[10:34:03] *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo robin_be robin_be
[10:43:59] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: CRiZZ
[10:46:35] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: CRiZZ
[11:16:03] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: l_drago
[11:16:59] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: l_drago
[12:38:36] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: UsadaPekora
[12:39:09] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: UsadaPekora
[12:47:38] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: cptvectra
[12:53:42] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: cptvectra
[14:58:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Taylor_Swift_OS#0406: !player The_Server_Is_Dead
[14:58:40] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: could not get data for player The_Server_Is_Dead
[15:52:12] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: dipa
[15:53:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Yeah im seriously saying this
[15:54:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: !player Subaru
[15:54:37] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Subaru: 111 score, last seen null
[15:54:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Oh ok
[16:07:54] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Aaron2001
[16:08:30] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Aaron2001
[16:08:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: who the heck
[16:08:56] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: ...
[16:09:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: !player Aaron2001
[16:09:06] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Aaron2001: 0 score, last seen null
[16:10:22] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Aaron2001
[16:10:48] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yo evening.
[16:10:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Good evening.
[16:11:21] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: It's 10:10 PM there right?
[16:12:09] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah exact time bro
[16:12:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: For problems like password, you need to go to forums
[16:13:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: and u said it's much better to download the updates in the forums.
[16:13:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: yeah luckily you can see my message...
[16:14:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah but i can't reply tho haha
[16:15:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: btw how long u been playing here?
[16:17:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: I play here from 2016
[16:17:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Sorry for my late respond
[16:18:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah bro it's good
[16:18:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i miss this server this is so good back when there so many players
[16:19:07] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i guess i started 2014 i guess? or 15
[16:19:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Oh, you're old player
[16:19:30] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah bro hahaha
[16:19:37] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: The average players was a lot
[16:19:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: subuaru was my old account and i forgot my pass/
[16:19:53] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: that true haha
[16:19:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Have you post the problem on forums?
[16:20:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: They can check your account
[16:20:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i guess?
[16:20:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Yes they can.
[16:21:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Do you have account on forums?
[16:21:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yes i do which is my old one
[16:23:19] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Ok, then you can post a thread on the "Help Section" if you log in
[16:23:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: okay bro thanks
[16:24:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: No problem
[16:24:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: where u from btw?
[16:24:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Asia
[16:25:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Indonesia specifically
[16:25:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: well same
[16:25:14] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: And my timezone is same as yours.
[16:25:16] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: philippines
[16:25:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Nice
[16:26:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah how's the situation there ?
[16:26:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Not too bad
[16:26:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] dipa: Just a bit chaotic xd
[16:28:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah bro exactly hahahaha
[16:42:38] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: dipa
[16:50:39] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Smetkowski
[16:51:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: good day bro
[16:51:25] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: Hey
[16:52:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: how long u been playin here bro?
[16:52:36] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: long time
[16:53:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i been here before it's just i forgot my pass.
[16:53:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: yeah what was your name Subaru?
[16:53:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah bro
[16:54:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: !player Subaru
[16:54:03] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: how did u know?
[16:54:05] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Subaru: 111 score, last seen null
[16:54:08] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: is that it?
[16:54:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah men
[16:54:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: you can see the server chat on PL's discord channel
[16:54:49] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: oh not yet i can't access it earllier
[16:55:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: is there is an link in the site?
[16:55:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: /discord
[16:55:42] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: if you join I'm sure someone can help you reset your password
[16:55:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: sure bro thanks
[16:56:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: you can also post on the forums if you remember your password for that
[16:56:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: nah man i totally forgotten it.
[16:56:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: I tried
[16:57:34] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: yeah it's been a few years, anyone can forget
[16:58:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: it's been 5 i guess.
[16:58:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i'm 14 at that time and i'm 20 rn
[16:58:33] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: cool I'm 21
[17:00:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: you remember what airline you were in?
[17:00:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i don't remember
[17:01:03] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Aaron2001
[17:02:53] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Aaron2001
[17:03:13] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: my bad the game crashed
[17:03:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: np
[17:03:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: so i don't actually remember the last time i was in
[17:04:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: so back then i was in truckmania.org
[17:04:35] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: is that a trucking server?
[17:04:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah bro
[17:04:50] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: is it still alive?
[17:04:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: but it's down
[17:04:58] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: ahh
[17:05:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: nah i don't knoy tho.
[17:05:10] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: know"
[17:05:31] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: well samp is not as popular as it was back then, a lot of servers died
[17:05:41] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: that's true
[17:07:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: do you play on any other servers? or did you just come back for PL?
[17:07:20] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: nah bro i just came back to this server instantly
[17:07:28] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: childhood server
[17:07:46] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: you're damn right, best samp server
[17:07:51] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: that's true
[17:08:01] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: this is 1st and 2nd is truckmania.rog
[17:08:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: .org
[17:08:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i just can't believe this still kickin
[17:08:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: same tbh
[17:09:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i missed everything here including all the players
[17:09:40] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: yeah the server is pretty dead at the moment
[17:10:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: yeah that's what i saw
[17:10:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: that's only temporary though, if you stick around you'll see the numbers increase
[17:11:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: waiting for it man
[17:11:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i guess i just gotta stay with this name
[17:12:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: the economy was reset a few years ago anyway, so you'll have $0 anyway
[17:12:11] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: why ?
[17:12:18] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: what about houses and stuff
[17:12:26] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: all houses, cars, money are gone
[17:12:39] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: well that's not worth it
[17:12:59] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: the economy was fucked, it had to be reset
[17:13:27] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: all the hard work is gone bad
[17:13:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: true, but a fresh start can also be nice
[17:14:15] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: exactly
[17:14:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: so that's why i can't see my name in the houses.
[17:15:04] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: i was looking for it earlier
[17:15:24] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: yeah, also houses are sold to the server when you don't log in for 14 days
[17:15:44] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: 14 days?
[17:15:52] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: yeah 2 weeks
[17:15:55] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: dang.
[17:16:02] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: so when you buy a house try to log in before that
[17:16:12] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: nah man i just gotta keep the bills then
[17:18:17] <@Anna^> [ IG] Smetkowski: anyway it was nice talking to you but I have to go now, I'll see you around man
[17:18:22] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Smetkowski
[17:18:22] <@Anna^> [ IG] Aaron2001: sure man
[17:19:31] <@Anna^> [WEB] Taylor_Swift_OS#0406: !player Aaron2001
[17:19:34] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: player Aaron2001: 9 score, last seen null
[17:22:17] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Aaron2001
[17:53:18] <@Anna^> [WEB] Taylor_Swift_OS#0406: !houses Santiago
[17:53:21] <@Anna^> [WEB] Zrobin_be: Vinewood: $11,000,000 10 slots Dunsfold Island: $18,000,000 15 slots Ballsack Ridge: $500,000 1 slots
[18:18:26] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Waiz
[18:59:07] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Waiz
[20:12:50] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: Atreea
[20:13:00] <@Anna^> [ IG] Atreea: in the desert
[20:13:05] <@Anna^> [ IG] Atreea: you cant remember your name
[20:13:38] <@Anna^> [ IG] Atreea: HOI WHOS CONTAINER IS THIS
[20:13:43] <@Anna^> [ IG] Atreea: dick
[20:13:54] <@Anna^> [ IG] Atreea: bayside area
[20:14:06] <@Anna^> [ IG] Atreea: north of the container ship
[20:14:19] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: Atreea
[23:28:59] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: KathrynJaneway
[23:36:28] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: KathrynJaneway
[23:55:35] <@Anna^> [-->] connected: HoussemKeyCo
[23:57:04] <@Anna^> [<--] disconnected: HoussemKeyCo
#pl.echo-2021-05-16.html >