
[00:00:00] <Prompto> a ir pra lv
[00:00:08] <Ouro> to em ls
[00:00:21] <Ouro> a ir para sf
[00:01:14] <Ouro> 4m done
[00:04:17] <Prompto> dillimore outra vez porra
[00:04:25] <Ouro> farmzito
[00:06:06] <Prompto> siga convoy pa
[00:06:09] <Prompto> vou pra ls
[00:06:19] <Ouro> to em lv xd
[00:06:47] <Ouro> olha vou para ls agora
[00:07:02] <Prompto> top
[00:07:53] <Prompto> ls onde?
[00:07:56] <Ouro> vinyl
[00:07:58] <Prompto> ok
[00:09:02] <Quorthon> tenho
[00:09:04] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[00:09:07] <Prompto> wut
[00:10:38] <Ouro> cheguei chegando
[00:10:44] <Prompto> entra
[00:11:04] <Ouro> esqueceu-se-me
[00:13:24] <Prompto> HAHAHA
[00:15:28] <Prompto> bru
[00:18:31] <Prompto> wut
[00:18:47] <Prompto> detesto os postes de lv
[00:19:10] <Ouro> s�o os unicos com colisao haha
[00:23:57] <Ouro> !cboard
[00:23:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22163) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-3695) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3246)
[00:24:48] <Prompto> we're ripping go-jek apart
[00:25:44] <Prompto> fuel porra
[00:26:19] <Ouro> quase no top 10
[00:26:34] <Prompto> 282km porra
[00:26:42] <Ouro> stonks ?
[00:26:47] <Prompto> omds
[00:26:50] <Prompto> vamos cagar ?
[00:26:52] <Prompto> no truck*
[00:26:57] <Ouro> ya
[00:27:02] <Ouro> mas to a chegar ja
[00:27:05] <Prompto> siga
[00:27:07] <Prompto> wait crlh
[00:28:03] <Prompto> siggaaaaa
[00:29:35] <Ouro> cargo drop next pls
[00:29:53] <Prompto> yaaass
[00:30:05] <Akiyamaha> large aircraft pls
[00:30:16] <Ouro> that too
[00:30:21] <Akiyamaha> damnit
[00:30:23] <Akiyamaha> uhhhhh
[00:30:26] <Akiyamaha> dodo pls
[00:30:26] <Prompto> aki u rich bastard, go away
[00:30:31] <Akiyamaha> no
[00:30:38] <Akiyamaha> why u calling me rich smh
[00:30:46] <Ouro> you the richest online
[00:30:54] <Ouro> nvm winny is there
[00:30:56] <Prompto> richer than winny
[00:31:37] <Akiyamaha> yes i have 5b in bank
[00:31:45] <Prompto> exactly
[00:31:45] <Akiyamaha> 5 bollars
[00:31:45] <Prompto> there ya go
[00:32:05] <Akiyamaha> inb4 43 wins
[00:32:23] <Ouro> hope it's not 29 or 39
[00:32:30] <Akiyamaha> i hope it is
[00:32:33] <Akiyamaha> UWU
[00:32:38] <Prompto> aki stfu
[00:32:46] <Akiyamaha> rewd
[00:33:59] <Prompto> I dunno even know how much I'm winning with this demand
[00:34:04] <Prompto> !lastmission
[00:34:04] (WEB) <TheGamer> Chilliad AFB to Fort Lauderfail Gate D. 1 hours 19 minutes(4796 Metres) Pay: $15098
[00:34:12] <Prompto> 5km 15k.. damn op
[00:34:30] <Ouro> at400 = 30k
[00:34:40] <Prompto> for 5km???
[00:34:43] <Ouro> sim
[00:34:45] <Ouro> com demand
[00:34:48] <Prompto> ah
[00:34:50] <Akiyamaha> yes
[00:36:29] <Ouro> nice farmzito
[00:36:45] <Prompto> there we go... long missions
[00:36:57] <Ouro> what do you consider to be a long mission?
[00:37:10] <Prompto> for demand, anything above 10km
[00:37:20] <Ouro> for me 10km+ is always long even without demand
[00:38:44] --> PEDRO99963 connected to the server
[00:39:10] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[00:39:15] <Prompto> f
[00:39:48] <Akiyamaha> f
[00:41:17] <Prompto> specialists say cold showers are "healthy"
[00:41:30] <Akiyamaha> fuck them
[00:43:04] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[00:43:09] <Akiyamaha> f
[00:43:16] --> Prompto connected to the server
[00:43:19] <Prompto> great
[00:43:24] <Akiyamaha> wb timeout
[00:43:29] <Prompto> ffs
[00:46:32] <Prompto> what a joke lotto
[00:46:35] <Prompto> what a joke
[00:46:55] --> P$G connected to the server
[00:47:03] <Prompto> wb
[00:56:30] <-- PEDRO99963 disconnected from the server
[00:59:15] <-- Cygnus disconnected from the server
[01:00:01] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> alguem ganhou a lotto?
[01:00:03] <Prompto> n
[01:00:16] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro trucking
[01:00:19] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 2965 trucking
[01:05:21] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[01:28:37] --> [KPT]Antonov connected to the server
[01:29:18] <[KPT]Antonov> Hi!
[01:29:23] <Prompto> hello
[01:31:17] <-- [KPT]Antonov disconnected from the server
[01:45:45] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[01:46:02] --> Prompto connected to the server
[01:51:48] --> Ouro connected to the server
[01:51:53] <Prompto> wb
[01:51:58] <Ouro> qu� p�?
[01:52:03] <Prompto> CARALHO
[01:52:03] <Ouro> caralho
[01:52:11] <Ouro> tas a trucar ainda?
[01:52:34] <Ouro> fodasse ainda ninguem ganho essa merda da lotto
[01:52:36] <Prompto> yup
[01:52:39] <Ouro> oh well guess i will talk it
[01:52:39] <Prompto> e
[01:52:42] <Prompto> yup
[01:52:47] <Ouro> take it*
[01:52:52] <Ouro> wtf escrevi talk pq
[01:52:54] <Ouro> cerebro todo bugado
[01:52:54] <Prompto> XD
[01:53:20] <Ouro> porra se sair o 35 vou-me matar
[01:53:25] <Ouro> escolhi o 25 sem querer
[01:53:27] <Prompto> XD
[01:54:00] <Ouro> porra deixa de XD esta merda ta s�ria
[01:54:08] <Prompto> eu s� me rio xD
[01:54:33] <Ouro> triste isso hein cara
[01:54:44] <Prompto> q numero de merda lol
[01:54:51] <Ouro> numero da PUTA
[01:57:03] <Ouro> ja saiu o 22?
[01:57:06] <Prompto> nao
[01:57:08] <Ouro> opa
[01:57:11] <Prompto> de que me lembro
[01:57:21] <Ouro> ja ta ganho entao sorry
[01:57:26] <Prompto> ai o crlh
[01:57:36] <Prompto> deixo o servidor
[01:57:41] <Prompto> se nao ganhar
[01:57:47] <Ouro> give me your stuff
[01:57:57] <Prompto> /addlotto
[01:58:25] <Prompto> sinceramente nem sei pq caralho paguei ao quorthon pelo baron
[01:58:53] <Ouro> pq ele e pi�ante
[01:59:00] <Ouro> oq � pi�ante? nao sei
[01:59:05] <Ouro> mas ele e
[01:59:08] <Prompto> era isso q ia pergunte
[01:59:10] <Prompto> perguntar*
[01:59:18] <Ouro> pi�ante � pi�ante
[01:59:33] <Prompto> pi�ador
[01:59:41] <Ouro> pi�ada da morte no aki
[01:59:49] <Prompto> petition to end aki's life
[01:59:56] <Ouro> wtf meu
[02:00:01] <Ouro> isso ja � ir long ede mais
[02:00:12] <Prompto> tou a falar dentro do jogo ffs
[02:00:22] <Prompto> nem o conhe�o na vida real, calma a� a cona
[02:00:37] <Ouro> foda-se e se um gajo morrer no jogo morre na vida real caralho
[02:00:42] <Ouro> este jogo ta cheio de bruxaria
[02:00:47] <Prompto> voodoo
[02:00:52] <Prompto> literalmente
[02:01:05] <Ouro> carro de merda
[02:01:15] <Ouro> o som dele parecem latas a baterem uma na outra
[02:01:33] <Prompto> eu se pa cada �rvore q me espetei recebesse 1� seria rico
[02:01:51] <Ouro> eu vou pegar fogo a este jogo
[02:01:58] <Prompto> agressivow
[02:02:03] <Ouro> aka vou editar essas putas todas daqui pra fora
[02:02:14] <Prompto> kill em all
[02:02:21] <Ouro> primeiro terei de aprender como editar
[02:02:24] <Ouro> o mapa
[02:02:34] <Prompto> � facil
[02:03:07] <Ouro> mas eu tenho o qi de um bebe deixado cair a nascen�a
[02:03:20] <Prompto> oof
[02:04:03] <Prompto> pq � q nao tiras uma licenciatura
[02:04:44] <Ouro> vou maz� fazer pedras da cal�ada com os pereto
[02:04:49] <Prompto> xD
[02:05:19] <Prompto> tou a falar a serio tho
[02:05:22] <Akiyamaha> wow no one's won the lotto yet
[02:05:29] <Prompto> shut the fuck up aki
[02:05:32] <Akiyamaha> r00d
[02:05:34] <Prompto> yes
[02:05:47] <Akiyamaha> wrong reply
[02:05:50] <Akiyamaha> i meant
[02:05:50] <Ouro> holy fuck aki say one more word
[02:06:02] <Akiyamaha> punish me more daddy
[02:06:13] <Prompto> I'm not kinky
[02:06:28] <Ouro> i said just one more and you say a whole bunch of em
[02:06:28] <Prompto> Claro q ca� na �gua... filha da ganda puta
[02:06:28] <Akiyamaha> degrade me daddt
[02:06:30] <Akiyamaha> yes
[02:06:58] <Ouro> karma do caralho prompto
[02:07:03] <Prompto> calou pi�ante
[02:07:08] <Ouro> XDDDD
[02:07:24] <Ouro> aki big pi�ante
[02:08:15] <Ouro> 12 PI�AS NO TEU CU LOTTO DEMERDA
[02:08:15] <Prompto> fucking 12
[02:08:22] <Akiyamaha> f
[02:10:01] --> dipa connected to the server
[02:10:06] <Akiyamaha> hi dipper
[02:10:12] <Prompto> w
[02:10:12] <Prompto> b
[02:10:17] <dipa> ello
[02:10:29] <Ouro> WELCOMEBACK
[02:10:34] <dipa> ty
[02:10:40] <Prompto> whale cum beck
[02:10:50] <Akiyamaha> do whales cum
[02:10:55] --> Sadx connected to the server
[02:10:55] <Prompto> ofc you idiot
[02:10:57] <Prompto> they're mammals
[02:11:00] <dipa> wb
[02:11:05] <Akiyamaha> oh shit
[02:11:10] <Akiyamaha> i uh
[02:11:20] <Akiyamaha> i was thinking of how fish impregnate other fish
[02:11:23] <Sadx> makasih :)
[02:11:25] <Akiyamaha> i forgot it was a mammal lmao
[02:11:30] <Ouro> fish fuck
[02:11:33] <dipa> ...
[02:11:35] <Prompto> whale was a dick
[02:11:38] <Prompto> fish don't
[02:11:41] <Prompto> has*
[02:11:48] <Ouro> fish fuck
[02:11:53] <dipa> Fishes lay eggs and then spray sperm into the eggs
[02:11:56] <Prompto> ^
[02:12:01] <dipa> And it's fertilizes
[02:12:01] <Ouro> kinky
[02:12:09] <Akiyamaha> this 10000iq move is up there with me thinking portugal was in south america lmao
[02:12:14] <dipa> So then they just leave the eggs
[02:12:16] <Prompto> imagine spraying your girlfriend's cunt with sperm and wait for it to fertilize
[02:12:26] <Ouro> that's portugal2 aki
[02:12:26] <Akiyamaha> no stress
[02:12:31] <dipa> Promp lewd
[02:12:42] <Prompto> portugal2 is in south america, yes
[02:12:54] <Akiyamaha> whats portugal3
[02:12:54] <Ouro> PROVOU E GOSTOU
[02:12:57] <Prompto> portugal4 is in india
[02:12:59] <Prompto> portugal5 is in china
[02:13:07] <Prompto> and portugal6 is in "indonesia" eheheh
[02:13:17] <dipa> Javanese2 is in suriname
[02:13:30] <Akiyamaha> indomie is in noodles yes
[02:13:58] <Prompto> inb4 portugal3 is split into several other portugals
[02:14:54] <Prompto> america is england2
[02:15:12] <Akiyamaha> philippines is shithole1
[02:15:17] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[02:15:29] <Ouro> sadx "i'm gonna leave pl" logs in every day
[02:15:37] <Prompto> ikr
[02:15:55] <Akiyamaha> he is?
[02:16:00] <dipa> yeah irl
[02:16:03] <Ouro> he said so yesterday and today
[02:16:05] <Prompto> allegedely
[02:16:05] <Akiyamaha> oh damn
[02:16:15] <Akiyamaha> also
[02:16:20] <Akiyamaha> !houses sadx
[02:16:23] (WEB) <robin_be> Rodeo: $15,000,000 15 slots Rodeo: $15,000,000 15 slots Palm Jumeirah: $15,000,000 15 slots Rockshore East:(..)
[02:16:28] <Prompto> oh sweet fuck
[02:16:38] <Ouro> !assets sadx
[02:16:41] (WEB) <robin_be> sadx has 66 car(s) ($53,240,000) and 4 house(s) ($65,000,000 - 65 slots) for a total of $118,240,000
[02:16:43] <Prompto> I'M GONNA CUM
[02:16:54] <dipa> caps
[02:16:54] <Ouro> !bankcash
[02:16:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Ouro's bank money is $113,000,000
[02:16:54] <Akiyamaha> on my face daddy
[02:17:14] <Ouro> i've got enough cash to kemah rumah his houses
[02:17:24] <Akiyamaha> just kemah rumah the update houses
[02:17:24] <dipa> Don't kemah rumah
[02:17:27] <Akiyamaha> more legal
[02:17:32] <Prompto> kemah rumah, yes
[02:18:45] <Akiyamaha> bored
[02:18:51] <Prompto> kill yourself
[02:18:53] <Ouro> lets convoy aki
[02:18:56] <Prompto> and entertain us
[02:19:18] <Ouro> death log spam
[02:19:26] <Prompto> <3
[02:19:36] <Ouro> opa cona caralho vou ganhar essa merda
[02:19:36] <Akiyamaha> wheres my death insurance money
[02:19:44] <Akiyamaha> ouro wya
[02:19:44] <Prompto> calou caralho foda-se puta que me pariu
[02:19:46] <Akiyamaha> convoy
[02:19:52] <dipa> Can I convoy?
[02:19:54] <Ouro> yeah lets convoy where is you are
[02:19:57] <Prompto> let's all convoy
[02:20:02] <Akiyamaha> also which class
[02:20:04] <Prompto> military
[02:20:07] <Ouro> army class
[02:20:12] <dipa> huh?
[02:20:14] <Ouro> meet at uh
[02:20:14] <dipa> Is this formation
[02:20:17] <Ouro> ls lv intersection
[02:20:27] <Akiyamaha> oh yeah i forgot you were in transx
[02:20:30] <Prompto> !Cboard
[02:20:32] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22197) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-3729) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3246)
[02:20:32] <Ouro> oya
[02:20:37] <Prompto> go-jek got fucking raped by 2 caralhos
[02:20:40] <dipa> is this convoy or formation?
[02:20:47] <Akiyamaha> conoyyyy
[02:20:47] <Ouro> "aki lets convoy"
[02:20:53] <dipa> Okok
[02:20:55] <Ouro> and he asks if it's formatiuon
[02:20:55] <Ouro> smh
[02:21:03] <Akiyamaha> just need reclass so we can see when we finish
[02:21:05] <dipa> because you guys said military class
[02:21:15] <Ouro> yeah that's just so we can see when we all finish
[02:21:33] <dipa> Oh ok
[02:21:36] <Akiyamaha> so ouro doesnt /w and drive off into the sunset when we're not done unloading
[02:21:38] <Akiyamaha> smh
[02:21:43] <dipa> wkwkwkwkw
[02:21:46] <dipa> hadeh xD
[02:21:46] <Ouro> MOTHERFUCKING
[02:21:48] <Ouro> NUMBER 3
[02:21:51] <Prompto> caps bitch
[02:21:51] <Akiyamaha> f
[02:22:06] <dipa> So sa army class?
[02:22:06] <Ouro> porra
[02:22:09] <Akiyamaha> yes
[02:22:14] <Akiyamaha> whats transx colors
[02:22:14] <Prompto> first one at the ls-lv intersection, what a disgrace
[02:22:19] <dipa> I need to turn mission messages on?
[02:22:27] <Ouro> no
[02:22:32] <Ouro> just leader
[02:22:32] <dipa> Alright
[02:23:23] <Akiyamaha> hi i am now transx
[02:23:30] <dipa> D:
[02:23:30] <Ouro> welcome to tranniex
[02:23:33] <Prompto> /leavecompany is what you're looking for
[02:23:38] <Akiyamaha> no
[02:23:43] <Prompto> yes
[02:23:45] <Ouro> /c to fucking chat in company chat
[02:23:45] <Akiyamaha> brooklyn will kill me
[02:23:48] <Ouro> you stupid whore
[02:23:53] <Prompto> fuck syracuse
[02:23:56] <Akiyamaha> ew look at dipa
[02:23:56] <Ouro> i am extreme anger
[02:23:56] <Akiyamaha> green
[02:23:58] <dipa> :(
[02:23:58] <Prompto> that new york fuck :D
[02:24:01] <Ouro> start caralho
[02:24:24] <Ouro> 4 big loads into that pi�ante's house
[02:24:24] <Akiyamaha> yay home
[02:24:31] <Prompto> smh
[02:24:57] <Prompto> ok ouro
[02:24:59] <Prompto> ok
[02:25:22] <Ouro> fodasse n te chegas
[02:26:10] <Ouro> change to a different color?
[02:26:18] <dipa> red?
[02:26:23] <Akiyamaha> spray 145 yes
[02:26:23] <Ouro> og blue
[02:26:31] <dipa> god I need to afk
[02:26:36] <Akiyamaha> nub
[02:26:59] <Prompto> motherfucking at400
[02:27:09] <Akiyamaha> uwot
[02:27:14] <Akiyamaha> its parked perfectly
[02:27:49] <Ouro> lmao
[02:27:52] <Akiyamaha> balls
[02:28:00] <Prompto> already down here
[02:28:02] <Prompto> garcia airport
[02:28:02] <Ouro> the motherfucker trailer
[02:28:07] <Ouro> went so far it despawned
[02:28:12] <Prompto> bruh
[02:30:30] <Ouro> 5 fuel
[02:30:35] <Prompto> f
[02:30:52] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[02:30:55] <Ouro> full
[02:31:08] <Akiyamaha> this convoy is fucked lmao
[02:31:08] <Prompto> who's still in sf'
[02:31:10] <Akiyamaha> meeeee
[02:31:15] <Ouro> smh
[02:31:18] <Prompto> jesus fucking christ
[02:31:20] <Prompto> you can't keep up with us
[02:31:33] <Akiyamaha> my uh
[02:31:43] <Ouro> it's fun :)
[02:31:46] <Akiyamaha> my trailer did an epic detach
[02:31:51] <Akiyamaha> and im in the ocean
[02:31:54] <Akiyamaha> uwu
[02:31:54] <Prompto> maybe if you joined transx... :)
[02:31:54] <Ouro> did you front flip
[02:32:01] <Prompto> wwtffff
[02:32:04] <Ouro> ok meet ls lv
[02:32:11] <Akiyamaha> nah busy
[02:32:19] <Prompto> wow smh
[02:32:19] <Akiyamaha> gotta study for exam uwu
[02:32:27] <Prompto> weak
[02:32:29] <Prompto> who the fuck even studies
[02:32:32] <Ouro> use your the hunt 3 IQ
[02:32:47] <Akiyamaha> my one braincell is already burnt out from the hunt
[02:32:57] <Akiyamaha> if i wing this exam i wont score anything lmao
[02:33:07] <Prompto> f
[02:35:22] <Prompto> oh lotto
[02:35:25] <Prompto> you bitch
[02:37:01] <Akiyamaha> uwu
[02:37:04] <Prompto> stfu
[02:37:22] <Akiyamaha> uwu
[02:37:27] <Prompto> spam
[02:37:34] <Akiyamaha> owo?
[02:37:39] <Prompto> mofo
[02:37:57] <Prompto> bitch
[02:38:07] <Ouro> F
[02:38:10] <Prompto> virou de patas po ar q puta
[02:38:17] <Ouro> cbase?
[02:38:20] <Prompto> well cbase pq nao consigo come�ar /w
[02:38:25] <Ouro> ^/cbase
[02:39:34] <Prompto> bruh
[02:40:07] <Prompto> por ls?
[02:40:20] <Ouro> ya
[02:40:35] <Ouro> blueberry
[02:40:35] <Ouro> eu acho
[02:40:42] <Ouro> fuck it
[02:41:00] <Prompto> fodi-me yey
[02:41:08] <Ouro> pog
[02:41:56] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[02:42:06] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[02:42:47] <Ouro> vou-me fodendo por leafy hollow
[02:43:00] <Prompto> ou n
[02:43:43] <Prompto> q front flip aleat�rio
[02:43:43] <Prompto> que puta
[02:45:02] <Prompto> morte �s arvores
[02:45:09] <Ouro> putas
[02:46:28] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[02:47:04] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[02:47:04] <Prompto> bad decision
[02:47:50] <Ouro> bad decision
[02:48:05] <Akiyamaha> noisiced dab
[02:48:10] <Prompto> stfu
[02:48:13] <Akiyamaha> nou
[02:48:23] <Prompto> pi�ante
[02:48:33] <Akiyamaha> whats nou in portugueusuuese?
[02:48:38] <Prompto> n�o
[02:48:48] <Ouro> prompto
[02:48:53] <Ouro> nou = no u
[02:48:56] <Ouro> mas pegado
[02:49:01] <Prompto> really?
[02:49:06] <Ouro> sim pi�ante
[02:49:14] <Prompto> bruh
[02:49:57] <Ouro> bruh
[02:50:02] <Ouro> o teu trailer tava aqui
[02:50:04] <Prompto> lol?
[02:50:07] <Ouro> a andar sozinho
[02:50:10] <dipa> back
[02:50:15] <Ouro> bruxaria do caralho
[02:50:17] <Prompto> mm
[02:51:23] <Prompto> wtf
[02:51:59] <Prompto> OLHA AI
[02:52:09] <Prompto> lol fode-te
[02:52:14] <Prompto> karma bitch
[02:52:37] <Prompto> dipa where u at
[02:52:45] <dipa> near lv airport
[02:52:50] <Ouro> prompto pensava que tava colado
[02:52:57] <Ouro> tava a tentar ajudar
[02:53:10] <Prompto> ok ty
[02:53:20] <Prompto> dip
[02:53:23] <Prompto> c'mon
[02:53:23] <Ouro> disseste wtf pensei que se tinha colado ao teto daquilo
[02:53:23] <dipa> Yes?
[02:53:28] <Prompto> you hurt my trailer
[02:53:33] <dipa> oh sorry
[02:53:35] <dipa> Must be lag ram
[02:53:41] <Prompto> nah, foi um wtf pq aquilo deu um detach mesmo aleat�rio
[02:54:01] <Prompto> crashing incoming
[02:54:16] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[02:54:24] <dipa> Oop
[02:54:29] --> Prompto connected to the server
[02:54:31] <Ouro> we keep going dipa
[02:54:52] <Prompto> good to know my crashed are now predictable
[02:54:59] <Prompto> crashes*
[02:54:59] <dipa> Crashes8
[02:55:10] <Ouro> lets meet the crashy in ls lv
[02:55:15] <Prompto> stfu
[02:55:20] <Prompto> just /w and tell me the next
[02:55:25] <Ouro> k
[02:55:35] <Ouro> dillimore
[02:55:37] <Prompto> k
[02:56:08] <Ouro> you don't need to leave your truck
[02:56:11] <Ouro> WTF
[02:56:13] <dipa> what hte
[02:56:16] <Ouro> AT400 OUT OFNOWHERE
[02:56:16] <dipa> ...
[02:56:18] <Ouro> WTF??
[02:56:33] <Ouro> are you stuck in it dipa?
[02:56:36] <dipa> Oh it's the at400 that usually drops on the "d*ck" like hill
[02:56:51] <dipa> Im not stuck but the trailer is
[02:56:51] <Ouro> so fucking random
[02:56:56] <dipa> Winny respawn the at400
[02:56:59] <Prompto> he's afk
[02:57:24] <dipa> Ok thanks
[02:57:42] <Ouro> that shit belongs to him?
[02:57:42] <dipa> gracias
[02:57:45] <dipa> yes
[03:00:12] <Ouro> mek� conas
[03:00:17] <Prompto> atao caralho
[03:00:22] <Prompto> pus-me a fazer uma li��o duolingo
[03:00:50] <Ouro> go start
[03:00:58] <Prompto> oh
[03:01:13] <Ouro> come�ante
[03:01:16] <Prompto> wait
[03:01:21] <Prompto> this convoy system is bugged
[03:01:23] <Ouro> wdym
[03:01:26] <Prompto> are you guys in it?
[03:01:33] <dipa> No missions are loaded
[03:01:33] <Ouro> i am
[03:01:39] <dipa> Oh
[03:01:41] <Prompto> wtfff, I didn't get any message saying that
[03:01:51] <Ouro> what about now
[03:01:51] <Prompto> awesome
[03:02:17] <Prompto> oh wrong one
[03:02:22] <Prompto> wait no
[03:02:52] <Prompto> mfer
[03:03:15] <dipa> prompt change color
[03:03:23] <dipa> Ok
[03:03:48] <Ouro> HAHAHA
[03:03:48] <Prompto> wtf
[03:03:53] <dipa> F ouro
[03:04:04] <Prompto> bitch wtf
[03:04:16] <Ouro> i hit the fucking bridge border and the train fucking jumped into the water
[03:04:21] <Prompto> HAHAHA
[03:04:24] <Ouro> the roadtrain
[03:04:29] <dipa> a portuguese has fallen
[03:04:39] <Prompto> yas
[03:04:39] <Ouro> it was a 10/10 jump too straight into the water trailer and all
[03:04:49] <Prompto> I just saw it on the map honestly xD
[03:05:02] <dipa> I saw his username falling down from the bridge
[03:05:05] <Ouro> tell me next unload
[03:05:07] <Prompto> sure
[03:05:35] <Prompto> ls
[03:05:35] <Prompto> ganton
[03:05:45] <Ouro> liquor?
[03:05:48] <Prompto> yah
[03:05:56] <Ouro> time to get podre waiting
[03:06:01] <Prompto> yeah
[03:06:26] <Ouro> o load desse � em shea n�?
[03:06:29] <Prompto> ya
[03:06:36] <Prompto> se for passa a ser
[03:06:39] <Prompto> se na*
[03:06:41] <Prompto> SE NAO*
[03:07:47] <dipa> promp
[03:07:50] <dipa> How?
[03:07:55] <dipa> O.O
[03:07:58] <Prompto> trial & error seriously
[03:07:58] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro trucking
[03:08:00] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 2981 trucking
[03:08:05] <Prompto> initially I fucked myself a lot
[03:08:08] <Prompto> me and ouro
[03:08:21] <Ouro> ooooo caralho
[03:08:21] <dipa> okok I get it
[03:08:23] <Ouro> top 10 trucking
[03:08:28] <Prompto> gz
[03:08:36] <Ouro> thanks
[03:08:43] <Ouro> /highscores trucking i'm top 10 uwu
[03:09:32] <Ouro> it's easy to reach 7th too
[03:09:55] <Prompto> dipa didn't jump so, we gotta wait xD
[03:10:00] <dipa> I did jump
[03:10:05] <Prompto> oh you did
[03:10:05] <Ouro> meu
[03:10:07] <Prompto> ??
[03:10:07] <Ouro> tas bugado pra mim
[03:10:13] <dipa> yea I did
[03:10:13] <Ouro> nvm
[03:10:15] <Prompto> so...
[03:10:18] <Prompto> did you do it?
[03:10:20] <dipa> yes
[03:10:23] <Prompto> or you completely fucked yourself?
[03:10:28] <dipa> no im here
[03:10:33] <Prompto> gg
[03:10:35] <Ouro> dipa actually pro as fuck
[03:10:58] <Ouro> there's goes prompto
[03:11:01] <Ouro> nvm
[03:11:06] <Prompto> oh shit
[03:11:11] <dipa> Lol
[03:11:14] <Ouro> esqueci-me
[03:11:16] <Prompto> did you get the mission?
[03:11:19] <Ouro> uh
[03:11:24] <Ouro> blueberry truckstop load
[03:11:26] <Ouro> lmao
[03:11:31] <Prompto> rejoin
[03:12:50] <Prompto> thx
[03:12:55] <Ouro> i slowed down
[03:13:18] <Prompto> wait
[03:13:18] <Prompto> wrong one
[03:14:06] <Prompto> no idea how you can do it
[03:14:09] <Prompto> also.. 30 health
[03:14:11] <dipa> need help?
[03:14:42] <Prompto> c'mon ouro
[03:14:45] <Prompto> leave that stupid stunt alone
[03:14:50] <Prompto> I tried and failed
[03:14:57] <Ouro> i'm using a truck without hydraulics
[03:15:02] <Ouro> so it's lower
[03:16:01] <Ouro> 22 :)))))
[03:16:06] <dipa> F
[03:16:52] <dipa> lag
[03:18:41] <dipa> detached
[03:18:44] <Ouro> f
[03:18:46] <Prompto> f
[03:18:51] <dipa> Ok back on profiel
[03:18:54] <dipa> file*
[03:19:50] <Prompto> BITCH
[03:19:55] <Prompto> boom
[03:20:05] <Ouro> pega o meu
[03:20:10] <Ouro> pega o meu caralho
[03:20:23] <Prompto> why
[03:20:33] <Ouro> o teu nao explodiu pra mim
[03:20:38] <Prompto> bruh
[03:20:43] <Prompto> black magic
[03:20:56] <Prompto> ele explodiu mesmo ao teu lado
[03:21:01] <Ouro> bruh
[03:21:39] <dipa> Sorry im late
[03:21:44] <Ouro> np bro
[03:21:47] <Prompto> it's ok
[03:21:49] <Prompto> I fucked myself too
[03:21:52] <dipa> F
[03:21:54] <Ouro> eu disse "pega o meu caralho" e tu vieste bruh
[03:22:02] <Prompto> XD
[03:22:07] <Prompto> joke 10
[03:22:43] <dipa> nods*
[03:24:50] <dipa> buy some beer at the mart
[03:27:02] <Ouro> leafy?
[03:27:07] <Prompto> kinda
[03:29:01] <dipa> Im refuelling
[03:29:07] <Prompto> ok
[03:29:35] <dipa> 21...
[03:29:52] <Ouro> i forgot to even play the lotto
[03:30:08] <Ouro> LMAO
[03:30:10] <Prompto> nice dipa xDDD
[03:30:13] <Ouro> epic 180
[03:30:28] <dipa> I let the truck maneuver itself
[03:30:43] <Prompto> great
[03:30:43] <Prompto> stuck
[03:31:29] <dipa> how do ceo's spray trailers?
[03:31:49] <Ouro> they have access to another comamnd
[03:31:52] <dipa> Ok
[03:31:54] <Ouro> sprayfleet i think
[03:33:54] <Ouro> 16 fuel
[03:34:01] <dipa> oops
[03:34:04] <Ouro> lol
[03:34:04] <dipa> sorry
[03:34:24] <Prompto> refuel here
[03:34:37] <dipa> check odo too
[03:34:42] <Prompto> 51 km
[03:34:55] <dipa> 66*
[03:36:39] --> hartbert95 connected to the server
[03:36:52] <dipa> Eh wrong way...
[03:37:40] <Prompto> boa
[03:38:23] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> !player Kizule
[03:38:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player Kizule: 234 score, last seen null
[03:38:29] <Prompto> stalker
[03:38:36] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Yes.
[03:38:54] <Prompto> mais 4 minutos e ja tenho outro milh�o feito
[03:39:02] <Prompto> caralho, hj fiz pra ai 7 milhoe
[03:39:07] <Ouro> caralho
[03:39:19] <Prompto> 9m*
[03:39:22] <Ouro> quase 5m feitos
[03:39:22] <Prompto> ontem acabei com 207m
[03:39:27] <Prompto> ja tou em rota pra ter 206m
[03:39:32] <Ouro> nice
[03:39:35] <Ouro> stonks
[03:39:40] <Prompto> pra compensar o baron
[03:39:45] <Prompto> e o crlh do quor fazer /addlotto
[03:39:45] <Prompto> pqp q dor
[03:41:24] <dipa> detached
[03:41:27] <Prompto> f
[03:41:29] <Ouro> f
[03:41:47] <Ouro> is it lost?
[03:41:52] <dipa> No
[03:41:52] <Prompto> hopefully not
[03:41:54] <Prompto> yey
[03:42:07] <Prompto> wtf ouro
[03:42:12] <dipa> ok back on profile
[03:42:12] <Ouro> wtf indeedt
[03:42:17] <Ouro> tava alt tabbed e voltei pra isto
[03:42:20] <Prompto> XD
[03:43:03] <Prompto> puta
[03:43:08] <Ouro> lmaooo
[03:43:24] <Ouro> fodi todos xd
[03:43:31] <Ouro> that wasn't on purpose btw
[03:43:34] <Prompto> trailer fodeu
[03:43:49] <dipa> i will wait
[03:43:59] <Prompto> I really tried to brake hard
[03:44:02] <Prompto> but jesus christ dude
[03:44:09] <dipa> sorry
[03:44:12] <Prompto> not you
[03:44:17] <dipa> oh ok
[03:44:40] <Prompto> you rarely fuck yourself there, let alone EVERYONE
[03:45:46] <Ouro> o trailerzinho ta a vibrar
[03:45:48] <Prompto> hahaha
[03:47:25] <Prompto> damn
[03:48:13] <Ouro> dasse
[03:48:16] <Ouro> que chicotada
[03:48:18] <Prompto> chega pa la crlh
[03:50:26] <dipa> I almost kissed your truck xD
[03:50:31] <Prompto> OURO
[03:50:36] <Prompto> how
[03:50:46] <Prompto> HOW did you fuck yourself there
[03:50:48] <dipa> he goes straight into this unbarried
[03:50:51] <Ouro> esqueci-me que esta merda ta mais baixa devido a n�o tar a usar hidraulicos
[03:50:54] <dipa> like this
[03:51:04] <Prompto> I'm actually laughing hard as fuck right now XDD
[03:51:21] <dipa> stuck
[03:51:34] <dipa> thanks
[03:51:37] <Ouro> diz-me o proximo unload
[03:52:35] <Prompto> yes
[03:52:40] <Prompto> lv
[03:52:43] <Prompto> linden warehouses, ouro
[03:52:53] <Prompto> perfeito pra ti lmao
[03:52:53] <-- hartbert95 disconnected from the server
[03:53:01] <Ouro> ja tava a ir para lv ls intersection
[03:53:08] <dipa> the airports here not designed so well :v
[03:53:11] <Prompto> noice
[03:54:25] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[03:54:27] <Prompto> oof
[03:54:45] <Ouro> � pra hoje carago
[03:55:20] <Ouro> +11 e vou sair
[03:55:23] <Prompto> ok
[03:55:28] <Prompto> entra
[03:56:06] <Prompto> lida tu
[03:56:09] <Prompto> vou tar distraido
[03:56:57] <Ouro> xd
[03:58:11] <Prompto> bitch motherfucker
[03:59:30] <Prompto> hahahah
[03:59:47] <Prompto> bruh
[03:59:47] <Ouro> tenho de parar
[03:59:53] <Ouro> de usar nitro nas curvas
[04:00:21] <Ouro> wtf
[04:00:23] <Ouro> sprunk factory
[04:00:28] <Ouro> tava a ir para dillimore
[04:00:31] <Prompto> xD
[04:01:32] <Prompto> wb
[04:01:37] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty
[04:01:49] <Prompto> flood alerts?
[04:01:55] <danielsonspromaxplus> nah
[04:02:02] <danielsonspromaxplus> no alert for today yet
[04:02:07] <Prompto> nice
[04:02:28] <danielsonspromaxplus> already happened yesterday tho, again
[04:03:41] <Prompto> first time reaching leafy hallow without fucking myself
[04:05:56] <Prompto> puta
[04:06:16] <Ouro> what
[04:06:42] <Prompto> o trailer driftou e ficou "de fora" da rua e empurrou-me pra fora
[04:06:49] <Prompto> ca� na agua
[04:06:57] <Ouro> trailers de merda
[04:07:12] <Ouro> entra
[04:07:25] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[04:07:33] <Prompto> 200 pontos hj
[04:07:38] <Prompto> bicho
[04:07:48] <Ouro> tas viciado
[04:08:13] <Ouro> fuck
[04:08:16] <Prompto> wrong way
[04:08:18] <Ouro> s
[04:08:34] <Ouro> 1m done
[04:08:41] <Prompto> same, acabei de deposit�-la
[04:10:33] <Prompto> este lotto ja ta � a gozar com a puta da minha cara
[04:11:52] <Ouro> wtf
[04:11:55] <Ouro> wrong turn
[04:11:57] <Prompto> ahaha
[04:12:05] <Ouro> ja nem sei onde ando
[04:12:53] <Prompto> foda-se
[04:12:53] <Prompto> outra vez
[04:12:56] <Prompto> quase na mesma curva
[04:13:03] <Ouro> foi-se?
[04:13:13] <Prompto> quase
[04:14:52] <Ouro> so mais 5
[04:17:40] <Ouro> morte as arvores
[04:17:45] <Prompto> ahahaha
[04:18:49] <Prompto> a cena dos postes ja ta de volta
[04:19:02] <Ouro> que cena
[04:19:07] <Prompto> bater neles
[04:19:17] <Ouro> liga isso dnv
[04:22:33] <Ouro> 7 fuel
[04:22:50] <Prompto> puta 70
[04:26:29] <Prompto> wtf
[04:27:50] <Ouro> asa de merda
[04:27:56] <Prompto> XDD
[04:30:10] <Prompto> 16 mais e atinjo o objetivo
[04:30:31] <Ouro> !cboard
[04:30:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22258) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-3775) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3261)
[04:31:19] <Prompto> bruh
[04:31:22] <Prompto> wut
[04:32:18] <Ouro> wait
[04:32:20] <Ouro> por onde
[04:36:50] <Ouro> holy shit
[04:36:55] <Ouro> ja tenho 3004
[04:36:57] <Ouro> to aqui ainda pq
[04:36:57] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[04:37:02] <Prompto> bruh
[04:37:23] <Prompto> FUCK
[04:37:25] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro trucking
[04:37:28] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 3004 trucking
[04:37:33] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Boa noite
[04:37:36] <Prompto> o th_gt2250 ganhou
[04:37:43] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Ganhou oq
[04:37:46] <TH_GT2250> :D
[04:37:46] <Prompto> lotto
[04:37:56] <Prompto> queres te rir?
[04:37:56] <Prompto> com 35
[04:38:06] <Akiyamaha> gzgz
[04:38:09] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Puta
[04:38:11] <Prompto> ahahahah
[04:38:14] <TH_GT2250> thanks
[04:38:19] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Escolhi esse n�mero varia vezes
[04:38:37] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Vai-te foder lotto de merda
[04:38:54] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[04:39:02] <Prompto> !missions truck
[04:39:05] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[04:39:05] <Prompto> !missions trucking
[04:39:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto: 745 trucking
[04:39:15] <Prompto> lmao, bye
[04:39:15] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[04:39:23] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Quase 1k nem 200 tinhas
[04:39:40] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> yah
[04:40:01] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> 422 pra o evento
[04:40:01] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Vou cagar para trucar agora
[04:40:08] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> assim, amanha ultrapasso o lenz
[04:40:13] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> isto se ele nao decidir trucar tmbm
[04:40:19] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Nvm falta acabar evento
[04:40:29] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> tas com671
[04:40:36] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Tu passas-o na boa
[04:40:49] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Mesmo que ele jogue um pouco
[04:40:57] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Fazes mais que ele por dia
[04:41:04] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> yah
[04:41:12] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> � bom q isso se mantenha xD
[04:41:27] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> pq ja tenho 3 cenas da faculdade pra fazer
[04:41:35] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> pra entregar ja pra semana
[04:42:05] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> E tiveste no samp o dia todo bruh
[04:42:23] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> safoda
[04:42:54] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Bem vou dormir boa noite
[04:42:59] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> boa noite
[04:47:21] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[04:51:20] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[04:55:21] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[04:55:52] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[04:59:40] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[05:05:36] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[05:10:55] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[05:13:55] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[05:22:08] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[05:23:07] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[05:44:46] --> Lenz connected to the server
[06:15:17] --> Prompto connected to the server
[06:16:20] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[06:26:26] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[06:26:36] <Lenz> wb hunter
[06:26:56] <Akiyamaha> uwu 10q
[06:33:43] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[06:43:10] --> Javier_Antoine connected to the server
[06:43:58] --> IM4G1N3 connected to the server
[06:44:01] <Lenz> !cboard
[06:44:03] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22284) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-3801) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3261)
[06:44:49] <IM4G1N3> type /dogfight
[06:46:54] <-- IM4G1N3 disconnected from the server
[06:47:06] --> Cygnus connected to the server
[06:47:22] --> IM4G1N3 connected to the server
[06:49:36] <IM4G1N3> lool
[06:50:02] <Cygnus> I need to hear it or it ends in a ban you knpw it
[06:50:15] <Cygnus> k maybe not lol
[06:50:20] <Cygnus> brothers right
[06:51:16] <-- Cygnus disconnected from the server
[06:51:51] <IM4G1N3> commands
[06:52:17] <IM4G1N3> kk
[06:54:03] <IM4G1N3> ommgg
[07:10:35] <Winny> oops
[07:10:50] <Winny> rmy bad
[07:10:55] <Lenz> didn't hit
[07:22:55] <IM4G1N3> waity
[07:23:00] <IM4G1N3> get out plane
[07:23:18] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[07:24:06] <IM4G1N3> srry
[07:29:09] <Lenz> test
[07:29:09] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Lenz test failed!
[07:29:14] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[07:30:05] --> Lenz connected to the server
[07:30:07] <Akiyamaha> wb desync
[07:30:15] <Lenz> :c
[07:30:20] <Akiyamaha> c:
[07:31:16] <Lenz> aki 2.5m last offer
[07:31:24] <Akiyamaha> x2
[07:31:29] <Lenz> no
[07:31:49] <Lenz> why you scam poor
[07:31:57] <Akiyamaha> im scamming the rich
[07:31:59] <Akiyamaha> smh
[07:32:09] <Lenz> but i no rich
[07:32:17] <Akiyamaha> !assets lenz
[07:32:20] (WEB) <robin_be> lenz has 16 car(s) ($2,830,000) and 3 house(s) ($32,500,000 - 33 slots) for a total of $35,330,000
[07:32:20] <Akiyamaha> lies
[07:32:30] <Lenz> !asstes akiyamaha
[07:32:32] <Lenz> smh
[07:32:37] <Akiyamaha> thank you robin
[07:32:55] <Lenz> too lazy to type again
[07:33:13] <Lenz> change name to puga
[07:33:21] <Akiyamaha> !player puga
[07:33:23] (WEB) <robin_be> player puga: 0 score, last seen null
[07:33:31] <Akiyamaha> i like aki
[07:33:33] <Lenz> !player penz
[07:33:36] (WEB) <robin_be> player penz: 78 score, last seen null
[07:33:46] <Akiyamaha> yes /requestname peniz
[07:33:59] <Lenz> no kontol type names allowed :c
[07:34:14] <Akiyamaha> !player dick
[07:34:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player dick: 0 score, last seen null
[07:34:19] <Akiyamaha> f
[07:34:22] <Lenz> f
[07:34:42] <Lenz> dick is an actual name tho
[07:35:00] <Akiyamaha> yup
[07:35:43] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[07:35:48] <Akiyamaha> wb dead
[07:35:58] <Lenz> wb killed
[07:36:06] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty murdered
[07:36:21] <Akiyamaha> petition to kill off lenz in the next hunt
[07:36:29] <danielsonspromaxplus> crystal*
[07:36:32] <Lenz> no
[07:36:37] <Lenz> yes dani
[07:36:39] <danielsonspromaxplus> yes
[07:36:47] <danielsonspromaxplus> update o r kill
[07:36:49] <danielsonspromaxplus> or*
[07:36:54] <Lenz> both
[07:37:02] <danielsonspromaxplus> sorry crystal jk
[07:37:07] <Akiyamaha> we kill after update release
[07:37:10] <Akiyamaha> just like irl
[07:37:12] <danielsonspromaxplus> nice idea
[07:37:30] --> Fallen_Knight103 connected to the server
[07:37:33] <Akiyamaha> then danielson can become server owner and rename it to IndoLife
[07:37:40] <danielsonspromaxplus> SEA life*
[07:37:48] <Lenz> but.. PL = Pinoy life
[07:38:01] <Akiyamaha> pinoy life is hard mode
[07:38:06] <danielsonspromaxplus> aki is too kind for not making it pinoy life
[07:38:11] <-- Fallen_Knight103 disconnected from the server
[07:38:11] <Akiyamaha> assets x10 more expensive
[07:38:13] --> Rare90SProMaxPlus connected to the server
[07:38:21] <danielsonspromaxplus> hi gamer
[07:38:21] <Akiyamaha> wages divided by 10
[07:38:31] <danielsonspromaxplus> sounds like aaron's era
[07:38:34] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> hi gamers
[07:38:56] <Lenz> aaron's era was too hard ngl
[07:39:07] <danielsonspromaxplus> so aaron's era = pinoy's life
[07:40:48] <-- Rare90SProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[07:40:53] <danielsonspromaxplus> aaron becomes duterte
[07:41:06] <Lenz> already murdered danielson
[07:41:16] <danielsonspromaxplus> so joyadi becomes owner
[07:41:21] <Lenz> yes
[07:41:24] <Akiyamaha> are you going back to life danielson
[07:41:24] <danielsonspromaxplus> dammit
[07:41:26] <danielsonspromaxplus> no
[07:41:42] <Lenz> dead means no life
[07:41:44] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> no
[07:41:52] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> me owner = perma ppl become admin
[07:42:07] <Akiyamaha> oh yeah we never did know what happened to captain joestar
[07:42:22] <Lenz> oh.. damn you aki for finishing fast
[07:42:33] <Lenz> movie ended without ending
[07:42:38] <Akiyamaha> yes
[07:42:43] --> Rare90SProMaxPlus connected to the server
[07:42:48] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> he speedrun the event
[07:43:03] <Akiyamaha> webmap is op i tell you
[07:43:13] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> theres a webmap?
[07:43:21] <Akiyamaha> yeah on the forums
[07:43:31] <-- Javier_Antoine disconnected from the server
[07:49:32] <-- IM4G1N3 disconnected from the server
[07:52:02] <Akiyamaha> oh brook got banned lol
[07:52:05] <Akiyamaha> f
[07:52:12] <Lenz> wot
[07:52:15] <Lenz> why
[07:52:28] <Akiyamaha> vehicle repair hack, just ricardo stuff
[07:52:40] <Lenz> F
[07:52:58] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> anyone can confirm with brooklyn or something?
[07:53:16] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> only winny online lol
[07:54:20] <Lenz> he posted appeal in forums
[07:54:20] --> Beam connected to the server
[07:54:48] <Lenz> i guess winny was afk that time when he got banned
[07:55:59] --> MFF connected to the server
[07:55:59] <-- Beam disconnected from the server
[07:56:37] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> because no one can confirm that he was lagging or something
[07:57:15] --> Sameer connected to the server
[07:57:25] <Akiyamaha> mmmm
[07:57:30] <Akiyamaha> !houses syracuse
[07:57:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Financial: $15,000,000 15 slots Jefferson: $15,000,000 15 slots Prickle Pine: $20,000,000 20 slots
[07:57:41] <Lenz> wow kemah rumah plans
[07:57:48] <MFF> like u did
[07:57:56] <Lenz> hu3
[07:58:06] <Sameer> lenz
[07:58:16] <MFF> h3h3
[07:58:19] <Sameer> tere exams nhe?
[07:58:19] <Lenz> wot
[07:58:21] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> s
[07:58:24] <Lenz> konsi exam
[07:58:31] <Sameer> padhai nhe karta?
[07:58:36] <Lenz> i do
[07:58:39] <Sameer> fir
[07:58:42] <Sameer> :/
[07:58:52] <Lenz> exam in april
[07:58:57] <Sameer> uni mn ho?
[07:59:02] <Lenz> ha
[07:59:10] <Sameer> toh april mn knse exams
[07:59:12] <Sameer> lel
[07:59:20] <Lenz> semester exam :v
[07:59:27] <Sameer> hamare toh abhi ho rahy hain
[07:59:37] <Lenz> i am in malaysia :v
[07:59:37] <Sameer> kal pehla h
[07:59:55] <Sameer> konsa subject lia tumne?
[08:00:03] <Lenz> different schedule than pakistan
[08:00:13] <Lenz> Mech Eng
[08:00:21] <Sameer> acha eng main ho
[08:00:28] <Lenz> tum?
[08:00:36] <Sameer> main business
[08:00:41] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> mmmmmm\
[08:00:46] <Lenz> nice
[08:00:49] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> this is not working as expected
[08:00:59] <Sameer> knsa year h tumhara?
[08:01:01] <Lenz> y3
[08:01:22] <Sameer> hamara 3rd start hoga abhi exams k baad
[08:01:27] <Sameer> final mn hota but shit happens xD
[08:01:29] <Lenz> nice
[08:01:55] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> any ideas how to enter an andro without pressing f
[08:02:00] <Lenz> /androm
[08:02:07] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> thanks
[08:02:10] --> HardStone connected to the server
[08:02:15] <Sameer> betichod
[08:02:18] <HardStone> aur bhadwe
[08:02:30] <Sameer> ha bawasir
[08:02:33] <Sameer> kaha gayab h
[08:02:53] <HardStone> mera 2mahine me exam hai
[08:02:58] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> pop
[08:02:58] <Sameer> Banking subject ka
[08:02:58] <Sameer> :c
[08:03:03] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> thanks
[08:03:06] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> fuck
[08:03:06] <Sameer> easy h
[08:03:29] <HardStone> ha faddena exam ki :>
[08:03:44] <HardStone> ghalat femi
[08:03:57] <Sameer> wo bhola record bhe abhi song bana raha h
[08:03:57] <Sameer> lmao
[08:04:30] <Sameer> ban him
[08:04:30] <Sameer> again
[08:04:32] <Sameer> :/
[08:04:32] <danielsonspromaxplus> +1
[08:04:38] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> hadeh
[08:05:08] <MFF> fir itu kemah ga di tegur
[08:05:18] <danielsonspromaxplus> firza mana berani
[08:05:41] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> mengontol
[08:06:07] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> lu udah kelar nevada jar?
[08:06:09] <Lenz> abbey
[08:06:12] <Sameer> i didnt hit u
[08:06:12] <MFF> duit belom ada
[08:06:17] <HardStone> abba nahi maanenge
[08:06:19] <Lenz> lag ram
[08:06:19] --> Alifer connected to the server
[08:06:19] <Sameer> how lol
[08:06:22] <HardStone> wb
[08:06:34] <MFF> buset itu score 50k blom beli vip ya
[08:06:50] <danielsonspromaxplus> gua kasih nih jar
[08:06:52] <danielsonspromaxplus> duit dari vega
[08:06:52] <HardStone> sameer lawde kha h
[08:06:57] <Sameer> main
[08:07:02] <Sameer> chakla main hu
[08:07:25] <Sameer> base aja
[08:08:26] <MFF> !assets Sadx
[08:08:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Sadx has 66 car(s) ($53,240,000) and 4 house(s) ($65,000,000 - 65 slots) for a total of $118,240,000
[08:08:37] <MFF> buset
[08:08:42] <HardStone> aya
[08:08:52] <danielsonspromaxplus> !assets
[08:08:55] (WEB) <robin_be> danielsonspromaxplus has 11 car(s) ($5,000,000) and 2 house(s) ($12,200,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $17,2(..)
[08:10:03] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[08:10:06] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[08:10:44] <JoyadiJoestar.> chutiya
[08:10:51] <Sameer> betichod
[08:11:07] <MFF> ku ingin kau tau isi hatiku
[08:11:09] <danielsonspromaxplus> berabe
[08:11:09] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[08:11:12] <MFF> kau lah yang terakhir dalam hidup ku
[08:11:17] <MFF> tak ada yang lain hanya kamu
[08:11:52] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[08:12:43] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[08:13:52] <MFF> !assets
[08:13:55] (WEB) <robin_be> MFF has 2 car(s) ($140,000) and 4 house(s) ($16,800,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $16,940,000
[08:14:20] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[08:14:30] <Syracuse> !ping
[08:14:33] (WEB) <robin_be> {74f535}pong! - hi Syracuse
[08:15:21] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> !ping
[08:15:24] (WEB) <robin_be> {63ea1e}pong! - hi Rare90SProMaxPlus
[08:16:20] <MFF> pantek
[08:16:45] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[08:19:38] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[08:20:16] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[08:20:39] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[08:20:49] <MFF> jir kaget
[08:20:52] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[08:22:00] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[08:22:00] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Syracuse's bank money is $369,600,000
[08:22:08] <MFF> !bankcash
[08:22:08] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}MFF's bank money is $30,000
[08:22:13] <JoyadiJoestar.> !bankcash
[08:22:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}JoyadiJoestar.'s bank money is $0
[08:22:21] <Syracuse> you both rich af
[08:22:23] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> !bankcash
[08:22:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Rare90SProMaxPlus's bank money is $500,000
[08:22:31] <JoyadiJoestar.> most broke ceo
[08:22:33] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[08:22:36] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[08:22:41] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Fuck this
[08:22:44] <Sameer> feck you kontol
[08:22:49] <MFF> we both accept charity
[08:22:56] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[08:24:35] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> The word �charity� crashed my game
[08:24:56] <MFF> reinstall ur gta
[08:25:24] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> charity
[08:28:06] <MFF> pb yuk
[08:28:09] <JoyadiJoestar.> mo kondangan
[08:28:24] <danielsonspromaxplus> lu kapan
[08:28:29] <JoyadiJoestar.> huhu
[08:28:32] <JoyadiJoestar.> :(
[08:28:47] <MFF> 96 lu kan
[08:29:02] <-- Rare90SProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[08:29:20] <danielsonspromaxplus> coli
[08:29:20] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[08:29:28] <JoyadiJoestar.> lu kapan jar
[08:29:33] <MFF> tahun depan
[08:29:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> dahan
[08:29:41] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[08:30:26] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[08:30:29] <-- Sameer disconnected from the server
[08:31:12] <MFF> jir gw doang yg miskin
[08:32:36] --> budisetiawan connected to the server
[08:33:09] <MFF> wkwkw budi setiawan ngapain di amrik
[08:33:12] <-- Alifer disconnected from the server
[08:33:22] <budisetiawan> bego gua ngapain pake cmd admin
[08:33:35] <MFF> !lastmission
[08:33:35] (WEB) <TheGamer> Fort Carson Airport to Black Mesa RF Outpost. 5 hours 15 minutes(21028 Metres) Pay: $46123
[08:33:42] <MFF> lu minta ama william apa gimana
[08:33:50] <budisetiawan> apaan
[08:33:52] <MFF> itu akun
[08:33:57] <budisetiawan> ini kan akun gua
[08:34:05] <MFF> yg lu jual ke william itu yg mana
[08:34:10] <budisetiawan> mana juak
[08:34:13] <budisetiawan> jual
[08:34:36] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Wkwkwkwkkwwkwkkwkwkwkw.
[08:34:46] <budisetiawan> gua kasih ke william
[08:34:48] --> Rare90SProMaxPlus connected to the server
[08:34:56] <MFF> oh lu kasih gw kira lu jual
[08:35:16] <-- Rare90SProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[08:38:02] --> Khristian251 connected to the server
[08:43:02] <MFF> jacob coli lama juga
[08:43:09] <budisetiawan> sudah biasa
[08:43:14] <budisetiawan> dahan
[08:43:17] <-- budisetiawan disconnected from the server
[08:43:50] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> Hehe
[08:45:04] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[08:47:44] <Khristian251> hey winny, whats a company?
[08:52:16] (WEB) <Sursai Kosecksi ????#4480> just like the airlines but for trucking
[08:52:39] <Khristian251> got it, thanks!
[09:06:15] <-- Khristian251 disconnected from the server
[09:19:46] --> Lenz connected to the server
[09:26:23] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[09:26:28] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[09:26:30] <danielsonspromaxplus> wb
[09:26:33] <Lenz> wb noobs
[09:26:33] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[09:26:35] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lol
[09:26:51] <danielsonspromaxplus> bobos
[09:27:26] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[09:27:59] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[09:29:28] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lmao lenz
[09:29:33] <Lenz> ?
[09:29:41] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[09:30:17] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[09:30:34] --> Rare90SProMaxPlus connected to the server
[09:30:42] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[09:30:50] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> hi gamers
[09:31:58] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[09:32:19] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ill try trucking today
[09:32:42] <Lenz> !missions trucking
[09:32:44] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 5096 trucking
[09:33:02] <Lenz> !missions winny trucking
[09:33:05] (WEB) <robin_be> winny: 6455 trucking
[09:34:44] <-- Rare90SProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[09:36:26] <[CbK]FreAkeD> trucking paying shit
[09:36:31] <Lenz> yes
[09:36:48] <Lenz> trucking isnt for money
[09:37:16] <-- MFF disconnected from the server
[09:37:34] --> MFF connected to the server
[09:37:49] <[CbK]FreAkeD> when what its for?
[09:38:10] <MFF> for fun
[09:38:35] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ugh
[09:38:50] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[09:40:45] <MFF> lah kapan login
[09:40:50] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> barusan
[09:43:45] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[09:44:11] --> Lenz connected to the server
[09:44:57] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[09:46:10] <Lenz> freaked convoy karega?
[09:46:23] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ok
[09:46:28] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lemme finish current mission
[09:46:33] <Lenz> okay
[09:46:38] <Lenz> where to
[09:46:43] <[CbK]FreAkeD> sf?
[09:46:46] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lv
[09:46:56] <Lenz> i mean, where is your drop off
[09:47:29] <[CbK]FreAkeD> done
[09:47:52] <[CbK]FreAkeD> im at lv truck shop
[09:48:02] <Lenz> star ka base aja
[09:48:17] <Lenz> since you are in star
[09:48:28] <[CbK]FreAkeD> im there
[09:48:38] <[CbK]FreAkeD> which trailer to attach?
[09:48:43] <Lenz> arctic
[09:48:45] <[CbK]FreAkeD> 1?
[09:48:48] <Lenz> either
[09:50:32] <[CbK]FreAkeD> my truck is slow
[09:50:42] <Lenz> use nos
[09:50:53] <Lenz> roadtrain is the fastest
[09:50:55] <[CbK]FreAkeD> i took wrong truck
[09:54:26] <[CbK]FreAkeD> its fking slow
[09:54:39] <Lenz> its okay, we will change truck after this
[09:58:43] <Lenz> nice construction here
[09:59:19] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lmaooo
[09:59:19] <Lenz> F
[09:59:37] <[CbK]FreAkeD> you complete xd
[10:00:38] <MFF> !aboard
[10:00:38] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(180083) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-55267) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24031)
[10:01:03] <MFF> kok GIA ketinggalan jauh
[10:01:13] <[CbK]FreAkeD> tell me when u complere lenz
[10:01:18] <[CbK]FreAkeD> im at star inc base
[10:01:31] <Lenz> we will convoy later
[10:01:34] <-- MFF disconnected from the server
[10:01:34] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ok
[10:06:03] --> MFF connected to the server
[10:11:37] --> Gustavo_Moretti connected to the server
[10:11:37] <-- Gustavo_Moretti disconnected from the server
[10:12:22] --> Drochilda connected to the server
[10:15:02] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[10:15:05] --> shamil.agdeev connected to the server
[10:15:23] <MFF> lah tetangga
[10:15:36] <danielsonspromaxplus> tetangga apa
[10:15:41] <MFF> spawn paradiso
[10:15:56] <danielsonspromaxplus> wedeh
[10:16:11] <MFF> tinggal ini yg murah
[10:16:24] <MFF> dia harus kita datangi ya baru unowned rumahnya
[10:16:29] <danielsonspromaxplus> iya
[10:17:10] <danielsonspromaxplus> wkwk tai
[10:17:30] <danielsonspromaxplus> ga bisa
[10:17:40] <MFF> rumah dimana yg bagus
[10:17:45] <MFF> rumah blik lu jual ke server>
[10:17:53] <danielsonspromaxplus> dia beli lagi
[10:17:58] <MFF> untung gak
[10:18:03] <danielsonspromaxplus> dikit
[10:18:26] <danielsonspromaxplus> !houses kristel
[10:18:29] (WEB) <robin_be> Devon Island: $2,500,000 5 slots Queens: $17,000,000 15 slots
[10:18:49] <MFF> sf rumah bagus gk ada ya
[10:18:56] <danielsonspromaxplus> ga ada lagi
[10:19:12] <MFF> wkwkwk
[10:19:12] <danielsonspromaxplus> hadeh
[10:19:19] <danielsonspromaxplus> ntar beli mobil
[10:20:22] <[CbK]FreAkeD> gz
[10:20:27] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty
[10:20:55] <[CbK]FreAkeD> finally xd
[10:21:02] <MFF> !assets
[10:21:05] (WEB) <robin_be> MFF has 2 car(s) ($140,000) and 4 house(s) ($17,300,000 - 22 slots) for a total of $17,440,000
[10:21:28] <[CbK]FreAkeD> !missions trucking
[10:21:31] (WEB) <robin_be> [CbK]FreAkeD: 8 trucking
[10:21:33] <danielsonspromaxplus> nice
[10:26:08] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[10:27:24] <MFF> wedeh
[10:27:34] <MFF> brp duit co
[10:27:42] <-- Drochilda disconnected from the server
[10:27:42] <MFF> buset
[10:27:42] <MFF> sama
[10:27:47] <danielsonspromaxplus> apanya
[10:27:49] <MFF> belinya
[10:27:57] <danielsonspromaxplus> diamond
[10:28:05] <MFF> pantes jatuh miskin ya
[10:28:12] <danielsonspromaxplus> bgitulah
[10:28:15] <MFF> ini costume kok bosa
[10:28:25] <danielsonspromaxplus> bisa paa
[10:28:28] <danielsonspromaxplus> apa
[10:28:33] <MFF> di jual belikan
[10:28:38] <danielsonspromaxplus> ga custom ini
[10:29:29] <MFF> boleh juga
[10:29:39] <MFF> helipad pake aja yg ini
[10:29:46] <danielsonspromaxplus> punya server itu
[10:29:51] <danielsonspromaxplus> ada helinya
[10:30:07] <MFF> wkwk runway seadanya
[10:30:22] <danielsonspromaxplus> emang buat dodo aja aslinya
[10:30:58] <danielsonspromaxplus> !assets
[10:31:00] (WEB) <robin_be> danielsonspromaxplus has 12 car(s) ($5,800,000) and 2 house(s) ($12,200,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $18,0(..)
[10:31:03] --> warmbees connected to the server
[10:31:13] <danielsonspromaxplus> wb
[10:31:15] <Lenz> wb warms
[10:31:18] <warmbees> reech
[10:31:23] <warmbees> ty
[10:35:45] --> Rare90SProMaxPlus connected to the server
[10:36:05] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> hi gamers
[10:36:15] <warmbees> hi gamer
[10:37:29] (WEB) <Mars#8909> When i last join
[10:37:34] <warmbees> what
[10:37:47] (WEB) <Mars#8909> When was i last online lol
[10:37:57] <Lenz> you should know that
[10:37:57] --> Loch connected to the server
[10:38:07] <warmbees> wb
[10:38:07] (WEB) <Mars#8909> Idk i dun remember
[10:38:15] <warmbees> just come ig and /q
[10:38:23] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> 12 february
[10:38:35] (WEB) <Mars#8909> Aight
[10:38:38] <warmbees> i remember that day
[10:38:45] <Loch> ty
[10:38:48] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> CNY
[10:38:53] <Lenz> wow dani, *cough* KR
[10:38:53] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> listening to sabaton while flying the f35b
[10:38:58] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> sshhh
[10:39:11] (WEB) <Mars#8909> Sabaton? Bruh i play that on plr
[10:39:44] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[10:40:02] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> Sabaton is greay ngl
[10:40:07] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> great
[10:40:14] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> the red baron
[10:40:40] <-- warmbees disconnected from the server
[10:40:45] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> DAMN
[10:46:10] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[10:46:10] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[10:46:18] <Loch> wb
[10:46:21] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[10:46:26] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> weba
[10:46:48] <[CbK]FreAkeD> !missions cargo
[10:46:51] (WEB) <robin_be> [CbK]FreAkeD: 56 cargo
[10:47:39] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[10:47:42] <[CbK]FreAkeD> wb
[10:47:42] <Loch> wb
[10:48:02] <Akiyamaha> ty
[10:48:02] <-- Rare90SProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[10:50:25] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[10:51:49] <Loch> gz
[10:51:51] <MFF> ty
[10:52:47] <-- Loch disconnected from the server
[10:56:39] --> Rare90SProMaxPlus connected to the server
[10:56:54] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> a
[10:57:04] <Akiyamaha> a
[10:58:30] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[10:59:59] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[11:00:12] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[11:00:12] <Rare90SProMaxPlus> Weba
[11:00:17] <[CbK]FreAkeD> ty
[11:00:20] <TH_GT2250> wb
[11:01:13] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[11:01:31] <-- Rare90SProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[11:04:47] <MFF> ah jauh sekali
[11:07:22] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> diajak pb malah kacang
[11:08:33] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[11:09:59] --> AlgisEco connected to the server
[11:10:17] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[11:11:23] --> UsadaPekora connected to the server
[11:11:51] <MFF> !lastmission
[11:11:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> Black Mesa RF Gate 2 to Los Santos Gate 1. 7 hours 9 minutes(19658 Metres) Pay: $52030
[11:13:18] <-- UsadaPekora disconnected from the server
[11:13:59] --> UsadaPekora connected to the server
[11:17:02] --> Pixy connected to the server
[11:17:07] <danielsonspromaxplus> sini yan
[11:17:12] <Pixy> mana
[11:17:35] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[11:24:06] (WEB) <Sadx#1999> !missions mff cargo
[11:24:09] (WEB) <robin_be> mff: 500 cargo
[11:24:17] (WEB) <Sadx#1999> !licenses mff
[11:24:19] (WEB) <robin_be> mff has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick
[11:25:38] <[CbK]FreAkeD> gz
[11:25:43] <danielsonspromaxplus> gz
[11:25:48] <TH_GT2250> thanks
[11:27:40] <UsadaPekora> why
[11:27:50] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[11:28:13] <AlgisEco> ?
[11:28:18] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[11:29:01] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[11:29:37] <MFF> anjing
[11:29:39] <MFF> napa layar gw
[11:29:52] <-- MFF disconnected from the server
[11:31:24] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[11:31:29] <danielsonspromaxplus> wb
[11:31:44] <slampinjsh> ty!
[11:31:54] <-- Pixy disconnected from the server
[11:32:40] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[11:32:43] <-- UsadaPekora disconnected from the server
[11:33:16] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[11:33:26] <slampinjsh> wb
[11:33:31] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty
[11:34:57] <-- shamil.agdeev disconnected from the server
[11:35:07] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[11:35:33] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[11:46:16] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[11:50:33] <TH_GT2250> !bankcash
[11:50:33] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}TH_GT2250's bank money is $11,621,423
[11:56:52] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[11:57:50] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[11:59:02] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[12:07:33] <-- AlgisEco disconnected from the server
[12:14:25] <TH_GT2250> !bankcash
[12:14:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}TH_GT2250's bank money is $11,621,423
[12:14:30] <TH_GT2250> !assets
[12:14:32] (WEB) <robin_be> TH_GT2250 has 13 car(s) ($8,950,000) and 2 house(s) ($12,000,000 - 12 slots) for a total of $20,950,000
[12:17:33] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[12:17:46] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[12:34:02] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[12:34:07] <TH_GT2250> wb
[12:34:10] <Gamer30> Thanks.
[12:42:10] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[12:45:44] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Wb Gamer30!
[12:46:02] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> !aboard
[12:46:02] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(180114) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-55295) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24032)
[12:46:10] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> 180k :0
[12:46:40] <Gamer30> Oh, hello!
[12:48:19] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Mind updating the forum stats page boy
[12:48:27] <Gamer30> Yes.
[12:48:27] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> I�ll do the staff list ????
[12:51:45] --> IceLube connected to the server
[12:52:13] <TH_GT2250> wb
[12:52:16] <IceLube> ty
[12:52:18] <IceLube> My name's Deez
[12:52:23] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[12:52:44] --> Loch connected to the server
[12:52:46] <IceLube> wb
[12:52:51] <Loch> ty
[12:54:02] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> deez who
[12:54:08] <IceLube> deez nuts
[12:56:30] <Gamer30> Updated.
[12:56:38] <IceLube> what
[12:56:45] <Loch> intel 8088 huh
[12:57:00] <IceLube> guys
[12:57:03] <IceLube> how to update brain
[12:57:08] <Gamer30> Brian?
[12:57:11] <IceLube> brain
[12:57:13] <IceLube> as in organ
[12:57:23] <Loch> havent updated mine for a long time man
[12:57:28] <IceLube> same
[12:57:49] <Gamer30> Would replacement also be considered update?
[12:57:59] <IceLube> eh
[12:58:01] <IceLube> not in my case
[12:58:14] <Loch> in your case it surely would gamer
[12:58:22] <IceLube> I wanna be the same person after all
[12:58:45] <Gamer30> Alright. To update, just re-learn things you used to know.
[12:58:55] <IceLube> oke
[12:58:57] <IceLube> so maths
[12:59:23] --> ShaziSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[12:59:28] <IceLube> wut
[12:59:33] <IceLube> is it me or
[12:59:38] <IceLube> when you exit plane you cant push it?
[13:00:06] <Loch> you can?
[13:00:29] <IceLube> i run straight through it lol
[13:00:39] <Loch> yea no u gotta push from the wings
[13:00:39] <Gamer30> Sometimes SA:MP behaves weirdly.
[13:00:39] <IceLube> the one that I've just exited
[13:00:47] <IceLube> I can push other planes
[13:00:52] <IceLube> but not the one I exited
[13:00:57] <Loch> wait what plane are you even trying to push
[13:00:59] <IceLube> hydra
[13:01:07] <IceLube> but other hydras I can push
[13:01:07] <Gamer30> Enter another plane if possible and push the one you wanted to.
[13:01:10] <-- ShaziSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[13:01:12] <IceLube> just the on yI exited
[13:01:27] <IceLube> see
[13:01:38] <IceLube> Irun straight through
[13:01:58] <Loch> push it
[13:02:11] <IceLube> wut
[13:02:11] <IceLube> lmao
[13:02:13] <IceLube> i cant
[13:02:16] <IceLube> others I can
[13:02:18] <Gamer30> Enter another one!
[13:02:23] <IceLube> OK
[13:02:28] <Loch> well um
[13:02:31] <IceLube> yep
[13:02:31] <IceLube> same problem
[13:02:33] <Gamer30> Once you did it, exit it and push the one you wanted.
[13:02:36] <Loch> 2006 so uh
[13:02:44] <IceLube> well yes
[13:02:49] <IceLube> its only the one I've been in last
[13:02:51] <IceLube> I can't push
[13:02:59] <IceLube> weird
[13:03:04] <Gamer30> This is SA:MP issue with vehicles beyond standard boundaries.
[13:03:14] <IceLube> nice
[13:03:32] <Gamer30> Same happens with helicopter rotors.
[13:04:00] --> ShaziSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[13:04:02] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Colhao mole
[13:04:05] <IceLube> wb
[13:04:10] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> ty
[13:04:10] <IceLube> hello oreo
[13:04:13] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Ty
[13:04:18] <IceLube> not you oreo
[13:04:28] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I know but o take it anyway
[13:04:38] <IceLube> take wat away
[13:04:46] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> the welcome back
[13:04:53] <IceLube> you dont
[13:04:58] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I did
[13:05:03] <IceLube> then why ask
[13:05:09] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> TY FOR WB
[13:06:30] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Who is at number 9 in trucker highscores?
[13:06:35] <IceLube> not me
[13:06:35] <Gamer30> Big Smoke.
[13:06:48] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Can you check
[13:06:55] <IceLube> how do i check
[13:06:55] <Loch> is there a command
[13:06:58] <Gamer30> Yes, I have checked it at /highscores.
[13:07:06] <Gamer30> Apparently, not Big Smoke.
[13:07:08] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Who is it gamer
[13:07:13] <Gamer30> Ouro.
[13:07:26] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I already knew that
[13:08:04] <Loch> is it
[13:08:04] <Gamer30> Why is there still not /wank high scores? That would be the category where STETZ would be #1.
[13:08:17] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> facts
[13:08:27] <Loch> /highscores shows me some other guy in the top list though
[13:08:55] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Which list
[13:09:08] <Loch> trucking list
[13:09:23] <IceLube> number 9 on trucking list is actually Deez
[13:09:25] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Yes besides mee there are 9 other dudes there
[13:09:38] <Loch> ye no
[13:09:46] <Loch> you're not at the top
[13:10:03] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> I'm still top 9
[13:10:16] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> In the whole server
[13:10:31] <IceLube> ok
[13:10:44] <IceLube> want a cookie?
[13:10:47] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> i do
[13:10:49] <Loch> !player
[13:10:52] (WEB) <robin_be> player 25300 score, last seen null
[13:10:54] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Is it laced with cum
[13:11:05] <Loch> disgusting
[13:11:05] <-- Loch disconnected from the server
[13:11:15] <Gamer30> I'm 6th in POTD wins /highscores, but I didn't farm POTDs specifically.
[13:11:15] <IceLube> lmao loch qui
[13:11:17] <IceLube> quit
[13:11:27] <IceLube> ouro no
[13:12:41] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Lochness
[13:12:49] <IceLube> lochness is gone
[13:12:54] (WEB) <Loch#9445> ok
[13:13:09] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> We're unloch'd
[13:14:13] --> Mars connected to the server
[13:14:59] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Loch pray tell who deez is my good sir
[13:15:16] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[13:15:21] <Mars> thanks
[13:15:24] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> TY
[13:15:24] <-- Mars disconnected from the server
[13:19:26] --> Ouro connected to the server
[13:19:36] <Ouro> wb
[13:19:36] <Ouro> ty
[13:19:43] <IceLube> wb
[13:19:53] <Ouro> ty my fan
[13:20:11] <IceLube> ok I'll blow hot air into you now
[13:20:21] <Ouro> what does that do
[13:20:27] <IceLube> I'm a fan
[13:20:29] <IceLube> i blow air
[13:21:15] <Ouro> will i die
[13:21:30] <IceLube> only if you're korean and use it in your sleep
[13:21:35] <IceLube> otherwise no
[13:21:40] <Ouro> noty then
[13:21:40] <Ouro> i wanna die
[13:21:45] <IceLube> imagine
[13:21:53] <Ouro> what?
[13:21:58] <IceLube> imagien being depressed
[13:22:03] <Ouro> i'm not
[13:22:26] <IceLube> I'm IceLube. I blow jobs.
[13:22:51] <IceLube> 20km flight with 20 percent of fuel
[13:22:54] <IceLube> lets see how it goes
[13:22:57] <Gamer30> No way it can succeed.
[13:22:57] <Ouro> you can't make it
[13:23:07] <IceLube> I'll prove you wrong
[13:23:14] <Ouro> wtf
[13:23:25] <Gamer30> Your plane takes 800 meters per one percent of fuel.
[13:23:27] <Ouro> why is there road works here
[13:23:42] <IceLube> so I'll
[13:23:45] <IceLube> crash at airport
[13:23:47] <IceLube> nice
[13:23:58] <Ouro> does that apply to trucks and other land vehicles too gamer?
[13:24:18] <Gamer30> Yes, it's possible to estimate it depending on speed.
[13:24:20] <IceLube> 12km 12 fuel
[13:24:26] <IceLube> fuck
[13:25:01] <IceLube> go faster
[13:25:04] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[13:25:09] <IceLube> wb
[13:25:14] <Gamer30> I usually take pessimistic assumption for fuel consumption.
[13:25:24] <TH_GT2250> :D
[13:25:27] <IceLube> nice ryhmes
[13:25:27] <Ouro> stop being so pessimistic smh
[13:25:34] <IceLube> shit shit shit
[13:25:37] <IceLube> 5 percent
[13:25:47] <IceLube> stop burning fuel you bitch
[13:25:55] <IceLube> I'm not even on throttle
[13:26:00] <Ouro> icelube you're gonna fuck die mate
[13:26:05] <Ouro> fucking*
[13:26:15] <IceLube> 2 percent
[13:26:15] <IceLube> 3km
[13:26:17] <Ouro> you're gonna die caralho
[13:26:17] <IceLube> fuck you
[13:26:17] <Gamer30> For Hydras, Shamals and AT-400s, I take assumption of 600m/1fu while actual is ~750m/1fu.
[13:26:33] <IceLube> bitch
[13:26:40] <IceLube> 1800m away
[13:26:43] <IceLube> fromb ase
[13:26:43] <IceLube> fucking fuck
[13:29:33] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[13:29:54] <IceLube> hydras are thirsty bitches
[13:30:01] <IceLube> already used 11 percent
[13:30:04] <IceLube> of fuel
[13:31:10] --> Ouro connected to the server
[13:31:15] <IceLube> wb
[13:31:20] <IceLube> wb oreo
[13:31:25] <Ouro> ooo
[13:31:28] <Ouro> i was about to say ty
[13:31:33] <Ouro> not anymore
[13:31:38] <Gamer30> Not Euro either.
[13:31:38] <IceLube> you spoiled brat
[13:31:51] <Ouro> call me by my name
[13:32:01] <IceLube> i hope your grandma buys you old people shoes for christmas
[13:32:08] <Ouro> and i will wear them
[13:32:19] <IceLube> you wont
[13:33:30] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> gz
[13:33:35] <TH_GT2250> thanks
[13:33:48] <Ouro> wins 6m from lotto buys a gay car
[13:33:58] <IceLube> ouro is jealous
[13:34:00] <Ouro> yes
[13:34:08] <Ouro> how could you tell
[13:34:16] <IceLube> idk I looked at your face
[13:34:18] <IceLube> from your webcam
[13:34:23] <Gamer30> Blueberry Truckstop
[13:34:36] <IceLube> look out your window
[13:36:02] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Kon
[13:36:10] <Ouro> ni
[13:36:20] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Chiwa
[13:36:33] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> kontol
[13:37:59] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:38:02] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[13:38:20] <Akiyamaha> owo
[13:38:22] <TH_GT2250> wb
[13:38:30] <Akiyamaha> ty
[13:39:11] <IceLube> wb
[13:39:49] <Ouro> !lastmission
[13:39:49] (WEB) <TheGamer> San Fierro Supa Save to Willowfield Ammu Nation. 3 hours 20 minutes(5612 Metres) Pay: $23779
[13:39:59] <Ouro> holy shit trucking paying well
[13:40:55] <IceLube> !lastmission
[13:40:55] (WEB) <TheGamer> Comox Island to Black Mesa RF Outpost. 6 hours 15 minutes(22059 Metres) Pay: $46967
[13:41:02] <IceLube> this pays better
[13:41:30] <Gamer30> !LastMission
[13:41:30] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rosaria Water Field to Pelican Reef Water Field. 4 hours 6 minutes(5566 Metres) Pay: $10670
[13:41:33] <Gamer30> This pays worse.
[13:41:41] <Akiyamaha> just sell drugs
[13:41:43] <Akiyamaha> ez
[13:42:29] <Akiyamaha> hello
[13:42:39] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> hi
[13:44:31] <IceLube> hello
[13:44:41] <Akiyamaha> hi
[13:44:46] <IceLube> hi
[13:44:49] <Ouro> hi
[13:45:12] <IceLube> I hope I make 20km this time
[13:45:17] <IceLube> with 32 percent of fuel
[13:45:22] <IceLube> if I dont
[13:45:27] <IceLube> I'll rape every hydra I see
[13:49:11] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[13:49:49] <IceLube> USS rodenberry
[13:56:43] <Akiyamaha> how did you manage to fall
[13:56:56] <Ouro> i wanted to but got fucked uo
[13:59:31] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> How can you rape a plane?
[13:59:41] <Akiyamaha> dedication
[13:59:44] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:59:46] <IceLube> huh
[14:01:54] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[14:02:22] <IceLube> wb
[14:02:29] <TwilightMontana> Welcome!
[14:04:11] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[14:04:49] <IceLube> hawaii
[14:04:57] <IceLube> islands with half finished bridges
[14:05:22] <IceLube> wb
[14:06:21] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Ty.
[14:06:41] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[14:07:19] --> Lenz connected to the server
[14:07:22] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[14:07:29] <Lenz> ty
[14:09:21] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[14:15:35] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[14:16:36] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[14:16:41] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[14:16:49] <TwilightMontana> Thanks.
[14:17:14] <TwilightMontana> !cboard
[14:17:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22338) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-3849) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3261)
[14:18:08] <TwilightMontana> !interest 5013390
[14:18:10] (WEB) <robin_be> $5,013,390 will generate about $3,342 every 60 minutes
[14:24:04] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:24:44] <TwilightMontana> !roll Bored meter.
[14:24:47] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana rolls 1
[14:24:52] <TwilightMontana> Lies.
[14:33:46] <Lenz> star cfleet
[14:38:38] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[14:40:05] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:40:10] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[14:40:10] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[14:40:20] <Akiyamaha> uwu ty
[14:40:28] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> uwu yw
[14:41:16] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[14:42:43] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro trucking
[14:42:45] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 3014 trucking
[14:43:01] <Akiyamaha> gz
[14:43:16] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> i might go for 1k today owo
[14:43:18] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> !missions trucking
[14:43:21] (WEB) <robin_be> ShaziSProMaxPlus: 942 trucking
[14:43:29] <Akiyamaha> do 2k
[14:43:36] <Lenz> !missions trucking
[14:43:39] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 5121 trucking
[14:44:02] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> at400 is so ez for money lmao
[14:44:07] <Lenz> op
[14:44:12] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> indeed
[14:44:48] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[14:44:50] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !cboard
[14:44:50] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22347) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-3858) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3261)
[14:45:26] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Gojek was 2k away from number 1
[14:45:46] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> * transx joined the game *
[14:46:01] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Last week
[14:46:27] <Lenz> gojek was -4000 before their event. Now back to that spot
[14:46:32] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[14:47:43] <Gamer30> No one cares.
[14:47:43] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> yes
[14:47:48] <Lenz> rip star
[14:47:53] <Akiyamaha> f
[14:47:56] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> rip
[14:48:11] <Lenz> gamer's reply had hidden pain
[14:48:19] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> kinda yeah
[14:48:31] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> !aboard
[14:48:34] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(180125) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-55306) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24021)
[14:49:02] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[14:49:15] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> ooo he left
[14:49:25] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Gamer is in gojek?
[14:49:25] <Akiyamaha> true pain
[14:49:30] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> he's star ceo
[14:49:35] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> no, star
[14:49:35] <Lenz> gamer is owner of star
[14:50:21] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> He should sell it to me
[14:51:45] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> No.
[15:02:11] --> Winny connected to the server
[15:02:16] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:02:21] <Winny> ty
[15:12:31] <Lenz> aki
[15:12:36] <Lenz> /rc :c
[15:12:54] <Akiyamaha> what are you doing in my swamp
[15:13:04] <Lenz> idk, you ordered dildo
[15:13:09] <Lenz> i am just a delivery man
[15:13:27] <Lenz> F
[15:13:29] <Akiyamaha> ow
[15:13:40] <Winny> gay swamp
[15:13:45] <Akiyamaha> lenz is your roof free
[15:13:45] <Lenz> yes
[15:13:50] <Lenz> no
[15:14:15] <Lenz> my roof cant park an AT tho
[15:14:20] <Lenz> mine is parked in the next building
[15:14:38] <Akiyamaha> aight time to squat on a random building
[15:15:01] <Lenz> park it at Dani's chilliad swamp
[15:15:21] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> which swamp
[15:15:26] <Lenz> oh shit
[15:15:29] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> lmao
[15:15:34] <Winny> your swamp
[15:15:37] <Winny> full of shit :v
[15:15:42] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:15:44] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> i even parked my AT on my helipad xd
[15:15:54] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> full of bobba
[15:16:05] <Lenz> boobs*
[15:16:07] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:16:12] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:16:28] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[15:16:33] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:16:33] <Akiyamaha> ty
[15:16:33] <danielsonspromaxplus> bonk
[15:16:33] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty
[15:17:49] <Winny> gay roadwork
[15:17:54] <Lenz> yes
[15:18:04] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> gay horse
[15:18:09] <Akiyamaha> roadworks are back?
[15:18:12] <danielsonspromaxplus> here we go again
[15:18:58] <Lenz> wow lc whore
[15:19:03] <danielsonspromaxplus> sshhh
[15:19:03] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> gz
[15:19:05] <Akiyamaha> whore
[15:19:05] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty
[15:19:08] <danielsonspromaxplus> :c
[15:19:26] <danielsonspromaxplus> ale ale ale
[15:20:01] <danielsonspromaxplus> !houses akiyamaha
[15:20:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $10,000,000 10 slots Paradiso: $11,000,000 10 slots Missionary Hill: $7,000,000 7 slots Banfield E(..)
[15:21:33] (WEB) <Sadx#1999> !assets akiyamaha
[15:21:35] (WEB) <robin_be> akiyamaha has 31 car(s) ($9,260,000) and 4 house(s) ($53,000,000 - 47 slots) for a total of $62,260,000
[15:21:43] --> Askun connected to the server
[15:21:43] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> reeeeech
[15:21:53] <Lenz> overnight richass
[15:21:58] <danielsonspromaxplus> dream come true
[15:22:03] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> indeed
[15:22:03] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:22:06] <danielsonspromaxplus> F
[15:22:08] <-- Askun disconnected from the server
[15:22:11] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:22:14] <Lenz> you are supposed to be ded dani
[15:22:19] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:22:26] <danielsonspromaxplus> i am
[15:22:29] <danielsonspromaxplus> inside :c
[15:22:34] <Lenz> :c
[15:22:36] <Akiyamaha> c:
[15:22:39] <Lenz> aren't we all
[15:22:41] <danielsonspromaxplus> B===D
[15:22:41] <danielsonspromaxplus> yes
[15:22:47] <danielsonspromaxplus> except shazi
[15:22:49] <danielsonspromaxplus> horse inside
[15:22:49] <Lenz> nice kontol
[15:22:52] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wow
[15:23:04] <Akiyamaha> shazi biggest pl brony
[15:23:15] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> horse
[15:23:22] <Lenz> pony
[15:23:27] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> .requestname stetz2
[15:23:48] <Lenz> stetzSProMaxPlus
[15:23:50] <danielsonspromaxplus> yes
[15:24:13] <danielsonspromaxplus> nub
[15:24:18] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> thats would be the final form of this club
[15:24:26] <danielsonspromaxplus> the ultimate form
[15:25:12] <Winny> 10k
[15:25:12] <danielsonspromaxplus> how much
[15:25:12] <Lenz> 2.5m
[15:25:17] <danielsonspromaxplus> DEAL
[15:25:19] <Akiyamaha> 10m or bust
[15:25:19] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !roll shazo horse meter
[15:25:22] (WEB) <robin_be> JoyadiJoestar.#4662 rolls 95
[15:25:24] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> lmao
[15:25:24] <danielsonspromaxplus> OOOOOO
[15:25:27] <danielsonspromaxplus> gg shazi
[15:25:32] <Lenz> nice
[15:25:42] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> its an honour
[15:25:52] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Shazi[Stetz]
[15:25:57] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:26:00] <danielsonspromaxplus> 95 percent horse 5 percent stetz
[15:26:20] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> [Horse][Gay][Sex]StetzSProMaxPlus
[15:26:30] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:26:41] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wb
[15:26:46] <danielsonspromaxplus> xX[horse]stetzspromaxplus[gay]Xx
[15:27:01] <Akiyamaha> needs some 69s
[15:27:21] <danielsonspromaxplus> rip asean ping
[15:27:47] <Akiyamaha> argh
[15:27:47] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:28:07] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:29:11] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> wooo, lenz 37k score soon
[15:29:18] <danielsonspromaxplus> ggwp ez
[15:29:21] <Lenz> yes
[15:29:21] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> winny, 60k score when
[15:29:28] <Winny> hmm idk lmao
[15:29:49] <danielsonspromaxplus> march?
[15:29:49] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:30:07] <Winny> before march
[15:30:09] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:30:32] <danielsonspromaxplus> nice
[15:30:52] <Lenz> smh ping
[15:31:02] <danielsonspromaxplus> fuck singapore
[15:31:18] <Lenz> wot did they do
[15:31:25] <danielsonspromaxplus> something about cable
[15:32:06] <Lenz> does it have to do anything for my net being slow for few days :o
[15:32:14] <danielsonspromaxplus> idk maybe it's ur isp
[15:32:29] <Lenz> idk, other sites work fine
[15:32:29] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !missions joyadijoestar. military cargodrop cargo at400
[15:32:32] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar.: 1102 military 1093 cargodrop 1089 cargo 1074 at400
[15:32:39] <Lenz> youtube runs smoothly at 2k
[15:32:47] <Lenz> but here ping is 400+ and lags
[15:32:47] <Akiyamaha> 240p gang
[15:32:47] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Lol same
[15:32:52] <danielsonspromaxplus> same
[15:33:00] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> PL shits on me, desync
[15:33:05] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> But Youtube can 2k
[15:33:12] <Lenz> so its not just me then lol
[15:33:17] <Akiyamaha> move pl server to asia yes
[15:33:20] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Steam download can 4MB
[15:33:25] <Akiyamaha> since everyone is indo nowadays
[15:33:38] <Winny> move pl to my house
[15:33:43] <danielsonspromaxplus> move to indo instead
[15:33:45] <danielsonspromaxplus> so i can get 25
[15:33:48] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Pay Crystal 1B
[15:33:53] <Winny> ez
[15:33:56] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> To move server to HK
[15:34:01] <Akiyamaha> 1b what
[15:34:08] <Winny> zimbabwe
[15:34:08] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 1B PLDollar
[15:34:18] <Akiyamaha> do it winny
[15:34:26] <Lenz> i have 20b zimbabwe :v
[15:34:31] <Lenz> worthless note
[15:34:39] <Akiyamaha> reech
[15:34:52] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> thats some big time inflation lmao
[15:34:54] <Winny> its a collectible now probably
[15:35:02] <Lenz> yes
[15:35:04] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !houses twi
[15:35:04] <Winny> since they use usd now
[15:35:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Avispa Country Club: $12,000,000 15 slots Queens: $15,000,000 15 slots Prickle Pine: $15,000,000 15 slots
[15:35:17] <Winny> ooooooo when kemah rumah him
[15:35:17] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Wtf double info
[15:35:20] <Lenz> their 100b worthless note is worth $100 as collectable
[15:35:45] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Imma dalgona cofee
[15:36:05] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> break*
[15:36:26] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Dalgona for 1 dollar
[15:36:31] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> And boba 1.5 dollar
[15:36:31] <Lenz> how many sticks per day shazi?
[15:36:56] <Akiyamaha> wouldnt be surprised if its 'how many packs a day' instead
[15:37:09] <danielsonspromaxplus> maybe at least 1 pack
[15:37:17] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Also already smoke 5/16 Sampoerna
[15:37:29] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 1.4mg Tar 1.0 Nicotine
[15:37:50] <Akiyamaha> jesus is my high
[15:39:06] <Lenz> o shit
[15:39:11] <Akiyamaha> hi
[15:39:14] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !rank joyadijoestar.
[15:39:16] (WEB) <robin_be> joyadijoestar.(14124) rank: PL Commander(13000) next: PL Senior Captain(16000) (+1876)
[15:39:34] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> i smoke arround a pack per day
[15:39:44] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> sometimes less, when im at some party - more
[15:39:47] <danielsonspromaxplus> how much is it per pack?
[15:39:57] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> 4mg tar nicotine and co2
[15:40:12] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> or you meant cash value?
[15:40:12] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Marlboro costs 2 dollar here
[15:40:15] <danielsonspromaxplus> price
[15:40:22] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> 2.5 euro
[15:40:33] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> or 5 bgm=n
[15:40:35] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> bgn*
[15:40:43] <danielsonspromaxplus> is it expensive?
[15:40:45] <danielsonspromaxplus> for u
[15:40:45] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Thats high amount of tar
[15:40:48] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> kinda
[15:40:55] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> considering im working for 1k bgn
[15:41:00] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> and my rent is 500 bgn
[15:41:16] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> thats rent + bills
[15:41:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> And 150 bgn for 30 days
[15:41:28] <Lenz> so around 150 a month for smoke
[15:41:34] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> yeah
[15:42:02] <danielsonspromaxplus> yeah i felt that
[15:42:04] <danielsonspromaxplus> but less
[15:42:09] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> when im doing night shift i smoke 1 pack for 2 days tho
[15:42:09] <danielsonspromaxplus> a pack for 2 days
[15:42:32] <danielsonspromaxplus> i was trying so hard to make it a pack per 2 days
[15:42:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 10 sticks per day and 1 pack is 16 sticks
[15:42:47] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> but when im doing day shifts its 1 pack everyday
[15:42:55] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> If weekdays, i can 1 pack per day
[15:42:55] <Winny> play pl 10 hours straight
[15:43:00] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> no, 1 pack is 20 ciggs here
[15:43:03] <Winny> that'll keep it down
[15:43:13] <Winny> or you smoke while playing pl then idk lmao
[15:43:13] <Akiyamaha> pl is the biggest vice
[15:43:18] <Akiyamaha> look at winny
[15:43:20] <Akiyamaha> addicted af
[15:43:30] <danielsonspromaxplus> i was smoking and PL
[15:43:30] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> indeed
[15:43:36] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> JoJo smoking causes cancer!
[15:43:46] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> But fuck it Stan :(
[15:43:46] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> not always
[15:43:53] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Always.
[15:43:58] <Akiyamaha> what about you stan
[15:44:01] <Akiyamaha> whats your vice
[15:44:01] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> But im not drink
[15:44:04] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177>
[15:44:06] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> :>
[15:44:16] <Lenz> smh aki
[15:44:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Bruh this is srver chat Stan
[15:44:26] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Oop
[15:44:37] <Akiyamaha> jump to sf
[15:44:39] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> *insert Snape saying always gif*
[15:44:39] <Akiyamaha> do it
[15:44:39] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> ban ban ban
[15:45:05] <Akiyamaha> oh fuc
[15:45:12] <Lenz> rekt
[15:45:22] <Lenz> i am goin to your swamp
[15:45:30] <Akiyamaha> yay more sex toys
[15:45:40] <Akiyamaha> they should add chilliad trucking
[15:45:43] <Winny> no
[15:45:45] <Lenz> fuck no
[15:45:48] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> do any of you have any experience with back correctors?
[15:45:48] <Winny> i will /s
[15:45:48] <Akiyamaha> yes
[15:45:53] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Correction, Marlboro is 2,5 dollar while my smoke pack is 2 dollar (about 26k IDR)
[15:46:00] <Akiyamaha> yes to chilliad*
[15:46:16] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Back corrector?
[15:46:26] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> yeah, like if your back hurts
[15:46:49] <Lenz> where do i refuel
[15:46:56] <Winny> sfa
[15:46:59] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Joyadi u so sexy stop smoking if you can aha just suggesting x
[15:47:04] <Akiyamaha> downstairs
[15:47:07] <Winny> or garcia
[15:47:27] <Winny> por
[15:47:29] <Winny> or
[15:47:32] <Winny> use aki's urine
[15:47:37] <Winny> biofuel
[15:47:50] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> dammit i don�t have that old pl feels anymore ????
[15:47:50] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> more like bio weapon
[15:48:00] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> it�s so hard to play when you don�t feel there�s enough to explore
[15:48:15] <Winny> wait till lc vc update
[15:48:18] <Winny> which is soon
[15:48:25] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> !crystal
[15:48:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[15:48:33] <Lenz> lies
[15:48:33] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> My neck hurts
[15:48:38] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> when you�re beta tester there�s literally nothing left to explore there either
[15:48:43] <Akiyamaha> is it broken
[15:48:46] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> lemme massage u x
[15:48:51] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> My back is fine thanks for ergonomics chair
[15:49:06] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Except you play PL without chair, sit on the floor
[15:49:19] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> do you make massages with happy endings?
[15:49:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Nah Stan i cant stop this addiction :(
[15:49:29] <Akiyamaha> its an extra 50 bucks
[15:49:37] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> yeah i fell asleep midday today .. (post nut nap) and woke up hours later with a terrible neck pain
[15:49:37] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> im interested
[15:49:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Still finding the massage with ++ services
[15:49:57] <danielsonspromaxplus> massage with glory hole
[15:50:02] <Akiyamaha> yes
[15:50:02] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> "post nut nap"
[15:50:12] <danielsonspromaxplus> inb4 warned for nsfw
[15:50:15] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> you don�t have that?
[15:50:22] (WEB) <dipa#0472> I play with laptop so I sit on floor
[15:50:27] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Hehehe
[15:50:35] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> are you telling me you�ve never fallen asleep post nap
[15:50:35] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Oh yes, that massage costs 400k IDR (27 dollar?)
[15:50:50] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> no ihavent lmfao
[15:51:03] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> liar!
[15:51:03] <Akiyamaha> it doesnt count if you nut while you're at work
[15:51:06] <Akiyamaha> ofc you cant sleep then
[15:51:08] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> GTA itself is Rated Adult game tho
[15:51:08] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> -i
[15:51:18] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> at work?!
[15:51:28] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Rated M for mature
[15:51:39] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> papa puga what the hell
[15:51:41] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> m for milf
[15:51:41] <danielsonspromaxplus> m for milf
[15:51:46] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> lmfao
[15:51:46] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> m for mild
[15:51:49] <Akiyamaha> what
[15:51:49] <danielsonspromaxplus> exactly
[15:51:54] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> milf*
[15:51:59] <Akiyamaha> mlif
[15:51:59] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Here we go again
[15:52:01] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> ????
[15:52:07] <danielsonspromaxplus> fuck dipa's too young for this chat
[15:52:17] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> alt f4 dipa
[15:52:17] <Lenz> NSFW
[15:52:24] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> NSFW
[15:52:24] <danielsonspromaxplus> cover ur screen
[15:52:27] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> (O) (v) (O)
[15:52:32] <Winny> /q
[15:52:40] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> ban winny for q joke
[15:52:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Winny q joke
[15:52:45] <Akiyamaha> yes
[15:52:45] <danielsonspromaxplus> ban
[15:52:45] <Lenz> !score
[15:52:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lenz: 36999 score, 29794 missions: 17'/. cargo drop - 17'/. trucking - 17'/. courier
[15:52:47] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> switch to watching peppa pig for a while
[15:52:47] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Yasssssss winlogonban
[15:52:50] <Winny> hue
[15:52:50] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> winny /q joke ban
[15:52:52] <danielsonspromaxplus> gg lenz
[15:53:03] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> why are yall saying it twice
[15:53:05] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> he�s finally gonna get the break he deserves for working so hard without any leave!
[15:53:10] <Akiyamaha> why are yall saying it twice
[15:53:20] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> who tf invited dasher
[15:53:25] <Winny> no one
[15:53:28] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> you boo
[15:53:31] <danielsonspromaxplus> booooooooooooo
[15:53:31] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 4 times and i dont want unban u xD
[15:53:31] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> rude
[15:53:31] (WEB) <dipa#0472> /q joke Not good :v
[15:53:36] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> it wasn�t me
[15:53:51] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> no it was I got screenshots
[15:53:56] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> winny the booh u gotta sleep
[15:54:06] <Winny> no
[15:54:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Winny the Bruh
[15:54:29] (WEB) <Dasher#3500> winny the poo
[15:54:32] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Winny the Bruh
[15:54:44] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> expired bubble tea again?
[15:54:47] <Winny> no
[15:54:54] <Winny> fresh
[15:54:57] <-- ShaziSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[15:55:02] <Akiyamaha> 5 days fresh yes
[15:55:05] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[15:55:30] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Send us Tiger Sugar
[15:55:33] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> confession: i�ve never tried bubble tea or any other kind of tea except milk tea and plain tea cos it�s borderline blasphemy
[15:55:38] <Winny> ew
[15:55:40] <Lenz> ew
[15:55:45] <Winny> tiger sugar nonono
[15:55:50] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[15:55:55] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Stan wtf
[15:56:01] (WEB) <ShaziSProMaxPlus#1614> fuck tea, drink beer
[15:56:03] <Lenz> tiger sugar was just hype
[15:56:08] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Thats Haram
[15:56:11] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> why I drink tea twice daily
[15:56:23] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> milk tea with biscuits or cake
[15:56:23] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Yep
[15:56:26] <Akiyamaha> is the tea yellow
[15:56:36] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> that�s how it should be
[15:56:41] <Lenz> Celone tea
[15:56:41] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Tbh i didnt try tiger sugar
[15:56:46] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> not drunk from a plastic starbucks lookin shit
[15:56:49] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Too expensive
[15:56:51] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Better indomie
[15:56:54] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> ja ceylon tea all the way
[15:56:57] <Akiyamaha> yes indomie
[15:57:07] <Akiyamaha> how tf
[15:57:12] <Lenz> hex
[15:57:17] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> with proper cups and saucer, never mugs!
[15:57:17] <Winny> tiger sugar too sweet
[15:57:32] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Chad Chattime
[15:57:35] <Akiyamaha> pl tea party when
[15:57:50] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> In Boston when Cygnus is online!
[15:58:03] <Lenz> !score
[15:58:05] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lenz: 37000 score, 29795 missions: 17'/. cargo drop - 17'/. trucking - 17'/. courier
[15:58:05] <Lenz> piece
[15:58:08] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[15:58:08] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Actually tea party revolution in March if Crystal doesn�t release update by then
[15:58:08] (WEB) <ShaziSProMaxPlus#1614> gz
[15:58:15] <Akiyamaha> piece?
[15:58:18] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Gz Lenz
[15:58:26] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Lens sleep
[15:58:26] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> Penzivial
[15:58:33] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> ty
[15:58:41] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> yeah, sleep.. got 8am class D:
[15:58:48] (WEB) <ShaziSProMaxPlus#1614> rip
[15:58:48] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> D:
[15:58:51] <Akiyamaha> imagine having class
[15:58:56] <Akiyamaha> exams gang
[15:58:59] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> im glad that i don�t got 8 am classes anymore
[15:59:04] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> online tho
[15:59:06] <Akiyamaha> im fucked i havent studied lmao
[15:59:16] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> i can wake up at 10:29 for my class at 10:30
[15:59:24] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> imagine get a class at 8am / 7am at indo uni
[15:59:42] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> traffic? :v
[15:59:49] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Pls report lenz if play pl at 8am
[16:00:00] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Nah, my wake up habit
[16:00:07] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> affirmative captain joyadi
[16:00:15] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> i will probably sleep after joining class, so no pl :3
[16:00:38] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> good news, i kidnapped commander haydz and now i have in my possession the secondary target system
[16:00:40] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Alt tab zoom and PL
[16:00:53] <Winny> split screen zoom and pl
[16:00:56] <Akiyamaha> why is that good news
[16:01:08] (WEB) <ShaziSProMaxPlus#1614> zoom on 1 monitor, pl on second
[16:01:11] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> srs question how are we all gonna pass this year cuz i don�t think anyone focuses in class anymore
[16:01:21] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> By attend it
[16:01:24] <Akiyamaha> cheat
[16:01:29] <Winny> the answer is you dont
[16:01:34] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> 100# attendance and you will safe
[16:01:54] <Winny> i already missed a few assignments hue
[16:01:54] (WEB) <ShaziSProMaxPlus#1614> pretty much
[16:02:02] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> i attend almost all my classes but then i treat it like a podcast and do my shit while i treat it like a secondary priority
[16:02:04] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Wtf admin teaches bad to studenr
[16:02:50] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> good things my exams are gonna be online n open book but guess i�ll have to go thru a year�s worth of notes during paper ????
[16:02:55] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[16:02:58] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> ... for the first time
[16:03:26] <Winny> where is ludred smh
[16:03:38] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> he got exams next week so studying
[16:03:46] <Winny> ah
[16:06:08] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Bad side is you must ready 24/7 if online class
[16:06:29] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Expect new assignment when at PL Time
[16:13:00] --> shamil.agdeev connected to the server
[16:15:51] <danielsonspromaxplus> gn
[16:15:53] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[16:26:19] <-- shamil.agdeev disconnected from the server
[16:31:01] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[16:37:31] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[16:47:38] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[16:48:01] <Quorthon> hi winny
[16:48:09] <Winny> hi
[16:48:11] <Quorthon> who won 5mi lotto?
[16:48:24] <Winny> idk
[16:48:52] <Quorthon> !aboard
[16:48:55] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(180125) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-55306) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24007)
[16:54:35] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[16:54:48] <Quorthon> wb aviation legend
[16:54:56] <Gamer30> Thanks.
[16:58:52] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[17:00:19] <Quorthon> !cboard
[17:00:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22364) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-3875) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3261)
[17:00:39] <TwilightMontana> Hey! I didn't do anything!
[17:00:44] <Quorthon> reporting
[17:00:44] <TwilightMontana> !missions cargo
[17:00:47] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: 223 cargo
[17:00:57] <TwilightMontana> Hadeh.
[17:09:20] --> Lavija connected to the server
[17:09:30] <Quorthon> wb lav
[17:09:38] <TwilightMontana> Wb.
[17:13:19] <Lavija> no fuel
[17:13:27] <Quorthon> hi lav check this out
[17:13:30] <Winny> uh
[17:13:30] <Winny> lmao
[17:13:30] <Quorthon> !licenses
[17:13:32] (WEB) <robin_be> Quorthon has a license for shamal, nevada
[17:13:35] <Quorthon> ha
[17:13:37] <TwilightMontana> Gz.
[17:13:47] <Quorthon> had to insta sell baron bc of debt tho, sorry XD
[17:13:55] <Winny> boooooooo
[17:13:55] <Lavija> i stf if it was to win
[17:13:58] <TwilightMontana> !missions cargo
[17:14:00] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana: 223 cargo
[17:14:03] <Lavija> who did you sell it to
[17:14:08] <Quorthon> prompto
[17:14:18] <Winny> boooooooo
[17:14:18] <Lavija> ...
[17:14:23] <Quorthon> i think you can clamp it on vma
[17:14:23] <Lavija> you're dead to me
[17:14:38] <Quorthon> nooo dont hate me
[17:14:46] <Quorthon> i had to settle my debts :(((
[17:14:59] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[17:15:01] <Winny> smh where's your pride
[17:15:27] <Quorthon> wheres yours lmao
[17:15:29] <Quorthon> !bankcash
[17:15:29] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Quorthon's bank money is $0
[17:15:32] <Winny> gone
[17:15:37] <Lavija> imagine if u lost fuel while going around one of these corners
[17:15:39] --> TwilightMontana connected to the server
[17:15:45] <Winny> nono
[17:16:18] <Quorthon> lav you're amurican right
[17:16:30] <Lavija> win do you hear something buzzing?
[17:16:40] <Winny> hmmmmmm
[17:16:46] <Winny> whats buzzing
[17:16:51] <TwilightMontana> !cash Qourthon
[17:16:53] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Qourthon
[17:16:58] <Quorthon> no mercy eh
[17:17:21] <TwilightMontana> !cash
[17:17:24] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana has $69,053 in hand
[17:18:15] <Lavija> wow you suck
[17:18:22] <Winny> fatiguer
[17:18:45] <Quorthon> now i've settled all debts
[17:18:50] <Quorthon> fresh start
[17:18:58] <Quorthon> !cash
[17:19:01] (WEB) <robin_be> Quorthon has $3,362 in hand
[17:19:03] <TwilightMontana> Rich.
[17:19:18] <Quorthon> cant even ad abuse anymore smh
[17:19:41] <Winny> NO
[17:19:51] <Lavija> ok bye
[17:19:59] <Winny> :(
[17:20:17] <Winny> ok i will sell it for 30m
[17:20:19] <Quorthon> !assets
[17:20:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Quorthon has 16 car(s) ($4,000,000) and 3 house(s) ($18,400,000 - 16 slots) for a total of $22,400,000
[17:20:25] <Lavija> no
[17:20:42] <Winny> fair price
[17:21:36] <Winny> whut
[17:21:38] <Lavija> what
[17:21:46] <TwilightMontana> Watt.
[17:21:46] <Lavija> howd u do that
[17:21:51] <Winny> :(
[17:22:01] <Lavija> wouldnt have happened if you listened to my ad
[17:22:09] <Winny> wow :(
[17:22:16] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> how to listen the type
[17:22:24] <Lavija> bruh
[17:23:20] <Lavija> oh look theres a missile coming towards us
[17:23:43] <Winny> where
[17:23:48] <Winny> time to obs
[17:23:58] <Winny> wow
[17:24:06] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> amogus
[17:24:08] <Lavija> ok i meant to press f before lmao
[17:24:19] <Winny> impostor dead
[17:25:04] <Lavija> ok bye
[17:25:04] <Lavija> .q
[17:25:07] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[17:27:52] <-- TwilightMontana disconnected from the server
[17:39:34] --> Zoe_Vertekas connected to the server
[17:44:49] <Gamer30> !player TH_GT2250
[17:44:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player TH_GT2250: 1523 score, last seen null
[17:45:17] <Quorthon> !cash th_gt2250
[17:45:19] (WEB) <robin_be> th_gt2250 has $176,778 in hand
[17:53:43] <-- Zoe_Vertekas disconnected from the server
[18:22:48] --> Prompto connected to the server
[18:23:06] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Hey Caralhoe
[18:23:08] <Quorthon> wb
[18:24:40] <Prompto> fds quor
[18:24:50] <Quorthon> fim de semana indeed
[18:26:54] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> !groups David
[18:26:57] (WEB) <robin_be> David is in airline (none) and company (none)
[18:27:00] <Gamer30> Hey!
[18:27:02] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> Man fuck
[18:27:05] <Prompto> rip
[18:27:10] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> Hello gamer!
[18:27:15] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> How have you been
[18:27:15] <Quorthon> now you can join jetstar
[18:27:20] <Gamer30> I've been fine.
[18:27:20] <Prompto> now you can join sky air*
[18:27:30] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> That�s good to hear
[18:27:38] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> Still busy with school?
[18:27:40] <Winny> you should
[18:27:43] <Winny> come
[18:27:53] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> in game?
[18:28:01] <Winny> yes
[18:28:01] <Quorthon> no r18 comments winny
[18:28:08] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> give me a second I just woke up lol
[18:28:13] <Winny> smh
[18:28:26] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> pretty drowsy rn
[18:28:39] <Winny> let me slap u
[18:28:44] <Prompto> kinky
[18:28:54] <Winny> o.o
[18:29:07] <Quorthon> just hovered sky air base and used cp at 145 kts
[18:29:17] <Prompto> no one asked
[18:29:17] <Quorthon> at least they have that use amirite
[18:29:19] <Prompto> but ok
[18:29:27] <Quorthon> am i even talking to you
[18:29:32] <Quorthon> also wtf
[18:32:20] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[18:33:11] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> !8ball Does School suck?
[18:33:14] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana#0406: Most likely
[18:33:39] <Prompto> !8ball is studying good?
[18:33:42] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto: Sign points to yes
[18:33:44] <Prompto> ^
[18:33:47] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Yes.
[18:34:02] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Opens tommorow for me.
[18:34:10] --> Lavija connected to the server
[18:34:15] <[CbK]FreAkeD> wb
[18:34:20] <Prompto> schools starts tomorrow for you?
[18:34:25] --> luxurious connected to the server
[18:34:30] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Yes.
[18:34:37] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Full.
[18:34:40] <[CbK]FreAkeD> i hate school
[18:34:58] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> I can no longer no life PL.
[18:35:11] <Quorthon> what are you talking about XD
[18:35:13] <Quorthon> you're always broke
[18:35:18] <[CbK]FreAkeD> lmaoo
[18:35:23] <Prompto> lhc, /cfleet plz
[18:36:52] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[18:40:44] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> !8ball should I sleep?
[18:40:47] (WEB) <robin_be> TwilightMontana#0406: Sign points to yes
[18:40:52] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[18:42:08] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> what happened
[18:42:13] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> did lavija ban me
[18:42:18] <Gamer30> Just timeout.
[18:42:21] <Prompto> no you crashed
[18:42:33] <Gamer30> If you see generic SAMP "You are banned from this server.", reset the client.
[18:42:46] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> oh ok
[18:42:54] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> brb
[18:52:51] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[18:56:15] <-- luxurious disconnected from the server
[19:01:45] <Winny> soz
[19:02:54] <Prompto> np
[19:03:07] <Prompto> it made me curious tho, do people drive on the left in hong kong?
[19:03:12] <Winny> yes
[19:03:25] <Prompto> nice
[19:13:47] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[19:20:16] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[19:37:54] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> fuck lavija all my homies hate lavija
[19:38:02] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> fuck santiago all my homies hate santiago
[19:38:45] <Prompto> damn stan
[19:38:48] <Prompto> the hate ir real
[19:38:55] <Prompto> is*
[19:44:13] --> Darvin_Vayt connected to the server
[19:44:16] --> Marion_Vayt connected to the server
[19:44:54] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[19:51:18] <-- Darvin_Vayt disconnected from the server
[19:52:09] <-- Marion_Vayt disconnected from the server
[20:43:43] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[21:01:49] --> Prompto connected to the server
[21:01:57] <slampinjsh> wb
[21:11:59] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[21:22:53] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Wb pi�ante
[21:22:58] <Prompto> caralho
[21:23:28] <Prompto> o lenz entrou hoje de manha e agora ta com 577
[21:23:46] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> E eu?
[21:23:51] <Prompto> 637 acho eu
[21:24:01] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Isso � que interessa
[21:24:29] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> O gajo ficou com medo de lhe roubar �s o lugar
[21:24:39] <Prompto> mesmo
[21:25:00] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Nunca o vi trucar tanto num dia
[21:25:20] <Prompto> vou lhe passar na mesma caguei
[21:25:45] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Dalhe
[21:25:56] <Prompto> cuidado � tu tmbm
[21:25:58] <Prompto> ele ainda te pode ultrapassar
[21:26:19] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Pensava que podia come�ar nolife at400
[21:26:26] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Parece que n�o
[21:26:31] <Prompto> nope
[21:26:36] <Prompto> o gajo � teimoso
[21:26:44] <Prompto> vamos ter de lhe mostrar o poder do caralho
[21:26:49] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Hoje nem joguei quase nada
[21:27:09] <Prompto> � domingo
[21:27:12] <Prompto> normal
[21:29:29] --> Ouro connected to the server
[21:29:37] <Smetkowski> wb
[21:29:39] <Prompto> caralho
[21:29:45] <Ouro> ty
[21:29:47] <Ouro> caralho
[21:30:10] <Ouro> nice lotto
[21:30:13] <Ouro> for me not to win
[21:32:15] <Ouro> sky air aotd xd
[21:32:22] <Prompto> stonks
[21:36:19] <Prompto> nice farmzito a�
[21:36:29] <Ouro> :flushed:
[21:36:34] <Prompto> FODA-SE
[21:36:39] <Prompto> � s� los santos - san fierro pra mim
[21:36:59] <Ouro> front flip numero 1
[21:39:24] <Prompto> mission farming smet
[21:39:32] <Smetkowski> nah
[21:41:01] <Ouro> front flip numero 2
[21:41:11] <Prompto> ainda nao tive nenhum agora
[21:44:57] <Prompto> detesto detach aleat�rios
[21:45:20] <Ouro> o trailerzito n�o aguenta ser abando de um lado pro outro
[21:45:23] <Ouro> e foge
[21:45:33] <Ouro> abando
[21:45:38] <Ouro> ABANADO*
[21:45:43] <Prompto> xD
[21:45:59] <Ouro> fodasse 41 dnv
[22:04:35] --> P$G connected to the server
[22:33:03] --> Bliktonijn connected to the server
[22:33:19] <Prompto> blik :o wb
[22:33:21] <Bliktonijn> tyy :D
[22:38:39] <-- Bliktonijn disconnected from the server
[22:52:18] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[22:54:30] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[22:55:03] --> Prompto connected to the server
[22:55:16] <Quorthon> wb
[22:55:18] <Prompto> ty
[22:55:21] <Prompto> caralho
[22:55:21] <Quorthon> cara to cheio de odio
[22:55:29] <Prompto> de
[22:55:41] <Quorthon> o flamengo comprou mais um campeonato brasileiro
[22:55:54] <Prompto> ah, eu soube q o flamengo era hoje com o internacional
[22:56:12] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[22:56:17] <Prompto> mas � a pen�ltima jornada, certo?
[22:56:17] <Quorthon> ss
[22:56:22] <Quorthon> hoje � que decide praticamente
[22:56:27] <Quorthon> os dois est�o disputando
[22:56:35] <Prompto> sim mas pode ser que o flamengo se foda na proxima
[22:56:42] <Quorthon> se deus existir sim
[22:56:45] <Quorthon> punicao divina
[22:56:50] <Prompto> um amigo meu tmbm t� bu� contra o flamengo
[22:56:58] <Quorthon> cara muita tramoia
[22:57:10] <Quorthon> juiz deu um vermelho nada a ver pra um ex jogador do flamengo
[22:57:15] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[22:57:15] <Prompto> o.O
[22:57:20] <Prompto> wut
[22:57:36] <Quorthon> cara e o pior
[22:57:46] <Quorthon> nesse ano ele ja apitou dois jogos que tiveram a mesma falta
[22:57:56] <Quorthon> nos dois ele so deu falta
[22:58:09] <Quorthon> o mesmo �rbitro
[22:58:11] <Quorthon> xd
[22:58:14] <Prompto> quanto � que ficou o jogo?
[22:58:19] <Quorthon> 2x1
[22:58:21] <Prompto> eosj
[22:58:21] <Prompto> eish
[22:58:29] <Prompto> q dor isso
[22:58:37] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkk
[22:59:15] <Quorthon> ultimo adendo
[22:59:20] <Quorthon> o internacional recebeu um milhao de reais
[22:59:22] <Prompto> adendo?
[22:59:28] <Quorthon> para escalar esse cara que fez a falta
[22:59:56] <Quorthon> de uma doa��o de um "torcedor" de outro estado
[22:59:58] <Quorthon> xdddd
[23:00:06] <Prompto> wtf
[23:00:49] <Quorthon> adendo � tipo informa��o adicional
[23:00:59] <Prompto> � triste ver uma coisa t�o sagrada no brasil ser tratado como motivo de corrup��o
[23:01:14] <Quorthon> eh foda eh foda
[23:01:19] <Quorthon> mas as vezes acontece isso na europa tbm
[23:01:27] <Prompto> e n�o � pouco
[23:01:42] <Quorthon> "goleada hist�rica" do bar�a em cima do psg
[23:01:45] <Prompto> o lu�s felipe vieira (presidente do benfica) ta fodido
[23:01:58] <Prompto> v�rios processos criminais contra ele e a sua empresa (benfica sad)
[23:02:03] <Prompto> corrup��o acima de tudo
[23:02:05] <Quorthon> corrup��o?
[23:02:08] <Quorthon> caraca
[23:02:46] <Prompto> o pinto da costa continua como presidente ainda hoje xD
[23:02:48] <Prompto> nada foi feito contra eles
[23:02:56] <Quorthon> ??????????
[23:03:09] <Quorthon> acho que ficaram com pena
[23:03:11] <Quorthon> o cara ja tem um pinto nas costas
[23:03:14] <Prompto> era ridiculo, o gajo pagava aos �rbitros sob forma de "fruta" (putas) brasileira
[23:03:29] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[23:03:42] <Prompto> havia telefonemas e o crlh mas a justi�a nao fez nada
[23:04:05] <Quorthon> aprendeu assistindo filme sobre mafia italiana
[23:04:40] <Quorthon> foda foda
[23:04:45] <Quorthon> pelo menos o benfica continua um time foda n�
[23:04:56] <Quorthon> teve um caso aqui do brasil que a diretoria tava roubando dinheiro do time
[23:05:01] <Quorthon> isso foi ano retrasado
[23:05:08] <Quorthon> hoje o time ta na segunda divisao pelo segundo ano seguido
[23:05:13] <Prompto> a operar como se nada fosse
[23:05:57] <Prompto> se portugal tivesse esse tomates de mandar equipas de topo pra segunda divis�o por corrup��o...
[23:06:14] <Prompto> mas s� temos 3/4 equipas que conseguem ganhar alguns jogos na europa
[23:06:30] <Prompto> o benfica ta na merda... o jorge jesus veio c� e nao vai ganhar nenhum trofeu
[23:07:03] <Quorthon> cara, s�rio?
[23:07:08] <Prompto> tao em 4�
[23:07:38] <Quorthon> nunca vi um t�cnico sair com tanta moral quanto o jorge jesus daqui do brasil
[23:07:46] <Quorthon> ele tirava leite de pedra naquele flamengo
[23:08:04] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[23:08:14] <Quorthon> KKKKKKKKKKKKK
[23:08:21] <Quorthon> meia tonelada de p�
[23:08:34] <Prompto> vergonhoso q fode
[23:08:42] <Quorthon> cara da inveja da premier league na moral
[23:08:47] <Quorthon> aquilo sim � um campeonato
[23:08:49] <Prompto> o jorge jesus � um treinador europeu med�ocre
[23:09:02] <Prompto> o facto de ele ganhar imensa coisa na am�rica do sul... ai ai
[23:09:53] <Quorthon> treinadores br s�o horriveis mesmo
[23:09:56] <Quorthon> nem vou tentar defender
[23:10:01] <Quorthon> n�o tem um que sala
[23:10:01] <Quorthon> salva*
[23:10:34] <Prompto> perder uma final em casa.. q dor
[23:10:39] <Prompto> ainda por cima contra os gregos
[23:10:41] <Prompto> FUCKING GREGOS
[23:10:44] <Quorthon> wtf
[23:12:08] <Quorthon> nao sei nessa epoca ai
[23:12:15] <Quorthon> mas ate pouco tempo a sele��o portuguesa era mt boa msm
[23:12:23] <Quorthon> preciso nem falar do ronaldo
[23:12:23] <Prompto> realmente pus-me pra aqui pensar.. nao conhe�o nenhum treinador brasileiro bom
[23:13:01] <Prompto> a sele��o � boa, ali�s, temos melhor equipa agora do que em 2016
[23:13:16] <Prompto> n�o temos � sorte :D
[23:13:32] <Prompto> literalmente o nosso grupo do europeu 2021 � Portugal, Fran�a, Alemanha e.. hungria?
[23:13:39] <Prompto> ou islandia
[23:13:42] <Prompto> um dos dois
[23:13:47] <Prompto> vou ver
[23:14:05] <Quorthon> eu gostava de assistir na �poca que tinha o torres
[23:14:10] <Quorthon> sou f� demais
[23:14:12] <Prompto> ah
[23:14:15] <Prompto> mundial 2010
[23:14:20] <Prompto> portugal QUASE que ganhava a espanha
[23:14:28] <Prompto> fomos a equipa q os espanhois viram-se negros pra ganhar
[23:14:58] <Prompto> vi agora, � hungria
[23:15:03] <Quorthon> nossa, espanha estuprou o brasil em 2010
[23:15:11] <Quorthon> mentira nem foi espanha eu ach
[23:15:31] <Quorthon> foi a holanda
[23:15:41] <Quorthon> a� a final foram os dois
[23:15:44] <Prompto> a holanda s� ganhou por 2-1
[23:15:47] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[23:16:04] <Prompto> estupro foi brasil-alemanha
[23:16:07] <Prompto> que vergonha
[23:16:12] <Quorthon> nem me fale
[23:16:32] <Quorthon> a mesma alemanha que 4 anos depois perde de 2 a 0 pra coreia do sul
[23:16:37] <Prompto> XD
[23:17:05] <Prompto> a alemanha ta na merda
[23:17:28] <Prompto> tao-se a ver � rasca pra ganhar jogos
[23:17:38] <Prompto> e varios jogadores de 2014 ja nao dao uma pra caixa
[23:17:59] <Quorthon> a porra do khedira deu a alma no jogo contra o brasil
[23:18:06] <Prompto> yup
[23:18:11] <Quorthon> depois disso parece que esqueceu como que joga
[23:19:02] <Prompto> mas a alemanha no geral ta assim
[23:19:20] <Quorthon> fico muito triste com uma noticia dessas :(((
[23:19:28] <Prompto> � a liga q nao ta grande coisa, o bayern ja nao � o que era
[23:19:43] <Prompto> a sele��o minha nossa.. quase que perdem jogos contra pa�ses de bosta
[23:20:01] <Quorthon> da pra entender copa do mundo nao
[23:20:06] <Quorthon> como que a porra da croacia chegou na final
[23:20:26] <Prompto> falar*
[23:20:57] <Prompto> a cro�cia chegou � final porque houve equipas fortes a n�o ficar em 1�
[23:21:04] <Prompto> deu cabo logo da fase eliminat�rio
[23:21:37] <Prompto> se o marrocos nao tivesse rido roubada contra a espanha, portugal estaria no outro lado da tabela
[23:21:42] <Prompto> e provavelmente chegaria � final
[23:22:16] <Quorthon> nao fiquei sabendo disso
[23:22:21] <Quorthon> o que aconteceu com o marrocos?
[23:22:31] <Prompto> foi roubada contra a espanha :')
[23:22:36] <Prompto> o var nao se meteu ao barulho
[23:22:43] <Quorthon> XD
[23:23:04] <Prompto> nao sei que lan�o foi ao certo, o jogo decorreu ao mesmo tempo que portugal - ir�o
[23:23:39] <Quorthon> a� em portugal tambem vira semi feriado em dia de jogo da sele��o?
[23:23:57] <Quorthon> na copa do mundo s�
[23:24:07] <Prompto> ai nao
[23:24:13] <Prompto> europeu tamb�m
[23:24:23] <Quorthon> kkkkkkk
[23:24:25] <Prompto> o pa�s inteiro PAROU em 2016 na final do europeu
[23:24:38] <Quorthon> cara acho incrivel mesmo
[23:24:53] <Quorthon> tava pegando onibus faltando 10 miinutos pro come�o do jogo
[23:24:58] <Quorthon> no centro de belo horizonte
[23:25:01] <Quorthon> n�o tinha uma alma viva
[23:25:03] <Prompto> no momento em que o ronaldo levou em cheio do payet... havia gente a chorar
[23:25:11] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[23:25:49] <Prompto> e depois no ultimo segundo do jogo (90+3) acho eu... um franc�s manda a bola ao poste... bro
[23:25:54] <Prompto> acho que o meu cora��o parou
[23:26:20] <Quorthon> XDD
[23:26:22] <Quorthon> foi heroico mesmo
[23:26:40] <Prompto> mas viste o jogo?
[23:26:48] <Quorthon> s� highlight depois
[23:26:53] <Prompto> que pena
[23:26:55] <Quorthon> mas sei que o ronaldo botou nas costas a equipe
[23:27:00] <Quorthon> no campeonato inteiro
[23:27:16] <Prompto> perdeste o jogo mais secante e o mais arrepiante de todos
[23:27:49] <Prompto> quando o �der marcou faltavam pra ai 8 minutos... foram os minutos mais longos de sempre :')
[23:28:22] <Prompto> qnd � q o brasil ganhou o ultimo? 2002?
[23:28:27] <Quorthon> sim
[23:28:32] <Prompto> lembras-te?
[23:28:40] <Quorthon> tinha s� um ano KKKK
[23:28:45] <Prompto> AHAHAHAH
[23:28:50] <Quorthon> mas sim aquilo sim era um time
[23:28:52] <Quorthon> puta que pariu
[23:28:57] <Prompto> s� o roberto carlos *-*
[23:28:57] <Quorthon> ate arrepio ao lembrar
[23:29:10] <Quorthon> ronaldinho, ronaldo fen�meno
[23:29:10] <Quorthon> rivaldo
[23:29:15] <Quorthon> at� o kak�
[23:29:20] <Prompto> eiiiiii o kak�
[23:29:23] <Prompto> q tempos
[23:29:48] <Prompto> mas olha
[23:29:56] <Prompto> o que achas do neymar?
[23:30:03] <Quorthon> KKKKKKKKK
[23:30:11] <Quorthon> nao sei pq os europeus nao gostam dele, s�rio
[23:30:24] <Quorthon> ele ja foi meio moleque mas d� pra relevar
[23:30:24] <Prompto> � um conas
[23:30:57] <Quorthon> hoje ele joga MUITA bola no psg e os torcedores vaiam ele
[23:31:05] <Quorthon> inacreditavel
[23:31:12] <Prompto> lol
[23:31:15] <Prompto> fran�a
[23:31:33] <Prompto> os franceses vaiam todos
[23:31:43] <Quorthon> um amigo meu viajou para paris ano retrasado
[23:31:53] <Quorthon> disse que quase nao se acha camisa do neymar a venda
[23:32:01] <Quorthon> todo mundo veste a do mbapp�
[23:32:06] <Prompto> yup
[23:32:16] <Prompto> o mbapp� � idolatrado pelos franceses
[23:32:31] <Quorthon> ainda mais depois da copa
[23:32:39] <Quorthon> mas acho que realmente odeiam o menino ney
[23:33:40] <Prompto> na fran�a o pensamento �: n�o �s frances? p�e-te nas putas
[23:33:55] <Quorthon> e incendeiam um carro depois
[23:34:00] <Quorthon> just french things
[23:34:31] <Prompto> protestar, incendiar, fazer greve, pilhar lojas... just french things
[23:34:41] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[23:34:46] <Prompto> os franceses nunca tao contentes com nada
[23:34:56] <Quorthon> pode ser qualquer coisa
[23:35:04] <Quorthon> se eles ficam putos eles tacam fogo em um carro
[23:35:04] <Ouro> o mbappe vai salvar a fran�a
[23:35:19] <Prompto> eles t�o � com dor de coto pelo ingles (o inimigo) ser mais relevante que o frances
[23:36:35] <Quorthon> isso ainda persiste hoje em dia
[23:36:38] <Quorthon> ?
[23:36:40] <Quorthon> essa rivalidade de frances com ingles
[23:36:45] <Prompto> oh yeah
[23:36:48] <Prompto> e � intenso
[23:37:03] <Prompto> qnd morava em inglaterra, era-nos ensinado que os franceses nao eram de confiar
[23:37:13] <Quorthon> w
[23:37:13] <Quorthon> t
[23:37:13] <Quorthon> f
[23:37:29] <Prompto> os inglese nunca gostaram da uniao europeia (mas querem os beneficios.. lol)
[23:38:25] <Quorthon> XD
[23:38:30] <Quorthon> tinha at� esquecido do brexit
[23:38:32] <Quorthon> como que ta agora?
[23:38:35] <Quorthon> eles sairam msm?
[23:38:40] <Prompto> sa�ram
[23:38:42] <Quorthon> lol
[23:38:45] <Prompto> eles tao na merda hahahaha
[23:38:58] <Prompto> londres ja nao � mais a capital europeia do neg�cio
[23:39:05] <Prompto> a economia inglesa tava em decr�scimo
[23:39:08] <Quorthon> qual � a capital
[23:39:10] <Prompto> e entao agora... sem a bazuca europeia xDD
[23:39:13] <Prompto> Amsterd�o agora
[23:39:26] <Quorthon> cara q estranho
[23:39:31] <Quorthon> aqui no brasil falamos amsterdam mesmo
[23:39:46] <Prompto> amsterd�*
[23:39:49] <Quorthon> isso isso
[23:39:51] <Quorthon> XD
[23:40:17] <Ouro> fuck
[23:40:29] <Quorthon> me lembro de uma vez que uma mulher estava narrando um jogo de copa do mundo
[23:40:34] <Quorthon> holanda x algum time
[23:40:37] <Quorthon> ela falando
[23:40:45] <Quorthon> "entrada forte do zagueiro nederlands"
[23:40:50] <Quorthon> XDDD
[23:41:00] <Prompto> omds
[23:41:05] <Prompto> � assim
[23:41:18] <Prompto> n�s chamamo-lhes de ou Holand�s ou Neerland�s
[23:41:28] <Quorthon> ela falou como se nederlands fosse o nome dele
[23:41:33] <Prompto> XD
[23:41:35] <Quorthon> o zagueiro Nederlands
[23:41:43] <Prompto> o que � um zagueiro tho?
[23:41:46] <Quorthon> defender
[23:41:51] <Prompto> ah.. defesa
[23:42:39] <Quorthon> deve ser daora fazer parte da UE
[23:42:54] <Quorthon> se ficar com vontade de visitar a holanda, � s� pegar um trem pagando mixaria
[23:43:12] <Prompto> uhm
[23:43:45] <Quorthon> pelo menos assim que nos � dito aqui XD
[23:43:45] <Prompto> os jovens tomamos a EU como garantido
[23:44:00] <Prompto> ha vantagens incr�veis
[23:44:18] <Prompto> agora podemos viver em paz em portugal sem nos preocuparmo-nos duma poss�vel invas�o espanhola
[23:44:51] <Prompto> a moeda ser igual pra v�rios pa�ses (nao nos preocupamo-nos com cambios)
[23:45:06] <Prompto> viajarmos dum pa�s para outro sem necessitar dum passaporte
[23:45:42] <Prompto> s�*
[23:46:00] <Quorthon> austrian painter
[23:46:18] <Prompto> e tamb�m temos uma outra grande vantagem
[23:46:33] <Prompto> subs�dios europeus... esquece, portugal consegue finalmente investir em infraestruturas e o crlh
[23:46:38] <Prompto> q o papa europa paga xD
[23:47:09] --> Woodycz connected to the server
[23:47:19] --> stawa1241 connected to the server
[23:47:26] <Quorthon> nice
[23:47:49] <Prompto> FODA-SE
[23:47:49] <Ouro> 18 ~
[23:47:54] <Prompto> ESQUECI-ME DE FAZER /LOTTO 19
[23:47:57] <Prompto> PUTA QUE ME PARIU
[23:48:04] <Ouro> first time?
[23:48:15] <Quorthon> nice �
[23:48:20] <Prompto> :(
[23:48:45] <Prompto> uma outra cena fixe da EU � poder trabalhar no estrangeiro com facilidade
[23:48:50] <Ouro> imagine jogares lotto com o numero 3 o dia todo e depois na unica vez que te esqueces sai esse numore
[23:48:53] <Ouro> numero
[23:49:18] <Prompto> isso � horr�vel
[23:49:26] <Prompto> saiu o numero 3 enquanto tavas afk btw
[23:49:33] <Ouro> ja me aconteceu com 3 numeros
[23:50:29] <Quorthon> eu sempre jogo 23
[23:50:40] <Quorthon> as unicas vezes que ganhei foram quando alguem pegou 23 e tive que escolher outro
[23:50:45] <Prompto> o 23 saiu ha pouco
[23:52:19] <Quorthon> nao sei como vc e o ouro conseguem
[23:52:24] <Ouro> tava com 1800 em 7 de fevereiro
[23:52:32] <Quorthon> wtff
[23:52:34] <Ouro> 1800 trucking
[23:52:39] <Quorthon> ata
[23:53:07] <Prompto> !missions trucking
[23:53:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto: 809 trucking
[23:53:15] <Prompto> tava com pra a� 150
[23:53:30] <Ouro> se trucar pagasse bem era uma maravilha
[23:53:35] <Prompto> mesmo
[23:53:45] <Quorthon> truco
[23:53:53] <Quorthon> bons tempos
[23:53:56] <Ouro> eu fa�o 10 hauls ganho menos que alguem que fa�a 5 at400
[23:54:03] <Ouro> mas muito menos
[23:54:11] <Ouro> nem a 200k chego
[23:54:52] <Prompto> olha so para a diferen�a de 7 miss�es quor.. /wotd
[23:55:02] <Quorthon> XDD
[23:55:25] <Quorthon> minimo esfor�o que estou fazendo btw
[23:55:27] <Prompto> o crlh do lenz nao vai ficar em 2� crlh
[23:55:32] <Prompto> QUERO aquela casa de 10 slots
[23:55:40] <Ouro> ja sabes como ela �?
[23:55:42] <Prompto> nope
[23:55:47] <Ouro> localiza��o?
[23:55:58] <Prompto> nao sei de nada
[23:56:08] <Prompto> s� sei q 10 slots � praticamente 10m garantidos
[23:56:28] <Prompto> isto.. se a casa for mainland
[23:56:33] <Ouro> a 10 slots que eu ganhei da IA so vendeu por 8.2m
[23:56:36] <Prompto> se for nas ilhas.. que evento de pi�a
[23:56:56] <-- stawa1241 disconnected from the server
[23:57:01] <-- Woodycz disconnected from the server
[23:57:11] <Quorthon> !assets
[23:57:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Quorthon has 16 car(s) ($4,000,000) and 3 house(s) ($18,400,000 - 16 slots) for a total of $22,400,000
[23:57:22] <Quorthon> !houses
[23:57:24] (WEB) <robin_be> Richman: $2,000,000 3 slots Fort Carson: $8,000,000 6 slots Bone County: $8,400,000 7 slots
[23:57:27] <Prompto> !cars quorthon
[23:57:29] <Quorthon> minha casa favorita tem 3 slots lol
[23:57:29] (WEB) <robin_be> quorthon has: Tropic RC Baron NRG-500 Tow Truck Tow Truck Tow Truck Tow Truck Tow Truck Tow Truck Tow Truck (..)
[23:57:32] <Prompto> oh wtf
[23:57:40] <Prompto> bruh tens outro rc baron XD
[23:57:45] <Quorthon> sim lmao
[23:57:57] <Prompto> continuo fodido ctg por teres dado os 5m ao lotto
[23:58:02] <Prompto> foi um newbie ganahr aquilo
[23:58:10] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkk
[23:58:13] <Quorthon> fiquei sabendo
[23:58:43] <Quorthon> eu gosto de ver newbie ganhando lotto
[23:58:53] <Quorthon> a nao ser se for um pau no cu igual aquele puto do freaked
[23:59:01] <Quorthon> insuportavel esse cara
[23:59:03] <Ouro> o freaked � uma merda
[23:59:09] <Prompto> o q � q ele fez
[23:59:16] <Quorthon> ficou rico no dice
[23:59:21] <Ouro> tentei ajuda-lo a usar modloader em vez de uma merda de um installer e ficou chateado
[23:59:49] <Quorthon> ele fica o dia inteiro falando sobre a fortuna que ganhou no dice
[23:59:54] <Prompto> lmao
[23:59:57] <Quorthon> fica dando !bankcash
