
[00:32:29] --> Jacob connected to the server
[00:32:42] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[01:51:56] --> Davis_Gonzalo connected to the server
[01:56:56] <-- Davis_Gonzalo disconnected from the server
[02:25:55] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[02:41:03] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[02:45:52] <Mustache.> !cash mc.wazowzki
[02:45:55] (WEB) <robin_be> mc.wazowzki has $2,533,690 in hand
[02:57:32] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[02:58:30] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[03:01:28] <Mc.Wazowzki> lu mau liat bentuk tumor abis di ambil ga
[03:01:36] <Mustache.> skip ah
[03:01:38] <Mustache.> geli
[03:03:12] <Mustache.> where is everybody?
[03:05:07] <Mustache.> !assets crystal
[03:05:09] (WEB) <robin_be> crystal has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[03:05:55] <Mc.Wazowzki> ganti nick dia
[03:06:05] <Mc.Wazowzki> K114 apa gitu
[03:06:05] <Mustache.> jadi apa?
[03:06:15] <Mustache.> !player crystal
[03:06:18] (WEB) <robin_be> player crystal: 0 score, last seen 11 Months Ago
[03:06:20] <Mustache.> oiya
[03:08:28] <Mc.Wazowzki> crude agak bgst tu runway nya
[03:08:35] <Mc.Wazowzki> yuka airport dah pernah belom
[03:08:58] <Mustache.> asu baru refuel harganya malah naik
[03:09:06] <Mustache.> pernah sih harusnya
[03:09:11] <Mustache.> jaman shamal
[03:09:31] <Mustache.> shamal cuk
[03:09:36] <Mustache.> lu harus ketemu orbit island
[03:10:04] <Mc.Wazowzki> pesawat kaku ga doyan liatnya
[03:10:37] <Mustache.> di map lu ada orbit island ga?
[03:10:47] <Mc.Wazowzki> gatau nih
[03:10:52] <Mc.Wazowzki> brp km ya
[03:11:03] <Mustache.> oiya keliatannya dari hud nya ya
[03:11:28] <Mc.Wazowzki> jauya lan?
[03:11:36] <Mustache.> mayan
[03:11:38] <Mc.Wazowzki> oh ada
[03:11:43] <Mustache.> jauh kan?
[03:11:48] <Mc.Wazowzki> 301 ft orbit city 19km dari ls
[03:12:11] <Mustache.> cape ati tuh klo udh jauh jauh tpi landing nya gagal
[03:12:29] <Mc.Wazowzki> blm lagi crash ping limit kecelakaan dan lain
[03:12:37] <Mustache.> nahh
[03:12:55] <Mc.Wazowzki> kaya nyetir pswt beneran nih rasanya
[03:13:12] <Mustache.> nih tax muncul mulu bgst
[03:13:20] <Mc.Wazowzki> brp lu
[03:13:35] <Mc.Wazowzki> sama
[03:13:48] <Mustache.> tapi harga aset beda jauh anjing
[03:14:51] <Mc.Wazowzki> !assets mc.wazowzki
[03:14:54] (WEB) <robin_be> mc.wazowzki has 12 car(s) ($9,560,000) and 2 house(s) ($23,300,000 - 26 slots) for a total of $32,860,000
[03:15:30] <Mustache.> ni lotto 300k lu pasang juga?
[03:15:50] <Mc.Wazowzki> kaga
[03:15:58] <Mc.Wazowzki> mood"an gua lotto
[03:16:10] <Mustache.> tai
[03:16:21] <Mustache.> moodnya tergantung nominal
[03:17:01] <Mc.Wazowzki> pake teori peluang
[03:17:11] <Mustache.> iya ya
[03:18:58] <Mc.Wazowzki> sampe lupa rasanya bolos sekola
[03:19:13] <Mc.Wazowzki> biasanya main pagi rasanya kek bolos
[03:19:26] <Mc.Wazowzki> malah mati gblg
[03:20:04] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[03:20:37] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[03:20:45] <Mustache.> malah crash babi
[03:20:58] <Mc.Wazowzki> ga potd dong
[03:21:05] <Mustache.> asu meg
[03:25:45] <Mc.Wazowzki> lan gua sent di tiktok, tau judulnya ga
[03:26:00] <Mc.Wazowzki> judul lagu
[03:26:51] <Mustache.> mau buat apa cuk lagu begitu
[03:26:56] <Mustache.> gtau gw
[03:28:30] <Mc.Wazowzki> bhs inggrisnya bakwan jagung - corn flitters
[03:28:45] <Mustache.> oke
[03:30:22] <Mc.Wazowzki> 71k mayan
[03:30:24] <Mc.Wazowzki> 28km
[03:31:13] <Mustache.> kyknya lebih mantep 8-12km gitu cuk
[03:31:38] <Mc.Wazowzki> konn
[03:31:43] <Mustache.> ea
[03:32:11] <Mc.Wazowzki> baru repair sama refuel
[03:34:49] <Mc.Wazowzki> setiap hari jumat cuk si peduli tangan wa gua
[03:35:09] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[03:35:24] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[03:37:21] <Mustache.> mampus karma
[03:37:37] <Mustache.> blokir aja cuk wkwk
[03:37:39] <Mc.Wazowzki> karma tidak berlaku untuk orang orang hoki
[03:42:16] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[03:42:34] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[03:46:28] <Mc.Wazowzki> gede amat si ping
[03:47:52] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[03:48:25] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[03:48:33] <Mustache.> anjay kicked terus
[03:48:55] <Mc.Wazowzki> fengshui gua lg ga bagus nih
[03:54:00] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[03:56:05] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[04:09:39] <Mc.Wazowzki> angj tau tau odo 839
[04:09:46] <Mc.Wazowzki> dr 500an gua start td pagi
[04:09:59] <Mustache.> gila gila
[04:11:13] <Mc.Wazowzki> besok lulus keknya gua mau apply rosalia dha
[04:11:38] <Mustache.> wkkwwkwkk
[04:11:41] <Mustache.> emg udh passion
[04:12:49] <Mc.Wazowzki> bukan supir cuk
[04:12:54] <Mc.Wazowzki> admin dlu keknya
[04:12:59] <Mustache.> "dlu"d
[04:13:05] <Mustache.> abis itu?
[04:13:07] <Mc.Wazowzki> ceo
[04:13:17] <Mustache.> shap
[04:13:17] --> renestuve connected to the server
[04:14:06] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[04:15:47] <-- renestuve disconnected from the server
[04:16:15] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[04:16:53] <Mc.Wazowzki> loh ndi wong siji ne
[04:17:01] <Mustache.> mbuh
[04:17:16] <Mustache.> emg ia?
[04:17:21] <Mc.Wazowzki> iya
[04:17:39] <Mc.Wazowzki> biar aotd harus ada
[04:17:42] <Mc.Wazowzki> ceo
[04:17:49] <Mustache.> harus ada truck anj
[04:18:10] <Mustache.> tuh cotd gw kejar
[04:21:56] <Mc.Wazowzki> 19k deng tax
[04:23:04] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[04:25:04] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[04:26:00] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[04:27:42] --> Mustache.t connected to the server
[04:28:04] <Mustache.t> lohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[04:28:15] <-- Mustache.t disconnected from the server
[04:29:31] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[04:30:14] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[04:30:47] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[04:42:31] <Mustache.> gila
[04:42:42] <Mustache.> workaholic bgt
[04:42:59] <Mc.Wazowzki> regera lewat
[04:43:17] <Mustache.> blm
[04:43:20] <Mc.Wazowzki> ni gmn nanti pas gua kerja ya
[04:43:35] <Mc.Wazowzki> duit game aja gua kejar bet anjg wkkw
[04:43:37] <Mustache.> game
[04:44:33] <Mc.Wazowzki> lu ni emg kawan yg tidak supportive babi
[04:45:01] <Mustache.> lohlohloh
[04:45:19] <Mc.Wazowzki> klo minta support harusnya ke temenya laras ya
[04:45:24] <Mustache.> game kan ga perlu naik motor bolak2
[04:45:27] <Mustache.> panas2
[04:45:50] <Mc.Wazowzki> lu jgn bikin gua mental anjg wkwk
[04:45:52] <Mc.Wazowzki> tar gua keburu males sblm kerja
[04:45:55] <Mustache.> wkwkwkwk
[04:47:03] <Mustache.> ngirim cringehub mulu su
[04:47:36] <Mc.Wazowzki> lu manusia paling judgy di dunia, mangkanya guas kasi gituan
[04:47:44] <Mustache.> telek
[04:48:35] <Mc.Wazowzki> otw mana lu
[04:48:40] <Mustache.> pelican
[04:48:50] <Mc.Wazowzki> searah ama gua
[04:48:55] <Mc.Wazowzki> gua kamikaze lah
[04:49:00] <Mustache.> ga keliatan di map gw
[04:51:10] <Mustache.> udh lama ga nonton lwiay jadi seru ya
[04:51:48] <Mc.Wazowzki> anjg dr tdi bengong gua klo jauh
[04:52:03] <Mc.Wazowzki> scroll ig si joss
[04:52:21] <Mustache.> gaada yg seru ig gw
[04:57:52] <Mustache.> w
[04:58:09] <Mc.Wazowzki> lan
[04:58:14] <Mustache.> gung
[04:58:20] <Mc.Wazowzki> lu dh explore" ai blm
[04:58:40] <Mustache.> ai apaan?
[04:58:40] <Mc.Wazowzki> kudet gua ai ga ngerti apa"
[04:58:42] <Mc.Wazowzki> AI
[04:58:50] <Mc.Wazowzki> artifical intelgence
[04:58:50] <Mustache.> ga ngerti gw juga
[04:59:08] <Mustache.> chatgpt gitu"
[04:59:13] <Mc.Wazowzki> penting cuk kata temen gua buat masa masa nyari kerja
[04:59:21] <Mc.Wazowzki> skill jare
[04:59:36] <Mc.Wazowzki> mau explore bingung start dr mana tai
[04:59:38] <Mustache.> ai yg kyk gmn?
[04:59:48] <Mustache.> foto2 apa yg bikin kalimat?
[04:59:51] <Mc.Wazowzki> yg bikin audio dewe lah, edit dewe lah2
[05:00:09] <Mc.Wazowzki> kabeh cuk
[05:00:24] <Mustache.> sok coba
[05:00:32] <Mustache.> edit gw jadi mullet
[05:00:32] <Mc.Wazowzki> pilots life dude
[05:01:07] <Mc.Wazowzki> coba ye mullet
[05:01:30] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[05:01:58] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[05:04:13] <Mustache.> asuuu
[05:04:18] <Mustache.> rendernya lelet bgt tai
[05:07:08] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[05:08:42] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[05:16:43] <Mc.Wazowzki> yah ga mati dong gua asu
[05:16:53] <Mc.Wazowzki> peswt dh broken masuk laut ga mati malah masuk ke dunia lain
[05:16:58] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[05:17:01] <Mustache.> yah
[05:17:23] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[05:25:29] <Mc.Wazowzki> cek dm
[05:25:49] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[06:02:00] (WEB) <DamirnWalters#7715> Chaooo
[06:02:18] (WEB) <DamirnWalters#7715> !player Santiago
[06:02:21] (WEB) <robin_be> player Santiago: 17417 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[06:02:51] <Mc.Wazowzki> supp
[06:03:50] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[06:04:28] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[06:09:23] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[06:09:51] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[06:12:18] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[07:44:07] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[08:26:32] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[08:32:00] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[08:35:08] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[09:50:25] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[09:56:44] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[09:57:40] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[10:03:26] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[10:04:29] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[10:43:00] (WEB) <DamirnWalters#7715> Oii
[10:43:08] (WEB) <DamirnWalters#7715> Ada org gak
[10:43:08] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[10:43:28] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[11:02:12] --> MECK_99 connected to the server
[11:09:14] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[11:09:42] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[11:22:32] <-- MECK_99 disconnected from the server
[11:47:30] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[11:48:05] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[12:13:18] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[12:14:44] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[12:52:04] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[12:52:52] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[12:59:11] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[13:00:43] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[13:19:11] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[13:19:47] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[13:21:31] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[13:51:49] (WEB) <LiamLawson#4884> What's with constant rejoining? You guys having issue trying to enter server?
[15:10:57] (WEB) <DamirnWalters#7715> His game always desynced, time not updating.
[16:35:22] --> gf_sc connected to the server
[17:03:58] <-- gf_sc disconnected from the server
[17:19:18] --> depidoremi_ connected to the server
[17:19:18] <-- depidoremi_ disconnected from the server
[17:19:56] --> depidoremi_ connected to the server
[17:19:56] <-- depidoremi_ disconnected from the server
[17:20:45] --> depidoremi_ connected to the server
[17:20:50] <-- depidoremi_ disconnected from the server
[17:21:36] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[17:40:52] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[17:41:23] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[19:10:01] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[19:10:24] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[19:37:39] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[22:53:59] --> Jacob connected to the server
[22:59:58] <Jacob> twi
[22:59:58] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
