[00:02:20] --> helpme111111 connected to the server
[00:12:17] <-- helpme111111 disconnected from the server
[02:54:49] --> Jacob connected to the server
[03:01:01] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[06:03:45] --> Z1LLCH connected to the server
[06:06:02] <-- Z1LLCH disconnected from the server
[07:24:47] --> Kalgon connected to the server
[07:45:26] --> Twi connected to the server
[07:45:34] <Kalgon> yo yo
[07:45:36] <Twi> ayy
[07:46:02] <Kalgon> saw you bought my plane lol was shocked you found it
[07:46:07] <Twi> lol yea
[07:46:35] <Twi> I came here
[07:46:37] <Twi> and saw it
[07:46:50] <Kalgon> getting the andro here was a bitch
[07:47:03] <Twi> damn
[07:47:05] <Kalgon> still need my trailer TP'd someday but im happy with this
[07:47:18] <Twi> where is your trailer
[07:47:23] <Kalgon> my old house in LV
[07:47:36] <Twi> Give me the keys to
[07:47:38] <Twi> the truck
[07:47:43] <Twi> I'll bring it
[07:47:49] <Kalgon> hell yeah whats the cmd?
[07:47:54] <Twi> get in the truck
[07:47:56] <Twi> /givecarkeys
[07:48:04] <Twi> /givecarkeys 1 1
[07:48:09] <Twi> ty
[07:48:14] <Twi> location?
[07:48:14] <Kalgon> no, ty lol
[07:48:17] <Twi> wanna sit along?
[07:48:27] <Kalgon> uhh anywhere that looks good works
[07:48:39] <Kalgon> was thinking where your Hydra is
[07:48:39] <Twi> no I mean where isi it parked
[07:48:45] <Twi> oh there
[07:48:47] <Twi> lol
[07:49:00] <Kalgon> its by gamer30's
[07:49:05] <Kalgon> can I track it?
[07:49:15] <Twi> yes
[07:49:20] <Twi> /mycars > tap it and locate
[07:49:38] <Kalgon> Rockshore West
[07:49:46] <Twi> straight?
[07:49:51] <Kalgon> Left
[07:50:14] <Kalgon> i can drive to it and get it I just cant park it
[07:50:24] <Twi> ughh
[07:50:24] <Kalgon> might be easier with me having the blip lol
[07:50:44] <Twi> wait
[07:50:49] <Twi> how do you park a trailer tho
[07:50:57] <Kalgon> had an admin do it
[07:51:04] <Twi> uwu
[07:51:10] <Twi> is there a command for that
[07:51:22] <Kalgon> think so but i wouldnt have the slightest idea what
[07:51:27] <Twi> damn
[07:51:53] <Kalgon> apark, atrailer, savetrailer and parktrailer all invalid
[07:51:58] <Twi> yeah lmao
[07:52:31] <Twi> come
[07:52:34] <Twi> try /park
[07:52:44] <Kalgon> it parks the truck not the trailer
[07:52:49] <Twi> did?
[07:52:51] <Kalgon> tried it before when I moved it here
[07:52:54] <Twi> welp
[07:53:12] <Twi> a sec lemme ask
[07:53:19] <Kalgon> Jacob did it last time I think
[07:53:55] <Twi> ewlp
[07:54:05] <Twi> he might be sleeping rn
[07:54:13] <Kalgon> im not too worried about it
[07:54:20] <Kalgon> it'll still be here when someone can do it
[07:54:31] <Twi> mhm
[07:54:41] <Kalgon> the attempt is appreciated
[07:54:46] <Twi> shh
[07:54:53] <Twi> I wonder how companies park their trailers
[07:55:09] <Kalgon> yeah me too
[07:55:32] <Kalgon> i just respawn at company base and try to get both ATOD and COTD before 00 so I dont have to logout
[07:55:39] <Twi> lmao
[07:55:42] <Kalgon> because when it's our airline their company I get irritrated
[07:55:52] <Twi> wow youre just like me
[07:55:57] <Kalgon> and then I cant get it to fix unless both update
[07:56:33] <Kalgon> funny enough I was only in the airline until Jacob told me thats why it wouldnt update
[07:56:43] <Twi> lol
[07:56:45] <Kalgon> and I was like yeee if I could be able to get them to update that'd be GGREAT
[07:57:11] <Kalgon> grinding for hours flying wondering why we werent AOTD
[07:57:19] <Twi> lmao
[07:57:49] <Kalgon> wait
[07:57:54] <Kalgon> is there a cmd to tp into a vehicle?
[07:57:57] <Twi> nah
[07:58:02] <Twi> only admins can
[07:58:07] <Kalgon> oh I thought you were admin
[07:58:09] <Kalgon> lol
[07:58:12] <Twi> mhm no
[07:58:14] <Twi> lol
[07:58:20] <Twi> they won't make me one sad
[07:58:40] <Kalgon> sad memes
[07:59:08] <Kalgon> yeah I think he TP'd himself into the trailer because he could also surfly it
[07:59:13] <Kalgon> and then just parked
[07:59:16] <Twi> yeah
[07:59:18] <Twi> uwu
[07:59:31] <Kalgon> but /parktrailer would be cool lol
[07:59:36] <Twi> yeah
[07:59:38] <Twi> I think there migth be a command
[07:59:49] <Twi> it's
[07:59:51] <Twi> /tpark
[07:59:56] <Twi> thanks to santiago
[07:59:56] <Kalgon> I thought there might be but we couldnt get it figured out and he just put it there for me
[08:00:01] <Kalgon> then I moved like an asshole
[08:00:09] <Kalgon> OH SHIT
[08:00:09] <Twi> Jacob dujmb
[08:00:09] <Twi> santi est
[08:00:12] <Twi> best
[08:00:19] <Kalgon> yeah tpark shows as a command
[08:00:24] <Kalgon> fucking w
[08:00:24] <Twi> park it
[08:01:00] <Kalgon> fucking easy
[08:01:28] <Twi> Lets goo!
[08:01:33] <Kalgon> Beautiful
[08:01:33] <Kalgon> tysm
[08:01:35] <Twi> sweet
[08:01:38] <Twi> <3
[08:01:41] <Twi> thanks to santi
[08:01:51] <Kalgon> And now I dont have to bother Jacob if I want it moved lol
[08:02:03] <Kalgon> and ty santi for the cmd haha
[08:02:06] <Twi> hahah
[08:02:14] <Twi> Jacob's a cool guy too
[08:02:21] <Twi> but yeah they're gay for not making me admin
[08:02:24] <Kalgon> seems like from what I've seen of him
[08:02:42] <Kalgon> god this is so nice
[08:02:54] <Twi> happy for you <3
[08:03:22] <Kalgon> they dont get the nuance
[08:03:25] <Kalgon> fuck em
[08:03:33] <Twi> lol wdym
[08:03:35] <Twi> which friends
[08:03:40] <Kalgon> not all about shooting people and being in gangs
[08:03:48] <Kalgon> RP server friends ive met over the years
[08:03:53] <Twi> oh
[08:03:58] <Kalgon> they dont get servers like this that are more than just GTA
[08:03:58] <Twi> I can fill your parking lot
[08:04:06] <Kalgon> Hell yeah bring it on
[08:04:13] <Twi> This is the best server tbh
[08:04:26] <Twi> lemme bring em
[08:04:26] <Kalgon> It was such a huge inspiration for me years ago when I saw it
[08:04:34] <Twi> same lol
[08:04:46] <Kalgon> seeing the way the code made this possible in SAMP was everything that motivated me to learn pawn
[08:04:54] <Twi> cute
[08:05:09] <Kalgon> like the odometers. such a simple system but even the RP servers at the time didnt have it
[08:05:14] <Twi> yeah lol
[08:05:14] <Kalgon> a whole new way of thinking
[08:05:24] <Twi> where should I park
[08:05:30] <Kalgon> Ill despawn the hydra for easier parking
[08:05:35] <Twi> nah nah
[08:05:35] <Twi> itso kay
[08:05:37] <Kalgon> just take up empty spots
[08:05:42] <Twi> just tell me where to park
[08:05:42] <Twi> alright
[08:05:55] <Kalgon> along the outer rows first was my plan
[08:06:03] <Twi> ooo
[08:06:05] <Kalgon> but I just want a crowded parking lot
[08:06:13] <Twi> lol
[08:06:15] <Twi> you'll be lagging
[08:06:18] <Twi> whenever you spawn
[08:06:31] <Kalgon> I got fps unlockers and all that nonsense its worth
[08:06:36] <Kalgon> one man fleet type shit
[08:06:38] <Twi> Do you really want to me to
[08:06:41] <Twi> crowd your parking
[08:06:48] <Kalgon> If you're okay with it, I'd love it.
[08:06:54] <Twi> Planes work?
[08:07:04] <Kalgon> If you can fit em, pop em in
[08:07:11] <Twi> interesting
[08:07:29] <Kalgon> I want people to come by, see this and go "how the fuck"
[08:07:37] <Kalgon> idc about 2500 for payphone to use any of them lol
[08:07:49] <Twi> lol I have
[08:07:57] <Twi> unlimited payphone for free
[08:08:00] <Twi> thx to vip
[08:08:10] <Kalgon> what tier gets that?
[08:08:12] <Twi> idk
[08:08:15] <Twi> 2 I guess
[08:08:23] <Kalgon> it's like 5, 10, and 25 right?
[08:08:38] <Twi> 5 10 30 40 I think
[08:08:43] <Kalgon> been thinking about it but idk if the wife would let me haha
[08:08:48] <Twi> haha lol
[08:09:01] <Kalgon> Is it monthly here or one time?
[08:09:03] <Twi> one time
[08:09:13] <Kalgon> That might be easier to get away with :>
[08:09:16] <Twi> yeah lol
[08:10:40] <Twi> lol
[08:10:40] <Kalgon> then i'd fly towards vice and could takeoff from here
[08:11:38] <Kalgon> I'm loving it
[08:11:44] <Twi> sweet
[08:11:56] <Kalgon> !assets
[08:11:59] (WEB) <robin_be> Kalgon has 11 car(s) ($6,910,000) and 2 house(s) ($14,500,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $21,410,000
[08:12:09] <Kalgon> so I can still get a few more too
[08:12:14] <Twi> haha
[08:12:55] <Kalgon> This house is also perfect I love it
[08:13:00] <Twi> yeah it's great!
[08:13:10] <Kalgon> not many have a spot to do all this and its literally a block from the base
[08:13:15] <Twi> yeah
[08:14:39] <Twi> army hit
[08:14:39] <Twi> shit
[08:14:44] <Kalgon> hell yeah lol
[08:14:52] <Twi> :D
[08:15:48] <Kalgon> I wonder if it would be possible to park the pd maverick on top of the bus
[08:15:56] <Twi> yeah might be
[08:16:11] <Twi> let me bring the real stuff now
[08:16:26] <Kalgon> oh boy lol
[08:16:39] <Kalgon> gotta wait for clear weather lol
[08:16:46] <Kalgon> no way im landing it like this
[08:17:04] <Twi> lol
[08:17:32] <Twi> wish me lucky
[08:17:40] <Kalgon> Good luck!
[08:18:00] <Twi> dont think I'll make it
[08:18:23] <Kalgon> I can despawn them to make landing easier
[08:18:36] <Twi> lol
[08:18:38] <Twi> will it fit
[08:18:43] <Kalgon> what is it?
[08:18:51] <Twi> surprise
[08:19:06] <Kalgon> We'll find a way
[08:19:17] <Kalgon> despawned all my cars
[08:19:27] <Kalgon> oh dear god lmao
[08:19:34] <Twi> I guess
[08:19:42] <Twi> one can be placed here
[08:20:02] <Kalgon> yeah i dunno about getting that bad boy here
[08:20:10] <Twi> lol
[08:20:13] <Twi> and maybe
[08:20:23] <Twi> other on the top of hotel building
[08:20:23] <Kalgon> menacing af up there
[08:20:38] <Kalgon> Up top works too
[08:20:58] <Kalgon> theres no way you'll miss it lol
[08:21:14] <Twi> lol
[08:21:21] <Twi> let me bring the other one
[08:22:27] <Twi> oops
[08:22:45] <Kalgon> oops is never good lol
[08:23:03] <Twi> yeah lol
[08:23:41] <Twi> the vma isn't big enough some how
[08:23:56] <Kalgon> funny enough it was easier to land my andro in the parking lot than up top
[08:23:56] <Kalgon> idk why
[08:24:02] <Twi> wow this one only has 100meter odo
[08:24:09] <Twi> lol
[08:25:13] <Twi> prayers needed
[08:25:33] <Kalgon> toughts and prayers coming your wya
[08:25:38] <Kalgon> way*
[08:25:41] <Twi> uwu
[08:26:27] <Kalgon> SO close
[08:26:29] <Twi> woops
[08:26:37] <Twi> that works?
[08:26:44] <Twi> lmaoo
[08:26:47] <Kalgon> its flying away on my screen
[08:26:49] <Kalgon> a lot
[08:26:54] <Twi> well thatsa cool thing
[08:27:00] <Twi> an at400 hanging in the sky
[08:27:25] <Kalgon> is it upside down in the air for you too?
[08:27:28] <Twi> yeah
[08:27:35] <Twi> watch this
[08:27:50] <Twi> lmao
[08:27:56] <Twi> Try 2
[08:27:58] <Kalgon> it is FREAKING out
[08:28:06] <Twi> haha lol
[08:29:30] <Twi> ughh
[08:29:35] <Twi> we'll do the at stuff later lol
[08:29:37] <Twi> !cars
[08:29:40] (WEB) <robin_be> Twi has: Buffalo Infernus RC Bandit RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron RC Baron Sanchez P(..)
[08:29:48] <Twi> barins mm
[08:29:55] <Kalgon> RC Barons out the ass haha
[08:30:00] <Twi> or maby
[08:30:21] <Kalgon> the rc cars parked in the loop would look sick haha
[08:30:41] <Twi> they are like rc planes lol
[08:30:46] <Kalgon> yeah
[08:30:51] <Twi> hop in
[08:31:04] <Twi> road trip tie
[08:31:04] <Twi> time
[08:31:19] <Kalgon> hell yeah, dont mind me im here ill just be slow typing
[08:31:24] <Kalgon> rolling a joint lol
[08:31:29] <Twi> interesting
[08:32:13] <Twi> oop
[08:32:20] <Kalgon> still landed
[08:34:20] <Twi> hop on
[08:34:27] <Twi> uwu
[08:34:48] <Twi> oh boi
[08:34:48] <Kalgon> wtf
[08:34:53] <Kalgon> finally
[08:35:08] <Kalgon> didnt know we could buy these
[08:35:16] <Twi> 10m and they are yours lol
[08:38:52] <Kalgon> oops tabbed lol
[08:38:55] <Twi> oop
[08:38:55] <Kalgon> forgot you cant do that here
[08:38:57] <Twi> Im at your house
[08:39:17] <Kalgon> Sounds like lol
[08:39:20] <Twi> hahaa
[08:39:38] <Twi> where should we park it
[08:39:58] <Kalgon> Right by the patriot?
[08:40:36] <Kalgon> Beautiful
[08:41:04] <Kalgon> fits so perfectly in the spot
[08:41:09] <Twi> hah lol
[08:41:12] <Kalgon> god that makes the OCD feel nice
[08:41:20] <Twi> :D
[08:41:30] <Kalgon> now THIS is a parking lot
[08:42:03] <Kalgon> Actually slide the Elegy to this side and I'll put the LVPD by the tank
[08:42:10] <Twi> I'm thinking bout
[08:42:15] <Twi> getting the fbi rancer
[08:42:18] <Twi> rancher
[08:42:28] <Twi> or the police ranger
[08:42:56] <Twi> where
[08:43:01] <Kalgon> either open spot on this side
[08:43:14] <Twi> how about here
[08:43:29] <Kalgon> I wish that was a stall
[08:43:34] <Kalgon> but it will work
[08:43:50] <Twi> here?
[08:43:52] <Kalgon> that works
[08:43:57] <Twi> sweet
[08:44:10] <Kalgon> this is so nice
[08:44:25] <Twi> sweet
[08:44:53] <Twi> I remember
[08:44:58] <Twi> I bought like 5 coaches
[08:45:03] <Twi> to block the entrance for my house lol
[08:45:24] <Kalgon> haha not a fan of the coach but I got that for Mustache
[08:45:31] <Kalgon> he collects them so I wanted one in his honor
[08:45:36] <Twi> aww
[08:45:47] <Twi> I'ma gonna see the stuff whats left
[08:45:49] <Twi> wanna come?
[08:45:52] <Kalgon> sure
[08:46:25] <Kalgon> it looks crazy on the minimap even
[08:46:27] <Twi> haha
[08:46:30] <Kalgon> just grey triangles lmao
[08:47:28] <Kalgon> this would be a hell of a parking lot to fill
[08:47:33] <Twi> yeah lol
[08:47:36] <Twi> I have like
[08:47:44] <Twi> big ass parkings
[08:47:46] <Twi> and I had them all filled
[08:48:27] <Kalgon> damn how many ATs you got? lol
[08:48:35] <Twi> idk like 7 or 9 lol
[08:48:35] <Kalgon> I cant land those things to save my life
[08:48:47] <Kalgon> stalling helps but still have a hard time
[08:48:50] <Twi> lmaoo
[08:49:05] <Kalgon> another really nice spot
[08:49:15] <Kalgon> omfg
[08:49:18] <Kalgon> even nicer
[08:49:18] <Twi> lol
[08:49:23] <Twi> lmaoo
[08:49:25] <Twi> lemme show you the
[08:49:28] <Twi> sf house
[08:49:36] <Twi> dont
[08:49:38] <Kalgon> lmk when to pop out
[08:49:43] <Twi> yeah gotcha
[08:50:49] <Twi> ready
[08:51:07] <Twi> you here?
[08:51:12] <Twi> oh welp
[08:51:33] <Twi> the parking here is crazy
[08:51:38] <Twi> tooo many slots
[08:51:40] <Kalgon> somehow all three of these locations have a LOT of memories for me
[08:51:45] <Twi> haha lol
[08:51:48] <Kalgon> really nice spots
[08:52:03] <Twi> there's one more which is my favourite
[08:52:31] <Twi> lol come here
[08:53:47] <Kalgon> nah bro
[08:53:50] <Kalgon> dont even tell me
[08:53:58] <Twi> lol no
[08:53:58] <Twi> its better
[08:54:20] <Twi> follow
[08:54:51] <Kalgon> oh fuck
[08:54:56] <Twi> lmao
[08:54:56] <Kalgon> got the random TP to blueberry again
[08:55:01] <Twi> sucks
[08:55:06] <Twi> lemme pick u
[08:55:09] <Kalgon> Is that a common issue?
[08:55:14] <Twi> mhm not really
[08:55:16] <Kalgon> ive had it a lot but only recently
[08:55:42] <Twi> welp
[08:55:47] <Twi> clock works fine?
[08:55:57] <Kalgon> yeah
[08:56:17] <Twi> punch
[08:56:25] <Kalgon> oh shit
[08:56:25] <Twi> dont press
[08:56:28] <Twi> F to get out
[08:56:30] <Twi> only press S
[08:56:30] <Twi> okay?
[08:56:35] <Kalgon> s to get out?
[08:56:38] <Twi> F will make you crash
[08:56:40] <Twi> yeah S to get out
[08:56:45] <Kalgon> gotcha
[08:57:54] <Kalgon> bruh
[08:57:59] <Twi> S onnly
[08:58:25] <Twi> lemme show you the best part
[08:58:25] <Kalgon> actually wild
[08:58:25] <Twi> come
[08:58:40] <Twi> voila
[08:58:42] <Kalgon> niiiice
[08:58:50] <Twi> lmaoo
[08:59:26] <Kalgon> I love the mapping style here too
[08:59:33] <Kalgon> very unique but very distinct
[08:59:33] <Twi> yeah its cool
[09:00:22] <Twi> Press s
[09:00:24] <Kalgon> tactical bail
[09:00:29] <Twi> nah
[09:00:32] <Twi> I want you to
[09:00:34] <Twi> show you the house
[09:00:57] <Twi> what a beauty
[09:01:05] <Kalgon> yooo this one is an OG toooo
[09:01:07] <Twi> yea
[09:01:18] <Kalgon> I might swap my 8 to here tbh
[09:01:20] <Twi> this was my first house
[09:01:23] <Twi> when they unbanned me
[09:01:23] <Kalgon> I still have the 6 at that lot
[09:01:38] <Twi> !assets kalgon
[09:01:38] <Kalgon> or sell the 6 for this
[09:01:41] (WEB) <robin_be> kalgon has 12 car(s) ($7,360,000) and 2 house(s) ($14,500,000 - 14 slots) for a total of $21,860,000
[09:01:46] <Twi> You can buy 3 houses
[09:01:53] <Twi> with vip 2 I think
[09:01:56] <Kalgon> I thought that was dono only?
[09:02:01] <Kalgon> oh ye
[09:02:03] <Twi> yeah ^
[09:02:03] <Twi> lol
[09:02:14] <Kalgon> you're right though I might wanna hold off till I get the dono
[09:02:16] <Kalgon> keep all 3
[09:02:19] <Twi> yea
[09:02:31] <Kalgon> I dont want it to get scooped but thats unlikely lol
[09:02:39] <Twi> who knows lol
[09:02:57] <Twi> wouldve kept it for you but 4/4 houses
[09:03:10] <Kalgon> what level gets 4?
[09:03:15] <Twi> I think
[09:03:17] <Twi> Sponsor
[09:03:30] <Kalgon> hm would that one be?
[09:03:38] <Kalgon> I mean $
[09:03:53] <Twi> wait
[09:03:58] <Twi> 0-4 is $30
[09:04:06] <Twi> 0-3 is $20
[09:04:13] <Kalgon> pft easy
[09:04:13] <Twi> 0-2 is $10
[09:04:23] <Twi> 0-1 is $5
[09:04:39] <Kalgon> some servers want fuckin $15/mo for basic tier vip so thats nothing
[09:04:49] <Twi> yeah lol
[09:05:19] <Twi> I remeber
[09:05:22] <Kalgon> I just gotta find a way to tell the wife we're spending money on samp in 2023
[09:05:27] <Twi> I bought like vip 1 for 10m
[09:05:35] <Twi> lmaoo
[09:05:40] <Twi> Tell her
[09:05:47] <Twi> you bought
[09:05:47] <Twi> something
[09:06:25] <Kalgon> im kidding mostly, shes actually really chill about that
[09:06:38] <Kalgon> im more the one who doesnt like spending money and she's like, "Treat yourself"
[09:06:41] <Twi> uwu
[09:06:46] <Twi> oh boi
[09:08:20] <Twi> tho you can find
[09:08:22] <Twi> someone to donate for you
[09:08:30] <Twi> by paying them ing cash
[09:09:03] <Twi> I like the parking for this one
[09:10:22] <Kalgon> this opne nice
[09:15:27] <Twi> uwu
[09:15:35] <Kalgon> sorry thye wife needed sth on our rs server lol
[09:15:53] <Twi> what
[09:16:08] <Twi> what's an rs server
[09:16:11] <Kalgon> me and her run a runescape server and she needed help with somehting
[09:16:16] <Twi> ohh cool
[09:16:46] <Kalgon> probably gonna hop on there for a bit and unwind before bed
[09:16:51] <Twi> alright
[09:16:51] <Twi> have fun1
[09:16:54] <Kalgon> I'll catch you around, thanks for using the parking
[09:16:54] <Twi> fun!
[09:17:01] <-- Kalgon disconnected from the server
[10:40:44] --> SEHAN connected to the server
[10:40:57] <Twi> wb
[10:41:09] <SEHAN> ty
[10:41:35] <Twi> <3
[10:46:53] <-- SEHAN disconnected from the server
[10:47:16] <Twi> sad
[11:34:15] --> SEHAN connected to the server
[11:35:19] <Twi> wb
[11:48:15] <-- SEHAN disconnected from the server
[12:11:25] <Twi> c
[12:11:45] <Twi> mc
[13:30:54] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[14:27:23] --> SEHAN connected to the server
[14:40:32] <SEHAN>
[14:40:37] <SEHAN>
[14:43:46] <-- SEHAN disconnected from the server
[14:48:51] --> SEHAN connected to the server
[15:01:06] --> jowo connected to the server
[15:01:47] <jowo> hi
[15:01:55] <SEHAN> hi
[15:09:33] --> Twi connected to the server
[15:15:47] <-- SEHAN disconnected from the server
[15:20:29] <-- jowo disconnected from the server
[16:33:46] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[16:42:46] --> Willz. connected to the server
[16:44:35] --> JakeEP connected to the server
[16:45:29] <-- JakeEP disconnected from the server
[17:00:57] --> Twi connected to the server
[17:02:54] <Twi> sex
[17:04:11] <Twi> rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[17:06:36] <-- Twi disconnected from the server
[17:13:48] <-- Willz. disconnected from the server
[18:15:23] --> Stan958 connected to the server
[18:15:33] <-- Stan958 disconnected from the server
[19:21:12] --> Honeyfluff connected to the server
[19:48:03] <-- Honeyfluff disconnected from the server
[19:48:26] --> Honeyfluff connected to the server
[19:56:47] --> Lenz connected to the server
[19:58:44] <-- Honeyfluff disconnected from the server
[20:20:45] --> Jacob connected to the server
[20:20:58] <Lenz> hey there
[20:21:18] <Jacob> gg
[20:21:28] <Lenz> oh sweet
[20:21:33] <Jacob> !cash lenz
[20:21:36] (WEB) <robin_be> lenz has $3,707,681 in hand
[20:39:07] <-- Jacob disconnected from the server
[21:55:47] <-- Lenz disconnected from the server
[22:05:40] --> k8alfa connected to the server
[22:06:08] <-- k8alfa disconnected from the server
[22:42:24] --> Harket connected to the server
[22:45:42] <-- Harket disconnected from the server
[23:17:28] --> Harket_ connected to the server
[23:46:48] <-- Harket_ disconnected from the server