[00:00:04] (WEB) <robin_be> IRC robin_be: nice
[00:08:53] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[00:11:13] --> Prompto connected to the server
[00:11:18] (WEB) <Twi#0921> cnr is ded
[00:11:26] <Prompto> just like my life
[00:11:38] --> Twi connected to the server
[00:12:01] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Just like me who can't sleep
[00:12:19] <Prompto> sleep is for the weak
[00:13:18] <Ouro> levei uma reprimenda por atacar uma pessoa pessoalmente
[00:13:23] <Ouro> mas nem me dizem quem foi e o que eu disse
[00:13:30] <Prompto> lol
[00:13:30] <Ouro> ent�o estou na duvida
[00:13:35] <Ouro> bu� nice
[00:13:43] <Ouro> nem sei o que disse lmao
[00:13:46] <Prompto> caga nos haters
[00:13:56] <Prompto> �s vezes � no gozo
[00:14:24] <Ouro> se disse algo foi no gozo mas eles dize-me que ele levou a mal e fez queixa
[00:14:31] <Ouro> dizem-me*
[00:14:39] <Prompto> lmao??
[00:14:44] <Prompto> dizeste algo de �dio ou racismo?
[00:14:49] <Ouro> nada
[00:14:57] <Ouro> nunca digo nada disso
[00:14:59] <Prompto> ent�o devem tar na tanga
[00:15:15] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[00:15:20] <Ouro> n�o sei nem digo mais nada se n�o proxima vez � ban
[00:15:32] <Prompto> oh wait, foi agora in-game?
[00:15:37] <Ouro> sim
[00:15:43] <Prompto> maybe foi ontem
[00:15:48] <Prompto> ontem exaltaste-te
[00:15:53] <Ouro> quando
[00:16:03] <Prompto> quando uns gajos armados em pol�cias nos bloquearam o caminho
[00:16:11] <Ouro> ooo
[00:16:13] <Ouro> essa merda
[00:16:16] <Prompto> chamaste-lhe retard e cunt e o crlh
[00:16:23] <Ouro> agora ja sei deve mesmo ter sido isso
[00:16:23] (WEB) <Twi#0921> Kontol
[00:16:38] <Prompto> s� pode, foste bastante agressivo at�
[00:16:41] <Ouro> o macaco explodiu-me o cami�o e ainda me reportou
[00:16:56] <Prompto> ele fez report no forum?
[00:17:01] <Ouro> n�o
[00:17:06] <Ouro> foi an�nimo
[00:17:12] <Prompto> wtf
[00:17:19] <Prompto> bullshit
[00:17:19] <Ouro> ya minha rea��o foi a mesma
[00:17:22] <Prompto> ele quer-te assustar
[00:17:42] <Prompto> ningu�m faz queixas an�nimas aqui lol
[00:17:52] <Ouro> foi o santiago que sujeriou isso n�o sei por qu�
[00:18:00] <Prompto> foi ele que te disse?
[00:18:05] <Ouro> sujeriou ele fazer queixa anonima*
[00:18:08] <Ouro> sim
[00:18:13] <Prompto> sugeriu*
[00:18:18] <Ouro> ya
[00:18:20] <Prompto> esse portugu�s t� lindo
[00:18:41] <Ouro> desde que se perceba minimamente n�o quero saber
[00:18:41] <Prompto> queixa an�nima wtf
[00:18:41] <Ouro> :P
[00:18:53] <Ouro> ya nem sabia que dava para fazer isso
[00:18:56] <Prompto> nunca na minha vida vi algu�m fazer queixas an�nimas em qualquer servidor samp
[00:19:06] <Ouro> yep
[00:19:14] <Ouro> tamb�m n�o entendi essa
[00:19:37] <Ouro> nem foi algo t�o s�rio que precisase ser anonimo
[00:19:49] <Ouro> n�o vou mandar a casa do gajo pelos ares s� pq fez quixa de mim
[00:19:54] <Prompto> XD
[00:19:57] <Prompto> at� teria piada
[00:19:59] <Prompto> jk
[00:20:27] <Prompto> mas ele fazer queixa an�nima � rid�cula quando ele pr�prio fez bosta
[00:20:33] <Ouro> sim
[00:20:40] <Ouro> deve ter sido anonimo
[00:20:45] <Ouro> s� para eu n�o me defender
[00:21:03] <Ouro> porque podia ter ido la e explicar que ele me explodio o cami�o quando estava em miss�o
[00:21:06] <Prompto> q maricas n�o dar a cara tbh
[00:21:39] <Ouro> ja tenho duas reprimendas proxima � tchau tchau
[00:21:51] <Prompto> mas est� registado no /warnings ?
[00:21:56] <Ouro> ta
[00:21:59] <Prompto> oof
[00:22:12] <Prompto> a primeira foi o qu�?
[00:22:17] <Ouro> /s
[00:22:24] <Ouro> para farmar miss�o
[00:22:40] <Prompto> ate tou surpreendido por so teres levado com um aviso
[00:22:50] <Prompto> smp q vejo alguem a farmar algo � logo ban
[00:22:50] <Ouro> foi o primeiro
[00:23:53] <Prompto> ve la se te comportas agora
[00:24:34] <Ouro> o que me da raiva foi eu ter perguntado o que eu fiz e eles disseram que eu n�o precisava de saber
[00:24:37] <Ouro> fiquei atoa
[00:24:54] <Prompto> devem ter pensado q tavas no gozo
[00:26:16] <Prompto> ja nem me lembro ao certo quem te bloqueou
[00:26:18] <Prompto> foi o captaindeath?
[00:26:21] <Ouro> nem eu
[00:26:23] <Ouro> acho que sim
[00:28:08] <ClaySProMaxPlus> about damn time i get 250
[00:28:15] <eddiespromaxplus> gz
[00:28:20] <ClaySProMaxPlus> Thank you.
[00:28:20] <Prompto> gz
[00:31:36] <Prompto> siga fazer comboio de cami�o?
[00:31:41] <Ouro> bora
[00:31:41] --> Nathan_White connected to the server
[00:32:07] <Ouro> ls lv?
[00:32:19] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> encravei
[00:32:24] <Ouro> lol
[00:32:27] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> outra vez esta merda...
[00:32:42] <Ouro> tens algum mod?
[00:32:52] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[00:32:52] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> nope
[00:33:00] <-- ClaySProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[00:33:10] --> Prompto connected to the server
[00:33:48] <Ouro> to a ir em dire��o a ls
[00:33:48] <Prompto> vou ir indo pra ls lv
[00:33:53] <Prompto> oh ok
[00:34:16] <Prompto> encontramo-nos onde?
[00:34:24] <Prompto> ls depot?
[00:34:29] <Ouro> da relcass pra army para saber quando tu completas a missao
[00:34:29] <Ouro> sim
[00:36:36] <Prompto> pro drift
[00:37:12] <Prompto> vai tu a frente
[00:37:17] <Ouro> entao
[00:37:27] <Prompto> nao conhec�o este sitio
[00:37:45] <Ouro> caistE?
[00:38:49] <Ouro> calculado
[00:38:51] <Prompto> mt bem
[00:39:19] <Prompto> lmao
[00:39:27] <Ouro> n tem potencia
[00:39:34] <Prompto> a estrada existe pra alguma coisa ne
[00:40:40] <Prompto> great
[00:40:58] <Ouro> HAHA
[00:41:03] <Prompto> foda-se, sais ou nao sais xD
[00:41:06] <Ouro> vieste com tudo haha
[00:43:36] <Prompto> smart
[00:43:41] <Ouro> a
[00:43:43] <Ouro> ya
[00:43:46] <Ouro> ficas com a volta feita
[00:44:55] <Prompto> wut happened
[00:45:00] <Ouro> poste
[00:45:02] <Prompto> oof
[00:46:47] <Prompto> nao sei ate q ponto � ben�fico saltar aquilo
[00:47:07] <Ouro> se n�o nos espalhar-mos todos � mais rapido
[00:47:12] <Prompto> xD
[00:47:32] <Prompto> lmao
[00:47:43] <Ouro> shortcut bom
[00:47:45] <Prompto> fantastico
[00:47:45] <Ouro> vim parar ao mesmo caminho
[00:48:18] <-- Nathan_White disconnected from the server
[00:49:29] <Prompto> porra
[00:49:45] <Prompto> um pouco mais rapido
[00:51:29] <Ouro> poste :s
[00:51:42] <Prompto> oof
[00:52:02] <Prompto> eu s� fui por ali por causa da ponte anyway
[00:52:22] <Ouro> onde eu fui � mais rapido?
[00:52:30] <Prompto> nao sei
[00:53:06] <Prompto> lmao
[00:53:13] <Ouro> trailer com mente propria
[00:53:21] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Hello my friends
[00:53:26] <Prompto> boas
[00:53:36] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Oi amigo
[00:53:54] <Prompto> �s do palmeiras?
[00:54:22] (WEB) <Oder#9026> N�o, quero que palmeiras se foda Sou FLAMENGO
[00:54:29] <Prompto> hahaha
[00:54:29] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Kkkkkkk
[00:55:00] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Twi u here
[00:55:15] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Cad� o twi
[00:55:20] <Prompto> nao ta ca
[00:55:56] <Prompto> nice
[00:56:01] <Ouro> tenta cair entre os angares
[00:56:04] <Prompto> ok
[00:56:09] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Ele quis me vender a��o da JetStar
[00:56:09] <Ouro> � angares que se chamam?
[00:56:14] <Ouro> nem sei sinceramente
[00:56:14] <Prompto> sim
[00:56:16] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Mas n respondeu
[00:56:34] <Prompto> os 33'/. dele? por quanto?
[00:56:54] <Ouro> ultima vez que vi tavam a 40m
[00:57:05] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Eu estou negociando. Mas o Naldo ficou a ver com o Cao
[00:57:10] <Prompto> nao compensa
[00:57:17] <Ouro> ??????
[00:57:33] (WEB) <Oder#9026> N�o compensa?
[00:57:45] <Prompto> 33'/. por 40m... sinceramente nao
[00:57:48] <Prompto> isto ta morto
[00:58:13] (WEB) <Oder#9026> JetStar sem players?
[00:58:31] <Prompto> a jetstar s� tem 6 jogadores, incluindo o twi
[00:58:39] <Ouro> hahhaha
[00:59:04] (WEB) <Oder#9026> T� como a SATA cmg e Portela de executivo
[00:59:12] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Kkkkk
[00:59:14] <Prompto> exato
[00:59:29] <Prompto> s� q sata ate tinha jogadores
[00:59:45] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Vdd trouxe alguns
[00:59:55] (WEB) <Oder#9026> At� o deathrow
[00:59:57] <Prompto> nunca mais soube do dinozzo
[01:00:05] <Ouro> bora comprar a jetstar aos gajos
[01:00:15] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Vdd
[01:00:15] <Prompto> ele nunca mais vinha online e ninguem jogava na sata lol
[01:00:23] <Prompto> vendi sem a autoriza��o dele caguei
[01:00:46] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Pq n me deixaram ser CEO?
[01:00:51] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Kkkkkkkkkk
[01:01:09] <Prompto> porque tanto ele como eu ja tavamos inactive
[01:01:14] <Prompto> eu s� queria vender xD
[01:01:32] <Prompto> PORRA
[01:01:37] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Eu acho que pod�amos ter feito Marketing
[01:01:37] <Ouro> DK
[01:01:49] <Ouro> isto fica aonde
[01:01:49] <Prompto> nao sei at� q ponto
[01:01:57] <Prompto> la em cima, perto do aeroporto
[01:02:35] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Prompto ql era seu Nick aquele tempo
[01:02:40] <Prompto> prompto
[01:02:45] <-- eddiespromaxplus disconnected from the server
[01:02:48] (WEB) <Oder#9026> U�
[01:03:08] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Qual de vcs era guarda vida?
[01:03:08] <Prompto> acho q na altura tinha mudado pra ederrektfrance tmbm
[01:03:18] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Isso
[01:03:36] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Ederrektfrance lembro
[01:03:54] <Ouro> haha
[01:04:12] <Ouro> 7lotto 44
[01:04:25] <Prompto> easy
[01:04:25] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Ouro era da SATA?
[01:04:30] <Ouro> n�o
[01:05:23] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Vou tentar entrar c outra conta
[01:05:38] <Prompto> a sata foi boa enquanto durou
[01:05:56] <Prompto> foi uma confus�o pra conseguir compr�-la
[01:07:46] <Prompto> bruh
[01:08:08] <Prompto> nem sabia q havia uma central el�trica aqui no jogo
[01:08:16] <Ouro> bruh
[01:08:31] <Prompto> fuck
[01:08:41] <Prompto> a pensar morreu um burro pqp
[01:08:47] <Prompto> nem preciso de dizer mais
[01:08:52] <Ouro> lmao
[01:08:57] <Prompto> qual era o destino?
[01:08:57] <Ouro> ficaste preso mesmo?
[01:08:59] <Prompto> ya
[01:09:02] <Ouro> bayside helipad
[01:09:04] <Prompto> ok
[01:09:07] <Prompto> vai indo
[01:11:17] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[01:11:34] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> I'm having explosive diarrhea smh
[01:11:44] <Ouro> tmi
[01:11:47] <Prompto> no one asked
[01:12:15] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Wait lemme get to my point
[01:12:23] <Prompto> covid?
[01:12:30] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Any tips how to make it better
[01:12:30] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> how is your toilet coping
[01:14:22] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Eat banana
[01:14:40] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Oki
[01:14:55] <Ouro> que maravilha do caralho ja to com 210k uncollected
[01:15:03] <Prompto> nice
[01:15:08] <Prompto> 750k
[01:15:18] <Ouro> � tipo 24 minutos de /w gratis
[01:15:36] <Prompto> por sf ou por lv? qual � mais rpaido?
[01:15:46] <Ouro> sf
[01:15:49] <Prompto> ok
[01:15:51] <Ouro> acho
[01:16:47] <Ouro> onde vais
[01:18:16] <Prompto> bati na arvore lol
[01:18:21] <Prompto> great
[01:18:21] <Ouro> cucked
[01:18:26] <Ouro> what
[01:18:31] <Ouro> ficaste sem o atrelado?
[01:18:31] <Prompto> yup
[01:18:37] <Prompto> ficou la em cima
[01:18:42] <Ouro> eu dou-te o meu
[01:19:17] <Ouro> esquece
[01:19:20] <Ouro> fodi-me
[01:19:27] <Prompto> wut
[01:19:30] <Prompto> foste a agua?
[01:19:32] <Ouro> nvm
[01:19:50] <Ouro> o trailer
[01:19:55] <Ouro> ficou preso na perte de baixo da ponte
[01:20:00] <Prompto> oof
[01:20:16] <Prompto> stalkers
[01:20:21] <Ouro> quem
[01:20:28] <Prompto> n viste o helicoptero?
[01:20:33] <Ouro> n
[01:20:39] <Prompto> mesmo atras de ti lmao
[01:20:44] <Ouro> bruh
[01:21:04] <Prompto> FODA-SE
[01:21:07] <Prompto> postes nojentos
[01:21:14] <Ouro> +
[01:22:02] <Prompto> tenho de repara
[01:22:05] <Prompto> reparar
[01:22:10] <Ouro> repara ali no aeroport
[01:22:36] <Ouro> lidera
[01:22:38] <Ouro> n sei bem
[01:24:58] <Prompto> claro...
[01:25:01] <Ouro> epico
[01:25:54] <Ouro> hasta
[01:25:59] <Prompto> descontrolo total lol
[01:26:37] <Prompto> dude wtf
[01:26:45] <Prompto> s� inventaste
[01:26:50] <Prompto> lmao 900k interest
[01:26:52] <Ouro> stilu
[01:26:55] <Prompto> tao perto de 1m
[01:27:03] <Prompto> tens mod de atrelado?
[01:27:08] <Ouro> n pq
[01:27:10] <Prompto> ta todo bugado
[01:27:13] <Prompto> qnd andas de lado
[01:27:20] <Ouro> ta amaldi�oado n te preocupes
[01:28:16] <Prompto> nem vou comentar
[01:28:29] <Ouro> deste ali um pulo muito bom
[01:28:29] <Ouro> 10/10
[01:28:32] <Prompto> danke
[01:28:47] <Prompto> wtf
[01:29:22] <Prompto> hahahaha
[01:29:27] <Ouro> style
[01:29:48] <Prompto> boa
[01:29:50] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[01:29:55] <Ouro> ele ficou preso nas escadas
[01:30:39] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[01:30:41] <Ouro> vira antes de ires pro tunel
[01:30:46] <Prompto> ya
[01:30:56] <Ouro> sou gps agora
[01:30:56] <Prompto> ja n me esque�p mais
[01:31:04] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[01:31:24] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Twi
[01:31:32] (WEB) <Oder#9026> U here
[01:31:35] <Prompto> ele ainda nao ta ca
[01:31:42] <Prompto> smp vais comprar?
[01:31:50] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Estava falando com Cao
[01:32:10] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Parece q Naldo e Cao concordaram
[01:32:23] (WEB) <Oder#9026> O Cao me disse
[01:32:25] <Prompto> dinheiro deitado ao lixo sinceramente
[01:32:41] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Bom, tenho explica��o
[01:32:51] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Se quiser saber
[01:32:56] <Prompto> por acaso quer
[01:32:56] <Prompto> quero
[01:33:26] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Andei me formando em Marketing em 2019
[01:33:39] (WEB) <Oder#9026> E ainda n trabalho por conta da covid
[01:33:52] (WEB) <Oder#9026> S� freelancer
[01:34:17] <Prompto> tenta arranjar um desconto entao
[01:34:28] <Ouro> ya
[01:34:33] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Assim, trazer uma compania acima, mesmo no jogo
[01:34:38] <Ouro> essa airline n�o vale nem 20m
[01:34:40] (WEB) <Oder#9026> � um treino
[01:34:40] <Prompto> 40m por 33 por cento � demasiado pra companhia que �
[01:34:48] <Prompto> o twi est� te a chular q nem um pobre
[01:35:21] <Prompto> primeiro missao pra lv lmao
[01:35:29] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Assim, quero incluir JetStar e PL na estrat�gia
[01:35:41] <Ouro> ya agora que falas nisso tbm reparei
[01:35:41] <Prompto> percebo a estrat�gia mas a cena � o dinheiro, � demasiado
[01:35:57] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Dinheiro n me importa
[01:36:12] <Prompto> gosto dessa atitutude
[01:36:14] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Posso ver como investimento em mim mesmo
[01:36:22] <Prompto> mas aviso pra o futuro, nao v�s com esse pensamento q, especialmente no brasil, dinheiro conta
[01:36:55] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Dinheiro � um reflexo de uma boa campanha
[01:37:18] <Prompto> sure
[01:37:23] (WEB) <Oder#9026> O foco � na campanha, o dinheiro � metrica
[01:37:31] <Prompto> se achares q te compensa a experiencia entao for�a
[01:37:36] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Oder!
[01:37:48] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Hey my friend long time!
[01:37:56] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Looong time my bro!
[01:37:56] <Prompto> porra
[01:38:04] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> You remember me?
[01:38:06] <Ouro> agua?
[01:38:14] <Prompto> como � que numa cidade como LV ca� num s�tio com �gua...
[01:38:19] <Ouro> F
[01:38:19] (WEB) <Oder#9026> This is my nirvana cover player friend isnt
[01:38:27] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Yes it's me
[01:38:32] <Ouro> ls lv?
[01:38:34] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Neo
[01:38:37] <Prompto> anda-me buscar xD
[01:38:39] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Kkkk I remember u of course
[01:38:44] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> I rec with you long time ago
[01:38:49] <Prompto> se por acaso calhar-te uma miss�o LS f�-la
[01:39:02] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Neo was in my vids of IA
[01:39:17] <Ouro> hunter quarry
[01:39:22] <Prompto> ok
[01:39:28] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Doing shamal inverted flight
[01:39:28] <Prompto> vou rapido buscar truck e trailer a ls entao
[01:39:33] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> We met 5 years ago
[01:39:43] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Also we rec a presidencial scort
[01:39:43] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Wow 5 years?
[01:39:53] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Odertrump
[01:39:56] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Idk, I thinks was 5 years
[01:40:06] <Prompto> damn I remember that presidental escort
[01:40:11] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Really?
[01:40:18] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> You were with us?
[01:40:21] (WEB) <Oder#9026> U re right. That was before Trump turn president
[01:40:26] <Prompto> yeah
[01:40:29] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Was a great video
[01:40:29] <Prompto> it was an event right?
[01:40:44] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> No, only for the oder's channel
[01:40:51] <Prompto> oh
[01:40:54] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Just vids I was doing for fun to PL
[01:40:59] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Idk if you guys do an event
[01:41:09] <Prompto> we did a presidential escort event once
[01:41:12] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Yeah, Odertan Grammarnuts channel
[01:41:17] <Prompto> with an andromeda and shit
[01:41:19] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Also I had a channel but I erase it
[01:41:22] (WEB) <Oder#9026> I recorded events on my channel too
[01:41:30] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Dipa! Long time ago
[01:41:40] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Dipa was driving at400 on presidential escort
[01:41:42] <Prompto> I had an FSX youtuve channel with 10k subs lmao
[01:41:45] <Prompto> it was awesome
[01:41:52] <Prompto> ended up deleting it
[01:41:58] <Ouro> pq?
[01:42:03] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> I have my own channel but I have 75 subs
[01:42:05] (WEB) <Oder#9026> I deleted too
[01:42:20] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Oder, you have the videos yet?
[01:42:26] <Prompto> someone tried to hack it and wanted to dox me
[01:42:28] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Could be great re upload
[01:42:33] <Prompto> they had my fucking public name and address
[01:42:36] (WEB) <Oder#9026> I have some somewhere
[01:42:41] <Ouro> why?
[01:42:51] <Prompto> they hated it that I had more subs
[01:42:53] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> I'm gonna upgrade my pc with a SSD and more ram I could rec in the server again
[01:42:59] <Ouro> ..
[01:43:14] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Do it Neo my friend
[01:43:14] <Prompto> it was just a youtube channel tbh, i didn't want my info to come out to public
[01:43:16] <Prompto> so I just deleted it
[01:43:19] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> We can rec back on the server bro!
[01:43:21] (WEB) <Oder#9026> U me and Dipa
[01:43:29] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Yes
[01:43:34] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Yes
[01:43:44] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> My English skills get better and I can talk on videos :D
[01:43:47] <Ouro> does he have a yt channel
[01:43:52] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Yea I have
[01:43:57] <Prompto> nope, got banne
[01:43:57] <Prompto> banned
[01:44:02] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> I don't remember the name
[01:44:07] <Ouro> for what he did to you or something else
[01:44:17] <Ouro> ????
[01:44:17] <Prompto> he posted "how to hack"
[01:44:17] <Ouro> como
[01:44:20] <Prompto> shit
[01:44:28] <Prompto> how to hack videos of facebook and stuff
[01:44:28] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Me?
[01:44:35] (WEB) <Oder#9026> We did nice vids like, 9 planes flying togheter rec from me and Neo
[01:44:56] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Also a convoy with trucks
[01:45:06] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Remember that?
[01:45:46] <Prompto> tenho de dar refuel nesta merda
[01:46:04] <Ouro> tens quanto
[01:46:14] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Sure
[01:46:42] (WEB) <Oder#9026> I gotta re+organize stuff
[01:46:47] <Prompto> oh shit
[01:46:58] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Also try to re upload the old videos
[01:47:38] <Prompto> smh
[01:47:53] <Ouro> sf n�?
[01:47:56] <Prompto> ls
[01:48:39] <Prompto> yo
[01:48:39] <Ouro> HAHAHA
[01:48:47] <Ouro> circo
[01:49:12] (WEB) <Oder#9026> If I find old vids yeah
[01:49:45] <Prompto> calculei mal o angulo
[01:49:50] <Ouro> style
[01:49:55] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Can�t fckin sleep
[01:50:16] <Prompto> time to schlafen
[01:50:23] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> I don't have the olds videos sadly but I can rec again once I upgrade my pc
[01:50:23] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Yea actually but I can�t
[01:50:36] <Prompto> jerk off
[01:50:41] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Try a wank Smith
[01:50:46] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> XD
[01:50:59] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> My gf lays beside me so I won�t
[01:51:02] <Ouro> wtf
[01:51:07] <Prompto> oh no
[01:51:09] <Prompto> he has a gf
[01:51:22] <Ouro> ask her to do it to you
[01:51:30] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> She is sleeping
[01:51:35] <Prompto> quite disrespectufl
[01:51:37] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Then fuck her
[01:51:40] <Ouro> understandable
[01:51:45] <Prompto> koehler
[01:51:52] <Prompto> do you are have stupid?
[01:51:55] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Okay I'll shut up
[01:51:58] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Im gonna fuck you koehler
[01:52:05] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Yea would be better
[01:52:10] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Jk
[01:52:23] <Ouro> vou fazer army dps
[01:52:28] <Prompto> ok
[01:52:28] <Ouro> stonksd
[01:52:28] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Sorry Smith
[01:52:33] <Prompto> oh
[01:52:33] <Ouro> smith sorry btw
[01:52:33] <Prompto> demand
[01:52:51] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Nah im chilled boys
[01:53:06] <Ouro> it was my bad saying that
[01:53:16] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Nah u r good
[01:53:26] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> You forgive me?
[01:53:34] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Sure
[01:53:44] <Prompto> lmao
[01:53:49] <Prompto> imagina comprar esta igreja
[01:53:49] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Let's be friends again :D
[01:53:49] <Ouro> q foi
[01:54:02] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> My basic lifestyle never hate anyone however he hates me or behave
[01:54:02] <Prompto> q interior de pi�a
[01:54:05] <Ouro> fds
[01:54:05] <Ouro> que podre
[01:54:12] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Promto
[01:54:15] <Prompto> ?
[01:54:20] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> You're from Brazil?
[01:54:25] <Prompto> no
[01:54:30] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Portugal?
[01:54:35] <Prompto> ye
[01:54:40] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> O
[01:54:45] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> He from Africa
[01:54:48] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> In portugal you can eat sopa do macaco?
[01:54:56] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> E uma delicia
[01:54:56] <Prompto> del�cia
[01:54:58] <Prompto> ofc not
[01:55:11] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> You're the guy who speaks Spanish too?
[01:55:18] <Prompto> well, yeah
[01:55:26] <Prompto> que necesitas chico?
[01:55:26] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Oh I remember you
[01:55:39] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Soy el de Colombia �Me recuerdas?
[01:55:54] <Prompto> hmm creo que no
[01:56:02] <Prompto> disculpa-me
[01:56:12] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Jajajaja fu� el que te molesto un d�a con la sopa do macaco
[01:56:14] <Ouro> tengo el gato los pantalones
[01:56:22] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Pero hace ya tiempo
[01:56:22] <Prompto> oooooh
[01:56:35] <Prompto> ya me recuerdo de ti
[01:56:47] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Y yo de ti brother
[01:57:13] <Ouro> epic reuinion i shed tears
[01:57:33] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Yea was epic :')
[01:57:33] <Prompto> que tienes hecho despues de tanto este tiempo?
[01:57:51] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Estudiando en la universidad jajaj �Y tu?
[01:58:01] <Prompto> tambien
[01:58:11] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Y se dice: Que has hecho despu�s de tanto tiempo
[01:58:19] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Solo es una correcci�n
[01:58:39] <Prompto> that's my untrained spanish tbh
[01:58:52] <Prompto> I keep forgetting spanish uses haber as an auxiliary..
[01:59:50] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> How long you been speaking spanish?
[02:00:06] <Prompto> for like 3 years but stopped using it during the pandemic
[02:00:34] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Oh
[02:00:44] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> How many languages you know?
[02:01:02] <Prompto> native: 2, somewhat fluent: 1
[02:01:09] <Prompto> some knowledge: 2
[02:01:50] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Nice
[02:01:55] <Prompto> I'm not even considering galician, that language is just portuguese on spanish steroids
[02:03:34] <Prompto> paga bem esta porra de militar?
[02:03:39] <Ouro> pior que at400
[02:03:49] <Prompto> sim mas at400 � mais lento
[02:04:00] <Ouro> n�o muito
[02:04:05] <Ouro> consegues fazer at� 12 ou 13
[02:04:10] <Ouro> mas tens que ter sorte
[02:04:25] <Prompto> we're so bad even the french are saying stuff about us
[02:07:28] <Ouro> se fizeres at400 usa o andromada
[02:07:33] <Ouro> � melhor
[02:07:38] <Prompto> prefiro militar
[02:08:04] <Ouro> o top speed � igual ao hydra
[02:08:22] <Prompto> mas o hydra mexe-se melhor
[02:08:29] <Ouro> e distancias entre a e b tambem nao sao muito diferentes
[02:14:17] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[02:15:21] <Ouro> vou dormir fds isto
[02:15:26] <Prompto> hahahaha
[02:15:26] <Prompto> xau
[02:15:39] <Ouro> espera tenho quase 5m na mao
[02:15:49] <Prompto> nao desistes
[02:15:49] <Ouro> vou fazer mais umas
[02:22:33] <Ouro> pronto
[02:22:36] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[02:31:58] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[02:32:03] <WarmBees> wb
[02:32:08] <Smetkowski> thanks
[02:35:35] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[02:35:40] <WarmBees> hemlo
[02:35:42] <Smetkowski> wb
[02:35:45] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[02:40:30] <Smetkowski> !player haroon
[02:40:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player haroon: 6946 score, last seen null
[02:41:08] --> Capt.Ves connected to the server
[02:41:16] <WarmBees> wb
[02:41:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[02:41:18] <Smetkowski> wb
[02:41:26] <Capt.Ves> ty
[02:42:52] <akiyamaha> test
[02:42:52] (WEB) <TheGamer> @akiyamaha test failed!
[02:42:55] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:43:20] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:50:48] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[02:55:28] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[02:56:03] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:01:29] <-- eddiespromaxplus disconnected from the server
[03:05:56] --> l_drago connected to the server
[03:05:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[03:06:01] <Smetkowski> wb
[03:06:03] <Capt.Ves> wb
[03:06:03] <l_drago> hy
[03:06:03] <l_drago> ty
[03:13:43] --> Proton connected to the server
[03:13:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[03:13:54] <Capt.Ves> wb
[03:13:54] <Smetkowski> wb
[03:15:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> '\w
[03:16:46] <-- Proton disconnected from the server
[03:23:05] <l_drago> !aboard
[03:23:05] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(173144) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49327) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25969)
[03:30:51] <akiyamaha> wow this lotto is a scam
[03:31:03] <Smetkowski> yes
[03:35:41] <-- l_drago disconnected from the server
[03:36:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[03:36:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 13687 score, 13506 missions: 21'/. trucking - 8'/. shamal - 8'/. rescue
[03:36:59] <-- Capt.Ves disconnected from the server
[03:41:59] --> Azathoth connected to the server
[03:42:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[03:42:07] <Azathoth> hello
[03:50:31] <-- Azathoth disconnected from the server
[03:50:36] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[03:51:14] --> dipa connected to the server
[03:51:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[03:51:27] <dipa> h
[03:51:29] <dipa> i
[03:59:30] <dipa> s
[03:59:53] --> captain.duncan connected to the server
[04:00:05] <captain.duncan> hello fellas
[04:00:10] <dipa> hi
[04:00:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[04:00:46] <-- captain.duncan disconnected from the server
[04:01:06] --> captain.duncan connected to the server
[04:01:45] <akiyamaha> wotd whore
[04:01:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> true mint
[04:01:57] <captain.duncan> true kah
[04:02:02] <Prompto> kontol
[04:02:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> mengontol
[04:02:10] <dipa> admint
[04:08:09] <dipa> dh mau milih itu malah jadi 11
[04:08:14] <dipa> :|
[04:08:19] <captain.duncan> dosa bro judi
[04:08:21] <captain.duncan> hahahahaahhaah
[04:08:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> arisan*
[04:08:24] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> anak ngentot
[04:12:13] (WEB) <Winny#0266> halo
[04:12:15] <-- captain.duncan disconnected from the server
[04:12:15] <dipa> hai
[04:12:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> go sleep
[04:12:28] (WEB) <Winny#0266> nu
[04:12:28] <Prompto> sleep is for the weak
[04:12:38] --> captain.duncan connected to the server
[04:12:46] <captain.duncan> anjim
[04:12:56] <JoyadiJoestar.> /rules moment
[04:12:56] <captain.duncan> gw ketik /rules terus esc kok di kick akwkawkawkaw
[04:13:01] <captain.duncan> iya awkawkaw
[04:13:09] <dipa> Dikira serve ngereject :v
[04:13:24] <captain.duncan> ada notif nya ya di general chat?
[04:13:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> kicked
[04:13:34] <dipa> (kicked)
[04:13:42] <captain.duncan> whahahahaha :')
[04:13:47] <dipa> xD
[04:16:17] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Hi gamers
[04:16:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[04:16:24] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Sup everyone
[04:16:29] <dipa> soup
[04:16:47] <captain.duncan> gmn cara webchat
[04:16:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> masuk discord
[04:16:57] <captain.duncan> oalaaaa
[04:16:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> /discord
[04:17:03] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Gonna build a new pc so, not gonna loggin in few days guys
[04:17:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> ntar ada channel buat webchat
[04:17:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[04:17:13] <captain.duncan> okok
[04:17:13] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Join DC ae terus verif dii forum
[04:17:56] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Bingung gw beli vip 2 ga ya
[04:18:06] <captain.duncan> apa aja benefit nya emg
[04:18:09] --> Jacob connected to the server
[04:18:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[04:18:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> banyak sih
[04:18:16] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Bentar gw cek web dulu
[04:18:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> ganti skin
[04:18:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> ganti weather
[04:18:24] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Hi jacob
[04:18:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> hea;
[04:18:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> heal
[04:18:29] <dipa> tambahan beli rumah juga
[04:18:32] <captain.duncan> oalaa
[04:18:37] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Iya bisa jd punya 3 rumah
[04:18:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> 3 rumah kalo vip 2
[04:18:52] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Kan kalo ga vip maksimal 2 rumah
[04:20:46] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[04:20:51] --> Sadx connected to the server
[04:21:40] (WEB) <Winny#0266> KONTOL
[04:21:50] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[04:21:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> cibai
[04:22:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cboard
[04:22:46] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19715) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4116) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-442)
[04:23:29] <captain.duncan> RW 09 sama RW27 beda nya gmn
[04:23:32] <captain.duncan> runway nya cuma ada satu kek nya
[04:23:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> 09 East
[04:23:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> 27 West
[04:23:44] <captain.duncan> oh arah nya gt ya?
[04:23:47] <JoyadiJoestar.> iya arah approachnya
[04:23:57] <captain.duncan> i see
[04:23:59] <captain.duncan> ok bro
[04:23:59] <JoyadiJoestar.> kalo 2 kaya LS sama LV
[04:24:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> ada R saama L
[04:24:27] <captain.duncan> ok bro tq info nya
[04:27:28] <Jacob> tf
[04:31:55] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[04:32:56] <captain.duncan> ini airport kecil kek nya suka gk kedetect di /t atau /l ya
[04:32:58] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Weird
[04:33:03] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[04:33:21] --> Lenz connected to the server
[04:35:41] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> beberapa ada yang gak keinput /t sama /l nya
[04:36:19] <captain.duncan> oalah, klo gt berarti skip aja mungkin ya /t sama /l nya
[04:40:34] <captain.duncan> a
[04:40:39] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> iya, gapapa diskip aja
[04:42:13] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Next grinding license ga ya gw. Pengen nyoba dodo dulu sih cuma suka ampas dapetnya 18km+ bgsd
[04:42:33] <captain.duncan> weh, kek nya klo terbang tinggi, fuel nya lebih boros ay
[04:42:36] <captain.duncan> ya*
[04:42:48] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Sama aja kok harusnya
[04:43:16] <captain.duncan> oalah, mungkin distance gw terlalu jauh
[04:43:57] (WEB) <[NH]Vortex#3055> Mungkin karena pas nambah altitude jadi fuel kepake buat naik bukan buat lurus kedepan
[04:44:07] --> MFF connected to the server
[04:44:12] <captain.duncan> maybe jg
[04:44:35] <MFF> pantek
[04:44:38] <MFF> kaget
[04:45:00] <MFF> fir kapan gadai sk
[04:46:57] <JoyadiJoestar.> buat apa
[04:47:13] <MFF> beli rumah
[04:47:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> nanti
[04:47:36] <MFF> !assets Joyadi
[04:47:38] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Joyadi
[04:47:46] <MFF> !assets JoyadiJoestar
[04:47:48] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player JoyadiJoestar
[04:47:59] <MFF> anjing
[04:48:06] <Syracuse> !assets joyadijoestar.
[04:48:09] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar. has 46 car(s) ($59,590,000) and 4 house(s) ($68,800,000 - 46 slots) for a total of $128,390,000
[04:48:11] <MFF> dah beli pb belum fir
[04:48:32] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Bagi link
[04:48:39] <MFF> itu di discord
[04:48:50] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Lu beli yang itu?
[04:48:55] <MFF> ya
[04:48:55] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Tar deh liat2 itemku lagi
[04:49:05] <MFF> full item
[04:49:15] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Mayor kena berapa ribu?
[04:49:33] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Mayor masmed ready semua title sama senjata ready
[04:49:35] <MFF> lu orang padang fir
[04:49:53] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Adrian orang padang
[04:50:03] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ya berapa jar
[04:50:06] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Harganya
[04:50:16] <MFF> 60 doang total ama pajak
[04:50:29] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Oke
[04:50:44] <-- captain.duncan disconnected from the server
[04:51:02] <MFF> lcd monitor yg amoled ada
[04:51:15] --> captain.duncan connected to the server
[04:51:55] <captain.duncan> rumah pasaran brp bro
[04:51:58] <MFF> brp slot
[04:52:26] <MFF> !assets
[04:52:28] (WEB) <robin_be> MFF has 1 car(s) ($140,000) and 2 house(s) ($3,800,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $3,940,000
[04:52:34] <captain.duncan> !assets
[04:52:36] (WEB) <robin_be> captain.duncan has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[04:52:54] <-- captain.duncan disconnected from the server
[04:53:17] --> captain.duncan connected to the server
[04:53:27] <captain.duncan> !assets
[04:53:30] (WEB) <robin_be> captain.duncan has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[04:53:35] <captain.duncan> misqueen
[04:53:45] <MFF> !cash Captain.duncan
[04:53:48] (WEB) <robin_be> Captain.duncan has $384,477 in hand
[04:53:53] <Syracuse> !cboard
[04:53:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19719) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4120) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-442)
[04:54:31] <captain.duncan> kencengan cargo atau penumpang
[04:54:33] <captain.duncan> uang nya
[04:54:46] <MFF> lu kejer army aja dulu
[04:54:54] <captain.duncan> gmn cara ny atuh
[04:54:59] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[04:55:01] <MFF> kerja pake pilot
[04:55:11] <captain.duncan> pesawat apa
[04:55:16] <MFF> andromada
[04:55:34] <captain.duncan> oko
[04:55:37] <captain.duncan> okok
[04:55:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ada letkol petik 1 77k
[04:56:00] <MFF> ga guna juga njir pangkat tinggi2
[04:56:12] <MFF> kaya rico beli bintang 1 buat apaan
[04:56:25] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Makanya
[04:56:30] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Males juga beli bintang
[04:56:38] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Orang mayor udah full title
[04:56:43] <MFF> major aja fir
[04:56:48] <Syracuse> oi IA, pelase /fleet
[04:57:11] <Syracuse> lenz, are you from IA?
[04:57:16] <Lenz> nope
[04:57:39] <Lenz> aky is from IA
[04:57:39] <Syracuse> aki is, and he's afk smh
[04:59:31] <captain.duncan> loh ini andromada kok bawa passengers
[04:59:36] <captain.duncan> ini antonov kan
[04:59:49] <MFF> anjing dodo 500k
[05:00:19] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[05:04:21] <Syracuse> nice
[05:04:26] <MFF> ty
[05:04:33] <Prompto> gz
[05:04:49] <MFF> ty
[05:07:44] <-- captain.duncan disconnected from the server
[05:09:08] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ayo jar
[05:10:42] <MFF> license gw bntr
[05:12:44] <MFF> hore
[05:12:49] <Syracuse> gg
[05:12:49] <Prompto> gz
[05:12:54] <MFF> ty
[05:12:59] <Syracuse> shamal time?
[05:13:07] <Prompto> I think it's shamal time
[05:13:09] <MFF> practice first
[05:13:20] <Syracuse> same route as dodo
[05:13:48] <MFF> takis ga cob
[05:13:58] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gas
[05:14:00] <MFF> fir cek kendaraan dimana
[05:16:56] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[05:17:21] --> Prompto connected to the server
[05:18:04] <MFF> lu dah kelar shamal cob
[05:18:07] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> udah
[05:18:12] <MFF> brp kali ?
[05:18:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 2x
[05:18:25] <MFF> kalo nevada
[05:18:35] <MFF> buset wkwkwkw
[05:18:43] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> apa 8 gitu lupa
[05:19:08] <MFF> ko gw deg2an ya
[05:19:13] <MFF> bismillah
[05:19:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> santai aja kalo shamal
[05:19:36] <MFF> wtf 500 shamal mission?
[05:19:41] <MFF> anjrit
[05:19:44] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 150 lagi
[05:19:49] <Syracuse> oi, thought it was 250 only
[05:20:37] <MFF> pb cob
[05:20:45] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ngantuk jar
[05:24:38] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[05:24:51] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[05:28:17] <MFF> req for nevada license?
[05:28:45] <Syracuse> at least 1
[05:28:55] <Syracuse> 2500 scores and 500 comleted cargo flights
[05:29:00] <Syracuse> completed
[05:29:13] <MFF> money ?
[05:29:16] <Syracuse> 12m
[05:29:21] <Syracuse> 12./5m
[05:29:23] <Syracuse> wait
[05:29:33] <MFF> rc baron or tiger?
[05:29:33] <Syracuse> 2.5m
[05:29:39] <MFF> the prze
[05:29:51] <Syracuse> rc baron or 5m
[05:30:07] <MFF> how much rc baron worth?
[05:30:12] <MFF> !lastmission
[05:30:12] (WEB) <TheGamer> Samantha Airport Gate 1 to Island of Industry. 1 hours 48 minutes(5200 Metres) Pay: $13741
[05:30:12] <Syracuse> around 10
[05:30:50] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Sorry, i was on my landing
[05:30:55] <MFF> just watching Pilots life Nevada license on youtube
[05:31:02] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Woy apaan
[05:31:13] <Syracuse> ugh
[05:31:15] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 5m or rc baron*
[05:31:25] <Syracuse> I said that too
[05:31:28] --> Sadx connected to the server
[05:31:53] <MFF> takis gak ya
[05:31:56] <MFF> nevada license
[05:32:11] <MFF> sisa 200k doang kalo gagal
[05:34:18] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Belajar dulu
[05:34:26] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ayo jar pb dah beli
[05:34:31] <MFF> ok bnetar
[05:34:36] <MFF> tag jcob fir
[05:34:39] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Akunnya belom dikasih wkwk
[05:34:49] <MFF> push terus
[05:39:21] <MFF> tag gw fir kalo akunnya dah di kasih
[05:39:41] <MFF> !license
[05:40:04] <Sadx> !licenses mff
[05:40:07] (WEB) <robin_be> mff has a license for dodo, maverick
[05:46:59] <MFF> dah bangun cob
[05:47:04] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> belom
[05:48:05] <MFF> asu jauh kali
[05:48:15] <Sadx> sans
[05:49:13] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Mengontol
[05:49:34] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Donlod aja belom
[05:49:41] <MFF> geblek
[05:49:44] <MFF> download dulu
[05:50:42] --> Jacob connected to the server
[05:50:53] <Syracuse> hi there
[05:51:31] <MFF> admin abuse
[05:51:38] <Jacob> nice try
[05:51:41] <Syracuse> hmmmmm?
[05:51:46] <MFF> jk
[05:52:01] <JoyadiJoestar.> hadeh
[05:52:11] <MFF> ih anjing di atas
[05:52:37] <Syracuse> since you're here, jacob, can you pelase /fleet?
[05:52:47] <Syracuse> one of IA's shamals is at Lima's checkpoint
[05:53:00] <Jacob> sure but why didnt you ask akiyamaha
[05:53:02] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> dih ngeload
[05:53:07] <Syracuse> he's afk since ice age
[05:53:07] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> lama
[05:53:38] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> full client apa partial client?
[05:53:43] <MFF> full aja
[05:53:51] <MFF> 2gban keknya
[05:53:58] <Sadx> cs la
[05:54:03] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> dah
[05:54:16] <MFF> ssd gw penuh mo donlot cs
[05:54:19] <JoyadiJoestar.> 3.4 MB/s - 51.9 MB of 2.5 GB
[05:54:29] <MFF> lu pake biznet fir
[05:54:34] <JoyadiJoestar.> xl
[05:54:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> beli akun gocapan aja veg
[05:54:49] <JoyadiJoestar.> yang mayor masmed full
[05:54:54] <Sadx> buat pb?
[05:54:59] <Sadx> ga demen pb gua
[05:55:07] <MFF> pb jaman now keren veg
[05:55:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> pb seenggaknya gak pusing recoil
[05:55:38] <MFF> kapan rambut gw gondrong
[05:55:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> udah gabisa gondrong
[05:56:03] <MFF> lu jadi intel aja
[05:56:08] <JoyadiJoestar.> secara peraturan dan emang rambut gua gabisa gondrong
[05:56:16] <Sadx> lu brewok ga fir?
[05:56:21] <JoyadiJoestar.> iya
[05:56:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> tar kenxcing
[05:56:31] <Sadx> wedehh murni apa make?
[05:56:36] <MFF> murni dia
[05:56:39] <MFF> ada keturunan arab
[05:57:57] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Murni
[05:58:51] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[05:59:06] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[06:01:01] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Mana ada arab
[06:01:06] <MFF> arab maklum
[06:01:06] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Gua jawa
[06:01:11] <MFF> lu jawa mana fir
[06:01:18] <MFF> bisa nguli dongf
[06:01:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Tengah
[06:01:26] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Bernyanyi bernyanyi
[06:01:46] <MFF> 1 ras perkulian dengan rian
[06:02:30] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[06:02:30] <MFF> farm punya lu ya fir
[06:02:57] <Sadx> iya jar
[06:03:20] <MFF> mantap jg org indo kaya kaya
[06:05:05] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[06:05:10] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[06:05:17] <MFF> anjengg gw 24
[06:05:38] <Sadx> emang gitu
[06:05:48] <MFF> abis ini lotto 30
[06:11:13] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[06:11:21] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[06:11:54] <Syracuse> rip dodo wotd
[06:12:40] <Jacob> cant knock me off
[06:12:47] <Syracuse> ugh
[06:12:50] <Syracuse> 10km dodo
[06:13:10] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Beli meeju 19k
[06:13:18] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Porsi lebih dikit dari indomie
[06:13:23] <MFF> enak gk ?
[06:13:28] <MFF> kalo mi spageti fir
[06:13:41] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Belom beli mi spageti
[06:13:46] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Udah ada di indomaret?
[06:13:48] <WarmBees> F
[06:13:58] <MFF> miju dr indomaret?
[06:14:01] <MFF> gatau sih
[06:14:16] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Beli di alfamart sih gua
[06:14:19] <WarmBees> noice
[06:14:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Mie keju
[06:14:26] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Jadi manis jar
[06:14:29] <MFF> brand indomie jg ?
[06:14:34] <MFF> pasti eneg
[06:14:39] <MFF> kaya yg telor asin
[06:14:44] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Bukan brand indomie
[06:15:05] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Lebih eneg ini asli
[06:15:12] <MFF> mahal jg 20k
[06:15:12] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Telor asin gua malah demen
[06:15:17] <MFF> mending samyang
[06:15:27] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Asli dah
[06:15:35] <MFF> samyang the best deh emg
[06:15:38] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Mending samyang sekalian
[06:16:28] <MFF> ahh taik
[06:16:31] <MFF> malah lagf
[06:16:49] (WEB) <MFF#4095> anjing malah lag
[06:17:01] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Kok bisa
[06:17:04] <WarmBees> HAHAHA
[06:17:07] <WarmBees> afk
[06:17:07] <MFF> ga bisa landing
[06:17:14] <WarmBees> hue
[06:17:17] <MFF> gatenya ga ngeload
[06:17:19] <MFF> gimana ini
[06:17:24] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ekwkwk
[06:17:32] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Jam nya gerak ga?
[06:17:35] <MFF> kaga wkwkw
[06:17:37] <Sadx> desync itu jar
[06:17:45] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Desyc
[06:17:50] <Sadx> tp chat tetep jalan kan
[06:17:50] <-- MFF disconnected from the server
[06:17:52] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Relog paling
[06:17:55] <WarmBees> wheres the train located at?
[06:18:02] <Sadx> SF station maybe
[06:18:02] (WEB) <MFF#4095> emang di suruh sholat dulu kan
[06:18:13] <Sadx> yoi jar bener banget
[06:18:23] <WarmBees> i'll check it out
[06:18:25] <Sadx> or LV
[06:18:38] <WarmBees> not on SA
[06:19:37] <WarmBees> not on cranberry
[06:21:36] <Jacob> ;/q
[06:21:39] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[06:22:04] <WarmBees> i think it's despawned
[06:22:12] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Untung gajadi beli makan
[06:22:17] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ujan deres
[06:22:35] <WarmBees> jojo, is the train despawned?
[06:22:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Idk...
[06:23:00] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Default one is at LV Prickle Pine i think
[06:23:10] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> If not, prolly despawned
[06:23:15] <WarmBees> i didn't see any train there
[06:23:18] <WarmBees> anyways
[06:23:20] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[06:29:06] <Syracuse> nice number
[06:29:14] <Syracuse> 797 797
[06:35:07] <Syracuse> shit
[06:37:15] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[06:37:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[06:37:35] <Oatdelta> :D
[06:44:06] <JoyadiJoestar.> nice
[06:44:09] <Lenz> nice
[06:44:11] <Syracuse> lottonesia strikes again
[06:44:32] <Sadx> first winning with this name, thanks :)
[06:45:20] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[06:45:30] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[06:45:43] (WEB) <dipa#0472> I think theres no trains
[06:48:08] --> Gonzalez connected to the server
[06:48:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[06:48:18] <Syracuse> hello there
[06:48:33] <Gonzalez> Hey!
[07:01:24] <Syracuse> wrong airport smh
[07:01:54] <Syracuse> destinationL mexicanana, me" landed at angel pine
[07:02:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> e
[07:03:13] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[07:03:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[07:03:24] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[07:03:26] <JoyadiJoestar.> f
[07:03:44] <Syracuse> rip dodo wotd, again
[07:03:59] <Syracuse> !cboard
[07:04:02] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19739) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4139) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-443)
[07:05:59] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> Stan gay
[07:06:11] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> !aboard
[07:06:11] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(173199) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49337) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25997)
[07:06:14] <Gonzalez> Santiago gayer
[07:06:22] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> :(
[07:07:02] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> Work gonz
[07:07:15] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> We gotta make 26k mission by next week
[07:07:20] <Gonzalez> I am working
[07:07:51] <Gonzalez> If only I could do pizza boy missions for the airline
[07:14:20] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[07:20:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> w
[07:21:50] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[07:21:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> helo
[07:21:52] <Oatdelta> wb
[07:22:00] <TheGamer> thx
[07:22:15] <TheGamer> update soon
[07:23:11] <Sadx> must be on 1st feb
[07:23:19] <Gonzalez> w
[07:23:52] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[07:33:13] --> Jacob connected to the server
[07:37:58] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[07:38:08] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[07:40:03] <Syracuse> q
[07:40:56] <Syracuse> hello
[07:41:01] <Sadx> Hello :)
[07:41:44] <Sadx> !rank
[07:41:47] (WEB) <robin_be> Sadx(17400) rank: PL Senior Captain(16000) next: Aviation Legend(18000) (+600)
[07:51:04] <-- Gonzalez disconnected from the server
[07:51:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> !score
[07:51:57] (WEB) <robin_be> player JoyadiJoestar.: 13717 score, 13536 missions: 21'/. trucking - 8'/. shamal - 8'/. rescue
[07:52:15] <Jacob> !score
[07:52:18] (WEB) <robin_be> player Jacob: 5879 score, 4824 missions: 39'/. cargo drop - 27'/. military - 11'/. cargo
[07:55:44] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[07:57:30] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[07:58:37] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[08:00:21] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[08:01:25] --> IXI_BEAR_IXI connected to the server
[08:02:46] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[08:13:35] --> Proton connected to the server
[08:14:28] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> !update
[08:15:29] <-- Proton disconnected from the server
[08:16:17] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[08:16:28] <-- IXI_BEAR_IXI disconnected from the server
[08:24:08] --> Le_Nguyen_Hoang connected to the server
[08:25:11] --> Twi connected to the server
[08:25:16] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[08:25:37] <Twi> ty
[08:25:42] <Twi> nice vip
[08:25:49] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> ty
[08:29:36] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[08:29:41] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[08:30:11] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wtf we have pets ?
[08:30:39] <Twi> wb
[08:30:44] <Twi> pets what
[08:30:44] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wtf we have pets ?
[08:30:49] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> /i
[08:30:52] <Twi> which pets
[08:30:57] <Twi> oh well
[08:31:22] --> Odertan connected to the server
[08:31:28] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[08:31:40] <Odertan> hello my friends
[08:31:56] <Twi> wb
[08:34:31] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> what's aka ?
[08:35:44] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wtf
[08:35:52] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> the airship is back
[08:36:56] <Twi> wb
[08:37:01] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb aki
[08:37:16] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[08:37:21] <Twi> f
[08:38:04] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> what ???
[08:40:29] <Twi> LALALALALALAL
[08:40:55] <Twi> garuda kontol
[08:41:05] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> cant find ur application lol
[08:41:15] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[08:41:15] <Twi> withdrawn hue :P
[08:41:17] <Twi> wb
[08:41:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ohhh
[08:41:25] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[08:41:28] <TwilightMontana> Thanks!
[08:42:06] <Odertan> twi
[08:42:11] <Twi> yes?
[08:42:16] <Odertan> how i see airline menu?
[08:42:21] <Twi> /ma
[08:42:39] <Odertan> ty
[08:43:32] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[08:44:38] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[08:45:52] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[08:46:23] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[08:46:33] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[08:46:38] <TwilightMontana> Thanks.
[08:46:56] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i need to buy a new house
[08:48:02] <TwilightMontana> No.
[08:48:09] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> no x3.14
[08:48:35] <Odertan> Jetstar under new direction :D
[08:49:51] <TwilightMontana> !player Cpt.Charlez
[08:49:54] (WEB) <robin_be> player Cpt.Charlez: 3457 score, last seen null
[08:50:24] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> i need to fix this bug
[08:50:29] <TwilightMontana> What?
[08:50:42] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> "last seen null"
[08:51:05] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> how to do that ???
[08:51:05] <TwilightMontana> Not a bug.
[08:51:18] <TwilightMontana> /me A
[08:51:20] <TwilightMontana> /me
[08:51:48] --> Kristel connected to the server
[08:51:53] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wn
[08:51:56] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[08:52:01] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[08:52:08] <Kristel> ty
[08:55:14] <-- Odertan disconnected from the server
[08:55:34] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[08:55:39] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[08:55:52] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> wb
[08:55:52] <akiyamaha> ty
[08:56:38] (WEB) <UsadaPekora#6620> berisik
[08:56:48] (WEB) <UsadaPekora#6620> firza kontol
[08:58:55] <Twi> aki
[08:59:06] <Twi> are you
[08:59:23] <akiyamaha> wut
[08:59:28] <Twi> ready
[08:59:31] <Twi> for it
[08:59:44] <Twi> ARE YOU
[08:59:49] <akiyamaha> ready for what?
[08:59:51] <akiyamaha> cum?
[08:59:54] <Twi> fuck you
[08:59:54] <Twi> yes
[08:59:56] <akiyamaha> yes
[09:00:09] <akiyamaha> :o
[09:00:14] <Twi> :o
[09:01:08] <Twi> /afklist
[09:02:16] <akiyamaha> wow ok
[09:07:49] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> oh f
[09:08:02] <Kristel> is Lima Island remapped?
[09:08:10] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> not
[09:08:20] <Kristel> the whole place seems new
[09:08:50] <Kristel> gojek /cfleet
[09:08:55] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wai
[09:08:55] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> t
[09:09:06] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> done
[09:09:11] <Kristel> ty
[09:12:01] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[09:14:01] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> oh F
[09:17:32] <-- Le_Nguyen_Hoang disconnected from the server
[09:19:01] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> Boi , is Kristel here?
[09:19:08] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> How do ya do boiiiii
[09:19:26] <Kristel> im good
[09:19:39] <Kristel> as always lmao
[09:20:09] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> Ah , okay
[09:20:35] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> With life returning to normal , I might as well ask how do people do now , after sitting shut in their homes for so long.
[09:20:50] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[09:21:26] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[09:34:24] --> dipa connected to the server
[09:34:36] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[09:34:44] <dipa> ty
[09:36:23] <dipa> ... --- ...
[09:40:37] --> Rare90SProMaxPlus connected to the server
[09:40:50] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> hi gamers
[09:41:03] <TwilightMontana> Heya.
[09:45:15] <-- Rare90SProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[09:56:46] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[09:59:21] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[09:59:52] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[10:01:33] --> UsadaPekora connected to the server
[10:01:44] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[10:01:46] <UsadaPekora> ty
[10:01:49] <dipa> webe
[10:02:02] <dipa> w
[10:07:37] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[10:07:45] <UsadaPekora> wb
[10:07:48] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wb
[10:07:53] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[10:08:00] <dipa> yw.
[10:09:17] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[10:09:19] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[10:09:27] --> Marcus_Berlinton connected to the server
[10:09:29] <WarmBees> thanks
[10:09:37] <dipa> welcome
[10:10:20] <WarmBees> !rank
[10:10:23] (WEB) <robin_be> WarmBees(8569) rank: Commercial Captain(8000) next: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) (+431)
[10:10:23] <UsadaPekora> !rank
[10:10:25] (WEB) <robin_be> UsadaPekora(15260) rank: PL Commander(13000) next: PL Senior Captain(16000) (+740)
[10:10:33] <TwilightMontana> !rank
[10:10:36] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana(1151) rank: Senior Flight Officer(800) next: Sergeant Fighter(1200) (+49)
[10:10:56] <TwilightMontana> !player Devi0707
[10:10:59] (WEB) <robin_be> player Devi0707: 1176 score, last seen null
[10:11:37] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[10:14:25] <TwilightMontana> How much cash do you need for shamal license?
[10:14:30] <WarmBees> 1m
[10:14:32] <UsadaPekora> 1m
[10:14:32] <dipa> 1m
[10:14:37] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[10:16:39] <-- Marcus_Berlinton disconnected from the server
[10:16:47] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Hey everyone
[10:17:00] <WarmBees> ayo
[10:17:17] <dipa> Ayo is indo for Let's go
[10:17:23] <TwilightMontana> Heya.
[10:17:35] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Hey twilight
[10:18:03] <TwilightMontana> Hi.
[10:18:26] --> Sadx connected to the server
[10:18:29] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[10:18:29] <WarmBees> wb
[10:18:36] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Wb
[10:18:44] <dipa> wb.
[10:18:57] <Sadx> thanks :)
[10:18:59] <WarmBees> Smith, Why don't you come ig?
[10:21:01] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> ga fup
[10:29:14] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[10:29:50] <TwilightMontana> Wb, Czech.
[10:29:55] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> thanks
[10:30:03] <dipa> :v
[10:30:08] <Sadx> :v
[10:30:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> :v
[10:30:15] <WarmBees> czech?
[10:30:21] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes
[10:30:23] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> i moved
[10:30:54] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[10:30:54] <WarmBees> O.o
[10:31:37] <WarmBees> ah yes, 7k meters cargo drop
[10:31:44] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[10:31:47] <dipa> 7km
[10:33:34] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[10:34:04] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[10:35:18] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[10:35:31] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[10:36:22] <WarmBees> /w
[10:36:52] <dipa> 2 meters from ring and crashed
[10:36:57] <dipa> I mean corona*
[10:43:08] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> !rank
[10:43:11] (WEB) <robin_be> DanielsonSProMaxPlus(17300) rank: PL Senior Captain(16000) next: Aviation Legend(18000) (+700)
[10:45:08] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> KontolSon
[10:45:11] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> woi
[10:46:19] <TwilightMontana> /fleet
[10:46:27] <WarmBees> hadeh
[10:46:52] <TwilightMontana> Hedah.
[10:47:00] <UsadaPekora> !assets twilightmontana
[10:47:03] (WEB) <robin_be> twilightmontana has 5 car(s) ($920,000) and 2 house(s) ($25,000,000 - 25 slots) for a total of $25,920,000
[10:47:03] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[10:49:56] <WarmBees> :D
[10:50:06] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> Stop breaking rules twi
[10:50:57] <WarmBees> yes
[10:51:07] <TwilightMontana> What?
[10:53:29] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[10:53:44] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[10:54:05] <TwilightMontana> Wb, Jaken.
[10:54:17] <WarmBees> ???
[10:54:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ???
[10:54:25] <TwilightMontana> ??/
[10:54:28] <WarmBees> Jaken?
[10:54:33] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yes
[10:54:53] <WarmBees> lmao, i almost forgot to update my stats on the event
[10:55:06] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gojek event?
[10:55:11] <WarmBees> yeah
[10:56:07] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[10:56:17] <Syracuse> c
[10:56:19] <Sadx> nice wrong acc using brook
[10:56:25] <Syracuse> ty
[10:56:32] <Syracuse> almost register xd
[10:56:50] <Sadx> haha i just saw it on tab and almost logged lol
[10:57:00] <Sadx> woi sini
[10:57:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> otw
[10:58:24] <Sadx> makasih dipa :)
[11:02:00] <Sadx> !player firstrike23.
[11:02:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player firstrike23.: 8970 score, last seen null
[11:02:03] <Sadx> !player enterli
[11:02:05] (WEB) <robin_be> player enterli: 7418 score, last seen null
[11:02:13] <Sadx> ngilang adek kakak
[11:02:21] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> enak main gta v
[11:02:23] <TwilightMontana> Hadeh.
[11:02:44] <Sadx> yoi kite masih disini aja
[11:02:59] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> karena pc ga kuat
[11:03:06] <dipa> ^
[11:03:06] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> emang vega brutal
[11:03:12] <dipa> tau aja xD
[11:03:19] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> tau dong
[11:03:27] <dipa> edit: laptop*
[11:03:27] <UsadaPekora> gta san andreas dari sd ga lepas lepas
[11:03:42] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kelas 3
[11:03:45] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> dipa blom lahir ya
[11:04:02] <UsadaPekora> new generation tapi suka gta sa
[11:04:05] <UsadaPekora> hmm
[11:04:15] <Sadx> yoi ni gta sa gabakal mati soalnya paling membekas di hati
[11:04:18] <dipa> iya belom lahir
[11:04:30] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> kalo pcnya ngangkat gta v paling dipa ga kenal PL ndri
[11:04:48] <dipa> pernah main di pc sepupu
[11:04:53] <dipa> susah
[11:04:56] <dipa> gk paham
[11:05:08] <Sadx> iya kalo misalkan pc kau kuatpun juga kau gabakal disini kali
[11:08:57] <UsadaPekora> woi
[11:09:18] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[11:09:23] <Syracuse> w
[11:10:31] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[11:10:47] --> dipa connected to the server
[11:10:57] <dipa> desync
[11:24:20] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[11:24:25] <TwilightMontana> F.
[11:24:28] <dipa> F
[11:24:40] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[11:24:43] <Syracuse> noice
[11:24:46] <dipa> gz
[11:24:48] <UsadaPekora> thx
[11:24:53] <UsadaPekora> !assets
[11:24:56] (WEB) <robin_be> UsadaPekora has 12 car(s) ($3,180,000) and 4 house(s) ($57,500,000 - 57 slots) for a total of $60,680,000
[11:25:24] <Syracuse> bruh
[11:25:26] <Syracuse> 22km dodo flight
[11:25:34] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[11:25:47] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[11:25:59] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[11:26:58] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[11:27:26] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[11:34:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> luft fleet
[11:34:25] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> /fleet*
[11:35:21] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[11:36:10] <-- UsadaPekora disconnected from the server
[11:36:15] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[11:36:40] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[11:44:10] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[11:44:18] <Syracuse> ty
[11:49:05] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[11:49:10] <TwilightMontana> Woops.
[11:49:36] <TwilightMontana> !player Devi0707
[11:49:38] (WEB) <robin_be> player Devi0707: 1176 score, last seen null
[11:54:38] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[11:54:48] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[11:59:05] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Huehuehuehue
[11:59:13] <Syracuse> lmao
[12:01:56] --> nandinho connected to the server
[12:02:06] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:02:13] <nandinho> ths
[12:02:21] <Syracuse> smh
[12:02:52] --> SmithSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[12:02:59] <nandinho> wb
[12:03:04] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:03:07] <Syracuse> sup
[12:03:09] <SmithSProMaxPlus> thanks
[12:03:12] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hai
[12:04:51] <Syracuse> fleet
[12:06:17] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[12:06:20] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Thank You
[12:06:43] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[12:06:48] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:06:56] <Oatdelta> thanks
[12:10:06] <Syracuse> nice
[12:10:14] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[12:10:16] <Syracuse> !assets smithspromaxplus
[12:10:16] <Oatdelta> gz
[12:10:19] (WEB) <robin_be> smithspromaxplus has 20 car(s) ($8,425,000) and 2 house(s) ($43,000,000 - 38 slots) for a total of $51,425,000
[12:10:19] <SmithSProMaxPlus> thanks
[12:10:45] <SmithSProMaxPlus> got a nice mercedes mod on it
[12:10:50] <SmithSProMaxPlus> E55 AMG
[12:11:05] <TwilightMontana> Nice.
[12:17:57] <-- SmithSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[12:20:17] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[12:20:47] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[12:27:49] (WEB) <Sadx#1999> !missions sadx trucking
[12:27:52] (WEB) <robin_be> sadx: 212 trucking
[12:37:47] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[12:37:52] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:37:55] <Oatdelta> wb
[12:38:00] <WarmBees> thanks
[12:38:25] <Syracuse> smh
[12:38:30] <WarmBees> ?
[12:38:53] <Syracuse> landed in water again
[12:38:58] <WarmBees> Dodo?
[12:39:03] <Syracuse> ye
[12:39:57] --> Twi connected to the server
[12:39:59] <Oatdelta> wb
[12:40:04] <WarmBees> hi
[12:40:22] <Twi> ty
[12:40:27] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Hi
[12:40:27] <TwilightMontana> No.
[12:40:32] <Twi> !groups twi
[12:40:32] <Syracuse> hello
[12:40:35] (WEB) <robin_be> twi is in airline Inverted Airlines and company TransX
[12:40:35] <Syracuse> hello
[12:40:43] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[12:41:00] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[12:41:05] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[12:41:08] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> When did twi sell his jetstar shares
[12:41:11] <Syracuse> ty
[12:41:11] <slampinjsh> thank you !
[12:41:16] <WarmBees> did he?
[12:41:23] <WarmBees> woah
[12:41:26] <WarmBees> nice
[12:42:27] <Syracuse> !cboard
[12:42:29] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19741) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4139) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-445)
[12:43:20] --> captain.duncan connected to the server
[12:43:30] <captain.duncan> wb to myslef
[12:43:33] <WarmBees> wb
[12:43:38] <captain.duncan> thank youuu
[12:43:40] <WarmBees> sorry, was landiung
[12:43:48] <captain.duncan> its okay
[12:43:58] <WarmBees> :>
[12:46:46] --> Dasher connected to the server
[12:46:51] <slampinjsh> wb
[12:46:54] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[12:46:56] <captain.duncan> wb
[12:46:59] <Oatdelta> wb
[12:47:04] <Syracuse> hello hoe
[12:47:04] <slampinjsh> privet !
[12:47:11] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[12:47:17] <Dasher> ty
[12:47:17] <captain.duncan> pviet yeban dmitri
[12:47:27] <WarmBees> Thanks
[12:47:27] <Dasher> privet
[12:47:39] <slampinjsh> ti po russky govorish da ?
[12:47:47] <captain.duncan> babuska
[12:47:50] <slampinjsh> manka
[12:48:00] <captain.duncan> idi nahui
[12:48:05] <slampinjsh> nebudu
[12:49:54] <WarmBees> t
[12:49:54] <Syracuse> are you doing rescue, Dash?
[12:49:57] <Dasher> yes
[12:50:04] <captain.duncan> steven wozniak
[12:50:15] <Dasher> I crashed thanks to you
[12:50:17] <Dasher> thanks
[12:50:17] <WarmBees> test
[12:50:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> @WarmBees test failed!
[12:50:20] <Syracuse> lmao
[12:50:30] <Syracuse> dont blame me because you sux :x
[12:50:32] <WarmBees> Desynced
[12:50:40] <Dasher> if you didn't make me type I wouldn't have died
[12:50:43] <captain.duncan> we can rescue someone?
[12:50:50] <Syracuse> lamo
[12:50:55] <WarmBees> yes, me
[12:50:58] <slampinjsh> no, me
[12:51:10] <WarmBees> i can
[12:51:33] <Syracuse> can someone rescue me from loneliness?
[12:51:38] <captain.duncan> lol
[12:51:46] <Dasher> no
[12:51:46] --> [NH[Vortex connected to the server
[12:51:49] <Syracuse> :<
[12:51:59] <[NH[Vortex> bruh wrong nick
[12:52:01] <-- [NH[Vortex disconnected from the server
[12:52:04] <Syracuse> you messed up lmao
[12:52:04] <Dasher> I can't even remember your name smh
[12:52:09] <Syracuse> me?
[12:52:09] <captain.duncan> a
[12:52:12] <Dasher> yes you
[12:52:14] <Dasher> syracuse
[12:52:14] <captain.duncan> a
[12:52:17] <-- captain.duncan disconnected from the server
[12:52:17] <WarmBees> Nguyen
[12:52:19] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[12:52:27] --> captain.duncan connected to the server
[12:52:32] <Dasher> webe
[12:52:37] <captain.duncan> damn lag, so i relog
[12:52:42] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[12:52:45] --> [NH]Vortex connected to the server
[12:52:47] <slampinjsh> change your provider then
[12:52:55] --> dipa connected to the server
[12:52:55] <Dasher> webe both
[12:52:57] <[NH]Vortex> hi gamers
[12:53:00] <WarmBees> hi
[12:53:02] <dipa> hi
[12:53:02] <Dasher> webe triple
[12:53:02] <captain.duncan> haha ok thank for your suggestion
[12:53:07] <dipa> triple?!
[12:53:10] <dipa> rare moment
[12:53:13] <captain.duncan> wb dipa
[12:53:18] <dipa> ty
[12:53:18] <[NH]Vortex> nice ty
[12:53:30] <Dasher> I've seen a webe x10
[12:53:41] <[NH]Vortex> when
[12:53:43] <Dasher> after a server restart
[12:54:08] <WarmBees> dipa pro aid worker
[12:54:11] <dipa> w
[12:54:19] <captain.duncan> wow, im doing vertical take off
[12:54:21] <dipa> nah
[12:54:24] <dipa> you're pro
[12:54:29] --> Yawar connected to the server
[12:54:39] <WarmBees> i can't even beat you on potds :d
[12:54:39] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[12:54:49] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[12:54:54] <dipa> But you're more consistent xD
[12:54:59] <Dasher> webe
[12:54:59] <WarmBees> hmm
[12:55:02] <dipa> wb
[12:55:02] <Syracuse> thanks
[12:55:02] <[NH]Vortex> wb
[12:55:25] <Oatdelta> wb
[12:55:50] <captain.duncan> loh gw baru naik pesawat odo nya udah 400km
[12:55:53] <Dasher> webe
[12:55:53] <[NH]Vortex> that's.. a long haul
[12:56:00] <-- Yawar disconnected from the server
[12:56:03] <[NH]Vortex> ))
[12:56:23] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[12:56:26] <dipa> F
[12:56:33] <captain.duncan> kok gw gk ada
[12:56:39] <captain.duncan> company
[12:56:46] <[NH]Vortex> cek aja /companies
[12:57:01] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[12:58:23] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[12:58:48] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[12:59:01] <Dasher> webe
[12:59:06] <Dasher> time outer
[12:59:11] <WarmBees> D:
[12:59:14] <dipa> :o
[12:59:16] --> Capt.Ves connected to the server
[12:59:19] <Dasher> wb
[12:59:24] <Oatdelta> wb
[12:59:26] <slampinjsh> wb
[12:59:39] <[NH]Vortex> wb everyone
[12:59:49] <captain.duncan> wb
[12:59:57] <slampinjsh> panks
[13:00:17] <Oatdelta> !bankcash
[13:00:17] --> Shressth connected to the server
[13:00:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Oatdelta's bank money is $7,391
[13:00:20] <Dasher> wb
[13:00:22] <Shressth> ty
[13:00:22] <Capt.Ves> wb
[13:00:22] <Oatdelta> wb
[13:00:27] <[NH]Vortex> wb
[13:00:27] <Dasher> !bankcash
[13:00:27] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Dasher's bank money is $16,090,000
[13:00:30] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[13:00:48] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[13:00:53] <captain.duncan> wb
[13:00:55] <Capt.Ves> wb
[13:00:58] <Dasher> wb (last wb smh)
[13:01:00] <Oatdelta> wb
[13:01:00] <[NH]Vortex> wb
[13:01:03] <WarmBees> okay, fuck you PLDT
[13:01:03] <[NH]Vortex> wtf
[13:01:08] <Syracuse> now I have mixed feelings about long flights
[13:01:13] <WarmBees> you ngentot
[13:01:16] <captain.duncan> AWJKAKWKAW
[13:01:16] <[NH]Vortex> how much wb
[13:01:28] <captain.duncan> how to change from flying into trucking when in game?
[13:01:31] <[NH]Vortex> /reclass
[13:01:31] <dipa> You can say it direcly, "ngentot"
[13:01:33] <Syracuse> /reclass
[13:01:33] <captain.duncan> okayy
[13:01:41] <WarmBees> PLDT suck Kontols
[13:01:49] <WarmBees> what dipa?
[13:01:49] <Dasher> PLDT?
[13:01:51] <captain.duncan> truck nya dmn
[13:01:56] <WarmBees> telecom
[13:02:01] <slampinjsh> susu poki = 333
[13:02:07] <[NH]Vortex> respawn di markas company aja atur di /p
[13:02:27] <WarmBees> who can understand or speak Russian?
[13:02:37] <slampinjsh> i cna
[13:02:40] <slampinjsh> can*
[13:02:42] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[13:02:52] <slampinjsh> dos vi dos
[13:02:57] <-- Shressth disconnected from the server
[13:03:02] <-- [NH]Vortex disconnected from the server
[13:03:15] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[13:03:33] <Dasher> did thanos snap smh
[13:03:41] --> [NH]Vortex connected to the server
[13:03:41] <Syracuse> yes
[13:03:41] <dipa> idk
[13:03:41] <captain.duncan> what is smh
[13:03:46] <dipa> shake my head
[13:03:46] <Dasher> shaking my head
[13:03:58] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Hi
[13:04:03] <captain.duncan> oh, i think shuck my hdick
[13:04:03] <Syracuse> selling my hoes
[13:04:06] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> i gave up ????
[13:04:14] <dipa> F
[13:04:14] <[NH]Vortex> anjink laptop gw kok jadi berat gini 2 hari ga nyala
[13:04:14] <Dasher> what was PLDT again lmao
[13:04:16] <slampinjsh> fick mich duncan
[13:04:44] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> PLDT is home fiber
[13:04:47] <captain.duncan> slamp, where are you from?
[13:04:52] <Dasher> oh right
[13:05:02] <Dasher> I fell asleep at 6am and woke up at 9 smh
[13:05:02] <slampinjsh> it's not your business pal
[13:05:15] <slampinjsh> get a coffee
[13:05:15] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Only in the Philippines
[13:05:25] <Syracuse> welp, I fell asleep at 5, woke up at 10
[13:05:27] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[13:05:32] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> yeah, i should get a coffee
[13:05:35] <[NH]Vortex> wb
[13:05:38] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> wb
[13:05:38] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> imma bout to grind later
[13:05:40] <Dasher> wb
[13:05:40] <Syracuse> hi
[13:05:40] <slampinjsh> coffee will wake you up
[13:05:43] <Capt.Ves> wb
[13:05:43] <captain.duncan> wb
[13:05:50] <[NH]Vortex> bayangin, nge wb diri sendiri
[13:05:55] <slampinjsh> i've done one
[13:06:00] <Dasher> Kontol son
[13:06:00] <captain.duncan> nono i just want to know, how Duncans name looks like in your country
[13:06:11] <Syracuse> gotta look for the egg coffee recipe :>\
[13:06:11] <captain.duncan> it is too old or a cool name?
[13:06:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> woi
[13:06:16] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> bayangin aja
[13:06:31] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Daniel, are you going to grind again?
[13:06:46] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> not really
[13:06:51] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> i'll drink coffee so that i don't get sleepy
[13:06:56] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> 50 drops only i think
[13:06:59] <slampinjsh> we don't have such a person's name like yours here
[13:07:09] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> me?
[13:07:17] <captain.duncan> I think you're not from america, isn't it?
[13:07:19] <slampinjsh> good idea
[13:07:29] <slampinjsh> what does that matter ???
[13:07:42] <captain.duncan> nothing
[13:07:47] <slampinjsh> so what ??
[13:08:30] <captain.duncan> it's okay, forget about it.
[13:08:38] <[NH]Vortex> skimmer dari server udh gaada ya skrg?
[13:08:43] <slampinjsh> what a good idea my friend : ))
[13:08:53] <dipa> Iya
[13:09:03] <[NH]Vortex> padahal dulu ada :'(
[13:09:29] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> q
[13:09:31] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[13:09:34] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[13:09:49] <Dasher> wb
[13:09:52] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Saya rasa saya bisa berbahasa Indo sekarang
[13:09:54] <Oatdelta> thanks
[13:10:02] <dipa> Nice bee
[13:10:04] <slampinjsh> what is that language ?
[13:10:07] <[NH]Vortex> nice translate bee
[13:10:10] <captain.duncan> d
[13:10:12] <[NH]Vortex> bahasa indonesia
[13:10:12] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> xD
[13:10:15] <captain.duncan> Your country language
[13:10:20] <Dasher> smh
[13:10:20] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> bahasa Pilipinas
[13:10:22] <slampinjsh> cool
[13:10:30] <dipa> ;p
[13:10:32] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Hadeh.
[13:10:35] <captain.duncan> what's your business to know that language?
[13:10:35] <slampinjsh> sounds exotic though
[13:10:37] <Dasher> my gpu drivers are rip
[13:10:45] <[NH]Vortex> F
[13:10:48] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> ???? ??? ?? ????? ??????
[13:10:55] <dipa> too many "?"
[13:10:58] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> That's a weird name.
[13:11:13] <slampinjsh> oops someone's triggered oh no : (
[13:11:16] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> twilighjt, let's Type race?
[13:11:23] <dipa> gk ush dibales
[13:11:33] <captain.duncan> im not triggered, but you're just too sucks.
[13:11:33] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> who wants to Type race wit me?
[13:11:41] <dipa> bikin cape
[13:11:44] <captain.duncan> akwakwawa
[13:11:51] <dipa> mending /w
[13:11:51] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> wkwkwkkwwkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkwwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkwkww
[13:11:54] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:11:54] <slampinjsh> pardon me ?
[13:11:56] <Dasher> wb
[13:11:56] <dipa> warmi flood
[13:12:01] <slampinjsh> wb luv
[13:12:04] <Capt.Ves> wb
[13:12:07] <captain.duncan> wn
[13:12:09] <captain.duncan> wb
[13:12:14] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> maligayang pag babalik
[13:12:17] <dipa> wb weab :v
[13:12:17] <[NH]Vortex> daripada /w mending rakit pc -Jojo
[13:12:22] <captain.duncan> what a good idea my friend
[13:12:22] <akiyamaha> maraming salamat
[13:12:24] <slampinjsh> did you say that i sucks ?
[13:12:29] <akiyamaha> ok diaper
[13:12:29] <dipa> no, slamp
[13:12:32] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> walang anuman
[13:12:40] <slampinjsh> not you dipa
[13:12:42] <[NH]Vortex> me?
[13:12:50] <slampinjsh> duncan said that to me
[13:12:50] --> Proton connected to the server
[13:12:57] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Wb.
[13:12:57] <captain.duncan> ask your father
[13:13:03] <dipa> nice landing oat
[13:13:15] <slampinjsh> don't touch my parents, alright ???
[13:13:23] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Akiyahama tidak bisa membaca ini, wkwkwkw
[13:13:23] <Oatdelta> thanks
[13:13:33] <captain.duncan> oops someone's triggered oh no : (
[13:13:38] <akiyamaha> dipa what did warmbees just say
[13:13:38] <[NH]Vortex> why bee wkwkwk
[13:13:41] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[13:13:43] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> dipa shhh
[13:13:48] <slampinjsh> such a lowlife you are
[13:13:48] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> HAHAHAHAHAH
[13:13:51] <dipa> uhmm
[13:13:51] <akiyamaha> dipper do it or we break up
[13:13:53] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[13:13:53] <dipa> ...
[13:13:56] <captain.duncan> such a lowlife you are too
[13:13:58] <dipa> eh nono
[13:13:58] <Dasher> wb hotel oscar echo
[13:14:01] <captain.duncan> : )
[13:14:04] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> dipa, i trust you ????
[13:14:09] <slampinjsh> senks veri much mucha
[13:14:09] <Syracuse> ty hotel oscar echo
[13:14:09] <dipa> aki can't read this, he said
[13:14:14] <akiyamaha> good
[13:14:21] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> nice dipa :>
[13:14:21] <Dasher> gz!
[13:14:24] <akiyamaha> now i wont have to take custody of the kids
[13:14:24] <[NH]Vortex> nooo dipa
[13:14:24] <Syracuse> gg
[13:14:26] <akiyamaha> gzgzgz
[13:14:34] <captain.duncan> it's just about respecting each others
[13:14:42] <Capt.Ves> xD
[13:14:49] <slampinjsh> idc somehow
[13:14:49] <Dasher> remember when I won a 9m lotto
[13:14:57] <akiyamaha> no we already forgot dasher
[13:14:57] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> someone arguing :d
[13:15:02] <Dasher> I did double enter got dammit
[13:15:05] <captain.duncan> so you're living the lowlife
[13:15:10] <akiyamaha> f
[13:15:17] <dipa> au ah gelap :v
[13:15:17] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Aki, are you going to grind trucking tomorrow?
[13:15:33] <akiyamaha> not joining jogek event lol
[13:15:38] <captain.duncan> for that, you should ask your mother
[13:15:43] <dipa> eh, no moms
[13:15:45] <dipa> pls
[13:15:45] <Syracuse> 15 slots for the first person to reach 750 hauls :>
[13:15:50] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> lmao, i thought you were registered
[13:15:55] <slampinjsh> do you want me to report you ?
[13:16:03] <-- Capt.Ves disconnected from the server
[13:16:06] <Syracuse> and what in the actual fuck is going on?
[13:16:08] <akiyamaha> where brooky
[13:16:21] <dipa> udahlah jangan dterusin
[13:16:21] <[NH]Vortex> udh anjir gausah dijawab diemin aja
[13:16:28] <captain.duncan> songong anjir wkkw
[13:16:28] <dipa> kan dah dibilangin!
[13:16:44] <captain.duncan> yowis
[13:16:51] <[NH]Vortex> how much y'all got from bank interest payment?
[13:16:56] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> kambing
[13:17:02] <akiyamaha> tite
[13:17:12] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> nasty :d
[13:17:14] <slampinjsh> just thinking you really like to involve parents that means you're still a toddler
[13:17:22] <akiyamaha> tite dipa :v
[13:17:24] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Oof
[13:17:32] <dipa> what aki?
[13:17:35] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> 3inches
[13:17:37] <akiyamaha> :>
[13:17:40] <akiyamaha> oo
[13:17:47] <dipa> aki r00d
[13:18:10] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> geplak nih berdua
[13:18:15] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Daniel DM
[13:18:25] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> where
[13:18:25] <-- Proton disconnected from the server
[13:18:28] <dipa> sssnake
[13:21:36] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> dipa
[13:21:41] <dipa> ya?
[13:21:46] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> apaan
[13:21:49] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> manggil doang
[13:21:57] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> hahaha boang
[13:21:57] <[NH]Vortex> akwowkow gabut pasti
[13:22:04] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> lol what's boang
[13:22:17] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> gua banyak kerjaan tapi ga tau yang mana yg mau dikerjain
[13:22:19] <dipa> jangan kelahi di pm :v
[13:22:30] <captain.duncan> kok tau
[13:22:32] <captain.duncan> akwkawkaw
[13:22:32] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> i don't know the exact meaning but it's a curse word
[13:22:40] <dipa> kena ban entar gk bisa apa apa
[13:22:50] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> so boang isnt PH word?
[13:22:55] <dipa> what is boang?
[13:22:58] <dipa> xD
[13:22:58] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> it is
[13:23:20] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> It's Cebuano word
[13:23:26] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Stupid
[13:23:28] <[NH]Vortex> what is cebuano?
[13:23:33] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> yeah stupid, just goggled
[13:23:36] <Dasher> omg I'm dumb
[13:23:48] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> HAHAHA get Boang'd
[13:23:59] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> sekarang berantem besok pelukan
[13:24:06] <dipa> typical Indo :v
[13:24:11] <[NH]Vortex> jadi telettubies dong
[13:24:14] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> ayo berantem dip
[13:24:16] <[NH]Vortex> berpelukannn
[13:24:27] <dipa> iya kek kau di event final kemaren
[13:24:29] <dipa> kena lag ram
[13:24:37] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> parah emang vortex
[13:24:39] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Are you moving now Daniel?
[13:24:44] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> nah im not
[13:24:47] <[NH]Vortex> kok gw
[13:24:55] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> you just said sekarang berantem besok pelukan
[13:25:02] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> which means now fighting tomorrow hug
[13:25:07] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> yeah
[13:25:07] <[NH]Vortex> that's daniel not me :'(
[13:25:12] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[13:25:20] <[NH]Vortex> lah
[13:25:20] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> ga tau tuh dipa bilang katanya vortex
[13:25:23] <[NH]Vortex> who won lottery?
[13:25:28] <dipa> hah apanya?
[13:25:28] <Syracuse> cpt res
[13:25:33] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[13:25:38] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> bingung kan
[13:25:38] <dipa> lah kak kob :v
[13:25:38] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> just translated, I don't know, Dipa said he said vortex
[13:25:40] <Syracuse> he's not here
[13:25:40] <[NH]Vortex> damn he left?
[13:25:43] <[NH]Vortex> gz for him
[13:25:48] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> nice warmbees
[13:25:53] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[13:25:53] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> :p
[13:25:58] <[NH]Vortex> not meeee
[13:26:03] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> parah lo duncan
[13:26:03] <[NH]Vortex> parah difitnah dong :'*
[13:26:03] <captain.duncan> stay quit slamp
[13:26:06] <dipa> Kok jadi vortex?
[13:26:08] <[NH]Vortex> :'(
[13:26:08] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Yawa
[13:26:08] <captain.duncan> kenapa woiii
[13:26:16] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> anak orang dibikin nangis
[13:26:21] <akiyamaha> pendak
[13:26:21] <dipa> terpitnah (sunda)
[13:26:24] <dipa> xD
[13:26:26] <[NH]Vortex> hayolo bees
[13:26:29] <captain.duncan> akwkawkaw ngeselin anjir
[13:26:31] <captain.duncan> gw nanya baik2
[13:26:34] <[NH]Vortex> anak orang ditangisin bapaknya tukang minyak ibunya kuntilanak
[13:26:39] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> ayy yawa ka
[13:26:39] <captain.duncan> wadidaw
[13:26:41] <dipa> kata ku kan jgn di ajak ngobrol :v
[13:26:46] <captain.duncan> wala akong
[13:26:46] <akiyamaha> arats warm
[13:26:49] <akiyamaha> momol
[13:26:49] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> kasih tau dip
[13:26:59] <dipa> SUDAH TERLAMBAAT
[13:26:59] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> halo pusaran (vortex)
[13:27:09] <[NH]Vortex> yep vortex is pusaran in bahasa
[13:27:19] <[NH]Vortex> but i got this name from transformers lmao
[13:27:22] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Bahasa Pilipinas, When?
[13:27:32] <akiyamaha> what does bahasa mean btw
[13:27:37] <dipa> language
[13:27:37] <[NH]Vortex> language
[13:27:45] <dipa> barengan :v
[13:27:50] <akiyamaha> ooo
[13:28:03] <akiyamaha> i thought it was a dialect of indonesian lol
[13:28:15] <Syracuse> there are 2 Bahasas tho
[13:28:18] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> When we get Tagalog Language section i8n Discord, Santi will just spam "sino pinoy dito?"
[13:28:20] <akiyamaha> ooo
[13:28:23] <Syracuse> Malaysian and Indonesia
[13:28:36] <Twi> shut up when
[13:28:36] <captain.duncan> bro is wala akong mean = "not have money" ?
[13:28:41] <Syracuse> no
[13:28:46] <akiyamaha> pera = money
[13:28:48] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> wala akong pera*
[13:28:56] <captain.duncan> what is a real mean of it?
[13:29:37] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> saya tidak punya uang
[13:29:52] <dipa> aku gk punya uang :v
[13:30:02] <captain.duncan> when I play dota, and asks my teammate from ph to buy some wards
[13:30:10] <captain.duncan> and he just like : "wala akong"
[13:30:12] <captain.duncan> lol haha
[13:30:20] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Ya dipa merobek saya
[13:31:41] <captain.duncan> wow
[13:31:44] <captain.duncan> thankyou
[13:31:57] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> who gave you money?
[13:32:07] <akiyamaha> promotion lol
[13:32:19] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> i guessed it wrong
[13:32:52] <akiyamaha> 2dfx looks awesome
[13:32:58] <dipa> yea
[13:32:58] <akiyamaha> especially in los santos
[13:33:03] <Dasher> SF bridges are nice
[13:33:33] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Walang sayo
[13:33:38] <Syracuse> can cracked version use 2dfx ?
[13:33:38] <dipa> walang sangit
[13:33:41] <dipa> yes
[13:33:43] <akiyamaha> yes
[13:33:43] <captain.duncan> what is 2dfx
[13:33:46] <akiyamaha> walang singit
[13:33:48] <dipa> mod buat lampu
[13:33:48] <Syracuse> why cant I install it
[13:33:53] --> IceLube connected to the server
[13:33:53] <captain.duncan> imveh?
[13:33:53] <Dasher> webe
[13:34:04] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[13:34:09] <dipa> Actually imma do some andro :v
[13:34:09] <akiyamaha> some mods conflict with it
[13:34:11] --> IceLube connected to the server
[13:34:14] <Dasher> webe
[13:34:24] <IceLube> hvala
[13:34:27] <dipa> svara
[13:34:32] <Dasher> kurac
[13:34:42] <IceLube> iz srbije
[13:34:47] <Dasher> lmao
[13:35:28] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Hey, Ice lube
[13:35:35] <IceLube> hi
[13:35:43] <IceLube> hoe are you
[13:35:45] <captain.duncan> today was a good day
[13:35:45] <IceLube> how
[13:35:48] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> You still play cnr?
[13:35:53] <IceLube> kind of
[13:35:53] <IceLube> why
[13:35:58] <IceLube> its about to be better duncan
[13:35:58] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> what CNR?
[13:36:01] <IceLube> for me
[13:36:08] <IceLube> the crystal's cnr
[13:36:11] <IceLube> and some other I can't mention here
[13:36:18] <IceLube> since advertisement rules
[13:36:23] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> I'll play later
[13:36:23] <IceLube> but not alot
[13:36:31] <captain.duncan> crystal cnr is the same group?
[13:36:31] <dipa> yeah and ricardo will woke up xD
[13:36:34] <captain.duncan> with pilot life?
[13:36:34] <Syracuse> yes
[13:36:34] <IceLube> yes
[13:36:36] <dipa> yes
[13:36:39] <captain.duncan> im interesting
[13:36:44] <IceLube> yes you are
[13:36:49] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Pizzas here
[13:36:49] <dipa> terested*
[13:36:54] <Syracuse> same IP with this server, just different port
[13:36:54] <captain.duncan> what ip
[13:36:57] <captain.duncan> what port then
[13:36:59] <Syracuse> :8888
[13:36:59] <akiyamaha> gib pls warm
[13:37:09] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Shakeys :p
[13:37:19] <akiyamaha> masarap ba shakeys?
[13:37:19] <akiyamaha> never tried
[13:37:27] <captain.duncan> okay, ill ttry
[13:37:27] <captain.duncan> tq
[13:37:30] <-- captain.duncan disconnected from the server
[13:37:30] <Syracuse> you'll be playing alone there lmao
[13:37:42] <IceLube> oke
[13:37:45] <IceLube> one more car to break
[13:37:50] <IceLube> I mean get to 300km
[13:38:00] <Syracuse> !8ball should I buy more Premiers? :x
[13:38:03] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: Most likely
[13:38:05] <IceLube> no
[13:38:08] <Dasher> I'm trying to get to 1000 rescues
[13:38:13] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[13:38:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Syracuse's bank money is $374,400,000
[13:38:13] <akiyamaha> yes brook
[13:38:23] <IceLube> I'm trying to break all my cars
[13:38:23] <dipa> fleks :v
[13:38:26] <Syracuse> 2.4m from 110 dodo flights :x
[13:38:28] <akiyamaha> !assets syracuse
[13:38:28] <IceLube> well one more to go anywawy
[13:38:31] (WEB) <robin_be> syracuse has 36 car(s) ($11,920,000) and 3 house(s) ($50,000,000 - 50 slots) for a total of $61,920,000
[13:38:33] <IceLube> anyway*
[13:39:11] <Dasher> nice faggio
[13:39:17] <IceLube> who
[13:39:19] <Dasher> you
[13:39:22] <IceLube> where is it
[13:39:29] <Dasher> next to a rescue person
[13:39:32] <dipa> fa**io :v
[13:39:34] --> mansur048 connected to the server
[13:39:34] <Dasher> in dohetry
[13:39:37] <IceLube> oh ok
[13:39:39] <Dasher> those concrete tubes
[13:39:44] <IceLube> inside?
[13:39:47] <Dasher> yes
[13:39:50] <IceLube> oke
[13:39:55] <IceLube> I'll drive it to 300km aswell
[13:39:55] <nandinho> who is the best airline in the moment ?
[13:40:02] <IceLube> jetstar
[13:40:05] <Syracuse> ST Airways
[13:40:10] <dipa> big money airways
[13:40:10] <TwilightMontana> Lufthansa.
[13:40:15] <IceLube> 6k salary
[13:40:30] <Dasher> IA 10k starting salary :o
[13:40:35] <IceLube> dasher traitor
[13:40:38] <akiyamaha> jetstar = literal slavery
[13:40:40] <IceLube> nah
[13:40:48] <IceLube> only chads
[13:40:51] <-- mansur048 disconnected from the server
[13:40:56] <Dasher> lmao my IA salary is 69 dollars
[13:40:58] <IceLube> damn
[13:41:01] <IceLube> thats slavery
[13:41:06] <TwilightMontana> ^
[13:41:08] <dipa> ^
[13:41:08] <Dasher> not if you request it
[13:41:11] <Syracuse> because he is
[13:41:19] --> mansur048 connected to the server
[13:41:21] <IceLube> damn you request slavery
[13:41:21] <IceLube> thats racist
[13:41:34] <Syracuse> dude have no self-respect
[13:41:34] <Twi> IM A PROUD SLAVE
[13:41:36] <Syracuse> can't blame IA
[13:41:39] <dipa> ?
[13:41:41] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Garuda indonesia was
[13:41:49] <akiyamaha> o look
[13:41:52] <akiyamaha> its jorji
[13:41:52] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Overtaken IA
[13:42:07] <Dasher> 8 left omg
[13:42:12] <Twi> 8 wht
[13:42:14] <dipa> rescue
[13:42:22] <Syracuse> but tbf, I set my GIA salary for $69 as well :>
[13:42:35] <Dasher> CEO lyfe
[13:42:35] <Twi> odertan was looking for you dipa :)
[13:42:48] <Syracuse>
[13:42:50] <Twi>
[13:42:58] <dipa>
[13:43:05] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[13:43:13] <Twi> hi
[13:43:16] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> "masarap ba shakeys?" for me yes
[13:43:16] <IceLube> hi
[13:43:16] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[13:43:18] <Twi> w
[13:43:18] <Twi> b
[13:43:18] <nandinho> hi
[13:43:23] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I fucked up a flight in the last 300 meters smfh
[13:43:23] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> not that bad
[13:43:33] <IceLube> so you /q
[13:43:33] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> but i prefer Dominos
[13:43:38] <IceLube> or nvm you crashed
[13:43:49] <Twi> someone gimme $69 so I can order fod
[13:43:51] <Twi> food
[13:44:01] <IceLube> take from jetstar bank
[13:44:04] <IceLube> ez
[13:44:06] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Twi, i'll give you my bank acc
[13:44:06] <Twi> !groups
[13:44:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi is in airline Inverted Airlines and company TransX
[13:44:12] <Twi> ^
[13:44:12] <Dasher> he left
[13:44:14] <IceLube> huh
[13:44:17] <IceLube> damn
[13:44:17] <IceLube> ya'll traitors
[13:44:19] <Syracuse> okay twi
[13:44:24] <Twi> i mean
[13:44:24] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> who bought shares?
[13:44:24] <Dasher> can't even stay in jetstar for 4 months
[13:44:24] <Twi> real moni
[13:44:27] <Dasher> oder
[13:44:32] <Twi> fuck jetstar
[13:44:32] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> oooh
[13:44:32] <IceLube> says dasher
[13:44:34] <Dasher> also twi stfu you have 100m in bank
[13:44:34] <Twi> I belong to IA
[13:44:37] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> r00de
[13:44:40] <Twi> me no wtf
[13:44:42] <IceLube> you belong to the streets
[13:44:45] <akiyamaha> ooo
[13:44:50] <dipa> oop-
[13:44:57] <IceLube> switching teams like a slut
[13:45:00] <Syracuse> back to my GIA salary
[13:45:00] <IceLube> to get gangbanged
[13:45:07] (WEB) <WarmBees�#7519> Get Boang'd
[13:45:10] <Dasher> lmao I was in jetstar for 4 years
[13:45:13] <Syracuse> why getting high salary when I can just buy it anyway :>
[13:45:20] <Syracuse> s
[13:45:20] <IceLube> It's 5 for me lmao
[13:45:25] <Dasher> not yet
[13:45:28] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> No
[13:45:28] <IceLube> wdym not yet
[13:45:28] <Dasher> in summer
[13:45:33] <IceLube> shut up
[13:45:35] <IceLube> its 5
[13:45:38] <Dasher> :p
[13:46:34] <dipa> gz weab
[13:46:34] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[13:46:36] <[NH]Vortex> gz
[13:46:36] <akiyamaha> ty diaper
[13:46:47] <dipa> yay first gz :3
[13:46:59] <Dasher> gz puga
[13:47:02] <Twi> 10m lotto when
[13:47:10] <Dasher> SoonTM
[13:47:12] <Syracuse> .ad selling "gz", 10m each
[13:47:12] <IceLube> when vice city update arrive
[13:47:17] <Syracuse> February 30th
[13:47:20] <Dasher> SoonTM
[13:47:22] <Syracuse> stay tuned
[13:47:22] <IceLube> bruh
[13:47:25] <IceLube> it was said
[13:47:30] <IceLube> 6 months ago in 2 weeks
[13:47:35] <IceLube> this is like quarantine lmao
[13:47:48] <Dasher> yes but crystal had to move like twice
[13:47:50] <IceLube> bruh
[13:47:53] <Dasher> and has a full time job now
[13:47:53] <IceLube> it takes
[13:47:55] <IceLube> 3 days to move in
[13:47:55] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Soon tm
[13:47:58] <Syracuse> hope the playerbase is gonna skyrocket after the update
[13:48:11] <dipa> yeah if in hosted tab :v
[13:48:21] <IceLube> wait it isn't hosted in tab?
[13:48:21] <IceLube> oh
[13:48:26] <IceLube> 0.3DL
[13:48:28] <IceLube> doesn't have one does it?
[13:48:33] <Syracuse> do you have to pay to get on the hosted tab?
[13:48:36] <IceLube> when I went to check the internet section
[13:48:38] <Dasher> I don't think it has lmfao
[13:48:44] <IceLube> I saw no servers
[13:48:51] <dipa> i found this server on the internet tab in 2016
[13:48:54] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> GIA be like:
[13:49:01] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Fuck shares and salary
[13:49:09] <Dasher> russian servers bought the hosted tabs anyway
[13:49:19] <Syracuse> I discovered this server via a vietnamese gaming forums :x
[13:49:40] <IceLube> who was the vietnamese player that
[13:49:40] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> I found PL because my IRL friend invited me
[13:49:42] <Syracuse> that was went FB wasn't so popular
[13:49:42] <IceLube> advertised it
[13:49:50] <Syracuse> when*
[13:49:52] <IceLube> fb isn't reall ypipular now either
[13:49:52] <Syracuse> idk
[13:49:57] <IceLube> really popular*
[13:50:00] <Dasher> should I collect my interest at 300k or wait 1m
[13:50:02] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> .... but not invited me to GIA
[13:50:05] <dipa> up to yu
[13:50:15] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> U the boss
[13:50:15] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:50:15] <IceLube> I have 246k of uncollected interest
[13:50:15] <Syracuse> .ad Buying Garuda
[13:50:20] <Dasher> I have 300k
[13:50:25] <IceLube> I have 246k
[13:50:30] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:50:35] <[NH]Vortex> .ad wtb garuda for 5k
[13:50:38] <Dasher> puga webe
[13:50:38] <Syracuse> !cash
[13:50:41] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse has $145,181 in hand
[13:50:43] <akiyamaha> ty lud
[13:50:46] <Syracuse> i'm broke
[13:50:51] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !cash joyadijoestar.
[13:50:51] <akiyamaha> wow ok
[13:50:53] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar. has $243,655 in hand
[13:50:56] <Syracuse> shit has hit the fan
[13:50:56] <Dasher> !bankcash
[13:50:59] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Dasher's bank money is $16,090,000
[13:51:24] <IceLube> !bankcash
[13:51:24] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}IceLube's bank money is $8,943,995
[13:51:29] (WEB) <! WarmBees#7519> @Ricardo#6701
[13:51:37] <dipa> dont tag on web chat :v
[13:51:42] <Twi> DASHIR
[13:51:44] <Dasher> why yall adding ! infront of your names
[13:51:47] <Twi> dasher
[13:51:49] <Dasher> what
[13:51:54] <IceLube> what dasher
[13:51:54] (WEB) <! WarmBees#7519> Not me
[13:51:54] <IceLube> whos doing that
[13:52:00] <IceLube> oh
[13:52:02] <Dasher> Wam twi
[13:52:07] (WEB) <! WarmBees#7519> Who did this wtf
[13:52:10] <Dasher> warm twi*
[13:52:15] <IceLube> warm twi
[13:52:15] <[NH]Vortex> .ad wtb girlfriend
[13:52:28] <Dasher> twi removed it
[13:52:35] <Twi> me what
[13:52:35] <IceLube> whats wtb
[13:52:43] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Wany to buy
[13:52:45] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Want*
[13:52:50] <-- mansur048 disconnected from the server
[13:52:50] <IceLube> bruh
[13:52:53] <IceLube> ya'll down bad
[13:53:01] <dipa> yeah down :v
[13:53:03] <dipa> synd-
[13:53:06] <dipa> eh nvm
[13:53:06] <Twi> buy what
[13:53:08] <IceLube> I'm virgin
[13:53:16] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Buy jetstar
[13:53:24] <IceLube> nah
[13:53:26] <Dasher> twi sold his shares already
[13:53:29] <IceLube> jetstar mine
[13:53:31] <-- [NH]Vortex disconnected from the server
[13:53:36] <IceLube> ma
[13:53:39] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Shares are...
[13:53:41] <dipa> 33.3'/. :v
[13:53:49] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Odertan, Cao, and Naldo?
[13:53:54] <Dasher> yes
[13:53:57] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Oooh
[13:54:04] <Syracuse> who bought those?
[13:54:07] <Dasher> bought em for 40m I think
[13:54:07] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> gz Odertab
[13:54:09] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Odertan
[13:55:00] <Dasher> boo another one
[13:55:03] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Ludred how much rescue left?
[13:55:08] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> I want rescue
[13:55:10] <Dasher> lmao another one
[13:55:15] <dipa> :o
[13:55:20] <Dasher> I can read your mind before you said it
[13:55:20] <Syracuse> 5m rescue?
[13:55:28] <Syracuse> meter
[13:55:31] <Dasher> nah 1.8km
[13:55:43] <Dasher> If I can get 50 of those 5m rescues :O
[13:56:27] <Syracuse> !missions dodo
[13:56:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 1916 dodo
[13:56:32] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !missions dasher rescue
[13:56:34] (WEB) <robin_be> dasher: 500 rescue
[13:56:34] <Dasher> I did it maam
[13:56:37] <Syracuse> gg
[13:56:40] <dipa> gz
[13:56:40] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Nice
[13:56:40] <Dasher> danke
[13:56:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 500k
[13:56:45] <Syracuse> now gimma dat 500k
[13:56:45] <Dasher> time for 1000 rescues
[13:57:00] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !missions joyadijoestar. rescue
[13:57:03] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar.: 1100 rescue
[13:57:08] <Dasher> I gotta get on that highscores
[13:57:38] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !missions joyadijoestar. courier shamal cargo dodo
[13:57:41] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar.: 1111 courier 1075 shamal 1052 cargo 1071 dodo
[13:57:51] <Dasher> I got 2 achievements left
[13:57:56] <IceLube> ok
[13:57:58] <Dasher> skimmer and heli
[13:58:01] <IceLube> ok
[13:58:09] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !licenses joyadijoestar.
[13:58:11] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar. has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick, nevada
[13:58:11] <IceLube> I have
[13:58:14] <IceLube> all achievements left
[13:58:19] <dipa> !missions dipa at400 cargodrop courier
[13:58:22] (WEB) <robin_be> dipa: 2160 at400 1121 cargodrop 526 courier
[13:58:42] <dipa> !missions dipa rescue
[13:58:42] <Syracuse> oh boi
[13:58:44] (WEB) <robin_be> dipa: 0 rescue
[13:59:00] <Syracuse> ugh, covid is crawling back to my hometown D:
[13:59:17] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[13:59:56] <Dasher> we have 92k cases :o
[14:00:21] <Syracuse> 300 new cases since the new surge in jam 28th
[14:00:24] <Syracuse> ~~
[14:00:31] <Dasher> we get 300 new daily cases
[14:04:28] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> We have around 6k to 12k everyday
[14:04:38] <TwilightMontana> Damn.
[14:04:38] <Dasher> but our population is 2m smh
[14:05:46] <Syracuse> lmao, we're ranked 2nd in best covid-handling countries
[14:05:51] <Dasher> whose first
[14:05:51] <Syracuse> after New Zealand
[14:05:57] <Dasher> right them
[14:06:02] <Syracuse> tbf, we should be on the first place
[14:06:17] <Dasher> isn't new zealands population higher tho
[14:06:25] <Syracuse> 1m or pop. is 20 times higler than NZ, so lower cases
[14:06:37] <Syracuse> we're at almost 100m, NZ is about 5m
[14:06:50] <Syracuse> 2nd, we're just right under China, wehere it all started
[14:06:55] <Syracuse> and NZ is an ocean away
[14:07:10] <Dasher> that doesn't mean anything tho
[14:07:13] <Dasher> look at USA
[14:07:18] <Dasher> an entire oqean away
[14:07:23] <Dasher> has like 30 percent of the cases lmaow
[14:07:26] --> Fallen_Knight103 connected to the server
[14:07:28] <Dasher> I mean no lmao
[14:07:33] <Syracuse> half the fucking earth, yet they still fucked up
[14:07:38] <Syracuse> blame trump
[14:07:54] <IceLube> I think biden will be the same lol
[14:07:59] <IceLube> not any better
[14:07:59] <Dasher> well yes
[14:08:06] <Dasher> you can't stop that corona
[14:08:09] <IceLube> so it's not all trumps fault americans are doomed from the start
[14:08:11] <Dasher> they fucked way to much
[14:08:14] <Syracuse> Biden was never underesimated the virus
[14:08:19] <IceLube> eh
[14:08:24] <IceLube> all the people I've known
[14:08:27] <IceLube> that were infected
[14:08:29] <IceLube> old and young
[14:08:32] <IceLube> had minor effects
[14:08:34] <IceLube> so idk
[14:08:42] <Dasher> depends how you get it
[14:08:47] <IceLube> wdym how you get it
[14:08:49] <Dasher> genetics probably play a role too
[14:08:52] <IceLube> you get it by physical contact
[14:08:57] <IceLube> eh
[14:09:02] <IceLube> but no need to a full on lockdown
[14:09:05] <Dasher> since you may have a sickness carried by genetics
[14:09:12] <Syracuse> we're just right under China, yet we're still under 2k cases after 1 yeah
[14:09:25] <Syracuse> year*
[14:09:35] <Dasher> how many cases does greenland have
[14:10:31] <-- Fallen_Knight103 disconnected from the server
[14:10:36] <IceLube> why dont they
[14:10:44] <IceLube> vaccinate people who were sick
[14:10:46] <IceLube> so no lockdown
[14:11:04] <Dasher> don't people who were sick have some immunity against corona lmao
[14:11:17] <IceLube> cause in my country the only people who are getting vaccineted right now are the elderly
[14:11:19] <Syracuse> that "first year of quarantine" meme is real now lmao
[14:11:25] <IceLube> isn't the immunity 3 months?
[14:11:32] <IceLube> or even less
[14:11:40] <Dasher> 6 months I think
[14:11:47] <Syracuse> !missions dodo
[14:11:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 1920 dodo
[14:11:53] (WEB) <dipa#0472> streaming my game
[14:11:53] <Syracuse> 1080 left
[14:11:55] <IceLube> doesn't mean they can't get vaccinated lol
[14:12:13] <Dasher> true
[14:12:15] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Lul
[14:12:21] <IceLube> fucking we have still a lockdown
[14:12:23] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 1st place covid at SEA
[14:12:28] <IceLube> it sucks major dick
[14:12:33] <Dasher> lmfao
[14:12:36] <Dasher> we don't even have a lockdown
[14:12:41] <IceLube> you can't even buy clothes
[14:12:43] <Dasher> we were having a lockdown at 100 cases daily
[14:12:49] <Dasher> but not 300-1000
[14:12:49] <IceLube> only food and necessary items
[14:13:14] <IceLube> retard slovenian govermnent
[14:13:19] <IceLube> I'll go to macedonia fuck this
[14:13:32] <Dasher> but there are some restrictions
[14:13:34] <IceLube> so
[14:13:37] <IceLube> less than here
[14:13:39] <IceLube> probably
[14:13:42] <Dasher> like you can't test if the clothes fit you in the store
[14:13:50] <IceLube> well that was here before
[14:13:55] <IceLube> now you can't even buy them
[14:14:05] <IceLube> they're wrapped in plastic foil
[14:14:05] <Dasher> I'm with clothes from 2018-2019 lmao
[14:14:18] <IceLube> bruh
[14:14:18] <IceLube> what if you
[14:14:20] <IceLube> shit your underwear
[14:14:23] <IceLube> how you're supposed to get new
[14:14:28] <Dasher> I have like 6 of them
[14:14:30] <IceLube> I mean you can order online
[14:14:38] <Dasher> plus you can buy them
[14:14:40] <IceLube> but you can't really visually know how big they are
[14:14:56] <Dasher> we have underwear based on sizes
[14:15:01] <IceLube> we have too
[14:15:01] <IceLube> but
[14:15:06] <IceLube> certain brands have different
[14:15:08] <IceLube> sizes
[14:15:11] <Dasher> true
[14:15:16] <Dasher> buy same brand
[14:15:19] <IceLube> like M from italy could be a L from germany
[14:15:26] <IceLube> or vice versa
[14:15:34] <Dasher> I remember it happend to me like that before
[14:15:49] <Dasher> M was way to small
[14:15:52] <Dasher> and S was bigger smh
[14:15:57] <IceLube> lmao
[14:15:59] <Dasher> diffrent brands
[14:16:07] <IceLube> S for schlong
[14:16:20] <-- nandinho disconnected from the server
[14:17:28] (WEB) <dipa#0472> test
[14:17:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> @dipa test failed!
[14:18:04] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[14:18:12] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:18:12] <Dasher> wb
[14:18:17] <Smetkowski> thanks
[14:18:17] <Syracuse> hello
[14:18:27] <Smetkowski> hi
[14:19:41] <IceLube> so it snowed here again
[14:19:48] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[14:19:58] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[14:20:03] <Dasher> wb
[14:20:03] <IceLube> wb
[14:20:09] <Syracuse> ty
[14:20:09] <IceLube> vietlotto
[14:20:14] <Dasher> macedonia you fuck
[14:20:14] <Dasher> snow here pls
[14:20:16] <Syracuse> vietlotto is dead
[14:20:24] <IceLube> it only snowed like
[14:20:24] <IceLube> 5 cm
[14:20:26] <IceLube> here
[14:20:26] <IceLube> or more
[14:20:34] <Dasher> max snow we had was 1cm
[14:20:37] <IceLube> lmfao
[14:20:39] <Dasher> and it melted the same day
[14:20:39] <IceLube> this year or
[14:20:39] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:20:42] <IceLube> yes in 1h
[14:20:44] <Dasher> this year
[14:20:57] <TwilightMontana> You guys have snow?
[14:20:57] <Dasher> I remember back in 2017
[14:21:02] <IceLube> yes
[14:21:05] <Dasher> it was cold af in winter
[14:21:10] <Dasher> like -20c or someshit
[14:21:17] <IceLube> perfect for workout lol
[14:21:20] <Dasher> lowest was -27c I think
[14:21:22] <IceLube> no sweat
[14:21:45] <Dasher> then summer was like average 40c in august and july lmao
[14:21:53] <Dasher> with highest being 46 I think
[14:21:55] <IceLube> nice
[14:21:55] <TwilightMontana> Sprains are bitch on cold weather
[14:21:58] <Syracuse> mean while I already feels cold af at 22c :v
[14:22:00] <IceLube> sprains?
[14:22:03] <IceLube> whats that
[14:22:13] <Dasher> brook 60c diffrence bitch
[14:22:18] <TwilightMontana> Muscle sprain.
[14:22:21] <IceLube> oohoh
[14:22:23] <IceLube> right
[14:22:28] <IceLube> never had one
[14:22:28] <IceLube> for now
[14:22:34] <Dasher> lmao I did
[14:22:39] <Dasher> I kinda stretched to mucht
[14:22:44] <Dasher> and my back was like nah fuck you
[14:22:49] <IceLube> lmao
[14:22:54] <IceLube> only thing sucks
[14:22:56] <IceLube> when you're on the bar
[14:23:04] <IceLube> and your hands start to hurt from cold
[14:23:27] <Dasher> ngl balkan is a shit place to live in
[14:23:32] <IceLube> not really
[14:23:35] <IceLube> look at venezuela
[14:23:37] <IceLube> or north korea
[14:23:42] <TwilightMontana> A ball stings like hell when it hits you.
[14:23:42] <Dasher> no based on temperatures
[14:23:50] <IceLube> why tho
[14:23:52] <IceLube> cold winters
[14:23:52] <IceLube> hot summers
[14:24:00] <IceLube> thats good for me lol
[14:24:03] (WEB) <dipa#0472> I got hit on the rib by basketball
[14:24:10] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Luckily not kidneys
[14:24:13] <Dasher> well like a lot of places don't have that big of a temp diffrence
[14:24:31] <TwilightMontana> Lucky.
[14:24:36] <Syracuse> whats your hottest summer temp?
[14:24:41] <IceLube> eh
[14:24:43] <Dasher> like 46c lmao
[14:24:43] <TwilightMontana> I got shot right in the stomach with a ball before.
[14:24:46] <Syracuse> damn
[14:24:48] <IceLube> in slovenia it was 40c
[14:24:53] <Syracuse> humidity?
[14:25:01] <IceLube> idk
[14:25:01] <Dasher> I live in the vardar valley
[14:25:06] <IceLube> probably high
[14:25:06] <IceLube> idk
[14:25:11] <IceLube> can't rememeber
[14:25:11] <Dasher> so hot air can easily come from greece
[14:25:14] <IceLube> remember*
[14:25:21] <Syracuse> lmao, and I thought here in vietnam is already hot af
[14:25:21] <IceLube> who gives a shit about humidity anyways
[14:25:32] <IceLube> but humidity makes it worse
[14:25:32] <Syracuse> 35c + ~80 percent humidity
[14:25:34] <Dasher> brook don't forget winter tem
[14:25:34] <IceLube> thats for sure
[14:25:37] <Dasher> temp
[14:25:52] <Syracuse> humidity makes you feels hotter
[14:25:55] <Dasher> vietnam probably has a constant hot temp
[14:25:55] <IceLube> yes
[14:26:02] <Dasher> oh yeah
[14:26:05] <IceLube> and in winter
[14:26:05] <IceLube> it can be 1c
[14:26:10] <IceLube> and high humidity
[14:26:12] <Syracuse> you feels like 43c with 35c + ~80 percent humidity
[14:26:15] <IceLube> and it feels like -10c
[14:26:15] <Dasher> or -10c
[14:26:20] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:26:28] <Dasher> wb
[14:26:30] <Smetkowski> wb
[14:26:38] <akiyamaha> ty
[14:27:06] <Dasher> I remember we hosted UEFA super cup once
[14:30:29] <IceLube> kbye
[14:30:29] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[14:31:56] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[14:32:03] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:32:06] <Smetkowski> wb
[14:32:13] <Nati_Mage> ty
[14:33:48] <Syracuse> hail putin
[14:34:56] <Twi> wb twi
[14:34:59] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[14:35:06] <Smetkowski> gz
[14:35:24] <Dasher> brook gay
[14:35:32] <Syracuse> nou
[14:35:50] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:36:00] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:36:12] <Dasher> puga wb
[14:36:25] <Twi> wb
[14:36:25] <akiyamaha> ludred ty
[14:36:28] <Syracuse> I think I should checkout cnr a bit :x
[14:36:30] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[14:36:30] <akiyamaha> ty twix
[14:36:43] <Dasher> same ngl brook
[14:36:51] <Syracuse> and then beta server
[14:36:53] <Dasher> wb kontol
[14:36:56] <TwilightMontana> Imagine if CnR's lotto was in PL.
[14:37:01] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ty love
[14:37:06] --> Lenz connected to the server
[14:37:08] <Dasher> wb
[14:37:08] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:37:13] <akiyamaha> wb penz
[14:37:19] <Dasher> why not go there now brook :v
[14:37:19] <Lenz> ty
[14:37:54] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[14:38:32] <Dasher> !bankcash
[14:38:32] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Dasher's bank money is $17,400,000
[14:38:37] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> rich
[14:38:37] <Twi> !roll 100 twi hate meter
[14:38:40] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi rolls 71
[14:38:42] <Twi> oof
[14:38:58] <Twi> !roll 100 daniel gay meter
[14:39:00] <Lenz> !cboard
[14:39:00] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi rolls 26
[14:39:00] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19741) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4129) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-449)
[14:39:03] <Twi> oh no
[14:39:08] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> !roll 100 twi horny
[14:39:08] <Twi> !roll 100 dasher gay meter
[14:39:11] (WEB) <robin_be> DanielsonSProMaxPlus rolls 21
[14:39:13] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ...
[14:39:16] <Twi> im not horny <3
[14:39:18] <Twi> !roll 100 dasher gay meter
[14:39:18] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> !roll 100 twi fag meter
[14:39:21] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi rolls 51
[14:39:21] <Dasher> !roll 100 twi gay meter
[14:39:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher rolls 6
[14:39:26] <Dasher> bruh
[14:39:28] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> !roll gay meter
[14:39:28] <Twi> shut up shressth
[14:39:31] (WEB) <robin_be> DanielsonSProMaxPlus rolls 11
[14:39:31] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> Nuuuu
[14:39:34] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ha
[14:39:34] <Dasher> !roll 100 twi lesbian meter
[14:39:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher rolls 30
[14:39:39] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> Where my meter.
[14:39:41] <Twi> GAGAG
[14:39:41] <Twi> JAJAJJAA
[14:39:44] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> !roll chance twi and dasher married
[14:39:46] (WEB) <robin_be> DanielsonSProMaxPlus rolls 20
[14:39:49] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> aw
[14:39:57] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> !roll 10 sex appeal twi
[14:39:59] (WEB) <robin_be> Shressth#8864 rolls 5
[14:39:59] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> the fuck @dipa#0472
[14:40:02] <Dasher> !roll chance danielson and dasher marry
[14:40:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher rolls 98
[14:40:07] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> WOI
[14:40:07] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> Oooo
[14:40:09] <Twi> OOOOOOOO
[14:40:09] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hahahaha
[14:40:09] (WEB) <dipa#0472> twi dont tag on server chat
[14:40:14] <Dasher> lmfao
[14:40:25] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> When you getting married.
[14:40:25] <Dasher> yes
[14:40:25] --> Oatdelta connected to the server
[14:40:32] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> WHERE'S THE FUCKIN PRIEST
[14:40:32] (WEB) <Shressth#8864> Pls tell date , we see live stream
[14:40:37] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[14:40:40] <Dasher> now
[14:40:42] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> to the church
[14:40:50] <Dasher> let's meet at vma owo
[14:40:53] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[14:40:55] <Dasher> wb
[14:40:58] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yea boi
[14:41:00] <Syracuse> ty
[14:41:38] <Syracuse> and then they fucked
[14:41:38] <Twi> totally not a gay car
[14:41:51] <Twi> church time
[14:41:54] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> lets go
[14:41:56] <Twi> folllow me
[14:42:06] <Twi> no guests?
[14:42:11] <Dasher> corona twi
[14:42:14] <Twi> oh
[14:42:14] <Dasher> smh
[14:42:14] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> looks like nobody coming
[14:42:19] (WEB) <dipa#0472> twi hearing my voice xD
[14:42:19] <Dasher> cuz of corona :V
[14:42:19] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> yeah everybody via zoom
[14:42:22] <Smetkowski> wedding = presents ... so no
[14:42:39] <Twi> hadeh gay car
[14:42:50] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> no presents allowed
[14:42:55] <Syracuse> what can you expect from a gay wedding?
[14:42:57] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> .pm dash yes twi satanic priest
[14:43:02] <Twi> oh no
[14:43:07] <Syracuse> oh boi
[14:43:30] <Twi> lsdllb'as'd;t
[14:43:33] <Twi> blablablabla
[14:43:38] <Twi> you may now kiss the bride
[14:43:58] <Twi> gay marriages are my fav!
[14:44:01] (WEB) <dipa#0472> and then blah blah blah
[14:44:03] (WEB) <YanixSProMaxPlus#2852> What's this gayness?
[14:44:08] <akiyamaha> i object to this wedding
[14:44:16] <Twi> fuck you homophobic fucks
[14:44:21] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> fuck it imma drink bleach
[14:44:24] <akiyamaha> wow ok
[14:44:26] <Dasher> same
[14:44:39] <akiyamaha> i object because we 3 should be married to each other
[14:44:41] <akiyamaha> smfh
[14:44:41] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> k now the couple dead
[14:44:46] <Dasher> the satanic priest too
[14:44:52] <Twi> lalalalala
[14:45:20] <Twi> k motherfuckers
[14:45:25] <Twi> bai
[14:45:27] <Dasher> bai
[14:45:30] <TwilightMontana> Bye.
[14:45:32] <akiyamaha> bai
[14:45:45] <Twi> IA best
[14:46:03] <Dasher> Daniel let's go to beta echo tango alpha
[14:46:10] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> lets
[14:46:10] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[14:46:13] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[14:46:33] <Syracuse> lmao nub
[14:47:24] <Smetkowski> #Twilight4Admin
[14:47:29] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> where u at
[14:47:37] <Syracuse> wait
[14:47:39] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> #twilight4admin
[14:47:42] <Syracuse> coming soon
[14:47:47] <TwilightMontana> Hadeh, no.
[14:50:19] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:50:32] --> akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:50:37] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:50:45] <Oatdelta> wb
[14:50:47] <akiyamaha> ty
[14:52:42] <Syracuse> 1cboard
[14:52:47] <Syracuse> 1cboard
[14:52:49] <Syracuse> !cboard
[14:52:49] <TwilightMontana> !cboard
[14:52:55] <Lenz> F
[14:53:00] <Smetkowski> !cboard
[14:53:07] <TwilightMontana> Lmao.
[14:53:10] <Smetkowski> rip
[14:53:12] <Syracuse> bot ded
[14:53:12] <TwilightMontana> !aboard
[14:53:15] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(173458) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49585) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25944)
[14:53:20] <TwilightMontana> !cboard
[14:53:30] <Lenz> company thingy ded
[14:53:33] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> cboard cooldown
[14:53:38] <Syracuse> maybe cool down\
[14:53:50] <Syracuse> lezn, wanna go beta with me, dash and Dan?
[14:54:01] <Lenz> not rn :c
[14:54:03] <Syracuse> :x
[14:54:06] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> last time it was used it was in 2:39 pm not it's 2:54
[14:54:31] <Syracuse> kbai
[14:54:34] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[14:58:51] --> Winny connected to the server
[14:58:56] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:58:56] <Smetkowski> wb
[14:58:58] <Oatdelta> wb
[15:03:33] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> winny come to beta :v
[15:03:53] <Lenz> he is afk
[15:04:06] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> smh
[15:10:02] (WEB) <Winny#0266> whyu
[15:13:15] <-- Oatdelta disconnected from the server
[15:17:06] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !roll horny meter
[15:17:09] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.#4662 rolls 59
[15:23:51] <akiyamaha> oi
[15:23:53] --> Dasher connected to the server
[15:23:58] <Lenz> hi
[15:24:01] <akiyamaha> my cars smfh
[15:24:16] <Lenz> oh, my truck got stuck
[15:24:19] <akiyamaha> oh sorry
[15:24:44] <akiyamaha> nub
[15:24:44] <Lenz> lmao
[15:24:44] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !8ball Delta Alpha Sierra Hotel Oscar Echo
[15:24:47] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse#6879: Without a doubt
[15:24:47] <Dasher> what
[15:25:04] <Lenz> i delivered your shits
[15:25:07] <Lenz> bye
[15:25:12] <Dasher> bye
[15:25:22] <akiyamaha> thanks for the 400 dildos
[15:25:27] <Lenz> np M3
[15:25:32] <Lenz> <3 *
[15:26:08] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[15:26:13] <Dasher> webe
[15:26:13] <Lenz> wb sauce
[15:26:16] <Syracuse> ty
[15:26:23] <Dasher> sauce
[15:26:46] <Dasher> I died 100meters infront of the cp
[15:26:51] <akiyamaha> f
[15:26:54] <Lenz> F
[15:27:17] <Dasher> brook's fault
[15:27:24] <Syracuse> karma, bitch`
[15:27:35] (WEB) <Winny#0266> what i thought u want me in beta
[15:27:40] <Syracuse> hats what you get for slamming me with surfly in beta :>
[15:27:50] <Dasher> you were late winny
[15:27:55] (WEB) <Winny#0266> ...
[15:28:00] <Dasher> internet explorer
[15:28:05] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[15:28:08] <Dasher> wb
[15:28:10] (WEB) <Winny#0266> can someone dm this guy
[15:28:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[15:28:15] <Lenz> wb jojo
[15:28:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[15:28:20] <Syracuse> deathmatch?
[15:28:23] (WEB) <Winny#0266> hey jojo pls nuke dasher
[15:28:28] <Dasher> nah slide into them dms
[15:28:30] <Dasher> no I'm working
[15:28:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> pay me
[15:28:36] <Syracuse> i
[15:28:38] (WEB) <Winny#0266> 5k
[15:28:46] <JoyadiJoestar.> up
[15:28:58] (WEB) <Winny#0266> $5,001
[15:29:01] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[15:29:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> no afk
[15:29:11] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[15:29:11] <JoyadiJoestar.> afk = nuk
[15:29:16] <Dasher> no
[15:29:34] <Winny> where is twi
[15:30:05] <Syracuse> oh stil, I left my bobcat at Devon for half a year already
[15:30:07] <Syracuse> smh
[15:30:15] <Winny> yeah clamp
[15:30:25] <Syracuse> nah, clamp Dasher's
[15:30:27] <JoyadiJoestar.> t/rc
[15:30:35] <Winny> clamp both
[15:30:40] <Winny> best of both worlds
[15:30:43] <Syracuse> winny too
[15:30:48] <Syracuse> hu3
[15:30:50] <Winny> hey i dont have one
[15:30:55] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cars winny
[15:30:58] (WEB) <robin_be> winny has: Stretch Stretch Stretch Taxi Taxi Rhino Coach Coach Coach Cabbie Cabbie RC Bandit Seasparrow RC B(..)
[15:31:23] <Syracuse> 4 mins til interest
[15:31:36] <Syracuse> !missions dodo
[15:31:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 1935 dodo
[15:31:49] <Syracuse> gonna finished it in the next 2 weeks
[15:32:50] <Syracuse> cnr is so boring af now
[15:32:55] <Syracuse> out of objective to do
[15:33:15] <Syracuse> as boring as dasher
[15:33:36] <Syracuse> smh
[15:33:38] <Syracuse> bitch's afk
[15:35:23] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[15:35:40] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Hoe
[15:35:45] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Nou
[15:35:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> hoe broke
[15:39:01] (WEB) <Winny#0266> hey look twi's in VC
[15:39:22] <JoyadiJoestar.> hes explaining sex
[15:39:24] <JoyadiJoestar.> but muted
[15:39:34] (WEB) <Winny#0266> explaining to himself i guess
[15:40:46] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[15:41:49] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[15:42:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cboard
[15:42:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19759) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4147) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-447)
[15:42:50] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ty
[15:42:53] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[15:43:08] <Smetkowski> ty
[15:47:30] <Dasher> kontol
[15:48:13] <Dasher> jojo sus
[15:48:18] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[15:48:51] <akiyamaha> o no
[15:48:54] <akiyamaha> r00d
[15:49:01] <Lenz> hue
[15:49:11] <Lenz> fuxk
[15:49:17] <akiyamaha> nub
[15:49:27] <Lenz> smh
[15:49:39] <akiyamaha> afk farming with lenz 101
[15:49:39] <Lenz> i hate your house
[15:49:44] <akiyamaha> <3
[15:50:10] <akiyamaha> if i win the IA rhino it'll be worse
[15:50:10] <Dasher> smh
[15:50:25] <Dasher> I hate 6km rescue
[15:52:12] <TwilightMontana> !rank
[15:52:15] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana(1200) rank: Sergeant Fighter(1200) next: Lieutenant(1800) (+600)
[15:53:23] <Dasher> !missions ouro rescue skimmer
[15:53:26] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 8 rescue 1 skimmer
[15:53:44] <Lenz> smh
[15:53:46] <akiyamaha> ??????
[15:53:51] <akiyamaha> nub
[15:53:56] <Lenz> fail drift
[15:53:56] <Dasher> bruh a 1meter mission paid more
[15:54:01] <Dasher> than a 6.5km one ._.
[15:55:43] <TwilightMontana> Must be a VIP.
[15:56:11] <akiyamaha> uwu
[15:56:11] <-- akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:59:42] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[15:59:50] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[15:59:50] <Smetkowski> wb
[15:59:57] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[16:00:00] <eddiespromaxplus> hi gamers
[16:00:08] <Dasher> hi gamer
[16:00:51] <Dasher> shit
[16:01:01] <Dasher> I may have forgotten to repark it
[16:01:14] <JoyadiJoestar.> yes
[16:01:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> rip u
[16:02:33] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Guys
[16:02:38] <TwilightMontana> What?
[16:02:38] <eddiespromaxplus> no
[16:02:45] <Dasher> !player !twi
[16:02:48] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player !twi
[16:02:48] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Guys
[16:02:56] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Gals.
[16:03:03] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Guys can
[16:03:18] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Gals can.
[16:03:18] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Guys can ww
[16:03:31] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Guys can we
[16:03:46] <Dasher> speak
[16:03:51] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Guys can we pray
[16:03:57] <Dasher> stop typing 152 messages for 1 message smh
[16:04:22] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Amen
[16:04:50] <Dasher> my chat is flooded by twi yay
[16:04:55] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Oh no server chat timer raised ????
[16:05:00] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> test
[16:05:00] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Dasher test failed!
[16:05:08] <Dasher> thanks twi
[16:05:13] <Dasher> you ruined another thing
[16:05:20] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Testdashoe
[16:05:25] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> I feel sad ????????
[16:05:51] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> 30 seconds ~~
[16:05:59] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Thanks to twi
[16:06:24] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> When did they increase the cooldown tome?
[16:06:29] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> ????
[16:06:49] <eddiespromaxplus> when twi started spamming
[16:07:05] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> I�m really crying rn im sad
[16:07:25] <JoyadiJoestar.> hey sad
[16:07:38] <TwilightMontana> Hi Sad.
[16:08:01] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Hi sadspromaxplus
[16:08:21] <TwilightMontana> Time to steal GO-JEK's trailer again.
[16:08:34] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> Can i pls hug someone and cry????????????????
[16:08:51] <JoyadiJoestar.> chad no-gate company
[16:08:56] <TwilightMontana> Yes.
[16:09:02] <JoyadiJoestar.> sure
[16:11:27] <Lenz> shit jojo chasing me
[16:11:37] <JoyadiJoestar.> dont worry imma 100 potd per week
[16:11:57] <TwilightMontana> Hey.
[16:12:00] <TwilightMontana> Guess what.
[16:12:00] <Lenz> nice
[16:12:12] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[16:12:15] <JoyadiJoestar.> cant nolifing PL
[16:12:17] <Smetkowski> wb
[16:12:20] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[16:12:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[16:12:28] <WarmBees> thanks, halo
[16:12:38] <TwilightMontana> The trailer that exploded came back fine.
[16:13:59] --> Sadx connected to the server
[16:14:02] <WarmBees> wb
[16:14:02] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[16:14:04] <Smetkowski> wb
[16:14:12] <Sadx> thanks :)
[16:14:32] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !cboard
[16:14:35] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19768) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4156) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-444)
[16:14:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> t
[16:14:53] <Lenz> transex 20k soon
[16:15:05] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[16:15:13] <TwilightMontana> Transex?
[16:15:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> twiX
[16:15:20] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gini amat hidup
[16:15:23] <WarmBees> transecs
[16:15:59] (WEB) <Sadx#1999> Kenapa?
[16:16:06] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> gapapa, lagi galau aja
[16:16:11] <Dasher> twi mad gay
[16:17:48] <WarmBees> 22 :<
[16:17:58] <TwilightMontana> F.
[16:18:41] <TwilightMontana> !player Devi0707
[16:18:44] (WEB) <robin_be> player Devi0707: 1176 score, last seen null
[16:19:09] <WarmBees> F
[16:19:12] <Lenz> rip
[16:19:48] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Jojo, u here?
[16:19:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah
[16:20:03] <JoyadiJoestar.> why
[16:20:13] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[16:20:21] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Okay, tell jojo to check discord dm when he�s back
[16:20:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> okay
[16:20:38] (WEB) <Winny#0266> hi twi
[16:21:22] <WarmBees> *rams Winny at SFC*
[16:21:29] (WEB) <Winny#0266> hey ????
[16:21:44] <WarmBees> afk sessions eh?
[16:21:47] <Lenz> star inc cfleet
[16:21:50] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Yes
[16:24:14] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[16:24:25] <WarmBees> w
[16:24:55] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> *pokes Winny�s arse with a half-a-meter long baguette*
[16:25:10] <WarmBees> hmmm
[16:28:29] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Aight, imma go to sleep
[16:28:44] <WarmBees> night
[16:28:57] <TwilightMontana> Morning.
[16:29:42] <JoyadiJoestar.> night
[16:29:50] <TwilightMontana> Evening.
[16:29:53] <JoyadiJoestar.> t/lotto
[16:31:06] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[16:32:38] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions joyadijoestar. trucking
[16:32:40] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar.: 2824 trucking
[16:32:51] <WarmBees> 3k soon
[16:32:56] <WarmBees> right?
[16:32:58] <JoyadiJoestar.> easy top 10
[16:32:58] <Lenz> !missions trucking
[16:33:01] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 4316 trucking
[16:33:06] <WarmBees> ooooh
[16:33:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah, imma 1111 all flight
[16:33:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> and 3333 truck soon
[16:33:29] <Winny> !missions trucking
[16:33:32] (WEB) <robin_be> Winny: 6000 trucking
[16:33:44] <Lenz> ima top 3 trucking soon :v
[16:34:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions tergasis trucking
[16:34:07] (WEB) <robin_be> tergasis: 675 trucking
[16:34:17] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Save trucking for the event eh
[16:34:20] <JoyadiJoestar.> !missions trucking
[16:34:23] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.: 2824 trucking
[16:34:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> 3,4k would be
[16:35:01] <Winny> !missions cargo
[16:35:03] (WEB) <robin_be> Winny: 2295 cargo
[16:35:49] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions Syracuse dodo
[16:35:52] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 1935 dodo
[16:36:22] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> 1035 in like ... 2 weeks :>
[16:36:45] --> SmithSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[16:36:48] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[16:36:50] <Lenz> wb smithy
[16:36:50] <WarmBees> $$$
[16:36:58] <SmithSProMaxPlus> tHanks
[16:37:10] <WarmBees> hi wilSmith
[16:37:18] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hey ColdBrewBeers
[16:38:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> adios
[16:38:04] <JoyadiJoestar.> ?Q
[16:38:04] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[16:38:50] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> T.Hanks
[16:39:00] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hey Brooklyn
[16:39:23] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> G.Racias & Hi Smith
[16:39:51] <SmithSProMaxPlus> heyyy
[16:39:53] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Sorry for the late reply, 30s cooldown, thanks to Twi
[16:40:14] <SmithSProMaxPlus> no problem
[16:40:16] <WarmBees> 30s?
[16:40:29] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Yeah warmbees
[16:40:39] <WarmBees> but why?
[16:41:02] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Tango Whiskey India
[16:42:54] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i cutted my beard
[16:43:01] <SmithSProMaxPlus> now im back as a babyboy
[16:43:09] <SmithSProMaxPlus> lookin like a 15 year old
[16:43:19] <WarmBees> i'm 16 but i look 23
[16:43:32] <WarmBees> Facial hair :|
[16:43:37] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> lol
[16:43:37] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im 21 lookin like a 32y old
[16:43:37] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 30s
[16:44:56] <SmithSProMaxPlus> So Guys and Girls
[16:45:06] <SmithSProMaxPlus> What is my Birthday present at wednesday
[16:45:06] <WarmBees> no girls, guys only
[16:45:19] <WarmBees> hmmm
[16:45:29] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Hey, Sisters!
[16:45:34] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Hey Sister
[16:46:15] <SmithSProMaxPlus> eddie presents me a dick pic
[16:46:27] <WarmBees> how about you host an event?
[16:46:30] <WarmBees> xD
[16:46:35] <WarmBees> Foot pics
[16:46:37] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wow im loosing then
[16:47:03] <WarmBees> for the bois
[16:47:13] <WarmBees> DTS and more shits
[16:49:02] <Twi> WANGI WANGI WANGI
[16:49:43] <-- eddiespromaxplus disconnected from the server
[16:49:51] <Twi> crasher.cs worked on ed
[16:50:01] <WarmBees> pls not me
[16:50:57] <Dasher> did I hear crasher.cs
[16:51:15] <Dasher> oh great
[16:51:17] <Dasher> desynced
[16:51:27] <WarmBees> hah
[16:51:30] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[16:51:55] --> Dasher connected to the server
[16:55:01] <WarmBees> !score satan
[16:55:03] (WEB) <robin_be> player satan: 4347 score, 3827 missions: 48'/. cargo drop - 13'/. shamal - 13'/. courier
[16:55:16] <WarmBees> !userid Satan
[16:55:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Satan's userid is 113528
[16:55:49] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Next Wednesday is your bday right, smith?
[16:55:59] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yea
[16:56:20] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Greetings mortals
[16:56:22] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Mine comes 2 days later :v
[16:56:27] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hey crystal :D
[16:56:33] --> frajeralex connected to the server
[16:56:35] <Dasher> hi crystal
[16:56:43] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Welcome to Pilots Life frajeralex
[16:56:48] <WarmBees> henli
[16:56:50] <SmithSProMaxPlus> If you got any questions just tell me :D
[16:56:50] <WarmBees> henlo
[16:56:53] <frajeralex> hi
[16:57:11] <WarmBees> Nice, From Czech repub
[16:57:34] <SmithSProMaxPlus> btw Crystal i pmmed u the questions i was asking
[16:57:41] <Dasher> plot crystal ghosted us D:
[16:59:00] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[16:59:03] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[16:59:05] <WarmBees> hi gamer
[16:59:10] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[16:59:18] <WarmBees> 28km flight
[16:59:28] <SmithSProMaxPlus> stonks incoming
[16:59:31] <WarmBees> with at400 and /demabd
[16:59:41] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[17:01:30] <frajeralex> guys is the cleo runway helper still avaliable? cannot find it anywhere
[17:01:35] <Dasher> it is
[17:01:38] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yea check forums
[17:01:41] <Dasher> mods section on forums
[17:01:54] <WarmBees> always available
[17:02:06] <WarmBees> F, 18percent fuel
[17:03:25] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[17:03:28] (WEB) <! WarmBees#7519> My game got stuck on Pause Menu, F
[17:03:46] <SmithSProMaxPlus> f
[17:04:01] (WEB) <! WarmBees#7519> Dang, that cool down
[17:04:44] <SmithSProMaxPlus> sis is a germans server
[17:05:20] <-- frajeralex disconnected from the server
[17:07:37] --> itown connected to the server
[17:07:39] <Dasher> webe
[17:07:42] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[17:07:47] <Dasher> webe
[17:07:47] <SmithSProMaxPlus> wb Twilight
[17:07:52] <TwilightMontana> Thanks!
[17:08:33] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> I�m alive
[17:08:35] <SmithSProMaxPlus> good
[17:08:35] <Dasher> barely
[17:08:40] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Was just waiting for Panda Express to open lmao
[17:08:43] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> I be tired af
[17:08:48] <SmithSProMaxPlus> whats time for you
[17:08:48] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Gotta get food so I can work on the update
[17:08:51] --> frajeralex connected to the server
[17:08:56] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> 11:08 AM
[17:09:11] <SmithSProMaxPlus> well thats early
[17:09:11] <Dasher> I'll join
[17:09:16] <Dasher> you mean
[17:09:16] <Dasher> late
[17:09:24] <SmithSProMaxPlus> btw check pms crystal
[17:09:29] <SmithSProMaxPlus> na its 5PM for me
[17:09:47] <Dasher> I wake up at 6:30
[17:09:49] <Dasher> eat some cereal
[17:09:57] <Dasher> and have 6-7 hours of my life
[17:09:59] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i wake up at 9:30
[17:10:04] <Dasher> wasted on nothing
[17:11:05] <frajeralex> guys, for that runway helper on forums, do i need to be logged in?
[17:11:08] <Dasher> yes
[17:11:31] <Dasher> I died 20 meters away from checkpoint
[17:12:50] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> You need cleo 4.4 too
[17:13:23] (WEB) <Winny#0266> good ludred
[17:13:30] <Dasher> not gud
[17:13:38] <Dasher> my sleep cycle is all over the place
[17:14:06] <Dasher> gz
[17:14:11] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Drink coffee until and stay awake
[17:14:11] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[17:14:24] <SmithSProMaxPlus> gz
[17:14:24] <Dasher> I don't drink coffee
[17:14:29] <TwilightMontana> Thanks.
[17:14:44] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> It would help your situation
[17:14:59] <Dasher> who needs sleep?
[17:15:04] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[17:15:07] <Dasher> webe
[17:15:17] <Twi> webe
[17:15:17] <WarmBees> thanks
[17:15:17] <-- SmithSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[17:15:27] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> You could try energy drinks if you don't like coffee
[17:15:35] <Twi> ouro
[17:15:35] <Twi> come /w
[17:15:37] <Dasher> I don't trink those too
[17:15:43] <Twi> or
[17:15:48] <Twi> ed's gonna win
[17:16:00] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Gz eddie
[17:16:03] <WarmBees> Monster Energy Drink
[17:16:08] <WarmBees> or G Fuel
[17:16:28] <Twi> w0t
[17:16:31] <Twi> aren't you gonna win
[17:17:12] <Twi> sounds like a fallen soldier
[17:17:19] <Dasher> twi why don't you /w
[17:17:27] <Twi> cause /w gay
[17:17:37] <Twi> only weak people /w
[17:17:57] <Dasher> and you ask ouro to work smh
[17:21:11] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[17:21:13] <Dasher> wb
[17:21:16] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Is he online
[17:21:21] <Smetkowski> ty
[17:21:56] <-- itown disconnected from the server
[17:22:47] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[17:23:03] <Twi> winny
[17:23:08] <Winny> what
[17:23:08] <Dasher> gz
[17:23:13] <Twi> I was
[17:23:15] <Twi> going to join
[17:23:15] <Twi> luft
[17:23:20] <Twi> but no one
[17:23:23] <Winny> ok
[17:23:25] <Twi> accepted my ap
[17:23:38] <TwilightMontana> I tried to accept him but it won't show him.
[17:23:46] <Dasher> happens to me too
[17:24:11] <Twi> excuses
[17:24:32] <Dasher> yes excuses
[17:24:37] <Dasher> just like you make excuses not to /w
[17:24:54] <Twi> hadeh
[17:25:02] <Dasher> amirite win
[17:25:15] <Winny> what
[17:25:17] <Winny> i missed
[17:25:22] <Dasher> read
[17:25:25] <Dasher> smh
[17:25:35] <Winny> too lazy
[17:25:50] <Dasher> just like you make excuses not to /w (to twi)
[17:25:58] <Winny> yes
[17:26:11] <Twi> :(
[17:26:41] <Dasher> !missions rescue
[17:26:44] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher: 531 rescue
[17:26:51] <Dasher> 469 more!
[17:26:59] <Winny> noob
[17:27:50] <-- frajeralex disconnected from the server
[17:30:22] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[17:30:30] <Dasher> hi gamers
[17:30:33] <Winny> wb
[17:30:35] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[17:30:38] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> ty
[17:31:03] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[17:31:24] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[17:31:46] <Dasher> webe
[17:31:57] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[17:32:02] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> Work
[17:32:07] <Dasher> I am
[17:32:14] (WEB) <Santiago#2533> Good
[17:32:17] <Winny> santiago work
[17:32:22] <Dasher> yes
[17:32:35] <Twi> santiago work
[17:32:37] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[17:32:42] <Dasher> wbe
[17:32:50] <TwilightMontana> Ty.
[17:33:05] <-- DanielsonSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[17:34:04] <Dasher> wb
[17:34:09] <WarmBees> ty
[17:34:11] --> Willz. connected to the server
[17:34:14] <Dasher> wb
[17:34:14] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:34:19] <Willz.> thanks
[17:34:24] <Twi> hi willszzzzzzzzzzzz
[17:34:29] <Willz.> heyyo
[17:34:39] <Willz.> the answer is no
[17:34:50] <WarmBees> w
[17:35:48] <Winny> ?
[17:40:20] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[17:40:40] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Dasher is no lifing rescue
[17:40:45] <Dasher> yes
[17:40:58] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[17:40:58] <Dasher> wb
[17:41:03] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:41:11] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Gonna make it 1k tonight?
[17:41:18] <Dasher> nah around 700 I guess
[17:41:26] <Winny> poor
[17:44:11] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Hello my friends
[17:44:16] <Dasher> hi oder
[17:44:16] <WarmBees> hi
[17:44:24] <TwilightMontana> Hey.
[17:44:44] (WEB) <Oder#9026> How u doing
[17:44:47] <Dasher> great
[17:44:50] <Dasher> what about you
[17:45:15] (WEB) <Oder#9026> My mom went to my brother house
[17:46:01] <WarmBees> .w
[17:46:47] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Im happy my friends I bought Jet Star ;)
[17:46:52] <Dasher> for how much
[17:47:27] (WEB) <Oder#9026> 25M then 10M
[17:47:37] <Dasher> so 35m?
[17:47:50] <Twi> yea
[17:48:21] (WEB) <Oder#9026> I wanna take care of JetStar brand
[17:48:21] <Dasher> FUCK
[17:48:31] <Winny> ?
[17:48:36] <Dasher> I did /s instead of /a
[17:48:41] <Twi> lmao
[17:48:43] <Dasher> motherfucker traveld 1.5km for nothing
[17:48:43] <Winny> good
[17:48:46] <WarmBees> boang
[17:48:59] --> Shinsuki connected to the server
[17:48:59] <Twi> winny
[17:48:59] <-- Shinsuki disconnected from the server
[17:49:01] <Winny> what
[17:49:04] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[17:49:04] <Twi> join IA
[17:49:06] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Wb
[17:49:09] <Dasher> /ad
[17:49:11] <Winny> no
[17:49:14] <Twi> why not
[17:49:16] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> No.
[17:49:19] <Dasher> /ad
[17:49:22] <Twi> dont u wanna be an admin
[17:49:27] <Winny> yes
[17:49:34] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[17:49:37] <Winny> but im not joining IA just for admin
[17:49:44] <Twi> guess
[17:49:50] <Dasher> webe
[17:49:55] <TwilightMontana> Thanks!
[17:49:55] <Dasher> ngl I joined IA cuz tg is here
[17:50:20] --> Shinsuki connected to the server
[17:50:20] <-- Shinsuki disconnected from the server
[17:50:48] <Dasher> !player shinsuki
[17:50:48] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> dasher, crystal here if u wanna come along
[17:50:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player shinsuki: 13 score, last seen null
[17:51:03] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Hey Twi, please. Can you explain me my rights as Jet Star share holder? I forget to ask
[17:51:06] <Dasher> after potd
[17:51:19] <Winny> any new updates daniel
[17:51:26] <Dasher> yes twi mad gay update
[17:52:09] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Twi my friend
[17:52:15] <Dasher> well
[17:52:20] <Dasher> you can make suggestions
[17:52:25] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[17:52:27] <Dasher> and of othe other shareholders has to agree
[17:53:05] (WEB) <Oder#9026> So like a regular company's in rl
[17:53:13] <Dasher> guess so
[17:54:11] --> Dynamics connected to the server
[17:54:24] <Dasher> welcome to PL
[17:54:29] <Winny> ty\
[17:54:50] (WEB) <Oder#9026> Welcome
[17:55:43] (WEB) <Oder#9026> I think I am PL player since 2016. But I've been here before in 2014
[17:56:06] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#3994> no, win
[17:56:26] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[17:58:31] <Winny> .
[17:58:33] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[18:02:20] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Oder u have 33,3 percents
[18:02:53] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> Clearly no real rights xD
[18:03:23] <Lenz> just ceo
[18:08:06] <Lenz> .fix
[18:15:25] <Twi> ludred
[18:15:25] <Twi> and crystal
[18:15:31] <Twi> having sex @beta
[18:15:41] <TwilightMontana> What the fuck?
[18:15:53] <Twi> yes
[18:16:04] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> what no
[18:16:14] <Twi> yes
[18:16:34] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Daniel was there to
[18:17:25] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> thanks twi It takes me now 30 secs to fix a simple typo "to > too"
[18:20:59] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[18:21:06] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[18:21:09] <Lenz> hey TG
[18:21:11] <TheGamer> hai
[18:21:16] <TheGamer> anyone into car mechanics here?
[18:21:29] <TwilightMontana> Nah.
[18:22:22] (WEB) <Winny#0266> what car mechanics
[18:22:33] <TheGamer> ^^
[18:22:43] <TheGamer> it's from a 1978 car
[18:23:01] <TheGamer> so old style, speedometer still has a rotating cable
[18:23:08] (WEB) <Winny#0266> ooooooo
[18:23:11] <Lenz> nice
[18:23:41] <TheGamer> but i need to rotate that cable by using a small motor
[18:23:44] (WEB) <Winny#0266> is it the horizontal kind
[18:24:02] --> Winny connected to the server
[18:24:04] <TheGamer> imma send a pic in discord
[18:24:45] <TheGamer> it's at off-topic media
[18:25:08] <TheGamer> 2nd pic is from the sticker on the back of it
[18:26:22] <Winny> looks like a bmw
[18:27:07] <TheGamer> fiat 130
[18:27:15] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[18:30:20] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[18:32:02] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[18:34:19] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[18:34:37] <-- Dynamics disconnected from the server
[18:38:31] --> mansur048 connected to the server
[18:38:52] <-- mansur048 disconnected from the server
[18:41:04] --> Ouro connected to the server
[18:42:28] --> DRiFTZz connected to the server
[18:43:11] --> Khombolfarya connected to the server
[18:44:25] <-- DRiFTZz disconnected from the server
[18:44:55] --> DRiFTZz connected to the server
[18:45:18] <-- Khombolfarya disconnected from the server
[18:46:07] --> Khombolfarya connected to the server
[18:47:46] --> SmithSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[18:48:24] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[18:49:05] <-- SmithSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[18:50:46] <-- DRiFTZz disconnected from the server
[18:50:54] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[18:50:59] --> mansur048 connected to the server
[18:52:05] <mansur048> khombooooooooooool
[18:52:25] <mansur048> bring your khombol back here
[18:52:28] <Khombolfarya> ello mom
[18:52:31] <Khombolfarya> mon
[18:52:36] <Khombolfarya> khita khorai
[18:52:43] --> DRiFTZz connected to the server
[18:56:14] <-- DRiFTZz disconnected from the server
[19:00:01] --> DRiFTZz connected to the server
[19:00:51] <-- DRiFTZz disconnected from the server
[19:02:41] --> DRiFTZz connected to the server
[19:02:43] --> Dasher connected to the server
[19:04:45] <-- DRiFTZz disconnected from the server
[19:08:14] --> itown connected to the server
[19:08:55] <Dasher> webe
[19:10:29] <mansur048> work
[19:11:40] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[19:12:18] --> Dasher connected to the server
[19:13:14] --> DRiFTZz connected to the server
[19:13:42] <-- Khombolfarya disconnected from the server
[19:14:10] <-- DRiFTZz disconnected from the server
[19:14:20] --> Khombolfarya connected to the server
[19:14:40] --> DRiFTZz connected to the server
[19:17:20] <Dasher> hold uip
[19:17:23] <Dasher> not again
[19:17:23] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[19:17:48] --> Dasher connected to the server
[19:19:56] <-- itown disconnected from the server
[19:20:01] <-- DRiFTZz disconnected from the server
[19:20:51] --> DRiFTZz connected to the server
[19:21:12] <Dasher> Ok fuck this shit
[19:21:14] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[19:21:47] --> Santiago connected to the server
[19:22:15] <Santiago> wb
[19:22:15] <Santiago> thanks
[19:22:38] <Santiago> smh everyone afk
[19:22:43] <Ouro> not everyone
[19:22:51] <-- Khombolfarya disconnected from the server
[19:23:16] <mansur048> santiago can you respawn the fleet pls
[19:23:27] <DRiFTZz> ty
[19:23:37] <mansur048> thanks
[19:25:31] --> Dasher connected to the server
[19:26:12] <Dasher> yay desync problem fixed
[19:26:32] <mansur048> how do i message in company chat
[19:26:35] <Dasher> /c
[19:26:58] <mansur048> thanks
[19:27:05] <Dasher> np
[19:27:08] --> Khombolfarya connected to the server
[19:27:31] <Twi> wb khobolfarya
[19:27:33] <Twi> m*
[19:27:36] <Twi> f
[19:27:59] <Khombolfarya> i have been working extremely hard, my khombol is gone
[19:28:04] <Khombolfarya> can i get promotion
[19:28:09] <Twi> what is a khombol
[19:28:14] <mansur048> ass
[19:28:32] <Twi> do u want ass?
[19:28:52] <Twi> aaaaaaaaa
[19:28:55] <Twi> who
[19:29:00] <Twi> ed afk
[19:29:07] <Twi> seems like id 9
[19:29:12] <Twi> or id0
[19:29:17] <Santiago> tg
[19:29:17] <Dasher> id 0 afk too
[19:29:20] <mansur048> yes i want kylies ass
[19:29:22] <Santiago> hadeh
[19:29:22] <Twi> yeap
[19:29:25] <Twi> id 0 afk too
[19:29:30] <Twi> 1 impostor among us
[19:29:40] <Twi> emergency meeting when
[19:29:43] <mansur048> whats the code
[19:29:53] <Dasher> Tw1id10t
[19:29:53] <Twi> 6X9X420X
[19:30:01] <Dasher> amirite twi
[19:30:03] <Twi> yes
[19:30:29] <Twi> lets kemah rumah crystal
[19:30:51] <Dasher> GL
[19:31:32] <Twi> price
[19:31:37] <Dasher> offer?
[19:31:42] <Twi> what u got
[19:31:42] <Twi> in
[19:31:45] <Twi> mind
[19:31:55] <Santiago> 8m
[19:31:55] <Dasher> no
[19:32:00] <Twi> lol
[19:32:05] <Twi> 8m is a pretty good offer
[19:32:10] <Dasher> why yall low balling smh
[19:32:10] <Twi> wb mi amor
[19:32:18] <Twi> 8m =/ no balling
[19:32:18] <Santiago> i think 8m is a fair price
[19:32:23] <Dasher> no
[19:32:23] <Twi> 8m is a good price
[19:32:31] <Ouro> i'd take the 8m
[19:32:33] <Santiago> you know what's lowballing
[19:32:36] <Dasher> yes
[19:32:38] <Santiago> 3m
[19:32:41] <Twi> ^
[19:32:46] <eddiespromaxplus> 4m
[19:32:48] <Twi> hi dasher
[19:32:54] <Dasher> well sorry but 8m is kinda low for todays baron prices
[19:33:11] <Twi> indos sell for 6m..
[19:33:11] <Ouro> what are todays baron prices
[19:33:21] <Dasher> a lot
[19:33:21] <Santiago> what indo
[19:33:24] <Twi> #supportindobaronsales
[19:33:34] <Dasher> which indo
[19:33:34] <Santiago> why wasn't there when indos were selling for 6m
[19:33:37] <Dasher> gonna go talk to em
[19:33:52] <Twi> I mean
[19:33:55] <Twi> that was kinda back
[19:33:57] <Dasher> santi work
[19:34:02] <Dasher> twi you too
[19:34:05] <Twi> /w for weak
[19:34:15] <Twi> rccam fuck you
[19:34:20] <Twi> santi jump
[19:34:38] <Twi> hadhe
[19:34:48] <Twi> interest farming sekrit
[19:35:01] <Santiago> yes
[19:35:08] <Dasher> nice
[19:35:11] <Dasher> 23meter mission
[19:35:16] <Twi> km or m
[19:35:21] <Dasher> meter
[19:35:34] <Twi> hmm
[19:35:34] <Twi> clamp
[19:35:44] <Twi> vehicles parked at someone else's property
[19:35:59] <Dasher> who
[19:36:07] <Twi> hey
[19:36:07] <Twi> IA has a new rule
[19:36:09] <Twi> let me check
[19:36:12] <Dasher> yeah I saw
[19:36:17] <Ouro> what is it
[19:36:25] <Dasher> Don't beg for a salary increase
[19:36:30] <Dasher> or ask
[19:36:42] <Twi> i miss gajeel
[19:36:47] <Twi> aka kebabdefender
[19:36:50] <Dasher> lmao same
[19:36:55] <Ouro> why is that a rule
[19:36:55] <Twi> wow
[19:37:03] <Twi> !groups
[19:37:05] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi is in airline (none) and company (none)
[19:37:23] <Twi> rage quit time
[19:37:41] <Ouro> !groups
[19:37:44] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro is in airline Inverted Airlines and company GO-JEK
[19:37:54] <Twi> !cboard
[19:37:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(19795) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4183) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-443)
[19:37:56] <Twi> ^^^
[19:38:19] <Dasher> wait twi you got kicked lmao?
[19:38:22] <Twi> yes
[19:38:22] <Twi> </3
[19:38:29] <Ouro> for what?
[19:38:37] <Dasher> asking for a higher salary
[19:38:40] <Twi> salary
[19:38:40] <-- DRiFTZz disconnected from the server
[19:38:55] <Twi> hey
[19:38:57] <Twi> I didn't get banned
[19:39:23] <Twi> how to airline chat
[19:44:20] <Twi> hey look
[19:44:23] <Twi> truckers
[19:44:48] <Twi> aaaaaaaaaaa
[19:45:14] <Twi> this bitch aint got nos
[19:45:34] <-- Khombolfarya disconnected from the server
[19:46:15] <-- mansur048 disconnected from the server
[19:47:41] <Twi> too broke to
[19:47:41] <Twi> get nos
[19:47:49] <Santiago> /w for the airline
[19:47:57] <Dasher> you have 85m in bank tho :3
[19:48:02] <Santiago> !bankcash twi
[19:48:02] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Santiago's bank money is $44,568,053
[19:48:04] <Twi> ://
[19:48:04] <Twi> HAHAHHA
[19:48:12] <Santiago> 85 enough to buy my house in commerce
[19:48:17] <Santiago> 85m*
[19:48:19] <Twi> nein
[19:48:30] <Ouro> !cash
[19:48:32] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro has $5,605,091 in hand
[19:48:32] <Twi> trade
[19:48:48] <Santiago> avispa +50m
[19:48:50] <Twi> ewwwwww
[19:48:55] <Santiago> for the house in commerce
[19:48:55] <Twi> what a gay deal
[19:49:03] <Dasher> sounds about right
[19:49:15] <Santiago> sounds good to me
[19:49:18] <Twi> sannti
[19:49:18] <Dasher> asme
[19:49:21] <Twi> i know u need cash
[19:49:31] <Santiago> yeah buddy
[19:49:36] <eddiespromaxplus> !bankcash
[19:49:36] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}eddiespromaxplus's bank money is $73,146,108
[19:49:38] <Dasher> I need cash too :(
[19:49:38] <Twi> might've bought it already
[19:49:38] <Twi> but
[19:49:41] <Dasher> !bankcash
[19:49:41] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Dasher's bank money is $17,900,000
[19:49:43] <Twi> !assets
[19:49:43] <Twi> 3/4
[19:49:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has 43 car(s) ($11,390,000) and 3 house(s) ($42,000,000 - 45 slots) for a total of $53,390,000
[19:49:46] <Santiago> we just give away stuff
[19:49:51] <Santiago> but don't have the earnings
[19:49:51] <eddiespromaxplus> !assets
[19:49:54] (WEB) <robin_be> eddiespromaxplus has 29 car(s) ($14,220,000) and 3 house(s) ($39,500,000 - 36 slots) for a total of $53,720,(..)
[19:49:54] <Twi> yes
[19:50:01] <Dasher> !assets
[19:50:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Dasher has 36 car(s) ($9,135,000) and 4 house(s) ($75,000,000 - 70 slots) for a total of $84,135,000
[19:50:04] <Twi> thats why
[19:50:09] <Twi> im helping you farm interest <3
[19:50:30] <Santiago> 30k per hour is not enough
[19:50:35] <Twi> partner
[19:50:37] <Santiago> !interest
[19:50:37] <Twi> with winny
[19:50:40] (WEB) <robin_be> syntax: !interest [amount]
[19:50:45] <Santiago> !interest 44000000
[19:50:47] (WEB) <robin_be> $44,000,000 will generate about $29,333 every 60 minutes
[19:50:58] <Dasher> you get 44k
[19:51:00] <Ouro> you're vip 4 tho
[19:51:03] <Santiago> I'll be back later
[19:51:03] <Dasher> with the vip 4 bonus
[19:51:10] <Santiago> omg is twi gonna work
[19:51:10] <Dasher> bai santi
[19:51:13] <Twi> yes
[19:51:13] <Santiago> someoen please screenshot this
[19:51:18] <Twi> :(
[19:51:23] <Twi> pls pray i dont crash
[19:51:31] <Twi> hop in id 9
[19:51:36] <Santiago> i was gonna do something but I forgot
[19:51:43] <Twi> you were gonna fap
[19:51:46] <Santiago> nah imma take a nap
[19:51:48] <Twi> fap*
[19:51:56] <Santiago> yeah I'll do that as well thanks for the remainder
[19:51:59] <Santiago> reminder*
[19:51:59] <Twi> np
[19:52:01] <Santiago> bye
[19:52:01] <-- Santiago disconnected from the server
[19:52:04] <Twi> bb
[19:56:41] <Twi> fuck
[20:02:47] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[20:05:32] --> itown connected to the server
[20:07:11] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[20:09:00] --> DRiFTZz connected to the server
[20:12:21] <Twi> admiring IA base
[20:12:57] <-- itown disconnected from the server
[20:13:48] <Twi> hi smet
[20:14:00] <Smetkowski> hi
[20:14:49] <WarmBees> !cars hardstone
[20:14:51] (WEB) <robin_be> hardstone has: Infernus Cheetah Hydra NRG-500 Feltzer Hustler Sultan Elegy RCTiger Huntley Stafford
[20:15:12] <TheGamer> really smet
[20:15:12] <TheGamer> really
[20:15:30] <Smetkowski> you know me, I'm a rebel
[20:17:21] <Twi> wow
[20:17:47] <Twi> warm
[20:18:02] <Twi> when are you going for the license
[20:18:12] --> Beq_Khalifa connected to the server
[20:22:44] <Dasher> that was good pizza
[20:22:57] <-- Beq_Khalifa disconnected from the server
[20:23:25] --> Beq_Khalifa connected to the server
[20:23:35] <eddiespromaxplus> what did you have on it?
[20:24:08] <Dasher> uh mushrooms
[20:24:11] <Dasher> cheese
[20:24:21] <eddiespromaxplus> oh dear
[20:24:26] <Dasher> peperoni
[20:24:34] <eddiespromaxplus> i hate mushrooms
[20:24:41] <Dasher> ngl same
[20:24:46] <Dasher> but I had to eat it
[20:25:02] <Smetkowski> I love mushrooms, specially wild ones
[20:30:30] --> IceLube connected to the server
[20:30:32] <Dasher> webe
[20:30:37] <-- DRiFTZz disconnected from the server
[20:30:37] <Smetkowski> wb
[20:30:42] <IceLube> hvala
[20:30:45] <IceLube> thanks
[20:31:59] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[20:32:06] <IceLube> wb
[20:32:11] <slampinjsh> ty
[20:35:07] <Dasher> ICE
[20:35:09] <Dasher> damn caps
[20:35:12] <IceLube> what
[20:35:12] <Dasher> let's drive around
[20:35:14] <Beq_Khalifa> fuck
[20:35:17] <IceLube> I'm doing that
[20:35:20] <Dasher> heli magnet?
[20:35:27] <IceLube> sure
[20:35:40] <Dasher> gonna wait at wang
[20:35:40] <IceLube> I fell asleep
[20:35:42] <IceLube> for 2h lmao
[20:36:13] <Dasher> smh my rc baron is clamped
[20:36:15] --> Jacob connected to the server
[20:36:18] <Dasher> webe
[20:36:23] <Smetkowski> wb
[20:36:41] --> Condor connected to the server
[20:36:43] <Dasher> wb
[20:36:49] <Smetkowski> wb
[20:36:56] <IceLube> water you doing
[20:36:56] <Beq_Khalifa> wb
[20:37:19] <Dasher> go
[20:38:35] <IceLube> LOL
[20:38:46] <Dasher> waiting at blueberry
[20:39:14] <-- Beq_Khalifa disconnected from the server
[20:39:42] <Condor> have you seen an inverted nevada?
[20:39:52] <IceLube> just fleet it lol
[20:40:35] <Condor> wa
[20:40:48] <IceLube> why didnt you spawn the heli already
[20:40:58] <Dasher> I was unclamping some shit
[20:40:58] <Condor> pressed T by mistake
[20:41:11] <Dasher> maybe wait
[20:41:11] <IceLube> unclamp
[20:41:13] <IceLube> this dic
[20:41:23] <Dasher> misse
[20:41:31] <Dasher> go
[20:42:12] <IceLube> LOL
[20:42:19] <IceLube> y you go sideways
[20:42:22] <Dasher> ye
[20:42:30] <Dasher> I wonder how many people I've killed
[20:43:13] <IceLube> LOL
[20:43:48] <Dasher> bruh
[20:43:51] <Dasher> I detached
[20:43:53] <IceLube> how
[20:43:56] <Dasher> idk
[20:43:59] <Dasher> guess you went to far
[20:44:06] <IceLube> no you
[20:44:09] <IceLube> you went far
[20:44:27] <Dasher> go
[20:44:37] <Dasher> it's impossible to fly this
[20:44:42] <IceLube> LOL
[20:44:47] <Dasher> in fps
[20:44:52] <Dasher> at vma
[20:44:52] <IceLube> why you /kill
[20:44:57] <Dasher> I didn't
[20:45:00] <IceLube> oh ok
[20:45:07] <IceLube> thought you presssed F
[20:45:15] <IceLube> btw you gotta steer? lol
[20:45:17] <Dasher> ye
[20:45:25] <Dasher> in fps it's hard
[20:45:35] <IceLube> fcuk
[20:45:43] <IceLube> this car doesnt have unlimited NOS
[20:45:43] <IceLube> and I wasted
[20:46:06] <Dasher> smh
[20:46:06] <Dasher> I missed
[20:46:11] <IceLube> then say
[20:46:21] <Dasher> go
[20:46:31] <Dasher> go to BB for unlimited nos
[20:47:12] <Dasher> if there's a trucker this road rip
[20:47:12] <IceLube> LOL
[20:47:22] <IceLube> LOL
[20:47:22] <Condor> OH SORRY
[20:47:25] <Dasher> what he fuck
[20:47:25] <Condor> SO IDIOT
[20:47:25] <IceLube> HAHHAHAHAHA
[20:47:30] <Condor> me
[20:47:45] <IceLube> llol
[20:47:48] <Dasher> 1 percent health
[20:47:48] <IceLube> lmaoooo
[20:47:58] <IceLube> where did you come from condor tho
[20:48:00] <IceLube> LMAo
[20:48:23] <Condor> i was flying low, and then saw you guys, though: hey, let's lowpass them
[20:48:28] <IceLube> oh
[20:48:28] <Condor> good idea
[20:48:31] <IceLube> lmfao
[20:48:31] <Condor> and then...
[20:48:33] <Condor> well
[20:48:33] <IceLube> while I was dragging dasher
[20:48:38] <Dasher> see I told you it will be a bad idea
[20:48:41] --> paulo1234 connected to the server
[20:48:41] <IceLube> thought it was dasher's fault
[20:48:43] <Dasher> if a trucker was going in that road
[20:48:51] <Condor> nono, mine
[20:49:14] <Dasher> got unlimited nos?
[20:49:17] <IceLube> yes
[20:49:22] <IceLube> 7fix
[20:49:27] <Dasher> you might need to carry me lmfao
[20:49:37] <Dasher> wait I got an idea
[20:50:15] <Dasher> let's make my wire super small
[20:50:25] <Dasher> go
[20:50:25] <IceLube> you an do that?
[20:50:51] <IceLube> LOL
[20:51:01] <IceLube> bruh
[20:51:03] <IceLube> your skin is black
[20:51:34] <Dasher> wait
[20:51:34] <Dasher> I got an idea
[20:51:36] <IceLube> why didnt we make it smaller
[20:51:39] <IceLube> always
[20:51:39] <IceLube> before
[20:51:49] <Dasher> don't move
[20:52:02] <Dasher> go now
[20:52:07] <Dasher> so I don't take damage
[20:52:09] <IceLube> LOL
[20:52:50] <Dasher> did it break?
[20:52:53] <IceLube> yes
[20:52:55] <Twi> oh no
[20:52:55] <IceLube> its blowing
[20:52:58] <Twi> id 9 is here
[20:53:00] <Dasher> nah
[20:53:00] <IceLube> yes it is
[20:53:03] <IceLube> for me
[20:53:05] <IceLube> LOL
[20:53:26] <IceLube> lemme send screen
[20:53:28] <Dasher> lets go at lva
[20:53:51] <IceLube> go aways
[20:54:12] <Dasher> come lva
[20:54:14] <Dasher> I mean vma
[20:54:50] <IceLube> ok
[20:55:00] <Dasher> you have car or do I get one for you
[20:55:02] <Dasher> ?
[20:55:05] <IceLube> I d
[20:55:05] <IceLube> do
[20:55:10] <Dasher> /tp vma
[20:55:15] <IceLube> no
[20:55:18] <IceLube> I clos
[20:55:18] <IceLube> close
[20:55:48] <IceLube> 7fix
[20:55:56] <IceLube> the car almost blowed
[20:56:19] <Dasher> before you go
[20:56:21] <Twi> rc's barons*
[20:56:24] <Dasher> wait gottta see something
[20:56:26] <Twi> RC BARONS*
[20:56:26] <IceLube> what
[20:56:37] <Dasher> wait smh
[20:56:42] <Dasher> I gotta go to the toilet you dummy
[20:56:44] <-- paulo1234 disconnected from the server
[20:56:54] <Dasher> god dammit
[20:56:54] <TheGamer> yeet him ice
[20:57:04] <IceLube> i ran over him
[20:57:12] <Dasher> yall gonna get me banned for interest farming
[20:57:17] <IceLube> how
[20:57:27] <Dasher> As I'm going af and ytall moving me
[20:57:35] <IceLube> af
[20:57:35] <IceLube> yes
[20:57:38] <IceLube> you go af
[20:57:38] <IceLube> as fuck
[20:57:58] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Lotto?
[20:58:05] <-- Condor disconnected from the server
[20:58:11] <TheGamer> 50m
[20:58:18] <IceLube> ye winlogon donate
[20:58:33] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Actual lotto?
[20:58:41] <eddiespromaxplus> 100m
[20:58:44] <Dasher> yes
[20:58:46] <IceLube> yes 50m
[20:58:49] <Dasher> winlogon donated another 50m now
[20:58:54] <IceLube> yes
[20:59:04] <IceLube> better join fast
[20:59:24] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Bet it's at 900k
[20:59:29] <eddiespromaxplus> gz
[20:59:29] <IceLube> nah
[20:59:32] <IceLube> GZZZ
[20:59:32] <TheGamer> gz
[20:59:34] <Dasher> gz
[21:00:02] <IceLube> dasher its blowing
[21:00:05] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Gz
[21:00:08] <Dasher> not on my screen
[21:00:13] <IceLube> it is for me
[21:00:15] <Dasher> jacob rich af atm
[21:00:18] <IceLube> I've sent u screens
[21:00:20] <IceLube> w
[21:00:28] <Twi> JACOB
[21:00:30] <Twi> FUCK OYU
[21:00:35] <Twi> I was waiting for lotto
[21:00:35] <Twi> bruhh
[21:00:41] <Twi> fuck this shit
[21:00:48] <IceLube> DDDD::::
[21:00:48] <Dasher> smae
[21:00:48] <IceLube> life is unfair
[21:00:53] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> How much did he win
[21:00:56] <Dasher> and I had the luck to win a 9m lotto instead
[21:00:56] <IceLube> I'm 14 and this is very deep
[21:01:01] <Dasher> 100m
[21:01:09] <Twi> well
[21:01:14] <Twi> atleast we
[21:01:16] <Twi> got another chance
[21:01:21] <IceLube> (fox
[21:01:21] <Twi> OMG
[21:01:24] <Twi> m
[21:01:26] <Twi> THANKS JACOB
[21:01:26] <IceLube> OMGGGG 69M
[21:01:31] <IceLube> OMG OMG OMG
[21:01:37] <Twi> yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[21:01:47] <IceLube> we gonna get rich <3333 periodt
[21:02:30] <IceLube> water you doing
[21:02:30] <Twi> nice /kill
[21:02:32] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[21:02:35] <Twi> hey come back
[21:02:45] (WEB) <Jacob#0195> no i have to work
[21:02:53] <Twi> fine :(
[21:03:00] <IceLube> daser
[21:03:00] <Dasher> go super fast tg
[21:03:03] <IceLube> dasher
[21:03:03] <IceLube> what you doing
[21:03:08] --> Ouro connected to the server
[21:03:13] <Dasher> wb
[21:03:13] <Twi> /lotto @ ouro
[21:03:16] <IceLube> wb
[21:03:21] <Ouro> 700k..
[21:03:26] <IceLube> wdym
[21:03:26] <Twi> jacob
[21:03:26] <Dasher> jacob won the 100m lotto
[21:03:26] <IceLube> its 69m
[21:03:26] <Twi> won itw
[21:03:28] <IceLube> on my screen
[21:03:31] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[21:03:41] <IceLube> dasher
[21:03:44] <Dasher> yes?
[21:03:49] <IceLube> what were you doing lol
[21:03:54] <Dasher> attaching to tg
[21:03:59] <IceLube> before that
[21:04:02] <Dasher> so he can go super duper fast
[21:04:04] <IceLube> cause all I saw was you
[21:04:17] <IceLube> bruh this heli blowing again
[21:04:27] <Twi> inflation round 2
[21:04:37] <Dasher> oh god
[21:04:47] <Dasher> thinking about it
[21:04:55] <Dasher> during aaron era
[21:04:55] <IceLube> about what
[21:04:57] <Twi> jablay
[21:05:03] <Dasher> there wasn't much inflation lol
[21:05:10] <IceLube> but in twi era there was
[21:05:10] <IceLube> I mean is
[21:05:15] <Twi> hadeh
[21:05:15] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> There kinda was
[21:05:28] <Twi> it was kinda smol in aaron era
[21:05:28] <Dasher> well
[21:05:28] <IceLube> thats why the lotto is 69m now
[21:05:33] <Twi> because everyone was rich af
[21:05:36] <Dasher> every one was broke during the aaron era
[21:05:41] <Dasher> so no one could over price shit
[21:05:43] <Twi> wait
[21:05:46] <Twi> are we talking
[21:05:46] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> 5m lotto winners wee common
[21:05:48] <Twi> after reset
[21:05:53] <Dasher> yes
[21:05:53] <Twi> oh
[21:05:58] <Twi> there was no
[21:06:04] <Twi> inflation after reset
[21:06:14] <Twi> shit was cheap af
[21:06:19] <Twi> cause
[21:06:19] <Dasher> wdym cheap
[21:06:24] <Twi> money was at a higher value
[21:06:27] <IceLube> w
[21:06:32] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> After reset work payments were terrible
[21:06:32] <Dasher> a 6 slot house was 16m lmao
[21:06:37] <IceLube> monkey have little banana
[21:06:39] <Twi> only cause
[21:06:39] <IceLube> banana valuable
[21:06:42] <Twi> they werent fixed
[21:06:42] <Dasher> and the best you could earn was 8-12k a mission
[21:06:44] <IceLube> monkey have many banana
[21:06:47] <IceLube> banana no value
[21:06:54] <Twi> less money generated = more value of it
[21:06:57] <Twi> like it works irl
[21:07:05] <IceLube> or in monke logic
[21:07:05] <Dasher> true
[21:07:10] <Dasher> but if the house prices were lower
[21:07:10] <TheGamer> let's remove all twi's RCs
[21:07:12] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Cargo drop paid same as pizza boy after reset
[21:07:12] <Twi> ohno
[21:07:12] <TheGamer> so ours have a higher value
[21:07:15] <Dasher> inflation will be the same still
[21:07:17] <Twi> oh no nonononon
[21:07:28] <IceLube> yes
[21:07:33] <IceLube> !cars Twi
[21:07:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has: Buffalo Sentinel Stretch Infernus Packer Packer Monster Seasparrow Pizzaboy Faggio RC Baron RC Baro(..)
[21:07:35] <Twi> .despawnmycars
[21:07:40] <Twi> see i dont have rc's
[21:07:43] <IceLube> how many you got
[21:07:51] <IceLube> lair
[21:07:51] <Dasher> you can edit it in the DB smartass
[21:07:51] <IceLube> liar
[21:08:03] <Twi> uwu
[21:08:18] <Twi> I have a test
[21:08:21] <TheGamer> 13RCs
[21:08:24] <TheGamer> 7 barons
[21:08:26] <Twi> sekrit test
[21:08:29] <IceLube> Damn bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
[21:08:29] <TheGamer> 2 rc cam
[21:08:34] <IceLube> lets cancel twi
[21:08:36] <Twi> tg thank you for
[21:08:36] <Dasher> yes
[21:08:41] <TheGamer> 2 raider
[21:08:44] <Twi> oh no
[21:08:49] <Dasher> 2 remaining
[21:08:49] <TheGamer> 5 AT-400's
[21:08:54] <Twi> Twi eXpOsEd
[21:08:59] <IceLube> twi exposed
[21:09:02] <IceLube> lets cancle
[21:09:02] <IceLube> cancel
[21:09:04] <Dasher> but but santiago and lavija have like 20 at-400's
[21:09:07] <Twi> no pls
[21:09:09] <IceLube> yes
[21:09:12] <Twi> yes
[21:09:17] <Twi> cancel santi and laviaj
[21:09:19] <Dasher> no
[21:09:19] <IceLube> no u
[21:09:22] <Dasher> you first
[21:09:22] <Twi> :(
[21:09:40] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I thought you were poor twi got damn
[21:09:42] <Twi> I just want 1 more baron :(
[21:09:47] <Dasher> he has 85m in bank
[21:09:50] <Dasher> or near that amount
[21:09:53] <Twi> hey
[21:09:53] <IceLube> I have
[21:09:55] <IceLube> !bank
[21:09:55] <Twi> stop exposing me :(
[21:09:58] <IceLube> !bankcash
[21:09:58] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}IceLube's bank money is $8,943,995
[21:10:03] <Twi> makaishw
[21:10:10] <IceLube> should I invest in
[21:10:13] <IceLube> Twi stocks?
[21:10:23] <Twi> winny stocks better
[21:10:23] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I'm second poorest of current online players
[21:10:26] <Dasher> imagine if PL has a stock market
[21:10:36] <TheGamer> i'd be rich as fuck
[21:10:36] <IceLube> ouro how much you have?
[21:10:43] <Dasher> twi would invest that shit 24/7
[21:10:43] <Twi> ouro has
[21:10:43] <Twi> 50m
[21:10:46] <IceLube> bruh
[21:10:48] <IceLube> I'm the poorest then
[21:10:54] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I wish twi lmao
[21:10:59] <Twi> ouro makes
[21:11:01] <IceLube> bank
[21:11:04] <Twi> 10m daily
[21:11:11] <IceLube> and you make 55m daily
[21:11:11] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> 5m
[21:11:14] <Twi> no wtf
[21:11:14] <Dasher> no way twi
[21:11:22] <Dasher> even winlogon doesn't make 10m a day sometimes
[21:11:24] <IceLube> yay
[21:11:27] <IceLube> ran out of fuel at 332km
[21:11:32] <Twi> f
[21:11:39] <IceLube> thats the point tho
[21:11:42] <IceLube> I wanna rekt every car
[21:11:44] <IceLube> now last one is
[21:11:47] <IceLube> faggio
[21:11:55] <Twi> just
[21:11:55] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I make 5m daily not 10
[21:11:57] <Twi> respawn the car
[21:11:57] <Dasher> just make an admin tp you at 100000ft
[21:12:00] <Twi> and you'll be good to go
[21:12:07] <IceLube> yes
[21:12:23] <Dasher> you'll reach like 1000kmh so ez to gain odo
[21:12:23] <IceLube> how is it possible to even get 5m in one day
[21:12:23] <IceLube> bruh
[21:12:25] <Twi> look at this
[21:12:25] <Twi> gay house
[21:12:33] <Twi> 20 sluts
[21:12:35] <Twi> and no payphone
[21:12:40] <Dasher> and now
[21:12:43] <Dasher> twi will /ad
[21:12:43] <IceLube> why you need
[21:12:45] <IceLube> payphone
[21:12:48] <IceLube> when you have sluts
[21:12:50] <Twi> ez tp
[21:12:53] <Twi> oh
[21:12:56] <Twi> well
[21:12:58] <TheGamer> why you need payphone
[21:13:03] <TheGamer> when you can warp your car at any time
[21:13:06] <Twi> hmm
[21:13:08] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Icelube nolife /w and interest
[21:13:13] <IceLube> oh oke
[21:13:16] <Twi> bai gays
[21:13:16] <IceLube> I have
[21:13:18] <Twi> test time
[21:13:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Twi test failed!
[21:13:18] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[21:13:18] <Dasher> bai
[21:13:21] <IceLube> 260k interest
[21:13:24] <IceLube> uncollected
[21:13:36] <TheGamer> i get more than that hourly
[21:13:39] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> god, just withdraw interest
[21:13:41] <IceLube> damn
[21:13:44] <IceLube> good for you
[21:13:46] (WEB) <!Twi#0921> and deposit in bank so oyu get more
[21:13:54] <IceLube> no twi
[21:14:32] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Twi my 30k hourly interest won't do shit
[21:14:42] <Dasher> damn ouro has 30m
[21:14:50] <IceLube> rich
[21:15:08] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> So I just keep it uncollected
[21:15:13] <IceLube> No trespassing positively
[21:15:15] <IceLube> wtf
[21:15:31] <IceLube> should I trespass negatively
[21:16:14] <Dasher> where
[21:16:24] <IceLube> its a sign
[21:16:42] <IceLube> driving shool
[21:16:44] <IceLube> school
[21:16:47] <Dasher> lmfao
[21:16:52] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[21:17:20] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[21:17:58] <IceLube> kbye
[21:18:01] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[21:18:36] --> nandinho connected to the server
[21:18:54] <Dasher> wb
[21:19:07] <nandinho> ths
[21:20:13] <-- nandinho disconnected from the server
[21:20:26] --> nandinho connected to the server
[21:20:48] <Dasher> wb
[21:20:56] <nandinho> the game broken :S
[21:21:21] <-- nandinho disconnected from the server
[21:21:34] --> nandinho connected to the server
[21:21:49] <Dasher> F again
[21:22:07] <nandinho> why i go in the plane and the game broken ?
[21:22:45] <Dasher> you have mods?
[21:23:16] <nandinho> no , i think its the plane
[21:23:29] <Dasher> that shouldn't really crash you
[21:23:36] <Dasher> try another plane
[21:23:46] <nandinho> yes , i try and work now :D
[21:23:54] <nandinho> thx
[21:36:17] --> itown connected to the server
[21:43:01] <-- nandinho disconnected from the server
[21:52:51] <Dasher> yooo
[21:52:51] <-- itown disconnected from the server
[21:55:39] --> Ouro connected to the server
[21:55:41] <Dasher> wb
[21:56:40] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[21:56:57] --> Ouro connected to the server
[21:58:16] <-- Dasher disconnected from the server
[22:05:36] --> DanielsonSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[22:05:41] <eddiespromaxplus> hi gamer
[22:05:44] <DanielsonSProMaxPlus> hi gamer
[22:07:36] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[22:11:57] --> _Lucy_ connected to the server
[22:11:57] <-- _Lucy_ disconnected from the server
[22:12:08] <Ouro> interest farming?
[22:12:31] <Ouro> i ask ecause i didn't see login :)
[22:13:01] <Ouro> nah im dumb that would be a warning
[22:20:06] (WEB) <Sadx#1999> Woi
[22:20:13] (WEB) <Sadx#1999> Shubuh2 udh trucking nih wkwk
[22:57:46] <-- eddiespromaxplus disconnected from the server
[22:57:53] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[22:58:04] <-- eddiespromaxplus disconnected from the server
[22:58:16] --> eddiespromaxplus connected to the server
[22:58:52] <eddiespromaxplus> y/w
[23:08:14] --> Lavija connected to the server
[23:09:50] --> Prompto connected to the server
[23:09:58] <Ouro> wb
[23:10:01] <Prompto> caralho
[23:10:11] <Ouro> esqueci-me do mais importante
[23:10:18] <Prompto> enfim
[23:10:23] <Prompto> siga convoy?
[23:10:31] <Ouro> n�o posso
[23:10:34] <Prompto> oof
[23:10:36] <Ouro> estou muito atras em pontos
[23:10:39] <Ouro> no evento da IA
[23:10:46] <Prompto> � fodido
[23:12:15] <Ouro> to a ver que vou ter que fazer missoes de skimmer
[23:12:41] <Ouro> vale 3 pontos
[23:13:11] <Prompto> nem sei pq raio ainda nao estas a faze-los
[23:13:27] <Ouro> � uma seca e quero 500 army
[23:13:34] <Ouro> free 500k
[23:14:05] <Prompto> 500k ganha-se depressa
[23:14:33] <Ouro> cada c�ntimo ajuda
[23:15:01] <Ouro> lol obg
[23:15:19] <Prompto> ia-te dar $1 mas nao me deixa lol
[23:15:19] <Ouro> isso ja s�o umas 3 miss�es de army
[23:16:02] <Ouro> lol
[23:16:15] <Ouro> eu tentei jogar com 23 mas ja tinha usado outro numero...
[23:16:25] <Ouro> so para gozar comigo
[23:16:30] <Prompto> o lotto goza com a puta da nossa cara sempre
[23:16:35] <Ouro> sempre
[23:16:53] <Ouro> jogo com 44 todo o dia depois mudo para 33 e sai o 44
[23:16:58] <Prompto> era quem lhe fodesse com 50 pirocadas naquela fu�a
[23:17:26] <Prompto> regra de ouro, nunca mudes o teu numero
[23:17:33] <Ouro> sera que auto work favorece missoes longas
[23:17:44] <Prompto> nao influencia
[23:18:01] <Ouro> mudei para manual e estou a ter missoes menos longas
[23:18:11] <Ouro> deve ser placebo
[23:18:27] <Prompto> claro q � placebo, eu tou em auto work e s� tou a ter missoes curtas
[23:18:42] --> Santiago connected to the server
[23:18:50] <Ouro> vou continuar o resto do dia assim para ver
[23:18:55] <Prompto> for�a
[23:19:18] <Prompto> caps
[23:19:23] <Ouro> que revolts
[23:19:23] <Santiago> NO
[23:19:35] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> caps
[23:19:40] <Santiago> NO
[23:19:46] <Ouro> lock
[23:19:56] <Prompto> how can you expect people to respect the rules if admins don't follow them? HMMMM
[23:20:01] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Ayyy limit back to normal now
[23:20:21] <eddiespromaxplus> becuase if you dont imma hammer
[23:20:29] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Well prompto hacking is against the rules but admins still hack
[23:20:31] <Prompto> eddie please, don't hurt me that way
[23:20:31] <eddiespromaxplus> im finna hammer
[23:20:41] <Santiago> i am the rules
[23:20:52] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Hell rules I'm dasher
[23:21:22] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Wtf autocorrect I mean "Hello the rules"
[23:21:37] <Prompto> dasher... stop it with those dad jokes
[23:22:00] <Ouro> disable auto correct embrace monke writing
[23:22:13] <Prompto> reject humanity, return to monke
[23:22:23] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> No, I can't spell shit on my phone
[23:22:33] <Ouro> you just spelled shit
[23:22:36] <Prompto> ...
[23:22:54] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Yes cause of Autocorrect
[23:23:04] <Prompto> because*
[23:23:09] <Prompto> your autocorrect sucks ass
[23:23:29] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Actually I use cause a lot with my irl friend
[23:23:37] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> So that's a word now
[23:23:57] <Lavija> cause is an actual word though, not one that you made up
[23:24:53] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Well I mean it chooses cause more
[23:25:13] <eddiespromaxplus> get a newwhy arent you /working
[23:25:29] <Prompto> eddie, are you dying?
[23:25:34] <Prompto> or you having a stroke?
[23:25:44] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Both of them probably
[23:25:44] <eddiespromaxplus> hopefully both
[23:25:52] <Prompto> wonderful
[23:26:09] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> K gn see you in 50min lavija
[23:26:22] <Prompto> sleep is for the weak
[23:26:50] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> No I don't want to look in my online class like I was in a cave smh
[23:27:08] <Prompto> just turn off your camera lmao
[23:27:10] <Ouro> hoje acordei mais cansado do que quando me deitei
[23:27:18] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> The problem is
[23:27:26] <Prompto> same, s� me levantei �s cinco da tarde
[23:27:38] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> They count you here as non attending if you have your camera off
[23:27:49] <Prompto> wtf
[23:27:51] <Ouro> report them for invading your privacy
[23:28:14] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Well ouro it's technically allowed
[23:28:19] <Prompto> "technically"
[23:28:34] <Prompto> screw your dictatorship, time to overthrow north macedonian's government
[23:30:49] <Santiago> lmao cloud9 is ass
[23:31:40] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> What are the Police gonna do?
[23:31:58] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> They will do nothing
[23:32:03] <Prompto> fuck the police
[23:32:18] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Corruption is kinda bad here
[23:32:54] <Ouro> why?
[23:33:27] <Santiago> !bankcash
[23:33:27] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Santiago's bank money is $50,205,219
[23:33:32] <Prompto> rich
[23:33:42] <Santiago> thanks
[23:33:57] <Ouro> how'd you get an extra 4m in a few hours
[23:34:00] --> PedroSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[23:35:01] <PedroSProMaxPlus> santiago afk?
[23:35:03] <PedroSProMaxPlus> more like
[23:35:08] <Ouro> he wasn't a minute ago
[23:35:21] <Prompto> q piada m�
[23:35:31] <PedroSProMaxPlus> ty
[23:35:41] <PedroSProMaxPlus> eddie doing skimmer missions??
[23:35:44] <PedroSProMaxPlus> gross
[23:35:54] <Ouro> op for ia event
[23:35:57] <Prompto> ja foste ouro, nunca mais recuperas
[23:36:09] <Ouro> ele viu-me falar do skimmer e mudou logo
[23:36:20] <Prompto> oooh cargo demand
[23:36:27] <Ouro> stonks ou n
[23:36:35] <Ouro> comparado com army
[23:37:13] <Prompto> at� paga bem, nao?
[23:37:18] <Prompto> e d� 2 pontos
[23:37:23] (WEB) <SmithSProMaxPlus#5060> How many players
[23:37:51] <Santiago> me, you, haydz
[23:37:59] <Santiago> crystal, aaron
[23:38:04] <Santiago> the portuguese noobs
[23:38:17] <Santiago> lavija eddie
[23:38:34] <Santiago> the indos
[23:38:37] <Prompto> you're just jealous that portugal > argentina
[23:39:18] <Ouro> rolando > messi caralho
[23:39:30] <Santiago> ah yes
[23:39:30] <Prompto> petit > qualquer jogador da argentina
[23:39:30] <Santiago> rolando
[23:40:52] <Prompto> rolando exists tho
[23:40:59] <Prompto> he used to play for the portuguese national team too
[23:41:32] <Ouro> aserio
[23:41:40] <Prompto> yah, ele joga pelo braga agora acho eu
[23:41:45] <Ouro> era esse o gajo do porto?
[23:41:45] <Prompto> ele era do porto acho eu
[23:41:48] <Prompto> ya
[23:41:48] <WarmBees> brb
[23:41:50] <-- WarmBees disconnected from the server
[23:43:11] --> SmithSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[23:43:45] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hai nubs
[23:43:45] <Santiago> bora bora manito bota
[23:43:55] <Santiago> hi
[23:44:02] <Santiago> bora prompto bora bora
[23:44:13] <Prompto> damn
[23:44:20] <Lavija> did i give you permission to do cargo missions
[23:44:25] <Prompto> I don't care
[23:44:35] <Ouro> but /demand
[23:44:35] <Lavija> i dont care if you dont care but i care
[23:44:38] <Santiago> bora bora
[23:44:41] <SmithSProMaxPlus> why everyone orange
[23:44:48] <Ouro> too lazy to change it
[23:44:51] <Santiago> we are trump supporters
[23:44:53] <SmithSProMaxPlus> omg
[23:45:16] <SmithSProMaxPlus> merkel should be president of USA
[23:45:24] <Ouro> no me
[23:45:29] <Santiago> no me
[23:45:31] <Lavija> no me
[23:46:27] <SmithSProMaxPlus> 7givemoneymyself 420000000
[23:46:53] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> That's not the command
[23:46:58] <Prompto> i'm laggin too much
[23:46:58] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[23:47:08] <Lavija> thats what you get for doing cargo without asking me
[23:47:28] <Lavija> No
[23:47:49] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Ok understandable
[23:47:54] <WarmBees> have a nice day
[23:48:01] <WarmBees> Night i guess
[23:48:57] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> Why I always feel sleepy
[23:49:10] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> And when I lay to sleep I can't fall asleep smh
[23:50:49] <eddiespromaxplus> BOTA when
[23:50:59] <Santiago> tomorrow
[23:51:02] <Santiago> get ready
[23:51:07] <WarmBees> for real?
[23:51:15] <eddiespromaxplus> yes
[23:51:17] <eddiespromaxplus> update tonight
[23:51:22] <eddiespromaxplus> bota tomorrow
[23:51:22] <WarmBees> O.o
[23:51:30] <Ouro> whats bota
[23:51:35] (WEB) <akiyamaha#2007> hi
[23:51:38] <Lavija> battle of the airlines
[23:51:43] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hi akisuzuki
[23:51:50] <Ouro> are there any prizes
[23:51:50] <WarmBees> Sky Air :d
[23:51:53] <SmithSProMaxPlus> !aboard
[23:51:53] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(173527) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-49607) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25770)
[23:51:55] <Lavija> for the airlines yeah
[23:52:11] <Ouro> what are they
[23:52:13] <WarmBees> is there any BOTC?
[23:52:16] <Lavija> it depends
[23:52:18] <Lavija> there was yeah
[23:52:31] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> For 1st 5 free slots I think
[23:54:10] --> Prompto connected to the server
[23:54:15] <WarmBees> hello
[23:54:20] <Prompto> let's see if I don't fucking freeze this time
[23:54:20] <Santiago> bora bora prompto bora bora
[23:54:33] <Prompto> bora para bora bora?
[23:54:38] <WarmBees> is that battle cry In jojo?
[23:55:09] <Prompto> idk but bora = let's go and bora bora is an famous island in the pacific
[23:55:24] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i think i will be offline soon im tired a bit
[23:55:34] <Ouro> push through it
[23:55:37] <Santiago> bora prompto bora
[23:55:44] <SmithSProMaxPlus> nah
[23:56:27] <SmithSProMaxPlus> 7report WarmBees not even warm
[23:56:35] <WarmBees> :d
[23:56:58] <Santiago> i remember I used to report noobs for space tricking back when I was a newbie
[23:57:13] <Ouro> bruh
[23:57:16] <Prompto> I know
[23:57:21] <Santiago> smh he was working
[23:57:28] <Prompto> and now he isn't
[23:57:49] <SmithSProMaxPlus> lets make a litle game
[23:57:49] --> WarmBees connected to the server
[23:58:24] <WarmBees> i got boang'd
[23:58:32] <Prompto> shit happens
[23:58:32] <Santiago> yes this admeans suck
[23:58:42] <SmithSProMaxPlus> I got a Number 1 - 100 first one who finds out (without spamming please) gets 50k
[23:58:45] <Prompto> adymn pl0x ben hax
[23:58:57] <Santiago> I'll go to the gay brazilian trucking server where they know how to run a real server
[23:59:10] <eddiespromaxplus> gay brazilians
[23:59:18] <Lavija> oh wait
[23:59:18] <eddiespromaxplus> !roll
[23:59:20] (WEB) <robin_be> eddiespromaxplus rolls 21
[23:59:25] <eddiespromaxplus> good vintage