[00:00:11] <Brompt> eish
[00:00:16] <Brompt> eu kinda que preciso do evento XD
[00:00:27] <Brompt> eh fuck it
[00:00:27] <Brompt> why not
[00:00:55] <Quorthon> vc ja tem as chaves
[00:01:00] <Brompt> ah ok
[00:01:00] <Quorthon> deixa eu trazer mais
[00:01:35] <Brompt> mete-me la dentro
[00:01:46] <Quorthon> ui ui
[00:01:53] <Quorthon> fuck
[00:02:01] <Quorthon> engatei em um carro aqui dentro
[00:02:01] <Quorthon> lol
[00:02:06] <Brompt> f
[00:02:19] <Quorthon> wut
[00:02:24] <Brompt> wo
[00:02:24] <Brompt> wow
[00:02:24] <Brompt> obrigado
[00:02:29] <Quorthon> como morreu
[00:02:29] <Quorthon> what
[00:02:34] <Brompt> nao sei
[00:02:34] <Brompt> nao entendo
[00:02:36] <Quorthon> loool
[00:02:52] <Quorthon> acho que eu descobri um major bug
[00:06:10] <Brompt> nao consigo este
[00:06:18] <Lollycock> brompt is alcoholic
[00:06:25] <Brompt> yes
[00:06:30] <Lollycock> D:
[00:07:19] <Brompt> lol
[00:07:19] <Brompt> nao da
[00:07:39] <Quorthon> rip
[00:07:41] <Brompt> nao tenho chaves destes todos xD
[00:07:46] <Quorthon> me puxa ai
[00:10:34] <Brompt> dafuq u doing
[00:10:39] <Quorthon> kkkk fiquei preso
[00:10:42] <Brompt> XD
[00:11:10] <Brompt> nao ta a dar lol
[00:11:18] <Brompt> nao gosta de mim
[00:11:33] <Quorthon> f
[00:12:42] <Quorthon> fodase este aqui entao
[00:12:49] <Brompt> s� se
[00:12:49] <Quorthon> me busca ai
[00:12:52] <Brompt> o meteres nas escada
[00:13:17] <Brompt> filho da puta
[00:13:20] <Brompt> bug de merda
[00:13:32] <Quorthon> ja temos bastante aqui XD
[00:14:41] <Brompt> acho q o meu cora��o ficou com insuficiencia cardiaca dps deste jogo
[00:14:59] <Quorthon> realmente
[00:15:17] <Brompt> nabo
[00:15:19] <Brompt> WTF
[00:15:32] <Quorthon> perai
[00:15:37] <Quorthon> vou dar rc e tentar colocar o ultimo aqui
[00:15:37] <Brompt> QUE EST�S A FAZER
[00:15:45] <Brompt> j� fizeste /park?
[00:15:47] <Quorthon> yes
[00:15:55] <Brompt> bruh...
[00:16:15] <Quorthon> me diz se algum vai despawnar ai
[00:16:30] <Quorthon> despawnou?
[00:16:38] (WEB) <dipa#0472> !crystal
[00:16:38] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[00:16:56] <Brompt> acho q nao
[00:16:56] <Lollycock> !bankcash BlackRose_Dying
[00:16:56] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Lollycock's bank money is $2,000,000
[00:17:09] <Lollycock> ???
[00:17:39] <Brompt> again
[00:17:42] <Lollycock> !bankcash Winny
[00:17:42] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Lollycock's bank money is $2,000,000
[00:17:47] <Lollycock> mm
[00:17:47] <Quorthon> ta amaldi�oado
[00:17:52] <Lollycock> nice
[00:17:57] <Brompt> !bankcash
[00:17:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Brompt's bank money is $220,000,000
[00:18:02] <Lollycock> D:
[00:18:10] <Brompt> faz la /park e dps /rc
[00:18:22] <Lollycock> can u give mme 5 milllions pls?
[00:18:27] <Brompt> no
[00:18:27] <Quorthon> XDD
[00:18:35] <Lollycock> or 5000
[00:18:38] <Lollycock> millions
[00:19:11] <Quorthon> ok
[00:19:13] <Quorthon> nao da esc
[00:19:16] <Brompt> siga
[00:19:21] <Lollycock> niga
[00:20:04] <Quorthon> oooooo
[00:20:12] <Brompt> queres tu voar?
[00:20:17] <Quorthon> yes
[00:20:30] <Brompt> SIGGAAAAA
[00:20:35] <Brompt> bruh
[00:20:37] <Brompt> ao da
[00:20:37] <Brompt> nao da
[00:20:37] <Quorthon> wtf
[00:20:45] <Quorthon> estava como motorista
[00:20:47] <Quorthon> qwta[fsldpada
[00:20:50] <Brompt> AHAHAHAHA
[00:20:55] <Quorthon> naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao
[00:20:58] <Quorthon> apertei enter sem querer
[00:21:03] <Brompt> bruh
[00:21:31] <Quorthon> bora de novo
[00:21:43] <Quorthon> ah pera
[00:21:43] <Quorthon> antes disso
[00:21:46] <Quorthon> deixa eu testar uma coisa
[00:21:48] <Brompt> nao cliques enter deste vez
[00:21:59] <Quorthon> looooooooooooool
[00:21:59] <Brompt> wtf dude
[00:22:06] <Brompt> eu at� tinha o /vgodmode ligado
[00:22:19] <Quorthon> nem fudendo que isso funciona no samp
[00:22:24] <Quorthon> vem ca que eu te ensino
[00:23:30] <Quorthon> segura shift
[00:23:35] <Quorthon> durante a animacao toda
[00:23:48] <Brompt> como assim?
[00:23:56] <Quorthon> aperta f pra iniciar o car jack
[00:23:58] <Quorthon> e segura shift
[00:24:03] <Quorthon> lol
[00:24:06] <Brompt> wut
[00:24:06] <Quorthon> nao morri
[00:24:24] <Quorthon> tem que ser pelo outro lado
[00:24:26] <Brompt> ah
[00:24:36] <Brompt> oh
[00:24:36] <Quorthon> KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
[00:24:51] <Quorthon> isso � um bug que existe desde o gta 3
[00:24:57] <Quorthon> nao sabia q dava pra fazer no samp
[00:25:14] <Brompt> pelos vistos d� xD
[00:26:26] <Brompt> 50'/. dos +80 anos c� em portugal ja tao vacinados
[00:26:41] <Quorthon> nice
[00:26:46] <Quorthon> vcs tem varias vacinas ai?
[00:26:48] <Quorthon> ou s� de uma marca?
[00:26:54] <Brompt> ora bem
[00:27:16] <Brompt> astrazeneca, pfizer, johnson & johnson (no futuro)
[00:27:27] <Quorthon> nice
[00:27:29] <Quorthon> essa primeira � a russa?
[00:27:37] <Brompt> nao, � a de oxford
[00:27:39] <Brompt> Bruh
[00:27:44] <Brompt> acordou a ventoinha
[00:27:44] <Brompt> hang on
[00:28:02] <Brompt> test
[00:28:02] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Brompt test failed!
[00:28:05] <Quorthon> wtff
[00:28:07] <Brompt> oh damn I didn't desync
[00:28:10] <Lollycock> lolz
[00:28:15] <Brompt> wtf happened
[00:28:20] <Brompt> isto explodiu tudo
[00:28:30] <BlackRose_Dying> r
[00:28:30] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkk aqui ta normal
[00:28:40] <Quorthon> � pra fazer /rc?
[00:28:51] <Brompt> sim
[00:28:56] <Lollycock> �
[00:28:58] <Brompt> bruh
[00:28:58] <Brompt> tou preso
[00:29:03] <Quorthon> KKKKKKKKKKK
[00:29:03] <Brompt> ok
[00:29:26] <Lollycock> violetta u said?
[00:30:17] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkk tentou me matar ne safaod
[00:30:20] <Quorthon> safado
[00:30:25] <Brompt> morre filho da puta
[00:30:32] <Quorthon> da alt tab nao
[00:30:35] <Quorthon> senao buga os tow trucks
[00:30:40] <Brompt> pois ja vi q sim
[00:30:43] <Brompt> ja tive de dar
[00:30:48] <Lollycock> lollycocker?
[00:30:55] <Brompt> era a unica maneira da ventoinha acalmar
[00:30:58] <Brompt> wtf quor
[00:30:58] <Quorthon> wtfff
[00:30:58] <Brompt> voou
[00:31:03] <Lollycock> �����, �� ��� ���������?
[00:31:03] <Quorthon> KKKKKKKKKKK
[00:31:11] <Brompt> estas todo bugado XD
[00:31:44] <Lollycock> bogato
[00:31:51] <Brompt> tua prima
[00:31:54] <Lollycock> r
[00:31:54] <Quorthon> wtf
[00:31:56] <Brompt> wtf
[00:31:59] <Lollycock> wtf
[00:32:14] <Brompt> vai la pra tras entao
[00:32:17] <Quorthon> os tow trucks tao fazendo um puta twerk
[00:32:29] <Brompt> opis tao hahaha
[00:32:40] <Brompt> ja tou pronto
[00:32:40] <Quorthon> ok bora
[00:32:42] <Quorthon> wtafsk~pdjnajosdasdsa
[00:32:47] <Brompt> hahaHashfiosahfawiet hjalsgkd j
[00:32:55] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[00:33:10] <Brompt> juro q nao sei como � q o ricardo nao nos fode
[00:33:20] <Quorthon> teve uma vez que tava tao rapido que clipei pra fora do estadio
[00:33:25] <Quorthon> e deu trigger no ricardo
[00:33:28] <Brompt> XDDD
[00:33:46] <Quorthon> cai em sfa
[00:34:37] <Quorthon> quer ir atras agora?
[00:34:39] <Brompt> ya
[00:34:47] <Lollycock> koenigsegg agera R
[00:34:54] <Brompt> pronto
[00:34:54] <Brompt> vai
[00:34:57] <Quorthon> gogogo
[00:34:59] <Lollycock> presto
[00:35:10] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk caralhoooo
[00:35:15] <Brompt> Ca puta
[00:36:13] <Quorthon> dessa vez agora tenta engatar normal o ultimo tow truck
[00:36:16] <Quorthon> e dar uma volta
[00:36:28] <Brompt> oh boy
[00:36:46] <Brompt> vais tu atras agora?
[00:36:49] <Quorthon> yes
[00:36:54] <Lollycock> agera
[00:36:56] <Lollycock> no
[00:37:19] <Brompt> vai pra tras
[00:37:27] <Quorthon> aqui na frente � mais doido
[00:37:27] <Quorthon> pode ir
[00:37:35] <Brompt> mas isto � um tow normal
[00:37:42] <Brompt> atr�s sente-se logo nao?
[00:37:55] <Brompt> ok sgia
[00:38:08] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[00:38:08] <Brompt> WTFFFFF
[00:38:13] <Quorthon> CLIPEI
[00:38:13] <Brompt> HAHAHAHAHA
[00:38:15] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[00:38:23] <Quorthon> OLHA O MAPA
[00:38:28] <Brompt> CARALHO
[00:38:36] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[00:38:46] <Brompt> isto foi tao aleatorio
[00:39:21] <Quorthon> isso com certeza triggou o ricardo
[00:39:24] (WEB) <Morty#7519> hoooyaaah
[00:39:24] <Quorthon> vou ate ligar o obs aqui pra evitar ban
[00:39:34] <Brompt> claro q deu trigger
[00:40:05] <Quorthon> um seg
[00:40:53] <Quorthon> ok bora
[00:40:58] <Quorthon> ta ai?
[00:42:12] <Brompt> my turn now
[00:42:19] <Brompt> fode-me como uma puta rodada
[00:42:19] <Quorthon> oooh boy
[00:42:40] <Quorthon> wtf
[00:42:45] <Brompt> acelera crlh
[00:42:47] <Brompt> WTFFFFFF
[00:43:08] <Brompt> YOOOOOOOOO
[00:43:15] <Brompt> isto deu trigger no ricardo
[00:43:18] <Brompt> de certeza
[00:43:23] <Quorthon> mal consegui ver os carros
[00:43:26] <Quorthon> de tao rapido
[00:43:33] <Brompt> eu fiz varias voltas ao estadio por segundo
[00:44:29] <Quorthon> minha vez minha vez
[00:44:39] <Quorthon> ricardo�/. speedrun
[00:45:20] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[00:45:23] <Brompt> parecia que davas teleport varias vezes XDDDDD
[00:45:35] <Quorthon> muito bom pqp
[00:45:40] <Quorthon> vamos ver quem toma ban primeiro
[00:45:45] <Lollycock> /q
[00:45:48] <Brompt> XDD
[00:46:11] <Lollycock> alt+f4
[00:46:13] <Quorthon> bye
[00:46:13] <Lollycock> what a command?
[00:46:21] <Brompt> qualquer dia crio um servidor privado s� com isto de tow truck
[00:46:29] <Quorthon> SIM
[00:46:34] <Brompt> meto gauges de velocidade e isso
[00:46:39] <Quorthon> coloca tipo uns 50 alinhados em sfa
[00:46:41] <Brompt> oh yes
[00:46:54] <Brompt> mas olha q crio mesmo
[00:47:17] <Brompt> gz
[00:47:22] <Brompt> CARAAAAAAALHO
[00:47:27] <Lollycock> nice)
[00:47:30] <BlackRose_Dying> gz
[00:47:35] <Quorthon> gz gz
[00:47:48] <Brompt> foda-se nao parava de dar voltas ao estadio
[00:47:50] <Brompt> eu nem conseguia ver
[00:48:00] <Quorthon> estou a gravar tudo
[00:48:08] <Brompt> nice
[00:48:13] <BlackRose_Dying> r
[00:48:26] --> dipa connected to the server
[00:48:33] <Lollycock> webe
[00:48:36] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[00:48:36] <dipa> thanks
[00:48:36] <Quorthon> hi dipa do you own a tow truck
[00:48:44] <dipa> Im just gonna be for 3 minutes
[00:48:49] <dipa> uhmm
[00:48:51] <dipa> Tow truck?
[00:48:59] <Brompt> come to sf stadium
[00:48:59] <Brompt> and have some fun
[00:49:27] <Brompt> CARAALHOOO
[00:49:40] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[00:49:42] <Brompt> mano o meu carro ficou preso no chao
[00:50:13] <Quorthon> come down here dipa
[00:50:15] <Quorthon> lmao
[00:50:20] <dipa> F*ckin parachute
[00:50:23] <Quorthon> not that way
[00:50:33] <dipa> Is there a tp to there?
[00:50:51] <Quorthon> nearest is either sfa or taxi -> doherty
[00:51:39] <Quorthon> sabe fazer esse bug prompto?
[00:51:52] <Quorthon> stand in one of those stairs
[00:52:02] <dipa> Ok
[00:52:04] <dipa> Done
[00:52:04] <Quorthon> in the middle of them
[00:52:20] <dipa> how the heck
[00:52:25] <Quorthon> you're about to witness history
[00:52:32] <dipa> Jeez I feel lucky
[00:52:45] <Quorthon> ok pick a tow truck and press g on it
[00:52:53] <Quorthon> and dont press esc or it wont work
[00:52:55] <dipa> Actually uhmm...
[00:52:58] <dipa> I kinda need to go
[00:52:58] <dipa> Math exam
[00:53:00] <Brompt> WAIT
[00:53:00] <Quorthon> nooooooo
[00:53:08] <Brompt> it's quick
[00:53:08] <dipa> Okok
[00:53:41] <Quorthon> alright almost done
[00:53:49] <Quorthon> do it prompto
[00:53:59] <Brompt> ready dipa?
[00:54:04] <dipa> Yes
[00:54:09] <dipa> That /setrank tho...
[00:54:14] <dipa> what the....
[00:54:19] <Brompt> XDDD
[00:54:22] <Quorthon> MEU DEUS
[00:54:27] <Brompt> DUDE
[00:54:27] <Lollycock> 6000 scores
[00:54:32] <dipa> This is some kind of like solar neutrinos flying around
[00:54:45] <Quorthon> probably
[00:54:55] <dipa> Man that's crazy xD
[00:55:00] <dipa> Lol
[00:55:02] <Quorthon> welp thats it
[00:55:05] <Quorthon> good luck on your math exam
[00:55:08] <dipa> yeah I will come later
[00:55:13] <dipa> Yes thank you
[00:55:15] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[00:55:28] <Quorthon> cara, serio
[00:55:30] <Brompt> puto de incendio meu
[00:55:33] <Quorthon> eu quero muito ser banido
[00:55:33] <Brompt> nao consigo entrar nos carros
[00:55:36] <Quorthon> fazendo isso
[00:56:01] <Brompt> q tas a fazer
[00:56:09] <Quorthon> bug chamado slide
[00:56:11] <Brompt> ah ta
[00:56:16] <Quorthon> sabe fazer?
[00:56:24] <Brompt> moonwalk vers�o b�bado
[00:57:48] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkk
[00:57:48] <Brompt> boi
[00:57:55] <Brompt> o incendio ta mt grande xD
[00:58:00] <Brompt> nao consigo atrelar
[00:58:13] <Quorthon> pc benchmark
[00:58:54] <Brompt> nao sei q merda est�s a fazer
[00:58:59] <Brompt> mas s� est�s a piorar
[00:59:07] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkk
[00:59:29] <Quorthon> bora fazer dodgeball com isso aqui
[00:59:32] <Quorthon> tira o vgm
[00:59:45] <Brompt> done
[00:59:47] <Quorthon> me avisa quando sua vida ficar na metade
[01:00:23] <Quorthon> ok ok
[01:00:31] <Quorthon> ta com metade ai tbm
[01:00:33] <Quorthon> ?
[01:00:38] <Brompt> 3/4
[01:00:51] <Brompt> DONE
[01:00:53] <Quorthon> ok go
[01:01:09] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkk q merda
[01:01:19] <Quorthon> acho q isso nao da dano
[01:01:29] <Quorthon> da sim
[01:01:39] <Quorthon> pqp maconha da porra
[01:02:05] <Brompt> n vejo pi�a nenhuma
[01:02:38] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:02:40] <Brompt> Bruh
[01:03:51] <Quorthon> que fazemos agora
[01:04:32] <Brompt> dunno
[01:05:23] <Brompt> fucking baron
[01:08:18] <Brompt> well
[01:08:36] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkk achei q tava afk
[01:08:41] <Quorthon> ta preso debaixo do carro?
[01:08:44] <Brompt> mais ou menos
[01:08:46] <Brompt> yea
[01:08:54] <Quorthon> kkkkkkkkkkkkk se fode ai
[01:08:57] <Brompt> XD
[01:08:59] <Quorthon> vou sair mano
[01:09:04] <Brompt> bruh
[01:09:07] <Quorthon> gl
[01:09:09] <Brompt> de volta ao /w entao
[01:09:17] <Quorthon> wagie fodido
[01:09:17] <-- Quorthon disconnected from the server
[01:09:30] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> int�
[01:09:35] <Brompt> at�
[01:09:58] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ta passando big brother no tvi
[01:10:03] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> assiste ai
[01:10:05] <Brompt> pois ta
[01:10:10] <Brompt> detesto
[01:10:15] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkk tambem
[01:10:26] <Brompt> a tvi � a nossa "reality tv"
[01:10:41] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> credo
[01:10:54] <Brompt> yup
[01:11:01] <Brompt> s� programas de burros
[01:11:55] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> aquele das kardashians fodeu uma gera��o inteira de americanos
[01:12:05] <Brompt> quor
[01:12:07] <Brompt> se pensares bem
[01:12:15] <Brompt> a juventus ganhou, empatou e perdeu ao mesmo tempo
[01:12:28] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> kkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:12:33] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> empatou no agregado
[01:12:48] <Brompt> ganhou o jogo
[01:12:51] <Brompt> perdeu a eliminatoria
[01:13:06] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> isto � juventus futebol clube
[01:14:48] <Brompt> bruh
[01:14:53] <Brompt> lost cargo no local do loading
[01:14:58] <Brompt> este foi o lost cargo mais facil de sempr
[01:15:05] <Brompt> �s 7:30 do jogo
[01:21:09] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> reventon?
[01:21:12] <Brompt> yea
[01:21:24] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> classico
[01:22:28] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[01:33:09] <-- Lollycock disconnected from the server
[01:35:59] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> Helloda
[01:36:07] <Brompt> hey
[01:36:17] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> All fine bro?
[01:36:22] <Brompt> ye u?
[01:36:32] (WEB) <Koehler#9379> im fine too
[01:36:35] <Brompt> nice
[01:39:25] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> Oblivion NPC conversation
[01:39:30] <Brompt> yes
[01:42:11] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[01:42:21] <Brompt> wb
[01:42:23] <Syracuse> thanks
[01:42:46] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[01:42:46] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Syracuse's bank money is $351,000,000
[01:42:51] <Brompt> reeeeech
[01:45:26] <Brompt> test
[01:45:26] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Brompt test failed!
[01:45:42] <danielsonspromaxplus> !aboard
[01:45:42] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(181145) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-54001) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26158)
[01:47:31] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[01:47:49] <Brompt> !Aboard
[01:47:59] <Brompt> !Aboard
[01:48:02] <Brompt> !aboard
[01:48:04] <Syracuse> danielson just did that
[01:48:17] <Brompt> I know but I don't like that -54001
[01:48:19] <Brompt> !aboard
[01:48:27] <Brompt> fucking bot
[01:48:32] <Brompt> piece of shit
[01:48:45] <Syracuse> there's a thing called "cooldown time"
[01:53:50] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> prompto
[01:53:55] <Brompt> oi
[01:54:18] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> Qu� hora es all�
[01:54:28] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> que hora es alli
[01:54:31] <Brompt> no hablo espa�ol
[01:54:36] <Brompt> but 00:54
[01:54:41] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> que horas sao la
[01:54:49] <Brompt> a�*
[01:55:06] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> Tenho saudades de jogar este jogo contigo
[01:55:17] <Brompt> ent�o anda
[01:55:27] <Syracuse> !cboard
[01:55:27] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(23634) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-5081) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3302)
[01:55:29] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> Estou ocupada com a escola
[01:55:37] <Brompt> damn
[01:55:42] <Brompt> you're a girl now?
[01:56:02] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> Eu sou uma garota linda
[01:56:10] <Brompt> � bem
[01:56:23] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> jajajaja
[01:57:08] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> who's on
[01:57:16] <Syracuse> not me
[01:57:24] <Brompt> winny afk
[01:58:32] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> fodase
[01:58:43] <Brompt> yea not many of us online
[01:58:45] <Brompt> rip pl
[02:00:35] <Syracuse> !score lenz
[02:00:37] (WEB) <robin_be> player lenz: 37708 score, 30503 missions: 18'/. trucking - 16'/. cargo drop - 16'/. courier
[02:00:47] <Syracuse> i'm catching up with him
[02:00:55] <Syracuse> !score
[02:00:58] (WEB) <robin_be> player Syracuse: 35481 score, 33681 missions: 11'/. skimmer - 9'/. shamal - 9'/. rescue
[02:03:20] --> Jacob connected to the server
[02:03:25] <Syracuse> hello
[02:05:02] <Jacob> hello
[02:08:46] <Syracuse> gosh, I love aotearoa
[02:08:53] <Brompt> I really hope that's sarcasm
[02:08:58] <Syracuse> nope
[02:09:03] <Brompt> you're fucking insane then
[02:09:11] <Syracuse> yes
[02:09:19] <Syracuse> just like how I've done 3600 skimmer flights
[02:09:34] <Jacob> 10k skimmer when
[02:09:52] <Syracuse> when I'm a cuntury years old
[02:09:54] <Syracuse> cent*
[02:10:33] <Jacob> this is a great island
[02:10:35] <Jacob> the best
[02:10:38] <Jacob> dean island
[02:10:55] <Syracuse> lmao
[02:10:58] <Jacob> gage your island sucks
[02:11:00] <Jacob> it killed me
[02:11:08] <Syracuse> lmao x2
[02:14:52] (WEB) <Crystal#9897> Wow
[02:15:07] <Brompt> !crystal
[02:15:07] (WEB) <TheGamer> Crystal: Update will be here soon-ish!
[02:16:16] <Brompt> test
[02:16:16] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Brompt test failed!
[02:16:31] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[02:16:46] --> Brompt connected to the server
[02:16:49] <Brompt> bitch
[02:17:04] <Jacob> You just have less value
[02:17:27] <Brompt> yes
[02:17:50] <Jacob> than what?
[02:18:03] <Syracuse> he has some value ?!? o.0
[02:18:20] <Brompt> than stets's
[02:19:29] <Brompt> abuse
[02:19:47] <Jacob> wha
[02:19:52] <Jacob> !assets brompt
[02:19:55] (WEB) <robin_be> brompt has 0 car(s) ($0) and 2 house(s) ($20,000,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $20,000,000
[02:19:57] <Jacob> you dont have anything i can clamp
[02:20:00] <Jacob> player abuse
[02:20:07] <Brompt> :V HU3HU3HU3
[02:20:23] <Brompt> it's called cheating the system
[02:21:21] <Brompt> hmm
[02:21:24] <Syracuse> !cars brompt
[02:21:26] (WEB) <robin_be> brompt has:
[02:21:47] <Jacob> it's called cheating the system
[02:21:52] <Brompt> indeed
[02:22:02] <Brompt> admin abuse
[02:22:37] <Brompt> also, you want the cabbie back?
[02:22:45] <Jacob> you can sell it lol
[02:23:03] --> MaverickTheTopGun connected to the server
[02:23:08] <Brompt> chad name
[02:24:24] <MaverickTheTopGun> The last time I played this game was probably 4 years ago
[02:24:24] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[02:24:32] <Brompt> damn
[02:24:37] <Brompt> u a veteran now
[02:24:47] <MaverickTheTopGun> Damn....all my cars have been wiped
[02:24:55] <Brompt> those only last 2 weeks
[02:25:02] <Brompt> plus there was an economy reset
[02:25:10] <MaverickTheTopGun> That explains the 10k
[02:25:23] <Brompt> yea rip
[02:25:38] <MaverickTheTopGun> Well the good thing is I really enjoyed this game for the flight. No so much vanity items
[02:25:43] <MaverickTheTopGun> Nice to meet you all
[02:25:51] <Syracuse> nice to meet you too
[02:25:58] <Brompt> nice to meet you to
[02:26:01] <Brompt> too
[02:26:03] <Syracuse> meat
[02:26:09] <MaverickTheTopGun> Y'all got an airline I could work with?
[02:26:21] <Brompt> bitch
[02:26:24] <Brompt> right on the second
[02:26:26] <Syracuse> nou
[02:26:36] --> P$G connected to the server
[02:26:49] <Syracuse> hello PSG
[02:26:59] <P$G> yoo
[02:26:59] <Brompt> wb
[02:27:10] <P$G> ty
[02:28:21] <MaverickTheTopGun> How do i select spawn point again
[02:28:23] <Brompt> /p
[02:29:24] <MaverickTheTopGun> Thank you Beompt
[02:29:29] <MaverickTheTopGun> Brompt*
[02:29:32] <Brompt> yw
[02:30:00] <Syracuse> !cash
[02:30:03] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse has $206,167 in hand
[02:30:03] <Brompt> !cash
[02:30:05] (WEB) <robin_be> Brompt has $5,887,120 in hand
[02:30:13] <Syracuse> i'm poor af :<
[02:30:13] <MaverickTheTopGun> !cash
[02:30:15] (WEB) <robin_be> MaverickTheTopGun has $10,000 in hand
[02:30:41] <Brompt> you need to /w maverick
[02:30:46] <MaverickTheTopGun> What's the server high these days?
[02:30:49] <MaverickTheTopGun> and what time
[02:30:54] <MaverickTheTopGun> does it hit the high
[02:31:01] <Brompt> I'd say 10
[02:31:27] <Brompt> although some days of the week we reach 15/20
[02:32:05] <MaverickTheTopGun> that's good
[02:32:30] <MaverickTheTopGun> how much score for military rank again?
[02:32:35] <MaverickTheTopGun> sorry for all the noob questions
[02:32:43] <Brompt> it says on /reclass
[02:32:46] <Syracuse> no need to sorry
[02:33:09] <MaverickTheTopGun> right right /reclass. thanks
[02:34:02] <MaverickTheTopGun> is there a specific cmd to enter the AT-400
[02:34:10] <Syracuse> yes
[02:34:10] <Brompt> /at400
[02:34:10] <Syracuse> /at400
[02:34:20] <MaverickTheTopGun> thanks
[02:37:15] <Syracuse> dead airline
[02:37:33] <P$G> liar
[02:40:29] <MaverickTheTopGun> is there still a cmnd to talk from ur plane. like' a pilot radio?
[02:40:34] <Brompt> @
[02:40:36] <Syracuse> @
[02:41:02] <MaverickTheTopGun> This game was so fire :)
[02:41:09] <MaverickTheTopGun> Atc ever work?
[02:41:14] <Brompt> atc never worked
[02:41:19] <MaverickTheTopGun> Poleplay wise
[02:41:19] <MaverickTheTopGun> true
[02:41:30] <MaverickTheTopGun> Role*
[02:41:40] <Brompt> I miss seeing this server with over 70 players
[02:41:45] <MaverickTheTopGun> Same
[02:42:21] <MaverickTheTopGun> whats the cmd for landing gear
[02:42:26] <Brompt> 2
[02:42:48] <Syracuse> or + on the numpad
[02:43:01] <Brompt> ah nice I actualyl didn't know that one
[02:43:47] <Syracuse> but I rarely use + tho
[02:44:48] <-- P$G disconnected from the server
[02:45:13] <Brompt> test
[02:45:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Brompt test failed!
[02:45:18] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[02:45:18] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Syracuse's bank money is $351,600,000
[02:45:26] <Brompt> interest milker
[02:45:26] <-- MaverickTheTopGun disconnected from the server
[02:45:44] <Syracuse> speaking of interest
[02:45:49] <Syracuse> imma let my inyterest grow
[02:45:59] <Brompt> nice
[02:46:12] <Brompt> 4.4m for me rn
[02:46:14] <Brompt> and !cash
[02:46:14] <Brompt> !cash
[02:46:17] (WEB) <robin_be> Brompt has $5,980,223 in hand
[02:46:32] <Syracuse> imma let my interest grow and collect it when I finish 1500 at400 flight
[02:46:35] <Syracuse> s
[02:46:40] <Brompt> damn
[02:46:45] <Brompt> that gonna be a high interest
[02:46:55] <Syracuse> could be 30m
[02:47:00] <Brompt> u rich fuck :v
[02:47:05] <Syracuse> huehue
[02:47:18] <Syracuse> hope I can reach 1b by the ened of the eyar tho
[02:47:26] <Brompt> that's my goal too
[02:47:33] <Brompt> I did some calculations and it's possible
[02:49:28] <Brompt> f
[02:49:43] <Syracuse> at least I fnished the flight before I went ka-boom
[02:50:59] <Brompt> 2 more missions for me to reach 700 for the event and imma call it a day
[02:51:12] <Brompt> gosh I'm so sleepy wtf
[02:51:32] <Syracuse> isnt like 1am over there?
[02:51:37] <Brompt> 2am
[02:53:57] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[02:53:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> Kingston Island Gate 1 to Longe Island Gate D. 0 hours 59 minutes(1725 Metres) Pay: $17102
[02:54:00] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[02:54:23] <Syracuse> back to kingstone lma
[02:54:28] <Syracuse> o
[02:54:38] <Brompt> mission farmer :v
[02:55:09] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[02:55:09] (WEB) <TheGamer> Longe Island Gate C to Kingston Island Gate 1. 1 hours 4 minutes(1732 Metres) Pay: $16254
[02:55:42] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> go to sleep prompto
[02:55:49] <Brompt> ja vou crlh
[02:55:57] <Brompt> so tou � espera q uma coisa atualize
[02:59:28] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[02:59:56] --> Crystal connected to the server
[03:00:01] <Brompt> yooo
[03:00:06] <Syracuse> howdy
[03:00:09] <Crystal> ayo
[03:03:07] <Crystal> I'll be alive on the web chat while I finish up the update
[03:03:07] <-- Crystal disconnected from the server
[03:03:53] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[03:04:31] <Syracuse> great
[03:04:38] <Syracuse> you guys left me with this afk nu lord
[03:04:41] <Syracuse> nub*
[03:15:12] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> hahaha
[03:15:19] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> i'm in bed
[03:15:55] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[03:15:57] (WEB) <TheGamer> Black Mesa RF Gate 1 to Isla de los Estados Gate 1. 6 hours 3 minutes(23457 Metres) Pay: $60725
[04:01:19] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> !cboard
[04:01:21] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(23634) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-5081) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3302)
[04:28:44] <Syracuse> `/w
[04:41:35] --> Cpt.Luiz connected to the server
[04:41:42] <Syracuse> oh hello there
[04:42:03] <Syracuse> first log in since Haydz's era?
[04:42:36] <Syracuse> !userid cpt.luiz
[04:42:36] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Cpt.Luiz's userid is 205534
[04:42:38] <Cpt.Luiz> my first login in 2011
[04:42:54] <Syracuse> wow
[04:43:04] <Syracuse> I believe you were a part of ST Airways before?
[04:43:44] <Cpt.Luiz> yes
[04:45:01] <Syracuse> I'm Brooklyn, if you know/remember the name
[04:46:58] <Cpt.Luiz> I remember someone with this nickname
[04:47:16] <Cpt.Luiz> sorry for my bad english,i'm brazilian
[04:47:28] <Syracuse> yeah i know
[04:47:38] <Syracuse> English isn't my first language neither
[04:48:55] <Cpt.Luiz> there is still fort carson helipad?
[04:49:00] <Syracuse> yes
[04:49:10] <Syracuse> lots of original maps are still here
[04:49:23] <Cpt.Luiz> cool i created him
[04:52:51] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[04:52:54] (WEB) <TheGamer> Cortez Island Gate 1 to Waitangi Island Gate A. 2 hours 54 minutes(9065 Metres) Pay: $30737
[04:53:29] <-- Cpt.Luiz disconnected from the server
[05:20:57] --> Caleb_Valle connected to the server
[05:21:02] --> Scooby_Dooo connected to the server
[05:21:05] <Syracuse> hello both
[05:21:10] <-- Scooby_Dooo disconnected from the server
[05:22:26] --> ScoobyDooo connected to the server
[05:22:34] <ScoobyDooo> hello ser
[05:22:37] <Caleb_Valle> Hello
[05:23:12] <ScoobyDooo> ready to die
[05:23:33] <Caleb_Valle> Let's find different one
[05:23:40] <ScoobyDooo> different what
[05:23:58] <ScoobyDooo> let me buy elegy
[05:24:11] <Caleb_Valle> test
[05:24:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> @Caleb_Valle test failed!
[05:24:26] <-- Caleb_Valle disconnected from the server
[05:25:52] <-- ScoobyDooo disconnected from the server
[05:26:03] <Syracuse> fucker
[05:29:18] --> ScoobyDooo connected to the server
[05:29:36] --> Caleb_Valle connected to the server
[05:29:41] <ScoobyDooo> wb
[05:29:49] <Caleb_Valle> thanks
[05:30:25] <Caleb_Valle> Where u at?
[05:30:40] <ScoobyDooo> where you
[05:30:42] <ScoobyDooo> at
[05:30:45] <Caleb_Valle> /dogfight
[05:31:10] <ScoobyDooo> your not here
[05:31:13] <ScoobyDooo> i cant see you on radar wtf
[05:31:21] <Caleb_Valle> I'm at the abbandoned AP
[05:31:26] <ScoobyDooo> oh
[05:31:26] <ScoobyDooo> im here
[05:31:31] <Caleb_Valle> Where to meet?
[05:31:38] <ScoobyDooo> come
[05:31:41] <ScoobyDooo> uh
[05:31:43] <Caleb_Valle> LS LV good?
[05:31:46] <ScoobyDooo> yes
[05:31:49] <ScoobyDooo> highway
[05:31:56] <ScoobyDooo> weather
[05:31:56] <Caleb_Valle> Alright
[05:32:27] <Caleb_Valle> Fight yeh?
[05:32:27] <ScoobyDooo> ima land on highway
[05:32:37] <Caleb_Valle> Ok don't shoot yet
[05:33:15] <Caleb_Valle> Landed at JTS
[05:33:25] <ScoobyDooo> whats jts
[05:33:33] <Caleb_Valle> LS LV north
[05:33:43] <Caleb_Valle> Intersection yk
[05:33:46] <ScoobyDooo> oh
[05:33:53] <ScoobyDooo> wait
[05:33:58] <ScoobyDooo> come casino
[05:34:01] <Caleb_Valle> Oke
[05:34:11] <ScoobyDooo> i landed near it
[05:34:21] <ScoobyDooo> infront of it*
[05:34:41] <Caleb_Valle> Where exactly?
[05:34:44] <ScoobyDooo> infront of the casino
[05:34:52] <Caleb_Valle> 4D?
[05:34:54] <ScoobyDooo> yeah
[05:35:07] <Caleb_Valle> What are you using?
[05:35:09] <ScoobyDooo> hydra
[05:35:20] <Caleb_Valle> No one is here.
[05:35:22] <ScoobyDooo> oh
[05:35:22] <ScoobyDooo> wait
[05:35:25] <ScoobyDooo> wait
[05:35:25] <ScoobyDooo> ohh
[05:35:40] <ScoobyDooo> come hydras only
[05:35:42] <ScoobyDooo> there
[05:35:53] <Caleb_Valle> Ueah
[05:36:00] <ScoobyDooo> come 4D again
[05:36:03] <Caleb_Valle> see you at 4D
[05:36:18] <Caleb_Valle> I'll land in style xd
[05:36:21] <ScoobyDooo> lol
[05:36:28] <ScoobyDooo> im here already
[05:36:56] <ScoobyDooo> im on top of the 4d
[05:37:27] <Caleb_Valle> Start?
[05:37:29] <ScoobyDooo> .
[05:37:39] <ScoobyDooo> you saw nothing
[05:37:42] <Caleb_Valle> LOL
[05:37:50] <ScoobyDooo> coming to 4d
[05:37:52] <Caleb_Valle> LOL
[05:37:57] <ScoobyDooo> ;(
[05:38:05] <Caleb_Valle> I saw you lol you exploded
[05:38:15] <Caleb_Valle> I can only speak every 10 secs, the hell?
[05:38:28] <ScoobyDooo> staart
[05:38:30] <Syracuse> anti-spam system
[05:38:33] <Caleb_Valle> GO
[05:38:53] <Caleb_Valle> Lmfao
[05:39:03] <ScoobyDooo> theres a /atc thing
[05:39:03] <ScoobyDooo> stuck on my screen
[05:39:06] <ScoobyDooo> wtf
[05:39:24] <Caleb_Valle> You can't fly lol
[05:39:29] <ScoobyDooo> ;(
[05:39:49] <ScoobyDooo> bruh
[05:39:52] <ScoobyDooo> omg
[05:39:52] <ScoobyDooo> im on fire
[05:39:57] <ScoobyDooo> AHHH
[05:40:02] <ScoobyDooo> THIS IS SO HARD TO CONTROL
[05:40:14] <Caleb_Valle> You can't fly xd
[05:40:17] <ScoobyDooo> :(
[05:40:35] <Caleb_Valle> Where did u vanished? lol
[05:40:48] <ScoobyDooo> i crashed
[05:41:00] <Caleb_Valle> Erh
[05:41:33] <ScoobyDooo> hah
[05:41:36] <ScoobyDooo> you crashed
[05:41:51] <ScoobyDooo> heh
[05:41:56] <Caleb_Valle> My plane went on fire
[05:42:04] <ScoobyDooo> oh shoot
[05:42:06] <ScoobyDooo> mine too
[05:42:11] <ScoobyDooo> i dont wanna die
[05:42:24] <Caleb_Valle> Erh
[05:42:29] <ScoobyDooo> i survived
[05:42:32] <ScoobyDooo> :D
[05:42:44] <Caleb_Valle> .
[05:43:00] <ScoobyDooo> nvm
[05:43:07] <ScoobyDooo> wait
[05:43:10] <ScoobyDooo> did you die-
[05:43:25] <-- Caleb_Valle disconnected from the server
[05:43:28] <ScoobyDooo> oh
[05:45:12] <-- ScoobyDooo disconnected from the server
[05:45:17] (WEB) <dipa#0472> You can press LMB if you got /atc stuck on the screen
[05:45:45] <Syracuse> !missions at400
[05:45:48] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3154 at400
[05:52:39] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[06:01:23] --> Laura_Matsuri connected to the server
[06:02:09] <-- Laura_Matsuri disconnected from the server
[06:22:19] --> Captain_Explase connected to the server
[06:23:15] <-- Captain_Explase disconnected from the server
[06:35:38] --> Shressth connected to the server
[06:36:29] <-- Shressth disconnected from the server
[06:38:38] --> dipa connected to the server
[06:38:41] <dipa> vgm
[06:38:46] <dipa> oops
[06:55:51] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[07:08:54] --> Lenz connected to the server
[07:10:15] <Lenz> !missions shamal
[07:10:18] (WEB) <robin_be> Lenz: 2929 shamal
[07:34:25] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[07:47:36] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[07:47:49] <Officer_John_Cena> Hi
[08:04:38] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[08:12:03] --> Captain_Explase connected to the server
[08:12:21] <Captain_Explase> w
[08:16:45] <-- Captain_Explase disconnected from the server
[08:26:02] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[08:29:03] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[08:30:17] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[08:31:02] --> Officer_John_Cena connected to the server
[08:42:03] --> Captain_Explase connected to the server
[08:42:21] <-- Captain_Explase disconnected from the server
[08:50:37] <Officer_John_Cena> sTOPWORK
[09:18:33] <-- Officer_John_Cena disconnected from the server
[09:27:47] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[09:29:39] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[10:29:27] --> Lenz connected to the server
[10:44:12] <Gamer30> STETZ
[10:44:32] --> Twi connected to the server
[10:44:32] <Twi> mmmm
[10:44:37] <Twi> what house camping today
[10:44:43] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> twi
[10:44:48] <Twi> what
[10:44:55] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Kya kar raha h
[10:45:03] <Twi> what
[10:45:05] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[10:45:13] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> lmao
[10:45:28] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Logo ko chutiya banaya hua h
[10:45:54] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[10:46:04] <Lenz> yes
[10:46:17] --> Gamer30 connected to the server
[10:52:56] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[10:53:03] <Lenz> wb fgt
[10:53:09] <danielsonspromaxplus> ty pnd
[10:53:11] <danielsonspromaxplus> k
[10:53:16] <Lenz> <3
[10:53:24] <danielsonspromaxplus> <3
[10:53:26] <danielsonspromaxplus> B===D
[10:53:31] <Lenz> woi
[10:53:39] <Lenz> no homo
[10:54:40] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> no
[10:54:50] <Lenz> :c
[11:08:04] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[11:08:11] <Lenz> hey there
[11:08:14] <Syracuse> hi
[11:10:59] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> Brooook
[11:11:04] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[11:11:17] <Syracuse> hi\
[11:12:28] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> hallo
[11:12:33] <Syracuse> hi
[11:13:01] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[11:13:01] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Syracuse's bank money is $353,400,000
[11:15:19] <Syracuse> ludhoe
[11:15:21] <Syracuse> come here
[11:16:09] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> Online classes :(
[11:16:35] <Syracuse> heh!
[11:18:22] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[11:18:24] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[11:40:04] --> amking connected to the server
[12:05:12] --> dipa connected to the server
[12:05:19] <-- amking disconnected from the server
[12:25:07] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
[12:27:52] <dipa> we 3 are in at400 :D
[12:28:28] <dipa> oop-
[12:28:48] <dipa> Noice
[12:28:51] <Syracuse> fix
[12:29:04] <Syracuse> you died?
[12:29:16] <dipa> ?
[12:29:21] <dipa> Im on runway
[12:29:26] <dipa> Ok imma go
[12:29:34] <Syracuse> I mean, you were at mt chiliad before
[12:30:43] <dipa> atis doesn't really work
[12:30:48] <-- Gamer30 disconnected from the server
[12:30:55] <slampinjsh> is it broken or what
[12:31:03] <dipa> only some airport can do it
[12:31:11] <Syracuse> fuck me
[12:31:16] <dipa> ?
[12:31:18] <slampinjsh> the major airports ?
[12:31:23] <dipa> Maybe
[12:31:26] <slampinjsh> will try
[12:33:36] <dipa> F
[12:35:28] <slampinjsh> black mesa !!!
[12:35:38] <dipa> gz
[12:35:43] <slampinjsh> haha thnx
[12:35:53] <dipa> Must be lots of cash
[12:36:03] <Syracuse> just post some screenshots at #media :v
[12:36:08] <dipa> Alright
[12:37:04] <dipa> the plane mod is nice
[12:37:07] <dipa> 787?
[12:37:12] <Syracuse> yes
[12:37:35] --> Yekf connected to the server
[12:37:35] <dipa> I made a flight video with it's twin
[12:37:37] <dipa> A350
[12:38:51] <slampinjsh> 50 xD
[12:39:06] <Syracuse> fucking ular
[12:39:14] <slampinjsh> don't stress
[12:39:19] <dipa> have fun unloading at ular :v
[12:39:24] <Syracuse> gotta unlaod mod so I can unload there
[12:39:57] <Syracuse> !bankcash
[12:40:00] (WEB) <TheGamer> {00cc00}Syracuse's bank money is $354,000,000
[12:42:42] <Syracuse> I'm flying there too lmao
[12:42:45] <dipa> Lol
[12:42:53] <dipa> but im farther I guess :p
[12:43:13] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[12:43:13] (WEB) <TheGamer> Ular Island Gate 1 to Lima Island Gate E. 1 hours 54 minutes(3893 Metres) Pay: $22035
[12:45:51] <Syracuse> do you fly to kowloon in at400?
[12:45:56] <Syracuse> I forgot
[12:49:40] <dipa> You use modloader?
[12:49:45] <Syracuse> ye
[12:49:50] <dipa> great
[12:52:50] <Syracuse> black mesa, noice
[12:52:58] <dipa> noice, gz
[12:53:16] <dipa> xd
[12:53:38] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> nice brook
[12:53:46] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> that's what you get for not calling me hoe
[12:54:09] <Yekf> forgot button to take in wheels :D
[12:54:22] <Yekf> thx
[12:54:37] <dipa> Yeah actually the andros at 18L is kinda bit forward
[12:54:45] --> LoncyMc connected to the server
[12:55:10] <slampinjsh> i can take it away
[12:55:20] <dipa> Thank you
[12:55:23] <dipa> wb
[12:55:30] <slampinjsh> ur welcome
[12:56:03] <slampinjsh> just lol it's on its backwheels xD
[12:57:40] <slampinjsh> done
[12:59:37] <Syracuse> !lastmission
[12:59:39] (WEB) <TheGamer> Dunsfold Island Gate 1 to Black Mesa RF Gate 1. 6 hours 49 minutes(21577 Metres) Pay: $57800
[12:59:52] <dipa> I will work with some music
[12:59:55] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[13:00:02] <slampinjsh> lua dipa
[13:00:07] <Syracuse> 25.5km flight now :3
[13:00:13] <slampinjsh> haha xd
[13:02:40] --> Loch connected to the server
[13:03:36] <-- slampinjsh disconnected from the server
[13:08:34] <-- LoncyMc disconnected from the server
[13:08:46] <-- Yekf disconnected from the server
[13:09:24] --> Yekf connected to the server
[13:15:31] <-- Yekf disconnected from the server
[13:17:20] <-- Loch disconnected from the server
[14:07:44] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[14:09:03] --> Lenz connected to the server
[14:10:16] <Lenz> smh lag
[14:10:27] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[14:18:10] --> MFF connected to the server
[14:18:15] <Syracuse> hey MFF
[14:18:20] <MFF> hai
[14:26:59] <-- MFF disconnected from the server
[14:27:04] --> lucy connected to the server
[14:29:46] <-- lucy disconnected from the server
[14:55:27] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[14:55:35] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> wb
[14:55:40] <Smetkowski> thanks
[14:56:01] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[14:57:09] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Server down?
[14:57:17] <Smetkowski> no
[14:57:37] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Must be on my side
[14:58:08] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I got desynced after you joined ...
[15:00:56] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Ola
[15:01:03] <Smetkowski> hi
[15:06:26] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> ol�
[15:13:59] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> hello
[15:16:47] --> Brompt connected to the server
[15:21:44] <Brompt> oh sweet jesus
[15:21:47] <Brompt> sexy demand
[15:26:32] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[15:27:05] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[15:29:17] --> Harket_ connected to the server
[15:29:19] <Brompt> wb
[15:29:22] <Smetkowski> wb
[15:29:47] <Harket_> thx
[15:30:05] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions Syracuse at400
[15:30:08] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3214 at400
[15:30:18] <Brompt> 10k when
[15:30:33] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> 1997
[15:30:33] (WEB) <Luddie#3500> never
[15:31:09] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !cash Syracuse
[15:31:12] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse has $542,412 in hand
[15:31:22] <Brompt> that should be on the bank
[15:32:25] <Brompt> !aboard
[15:32:25] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(181185) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-53969) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26230)
[15:45:18] <Brompt> !score
[15:45:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player Brompt: 14141 score, 12792 missions: 47'/. military - 25'/. cargo drop - 10'/. trucking
[15:48:37] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> !score
[15:48:39] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759
[15:48:47] <Brompt> !Score Danielsonspromaxplus
[15:48:50] (WEB) <robin_be> player Danielsonspromaxplus: 18550 score, 18150 missions: 53'/. military - 12'/. dodo - 7'/. shamal
[15:49:30] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> noice
[15:50:08] --> Twi connected to the server
[15:50:16] <Smetkowski> wb
[15:50:19] <Twi> thanks
[15:50:34] <Brompt> halo
[15:50:44] <Twi> hi bitch
[15:50:49] <Brompt> sup motherfucker
[15:51:02] <Twi> all good b wbu
[15:51:10] <Brompt> nah, u sell expensive shit
[15:52:11] <Twi> yes
[15:52:13] <Twi> capitalism
[15:52:26] <Brompt> and it's my freedom of choice to say fuck off :)
[15:52:34] <Twi> no u
[15:52:34] <Brompt> I ain't buying that crap
[15:52:41] <Twi> u want those barons dont u
[15:52:51] <Brompt> not for the price you're selling
[15:53:07] <Twi> dirt cheap
[15:53:17] <Brompt> u call 10m dirt cheeap?
[15:53:22] <Twi> hadeh
[15:53:29] <Twi> yours MOM CHEAP
[15:53:35] <Brompt> I know
[15:53:42] <Brompt> at least she gets cash
[15:53:42] <Twi> ^^
[15:54:00] <Smetkowski> any bilionaire will tell you cheap = good
[15:54:13] <Twi> yes
[15:54:25] <Brompt> kemah rumah
[15:54:33] <Twi> Lenz > Twi kemah rumah
[15:54:48] <Brompt> lenz did it as well?
[15:54:51] <Twi> I mean
[15:54:58] <Twi> yes
[15:55:04] <Brompt> dirty bitch
[15:55:16] <Twi> does it quite
[15:55:19] <Twi> often
[15:55:29] <Brompt> and he gets away with it with admins?
[15:55:34] <Brompt> I smell bullshit from you :D
[15:55:42] <Twi> nah
[15:55:44] <Twi> tbh
[15:55:49] <Twi> kemah rumah is kinda allowed
[15:55:59] <Twi> it's 2021 whatchu expect
[15:56:05] <Twi> !houses lenz
[15:56:07] (WEB) <robin_be> Vinewood: $8,500,000 6 slots Kings: $12,000,000 12 slots Market: $12,000,000 15 slots
[15:56:15] <Twi> want me to explain?
[15:56:20] <Twi> the kings
[15:56:22] <Twi> was from ltzonda
[15:56:28] <Twi> the hayden island
[15:56:30] <Twi> the vinewood
[15:56:30] <Twi> the kings
[15:56:33] <Twi> the market
[15:56:38] <Brompt> oof
[15:56:50] <Twi> and ya'll call me kemah rumah for 1 house :(
[15:57:13] <Brompt> well it happens
[15:57:29] <Twi> !player KemahRumah
[15:57:31] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player KemahRumah
[15:57:36] <Brompt> being a capitalist bitch made you an easy target anyway
[15:57:41] <Twi> ooo
[15:58:14] <Twi> anyone seen xray and freaked?
[15:58:25] <Brompt> it's been a few days
[15:58:45] <Twi> why is PL ded again
[15:59:10] <Brompt> update long overdu
[15:59:10] <Brompt> overdue
[15:59:13] <Twi> ^
[15:59:18] <Twi> faxx
[15:59:54] <Twi> prompto
[15:59:56] <Brompt> ?
[16:00:01] <Twi> u wanna buy a house for 110m?
[16:00:06] <Brompt> no
[16:00:09] <Twi> why not
[16:00:11] <Twi> !houses mff
[16:00:14] (WEB) <robin_be> Muhulland: $2,000,000 4 slots Paradiso: $2,300,000 4 slots City Hall: $11,000,000 10 slots Palisades: $2,00(..)
[16:00:17] <Twi> buy that ^
[16:00:19] <Brompt> houses aren't worth 110m
[16:00:32] <Twi> mff's selling his for 110m
[16:00:42] <Brompt> let him be
[16:00:57] <Twi> buy it
[16:01:10] <Brompt> buy it yourself
[16:01:18] <Twi> #50mStartingPricesForHouses
[16:01:20] <Smetkowski> it's no different than that 300m mt chillad house
[16:01:33] <Twi> uwu
[16:01:38] <Twi> snake farm for sale
[16:01:38] <Brompt> want me to put chiliad for sale for 300m?
[16:01:51] <Twi> sure
[16:02:09] <Twi> ngl sky air has the greatest event goin rn
[16:02:24] <Brompt> then join
[16:02:24] <Brompt> and fly
[16:02:34] <Twi> IA Loyalty points
[16:02:44] <Brompt> bullshit system
[16:02:49] <Twi> kontol
[16:02:57] <Brompt> forcing people to work smh, where have I seen this
[16:03:05] <Brompt> modern day slavery
[16:03:17] <Brompt> just 30m?
[16:03:22] <Smetkowski> is that fake?
[16:03:27] <Twi> hey
[16:03:30] <Twi> I forgot to
[16:03:33] <Twi> put a 0
[16:03:43] <Twi> but hey I wanna
[16:03:45] <Brompt> fake ad
[16:03:48] <Brompt> ban
[16:03:48] <Twi> finish all the reasons
[16:03:53] <Twi> that make me play PL
[16:04:06] <Brompt> 30m? deal
[16:04:08] <Twi> hadeh
[16:04:11] <Twi> tbh
[16:04:16] <Twi> if I ever wanan get back
[16:04:18] <Twi> or we get another pandemic
[16:04:26] <Twi> I need the money to buy some shit again
[16:04:36] <Twi> otherwhise, I'd have sold shit dirt cheap
[16:04:54] <Brompt> or lose them to the server
[16:04:54] <Twi> no one's gonna help me start back again then
[16:05:02] <Twi> I login every wweek
[16:06:03] <Brompt> nobody buys your shit
[16:06:38] <Twi> yes
[16:06:43] <Twi> cause they dont afford
[16:06:46] <Twi> oo
[16:06:51] <Brompt> cause they ain't stupid
[16:06:56] <Twi> yes
[16:07:11] <Twi> not being stupid = not rich
[16:07:19] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Even an airline is cheaper than someone�s houses
[16:07:29] <Twi> yeah
[16:07:29] <Twi> like xrays
[16:07:32] <Twi> and mff's
[16:07:34] <Brompt> and mine
[16:07:37] <Twi> ^
[16:07:57] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> .ad buying ia
[16:08:12] <Twi> in yo dreams
[16:09:16] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Finally done...
[16:09:31] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Done what?
[16:09:44] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Answering questions on internet
[16:09:44] <Twi> hi dipa imy
[16:09:51] <Brompt> survey?
[16:09:59] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Cacha?
[16:10:04] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Brainly
[16:10:40] <Twi> cash in airline event > houses
[16:11:15] <Twi> yes
[16:11:18] <Brompt> nub
[16:11:23] <Twi> hadeh
[16:11:41] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> twi
[16:11:48] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> 60m dice with freaked when
[16:11:54] <Brompt> he lost 10m
[16:11:59] --> Lavija connected to the server
[16:11:59] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> aw
[16:12:01] <Twi> idk
[16:12:06] <Twi> he doesn't wanna dice 60m
[16:12:11] <Brompt> nobody wants to
[16:12:11] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> poor him
[16:12:11] <Twi> Hi, Lavija.
[16:12:11] <Brompt> you freak
[16:12:19] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> xray does
[16:12:24] <Twi> ^
[16:12:32] <Brompt> then dice him
[16:12:37] <Twi> yeah I pm'd him
[16:12:37] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> he did
[16:13:10] <Twi> daniel
[16:13:23] <Twi> your'
[16:13:28] <Twi> you are a disgrace to indos
[16:13:51] <Brompt> disrespectful
[16:13:53] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Lenz bhai
[16:13:56] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[16:14:01] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> wow twi, calling me kemah rumah without any valid reasons or proofs
[16:14:11] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Lenzy
[16:14:13] <Brompt> Oh that's why twi left
[16:14:19] <Brompt> what a pussy :V
[16:14:21] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Jese mene message bheja twi bhaag gaya
[16:14:52] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> He is
[16:14:54] --> Twi connected to the server
[16:15:04] <Brompt> ready to confront lenz, twi?
[16:15:09] <Twi> wow they still haven't accepted the namechange
[16:15:12] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Or twi bhai kaha gayab ho
[16:15:20] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> twi, kemah rumah shit. Stop calling it to others
[16:15:25] <Twi> lmaoo
[16:15:32] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Brompt caralhoe
[16:15:37] <Brompt> caralh�o
[16:15:40] <Twi> ^
[16:15:48] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Twi jawab to de
[16:15:50] --> Galvin725 connected to the server
[16:15:53] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Kemah rumah :v
[16:16:00] <Twi> stop saying bullshit
[16:16:05] <Twi> and say it to my face daddy :(
[16:16:15] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Ey this guy is Pakistani
[16:16:15] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> you are the one saying bullshit
[16:16:26] <Twi> wow okay
[16:16:28] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> Lenzy chutiya bana raha h ye logo ko
[16:16:41] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Just in time for the show
[16:16:54] <Brompt> twi has a strong reason lenz
[16:17:04] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> he doesn'y
[16:17:11] <Twi> I mean
[16:17:14] <Twi> no drama but
[16:17:16] <Twi> didn't u camp zonda
[16:17:24] <Brompt> he said all your houses were owned by ltzonda
[16:17:27] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> no, you did
[16:17:29] <Twi> wtf
[16:17:34] <Twi> MEEEEEEEEEEEE
[16:17:34] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> want me to post proofs?
[16:17:34] <Twi> howwwwwww
[16:17:39] <Twi> yesss sureeeee
[16:17:47] <Twi> even tho
[16:17:55] <Twi> I didn't get a single of his houses hadeh
[16:18:15] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> you didn't, but you 'camped'
[16:18:23] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> I logged in on time to buy them
[16:18:25] <Brompt> worthless camp lmao
[16:18:30] <Twi> ooooooooooooooo
[16:18:30] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> there is a difference
[16:18:35] <Twi> okay papi
[16:18:53] <Twi> ya'll
[16:18:56] <Brompt> but if twi 'camped' he would've bought them
[16:18:56] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> and you wrote vinewood? that was on sale for 1 freaking day before I got it
[16:18:58] <Twi> set countdowns for
[16:19:01] <Brompt> that logic is faulty actually
[16:19:19] <Twi> the guy from
[16:19:21] <Twi> sky air owned
[16:19:31] <Twi> and "someone" reset all his houses hadeh
[16:19:39] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> brompt, he waited near the house. But logged off when they were about to be deleted.
[16:19:46] <Twi> bruhh
[16:19:54] <Twi> why'd I wait near someones house when I dont want them
[16:19:54] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> logged in later, after I bought them. and cursed me
[16:19:59] <Galvin725> What happened to garuda?
[16:20:07] <Brompt> but lenz
[16:20:07] <Twi> "cursed"
[16:20:07] <Twi> hadeh
[16:20:12] <Brompt> how do you know he was camped there?
[16:20:20] <Brompt> and buy it when you knew he wanted to buy them?
[16:20:20] <Smetkowski> it's now BMA
[16:20:22] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> twi, you told me you wanted them
[16:20:25] <Brompt> you're inducing a logic that you camped as well
[16:20:27] <Twi> bruhh
[16:20:32] <Twi> I didn't even say a single time
[16:20:32] <Twi> I want them
[16:20:35] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> here we go again
[16:20:35] <Galvin725> What happened to garuda?
[16:20:35] <Twi> I only said
[16:20:40] <Twi> zonda
[16:20:40] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> as in 'I wanted to buy my friends house but you camped'
[16:20:45] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> dah dijual, galvin
[16:20:45] <Twi> nope
[16:20:53] <Galvin725> yah
[16:20:53] <Twi> I said
[16:20:58] <Twi> I'll buy them
[16:21:00] <Twi> and give em to zonda
[16:21:00] (WEB) <Lenz#6115> zonda didn't even give a shit, didnt even ask me to get them back.
[16:21:13] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> *orders a truck of pop corn*
[16:21:23] <Twi> can I have sum too
[16:21:26] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> No
[16:21:28] <Twi> what about the
[16:21:31] <Twi> market one
[16:21:33] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> It�s all mine
[16:22:01] <Brompt> syra plz, i'm hungry
[16:22:06] <Brompt> gimme
[16:22:24] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> �You have declined this name change request.�
[16:22:32] <Twi> ayyyyyyyy
[16:22:34] <Twi> now lavija can accept
[16:23:25] <Galvin725> Masih on bang Daniel?
[16:24:06] <Twi> anyone
[16:24:08] <Twi> up for formation
[16:24:11] <Twi> cargo drops
[16:24:24] <Galvin725> keqing wangi wangi
[16:24:29] <Twi> yes wangi wangi
[16:26:59] <Twi> wtf
[16:27:24] --> Lenz connected to the server
[16:28:13] <Twi> fuck cargo drops
[16:28:35] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Garuda dah dijual
[16:28:43] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Jadi BMA
[16:29:09] <Twi> hmm
[16:29:29] <-- Galvin725 disconnected from the server
[16:30:12] <Twi> winny where u at
[16:30:22] <Brompt> twi what a dumb name change
[16:30:40] <Brompt> TwiLovesSanti lmao cmon you're better than this
[16:30:50] <Twi> I requested a new name
[16:31:21] <Twi> inb4
[16:31:26] <Twi> it gets declined too
[16:31:51] <Twi> alright
[16:32:17] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !missions Syracuse skimmer
[16:32:19] (WEB) <robin_be> Syracuse: 3600 skimmer
[16:32:27] <Twi> 6969 skimmer when
[16:35:15] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[16:35:33] --> Brompt connected to the server
[16:35:53] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Right...
[16:36:11] <Brompt> crashing like this should be a sin
[16:36:18] --> ShaziSProMaxPlus connected to the server
[16:36:23] <Twi> ayy wb
[16:36:23] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I�m gonna make Winny give up hos idea of getting my top 1 skimmer before he even started
[16:36:34] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> ayy
[16:36:39] <Twi> AAAAA
[16:36:51] <Brompt> caps
[16:36:56] <Twi> wops
[16:37:07] <Brompt> ayyy shazi
[16:37:17] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> ayy
[16:37:22] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !groups lenz
[16:37:25] (WEB) <robin_be> lenz is in airline Big Money Airways and company TransX
[16:37:42] <Brompt> Small Money Airways
[16:38:08] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> For now
[16:38:23] <Brompt> Forever*
[16:38:36] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Now*
[16:38:54] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> The only thing that�s small is your pp
[16:39:01] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> ooof
[16:39:06] <Brompt> you call 30cm small?
[16:39:06] <Twi> ooooo
[16:39:16] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Yes
[16:39:22] <Brompt> twi stop dying
[16:39:27] <Twi> we only stan bbc's
[16:39:34] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Our Vietnamese dic is as long as the Grench baguette
[16:39:44] <Twi> wdym "our"
[16:39:49] <Brompt> which type of baguette?
[16:39:49] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Aka 50~69cm
[16:39:55] <Twi> 69cm
[16:39:57] <Twi> that sounds fun
[16:40:07] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> what about horses
[16:40:12] <Twi> oooo
[16:40:23] <Twi> SMET
[16:40:25] <Brompt> many women say anything above 15 cm is already "too much"
[16:40:25] <Twi> kowski
[16:40:33] <Twi> tbh
[16:40:35] <Brompt> so.. 69cm would be lethal
[16:40:35] <Twi> all you need is to stay on
[16:40:40] <Twi> size doesnt matter
[16:41:11] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Yes
[16:41:11] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> bruh if your dick is 69cm you would pass out eveytime you get a boner lmao
[16:41:16] <Brompt> right
[16:41:21] <Brompt> the amount of blood needed
[16:41:26] <Twi> lol
[16:41:26] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> yea
[16:41:29] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[16:41:59] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> 69cm dich would be long enough to reach the brain
[16:47:32] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Server ded again
[16:47:42] <Brompt> your pp is dead
[16:48:05] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> No
[16:48:13] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> You are
[16:58:39] --> Hehe_Boii connected to the server
[16:58:46] <Brompt> hehe booiiiii
[16:58:51] <Hehe_Boii> hi
[16:58:54] <Smetkowski> wb
[16:59:04] <Hehe_Boii> ty
[17:00:05] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> penis
[17:00:15] <Hehe_Boii> gz
[17:00:20] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I�m not pedro
[17:00:20] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> ty
[17:00:53] <Brompt> gz
[17:01:01] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> ty
[17:05:05] <-- Lavija disconnected from the server
[17:05:08] <Hehe_Boii> !player David
[17:05:10] (WEB) <robin_be> player David: 16790 score, last seen null
[17:05:18] <Brompt> he was here last night
[17:05:23] <Hehe_Boii> oh
[17:05:26] <Harket_> !player Valquir_Mendes
[17:05:28] (WEB) <robin_be> player Valquir_Mendes: 0 score, last seen null
[17:05:44] <Hehe_Boii> it always shows last seen null
[17:05:59] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> it was disabled
[17:06:01] <Hehe_Boii> yes
[17:06:04] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> because of twi
[17:06:09] <Hehe_Boii> what did he do
[17:06:14] <Brompt> kemah rumah
[17:06:19] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> kemah rumah
[17:06:27] <Hehe_Boii> wat?
[17:06:29] <Brompt> house camp
[17:06:32] <Hehe_Boii> oh
[17:07:28] <Brompt> he claims other people did it as well tho
[17:07:51] <Hehe_Boii> in events?
[17:07:53] <Lenz> yeah, according to him I did it too
[17:08:09] <Hehe_Boii> oh
[17:08:14] <Hehe_Boii> is he banned or what
[17:08:21] <Brompt> he was just here
[17:08:21] <Lenz> wait, what do you mean events?
[17:08:26] <Brompt> I didn't even realise he left lol
[17:08:44] <Hehe_Boii> i didnt understand house camp
[17:09:05] <Hehe_Boii> so i that thats something in events
[17:09:07] <Lenz> house camp = camping in front of a house that is about to be deleted
[17:09:22] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> because of player's inactivity
[17:09:30] <Lenz> so it can be bought from the server for cheap
[17:09:53] <Hehe_Boii> yeah this is big brain time
[17:09:53] <Lenz> he is so burthurt with me smh
[17:10:08] <Lenz> I got the houses that he camped for hours
[17:10:13] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> lmao
[17:10:23] <Lenz> 3 months back
[17:10:54] <Hehe_Boii> oh
[17:10:59] <Brompt> imagine camping houses so badly just to miscalculate, fuck up and end up losing them all
[17:11:17] <Lenz> so now every house I buy from server is house camped to him
[17:12:18] <Hehe_Boii> thanks for the trip
[17:12:20] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> np
[17:12:23] <Hehe_Boii> gz
[17:12:23] <Brompt> gz
[17:12:28] <Lenz> gz
[17:12:36] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> ty
[17:13:44] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[17:14:43] <Hehe_Boii> anyone plays hoi4 here?
[17:14:53] <Brompt> hearts of iron?
[17:14:56] <Hehe_Boii> ye
[17:15:01] <Brompt> no
[17:15:03] <Brompt> I've heard of it tho
[17:15:03] <Hehe_Boii> hmm
[17:15:06] <Brompt> no clue what it is
[17:15:18] <Hehe_Boii> recently downloaded it
[17:15:29] <Hehe_Boii> but i dont know how to play
[17:17:18] <Hehe_Boii> bye
[17:17:21] <Brompt> bye
[17:17:31] <ShaziSProMaxPlus> cya
[17:17:36] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> bye
[17:17:36] <-- Hehe_Boii disconnected from the server
[17:23:44] <-- ShaziSProMaxPlus disconnected from the server
[17:34:43] --> BrunoMaster connected to the server
[17:34:48] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !houses Syracuse
[17:34:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Financial: $15,000,000 15 slots Jefferson: $15,000,000 15 slots Prickle Pine: $20,000,000 20 slots
[17:34:56] <Brompt> time to kemah rumah
[17:34:59] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Hi Bruno Mars
[17:36:38] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> I�m doing cargodrop rn
[17:36:53] <Brompt> u r'
[17:37:06] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> U r wat?
[17:37:13] <Brompt> u r?
[17:37:18] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Yes
[17:37:26] <Brompt> where
[17:37:29] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Cargo dropping right now
[17:37:29] <Smetkowski> he's doing a real life cargo drop if you know what I mean
[17:37:36] <Brompt> oh
[17:37:39] <Brompt> shitting
[17:37:39] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Smet gets it
[17:38:45] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> This cargodrop is btter than PL�s
[17:39:05] <Brompt> tastes like shit tho
[17:39:13] <Brompt> I prefer pl cargodrop :v
[17:39:31] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> It�s about the feelings
[17:39:38] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Feels better than PL�s
[17:39:41] <Brompt> sometimes it doesn't feel good
[17:39:51] <Brompt> specially if you're constipated
[17:39:59] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Yes, if you havr hemorrhoids
[17:40:04] <Smetkowski> or after really spicy food
[17:40:19] <Brompt> thank fuck I don't eat spicy food
[17:40:44] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Believe me, taking a shit when you have type 4 of internal hemorrhoids aint good
[17:41:35] <Brompt> FUCK
[17:43:04] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> U crashed?
[17:48:45] <Brompt> Y/w
[17:50:24] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[17:51:18] --> Brompt connected to the server
[17:58:20] <-- BrunoMaster disconnected from the server
[18:01:58] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[18:02:37] --> Smetkowski connected to the server
[18:07:06] --> TheGamer connected to the server
[18:07:14] <Brompt> wb
[18:07:16] <TheGamer> ty
[18:07:52] <Brompt> 7v
[18:08:43] <-- TheGamer disconnected from the server
[18:11:51] --> Sameer connected to the server
[18:12:14] <Sameer> this country locater sucks
[18:12:16] <Sameer> :/
[18:17:37] <-- Sameer disconnected from the server
[18:36:49] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[18:36:57] <Smetkowski> wb
[18:37:04] <Nati_Mage> ty
[18:50:41] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[18:52:25] (WEB) <JoyadiJoestar.#4662> caonima
[18:52:38] <Brompt> cao
[18:53:11] --> Lollycock connected to the server
[18:53:16] <Smetkowski> wb
[18:53:24] <Lollycock> ty ty
[18:58:08] <Brompt> wb afk nub lord
[18:58:16] <Winny> hi
[18:58:21] <Smetkowski> hi
[19:00:13] <Lollycock> ty
[19:03:24] --> MaverickTheTopGun connected to the server
[19:03:34] <Smetkowski> wb
[19:03:44] <Brompt> yee haw
[19:04:15] <MaverickTheTopGun> How's everyone doing
[19:04:17] <Brompt> awful
[19:04:27] <MaverickTheTopGun> i see, feel better soon
[19:08:24] <-- Harket_ disconnected from the server
[19:11:27] <Brompt> !cash
[19:11:30] (WEB) <robin_be> Brompt has $7,188,361 in hand
[19:11:35] <Smetkowski> :o
[19:11:45] <Winny> :o
[19:11:47] <Brompt> 5m interest
[19:11:47] <Winny> nice
[19:11:58] <MaverickTheTopGun> !cash
[19:12:00] (WEB) <robin_be> MaverickTheTopGun has $7,500 in hand
[19:12:03] <Brompt> no lifing is rewarding
[19:12:28] --> Bliktonijn connected to the server
[19:12:33] <MaverickTheTopGun> wb
[19:12:33] <Smetkowski> wb
[19:12:36] <Bliktonijn> tyy
[19:12:38] <Brompt> sup blik
[19:12:46] <Bliktonijn> fine and you all?
[19:12:51] <Brompt> meh
[19:12:56] <Brompt> came to reset timer?
[19:12:59] <Bliktonijn> why
[19:13:11] <Bliktonijn> just logged in xD
[19:13:16] <Brompt> pandemic and depression kicking in
[19:13:19] <Brompt> nothing new
[19:13:29] <Bliktonijn> oh sounds bad
[19:13:42] <Bliktonijn> i think we can do more in a few months
[19:14:00] <Bliktonijn> like after everyone is vacinated, then there will be less restricrions
[19:14:07] <Bliktonijn> restrictions
[19:14:20] <Brompt> my country is going to lift restrictions
[19:14:25] <Brompt> we've been 2 months under full lockdown now
[19:14:33] <Bliktonijn> where do you live then
[19:14:35] <Brompt> portugal
[19:14:38] <Bliktonijn> hmmm
[19:14:40] <Bliktonijn> sounds nice
[19:14:51] <Bliktonijn> because summer is nearing
[19:15:06] <Bliktonijn> its good to go out of the lockdown
[19:15:11] <Brompt> sounds nice without a pandemic
[19:15:26] <Brompt> vaccination is going so slow
[19:15:31] <Bliktonijn> indeed
[19:16:45] <MaverickTheTopGun> kill
[19:16:53] <Brompt> only going to leave home after easter
[19:17:03] <Brompt> that's when the government will let us go to college
[19:17:28] <MaverickTheTopGun> dodos make more money than atc?
[19:17:36] <Brompt> yes
[19:17:38] <Brompt> waaay more
[19:17:49] <MaverickTheTopGun> than shamal too?
[19:17:56] <Brompt> that I don't know
[19:18:11] <Smetkowski> there is a post on forums explaining all of the payouts
[19:18:19] <Smetkowski> at400 pays the best
[19:18:19] <Brompt> updated ?
[19:18:32] <Smetkowski> yeah, at least I think so
[19:18:37] <Brompt> hmm
[19:19:20] <MaverickTheTopGun> failed lol
[19:19:33] <Brompt> welcome to the clu
[19:19:35] <Brompt> club
[19:19:48] <-- MaverickTheTopGun disconnected from the server
[19:20:19] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[19:20:24] <Smetkowski> wb
[19:20:29] <Stan958> ty
[19:20:41] <Lollycock> holy crap
[19:20:49] <Lollycock> i won lottery yesterday
[19:20:57] <Lollycock> and i win now
[19:21:02] <Brompt> yeat
[19:21:02] <Lollycock> 1700k all
[19:21:04] <Brompt> fucking rigged
[19:21:07] <Lollycock> nice)
[19:21:14] <Lollycock> my dollars ^^
[19:21:14] <Brompt> #endlotto
[19:21:27] <Brompt> !cash lollycock
[19:21:30] (WEB) <robin_be> lollycock has $4,515,574 in hand
[19:21:35] <Brompt> put that in a bank lol
[19:22:13] <Smetkowski> with cash like that what are you doing in mulholland
[19:22:18] <Smetkowski> you should live in richman
[19:22:21] <Brompt> yea
[19:25:44] --> BlackRose_Dying connected to the server
[19:25:52] <Smetkowski> wb
[19:27:54] <Lollycock> webe
[19:28:01] <BlackRose_Dying> TY
[19:28:35] <Lollycock> brompt ku
[19:41:48] <-- Smetkowski disconnected from the server
[19:42:11] --> Harket_ connected to the server
[19:42:16] <Lollycock> webe
[19:42:29] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[19:42:34] <Harket_> thx thx
[19:42:54] <Lollycock> ez
[19:47:06] <Lollycock> gz
[19:47:31] <Bliktonijn> tyy
[19:50:04] <BlackRose_Dying> hi id0
[19:50:14] <Harket_> hi
[19:50:27] <Lollycock> i gived u some cash
[19:50:27] <Lollycock> id 0
[19:50:39] <Harket_> oh, thx bro
[19:50:42] <Lollycock> ^^
[19:50:45] <Harket_> I owe u one
[19:56:23] <Lollycock> gz
[19:56:25] <BlackRose_Dying> gz
[19:56:30] <Bliktonijn> gz
[19:56:33] <Lollycock> Stan
[19:56:38] <Stan958> ty
[19:56:41] <Lollycock> u can sell vip?
[19:56:46] <Stan958> no
[19:56:53] <Lollycock> but who?
[20:02:44] <Brompt> oh now 18 comes
[20:02:49] <Brompt> fucking fuck you lotto
[20:03:10] <Lollycock> ez 2 wins streak
[20:05:47] <Brompt> just wait 'til ouro comes back
[20:05:57] <Brompt> say goodbye to your lotto streak
[20:06:08] <Lollycock> )))
[20:07:32] <Lollycock> who is a Captain_Max?
[20:07:47] <BlackRose_Dying> im
[20:07:52] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[20:07:57] <Lollycock> stan gay
[20:08:00] <-- Bliktonijn disconnected from the server
[20:08:22] <Lollycock> ������������ ���� gay
[20:12:44] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[20:13:02] --> Brompt connected to the server
[20:13:12] <Lollycock> brompt not gay
[20:13:15] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[20:13:20] <Brompt> wadup
[20:13:28] <Lollycock> is not pidor
[20:13:40] <Lollycock> waduo in rissian?
[20:13:45] <Lollycock> wadup
[20:13:50] <Lollycock> bruh
[20:13:50] <Brompt> what's up*
[20:13:58] <Lollycock> ty
[20:14:13] <Brompt> kak dela
[20:22:55] <Lollycock> sperm
[20:34:42] <Brompt> !aboard
[20:34:42] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: Lufthansa(181200) , Rank 2: Sky Air(-53683) , Rank 3: Inverted Airlines(-26530)
[20:34:50] <-- Harket_ disconnected from the server
[20:47:45] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[21:23:04] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> @Equeohfilho#8676 onde estas
[21:37:16] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> aqui
[21:37:31] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> bora ver o jogo do bar�a
[21:37:36] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> gola�o do messi agora
[21:37:41] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> teria de ver a live stream
[21:37:51] <Lollycock> agera
[21:37:54] (WEB) <Brompt#8676> nao consigo ver esse jogo, teria de pagar
[21:38:09] <Lollycock> raid shadow legenn
[21:38:19] <Lollycock> lenin??
[21:49:33] --> Brompt connected to the server
[21:49:43] <Lollycock> webe
[21:49:46] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[21:49:48] <Brompt> ty
[22:24:13] <Lollycock> privet
[22:24:18] <Brompt> privet
[22:24:26] <BlackRose_Dying> zdarova
[22:24:44] <Brompt> zdravstvuyte
[22:24:49] <Lollycock> kak dela
[22:24:54] <Lollycock> horosho
[22:24:57] <Brompt> khorosho
[22:25:07] <Lollycock> pizda
[22:52:07] <-- Winny disconnected from the server
[22:53:33] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> Psg Barca game
[22:53:38] (WEB) <SnoopyMane#0631> @Quorthon#4787
[22:53:41] <Brompt> I'm not watching it
[22:53:43] <Brompt> what's the result?
[22:56:03] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> awful game
[22:56:11] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> 1-1
[22:56:16] <Brompt> still?
[22:56:18] <Brompt> boring lol
[22:56:26] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> nah its over already
[22:56:46] <Brompt> bruh
[22:56:51] <Brompt> ba-bye messi
[22:57:02] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> dembele sucks major dick, jesus fucking christ
[22:57:09] <Brompt> poor guy
[22:57:27] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> he lost at least 4 easy goals
[22:57:58] <Brompt> shit happens
[22:58:41] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> "For the first time in 16 years, neither Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo ha-
[22:58:46] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> ve reached the Champions League quarterfinals"
[22:58:56] <Brompt> f
[22:58:59] <Brompt> end of an era
[22:59:37] (WEB) <Quorthon#4787> i wonder if we'll ever see such a rivalry as those two
[23:06:31] <Brompt> wtf
[23:06:39] <Lollycock> ?
[23:07:17] <Brompt> uhm
[23:07:17] <Lollycock> ???
[23:07:22] <Lollycock> wtf u doing
[23:07:35] <Brompt> it's called quick loading
[23:07:43] <Brompt> I just wasn't expecting you here
[23:30:05] <-- Lollycock disconnected from the server
[23:30:23] --> Lollycock connected to the server
[23:32:56] <Lollycock> ����� ����� ������� �� ������
[23:42:38] --> Harket_ connected to the server
[23:42:41] <Lollycock> webbe
[23:44:00] <BlackRose_Dying> wb
[23:45:41] <-- Brompt disconnected from the server
[23:45:57] --> Brompt connected to the server
[23:46:09] <Harket_> thanks
[23:46:19] <BlackRose_Dying> wb