
[00:17:52] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> brompt
[00:17:54] <Brompt> diz
[00:18:02] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> nada
[00:18:07] <Brompt> s�o os peixes
[00:23:17] --> Mohammed_Bouzzazi connected to the server
[00:25:07] <-- Mohammed_Bouzzazi disconnected from the server
[00:25:22] --> Mohammed_Bouzzazi connected to the server
[00:34:03] <-- Mohammed_Bouzzazi disconnected from the server
[00:37:17] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[00:37:19] <Brompt> gay
[00:37:22] <Brompt> sai
[00:37:27] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[00:37:37] <Brompt> HAHAHAAH WHAT
[00:37:50] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ava kedavra
[00:38:00] <Brompt> nao aceitaste as regras ou algo?
[00:38:05] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[00:38:41] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> sim
[00:38:51] <Quorthon> no lifer fodido
[00:38:56] <Quorthon> vai arrumar o que fazer
[00:39:14] <Brompt> � o q d� qnd h� evento
[00:43:33] <Quorthon> vou malhar aqui
[00:43:36] <Brompt> malhar?
[00:43:41] <Quorthon> hmmmm
[00:43:43] <Quorthon> work out
[00:43:46] <Brompt> ah
[00:43:46] <Brompt> sim
[00:43:56] <Quorthon> tenho que estar em top form pra comer vosso cu
[00:45:43] <Brompt> 7w
[01:16:28] <Quorthon> morri
[01:16:38] <Brompt> isso � problema teu
[01:16:43] <Quorthon> mal educado
[01:16:48] <Brompt> sempre
[01:17:08] <Quorthon> tas a fazer atividades fisicas prompto?
[01:17:11] <Quorthon> vai ficar gordao em
[01:17:11] <Brompt> nao
[01:17:21] <Brompt> nao consigo engordar
[01:17:46] <Quorthon> :o
[01:17:49] <Quorthon> migraste pra angola ne
[01:18:02] <Brompt> etiopia
[01:18:30] <Quorthon> tava pensando aqui cara
[01:18:40] <Quorthon> na faculdade que eu entro eles geralmente raspam a cabe�a dos calouros
[01:18:42] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> Hello hello
[01:18:47] <Quorthon> hi
[01:18:53] <Quorthon> isso � karma por eu ficar zoando o ouro 24/7
[01:18:53] <Brompt> raspam?
[01:18:55] --> dipa connected to the server
[01:18:58] <Brompt> queres dizer rapam?
[01:19:03] <Quorthon> yes
[01:19:13] <Quorthon> vou entrar*
[01:19:18] <Brompt> oof, tava a ver que esfolavam a tola dos caloiros
[01:20:29] <Quorthon> speedrun
[01:21:07] <Brompt> speedrun em que
[01:25:32] <Quorthon> cara mal consigo levantar os bra�os direito
[01:25:37] <Quorthon> sedentarismo master race
[01:26:18] <Brompt> q n batesses � punheta
[01:26:38] <Quorthon> achei que os portugueses iam ter alguma giria mais engra�ada para punheta
[01:26:56] <Brompt> tipo o qu�? estrangular o pessegueiro?
[01:27:09] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:27:19] <dipa> Kkkkkk :v
[01:27:34] <Quorthon> you just joined kkk dipa
[01:27:34] <Quorthon> welcome
[01:27:37] <dipa> Oh sh*t
[01:27:44] <Brompt> every brazilian belongs to the kkk
[01:27:49] <dipa> I'm kinda bit black
[01:27:57] <Brompt> oh
[01:28:10] <Quorthon> dont worry
[01:28:15] <Quorthon> we only hunt portuguese
[01:28:22] <Brompt> try to hunt*
[01:28:27] <Brompt> in reality they hunt themselves
[01:28:33] <dipa> Where's ouro xd
[01:28:40] <Brompt> he got hunted
[01:28:43] <Brompt> brazilian in disguise
[01:28:43] <dipa> And Odertan
[01:28:58] <Brompt> odertan is a big boy now
[01:29:03] <Brompt> all grown up
[01:29:46] <Quorthon> holy shit
[01:29:51] <Quorthon> YMO is just way too good
[01:30:04] <Brompt> and that shit is?
[01:30:09] <Quorthon> lmgtfy
[01:30:19] <Quorthon> eletro synth group from the 80s i think
[01:30:30] <Quorthon> been blasting them all day
[01:30:32] <Brompt> u into old stuff huh
[01:31:18] <dipa> *slowly raises hand*
[01:31:18] <Quorthon> in brazil if you want to enjoy music you kinda have to go back in time
[01:31:54] <Brompt> are u implying modern brazilian music is shit?
[01:31:56] <Quorthon> speak dipa
[01:31:56] <Brompt> I agree... but uhmm
[01:32:01] <dipa> si si
[01:32:04] <dipa> :v
[01:32:14] <Quorthon> not all of it tho
[01:32:22] <Quorthon> but all mainstream is pure garbage imo
[01:32:32] <dipa> I listen to 40+ year old song
[01:32:37] <Brompt> funk is human garbage
[01:33:05] <Quorthon> what songs dipa
[01:33:35] <dipa> uhmm
[01:33:38] <dipa> How to say it tho...
[01:33:51] <Quorthon> press t
[01:34:03] <dipa> I don't have enough vocabulary to express it :p
[01:34:14] <Brompt> google translate
[01:34:31] <dipa> Oh yeah
[01:34:52] <Quorthon> hes just shy i think lmao
[01:35:50] <dipa> Old song but more devotional
[01:36:00] <Brompt> ooh la la 'devotional'
[01:36:03] <Brompt> nice word
[01:36:18] <dipa> Like someone who meditates, but expressed in the song
[01:36:26] <Quorthon> says he lacks vocab and blasts 'devotional' outta nowhere
[01:36:33] <Quorthon> is it religious dipa
[01:36:36] <dipa> The heck... it translates into a meditate
[01:37:14] <dipa> One of the songs is about a child whose parents died in a natural disaster
[01:37:24] <Brompt> wow
[01:37:32] <Quorthon> very devotional indeed
[01:37:32] <Brompt> !score
[01:37:35] (WEB) <robin_be> player Brompt: 13666 score, 12317 missions: 48'/. military - 22'/. cargo drop - 10'/. trucking
[01:37:45] <dipa> And a child who misses his father
[01:38:10] <Quorthon> are those songs indo
[01:38:15] <dipa> yes
[01:38:23] <dipa> And the chord progression is simple but calming
[01:38:31] <Brompt> soothing I assume
[01:38:31] <dipa> And also a perfect choice of key signature
[01:38:38] <dipa> Which I like... D major
[01:38:53] <Quorthon> make*
[01:39:04] <dipa> Lol
[01:39:09] <Brompt> you can't D Major when you only finger A Minor
[01:39:21] <dipa> Lololol
[01:39:24] <Quorthon> KKKK
[01:39:27] <Quorthon> rpeortiing
[01:39:27] <Quorthon> reporting
[01:39:34] <Brompt> reporting musical notes? smh
[01:39:49] <dipa> Yeah why reporting music? :p
[01:40:02] <Quorthon> poor dipa
[01:40:17] <dipa> I'm young but idk why i listen to song like that lol
[01:40:28] <Brompt> soothing music
[01:40:28] <Brompt> it's nice
[01:40:35] <dipa> It's like dragging me in into the fenomena
[01:40:43] <Brompt> nothing sounds better than listening someone sing about the death of one's child
[01:40:43] <dipa> phe*
[01:40:50] <Quorthon> back when i was your age (not THAT long ago tbh) i'd listen to all kinds of extreme metal
[01:40:53] <Quorthon> good times
[01:40:58] <Brompt> dude
[01:40:58] <Brompt> SAME
[01:41:08] <Brompt> I was sooo into avenged sevenfold and shit
[01:41:16] <dipa> I maybe should try it :p
[01:41:34] <Quorthon> i was into more heavy stuff tho
[01:41:39] <Brompt> I remember making an oath with a goth chick about banging her while ac/dc is playing
[01:42:25] <Quorthon> g�ticas rabudas � minha religi�o
[01:42:37] <Brompt> oh yes
[01:42:47] <Brompt> T H I C C G O T H S
[01:43:05] <Quorthon> !cash
[01:43:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Quorthon has $699,021 in hand
[01:43:13] <Brompt> !cash
[01:43:16] (WEB) <robin_be> Brompt has $1,663,498 in hand
[01:43:51] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[01:44:01] <Quorthon> nvm
[01:44:22] <Brompt> this is your fault
[01:44:52] <Quorthon> it is literally yours tho
[01:45:00] <Brompt> nah-huh
[01:45:05] <Brompt> it's yours u dipshit
[01:45:05] <Quorthon> you made him unconfortable with your minor jokes
[01:46:32] <Quorthon> quem cala consente
[01:46:49] <Brompt> lol
[01:46:52] <Brompt> espera ai
[01:47:07] (WEB) <Kristel#2128> !houses kristek
[01:47:10] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player kristek
[01:47:15] (WEB) <Kristel#2128> !houses kristel
[01:47:18] (WEB) <robin_be> Devon Island: $2,500,000 5 slots Queens: $17,000,000 15 slots
[01:47:38] <Brompt> tava a falar com a minha mae sobre o forno estar ligado
[01:47:51] <Brompt> ela tava-me a perguntar se tava acordado as 2:15 xD
[01:47:56] <Quorthon> agora fazes piadas com judeus
[01:48:06] <Brompt> heil
[01:48:08] <Brompt> *cough*
[01:48:36] <Quorthon> nao ironicamente piadas sobre judeus aqui no brasil sao bem populares
[01:48:52] <Quorthon> geralmente em outros paises vc � insta cancelado se brincar com esse pessoal
[01:49:17] <Brompt> �serio?
[01:49:27] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[01:49:30] <Brompt> c� s� os putos est�pidos do 8� ano � que fazem essas piadas
[01:49:37] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:49:40] <Quorthon> diga-me prompto
[01:49:45] <Quorthon> por que hitler se matou?
[01:49:48] <Syracuse> !missions skimmer
[01:49:50] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3521 skimmer
[01:49:58] <Brompt> porque viu a conta do g�s :')
[01:50:03] <Quorthon> filho da puta
[01:50:21] <Quorthon> estragou minha piada
[01:50:56] <Brompt> lol
[01:51:01] <Brompt> mas � que eu quero que tu te fodas :D
[01:51:09] <Quorthon> entao me diz prompto
[01:51:17] <Brompt> arrebento-te a puta da tua cara � chavalo
[01:51:17] <Quorthon> quantos judeus cabem em um carro?
[01:51:32] <Brompt> depende de quantos cinzeiros houver dentro do carro
[01:51:35] <Quorthon> DESGRA�ADO
[01:53:11] <Brompt> nao � s� piadas de judeus, de negros tmbm conhe�o v�rias
[01:53:27] <Quorthon> eita rapaz
[01:53:39] <Quorthon> essas ja nao sao tao bem recebidas em alguns antros
[01:53:57] <Brompt> c� s�o, at� os pretos se riem com a criatividade
[01:54:38] <Brompt> LMAO, vi agora a not�cia
[01:54:40] <Brompt> lula livre???
[01:54:50] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk sim
[01:54:58] <Brompt> xau xau bolsonaro
[01:55:01] <Brompt> seu vagabundo filho da puta
[01:55:03] <Quorthon> pra falar a vdd ele ja tava em liberdade ate o fim do processo
[01:55:59] <Quorthon> cara
[01:56:04] <Quorthon> fui pesquisar alguma piada racista no google
[01:56:07] <Quorthon> olha o que me aparece
[01:56:12] <Quorthon> "Rir do outro: o fascismo das piadas racistas no cotidiano"
[01:56:19] <Brompt> wtf
[01:56:25] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:56:30] <Brompt> e wtf duplo nesse "cotidiano"
[01:57:03] <Quorthon> aqui tem esse costume de chamar tudo de fascista
[01:57:13] <Brompt> esquerdistas nojentos *pukes*
[01:57:31] <Brompt> cancel culture de merd
[01:57:33] <Brompt> merda
[01:57:41] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkk
[01:57:51] <Quorthon> vc tinha que ver no grupo do whatsapp da minha faculdade
[01:57:56] <Quorthon> parecia que o brasil tinha ganhado a copa do mundo
[01:58:09] <Quorthon> todo mundo comemorando o lula sendo solto
[01:58:19] <Brompt> bruh
[01:58:22] <Brompt> o lula ganha facil pra o ano
[01:59:05] <Quorthon> ja apareceu ai em portugal
[01:59:10] <Quorthon> essa palha�ada de pronome neutro?
[01:59:33] <Brompt> uhmm.. sim e n�o
[01:59:43] <Brompt> n�o no sentido em que ninguem quer saber dessa merda ainda
[01:59:53] <Brompt> sim no sentido em que somos bombardeados que h� brasileiros a "fazer" isso
[02:00:01] <Quorthon> XDDD
[02:00:08] <Quorthon> na minha faculdade ja fazem isso em pronunciamentos ao vivo
[02:00:14] <Brompt> foda-se
[02:00:14] <Quorthon> 'boa noite a todes'
[02:00:16] <Brompt> RIDICULO
[02:00:44] <Brompt> latim tinha masculino, feminino e neutro.. as conjuga��es do masculino e neutro s�o parecidas
[02:00:52] <Brompt> com o evoluir da l�ngua, juntaram-se
[02:01:07] <Brompt> � por isso que o "masculino" � o predefinido pra situa��es neutras
[02:01:12] <Quorthon> vc acha que quem defende pronome neutro sabe algo de lingua portuguesa?
[02:01:17] <Quorthon> isso � um massacre da lingua
[02:01:40] <Quorthon> 'bem vindo caloure'
[02:01:43] <Quorthon> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[02:02:33] <Brompt> ca em portugal como nao pronunciamos o -e final... caloire pronunciar-se-ia como "cal�ir"
[02:02:51] <Quorthon> calor
[02:02:56] <Brompt> sem g�nero.. � o que esses cabr�es merecem.. serem castrados por massacrarem a lingua
[02:03:12] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkk
[02:03:17] <Quorthon> nos eua tem algo parecido n�
[02:03:19] <Syracuse> test
[02:03:22] <Brompt> juro que as vezes solta-me um lado fascista de mim
[02:03:22] <Quorthon> eles usam they
[02:03:37] <Brompt> come�o a ficar sem paciencia com os esquerdistas
[02:04:08] <Quorthon> na faculdade vc ja deve ter entrado em contato com varios
[02:04:20] <Quorthon> parece spawn
[02:04:25] <Brompt> sou o unico nao esquerdista do meu curso
[02:04:36] <Quorthon> kkkkkk
[02:04:56] <Brompt> nao tens no�ao.... est�s a ver aqueles estereotipos mesmo tipicos dum esquerdista nojento ?
[02:05:01] <Brompt> bem-vindo ao meu curso :))
[02:05:06] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkk
[02:05:21] <Quorthon> pelo menos as mo�as esquerdistas sao gostosas
[02:05:26] <Quorthon> pelo menos aqui
[02:05:29] <Quorthon> cabelo colorido etc
[02:05:47] <Brompt> pcp - partido comunista portugues
[02:06:05] <Brompt> as de c� s�o nojentas mesmo
[02:06:07] <Quorthon> kkkk
[02:06:17] <Brompt> nao se lavam e ainda querem inclus�o lol
[02:06:43] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkk
[02:07:26] <Brompt> eu continuo a odiar extrema-direita e continuarei a odia-los mas foda-se... percebo o lado deles
[02:08:02] <Brompt> imagina s� um gajo meio racista a ver um negro dragqueen transg�nera... mano ele comete suic�dio XDD
[02:08:40] <Quorthon> meu pai ja teve um semi derrame quando uma amiga trans minha foi la em casa
[02:08:42] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkk
[02:08:45] <Brompt> HAHAAHAAHHA
[02:09:10] <Brompt> conhe�o um trans em o pai rejeitou-a mas aceitou-o
[02:09:18] <Brompt> lmao, o gajo s� queria ter um filho
[02:09:23] <Brompt> em q*
[02:09:28] <Quorthon> ah cara
[02:09:36] <Quorthon> se o pai criar direito isso nao acontece
[02:09:41] <Quorthon> pode falar que sou preconceituoso sla
[02:09:51] <Quorthon> mas 100 por cento dos casos o pai ou nem existe ou � muito ausente
[02:10:14] <Brompt> *Cries in abandonado pelo pai aos 10 anos*
[02:10:27] <Quorthon> brompt � seu nome social entao?
[02:10:29] <Quorthon> XD
[02:10:34] <Brompt> wut
[02:10:57] <Quorthon> pessoas trans geralmente adotam um nome social
[02:11:02] <Quorthon> que � diferente do nome que fica na identidade
[02:11:07] <Quorthon> tipo rog�rio virar rog�ria
[02:11:07] <Brompt> lmao
[02:11:07] <Quorthon> lol
[02:11:10] <Brompt> isso nao sabia
[02:11:18] <Brompt> nao tenho isso
[02:11:28] <Brompt> tu tens?
[02:11:33] <Quorthon> obvio que nao ne porra
[02:11:35] <Quorthon> sao pessoas trans
[02:11:46] <Quorthon> tava te zuando so
[02:11:46] <Brompt> mas conhe�o quem tenha isso e nao seja trans
[02:11:56] <Quorthon> s�rio?
[02:11:58] <Brompt> ya
[02:12:11] <Brompt> ha quem simplesmente rejeita o seu proprio nome
[02:12:29] <Brompt> pq... gosh sei la, t�m pais retardados e q nao sabem dar um nome decente ao filho
[02:12:39] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lembrei de uma reportagem que vi ha muitos anos
[02:12:41] <Brompt> coitado do geribaldo
[02:12:59] <Brompt> bruh
[02:13:02] <Brompt> coitado
[02:13:04] <Quorthon> la pro meio da reportagem revelam o nome dele
[02:13:07] <Brompt> eu processava os pais
[02:13:09] <Quorthon> 'Walmir Piroca'
[02:13:20] <Brompt> AT� ME ENGASGUEI AHAHAHHA
[02:13:22] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[02:13:55] <Brompt> *morri*
[02:13:58] <Quorthon> pais filhos da puta mesmo
[02:14:08] <Brompt> eu mat�-los-ia
[02:14:56] <Brompt> conhe�o um chamado de mangueira
[02:15:04] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[02:16:23] <Quorthon> achei a reportagem
[02:16:25] <Quorthon> 1 minuto s�
[02:16:36] <Brompt> como te chamas? piroca
[02:16:53] <Quorthon> imagina a vida desse cara na escola
[02:16:56] <Quorthon> KKKKKKK
[02:17:03] <Brompt> XDDD
[02:17:19] <Brompt> "eae piroca piroquinha pirocada"
[02:18:45] <Brompt> h� dois meses �ramos o pior pa�s no mundo em quest�o de novos casos por milh�o
[02:18:55] <Brompt> hoje somos o pa�s europeu com os numeros mais baixos
[02:18:55] <Brompt> goals
[02:19:13] <Brompt> #omeugoverno�competente
[02:19:16] <Brompt> #s�quen�o
[02:19:49] <Brompt> wait
[02:19:51] <Brompt> syra is here
[02:19:51] <Brompt> wtf
[02:20:07] <Brompt> hello new york
[02:20:09] --> dipa connected to the server
[02:20:12] <Syracuse> hi
[02:20:14] <dipa> wb
[02:20:17] <Quorthon> nos somos o novo epicentro do covid
[02:20:19] <Brompt> hello cowboy fingering a minor
[02:20:22] <Quorthon> :B
[02:20:24] <dipa> Oh nvm imma leave
[02:20:27] <Syracuse> I'm here for like an hour already
[02:20:27] <dipa> My next exam
[02:20:30] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[02:20:37] <Brompt> yah... voc�s t�m aparecido constantemente nas not�cias por causa disso
[02:20:52] <Brompt> sorry syra
[02:21:00] <Quorthon> when are you going back to brooklyn
[02:21:08] <Brompt> we been talkin about racism, dumb leftists and dumbfuck people in general
[02:21:08] <Syracuse> it's okay, idc about that anyway
[02:21:10] <Brompt> didn't notice you were here
[02:21:59] <Quorthon> no anti semitic jokes of any kind were made during our conversation
[02:22:01] <Quorthon> diclaimer above
[02:22:09] <Brompt> yes
[02:22:24] <Brompt> com um piscar de olho gigantesco
[02:22:32] <Quorthon> XDD
[02:23:10] <Syracuse> fucking Pelican Reef > Ahican > Pelican Reef > Ahican
[02:23:12] <Syracuse> .-.
[02:23:17] <Brompt> mission farming
[02:23:17] <Brompt> gg
[02:23:35] <Quorthon> disgusting hydra pilots
[02:23:48] <Brompt> ikr
[02:23:51] <Brompt> damn sky air event
[02:24:03] <Syracuse> Hydra missions are for noobs, pro gamer flies Skimmerwe
[02:24:13] <Brompt> pro gaymer*
[02:24:29] <Quorthon> i can only imagine some old granpa flying skimmers tbh
[02:24:31] <Syracuse> did you just assume my gender?
[02:24:39] <Brompt> yes
[02:24:39] <Brompt> I
[02:24:41] <Brompt> fucking
[02:24:41] <Brompt> did
[02:24:44] <Syracuse> wow r00de\
[02:25:14] <Syracuse> if 24 years old is considred old ...s
[02:25:27] <Syracuse> ...dered*
[02:25:37] <Quorthon> lemme tell you a fun fact brooklyn
[02:25:40] <Brompt> nono I like considred
[02:25:48] <Quorthon> here in brazil 24 is considered the 'gay' number
[02:25:53] <Quorthon> no really
[02:26:00] <Brompt> hmmm
[02:26:10] <Brompt> I wonder if you guys also consider the colour yellow to be gay
[02:26:10] <Quorthon> during birthday parties, some men even have candles saying 23 + 1
[02:26:16] <Quorthon> to avoid using the number 24
[02:26:46] <Brompt> foda-se
[02:27:06] <Brompt> o canal de not�cias que ponho como barulho de fundo contrataram uma jornalista estagi�ria
[02:27:14] <Brompt> a gaja � uma toura...
[02:27:19] <Syracuse> I was born in 1997, year of the Ox,
[02:27:34] <Syracuse> now it's 2021, also the year of the Ox in Chinese Zodiac
[02:27:40] <Brompt> oh god you guys follow that chinese bullshit too?
[02:28:05] <Syracuse> idk, lemme ask my ancestors
[02:28:05] <Quorthon> isso � bom ou ruim?
[02:28:23] <Brompt> ah wait vcs nao usam o termo toura pra as mulheres?
[02:28:28] <Syracuse> so that zodiac repeats every 12 years
[02:28:30] <Quorthon> nao lmao
[02:28:38] <Quorthon> apenas 'cavala' quando ela � muito thicc
[02:28:51] <Brompt> gaja toura = gaja super boazona
[02:29:16] <Quorthon> deve ser cavala ent�o
[02:29:19] <Brompt> what's the zodiac for 1999
[02:29:42] <Brompt> c� gajas cavalas s�o gordas com uma cara com aspeto de estrada batida
[02:29:47] <Syracuse> cat
[02:29:54] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[02:29:57] <Syracuse> 1999 is the year of the car
[02:30:40] <Quorthon> buy lotto ticket brooklyn
[02:31:28] <Brompt> what's all this fuss around harry and meghan lol
[02:31:34] <Syracuse> lmao I just said "year of the car"
[02:31:34] <Brompt> I don't give a shit about the british monarchy
[02:31:54] <Quorthon> why did no one laugh at the vroom
[02:31:56] <Syracuse> idc about that neither
[02:31:59] <Quorthon> that was a good one wasnt it
[02:32:02] <Brompt> no quor
[02:32:07] <Brompt> you should fucking kill yourself
[02:32:30] <Quorthon> omw
[02:32:45] <Quorthon> i heard something about racism
[02:32:50] <Quorthon> regarding those royal fucks
[02:32:55] <Brompt> :o
[02:33:03] <Brompt> those motherfuckers...
[02:33:15] <Quorthon> ah well, they've done way worse
[02:33:28] <Brompt> never liked the british monarchy, it's too much propaganda
[02:33:31] <Quorthon> ainda passam o pano
[02:33:46] <Brompt> acreditas que n�s ainda temos a nossa fam�lia real?
[02:33:54] <Quorthon> os bragan�as?
[02:33:56] <Brompt> ya
[02:34:06] <Quorthon> lol
[02:34:11] <Quorthon> temos alguns aqui ainda
[02:34:16] <Quorthon> que falam sobre a volta da monarquia
[02:34:16] <Brompt> o herdeiro ao trono chama-se duarte pio
[02:34:19] <Quorthon> mas ngm da uma foda
[02:34:24] <Syracuse> lemme tell you, the Thai Royalty is far worse than the Brits
[02:34:52] <Quorthon> why
[02:35:07] <Brompt> any asian royalty is worser than the brit
[02:35:10] <Syracuse> the current Thai King, Rama XI, is a literal playboy
[02:35:15] <Brompt> ooh la la
[02:35:40] <Syracuse> he left his country to Germany while Thai is dealing with covid-19
[02:35:46] <Quorthon> im starting to like him already
[02:35:48] <Quorthon> oops nvm
[02:36:03] <Syracuse> we call him "Drama XI"
[02:36:39] <Syracuse> I'M Vietnamese, the Thai Govt cant do shit
[02:36:59] <Syracuse> when we trashtlak about that rou
[02:37:04] <Syracuse> royalty
[02:37:12] <Brompt> they can go eat dicks
[02:37:15] <Brompt> idc either
[02:37:17] <Quorthon> wait
[02:37:25] <Quorthon> ppl in thailand cant talk bs about royalty?
[02:37:30] <Syracuse> yes
[02:37:45] <Brompt> sounds like spain with extra steps
[02:37:55] <Quorthon> sounds like china
[02:38:11] <Brompt> are you aware of the recent lootings and riots happening in spain?
[02:38:31] <Quorthon> tell me about it
[02:38:51] <Brompt> a rapper who trashtalked about the monarchy was sent to jail
[02:38:54] <Syracuse> but if you're a foreinger, and talking shit about that royalty on Thailand, you'll be fucked too
[02:39:09] <Quorthon> lmaoo
[02:39:19] <Brompt> pablo hansel
[02:39:45] <Quorthon> this reminds me of an american student who travelled to north korea on vacation
[02:39:47] <Brompt> fuck thai royalty
[02:39:57] <Brompt> "vacation
[02:40:08] <Brompt> stealing north korea propaganda counts as a vacation now?
[02:40:15] <Quorthon> and whilst there he tore a poster of their leader
[02:40:23] <Syracuse> the dude is dead for years already
[02:40:25] <Quorthon> got sentenced to 10 years of hard labor lmao
[02:40:30] <Brompt> he died lmao
[02:40:36] <Quorthon> yes XD
[02:40:41] <Quorthon> came back in a coma and pof
[02:40:43] <Quorthon> poof
[02:40:48] <Brompt> I honestly don't feel bad about him
[02:40:58] <Quorthon> dumb fuck tb h
[02:40:58] <Quorthon> tbh
[02:41:29] <Brompt> a dumbfuck thinking he's entitled to fuck around in north korea
[02:41:54] <Brompt> he knew he was in deep shit
[02:41:57] <Brompt> and it's his fault
[02:41:59] <Quorthon> i heard you cant even throw away or stash newspapers in north korea lmao
[02:42:45] <Brompt> north korea is modern-day 1950
[02:42:48] <Syracuse> now I wanna go to north korea lmao
[02:43:11] <Quorthon> oh i said it wrong
[02:43:13] <Quorthon> you can't FOLD newspapers
[02:43:16] <Quorthon> lmao
[02:43:18] <Brompt> riiiight
[02:43:34] <Brompt> folding would imply folding the face of their magnificient supreme leader
[02:43:39] <Brompt> and that's just a big no no
[02:43:51] <Brompt> because wannabe winnie the pooh feels offended
[02:43:59] <Quorthon> XD
[02:44:09] <Quorthon> you also can't take pics of monuments if they aren't in full frame
[02:44:17] <Quorthon> so weird lmao
[02:44:47] <Brompt> how to cheat the system 101
[02:44:52] <Quorthon> *disappears the next day*
[02:44:55] <Quorthon> gamer moment
[02:45:18] <Brompt> so syra, is vietnam this batshit crazy?
[02:45:26] <Brompt> or is it tolerable to tourists?
[02:45:43] <Syracuse> what?
[02:45:59] <Quorthon> i think vietnam is pretty open
[02:46:32] <Brompt> say that to uzbekistan and their heavily controlled tourism
[02:46:47] <Brompt> "Enjoy Uzbekistan, earth's natural wonder"
[02:47:00] <Brompt> meanwhile people dying in cotton fields bcoz of forced labour*"
[02:47:00] <Quorthon> just like alcohol, gotta enjoy with moderation
[02:47:10] <Brompt> it's slavery but suuuure, "forced labour"
[02:47:45] <Quorthon> ok last lotto and im out
[02:48:29] <Quorthon> nvm fuck it
[02:48:41] <Quorthon> tell me if it draws 23
[02:48:41] <Quorthon> bye
[02:48:44] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[02:49:17] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> also brooklyn, pay no mind to prompto's attitude towards third world countries like ours
[02:49:37] <Brompt> you criticise them more than me lmao
[02:49:37] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> he may sound very condescenting
[02:49:37] <Syracuse> Vietnam aint 3rd world
[02:49:42] <Syracuse> 2nd world
[02:49:48] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> uuuuuu
[02:50:05] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> well either way
[02:50:18] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[02:50:23] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> take that into consideration
[02:50:26] <Syracuse> Prompto is still a d*ck?
[02:50:31] --> Brompt connected to the server
[02:50:36] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> yes
[02:50:44] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> very much so i'm afraid
[02:50:51] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> amirite prompto
[02:51:12] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> yeah I'm still a dick
[02:51:17] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> you can suck it tho, for free
[02:51:24] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> join transx
[02:51:24] <Syracuse> I didnt say "dick"
[02:51:29] <Brompt> d*ck*
[02:51:32] <Brompt> fine
[02:51:32] <Syracuse> I said "D*CK"
[02:51:42] <Brompt> I'm already in transx you dumbfuck
[02:51:47] <Syracuse> which could be "duck, dock"
[02:52:05] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> well you said you were still a dick
[02:52:13] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> mix it up
[02:52:18] <Syracuse> you admitted it
[02:52:18] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ok im not making any sense now, bye
[02:52:28] <Brompt> vai dormir
[02:52:30] <Brompt> cona de sab�o
[02:52:41] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> implicando que eu seja cheiroso
[02:52:53] <Brompt> nah
[02:53:01] <Brompt> que �s uma puta regateira
[02:53:06] <Syracuse> 60 more, and imma switch to at400 :c
[02:53:11] <Syracuse> !missions skimmer
[02:53:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3539 skimmer
[02:53:14] <Brompt> no lifer
[02:53:14] <Syracuse> 61*
[02:53:21] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> absolutely disgusting
[02:56:12] <Syracuse> so winny said he wants my top 1 skimmer
[02:56:22] <Syracuse> i'm gonna give him
[02:56:27] <Syracuse> a very hard time
[02:56:30] <Brompt> lol
[02:56:42] <Brompt> poor winny
[02:56:45] <Syracuse> !misisons winny skimmer
[02:56:50] <Syracuse> !missions winny skimmer
[02:56:50] <Brompt> pls, continue to fuck his mental sanity
[02:56:53] (WEB) <robin_be> winny: 500 skimmer
[02:56:55] <Brompt> AHAHHAAH
[02:57:08] <Brompt> that's laughable
[02:57:21] <Syracuse> ikr
[02:58:14] <Syracuse> hope he'll give up before he even started
[02:58:24] <Brompt> again 37 wtf
[03:07:08] --> Lavija connected to the server
[03:07:13] <Syracuse> boooooooooooo
[03:11:25] <Brompt> motherfucker
[03:11:30] <Syracuse> hmm?
[03:11:36] <Brompt> i picked 10
[03:13:33] <Syracuse> i'm actually enjoy flying skimmer
[03:13:45] <Syracuse> not so much with the long ass skimmer flights
[03:14:13] <Brompt> fuck those
[03:14:36] <Syracuse> under 5km is good enough
[03:15:22] <Brompt> 5km seems to be the sweet spot for everything
[03:15:37] <Syracuse> cargodrop?
[03:15:52] <Brompt> 5km, 5 days, 5 missions, massive 5 cm dick
[03:21:56] <Syracuse> hi
[03:22:45] <Lavija> brook hop on beta
[03:22:50] <Lavija> lets go find bugs and shit
[03:22:50] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[03:22:57] <Syracuse> sure
[03:22:57] <Brompt> time for me to be alone once again
[03:23:00] <Brompt> ye
[03:23:00] <Brompt> yey
[03:26:44] --> Mohammed_Bouzzazi connected to the server
[03:27:55] <Mohammed_Bouzzazi> How do I get into a plane that has run out of fuel?
[03:28:18] <Brompt> no clue actually
[03:28:23] <Brompt> I just go to a different plane
[03:28:38] <Syracuse> click lmb
[03:28:43] <Mohammed_Bouzzazi> I see
[03:28:56] <Syracuse> but dont press F to get out
[03:28:59] <Syracuse> it'll crash yourgame
[03:29:06] <Mohammed_Bouzzazi> Huh, weird
[03:29:06] <Syracuse> press S
[03:29:44] <Syracuse> ngl, prickle pine has the best custom made runway
[03:30:00] <Brompt> it doe
[03:30:02] <Brompt> does
[03:30:28] <-- Mohammed_Bouzzazi disconnected from the server
[03:30:40] <Syracuse> aight, imma jump to beta server
[03:30:40] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[03:46:16] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[04:02:05] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[04:03:01] --> Brompt connected to the server
[04:03:55] <Syracuse> oh fuck, forgot to remvoe surfly
[04:03:55] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[04:04:48] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[04:05:24] <Brompt> wb hacker
[04:05:49] <Syracuse> ty
[04:10:11] <Brompt> gonna reach 250m in 2 weeks
[04:10:21] <Brompt> ez
[04:10:37] <Syracuse> guess i'll reach 400m by then
[04:10:44] <Brompt> reech
[04:10:52] <Brompt> eat the rich
[04:11:10] --> Lenz connected to the server
[04:13:12] <Syracuse> each the rich?
[04:13:17] <Syracuse> eat*
[04:13:25] <Brompt> yes
[04:13:27] <Brompt> fuck them hard
[04:13:35] <Syracuse> sure, let's go eat winny
[04:13:37] <Brompt> (plz i'm a virgin, i just wanna get fucked)
[04:13:45] --> Kristel connected to the server
[04:13:52] <Syracuse> I want a BJ :<
[04:14:00] <Kristel> hallowww
[04:14:10] <Brompt> what a nice flooding setrank
[04:14:15] <Syracuse> niece and nephew
[04:14:28] <Kristel> no
[04:14:31] <Kristel> my setrank is god
[04:14:33] <Kristel> !cash
[04:14:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Kristel has $55,022 in hand
[04:14:51] <Brompt> !cash
[04:14:54] (WEB) <robin_be> Brompt has $2,422,880 in hand
[04:14:56] <Syracuse> !8ball is Prompto going die virgin?
[04:14:59] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: Very doubtful
[04:15:12] <Kristel> wow
[04:15:19] <Brompt> nah, I'll just pay for a hooker to make sure I won't die a virgin
[04:15:19] <Syracuse> !8ball is Prompto going die virgin?
[04:15:22] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: Yes, definitely
[04:15:50] <Syracuse> imagine hookers refuses to fucc with him
[04:16:00] <Brompt> time to snitch them
[04:16:03] <Brompt> to the police
[04:16:18] <Syracuse> kimky
[04:16:36] <Brompt> u get turned on way too easily
[04:17:42] <Syracuse> so, do you have any gf before?e
[04:17:49] <Brompt> nope
[04:17:57] <Syracuse> so do i ,-,
[04:18:07] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[04:18:15] <Brompt> oh shit no boo
[04:18:20] <Brompt> leave my 1st alone
[04:18:33] <Syracuse> sky air evemt?
[04:18:35] <Brompt> yae
[04:18:50] <Brompt> lc whore wtf
[04:18:53] <Kristel> who
[04:19:03] <Brompt> ye who dat bitch
[04:19:06] <Kristel> idk
[04:19:39] <Syracuse> what's "idk"?
[04:19:49] <Brompt> i dunno know man, never heard of it
[04:19:59] <Kristel> same
[04:20:02] <Syracuse> so prompt doesn't now
[04:20:02] <Kristel> i dont know
[04:20:09] <Brompt> I don't now?
[04:20:09] <Syracuse> kristel too
[04:20:12] <Brompt> damn
[04:20:17] <Brompt> that's just another way of saying I don't exist
[04:20:22] <Brompt> fu brook >:/
[04:20:30] <Kristel> sex
[04:20:30] <Syracuse> typo, sorry
[04:20:35] <Brompt> excuses
[04:20:40] <Syracuse> or was it?
[04:21:00] <Brompt> u go to beta and leave me alone with afk nub here
[04:21:08] <Kristel> who
[04:21:08] <Brompt> and now saying I don't exist
[04:21:15] <Brompt> fml
[04:21:36] <Syracuse> *plays the intro of Green Day's Letterbomb"
[04:22:01] <Syracuse> "Nobody likes you, everyone left you. They're out without you, having fun."
[04:22:22] <Syracuse> they're all*
[04:22:24] <Brompt> that's actually me right now
[04:22:27] <Brompt> no joke
[04:22:50] <Syracuse> me too
[04:22:55] <Syracuse> welp, our lives sucks
[04:23:00] <Brompt> I even got hit with a "it's your fault you're in this situation"
[04:23:02] <Brompt> wow fuck you then
[04:23:07] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> man
[04:23:12] <Kristel> stan fuck u
[04:23:25] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> i love you too kristel
[04:23:33] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> how are u babe
[04:23:33] <Syracuse> it's easier for to to talk to stangers on the internet that i'll probably never met irl
[04:23:51] <Syracuse> then people I made contact with everyday
[04:23:51] <Brompt> kristel, how does it feel to be the dude with the lowest score here ? :v
[04:24:03] <Brompt> exactly
[04:24:11] <Kristel> uh
[04:24:13] <Syracuse> Kris who?
[04:24:16] <Kristel> idk
[04:24:16] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> so you�re an introvert?
[04:24:19] <Brompt> it's so much easier to tell stan to fuck off than say hello to someone I know irl
[04:24:29] <Kristel> wow really
[04:24:31] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> how do
[04:24:39] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> so*
[04:24:44] <Syracuse> *introvert intensifies*
[04:24:49] <Brompt> pandemic fucked me
[04:24:52] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> hahahaha then stop being introverted
[04:25:02] <Brompt> oh wow stan, why didn't we think of that
[04:25:04] <Brompt> damn
[04:25:17] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> yes just be an extrovert
[04:25:35] <Syracuse> Prompto, do you remember asking him?
[04:25:37] <Syracuse> I don't
[04:25:40] <Brompt> nope
[04:26:16] <Kristel> SEX
[04:26:21] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> someone has to initiate the conversation specially when the person on the other end is an introvert
[04:26:23] <Brompt> have some respect kris ffs
[04:26:28] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> an introvert that needs help
[04:26:36] <Kristel> ew respect
[04:26:46] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> Kristel booo hru
[04:26:54] <Kristel> fuck u
[04:27:37] <Brompt> the problem stan isn't initiating the conversation for me
[04:28:13] <Brompt> I just can't talk to someone even when I want to and/or have to
[04:28:25] <Brompt> smth I could easily do pre-pandemic
[04:28:33] <Kristel> there is a pandemic?
[04:28:38] <Kristel> since when
[04:28:46] <Brompt> I might be developing a depression and I'm not even noticing
[04:28:51] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> well I just spoke to my friend who�s father just died and I said good morning...
[04:29:03] <Brompt> more than a year constantly being at home dealing with dipshits and online classes
[04:29:09] <Brompt> my life is just grey
[04:29:09] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> in awkward like that too :]
[04:29:11] <Brompt> super grey
[04:29:11] <Syracuse> do you have negative thoughts in your mind?
[04:29:29] <Kristel> im having them once in a while
[04:29:31] <Brompt> nope, I used to have those waaaay before the pandemic
[04:29:34] <Kristel> does that mean im depressed?
[04:29:39] <Brompt> I just.. like "froze"
[04:30:17] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> then speak to a therapist all of you
[04:30:22] <Brompt> fuck those
[04:30:25] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> kristelin why u ignoring me babe
[04:30:30] <Syracuse> I should stop playing game and find a GF
[04:30:32] <Syracuse> for real
[04:30:38] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> why?
[04:30:40] <Syracuse> 24, and sitll no GF
[04:30:48] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> you don�t need anyone
[04:31:00] <Syracuse> my mother gave birth at the age of 24
[04:31:08] <Syracuse> yet i'mm still virgin at 24
[04:31:08] <Brompt> my mother gave birth to me when she was 19
[04:31:11] <Brompt> i'm 21
[04:31:11] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> you don�t need a gf just for the sake of havin
[04:31:21] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> mine was 30 :{
[04:31:44] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> aw that�s cool
[04:31:46] <Syracuse> my mother gave birth to me when she was 42
[04:31:56] <Kristel> wow really
[04:31:59] <Syracuse> yes
[04:32:04] <Brompt> that's.. quite late
[04:32:12] <Kristel> my mom right now is 42
[04:32:17] <Kristel> and I'm 20
[04:32:17] <Syracuse> I'm the last of 4 brother & 2 sisters
[04:32:24] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> well my mum and dad ran away to west germany when they were like 18 ????
[04:32:29] <Syracuse> I mean 4, 1 brother and 2 sisters
[04:32:35] <Brompt> bruhhhh
[04:32:40] <Syracuse> 81, 83, 89 & 97
[04:32:47] <Brompt> imagine stan comin' here speaking german all of a sudden
[04:32:55] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> i don�t speak german
[04:33:00] <Brompt> I said imagine
[04:33:03] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> but my parents do
[04:33:23] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> actual most of my cousins doo too maybe i should learn
[04:33:28] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> yeah anyways back on topic
[04:33:48] <Brompt> which topic? that my life is grey af and I see no future?
[04:33:53] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> don�t get a gf just cause it�s the �normal� thing to do whatever that means
[04:34:09] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> yeah prompto that sounds like depression
[04:34:11] <Brompt> heteronormative you mean
[04:34:21] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> yeah
[04:34:39] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> you�ll probably be able to leave the house end of this month or sometime next month
[04:35:05] <Brompt> we'll start to ease on the lockdown next week
[04:35:12] <Brompt> but the thing is, it's still pointless
[04:35:17] <Brompt> my classes are all online still
[04:35:58] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> go talk to your friends?
[04:36:03] <Kristel> sex
[04:36:03] <Brompt> dude
[04:36:03] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[04:36:06] <Syracuse> my hometown removed the lockdown since april 22, 2020
[04:36:08] <Brompt> I said I can't
[04:36:21] <Syracuse> no new lockdown since then\
[04:36:41] <Brompt> lucky u
[04:36:59] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> we removed lockdown in may, had no cases till October and then everything went to shit after that we had a 9 day lockdown
[04:37:02] <Syracuse> well
[04:37:07] <Brompt> this lockdown we're in has been going on since october
[04:37:12] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> but they gave up now everybody�s dying
[04:37:14] <Syracuse> we Vietnamese don't have anti-masker tho
[04:37:22] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> oh man
[04:37:25] <Brompt> we don't as well
[04:37:55] <Brompt> in january more than half of new infections were the british variant
[04:37:58] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> our first lockdown was super strict, no exceptions except for healthcare workers and the military
[04:38:23] <Brompt> it completely rekted our health infrastructure
[04:38:31] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> no one was allowed to leave their house for like 3 months and anyone who left was detained or fine
[04:38:36] <Syracuse> and here in Idaho, US. they were buring masks
[04:38:38] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> damn
[04:38:38] <Syracuse> burning*
[04:39:01] <Brompt> ye but americans... smh
[04:39:14] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> not wearing a mask could get you a fine or anywhere from 6 months to 14 years in prison
[04:39:14] <Brompt> politicising a fucking mask... insane
[04:39:44] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> �but masks didn�t work with aids�
[04:39:57] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> actual words spoken by a senator
[04:40:15] <Brompt> I sometimes wonder why do these people exist
[04:40:38] <Brompt> it's like they choose to be this dumb
[04:41:36] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> well 90# of our MPs are worse than that... at least it�s not that bad in America ????
[04:42:02] <Brompt> i don't know your country's politics so idk
[04:42:04] <Syracuse> not sure if they were born stupid already, or their stupidity comes from practice?
[04:42:15] <Syracuse> the anti-vaxx & anti-maskers
[04:42:20] <Brompt> maybe it's in their blood
[04:42:45] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> nah americans fetishize unlimited freedom
[04:43:00] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> don�t realise that slavery to an ideology
[04:43:05] <Brompt> they fail to realise their excessive freedom is dangerous to others
[04:43:21] <Brompt> humans can't have too much freedom
[04:43:23] <Brompt> we're dumb apes
[04:43:38] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> apparently they have to sing the anthem at school everyday lol..
[04:43:54] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> And take the pledge of allegiance
[04:44:17] <Brompt> what?
[04:44:19] <Brompt> I refuse to believe in that
[04:44:37] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> search it
[04:44:50] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> that sounds like north korea
[04:45:00] <Brompt> gosh
[04:45:33] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> to be clear idk if that�s law but it�s the general practice
[04:46:01] <Brompt> I'm grateful to live in europe lol
[04:46:06] <Syracuse> same here lmao
[04:46:19] <Syracuse> *proud Vietnamese noises*
[04:46:31] <Syracuse> also our cuisine is awesome af
[04:46:36] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> dont you guys need american protection every other decade when germany goes thru puberty
[04:46:49] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> laughs
[04:47:02] <Syracuse> portugal?
[04:47:02] <Brompt> best cuisine goes to mediterranean countries
[04:47:07] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> europe
[04:47:22] <Brompt> the threat is russia now
[04:47:25] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> that�s cause you haven�t tried south east asian
[04:47:27] <Brompt> germany is our best bud now
[04:47:35] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> malaysian, thai cuisine etc
[04:47:35] <Brompt> I have
[04:47:35] <Brompt> in london
[04:47:38] <Brompt> lol
[04:47:43] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> not the same thin
[04:47:43] <Syracuse> speaking of germany, where the hell is smith?
[04:47:45] <Brompt> i know
[04:47:50] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> that�s like saying i tried white food in a brown country
[04:48:00] <Brompt> it's not hard stan, depends on the white food
[04:48:21] <Brompt> if it's british cuisine you can find it anywhere lol
[04:48:23] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> yeah white foods so lame no offence
[04:48:33] <Syracuse> brits can cook?
[04:48:39] <Brompt> mediterranean cuisine isn't lame
[04:48:41] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> british cusine? you mean the cuisine of the stolenwealth of nations
[04:49:19] <Brompt> I occasionally love to eat jacket potato, baked beans, fish & chips but... gosh it's... lame
[04:49:29] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> oprah just woke up and chose violence
[04:49:45] <Brompt> I saw that oprah interview
[04:49:45] <Brompt> wow
[04:50:05] <Brompt> how to fuck british royalty in just one interview 101 by Oprah
[04:50:05] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> two black women taking down the fucking empire
[04:50:23] <Brompt> the guardian has been ruthless towards the queen as well
[04:50:30] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> ye
[04:50:36] <Brompt> every week they post an article bashing them so hard with evidence
[04:51:44] <Brompt> england is still an awesome place to live tho, I loved living there (best years of my life no joke)
[04:51:47] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> we abolished the monarchy in 70s and i thought it was bad cause the queen never did stupid shit like every president we had afte
[04:51:52] <Brompt> but now with brexit.. hell no
[04:51:54] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> but now i�m glad we did that
[04:52:22] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> they still get invited to state events often i think the year before it was that paedo andrew
[04:52:30] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> hope that stops after this
[04:52:35] <Brompt> gosh.. andrew
[04:52:38] <Brompt> what a disgrace
[04:52:45] <Brompt> disgraceful cunt
[04:53:36] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> barbados is abolishing the monarchy by november
[04:53:54] <Brompt> nice
[04:53:59] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> australia wants to too and hopefully all other commonwealth countries will get rid of these freeloading racist paedos
[04:54:02] <Brompt> finally heading for a republic
[04:54:19] <Brompt> smet which city are you from?
[04:54:35] <Smetkowski> that's not important
[04:54:37] <Brompt> :o
[04:54:52] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> Pozna??
[04:55:05] <Brompt> isn't that in poland?
[04:55:10] (WEB) <rudolph#3177> I know only cause pozna? and warsaw cause price talks about it all the time
[04:55:31] <Brompt> I know gdansk
[04:55:51] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[04:56:06] <Smetkowski> but I live in the north of scotland if you'd like to know
[04:56:19] <Brompt> do you support snp?
[04:56:24] <Smetkowski> I guess
[04:56:29] --> Lenz connected to the server
[04:56:32] <Syracuse> is scotland big enough?
[04:56:47] <Brompt> scotland needs to break away from england asap
[04:56:52] <Brompt> it's becoming toxic
[04:57:07] <Smetkowski> scotland is a very rich country, and is doing better than england
[04:57:12] <Syracuse> well, Eddie's from Scotland to
[04:57:12] <Brompt> ^
[04:57:20] <Syracuse> too*
[04:58:03] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Test
[04:58:08] <Syracuse> failed
[04:58:54] <Syracuse> oi, BMA just needs 70k more flights to kick jetstar
[04:59:04] <Brompt> it's easy
[04:59:12] <Brompt> jetstar is more than dead
[04:59:27] <Syracuse> well, only me and lenz are working
[04:59:35] <Brompt> it's enough
[04:59:42] <Lenz> 35k each
[04:59:50] <Brompt> nobody is working at jetstar lmao
[05:00:03] (WEB) <dipa#0472> So... it's dead?
[05:00:10] <Brompt> pretty much
[05:00:10] <Syracuse> pretty muuch\
[05:00:18] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Ok
[05:00:33] <Syracuse> !missions skimmer
[05:00:36] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3574 skimmer
[05:00:36] <Brompt> time to buy jetstar :V
[05:00:46] <Syracuse> 26 more, and imma do at400
[05:13:24] <Syracuse> I really liked the LS Rescue Base
[05:13:37] <Syracuse> looks real good
[05:13:42] <Smetkowski> it's cool
[05:13:44] <Brompt> mission farmer :v
[05:14:05] <Smetkowski> wait till you see 23
[05:14:12] <Brompt> you've actually achieved that?
[05:14:17] <Smetkowski> only once
[05:14:20] <Brompt> damn
[05:15:46] <Syracuse> it's almost 10 years since japanese earthquake-tsunami :o
[05:15:57] <Syracuse> 2 days left and it'll be 10 years
[05:15:57] <Brompt> fukushima?
[05:15:59] <Syracuse> ye
[05:15:59] <Smetkowski> that's right
[05:16:09] <Syracuse> time flies
[05:18:19] <Syracuse> !hand
[05:18:22] <Syracuse> !cash
[05:18:24] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse has $275,811 in hand
[05:20:52] <Smetkowski> who took my number
[05:21:05] <Syracuse> what number?
[05:21:12] <Brompt> probably brook
[05:21:15] <Syracuse> huehue
[05:21:17] <Lenz> who took mine.. :v
[05:21:27] <Lenz> 1 ?
[05:21:32] <Smetkowski> that would be me lol
[05:21:35] <Brompt> nicht mir
[05:21:38] <Lenz> :c
[05:32:14] <Syracuse> last one was Pelican Reef > Ahican > Pelican Reef > Ahican
[05:32:21] <Brompt> again?
[05:32:24] <Syracuse> now it's Pelican > sherman damn > pelican ...
[05:32:34] <Brompt> smth about pelican man
[05:32:36] <Syracuse> fuck you pelican
[05:33:02] <Syracuse> bruh
[05:50:45] <Syracuse> it's eye-raping, ik
[05:50:55] <Brompt> go for clearer colour codes
[05:51:16] <Brompt> try 55AA55
[05:51:26] <Brompt> (i just made this one up so dont judge me)
[05:52:14] <Brompt> it's not bad
[05:52:17] <Brompt> smooth colour
[05:52:55] <Brompt> if you want blue maybe go for 33FF33
[05:53:08] <Syracuse> idk whats the hex of the green color in /balance
[05:53:15] <Smetkowski> I recommend 020302
[05:53:15] <Syracuse> alsmo vip green color
[05:53:25] <Syracuse> imma try 696969
[05:53:25] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[05:53:41] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> judging by its tone, maybe 33AA33
[05:53:48] --> Brompt connected to the server
[05:54:04] <Syracuse> Test
[05:54:29] <Syracuse> I think 33aa33 is slightly darker than this vip color
[05:54:49] <Brompt> lmao I said blueish colour and I gave you a green one
[05:54:54] <Brompt> I meant: 5555FF
[05:54:54] <Syracuse> imma check chatlog, it does include hex color
[05:55:15] <Syracuse> 1purple-ish
[05:55:20] <Brompt> ye
[05:55:35] <Syracuse> like half blue, half purple
[05:56:18] <Brompt> hmm
[05:56:21] <Brompt> better
[05:56:41] <Brompt> this is basically trial and error with colours
[05:56:49] <Brompt> Red-Green-Blue
[05:56:57] <Syracuse> I believe the blue in my callsign is the blue of Vietnam AIrlines
[05:58:20] <Syracuse> this blue?
[05:58:20] <Brompt> I think this one is it
[05:58:23] <Brompt> yea
[05:59:16] <Brompt> soothing
[06:00:12] <Syracuse> oh wait, 33aa33 is the color of vip color this
[06:00:12] <Syracuse> green
[06:00:20] <Syracuse> this green
[06:00:23] <Brompt> acqua marine
[06:00:38] <Brompt> maybe this
[06:00:53] <Brompt> ah yeah
[06:01:03] <Brompt> 33aa33 is the typical green colour you'll see throughtout samp
[06:01:19] <Syracuse> it looks good tho
[06:01:24] <Brompt> yea
[06:01:26] <Syracuse> 00ff00 is the ATC green
[06:01:36] <Syracuse> and it's too bright for me
[06:01:47] <Brompt> dark red is my deal tho
[06:02:48] <Syracuse> 696969 xd
[06:03:00] <Syracuse> looks like fuel trucker's color
[06:03:23] <Brompt> yea
[06:03:23] <Brompt> it's disgusting
[06:04:24] <Syracuse> finished the flight with 1 percent fuel remaining
[06:04:29] <Syracuse> just in time to refuel
[06:04:42] <Brompt> the remaining fuel is inside your balls clearly
[06:04:45] <Brompt> how dangerous
[06:05:15] <Brompt> bye
[06:05:15] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[06:05:58] <Syracuse> !missions
[06:06:01] <Syracuse> !missions skimmer
[06:06:03] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3594 skimmer
[06:06:11] <Syracuse> 6 more and imma fuck off too
[06:06:34] <Smetkowski> same
[06:06:37] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> !score danielsonspromaxplus
[06:06:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player danielsonspromaxplus: 18535 score, 18135 missions: 53'/. military - 12'/. dodo - 7'/. shamal
[06:11:24] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[06:11:37] <Syracuse> hello
[06:11:42] <danielsonspromaxplus> hi
[06:12:02] <Lenz> hi deny
[06:12:10] <danielsonspromaxplus> boooo
[06:12:12] <Lenz> no
[06:12:20] <danielsonspromaxplus> no
[06:12:25] <Syracuse> nou
[06:12:40] <Smetkowski> cya
[06:12:43] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[06:12:43] <Syracuse> bai
[06:18:54] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> booo
[06:19:02] <danielsonspromaxplus> weeb
[06:19:17] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> atleast im not indo
[06:19:20] <danielsonspromaxplus> wow
[06:19:22] <danielsonspromaxplus> racist
[06:19:25] <danielsonspromaxplus> ban
[06:19:27] <danielsonspromaxplus> reported
[06:19:27] <Lenz> resict
[06:19:43] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> lacist
[06:19:50] <Syracuse> discriminate much, yamahoe
[06:20:26] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> is it still discrimination if i discriminate everyone equally
[06:20:31] <Syracuse> yes
[06:20:36] <danielsonspromaxplus> yes
[06:20:39] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> damnit
[06:20:51] <danielsonspromaxplus> everything u do is discrimination
[06:20:56] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> yes
[06:20:59] <danielsonspromaxplus> and considered racist
[06:21:02] <danielsonspromaxplus> so
[06:21:04] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> /requestname discrimination when
[06:21:12] <danielsonspromaxplus> !player discrimination
[06:21:14] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player discrimination
[06:21:14] <Syracuse> even you casually breathing is discrimination
[06:21:22] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> !player bigotry
[06:21:25] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player bigotry
[06:21:30] <danielsonspromaxplus> !player blasphemy
[06:21:32] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player blasphemy
[06:21:35] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> !player sexualharassment
[06:21:37] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player sexualharassment
[06:21:43] <danielsonspromaxplus> !player catcalling
[06:21:45] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player catcalling
[06:21:45] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> we should all change to those usernames
[06:21:48] <Syracuse> !player Jeffrey_Epstein
[06:21:50] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player Jeffrey_Epstein
[06:21:50] <danielsonspromaxplus> yes
[06:21:55] <danielsonspromaxplus> i'll change to blasphemy
[06:22:01] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> then we will become the 4 horsemen of PL
[06:22:08] <danielsonspromaxplus> fuck religion and fuck this world
[06:22:36] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> i'll become sexualharassment
[06:22:44] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> GIVE ME YOUR BIGGUS DICKUS
[06:22:57] <danielsonspromaxplus> why are u harrassing men
[06:23:02] <Syracuse> !misisons skimmer
[06:23:07] <Syracuse> !missions skimmer
[06:23:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3600 skimmer
[06:23:12] <Syracuse> at400 time
[06:23:22] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> fuck the patriarchy
[06:23:27] <danielsonspromaxplus> wow genz
[06:23:32] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> reeeeeeeee
[06:24:00] <danielsonspromaxplus> crystal 50km hydra mission when
[06:24:26] <danielsonspromaxplus> cyberpun
[06:24:31] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> at400 plz
[06:27:24] <Syracuse> !misisons at400
[06:27:29] <Syracuse> !missions at400
[06:27:31] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3000 at400
[06:27:47] <Lenz> !missions at400
[06:27:47] --> Alifer connected to the server
[06:27:49] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 3000 at400
[06:28:07] <Lenz> !missions shamal
[06:28:10] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 2914 shamal
[06:28:10] <Syracuse> smh
[06:28:17] <danielsonspromaxplus> !missions military
[06:28:20] (WEB) <robin_be> danielsonspromaxplus: 9540 military
[06:28:30] <Lenz> did you crash brook?
[06:28:33] <Syracuse> yes
[06:28:40] <Lenz> first at400 after ages
[06:28:45] <Lenz> and boom
[06:31:18] <Syracuse> relog
[06:31:18] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[06:31:33] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[06:36:44] <Syracuse> !missions at400
[06:36:46] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3001 at400
[06:37:32] <Lenz> oooo
[06:41:13] <danielsonspromaxplus> rigged
[06:41:26] <Lenz> gz for lotto dani
[06:41:49] <-- Alifer disconnected from the server
[06:42:02] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> wow indolotto again
[06:42:12] <Lenz> yes
[06:44:40] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[06:44:52] <Syracuse> oh yeah right
[06:44:55] <Lenz> noob bot
[06:45:08] <danielsonspromaxplus> no more ph lotto
[06:45:15] <Syracuse> ph lotto ded
[06:45:18] <Syracuse> philotto
[06:45:18] <danielsonspromaxplus> yes
[06:45:28] <danielsonspromaxplus> every country in SEA except PH lotto
[06:45:35] <Syracuse> Vietlotto when
[06:46:39] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[06:57:46] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[07:19:54] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[07:27:16] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[07:29:51] --> Willz. connected to the server
[07:30:04] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[07:31:05] --> Willz. connected to the server
[07:32:52] <Officer_John_Cena> how to exit from a house
[07:34:47] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[07:50:00] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[07:52:48] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[07:54:29] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[07:55:05] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[07:57:22] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[07:57:43] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[08:03:21] --> Jacob connected to the server
[08:04:17] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[08:23:27] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[08:31:15] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[08:32:26] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[08:56:24] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[08:58:44] --> BlackRose_Dying connected to the server
[08:59:24] <Officer_John_Cena> how to reset default spawn?
[09:00:08] <BlackRose_Dying> no english, man (
[09:07:58] --> Russy connected to the server
[09:08:11] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[09:08:13] <Russy> thanks :)
[09:09:07] <Russy> anybody wanna do formation missions/trucking?
[09:09:12] <Russy> trucking or flying i dont mind
[09:09:53] <BlackRose_Dying> no english, russian (
[09:13:57] <Officer_John_Cena> how to reset default spawn?
[09:14:02] <Russy> in /p
[09:14:04] <Russy> can change it in there
[09:21:02] --> Sameer connected to the server
[09:21:12] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[09:21:22] <Sameer> thanks
[09:24:40] <Russy> Sameer
[09:24:51] <Sameer> yes?
[09:24:53] <Russy> do you remember me
[09:24:58] <Sameer> ofc
[09:25:01] <Russy> :D
[09:25:06] <Russy> how have you been
[09:25:11] <Officer_John_Cena> night buddy? XD
[09:25:14] <Sameer> who wouldnt remember you :0
[09:25:26] <Sameer> I'm fine mate, how are you doing?
[09:25:29] <Russy> hahaha i am no longer filled with rage
[09:25:39] <Russy> yeah living the dream i guess
[09:25:42] <Russy> moved to Sydney last year
[09:25:44] <Russy> not a fan
[09:25:52] <Sameer> :o
[09:25:59] <Sameer> You like it there?
[09:26:04] <Russy> not really
[09:26:07] <Russy> its too busy all the time
[09:26:20] <Sameer> yeah well its big city
[09:26:32] <Russy> yeah not wrong haha
[09:26:58] <Sameer> :p
[09:26:58] <Russy> you still in school? or at uni/working now?
[09:27:05] <Sameer> University
[09:27:11] <Sameer> doing my bachelors
[09:27:16] <Russy> nice, in what?
[09:27:23] <Sameer> Business Administration
[09:27:41] <Russy> nice man, hope it's going well
[09:27:51] <Sameer> yeah
[09:27:54] <Sameer> its rough but
[09:27:56] <Sameer> manageable
[09:28:01] <Russy> yeah
[09:28:06] <Russy> degree's aren't supposed to be easy ;)
[09:28:17] <Sameer> yup
[09:29:18] <Sameer> come
[09:29:18] <Sameer> sit
[09:29:25] <Officer_John_Cena> yeh me hn yh mera jet hy. aur yahan airline join ho rahi hai
[09:29:41] <Sameer> You do remember to come out Press S
[09:29:43] <Sameer> or you'll crash
[09:29:51] <Officer_John_Cena> yeah i know, thanks for reminding me
[09:30:01] <Sameer> okay cool
[09:30:06] <Russy> is there still a lastsee ncommand?
[09:30:11] <Russy> to see when a player last connected
[09:30:14] <Sameer> nope
[09:30:16] <Sameer> its removed
[09:30:19] <Russy> ah :/
[09:30:21] <Sameer> to avoid house camping
[09:30:24] <Russy> yeah that makes sense
[09:31:48] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> Thanks twi for that
[09:32:01] <Officer_John_Cena> are the the ground veh you have?
[09:32:36] <BlackRose_Dying> bb all
[09:32:39] <Russy> bye
[09:32:44] <Sameer> bye
[09:32:54] <-- BlackRose_Dying disconnected from the server
[09:32:56] <Officer_John_Cena> bye
[09:33:07] <Russy> is there many players on at this time normally?
[09:33:14] <Sameer> not really
[09:33:19] <Russy> how many players is it when it is busy?
[09:33:27] <Sameer> around 0-10
[09:33:32] <Russy> wow thats sad
[09:33:42] <Officer_John_Cena> yah
[09:33:42] <Sameer> you wouldnt see me normally
[09:33:45] <Sameer> lmao
[09:33:47] <Sameer> i login once in a while
[09:33:50] <Russy> yeah me neither haha
[09:34:03] <Russy> i downloaded GTA again maybe 2-3 days ago
[09:34:20] <Sameer> hm
[09:34:23] <Sameer> i never deleted it
[09:34:31] <Sameer> i just got bored
[09:34:33] <Russy> i have a new pc
[09:34:33] <Russy> yeah
[09:34:38] <Sameer> same
[09:34:41] <Russy> i got bored too
[09:34:43] <Sameer> i bought last year
[09:34:48] <Russy> during my degree i didnt have time so i didnt play anything
[09:35:01] <Sameer> i was making report before i logged in
[09:35:04] <Sameer> to fresh myself lmao
[09:35:14] <Officer_John_Cena> okay.
[09:35:16] <Russy> lmao
[09:35:16] <Sameer> still incomplete :/
[09:35:22] <Sameer> 70 pages left
[09:35:37] <Russy> how long till it is due?
[09:35:42] <Sameer> 12th
[09:35:42] <Sameer> still got time
[09:35:47] <Russy> oof
[09:36:02] <Russy> 23 pages a day
[09:36:05] <Russy> plenty of time
[09:36:05] <Sameer> I had to do Internship at a private school
[09:36:10] <Sameer> 3 days ;c
[09:36:15] <Russy> ah man
[09:36:17] <Sameer> now report ofthat
[09:36:30] <Russy> oh okay
[09:36:33] <Russy> thats not the worst i guess
[09:36:40] <Sameer> well next year
[09:36:45] <Sameer> its going to be a month
[09:36:48] <Sameer> of Internship
[09:36:48] <Sameer> :c
[09:36:58] <Russy> my internship was 3 months
[09:37:03] <Russy> didnt do a report though
[09:37:11] <Sameer> well 3 days is minimum rofl
[09:37:11] <Russy> got a job with them now too so thats cool
[09:37:11] <Sameer> xD
[09:37:19] <Russy> ahhh yes
[09:37:26] <Sameer> 3-14 days for this report
[09:37:31] <Sameer> so i went with 3
[09:37:31] <Sameer> :P
[09:39:41] <Sameer> aight i gotta go now
[09:39:44] <Sameer> cya later
[09:39:46] <Russy> cya dude
[09:39:49] <-- Sameer disconnected from the server
[09:41:00] <Officer_John_Cena> RIP
[09:48:10] <Russy> '/abase
[09:50:07] <Officer_John_Cena> the atc window isnt closing help
[09:50:14] <Russy> spamming left click?
[09:50:20] <Russy> maybe just make a selection
[09:50:37] <Russy> when you left click make sure you arent pretty any keyboard keys
[09:53:23] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[09:53:28] <Russy> penis
[09:53:30] <-- Russy disconnected from the server
[10:00:22] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[10:01:13] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Coli
[10:01:21] <danielsonspromaxplus> mengentot
[10:01:24] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> WAAA
[10:01:41] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> WANZ udah 900 makanya ganti kode
[10:01:52] <danielsonspromaxplus> hafal aja fir
[10:02:07] <danielsonspromaxplus> kode jav hafal
[10:02:09] <danielsonspromaxplus> pancasila lupa
[10:04:37] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Hadrh
[10:04:50] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Babu negara kok lupa pancasila
[10:11:49] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[10:42:44] --> Lenz connected to the server
[10:51:36] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[10:57:27] --> amking connected to the server
[10:57:34] <Syracuse> hi
[10:58:07] <amking> hey
[11:00:17] <-- amking disconnected from the server
[11:05:00] --> amking connected to the server
[11:06:54] <-- amking disconnected from the server
[11:07:19] --> ScoobyDooo connected to the server
[11:07:25] <ScoobyDooo> hi
[11:07:30] <Syracuse> hello
[11:07:32] <ScoobyDooo> hi
[11:07:35] <ScoobyDooo> hows life
[11:07:37] <Syracuse> nothing much
[11:08:54] <ScoobyDooo> how to die
[11:08:59] <Syracuse> /kll
[11:09:01] <Syracuse> /kill
[11:09:06] <ScoobyDooo> how to live
[11:09:14] <Syracuse> idk
[11:11:59] <ScoobyDooo> wheres the ls fuel station
[11:12:27] <ScoobyDooo> nvm
[11:14:12] --> Russy connected to the server
[11:14:17] <ScoobyDooo> wb
[11:14:17] <Syracuse> hello russy
[11:14:19] <Russy> hey
[11:14:19] <Russy> thanks
[11:14:22] <Syracuse> it's me, Brooklyn
[11:14:29] <Russy> holy shit
[11:14:32] <Russy> hey
[11:14:34] <Russy> how have you been
[11:14:37] <ScoobyDooo> o sewaring
[11:14:37] <ScoobyDooo> please
[11:14:45] <Syracuse> I'm good
[11:14:50] <Syracuse> I heard you're a pilot irl now
[11:14:57] <Russy> yeah something like that :p
[11:15:10] <Syracuse> still awesome tho
[11:15:20] <Russy> im alot more chilled out as a person too haha
[11:15:51] <Russy> What are you up to these days
[11:16:01] <Syracuse> nothing
[11:16:26] <Syracuse> just go to work, playing games, repeat
[11:16:49] <ScoobyDooo> how to buy cars
[11:17:02] <Russy> in the /help menu
[11:19:32] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> !player jacob_ds
[11:19:35] (WEB) <robin_be> player jacob_ds: 4210 score, last seen null
[11:19:40] <Russy> !player lockheed
[11:19:42] (WEB) <robin_be> player lockheed: 9569 score, last seen null
[11:19:48] <ScoobyDooo> !player 69
[11:19:48] <Russy> ah no more last seen
[11:19:50] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player 69
[11:19:55] <Russy> !player haydz
[11:19:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player haydz: 2058 score, last seen null
[11:21:32] <ScoobyDooo> guys
[11:21:37] <ScoobyDooo> come /dogfight rhinos
[11:21:37] <Russy> yes
[11:21:40] <Russy> okj
[11:22:13] <Russy> let me spawn you shit head haha
[11:22:20] <ScoobyDooo> heh
[11:22:41] <Russy> hey lenz
[11:22:48] <Russy> that is rigged i swear
[11:22:51] <ScoobyDooo> wanna do
[11:22:51] <ScoobyDooo> hunter
[11:22:53] <ScoobyDooo> or?
[11:22:56] <Russy> ye okie
[11:22:56] <Lenz> hey there russy!
[11:23:11] <Russy> long time no see
[11:23:24] <Lenz> was inactive in between
[11:23:27] <Russy> me too haha
[11:23:49] <ScoobyDooo> hacks
[11:24:10] <Russy> nah if i was ever to get banned on PL it'd be for being an asshole
[11:24:23] <ScoobyDooo> :(
[11:24:28] <Russy> :p
[11:24:30] <ScoobyDooo> wait
[11:24:38] <ScoobyDooo> how you know i gotbanned
[11:24:48] <ScoobyDooo> :o
[11:24:51] <ScoobyDooo> im famous
[11:24:53] <Russy> >.>
[11:24:58] <Russy> i mean me haha
[11:25:06] <ScoobyDooo> i got banned for that
[11:25:08] <ScoobyDooo> ohwow
[11:25:13] <Syracuse> he mena he'd get banned for being an a-hole
[11:25:49] <ScoobyDooo> ez dodge
[11:25:54] <ScoobyDooo> lol
[11:25:59] <Syracuse> dont say you're ban evading
[11:26:07] <ScoobyDooo> i got unbanned
[11:26:09] <ScoobyDooo> 9 month ago ser
[11:26:09] <Russy> inb4 hex
[11:26:14] <Russy> lmao
[11:26:20] <Russy> 10 years later, still fucking with PL
[11:26:25] <Russy> it do be like that sometimes
[11:26:45] <ScoobyDooo> who remembers
[11:26:48] <ScoobyDooo> when cops and robbers
[11:26:50] <ScoobyDooo> had 1500 players
[11:26:53] <ScoobyDooo> all day
[11:27:13] <Syracuse> nope
[11:27:51] <Syracuse> but I do remember struggling to join PL because the server was full
[11:27:54] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[11:27:59] <Russy> i miss those days
[11:28:27] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[11:28:32] <ScoobyDooo> russy
[11:28:32] <Russy> yes
[11:28:37] <Syracuse> and that was 2012-ish
[11:28:37] <ScoobyDooo> come all aircrafts
[11:28:39] <Russy> ok
[11:30:42] <ScoobyDooo> should i buy my own plane
[11:30:42] <ScoobyDooo> or not
[11:30:57] <Gamer30> Where would you store it?
[11:31:17] <ScoobyDooo> my house
[11:31:22] <ScoobyDooo> hah
[11:31:25] <ScoobyDooo> russy go brr
[11:31:27] <ScoobyDooo> nvm
[11:31:27] <ScoobyDooo> he didnt die
[11:31:30] <Russy> how are you not dying...
[11:31:32] <ScoobyDooo> idk
[11:31:40] <ScoobyDooo> my health is 200
[11:31:43] <ScoobyDooo> lmfao
[11:31:45] <Russy> how the fuck
[11:31:50] <ScoobyDooo> idk how
[11:31:53] <ScoobyDooo> nvm
[11:31:53] <ScoobyDooo> im burning
[11:32:08] <ScoobyDooo> I DONT WANA DIE
[11:32:21] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[11:32:36] <Syracuse> who just got timed out?
[11:32:39] <Syracuse> can't see the name
[11:33:09] <ScoobyDooo> john cena
[11:33:19] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[11:33:24] <Russy> what the fuck
[11:33:29] <Russy> where did my plane go lmao
[11:34:08] <Syracuse> bruh
[11:34:08] <Syracuse> again
[11:34:10] <Lenz> smh
[11:34:13] <slampinjsh> gz
[11:34:18] <Syracuse> stop /forcelotto smh
[11:34:28] <Lenz> ez
[11:34:31] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Who won
[11:34:36] <Syracuse> lenz, again
[11:34:43] <ScoobyDooo> hes using hacks
[11:34:46] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> To BMA account
[11:34:51] <Lenz> shh
[11:34:51] <Syracuse> his previous lotto was ~1.8m
[11:35:14] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Russy CEO Cloud Airways
[11:35:14] <Russy> anybody wanna /dogfight
[11:35:19] <Russy> Oi
[11:35:19] <Russy> thats me
[11:35:24] <Russy> you remember Cloud Airways haha
[11:35:29] <Russy> that is like 7 years ago now
[11:35:42] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Hello from former gia ceo
[11:35:47] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[11:35:49] <Russy> wow hello
[11:35:57] <Officer_John_Cena> Hi
[11:36:00] <Syracuse> hi
[11:36:02] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Gi
[11:36:02] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Hi
[11:36:07] <Russy> How have you been
[11:36:20] <Officer_John_Cena> Me?
[11:36:25] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> At banland for 5,5 years sounds fun
[11:36:25] <Russy> sure, you too
[11:36:33] <Russy> oof what for?
[11:36:33] <Russy> hacks?
[11:36:38] <Russy> also, anybody want to /dogfight
[11:36:40] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Same with Syracuse
[11:36:43] <ScoobyDooo> sure
[11:36:43] <Officer_John_Cena> yeah me
[11:36:50] <Russy> yall pick an aircraft
[11:36:58] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Bank bug :>
[11:37:03] <Russy> providing it's not a rhino, ill win eitherway
[11:37:03] <Syracuse> :>
[11:37:03] <Russy> ;)
[11:37:08] <Russy> oh rip haha
[11:37:11] <ScoobyDooo> seasparrow
[11:37:13] <Gamer30> Walton
[11:37:24] <Syracuse> 27km at400 flight $$$
[11:37:59] <ScoobyDooo> hah
[11:38:14] <ScoobyDooo> how are you alive
[11:38:20] <Russy> none have hit me
[11:38:25] <ScoobyDooo> wait how
[11:38:42] <ScoobyDooo> yeah lenz is hacking
[11:38:45] <ScoobyDooo> /ban
[11:39:13] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Report to report
[11:39:31] <Syracuse> !missions at400
[11:39:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3019 at400
[11:39:56] <ScoobyDooo> where are yo
[11:39:59] <ScoobyDooo> omg this is so hard
[11:40:04] <Russy> git g00d
[11:40:24] <Russy> i only have 29# health too
[11:40:27] <Russy> 29'/.
[11:40:42] <ScoobyDooo> this is hard
[11:40:45] <ScoobyDooo> i quit
[11:40:45] <Russy> LOL
[11:40:55] <ScoobyDooo> nobody can beat russy
[11:40:57] <Syracuse> pls large aircraft demand
[11:41:20] <Gamer30> "Air Traffic Controll" ~Aaron
[11:41:28] <Lenz> wow scooby DM
[11:41:36] <ScoobyDooo> me no dm
[11:41:43] <Russy> he's mad that he couldn't get any kills in dogfight ;(
[11:41:48] <ScoobyDooo> ;(
[11:41:48] <ScoobyDooo> stop
[11:41:51] <ScoobyDooo> me cry
[11:41:51] <ScoobyDooo> me sad
[11:41:53] <Syracuse> lined up with the runway from 11km away
[11:41:58] <Russy> heh
[11:42:11] <ScoobyDooo> no afk here
[11:42:37] <ScoobyDooo> hacks
[11:43:15] <ScoobyDooo> aight guys
[11:43:15] <ScoobyDooo> see ya
[11:43:17] <ScoobyDooo> ima rage quit
[11:43:22] <ScoobyDooo> bc i suck at /dogfight
[11:43:30] <-- ScoobyDooo disconnected from the server
[11:43:30] <Russy> understandable have a nice day
[11:43:30] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Ok cya
[11:45:24] <slampinjsh> fix
[11:46:51] <Syracuse> oh shit
[11:46:56] <Syracuse> forgot to refuel
[11:47:01] <Russy> noob
[11:47:14] <Syracuse> 20km left and 17 percent fuel ...
[11:49:01] <Syracuse> 1/fix
[11:50:30] <Russy> thats a shame
[11:51:13] <Syracuse> imagine having 40km at400 flight
[11:51:15] <Syracuse> ez 100k
[11:51:31] <Russy> is that a thing?
[11:51:33] <Russy> 40km flight?
[11:51:46] <Syracuse> but not for at400
[11:51:48] <Russy> what for
[11:51:56] <Syracuse> shamal, helicopter, dodo
[11:52:04] <Russy> imagine doing that in a dodo
[11:52:06] <Syracuse> Orbit City > Roddenberry
[11:52:09] <Russy> literally slower than a maverick
[11:52:24] <Syracuse> dodo and skimmer are completely fucked up
[11:52:47] <Russy> wanna do a formation flight or two before i go?
[11:52:57] --> hartbert95 connected to the server
[11:53:07] <hartbert95> Hi everyone =D
[11:53:10] <slampinjsh> hi
[11:53:10] <Russy> welcome back
[11:53:17] <hartbert95> Thanks :)
[11:53:35] <Syracuse> cargo drop?
[11:53:43] <Russy> what do you do those in?
[11:53:45] <Russy> hydra?
[11:53:48] <Syracuse> yeah
[11:54:06] <Russy> sure ill change from at400
[11:54:13] <Syracuse> but not with this acc, it's gonna fuck up my stats
[11:54:29] <Russy> at400 then?
[11:54:34] <Russy> or can they not do formation?
[11:54:44] <Syracuse> you can't do at400 formation
[11:54:59] <Syracuse> what group lmao
[11:55:02] <Russy> stitched up
[11:55:09] <Syracuse> brb
[11:55:09] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[11:55:14] <-- hartbert95 disconnected from the server
[11:55:42] --> Le_Nguyen_Hoang connected to the server
[11:55:58] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> just to be clear, I'm NOT multiaccounting
[11:56:10] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> a friend of mine gave me access to hsi account
[11:56:18] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> cargo drop?
[11:56:33] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> or trucking
[11:56:38] <Russy> cargo
[11:57:01] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> you can only do formation with cargo drop
[11:57:04] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> and trucking
[11:57:06] <Russy> thats fine
[11:57:09] <Russy> i reclassed to army
[11:57:09] <Gamer30> Helicopters can do that too.
[11:57:22] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> oh yeahg, forgot about heli
[11:57:52] (WEB) <Taylor_Swift_OS#0406> do what?
[11:57:57] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> formation
[11:58:18] (WEB) <Taylor_Swift_OS#0406> oh ok
[11:58:20] <Russy> shit
[11:59:16] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> do you got the work info?
[11:59:29] <Russy> yes
[11:59:34] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> angel pine?
[11:59:39] <Russy> affirm
[12:00:20] <slampinjsh> W
[12:01:13] --> SmithSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[12:01:16] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> smith is coming
[12:01:23] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Smith is here
[12:01:23] <Russy> who
[12:01:28] (WEB) <Taylor_Swift_OS#0406> whos smith
[12:01:31] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> smith, german dude
[12:01:31] <SmithSProMaxPlus> idk
[12:01:33] <Russy> wie gehts?
[12:01:38] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Sup Russy men :D
[12:01:59] <Russy> i am good :D
[12:02:01] <Russy> what's your old username?
[12:02:04] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Smith.
[12:02:06] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Lt.Smith
[12:02:06] <Russy> or has it always been smithspromaxplus
[12:02:09] <Russy> OH
[12:02:12] <Russy> fuck me
[12:02:12] <Russy> how are you dude
[12:02:22] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Damn long time not seen im good hbu?
[12:02:42] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> the formation fucked up
[12:02:45] <Russy> yeah not bad, living the dream haha
[12:02:45] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> leave it and join again
[12:02:52] <Russy> i have
[12:02:52] <SmithSProMaxPlus> oh rly u pilot?
[12:02:57] <Russy> yeah
[12:03:00] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> nice
[12:03:02] <Russy> everybody here knows this, how tf
[12:03:05] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> still flying propeller plane?
[12:03:13] <SmithSProMaxPlus> nice russy very cool
[12:03:18] <SmithSProMaxPlus> pick me up and take me on a flight
[12:03:23] <Russy> i am type rated for the Embraer E170/175/190
[12:03:48] (WEB) <Taylor_Swift_OS#0406> !player gaymer30
[12:03:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player gaymer30: 0 score, last seen null
[12:04:29] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> are still wanna do formation tho?
[12:04:34] <SmithSProMaxPlus> didnt know that u r in lufthansa
[12:04:37] <Russy> i got 5 mins
[12:04:52] <Russy> ja ist gut
[12:04:54] <SmithSProMaxPlus> hahaha
[12:05:02] <SmithSProMaxPlus> i reopened BMA together with Syracuse
[12:05:10] <SmithSProMaxPlus> just few days ago
[12:05:17] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> 10 days already
[12:05:22] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> feb 27th
[12:05:25] <Russy> man the old BMA has good memories
[12:05:30] <Russy> first airline i owned
[12:05:30] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yea definitly
[12:05:38] <Russy> can't remember the guy who started it
[12:05:40] <Russy> got perm banned
[12:05:45] <Russy> lmao
[12:05:45] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> pure egyptian?
[12:05:53] <Russy> Pure and someone else
[12:05:53] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yea that dude
[12:05:56] <SmithSProMaxPlus> LeLandais?
[12:06:03] <Russy> perhaps yeah
[12:06:08] <SmithSProMaxPlus> he is also back
[12:06:16] <Russy> wow
[12:06:21] <SmithSProMaxPlus> just joined the discord server like 3 days ago or smth
[12:06:46] <Russy> a reunion of all the veteran players haha
[12:06:59] <SmithSProMaxPlus> would be cool
[12:07:04] <SmithSProMaxPlus> 100+ players
[12:07:04] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> I wouldn't be here if cyrstal didnt wipe out the ban list tho
[12:07:12] <SmithSProMaxPlus> waiting to get online because server is full
[12:07:14] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> hello
[12:07:19] <Russy> yeah i miss those days
[12:07:19] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Hey Dasher
[12:07:22] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> hotel oscar echo
[12:07:22] <Gamer30> Yo, what's up?
[12:07:32] <Russy> schlampe
[12:07:40] (WEB) <Taylor_Swift_OS#0406> The clouds are up
[12:07:42] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> wow even dusty_hoang now
[12:07:58] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> I'm using my friend's acc
[12:08:08] <SmithSProMaxPlus> im fcking hungry
[12:08:10] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> I mean, dusty gave me access to his acc
[12:08:10] <SmithSProMaxPlus> gonna get me smth to eat
[12:08:15] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> go eat
[12:08:26] <SmithSProMaxPlus> who are u then Hoang?
[12:08:31] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> syra
[12:08:36] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Oh
[12:08:38] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> wtf
[12:08:38] <SmithSProMaxPlus> lol hi
[12:08:38] <SmithSProMaxPlus> XD
[12:08:49] <Russy> alright im heading to bed
[12:08:54] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> gn!
[12:08:54] <SmithSProMaxPlus> Sleep well
[12:08:59] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> nothing on <#673569771026907153>
[12:09:04] <Le_Nguyen_Hoang> 11pm there righ?
[12:09:04] (WEB) <Taylor_Swift_OS#0406> good morning
[12:09:11] <SmithSProMaxPlus> here it is12PM
[12:09:14] <Russy> bist du ein deutsche Smith?
[12:09:16] <Russy> 2209 here
[12:09:16] <SmithSProMaxPlus> yes im still german
[12:09:27] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> "still"
[12:09:32] <Russy> i evidently forgot you were german
[12:09:34] <SmithSProMaxPlus> never been anything else
[12:09:42] <-- Le_Nguyen_Hoang disconnected from the server
[12:09:42] <SmithSProMaxPlus> thats okay after such a long time
[12:09:52] <Russy> 2 years sinec my last login
[12:10:00] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> dsmn
[12:10:02] <Russy> checked my PL account earlier on the website
[12:10:10] <Russy> first login almost 10 years ago
[12:10:35] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[12:10:35] <Russy> probably PLs most banned non hacker too tbh
[12:11:14] <Russy> oof
[12:11:21] <Russy> ok im out, c'yall later
[12:11:24] <-- Russy disconnected from the server
[12:11:24] <Syracuse> bai
[12:12:53] (WEB) <Taylor_Swift_OS#0406> !player The_hypen_boi
[12:12:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player The_hypen_boi: 1724 score, last seen null
[12:13:18] <SmithSProMaxPlus> cya
[12:13:21] <-- SmithSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[12:14:04] <Syracuse> damn, when you said "work", I thought it was /w
[12:14:09] <Syracuse> not work irl
[12:14:30] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[12:14:50] <Syracuse> !plhud
[12:14:53] (WEB) <robin_be> Latest+plhud+version:+v30+(spelling+update)
[12:15:33] <Officer_John_Cena> what did i just say PilotsLife Hud?
[12:15:43] <Officer_John_Cena> U*
[12:16:06] <Syracuse> yeah
[12:16:09] <Syracuse> pl hud
[12:16:24] <Syracuse> it shows airport infos
[12:16:24] <Officer_John_Cena> where to download forums?
[12:16:32] <Syracuse> yeah, forums
[12:16:34] <Syracuse> mods section
[12:23:24] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[12:29:20] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[12:29:30] <Officer_John_Cena> game crashed
[12:29:56] <Officer_John_Cena> when i connect to the server from samp it starts the offline game not the server.
[12:30:03] <Officer_John_Cena> and after that ITs not launching at all
[12:30:11] <Syracuse> press F10?
[12:30:26] <Officer_John_Cena> the isnt even launching after copying CLEO files
[12:30:41] <Syracuse> do you press F10 yet?
[12:30:47] --> BlackRose_Dying connected to the server
[12:30:57] <Officer_John_Cena> i just removed cleo to start the server
[12:31:50] <Officer_John_Cena> cleo is available in zip file now. first it was an installer
[12:32:08] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[12:33:39] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[12:34:58] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[12:35:14] <Officer_John_Cena> i am pressing f10 nothing happening
[12:35:39] <Syracuse> do you have discord ?
[12:35:44] <Officer_John_Cena> no
[12:35:44] <Syracuse> pl discord
[12:36:02] <Officer_John_Cena> i have discord but i dont have PL server setup in it
[12:36:17] <Officer_John_Cena> whts the PL ip discord
[12:36:25] <Syracuse> /serverip or /discord
[12:47:54] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[12:54:46] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> blackrose dying
[12:55:12] <BlackRose_Dying> what
[12:55:17] <BlackRose_Dying> this is song
[12:56:54] <Gamer30> !Groups Russy
[12:56:56] (WEB) <robin_be> Russy is in airline Lufthansa and company Star Inc.
[13:02:40] <-- BlackRose_Dying disconnected from the server
[13:21:55] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> brook
[13:22:00] <Syracuse> yes?
[13:22:10] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> Hotel Oscar Echo
[13:22:17] <Syracuse> wow hoe
[13:22:40] <Syracuse> again, you forgot to put "delta alpha sierra" before that
[13:22:43] --> Luddie connected to the server
[13:22:56] <Luddie> hoe
[13:22:58] <Syracuse> nou
[13:23:03] <Syracuse> !misisons at400
[13:23:11] <Syracuse> !missions at400
[13:23:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3044 at400
[13:23:39] <Syracuse> guess imma go straight to 4500 at400
[13:23:44] <Syracuse> then go abck to skimmer
[13:23:47] <Syracuse> !missions skimmer
[13:23:49] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3600 skimmer
[13:24:04] <Luddie> did you get ignored like 3 times lmao
[13:24:27] <Syracuse> ignore what?
[13:24:40] <Luddie> robin bot
[13:24:55] <Syracuse> nah, I made typo
[13:24:58] <Luddie> oh
[13:25:13] <Syracuse> "miSISIon instead of "miSSIon"
[13:25:28] <Syracuse> no large aircraft ...
[13:25:31] <Luddie> wow isis
[13:25:41] <Gamer30> !mIssIons shamal
[13:25:44] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: 7103 shamal
[13:25:54] <Luddie> interesting how that's the first thing I see lmao
[13:26:40] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[13:26:58] <Syracuse> i'm just 31,6m away from going back to 400m
[13:27:28] <Syracuse> oh wait
[13:27:31] <Syracuse> 49.6 acually
[13:31:04] <-- Luddie disconnected from the server
[13:31:20] <Syracuse> hoe timedout
[13:31:20] <Syracuse> gg
[13:37:56] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[13:41:25] <Officer_John_Cena> i just lost my bank account ;(
[13:42:01] <Syracuse> game?
[13:42:11] <Syracuse> in PL?
[13:42:41] <Gamer30> There was economy reset almost 3 years ago.
[13:43:42] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[13:44:56] --> BlackRose_Dying connected to the server
[13:49:28] --> Luddie connected to the server
[13:49:28] <-- Luddie disconnected from the server
[13:49:56] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> mf vpn and country checker
[13:50:35] <Syracuse> !missions at400
[13:50:37] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3053 at400
[14:00:25] --> Lollycock connected to the server
[14:00:48] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[14:00:53] <Lollycock> ty
[14:00:58] <Lollycock> skype?
[14:01:03] <BlackRose_Dying> da
[14:06:03] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[14:06:08] <Lollycock> webe
[14:06:16] <Smetkowski> thanks
[14:06:26] <Syracuse> hello
[14:06:31] <Smetkowski> hey
[14:10:18] <Syracuse> flying under thunderstorm weather in cockpit view is dope af
[14:12:45] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> black rose dying
[14:14:17] <BlackRose_Dying> what
[14:19:04] --> Sameer connected to the server
[14:19:09] <Lollycock> webe
[14:19:12] <Smetkowski> wb
[14:19:14] <Sameer> ty
[14:19:22] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[14:23:13] <Lollycock> sameer can u buy house on vinewood pls
[14:23:26] <Sameer> why lol
[14:23:39] <Sameer> !ainfo
[14:23:41] <Syracuse> are you trying to sell your house?
[14:23:41] <Lollycock> cos i need it
[14:23:47] <Syracuse> !houses Lollycock
[14:23:49] (WEB) <robin_be> Lollycock does not own any houses!
[14:23:54] <Syracuse> nope
[14:24:02] <Sameer> why you want me to buy it then lol
[14:25:16] <Sameer> anyways
[14:25:21] <Sameer> i found Indo food here
[14:25:26] <Sameer> house made Indo food :p
[14:25:49] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Nice :p
[14:26:04] <Sameer> yeah there's a Indonesian women who lives nearby she sells homemade food
[14:26:07] <Syracuse> !missions at400
[14:26:07] <Sameer> i will try it
[14:26:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3061 at400
[14:26:17] (WEB) <dipa#0472> That's cool
[14:26:50] <Sameer> hmm
[14:27:03] <Smetkowski> damn that rustler is fast
[14:28:19] <-- Sameer disconnected from the server
[14:28:32] <Smetkowski> gz
[14:28:42] <Smetkowski> gz
[14:29:45] <Syracuse> you gus are neighbor eh
[14:34:07] <Syracuse> nice
[14:34:13] <Smetkowski> :)
[14:34:28] <Lollycock> ty
[14:35:01] --> Brompt connected to the server
[14:35:06] <Syracuse> hello Caralhoe
[14:35:06] <Smetkowski> wb
[14:35:11] <Brompt> hallo carlahao
[14:35:14] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[14:35:24] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> wb bortugal
[14:35:31] <Brompt> ty agi
[14:35:42] <Syracuse> let's see how much interest i'd get when I completed 1500 at400 flights
[14:38:12] <Syracuse> nice
[14:38:27] <Lollycock> spraycar 0 0
[14:41:35] <Syracuse> forgot to check the odo ...
[14:41:38] <Brompt> gg
[14:41:48] <Syracuse> well, it was a 2.5km flight
[14:45:32] <Syracuse> !score lenz
[14:45:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player lenz: 37708 score, 30503 missions: 18'/. trucking - 16'/. cargo drop - 16'/. courier
[14:45:40] <Syracuse> !score
[14:45:42] (WEB) <robin_be> player Syracuse: 35466 score, 33666 missions: 11'/. skimmer - 9'/. shamal - 9'/. rescue
[14:45:42] <Lollycock> plate
[14:46:00] --> memoli connected to the server
[14:46:03] <Gamer30> !player StanSuxDix
[14:46:05] (WEB) <robin_be> player StanSuxDix: 1 score, last seen null
[14:46:10] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> nice name
[14:46:15] <Lollycock> !score
[14:46:18] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lollycock: 5566 score, 5468 missions: 60'/. cargo drop - 35'/. military - 3'/. shamal
[14:46:18] <Syracuse> hotel oscar echo
[14:46:31] <Syracuse> Ludred hotel oscar echo
[14:47:01] --> Luddie connected to the server
[14:47:04] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> Luddie*
[14:47:09] <Brompt> sierra hotel uniform tango uniform papa
[14:47:14] <Luddie> ty
[14:47:19] <Syracuse> nou
[14:47:42] <Luddie> hahaha nice message Brompt
[14:47:50] <memoli> hi
[14:48:10] <Smetkowski> hey
[14:48:15] <Brompt> halo
[14:48:15] <Syracuse> Brompt Mike Alpha Delta - Golf Alpha Yankee
[14:48:28] <Brompt> bmad-gay?
[14:48:30] <Brompt> bma is gay? yes
[14:48:40] <Luddie> brompt mad-gay
[14:48:43] <Luddie> that's what he means
[14:48:43] <Syracuse> nah, sky air is
[14:48:51] <Brompt> ludred are u actually serious
[14:48:56] <Brompt> I know that lud...
[14:49:11] <memoli> � dont know new airlines
[14:49:16] <Syracuse> since when was Ludhoe serious\?
[14:49:21] <Gamer30> !Aboard
[14:49:26] <Luddie> since I was in vietnam
[14:50:09] <Brompt> H O R S E
[14:50:17] <Luddie> Cow
[14:50:22] <Brompt> stfu lud
[14:50:22] <memoli> how can � see the airlines
[14:50:25] <Syracuse> no, I don't like horse
[14:50:25] <Brompt> /airlines
[14:50:27] <Syracuse> /airlines
[14:50:32] <memoli> thx
[14:50:48] <Syracuse> alpha*
[14:50:48] <Brompt> syra plz
[14:51:03] <Brompt> don't be stttcchhhhupid
[14:51:11] <Syracuse> no u
[14:52:09] <Gamer30> Karol Wojty�a � Papa Alfa Echo Delta Oscar Papa Hotel India Lima Echo
[14:52:22] <Brompt> paedophile yes
[14:52:32] <Syracuse> 
[14:52:34] <Brompt> 
[14:52:40] <Luddie> I am really living under a rock or smth
[14:53:02] <Brompt> you are a rock
[14:53:05] <Syracuse> you never live above the rock anyway
[14:53:20] <Gamer30> Don't you know about the Beast of Wadowice?
[14:53:25] <Luddie> yes I know I'm dwayne Johnson
[14:53:25] <Syracuse> nope
[14:53:28] <Brompt> no
[14:53:33] <Syracuse> A rock
[14:53:38] <Syracuse> not THE rock
[14:53:38] <Gamer30> It's Karol Wojty�a also known as John Paul II.
[14:53:51] <Luddie> `reality can be whatever I want`
[14:53:56] <Brompt> lud, learn to speak english you byatch
[14:54:04] <Luddie> never
[14:54:11] <Brompt> then be doomed to never join the EU
[14:54:19] <Luddie> mf
[14:54:24] <-- memoli disconnected from the server
[14:54:32] <Gamer30> RIP memoli
[14:54:37] <Luddie> meh
[14:54:42] <Brompt> although now with britain out of the picture, french or german seems to be the way to go
[14:54:42] <Luddie> my english does suck
[14:54:52] <Syracuse> DED
[14:54:54] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> it's ok
[14:54:59] <Luddie> puga
[14:54:59] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> a lot better than stetz' english
[14:55:10] <Brompt> stetz only speaks what's necessary
[14:55:15] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> horse
[14:55:17] <Syracuse> like horse
[14:55:17] <Luddie> horse
[14:55:22] <Brompt> he loves those sweet 40 inch behemoth of a horse cock
[14:55:38] <Syracuse> horspeposting is his passion
[14:55:43] <Luddie> lmao
[14:55:45] <Brompt> lud's cow
[14:55:53] <Luddie> to bad he asked eddie if he is a pedo
[14:55:55] <Brompt> XDD
[14:56:03] <Gamer30> What's bad about it?
[14:56:11] <Brompt> gamer30 what the fuck
[14:56:21] <Gamer30> Is it bad to ask if someone is foot fetishist?
[14:56:34] <Brompt> paedo = foot fetishist
[14:56:34] <Brompt> ok
[14:56:34] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> i scored pretty high on my pedometer a few days ago
[14:56:44] <Luddie> yooooo
[14:56:46] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> uwu
[14:56:46] <Gamer30> "to bad he asked eddie if he is a pedo"
[14:58:28] <Brompt> we need to clear things out
[14:58:33] <Brompt> paedo = child, boy | pede = foot
[14:58:38] <Syracuse> so Stetz was silenced for speaking the truths
[14:58:56] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> what if it's a fetish for child feet
[14:59:09] <Brompt> well, since it's greek we talking about
[14:59:11] <Brompt> I guess paedopodos
[14:59:11] <Syracuse> I'd bury the mofo alive
[15:01:01] <Brompt> time to turn on zoom for my lame 3-hour class
[15:01:11] <Luddie> nice
[15:01:16] <Syracuse> enjoy!
[15:01:24] <Luddie> My classes are really fucking early
[15:01:49] <Syracuse> my back ded
[15:01:54] <Luddie> nice
[15:01:54] <Luddie> you too?
[15:02:32] <Syracuse> back pain would be gone if there's a girl "laying" on me
[15:02:45] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> brokeback mountain pl edition
[15:03:08] <Syracuse> I said "girl, you fuck
[15:03:08] <Luddie> gz
[15:03:16] <Syracuse> nice
[15:03:21] <Lollycock> ty ty ty
[15:03:28] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[15:03:31] <Luddie> and you said you fuck nice?
[15:03:46] <Syracuse> you said that, not me
[15:03:54] <Luddie> no to her
[15:04:01] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[15:05:02] --> Cpt.Luiz connected to the server
[15:05:05] <-- Cpt.Luiz disconnected from the server
[15:05:10] --> TH_GT2250 connected to the server
[15:06:54] <Syracuse> !missions luddie rescue
[15:06:57] (WEB) <robin_be> luddie: 638 rescue
[15:07:02] <Syracuse> 1k rescue when?
[15:07:07] <Luddie> soontm
[15:07:20] <Syracuse> lazy fuck
[15:07:50] <Luddie> I know
[15:07:53] <Luddie> that's for the reminder
[15:08:13] <Syracuse> no woner why you can't even get 100m
[15:08:21] <Luddie> what the fuck
[15:08:31] <Luddie> that's rude
[15:08:36] <Syracuse> ikr
[15:08:57] --> Cpt.Luiz connected to the server
[15:08:57] <-- Cpt.Luiz disconnected from the server
[15:09:27] <Syracuse> wb nub
[15:09:30] <Brompt> ofc the class is starting late
[15:09:42] <Syracuse> noice
[15:10:10] <Syracuse> time to do 800ft trick
[15:10:10] <Luddie> bye bye
[15:10:13] <Brompt> 3km :V
[15:10:15] <Luddie> t/q
[15:10:15] <-- Luddie disconnected from the server
[15:10:23] <Syracuse> see, that's why he's broke af
[15:10:31] --> memoli connected to the server
[15:10:31] <Brompt> who
[15:10:33] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> I can read this smh
[15:10:33] <Syracuse> lud
[15:10:41] <Syracuse> ik you cna read it :v
[15:10:43] <Brompt> he's broke af because he's a nub
[15:10:59] <Syracuse> Critical hit
[15:11:29] <memoli> do planes have logos?
[15:11:32] <Syracuse> nope
[15:11:57] <Brompt> FUCK
[15:12:02] <Syracuse> bo
[15:12:02] <-- memoli disconnected from the server
[15:12:02] <Syracuse> no
[15:12:12] <Brompt> the class started and I forgot this shit is at 100 volume
[15:12:25] <Syracuse> they heard you?
[15:12:33] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> now everyone will know you're a loser who plays pl
[15:12:33] <Syracuse> oir it raped your ears?
[15:12:35] <Brompt> nah this is muted
[15:12:40] <Brompt> it raped my ears
[15:16:50] --> JoyadiJoestar. connected to the server
[15:16:55] <Syracuse> aight, time for me to fuck off outta here
[15:17:00] <Syracuse> and hio Jojo
[15:17:00] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[15:17:02] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[15:17:05] <JoyadiJoestar.> my time
[15:17:08] <Lollycock> webe
[15:17:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> hello
[15:18:29] <Lollycock> !score Winny
[15:18:32] (WEB) <robin_be> player Winny: 60224 score, 54340 missions: 39'/. cargo drop - 24'/. military - 13'/. trucking
[15:19:00] <Lollycock> where 35#
[15:19:12] <Lollycock> 25#
[15:19:17] <Lollycock> procent
[15:19:25] <Brompt> of what
[15:19:33] <Lollycock> winny`s scores
[15:27:00] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> he did other missions too but they don't show up
[15:27:16] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cmds
[15:27:18] (WEB) <robin_be> - ping 8ball player score cash groups assets cars houses licenses roll (r)interest rank missions
[15:28:07] (WEB) <Akiyamaha#2007> !8ball should joyadi play more pl
[15:28:09] (WEB) <robin_be> Akiyamaha#2007: Most likely
[15:28:17] <JoyadiJoestar.> nah i cant
[15:28:42] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[15:28:52] <JoyadiJoestar.> also got bad RNG at IP
[15:28:55] <Brompt> screw pl amirite
[15:29:10] <JoyadiJoestar.> we trucking
[15:29:15] <Brompt> tl
[15:29:33] <JoyadiJoestar.> !cboard
[15:29:38] <Brompt> ded
[15:29:41] <JoyadiJoestar.> oh ye tg bot ded
[15:43:38] <Brompt> I kill myself with a hydra way too much
[15:44:18] <Lollycock> !score
[15:44:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player Lollycock: 5588 score, 5490 missions: 60'/. cargo drop - 35'/. military - 3'/. shamal
[15:44:57] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Cuz u nub, Prompt
[15:45:02] <Brompt> yes
[15:45:04] <Brompt> end my life
[15:46:16] <Lollycock> t/w
[15:47:24] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[15:47:37] --> Brompt connected to the server
[15:47:42] <Brompt> what a fucking joke
[15:47:42] <-- TH_GT2250 disconnected from the server
[15:49:14] <-- JoyadiJoestar. disconnected from the server
[15:53:00] <Brompt> #abolishthemonarchy is trending lmao
[15:55:25] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> Wait why i left
[15:55:40] <Brompt> bcoz u a nub
[15:55:45] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> smh internet nub
[16:02:04] <Lollycock> .�
[16:02:17] <Lollycock> njxrf w'
[16:02:20] <Lollycock> ����� ��
[16:02:32] <Lollycock> we are ������
[16:02:50] <Brompt> ������
[16:02:53] <Lollycock> �
[16:02:53] <Brompt> ok
[16:02:55] <Brompt> yes �
[16:03:08] <BlackRose_Dying> ������
[16:03:56] <Lollycock> !bankcash BlackRose_dying
[16:04:07] <Brompt> it's dead
[16:04:09] <Lollycock> !bankcash BlackRose_Dying
[16:04:22] <Brompt> lollycock
[16:04:22] <Brompt> it's DEAD
[16:04:27] <Lollycock> who
[16:04:29] <Brompt> the bot
[16:04:32] <Lollycock> ok
[16:05:05] <BlackRose_Dying> brompt is sex bomb
[16:05:13] <Brompt> :v
[16:09:07] <-- BlackRose_Dying disconnected from the server
[16:09:19] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[16:16:06] --> Brompt connected to the server
[16:17:41] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[16:37:01] <-- Lollycock disconnected from the server
[16:38:04] --> Twi connected to the server
[16:38:12] <Brompt> gay
[16:38:14] <Twi> fuck off
[16:38:17] <Brompt> :V
[16:38:22] <Twi> !cars brompt
[16:38:25] (WEB) <robin_be> brompt has:
[16:38:25] <Twi> peasant
[16:38:25] <Twi> ^
[16:38:32] <Brompt> !assets
[16:38:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Brompt has 0 car(s) ($0) and 2 house(s) ($20,000,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $20,000,000
[16:38:37] <Twi> ceos can win the event too?
[16:38:48] <Brompt> ye
[16:38:53] <Twi> hadeh
[16:38:55] <Twi> hadeh
[16:39:05] <Brompt> shut up kemah rumah
[16:39:11] <Twi> ooooooooooo
[16:44:31] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[16:50:27] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[16:50:45] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> am I missing some drama here
[16:50:55] <Brompt> the only drama here is your fac
[16:50:55] <Brompt> face
[16:51:31] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> wtf
[16:51:46] <Brompt> wellt
[16:51:49] <Brompt> you wanted drama
[16:54:59] <Brompt> ODER
[16:55:10] <Odertan> Hello my friends!
[16:55:15] <Odertan> sup Brompt
[16:55:30] <Odertan> who is Brompt
[16:55:32] <Odertan> lel
[16:55:35] <Brompt> sou eu caralho
[16:55:40] <Odertan> u� kkkk
[16:55:50] <Odertan> mudou o nome
[16:55:53] <Brompt> ya
[16:55:55] <Brompt> temporariamente
[16:56:00] <Odertan> kkkkkk
[16:56:26] <Odertan> estou comecando a trabalhar uma nova profiss�o
[16:56:31] <Brompt> boa
[16:56:36] <Brompt> � em qu�?
[16:56:39] <Odertan> e tem os treinamentos
[16:56:49] <Odertan> gest�o de tr�fego
[16:57:01] <Brompt> tr�fego de?
[16:57:04] <Brompt> �rg�os? D
[16:57:04] <Brompt> XD
[16:57:22] <Odertan> kkkkkkk tem v�rias piadinhas dessa
[16:57:32] <Odertan> An�ncios Online
[16:57:37] <Brompt> ah nice
[16:58:13] <Odertan> pensei q o dinheiro entraria r�pido, mas tem um treinamento longo e constante
[16:58:31] <Brompt> est�gio?
[16:59:06] <Odertan> na verdade � home office, mas para engrenar e saber todas as dicas e t�cnicas....
[16:59:24] <Brompt> hmm esta bem
[16:59:39] <Odertan> acho q leva 1 ano treinando isso para dar dinheiro
[16:59:49] <Brompt> tanto
[16:59:52] <Brompt> foda-se
[17:00:05] <Odertan> � mais complicado do que eu pensava
[17:00:10] <Brompt> � bom que isso compense mais tarde
[17:00:17] <Brompt> porque isso cheira-me a escravatura moderna
[17:00:22] <Odertan> sim
[17:00:28] <Odertan> verdade
[17:00:53] <Odertan> parece promissor
[17:01:06] <Brompt> e v� l� se depois no fim desse treino n�o levas um chuto no cu
[17:01:18] <Odertan> kkkkkkk
[17:01:24] <Brompt> ha empresas que prometem isto e aquilo q dps do "treino" acabar mandam-te embora
[17:01:29] <Brompt> e ficas a chuchar no dedo
[17:02:19] <Odertan> � vdd
[17:02:25] <Odertan> tem que tomar cuidado
[17:02:35] <Brompt> agora n�o h� nada a fazer
[17:02:47] <Odertan> mas falta profissional nesse mercado de tr�fego
[17:02:50] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[17:03:00] <Odertan> teoricamente quem vai demitir o cliente sou eu
[17:03:10] <Brompt> :o
[17:03:43] <Odertan> bom, isso se eu n�o fizer merda
[17:03:51] <Brompt> Ah pois
[17:03:54] <Brompt> ainda tem essa xD
[17:03:59] <Brompt> est�s numa situa��o prec�ria
[17:04:09] <Odertan> sim, se chama IN�CIO kkk
[17:04:19] <Odertan> xD
[17:04:32] <Brompt> vdd
[17:04:55] <Odertan> de qq modo, a JetStar vai pior que eu
[17:05:00] <Odertan> hehehe
[17:05:18] <Brompt> eu disse-te q era dinheiro deitado ao lixo
[17:05:56] <Odertan> sim, mas n tem muito o que fazer com dinheiro aqui mesmo
[17:06:08] <Brompt> d� para foder a economia HUEHUEHUE
[17:06:14] <Odertan> uahuahuah
[17:08:49] <Odertan> i think i saw a new map
[17:09:07] <Brompt> where
[17:09:27] <Odertan> over the hill around the plane garage
[17:09:37] <Odertan> area 69
[17:09:57] <Odertan> military airport
[17:10:28] <Odertan> u live in Lisboa?]
[17:10:33] <Brompt> FUCK NO
[17:10:48] <Brompt> fuck lisbon
[17:10:53] <Brompt> all my homies hate lisbon
[17:11:11] <Odertan> I was watching a video of Lisboa, it looks like Rio de Janeiro of old old century
[17:11:16] <Odertan> but without the trash
[17:11:19] <Odertan> lel
[17:11:32] <Brompt> well
[17:11:47] <Brompt> rio de janeiro was founded by a bunch of lisbon people I guess
[17:11:59] <Odertan> true thing
[17:12:22] <Odertan> the Kinf of Portugal came to live here
[17:12:33] <Brompt> he lived in petr�polis
[17:12:35] <Odertan> king
[17:12:43] <Brompt> I was there actually.. the whole city looked like a portuguese city
[17:12:45] <Brompt> I felt at home there
[17:13:01] <Odertan> u visited Brasil?
[17:13:03] <Brompt> yea
[17:13:08] <Odertan> nice
[17:13:21] <Odertan> Petr�polis is nice
[17:13:29] <Brompt> cabo frio, rio de janeiro and petr�polis
[17:13:29] <Odertan> gotta go eat
[17:13:41] <Brompt> also visited araruama and arraial do cabo
[17:13:46] <Odertan> Cabo Frio I has a house there
[17:13:49] <Odertan> had
[17:13:51] <Brompt> really??? :o
[17:13:59] <Brompt> NICE
[17:14:07] <Odertan> yes, did u saw the forte
[17:14:09] <Brompt> yup
[17:14:14] <Odertan> praia do forte
[17:14:25] <Brompt> my fb profile picture was me on that fort
[17:14:27] <Odertan> estive muito por ali qdo crian�a
[17:14:32] <Brompt> only recently I changed the picture
[17:14:47] <Odertan> very cool]
[17:14:50] <Odertan> :D
[17:15:05] <Odertan> there one of my fav places
[17:15:13] <Brompt> it's an awesome place
[17:15:20] <Brompt> i was staying at vila do sol tho
[17:15:31] <Odertan> nice
[17:15:33] <Brompt> it's beside the airport
[17:15:59] <Odertan> the airport is not from my time
[17:16:04] <Brompt> oh
[17:16:24] <Odertan> my family used to go by car
[17:16:37] <Odertan> 2 hours from Rio
[17:16:37] <Brompt> i also did rio de janeiro - cabo frio by car tho
[17:16:52] <Brompt> yeah.. it's 2 hours
[17:16:57] <Odertan> nice
[17:17:00] <Brompt> almost an hour of that is inside rio de janeiro XD
[17:17:18] <Odertan> someday i wanna visit Portugal
[17:17:23] <Brompt> when I got there it was sunset and I was stuck in a traffic jam
[17:17:28] <Odertan> there are modern cities?
[17:17:28] <Brompt> at linha amarela
[17:17:43] <Odertan> linha amarela is close here
[17:17:58] <Brompt> uhmm... european cities don't really have "modern cities" besides moscow, berlin, london etc
[17:18:08] <Brompt> it's all very "european-ish" architecture
[17:18:16] <Odertan> were is better to live ?
[17:18:21] <Brompt> depends
[17:18:31] <Odertan> i mean if i get a job and stay
[17:18:41] <Brompt> depends xDDD
[17:18:57] <Brompt> if you wanna stay in portugal I'd say don't go to lisbon
[17:19:09] <Odertan> ahhhh ok
[17:19:25] <Brompt> spain.. galicia is a top contender
[17:19:25] <Odertan> vou ter q almo�ar
[17:19:27] <Brompt> ok vai
[17:19:30] <Brompt> ate ja
[17:19:43] <Odertan> problema de espanha � falar espanhol, at�
[17:19:58] <-- Odertan disconnected from the server
[17:20:54] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[17:21:06] <Smetkowski> wb
[17:21:12] <Stan958> ty
[17:29:53] <Brompt> 7~t
[17:35:31] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[17:35:54] --> Brompt connected to the server
[17:44:31] <Brompt> so it's taking us 1k per 2 days
[17:44:38] <Brompt> 14 day event?w
[17:45:01] <Brompt> 7k
[17:45:01] <Brompt> lol
[17:46:30] <Brompt> shit
[17:46:46] <Smetkowski> rip
[17:47:52] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[17:52:16] --> Harket_ connected to the server
[17:52:27] <Smetkowski> wb
[18:05:02] (WEB) <TheGamer> Bot has been connected
[18:05:10] <Brompt> !bankcash
[18:05:10] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Brompt's bank money is $220,000,000
[18:05:12] <Brompt> yey
[18:05:22] <Brompt> !aboard
[18:05:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(181129) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-54189) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-25954)
[18:18:56] <Winny> hi
[18:19:04] <Smetkowski> hi
[18:25:00] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> Oooo winny
[18:28:08] <Winny> hi
[18:28:11] <Brompt> hia
[18:30:33] --> Lavija connected to the server
[18:30:48] <Smetkowski> wb
[18:30:56] <Brompt> time to leave
[18:31:01] <Winny> good
[18:31:42] <Lavija> !countrychecker cpt.luiz
[18:32:10] <Brompt> wtf my fan is making a weird sound
[18:32:12] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[18:36:37] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[18:47:35] <Winny> base/
[19:00:54] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> f
[19:00:59] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> rip my laptop
[19:01:09] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> F
[19:01:30] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> if this repair takes the typical 1 month I'm fucked
[19:01:37] <Smetkowski> what happened?
[19:02:05] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> my laptop still has insurance, I can't open it to fix anything
[19:02:54] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> my fan is making a grinding noise
[19:03:09] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> gonna have to see what I can "open" to not fuck my insurance
[19:03:32] <Smetkowski> did you have this problem before?
[19:03:34] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> nope
[19:03:39] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> this just happened
[19:03:52] <Smetkowski> try reading about it online
[19:06:02] <-- Harket_ disconnected from the server
[19:08:55] --> Harket_ connected to the server
[19:11:35] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[19:40:17] --> Brompt connected to the server
[19:47:52] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[19:50:04] --> JakeN2436 connected to the server
[19:50:15] <Brompt> jakeeee
[19:50:37] <Brompt> u alright?
[19:51:23] <JakeN2436> yes
[19:51:38] <JakeN2436> and i cannot fucking play because my joystick is making me constantly walk left
[19:51:38] <JakeN2436> smh
[19:51:46] <Brompt> oh yea I had that problem before
[19:51:51] <Brompt> I had to deactivate it
[19:51:56] <JakeN2436> yeah i cant be assed lmao
[19:52:04] <JakeN2436> only came on to reset the 2 week timer
[19:52:09] <Brompt> nice
[19:52:22] <JakeN2436> every time i've checked, there's been no more than 3 people online
[19:52:24] <JakeN2436> other than me
[19:52:32] <Brompt> there was like 10 players few hours ago
[19:52:37] <JakeN2436> lmao ive never seen more than 3
[19:52:47] <Brompt> you're not lucky xd
[19:53:00] <JakeN2436> wait
[19:53:02] <-- JakeN2436 disconnected from the server
[19:53:10] (WEB) <JakeN2436#1036> there we go
[19:58:23] --> Lollycock connected to the server
[19:58:28] <Brompt> wb
[19:59:29] <Brompt> wb
[19:59:34] <Harket_> thx
[20:03:46] <-- Lollycock disconnected from the server
[20:08:28] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> yo
[20:08:30] <Brompt> yo
[20:08:46] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Sup
[20:08:51] <Brompt> bored af
[20:09:01] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> You want to talk?
[20:09:09] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Im bored too :|
[20:09:19] <Brompt> nah, worthless life, worthless talk :D
[20:09:26] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> ok
[20:09:31] <Brompt> jk, what'cha got in mind
[20:10:02] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> i just got free from Uni work still not finished tho but i will complete it soon
[20:10:30] <Brompt> nice :o
[20:10:35] <Brompt> when are you completely done?
[20:11:36] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> tomorrow night i guess
[20:12:17] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> anyways i still got time for submission so no hurry xd
[20:12:35] <Brompt> nice
[20:12:47] <Brompt> then you'll no life like me and smet here?
[20:15:05] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Yup
[20:15:10] <Brompt> great
[20:15:27] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> once i submit report on 12th i will start working ingame :p
[20:15:43] <Brompt> nice nice
[20:15:53] <Brompt> already got a 500 lead
[20:16:16] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Well i will try to contribute as much as i can :p
[20:16:29] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> wait CEOs get to participate in the sky air event?
[20:16:34] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> yes
[20:16:39] <Brompt> where's ouro when we need them
[20:16:46] <Brompt> him*
[20:17:02] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Ask him lmao
[20:17:09] <Brompt> he hasn't done a mission ye
[20:17:12] <Brompt> yet
[20:17:42] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> He got busy maybe?
[20:17:50] <Brompt> all of a sudden?
[20:17:52] <Brompt> damn
[20:18:18] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> idk i am only assuming lol
[20:18:31] <Brompt> he's probably playing gfn
[20:18:43] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> wats that
[20:18:48] <Brompt> geforce now
[20:18:56] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> btw
[20:18:59] <Brompt> it lets you play games with max settings through their servers
[20:19:04] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Should i buy valhalla?
[20:19:16] <Brompt> assassin's creed?
[20:19:21] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> ye
[20:19:24] <Brompt> absolutely lol
[20:19:34] <Brompt> vikings are the best
[20:19:37] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> i didnt like the Odyssey
[20:20:00] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Last ac game which was worth it was Origins
[20:20:20] <Brompt> tbf I haven't checked ac's valhalla reviews
[20:20:40] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Hmm rdr2 or Valhalla?
[20:20:51] <Brompt> valhalla
[20:20:53] <Brompt> wait
[20:20:58] <Brompt> I don't know honestly
[20:21:29] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> I'm more into valhalla because i dont like rd
[20:23:21] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> im waiting for Justice League
[20:23:28] <Brompt> game or movie?
[20:24:16] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> movie ofc
[20:24:32] <Brompt> oh right, you're the one wanthing to see it on hbo max
[20:24:34] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Snyder's JL
[20:24:37] <Brompt> wanting*
[20:24:57] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> I cant beause HBO Max is only available in US
[20:25:02] <Brompt> VPN
[20:25:02] <Brompt> ez
[20:25:10] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> You need account
[20:25:18] <Brompt> yea
[20:25:23] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> I dont have one
[20:25:28] <Brompt> create one xD
[20:25:35] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> I cant
[20:25:43] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> They asking cash no free
[20:25:53] <Brompt> oh, straigth away?
[20:25:58] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Yup
[20:26:01] <Brompt> I don't remember how I got my hbo max account seriously
[20:26:11] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> U give me urs
[20:26:16] <Brompt> I can't
[20:26:21] <Brompt> already too many people on it xD
[20:26:21] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> rude :(
[20:26:24] <Brompt> besides it isn't mine
[20:26:34] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> I only want it for a day
[20:26:39] <Brompt> going afk for a bit
[20:26:44] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Okay
[20:26:52] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Bye
[20:26:57] <Brompt> bye
[20:48:36] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[21:13:29] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[21:14:17] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[21:21:30] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> hello
[21:23:14] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[21:24:12] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[21:27:33] --> BlackRose_Dying connected to the server
[21:32:13] <-- Harket_ disconnected from the server
[21:32:21] --> Harket_ connected to the server
[21:32:36] <-- Harket_ disconnected from the server
[21:33:01] --> Brompt connected to the server
[21:33:50] <-- BlackRose_Dying disconnected from the server
[21:38:19] --> amking connected to the server
[21:38:29] <Brompt> wb
[21:44:35] --> BlackRose_Dying connected to the server
[21:45:37] <-- amking disconnected from the server
[21:48:24] <BlackRose_Dying> how to respawn at home?
[21:48:40] <Brompt> /p --> spawn type
[21:49:03] <BlackRose_Dying> ty!
[21:49:10] <Brompt> yw
[21:53:25] --> kipja1 connected to the server
[21:53:40] <BlackRose_Dying> HELLO
[21:53:42] <Brompt> damn
[21:54:23] <BlackRose_Dying> why
[22:01:48] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[22:01:56] <Brompt> wb
[22:01:58] <Smetkowski> ty
[22:02:44] <Brompt> !score
[22:02:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player Brompt: 14000 score, 12651 missions: 47'/. military - 25'/. cargo drop - 10'/. trucking
[22:02:52] <Smetkowski> gz
[22:02:57] <Brompt> 4k left
[22:07:14] --> Brompt connected to the server
[22:14:49] <BlackRose_Dying> `
[22:15:32] <BlackRose_Dying> pls kick ID1
[22:15:37] <-- kipja1 disconnected from the server
[22:15:42] <Smetkowski> done
[22:15:48] <Brompt> hahhaha
[22:16:13] <BlackRose_Dying> he killed me, ����
[22:16:23] <Brompt> he tried to kill me 4 times
[22:16:33] <Smetkowski> he tried to kill all of us
[22:16:38] <Brompt> what a cunt
[22:21:31] --> Lollycock connected to the server
[22:21:33] <Brompt> wgb
[22:21:36] <Smetkowski> wb
[22:21:41] <Lollycock> ty
[22:21:51] <BlackRose_Dying> ��� ������� ����
[22:21:56] <Lollycock> ���
[22:22:07] <BlackRose_Dying> � ����� ����
[22:22:19] <BlackRose_Dying> ��� � �� �������� �����
[22:23:18] <BlackRose_Dying> �� �����
[22:25:58] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> black rose dying
[22:26:11] <BlackRose_Dying> what
[22:26:18] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> e o porto que t� eliminando a juve agora
[22:26:23] <Brompt> qu�?
[22:26:26] <Brompt> � ao contr�rio
[22:26:29] <Brompt> a juventus marcou 2
[22:26:39] <Brompt> ainda bem foda-se
[22:26:41] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> aaa porra
[22:26:49] <Brompt> amo a minha cidade do porto mas detesto o clube
[22:26:49] <BlackRose_Dying> � ������ �� �����
[22:27:25] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> no agregado t� 3 - 3 agora
[22:27:35] <Brompt> sim mas a juventus ligou o motor
[22:27:37] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> infelizmente a juve tem o penaldo pra garantir nos p�naltis
[22:27:40] <Brompt> v�o marcar mais
[22:27:50] <BlackRose_Dying> � ������ ����� �����
[22:27:55] <Brompt> o chiesa ta on fire
[22:28:05] <Lollycock> brompt we are nit understand u bro
[22:28:10] <Lollycock> dont
[22:28:18] <Brompt> just like we don't understand you
[22:28:23] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ask my man black rose dying
[22:28:28] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> he understands us
[22:29:04] <Lollycock> t/w
[22:29:11] <Lollycock> we are on skype with him
[22:29:19] <Lollycock> we are russian gamers
[22:29:19] <Brompt> j� no jogo da primeira m�o aquilo foi t�o aleat�rio os golos do porto
[22:29:29] <Lollycock> i know english 50/50 he is not
[22:29:37] <Brompt> he does not* lemme help you
[22:29:47] <Lollycock> ��� � �����
[22:29:50] <BlackRose_Dying> +
[22:29:52] <Lollycock> ��� �� ����� ���� ������
[22:29:57] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> shatap prompto
[22:30:02] <Lollycock> ��������� ��� � ����� �� ������ ����
[22:30:10] <Brompt> viste o vermelho do taremi?
[22:30:23] <Lollycock> lohanto es ta murloka
[22:30:25] <Lollycock> watafuk
[22:30:38] <Brompt> JOHNNY, LA GENTE EST� MUY LOCA
[22:30:43] <Brompt> what the fuck
[22:31:06] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[22:31:06] <BlackRose_Dying> dios mio
[22:31:16] <Brompt> d�os m�o mismo
[22:31:29] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> n�o estou assistindo agora
[22:31:31] <Brompt> ah
[22:31:44] <Brompt> um jogador do porto levou vermelho por nao "ouvir" o apito do �rbitro
[22:31:54] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkkkkkk???
[22:32:04] <Brompt> yah
[22:32:15] <Brompt> o arbitro apitou e ele chutou uma bola na mesma
[22:32:20] <Brompt> levou um segundo amarelo que se fodeu
[22:32:30] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> vermelho insta?
[22:32:35] <Brompt> 2 amarelos
[22:32:35] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> aah ta
[22:32:48] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> pqp que burro
[22:32:53] <Lollycock> vkontakte
[22:33:08] <Lollycock> agora chu-chu
[22:33:08] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> masha babko
[22:33:54] <BlackRose_Dying> on saturday i cooked a delicious taco
[22:33:59] <Brompt> taco bell
[22:36:26] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> vou arrumar um site pirata aqui pra ver o resto do jogo
[22:36:34] <Brompt> jahaahahaha
[22:36:47] <Brompt> felizmente este jogo nao � num canal pago c�
[22:37:27] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ai tem que ser muito mercen�rio tbm n�
[22:37:33] <Lollycock> �
[22:37:33] <Brompt> what
[22:37:35] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> jogo da champions do time da tua cidade
[22:37:43] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> e os caras iam cobrar em canal pago pra assistir
[22:37:50] --> Jacob connected to the server
[22:37:55] <Brompt> h� jogos em que isso acontece
[22:37:55] <Lollycock> webe
[22:37:58] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> wb jacob
[22:38:08] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[22:38:49] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkkkk o site que eu costumo assistir foi derrubado pela policia federal
[22:38:56] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> (de novo)
[22:38:56] <Brompt> hahahahahah
[22:39:07] <Brompt> fuck federal police
[22:39:12] <Lollycock> +
[22:39:50] <Brompt> aqui quem fecham esses sites � um tribunal qualquer
[22:39:55] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> a cara vc ta de brincadeira
[22:40:05] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> a pagina do canal oficial ta streamando no facebook
[22:40:05] <Brompt> ministerio da administra��o interna tmbm acho eu
[22:40:23] <Brompt> bruh
[22:40:46] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> mentira, ta passando o jogo do borussia
[22:40:53] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> f
[22:40:58] <Brompt> hhaahahahha
[22:41:01] <Brompt> q merda
[22:41:11] <Brompt> borussia dormund versus quem?
[22:41:49] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> sevilla
[22:41:54] <Brompt> quem ta a ganhar?
[22:42:07] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> adivinha
[22:42:10] <Brompt> sevilla?
[22:42:15] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkkkkkkk
[22:42:22] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> 2 a 1 pro borussia
[22:42:27] <Brompt> nice
[22:42:40] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> achei um site aqui passando o jogo da juve
[22:42:48] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> com um narrador espanhol
[22:42:55] <Brompt> q merda
[22:43:06] <Brompt> bem, melhor q nada
[22:43:21] <Brompt> pesquisa TVI live stream
[22:43:41] <Brompt> "canal 4 tvi"
[22:44:09] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> caralho o porto ainda ta botando uma pressao
[22:44:19] <Brompt> yaaaah
[22:44:24] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> vou pesquisar
[22:44:27] <Brompt> ia marcando agora um gola�o...
[22:45:51] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> Lamentamos mas n�o existem direitos de transmiss�o via internet no pa�s onde se encontra. (geoblock-100)
[22:45:56] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> rip
[22:46:04] <Brompt> bruuuh foste mesmo ao site da tvi? XD
[22:46:11] <Brompt> pesquisa live streams
[22:46:14] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> melhor q esse espanhol fodido
[22:46:21] <Brompt> UUUIII
[22:46:24] <Brompt> quase que era golo do porto
[22:46:39] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> caralhooooo
[22:46:57] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> esse site ta com um delay fodido KKKKKK
[22:47:15] <Brompt> XDD
[22:47:25] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ui ui
[22:47:30] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ta bom o jogo viu
[22:47:38] <Brompt> mas s� acordou agora
[22:47:45] <Brompt> tem estado s� a juventus a dar paulada
[22:48:31] <Brompt> ngl, o porto ta-se a manter bem s� com 10 jogadores
[22:48:34] <Brompt> e a jogar fora...
[22:48:39] <Lollycock> nigers
[22:48:44] <Lollycock> ?
[22:48:44] <Brompt> dude wtf
[22:48:46] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
[22:48:51] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> yes we are
[22:48:54] <Lollycock> wtf im afroman
[22:49:04] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> are you from niger as well?
[22:49:09] <Lollycock> not lesbian
[22:49:14] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[22:49:14] <Lollycock> no im from russia
[22:49:22] <Lollycock> but my father from Sudan
[22:50:13] <BlackRose_Dying> im from Bularus is potato republik
[22:50:20] <Brompt> oh no
[22:50:43] <Brompt> I just heard the belarus eurovision song
[22:50:43] <Lollycock> wtf dude
[22:51:01] <Lollycock> morgenstern u said?
[22:51:14] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> cara, acho que o porto nao aguenta ate o fim da prorroga��o
[22:51:24] <Lollycock> dima Bilan u know?
[22:51:29] <Brompt> yes
[22:51:37] <Lollycock> Wurst
[22:51:37] <Brompt> won for russia like in.. 2008?
[22:51:42] <Lollycock> lesbian gay
[22:51:44] <Lollycock> u know?
[22:51:47] <Brompt> GOLO
[22:51:54] <Brompt> Ohhhh fuck you referee
[22:51:54] <Lollycock> yes 2008 good job bro
[22:51:54] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> de quemek,m
[22:52:00] <Lollycock> and in 2006 2-nd place
[22:52:17] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ah, impedidasso
[22:52:17] <Brompt> I don't really like his song xD
[22:52:30] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> agora 3 minutos de putaria com VAR ate decidirem
[22:52:30] <Brompt> I prefer sergey lazarev
[22:52:35] <Brompt> mesmo
[22:52:40] <Brompt> mas foi anulado
[22:52:40] <Lollycock> he is gay
[22:52:43] <Brompt> yes
[22:52:48] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> are you gay as well?
[22:53:13] <Lollycock> i prefer buranovskie babuschki
[22:53:26] <Brompt> waaaaaiit are those the grandmas from 2012?
[22:53:41] <Lollycock> yes
[22:53:49] <Brompt> PAAAAAAARTY for everybody DANCE!
[22:53:57] <Brompt> love them
[22:53:59] <Lollycock> u got a nice knowledge about that topic
[22:54:09] <Lollycock> what do u say about investition
[22:54:09] <Brompt> I'm what they call a "eurovision nerd"
[22:54:19] <Brompt> BOLA NO FERRO pqp este jogo ta intenso
[22:54:35] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> CARALKJHOOJPO
[22:54:42] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> que pedrada
[22:54:53] <Brompt> mas que gola�o que seria
[22:54:53] <Brompt> pqp
[22:56:04] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> o ronaldo ta apagadasso
[22:56:14] <Brompt> anda a dormir o caralho
[22:56:24] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk pq
[22:56:29] <Brompt> foda-se, prolongamento
[22:56:34] <Brompt> que seca
[22:56:55] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> prorroga��o*
[22:57:10] <Brompt> prorroga��o??? WHAT
[22:57:15] <Brompt> dude.. � um "prolongamento" do jogo
[22:57:23] <Brompt> da� se chama de Prolongamento
[22:57:40] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> vem c� em casa que eu te mostro o que � prolongamento
[22:57:48] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ????
[22:58:06] <Brompt> v� l� se n�o levas com a minha chouri�a
[22:58:29] <Lollycock> vk
[22:58:29] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> wtf o juiz nao apita
[22:58:36] <Brompt> est�s a ver o stream protugues? ou o espanhol?
[22:58:36] <Brompt> ele apita
[22:58:46] <Lollycock> spain for gays
[22:58:46] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> finalmente
[22:58:49] <Brompt> quase minuto e meio depois XD
[22:58:59] <Brompt> yea blas cant�
[22:59:02] <Brompt> weird choice
[22:59:02] <Lollycock> every days
[22:59:07] <Brompt> not that he's gay.. it's just weird
[22:59:17] <Lollycock> we are gays
[22:59:25] <Lollycock> with balckrose
[22:59:25] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> achei um site muito bom
[22:59:30] <BlackRose_Dying> im balck rose cock
[22:59:32] <Brompt> e � qu�? portugu�s?
[22:59:35] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787>
[22:59:40] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> tem 1 bilhao de linguas aqui
[22:59:45] <Brompt> damn
[23:00:08] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> br, pt, dinamarqu�s(?), espanhol, ingles, sueco (?)
[23:00:21] <Lollycock> lolly rose
[23:00:23] <Brompt> dinamarques wtf
[23:00:33] <Lollycock> Black dying cock
[23:00:43] <Lollycock> lollybrompt
[23:00:54] <Brompt> I don't suck lollies
[23:00:56] <Lollycock> D:
[23:01:17] <BlackRose_Dying> black dying brompt
[23:01:29] <Lollycock> BlackRose_Winny
[23:03:11] <Brompt> c� vai come�ar
[23:03:16] <Brompt> mais meia hora de futebol
[23:03:47] <BlackRose_Dying> Brompt is Vladimir Putin, you said?
[23:03:49] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> rip porto
[23:03:49] <Lollycock> taco bell
[23:04:02] <Brompt> ya ne vladimir putin
[23:04:07] <Lollycock> D:
[23:04:12] <Lollycock> but who?
[23:04:22] <BlackRose_Dying> Alexey Navalniy???
[23:04:27] <Lollycock> are u navalnyi?
[23:04:43] <Brompt> navalniy is viewed as a russian hero in western media
[23:04:50] <Lollycock> yes
[23:04:53] <Lollycock> we are lovin it
[23:04:58] <Lollycock> parapapapa
[23:05:18] <Lollycock> bromy
[23:05:23] <Brompt> lol cuadrado amarelo
[23:05:26] <Brompt> ainda reclama
[23:05:28] <Lollycock> how years oold?
[23:05:33] <BlackRose_Dying> Russian hero is Eldzjey
[23:05:41] <Brompt> i'm 21
[23:05:44] <Lollycock> and morgenchlen
[23:05:49] <Lollycock> im 23
[23:05:51] <Brompt> nice
[23:05:51] <Lollycock> and im lesbian
[23:06:01] <BlackRose_Dying> Brompt is not cuckold
[23:06:07] <Brompt> bruh
[23:06:09] <Lollycock> are u have a wife?
[23:06:19] <BlackRose_Dying> sexwife
[23:06:24] <BlackRose_Dying> sexwifi
[23:06:37] <Brompt> I'm lonely
[23:06:40] <Lollycock> greentooth
[23:06:45] <Brompt> so I'm not a cuckold
[23:06:57] <BlackRose_Dying> :(
[23:07:10] <Lollycock> are u have a sex with mens?
[23:07:13] <Brompt> no
[23:07:18] <Lollycock> :(
[23:07:30] <BlackRose_Dying> or dog?
[23:07:33] <Lollycock> or ccats
[23:07:53] <Lollycock> happy new year
[23:08:01] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[23:08:11] <Lollycock> :c
[23:08:16] <BlackRose_Dying> bb brompt
[23:08:19] <Lollycock> jacob
[23:08:24] <Lollycock> are u have a gay sex?
[23:09:15] <Lollycock> brompt do not ban pls
[23:09:20] --> Brompt connected to the server
[23:09:20] <Lollycock> we are joking
[23:09:22] <Lollycock> WEBE
[23:09:25] <Brompt> wut
[23:09:30] <Lollycock> ARE U HAVE A SEX WITH CATS?
[23:09:35] <Brompt> no
[23:09:35] <BlackRose_Dying> wb my best friend
[23:09:48] <Lollycock> brompt is a very clever guy
[23:09:50] <Lollycock> i think
[23:10:08] <Brompt> maybe
[23:10:16] <Brompt> quor tas ai?
[23:10:16] <Lollycock> or not
[23:10:29] <Lollycock> do u have an instagram account?
[23:10:31] <Brompt> ye
[23:10:41] <Lollycock> dreamy_bogatov
[23:10:46] <Brompt> bruh
[23:10:46] <Lollycock> blackduing_rose
[23:10:51] <Lollycock> y*
[23:10:54] <BlackRose_Dying> blackdying_rose
[23:11:27] <Lollycock> where is kevin grande?
[23:12:18] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> caaaaralho
[23:12:23] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> que jogada
[23:12:38] <Brompt> isto virou UFC
[23:12:46] <BlackRose_Dying> kfc
[23:12:48] <Lollycock> im a resident of RFC
[23:12:51] <Lollycock> KFC
[23:13:55] <Brompt> como � q � um possivel um jogo destes estar tao equilibrado
[23:14:30] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> os portistas t�o dando a alma nesse jogo pqp
[23:14:33] <Brompt> mesmo
[23:14:45] <Lollycock> gizmo
[23:14:45] <Brompt> j� n�o via o porto a jogar assim h� caralhos
[23:15:13] <Lollycock> ������������ ������� ��������
[23:15:18] <Lollycock> �� ������?
[23:15:39] <Brompt> Foda-se... � s� faltas e paulada
[23:15:46] <Brompt> bruuuuh o bernadeschi entra e ja leva amarelo
[23:16:55] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> assassinou o ronaldo pqp
[23:17:03] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkkkkkkk
[23:17:03] <Brompt> mesmo
[23:17:08] <Brompt> mexicano de merda
[23:17:48] <Brompt> fds p�.. s� faltas, q jogo de merda
[23:18:16] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ta feio agora
[23:18:29] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> s� tiro porrada e bomba
[23:19:28] <Brompt> contra-ataques de merda
[23:20:26] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ronaldo apagou-se
[23:20:34] <Brompt> a juventus ta a morrer
[23:20:49] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> tiraram o chiesa n�
[23:20:57] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> todo ataque passava por ele
[23:20:59] <Brompt> o chiesa ja ta roto tmbm
[23:21:04] <Brompt> ele j� nao dava uma pra caixa
[23:21:09] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkkkkk
[23:21:27] <Lollycock> brompt is pidor
[23:21:37] <Brompt> dafuq is a pidor
[23:21:40] <Lollycock> picador*
[23:21:53] <Lollycock> go instagram
[23:22:00] <Lollycock> 1x1
[23:22:10] <BlackRose_Dying> 1xbet
[23:22:56] <Lollycock> repair
[23:23:37] <Lollycock> what a procent u got with wotd premy?
[23:24:02] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> that's a fine question
[23:25:08] <Lollycock> m?
[23:25:11] <Brompt> wtfff � este arbitro
[23:26:04] <Brompt> esta merda era suposto ser f�cil pra juventus
[23:26:12] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[23:26:20] <Jacob> kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[23:26:27] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> q coisa feia
[23:26:38] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> o jogo tava lindo ate o come�o da prorroga��o
[23:26:53] <Brompt> o porto s� quer ir a penaltis
[23:27:36] <Brompt> 10 minutos para acabar... porra
[23:27:49] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> a juve ta troll
[23:28:01] <Brompt> ser� que ta?
[23:28:01] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[23:28:01] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> esse gol era arroz com feij�o
[23:28:12] <Brompt> foda-se
[23:28:17] <Brompt> o porto... QUE DESPERD�CIO
[23:28:24] <Brompt> foda-se
[23:29:23] (WEB) <David#0631> quorthon
[23:29:30] (WEB) <David#0631> are you gonna go in game
[23:29:58] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> @Quorthon#4787
[23:30:01] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> nah im watching ucl
[23:30:09] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> whats your previous nickname
[23:30:11] <Brompt> this match is lit david
[23:30:19] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> fodase it's me lol
[23:30:26] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> yooooooooo david
[23:30:44] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> juventus and porto?
[23:30:47] <Brompt> yea
[23:30:52] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> damn
[23:31:07] <Brompt> 7 minutes left... it's fucking intense
[23:31:27] <Brompt> I've never seen porto play this well against a top class european club damn
[23:31:35] <Brompt> since a very long time
[23:32:00] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> quorthon lets run some PL
[23:32:13] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> sure sure
[23:32:18] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> game is almost over
[23:32:28] <Brompt> OMFGGGGG
[23:32:28] <Brompt> WHAT A GOAL
[23:32:31] <Brompt> OMGGGGG
[23:32:41] <Brompt> omfffffggggggg sorry for the caps
[23:32:44] <Brompt> DAMN DAMND AMNDAM DNADAD
[23:33:09] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> OMGOMGOMGOGMOGM
[23:33:27] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> WTFFFFF
[23:33:29] <Brompt> omgggg am I really watching porto wipe juventus out of the competition???
[23:33:50] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> god damn
[23:33:55] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> that's nuts
[23:33:55] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> NA goalkeeper tbh
[23:34:02] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> ping me when you're heading in-game
[23:34:02] <Brompt> I hate porto but my portuguese in me is SCREAMING
[23:34:10] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> aight
[23:34:10] <Brompt> OMGGGGG GOAL JUVENTUS
[23:34:13] <Brompt> WTF
[23:34:53] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> WTFFFFF
[23:35:03] <Brompt> This match is fuuuuuucking liiiit
[23:35:52] <Brompt> waaiiiit... juventus HAS to score now
[23:35:54] <Brompt> otherwise porto wins it
[23:36:30] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> juventus scored no?
[23:36:32] <Brompt> Quuoooor I'm shaaaaaking
[23:36:37] <Brompt> yeah but porto scored 2 away goals
[23:36:43] <Brompt> juventus only 1
[23:36:50] <Brompt> porto has the lead even if it's 4-4
[23:36:50] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> porto hype
[23:37:05] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> what a match lmao
[23:37:13] <Brompt> 1 fucking minute left
[23:37:49] <Brompt> BRUH
[23:37:54] <Brompt> Penalty??????
[23:38:27] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ??????
[23:38:50] <Brompt> they kick the ball with so much power that you hear booms
[23:38:55] <Brompt> these guys aren't fucking around
[23:39:13] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> bruh my stream is behind lmao
[23:39:20] <Brompt> OMFG
[23:39:43] <Brompt> in my clock it's 121:49
[23:39:51] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
[23:39:53] <Brompt> 1 minute lefffttttt
[23:40:16] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> 119:50 for me
[23:40:16] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> mine is 1:55 OT
[23:40:39] <Brompt> gosh, forget it, the portuguese in me is SCREAMING, I just want porto to pass and fuck juventus
[23:40:47] <Brompt> even if I hate porto
[23:41:25] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> hail porto
[23:41:30] <Brompt> GRANDE CORTE CARALHO
[23:41:30] <Brompt> SIGA
[23:41:30] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> fvck juve
[23:41:35] <Brompt> FODA-SE
[23:41:35] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> rabiot is an idiot
[23:42:05] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> PEPE MONSTRO
[23:42:08] <Brompt> ACAAAABBOOOOUUUUU
[23:42:36] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> LOLOLOLOLOLOL
[23:42:41] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> Thay was an interesting game
[23:42:51] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> boooooooo
[23:42:56] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> porto going huge
[23:44:23] --> Quorthon connected to the server
[23:44:30] <Lollycock> webe
[23:44:38] <Quorthon> ty
[23:44:40] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[23:44:40] <Brompt> I never thought I would fucking celebrate a defeat
[23:45:49] <Quorthon> what a game
[23:46:02] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> @SnoopyMane#0631 come come
[23:46:02] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> why are juve's bench complaining bro wtf
[23:46:17] <Brompt> juve fucked up and they have to realise that
[23:46:25] <Brompt> it was their fault they lost
[23:46:37] <Brompt> bunch of whining sore losers
[23:46:55] <Quorthon> some random ass dude named 'sergio' made an ronaldinho free kick and won the game
[23:46:55] --> David connected to the server
[23:47:00] <Quorthon> a*
[23:47:10] <David> holy shit what a game
[23:47:10] <Quorthon> wb american
[23:47:18] <David> obrigado
[23:47:41] <Brompt> wanna know what the headlines will be?
[23:47:51] <Brompt> "Juventus failed" "Ronaldo failed"
[23:47:59] <Brompt> Our newspapers will be "MAGICAL PORTO"
[23:47:59] <David> "Unprecedented: American watches soccer"
[23:48:09] <Quorthon> >soccer
[23:48:14] <Brompt> "soccer"
[23:48:17] <Brompt> ok you ruined it
[23:48:17] <David> american football
[23:48:19] <David> is better
[23:48:22] <Lollycock> socker
[23:48:24] <Lollycock> suck
[23:48:24] <Brompt> XD
[23:48:29] <Lollycock> cock
[23:48:37] <Lollycock> wtf with convoy on shamal?
[23:49:13] <David> lmao bro
[23:49:20] <Quorthon> pepe was fucking insane
[23:49:25] <Brompt> pepe has always been awesome
[23:49:33] <Brompt> he's one of the reasons why portugal beat france in 2016
[23:49:35] <David> is porto headed to a matchup with barca now
[23:49:53] <Quorthon> nah, barca gonna get a ass whoopin tomorrow
[23:49:58] <Brompt> really?
[23:49:58] <Quorthon> from psg
[23:50:09] <Brompt> Oh.. because of pandemic they stopped doing that draw every round
[23:50:34] <David> p$g bro lmao
[23:50:42] <David> they got $
[23:50:44] <David> !player p$g
[23:50:44] <Brompt> porto has no chance against psg
[23:50:47] (WEB) <robin_be> player p$g: 13838 score, last seen null
[23:50:47] <David> where is this guy
[23:50:57] <Brompt> he hasn't come online for like a week already
[23:51:12] <Quorthon> if porto plays like today i think the may have a chance
[23:51:15] <Quorthon> they
[23:51:45] <Brompt> juventus played like shit dude
[23:52:11] <Quorthon> ha
[23:52:16] <David> shit
[23:52:31] <Quorthon> imma get another one
[23:52:39] <David> bet
[23:52:57] <David> where do you tp to lmao
[23:53:04] <Quorthon> derby stadium
[23:53:07] <David> i have no idea where the closest payphone is
[23:53:07] <David> ohh
[23:53:35] <Brompt> lmao
[23:53:47] <Brompt> the commentators over here are saying the refereeing was absolute shit
[23:54:03] <Brompt> I won't deny it tho
[23:54:41] <David> ill brb
[23:54:43] <David> taking a shit
[23:54:43] <-- David disconnected from the server
[23:54:46] <Brompt> XD
[23:55:42] <Brompt> "passagem vale ao fc porto 10,5 milh�es de euros"
[23:55:52] <Brompt> foda-se p�.. liga milion�ria
[23:55:55] <Quorthon> wow
[23:57:26] <Quorthon> bora brincar com tow truck
[23:57:34] <Quorthon> fuck evento
[23:57:46] <Lollycock> wtf with convoy shamal?
