[00:00:52] (WEB) <Santiago#0> !player santiago
[00:00:55] (WEB) <robin_be> player santiago: 17417 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[02:15:01] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[03:38:44] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[04:21:04] --> Von80000 connected to the server
[04:49:32] <-- Von80000 disconnected from the server
[06:15:05] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[08:59:52] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[09:07:42] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[09:31:06] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[09:32:34] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[09:36:54] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[09:37:34] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[09:41:16] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[09:41:46] <Mustache.> tes
[09:42:24] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[09:46:36] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[09:47:24] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[10:09:26] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[10:52:09] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[10:59:59] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[11:26:56] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[11:49:16] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[12:37:18] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[12:40:21] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[14:01:04] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[14:14:17] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[16:12:10] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[16:14:47] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[16:30:58] --> WillianNesc connected to the server
[16:31:08] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[16:32:55] <WillianNesc> so you are old in this server?
[16:33:03] <Mc.Wazowzki> yo
[16:33:05] <Mc.Wazowzki> well
[16:33:08] <Mc.Wazowzki> kindaa
[16:33:38] <WillianNesc> just, just came back here
[16:33:49] <WillianNesc> used to play in 2012 lol
[16:34:06] <Mc.Wazowzki> good old time huh
[16:34:34] <WillianNesc> it was indeed, alot of things changed
[16:34:47] <WillianNesc> no more ST Airways
[16:35:07] <WillianNesc> and they even stole our old base lmao
[16:35:18] <Mc.Wazowzki> and the owner now is Crystal
[16:35:48] <WillianNesc> most of old things now is gone F
[16:36:24] <WillianNesc> used to be top 3 here, but not sure why my account was deleted
[16:36:36] <WillianNesc> well, alot of accounts was deleted i guess
[16:37:04] <Mc.Wazowzki> i dont think so
[16:37:14] <Mc.Wazowzki> !player winlogon.dli
[16:37:17] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player winlogon.dli
[16:37:22] <Mc.Wazowzki> !player winlogon.dil
[16:37:25] (WEB) <robin_be> could not get data for player winlogon.dil
[16:37:27] <Mc.Wazowzki> huuh
[16:43:39] <-- WillianNesc disconnected from the server
[16:55:35] (WEB) <Nexuz#0> Wait was that Funky?
[16:57:20] (WEB) <Nexuz#0> Wazowzki if you see him again, tell him to check Funky[LGL] 's account pls
[16:57:32] <Mc.Wazowzki> okaay
[16:59:52] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[17:00:40] <Mustache.> lu msh pake sound audi tadi cuk?
[17:00:43] <Mc.Wazowzki> masi
[17:00:48] <Mc.Wazowzki> tp ga pake mod audinya wkwk
[17:01:11] <Mustache.> susah ya cari mod sound yang bagus
[17:01:59] <Mustache.> tdi gw coba pake v8 sound yg dari lu ga bs lagi anj
[17:03:16] <Mustache.> nih mod at dari lu bisa
[17:04:19] <Mustache.> install plhud sek
[17:04:22] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[17:05:10] --> zLuiz12_qwerty connected to the server
[17:05:20] <-- zLuiz12_qwerty disconnected from the server
[17:05:48] --> Mustache. connected to the server
[17:07:30] <Mustache.> loh mobil cuma smpe 300km odonya bgst
[17:08:23] <Mc.Wazowzki> najis
[17:08:26] <Mc.Wazowzki> dikit amat
[17:19:32] <Mc.Wazowzki> weh tau tau at
[17:19:39] <Mustache.> mod anyar
[17:19:45] <Mc.Wazowzki> apik ra
[17:19:50] <Mustache.> apik
[17:20:05] <Mustache.> tpi tiap landing sayap blkg gw ancur terus
[17:20:18] <Mc.Wazowzki> ah geblek gua lancar bangettt
[17:20:23] <Mc.Wazowzki> jarang bet laka
[17:20:43] <Mustache.> udh lupa cara landing at cuk
[17:22:20] <Mc.Wazowzki> klo pencet titik, pas malem lampu sayap atas blkng nyala cuk
[17:23:13] <Mustache.> kedip'?
[17:23:15] <Mc.Wazowzki> kaga
[17:27:42] <Mc.Wazowzki> gmn uangnya
[17:27:55] <Mustache.> gacor
[17:30:51] <Mustache.> bgst di hawai gaada tmpt refuel ya
[17:31:16] <Mc.Wazowzki> dlu ada inget banget gua
[17:31:18] <Mc.Wazowzki> skrng ga ada
[17:31:24] <Mc.Wazowzki> dlu paling deemen gua ke hawaii
[17:31:36] <Mustache.> masa di apus
[17:31:39] <Mustache.> gjls pl
[17:32:09] <Mc.Wazowzki> lu liat ada tong ga dihawaii
[17:32:14] <Mc.Wazowzki> tong coklat itu dlu buat refuel
[17:32:22] <Mustache.> lupa dah
[17:45:20] <Mustache.> beehh
[17:45:23] <Mc.Wazowzki> wasu
[17:45:25] <Mc.Wazowzki> gua lg liat hp anjg
[17:45:28] <Mustache.> pas bener
[17:45:33] <Mc.Wazowzki> tau tau ada objek
[17:46:41] <Mustache.> beloknya lbh pakem yak
[17:46:46] <Mustache.> mod at ini
[17:47:25] <Mc.Wazowzki> yoi
[17:47:32] <Mc.Wazowzki> apa lagi klo lu teken anak panah atas sambil belok
[17:48:10] <Mustache.> hooh
[17:48:13] <Mustache.> pakem beut
[17:48:46] <Mustache.> smpe jamber lu cuk
[17:49:29] <Mc.Wazowzki> ampe scor banyak wkkw
[17:49:47] <Mustache.> siiippp
[17:49:49] <Mustache.> smpe pagi juga gw
[17:49:49] <Mc.Wazowzki> piye
[17:49:57] <Mc.Wazowzki> babut ga tu lu
[17:50:30] <Mustache.> tapi ntar jemput pakde woto dlu
[17:50:38] <Mc.Wazowzki> woke
[17:50:38] <Mustache.> aga lama sih paling
[17:50:53] <Mc.Wazowzki> ni lu main ampe jamber kira" skrng
[17:51:06] <Mustache.> tunggu ada panggilan
[17:51:11] <Mustache.> buat jemput
[17:51:29] <Mc.Wazowzki> jmpt dmn dah
[17:51:44] <Mustache.> lek is
[17:55:15] <Mustache.> bgst asik bet main at pke plhud
[17:57:24] <Mustache.> cuk
[17:57:27] <Mc.Wazowzki> ho
[17:57:37] <Mustache.> lu klo di kosan seharian ga keringetan bakal mandi ga
[17:57:55] <Mustache.> wah gw dh denger suara supra pakde
[17:58:03] <Mc.Wazowzki> skip
[17:58:08] <Mustache.> abis flight ini off gw
[17:58:08] <Mc.Wazowzki> klo lengket baruy mandi
[17:58:18] <Mustache.> sikat gigi?
[17:58:20] <Mc.Wazowzki> ora
[17:58:28] <Mustache.> woke wkwkkwk
[17:58:28] <Mc.Wazowzki> cuci muka doang si penting
[18:00:15] <Mustache.> lampu blkgnya warna apa cuk?
[18:00:38] <Mc.Wazowzki> lampu nya di logo nya cuk wkkw
[18:00:43] <Mc.Wazowzki> logo airline nya
[18:00:50] <Mc.Wazowzki> lu lgi pake pswt apa
[18:00:53] <Mustache.> at
[18:00:55] <Mustache.> alaska
[18:01:01] <Mc.Wazowzki> nah si kepala
[18:01:08] <Mc.Wazowzki> kepala bapack bapacknya nyala
[18:01:28] <Mustache.> oiya wkwkwkwk
[18:02:07] <Mustache.> bgstt pen lanjut cukkk
[18:03:28] <Mc.Wazowzki> purapura tidur
[18:03:36] <Mustache.> gblk
[18:03:41] <Mustache.> kunci mobilnya di gw
[18:03:41] <Mc.Wazowzki> loh sebentar
[18:03:46] <Mustache.> pake mobil lu wkwk
[18:03:51] <Mc.Wazowzki> kok ijo
[18:03:58] <Mustache.> vip cuk
[18:04:21] <Mc.Wazowzki> tugas kuliah
[18:04:37] <Mc.Wazowzki> ngentiaw
[18:04:37] <Mustache.> gw udh bilang bisa wkwkwkwk
[18:04:42] <Mustache.> gaada partner
[18:04:49] <Mc.Wazowzki> tenggelem pas udh tinggal landing
[18:05:02] <Mc.Wazowzki> relog
[18:05:02] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[18:05:40] --> Mc.Wazowzki connected to the server
[18:06:51] <Mustache.> kyknya lancar polll nih
[18:06:56] <Mustache.> gaada crash dri tdi
[18:07:01] <Mc.Wazowzki> full mod?
[18:07:22] <Mustache.> mayan lah
[18:07:40] <Mustache.> hampir semua mobil yg gw beli
[18:07:47] <Mustache.> lah
[18:07:57] <Mustache.> kok mati si gblk wkwkwk
[18:08:02] <Mc.Wazowzki> sengaja bengsin
[18:08:05] <Mustache.> ooo
[18:08:10] <Mustache.> pelit anj
[18:08:18] <Mc.Wazowzki> yh anjg 30persen
[18:08:23] <Mc.Wazowzki> tinggal landing malah tenggelem
[18:08:33] <Mustache.> wkwkwk
[18:11:54] <-- Mustache. disconnected from the server
[18:16:16] --> Von80000 connected to the server
[18:22:07] <-- Mc.Wazowzki disconnected from the server
[18:39:24] <-- Von80000 disconnected from the server
[19:08:45] --> slampinjsh connected to the server
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[22:45:52] --> renestuve connected to the server
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