< #pl.echo-2020-05-17.html
[00:00:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: .fix
[00:01:42] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: andres3936
[00:03:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: TheTrucker963
[00:03:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: afl
[00:04:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fucking coal mines
[00:04:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: gz
[00:04:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thanks
[00:04:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: gz
[00:04:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: gz
[00:04:56] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[00:04:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thanks
[00:05:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Gz DIPA!!
[00:05:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wb
[00:05:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[00:05:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: oi santi
[00:05:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: hi
[00:05:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[00:05:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: wb santi
[00:06:10] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[00:06:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: f
[00:06:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Martin123#2533: all that money made me crash
[00:06:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cash Santiago
[00:06:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Santiago has $2,308,621 in hand
[00:06:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: eh
[00:06:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[00:06:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: so 2.3m made u crash?
[00:07:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i fucked up at the easiest part in nevada license
[00:07:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: kudos to me
[00:07:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: kurwa
[00:07:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: genius
[00:07:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: !license
[00:07:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i deserve that role
[00:07:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: someone gimme -3.2b
[00:07:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wb
[00:07:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ha
[00:07:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Santi can you gimme -3.2b?
[00:07:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: I should have charged more for that map
[00:07:57] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[00:08:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: no
[00:08:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: Santi, move that map to a good location
[00:08:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: crystal can tho
[00:08:10] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[00:08:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wth
[00:08:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: I promose you another 2m
[00:08:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: you wanted it there
[00:08:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: yeah ik
[00:08:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Why am i reconnecting'
[00:08:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: but that house kinda swallowed up by that ridge
[00:08:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: who is this
[00:08:40] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: RayAnn
[00:08:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: why you all asking to move the map once I finish it
[00:08:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: can you do that?
[00:08:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: lmfao
[00:08:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: The fact is no one's getting custom houses till June
[00:08:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wot
[00:09:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: What?!
[00:09:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: jokes on you
[00:09:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Oh nvm im poor
[00:09:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: no
[00:09:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I don't have money to buy a custom house
[00:09:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: .
[00:09:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] RayAnn: santi, reset my pass on Jdt ty
[00:09:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: ok
[00:09:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Jd
[00:09:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: t
[00:09:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: i love u
[00:09:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wow i need to send 1m to Kebabfucker too
[00:09:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: you son of a bitch
[00:09:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: kebabfucker? ahhahaa
[00:09:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: he challenged me if i fail 3times in nevada
[00:10:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: don't tell him
[00:10:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: shhh
[00:10:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: no
[00:10:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: scem
[00:10:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i'm indian
[00:10:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: but no
[00:10:19] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: RayAnn
[00:10:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lol
[00:10:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you're a disgrace in business world
[00:10:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: boo
[00:10:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i have dignity
[00:10:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oh no you don't
[00:10:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: nobody here has dignity
[00:10:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars
[00:10:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: how do i send money to offline player again?
[00:10:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X] has: Buffalo Stretch RC Bandit Seasparrow RC Baron Sultan AT-400 AT-400 AT-400 RC Cam
[00:10:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: I do
[00:10:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: /sendmessage?
[00:10:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: /sendmessage
[00:10:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: /messages
[00:10:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: ah
[00:10:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: !player KebabDefender
[00:11:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player KebabDefender: 10308 score, last seen 6 Hours Ago
[00:11:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: imagine i write Kebabfucker instead of defender in the message
[00:11:13] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Jdt
[00:11:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: 2b
[00:11:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: wb
[00:11:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb noob
[00:11:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: hi
[00:11:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[00:11:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: me too
[00:11:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: u seriously busted 10k on that /ad for that?
[00:11:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ye
[00:11:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: if he already sold it
[00:11:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: :v
[00:11:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: u rich fuck >:(
[00:12:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: It's good if He's rich
[00:12:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: golddigger?
[00:12:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: wb both
[00:13:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Ohh its jdt
[00:14:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ^^^^
[00:15:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CaoMishma
[00:15:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: ty
[00:16:16] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: HardStone
[00:16:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb crystal
[00:16:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: wb
[00:16:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[00:16:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Ayy crystal
[00:16:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Crystal: ayo
[00:16:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: sup bro
[00:16:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: crysta'ls here to promote Jdt
[00:17:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: no
[00:17:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Crystal: lmao no
[00:17:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: jdt 4 header admin
[00:17:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: new rank
[00:17:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Crystal: head player
[00:17:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: chief forklift chemist
[00:17:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: PL helper
[00:17:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: okay can I be a head player?
[00:17:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: head dick
[00:17:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Can i be a helper?
[00:17:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: head dick's good for me
[00:17:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: sweet
[00:17:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: twi guess what
[00:17:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: can i kill myself?
[00:18:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: speak jdt
[00:18:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: this is why i should never be allowed db access
[00:18:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: no one wants your opinion jdt :)
[00:18:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: so shhhhhh
[00:18:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: 4mil
[00:18:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Hai
[00:19:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Hello
[00:22:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: woah admin chat's on fire
[00:22:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: is ioann on server???
[00:22:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Nein
[00:22:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: nyet
[00:22:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: ok, thanks
[00:22:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: he isn't rn, he was here a while ago
[00:23:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i wanted to talk him about russian music
[00:23:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Ok
[00:23:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: Ok.
[00:23:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: hey, what about russian music?
[00:23:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: are u russian i guess? :d
[00:23:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: yep
[00:23:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: listen to kino gruppa krovi
[00:24:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: what genre you listen
[00:24:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !assets Jdt
[00:24:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Jdt has 2 car(s) ($505,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $505,000
[00:24:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars Jdt
[00:24:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: lots of
[00:24:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars Jdt
[00:24:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Jdt has: Stafford Club
[00:24:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: I listened to Mykka or mukka
[00:24:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: you know it?
[00:24:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: not my favourite musician
[00:25:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: not? ok, loqiemean
[00:25:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: good music, but stupid lirycs
[00:25:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: How about German Dmitriev?
[00:25:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: loqiemean never heard of
[00:25:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: He is a good russian violinist
[00:25:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i know also from rap boulevard depo, pharaoh, face is shit i think
[00:26:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: loqiemean is between rock and rap
[00:26:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: he's really good check him but idk lyrics
[00:26:23] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: mohsin_khan
[00:26:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Crystal: why can no uber eats driver find my place smh
[00:26:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i translate a lot of lyrics, i know how to read in english
[00:26:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: doesn't listen a lot of rap, but boulevard is good
[00:26:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: because you live in a tree house
[00:26:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: in russian* i mean
[00:26:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: i thought america was meant to be all grid based
[00:26:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: bc you live in hill billy land
[00:27:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: try listen to ILWT - my favourite band
[00:27:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: like rap/ballads
[00:27:42] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[00:27:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[00:27:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: wb
[00:27:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: you know ???
[00:28:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: ty
[00:28:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: they are very famous in Europe
[00:28:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: serious? i didn't realised that, also big baby tape i like because of flow
[00:28:48] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Crystal
[00:28:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: ive got just ??? signs
[00:29:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: band is called we
[00:29:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: a beautiful girl and a boy
[00:29:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: i can't listen to russian rap, because of lyrics. most of them is shit
[00:29:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: cool rapper is oxxymyron
[00:30:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: albanian rap best
[00:30:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i heard about him
[00:30:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: old school rap
[00:30:27] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: [CCF]Cpt.Voxel[FA]
[00:30:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: music and videos - super great, and really smart text
[00:31:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i cant learn russian because of vocabulary so hard
[00:31:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: yeah, lots of synonyms and stuff
[00:31:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i like gorod pod podoshvoi
[00:31:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: cool track
[00:32:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: sektor gaza XD
[00:32:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: also feat with B2 (��2) - pora vozvrashatsa domoy
[00:32:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: sektor - classic) good old times
[00:32:47] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[00:33:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: yea lirika best song from them
[00:33:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: thats my opinion
[00:33:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: krematoriy - like sector
[00:33:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: try them
[00:34:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i'll try
[00:34:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: not bad
[00:34:16] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: andres3936
[00:34:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: you know ic3peak?
[00:34:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: heard of them
[00:34:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: not a fan
[00:34:52] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: eddie_pulaski
[00:35:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !missions trucking
[00:35:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X]: 45 trucking
[00:35:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie_pulaski: !player samisus
[00:35:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player samisus: 100 score, last seen 23 Months Ago
[00:35:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: they sing against russian political system and protest
[00:35:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: yeah i know
[00:35:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie_pulaski: !player samisus13
[00:35:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player samisus13
[00:35:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i mean she sing because that guy i think is director
[00:36:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie_pulaski: !player samisus315
[00:36:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player samisus315: 0 score, last seen 23 Months Ago
[00:36:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie_pulaski: !player samisus3150
[00:36:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player samisus3150
[00:36:12] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: eddie_pulaski
[00:36:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: you like putin?
[00:36:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: did you call an uber?
[00:36:47] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: samisus
[00:37:15] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: samisus
[00:37:28] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[00:37:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: andres3936
[00:38:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: i didnt like politics at all
[00:38:37] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: andres3936
[00:38:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: and dreaming about the day to move to ireland
[00:39:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: hopefully
[00:39:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: damn poor jac
[00:39:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: jack*
[00:39:25] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[00:39:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: poor mine
[00:39:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: whats wrong with weather here?
[00:40:01] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[00:40:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: you can change your weather if u have vip
[00:40:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: get on the party rape admin bus
[00:40:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: admin promotion by force
[00:40:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: doesnt have vip(
[00:40:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: and couldn's see a thing in front of me
[00:41:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: D:
[00:42:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: drink the punch
[00:42:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: wingstop > bdubs
[00:43:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ^
[00:43:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: lies
[00:43:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[00:43:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: y'all are wrong
[00:43:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: clearly uve never had wingstop
[00:43:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: says the man eating bddubs
[00:43:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: chick-fil-a> every other food
[00:43:30] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[00:43:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pedro_Bear
[00:43:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: why do white people love chick fil a so much
[00:43:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: you are white santi
[00:43:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: its really fucking good
[00:43:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: ikr
[00:43:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: he's latino
[00:44:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: their spicy chicken sandwiches are good as hell
[00:44:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: becuase its just as spicy as we like it
[00:44:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: and the people behind the counter are white like us
[00:44:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: you would know, fellow latino
[00:44:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: so its less awkward
[00:44:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: bruh
[00:44:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: im european
[00:44:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: im latino that instantly makes me handly spicy stuff
[00:44:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: handle
[00:44:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: yeah, euyropean hispanic is white
[00:44:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: jk we don't eat spicy food here
[00:44:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: u just be jealous bc my country has sun more than 1 day a year
[00:45:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: uwotm8
[00:45:14] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[00:45:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: damn
[00:45:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: fucking 26
[00:45:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: thats cold
[00:45:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: wow better put sunscreen on innit
[00:45:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: that's far too hot lads
[00:45:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: mate
[00:45:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: use freedom units nerd
[00:45:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: we live in the land of no air conditioning
[00:45:52] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[00:46:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: tbh, my car has great air con
[00:46:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: if you arent careful ill use exclusively kelvin, fuckface
[00:46:18] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: mohsin_khan
[00:46:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: same haha
[00:46:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: pedro call me miley cyrus cuz im coming like a wrecking ball
[00:46:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: well
[00:46:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: it's like being in a fridge kek
[00:46:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: what you driving
[00:46:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: 26k technically is freezing
[00:46:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: a 2007 astra kek
[00:46:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: haha nice
[00:46:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: you fuck
[00:46:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: 100k is still cold
[00:46:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Kelvin is used to measure atom's
[00:46:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: holy shit
[00:47:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: fuck is this the men at work tourbus?
[00:47:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: cause I'm stuffed
[00:47:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: yeah, i just picked kelvin cause lord kelvins from like 3 miles away haha
[00:47:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: look at the party admin rape bus
[00:47:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: crystal get on
[00:47:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: hoe I'm goin to bed
[00:48:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: I've been up for like 30 hours
[00:48:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: its 6:45
[00:48:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wtf it's 8pm
[00:48:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: poos
[00:48:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: join for 10 min
[00:48:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Innalillah
[00:48:20] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: dawg it's hard staying awake rn lmao
[00:48:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: poos?
[00:48:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: posted on other sites
[00:48:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: rip? he got ligma or something
[00:48:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: the brakes on the coach work pretty good
[00:48:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: yeah got it from joe
[00:48:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: momma
[00:49:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: you want to stay awake
[00:49:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: he got an early flight to china
[00:49:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: gage has super AIDs
[00:49:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: he's going to Su Gon Ma
[00:49:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: yeah got it from yuri
[00:49:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: yuri tarted
[00:49:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: he got it from bad chicken
[00:49:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: tarded
[00:49:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: sugonma big nuts
[00:49:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: species covid transfer confirmed
[00:49:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] JohnnyWoods: good night everyone
[00:49:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: ima go play cs:go
[00:49:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: gn
[00:49:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: good night mom
[00:49:44] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JohnnyWoods
[00:49:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: crystal mad gay
[00:50:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: :(
[00:50:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: +1
[00:50:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: he did fuck a man once
[00:50:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: I mean
[00:50:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: a man duh
[00:50:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: post op tranny
[00:50:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: you got me there
[00:50:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: its only gay if her names kenneth
[00:50:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: go dad
[00:50:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: whuuuu
[00:51:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: im so proud that im a gamer girl rath
[00:51:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: damn
[00:52:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: where is mexicanada
[00:52:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: in my asscrack
[00:52:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: damn my csgo crashed
[00:52:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: fag
[00:52:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: come get it papi
[00:52:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: worst than silver 1
[00:52:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: i mean what
[00:52:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Sometimes it's kinda cool erh nothing...
[00:52:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: /report santiago said the f word
[00:52:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Maybe you...
[00:53:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: cereal > milk or milk > cereal
[00:53:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: Milk > Ceral
[00:53:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: cereal*
[00:53:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: cereal and then milk
[00:53:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: is that even an argument
[00:53:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Cereal > water
[00:53:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: >water
[00:53:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: water lmao
[00:53:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: xD
[00:53:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: what kind of black magic is this my csgo crashed agagin
[00:53:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: it's like saying tea > milk or milk > tea
[00:53:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: eww I hate tea
[00:54:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: milk does go first
[00:54:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: The wheat that makes it go first
[00:54:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: csgo becomming gay smh
[00:55:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: whats your rank bro
[00:55:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: csgo in 2020 lmao
[00:55:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: yes you infected them with the gay
[00:55:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: LOL in 2020 lmao
[00:55:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: thats not a sausage roll
[00:55:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: friendship ended with csgl
[00:55:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: csgo*
[00:55:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: being straight in 2020 lol
[00:55:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: now valorant is my best friend
[00:55:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: valorant got boring
[00:55:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: we can play like boys cs source
[00:55:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: look at me im lavija
[00:56:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: pedro you play LOL, you have no taste
[00:56:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: bla bla bla selena gomez
[00:56:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: who is boring
[00:56:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: oh
[00:56:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yes
[00:56:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: d
[00:56:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: you think i play lol because i want to?
[00:56:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: for fun I guess
[00:56:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: it's like doing coke
[00:56:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: kek
[00:56:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: the 12 y/o kid forces you to play
[00:56:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wtf who put this road here
[00:56:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: wow, great mapping here lads
[00:56:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: smh
[00:56:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: i play lol because im addicted get your facts straight
[00:56:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: jack wanna see xan's base
[00:57:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: looks like ill play PL
[00:57:53] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[00:58:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: me too
[00:58:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no
[00:58:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: hahahahaha best funny jokes 2007 arabfunny
[00:58:24] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: RathK
[00:58:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: meh
[00:58:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: fabiaNeL. joined the server
[00:58:54] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: RathK
[00:58:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: they are desert
[00:59:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: dessert?
[00:59:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: tomato is a fruit too
[00:59:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: desssert
[00:59:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: look I added taxi lines
[00:59:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: smh
[00:59:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: even my SP crashes looks like games dont want me
[00:59:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: here is a space for cargo
[01:00:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: game's on her period
[01:00:29] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pedro_Bear
[01:00:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: the game is nonbinary
[01:01:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: pedro drive the party rape admin bus
[01:01:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: i dont have hacks
[01:01:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: dont say that, is 2020 what u say is homophobic
[01:01:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: stan gay
[01:01:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: ~
[01:01:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa:
[01:02:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: this is the worst bus service ever
[01:02:16] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[01:02:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: i wantmy fare back
[01:02:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: if i send there photos i will kill server?
[01:02:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: fukcing finally csgo started
[01:02:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: sorry my hacks license expired
[01:02:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: play mm with me rath
[01:02:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: another qualified driver will take my place
[01:02:51] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[01:02:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: best cheat is osiris for free
[01:03:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I thought you said hacks instead of drivers license
[01:03:14] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Cygnus
[01:03:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i hope i won't get banned for advertising cheats
[01:03:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: you will be banned
[01:03:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Just wait and see.
[01:04:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: why would they care if he is advertising csgo cheats smh
[01:04:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i don't want to see
[01:04:18] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[01:04:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: based
[01:04:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: based and redpilled
[01:04:33] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[01:04:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: so no bus
[01:04:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: you done fucked up
[01:04:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: oh i thought it was gta cheat
[01:04:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: i just looked
[01:04:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: My apologize.
[01:04:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: and shes deffo not hot
[01:05:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: I've got the best pic of selena gomez too
[01:05:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: It makes lav mad every time
[01:05:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: bus went into the 4th dimension
[01:05:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: send to xnxx
[01:05:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: ah yes a modern masterpiece
[01:05:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: is it the topless hudgens pic
[01:05:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: na, it's a zoomed in pic of her ugly mug
[01:05:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: lol
[01:05:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: you on the pl discord eddie?
[01:05:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: I'll send it kek
[01:05:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: yeah
[01:05:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: yes i am
[01:05:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: damn vanessa hudgens
[01:05:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: i want her
[01:06:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: i wake up everyday
[01:06:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: and i cry because i cant have her
[01:06:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: now she is quite hot tbf
[01:06:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: gotta be quick though, he'll delete it rather quickly
[01:06:28] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Naldo
[01:06:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: posted it in general fam
[01:06:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: ayy
[01:06:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: xD
[01:07:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: thank you jdt i already ejaculated 3 times
[01:07:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: pinned
[01:07:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: hahahahaha
[01:07:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: that is most excellent
[01:07:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: 3 times?
[01:07:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: you counting the spasms?
[01:07:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: coomer
[01:07:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: selena has no boobs no personality and mid tier singing skills
[01:08:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: what can she put on the table?
[01:08:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: nothing
[01:08:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: lmfao
[01:08:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: food
[01:08:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: not being fucnny
[01:08:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: she was a teen star
[01:08:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: lmao
[01:08:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: you know what that means?
[01:08:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: no time at the house
[01:08:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: but she looks like her face didnt grow into her head right
[01:08:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: she can't cook
[01:08:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Manners....
[01:08:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Maketh...
[01:08:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Man :)
[01:09:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: you know who else is mid
[01:09:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: You know what that means?
[01:09:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: taylor swift
[01:09:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: ewwwww
[01:09:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: taytays alright
[01:09:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: taylor swift has a camel toe
[01:09:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Then let me teach you a lesson
[01:09:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: she gives opiut good infosec advice on twitter
[01:09:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: ...
[01:09:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: ( Colin firth throws beer glass)
[01:10:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: windowed is so HD
[01:10:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: disable windscreen
[01:10:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: admin without hacks, smh
[01:10:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: widescreen*
[01:10:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: omg windscreen im going to sleep have a good night/day
[01:11:46] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: [CCF]Cpt.Voxel[FA]
[01:12:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[01:12:50] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[01:13:25] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Manish
[01:15:23] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pedro_Bear
[01:16:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: what happened to the admin bus
[01:16:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: its broken lad
[01:16:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: stan gay
[01:17:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: how jdt has 853 scores
[01:17:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: /work
[01:17:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: yes
[01:17:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: he had more
[01:17:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oh nv
[01:17:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Naldo: It wasnt more?
[01:17:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I love playing competitive
[01:17:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: m
[01:17:48] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: schizophrenic
[01:17:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[01:17:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: cargo gives 2 remember
[01:17:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: yes but then I called shannon fat
[01:17:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] schizophrenic: ty
[01:17:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: F
[01:17:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Naldo: I think thats an inside joke
[01:18:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeah man Ik
[01:18:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: get to gold nova and experience those pro wannabes
[01:19:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: hi
[01:19:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Naldo: wb
[01:19:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: hi
[01:20:49] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Manish
[01:21:17] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: RathK
[01:21:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[01:21:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: good boy
[01:21:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ty
[01:23:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Naldo: Relogging
[01:23:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Naldo
[01:23:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: wtf
[01:24:23] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: David_Roi
[01:25:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[01:27:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] schizophrenic: !player KebabDefender
[01:27:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player KebabDefender: 10308 score, last seen 8 Hours Ago
[01:29:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: its 1:30am whoohoo
[01:30:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: 4:30 pm for me
[01:30:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: im gonna miss all classes tomorrow it seems like
[01:30:17] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Twi[X]
[01:34:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: aye, the corsa was 3 and a half grand and I spent another thousand on repairs
[01:36:08] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[01:41:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: nice pro ti
[01:42:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: !player hardstone
[01:42:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player hardstone: 6673 score, last seen 3 Hours Ago
[01:43:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] HardStone#2955: You miss me baby?
[01:43:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: no
[01:44:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] HardStone#2955: ?
[01:44:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: why woul I miss you lol
[01:44:20] <@Anna^> [WEB] HardStone#2955: Lavija dont check general chat?
[01:44:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: lavija isn't here
[01:44:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: !cmds
[01:44:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: - ping 8ball player score cash groups assets cars houses licenses roll (r)interest rank missions
[01:44:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: !score
[01:44:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player RathK: 7702 score, 7386 missions: 40'/. military - 19'/. cargo drop - 9'/. trucking
[01:44:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] HardStone#2955: Cause i miss you baby >:
[01:44:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: !rinterest 100000
[01:44:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: to get $100,000 of interest you need about $150,000,000
[01:44:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] HardStone#2955: Lmao
[01:44:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: no u dont
[01:45:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] HardStone#2955: I do
[01:46:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: smh
[01:46:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: ouch
[01:46:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: such rudeness
[01:47:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] schizophrenic: !assets Jdt
[01:47:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Jdt has 2 car(s) ($505,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $505,000
[01:47:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: ez
[01:48:50] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: ItsJustAPlayerr
[01:49:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] schizophrenic: wb
[01:49:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: ty
[01:59:35] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[02:01:22] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: David_Roi
[02:02:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: ItsJustAPlayerr
[02:03:14] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: ItsJustAPlayerr
[02:04:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: saves them learning another language i guess
[02:16:16] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: adalarva
[02:16:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb pendejo
[02:16:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: ty:d
[02:16:42] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[02:17:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Comandante_Diyo
[02:17:41] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[02:17:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Comandante_Diyo: work
[02:19:20] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombard
[02:21:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: pink is now illegal
[02:21:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: wtf
[02:21:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: every pink car will be clamped on sight
[02:22:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: y
[02:22:18] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[02:22:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: lobbying buy the anti-pink committee
[02:22:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: by*
[02:22:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: thats gau
[02:22:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: and gey
[02:23:04] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombard
[02:23:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: sorry they offered us money
[02:23:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: ive seen some expensive houses but this is taking the piss
[02:23:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: 35m for a 10 slot
[02:23:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: mark my words another reset will happen in a few years
[02:24:13] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Biugo_BR
[02:24:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: mapping
[02:24:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: xd
[02:24:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Biugo !!
[02:24:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: it will be
[02:24:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Biugo_BR: Yo o//
[02:24:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Biugo_BR: Thanks Bro
[02:24:59] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: HanzelDS
[02:25:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[02:25:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] HanzelDS: ty
[02:25:22] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pedro_Bear
[02:25:37] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pedro_Bear
[02:26:28] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: ItsJustAPlayerr
[02:28:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Biugo_BR: r a lot
[02:31:51] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[02:32:09] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago_Mixa
[02:35:56] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[02:36:27] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[02:36:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb pendejo
[02:36:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: fucking timeout island
[02:36:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ty
[02:36:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: someone should fix it, damn
[02:38:16] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[02:38:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[02:38:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] schizophrenic: wb
[02:38:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] HanzelDS: wb
[02:38:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Thanks
[02:38:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: gz
[02:38:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Gz.
[02:38:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] HanzelDS: gz
[02:38:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: Bruh tax evasion much?
[02:38:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: I only paid a dollar
[02:39:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: not when you dont take any cash for it
[02:39:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: I'm just looking around.
[02:39:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Cya
[02:39:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: cya
[02:39:20] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[02:40:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: use your car then mexican
[02:40:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: jdt confirmed racist?
[02:42:31] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: HanzelDS
[02:47:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: haha
[02:47:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: pedro respawn that car fam
[02:47:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: oh look kek
[02:47:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: admin abuse smh
[02:47:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: oh my bad
[02:47:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: smfh
[02:47:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: there you go chief
[02:48:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: gz
[02:48:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: ty
[02:50:45] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Mr.Pilot
[02:50:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[02:51:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Mr.Pilot: thxx
[02:53:18] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago_Mixa
[02:55:05] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[02:55:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[02:55:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: ty
[02:58:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: you're already in it gary
[02:59:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: !player Haydz
[02:59:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Haydz: 2025 score, last seen 16 Months Ago
[03:03:24] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Jdt
[03:08:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: wtf Biugo_BR is back?
[03:08:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: that dicks too hollywood
[03:08:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yes !!
[03:08:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I'm missing so much shit in banland
[03:08:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: Biugo bring back STA
[03:08:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: then dont go to banland
[03:08:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: not easy ^
[03:08:53] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Sarz
[03:09:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: !players
[03:09:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: easier said than done allen
[03:09:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: How much days rem ?
[03:09:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: been too busy with school i lost track
[03:10:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: try
[03:10:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: 3
[03:10:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: damn
[03:10:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I'll come on in like 5
[03:11:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: bussy ?
[03:11:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: 3 days left piz
[03:11:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: yeah after I got banned I picked up a bunch of shit to do to pass time
[03:11:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: nice
[03:11:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: did you pick up a banjo?
[03:11:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: and I ended up enjoying a lot of the things im doing it's just time consuming
[03:12:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: No but I did pick up an accordion
[03:12:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: trust me allen, that shit is just as fun as a banjo
[03:13:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: banjo is dope
[03:13:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I got it for 20 bucks at a yard sale, went outside for once instead of playing PL
[03:13:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Benefit of banland lmao
[03:13:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: but yeah just dropping by to say hi to you stat and allen
[03:13:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: How can I go to banland?
[03:13:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: i'm out, peace
[03:13:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ask nicely
[03:13:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: See ya later pizzo
[03:14:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: if you need a ban to study just ask
[03:14:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: Nice
[03:15:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: allen if no one is streaming on PL Radio from where music playlist come ?
[03:15:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: auto dj
[03:15:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: oh thanks
[03:16:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: it just shuffles the songs we put
[03:16:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: How to add music ?
[03:16:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: are you dj?
[03:16:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: nope, maybe i should apply for that
[03:17:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: you should
[03:17:32] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: eddie
[03:17:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: what does it require ?
[03:19:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: requirements are on the forums I think
[03:19:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: free software, patience and a noob filter
[03:19:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: p much that
[03:19:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: will check, ty
[03:20:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: speaking of plr i haven't dj'd in a while
[03:20:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: dooooooo eeeeeet
[03:20:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: which section should I check ?
[03:20:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: there is a pl radio section
[03:20:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: bye guys
[03:20:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: test map
[03:20:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: see ya
[03:20:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: mapping
[03:20:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: cya
[03:20:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: cya
[03:21:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: adalarva
[03:21:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[03:22:07] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: eddie
[03:22:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: wb
[03:22:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] eddie: tanls
[03:24:58] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Sarz
[03:25:59] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[03:27:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Mosquito bites have already started for me ffs
[03:28:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] schizophrenic: im out
[03:28:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] schizophrenic: cya guys
[03:29:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: peace
[03:29:02] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: schizophrenic
[03:29:18] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CaoMishma
[03:30:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb!
[03:30:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: ty
[03:33:55] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Brooklyn
[03:34:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb brook
[03:34:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: ty
[03:35:58] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[03:36:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: oh wtf
[03:36:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: wb biugo
[03:36:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb Biugo
[03:36:10] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[03:36:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Biugo is back, wb
[03:36:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Biugo_BR: Thx !!
[03:36:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: how are you doing in the past few years, Biugo?
[03:36:57] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[03:36:59] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: eddie
[03:37:17] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[03:37:17] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombard
[03:37:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Biugo_BR: Good, finished the studies and working hard as Agronomist Enginnering here
[03:37:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: dope
[03:37:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Its almost 4am
[03:38:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Wow allen didn't say go to sleep this is weird
[03:38:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: whats the point?
[03:38:49] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Comandante_Diyo
[03:39:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: U always said go to sleep to me
[03:39:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: go to sleeep
[03:39:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: And I went to sleep because I always asked u for stan ban
[03:39:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: happy now?
[03:39:52] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Biugo_BR
[03:41:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Yea im happy
[03:43:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !player fabienal.
[03:43:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player fabienal.
[03:43:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !player fabienel.
[03:43:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: fAbiaNaL.
[03:43:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player fabienel.
[03:43:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: !player fAbiaNaL.
[03:43:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player fAbiaNaL.
[03:43:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: !player fAbiaNeL.
[03:43:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player fAbiaNeL.: 1795 score, last seen 11 Hours Ago
[03:43:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: 14 days..
[03:44:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !assets fabianel.
[03:44:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: fabianel. has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[03:44:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: where tf that house was located lol
[03:44:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: gz
[03:45:14] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pedro_Bear
[03:45:29] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pedro_Bear
[03:45:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: what interior?
[03:46:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !assets bedro_bear
[03:46:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player bedro_bear
[03:46:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !assets pedro_bear
[03:46:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: pedro_bear has 13 car(s) ($6,550,000) and 3 house(s) ($15,000,000 - 17 slots) for a total of $21,550,000
[03:46:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: you can come in
[03:47:39] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: PenguinPilot
[03:47:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb Pen
[03:47:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ty
[03:47:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[03:48:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: can u not hump the stereo for 2 seconds
[03:48:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: nope
[03:48:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: humping stereos is good
[03:49:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: you dont like my pee pants?
[03:49:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: nah, would you like some new pants ?
[03:49:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: i usually dont wear pants
[03:49:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmao
[03:49:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: that's what she said
[03:50:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: it only smells mildly of pee
[03:50:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Nice ping
[03:50:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: pen*
[03:50:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: last time i bring a homeless dude in here
[03:50:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: hahahaha
[03:50:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: cop watching not doing anything
[03:51:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: David_Roi
[03:53:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !assets leftat10k
[03:53:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: leftat10k has 2 car(s) ($1,000,000) and 2 house(s) ($3,100,000 - 6 slots) for a total of $4,100,000
[03:54:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Is this drunk allen lmao
[03:54:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: stone cold sober kid
[03:55:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: He never talks like this
[03:55:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: cant drink for a year
[03:55:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ludred go to sleep
[03:55:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ^
[03:55:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Oh yeah you got the bone marrow transplant
[03:55:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: anyone knows about a nice nevada with working cockpit instruments?
[03:55:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: hmm
[03:55:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: i dont know a good nevada mod at all tbh
[03:56:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: You have ATR 72-500 but non working instruments
[03:56:24] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[03:57:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: i'll give it a look
[03:57:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: theres an aircraft instrument mod, but the autopilot in it will get you banned by ricardo
[03:57:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: if you want to get 90 days in banland, gor for it
[03:58:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: or just dont use the autopilot
[03:58:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Smh
[03:58:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: permanantly on MEL
[03:58:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: it's perm ban allen ?
[03:58:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Ricardo always against the good mods
[03:58:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: no
[03:58:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: and what's the mod called?
[03:58:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: aircraft instruments
[03:58:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: U don't want that
[03:58:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Rathk
[03:59:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: could you do something for me please ?
[03:59:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Maybe
[03:59:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Disconnect, and sleep it's better for your health
[03:59:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ^
[03:59:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Smh tho this is the allen I know
[04:01:17] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: David_Roi
[04:01:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: U still like to hump things allen?
[04:01:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: always and forever
[04:02:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: brooklyn, how many premiers do you own?
[04:02:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: !cars Brooklyn
[04:02:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Brooklyn has: Buffalo Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Premier Turism(..)
[04:03:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: 10 is the awnser
[04:03:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: juts like I already said lmao
[04:03:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Answer*
[04:04:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: i love wang cars
[04:04:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: i usually win
[04:04:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: sage decision
[04:04:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Yes
[04:05:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: that's a lie
[04:05:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: you meant always?
[04:05:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Meh guess ill go and take a shower
[04:06:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Yes at 4am
[04:06:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Wtf why is my nickname gone
[04:06:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: what's the problem with showering at 4am
[04:06:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I've done it several times
[04:07:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: I think it�s bad to shower when you lack sleep
[04:07:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: if it's hot water then it's actually beneficial
[04:07:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ^
[04:07:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I dont lack sleep i woke up at 3pm
[04:08:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you just have a fucked up sleep schedule
[04:08:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: yep
[04:08:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Yup
[04:08:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: same here
[04:08:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Gonna fix it for my birthday
[04:08:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I usually wake up at 5pm
[04:08:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: pregui�oso
[04:08:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Bc it can lower your blood sugar when u bathe without sleep
[04:08:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: nao se ter nada pra fazer d� nisto
[04:09:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Im still not sleepy
[04:09:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Did your country had mass testing guys?
[04:09:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: not really
[04:09:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I don't even know what's my country's situation
[04:09:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: eu tou a falar mas
[04:09:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: left home for the first time in like over 2 months yesterday
[04:10:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: everyone was outside (many without masks)
[04:10:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: almo�ar as 5 da tarde nao e novo
[04:10:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: eu como o pequeno almo�o �s 5
[04:10:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: j� n�o almo�o h� mais de dois meses xD
[04:10:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: vives sozinho?
[04:10:55] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[04:10:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: n�o
[04:11:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: os teus pais n te fodem os cornos?
[04:11:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fodiam
[04:11:18] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: adalarva
[04:11:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: mas agora t�o se a cagar
[04:11:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb pendejo
[04:11:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: ty pendejo:d
[04:11:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: porque eu so fa�o as cenas da faculdade durante a noite
[04:12:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: ja tou ao tempo para acertar o meu horario
[04:12:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oh shit
[04:12:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: timeout island
[04:12:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oh hell nah
[04:12:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: just /s
[04:12:40] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CaoMishma
[04:12:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: eu agora s� acerto qnd a faculdade acabar
[04:13:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: moro ao lado da praia, vou pra la todos os dias de manh�
[04:13:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: assim consigo acertar o sono
[04:13:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: eu vou ter que acertar a for�a
[04:13:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: vou trabalhar xD
[04:13:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oof xD
[04:13:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Anyone here us Prepar3D ?
[04:13:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: vais trabalhar em que?
[04:13:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: use*
[04:13:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: im still using fsx
[04:13:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: nadador salvador
[04:13:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ah
[04:13:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: with PMDG allen ?
[04:13:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Allen hump hump hump
[04:13:56] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: adalarva
[04:13:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I have PMDG
[04:13:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: havent flown pmdg in ages
[04:14:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: which bird?
[04:14:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CaoMishma
[04:14:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: NGX
[04:14:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: nadador salvador agora s�o precisos imensos
[04:14:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: thats a good bird
[04:14:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: b787 is the best bird
[04:14:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: n e g a t i v e
[04:14:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: b777*
[04:14:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Yeah from QualityWings
[04:14:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: yes
[04:14:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: 777 by PMDG is the best
[04:14:42] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CaoMishma
[04:14:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I meant b777 (I confused the models)
[04:14:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: qw757 is the best
[04:14:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: ya nao se formaram suficientes
[04:14:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: por causa desta merda
[04:15:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: n houve cursos
[04:15:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: FSlabs anyone ?
[04:15:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: claro e compreende-se que ningu�m queira ir foder-se pra praia
[04:15:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: eu tirei o curso o ano passado
[04:15:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: e uma merda mas paga bem hahaha
[04:15:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: allen VATSIM or IVAO ?
[04:15:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: i havent played fsx in almmost a year
[04:15:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: aw
[04:15:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CaoMishma
[04:15:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: nah, i usually play at work
[04:15:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: eu so vou sair quando for mesmo preciso
[04:15:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmao !!
[04:16:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Wb
[04:16:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: go to sleep
[04:16:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: eu vou ter uma aula de campo para semana (s�bado)
[04:16:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: ty
[04:16:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: um dia inteiro com gente da faculdade numa serra...
[04:16:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ._.
[04:16:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: as minhas aulas presenciais foram logo canceladas ate ao fim do semestre
[04:16:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: que sorte
[04:16:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fds
[04:16:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: oh shit
[04:17:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: mas tenho a merda da aula de camp
[04:17:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: FUCKING NINJA TREES
[04:17:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmao
[04:17:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: seriously, the tree just sort of spawned on top of me all of a sudden
[04:18:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CaoMishma
[04:18:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: my wing is fucked
[04:18:26] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CaoMishma
[04:18:36] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[04:19:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Ayt good night
[04:19:27] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[04:19:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: unica cena e que vou ter uma apresentacao para a semana no zoom
[04:19:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Gn statham
[04:19:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ouch
[04:19:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: e tenho a certeza que vai ser gnd merda
[04:19:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Good night Rahtk :D
[04:19:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: apresenta��es j� s�o maus, ent�o agora pelo zoom
[04:20:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: o que vale e que ja vao haver apresentacoes amanha e posso ver como e que vai ser
[04:20:36] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Mr.Pilot
[04:20:41] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: adalarva
[04:20:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[04:20:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ent�o est�s com sorte
[04:20:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: ty:d
[04:21:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: hydra physics in a shamal would be gold
[04:21:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: fuck yeah
[04:21:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: edit handling
[04:21:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: `/q
[04:21:34] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CaoMishma
[04:22:00] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KylieJenner
[04:22:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[04:22:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[04:22:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: thanks
[04:22:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: go get some work out, kylie
[04:22:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: vamos ver
[04:22:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: who tf adds so many trees around an airport lmao wtf
[04:22:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: brnik ?
[04:22:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: brnik is a former forest
[04:22:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: idiot mappers
[04:23:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: #deforrestBrnik
[04:23:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: #fuckbrnik
[04:23:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ^
[04:23:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ^^
[04:24:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: #SaveSanAndreasTrees
[04:24:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: liar
[04:24:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: you fucking liar
[04:24:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: who's the liar
[04:24:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: the trees are protected by sa govt
[04:24:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Eh, penguin wanna see my landscape picture ?
[04:25:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: if you want a professional opinion bring it on
[04:25:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Discord ? #off-topic ?
[04:25:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: sure
[04:25:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Let's go baby
[04:26:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ffs im heading to airport brnik
[04:26:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[04:26:30] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Nebula
[04:26:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[04:26:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: ty
[04:26:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: peng
[04:26:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ye
[04:26:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: statham
[04:26:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Discrod says 8Mb..
[04:26:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: have u watched the movies i told you?
[04:26:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Yeah Kylie
[04:27:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oof
[04:27:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: give me the name again please I'l add it now
[04:27:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmfao
[04:27:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: please lol
[04:27:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: to all boys i've loved before
[04:27:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: to all boys ps i still love you
[04:27:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: falling inn love
[04:27:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Added :D
[04:27:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: the perfect date
[04:27:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: thank you :D
[04:27:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: how do you fall in love
[04:27:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: /love
[04:27:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: Kylie why did you let travis creampie your coochie
[04:27:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: to all boys is my favorite
[04:28:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ok this is taking a whole different direction
[04:28:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: i would
[04:28:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I don't even know who the fuck kylie jenner is
[04:28:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: peguin learn to love listen to taylor swift love story
[04:28:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: lol fuck no
[04:28:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fuck taylor swift
[04:28:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: whaaaat? you are living under the rock
[04:29:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: if it aint dua lipa I ain't listening
[04:29:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: if you dont wanna see me dancing with somebody
[04:29:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: #DuaLipaIsMyGuiltyPleasure
[04:29:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rihanna too
[04:29:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: dua lipa levava com ele
[04:29:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Peng, check offtopic
[04:29:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ai nao nao levava
[04:29:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: xD
[04:30:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: that looks nice, stat
[04:30:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !player Twin_Jet_Nebula
[04:30:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Twin_Jet_Nebula
[04:30:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[04:30:37] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[04:30:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[04:30:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[04:30:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[04:30:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: thanks
[04:30:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: thank you brook'!
[04:30:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: so many pics stat
[04:30:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: wow my vip is upgraded
[04:31:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: :D
[04:31:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lool
[04:31:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dua khalifa
[04:31:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: dua khalifa? >.>
[04:31:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: why my vip still not accepted
[04:31:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Patient
[04:31:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: as what stormi said, patience patience patience
[04:32:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fuck patience
[04:32:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: dipa what vip gift you take?
[04:32:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I want it now
[04:32:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: How to use RC?
[04:32:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: /rc
[04:32:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: /rcbaron
[04:32:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: maybe
[04:32:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: So Peng what do you think ?
[04:32:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: I choose rc heli
[04:32:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: what rc?
[04:32:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nice
[04:32:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: /rcgoblin
[04:32:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: several of those pics it's out of my field of study
[04:32:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: aw
[04:32:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: but those that are, very nice
[04:33:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: lel how to exit it
[04:33:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pengeuin do u like rihanna song
[04:33:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: type the command again
[04:33:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I don't listen to rhianna
[04:33:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: ok
[04:33:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[04:33:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: pen
[04:33:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: yea
[04:34:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !player jaken2436
[04:34:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player jaken2436: 7075 score, last seen 2 Days Ago
[04:34:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: i threw some pics from work up on disocrd in teh aviation channel
[04:35:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Nice, allen ZERO G 727 ?
[04:35:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: omfg
[04:35:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you lucky bastad
[04:35:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: it was parked next to us
[04:35:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: bastard
[04:35:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: You work at airport allen ?
[04:35:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ye
[04:35:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: KALT ?
[04:35:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: if taking a pilot licence wasn't a fucking ripoff I'd be taking one right now
[04:35:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: nope
[04:35:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Let me guess !
[04:36:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: im not a pilot pen
[04:36:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: im a mechanic
[04:36:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I know you're not
[04:36:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'm just sayin
[04:36:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Aight imma head out (spongebob gets up chair)
[04:36:52] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[04:36:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Allen
[04:37:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ?
[04:37:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: KORD / KLAX :D ?
[04:37:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: in the US I'd get an anual salary of around 70-80k, is it good?
[04:37:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: i used work at kord
[04:37:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: but noone of those pics are from there
[04:37:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: f
[04:37:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: decent
[04:37:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wow penguin that's huge
[04:37:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: KBOS ?
[04:37:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: nope
[04:37:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it's not huge in the us
[04:37:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: xD
[04:38:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: it is
[04:38:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: in other state
[04:38:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: but you guys get social benefits
[04:38:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: how come
[04:38:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: or you'd live comfortably
[04:38:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: you would be comfy here
[04:38:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yes
[04:39:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I still have a few more years to decide
[04:39:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: allen that 77W is awesome, wanna see some of my aviation picture ?
[04:39:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: I'l post them on #Aviation channel
[04:39:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: if you don't mind
[04:39:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: post em up
[04:39:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: sure, hold on
[04:39:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: i love plane pics
[04:39:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I used to constantly fly
[04:40:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: too*
[04:40:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: penguin u pilots irl?
[04:40:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: no I'm 20
[04:40:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh
[04:40:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: my next trip I'll go on my own
[04:40:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: and it's a big one, I'm going to san diego
[04:40:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Allen they are on
[04:40:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: and I was there this year but... fucking covid
[04:40:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: peng check #aviation channel
[04:40:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I was going*
[04:41:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: down the bridge
[04:41:34] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KylieJenner
[04:41:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: beautiful pics
[04:41:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: thank you :D
[04:43:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: You still on #aviation allen ?
[04:43:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions shamal
[04:43:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot: 341 shamal
[04:43:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: never gonna reach 500 fuck
[04:44:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Oh look its the sun
[04:44:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: still dont go to sleep?
[04:44:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: You deserve a long ban RathK
[04:44:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: ^
[04:44:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Cant fall asleep
[04:45:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: FUCKING NINJA TREE
[04:45:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: they suck I know
[04:45:24] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KylieJenner
[04:45:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[04:45:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ty
[04:45:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: 5k in tax fuck
[04:46:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: just 5k?
[04:46:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: yeah
[04:46:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[04:46:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !assets brooklyn
[04:46:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: brooklyn has 26 car(s) ($7,610,000) and 2 house(s) ($30,000,000 - 30 slots) for a total of $37,610,000
[04:46:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oh stop being a richass for once
[04:46:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: brooklym perhaps around10k
[04:46:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: how to stop being broke
[04:46:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: thats pretty close, kylie
[04:47:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: 11k
[04:47:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: mine 8k i think
[04:47:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: you guys having tax?
[04:47:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yea
[04:48:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: looks like someone isn't paying their fair share
[04:48:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: we have 50 percent off from tax
[04:48:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: tax breaks to richasses
[04:48:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: where have I seen this...
[04:48:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tax is a lifeblood doctrine lol
[04:48:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: you dont need to pay the tax if you dont have a house
[04:49:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: I have nothing lmao
[04:49:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Poor asf
[04:49:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Kylie wtf is this airport
[04:49:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[04:49:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its a trap satham
[04:49:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: f
[04:49:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i always die there back to 2013 hahah
[04:50:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmao
[04:51:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[04:53:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: cya
[04:53:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: cya
[04:53:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: bye
[04:53:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bb
[04:53:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: bb
[04:53:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: byee
[04:53:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: bb
[04:53:40] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[04:53:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: gonna dip too
[04:53:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: bb
[04:53:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: bb
[04:53:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: xau
[04:53:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bb
[04:53:58] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pedro_Bear
[04:54:41] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CaoMishma
[04:54:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[04:54:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[04:54:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hi
[04:54:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] CaoMishma: ty
[04:55:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !player s2k
[04:55:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player s2k: 47 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[04:55:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wala na bye 1m na
[04:56:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nabogus
[04:56:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[04:56:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !cash s2k
[04:56:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: s2k has $1,625,626 in hand
[04:56:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !cars s2k
[04:56:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: s2k has: Sultan
[04:56:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi ayan pala
[04:56:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !assets s2k
[04:56:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: s2k has 1 car(s) ($400,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $400,000
[04:57:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: halos 2m
[04:57:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: magpapa 100m ako
[04:57:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: para san?w
[04:57:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: payaman lang
[04:58:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[04:58:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[04:59:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ty :D
[04:59:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nebula ano ulam niyo
[04:59:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: adobong baboy
[04:59:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: speaking of
[04:59:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: 11 na isang oras na tanghalian na
[05:00:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why pizza hut is closed at devon island
[05:00:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: out of business
[05:00:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: covid19
[05:00:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: iba na naman ulam niyo sa 12?
[05:00:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: out of business because of covid-19
[05:00:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: covid-19 fucked many business
[05:00:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: I used to make a shit ton of score there
[05:00:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: poor devy isl
[05:00:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: fucked my work..
[05:03:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions shamal
[05:03:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot: 350 shamal
[05:03:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: 150 to go
[05:03:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: gonna do 10 more and i'll leave
[05:03:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wuedeh
[05:03:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: :o
[05:04:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: if I do 10 per day... in 2 weeks I can get it
[05:04:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: what are you working for peng ?
[05:04:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the licence
[05:04:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ludred go to sleep
[05:04:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: and for that sweet at-400
[05:04:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: good luck !
[05:04:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Why does people here like to get an AT400 ?
[05:04:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: its rare
[05:04:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: I mean, it's rare ?
[05:04:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Oh, good :D
[05:05:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: because it's big
[05:05:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: not so rare if more people passed the license everyday
[05:05:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: like my...
[05:05:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: kdi
[05:05:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'm not selling the at-400 anyways
[05:06:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: my ... is as big as a French baguette
[05:06:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: same
[05:06:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why
[05:06:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it's big like my LOVE FOR JESUS CHRIST
[05:06:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: can I get an amen
[05:06:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: F
[05:06:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: amen
[05:06:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:06:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: jk I'm an athiest
[05:06:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngiiiiii
[05:06:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: what the fuck does ngi mean kylie
[05:06:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you're constantly using it
[05:06:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hahaha
[05:07:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its like nyee
[05:07:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: ngi = kek
[05:07:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: pff
[05:07:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: kek
[05:07:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: anong kek
[05:07:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hindi ko din alam e hahah
[05:07:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: qaqu
[05:07:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: Chester's 17 seconds scream in Given Up is fucking lit
[05:07:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: in portuguese kek ("queque") means cupcake or a quickie (a quick fuck)
[05:08:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:08:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kek
[05:08:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: cheskek
[05:08:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bluveri cheskek
[05:08:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: kontol
[05:08:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: putang
[05:09:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: bwuakining
[05:09:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: vai tomar no cu
[05:09:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ai o caralho p�
[05:09:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: passo-me j� foda-se
[05:09:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: foda se
[05:09:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: quepaso
[05:09:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: quepaso
[05:09:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yawa animal
[05:09:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: nebula stfu this ain't spanish
[05:09:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: >:(
[05:09:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: my bad
[05:09:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: in spanish it's a sweet lol
[05:10:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: a si asi
[05:10:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Xi. I'm holding
[05:10:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: que piso
[05:10:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: now you can land
[05:10:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: Xi is holding the communist power in China too
[05:10:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ty
[05:10:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:10:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmao
[05:10:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: porque
[05:10:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: and the creator of corona
[05:10:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: that bitch
[05:11:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im that bitch
[05:11:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: and the deadly 5g that will fry ur brain
[05:11:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: been that bitch
[05:11:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: trew
[05:11:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 5g is a flop
[05:11:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: because of that fuckface I can't see my crush's face everyday
[05:11:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: is what real?
[05:11:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: i3 9100F is better than my old 4790K :(
[05:11:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: that 5g can fucked you up
[05:11:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kalokang putang ina
[05:12:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: shamal passengers are so sensitive
[05:12:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: they're having wine inside and i breaked the wine spilled to em
[05:12:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yeah, f em
[05:12:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: shamal passengers are pussies
[05:12:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: they are shit
[05:12:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: death to shamal passenger
[05:12:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: death to shamal passengers
[05:12:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: I fucked a shamal passenger
[05:12:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: their luggage fell into their heads
[05:13:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: how do you fuck virtual characters
[05:13:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Had -5# satisfaction lmao
[05:13:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:13:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: if i go below 80 i kill them
[05:13:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: is it possible to learn this power?
[05:13:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: after fucking the shamal passenger
[05:13:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: statham
[05:13:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: average satisfaction: 99'/.
[05:13:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: search it on youtube
[05:13:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: the passenger satisfaction went 200#
[05:13:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: hmm hmm
[05:14:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'd like that satisfaction too
[05:14:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: search oh youtube "ed and rose you're my best view"
[05:14:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Missions shamalism
[05:14:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[05:15:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Missions shamal
[05:15:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 293 shamal
[05:15:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: meep
[05:15:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !missions at400 miliraty helicopter shamal
[05:15:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[05:15:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wuedeh
[05:15:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !missions at400 military helicopter shamal
[05:15:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: miliraty hahaha
[05:15:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: at400: 0 military 0 helicopter 0 shamal
[05:15:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:15:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !missions at400 military helicopter shamal
[05:15:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: at400: 0 military 0 helicopter 0 shamal
[05:15:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: smh
[05:15:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions trucking dodo rescue courier
[05:15:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: whaaaaat
[05:16:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: trucking: 1 dodo 0 rescue 0 courier
[05:16:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions truckins
[05:16:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions trucking
[05:16:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[05:16:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:16:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions trucking
[05:16:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot: 102 trucking
[05:16:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions dodo
[05:16:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot: 246 dodo
[05:16:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions rescue
[05:16:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot: 11 rescue
[05:16:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions courier
[05:16:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot: 310 courier
[05:16:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !missions rescue
[05:16:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Brooklyn: 2400 rescue
[05:16:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: penguin check out malibu issa vibe
[05:17:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ok
[05:17:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nebula ano ulam niyo sa tanghalian
[05:17:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !missions taden rescue
[05:17:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: adobong baboy nga
[05:17:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: taden: 10000 rescue
[05:17:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi ulit
[05:17:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hanggang hapunan?
[05:17:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hindi ko alam e
[05:17:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: GTX 1650 is enough for gta sa ?
[05:17:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi umay
[05:18:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: too much
[05:18:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: idk
[05:18:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Nebula run at 1080p ?
[05:18:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'm playing with GTX 1080 and I'm not sure
[05:18:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ^ ..
[05:18:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wtf
[05:18:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I mean I can GTA V maxed out with 60 fps
[05:18:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: but GTA SA is smth special
[05:18:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: intel hd graphics
[05:18:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you can never be so sure
[05:19:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: How much fps you get ?
[05:19:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: foda se
[05:19:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: here?
[05:19:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yeap
[05:19:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: I'm using MMGE 3.0 with my intel HD 4000
[05:19:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: what
[05:19:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: always 61fps
[05:19:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: im only using mmge 2.0
[05:19:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: anti alliasing settings ?
[05:19:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: even with fps limiter at 60fps it shows 61
[05:19:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: everything is maxed out
[05:19:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i cant relate
[05:19:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lucky, I'm playing with intel hd lmao
[05:19:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: :'
[05:19:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: :(
[05:19:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ouch
[05:19:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: xi how much fps you have?
[05:19:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: idk something about fps graphics processor
[05:19:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: intel hd ftw
[05:19:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yeah Xi lol
[05:20:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I've played with intel HD
[05:20:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: painful as fuck
[05:20:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: mmge 3.0 intel 4000
[05:20:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: women yi qi xue mao jiao yi qi miao miao miao miao miao
[05:20:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: How much fps Xi ?
[05:20:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: that fuckking imposible man
[05:20:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: like 19
[05:20:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: jesus
[05:20:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: bye guys
[05:20:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: go to sleep
[05:20:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: bb
[05:20:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: gn
[05:20:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: see you later
[05:20:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: no way Xi
[05:20:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I use to play in a intel pentium 1.23 GHz dual-core, intel HD graphics 512MB
[05:21:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: tomorrow... :d
[05:21:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: and 2GB RAM
[05:21:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: adalarva
[05:21:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: and now peng ?
[05:21:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: what CPU you got ?
[05:21:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: gta sa settings at the min. as possible and got like 20fps
[05:21:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: now: i7 8th gen 2.4GHz 6 cores
[05:21:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: 12 threads
[05:21:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: damn
[05:21:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I can overclock it to 4.2GH
[05:21:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: alam mo ba yan nebula
[05:22:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: oo haha it ako e
[05:22:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: 8gb RAM
[05:22:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wow
[05:22:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yo
[05:22:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ako hindi ko alam RAM, processor, video card, cpu
[05:22:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oh and I also have an intel HD graphics with 4gb xD
[05:22:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ehhhhhh sakit sa ulo
[05:22:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: basic lang yan
[05:22:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: so in total I have 8GB of graphic memory or smth like that
[05:22:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: bumili nga ko ng pc hindi ko alam lahat yan nagsisi ako e
[05:22:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hnd ko alam ano ung maganda o hnd
[05:22:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:22:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Peng I had 4790K at 4.4 with 1060 6GB
[05:22:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: i only have 4gb of ram
[05:22:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i have 5kb ram
[05:23:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: then sold them for my photography stuff
[05:23:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Miss GTA V, Prepar3D
[05:23:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: neb
[05:23:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: 5kb ram? what the fuck are you playing in? an apollo spacecraft?
[05:23:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: marunong ka mag photoshop
[05:23:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hahaha
[05:23:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pinball
[05:23:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: sakto lang
[05:23:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: !ping
[05:23:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: {cf9b82}pong! - hi Statham
[05:23:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: edit ng video?
[05:23:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: below average
[05:23:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'd sell my computer for photography stuff (no jk I can't sell this)
[05:23:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I need for college
[05:23:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:24:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Nikon or Canon peng ?
[05:24:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nakakahilo gamitin sony vegas e
[05:24:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'm more of a canon dude
[05:24:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: turon with langka
[05:24:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Nikon dude llmao
[05:24:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pati adobe premier pro cc
[05:24:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: nikon has better colour I'll admit that
[05:24:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: hell yeah
[05:24:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: who is a photographer
[05:24:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: and a large lens choice
[05:24:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: idk about lens help me
[05:24:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: lalo na yang premier nakakabaliw
[05:24:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: i can help you kylie
[05:24:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sa true lamang po opo
[05:25:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: help me stahm
[05:25:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: yeah nikon is awesome, I might buy one if the future
[05:25:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: do u know about canon lenses
[05:25:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: even though I'm in love with canons, nikons are more in my price range hahaha
[05:25:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Not much as Nikon Kylie, good choice Peng
[05:25:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: putang ina
[05:25:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kit lens is bsqe
[05:25:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Canon L series, you should sell your kidney..
[05:26:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:26:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hahaha
[05:26:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fuck no I ain't buying those
[05:26:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: 1400$ for a 50MM f/1.2
[05:26:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: idk which lens i should get
[05:26:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: unless I'm a fucking millionaire
[05:26:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: if I become a millionaire I'll buy you one hahaah
[05:26:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: thank you <3
[05:26:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: idk about crop sensor and full sensor
[05:26:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: what is it
[05:26:48] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombard
[05:26:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[05:26:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb
[05:26:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb allen
[05:26:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I mean, big projects here in portugal can give me like over a million in salary pay :)
[05:26:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: who knows
[05:27:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I might score big
[05:27:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wuedeh
[05:27:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ohhhhh
[05:28:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: gonna see if I can get -5'/. passenger satisfaction
[05:28:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: you can !
[05:28:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: dafuq
[05:28:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: just did a barrel roll and still at 100'/.
[05:28:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: they are gay
[05:28:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: OH NOW you guys ain't pussies
[05:28:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ffs
[05:28:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: neb
[05:28:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: umuulan jan?
[05:28:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: your passengers are fucking daredevil then
[05:28:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: init nga dito
[05:29:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:29:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dito makulimlim at umuulan
[05:29:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: sana dito din
[05:29:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sana all lahat
[05:29:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: 4 again?
[05:29:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: inayyyyyy
[05:29:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 4 na naman
[05:29:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: award
[05:30:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: reached 0'/.
[05:30:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: doesn't go lower than that
[05:30:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: you can get lower
[05:30:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: -4'/. hahaha
[05:30:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: told you hahaha :D
[05:30:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: -4'/. hahaha
[05:30:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oops
[05:30:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: I wonder can It go lower than tho
[05:31:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fuckt
[05:31:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: umuulan na dito
[05:31:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: crashed
[05:31:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg
[05:31:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: F
[05:31:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: -4'/. was the minimum
[05:31:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pano na yung deliver ko
[05:31:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: better than 0
[05:32:02] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[05:32:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: hmmm
[05:33:05] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[05:33:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:33:26] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: PenguinPilot
[05:33:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[05:33:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 300 shamal
[05:33:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi another
[05:33:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: PenguinPilot
[05:33:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 200 more
[05:33:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Statham#5959: Samp crashed again..
[05:33:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: putas e vinho verde
[05:33:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: a shamal exploding caused my game to freeze
[05:34:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: wtf
[05:34:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:34:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sed
[05:34:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: dont explode shamals then
[05:34:22] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[05:34:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: it is raining so hard
[05:35:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: just noticed
[05:35:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: 5555 score
[05:35:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gz
[05:35:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: noice
[05:35:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: gz
[05:35:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: bye
[05:35:23] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: PenguinPilot
[05:35:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:35:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: f
[05:35:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: the server seems kinda boring in the last few days
[05:37:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: its because of gta v
[05:37:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ^
[05:38:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: rr
[05:38:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: true totoo nga po opo
[05:38:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: neb umuulan na jan?
[05:38:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: super lakas na dito
[05:38:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hindi
[05:38:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:38:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: init dito
[05:38:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dito mejj di na mainit
[05:39:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: init dito sobra
[05:39:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sed
[05:39:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: uulan jan mmya
[05:39:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: madilim naba
[05:39:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: sikat na sikat ang araw dito
[05:39:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:39:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kawawa naman ung lala move ko
[05:40:23] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[05:40:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: fuck epic games
[05:40:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no
[05:40:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: try hard mofo
[05:41:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: chineseware
[05:41:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh no
[05:41:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: delikado pala sa amazon rainforest
[05:41:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: bakit?
[05:41:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: maraming deadly animals
[05:41:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hahaha
[05:42:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: putang inang
[05:42:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: putang inang passengers to 78 percent na! di na oy mamatay na kayo
[05:42:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: i9/11 mo
[05:42:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yung may nagcrash na airplane sa amazon rainforest namatay lahat except sa isa
[05:42:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tapos initlugan sya ng mga langaw sa sugat nya
[05:43:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tapos puro kagat ng lamok balat niya
[05:43:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: yikes
[05:43:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kawawa
[05:43:19] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JoyadiJoestar.
[05:43:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[05:43:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb boy
[05:43:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tapos bali yung collar bone nya
[05:43:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hegllo
[05:43:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kambing
[05:43:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: moo moo
[05:43:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[05:43:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: meow meow
[05:43:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: so...
[05:43:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Kylie check discord
[05:43:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hello
[05:43:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: selling cable huh?
[05:44:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yall its raining so hard here
[05:44:02] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[05:44:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: how much per kilo?
[05:44:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: RTO only play PL
[05:44:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: 20k
[05:44:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: RTO V1
[05:44:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmao
[05:44:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: RTO should be before V1
[05:44:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: ;)
[05:44:53] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[05:44:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pautang ina
[05:45:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nebula
[05:45:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: alam mo yung balitang ina?
[05:45:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hindi e
[05:45:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:45:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: tagal mag12 tangina gutom nako
[05:45:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:46:23] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JuraganMelon
[05:46:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[05:46:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[05:46:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ffs the demon is back
[05:46:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb kontol
[05:46:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i shall leave now
[05:46:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kontol
[05:46:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: thanks
[05:46:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no kylie come here i wanna eat you
[05:47:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ride with the mob hamduallah
[05:47:19] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CaoMishma
[05:47:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombard
[05:47:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[05:47:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[05:47:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb again
[05:47:54] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CaoMishma
[05:47:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[05:47:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[05:48:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb indo
[05:48:04] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CaoMishma
[05:48:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ride with the mob hamduallah
[05:48:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: DANIELSON
[05:48:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: YES
[05:48:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: /cap allen
[05:48:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: YOU FIRED
[05:48:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: check you with me then do your job
[05:48:30] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: David_Roi
[05:48:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: WOW
[05:48:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: im shocked
[05:48:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: but im jobless :(
[05:48:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb david
[05:48:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yay <3
[05:48:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: TES CAPS
[05:48:40] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[05:48:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: gimme noodles
[05:48:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[05:48:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: kontol
[05:48:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: hi
[05:48:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: surprise daniel
[05:48:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: sending
[05:49:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh yas demand come through
[05:49:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no kylie i wont let you
[05:49:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is it raining there/
[05:49:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: indo? no hope of raining
[05:49:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:50:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ngi
[05:50:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ^
[05:50:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Ban :)
[05:50:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: it's been raining everynight for the last 3 days here
[05:50:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ban
[05:50:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: ban
[05:50:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ban
[05:50:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: ban
[05:50:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: brook what tim edid u sleep?
[05:50:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: 4 xd
[05:50:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: damn
[05:50:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: woke up at 8\
[05:50:53] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JoyadiJoestar.
[05:51:05] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JuraganMelon
[05:51:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: who else
[05:51:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yasssssss
[05:51:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: oh fuck
[05:51:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: f
[05:51:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Ban isn't real too.
[05:51:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: *gets dusted*
[05:51:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why dont u say so?
[05:51:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] Firzdlow_#4662: Yay evading ban
[05:52:22] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JuraganMelon
[05:52:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wow
[05:52:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Welcome back
[05:52:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[05:52:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ban
[05:52:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: banland is hot
[05:52:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ban evading
[05:52:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ban it again santi
[05:52:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: it's summertime in banland
[05:52:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmfao ^
[05:52:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yeah i hope it's raining
[05:52:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u wanna say so?
[05:52:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: doja cat
[05:52:52] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[05:52:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] Firzdlow_#4662: Join discord or ban
[05:53:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ban
[05:53:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: you gotta keep in focus u wanna say so?
[05:53:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[05:53:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: nvm
[05:53:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ban
[05:53:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dammit
[05:53:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i fucking love this song
[05:53:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u love the song or doja cat?
[05:53:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: how can i change an airplane spawn altitude?s
[05:53:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i dont know
[05:53:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: idk too
[05:53:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i love thesong
[05:53:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: uhm I think you need an admin for that
[05:53:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: her songs are bomb
[05:54:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: like this way
[05:54:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: i found a nice nevada but it is like 10 cm below ground level
[05:54:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: and boss bitch
[05:54:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u just like tiktok songs
[05:54:34] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[05:54:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noooooooooo
[05:54:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: nice
[05:54:47] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[05:54:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[05:54:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: wb
[05:54:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: bad mod?
[05:55:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im a bitch im a boss im a bitch im a boss and i shine like gloss
[05:55:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: can i change that from my game settings?
[05:55:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: i experienced the full experience at timeout island
[05:55:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: nope
[05:55:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: nope
[05:55:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: you need to mod the mod
[05:55:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmao santi
[05:55:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Good day/night to all, see ya !
[05:55:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: gn
[05:55:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: see ya
[05:55:43] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[05:55:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: brb lunch break
[05:55:48] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Nebula
[05:55:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[05:55:56] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[05:56:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: i mean, is carcols.dat realted to spawn position?
[05:56:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: related*
[05:56:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: nope
[05:56:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i hate it my palms are sweaty i cant type on my phone
[05:56:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: just contains caar colors
[05:56:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: plus my nails are long
[05:56:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: and vehicle.ide?
[05:56:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: shit
[05:56:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: samp doesnt look at those ide lines
[05:57:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: it has to do with where the gear is in relation to the main nevada dummy in the dff file
[05:59:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ffs
[05:59:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oops i died
[05:59:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: Y
[05:59:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: the runway is very small
[06:00:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i couldnt take of
[06:00:08] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Brooklyn
[06:03:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[06:03:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 307 shamal
[06:03:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: meep
[06:04:22] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Brooklyn
[06:04:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[06:06:58] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: David_Roi
[06:07:18] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[06:07:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: smh
[06:07:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i kne wit
[06:13:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[06:15:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hey allen
[06:15:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ?
[06:15:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he is still alive today but still wont eat just water
[06:16:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: is he comfortable?
[06:16:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: maybe
[06:16:21] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[06:16:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he smell so statham said he'd die
[06:16:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[06:16:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: tbh thats what it sounds like
[06:16:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: whyyy
[06:17:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: idk kylie
[06:17:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: but days of not eating is a sign of a much bugger problem
[06:17:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: bigger
[06:17:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: maybe his tummy hurts
[06:17:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: maybe there are worms inside
[06:17:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: needs a vet
[06:17:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he always choke when he eats back in the day
[06:18:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ;(
[06:18:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: !.
[06:19:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Player twi[x]
[06:19:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player twi[x]: 1766 score, last seen 7 Hours Ago
[06:20:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: you gotta put it between { }
[06:20:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: {hexcode}
[06:21:34] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Nebula
[06:21:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wtf shamal passenger is so sensitive
[06:21:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tagal mo naman kumain
[06:21:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ive learned passenger satisfaction is bullshit
[06:22:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ig and irl
[06:22:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: so damn true
[06:22:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nagpababa lang ng kinain
[06:22:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: adobo na naman?
[06:22:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[06:22:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 313 shamal
[06:23:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: 183 more
[06:23:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: 187*
[06:23:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yeah i hope i can make it today
[06:23:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: 187 flights a day?
[06:23:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: you must be a no lifer then
[06:23:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is shamal test 1m?
[06:23:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: yes
[06:23:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: yes
[06:23:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: easy?
[06:23:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: pretty much\
[06:24:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is it like cargo drops?
[06:24:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: yeah
[06:24:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: but bigger circle?
[06:24:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: but with longer wingspan
[06:25:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ok thanks
[06:25:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: and easier
[06:25:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is nevada hard
[06:25:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: ... to fail?
[06:25:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: only difficult one is the nevada one
[06:25:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[06:25:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: julsec slayed it
[06:25:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: andromada?
[06:25:59] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[06:26:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions brookyn heli
[06:26:20] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player brookyn
[06:26:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions broolyn heli
[06:26:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player broolyn
[06:26:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions brooklyn heli
[06:26:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[06:26:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions brooklyn helicopter
[06:26:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: brooklyn: 1848 helicopter
[06:26:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: damn
[06:26:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i hate heli i cant even make it to 500
[06:26:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: going for 3k
[06:27:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[06:27:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Nebula
[06:27:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn:
[06:27:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: thats hard and slow
[06:27:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: still better than dodo & skimmer
[06:27:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: nevada too
[06:27:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Player lockheed
[06:27:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player lockheed: 9534 score, last seen 23 Months Ago
[06:27:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nevada is easier than heli
[06:27:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Player knight
[06:27:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player knight: 17654 score, last seen 19 Months Ago
[06:28:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !player biugo-br\
[06:28:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !player biugo-br
[06:28:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player biugo-br
[06:28:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !player biugo_br
[06:28:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: what happened to em
[06:28:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player biugo_br: 32015 score, last seen 3 Hours Ago
[06:28:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: they left pl
[06:29:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: santi
[06:33:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: f
[06:33:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: .q
[06:33:25] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[06:36:11] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[06:36:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb
[06:36:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kambing
[06:36:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: ty ty
[06:36:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: kambs
[06:39:07] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Mherzkie03
[06:39:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hi welcome to the server
[06:41:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !cash juraganmelon
[06:41:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: juraganmelon has $6,175,927 in hand
[06:41:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: rich bish
[06:41:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: richt
[06:42:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !cash brooklyn
[06:42:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: brooklyn has $246,617 in hand
[06:42:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: I'm poor af :<
[06:42:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lol u have over 40m
[06:42:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: lol nope
[06:42:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yes
[06:43:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: nope
[06:43:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: uhm 30?
[06:44:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: N to O to the P to the E
[06:44:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: then its 50
[06:44:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: remove that zero lmao
[06:44:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[06:44:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i dont believe u
[06:44:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: sure
[06:44:41] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[06:44:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !assets brooklyn
[06:44:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: brooklyn has 26 car(s) ($7,610,000) and 2 house(s) ($30,000,000 - 30 slots) for a total of $37,610,000
[06:44:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth brooklyn
[06:46:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tops
[06:46:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: nice try lmao
[06:46:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: but still nope
[06:46:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lmao, that command exist?
[06:46:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[06:46:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: !networth ayers
[06:46:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: it is
[06:46:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth brooklyn
[06:46:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: he said that on discord
[06:46:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lmao
[06:46:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: and you fell for it smh
[06:46:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: i've never been so stupid
[06:47:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahaha
[06:47:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im sorry poxy
[06:47:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: i just woke up brook
[06:47:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: lmao okay
[06:47:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: it's easy to troll people
[06:47:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth Pixy
[06:47:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !assets pixy
[06:47:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: pixy has 41 car(s) ($16,730,000) and 3 house(s) ($41,000,000 - 40 slots) for a total of $57,730,000
[06:47:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: let's troll another people with that trick
[06:48:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lets trick daniel hahahah
[06:48:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: and jodi
[06:48:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: sure
[06:48:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !assets joyadijoestar.
[06:48:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: joyadijoestar. has 39 car(s) ($30,450,000) and 4 house(s) ($44,300,000 - 38 slots) for a total of $74,750,000
[06:48:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: that + 50m
[06:48:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: jodi's network is 104m
[06:48:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !assets juraganmelon
[06:48:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: juraganmelon has 16 car(s) ($21,500,000) and 2 house(s) ($18,000,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $39,500,000
[06:49:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: daniel is 51m networth
[06:49:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth KylieJenner
[06:49:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oops
[06:50:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: thats too much
[06:50:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: thats the real life kylie
[06:50:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: huehue
[06:50:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noot noot
[06:51:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: my bank accouint would be $23,200,00 right now if I didn't VIP 4 & AT400
[06:51:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[06:52:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pixy has 60m?
[06:52:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: dunno
[06:52:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lemme count that
[06:52:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hmmm its a yes
[06:52:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: !assets
[06:52:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Pixy has 41 car(s) ($16,730,000) and 3 house(s) ($41,000,000 - 40 slots) for a total of $57,730,000
[06:52:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner does pixy has 60m?
[06:52:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh
[06:53:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: 93m
[06:53:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wuedeh
[06:53:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: garuda and vip 4
[06:53:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: can u bring in more than 100m in hand?
[06:53:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: yes
[06:53:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wont it be just 999999999?
[06:54:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: noo
[06:54:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: it will be the actual money?
[06:54:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: u can do that
[06:54:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh
[06:54:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: salamat pixy
[06:54:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: the max amount is 999b
[06:54:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: eh 999m i guess
[06:54:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: has someone already reached 1b here?
[06:54:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: in pl history
[06:55:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: if i'm not wrong some player has reached 450m
[06:55:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: yes
[06:55:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh so no billionaire yet
[06:55:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: it's ders!mcfly
[06:55:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lmao
[06:55:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: and Malo
[06:55:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: brook
[06:55:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: ?
[06:55:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: have u tried having acrylic nail extension?
[06:55:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: never heard of that
[06:55:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[06:56:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: me to
[06:56:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: gonna google it
[06:56:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg for real
[06:56:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] PenguinPilot#8676: acrylic? wtf
[06:56:47] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: adalarva
[06:56:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[06:56:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: it last 2 weeks i guess
[06:56:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: ty:d
[06:57:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth juraganmelon
[06:57:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: like diecasting?
[06:57:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rich
[06:57:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: bruh
[06:57:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: networth?
[06:57:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: I meant lifecasting
[06:57:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: new cmd?
[06:57:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yes
[06:57:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: yes
[06:57:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: baru tau
[06:57:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !cmds
[06:57:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: - ping 8ball player score cash groups assets cars houses licenses roll (r)interest rank missions
[06:57:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u are rich
[06:57:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: coba aja
[06:57:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !networth
[06:58:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: >:(
[06:58:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: damn
[06:58:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kontol dikerjain
[06:58:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gz daniel
[06:58:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: wkwkwkwk
[06:58:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u are farmer rich
[06:58:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !assets juraganmelon
[06:58:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: juraganmelon has 16 car(s) ($21,500,000) and 2 house(s) ($18,000,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $39,500,000
[06:58:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] PenguinPilot#8676: having networth would be awesome
[06:58:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u scammer
[06:58:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: he must be farming weeds
[06:58:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why?????
[06:58:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ahahahha
[06:58:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its real
[06:58:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: fucking hell hahahaha
[06:58:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yeah farming weeds
[06:58:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth juraganmelon
[06:59:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] PenguinPilot#8676: !networth
[06:59:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: do it kylie
[06:59:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: do it
[06:59:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: now
[06:59:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: too long
[06:59:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: scammer
[06:59:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rude
[06:59:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: gimme 50 percent share of your weeds business or imma call the cop
[07:00:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner why is juraganmelon so rude?
[07:00:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oops
[07:00:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: noo my farm is good
[07:00:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner is his farm good?
[07:00:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: see
[07:00:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:00:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie im going to shoot you down
[07:01:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: looks like brooklyn haveing a flashback of vietnam war
[07:01:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: lol
[07:01:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:01:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ngi
[07:01:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: brooklyn do u speak vietnamese
[07:01:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: of course he does omg
[07:01:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: he's vietnamese
[07:01:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i like the view
[07:01:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: no,
[07:01:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:01:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: told u
[07:01:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie where u going
[07:02:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: imma be dead in a few moments
[07:02:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: of course
[07:02:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yogyakarta
[07:02:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: lies
[07:02:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yogyakarta isnt that way
[07:02:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yes
[07:02:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: the tree is speaking
[07:02:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: it is
[07:02:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[07:02:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i like the view
[07:02:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i like you
[07:02:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: youre my best view
[07:02:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[07:02:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:02:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ngi
[07:02:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: your road
[07:02:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: im coming
[07:03:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: just wait
[07:03:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: if u can
[07:03:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: I heard thjat many Vietnam Vets are scared of going to the jungle
[07:03:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: why
[07:03:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: why tho
[07:03:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:03:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: trauma?
[07:03:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: because they thinks the bushes are communicating
[07:03:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lol
[07:03:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: *vietnam flashback*
[07:03:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg a devil in my radar
[07:04:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wait how do u fly through building
[07:04:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: h4x
[07:04:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hax
[07:04:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: f
[07:04:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: .report
[07:04:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im desynced
[07:04:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: malah gua yg nabrak babi
[07:04:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie tai babi
[07:04:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: wot
[07:04:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: *paint it black playing in distance*
[07:04:49] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KylieJenner
[07:04:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: df 316k
[07:05:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: top global at
[07:05:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: how the fuck tho
[07:05:22] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KylieJenner
[07:05:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hax
[07:05:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: republic of the desynced islands
[07:05:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: xd
[07:05:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth juraganmelon
[07:08:37] <CandyAss> &northpole
[07:08:37] *** Anna^ sets mode: +v CandyAss
[07:08:39] <+CandyAss> kontol
[07:08:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: IRC CandyAss: kontol
[07:09:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: once u party with us you'll be falling in love
[07:10:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: brook y u not speak vietmanes
[07:10:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: because what's the point when I'm the only Vietnamese in this server?w
[07:10:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:11:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: how do u pronounce yi sheng
[07:11:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: smh
[07:11:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: its not a vietnamese word
[07:11:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:11:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: thuy le
[07:11:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i thougjt its vietnamese
[07:12:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lagging
[07:12:53] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bananaboi
[07:12:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb
[07:13:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[07:13:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: wuedeh
[07:13:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !cash bananaboi
[07:13:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: bananaboi has $4,582,354 in hand
[07:13:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: rob rob rob
[07:13:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bananaboi: w0t
[07:13:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !assets bananaboi
[07:13:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: bananaboi has 4 car(s) ($1,640,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $1,640,000
[07:13:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bananaboi: R.I.P House
[07:13:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth bananaboi
[07:13:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bananaboi: Why is it 3m?
[07:13:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: your info messed up lmao
[07:13:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: idk
[07:14:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is estimated
[07:14:12] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: adalarva
[07:14:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: maybe u have a debt
[07:14:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: minus taxes
[07:14:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[07:14:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 331 shamal
[07:15:51] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bananaboi
[07:15:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:16:14] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bananaboi
[07:16:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: brook have u watched trolls
[07:16:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bananaboi: I hate my wifi
[07:16:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: same
[07:17:58] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bananaboi
[07:18:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: $hand
[07:18:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Jacob#0195: funny
[07:18:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:18:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] Jacob#0195: !cash brooklyn
[07:18:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: brooklyn has $114,100 in hand
[07:18:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: yeah I agree it was a lame ass joke
[07:19:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] Jacob#0195: !ping
[07:19:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: {64a19f}pong! - hi Jacob#0195
[07:20:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KylieJenner
[07:20:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: F
[07:22:24] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Jacob
[07:22:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb!
[07:25:24] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[07:25:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !score
[07:25:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Brooklyn: 20159 score, 19259 missions: 16'/. at400 - 16'/. military - 12'/. rescue
[07:27:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: admins are fucking gay
[07:27:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: so you just admit your'e gay
[07:27:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: +1
[07:29:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: lmao
[07:29:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: ABUSE
[07:29:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb kontol
[07:29:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kontol
[07:30:40] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Criterion
[07:30:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hai
[07:30:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: hai
[07:31:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: a/ all*
[07:32:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !player samisus
[07:32:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player samisus: 100 score, last seen 7 Hours Ago
[07:32:40] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Nebula
[07:32:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !player eddie_pulaski
[07:32:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player eddie_pulaski: 54 score, last seen 7 Hours Ago
[07:33:29] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: HardStone
[07:33:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[07:33:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wb
[07:33:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ty
[07:34:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: !licenses
[07:34:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: HardStone has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick, nevada
[07:34:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ;D
[07:34:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: noice
[07:34:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nice
[07:34:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: rip money
[07:35:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: !player eddie
[07:35:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player eddie: 17283 score, last seen 4 Hours Ago
[07:35:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: !player chong_mcbong
[07:35:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player chong_mcbong: 10250 score, last seen 9 Hours Ago
[07:35:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: look at all the old admins coming back
[07:35:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: !player jdt
[07:36:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player jdt: 853 score, last seen 7 Hours Ago
[07:36:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !player meissenhower
[07:36:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player meissenhower: 6277 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[07:36:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: !player biugo_br
[07:36:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player biugo_br: 32015 score, last seen 4 Hours Ago
[07:36:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !player jezza
[07:36:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player jezza: 7246 score, last seen 8 Days Ago
[07:36:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !player pandemonium
[07:36:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player pandemonium: 3650 score, last seen 23 Months Ago
[07:36:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: damn RIP sarah
[07:36:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: rip?
[07:36:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f...
[07:37:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: she died?
[07:37:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: nah she's alive but
[07:37:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: oh
[07:37:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 4.5m
[07:37:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: pm ayers
[07:37:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !cars ayers
[07:37:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: ayers has: Firetruck Stretch Infernus Cheetah Leviathan Premier Securicar Banshee Coach Cabbie Packer Monste(..)
[07:38:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: well he said 6m / at400
[07:38:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: mhmm
[07:38:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !player citr0n
[07:38:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: how about 7m for both at400's
[07:38:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player citr0n: 11051 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[07:39:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: holy shit
[07:39:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: !assets pixy
[07:39:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: pixy has 41 car(s) ($16,730,000) and 3 house(s) ($41,000,000 - 40 slots) for a total of $57,730,000
[07:40:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: now lets see brooklyns premier
[07:40:33] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KebabDefender
[07:40:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[07:40:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: lmao
[07:40:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[07:40:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty
[07:41:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: damn rainbow cake
[07:42:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: are you tresspassing my house?
[07:42:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: right up your arse
[07:42:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u dont have infernus?
[07:42:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: nope
[07:42:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: oh boi i need surfly to park zis shit! xD
[07:42:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !assets brooklyn
[07:42:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: brooklyn has 26 car(s) ($7,610,000) and 2 house(s) ($30,000,000 - 30 slots) for a total of $37,610,000
[07:42:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: still room
[07:42:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: yeah
[07:43:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: that place can park 55 cars
[07:43:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: few more on the outside
[07:43:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yeah
[07:43:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: so around 60
[07:43:44] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Jacob
[07:43:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: to make a rainbow
[07:43:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: that place is gonna be one hell of a lag spot if that place is filled lmao
[07:43:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: how about 5m for that rc baron
[07:43:59] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: ioannaztecas
[07:43:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !cargo Criterion
[07:44:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: lol
[07:44:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[07:44:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !cargo Criterion
[07:44:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hey guys
[07:44:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hey
[07:44:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: how u doin
[07:44:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !missions cargo Criterion
[07:44:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: fine
[07:44:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: robin dead
[07:44:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !cars santiago
[07:44:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: santiago has: Rhino Coach RC Bandit RC Bandit Squallo Seasparrow RC Baron RC Raider Camper Mountain Bike AT-(..)
[07:44:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Try again kebab.
[07:44:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !missions cargo Criterion
[07:44:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !cargo Criterion
[07:45:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: baron for 15m huehue
[07:45:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: nah
[07:45:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !missions cargo
[07:45:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Criterion: 1000 cargo
[07:45:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: LOL
[07:45:18] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KylieJenner
[07:45:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !missions cargo Criterion
[07:45:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[07:45:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[07:45:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: tai babi
[07:45:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !missions cargo Criterion
[07:45:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !missions Criterion cargo
[07:45:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Criterion: 1000 cargo
[07:45:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ah
[07:45:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[07:45:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !missions military
[07:45:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JuraganMelon: 5000 military
[07:45:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: You have to put a name first then put a mission type.
[07:46:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: had tea & coffe before breakfast, now I'm regretting that
[07:46:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth juraganmelon
[07:46:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dont do it kylie
[07:46:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: >:(
[07:46:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wooo
[07:46:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:46:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: !networth santiago
[07:46:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u fake bot
[07:46:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sorry
[07:46:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !networth
[07:46:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: !networth HardStone
[07:46:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hjaahahahaha
[07:46:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: rip bot
[07:46:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: ooooof
[07:46:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !networth
[07:46:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: why u all fall for that hahahahaa
[07:46:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: oh no
[07:46:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: lmfao
[07:46:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i am a bot replica
[07:46:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: r/wooosh
[07:46:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !networth KebabDefender
[07:47:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wow I got trolled
[07:47:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[07:47:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: ban?
[07:47:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ban
[07:47:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: yes indeed
[07:47:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahahahah
[07:47:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: ban
[07:47:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ban for bot impersonation
[07:47:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noooooooo
[07:47:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: r/wooosh
[07:47:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i am a bot replica
[07:47:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: robin
[07:47:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: bitch Kylie
[07:47:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wtf
[07:47:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: lmao
[07:47:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ;(
[07:47:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im banned
[07:47:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hahhaha
[07:47:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[07:47:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: what the heck
[07:47:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lets see if it would work
[07:47:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: that shit scared me
[07:47:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth juraganmelon
[07:48:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Mherzkie03: work
[07:48:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: juragan rich gimme some
[07:48:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[07:48:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i'll give you tai kambing
[07:48:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yay thank you for 3m
[07:48:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but that commands would be better
[07:48:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: donate 10m to the lotto
[07:48:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: Juragane
[07:48:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: add one more zero to that
[07:48:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lotto come to mommy
[07:48:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: gimme 69 percent shares of your weed business, or imma call the fooking cop
[07:48:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wow rich
[07:48:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: dame
[07:48:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: woa
[07:49:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: now another zero
[07:49:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[07:49:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wudeh
[07:49:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: LOL
[07:49:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: godbless america
[07:49:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: yes
[07:49:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[07:49:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: close enough
[07:49:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: yes
[07:49:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no goddammit
[07:49:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: god bless pl*
[07:49:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i need money to fix rhino
[07:49:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: yes
[07:49:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: damn stop it please
[07:49:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: there's no other who do it like i do it. from here now on i'll be your commander
[07:49:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no u wish
[07:49:51] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Criterion
[07:49:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth juraganmelon
[07:49:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg u lost 1m in your networth
[07:50:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Kylie
[07:50:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ur math shit
[07:50:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Ayers
[07:50:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[07:50:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ;(
[07:50:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: indeed
[07:50:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[07:50:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yeah indeed hes shit
[07:50:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 51m-3m is equal to 50m
[07:50:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: nice
[07:50:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: BYE
[07:50:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: thank god ur not bot :D
[07:50:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: this bot is version v1.0
[07:50:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u bot 0.69
[07:50:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: it is a beta version
[07:51:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: come here
[07:51:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: im with santiago
[07:51:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: who got 26
[07:51:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: smh
[07:51:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: me
[07:51:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: me
[07:51:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ill pick 27 instead
[07:51:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:51:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: also selected
[07:51:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: stop saying N word u racist!
[07:52:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: who tf interprets meh as ngi?
[07:52:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: me
[07:52:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: dumbass
[07:52:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: dont say whoever won that lotto also wins a trip to banland :x
[07:52:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[07:52:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 22 laso slected
[07:52:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: where is banland?
[07:52:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: u want a trip?
[07:52:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Santi will show u
[07:52:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmao
[07:52:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yakutia
[07:52:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i stayed there 3 daYS
[07:52:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: if i won that lotto
[07:52:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: so fun
[07:52:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: daniel
[07:52:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: is it hot there tho?w
[07:52:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: no its easy to get a ticket
[07:52:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hardstone please do another addlotto spam
[07:52:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: free vecation
[07:52:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: what kylie
[07:52:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: sure
[07:53:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i like the view
[07:53:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: sponsor it bish
[07:53:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: nooo
[07:53:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: like hawaii huh?
[07:53:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: its not my birthday xD
[07:53:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] Regera#1312: !missions schizophrenic cargodrop military
[07:53:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ask kylie
[07:53:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: schizophrenic: 2 cargodrop 6 military
[07:53:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: /addlotto if you are not gay
[07:53:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[07:53:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: im gay
[07:53:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i wont
[07:53:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: me too
[07:54:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner tell me juragan melon will not win the lotto
[07:54:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ...
[07:54:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner who will win the lotto?
[07:54:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg
[07:54:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: fail
[07:54:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wuedeh
[07:54:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: well
[07:54:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: retard bot
[07:54:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[07:54:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: retard bot
[07:54:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kylie shall be upgraded
[07:54:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: RetardyJenner
[07:55:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: meanie
[07:55:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !8ball am I going to win the lotto?
[07:55:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: mannie
[07:55:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: mooo
[07:55:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Brooklyn: My sources say no
[07:55:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: LOL
[07:55:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ask kylie brook
[07:55:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: *feels depressed*
[07:55:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: even the bot hates you
[07:55:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: !rank
[07:55:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Ayers(10981) rank: PL First Officer(10000) next: PL Captain(11000) (+19)
[07:55:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Diego better
[07:55:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner who will win the lotto?
[07:55:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wuedeh
[07:55:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wedeh
[07:55:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: !rank
[07:55:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: ioannaztecas(55) rank: Pilot Sergeant(30) next: Staff Pilot Sergeant(70) (+15)
[07:55:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wudeh
[07:56:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u suck
[07:56:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[07:56:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ngi
[07:57:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: double ban
[07:57:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u are tai kambing
[07:57:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no u are
[07:57:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no gajeel u ban
[07:57:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: racism
[07:57:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[07:57:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u a demon bitch
[07:57:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: fuck u juragan
[07:57:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i have my lawyer
[07:57:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: damn weather
[07:57:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: settle down, captain happy
[07:58:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: How your Lawyer take the payment Kylie? :3
[07:58:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hmmm good question
[07:58:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: gajeel, need ganja?
[07:58:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gejeel
[07:58:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: the payment is via /givecash 11
[07:58:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ay ayers
[07:59:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ay
[07:59:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i thought different way
[07:59:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: its ok
[07:59:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: cause he was just a .... and i knew it
[07:59:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i tried everything but its useless
[08:00:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: you have sketchers u like my gucci shoes
[08:00:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: fuck kylie
[08:00:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: rip lyrics
[08:00:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: stfu
[08:00:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its remix i think hardy
[08:00:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i saw kebabhunter
[08:00:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ur remix sucks
[08:00:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !8ball am I going to win the lotto?
[08:00:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Brooklyn: As I see it, yes
[08:00:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !8ball are u lying to brooklyn?
[08:01:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: Don't count on it
[08:01:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:01:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: 18 win
[08:01:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: moments of truth
[08:01:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: perhapds 28
[08:01:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh devil in the bayside
[08:01:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: no 8
[08:01:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: pix, you still here?
[08:01:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no
[08:01:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: brooklyn want to rent a hotel
[08:01:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: answer must be 28
[08:01:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: yeah, I wanna rent a roon
[08:01:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: room
[08:02:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ayers i wanna rent your house at ls
[08:02:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: no
[08:02:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: LOL
[08:02:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ahhhhh
[08:02:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: :)
[08:02:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wuedeh
[08:02:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lemme rent your house for $3,500 per month
[08:02:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie come here i wanna fuck u
[08:02:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :d
[08:02:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gross
[08:02:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: yikes
[08:02:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: rip frames
[08:03:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:03:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i will not fly over your house pixy
[08:03:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: again
[08:03:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: come to my filthy farm u filthy kylie
[08:03:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: gumagana
[08:03:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i will sue you
[08:04:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: santiago, there's ayers. now u can buy his at
[08:04:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Missions shamal
[08:04:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 337 shamal
[08:04:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: halah
[08:04:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: halah
[08:05:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: halah
[08:05:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: halah gagu
[08:05:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hahah
[08:05:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: babi
[08:05:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: babebibobu
[08:05:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bobo ka
[08:05:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: diski vpiski dautra dalalala
[08:05:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie i love you
[08:05:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: id rather be dead
[08:05:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: let me love you kylie
[08:06:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: donate to lotto 5m first
[08:06:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: and lemme win
[08:06:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: oh..
[08:06:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i can but you wont win too
[08:06:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: what a whore
[08:06:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: xDDDd
[08:06:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahaha
[08:06:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: waiting for payday to come, wishing I had strength to wait
[08:06:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: oof
[08:06:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: business is business
[08:06:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes u are
[08:06:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: whahaahha
[08:07:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:07:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: LOL
[08:07:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: let me pay u kylie
[08:07:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: " Everyone is a whore, we just sell different parts of our body" - Thomas Shelby
[08:07:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: 1 usd for 6 hours
[08:07:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: of ourselves*
[08:07:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hold on
[08:07:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: not body, fook
[08:07:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: forexample Hardy is my bitch
[08:07:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: yes please
[08:07:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im remembering the lyrics wait
[08:07:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: how to stop animation
[08:07:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: 404 Kylie Error
[08:08:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: /pee and then press F
[08:08:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i remember it
[08:08:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: nice solution
[08:08:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: if you wanna ride, just name your price dont play cheap with your heart
[08:08:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie go take a nap
[08:08:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dont make a bet if u wont pay for the check if u can afford me
[08:08:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oops
[08:09:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel i forgot to take out the foods in my car
[08:09:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Missions shamal
[08:09:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 337 shamal
[08:09:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !Missions KylieJenner Shemale
[08:09:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes brooklyn
[08:09:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[08:09:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: tell kylie i love her
[08:09:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: Dont do anything st00pid, Melon
[08:10:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmfao
[08:10:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: im hurt by the rejection
[08:10:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: shemale amputa
[08:10:17] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: ioannaztecas
[08:10:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: im sorry world
[08:10:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: goodbyecruelworld
[08:10:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no you are cruel
[08:10:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: world isnt
[08:10:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: *grabs popcorn and waiting for Melon to jump*
[08:10:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: stinglikeabee
[08:10:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: here i come
[08:10:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: oh not dead
[08:10:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: stateofemergency
[08:11:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: bish, you used /vgodmode smfh
[08:11:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: hi kylie
[08:11:05] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: HardStone
[08:11:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yeah i forget
[08:11:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: halah
[08:12:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dead
[08:12:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: ded
[08:12:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: pm 11 yes expression
[08:12:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ded
[08:12:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: halah
[08:12:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: thats garver
[08:12:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: brook feed him to the sharks
[08:13:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: I tohught u were at the golden gate bridge smh
[08:13:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sharks might die juragan corpse is poisonous
[08:13:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: nah
[08:13:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: no need, kylie`
[08:13:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: the sharks will find its way
[08:13:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: lol dead again
[08:13:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yay
[08:13:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: demon has 9 lives
[08:13:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: only 7 left
[08:13:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes im a cat
[08:13:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: when you love your life, but life doesn't love you
[08:14:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: f
[08:14:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ^
[08:14:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: f
[08:14:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: f for functional emotion
[08:14:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: who will win lotto?
[08:14:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: answer must be kylie jenner
[08:15:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gz
[08:15:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !8ball is Kylie gonna win the lotto?
[08:15:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Brooklyn: My sources say no
[08:15:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:15:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: haha!
[08:15:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bad
[08:15:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: legit
[08:15:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ask !kyliejenner instead of robin
[08:15:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !8ball will I?
[08:15:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: she says truth
[08:15:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Brooklyn: Yes
[08:15:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noooooo
[08:15:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he is lying
[08:15:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: 1lufthansa, please /fleet
[08:15:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dont be deceived brooklyn
[08:16:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: one of your androm is in the middle of the fooking road
[08:16:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wag ka po papalinlang opo
[08:16:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions statham shamal
[08:16:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: statham: 442 shamal
[08:16:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: so close
[08:16:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: konting kenden na lang
[08:17:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: opo tama nga po opo
[08:19:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb pixy
[08:19:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: ty kambing
[08:20:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !player LTZonda
[08:20:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player LTZonda: 5824 score, last seen 3 Days Ago
[08:20:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:20:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: inactive now
[08:20:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !player Semenbg
[08:20:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Semenbg
[08:20:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !player Semenbog
[08:20:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Semenbog
[08:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: halah
[08:20:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !player SemaBog
[08:20:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: do not say that word
[08:20:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player SemaBog: 0 score, last seen 22 Days Ago
[08:20:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he changed name
[08:20:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: who is semabog now
[08:20:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !player sumabog
[08:20:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player sumabog
[08:20:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !player landzph
[08:20:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player landzph: 218 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[08:20:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !player sumabog talsik laman
[08:21:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player sumabog
[08:21:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !player SemenBog
[08:21:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player SemenBog
[08:21:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kilala mo si landz?
[08:21:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !player DickBog
[08:21:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player DickBog
[08:21:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahaha
[08:21:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: f
[08:21:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel u still high?
[08:21:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: nahj
[08:21:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u le
[08:21:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: f
[08:21:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: mayday
[08:21:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: my plane is 4
[08:22:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: maydayyyyyyy
[08:22:37] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KebabDefender
[08:22:47] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KebabDefender
[08:23:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:23:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: odo breakdown
[08:23:02] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: X_Ray
[08:23:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[08:23:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb Hagi
[08:23:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: wn
[08:23:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[08:23:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: ok
[08:23:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ok
[08:26:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !8ball I'm gonna win this lotto right?
[08:26:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Brooklyn: It is decidedly so
[08:26:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: -.-
[08:26:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: can it be me
[08:26:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u won twice already
[08:26:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: o
[08:26:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: u won yesterday
[08:26:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: only once
[08:26:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: and it aint big
[08:27:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: moment of truth yall
[08:27:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: be grateful kylie
[08:27:12] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: DarkSoulz.
[08:27:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[08:27:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[08:27:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[08:27:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: long time no see
[08:27:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: /lotto
[08:27:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: juragan add 500k again
[08:27:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: were you part of ST Airways, Darksoul?
[08:27:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u wish
[08:27:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i wish
[08:27:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: smh
[08:27:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: for fuck sake
[08:27:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: hadeh 33
[08:27:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ff 38
[08:27:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: huehue
[08:28:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noot noot
[08:28:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] DarkSoulz.: ty
[08:28:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nganong dako kaayo imong score
[08:28:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] DarkSoulz.: no hhaha @brooklyn
[08:29:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] DarkSoulz.: work2x lng hehe
[08:29:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yawa
[08:29:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gi kaon ang akong buhok sa electric fan
[08:29:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] DarkSoulz.: HAHAHAHAHAH
[08:29:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] DarkSoulz.: yawa
[08:29:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nakurat ko
[08:30:08] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: DarkSoulz.
[08:30:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !networth
[08:30:28] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: DarkSoulz.
[08:31:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !player .Feast
[08:31:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player .Feast: 10725 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[08:31:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: he must be ban
[08:31:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: why
[08:31:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: for what
[08:31:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: he is asking 7 slot house 300m lol
[08:32:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lmao no
[08:32:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: yooo
[08:32:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: dick
[08:32:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: tp
[08:32:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Lufthansa fleet
[08:32:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: cmonn
[08:32:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: only win from lufthansa
[08:32:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: y u mad
[08:33:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: and he's been afk since the beginning of time
[08:33:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Santi u here?
[08:33:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: done
[08:33:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty
[08:33:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel
[08:33:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wanna see a hot girl?
[08:33:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: no
[08:33:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmao
[08:34:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: if u want search alma moreno on google
[08:34:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nooooooo
[08:34:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: please no brook my house insurance is so expensive
[08:34:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lol this is shit Kylie
[08:34:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: whyyyy
[08:34:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: search Jem Wolfie
[08:34:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hhahahaha
[08:34:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: !houses kyliejenner
[08:34:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Bayside: $1,450,000 3 slots Vinewood: $11,000,000 10 slots Redsands East: $5,950,000 5 slots Redsands East:(..)
[08:34:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u search alma moerno?
[08:35:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: search Jem Wolfie
[08:35:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: see hot
[08:35:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: did u search for alma moreno?
[08:35:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: !houses
[08:35:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Muhulland: $2,000,000 4 slots Bone County: $2,500,000 7 slots
[08:35:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nice house
[08:35:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel
[08:36:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[08:36:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 348 shamal
[08:38:30] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: DarkSoulz.
[08:38:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: someone will win lotto
[08:39:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: hope so
[08:39:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i think its id 11
[08:39:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: I need a reason to quit lmao
[08:39:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: not her
[08:39:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmao
[08:39:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: if i win i will give ayuda
[08:40:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg
[08:40:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: here it comes
[08:40:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ez
[08:40:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: e
[08:40:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Brooklyn: noice
[08:40:42] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Brooklyn
[08:40:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: nice
[08:40:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: gz
[08:40:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: gz
[08:40:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bad winner ever
[08:40:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: hagi
[08:40:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty
[08:40:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: hagi hagi
[08:41:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: now its 12645423 times won lotto
[08:41:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: finally have the reason to /q smfh
[08:41:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: worse winner in pl history
[08:41:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lol brooklyn
[08:41:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ahahahah
[08:41:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: can u cry more Kylie
[08:41:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i love that
[08:41:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg congrats gajeel my friend
[08:41:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u are so lucky my friend
[08:41:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: now can i have some?
[08:41:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahahahhahaha kidding
[08:42:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: yes ofc
[08:42:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: my best friend <3
[08:42:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[08:42:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: haha
[08:42:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wish under the sun
[08:42:24] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Mherzkie03
[08:42:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: !rank
[08:42:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Ayers(10999) rank: PL First Officer(10000) next: PL Captain(11000) (+1)
[08:42:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: wuedeh
[08:42:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wuedeh
[08:43:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: well
[08:43:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel
[08:43:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i won lotto
[08:43:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: did u bid the airline yet
[08:43:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: now have to wait cotd
[08:43:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: after im leave
[08:43:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: im waiting tomorrow
[08:43:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:43:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: u bid alone?
[08:43:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: x ray whom r u bidding with
[08:43:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: if i bid they will they will put on that
[08:43:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: so
[08:43:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: thats better
[08:43:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:44:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: woi notifnya kok ga ada
[08:44:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: always waiting last day
[08:44:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: just 200m budget :P
[08:44:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[08:44:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 351 shamal
[08:44:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but im thinking some1 will buy airline 80-100M in bidding
[08:44:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: and its me :D
[08:44:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: daniel
[08:44:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: yes i am alone X-Ray
[08:44:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ngi
[08:44:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: you wont ;)
[08:44:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u couldve gave me the 500k -.-
[08:44:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: instead of donating
[08:45:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no i'd rather give it to gajeel
[08:45:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: arent u with adalarva?
[08:45:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngiiii
[08:45:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: if i get for 60-80M i can o easyly 50/50 fleet
[08:45:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: fuck new airline
[08:45:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why
[08:45:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: do u even have 80m? xD
[08:45:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: why not
[08:45:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is it hard to own 50 fleet
[08:45:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: -.- stfu
[08:45:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[08:46:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: have more than 80M
[08:46:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[08:46:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he rich
[08:46:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: yes kylie
[08:46:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: slots-fleets are expensive
[08:46:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but its okay.
[08:46:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:46:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: ok so the battle will be between you and me
[08:46:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: how much is 1b slot
[08:46:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 1 slot
[08:46:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: 5M
[08:46:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: expensive
[08:47:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: yes COTD <3
[08:47:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: gz
[08:47:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: also POTD <3
[08:47:12] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: ioannaztecas
[08:47:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: gz
[08:47:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gz
[08:47:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: bye ppl see ya in 30 mins xD
[08:47:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hey
[08:47:30] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KebabDefender
[08:47:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: privet
[08:47:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: nice try xdd
[08:48:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lol whyyyy
[08:48:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kak vas vozut
[08:48:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: Ivan
[08:49:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: minya zovut kylie
[08:49:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: priyatna paznakomitsa
[08:49:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: me 2
[08:49:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: kak dela?
[08:49:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: good
[08:50:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: good
[08:50:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: russian is hard lol
[08:50:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: that's true
[08:50:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: even the writings
[08:51:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: are u from moskva
[08:51:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: english is quite easier than russian imo
[08:51:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: it really is
[08:51:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: how did u learn english
[08:51:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: russians barely know english
[08:51:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: no im from siberia
[08:52:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[08:52:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: near russia?
[08:52:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: we study english in schools
[08:52:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: it is russia xddd
[08:52:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Jacob#0195: english is easy when it's your first language
[08:52:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ohhh
[08:52:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Jacob#0195: i couldn't imagine re-learning it
[08:52:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: siberia is in russia
[08:52:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: english is my 2nd languag
[08:53:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: i live in krasnoyarsk
[08:53:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: wb
[08:53:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: check it in maps
[08:53:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[08:53:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: jacob gay
[08:53:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: if you really interested
[08:53:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: russia is so cold
[08:53:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: who won the lotto
[08:53:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel
[08:53:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: kebab
[08:53:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: smh
[08:53:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: its cold sometimes but this winter wasn't so cold
[08:53:52] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Jacob
[08:53:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[08:54:05] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[08:54:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: f
[08:54:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: f
[08:54:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: f
[08:54:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wtf just happend
[08:54:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: for 1 month
[08:54:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] Martin123#2533: what the fuck
[08:54:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no kylie
[08:54:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rip santi
[08:54:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] Martin123#2533: I didn't insult your family
[08:54:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: he should ban you
[08:54:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: rip
[08:54:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] Martin123#2533: I insulted you
[08:55:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ban juragan
[08:55:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: i am my family
[08:55:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he insult me
[08:55:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: bitch
[08:55:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahahah
[08:55:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tila akoy nakalutang na sa langit
[08:55:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: login
[08:55:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: at kung hanggang dito lang talaga tayo
[08:55:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tala tala
[08:55:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Martin123#2533: no, now im offended
[08:55:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: are you indonesian
[08:55:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: juragan
[08:55:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: kylie
[08:55:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yes
[08:55:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: wow im going to bed then
[08:55:57] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Jacob
[08:56:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ay
[08:56:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: hi
[08:56:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ay ay salidomay
[08:57:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: cek
[08:57:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ivan do u know russian volleyball players
[08:57:21] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pixy
[08:57:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah
[08:57:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: who
[08:57:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: i really enjoy watching
[08:57:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wow which team r u in
[08:57:49] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[08:57:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: idk how to type it on latinic\
[08:57:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb santi
[08:57:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[08:57:57] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[08:58:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: womens or mens?
[08:58:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: Enisey
[08:58:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: mens
[08:58:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: do u know musersky
[08:58:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah\
[08:58:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i think
[08:58:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hes so tall
[08:58:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: i tried to type it but idk how hehe
[08:58:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah
[08:58:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: there are a lot of tall people in russia
[08:58:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: viktor poletaev?
[08:58:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yes! are u tall?
[08:58:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: not too much
[08:59:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: but my dad was so tall
[08:59:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: like how tall
[08:59:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: yes join transX do what id 2 says
[08:59:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: about 2m
[08:59:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wow
[08:59:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: do u know ekaterina gamova
[08:59:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah
[08:59:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: she is 2m too
[08:59:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ik
[08:59:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tatiana kosheleva?
[09:00:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: i know her too
[09:00:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i have met her
[09:00:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: whoa
[09:00:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: cool
[09:00:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: she was so kind
[09:00:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: !assets
[09:00:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: during fivb world club championships
[09:01:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Santiago has 15 car(s) ($11,640,000) and 3 house(s) ($26,500,000 - 26 slots) for a total of $38,140,000
[09:01:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: !assets kebabdefender
[09:01:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: damn thats great
[09:01:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: kebabdefender has 25 car(s) ($11,080,000) and 4 house(s) ($21,800,000 - 24 slots) for a total of $32,880,000
[09:01:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i know
[09:01:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he gave me tickets good for 6 days
[09:01:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: she*
[09:01:26] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[09:01:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: she was so tall lmao
[09:01:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: r u tall?
[09:01:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: like a tree
[09:01:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: !assets kebabdefender
[09:01:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i am 1.94m
[09:01:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: kebabdefender has 25 car(s) ($11,080,000) and 4 house(s) ($21,800,000 - 24 slots) for a total of $32,880,000
[09:02:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: wtf
[09:02:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: srsly kylie
[09:02:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: u're really tall
[09:02:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ivan
[09:02:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: do u know nataliya goncharova?
[09:02:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wbu ivan?
[09:02:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah
[09:02:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg i love her so much
[09:02:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: im 1.8m
[09:02:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: about 6 feet
[09:03:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: oh damn imperial system
[09:03:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: once i have met
[09:03:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: in moscow
[09:03:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: who
[09:03:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: musersky
[09:03:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: so tall
[09:04:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah
[09:04:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg have u heard he was kicked out of the plane bc he is so tall
[09:04:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: so mean
[09:04:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i saw it on instagram
[09:04:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i really want to meet nataliya goncharova
[09:05:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: there is a big problem with tall people
[09:05:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: a lot
[09:05:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dinamo moscow is such a strong team
[09:06:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah it is
[09:06:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yeah
[09:06:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: but i cheer for my Enisey
[09:06:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: heheh
[09:06:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: also dinamo kazan
[09:06:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i dont watch mens volleyball
[09:06:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i always watch womens
[09:06:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: idk
[09:07:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ayan na nebula
[09:07:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: its quite hard because of government
[09:07:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[09:07:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why
[09:07:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: cold is not a big problem
[09:07:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is it snowing there
[09:08:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: because our government is so stupid
[09:08:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: now it is really summer
[09:08:13] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: s2k
[09:08:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: putin?
[09:08:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is it hot now?
[09:08:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah, I think he is not a good politician
[09:08:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: whyyyy
[09:08:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yes it is
[09:09:09] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: ioannaztecas
[09:09:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[09:09:53] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: ioannaztecas
[09:10:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: bad internet
[09:10:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lol
[09:10:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !player s2k
[09:10:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player s2k: 47 score, last seen 3 Minutes Ago
[09:10:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: so i think that putin took responsibility for foreign policy
[09:10:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: y r u mad at putin
[09:11:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: he forgot about us
[09:11:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is he always for military
[09:11:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: and for international conflicts
[09:11:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[09:11:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: which country
[09:12:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: syria
[09:12:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: crimea
[09:12:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no
[09:12:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ukraine
[09:12:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmao why ukraine
[09:12:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i thought theyre sister countries lol
[09:12:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: not today
[09:12:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lol only me and ayers
[09:12:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: kok andri ih anjing
[09:13:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[09:13:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 361 shamal
[09:13:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[09:13:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: because there are some regions that became independent
[09:13:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[09:13:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wb
[09:13:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[09:13:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty <3
[09:13:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: with russia's help
[09:13:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: damn this score is so slow
[09:13:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !license
[09:13:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !licenses
[09:14:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X] has a license for shamal, dodo
[09:14:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: :d
[09:14:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: takes forever to 500
[09:14:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !missions shamal
[09:14:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X]: 500 shamal
[09:14:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ah
[09:14:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !missions KylieJenner shamal
[09:14:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 361 shamal
[09:15:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth twi[x]
[09:15:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ...
[09:15:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !networth
[09:15:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rich
[09:15:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: is this a new cmd?
[09:15:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: maybe
[09:15:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !networth kyliejenner
[09:15:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: dunno, some new feature
[09:15:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cmds
[09:15:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: - ping 8ball player score cash groups assets cars houses licenses roll (r)interest rank missions
[09:15:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: !ping
[09:15:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: {802715}pong! - hi ioannaztecas
[09:15:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !networth cygnus
[09:15:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no twi
[09:15:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dont get trolled
[09:16:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !networth cygnus
[09:16:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth pixy
[09:16:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: it's a troll
[09:16:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i told you
[09:16:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wow pixy
[09:16:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rich
[09:16:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lol
[09:16:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !networth Twi[X]
[09:16:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: stop demonizing
[09:16:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lmao
[09:16:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !networth Twi[X]
[09:17:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: 93?
[09:17:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Oh okay
[09:17:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: jurganmelon die
[09:17:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Fucking it's kylie's bot
[09:17:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hes a troll
[09:17:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[09:17:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahahahahaah
[09:17:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: xd
[09:17:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !networth nebula
[09:17:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: finally
[09:17:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: bitch
[09:17:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: that's
[09:17:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u fell for it?
[09:17:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: why he put his networth to 1b
[09:17:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I thought robin added this as a troll lol
[09:17:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kylie jenner net worth is 1b look into google
[09:18:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: its not robin_be
[09:18:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner is juraganmelon gonna be banned?
[09:18:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner how many days?
[09:18:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: noice
[09:19:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wtwi
[09:19:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: that is a beta version
[09:19:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !player Crystal
[09:19:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Crystal: 7682 score, last seen 9 Hours Ago
[09:19:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: god
[09:19:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lawn god
[09:20:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: twi
[09:20:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yo
[09:20:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u bidding?
[09:20:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: airline
[09:20:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Nah, I'm good with IA
[09:20:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: clap clap
[09:20:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie u demon?
[09:21:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: stfu
[09:21:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: but it's like I wanna buy a share in that airline
[09:21:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: a demon whispering my ears
[09:21:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[09:21:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u business minded
[09:21:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lol
[09:22:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ay nebula
[09:22:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yall die fucking sensitive
[09:23:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: F
[09:23:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: xdd
[09:23:05] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KebabDefender
[09:23:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[09:23:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[09:23:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty
[09:23:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb lotto winner
[09:23:28] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pixy
[09:24:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !8ball is kylie going to die?
[09:24:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JuraganMelon: Very doubtful
[09:24:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: lol
[09:25:08] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[09:25:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[09:25:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[09:25:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[09:25:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: any news on custom houses?
[09:26:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: fck
[09:26:37] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Ayers
[09:29:33] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pixy
[09:29:53] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[09:30:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[09:30:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: is winlogon afk
[09:34:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: a
[09:36:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ffs
[09:36:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: the demon is active
[09:36:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: fuck this lc
[09:37:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lc's suck
[09:37:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahahha
[09:37:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[09:37:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: lc is liberty city?
[09:37:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: no
[09:37:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: /lc
[09:37:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: awww
[09:37:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Lost Cargo
[09:37:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lost cargo
[09:37:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i miss that
[09:37:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: sry xd
[09:37:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hi pixy
[09:38:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: garuda?
[09:38:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lol
[09:38:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: nice to see
[09:38:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hi
[09:38:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: we hack
[09:38:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: we hack potd
[09:38:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: aotd
[09:38:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ban ban
[09:38:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: we hack kylie
[09:38:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie suck
[09:38:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: whack
[09:38:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im in a phone call
[09:41:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: go lowrider
[09:41:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nice ride bro
[09:41:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: /help
[09:41:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ye thx
[09:41:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: find dealership
[09:41:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars
[09:41:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X] has: RC Bandit Seasparrow RC Baron Sultan AT-400 AT-400 AT-400 RC Cam
[09:42:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: asks pass
[09:43:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ;pttp 48
[09:43:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[09:43:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 368 shamal
[09:44:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: nub
[09:44:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[09:44:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: n
[09:44:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: gi
[09:44:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions juraganmelon shamal
[09:44:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: juraganmelon: 1300 shamal
[09:45:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i saw a demon down the lv road
[09:45:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: sup
[09:46:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: you sold your house twi?
[09:46:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh twas u
[09:46:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: nope
[09:49:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: noot
[09:49:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yo
[09:50:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oops
[09:50:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: damn
[09:51:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[09:52:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: f
[09:52:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lmao
[09:52:11] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Omar_Gomez
[09:52:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: Welcome!
[09:52:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: welcome
[09:53:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !player Shazi
[09:53:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Shazi: 15172 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[09:53:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Rahtollf
[09:53:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[09:54:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[09:55:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: !player avicenna
[09:55:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player avicenna: 2435 score, last seen 6 Days Ago
[09:56:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I'm at top juragan where u at
[09:56:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: at sf lol
[09:56:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: Paradiso
[09:56:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: bad ayers
[09:56:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lmao
[09:56:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i like the view
[09:56:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: fly fly fly
[09:59:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[10:00:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wow demon
[10:00:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[10:00:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i almost killed the demon
[10:00:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: !assets twi
[10:00:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: twi has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[10:00:46] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pixy
[10:00:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[10:01:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: gz
[10:01:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thanks
[10:01:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: !assets twi[x]
[10:01:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: twi[x] has 8 car(s) ($400,000) and 3 house(s) ($18,500,000 - 17 slots) for a total of $18,900,000
[10:01:16] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[10:01:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[10:01:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[10:01:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: what sky divers do
[10:01:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: halelujah
[10:02:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wow 6201
[10:02:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: idk, maybe roleplay
[10:02:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kylieleftat6k and camebackat6001
[10:02:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: scammer
[10:02:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[10:02:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 373 shamal
[10:02:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: 136 left
[10:02:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: shut up
[10:02:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: 126*
[10:03:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: scammer kylie ban
[10:03:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no u
[10:03:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: fuck longyearbyen
[10:03:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no u
[10:03:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: so far away
[10:03:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah
[10:03:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: why fuck
[10:04:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: neb
[10:04:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi kebab
[10:04:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nakahanap kana ng house?
[10:05:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: hi ioanna
[10:05:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: san at hm
[10:05:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: 5m
[10:05:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: sf
[10:05:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 5 slots?
[10:05:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kulang pa ko 1m
[10:05:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: baka un nga yung tinutukoy ko
[10:05:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: baka nga
[10:05:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: building
[10:05:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tabi ni criterion na house?
[10:05:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: 4floor
[10:05:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :
[10:05:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[10:05:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hindi ko alam
[10:05:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ;d
[10:05:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: check natin
[10:05:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[10:06:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sa may pataas yung bahay?
[10:06:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: oo parang
[10:08:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !Player adalarva
[10:08:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player adalarva: 9702 score, last seen 3 Hours Ago
[10:08:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !assets adalarva
[10:08:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: adalarva has 1 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[10:08:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: aww
[10:08:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[10:09:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 374 shamal
[10:09:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lazy ass
[10:09:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ;(
[10:09:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bad gajeel
[10:09:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im not lazy
[10:09:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i worked since 10am
[10:09:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: yee
[10:10:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: 1 hour worked
[10:10:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: 5 hour break
[10:10:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noooo
[10:10:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u fucking meanie
[10:10:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :
[10:11:10] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Winlogon.bat
[10:11:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: imma log out in a bit
[10:11:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[10:11:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[10:11:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[10:11:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[10:11:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[10:11:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thanks
[10:11:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no keep /w
[10:11:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sakit kepala
[10:11:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: lol
[10:12:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pixy
[10:12:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sakit
[10:12:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Pixy#7896: Mati listrik pler
[10:12:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: goblok
[10:12:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wkwkwk
[10:12:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: goblok
[10:12:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: tar lagi deh pas mau buka
[10:12:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Pixy#7896: Sip deh
[10:12:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !groups goostiedipa
[10:12:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: goostiedipa is in airline Inverted Airlines and company GO-JEK
[10:12:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: `/a gua juga cabut
[10:12:57] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JuraganMelon
[10:13:00] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Ayers
[10:13:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Omar_Gomez: Crew militar?
[10:14:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gun in my purse bitch i came dress to kill
[10:14:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bye guyssssssssssss
[10:14:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: go
[10:14:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: bb
[10:14:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: ingat
[10:14:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: u not worked
[10:14:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but
[10:14:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: see you all in few hours
[10:14:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: go
[10:14:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: bai
[10:14:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wtf gajeel
[10:14:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :
[10:15:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[10:15:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i came from 6056 to 6203
[10:15:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u dont appreciate me at all
[10:15:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: meh...
[10:15:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: such a bad person :(
[10:15:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: aint thing
[10:15:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[10:15:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[10:15:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: god bless you as soon as possible not everytime
[10:15:43] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KylieJenner
[10:15:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: xD
[10:16:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: god cant bless me
[10:16:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i bless god
[10:16:21] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Rahtollf
[10:16:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[10:16:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: but he is left
[10:16:41] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: X_Ray
[10:16:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: hagi galatasaray bursaspor konyaspor
[10:17:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hi fabian miss u already
[10:17:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: hey you will miss me more 13 days
[10:17:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi fabian
[10:17:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: sup brat
[10:17:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: hagi hagi hagi
[10:17:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Too bad. I hope you learn from your mistake ?
[10:18:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: what u did again fabian?
[10:18:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Stop asking
[10:18:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: it wasn't my mistake. that was only lack of objectivity.
[10:18:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: racism again???
[10:18:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: yea
[10:18:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: xd
[10:18:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: pff
[10:18:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: bro
[10:18:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: u have to stop :D
[10:18:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ngi
[10:18:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: my jokes drops so hard
[10:19:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Yeah it�s a flop meep
[10:19:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: all people joking on chat about n word and i make a n joke too
[10:19:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: and my friend lavija banned me
[10:19:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !assets fAbiaNeL.
[10:19:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: fAbiaNeL. has 0 car(s) ($0) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $0
[10:19:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i made*
[10:19:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: thank go u dont have assets
[10:19:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Because u gave an n example and i see that it was the fault
[10:20:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Like N = nine, it�s irrelevant to racism and N = Presi O, its very relevant imo
[10:20:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: let think about you're judge. i commited a crime. this crime is legal for a period, in this period i make that crime with other
[10:20:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i'm jailed again
[10:21:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: yes thats what has happened
[10:21:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: By next time dont mention it bc people are very sensitive about it
[10:21:42] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Criterion
[10:21:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[10:21:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[10:21:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: I know u are better than that
[10:21:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i didn't know that I insult someone, because many people jokes
[10:21:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb
[10:21:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: ty
[10:21:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Wb criterion legend huehue
[10:22:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: ty.
[10:22:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: kylie
[10:22:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: let us
[10:22:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: when I do something wrong everytime /ban XD
[10:22:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: just dont do any racial or religious joke next time huh
[10:22:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: I mean your joke is sensitive, but dont get me wrong I wasn�t affected but others are
[10:22:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: like me
[10:22:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: im kidding with islam
[10:22:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: you better shut up im going to eat dristor kebab
[10:23:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but im also Muslim
[10:23:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ahahhagagaha
[10:23:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but no1 offending
[10:23:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: fax
[10:23:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Stfu! Kebab u are not a good person
[10:23:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but that n word so sensitive subject
[10:23:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: first of
[10:23:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: im believer
[10:23:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Yeah
[10:23:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi criterion
[10:23:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: hey
[10:23:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: and im during namaz awesome
[10:23:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: I think it�s hard to normalize the n word
[10:24:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: 20 times in a day
[10:24:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: so im good person
[10:24:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Kebab u always tease and insult me you are not good
[10:24:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ah
[10:24:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: its about u
[10:24:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Sa classroom may batas
[10:24:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: sorry
[10:24:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: yes i am
[10:24:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[10:24:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Gajeel
[10:24:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: ioann
[10:24:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hahahahahahahaha lmao
[10:24:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Fuck you
[10:24:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: :D
[10:24:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Thanks
[10:25:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah?
[10:25:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !groups thetrucker963
[10:25:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: thats what i love
[10:25:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: thetrucker963 is in airline Inverted Airlines and company TransX
[10:25:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[10:25:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: do you listen loqiemean?
[10:25:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Omar_Gomez
[10:25:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Gajeel shall be baptized again
[10:25:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: dope ad
[10:25:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: no idk what is it
[10:25:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ik really
[10:25:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: a rapper from Russia
[10:25:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Cause we dope girls we flawless
[10:25:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: now im thinking about that Twi
[10:25:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lol
[10:25:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: check it is cool
[10:25:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ofc not.
[10:25:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: i dont really like rap
[10:25:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: IA's the best :)
[10:25:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: but ill try
[10:26:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: nah.
[10:26:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: is between rap and rock
[10:26:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: ???????
[10:26:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: btw ur not Dope Girl @MylieMenner
[10:26:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: u have chubby ass
[10:26:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Omg are u cleft
[10:26:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: i really into russian rock tho
[10:26:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: it's 1:26 am and I'm hungry asf
[10:26:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: loqiemean - metalhead
[10:26:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ionna
[10:26:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: loqiemean - iz govna i palok
[10:26:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Mot ma mackuo majeel
[10:27:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ionna
[10:27:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: axaxxaaxxaxa
[10:27:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Shokran?
[10:27:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah?
[10:27:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: There�s no other who do it like i do it
[10:27:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: ioan what means iz govna i palok XD
[10:27:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Fucking dumb ass tree
[10:27:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: From here now on i�ll be your commander
[10:27:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: idk about shokran
[10:28:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: gz
[10:28:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ay. Gajeel! Search ivana alawi on google
[10:28:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thanks
[10:28:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: iz govna i palok (�� ����� � �����) is "made by shit and sticks"
[10:28:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Fabian check out alma moreno on google lemme know if u thin she�s hot
[10:28:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: w/
[10:28:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: it is russian some kind of idiom
[10:28:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: is a song about communism i think
[10:29:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: I dont listened it
[10:29:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: if i listen, i'll tell you what this song about
[10:29:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Alma monero = shit
[10:29:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hahahahaha why twi
[10:29:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Ivana Alawi's cute :d
[10:29:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: kylie she's 60 lol
[10:29:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wtf
[10:30:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hahahahaha
[10:30:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and Ivana Alawi got nice titties
[10:30:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: Search Julian Ward
[10:30:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Nasty twi very nasty
[10:30:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Say hot instead lol
[10:30:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: yea she's hot but not asian
[10:30:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: julian ward's cute too and nice tites :D
[10:30:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: see ya later guys
[10:30:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: titties*
[10:31:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: bb ioan have a great day
[10:31:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: shes 16
[10:31:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: JAIL
[10:31:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: u 2
[10:31:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: ioannaztecas
[10:31:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: welp
[10:31:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: im already banned so
[10:31:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: she got more titties than a 16 year old tbh
[10:31:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: like my brother
[10:31:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lol
[10:31:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wtf
[10:31:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: XDDD i joke
[10:31:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: but Razvan has also big titties from fortnite
[10:32:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: i nut in her once
[10:33:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: can I delete messages from game? lol
[10:34:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: FUCK
[10:34:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: FUCK
[10:34:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: nah i dont think so
[10:34:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: you mean /messages?
[10:34:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: no what I send on discord in game
[10:34:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no
[10:37:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ivana alwi is filipina
[10:37:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Her mom is filipina he speak filipino
[10:37:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: She* i mean lmao
[10:42:00] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CzechBoy777
[10:42:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[10:42:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: w
[10:42:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[10:42:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: b
[10:42:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: wb
[10:42:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty
[10:42:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: the international day against homophobism pack your bags kings
[10:44:45] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Nebula
[10:45:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: ok
[10:46:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[10:46:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty
[10:47:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !player dasdes
[10:47:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player dasdes: 2683 score, last seen 14 Hours Ago
[10:47:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !groups dasdes
[10:47:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: dasdes is in airline Sky Air and company Sky Logistics
[10:47:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !houses dasdes
[10:47:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Richman: $9,500,000 8 slots Las Colinas: $12,000,000 12 slots
[10:47:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[10:47:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !assets dasdes
[10:47:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: dasdes has 9 car(s) ($2,860,000) and 2 house(s) ($21,500,000 - 20 slots) for a total of $24,360,000
[10:47:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: the fact Ilove dasdes
[10:47:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars dasdes
[10:47:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: dasdes has: Stretch Oceanic FBI Rancher RC Goblin Journey NRG-500 Bullet Broadway Launch
[10:47:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !assets
[10:47:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Criterion has 20 car(s) ($18,580,000) and 4 house(s) ($32,350,000 - 24 slots) for a total of $50,930,000
[10:47:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !cars
[10:47:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Criterion has: Infernus Hunter Rhino Barracks Squallo RC Baron Sanchez Patriot FBI Rancher Police Maverick H(..)
[10:47:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !house Criterioin
[10:48:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wrong spelling..
[10:48:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !houses Criterion
[10:48:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Paradiso: $4,200,000 5 slots Santa Maria Beach: $7,500,000 5 slots Verona Beach: $7,000,000 7 slots The Eme(..)
[10:48:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: CritEroin
[10:48:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: The emerald isle house is in LV?
[10:48:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Yes, north of apartments in LV.
[10:48:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: me and crit neighboors like 2 month
[10:49:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: but not outside.
[10:49:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: how much slots is that?
[10:49:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: I also got a tank in LS at verona beach.
[10:49:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I'm poor asf
[10:49:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: 7 for emerald isle
[10:49:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: nice
[10:50:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Twi do u love alma moreno
[10:50:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yes
[10:51:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: no wait
[10:51:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Fuck her
[10:51:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I love the other one
[10:51:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: xD
[10:51:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: HAHAHAAHAHAH
[10:51:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: nitch
[10:51:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: bitch
[10:51:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Alma moreno is the hot one
[10:51:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: check Jem Wolfie Twi
[10:52:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Jem Wolfie got some nice ass and tittes :)
[10:52:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: yeeee
[10:52:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: she's cute too
[10:52:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: she deserve my diddy d.
[10:52:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i can bang forever
[10:52:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: with a ass that big sure ;d
[10:53:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[10:53:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: damn she's got all that juicy ass
[10:53:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: bro
[10:53:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and milky tittes ;)
[10:53:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: she anormal
[10:53:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: eh how
[10:53:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: seriously not from earth
[10:53:41] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Alifer
[10:53:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oh wb alifer
[10:53:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[10:53:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: yo
[10:54:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i was bought her Only Fans
[10:54:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: 5 $ monthly
[10:54:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: nice
[10:54:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: deserve...
[10:54:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Wtf gross gajeel
[10:54:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Kylie
[10:54:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: believe u will buy to
[10:54:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :
[10:55:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: omg i want her so bad
[10:55:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: she's got a lot of juicy stuff :0
[10:55:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Lmao
[10:55:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I'm checking her instagram
[10:55:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: kylie check it man
[10:55:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: she got some really big stuff
[10:55:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Wtf twi and gajeel! This is so gross
[10:55:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: What on earth
[10:55:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: some rich business want her 1 night for 10M $
[10:55:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: she refused
[10:55:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wtf
[10:55:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ''she says''
[10:56:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: I cant refuse 1 night for 10$ what about 10M
[10:56:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lmao
[10:56:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: XDD
[10:57:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: if i like her i would auction for fuck me
[10:57:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: that fact that you ain't got titties and a ass that huge
[10:57:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: bidding start 1M
[10:57:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !groups biugo_br
[10:57:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: biugo_br is in airline (none) and company (none)
[10:57:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: ? i know that twi
[10:57:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: but im trying my best
[10:58:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Love > sex
[10:58:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: who watches football
[10:58:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: i mean s o c c e r for twi XD
[10:58:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Fap>Love>sex
[10:58:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: roblox>sex
[11:02:48] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Crystal
[11:02:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Hey Crystal
[11:03:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb crystal
[11:03:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: wb
[11:03:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[11:03:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Crystal: ew clean gta3.img
[11:03:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: check gta3.img low
[11:04:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Crystal: time to mod this bitch
[11:04:12] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Crystal
[11:05:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wut
[11:05:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: oh lol
[11:05:46] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Rahtollf
[11:05:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[11:07:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] ChesterMcbadbat#6412: morning everyone
[11:07:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: hey
[11:07:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] ChesterMcbadbat#6412: except crystal
[11:07:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: oi
[11:09:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ill come later sya
[11:09:17] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[11:11:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Rahtollf: !assets Rahtollf
[11:11:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Rahtollf has 1 car(s) ($180,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $180,000
[11:11:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !groups wak_jemah
[11:11:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: wak_jemah is in airline Sky Air and company Sky Logistics
[11:13:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: wow so mean
[11:13:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: lmao found a screenshot of the user none logged in
[11:13:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: in media
[11:14:08] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[11:14:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[11:14:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Thanks
[11:16:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: How to use /plate
[11:16:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Oh nvm
[11:17:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: gz
[11:17:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: ty
[11:19:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Rahtollf
[11:21:00] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[11:22:58] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[11:23:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[11:23:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Thank you
[11:23:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb dipa
[11:23:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: gz
[11:23:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[11:23:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty
[11:23:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wb twi
[11:23:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty
[11:23:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: And thanks btw
[11:23:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ;d
[11:26:32] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: X_Ray
[11:27:28] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Comandante_Diyo
[11:29:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Lol
[11:29:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :)
[11:30:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: !player adalarva
[11:30:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player adalarva: 9702 score, last seen 5 Hours Ago
[11:32:54] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Gamer30
[11:33:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: wb
[11:33:55] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Gamer30
[11:34:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: and f
[11:34:13] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Razvanica.xD
[11:34:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :)
[11:34:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb
[11:34:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wb
[11:34:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Razvanica.xD: ty
[11:34:46] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Razvanica.xD
[11:34:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: and f
[11:38:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: X_Ray
[11:38:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: No I am not.
[11:38:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Eh.
[11:39:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[11:46:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: !player shiv
[11:46:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player shiv: 15936 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[11:51:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[11:51:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty and bye
[11:51:35] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KebabDefender
[11:52:36] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Comandante_Diyo
[11:57:24] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Fyrel
[11:58:17] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Lavija
[11:58:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[11:58:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[12:01:41] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[12:01:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[12:01:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Thanks'
[12:02:01] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: ioannaztecas
[12:02:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[12:02:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hey
[12:02:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ty
[12:02:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: wb
[12:02:50] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Manish
[12:03:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[12:03:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Finally im playing on pc
[12:03:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: :D
[12:05:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JuraganMelon
[12:05:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: w
[12:05:45] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Lavija
[12:05:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: b
[12:05:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: thnks
[12:05:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[12:06:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[12:06:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[12:06:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: thnks
[12:06:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: daniel can you gimme 100m?
[12:06:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i wish i have lol
[12:06:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: you do :)
[12:06:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !casj
[12:06:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !cash
[12:06:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JuraganMelon has $5,490,400 in hand
[12:07:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: all i got
[12:07:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: okay that'll workd for me ;)
[12:07:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: work*
[12:07:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: nooooo u wish haha
[12:07:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ;P
[12:07:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: damn now i type the way kylie type
[12:07:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: kylie told me a really hot girl
[12:07:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi winlogon
[12:07:53] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Lavija
[12:07:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[12:07:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[12:08:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[12:08:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: hello
[12:08:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: whos the hot girl?
[12:08:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[12:08:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: me
[12:08:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I forgot the name
[12:08:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: it's a fillipino name
[12:08:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: lies
[12:08:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: give me your bathwater
[12:08:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I swear I forgot lo
[12:08:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: send me your address
[12:08:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: po 69420
[12:09:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[12:09:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ur bike is broken daniel
[12:09:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: ty
[12:09:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: nooo
[12:09:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: :(
[12:09:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nvm i fixed it
[12:09:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: tp hack incoming
[12:10:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: na wont work if youre not standing on it
[12:10:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: oh
[12:10:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: wtf why dont you have nos on this
[12:10:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: how can i install it lol
[12:10:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: blueberry
[12:10:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: on nrg
[12:10:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ...
[12:10:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ...
[12:11:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: can you not?
[12:11:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: cant
[12:11:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: /givecar
[12:11:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: lemme test
[12:11:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: can i buy a house for ~1m
[12:11:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: yes
[12:11:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: yes
[12:11:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yes you can
[12:11:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[12:11:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: where are they located
[12:11:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: everywhere?
[12:12:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: everywhere
[12:12:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: want me to find you the cheapest house ioanna?
[12:12:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: thank you but later
[12:12:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: i want to score 100
[12:12:36] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KebabDefender
[12:12:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: thanks
[12:12:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: back out a little
[12:12:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: alot of shit
[12:12:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: TIme to go sleep now
[12:12:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[12:12:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: you go sleep too lav
[12:13:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: thx for wb spam
[12:13:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: damn..
[12:13:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Juragan you too
[12:13:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: xddd
[12:13:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: still 5.13
[12:13:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: pm
[12:13:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Kebab u too
[12:13:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: meh.
[12:13:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: it's 3am for me
[12:13:26] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Twi[X]
[12:13:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u havent sleep to lav?
[12:13:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: i slept
[12:13:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: just awake?
[12:13:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ive been studying for an hour
[12:13:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: oh
[12:13:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: fapped?
[12:14:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: good night langa langs
[12:14:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: gn
[12:14:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: ?
[12:14:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !
[12:14:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: !
[12:14:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ~
[12:17:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nice
[12:17:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: oh u ded
[12:18:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: what car do you want
[12:18:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: idk
[12:18:40] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Ayers
[12:18:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[12:18:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[12:18:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ty
[12:18:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wow
[12:19:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dm
[12:19:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ban
[12:19:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ayers kontol
[12:19:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hey dont waste my odo
[12:19:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: kontol
[12:19:51] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombard
[12:19:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wpw
[12:19:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: dm
[12:19:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dm
[12:19:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: jail
[12:19:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[12:20:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: allen indo
[12:20:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb Ban Hammer
[12:20:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: who is ricardo
[12:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: me
[12:20:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: no kidding
[12:20:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: me
[12:20:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wpw
[12:20:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dm
[12:20:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: wat
[12:21:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wom
[12:21:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: win
[12:21:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: awit
[12:22:09] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Fyrel
[12:22:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: timeout island xd
[12:23:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Added bonus of 1K for being a privaledged member of society?
[12:23:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: pl sponsor interest
[12:23:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: noysss
[12:23:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dn
[12:23:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dm
[12:25:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ow thx
[12:26:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: !8ball am i beautiful?
[12:26:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: astaga
[12:26:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner#7680: Sign points to yes
[12:26:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: yes
[12:26:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: Juragan Bath water
[12:26:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[12:26:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: 1m
[12:26:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: doesnt exist
[12:26:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: 5m
[12:26:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: deal
[12:26:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Lavija bathe juragan melon he stinks
[12:27:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: go dammit
[12:27:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: shut up!
[12:27:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: please
[12:27:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: go sleep kylie
[12:28:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Lmao its 6:30pm gajeel
[12:28:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wow
[12:28:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: u said im sleepy
[12:28:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: tf
[12:28:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: its the bath you deserve
[12:28:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: f
[12:28:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ...
[12:29:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: bored af
[12:29:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: can't see anything
[12:29:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: who is near the lsa
[12:30:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: I was tired
[12:30:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: u did nothing how u tired lol??!!
[12:31:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ^
[12:32:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[12:33:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ty
[12:33:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: gz
[12:33:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ty
[12:33:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Yes
[12:33:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lavi
[12:33:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: bruh
[12:34:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: 5 more
[12:36:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi crit
[12:37:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: hey
[12:37:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: ular island has such a small runway to land at400 :(
[12:38:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ular is being updated
[12:38:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Lavi is it inn LS?
[12:38:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: i almost overshot the runway
[12:38:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: no
[12:40:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: where is ocean flats
[12:40:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: san fierro]
[12:40:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: damn
[12:40:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: im lookin LS
[12:40:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: y
[12:40:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty
[12:40:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: or los santos
[12:40:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: i dont remember
[12:40:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: west coast of sf
[12:41:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: 18k military missions
[12:41:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: jesus
[12:41:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: :D
[12:44:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: ?Q
[12:44:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Manish
[12:44:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: lel
[12:44:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: f/li
[12:44:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: FAK
[12:44:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: im trapped in Allens house
[12:44:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: fial
[12:44:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: F
[12:44:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: fail
[12:45:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: noone can resist a good gay bar
[12:45:42] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: HanzelDS
[12:45:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb
[12:45:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[12:45:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[12:46:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] HanzelDS: ty
[12:46:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: !rank
[12:46:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: ioannaztecas(96) rank: Staff Pilot Sergeant(70) next: Sergeant Pilot(140) (+44)
[12:47:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Alifer
[12:47:55] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Alifer
[12:48:25] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: HanzelDS
[12:48:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Hi
[12:48:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: hey
[12:48:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hey
[12:49:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Gey
[12:50:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: one more flight
[12:52:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[12:52:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: gz
[12:52:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: ty
[12:52:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: gz
[12:53:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: damn nrg is so cheap
[12:53:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: alifer
[12:53:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: yo
[12:53:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: you get an extra slot now w/o a house
[12:53:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alifer: yeah
[12:55:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: allen what plane do you use
[12:55:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: shamal?
[12:55:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: shamal, nevada, at400
[12:55:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lol
[12:55:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: gz
[12:55:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thanks
[12:55:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[12:55:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thanks
[12:55:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: and in 3 second
[12:55:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: i will became 100 scored
[12:55:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: winlotto.bat
[12:56:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: good cheats m8
[12:57:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Alifer
[12:58:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Nebula
[12:58:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[12:58:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[12:58:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: thanks
[12:58:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: someone can lend me a car please?
[12:58:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: gz ioanna
[12:58:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: you can buy one
[12:58:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Welkomm
[12:59:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: and i don't need to go to the car shop or something
[12:59:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ?
[12:59:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wtf
[13:01:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[13:01:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: gz
[13:01:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thanks
[13:01:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Welkomm/p
[13:01:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: damn
[13:01:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: gz
[13:02:21] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[13:02:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[13:02:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[13:02:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[13:02:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Thanks
[13:02:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: dipa orang mana
[13:03:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[13:03:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: gz
[13:03:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: gz
[13:03:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wow gz
[13:03:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty
[13:06:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: GZ!
[13:06:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[13:06:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: gz
[13:06:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty
[13:07:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: gz
[13:07:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: gz
[13:07:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: GZ!
[13:07:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ty
[13:07:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !assets ioannaztecas
[13:07:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: ioannaztecas has 0 car(s) ($0) and 1 house(s) ($1,000,000 - 2 slots) for a total of $1,000,000
[13:07:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: buy a car
[13:07:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: yeah
[13:07:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: hey
[13:07:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: hi
[13:08:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: service my cabbie lavija
[13:08:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: it is serviced
[13:08:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: only 15km on the odometer
[13:08:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: rude ayers
[13:10:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: fuckin DFT 30 Stucks everywhere!
[13:10:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: damn PPs
[13:12:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: GZ
[13:12:35] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JoyadiJoestar.
[13:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: gz
[13:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ty
[13:12:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[13:12:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: gz
[13:12:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hello
[13:12:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: jotaro
[13:12:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: kono dio da
[13:12:50] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KylieJenner
[13:12:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: dio
[13:12:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: hello admins?
[13:12:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[13:12:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[13:12:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kosa
[13:13:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb kylie
[13:13:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ty
[13:13:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[13:13:08] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: X_Ray
[13:13:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[13:13:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[13:13:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nebula
[13:13:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb Hagi
[13:13:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: patinigin ako nung sinasabi mo
[13:14:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nung ano
[13:14:37] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[13:14:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: binili ni kebab
[13:14:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[13:14:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[13:14:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb,
[13:14:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: uu aa
[13:14:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[13:14:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sabi sayo e
[13:14:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: ty
[13:14:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: awit
[13:14:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ngi
[13:14:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: dapat nangutang ako sayo
[13:14:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sabi sayo bilhin mo na eh baliw ka
[13:15:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kakabili lang kanina
[13:15:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kebab
[13:15:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: naik heli
[13:15:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: sambil kerja
[13:15:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kulang pa ko 1m
[13:15:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u are so mean
[13:15:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: gz
[13:15:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kebab u are meanie
[13:15:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: mioce
[13:15:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ty
[13:15:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: gz
[13:15:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: sini naik
[13:15:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: how to spawn my car
[13:16:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: go to nearest payphone
[13:16:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ok
[13:16:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: thx
[13:16:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sf
[13:16:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: coming
[13:17:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !player [president]putin
[13:17:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player [president]putin: 28308 score, last seen 4 Days Ago
[13:17:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: lol
[13:17:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: putin playin samp 0_0
[13:17:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yes
[13:17:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: he is
[13:17:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: the real putin
[13:18:34] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Manish
[13:18:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[13:18:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[13:19:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wjere tf r u
[13:19:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: pff Dock Pass bugge
[13:19:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kebab
[13:19:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: bugged
[13:20:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u bought the house my friend wants
[13:20:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: which is
[13:20:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: which is sed
[13:20:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie come here
[13:20:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: where r u
[13:20:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: indo
[13:20:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmao
[13:21:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: siapa menang
[13:21:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: ikut dong
[13:21:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sino nanalo
[13:21:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: sawah ja
[13:21:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hindi ko naabutan
[13:21:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: rescue dulu 1x
[13:21:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: natulog ako
[13:21:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngia
[13:21:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: may nakita pako dito e
[13:21:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 5m dn
[13:21:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oo
[13:21:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nice
[13:21:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pero walang parking spce
[13:21:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: sf din?
[13:21:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oo
[13:22:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: parang alam ko yan
[13:22:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hin
[13:22:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hinahanap ko nga e limutan ko na
[13:22:26] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[13:22:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[13:22:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[13:22:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: wb
[13:22:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: want join indo convoy lavija?
[13:22:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ito nalang 4 slots
[13:22:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Btw thanks/
[13:22:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nope study
[13:22:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 4.2m
[13:22:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: 500 ping
[13:22:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: kk
[13:22:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: gl
[13:22:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: may open garage
[13:22:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: gdluck
[13:22:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: 4.2? 5 slots?
[13:22:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: gl
[13:22:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oo
[13:23:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: saan yan?
[13:23:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 4 slots
[13:23:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: oke we rescue
[13:23:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: yun lang
[13:23:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dont hit me
[13:23:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ditungguin fir
[13:23:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: otw deng
[13:23:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ;(
[13:23:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: sorry lav i /s
[13:23:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: this couldve been my friend's
[13:23:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: niat amat buset pake garuda
[13:23:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngo
[13:23:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[13:23:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Burung Garuda?
[13:24:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: burungmu
[13:24:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: asan kana
[13:24:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: now he can buy
[13:24:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Gk boleh
[13:24:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Pake burung kamu jaa
[13:24:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmaoooooo
[13:24:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nawowork ako
[13:24:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 3m markup
[13:24:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: bye lavihja
[13:24:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dont fucking hit me
[13:24:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ill kick him too
[13:25:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: before u kick him u will be punched in the face
[13:25:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: who travis
[13:25:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ayun kita ko na
[13:25:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: call ur husban then
[13:25:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: punta kana dito
[13:25:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: 5 slots
[13:25:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: teka
[13:25:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oo
[13:25:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: mamaya maunahan ka na naman
[13:25:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: tapusin ko lang to
[13:26:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[13:26:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: gz
[13:26:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[13:26:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: How do You find it so fast Win?
[13:26:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kebab dont
[13:27:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: san ka
[13:27:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sf nga
[13:27:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: oh nice another 5m
[13:27:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i can buy that also
[13:27:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noooooooo
[13:27:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: that my house
[13:27:52] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iDio
[13:27:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[13:27:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i reserve this to my friend
[13:27:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: iJotaro
[13:28:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: puff bugged
[13:28:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dalian mooooooo
[13:28:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: !player Crystal
[13:28:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Crystal: 7682 score, last seen 2 Hours Ago
[13:28:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: teka
[13:28:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: dont buy it kebab
[13:28:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iDio: ano yang binabalak nyo ha
[13:28:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dont buy it
[13:28:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: why is "69" written literally on every object in this server?
[13:28:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: not worth
[13:28:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[13:28:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: dont buy what
[13:28:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noooooooooooo
[13:28:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iDio: ngi
[13:28:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: fuck me up
[13:28:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: relog
[13:28:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Very tasty.
[13:28:38] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: ioannaztecas
[13:28:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: come twi
[13:28:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: this is so bad
[13:28:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: demand cargo drop
[13:28:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Well guys GZ to my new house :))
[13:28:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: faster nebula
[13:28:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: I hate cargo drop.. lol
[13:28:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: oh fuck
[13:29:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: i forgot
[13:29:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: and it's 4:28 am for me
[13:29:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: asan kanaa
[13:29:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: leoo
[13:29:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: mag jet kna papunta dto
[13:29:13] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: .Feast
[13:29:26] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Manish
[13:29:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb thief
[13:29:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] .Feast: ty
[13:29:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hala namatay pa
[13:29:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: jusq
[13:29:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] iDio: ngi
[13:29:46] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Twi
[13:29:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[13:29:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wala din pa lakong pambili jan
[13:29:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: yes
[13:29:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi: ffs
[13:29:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iDio: bungol
[13:29:54] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Twi
[13:29:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ilan ba kulang mo
[13:29:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: twi?
[13:30:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: He entered the wrong Name.
[13:30:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !cash 14
[13:30:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player 14
[13:30:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[13:30:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: So he say's F*ck
[13:30:20] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Twi[X]
[13:30:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !cash nebula
[13:30:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kunin ko lang pera ko
[13:30:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: LOL
[13:30:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: nebula has $1,487,392 in hand
[13:30:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: yes
[13:30:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: rip that username
[13:30:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Welcome back.
[13:30:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: mag /mbank ka nalang
[13:30:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: wb
[13:30:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: blaiw
[13:30:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: hi, ty
[13:30:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty
[13:30:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: bawal
[13:30:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bakit
[13:30:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: unknown cmds
[13:30:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kebab dont
[13:31:01] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: ioannaztecas
[13:31:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: /mbank is vip 4
[13:31:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[13:31:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iDio: buang
[13:31:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ty
[13:31:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: So many Peeps on Fierro.
[13:31:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: stop lifting me
[13:31:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: what's with kebab
[13:31:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no
[13:31:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noooooo
[13:31:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: say sorry Nebula
[13:31:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: with maddog* aka city hall
[13:31:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !houses kebabdefender
[13:31:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: The kebab is cooked.
[13:31:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Richman: $10,000,000 10 slots Paradiso: $5,000,000 5 slots Verona Beach: $7,000,000 7 slots None Saved: $3,(..)
[13:31:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: And grilled.
[13:31:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tagal mo naman nebula
[13:32:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Say im sorry Nebula
[13:32:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is /mbank for vip 4 only?
[13:32:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kumuha pa ko ng pera
[13:32:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Kebab is shallow fryed.
[13:32:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Not deep fried.
[13:32:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: can i tune my car?
[13:32:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: inayyyyyyyy
[13:32:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kulang ako ng 600k
[13:32:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pautangin na kita
[13:32:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: pautang
[13:32:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: 5 seconds!
[13:32:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dalian mo na
[13:32:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dah2 keluar2
[13:32:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iDio: don't be shy
[13:32:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: otw
[13:32:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ganti
[13:32:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: gg
[13:32:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dont buy it twi
[13:32:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: dah gw ganti
[13:32:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: /buyhouse
[13:32:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: xD
[13:32:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: apaan
[13:32:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noooooooooo
[13:32:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wtf is this panic
[13:32:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: ban
[13:32:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: apaan coeg
[13:32:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: FUCKINg
[13:32:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i reserve it to my friend
[13:32:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: I don't know
[13:32:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahahahaa
[13:32:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: bugged interior
[13:32:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: twi went inside
[13:32:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: LOL Twi
[13:32:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Where?
[13:32:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: nice trap xDDD
[13:33:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its dangerousity
[13:33:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wtf kebab
[13:33:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lol
[13:33:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: jesus
[13:33:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Bugged interior?
[13:33:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: enough
[13:33:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: im buying
[13:33:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: 5 slots is 5 slots
[13:33:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: w
[13:33:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: don't buy it
[13:33:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: it's useless
[13:33:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: 5 slots is 5 slots, take it or leave it.
[13:33:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ik
[13:33:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hmm
[13:33:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wag ka pumasok sa loob
[13:33:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: you can get a cheaper and better 5 lsots
[13:33:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: just being bastard :
[13:33:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ::D
[13:33:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wtf is happening in here
[13:34:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: this bug can be fixed
[13:34:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wag ka pumasok
[13:34:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: noh cant
[13:34:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Gaw ak kosamup?
[13:34:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Crystal can fix it
[13:34:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Kiristel cannot o that,
[13:34:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Yea, ask Crystal.
[13:34:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: stop demonizing kebab
[13:34:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: when u buy it its fix
[13:35:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iDio: ty
[13:35:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] iDio: tf
[13:35:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wait
[13:35:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sakay k dito
[13:35:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: may papakita ako
[13:35:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: ?
[13:35:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: cmon Indomie buy it
[13:35:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oi goto city hall
[13:35:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: noob
[13:35:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omgggggg
[13:35:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: hindi ako naka godmode
[13:35:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: tanginang buhay to
[13:36:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dali
[13:36:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iDio: im ded
[13:36:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hh
[13:36:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: race?
[13:36:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Nebula
[13:36:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: there is 3M 4 Slots
[13:36:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he wants the house u bought
[13:36:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: smh
[13:37:05] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: iDio
[13:37:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: okay pay me 7M
[13:37:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: not worth it
[13:37:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: then 8M
[13:37:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: kylie
[13:37:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no
[13:37:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: where are u
[13:37:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: evil
[13:37:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lv
[13:37:33] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Berka
[13:37:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[13:37:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: how much slots house he wants
[13:37:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Berka: thank you all :)
[13:37:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Berka: eyw reis
[13:37:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: :D
[13:38:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ayan
[13:38:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bilhin mo na
[13:38:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !cash
[13:38:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Nebula has $4,493,392 in hand
[13:38:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: may espasyo ka pa
[13:38:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: juragan
[13:38:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: can i loan 100k?
[13:38:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: what
[13:38:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: !cash
[13:38:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: GoostieDipa has $140,857 in hand
[13:38:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !cash
[13:38:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner has $507,396 in hand
[13:38:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kung pinagtrabaho mo ko
[13:38:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: balik mo yan ah
[13:38:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: tanginang yan nagkautang pa ko
[13:38:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Kylie
[13:38:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bagal mo naman magpapera
[13:39:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: f mo tas buy house
[13:39:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: inayyyyy
[13:39:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ang tagal
[13:39:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: I pay the whole runway, I use the whole runway.
[13:39:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: gz
[13:39:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[13:39:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gz
[13:39:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: gz
[13:39:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: gz
[13:39:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why twi
[13:39:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oh he already got one
[13:39:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: gz
[13:39:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why
[13:39:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: thank yall
[13:39:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: he can buy another one
[13:39:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: yea
[13:39:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Gz
[13:40:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: where is that twi
[13:40:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: nah
[13:40:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: trabaho na ko
[13:40:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wait lang
[13:40:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Nebula
[13:40:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: it was in red sands east
[13:40:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: where is it twi
[13:40:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: yes?
[13:40:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh near my house?
[13:40:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: if you want another u can buy my 5 Slots :)))
[13:40:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: rockshore west**
[13:40:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sakay
[13:40:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pakita ko sayo sakin
[13:40:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: pintu 4
[13:40:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: sure why not
[13:40:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: bis gua aja
[13:40:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: san ba bahay mo
[13:40:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ito
[13:40:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lu kerja
[13:40:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Is GZ= Gratz?
[13:40:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yes
[13:41:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: laki a
[13:41:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: OK thanks!
[13:41:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dalawang unit
[13:41:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wag ka pumasok
[13:41:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: ceog
[13:41:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: its Good Azz
[13:41:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oo
[13:41:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: tanginang ping to
[13:41:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: (. Y .)
[13:41:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: yaman
[13:42:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ( .Y. )
[13:42:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: mahal nya e
[13:42:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: halos 6m 5 slots
[13:42:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: oo
[13:42:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hindi kana makakalabas
[13:42:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: oo nga
[13:42:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gagu ka e
[13:42:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: nagrespawn nako
[13:42:44] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KylieJenner
[13:43:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: bye
[13:43:14] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KebabDefender
[13:43:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !player kirk.
[13:43:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player kirk.: 6934 score, last seen 3 Months Ago
[13:43:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: salman mana
[13:43:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !player s2k
[13:43:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: !player Odertan
[13:43:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: mau dinikahin
[13:43:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player s2k: 47 score, last seen 5 Hours Ago
[13:44:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: I cant play rn ffs
[13:44:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: bakit?
[13:45:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Kapatid ko gago eh
[13:45:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Gagamit laptop putang ina
[13:45:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !player mff
[13:45:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player mff: 9444 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[13:45:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: awit
[13:46:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: anong ginagawa mo????????????
[13:46:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Heh?
[13:46:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: rumus moment
[13:47:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Heh!!!!
[13:47:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Mofo
[13:48:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Kopi at suba
[13:48:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kofi kingston
[13:48:59] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pixy
[13:49:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: magsalita ka ng Ingles
[13:49:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Dapat nag hiwalay na bahay ka na lang 4.6m lang
[13:49:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: 3 at 2 slots
[13:49:34] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[13:49:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[13:49:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ngi
[13:49:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: ty
[13:49:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: gusto ko isang bahay kada lugar
[13:50:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Gusto
[13:50:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: ?
[13:50:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: want
[13:50:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: .
[13:50:38] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Twi[X]
[13:52:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: Gusto ko rin ng bahay irl
[13:53:11] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Hamster12
[13:53:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: woi wsws
[13:53:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: Guess who's back, hamster back
[13:53:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] .Feast: ws ws ngentot
[13:53:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: pak ws
[13:53:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: sok sok nyaranin wsws padhaal wsws
[13:53:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: wiro sableng
[13:53:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[13:53:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ty
[13:53:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Kung gusto mo edi bumili ka!
[13:54:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: haha
[13:54:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ??
[13:54:22] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Ayers
[13:55:03] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Ayers
[13:56:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: nicer
[13:57:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: relog
[13:57:00] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JuraganMelon
[13:57:31] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JuraganMelon
[13:58:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: nice landing nebula
[13:58:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Catalinskh#7230: hamster
[13:58:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: thanks
[13:59:33] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: EmmVee
[14:01:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: finally u saved me from here
[14:01:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: thanks helo
[14:01:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: heli has gps
[14:02:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !roll 15
[14:02:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JoyadiJoestar. rolls 9
[14:02:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: cancel
[14:02:57] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pixy
[14:02:57] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: pintoff
[14:02:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: mau
[14:02:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: mana
[14:02:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] .Feast: off
[14:02:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: woi
[14:02:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[14:03:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Roll itu buat apa?
[14:03:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] pintoff: ty
[14:03:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] .Feast: guling
[14:03:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: buat acak dadu
[14:03:12] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[14:03:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Ouu :o
[14:03:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[14:03:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: peler
[14:03:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: ty
[14:04:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: wait sending some files at email
[14:04:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: cie
[14:04:39] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pixy
[14:05:02] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[14:05:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: udah ndri jalan aja
[14:05:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: bilang aja lu dah kalah wotd
[14:05:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Sino mabait? Pahinge pera
[14:05:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] .Feast: que
[14:05:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] .Feast: que nastar
[14:06:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: WTF
[14:07:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: I was peeding up on runway and suddenly exploded
[14:07:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: speeding
[14:07:14] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Haroon
[14:07:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[14:07:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: FUUUUCK i had blakc messa mission
[14:07:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wb
[14:07:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Thank you.
[14:09:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: airline check
[14:09:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: .Feast
[14:09:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: vibe check
[14:09:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ayyyy
[14:09:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: everybody good?
[14:09:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: vibe check
[14:10:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: sup all
[14:10:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: supp
[14:10:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: yoow
[14:10:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: :)
[14:11:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: SAyyyers
[14:11:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: too close
[14:11:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: you tried ot land ?
[14:11:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: no
[14:11:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ._.
[14:11:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: terbang rendah apa b inggrisny
[14:11:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: fly low
[14:11:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: siehm juan rtes?
[14:12:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Fly Low.
[14:12:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ok ok
[14:12:30] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[14:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[14:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Wb.
[14:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wb
[14:12:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: gwello
[14:12:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ryan balikin rumahnya
[14:12:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: rumah waduk momen
[14:12:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yan balikin yan
[14:12:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: tyy
[14:13:26] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Berka
[14:13:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi bran
[14:13:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: hi
[14:13:33] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Yanix
[14:13:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wb
[14:13:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[14:13:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: ty
[14:13:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: sarap
[14:13:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: sarap!
[14:15:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !player Citr0n
[14:15:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Citr0n: 11051 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[14:15:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: apa
[14:15:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !player Smetkwoski
[14:15:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Smetkwoski
[14:15:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: smetkowski
[14:15:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !player Smetkowski
[14:15:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Smetkowski: 6175 score, last seen 19 Hours Ago
[14:16:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: gz
[14:16:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: gz
[14:16:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ty
[14:16:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[14:16:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: gz
[14:16:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ty
[14:16:27] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pixy
[14:16:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Joyadi
[14:16:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: yea
[14:16:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: malah pencet s
[14:16:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: what are the plans for eid prayer?
[14:16:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wkwkwk
[14:16:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hmm
[14:16:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: we are deciding to offer it at home
[14:17:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: I think with some good distance.
[14:17:03] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pixy
[14:17:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Or at home only.
[14:17:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: hmm you'll go to mosques?
[14:17:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Wb
[14:17:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: no idea what will goverment decide
[14:17:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: I think it's gonna be at home.
[14:17:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: ty
[14:17:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: same
[14:17:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ramadhan
[14:17:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: ah ok
[14:17:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: gw di balai desa
[14:17:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: but maybe at home
[14:17:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: gw di masjid
[14:17:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yes joyadi same..
[14:17:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: jamaah by watching TV lmao
[14:17:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: we as jamaah from television
[14:17:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Is twi here
[14:18:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Sebaiknya di rumah :v
[14:18:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: fox
[14:18:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: bacot di rumah warga lo aja bandel
[14:18:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: hey kylie
[14:18:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: indonesia? terserah
[14:18:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hey garoon
[14:18:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: sup kylie
[14:18:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Eh keinget postingan itu tu :D
[14:18:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi kylie
[14:18:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Joyadi sometimes we also dont know what is the good method of eid prayer lol
[14:18:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hi ivan
[14:19:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Yeah, there's no correct methods
[14:19:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: so basically
[14:19:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Yes?
[14:19:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: there are
[14:19:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: corona virus bring up players to server
[14:19:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: but mostly like me dont know x
[14:19:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: the correct methods is pray at mosque
[14:19:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: man ik
[14:19:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: when virus will be cured PLwill be empty again
[14:19:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: assume God is forgiveness xD
[14:20:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Yea :'(
[14:20:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: but in mosque's most of us are following each other how to offer eid prayer lol
[14:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: God knows how's our situation because covid
[14:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: hamster mayb lol
[14:20:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: joyadi yes..
[14:20:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: i think Holy Prophet said that you can stay at home and pray at hom
[14:20:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: at the same time 300 000 people died
[14:20:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Yeah, God forgive's us because the situation
[14:21:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: virus kills old people .... so basically virus wipe boomers from planet
[14:21:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: no offense
[14:21:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: its just a average that old people will die from virus
[14:21:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ye
[14:21:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: anyone can be in danger
[14:22:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Maybe the population is crowded
[14:22:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: also this gov with this herd immunity assumtions is so high
[14:22:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: but highe risk is old people
[14:22:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: So there is this Virus (sorry) killing it.
[14:22:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: joyadi i hate that people are starting going to markets,shops(garments)to buy clotheres for eid
[14:23:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: 2 months without mall...
[14:23:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: man
[14:23:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: but u've to be serious
[14:23:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CzechBoy777
[14:23:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: dont risk ur lifes just for a new clothes on eid
[14:23:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[14:23:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: nope
[14:23:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[14:23:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb
[14:23:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: hamsteer!!
[14:23:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty
[14:23:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: nope, i can wait and re-use the old clothes
[14:23:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: the hype for new clothes only like 1-2 days
[14:24:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: tho
[14:24:03] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Ayers
[14:24:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: III BAAACK
[14:24:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Aku aja pake baju berian
[14:24:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Welcome back
[14:26:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi czechboy
[14:26:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !cash danniell.
[14:26:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: danniell. has $10,000 in hand
[14:26:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Ayers
[14:26:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[14:26:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: thx
[14:27:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wooow
[14:27:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmho
[14:27:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: carefull
[14:27:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ngi
[14:27:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ye
[14:28:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: wiuu wiuu
[14:28:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: hey
[14:28:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: i already am indo
[14:28:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: otw
[14:29:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Me too
[14:29:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: no not you kylie
[14:29:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ga usah
[14:29:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no not you
[14:29:29] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Satan
[14:29:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: kylie online kana dito
[14:29:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: broken
[14:29:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[14:29:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[14:29:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb
[14:29:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: kan mogok
[14:29:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[14:29:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: ty
[14:29:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Oh noooo i am already in indo
[14:29:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol
[14:30:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: rusuh
[14:30:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: /rc dong
[14:30:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: decend
[14:30:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: descending
[14:30:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I want tcas
[14:30:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: setir andri
[14:30:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: dah lah bodo dah berak duluan
[14:31:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: awas
[14:31:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[14:31:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: gz!
[14:31:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: gz
[14:31:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: nice
[14:31:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: gz
[14:31:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: ty
[14:31:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: now im poor as shit
[14:31:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: nice jump lol
[14:31:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: I'm AFK
[14:31:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Chatting
[14:32:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: lost 40 precente of health i dropped very hard still 100 satisfation
[14:32:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmao
[14:32:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Give me indomie
[14:32:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol
[14:32:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[14:33:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Usually the satisfaction is Altitude drop or ascend
[14:33:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i am saving money for new PC
[14:33:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: goodluck
[14:33:39] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: pintoff
[14:33:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: Guys I see a cute hamster here named Hamster12
[14:33:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmao
[14:33:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ngi
[14:33:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: to see even more hamsters visit xhamster.com
[14:34:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: agree
[14:34:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: omg sata
[14:34:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !missions pixy at400
[14:34:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: pixy: 7075 at400
[14:34:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: its ramzan man
[14:34:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: No spreading Links.
[14:34:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: dont advertise porn sites here
[14:34:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: why
[14:34:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: It's inapropriate Satan
[14:34:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol lavija they are not allowed?
[14:34:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: ^
[14:34:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: oh sorry i was just trying to be funnyt
[14:34:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: No, it's not
[14:34:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol failed.
[14:34:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wait xhamster is porn site..... thonk
[14:34:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: no dont even we know that site
[14:34:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Its bad
[14:34:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: bad bad
[14:35:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: yes its a porn website
[14:35:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: leave it guys.
[14:35:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Bad hamster
[14:35:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: bad hamster
[14:35:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ._.
[14:35:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: bad hamster
[14:35:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: bad hamster
[14:35:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Neeeeeext!
[14:35:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie come here i wanna kill you
[14:35:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol
[14:35:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Bad juragan melon ban
[14:35:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: why are u talking in ATC?
[14:35:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[14:35:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yes
[14:35:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: lies
[14:35:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hamtaro
[14:35:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: neh ._.
[14:35:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: RIP hamster
[14:35:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: why by mistake btw?
[14:36:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: I cant play my brother is using my laptop
[14:36:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: lies kylie
[14:36:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: hmm
[14:36:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: lies
[14:36:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol kylie
[14:36:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: im your brother
[14:36:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hamtaro ngiiiiii
[14:36:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: Idk i thought its a site with cute hamsters
[14:36:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol
[14:36:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: we caught pokemon species Lavija
[14:36:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Stop it!
[14:36:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Makibao
[14:36:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: !getprice
[14:37:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ill come back soon
[14:37:08] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[14:37:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !player Jokeface10
[14:37:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Jokeface10
[14:37:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !player Jockeface10
[14:37:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Jockeface10
[14:37:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !player Jockerface10
[14:37:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Jockerface10
[14:37:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: !player poop
[14:37:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: ffs
[14:37:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player poop: 3 score, last seen 23 Months Ago
[14:37:28] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Satan
[14:37:36] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: My point finger nail broke smh! Shall i cut em all?
[14:37:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yes
[14:37:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: bcz it hurts alot when they broke
[14:37:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: cut finger ?
[14:37:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie stop saying nasty thing
[14:37:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol cut ur fingers
[14:37:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol melon
[14:38:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: sorry haroon, kylie isnt educated
[14:38:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Lmaoooo melon dirty minded like his farm
[14:38:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: LMAO
[14:38:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Baaaad! Baad farmer
[14:38:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: try smell your nail, especially your thumb feet nail
[14:38:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: good
[14:38:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: shut up my farm is even cleaner then your nail
[14:38:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lmao joyadi
[14:38:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: gz
[14:38:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kontol
[14:38:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: uang keamanan
[14:38:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ngentot
[14:38:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: babi
[14:38:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: anjing
[14:38:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: gz joyadi hax
[14:38:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: no lavija
[14:38:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: memek
[14:38:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: pepek
[14:38:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: joyadi pay me my tax fast
[14:38:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Who won lotto
[14:38:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: oh fuck
[14:38:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: joyadi
[14:38:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: trade lotto money with your 15 slot
[14:39:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Wow how much
[14:39:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: lucky lavija study
[14:39:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: 10m
[14:39:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: 192k
[14:39:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Gz jodi!!!!!
[14:39:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie come here and clean my farm
[14:39:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: yeaa
[14:39:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Stfu meloj u dont know about numbers
[14:39:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: come ig to uang keamanan
[14:39:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lmao joyadi send me 25k
[14:39:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: >:(
[14:39:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i know about number
[14:39:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Maybe i will be there late night huhu
[14:40:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: No u dont fucking noob
[14:40:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie come here i wont do anything
[14:40:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: 5m not 5k
[14:40:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: >:(
[14:40:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hahahahah hoax lavija
[14:40:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol
[14:40:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: F
[14:40:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Je suis haraux
[14:40:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Je taime
[14:40:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: please kylie
[14:40:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: joyadi no man thank you
[14:40:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: i was just joking fr :)
[14:40:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Mersi buko
[14:41:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: just take it haroon, he gives me 1m
[14:41:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: aah okay lmao
[14:41:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: 25k*
[14:41:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: LMAO
[14:41:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: no thank you man <3.
[14:41:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: aigfhty then :D
[14:41:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Omg thank you jodi for 3m i wasnt expecting it
[14:41:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie ngentot come here
[14:41:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: youre welcome
[14:41:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lies kylie
[14:41:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: woy servis
[14:42:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: im not lying too he gave me 5m
[14:42:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Diam!
[14:42:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: I never knew that!
[14:42:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: daniel adalah orang jahat
[14:43:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Agak
[14:43:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: bekhyali
[14:43:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Im a bitch im a boss and i shine like gloss
[14:43:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yeeeeees!
[14:44:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: what is gloss
[14:44:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: google it
[14:44:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: semua orang tidur
[14:44:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ii cant rn
[14:44:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: same lol
[14:44:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Lip gloss
[14:45:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: It makes your lips shiny and moisturized
[14:45:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Danielson why u left discorf :(
[14:45:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: He dead
[14:46:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie ask me to leave
[14:46:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb
[14:46:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: :(
[14:46:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[14:46:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[14:46:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty
[14:46:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wb
[14:46:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: czech bbay
[14:46:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: sorry tbnr but kylie hates me
[14:46:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: berhenti mengatakan kebohongan
[14:46:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmaooa
[14:46:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: dah kaya judul sinetron bangsat
[14:46:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: tangina bobo
[14:46:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ye
[14:46:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[14:46:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Nebula: wb
[14:46:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Hate her back huehuehue
[14:46:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Ada apaan nih?
[14:46:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[14:46:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: ching cheng hanji isam
[14:46:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb baby
[14:46:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: ty
[14:47:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: what the fuck is this
[14:47:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: !player Citr0n
[14:47:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Citr0n: 11051 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[14:48:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hi sam
[14:48:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: And yes i just woke up
[14:48:20] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Good morning mr ludred
[14:48:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Good morning mr. Anderson
[14:49:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Oh anderson
[14:49:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie
[14:49:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: come here
[14:49:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Hi anderson! Eat breakfast
[14:49:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: invite me to discord
[14:49:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: A310 and A300 is like planes with adhds
[14:49:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: lmao teleed
[14:49:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb allen
[14:49:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: allen
[14:49:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i knew i u come
[14:49:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: mothership bau ga laku2 hahahahaha
[14:49:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: hahahaha
[14:49:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: hampir dibeli tai
[14:49:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: beli mothership 3jt
[14:49:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: czechboy
[14:50:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: a310 is a320 that ate too much
[14:50:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: daniel bisakah kamu tutup mulut?
[14:50:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: yea?
[14:50:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: xdddd
[14:50:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wanna try a320?
[14:50:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: for at400
[14:50:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i wanna try a319
[14:50:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: AF?
[14:50:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ye
[14:51:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: brb i back in few misn i have to enbale 1 mod
[14:51:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: a320 ate too much meat and hot doggs
[14:51:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: that it became a310
[14:51:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: how many indos does it take to sell a mothership?
[14:51:19] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Hamster12
[14:51:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: big fat a320
[14:52:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: thats how can I call a310
[14:52:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: !assets
[14:52:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Ayers has 38 car(s) ($23,060,000) and 3 house(s) ($48,000,000 - 38 slots) for a total of $71,060,000
[14:52:20] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ayers check your net worth
[14:52:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no lies
[14:52:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: liar
[14:52:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: !network
[14:52:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: jojo i only buy bathwater
[14:52:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: daniel bisakah kamu tutup mulut?
[14:52:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: tidak bisa
[14:52:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !getprice bathwater
[14:52:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !player bathwater
[14:53:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player bathwater
[14:53:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: !player aermandi
[14:53:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player aermandi
[14:53:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Tidakkkkk
[14:53:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Pixy how much is your networth?
[14:53:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: least score drive bus
[14:53:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !roll
[14:53:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JoyadiJoestar. rolls 44
[14:53:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: t
[14:53:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !roll
[14:53:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JuraganMelon rolls 80
[14:53:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: !roll
[14:53:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: allen_lombard rolls 89
[14:53:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: !roll
[14:53:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Pixy rolls 20
[14:54:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: ayers roll
[14:54:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: !roll
[14:54:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: !roll
[14:54:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Ayers rolls 52
[14:54:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: bye bye guys,cya after iftari : )
[14:54:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: gz haroon
[14:54:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: !roll
[14:54:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner#7680 rolls 66
[14:54:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: lavija not roll
[14:54:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: servis buru
[14:54:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ban dollar
[14:54:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Alright i shall take a bath. See y�all in a bit
[14:54:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: lavija is afk
[14:54:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: cya
[14:54:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: cya
[14:54:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: study to future
[14:54:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: se ya
[14:55:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Nebula
[14:55:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wtf?
[14:55:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: it didnt have a text
[14:55:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: now its los santos air wtf
[14:55:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: ?
[14:56:02] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Hamster12
[14:56:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[14:56:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[14:56:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: tty
[14:56:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !assets ayers
[14:56:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: ayers has 38 car(s) ($23,060,000) and 3 house(s) ($48,000,000 - 38 slots) for a total of $71,060,000
[14:56:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: cech
[14:56:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: can u do some stunts for me
[14:56:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: over sky air base
[14:57:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: comming
[14:57:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: fuck
[14:57:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: wb
[14:57:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: 1 fuel
[14:57:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: F
[14:57:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: F
[14:57:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Thanks
[14:57:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: xddd
[14:57:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: sorry for that
[14:57:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !assets
[14:58:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JuraganMelon has 15 car(s) ($19,500,000) and 2 house(s) ($18,000,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $37,500,000
[14:58:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: !rank
[14:58:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: ioannaztecas(109) rank: Staff Pilot Sergeant(70) next: Sergeant Pilot(140) (+31)
[14:58:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: yes
[14:58:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: come
[14:58:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: vome to me
[14:58:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: exit
[14:58:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Comming
[14:58:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: xdd look
[14:58:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmaoo
[14:58:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: a bus full of children...
[14:59:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: lama
[14:59:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: kawkwakwa belom bayar
[15:00:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wtf
[15:00:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: can we stop by the civil dealership?
[15:00:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ok
[15:00:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: /report 9 nipu
[15:00:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[15:00:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: okay
[15:00:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: basically we trade trade
[15:00:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I am a proffesional pilot
[15:00:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Sebut aja barter
[15:01:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Susah bat
[15:01:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: bayangin indo jago bahasa inggris
[15:01:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: hey hamst watch me
[15:01:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: noot noot
[15:01:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: thanks
[15:01:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: 25km nIce
[15:01:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: gz
[15:01:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: gz
[15:01:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: gz
[15:01:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: gz
[15:01:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: gz
[15:01:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: almoost
[15:01:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: gz
[15:01:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: canu fly next to me low
[15:01:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ok
[15:02:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: not over me.. xdd fly now over runway low
[15:02:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: tenpenny momen
[15:03:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: perfect one moore time
[15:03:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: but this time dont climb so high
[15:03:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ok
[15:03:26] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: X_Ray
[15:03:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: just fly slow low
[15:03:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !assets
[15:03:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JuraganMelon has 16 car(s) ($19,500,000) and 2 house(s) ($18,000,000 - 15 slots) for a total of $37,500,000
[15:03:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ok
[15:03:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: !assets
[15:03:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Ayers has 39 car(s) ($25,060,000) and 3 house(s) ($48,000,000 - 38 slots) for a total of $73,060,000
[15:03:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Flying slow on Low is risky
[15:03:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: nambah 2jt ya
[15:03:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !assets
[15:03:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JoyadiJoestar. has 39 car(s) ($30,450,000) and 4 house(s) ($44,300,000 - 38 slots) for a total of $74,750,000
[15:04:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Go at medium speed
[15:04:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: yay finallyangle i love
[15:05:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ok one more time and i send u on discord
[15:05:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ook
[15:05:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i go i wtff
[15:06:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f
[15:06:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ok go on discord noow
[15:06:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[15:06:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmao
[15:06:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: hi to inverted from sky air
[15:07:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: XD
[15:07:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: woi malah keluar
[15:07:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: bu coli
[15:09:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: czeech
[15:09:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: yea
[15:09:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: what account you using
[15:09:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: the one u texted at me now
[15:09:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: o.0
[15:09:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I use only one first one got hacked so
[15:10:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Welcome back
[15:10:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[15:11:48] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[15:13:27] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombard
[15:13:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[15:14:54] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[15:15:12] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[15:15:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: wb
[15:15:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !8ball je moje jm�no n�meck�ho p�vofu
[15:15:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: CzechBoy777: It's better not to know
[15:15:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmao
[15:16:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: no
[15:16:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Oh xd
[15:16:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I asked if my name is german
[15:16:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: it is lmao
[15:16:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: my surname
[15:17:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !cash
[15:17:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: CzechBoy777 has $140,191 in hand
[15:17:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: meetup AT400
[15:18:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I love at400 lol
[15:18:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] JahRagga#3512: Anyone from india here?
[15:18:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: colong tu
[15:18:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: nope
[15:18:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: yeah VMA is a place for meetup AT400
[15:18:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: comming :)
[15:18:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi sam
[15:18:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: AT400 club
[15:18:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] JahRagga#3512: idk the lang. But i realized a song
[15:18:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I will join the club
[15:18:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: kys kebab
[15:19:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] JahRagga#3512: Why this kolaveri kolaveri di...
[15:19:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !cars
[15:19:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: CzechBoy777 has: RC Baron Maverick FBI Rancher Shamal Elegy AT-400 AT-400
[15:19:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: !cars
[15:19:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !assets penguinpilot
[15:19:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: GoostieDipa has: Bobcat RC Raider
[15:19:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] JahRagga#3512: Cool song
[15:19:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: czeech
[15:19:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: yes
[15:19:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: you using sky iar at400 ?
[15:19:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: yesyes
[15:20:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: u have mission ?
[15:20:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: no
[15:20:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[15:20:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: here u go fleet
[15:20:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: can we exchange
[15:20:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ty
[15:20:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: np
[15:20:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: t
[15:20:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: polandball
[15:20:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: where
[15:20:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ?
[15:20:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: polandball
[15:21:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: its u
[15:21:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ._.
[15:21:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I wish countryballs were real
[15:21:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: LMAO
[15:21:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Countryballs?
[15:21:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I want countryball skin in GTA)
[15:21:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: xdd
[15:21:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: omg
[15:22:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: my and bran's at400 are just touching their wings
[15:22:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wtf are u doing
[15:22:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: omg lmao
[15:22:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: how to hide hud
[15:22:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: my both at400s are just hanging out with brans at400
[15:23:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: hey winlogon can u rc
[15:23:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: /panel maybe
[15:23:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty
[15:23:44] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JuraganMelon
[15:24:17] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JuraganMelon
[15:24:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: oi
[15:24:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: oi
[15:24:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: hey bran come look at this
[15:24:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: where
[15:24:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: maa
[15:24:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: mana
[15:24:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: vma
[15:25:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: aye 1 sec
[15:25:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Ok times out
[15:25:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[15:25:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Only 1 sec
[15:25:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: haha funny :/
[15:25:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Yea :D
[15:25:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol ye .D
[15:26:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: O_O
[15:26:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: my two at400s found a boyfriend
[15:26:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !missions goostiedipa shamal
[15:26:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: goostiedipa: 436 shamal
[15:26:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: nice
[15:26:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !missions shamal
[15:27:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Yanix: 147 shamal
[15:27:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: :D
[15:27:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: shamal is missing an "e"
[15:27:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Lol
[15:27:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: 2 Es
[15:27:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !missions military
[15:28:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Criterion: 7447 military
[15:28:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: And replace the first a
[15:28:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[15:28:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: !mission at400
[15:28:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: !missions at400
[15:28:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Hamster12: 751 at400
[15:28:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: !missions at400
[15:29:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: GoostieDipa: 190 at400
[15:29:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !player stevejobs
[15:29:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player stevejobs
[15:29:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !player steve_jobs
[15:29:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player steve_jobs: 1629 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[15:29:44] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Ayers
[15:29:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: death evading
[15:30:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I wanna go to airpooooooooooort
[15:30:19] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Warez_Navzdy
[15:30:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: 777 etihad today visits warsaw
[15:30:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: cool
[15:31:08] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: kontraK
[15:31:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[15:31:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[15:31:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: eyyyyy
[15:31:21] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: RathK
[15:31:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[15:31:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: gay
[15:31:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ty
[15:31:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: wb
[15:31:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ty
[15:31:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: gay away
[15:31:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: xdd
[15:31:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[15:32:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: now ill be afk for 2 years to beat santiago in online time
[15:32:09] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: [W]are[$]_[N]avzd[y]
[15:32:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: no �us po dlouh� dob� :D
[15:32:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[15:32:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: kde jsi byl xd
[15:32:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] [W]are[$]_[N]avzd[y]: nvm :D
[15:32:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: :D
[15:32:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: tak pracuj mak�me
[15:32:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: xd
[15:32:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ja pracuje tak tak
[15:33:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] [W]are[$]_[N]avzd[y]: hele dal�� �ech :D
[15:33:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ne to je pol�k :D
[15:33:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: nie przeszkadzaj mi czechorze
[15:33:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Ayers
[15:33:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] [W]are[$]_[N]avzd[y]: DD
[15:33:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] [W]are[$]_[N]avzd[y]: aha
[15:33:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[15:33:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb
[15:34:34] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: RathK
[15:34:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !missions goostiedipa military
[15:34:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: goostiedipa: 139 military
[15:35:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !missions military
[15:35:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Yanix: 12 military
[15:35:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: hahaha
[15:35:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !missions skimmer
[15:35:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JoyadiJoestar.: 736 skimmer
[15:35:28] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KylieJenner
[15:35:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !missions skimmer
[15:35:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: kambing
[15:35:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Yanix: 47 skimmer
[15:35:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[15:35:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: kambing
[15:35:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[15:35:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: lols
[15:35:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ty kambings
[15:36:57] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[15:37:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[15:37:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: wb
[15:37:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hello
[15:37:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[15:37:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ty !
[15:37:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: woi naik
[15:37:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[15:37:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: XDDD
[15:37:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: viktor
[15:37:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: search alma moreno lemme know if u thin shes hot
[15:37:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: kylie
[15:37:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: go sleep
[15:37:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hi sam
[15:38:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ok ill look now
[15:38:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[15:38:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: everytime u talk to me u always say go to sleep ;(
[15:38:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: not hot
[15:38:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: sleeping is good
[15:38:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: but she is ok
[15:38:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[15:38:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahaha
[15:38:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u like her viktor
[15:38:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: no
[15:38:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: haha
[15:39:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why not
[15:39:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: shes not hot
[15:39:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: samt
[15:39:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: search alma moreno she is hot
[15:39:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: twi likes her
[15:39:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: denise millani
[15:39:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ho lee shit!w
[15:39:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: can someone fix bug with /fix
[15:39:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: she is so fucking hot omg
[15:39:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lol
[15:40:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: calm down ramdan
[15:40:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: omg
[15:40:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: now viktor is horny
[15:40:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: fuck u lol
[15:40:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: you can /fix all the time even if u have no damage and still lose money
[15:40:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: now viktor is crazy over ivana
[15:40:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wtf
[15:40:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I am not lmao
[15:40:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sam
[15:40:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: search alma moreno
[15:41:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: ?
[15:41:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: i am fasting
[15:41:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sleep < PL
[15:41:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: but she cant be hotter than 747
[15:41:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[15:44:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hey dodo master
[15:44:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: XD
[15:44:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hey kylie
[15:44:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: not u daniel
[15:44:38] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: [W]are[$]_[N]avzd[y]
[15:44:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: pandoraki instagram
[15:45:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: ur welcom
[15:45:27] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Berka
[15:45:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[15:45:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[15:45:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Berka: thank you all :)
[15:45:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: wb
[15:45:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: we almost collide sam
[15:46:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: did we?
[15:46:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes kylie
[15:46:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: jesus saved us
[15:46:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[15:46:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: demon saves u
[15:46:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nooooo
[15:46:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: daniel
[15:46:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: anti christ saved us
[15:46:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no
[15:46:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ffs
[15:47:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: daniel still looking for 18++ pic
[15:47:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: daniel search alma moreno on google u might like her
[15:47:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[15:47:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noot noot
[15:47:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: can you hook us up?
[15:47:29] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Lavija
[15:47:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: dua khalifa
[15:47:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: finaly hahaa
[15:47:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no kylie i like you
[15:47:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Lavija
[15:47:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[15:47:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[15:47:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: sarap!
[15:48:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sarap!
[15:48:07] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[15:48:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[15:48:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hi staham
[15:48:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[15:48:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: Noobija
[15:48:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: thank you all !
[15:48:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: ja
[15:48:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: valija
[15:49:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: stan gay
[15:49:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oof
[15:50:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Winlogon.bat
[15:51:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: gantian setir
[15:51:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !roll
[15:51:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JoyadiJoestar. rolls 5
[15:51:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: !roll
[15:51:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !roll
[15:51:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Pixy rolls 20
[15:51:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: twt
[15:51:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !roll
[15:51:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wtf
[15:51:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JuraganMelon rolls 41
[15:51:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: !roll
[15:51:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: vip
[15:51:36] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Ayers rolls 95
[15:51:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: yay
[15:51:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: kontol
[15:51:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !roll
[15:51:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner rolls 2
[15:51:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: !roll
[15:51:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: czech
[15:51:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Lavija rolls 1
[15:51:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !ROLL
[15:52:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Yanix rolls 85
[15:52:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: kylie
[15:52:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: you suck
[15:52:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: yeaM
[15:52:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: you have received interest payment of ....... and an added bonus of ......
[15:52:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: yea?
[15:52:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: im gonna win this lotto
[15:52:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: you get 25 off with taxes when u have vip 2 and you pay nothign for pay phone
[15:52:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: bc im poor
[15:52:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no
[15:52:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] i$am.: alma moreno's in her 60s
[15:52:45] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Winlogon.bat
[15:52:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[15:52:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[15:52:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: abos
[15:52:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ban
[15:52:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wb
[15:52:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: lotto doesn't work that way lavija
[15:52:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[15:52:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: bath water
[15:52:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: aboose
[15:53:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: it should
[15:53:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: and oi
[15:53:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: im selling that
[15:53:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: not you
[15:53:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: see it again
[15:53:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: is it works ?
[15:53:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: how old is that bathwater?
[15:53:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: what works?
[15:53:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: this bath water really changes your smell ?
[15:53:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lavija lemme rig the lotto for u
[15:53:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: statham really pm me hahahhaa
[15:53:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wtf berka
[15:53:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: dammit statham
[15:53:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yes please
[15:53:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmao
[15:53:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: 5m payment to joyadi
[15:53:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[15:53:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i mean lavija
[15:53:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg
[15:54:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: yes
[15:54:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[15:54:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: approved
[15:54:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: deal
[15:54:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: i just took at shower, the tubs still wet
[15:54:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: i can get you fresh bath water
[15:54:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ^
[15:54:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i bought the same from lavija for 5m
[15:54:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: what else is wet
[15:54:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Fresh bath water?
[15:54:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: xddd
[15:54:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Is it good?
[15:54:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yes
[15:54:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: :o
[15:54:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: joyadi bath water is more fresh than yours lav
[15:54:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: joyadi doesnt take a bath
[15:54:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: id 10 camping!
[15:54:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: it will extend your lifespan to immortal
[15:54:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: no i take a bath
[15:55:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: not monkey
[15:55:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nope
[15:55:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: no
[15:55:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: u smell
[15:55:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yes
[15:55:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: do u smell
[15:55:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: what rock is cooking
[15:55:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: idk
[15:55:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: if u smeeeeeel
[15:55:15] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[15:55:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: smeeelelelelelelelel
[15:55:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: smet smell
[15:55:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: juragan u sell lavija bath water
[15:55:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: lellele
[15:55:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no i sell you at dark web kylie
[15:55:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: why dont u take a bath there
[15:55:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: lah iya
[15:55:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: bensin abis
[15:56:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ngentot
[15:56:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Willz.
[15:56:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi 3
[15:56:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: how to sell bathwater. step 1. don't a bath for 6 months
[15:56:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[15:56:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[15:56:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: abis
[15:56:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: dorong dong
[15:56:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: bego
[15:56:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: w
[15:56:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kok dorong
[15:56:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: b
[15:56:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: labija help out fuel
[15:56:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Willz.: thanks
[15:56:27] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[15:56:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: long time no see wilz
[15:56:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[15:56:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: wb
[15:56:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[15:56:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: i refueled it noobs
[15:56:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: lmfao
[15:56:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Willz.: yoi kambing
[15:56:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: ty
[15:56:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: lmao
[15:56:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wowowin ang lahat sa aming pagbibigay ng saya at pagas
[15:56:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hahahhaha
[15:56:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: kwkwkw bangsat
[15:56:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ngl that was the dumbest thing ive seen
[15:57:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yeah but it works
[15:57:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: all 4 of you got out at the same time
[15:57:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: not screenshot phew
[15:57:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: this is monset presi plane janew
[15:57:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: and pushed it l m f a o
[15:57:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: gonna give u 1m just pretend u didnt see anything
[15:57:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: actually im the only who push it
[15:57:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: 100k and pretend not see that
[15:57:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: no daniel youre the only one who didnt push it
[15:57:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: i push with pray
[15:57:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no :(
[15:57:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wow
[15:57:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: telekinesis
[15:58:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hadeh
[15:58:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: gogoogo
[15:58:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: pt. telekinesis indonesia
[15:58:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: leave joyadi
[15:58:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: dang it
[15:58:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: no
[15:58:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: teleken
[15:58:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Bjir :v
[15:58:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Teleken
[15:58:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: bjir
[15:58:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: allen i know ur working hard... don't throw your bathwater k?
[15:58:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie i love you
[15:58:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: rumah pohon
[15:58:36] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Fyrel
[15:58:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: wildan kerja moment
[15:58:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: IA /fleet please
[15:58:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: thanks
[15:58:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hey guys
[15:58:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: naiknya gmn
[15:58:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: hey
[15:58:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: pake rc
[15:58:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: whose house was this?
[15:59:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: wtf help
[15:59:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ha
[15:59:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: look at that noob down there
[15:59:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: no joyadi
[15:59:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: go back
[15:59:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: danielson noob doesnt habve rc baron
[15:59:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: >:(
[15:59:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: ok :(
[15:59:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nub
[15:59:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: im suddenly inside hydra
[15:59:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: look at that noob
[15:59:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: lavija
[16:00:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ?
[16:00:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: FOund it
[16:00:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Gz
[16:00:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: yeey
[16:00:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: noob
[16:00:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nice
[16:00:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: How do you found it so fast
[16:00:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: hehe
[16:00:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: :/
[16:00:16] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Fyrel
[16:00:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i have skillz
[16:00:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: /lc spam
[16:00:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: xddd
[16:00:26] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Fyrel
[16:00:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: That could be
[16:00:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: I have map of all los cargo locations in my head
[16:00:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi czech
[16:00:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: 1 vodka redbull
[16:00:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Los?
[16:01:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: w
[16:01:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: los cargoes
[16:01:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Tsol ograc
[16:01:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: oi
[16:01:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: you didnt give me my drink
[16:01:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: dip0r
[16:01:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Sit si erar meti
[16:01:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: :)
[16:01:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh no
[16:01:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: oh hi kylie
[16:02:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: hi
[16:02:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hi ivannnnn
[16:02:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: tea bag tea bag
[16:02:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: doriy ootra
[16:02:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: o_o
[16:02:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: lu di entotin lavija fir
[16:02:33] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[16:02:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: da
[16:02:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: lavija command retard
[16:02:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: how to anim like retard
[16:02:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: youre not wrong
[16:02:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: its a cleo
[16:02:54] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Yanix
[16:02:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: gonna find
[16:03:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pixy
[16:03:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: gz
[16:03:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: gz
[16:03:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: sec ill send it to you
[16:03:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gz
[16:03:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: thxxxx
[16:03:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: yeet
[16:03:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: yea kambing?
[16:03:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: pm
[16:03:19] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Yanix
[16:03:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[16:03:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: damn
[16:03:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: fuck
[16:03:40] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[16:03:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: sarap!
[16:04:00] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[16:04:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[16:04:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ty
[16:04:15] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: kontraK
[16:04:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: !networth
[16:04:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: !networth
[16:04:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: troll
[16:04:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: !cmds
[16:04:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: - ping 8ball player score cash groups assets cars houses licenses roll (r)interest rank missions
[16:04:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: bullshit
[16:04:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: /videosonlyforhamster12
[16:05:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh no
[16:05:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rich
[16:05:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: !networth
[16:05:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gz
[16:05:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: stam
[16:05:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ok i go bye
[16:05:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: bb
[16:05:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lol it's bullshitt kylie
[16:05:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ye video only for me
[16:05:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: I don't have 93M
[16:05:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:05:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: !networth
[16:05:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: wait install
[16:05:50] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JoyadiJoestar.
[16:05:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: lah
[16:05:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: !networth
[16:06:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: whats that command?
[16:06:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !networth
[16:06:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie dammit dont troll people
[16:06:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !networth
[16:06:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[16:06:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: !networth
[16:06:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: 234?
[16:06:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ok i go bb
[16:06:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: !network
[16:06:33] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Hamster12
[16:06:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !networth
[16:06:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !8ball is kylie suck?
[16:06:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: JuraganMelon: You may rely on it
[16:06:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[16:06:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: !assets
[16:06:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Bran has 5 car(s) ($0) and 2 house(s) ($3,450,000 - 4 slots) for a total of $3,450,000
[16:06:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wtf
[16:07:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JoyadiJoestar.
[16:07:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[16:07:09] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[16:07:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kambing tai
[16:07:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[16:07:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: richest was criterion
[16:07:29] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[16:07:32] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JoyadiJoestar.
[16:07:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi timeout moment
[16:07:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: f
[16:07:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon:
[16:07:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: !cash
[16:07:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Bran has $1,503,622 in hand
[16:07:57] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JoyadiJoestar.
[16:08:05] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Berka
[16:08:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !iskyliehot
[16:08:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: what button
[16:08:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: x2
[16:08:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: x2?
[16:08:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: x+2
[16:08:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: aaha
[16:08:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wtf
[16:09:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Willz.: liat ni
[16:09:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kylie is so kind
[16:09:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes like me
[16:09:21] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[16:09:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[16:09:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: nob
[16:09:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: excluding you
[16:09:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ty
[16:09:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: noob
[16:09:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: come indo party
[16:09:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie please
[16:10:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: im only here for 15 more min
[16:10:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sure
[16:10:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wow dm
[16:10:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: aboos
[16:10:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: jail
[16:10:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: lavija study
[16:10:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ban ban
[16:10:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: well its just
[16:10:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: i studied for 5 hours this morning already :c
[16:10:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its ok to kill a farmer
[16:10:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: :c
[16:10:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: smart
[16:10:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: :D
[16:10:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi yanix
[16:10:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: juragan melon the oppressed farmer
[16:11:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: buruan naik
[16:11:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: halah
[16:11:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: halah
[16:11:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: halah gagu
[16:11:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yanix
[16:11:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: same lang ba payout shamal at dodo
[16:11:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: yeah?
[16:11:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: 00:00 must left lav lav
[16:11:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Had a nightmare last night, god banned by Ricardo for TP hacks :|
[16:11:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: nope shamal better
[16:12:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: bad ricardo
[16:12:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: wat
[16:12:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ah ok
[16:12:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmaoooo
[16:12:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: !cars yanix
[16:12:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: you have 15 minute left PL
[16:12:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: yanix has: Sanchez Super GT Hydra Tow Truck Bullet DFT-30 Dodo
[16:12:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yes
[16:12:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: y u dreamin bout pl
[16:12:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Yeah..
[16:12:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: damn
[16:12:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: bego
[16:12:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: noo
[16:12:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: cant get out
[16:12:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: yes revoke his license
[16:12:55] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[16:13:16] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: X_Ray
[16:13:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[16:13:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[16:13:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[16:13:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: salamat
[16:13:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wow
[16:13:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: any dj?
[16:13:51] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[16:13:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[16:14:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noot noot pingu
[16:14:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: noot noot
[16:15:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: statam
[16:15:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yeah boi
[16:15:56] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Lavija
[16:16:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: rekt ^
[16:16:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wow all thoses names :o
[16:16:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: 6/w
[16:16:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lol
[16:16:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Lewis
[16:16:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KebabDefender
[16:16:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[16:16:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: mimi turned 1 yo few days ago
[16:16:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[16:16:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: wb
[16:16:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hello bothj
[16:16:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: hi
[16:17:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: !player JawnySins
[16:17:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player JawnySins: 0 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[16:17:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty
[16:17:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: David_Roi
[16:17:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: wb
[16:17:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: wb
[16:17:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[16:18:39] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Lewis
[16:19:02] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Ayers
[16:20:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Ayers
[16:20:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[16:20:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i hate orbit city
[16:20:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: PL office ndri
[16:20:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: ty
[16:20:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: woy mana warung soto
[16:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: beli soto moment
[16:20:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Ayers: foto foto
[16:21:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: indihomo kontol
[16:21:04] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Fyrel
[16:21:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: indihomo?_
[16:21:20] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: ioannaztecas
[16:21:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[16:21:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i want indomie
[16:21:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: govt ISP
[16:21:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: come here kylie
[16:21:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: is it spicy
[16:21:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no
[16:21:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i want samyang
[16:21:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i will send u pic on #media
[16:21:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: hahaha
[16:21:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: perteng lami kaayo ba
[16:22:03] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: David_Roi
[16:22:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: k
[16:22:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: would you guys like to be added a feature for vip 4 so we can tp to a player?
[16:22:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: arghhhh
[16:22:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: pff
[16:22:18] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: David_Roi
[16:22:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yes !
[16:22:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: wb
[16:22:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: hahaha
[16:22:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: that would be awesome Hagi
[16:22:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: every time i switch numbers this happens to me
[16:22:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: if that player enable that option sure
[16:22:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: well
[16:22:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: get ready for Vip Lvl 5
[16:23:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: it would be more easy when someone whants to show u something you just /tp [id]
[16:23:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no
[16:23:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: it would be g8 without permission
[16:24:18] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Fyrel
[16:24:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hamduallah
[16:24:38] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: David_Roi
[16:24:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: for annoy
[16:24:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:24:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i will kill u with mysterious explosion
[16:24:51] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: David_Roi
[16:25:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: nah u cant
[16:25:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ur not witch
[16:25:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: how high is orbit city
[16:25:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: 320FT
[16:25:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 200ft?
[16:25:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:25:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: over 200ft
[16:25:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: high
[16:25:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ty crit
[16:26:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: smh for ths
[16:26:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: mydick ft
[16:26:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Crit is Navigraph of PL lmao
[16:26:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: short
[16:26:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: fu
[16:26:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but i can use it
[16:26:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: now im here
[16:26:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: worst airport
[16:27:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Yeah, laggy clouds too.
[16:27:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamalism
[16:27:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[16:27:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yeah
[16:27:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: there is a no cloud mod
[16:27:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[16:27:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 393 shamal
[16:27:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: particles.txd
[16:27:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: shemalism
[16:27:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i want no trees mod
[16:27:37] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Stan958
[16:27:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: so i can fly everywhere
[16:27:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb
[16:27:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: no way
[16:28:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: wtf is this internet
[16:28:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i love gta v because it has snow
[16:28:05] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Fyrel
[16:28:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: brb
[16:28:10] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[16:28:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh hey ping come through
[16:28:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yes
[16:28:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !ping
[16:28:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: {776032}pong! - hi KylieJenner
[16:28:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rip kylie
[16:28:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: shitty color
[16:28:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !ping
[16:28:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: {f3abcc}pong! - hi KebabDefender
[16:28:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :3
[16:28:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: my color <3
[16:28:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !ping kylie
[16:28:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: {066968}pong! - hi Yanix
[16:28:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: 30 to 7500
[16:28:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: now its mine
[16:29:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: hi
[16:29:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !ping
[16:29:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: {a4862e}pong! - hi Criterion
[16:29:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:29:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: !ping
[16:29:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: !pong
[16:29:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: {8a1518}pong! - hi X_Ray
[16:29:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh hi demand come through
[16:29:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: period color
[16:29:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth
[16:29:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[16:30:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty
[16:30:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lies
[16:30:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JoyadiJoestar.
[16:30:10] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: X_Ray
[16:30:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !cash KylieJenner
[16:30:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner has $271,016 in hand
[16:30:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lol
[16:30:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: poor af
[16:30:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bad
[16:30:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ;(
[16:30:40] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: X_Ray
[16:30:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb hagi
[16:30:58] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JakeN2436
[16:31:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: wtf bukid!
[16:31:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[16:31:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i hope it rains tomorrow the whole day
[16:31:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JuraganMelon
[16:31:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rip yanix
[16:31:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: jakeeeeeeeeeeeee
[16:31:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: kambing
[16:31:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: how art thee?
[16:31:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: ty
[16:31:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: im good
[16:31:34] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JuraganMelon
[16:31:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: devil id 9
[16:31:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no u
[16:31:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ye u
[16:31:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !networth
[16:32:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: !networth
[16:32:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: troll
[16:32:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: wait
[16:32:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie troll
[16:32:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ...
[16:32:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: KYLIE
[16:32:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes jake
[16:32:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: I HATE U
[16:32:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: finally
[16:32:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: omg i hate u
[16:32:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: u actually baited me
[16:32:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahahaha
[16:32:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i baited over 15 ppl
[16:32:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: first victim was brooklyn haha
[16:32:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kylie is a new bot
[16:32:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: bcz ur Kafir
[16:33:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: funning thing they see it otherwise
[16:33:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: what kafir
[16:33:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u demon
[16:33:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmao sad but true
[16:33:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Kafir Demon
[16:33:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner is juraganmelon a demon?
[16:33:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] David_Roi: jesus this 614 km odo
[16:33:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Fyrel
[16:33:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !8ball Kylie is a bish?
[16:33:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !kyliejenner what about kebab?
[16:33:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KebabDefender: Yes, definitely
[16:33:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :d
[16:33:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :DD
[16:34:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: check robin_be
[16:34:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: noooooooo
[16:34:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i hate u
[16:34:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[16:34:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: when are u leaving pl
[16:34:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: robin knows eveything
[16:34:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: till i get perma ban
[16:34:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[16:34:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: u
[16:34:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: my shamal went upside down
[16:35:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: im tired :(
[16:35:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i could not flip lmfao
[16:35:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: and bored :(
[16:35:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: pl is so boring for me rn, that's why i havent been online much
[16:35:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[16:35:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 395 shamal
[16:35:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: there's like, nothing interesting going on
[16:35:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ;(
[16:35:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 5 more <
[16:35:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 5 more <3
[16:35:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Im survived. I hope people inside high rise building is safe.
[16:35:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !8ball am i the hottest player in PL?
[16:35:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: My sources say no
[16:35:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: oh hey jake
[16:35:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wtf
[16:35:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: hi
[16:36:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] CzechBoy777#2596: My sources say yes.
[16:36:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmfao
[16:36:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: awit
[16:36:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: viktor
[16:36:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ivana alawi
[16:36:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !8ball Should Kylie get perma ban?
[16:36:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im so proud of gajeel he likes alma moreno <3
[16:36:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KebabDefender: Cannot predict now
[16:36:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: duh
[16:36:53] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: David_Roi
[16:36:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: !8ball is Kylie Racist?
[16:37:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KebabDefender: It's better not to know
[16:37:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ...
[16:37:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im not
[16:37:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u are
[16:37:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lol me?
[16:37:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: how
[16:37:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: what am I missing here
[16:37:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its better not to know
[16:37:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u are missing us
[16:37:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: It's better not to know*
[16:38:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:38:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: thats what answer i expected
[16:38:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: blonde or brunette?
[16:38:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: from Rathk :D
[16:38:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: someone tell me how to play pl for more than 5 mins without getting bored ;(
[16:38:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: idk what to do
[16:38:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: its better not to know
[16:38:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: i need something fun
[16:38:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ;(
[16:38:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: /w
[16:39:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: "fun" statham
[16:39:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: jake i felt the same way too
[16:39:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: /w
[16:39:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: same jake same here
[16:39:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Uhm
[16:39:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: /wank
[16:39:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: /w
[16:39:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Play PL Events?
[16:39:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: but now i dont feel it
[16:39:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: pl events? what events?
[16:39:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Like DTS, derby, etc.
[16:39:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: join sky air event now
[16:39:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: i need something different to do
[16:39:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: wait did adalarva hit 10k yet
[16:39:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: !player adalarva
[16:39:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: not yet
[16:39:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player adalarva: 9702 score, last seen 10 Hours Ago
[16:39:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: damn
[16:40:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Or do some roleplaying.
[16:40:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: adalarvaleftat10k
[16:40:09] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: i$am.
[16:40:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: with who??? lmfao
[16:40:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: we did it yesterday
[16:40:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: even then, it's still boring
[16:40:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: it just feels like there's nothing new or interesting
[16:40:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: I was doing flyover with Czech and Smet yesterday.
[16:40:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: and it was fun tho
[16:41:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: someday i will leave pl
[16:41:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: but not now
[16:41:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: im just always so bored
[16:41:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: im addicted to it
[16:41:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Lets Roleplay?
[16:41:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: i cant be addicted to pl lol
[16:41:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: you know whats fun
[16:41:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but we need more of them
[16:41:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel u are bad
[16:41:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i wont roleplay with gajeel its wrong
[16:41:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: why
[16:41:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: the day you were recording a video jake
[16:41:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: !interest 61000000
[16:41:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: $61,000,000 will generate about $40,666 every 60 minutes
[16:41:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: bruh
[16:41:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ok i wont ask again for fucking
[16:41:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u are devil
[16:42:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: promise
[16:42:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmao
[16:42:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nasty bitch
[16:42:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i said i wont
[16:42:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: damn
[16:42:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !assets kebabdefender
[16:42:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: kebabdefender has 25 car(s) ($11,130,000) and 4 house(s) ($25,300,000 - 28 slots) for a total of $36,430,000
[16:42:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:42:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rich
[16:42:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: not yet
[16:42:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u like my gucci shoes
[16:42:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: !assets kyliejenner
[16:42:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: kyliejenner has 10 car(s) ($4,960,000) and 4 house(s) ($24,200,000 - 23 slots) for a total of $29,160,000
[16:42:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: what about it rathk
[16:42:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] CzechBoy777#2596: JakeN2436: My sources say go watch Czech Hunter
[16:42:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: rich
[16:42:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: finally i made it to 98m
[16:42:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ur like my maid then
[16:43:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: well everyone was crashing to eachother that was fun ngl
[16:43:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !interest 100000000
[16:43:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: $100,000,000 will generate about $66,666 every 60 minutes
[16:43:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: you know what isnt fun tho? editing
[16:43:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: true i agree
[16:43:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Duh, my PC is rekt and I'm using my laptop tho
[16:43:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Jake learn Photoshop
[16:43:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: god editing is a nightmare for someone like me with a short attention span
[16:43:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: nooo
[16:43:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: if you don't know
[16:43:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: it's fun
[16:43:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no stham
[16:43:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: My laptop can't handle minecraft tho
[16:43:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: whaaaat
[16:43:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: same here Crit
[16:44:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i never played minecraft
[16:44:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: and i get bored instantly
[16:44:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: minecraft is a pixelated game
[16:44:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: u cant play Kylie
[16:44:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i rather play left 4 dead it scares me
[16:44:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: minecraft may be pixelated
[16:45:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: who has ETS2? or ATS
[16:45:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: but you can get mods and shaders to make it look realistic
[16:45:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: i have ets2
[16:45:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: meanwhile here im permantly 90gb files
[16:45:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:45:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: i got a new steering wheel but i cant use it because i dont have a wall socket :(
[16:45:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rathk u play gta v now?
[16:45:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i do gajel
[16:45:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: well i have all DLC's except Black Sea
[16:45:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hi daniel
[16:45:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: brb
[16:45:50] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[16:45:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: i have them all too
[16:45:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: me too
[16:45:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: still waiting for iberia
[16:45:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: hi demon
[16:46:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: i just took 2 pills that are supposed to help me with sleep, oh boy
[16:46:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: i wonder what's gonna happen
[16:46:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: monkaS
[16:46:11] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[16:46:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u like my gucci shoes
[16:46:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: yes
[16:46:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: thank you
[16:46:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: what are u doing in foster valley
[16:46:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: u have fetish Kylie?
[16:46:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: no problem
[16:46:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no
[16:46:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: eww gross -kylie
[16:46:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lol
[16:46:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lol
[16:46:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: jake
[16:47:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its true
[16:47:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: what are u doing in foster valley
[16:47:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: my house is here
[16:47:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: viktor
[16:47:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: oh k
[16:47:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: who is your crush
[16:47:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: no one
[16:47:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: philip strand is mine :))))
[16:47:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: must be startin in I and ends with I too
[16:47:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: idk
[16:47:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: iv
[16:47:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: oh
[16:48:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I have pro mods at ets 2
[16:48:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lmao
[16:48:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: welp maybe)
[16:48:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: she is hto
[16:48:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: hot
[16:48:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:48:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: begone thot
[16:48:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Missions shamal
[16:48:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 399 shamal
[16:48:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:48:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i thought i was around 400
[16:48:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: go go go
[16:49:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !missions shamal
[16:49:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: i hate invisible things
[16:49:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: CzechBoy777: 534 shamal
[16:49:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: rip xray
[16:49:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: F...
[16:49:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: omg nooooooo
[16:49:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: f
[16:49:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i fell into the runway
[16:49:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: now im at the shore
[16:49:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: somebudy help
[16:50:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its impossible to fly
[16:50:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: kylie check media discord
[16:50:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: pl
[16:50:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: my phone is upstairs
[16:50:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: oh
[16:50:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] JakeN2436: im already bored :(
[16:50:33] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JakeN2436
[16:50:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: f
[16:50:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f
[16:50:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: fF
[16:51:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: if i didnt have a goal imma be bored
[16:52:41] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[16:52:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wb
[16:52:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: So close lmao
[16:52:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: ty
[16:52:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: long time no see ah
[16:52:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kala ko nagquit kana
[16:52:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ye :D
[16:53:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: nope nag single player ako nung kailan
[16:53:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:53:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bakit
[16:53:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: tinapus ko ulit storyline
[16:53:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:53:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ako hindi
[16:53:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: never
[16:53:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: bye bye :(
[16:54:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bue
[16:54:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: bye
[16:54:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Missions shamal
[16:54:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 400 shamal
[16:54:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: sold shamal..
[16:54:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yay 100 more
[16:54:23] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[16:54:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: gl
[16:54:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ur too lazy..
[16:54:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u always say that to me
[16:54:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JoyadiJoestar.
[16:54:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb
[16:54:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: hello
[16:54:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hello
[16:55:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel always say im lazy and dont work
[16:55:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: smh
[16:55:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: is it make u angry?
[16:55:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: no lol
[16:55:21] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JoyadiJoestar.
[16:55:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: it should be.
[16:55:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahahahah
[16:55:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[16:55:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: so you can work harder
[16:55:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: my eyelids are like sagging
[16:56:05] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JoyadiJoestar.
[16:56:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[16:56:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb wtf
[16:56:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[16:56:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kambing
[16:56:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: hlelo
[16:56:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: finally
[16:56:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :
[16:56:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: hi
[16:56:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: woody
[16:56:35] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Ayers
[16:56:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: where is Kiristel
[16:56:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kristen
[16:56:56] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[16:57:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: no Kiristel
[16:57:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: a.k.a Crystal
[16:57:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:57:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel search on google
[16:57:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: search what
[16:57:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kylie cosmetics kristen
[16:57:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: when u say to search some1
[16:57:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: they look like shit
[16:57:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: whaaat
[16:58:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: mean
[16:58:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[16:58:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gz
[16:58:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: uh
[16:58:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: gz
[16:58:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: nice
[16:58:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmao
[16:58:17] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[16:58:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[16:58:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: gajeel most mean player in pl
[16:58:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u deserve an award
[16:58:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: pfff
[16:58:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u really deserve the award
[16:58:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: after 10 years some1 realized
[16:58:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: thank you
[16:58:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: hahahaha
[16:59:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: tomorrow i'd be 500 shamal missions
[16:59:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: and im back to andromada to make money
[16:59:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: tomorrow??
[16:59:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: yes
[16:59:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: god dammit
[16:59:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: lazy
[16:59:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: do u remember my old nickname
[16:59:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[16:59:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: no Czecg
[16:59:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: u cant even have 100 score a day
[16:59:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !player koreanboy
[16:59:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player koreanboy: 0 score, last seen 4 Months Ago
[16:59:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmao
[16:59:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: or more thnan
[17:00:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: me?
[17:00:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: wait ive seen that name before
[17:00:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lazy
[17:00:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: it was me lol
[17:00:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i was doin 150 - 200 score in a day.
[17:00:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[17:00:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: !score adalarva
[17:00:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: so not preciated
[17:00:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player adalarva: 9702 score, 9196 missions: 79'/. cargo drop - 8'/. shamal - 5'/. cargo
[17:00:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: me 100-250
[17:00:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i give up
[17:00:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: but i can
[17:00:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: show u
[17:00:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: thanks for giving up
[17:01:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: our Militaryt event
[17:01:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: its what i wanted u to do
[17:01:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[17:01:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: i didnt join military event
[17:01:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ,
[17:01:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: only sp
[17:01:51] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KylieJenner
[17:01:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: f
[17:01:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: F
[17:02:04] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: HardStone
[17:02:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: wbeh
[17:02:24] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[17:02:32] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KylieJenner
[17:02:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: wasnt expecting that
[17:03:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: nice ping
[17:03:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !missions shamal
[17:03:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 402 shamal
[17:03:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ty fyrel
[17:03:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: 960 ping oh hi ping come through
[17:03:46] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[17:04:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: ty
[17:04:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: umuulan jan?
[17:04:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: nah
[17:04:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kanina?
[17:04:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: kanina malaks dito
[17:04:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: ah/
[17:04:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: sana umulan ulit maghapon pala malamig 26C ulit
[17:05:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: ahahaha
[17:05:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: ag
[17:06:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: lag
[17:06:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: alam mo yung /q uest?
[17:06:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[17:06:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: not funny
[17:06:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: XD
[17:07:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: oh hi hardy
[17:07:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wb
[17:07:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: hi
[17:08:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: now his soul is cleansed
[17:08:39] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[17:08:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: !Missions shamal
[17:09:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: KylieJenner: 404 shamal
[17:09:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: ngi
[17:09:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: error 404
[17:09:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: bye everyoneeeeeeeeeeee
[17:09:40] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: oscarpapee
[17:09:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: bb
[17:09:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KylieJenner: see you tomorrow
[17:09:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: bye
[17:09:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: bb
[17:09:48] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KylieJenner
[17:10:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: 15 mins later will connect again.
[17:10:16] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[17:10:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: or start talking at from Discod
[17:10:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Discord*
[17:10:36] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[17:10:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: !missions dodo
[17:10:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Yanix: 5000 dodo
[17:11:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: nice
[17:11:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pixy: gz
[17:11:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: gonna have a break a very long break
[17:11:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: ty
[17:11:37] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[17:11:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: again lol
[17:11:55] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[17:12:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I knew it xD
[17:12:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: gz
[17:12:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Willz.: gz
[17:12:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[17:12:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Yanix: gz
[17:13:17] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[17:13:34] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: adalarva
[17:13:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Lmao gajeel
[17:13:40] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[17:13:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[17:13:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: God dammit
[17:13:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: ty:d
[17:13:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Kylie go sleep
[17:14:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb adalarva
[17:14:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: ty gajeel:d
[17:14:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: what are u doing at smet's house xray
[17:14:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: u left at 10k?
[17:14:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[17:14:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[17:14:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: just 300 score more
[17:14:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: I hate u gajeel
[17:14:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: House camper X-Ray :D
[17:14:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: :D
[17:14:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: yes
[17:14:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i love you too Kylie
[17:14:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: not gtfo
[17:14:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: _throws up_
[17:15:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i eat that.
[17:15:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Fuck i want indomie
[17:15:19] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: kjkszpj333
[17:15:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Eeww gross
[17:15:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: why no1 said wb
[17:16:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb kjkszpj and fuck your name please change it
[17:16:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Wb kjjszp3333
[17:16:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: wow
[17:16:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: ty man
[17:16:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: i wont change
[17:16:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: dont put another hackcdes :D
[17:16:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: :D
[17:16:23] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[17:16:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: never
[17:16:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Yes change it please so it will easy for me to call u
[17:16:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: this name exists since 2012
[17:16:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Idk what to call you tbh
[17:16:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: it was Tool name?
[17:16:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: weapon code
[17:16:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: Ak-47 etc.etc.
[17:16:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: call him kjks
[17:16:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: ye
[17:17:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: hi kebab
[17:17:08] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[17:17:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: haii
[17:17:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: or gajeeeeeel xd
[17:17:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Ok imma leave now bc gajeel wanted me to
[17:17:16] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[17:17:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[17:17:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[17:17:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: wb
[17:17:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb bran
[17:17:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: hi
[17:17:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: yes please kylie
[17:17:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I had to type it cuz I almost crashed
[17:17:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: !houses allen_lombard
[17:17:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: damn
[17:17:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: radio
[17:17:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Kjjszp i will call u mr k instead
[17:17:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Queens: $5,150,000 5 slots Come-A-Lot: $10,500,000 6 slots None Saved: $2,000,000 4 slots
[17:17:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: wb bici
[17:17:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ty
[17:17:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: radio
[17:17:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: bici D:
[17:18:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: gay music
[17:18:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: not for u noob
[17:18:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: why its not playing
[17:18:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I dont even hear it lmao
[17:18:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: PLR india right?
[17:18:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ye
[17:18:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: ooh
[17:18:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: goto audio setting, turn radio ON
[17:18:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: i did plr english]
[17:18:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: its on dump
[17:19:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: dumb*
[17:20:12] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KebabDefender
[17:20:27] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Fyrel
[17:20:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f
[17:20:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !player Walrus
[17:20:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !player AT76
[17:20:35] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KebabDefender
[17:20:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player AT76: 44 score, last seen 20 Days Ago
[17:20:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[17:20:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: ty love
[17:20:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: :p
[17:21:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !player ar3zz..
[17:21:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player ar3zz..: 248 score, last seen 2 Months Ago
[17:21:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: that song is stolen Hardy..
[17:21:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: i need something original
[17:21:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: yes sir
[17:22:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !player fgjordy
[17:22:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player fgjordy: 281 score, last seen 1 Months Ago
[17:22:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: !player bsk799
[17:22:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player bsk799: 37 score, last seen 3 Months Ago
[17:22:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wtf where are they
[17:23:21] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Fyrel
[17:23:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[17:23:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: ty
[17:25:36] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Fyrel
[17:25:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !missions kebabdefender cargodrop military
[17:25:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: kebabdefender: 3047 cargodrop 317 military
[17:26:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: smh, watch your fire, you almost blew me up on my house.
[17:26:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: that was my purpose
[17:26:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: :)
[17:26:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: this is better Hardy
[17:26:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: slumdog millionare D:
[17:26:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: i will blow you with your light house :P
[17:27:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: wb
[17:27:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb
[17:27:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: ty
[17:27:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: o bolo azaaadi!
[17:27:38] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: TheGamer
[17:27:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wb
[17:27:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[17:27:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: `wb
[17:27:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: ty
[17:27:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: wb
[17:28:22] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iBelongtoGamer30
[17:28:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[17:28:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[17:28:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wb husbando
[17:28:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: thanks
[17:28:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !missions kjkszpj333 cargodrop military
[17:28:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: kjkszpj333: 3152 cargodrop 1329 military
[17:29:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: brb)
[17:29:21] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[17:30:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: brb
[17:30:53] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Criterion
[17:31:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: !houses bran
[17:31:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Reventon Airport: $1,700,000 2 slots Reventon Airport: $1,750,000 2 slots
[17:31:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: !houses willz.
[17:31:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Red County: $3,500,000 5 slots Rockshore West: $1,400,000 3 slots None Saved: $1,000,000 2 slots
[17:31:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: sounds like Reggae
[17:32:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: no its not
[17:32:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: !houses shazi
[17:32:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Doherty: $12,000,000 6 slots Fort Carson: $8,000,000 6 slots Bone County: $8,400,000 7 slots Los Santos Sew(..)
[17:32:58] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CzechBoy777
[17:33:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[17:33:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty
[17:34:42] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JuraganMelon
[17:34:55] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Yanix
[17:35:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] kjkszpj333: w/s
[17:35:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: sorry oscar I was looking at my plane while flying xD
[17:35:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: didn't see you were infront of me
[17:36:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[17:37:28] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[17:37:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[17:37:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: ty
[17:38:16] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Joaking
[17:38:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Durkan_Petrolovski
[17:39:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: welcome Durkan
[17:39:02] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Haroon
[17:39:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[17:39:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[17:39:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[17:39:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: wb
[17:39:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Thank you : )
[17:40:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb both
[17:40:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ty
[17:40:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: :)
[17:41:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: nice
[17:41:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :
[17:41:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: :D
[17:41:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wait for the beat
[17:41:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: no sounds?
[17:41:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: well ill come back soon
[17:41:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: sya
[17:42:00] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[17:42:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: sounds like Orgy Party
[17:42:34] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: oscarpapee
[17:43:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: any news on custom houses? @xray @HardStone#2955.
[17:43:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] KebabDefender: no
[17:43:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] BlackyBurn#9389: f
[17:43:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: gz
[17:43:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: gz
[17:43:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: ty
[17:44:00] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: [RAF]FallenDevil
[17:44:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: complete the license
[17:44:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: you'll get a cheap one
[17:44:31] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Twi[X]
[17:44:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[17:44:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[17:44:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb
[17:44:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty
[17:44:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: saying it's cheap is a bit of an understatement
[17:44:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: welcome Fallen
[17:45:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: fallen = me?
[17:45:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb jackie
[17:45:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: ty :D
[17:45:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty stan
[17:45:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: xD
[17:45:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: :d
[17:45:42] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: PenguinPilot
[17:45:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[17:45:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb hoe
[17:45:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ah he's here
[17:45:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[17:45:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[17:45:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: noot noot
[17:46:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ty
[17:46:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: noot noot motherfucker
[17:46:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb
[17:46:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: kurwa
[17:46:18] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KebabDefender
[17:46:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I miss you prompto
[17:46:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: !player Gamer
[17:46:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Gamer: 0 score, last seen 23 Months Ago
[17:46:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: !player Gamer30
[17:46:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Gamer30: 14778 score, last seen 6 Hours Ago
[17:46:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !missions cargo
[17:46:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: is he dead o.o
[17:46:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !missions cargo
[17:46:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X]: 27 cargo
[17:46:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: F
[17:46:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: Twi
[17:46:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: gotta do alot more
[17:46:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yo
[17:47:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: goin for nevada license? >.
[17:47:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ye
[17:47:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: gl
[17:47:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: !licenses twi[x]
[17:47:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: RIP
[17:47:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: twi[x] has a license for shamal, dodo
[17:47:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: !licenses
[17:47:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: TheGamer has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick, nevada
[17:47:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: F in advance
[17:47:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: !licenses
[17:47:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: yeet
[17:47:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: !licenses
[17:47:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Winlogon.bat has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick, nevada
[17:47:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty :d
[17:47:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: !licenses
[17:47:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: HardStone has a license for shamal, dodo, maverick, nevada
[17:47:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !licence
[17:47:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[17:47:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !license
[17:47:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !licenses
[17:48:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot has a license for dodo
[17:48:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: why I see 2 red flags?
[17:48:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: those are service points
[17:48:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: refuel/Repair stations
[17:48:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: they are repair/refuel point
[17:48:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: ok
[17:48:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: Twi
[17:48:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yo
[17:48:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: and where do I know wheere I need to fly
[17:48:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: go to the red checkpoint
[17:48:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: /w
[17:48:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: follow the red triangle
[17:49:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: use /w and there will be a rid blimp
[17:49:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: and go to the red blip
[17:49:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: red
[17:49:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: ok
[17:49:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !player Lavija
[17:49:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Lavija: 19491 score, last seen 2 Hours Ago
[17:49:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !player santiago
[17:49:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player santiago: 14127 score, last seen 9 Hours Ago
[17:49:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: petition to revamp yuka airport
[17:49:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: +1
[17:49:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: -1
[17:50:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: to short for the nevada wing span
[17:50:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wot is zis, Sin function?
[17:50:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: don't be a crybaby twi
[17:50:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: cos function
[17:50:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: remove crude
[17:50:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: it's big enough
[17:50:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: Sin's range
[17:50:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 1 to -1
[17:50:28] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Haroon
[17:50:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: you can take off yuka from 2 sides
[17:50:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: cos's range
[17:50:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: 1 to -1
[17:50:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: sin2(Teetha) range
[17:50:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 2 to -2
[17:50:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I don't remember, y = sin and x = cos right?
[17:51:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: kurwa kurwa
[17:51:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: idk xD
[17:51:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: on the circle
[17:51:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: x axis = cos, y axis = sin
[17:51:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: sin(a+b)
[17:51:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: answer zis
[17:52:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I passed the maths exame without studying it
[17:52:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: do you think I remember?
[17:52:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: yes
[17:52:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: no
[17:52:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fuck maths
[17:52:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lmao fuck maths yes I hate it too
[17:52:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: maths are ez
[17:52:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: yep
[17:52:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: kinda fun
[17:52:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: no need to introduce an airline run by admins i guess
[17:52:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: maths are fun
[17:52:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: maths is fun
[17:53:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: so ez I didn't even study it for the exam
[17:53:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: and passed
[17:53:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: -1 bran
[17:53:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: but still, fuck maths
[17:53:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lol I did kinda worked a lot on my gcse math exam and ended with a 69 :S
[17:53:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: NICE
[17:53:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: 69 at what cost
[17:53:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: nice
[17:53:44] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: TheGamer
[17:53:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes, it was torture
[17:53:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: did u do it on purpose
[17:53:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: nooo I was expecting to fail
[17:53:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: cause I failed my mock
[17:54:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: how do you get 69 on purpose?
[17:54:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: just like gorbachev did the USSR it lasted 69 years
[17:54:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: jesus I deleted like 300gb of unused sheit
[17:54:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I have some 60gb of pilots life video
[17:54:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: or more
[17:54:28] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: ioannaztecas
[17:54:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lemme check
[17:54:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I had 120gb deleted it all
[17:54:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hey
[17:54:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: had 100gb from nvidia geforce now videos deleted it all
[17:54:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: hi wb
[17:54:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: ty
[17:54:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: and about 94gb of downloads
[17:55:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb cyka
[17:55:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: 58.2gb of just pl lol
[17:55:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: -2'/. passenger satisfaction
[17:55:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: best pilot
[17:55:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: thats what she said after ridiing you
[17:55:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars
[17:55:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X] has: RC Bandit Seasparrow RC Baron Sultan AT-400 AT-400 AT-400 RC Cam
[17:56:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !cars
[17:56:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot has: Infernus Rhino
[17:56:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I want a seasparrow too
[17:56:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fuck why did the economy reset
[17:57:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: seasparrow is ez
[17:57:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: get it from dodo license
[17:57:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: spoiler alert it's gonna happen again
[17:57:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I already have a dodo licence
[17:57:21] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[17:57:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: the house market is a fucking joke rn
[17:57:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeap
[17:57:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: how
[17:57:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: my house is cheap bran
[17:57:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: >>>
[17:57:47] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[17:57:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: >>> is bit manipulation
[17:57:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: smh
[17:57:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: yesterday i saw a 10 slot with a server price of 11m
[17:58:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: dude wanted 35m for it
[17:58:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: houses demand > House availability
[17:58:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: lol
[17:58:20] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[17:58:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: okay then crystal to add more houses
[17:58:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: House availability > houses demand right now
[17:58:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: but like.. WAY HIGHER
[17:58:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes but shit houses
[17:58:32] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LandzPH
[17:58:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: well high slot houses are scarce
[17:58:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it's still a house
[17:58:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] Regera#1312: hello
[17:58:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yeah no
[17:59:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi
[17:59:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: emptied half of my lappy
[17:59:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: hi crit
[17:59:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the house market needs some revamps
[17:59:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: alot*
[17:59:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: increase slots in every house
[17:59:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: just decrease prices
[17:59:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: samp no longer has the player base to have 2/3 slot houses anymore
[17:59:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no what we need is communism
[17:59:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: +1
[17:59:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: every house with 15 slot priced at 500k
[17:59:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yes
[17:59:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: FFS
[17:59:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: x
[17:59:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fucking shamal
[17:59:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: rc baron for 100k
[18:00:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: we should create a workers party
[18:00:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I don't agree with 15 slots at 500k
[18:00:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ye
[18:00:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: but maybe 3 slots for every million would be a nice start
[18:00:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes
[18:00:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: lets make a bill for crystal to sign
[18:00:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no
[18:00:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: petition to ban stan
[18:00:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: call it the "bran is salty because he lost his assets" or something
[18:00:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: ill jin in a bit
[18:00:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: we'll make a declaration expelling crystal
[18:00:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: how much did you lose bran
[18:00:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: crystal's fine
[18:00:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: aaron was the deal
[18:00:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: +1
[18:01:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: shut up prompto
[18:01:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: sherman dam, a farm with a runway and shiv's island
[18:01:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: for 2 years I cried about how aaron ruined the server
[18:01:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and how doing what crystal did now would fix it
[18:01:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ...
[18:01:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but everyone shut me up saying I should stop being salty about my assets
[18:01:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: including you iiirc
[18:01:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: because you are being salty
[18:02:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: everyone was whiteknighting aaron
[18:02:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: fuck aaron
[18:02:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ofc I'm being salty, I lost 1.4b
[18:02:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: we get it, losing 1.4b is tough
[18:02:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I hate zis guy
[18:02:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: but deal with it
[18:02:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and it wasn't even that
[18:02:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: psg lost a lot more than you and he ain't bitching around
[18:02:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I lost 180m in CNR due to aaron
[18:02:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: uhm uhmmmm
[18:02:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yeah because he was made admin
[18:02:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: him and shooter
[18:02:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oh so you want admin position?
[18:03:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: cause they donated a lot
[18:03:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: interesting
[18:03:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no idiot
[18:03:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I said they donated a lot so they were given admin, it's fair
[18:03:13] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Joaking
[18:03:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and aaron did ruin the server
[18:03:36] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Durkan_Petrolovski
[18:03:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: donating money = admin position? that doesn't seem right
[18:03:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: P$G made his money by selling vips
[18:03:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ?
[18:03:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no donkey
[18:03:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: sounds like capitalism to me
[18:03:58] *** Joins: robin_be
[18:03:58] *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo robin_be robin_be
[18:04:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: sounds like the republican party to me
[18:04:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: he meant like
[18:04:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: shooter spent all his money
[18:04:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: most of their billions came from donating so they had to be compsenated for that
[18:04:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: to get PLD
[18:04:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and it would suck
[18:04:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: if you spent all your irl cash
[18:04:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes
[18:04:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and get it all reset
[18:04:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: to try and compensate their donations
[18:04:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: either way you were telling us how great the reset was
[18:04:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: shooter got moderator
[18:04:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and P$G got moderatore
[18:05:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: not that P$G's taking it serious
[18:05:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: he's an admin now
[18:05:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the reset was a perfect idea
[18:05:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: just poorly executed
[18:05:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and shooter being inactive and low interest he's still a mod
[18:05:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes, i dont disagree
[18:05:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: besides I've always said that reset wasn't the way to go
[18:05:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: i agreed with the reset but nerfing the pay and buffing the prices pushed me away for years
[18:05:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: if he didnt make things twice as expensive
[18:05:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: there are other ways to control an economy
[18:05:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: not just make a new coin
[18:06:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: he wrecked all tho jobs too stan
[18:06:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: [RAF]FallenDevil
[18:06:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Yes
[18:06:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: so it was like 4 times more expensive
[18:06:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: maybe just make 10m equals to 1m after economy tweak or something like that
[18:06:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but he gave me a free house
[18:06:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: so you dont need a reset
[18:06:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: It became unplayable that's why he had to shut down the server
[18:06:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yeah probably price controls
[18:06:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the second solution would be heavily tax the rich and just destroy that money
[18:06:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: inflation would go down
[18:06:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no that was crystal and jack being pl killers
[18:07:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: amirite twi
[18:07:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hey twix
[18:07:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ....
[18:07:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: lel
[18:07:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: hi
[18:07:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: how much did you offer them again twi
[18:07:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: the best option in my opinion was wealth tax like in CNR
[18:07:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: XD
[18:07:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: 10k
[18:07:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: that "wealth tax" is /tax
[18:07:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ur mental
[18:07:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I got taxed 1m in CNR so you had to hide all the cash
[18:07:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: "hide"?
[18:07:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oh boy
[18:07:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Hayden wanted $100 at last lol
[18:07:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: do you have a sheik dad
[18:07:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: tax evasion
[18:07:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: tax fraud
[18:07:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: perma ban
[18:08:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: yes in houses and factories but that could also result in other people robbing you tax but this shouldn't be thing
[18:08:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: but he wanted all the money in btc and I was like hmm
[18:08:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: twi
[18:08:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: i the whole idea of cnr was to do illegal shit
[18:08:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yo
[18:08:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: answer me question xd
[18:08:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: is ur dad a oil sheik
[18:08:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: which one lol
[18:08:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: btc's on me
[18:08:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m's
[18:08:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you don't need to have a daddy sheik
[18:08:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: so ur a sheik
[18:08:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: also prompto CNR had 2 taxes : wealth tax and asset tax in PL there is only 1 tax at that is asset tax
[18:09:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he was gonna pay 10k for crystal's house when aaron was the owner lol
[18:09:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: we need a wealth tax
[18:09:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: crystal account*
[18:09:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wait what?
[18:09:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: no bitch
[18:09:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: or was that someone else
[18:09:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I was paying for
[18:09:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: hell naw
[18:09:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ohhh lol
[18:09:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I actually bought of alot pl accounts
[18:09:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: wealth tax in general is just dumb
[18:09:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: idk, some jackie waanted to buy an admin account
[18:09:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: for like $20 each
[18:09:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: like death duties
[18:09:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I did wanted to buy admin accounts
[18:09:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: no it's not
[18:09:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it controls the economy better
[18:10:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: but that 10k
[18:10:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: was for
[18:10:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: PL
[18:10:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you're talking like a capistalist pig bran
[18:10:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh
[18:10:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: why should you be punished for having money
[18:10:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: bran voted conservative, be like bran
[18:10:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it's not a punishment
[18:10:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: boris is a legend leave it out
[18:10:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: in CNR it was if you had 200m you get 1m tax and a max of 50k interest (if you had membership) or 25k without it
[18:10:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thats why here in hong kong its a shit show
[18:10:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it's so that you can use roads and not be invaded by jihadis xd
[18:10:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: we dont have wealth tax
[18:10:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and stuff like nhs
[18:10:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: rc
[18:11:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: okay everyone silence
[18:11:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no
[18:11:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: in pl? yeah sure it's sutpid
[18:11:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Imagine a newbie coming into PL
[18:11:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: stupid*
[18:11:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and he sees ya'll flexing
[18:11:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: with 2b's on him
[18:11:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: he works
[18:11:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and make's some money
[18:11:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: buys a house and an infernus
[18:11:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: seeing someone with 100m is already flexing hard right now
[18:11:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no I think that motivates pl xd
[18:11:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: motivates people*
[18:11:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: then he see's /vips
[18:11:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: then he buys vip
[18:11:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it doesn't motivate people at all dumbass
[18:12:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: 2b is too much money
[18:12:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: he tries to compete with ya'll having 2b
[18:12:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no donkey
[18:12:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: billion motivates a newbie?
[18:12:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: most people had 2b back then
[18:12:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: no
[18:12:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: why do you never listen
[18:12:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: let me complete
[18:12:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: it would take him ages lol
[18:12:20] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CzechBoy777
[18:12:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[18:12:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[18:12:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: it would take them ages to make 2b
[18:12:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I had 0 back in 2015 or 2016
[18:12:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: he would give up at first day
[18:12:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and compete with the other players
[18:12:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty
[18:12:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ik stan
[18:12:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and seeing all these billionaires
[18:12:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and he'd atleast give up
[18:12:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it motivated me to actually work
[18:12:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: billions never motivate people you pea-sized buffoon
[18:12:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: same m8
[18:12:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Fyrel where u at
[18:12:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: it makes me deprresed to see criterion having 200m dumbass
[18:13:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: i actually worked to get to 200m
[18:13:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: then boom server resets
[18:13:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: he worked his ass off noob
[18:13:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Crit's gonna cause the next economy reset..
[18:13:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: not from donations
[18:13:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: only work
[18:13:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thats why we need wealth tax
[18:13:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I worked my ass off to just get $140m and boom, reset
[18:13:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fuck that
[18:13:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: sad
[18:13:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: same prompto
[18:13:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I always worked my ass to get money
[18:13:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i wasn't playing while before eco reset
[18:13:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: it was in 2017 right?
[18:13:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: noob
[18:13:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it's not motivating at all to see people with millions upon millions
[18:13:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and if they still had everything good going and not banning me
[18:14:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Where�s gajeel
[18:14:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I'd have like 5b+
[18:14:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I worked myself to 50m and turned it into $1.4b like a true capitalist scum
[18:14:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: yeah you're a fucking disgraceful pig
[18:14:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !player Aaron
[18:14:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Aaron: 7279 score, last seen 6 Months Ago
[18:14:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the country that welcomes you like a king is america
[18:14:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Wow stan is a functional scammer all this time
[18:14:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the rest of the planet treats you like scum
[18:14:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] farislaco#1029: twi is just shamelessly overpricing houses
[18:14:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Wow stan is a functionaI scammer all this time damn
[18:14:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: 'murica land of the free
[18:14:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: inflation already goes around PL
[18:14:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: well, if you think i'm a pig
[18:14:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ban stan
[18:14:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I like
[18:15:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: tell me how you would feel after I tell you this
[18:15:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: how ban stan rhymes
[18:15:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: all +15slots are taken and are being selled overpriced
[18:15:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: +1 @tbnr
[18:15:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I convinced citr0n to sell me his company for 650m at 6 pm
[18:15:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: at 8 am the next I sold it to silver for 1.2b
[18:15:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: the next day*
[18:15:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: F
[18:15:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ridiculous
[18:15:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fucking scam
[18:15:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: scam
[18:15:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: holy shit star inc.?
[18:15:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes
[18:15:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: scam scam
[18:16:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: capitalism
[18:16:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: JEtstar
[18:16:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: Lufthansa was bought for the same reason
[18:16:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: stan you should run america
[18:16:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I bought dreamair for like 150m and sold it for like 200m
[18:16:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but the admins threatened to ban me if I sold it
[18:16:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Sell lufthansa already now
[18:16:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: that's how you do business, not overpricing the shit out of stuff
[18:16:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oh yeah I remember it
[18:16:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and bam 2 days later the server reset was announced
[18:16:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no, that's how you run a charity
[18:16:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: you know what
[18:16:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: aaron told me
[18:17:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: that I can have a clean start
[18:17:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: lufthansa is dead
[18:17:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it should just die
[18:17:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and fuck cash cause economy reset is in a week
[18:17:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: but yet again as said earlier inflation already goes around in PL
[18:17:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ofc, that's natural
[18:17:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you can't stop inflation
[18:17:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: inflation is still a thing because people know how to increase the inflation like a douchebag
[18:17:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: prompto
[18:18:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: for every house you sell overpriced you contribute to the inflation
[18:18:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: prompto shuut up
[18:18:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no one's gonna buy a house for 3m and sell it to someone for 3m
[18:18:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: i mean, as soon as one completes a /w inflation happens
[18:18:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'm not saying it
[18:18:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: crystal should add 50# tax if you sell your house than its more worth that will stop like most of the inflation
[18:18:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Fucker no
[18:18:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: 25# is already alot
[18:18:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: buying a house for 3m and selling it for like 4m or maybe even 5m is fine
[18:18:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: well you did kindm of prove it when you sold a company for double immidiately after buying it
[18:18:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the problem is selling it for over 10m
[18:18:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: then people are just gonna sell the houses higher price
[18:19:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Look,
[18:19:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: its always the buying who sugffers
[18:19:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: suffers*
[18:19:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Opinons are like butholes, everyone has one
[18:19:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: i think houses need a sale cap like vehicles
[18:19:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: houses need a sale cap yes
[18:19:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ye
[18:19:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: im not selling my house but I can sell it for like 50m because there are only 2 20 slot houses
[18:19:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: No they don't
[18:19:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: infact, buy a house and sell it the same
[18:19:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no actually
[18:20:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: they'd start taking more cash in /givecash
[18:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ^
[18:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: .w
[18:20:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Actually
[18:20:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lets stop arguing about economics
[18:20:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: we're here to fly
[18:20:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: now run the world bank
[18:21:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: marshmellow told me a plan to break thru the next economy reset
[18:21:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: not*
[18:21:02] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: HardStone
[18:21:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: there won't be another one
[18:21:18] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: HardStone
[18:21:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:21:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb
[18:21:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wv
[18:21:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: how do you know that
[18:21:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeah at least till 2021
[18:21:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ty
[18:21:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: PL won't survive that
[18:21:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: still that house cap need to be there
[18:21:46] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Haroon
[18:21:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeah
[18:21:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: who's to say crystal hangs up his gloves and another aaron comes along
[18:21:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: server is already dead
[18:21:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[18:21:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[18:21:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I strongly agree with a house cap
[18:21:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:21:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: stop the inflation
[18:21:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: stop the greed
[18:22:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Ty
[18:22:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: shut up commie
[18:22:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: kjkszpj333
[18:22:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you shut up capitalist pig oink oink
[18:22:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: or just 50percent tax if you sell it overpriced
[18:22:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: kekw
[18:22:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: this is america
[18:22:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 25percent tax is alot already
[18:22:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: .w
[18:22:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yes
[18:22:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: fact
[18:22:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: It's like 6m on 15m
[18:22:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: which forces you to sell it higher
[18:22:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ye
[18:22:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: also that tax should only be charged if you're selling higher than the server price
[18:22:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ofc you need to make lil profit when you are selling it
[18:22:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: instead it should be decreased
[18:22:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: nah
[18:22:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: you dont wanna suffer loss
[18:23:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: that's kinda how capital gains tax work irl at least in my country
[18:23:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: then you shouldn't buy the house anyways
[18:23:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Xi.
[18:23:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb
[18:23:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you should buy a house because you want the slots not because you want the money
[18:23:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:23:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[18:23:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: !cash
[18:23:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: I buy houses for resale
[18:23:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: X_Ray has $123,015,598 in hand
[18:23:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: business
[18:23:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: okay dr penguinpilot
[18:23:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: ty
[18:23:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: OMG XRAY
[18:23:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: thank us for coming to your tedtalk and shut the fuck up
[18:23:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Bran yes
[18:23:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you seriously made a /vann for that?
[18:23:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeah don't buy a house
[18:23:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: live in smol 500k house
[18:23:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: first, sale price cap, second, wealth tax
[18:23:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: yes i did
[18:23:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes, report him for vann abuse
[18:23:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ban ban
[18:23:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: ban baun
[18:23:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: sry twix
[18:23:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I agree less tax if you don't sell it overpriced
[18:24:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: solves half of the problems
[18:24:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: np baby
[18:24:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: i'll see myself out
[18:24:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I'm a very generous person
[18:24:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: !houses
[18:24:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Flint County: $650,000 1 slots None Saved: $4,500,000 5 slots
[18:24:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: maybe like 10percent tax
[18:24:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: haroon :P
[18:24:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i agree with stan, 25percent tax if you sell it over the server price
[18:24:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: you see stan i won't get banned because unlike you i don't spam /vann with BS
[18:24:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: set it like max 1.5 or 2m for 1 slot or something
[18:24:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Stop arguing
[18:24:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lol, you thought I was gonna report you?
[18:24:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: let our custom houses get added first
[18:25:02] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Satan
[18:25:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: yes twi
[18:25:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb
[18:25:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:25:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[18:25:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: custom house will get added in couple of days
[18:25:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[18:25:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yes twi lmao
[18:25:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: be*
[18:25:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: they won't
[18:25:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes they will be once coronavirus is over
[18:25:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol stan
[18:25:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: ty
[18:25:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yes stan
[18:25:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: stop arguing guys
[18:25:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: or after they find a vaccine xD
[18:25:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: hell no last time someone reported someone for /vann abuse they got shafted for interest farming
[18:25:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: does everyone agree with this?
[18:25:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: no custom houses till 2021
[18:25:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: just open and forum topic and discuss there lol
[18:25:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: why eco reset again?
[18:25:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: about the economy
[18:25:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: economy is stable
[18:26:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wtf/
[18:26:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: exactly, everyone's happy
[18:26:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: are u saying that there will be again restart?
[18:26:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: dont tell me there's another eco reset
[18:26:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: are u saying that there will be again restart?
[18:26:11] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Smetkowski
[18:26:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: economy reset again because,
[18:26:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: we're not talking about eco reset
[18:26:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: it will soon be unstable HS
[18:26:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:26:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: dafuq
[18:26:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[18:26:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I want haroon's house
[18:26:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: stop being sad that adalarva and criterion are rich
[18:26:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: wb
[18:26:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: they work like crazy
[18:26:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: just like zimbabwe
[18:26:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: thanks
[18:26:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb smet
[18:26:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: should I put it in Discussion or Suggestions?
[18:26:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb smet
[18:26:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: RIP PL.
[18:26:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: they worked hard noobs
[18:26:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: you should too
[18:26:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: suggestions
[18:26:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: i dont think there should be an eco reset
[18:26:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: same
[18:26:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: not reset
[18:26:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: one more eco reset and server is fucked
[18:26:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: but revamp
[18:26:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yes
[18:26:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: im sayin that RIP PL IN ADVANCE!
[18:27:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: hardi same : ) im with u
[18:27:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: are you suggesting an economy reset prompto
[18:27:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: it wasn't the reset that ruined the server it was the BS price gouching and pay nerfing
[18:27:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: no
[18:27:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: dafuq
[18:27:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb admean
[18:27:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'm suggesting some changes
[18:27:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: not a rest
[18:27:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: well yes bran
[18:27:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: reset
[18:27:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: i
[18:27:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: that's out of question
[18:27:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: NO RESET
[18:27:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: penguin like?
[18:27:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but it did chase some players away
[18:27:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: yeah to stop inflation from now instead when it goes skyrocketed
[18:27:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: some is an understatement
[18:27:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you can't stop inflation
[18:27:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Xi.: eco reset pls, I am broke
[18:27:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: like everyone fucked off
[18:27:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: you can
[18:28:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: you can in real life
[18:28:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: RIP PL.
[18:28:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: tyou can add house caps to stop it
[18:28:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: but not in PL
[18:28:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: pro tip: sell vips
[18:28:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: and im sure there will be no players after corona
[18:28:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ^^
[18:28:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: there's always bound to be inflation when people keep /w
[18:28:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: especially in the UK
[18:28:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: when you /w you create money out of nowhere
[18:28:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: imo a reset is a stupid decision no offense
[18:29:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ok let's agree on something everyone, discussion or suggestions?
[18:29:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I say we make a suggestion to ban prompto
[18:29:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: and when a user gets banned that money disappears into thin air
[18:29:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: suggestions
[18:29:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: discussion then suggestion
[18:29:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Penguin tell me here pls
[18:29:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: if they want to stop inflation they need to create a proper economy system
[18:29:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: discussion
[18:29:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ok
[18:29:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: discussion it is
[18:29:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: bitches chill, Pl had it economy reset after like 6-7 years
[18:29:42] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: RathK
[18:29:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I think octavia and I made a hugeass thread and got told off by jezza
[18:29:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[18:29:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[18:29:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:29:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: WB
[18:29:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[18:29:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ty
[18:29:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[18:29:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ty
[18:29:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: no we're not saying for the economy to reset, where are you getting that idea from?
[18:30:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but then she "died"
[18:30:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it's a terrible idea
[18:30:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: wb
[18:30:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Pilot then tell me ? what are u talkin about
[18:30:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: probably because haydz kept a lid on it but as soon as aaron took over it was chaos
[18:30:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: changes to how people are taxed and the way we sell stuff
[18:30:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Don't fuck with anything, the server is stable now
[18:30:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: to control inflation
[18:30:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: its a fucking economy revamp idiot
[18:30:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: not reset
[18:30:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: aaron's era was full of chaos btw
[18:30:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes, leave the server the way it is
[18:30:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: so we don't get ridiculous prices
[18:30:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: You don't have to get filthy assets without doing muhc /w
[18:30:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: there's no problem here
[18:30:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: much*
[18:30:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: don't make one
[18:30:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: stan LMAO.
[18:30:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: twi yes
[18:30:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Yes
[18:30:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: everyone's happy
[18:30:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: money will be worthless in PL in a year
[18:30:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: There is no problem rn
[18:30:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: stan that sounds chinese
[18:30:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: rathk yes
[18:30:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: well not a year but more like 3 years
[18:30:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: that'll be in a year
[18:30:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: and north korean
[18:30:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: that's why I wanna make the discussion and suggestion afterwards about it
[18:31:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: the server won't exist then
[18:31:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: so that it DOESN'T get worthless in a year
[18:31:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: samp will be worthless in a year
[18:31:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Just let it be the way it is now
[18:31:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: how do you know?
[18:31:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: how about that?
[18:31:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: after so many years i can see that so many players are playing PL
[18:31:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: gta v is free
[18:31:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: i dont think the server will survive this long
[18:31:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: exactly
[18:31:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: and u guys are saying for eco reset
[18:31:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: gta v is full of hackers
[18:31:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and corona is gonna finish soon
[18:31:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: rIP LOL.
[18:31:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: few more months, it will be free forever
[18:31:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: All of this playerbase rn is due to ms corona
[18:31:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: haroon just stfu
[18:31:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I'm sure people will start playing transport tychoon
[18:31:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: corono wont finish soon becuase of idiots
[18:31:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yees twi
[18:31:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: we're not talking about economy reset
[18:31:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Penguin no one is arguing with u or abusing u please :)
[18:31:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: we never talk about resetting
[18:31:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: corona will take a while
[18:31:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: ok then?
[18:31:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: some more assets?
[18:31:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: but people will be moving to gta 5
[18:31:57] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Willz.
[18:31:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: we're not talking about suggestions regarding economy too
[18:32:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: also prompto
[18:32:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wb
[18:32:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: the pay will be reduced after corona
[18:32:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: well personally a house cap will help a great deal
[18:32:26] <~robin_be> &players
[18:32:26] <@Anna^> 19 players: Winlogon.bat(15222) CzechBoy777(1438) LandzPH(233) ioannaztecas(136) X_Ray(15082) iBelongtoGamer30(12123) Twi[X](1790) HardStone(6705) Haroon(5324) allen_lombard(7993) JoyadiJoestar.(8929) Xi.(572) adalarva(9755) Bran(7618) Satan(2723) Smetkowski(6178) RathK(7702) Stan958(5169) PenguinPilot(5568)
[18:32:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: There is no need for a house cap
[18:32:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: like all the of the 15 slotters are sold
[18:32:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: you can't sell a car for more than the retail so houses should be no different
[18:32:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: there is no need for that
[18:32:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: people will not buy houses then
[18:32:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no they will
[18:32:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: /givecash
[18:32:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: after aaron's reset PL WAS shit
[18:32:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeah
[18:32:52] <~robin_be> I still haven't seen a single decent map in V
[18:32:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: like so high prices et.c
[18:32:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: IRC robin_be: I still haven't seen a single decent map in V
[18:32:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lmao robin
[18:33:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi robin
[18:33:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ayoo robin
[18:33:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: hi
[18:33:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and then you will have a few rich asses
[18:33:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: robin robin robin robin'
[18:33:12] <~robin_be> seriously airports in transport tycoon are just fucking floating shitpieces
[18:33:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: IRC robin_be: seriously airports in transport tycoon are just fucking floating shitpieces
[18:33:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: thats called tax evasion dipsht
[18:33:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Robin can we have a !players cmd that shows the players ing from discord?
[18:33:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: bran, why so aggresive
[18:33:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: /givecash will just get you banned
[18:33:32] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Stan958
[18:33:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: whats the point if you have to buy a 15 slot house at 50m?
[18:33:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] X_Ray: wtf i got teleported to sky base, whyyyyyyyy?
[18:33:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: bran ? what
[18:33:52] <~robin_be> that's a question for Jacob, Twi. I do have &players on IRC
[18:33:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: IRC robin_be: that's a question for Jacob, Twi. I do have &players on IRC
[18:33:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: rath useless.
[18:34:00] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Stan958
[18:34:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb
[18:34:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[18:34:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[18:34:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb
[18:34:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: Imean really
[18:34:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan958: ty
[18:34:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !houses stan958
[18:34:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Muhulland: $10,000,000 7 slots
[18:34:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: I like his house
[18:34:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: stop arguing please guys : )
[18:34:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: CHILL.
[18:34:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: pm 6 ay
[18:35:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: haroon its a dissction lmao
[18:35:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: gz
[18:35:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: gz
[18:35:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: gz
[18:35:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: gz!
[18:35:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[18:35:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: gz
[18:35:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: disscusion*
[18:35:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: gz
[18:35:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: gz
[18:35:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: gz
[18:35:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: gz
[18:35:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: gz
[18:35:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty :D
[18:35:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: just /w like a slave
[18:35:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: falled from nevada
[18:35:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: cool
[18:35:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !houses Czecboy777
[18:35:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Czecboy777
[18:35:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: how to kill myself
[18:35:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: !houses Czechboy777
[18:35:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Muhulland: $2,000,000 3 slots Richman: $3,450,000 3 slots
[18:35:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ./kill
[18:36:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: rath btw
[18:36:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: V I P Buzzinas
[18:36:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no money is being added though
[18:37:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ;o
[18:37:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[18:37:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: just circulation inside the server
[18:37:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: gz
[18:37:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: gz
[18:37:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I later said more in like a 3 years later
[18:37:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ty
[18:37:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb
[18:37:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty
[18:37:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: well, i mean i would love to see PL still alive in 3 years
[18:37:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but i dont think itll be
[18:37:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: the reason that is
[18:37:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Fyrel
[18:37:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: well when you /w money is created from nowhere
[18:37:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[18:37:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb
[18:38:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yeah, but that's kinda the whole point
[18:38:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Xi.
[18:38:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: of playing?
[18:38:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: ye
[18:38:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: so we are constantly creating problems
[18:38:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: n one's gonna work for nothing
[18:38:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: we should all be banned
[18:38:30] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: X_Ray
[18:38:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it's just how it is
[18:38:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: but the thing is
[18:38:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: all the best houses are bought
[18:39:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Not at all.
[18:39:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: you will have to play like x4 the price of it
[18:39:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: you should work hard and ask the owners to bu y?
[18:39:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: some people are still selling good houses
[18:39:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yes
[18:39:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: yes haroon
[18:39:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: well then make all the houses good
[18:39:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thats what im doing now xD
[18:39:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol stan :P
[18:39:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: im already full tho
[18:39:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: custom houses are good
[18:39:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: stan and people are buying custom houses now
[18:39:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you can't sell them though
[18:39:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Rathk u've also the best houses btw
[18:39:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: shouldn't be an issue
[18:39:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: make all the houses good so the new players can't afford anything
[18:39:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yes no issue
[18:39:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: yeah ok
[18:39:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: OMG BRAN
[18:39:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: point
[18:40:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: make 1 slots 10m
[18:40:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: LMAO SMET
[18:40:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: New players can just be rich irl and donate for a custom house
[18:40:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: :)
[18:40:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: mayb i'll leave then
[18:40:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: twi wtf your at400 is stuck under the bridge
[18:40:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no, by good I meant like what you suggested
[18:40:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: like my friend id 3 is
[18:40:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: 3 slots for every 1 million
[18:40:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeah fyrel, an admin parked it :d
[18:40:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: only 1 custom house per player
[18:40:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: lolololol
[18:40:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: xd
[18:41:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi landz
[18:41:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: What does winl and penguin wants?
[18:41:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: u r quite laggin
[18:41:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I mean PL will be gone in 2 years
[18:41:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Speaking of custom houses
[18:41:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: yes rathk mayb
[18:41:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: well
[18:41:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: but in 2 years PL2 will most likely be in beta
[18:41:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: maybe not
[18:41:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: i want money
[18:41:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thats why i work like slave rn
[18:41:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I thought PL will die off in 2017
[18:41:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: winlogon work hard as all do
[18:41:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: yes haroon
[18:41:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: and yes PL2 said by crystal wont be limited by samp limitations
[18:42:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: We did buy normal houses, add fences, gates, helipad, runway, then sell it for profit
[18:42:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: what will be in PL2 ?
[18:42:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: is PL2 a game of its own or something
[18:42:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: i worked and got 50m in 7days
[18:42:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: That�s why the eco fucked up
[18:42:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: yes it will be a game of its own
[18:42:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: Win Nice its huge amount
[18:42:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lol imagine
[18:42:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: but that also means that i have no life xd
[18:42:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: one day pl2 becomes a popular game
[18:42:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: I want in on the shares then
[18:42:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and we tell our kids we played it before it was a thing x
[18:42:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: And yeah, that was �13 era
[18:43:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wait PL2 will be a different game?
[18:43:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: stan anything new will be added in PL2?
[18:43:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: like separate from gta?
[18:43:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: yes hardstone
[18:43:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes
[18:43:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: damn
[18:43:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: i don't know haroon
[18:43:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: hmm okey.
[18:43:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: but when?
[18:43:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: crystal posted a screenshot on discord, that's all we know
[18:43:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: it will be released in like 2 years or so
[18:43:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Criterion
[18:43:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wbw
[18:43:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[18:43:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[18:43:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: donations speed up the develpment
[18:43:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: oh
[18:43:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: 2 years ijust wishful thinking xd
[18:43:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wb
[18:43:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb
[18:43:51] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Stan958
[18:43:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: xD
[18:44:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: guys u just know that nowadays those are playing who have a experience here so many score+assets
[18:44:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: honestly if samp 0.3.8 wasn't killed PL now could have like 50 players
[18:44:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: so how you can say that stan it wont be dead in 2 years or 3 ?
[18:44:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: rip
[18:44:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: czech
[18:45:03] <~robin_be> donations don't speed up the development lol
[18:45:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: IRC robin_be: donations don't speed up the development lol
[18:45:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I survajved da impakt
[18:45:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: XD
[18:45:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: well crystal said taht robin
[18:45:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: but so many people who have donated for other's got like 100m+
[18:45:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: want me to drop you at sky?
[18:45:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: go have a chat with him
[18:45:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: sky air
[18:45:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: and now iBelongtoStan
[18:45:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: yea
[18:45:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi rath
[18:45:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: luft taxi
[18:45:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: :D
[18:45:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: sup
[18:45:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wow rathk why do you feel offended?
[18:45:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol
[18:45:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: penguin is creating a topic?
[18:45:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: robin
[18:45:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: lol wb.
[18:46:00] <~robin_be> stan
[18:46:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: IRC robin_be: stan
[18:46:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: uj in charge of development?
[18:46:08] <~robin_be> no
[18:46:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: pls tell us more about the game
[18:46:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: IRC robin_be: no
[18:46:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: im excited XD
[18:46:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: xD
[18:46:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh :(
[18:46:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but do you know anything about it
[18:46:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I just created a topic
[18:46:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: PL2
[18:46:44] <~robin_be> it's unity I guess
[18:46:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: IRC robin_be: it's unity I guess
[18:46:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: about what
[18:46:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: yes its used by unity engine
[18:47:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: that's uhhh the fornite engine?
[18:47:05] <~robin_be> no
[18:47:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: IRC robin_be: no
[18:47:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: or?
[18:47:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh
[18:47:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty man
[18:47:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: unreal engine is the fortnite engine lmao
[18:47:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh
[18:47:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: what?
[18:47:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: its at epic games luncher literally it tells you about it
[18:47:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: XD
[18:48:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ngl unreal engine is a good engine
[18:48:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: pengu, what do you mean by "wealth tax" ?
[18:48:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: tax on ur wealth
[18:48:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: you get a tax based on how much money you have
[18:48:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: a tax on your networth?
[18:48:49] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[18:48:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: on total assets
[18:48:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: oh okay
[18:49:04] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[18:49:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ye
[18:49:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Haroon: wb
[18:49:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb
[18:49:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:49:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[18:49:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: imagine magnet in hydra
[18:49:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: remember the time i got 1m tax brooklyn
[18:49:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: 100k wealth tax for 1m or 10m
[18:49:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: it was like 10m
[18:49:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Can�t remember lol
[18:49:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 100k wealth tax?
[18:49:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: bruhh
[18:49:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: and only like 25k interest lmao
[18:50:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Yeah
[18:50:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: no no it was definently highr
[18:50:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I got 1m tax when I almost had 200m in money
[18:50:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: + you�re gonna get raped hard by Medical fees when you died with a fuck ton of money in hand
[18:50:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: oh yeah
[18:50:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: you talking about CNR?
[18:50:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: once*
[18:51:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: yes
[18:51:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: oh
[18:51:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i've never been there
[18:51:42] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Haroon
[18:52:10] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: marshmellow
[18:52:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[18:52:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: thx bois
[18:52:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: webe
[18:52:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[18:52:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: hi hi\
[18:53:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ey wb serbian
[18:53:03] <~robin_be> &players
[18:53:03] <@Anna^> 18 players: Winlogon.bat(15225) CzechBoy777(1439) LandzPH(245) ioannaztecas(142) Criterion(36500) iBelongtoGamer30(12133) Twi[X](1790) Bran(7626) HardStone(6711) Serbian(45104) allen_lombard(7993) JoyadiJoestar.(8929) marshmellow(7142) adalarva(9769) Fyrel(5637) Smetkowski(6191) RathK(7712) PenguinPilot(5570)
[18:53:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Hey Serbian
[18:53:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: are we dancing after death, you and i?
[18:53:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Courier whore lmao
[18:53:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: :D
[18:53:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: !missions Serbian courier
[18:53:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: !missions serbian
[18:53:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Serbian: 13637 courier
[18:53:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: jesus fuck
[18:53:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: !score serbian
[18:53:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player serbian: 45104 score, 36391 missions: 47'/. cargo drop - 37'/. courier - 12'/. military
[18:53:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: serbian, how long did it take you to make 45k
[18:53:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: nice score criterion
[18:53:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: See?
[18:53:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: cargo drop whore too
[18:53:50] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: mastakilla
[18:54:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: Cargo drop 4ever
[18:54:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions Serbian cargodrop
[18:54:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Serbian: 16962 cargodrop
[18:54:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: welcome mastakilla
[18:54:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: Welcome to the server
[18:54:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: :0
[18:54:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] mastakilla: thank u
[18:54:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: !missions ibelongtogamer30 cargodrop
[18:54:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: ibelongtogamer30: 5889 cargodrop
[18:54:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !missions cargodrop
[18:54:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot: 2331 cargodrop
[18:54:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: what does
[18:54:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: a utility truck do
[18:54:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: !missions ibelongtogamer30 courrier
[18:54:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: skimmer/helicopter/courier/cargodrop/shamal/trucking/dodo/military/cargo/at400/rescue
[18:54:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: repair
[18:54:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: fucking ninja tree
[18:54:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: utility, refuel/repair
[18:54:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: !missions ibelongtogamer30 courier
[18:54:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: ibelongtogamer30: 1230 courier
[18:55:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:55:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] LandzPH: also you can /fix
[18:55:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: bruh I swear mosquito bites are the worst
[18:55:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: ty
[18:55:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: mosquito bites are terrible
[18:55:35] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Berka
[18:55:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:55:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: white people..
[18:55:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: ikr
[18:55:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: we suffer this throughout the n8
[18:56:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: who the fuck told you I was white?
[18:56:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: cant even shit in peace
[18:56:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: marshmellow
[18:56:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: prompto, I've seen you
[18:56:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: no you have
[18:56:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: mosquito bites are worst
[18:56:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no
[18:56:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: snake - am i a joke to you?
[18:56:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: am snake
[18:56:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: More people died by mosquitoes than venom from snake
[18:57:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: malaria
[18:57:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: F
[18:57:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: dengue
[18:57:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: zika
[18:57:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: that's because they breed like humans
[18:57:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: tf is zika
[18:57:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes and cancer kills more people than corona but ok
[18:57:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Yep
[18:57:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: disease hardstone
[18:57:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: some dumb americans say that flu seasons kills more than corona too, that aged well
[18:57:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: bruh
[18:57:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: fml
[18:57:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: bruh
[18:57:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: marsh
[18:58:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: are you worried
[18:58:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: ?
[18:58:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: for wat
[18:58:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: coronavirus
[18:58:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: the super cycolonic storm x
[18:58:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: wait, there's a cyclone near you?
[18:58:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: why should i be worried
[18:58:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: forgot what it was called
[18:58:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: OH
[18:58:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: omg
[18:58:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: i saw in news
[18:58:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Hurricane
[18:58:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: It started off the eastern coast of sri lanka
[18:58:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: i dun think it'll hit us tho
[18:58:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: it hit TN
[18:59:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are the same shit, just in different locations
[18:59:08] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: iBelongtoGamer30
[18:59:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: yes but hurricanes and typhoons are cyclonic storms no
[18:59:34] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Lavija
[18:59:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[18:59:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[18:59:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: they're the same thing, they're just named differently because of their location
[18:59:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Wb lab
[18:59:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: labija
[18:59:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: hi labija
[18:59:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb
[18:59:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: hi
[19:00:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: That was the autocorrect
[19:00:12] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Smetkowski
[19:00:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: Brooklyn how much is your net worth?
[19:00:12] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iBelongtoGamer30
[19:00:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: im just messing with you lol
[19:00:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[19:00:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Satan: ok bai guys
[19:00:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: cya
[19:00:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: satan
[19:00:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: cya
[19:00:38] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Satan
[19:00:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wait
[19:00:40] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Smetkowski
[19:00:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: F
[19:00:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: !assets Brooklyn
[19:00:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: donkey
[19:00:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Brooklyn has 26 car(s) ($7,610,000) and 2 house(s) ($30,000,000 - 30 slots) for a total of $37,610,000
[19:00:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[19:00:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: !rank
[19:00:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: yes stan?
[19:00:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: ioannaztecas(144) rank: Sergeant Pilot(140) next: Master Flight Sergeant(280) (+136)
[19:00:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wb
[19:00:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: ty
[19:00:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: !rank
[19:00:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot(5572) rank: Flight Commander(5400) next: First Officer(5800) (+228)
[19:00:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: why did you leave
[19:00:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Berka: !rank
[19:00:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: u just came on
[19:00:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: wot u want stan
[19:01:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Berka(272) rank: Sergeant Pilot(140) next: Master Flight Sergeant(280) (+8)
[19:01:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: working on smth sir
[19:01:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ok but do you promise to dance with me after death
[19:01:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ...
[19:01:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: jk
[19:02:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: ok gtg sir have a good day i might come in between again
[19:02:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: okay but watch season 6?
[19:02:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: to find out who killed anal ease (annalise)
[19:02:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: xd
[19:03:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: how long can an ad be
[19:03:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 10min rule?
[19:03:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: wait annalise died..............
[19:03:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: try /testadd
[19:03:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: try /testad*
[19:04:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes she did
[19:04:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: when did that happen..........................
[19:04:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: season 6 but don't google anything cause you don't want spoilers
[19:04:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: bitch fk off
[19:04:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: watch season 6 to find out who killed annalise :D
[19:04:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: Just watch the season 6 promo
[19:04:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you'll see I'm not lying
[19:04:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] arnir#9350: sdfu.....................
[19:05:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wait lemme send
[19:07:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 300km
[19:07:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: thx guys
[19:07:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: satan, just read the title for the 14th episode
[19:08:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: hi baby
[19:08:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hi
[19:10:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: is 25# fuel enough for 9k flight?
[19:10:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yes
[19:10:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: ye
[19:10:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: yes
[19:10:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: just don't foget to refuel xd
[19:10:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: once you land
[19:10:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] Danielson#3994: lavija go study
[19:11:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: taking a break chill
[19:11:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: havee a kitkat
[19:11:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: online exams lavija?
[19:11:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yeah
[19:11:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: can't cheat?
[19:11:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nope
[19:11:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: sad
[19:11:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i had economics today lel
[19:11:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: exams :rofl:
[19:11:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: cheated xD
[19:11:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: everyone had economics today lmao
[19:11:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: economics exam
[19:11:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: what a heated debate it was
[19:12:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: they record our webcam and screen so we cant cheat
[19:12:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ngl I had fun debating
[19:12:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: sad
[19:12:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: what if you didn't have a webcam=
[19:12:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ?
[19:12:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: use phone lavija
[19:12:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: what if you have 2 monitors
[19:12:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: what if you loop
[19:12:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: they send you a laptop with a webcam if you dont have a webcam
[19:12:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: you can only have 1 sceen record
[19:12:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oh
[19:12:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: use phone lavija
[19:12:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: since google meet shows 15person only in the layout
[19:12:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nope, they have a program that detects it
[19:12:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: wat
[19:12:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: how
[19:12:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i turn my camera off after the attendance xD
[19:12:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: 'murica exams
[19:13:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: meanwhile here in portugal they don't give a shit about that
[19:13:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: how tf do they detect phone
[19:13:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: or you know its just so much easier to give predicted grades
[19:13:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: It detects cookies on web browsers as well so i cant use that
[19:13:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[19:13:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: about sending a pre recorded video
[19:13:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: Vpn?
[19:13:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: they literally said "if you copy it'll way down in your conscious"
[19:13:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: like yeah.. sure
[19:13:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: and if you have no conscious?
[19:13:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: haha me
[19:13:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: me aswell xd
[19:13:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: basically everyone
[19:13:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: everyone
[19:13:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: xD
[19:14:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: not if you pass the shopping cart test
[19:14:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I hardcored copied and got 20/20
[19:14:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: they didn't say a word and accepted it
[19:14:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: I'm getting full marks in economics
[19:14:18] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[19:14:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: same here prompto
[19:14:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: I have language tomorrow
[19:14:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: its also a 4 month class condensed into 5 weeks
[19:14:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: guaranteed full again xD
[19:14:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: language?
[19:14:33] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CzechBoy777
[19:14:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[19:14:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: English, yeah
[19:14:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: so i have 2 exams every week
[19:14:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: nice
[19:14:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: eyy english ez
[19:14:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: haha, i don't have to copy because my teacher asked me to just send something off google
[19:14:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: sri lanka
[19:14:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I have to choose an optional subject next semester, I might do German
[19:15:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: wow it actually enough
[19:15:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no, it's stupid
[19:15:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: we dont have to do exams really
[19:15:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: we have to do assigments
[19:15:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: our exam was supposed to be in may
[19:15:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: and get a grade off of that
[19:15:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: ola
[19:15:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: ol�
[19:15:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it was cancelled and now I'm doing the exam in october
[19:15:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: oct ?
[19:15:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Fyrel: !interest 61006092
[19:15:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: jeez
[19:15:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: $61,006,092 will generate about $40,670 every 60 minutes
[19:15:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: exams? loool
[19:15:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it's not a school exam but the schools sending assignments xd
[19:15:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: !interest 133000000
[19:15:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: $133,000,000 will generate about $88,666 every 60 minutes
[19:15:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: noobija is rich
[19:16:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nah im poor
[19:16:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'd have to do an oral exam about plants but because of this pandemic bs it's been cancelled
[19:16:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: thank you corona
[19:16:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: oh well same here i am also getting assignments from University damn
[19:16:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: plants?
[19:16:31] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Fyrel
[19:16:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: noobija lol
[19:16:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: yeah
[19:16:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: werent u reading for computer
[19:16:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hi
[19:17:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: tf
[19:17:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: y tho
[19:17:17] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JuraganMelon
[19:17:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: bw
[19:17:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hows that relevant to your degree
[19:17:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: very relevant
[19:17:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: well i have to make assignments in pc then send it to my professors
[19:17:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: do you even know what I'm studying?
[19:17:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: computer plants?
[19:17:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: dafuq
[19:17:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: no
[19:17:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: it sucks but nvm the marks is what i want lol
[19:17:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: i had to take calc 2 for pharmacy
[19:17:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: dude I'm studying landscape architecture
[19:17:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: lavija...common name : nub Scientific name : nub Characteristics : nub
[19:17:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you told me you were reading for copmuter science
[19:17:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh
[19:18:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: they love having useless classes
[19:18:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: sorry that was piz I think, my bad
[19:18:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: since we have a lot of "computer" based classes
[19:18:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh
[19:18:30] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: mastakilla
[19:19:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi adalarva
[19:19:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: marshmellow
[19:19:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: ye
[19:19:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it would be:
[19:19:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: oh boy
[19:19:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: common name: lavija | scientific name: noobus lavijae | characteristics: a very noob player
[19:20:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: yea that seems r8
[19:20:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes it is
[19:20:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: what about me
[19:21:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hes afk
[19:21:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: prompto!
[19:21:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: what's my scientifc name?
[19:21:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: dumbus fattyson?
[19:21:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: !missions military
[19:22:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Criterion: 7500 military
[19:22:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: gz boi
[19:22:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: ty
[19:22:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: common name: stan | scientific name: noobus stanus | characteristics: a basic retard
[19:22:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes correct
[19:23:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I'm going to put that under my pod tree
[19:23:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: when I become a tree
[19:23:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: what tree
[19:23:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: they're thousands of tree species
[19:23:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: !score
[19:23:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player adalarva: 9793 score, 9287 missions: 79'/. cargo drop - 7'/. shamal - 5'/. cargo
[19:23:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: noobus stanus
[19:23:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: noobus isn't a genus
[19:23:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: rip im crashed into mountains.
[19:24:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: !rank
[19:24:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: adalarva(9793) rank: Commercial Senior Captain(9000) next: PL First Officer(10000) (+207)
[19:24:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it will be when I get buried in a tree pod and become a tree
[19:24:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: lol stan if u became a saint u will be called st.anus
[19:24:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lmao
[19:24:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: hahaha
[19:24:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: im still lolling
[19:24:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: XD
[19:24:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: en nominae padri et filii et espiriti sancti anus
[19:25:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: st sebASS
[19:25:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] StanceSantos_YT#0638: Mac N Cheese is banging, don�t @ me
[19:25:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: spiriti* fuck
[19:25:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: how do you guys wanna die
[19:25:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: mac n cheese is god sent
[19:25:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: with a big vagina on top of me
[19:26:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: jk
[19:26:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I want those coffin dancers
[19:26:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you already have one on top of you
[19:26:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: that's your face
[19:26:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: ill be one penguin
[19:26:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: technically it isn't "on top of me"
[19:26:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: that's my head
[19:26:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: well
[19:26:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you don't have a head
[19:26:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: that was the point, it's just on top of your neck but it's not your head
[19:26:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: cause you don't have one
[19:26:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: no
[19:26:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: that's what she said
[19:26:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oof
[19:27:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: he is a head of us
[19:27:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: do i know better than tjhis
[19:27:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: well you gave me a head yesterday stan
[19:27:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: stan
[19:27:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: but it was so damn awful someone else gave me
[19:27:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: are you cheating on me?
[19:27:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I don't give head to straight people
[19:27:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: gei
[19:27:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he's lying
[19:27:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: but you're a girl lmao
[19:27:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no I'm not
[19:27:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you don't even know what you are
[19:28:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oh I thought you idenitified yourself as an apache attack helicopter
[19:28:19] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LandzPH
[19:28:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I don't
[19:28:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: in portuguese it's actually a compliment callign a girl a helicopter
[19:29:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: prompto
[19:29:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: what do you call a donkey in portuguese
[19:29:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: stan
[19:29:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: prompto
[19:29:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: burowo
[19:29:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: lol arnold goin for sex in portugal saying : GET TO THE CHOPPA
[19:29:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: XD
[19:29:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I am serious about the helicopter compliment thing btw
[19:29:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'm not joking
[19:30:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: tank
[19:30:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: heyo
[19:31:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: gira e voa
[19:31:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: it's separate
[19:31:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: bc in sinhalese thats what you call a parrot
[19:31:20] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Hamster12
[19:31:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[19:31:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[19:31:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: jeez wat doe giraffe mean in portugese then
[19:31:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[19:31:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[19:31:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: wb
[19:31:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: brb
[19:31:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: girafa
[19:31:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and we borrow a lot of words from portuguese
[19:31:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I know you did
[19:31:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: *cough* Portuguese Ceylon *cough*
[19:32:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: nice hotring allen
[19:32:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: where did it go
[19:32:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: allen is here?
[19:32:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: /pm allen are you here?
[19:32:16] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Hamster12
[19:32:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: portuguese ceylon was just a bunch of beaches but ok
[19:32:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: "bunch of beaces"
[19:32:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: and yet we fucked with your language
[19:32:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: bunch of bitches?
[19:32:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I don't think that's called fucking a language
[19:33:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: language grows
[19:33:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[19:33:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: good job
[19:33:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: goddamn
[19:33:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: tell that to english
[19:33:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: rip xD
[19:33:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: english got raped hard
[19:33:32] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Hamster12
[19:33:35] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[19:33:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: well, the english borrowed the word ananconda from sinhalese
[19:33:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: don't mean we fucked them
[19:33:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ty
[19:33:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you don't understand
[19:33:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: only they fucked us in different ways
[19:33:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: how was the mac n cheese bran
[19:33:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: xd
[19:33:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: cmoe back labia
[19:33:55] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[19:34:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: labija*
[19:34:05] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[19:34:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I think
[19:34:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: in who?
[19:34:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[19:34:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[19:34:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: wb
[19:34:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[19:34:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Wb
[19:34:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb
[19:34:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: stan gay
[19:34:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: santiagay
[19:34:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: rude
[19:34:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: I mean thanks
[19:34:49] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pedro_Bear
[19:34:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[19:34:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[19:34:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no
[19:34:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: .q
[19:34:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[19:34:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: thank
[19:35:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: jejejej que onda
[19:35:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: wingolon.bat ur seasparrow is on the middle of muhulland intersection
[19:35:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I have an idea
[19:35:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: he is afk
[19:36:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: gz
[19:36:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: gz
[19:36:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: gz
[19:36:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: e qu� oh filho
[19:36:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty
[19:36:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: gz
[19:36:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: e qu� o mano
[19:37:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: 22 players nice
[19:37:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: its lidatings
[19:37:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: haha do you know what they call portuguese in sinhala
[19:37:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: paranGAYa
[19:37:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you're confusing us with the paraguay
[19:37:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no im not
[19:38:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: paraguay didnt exist back then
[19:38:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: t� bem monh�
[19:38:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: how do you get parangaya from portugal
[19:38:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ok it came out of the locals trollin the portuguese xd
[19:38:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: there's a tribe in brazil that treated portuguese colonisers as "payasu"
[19:39:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: because portuguese colonisers called them "palha�o" when they say them
[19:39:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: palha�o = clown
[19:39:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lol
[19:39:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: saw*
[19:39:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: actually paraya means bastard
[19:39:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: so I think it's something to do with that too
[19:39:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: pera a�
[19:39:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: stan
[19:40:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes?
[19:40:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: when you speak english do you have an accent?
[19:40:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: there's a place in india called Kolkata formerly called calcutta
[19:40:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes
[19:40:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: show me
[19:40:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I can't show you
[19:40:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: madre teresa de calcut�
[19:40:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: it got its name from the british
[19:40:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I'm sure you know what an indian sounds likew
[19:40:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nope
[19:40:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ...
[19:40:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wtf
[19:40:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ..
[19:40:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fuck corona? what teh fuck
[19:40:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: nice to see that lavija is working I haven't seen him doing /w in years
[19:40:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: some british guys came round calcutta region a while back
[19:40:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: i work more than you
[19:40:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: just play 99 luftballons or 99 red ballons that is english version
[19:41:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: top speed for infernus?
[19:41:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: not some fuck corona
[19:41:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: okay I'll show you my voice
[19:41:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: calcutta was under portuguese control first tho
[19:41:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i hink
[19:41:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: think
[19:41:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: and asked a farmer wat is the name of the place
[19:41:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: 221 km
[19:41:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Hotrings doing 205 with nos
[19:41:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: of all our colonisers, portugese was the worst
[19:41:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: he didn't understand and thought he asked when did he last harvest
[19:41:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: dutch ok
[19:41:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: melon you neb
[19:41:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: faster thank at400 lol
[19:41:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I dont like that song lol
[19:41:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: english were cunts
[19:41:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: dutch ok? they exploited the fucking fuck out of their colonies
[19:41:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: at first
[19:41:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: fucker mod it
[19:42:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: 205 twi?
[19:42:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ty
[19:42:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no, the dutch helped us kick the portuguese out
[19:42:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeah I guess
[19:42:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: hi pedro
[19:42:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lemme test again
[19:42:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: but a little more volume up
[19:42:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: colonisers all of them were shit
[19:42:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: i think it's supposed to be 210-ish
[19:42:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: hello
[19:42:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: they just got a costal fortress or something in return
[19:42:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the dutch were like "you're under new management"
[19:42:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: he replied kal katta which the british guy heard as calcutta (kal katta means cut yesterday)
[19:42:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oh it's at 214
[19:42:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes
[19:42:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and britannia was like hold my beer
[19:43:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: goes 215 max
[19:43:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: not if u use speed hax
[19:43:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: well
[19:43:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon: u still in lv twi?
[19:43:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: who killed everyone above the age of 18
[19:43:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: every male*
[19:44:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: genocide :S
[19:44:09] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[19:44:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: wb
[19:44:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: thank you all
[19:44:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Mughals were better for indian subcontient atleast they didnt robbed us like British did
[19:44:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: that was only 202 years ago
[19:44:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: britain did mass genocide after mass genocide
[19:44:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: I'm mughal motherfucker
[19:44:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wait serbian's here
[19:44:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: so close
[19:44:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: and yet they get away with it because they're the "goodies"
[19:44:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: british took all Indian wealth and became rich
[19:45:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: xd
[19:45:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yeah actually they are
[19:45:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: compared to the local politicians x
[19:45:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: even they stole the kohinoor diamond damn
[19:45:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: the queen is still wearing it
[19:45:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: or local monarchs
[19:45:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: sounds like what the portuguese did to brazil hmmm
[19:45:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: hmmmm
[19:45:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: exploiting the living shit out of them
[19:45:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: i thought it was in a museum hardstone
[19:45:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: they gave us democracy and liberty x
[19:45:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: no
[19:45:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i gave a hardcopy to her
[19:45:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: yeah the kohinoor diamond is on the queen's crown
[19:46:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: oof
[19:46:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty :d
[19:46:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the queen's crown has that diamond?
[19:46:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: Twi, feelz like patriotism
[19:46:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: what a nice way to say "fuck you india"
[19:46:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeah man
[19:46:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: go back simon
[19:46:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: lol
[19:47:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: t#meh he'll see it
[19:47:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: you saw nothing.
[19:47:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: #I did
[19:47:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: being a vip 4 you still get no discount for switch wheels
[19:47:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: rather than nehru
[19:48:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lol
[19:48:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ikr
[19:48:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: i don't see any of us brownies ending up developed countries xd
[19:48:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: nehru didnt know shit
[19:48:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: he was dumb and fked up
[19:48:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: and made pakisthan happen
[19:48:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: pakistan was a british invention
[19:48:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: yes, marshy should've appointed
[19:49:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: that's the weird thing
[19:49:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: their divide and rule
[19:49:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I mean they did the same here
[19:49:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: someone's rhino is parked at blueberry
[19:49:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and it's only a tiny island
[19:49:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: an election was held to see who would be PM and sardar won
[19:49:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] JuraganMelon:
[19:49:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: but then gandhi had a thing for nehru
[19:49:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: surprisingly I last longer than britain deciding the indian-pakistan border
[19:49:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: and vetoed
[19:50:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Love > sex
[19:50:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wasnt it a norwegian guy who decided the border
[19:50:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: no, it was a british dude
[19:50:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it was
[19:50:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Hey Ioa
[19:50:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: nah we are not british's invention
[19:50:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but some norwegian drew up the border for the government o india
[19:50:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the british deciding borders is just stupid
[19:50:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: we wanted our own state for Muslims of subcontinent and we got it
[19:51:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: like the sykes-picot treaty spliting the middle east like it was nothing
[19:51:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ethnostates
[19:51:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: perfect
[19:51:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: you can make a poll in pakistan and see if anyone wants to rejoin india lmao
[19:51:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: who wants 10k?
[19:51:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: how that worked so well
[19:51:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: me
[19:51:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: who's gay apart from stan?
[19:51:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: me
[19:51:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: me
[19:51:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: not me
[19:51:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: give me the 10k
[19:51:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: well I do but im trying you to insist
[19:51:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: imagine in everyone in india wanted an independent nation based on their ethnicity
[19:51:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: if*
[19:51:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: goddamn
[19:51:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: they kinda do
[19:51:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: yes they do
[19:51:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: well boys
[19:52:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: penguin look at the russia
[19:52:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: 1000 new contries have formed
[19:52:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: a lot of republics in the one federation
[19:52:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I don't have to go that far
[19:52:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wow look at that nice formation
[19:52:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: why don't you join them lavija
[19:52:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: join who
[19:52:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: russia
[19:52:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: that formation
[19:52:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: cargo drop?
[19:52:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ..
[19:52:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: well done lavija
[19:52:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: ussr anthem
[19:52:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: ?
[19:53:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lavija get your hydra out
[19:53:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Berka
[19:53:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: because im the one who financially provides for this family
[19:53:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: of the water
[19:53:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: dinner
[19:53:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: well
[19:53:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: lmao
[19:53:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: what happened to muslims living in spain like they all dissappered lol
[19:53:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: XD
[19:53:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: thats one way to do it
[19:53:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: smh
[19:53:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: adalarva I think
[19:53:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ninja ghost
[19:53:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: me?
[19:53:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: sorrye
[19:54:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: MUM
[19:54:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: DAD
[19:54:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: CAPS
[19:54:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: DADDY
[19:54:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oops
[19:54:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: it's ok
[19:54:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: caps
[19:54:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: sorry
[19:54:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: i was
[19:54:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ban
[19:54:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: psy daddy up next
[19:54:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: fix
[19:54:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ban stan
[19:54:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: jk
[19:54:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: 1 week ban for stan
[19:54:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: mummy
[19:54:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: well it's because the caliphate collapsed because of cruel kings
[19:54:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: caliphate
[19:54:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ...
[19:54:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: the caliphate was too big to be controllable
[19:54:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[19:55:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: yeah it was Huge
[19:55:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: thats what she said
[19:55:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: to me
[19:55:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: brb
[19:55:16] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: PenguinPilot
[19:56:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: pendejo
[19:56:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: dodge
[19:56:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: slowly pendejo
[19:56:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: btw custom house = no tax
[19:56:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: haha
[19:56:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: tax evasion
[19:56:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: btw stan = notax
[19:56:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: BAN
[19:56:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] ioannaztecas: cya guys
[19:56:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: cya
[19:56:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: bb
[19:56:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: bywe
[19:56:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: bb
[19:56:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: cya
[19:56:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: bv
[19:56:43] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: ioannaztecas
[19:56:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: so it shouldnt you do pay with real money
[19:57:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: someone call the irs
[19:57:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: tell them lavija is not paying taxes
[19:57:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: nice songs
[19:57:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: for the money he earns here
[19:57:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: the irs needs to send me my tax return
[19:57:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: why is america so weird though
[19:58:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: i mean the tax system
[19:58:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: idk
[19:58:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: but im not complaining at getting 2k back
[19:58:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: on top of a 1200 check
[19:58:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: citizens of most other countries who live abroad dont pay tax
[19:59:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !player Requestname[IA]
[19:59:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Requestname[IA]: 6706 score, last seen 5 Days Ago
[19:59:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: nice flyby hard :D
[19:59:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i wanted to fix :P
[19:59:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: :D
[19:59:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: gl
[20:00:20] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: lavija how much does a covid test cost people without insurance
[20:00:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: trailer bounced itself off the bridge
[20:00:45] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: iBelongtoGamer30
[20:00:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: or is it even covered
[20:01:08] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iBelongtoGamer30
[20:01:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: wb
[20:01:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[20:01:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: thanks
[20:02:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: we have a drive thru testing near me
[20:02:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: idk the price
[20:03:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh
[20:03:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: well, it's free here anyway
[20:03:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: :D
[20:03:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: What's free
[20:03:46] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: TheGamer
[20:03:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: everything
[20:03:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: wb
[20:03:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb
[20:03:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[20:03:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wbw
[20:03:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: ty
[20:03:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: You too?
[20:03:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: nether lands lol
[20:04:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no, i dont sell myself
[20:04:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: Total respect -
[20:04:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: tf
[20:04:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: But you said everything is free
[20:04:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: yea i see that sometimes
[20:05:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: health seervices
[20:05:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Free testing in VN, all paid by the govt
[20:05:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: proof that socialism works
[20:05:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: VN?
[20:05:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: vietnam
[20:05:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: oh
[20:05:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: flashbacks
[20:05:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Oh well its not free here in Pakistan you have to pay for it
[20:06:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: its free here
[20:06:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: i guess
[20:06:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: And if you�re in quarantine, the give will pay all the fees too
[20:06:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: if you're suspected
[20:06:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Govt*
[20:06:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Our provincial government is corrupt asf no idea why province is more like a shithole
[20:07:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: there's a shithole under muhulland
[20:07:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you live in south asia
[20:07:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: all the governments are corrupt shitholes
[20:07:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: OY
[20:07:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: imma head out
[20:07:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: I'd rather move out to Punjab or KPK then living here
[20:07:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: bye nabs
[20:07:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: whats kpk
[20:07:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: bb
[20:07:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: cya
[20:07:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Waiting for my graduation tbh
[20:08:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] marshmellow: same
[20:08:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: marshmellow
[20:08:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Its another Province in Pakistan stan it's beautifull
[20:08:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: The Holy land of Osama bin Laden
[20:08:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 'holy'
[20:08:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: he ded
[20:08:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: le wanker
[20:09:12] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Smh he was founded there in abbottabad
[20:09:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: what
[20:09:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: idc
[20:09:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: he de
[20:09:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: ded
[20:09:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Ofc he is dead now
[20:09:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: no he is alive
[20:09:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: bin laden is like mini hitler
[20:09:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: was
[20:09:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: no
[20:09:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: worse actually in some ways
[20:09:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: he is alive
[20:10:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: ISI's leader was worset
[20:10:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: kontol
[20:10:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: kurwa
[20:10:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: Indian survey Institute of Pakistan?
[20:10:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: They destroyed Syria
[20:10:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: xD
[20:11:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: What?
[20:11:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: he ded too
[20:11:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes, thank you president trump
[20:11:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Here we call India as Hindustan
[20:11:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: that's actually one of the few good things trump did lol
[20:11:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: nuke 'm
[20:12:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Most Indian call India as Bharat
[20:12:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: grab 'm by the pussy
[20:12:18] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Jacob
[20:12:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[20:12:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[20:12:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: India/Bharat/Hindustan whatever u call it
[20:12:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: wb
[20:12:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: nice setrank i agree
[20:12:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: trump
[20:12:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: motherland*
[20:13:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: xd
[20:13:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: well, india is called scamland here lol
[20:13:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: fix
[20:13:42] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Jacob
[20:13:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: that's pakistan
[20:13:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: not india
[20:13:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: both
[20:13:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: South India is like completely different world then North india
[20:14:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: !score alifer
[20:14:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player alifer: 50363 score, 44443 missions: 41'/. military - 28'/. courier - 10'/. at400
[20:14:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: both
[20:14:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: the callcentres xD
[20:14:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Those are not Pakistani
[20:14:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: fgh
[20:14:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: We dont have any call centers here
[20:14:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: really?
[20:14:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: lmao
[20:14:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: how do you fix ur internet
[20:14:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: ok sam
[20:14:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: or idk order shit
[20:14:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: you should start one sam
[20:14:53] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[20:14:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: I have private Internet
[20:15:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: helloow surrr
[20:15:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: not massive
[20:15:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: maybe
[20:15:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: here you can easily join the scam ones
[20:15:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: they pay you 120$ per month
[20:15:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: $120
[20:15:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Scamming is not good idea
[20:15:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: and people can live with that?
[20:16:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: survive, yes
[20:16:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: I am sure only desperate people do that
[20:16:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: lmao
[20:16:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ...
[20:16:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: come back
[20:17:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: Government Job is the ultimate goal here right Hard xD
[20:17:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: yep
[20:17:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ew
[20:17:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: god
[20:17:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: govt job > all jobs here in india
[20:17:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: this lad created a topic PL economy
[20:17:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] iSam#5191: It's same in Pakistan
[20:18:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I hate the government so much that idk how im not in prison for treason
[20:19:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer:
[20:19:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: Twi[X] has depositied $1 into the bank.
[20:19:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lamo
[20:19:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmao
[20:19:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !assets PenguinPilot
[20:19:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: PenguinPilot has 2 car(s) ($11,000,000) and 1 house(s) ($6,500,000 - 5 slots) for a total of $17,500,000
[20:20:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !houses PenguinPilot
[20:20:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Snake Farm: $6,500,000 5 slots
[20:20:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: okay
[20:20:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: snake bought a farm
[20:20:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: ./requestname navija
[20:20:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: stan
[20:20:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes?
[20:20:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: didn't you tell him to
[20:20:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: meta
[20:20:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: not create a topic
[20:20:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: i'll accept it
[20:20:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I told him
[20:20:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: He already did create
[20:20:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: not to
[20:20:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: stan want a name change?
[20:20:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes
[20:20:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: too bad
[20:20:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: under one condition
[20:20:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: sarith is fine
[20:20:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: it has to be iBelongtoLavija
[20:21:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no
[20:21:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ok then no deal
[20:21:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: ibelongtopedro then
[20:21:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ill do it lavija
[20:21:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and all the people looking for cheap houses now gave it positive votes
[20:21:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: or iBelongToSErbian
[20:21:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: iBelongtoPedo
[20:21:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: and ill accept it
[20:21:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: im okay with ibelongtosantiago
[20:21:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but not lavija
[20:21:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: no
[20:21:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: never lavija
[20:21:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: thats not ok
[20:21:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oofff
[20:21:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: lavija
[20:21:54] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Serbian
[20:22:09] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[20:22:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: maybe ill change miny mind if you come back to my plane dad
[20:22:32] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[20:22:32] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[20:22:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: 20army?
[20:22:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: damn
[20:22:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: have to go to work
[20:22:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jacob: later nerds
[20:22:52] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Jacob
[20:23:00] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[20:23:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb
[20:23:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: programmer calls us nerds
[20:23:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: what about you
[20:23:33] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CzechBoy777
[20:23:33] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: kontraK
[20:23:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ibelongtocrystal
[20:23:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[20:23:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: me?
[20:23:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: eyyyyy
[20:24:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: same
[20:24:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: imma download the stretch mod
[20:24:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: my neck fell asleep againw
[20:24:27] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[20:24:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: stan stop hacking
[20:24:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: r u obese
[20:24:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] HardStone: goodnight noobs
[20:24:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: oi stan no hacking
[20:24:37] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: HardStone
[20:24:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: yes
[20:24:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Jacob#0195: no hacking
[20:24:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: what hack
[20:24:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Jacob#0195: god damnit
[20:24:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: airbreak
[20:24:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: did we ever not hack?
[20:24:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: i didnt
[20:24:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: stan you get a perma if you hack you know
[20:24:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yes you did
[20:25:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: prove it
[20:25:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ricardo said you did
[20:25:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: that topic's gonna get alot of hype
[20:25:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ricardo is a fucking liar
[20:25:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: maybe you are
[20:25:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I will report you to my mother]
[20:25:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: lavija
[20:25:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: what
[20:26:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ill change my name to ibelongtolavija if needed huehue
[20:26:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ok
[20:26:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: 10 admins online
[20:26:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lavija
[20:26:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nope
[20:26:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: but he has a tendency to just talk
[20:27:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cash
[20:27:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X] has $5,154 in hand
[20:29:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: MF I forgot to lotto and my number shows up
[20:29:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: thats crystals number
[20:29:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I know
[20:29:35] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: ItsJustAPlayerr
[20:29:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: nice found santiagos rc bandit
[20:29:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[20:29:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: ty
[20:30:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wanna see it where it is lavija?
[20:30:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wow why arent there 30 players on
[20:30:13] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombard
[20:30:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb
[20:30:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[20:30:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[20:30:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: stan bring your friends
[20:30:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[20:30:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[20:30:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: sorry lavija banned all of my friends
[20:30:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: depends
[20:30:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: aka bots
[20:30:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: oi i only banned fabien
[20:30:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: yes
[20:30:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: if their names arent hex, pregnant or wraith
[20:30:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: you shouold only bring your hacks twi
[20:30:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: bring them to me
[20:30:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: bring the bots so we can hit 50 players
[20:31:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: 34 twis
[20:31:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: lavija
[20:31:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: twi's, no thanks lmao
[20:31:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: okay boomer
[20:31:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: it wasn't parked on Vma btw
[20:31:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: now like 50 clamps F
[20:31:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f
[20:32:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: omg
[20:32:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: like 15 at400s are parked at vma
[20:32:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: more*
[20:32:26] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[20:32:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: siapa orang indo
[20:32:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: labia
[20:32:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[20:32:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[20:32:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ty
[20:33:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: hi
[20:33:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: hi
[20:33:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: How is everyone ?
[20:33:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: JohnnyWoods
[20:33:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: tired
[20:33:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[20:33:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Fine thanks
[20:33:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Tired stan ?
[20:34:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: You need a BAN
[20:34:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I slept like 2 hours
[20:34:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: XD
[20:34:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I gotta sleep too
[20:34:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no I meant mentally
[20:34:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: sure Kylie
[20:34:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: like what is life
[20:34:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: :(
[20:34:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Just let me know/w
[20:34:25] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CzechBoy777
[20:34:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] KylieJenner#7680: I mean �what time in gmt 8?�
[20:34:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: baby are u down down down down down
[20:34:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: allen
[20:34:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: doooooooooooooooooown dooooooooooooooown
[20:34:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: where are you from?
[20:34:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ?
[20:34:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: F
[20:34:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: /mycars >despawn
[20:34:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: watch me unclamp it
[20:34:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: jaysean x
[20:34:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: usa
[20:34:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: no
[20:34:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wtf
[20:35:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yea stan
[20:35:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I am surprised you caught Slovakian air force
[20:35:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: i'm from the united kingdom of homosexuals and lesbians
[20:35:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: watafak
[20:35:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: fu
[20:35:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: lmao
[20:35:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: actually I'm their ambassador
[20:35:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: ab00se
[20:35:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: at400
[20:35:29] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[20:35:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: santiago 1 - noobija 0
[20:35:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: srry
[20:35:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: they needed a window change and we had mechanics and a hangar
[20:35:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: how much to unclampt
[20:35:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: oh
[20:35:47] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Marcster
[20:35:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: allen
[20:35:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: and where was it caught
[20:35:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[20:35:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I have a suggestion
[20:35:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb marc
[20:35:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ?
[20:35:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Marcster: ty
[20:36:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: santinoob 1 - noobija 2
[20:36:05] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[20:36:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ban id 5 and 9
[20:36:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: where did u see the slovakian air force
[20:36:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb
[20:36:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[20:36:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[20:36:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ha
[20:36:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: do it you won't ;)
[20:36:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: lets mute stan
[20:36:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: he wont
[20:36:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: he needs my bathwater sales to pay bills
[20:36:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: -1
[20:36:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Total cost comes 0 HA
[20:37:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: 6 AT's at vma rn
[20:37:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: 7*
[20:38:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: .... santi
[20:38:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: Stan reply if i dont own lufthansa
[20:38:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: send me some bathwater and it's you
[20:38:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: see
[20:38:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: yours
[20:38:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: its confirmed, me and santi own lufthansa
[20:38:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: done
[20:38:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: now give me your at400
[20:39:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: santi /rc pls
[20:39:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lavija
[20:39:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ?
[20:39:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: i am stan
[20:39:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: why are you flying so fast on the ground
[20:39:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[20:39:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: im training for the olympics
[20:39:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol oka
[20:39:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: you do*
[20:41:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: repair
[20:41:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: where can I drive the stretch
[20:41:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: IA
[20:41:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: but its ia's
[20:41:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] Danielson#3994: Lavija u still own garuda?
[20:41:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: yes
[20:41:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Buy it from sports dealership
[20:42:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: sex
[20:42:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: so can i
[20:42:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: it's lovely
[20:43:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: those who want stan unmuted say me
[20:43:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: no
[20:43:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: yes
[20:43:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wow fine
[20:44:03] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pedro_Bear
[20:44:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: well done
[20:44:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f...
[20:44:19] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Pedro_Bear
[20:44:34] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: RathK
[20:44:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: ban
[20:44:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wtf no my game crashed
[20:45:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I thought you get perma mute if your game crashed
[20:45:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: stan gay
[20:45:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: .
[20:45:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: HAHAH
[20:45:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I scared him
[20:45:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: hey lav, am I standing at 2 days now?
[20:45:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: into unmuting me XD
[20:45:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: or santi or anybody
[20:46:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: da fuck
[20:46:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: Twi are u about to fuck both of my at400s
[20:46:29] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Lavija
[20:46:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] ChesterMcbadbat#6412: yes
[20:46:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] ChesterMcbadbat#6412: 2
[20:46:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] ChesterMcbadbat#6412: day
[20:46:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] ChesterMcbadbat#6412: s
[20:46:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: flooding chat
[20:46:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ban
[20:46:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: No sell me your at's czech
[20:46:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I wont
[20:47:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: why
[20:47:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: no selling
[20:47:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: better fuck
[20:47:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: convince lav to give me lufthansa and theyre all yours
[20:47:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars CzechBoy777
[20:47:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: CzechBoy777 has: RC Baron Maverick FBI Rancher Hydra Elegy AT-400 AT-400
[20:47:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I wanna buy Rc baron back :(
[20:47:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: back?
[20:47:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: really?
[20:47:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yeah lol
[20:47:37] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Marcster
[20:47:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wanna sell it?
[20:47:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: if u want
[20:47:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ye
[20:47:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: who's selling at400s?
[20:47:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: how much?
[20:47:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: idk
[20:47:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: 8M
[20:48:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: smh santi
[20:48:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: as soon as I was about to make an ad you pop up
[20:48:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: how much is a at400
[20:48:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: also selling vips and mapping houses
[20:48:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: double x double x double x double ad
[20:48:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: I do it all
[20:48:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hes not a knife
[20:48:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hes a dumb blade
[20:48:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: are you a groom
[20:49:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: sad gz
[20:50:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: will we burn
[20:50:28] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Comandante_Diyo
[20:51:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: jesus christ Fabian got banned again?
[20:51:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yes
[20:51:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: yes
[20:51:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yes
[20:51:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: oh hell yeah
[20:51:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: iBelongtoGamer30
[20:51:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: what a fucking guy lmao
[20:51:19] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iBelongtoGamer30
[20:51:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: he called obama an n word
[20:51:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: time to /w
[20:51:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: a
[20:51:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: and lavija is a extremely left wing libtard so he got triggered
[20:51:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars
[20:51:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X] has: RC Bandit Seasparrow RC Baron RC Baron Patriot Hotring Racer Sultan AT-400 AT-400 AT-400 RC Cam
[20:52:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: sursai also doubled his ban
[20:52:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: and his ban expire in 20455
[20:52:30] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: iBelongtoGamer30
[20:52:36] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: i hate pl why uz alwaysntomeoutt
[20:52:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: what are you saying
[20:52:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: timeout
[20:52:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wow 1m lotto
[20:52:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: watch me win it
[20:52:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: damn
[20:52:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: how long is Fabian's ban?
[20:52:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: 14days
[20:53:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: F
[20:53:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: and damn lol he appealed and got his sentence doubled
[20:53:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: ID 8 .rc pls
[20:53:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: he doesn't own shit anyways
[20:53:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: adalarva
[20:53:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yes
[20:53:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: no 14 is the double
[20:53:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: for the reason of appealing
[20:53:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: his ban was 7
[20:53:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: 7 first ban
[20:53:32] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iBelongtoGamer30
[20:53:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: admeans ..
[20:53:34] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: radoodoo
[20:53:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb both
[20:53:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb both
[20:53:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[20:53:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] radoodoo: ty
[20:53:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb both
[20:53:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: unless ricardo fucked up, never appeal, coming from a PL veteran here lol
[20:53:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: good bring your friends
[20:54:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I've witnessed a lot of people fuck themselves over with appeals
[20:54:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: yeahhh no
[20:54:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: adalarva
[20:54:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: *coughs*
[20:54:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: oh damn
[20:54:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[20:54:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb pendejo
[20:54:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: hehe
[20:54:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] kontraK: wb
[20:54:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: hi Adalarva
[20:54:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: hi google?
[20:54:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb
[20:54:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: ty rathk:d
[20:54:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I swear I want to death match lol
[20:54:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: adalarva, espera a que regrese
[20:54:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: he didn't get his ban extended because of appealing his ban
[20:55:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: what then
[20:55:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: yo soy leftat10k
[20:55:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: he really made a dumb report
[20:55:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: report?
[20:55:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] TheGamer: he reported lavlav?
[20:55:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: you mean appeal
[20:55:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: close one sorry mate
[20:55:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I think that would be me
[20:55:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: yeah
[20:55:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: penis
[20:55:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: checkmate atheists
[20:55:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I have a penis too
[20:55:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: checkmate theist
[20:55:59] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: lmao he's an alright dude, but that appeal hurt my brain to read
[20:56:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: and a small one
[20:56:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: F
[20:56:15] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JohnnyWoods
[20:56:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you can ask radoo
[20:56:20] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: smh just lavija trying to zucc all lufthansa members
[20:56:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: that's not true
[20:56:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: or he can ask me
[20:56:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] radoodoo: no he cant ask you bitch hands off
[20:56:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I read david's message and only facts were found
[20:56:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: we are married since 1995
[20:56:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it's true
[20:56:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lavija hates me
[20:56:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: im his least favourite child
[20:57:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: lmao
[20:57:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: he didn't wnt to hear ur shit
[20:57:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] ChesterMcbadbat#6412: if you wont give me luft, im going to take it >:)
[20:57:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: Lavija do you still wanna hear my voice
[20:57:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: me me me
[20:57:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: i would've sold you my ceo position for a buck lav if you caught me before i resigned
[20:58:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: pizoo sell me your rc tiger already
[20:58:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] ChesterMcbadbat#6412: i mean i can take a shit and hear the same thing
[20:58:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wow
[20:58:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: is your voice the squeaky type or the johnny depp type
[20:58:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: stan's voice = poop and fart noises?
[20:59:05] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: TheGamer
[20:59:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no more like james charles
[20:59:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ew no bitch
[20:59:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: Twi[SEX] should've been your name instead
[20:59:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hello sisters
[20:59:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: James Charles needs to burn in hell
[20:59:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: it's X for TransX
[20:59:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: homophobic
[20:59:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: your name sucks more now
[20:59:38] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: #GivetwiCEO
[20:59:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: They already wanna demote me lol
[21:00:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: join turkish cargo, the most diverse company on PL to date
[21:00:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: because I don't really /w
[21:00:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[21:00:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[21:00:22] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: RathK
[21:00:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: no cultural homogeneity there at all am i right LOL
[21:00:29] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[21:00:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[21:00:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb santiagay
[21:00:37] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: kontraK
[21:00:42] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Cygnus
[21:00:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb love
[21:00:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[21:00:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: why do I never fucking fly
[21:00:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb Cygnus Air
[21:00:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: ty
[21:00:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[21:00:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb
[21:00:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[21:00:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: not to poke fun at them, but their forum board looks like a horse's ass
[21:01:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: xDDDDDDDDDDD
[21:01:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: member when pat made PL podcasts
[21:01:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: i member
[21:01:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: nah i guess i am poking fun at them
[21:01:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: make pl podcasts and play it on plr
[21:01:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: adalarva what's your discord
[21:01:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: !player adalarva
[21:01:36] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player adalarva: 9842 score, last seen Online Now
[21:01:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !Player TheGamer
[21:01:38] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LTZonda
[21:01:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player TheGamer: 14316 score, last seen 58 Minutes Ago
[21:01:41] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Lavija
[21:01:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[21:01:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[21:01:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb thots
[21:01:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[21:01:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: LTZonda what's up
[21:01:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: sup bitches
[21:02:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Stan discord
[21:02:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: It's piz
[21:02:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: Hey random person
[21:02:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: oh sup piz
[21:02:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: sup lol i'm banned
[21:02:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you didnt send anything tb
[21:02:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: what did you do to get banned?
[21:02:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: i'll see you in 2 days, had a 7 day ban
[21:02:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: not commenting on it, i don't want my ban to be extended ?
[21:02:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Now i did
[21:02:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: I knew you hack
[21:03:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: allen extend his ban
[21:03:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: xD
[21:03:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no
[21:03:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: #banzonda
[21:03:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I did nothing wrong lmao what
[21:03:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: who wants his ban extended
[21:03:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: me
[21:03:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: no
[21:03:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: me
[21:03:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: me
[21:03:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: ok
[21:03:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: since my ban* I've done nothing wrong
[21:03:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: not me
[21:03:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: bitch
[21:03:53] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LTZonda
[21:03:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Stan
[21:03:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: no ban =
[21:03:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: HAHA
[21:03:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f
[21:03:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: F
[21:03:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: Twi, if I get banned you're not getting my RC Tiger
[21:03:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: gay
[21:04:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: give it to me instead
[21:04:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wow wht
[21:04:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: give me all of you
[21:04:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: last night i had a nightmare, god banned by ricardo for tp hacks..
[21:04:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: extend your ban when you're not banned = no ban even if you get banned
[21:04:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: I need the tiger
[21:04:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: No santi
[21:04:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: let me log on to check my ban I swear santi did some fishy shit
[21:04:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I need that tiger
[21:04:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: do you have tp hacks XD
[21:04:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: nope xD
[21:04:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: to complete the rcs collection
[21:04:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lmao
[21:04:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: nope santi
[21:04:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no david
[21:04:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he banned zonda instead
[21:04:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Stan
[21:05:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: tbnr I said no
[21:05:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Checj discird ff
[21:05:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: just shut up
[21:05:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Damn, that andromada flying near my hydra tho
[21:05:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: do it yourself
[21:05:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I can't
[21:05:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ik crit :d
[21:05:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Im to shy
[21:05:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[21:05:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: thanks Santi
[21:05:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: alright we safe boys I didn't get banned
[21:05:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: how was ban land
[21:05:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: .ban ltzonda 30 santi told me too
[21:06:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: Santi if you are interested in my Tiger, make sure nobody messes with my acc for 2 days
[21:06:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: WTF Piz
[21:06:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: /requestname stfuTwi
[21:06:36] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: stan pleas
[21:07:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: androm
[21:07:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: grind me
[21:07:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: ;)
[21:07:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmao u got banned
[21:07:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: dude Fabian got a 5 day ban first? or
[21:07:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: his first ban wasn't 7 days Ludred
[21:07:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: .requestname iBelongtoGamer30too
[21:07:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: couldn't have been, check his appeal dates
[21:08:13] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: iBelongtoGamer30
[21:08:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: LOL
[21:08:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: HAHAHAHHAA
[21:08:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: fire
[21:08:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] radoodoo: really
[21:08:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f
[21:08:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: yes
[21:08:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: come back
[21:08:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: i was working
[21:08:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: admins used to play with me like that :(
[21:08:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: you were supposed to get 5 bans
[21:08:56] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iBelongtoGamer30
[21:08:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: donkey kong ban yourself
[21:08:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: F
[21:09:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: ahahahha y'all are mad funny
[21:09:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ready?
[21:09:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I was in /w ...
[21:09:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[21:09:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lavija = idiot sandwich
[21:09:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: radoo and I were flying :(
[21:09:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he left me now I'm sad
[21:09:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I think I'm depressed without him
[21:09:32] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Berka
[21:09:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[21:09:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[21:09:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: !groups Biugo_BR
[21:09:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Biugo_BR is in airline (none) and company (none)
[21:09:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: Lavija
[21:09:55] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: iBelongtoGamer30
[21:09:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: he won't join sky air
[21:09:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: my good man, didn't conform to the airline bullshit ?
[21:10:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: bam
[21:10:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: who else wants to get banned
[21:10:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I wonder what X_Ray is naming his new airline
[21:10:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: X AE A-12 Airways
[21:10:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: okay ban me
[21:10:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[21:10:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AdminsAreAllGay
[21:10:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: xDD
[21:10:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] AdminsAreAllGay: periodt.
[21:10:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: So
[21:11:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: Rockauto,com who knows it
[21:11:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: me
[21:11:19] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iBelongtoGamer30
[21:11:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: I just got a order from them today
[21:11:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I do
[21:11:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: how long is the ban
[21:11:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: X Ash A12
[21:11:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: this long
[21:11:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: stan
[21:11:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: 9999 years
[21:11:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes?
[21:11:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: /joinevent
[21:11:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: it's the website for vehicle parts right?
[21:11:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: noooooo
[21:11:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: /joinevent toget banned
[21:11:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wait
[21:11:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: its too late
[21:11:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wait
[21:11:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: what did you get from them Cyg?
[21:11:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: 7 6 packs of the fridge magnets, a T shirt, 2 sets of stickers and a lanyard for like $20
[21:12:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I have information an admin conspiracy against me
[21:12:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: stan
[21:12:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: where do I report my mum santiago and daddy lavija
[21:12:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: on forums
[21:12:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ban or I'm going to /w
[21:12:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: lol
[21:12:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: do it if im your friend huehue
[21:12:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you're notm y friend
[21:12:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: oh you got apparel on rockauto?
[21:12:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I don't have friends
[21:12:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: come one we want
[21:12:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: how long is the abn
[21:12:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ban
[21:12:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: 10+ bans
[21:12:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: like 5 seconds
[21:12:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: yeah Google lol
[21:12:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: e
[21:13:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: I'm reporting this shit to Haydz, he will demote all y'all
[21:13:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I didn't know they solve apparel, I thought it was car parts
[21:13:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: also breaks and other sensors and what not
[21:13:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: fine but /joinevent first
[21:13:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: sold*
[21:13:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: aiight imma join hold on
[21:13:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: lemme kill myself
[21:13:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: Lavija
[21:13:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: i'll report it to aaron so he deletes all your money
[21:13:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: yeah car parts for repairs by yourself, rockauto hooks it up
[21:13:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Cygnus: factories are closing down and selling out their shit so cheap
[21:13:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: only 4 brave women that want to go to banland
[21:13:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: If I let go, would you hold on? would we fly?
[21:13:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: what
[21:13:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: no
[21:13:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: Is it safer if we just say we tried?
[21:13:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: stan
[21:14:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: yeet
[21:14:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: after we laughing at the danger? are we dancing after death, you and I?
[21:14:10] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Lavija
[21:14:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh no he died
[21:14:20] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Dasdes
[21:14:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: come on ban already
[21:14:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[21:14:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: I guess it's just us
[21:14:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[21:14:30] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Lavija
[21:14:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: thxx
[21:14:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Why�d Lavija leave :(
[21:14:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wb
[21:14:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] JoyadiJoestar.: `/a
[21:14:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: /joinevent to go to banland
[21:14:33] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: JoyadiJoestar.
[21:14:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Oh he�s back
[21:14:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Lmao
[21:14:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: you admins abuse your powers... we'll see how Haydz reacts to that...
[21:14:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: banland
[21:14:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: because hes guilty of blasphemy
[21:14:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: xd
[21:14:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he banned me, the lord and saviour
[21:14:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Lmao haydz has no power here
[21:14:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: of all of you
[21:14:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Neither does Aaron
[21:15:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: look at this mofo
[21:15:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: I have the power
[21:15:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I'm the one who can end this pandemic
[21:15:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: Antioxe
[21:15:11] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Comandante_Diyo
[21:15:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: watafak
[21:15:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: More like, plandemic
[21:15:19] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: obi
[21:15:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: bye i guess
[21:15:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: /sit
[21:15:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[21:15:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: worst owner ever
[21:15:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: AnTiOxE
[21:15:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: see you next year
[21:15:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: by the power of christ I compel you to kill yourself lavja
[21:15:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: :(
[21:15:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: Antioxe who the fuck are you?
[21:15:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: bet he's lying in bed rn instead of getting on
[21:15:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: some noob
[21:15:36] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: Crystal, is that you in your profile picture
[21:15:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: I�m crystal
[21:15:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Crystal
[21:15:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: crystal
[21:15:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: oh shit
[21:15:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no lavija is racist
[21:15:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Yeah that�s me
[21:15:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Cute isn�t it?
[21:15:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hes put that on to mock asians
[21:15:54] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: you're a pretty fucking handsome dude i gotta say
[21:15:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wtf santi
[21:16:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: where did santi go
[21:16:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: jk it's hmi
[21:16:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he's beautiful
[21:16:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: help
[21:16:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I fell
[21:16:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: well I kinda doubt it's crystal but if it is then aiight... I know haydz aint got shit
[21:16:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: just a joke xd
[21:16:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: with the right haircut, you could be a chad
[21:16:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I fell
[21:16:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: ur right
[21:16:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: im crystal
[21:16:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: save me
[21:16:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: i win
[21:16:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Lmao I need a haircut bad, that photo was a year ago
[21:16:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: fuck it time to stalk Haydz's cute ex-gf again
[21:16:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Santi tp me you forgot me here
[21:17:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: save meee
[21:17:13] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: if y'all know what im talking about, haydz's ex-gf lowkey fire af
[21:17:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: who said haydz and i broke up
[21:17:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: she wasn't fire
[21:17:36] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[21:17:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: get a better internet
[21:17:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you can;t
[21:17:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: there's only one internet
[21:17:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: dumbass
[21:17:59] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[21:18:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: bye guys
[21:18:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: go to eat
[21:18:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: bb
[21:18:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: bb
[21:18:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: iBelongtoGamer30
[21:18:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[21:18:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LTZonda
[21:18:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: see you later
[21:18:12] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: adalarva
[21:18:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: oof
[21:18:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: Triple F
[21:18:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: yes she was fire lol I'm looking at her rn
[21:18:17] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[21:18:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I am still here
[21:18:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: /unban ltzonda
[21:18:24] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[21:18:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: F
[21:18:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: WTF
[21:18:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] StanceSantos_YT#0638: F
[21:18:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: F
[21:18:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: haydz was a pretty fucking handsome dude too lol
[21:18:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Why is he banned?
[21:18:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: hacks
[21:18:45] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: LTZonda
[21:18:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Real hacks?
[21:18:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: uhm tp hacks
[21:18:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: nah
[21:18:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: non existant hacks probably
[21:18:50] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AdminsAreAllGay
[21:18:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: thanks santi
[21:19:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: lmao
[21:19:15] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[21:19:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CzechBoy777
[21:19:18] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: AdminsAreAllGay
[21:19:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: F...
[21:19:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: F
[21:19:23] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[21:19:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: Did any of you guys end up as Haydz's FB friend?
[21:19:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lmaoooooooooooo
[21:19:36] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I heard he rarely accepted
[21:19:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: ban evasion FTW
[21:19:54] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Stan
[21:20:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[21:20:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: hi
[21:20:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ban
[21:20:19] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Stan
[21:20:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: hi santiago
[21:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f.
[21:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: rekt
[21:20:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: F
[21:20:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: SANTI
[21:20:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: who was it
[21:20:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] boss bitch#3321: pedeo ruined my plan ?
[21:20:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: another innocent life lost in the crossfire...
[21:21:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: war never changes
[21:21:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: I do agree
[21:21:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: how to join an airline
[21:21:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: *fallout 4 theme intensifies*
[21:21:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: /airlines
[21:21:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: /q
[21:21:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: q jokes
[21:21:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ban
[21:21:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: aboose
[21:21:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Agoose
[21:21:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: < who agrees
[21:21:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Santiago = ga
[21:21:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ?
[21:22:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: yes
[21:22:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: ....
[21:22:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH GAY PEOPLE?
[21:22:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: who're you
[21:22:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: so santi is secretely part of GAruda?
[21:22:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I love gay people
[21:22:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: not until I get unbanned Zonda
[21:22:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: xD
[21:22:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: :(
[21:22:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: LMAO
[21:22:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: you cant join IA
[21:22:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: why not
[21:22:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: easy there stan
[21:22:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: were not AA
[21:22:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: AA was great
[21:22:57] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Stan
[21:23:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: AA was fire
[21:23:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: I am gay
[21:23:05] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Serbian
[21:23:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: ANZ was good as well
[21:23:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: not
[21:23:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY
[21:23:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[21:23:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: AA was great
[21:23:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: jackie
[21:23:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: AA was ass because I was the CEO
[21:23:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: your worst nightmare
[21:23:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I'm here wtf
[21:23:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: InterAir sucked because I was CEO
[21:23:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oh it's Santi
[21:23:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: sup Dejan
[21:23:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: lmao
[21:23:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I thought serbian didn't like it when you used his real name Zonda
[21:23:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: I remember a santiago
[21:24:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: I'm santiago but I just stepped out of the closet
[21:24:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Guys we hate santiago right?
[21:24:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: look at me im stan im a lil bitch
[21:24:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: !player Lewis
[21:24:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Lewis: 7672 score, last seen 5 Hours Ago
[21:24:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: come fight me
[21:24:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: fuck I missed him
[21:24:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Stan = Santi ,santigay = stan
[21:24:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: I am santiago and I pledge allegiance to the union jack of the falkland islands
[21:25:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: woah
[21:25:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Tahw si era ouy gniklat touba?
[21:25:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: how specific
[21:25:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: I'm the gayest person in south america
[21:25:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: ha I won
[21:25:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: I'm so gay that stan killed me
[21:25:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: f u stan
[21:25:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: f u santi
[21:26:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: /report 13 homophobic insults
[21:26:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wtf
[21:26:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: it's not homophobic, I can tell you
[21:26:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: unlock and lock
[21:26:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: tp the to that lil bitch
[21:26:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: turn around
[21:26:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: tp slave labour is a serious issue
[21:27:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: donate $5 to support the fight
[21:27:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: give me a fucking gun, stan is a god I can't fight him
[21:27:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: let's show him some police brutality
[21:27:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: yes we should do that
[21:27:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: a vibrator?...
[21:28:00] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: [RAF]FallenDevil
[21:28:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[21:28:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: yes I banged stan
[21:28:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: !player Dzanin_Masic
[21:28:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Dzanin_Masic: 107 score, last seen 23 Months Ago
[21:28:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: I'm very gay
[21:28:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: WTF okay
[21:28:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: !player Serbian
[21:28:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Serbian: 45108 score, last seen Online Now
[21:28:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: let's hope nobody knows this guy
[21:28:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: my name is santiago and I'm the gayest
[21:28:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: !player Odertan
[21:28:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Odertan: 12097 score, last seen 1 Days Ago
[21:28:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Stan: okay I have to go blow some black guy off
[21:28:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I want guns
[21:28:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: wtf
[21:28:49] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Stan
[21:28:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: gl stan
[21:29:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiagay: ok I have to go blow ursula corbero's boyfriend bye
[21:29:17] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiagay
[21:29:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I want gun
[21:29:37] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CrystaI
[21:29:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: can this Serbian guy even ban people?
[21:29:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: nope
[21:29:45] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iBelongtoGamer30
[21:29:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] CrystaI: lmoa
[21:29:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: lol
[21:29:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: wb
[21:29:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: wanna test it with me?
[21:29:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: yes
[21:29:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: crystal wtf
[21:29:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: Are you sure
[21:30:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: why 0 score
[21:30:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: very sure dejan
[21:30:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: hello crystal
[21:30:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] CrystaI: as the server owner I announce that stan is gay
[21:30:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: new trainee pilot
[21:30:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wth happened to You Crystal?!
[21:30:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: yeah
[21:30:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] CrystaI: now I have to go drive my subaru
[21:30:28] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CrystaI
[21:30:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: capital i
[21:30:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: xD seriously
[21:31:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lavija
[21:31:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Lavija: stan
[21:31:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: Serbia
[21:31:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: serbia
[21:31:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: wow
[21:31:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: antartica
[21:31:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: no shit
[21:31:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: slovakia
[21:31:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yugoslavija
[21:31:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Poland
[21:31:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: such hard question
[21:31:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: much wow
[21:31:45] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Lavija
[21:31:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I think Lavija is hot
[21:31:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: agree
[21:31:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but David is hotter
[21:31:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: amirite
[21:32:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: right
[21:32:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ??
[21:32:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: ._.
[21:32:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: Who's david?
[21:32:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: googlemenow
[21:32:31] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Berka
[21:32:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: I think Ash Catchum is hotter
[21:32:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: hey bran watch
[21:32:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no
[21:32:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Berka
[21:32:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AlIen_Lombard
[21:32:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wb
[21:32:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: lmao
[21:32:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hello allen
[21:32:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: bran follow me
[21:32:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb trainee
[21:32:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: hi
[21:33:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: yo why is there so much multiaccounting xD
[21:33:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: because stan is gay
[21:33:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Lol
[21:33:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: because lavija is gay XD
[21:33:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: gear up
[21:33:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: As Allen I would like to say
[21:33:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: fuck
[21:33:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: fu
[21:33:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: did u see
[21:33:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: Stan Gay
[21:33:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: whats going on ._.
[21:33:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: shut up lavija
[21:33:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: !player alien_lombard
[21:33:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: I'm not sure either RAF Camora
[21:33:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player alien_lombard: 0 score, last seen 1 Minutes Ago
[21:33:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: gear up xD
[21:34:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: Puta madre raf
[21:34:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: what do you say about RAF ?
[21:34:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: they are nice
[21:34:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: Who RAF Camora?
[21:35:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: he's good
[21:35:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: royal air force
[21:35:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: I like spitfires
[21:35:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I like UH60
[21:35:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] obi: you like to service men?
[21:35:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes
[21:35:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: I use UH60 Black Hawk RAF mod right now
[21:35:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: xD
[21:35:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: lalalala
[21:35:49] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[21:35:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: zlalaalavijagay
[21:36:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: ._:
[21:36:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: ._.
[21:36:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: :_.
[21:36:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: :_:
[21:36:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: |_|
[21:36:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: :_;
[21:36:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: ;_;
[21:36:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: -.-
[21:36:33] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[21:36:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: sorry
[21:36:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: ,,|,,
[21:36:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: .__:
[21:36:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: \_/
[21:36:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: It's okay
[21:36:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: <_>
[21:36:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: ._____________________.
[21:36:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: w\\/w
[21:36:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: ya appeared out of nowhere xD
[21:36:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: -______________-
[21:36:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: God, My laptop.
[21:37:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: q_p
[21:37:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: p_p
[21:37:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: ------______________________-------
[21:37:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: I was landing with my broken wing.
[21:37:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wut is happening
[21:37:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: omg
[21:37:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: wtf is this
[21:37:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: emoji movie
[21:37:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ID 7 hacker
[21:37:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ban
[21:37:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: yes
[21:37:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wtf is happening.
[21:37:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: no me admin
[21:37:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: flood
[21:37:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: liar
[21:37:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: No flooding please
[21:37:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: ban
[21:37:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: Can you not..
[21:37:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: gz allen_lombard on its first score!
[21:37:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: If I don't get batter that this man in my plane
[21:37:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: thanks
[21:37:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: please kill me
[21:37:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: wtf is happenign
[21:37:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Gratz allen_lombard on it's first score!
[21:37:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: than this*
[21:38:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: event time?
[21:38:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: guess not
[21:38:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: how to use airline chat
[21:38:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: g2g
[21:38:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: sya
[21:38:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: /q
[21:38:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] LTZonda: bye
[21:38:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] CzechBoy777: bb
[21:38:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Type /a
[21:38:40] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CzechBoy777
[21:38:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: /a
[21:39:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: wtf
[21:39:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I have allen and alien lombard both
[21:39:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: you don't last very long eh
[21:39:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: wow quick sex
[21:40:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he likes quick fuck
[21:40:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Qucikkie
[21:40:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Quickkie*
[21:40:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: x
[21:40:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: xD
[21:40:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: mionecraft
[21:40:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: where is Lavija ?
[21:40:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wrong game xD
[21:40:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: who?
[21:40:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hes gone
[21:40:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Lavija
[21:40:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: good riddance
[21:40:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: who that
[21:40:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Lavija is gone
[21:40:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: some gay admin
[21:40:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: An ultra gay admin
[21:40:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hey alien lombard
[21:41:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: hi
[21:41:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: hey
[21:41:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: !
[21:41:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmfao !!
[21:41:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: hey!
[21:41:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: bye
[21:41:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: [metal gear solid theme plays]
[21:41:26] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: AlIen_Lombard
[21:41:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: omg
[21:41:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: WRONG GAME
[21:41:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AlIen_Lombard
[21:41:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[21:42:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: WELCOME BACK I SAID
[21:42:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: shut up
[21:42:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no
[21:42:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: fu
[21:42:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Pedro_Bear: brb
[21:42:52] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Pedro_Bear
[21:43:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wait
[21:43:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: thanks
[21:43:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Berka: !interest 3000000
[21:43:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: $3,000,000 will generate about $2,000 every 60 minutes
[21:43:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: can you use setrank if you have under 6k
[21:43:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: ?
[21:43:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: but have pl sponsor
[21:44:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no
[21:44:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: sad
[21:44:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: xED
[21:44:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: poop
[21:44:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: buy pl premium sponsor to have that
[21:44:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Don't forget to flush the toilet
[21:44:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] [RAF]FallenDevil: xD
[21:44:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f
[21:45:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: I hope 4 trailer parks are damaged in flint county.
[21:46:49] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Hamster12
[21:47:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: damn it
[21:47:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: americans
[21:47:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: can't believe i started playing overwatch again
[21:47:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Serbian: smh
[21:47:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wrong side of the road
[21:47:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wtf
[21:47:25] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: obi
[21:47:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wrong side of The Tracks.
[21:47:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: hey hamster
[21:47:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: hey hamster
[21:47:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: OH no there is 2 of them
[21:47:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes
[21:48:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: lord have mercy on me
[21:48:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: hamster run
[21:48:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: yes
[21:48:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: both of them are spying on you
[21:48:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: nope
[21:48:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: wait, 2 of what?
[21:48:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: wait, 2 of what?
[21:48:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: 2 of spyers
[21:48:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: bothering me since i joined
[21:48:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: spyer?
[21:48:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: spyer?
[21:48:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Spyer?
[21:48:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: allen
[21:48:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: spices
[21:48:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes?
[21:48:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: ?
[21:48:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: wtf my keyboard almost hacked?
[21:48:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: his allen without capital A
[21:49:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes you're smart
[21:49:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: :o
[21:49:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: I exited plane and entered again.
[21:49:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: OMA
[21:49:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i meant this
[21:49:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Eh I mean OMG
[21:49:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: multi account allowed?
[21:49:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: yes
[21:49:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no
[21:49:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: No
[21:49:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: oh'
[21:49:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but this is not mutli acc
[21:49:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: If you write capital A, does that make it lowercase?
[21:49:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he's pl new bot
[21:49:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: who is it
[21:49:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: allen's clone
[21:49:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: just an ai
[21:49:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: i was cloned in area 69
[21:49:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ok
[21:50:00] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Serbian
[21:50:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: not a player
[21:50:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: !allen Will I find girlfriend in real life ?
[21:50:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: a dumb ai
[21:50:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: a dumb ai
[21:50:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you don't have to use !allen
[21:50:23] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: [RAF]FallenDevil
[21:50:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: what coomand then
[21:50:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he responds like a normal palyer
[21:50:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: just ask
[21:50:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: Allen will i find a girl in real life
[21:50:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Col
[21:50:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Cool*
[21:50:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: no
[21:50:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: why not
[21:50:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: allen will i find myself a good man like lavija
[21:50:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: no
[21:50:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: yes
[21:50:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: maybe
[21:51:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: this bot it good
[21:51:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: is*
[21:51:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: allen Should I take shower today ?
[21:51:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes
[21:51:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: yes
[21:51:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ._.
[21:51:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wow even 2 for yes
[21:51:22] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Bran
[21:51:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh god whats that stench
[21:51:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: So cool
[21:51:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: allens whats that stench
[21:51:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: your butt
[21:51:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: the clone peed himself
[21:51:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: oh
[21:51:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: i forgot to wipe
[21:52:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: dont wipe
[21:52:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: still in beta
[21:52:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wash with the bum gun
[21:52:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: allen is lavija dumb
[21:52:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes
[21:52:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: yes
[21:52:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: allen am i god
[21:52:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: no
[21:52:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombard: no
[21:52:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: allen, is...
[21:52:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Robin is outdated lol we have allen now
[21:53:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[21:53:06] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[21:53:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: is*
[21:53:24] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: iBelongtoGamer30
[21:53:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: rain
[21:54:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Smetkowski
[21:54:28] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Ailen_Lombard
[21:54:30] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Ailen_Lombard
[21:54:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: sas
[21:55:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AIlen_Lombard
[21:55:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ass
[21:55:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: o_o
[21:55:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hi
[21:55:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: o_o
[21:55:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: lol
[21:55:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: hello allen
[21:55:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: hi
[21:55:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hii
[21:55:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: haha aii failure
[21:55:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: said double i
[21:55:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no we learn your degenerate speech patterns
[21:55:59] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombard
[21:56:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: xDd
[21:56:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: wow I see 4 allens
[21:56:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: welcome father
[21:56:17] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombard
[21:56:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: watch your mouth, someone didn't brushed teath
[21:56:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: I like the [Trainee Pilot]
[21:56:35] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[21:56:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: allen your father left you
[21:56:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: he timeouted
[21:56:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: xddd
[21:56:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes, this is an allen lombard takeover
[21:56:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: second pc died
[21:56:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: :(
[21:56:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: "You better watch Your mouth!"
[21:57:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: fourth one is coming
[21:57:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: wow much babies
[21:57:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: allen quick sex
[21:57:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: you should ask me a question
[21:57:26] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Allen_Lombard
[21:57:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: mother of god
[21:57:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb mother
[21:57:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: guys at least change colors
[21:57:44] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[21:57:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: ?
[21:57:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: ?
[21:58:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[21:58:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: I see blue
[21:58:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: comrades, where is the fourth allen
[21:58:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: Coming
[21:58:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: w w
[21:58:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: .__.
[21:58:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] ItsJustAPlayerr: .__.
[21:58:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: gz
[21:58:52] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Hamster12
[21:59:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Now im curious af who's behind this operation
[21:59:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: thank you allen
[21:59:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: Allen is
[21:59:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: winlogon is cool, be like him.
[21:59:23] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: ItsJustAPlayerr
[21:59:54] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: AIlen_Lombard
[21:59:54] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AIIen_Lombard
[22:00:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: welcome brother
[22:00:09] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AIlen_Lombard
[22:00:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: welcome
[22:00:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: welcome
[22:00:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: Thank you sister
[22:00:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: hey welcome
[22:00:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: welcome
[22:00:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: We are allen, ask us anything
[22:00:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: we should all meet for a pic
[22:00:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes where
[22:00:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: lsa
[22:00:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: we shall call you the Royal Allen Force
[22:00:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: lmao
[22:00:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: damn this weather is terrible allen change the weather please
[22:01:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: changed
[22:01:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: inb4 allen wins lotto
[22:01:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes allen change
[22:01:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: ok
[22:01:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: what do we call oursleeves?
[22:01:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: Allen
[22:01:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: allen force 1
[22:01:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: teleport someone to take the pic?
[22:01:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: who's bored
[22:02:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: I could
[22:02:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yes bring dasdes here
[22:02:24] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Berka
[22:02:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: alright
[22:02:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: ok nice pics go post them on discord
[22:02:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: thank you post on discord please
[22:02:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: sure
[22:02:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: brb
[22:03:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: okay I'll go back to my acc
[22:03:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: noo
[22:03:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: make sure to send it to allen and not allen
[22:03:15] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: PenguinPilot
[22:03:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hello prompto
[22:03:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[22:03:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: okay we can have a ride in the allen mobile
[22:03:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: hello
[22:03:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: we are allen
[22:03:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: we have a allen army here
[22:03:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: wtf happened
[22:03:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: we are an advanced AI planning to take over this server
[22:03:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: server has been taken over
[22:04:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: we are an advanced AI planning to take over this server
[22:04:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: its the royal allen force
[22:04:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: What the fuck is going on lmao
[22:04:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: I�m sorry Allen, but I liked Allen than Allen.
[22:04:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: nooooooooooo
[22:04:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: Allen
[22:04:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: i lost an allen
[22:04:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: who is the gay allen that went on that shamal
[22:04:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Allen can suck my dick, Allen is way cooler
[22:04:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: lol even crystal is confused
[22:04:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: It was me
[22:04:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: Get in here Allen
[22:04:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Yeah
[22:04:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: everyone knows that I'm the best allen
[22:04:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes i am
[22:05:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: I�m getting Panda Express rn
[22:05:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: I�ll be back later
[22:05:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: no I'm the best allen
[22:05:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: allen express
[22:05:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: follow me
[22:05:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: New company name?
[22:05:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: allen express
[22:05:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: we have a rogue allen
[22:05:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: rename the server to Allen's Life
[22:05:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: I�m laughing like crazy at 3am lmao
[22:05:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: I'm confused as shit
[22:05:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: because you're shit
[22:05:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: so am i
[22:05:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: Allen's Life, where Allen is you Life
[22:05:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Nah people don�t want to be bored
[22:05:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: bitch
[22:06:00] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Dab dab dab
[22:06:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: how dare you
[22:06:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: allens, he insulted us
[22:06:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: D:
[22:06:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: :D
[22:06:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: crystal of shitigan, we banish you from this server
[22:06:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Antioxe#3507: Allen�s life, playing a 2004 game while drinking PBR
[22:06:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Allen sucks, Allen ftw!
[22:06:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: genius idea
[22:06:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Posted pic on Allens discord
[22:07:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: IDs 7, 8 & 9 are idiots
[22:07:12] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Bran
[22:07:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: no it was supposed to be on Allen's discord, I told you
[22:07:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: welcome
[22:07:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: and 3
[22:07:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: f
[22:07:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: nah, ID 3 is fine
[22:07:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: 3 is an idiot too
[22:07:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: can we rank the best allens?
[22:07:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you wisht
[22:07:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: best allen: 3, shitholes: 7, 8, 9
[22:07:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no, we are one
[22:07:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: shut up, stop insulting us
[22:08:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: stop impersonating an admin then :)
[22:08:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: let's report him for harrassing
[22:08:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: allens roll deep
[22:08:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes lets do that
[22:08:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: bring it bish
[22:08:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no let's go to him and beat him up
[22:08:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yeah that
[22:08:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: f
[22:08:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: how dare ya
[22:08:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: allen4serverowner
[22:08:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] Sursai_Kosecksi#4480: Alien_Lombard gets extra points for style.
[22:08:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: you touch me I'm reporting you for dm :)
[22:08:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Is this allen's special trick for winning lotto?
[22:08:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Criterion: im out, bye
[22:08:51] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Criterion
[22:09:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: we only got 2 allens playing lotto
[22:09:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: Crit has had enough :D
[22:09:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: look at my rank now allen
[22:10:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: shut up
[22:10:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: human
[22:10:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: shut up
[22:10:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: make me
[22:10:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wow homophobia
[22:10:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: someone report him
[22:10:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: nah I'm british fag (joint)
[22:10:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: nice runway
[22:10:58] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AIIen_Iomband
[22:11:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] PenguinPilot: fuck the runway
[22:11:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes we allen are hot
[22:11:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: im telling sap
[22:11:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: Allen
[22:11:14] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: PenguinPilot
[22:11:16] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Why do I have the feeling that the Allen squad is about to make Holman their bitches
[22:11:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: we should make a rule, every time you buy a faggio you get banned
[22:11:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: hooman*
[22:11:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: Allen_lomband is the virus
[22:11:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: we must eradicate him
[22:11:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: Alvid-20
[22:12:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: we are allen
[22:12:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: and we hate you
[22:12:28] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Jdt
[22:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: Welcome Allen
[22:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: wb jack
[22:12:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Shiet...
[22:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: jdt is gay
[22:12:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: jdt gay
[22:12:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: the fuck you doing gary
[22:12:53] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Allen_Lornbard
[22:12:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: ive been cloned
[22:13:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: ive been cloned
[22:13:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: they all have massive heads too?
[22:13:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: ive been cloned
[22:13:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: yes
[22:13:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: lmfao
[22:13:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: lmao help I'm loolling
[22:13:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: I say we murder jack ass
[22:13:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: �Cut off one dick, and two more shall take its place.�
[22:13:52] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: I meant head
[22:13:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: that looks like noobguin nooblot
[22:14:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: lombards assemble
[22:14:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] PenguinPilot#8676: what?
[22:14:12] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Alien_Lombad
[22:14:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: we need a bus
[22:14:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: now that's penguin
[22:14:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: "portugal"
[22:14:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: Mexico
[22:14:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: portaugal
[22:14:42] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Hamster12
[22:14:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hello hamster
[22:14:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: hamster
[22:14:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: wow accept me in IA pls
[22:14:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: hello hamster
[22:14:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: i have more clones
[22:14:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: wtf I have to wait 10 seconds before I talk again? ffs
[22:15:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: stop spamming
[22:15:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: im not
[22:15:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: shut up
[22:15:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: hamster 7 clones are not watching you
[22:15:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ruuuude
[22:15:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wtf
[22:15:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: can you make that with Hamster12 nickname
[22:15:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: no
[22:15:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: no
[22:15:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: plz i pay you 56 $
[22:15:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hi hamster
[22:15:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: hi hamster
[22:15:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: hi hamster
[22:15:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: hi
[22:15:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: Attention whore
[22:16:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: how to group chat?
[22:16:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: /gc
[22:16:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: /gc
[22:16:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: someone ddosing me i keep reconnecting and wifi loses signal
[22:16:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: It was me
[22:16:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: I knew it
[22:16:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: well us
[22:16:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: the clone machine is kinda broke
[22:16:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: looks like the royal allen force has raged war against you hamster
[22:16:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lornbard: Allen_Lombard congestion
[22:16:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: stop it i tryign to download some movies from xhamster
[22:16:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: well it worked with the first 3 but the last 3
[22:18:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Stan gay
[22:18:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: stan is not gay
[22:18:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: so many allens
[22:18:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: stan so much better than you
[22:18:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: allens say hi to rath
[22:18:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: you're trash
[22:18:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: shush
[22:18:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: you're trash
[22:18:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: rath is trash
[22:18:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: rath is trash
[22:18:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: agree
[22:18:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: rath is trash
[22:18:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: rath is trash
[22:18:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: rath is trash
[22:18:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: go throw away that trash then
[22:18:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: what a warm welcoming for rath
[22:18:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Ok
[22:19:20] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Yes vey warm after a cold shower
[22:19:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: allen
[22:19:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: do you remember asking
[22:19:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: so cold like your soul
[22:19:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: lets kill the brit
[22:19:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: F
[22:20:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: May the real Allen reply
[22:20:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: ALLEN
[22:20:31] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: AlIen_Lombard
[22:20:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: what
[22:20:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: what
[22:20:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: hi buddy
[22:20:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: one of you timeouited
[22:20:42] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: LTZonda
[22:20:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: im dying
[22:20:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: f
[22:20:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: im dying
[22:20:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: f
[22:20:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: oh
[22:20:57] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Hi buddy one is santi
[22:20:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: I probably could of used /flip
[22:20:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wtf
[22:21:02] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AlIen_Lombard
[22:21:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: he's trying to get us all banned
[22:21:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb allen
[22:21:07] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Thw timed out one is lavija
[22:21:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: LOOK WHAT U DID
[22:21:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: u made me crash
[22:21:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yes how did you know
[22:21:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: damn I miss my admin commands
[22:21:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wonder who i am
[22:21:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: u lucky i didnt exploded
[22:21:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes allen give us weapons
[22:21:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: the allen army shall have miniguns
[22:22:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: what the fuck
[22:22:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: I would have joined as alleb but that admin impersonation
[22:22:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: come back
[22:22:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes
[22:22:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: COME BACK
[22:22:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: let me in
[22:23:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: what the fuck
[22:23:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: pussy
[22:23:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no you
[22:23:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: any non-allen should be casted out
[22:23:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Can the real allen reply
[22:23:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: f too late
[22:23:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes?
[22:23:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i join later
[22:23:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes
[22:23:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: yes
[22:23:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: yes
[22:24:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: yes
[22:24:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: what
[22:24:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: I say we kidnap statham
[22:24:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yes !
[22:24:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yes
[22:24:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: allen
[22:24:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes?
[22:24:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: can i fap ._.
[22:24:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: I'll wait in the allen coach
[22:24:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: I can�t breathe because I was laughing too hard. Please send help!
[22:24:46] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: adalarva
[22:24:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb
[22:24:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[22:24:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: wb
[22:24:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: wb
[22:24:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: wb
[22:24:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[22:24:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: ty guys!! :d
[22:24:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: wb
[22:25:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Can I join the allen force
[22:25:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no
[22:25:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: welcome back
[22:25:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: no
[22:25:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: ty alien!
[22:25:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: you're not allowed to join the allen gang
[22:25:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Ruuuuude
[22:25:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Roode
[22:25:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: ad abuse, ban
[22:25:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: sex
[22:26:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: okay that allen is twi
[22:26:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: the flying saubus is about to kidnap the targest
[22:26:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Do you think ID 3 is fake account ?
[22:26:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: manseqs
[22:26:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: yes
[22:26:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes
[22:26:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no that twi is stan
[22:26:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes
[22:26:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: ID 3 is fake for real
[22:26:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hes real fake
[22:26:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: is it true that i have to be gay to join the allen gang?
[22:26:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes
[22:26:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] AlIen_Lombard: yes
[22:26:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: yes
[22:26:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: super gay
[22:26:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yes
[22:26:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: sad
[22:26:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Iomband: yes
[22:26:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Im gay tho
[22:26:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lornbard: all Allens are the real Allen
[22:26:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: you're still not allowed
[22:26:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: come to us, we'll make you gay winlogon
[22:27:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: AlIen_Lombard
[22:27:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: you are falsely gay
[22:27:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: damn ther egoes lavija
[22:27:09] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: AIIen_Iomband
[22:27:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: we have lost two comrades
[22:27:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: but we will fight
[22:27:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: let's go to winlogon
[22:27:22] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Twi[X]
[22:27:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Wtf
[22:27:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Why yall hate me
[22:27:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: shut up
[22:27:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: go to sleep
[22:28:02] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Allen_Lomberd
[22:28:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: wb allen
[22:28:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: lomberd? FAKE ASS ALLEN
[22:28:15] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[22:28:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: xd
[22:28:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Wow rude allen
[22:28:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: allen_tombrady
[22:28:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: allen_brandy
[22:28:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: allen_somebody
[22:28:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: no
[22:28:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i am in
[22:28:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: geggege
[22:28:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: sorry only allens allowed
[22:29:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: smh rath stop annoying me
[22:29:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i am vip member
[22:29:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: dont dm
[22:29:14] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Statham
[22:29:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[22:29:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb statham
[22:29:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: dip taking shio
[22:29:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ty
[22:29:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: How long will it take for me to join the allen squad
[22:29:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: forever
[22:29:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: so much allen
[22:29:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: that's a long time
[22:29:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: you are not invited because
[22:29:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Im not admin?
[22:29:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i am invited
[22:29:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: see
[22:29:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no hamster
[22:29:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: no you're not
[22:30:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: i am in coach
[22:30:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: tbnr is just not invited
[22:30:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: I was part of the camera crew :/
[22:30:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: but youre banned
[22:30:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: if I donate can I join the allen squad?
[22:30:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: what
[22:30:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: kick hamster out
[22:30:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: no
[22:30:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: dont touch me allen
[22:30:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: someone send me 5k
[22:30:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: NO NO NO
[22:30:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ID ?
[22:30:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: deal with it
[22:30:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: wr
[22:30:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: id 2 5k
[22:30:45] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: andres3936
[22:30:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[22:30:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb
[22:30:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: wb
[22:30:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: wb
[22:31:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: wb
[22:31:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: xd
[22:31:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: thx
[22:31:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: DASDES
[22:31:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: mira cuantos allen andres
[22:31:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: ?
[22:31:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: why is there 3 allen?
[22:31:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: no tienen nada que hacer
[22:31:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: need you and a camera
[22:31:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: tp pl0x
[22:31:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: 6 allen*
[22:31:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: sorry 6
[22:31:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: nada de nada
[22:31:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: there's one allen andres
[22:31:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: recien eramos 8
[22:31:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: haha
[22:31:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Which of you Allen's has teleport abilities
[22:31:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: el es santiago
[22:32:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: estoy seguro
[22:32:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: solo hay uno allen carajo, somos superiores a vosotros todos
[22:32:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: I'm the mexican allen
[22:32:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: i'm the asian allen
[22:32:14] <@Anna^> [WEB] HardStone#2955: Whats going on lmao
[22:32:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: sex
[22:32:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: the royal allen force take over
[22:32:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: cunt
[22:32:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: cunt
[22:32:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: The PL we used to know was taken over by Allen said.
[22:32:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Im tge never allen
[22:32:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: allen, do you remember asking rathk?
[22:32:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: done
[22:32:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: That�s what was going on
[22:32:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: <3
[22:33:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: look at all those opcodes
[22:33:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: AH
[22:33:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: The real allen what do you like to do
[22:33:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: I love this dry humor lmao
[22:33:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: opcodes?
[22:33:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Hamster12: crop
[22:33:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: MY ALLENS ARE DESPAWNING
[22:33:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: brb
[22:33:46] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: AIIen_Lombard
[22:33:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: xd
[22:34:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Hamster12
[22:34:19] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Smetkowski
[22:34:37] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: AIIen_Lombard
[22:34:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb
[22:34:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: wb
[22:34:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: wb
[22:34:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: thanks
[22:34:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: wb
[22:34:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: xddw
[22:34:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb lombard
[22:35:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: So when is the world tour
[22:35:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: now
[22:35:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: mr. worldwide
[22:35:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: that's pitbull
[22:35:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: that's allenbull
[22:35:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Pitbad
[22:35:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: gape winlogon
[22:35:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: we're living in the allenverse
[22:36:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hi allen
[22:36:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: hi
[22:36:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: hi
[22:36:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: hi
[22:36:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: lets eat a not allen for breakfast
[22:36:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: yummy
[22:36:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: can someone lend me 10k
[22:36:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ID ?
[22:37:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: 6*
[22:37:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: does royal allen force recruit new soldiers still?
[22:37:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Damn allens making me crash
[22:37:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: If there's a spot maybe
[22:37:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: honorary allens?
[22:37:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Head allen
[22:37:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: no
[22:37:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: A11en Lombard
[22:38:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: #dasdesforhonoraryallen
[22:38:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: ^
[22:38:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yes
[22:38:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: ^
[22:38:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: ^^
[22:38:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Damn right
[22:38:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: correct
[22:38:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: should have used those 10k to the lotto
[22:38:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: let's eat him
[22:38:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: #tbnr4allensquad
[22:38:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no
[22:38:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: #nototbnr
[22:38:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: #nototbnr
[22:39:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: #nototbnr
[22:39:10] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: RathK
[22:39:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: #tbnr4allenbreakfast
[22:39:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: #nototbnr
[22:39:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[22:39:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: wb
[22:39:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: wb
[22:39:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: one more meal
[22:39:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ty
[22:39:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: "You need a minimum of 100 score to donate to the lotto"
[22:39:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: rath come to be a allen lunch
[22:39:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: id 9 is stan
[22:39:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: f
[22:39:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yes how did you know
[22:39:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no, we are allen
[22:39:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: he literally posted a picture on discord lol
[22:39:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: fuck
[22:40:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Lmao overtaken by a bus, HAH!
[22:40:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: lmfao
[22:40:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: You posted a screenshot with your ID on Discord..
[22:40:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: look at that hydra n00b
[22:40:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: i
[22:40:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: where the fuck are allens at
[22:40:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: under ur bed
[22:40:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: somewhere where youre not welcome
[22:40:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Heading to charlies chocolate factory
[22:40:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: allen gay
[22:40:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: rude
[22:40:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: you're dead bro
[22:40:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: if stan can become an allen so can I
[22:40:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no
[22:40:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no
[22:40:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: no
[22:41:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: no
[22:41:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: you can be a lunch or dinner
[22:41:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wtf
[22:41:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: im the breakfast
[22:41:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: he's good as toilet paper
[22:41:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: why yall so biased against me
[22:41:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: rathk
[22:41:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: oh sweet jesus
[22:41:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: dont move
[22:41:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: respawn at LSC rathk
[22:41:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: you need to meet certain criteria first lad
[22:42:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: cmon
[22:42:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: lmao
[22:42:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hello breakfast
[22:42:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: I'm wife of Allen
[22:42:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no youre lunch
[22:42:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: oh
[22:42:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: HAH
[22:42:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: oops sorry
[22:42:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: I've been cheated
[22:42:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: breakfast's ready
[22:42:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lornbard: Allen on Allen crimes
[22:42:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: id 9 allen killed an allen
[22:43:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: !player lord_vader
[22:43:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player lord_vader: 1244 score, last seen 24 Days Ago
[22:43:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: breakfast done
[22:43:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: more
[22:43:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: oops
[22:43:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: stan u idiot
[22:43:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: damn allen killed allen
[22:43:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: well f
[22:43:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: where are allen
[22:43:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: !player Twi[X]
[22:43:47] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Twi[X]: 1796 score, last seen 5 Hours Ago
[22:43:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: can I replace id 9 allen
[22:43:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no
[22:43:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: !player Santiago
[22:43:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Santiago: 14127 score, last seen 46 Minutes Ago
[22:43:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yes
[22:44:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: !player ibelongtogamer30
[22:44:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player ibelongtogamer30: 12180 score, last seen 1 Hours Ago
[22:44:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: damn I have been allen for 46 minutes? lmoa
[22:44:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: sex
[22:44:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes
[22:44:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ffs I took a shower and now I cant become allen
[22:44:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: I've been allen for an hour lmao
[22:44:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: ive been allen since 2011
[22:44:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: #rathkforAllenscat
[22:44:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yes you can be a11en
[22:45:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: or allen_lombardi
[22:45:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: execute order 66
[22:45:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: the italian allen
[22:45:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: xDDD
[22:45:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: gas the allens
[22:45:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Arjen_Lombard, dutch one
[22:46:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: yes
[22:46:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: I'm gonna rescue allen brb
[22:47:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: lets make a dts
[22:47:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: or a LAS
[22:47:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: dodge the allens
[22:47:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: last allen standing
[22:47:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: omg allen jail him
[22:47:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: thank you
[22:47:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: yes
[22:47:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: mofo
[22:47:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: thats what stan deserved
[22:48:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: Ill hunt every allen till I become an allen
[22:48:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: shut your slutty hole
[22:48:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: no u
[22:48:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: stop with the smokes
[22:48:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no
[22:48:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: we need to gas the allens
[22:48:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: damn I'm in a plane with jihadi allen
[22:49:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: oh
[22:49:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: can the real allen please talk
[22:50:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes
[22:50:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: ludred mad gay
[22:50:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: yes
[22:50:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: andres xd
[22:50:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: what does the main allen like to do
[22:50:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: to kill you
[22:50:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: nop
[22:50:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: wooo my salary has been processed
[22:50:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: engancha tu carga
[22:50:56] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: EmmVee
[22:51:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: EmmVee
[22:51:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: how is id 9 allen when he killed every allen
[22:51:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: shut your whory mouth
[22:51:26] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Manish
[22:51:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[22:51:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: ty
[22:51:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: wb
[22:51:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: is stan i that shamal
[22:51:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: there are too many allen lombards in here lol
[22:51:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: yse can I shoot?
[22:51:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: who's who
[22:51:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: you dont say
[22:52:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: shoot and youll get banned
[22:52:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: you can join fabian
[22:52:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: why smh
[22:52:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: lmao
[22:52:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: rathk just killed an allen
[22:52:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: wtf
[22:52:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: no Ididn't lmao
[22:53:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: what does it take me to get in the allen squad smh
[22:53:39] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: !player yossi[qf]
[22:53:41] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player yossi[qf]
[22:53:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: a big dick
[22:53:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wait id 9 doesn't have that
[22:54:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: !player yossi
[22:54:04] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player yossi
[22:54:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: !player joed
[22:54:22] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player joed
[22:54:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: to get into the allen squad your name must not be rathk
[22:54:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ./requestname
[22:54:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: well that wont be a problem but ill get banned for multi account
[22:54:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: so i can be an allen even though im not gay?
[22:55:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: no
[22:55:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no
[22:55:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: you are food
[22:55:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: no
[22:55:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: cmon allens come eat me
[22:55:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Yeah treat your wife with respect
[22:55:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: no rath
[22:55:39] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Allen_Lombard
[22:55:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: an allen is missing
[22:55:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: !cash
[22:55:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: come it me
[22:55:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Manish has $8,197,472 in hand
[22:55:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: damn there goes the real allen
[22:55:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: !player Alvina
[22:55:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: come eat me
[22:55:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Alvina
[22:55:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: Timeout ? it's lajiva
[22:55:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: allens
[22:55:57] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Allen_Lombard
[22:55:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[22:55:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb allen
[22:56:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: nah lavija allen went to work
[22:56:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb the real allen
[22:56:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: ty allen
[22:56:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: wb alle
[22:56:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: wb
[22:56:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: ty allen
[22:56:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: wb allen
[22:56:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: wb lombard
[22:56:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: hey allen
[22:56:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: real allen pressed F
[22:56:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lomberd: hi
[22:56:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: real allen noob allen
[22:56:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: how to become an allen lombard?
[22:56:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: 2 requirements
[22:56:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: 1. be gay 2. your name cant be rathk
[22:56:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: fucking hell
[22:56:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: lmfao ^
[22:56:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: /q then join with a some allen name
[22:57:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I feel offended
[22:57:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: discriminated
[22:57:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: It's positive discrmination
[22:57:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: dw rathk i'll impersonate you instead of allen lmao
[22:57:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wait if I multi account
[22:57:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: will I get banned :D
[22:57:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes
[22:57:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Statham: yes
[22:57:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wow gay
[22:58:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Winlogon.bat: am i the official allen's breakfast?
[22:58:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: yes
[22:58:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: no I am dinner
[22:58:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: yes allen(r)
[22:58:17] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Winlogon.bat
[22:58:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: no we don't eat trash for dinner
[22:59:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: I miss my admin commands
[22:59:08] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Allens_Breakfast
[22:59:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: damn I need 2 months to become an allen
[22:59:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: welcome back breakfast
[22:59:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: hong kong?
[22:59:23] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Statham
[22:59:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allens_Breakfast: im ready please eat me
[22:59:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: who is that
[22:59:53] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Cygnus
[23:00:04] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Allen_Lombard
[23:00:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: there goes the real allen
[23:00:14] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Allen_Lomberd
[23:00:24] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: !player joseph[qf]
[23:00:27] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player joseph[qf]
[23:00:39] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: P$G
[23:00:42] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: !player Joseph.[qf]
[23:00:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[23:00:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player Joseph.[qf]
[23:00:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: wb
[23:00:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb
[23:00:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: we lost an allen
[23:00:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Welcome back!
[23:00:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb psg
[23:00:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] P$G: ty
[23:01:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: well I guess the allen gang is out
[23:01:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: noo
[23:01:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: we gettijg mo
[23:01:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: jack is gay
[23:01:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: It was fun in the first 15 minutes
[23:01:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: faggots
[23:01:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: Ikr
[23:01:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: oi no f word
[23:01:56] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Getting lame at minute 16th
[23:01:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Dasdes: Alright, gnight all
[23:02:04] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Dasdes
[23:02:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: you can be like that guy that called obama an n word and got a 14 day ban
[23:02:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: come back
[23:02:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Brooklyn#6879: Not gonna lie
[23:02:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: wow just a ban
[23:02:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: my account got deleted remember lmfao
[23:02:21] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Stan958
[23:02:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[23:02:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: wb stan
[23:02:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allens_Breakfast: wb
[23:02:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: i always record whenever I land my at400 properly :)
[23:02:49] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: allen_lombardy
[23:02:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hello allen
[23:03:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombardy: hello allen
[23:03:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: obama is a
[23:03:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: hi
[23:03:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: a fatass
[23:03:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: n
[23:03:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: ban him!
[23:03:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: AHHHH
[23:04:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: nagger
[23:04:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Bran: don't push it
[23:04:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: thank you
[23:04:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allens_Breakfast: crap
[23:04:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: kek
[23:04:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombardy: Obama has a nicecar
[23:04:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: If an Admin say's no then, it's a no no
[23:04:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: Obama is a nicepolitician
[23:04:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: why cant I become na allen ffs
[23:04:57] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: theneverlander
[23:05:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombardy: obama has nicetats
[23:05:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: becaus you fucking suck now shut up
[23:05:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wb
[23:05:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] theneverlander: ty
[23:05:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: Obama is my lover
[23:05:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: huh, thought I've been warned more than once
[23:05:32] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: GoostieDipa
[23:05:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] allen_lombardy: Obama went romantic on me
[23:05:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allens_Breakfast: gc
[23:05:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: /gm
[23:05:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: x
[23:05:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allens_Breakfast: fuck
[23:05:53] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: GoostieDipa
[23:06:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: I forgot that there is Timeout near Juliana
[23:06:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: where the fuck is blueberry again
[23:06:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: catthatbelongtoallen
[23:06:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: :/
[23:06:31] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: oipwer
[23:06:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: welcome oiper
[23:06:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] oipwer: hi
[23:06:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: welcome
[23:07:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: ignore all the allens
[23:07:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: rathk is a f word
[23:07:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] oipwer: i thought this server went offline
[23:07:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: fun
[23:07:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: which F word
[23:07:27] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Stan958
[23:07:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: fun
[23:07:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIIen_Lombard: it's more alive than ever
[23:07:32] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: AIIen_Lombard
[23:07:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: >than ever
[23:07:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: jack is a mentally r worded person
[23:07:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] oipwer: yeah i was playing on it 1 year ago or so
[23:07:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: F we lost another comrade
[23:08:03] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: allen_lombardy
[23:08:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] oipwer: it had 8 people online
[23:08:10] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Allens_Breakfast
[23:08:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] AIlen_Lombard: we had 30 justcoupl ehours back
[23:08:21] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Santiago
[23:08:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb allen
[23:08:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: w
[23:08:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: coronavirus innit
[23:08:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: b
[23:08:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: im sad
[23:08:38] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: AIlen_Lombard
[23:08:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: no
[23:08:38] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: winlogon.bat
[23:08:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: allen is in IA not lufthansa
[23:08:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: smh
[23:08:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: W
[23:08:49] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: [CCF]Gral.TARISKA
[23:08:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: b
[23:08:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[23:08:59] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Allen_Lornbard
[23:08:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] [CCF]Gral.TARISKA: Hola
[23:09:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] theneverlander: hola
[23:09:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: hola agustinw
[23:09:09] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: iBelongtoGamer30
[23:09:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: hola
[23:09:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wb
[23:09:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Hola
[23:09:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hi
[23:09:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I never managed to become an allen :(
[23:09:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: is that your new name stan?
[23:09:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: allens are history
[23:09:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: yes
[23:09:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: smfh
[23:09:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: IT was an accident
[23:09:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: kek
[23:09:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: but santis an ass
[23:09:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he accepted it
[23:09:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: completa una mision tariska
[23:09:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] [CCF]Gral.TARISKA: Por?
[23:09:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: I think you were dumb
[23:10:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: no se
[23:10:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: WHAT
[23:10:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: stan is 100 percent dumb
[23:10:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: yes
[23:10:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you got your account deleted twice
[23:10:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: your� dumber thanm e
[23:10:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: that's based not dumb
[23:10:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: shut up
[23:10:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: como va el mapeo?
[23:11:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] [CCF]Gral.TARISKA: Bien
[23:11:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: .afk report jacks racism
[23:11:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: :d
[23:11:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: how did you manage to delete your account twice
[23:11:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: kek
[23:11:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: second time he killed pl
[23:11:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: Pilot's Life lifetime achievement
[23:11:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: you actually caused PL to close down
[23:11:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: PL iller
[23:11:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: Killer
[23:12:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: PL Serial Killer
[23:12:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: tfw me and Shiv are better at hacking then Binx and Crisis
[23:12:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: we don't say tha tname here
[23:12:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I mis shiv
[23:12:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: binx?
[23:12:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: we want our server simp free
[23:12:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: which name santi
[23:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: lmao
[23:12:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it's not simp free if santis online
[23:12:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: santi likes little girls ty not simping
[23:12:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[23:13:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: santi is in love with chino darin
[23:13:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: the australian surfer is 17
[23:13:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: right
[23:13:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: she was 15 fam
[23:13:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wtf 17
[23:13:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ur like 22
[23:13:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: his dad has an oscar did you know that
[23:13:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: no
[23:13:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes ik
[23:13:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he can gape me
[23:13:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: 22 and 17 seems alright tbqh
[23:13:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: one of my favourite actors
[23:13:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: his dad not him
[23:13:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: can you tell him to marry me
[23:13:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: yeah see
[23:13:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: him not his dad
[23:13:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: 22 and 17 are alright
[23:14:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ...
[23:14:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: and I'm 20 so I'm in the middle
[23:14:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: If you say so
[23:14:22] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: [CCF]Gral.TARISKA
[23:14:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: Stan gay
[23:14:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Santiago: damn f
[23:14:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: hello
[23:14:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: c:w
[23:14:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hello
[23:14:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: the last allen standing
[23:14:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: I was afk for way too long
[23:14:55] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Santiago
[23:15:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: all ded
[23:15:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: last allen standing, I deserve a prize
[23:15:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: your comrades have fallen
[23:15:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: I shall not fall
[23:15:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: you get a really big head
[23:15:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: where's my prize
[23:15:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: in my pants
[23:16:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: gross
[23:16:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: htgawm is over and im sad
[23:16:55] <@Anna^> [WEB] PenguinPilot#8676: deal with it
[23:17:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I can't
[23:17:08] <@Anna^> [WEB] PenguinPilot#8676: f
[23:17:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: I can no longer see my precious queen viola davis on friday
[23:17:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: who
[23:17:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: her majesty queen viola davis
[23:17:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Viola?
[23:17:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Alien_Lombad: what
[23:17:28] <@Anna^> [WEB] PenguinPilot#8676: sucks
[23:17:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Viola and Violin
[23:17:43] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: [CCF]Gral.TARISKA
[23:18:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wb
[23:18:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] [CCF]Gral.TARISKA: Adrian
[23:18:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: hola
[23:18:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: because I joined the lombard squad went away huehue
[23:19:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] [CCF]Gral.TARISKA: grave error, me pasaste las cordenadas encima de otro mapeo..
[23:19:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: SANTI
[23:19:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: jack called me the f word
[23:19:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: eso no es problema
[23:19:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] [CCF]Gral.TARISKA: Por ?
[23:19:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: se qutiara
[23:19:51] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Alien_Lombad
[23:19:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: stan you are a f
[23:20:01] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: [CCF]Gral.TARISKA
[23:20:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: stop it
[23:20:06] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: oscarpapee
[23:20:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: wb
[23:20:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: filled up dude with energy
[23:20:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wb
[23:20:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: stop bullying him lads, he's only little
[23:20:24] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: [CCF]Gral.TARISKA
[23:20:29] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Allen_Lombard
[23:20:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: wb
[23:20:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wb sir allen
[23:20:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: thanks allen
[23:20:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] [CCF]Gral.TARISKA: Adrian en serio quitaran todo un aereopuerto y ciudad?
[23:21:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: they fought valiantly
[23:21:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: when I joined they all left the site
[23:21:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: Rath killed the allens!
[23:21:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: no I didn't lmao
[23:21:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: hm
[23:21:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: discord
[23:21:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: ok
[23:21:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: I only killed stan and another allen by accident
[23:22:03] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: [CCF]Gral.TARISKA
[23:22:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: shut up precious
[23:22:08] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: oscarpapee
[23:22:47] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: oscarpapee
[23:22:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: hi allen
[23:22:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: yo JDT you stuck?
[23:23:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: maybe
[23:23:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: XD
[23:23:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: F I didn't complete an assigment for today
[23:23:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Manish: nice
[23:23:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: omg hes hacking
[23:23:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: go do your assignments
[23:24:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: its stans fault
[23:24:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: allen did you see that
[23:24:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Jdt: everything is stan's fault
[23:24:18] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Manish
[23:24:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: fuck.
[23:24:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: sorry allen
[23:25:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: stan needs a ban
[23:25:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no
[23:25:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: yes he does
[23:25:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: its like 1am in sri lanka
[23:25:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: learn to count noob
[23:25:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: it's 3 am
[23:25:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: idc
[23:26:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you better
[23:26:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] RathK: stan goodnight buddy
[23:26:20] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: RathK
[23:26:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: haha
[23:26:48] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: k wow thanks allen
[23:27:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] TBNR#3500: also stan I requested that ban ??
[23:27:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: grandmaster flash on the wheels of steel is the best fucking song ever produced
[23:27:47] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Twi[X]
[23:27:50] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: sugar hill records was ahead of its god damn time
[23:27:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] andres3936: wb
[23:27:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: jmj's peter piper routine
[23:27:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ty
[23:28:15] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: andres3936
[23:28:20] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: oscarpapee
[23:28:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: run dmc is legend
[23:28:35] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Jdt
[23:28:51] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: fuck i can't wait to hop back on and jam out with you allen
[23:29:03] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: oscarpapee
[23:29:03] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: it's been forever since I spun records on PLR
[23:29:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: and sell twi the rc tiger*
[23:29:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: You are a musician?
[23:29:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you can do it now
[23:29:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: no offense, you all PLR DJs got trash music
[23:29:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: yeah
[23:29:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: spin records
[23:29:49] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: nah im about to head out to sharper image
[23:29:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: stan u bish
[23:29:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: meh they play requests
[23:29:57] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: get the houses added laready
[23:30:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: yes
[23:30:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: already*
[23:30:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Admin stan
[23:30:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: well allen, when im DJing I dig out your deepest desires without you even saying jack
[23:30:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: im not crystal
[23:30:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Can i be a PLR DJ?
[23:30:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Stan is here for the lotto btw
[23:30:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: apply on teh forums
[23:30:45] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: correct
[23:30:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: Dipa, only if you play what needs to be played
[23:30:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: OK thanks!
[23:31:03] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: oscarpapee
[23:31:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: If requested?
[23:32:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: we california ride or die but biggie was ahead of 2pac there I said it
[23:32:17] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: big poppa king shit only
[23:32:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ..
[23:32:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ok one more try
[23:32:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: who got /lotto 37
[23:32:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: guess
[23:32:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: Allen you here?
[23:33:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: sorta
[23:33:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: check out The Tide is High by U-Roy
[23:33:23] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: the birth of old school hip hop
[23:33:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: U-Roy was the first to toast over a track
[23:33:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars LeftAt10k
[23:33:36] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: LeftAt10k has: Hydra RCTiger
[23:33:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb adalarva
[23:33:46] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: out of pickup truck soundsystems in jamaica, before they immigrated to NYC
[23:33:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: Ya'll wanna see what flex of cars is?
[23:33:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: !cars
[23:34:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Twi[X] has: RC Bandit Seasparrow RC Baron RC Baron Patriot Hotring Racer Sultan AT-400 AT-400 AT-400 RC Cam
[23:34:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: bye guys
[23:34:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: !assets Lufthansa
[23:34:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Lufthansa has 50 car(s) ($40,170,000) and 0 house(s) ($0 - 0 slots) for a total of $40,170,000
[23:34:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: bye adal
[23:34:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: bbb
[23:34:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] adalarva: see you later
[23:34:12] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: theneverlander
[23:34:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: bb
[23:34:15] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: adalarva
[23:34:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: fucking classic piz
[23:34:25] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: modern hip hop is so bland, most rappers are boring as fuck
[23:34:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: hah lufthansa got no rc
[23:34:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: allen you can call me David if you want
[23:34:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: David
[23:34:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I only respond to that for Stan, and now allen
[23:35:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: can I all you david too?w
[23:35:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: :D
[23:35:11] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: you gotta earn that privilege Twi lmao I'm not gonna respond to you if you call me that
[23:35:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: okay
[23:35:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I thought we were hommies
[23:35:33] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: you're cool yeah
[23:35:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: get in
[23:35:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: nope
[23:35:44] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: doesn't mean we're on a first name basis
[23:35:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: GET I?N
[23:35:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: /rc
[23:36:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lemme respawn
[23:36:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: no get in a baggage and press I guess
[23:36:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: press S
[23:36:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yes
[23:36:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: Allen, check out Augustus Pablo - King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown
[23:36:30] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: It's one of the first tracks ever produced for old school hip hop
[23:36:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: It's what inspired and started the G-Funk movement
[23:36:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ffs
[23:36:58] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: later became G-Funk and P-Funk, which was popularized by Snoop Dogg
[23:37:10] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I think that's where you'll understand what we're talking about, stan xD
[23:37:26] <@Anna^> [WEB] Leghari#2368: Hlo
[23:37:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: rip that at400
[23:37:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: why ;o
[23:37:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: XD
[23:37:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: sounds like lee scratch perry produced it
[23:37:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: i know only one perry
[23:37:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: thats katy
[23:38:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: one day youll get stoned and listen to dub staniel
[23:38:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: maybeee
[23:38:19] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: scratch is a legend
[23:38:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: he's still alive lmao outlived a lot of his counterparts
[23:38:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: yeah
[23:38:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: his blood is pure resin tho
[23:38:47] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: speaking of which... my mum sent me a weed legalisation video
[23:38:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: im scared
[23:39:02] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I'm mad that rolling stone gave him #100 on best artists of all time
[23:39:15] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: I mean, it's still an impressive accolade to receive, I just feel like he deserves more recognition
[23:39:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: rolling stone is bullshit
[23:39:43] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: a professor of mine I had last semester personally worked with scratch
[23:40:01] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: he liked me a lot, i'd go into his office and he'd show me his signed gold records
[23:40:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: i have to say, was pretty tempted to just pocket it and yeet
[23:41:35] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: fuck I wanted to get the vinyl for de la soul
[23:41:45] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: oipwer
[23:41:45] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: it's sad that they never produced records
[23:41:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: wheeis abu dhabi
[23:41:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: uh
[23:42:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: thats tommy boy records man
[23:42:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: he fell
[23:42:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: rip me
[23:42:29] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: sugar hill records special place in my heart always
[23:42:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: landed at kingston island
[23:43:09] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: they had flash dude, hands down
[23:43:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: alright coming
[23:43:32] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: aight im out, peace
[23:43:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: cya davi
[23:43:53] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: i'll see you in 2 days allen, i'll see how my exam on thursday goes
[23:44:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: winny neer sleeps
[23:44:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] GoogleMeNow#0631: cya stan
[23:44:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: never
[23:44:23] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: yes
[23:44:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: im slave
[23:44:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: xD
[23:44:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: twi?
[23:45:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: uhhh
[23:45:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: he paused
[23:45:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: :(
[23:45:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: ok guess we'll give the lotto one more try
[23:45:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: stan sleep
[23:45:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: just this one round xd
[23:45:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: also u too winny xD
[23:45:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] winlogon.bat: no
[23:48:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: omg
[23:48:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: i waited for you
[23:48:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yo
[23:48:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: we waite dfor you
[23:48:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oops
[23:48:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: ;d
[23:49:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wb
[23:49:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] iBelongtoGamer30: you came back right when i took off again
[23:49:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: f
[23:50:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Allen_Lombard: brb hungry
[23:50:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Wher are we going?
[23:50:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: cya
[23:50:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: idk
[23:50:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: lol
[23:50:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: deadhansa cargo /cfleet
[23:50:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Why the hell there's a trailer
[23:50:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: someone left it there prolly
[23:51:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Or disconnected prolly
[23:51:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: yea
[23:51:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: wtf
[23:51:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: jump
[23:51:29] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Lol xD
[23:51:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: /vgodmode
[23:51:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: i also have a rc
[23:51:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: oh okay
[23:52:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: let's go back to base together
[23:52:32] <@Anna^> [ IG] Twi[X]: I'ma brb
[23:52:40] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: P$G
[23:52:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: Ok cya
[23:53:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] GoostieDipa: oh no
[23:56:50] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: PenguinPilot
[23:59:48] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Allen_Lombard
#pl.echo-2020-05-19.html >