[00:11:10] --> ElSebas02 connected to the server
[00:24:12] <-- ElSebas02 disconnected from the server
[01:40:49] --> Kongen_Mathias connected to the server
[01:43:01] <-- Kongen_Mathias disconnected from the server
[02:37:48] --> mira.zz connected to the server
[02:39:50] <-- mira.zz disconnected from the server
[02:40:23] --> mira.zz connected to the server
[02:41:01] <-- mira.zz disconnected from the server
[03:56:54] --> Jacob connected to the server
[03:56:56] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[06:43:09] (WEB) <Danielson#8759> !player danielson
[06:43:12] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player danielson
[08:03:21] --> Rickenbacker connected to the server
[08:25:39] <-- Rickenbacker disconnected from the server
[08:27:41] --> Rickenbacker connected to the server
[08:47:46] <-- Rickenbacker disconnected from the server
[09:51:59] --> Ankina connected to the server
[10:25:28] <-- Ankina disconnected from the server
[15:43:09] --> Atreea connected to the server
[15:43:37] <-- Atreea disconnected from the server
[16:58:21] --> Rickenbacker connected to the server
[17:28:01] <-- Rickenbacker disconnected from the server
[19:23:40] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[19:27:50] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[19:50:52] --> Fako connected to the server
[20:26:02] --> Regera connected to the server
[20:26:18] <Fako> welcome
[20:26:23] <Regera> Hello.
[20:26:51] <Fako> Hi, how are you? Server is still alive huh?
[20:26:58] <Regera> Ah, you still alive? I thought you were dead in turkey earthquakes.
[20:28:17] <Regera> busy during ramadan days.
[20:28:20] <Fako> Yes i am. I'm living in Antalya, south of Turkey, the earthquake was at South & South East region
[20:28:42] <Fako> I'm not muslim but i respect everyone, my opinion is deism.
[20:28:50] <Fako> i show respect*
[20:28:58] <Regera> Yeah, only Islamabad got potential earthquake near Tajikistan.
[20:29:28] <Regera> Glad that karachi didn't got any earthquakes.
[20:29:36] <Regera> Who won lotto?
[20:29:38] <Fako> me
[20:29:46] <Regera> Ah, gz. How much?
[20:29:49] <Fako> 4m
[20:29:56] <Fako> or 4.5
[20:30:04] <Fako> number was 22
[20:30:06] <Regera> Ah.
[20:30:32] <Regera> Do you know discord Fako?
[20:30:37] <Fako> yes
[20:30:57] <Fako> wait a minute i'll give you my discord id
[20:31:00] <Regera> There's Pilots life discord arrived in 2017. Use /discord to join PL Discord.
[20:31:30] <Fako> ok
[20:35:52] --> Dark_Nees connected to the server
[20:38:27] <-- Dark_Nees disconnected from the server
[20:38:45] <Fako> Berk#4504 can you add & invite me please? @Regera?
[20:38:58] <Regera> Ok.
[20:39:36] <Regera> Check in discord.
[20:39:54] (WEB) <Sameer#2753> !player Sameer
[20:39:54] <Fako> Done
[20:39:56] (WEB) <robin_be> player Sameer: 12634 score, last seen 5 Months Ago
[20:41:53] <Regera> There's also /verify command in discord too Fako.
[20:43:25] <Regera> Use /verify [Your discord username] then use $verify [Code you received] ingame.
[20:46:25] <Fako> $verify 422997
[20:46:28] (WEB) <Ricardo> Successfully connected your account to Berk#4504
[20:50:57] <Fako> bye for now
[20:51:00] <Regera> Later.
[20:51:00] <Fako> cya
[20:51:02] <-- Fako disconnected from the server
[21:44:56] --> Slayeras connected to the server
[21:45:11] <Regera> Hello.
[21:45:16] <Slayeras> Hi :)
[21:55:16] --> Frex connected to the server
[21:55:24] <Slayeras> hi
[21:55:24] <Regera> Hello.
[21:55:32] <Frex> hai sup all
[22:15:31] (WEB) <xdTricky#9611> !player xdTricky
[22:15:34] (WEB) <robin_be> player xdTricky: 850 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[22:24:46] <Slayeras> i'm off
[22:24:51] <Slayeras> cya
[22:24:56] <Regera> I'm off too. Later.
[22:25:03] <-- Slayeras disconnected from the server
[22:25:19] <-- Regera disconnected from the server