[00:36:30] --> stawa1241 connected to the server
[00:36:53] <-- stawa1241 disconnected from the server
[00:46:32] --> Agnefo connected to the server
[01:13:07] --> stawa1241 connected to the server
[01:13:14] <-- stawa1241 disconnected from the server
[01:15:16] --> Stan connected to the server
[01:15:47] --> stawa1241 connected to the server
[01:18:53] <-- stawa1241 disconnected from the server
[01:27:44] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[01:28:15] --> Stan connected to the server
[01:28:17] <Stan> .q
[01:28:20] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[02:14:49] --> dipa connected to the server
[02:14:57] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[02:15:50] <-- Agnefo disconnected from the server
[02:42:40] --> Agnefo connected to the server
[02:44:02] (WEB) <Stan#3177> !player brompt
[02:44:04] (WEB) <robin_be> player brompt: 16827 score, last seen null
[05:22:32] (WEB) <Taylor_Swift_OS#0406> !player Pedilight
[05:22:35] (WEB) <robin_be> player Pedilight: 9267 score, last seen null
[06:34:35] --> Kristel connected to the server
[06:34:53] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[06:41:17] --> Jacob connected to the server
[06:43:57] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[08:05:53] --> dipa connected to the server
[08:06:04] <Agnefo> wb
[08:06:09] <dipa> thanks
[08:07:50] <dipa> vgm
[08:08:26] (WEB) <Morty#7519> halo
[08:08:31] <dipa> hai
[08:08:34] <Agnefo> aloha
[08:08:44] (WEB) <Morty#7519> coming ig
[08:09:02] <Agnefo> sure
[08:09:50] --> Morty connected to the server
[08:09:52] <dipa> Wb
[08:09:57] <Agnefo> wb
[08:10:13] <Morty> Thanks
[08:10:51] <Morty> i'm still using the plane cam mod xD
[08:11:21] <Agnefo> how is it?
[08:11:34] <Morty> It's good
[08:11:59] <Agnefo> so you can fly with a wing view camera?
[08:12:05] <Morty> and the 7x render distance mod
[08:12:20] <dipa> why not 10x? :v
[08:12:30] <Morty> it's buggy
[08:12:35] <dipa> See xd
[08:12:40] <Morty> it leaves a hole on the road
[08:12:43] <dipa> I knew it was buggy
[08:12:50] <Morty> maybe it's just too OP
[08:13:16] <Morty> so i downloaded the cheat Menu for single player
[08:13:23] <Morty> but i can still use it on MP wtf
[08:13:41] <Morty> it shows me the menu
[08:13:56] <dipa> but the text isn't :p
[08:14:14] <Morty> what text
[08:14:17] <Morty> lemme show you this
[08:17:38] <dipa> I got rickrolled by forious island
[08:17:50] <Morty> Oof
[08:18:28] <dipa> Wasting my time flying :|
[08:24:52] <dipa> Luckily I remembered Lopez isn't there again :>
[08:25:38] <dipa> nice try server :^)
[08:29:19] <Morty> !bank\
[08:29:19] <Morty> !bank
[08:29:27] <dipa> cash
[08:30:25] <Agnefo> !cash morty
[08:30:28] (WEB) <robin_be> morty has $803,575 in hand
[08:30:33] <Morty> pur
[08:30:41] <dipa> Puur
[08:30:43] <dipa> xd
[08:30:46] <Morty> yes
[08:31:26] <Morty> brb
[08:31:26] <-- Morty disconnected from the server
[08:32:38] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[09:16:49] --> Alifer connected to the server
[09:26:11] (WEB) <Kristel#2128> Hi
[09:26:16] <Alifer> hi
[09:29:15] --> Kristel connected to the server
[09:32:41] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[09:32:46] <Kristel> hi
[09:32:48] <Alifer> hi
[09:32:51] <danielsonspromaxplus> hi
[09:34:07] <-- Alifer disconnected from the server
[09:34:55] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[09:38:19] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[09:38:49] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[09:40:36] <danielsonspromaxplus> c/fleet
[09:41:57] <danielsonspromaxplus> wow
[09:42:18] <Kristel> hi
[09:42:20] <danielsonspromaxplus> hi
[09:45:08] <Kristel> pls
[09:45:08] <Kristel> lc whore
[09:45:16] <danielsonspromaxplus> sad
[09:45:36] <danielsonspromaxplus> !score loading...
[09:45:39] (WEB) <robin_be> player loading...: 3542 score, 3085 missions: 21'/. courier - 17'/. cargo drop - 16'/. trucking
[09:45:54] <danielsonspromaxplus> promax gang
[09:46:02] <Kristel> ew
[09:46:04] <danielsonspromaxplus> wow
[09:46:55] <Kristel> noob driver
[09:46:58] <danielsonspromaxplus> stunt
[09:50:26] <Kristel> cebs
[09:51:30] <Kristel> get a monster
[09:51:35] <danielsonspromaxplus> rip
[09:51:35] <Kristel> nooooob
[09:51:43] <Kristel> now what
[09:51:58] <danielsonspromaxplus> sad
[09:52:03] <Kristel> wait
[09:54:02] <danielsonspromaxplus> boooo
[09:54:08] <Kristel> watch this
[09:54:20] <Kristel> bru
[09:54:25] <danielsonspromaxplus> again
[09:54:43] <Kristel> doesnt even fit
[09:54:53] <danielsonspromaxplus> too wide
[09:54:56] --> Taylor_Swift_OS connected to the server
[09:55:26] <Kristel> later
[09:55:26] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[09:55:59] --> Lenz connected to the server
[09:56:30] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Wb
[09:56:32] <Lenz> ty
[09:56:32] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !missions cargo
[09:56:35] (WEB) <robin_be> Taylor_Swift_OS: 451 cargo
[09:57:08] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[10:26:15] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !licenses
[10:26:18] (WEB) <robin_be> Taylor_Swift_OS has a license for shamal, dodo
[10:33:10] --> Atreea connected to the server
[10:33:12] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Wb
[10:33:17] <Atreea> ty
[10:33:38] <Atreea> sad that new update limits mods
[10:34:01] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Lmao
[10:34:06] <Taylor_Swift_OS> What mod?
[10:34:13] <Atreea> my lotus esprit mod doesnt work
[10:34:18] <Atreea> what elsew
[10:34:21] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Oh
[10:34:23] <Taylor_Swift_OS> F
[10:34:46] <Atreea> my truck mods doesnt workw
[10:34:51] <Atreea> hade
[10:35:22] <Taylor_Swift_OS> F
[10:36:03] <Atreea> anyone has an infernus
[10:36:08] <Atreea> i want to see if my mod works for infernus
[10:36:10] <Atreea> or itll just crash
[10:36:23] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Nah
[10:36:31] <Taylor_Swift_OS> What mod is it tho?
[10:36:33] <Taylor_Swift_OS> NSX?
[10:36:41] <Atreea> cant remember thats why
[10:36:43] <Atreea> topkekw
[10:36:48] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Lol
[10:37:01] <Atreea> i think its zenvo but not sure
[10:37:34] <Atreea> awh well whatever
[10:37:42] <Atreea> ever since the update idk if i like it or not
[10:37:49] <-- Atreea disconnected from the server
[11:12:37] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[11:17:24] <-- Agnefo disconnected from the server
[12:43:24] <Taylor_Swift_OS> .w
[13:03:49] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !missions cargo
[13:03:52] (WEB) <robin_be> Taylor_Swift_OS: 460 cargo
[13:05:21] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !cboard
[13:05:21] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(23757) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-5128) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3239)
[13:07:38] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !missions Gamer30 cargo
[13:07:41] (WEB) <robin_be> Gamer30: 1264 cargo
[13:07:49] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !score
[13:07:51] (WEB) <robin_be> player Taylor_Swift_OS: 2335 score, 1867 missions: 31'/. at400 - 27'/. shamal - 25'/. cargo
[13:10:16] (WEB) <dipa#0472> !score Agnefo
[13:10:19] (WEB) <robin_be> player Agnefo: 19900 score, 19810 missions: 52'/. at400 - 13'/. military - 8'/. shamal
[13:11:40] --> Willz. connected to the server
[13:11:43] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Wb
[13:12:31] <Willz.> thankss
[13:13:58] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> Wildan kangen aku gak
[13:14:10] <Willz.> hai
[13:14:23] <Willz.> tumben kamu ngechat duluan
[13:14:46] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> Aku kangen kamu
[13:14:59] <Willz.> sama dong
[13:15:09] <Willz.> unblock aku dong
[13:20:12] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> Dah
[13:22:44] <Willz.> follow lahh, di tempatku blm munchul
[13:25:58] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> Lagi ga main IG dulu wil, ntar kalo main lagi
[13:32:01] <-- Taylor_Swift_OS disconnected from the server
[13:32:32] --> Taylor_Swift_OS connected to the server
[13:37:29] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !missions cargo
[13:37:32] (WEB) <robin_be> Taylor_Swift_OS: 464 cargo
[13:43:43] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[13:45:12] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !player Santiago
[13:45:15] (WEB) <robin_be> player Santiago: 16397 score, last seen null
[13:45:22] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !player Santiago_Penalva
[13:45:25] (WEB) <robin_be> player Santiago_Penalva: 0 score, last seen null
[13:49:14] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !missions cargo
[13:49:17] (WEB) <robin_be> Taylor_Swift_OS: 467 cargo
[13:53:49] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !missions trucking
[13:53:51] (WEB) <robin_be> Taylor_Swift_OS: 91 trucking
[14:51:40] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[14:52:30] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[14:56:50] --> danielsonspromaxplus connected to the server
[14:58:11] <-- danielsonspromaxplus disconnected from the server
[15:43:07] --> Stan connected to the server
[15:43:09] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Wb
[15:43:29] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> taylor u added my coc account, didnt u?
[15:43:42] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[15:43:42] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Yes
[15:43:50] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> accepted
[15:43:57] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Thanks
[15:44:33] --> Stan connected to the server
[15:44:56] <Stan> WINLOGON
[15:45:01] <Taylor_Swift_OS> He's dead
[15:46:48] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !CBOARD
[15:46:50] (WEB) <TheGamer> Rank 1: TransX(23757) , Rank 2: GO-JEK(-5128) , Rank 3: Star Inc.(-3239)
[15:46:53] <Stan> !cboard
[15:54:46] <-- Stan disconnected from the server
[16:06:41] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[16:07:42] <Syracuse> hello thee
[16:08:50] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> hi
[16:09:00] <Syracuse> and I'm out
[16:09:05] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[16:13:48] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> the heavy rain makes me lag af
[16:55:25] (WEB) <Kristel#2128> Wow danie u still play coc in 2021
[16:55:40] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Ahem...
[16:55:43] (WEB) <Kristel#2128> respect
[17:02:19] <Winny> e
[17:02:50] (WEB) <dipa#0472> Flooding
[17:02:55] (WEB) <dipa#0472> :v
[17:06:54] (WEB) <DanielsonSProMaxPlus#8759> respect
[17:07:02] --> dipa connected to the server
[17:07:07] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Wb
[17:07:14] <dipa> I'm only on level 66 :(
[17:07:19] <dipa> Thanks
[17:07:32] --> Lenz connected to the server
[17:07:47] <dipa> Wb
[17:07:47] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Wb
[17:07:55] <Lenz> ty
[17:08:31] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !missions cargo
[17:08:33] (WEB) <robin_be> Taylor_Swift_OS: 482 cargo
[17:11:41] <Taylor_Swift_OS> On the scale to 1 to 10
[17:11:52] <dipa> Of 1 to 10*
[17:11:59] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Woops
[17:12:09] <dipa> xd
[17:12:17] <Taylor_Swift_OS> How bullshit is the Nevada license challenge?
[17:13:16] <dipa> Uhmm
[17:13:18] <dipa> It's a 9
[17:13:31] <Lenz> bullshit as in hard?
[17:13:33] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Yes
[17:13:51] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Damn
[17:14:37] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Ass
[17:14:42] <Lenz> took 3 tries for me
[17:15:00] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Oh
[17:17:40] <Winny> alalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalalalal
[17:17:48] --> Syracuse connected to the server
[17:17:53] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Wb
[17:18:00] <Winny> HELLO BROOKLYN
[17:18:03] <Lenz> wb
[17:18:05] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Hi
[17:18:05] <dipa> wb
[17:18:08] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !cars Lavija
[17:18:11] (WEB) <robin_be> Lavija has: RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron AT-400 AT-400 A(..)
[17:20:25] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Bruh, my game freezes
[17:20:30] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> Cant spawn
[17:20:41] <-- Syracuse disconnected from the server
[17:20:46] <Taylor_Swift_OS> F
[17:20:48] <Lenz> F
[17:33:00] <Winny> right
[17:37:20] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[17:52:48] <-- Taylor_Swift_OS disconnected from the server
[17:53:16] --> Taylor_Swift_OS connected to the server
[17:59:53] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !rank
[17:59:55] (WEB) <robin_be> Taylor_Swift_OS(2401) rank: Lieutenant(1800) next: Junior Captain(2500) (+99)
[18:10:54] <Taylor_Swift_OS> .w
[18:26:50] --> Carlos. connected to the server
[18:26:57] <-- Carlos. disconnected from the server
[18:27:36] <Taylor_Swift_OS> !missions cargo
[18:27:38] (WEB) <robin_be> Taylor_Swift_OS: 499 cargo
[18:30:59] --> Carlos. connected to the server
[18:31:58] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Wb
[18:32:28] <Carlos.> tyw
[18:34:05] <-- Carlos. disconnected from the server
[18:45:34] --> Carlos. connected to the server
[18:45:44] <Taylor_Swift_OS> Wb
[18:46:17] <-- Carlos. disconnected from the server
[18:50:59] --> Carlos. connected to the server
[18:51:15] <-- Taylor_Swift_OS disconnected from the server
[18:51:55] <-- Carlos. disconnected from the server
[19:14:41] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[19:38:33] --> Sameer connected to the server
[19:39:39] <-- Sameer disconnected from the server
[21:18:29] (WEB) <Syracuse#6879> !assets smithspromaxplus
[21:18:31] (WEB) <robin_be> smithspromaxplus has 21 car(s) ($8,425,000) and 2 house(s) ($43,000,000 - 38 slots) for a total of $51,425,000
[22:05:03] --> Cygnus connected to the server
[22:05:23] <-- Cygnus disconnected from the server
[22:05:46] --> Manish connected to the server
[22:26:37] --> Zeik connected to the server
[22:31:55] <-- Zeik disconnected from the server
[22:33:27] <-- Manish disconnected from the server