarmBees> ^^^^
[04:50:42] --> Condor connected to the server
[04:50:47] <Syracuse> I liked old server motto better
[04:50:54] --> Naldo connected to the server
[04:50:54] <Syracuse> "Where flying is your life"
[04:51:02] <Condor> well
[04:51:05] <Condor> kinda is
[04:51:07] <Santiago> what does it say now
[04:51:07] <Lavija> Where flying is your flying
[04:51:12] <Syracuse> fly x3
[04:51:12] <akiyamaha> fly fly fly
[04:51:20] <Syracuse> where AFK is Haydz's life
[04:51:25] <Santiago> thought it said santiago sucks
[04:51:25] <Lavija> win the lotto win the lotto
[04:51:28] <Syracuse> now it's santi
[04:51:30] <akiyamaha> yes
[04:51:30] <Lavija> your number 32 makes me...
[04:51:58] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[04:52:01] <Syracuse> oh look
[04:52:06] <Syracuse> a wild Nevada has appeared
[04:52:08] <Syracuse> behind me
[04:52:23] --> Naldo connected to the server
[04:54:48] <Syracuse> !missions dodo
[04:54:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 1757 dodo
[04:54:59] <WarmBees> !missions cargodrop
[04:55:01] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees: 3939 cargodrop
[04:55:06] <eddiespromaxplus> !missions cargodro
[04:55:09] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[04:55:09] <eddiespromaxplus> !missions cargodrop
[04:55:12] (WEB) <robin_be> eddiespromaxplus: 2890 cargodrop
[04:58:22] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[05:00:04] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[05:00:17] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[05:01:33] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[05:01:46] <Crystal> man wtf
[05:02:01] <Crystal> am i fucking allergic to water or someshit
[05:02:03] <Lavija> yes
[05:02:14] <eddiespromaxplus> drink mountain dew
[05:02:52] <Santiago> then it's the soap
[05:03:02] <Condor> fuck soap
[05:03:30] --> Yanix connected to the server
[05:03:35] <WarmBees> simpppp
[05:03:48] <Yanix> thanks! <3
[05:03:48] <Santiago> sino pinoy dito
[05:03:50] <WarmBees> wala
[05:03:55] <Yanix> lavija
[05:03:58] <Lavija> ?
[05:04:03] <Santiago> ako
[05:04:13] <Yanix> <3
[05:04:49] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[05:04:54] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[05:05:19] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[05:06:20] <Santiago> !aboard
[05:06:20] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(172812) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49063) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26436)
[05:06:51] <WarmBees> how old is sky air?
[05:06:58] --> Lenz connected to the server
[05:06:58] (WEB) <Winny#0266> very old
[05:07:01] <Lavija> 6? years
[05:07:03] <Santiago> as many years as stan
[05:07:08] <WarmBees> how about Luft?
[05:07:21] (WEB) <Winny#0266> older than jesus
[05:07:21] <eddiespromaxplus> IA is 10 years old
[05:07:29] <WarmBees> the oldest?
[05:07:31] <Santiago> bigger than stan
[05:07:31] <eddiespromaxplus> yeah
[05:07:39] <WarmBees> i see
[05:07:47] <eddiespromaxplus> i joined IA in 2011
[05:07:47] <Crystal> IA has been around since the start basically
[05:07:57] <WarmBees> how much for an airline?
[05:07:59] <WarmBees> $$$
[05:08:02] <Santiago> 2m
[05:08:12] <Lavija> 35M for 33# of jetstar
[05:08:15] <Yanix> allen... u online? approve my name request XD
[05:08:15] <eddiespromaxplus> probably 150 by the time you buy fleet
[05:08:20] <WarmBees> 40m for twi
[05:08:58] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[05:09:21] <Crystal> off to work on le epic update xd
[05:09:28] <Syracuse> bai
[05:09:28] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[05:09:51] (WEB) <Winny#0266> smh y'all not helping the man
[05:09:54] --> Sadx connected to the server
[05:09:59] <Santiago> who
[05:10:04] <Syracuse> Haydz?
[05:10:09] <Lavija> yes?
[05:10:09] <Santiago> wb haydz
[05:11:05] <eddiespromaxplus> guys
[05:11:15] <eddiespromaxplus> you should join SProMaxPlus
[05:11:30] <Syracuse> Novem Oscar
[05:11:38] <Syracuse> november
[05:11:38] <WarmBees> 3 months rule :d
[05:12:06] <Syracuse> no GalaxyMateNoteS or something?
[05:12:14] <eddiespromaxplus> gz to yanix
[05:12:26] <YanixSProMaxPlus> thanks!
[05:12:26] <eddiespromaxplus> hes the newest cool gamer
[05:12:26] <Syracuse> oi
[05:12:47] <Santiago> could have gotten syracusespromaxplus
[05:12:49] <YanixSProMaxPlus> first name change since i got yanix
[05:12:57] <Santiago> same with ed
[05:12:57] <Syracuse> no thanls
[05:13:10] <Santiago> must be a sign
[05:13:12] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[05:13:17] <eddiespromaxplus> yeah, first namehcange for me since 2011
[05:13:27] <Syracuse> your previous was iYanix right?
[05:13:30] <Syracuse> or e
[05:13:35] <YanixSProMaxPlus> ye
[05:13:40] <akiyamaha> o no
[05:13:40] <Santiago> PugaSProMaxPlus
[05:13:43] <akiyamaha> they've multiplied
[05:13:48] <eddiespromaxplus> yes puga
[05:13:50] <eddiespromaxplus> you want to
[05:13:58] <akiyamaha> no thank you
[05:14:03] <WarmBees> who started that trend?
[05:14:06] <Syracuse> shazie
[05:14:08] <Lavija> rare90
[05:14:16] <akiyamaha> rare and a couple other idiots
[05:14:21] <WarmBees> who should i believe?
[05:14:28] <Syracuse> GarlicBread> SProMaxSucks`
[05:14:31] <Lavija> yes
[05:14:39] <Santiago> WBSProMaxPlus
[05:14:44] <akiyamaha> if garlicbread is better
[05:14:46] <Syracuse> I mean plus*
[05:14:49] <akiyamaha> then where are the garlicbread usernames
[05:14:51] <akiyamaha> hmmm
[05:14:59] <Syracuse> they were all eaten
[05:16:05] <Syracuse> and and Indo's Elite/Joestar. > GarlicBread
[05:16:08] <Condor> hesoyam}
[05:16:13] <Santiago> uzumymw
[05:16:28] <YanixSProMaxPlus> nice!
[05:16:28] <WarmBees> helloladies
[05:16:46] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> santi I need you in <#745326317213450281>
[05:16:51] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> i miss u
[05:16:53] <eddiespromaxplus> sweeeeet
[05:16:56] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> pls return my calls
[05:17:09] <YanixSProMaxPlus> suspicious
[05:17:24] <YanixSProMaxPlus> hey!!!!
[05:17:31] <eddiespromaxplus> ill give you yours yanix
[05:17:37] <Syracuse> name change before ad doesnt count?
[05:17:37] <YanixSProMaxPlus> <3
[05:17:39] <Santiago> brb I gotta change my name to spromaxplus
[05:17:44] <akiyamaha> damn
[05:17:57] <Santiago> rbb
[05:17:57] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[05:17:59] <YanixSProMaxPlus> do it
[05:18:17] <eddiespromaxplus> gz on 5m yanix
[05:18:17] <akiyamaha> needs a zero after the 5
[05:18:22] <-- Condor disconnected from the server
[05:18:35] <YanixSProMaxPlus> i say i feel so great!
[05:18:55] <eddiespromaxplus> it feels great to be in spromaxplus
[05:19:03] <YanixSProMaxPlus> indeed
[05:19:56] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[05:19:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Syracuse's bank money is $367,500,000
[05:21:18] <YanixSProMaxPlus> i feel so silly with my score
[05:21:38] <eddiespromaxplus> !missions yanix dodo
[05:21:41] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player yanix
[05:21:43] <Syracuse> !missions yanix dodo
[05:21:46] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player yanix
[05:21:46] <YanixSProMaxPlus> lol
[05:21:46] <eddiespromaxplus> !missions yanixspromaxplus dodo
[05:21:49] (WEB) <robin_be> yanixspromaxplus: 6000 dodo
[05:21:49] <Lenz> F
[05:21:56] <Syracuse> !missions yanixspromaxplus dodo
[05:21:56] <eddiespromaxplus> nothing to feel silly about lol
[05:21:59] (WEB) <robin_be> yanixspromaxplus: 6000 dodo
[05:22:06] <Syracuse> loc 2
[05:22:09] <eddiespromaxplus> i couldnt do 6k dodo
[05:22:09] <YanixSProMaxPlus> that name isn't so great now
[05:22:34] <YanixSProMaxPlus> been doing dodo since i joined PL
[05:22:45] <Syracuse> 7k scores and 6k dodo flight :x
[05:22:52] <Lenz> hi aky
[05:22:55] <akiyamaha> hi
[05:23:10] <YanixSProMaxPlus> mossy said i'll reach 6k dodo in 3 years he was right
[05:23:13] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[05:23:46] <-- YanixSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[05:25:30] <akiyamaha> this thing is so slow
[05:25:53] <eddiespromaxplus> and ill suck on your dock ^
[05:27:32] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[05:28:25] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[05:28:40] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[05:31:44] <Syracuse> hello
[05:33:02] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[05:34:03] --> Sadx connected to the server
[05:35:09] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[05:35:45] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[05:39:01] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[05:39:49] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[05:40:40] <Syracuse> 1lastmission
[05:40:45] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[05:40:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> Salams Paradise Gate 1 to Outlandia Island. 7 hours 30 minutes(20323 Metres) Pay: $46604
[05:43:10] <Syracuse> should I swing by the beta server?
[05:43:25] <eddiespromaxplus> if you want
[05:43:30] <eddiespromaxplus> i thinky they are bug testing
[05:43:48] <Syracuse> tbh, I have no diea what to do there
[05:43:56] <Syracuse> except searching for mapping bug
[05:44:49] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[05:45:27] <-- eddiespromaxplus disconnected from the server
[05:46:36] <-- Naldo disconnected from the server
[05:50:15] --> Lavija connected to the server
[05:50:48] <WarmBees> /w
[05:51:28] <Lavija> where is ular
[05:51:41] <Lenz> near transX
[05:52:01] <Lavija> is it on robins map
[05:52:12] <Sadx> yes
[05:52:14] <Lenz> not sure, should be
[05:52:19] <Sadx> south east LV
[05:53:43] <Lavija> found it thx
[05:54:11] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[05:54:14] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[05:54:19] <WarmBees> hi gamer
[05:54:21] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[05:54:39] <Sadx> skybox paan nih malem2 gelap banget
[05:54:52] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> mantap dong
[05:55:02] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> brightness naikin coba
[05:55:15] <Sadx> iya sih banyak bintangnya juga
[05:55:55] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> !player yanixspromaxplus
[05:55:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player yanixspromaxplus: 7071 score, last seen null
[05:56:03] <Lenz> !cboard
[05:56:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19639) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4086) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-402)
[05:56:06] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> together stronger
[05:56:41] <Sadx> togetha strang
[05:56:44] <Sadx> ganti mod
[05:56:46] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[05:57:12] <WarmBees> perfect timing
[05:57:45] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> nice
[06:00:50] --> Sadx connected to the server
[06:02:07] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[06:02:40] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[06:02:42] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[06:03:05] --> Sadx connected to the server
[06:04:06] <WarmBees> oof
[06:04:09] <WarmBees> sorry
[06:04:11] <Sadx> almost
[06:04:19] <Sadx> yeah sorry my bad too
[06:08:26] --> Santiago connected to the server
[06:08:41] <Santiago> hello muggles
[06:08:49] <Lenz> hey wizard
[06:09:14] --> Le_Nguyen_Hoang connected to the server
[06:11:57] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hey
[06:12:07] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> where's all of JA plane ?
[06:12:09] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> where's all of JA planes ?
[06:12:12] <Lenz> in their base
[06:12:25] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i don't see any planes
[06:12:27] <Santiago> what's JA
[06:12:32] <Sadx> jetstar
[06:12:37] <Lenz> no one online
[06:12:37] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> Jetstar Airlines
[06:12:40] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> oh
[06:12:43] <Santiago> oh they aren't spawned
[06:12:50] <Santiago> because no one from there is online
[06:13:00] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> oh
[06:13:05] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> idk this
[06:13:44] <Santiago> brb
[06:13:44] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[06:13:59] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i forgot brb ?
[06:14:04] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> be right back
[06:14:22] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> oh ok thx Daniel
[06:15:08] <Lenz> !missions shamal
[06:15:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 2405 shamal
[06:15:36] <WarmBees> nice top 10, gz
[06:15:56] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> who win lotto ?
[06:15:58] <Lenz> ty, top 3 soon
[06:16:24] <Sadx> woahh ye top 1
[06:16:29] <Sadx> 10*
[06:16:44] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> how to see tip ?
[06:16:47] <Lenz> /highscores
[06:16:52] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> oh ok
[06:17:27] <Sadx> capt.?
[06:17:27] <Lenz> oh I recently crosed Naked_snake's score. :D
[06:17:40] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[06:17:40] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wtf
[06:17:45] <Lenz> #5 now
[06:18:00] <Lenz> hi pug
[06:18:08] <akiyamaha> henlo
[06:18:18] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hi aki
[06:18:23] <akiyamaha> hi hoang
[06:18:36] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hey aki
[06:18:46] <akiyamaha> yes
[06:19:14] <Lenz> aki
[06:19:17] <akiyamaha> yes
[06:19:19] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> next time u say "Dusty"
[06:19:19] <Lenz> how to get rich?
[06:19:27] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> /w time
[06:19:29] <akiyamaha> do /lotto
[06:19:32] <akiyamaha> why not hoang
[06:19:35] <Lenz> oh
[06:19:35] <Lenz> okay
[06:19:47] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i love my old name
[06:19:55] <WarmBees> then why did you change your name?
[06:19:55] <akiyamaha> aight
[06:20:08] <akiyamaha> yes warmbees has a point
[06:20:28] <Lenz> atleast he didn't join spro thingy
[06:20:33] <WarmBees> ^
[06:21:01] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i want to change my name to Dusty
[06:21:14] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> but soneone change it
[06:21:24] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> so i choose this nam
[06:21:29] <Lenz> you have to wait 3 months
[06:21:31] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[06:21:37] <Lenz> to change again
[06:21:59] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> yeah i know
[06:22:15] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> next time i'll change to Dusty.
[06:22:25] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[06:22:58] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[06:28:41] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[06:28:46] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[06:28:54] <Syracuse> ty
[06:29:37] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> !countrychecker Capt.Ves
[06:29:50] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> !help
[06:29:57] <WarmBees> !tolong
[06:30:15] <akiyamaha> !talong
[06:31:11] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[06:31:31] --> Azathoth connected to the server
[06:31:39] <WarmBees> aye
[06:31:42] <Azathoth> aye
[06:31:52] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> what's aye ?
[06:32:04] <WarmBees> same with hey
[06:32:12] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> oh ok
[06:32:45] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> !rank
[06:32:48] (WEB) <robin_be> Le_Nguyen_Hoang(649) rank: First Flight Sergeant(500) next: Senior Flight Officer(800) (+151)
[06:33:23] --> Capt.Ves connected to the server
[06:33:31] <Azathoth> WB
[06:33:46] <Capt.Ves> ty
[06:34:24] <Azathoth> fail
[06:34:27] <WarmBees> F
[06:34:35] <Azathoth> can ya fix me?
[06:34:40] <WarmBees> sec
[06:34:47] <WarmBees> Oof
[06:34:52] <Azathoth> lol
[06:35:41] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i play all of GTA Series----
[06:35:51] <WarmBees> nice
[06:35:56] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> * exept GTA 5
[06:36:04] <akiyamaha> gta advance?
[06:36:06] <Azathoth> so you dont play all of gta series
[06:36:29] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i have a crash to boat so i forgot to write it
[06:38:49] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[06:39:55] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> .lc
[06:40:20] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[06:40:38] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> Fucking Flag
[06:41:11] <Syracuse> !cboard
[06:41:14] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19641) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4088) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-402)
[06:41:19] <Syracuse> !missions trucking joyadijoestar.
[06:41:21] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[06:41:32] <Syracuse> !missions joyadijoestar. trucking\
[06:41:32] <Syracuse> !missions joyadijoestar. trucking
[06:41:34] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[06:41:34] <-- Capt.Ves disconnected from the server
[06:41:37] <Syracuse> !missions joyadijoestar. trucking
[06:41:39] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar.: 2810 trucking
[06:42:10] <Azathoth> lol
[06:42:56] --> Capt.Ves connected to the server
[06:43:08] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> who's the best container car in this game ?
[06:43:13] <Syracuse> did he press F instead of S?
[06:43:21] <akiyamaha> what container car
[06:43:29] <Syracuse> I think he mean Semi truck
[06:43:34] <akiyamaha> roadtrain
[06:43:36] <Syracuse> RoadTrain
[06:43:39] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> oh ok
[06:46:04] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[06:46:37] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> real men drive linerunner
[06:47:10] <Syracuse> real men don't fall for Santiago's BS
[06:47:15] <Syracuse> amirite
[06:48:03] <Azathoth> yes
[06:50:51] <-- Capt.Ves disconnected from the server
[06:50:59] --> Sirren_head connected to the server
[06:51:09] <WarmBees> weeeee wooooo weeee wooo
[06:52:43] <-- Sirren_head disconnected from the server
[06:53:29] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> What bullshit
[06:53:42] <Syracuse> nevermind about that
[06:57:25] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> !bankcash
[06:57:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Le_Nguyen_Hoang's bank money is $388,485
[06:57:46] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hey
[06:57:51] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> do we have VIp car?
[06:57:58] <Syracuse> nope
[06:58:03] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> ok
[07:00:46] --> dipa connected to the server
[07:00:56] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[07:00:59] <dipa> ty
[07:03:31] <dipa> who's there at sf depot?
[07:03:47] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> idk
[07:05:33] <-- Azathoth disconnected from the server
[07:05:41] (WEB) <Azathoth#9592> fck
[07:05:44] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> how to use megaphone
[07:06:17] <Syracuse> what megaphone?
[07:06:32] (WEB) <Azathoth#9592> megaphone?
[07:06:34] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> accnoucement
[07:06:37] <Syracuse> /vann
[07:06:40] <dipa> you mean /vann?
[07:06:47] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> 1that right
[07:16:09] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[07:27:28] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[07:27:43] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[07:32:38] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> E
[07:32:43] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> what
[07:32:43] <Syracuse> F
[07:33:52] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> I think i passed 7 days not logged in
[07:34:12] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hey Joyadi
[07:34:28] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Hello Hoang
[07:34:43] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Well will 2 people answer me lol
[07:34:48] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> how do u fell if u give me 2m free =))))
[07:35:06] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> gz
[07:35:08] <Lenz> he will feel poor
[07:35:13] <Syracuse> hello jojo
[07:35:13] <Syracuse> lmao
[07:35:23] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Im feeling dit me may
[07:35:29] <Syracuse> wow r00de
[07:35:34] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> =333
[07:35:57] <Syracuse> aight, imma rename GIA to ditmemay airline
[07:35:59] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Well actually i dont have 2m, i think
[07:36:12] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> /afk report syracuse
[07:36:42] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hey Joy
[07:36:55] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> how do u fell if u give me your CJ house
[07:37:00] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> *jk
[07:37:13] <Syracuse> with 69m, sure
[07:37:15] <Syracuse> right jojo?
[07:37:18] <Lenz> how much for cj house?
[07:37:36] <Syracuse> immeasurable
[07:37:46] <Lenz> means free?
[07:37:51] <Syracuse> nope
[07:37:53] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[07:37:56] <Syracuse> hello
[07:37:59] <Lenz> hey TG
[07:38:06] <TheGamer> hai
[07:38:29] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> F
[07:38:32] --> l_drago connected to the server
[07:38:42] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i'm very poor
[07:38:47] <Syracuse> /w
[07:38:52] <Lenz> still you dont /w
[07:39:00] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> yeah i /w
[07:41:25] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Sup
[07:41:35] <Syracuse> soup
[07:41:40] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[07:41:40] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Wait for my 2nd permaban :>
[07:41:50] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> And go camp
[07:41:55] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[07:42:05] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[07:42:20] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hey Brook
[07:42:20] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> And yes, immesurable
[07:43:09] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> because has extra object at Christmas
[07:43:29] <Lenz> christmas deco gone
[07:43:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Yep already end of January
[07:43:47] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Must be gone
[07:43:52] <Syracuse> I'm surprised It was removed so damn late lmao
[07:43:57] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> All hype for CNY
[07:44:15] <Syracuse> COngo New Year? xd
[07:44:17] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 21 Jan right?
[07:44:25] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Cwinlogon New Year
[07:44:28] <TheGamer> christmas deco only got removed because it was interfering with the nevada license
[07:44:45] <Syracuse> fen 12th
[07:44:45] <Syracuse> feb*
[07:46:35] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Nono, the deletion of christmas, 21 jan, cmiiw
[07:46:50] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Yes, 12 feb is cny
[07:47:10] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> what's cny
[07:47:18] <Syracuse> congo new year
[07:47:23] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> og
[07:47:23] <Syracuse> tet nguyen dan ben minh day
[07:47:38] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> em tuong dau la LNY chu ?
[07:47:54] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[07:48:09] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[07:48:19] <Syracuse> 2 cach goi lan
[07:49:40] <Syracuse> I fucked up so many flights today
[07:49:40] <Syracuse> ugh
[07:50:29] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> how to danh bai
[07:51:09] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hey
[07:51:14] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> how to play blackjack
[07:51:27] <Lenz> you cant
[07:52:33] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Only dice
[07:56:30] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[07:56:42] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[07:56:58] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wtf
[07:57:08] <Lenz> ??
[07:57:13] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> in this game have The Pig Pen =)))
[07:57:33] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i mean strip club
[07:57:41] <Lenz> not for kids
[07:57:46] <Syracuse> yes, it's gta
[07:57:56] <Syracuse> there are fuck ton of sexual references
[07:58:29] <Lenz> !cboard
[07:58:29] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19646) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4090) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-405)
[07:58:47] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wow
[08:00:11] <WarmBees> sayonara
[08:00:11] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[08:03:01] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[08:03:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Syracuse's bank money is $372,000,000
[08:03:11] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> reech
[08:03:14] <Lenz> 400m soon
[08:03:29] <Syracuse> probably in the next 3 days
[08:03:47] <Lenz> 28m in 3 days?
[08:03:49] <Lenz> D:
[08:03:49] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hey brook
[08:03:55] <Syracuse> yes?
[08:04:00] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i'm in GIA Base
[08:04:00] <Syracuse> or 5
[08:04:02] <Syracuse> so?
[08:04:07] <Lenz> 5 days possible
[08:04:22] --> MFF connected to the server
[08:04:30] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[08:04:35] <MFF> lu ga wb in gw cob
[08:04:38] <MFF> ty
[08:08:24] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[08:10:59] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Gua aja baru bangun
[08:11:40] --> l_drago connected to the server
[08:14:38] <-- Le_Nguyen_Hoang disconnected from the server
[08:16:58] <MFF> !assets Sadx
[08:17:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Sadx has 66 car(s) ($53,200,000) and 4 house(s) ($68,000,000 - 65 slots) for a total of $121,200,000
[08:18:49] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> si komo si komo
[08:18:55] <MFF> teman baikku
[08:19:00] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kodomo dong
[08:19:07] <MFF> enaknya point blank
[08:19:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ntar malam
[08:19:25] <MFF> pake jadwal ya
[08:19:33] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yoi
[08:19:35] <MFF> lu jomblo cob
[08:19:40] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> iya jar
[08:19:43] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> sedih juga
[08:19:56] <MFF> kapan putus
[08:20:01] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> biasa ada yang dichat, sekarang ga ada
[08:20:03] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> november
[08:20:11] <MFF> napa
[08:20:21] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> dia capek kali nungguin gua lulus
[08:20:29] <MFF> ga kuat ya
[08:20:31] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yoi
[08:20:36] <MFF> dah dapat jatah blom
[08:20:41] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gua saingan ama yang udah mapan juga
[08:20:44] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ga dapat jar
[08:20:46] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[08:20:46] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> anak baik2
[08:20:49] <MFF> berat la cob kalo gitu
[08:20:54] <MFF> waduh cipok ga perna
[08:20:57] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[08:20:59] <MFF> anak tuhan ya
[08:21:02] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 1x 2x pernah la
[08:21:09] <MFF> enak kan
[08:21:27] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> lumayan
[08:21:37] <MFF> sorry fir ini percakapan yang pernah pacaran aja
[08:21:50] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> firza main ama tangan doang
[08:22:05] <MFF> dah pns gamau cari pacar
[08:22:08] <MFF> cari istri
[08:22:26] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ajarin dong si firza cara cari cewe
[08:22:33] <MFF> gw aja jomblo ga bisa cari cwe
[08:23:01] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> bisa lah cari doang
[08:23:16] <MFF> dah 2 tahun jomblo
[08:23:19] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> lu karena males aja kan jar
[08:23:27] <MFF> anjing dah lama ga di di sayang sayang
[08:23:27] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kangen dibelai kan jar
[08:23:32] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wkwkw tolol
[08:23:44] <MFF> insecure gw sekrng cob
[08:23:47] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> baru 2 bulan rasanya dah setahun
[08:23:49] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kenapa jar
[08:23:55] <MFF> gw jelek
[08:24:02] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> tapi punya iphone
[08:24:10] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ga ngaruh ya
[08:24:15] <MFF> emang jakarta yg pake iphone gampang dapet cwe
[08:24:28] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> di batam iphone kacangan ya
[08:24:40] <MFF> bukan barang mewah kali disini
[08:24:43] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[08:24:48] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> beli pulau
[08:24:53] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[08:25:03] <MFF> napa ga bisa moveon ya anjing
[08:25:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> terlalu berkesan itu jar
[08:25:21] <MFF> pacar pertama sih
[08:25:29] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> brapa taun itu jar
[08:25:31] <MFF> 2 doang
[08:25:34] <MFF> dekatin 4 tahun
[08:25:36] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> lumayan
[08:25:36] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> buset
[08:25:44] <MFF> sahabat jadi pacar
[08:25:52] <MFF> sekali putus ilang 2 orang
[08:25:57] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 1 lagi siapa
[08:26:04] <MFF> pacar ama sahabat ilang sekaligus kan
[08:26:09] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hadeh
[08:26:45] <MFF> ga niat balikan cob
[08:26:50] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gua dah 3 taun pas kandas sedih juga
[08:27:00] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gua juga insecure jar
[08:27:10] <MFF> insecure napa
[08:27:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> saingannya berat
[08:27:18] <Syracuse> kbai
[08:27:21] <MFF> siapa emg
[08:27:21] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> baiw
[08:27:28] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[08:27:36] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Dat crash
[08:27:38] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ya ada aja orang di luar sana
[08:27:41] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Perfect timing mmao
[08:27:43] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kawan kerjanya ya kan
[08:27:49] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yeah
[08:27:51] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions syracuse dodo
[08:27:51] <MFF> kerja mana dia
[08:27:54] (WEB) <robin_be> syracuse: 1800 dodo
[08:27:56] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> jakarta jar
[08:28:01] <MFF> buset ldr
[08:28:04] <MFF> bumb?
[08:28:06] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kaga
[08:28:06] <MFF> bumn*
[08:28:09] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gua di jakarta juga
[08:28:14] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> swasta
[08:28:17] <MFF> oalah kirain di sby
[08:28:22] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> top 4 kantor akuntan dunia
[08:28:27] <MFF> anjing
[08:28:29] <MFF> gaji gede
[08:28:32] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> belom
[08:28:34] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> lemburannya yang gede
[08:29:02] <MFF> lu kebanyakan males apa kebanyakan bodo amat cbo
[08:29:05] <MFF> ama skripsi
[08:29:07] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> males
[08:29:15] <MFF> males diikutin
[08:29:18] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> dulu
[08:29:33] <MFF> letting lu sisa brp org?
[08:29:41] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ga ngitungin
[08:29:46] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 50an ada mungkin
[08:29:51] <MFF> kalo sekelas?
[08:30:03] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kelas gua kan isinya ganti2
[08:30:14] <MFF> yg dari maba gitu
[08:30:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kalo kelas gua yg semester 1 paling 5-10
[08:30:47] <MFF> lu minat pns ga cob
[08:30:57] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> minat2 aja jar, yg pnting kerja
[08:31:02] <MFF> kalo cuma yg penting kerja
[08:31:10] <MFF> nyopet jf kerja
[08:31:10] <MFF> jg*
[08:31:15] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kan ga halal
[08:31:30] <MFF> kalo pake bismila bisa
[08:31:32] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wkwk bego
[08:31:58] <MFF> sepi banget dah
[08:32:11] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> eropa pada tidur
[08:32:18] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> US deng
[08:32:21] <MFF> sama smith beda 6 jam doang
[08:32:31] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> baru bangun kali dia
[08:32:41] <MFF> lu di bekasi skrng ya
[08:32:46] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> iya
[08:32:51] <MFF> masi banjirga
[08:32:56] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> belom
[08:32:59] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> terakhir oktober
[08:33:14] <MFF> ga minat pinda apa
[08:33:22] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> anjing juga itu 2020 2x banjir 2x masuk rumah
[08:33:24] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ga ada uang jar
[08:33:52] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> nyokap pengen cari yg seluas rumah sekarang tapi harganya ga mahal
[08:34:03] <MFF> skrg brp hektar
[08:34:18] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ga nyampe kali hektar
[08:34:30] <MFF> kalo kena banjir mulu sakit juga
[08:34:38] <MFF> tinggal be 3 doang kan
[08:34:46] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ya banjir kalo masuk rumah cuma semata kaki gapapa
[08:35:09] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 2020 itu 1 januari 1.5 meter di dalam
[08:35:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yg oktober se paha kali
[08:35:19] <MFF> anjrit dah tinggi kali itu
[08:35:24] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> makanya
[08:35:34] <MFF> kiriman dr bogor ya
[08:35:42] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> itu terparah selama 20 tahun
[08:35:42] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> iya
[08:35:52] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> selama gua tinggal di rumah ini deng
[08:36:20] <MFF> apa aja yg rusak cob
[08:36:30] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> makanya was2 kalo bogor dah ujan gede dan lama
[08:36:43] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> tv, speaker external, monitor pc, pc
[08:36:50] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 3 motor kebanjiran
[08:36:55] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> eh 2
[08:37:08] <MFF> kalo dah segitu brp lama bersihin rumahnya dah
[08:37:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> seminggu ampe beneran bersih
[08:37:41] <MFF> nangis semua lah orang sana
[08:37:51] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yoi jar
[08:37:56] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> biasanya ga pernah parah
[08:39:33] <MFF> rindu ngebucin
[08:39:43] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> langsung samperin dong
[08:39:46] <MFF> lg beda pulau
[08:40:09] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> di pare?
[08:40:19] <MFF> tanjung pinang
[08:40:34] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> oo kirain
[08:40:44] <MFF> gw email dia tadi malem
[08:40:47] <MFF> di bales fuckk off anjing
[08:41:20] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> awokoawkowak sedih jar
[08:41:40] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> mending lu ga usah coba2 balikan dah. harga diri jar
[08:41:43] <MFF> di baikin selalu ngelunjak
[08:41:48] <MFF> ga mau balikan juga
[08:41:53] <MFF> kemarin dah mo balikan tp gw yg gamau
[08:42:34] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> emang lu yang anjing jar kalo gitu
[08:42:41] <MFF> wkwkwkwk
[08:42:51] <MFF> trauma pacaran
[08:43:07] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> mending cari yg lain jar
[08:43:14] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> sgitu banyak cewe di batam
[08:43:14] <MFF> gada yg mau
[08:43:27] <MFF> ama gw
[08:43:52] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> lu maunya kayak mona sih
[08:44:03] <MFF> kemarin ada 2 orng yg gw ghosting cob
[08:44:08] <MFF> tolol bener gw anjing emg
[08:44:23] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[08:44:26] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> jar jar
[08:44:36] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> lu ga jelas wkwk
[08:44:36] <MFF> pas jalan eh feelnya ga kaya yg lama
[08:44:43] <MFF> langsung gw males
[08:44:56] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> lu kebayang mona mulu si
[08:45:27] <MFF> gimana mo moveon ya
[08:46:02] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> ya ga tau juga ya, lu juga masih cari dia terus
[08:46:20] <MFF> lu ada dekatin cewe ga cob
[08:46:38] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> kaga jar
[08:46:53] <MFF> masih nyaman jomblo apa masih sayang
[08:47:39] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Ntar aja cari lagi kalo dah ada pnghasilan
[08:47:51] <MFF> emg saham ga menghasuilkan
[08:48:02] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Ngga jar
[08:48:09] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Ga stabil
[08:48:19] <MFF> dah pernah ngerasain duintya blom
[08:48:30] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Belom
[08:48:37] <MFF> anjing wkwkwk
[08:48:37] <MFF> sama
[08:48:42] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Kontol emang karena salah gua sndiri
[08:48:53] <MFF> kenapa
[08:48:58] <MFF> kemarin antm dah banyak
[08:49:36] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Ya trus rugi banyak sebanyak cuannya
[08:49:46] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Jadi ga ngerasain
[08:49:59] <MFF> kalo sistem gw sih nyicil profit ke atm
[08:50:09] <MFF> misal gw lempar 10juta, dah dari profit gw tarik pelan pelan
[08:50:44] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Ya gimana ya, cuma gara2 salah beli saham dan ga pasang batas stoploss
[08:50:52] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Yaudah ilang duit
[08:50:55] <MFF> lu ga pernah pake TS ya
[08:50:55] <MFF> ilan brp
[08:51:12] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> 10 jt
[08:51:33] <MFF> anjing banyak amat
[08:51:43] <MFF> arb brp kali emg
[08:51:50] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Berkali2
[08:52:01] <MFF> gw aja TS 3'/.
[08:52:21] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Ya itu, gua tolol juga kemakan omongan bokap
[08:52:31] <MFF> wkwkw bokap lu broker ya
[08:52:31] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Didukung ihsg turun muli
[08:52:36] <MFF> ngeprank
[08:52:41] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Iya
[08:52:49] <MFF> broker mana cob bokap
[08:52:54] <MFF> indopremi?
[08:53:04] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Makindobsekuritas, ga trkenal
[08:53:50] <MFF> mantap jg dapet fee trader tiap hari
[08:54:18] <MFF> !lastmission
[08:54:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> Yogyakarta Island to Ular Island Cargo. 4 hours 25 minutes(10723 Metres) Pay: $28172
[08:54:26] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Kaga juga, paling kalo nasabahnya baik dapet uang jajan
[08:54:38] <MFF> tp broker kan dapet fee terus kan dr trader?
[08:54:51] <MFF> mksdnya itu emg udh kesitu kan fee yg kita bayar?
[08:54:56] <MFF> apa di bagi2
[08:55:57] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Ke perusahaan
[08:56:07] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Bokap dapet gaji bulanan aja
[08:56:23] <MFF> oalah
[08:56:43] <MFF> ada bonus kirain
[08:57:26] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Kaga ada
[08:59:15] <MFF> bokap trader jago lah cob
[08:59:38] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Ga juga, kalah ama belvin
[09:05:06] --> sangam connected to the server
[09:05:09] <-- sangam disconnected from the server
[09:09:43] --> l_drago connected to the server
[09:11:02] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[09:11:05] <l_drago> wb
[09:13:47] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[09:14:36] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[09:28:35] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Mana kop link
[09:28:37] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Eh jar
[09:28:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Link itemku
[09:29:43] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Mau beli
[09:29:51] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Bermain bersama adrian
[09:31:43] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[09:33:15] --> Sirren_head connected to the server
[09:38:48] <-- Sirren_head disconnected from the server
[09:38:55] <TheGamer> really ricardo
[09:38:58] <TheGamer> really
[09:39:28] --> MERDOOO connected to the server
[09:49:26] <-- MERDOOO disconnected from the server
[10:08:15] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[10:15:57] <akiyamaha> tesy
[10:15:57] <akiyamaha> test
[10:15:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> @akiyamaha test failed!
[10:16:02] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[10:16:43] <-- MFF disconnected from the server
[10:17:49] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[10:26:35] --> dipa connected to the server
[10:26:40] <akiyamaha> hi dipper
[10:26:46] <Lenz> wb diaper
[10:26:53] <dipa> q
[10:26:58] <dipa> :v
[10:26:58] <akiyamaha> :D
[10:27:11] <dipa> #carbatterygang
[10:27:13] <dipa> xD
[10:27:36] <akiyamaha> #diapergang
[10:38:35] <dipa> lc
[10:39:43] <dipa> sh*t
[10:39:46] <dipa> I see the LC
[10:39:49] <akiyamaha> f
[10:39:49] <dipa> >:(
[10:39:56] <Lenz> wss it near the house cp ?
[10:40:04] <dipa> yes near the interior
[10:40:06] <dipa> bye!
[10:40:06] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[10:40:09] <Lenz> F
[10:41:30] --> AlgisEco connected to the server
[10:41:35] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[10:41:38] <-- AlgisEco disconnected from the server
[10:46:23] <Lenz> did you die aki D:
[10:47:34] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> no lol
[10:47:41] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> gonna afk
[10:47:47] <Lenz> oke
[10:47:49] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> and lotto :3
[10:48:25] <Lenz> lotto farming :v
[10:51:35] <akiyamaha> :3
[11:08:48] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> f
[11:16:43] --> Rare90SProMaxPlus connected to the server
[11:17:24] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> hi gamers
[11:19:36] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Hi gamer
[11:21:02] <-- Rare90SProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[11:28:25] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> Test
[11:28:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> @DanielsonSProMaxPlus test failed!
[11:32:59] (WEB) <Sadx#1999> Test
[11:32:59] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Sadx test failed!
[11:36:38] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[11:43:12] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Test
[11:43:12] (WEB) <TheGamer> @SmithSProMaxPlus test failed!
[11:51:35] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[11:58:37] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[11:59:03] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[11:59:41] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[12:00:22] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[12:00:37] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[12:01:18] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[12:04:00] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[12:04:41] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[12:04:56] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[12:06:30] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[12:07:09] (WEB) <Twi#0921> whose paying for my new phone
[12:11:38] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> you
[12:26:21] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[12:26:38] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[12:27:32] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[12:28:46] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Wangy
[12:31:41] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[12:32:42] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[12:33:15] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[12:35:20] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[12:35:48] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[12:37:37] --> Sadx connected to the server
[12:38:25] --> Stas_Mitaev connected to the server
[12:38:35] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[12:38:51] <JakeN2436> ffs
[12:38:53] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[12:41:26] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[12:42:06] <-- Stas_Mitaev disconnected from the server
[12:42:52] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[12:42:55] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[12:43:13] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> for anyone who's wondering im trying to get a mod to work
[12:43:20] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[12:43:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> what mod
[12:44:36] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> l-1011 tristar
[12:44:54] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> but the fucking gear is bugged, when it retracts it just pulls up in front of the wing
[12:45:55] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> is there a mod to fix the gear
[12:46:03] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> that's what i wanna know
[12:46:41] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> lemme come online to take a screenshot of it
[12:47:12] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[12:48:10] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Jake
[12:48:25] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Do you have cleo
[12:48:35] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> let me try that mod too
[12:48:53] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[12:49:01] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> yea i do
[12:49:11] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> btw it's the l-1011 tristar, the air canada one from gamemodding
[12:49:14] --> Capt.Ves connected to the server
[12:49:24] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Are you putting Ai_planes in it
[12:49:29] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> yeah i have ai_planes
[12:49:47] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[12:49:47] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Idk
[12:50:58] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Gamemodding seems sketchy website
[12:51:21] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> it is but the mods work
[12:51:21] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> no are u srs i�ve been using it for ages
[12:51:33] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I got blocked from downloading a mod from there
[12:51:41] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> By malwarebytes
[12:52:22] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> probably a false positive, in the installer it asks if you want to install avast antivirus but you can uncheck the box
[12:52:42] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> What installer lmao
[12:52:57] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> the installer you download to install a mod
[12:53:07] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Lmao bruh
[12:53:23] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> You don't need installers for gta mods
[12:53:30] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Rip your pc
[12:53:41] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> bud ive been using it for years, my pc is fine
[12:53:41] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Bruh hahaha
[12:54:03] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Installer for gta mods I'm dead
[12:54:06] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> im not the one who needs an antivirus <:zubSIP:537455620618584069>
[12:54:21] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> You do though
[12:54:29] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> we should move to general btw
[12:54:39] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Using sketchy installers for gta mods
[12:58:18] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[12:59:57] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[13:00:50] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Wangy
[13:00:58] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[13:01:06] <Oatdelta> wb
[13:01:11] --> SmithSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[13:01:16] <TheGamer> ty
[13:01:18] <Oatdelta> wb
[13:01:24] <SmithSProMaxPlus> thanks
[13:02:17] <SmithSProMaxPlus> (w
[13:03:03] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[13:03:18] <TheGamer> fixed?
[13:03:23] <JakeN2436> gonna see
[13:03:33] <JakeN2436> nope
[13:03:38] <TheGamer> rip
[13:03:43] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> really?
[13:03:43] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hm
[13:03:54] <JakeN2436> gear still retracts and ends up in front of the wing
[13:03:54] <SmithSProMaxPlus> whats the problem
[13:04:06] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> u installed both al plane right?
[13:04:14] <JakeN2436> yeah
[13:04:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> weir
[13:04:19] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> weird
[13:04:24] <JakeN2436> i think i actually know what the problem is
[13:05:02] <JakeN2436> darn
[13:05:10] <JakeN2436> unfortunate
[13:05:10] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hm
[13:05:25] <SmithSProMaxPlus> could actually be the problem jaken
[13:05:28] <SmithSProMaxPlus> had the same once
[13:05:28] <JakeN2436> i think it is
[13:05:33] <SmithSProMaxPlus> replaced it with normal androm file and worked
[13:05:38] <TheGamer> put it on the at400 for a sec and find out
[13:05:40] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[13:05:50] <JakeN2436> oh no im 100# sure it's the problem
[13:06:11] <JakeN2436> it's because the retract gear animations are different between the two planes
[13:06:16] <TheGamer> ah yeah
[13:06:18] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[13:06:49] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Pog
[13:07:14] <JakeN2436> fuck :( i really wanted to fly this
[13:07:25] <JakeN2436> i mean it's still flyable but it's jus tugly
[13:07:27] <JakeN2436> just ugly*
[13:07:58] <JakeN2436> right brb
[13:07:58] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[13:08:28] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[13:10:10] <-- Capt.Ves disconnected from the server
[13:10:15] (WEB) <Twi#0921> new phone for twi when
[13:10:20] <TheGamer> never
[13:10:48] <SmithSProMaxPlus> u can have my iphone 11 for 500� when i have my new apple
[13:10:58] (WEB) <Twi#0921> deal
[13:11:06] (WEB) <Twi#0921> no wait
[13:11:08] <TheGamer> boi, i bought a brand new phone for that
[13:11:13] (WEB) <Twi#0921> I have that shit too I want the 12
[13:11:18] --> Capt.Ves connected to the server
[13:11:39] <SmithSProMaxPlus> why so low players its sunday
[13:11:57] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> it's saturday
[13:11:59] (WEB) <Twi#0921> sunday wtf
[13:12:07] <SmithSProMaxPlus> ah yea wait its saturday
[13:12:27] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hey im freakin out here im at home since 16th December havent been anywhere since then
[13:12:45] <TheGamer> and i still work like 50 hours a week
[13:12:47] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i dont know which day it is when i can sleep everyday like a senior who is 80
[13:12:47] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> everyday is "holiday"
[13:13:05] <SmithSProMaxPlus> btw gamer i get 90 # of my payment for sitting at home and doing nothing
[13:13:10] <TheGamer> dayumn
[13:13:31] <SmithSProMaxPlus> just get 100� less than normal
[13:13:56] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> tg are imvehft and vehfuncs allowed?
[13:14:04] <TheGamer> i guess so
[13:14:09] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> thanks
[13:14:11] <SmithSProMaxPlus> whats that
[13:14:14] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[13:14:21] (WEB) <Twi#0921> whats your job smith
[13:14:29] <SmithSProMaxPlus> salesman at mediamarkt
[13:14:39] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> cleo for some modded vehicles
[13:14:44] <SmithSProMaxPlus> aah thanks
[13:14:47] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> to make features working
[13:15:07] (WEB) <Twi#0921> is that a german supermarket chain
[13:15:20] <TheGamer> no
[13:15:23] <SmithSProMaxPlus> europe electronical market chain
[13:15:28] (WEB) <Twi#0921> oh nice
[13:15:35] (WEB) <Twi#0921> do they have vibrators
[13:15:45] <TheGamer> doubt
[13:15:56] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im not sure
[13:16:01] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i dont think so
[13:16:16] <TheGamer> they do offer a shitty callcenter
[13:16:26] <SmithSProMaxPlus> true
[13:17:14] (WEB) <Twi#0921> hadeh
[13:17:27] <SmithSProMaxPlus> why isnt shooter here anymore
[13:17:30] <SmithSProMaxPlus> or serbian
[13:17:47] <TheGamer> serbian, 6 months
[13:17:53] <TheGamer> shooter 13
[13:17:53] <TheGamer> dayumn
[13:17:55] <SmithSProMaxPlus> banned?
[13:17:58] <TheGamer> no
[13:17:58] --> Sameer connected to the server
[13:18:05] <TheGamer> busy life i guess
[13:18:20] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i see serbian playing other games
[13:18:26] <TheGamer> hmm
[13:18:31] <TheGamer> guess he lost interest during aaron era?
[13:18:33] <Sameer> uhh they got bored
[13:18:41] <SmithSProMaxPlus> probably
[13:18:51] <Sameer> i did contacted Thiago
[13:18:51] <Sameer> btw
[13:18:56] <Sameer> he's busy
[13:20:15] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[13:20:50] <Sameer> kontolSPro
[13:20:56] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> woi
[13:21:29] <Sameer> :d
[13:21:49] <Sameer> bai
[13:21:49] <-- Sameer disconnected from the server
[13:21:59] <SmithSProMaxPlus> this fucking shamal mod is to heavy to pull up early enough
[13:26:59] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[13:35:00] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[13:35:05] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wb
[13:35:07] <Oatdelta> wb
[13:35:10] <Capt.Ves> wb
[13:35:10] <slampinjsh> ty
[13:36:39] --> Sadx connected to the server
[13:36:41] <Oatdelta> wb
[13:36:59] <Sadx> thanks :)
[13:38:21] <slampinjsh> gz
[13:41:47] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[13:41:59] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[13:43:28] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[13:43:31] <slampinjsh> wb
[13:43:33] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ty
[13:43:33] <Capt.Ves> wb
[13:43:33] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ty
[13:43:41] <SmithSProMaxPlus> do aid drops
[13:43:44] <SmithSProMaxPlus> demand
[13:44:04] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> nah im not good at drops
[13:44:29] <SmithSProMaxPlus> u just need to fly through a ring
[13:44:47] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> then hit trees
[13:45:38] <Capt.Ves> stopwork
[13:45:43] <-- Capt.Ves disconnected from the server
[13:45:56] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> uh oh
[13:46:39] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[13:47:25] --> Lenz connected to the server
[13:47:48] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wb
[13:47:53] <SmithSProMaxPlus> lenz aid drops on demand
[13:47:58] <Lenz> ty
[13:48:08] <Lenz> nice, but I dont do air drops :3
[13:48:26] <Lenz> !missions cargodrops
[13:48:28] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[13:48:31] <Lenz> !missions cargodrop
[13:48:34] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 5000 cargodrop
[13:48:39] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> nice
[13:48:41] <SmithSProMaxPlus> ah
[13:48:51] <SmithSProMaxPlus> u get a bonus for reaching 5000? nah
[13:48:54] <Lenz> nope
[13:48:56] <TheGamer> no
[13:49:07] <TheGamer> !missions cargodrops
[13:49:09] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[13:49:12] <TheGamer> !missions cargodrop
[13:49:14] (WEB) <robin_be> TheGamer: 5511 cargodrop
[13:49:14] <SmithSProMaxPlus> !missions cargodrop
[13:49:17] <TheGamer> gonna put it at 5555 soon
[13:49:50] <SmithSProMaxPlus> !missions cargodrop
[13:49:53] (WEB) <robin_be> SmithSProMaxPlus: 3765 cargodrop
[13:49:58] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[13:50:13] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[13:50:41] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[13:51:27] --> nandinho connected to the server
[13:51:39] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wb
[13:51:55] <nandinho> thx
[13:52:02] <SmithSProMaxPlus> u from swiss?
[13:52:10] <nandinho> yes and you ?
[13:52:23] <SmithSProMaxPlus> chasch au schwiizerd�tsch?
[13:52:58] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im from germany
[13:53:01] <nandinho> Wenig
[13:53:24] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hab in der n�he von basel gewohnt deswegen kann ich
[13:53:44] <Lenz> !cboard
[13:53:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19667) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4111) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-405)
[13:53:57] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:54:12] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:54:14] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Shei�e
[13:54:22] <SmithSProMaxPlus> dont say that firz
[13:54:25] <nandinho> i live in Swiss but i born in Portugal
[13:54:30] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Means shit right?
[13:54:30] --> rajasa connected to the server
[13:54:32] <-- rajasa disconnected from the server
[13:54:35] <SmithSProMaxPlus> ahh
[13:54:37] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yea
[13:54:55] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ich liebe mich
[13:55:10] <nandinho> i live in Thurgau you now this canton ?
[13:55:13] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> I love myself
[13:55:21] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yea i know that canton
[13:55:31] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im living near to munich, germany
[13:56:04] <nandinho> my chef is from Munchen
[13:57:58] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[13:58:03] --> Fathahillah connected to the server
[13:58:03] <-- Fathahillah disconnected from the server
[13:58:06] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[13:58:13] --> AlgisEco connected to the server
[13:58:21] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wb
[13:58:24] <AlgisEco> ty
[13:59:02] <SmithSProMaxPlus> u stay VIP 1 for ever algis huh
[13:59:22] --> Twi connected to the server
[13:59:42] <AlgisEco> well i thing Crystal dont see me paymant off vip lvl 2 XD
[13:59:50] <Twi> u paid for vip 2?
[13:59:53] <SmithSProMaxPlus> oh damn
[14:00:03] <Twi> !cars algiseco
[14:00:05] (WEB) <robin_be> algiseco has: Seasparrow Freeway Comet Elegant Bullet Sultan Elegy
[14:00:08] <Twi> did u get the license algis
[14:00:33] <AlgisEco> nop
[14:00:56] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Jake
[14:01:04] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> I think I found the issue
[14:01:04] <TheGamer> algis, did you donate for vip 2?
[14:01:12] <TheGamer> jake not here czech
[14:01:17] (WEB) <CzechBoy777#2596> Oh
[14:01:29] <AlgisEco> yes i paid but crystal didint see i text him and say but nothing
[14:01:42] <Twi> donate for me too algis :(
[14:01:52] <TheGamer> ah, do you have the transaction screenshot somewhere?
[14:02:10] <AlgisEco> to cristal dc
[14:02:41] <TheGamer> roger that
[14:02:48] <TheGamer> will ask someone to set your level
[14:02:48] (WEB) <Rare90SProMaxPlus#2625> Bow to SProMaxPlus.
[14:03:24] <SmithSProMaxPlus> oh damn landfill cargo drop
[14:03:49] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i told u i do it and said the price
[14:03:59] <Twi> uwu
[14:04:15] <Twi> algis sells it tho?
[14:05:08] <AlgisEco> dont have monay XD
[14:05:16] <Twi> hadeh
[14:05:16] <akiyamaha> test
[14:05:16] (WEB) <TheGamer> @akiyamaha test failed!
[14:05:16] <AlgisEco> money*
[14:05:18] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> hekllo
[14:05:21] <akiyamaha> so fucking slow this net
[14:05:21] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:05:34] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[14:05:36] <-- nandinho disconnected from the server
[14:05:46] --> nandinho connected to the server
[14:05:49] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:05:51] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> I said hello and the server got thanos snapped smh
[14:06:35] <nandinho> this server its always open ?
[14:06:40] <Lenz> yes
[14:07:02] --> Sadx connected to the server
[14:07:28] <nandinho> because i play years before , but the server its down one time and i never found more
[14:07:46] <TheGamer> yeahhh the server had lots of downtime in the past
[14:07:51] <Lenz> oh, it was closed in between for a while
[14:07:51] <TheGamer> even closed down for a period of time
[14:08:01] --> Dasher connected to the server
[14:08:06] <Lenz> hey lud
[14:08:14] <Dasher> hello
[14:08:19] <nandinho> this is sad
[14:08:21] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[14:08:26] <Lenz> sad left
[14:09:02] <nandinho> in the past everyday 30 people in the server
[14:09:07] <nandinho> in this days no more
[14:10:26] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[14:11:29] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:12:03] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:12:08] <Dasher> wb
[14:12:18] <akiyamaha> 10q
[14:13:11] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:15:39] <Dasher> wtf
[14:18:34] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[14:18:37] <Dasher> webe
[14:18:42] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> teye
[14:19:10] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:19:22] <Dasher> anti-10q
[14:22:05] --> Ayers connected to the server
[14:22:10] <Dasher> webe
[14:22:20] <Oatdelta> wb
[14:22:43] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Gz algis
[14:22:53] <Dasher> for?
[14:22:58] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> algis send me ss
[14:23:09] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> For vip
[14:23:29] <Dasher> oh gz
[14:23:52] <Ayers> ty
[14:24:25] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> whenever algis is back tell him to send me a se
[14:24:30] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> ss* and i�ll set his vip
[14:24:33] <TheGamer> yeahh i PMed him
[14:24:38] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Yes chief
[14:25:08] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> tg can u confirm hes vip 1
[14:25:13] <Dasher> he is
[14:25:21] <TheGamer> yeah i can
[14:25:26] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> Ok thanks, TG
[14:25:51] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Raja sarkas
[14:25:54] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> relog algis
[14:25:59] <-- AlgisEco disconnected from the server
[14:26:07] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Login
[14:27:41] --> AlgisEco connected to the server
[14:27:41] --> YanixSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[14:27:43] <Dasher> gz
[14:27:43] <akiyamaha> gzgzzgz
[14:27:43] <Dasher> wb
[14:27:46] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gz algis
[14:27:48] <AlgisEco> ty
[14:27:48] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[14:27:51] <Lenz> gz and wb
[14:28:01] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Gz
[14:28:01] <AlgisEco> tytytytyty
[14:28:01] <YanixSProMaxPlus> who won?
[14:28:06] <Dasher> algis got vip 2
[14:28:11] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ^
[14:28:14] <YanixSProMaxPlus> nice! gz
[14:28:16] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> How much is lotto a6
[14:28:21] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 1m
[14:28:27] <Lenz> around 1m
[14:28:32] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Nice
[14:28:42] <Lenz> aki will win
[14:28:44] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> now it's 2
[14:28:49] <Dasher> almost 2
[14:29:00] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ok 2.1
[14:29:00] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I won it yesterday with aki on
[14:29:00] <Lenz> :v
[14:29:10] <Dasher> I was gonna make it 2,000,000 smh
[14:29:17] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Idk how I managed that
[14:29:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> let's see if aki's number brings me luck
[14:29:33] <Dasher> I'm going for shazi's number
[14:29:33] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Do 33 or 44
[14:29:38] <YanixSProMaxPlus> what's his number?
[14:29:38] <Dasher> and brooks
[14:29:45] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 36 mostly
[14:29:53] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ok im coming for lotto
[14:30:08] <Dasher> lottonesia when
[14:30:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> At that server
[14:30:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> :(
[14:30:31] <Dasher> indeed
[14:30:41] <Dasher> lotto prefers larger numbers
[14:30:44] <Dasher> change my mind
[14:31:07] <Dasher> 42 wins often I choose it
[14:31:12] <Dasher> and then never wins smh
[14:31:14] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I won with 50
[14:31:25] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Dasher omh same
[14:31:40] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> 33 and 44 wins often but they only show up
[14:31:58] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> When I pick a different one
[14:32:15] <nandinho> whoooo
[14:37:13] --> Rudolph connected to the server
[14:37:15] <Dasher> webe
[14:37:23] <YanixSProMaxPlus> wb
[14:37:23] <Lenz> wb stan
[14:37:26] <Rudolph> hello comrades it is i, staden thee stallion
[14:37:26] <Rudolph> thanks
[14:37:33] <Ayers> !cboard
[14:37:33] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19678) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4122) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-405)
[14:37:36] <Dasher> funny
[14:37:38] <Rudolph> thanks
[14:37:41] <Dasher> how spotify gave me that song
[14:37:46] <Dasher> the moment you said it
[14:37:48] <Rudolph> gave u which song
[14:37:51] <AlgisEco> gl guys for lotto
[14:37:51] <Dasher> body
[14:37:59] <Rudolph> gross..
[14:38:01] <Rudolph> u listen to tiktok playlist LOL
[14:38:04] <Dasher> no
[14:38:06] <Rudolph> laughs
[14:38:19] <Dasher> I decided to listen at top 100 uh songs in 2020
[14:38:27] <Rudolph> 2020 :laughs:
[14:40:21] --> EimiFukada connected to the server
[14:40:24] <Rudolph> wb
[14:40:26] <Dasher> webe
[14:40:39] <EimiFukada> ty
[14:40:47] <Rudolph> not me playing PL when i should be doing my work due in 3 hours :]
[14:40:52] <Dasher> I can relate
[14:41:10] <Rudolph> actually 20 mins cause i have one small homework due then
[14:41:58] <AlgisEco> fuck wrong button
[14:42:00] <AlgisEco> f me
[14:42:00] <Dasher> F
[14:42:16] <AlgisEco> f
[14:42:44] <Rudolph> wb jojo
[14:42:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> helloall
[14:42:51] <Lenz> wb jojo
[14:42:51] <Dasher> wb
[14:42:54] (WEB) <YanixSProMaxPlus#2852> Sometimes I talk to myself
[14:42:56] <YanixSProMaxPlus> me too!
[14:42:59] <Rudolph> hello admin yes illegally parked vehicle here that needs clamping
[14:43:22] <YanixSProMaxPlus> clamp spree
[14:43:29] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[14:43:29] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> thank stan my gta froze
[14:43:35] <Rudolph> RIP
[14:43:40] <Rudolph> laughs
[14:44:00] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[14:44:00] <Rudolph> wb
[14:44:02] <Dasher> webe
[14:44:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> helloallagaion
[14:44:15] <YanixSProMaxPlus> wb
[14:44:20] <Oatdelta> wb
[14:44:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player cbt
[14:44:48] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player cbt
[14:44:51] <Rudolph> twi im towing your shit into the water
[14:44:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player cockandball
[14:44:56] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player cockandball
[14:44:59] <Rudolph> !player CBTtorture
[14:45:01] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player CBTtorture
[14:45:01] <Twi> is that
[14:45:04] <Twi> my cement truck
[14:45:14] <Rudolph> !player cocknballtorture
[14:45:17] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player cocknballtorture
[14:45:24] <Rudolph> !player cockandballtorture
[14:45:27] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player cockandballtorture
[14:45:27] <Rudolph> your huntley
[14:45:34] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[14:45:37] <Twi> uw
[14:45:37] <YanixSProMaxPlus> wb
[14:45:40] <Rudolph> omg yass king
[14:45:40] <Twi> FYREL KING
[14:45:40] <Rudolph> WB
[14:45:47] <Fyrel> nvm
[14:45:47] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[14:46:00] <YanixSProMaxPlus> shy type
[14:46:10] <Twi> uhmm
[14:46:15] <YanixSProMaxPlus> are turn ons!
[14:46:28] <Rudolph> hi there
[14:46:33] <AlgisEco> nice flying in 12 xD
[14:46:33] <YanixSProMaxPlus> hello there
[14:46:43] <Rudolph> i would shoot but i think you're working :v
[14:46:43] <Dasher> stan go do your homework
[14:46:48] <Rudolph> make me.
[14:46:56] <Dasher> Talk to the hand
[14:47:01] <Twi> /requestban rudolph
[14:47:19] <Rudolph> not you trying to be like my ex
[14:47:34] <Rudolph> hey.. I just killed a trespasser in self defence
[14:47:39] <YanixSProMaxPlus> nice!
[14:47:47] <Twi> THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY
[14:47:49] <Dasher> stan we still married right?
[14:47:52] <Rudolph> are we?
[14:47:54] <Twi> no
[14:47:59] <Dasher> I think so
[14:47:59] <Twi> me and stan are
[14:48:05] <Rudolph> yes twi it's so free that you cannot enter our property
[14:48:10] <Twi> fuck you
[14:48:15] <Dasher> what happend to our 1st child stan
[14:48:20] <YanixSProMaxPlus> hey you just runover your wife
[14:48:22] <Rudolph> he disappeared
[14:48:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player joyadi
[14:48:25] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player joyadi
[14:49:01] <Twi> all these pl sponsors
[14:49:11] <Twi> only 1 vip 2
[14:49:54] <Twi> wtf
[14:50:27] <AlgisEco> how
[14:50:30] <Twi> ty for bugging me algis
[14:50:35] <Twi> can u /fleet
[14:50:47] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[14:50:50] <Dasher> webe
[14:50:50] <Twi> king
[14:50:50] <YanixSProMaxPlus> wb
[14:50:53] <Twi> wb
[14:50:53] <Rudolph> OMG YASSS KING
[14:50:53] <Rudolph> wb
[14:51:05] <nandinho> close Yanix ahah
[14:51:05] <Fyrel> hhhh
[14:51:18] <AlgisEco> ./kill
[14:51:18] <Fyrel> no
[14:51:18] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wow again
[14:51:23] <YanixSProMaxPlus> the hell lotto
[14:52:01] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[14:52:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> mengarkas
[14:53:10] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[14:53:45] <Rudolph> omg
[14:54:13] <Rudolph> girl this is something
[14:54:13] <Twi> someone mute id 12
[14:54:21] --> dipa connected to the server
[14:54:21] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Who is I'd 12
[14:54:24] <Rudolph> wb
[14:54:24] <Dasher> webe
[14:54:26] <YanixSProMaxPlus> wb
[14:54:26] <Dasher> Twi
[14:54:26] <dipa> t
[14:54:29] <dipa> y
[14:54:41] <dipa> $twi
[14:54:41] (WEB) <Ricardo> fuck dipa and dipa is gay
[14:54:49] <Dasher> !two
[14:54:49] <Rudolph> what
[14:54:49] <YanixSProMaxPlus> F13 to mute 12
[14:54:52] <Dasher> !twi
[14:55:02] <Dasher> smh
[14:55:09] <Rudolph> who dares to insult general bakers most excellent engineer
[14:55:45] <dipa> Nicholas is sad
[14:56:03] <Twi> anyone here got eth
[14:56:05] <Twi> ?
[14:56:08] <Dasher> eth?
[14:56:10] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> nah i got link
[14:56:21] <Twi> etherum
[14:56:26] <Twi> e
[14:57:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> !player toddhoward
[14:57:24] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player toddhoward
[14:58:43] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[15:01:54] <-- ToddHoward disconnected from the server
[15:02:47] --> ToddHoward connected to the server
[15:02:50] <Dasher> webe
[15:02:50] <Rudolph> wn
[15:02:52] <Rudolph> wb*
[15:02:55] <AlgisEco> wb
[15:02:57] <ToddHoward> ty
[15:03:18] <ToddHoward> r/c
[15:03:33] --> Sadx connected to the server
[15:03:38] <AlgisEco> wb
[15:03:38] <dipa> wb
[15:03:58] <Sadx> thanks :)
[15:04:26] <AlgisEco> 22 km whit hydra
[15:04:47] <Dasher> rip
[15:05:30] <-- UsadaPekora disconnected from the server
[15:05:30] <TheGamer> ty
[15:05:55] <Rudolph> clown
[15:06:03] <Dasher> the gate closes itself if you get to far
[15:06:08] <Rudolph> no it doesnt
[15:06:13] <Dasher> it does
[15:06:18] <dipa> It closes automatically
[15:06:21] <dipa> I've seen it
[15:06:23] <Rudolph> it closes automatically
[15:06:23] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[15:06:28] <Rudolph> but not cause u too far
[15:06:28] <YanixSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:06:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[15:06:31] <AlgisEco> wb
[15:06:31] <WarmBees> thanks
[15:06:31] <Dasher> wb
[15:06:38] <Rudolph> :D
[15:06:41] <TheGamer> the normal gates?
[15:06:41] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:06:41] <Dasher> you suck at driving
[15:06:44] <TheGamer> they close on distance
[15:06:51] <Rudolph> ur mum swallows
[15:07:01] <Dasher> uno reverse card bitch
[15:07:01] <-- nandinho disconnected from the server
[15:07:09] <Rudolph> uno reverse card bitch
[15:07:14] <TheGamer> well clearly, she doesn't
[15:07:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> no u
[15:07:14] <TheGamer> you're here
[15:07:37] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:07:42] <YanixSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:07:50] <dipa> wb weab
[15:07:50] <dipa> :v
[15:07:50] <Dasher> wb
[15:07:52] <akiyamaha> 10q
[15:07:55] <akiyamaha> ty diaper
[15:08:00] <ToddHoward> wb
[15:08:05] <Rudolph> this bitch..
[15:08:05] <akiyamaha> who
[15:08:08] --> UsadaPekora connected to the server
[15:08:10] <akiyamaha> is todd
[15:08:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> gak bert
[15:08:13] <AlgisEco> wb
[15:08:13] <Dasher> wb
[15:08:25] <akiyamaha> konpeko
[15:08:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> last name is one of jav
[15:08:33] <UsadaPekora> ty
[15:08:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> last name is one of jav actrees
[15:08:41] <akiyamaha> oh eimi
[15:08:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> ayers now rabbit
[15:09:04] <akiyamaha> war criminal*
[15:09:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[15:09:24] <Rudolph> I'm wanted for war crimes in yugoslavia
[15:09:24] <Rudolph> bye
[15:09:24] <-- Rudolph disconnected from the server
[15:09:44] <Dasher> is stuck in 1990
[15:09:57] <AlgisEco> 50k
[15:12:32] <YanixSProMaxPlus> ecin
[15:15:43] <Dasher> so many rhinos smh
[15:16:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> farm is tiananmen
[15:16:08] <Dasher> yes
[15:16:23] <YanixSProMaxPlus> lol
[15:16:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> !assets
[15:16:34] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has 46 car(s) ($59,590,000) and 4 house(s) ($68,800,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $128,390,000
[15:16:39] <Dasher> !assets winlogon.bat
[15:16:41] <UsadaPekora> !assets
[15:16:41] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player winlogon.bat
[15:16:49] <Dasher> !assets winny
[15:16:52] (WEB) <robin_be> winny has 27 car(s) ($16,650,000) and 4 house(s) ($112,000,000 - 90 slots) for a total of $128,650,000
[15:16:52] <UsadaPekora> !bankcash
[15:16:52] <YanixSProMaxPlus> winny not
[15:16:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}UsadaPekora's bank money is $11,000,001
[15:16:57] <UsadaPekora> !assets
[15:16:59] (WEB) <robin_be> UsadaPekora has 12 car(s) ($3,180,000) and 3 house(s) ($42,500,000 - 42 slots) for a total of $45,680,000
[15:16:59] <AlgisEco> !assets vinny
[15:17:02] (WEB) <robin_be> vinny has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[15:17:07] <AlgisEco> !assets Vinny
[15:17:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Vinny has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[15:17:10] <YanixSProMaxPlus> stalker
[15:17:18] <WarmBees> vinny
[15:17:23] <Dasher> oh hi winny
[15:17:28] <Dasher> II mean gamer
[15:17:33] <-- UsadaPekora disconnected from the server
[15:17:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> peler
[15:17:36] <dipa> Hydra is 1m?
[15:17:43] <dipa> okie
[15:17:58] <-- ToddHoward disconnected from the server
[15:19:02] --> Jauz connected to the server
[15:19:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[15:19:07] <Dasher> hi
[15:19:15] <Jauz> Hi
[15:19:40] <-- Jauz disconnected from the server
[15:19:48] <Dasher> woooow :(
[15:19:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> x
[15:20:03] <dipa> Lol bee
[15:20:23] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[15:20:23] --> Jauz connected to the server
[15:20:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> heloboth
[15:20:28] <Dasher> wb both
[15:20:33] <Smetkowski> ty
[15:20:39] <WarmBees> am i being followed?
[15:20:44] <Dasher> probably
[15:20:56] <WarmBees> confirmed
[15:21:07] <YanixSProMaxPlus> i got the same feeling warm
[15:21:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> im your pov
[15:21:27] <WarmBees> pog
[15:21:27] <YanixSProMaxPlus> masher sumthing
[15:21:40] <Dasher> I sometimes feel like being watched
[15:21:42] <Dasher> when no one is in my room
[15:21:52] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[15:22:03] <WarmBees> oh, smet
[15:22:30] <Dasher> I almost went gameend
[15:23:52] <dipa> I must get that checkpoint
[15:23:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[15:24:05] <WarmBees> F\
[15:24:07] <dipa> yes
[15:24:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> but warmbees has 1 work advantage
[15:24:35] <JoyadiJoestar.> for next potd
[15:24:53] <Dasher> I wonder how I'm getting 10 rescue wotds
[15:25:01] <Dasher> when I keep getting 5km missions
[15:25:08] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[15:25:16] <WarmBees> next potd me :>
[15:25:23] <dipa> Ok
[15:25:29] <dipa> go! :D
[15:25:34] <WarmBees> :d
[15:25:36] <YanixSProMaxPlus> warmbees timeout
[15:25:41] <WarmBees> hell naw
[15:25:51] <WarmBees> i have to get 10k cdrops
[15:25:56] --> zavee49 connected to the server
[15:26:09] <Dasher> I have to get 500 rescue
[15:26:22] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Can I login
[15:26:22] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[15:26:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> i have to get lotto
[15:26:27] <WarmBees> no
[15:26:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> ye if not ban
[15:26:40] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I don't need your permission lol
[15:26:42] <Dasher> fuck fuck fuck I did /lotto 2 instead of 23
[15:26:42] <WarmBees> :<
[15:26:52] <Dasher> why ask smh
[15:26:55] <WarmBees> then i'll take 23 :D
[15:27:00] <Lenz> 2 can also win
[15:27:05] --> Sadx connected to the server
[15:27:08] <Dasher> wb
[15:27:15] <Dasher> if 23 wins I'm gonna do a pro gamer move
[15:27:25] <akiyamaha> quit pl?
[15:27:28] <WarmBees> ^
[15:27:36] <Dasher> no
[15:27:36] <dipa> 6
[15:27:36] <Sadx> thanks
[15:27:43] <dipa> ^*
[15:28:01] <Dasher> after IA event :(
[15:28:14] <akiyamaha> wow you're gonna leave ia?
[15:28:16] <Dasher> no
[15:28:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> booo
[15:28:24] <YanixSProMaxPlus> garuda will rise coz of dasher
[15:28:49] --> Ouro connected to the server
[15:28:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[15:28:57] <Ouro> wb
[15:29:00] <JoyadiJoestar.> ty
[15:29:00] <akiyamaha> hi lugend
[15:29:00] <YanixSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:29:28] --> UsadaPekora connected to the server
[15:29:30] <Dasher> wb
[15:29:38] <Dasher> jokowi or ayers smh
[15:29:50] <dipa> diaper
[15:30:11] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[15:30:16] <Dasher> webe
[15:30:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> mengontol
[15:30:41] <dipa> Im 42
[15:30:44] <dipa> :<
[15:30:46] <Ouro> wow big lotto !!!
[15:30:46] <Dasher> phew 23 didn't win
[15:30:46] <akiyamaha> wow ur old
[15:30:51] <Ouro> is for me??? :3
[15:30:56] <akiyamaha> no
[15:30:56] <WarmBees> puga
[15:31:02] <akiyamaha> yes
[15:31:09] <AlgisEco> who take number 18
[15:31:17] <Ouro> me
[15:31:22] <AlgisEco> who take number 26
[15:31:24] <WarmBees> me
[15:31:27] <Ouro> also me
[15:31:40] <Ouro> i took every number except the one that wins
[15:31:42] <AlgisEco> shit mis type
[15:31:45] <Ouro> because lotto is rigged
[15:31:50] <akiyamaha> you just won lotto earlier
[15:31:52] <TheGamer> here we go again
[15:31:52] <akiyamaha> smfh
[15:32:05] <Ouro> i only won 1m
[15:32:08] <Ouro> not 2m
[15:33:06] <WarmBees> kambing
[15:33:06] <Ouro> !cash
[15:33:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $4,596,668 in hand
[15:33:11] <Ouro> rich!!!
[15:33:14] <WarmBees> reech
[15:33:16] <akiyamaha> tite
[15:33:19] <Dasher> !bankcash
[15:33:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Dasher's bank money is $8,116,965
[15:33:19] <WarmBees> bow?
[15:33:24] <WarmBees> how?
[15:33:34] <Ouro> i used the /w cheat
[15:33:44] <Ouro> /w.cs
[15:33:47] <WarmBees> im also using that
[15:33:57] <TheGamer> ya'll poor
[15:34:02] <WarmBees> yes
[15:34:02] <Ouro> i have more than you
[15:34:07] <Ouro> show !cash
[15:34:12] <WarmBees> ^
[15:34:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cash
[15:34:17] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has $933,070 in hand
[15:34:20] <WarmBees> reech
[15:34:23] <WarmBees> how?
[15:34:28] <zavee49> !cash
[15:34:28] <TheGamer> might only have 500k in hand
[15:34:30] (WEB) <robin_be> zavee49 has $550,640 in hand
[15:34:35] <TheGamer> but there's much more on the bank
[15:34:46] <Dasher> 260m-270m
[15:34:46] <zavee49> !bankcash
[15:34:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}zavee49's bank money is $3,075,000
[15:34:51] <WarmBees> do !bankcash
[15:35:06] <Ouro> if pl lasts a few more months i will be rech
[15:35:14] <TheGamer> !bankcash
[15:35:16] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}TheGamer's bank money is $268,000,000
[15:35:19] <Dasher> see
[15:35:21] <WarmBees> reeeeech
[15:35:24] <Dasher> I got 260m-270m correct
[15:35:31] <zavee49> now i am jealous XD
[15:35:31] <YanixSProMaxPlus> i'm dying of jealousy
[15:35:44] <Ouro> !assets thegamer
[15:35:47] (WEB) <robin_be> thegamer has 40 car(s) ($13,765,000) and 3 house(s) ($52,000,000 - 55 slots) for a total of $65,765,000
[15:36:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> !bankacsh
[15:36:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> !bankcash
[15:36:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}JoyadiJoestar.'s bank money is $1,500,000
[15:36:22] <Sadx> !bengkes
[15:36:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cars
[15:36:30] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. has: Trashmaster Voodoo Ambulance Enforcer Securicar Predator Bus Rhino Rhino Rhino Rhino Bar(..)
[15:36:30] <Ouro> !cash
[15:36:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $4,596,668 in hand
[15:36:48] <WarmBees> ok boomer
[15:37:03] <zavee49> installing fps mode v3 and flying plane
[15:37:06] <-- UsadaPekora disconnected from the server
[15:37:11] <zavee49> its hard but way fun
[15:37:21] <dipa> Yeah I usually use it for At400
[15:37:23] <zavee49> you feel like a real pilot
[15:37:36] <Ouro> !cash
[15:37:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $4,596,668 in hand
[15:37:41] <Ouro> just wait for it to update
[15:37:44] <Ouro> you will see rich
[15:37:51] <zavee49> !cash robin_be
[15:37:54] (WEB) <robin_be> robin_be has $10,834 in hand
[15:37:59] <WarmBees> i'll wait ouro
[15:38:02] <dipa> I can just go tab and click your name
[15:38:04] <dipa> :
[15:38:07] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[15:38:09] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 13653 score, 13465 missions: 21'/. trucking - 8'/. shamal - 8'/. rescue
[15:38:19] <Ouro> 21 percent from trucking respectable
[15:38:30] <Ouro> truckers are the most skilled PL players
[15:38:30] <TheGamer> ah
[15:38:37] <TheGamer> you took the 25m from your bank
[15:38:40] <Ouro> wdym
[15:38:45] <Ouro> that's just my pocket change
[15:38:53] <TheGamer> that's all you got
[15:38:55] <Ouro> the real money is in my bank still
[15:38:58] <TheGamer> i can see bank accounts too sir
[15:38:58] (WEB) <robin_be#2125> !bankcash
[15:39:00] <akiyamaha> how are you already at 30mil
[15:39:03] <Ouro> wdym
[15:39:10] <dipa> check m-
[15:39:13] <WarmBees> leaked :d
[15:39:13] <Ouro> i sold seasparrow and at400
[15:39:13] <dipa> nvm
[15:39:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> bankcash only work at ig
[15:39:26] <WarmBees> check mate sire?
[15:39:31] <Ouro> and got like 1m from santiago for being epic gamer
[15:39:33] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: yeah i c
[15:39:41] <dipa> hi robin xD
[15:39:41] <Ouro> oh and won 1m lotto
[15:39:43] <akiyamaha> damn too bad you werent heere earlier
[15:39:43] <Dasher> why am I not getting 1m from santiago smh
[15:39:46] <TheGamer> 1 742 Cash $0 ($0) $199,992 11-1-2021 11:49
[15:39:48] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: heya
[15:39:51] <Ouro> what happened earlier
[15:39:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[15:40:01] <akiyamaha> eddie was giving away 5m if you became spromaxplus
[15:40:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> wow bribe
[15:40:14] <Dasher> god dammit I can't /requestname smh
[15:40:16] <Ouro> i wouldn't be able to because i changed name this month
[15:40:19] <YanixSProMaxPlus> he gave me 5m hehe
[15:40:22] <akiyamaha> yes
[15:40:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[15:40:29] <akiyamaha> unlike yanix i have dignity
[15:40:37] <WarmBees> ^^^^6
[15:40:39] <Dasher> no you just dum
[15:40:49] <Dasher> I would change my name any day for 5m
[15:40:52] <YanixSProMaxPlus> greatness > dignity
[15:40:55] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ^
[15:41:07] <akiyamaha> even if it was dickgobbler
[15:41:10] <Ouro> i'll literally get a dm ban for 10m
[15:41:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> i havent changed my name like 1 years ago
[15:41:10] <akiyamaha> ?
[15:41:17] <dipa> 2in
[15:41:20] <dipa> xD
[15:42:01] <Ouro> who took 33
[15:42:06] <akiyamaha> :)
[15:42:08] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> :)
[15:42:11] <Dasher> :)
[15:42:11] <WarmBees> :)
[15:42:13] <Sadx> :)
[15:42:13] <SmithSProMaxPlus> :)
[15:42:13] <dipa> :)
[15:42:13] <Ouro> god damn aki if it wins i will die you
[15:42:24] <Ouro> ok how did you all take it ????
[15:42:24] <dipa> kill*
[15:42:24] <TheGamer> no you won't
[15:42:34] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> sorry we share lotto number now
[15:42:36] <akiyamaha> yes
[15:42:41] <Ouro> do you share the winnings?
[15:42:41] <SmithSProMaxPlus> gamer i ll kill you
[15:42:41] <akiyamaha> we split the 2mil
[15:42:46] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes
[15:42:49] <akiyamaha> we will do a battle royale*
[15:42:54] <Ouro> can you share with me too
[15:42:54] <akiyamaha> and the last surviving wins
[15:42:54] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> aki 1.9m the reset 0.1m
[15:42:57] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> reset
[15:42:59] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> rest
[15:42:59] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ffs
[15:43:09] <Ouro> spamme
[15:43:12] <Ouro> in chatte
[15:43:14] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> latte
[15:43:14] <akiyamaha> zomg
[15:43:25] <dipa> je suis dipa
[15:43:27] <SmithSProMaxPlus> no one of you will win
[15:43:27] <Dasher> inb4 people get banned for spam
[15:43:30] <SmithSProMaxPlus> cause im gonna win
[15:43:32] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> tous le jours
[15:43:37] <akiyamaha> ok schmidt
[15:43:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> kan itu roti
[15:43:40] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ya juga
[15:43:45] <Ouro> tg already writing the warnings
[15:43:47] <Ouro> as we speak
[15:43:55] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> tg is ready anytime to /ban
[15:43:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> pepega
[15:43:58] <SmithSProMaxPlus> omg
[15:44:00] <akiyamaha> r00d
[15:44:05] <YanixSProMaxPlus> damn took 49 earlier
[15:44:10] <TheGamer> i don't have to write warnings anymore
[15:44:15] <Ouro> what do you have to do
[15:44:21] <Dasher> TG is ready to do /warn Luldred noob
[15:44:28] <TheGamer> jacob made a tool for us
[15:44:28] <dipa> Loldred
[15:44:33] <WarmBees> $twi
[15:44:33] <TheGamer> we only have to use the in game command
[15:44:33] (WEB) <Ricardo> fuck WarmBees and WarmBees is gay
[15:44:46] <Dasher> oooh
[15:44:54] <Dasher> so that's why my warnings were cleared lmao
[15:45:09] <TheGamer> who tf cleared them >.>
[15:45:11] <Ouro> :)
[15:45:14] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> :)
[15:45:16] <dipa> havn't
[15:45:19] <akiyamaha> :0
[15:45:22] <WarmBees> :)
[15:45:24] <Dasher> I had like 23 warnings lmao
[15:45:29] <Ouro> how were you not banned
[15:45:32] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i think i have 1 warnings
[15:45:34] <TheGamer> he was
[15:45:34] <akiyamaha> they should put them all bank imo
[15:45:37] <TheGamer> on every single warning
[15:45:42] <Dasher> I was banned 21 times
[15:45:44] <TheGamer> but none were serious
[15:45:50] <Dasher> since first 3 didn't ban
[15:45:50] <SmithSProMaxPlus> how many warnings i have tg
[15:45:50] <WarmBees> i haven't recieved any warnings yet :>
[15:45:55] <TheGamer> check /warnings lol
[15:46:02] <SmithSProMaxPlus> oh no warnings
[15:46:05] <dipa> I like how it's wroted Havn't
[15:46:05] <Ouro> i have none because im epic gamer :)
[15:46:10] <WarmBees> no warnings :)
[15:46:17] <TheGamer> you're at 1
[15:46:25] <akiyamaha> lol
[15:46:28] <Lenz> lol
[15:46:30] <Ouro> wtf warmbees you did that?
[15:46:30] <dipa> lol
[15:46:30] <SmithSProMaxPlus> lol
[15:46:35] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wtf warm
[15:46:38] <WarmBees> lmao never
[15:46:40] <YanixSProMaxPlus> id 0 living like a ceo would
[15:46:56] <WarmBees> you haven't recieved any warnings it says
[15:47:52] <SmithSProMaxPlus> looked epic how we did that ouro
[15:47:52] <Dasher> I think I have 1 warnings
[15:47:59] <Smetkowski> living the high life
[15:48:14] <SmithSProMaxPlus> !cash Smetkowski
[15:48:17] (WEB) <robin_be> Smetkowski has $75,715 in hand
[15:48:22] <-- Jauz disconnected from the server
[15:48:40] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Smet what is your bankcash
[15:48:40] <dipa> !cash Ouro
[15:48:43] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $29,770,283 in hand
[15:48:43] <Dasher> it isn't
[15:48:45] <Ouro> wow rich
[15:48:48] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wtf ouro
[15:48:50] <SmithSProMaxPlus> u reech
[15:48:50] <AlgisEco> !cash Twi
[15:48:53] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has $602,114 in hand
[15:48:53] <Ouro> that's just my pocket change
[15:48:58] --> Ms.Chajzer connected to the server
[15:48:58] <dipa> !cash
[15:49:01] (WEB) <robin_be> dipa has $200 in hand
[15:49:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> welcome
[15:49:06] <AlgisEco> !cash Ouro
[15:49:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $29,770,283 in hand
[15:49:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> back
[15:49:13] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Welcome to Pilots Life Ms.Chajzer
[15:49:13] <WarmBees> yeah keep spamming
[15:49:13] <Dasher> these noobs forget I can access winlogons bank
[15:49:16] <dipa> wb
[15:49:21] <Lenz> rip yanix
[15:49:26] <dipa> !winlogon
[15:49:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> winlogoff.bat
[15:49:36] <-- YanixSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[15:49:54] <WarmBees> i ain't tisoy
[15:49:54] <Ouro> dasher how??
[15:49:57] <Ouro> hacke??
[15:49:59] <Dasher> in my mind
[15:50:07] <WarmBees> 27s cargo drop, UWU
[15:50:14] <Ouro> pls stop mission farming
[15:50:17] <Ouro> you already have a warning
[15:50:19] <WarmBees> stfu
[15:50:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> rud
[15:50:27] <Ouro> toxic
[15:50:30] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ban
[15:50:32] <WarmBees> :
[15:50:42] <Ouro> got flashbanged by wotd
[15:50:45] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[15:50:47] <Dasher> F
[15:50:47] <WarmBees> F
[15:50:47] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i think firza is hacking when he doing POTDs
[15:50:50] <akiyamaha> f
[15:50:52] <dipa> Astaghfirullah
[15:50:52] <SmithSProMaxPlus> using speedhax of admin
[15:50:55] <dipa> F
[15:50:55] <WarmBees> he is
[15:50:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes hac
[15:51:03] <WarmBees> demote
[15:51:08] <akiyamaha> wow no demand
[15:51:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> legit admin hack
[15:51:10] <dipa> Pantes kok diem di tempat
[15:51:18] <dipa> Timeout
[15:51:18] --> Kristel connected to the server
[15:51:18] <WarmBees> no stonks
[15:51:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:51:20] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:51:20] <Dasher> AdMIn LeVEl 0
[15:51:23] <Dasher> wb
[15:51:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[15:51:33] <Ouro> wb budget crystal
[15:51:41] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[15:51:51] <WarmBees> budget meal
[15:51:51] <SmithSProMaxPlus> there was Aid Demand like 2h ago
[15:52:11] <SmithSProMaxPlus> made 640k in 19 missions
[15:52:44] <dipa> Hi smet, havin fun I see xD
[15:52:55] <Smetkowski> hey yeah :D
[15:53:45] <WarmBees> oh look
[15:53:48] <WarmBees> 29s
[15:53:53] --> Kristel connected to the server
[15:54:01] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[15:54:01] <AlgisEco> wb
[15:54:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> kristel pltd-ed
[15:54:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> pldt
[15:54:49] <WarmBees> pldt service ain't bad anymore
[15:54:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> hmm
[15:55:19] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[15:55:27] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> bruh
[15:55:37] <akiyamaha> ouro are you going to black mesa
[15:55:40] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> I did /q while I meant to do /w
[15:55:40] --> Kristel connected to the server
[15:55:42] <Ouro> i'm coming from there
[15:55:45] <WarmBees> f
[15:55:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> /f
[15:55:47] <WarmBees> there's no mistake
[15:55:58] <dipa> -master oogway
[15:56:00] <WarmBees> yes
[15:56:10] --> Dasher connected to the server
[15:56:15] <akiyamaha> look
[15:56:18] <akiyamaha> a nub
[15:56:23] <WarmBees> ah yes
[15:56:38] <Dasher> well I joined the club puga is in
[15:56:48] <akiyamaha> :<
[15:56:54] <Ouro> brazil gay truckers club?
[15:56:59] <Dasher> the dum club
[15:57:04] <WarmBees> wtf
[15:57:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> xf
[15:57:14] <WarmBees> i forgot to buy lotto
[15:57:14] <akiyamaha> taste?
[15:57:16] <WarmBees> that shit was my number
[15:57:19] <SmithSProMaxPlus> tastes like Oreo
[15:57:32] <Dasher> I was 23 smh
[15:57:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> itadakimasu
[15:57:42] <dipa> If my 11 was typo to 22
[15:57:44] <dipa> I would win
[15:57:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> dasher be like:
[15:57:52] <Kristel> gay
[15:57:55] <Ouro> if i chose 22 instead of 1 i would win
[15:57:55] <WarmBees> nvm, i'll just interest farm :3
[15:57:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> yurete yuganda sekai ni dan dan bo kuwa
[15:58:05] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> eeeeeeeeeee
[15:58:05] <Kristel> danielson gay
[15:58:07] <Dasher> IDK what that means but probably
[15:58:17] <akiyamaha> this is so sad
[15:58:17] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> k im trapped
[15:58:23] <akiyamaha> alexa play unravel
[15:58:28] <Kristel> where are you lmao
[15:58:33] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> try here
[15:58:33] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> press G
[15:58:38] <JoyadiJoestar.> accidently pressed
[15:58:38] <Dasher> the washing machine huehue
[15:58:38] <Kristel> why are you in doherty lmao
[15:58:40] <WarmBees> yall want some music?
[15:58:43] <Kristel> in my house
[15:58:45] <akiyamaha> no
[15:58:45] <Kristel> wait
[15:58:50] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> im in ur cargobob interior
[15:58:50] <WarmBees> aight
[15:58:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[15:58:53] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes
[15:58:58] <Kristel> loc us
[15:59:01] <akiyamaha> make pl holy again
[15:59:01] <dipa> comeon dj
[15:59:08] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> damn 1415 ft
[15:59:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> im sad
[15:59:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> play us unravel
[15:59:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> we're in heaven
[15:59:13] <dipa> aku belum download lagu buat DJ :v
[15:59:18] <WarmBees> biiith
[15:59:21] <AlgisEco> how mucvh can i sell sea sparrow
[15:59:29] --> Condor connected to the server
[15:59:29] <WarmBees> sec weaboos
[15:59:29] <SmithSProMaxPlus> 2m and more
[15:59:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> !lastmission
[15:59:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> Wadworth Hill Gate 1 to USS Roddenberry. 7 hours 28 minutes(19680 Metres) Pay: $48658
[15:59:44] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> well i cant sit beside u then
[15:59:46] <Kristel> we're off the ground
[15:59:49] <Ouro> you could've sold at400 for 6m instead of getting the 2m from license
[16:00:02] <WarmBees> imma simp for kaguya sama
[16:00:02] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> i misunderstood that smh
[16:00:09] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i sold my at400 for 6,2m
[16:00:17] <dipa> :o
[16:00:27] <dipa> but it's like 2 weeks ago
[16:00:30] <Kristel> i sold my kidney for 15m
[16:00:32] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yea
[16:00:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> kontol
[16:00:40] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[16:00:45] <Dasher> I sold my at400 for like 4.5m
[16:00:47] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> desync wait
[16:00:50] <dipa> joyadi impatient :v
[16:00:55] <Kristel> dani were r u
[16:00:58] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> snake farm
[16:01:03] <Dasher> snek
[16:01:03] <dipa> sssnake*
[16:01:05] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> snek
[16:01:08] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> shrek
[16:01:10] <Kristel> wat lol i thought u were inside the heli lmao
[16:01:15] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[16:01:20] <Dasher> webe
[16:01:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ye just pressed F xd
[16:01:23] <akiyamaha> wb jorji
[16:01:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> helloall
[16:01:28] <-- Ms.Chajzer disconnected from the server
[16:01:41] <Dasher> helloall > hellall
[16:01:48] <dipa> hello my friends - Odertan
[16:01:54] <Dasher> I mean I thought you said hellall smh
[16:01:56] <SmithSProMaxPlus> firza
[16:01:59] <SmithSProMaxPlus> why not do event
[16:02:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> too lazy to press space
[16:02:04] <Kristel> +1
[16:02:04] <akiyamaha> eyesight: not stonks
[16:02:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> what event smioth
[16:02:09] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Do DTS or smth
[16:02:22] <Dasher> u le sponsor smith :p
[16:02:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> need money...
[16:02:29] <Ouro> pls some one come blow me up
[16:02:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> i only have 1m
[16:02:32] <SmithSProMaxPlus> sure i can give a bit
[16:02:32] <Ouro> i give permission
[16:02:42] <Ouro> pls kill me
[16:02:42] <Kristel> oh shit I forgot i own that house lmao
[16:02:50] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> damn
[16:02:50] <Kristel> h/ 2
[16:02:55] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[16:02:57] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Oshihiteyo shihiteyo kono si kumiwo
[16:02:57] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wb
[16:03:00] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wb
[16:03:00] <Dasher> smh clouds gay
[16:03:05] <TwilightMontana> Thanks.
[16:03:05] <SmithSProMaxPlus> finally twilight back
[16:03:07] <Ouro> i got black fucking mesa again if some one kills me it's not /s :3
[16:03:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[16:03:23] <TwilightMontana> Heya!
[16:03:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> well after potd event
[16:03:30] <Kristel> joyadi respawn server cars pl0z
[16:03:33] <akiyamaha> hi budget twi
[16:03:43] <akiyamaha> :3
[16:03:46] <Dasher> :3
[16:03:48] <dipa> :3
[16:03:51] <Ouro> :3 ~~~~
[16:03:53] <Kristel> ty
[16:03:56] <AlgisEco> :3
[16:03:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> noprobs
[16:04:08] <Ouro> how much reward from winning dts
[16:04:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> you dj warmbees?
[16:04:11] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> rich aaa
[16:04:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> idk dollar
[16:04:16] <Dasher> a kiss from ludred
[16:04:24] <Dasher> in the arm btw*
[16:04:26] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ew
[16:04:29] <Ouro> i only participate for 1m
[16:04:31] <SmithSProMaxPlus> btw i take the donations and give them to firza becuz i give money too
[16:04:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> boo
[16:04:54] <akiyamaha> ouro
[16:04:54] <Dasher> me attacker pls
[16:04:59] <akiyamaha> uninstall your shamal mod u nub
[16:05:02] <Ouro> hello aki
[16:05:04] <Kristel> omg why am I lagging lmao
[16:05:04] <Ouro> why
[16:05:09] <akiyamaha> its op in dts lol
[16:05:12] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> stop downloading porn
[16:05:12] <TwilightMontana> Watch me lose.
[16:05:15] <Ouro> oh right
[16:05:17] <Ouro> thanks for reminding me
[16:05:20] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[16:05:22] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> F
[16:05:22] <akiyamaha> :>
[16:05:27] <dipa> can I be pilot attacker like event week? :3
[16:05:30] <Ouro> it's turned off
[16:06:03] <SmithSProMaxPlus> cmon guys
[16:06:03] <WarmBees> get ready lads
[16:06:08] <SmithSProMaxPlus> donate something for event
[16:06:11] <Dasher> I'm broke lad
[16:06:16] <akiyamaha> i donate myself
[16:06:21] <Ouro> i don't donate i only receive
[16:07:14] <WarmBees> wait somethings wrong
[16:07:32] <SmithSProMaxPlus> thanks ouro for 5k
[16:07:40] <Ouro> you're welcome
[16:07:57] <Dasher> let's all give 50k :3
[16:08:00] <dipa> Eco*
[16:08:18] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wait
[16:08:23] <SmithSProMaxPlus> 69420 is Twis number
[16:08:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> lmao how much
[16:08:28] <moisturizer69420> holy number
[16:08:30] <Dasher> twi or twilight
[16:08:41] <dipa> Yeah "hahaha" number xD
[16:08:41] <SmithSProMaxPlus> its twi
[16:08:41] <Ouro> twi
[16:08:51] <Dasher> doesn't even mention my 100k
[16:08:51] <Dasher> scam
[16:09:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> stay with me
[16:09:03] <Ouro> why didn't you announce my 5k donation
[16:09:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> '
[16:09:03] <dipa> :3
[16:09:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> mayonaka no doa
[16:09:11] <Dasher> 5k is low :3
[16:09:14] <Ouro> 5k is donation
[16:09:21] <dipa> ouro scroll up
[16:09:24] <Ouro> you don't complain about donation amount you just say thank you
[16:09:26] <Dasher> 50k minimum for announcment
[16:09:31] <Ouro> he didn't /vann he just said it in normal chat
[16:09:31] <moisturizer69420> i forgot my bank account pin can someone help me?
[16:09:36] <WarmBees> lmao i forgot to change the port
[16:09:44] <Ouro> he annopunced the 20k donation from warmbees
[16:09:49] <Dasher> thegamer
[16:09:49] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[16:09:54] <Dasher> oh there
[16:09:54] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[16:09:54] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[16:09:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[16:09:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> gamer
[16:09:59] <WarmBees> what did i miss?
[16:10:02] <eddiespromaxplus> hi gamers
[16:10:02] <Dasher> eddie go help id 12
[16:10:04] <akiyamaha> time to win
[16:10:12] <akiyamaha> r00d
[16:10:15] <dipa> mf
[16:10:15] <Lenz> what time event?
[16:10:20] <dipa> 11 was my last number
[16:10:25] <Dasher> after 00:00
[16:10:25] <dipa> >:(
[16:10:27] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Firza does event
[16:10:43] <Ouro> meet lva for event?
[16:10:50] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i think lsa building probably
[16:10:58] <Ouro> so meet lsa
[16:11:11] <Dasher> we should do the location vote on discord lmao
[16:11:18] <SmithSProMaxPlus> nah lets just go to LSA
[16:11:28] <Ouro> i know a nice building for dts
[16:11:33] <Dasher> my ass
[16:11:33] <Ouro> it's tall and flat
[16:11:36] <Dasher> it's straight
[16:11:38] <Dasher> and tall
[16:11:46] <akiyamaha> imagine not having an ass
[16:12:06] <Dasher> straight as in a sphere
[16:12:14] <Ouro> spheres are round
[16:12:27] <dipa> whoosh :v
[16:12:29] <Dasher> you can have straight lines in a sphere :3
[16:12:29] --> Kristel connected to the server
[16:12:34] <Dasher> wb cheap crystal
[16:12:42] <Ouro> i'll
[16:12:45] <WarmBees> uh oh, i can't stream
[16:13:07] <Dasher> we never do DTS at sf lmao
[16:13:13] <Dasher> only indo's do dts there
[16:13:18] <akiyamaha> do it at the spire thing
[16:13:43] <dipa> SPire?
[16:14:01] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[16:14:03] <Dasher> sudden back pain
[16:14:24] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[16:14:34] <eddiespromaxplus> "sudden back pain"
[16:14:39] <eddiespromaxplus> has back paibn every day
[16:14:49] <AlgisEco> f
[16:14:54] <Dasher> yes
[16:14:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> test
[16:14:59] (WEB) <TheGamer> @JoyadiJoestar. test failed!
[16:15:02] <Dasher> 2021 has a shitty start for me ngl
[16:15:07] <dipa> So, it's "routine backpain"
[16:15:07] <Dasher> never had this much back pain in 2020
[16:15:07] <dipa> xD
[16:15:12] <eddiespromaxplus> dont you have doctors in macedonia?
[16:15:15] <Dasher> I do
[16:15:22] <Dasher> they are in my basement
[16:15:27] <eddiespromaxplus> lol
[16:15:32] <dipa> hold up-
[16:15:35] <-- AlgisEco disconnected from the server
[16:15:35] <akiyamaha> i bet dasher hunches over his pc like a fucking goblin
[16:15:45] <Dasher> nah
[16:15:55] <Ouro> probably wooden chair
[16:15:55] <eddiespromaxplus> like a grandmother hunches over the steering wheel of a car
[16:16:05] --> AlgisEco connected to the server
[16:16:05] <Dasher> ngl
[16:16:13] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[16:16:21] <SmithSProMaxPlus> LS
[16:16:21] <akiyamaha> how tf
[16:16:23] <Dasher> SF
[16:16:23] <dipa> SF
[16:16:26] <akiyamaha> sf
[16:16:28] <Ouro> ill be tiebreaker
[16:16:31] <AlgisEco> sf
[16:16:31] <Condor> sf
[16:16:36] <Dasher> see they want SF
[16:16:36] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wtf is wrong with you
[16:16:38] <TwilightMontana> Let's roll.
[16:16:46] <TwilightMontana> !roll SF
[16:16:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> LS win lmao
[16:16:49] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana rolls 5
[16:16:51] <Dasher> smh
[16:16:51] <TwilightMontana> !roll LS
[16:16:54] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana rolls 34
[16:16:54] <Dasher> people changed their votes from LV
[16:17:01] <Dasher> rigged
[16:17:04] <dipa> not fun :<
[16:17:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> not rigged wadefak >:(
[16:17:17] <Ouro> im in lsa
[16:17:19] <Ouro> waiting
[16:17:19] <dipa> >:(
[16:17:27] <Ouro> where is everyone
[16:17:27] <Dasher> cmon let's do it in SF
[16:17:32] <Dasher> we never do it in SF :(
[16:17:35] <TwilightMontana> ^
[16:17:35] <akiyamaha> yes
[16:17:37] <dipa> SF SF SF
[16:17:40] <WarmBees> who hosted the event?
[16:18:00] <Dasher> Vote for SF and make SF great again!
[16:18:18] <SmithSProMaxPlus> ok me host
[16:18:20] <Ouro> so where is it
[16:18:36] <SmithSProMaxPlus> 1,6m Prize !
[16:18:48] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Ok Firza is creating Event
[16:18:53] <SmithSProMaxPlus> u just need to join
[16:19:09] <Dasher> I'm dissapointed with yall
[16:19:24] <akiyamaha> time to win
[16:19:37] <TwilightMontana> Can I relog?
[16:19:42] <SmithSProMaxPlus> dasher wanna attack
[16:19:47] <TheGamer> i want to
[16:19:49] <Dasher> sure
[16:19:52] <TheGamer> can i?
[16:19:52] <Dasher> give it to TG
[16:19:54] <Dasher> he better at it
[16:19:54] <SmithSProMaxPlus> TheGamer attacks
[16:19:57] <TheGamer> naice
[16:20:02] <SmithSProMaxPlus> and firza too
[16:20:04] <dipa> attacker beacon
[16:20:07] <Lenz> 4 attackers?
[16:20:10] <Lenz> :v
[16:20:10] <SmithSProMaxPlus> 3 Attackers
[16:20:15] <dipa> attacker beacon
[16:20:20] <TheGamer> yeye
[16:20:22] <TheGamer> once we start
[16:20:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> no beacon
[16:20:27] <Dasher> why 3 attackers smh
[16:20:30] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wow gamer
[16:20:38] <SmithSProMaxPlus> gimme that speedhack too
[16:20:45] <Dasher> no
[16:20:53] <Dasher> you will wake a bot
[16:20:53] <Ouro> is he gonna use admin hacks
[16:20:58] <TheGamer> no
[16:21:08] <TheGamer> wouldn't be fair lol
[16:21:18] <dipa> lol condor
[16:21:18] <dipa> xD
[16:21:18] <Ouro> and you care abvout that?
[16:21:21] <Condor> ;D
[16:21:31] <Dasher> lmfao I made it to the other building
[16:21:31] <dipa> Non
[16:21:36] <Dasher> but kinda died
[16:21:39] <TwilightMontana> When will we start?
[16:21:44] <Dasher> SoonTM
[16:21:51] <dipa> No /sit
[16:21:51] <Twi> who gave me cash
[16:21:56] <Ouro> i did
[16:21:59] <Twi> why
[16:22:07] <Dasher> twi /joinevent
[16:22:07] <Ouro> donation to the needy
[16:22:12] <Twi> I'm in the event
[16:22:14] <dipa> Already joined
[16:22:14] <Twi> whats the event prize
[16:22:19] <dipa> 1,6
[16:22:19] <Ouro> nah aki
[16:22:27] <Dasher> wtf that was gay
[16:22:32] <akiyamaha> hi smith
[16:22:37] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hi pug
[16:22:37] <Twi> 1 what
[16:22:42] <Ouro> BEACON ATTACKERS PLS
[16:22:55] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[16:23:05] <Dasher> 3 attackers = gay
[16:23:08] <TwilightMontana> ^
[16:23:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> lotto
[16:23:18] <Twi> who gave mecash
[16:23:23] <-- moisturizer69420 disconnected from the server
[16:23:23] <dipa> adios
[16:23:25] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[16:23:25] <Dasher> survive one attack
[16:23:28] <Ouro> rip
[16:23:30] <Dasher> the other attacker is waiting for you
[16:23:36] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[16:23:48] <Dasher> webe
[16:23:51] <akiyamaha> what number won
[16:23:56] <TwilightMontana> 7.
[16:23:58] <akiyamaha> good
[16:24:19] <Dasher> yall do /lotto 51
[16:24:21] --> moisturizer69420 connected to the server
[16:24:29] <WarmBees> F
[16:24:29] <WarmBees> gg
[16:24:31] <akiyamaha> wow
[16:24:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> lemz e
[16:24:37] <Lenz> yey
[16:24:37] <Twi> liar
[16:24:39] <Twi> algis gaveme 500k
[16:24:39] <Lenz> D:
[16:24:44] <akiyamaha> lenz op
[16:24:49] <WarmBees> TG doesn't want me to win
[16:24:54] --> Kristel connected to the server
[16:25:07] <Dasher> yes
[16:25:12] <Twi> hi kristel
[16:25:12] <Dasher> the event finished
[16:25:15] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[16:25:20] <Kristel> ok that means yes
[16:25:22] <Lenz> thanks smithy
[16:25:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> who the 3rd?
[16:25:27] <Ouro> me
[16:25:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> ooh ye
[16:25:30] <WarmBees> im 2n
[16:25:32] <Twi> I was third
[16:25:32] <WarmBees> im 2nd
[16:25:38] <akiyamaha> meet where
[16:25:40] <TwilightMontana> I am the last.
[16:25:43] <Ouro> i was 3rd
[16:25:48] <WarmBees> noice
[16:25:48] <Twi> I was 3rd wtf
[16:25:50] <Ouro> nice
[16:25:53] <Dasher> ngl Idk how I survived the first attack
[16:26:00] <akiyamaha> inb4 no one shows up because no prize
[16:26:03] <Twi> WTF
[16:26:06] <Twi> jojo I was 3rd
[16:26:13] <Dasher> you weren't
[16:26:16] <Twi> I was
[16:26:18] <Kristel> no
[16:26:21] (WEB) <Winny#0266> im winner
[16:26:21] <Kristel> I was
[16:26:23] <WarmBees> \
[16:26:23] <Dasher> death log doesn't say so lol
[16:26:26] <TwilightMontana> !cboard
[16:26:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19697) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4134) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-412)
[16:26:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes winny
[16:26:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> you are my pogchamp
[16:26:36] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> hello my children
[16:26:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> my little pogchamp
[16:26:39] <SmithSProMaxPlus> !aboard
[16:26:41] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(173031) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49282) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26289)
[16:26:41] (WEB) <Winny#0266> yes
[16:26:51] <akiyamaha> ew twi is in a sultan too
[16:26:51] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> win logging
[16:26:56] <Twi> :?
[16:26:59] <Dasher> join stan
[16:27:04] <Dasher> we doing a road trip
[16:27:07] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> ew twi exists
[16:27:09] <Twi> oh no
[16:27:09] <Dasher> twi you should drive better
[16:27:12] <Twi> a rhino
[16:27:12] <TheGamer> how do i enable the death log again?
[16:27:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> F9
[16:27:17] <akiyamaha> f9
[16:27:17] <Dasher> F9
[16:27:19] <Twi> f9
[16:27:27] <Dasher> oh my
[16:27:27] <Twi> ooooooooooooo
[16:27:29] <Ouro> bruh
[16:27:29] <akiyamaha> :o
[16:27:29] <Lenz> damn
[16:27:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> ooo nice
[16:27:29] <SmithSProMaxPlus> damn
[16:27:29] <moisturizer69420> have fun everyone
[16:27:40] <moisturizer69420> i am having a new start
[16:27:45] <Dasher> everyone should donate 1m now :v
[16:27:45] <Ouro> lol
[16:27:50] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> you first
[16:27:52] <Ouro> i don't have 1m
[16:27:52] <Dasher> like last time
[16:27:52] <Kristel> t/rc
[16:28:00] <Dasher> you have 29m oruop
[16:28:02] <Ouro> no
[16:28:05] <Ouro> !cash
[16:28:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $364,100 in hand
[16:28:08] <Twi> dasher
[16:28:13] <moisturizer69420> !cash 0
[16:28:15] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player 0
[16:28:15] --> Winny connected to the server
[16:28:15] <moisturizer69420> !cash
[16:28:18] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> dasher do it and i'll follow
[16:28:21] <akiyamaha> lmao twilight nice ride
[16:28:21] <Twi> so many rhinos joyadi
[16:28:26] <Kristel> winny gay
[16:28:36] <Lenz> people of discord.. 6m lotto!
[16:28:38] <Twi> watch me ovetake u
[16:28:43] <Kristel> mad rhino incoming
[16:28:43] <Dasher> jojo give me a rhino pls
[16:28:43] <akiyamaha> lenz shhh
[16:28:49] <Winny> and im gonna win the lotto
[16:28:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes the keys
[16:28:59] <Winny> y'all can disconnect
[16:29:14] <Twi> shut up
[16:29:19] <Twi> i'll overtake rhino
[16:29:19] <Winny> no u
[16:29:22] <Twi> oooooo
[16:29:24] <Twi> dasher donating
[16:29:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> Verdantmeadows Square 1989
[16:29:32] <Twi> who ever killed me is gay
[16:29:39] <WarmBees> tamks
[16:29:44] <Twi> warmbees /rc
[16:29:47] <Twi> ur at is in vma
[16:29:47] <Kristel> pls
[16:29:47] <-- Condor disconnected from the server
[16:29:47] <TwilightMontana> Oi, can I fix my vehi?
[16:29:47] <Ouro> what event joyadi
[16:29:50] <Dasher> ima leave as I will kill someone on accident lmao
[16:29:57] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> well dasher since u really do it
[16:29:57] <Kristel> .report thegamer dm
[16:30:02] <TheGamer> sorry kristel
[16:30:07] <Lenz> D:
[16:30:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> winlogon lufthansabase winnythepooh admin area69 inverted underground
[16:30:10] <WarmBees> Kono Dio da
[16:30:12] <TheGamer> blame surfly for that
[16:30:12] <Twi> I'm not donating to lotto
[16:30:15] <akiyamaha> kontols we go
[16:30:15] <Lenz> 8m lotto
[16:30:18] <Dasher> all gotta join the 1m lotto trend now
[16:30:23] <Winny> y'all
[16:30:23] <Winny> should
[16:30:25] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> inb4 aki wins it
[16:30:25] <Winny> use my car
[16:30:38] <Winny> best car ever
[16:30:43] <Twi> where is the beacon
[16:30:53] <Dasher> TG I guess
[16:30:58] <akiyamaha> we're pretty far already lmfao
[16:30:58] <TwilightMontana> Can I fix my car?
[16:31:06] <Twi> yes u can twilight
[16:31:06] <Winny> hey jojo you tired
[16:31:06] <Dasher> ooo
[16:31:08] <Kristel> in your gay ass at400 parking spot
[16:31:08] <akiyamaha> west of vma
[16:31:11] <Kristel> noob winny
[16:31:13] <Winny> wot
[16:31:13] <moisturizer69420> ooooooo maiiiii gooooood
[16:31:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes imma make PL copypasta
[16:31:26] <Dasher> yall should continue with the 1m trend :v
[16:31:29] <Winny> no dasher
[16:31:34] <Dasher> my brokeass donated so you too should
[16:31:34] <Kristel> winny give me your luggage trailer
[16:31:39] <Winny> no
[16:31:39] <Lenz> i thought we start at 12
[16:31:41] <Kristel> pls
[16:31:52] <Twi> DONT
[16:31:52] <Twi> RAM
[16:31:54] <Kristel> !assets
[16:31:57] <SmithSProMaxPlus> we started but no one followed
[16:31:57] (WEB) <robin_be> Kristel has 24 car(s) ($23,405,000) and 4 house(s) ($45,000,000 - 41 slots) for a total of $68,405,000
[16:31:59] <Dasher> oh
[16:32:02] <moisturizer69420> !cash
[16:32:04] (WEB) <robin_be> moisturizer69420 has $0 in hand
[16:32:04] <Twi> kristel
[16:32:04] <Dasher> RIP warm
[16:32:07] <Kristel> yeah
[16:32:12] <Winny> fuck u kristel
[16:32:15] <WarmBees> it started?
[16:32:15] <Twi> I want that rhino
[16:32:15] <Kristel> fuck u too
[16:32:17] <moisturizer69420> !bankcash
[16:32:20] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}moisturizer69420's bank money is $0
[16:32:20] <akiyamaha> lmao win
[16:32:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> imma hotwheels
[16:32:30] <Dasher> can't touch this
[16:32:32] <Kristel> i wanna blow up that luggage trailer
[16:32:38] <Winny> ..
[16:32:40] <Kristel> YES
[16:32:45] <Kristel> bye noob
[16:32:45] <Winny> dont worry its already blown up
[16:32:45] <akiyamaha> f
[16:32:45] <Twi> report smithj DM
[16:32:48] <Dasher> maybe you can lmfao
[16:32:48] <Lenz> rip dash
[16:32:53] <Twi> thats just DM
[16:33:00] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Schmidt DM? :v
[16:33:06] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yes
[16:33:06] <Lenz> smh
[16:33:08] <Twi> WTF
[16:33:11] <Twi> noobs
[16:33:11] <AlgisEco> sorry
[16:33:13] <akiyamaha> 0/10 driving twi
[16:33:13] <Kristel> warm pasakay
[16:33:23] <Kristel> pota kabagal neto ahhaha
[16:33:23] <WarmBees> asan ka
[16:33:26] <Dasher> ok that was gay now
[16:33:26] <Twi> go go go go
[16:33:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[16:33:34] <Kristel> gas station
[16:33:36] <Twi> .report 6 so many kills
[16:33:44] <Winny> shutuo
[16:33:46] <Twi> aki
[16:33:46] <Winny> p
[16:33:49] <Twi> why does this car
[16:33:49] <akiyamaha> yes
[16:33:51] <Twi> looks like tesla
[16:33:54] <akiyamaha> wtf
[16:33:56] <Kristel> omg winny u noob
[16:33:59] <akiyamaha> its a 300zx
[16:33:59] <Dasher> is there a pp nearby?
[16:34:01] <Winny> what why
[16:34:04] <Dasher> I gotta beat smith
[16:34:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> gei
[16:34:14] <Dasher> if we all rush
[16:34:19] <Dasher> smith can't beat us all
[16:34:27] <WarmBees> sorry
[16:34:29] <Kristel> lmao
[16:34:40] <Kristel> bye
[16:34:45] <Winny> HEY
[16:34:45] <Twi> 50k
[16:34:47] <Dasher> jojo get me id 760
[16:34:47] <Winny> rude
[16:34:52] <akiyamaha> slowass
[16:34:55] <Dasher> ty
[16:35:03] <SmithSProMaxPlus> waiting for the others
[16:35:05] <Kristel> i dont own a house in SF
[16:35:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> rude yall left us
[16:35:05] <Kristel> :(
[16:35:08] <Dasher> ikr
[16:35:10] <Dasher> so many behind
[16:35:15] <akiyamaha> drive faster
[16:35:18] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wtf firza r u driving
[16:35:18] <SmithSProMaxPlus> xD
[16:35:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> im combine
[16:35:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> me dont have sport car
[16:35:36] <Kristel> oh wait I do own one
[16:35:38] <Dasher> ngl
[16:35:38] <Dasher> I wanna rush
[16:35:58] <Kristel> putang ina niyooooo
[16:36:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> gago bobo
[16:36:06] <akiyamaha> ono
[16:36:11] <moisturizer69420> by any accident if i will win the cash i will hos a 10m event
[16:36:11] <Dasher> lmao
[16:36:16] <Twi> look a lit house
[16:36:24] <Twi> Such a beautiful house
[16:36:26] <Kristel> imma win the lotto in 5
[16:36:26] <Dasher> I beat the rhinl
[16:36:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> gz eddie
[16:36:34] <Kristel> :(
[16:36:44] <Twi> look
[16:36:49] <Twi> avispa club
[16:36:54] <Kristel> omfg win keeps stealing my number :(
[16:36:54] <Dasher> wtf
[16:37:02] <Winny> HA
[16:37:02] <WarmBees> sige bounce
[16:37:07] <Kristel> :((((
[16:37:10] <Dasher> a tanker was spawned above my head
[16:37:10] <Winny> HA
[16:37:20] <Dasher> gay house
[16:37:25] <WarmBees> ^
[16:37:27] <Winny> ^
[16:37:38] <Kristel> wow why is the marker so far from the foor
[16:37:38] <Kristel> door*
[16:37:48] <Dasher> inb4 the police comes
[16:37:53] <Dasher> for party during covid
[16:37:55] <WarmBees> monke flip
[16:38:00] <akiyamaha> we need to social distance
[16:38:08] <Winny> kontol why everything exploding
[16:38:16] <Kristel> this was my first ever house here in PL
[16:38:21] <Winny> ok kristel
[16:38:26] <Kristel> im just saying
[16:38:31] <WarmBees> jojo
[16:38:33] <Winny> ok
[16:38:39] <WarmBees> tp me my infernus ty
[16:38:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> what id
[16:38:51] <WarmBees> i duuno lmao
[16:38:59] <Lenz> /mycars
[16:39:01] <Kristel> tp me 934
[16:39:04] <Kristel> jojo <3
[16:39:12] <WarmBees> 631 infernus
[16:39:17] <Kristel> look at this hot pink bullet win
[16:39:27] <WarmBees> makasih
[16:39:29] <Dasher> each one gets a fine of 100k here
[16:39:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> same same
[16:39:32] <Dasher> have fun
[16:39:35] <-- eddiespromaxplus disconnected from the server
[16:39:42] <akiyamaha> fuck the police
[16:39:47] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[16:39:50] <Twi> wb daddy
[16:39:52] <Winny> what bulle
[16:39:55] <Winny> bullet'
[16:40:00] <Winny> ugly
[16:40:00] <Kristel> this one
[16:40:02] <Kristel> noo
[16:40:05] <WarmBees> some one take SS
[16:40:23] <WarmBees> nub
[16:40:28] <akiyamaha> f
[16:40:33] <Dasher> nice
[16:40:41] <Winny> jojo trailer drag race
[16:40:56] <Dasher> can I get a tp to the party :3
[16:40:58] <Winny> jojo trailer drag race
[16:41:01] <Winny> oops
[16:41:06] <Kristel> no
[16:41:09] <Winny> FUCK
[16:41:11] <Winny> .
[16:41:14] --> Rudolph connected to the server
[16:41:19] <akiyamaha> hi stan
[16:41:24] <Dasher> ty
[16:41:26] <Twi> bye stan
[16:41:26] <Dasher> webe
[16:41:26] <Winny> hey i'll use my foot for drag race
[16:41:26] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[16:41:31] <WarmBees> bunny flip :d
[16:41:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> really petrol suck
[16:41:47] <Winny> hey thats pretty fast
[16:41:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> fak
[16:42:02] <Dasher> pm 5 smh
[16:42:10] <Winny> pm 5 smh
[16:42:12] <Kristel> pm 5 smh
[16:42:25] <Winny> OI
[16:42:35] <akiyamaha> OI
[16:42:35] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[16:42:35] <Winny> HA
[16:42:48] <Twi> HAHHAAHA
[16:42:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> HA
[16:42:50] <-- Rudolph disconnected from the server
[16:42:50] <Kristel> yes
[16:42:55] <WarmBees> :3
[16:43:26] <Kristel> im broke
[16:43:26] <Kristel> :x
[16:43:28] <Winny> yes
[16:43:31] <akiyamaha> ono
[16:43:33] <Lenz> F
[16:43:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> lets make tiktok
[16:43:44] <akiyamaha> r00d
[16:43:46] <Winny> :o
[16:43:51] <Twi> yes
[16:44:01] <Twi> chinese tiktok best
[16:44:14] <Kristel> wtf
[16:44:17] <WarmBees> Ching
[16:44:24] <SmithSProMaxPlus> german tik tok hoes be like
[16:44:24] <TwilightMontana> Chong.
[16:44:27] <WarmBees> ching ling balabing bong
[16:44:29] <Kristel> hacker
[16:44:32] <Winny> HA
[16:44:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> horny with cosplayer
[16:44:42] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i love german tik tok
[16:44:55] --> Rudolph connected to the server
[16:45:00] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[16:45:36] <Kristel> die
[16:45:36] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[16:45:41] <Lenz> lol
[16:45:43] <SmithSProMaxPlus> oh wow
[16:45:51] <akiyamaha> my bike :<
[16:45:56] <Kristel> nononononon
[16:46:03] <Winny> HAHAHAHAAHAHAH
[16:46:11] <Kristel> pls
[16:46:19] <SmithSProMaxPlus> 7forcelotto 12
[16:46:29] <Winny> wtf
[16:46:31] <akiyamaha> wtf
[16:46:34] <akiyamaha> lenz hax
[16:46:34] <Kristel> hueheueh
[16:46:37] <Lenz> :3
[16:46:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah lenz fps 6-
[16:46:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah lenz fps 60
[16:46:52] <WarmBees> ala ho akbar
[16:46:59] <Twi> noot noot motherfuckers
[16:47:04] <WarmBees> mf twi
[16:47:12] <Lenz> how come I can move it lol
[16:47:12] <Dasher> is there still a party?
[16:47:15] <Kristel> whats the best frame limiter
[16:47:22] <Ouro> 60
[16:47:27] <akiyamaha> 1 for epic pptx experience
[16:47:32] <Twi> winny
[16:47:32] <Twi> fuck u
[16:47:40] <Kristel> give me a gun pls
[16:47:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> want tele?
[16:47:43] <Twi> ooooooooo
[16:47:53] <Kristel> i want gun
[16:47:58] <WarmBees> dang Lenz
[16:48:03] <Dasher> wait for me
[16:48:16] <Twi> joyadi > /afk checking
[16:48:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> test
[16:48:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> @JoyadiJoestar. test failed!
[16:48:18] <akiyamaha> shooting ak at fighter jet
[16:48:23] <akiyamaha> alqaeda tactics
[16:48:23] <WarmBees> my radar is missing
[16:48:46] <Dasher> why yall rude fucks not waiting for me smh
[16:48:51] <Twi> we're going
[16:48:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> twi is driver
[16:48:56] <Twi> to raid lufthansa base
[16:48:56] <SmithSProMaxPlus> that was fcking kamikaze
[16:48:59] <Winny> no twi
[16:49:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> err... bad twi i mean
[16:49:01] <Lenz> 19 online, 18 participating
[16:49:04] <Twi> :(
[16:49:07] <Kristel> lufthansa #1 bitches
[16:49:12] <Rudolph> yass
[16:49:12] <Dasher> who isn't participating lmao
[16:49:12] <Winny> yes
[16:49:17] <Winny> hey when's stan here
[16:49:17] <eddiespromaxplus> yes
[16:49:19] <Ouro> what's aotd?
[16:49:27] <eddiespromaxplus> lufhansa are the #1 bitches
[16:49:32] <Lenz> aircraft of the day
[16:49:34] <akiyamaha> time to win
[16:49:37] <eddiespromaxplus> bitch ass bitchs
[16:49:40] <Ouro> no which airline is aotd?
[16:49:40] <Twi> WTAC ME WIN
[16:49:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> we are going to groundpound CEO of sex
[16:49:40] <Lenz> lol
[16:49:42] <akiyamaha> r00d
[16:49:47] <Kristel> omg win
[16:49:50] <moisturizer69420> imma gonna sleep
[16:49:50] <Winny> shhhh
[16:49:52] <Twi> clamp
[16:49:52] <Kristel> you were 3 short
[16:50:00] <moisturizer69420> have fun winning the cash
[16:50:05] <Twi> ty
[16:50:05] <Dasher> bye gn
[16:50:08] <Twi> moisture
[16:50:08] <WarmBees> Zombie Apologize
[16:50:15] <-- moisturizer69420 disconnected from the server
[16:50:18] <Dasher> say gn
[16:50:18] <Kristel> this base is sexy
[16:50:20] <Dasher> he dontated like 5m mfs
[16:50:20] <Twi> gay
[16:50:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> good
[16:50:23] <Kristel> no
[16:50:25] <Twi> /o
[16:50:28] <Kristel> ha
[16:50:30] <Twi> bitch
[16:50:33] <Twi> bitch
[16:50:41] <Kristel> HA
[16:50:41] <Twi> first blast
[16:50:41] <Rudolph> drop me at rustler
[16:50:43] <Lenz> smh
[16:50:43] <Dasher> joyadi tp me to the road trip pls
[16:50:43] <Twi> raid luftahnsa
[16:50:46] <Kristel> nice try
[16:50:48] <Twi> dang
[16:50:51] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Seems fun :v
[16:50:51] <Twi> my powers
[16:50:53] <Twi> again
[16:51:01] <Kristel> woops
[16:51:03] <Kristel> lag
[16:51:21] <Ouro> what's the prize
[16:51:24] <Winny> HA
[16:51:24] <Lenz> give guns
[16:51:26] <akiyamaha> me
[16:51:37] <Dasher> gimme gun
[16:51:39] <Kristel> heal
[16:51:42] <Twi> aaaaaaaaaaaaa
[16:51:42] <Kristel> pls
[16:51:42] <Twi> no
[16:51:59] <Kristel> dasher hac
[16:51:59] <Rudolph> blasphemy
[16:52:02] <Kristel> ks
[16:52:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> we raid ceo of sex smh, not luftmember
[16:52:12] <Dasher> who is the CEO lmao
[16:52:12] <Kristel> try to kill me now noobs
[16:52:15] <TheGamer> idc
[16:52:22] <Twi> oh no
[16:52:27] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[16:52:27] <Twi> omg
[16:52:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> LMAO
[16:52:27] <Rudolph> HAHAAHA
[16:52:27] <Twi> hahahah
[16:52:30] <akiyamaha> f
[16:52:30] <Twi> lol
[16:52:32] <TwilightMontana> Lmao.
[16:52:32] (WEB) <Winny#0266> ...
[16:52:43] <Rudolph> kill twi
[16:52:45] <Kristel> hacker
[16:52:45] <Kristel> ews
[16:53:00] --> Shinsuki connected to the server
[16:53:00] <TwilightMontana> Oh.
[16:53:03] <Kristel> pls
[16:53:16] <Dasher> gimme gun pls
[16:53:21] <Rudolph> fucking cumslut
[16:53:21] <Twi> lololol
[16:53:23] <Kristel> set the spawn point higher pls
[16:53:28] <Kristel> map wont load in time :x
[16:53:31] <Rudolph> I don't have a mouse
[16:53:33] <Rudolph> oh
[16:53:46] <Rudolph> how to do that :]
[16:53:49] <Kristel> omg my KDA is so bad
[16:53:54] <JoyadiJoestar.> oh wait
[16:53:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> need readjust spawin
[16:54:04] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[16:54:07] <Dasher> gimme gunb
[16:54:07] <Rudolph> try now kristel
[16:54:19] <Twi> gz
[16:54:22] <Dasher> I was gonna kill smith smh
[16:54:24] <Dasher> for killing while no gun
[16:54:29] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im such a pro
[16:54:34] <Twi> oh no
[16:54:40] <JoyadiJoestar.> !roll
[16:54:42] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar. rolls 32
[16:54:42] <Rudolph> Lufthansa assemble..
[16:54:45] <Rudolph> kill thegamer
[16:54:45] <SmithSProMaxPlus> !roll
[16:54:47] (WEB) <robin_be> SmithSProMaxPlus rolls 57
[16:54:50] <Twi> oh nooo
[16:54:57] <Kristel> wat
[16:55:03] --> Winny connected to the server
[16:55:05] <Rudolph> wb banboi
[16:55:05] <Twi> wb hacker
[16:55:10] <Winny> wow :(
[16:55:10] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hey gamer make ur godmode off
[16:55:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> hacker
[16:55:15] <Twi> wtf
[16:55:18] <Lenz> lol
[16:55:38] <Kristel> pls
[16:55:38] <Dasher> if I can only spawn
[16:55:43] <Dasher> without taking damage
[16:55:46] <Lenz> guns
[16:56:11] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[16:56:21] <Dasher> #banbarons
[16:56:24] <Twi> laalallala
[16:56:24] <Dasher> nuke twi pls
[16:56:29] <Twi> noooooooooo
[16:56:32] <Rudolph> hadeh
[16:56:37] <Dasher> GUNS
[16:56:42] <WarmBees> w0i
[16:56:44] <WarmBees> w0i
[16:56:47] <Dasher> lazy admins
[16:57:00] <SmithSProMaxPlus> got no guin
[16:57:05] <Dasher> bruh
[16:57:10] <Dasher> I lost 90hp
[16:57:15] <Dasher> from that explosion
[16:57:15] <Kristel> pro tip
[16:57:17] <Kristel> cant kill me
[16:57:22] <Kristel> HA
[16:57:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> smh dont eksprosuion
[16:57:33] <Kristel> HA
[16:57:35] <Kristel> nonononono
[16:57:38] <TheGamer> dead
[16:57:43] <Kristel> :(
[16:57:50] <Dasher> bruh
[16:57:53] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[16:57:55] <Dasher> let us enjoy without explosions :(
[16:58:03] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[16:58:08] <Twi> rip :(
[16:58:16] <Twi> hhaha
[16:58:16] <Rudolph> who tf
[16:58:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> gta froze
[16:58:26] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[16:58:31] <Rudolph> OK so wwe know the answer then
[16:58:39] <akiyamaha> pls dont go upside down
[16:58:39] <Rudolph> not dasher with his aimbot lol
[16:59:02] <akiyamaha> weee
[16:59:07] <Dasher> guns
[16:59:12] <Dasher> damn 19 playerst
[16:59:19] <Twi> only cause of lotto
[16:59:27] <Dasher> shooting players without guns = gay
[16:59:32] <Twi> hhahaa
[16:59:35] <akiyamaha> r00d
[16:59:35] <Rudolph> you did the same thing
[16:59:35] <WarmBees> im gay
[16:59:42] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wtf
[16:59:42] <Dasher> HAHA
[16:59:47] <Dasher> I kinda killed warmbees too
[16:59:57] <Dasher> no stant
[17:00:03] <Dasher> with rockets
[17:00:15] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ask other admon for gun if they at event
[17:00:15] <Rudolph> what are you gonna do? stop my rocket with your bullet?
[17:00:51] <Rudolph> gay boyo
[17:00:58] <Ouro> some one make lotto 10m :)
[17:01:01] <Rudolph> wb
[17:01:11] <Kristel> too broke to do that
[17:01:14] <WarmBees> are you gay?
[17:02:22] <akiyamaha> f
[17:02:38] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hahahaha
[17:02:55] <Kristel> YES
[17:03:01] <Dasher> OMG
[17:03:01] <SmithSProMaxPlus> gz
[17:03:01] <akiyamaha> hadeh
[17:03:01] <Rudolph> YASS
[17:03:03] <Lenz> gz
[17:03:03] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[17:03:03] <Ouro> gz
[17:03:06] <Dasher> fucking finally
[17:03:06] <Kristel> wat
[17:03:08] <Dasher> ty
[17:03:11] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[17:03:11] <WarmBees> Dasher gimme some!
[17:03:11] <Kristel> gz
[17:03:13] <Lenz> F
[17:03:18] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> ok rude
[17:03:26] <AlgisEco> lol
[17:03:28] <akiyamaha> yes
[17:03:31] <WarmBees> same question
[17:03:31] <Lenz> yes
[17:03:34] <akiyamaha> #dasherhate2021
[17:03:44] --> Dasher connected to the server
[17:03:49] <Rudolph> hello all let's hate crime ID
[17:03:51] <eddiespromaxplus> wb noob#
[17:03:56] <Dasher> ty
[17:04:12] <SmithSProMaxPlus> guys check the fucking scorelist
[17:04:17] <SmithSProMaxPlus> doesnt it look awesome so many to see
[17:04:22] <Ouro> no
[17:04:24] <Rudolph> no
[17:04:24] <akiyamaha> time to increase server capacity to 150
[17:04:27] <akiyamaha> we wont fit
[17:04:45] <WarmBees> gimme a break
[17:04:47] <WarmBees> fuck you
[17:04:57] <SmithSProMaxPlus> got you warmbees
[17:04:57] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[17:04:57] <Ouro> toxic
[17:05:03] <WarmBees> lmao
[17:05:05] <Dasher> oof
[17:05:05] <Dasher> wb
[17:05:13] <Dasher> !bankcash
[17:05:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Dasher's bank money is $16,090,000
[17:05:15] <WarmBees> im going to work Smith
[17:05:18] <SmithSProMaxPlus> alright warm
[17:05:20] <Dasher> rich overnight lmao
[17:05:25] <SmithSProMaxPlus> !bankcash
[17:05:25] <Ouro> !cash
[17:05:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}SmithSProMaxPlus's bank money is $28,140,000
[17:05:28] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $788,414 in hand
[17:05:28] <-- Shinsuki disconnected from the server
[17:05:41] <WarmBees> !bankcash
[17:05:41] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}WarmBees's bank money is $107,776,067
[17:05:41] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[17:05:48] <Dasher> I'm getting bullied
[17:05:48] <Rudolph> !BANKCASH
[17:05:51] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Rudolph's bank money is $2,161,519
[17:05:51] <TwilightMontana> Rich.
[17:05:59] <akiyamaha> !bankcash
[17:05:59] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}akiyamaha's bank money is $89,000,000
[17:06:09] <eddiespromaxplus> !wankcash
[17:06:09] <Dasher> like legit
[17:06:19] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[17:06:21] <TheGamer> got 'm
[17:06:21] <eddiespromaxplus> LOLOLOL
[17:06:24] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> smh
[17:06:27] <akiyamaha> f
[17:06:34] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> I was supposed to do esc on that message
[17:06:39] <TheGamer> i know that
[17:06:42] <eddiespromaxplus> /showrules kick
[17:06:44] <eddiespromaxplus> so classic
[17:06:49] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[17:06:55] --> Dasher connected to the server
[17:07:17] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[17:07:28] <Dasher> hi jojo
[17:07:43] <WarmBees> Sono Chino Sa Dame, JoJooooooooooooooooooooooo
[17:07:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> roll the weed
[17:08:08] <Dasher> oops
[17:08:08] <Ouro> oshiete yo
[17:08:13] <Dasher> sorry jojo :(
[17:08:16] <Rudolph> i dont shoot
[17:08:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> rud
[17:08:26] <Rudolph> search n rescue
[17:08:41] <WarmBees> search n destroy
[17:08:49] <Ouro> suck n fuck
[17:08:51] <Rudolph> oops
[17:08:51] <WarmBees> ^
[17:08:59] <akiyamaha> cum n dash
[17:08:59] <Rudolph> guess you had it coming
[17:09:12] <JoyadiJoestar.> computer based test
[17:09:25] <Rudolph> hello it's staden the stallion im here to beat stetz record
[17:09:27] <Rudolph> going to DM everyone i see
[17:09:32] <Rudolph> report me ;)
[17:09:35] <Dasher> aztrek*
[17:09:37] <akiyamaha> yes
[17:09:42] <Dasher> he killed like half of the server while working
[17:09:45] <Dasher> like thrice
[17:09:58] <Dasher> .report rudo dm
[17:09:58] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[17:09:58] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[17:10:26] <Rudolph> Lmfao
[17:10:28] <Dasher> lemme work in peace you fuck
[17:10:31] <Rudolph> did you just jump for no reason
[17:10:33] <Dasher> yes
[17:10:36] <Ouro> wrong cargo
[17:10:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> sssh
[17:10:51] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[17:10:56] <Rudolph> :pensive:
[17:10:56] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wb
[17:10:56] <Rudolph> wb
[17:10:56] <Dasher> I beat stan
[17:11:01] <TwilightMontana> Thanks!
[17:11:06] <Dasher> smh the heli had 0 health
[17:11:11] <Dasher> fak you stan
[17:11:16] <Rudolph> see I did win after all
[17:11:22] <Rudolph> without causing your death..
[17:11:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> cock and ball
[17:11:27] <Dasher> you did cause it
[17:11:27] <Rudolph> is it still DM then? :D
[17:11:37] <Dasher> smh
[17:11:44] <Dasher> I got a long ass mission now thanks to you
[17:11:44] <Rudolph> cock and ball torture
[17:11:47] <Rudolph> welcome to the cumzone
[17:11:52] <Dasher> now talk to the hand stan
[17:11:52] <Rudolph> wow ok mission farmer
[17:11:52] <SmithSProMaxPlus> what a boring house firza
[17:11:55] <SmithSProMaxPlus> at northpole
[17:11:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> from wikipedia
[17:11:57] <Rudolph> stop saying tha.t.
[17:12:00] <Rudolph> my ex used to say that..
[17:12:02] <Dasher> now talk to the hand stan
[17:12:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> the free encyclopedia
[17:12:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> my last house before perma smith
[17:12:17] <Dasher> stan had an ex?
[17:12:20] <WarmBees> !houses Joyadijoestar.
[17:12:20] <Dasher> twi?
[17:12:23] <JoyadiJoestar.> cj and northpole
[17:12:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $10,000,000 10 slots The Farm: $15,000,000 15 slots Grove Street: $8,800,000 6 slots North Pole:(..)
[17:12:23] <Dasher> radoo?
[17:12:30] <JoyadiJoestar.> 1 left is custom house that 120m 40 slot
[17:12:33] <WarmBees> CJs house
[17:12:40] <Rudolph> no the crazy ex
[17:12:48] <SmithSProMaxPlus> aight guys
[17:12:51] <Rudolph> cya
[17:12:51] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im offline
[17:12:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> see
[17:12:56] <WarmBees> byr
[17:13:01] <SmithSProMaxPlus> cya later
[17:13:06] <TwilightMontana> Cya.
[17:13:06] <SmithSProMaxPlus> reachable on discord :p
[17:13:06] <-- SmithSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[17:13:08] <Dasher> cya
[17:13:59] <Dasher> let me do 120 rescue missions in peace
[17:14:09] <eddiespromaxplus> moar
[17:14:22] <Dasher> fine 620 more
[17:14:32] <eddiespromaxplus> lol, yolu way behind boi
[17:14:35] <Rudolph> 660*
[17:14:37] <Dasher> ye ik :(
[17:14:40] <Dasher> trying to do 400 today
[17:14:48] <Dasher> have done like 100 so far
[17:14:53] <Dasher> you can eat a cock stan smh
[17:14:55] <Rudolph> yours ;)
[17:15:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> !bankcash
[17:15:36] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}JoyadiJoestar.'s bank money is $1,500,000
[17:15:38] <Dasher> great
[17:15:38] <eddiespromaxplus> rich
[17:15:41] <Dasher> my heli exploded
[17:15:43] <TwilightMontana> Rich.
[17:15:43] <eddiespromaxplus> /addlotto
[17:15:46] <Rudolph> Lol
[17:15:46] <Ouro> should i flex
[17:15:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> addlotto dasher
[17:15:51] <Rudolph> idiot cant even land right
[17:16:04] <Twi> who won lotto
[17:16:06] <Ouro> my extreme wealth
[17:16:09] <eddiespromaxplus> a noob
[17:16:11] <Rudolph> idiotsher
[17:16:14] <Twi> god
[17:16:17] <Twi> who
[17:16:22] <Ouro> dasher
[17:16:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> manager of sex
[17:16:27] <Rudolph> Dashing cute boy
[17:16:27] <eddiespromaxplus> !lulded
[17:16:29] <Rudolph> girl*
[17:16:34] <Twi> wow
[17:16:34] <Dasher> it's !dasher
[17:16:37] <Rudolph> !dasher
[17:16:37] (WEB) <TheGamer> @lulded's a retard
[17:16:39] <Twi> dasher did u win
[17:16:42] <Dasher> yes
[17:16:45] <Rudolph> no he didnt
[17:16:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> no he didnt
[17:16:50] <Dasher> I won 2 kicks
[17:16:50] <Rudolph> yes he did bc no he didn't <3
[17:16:55] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[17:17:00] <Dasher> and noob of the year award
[17:17:02] <Rudolph> if i eated soap no i dont ate it bc i did <3
[17:17:18] <Twi> dasher
[17:17:20] <Twi> won with 23
[17:17:25] <Twi> noobs
[17:17:28] <Dasher> no
[17:17:30] <Dasher> I didn't
[17:17:33] <Dasher> Eddie won
[17:17:35] <Twi> yes u did
[17:17:38] <Dasher> lies
[17:17:48] <Rudolph> it matters not what you do but what you do with what you done for others
[17:18:06] <Dasher> pls stan lemme work
[17:18:11] <-- Rudolph disconnected from the server
[17:18:16] <Dasher> noob died smh
[17:18:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> rude u make him left
[17:18:29] <Twi> dasher
[17:18:31] <Twi> giving my share when
[17:18:34] <Dasher> yeah I could have gotten him banned for dm smh
[17:18:44] <Dasher> if I reported him
[17:18:47] <eddiespromaxplus> brb banning stan for dm
[17:18:54] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> well i didn�t dm boo
[17:18:54] <Dasher> I should really start reporting people for dm
[17:18:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> direct message
[17:19:02] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> reckless flying at best...
[17:19:09] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> yes ????
[17:19:17] <Dasher> and reckless shooting rockets
[17:19:17] <eddiespromaxplus> reckless flying = 3 day ban
[17:19:25] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> yasss
[17:19:32] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> i�m finally going to meet fabian
[17:19:40] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> miss him :sobs:
[17:19:40] <Twi> ooo
[17:19:53] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> heartless admean banned him permanently :(((
[17:20:05] <eddiespromaxplus> booohooo
[17:20:08] <Twi> :thonk:
[17:20:11] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> and rubens get 9 months smh...
[17:20:13] <Dasher> well he did ban evade
[17:20:16] <Dasher> ruben didn't ho
[17:20:21] <Dasher> I think
[17:20:31] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> rubens banned evaded with 12 different accounts over the past 5 years
[17:20:31] <Ouro> what did they do
[17:20:38] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> and he scammed people everytime
[17:20:46] <eddiespromaxplus> dont do the crime if you cant do the time
[17:20:51] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> i�m talking about .drown, ouro
[17:21:12] <Ouro> no idea who that is
[17:21:22] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> can you believe he gets to come back but not my boo fabian sobs
[17:21:39] <TheGamer> he's coming back?
[17:21:45] <Twi> he's coming back?
[17:21:45] <Dasher> doubt he will
[17:21:52] <TheGamer> hope he won't
[17:21:57] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Who�s ruben?
[17:21:57] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> nah bro he�s already here for sure
[17:22:00] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[17:22:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> fabianel? doubt :/
[17:22:05] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> the guy is mental
[17:22:05] <Dasher> some dude
[17:22:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> ruben? he will
[17:22:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> ruben is deadpunk
[17:22:23] <Ouro> maybe lowest score online is him
[17:22:30] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> after he got banned as .drown he came back and made 2000 score and i was talking about .drown without realising it was him
[17:22:33] <Dasher> twilight?
[17:22:33] <Dasher> nah
[17:22:51] <Twi> could be id 4
[17:23:01] <Dasher> did he just admit
[17:23:03] <Dasher> ben
[17:23:06] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> it pissed him off and he went on about how the admins are clowns and he�ll keep evading ... he revealed who he was just to yell
[17:23:14] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> and then lost 2000 score >.<
[17:23:24] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> ofc he came back again like he has before
[17:23:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> lucky i dont use mod warm
[17:23:31] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> everytime he scams and get perma�d
[17:23:42] <Twi> country roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
[17:23:44] <Twi> s
[17:23:47] <Dasher> floading
[17:23:47] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> takeeee me home
[17:23:52] <Ouro> was he the one who sold twi the airline shares
[17:24:02] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> nah that was dasher
[17:24:07] <Twi> west virginiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[17:24:12] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> you should see his mic drop it�s on blurs youtube
[17:24:30] <Twi> hey thats a song
[17:25:00] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> #justice4fabian
[17:25:11] <Twi> #banstan
[17:25:13] <Dasher> #justice4stetz
[17:25:16] <TwilightMontana> Don't make me spam that shit.
[17:25:23] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> #justice4stetz
[17:25:54] <TwilightMontana> #JusticeForStetz
[17:26:19] <Dasher> !score
[17:26:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player Dasher: 10386 score, 9892 missions: 37'/. military - 19'/. cargo drop - 10'/. trucking
[17:26:29] <Dasher> my military has gone down by 2 percent
[17:26:55] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !score syracuse
[17:26:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player syracuse: 33000 score, 31800 missions: 9'/. shamal - 9'/. rescue - 9'/. cargo
[17:27:18] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> he�s back though right
[17:27:23] <Dasher> who
[17:27:23] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> stetz
[17:27:28] <Dasher> he came back
[17:27:33] <Dasher> untill santi scared him
[17:27:41] <Dasher> with horses
[17:28:21] <Ouro> the hoses turn him on though
[17:28:21] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> stetz thee stallion
[17:28:42] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> what exactly did he say to get banned though? must�ve been some funny shit dm plz
[17:28:54] <Ouro> some perverted stuff involving horses
[17:28:54] <Dasher> sec
[17:28:54] <TwilightMontana> Horse porn.
[17:29:15] <Ouro> 23 again
[17:29:20] <Dasher> lmao nice
[17:31:45] <AlgisEco> FUCK
[17:31:52] <Ouro> what
[17:32:03] <AlgisEco> 1000 odo k m
[17:32:13] <Ouro> nice
[17:33:27] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[17:33:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> kirain ngocok
[17:33:44] <Twi> wb teacher
[17:34:02] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[17:34:02] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:34:07] <Twi> hi smet
[17:34:07] <Twi> kow
[17:34:10] <Twi> ski
[17:34:15] <WarmBees> how's UK?
[17:34:15] <Dasher> wb both
[17:34:17] <Smetkowski> ty
[17:34:30] <Ouro> brexit
[17:34:53] <Smetkowski> UK is doing better than ever
[17:35:13] <eddiespromaxplus> idk about that
[17:36:19] <Ouro> stonks
[17:41:04] <Dasher> ninja trees smh
[17:41:14] <WarmBees> ninjutsu trees
[17:42:28] <AlgisEco> bye guys
[17:42:31] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> bye
[17:42:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> seeya
[17:42:33] <WarmBees> cy6a
[17:42:38] <-- AlgisEco disconnected from the server
[17:42:38] <Dasher> bye
[17:42:41] <TwilightMontana> See ya.
[17:42:41] <Dasher> nooo
[17:42:48] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[17:44:15] <eddiespromaxplus> w
[17:47:46] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[17:51:30] <Ouro> why is there a random helipad from ls tower not attached to anything floating in the air
[17:51:42] <Dasher> that huge tower?
[17:51:45] <Ouro> almost crashed into it lol
[17:51:55] <Ouro> no it's just the helipad in a custom island
[17:52:10] <Dasher> oh
[17:59:15] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[17:59:18] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:59:18] <Dasher> webe
[17:59:23] <Twi> webe
[17:59:25] <Ouro> warmpees
[17:59:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[17:59:40] <WarmBees> thnaks
[17:59:43] <JoyadiJoestar.> !rank
[17:59:46] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.(13667) rank: PL Commander(13000) next: PL Senior Captain(16000) (+2333)
[17:59:48] <Dasher> !rank
[17:59:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher(10398) rank: PL First Officer(10000) next: PL Captain(11000) (+602)
[17:59:51] <TwilightMontana> !rank
[17:59:51] <WarmBees> !rank
[17:59:54] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana(1120) rank: Senior Flight Officer(800) next: Sergeant Fighter(1200) (+80)
[17:59:56] <WarmBees> !rank
[17:59:59] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees(8514) rank: Commercial Captain(8000) next: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) (+486)
[18:00:14] <Ouro> !rank
[18:00:17] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro(15411) rank: PL Commander(13000) next: PL Senior Captain(16000) (+589)
[18:02:01] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> nice
[18:02:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> hadeh
[18:02:26] <TwilightMontana> Kebahagiann.
[18:02:31] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> nice twi
[18:02:37] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> light
[18:02:39] <WarmBees> what was the last /demand?
[18:02:44] <Ouro> skimmer
[18:02:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> skimmer
[18:02:54] <WarmBees> what was the last /demand?
[18:02:54] <WarmBees> oof
[18:02:57] <WarmBees> wrong
[18:02:59] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> skimmer
[18:03:02] <Ouro> skimmer
[18:03:10] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Skimmer
[18:03:12] <Dasher> skimmer
[18:03:20] <TwilightMontana> Skimmer.
[18:03:20] <WarmBees> skinner
[18:03:43] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Sierra kilo india mike mike exho romeo
[18:04:13] <Dasher> hi daniel
[18:04:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi
[18:04:21] <WarmBees> !8ball should i sleep now?
[18:04:23] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees: Most likely
[18:04:29] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> still 1am
[18:04:31] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> dont worry
[18:04:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> now its sunday
[18:04:57] <WarmBees> i;m afraid that i can't reach 60 age xd
[18:05:14] <Ouro> that's the dream
[18:05:14] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> !rank
[18:05:14] <WarmBees> no classes tomorrow :D
[18:05:17] (WEB) <robin_be> DanielsonSProMaxPlus(17225) rank: PL Senior Captain(16000) next: Aviation Legend(18000) (+775)
[18:05:58] <WarmBees> !8ball you simp on Vtubers?
[18:06:00] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees: Very doubtful
[18:06:05] <WarmBees> X
[18:06:31] <Lenz> !cboard
[18:06:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19701) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4135) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-415)
[18:07:42] <Ouro> gap between second and first keep growing smh
[18:09:34] <Dasher> !missions rescue
[18:09:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 400 rescue
[18:09:37] <Dasher> 100 more to go smfh
[18:09:49] <Ouro> pog
[18:10:20] <WarmBees> !score shressth
[18:10:22] (WEB) <robin_be> player shressth: 13374 score, 12355 missions: 38'/. cargo drop - 20'/. military - 15'/. trucking
[18:16:26] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions robin_be rescue
[18:16:29] (WEB) <robin_be> robin_be: 2083 rescue
[18:16:41] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: not bad
[18:17:04] <TwilightMontana> !cash robin_be
[18:17:07] (WEB) <robin_be> robin_be has $10,834 in hand
[18:17:07] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Rescue payment was OP back then right?
[18:17:12] <Dasher> yes
[18:17:17] <TwilightMontana> How much?
[18:17:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> not that op
[18:17:22] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> No wonder why Tadennwent brrrrrrr with 10k rescues
[18:17:25] <Dasher> 8.5k per mission
[18:17:30] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Taden*
[18:17:30] <Dasher> taden is bugged
[18:17:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> sure taden is bugged
[18:17:40] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions taden rescue
[18:17:43] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player taden
[18:17:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions captaindeath helicopter rescue
[18:17:53] (WEB) <robin_be> captaindeath: 10176 helicopter 10000 rescue
[18:17:53] <TheGamer> how is taden bugged this time?
[18:17:55] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[18:17:58] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: 8k-16k per mission
[18:18:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> who tf nolife for rescue lmao
[18:18:21] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I was
[18:18:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> smh
[18:18:31] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> So was robin xD
[18:18:39] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions tergasis rescue
[18:18:39] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: oh yes bby
[18:18:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions tergasis rescue
[18:18:49] (WEB) <robin_be> tergasis: 675 rescue
[18:18:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions rescue
[18:18:54] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 1090 rescue
[18:18:54] <TwilightMontana> Does Robin map?
[18:19:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> i should have 1,7k rescue...
[18:19:09] --> Ouro connected to the server
[18:19:12] <Dasher> wb
[18:19:12] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:19:25] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: I made a map once, but none in PL
[18:19:27] <Dasher> oh yeah
[18:19:53] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: and there's plmap, but that's an online map of PL and not an ingame map xd
[18:20:00] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[18:20:03] <Dasher> and outdated
[18:20:21] --> Ouro connected to the server
[18:20:23] <Dasher> webe
[18:20:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> also need the adjustment for next update
[18:20:31] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: haha yeah most likely
[18:20:46] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[18:20:46] <eddiespromaxplus> dasher
[18:20:51] <TwilightMontana> And some places are missing aswell.
[18:20:51] <eddiespromaxplus> Pl radar mod wen
[18:21:01] <Dasher> uh that
[18:21:04] <Dasher> never
[18:21:06] --> Ouro connected to the server
[18:21:09] <eddiespromaxplus> :(
[18:21:11] <Dasher> smh tg
[18:21:14] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:21:17] <Dasher> wb
[18:21:17] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: talking about pl radar map
[18:21:32] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: I did drive all the roads and mapped them
[18:21:34] <Dasher> maybe one day eddie
[18:21:37] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: just never finished making it into a mod
[18:21:47] <TwilightMontana> F.
[18:21:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> must be lenz choose 1
[18:21:55] <Lenz> yes
[18:21:57] <TheGamer> gimme the stuff, and i'll drive them all over again
[18:22:02] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: but you can see them (the roads) on plmap as well
[18:22:20] <TwilightMontana> Does Robin love Twi?
[18:22:33] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: oh, so that's your new name
[18:22:43] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Which twi
[18:22:46] <eddiespromaxplus> no, hes a different noob
[18:22:51] <TwilightMontana> ^
[18:22:53] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: I hate namechanges
[18:23:08] <Dasher> I hate I can't get into the SProMaxPlus club :(
[18:23:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> aw
[18:23:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[18:23:26] <TwilightMontana> DashSproMaxPlus.
[18:23:26] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Ewwwww D:
[18:23:29] <Twi> robin ily
[18:23:29] <eddiespromaxplus> we await your joinging next month
[18:23:36] <Twi> joinging
[18:23:44] <Dasher> then I'll be the only spromaxplus
[18:23:52] <Dasher> untill the next month after yall change
[18:23:57] <eddiespromaxplus> no
[18:23:59] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> no
[18:24:02] <eddiespromaxplus> spromaxplus is forever
[18:24:07] <Dasher> Awww
[18:24:12] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> well i doubt that
[18:24:25] <TwilightMontana> Screw "SNoobMaxPlus".
[18:24:32] <Twi> fall of spromaxplus
[18:24:37] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> the rise and fall
[18:24:50] <Dasher> LudredBaron
[18:24:58] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> GalaxyNoteS when
[18:25:00] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> luddy
[18:25:05] <TheGamer> never
[18:25:10] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Good
[18:25:15] <eddiespromaxplus> TGSProMaxPlus
[18:25:18] <TwilightMontana> .requestname TwiGalaxyNoteS
[18:25:21] <Twi> no
[18:25:26] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[18:25:28] <Dasher> GalaxyNoteS.FE.A
[18:25:36] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Make it Galaxy Note 7
[18:25:41] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> so it explodes
[18:25:46] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: thanks Twi
[18:25:46] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> And go ka-boom
[18:25:59] <Twi> <3 always
[18:26:19] <TwilightMontana> Does Robin like McDonnell Douglas?
[18:26:39] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[18:26:42] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> F
[18:26:47] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: no idea
[18:26:55] <Dasher> eddie ima explain one issue to you that I have
[18:26:57] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[18:27:23] <TwilightMontana> #CheapFuelForAll.
[18:27:33] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes
[18:27:40] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Why cheap when you can make it free?
[18:27:43] <Twi> what issue
[18:27:56] <TwilightMontana> Sorry, my bad.
[18:28:01] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Imagine negative fuel price
[18:28:06] <TwilightMontana> #FreeFuelForAll,
[18:28:06] <Twi> i miss those days
[18:28:08] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Gets pay for refueling
[18:28:11] <Twi> when fuel was always $0
[18:28:44] <Dasher> nice 13meter mission
[18:28:44] <TwilightMontana> !cboard
[18:28:44] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19708) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4142) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-415)
[18:28:52] <TwilightMontana> Kontol.
[18:29:12] <TwilightMontana> Right when I decided to truck.
[18:29:22] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Huehue
[18:29:35] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[18:29:43] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> We can�t affort to lose the second place
[18:30:11] <Twi> just wait :)
[18:30:18] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Amirite, JoJo?
[18:30:21] <Twi> why isnt gojek first
[18:30:23] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> he's afk
[18:30:31] <Dasher> lazy ass workers
[18:30:33] <Dasher> that's why twi
[18:30:36] <TheGamer> cause we better
[18:30:36] <TheGamer> duhhh
[18:30:54] <Ouro> !missions trucking thegamer
[18:30:54] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> TransX will make fuck ton of events to never let that happens
[18:30:56] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[18:30:59] <Ouro> fail
[18:31:01] <Twi> truwe
[18:31:01] <Ouro> bot down
[18:31:01] <Twi> true
[18:31:07] <Dasher> untill they broke syr
[18:31:22] <TheGamer> !missions trucking
[18:31:24] (WEB) <robin_be> TheGamer: 1579 trucking
[18:31:35] <Dasher> nice another 20meter mission
[18:31:40] --> loch connected to the server
[18:31:45] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[18:31:45] <TheGamer> ludred, there's 56m in the IA bank
[18:31:45] <Dasher> wb
[18:31:45] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wb
[18:31:50] <TheGamer> we can put some in the transx bank too
[18:31:55] <TheGamer> we're not broke yet
[18:31:55] <loch> ty
[18:31:57] <Dasher> it's gonna run out sometime tg
[18:32:03] <TheGamer> na
[18:32:15] <Ouro> IA got that much but can't afford to give me a raise
[18:32:18] <Twi> transx has slaves like twi <3
[18:32:23] <TheGamer> just shut up with the damn raise
[18:32:31] <Ouro> why are you so angry?
[18:32:31] <loch> !cash
[18:32:33] (WEB) <robin_be> loch has $-2,145 in hand
[18:32:33] <TwilightMontana> Robin does Twi even work?
[18:32:33] <Ouro> who hurt you
[18:32:41] <Twi> i only work for robin <3
[18:32:46] <TheGamer> i hear you want a raise a fuckton of times every single fucking day
[18:32:51] <TheGamer> i get it
[18:32:53] <Ouro> why does it bother you?
[18:32:56] <Twi> the fact that
[18:32:59] <Twi> ouro is gonna /leaveairlien
[18:33:01] <Twi> :(w
[18:33:06] <Ouro> why will i
[18:33:16] <Twi> winny would offer u nudes
[18:33:19] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Hello im afk
[18:33:34] <Twi> hello im a bird
[18:33:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Hello bird im afk
[18:33:49] (WEB) <Pixy#7896> ngentot
[18:33:55] <Twi> hello afk im bird
[18:33:55] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Ditmemay
[18:33:57] <Twi> pixy hunt 4 when
[18:34:02] <Dasher> 3*
[18:34:05] --> robin_be connected to the server
[18:34:07] <Dasher> wb
[18:34:07] (WEB) <Pixy#7896> check your discord danielson, i've sent the gay porn that you asked
[18:34:07] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:34:10] <Twi> 3 is what we're upto
[18:34:10] <WarmBees> wb
[18:34:15] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Hellorobin
[18:34:15] <Twi> wb mi amor robin
[18:34:20] <Twi> oooo daniel watching gay porn
[18:34:22] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> mending lu ke salon yan
[18:34:28] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes twi
[18:34:28] <robin_be> thx
[18:34:33] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Cuz he�s gei
[18:34:35] <Twi> danielson = jablay
[18:34:35] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !player keqing
[18:34:38] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player keqing
[18:34:38] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes
[18:34:40] <Ouro> twi why you say i wil lleave ia
[18:34:43] <TwilightMontana> Robin, do you like McDonnell Douglas?
[18:34:45] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Andri udah ganti nama lu kapan yan
[18:34:48] <Twi> because
[18:34:56] <robin_be> is that a person?
[18:34:56] <Twi> winny will offer u nudes
[18:35:06] (WEB) <Pixy#7896> dont have any money left for the hunt 3 tbh
[18:35:06] <Ouro> i don't want them
[18:35:11] <robin_be> !bankcash
[18:35:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}robin_be's bank money is $106,878,764
[18:35:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes warmbees kiss
[18:35:13] <TheGamer> winny does
[18:35:16] <Twi> "sponser" twi
[18:35:16] (WEB) <Pixy#7896> and no idea
[18:35:18] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Rich
[18:35:18] <TwilightMontana> Nah, An old aircraft manufacturer.
[18:35:21] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yeaaaaaass
[18:35:24] <Dasher> I should invite pixy to the group tg
[18:35:29] <TheGamer> do it then
[18:35:31] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Cari gambar monyet yan
[18:35:34] (WEB) <Pixy#7896> what group eh
[18:35:36] <robin_be> yeah thought so
[18:35:39] <Twi> robin said he'll "sponser" too
[18:35:41] <robin_be> dunno, haven't used their airplanes a lot
[18:35:57] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Kalo gak objek karya manusia purba
[18:36:04] <Twi> makaish
[18:36:04] <TwilightMontana> Alright.
[18:36:17] (WEB) <Pixy#7896> lmao, tell me more about that group
[18:36:22] (WEB) <Pixy#7896> looks like im missin something
[18:36:30] <TwilightMontana> Wanna know one of the things that makes Stetz pissed?
[18:36:35] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> bi
[18:36:37] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> no
[18:36:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> mo
[18:36:45] <Twi> hor
[18:36:47] <WarmBees> binod
[18:36:47] <loch> my man stetz
[18:36:47] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Is this some Illuminati shit or somethkng?
[18:36:47] <TheGamer> issa me
[18:36:50] <loch> where he at
[18:37:03] <TwilightMontana> Saying, Mcdonnell Douglas> Airbus.
[18:37:18] <Ouro> horses
[18:37:28] <TwilightMontana> At a horse farm.
[18:37:28] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Horseposting
[18:37:28] <Twi> aaaaaa
[18:37:38] <Twi> oh no
[18:37:41] <Twi> oh nononononono
[18:37:43] <robin_be> you guys are weird
[18:37:46] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[18:37:49] <Twi> rude
[18:37:51] <loch> thats a fact
[18:37:51] <-- loch disconnected from the server
[18:37:54] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Yes
[18:37:56] <Twi> true dat
[18:37:56] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[18:38:09] --> robin_be connected to the server
[18:38:47] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Whats with the �oh no, oh nononono� thing?
[18:38:57] <Dasher> it's a trend
[18:39:02] --> Twi connected to the server
[18:39:02] <Dasher> my friend sends me those vids nonstop
[18:39:05] <TwilightMontana> What's that?
[18:39:05] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I�m acient
[18:39:15] <Dasher> sum tiktok shit
[18:39:18] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Enlight me please
[18:39:35] <TwilightMontana> It sounds like a cat to me.
[18:39:51] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Gotta check that out
[18:39:51] <Dasher> sends me like 10-20 tiktok vids a day smh
[18:40:21] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Is Tik Tok the worst?
[18:40:24] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: It is decidedly so
[18:40:24] <Dasher> yes
[18:40:29] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[18:41:02] <TwilightMontana> Flashbacks of Tik Tokers spamming Love Story.
[18:41:02] <WarmBees> !8ball can i sleep now?
[18:41:04] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees: It's better not to know
[18:41:10] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> The only Tik Tok I know is Ke$ha�s song
[18:41:10] <WarmBees> okay
[18:41:43] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> And that slot is lit af
[18:41:50] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Song*
[18:42:49] <TwilightMontana> Who's Kesha?
[18:42:56] <Ouro> my ho
[18:43:12] <TwilightMontana> You name your tools?
[18:43:17] <Ouro> yes
[18:43:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> !lastmission
[18:43:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> Devon Island Pizza Stack to k8alfa House. 14 hours 52 minutes(167 Metres) Pay: $2221
[18:43:40] <Dasher> if you wait +24min
[18:43:45] <Dasher> or +50
[18:43:47] <Dasher> idk which was it
[18:43:52] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> ke$ha is a singer
[18:43:55] <Dasher> it will go negative
[18:44:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> ok afk again
[18:44:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> india harry potter moment
[18:44:20] <Dasher> I think it was if you wait 60min
[18:45:24] <TwilightMontana> !player Devi0707
[18:45:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player Devi0707: 1165 score, last seen null
[18:45:34] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !player Devian
[18:45:37] (WEB) <robin_be> player Devian: 949 score, last seen null
[18:45:37] <TwilightMontana> !player
[18:45:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player TwilightMontana: 1130 score, last seen null
[18:46:17] <WarmBees> !8ball can i sleep now?
[18:46:20] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees: It's better not to know
[18:46:30] <TwilightMontana> !8ball Can he sleep now?
[18:46:30] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[18:46:33] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: You may rely on it
[18:47:01] <WarmBees> i'll play until i colapse
[18:47:06] <TwilightMontana> ^
[18:47:36] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Inb4 you died
[18:47:47] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Or goes blind
[18:47:59] <TwilightMontana> DeadBees
[18:48:25] <WarmBees> gz
[18:48:27] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[18:48:27] <Dasher> why gz him
[18:48:30] <Devi0707> lmao
[18:48:30] <Dasher> he sold the house lmfao
[18:48:32] <WarmBees> lmao
[18:48:37] <WarmBees> yeah
[18:48:37] <Devi0707> thanks anyway :Ddd
[18:48:37] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> He�ll go from Warmbees to ColdBees
[18:48:42] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[18:48:45] <WarmBees> ^
[18:51:35] <WarmBees> w
[18:52:31] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:53:07] <Dasher> webe
[18:53:07] <TwilightMontana> Bw.
[18:54:13] <Ouro> !lastmission
[18:54:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> Black Mesa RF Gate 2 to Lima Island Gate D. 6 hours 34 minutes(27361 Metres) Pay: $73478
[18:54:26] <Dasher> noo
[18:54:28] <Devi0707> uhhh
[18:54:31] <Dasher> jesus
[18:54:33] <Devi0707> the game bugged out
[18:54:33] <Dasher> I almost did 18
[18:54:41] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[18:54:46] <Dasher> I was 300 meters away from my cp
[18:54:49] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[18:55:17] --> Devi0707 connected to the server
[18:56:10] <Dasher> I got 4 missions less than 10 meters away
[18:56:20] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[18:56:35] <TwilightMontana> During demand?
[18:56:51] --> robin_be connected to the server
[18:56:56] <Dasher> webe
[18:56:56] <Devi0707> wb
[18:56:58] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:57:06] <robin_be> fanks
[18:58:37] <TwilightMontana> !cboard
[18:58:37] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19709) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4143) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-414)
[18:59:03] <TwilightMontana> Gonna try to beat GO-JEK.
[18:59:08] <Dasher> GL
[18:59:16] <TwilightMontana> Thanks.
[19:01:25] <WarmBees> !8ball i'll sleep now okay?
[19:01:28] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees: Don't count on it
[19:01:30] <WarmBees> fuck it
[19:01:35] <WarmBees> night lads
[19:01:38] <Dasher> gn
[19:01:40] <TwilightMontana> Gn.
[19:01:43] <WarmBees> mornin btw
[19:01:46] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[19:01:48] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Inb4 GoJek make a trucking event to extend the gap
[19:02:03] <Dasher> what if the event fails
[19:02:03] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Oh wait, I already did
[19:02:08] <TwilightMontana> Then, we'd make one.
[19:02:11] <Dasher> and none works
[19:02:14] <TwilightMontana> ^
[19:02:36] <TwilightMontana> Who works on both of us?
[19:02:36] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I�ll increase the prizes :>
[19:02:41] <robin_be> no :)
[19:02:49] <robin_be> wrong chat
[19:03:20] <TwilightMontana> Actually, I think an event will fail for us.
[19:03:27] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[19:03:42] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[19:04:10] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[19:07:24] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[19:08:04] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[19:09:26] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions joyadijoestar. trucking
[19:09:28] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar.: 2814 trucking
[19:10:06] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions dipa trucking
[19:10:09] (WEB) <robin_be> dipa: 116 trucking
[19:10:22] <TwilightMontana> !missions trucking
[19:10:24] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: 60 trucking
[19:10:30] <Winny> oooooo someone won the lotto
[19:10:30] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions danielsonspromaxplus trucking
[19:10:32] (WEB) <robin_be> danielsonspromaxplus: 950 trucking
[19:10:37] <TwilightMontana> Dasher did.
[19:10:42] <eddiespromaxplus> !missions trucking
[19:10:42] <Winny> smh
[19:10:45] (WEB) <robin_be> eddiespromaxplus: 1430 trucking
[19:10:55] <Winny> robin_be rescue whore
[19:10:55] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions warmbeestrucking
[19:10:58] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Syracuse#6879
[19:11:13] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions warmbees trucking
[19:11:16] (WEB) <robin_be> warmbees: 66 trucking
[19:11:23] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Sorry for spamming the bot
[19:11:31] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Just checking out
[19:11:33] <eddiespromaxplus> it can take it
[19:12:01] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions L_Drago trucking
[19:12:04] (WEB) <robin_be> L_Drago: 188 trucking
[19:12:29] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions Le_Nguyen_Hoang trucking
[19:12:32] (WEB) <robin_be> Le_Nguyen_Hoang: 14 trucking
[19:13:00] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Okay, no more spammjng
[19:13:05] <Winny> why not use TG bot
[19:13:48] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: pff calling me a whore for actually working
[19:14:06] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> What tg bot?
[19:14:11] <TwilightMontana> 35.
[19:15:15] <TwilightMontana> Fucking cardboxes.
[19:15:20] <Winny> yes
[19:15:22] <Winny> /w = whore
[19:15:30] <TwilightMontana> Flipped the fuck out of me.
[19:15:38] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[19:15:40] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Nvm, found it
[19:16:26] --> robin_be connected to the server
[19:16:36] <TwilightMontana> Tb.
[19:16:59] <-- robin_be disconnected from the server
[19:17:14] <TwilightMontana> gz.
[19:17:14] <Devi0707> gz
[19:17:58] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[19:19:42] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[19:19:44] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[19:19:47] <TheGamer> ty
[19:22:22] --> Santiago connected to the server
[19:23:59] <Santiago> wow no wb for me
[19:24:16] <TwilightMontana> Tb!
[19:24:21] <eddiespromaxplus> Iim hungry
[19:25:05] <Santiago> get some food
[19:25:12] <eddiespromaxplus> i should
[19:27:22] <-- Devi0707 disconnected from the server
[19:31:26] --> Prompto connected to the server
[19:31:28] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[19:31:36] <Prompto> ty
[19:34:49] --> Winny connected to the server
[19:34:57] <Prompto> wb afklord
[19:35:12] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[19:35:30] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> that was a good dinner
[19:35:38] <eddiespromaxplus> shhhh
[19:35:40] <eddiespromaxplus> im huingry
[19:35:48] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> oh ok sorry
[19:36:08] <Winny> eddie get some pizzas
[19:36:11] <Santiago> i had pussy for dinner
[19:36:18] <eddiespromaxplus> thats what im having
[19:36:26] <eddiespromaxplus> got a pizza dough warming uip n
[19:36:29] <Prompto> santiago, why the fuck are you eating cats for dinner?
[19:36:31] <Twi> shut up
[19:36:36] <Winny> shutup twi
[19:36:39] <Twi> no u
[19:36:44] <eddiespromaxplus> no u
[19:36:46] <TwilightMontana> Gamer30 would love to see that.
[19:36:49] <Winny> prompto should twi shutup?
[19:36:51] <Prompto> yes
[19:36:54] <Prompto> shut up twi
[19:37:12] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Eddie half chinese confirmed
[19:37:40] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Santiago*
[19:37:47] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I fucked up
[19:37:50] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Saved your ass again Twi.
[19:37:55] <Prompto> quite a stretch from eddie to santiago there... wtf
[19:38:31] <Santiago> ewwww
[19:38:38] <Prompto> ew transx
[19:38:38] <eddiespromaxplus> no
[19:38:41] <Winny> no
[19:38:43] <TwilightMontana> No.
[19:38:46] <Twi> gay admin
[19:38:51] <Winny> no
[19:38:51] <Prompto> awful admin
[19:39:01] <Twi> guys
[19:39:04] <Winny> what
[19:39:09] <Twi> I have to say something
[19:39:19] <Twi> TransX is the best thing in Pl
[19:39:29] <TwilightMontana> No.
[19:39:29] <Twi> and santi really hasn't paid me 1m to say that
[19:39:34] <eddiespromaxplus> f/ts
[19:39:39] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Skem
[19:39:39] <Santiago> true
[19:39:47] <Prompto> they kicked me out of transx, screw them
[19:39:52] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[19:39:57] <Santiago> lmao what did you do
[19:40:00] <TwilightMontana> Tb.
[19:40:00] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Kontol
[19:40:02] <eddiespromaxplus> h i g am e r
[19:40:10] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> hi gamer
[19:40:15] <Prompto> I joined and someone kicked me thinking I was "joking"
[19:40:40] <Santiago> that was probably pedro_bear[LEL]
[19:40:46] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> brooklyn did u drink vn coffee again
[19:40:51] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> No
[19:40:51] --> Dasher connected to the server
[19:40:53] <eddiespromaxplus> dont you mean
[19:40:58] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Just ice tea
[19:41:01] <eddiespromaxplus> pedrospromaxplus
[19:41:03] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yeah must be tea
[19:41:11] <Prompto> iced tea... disgusting
[19:41:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wow
[19:41:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> no tea shaming
[19:41:16] <Winny> flying car
[19:41:19] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Wow
[19:41:21] <Dasher> santiago
[19:41:24] <Prompto> iced tea ain't real tea
[19:41:31] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Ice tea is perfect for a hot day
[19:41:34] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> iced + tea + sugar
[19:41:34] <Santiago> you cant say tea sucks in front of asian or british people
[19:41:36] <Prompto> it's sugary lemon (or peach whatever) juice
[19:41:36] <Santiago> smh
[19:41:39] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> We aint British
[19:41:39] <Santiago> luldred
[19:42:07] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Lmao, it�s just tea leaves + hot water + ices
[19:42:09] <Prompto> santiago, you do know the brits started treating tea like a drug because of us, right?
[19:42:50] <Winny> tea is the best thing in the world
[19:42:53] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ^
[19:42:55] <TwilightMontana> ^
[19:42:55] <Dasher> +1
[19:42:58] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Yes
[19:42:58] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> except bubble tea
[19:43:00] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> jk
[19:43:00] <Winny> WHAT
[19:43:00] <Winny> NO
[19:43:03] <Winny> :(
[19:43:05] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> That too
[19:43:08] <Prompto> tea is awesome, but not ice tea, that's disgusting
[19:43:08] <Santiago> all I know is taht when the clock hits 5pm brits stop doing what they are doing
[19:43:13] <Santiago> and start drinking tea
[19:43:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yeaaa im expecting that response
[19:43:16] <Dasher> ice coffe is somewhat good
[19:43:21] <Dasher> coffee
[19:43:23] <Santiago> I don't like tea
[19:43:26] <Winny> i hate hot coffee
[19:43:28] <Prompto> 5pm, where I lived in britain it was 3-4pm
[19:43:28] <Santiago> only tea I liked
[19:43:33] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I drink tea & milk separately, kot mix them up and drinknit
[19:43:36] <Santiago> was some fruit one I tried in china
[19:43:36] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> green tea
[19:43:41] <Santiago> that shit was great
[19:43:43] <Winny> fruit tea?
[19:43:51] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> milk tea
[19:43:54] <Santiago> yeah idk what it had but it was amazing
[19:43:59] <Santiago> it had different fruits
[19:44:01] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> what fruit?
[19:44:06] <Dasher> Ifruit
[19:44:09] <Winny> yeah they have all sorts of fruit tea there
[19:44:09] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> appl
[19:44:22] <Winny> name any fruit and they'll have it
[19:44:27] <Santiago> and I'm gonna be hated by all of you but
[19:44:29] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> avocado
[19:44:34] <Santiago> green tea sucks ass
[19:44:37] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wow
[19:44:42] <Winny> wow
[19:44:44] <Dasher> I hate green tea
[19:44:50] <Twi> wow
[19:44:55] <Winny> we should
[19:44:57] <Winny> kemah rumah this house
[19:45:00] <Santiago> i tried it and I didn't like it
[19:45:02] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> The tea I was talking about is just tea water with ice, nothing else
[19:45:02] <Prompto> green tea is good wtf
[19:45:05] <Dasher> which house
[19:45:12] <Winny> the shithole
[19:45:12] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Hi
[19:45:18] <Santiago> but damn you guys love it
[19:45:23] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> try rosella tea santi
[19:45:28] <Santiago> i remember there was this green tea ice cream store
[19:45:33] <Winny> green tea's good for hangovers
[19:45:38] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kitkat green tea
[19:45:53] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Jasmine tea
[19:45:53] <Santiago> and you could see a long ass line waiting to buy it
[19:45:56] <Winny> thats japanese green tea
[19:45:56] <Prompto> at school whenever we had stomach pain the nurse would just give us green tea
[19:46:01] <Prompto> it always worked
[19:46:01] <Winny> mocha?
[19:46:03] <Dasher> lmao
[19:46:03] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Matcha?
[19:46:08] <Dasher> yall have nurses at school?
[19:46:11] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> oh matcha
[19:46:13] <Prompto> well.. kinda
[19:46:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> nah we dont
[19:46:24] <Dasher> if you get injured your fucked here
[19:46:31] <Winny> green tea's the cure for almost anything
[19:46:31] <Prompto> some schools yeah, other are just regular workers with some "knowledge" in first aid
[19:46:41] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> oh matcha = green tea
[19:46:52] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Anyone here had Vietnamese coffee before?
[19:46:52] <Winny> its a kind of green tea
[19:46:54] <Winny> in japanese
[19:47:02] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> not yet
[19:47:07] <Winny> brooklyn
[19:47:09] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Yes?
[19:47:12] <Winny> when do you cook pho for me
[19:47:20] <Prompto> matcha is green tea in japanese?
[19:47:27] <Winny> i think so prompto
[19:47:30] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> When I know how to :>
[19:47:30] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> proccesed green tea
[19:47:35] <Winny> i will
[19:47:37] <Winny> learn
[19:47:43] <Winny> how to cook pho
[19:47:50] <Prompto> so green in japanese is ma/mat ?
[19:48:00] <Winny> nah
[19:48:23] <Prompto> dunno just made an analogy
[19:48:26] <Santiago> !aboard
[19:48:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(173123) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49367) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26148)
[19:48:26] <Prompto> cause in pt tea is ch+a
[19:48:28] <Prompto> ch�*
[19:48:56] <Winny> but that its
[19:49:01] <Winny> no
[19:49:04] <Winny> uh
[19:49:07] <Winny> its midori
[19:49:19] <Winny> green in japanese
[19:49:27] <TwilightMontana> Alright.
[19:49:34] <Prompto> google translate?
[19:49:42] <TwilightMontana> Goodnight Princesses.
[19:49:42] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[19:50:05] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> g translate says "rokucha" for green tea
[19:50:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ryokucha*
[19:50:15] <Winny> so
[19:50:20] <Prompto> what about just "tea"?
[19:50:25] <Winny> matcha actually came from china
[19:50:25] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ocha
[19:50:46] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ... + ocha
[19:50:53] <Prompto> similar
[19:52:27] <Winny> uh'
[19:52:27] <Santiago> you drive I gotta make a cargo drop
[19:52:30] <Prompto> 5'/. fuel left... fuck
[19:52:32] <Winny> wait what
[19:52:35] <Winny> lmao
[19:52:40] <Winny> i thought this car is yours
[19:53:08] <Dasher> cargo drop irl
[19:53:11] <Dasher> ?
[19:53:16] <Prompto> reached newtontoppen with 2'/... fuck
[19:53:26] <Winny> shame its not 0
[19:53:36] <Dasher> indeed
[20:02:10] <Dasher> webe
[20:05:46] <Twi> id 3 mad gay
[20:06:09] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[20:06:47] <Santiago> I agree
[20:06:54] <Dasher> don't forget id 5
[20:07:00] --> IceLube connected to the server
[20:07:02] <Dasher> webe
[20:07:10] <Ouro> hacks
[20:07:12] <IceLube> hvala
[20:10:05] <Winny> who is
[20:10:05] <Winny> id3
[20:10:13] <Ouro> not me
[20:10:15] <Dasher> someone named "Winny"
[20:10:15] <Santiago> twi
[20:10:18] <Winny> abase
[20:10:23] <Dasher> I don't know who he is tbh
[20:10:31] <Winny> yes
[20:10:43] <Winny> probably because he is the best human being in the world
[20:10:56] <Santiago> who? twi?
[20:11:44] <Ouro> how to earn money
[20:11:52] <IceLube> sell drugs
[20:11:52] <TheGamer> ask for a higher salary
[20:12:00] <Dasher> 24/7
[20:12:07] <IceLube> then buy high end car
[20:12:10] <Ouro> how to mute some one on my end so their messages don't show up in chat
[20:12:12] <IceLube> and flex
[20:12:17] <Dasher> you can't
[20:12:20] <TheGamer> you don't
[20:12:22] <IceLube> wdym on your end
[20:12:30] <Ouro> i mean mute them just for me
[20:12:35] <IceLube> oh
[20:12:35] <TheGamer> he doesn't wanna see my messages anymore
[20:12:38] <Ouro> yes
[20:12:50] <IceLube> maybe beacuse TG is spitting fax no printer
[20:13:03] <IceLube> and ouro jealous
[20:13:46] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Buy GameStop shares for money
[20:13:54] <IceLube> isn't it too late now
[20:13:56] <IceLube> to buy them
[20:14:02] <Dasher> yes
[20:14:04] <TheGamer> sales cloed
[20:14:04] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I think they�re going for DogeCoin now
[20:14:07] <TheGamer> closed
[20:14:19] <IceLube> redditors can crash wall street
[20:14:37] <IceLube> well they probably will since they'll be rich but still
[20:15:18] <Dasher> w/
[20:15:25] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes who wouldve thought they will make 10x profit in a day
[20:15:46] <IceLube> whole monthly salary of profit in one day probably lol
[20:15:53] --> itown connected to the server
[20:16:04] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I�ve read it for 10 times, still have no idea what I was reading
[20:16:26] <Ouro> wtf
[20:16:26] <IceLube> twi aren't you in jetstar
[20:16:29] <Dasher> he is
[20:16:34] <Twi> yes but
[20:16:39] <IceLube> but
[20:16:42] <Twi> all airlines love me
[20:16:42] <Twi> <#
[20:16:47] <Twi> <3
[20:16:47] <IceLube> are you sure
[20:16:49] <Twi> yes
[20:16:52] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ooo it's 345 now
[20:16:52] <Ouro> how to join
[20:16:57] <Twi> I have the all airline pass
[20:17:05] <Twi> 345 what
[20:17:10] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> dogecoin
[20:17:12] <Twi> uwu
[20:17:20] <IceLube> wall street going down lmao
[20:17:20] <Twi> Invest in crypto
[20:17:27] <IceLube> nah stonks
[20:17:27] <Twi> yes fuck wall street
[20:17:35] <Winny> well stock market is just driven by news
[20:17:35] <Twi> winny
[20:17:38] <Twi> winny
[20:17:38] <Twi> winny
[20:17:40] <Twi> open pls
[20:17:40] <Winny> WHAT
[20:17:43] <Winny> no
[20:17:48] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Inb4 ricardo
[20:17:48] <IceLube> open boob
[20:17:53] --> Soap_MacTavish. connected to the server
[20:17:58] <Twi> pls open daddy
[20:18:01] <Dasher> inb4 elon musk tweets some random companies stock
[20:18:08] <Dasher> and gets risen by 500 percent in a day
[20:18:16] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Hour*
[20:18:44] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Well, hour is too much of an exaggeration
[20:18:59] (WEB) <Winny#0266> nah
[20:19:14] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Or is it?
[20:19:27] (WEB) <Winny#0266> anything can happen in 1 second in stock market
[20:19:42] <Dasher> wel
[20:20:03] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Those Hedge funds are gettinged fucked real bad
[20:20:23] (WEB) <Winny#0266> serves them right
[20:20:25] <Twi> winny
[20:20:25] <Twi> can u
[20:20:28] <Twi> open
[20:20:33] (WEB) <Winny#0266> no
[20:20:41] <Twi> step brother pls
[20:21:29] <Twi> lalalala
[20:21:44] (WEB) <Winny#0266> hey
[20:21:49] <Dasher> was that DM?
[20:21:49] <IceLube> hey
[20:21:52] <Twi> what
[20:21:52] (WEB) <Winny#0266> dont dm
[20:21:57] <Dasher> he did you ded
[20:22:02] <Dasher> go repurt
[20:22:02] <IceLube> how you get m4 in PL lmao
[20:22:07] <Twi> hacks
[20:22:10] <Dasher> rcbaron
[20:22:12] <IceLube> oh
[20:22:15] <IceLube> ooh yes
[20:22:17] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> �Dont be mad, it�s just a game�
[20:22:22] <Twi> ^
[20:22:22] <IceLube> it only game
[20:22:25] <IceLube> why be mad
[20:22:25] <Dasher> - Aztrek 2021
[20:22:35] <IceLube> -random russian hockey player
[20:22:35] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[20:22:35] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> �You should�ve say �oh, that was fun� �
[20:23:44] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Funny thing is, Aztrek was following me in a Rustler day before the incident
[20:23:49] <Twi> update when
[20:23:51] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> And he didnt DM me
[20:23:59] <IceLube> who is Aztrek
[20:24:01] <Dasher> SoonTM twi
[20:24:07] <Twi> :(((
[20:24:09] <Twi> Im bored
[20:24:12] <Soap_MacTavish.> �
[20:24:14] (WEB) <Winny#0266> probably wasnt he who's playing
[20:24:17] --> Santiago connected to the server
[20:24:19] <IceLube> go outside twi
[20:24:19] <IceLube> if you bored
[20:24:22] (WEB) <Winny#0266> ew
[20:24:22] <Dasher> webe
[20:24:37] (WEB) <Winny#0266> twi
[20:24:45] <Dasher> grandma santiago
[20:24:52] (WEB) <Winny#0266> instead of killing me
[20:24:57] <Twi> go /w
[20:25:00] <Twi> rite
[20:25:00] (WEB) <Winny#0266> why dont we go to beta
[20:25:05] <Twi> I cant
[20:25:15] (WEB) <Winny#0266> lies
[20:25:20] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> *laughs in beta tester*
[20:25:23] <Twi> crystal ignored my dm
[20:25:28] <Ouro> winlogon
[20:25:33] (WEB) <Winny#0266> what
[20:25:41] <Ouro> what do you think of cargo drop in beta
[20:25:43] <Twi> whose winlogon
[20:25:53] <Ouro> called him that by mistake
[20:25:56] (WEB) <Winny#0266> sorry i have to keep my mouth shut
[20:26:04] <Twi> see
[20:26:06] <IceLube> bruh
[20:26:06] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Wimbledon*
[20:26:11] <IceLube> its not a nuclear war secret lmao
[20:26:19] <IceLube> unless if its against the rues
[20:26:19] (WEB) <Winny#0266> it is
[20:26:21] <Dasher> brook why don't you got to beta and test smh
[20:26:21] <IceLube> rules
[20:26:31] <IceLube> dasher
[20:26:34] <IceLube> why dont you go test
[20:26:39] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I dknt have pc
[20:26:42] <Dasher> I'm doing /w
[20:26:47] <IceLube> so
[20:26:49] <IceLube> stop /w and test
[20:26:54] <Twi> ^
[20:27:02] (WEB) <Winny#0266> biden's gonna activate the nuclear football if i leak that
[20:27:02] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> And I have no idea ehat to do there ...
[20:27:10] <Dasher> hey I was there a moment ago
[20:27:12] <Twi> just
[20:27:15] <Twi> give me the password brook
[20:27:22] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Nope
[20:27:22] <Ouro> password2
[20:27:25] (WEB) <Winny#0266> we changed the pw
[20:27:27] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Dont wanna get banned
[20:27:32] (WEB) <Winny#0266> its now BrookBestAdmin
[20:27:38] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Actually
[20:27:53] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> It�s �MakePLGreatAgain�
[20:27:55] <Twi> yes
[20:28:00] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Amirite, Santi?
[20:28:08] (WEB) <Winny#0266> isnt it 2am already brook
[20:28:13] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> 2:27
[20:28:18] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> 2.28
[20:28:39] <IceLube> winny go sleep
[20:28:49] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[20:29:14] (WEB) <Winny#0266> not until twi gets on my bed
[20:29:19] <Twi> awww
[20:29:19] <Twi> <3
[20:29:22] <IceLube> gay
[20:29:29] <Dasher> winny is a girl
[20:29:32] <IceLube> ofcourse
[20:29:35] <Twi> ^
[20:29:37] <IceLube> everyone is a girl now
[20:29:42] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> hah, gaaaaaaaay!
[20:29:47] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> So...
[20:29:57] (WEB) <Winny#0266> whats syracuse anyway
[20:30:00] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Who�s uppsrr, and who�s lower?
[20:30:00] <IceLube> so her name is emily
[20:30:00] <IceLube> am I right
[20:30:10] <Dasher> no
[20:30:13] <IceLube> probably a drug
[20:30:18] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Syracuse is a citt in New York state
[20:30:25] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> City
[20:30:30] <Dasher> she's from hong gong
[20:30:33] <IceLube> so dasher
[20:30:36] <-- itown disconnected from the server
[20:30:38] <IceLube> why couldn't her name be emily
[20:30:46] <IceLube> it's 2020 stop being so closed minded
[20:30:51] <IceLube> 2021*
[20:30:51] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Just google syracuse lmao
[20:31:01] (WEB) <Winny#0266> because emily's not a name for a bitch
[20:31:04] <IceLube> I'm afriad
[20:31:06] <Dasher> back pain again smh
[20:31:09] <IceLube> it's probably like blue waffle
[20:31:14] <IceLube> dasher
[20:31:19] <IceLube> workout
[20:31:19] <Dasher> no
[20:31:21] <IceLube> no back pain ez
[20:31:26] <IceLube> fine then be in pain :))))
[20:32:02] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Do plank, and you�ll forget about the back pain lmao
[20:32:20] <IceLube> or do pull ups, dips, australian pushups, leg raises
[20:32:25] <Twi> winny
[20:32:27] <Twi> come
[20:32:27] <IceLube> for extra
[20:32:33] <Winny> no
[20:32:35] <Twi> i've got a great spot
[20:32:38] <IceLube> why is my fuel bar red
[20:32:40] <Twi> i swear you'll love it
[20:32:45] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Squad too
[20:32:48] <Dasher> low fuel
[20:32:50] <IceLube> its 100 percent
[20:32:58] <IceLube> nvm now it's green at 99 percent
[20:32:58] <Dasher> oh when you will waste 1percent
[20:32:58] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> It�ll switch from back pain to leg pain
[20:33:03] <Dasher> it will be green again
[20:33:11] <IceLube> what squad
[20:33:18] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Squat*
[20:33:18] <Dasher> squat?
[20:33:21] <IceLube> oh yes
[20:33:26] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Damn autocorrect
[20:33:31] <IceLube> jumping squats
[20:33:36] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Gotta turn that shit off
[20:33:39] <IceLube> or L-sit squats
[20:33:44] <Twi> god
[20:33:49] <Twi> I've stopped liking girls my age
[20:33:54] <Twi> I like milfs
[20:33:56] <Twi> more
[20:33:56] <IceLube> you like MILFs=
[20:33:59] <IceLube> I mean
[20:33:59] <IceLube> they're thicc
[20:33:59] <Twi> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[20:34:07] <Twi> yeahhh
[20:34:14] <Twi> isn't that kinda weird
[20:34:17] <IceLube> no
[20:34:17] <Winny> yes
[20:34:19] <Soap_MacTavish.> no
[20:34:24] <Ouro> gilfs
[20:34:27] <IceLube> plus they're single and horny
[20:34:30] <Twi> how to date milfs
[20:34:32] <IceLube> idk just do it
[20:34:35] <IceLube> from what I heard
[20:34:37] <IceLube> they're more direct
[20:34:42] <Twi> yeah
[20:34:45] <Twi> I feel the same to
[20:34:47] <Twi> too
[20:34:50] <Twi> no games
[20:34:58] <Twi> only good ol sex
[20:34:58] <IceLube> I mean
[20:35:03] <IceLube> what would I know
[20:35:05] <IceLube> I'm a virgin
[20:35:13] <Twi> crystallllllllllllllllllllllll
[20:35:15] <Twi> patrickkkkkkkkk
[20:36:04] <Twi> god
[20:37:20] <Ouro> /addgirlfriend when
[20:37:25] <Dasher> never
[20:37:48] <IceLube> never since this is a christian minecraft server
[20:37:58] <Soap_MacTavish.> oh not this again
[20:38:01] <IceLube> beacuse premarital marriage is a sin
[20:38:08] <Ouro> cum
[20:38:13] <Dasher> sin
[20:38:19] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> u mean premarital seggs
[20:38:24] <IceLube> that too
[20:38:29] <IceLube> and premarital eye contatct too
[20:38:31] <IceLube> contact*
[20:38:44] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> and premarital skin contact
[20:39:04] <Dasher> fapping is a sin too
[20:39:07] <IceLube> and the forbiden foreskin
[20:39:12] <IceLube> :oooo
[20:39:22] <Twi> no
[20:39:27] <IceLube> porn is sin
[20:39:32] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes
[20:39:32] <IceLube> but fapping not so much
[20:39:37] <IceLube> as far as I know
[20:39:45] <Dasher> lemme google it lmao
[20:40:16] --> mansur048 connected to the server
[20:40:36] <Dasher> so it is a sin
[20:40:44] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> And I fucked up my sleep cycle, yet again
[20:40:46] <IceLube> jerking off or porn
[20:40:54] <Dasher> simply go to sleep brook
[20:40:59] <IceLube> brook
[20:40:59] <-- Soap_MacTavish. disconnected from the server
[20:41:01] <Dasher> hi jaken's friend
[20:41:01] <IceLube> dont sleep for a day
[20:41:09] <IceLube> then go to sleep at a reasonable time
[20:41:12] <IceLube> and you'll get used to it
[20:41:14] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I shouls stop drinking tea & coffe after 6pm
[20:41:19] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Should
[20:41:22] <IceLube> yes
[20:41:32] <Ouro> 12 at400 and not even 300k
[20:41:42] <Ouro> nerfed????
[20:41:45] <IceLube> wut
[20:41:47] <IceLube> 12 at400s cost 300k?
[20:41:50] <Twi> prolly demand
[20:41:50] <Ouro> nothing
[20:41:52] <Dasher> was the 296k for you not enough?
[20:41:55] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[20:42:02] <Ouro> bro is joke stop taking me serious
[20:42:13] <IceLube> where is punchline tho
[20:42:15] <Twi> HADEH
[20:42:18] <IceLube> I wanna know
[20:42:18] <Twi> CHILL
[20:42:18] --> knight_rid3r connected to the server
[20:42:23] <Twi> wb
[20:42:23] <Dasher> wb
[20:42:36] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Cock_Rider.
[20:42:38] <Ouro> jokes are jokes
[20:42:41] <IceLube> yes
[20:42:46] <Ouro> don't need to be funny
[20:42:46] <knight_rid3r> hey
[20:42:46] <Twi> YES
[20:42:48] <Ouro> to be joking
[20:42:53] <IceLube> well
[20:42:58] <Dasher> you doo
[20:42:58] <IceLube> it's prefferable for them to be funny
[20:43:04] <Dasher> ^
[20:43:09] <IceLube> who wants to hear a joke thats not a funny joke
[20:43:21] <IceLube> tho humour is subjective
[20:43:26] <IceLube> I like it dark, like women
[20:43:42] <Ouro> i'll write in chat what ever i want don't need your permission for it
[20:43:52] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[20:44:20] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> funny thing is
[20:44:25] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> I said it as a joke too
[20:44:30] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Hanon once made 400k+ with 12 at400 flights
[20:44:35] <Ouro> what did you say
[20:44:35] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[20:44:53] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> referring to the james charles saying 95m followers for you wasn't enough
[20:45:03] <Ouro> i missed that
[20:45:23] <Ouro> 400k only with demand
[20:45:39] --> Condor connected to the server
[20:45:39] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> He put that as his forum signature
[20:45:46] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[20:45:49] <Ouro> was it wtih demand tho
[20:45:59] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> yes
[20:46:55] <Twi> Hi smetkowski
[20:46:57] <Smetkowski> hey
[20:47:03] <Twi> hi condor
[20:47:05] <Twi> hi mansur
[20:47:28] <mansur048> hi twi
[20:47:33] <Twi> waddup
[20:48:26] <Twi> webe
[20:54:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> !lastmission
[20:54:07] (WEB) <TheGamer> Devon Island Depot to [CbK]FreAkeD House. 10 hours 4 minutes(190 Metres) Pay: $3780
[20:54:17] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[20:54:27] <IceLube> wtf
[20:54:35] <IceLube> I landed in GO-JEK base
[20:54:40] <IceLube> 7fix
[20:54:43] <Ouro> wtf
[20:55:23] <IceLube> k bye
[20:55:26] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[21:04:27] <-- mansur048 disconnected from the server
[21:05:13] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[21:10:16] <-- Condor disconnected from the server
[21:22:36] <knight_rid3r> peace guys
[21:22:43] <-- knight_rid3r disconnected from the server
[21:24:07] <Ouro> why my plane lost all speed lol
[21:37:30] <Twi> ouro u winnin it?
[21:37:36] <Ouro> what
[21:38:01] <Twi> !aboard
[21:38:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(173123) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49362) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26100)
[21:38:04] <Ouro> winning what
[21:38:06] <Twi> 26k more
[21:39:25] <Ouro> the fuck am i winning
[21:41:17] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> he prolly means IA event
[21:42:18] <Ouro> idk scores are secret for some reason
[21:42:59] <Twi> well
[21:43:01] <Twi> not secret
[21:43:06] <Twi> just use
[21:43:06] <Twi> tg's bot
[21:44:00] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> TG's bot?
[21:44:58] <Twi> when
[21:45:03] <Twi> did the event start
[21:45:36] <Ouro> when it did
[21:45:41] <Twi> -_-
[21:46:29] <Twi> you are at
[21:46:32] <Twi> 1679 total /w
[21:46:40] <eddiespromaxplus> thats useless info twi
[21:46:45] <Ouro> some of it from trucking
[21:46:47] <eddiespromaxplus> its not most score
[21:46:52] <Twi> eddie 1257
[21:46:57] <Twi> well
[21:47:00] <Twi> yeah
[21:47:05] <Twi> nevada and slower shit = more score
[21:47:20] <Ouro> rescue is busted too
[21:47:28] <Twi> anyways
[21:47:33] <Twi> ya'll grinding 8k scores bitches
[21:47:58] <Twi> 7065**
[21:48:04] <Twi> 1k trucking
[21:48:29] <Ouro> yesterday santiago told me i was at 3000 something score
[21:49:02] <Twi> well ouro
[21:49:05] <Twi> u are lucky
[21:49:15] <Ouro> i'm still losing to eddie
[21:49:22] <Twi> atleast
[21:49:27] <Twi> ed and tg aren't doing mad /w
[21:49:33] <Twi> like prev events
[21:50:03] <Ouro> think i'll do some rescue and collect 3 score for each one
[21:50:03] <Twi> tbh just do military
[21:50:23] <Ouro> yeah i'm aware of military being better score than at400 but i'm just grinding my daily 4m
[21:50:51] <Twi> 4m/day with /w damn
[21:51:04] --> Dasher connected to the server
[21:51:07] <Twi> wb
[21:51:17] <Dasher> ty
[21:51:50] <Ouro> 100k of it from interest though
[21:51:55] <Ouro> mad stonks
[21:52:03] <Twi> so
[21:52:05] <Twi> ouro has 100m
[21:52:13] <Ouro> no
[21:52:18] <Ouro> 100k total uncollected
[21:52:18] <Twi> 100k interest = 100m
[21:52:20] <Twi> oh
[21:52:30] <Ouro> i wish i had 100m
[21:52:33] <Dasher> 262k here lmao
[21:52:38] <Ouro> if any rich ass wanna help a brother out
[21:52:51] <Twi> I always
[21:52:56] <Twi> withdraw my interest
[21:53:01] <Twi> and add it to bank
[21:53:11] <Dasher> gonna collect it at 300k tho
[21:53:11] <Twi> = more interest
[21:53:34] <Dasher> lmao like $\260 more interest won't h
[21:53:39] <Ouro> in the rules eddie showed me it said doing /givecash and setting house at 1 dollar is
[21:53:47] <Ouro> tax evasion and punishable
[21:53:49] <Ouro> didn't you do that twi?
[21:53:52] <Ouro> recently
[21:53:59] <Twi> no
[21:54:05] <Twi> me and shressth
[21:54:10] <Twi> traded houses
[21:54:12] <Twi> so we
[21:54:15] <Ouro> i c
[21:54:17] <Twi> set my house for $1
[21:54:27] <Twi> and the trade in amount
[21:54:30] <Twi> we set his house for sale
[21:54:35] <Twi> for 30m I think
[21:54:38] <Twi> and I bought it
[21:54:40] <Ouro> i didn't accept the rules cuz i died :(
[21:55:00] <Twi> /rules
[21:55:16] <Ouro> thanks i am now a law abbiding PLtizen
[21:55:26] <Twi> great
[21:55:36] <Dasher> oh boy
[21:55:44] <Dasher> more rules at forums
[21:55:49] <Twi> :(
[21:55:56] <Ouro> new ruleS?
[21:56:01] <Dasher> no
[21:56:14] <Twi> ouro
[21:56:14] <Twi> lets dice
[21:56:17] <Ouro> great more rules to read
[21:56:24] <Twi> 100k
[21:56:24] <Ouro> reading and following rules turns me on so much
[21:56:27] <Dasher> you should read em tho
[21:56:32] <Ouro> sorry twi i'm mega poor
[21:56:35] <Twi> LIAR
[21:56:40] <Twi> look ma
[21:56:42] <Twi> I have my powers back
[21:56:55] <Ouro> liar what
[21:56:55] <eddiespromaxplus> the power to be incredibly annoying
[21:56:57] <Dasher> what powers what
[21:57:02] <Twi> :(
[21:57:08] <Ouro> i ain't even have 1 percent of PLs total cash flow
[21:57:08] <Dasher> nice one eddie
[21:57:18] <Twi> am I annoying :(
[21:57:20] <Dasher> yes
[21:57:23] <eddiespromaxplus> yes
[21:57:23] <Ouro> no twi
[21:57:25] <Ouro> i love you
[21:57:28] <Ouro> the way you are
[21:57:33] <Twi> fuck everyone who said yes
[21:57:41] <Twi> ily too ouro <3
[21:57:46] <Dasher> disrespectful
[21:57:51] <Twi> yes
[21:57:53] <Dasher> when people say I am annoying I agree
[21:58:04] <Twi> /w time
[21:58:11] <Twi> 3 scores IA people
[21:58:16] <Ouro> should i ruin my epic 1 skimmer flight stats?
[21:58:26] <Dasher> twi
[21:58:31] <Dasher> you are in jetstar
[21:58:31] <Twi> what
[21:58:34] <Twi> no
[21:58:42] <Twi> .leaveairline
[21:58:42] <Ouro> you sold the shares already
[21:58:42] <Twi> ops
[21:58:49] <Ouro> question mark
[21:58:57] <Twi> why cant
[21:58:59] <Twi> ceos leave airline
[21:59:15] <Ouro> because to prevent a ceoless airline
[21:59:20] <Twi> uwu
[21:59:22] <Ouro> demote yourself
[21:59:27] <Dasher> yes
[21:59:32] <Twi> k
[21:59:35] <Dasher> that prevented ceoless airlines
[21:59:35] <eddiespromaxplus> or be inactive for 14 days
[21:59:35] <Twi> what airline to join
[21:59:40] <eddiespromaxplus> please do that one
[21:59:50] <Ouro> join number 1 airline
[21:59:58] <Twi> aka lufthansa
[22:00:00] <Ouro> is it
[22:00:28] <Ouro> !aboard
[22:00:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(173123) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49362) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26088)
[22:00:36] <Ouro> oh i guess it do be number 1
[22:00:49] <Dasher> IA has like 400k more flights
[22:01:01] <Ouro> how
[22:01:19] <Dasher> economy reset fucked it up
[22:01:29] <Dasher> aka reset every airline stat
[22:01:32] <Ouro> didn't it have 1m flights
[22:01:42] <Dasher> I don't think so
[22:02:02] <Twi> fine
[22:02:10] <Twi> db hack time
[22:02:13] <Twi> adding 1m flights
[22:02:15] <Twi> to ia table
[22:02:43] <Ouro> you still selling the shares?
[22:02:53] <Twi> prolly
[22:03:01] <Ouro> dude i'll offer you 1m
[22:03:06] <Ouro> just take it
[22:03:06] <Twi> deal
[22:03:11] <Ouro> no one else gonna offer more lol
[22:03:14] <Dasher> F8 itme
[22:03:16] <Twi> oh no
[22:03:21] <Twi> oh nonononononoonn
[22:03:24] <Ouro> you said deal
[22:03:29] <Ouro> you accepted it
[22:03:29] <Twi> deal what
[22:03:44] <Twi> /rc everyone
[22:03:47] <Ouro> you accepted my offer so now you have to hand me the ceo position
[22:03:52] <Dasher> why /rc
[22:03:54] <Twi> fuck off peasant
[22:04:05] <Twi> just do it dash
[22:04:12] <Dasher> how about no
[22:04:17] <Twi> do it
[22:04:35] <Twi> DO IT
[22:04:38] <Dasher> no
[22:04:40] <Twi> fine
[22:04:53] <Twi> woops
[22:05:08] <Dasher> oh my bullet right
[22:05:44] <Twi> hi admin
[22:05:44] <Twi> i see u
[22:06:04] <Twi> seems like admin is busy flying
[22:06:09] <eddiespromaxplus> yes
[22:06:12] <eddiespromaxplus> busy
[22:06:32] <Twi> guys
[22:06:37] <Twi> help me find a milf
[22:07:00] <Twi> id 3
[22:07:23] <eddiespromaxplus> tinder
[22:07:25] <Twi> kemah rumah jacob next
[22:07:28] <eddiespromaxplus> set age to 100-100
[22:07:33] <Twi> tinder = hookups only
[22:07:33] <Twi> wow wtf
[22:07:38] <Ouro> that's GILF territory
[22:07:48] <eddiespromaxplus> GGILF
[22:07:48] <Twi> ^^
[22:07:51] <Dasher> grandmas?
[22:08:06] <Dasher> they would probably have a heart attack but ok
[22:08:09] <Twi> GREAT GRANDMOTHER
[22:08:19] <Ouro> from what
[22:08:21] <Twi> horses > ggilf
[22:08:21] <Ouro> your face
[22:08:24] <Dasher> no
[22:08:26] <Twi> hadeh
[22:08:37] <Dasher> why do you always have to offend me bruh
[22:08:47] <Ouro> who
[22:08:49] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !cboard
[22:08:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19715) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4149) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-409)
[22:09:22] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Dont mind me, just casually checking cboard at 4AM
[22:09:30] <Twi> 4am hadeh
[22:09:32] <Twi> go sleep
[22:09:32] <Dasher> go to sleep you hoe
[22:09:45] <Ouro> go-jek as a lot of people online all the time and still keep falling more and more behind transx
[22:09:48] <Ouro> bruh
[22:09:50] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Trying to
[22:10:13] <Twi> ...
[22:10:13] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> They�re being lazy after we beat Star
[22:10:13] <Dasher> ouro they don't work
[22:10:31] <Dasher> I would just demote the lazy people :v
[22:10:39] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Lime you
[22:10:44] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Like*
[22:10:54] <Dasher> no
[22:10:54] <Dasher> like stan
[22:11:01] <Dasher> hasn't worked since 1993
[22:11:04] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> 4.10am brook sleep
[22:11:19] <Dasher> also your new names sucks
[22:11:22] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> K lmao
[22:11:50] <Dasher> I can't even remember it tbh
[22:11:57] <Ouro> who wanna brazil gay trucker convoy
[22:12:02] <Ouro> twi?
[22:12:46] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !groups ouro
[22:12:48] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro is in airline Inverted Airlines and company GO-JEK
[22:13:11] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Are yoo going to join the trucking event tho, ouro
[22:13:19] <Ouro> yes
[22:13:49] <Ouro> there's a forum post about it right
[22:13:52] <Ouro> i still haven't checked it
[22:15:18] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> there is
[22:16:09] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I just figured out about TG�s bot, so No need to register
[22:16:27] <Ouro> what bot
[22:17:13] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> mission counter maybe, like IA is using now
[22:17:30] <Ouro> where
[22:18:34] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> idk, TG knows where
[22:20:13] --> Santiago connected to the server
[22:21:19] <Dasher> web
[22:21:19] <Santiago> everyone on the server afk
[22:21:25] <Ouro> im not
[22:21:25] <Dasher> lie
[22:21:55] <Ouro> just doing my daily grind
[22:21:55] <Ouro> btw score
[22:22:03] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I�ll post the link in <#345320458062790667> secrion
[22:22:10] <Santiago> you had like 3600 and ed 3700
[22:22:26] <Ouro> can you tell me the exact score so i can start keeping track of it myself
[22:22:36] <Ouro> my own score
[22:22:48] <Santiago> hold on
[22:24:12] <Ouro> when did event start
[22:24:25] <Santiago> jan 15 I think
[22:25:03] <Dasher> jan 15
[22:25:16] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> I started later than some players and am now 5th
[22:25:26] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> About time you found out my bot
[22:25:34] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Has been running since last June
[22:25:46] <Dasher> lmao I've know about that bot sinec day 3 of it I think
[22:25:59] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> IA uses a custom bot / page
[22:26:02] <Dasher> what's new in the lima island v1.41
[22:26:12] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Road connection
[22:26:22] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Yeah, I would never know about its existence if Lavija didnt putbit in transx event post
[22:26:40] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> There's a topic about it on the forums
[22:26:47] <Santiago> tg and robin the real goats
[22:26:58] <Santiago> jacob as well
[22:27:00] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Might be worth reading syra
[22:27:15] <Santiago> you will all get the goat badge
[22:27:20] <Santiago> only hayden has it
[22:27:20] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> Niceee
[22:27:33] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Help section, TG?
[22:27:36] <Ouro> how much score does heli give
[22:27:41] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> My bot even has API's you can use
[22:27:59] <Dasher> santi
[22:28:06] <Dasher> when are you getting the goat badge smh
[22:28:09] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: *goat sounds*
[22:29:05] (WEB) <TheGamer#0195> It's pinned in general discussions
[22:29:58] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Mbeeeeehhh
[22:30:06] <Santiago> that's all I hear when robin talks
[22:30:08] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Sounds like sheep
[22:30:34] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Do I get a GOAT badge :(
[22:30:39] <Santiago> no
[22:30:41] <Dasher> so that's where grandma santiago came from
[22:30:51] <eddiespromaxplus> you get a GOATSE baadge
[22:30:57] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> ;)
[22:31:12] <Dasher> go deliver pizzas now
[22:31:14] <Santiago> updated goat list: 1- michael jordan
[22:31:19] <Santiago> 2- robin
[22:31:22] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: I'll accept a goatse badge
[22:31:35] <Santiago> 3- haydz
[22:31:40] <Dasher> petition to add goat of the year in PL awards
[22:31:45] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Yay
[22:32:00] <eddiespromaxplus> goat of the year is kinda contradictary
[22:32:03] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Greatest of all time of the year
[22:32:10] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Doesnt sound right
[22:32:23] <Dasher> best owner of the year :smiley:
[22:32:33] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Tfw Haydz still wins
[22:32:33] <eddiespromaxplus> 23km mission fuck
[22:33:27] <Santiago> never forget when hayden was going to come for PL's 10th anniversary
[22:33:37] <Ouro> when was that
[22:33:42] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> November
[22:33:42] <Santiago> this year
[22:33:49] <Dasher> and he didn't come
[22:33:49] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> 23km flight? Time for 800ft method
[22:33:52] <Dasher> :\(
[22:34:12] <Ouro> 23km? time to die in suspicious circumstances
[22:34:20] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[22:35:08] <Dasher> go to sleep smh
[22:35:11] <Ouro> mine's only a short 18km flight
[22:35:24] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> at 5
[22:35:24] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> maybe
[22:35:29] <Ouro> pm?
[22:35:31] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> am
[22:35:46] <Ouro> that can't be right
[22:35:49] <Ouro> 5am is wake up hours
[22:35:54] <Ouro> not sleep down hours
[22:35:59] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I did get a 32km dodo flight just a few days ago
[22:36:04] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yeah should be
[22:36:09] <Dasher> I remember the time I was going to sleep at 6am and waking up at 3pm
[22:36:25] <Ouro> speaking of dodo santiago can you tell me if using ai_planes to retract dodo landing gear
[22:36:27] <Ouro> is allowed
[22:36:35] <Ouro> i've been told by 2 people that it is
[22:36:37] <Ouro> but i don't trust them
[22:36:42] <eddiespromaxplus> no
[22:36:53] <Ouro> yeah i thought so
[22:37:05] <Santiago> eeeeh
[22:37:08] <eddiespromaxplus> it can also get you banned byu ricardo
[22:37:10] <Santiago> I mean
[22:37:15] <eddiespromaxplus> and we dont unban for that anymore
[22:37:18] <Ouro> it can't get me banned i never used that
[22:37:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> chancla by ricardo
[22:37:23] <Santiago> it's shouldn't be allowed
[22:37:36] <Santiago> but you are probably going to do it anyways so
[22:37:48] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> As the man
[22:37:48] <Ouro> lmao i got dodo license without doing it
[22:37:51] <Ouro> not risking a 3 month ban
[22:38:01] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> brook how many glass did u drink
[22:38:06] <Ouro> i got the number of flights needed for license without it*
[22:38:11] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Glass of what
[22:38:14] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> tea
[22:38:37] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Idk
[22:38:50] <Ouro> personal harassment of whom
[22:38:55] <Ouro> to whom*
[22:38:55] <Santiago> me
[22:38:55] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Inhad dark chocolate before tea so...
[22:39:00] <Santiago> to myself
[22:39:05] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> A fucked up combination
[22:39:10] <Ouro> ???
[22:39:10] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> dark chocolate keeping u awake too?
[22:39:12] <Ouro> who did i harass
[22:39:15] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Ye
[22:39:20] <TheGamer> not your problem at this moment
[22:39:30] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> It contains caffeine, ehich makes you sleepless
[22:39:30] <Ouro> yes it's my problem i just got a warning and don't know why
[22:39:51] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> so u gonna stay awake till morning
[22:39:51] <TheGamer> you placed comments about a person which weren't liked
[22:40:01] <Ouro> where and what comments
[22:40:16] <eddiespromaxplus> you dojnt have any right to appeal a warning
[22:40:26] <Ouro> what am i appealing
[22:40:31] <Ouro> i'm asking why i got a random warning
[22:40:41] <Ouro> about something i have no idea about
[22:41:15] <Ouro> so answer or i'm just gonna report tg for mod abuse
[22:41:25] <TheGamer> i don't have to tell you anything
[22:41:25] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Lmao
[22:41:27] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Declined
[22:41:32] <Ouro> you do
[22:41:42] <Ouro> i was the one warning so ofc i'd like to know why
[22:41:45] <Santiago> well a player reported you for harrasement
[22:41:45] <Ouro> warned*
[22:41:55] <Santiago> we have the proof
[22:42:05] <Ouro> ok just tell me what i said
[22:43:14] <Santiago> We won't, because if we say it we will be revealing this person lmao
[22:43:24] <Santiago> wa
[22:43:29] <Ouro> dude i swear i have no idea what i even said
[22:44:05] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> !score sadx
[22:44:08] (WEB) <robin_be> player sadx: 17322 score, 17382 missions: 58'/. at400 - 13'/. military - 6'/. shamal
[22:45:01] <Dasher> !missions sadx at400
[22:45:04] (WEB) <robin_be> sadx: 10000 at400
[22:45:31] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> And you won�t have to worry about it
[22:45:42] <Ouro> i have no idea who iwas even a dick to
[22:45:42] --> SmithSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[22:45:47] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[22:45:47] <Dasher> hi gamer
[22:45:57] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hi gamers
[22:46:05] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Doesn�t matter who you were mean too
[22:46:15] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> What matters is that you�re personally attacking players
[22:46:20] <SmithSProMaxPlus> crystal no one loves you
[22:46:25] <SmithSProMaxPlus> jk
[22:46:25] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Wow :(
[22:46:27] <SmithSProMaxPlus> no ban plz
[22:46:30] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Update deleted
[22:46:33] <Ouro> to me it does because i don't know what i said that was considered personal harassment
[22:46:35] <SmithSProMaxPlus> nooo please
[22:46:48] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Server being downgraded to samp 0.2a
[22:46:50] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i didnt meant it like i said it
[22:46:55] <SmithSProMaxPlus> forgive me
[22:46:55] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> tf
[22:47:00] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i meant Kristel not Crystal
[22:47:11] <Dasher> ngl I like crystal's personality
[22:47:11] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Lmao
[22:47:34] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Why don�t you marry me :(
[22:47:36] <Dasher> goes from a serious mood to a joking one
[22:47:41] <Dasher> in seconds
[22:47:46] <Dasher> you have a gf crystal :(
[22:47:49] <SmithSProMaxPlus> ah btw crystal i got a question to you
[22:47:56] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> What�s poppin fam
[22:48:01] <SmithSProMaxPlus> but i should ask that in private
[22:48:12] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> DMs are always open
[22:48:19] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> "will you marry me" question
[22:48:19] <SmithSProMaxPlus> alright gimme a sec
[22:48:24] <eddiespromaxplus> i like to slide into them shits
[22:48:24] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Just can�t promise a fast response since
[22:48:24] <Dasher> lmfao
[22:48:29] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> I�m about to clock into work
[22:48:42] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> smith gonna propose crystal
[22:48:55] <Dasher> I reject to propose to crystal
[22:48:55] <SmithSProMaxPlus> u have to accept my friend request before i can ask you to marry me
[22:48:57] <Dasher> since he has a gf
[22:48:57] <SmithSProMaxPlus> oh whoops
[22:49:05] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> F
[22:49:20] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Should be able to DM since we share a server
[22:49:23] <TheGamer> he's talking about the DMs ed
[22:49:36] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Doesn�t work crystal
[22:49:56] <Dasher> I think your settings are fucked smith
[22:50:04] <Dasher> I was able to dm crystal even when we weren't friends
[22:50:06] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> No
[22:50:06] <Ouro> crystal might have dm open to friends only
[22:50:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> rip proposal
[22:50:47] <Dasher> nah it worked for me before ouro
[22:51:17] <Ouro> it says when dms are open to friends only right?
[22:51:17] <SmithSProMaxPlus> got it
[22:52:21] <SmithSProMaxPlus> cant fcking go because my gf is in bath
[22:52:23] <SmithSProMaxPlus> god damn
[22:52:26] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> aw
[22:52:29] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im pissing myself soon
[22:52:34] <TheGamer> she's your gf
[22:52:36] <Dasher> yeah
[22:52:39] <Santiago> it's your gf not your mom
[22:52:39] <TheGamer> go pee while she's in the bath
[22:52:41] <Dasher> enter the bathroom smh
[22:52:44] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yea but she doesnt like it if i do it
[22:52:46] <SmithSProMaxPlus> idc about it
[22:52:49] <SmithSProMaxPlus> but she does
[22:52:51] <Santiago> shower with her
[22:52:51] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[22:52:57] <Santiago> tht's what girls like
[22:52:59] <Santiago> am i rite gage
[22:53:07] <Dasher> ghosted
[22:53:12] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> F
[22:53:12] <SmithSProMaxPlus> he no there
[22:53:37] <Dasher> don't you have a 2nd bathroom or smth?
[22:55:01] <SmithSProMaxPlus> we got 2 rooms in here
[22:55:01] <SmithSProMaxPlus> so no
[22:55:11] <SmithSProMaxPlus> see ya tomorrow
[22:55:21] <-- SmithSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[22:55:24] <Dasher> see ya
[22:55:27] <Dasher> smh
[22:56:48] <Santiago> bye luldred
[22:56:58] <Dasher> no that was meant for smith
[22:57:21] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[22:57:31] <Dasher> F
[22:58:07] --> Santiago connected to the server
[22:58:52] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !cboard
[22:58:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19715) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4149) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-409)
[22:59:15] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Before you saybit
[22:59:26] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Im gonna sleep now
[23:00:16] <Dasher> formation?
[23:00:24] <Santiago> yes
[23:00:29] <Dasher> lemme /s then
[23:01:33] <Santiago> join
[23:01:48] <Dasher> are others joining?
[23:01:56] <Santiago> i don't think so
[23:02:01] <Dasher> smh RIP
[23:02:06] <Santiago> they pretty much dead
[23:02:11] <Dasher> or afk
[23:02:29] <eddiespromaxplus> kind of formation?
[23:02:31] <Dasher> cargo drop
[23:02:57] <Santiago> you can meet us in sf carrier if you wanna join
[23:04:33] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[23:04:36] <Dasher> wb
[23:04:56] <WarmBees> thanks
[23:05:47] <eddiespromaxplus> fuck
[23:06:07] <Santiago> depends on the cargo drop location
[23:06:20] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[23:06:25] <WarmBees> wb
[23:06:30] <Smetkowski> ty
[23:06:56] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Hello my friends
[23:07:01] <Dasher> hi oder
[23:07:01] <Santiago> hello oder
[23:07:11] (WEB) <Oder#9026> I'm in bed
[23:07:46] <Santiago> f me
[23:07:54] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Trying to organize my life
[23:08:04] <Dasher> come sfc
[23:08:07] <eddiespromaxplus> hmm
[23:08:12] <eddiespromaxplus> im not getting the missions
[23:08:27] <eddiespromaxplus> ahh now i am
[23:08:27] <Dasher> what a bout now?
[23:08:32] <Dasher> about*
[23:08:48] <Santiago> it's a rainy af day here
[23:08:53] <Santiago> perfect to stay in bed all day
[23:08:55] <Dasher> rain? what's that
[23:09:08] <Dasher> we only see rain in winter or spring smh
[23:09:18] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[23:11:35] <Dasher> fuck
[23:11:46] <Dasher> santi didn't make it
[23:11:56] <Santiago> i did
[23:11:58] <Santiago> /myfromation to check
[23:12:03] <Dasher> oh
[23:12:11] <Dasher> samp sync I guess
[23:12:16] <WarmBees> brb
[23:12:16] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[23:12:24] <Dasher> you were way off the checkpoint on my screen
[23:13:37] <Santiago> done
[23:18:04] <Santiago> sec
[23:18:27] <Santiago> done
[23:18:32] <Santiago> sorry was typing
[23:18:35] <Dasher> it's ok
[23:19:59] <Santiago> brb
[23:20:01] <eddiespromaxplus> i suck at drop
[23:20:06] <Santiago> nice formation tho
[23:20:09] <Dasher> go slow
[23:20:12] <Dasher> ikr
[23:20:19] <Dasher> smh rip the formation now
[23:21:38] <Dasher> I don't think you can do a /formation with shamal
[23:21:46] <eddiespromaxplus> booo
[23:21:58] <Santiago> nah only cargo drop
[23:22:03] <Dasher> heli too
[23:22:11] <Santiago> would be nice if you could do it with military as well
[23:22:19] <Dasher> I would be omega rich
[23:22:24] <Santiago> and maybe dodo or shamal
[23:22:42] <Ouro> at400
[23:22:49] <Dasher> at400 nah
[23:23:30] <Dasher> at some airports you can't even land 3 at400s at the same time
[23:24:33] <Dasher> backpain is hard :(
[23:39:03] <Santiago> later noobs
[23:39:03] <Santiago> and eddie
[23:39:06] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[23:42:49] <-- eddiespromaxplus disconnected from the server
[23:43:27] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[23:45:50] --> ClaySProMaxPlus connected to the server
[23:45:55] <Dasher> gn
[23:45:55] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[23:47:52] <ClaySProMaxPlus> Hey kids
[23:48:07] <eddiespromaxplus> hi
[23:48:53] <ClaySProMaxPlus> How's it going?
[23:49:31] <eddiespromaxplus> not too bad, yourself?
[23:53:55] <eddiespromaxplus> nice
[23:58:53] <Ouro> ...