
[00:52:13] --> valdeco connected to the server
[00:53:17] --> KathrynJaneway connected to the server
[00:53:24] <KathrynJaneway> Capitain on the bridge
[00:53:37] <valdeco> oxe
[00:53:50] <KathrynJaneway> hora de voar
[00:54:13] <valdeco> vou atrás do pacote perdedo
[00:54:20] <KathrynJaneway> paga bem?
[00:54:26] <valdeco> quero testar isso.
[00:54:46] <KathrynJaneway> peguei um aviao com 35 de comb
[00:54:48] <KathrynJaneway> nem vi, vacilo
[00:54:53] <valdeco> f
[00:55:49] <KathrynJaneway> tenho 5kk de patrimonio
[00:56:12] <valdeco> mt dinheiro
[00:56:23] <valdeco> Não aparece os metros do pacote agora clown
[00:56:23] <KathrynJaneway> eu acho que nao lembro da senha do banco
[00:56:28] <KathrynJaneway> isso é um problema? kk
[00:56:35] <valdeco> É
[00:56:45] <KathrynJaneway> F
[00:57:21] <valdeco> PC Siqueira é encontrado morto dentro de apartamento em SP
[00:57:26] <KathrynJaneway> Q?
[00:57:36] <valdeco> morreu
[00:57:39] <KathrynJaneway> serio?
[00:57:42] <valdeco> sim
[00:57:44] <KathrynJaneway> tava vendo skylab no twitter
[00:57:47] <KathrynJaneway> trendtopics
[00:57:54] <KathrynJaneway> ele foi no segundo episodio do pc
[00:58:02] <KathrynJaneway> do podcast dele
[00:58:07] <KathrynJaneway> krl
[00:58:58] <valdeco> oxe, cade essa carga
[01:00:01] <KathrynJaneway> pousei com 9 de comb
[01:00:04] <KathrynJaneway> SOU LINDO
[01:00:06] <valdeco> stonks
[01:00:09] <valdeco> 1.9kk
[01:02:09] <KathrynJaneway> 6352m longe da carga
[01:02:11] <valdeco> 355m
[01:03:25] <KathrynJaneway> quase arrastei pra cima
[01:03:40] <KathrynJaneway> pouso em palomino creek
[01:04:03] <valdeco> 33m
[01:04:16] <KathrynJaneway> que pista safada
[01:05:01] <KathrynJaneway> USS
[01:05:07] <KathrynJaneway> USS Roddenberry
[01:05:12] <valdeco> achei
[01:05:14] <KathrynJaneway> esse é um trocadilho com meu nick
[01:05:22] <valdeco> 22k '-'
[01:05:22] <KathrynJaneway> 22k
[01:05:42] <KathrynJaneway> 20k de distancia
[01:05:47] <KathrynJaneway> que ironia
[01:05:50] <KathrynJaneway> kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:05:52] <valdeco> kk
[01:06:05] <KathrynJaneway> literalmente indo onde nenhum homem ja mais esteve
[01:06:46] <valdeco> /preferences
[01:07:11] <-- valdeco disconnected from the server
[01:07:59] --> valdeco connected to the server
[01:09:06] <valdeco> se tu segura espaço da warning nada haver de abastecimento kkk
[01:09:08] <KathrynJaneway> pqp satisfacao caiu pra 69
[01:09:13] <KathrynJaneway> perdi 400ft de altura
[01:09:18] <KathrynJaneway> kkk
[01:09:28] <valdeco> porra
[01:09:28] <KathrynJaneway> fui ver celular acelerando o aviao
[01:09:36] <KathrynJaneway> 400ft é um mergulho de leve
[01:09:39] <KathrynJaneway> nem deu nada
[01:09:44] <valdeco> esqueci dos passageiros
[01:09:49] <KathrynJaneway> kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:09:59] <valdeco> comi merda
[01:10:02] <KathrynJaneway> tripulação preparar para pouso
[01:10:09] <KathrynJaneway> destino: uss roddenberry
[01:10:55] <KathrynJaneway> caralho
[01:11:00] <KathrynJaneway> o trem é uma nave de star trek
[01:11:05] <valdeco> nerd pira
[01:11:18] <KathrynJaneway> por isso n achei uma vez
[01:11:23] <KathrynJaneway> n tava no nivel do mar
[01:12:22] <valdeco> Longyearbyen Island
[01:13:28] <valdeco> Tinha saido de Palomino também lol
[01:14:06] <valdeco> /setcallsign brazil
[01:14:44] <KathrynJaneway> meu call sign é ussvoyager
[01:14:47] <KathrynJaneway> kkkkkkkk
[01:14:49] <valdeco> wtf kkkkkkkkk
[01:14:59] <KathrynJaneway> te mandei no wpp o print
[01:15:02] <KathrynJaneway> olha que doidera
[01:15:58] <valdeco> caralho
[01:16:11] <KathrynJaneway> fizeram uma nave no ceu kkk
[01:16:11] <valdeco> monte no meio do mar
[01:17:37] <KathrynJaneway> to indo pro aero de vinewood
[01:17:58] <valdeco> Estou indo para Gillespie
[01:18:41] <KathrynJaneway> doidera
[01:18:51] <KathrynJaneway> DEFLAÇÃO
[01:19:11] <valdeco> próximo update fuel é 50 +4 per litre
[01:19:14] <KathrynJaneway> o ultimo video dele era falando do termino do namoro
[01:19:16] <KathrynJaneway> pesado
[01:19:22] <valdeco> Porque per litre, parece frances
[01:19:27] <KathrynJaneway> mas acho que foi a treta do skylab que fez ele se churrascar
[01:19:32] <KathrynJaneway> pq ligou ele a pedofilia dnv
[01:19:34] <KathrynJaneway> ai deu merda
[01:19:39] <KathrynJaneway> RIP pc siqueira
[01:19:50] <valdeco> foi atrás da parada bicho?
[01:19:52] <KathrynJaneway> s
[01:19:57] <valdeco> Bagulho não afeta minha vida eu só cago
[01:20:00] <KathrynJaneway> eu tava vendo a treta do skylab hoje
[01:20:05] <KathrynJaneway> e era sobre pedo
[01:20:07] <valdeco> por isso fica doido ai
[01:20:10] <KathrynJaneway> e ele ter ido no podcast do pcsiqueira
[01:20:25] <KathrynJaneway> eu ja recebi alta do psicologo
[01:20:28] <KathrynJaneway> ja resolvi meus bo
[01:20:35] <valdeco> Pra volta é 2 palitos.
[01:20:38] <KathrynJaneway> nada me derruba mais
[01:20:38] <KathrynJaneway> #fe
[01:20:40] <valdeco> ata
[01:20:51] <valdeco> sou ronaldinho gaucho agora
[01:22:10] <valdeco> nao chego no 1kk logo
[01:22:38] <KathrynJaneway> 1,04kk
[01:23:52] <valdeco> to vendo nada fi
[01:24:20] <valdeco> cai na água
[01:24:25] <KathrynJaneway> kk
[01:24:30] <KathrynJaneway> /respawn
[01:24:40] <KathrynJaneway> viu sua inbox?
[01:24:53] <valdeco> humilde
[01:24:58] <valdeco> agora tenho 1kk
[01:25:08] <KathrynJaneway> ja pode financiar a casa
[01:25:08] <valdeco> gracias
[01:25:26] <valdeco> nem tenho level
[01:25:33] <KathrynJaneway> entao vai trabalhar vagabo
[01:25:38] <KathrynJaneway> kk
[01:26:27] <-- valdeco disconnected from the server
[01:26:42] --> valdeco connected to the server
[01:27:05] <valdeco> depressao
[01:27:23] <KathrynJaneway> queria estar amando
[01:27:28] <valdeco> kkkkkkkkk la vem
[01:27:36] <KathrynJaneway> mas estou aqui POUSANDO
[01:28:01] <KathrynJaneway> 1+
[01:28:29] <valdeco> Eu vou quitar, tarde já.
[01:28:34] <KathrynJaneway> vou fazer só mais essa
[01:28:44] <KathrynJaneway> 10k de dist
[01:28:52] <valdeco> nossa preciso ir para sf to em ls kkk
[01:29:00] <KathrynJaneway> fui taxado
[01:29:02] <KathrynJaneway> maldito governo
[01:29:05] <KathrynJaneway> imposto é roubo
[01:29:05] <valdeco> f
[01:29:12] <KathrynJaneway> -384
[01:29:17] <valdeco> faz o l
[01:29:22] <KathrynJaneway> fazuelly
[01:29:33] <KathrynJaneway> os gringo lendo o chat
[01:29:35] <KathrynJaneway> deve achar que somos animais
[01:29:40] <KathrynJaneway> huehuhuebr
[01:29:48] <valdeco> deve entender nada
[01:30:36] <KathrynJaneway> conheci uma msol esses dias
[01:30:41] <KathrynJaneway> devo investir?
[01:30:44] <valdeco> msol?
[01:30:49] <KathrynJaneway> mãe solteira
[01:30:52] <KathrynJaneway> de 4 meses
[01:30:54] <KathrynJaneway> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:30:57] <valdeco> qual sua pira nisso?
[01:31:02] <valdeco> é mais fácil de pegar? kekw
[01:31:04] <KathrynJaneway> sabia que seria julgado
[01:31:12] <KathrynJaneway> eu só descobri dps uai
[01:31:14] <KathrynJaneway> nao veio na testa
[01:31:17] <KathrynJaneway> kkkkkkkkkk
[01:31:25] <KathrynJaneway> dps ela mandou ft
[01:31:30] <valdeco> eu dobro e passo pra outro
[01:31:35] <KathrynJaneway> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[01:31:40] <KathrynJaneway> to pensando justamente nisso
[01:31:58] <KathrynJaneway> ja me livrei
[01:32:00] <valdeco> nada contra, mulher com filho
[01:32:00] <KathrynJaneway> morri
[01:32:05] <KathrynJaneway> de uma no passado
[01:32:08] <KathrynJaneway> e correr esse risco dnv
[01:32:16] <KathrynJaneway> me fudi, cai no mar
[01:32:21] <KathrynJaneway> t /q
[01:32:21] <valdeco> kkkk
[01:32:21] <-- KathrynJaneway disconnected from the server
[01:33:24] <-- valdeco disconnected from the server
[03:06:18] --> MrBoka connected to the server
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[03:07:22] --> Joe_poo connected to the server
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[05:06:20] --> misiio_br connected to the server
[05:06:23] <-- misiio_br disconnected from the server
[05:36:29] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[06:04:20] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[06:08:36] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[06:12:46] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[06:13:14] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[06:36:04] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[06:45:26] (WEB) <ELF#0> yayy
[07:40:37] --> Kalgon connected to the server
[07:43:45] (WEB) <ELF#0> omgg
[07:43:55] (WEB) <ELF#0> hi
[07:44:05] <Kalgon> yo yo gotta make 1m real quick to save my house lol
[07:44:10] <Kalgon> didnt think it'd been 2 weeks
[07:44:23] --> Elf connected to the server
[07:44:38] <Elf> huii
[07:45:01] <Kalgon> oh ez I have bank balance
[07:45:06] <Elf> Im twi
[07:45:16] <Kalgon> figured by the title, wassup
[07:45:22] <Elf> Interesting
[07:45:29] <Elf> you can use
[07:45:34] <Elf> /balance
[07:45:44] <Elf> gz
[07:45:49] <Elf> you lost your house?
[07:45:52] <Kalgon> I must've mistyped it lol
[07:45:52] <Kalgon> yeah
[07:45:57] <Elf> F
[07:46:02] <Kalgon> Didn't know it had christmas mapping
[07:46:07] <Elf> christmas decor
[07:46:10] <Kalgon> looks sick
[07:46:10] <Elf> cool
[07:46:28] <Elf> /messages for the lost money
[07:46:38] <Kalgon> ye I got most of it back I was just 1m shy
[07:46:45] <Kalgon> then remembered I had 11m in bank
[07:46:45] <Elf> yep
[07:46:48] <Elf> 25#
[07:46:53] <Elf> of original value
[07:47:13] <Elf> where have you been
[07:47:13] <Kalgon> works for me, I got it back haha
[07:47:21] <Kalgon> busy af at work
[07:47:24] <Elf> damn
[07:47:31] <Elf> we're having events soon I guess
[07:47:31] <Kalgon> you have a good holiday?
[07:47:34] <Elf> yessir
[07:47:36] <Elf> what about youw
[07:47:41] <Kalgon> sure did
[07:47:44] <Elf> Great!
[07:47:57] <Elf> test
[07:52:06] <Kalgon> :chad:
[07:52:11] <Elf> uwuw
[07:52:16] <Kalgon> You, too are a chat, Mr. Elf.
[07:52:21] <Elf> awww ty
[07:52:31] <Elf> in tate brothers we rest
[07:52:44] <Kalgon> Romania can't stop us
[07:52:49] <Elf> yes fuck romania
[07:53:20] <Kalgon> you wanna hit a quick truck run so we can dominate this AOTD/COTD real quick?
[07:54:05] <Elf> sure sir
[07:54:15] <Kalgon> or were you already ahead of me there? lol
[07:54:21] <Elf> ;o9c
[07:54:26] <Elf> nah lol
[07:56:20] <Elf> snw
[07:56:48] <Elf> done woop woop
[07:57:01] <Kalgon> ez, I did a bunch of hydra already so gg
[07:57:06] <Elf> Great
[07:57:13] <Elf> !player MrXecutioneRss
[07:57:16] (WEB) <robin_be> player MrXecutioneRss: 196 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[07:57:24] <Kalgon> now just to wait for the new day and then off to bed
[07:57:29] <Elf> yayy
[08:00:42] <Elf> damnn
[08:00:55] <Kalgon> ?
[08:01:05] <Elf> time is slow
[08:01:15] <Kalgon> lol fr
[08:01:25] <Elf> :C
[08:01:25] <Kalgon> getting long flights luckily
[08:01:35] <Elf> well thats better
[08:01:56] <Kalgon> love the long ones
[08:02:06] <Elf> yessir
[08:02:08] <Kalgon> speaking of, Black Mesa.. Jackpot
[08:02:11] <Elf> :D
[08:02:59] <Kalgon> Any news on plv besides copyright might be an issue?
[08:03:07] <Elf> nah nothing
[08:03:15] <Elf> crystal is busy i think
[08:03:35] <Elf> also
[08:03:48] <Kalgon> if a public beta drops and I miss it, pls tag me
[08:03:55] <Elf> there is an xmas event rn
[08:04:13] <Kalgon> I saw a bit about it on discord but didnt read it fully yet
[08:04:33] <Elf> you have to find
[08:04:36] <Elf> torches
[08:04:49] <Elf> givess you monster truck
[08:04:56] <Elf> I can help you find em
[08:04:56] <Kalgon> like scattered over the map or in a certain zone?
[08:05:06] <Elf> mostly in a certain toz
[08:05:09] <Elf> zone
[08:05:17] <Elf> /event
[08:05:24] <Kalgon> I'll probably be on tomorrow, tired as hell tonight
[08:05:29] <Elf> sure thing
[08:05:32] <Kalgon> just zoning out waiting on the day change lol
[08:05:34] <Elf> :D
[08:05:40] <Elf> yeah its taking forever
[08:05:40] <Kalgon> but i'd be hella down to run the event stuff
[08:08:04] <Kalgon> beats grinding 1m to save my house before I log though. 3 more minutes
[08:08:22] <Kalgon> I was worried until I remembered my bank lmao
[08:10:22] <Elf> oooooof
[08:10:32] <Elf> haha lol
[08:11:18] <Kalgon> nicet/snw
[08:12:54] <Kalgon> hagn
[08:13:04] <-- Kalgon disconnected from the server
[08:13:38] <Elf> well
[08:13:43] <Elf> Good night kalgon
[08:13:48] <-- Elf disconnected from the server
[08:53:38] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[09:08:28] --> Elf connected to the server
[09:08:49] <Nati_Mage> hi
[09:09:09] <Elf> hiii
[09:09:32] <Elf> supp
[09:23:08] --> ciaoarmy connected to the server
[09:23:49] <Nati_Mage> wb
[09:23:57] <ciaoarmy> hi
[09:25:41] <Elf> hiii
[09:28:14] <Elf> F
[09:28:16] <Elf> xdddd
[09:28:16] <ciaoarmy> F
[09:28:24] <Elf> /respawn
[09:28:44] <Nati_Mage> bb
[09:28:44] <ciaoarmy> how to respawn in a specific location?
[09:28:49] <-- Nati_Mage disconnected from the server
[09:28:52] <Elf> ummm
[09:28:57] <Elf> like what
[09:29:02] <Elf> use /p > spawn prefrence
[09:29:27] <Elf> also
[09:29:43] <Elf> /airlines > Inverted airlines > submit application
[09:31:55] <Elf> :OOO
[09:32:23] <-- Elf disconnected from the server
[09:32:23] <ciaoarmy> i submit an application
[09:32:41] --> Elf connected to the server
[09:33:03] <-- Elf disconnected from the server
[09:34:22] (WEB) <ELF#0> fucking vpn
[09:34:45] --> MrXecutioneRSs connected to the server
[09:34:45] --> Elf connected to the server
[09:34:45] <-- MrXecutioneRSs disconnected from the server
[09:34:55] <Elf> test
[09:35:44] --> Belial_Desalyn connected to the server
[09:37:36] <Elf> Welcome Belial Desalyn
[09:37:51] <Belial_Desalyn> welcome
[09:38:27] <ciaoarmy> hi
[09:38:27] <Belial_Desalyn> cia it's me mrxecutione
[09:38:39] <Elf> hey
[09:38:47] <Elf> it's not allowed to have 2 accounts
[09:38:57] <Elf> I advise you to only have 1 account
[09:39:02] <ciaoarmy> hi mr
[09:39:25] <Belial_Desalyn> account askþng for verification
[09:39:58] <Elf> Are you in discord?
[09:40:01] <Belial_Desalyn> yep
[09:40:03] <Elf> well, only if I was a Jr mod
[09:40:08] <Elf> Whats your discord username
[09:40:39] <Belial_Desalyn> Discord Name Enes
[09:40:49] <Elf> Alright
[09:40:59] <Belial_Desalyn> MrXecutioneRSs verification
[09:44:38] <Belial_Desalyn> This account has been banned a long time ago. It's been 7 years.
[09:44:53] <Belial_Desalyn> 3 year banned
[09:46:22] <Elf> pro
[09:46:27] <Elf> aaaaaaaaaaaa
[09:50:01] <Belial_Desalyn> all accounts reset no money xD
[09:51:19] <Belial_Desalyn> but the other one has it
[09:52:28] <Belial_Desalyn> Will it open today?
[09:52:36] <Belial_Desalyn> MrXecutioneRSs accounts
[10:06:30] <-- ciaoarmy disconnected from the server
[10:07:28] <-- Belial_Desalyn disconnected from the server
[10:08:34] --> MrXecutioneRSs connected to the server
[10:08:37] <-- MrXecutioneRSs disconnected from the server
[10:09:12] --> Belial_Desalyn connected to the server
[10:09:48] <Elf> how did you
[10:09:53] <Elf> verify your discord account belial?
[10:09:58] <Elf> Using /verify ?
[10:10:06] <Belial_Desalyn> MrXecutioneRSs
[10:10:13] <Elf> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[10:10:24] <Elf> come to discord
[10:10:26] <Belial_Desalyn> ok
[10:28:17] <-- Belial_Desalyn disconnected from the server
[10:28:43] --> Belial_Desalyn connected to the server
[10:28:48] <Elf> wb
[10:28:56] <Belial_Desalyn> crash
[10:28:58] <Belial_Desalyn> xD
[10:31:03] <Belial_Desalyn> I wonder if it was opened or that's why she threw it
[10:35:07] <Belial_Desalyn> elf are you here
[10:40:40] <-- Elf disconnected from the server
[10:41:47] <-- Belial_Desalyn disconnected from the server
[11:04:24] --> MrXecutioneRSs connected to the server
[11:04:24] <-- MrXecutioneRSs disconnected from the server
[11:11:52] --> kiskiralylany connected to the server
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[11:34:19] --> Cpt.Price connected to the server
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[16:01:22] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[16:08:07] --> Roardle connected to the server
[16:11:35] <Nati_Mage> /sendmessage
[16:13:17] <-- Roardle disconnected from the server
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[16:35:56] --> MrXecutioneRSs connected to the server
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[17:29:13] --> Nati_Mage connected to the server
[17:35:34] --> CaptainDeath connected to the server
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[17:57:45] <-- CaptainDeath disconnected from the server
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[18:39:24] --> Dzokagiven_Estate connected to the server
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[18:49:45] --> Vicente_Estate connected to the server
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[18:59:36] --> Vicente_Estate connected to the server
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[20:21:57] --> MrXecutioneRSs connected to the server
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[21:58:44] --> Honeyfluff connected to the server
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