[00:30:32] --> Gort connected to the server
[00:30:35] --> taconator connected to the server
[00:46:17] --> Nachoo_ connected to the server
[00:47:39] <Nachoo_> hey hi
[00:47:44] <taconator> henlo
[00:47:49] <Gort> no
[00:48:09] <Gort> <3
[00:48:27] <Nachoo_> no homo
[00:48:32] <Gort> why
[00:59:36] <Nachoo_> where are u from guys?
[01:00:14] <Gort> Brickston Bus Depot
[01:00:58] <Nachoo_> me too
[01:02:09] <Nachoo_> a
[01:02:14] <taconator> b
[01:05:48] <-- Nachoo_ disconnected from the server
[01:08:20] <Gort> shitter
[01:10:05] <-- taconator disconnected from the server
[01:10:33] --> taconator connected to the server
[01:10:39] <-- Gort disconnected from the server
[01:11:17] --> Gort connected to the server
[01:43:49] --> Nachoo_ connected to the server
[01:45:16] <Nachoo_> tu quiere mi pinga en tu culo
[01:52:36] <-- Gort disconnected from the server
[01:55:39] <-- taconator disconnected from the server
[01:55:44] --> Gort connected to the server
[01:56:00] --> taconator connected to the server
[01:56:12] <Nachoo_> i miss u
[01:56:58] <-- Nachoo_ disconnected from the server
[02:07:21] --> Kristel connected to the server
[02:16:24] <-- Kristel disconnected from the server
[02:18:39] <Gort> ur Discord died fren
[02:18:46] <taconator> give it a sec
[02:18:51] <taconator> omfg
[02:23:03] <-- Gort disconnected from the server
[02:23:08] <-- taconator disconnected from the server
[03:25:17] --> Bladz connected to the server
[08:16:56] --> dipa connected to the server
[08:19:16] <-- dipa disconnected from the server
[10:12:10] <-- Bladz disconnected from the server
[15:03:45] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[15:06:43] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[15:07:44] --> mohsin_khan connected to the server
[15:12:47] <-- mohsin_khan disconnected from the server
[17:17:56] --> kozigo connected to the server
[18:03:32] <-- kozigo disconnected from the server
[18:45:13] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[18:46:27] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[21:21:10] --> Alejandro98 connected to the server
[21:21:48] --> Yanix connected to the server
[21:22:11] <Alejandro98> hola
[21:22:16] <Yanix> hola
[21:22:29] <Alejandro98> Veo que hablas castellano
[21:23:05] <Alejandro98> No?
[21:23:33] <Yanix> nope can't speak spanish hehe
[21:24:01] <Alejandro98> Ohh
[21:24:01] <Alejandro98> Haha
[21:24:03] <Alejandro98> No problem
[21:24:11] <Alejandro98> where are u come from?
[21:24:34] <Yanix> philippines
[21:24:42] <Yanix> you?
[21:24:59] <Alejandro98> Madrid, Spain
[21:25:04] <Yanix> nice!
[21:25:32] <-- Alejandro98 disconnected from the server
[21:25:32] <Yanix> use /p ->change respawn to airline base
[21:25:40] <Yanix> XD
[21:25:55] <-- Yanix disconnected from the server
[21:26:03] --> Alejandro98 connected to the server
[21:31:08] <-- Alejandro98 disconnected from the server
[21:36:44] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[21:37:28] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[22:13:06] --> Gort connected to the server
[22:16:17] --> taconator connected to the server
[22:21:19] --> Nachoo_ connected to the server
[22:21:50] <Gort> shitter!a
[22:22:23] <Nachoo_> you again
[22:22:26] <Gort> yeah!
[22:22:41] <taconator> and me
[22:23:04] <Nachoo_> are u a couple?
[22:23:04] <Gort> yeah
[22:23:11] <Nachoo_> nice
[22:25:16] --> Alejandro98 connected to the server
[22:32:11] <Nachoo_> I need one of you to recreate the 911
[22:32:24] <Alejandro98> hola
[22:32:29] <Nachoo_> buenas
[22:32:46] <Gort> mierda
[22:33:04] <Gort> escaleda ooooo
[22:33:12] <Nachoo_> despacito moment
[22:33:19] <Gort> nacros gaming
[22:33:25] <Gort> walter blanco
[22:33:32] <Nachoo_> pablo escobar my friend
[22:33:37] <Gort> yeah
[22:33:42] <Alejandro98> De donde sois chicos?
[22:33:53] <Nachoo_> Uruguay
[22:34:33] <Alejandro98> que guay
[22:34:38] <Nachoo_> y tu?
[22:34:43] <Alejandro98> De Madrid
[22:34:59] <Nachoo_> Que bien
[22:36:20] <Alejandro98> Alguien tiene aerolinea?
[22:36:25] <Alejandro98> Me gustaria hacer parte de alguna
[22:36:33] <Nachoo_> creo que nadie
[22:36:38] <Nachoo_> esta muerto el server
[22:37:03] <Nachoo_> guys what happened to this server? I remember it had a lot of players some years ago
[22:37:14] <taconator> I dunno
[22:37:19] <Nachoo_> is this the official one?
[22:37:29] <Alejandro98> Nacho, alguna ves jugasteis al vida de pilotos?
[22:37:31] <taconator> I also remember when it had tons of players
[22:37:47] <Nachoo_> yeah great times, I came back bc of the nostalgia
[22:38:30] <Nachoo_> Si hace unos a�os, hace unos dias me acorde de este sv y volvi a entrar xd
[22:38:45] <Alejandro98> Como te llamabas en vida de pilotos?
[22:39:05] <Nachoo_> Ni recuerdo jaja tuve varias cuentas
[22:39:18] <Alejandro98> Soy Kenny, el co-fundador
[22:39:23] <Alejandro98> Recuerdas a Adriel?
[22:39:56] <Nachoo_> ahh espera, habia una version en espa�ol?
[22:40:02] <Nachoo_> siempre juegue en este que era el ingles
[22:40:12] <Alejandro98> No no, estoy hablando de otro servidor
[22:40:14] <Alejandro98> Vida de pilotos server
[22:40:19] <Nachoo_> Ahh no entonces no
[22:40:30] <Alejandro98> Lo tuvimos hasta 2013
[22:40:32] <Alejandro98> Lo abrimos en 2008
[22:40:45] <Nachoo_> Uff un monton, y que paso?
[22:41:03] <Alejandro98> Falta de personal :p
[22:41:18] <Nachoo_> Jajjaa que pena
[22:42:12] <Alejandro98> Ahora qui�n es el due�o de Pilot's Life?
[22:43:03] <Nachoo_> No tengo idea, me acorde de este server hace 3 dias y me cree esta cuenta
[22:43:15] <Alejandro98> u.u
[22:43:20] <Nachoo_> Siempre esta vacio, hoy es la primera vez que me cruzo con alguien
[22:43:20] <Gort> uwu
[22:43:31] <Alejandro98> :'(
[22:46:34] <-- Alejandro98 disconnected from the server
[22:49:04] --> ashgun connected to the server
[22:50:18] <-- ashgun disconnected from the server
[22:52:35] --> ashgun connected to the server
[22:54:32] <-- Nachoo_ disconnected from the server
[22:57:58] <-- ashgun disconnected from the server
[23:09:43] <-- Gort disconnected from the server
[23:13:07] <-- taconator disconnected from the server