[00:00:02] <Ouro> nem � fortuna
[00:00:07] <Quorthon> ^
[00:00:07] <Ouro> ganhei mais so com /w
[00:00:12] <Quorthon> fodendos 50mi
[00:00:17] <Prompto> lmao
[00:00:22] <Prompto> devia ter estado la eu
[00:00:25] <Prompto> pra eu lhe espetar com
[00:00:25] <Prompto> !bankcash
[00:00:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Prompto's bank money is $208,000,000
[00:00:35] <Quorthon> wtf 200mi?
[00:00:38] <Quorthon> gz
[00:00:43] <Quorthon> no lifer fodido
[00:00:43] <Prompto> yah :D
[00:00:50] <Prompto> o interest ajuda pa crlh
[00:00:53] <Ouro> esse interest gostosinho
[00:01:54] <Quorthon> !rinterest 0
[00:01:57] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $0 of interest you need about $0
[00:01:57] <Prompto> XD
[00:02:42] <Prompto> wtfff
[00:02:47] <Quorthon> dinheiro � overrated
[00:02:50] <Prompto> nao encontro nenhuma bomba de gasolina
[00:02:53] <Ouro> ja acumulaste quanto interest prompto
[00:03:03] <Prompto> ja te disse lol tou smp a coleta-lo agora
[00:03:10] <Prompto> pq tou a milkar o interesse
[00:03:46] <Quorthon> mentira, acabei de receber interest
[00:03:54] <Quorthon> !rinterest 533
[00:03:56] (WEB) <robin_be> to get $533 of interest you need about $799,500
[00:03:56] <Quorthon> geleiem tugas
[00:03:59] <Prompto> XD
[00:04:29] <Ouro> !interest 114000000
[00:04:32] (WEB) <robin_be> $114,000,000 will generate about $76,000 every 60 minutes
[00:04:45] <Ouro> mentira
[00:04:47] <Ouro> � 114k
[00:04:50] <Quorthon> 76l
[00:04:57] <Quorthon> 76k � o que vou ganhar nesse v�o agora
[00:05:02] <Quorthon> pra black mesa
[00:05:05] <Quorthon> XD
[00:05:10] <Prompto> PUTA
[00:05:12] <Prompto> trailer na agua
[00:05:18] <Ouro> HAHAHA
[00:05:51] <Quorthon> !rinterest 208000000
[00:05:53] (WEB) <robin_be> (overflow) to get $1,431,655 of interest you need about $2,147,482,500
[00:05:53] <Quorthon> eita perai
[00:05:56] <Quorthon> !interest 208000000
[00:05:58] (WEB) <robin_be> $208,000,000 will generate about $138,666 every 60 minutes
[00:06:21] <Ouro> ele ganha 208k
[00:06:47] <Prompto> mt facil
[00:06:54] <Prompto> mais 208k daqui a 34 minutos
[00:07:07] <Quorthon> isso me lembrou da propaganda do angolano trader
[00:07:12] <Quorthon> que sempre aparece no facebook
[00:07:22] <Quorthon> 100 dolares em 30 segundos
[00:07:27] <Prompto> wtf
[00:07:30] <Ouro> se tivesses a nolife at400 fazias quase 1m por hora
[00:07:53] <Quorthon> at400 � OP demais
[00:07:58] <Prompto> tru
[00:07:58] <Quorthon> fiz 333k WOTD hoje
[00:08:13] <Quorthon> se
[00:08:16] <Ouro> n�o falem muito ainda que ainda leva nerda
[00:08:18] <Ouro> nerf
[00:08:26] <Prompto> it's nerf or nothin'
[00:08:34] <Prompto> nerfin'* qualquer coisa assim
[00:08:44] <Quorthon> n�o podem ver um negro pobre das favelas ganhando dinheiro :(((
[00:09:09] <Prompto> *cough* nao queremos saber de bairros de lata *cough*
[00:09:09] <Quorthon> porra ppizza chegou
[00:09:14] <Quorthon> brb
[00:09:22] <Quorthon> vou pousar fodase
[00:09:24] <Quorthon> ele que espere
[00:09:27] <Prompto> XD
[00:09:50] <Quorthon> vou ficar afk no cp
[00:10:08] <Prompto> tamos a trucar lol s� tu � q t�s a voar
[00:11:54] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> coitado do cara
[00:12:02] <Ouro> quem
[00:12:07] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> t� chovendo pra caralho
[00:12:12] <Prompto> �s mau
[00:12:43] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> tava de fone e n�o sabia da chuva
[00:17:35] <Prompto> adoro
[00:17:38] <Prompto> preso em leafy hallow
[00:17:40] <Prompto> pqp este lugar
[00:18:00] <Ouro> tbm n�o sou muito f�
[00:18:54] <Prompto> porra finalmente
[00:19:04] <Prompto> o trailer faz um jerk estupido q fodo-me
[00:19:09] <Ouro> ya
[00:19:32] <Ouro> n des flet
[00:19:37] <Prompto> k
[00:20:10] <Ouro> ia em dire�ao a juniper hollow pay n spray ca� no estadio pqp
[00:20:18] <Prompto> bruh hahhhaa
[00:20:43] <Ouro> � o que da falar no chat enquanto conduzo
[00:21:06] <Prompto> porra
[00:21:11] <Prompto> ap-bb e agora bb-ap
[00:21:29] <Prompto> yes, I'm ready to get fucked in the arse in leafy hallow
[00:21:37] <Ouro> se ap n�o fosse no caralho seria um bom farmzinho
[00:21:49] <Prompto> ya
[00:21:52] <Ouro> eu sei um caminho melhor sem ser leafy hollow
[00:22:12] <Ouro> essa ponte
[00:22:17] <Ouro> onde tu passaste agora
[00:22:35] <Ouro> vais tipo at� � pista de comboi depois cais na estra
[00:22:38] <Ouro> e segues em frente
[00:22:43] <Ouro> achei melhor que leafy hollow
[00:23:03] <Ouro> tenho que te mostrar um dia
[00:23:08] <Prompto> perfeito
[00:23:11] <Prompto> caiu � agua novamente
[00:23:11] <Prompto> porra
[00:27:55] <Prompto> front flip <3
[00:28:16] <Ouro> <3 para disfar�ar o rage
[00:28:26] <Prompto> totally
[00:32:17] <Prompto> bruh
[00:32:22] <Ouro> what
[00:32:48] <Prompto> na autoestrada de ls perto de lv (antes do rio grande), saltei pra la s� que fui demasiado depressa
[00:33:03] <Ouro> ono
[00:33:08] <Prompto> saltei alto pa crlh, la em cima fiz duplo front flip (acabei por dar overshoot)
[00:33:13] <Prompto> e o atrelado foi para o lado contr�rio de mim
[00:33:36] <Prompto> I'm not even mad
[00:33:36] <Prompto> this was awesome
[00:33:41] <Ouro> eu dava logo /s e /cbase
[00:33:51] <Prompto> deu pra recuperar o atrelado ahhahah
[00:33:59] <Ouro> se me fodesse de forma t�o extraordinaria
[00:34:30] <Prompto> esque�o-me smp dos postes de lv...
[00:34:58] <Ouro> bem acho que vou fazer download de um toolzinho para editar isso
[00:36:09] <Ouro> n�o aprendo
[00:36:11] <Ouro> fodasse
[00:36:14] <Prompto> XD
[00:36:24] <Ouro> sempre nitrado nas curvas e o trailerzinho faz um drift pro caralho
[00:36:29] <Prompto> XDD
[00:37:15] <Ouro> come�o as curvas de 90� a 141km/h que nem um estupid
[00:37:30] <Prompto> chad
[00:37:40] <Ouro> maz� mongo
[00:37:45] <Prompto> XDD
[00:38:39] <Prompto> "um mongo, um mongo, um mongo, um bom sabor da selva" *screeching monkey noises*
[00:39:09] <Ouro> um bongo ainda existe?
[00:39:27] <Ouro> bebia sempre um quando tava andar para a escola
[00:40:13] <Prompto> v�-se-os nos supermercados pelo menos
[00:40:18] <Prompto> e nos cinemas ainda fazem anuncios
[00:40:20] <Ouro> passava sempre por um caf� e comia uma sandes de queijo e manteiga e bebia um bongo
[00:40:23] <Ouro> que nostalgia
[00:40:26] <Prompto> nem sei como t�m dinheiro pra tal
[00:40:56] <Ouro> ultima vez que bebi um bongo sei que enjoei
[00:40:59] <Ouro> doce de mais
[00:41:01] <Prompto> xD
[00:41:04] <Prompto> tipico
[00:42:10] <Ouro> ja tava com rage quando vi o 3
[00:42:15] <Prompto> XD
[00:42:20] <Prompto> calma a piriquita
[00:43:13] <Ouro> bruh
[00:43:26] <Prompto> ?
[00:43:26] <Ouro> sabe t�o bem quando das /flip e n�o perdes o trailerzinho
[00:43:31] <Prompto> wut
[00:43:36] <Prompto> brujer�a
[00:43:49] <Ouro> se ambos tiverem direitos n�o ficas sem ele
[00:49:50] <Prompto> wb pizza
[00:50:00] <Quorthon> rip pizza*
[00:50:46] <Quorthon> !rank
[00:50:49] (WEB) <robin_be> Quorthon(2988) rank: Junior Captain(2500) next: Pilot Major(3500) (+512)
[00:50:51] <Prompto> !rank
[00:50:54] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto(12668) rank: PL Senior Commander(12000) next: PL Commander(13000) (+332)
[00:50:56] <Quorthon> pessoal
[00:51:06] <Prompto> ddiz
[00:51:17] <Quorthon> o chines ta me cobrando 15mi pra pagar meu vip 4
[00:51:24] <Quorthon> no caso de vip2 para vip4
[00:51:29] <Quorthon> estou sendo scammado?
[00:51:34] <Prompto> ja te digo, espera
[00:51:39] <Ouro> qual chines
[00:51:39] <Quorthon> 20 dolares
[00:51:42] <Prompto> win
[00:51:50] <Prompto> ah 20 dolares?
[00:51:52] <Prompto> 15m compensa
[00:52:10] <Quorthon> blz
[00:52:13] <Quorthon> ty
[00:52:30] <Quorthon> sempre tenho a sensa��o de estar sendo scammado
[00:52:33] <Quorthon> principalmente com o twi
[00:52:41] <Prompto> porra sa� do top 10 no duolingo e s� tenho 36 minutos pra atingir o 10�
[00:52:56] <Prompto> o twi provavelmente scamar-te-ia
[00:53:44] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[00:53:57] <Prompto> wb
[00:53:59] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty
[00:53:59] <Quorthon> wb italian stallion
[00:54:04] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty horse
[00:54:17] <Prompto> pq raio � q ele � uma �gua?
[00:54:22] <Quorthon> rude
[00:54:27] <Prompto> �gua italiana*
[00:54:30] <Quorthon> apelido do rocky balboa
[00:54:38] <Prompto> ah ta
[00:54:48] <Quorthon> fun fact: tamb�m � o nome do porno que ele gravou
[00:54:53] <Prompto> XDDDD WTF
[00:55:26] <Ouro> FODA-SE
[00:55:28] <Prompto> HAAHAHAHAAHA
[00:55:28] <Quorthon> lmao ouro
[00:55:31] <Quorthon> XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[00:56:35] <Quorthon> dessa vez nem comprem um ticket
[00:56:45] <Quorthon> vai dar 23
[00:56:50] <Prompto> crente do crlh
[00:56:57] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[01:01:04] <Quorthon> to passando mal com essa porra de incenso
[01:01:37] <Ouro> cheiro de merda
[01:01:52] <Prompto> XD
[01:01:58] <Quorthon> era pra isso ajudar a espantar mosquito
[01:02:08] <Quorthon> mas alem de feder nao funciona
[01:05:29] --> IM4G1N3 connected to the server
[01:08:09] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> hi
[01:08:14] <Ouro> helloi
[01:08:19] <Quorthon> who are you
[01:09:35] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> i am
[01:09:43] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> the cumlord
[01:09:50] <Quorthon> oh hi aki
[01:09:56] <Ouro> aki is the guy who requires a whole convoy to transport his dildos to him
[01:11:02] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> yes, i always look forward to my daily delivery of dildoes
[01:11:30] <Quorthon> akiyamaha#2008 when
[01:11:55] <Ouro> thankfuly i haven't had to deliver any dildos to your house today
[01:12:00] <Ouro> fuck going down that hill
[01:12:23] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> yes
[01:12:31] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> the at400 has been moved btw
[01:12:36] <Prompto> I've been at your dildo home several times today
[01:12:36] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> rejoice
[01:12:51] <Ouro> i actually had started going a different way that wasn't blocked by the at400 but thaks
[01:14:58] <-- IM4G1N3 disconnected from the server
[01:17:41] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[01:17:49] <Prompto> wb real stan
[01:17:54] <Quorthon> wb numbered stan
[01:18:42] <Quorthon> pq ele nunca fala nada?
[01:18:55] <Ouro> n�o sabe escrever
[01:19:00] <Quorthon> vsf ouro
[01:19:02] <Ouro> uh digitar
[01:19:07] <Stan958> ty
[01:19:12] <Quorthon> viu
[01:19:20] <Prompto> teclar
[01:19:23] <Ouro> � sp lerdo ent�o
[01:19:30] <Prompto> oof
[01:19:33] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:19:45] <Prompto> e agora o gajo entendia portugu�s e fodia nos
[01:20:01] <Quorthon> pegou mania de falar gajo agora prompto?
[01:20:03] <Ouro> stan are you french
[01:20:06] <Prompto> wtf quor
[01:20:11] <Prompto> dizemos gajo toda a hora
[01:20:21] <Quorthon> achei que fosse angolano lol
[01:20:24] <Prompto> wtffff
[01:20:26] <Ouro> bruh
[01:20:31] <Prompto> est�s todo fodido dessa cabe�a
[01:20:34] <Prompto> trata-te
[01:20:34] <Quorthon> mentira, mo�ambican
[01:20:34] <Ouro> perai angolano?
[01:20:36] <Quorthon> mo�ambicano*
[01:20:36] <Ouro> PROVOU E GOSTOU
[01:20:49] <Quorthon> here we go again
[01:21:35] <Quorthon> outra coisa que mo�ambicano fala toda hora � 't�s a ver'
[01:21:42] <Prompto> vai-te foder :D
[01:21:45] <Prompto> tas a ver
[01:21:58] <Ouro> c� ta ligado hein cara viu
[01:22:00] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:22:23] <Quorthon> acho que o ouro nao sabe falar sem ser sarcasticamente
[01:22:31] <Quorthon> acho muito engra�ado na moral
[01:22:56] <Prompto> nao da pra n�s falarmos sem sermos sarcasticos
[01:23:06] <Prompto> pt-br � um meme gigante pra n�s
[01:23:14] <Quorthon> fds
[01:23:24] <Quorthon> vc nem tanto
[01:23:29] <Quorthon> o ouro � uma maquina de shitpost
[01:23:45] <Ouro> t�s a dizer que so falo merda?
[01:23:47] <Ouro> agora estou anger
[01:23:52] <Quorthon> KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK tas a ver
[01:23:55] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:23:57] <Prompto> se visses os meus stories de instagrama mudarias essa opiniao tua num instante
[01:24:25] <Ouro> instagram = porno
[01:24:30] <Prompto> recentemente yah
[01:24:56] <Quorthon> teve uma epoca
[01:25:01] <Prompto> ver amigas tuas a postarem nudes como se nada fosse
[01:25:06] <Prompto> nao me queixo
[01:25:06] <Quorthon> que pesquisar 'neymarjr' no instagram retornava s� putaria
[01:25:21] <Ouro> a irm� dele?
[01:25:29] <Quorthon> porno random mesmo
[01:25:34] <Prompto> sweet home alabama
[01:25:44] <Ouro> boatos que o neymarjr come a irm� isso � verdade?
[01:25:47] <Quorthon> sweet home actual portuguese empire
[01:25:59] <Quorthon> KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK nunca ouvi isso antes
[01:26:02] <Prompto> wtf ouro
[01:26:15] <Quorthon> ah � o ouro falando, tinha esquecido
[01:26:17] <Quorthon> vsf ouro
[01:26:22] <Prompto> rude
[01:26:25] <Ouro> ele lesiona-se sempre antes do aniversario dela para atende-lo
[01:26:30] <Prompto> XDDDDD
[01:26:35] <Quorthon> ele se lesiona por causa do carnaval mesmo
[01:26:43] <Quorthon> terceiro ano seguido j� eu acho
[01:26:48] <Prompto> putaria livre com a irm�o no CAHNAVAU
[01:26:53] <Prompto> irm�*
[01:26:53] <Quorthon> ano passado comeu a anitta XD
[01:26:55] <Prompto> WHAT
[01:27:23] <Ouro> foi essa que o acusou de viola��o?
[01:27:23] <Prompto> e eu a pensar q comer a anita era top achievement, pelos vistos ela � s� uma gald�ria qualquer
[01:27:44] <Prompto> jk
[01:27:46] <Prompto> respect anita
[01:27:46] <Quorthon> como q vc pensou isso lol
[01:27:56] <Quorthon> toda a imagem dela � ser uma galderia
[01:27:56] <Ouro> houve uma gaja que o acusou de viola��o
[01:27:59] <Prompto> tou a brincar caralho
[01:28:06] <Quorthon> btw fa�o a minima ideia do que � gald�ria
[01:28:09] <Quorthon> mentira fa�o sim
[01:28:12] <Prompto> respect anita mas ela smp foi puta pra mim
[01:28:19] <Ouro> galderia vadia
[01:28:29] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:28:37] <Quorthon> cara nao precisa fazer controle de danos nao
[01:28:40] <Quorthon> mo vagabunda mesmo
[01:28:50] <Quorthon> faz show quase pelada
[01:28:57] <Prompto> respect
[01:29:02] <Ouro> � para arrefecer melhor
[01:29:08] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:29:25] <Prompto> se fosse gaja andava nua por a� na rua
[01:29:30] <Prompto> jk
[01:29:41] <Quorthon> haha jk amirite
[01:29:48] <Ouro> no ver�o levo o lixo � rua sem blusa foda-se
[01:30:09] <Prompto> isto hoje em dia tenho de dizer "jk" pra controlo de dano pqp esta sociedade de hoje em dia
[01:30:19] <Prompto> mas ouro, moras no interior fds, isso � o inferno no verao
[01:30:42] <Ouro> � n�
[01:31:40] <Prompto> uma vez tava em beja num carro preto e dentro do carro chegou aos 57�C
[01:31:53] <Quorthon> srrsly?
[01:31:58] <Ouro> abre os vidros e
[01:31:58] <Ouro> ez
[01:32:03] <Prompto> ya
[01:32:11] <Ouro> n�o te quemaste todo nos bancos?
[01:32:13] <Prompto> beja e �vora sao os infernos de ca de portugal
[01:32:21] <Prompto> nao preciso de ir tanto
[01:32:28] <Prompto> basto eu ir � praia q me queimo na areia
[01:32:41] <Quorthon> falando em carro
[01:32:51] <Quorthon> licen�a pra dirigir em portugal � com 16?
[01:33:04] <Prompto> mas 17 com autoriza��o dos pais pra come�ares a tirar o c�digo
[01:33:40] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[01:33:50] <Quorthon> q cara estranho na moral
[01:33:52] <Prompto> acho bem caralho
[01:33:52] <Quorthon> nunca vejo ele falando nada
[01:34:07] <Ouro> nao ias mesmo virar?
[01:34:20] <Prompto> claro que nao caralho, tou no lado direito da estrada, eu sigo o c�digo da estrada
[01:34:25] <Prompto> mesmo se tivesse que bater em ti
[01:34:30] <Ouro> xd
[01:34:35] <Quorthon> chupa esquerdalha comunista
[01:34:46] <Prompto> nem me fales desses nojentos
[01:34:56] <Quorthon> lmao jurava que vc fosse
[01:35:03] <Prompto> fui pra um curso na faculdade em q sou o unico nao esquerdista
[01:35:03] <Ouro> !!
[01:35:14] <Quorthon> o ouro com certeza nao �
[01:35:19] <Quorthon> nunca vi um careca comunista
[01:35:21] <Quorthon> impossivel
[01:35:24] <Prompto> ele � extrema direita
[01:35:29] <Ouro> ja n�o sou careca
[01:35:31] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:35:34] <Ouro> isto ja ta a crescer
[01:35:54] <Quorthon> cara pode ter um afro na sua cabe�a que eu vou falar isso
[01:35:54] <Prompto> �s que quor?
[01:36:20] <Quorthon> geralmente nenhum dos dois
[01:36:22] <Quorthon> ambos os lados sao burros
[01:36:27] <Prompto> wtf
[01:36:30] <Quorthon> also polariza��o nao existe
[01:36:35] <Quorthon> bagulho e tridimensional
[01:36:40] <Quorthon> mas nao vou explicar minha teoria aqui
[01:36:48] <Prompto> h� tantos partidos e ideologias politicas e este marmelo vem-me com "nao sou dos dois"
[01:37:00] <Quorthon> achei que estava falando de esquerda e direita
[01:37:08] <Quorthon> por isso falei que nao sou nenhum dos dois
[01:37:16] <Prompto> mesmo dentro da esquerda e da direita tens v�rios
[01:37:21] <Prompto> eu sou centro-direita
[01:38:22] <Quorthon> alem do mais isso varia demais de pais pra pais
[01:38:27] <Quorthon> essa defini��o de esquerda e direita
[01:38:29] <Quorthon> pega os eua por exempl
[01:38:34] <Quorthon> a porra do biden � de esquerda
[01:38:45] <Quorthon> e ele explodiu um pais arabe nao fazia nem 1 mes desde a posse
[01:38:47] <Prompto> a porra do biden � direita autorit�rio
[01:39:02] <Prompto> foda-se, os eua s� existe direita, tens s�o os autorit�rios e os moderados
[01:39:15] <Quorthon> na cabe�a deles sao esquerda e direita
[01:39:18] <Quorthon> tas a me entender
[01:39:28] <Prompto> sim mas a cabe�a deles � um caixote de lixo
[01:39:33] <Quorthon> concordo demais
[01:43:17] <Quorthon> muito op wtf
[01:43:37] <Prompto> a minha pi�a � muito op sim
[01:43:40] <Prompto> nao precisas de dizer
[01:43:50] <Prompto> crash
[01:43:52] <Ouro> pi�ante
[01:43:52] <Quorthon> o pequeno?
[01:43:52] <Prompto> oh no
[01:44:10] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[01:44:15] <Quorthon> rip
[01:44:26] --> Prompto connected to the server
[01:46:15] <Prompto> ultrapassar o fdp do gajo � complicado
[01:46:33] <Prompto> vou ver quanto temos agora
[01:46:38] <Quorthon> isso � em duplas?
[01:46:45] <Prompto> nao
[01:46:48] <Ouro> oq
[01:47:06] <Quorthon> esse evento da trapx
[01:47:13] <Ouro> n
[01:48:02] <Prompto> prompto: 514, lenz: 577, ouro: 728
[01:48:02] <Prompto> op
[01:48:17] <Quorthon> gg ouro
[01:48:19] <Ouro> quando come�aste ele ja tava com 288
[01:48:35] <Prompto> 300 e tal
[01:48:42] <Quorthon> 728 � o tanto de score que fiz em 3 meses
[01:49:00] <Ouro> so to a trucar
[01:49:33] <Ouro> cargo drop da mais score e dinheiro que trucador
[01:49:43] <Ouro> acho que vou fazer isso depois do evento da transx
[01:49:51] <Prompto> BRUH
[01:49:51] <Ouro> FILHO DA PUTA DO 3
[01:50:01] <Quorthon> kkkkkk
[01:50:21] <Ouro> eu a pensar que ele ja n�o iria aparecer t�o cedo e ai ele ta
[01:50:24] <Ouro> FILHA DA GRANDA PUTA
[01:50:27] <Prompto> XDD
[01:51:05] <Quorthon> por isso que eu sempre aposto o mesmo numero
[01:51:15] <Quorthon> pra nao passar essa raiva
[01:53:14] <Ouro> convoy prompto?
[01:53:22] <Prompto> siga
[01:53:25] <Prompto> tou a ir pra ls
[01:53:25] <Ouro> cbase?
[01:53:27] <Ouro> to em ls
[01:53:35] <Prompto> coutt and schutz
[01:53:40] <Ouro> willowfield
[01:54:08] <Prompto> encontramo-nos algures por ls ent
[01:54:23] <Ouro> perto de all saints hospital
[01:54:26] <Prompto> k
[01:55:27] <Ouro> ja ca tou
[01:55:32] <Prompto> tou a entrar em ls
[01:56:48] <Ouro> lideras tu ou eu
[01:57:01] <Prompto> tu
[01:59:43] <Ouro> fodase
[01:59:46] <Prompto> bruh
[01:59:59] <Ouro> tava a olhar pra tras
[02:00:01] <Prompto> xD
[02:00:55] <Ouro> fodase
[02:02:06] <Ouro> questa merda
[02:02:13] <Prompto> meu nao e
[02:03:25] <Ouro> nice farm quor
[02:03:40] <Quorthon> lmao this is way too op
[02:03:43] <Quorthon> im not even trying
[02:04:49] <Prompto> bruh
[02:05:22] <Ouro> ty
[02:05:24] <Prompto> yw
[02:05:47] <Prompto> vai tu � frente, nao consigo decidir caminhos
[02:07:09] <Ouro> trailer de merda
[02:07:11] <Prompto> haahaah
[02:08:43] <Prompto> fds
[02:10:04] <Prompto> bruh
[02:10:09] <Ouro> cones de merda
[02:11:38] <Prompto> mais 1m feito
[02:12:57] <Ouro> vou por um caminho novo
[02:12:59] <Ouro> also fuel
[02:13:02] <Prompto> at bem
[02:15:14] <Prompto> here
[02:15:47] <Prompto> ls - ap em 2h40
[02:15:50] <Prompto> caminho op
[02:16:28] <Prompto> ja encheste?
[02:16:36] <Ouro> sim
[02:16:53] <Prompto> ez
[02:17:04] <Quorthon> wtf gz
[02:19:29] <Prompto> 3h10 op demais
[02:19:44] <Ouro> ls bayside
[02:19:46] <Prompto> rip
[02:19:49] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[02:19:54] <Prompto> wb
[02:19:54] <Quorthon> wb
[02:20:42] <mr_toothpaste> ty
[02:20:52] <Ouro> el quebrados?
[02:20:55] <Prompto> ya
[02:21:25] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[02:22:04] --> mr_toothpaste connected to the server
[02:24:21] <Ouro> 296km
[02:24:26] <Prompto> enche
[02:24:26] <Ouro> vou mudar de camiao
[02:24:29] <Prompto> ok
[02:25:24] <Quorthon> !cash
[02:25:27] (WEB) <robin_be> Quorthon has $1,636,951 in hand
[02:25:30] <Prompto> gz
[02:25:35] <Quorthon> gz
[02:28:00] <Prompto> oh
[02:28:00] <Prompto> nice
[02:28:12] <Ouro> front flip
[02:28:33] <Prompto> � nice af na mesma
[02:28:43] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Helloda
[02:28:56] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Sopa do macaco uma delicia kkkkk
[02:29:03] <Quorthon> XD
[02:29:03] <Prompto> overused joke
[02:29:13] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> E uma delicia kkkkk
[02:29:16] <Quorthon> jealous tuga ^
[02:29:21] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> o nao?
[02:29:29] <Prompto> HOLY SHIT
[02:29:41] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> did your trailer go to space
[02:29:44] <Prompto> yes
[02:29:49] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> f
[02:30:22] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> XD?
[02:30:37] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Prompto my bro, all fine?
[02:30:42] <Prompto> no
[02:30:53] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Wha?
[02:31:00] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> D:
[02:31:26] <Prompto> n tenho hidraulicos neste
[02:31:26] <Prompto> fuck
[02:31:56] <Prompto> agua
[02:31:59] <Prompto> foda-se
[02:32:04] <Ouro> bruh
[02:32:27] <Prompto> camioes de merda sem hidraulicos
[02:33:18] <Prompto> bruh
[02:33:20] <Prompto> ia agora pra la
[02:33:20] <Prompto> ls
[02:35:45] <Ouro> mais este e vou sair
[02:35:48] <Prompto> ok
[02:35:55] <Ouro> podes come�ar um
[02:35:58] <Ouro> e sair do convoy
[02:36:00] <Prompto> mais 10 e saio tmbm
[02:36:16] <Prompto> acaba esta pra receberes o bonus
[02:36:23] <Ouro> eu recebo o bonus na mesma
[02:36:28] <Prompto> ah ok
[02:36:33] <Ouro> da para fazer convoy so com uma pessoa
[02:36:38] <Ouro> mas levas warning
[02:36:41] <Ouro> xd
[02:36:44] <Prompto> xD
[02:36:51] <Prompto> leafy hollow
[02:36:51] <Prompto> foda-se
[02:36:56] <Ouro> !missions truckings
[02:36:56] <Ouro> !missions trucking
[02:36:59] (WEB) <robin_be> skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[02:37:01] <Ouro> !missions trucking
[02:37:04] (WEB) <robin_be> Ouro: 3073 trucking
[02:37:07] <Ouro> nice
[02:37:09] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[02:37:09] <Prompto> bicho
[02:37:12] <Prompto> !missions trucking
[02:37:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Prompto: 847 trucking
[02:38:41] <-- mr_toothpaste disconnected from the server
[02:40:05] <Prompto> FODA-SE
[02:40:12] <Quorthon> oi prompto
[02:40:15] <Quorthon> tava afk
[02:40:20] <Quorthon> o que lhe aflinge
[02:40:25] <Prompto> leafy hollow
[02:40:30] <Prompto> detesto este lugar
[02:42:07] <Prompto> nossa
[02:42:09] <Prompto> q lotto baixaa
[02:42:12] <Prompto> quem ganhou? :)
[02:42:14] <Quorthon> por que ser�
[02:42:17] <Quorthon> filho duma piuta
[02:42:19] <Quorthon> puta
[02:42:30] <Prompto> q nao me fodessses os 5m q te dei boi
[02:42:37] <Quorthon> KKKKKK
[02:43:13] <Quorthon> muito interessante a lotto equivaler a todo o meu dinheiro na mao
[02:43:20] <Quorthon> que fiquei duas horas trabalhando
[02:43:20] <Quorthon> :)))
[02:43:33] <Prompto> :)))))))))
[02:43:36] <Prompto> .I.
[02:47:19] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[02:47:24] <Prompto> wb
[02:47:37] <Akiyamaha> i have returned
[02:47:55] <Akiyamaha> ooooo
[02:47:57] <Akiyamaha> who won the lotto
[02:48:00] <Prompto> me
[02:48:05] <Akiyamaha> how much was it
[02:48:15] <Prompto> 1.4m I think
[02:48:18] <Quorthon> Maligayang pagbabalik
[02:48:23] <Akiyamaha> /addlotto 1400000
[02:48:23] <Quorthon> i felt imense dread typing that
[02:48:25] <Akiyamaha> :)
[02:48:31] <Akiyamaha> why quor
[02:48:33] <Prompto> quor stfu
[02:48:53] <Quorthon> jk aki
[02:48:53] <Quorthon> wb
[02:49:06] <Akiyamaha> just say 'chupain kita pre'
[02:49:16] <Akiyamaha> it means wb too and it's more beautiful
[02:49:21] <Quorthon> chupain prompto
[02:49:21] <Quorthon> :)
[02:49:26] <Prompto> chupa tu oh cabrao
[02:49:32] <Quorthon> KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
[02:49:47] <Akiyamaha> does chupa mean something for you too guys
[02:49:52] <Quorthon> yes
[02:49:52] <Prompto> it means to suck
[02:49:52] --> Zach connected to the server
[02:49:54] <Akiyamaha> oh lmao
[02:49:57] <Prompto> like suck a cock
[02:50:00] <Akiyamaha> so thats where it was from
[02:50:05] <Quorthon> wait
[02:50:07] <Quorthon> fuck you aki
[02:50:10] <Quorthon> let me translate that
[02:50:22] <Akiyamaha> i guess chupa chups gets some chuckles too huh
[02:50:25] <Prompto> indonesians really do forget malacca was portuguese lmao
[02:50:50] <Quorthon> hes filipino
[02:50:55] <Quorthon> :( sorry
[02:51:03] <Prompto> I thought he was indonesian lmao
[02:51:06] <Akiyamaha> dont remind me of my nationality :(
[02:51:06] <Akiyamaha> hadeh
[02:51:16] <Prompto> but still. filipino.. it comes from spanish
[02:51:21] <Akiyamaha> yup
[02:51:34] <Prompto> yea they have the same word for that
[02:51:36] <Prompto> chupa
[02:51:46] <Akiyamaha> wtf is a chupacabra then
[02:51:49] <Quorthon> lmao
[02:51:49] <Prompto> goatsucker
[02:51:51] <Akiyamaha> nympho
[02:52:02] <Quorthon> literally goatsucker
[02:52:12] <Quorthon> but it has like at least 5 different meanings here in brazil
[02:52:27] <Prompto> sangue suga is a known one I guess
[02:52:40] <Akiyamaha> sangue = blood?
[02:52:45] <Prompto> yea
[02:54:04] <Akiyamaha> that reminds me
[02:54:19] <Akiyamaha> shopkeepers here chuckle at me sometimes
[02:54:29] <Quorthon> damn why
[02:54:32] <Prompto> y
[02:54:42] <Akiyamaha> since spanish numbers are also used here but i dont know any of them lmao
[02:54:54] <Akiyamaha> i just stand there mind blank lmao
[02:55:00] <Prompto> wut
[02:55:05] <Prompto> what do you mean spanish numbers
[02:55:07] <Quorthon> uno chupain trip kle
[02:55:17] <Akiyamaha> uno, dos, etc.
[02:55:17] <Quorthon> already forgot the rest sorry
[02:55:22] <Akiyamaha> then the bigger numbers too
[02:55:35] <Prompto> uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez
[02:55:50] <Akiyamaha> yes
[02:56:06] <Quorthon> gj prompto
[02:56:11] <Quorthon> proud of you :3
[02:56:11] <Prompto> oh what
[02:56:18] <Akiyamaha> seis is sais and diez is jis here
[02:56:34] <Akiyamaha> kinda like a bastardization of the language lol
[02:56:34] <Prompto> sais means salts for us hahaah
[02:57:02] <Akiyamaha> cant believe i could've paid using salt smh
[02:57:24] <Prompto> it can also mean "you leave"
[02:58:05] <Prompto> lmao I didn't notice my truck was on fire
[02:58:10] <Akiyamaha> lmao what
[02:58:15] <Quorthon> holy fuck that scared me
[02:58:36] <Zach> lmao
[02:58:43] --> Sadx connected to the server
[02:58:48] <Akiyamaha> wb 333333
[02:58:53] <Prompto> welcome 3 fetish lover
[02:59:09] <Prompto> !player three
[02:59:11] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player three
[02:59:11] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[02:59:14] <Prompto> just name yourself Three lmao
[02:59:29] --> Sadx connected to the server
[02:59:32] <Quorthon> hey zach
[02:59:37] <Zach> hey
[02:59:44] <Quorthon> do you have db access?
[02:59:52] <Sadx> thanks :)
[03:00:00] <Sadx> just turned on my auto login
[03:00:02] <Zach> not atm why?
[03:00:05] <Sadx> ez saving my assets
[03:00:10] <-- Sadx disconnected from the server
[03:00:15] <Prompto> interest farmer
[03:00:28] <Akiyamaha> farming side missions when
[03:00:43] <Prompto> farming at400 1min flights when
[03:00:53] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> farming taxi when
[03:04:24] <-- Zach disconnected from the server
[03:05:02] <Quorthon> kinda sus when i get 3 straight 300k wotd's
[03:05:10] <Quorthon> and right when an admin joins i get like 200k
[03:05:17] <Prompto> wotd helps players
[03:05:17] <Akiyamaha> mission farming smh
[03:05:30] <Prompto> also
[03:05:33] <Prompto> u mission farmer af
[03:05:35] <Prompto> mfer
[03:05:40] <Quorthon> ngl tho
[03:05:51] <Quorthon> but i really didnt know that was mission farming
[03:05:53] <Quorthon> it has been a while too
[03:06:11] <Prompto> wait what
[03:06:16] <Prompto> u actually mission farmed?
[03:06:19] <Quorthon> yes lmao
[03:06:24] <Akiyamaha> how long have you been doing /w /s then lmfao
[03:06:31] <Prompto> lovely, don't forget admins can read this chat
[03:06:36] <Quorthon> wait you are misinterpreting me
[03:06:44] <Quorthon> i told it has been a while since I did that
[03:06:46] <Akiyamaha> no we arent
[03:06:49] <Akiyamaha> lock him up bois
[03:06:49] <Quorthon> like 1 year
[03:06:57] <Prompto> excuses now
[03:07:07] <Akiyamaha> inb4 quor actually gets banned
[03:07:07] <Quorthon> ok i give up
[03:07:17] <Quorthon> you all caught me red handed
[03:07:27] <Prompto> bad quor
[03:07:27] <Quorthon> i really did tap prompto's mom last night
[03:07:30] <Prompto> /report
[03:07:32] <Quorthon> sorry
[03:07:32] <Akiyamaha> lmao
[03:07:40] <Prompto> how was she?
[03:08:15] <Quorthon> damn you countered me real hard
[03:08:21] <Quorthon> i cant think of an intelligent answer
[03:08:21] <Quorthon> gz
[03:08:26] <Prompto> that's what your mother said last to me
[03:08:28] <Prompto> last night*
[03:08:33] <Quorthon> gz or the rest?
[03:08:36] <Akiyamaha> gz?
[03:15:31] <Quorthon> !cash
[03:15:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Quorthon has $2,102,218 in hand
[03:15:43] <Quorthon> man working sucks
[03:15:46] <Quorthon> como vc aguenta prompto
[03:15:48] <Prompto> ikr
[03:15:56] <Prompto> masoquismo
[03:16:39] --> Lenz connected to the server
[03:16:44] <Quorthon> nao acredito que ate hoje nao clamparam meu tow truck
[03:16:47] <Quorthon> wb
[03:17:15] <Lenz> ty
[03:18:26] <Prompto> outro milhao feito
[03:18:54] <Quorthon> prompto fazendeiro
[03:19:02] <Prompto> smp
[03:19:19] <Quorthon> digo pelo milho grande
[03:19:19] <Quorthon> bad joke
[03:19:25] <Quorthon> tchau
[03:19:25] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[03:19:27] <Prompto> ..
[03:23:49] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[03:28:39] (WEB) <GoogleMeNow#0631> anyone there
[03:28:42] <Lenz> yes
[03:28:42] <Akiyamaha> hi
[03:29:05] <Lenz> aki noob
[03:29:10] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> boob
[03:29:50] --> David connected to the server
[03:29:53] <Akiyamaha> wow why am i noob now
[03:32:33] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[03:32:38] <Lenz> wb brooks
[03:32:38] <Akiyamaha> wb haxor
[03:33:24] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[03:33:49] <Akiyamaha> time to
[03:33:52] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[03:33:52] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[03:35:23] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[03:37:20] --> Ouro connected to the server
[03:41:17] <Ouro> !cboard
[03:41:19] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22542) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4053) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3261)
[03:43:16] <Ouro> how much does roadtrain cost to service
[03:43:29] <Lenz> 24k
[03:43:47] <Ouro> that's actually pretty cheap
[03:46:09] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[03:46:37] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[03:47:28] --> Ouro connected to the server
[03:48:52] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[03:49:12] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[03:49:12] <Syracuse> hello Akiyamahoe
[03:49:20] <Ouro> :o
[03:49:25] <Akiyamaha> ty bitchlyn
[03:49:30] <Ouro> :oo
[03:50:01] <Syracuse> aki "you're ma hoe"
[03:50:21] <Akiyamaha> yes
[03:50:31] <Akiyamaha> ouro can be hoero
[03:51:04] <Ouro> how much does taxi pay per w
[03:51:09] <Akiyamaha> shite
[03:51:14] <Syracuse> like 10k\
[03:51:25] <Syracuse> 20k for long ride
[03:51:35] <Lenz> isnt coach better?
[03:51:42] <Ouro> when i was new i only ever /w as taxi
[03:51:42] <Syracuse> nah, same shit
[03:51:47] <Ouro> that's how i got my vip 3
[03:51:55] <Akiyamaha> madlad
[03:52:08] <Ouro> i didn't have a controller and flying in bad weather sucked
[03:52:28] <Ouro> also didn't know about increasing memory so had a lot of ninja problems
[03:53:06] <danielsonspromaxplus> for god sake
[03:53:16] <Syracuse> nani?
[03:53:19] <Akiyamaha> f
[03:53:52] <Akiyamaha> inb4 ping
[03:53:57] <danielsonspromaxplus> bye
[03:54:02] <Syracuse> bai
[03:54:17] <Akiyamaha> no i will believe
[03:54:28] <danielsonspromaxplus> believe in ur isp?
[03:54:30] <Ouro> F
[03:54:33] <Akiyamaha> yes
[03:54:35] <danielsonspromaxplus> not gonna work
[03:55:16] <Akiyamaha> getting good at the whole not-spinning-out in the super gt
[03:55:36] <Ouro> driving that car in the rain is ass
[03:55:41] <danielsonspromaxplus> oooo
[03:55:44] <danielsonspromaxplus> nice stunt
[03:55:46] <Akiyamaha> that was cool lmao
[03:55:52] <danielsonspromaxplus> yeah
[03:55:52] <Akiyamaha> whats vweather for rain again
[03:55:57] <Ouro> 18?
[03:56:25] <Ouro> what about the thickets fog?
[03:56:32] <Ouro> thickest*
[03:56:37] <Akiyamaha> omg vweather 8 lmao
[03:56:40] <Akiyamaha> zero traction
[03:56:45] <danielsonspromaxplus> lets
[03:56:47] <Akiyamaha> 19 i think
[03:56:53] <danielsonspromaxplus> fuck
[03:58:19] <danielsonspromaxplus> gay house
[03:58:24] <Akiyamaha> nou
[03:58:27] <danielsonspromaxplus> :c
[04:00:01] --> Prompto connected to the server
[04:00:08] <danielsonspromaxplus> wb prompto from portugal
[04:00:11] <Akiyamaha> wb chupa
[04:00:19] <Ouro> olha esta desgra�a prompto em /cbase
[04:00:31] <Syracuse> hello Promptugal from Porto
[04:00:36] <Prompto> wtf
[04:00:39] <Prompto> hello guys
[04:00:39] <Ouro> ca� aqui e colou-se
[04:00:44] <Prompto> ouro how the fuck
[04:00:59] <Ouro> maz� dar /s
[04:01:02] <Ouro> foda-se
[04:01:04] <Prompto> XD
[04:01:53] <Prompto> siga convoy ou nao
[04:02:00] <Prompto> oh filho
[04:02:00] <Ouro> questa merda
[04:02:03] <Ouro> siga
[04:02:05] <Prompto> so te fodes
[04:02:10] <Syracuse> !cboard
[04:02:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22552) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4063) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3261)
[04:02:15] <Prompto> fuck go-jek ahahhaa
[04:02:23] <Akiyamaha> rip
[04:02:23] <Syracuse> a
[04:02:36] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[04:02:43] <Syracuse> nah, transx gay af
[04:02:51] <Ouro> yeah it's trannies
[04:03:32] <Prompto> bruh
[04:03:34] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[04:03:37] <Prompto> eu ja nao tava ao teu lado desta vez
[04:03:42] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[04:03:52] <Prompto> wb danielsonspromaxplus from australia
[04:04:00] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty prompto from brazil
[04:04:00] <Ouro> aussie mate
[04:04:10] <danielsonspromaxplus> gday m8
[04:04:15] <Prompto> g'day*
[04:04:20] <Syracuse> green day?
[04:04:25] <Prompto> wtf ny
[04:04:25] <danielsonspromaxplus> gay day
[04:04:38] <Syracuse> what?
[04:04:40] <Prompto> OURO
[04:04:43] <Ouro> runway da merda
[04:05:03] <Prompto> what a shit lotto :V
[04:05:06] <Ouro> aquela merda de runway sai pra fora
[04:05:16] <Syracuse> yes, /addlotto, prompt
[04:05:36] <Ouro> addlotto both of your interests
[04:05:39] <Prompto> nah
[04:05:49] <Syracuse> 5k?
[04:05:54] <danielsonspromaxplus> 10k
[04:05:59] <danielsonspromaxplus> rc
[04:05:59] <Lenz> 5m for baron
[04:06:04] <Syracuse> see, danielson is overpricing it
[04:06:04] <Prompto> lol no:v
[04:06:07] <danielsonspromaxplus> 5.1
[04:06:09] <danielsonspromaxplus> hey
[04:06:25] <Ouro> now you gotta buy it
[04:06:27] <danielsonspromaxplus> 10k
[04:06:30] <Prompto> nah nah
[04:06:32] <Prompto> 10m*
[04:06:35] <Ouro> aceita 7
[04:06:35] <danielsonspromaxplus> :(
[04:06:42] <Lenz> dani scammer
[04:06:48] <Ouro> compraste-o por 5 caralho
[04:06:55] <Prompto> sete e meio
[04:06:58] <danielsonspromaxplus> come on i dont have job cuz of covid pls reduce it
[04:07:00] <Ouro> deal
[04:07:13] <Prompto> you bidded 10m for it
[04:07:21] <danielsonspromaxplus> :c
[04:07:28] <Syracuse> he said "10"
[04:07:28] <Ouro> ja aceitei os 7.5
[04:07:33] <Syracuse> didnt say k or m
[04:07:36] <danielsonspromaxplus> yes
[04:07:38] <Prompto> ouro, eu disse q comprei-o por 7.5
[04:07:44] <Lenz> 10 cent
[04:07:46] <danielsonspromaxplus> 10 pence
[04:07:51] <Ouro> ent�o deixa n�o pago mais que isso
[04:07:56] <Prompto> dani you big scammer
[04:07:59] <danielsonspromaxplus> tencent
[04:08:04] <danielsonspromaxplus> oh that's different
[04:08:34] <danielsonspromaxplus> 8m and i buy it
[04:08:37] <Syracuse> what, you're gonna offer the whole tencent company for a baron?
[04:08:42] <danielsonspromaxplus> yes
[04:08:45] <Syracuse> wow rich
[04:08:52] <danielsonspromaxplus> gonna make prompto chinese
[04:08:57] <Prompto> excuse me what
[04:09:07] <danielsonspromaxplus> and make chinese version of PL
[04:09:15] <Prompto> ate derrapei crlh
[04:09:56] <Prompto> hang on
[04:10:08] <Ouro> ja comecei uma
[04:10:11] <danielsonspromaxplus> tick tock motherfucker
[04:10:14] <Ouro> mintirinha
[04:10:21] <danielsonspromaxplus> sorry i quote that from movie
[04:10:24] <Prompto> I'm trucking genius christ
[04:10:26] <Ouro> vais fazer o negrocio ou come�o
[04:10:31] <Prompto> negocio
[04:10:39] <Prompto> /givecash dani
[04:10:41] <Syracuse> Hitman's Bodyguard eh
[04:11:17] <danielsonspromaxplus> gg prompto pleasure doing business
[04:11:25] <Ouro> posso come�ar?
[04:11:27] <Prompto> ya
[04:12:56] <Prompto> nao vejo nada com a puta das arvores fsds
[04:13:04] <Ouro> +1
[04:14:15] <Ouro> bruh
[04:14:15] <Syracuse> !missions winny skimmer
[04:14:18] (WEB) <robin_be> winny: 500 skimmer
[04:14:20] <Prompto> wtf
[04:14:25] <Ouro> a ponte � baixa de mais
[04:14:25] <Prompto> ouro wtf are you doing
[04:14:38] <Prompto> ficaste preso?
[04:14:41] <Ouro> o trailerzinho bateu na parte de baixo dela
[04:14:43] <Ouro> nao
[04:18:04] <Ouro> 3m
[04:18:14] <Prompto> well eu tecnicamente fiz 11m
[04:18:35] --> Jacob connected to the server
[04:20:06] <Ouro> quase 1m de juros
[04:21:12] <Ouro> vais todo speedado da nisso
[04:21:12] <Ouro> smh
[04:21:12] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[04:21:12] (WEB) <TheGamer> Verdant Bluffs to El Quebrados Hotel. 4 hours 28 minutes(5384 Metres) Pay: $12466
[04:21:43] <Ouro> !lastmission
[04:21:45] (WEB) <TheGamer> San Fierro Supa Save to Las Barrancas Bank. 1 hours 36 minutes(1793 Metres) Pay: $11020
[04:21:56] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[04:22:08] <Prompto> puto de jerk caralho
[04:22:13] <Ouro> ya
[04:22:29] <Ouro> isso fode-me bue vezes
[04:25:06] <Prompto> puta
[04:25:11] <Ouro> agua?
[04:25:14] <Prompto> quase
[04:25:21] <Prompto> consegui empurra-la pra ponte
[04:26:10] <Ouro> foda-se que burro
[04:26:17] <Ouro> fui para el castillo
[04:26:20] <Prompto> wut
[04:26:22] <Prompto> hahahaha
[04:27:11] <Ouro> 13 fuel
[04:27:24] <Prompto> fuel
[04:27:59] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[04:29:03] <Prompto> lol
[04:29:05] <Prompto> e eu a ir por caminho seguro
[04:29:10] <Prompto> e tu boom
[04:30:04] <Prompto> lmao el ni�o
[04:30:14] <Ouro> what
[04:30:27] <Prompto> syracuse's mission
[04:31:10] <Prompto> ponte 25 de abril
[04:31:35] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[04:33:09] <Prompto> HAHAHAH
[04:33:27] <Ouro> foda-se
[04:33:30] <Prompto> funny shit
[04:33:35] <Prompto> bitch
[04:33:45] <Ouro> nice farmzinho
[04:33:47] <Prompto> bruh
[04:34:13] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[04:34:13] <Ouro> proximo deve ser ls docks
[04:34:18] <Prompto> wb new york
[04:34:23] <Syracuse> ty nub
[04:34:26] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[04:34:28] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Syracuse's bank money is $369,900,000
[04:34:28] <Prompto> stfu nub
[04:34:31] <Prompto> !bankcash
[04:34:31] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Prompto's bank money is $219,000,000
[04:34:31] <Syracuse> nou
[04:34:41] <Ouro> !bankcash
[04:34:43] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Ouro's bank money is $114,000,000
[04:34:46] <Ouro> look guys 8 digits too
[04:34:51] <Prompto> nice
[04:34:54] <Syracuse> 9*
[04:34:59] <Ouro> 8*
[04:34:59] <Prompto> lmao nub
[04:35:06] <Prompto> it's 9 digits
[04:35:16] <Ouro> it 8
[04:35:21] <Syracuse> count again
[04:35:29] <Prompto> a tua matem�tica ta fodida
[04:35:32] <Ouro> i just did
[04:35:34] <Ouro> it's 8
[04:35:37] <Ouro> onde vais
[04:35:42] <Prompto> oh shit
[04:35:42] <Ouro> bruh????
[04:35:47] <Prompto> �S BRUXO CARALHO
[04:35:47] <Ouro> o que � que eu disse
[04:36:02] <Prompto> shit
[04:36:07] <Prompto> nem a travar deu
[04:36:20] <Prompto> brujer�a
[04:36:43] <Ouro> lv ou sf
[04:36:48] <Prompto> uhm
[04:36:48] <Syracuse> and how the fuck 100m+ is only 8 digits?
[04:36:48] <Prompto> sf
[04:37:01] <Prompto> he's a nub
[04:37:06] <Ouro> because it's 8
[04:37:16] <Syracuse> \
[04:37:18] <Ouro> !bankcash
[04:37:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Ouro's bank money is $114,000,000
[04:37:18] <Ouro> look
[04:37:29] <Syracuse> you're dragging my iq down to negative
[04:37:31] <Prompto> 114 (3) 000 (3) 000 (3)
[04:37:34] <Prompto> 3+3+3=9
[04:37:44] <Ouro> that's 12
[04:37:49] <Prompto> wut
[04:38:04] <Prompto> now my iq is dropping fast
[04:38:14] <Ouro> careful you're gonna enter iq debt
[04:38:19] <Syracuse> I already did
[04:38:22] <Syracuse> thnaks to you
[04:41:10] <Prompto> nem sei se por aqui � mais rapido
[04:41:13] <Prompto> eu fodi-me
[04:41:15] <Ouro> eu tbm
[04:41:18] <Ouro> 2x
[04:41:20] <Prompto> ah
[04:41:25] <Prompto> eu consegui saltar aquilo
[04:41:41] <Prompto> foda-se
[04:41:43] <Prompto> q bugado q tu es
[04:41:51] <Ouro> nou
[04:42:14] <Ouro> tas a usar os mesmos mods que eu e no meu ecra tu n�o �s bugado
[04:42:26] <Prompto> no meu quando viras, o teu trailer fica nas putas
[04:42:32] <Ouro> lmao
[04:42:32] <Prompto> ha bocado o teu trailer ficou em cima de mim
[04:42:52] <Prompto> como uma puta desesperada
[04:42:54] <Ouro> sigo em frente ou mont
[04:42:59] <Prompto> mont
[04:48:17] <Prompto> fds
[04:49:26] <Prompto> PUTA
[04:49:36] <Ouro> what happened
[04:49:39] <Ouro> agua?
[04:49:41] <Prompto> o trailer jerkou sozinho
[04:50:07] <Prompto> como � q est amerda em linha reta jerka...
[04:50:17] <Ouro> ele abana
[04:51:13] <Ouro> quando chega a uma certa inclina��o fode-se todo
[04:51:18] <Prompto> ...
[04:52:14] <Ouro> 279km
[04:53:43] <Prompto> FODA-SE
[04:53:43] <Ouro> LMAO
[04:53:43] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[04:53:50] <Ouro> massive rage quit lma
[04:53:53] <Ouro> o
[04:54:08] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> PUTA
[04:54:23] <Ouro> deixaste o trailerzinho sozinho coitado
[04:55:02] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> filha da ganda puta nao colabora comigo
[04:55:14] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> quero que ele morra e apodre�a da cona da mae dele
[04:55:19] <Ouro> hahahaha
[04:55:42] <Ouro> aqui do meu lado foi epico de ver ngl�
[04:56:33] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> foda-se atrelado de pi�a, sens�vel como as pitas ofendidas
[04:56:59] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> uma pessoa nao pode virar meio angulo a mais q ja de fode
[04:57:01] <Ouro> tenho que lhe instalar uns pesos nele
[04:57:11] <Ouro> � leve de mais deliza por todo o lado
[04:57:42] <Ouro> la vai o filha da porcalhona
[04:57:44] <Ouro> pra agua
[04:57:49] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> caiste na agua?
[04:57:55] <Ouro> eu n�o
[04:58:07] <Ouro> o trailerzinho merdoso do caralho
[04:58:20] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> quis visitar os peixes
[04:58:28] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> manda-o �s piranhas
[04:59:03] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[04:59:39] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> outro desistente
[04:59:41] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> vou maz� dormir
[04:59:49] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> same
[04:59:54] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> sono de mais para aturar as merdas do trailerzinho
[04:59:59] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> TOTIL
[05:00:02] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> !missions ouro trucking
[05:00:04] (WEB) <robin_be> ouro: 3095 trucking
[05:00:12] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> foda-se so mais 5 para 3100
[05:00:20] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> fazes amanha ????
[05:00:27] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> hoje nem 100 fiz
[05:00:30] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> f
[05:01:03] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> so fiz 1.5m tbm sem contar com interest
[05:01:10] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> nice
[05:01:21] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> eu ia rumo as 12m mas ele nao colabora
[05:01:26] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> entao puta q o pariu
[05:01:49] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> amanh� vou ver se encontro um melhor
[05:02:01] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> ok
[05:02:01] --> Winny connected to the server
[05:02:04] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> de preferencia pequeno e baixo
[05:02:14] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> wb market price manipulator
[05:09:19] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[05:10:22] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[05:14:49] <Syracuse> |!groups allen-lombard
[05:15:02] <Syracuse> !groups allen_lombard
[05:15:05] (WEB) <robin_be> allen_lombard is in airline Inverted Airlines and company (none)
[05:17:47] (WEB) <Rudolph#3177> !player david
[05:17:50] (WEB) <robin_be> player david: 16790 score, last seen null
[05:32:42] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[06:06:19] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[06:06:29] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[06:12:15] <Syracuse> lmao
[06:12:17] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[06:12:17] (WEB) <TheGamer> County General to County General. 0 hours 5 minutes(0 Metres) Pay: $2403
[06:18:03] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[06:27:58] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> tf how
[06:28:03] <danielsonspromaxplus> what
[06:28:19] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> brooklyns last mission
[06:28:31] <danielsonspromaxplus> bug maybe
[06:30:33] --> Yerimise connected to the server
[06:31:07] <-- Yerimise disconnected from the server
[06:31:17] --> Yerimise connected to the server
[06:40:21] <danielsonspromaxplus> wb bobba
[06:40:26] <Winny> hi
[06:48:24] --> Shressth connected to the server
[06:49:22] <Shressth> ayo
[06:49:27] <danielsonspromaxplus> yoa
[06:49:35] <Shressth> nice name dan
[06:49:40] <danielsonspromaxplus> thanks
[06:49:50] <-- Shressth disconnected from the server
[06:50:06] <danielsonspromaxplus> k stuck
[06:50:57] <Winny> smh
[06:50:59] <danielsonspromaxplus> ...
[06:51:14] <Winny> aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[06:51:30] <danielsonspromaxplus> nice
[06:51:32] <Winny> lmao
[06:51:42] <danielsonspromaxplus> quick
[06:52:15] <danielsonspromaxplus> gg gaming
[06:52:20] <Winny> holy shit
[06:52:26] <danielsonspromaxplus> finally
[07:08:21] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[07:11:09] <-- Yerimise disconnected from the server
[07:14:22] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[07:14:45] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[07:43:55] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[07:44:13] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[07:51:50] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[08:08:55] --> Askun connected to the server
[08:25:24] <-- Askun disconnected from the server
[09:54:17] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[09:55:00] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[10:13:52] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[10:15:56] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[10:18:47] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[10:21:32] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[10:25:51] --> Winny connected to the server
[10:25:54] <Winny> r/cbase
[10:38:21] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[10:55:41] --> warmbees connected to the server
[10:56:24] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[10:56:37] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[10:57:05] <-- warmbees disconnected from the server
[10:58:36] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[11:04:25] --> warmbees connected to the server
[11:05:23] <warmbees> !score sadx
[11:05:26] (WEB) <robin_be> player sadx: 19610 score, 19520 missions: 51'/. at400 - 13'/. military - 8'/. shamal
[11:15:31] <-- warmbees disconnected from the server
[11:17:21] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[11:27:44] --> Rudolph connected to the server
[11:28:09] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> Tb.
[11:29:03] <-- Rudolph disconnected from the server
[11:30:40] <Winny> wow
[11:36:38] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[11:42:16] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[11:42:27] <TH_GT2250> wb
[11:42:29] <Nati_Mage> ty
[11:42:44] --> Lenz connected to the server
[11:42:47] <TH_GT2250> wb
[11:42:52] <Nati_Mage> wb
[11:42:52] <Lenz> ty
[11:43:51] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[11:45:45] --> Broadside connected to the server
[11:46:08] <Broadside> Hi guys
[11:46:13] <TH_GT2250> hi
[11:47:34] <TH_GT2250> gz
[11:47:39] <Broadside> thanks
[11:52:14] <-- Broadside disconnected from the server
[12:12:32] <TH_GT2250> !bankcash
[12:12:32] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}TH_GT2250's bank money is $12,621,423
[12:22:50] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[12:22:52] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[12:22:57] --> Yerimise connected to the server
[12:23:33] <-- Yerimise disconnected from the server
[12:29:01] --> Broadside connected to the server
[12:34:37] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[12:34:44] <slampinjsh> wb
[12:35:20] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty
[12:37:37] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[12:38:38] (WEB) <UsadaPekora#6620> !bankcash
[12:43:43] <-- Broadside disconnected from the server
[12:45:25] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[12:55:10] --> Ouro connected to the server
[12:56:54] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:01:14] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:04:07] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:07:30] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[13:07:33] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[13:08:11] --> Lenz connected to the server
[13:08:54] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[13:10:00] --> Lenz connected to the server
[13:12:05] --> IceLube connected to the server
[13:12:17] <IceLube> wb
[13:12:20] <IceLube> ty
[13:12:25] <Ouro> ty
[13:12:27] <IceLube> ty
[13:12:30] <IceLube> oreo
[13:12:30] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[13:12:30] <IceLube> how are you
[13:12:43] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[13:13:13] <danielsonspromaxplus> gg ouro av legend
[13:13:16] <IceLube> oreo
[13:14:27] <IceLube> oreo gang
[13:16:01] --> Lenz connected to the server
[13:16:04] <IceLube> wb
[13:16:04] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:16:06] <IceLube> wb
[13:16:11] <IceLube> ty
[13:16:11] <IceLube> t
[13:16:11] <IceLube> ty
[13:16:19] <Ouro> ty
[13:16:24] <IceLube> oreo gang
[13:16:59] <IceLube> oof
[13:17:05] <IceLube> oreo its your fault
[13:17:27] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[13:17:40] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[13:18:28] --> Yerimise connected to the server
[13:19:14] --> Lenz connected to the server
[13:19:24] <Akiyamaha> wb desync king
[13:19:35] <Lenz> c:
[13:19:52] <IceLube> wb
[13:19:58] <Ouro> ty
[13:20:03] <Akiyamaha> ty
[13:20:10] <IceLube> ouro
[13:20:13] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[13:20:15] <IceLube> its your ffault
[13:23:08] <IceLube> winny
[13:30:41] <-- IceLube disconnected from the server
[13:33:06] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:33:29] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:34:30] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:36:55] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> caralho
[13:37:05] <Ouro> caralhito
[13:38:52] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> smp a trucares tu
[13:39:04] <Ouro> at� o evento acabar � sempre
[13:39:27] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> pena eu so poder entrar as 17h, rip
[13:39:50] <Ouro> o lenzito ta offline pelo menos
[13:40:26] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> nem quero ver os estragos dele xD
[13:40:38] <Ouro> ele tem uns 150 a mais que tu
[13:41:12] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> nope, menos
[13:41:19] <Ouro> ele tem quantos
[13:41:22] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> 636 e eu com 556
[13:41:27] <Ouro> tu tens 535
[13:41:29] <Ouro> bruh
[13:41:37] <Ouro> pensei que ele tava nos 680
[13:41:39] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> what, a mim aparece 556
[13:41:57] <Ouro> a ultima vez que eu te vi tavas nos 535 lol
[13:42:23] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> tu com 778, ele ja nao te apanha lol
[13:42:30] <-- Yerimise disconnected from the server
[13:42:46] <Ouro> hoje vou upar para aviation legend rank
[13:42:53] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> pre gz
[13:42:58] <Ouro> pre ty
[13:43:14] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:43:31] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> dildo house owner, wb
[13:43:44] <Akiyamaha> ty
[13:43:52] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> chupa
[13:44:04] <Akiyamaha> chupain mo sarili mo
[13:44:07] <Ouro> qu�
[13:44:07] <Akiyamaha> :>
[13:44:35] <Ouro> you know chupa?
[13:44:55] <Akiyamaha> yes we have chupa too
[13:45:21] <Ouro> chupa this caralho
[13:45:26] <Ouro> B)
[13:45:36] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> ?(???)?
[13:45:41] <Akiyamaha> it's rotten
[13:45:44] <Akiyamaha> nty
[13:46:04] <Ouro> i'm not that dead that my body is decomposing
[13:46:07] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> mama s� a pontinha
[13:46:24] <Akiyamaha> time to clog up webchat with relogs
[13:46:24] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:46:32] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> ok? wtf
[13:46:47] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:47:05] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:47:36] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:48:06] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:48:34] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:48:47] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:49:15] <Ouro> tas ai ainda
[13:49:15] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:49:30] --> Clinton_Nicolas connected to the server
[13:49:43] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:50:16] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:50:59] <Ouro> hey aki sorry to interrupt your relogging spree but do you know how to clear the custom rank
[13:51:04] <Akiyamaha> uhhhh
[13:51:19] <Akiyamaha> /resetrank
[13:51:24] <Ouro> ty
[13:51:32] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:51:52] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:52:33] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:52:53] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[13:53:29] --> Broadside connected to the server
[13:53:37] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[13:54:02] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:02:38] <Akiyamaha> !ping
[14:02:41] (WEB) <robin_be> {8813a2}pong! - hi Akiyamaha
[14:02:43] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:02:59] <-- Clinton_Nicolas disconnected from the server
[14:03:29] <Ouro> !pong
[14:14:48] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:16:55] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:18:16] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:20:54] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:23:09] <-- Broadside disconnected from the server
[14:26:07] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:27:38] <Winny> aki
[14:27:43] <Akiyamaha> yes
[14:27:51] <Winny> what does putanginamo mean
[14:28:09] <Akiyamaha> uhhhh
[14:28:29] <Akiyamaha> motherfucker
[14:28:39] <Winny> what about putang
[14:29:28] <Akiyamaha> oh sec
[14:29:38] <Akiyamaha> your mother is a whore would be more accurate
[14:29:56] <Ouro> such rudeness
[14:30:06] <Akiyamaha> puta is an universal expletive here
[14:30:13] <Akiyamaha> kinda like how fuck can be used in many different ways
[14:30:26] <Ouro> puta means whore in me lang
[14:30:26] <Winny> oh nice
[14:30:36] <Akiyamaha> ina is mother
[14:30:39] <Akiyamaha> mo is your
[14:31:19] <Akiyamaha> if someone says putangina ka, ka = you, it doesnt necessarily mean you're a whore mother
[14:31:27] <Akiyamaha> more of a fuck you
[14:32:15] <Winny> very nice
[14:32:26] <Akiyamaha> it's a colorful language
[14:33:24] <Winny> time to learn fuck in different languages
[14:33:29] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[14:33:34] <Akiyamaha> yes
[14:33:44] <Winny> wb
[14:33:47] <Smetkowski> ty
[14:33:57] <Akiyamaha> inb4 ping
[14:34:02] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:36:53] --> Lenz connected to the server
[14:40:34] <Winny> bruh
[14:40:36] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:40:59] <Winny> uh
[14:41:07] <Winny> foda-se?
[14:42:15] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[14:45:26] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[14:46:04] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[14:47:38] <Akiyamaha> wow
[14:47:51] <Winny> smh
[14:47:59] <Winny> money whores where are u
[14:48:19] <Lenz> smh this lag
[14:48:32] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[14:48:37] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> rip sea players
[14:48:57] <Akiyamaha> imagine being south east asian
[14:49:00] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> are all sea players laggy?
[14:49:05] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> unfortunately yes
[14:49:30] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> my avg ping should be around 280-300, now it's 320+
[14:49:41] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> vpn is the only way
[14:49:41] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> server worked fine in morning.. but since 6pm its laggy af
[14:50:21] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> i can watch 1080p videos without buffering, sooooo must be connection to the server
[14:50:52] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> yes, youtube works fine. Download speed also fine
[14:51:10] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> just PL laggy :/
[14:51:30] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> time to focus studying
[14:51:32] <Akiyamaha> i have an idea
[14:51:37] <Akiyamaha> lets just all move to europe
[14:51:48] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> no, move the server here instead
[14:52:03] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> singapore at least
[14:56:48] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> a lot of active players in SEA, and we can't connect
[14:57:26] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> time for meditation
[14:57:54] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> What happened?
[15:04:15] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Asia kemah rumah
[15:04:18] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> wut
[15:05:19] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[15:07:36] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Kebanyakan coli
[15:11:28] <Winny> ooooo popping bobba
[15:11:33] (WEB) <TwilightMontana#0406> What?
[15:11:40] <Winny> that satisfying pop
[15:12:08] <Akiyamaha> why is your bobba popping
[15:12:21] <Winny> i mean
[15:12:29] <Winny> popping that plastic lid
[15:12:36] <Akiyamaha> oh lol
[15:12:41] <Akiyamaha> yes
[15:12:54] <Akiyamaha> plastic sealed lid > removable cover
[15:13:07] <Winny> yes
[15:13:12] <Winny> YES
[15:13:45] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[15:14:05] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[15:15:17] <Winny> damn
[15:16:25] <Akiyamaha> oh fml
[15:16:28] <Akiyamaha> i forgot to reclass to army
[15:17:01] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:17:44] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[15:17:49] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:18:20] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:19:13] --> Lenz connected to the server
[15:19:21] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:21:13] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[15:24:31] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:25:07] --> Shressth connected to the server
[15:25:52] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:26:00] <Shressth> wb
[15:26:05] <Akiyamaha> ty
[15:26:08] <Shressth> is there a hunt going on still?
[15:26:20] <Akiyamaha> uhhhh
[15:26:25] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> no
[15:26:33] <Akiyamaha> it's done
[15:26:38] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#1337> aki won it
[15:26:51] <Shressth> thats okay
[15:28:17] <-- Shressth disconnected from the server
[15:28:27] <Winny> hi shressth
[15:28:45] <Winny> nvm,
[15:32:19] <Akiyamaha> who won the lotto smh
[15:36:08] --> hartbert95 connected to the server
[15:37:06] <-- hartbert95 disconnected from the server
[15:42:47] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[15:43:38] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[15:43:55] --> hartbert95 connected to the server
[15:43:55] --> Lenz connected to the server
[15:44:08] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[15:45:04] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[15:45:12] --> Akiyamaha connected to the server
[15:45:17] --> Fyrel connected to the server
[15:46:43] <-- hartbert95 disconnected from the server
[15:47:37] <-- Fyrel disconnected from the server
[15:52:14] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[15:55:22] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[15:55:27] <Akiyamaha> wb usa
[15:55:45] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty
[15:56:05] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[16:00:07] <-- Akiyamaha disconnected from the server
[16:02:44] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[16:12:50] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[16:17:04] --> Khristian251 connected to the server
[16:22:37] --> Lenz connected to the server
[16:22:57] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[16:23:00] <danielsonspromaxplus> F
[16:25:45] <Ouro> how come i got 1m in hand
[16:25:50] <Ouro> did i win lotto
[16:26:31] <danielsonspromaxplus> think so
[16:26:46] <Khristian251> can i have your 1 m ?
[16:27:07] <Khristian251> can i have your 1 m ?
[16:29:37] <Ouro> what's the url to check lotto draws in website
[16:29:57] <danielsonspromaxplus> idk, i thought it's admin only
[16:30:07] <Khristian251> can i have your 1 m ?
[16:30:35] <Ouro> nah aki linked me it once but i forgot
[16:30:45] <Ouro> get your own 1m by /w
[16:30:53] <danielsonspromaxplus> just add /lotto after thepilotslifedotcom
[16:31:03] <danielsonspromaxplus> i just tried it
[16:31:39] <Winny> yes you win the lotto
[16:31:41] <Ouro> ty dunno why it's hidden
[16:31:41] <Winny> while afk
[16:31:51] <Winny> with 18
[16:32:14] <Winny> it was 2 hours ago
[16:32:17] <Ouro> yeah i wanted to check which number i used
[16:39:24] <-- Khristian251 disconnected from the server
[16:40:12] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[16:41:01] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[16:43:31] --> Ouro connected to the server
[16:44:52] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[16:45:51] --> Ouro connected to the server
[16:50:12] --> Harket connected to the server
[16:55:23] <Ouro> bruh
[16:55:28] <Harket> bruh
[16:55:43] <Ouro> second time i win it in such short time
[16:55:51] (WEB) <Lavija#6412> !cboard
[16:55:51] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22677) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4188) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3260)
[16:55:58] <Ouro> caralhotto.cs
[17:15:51] --> Pinheiro_ connected to the server
[17:16:06] <Ouro> pinherio
[17:18:23] --> Changrett connected to the server
[17:20:02] --> AntSatan connected to the server
[17:22:05] --> Isabella_Salles connected to the server
[17:22:15] <Pinheiro_> Isabella, gostosa
[17:22:22] <Changrett> chupa minha pica
[17:22:27] <Harket> '-'
[17:22:33] <AntSatan> me mama
[17:22:58] <Isabella_Salles> Rola
[17:23:13] <Ouro> mama eu
[17:23:18] <Harket> /dogfight
[17:23:21] <Isabella_Salles> Tira pra fora
[17:23:28] <Ouro> ta sempre pra fora
[17:23:44] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[17:24:24] --> Winny connected to the server
[17:24:47] --> Gabrielly_Silva connected to the server
[17:27:15] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !score Syracuse
[17:27:17] (WEB) <robin_be> player Syracuse: 34500 score, 33000 missions: 9'/. shamal - 9'/. rescue - 9'/. cargo
[17:27:22] <-- AntSatan disconnected from the server
[17:27:48] <Ouro> !cboard
[17:27:48] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22686) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4197) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3260)
[17:28:54] --> rush$ connected to the server
[17:29:25] <Changrett> /dogfight
[17:29:42] <Ouro> dogfight � uma merda
[17:34:22] <-- Gabrielly_Silva disconnected from the server
[17:36:04] <Isabella_Salles>
[17:36:21] <Pinheiro_> N�o
[17:36:27] <Isabella_Salles> Si
[17:36:42] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[17:38:26] --> Harry_Timbers connected to the server
[17:40:23] --> Lavija connected to the server
[17:41:27] <Isabella_Salles> Zulu
[17:41:42] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[17:43:06] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> chupar pi�as agora? fds uma pessoa nao pode este chat ahhaha
[17:43:16] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> nao pode ler*
[17:45:26] <-- Harket disconnected from the server
[17:45:26] --> Harket connected to the server
[17:48:04] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[17:51:42] <-- rush$ disconnected from the server
[17:53:47] <Harry_Timbers>
[17:54:00] <Ouro> very insightful
[17:54:05] <Harket> sim
[17:54:33] <-- Harry_Timbers disconnected from the server
[17:57:15] --> Harry_Timbers connected to the server
[17:59:48] <-- Pinheiro_ disconnected from the server
[18:02:00] <-- Harket disconnected from the server
[18:03:14] <-- Harry_Timbers disconnected from the server
[18:08:16] <Ouro> chancla
[18:08:42] <-- Isabella_Salles disconnected from the server
[18:09:45] <Winny> wtf
[18:09:53] <Ouro> what
[18:11:30] <Winny> nothinf just drink driving
[18:17:54] --> Prompto connected to the server
[18:18:16] <Prompto> que confus�o vem a ser esta p�
[18:28:21] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[18:34:10] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[18:42:41] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[18:56:30] <Prompto> wb
[19:05:00] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[19:08:01] <Prompto> 220m
[19:08:04] <Prompto> ez
[19:08:24] <Ouro> a mim faltam-me 1.5m pros 120m
[19:09:15] <Prompto> andas a dar-lhe bem
[19:18:37] --> J2viscool connected to the server
[19:19:38] <J2viscool> hi!
[19:19:40] <Prompto> hello
[19:22:13] <-- J2viscool disconnected from the server
[19:24:50] --> J2viscool connected to the server
[19:27:25] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> ola
[19:27:33] <Prompto> ol�
[19:27:41] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> como estas amigos
[19:27:53] <Prompto> *confused*
[19:28:06] <Prompto> friends or friend?
[19:28:11] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> man exams suck
[19:28:21] <-- J2viscool disconnected from the server
[19:28:24] <Prompto> exam of what?
[19:28:31] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Financee
[19:28:44] <Prompto> oh
[19:28:47] <Prompto> damn
[19:29:15] <Prompto> I had finance management last semestre, it's too much work for me XD
[19:29:30] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> btw i am sick my head hurting bad and i got exam tomorrow
[19:29:43] <Prompto> ohno
[19:30:08] <Winny> business finance or personal finance?
[19:30:16] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Business financr
[19:30:31] <Winny> at least it's not too boring
[19:31:01] <Winny> personal finance is sooo boring
[19:31:14] <Winny> like i dont wanna learn about retirement yet im just 19
[19:31:27] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> lal
[19:31:40] <Prompto> retirement is a big deal in western european nations btw
[19:32:08] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> I like accounting more then statistics :/
[19:32:08] <Prompto> but the reason is because of our extremely growing old population
[19:32:18] <Prompto> that'll cause our social security budget to collapse
[19:32:20] <Winny> retirement doesnt matter here
[19:32:41] <Winny> because you'll still be working your arse off after retirement
[19:32:48] <Prompto> asians be like
[19:32:51] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> idk about retirement in pakistan
[19:33:03] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Government employees do get pension after retirement
[19:33:24] <Prompto> ofc they do
[19:33:29] <Winny> people think we like working but its just because we are too poor
[19:33:31] <Prompto> fucking government
[19:34:35] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> You guys live in better countries
[19:34:48] <Prompto> can't argue with that
[19:36:06] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> But life in Pakistan is much more relaxed
[19:36:42] <Prompto> I knew several pakistanis living in britain, peaceful people
[19:37:10] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Yeah there's big community of Pakistanis there
[19:37:38] <Prompto> I used to go to a school where it was in a massive asian community
[19:38:16] <Prompto> it was the only place I saw so many sikhs all together xD
[19:38:57] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[19:39:17] <Prompto> wb richass
[19:40:21] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[19:40:39] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> You will find alot of sikhs in canada too
[19:41:01] <Prompto> smartest sikhs of them all
[19:41:12] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> in pakistan there's hardly any sikhs umm around 50k
[19:41:45] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Even tho Sikhism started in Pakistan
[19:41:47] <Prompto> that's still a significant number, no?
[19:42:00] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> nope
[19:42:08] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> considering our population
[19:42:20] <Prompto> well sure but 50k is a lot of people
[19:42:48] <Prompto> imagine pl with 50k players :)))
[19:43:16] <Prompto> we'd have long traffic jams lmao
[19:44:35] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> you cant even login then
[19:44:55] <Winny> ooasp
[19:45:05] <Winny> i should sleep
[19:45:08] <Prompto> winny, you really gotta respect right-lane rule with people nearby XD
[19:45:13] <Winny> too much alcohol
[19:45:44] <Ouro> he's like that everytime
[19:45:46] <Prompto> oh right, what time is it in hong kong lmao?
[19:45:59] <Prompto> nice
[19:46:01] <Prompto> go sleep
[19:46:14] <Prompto> wb pi�as
[19:46:24] <Winny> ..
[19:46:24] <Ouro> ja rapei esta merda de novo
[19:46:40] <Prompto> lmao
[19:51:04] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> what time is it?
[19:51:14] <Prompto> in my place or in-game?
[19:51:14] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> It's 12 PM :p
[19:51:34] <Prompto> you're in pakistan, how is it possible for it to be 12 pm
[19:51:42] <Prompto> do you mean 12 am?
[19:51:42] <Prompto> wait
[19:51:45] <Prompto> now I'm confused
[19:52:00] <Prompto> 12am is midnight
[19:52:00] <Ouro> � cona o'clock caralho
[19:52:23] <Prompto> 12 ante meridiam = midnight
[19:52:58] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> oh yeah i messed up LoL its AM
[19:53:21] <Ouro> 12ap
[19:53:31] <Prompto> ante puta?
[19:53:39] <Ouro> yes
[19:53:39] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Midnight? wot when do you sleep bruh
[19:54:04] <Prompto> foda-se
[19:54:10] <Prompto> trailer preso no tunel de sf-ls
[19:54:20] <Ouro> tunel de merda
[19:54:22] <Prompto> literalmente nao mexe, ja fui a 141km/h e nada
[19:54:27] <Prompto> preso como uma pedra
[19:54:40] <Ouro> hora de cancelar
[19:54:50] <Prompto> it's 18:55 here sameer
[19:55:05] <Ouro> foda-se 18:55 ainda n�o fiz os meus 4m
[19:55:11] <Prompto> :(
[19:56:06] <Prompto> a fazer 1m por dia demora mais de 2 anos at� atingir 1b
[19:56:12] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> plus use 12 hour system
[19:56:14] <Prompto> pqp atingir 1b
[19:56:27] <Prompto> almost 7pm
[19:56:32] <Ouro> 4m por dia da 120 por 30 dias
[19:56:40] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Sunset?
[19:56:42] <Prompto> yeah
[19:56:57] <Prompto> 360 em 90 dias
[19:57:00] <Prompto> hmm
[19:57:20] <Prompto> 480 num s� semestre
[19:57:20] <Prompto> healthy
[19:57:33] <Prompto> sameer, u guys use the 12 hour system?
[19:57:35] <Ouro> quanto mais dinheiro tiveres no banco mais facil fica
[19:57:38] <Prompto> yea
[19:58:24] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Yeah we use 12 hour
[19:58:44] <Ouro> 12 primas system
[19:58:52] <Prompto> XDDDD
[19:59:04] --> HardStone connected to the server
[19:59:32] <Ouro> so tava a ter ls -> red county nos ultimos 4
[19:59:45] <Prompto> we use the 24 hour system but when we speak we use the 12 hour system
[20:00:16] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> 24 one is way too confusing for me bruh
[20:00:23] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> since we only use 12 one so xd
[20:00:23] <HardStone> ig aa bhsdk
[20:00:44] <Prompto> I'm used to both systems bcoz I grew up in england
[20:00:54] <Ouro> i'm used to both becaus einternet
[20:00:59] <Prompto> just like I'm used to feet/miles/yards and stuff, it's just easy for me
[20:01:09] <HardStone> a not in detail, but yeah.. been briefed by sameer
[20:01:22] <Prompto> /a hardstone
[20:01:22] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> You guys use feet too?
[20:01:27] <HardStone> /a there we go
[20:01:27] <Prompto> no
[20:01:34] <HardStone> /a demote sameer
[20:01:37] <Ouro> we use hands
[20:01:57] <Prompto> we use the standard measurement.. you know the NORMAL measurements
[20:02:07] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[20:02:07] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> I want to go on expedition to the K2 Base camp man
[20:02:10] <Ouro> the only one that makes sense
[20:02:15] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> idk why i want to do it lol
[20:02:15] <Prompto> K2 *-*
[20:02:30] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> even though i know its not easy
[20:02:38] <Prompto> k2 is the mountain right?
[20:02:43] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Yeah
[20:03:03] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> It's mountain in Karakorum ranges
[20:03:14] <Prompto> I know
[20:03:16] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> around 8611 Meter
[20:03:49] <Prompto> I had to study the K2 back when I was in england bcoz of the pakistanis in my class
[20:03:59] <Ouro> bruh
[20:04:02] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Have you seen the videos of climbers?
[20:04:12] <Prompto> only pictures
[20:04:15] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> It's really steep mountain
[20:04:17] <Prompto> yea
[20:04:30] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Out of every 4 people 1 dies
[20:04:43] <Ouro> ah yes seems like a perfect destination
[20:04:55] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Lets die together in K2
[20:05:03] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Anyone up?
[20:05:16] <Prompto> just wait until you hear about all the dead bodies used as "gps" at mount everest
[20:05:33] <Ouro> xd
[20:05:44] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Yeah it also happens in K2
[20:05:56] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> K2 has more bodies then Everest because its hard to retrieve them
[20:05:59] <Prompto> yeah but people don't give a damn about k2 XD
[20:06:14] <Prompto> mount everest is literally filled with dumb tourists
[20:06:24] <Prompto> I saw images of "jams" there
[20:06:29] <-- Changrett disconnected from the server
[20:06:32] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> People are scared of K2 tbh
[20:06:37] <Prompto> good
[20:06:37] <Prompto> they should be
[20:07:02] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> It's really dangerous and only few people do the expedition
[20:07:41] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Only 200 people tried to climb last year that was only because Pakistan made new visa policy
[20:07:41] <Prompto> !aboard
[20:07:41] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(180147) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-55281) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-24042)
[20:07:48] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Otherwise its always 80 lol
[20:09:17] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[20:09:30] --> Lavija connected to the server
[20:09:32] --> Prompto connected to the server
[20:09:35] <Prompto> porra
[20:09:40] <Prompto> lavija wtf
[20:09:48] <Lavija> ?
[20:09:53] <HardStone> lavijaaa
[20:09:53] <Prompto> hax
[20:10:05] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Lavija noob
[20:10:36] <Prompto> toto-africa na vh1 oh filhote, nem queria
[20:10:39] <HardStone> hey man, still simping on that tiktok girl? xD
[20:10:41] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> There's around 4-5 Peaks here
[20:10:54] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> which are higher then 8k meters
[20:11:09] <HardStone> /a sameer soja lawde
[20:11:17] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> There's total 14 in the whole world
[20:11:29] <Lavija> hardstone wanna see a new trick i found
[20:11:29] <Prompto> the power of the himalayas
[20:11:37] <Prompto> oh no
[20:11:45] <Ouro> F
[20:11:45] <Lavija> :D
[20:11:47] <HardStone> yes, if its not admin-related
[20:11:47] <HardStone> :D
[20:11:57] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> The highest mountain of Africa is in Tanzania xd
[20:11:57] <Lavija> rip nvm
[20:11:57] <Prompto> it's actually pretty cool
[20:12:07] <Lavija> 11 missions tf?
[20:12:07] <Ouro> 11 :3
[20:12:07] <Prompto> ouro wtf
[20:12:13] <Prompto> mission farming
[20:12:13] <Lavija> mission farming lookin ass
[20:12:20] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> It's called Kilimanjaro
[20:12:20] <Ouro> i got like 4 all from ls to red county
[20:12:33] <Prompto> kilimanjaro is famous
[20:12:51] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> yeah plus it's not that hard to climb
[20:12:56] <Ouro> i've done 12 once :3
[20:13:01] <Prompto> mission farmer indeed
[20:13:03] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Atleast you wont die lol
[20:13:09] <Prompto> yea lol
[20:13:11] <Ouro> lmao there was admin online
[20:13:16] <Prompto> brave
[20:13:19] <HardStone> ._.
[20:13:29] <Ouro> no i'm saying ididn't mission farm
[20:13:34] <Ouro> because i'm not that dumb t
[20:13:39] <HardStone> it was such a nice ramp
[20:13:44] <Lavija> ikr do it again
[20:13:49] <Lavija> i wanna see that
[20:13:49] <HardStone> no
[20:13:59] <Lavija> ok fine
[20:14:04] <HardStone> heres another one :))
[20:14:20] <HardStone> oh you left, nvm
[20:15:23] <-- HardStone disconnected from the server
[20:15:33] <Lavija> jesus ouro is richer than me now
[20:15:44] <Prompto> the power of /w
[20:15:46] <Ouro> why you snooping around
[20:15:54] <Lavija> cuz i wanted to
[20:16:14] <Ouro> it makes me uncomfortable and in 2021 making someone uncomfortable is a serious crime
[20:16:17] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Ey go back to your shithole
[20:16:45] <Lavija> it makes me uncomfy that you're uncomfy because you are umcomfy about people being uncomfy
[20:16:52] <Prompto> did you just assume it makes you uncomfortable?
[20:16:55] <Ouro> that's quite uncomfy
[20:17:46] <Ouro> prompto and lavija trans convoy?
[20:17:56] <Lavija> im bouncing in a bit
[20:18:03] <Ouro> alright
[20:18:06] <Prompto> siga
[20:18:11] <Ouro> so acabar este
[20:18:14] <Prompto> same
[20:19:07] <Ouro> wtf
[20:19:12] <Ouro> i did /s to speak in company chat
[20:19:12] <Prompto> onde andas
[20:19:15] <Prompto> BRUH
[20:19:15] <Lavija> lmfao
[20:19:15] <Ouro> i'm so fucking dumb
[20:19:22] <Lavija> certified dumbass
[20:19:50] <Smetkowski> that's just an excuse for your mission farming
[20:19:58] <Lavija> yeah
[20:20:05] <Ouro> obviously i would do it right when i was close to the unload
[20:20:28] <Ouro> este rdt ta a 296km e 2 fuel ta memo fodido
[20:20:49] <Prompto> tu e os hidraulicos
[20:20:56] <Prompto> better love story than twilight
[20:22:02] <Prompto> porra
[20:22:02] <Prompto> fuel
[20:23:31] <Ouro> i'm gonna keep it if i like it
[20:23:36] <Prompto> !cboard
[20:23:36] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22743) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4254) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3260)
[20:25:16] <Prompto> hora da escolinha
[20:28:42] <-- Ouro disconnected from the server
[20:28:44] <Prompto> BRUH
[20:28:59] <Prompto> nice ragequit
[20:32:00] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Harshstone ledt?
[20:32:02] <Prompto> yea
[20:38:24] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[20:41:45] <Prompto> ls-ap 2h31, jesus this shortcut is so OP
[20:48:16] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[20:55:18] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[21:13:26] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[21:48:31] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> Pi�onte
[21:55:03] --> Changrett connected to the server
[21:55:48] --> [CbK]FreAkeD connected to the server
[21:56:32] <-- [CbK]FreAkeD disconnected from the server
[21:57:45] <-- Changrett disconnected from the server
[22:00:20] (WEB) <Prompto#8676> uhum
[22:15:41] --> Prompto connected to the server
[22:32:00] --> Nagisa_Hazuki connected to the server
[22:32:15] <Nagisa_Hazuki> hola
[22:32:17] <Prompto> hola
[22:32:30] <Nagisa_Hazuki> i'm feeling kinda frisky
[22:32:33] <Prompto> why
[22:32:40] <Nagisa_Hazuki> pp hard
[22:32:43] <Prompto> XD
[22:33:49] <-- Nagisa_Hazuki disconnected from the server
[22:40:54] (WEB) <Ouro#6190> lmao
[22:41:01] <Prompto> ikr
[22:44:53] --> ouro connected to the server
[22:45:11] <Prompto> wb caralho
[22:45:18] <ouro> hello
[22:45:39] --> allen_lombard connected to the server
[22:45:44] <Prompto> wb bday boy
[22:45:49] <allen_lombard> ty
[22:45:51] <ouro> ja viste o 3?
[22:45:54] <Prompto> nao
[22:46:14] <ouro> os truckzinhos com hidraulicos est�o todos a 200km+
[22:46:17] <-- allen_lombard disconnected from the server
[22:46:22] <Prompto> yup
[22:46:24] <Prompto> eu peguei o ultimo
[22:46:24] <Prompto> 108km
[22:46:37] <ouro> vou comprar um pessoal
[22:49:50] <Prompto> estas novelas da sic, puta que pariu
[22:49:58] <Prompto> ainda bem q nao as vejo
[22:50:05] <ouro> mas tas a ver
[22:50:11] <Prompto> vejo as estreias
[22:50:16] <Prompto> sobre novelas q s�o c� do norte
[22:50:28] <Prompto> mas desisto mal vejo que nenhum tem um sotaque nortenho
[22:50:38] <Prompto> q irrealista da pi�a
[22:50:44] <ouro> se tivessem ninguem os percebia caralho
[22:50:56] <Prompto> at� parece que falamos outra lingua lol
[22:51:40] <Prompto> quer dizer
[22:51:50] <Prompto> h� zonas q sim, parece uma lingua diferente
[22:53:06] <ouro> !cboard
[22:53:06] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(22767) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-4278) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3260)
[22:54:25] <Prompto> nunca pensei q dois caralhos pudessem foder uma empresa inteira
[22:56:07] <ouro> quando fizerem outro evento eu volto pra la
[22:56:24] <Prompto> se o evento for bom smp siga
[22:58:31] <ouro> espero que a casa venda por +10m
[22:58:39] <Prompto> eu ja vi q tou fodido
[22:58:47] <Prompto> aposto q vai ser uma casa de merda nas ilhas
[22:59:02] <ouro> eu vendo pro server foda-se
[23:00:31] <Prompto> XD
[23:01:01] <Prompto> portlandia cheira-me a ilha
[23:01:09] <ouro> �
[23:01:24] <Prompto> ya vais vender mt depressa po server
[23:01:52] <ouro> vou vende-la mal eles ma d�m
[23:02:05] <Prompto> XDD
[23:02:18] <Prompto> chad
[23:02:56] <ouro> em vez de pagarem dinheiro pagam merdas de casa que ninguem quer
[23:03:52] <Prompto> sao eles q se fodem
[23:07:15] <ouro> hoje o server foi invadido por brs
[23:07:25] <Prompto> qnd?
[23:07:28] <ouro> tavam ai 5 ou 6 trainee brs
[23:07:33] <Prompto> damn
[23:07:41] <ouro> acho que eram 3 ou 4 horas da tarde
[23:10:00] <ouro> desde que tive corona as laranjas cheira-me a plastico queimado
[23:10:16] <ouro> e n�o t�m quase sabor nenhum
[23:10:33] <ouro> bue esquesito
[23:10:39] <Prompto> wtff
[23:11:04] <Prompto> toda a gente q eu conhe�o tmbm tem esse problema
[23:11:14] <Prompto> a minha mae ontem conseguiu saborear a pizza pela primeira vez (mas foi fraco)
[23:11:17] <ouro> laranjas cheirarem esquesito?
[23:11:24] <Prompto> tudo
[23:11:32] <ouro> e tu?
[23:11:34] <Prompto> nada
[23:11:40] <ouro> sorte�
[23:11:40] <Prompto> ali�s
[23:11:50] <Prompto> eu qnd tou doente normalmente nao sinto o sabor das cenas
[23:11:57] <Prompto> mas com o covid conseguia comer tudo
[23:12:05] <ouro> bruh
[23:12:20] <ouro> quais foram os teus sintomas?
[23:13:31] <Prompto> mas febre foi s� num dia
[23:13:59] <ouro> tiveste o mesmo que eu menos dores de garganta
[23:14:20] <ouro> dude
[23:14:27] <ouro> tas a ver a ponte em ls docks
[23:14:30] <ouro> tem aqueles pilares
[23:14:35] <ouro> bati num fui pra agua
[23:14:35] <Prompto> sim
[23:14:40] <Prompto> XD
[23:15:16] <Prompto> FODA-SE
[23:15:28] <ouro> what
[23:15:33] <Prompto> convoy?
[23:15:41] <Prompto> bati numa arvore e quase q explodi
[23:15:44] <ouro> ya bora
[23:20:16] <Prompto> boa
[23:20:36] <ouro> FODA-SE
[23:20:39] <ouro> ESQUECI-,E
[23:21:04] <ouro> ca puta de sorte
[23:21:12] <Prompto> caiste na agua?
[23:21:19] <ouro> cai aqui na saida do tunel
[23:21:24] <Prompto> damn
[23:27:00] <ouro> 287km
[23:27:05] <Prompto> rip
[23:31:19] <ouro> ca vai
[23:31:24] <Prompto> damn
[23:31:29] <ouro> opa
[23:31:29] <Prompto> too pro
[23:31:42] <ouro> acho que o lugar certo para bater
[23:31:47] <Prompto> y
[23:31:47] <ouro> � no meio da curvatura
[23:31:50] <Prompto> ya
[23:32:00] --> MFF connected to the server
[23:32:08] <MFF> tolol jacob dah maen aja
[23:32:33] <ouro> vou dar refuel antes dos 300km foda-se
[23:32:38] <Prompto> yup
[23:38:52] <Prompto> menos de 3 minutos
[23:38:52] <Prompto> OP
[23:40:21] <Prompto> FODA-SE
[23:40:34] <Prompto> front flip de merda
[23:40:44] <ouro> huehuebr
[23:43:16] <Prompto> fuel
[23:46:24] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> hello chupas
[23:46:37] <ouro> hello caralho
[23:46:42] <Prompto> chupador
[23:47:38] <Prompto> WTF
[23:47:41] <ouro> fodase
[23:49:02] <Prompto> dafuq
[23:49:10] <ouro> xddddd
[23:49:12] <Prompto> ui
[23:49:17] <ouro> 11 de convoy
[23:49:58] <Prompto> 00:39, houve uma miss�o q chegaste quase 1 min dps
[23:50:01] <Prompto> seriam 12
[23:51:27] <Prompto> foda-se
[23:52:03] <ouro> meio ou julius?
[23:52:20] <Prompto> idk
[23:52:28] <ouro> vou pelo meio
[23:52:56] <-- Prompto disconnected from the server
[23:53:09] --> Prompto connected to the server
[23:53:21] <Prompto> puta que me pariu esta filha da ganda puta caralho foda-se merda
[23:53:32] <ouro> XDDDDD
[23:53:52] <Prompto> oh wait
[23:54:00] <ouro> what
[23:54:07] <Prompto> ja tava com 1.8m lol
[23:55:26] <-- MFF disconnected from the server
[23:55:56] <Prompto> oof
[23:55:59] <ouro> 3 ....
[23:56:32] <ouro> merda
[23:56:37] <ouro> fiquei preso
[23:56:37] <Prompto> que hiciste
[23:58:29] <Prompto> que ruas de merda lol
[23:58:44] <Prompto> sem nos ele abranda
[23:58:47] <Prompto> nao � s� na ponte
[23:59:02] <ouro> � estranho
[23:59:20] <ouro> tem outra estrada em ls que faz o mesmo